Po, --- fb- -. - -- I <- t iL --- 1-4 S 14 ITAS UB OFTHE lwltsfff OF NcIla IG PU A Iis-PENINSULA FAI MI W 1TI'l 1 TI n, %11 19,11791,ffill 1 1 1 wl IT'n.1.1I all'! IT' CALENDAR OF THE CLOSE ROLL S PRESERVED IN THE s-.; PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECORDS. EDWARD I. A.D. 1272-1279. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF HER MAJESTY'S PRINCIPAL SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERE OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOOI)E, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, -BAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C.; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., ROSE STREET, EDINBURGH, and 90, WEST NILE STREET, GLASGOW; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., LIMITED, 104, GRAITON STREET, DUBLIN. 1900. I CONTENTS. Page v PREFACE - CORRIGENDA CALENDAR GENERAL INDEX - ii 1 - 585 x 96998. Wt, 185. I I PREFA CE. THE present volume forms part of a series of Calendars of the Close Rolls from the reign of Edward I. to that of Edward IV. the object and character of which are explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of Edward II. (A.D. 1307-1313). The text has been prepared, with the sanction of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by Mr. W. H. Stevenson, M.A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. The Index has been compiled by Mr. C. H. Woodruff, B.C.L., Mr. Stevenson having assisted him by identifying most of the places. H. 0. MAXWELL LYTE. Public Record Office, 11 August 1900. CORRIGENDA. Page 34, Line 1, after Stephen add c (sic) ".,, 144,,, 30, for Durham read Devon.,, 146,,, 1, for Gryt read Gryc.,, 159,,, 21, for Angmundisham read Augmundisham., 191,,, 4, for Canardi read Cauardi.,,195,,, 24, after Flanders add " (sic) ".,, 204,,, 16, for le read de.,, 210,,, 9 from bottom, dele is.,, 231,,, 80, for le read de.,, 269,,, 10, dele de.,, 278,,, 82, for Robert read Ralph.,, 295,,, 4 from bottom,for Tervak read Ternak.,, 296,,,, for heir read their.,, 332,,, 20 from bottom,for aud read and.,, 347,,, 14 from bottom,for daughtar read daughter.,, 356,,, 10 from bottom,for Swyneburu read Swyneburn.,, 360,,, 27, after Hertford add " (sic) ".,, 364,,, 5, after Joan add " (sic) ".,, 369,,, 3 from bottom, after John add " (sic) ".,, 380,,, 15, for Martigny read Marcigny.,, 382,,, 15, for Camhou read Cainhou.,, 384,,, 6, for Dune read Anne.,, 387,,, 12, 17,for Lenedal read Levedal.,, 387,,, 15 from bottom, for James read Jacob.,, 420,,, 3 from bottom, for Pinn read Pinu.,, 420,,, 2 from bottom,for Gwillemide read Gwillemi de.,, 437,,, 1, after Helebrok add " (sic) ".,, 448,,, 19,for Winchester read Worcester.,, 450,,, 4, for Annou read Aunou.,, 459,,, 4 and 5,for son read daughter.,, 471,,, 12, after Norfolk add " (sic) ".,, 474,,, 11, for huntsmen read huntsman.,, 482,,, 10 from bottom,for Heury read Henry.,, 496,,, 6 from bottom, after Hereford add "(sic) ",,, 509,,, 14, for Thoms read Thomas.,, 531,,, 24, for Belle read Bello, I CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1 EDWARD 1. Clause de anno reyni regis Edwardi filii regis Henrici primo, [quo sczlicet idem rex agebat in partibus transmarinis in redeundo a Terra Sancta.*] 1272. MEMBRANE 11. Nov. 23. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the king's peace to be proclaimed Westminster. and observed in his bailiwick, inhibiting all and singular, under pain of disinheritance, of life and of limbs, from infringing the king's peace, as the government of the realm has come to the king by the death of king Henry his father by hereditary succession and by the will of the proceres of the realm and by their fealty done to the king, wherefore the magnates have caused the king's peace to be proclaimed in the king's name, who is hereafter the debtor to all and singular of the realm in the exhibition of justice and in the preservation of the peace. The king is and will be prepared to exhibit justice, by the Lord's will, to all and singular in all rights and things touching them against all persons whatsoever, great and small. Witnesses: W. archbishop of York, E. earl of Cornwall, and G. earl of Gloucester. [Fcedera; Prynne, Records, iii. 117.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.] Nov. 29. To John de Reygate, escheator beyond Trent. Whereas the late king The New ordered John to make an extent of the lands whereof Henry de Percy, Temple, tenant in chief of the said king, was seised in his demesne as of fee at his London. death, with the exception of the manors of Pettesworth and Toppeclyve, whereof Eleanor, late the wife of Henry, was enfeoffed, and to cause dower of Henry's other lands to be assigned to Eleanor, and the escheator, asserting that he could not attend to the making of the extent aforesaid, deferred assigning the dower, whereupon the late king again ordered him to cause the tenements to be extended in the presence of John de Oketon, on behalf of Queen Eleanor, to whom the late king granted the custody of the lands of the said Henry, John de Oketon being sent to those parts for this reason, and to cause dower to be assigned to the said Eleanor de Percy: the king, wishing to put the said order into execution, orders the escheator to cause the lands to be extended and to cause dower to be assigned to Eleanor, so that the dower may be assigned to her by the escheator's hands in the king's name without delay. Given by the hand of Walter de Merton, the chancellor. By C. * The words within brackets occur in the intitulation at the foot of Membrane 1. u 96998. Wt. 135. A 2 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1272. MIembrnane 11-cont. Nov. 29. To L[lewelyn] son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Order to come to the ford The New of Montgomery in person, so that he be there in the octaves of St. Hilary Temple. next, to make oath of fealty to the king before the king's envoys whom the king shall send there specially to receive the fealty, as they shall cause him to know on the king's behalf, as the government of the realm has come to the king by his father's death, and he has caused his peace to be proclaimed, and the prelates, earls, barons, and other proceres of the realm have promptly and without omission made oath of fealty and have done the other things that they could do or make to the king in his absence by reason of his crown and royal dignity, and L[lewelyn] is bound to do the like, as he knows. Witnesses: W. archbishop of York, and E. earl of Cornwall. [Federa.] Dec. 1. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to The New deliver to Alyna de Baton[ia] the manor of Redenhale, and to restore to her Temple. L Temple the issues thereof, as it appears to the king that she was enfeoffed thereof by him jointly with Nicholas de Yattingedene, her late husband. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Dec. 2. To John de Reygate, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Queen The New E[leanor], the king's mother, or to her envoy, the custody of the lands that Temple. belonged to Henry de Percy, saving to Eleanor, late the wife of Henry, her dower, which the escheator shall first assign to her as by the king's hand, as the king ordered the escheator at another time, the late king having assigned to the said queen the custody of the lands, to be held according to a form provided by him and his council. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Nov. 29. To the abbot of Hagheman. Order to go to the ford of Montgomery The New with the abbot of Dore, as the king has ordered L[lewelyn] son of Griffin Temple. to be there to make fealty before them as they shall enjoin him on the king's behalf. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. The like) ' de verbo ad verbum,' to the abbot of Dore. To all, etc. Grant to the aforesaid abbots of power to receive the fealty of Llewelyn (Leulini), prince of Wales, so that if both of them cannot be present, the one who shall be present shall have full power to receive Llewelyn's fealty. Dec. 2. To Llewelyn (Leulino) son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Whereas Westminster. according to the form of peace concluded between the late king and Llewelyn, the latter is bound to the king in 3,000 marks, to be paid at Christmas next, as Llewelyn knows, and the king is bound to divers creditors in a great sum of money for the discharge of the expenses incurred by him in the service of God in the Holy Land, so that he greatly needs the aforesaid 3,000 marks; he therefore orders Llewelyn to consider the fact that the king has been, is, and will be ready to observe the said peace inviolably from the time of its conclusion, and to send the said sum to Chester at the said feast at the latest, there to be delivered for custody to the abbot of Chester or brother Alan, his monk, as the king has enjoined upon the abbot. This Llewelyn is to neglect in no wise as he loves the king and his honour, and as the king specially trusts him. The king is sending to the abbot and monk his letters patent, which are to be delivered to Llewelyn upon payment of the aforesaid sum. Witnesses: W. archbishop of York and E. earl of Cornwall. [Feedera.J Dec. 6. To Roger de la Lye and Elias de Hertford, the king's clerks. Order to The New go forthwith to the chest of the chirographers at London sealed with their Temple. seals, and after they have laid aside (depositis) the seals, to deliver the keys thereof to John Chipp and Robert Heyrun, the Christian chirographers, to put in and take out charters as pertains to their office. Given by the hand of Walter de Merton, the chancellor. 1 EDWARD I. 3 1272. Membrane 11-cont. Dec. 14. To John de Reygate, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Adam de - Bolteby, son and heir of Nicholas de Bolteby, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the lands whereof his father was seised at his death in his demesne as of fee, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Nicholas did not hold any lands of the king in chief except those that were of the inheritance of Philippa, formerly his wife, tenant in chief by barony, which the king has rendered to the said Adam, son and heir of Nicholas and Philippa. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to restore to Lucy, late the wife of Herbert Peche, half a knight's fee in Freston and Fenne and the manor of Edelington, and to restore the issues thereof to her, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Herbert held the half-fee and manor of the inheritance of Lucy, and by no other right. Dec. 14. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the. account of the Westminster. executors of William de Glouc[estria] in accordance with the late king's order in their hands at the exchequer, as William received at divers times great sums of money from the late king's treasury by the hands of the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer and from the said king's wardrobe and from elsewhere in order to make divers jewels of the said king, and for the repair of his jewels, and to make a frontal (spontale) for the greater altar of the church of Westminster, and to make a silver image over (ultra) the tomb of Katherine, daughter of the said king, in that church, and for the making of the shrine of St. Edward, and for divers other works, for which William in his lifetime did not render account before them at the exchequer or elsewhere, wherefore the late king ordered them to audit William's account of the said works by Henry de Otinton, clerk, and the other executors of William's will, and they have deferred doing so by reason of the late king's death. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To John de Reygate, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Walter de Faukenberge and Agnes his wife, one of the sisters and heiresses of Peter de Brus, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the following lands, etc., upon their finding security for payment of their relief, as the king has taken Walter's fealty for the lands, etc., and has rendered them to them, to be held of him in chief by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee, which Peter owed to the king for the inheritance aforesaid, on condition that Walter come before the king on his arrival in England to do homage: the castle of Skelton, with the park this side the castle and with the profits of the boats of Cotum and Ridekere, with the demesnes of Skelton, the meadows, dales, and rents of the town of Skelton, both of freemen and of others, and with all mills and toll, and with the manor of Mersk with all appurtenances, and with Ridekere, and with Oplyom, and with the town of Stangho, and with the town of Grenrugg, and with the forest (forr') of Skelton, to wit with the enclosure (haya) and great park and with Asdale, and with the chace of Westwik with the forest as the highway extends between Stangho and Katereriding, and as the highway extends to Lardegate, and so by Skeytebek to Larthorn, and so to the boundary (divisam) of the forest (forr') of Daneby, and so by that boundary to Colemendale, and so that all the chaces within the boundaries, to wit Locwit, Wervelscho, Hardale, and Hale, and with the herbage of La Gren and of La Dinant, saving to Walter and Agnes and the townships common of pasture for their cattle and beasts, as Peter and the townships were wont to have, with all the town of Estbrun, except 4J bovates of land and four tofts assigned to John de Bella Aqua and Laderona his wife, one of the sisters and heiresses of the said Peter, and with a moiety of the bailiwick A 2 4 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1272. Membrane 11 —cont. of Langeberge, and with a moiety of the advowson of the priory of Giseburnn, so that on the first voidance thereof the sub-prior and convent shall seek license to elect from Walter and Agnes or their heirs, and shall present to them the elect, as is the custom, and on the second voidance the sub-prior and convent shall seek license to elect from Marmaduke de Tweng and Lucy his wife, one of the sisters and heiresses of the said Peter, and the elect shall be presented to them, and so for ever in succession; which castle and tenements the king has assigned to Walter and Agnes as Agnes's purparty of the lands of the said Peter, her brother. Dec. 15. To the same. Like order in favour of Marmaduke de Twenge and Lucy Westminster. his wife, for delivery to them of the manor of Daneby, with the forests and other appurtenances and with Lelhom and Wlvedale and Manselinges, and with the ferm of Thomas de Wlvedale, and with the manor of Brochton and Skyneregreve and the boat of Skynnergreve, and with the rents and demesnes both of freemen and of others, with all appurtenances, and with the township of Jarum, and with the'services of the freemen of that town, and with the fishery and town of Great Morsom and with the rents and service of the freemen and others, with the forest of the chace of the dales, to wit Swyndale and Lehavenes, and with other dales as the highway goes from Lardethorn to Skelton by Scaitebek between Katering' and Stangho, and so to the wood of Lyverton, and with the manor of Kirkebrunnom and Suthbrunnum, and with the mills and suit of the same, except 14 bovates of land with tofts and 70s. (sexdecim et decem solid') of yearly rent in the mills, which land and rent are assigned to John de Bella Aqua and Ladarena his wife, and with A moiety of the bailiwick of Langeber[g]e, and with a moiety of the advowson of the priory of Giseburn, so that upon the first voidance the sub-prior and convent shall seek licence to elect from Walter de Faucumberg and Agnes his wife, and on the second voidance from Marmaduke and Lucy [as in preceding order]. MEMBRANE 10. Dec. 16. To John de Reygate, eseheator beyond Trent. Like order in favour of Westminster. Robert de Ros and Margaret his wife, one of the sisters and heiresses of the said Peter de Brus, for delivery to them of the castle of Kirkeby in Kendale, with all Kendale that was in the hands of Peter at his death, in demesnes, villeinages, rents and services of freemen and of others, except the dale of Kentemere, which is assigned to John de Bella Aqua and Laderina his wife, and with the advowson of the priory of Coningesheved. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To the same. Like order in favour of John de Bella Aqua and Laderina his wife, one of the sisters and heiresses of the said Peter de Brus, for the delivery to them of the manor of Carleton-in-Balne, with demesnes and other rents, both of freemen and of others, together with all the lands assigned in marriage both to Robert de Ros and Margaret his wife and to the other sisters and heiresses of Peter and rendered into the king's hands to be divided between them, according to custom, and of the manor of Thorp de Arches, with the member of Waleton, and with the park of the said manor, and with the demesnes, rents, and other appurtenances, and of the manor of Tibethorp, and of 4 bovates of land with tofts in Suthbrunne, and of 70s. of rent in the mills of that town, and of 41 bovates of land and 4 tofts, and of the dale of Kentemere in Kendale, and of the advowson of the priory of the nuns of Munketon. Dec. 18. To Master R. de Cliff[ord] escheator this side Trent. Order to permit Bisham. Bartholomew Peche, son of Herbert Peche, to have his father's lands, and not (Bistelesham.) to intermeddle further with them, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator tbat Herbert at his death held nothing of the king in chief 1 EDWARD I. 5 1272. Membrane 10-cont. by reason whereof the custody of his lands might or ought to pertain to the king, and that Bartholomew is his next heir. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To the keeper of the park of Odiham. Order to cause six deer (bestias) to be taken in that park, and to cause them to be delivered to the king's mother Eleanor against the coming Christmas. The like to the keeper of the park of Weston for four deer. The like to the keeper of the New Forest for ten deer. 1273. Jan. 15. To John de Reygate, escheator beyond Trent. Whereas lately, by reason Westminster. of the death of Helewysa de Levynton, tenant in chief, late the wife of Eustace de Balliolo, the escheator took into the late king's hands all the lands of her inheritance, and the said king, at the request of Thomas son of Thomas de Molleton of Gillesland, one of her heirs, ordered the escheator to inquire how much land she held in chief of him (de nobis) and how much of other lords, by what services she held, and what the lands were worth yearly, and who was her next heir, and what was the heir's age, and the king understands by the inquisition made in execution of the said order that Helewysa held of him in chief by barony, and that the said Thomas is next heir of certain other lands, and that he is of full age, by reason whereof Thomas obtained from the king his writ to have seisin; and the said Eustace has intimated to the king that he begat living issue upon Helewysa, which was seen by men and baptized, by reason whereof the lands of Helewysa's inheritance pertain to him for his life by the courtesy of England, and he pressed the king to provide him with a remedy hereupon: the king therefore orders the escheator, if Eustace begot living issue upon Helewisa that was seen by man and baptized, to cause him to have again seisin of the lands aforesaid and of others that were of Helewisa's inheritance whereof she died seised as of fee, together with everything received thence since they were taken into the king's hands by reason of her death, especially as Eustace ought not to incur loss or damage by reason of Thomas's thus sueing out in the king's court by deceit (subreptionem) of the court. Jan. 17. To Master Richard de Clifford, late keeper of the archbishopric of Westminster. Canterbury. Order to deliver to R. elect of Canterbury the ploughs, plough-oxen, and harrowers (herciatores) that the keeper received as pertaining to the archbishopric to cultivate its lands from the executors of the Boniface, tlie late archbishop, and to deliver to the elect what pertains to the king of the forage of the corn of the archbishopric in the barns, in recompence for the maintenance that the plough-oxen and harrowers had of the forage of the said Boniface at the time when they were in the king's service. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. [Prynne, Records, iii. 122.] Jan. 26. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause Alice, late the wife Westminster. of Henry de Rothing', Enga, late the wife of Henry de la Bere, Matilda, late the wife of John le Marescall, Juliana, late the wife of Hugh de Bradelegh, Gunnora, late the wife of Henry Tieys, Christiana, late the wife of Peter le Flecher, Is[olda], late the wife of Alan le Fevre, and Katherine, late the wife of William de Sancto Germano, to have the arrears of the wages of their late husbands for the time when they were in the late king's service, according to the tenor of the writs remaining in the exchequer. Given by the hand of W. de Merton. To the same. Like order to cause Hugh le Tayllur to have the arrears of the wages of Ellen, late his wife, formerly the late king's laundress, for the time when she was in the late king's service. To the same. Like order to cause Alice, late the wife of Philip de Lyministre, to haye 2d, a day until Wlaitsuntide next of the 2d. daily that 6 CALEINDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. MembranelO —cont. the late king granted to her for her life, in accordance with the said king's writ of liberate in their possession at the exchequer. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to pay to Henry, fletcher (attilliatori) of the king's crossbows in Gloucester castle, who receives 5d. a day for wages, his wages from St. Hilary last until Whitsuntide next. Jan. 27. To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to permit William son of Westminster. Hugh to have his chattels, which were confiscated for his flight upon his being indicted before the late king's justices last in eyre in those counties for homicide, arson, and other trespasses, his goods being confiscated at the suit of the peace of the said king and not at the appeal or the suit of any other, and to restore to him his lands, which were taken into the king's hands for this reason, as the king, at the instance of certain of his friends, has caused William's chattels to be restored to him. Given by the hand of W. de Merton. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Easter next the demand upon Roger de Trumpton for 2521. Os. 9d. for the king's use of the debts of the Jews by reason of the lands and heir of Robert de Hardredeshull, which are in Roger's hands by commission of Warin de Bassingburn, to whom the late king granted [them] during the minority of Robert's heir, and to restore Roger's goods (averia) taken for this reason. Jan. 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to Hamo Westminster. Hautayn and Robert de Ludham, whom the king has appointed his justices for the custody of his Jews, the keys of the chest of the Jewry, together with the rolls, writs, and other things touching the Jewry. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause Orabilla, late the wife of William de Staundon, to have seisin of the land in Little Cressing' that William held of the master and brethren of the military order of the Temple in England in socage, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff, whereby the custody of the land pertains to the nearest [friend] of William's heir, Orabilla being the nearest [friend] of the heir. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to pay, out of the ferm of the city, to Matilda, late the wife of John Picard, who takes 4d. a day, to Alice Arnald, whot akes id. a day, and to Edmund (Emund6) Pecok, who takes 2id. a day, for their lives of the appointed alms of the late king, the arrears of the said sums up to Thursday the feast of St. Mary next, and from then to cause them to have the said daily sums until Whitsuntide next as they were wont to have them. To the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order not to deliver -- to anyone until otherwise ordered a ship laden with Flemish wool there arrested by them. Feb. 1. To Roger de Cliff [ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. release Peter de Nevill, charged with trespass in the king's fcrest of Roteland, who is now appealed in co. Rutland by Robert de Cleyle for robbery and breach of the peace, as Philip de Bokeland, William de Parles, John Carbonel, and Roger de Kerdington have mainperned before the king to have him before the king at the pleas of the Forest in that county to stand to right concerning the said trespass, in order that he may the more freely and securely attend to his defence in the said appeal in person. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Feb. 3. To Roger de Cliff [ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. As the Westminster. king learns that Master Robert de Picheford, Master Hugh de Lynton, Robert de Picheford and William de Prene have long been detained in prison in that bailiwick for a trespass of the Forest charged upon them at 1 EDWARD I. 7 1273. Membrane 10-cont. the procuration of their enemies, the king orders the justice, if Robert, Hugh, Robert, and William are imprisoned for this trespass and for no other cause, and if they find sufficient mainpernors to have them before the justice at the pleas of the Forest in those parts to stand to right concerning the trespass, to deliver the said Robert, Hugh, Robert, and William in bail to the mainpernors as aforesaid, so that it may not be imputed to the justice that he has acted in a lukewarm or remiss manner in the execution of this order out of favour or hatred of any one, whereby the king should have to extend his hands to this. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Membrane 10.-Schedule. Jan. 26. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to permit Westminster. Peter, son and heir of Robert de la Mare, tenant in chief of the late king, to cultivate and sow the lands whereof his father was seised in his demesne as of fee in that bailiwick, until Whitsuntide next, in order that Peter may come to the king to do homage for the said lands, as the late king immediately after Robert's death ordered the escheator to take all the lands whereof Robert was so seised into the king's hands, and to keep them safely until further orders, and the late king did not take Peter's homage when he afterwards came to his court to do homage, because the first seisin of those lands had not yet come into the said king's hands, as is customary in like case, because certain men, justifying (advocantes) themselves by Edmund de Allem[annia], earl of Cornwall, had occupied certain of the said lands. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. MBMBRANB 9. Feb. 2. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order Westminster. to release on the following mainprise Saer de Harecurt, charged with trespass in the forest of Roteland, who is now appealed in co. Rutland by Robert de Cleyle for robbery and breach of the peace, as William Giffard, John de Cheyneye, Thomas de Weseham and Geoffrey de Reyning' have mainperned before the king to have him before the said justice at the pleas of the.forest in that county, to stand to right concerning the said trespass, in order that he may the more freely and securely attend to his defence in the appeal in his own person. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to William de Middelton the rolls and writs of the king's Jewry, which are in their custody, as the king has committed to him the custody thereof during pleasure. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause Edmund, the king's brother, and Avelina his wife, daughter and heiress of William de Fortibus, late earl of Albemarle, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the lands of her inheritance, which were taken into the late king's hands upon William's death by reason of the minority of his heir, as it appears by proofs received in the king's court that Avelina is of such age that the lands of her inheritance ought to be restored to her, and the king has taken Edmund's fealty for the said lands, and has rendered them to him upon condition that he come before the king on his next arrival in England to do homage to him for them. The like to the sheriffs of Kent, Rutland, Lincoln, York, Buckingham, and Surrey. Feb. 7. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to release on the following mainprise Theobald de iqevill, charged with trespass in the king's forest of Roteland, who is now appealed in co. Rutland by Robert de Ockeleye for robbery and breach of the peace, as William de 8 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 9-cont. Orlaveston of co. Kent, William de Braibef of co. Southampton, Ralph son Fulk of co. Cambridge, and William de Gorham of co. Buckingham have nainperned before the king to have him before the said justice at the pleas of the Forest in that county to stand to right concerning the said trespass, in order that he may the more fieely and securely attend to his own defence in that appeal in person. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of Robert Walerand, tenant in chief, the manors of Sy[s]ton and Frompton. co. Gloucester, and the manors of Tadlington and Eadmundescote, co. Worcester, to hold in tenancy, as the king has committed the said manors to her in tenancy during pleasure until he cause dower to be assigned to her from her husband's lands. Feb. 10. To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Emma, late the Westminster. wife of Simon de Albiniaco, tenant in chief. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Burgea, late the wife of Henry le Forcerer, who held of the king and of the priory of Wenlok, then void and in the king's hands, from the lands whereof Henry was seised at his death in his demesne as of fee. It is provided that two parts of the lands that he held of the priory shall be in the king's hands and in the custody of the escheator until further orders, so that the escheator can answer to the king for the issues thereof. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order not to distrain the abbot and convent of Stratford because of any debt of the king's Jewry concerning them, and not to exact anything from them for this reason until the coming of the king into England. Feb. 16. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver to the prior and convent of the abbey of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, the lands that belonged to Stephen Soudan, tenant in chief of the abbey, which lands the escheator took into the king's hands at Stephen's death, and to deliver everything received therefrom, as the prior and convent have paid to the king's creditors at the present fair of Lynn (Leny) 5001. in which they made fine with the king in order to have the custody of their house for a certain time, wherefore the king granted to them whatever pertained to him of the custody of Stephen's lands and of the relief of Stephen's heir. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause 50 marks in which Robert de Hilton, of co. Stafford, is indebted to the king at the exchequer to be levied and paid to Richard Brun, serjeant of the late king, as the king has granted the said debt to Richard for his long service to the late king, and for all debts and arrears of his stipends for all the time during which he was in the late king's service. Feb. 27. William le Gold' of Ho, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Canterbury. Geoffrey le Katier, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. Feb. 28. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Canterbury. Walter de Langeford to have seisin of the manor of Westtiderl[eye], which the escheator has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Robert Waleraund, tenant in chief, if Walter restore the manor of Little Winterburn to the escheator, to be kept for the king's use until Robert's heir come of age, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert held the manor of Westtiderl[eye] for life of the demise of Walter in exchange for the manor of Little Winterburn, which Robert demised to Walter under that form for the same term. 1 EDWARD I. 9 1273. 3Membrane 9-cont. Thomas Spademan, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of William Wyn, wherewith he is charged, has letters of the king to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. Richard le Charpenter of Bromham, imprisoned at Bedford for the death of Ralph son of Ralph the chaplain of Bromham, has letters of the king to the sheriff of Bedford to bail him. March'5. John Curteys, imprisoned in the Tower of London for divers trespasses Westminster. and robberies on the sea, has letters of the king to John de Nevill, constable of the Tower, to bail him. Walter de Farenhulle, Walter le Fevere, Walter le Sauser, Thomas Ade, John son of Walter de Farenhull, Thomas le Marescall, William le fiz le Vicarie, William Soneth, Savaric Aze, John de Toderdehull, Michael de Rossemer, John Dommock, John Cure, Adam Besmare, Robert Cukeman, Thomas Cure, Richard Hervy, William Dommock, John le Mouner and John le fiz le Vicarie, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Robert de Lucy wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail them. March 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to release Peter The New de Nevill, imprisoned in the Flete prison for debts due from him to the Temple, king at the exchequer, until the quinzaine of Easter next, upon his finding London. them mainpernors to answer to the king in the exchequer for the said debts at the quinzaine aforesaid. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. This letter is duplicated. March 17. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent, or to his The New sub-escheator in co. Hereford. Order to receive the castle of Kilpek from Temple, Alan de Plogenet, and to keep it safely in the king's name, provided that London. no earl, baron or knight shall enter it, whereby it might be occupied from the escheator's hands, as the king learns that Alan detains the castle, not allowing the escheator to enter therein, as is customary, after the death of Robert Waleraund, who died seised thereof, and on Thursday after St. Gregory Alan came to London and rendered the castle to the king, to remain in his hands to be kept by the escheator or other on the king's behalf, so that it may not come into the hands of another, whereby danger or the eloignment of Alan's right might happen to him. For the security of the custody and for the defence of the castle, the king wills that the escheator shall retain Alan's men there, so that they may remain therein and intend the custody of the castle with the escheator in the king's name, and not in Alan's. The escheator is to commit the foreign lands belonging to the castle to sotme faithful man, for whom he will answer, so that no destruction or deterioration of the woods or fishponds, or any thing belonging thereto, may be made until the king have caused right to be done to Alan thereupon. By the archbishop of York, the earls of Cornwall and Gloucester, and Thomas de Clare being previously present. March 23. William de la Dene, Matthew Crust, Roger le Bedell, William Halfreinsch, --- Robert Wiant, Alexander Hareng, Henry le Shorn, Nicholas de Snodilond, Turgisius de Hertfeld, Robert de Pole, and Richard Galyot, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Geoffrey le Catiller, whereof they are appealed, have letters of the king to the sheriff of Kent to bail them. April 1. Richard de Holte, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Thomas de The New Bereford, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Berks to Temple. bail him. April 4. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause Lumbard de Krikelade, the St. Paul's, king's Jew of Oxford, to be released from prison, upon his finding mainLondon. prise, according to the custom of the king's Jewry, to come before the justices for the custody of the Jews in fifteen days from Easter to satisfy IQ CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 9-conlt. the king for 50 marks specified, below, unless he shall show there that not he but another ought to be charged with that sum, and to cause all his goods, which were taken into the king's hands for this cause, to be reserved in the meantime without diminution or damage, as it has been shown to the king, on behalf of the said Lumbard, that whereas Lumbard, a Jew of Bristol, was amerced before the late king's justices for the custody of the Jews in 50 marks for a trespass of the late king's exchange, and Lumbard the Jew of Oxford has not been challenged for this trespass or charged with the said money, but the sheriff exacts the 50 marks from him, and has taken all his goods into the king's hands, and detains him in Oxford prison. He gives 20s. to have this writ. William le Loverd of Adwyk, imprisoned in the king's prison at York for the death of Henry de la Leye, wherewith he is charged, has letters of the king to the sheriff of York to bail him. Henry Letard of Roderham, imprisoned in the king's prison at York for the death of William Kidewyll, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Richard le Forester, imprisoned in the king's prison at Winchester for the death of Agnes Meremine, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the Sheriff of Southampton to bail him. Walter Fring, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Walter Stak, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. April 11. To the constable of Marleberge castle. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, St. Paul's, the king's mother, to be satisfied without delay for 501. yearly, which London. the late king assigned to her for life, to be received yearly by the hands of the constable or bailiff of 3Marleberge, in part compensation for the honour of Richmond, as contained in his letters patent, for the constable's time, so that it may not behove the king to be further solicited hereupon. By the archbishop of York, and R. Burnel. The like to Thomas de Langeleye, to pay 71. yearly to the said queen from the ferm of Langeleye, in part compensation for the said honour. By the said archbishop and Robert. Nicholas Oky, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Walter Aldewyn, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. Adam son of Henry le Felter, Adam son of Henry le Chapman of Chilton, Williain son of Emelina, John Tancard, Robert, son of William le Despenser, Henry le Felter, Richard le Crokere, and Adam Hervest, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of John son of Richard le Wodeward, wherewith they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail them. April 18. To the mayor and bailiffs of London. Order to receive Thomas de Westminster. Clare in the king's place to aid and counsel them concerning the defence and custody of the city, if they need aid and counsel, and to assist him faithfully and diligently in what shall seem expedient for the premises, so conducting themselves that the king may praise their fidelity and devotion in this respect, as the king, for certain reasons, lately ordered them to provide with such diligence for the custody of the city that no one may enter it or be received therein in these times with horses and arms, or others who are in any way suspect. MEMBRANE 8. April 18. To the prior of Bernewell. Whereas the late king ordained by his Westminster. council that two parts of the 201. yearly in which the prior was indebted to the said king for the ferm of the manor of Cestreton, which 201. the late king granted to William de Hastencotuntil he should provide him with 20l. of land, should be received by Isabella, late the wife of William, by the hands of the prior until Williamns heir came of age, forthe maintenance of 1 EDWARD I. 11 1273. Membrane 8-cont. the heir, as contained in the said king's letters patent; the king orders the prior to pay to Isabella, in addition to the third part thereof that she receives as dower, the other two parts for the maintenance of the heir, until the king shall otherwise ordain after his coming into England. April 20. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of St. Westminster. Andrew's, Northampton, to be acquitted of 131. 6s. 8d., in which the subprior and convent made fine with the late king to have the custody of the said house in time of voidance, as the prior paid the said sum into the wardrobe of the late king to Peter de Wintonia, then keeper of the wardrobe, on Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, at Westminster, in the 54th year of the late king's reign, unless the prior have previously received quittance thereof by another writ of the late king. Hugh de Thorny of Killum, imprisoned at York for the death of Roger son of Hugh de Westhibi, wherewith he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. - --- To the sheriff of Cambridge. It has been shown to the king on behalf of William de Stowe and his co-executors of the will of Nicholas Prat that whereas Nicholas neither abjured the kingdom nor was outlawed or hanged for felony, and did not forfeit his chattels, the sheriff, because Nicholas, when he was sick unto death, suffering from madness, wounded himself with his knife, so that be afterwards died thereof, wherefore he oug&t not to lose (admittere) his chattels by the consideration of the king's court, and the chattels cannot or ought not to belong to the king according to the law of the realm, distrains the executors to render the chattels to him, asserting that they ought to belong to the king as forfeited for the aforesaid reason; the king, because such things usually happen to madmen in their illnesses, and they have not undergone the judgment of the king's court or the court of another therefor, and these things ought not and are not wont to be reputed felony, orders the sheriff, if this be so and if it appear commonly by a jury (patriam), and there be no other suspicion thereof, to desist from the said distraint, and to deliver to the executors what is theirs in this respect, permitting them to execute the will without hindrance. [Ryley, Placita Parliamentaria, p. 434.] To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the township of Walingford to have quittance of 100s., in which the township made fine with the late king to have a charter concerning certain liberties, unless they have previously received quittance thereof by writ of the late king, as Alexander le Vineter paid this sum into the late king's wardrobe at Wodestok to Peter de Wintonia, then keeper of the wardrobe, on Wednesday after St. Botolph, in the 52nd year of the said king's reign. Warin son of Walter le Charpenter of Orewell, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of Roger Hayle of Herdewik and Roesia de Essexa, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him. April 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to pay to Westminster. Nicholas le Chaundeler, William de Lyming, Luke le Naper, Richard le Norreys, and Thomas de Oxon[ia], each of whom takes lid. a day for life, by the hands of the sheriff of Gloucester for the time being, of the king's established alms, the arrears of the said alms from the day of the burial of the late king until Easter following, and to pay it thenceforth until the return of the king to England. To the same. Like order to pay the arrears of the following alms to Roger de Stanleye and Alan de Lindes[eia], each of whom receives lid. a day by the hands of the sheriff of Gloucester for the time being, of the said alms, and to Edith, late the wife of Walter Scot, who receives Id. a day by the hands of the sheriff, of the said alms, and to Philip le Treur, who receivesid. a day, by the handsof the sheriff of Worcester, of the same alms. 12 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 8-cont. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to release on mainprise Thomas son of William de Abbetoft, imprisoned at Gildeford for trespasses made in the time of the late king, whereof Permannus son of John, then approver of the late king, detained in the same prison, appealed him, upon his finding twelve mainpernors to have him before those whom the king shall appoint his next justices of gaol delivery to stand to right thereupon. To the sheriff of Norfolk (sic). Order to desist from exacting certain sums for pontage and fines from the men of the manor and soke of Dunham, who hold of ancient demesne, and to permit them to be quit of murder-fine, pontage and fines, as they were wont to be in times past, as it has been shown to the king by William de Valenc[ia], his uncle, that the said men, who hold of ancient demesne, ought to be quit of giving murder-fine pontage and all fines with the community of co. Nottingham, and have hitherto been wont to be quit, but the sheriff unjustly exacts certain sums for such pontage fines from them, to the damage of the said William and his men. Mary de Valoignes, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Geoffrey le Katiere, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail her. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John de Watevill, as it is testified before the king that John cannot sufficiently execute the office. April 28. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer to be elected -- for Salcey (Salseto) in place of William Hay of Quenton, deceased. April 29. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver the manor of Derham to Ralph Russell, together with everything received therefrom from the time of its being taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Ralph gave his said manor to Robert Waleraund with Matilda his daughter, whom Robert married, to hold to Robert and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to Ralph in default of such heirs, and that Robert died without an heir of his body, wherefore the manor ought to revert to Ralph. April 28. To the sub-escheator in cos. Stafford and Salop. Order to take the Westminster. castle of Certeleye into the king's hands, and to keep it safely until further orders, as it has been provided by the king's faithful subjects supplying his place in England that the said castle shall be taken into the king's hands and kept by reason of certain persons who claim right therein. May 4. To the escheator. Order to cause Matilda, late the wife of Robert Westminster. Waleraund, tenant in chief, to have again seisin of the manors of Lugwardyn, Wynfred, Speresholt, and Hurst, together with the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Matilda was enfeoffed of the said manors jointly with Robert. To Edmund de Caldecote, keeper of tht town of Dunwich. Order to deliver on bail Augustine son of John, Richard and Peter, his brothers, Robert son of John, and Michael his brother, and John Arnald, lately indicted before Thomas de Clare for divers trespasses made by them in Dunwich, and detained on this account, upon their finding security, to wit twelve approved men of cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, who shall mainpern to have them before the king or his subjects supplying his place in England when ordered, and that they shall not enter Dunwich before the king's arrival in England. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of Berdene to be acquitted of 401., in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Essex for default, as the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that he was amerced by deceit (surrepcionem) of the court 1 EDWARD I. 13 1273. Membrane 8-cont. because the priory was then void, and the king has remitted to him the said 40s. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Queen Eleanor ten oaks fit for timber in the king's forest of Shirewod, of the king's gift, in order to repair therewith her houses of Langbynyton. To the sheriff of Cambridge and the coroners of that county. Order to desist from the distraint made upon the executors of the will of Nicholas Prat for Nicholas's chattels, and to deliver to them what is theirs in this respect [as at page 11 abovel. May 10. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Whereas Philip de Boclaund of co. Hertford, I Westminster. Richard de Deneys, Richard de Eye, William son of John and Walter de Curcun of co. Suffolk, Ralph de Ingworth, Thomas de Noketon, Geoffrey de Middelton, Roger de Haneworth and Hugh de Cressingham of co. Norfolk, and Humphrey le Marescall and Walter de Basing of co. Middlesex have mainperned before the subjects supplying the king's place in England to have William de Benges, charged with the death of Geoffrey de Askeby, slain in the time of the late king, before the king at Lis order, or before his justices at the first assize when they shall come to those parts, to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him concerning the death, the king orders the sheriff to cause William to have the king's peace meanwhile. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of Ralph Musard, tenant in chief, the chief messuage and demesnes of the manor of Seynbir[y], which belonged to Ralph, and which are extended at 91., as the king has granted them to her to hold for her maintenance during pleasure. excepting the villeinage of the manor. which is extended at 13/. 16s. 6d., which the escheator is to retain in the king's hands. By C, MEMBRANE 7. William son of Adam de Leuesham, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Stephen Gulafre, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. May 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Westminster. Walingford, formerly envoy of the late king, to have the lid. a day that Guy le Messager, deceased, was wont to receive in his life by the hands of the bailiffs of London, of the king's established alms, and to cause it to be thus enrolled, as the king has granted the said sum to John for life for his long service to the late king, to be received in the same way as Guy received it. May 22. To Master R. de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver Westminster. to Alan de Plogonet the issues of the manor of Kilpek, and to certify the king on his arrival in England concerning the sum of money arising therefrom, as the subjects supplying the king's place in England rendered to Alan that manor, which the escheator bad taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Robert Waleraund, tenant in chief, and granted to Alan all the issues thereof received in the mean time, upon condition that if the king wish to have the said money on his arrival in England, Alan shall render it to him without delay. Alan has like letters concerning the manor of Whateleye, co. Somerset. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to replevy Gerard de Hedon and William de Covehal, if they are appealed as herein-after stated and are not 14 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 7-cont. appealed of the deed, upon their finding security by mainprise to stand to right thereupon before the first Justices of assize who shall come into those parts, or otherwise at the king's order, as Agnes, late the wife of Robert Cnout, appeals in that county Robert de Dedel[eye] of the death of her husband and the said Gerard and William of consenting and ordering, and those who are appealed of such consenting and ordering are repleviable, and such an appeal is not held before he who is appealed of the deed is convicted thereof. [Ryley, Placita, p. 433.] May 25. To the same. Order to cause the lands and chattels of William de Westminster. Everl[e] Grele and Simon his brother to be replevied to them without delay, as William and Simon have shown the king that whereas William Prigel appeals in that county John Pudel, John Noreys and John le Welse of the death of Nicholas Waleway, kinsman of William Prigel, and the said William and Simon of consenting and ordering, and the king ordered the sheriff to cause the appeal to come before the justices at Westminster in the octaves of Trinity, and the sheriff has taken the chattels of William and Simon into the king's hands, although they are prepared to stand to right concerning the appeal in the king's court before the justices, and have not withdrawn themselves so that their lands and chattels ought to come to the king's hands or those of others for their flight, and lnoreover such appeals for consenting and ordering are not held until those who are appealed for the deed have been convicted, as William and Simon have found mainpernors, to wit Ralph de Sandwyco of co. Kent, Geoffrey de Fanecurt of co. Berks, William de Bandon of co. Surrey and Richard de Neuton of co. Wilts, to stand to right thereupon in the king's court on the day and in the place aforesaid. To the same. Order to cause the lands and chattels of William de Everle Grel and Simon his brother to be replevied without delay, as William and Simon have shown the king that whereas Laurence de Sokenesse and Agnes his wife appeal in that county John Pudel, John le Noreys, and John le Walse of robbery and breach of the peace, and the said William and Simon of consenting and ordering, and the king lately ordered the sheriff to cause the appeal to come before the justices at Westminster in the octaves of Holy Trinity, and the sheriff has taken the lands and chattels of William and Simon into the king's hands, although William and Simon are prepared to stand to right thereupon in the king's court before his justices, and have not withdrawn themselves, and although such appeals are not held until those who are appealed of the fact have been convicted, and William and Simon have found mainpernors [as in preceding order]. William de Everle Grele has a like writ to the sheriff of Sussex to replevy his lands and chattels to him by the said mainprise. The said William has a like writ to the sheriff of Sussex to replevy his lands and chattels to him by the said mainprise. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to give the barons of the port of Sandwich respite until Michaelmas next for 100 marks in which they were lately amerced before Nicholas de Turri and his fellows, the late king's justices in eyre in co. Kent, for default of the common summons before the justices, and to cause their goods (averia) taken for that reason to be delivered in the meantime, as the said barons assert that they have quittance from the common summons before any justices by charters of the king's predecessors, and have hitherto been quit thereof, as the king, wishing to be certified concerning the premises, has granted them such respite. To the sheriff of Hereford and the coroners of that county. Order to deliver to Edith, wife of John de Oxonia, for her maintenance John's goods and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by them by 1 EDWARD I. 15 1273. Membrane 7-cont. reason of the withdrawal of John for the death of John de Witteneye, lately slain in the town of Hereford, and to retain in the king's hands the lands and rents of her inheritance until John de Oxonia shall come to the king's court or be outlawed for that felony by judgment of the king's court, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff and coroners that John de Oxonia held no lands except of the inheritance of Edith, and that his goods and chattels are appraised at 22s. 6d. only, and that he is not outlawed for the said death or convicted thereof by the judgment of the king's court, and the king wishes to shew favour to Edith at the instance of friends. Stephen de Lindeby, imprisoned at Notingham for a trespass made in the king's Hay of Lindeby, has letters to Geoffrey de Nevill (Neuull), justice of the Forest beyond Trent, to bail him. June 5. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver to the men of the king's manor of Clyve seven oaks from the foreign woods without the king's park of Clive, in order to repair the sluices of the fishpond of the manor therewith. To the keeper of the park of Northampton. Order to deliver to Michael de Weston, keeper of the manor of Overton, one oak for repairing the houses of the manor. June 10. To the escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned Westminster. to Robergia, late the wife of John de Turri, tenant in chiet, from all the lands whereof John died seised as of fee in that bailiwick. June 10. Matilda, daughter of Henry de Bungeye, imprisoned at Norwich for Westminster. the death of William son of Geoffrey de Holkham, formerly her husband, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail her. Ralph le Pestur of Coventre, Vincent le Pestur, Geoffrey le Pestur, and Henry le Clerc, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Thomas Chatelok, have letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail them. To the escheator this side Trent, or the sub-escheator in co. Suffolk. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of Giles de Wacchesham, tenant in chief, the 'manor of Wrtham to hold as dower, retaining in the king's hands in the name of custody 41. 12s. lid. of the rent of assise of the free tenants of the manor until the heir of Giles come of age, as the king assigned to Joan 19/. 6s. 2id. in the said manor, which was extended at 231. 18s. 4d., as her dower of the lands that belonged to Giles, which were extended at 571. 18s. 7id., saving to him the said 41. 12s. lad. as above. Memorandum, that Joan came into Chancery and took oath that she would not marry without the king's license. Roger Asheman of Westwik, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of Henry Makehayt, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him. Vacated, because it follows next below, To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to release Roger Asheman of Westwik on bail upon his finding twelve mainpernors, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Henry Makeheyt was lately killed at Westwik by certain household servants (familiares) of Roger whilst defending themselves in the night in Roger's house against malefactors, who wished to kill Roger and them, and Roger is charged with his death. Reginald son of Ralph Tusard, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of Luke son of Richard de Lyminge, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sherifE of Cambridge to bail him. 16 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 7-cont. June 17. To the constable of Windsor Castle. Order to deliver to three of the Westminster. king's chaplains celebrating divine service in the chapel of the castle, each of whom receives 50s. yearly as his stipends, the arrears of their stipends from the day of the late king's burial until Whitsuntide last, and from that feast until Michaelmas next, To Simon de Kraye, constable of Rochester castle. Order to cause the gate of that castle, which was destroyed (diruta) in the time of the late disturbances, to be repaired, expending up to the sum of 121. by the view and testimony of lawful men. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to give the barons and bailiffs of Romenhale respite until Michaelmas next for 401. in which they were lately amerced before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, then justices in eyre in co. Kent, for divers trespasses, by the permission of the king's subjects intending his affairs. June 18. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. permit Master Roger de Ravelingham to have the four oaks in the forest of Wanberge that the late king before his death granted to him. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the lepers of St. Julian of St. Albans, who receive 30s. 5d. yearly from the issues of co. Hertford by the hands of the sheriff there of the king's established alms, to have the arrears of the alms from Easter last until Michaelmas next. Simon le Fevre of Smeth, imprisoned at Maydenstane for the death of Nicholas de Richefeld, wherewith he is appealed, has letters of the king to the sheriff of Kent to bail him.........- To the barons of the exchequer. Order to give Simon de Kreye, Westminster. constable of Rochester castle, upon his paying 20 marks in part payment of the money wherewith he is charged at the exchequer for the issues of the bailiwick of the castle, to have respite for the remainder of the money until the king's arrival in England, by the permission of the king's lieges supplying his place, so that Simon may then satisfy the king therefor at the exchequer. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. June 24. To the sheriff of Surrey and Sussex. Order to cause an approver in Westminster. Gudeford prison to be carried to Neugate, there to be delivered to the keeper of the gaol, whom the king has ordered to receive him and keep him until further orders. Mandate in pursuance to the keeper of Neugate gaol. Like order to the same keeper to receive and keep until further orders Ralph le Chaumberleng, a robber, whom the king's marshal will deliver to him by the king's order. Hugh Attewatere, imprisoned at Stafford for the death of Richard son of Ithel le Cu, wherewith he is appealed, has letters to bail him. To the barons and bailiffs of Winchelsea. John Alard has shown the king that whereas Andrew de Fincheham, clerk, who lately served Warner, vicar of St. Thomas's church of that town, and had the administration of his things, was charged with having abstracted certain of Warner's things, and was for this reason taken and imprisoned there, and that afterwards he was demanded as a clerk before the barons and bailiffs by the diocesan of the place, and was delivered to him, the barons and bailiffs, charging John with having received Andrew in his dwelling after the said deed, of which Andrew is not convicted and is not declared a public thief, endeavour to take John and to lead him out of the liberty of the town, and imprison him unjustly: as the king wills that John or the liberty aforesaid shall not be injured or prejudiced in this behalf, he orders the barons and bailiffs to permit John, upon his finding security to stand to 1 EDWARD I. 17 1273. Membrane 7-cont. right in the king's court if any will speak against him concerning this, to have peace in the meantime. June 25. To the sheriff of York. William Darel of Broddesworth has shown the Westminster. king that whereas the escapes of thieves ought to be adjudged before the justices in eyre and not elsewhere, and the amercements thence arising pertain to the king and to no other in the realm, to be levied by summons of the exchequer for the king's use, to wit 81. in that county for every such escape, the sheriff charges William and his men with the escape of two thieves, and distrains him to render to him 24 marks for the same, the king therefore orders the sheriff to accept security from William and his men for rendering to the king the money pertaining to him for such escape, if the escape in this respect shall be adjudged against them by the justices, and to supersede the demand made upon them for the said cause, until it be ascertained by the office of the king's justices aforesaid whether William and his men are held to answer to the king for such an escape or not. June 24. To the barons and bailiffs of the port of Winchelsea. Warner, vicar of St. Westminster. Thomas's church, Winchelsea, has shown the king that whereas Andrew de Fincheham, clerk, who lately served him and had the administration of his goods, was charged with having abstracted some of his things, and was therefore taken and imprisoned, and was afterwards delivered as a clerk to the diocesan of the place, the barons and bailiffs, charging Warner with having received Andrew in his dwelling with the goods aforesaid after the deed, of which Andrew is not yet convicted and he is not said to be a public thief, have ejected Warner and his men from their houses in the town, and have caused the doors of the houses to be closed and their goods and those of the said church to be enclosed in them, and unjustly detain them so: as Warner or any other ought not to be compelled to make prosecution unwillingly for things abstracted from them, and as the king wills that they shall not be injured concerning the premises, he orders the barons and bailiffs to accept security from Warner to stand to right in the king's court according to the custom and liberty of the town, and as he ought according to the requirements of his estate, if any one wish to speak against him thereupon, and to cause his houses and goods and those of the church shut up in his houses to be delivered to him, and to permit him to have peace in the meantime by the security aforesaid. [Prynne, Records, iii. 127; Ryley, Placita, p. 433.] MEMBRANE 6. June 27. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver to Geoffrey Norman and his Westminster. fellow, chaplains ministering in the chapel of Rochester castle, each of whom receives 50s. yearly for bis stipends, the arrears of their stipends from Hilary last until St. John the Baptist next, and to pay them their stipends thereafter until Michaelmas following. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the king's arrival, by permission of the king's subjects supplying his place, the demand upon Alan de Plogenet, sometime constable of the castle of Corf, for 601., as he says that he expended this sum in the custody of the castle by the king's order. To Edmund, the king's brother. Order to cause the castle of Certel[e] to be delivered without delay to the sheriff of Salop and Stafford, as it was lately provided, for the conservation of the peace and that dissension might not arise between the magnates, and it was agreed by Edmund before W. archbishop of York and other subjects, intending the king's affairs, that the said castle, the custody whereof Edmund had committed to Roger u 96998. B 18 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 6-cont. Lestrauge (Extraneo), should be taken into the king's hands and kept safely until the king or the said subjects should otherwise ordain concerning the custody thereof, and certain persons justifying (advocantes) themselves by Edmund, detain the castle against the said provision and grant, felling, selling, and wasting the wood pertaining to the castle and manor, at which the king is much astonished and moved. As it seems to be inexpedient to the aforesaid faithful that the custody of the castle should not be recalled into the king's hands, the king has ordered the said sheriff, if the castle be detained against the king's order, to take it into the king's hands, taking with him the posse comitatus, if necessary, and to keep it safely in form aforesaid. To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to go in person to the aforesaid castle, the manor and woods, and to take them into the king's hands, and keep them safely until otherwise ordered, so that he may answer therefor to the king at his order, taking with him, if necessary, the whole posse comitatus for this purpose. He is enjoined to act vigorously and diligently in executing this order, so that the king may commend his prudence, fidelity and diligence. Lest harm may arise through his default in this behalf, the king has ordered Roger de Mortuo Marin to aid the sheriff, if necessary, with all his power in executing the aforesaid things, as the sheriff shall let him know on the king's behalf. June 30. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to deliver to Geoffrey, the chaplain Westminster. celebrating divine service in the chapel of Northampton castle, who receives 50s. yearly for his stipends, the arrears of his stipends from the day of the late king's burial until Midsummer, and from that feast until Michaelmas next. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause the 101. that the late king gave to Master Nicholas de Curteney, his clerk, to be received from the estreats of Master Richard de Stanes, justice to hold pleas before the late king, whereof Richard sends his estreats up to the said sum to the sheriff under his seal, to be levied without delay and paid to Richard (sic)....- To the bishop of Meath, treasurer of Ireland. Order to respite -- until St. Hilary next, unless the king shall otherwise ordain by his council, the demand for 4001. on David, archbishop of Cashel, by reason of certain goods and chattels of Reginald le Macotere, usurer, which came to the archbishop's hands and which pertain to the king, and also the demand for usury (usurar') of Reginald's debts. [Prynne, Records, iii. 128.] Stephen le Gardiner, William son of Henry del Brok, Richard Harding, Robert Sauvage and Hugh Rudale, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Cicely Nitinghale, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. To the constable of Windesore[e] castle. Order to deliver to John le Con-- - - vers, formerly sergeant of the late king, who receives 6d. daily from the issues of the manors of Braye, Windesor[e] and Kenynton, that sum daily from Whitsuntide last until Michaelmas following. By R. Burnel. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England, by permission of the king's subjects, the demand on William de Marisco for 70 marks, in which he is bound to the king at the exchequer, and to deliver William's goods, which were taken for that cause, to him in the meantime. July 4. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a coroner for that Westminster. county to be elected in the place of John del Dore, deceased. 1 EDWARD I. 19 1273. Membrane 6-cont. William de Burne and William Wymund, imprisoned at Abbendon for the death of Thomas Thursteyn, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Berks to bail them. To Stephen de Penecestr[ia], constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports. Order to provide sufficient ships and galleys against the king's arrival in England, as he shall see fit for the king's use, and to cause the better and more faithful friends of the king in those ports to be warned secretly to prepare themselves cautiously and without tumult to meet the king on his arrival. The constable is enjoined to execute this order so diligently and circumspectly as to merit the king's praise. [Federa.] To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to - deliver to the keeper of the king's manor of Clyve ten oaks to repair therewith the fishpond of that manor. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to deliver to Geoffrey le Squeler, the king's serjeant of the castle, who receives 41d. a day for his wages, the arrears of his wages from the day of the late king's burial until Whitsuntide next following, and from that feast until the arrival of the king in England. To John son of Nigell, keeper of the king's forest between the bridges of Oxford and Stanford. Order to deliver to the sheriff of Bedford nine oaks fit for timber, which are in arrear, as the king learns from the sheriff, of the twenty-six oaks that the late king by divers writs ordered John to deliver to the sheriff in the woods of his bailiwick for repairing the king's houses of Brehull therewith. July 9. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to call to him some of the Westminster. better and more faithful of the king's subjects in those counties, when necessary, to aid him in executing those things that pertain to the conservation of the peace in those counties, enjoining them to assist him, informing the king of any who contemn assisting him, so that the king may know against whom he ought to proceed as trespassers of the faith due to him, as he understands that certain men of those counties contemn coming to the sheriff and assisting him in these matters, and certain others do not permit themselves to be distrained by the sheriff in the execution of the king's orders, both of judgments rendered in his court and of summonses of the exchequer. July 10. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine Westminster. of Michaelmas next, by permission of the king's subjects supplying his place in England, the demand on the barons of Faversham for amercements made before justices and for the chattels of fugitives and of condemned persons, and for murder-fine (murdrum), whereof they claim to have quittance by charters of the king's predecessors, and have hitherto used such quittance, as they say. ----- Thomas le Clerc of Middelton, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of an - ---- unknown man, wherewith he is charged, has letters of the king to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver William Scot, John Pygun, Patrick son of the smith (fabri), Geoffrey le Senescall, Claricius Polike, Adam le Neuman and William Chorfin, imprisoned at Maydenstan for the death of Theobald de la Sere, slain in the time of the late king, if they be imprisoned at the suit of the late king's peace, and not by appeal or at the suit of another, in bail to six lawful men of that county who shall mainpern them until the king's arrival in England, to be then restored to prison to await his pleasure there. B 2 20 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 6-cont. Robert de Hadham, imprisoned at Gudeford for the death of Robert le Provost of Wollaventon, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail him. July 15. To John de Pageham. Order to restore to John de Vynun, son and Westminster. heir of Hugh de Vynun, tenant in chief of the late king, the manor of Norton, which belonged to Hugh, as John de Vynun has proved his age in the king's court before the subjects supplying his place, and the king has taken his fealty for that manor, which is in John de Pageham's custody by the grant of Richard de Ewell, to whom the late king granted the custody thereof to hold until Hugh's heir should come of age, and the king has rendered the manor to John saving his right and the right of others, upon condition that he shall come to the king on his arrival in England to do to the king what is just therefor. -.- - To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite the demand on William - de Fednes for his relief, by the permission of the subjects supplying the king's place, until the king's arrival in England. To the same. Order to acquit the dean and chapter of Salisbury of 3,000 marks paid by them by the late king's order to Richard, sometime king of Almain, the king's uncle, in which sum they made fine with the late king to have the custody of the bishopric of Salisbury, then void by the death of Walter, the late bishop, and for the issues and profits of the bishopric during the voidance, which sum the late king owed to Richard for a loan made to him by Richard for the expedition of his most urgent affairs. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause the defects of Notingham castle both in the bailey of the castle and elsewhere, which the king learns may easily be amended, to be repaired, and to cause the king's weirs and mills there to be repaired where necessary. July 16. To the justiciary and treasurer of Ireland. Order to deliver to Henry de Westminster. Gorham the corn for the present autumn sown in the land of Chapelizod (Capella Isold'), upon his finding security to render to the king at the exchequer at Christmas next the money at which the corn was appraised, as the king, in consideration of the damages sustained by Henry by reason of the ferms of the said land and his corn there, which the justiciary and treasurer lately took into the king's hands after the king had demised that land to Henry at ferm, has granted to Henry the corn sown therein for this autumn at the same appraisement and extent of acres by which the justiciary and treasurer took it for the king's use at the said time. July 16. To the bishop of Meath, treasurer of Dublin. Order to cause friar Westminster. Walter de Kilkenny, of the order of the friars preachers, to be satisfied for 16 marks, as James de Alditheleye, sometime justiciary of Ireland, is indebted to Simon, bishop of Kildare (Daren'), in 16 marks for four tuns of wine that James took from Simon for his expenses in the king's service, and Simon assigned that money to Walter, if they ascertain that James be indebted as aforesaid, and that the wine was expended in the king's service. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to deliver Thomas fiz le Provost, Robert le Jeven, Simon de la Grein, John de Blakewell, William le Jeven, Simon le Burgeys, William le Caretter, John le Clerc, Henry atte Burn, John le Chaucer, and Thomas de Makeresgate fron prison without delay, as John son of Adam de Burmenton was lately killed by certain felons at Burmenton, and the sheriff has imprisoned the aforesaid men at Warwick charging them with having been able to arrest and take the said felons if they had wished, upon each of them finding twelve lawful men of that county who shall mainpern to have been before the justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right on that 1 EDWARD I. 21 1273. Membrane 6-cont. charge if anyone shall wish to speak against them, as the cognizance of this matter pertains rather to the office of the justices than to that of the sheriff. [Ryley, Placita, p. 432.] Semannus de Bosco, imprisoned at Ipswich for the death of William de Oxehall, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. July 18. Robert Bonvallet, imprisoned at Worcester for the death of Henry de Westminster. Balleye, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail him. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Thomas de Belvero and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Robert de Barevill, and Ralph de Hotot and Lucy his wife, younger daughter and co-heiress of the said Ralph (sic), to have seisin of all the lands whereof Robert at his death was seised in his demesne as of fee in that bailiwick, as the king has taken the fealty of Thomas and Ralph for all the lands that Robert at his death held of the king in chief, and has rendered the land to them upon condition that they come to the king at his arrival in England to do their homages therefor; saving to the king all the things that pertain to him for the whole time during which Joan and Lucy were under age and in his wardship, so that the escheator may answer therefor to the king for his time and other escheators for their time. July 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the Westminster. account of the treasurers of the New Temple, London, and of the hospital of Clerkenwell and of Giles de Audenard, receivers of the twentieth granted to the late king, for all the receipts and payments of the twentieth. As the late king granted the whole of the twentieth in aid of the king's pilgrimage to the Holy Land, whereby divers payments, costs, and expenses were made from the twentieth by W. archbishop of York, R. de Mortuo Mari and R. Burnell, supplying the king's place in England, the king orders the treasurer and barons to allow to the said receivers in their account all such payments, etc. made by them from the twentieth by the king's order and by the letters of the said men supplying his place. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause allowance to be made to Martin de Dunstall, sometime the king's bailiff of the new aid in Ireland, in his account at the exchequer for his reasonable expenses in the king's service when he was bailiff there, as such expenses ought reasonably and of right to be allowed. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to deliver to four chaplains of the king celebrating divine service in the castle of Old Sarum for the late king's soul, each of whom receives 50s. yearly for his stipends, the arrears of their wages from the day of the late king's burial until Midsummer, and from then until Michaelmas following. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John Quernel, deceased. Membrane 6.-Schedule 1. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to have 20 marks at the exchequer at Westminster on the morrow of St. Laurence of the king's debts that come to him in the king's summons, and not lo omit to do this as he wishes to avoid the king's indignation, because the king owes divers merchants great sums of money for his heavy expenses in parts beyond sea, for which sums he wishes them to be satisfied before the octaves of St. Laurence without further delay. 22 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 6 —Schedule 2. Debts to be leviedfor the king's use before St. Laurence. [The sheriff of] Kent, 20 marks. The sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, 30 marks. The sheriff of Southampton, 30 marks. The sheriff of Wilts, 40 marks, on the morrow of St. Margaret. The sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, 100 marks. The sheriff of Devon, 50 marks, on the morrow of St. Margaret. The sheriff of Gloucester, 40 marks, on the same day. The sheriff of Hereford, 20 marks. The sheriff of Warwick and Leicester, 100 marks. The sheriff of Northampton, 60 marks. The sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, 30 marks. The sheriff of Lincoln, 100 marks. The sheriff of York, 100 marks. The sheriff of Northumberland, 50 marks. The sheriff of Cumberland, 20 marks. The sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon, 40 marks. The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 100/. The sheriff of Middlesex and Hertford, 60 marks. The sheriff of Oxford and Berks, 30 marks. The sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham, nothing, because he is sitting upon the account. The sheriff of Salop and Stafford, nothing, because he sent 1001. Membrane 6.-Schedule 3. July 13. To the bailiffs of Odyham. Order to permit the men of the town of Westminster. Schyrefeld, which is a member of the kings demesne manor of Odyham, to have peace until the arrival of the king in England for the demand for 20s. yearly, so that the king may then cause to be provided what is just, as the men lately made a fine with the bailiffs in 20s. yearly to be paid as increment of the ferm of the manor, on condition that the bailiffs should cause them to be treated (deduci) by the ancient and due customs, whereby their ancestors, when they were in the hands of the king's predecessors, were wont to be justiced, and they have not hitherto been relieved by the bailiffs or by the king's court of the grievances inflicted upon them by undue extortions. MEMBRANE 5. To the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England, by the permission of his subjects supplying his place in England, the exaction made by them on Edmund Cudel and John de Sere, barons of Sandwich and of La Rye, for the right prise due to the king on wines coming into England, whereof they and the other barons of the Cinque Ports claim to have quittance from time out of mind, and in the meantime to deliver to Edmund and John their goods arrested for this cause. July 20. To the bailiffs of Southampton. Order to cause the goods of John Sarre, Southampton. merchant of Dertemuth, and of Edmund de Sandwico, merchant of Ireland, to be delivered to them without delay, upon their finding security for rendering to the king his right prise on their wines if it be due to him, as the king learns from the takers of his wines that John and Edmund, who arrived at Southampton with certain ships laden with wine, feign to be of the liberty of the Cinque Ports, and therefore refuse to render to the king his right prise on the wines in that town. The like to the bailiffs of Portesmuth. 1 EDWARD I. 23 1273. Membrane 5-cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to the master of the hospital of St. Giles, London, who receives 60s. yearly at the exchequer of the king's appointed alms, the arrears of that sum, and also the arrears until Midsummer last of 20s. yearly that they (sic) receive by the hands of the sheriff of Surrey for the time being of the king's alms aforesaid. Given by R. Burnell. July 24. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Whereas Robert de Colevill of co. Westminster. Middlesex, William de Colevill of co. York, William de Gernemuth of co. Norfolk, Stephen de Eltoft and Walter de Kirkeby of co. York and Clement de Stafford of co. Stafford have mainperned to have Richard ]e Escot of Southwell (Suwell') before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas to stand to right concerning the trespasses charged upon him in the king's court, the king therefore orders the sheriff to permit him to have peace in the meantime. July 24. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the heirs and lands of Nicholas Westminster. de Crioill, tenant in chief of the late king, and of William de Heringaud, tenant of the archbishopric of Canterbury, parceners of the inheritance of William de Eyneford, are minors and in the king's wardship, and Nicholas and William and their ancestors, tenants by a heavy fee-farm of the manor and hundred of Wrotham, which are of their inheritance, and their men of that manor and hundred ought and were wont to make at their peril executions of judgments of thieves convicted in that manor and hundred before any justices, buying ropes and cords and hanging such thieves and homicides, so that if any of these thieves escaped after judgment was rendered, they are bound to answer therefor and to stand to right; and whereas they were accustomed to receive and have, under colour of such liberty and heavy ferm, all the goods and chattels of condemned thieves and of fugitives, and year, (lay and waste of lands of such men hanged and convicted, and also all the amercements of all tile men of the manor and hundred, both before Henry de Bathon[ia] and his fellows, formerly justices in eyre in co. Kent, and before Nicholas de Turri and his fellows, then justices in eyre in that county, and before other justices whatsoever, amerced for whatsoever cause, and to levy such amercements for their own use, and William Bardolf, at the time when William de Eyneford [was] in his custody, was wont to have and receive such goods and chattels of the eyre of Henry de Bathonia and his fellows, and was wont to levy such amercements for his own use; and the bailiffs of the liberty of the archbishopric now exact such chattels, goods and amercements, and distrain for them by reason of a summons of the exchequer directed to them for the levying of the king's debts within the said liberty for the time when the archbishopric was in the late king's hands and custody: the king orders the barons to cause inquisition to be made by knights and other free and lawful men concerning the premises at a day to be provided by them, and to warn R. archbishop of Canterbury, in case the said matter touch him or his church in any wise, so that he may then be before the barons to propound before them for his part what shall seem fit to him, and so that the king may then cause to be done what is just, respiting meanwhile any distraints made by summons of the exchequer for this cause. To Robert Aguillun, keeper of the lands that belonged to John son of Alan in co. Sussex. Order to cause R. archbishop of Canterbury to have thirteen bucks, according to the condition of the season (temporis), and in the same way as Boniface, late archbishop of Canterbury, was wont to receive such bucks in his lifetime, in accordance with the composition made between Boniface and the said John, tenant in chief, for twenty six bucks yearly in John's forest of Arundel, to be taken by John and delivered at the archbishop's manor of Slindon. [Prynne, Records, iii. 123.] To the barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to Roger le Messeger, envoy of King Edmund (sic),who receives ld. yearly by the hands of the sheriff 24 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 6 —cont. of Kent for the time being and Ad. by the hands of the sheriffs of London of the king's appointed alms, the arrears of such alms from Whitsuntide last until St. Peter ad Vincula, and from then until the king's arrival in England. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Burgia, late the wife of Henry le Forcer, tenant in chief of the honour of Montgomery and mother of William, Henry's son and heir, the lands that Henry held of the prior of Wenlok and of the abbot of Shrewsbury in Lilleye and North Leye, to be kept for William's use, so that she may answer to William for the issues thereof when he shall come of age, and to retain in the king's hands until further orders the other lands whereof Henry died seised as of fee, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Henry held the tenements of the prior and abbot in socage, and not by any service whereby the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king or to the prior or abbot. July 26. To the same. Order to deliver to Margery, late the wife of Alexander Westminster. Luterel, the following lands, etc. which the king has assigned to her as her dower; the house roofed with stones opposite the hall of the manor that belonged to Alexander in Cantokeshevede, and another small house similarly roofed with stones, and two cowhouses and a chamber over the gate, with the old garden adjoining the said houses, and a small fishpond in the garden and another fishpond without the gate, with a small curtilage that John de la Pole held, and a third of the dovecot, with four perches of land towards the churchyard on the upper side, and with a perch and a half of land near the gate to be closed on the lower side; a third of 20 acres of land with two crofts at La Waterlete, and 45 acres of land in Hastingeston, and 5J acres of land in La Brombreche, and 8 acres of land in Ruggeleclive, and two acres of land in Wellespring, and 14 acres of land in the cultura of Baghealre, and 16 acres of arable land in a furlong on the upper side of the bridge, and 7 acres of meadow in Rudalre, and 3 acres of meadow in Podhangremede, and 1 acres of pasture in Langeleie, and 9 acres of wood in La Knolle, and 6 acres of wood in Merswode, arid 4 acres of land in Havekesyerde, and 160 acres of common pasture at Cantilok and 3s. 8d. of yearly rent of the rent of Henry de la Cumbe, Ralph de Ponte, and the rents and services of the villeins of Geoffrey de Denardescumbe, John le Frere, Gilbert le Parker, Thomas de Wincestr[ia], Gilbert Fichet, William son of Mabel, John Dollinge, Margery la Vedue, John Wit, and the services of the fees of John Peverel, Henry Henry (sic) de la Cumbe, and Ralph de Ponte, with their suits, wards and reliefs when they fall in, whose lands are estimated at the sixteenth part of a knight's fee. To the same. Order to restore the manor of Clildefrome (sic) to Robert de Bosco, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert lately demised the manor to Robert Waleraund, tenant in chief, deceased, for life, with reversion to Robert de Bosco. To the same. Order to restore to Joan, late the wife of Reginald le Alblaster, tenant in chief, certain lands in Loveton, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Reginald held the lands of Joan's inheritance, and not of his own inheritance or purchase, and that the escheator has taken them into the king's hands solely by reason of Reginald's death. ---- William Waryn of Preston, imprisoned at Gloucester for the death of Henry son of John de Northclive, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Gloucester to bail him. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to expend 81. by the view and testimony of lawful men, in repairing the king's houses of Brehull. 1 EDWARD I. 25 1273. Membrane 5-cont. John le Noreis, imprisoned at Cambridge (Cant') for the death of Lucy daughter of Richard, wherewith he is charged, has letters to bail him. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to bring Peter de Kiselingbir[y] an approver, and Thomas Malecak, a common robber, imprisoned at Northampton, to Neugate, to be delivered to the keepers of the gaol there. Vacated, because he did not have [the writ.] Aug. 1. To Robert de Insula, constable of Odyham castle. Order to deliver to Westminster. Henry son of R. two bucks in Odyham park, of the king's gift. To the escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of Ralph Musard, tenant in chief, the manor of Sudinton, which belonged to Ralph, and which is extended at 121. 5s. 10d., to hold in tenancy until the king shall otherwise ordain concerning her dower, saving to the king the corn sown therein by him and the other things pertaining to him. William son of Fulk de Fileby, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of William son of Henry de Trikeby, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Aug. 2. To all the king's subjects in co. Dorset. The king learns from the comWestminster. plaint of many that many malefactors, dwelling in that county and overrunning the county, commit robberies, homicides, and other enormities against his peace, which the sheriff and the said subjects are specially bound to preserve: it is manifest that such malefactors could not remain longer or be received in those parts if the sheriff and the said subjects acted diligently in the preservation of the peace there as they ought; and he has ordered the sheriff to apply all diligence by himself and by all the posse of the county for the preservation of the peace and the intercepting and arrest of such malefactors, and to take steps that the peace of everyone shall be preserved: he orders the said subjects, as they wish to be free and quit of receiving and consenting to such malefactors, to apply such diligence against them and to take steps with the sheriff in such power that the perpetration of such things in those parts hereafter may not be attributed to their negligence. To the sheriff of Dorset. Like order, enjoining him to make known to all the bailiffs in liberties or elsewhere and to cause to be proclaimed in all county [courts] that they shall apply all diligence for the keeping of the peace in their custodies, and to so conduct themselves that the king may not have to punish them in this behalf, and if any of these county [courts] or liberties will not behave themselves diligently in this or will not assist the sheriff at his order, the sheriff is to certify the king thereof without delay, so that the king may proceed against them as consenting to such robberies and homicides. The like to all the sheriffs of England. 2Aembrane 5.-Schedule. July 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the Westminster. account of the treasurers of the New Temple, London, and of the hospital of Clerkenewell, and of Giles de Audenard, receiver of the twentieth granted to the late king [as at page 21 above]. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. MEMBRANE 4. Aug. 6. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to release Walter Curton, arrested by St. Martin's-le- the sheriff for wounding and assaulting Thomas le Serjaunt of Suthwerk, Grand, London. as Philip de Bocland of co. Hereford, Robert le Sor, citizen of London, 26 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 4-cont. John de Karliol[o] and Geoffrey de Middelton of co. Norfolk have mainperned to have him before the king or his justices at his order to stand to right thereupon, in case danger arise from it. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to pay to Henry the fletcher (attilliatori) of the king's crossbows, staying in the king's castle of Gloucester, who takes 5d. daily for his wages, a mark towards his wages until Michaelmas next. Aug. 6. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's le restore to Margery, late the wife of John le Ferrun, citizen of London, the Grand, London. manor of Toppingho, and all things received thence since it was taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Baldwin Filliol, tenant in chief, demised the manor to John for the term of twenty-four years by an indenture made between them, and that Baldwin for John's greater security made a charter of enfeoffment thereof, which was delivered into neutral custody (in equali manu), under the condition that if the conditions and pacts in the indenture should be observed on Baldwin's part, the charter should be restored to him at the end of the term, and that [John] restored the charter and released all his right and claim in the manor by reason of the charter, and that Baldwin granted the manor to Margery for the unexpired remainder of the term in the indenture (tenendum ad predictum terminum viginti et iiij. annorum, qui a retro.fuerunt per cirograffum), and that John did not die seised thereof in his demesne as of fee, and the king has restored the manor to Margery, to hold in the said form, saving to the king any right that might pertain to him by reason of wardship or otherwise. Aug. 10. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver 'John de Sherinton St. Martin's-le- and William Wardeboys, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Robert Grand, London. Cademan of Langerisse, slain in the time of the late king, in bail to six lawful men of that county who shall mainpern them until the king's arrival in England, to be restored to prison then, there to await the king's pleasure, if they be detained at the suit of the late king's peace and not by appeal or at the suit of another. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Henry de Pesee, who is incapacitated by infirmity. Aug. 11. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be St. Martin's-le- elected in place of William Folyot, who is incapacitated by paralysis and Grand, London. weakness. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to deliver to Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent, 101. for the expedition of certain special affairs of the king. Aug. 12. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to St. Martin's-le- take 40 bucks and 20 harts in the woods of his bailiwick without delay, for Grand, London. the king's use and to deliveir part of them to the sheriff of Cumberland to be salted and kept until further orders. The king has ordered the sheriff to receive them and to cause them to be salted and kept safely as aforesaid. Nicholas le Punder, imprisoned at York for the death of John son of -~ Stephen de Rome, whom he killed by mischance, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. John son of Walter Maning, imprisoned at St. Edmunds for the death of John de Barewe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. To the keeper of the forest of Axishalt. Order to cause two bucks in his bailiwick to be taken [and delivered] to the king's children (pueris) staying in Wyndesore castle, for the expenses of their household. 1 EDWARD I. 27 1273. Membrane 4-cont. The like to the following: John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewod, for two bucks. The keeper of Cette (sic) forest, for two bucks. The keeper of the New Forest, for two bucks. The keeper of Clarendon forest, for two bucks. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to deliver Simon Chartereye, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Richard son of Thomas de Luscote, slain in the time of the late king, in bail to six lawful men of that county who shall mainpern him till the king's arrival in England, to be restored to prison then, there to await the king's pleasure, if he be detained at the suit of the late king's peace and not by appeal or at the suit of another. Aug. 18. To Master R[ichard] de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's-le- permit Peter de la Mare to collect and gather the corn sown by him by the Grand, London. king's order in the lands that belonged to Robert de la Mare, his father, tenant in chief, and to permit him to keep it safely without diminution until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, as the subjects supplying the king's place in England have appointed that day for Peter to come before them to do his fealty for the said lands. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Aug. 21. To the same. Order to cause Hugh de Sancta Cruce and Isabella his St. Martin's-le- wife, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Simon de Albiniaco, tenant in chief, Grand, London. to have seisin of the following lands, which the king has assigned to Isabella, according to the partition made by the escheator of Simon's lands in Kaynho, upon their finding security for rendering Hugh's relief therefor to the king at the exchequer: the hall of Kaynho, with the porch, chamber, and cellar towards the east, with a bakehouse, dovecot, and a garden extending westwards to the ditch of the marsh, which ditch encloses the court, as appears by the bounds placed there, and the ditch extends to the well near the chamber, and a ditch extends from the well to the bridge of Baybrugg, and thence a ditch near the causeway extends to a bound placed there by the jurors, and thence are placed bounds to the bottom (profunditatem) of the old ditch, and bounds are placed in the bottom of the ditch up to a wall enclosing a stable, and the stable together with a door, and from the door a bound is situated in a line in the gable (gabulo) of the little stable, and so bounds are placed from the gable to the outside corner of the chamber near the hall towards the west, which chamber is made of stone and lime, and all the herbage, trees and everything contained within the said bounds, together with a fishpond called ' Walebek,' with ditches and trees adjoining the said fishpond, and a certain pigsty without the gate with a certain small vacant plot of land, as appears by the bounds. The king has also assigned to Isabella 80 acres of land and 7 acres of mowable meadow and a third part of an acre of meadow and a third part of a several pasture as it is divided by bounds and metes, and a third part of a meadow as appears by the bounds, and a third of two parts of two mills, and a third of the toll of passing carts; and also free tenants, to wit John de Stadebrok, who pays 2s. yearly, the prior of Chiksaund for the sheepcot 6f Clophull, 6d., William le Neuman, 2s., William Spendelove, 4d., Thomas de Bray, half a pound of pepper, and a third of half a pound of pepper; and also of the villeinage, to wit John de Flete, who holds half a virgate of land, and William the smith (fabrum), who holds a 'cotland,' the land that was Baldwin's ' cotland,' Walter Cale, who holds half a 'cotland,' Agnes Bertram, cotter, Cicely la Noble, cotter, a moiety of the whole rent and service of Agnes the huntress (venatricis), who holds half a' cotland'; and of the arable land at Stapelford 16 acres of land, and a third of two parts of a messuage, and a third of two parts of an acre of meadow, as appears by the bounds, and 5s. 1 lid. to be received from William de Arleston, and the king has taken the fealty of Hugh for the said lands and has rendered them to him 28 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Menbrane 4-cont. and to Isabella, on condition that Hugh come to the king on his arrival in England to do what ought to be done of right concerning it. To the same. Order to cause Hugh de Lacy and Joan his wife, younger daughter and co-heiress of Simon de Albiniaco, tenant in chief, to have full seisin of the following lands, which the king has assigned to Joan, according to the partition made by the escheator of the lands that belonged to Simon in Kaynho, upon their finding security for payment of relief: three barns, with an adjoining plot, as appears by the bounds there placed between the part of Christiana, Joan's sister, and that of Joan; a part of a garden, being the part nearest to the part of Christiana, with a moiety of a fishpond called 'Langepod,' as fully appears by the bounds placed there, and the garden extends in breadth to the wall enclosing the barns; an enclosed garden towards the west, and the old garden, and a plot called ' Calvescrof,' with a pasture adjoining that plot, which plot extends to a fishpond called ' malebek' and is enclosed on the south side by a ditch and on the north by a hedge; and because the granges are not equal in value to the land of the part of the hall, and to the chambers and other houses of stone and lime, the king has assigned to Joan in recompense two acres of arable land in the croft of the chapel, which are extended at 8d., and a plot called 'Emelotepittel,' extended at 15d., and two acres of the meadow of Clophull mill, which are extended at 3s., price 18d. an acre, and a moiety of a sheepcot without the gate nearest the north, as appears by the bounds. The king has also assigned to Joan 80 acres of arable land, 6 acres of meadow, and a third of an acre of mowable meadow, as appears by the bounds, and a third part of a several pasture, as appears by the bounds, and a third of two parts of two mills, and a third of the toll of passing carts. The king has also assigned to Joan these free tenants: the master of the hospital of St. John, Bedford, who pays 3s. yearly; Thomas de Bray, who pays 22d. yearly, and a third of half a pound of pepper; Roger the clerk, who gives half a pound of pepper yearly; and of the villeinage: Ralph le Provost, a moat (notam) at the chapel, which answers for half a virgate of land; John Bruch, who holds a 'cotland '; Jordan le Mouner, who holds half a ' cotland'; Richard Balingor, cotter; Alice Kemme, cotter; Hugh Baud, cotter; Isabella Shureve, cotter, who pays 8d.; and of the arable land of Stapelford 16 acres, and a third of two parts of a messuage, and a third of two parts of an acre of meadow, as appears by the bounds, and 5s. 5d. yearly from William de Harleston, and 4kd. yearly from Andrew le Messer, and 21d. from Alice, mother of the said Joan. ''he king has taken Hugh's fealty for the lands, and has rendered them to him and Joan, on condition that he come to the king on his arrival in England to do what ought to be done of right concerning them. There are assigned to Christiana, middle-born daughter and co-heiress of Simon, whose assignment is in the king's hand for certain causes, a moiety of a sheepcot without the gate nearest the south, as appears by the bounds; 80 acres of arable land, 7 acres of meadow, a third of an acre of meadow, and a third of the several pasture as it is divided between her and her sisters by bounds; a third of a meadow as divided by bounds; a third of two parts of two mills and a third of the toll of passing carts; the rent of the following free tenants: Roger the clerk, 2s. and half a pound of pepper; Nicholas Russel, 12d.; Adam de Bovelys, 12d.; Thomas at the pool (adpolam), 6d.; William Spendelove, lid.; Philip deKaynho, ld.; Margery la Custresse, Id.; Thomas de Braye, a third of half a pound of pepper; from the villeinage, Robert le Shireve, who holds half a virgate of land, Nicholas le Venur, who holds a cotland, Joseph le Horsmanger, who holds a cotland, Simon le Shirreve, who holds a cotland, Agnes, wife of Philip, who holds half a cotland, Richard Curteys, cotter, Roger Scurne, cotter; a moiety of all the rent and service of Agnes the huntress, who holds half a cotland; also 12 acres of arable land at Stapelford, and 1 EDWARD I. 29 1273. Membrane 4-cont. a third of two parts of a messuage and a third of two parts of an acre of meadow, and 4s. of yearly rent from Aired, and 231d. yearly from Andrew le Messer. Aug. 23. To the bailiffs of Whitsaund. Request to permit Thomas de Sancto St. Martin's-le- Martlno to bring to England two horses, which he is bringing into England Grand, London. by the king's licence, for his own use, and which they have caused to be arrested at Whitsand because they were not acquainted with the king's will in this matter. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause John de Burgo, the elder, to take two deer in the forest of Essex, of the king's gift. To the constable of Bristol castle. Order to cause Hugh Malvern, keeper of Kingeswode forest, who takes 7-d. a day for his own maintenance and for that of three foot serjeants keeping that forest, the arrears of the same, and to pay him his stipends henceforth until Michaelmas next. Walter Bety, imprisoned at Maydenesten for the death of Walter Smite of Derteford, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him... ---. Alexander Poleyn, William Prudhome and Robert Burel, imprisoned ---- at Exeter for the death of John Brycun, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail them. Aug. 27. To the keeper of Devizes park. Order to permit the queen of Almain, St. Martin's-le- staying in Devizes castle, to have her desport (deductum) in that park Grand, London. when she shall have need thereof. To Stephen de Pencestr[ia], constable of Dover castle. Whereas Ralph Perot has found pledges to appear before the king, or the subjects supplying his place in England, in three weeks from Michaelmas to answer for certain trespasses charged against him, if the king or others wish to speak against him concerning them, the king orders the constable to restore to him in the meantime his manor of Coronton, which the constable has taken into the king's hands by reason of certain trespasses charged against Ralph. Membrane 4.-Schedule. Assignment to Christina, daughter and co-heiress of Simon de Albiniaco, of her portion of her father's inheritance [as on preceding page, omitting the clause concerning the retention thereof in the king's hands]. MEMBRANE 3. Aug. 25. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's-le- cause dower to be assigned to Joan, late the wife of Reginald le Arblaster, Grand, London. tenant in chief, receiving security from her that she will not marry without the king's licence. Given by the hand of W. de Merton. To the same. Order to permit the said Joan and her co-executors of Reginald's will to have free administration of the goods touching the said will, taking security from them for rendering to the exchequer in fifteen days from Michaelmas any debts that Reginald at his death may have owed to the king. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to desist from distraining the king's men of Baumburg for their ferm for two years, and to permit them to be quit thereof, as they have paid 841. 13s. 4d. of the said ferm for two years into the treasury, as appears by the tallies made there. upon. 30 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 3-cont. To John Russel. Order to permit Stephen de Eddeworth, who lately had the custody of the manor of Clarendon with the forest and all its other appurtenances of the late king's commission, to have the issues and rents thereof until Michaelmas next, so that he may answer therefor to the king, as the king lately committed the manor, etc. to John during pleasure, and Stephen cannot fully answer for the issues thereof for the present year unless he receive them until Michaelmas, nor similarly for the rent for the same term. Aug. 29. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to deliver to Geoffrey de Geynvill, St. Martin's-le- justiciary of Ireland, two tents from the king's tents in the sheriffs custody, Grand, London. to take with him to Ireland and keep them for the king's use, until otherwise ordered. To Gregory de Rokesle. Order to deliver to the archbishop of Rages (Ragen') a tun of good wine of the right prise, of the king's gift. To John son of John. Order to go in person to the parks and chaces of Dodel[eye] and Weleye to take venison by the view of John Russel or another approved man of those parts if John cannot intend to this, and to cause the venison thus taken to be salted and kept in barrels in a safe place in those parts until further orders, as he may see fit without detriment to those parts. To the keepers of the said parks and chaces. Order to admit John for the said purpose. Like order was afterwards sent to the escheator this side Trent. Sept. 1. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to take the St. Martin's-le- manors of Ivelden and Lotegershall, whereof John de Traylly died seised Grand, London. in his demesne as of fee, into the king's hands, and to keep them safely until further orders, as the king lately, after John's death, ordered the escheator to take all the lands whereof John was so seised into the king's hands, and the escheator has not yet taken the said manors in the king's hands. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver to queen Eleanor, the king's mother, six oaks in Shirewode forest, for the repair of the houses and mills of her manor of Benyngton. Sept. 2. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's-le- permit the executors of the will of Roger de Somery to have full and free Grand, London. administration of Roger's goods, to make the execution of his will therewith, as Nicholas de Segrave, Ralph de Crumbewell, and Stephen de Nevill have mainperned for them to render to the king any debts that Roger at his death owed to him at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. To the same. Order to permit Robert de Gymynges, son and heir of Robert de Gymmynges, tenant in chief of the late king, to hold peacefully the lands belonging to him of hereditary right, as Stephen de Eddeworth, to whom the late king granted the custody of Robert's lands and heirs, has rendered the lands to the said Robert son of Robert, who is of full age, in the presence of the subjects supplying the king's place in England, and the king has taken Robert's fealty for the lands upon condition that he shall come to the king on his arrival in England to do his homage to him therefor. Given by the hand, etc. Sept. 6. To the justices for the custody of the Jews. Order "to respite until the St. Martin's-le- arrival of the king in England all the debts that Htamo Chevere owes by Grand, London. his charters to Jacob de Oxon[ia], Jew of London. Given by the hand, etc. Sept. 13. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Amabilla, late the wife of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief, Roger's manor of Bradefeud, which the king committed to her in tenancy 1 EDWARD I. 31 1273. Membrane 3-cont. as of the value of 1001. of land yearly, when she was seeking helr dower in his court. If the manor be not worth 1001. yearly, the escheator is ordered to assign to her what is lacking of that sum in a suitable place without the parks and chaces. Sept. 17. To the bailiffs and men of Cambridge. Order to pay to Queen Eleanor, Canterbury. the king's mother, to whom the king assigned that town in dower, their ferm and rent for the present term of Michaelmas, and thus hereafter, according to the king's letters patent of grant. The like to the bailiffs and men of Marleberbe (sic), Lutegarshale, Hadlegh, Porcestre, Gloucester, Fekeham, Wich, Havering, Clyve, Brikest[oke], Aulton, Guldef[ord], Bath and Gillingham. To Roger de Mortuo Mari. Order to deliver to the said queen the king's stock in the castle and manor of Merleberge at a reasonable appraisement to be made thereof and by indenture with the queen's bailiff, so that Roger may be able to answer for the stock to the king at the exchequer, as the king has assigned the castle and manor to the said queen in dower. To. Peter de Chaumpvent. Like order regarding the castle of Gloucester, and to deliver to her the king's weir and a half of Gloucester, of the appurtenances of the castle. Robert de Neuby, imprisoned at York for the death of Nicholas Scot, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. The like* to the sheriff of Dorset to deliver the hundred of La Radelawe, pertaining to the manor of Gillingham, to the aforesaid queen. Vacated. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to deliver to the aforesaid queen or to her attorney the hundred pertaining to the manor of Gillingham, if she have not had seisin thereof, and if the hundred is in the sheriff's hands, as the king assigned to her the manor of Gillingham with the hundred. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to restore to the monks of Muliecurt priory the lands and chattels of the priory, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the larceny and other trespasses of Oliver, keeper of the priory, a clerk, whereof he was indicted before the justices, as, he purged his innocence before R. bishop of Norwich, according to the ecclesiastical manner, as the bishop has informed the king by his letters patent. The like to the sheriff of Cambridge. Sept. 20. To the sheriffs of Middlesex. William de Say, son and heir of William Canterbury. de Say, has shown the king that whereas the late king demised to Poncius de la More, merchant, the custody of the lands belonging to the said William son of William, a minor in his wardship, to hold until William should come of age, and William bought the custody from Poncius, and is still under age, and he will be of full age in a year from St. Edmund next, as appears to the king's court, the sheriffs distrain William by summons of the exchequer to render the debts that William's father at his death owed to the king (sic) at the exchequer, as if he were of full age and as if the goods of the deceased would not suffice for the acquittance thereof: as it is not usual that any men should be distrained before they come of age by reason of wardships pertaining to the king for their ancestors' debts, the king orders the sheriffs to desist in the meantime from distraining William for the said debts; provided that they look to the executors of his father's will for the levying of the debts from the goods of the deceased so far as they suffice. This letter is triplicated, to wit to three sheriffs. [Ryley, Placita, p. 432.] * Referring to the penultimate order to Peter de Chaumpvent. 32 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 3-cont. Sept. 6. Nicholas le Jofne, imprisoned at Eye for the death of Luke son of Richard Rochester. de Lyminge, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Oct. 2. To Philip dte Eye. Order to deliver the key of the treasury at WestWestminster. minster with all the things in it to Brother Joseph, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, the treasurer, to be kept during pleasure, as pertains to the office of treasurer. Oct. 3. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to deliver William son of John de Westminster. Dunwic[o] to twelve lawful men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the king or elsewhere at his order on the morrow of St. Edward next, as the king lately ordered the sheriff to cause William to be arrested and kept until further orders for certain trespasse3, and William is prepared to stand to right in the king's court. Given by R. Burnel. To Ralph de Sanduic[o], keeper of the bishopric of London. Order to permit the Friars Preachers and the Friars Minors of London to carry away the timber in Haringeye park bought by them from H. bishop of London, deceased, which they caused to be felled during the bishop's life, for which payment was made to the said bishop. [Prynne, Records, iii. 127.] William de Warleton and Hamo de Tatersete, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Thomas son of John de Ladne, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norwich to bail them. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for the town of Northampton to be elected in place of John le Estreys, who has been elected bailiff of that town, wherefore he cannot intend the office of coroner. Oct. 6. To the mayor and echevins of Abbeville. Thomas de Basing', citizen of St. Martin's-le-London, and Henry le Escot, Thomas de Karl[iolo] and Richard de la Grand, London. Haye, burgesses of Newcastle-on-Tyne, have shcwn the king that whereas they bought 92 sacks of wool from John de -Bolebrok and certain other merchants of Flanders, arrested by the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle by the late king's order by reason of a contention between him and the countess of Flanders, from Nicholas de la Pole and his fellows, deputed for the expedition of the affairs of the merchants of the realm against the Flemings, for a certain sum of money, for which they satisfied Nicholas and his fellows, in part recompense for the damages that they sustained within the power of the countess, and for which the king caused letters patent of acquittance to be made to the said Thomas, Henry, Thomas and Richard, who caused the said 92 sacks to be taken to parts beyond the sea, together with other of their wool by the king's licence, to make their profit thereof, the said mayor and echevins arrested a part of the wool at Abbeville at the prosecution of the said John and other Flemish merchants, to whom it had belonged, and detain it from them: as the king caused the wool found and arrested within his kingdom to be sold and delivered to the said Thomas, Henry, Thomas and Richard as coming to him by the forfeiture of the Flemings, he orders and requests the mayor and echevins to cause the wool, if it was arrested by them for the aforesaid reason, to be delivered to Thomas, Henry, Thomas and Richard or their attorneys, not permitting them to be molested by John or other Flemings, especially as the count of Puntiff, their lord, has particularly requested the king to cause his merchants to take their wool and other goods to the port of Abbeville and trade there with them. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England, by permission of the subjects supplying the place of the king, the demand on Thomas Kyn of Northampton for 101. in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Northampton. 1 EDWARD 1. 33 1273. MEMBRANE 2. Oct. 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Thomas son St. Martin's-le- William de Dene has shown the king that whereas his father lately lent Grand, London. 5,0001. to the king for the expedition of his most urgent affairs, wherefore the king several times ordered the treasurer and barons by his letters to satisfy William for that money, or for part of it, whereof William in his lifetime or Thomas have hitherto received little or nothing, as it is said, and Thomas is indebted to the king in 3001. of his father's debts at the said exchequer, and he prays that this sum may be allowed to him in the said debts: the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause the rolls of the exchequer to be searched diligently as to what William and Thomas received of the said o,0001., and how much is still in arrears, and to certify the king before Whitsuntide next of what they shall find, and in the meantime to release any distraint made upon Thomas to render the said 3001. to the king. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause the manor of Midhirst, which belonged to Frank (Franconis) de Bohun, tenant in chief, to be delivered to Nicholaa his wife, to whom the king has committed it, as of the value of 501. of land, to hold in tenancy during his pleasure. To the constable of Notingham castle. Order to deliver the custody of the chapel of that castle, which Roger de Harewelle, clerk, deceased, had in his lifetime, to William de Hakkeburne, to whom the king has committed it until his return to England, and thenceforth at the king's pleasure. To the collectors of the new aid in the city of London. Order not to distrain the men of Rouen to contribute to the new aid granted to the king by the merchants, or to molest them for that cause, or to permit them to be hindered from taking their wool and other merchandise to parts beyond the seas, provided that they do not avow the goods of others (,res alienas) as their own goods and merchandise, as the king, at the instance of Philip, king of France, has granted to the men of Rouen that they shall be quit of payment of the said aid throughout his realm and power, as appears in the king's letters patent thereupon made to them. The like order to the collectors of the same aid in the town of Southampton. Oct. 7. To Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England. Order to Westminster. cause 27 sacks and a pocket of wool of Thomas de Karliolo, Henry le Scot, and Richard de la Haye, burgesses of Newcastle-on-Tyne, to be delivered to them to trade therewith as shall seem expedient to them, which wool he caused to be arrested at Herewiz because it was said by some that the ship wherein it was found is the ship of a Fleming, and that Thomas, Henry and Richard had communicated with the Flemings against the king's prohibition, as the earl has informed the king by his letters; and Thomas de Basing' and Luke de Batencurt, citizens of London, have mainperned for Thomas, Henry and Richard to answer to the king for the price of the said wool, appraised at 190 marks, when the king shall wish to speak thereof, if Thomas, Henry, and Richard be convicted by judgment of the king's court of the premises charged against them. Oct. 9. To Master John de Maydenstan, archdeacon of Oxford, collector of the tenth in that archdeaconry and in other archdeaconries adjoiniDg. Order to deliver all the money from the tenth to Thomas de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of the society of the Luc' of Lucca (Luk'), for the king's use, according to the tenor of the order of Master Reymund de Nogeriis, the papal nuncio, directed to him thereupon. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to spend 121. in repairing the houses of Shyreburn castle by the view and testimony of lawful men, and as he shall see fit. u 96998. a 34 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 2-cont. Oct. 10. To Stephen de Pichef[ord], constable of Windes[ore] castle. Order to Westminster. deliver to the two chaplains ministering in the chapel of that castle, who receive 100s. yearly for their stipends, their stipends from Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next. He is also ordered to pay to two gate-keepers of that castle, who take 4d. a day for their stipends, to John Ingelard, who takes 6d. a day, to Robert Lightefot, gate-keeper of Windes[ore] park, who takes 2d. day, to Master Gilbert the carpenter of that castle, who takes 6d. a day, and to two gardeners there, who take 5d. a day, their stipends from Sunday after St. Bartholomew last until Michaelmas next, and from the latter feast until Michaelmas following. To Brother Stephen de Fuleburn and William de Middelton, collectors and receivers of the twentieth granted to the king in aid of the Holy Land. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England the demand on the men of religion and others who are of the fee of the earl of Gloucester for the twentieth for their lands that are of the earl's fee, and to permit them to have peace therefor in the meantime; provided that their twentieth of lands that are of the fee of others shall be levied for the king's use....- Roger de Hedon and Isolda his wife, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Thomas de Hill, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. To the barons of the exchequer. Order that the demands that they make -[Incomplete]. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England, by permission of his subjects supplying his place in England, the demand on the barons of Sandwich for 100 marks, in which they were amerced before N. de Turri and his fellows, justices sometime in eyre in co. Kent, for divers trespasses. Oct. 20. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the abbot of Seleby to Westminster. be acquitted of the 50 marks in which the prior and convent there made fine with the late king to have the custody of their house in the last voidance thereof, as the prior and convent paid that sum by the late king's order to Adam de Stretton, keeper of the king's (sic) works at Westminster, at the feast of St. Matthew, in the 54th year of the late king's reign, to make the said works therewith. Hugh son of Agnes de Riston in Holdernesse, imprisoned at York for the death of Alan de Pincebec, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Oct. 18. To Master R. de Clifflord], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver Westminster. to Hugh de Colewrth the manors of Shelton, Chelewynton and Hameden, Lutegarshale and Gyvelden, whereof John de Trailli, tenant in chief, died seised as of fee, to be kept by Hugh in the form following, as it has been testified by trustworthy men before the king's subjects supplying his place in England that Walter, son and heir of the said John, is not of full age, and also that Matilda, countess of Gloucester, says that the custody of these manors pertains to her by reason of the minority of the said heir, and it is also said by some on the king's behalf that the custody of the manors pertains to the king, and the king, wishing to be fully informed concerning the premises and that the manors may be safely kept in the meantime, has committed them to Hugh during pleasure. To Robert Aguilon, keeper of the honour of Arundel. Order to deliver to R. archbishop of Canterbury thirteen bucks and thirteen does yearly from the forest of Arundel, for so long as the forest shall be in Robert's custody, in accordance with tlhe composition made between Boniface, late archbishop of Canterbury, and John son of Alan, formerly lord of that forest, and to permit the archbishop in going to his manor of Slindon and returning 1 EDWARD I. t35 1273. Membrane 2-cont. thence, to have a course in the forest once a year, according to the form of the said composition; and to deliver to the archbishop the arrears of the said bucks and does as he ought to have them according to the form of the composition; and to distrain Matilda, late the wife of John son of Alan, and Isabella, late the wife of John son of John son of Alan, to render to the keeper the bucks and does in the portion that they hold in dower in the forest, and the arrears of the same. To Bartholomew le Juvene. Order to answer for the issues of the manors of Luton and Weston and for the corn of the same in the barns to Eleanor, countess of Leicester, hereafter until further orders; saving to the king 300 marks that the king caused to be paid for her to certain of her creditors in parts beyond sea, which sum Bartholomew is ordered to cause to be levied for the king's use from the said corn and from other first issues of these manors. Juliana, daughter of John Shaf, imprisoned at Winchester for the death -- of Nicholas le Forester, has letters to bail her. John Mile of Brokhampton, Gilbert Vurude, Henry Magot, Robert Mile, Richard Lyun, William Orm, Thomas Laurence, Gilbert Ravening, John Mace, Richard Gidel, William Stevene, Robert Cosin, John Leising', Nicholas Lewyn, William Lewyn, Robert Feud, William son of Robert, Ralph Crowe, William le Venur, John Matyn, Gilbert le Batur, Richard Webbe, Jordan Travail, John Oudelin, Richard Tollepayn, Robert Hentelove, William Quenild, John Vurude, William Wisedam, Adam le Fevere, and John Abbot, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of William de Hulemore, wherewith they are charged, have letters to bail them. Walter de Afford and Alice, late the wife of William de Afford, imprisoned at Chelmersford for the death of Roger de Afford, have letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail them. To Geoffrey de Geynevill, justiciary of Ireland. Order to present Geoffrey de Kilkenny, clerk, to the vicarage of Balisuthnan church, which is void, if the vicarage do not exceed the value of 10 or 12 marks yearly. If it exceed that value, the justiciary is ordered to present another fit person to it, in the king's name. Oct. 28. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver 41 virgates of land in Ayleston to Margery de Harecurt in name of wardship, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Henry le Forcer at his death held half a virgate of land in Broghton of the honour of Mungomery, which is the king's escheat, and that he held no lands elsewhere of the king in chief, and that he did no service to the king therefor by reason whereof the custody of other lands which belonged to him could or ought to pertain to the king, and that he held the said 4j virgates in chief of Margery, and that the custody thereof pertains to her. Thomas de Heighton, Alice de Whitewell, Nicholas de Walsham, and William Cotun, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Thomas de Lodnes, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail.them. Oct. 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the heirs Westminster. of the earl Marshal to come before them to answer to Eleanor, countess of Leicester, for the debts that they owe to her. Oct. 28. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver the lands that belonged to Robert de Burwey to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert at his death held in chief of William de Cheney, deceased, tenant in c 2 36 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 2-cont. chief of the late king, by knight service, and that the wardship of the lands and heirs of Robert pertains to Queen Eleanor by reason of the grant of the wardship of William's lands and heirs during the heirs' minority made to her by the late king. ----- Robert Stalun, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Thomas son of - John, whereof he is appealed, has [letters] to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Oct. 29. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver Walter Attewod of Lyndhurst, imprisoned at Winchester for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve lawful men of that bailiwick who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts to stand to right thereupon. To the same. Like order in favour of John do Stuttefeld and Richard de Stuttefeld, imprisoned at Oxford for trespass of the Forest. MEMBRANE 1. Nov. 2. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver to Anabel, late the wife of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief, the manor of Bradefeld for 601. of land yearly, the manor of Swyneford for 161. 18s. 43d. of land yearly, the manor of Clent for 81. 17s. 5id. of land yearly, the manor of Bordesle for 181. 15s. 73d. of land yearly, the manor of Cradele for 81. 6s. Od. of land yearly, and the park of Seggesle for the wood pertaining to the manor of Swyneford, in which wood Anabel shall have nothing except common of herbage, which the king has assigned to her in dower, on condition that Roger's heir, when he come of age, shall acquit her of 25 marks due to the king of the fee-farm of the manors of Swyneford and Clent as long as Anabel shall hold these lands in dower, and she shall be quit of the payment of the said 25 marks during the said custody. ---- To Ralph de Sandwico, keeper of the bishopric of London. Order to -- permit the buyers of timber felled in the parks of the bishopric at Harengeye and Claketon in the time of H. late bishop of London, for which they paid in the said bishop's lifetime, to carry the timber whither they will without hindrance, to make their profit thereof. Nov. 5. To the bailiff of Winchelese and La Rye. Order to cause the mills of La Westminster. Rye and the sea-walls (wallias) of the same to be repaired and amended where necessary. To the constable of Devizes castle. Order to cause the pond of the stew (stagnum vivarii) of Devizes to be repaired where necessary. To Master It. de Bray, constable of Bergeveny castle. Order to admit Walter Paulyn and William le Attillur, the king's serjeants-at-arms, and four footmen with cross-bows (balistarios pedites), whom the king is sending to him, to stay in garrison (municionem) of the castle until St. Hilary next. The king has caused them to be satisfied beforehand for theis stipends until then. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to permit John de Bohun, son and heir of Frank de Bohun, tenant in chief, and the other executors of his father's will, to have free administration of the goods and chattels taken into the king's hands by the escheator by reason of the debts that Frank at his death owed to the king, upon John's finding security to render the debts at the exchequer. To Brother Joseph de Cauncy, the treasurer Order to pay to Master Walter de Saundon, the king's cook, the arrears of 10 marks that he receives yearly for his maintenance in the king's service. The king will 1 EDWARD I. 37 1273. Membrane 1-cont. cause Joseph to have a writ of liberate when he knows how much he has paid to Walter. To Peter de Seleburn, keeper of Reynham manor. Order to restore the said manor to Matilda, late the wife of Robert Walerand, tenant in chief, together with everything received thence since 22 May last, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Ralph de Hengham that Matilda was jointly enfeoffed of that manor with Robert in the time when Robert first had seisin thereof by the enfeoffment of Henry de Kramavill, who enfeoffed Robert and Matilda jointly thereof, which manor is in Peter's custody by the king's commission. Nov. 7. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Stephen de Penecestr[ia], Westminster. constable of Dover castle, to be released from 1,8561. 7s. 9d. exacted from him by summons of the exchequer, which he received from Henry de Burn,' then fermor of the king's hundred and manor of Middelton, to wit in the 52nd year of the late king's reign, 2001.; and in the same year from Fulk Payforer, then fermor of the earldom of Kent, 901.; and in the 53rd year of the said king's reign 4311. 3s. Od. from the issues of the said earldom, hundred and manor; and in the 54th year of the said king's reign 4511. 17s. ld. from the same issues; and in the 55th year of the said king's reign, 3501. from the said issues; and in the 56th year of the said king's reign 3331. 6s. 8d. from the same, for the munition and maintenance of the castle, as Stephen rendered an account of the money aforesaid before Ralph de Sandwyco, John de London[ia], and Adam de Wynton[ia], appointed for this purpose by the king's writ, to wit for 331. 15s. 5d. paid by him to certain of the king's serjeants staying in the garrison of the castle in the time of Matthew de Bezill[es], then constable thereof, for the arrears of their wages; and for 50s. delivered by him to a chaplain ministering in the castle, for his stipends; and for 2531. 14s. 7d. delivered by him to a knight, and to serjeants on horse and foot, and to watchmen staying in the castle, from 8 February, in the 52nd year of the late king's reign, until Michaelmas following, both days being counted; and for 3581. 5s. 4d. delivered to the said knight, serjeants, and watchmen, in the 53rd year of the late king's reign; and for 611. for the acquittance of 61 tuns of wine taken at Sandwich and expended in the garrison; and for 121. 10s. Od. for the robes of twenty-five foot serjeants in the garrison at the said time acquitted by him, and for 1,1231. 8s. 5d. for the wages of the said knight, serjeants, and watchmen, in the 54th, 55th and 56th years of the late king's reign; and for 101. delivered by him to the chamberlain of Middelton for his wages in the 54th year of the late king's reign; and for 20s. delivered to the envoy of Robert de Creseke returning home; and for 4s. for the passage of a certain groom bearing the king's letters to Peter de Castro Novo in France, as the subjects supplying the king's place in England learn from the testimony of the aforesaid Ralph, John and Adam, auditors of the account. To the sheriff of York. Order to deliver Richard son of David, imprisoned at York for the death of William son of Walter le Ru wherewith he is charged, to twelve lawful men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the justices of assize when they come to those parts to stand to right concerning this death, if anyone wish to speak against him concerning it, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Richard is not guilty of the said death, and that he did not slay William out of hatred, nor by felony or out of malice aforethought, but that he is charged with the death because William, a boy of 71 years, in running fell behind Richard by mischance upon Richard's....* (.... hum), Richard being ignorant thereof, whereof the boy died. * The first part of the word (cultellum? " knife ") has been erasedi 38 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 1 —cont. Oct. 20. To Master R. de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's- permit Peter de la Mare to cultivate and sow the lands that belonged to le-Grand, Robert de la Mare, his father, tenant in chief, and to receive the rents thereof, until the king's arrival in England, so that he may then answer to the king for the issues received thence in the meantime, if the king then wish to have them, as the subjects supplying the king's place in England have fixed a term for Peter at the king's arrival to come before the king to do fealty to him for his father's lands. Thomas le Clerc of Blitheswrth, imprisoned at Northampton for trespass of the Forest, has letters to Roger de Cliff [ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent, to bail him. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England the demand on the abbot of Grestain (Grestino) for 100s. i& which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Cambridge, as the late king, on 13 July, in the 52nd year of his reign, granted by letters patent, which the king has inspected, to the abbot that he should be quit for five years following of the common summonses of the eyres of the king's justices, both for pleas of the Forest and for common pleas, so that he should not be amerced by reason of his absence. Nov. 17. Richard son of Ivo de Segrave, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Westminster. Richard son of John le Provost of Walton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail him. Membrane 1 —Schedule 1. [This?] part of the lands that belonged to Roger de Somery may be assigned in dower to his wife. Bradefeud - 601. Swyneford - 161. 18s. 41d. Clent - - 81. 17s. 6~d. Total: 111. 17s. 61d. Bordesle - 181. 15s. 7ad. | Cradele - 81. 6s. O0d. J And thus 41. are lacking to make up the total that the lady should have of fixed (certo) rent in the manor of Seggesle. Also the park of Seggesle is assigned wholly to this part, for the wood pertaining to the manor of Swyneford, of which the said lady shall have nothing except common of pasture. Be it known that 25 marks yearly are due to the king from the manors of Swyneford and Clent, which sum the heir, when he comes of age, shall pay from the manor of Mere, and shall acquit the said lady thereof against the king, and in the meantime the 'king shall acquit her thereof. Endorsed: By the consent of Sir N. de Segrave, the manor of Neuport is estimated at 801. and the manor of Bradefeud at 601. Membrane 1-,-Schedule 2. (Obliterated by gall.) MEMBRANE lid. 1272...-. - Memorandum, that the king granted to Ellen la Zuch, who is going. to Scotland by the king's licence, that Nicholas de Vallibus, John de Oxenden, and William de Flore, whom she has appointed before the king in her place shall be admitted as her attorneys, until Michaelmas next. William de Montegomery acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Robert Burnell 26 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. 1 EDWARD I. 39 1272. Membrane 1 id-cont. Memorandum, that Alger son of Richard de Flete came before the chancellor in chancery, on Thursday after St. Nicholas, and laid claim to 20 acres of land in Flete, concerning which a fine was made in the king's court between William Brun of Flete and Margaret de Gedeneye. Whereas the cathedral churches in England that are void (viduatis) ought to be provided for of right and are wont of custom to be provided for by canonical election to be made principally by the colleges, chapters, and persons to whom the right of election pertains, after they have sought and obtained the king's licence therefor, and after the election have been celebrated, the person elected has to be presented to the king, so that the king may propound against him anything reasonable that he may have to propound'; it seems to the king and his council that prejudice would be done to him and to the church of Canterbury, whereof he is patron and defender, in this behalf, especially if the matter were drawn into an example in other churches of England, if' the pope should assume to himself the power of providing for that church, these things being omitted in this case, when no wrong (peccatum) has been found either in the matter or form of the election, and none is expressed in his letters; wherefore in order that the Roman church shall not proceed to such provisions henceforth, and so that if it do proceed to them, no prejudice shall arise to the king thereby, so that he shall be bound to render the temporalities of any cathedral church thus provided, the king at present grants to you, the elect of Canterbury, the temporalities of Canterbury, by special favour, and I, Itherius Bochardi, the king's clerk, protest, in the king's name, that the grant of temporalities made in like case to Nicholas, bishop of Winchester, but with a protest, which is now repeated in your person, shall not be drawn into a custom or example in future times. This protest was made and read at Westminster in the chapel of St. Stephen, on Monday, the eve of St. Lucy, in the presence of Brother Robert de Kiluardeby, elect of Canterbury, there being also present and specially summoned for this purpose W. bishop of Exeter, Sir W. de Merton, the chancellor, Master John de Chishull, dean of St. Paul's, London, R. Burnell, archdeacon of York, Hervey de Borham, Brother John de Derlington, Master William de Cornera, John de Kirkeby, William de Saham, John de Shamelesford, monk of Canterbury and many others, in the year 1272. [Prynne, Records, iii. 122]. The abbot. of Hyde, Winchester, who caused himself to be essoined for being in sick bed against John, then prior of Bermundeseye before M. de Littleb[uri] and his fellows, justices of the Benchl, in the suit before them between John and the abbot by the late king's writ, concerning the making divisions between the lands of the prior in Werlingham and the abbot's lands of Sanderstede, sought by Robert de Laverestok licence to rise; which is granted in this suit because the late king died before the abbot was seen, as is the custom, and also because John has now become prior of Wenlok and another has been set in his place as prior of Bermundeseye. Robert Burnell acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Giles de Berkele 175 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Salop and Stafford. The part of Walter de Faucumberge and Agnes his wife. —The castle of Skelton with the park about it and with the profits of the boats of Cotum and Rideker, with the demesnes of Skelton, with the meadows and dales, and with the rents of the town of Skelton of fre6men and others, with all mills and toll, and the manor of Cresk (sic), with Rideker and Plyom, and With the town of Stangho and with the town of Grenerig, and with the forest of Skelton, to wit with the enclosure and great park with Hasdal[e], and with the chace of Westwyc with the forest as the highway extends between Stangho 40 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1272. Membrane 11 d-cont. and Kadriding, and as the way extends to Lardegate, and so by Sketebek to Karthorn, and so to the boundary of Daneby forest, and from that boundary to Colemandale, so that all the chaces within these boundaries, to wit Locwit, Wervelsco, Hardal[e], and Hahe (sic), with the herbage of La Grene and that of Le Donant, and with all the town of Estbrunne, except 41 acres of land and four tofts assigned to J. de Bella Aqua and to Ladereyna his wife, with the fourth part of wreck of the sea (werk de mar'), to wit from Rennewic to Jarum, and with a moiety of the advowson of Gisseburn priory, and with a moiety of the bailiwick of Langberwe. Memorandum, that concerning the advowson of Gisseburn priory, it is agreed that on the first voidance thereof the prior shall be presented to Sir Walter de Faukumberge, or his heirs, and at the next voidance to Sir Marmaduke, and so alternately to the end of the world. The part of Marmaduke de Tweng and Lucy his wife.-The manor of Daneby with the forest, and with Lelholm and Wolvedale [and] Manselenges, and with the ferm of Thomas de Wolvedale, and with the manor of Brochton, Skyiegrive (sic) and the boat of Skinergrive, and with the rents and demesnes of freemen and others, with the town of Jarum and the service of the free tenants of that town, and with the fishery, and with the town of Great Morsom, and with the rents and services of free tenants and others, with the forest of the chace of the dales, to wit Swindal and Lehavenes, and with the other dales, as the high road extends from Lardethorn to Skelton by Skaytebec between Katering and Stangho, and so to the wood of Liverton, and with the manor of Kirkebroun and Suthbroun, and with the mills and suit thereof, except 14 bovates of land with tofts and 70s. of yearly rent in the mills assigned to John de Bella Aqua and Ladrana his wife, and with a quarter of the wreck of the sea, to wit from Renneswic to Jarum, and with a moiety of the advowson of Giseburn priory, and with a moiety of the bailiwick of Langeberwe. The part of Robert de Ros and Margaret his wife.-The castle of Kirkeby in Kendale, with all Kendale, whatever pertained to Sir Peter de Brus in demesnes, villeinages, rents, and services of freemen and others, except the dale of Kentemere, which is assigned to Sir J. de Bella Aqua and to Laderana, his wife, and with the advowson of Konigesheved priory, and with a quarter of the wreck of the sea in Clivelaunde, to wit from Rennewyz to Jarum. The part of John de Bella Aqua and Ladrina his wife.-The manor of Karleton in Baune with the demesnes and with all the rents of freemen and others, and the marriage of Laderina, wife of Sir John de Belewe, and the manor of Thorp de Arches and Walleton, with the park, with all demesne rents in the town of Thorp and Waleton, and the manor of Tibetorp, and in Suthbrunne, 14 bovates of land with tofts and 70s. in the mill of that town, and in Estbrunne 4j bovates of land and four tofts, and with the dale of Kentemere in Kendale, and with the advowson of Monketon priory, and a quarter of the wreck of the sea in Clivelaund, to wit from Renneswyc to Jarum, together with all lands assigned in marriage to Robert de RPos and Margaret his wife and to the other sisters and co-heiresses of the said Peter, rendered into the king's hands to be divided, as the custom is in the realm. All the fees belonging to the castles of Skelton and Jarum are assigned to Walter de Faucumberge and Agnes his wife and to Marmaduke de Tweng and Lucy his wife. All the fees of Kendale and Westmerl[and] are assigned to Sir Robert de Ros and Margaret his wife. All the fees pertaining to the manor of Thorpe de Harches in co. Lancaster (sic) are assigned to J. de Belewe and Ladrina his wife. 1 EDWARD 1. 41 1273. MEMBRANE 10d. Jan. 1. The abbot of Radinges puts in his place Richard de Rippele and William Reading. Muhaut in the suit before the king's subjects supplying his place in England concerning a trespass made on the abbot by Robert de Pole, William de la Dene, Thurgisius de Herdefeud, Roger le Beddele, William le Halvefranch, Matthew Crust and Mary de Valoygnes. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Peter de Newy, John Reyneri, and Henry Eyr came before the king, on Thursday the eve of St. Hilary last, and sought to replevy their land in Grimesby, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Anna, late the wife of William le Parcur. Jan. 13. Roger Mynnot came before the king at Westminster, on Saturday the Westminster. morrow of St. Hilary, and sought to replevy his land in Kirkestede, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the court of the heir of John de Verdun of Multon against Geoffrey Lenveseye. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. The king granted to Master Adam de Fileby, who is about to set out to ----- the Roman court by the king's licence, that Philip le Poer and Thomas de Fileby may be his attorneys in all pleas and suits until Christmas next. Simon Tuterell came before the king, on Thursday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy his land in Little Yarmouth, which was taken into the king's hands for default before the justices of the Bench against Alan son of Andrew Wolf. Theobald (Teobald') de Feringes acknowledges that he owes the prior of Holy Trinity, London, 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Enrolment of agreement between Richard, bishop of Lincoln, and lady Joan, relict of Sir William Charles, whereby the bishop sold to her the custody and marriage of Edward (Eadwardi), William's heir, which pertained to the bishop because William held his tenement of Grengham by knight service, for a certain sum of money paid beforehand to the bishop by her. The bishop also demised to her the manor, and all the land with advowson of the church and all other things that he had in the name of the custody of the said heir in Grengham, to be held by Joan until the heir come of age, for 71. yearly to the bishop or to him to whom he may assign that rent. Dated 15 kalends of February, 1271[-2]. Witnesses: Sir Walter de Merton, the chancellor; Master John de Maydenstan, archdeacon of Oxford; Master Richard de Gravesend, archdeacon of Essex; Sir Richard de Wyk, canon of Lincoln; Master William de la Gare, canon of the same church; Sir Thomas de Boulton, then sheriff of Lincoln; Sir John Pycot; Sir John de Bracebrig. Memorandum, that the bishop came into chancery, on Friday the octaves of St. Hilary, and released Ihe custody, etc. to Joan as aforesaid, for which acknowledgment and grant, Joan acknowledged that she owed to the bishop 71. yearly during the said custody; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Thomas de Furnyvall came into chancery and acknowledged that he owed to Joan, daughter of Hugh le Despenser, 1,000 marks, on condition that if Thomas de Furnyvall, son and heir of the said Thomas, now a minor, married to Joan with his father's will, shall presume to do anything against that marriage when he shall come of age, Thomas his father shall pay to Joan the said 1,000 marks within the first year after Thomas the son shall have protested (reclamaverit) against the marriage, which sum shall be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 10d-cont. Memorandum, that the abbot of Cirencestre came into chancery at Westminster, on Sunday after the octaves of St. Hilary, and offered to sue out in chancery a letter concerning a certain inquisition betweenhim and Reginald son of Peter, concerning certain articles to be done, and requested that this might be testified lest he should incur damage thereupon; and he put in his place Master Thomas de Soynton and Walter de Clitcham to prosecute the letter, if Reginald wish to sue it out in chancery together with them. Enrolment of release by Roger de Whelton, son of William de Whelton, to Alelm his brother of all that land that Alelm holds of the gift of the said William de Whelton in the town of Toterho, co. Bedford, together with all his right and claim thereto, and in all other things that may come to him by hereditary right or otherwise there, and also all the right that he has in the land that Helewisia, his grandmother (avuncula) holds of the dower of Roger de Whelton, the releasor's grandfather (avus), in that town. And for this release Alelm has given him 100s. of good sterlings. Witnesses: Sir Robert Burnel, Sir John de Kirkeby, clerks, John de Gatesdene, Richard Gruscett, John son of Thomas de Toterho, Ralph Inge of the same, Stephen de Eglemunt, Peter de Aula, Ralph Maunsell. ----- Richard de Muleshahl and William de Wanton acknowledge that they -- owe to William de Sancta& Ermina 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex. Memorandum, that William Giffard afterwards came into chancery and acknowledged that he had received in the name of Walter de Beche, attorney of William de Sancta Ermina, 15 marks in full payment of the said 25 marks, in which Orabilla, late the wife of William de Staund[on], made fine with W. de Sancta Ermina for her marriage, and for which Richard and William de Wauton bound themselves in the form here enrolled; and afterwards Walter came and acknowledged that he had received the said sum from Walter Giffard. Jan. 25. John Isenberd acknowledges that he owes to John de Hereford 20s.; to Westminster. be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.Southampton. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Enrolment of order of Henry [III.] to the sheriff of Worcester to cause an extent to be made and sent to the king in fifteen days from Martinmas of a moiety of the lands that belonged to John de Chirchehull of the fee of William le Povre in Chirchehull and Puplanton, which Matilda, late the wife of the said John, had of the king's gift, and of a moiety of the lands that Matilda had of the gift of Hamo Lestrange (Extranei) of the fees of the said William, to whom Thomas Boterel granted it after the king had granted it during the minority of John's heir to Thomas, according to the form of the dictum of Kenill[eworth], except two mills and 6s. of rent that Master John de Farlegh, parson of Chirchehull, holds in Chirchehull. Witness R. de Stanes, at Westminster, on 20 October, in the 56th year of the reign. [Enrolment of return of preceding writ:] The extent (extensio) of the lands that belonged to John de Chirchehull of the fee of William le Povre in Pupplinton was made by the following: John de Ekinton, Robert son of Stephen, Hugh Kaylleweye, Robert de Estenoure, Alexander Bataylle, John Pykun, Walter Bonham, John Aleyn of Burlingham, John Boleyns, Nicholas, clerk of Bricheclampton, Thomas de Walecote and William de Walecote, who say upon oath that there is there a certain messuage with garden and curtilage, which is extended at 6s. yearly, and that there are 2s. 1d. of a rent of assize, and the service of a customary (tenant), extended at 14d., and that there is arable land in demesne that is held for a virgate and a half, whereof 321 acres can be sown every year, each of which acres is extended at 8d., and the total extent of these 321 acres is therefore 1 EDWARD I. 43 1273. Membrane lOd-cont. 21s. 8d., and that there is a certain parcel of meadow there, extended as 6s. Sum total 36s. Ild. The extent of the lands that belonged to John de Chirchull of the fee of William le Povre in Chirchehull is not made, because the bailiff of the bishop of Worcester, who has the return of the writ, and to whom it was returned, and in whose bailiwick is the town of Chirchehull, did not cause any jurors to come before me to make the extent thereof. Jan. 27. Memorandum, that Alan le Fraunceys has acquittance for 40s. in Which Westminster. he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Cambridge, because it was testified by Robert Burnell that he had the king's writ of acquittance of the common summons of that eyre. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. ----- The abbot of Westminster gave power, by the king's licence, to John de - Sutton, sacristan of Westminster, to Brother Alexander de Staundon and Nicholas le Fraunceys to be his attorneys in all suits until Michaelmas next. Thomas Trentemars, William de Havering, Edmund de Cantuar[ia], and Thomas de Faversham of co. Kent have mainperned for the prior and convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, to come before the subjects supplying the king's place in England in the quinzaine of Easter next to stand to right, as is contained in the writ. Roger de Rolling acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Holcote 44s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. Cancelled on payment. MEMBRANE 9d. Feb. 6. William Giffard came into chancery and released to Cok Hagyn, son of Westminster. Cress[eusj, Jew of London, all the right in the houses that belonged to Cresseus, son of Master Moses (Mosseus), Jew of London, in the city of London in Melkestrete, which William claimed to have of the gift of the late king; and William also released to the said Jew all his right and claim in 101. of land or 101. of fee, for the assignment whereof to him by the Jew an agreement was made in the king's court by W. archbishop of York on William's behalf, and Roger de Leyburn, on the Jew's behalf. Cok has the king's writ to the mayor and sheriffs of London to cause him to have seisin of the said houses, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the contention between William and the Jew in the king's court. For this release, Cok acknowledged in chancery that he owed to William 70 marks, of which he paid to him 15 marks beforehand, and he will pay the rest at terms prescribed herein, and he grants if he do not, that the sum shall be levied of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Memorandum, that John de Pudercote, yeoman of the said William, came and acknowledged that he had received in his lord's name 20 marks from the said Jew for the term of three weeks after Easter last, and whereof 100s. remain to be paid, which the Jew agrees to pay at Holy Trinity next. William [afterwards] gave the Jew his letters of acquittance for 101. and for the aforesaid 20 marks. Afterwards the said William came and acknowledged that he had received the said 100s.for that term. Afterwards Peter de Qurtefeld, attorney of William, came and acknowledged that he had received 271 marks that were in arrear of the said 70 marks, and acquitted the Jew thereof. 44 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 9d-cont. ---- Master Thomas Passelewe, archdeacon of Richmond, gave power by the --- king's licence to Walter de Brikehull and James de Songham to be his attornies in all pleas for one year. Memorandum, that the subjects who supply the king's place in England granted to the prior and convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, in the present voidance of their abbey, for one year the wardships of knights' fees that are held of them and the wardships of their other tenants, and reliefs, marriages and escheats that shall fall in within the year, saving to the king the advowsons of churches pertaining to the abbey during the time of the voidance. March 12. Hamo son of Richard de Shaldeford acknowledges that he owes to Peter The New de Chavent 12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and Temple, chattels in cos. Essex, Somerset and Dorset. London. Master William de la Mare acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Robert de Scardeburgh, clerk, 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham and Bedford. March 16. Michael de Columbariis puts in his place Stephen de OxonFia] and The New William le Lung in the suit before the king or those supplying his place in Temple, England between the said Michael and Walter de Wik and Hamelyn de London. Hedun concerning a trespass committed on Michael by the said Walter and Hamelin. March 17. Ralph de Kirkeby acknowledges in chancery that he owed to Walter The New Wolward 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and Temple, chattels in cos. Northampton and Rutland. London. The prior of Bermundeseye, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, puts in his place Brother Ralph de Derby, monk of Bermundeseye, and William Godyn in all pleas until St. Peter ad Vincula next. Walter de Furneus, knight, acknowledges in chancery that he owes to John Adrian, citizen of London, 75s.; to be levied, in defalt of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Hertford. April 5. Henry Burnell came before the king, on Wednesday after Palm Sunday, St. Paul's, and sought to replevy to Thomas Pipard the latter's land in Bovi, Langedon, London. Laverkeber[y] and Blakedon, which was taken unto the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Margery, late the wife of Edmund Pipard.' ---- Anselm Gobion came before the king, on Wednesday in Easter week, - and sought to replevy to Alexander de Balliolo and Eleanor his wife their land in Mitford, Molesdon and Felton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Robert de Nevill and Ida his wife. April 13. Robert de Sprouton came before the king, on Friday in Easter week, St. Paul's, and sought to replevy to Joan de Leyham, Margery and Olive, her sisters, London. Geoffrey de la Mare and Ida his wife their land in Leyham, Lalleford and Berkeford, which was taken into the king's 'hands for default before the justices of the Bench against Margery, late the wife of Peter de Leyham. Anselm Gobyun came before the king, on Friday in Easter week, and sought to replevy to Ralph de Cotun the latter's land in Banerugg, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Robert de Nevill and Ida (Adun) his wife. Thomas de Prendewik came before the king, on Friday aforesaid, and ought to replevy to William de Herl the latter's land in Overgares, which 1 ]DWARD I. 45 1273. Membrane 9d-cont. was taken unto the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Robert de Nevill and Ida his wife. April 18. Ralph Gamel came before the king, on Thursday after St. Elphege, and Westminster. sought to replevy to Ralph son of Ralph, Ivo Aunger, and Henry son of Thomas le Chapeleyn, Adam Wale, Richard le Mouner, Walter Gamel, William le (sic) Welle, John le Somenur, and Henry son of Henry their land in Cheping Norton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Alice, late the wife of Ralph le Keu. April 28. Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, who is going to parts beyond the sea by Westminster. the king's licence, has given power to Adam le Vavasur and to Robert le Vavasur to make an attorney or attorneys in all pleas, etc., touching the earl until Michaelmas next, unless the earl return to England in the meantime. The said earl appointed Richard de Dunum his attorney in the parts of Chester. Robert Warin of Esseby-la-Zuch, and Hugh de Franketon, vicar of that town, acknowledge that they owe to Geoffrey de Shanketon 191.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Leicester. Michael Picot acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Kendale 100s. and to John Malerbe 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. ----- Master Thomas de Gloucestr[ia], William de Lulleworth, Master Thomas de Sothington, and Roger de Evesham mainperned before the king's subjects supplying his place in England to have John son and heir of Ralph Mnsard before the king or the said subjects at the king's will when required. By R. Burnell. May 3. Walter de Geyton acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Walter de Westminster. Merton 221., for his corn of Chetindon; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. [ Cancelled.] Enrolment of agreement between William de Valencia and Sir Thomas de Clar[e] that 600 marks that William paid to Thomas in the Holy Land shall be allowed to William in a debt that William owes to Thomas for the custody of the lands and heirs of Maurice son of Ger[ald] in Ireland, which Thomas sold to William, and also 200 marks that William delivered to Thomas at Westminster on the preceding day shall also be allowed to William in the said debt, and Thomas gave respite to William for the remainder of the debt until Michaelmas next, on condition that if the king return to England in the mean time, he shall ordain concerning the contention between them, both concerning the remainder of that debt and concerning the warranty of the custody. Dated at Westminster, 3 May. The mainpernors of William de Benges, charged with the death of Geoffrey de Askeby: Philip de Bokeland of co. Hereford. Ralph de [ngeworth of co. Norfolk. Thomas de Neketon of co. Norfolk. Richard le Deneys of co. Suffolk. William de Eye of co. Suffolk. William son of John of co. Suffolk. Humphrey le Marescall of co. Middlesex. Walter de Curzun of co. Suffolk. Geoffrey de Middelton of co. Norfolk. Roger de Haneworth of co. Norfolk. Hugh de Cressingham of co. Norfolk. Walter de Basing of co. Middlesex. 46 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 9d-cont. Richard de Merston acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Walter de Merton 35~ marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Cancelled on payment. William de Boyvill acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Queen --- Eleanor, the king's wife, 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester. It is said that Adam de Novo Mercato sent to Laurence de Brok by Henry Macy, his serjeant, 40s., for the liberation of two prisoners who were in Neugate for robbing merchants between Stamford and Walmesford, and they two, so delivered, ought to acquit Adam of 1001. against a Jew of London. Let an inquisition be made with great caution concerning this. Memorandum, that the sheriff of Oxford presents that the steward of the liberty of Walingford does not make any men of his bailiwick come at the king's command to the county [court] for the execution of a writ of utrum odio, and has thus usurped such inquisition to himself. The bailiffs of the liberty of Oxford do the like. MEMBRANE 8d. Memorandum, that Walter de Kanc[ia] came into chancery at Westminster, and acknowledged that he had received in the name of Queen Eleanor from John le Despenser 551. for the term of Michaelmas last and 551. for the term of Easter following, of the fine of 2201. that John made with her for the ransom of the manor of Marteleye, according to the form of the Dictum of Kenilworth. -- --- The abbot of Faversham, by the king's licence, gave power to Brother --- Robert de Redmersham and to Clement de Ledon to be his attorneys until Michaelmas. The following have (sic) acquittance of the common summons for pleas of the Forest in co. Huntingdon: Margaret de Ferrar[iis], countess of Derby. Memorandum, that brother Roger de Ocolt, attorney of the Master of the military order of the Temple in England, came into chancery at Westminster on Wednesday the eve of the Ascension, and laid claim in the Master's name to certain land in Museleye, co. Hereford, concerning which there was a plea before the justices last in eyre in that county between Richard de la Loke and Hugh de Lacy and Ralph son of Rhys? (Resce?). May 20. To Stephen de Penecestre, constable of Dover castle. Order to permit Westminster. William de Mortuo Mari to have free passage in the port of Dover, with his horses and equipment, in coming into the kingdom, as the king learns by trustworthy testimony that he went on a pilgrimage to Santiago and is in the king's faith. May 26. To Marmaduke de Tweng and Lucy his wife. It has been shown to the Westminster. king by Walter de Faukenberge and Agnes, his wife, that whereas in the partition lately made in the king's court of the inheritance of Peter de Brus' between the said Walter and Agnes, Marmaduke and Lucy, and the other heirs and parceners, there was assigned to Walter and Agnes the castle of Skelton, with the towns of Stanghou and Grenrugg, with all appurtenances, Marmaduke and Lucy have withdrawn a certain forest, to wit Leavenes, Le Vaus and Le Jardyn pertaining to the said castle and towns, and six carucates of land without the borough of Jarum, which still remain to be divided between them and Walter and Agnes, and also the suitors of the mills pertaining to the castle, to wit of Skinergreve, 1 EDWARD I. 47 1273. Membrane Sd-cont. Braghton, Thorp, Grant Moresum and Petite Moresum, and the toll belonging to Walter and Agnes within the honour and liberty of the castle, and Marmaduke and Lucy daily cause them to be withdrawn by Robert de Tweng, their son, and inflict other grievances on Walter and Agnes, contrary to the form of the partition: as it was granted and ordained in the partition made in the king's court that if any one should occupy or detain anything of another, and that if anything of the inheritance remained to be divided, it should be extended and divided among them, the king orders Marmaduke and Lucy to permit Walter and Agnes to hold in peace the things that pertain to the castle and towns that were thus assigned to them and in their purparty. If contention or dispute arise between them in this behalf, Marmaduke and Lucy are ordered to be before the king or his subjects supplying his place in fifteen days from Holy Trinity, which day the king has appointed for Walter and Agnes, to do and receive justice in the premises according to the form of the aforesaid division. Richard de Kircham came before the subjects of the king, on Tuesday before Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy to Henry de la Pomeraye, the latter's land in Cherketon (sic), and to John Picard (sic) the latter's land in Thetecote and Kary, and to Margery Picard (sic) her land in Little Totenays, and to Robert Picard (sic) his land in Langedon, which were taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Margery, late the wife of Edmund Picard.. --- —- Simon de Hulney came before the king's subjects, on Thursday before ---- Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Basinges and Isabella his wife their land in Little Baduwe, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against John de Cowe and Joan his wife. Richard son of Robert came, etc., on Thursday before Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Basing' and Isabella, his wife, their land in Little Badwe, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against John de Couwe and Joan his wife. June 2. Nicholas Poynz came into chancery and put himself upon a certain St. Paul's, perambulation between his lands of Sutton, co. Dorset, and the lands of the London. abbot of Cern' of the manor of Pockeswell, co. Dorset, and puts in his place Walter de Berewik, clerk, and John de la Haull' to prosecute the perambulation. June 5. A day is given to Peter de la Mare, son and heir of Robert de la Mare, Westminster. tenant in chief, at the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin next to come before the king and to receive from his hands seisin of the manor of [blank], which belonged to the said Robert, concerning which the escheator was hindered by Edmund, earl of Cornwall, who asserted that the manor is held of him, from having seisin thereof as of the other lands that belonged to Robert, and it was granted to Peter that the rents issuing therefrom in the mean. time shall be restored to him, because it was not and is not his fault that he was not and is not ready to do what he ought to do of right. Richard de Kirkeby puts in his place John Dachet and William Halibred in the suit before the subjects supplying the king's place between Richard and the prior of Wederale, Robert de Shipton, Henry le Vacher, William his son, Nicholas de Geytescales, William son of Alice, Stephen le Porter, Walter Shadde, William son of Reginald and Richard Belle, concerning a trespass committed on Richard by them. Nicholas son of Roger de Shirleye came into chancery, and acknowledged that he owed to Ralph le Botiller, clerk, 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. 48 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane gd-cont. Memorandum, that John de Sancto Johanne came into chancery, and acknowledged that he had received from Lucy Peche 1001., which she owed to him, in part payment of 1801. in which she made fine with him for having the custody of the lands that belonged to Herbert Peche, which are of John's fee, until the heir of Robert (sic) shall come of age, together with the marriage of the heir. Be it known that nothing is allowed to Lucy of the' goods or issues of the manors that belonged to Herbert and that are of John's fee, and for which she claims to have allowance of the remaining 801. June 8. Gilbert de Wik came before the king, on Thursday after Holy Trinity, Westminster. and sought to replevy to Alan de Plogenet his land in Elyng, which was taken into the king's hands for Alan's default before the justices of the Bench against Henry le Hosee..-.- Adam Coly of Clayton came before the king, on Thursday before Holy - Trinity, and sought to replevy his land in Clayton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Isolda, late the wife of Adam Paynel, concerning a messuage and two bovates of land in Clayton. Memorandum, that the abbot of Stanleye, co, Warwick, and Henry Brond came into chancery, and granted that inquiry shall be made by twelve lawful men to be elected for this purpose with the assent of the abbot and Henry, whether or not Henry's father and grandfather and great-grandfather had the reasonable estover that Henry claims to have in the abbot's woods in Stanleye, which estover his grandfather and greatgrandfather were wont to have there, as it is said, concerning which a plea was moved between them in the king's court; and if it be found by their verdict that Henry's ancestors were wont to have such estover, the abbot grants that he will thereupon come to the king's court and will make to Henry all the security that the king's court shall provide thereupon. Vacated because otherwise below. To the sheriff of Essex and keeper of the pleas of the crown in that county. Order not to proceed to the outlawry of those who were indicted before the late king's justices in eyre in that county for larcenies, homicide, arson, felony, and other trespasses, and who were put in exigent by order of the said justices at the suit of the late king's peace and not at the suit of another. The like to all the sheriffs and coroners throughout England. Membrane 8d-Schedule. Letter of J.de Aldithel[eye], justiciary of Ireland, to Master W.de Bakepuz, escheator of Ireland, informing him that he has inspected the letters of his lord Edward directed to both of them, concerning a certain affair touching Roger de Leyburn, Eleanor his wife, Hugh de Mortuo Mari and Agatha his wife and their parceners of the county of Kildare, which letters the justiciary sends to the escheator to inspect, requesting him to execute the order contained therein, fully and without delay, in the names of both. Dated at Lymor', 4 July, 55 Henry III. Letters patent of W. archbishop of York, Philip Basset, Roger de Mortuo Mari and Robert Burnel, supplying the place of Edward, the king's eldest son, to the justiciary or escheator of Ireland, or to those supplying their places. It has been shown to them by Sir Roger de Leyburn and Eleanor his wife, and Sir Hugh de Mortuo Mari and Agatha, his wife, that whereas in the partition of the lands that belonged to the earl marshal in Ireland among the heirs and parceners of Sibyll de Ferar[iis], one of the heiresses and parceners of that inheritance, there were assigned to 1 EDWARD I. 49 1273. Membrane 8d-Schedule-cont. r the aforesaid Eleanor in her purparty 141. 5s. Oid. yearly, and to Agatha 19s. 5s. 10d. yearly of the pleas and issues of the county of Kildare, according to the extent made by the king's order, which Margaret, sometime countess of Lincoln, held in dower of the said inheritance and which ought, according to the assignment, to revert after her decease to Roger and Eleanor, Hugh and Agatha, as appears by the rolls of the said partition of the inheritance, Agnes de Vescy, sister of Eleanor and Agatha, and parcener of the inheritance, appropriated the said 141. 5s. Old. yearly and 191. 5s. 0Od. yearly, with the increment and decrement of the same, to herself after the death of the countess, contrary to the said assignment, and although Edward several times ordered his justiciaries of Ireland or those supplying their places and the aforesaid escheator to restore the said sums to Roger and Eleanor, Hugh and Agatha, the escheator and other justiciaries of Ireland have hitherto delayed doing so; the said subjects therefore order the justiciary and escheator to cause these sums to be restored as aforesaid without delay, together with the issues thereof fiom the time when Agnes or others held them first after the death of the countess. Whereas Agnes, Eleanor, and Agatha are equals (pares) and porceners as regards the pleas and assizes of the county, wherefore both they and the other parceners of the county ought to have a steward, a sheriff and other ministers there in common to hold pleas and assizes of the county, the said subjects order the justiciary and escheator to cause them and their parceners of the county to have a steward, sheriff and other ministers whom the said Agnes, Roger, Eleanor, Hugh and Agatha and the other parceners shall see fit, who shall make the due and accustomed writs under a common seal in the names of all the parceners, and who may answer to the said parceners proportionally for the pleas and issues aforesaid according to the share the the parceners have, according to the decrement and increment of the said pleas, assizes and issues. Given at Westminster, by the hand of Robert Burnell, under the seal of Edward that they use at present in his absence, on 8 March, 1270 [-1]. MEMBRANE 7d. June 11. Memorandum, that the abbot of Stanleye, co. Warwick, and Henry Brond Westminster. of the same county came into chancery, and granted that inquiry shall be made by twelve men of the manor of Stanley, to be chosen by the abbot and Henry for this purpose, whether or not Henry ought to have the reasonable estover that he claims to have in the abbot's woods in Stanleye and whether his father, grandfather and great-grandfather were wont to have such estover, concerning which a plea was moved between them in the king's court. And the abbot granted for himself and his church and Henry for himself and his heirs that they would both observe the finding of the inquisition. ~*- ------ Thomas de Ardern acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Colewrth ---- 361. 13s. 4d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Surrey. Henry Trone acknowledges that he owes to Michael Pycot 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. June 15. Robert de la Sale acknowledges that he owes to William Varache 2 marks; Westminster. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. June 15. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to maintain and defend the king's Jews Westminster. of Brugges in his bailiwick, as the king lately caused his peace to be proclaimed throughout the realm, and ordered it to be observed for all, both Jews and Christians, so that the king's peace may be observed for them as the king proclaimed it, and not to exact or allow to be exacted from them u 96998. D 50 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Miembrane 7d-cont. ransoms or other extortions for the king's use or the use of others, except what is owed for the debts of the king or his father, or tallages, or for other things that ought of right to be levied from them, as the sheriff had warrant of the king or his father to levy from them. June 15. The prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, who is Westminster. going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, gave power to brother Robert de Holm to make attorneys for him in pleas until Michaelmas next and for a year from then. June 15. To Fromund le Brun. chancellor of Ireland. Order to receive the Westminster. attorney whom Walter de la Haye and William de London[ia] shall appoint in the place of William de Weylaund, one of the justices of the Bench, until Michaelmas next, and for a year afterwards, and to grant to them freely the king's writs thereupon until the end of the said term, as William de Weylaund is intending other affairs of the king in Ireland, so that he cannot be present in person at the suits moved for or against him, and the king has granted that Walter and William de London[ia], to whom William de Weylaund has granted power to appoint attorneys for him until Michaelmas, may make attorneys as aforesaid. John le Moigne, who going on a pilgrimage to Santiago by the king's licence, has granted power, with the king's assent, to brother Peter de Hatfeld, canon of Holy Trinity, London, to make attorneys for him for one year. Adam de Streche Benetleye, imprisoned at Gloucester, shall in no wise be delivered. -..- Humphrey de Bohun of Brechenou puts in his place John David and Hoel - Da in the suit before the king between him and Agnes de Vescy, Thomas de Clar[e], Agatha de Mortuo Mari, Thomas de Bohun, Eleanor, countess of Winchester, Robert Aguyllon, and William de Mohun, concerning a trespass committed on Humphrey by them. June 17. To John de Oketon. Order not to attempt anything to the prejudice of Westminster. the liberty of W. archbishop of York of his church of Beverley by reason of certain assizes in co. York that the king lately appointed him justice to take, some of which touch tenements in that liberty. [Prynne, Records, iii. 123.] June 18. Robert de Briwes, who is going on pilgrimage to Pontigny (Pontin') by Westminster. the king's licence, puts in his place William and Richard del Jardyn to prosecute his right to the custody of the manor of Taydene del Munt. To the barons and bailiffs of Winchelese. Order to cause the Jews who have recently entered that town and who dwell there to be removed thence without delay, without any damage to their bodies or goods, as according to the custom of the king's Jewry Jews ought not to dwell in any cities, boroughs or towns except those wherein they were wont to dwell of old time, and the king understands that certain Jews have entered Winchelese and dwell therein, in which town no Jew was wont to dwell in past times. [FIedera.] Enrolment of agreement between Baldwin Fillol and Margery, relict of John le Ferrun, whereby Baldwin demises at ferm to Margery all his manor of Tappingeho, co. Essex, with all its appurtenances, to hold of him and his heirs from Michaelmas, in the first year of the king's reign, until the end of twenty-one years next following, rendering yearly to the chief lords of the fee the due and accustomed services. During this time Margery shall take nothing from the wood pertaining to the manor except ' husbote' and 'heibote,' nor incur any expense in maintaining the manor, and if she do the expenses shall not be allowed to her. Baldwin also granted and swore on the gospels that if he wish to sell, pledge, or otherwise 1 EDWARD I. 51 1273. Membrane 7d-cont. alienate the manor, Margery shall be preferred to others (propinquior sit omnibus allis), provided that she be willing to give as much as others will. For this demise Margery has given to Baldwin 1001. beforehand, for which sum Baldwin avowed himself satisfied. For greater security Baldwin and Margery have caused this agreement to be enrolled ' de verbo ad verbum' in the rolls of chancery. Witnesses: Walter Hervy, then mayor of London; John Horn and Walter le Porter, then sheriffs of London; John Adrian; Richard Bonaventure, Roger Bainard, John Fillol of Ralleneden (sic); Richard de Ewell; Ralph de Cogeshale; Geoffrey de Angr[e]; John Mauduit; John de Ultingg', John Fillol of Borham; Richard, clerk of the sheriffs of London; William de Sarr', clerk. June 23. To L[lewelyn] son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Inhibition of his erecting Westminster. a castle at Abrunol near the castle of Montegomery, or a borough or town there, or a market there, ordering him to supersede entirely the repair and construction of the same, so that the king may not be compelled to apply his hand otherwise to this, as the king learns that he proposes to erect anew the said castle and to erect anew a borough or town and market. [Fcedera.] To the prior of Wenlok. Order to go in person to the said L[lewelyn], and to show to him this letter, and to make known L[lewelyn's] answer to the king, so that, the king may provide a remedy in the premises. [Ibid.] June 24. Ralph de Suff[olkia] and Laurence Hardel acknowledge in chancery that Westminster. they owe to Stephen de Eddeworth 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Middlesex and in the city of London. June 25. Peter de Nevill came into chancery and acknowledged that he had received Westminster. from William de Chaworces 101, which he will pay to William at the octaves of Michaelmas next; and he grants that if he do not, the carucate of land in Carleton Curly, whereof he has enfeoffed William and given him seisin, shall remain to him for ever. If Peter pay the money to William at the said term, the carucate of land shall revert to Peter quit of William. ---- William de Penebrugg acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Stephen - de Exonia 10s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford. Moreover, he found as pledges Adam le Clerc of Staundon and John le Clerc of Maumeshull, who acknowledged that they would pay the said 10s. if William did not; to be levied, if need be, of their lands and chattels in co. Hereford. John de Lithegreynes acknowledges that he owes to the executors of the will of Robert Waleraund 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. July 8. Walter de Basinges came into chancery and acknowledges that he owes Westminster. to Peter Caku, merchant, of St. Malo (de Sancto Milone) 461.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. In like manner William de Bocland, Philip de Bocland, Humphrey le Marescall, Walter le Tayllur, Richard le Clerc, Godard Graspeis, Walter de Malsham and Walter de Cortfoun, and John de la Vynetrie acknowledged that they would pay the said money if Walter did not. July 10. Thomas de Bray came into chancery, and acknowledges that he owes to Westminster. Walter de Helyun 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham and Bedford. July 8. The prioress of Aumbresbury came into chancery and acknowledges that Westminster. she owes to Reginald son of Peter 160 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Southampton........- The prior of Stanes acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Basinges, citizen of London, 16 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. 52 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 7d-cont. Henry de Somery acknowledges that he owes to John de (sic) Lovet 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Gilbert de Brunesle and Richard Hay acknowledge that they owe to John de Dingeleye 60s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Membrane 7d —Schedule. In cos. Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, are appointed justices: R. Fulc[onis], and W. de Saham. In cos. Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Southampton, Oxford, and Berks, are appointed justices: Master R. de Stan[es] and Master R. de Seyton. In cos. Somerset, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, and Wilts, are appointed justices: H. de Monteforti and H. de Wolaventon. In cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford, Salop, and Stafford, are appointed justices: Ralph de Hengham and Walter de Helyun. In cos. Buckingham, Bedford, Northampton, Warwick, Leicester, and Rutland, are appointed: Gilbert de Preston and William de Weyland. In the counties beyond Trent, J. de Oketon and Elias de Bekingham, and [another] shall be provided (provideatur sibi). For the gaol of Neugate, J. de Cobham and Roger de Bacheworth. MEMBRANE 6d. William le Sage acknowledges in chancery that he owes to John le - Breton 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. In like manner William de Wermynton acknowledges that the said money shall be levied of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex for John's use, if William le Sage do not pay. He has lands in co. Sussex. To the justice of Chester. Order to supersede entirely the suit between Philippa de Dutton and Robert de Standover, Thomas his brother and Thomas de Dutton in the court of Chester, and to tell Philippa on the king's behalf to come or send to the king's court, where he will cause speedy justice to be done to her, as Robert, Thomas and Thomas have shown the king that whereas they have no domicile in Cheshire (Cestresyr'), and have not offended or forfeited therein in aught by reason whereof they ought to be drawn into a plea or otherwise aggrieved, and they are prepared to stand to right in the king's court and in co. Stafford, where they have a fixed domicile, if the king or any one wish to speak against them for aught, Philippa draws them into a plea before the said justice for robberies and other trespasses that she says they committed upon her at Mere, co. Stafford, so that they may be attached by their bodies by the justice for that cause in order to aggrieve them more, and it is unjust and contrary to the custom of the realm that any one of the realm shall be compelled to answer in Cheshire for things done in other counties. July 14. Reginald de Argenteym acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Westminster. Robert de Monteforti 30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Henry de Fingrye (?) Robert's attorney. July 24. James de Aldithel[eye], son of James de Alditheleye, acknowledges in Westminster. chancery that he owes to Walter de Merton 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Salop and Stafford. Memorandum, that Walter is bound to restore to James the letter obligatory whereby James his father was bound to Walter in the sum 1 EDWARD I. 53 1273. Membrane 6d-cont. aforesaid, and if he have it not at hand, Walter grants that the letter shall be null. To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to execute the duty of his office by the usual distraints for the replevying of the beasts (averia) of the abbot of Thorneye that Hugh, bishop of Ely, Walter de Wylborham, Henry de Cotenham, Reginald son of Adam, and Roger Aboveton took and unjustly detain, as the king has frequently ordered the sheriff to cause the beasts to be replevied and to cause the abbot to be treated (deduci) justly, and the sheriff caused the order to be returned to the bailiffs of the bishop's liberty, who did nothing concerning it, as the sheriff has informed the king, wherefore the king ordered the sheriff not to omit entering the bishop's liberty, and to cause the beasts to be replevied, and he has signified to the king that he could not find or see the beasts within the liberty because they had been moved from place to place so that he might not find them. ----- Robert Springold acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Windesore 4 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. In like manner Bartholomew Springold acknowledges for Robert that the said money shall be levied from his lands, etc., in co. Middlesex if Robert do not pay it. July 25. Brother Guy de Forr[esta]', master of the military order of the Temple Westminster. in England, granted power to brother Warin, treasurer of the New Temple, London, and to brother Roger de Akeholt to make attorneys for him until All Saints next, unless he return to England in the meantime. William de Radestok, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to - Master 3onettus de Sancto Quintino, dean of Bruges, 421.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex and the city of London. William son of Reginald came before the king, on Thursday after St. James the Apostle, and sought to replevy to Robert Russell the latter's land in Stanstede, which was taken into the king's hands for Robert's default before the justices of the Bench against Margery, (laughter of William Russel. Stephen de Cheindut acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Walter de Merton 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Be it known that he made this recognisance for himself and his heirs, to wit that they shall pay this money to Walter, his executors and assigns. Aug. 3. William le Mercer of Northampton acknowledges that he owes to Westminster. Edmund de Beyvill 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. For this recognisance Edmund remitted to William what belonged to him of the marriage of Isolda, late the wife of Robert de Exemuth, tenant in chief of Henry II, and William's wife, which marriage the late king granted to Edmund by his letters patent, which Edmund has restored to William. Afterwards Edmund came and acknowledged that he had receivedfrom William 1OOs. for one of the term of payment. MEMBRANE 5d. ----- Thomas de Stagno acknowledges in chancery that he owes to John de la Cliche, parson of Berniligham church, 32 maiks for the fruits of John's church for the present autumn; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. lMembrane 5d-cont. Aug. 7. Nicholas de Kirkham came before the king, on Tuesday before St. St. Martin's-le- Lawrence, and sought to replevy to Thomas Pipard, the latter's land in Grand, London. Langedon, Northbovy, Laverokeber[y], Swindon, Wingrave, and Hintlesham, which was taken into the king's hands for Thomas's default before the justices of the Bench against Margaret, late the wife of Edmund Pipard. Aug. 12. Simon de Thorp, clerk of Sir Alexander de Balliol[o], acknowledges in St. Martin's-le. chancery that he owes to Queen Eleanor 101.; to be levied, in default of Grand, London. payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Aug. 15. John de Herugg came before the king, on Thursday after the AssumpSt. Martin's-le- tion, and sought to replevy his land in Colelegh and Hupewill, and to Grand, London, Nicholas de Kycecote and to Robert Cole their land in Kicecote, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the county [court] of Devon before the sheriff against Joan, late the wife of Robert le Cornu. Enrolment of agreement made on the eve of the Assumption, in the first year of the king's reign, between Walter, archbishop ot York, and John son of Ralph de Picheford, witnessing that whereas the archbishop delivered to John at the said term 200 marks for his manor of Picheford, which John gave to the archbishop, the archbishop grants that if John pay to him 200 marks at Michaelmas next at the New Temple, London, the manor shall revert to John, and that if John do not pay the sum then, the archbishop shall give to John, for the remainder of the extent of 200 marks, the sum of 100 marks for each 10 marks of land yearly, 20 marks of land yearly being allowed to the archbishop in the extent of the manor for the said 200 marks that John first received. The fruits of the present autumn shall remain to John, to be collected by the hands of William de Hamelton, clerk, and to be reserved for John's use, and to be restored to him. If John pay the said 200 marks to the archbishop at the aforesaid term, then the charter of enfeoffment shall be restored to him. Enrolment of acknowledgment of receipt by Thomas de la Dune from Sir Walter de Merton of 80 marks, in which Walter was bound to him for the marriage of Edith, Thomas's wife, Walter's niece. Dated at London, in the presence of John de Kirkeby, Thomas de Wyndes[ore], Walter de Odyham, William de Hanyton, and Hugh de Gernemuth[a], on Monday before St. Bartholomew, 1 Edward I. Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery, on the same day, and acknowledged that he had received the said 80 marks from Walter. Bartholomew le Especer of London acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Eddeworth 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Grant to Walter de Fedesham, who is going to Ireland by the king's license, that John de Rugham shall be admitted as his attorney in all pleas, and that John may make attorneys when necessary in his place, until Whitsuntide next. Sept. 3. Geoffrey Costentyn came before the king, on Sunday after St. Giles, St. Martin's-le- and sought to replevy to Robert le Warner his land in Geldeston, which Grand, London. was taken into the king's hands for Robert's default before the justices of the Bench against Roger de Thweyt. Sept. 3. To the sheriff of Worcester. John de Breuse has shown the king that St. Martin's-le- whereas Roger dc Clifford lately arramed by the late king's writ an assize Grand, London. of novel disseisin before Robert Waleraund, the justice appointed for this purpose, against John concerning a tenement in Glabiry, and on the day prefixed by Robert it was alleged by John before the taking of the assize that the tenement was situated in the Welchery (Walecheria), and not within the said county, wherefore such an assize ought not, according to 1 EDWARD I. 55 1273. Membrane 5d-cont. the custom of the realm, to be taken concerning the tenement, and that Robert wishing to be informed thereof by the assize, although such exception could not terminate the assize, proceeded to take the assize at the assertion of the jurors of the assize before any other discussion thereof had been taken, and adjudged the tenement and 801. for damages to Roger by the recognition of the assize; as an assize ought not lawfully to be taken in such case until it be ascertained by reasonable boundaries and perambulations made there or by other means whether the tenement was situated within that county or in the Welchery (Wralecheria), the king orders the sheriff to respite until Martinmas next the distraint upon John for the aforesaid 801. in order that fuller certainty concerning the premises made be had in the meantime. Philip Diicwyn came before the king, on Thursday the eve of the Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy to himself and Mariota his wife their land in HIoneworth, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Geoffrey Hymune. Sept. 11. Hugh de Bromeleye and Adam de Bronel[eyel came before the king, Cuddington. on Monday after the Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy their land in Hughesdon, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against William Quenild and Agnes his wife, and John Quenild a ad Amice his wife. - Henry Dumblaunk and Isabella Dumblaunk came before the king, on ---- Wednesday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy their land in Beversbrok, which was taken into the king's hands for their default against William Dumblaund (sic). MEMBRANE 3d. Sept. 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Ralph Pipard St. Martin%, has shown the king that whereas he is indebted to the king at that London. exchequer in divers debts both for the debts of Stephen de Hereford, brother of Alda Pipard, his grandmother, whose heir he is, of the security (plegiagio) of Geoffrey de Mariscis, and for his own goods, and that James de Aldithel[eye], late justiciary in Ireland, took up to the sum of 50 or 60 marks from the goods of Ralph's men in Ireland for the expedition of the king's affairs in those parts, for which money Ralph satisfied the said men, wherefore he has besought that allowance may be made to him for that sum in the said debts; the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons, if they find that James took the goods of the men to the said sum and not for the use of any one but the king, and that the goods were afterwards used in the expedition of the king's affairs, and not otherwise, and that the men applied (ceperint se) to Ralph for the money, and that they acquitted the king thereof, to cause the said 50 or 60 marks to be allowed to Ralph in the said debts, and to cause him to have full acquittance thereof. William de Thorp came before the king, on Saturday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy the land of John le Meire, which was taken into the king's hands for John's default in the king's court against Agnes, late the wife of John Ryde. Memorandum, that Thomas de Clare came into chancery, on Tuesday after Michaelmas, and released to Humphrey de Bohun the part falling to him of the custody of the lands that belonged to John de Turbervill in Ber'.. --- —-- Memorandum, that the son of Alan de Etton came before the king at Westminster, on Monday the feast of St. Denis, and sought to replevy his land in Etton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Beatrice, late the wife of Robert de Etton. 56 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 3d-cont. Simon Pertesul acknowledges in chancery that he owes to James le Chaumberleng 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. Memorandum, that the king granted to the elect of Kilfenora (Fynaboren') that the temporalities of the bishopric shall be restored to him if he be confirmed, so that his envoy, whom he shall send into England for this purpose with power to take the elect's oath of fealty, shall receive the letters of the elect for the restitution of the temporalities, and shall carry them to him. [Prynne, Records, iii. 129.] Thomas de Clare, who is going to parts beyond the sea, has given power to Nicholas Syfrowast to make attorneys for him in all pleas until St. Hilary next. Hugh de Turbervill is ordered to be before the king, or his subjects supplying his place in England, on the morrow of Martinmas to answer to the king concerning the contempt and trespass committed by him in sending his men and serjeants of Wales in aid to tile castle of Humphrey de [Bohun at] Brikennou and to the adjoining lands to besiege that castle and to waste lands, etc. The like to Reginald son of Peter. Oct. 10, Walter de Kanc[ia] attorney of the queen, came into chancery, and Westminster. acknowledged that he had received from John le Despenser 551. for Michaelmas term last, for the fine that John made with the queen for the ransom of certain of his lands in co. Worcester. Thomas de Flaundene acknowledges that he owes to John de la More 22s.; - -- to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Robert de Somervill acknowledges that he owes to the executors of the will of Thomas de Windesor[e] 12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment. of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. William Burgeys came before the king, on Wednesday before St. Edward, and sought to replevy his land in Aldestowe, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against John Reneward and others. Simon de Grindham came before the king, on Saturday the morrow of the Translation of St. Edward, and sought to replevy his land in Henhangre, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Joan, late the wife of Richard son of Bernard. The prior of Lewes, who is going to parts beyond sea, has given power to Master Robert de Foleburn and to Master Salvus de Bonon[ia] to make attorneys for him until the quinzaine of Easter next. By R. de Mortuo Mari, by R. Burnel and by brother Joseph. Richard de la Vache acknowledges that he owes to Isabella de Albiniaco, countess of Arundel, 300 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. And for this he found the following pledges, to wit Philip Durdent and Ralph Buzun of co. Buckingham, William son of William de Say of co. Essex, Alexander de Kirketon of co. Lincoln, John Renelmy of co. Buckingham, and Ralph de Rademeld of co. Sussex, who likewise constituted themselves principal debtors, and granted that if Richard do not pay, the money shall be levied of their lauds and chattels in the said counties, to wit from the lands of each 50 marks. The prior of Priterwell, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has given power to Adam de Stratton and Roger de Botlingham to make attorneys for him in all pleas until the Purification next. 1 EDWARD I. 57 1273. Jlembrane 3d —cont. Memorandutm, that Matilda, wife of Henry le Erdinton, daughtler jf Reginald de Sornery, and co-heiress of Nicholaa. daughter and co-heiress of Hugh de Albiniaco, late earl of Arundel, granted that Henry may sue for her portion of the inheritance that belonged to Nicholaa, and that he may receive the portion in her name. Memorandum, that Margaret, wife of Ralph de C[r]umbewell, daughter and co-heiress of Nicholaa, late the wife of Roger Somery, daughter and co-heiress of Hugh de Albiniaco, earl of Arundel, came into chancery, and put her husband and Ralph de Ternehale in her place to receive her purparty of the inheritance of Nicholaa. The prior of Shuldeham acknowledges that he owes to Humphrey de Bohun, earl cf Hereford, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. MEMBRANE 2d. Mlemorandum, that Hugh de Weston, who is going to the Roman court by the king's licence, has given power to Adam de Sancto Georgio to make attorneys for him in all pleas until Michaelmas next. To L[lewelyn] son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Order to deliver 2,000 marks to Poncius de Mora, the king's merchant, and 3,000 marks to Reginald de Grey, the king's justiciary, without delay, according to the tenor of previous orders of the king and his father, and not to omit in anywise to do this, so that it may not be said or imputed to Llewelyn that he does not observe the peace made between him and the late king, as the late king as well as the present king frequently ordered him to make the said payments, in which he was bound to the late king by the form of the peace, and he has not hitherto paid the money, pretending that he has caused a tribute to be assessed on all his lands in order to pay this money to the king, which excuse the king considers null, especially as the money ought to be paid on fixed days and in fixed places without delay according to the form of the peace. July 30. To all to whom, etc. Notification that the abbot of Bec Hellouin has, Paris. in the king's presence, appointed Robert de Claro Becco his attorney in all pleas, and that the king has granted, at the abbot's instance, that Robert may make attorneys in the abbot's name before the king if the abbot cannot be present in person. Witnessed by the king. Memorandum, that Robert, who cannot intend to executing the premises because of his speedy return to parts beyond sea, has given power to brother Richard de Frenanvill, prior of Okeburn, and to brother William d(c Sancto Patrono to make other attorneys in his place according to the forn of the preceding letter. Mlemorandum, that the king has granted to brother Guy, master of the order of the Temple in England, who is going to Scotland, by the king's licence, that brother Roger de Acolt and brother Warin (Garinus), treasurer of the New Temple, London, shall be his attorneys in all pleas and that they may make other attorneys in their place until Easter next, unless the master return to England in the meantime. Oct. 3. John de Stavelley acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Philip le Westminster. Bret, citizen of London, 23s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. ---- The abbot of Byleye acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de - Lindes[eia] 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. 58 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 2d-cont. Ralph son of Henry de Ingeworth acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Evesham 30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. And he found the following pledges, to wit John de Lose and Hamund de la Grene, who constituted themselves principal debtors. Laurence de Sancto Michaele acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Saunford 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey. Enrolment of letters of Henry [III.] to Master Roger and his fellows, justices lately in eyre in co. Sussex. Whereas William de Brewes impleaded before them in their eyre, by the king's writ of escheat, John ]e Sauvage concerning the manor of Segwyk, and it was agreed between the parties that the manor should be extended, and that a reasonable exchange for the lands of William, according to that extent, should be assigned to John by William, and that the manor of Segwyk should remain to William after such exchange had been made, which covenant is enrolled before the justices, and the justices stay the plea because the parties cannot agree concerning the exchange or extent: as the covenant was made concerning an uncertain thing, the king wills that justice shall be exhibited to the parties, or that the covenant shall be put into execution if the parties will consent to a certain form, and he therefore orders the justices to call the parties before them, and to induce them by means that they see fit to observe and execute the said agreement, if they will consent to a certain form, and if they will not, to proceed in the suit and to exhibit justice to the parties, so that renewed claim shall not reach the king herein through their default. Dated at Wyndes[ore], 19 June, in the 56th year of the reign. This writ under the late king's seal was delivered to Sir Martin de Littlebir[y] and his fellows, [justices] to [hold] the king's pleas, on the eve of St. Andrew, concerning the suit, which was re-summoned between the parties. Memorandum, that Jor[d]an de Sakevill held the manor of Amyngton, co. Oxford, of the king in chief by knight service, whereby the custody of Jordan's other fees pertains to the king. MEMBRANE ld. July 28. The king to all persons inspecting these letters, greeting. Notification Paris. that the abbot of Caen has, in the king's presence, appointed Thomas Godriz, Moses de Fronton, Laurence de Brideton, and Peter called 'Faucon,' his attorneys in all pleas, and that the king at the abbot's instance, has granted that the said attorneys may appoint attorneys in their place before the king, if the abbot cannot be present in person, for the period of three years. Walter de Furneus acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Ciferwast 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. Roger la Ware acknowledges that he is bound to John la Ware, his father, in 1001. for the stock and crop of the manor of Wikeware, which he has of his father's gift, which sum Roger will pay to John or his executors within six months from the time when he shall be required to pay it by them; to be levied of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester, 59 2 EDWARD I. 1273. MEMBRANE 14. Nov. 22. To Master Richard de Clyfford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause Hugh Poynz, eldest son of Nicholas Poynz, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the manor of Tokinton, co. Gloucester, and of a moiety of the manor of Dullingham, co. Cambridge, together with the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Nicholas, long Iefore his death, enfeoffed Hugh of the said manor and moiety, and that Hugh was in full and peaceful seisin thereof in his father's lifetime and afterwards, until he was ejected by the escheator and his ministers. William son of Hugh le Pestur of Wytechirche, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Thomas Spademan, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. Master Alan de Hallegh, William Piletrowe, Katherine la Baesse, William Bosse, and William Dykun, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Robert Malesoures, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. Nov. 23. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to put Westmineter. Ralph le Usser, the bearer of these presents, in some place in the king's service where lie may stay most conveniently for the king's use, until the king's arrival in England, or until the king shall cause other ordinance concerning his estate to be made, and to pay to him 71d. day for his expenses in the meantime, as the king believes that Ralph's service may be necessary to him. To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Agnes, late the wife of Nicholas le Seculer, tenant in chief, as she has taken oath upon the gospels before those who supply the king's place that she will not marry without the king's licence. To Walter de Kancia, keeper of the manor of Ryngewode. Order to deliver the manor, with all the things contained therein and with the issues thereof, to N. bishop of Winchester, to hold in the king's name until MidLent next, on condition that he then restore the manor with the issues thereof to the king unless the king shall otherwise ordain. The keeper is ordered to certify the king concerning the things in the manor and the issues thereof that he shall deliver in execution of this order. To Master Henry de Bray, constable of Bergeveny castle. Order to restore without delay all the goods and chattels that belonged to George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, and all the issues received from the lands that belonged to George until the day of his death to the executors of his will, to make execution of his will therewith. To John de Reygate, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Joan late the wife of Robert de Sutton, tenant in chief, 151. from the lands that belonged to Robert, which the king has granted to her to hold in tenancy until her dower be assigned to her from the lands. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Nicholaa, late the wife of Robert de Thatteshale, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the manors of Thibenham, Bredon, and Candelby, which belonged to Robert, and which the king has granted to her to hold in tenancy until dower be assigned to her from the lands that belonged to Robert. 60 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 14 —cont. ---- - Sewall son of Gilbert, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of William son of Reginald, wherewith he is charged, has letters to bail him. Nov. 25. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to deliver to Roger de Burghull, Westminster. Roger Pykard of Staundon, Walter de Avenebyr[y], and William de Furches, late taxors and collectors of the twentieth in that county, 201., to wit 100s. each, for their expenses about the taxation and collection of the said twentieth unless they have previously received these expenses by another writ. Nov. 24. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Whereas Westminster. the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Eufemia, wife of Walter de Burgo, and Margery, wife of Geoffrey de Funteynes, and Alice, wife of Walter de Billingeye, are daughters and next heirs of Walter de Evermlth, tenant in chief, and are of fill age, and that the lands that Alice, late the wife of the said Walter, held in dower of her husband's gift in Runham, which the escheator took into the king's hands at her death, ought to pertain by right of inheritance to Eufemia, Margery and Alice; and the king has taken the fealty of Walter, Geoffrey and Walter, their husbands, and has rendered the said lands to them and their wives upon condition that Walter, Geoffrey and Walter shall come before him on his arrival in England to do homage to him therefor, and partition has been made of the said lands by the consent and wish of Walter and Eufemia, Geoffrey and Margery, Walter and Alice before the king's subjects supplying his place in England, in this manner, to wit that Walter and Eufemia shall have as Eufemia's purparty 14 acres of arable land and 5~d. of several pasture and 10d. of the rent of the freemen, and 7s. 2d. of the rent of the customary tenants (custumar'), and 2s. 61d. for autumn works, and 20d. of the ploughing (arrura), and 3d. of the hoeing (serclacione), and 6d. of the rent of hens. and 12~d. of the rent called ' hundrescot,' and 6s. 8d. of the rent of the saltmakers, and 41d of the toll; and that Geoffrey and Margery shall have as Margery's purparty 14 acres of arable land, and 5~d. of several pasture, [etc. as in preceding assignment], and that Walter and Alice shall have as Alice's purparty 14 acres of arable land and 5~d. of several pasture [etc. as above]: the king therefore orders the escheator to receive security from Walter and Eufemia, Geoffrey and Margery, Walter and Alice for payment of their reliefs, and to cause them to have seisin of the said lands according to the above partition. By the hand of W. de Merton. To the same. Order to deliver to Roger de Langeford the custody of a carucate of land in Tuderleye, which he held of the king in chief by serjeanty, to hold by the permission of the king's subjects supplying his place in England until the king's return from'parts beyond sea, on condition that what the king shall order by his council shall then be done, and that Roger shall not make any waste or destruction of the houses, gardens or other appurtenances of the land in the meantime, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Roger granted the carucate to Walter de Langeford, his son, to hold of him for Roger's life, rendering to Roger therefor 61. yearly. The king makes this order, because he compassionates Roger's poverty, although this alienation was made without the late king's licence, and although many assert that the wardship of the land ought to pertain to the king by reason of Walter's death, his heir being a minor. [Ryley, Placita, p. 43.] Gilbert Conrey of Kedinton and Hugh le Tailur of Kedinton, imprisoned ---- at St. Edmunds for the death of Edmund Bunting, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. John de Denham, imprisoned at Walyngford for the death of Robert Beupe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail him. 2 EDWARD I. 61 1273. M2embrane 14-cont. Richard de Refham and John Launce, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Philip de Akeford and of Ralph Sad, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Nov. 29. To Geoffrey de Genevill, justiciary of Ireland. Order to deliver to David Westminster. de Offynton the lands in Ireland that belonged to George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, together with a wardship of George's fee that lately fell in, as the king is sending David to have the custody of the lands and wardship during pleasure, so that he may answer to the king for the issues thereof. Thejusticiary is ordered to commit to David the expedition of other affairs of the king in those parts in which he may be necessary to the king, as the justiciary shall see fit, and to pay to him 40 marks for his expenses for this year. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Nichoiaa, late the wife of Robert de Tatteshale, tenant in chief, the manor of Thopecroft, extended at 301. 9s. 23d.; the manor of Bredon, extended at 281. 16s. lifd.; the manor of Candelby, extended at 231.; and the manor of Mauteby, extended at 81. 16s. 01d., which the king has assigned to her as dower from the lanls that belonged to Robert. To Stephen de Pencestr[ia], constable of Dover castle. Order to restore to William de la Greston, clerk, his lands, which Stephen, when he was sheriff of Kent, took into the king's hands by reason of William's arrest and imprisonment in the late king's prison at Canterbury for divers crimes wherewith he was charged, until he was delivered as a clerk, by reason of the ecclesiastical liberty, to the official of B. then archbishop of Canterbury, the archbishop being in parts beyond sea, as the said clerk has purged his innocence before the official. Dec. 5. To the bailiffs of Dunwich. Order to deliver to Edmund de Caldecotes, Westminster. keeper of that town, one mark weekly from the issues and amercements in the town, from Whitsuntide last to Christmas next, towards his expenses in keeping the town. Dec. 7. Peter de Whitefeld, John Page, Geoffrey Kempe, and Adam le St. Martin's-le- Arblaster, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Thomas son of John de Grand, London. Lpdnes, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Gilbert le Warenner of Caveham, William de Smalthorn, and Richard de la Tuneshend, imprisoned at St. Edmunds for the death of Clement de Lowiseshall, wherewith they are charged) have letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail them. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of St. Bartholomew's, London, to be acquitted of 40s. in which he was amerced by reason of the common summons of the eyre of the justices last in eyre in co. Essex, as it appears by inspection of the rolls of the late king's chancery that the prior had quittance of the common summons of that eyre. Dec. 6. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's-le- cause John Daniel and Cicely his wife, sister and co-heiress of Nicholas le Grand, London. Seculer, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the lands specified below, upon John's finding security for rendering his relief to the king, as according to the partition made in the king's court of the lands that belonged to Nicholas, the king assigned to Cicely 5 acres of arable land in Wistanton, extended at 20d. yearly, and 2 marks of yearly rent in the town of Hereford, and a fifth of a pound of pepper in that town, and in the field of Sutton 47 acres of arable land, worth 15s. 8d. yearly, price of an acre 4d., and 151 acres of meadow, worth 18s. ld. yearly, price of an acre 62 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Mlembrane 14-cont. 14d., and 4 acres of pasture, worth 4s. yearly, and 16s. of yearly rent of Nicholas le Seculer, brother of the said Nicholas, and 18d. of yearly rent of Richard de Sancto Egidio. And the king has taken John's fealty for the lands, on condition that he come before the king on the king's arrival in England to do homage to him therefor. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. John de Brully, Robert de Brully, Henry de Brully, Simon son of Robert de Brully, William, brother of the said Simon, John de Brully of Aston, Robert Persun of Kinewarton, Reginald his brother, Richard le Garzun of Aston, Robert Aswy, Ranulph del Chaste], Peter de Hauvill, William le Forester, Robert son of Rose, William de Kirkeby, Simon le Garsun, Simon Ballard, John Samuel, William le Serjaunt, Henry de Wolwardington, Roger Craddoc, Ralph Beverage, William his brother, Henry de Alencestr[ia], Geoffrey son of Roger le Charpenter, Richard de Hokeley, Alexander Kareles, William de Lachelade, John Hume ' le mestre', Roger Bulloc, Robert Wride, John his son, Thomas Aboveton, Adam Wilm, and William de Twyford, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of William Sobbere, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail them. To Roger de Langeford. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of Walter, his son, a third of a carucate of land in Tuderleye, as the king lately granted that carucate to him to hold until the king's return to England [at page 60 above], and Joan, who has no goods whence she may be maintained, lately came to the king's court and demanded her dower from that carucate; and the king's subjects supplying his place in England granted to her a third part thereof, to hold for her maintenance and for that of her children until the king's return to England. If Roger do not deliver the said third to her, the king will cause it to be assigned to her according to the extent. Dec. 9. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release from prison John St. Martin's-le- de Denham, who is imprisoned in Neugate for the death of Robert Beupe, Grand, London. slain at Biflete, in co. Surrey, as John atte Sonde, Alexander Lad, Richard le Prestur of Waybrugg, William atte More, William Attehache, William de Erlich, Robert West of Biflete, Hugh le Glide, Peter de Wintredeshull, Adam le Coupere, William Barat, and Adam son of Hugh le Cupere of co. Surrey have mainperned before the sheriff of that county to have John before the justices at the first assize in those parts, to stand to right if any one will speak against him in this behalf, as the sheriff has informed the king. Membrane 14-Schedule 1. Persons to be written to for the king. The abbot of St. Augustine's, Bristol, receiver of the tallage there. The abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester, receiver of co. Gloucester. The prior of Okeburn, receiver of Marleberge. The abbess of Wylton, receiver of Wilton. The abbot of la Hyde, receiver of Winchester. The abbot of Oseneye, receiver of Oxford. The prior of St. Andrew's, Northampton, receiver of the same. The prior of Keneylworth, receiver of Warwyk. The prior of Newenham, receiver of Bedeford. The prior of Worcester, receiver of the same. The master of Dinemor, receiver of Hereford. The abbot of St. Mary's, York, receiver of York. The prior of the order of St. Gilbert, Lincoln, receiver there. 2 EDWARD I. 63 1273. Membrane 14-Schedule 1-cont. The prior of St. Leonard's, Stanford, receiver there. The prior of Lenton, receiver of Notingham. The prior of Norwich, receiver there. The prior of Colne, receiver of Subbyr[y]. The abbot of St. John's, receiver of Colchester. The prior of Bernewell, receiver of Cambridge. The treasurer of the Temple, London, receiver of the tallage of London. The abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, receiver of the tallage in the same. The prior of St. Nicholas, Exeter, receiver of the tallage of Exeter. [Endorsed:] Writs to be directedfor the king.* To the sheriff and to the mayor of Exeter. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Gloucester. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Wylton. To the mayor of Bristol. To the mayor of Marleberg. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Winchester. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Oxford. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Northampton. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Warewyk. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Bedford. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Worcester. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Hereford. To the sheriff and to the mayor of York. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Lincoln. To the sheriff, the constable and bailiffs of Stanford. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Nottingham. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Norwich. To the sheriff and to the bailiffs of Subbyr[y]. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Colchester. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Cambridge. To the sheriffs and to the mayor of London. To the sheriff and to the mayor of Canterbury. Membrane 14-Schedule 2. Nov. 28. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Whereas the Westminster. king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Eufemia, wife of Walter de Burgo, Margery, wife of Geoffrey de Funteynes, and Alice, wife of Walter de Billengeye, are daughters and next heirs of Walter de Evermith, tenant in chief, and are of full age, and that the lands that Alice, late the wife of the said Walter [de Evermith], held in dower in Kneye, Stretton and Kestesby, which the escheator took into the king's hands at her death, pertain by right of inheritance to Eufemia, Margery and Alice, and the king has taken the fealty of Walter, Geoffrey and Walter, husbands of Eufemia, Margery and Alice, and has rendered these lands to them and their wives, upon condition that Walter, Geoffrey and Walter come before the king on his arrival in England to do homage to him therefor; and with the assent and will of the said Walter and Eufemia, Geoffrey and Margery, Walter and Alice, partition is made between them of the said lands before the king's subjects supplying his place in England, in this manner, to wit * In the following cases the sheriffs of the counties in which the boroughs lie are intended. 65 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 14-Schedule 2-cont. that Walter and Eufemia shall have as Eufemia's purparty a messuage, 10 acres of arable land, and 10 acres of meadow; and that Geoffrey and Margery, Walter and Alice shall have the like as the purparties of Margery and Alice respectively: the king therefore orders the escheator to cause the said Walter and Eufemia, Geoffrey and Margery, Walter and Alice to have seisin of the lands according to that partition. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. MEMBRANE 13. Dec. 18. Robert son of Thomas de Arreston, Geoffrey Walenger, Henry le St. Martin's-le- Taillur, John son of Robert de Coventon, William Fulput, and Albinus Grand, London. le River, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of John son of Alan de Pokebroke, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. Hamo Burd, bastard, William son of Hamo Burd, Richard de Cudesford, and William de Patesleye, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of William de Patesleye, whereof they arc appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk (No[r]wic') to bail them. Dec. 28. To the bailiff of the king's manor of Banstede. Order to perform fully Cuddington. and without delay the matter that Robert Burnell lately enjoined upon him concerning the restoration to William de Appelderefeud of his goods and chattels in that bailiwick, the king having committed to Robert the execution of the matter pending (vertitur) between the king and John de Burgo, the elder, concerning John's lands. William son of Robert Poygnaunt, imprisoned at Arundel for the death of an unknown man, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail him. Wu[l]winus de Boycot, Geoffrey de Wikenn', and Hugh de Stowe, imprisoned at Aylesbir[yl for trespass of venison, have a writ to R. de Clifford, justice of the Forest, to bail them until the coming of the justices for pleas of the Forest in those parts. 1274. Jan. 28. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause Elizabeth, late the wife of Richard de Cyfrowaste of Clifware, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the lands, etc. specified below, which the king has assigned to her as dower of the lands that belonged to her husband, according to the partition thereof made by the escheator, to wit a great chamber with a little stable and a little garden on the west side, and with a third of a fishery, dovecote and wood on the south side, as certain bounds show, and a third of the rent of assize of the free tenants, to wit 17s. 4d.; 2s. from Ralph de Purle; 2s. from Margaret de Cyferwast; 6s. Sd. from Richard le Tayllur; 12d. from Henry de Coningeston; 3s. 6d. from John le Despenser; 18d. from Adam Freman; 12d. from William Blaunkgerun; 12d. from Robert le Carpenter; 13d. from William de Lyford; 12d. from Matthew de Charmel; 2d. from Richard Buns; a third of a pound of pepper from Wyganus de Cyferwast; a third of the rent of assize of the customary tenants (custumariorum), to wit 4s. 6d. from Nicholas Edrich; 4s. 6d. from William Ilger; 4s. from Walter de Stichele; 3s. 10d. from Christiana del Temple; 4s. from Ranulph le Provost; 2s. 4d. from Robert le Glide; 12d. from Gilbert le Mouner, 214d. from Thomas Bayllard; 141d. from John de Stichele; 14d. from Juliana Herte; 213d. from John Wodeyak; four hens or 4d. from Churgetta; and a third of the rent of assise of the free tenants of Windes[ore], to wit 3s. 2d. from Philip le Ferrurr, 8d. from Hugh de Porta, 16d. from Gilbert Gofeire, 20d. from Cutellus, 2s. from William Catel, 6d. from Robert de Eildaker, 6d. from William le Parker, 18s. from Ralph 2 EDWARD I. 65 1274. Membrane 18-cont. Serle; and a third of the arable land in the field of Gosewelde, containing 211 acres divided by lot, and a third of 17 acres in the field of Opefeld, and a third of an acre divided by lot, a third of 12 acres of meadow, a third of an acre divided by lot, a third of 3 acres of pasture, and a third of an acre. To Edmund de Caldecote, keeper of the town of Dunwich. Order to release William de Suthwalde, whom he lately took by the king's order for certain trespasses wherewith he is charged before Thomas de Clare, and whom he detains in Oreford castle, on bail upon his finding twelve lawful men who shall mainpern to have him before the king at his order, ol before the king's subjects deputed for this purpose, to stand to right in the king's court concerning the trespasses. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Margaret, late the wife of Ralph de Ludinton, tenant in chief, a third of a chief messuage, curtilage, fishery, several pasture and mill, and a virgate and a half of land, and a third of half a virgate of land in Ludinton, and 75s. 3d. of the rent of the free men and customary tenants, in Wilmundecot, Ludinton and Drayton, which the king has assigned to her as dower of her husband's lands. To the same. Order to deliver to Alice, late the wife of Gilbert de Preston, the manors of Bylling, Wotton, Sumewardeby and Botheby, which belonged to Gilbert, together with the wood of Arnho, saving to Gilbert's heir two parts of the chace and of the common of pasture, which he ought to have in the forest of Salcey (Salceto') by reason of the said wood, which manors and wood the king has assigned to Alice as her dower of her husband's lands. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England all debts of the Jewry touching William de Appledrefeld. Jan. 30. To John de Estwod, keeper of the bishopric of London. Order to cause all Westminster. the arable lands pertaining to the bishopric to be cultivated and sown from the issues of the bishopric, except those that the executors of the late bishop are bound to cultivate and sow, as has hitherto been usually done during voidance by the executors of the bishops of London. To the bailiffs of Dunwich. Order to deliver to Edmund de Caldecote, keeper of the town of Dunwich, one mark weekly from Whitsuntide last until the Purification following, for his expenscs about the said custody. Jan. 30. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver to Nicholas de Audithei[eye], clerk, the castles and lands that belong to James son of James de Audithel[eye], tenant in chief, the seisin whereof the escheator lately took for the king's use, as the king has committed the custody thereof to Nicholas during pleasure. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Whittelwode to be elected in place of William de Braundeston, deceased. ------- To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to --- deliver to William Lovel certain land in Weledon, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William lately enfeoffed John Lovel his son of the said land, to hold to himself and the heirs of his body, with reversion to William and his heirs, and that John died without an heir of his body, and that the land ought to revert to William, and that the escheator took it into the king's hands solely by reason of John's death. u 96998. E 66 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 13-cont. To the same. Order to cause Joan, late the wife of William de Langedon, to have seisin of a third of a messuage, 63 acres of arable land, 11 acres and a rood of meadow, 21 acres and a rood of pasture in Langedon, and 6s. lid. of rent, and the service and works of Walter Seman, which the king has assigned to her as dower of her husband's lands. Feb. 5. To the same. Order to assign to Amabil[ia], late the wife of Roger de Westminster. Somery, tenant in chief, 151. yearly of land in the manor of Seggesl[eye], which belonged to Roger, in full satisfaction of her dower. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to deliver from prison Richard Asshewy, Adam le Taverner, Ivo le Lyngedraper, John de Cumb, William de Bixhill and John de Coventr[ia], whom the mayor and sheriffs detain in Neugate for certain trespasses charged upon them, and to restore to them all their goods and chattels arrested for this cause, if they will swear on the gospels before the mayor and sheriffs that they will not stay any longer in the city, nor return thither without the licence of the king and of the citizens. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign all the issues of the manor of Wikes, which belonged to Roger de Wikes, deceased, who held in chief by knight service of the custody of the land and heir of Roger de Tony, [who] is in the custody of Richard de Brus, to one or two of the tenants of that manor, who shall answer to Richard de Brus, therefor, until the manor be restored to the right heirs of Roger de Wik[es]. To the constable of the Tower of London. Order to deliver John de Louthorp, Nicholas Harpin, William de Burgo and John de Corwen, charged with and arrested for contention and discord lately arisen in the university of Oxford between the scholars of the university, and for divers homicides and trespasses, who were delivered to the constable by Roger de Mortuo Mari, to Master William de Middelton, official of Canterbury, or to the dean of Arches, London, in place of the said official, to have them before the king or those whom he shall appoint for this purpose to stand to right where and when they ought. Membrane 13-Schedule. Jan. 16. To W. archdeacon of Rochester. Whereas, as the king learns, Andrew - -- de London[ia], monk of Winchester, asserting that he has a right in the priory of Winchester, draws Valentine, prior of that place, in a cause before the archdeacon by the apostolic authority, and the king considers that Andrew was suspected to him and his father in the time of the disturbance in the realm, opposing them by his endeavours, and esteems him useless for all promotion (prelatura) in the realm and unfaithful to him; the king therefore requests the archdeacon not to hasten in this cause to an issue or sentence suspect or prejudicial to the king, especially as in the time of the king and his predecessors no persons, where there was cause of suspicion and hatred, ought or were wont to be admitted to promotion in the kingdom. MEMBRANE 12. Feb. 8. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to deliver John de Louthorp, Nicholas Westminster. Harpin, Gilbert Heris, Robert de Menill, William de Burgo, John de Corwenn, rThomas Brun, Roald de Clesby, Gilbert de Calewy, Hugh de Watlekes, Alan his brother, Peter Harpyn, John de Norham, Laurence Brade, Richard de Okeham, Roger de Freston, Geoffrey de Meddelham, Master William de Durley, Robert le Fauconer, John Harpin, John Stalpin, Robert de Bekyngham, Alan his brother, Andrew de Lyn, Thomas Oliver, Robert de Cokeburn, Adam de Berewik, Hugh de Clastlun, John 2 EDWARD I. 67 1274. Membrane 12-cont. de Hertclyve, Hugh de Dunecastr[ia], Patrick de Haverinton, William Bussy, William de Cleping, Roger le Fleg', William le Comyn, Peter de Harington, Walter le Keu, William de Burmingham, Hubert de Hayod, Thomas Rouland, Thomas de Sancto Davide, Philip de Langeporte of Ireland, Peter de Radenour, Stephen Waspayl, and Serlo de Sutton of Ireland, arrested by reason of contention and discord in the university of Oxford between the scholars thereof, and charged with divers homicides and trespasses, and delivered to the sheriff by -- -, to Master William de Middelton, official of Canterbury, or to Master Thomas de Cantilupo, precentor of York, in lieu of him, to have them before the king or those assigned by him for this purpose when and where they ought to stand to right concerning this. Master Thomas de Biriaund, Peter de Lek, Master Nicholas de Marnham, Adam de Levinton and William his nephew have like letters to the same sheriff. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of Robert Waleraund, tenant in chief, the manors of Tatlynton and Edmundescote, co. Worcester, Frompton and a carucate of land in Wike, co. Gloucester, Lavynton and Jatesbur[y], Winterburn, and 5 marks of rent yearly in Fischereston, co. Wilts, Podinton, co. Devon, Weston, co. Hertford, and 81. of rent in Glemesfbrd, co. Suffolk, which are extended to 99/. 12s. 11d., which the king has assigned to her to hold in dower in part satisfaction of 112/. 3s. Od. of land that she claimed in dower before the justices at Westminster against Alan de Plogenet and others, who were enfeoffed by Robert with divers of his tenements, who vouched to warranty Robert Walerand, nephew and heir of the said Robert, a minor in the king's wardship. The king will assign the remaining 121. 12s. lid. (sic) of land to Matilda as soon as he is able. To the same. Order to deliver the oxen and the horses (affros) of three ploughs at Haveresham, which the attorneys of the queen, the king's mother, lately bought from the executors of the will of Nicholas de Haveresham, deceased, tenant in chief, and which the escheator afterwards took into the king's hands, to the said queen's attorneys for her use, as the attorneys bought them from the executors of Nicholas's will. By R. Burnel. To the same. Order to cause Isabella, late the wife of William de Cumbe, to have seisin of the following lands, which the king has assigned to her in dower: a house in Cumbes, in place of a third of the chief messuage that belonged to William there; 13 acres and a rood of land in the field called ' Morfeud,' in the middle part, and 13 acres of land in the field called ' Estfeud,' in the middle part; 16j acres and a rood of land in the middle part; an acre and a rood of meadow in the meadow called ' Suthham,' in the middle part; a fishery extending from the weir of Roger Gernun to the weir of William; a pasture called ' Radewell'; 4s. 4d. of yearly rent of Alexander de Draycote, Roger Pike, and Richard Hud; three villeins in Chirchefeud, to wit Robert Kene, William Bolle and Richard Elyot, with their services and rents, and two cottars, to wit Sibyl la Blake and Emma Treweman, with their services and rents. To the escheator in co. Chester. Alice de Bello Campo has shown the king that whereas she held the custody of the manor of Doneham, in the time of James de Aldithel[eye], in the time of the late king, from which custody she was ejected after James's death, and that she afterwards recovered the custody by an inquisition taken by the order of W. archbishop of York, Roger de Mortuo Mari and Robert Burnell, supplying the king's place in England, and that she was lately ejected again by an inquisition to * The name (per dilectum et fidelem nostrum) has been erased. E2 68 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 12-cont. which she was not summoned, and upon which she had not put herself, as is testified by the barons of the exchequer; wherefore the king lately ordered Reginald de Grey, justice of Chester, to cause Alice to have seisin of the custody again, and he has done nothing in execution of the order, but has delivered seisin of the manor to the escheator for the king's use; the king therefore orders the escheator to deliver seisin of the custody to Alice. To Reginald de Grey, justice of Chester. Order to cause Alice to have again seisin of the custody of the aforesaid manor, in accordance with the king's previous order, so that renewed complaint may not reach the king. Feb. 8. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. deliver the manors of Eyton, with its member of Hamme and Houcton, which belonged to George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, to Eudo la Zuche and Milicent his wife, sister and co-heiress of George, to hold in tenancy until partition of George's inheritance have been fully made between them and their parcener of the inheritance. To the same. Order to assign to Isabella, late the wife of John son of Alan, tenant in chief, 108s. of land in the manor of Oswestry (de Albo Monasterio), which manor belonged to John, as the king has assigned this rent to her in dower, in satisfaction of 108s. of land that she claimed as dower before the king's justices at Westminster against Reymund de Haghman and certain others, who were enfeoffed by John with divers of his tenements, and who vouched to warranty Richard, son and heir of the said John, a minor in the king's wardship. Feb. 8. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. restore the bailiwick of the forest of La Kanec, which he took into the king's hands for divers trespasses committed therein, to Thomas de Wesebam, the late keeper of the same, to hold until the king's return from parts beyond sea, by permission of his subjects supplying his place in England, and to cause him to whom the justice committed the forest from the time of its being taken into the king's hands to come before the barons of the exchequer in fifteen days from Easter next to answer to the king for the issues received therefrom in the meantime. _ ---- - Robert son of Richard de Trode and Alice his sister, imprisoned at -- Norwich for the death of William de la Chambre of Perham, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Feb. 10. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to provide 60 oxen and cows, Westminster. 60 swine, two fat boars, 60 live sheep, 3,000 capons and hens, and 40 baconpigs against the king's coronation feast at the octaves of Easter, by the view of the bearer of these presents, so that the sheriff have them at Wyndes[ore] on the eve of Easter next, there to be delivered to the constable of that castle. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. [Fcedera.] Like orders for various quantities of provisions to the sheriffs of the following counties: Buckingham and Bedford. Warwick and Leicester. Oxford. Somerset and Dorset. Kent. Essex. [Ibid.] Surrey and Sussex. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to allow William Noel, clerk, to dwell within the city until the king's arrival in England, by permission of the king's subjects supplying his place in England, provided he shall behave himself well in the king's faith, as the king learns from William's complaint that the mayor and sheriffs do not permit him to dwell in London for certain reasons. 2 EDWARD I. 1274. Membrane 12-cont. Feb. 10. To the barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to respite until MichaelWestminster. mas the demand on Ralph Pipard for rendering 301. to the king at the exche. quer, by permission of the king's subjects supplying his place in England. Feb. 14. To Roger de Wauton and John de Swyneford, justices to hold pleas of Westminster. the market. Order to deliver all the money that they have received and may receive before Easter next from the issues of the market aforesaid to Adam de Winton[ia] and Joceus de London[ial, citizens, for purchases for the king before his coronation feast, as enjoined upon the said citizens, certifying the king of the sum delivered by them. William Curde, imprisoned at Guldeford for the death of Nicholas..- Curde, wherewith he is charged, has letters of the king to the sheriff of Surrey to bail him. Feb. 14. To the mayor and sheriffs of London and the men appointed to levy the Westminster. arrears of the fine of 20,000 marks in that city. Order to respite the demand made on William de Haddestok, their fellow-citizen, for the arrears of the said fine due from him by reason of his rents within the city until the king's return from parts beyond sea, by permission of the king's subjects supplying his place in England. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. By Robert Burnel. ---- John de Northay, William Cat and Henry de Gremarde, imprisoned at ---- Ipswich for the death of Richard Gardele, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail them. Richard son of Roger de Wissenden and Thomas his brother, imprisoned at Ocham for the death of Robert Cuyt of Wissenden, whereof they are appealed, have a writ to the sheriff of Rutland to bail them. Richard le Duk of Wissenden imprisoned at Ocham for the death of Thomas de Assewell, wherewith he is charged, has a writ to the sheriff of Rutland to bail him. Feb. 28. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to deliver to John de Westminster. Burgo, the elder, 110 marks yearly, which the king assigned to him to be received from the ferm of the city of London. By R. Burnel. Feb. 28. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign Westminster. dower to Isabella, late the wife of Adam de Fayntr[e], tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before king's subjects supplying his place in England not to marry without the king's licence. —R. Burnel received the oath. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Walter de Stok of co. Somerset of 30 marks, in which he made fine with the king for the custody of the land and heir of Reginald le Arblaster, tenant in chief, until the heir should come of age, together with the heir's marriage, as Walter is unable to have the custody and marriage. By R. Burnel. Membrane 12-Schedules. Mathilda, late the wife of Robert Waleraund, demands the following third parts in dower: Gloucester.-A third of Teynton, 55s. 61d. Somerset.-Whateleye, a third, 81. Os. 2id. rKyngton, a third, 91. 8s. 6d. Dorset.- Mangereston, a third, 62s. 8d. Stodlaunde, a third, 91. 14s. 10d. 70 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 12-Schedules —cont. rLangeford, a third, 70s. Wilts.- Whaddene, a third, 41. Os. 9ad. I Harnham, a third, 61. 9s. Old. LAnne Sauvage, a third, 17s. 9d. of rent. Southampton.-Elyuges, a third, 111. 6s. 8d. Norfolk.-Belawe, a third, 61. Os. lid. Linoln. — f Skalleby, a third, 41. 8s. 8-d. HLiouton, a third, 100s. Sussex.-Manekeseye, a third, 5 marks 4s. 5d. of rent. Northumberland.-Stanfordeham, a third, 10 marks. HIereford.-Kylpek, a third, 181. 15s. 5~d. A third of Weston, Fyschereston, Wyke, and of a rent in Glemesford, 10 marks. Lacking of her first dower, 35s. Total: 1121. 3s. Od. The lands of the heir of Robert Waleraund that are in the king's hands: Worcester.-Tatlynton and Edmundescote, 201. 3s. 10d. Gloucester.-Frompton, 171. 18s. 10id. W ilts.- Lavynton, 121. 15s, 10d. Fyschereston, 5 marks of rent. Devon. ---Podynton, 41. 12s. 4d. TIertford.-Weston, 10 marks. Wilts.-Jatesbur[y] and Winterburn are estimated at 241. Suffolk. —Glemesford, 81. of rent. Total: 991. 10s. 10Id. Thus there are lacking of the said parcels, 121. 12s. lid. Memorandum, that she is not dowered from Garsthorp, Koytemor, Retherfeld, or Tystede. Memorandum, that a writ of the king shall be sent to Sir Ralph de Hengham to send to the court the suit in his eyre of Salop between Sir Robert Lestrange (Extraneum) and Jametus de Aldedesleg, wherein Jametus acknowledged that he was not of full age, and the names of the jurors touching that suit. Also that the sheriffs of Oxford, Berks, Cambridge, and Wilts shall be written to not to suffer fishers to buy any pikes (lupes aquaticos) or eels in gross in order to make gain against the king's feast, until the king's buyers have made their prises. Also that the sheriff of Hereford and Gloucester and the justice of Chester shall be written to not to suffer any fishers to buy lampreys, salmon, or lamprey-fry (lampredulas) in gross to make gain against the said feast, until the [king's] buyers have made their prises. Also let a remedy be made by the court concerning the bailiffs of Haverberg who by the power of the young queen ascribe to themselves royal right (regale) in all things pertaining to that manor, and even in the Jews. Also let writs be made speedily for not allowing wool to cross [the sea]. The sheriff of Essex: 3,160 capons and hens, 60 oxen, 60 swine, 60 sheep, 38 bacon-pigs, 3 brawns (braon), and to warn bishops, abbots and priors to prepare as many swans, peacocks, cranes, rabbits, and kids for the king's use as they can. 2 EDWARD 1. 71 1274. Membrane 12-Schedules-cont. The sheriff of Kent: 2,100 capons and hens, 40 oxen, 40 swine, 40 sheep, 25 bacon-pigs, and two brawns, and to warn bishops, abbots and priors to prepare as many swans, peacocks, cranes, rabbits, and kids for the king's use as they can. The sheriff of Surrey and Sussex: 2,100 capons and hens, 40 oxen, 40 swine, 40 sheep, 25 bacon-pigs, 2 brawns, and to warn bishops, abbots and priors to prepare as many swans, peacocks, cranes, rabbits, and kids for the king's use as they can. The sheriff of Somerset and Dorset: 5,200 capons and hens, 100 oxen, 110 swine, 110 sheep, 62 bacon-pigs, and to warn bishops, [etc. as above]. The sheriff of Oxford and Berks: 2,100 hens and capons, 40 oxen, 40 swine, 40 sheep, 25 bacon-pigs, 2 brawns, and to warn bishops, [etc. as above]. The sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford: 2,100 hens and capons, 40 oxen, 40 swine, 40 sheep, 25 bacon-pigs, and 1 brawn, and to warn bishops, [etc. as above], The sheriff of Warwick and Leicester: 3,000 hens and capons, 60 oxen, 60 swine, 60 sheep, 38 bacon-pigs, and 2 brawns. The justice of Chester: 5,050 hens, 100 oxen, 110 swine, 110 sheep, 62 bacon-pigs and 4 brawns. MEMBRANE 11. Feb. 27. To John de Muscegrose, constable of Bristol castle, to the dean of St. Martin's-le- Christianity and to the mayor, coroners and bailiffs of the same town. Grand, London. Whereas the king learns by John's letters to Robert Burnel that it was found by inquisition taken concerning the death of Bernard de Vynnal, lately slain at Bristol, and concerning the goods then in his custody that 1101. that Bernard had in that town, and which the said dean keeps in deposit, are the moneys of Peter de Ganzia, and Reymund de Lissaunz, Bernard's lords, wherefore it is expedient that the money shall be safely guarded for the use of Peter and Reymund, if they can clearly show on their arrival that it belongs to them; the king, willing that the money shall be safely kept by his merchant Poncius de Mora and by the security of Robert Burnell and Guy de Rocheford, who have granted that they will answer for Poncius for that money to the king or to Peter and Reymund, if the money be proved to be theirs, orders the constable, dean, mayor, coroners, and bailiffs to deliver the money by the security aforesaid to Poncius or to his attorney producing his letters patent. Julian le Clerc, John de Westue, Geoffrey Krisp of Bodkesham, John de Bodkesham, Walter de Bodkesham, Henry de Suafham, John son of Christiana, James his brother, Walter Sinolf, Fulk de Stanmere, John de Bekingham, Geoffrey de Portlingstok, Alan de Bradewell, William Wodecok, William Randulf, Reginald de Tunewell, clerk, Richard atte Wode, Henry Hlund, William le Carpenter, William de Kevresham, Reginald son of Ralph de Tunewell, Adam le Caretter, Gilbert le Marescall, Richard Otewy, Richard le Fraunceys. Benedict le Fraunceys, Reginald 3Neuman, Walter Grim and Robert Ingram, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of William de Hoylond, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail them. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Queen Eleanor 16 oaks fit for timber of the king's gift, for repairing her houses of Longebeniton therewith. Feb. 28. To the keeper of the castles of Bergeveny and Kilgaran, and of the St. Martin's-le- honour of Bergeveny, and of all the lands that belonged to George de Grand, London. Cantelupo in the marches. Order to cause the ' sub-constables, serjeants, gatekeepers and watchmen whom he needs for the custody of those castles CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 11-cont. to be placed there, and to cause oxen and plough-horses (ajfros) to be bought, and to cause the demesne lands to be tilled and sown as he shall see fit for the king's use. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver William de Sancto Martino, archdeacon of Rochester, with his household and things, without delay from Winchester castle, and to permit him to depart from Winchester, as he has found the king security to stand to right in the king's court, if he, whilst he was lately acting (ageret) at Winchester, did anything against the king's peace to the disturbance of the city. To Master R. de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to the executors of the will of James de Aldithel[eye], tenant in chief, 1001. from the goods that belonged to the deceased in the escheator's custody, for the expenses incurred by them about the exequies and burial of James's body. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver from Winchester prison Robert Longespeye, Richard le Bathiere, William le Petit, Adam Thurmund, John le Chapeler. David le Suur, Adam le Teyntur, John Whiting, Geoffrey Puke, Robert le Ortevre. Robert Ie Taillur, Master Henry le Cordewaner, Laurence Bloye, Roger le Peskur, John Botman, John de Northampton, Richard le Marescall, Richard Gabriel, William le Arblaster, Henry de Craneburn, Peter Dunpayn, Walter Bengele, Adam de Etingham, John Marcheis, Oliver le Cotiler, Andrew Selvestre, Hugh le Norei3, Robert Pingel, Nicholas le Savoner, John son of John le Clop, Richard de Hampton, Richard le Mouner, William Prudfot, Richard de Werewelt, James de Wordham, Peter Dunchamp, Thomas Blaunkpayn, William de la Yerde, Walter de Caperyngg, William le Overur, William de Leycestr[ia], and Richard le Wenlop, imprisoned at Winchester for certain trespasses whereof they were indicted before Roger de Mortuo Mari, whom the king lately sent to Winchester, together with their goods and chattels, upon their finding mainprise, to wit six lawful men of that city for each of them, who shall mainpern to have them before the king on his arrival in England. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver Robert Unwine, imprisoned at Aylesbiry for trespass of the king's forest, to twelve lawful men of that bailiwick, who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for pleas of the Forest to stand to right, if he be repleviable according to the assize of the Forest. At the instance of W. de Hanyton. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Roger de Somery, son and heir of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief, to have 20 marks towards his maintenance from the issues of the tenements that belonged to his father. To the same. Order to deliver to Henry de Aldithel[eye], heir of James de Aldithel[eye], tenant in chief, 101. towards his maintenance from the issues of the lands that belonged to James. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver from prison John le Lung, shoemaker, Philip de Candovr[e], William de Templo, Richard de Stokbrig, Gilbert de Seleburn, John le Cras and Thomas le Paumer, imprisoned at Winchester for certain trespasses whereof they were indicted before Roger de Mortuo Mari, whom the king lately sent to Winchester for certain trespasses committed there, upon their finding sufficient mainprise, to wit six lawful men of that bailiwick and city for each of them, who shall mainpern to have them before the king on his arrival in England to stand to right concerning those trespasses and other things to be objected against them by the king, and to release their goods; provided, however, 2 EDWARD I. 1274. Membrane 11-cont. that William de Templo and Richard de Stockbrig shall not dwell in the city nor enter it until otherwise ordered. ----- John atte Wike of Burwardescote, imprisoned at Oxford for the death ---- of Thomas Gerberd, wherewith he is charged, has a writ to the sheriff of Berks to bail him. Alan de Giselingham, imprisoned at Ipswich for the death of Richard Gardele, whereof he is appealed, has a writ to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. March 15. Alan son of William Fretewell of Berewik, William son of Hugh de St. Martin's-le- Welleburn, Ingrain son of Roger de Bereweby, Walter le Keu, John Bullock, Grand, London. John Skilling, William Vyel, Hugh de Hereford, Walter le Chapeleyn, William Calewar, Geoffrey de Eyton, William son of Peter Kegel, Goda de Bereweby, Roger son of William Bate, Richard son of Ranulph, John Gertieys, William, parson of Bereweby church, and Richard le Baillif, imprisoned at Lincoln, have letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail them. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Wyndes[ore] castle. Order to cause Hugh de Malvern, the king's cook, to have six oaks and six beeches in the wood of Brocwod, which is in Wyndes[ore] forest, for making tables (tabulas) in the king's kitchens at Westminster against the feast of his coronation, provided that brushwood (busca) be made from the remainder (exitibus) thereof for the king's use. March 19. To the sheriff of Hertford. Alexander Bonel of Bareworth, John St. Martin's-le- Holebel, Osbert le Barun, Philip de Stodham, Richard de Bareworth, Grand, London. Richard de la Lane, Hugh Paterur, Robert Edelyn, John de Bradeuyn, Henry Belamy, Ralph Wade, John le Man, William le Berker, and William de Beaumund, men of the township of Bareworth, have shewn the king that whereas escapes of robbers ought and were wont according to the law of the realm to be adjudged before justices in eyre and not elsewhere, and the amercements thence arising pertain to the king and to no other in the realm, to be levied by summons of the exchequer, the sheriff charges them with the escape of a robber and distrains them to render to him 10 marks for the escape; the king therefore orders the sheriff to receive security from them to render to the king the money due to him for such escape, if the escape be adjudged before the justices in this behalf, and to supersede entirely the demand made upon them for this cause, until it be known by the office of the said justices whether the men are bound to answer to the king for the escape or not. March 22. Master John de la Heythe, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of St. Martin's-le- John de Hedenham, whereof he is appealed, has letters to bail him. (Grand, London. Hugh Crok of Empingham, John son of Henry and Simon Pakede, imprisoned at Ocham for the death of William son of Robert, wherewith they are charged, have a writ to the sheriff of Rutland to bail them. March 20. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Whereas Peter de Stok by his St. Martin's-le- charter lately enfeoffed Henry le Waleys with a messuage in London, Grand, London. which Peter and his heirs are bound to warrant to him, and Joan, late the wife of John son of John son of Saer demands a third of the messuage against Henry by the king's writ of dower in the king's court of the city, and Peter, although he has nothing in the city whereby he can be compelled to such warranty, has elsewhere in the realm sufficient tenement for this, and the king ought not to will that Henry should incur danger of disinheritance for default of such warranty if Peter wish to escape it fraudulently, especially as the king is debtor to every one of his kingdom in justice; he therefore grants on this occasion that if Henry vouch Peter 74 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 11 —cont. to warranty for this third part before the mayor and sheriffs against Joan, the mayor and sheriffs shall cause to be made a writ of judgment summoning Peter elsewhere in the kingdom where he has lands to answer before them in the king's court of the city concerning making the said warranty, and that they shall send the writ to chancery to be sealed with the king's seal, whereby full justice may be exhibited to the parties in this suit. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. April 5. To Master Richard de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's-le- cause John Engayn and Joan his wife, daughter of Joyce (Jocosa) de Grand, London. Muntfichet, to have seisin of the manors of Perstede and Tayden Gernet, saving the claim of the heir of Richard de Muntfichet, sometime Joyce's husband, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Joyce'at her death held nothing of the king in chief, and that she held the manor of Perstede of Emery Peche and the manor of Tayden Gernet of William de Lamburn, and that Joan is her next heir and is of full age. April 5. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to deliver from prison Robert Ster, St. Martin's-le- imprisoned at Walingford for the death of Robert Brisebone, lately slain Grand, London. at Woxebrig, co. Middlesex, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Middlesex that Robert is charged with the death out of hatred and not because he is guilty thereof, wherefore the king ordered the sheriff of Middlesex, if Robert Ster found twelve mainpernors of that bailiwick to have him before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, to certify the king of the names of the twelve, so that the king might cause him to be bailed, and William Bonmoulin of Woxebrig, Richard Copster, Ralph le Pestur, Geoffrey le Caretter, Thomas de Helinghaim, Ralph le Couper, Philip de Hek, Jordan le Caretter, John de la Grene. Robert de la Leye, William de Hanewell, and William de la Funtayne of co. Middlesex have mainperned to have him before the justices to stand to right in form aforesaid, as the king learns by the letters of the sheriff of Oxford (sic). Given by the hand of W. de Merton, chancellor. Robert Stirtegedy, imprisoned for the said death in that castle, has like letters to the said sheriff by the mainprise aforesaid. Ingeram de Stapelton and Thomas Furnyval, imprisoned for the said death in the aforesaid castle, have like letters to the sheriff of Oxford, by the mainprise of William de la Graunge, John Copehod, Richard le Taillur, Robert de la Feld, Jordan de Witesl[egel, John le Murward, John le Lane, Robert Lef, Thomas Houber, William de la Graunge, Roger Gaugy, and Robert le Vineter, of co. Middlesex. To Stephen de Pencestr[ia], constable of Dover castle. Whereas Edmund, the king's brother, has mainperned before the king's subjects supplying his place in England to satisfy the king for a certain price of the wool, lead, and other merchandise of Ranulph de la Chaumbre of Edon, Thomas del Gard, Henry Cambout of Hedon, Stephen de Wyles, William Gret, William Sturnel, Roger de Brigeford, Walter de Holem, John Averdras of Amiens, William de Wylyes of Amiens. John Malherbe of Amiens, merchants, which the constable lately arrested at Sandwich' because they wished to take the merchandise to parts beyond sea contrary to the king's prohibition, the king orders the constable to make an appraisement of the said wool, lead, and other merchandise, and to certify the king's said subjects thereof, and to cause the ship, wool, and all the merchandise to be delivered to Edmund or his attorney bearing his letters patent, according to the mainprise aforesaid. April 8. To Geoffrey Foliot, keeper of Glastonbury abbey. Order to permit a St. Martin's-le- man on behalf of W. bishop of Bath and Wells to assist him in the custody Grand, London. of the abbey, so that by their view all the profits of the abbey and the 2 EDWARD I. 75 1274. Membrane 11-cont. other things pertaining thereto may be reserved safely without diminution or deterioration until the right of the king or of the bishop shall more fully appear, and until the keeper receive other orders from the king, as the king granted to Geoffrey the custody of the abbey, void and in the king's hands, to hold during pleasure, and the bishop and his ministers assert that the patronage and custody of the abbey belong to the bishop. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. Et est litera patens. [Prynne, Records, iii. 135.] Hugh son of Simon de Haringeworth, imprisoned at Norwich (sic) for the death of Quenild, late his wife, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. John le Daye of Holewell, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Hugh son of Matilda, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. MEMBRANE 10. April 12. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause Ralph de Crumbwell and Margaret his wife, sister and co-heiress of Nicholaa, formerly the wife of Roger de Somery, to have seisin of the following lands, which the king has assigned as Margaret's purparty according to the partition made in his court of the lands that Roger de Somery held by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Nicholaa, tenant in chief, by the assent and will of the heirs and parceners of her inheritance, upon their finding security for payment of their relief: in the manor of Baruwe, 5 virgates of land, 12 acres of meadow upon the bank and elsewhere by parcels, an acre and an acre and a half of several pasture, a quarter of two water mills, a quarter of the park (prati), to wit 90 acres by the extent, and 300 acres of the foreign wood; and of free tenants, from Hugh Herebert, for a bovate of land, 3s.; from Gilbert Redman for a virgate, of land, 6d.; from William Elyas for 3 bovates of land and an assart, 4s. 4d.; from Ralph Burt for 3 bovates of land and an assart, 5s. 8d.; from Hugh Herebert for a virgate of land, 6d.; from William the clerk of Raveneston and his parceners, for 3 virgates of land, 3s.; a quarter of the service of Richard son of Stephen; from a villein holding half a virgate of land in Barewe, half a mark; from Geoffrey Scot, for 3 acres of land, 3s.; from Emma la Croisere, for two acres, 2s.; from the son of Walter Tulle, for 21 acres of land, 2s. 6d.; from customary tenants (custumar') of the same, from William at the Grove (Gravam), Richard Oy, Richard le Walur, Richard ad Frenas, William son of Hugh, Roger Daniel, William le Plomer, William ad Frenas, Alice, relict of William le Plomer, Joceus, Roger son of Hawisia, Simon Danlak, John Alfo, for one assart, 2s.; from Matilda Banberg, for a cottage, 18d.; from Mariota Belanne, for a cottage and a bovate of land, 4s.; from Alan Hardlok, for a bovate of land, 2s.; from Mariota Belanne, for a bovate of land, 3s.; from Matilda Averill, for a cottage, 3s.; from Thomas de Hemynton for a cottage, 12d.; from Geoffrey and Roger le Wall, for an assart, 12d.; of the cottagers (coterell'), from Hugh the baker (pistore), Roger Culleman; Hawysia ad Grenam in the same manor; from the manor of Caumpeden, a virgate of good land, a virgate of the worse land, an acre of the value of an acre that Christiana the widow holds beyond her virgate, five acres of meadow to each part, 5 acres of spinny (spineto) to each part; three mills, two parts of a mill with two meadows (hampnis); from the customary tenants of Westington from Gilbert Harding, a virgate of land, from Ivo le Bond, a virgate of land, from John Spark, a virgate of land,, from Roger Neuman, a virgate of land, from William son of Robert, a virgate of land from Robert de Daleby of Biryton, CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 10-cont. a virgate of land, from Robert Golithly of Westington, a virgate and a half of land, from Adam de Mundevill, half a virgate of land of the service of William de Westington; of bare rent, 16d. from the borough of Caumpeden; from Master Roger for three burgages, 3s.; from Thomas Quyncy, for two parts of a messuage, 13d.; from Stephen Ratele for half a burgage, 5d.; from Nicholas Kyng for a burgage, 12d.; from Alice de Brademer for a quarter of a burgage, 2d.; from William de Bello Loco for a burgage, 14d.; from John de Castello for a burgage, 12d.; from Richard Beufiz, the elder, for a burgage, 12d.; from Robert Gaspy for a burgage, 12d.; from Richard Beufiz, the younger, and Stephen de Wermynton for a burgage, 13d.; from William de Muncinceus and Robert de Seleby, for a burgage, 13d.; from William Brunhamelyn, for half a burgage, 7id.; from John Fraunceys for a burgage and a half, 19id.; from Robert Gaspy for two burgages, 2d.; from William de Kanc[ia,] for one burgage, 13d.; from John Pape for two burgages, 2s.; from William Turbern for one burgage, 13d.; from Robert Livyng for a burgage, 12d.; from John Pape for a messuage, 2d.; from John Genever, for a burgage, 8d.; from Thomas Quyncy for two parts of a burgage, 12d. The king has taken the fealty of the said Ralph for the purparty, upon condition that he come to the king on his arrival in England to do what ought to be done of right in this behalf. To the same. Like order to deliver to John Lestrange (Extraneus) the following of the lands that the aforesaid Roger de Somery held by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Nicholaa, sister and co-heiress of Hugh de Albiniaco, sometime earl of Arundel, and formerly Roger's wife, tenant in chief of the late king, which lands the king has assigned as the purparty of Joan, sister and co-heiress of Nicholaa and Hugh, and John's wife: in the manor of Barewe, 5 virgates of land, 12 acres of meadow upon the bank and elsewhere in parcels, an acre and an acre and a half of several pasture, a quarter of two water mills, a quarter of the park, to wit 90 acres by the extent, and 300 acres of the foreign wood; and of the free tenants, from William son of Adam, for a virgate of land, 4s.; from the heirs (hered') of Robert Martin, for two virgates of land and an assart, 12d., and 20 barbed arrows, price 10d.; Robert son of Ralph, for a bovate of land 3s. Old.; Robert de Fornham for 4 bovates of land, 3s.; Walter le Sauser for a virgate of land, a pound of pepper, worth 8d.; Roger le Erie for an assart, 2s.; John le Despenser for a cultura, 12d.; Preciosa de Staunton, for 4 virgates of land in Friseby, a quiver and 13 arrows, worth 18d.; Turgis de Birleye for an assart, 6d.; Walter le Sauser, for an acre and a half, lid.; from the customary tenants, to wit Richard Purs, Richard le Carpenter, William Ben, William Daue, William son of Thomas le Chat, John Brid, William le Doneur, John Hervy, John Oy, Gilbert Flory, Robert de Soley, each of whom holds a virgate of land; of the cottars, Henry Campion, Matilda Bridd, Henry le Plomer, each of whom renders yearly, with the rents of boon-works and tallages, 2s.; Richard le Fevere for a cottage-holding (cotseud), 2s.; Matilda Sturnell for a cottage-holding (cot'), 18d.; Henry le Charetter for a cottage-holding and three selions, 3s. 4d.; Geoffrey le Messer for two cottage-holdings, 3s. 4d.; Turgis Erley for an acre, 6d.; John le Saler for a bovate of land, 2s.; Thomas Felach, for a bovate and an acre of land, 3s. ld.; John Herebert, for an assart, 19d.; from the holders of woodhouses (wodehusis), to wit, John Hervy for 41 acres of land, 4s.; Thomas Felach for 31 acres, 3s. 6d.: Ralph son of Geoffrey, for 3 acres, 3s.; Thomas Felac for 3 acres, 3s. in the same manors; and in the manor of Caurnpeden, from the customary tenants of Westington: William Det, for half a burgage, 6d.; Dionysia the nurse, for half a burgage, 18d.; 2 EDWARD I. 77 1274. Membrane 10-cont. William King for a burgage, 20d.; John Prest for a burgage,* 20d.; Robert Davy for half a burgage,* 4d.; John de Aldeswell for half a burgage,* 6d.; Philip le Feytur for half a burgage,* 6d.; Robert de Aston for a burgage,* 16d.; Agues Buffard for a burgage, 16d.; Walter le Mouner. for a burgage and a stall, 18d.; Richard Child for half a burgage, 8d.; John Fressaunt for a burgage, 13d.; Thomas de Burton for half a burgage, 8d.; Thomas Botte for half a l)urgage, 8d.; Walter Hamelyn for half a burgage, 8d.; Walter de Blockele, for half a burgage, 8d.; Robert ]e Messer for two burgages, 2s. 6d.; William Kyng for a burgage, 12d.; Thomas Eadmund for a burgage, 12d.; Thomas Faukes for half a burgage, 6d.; William King for two stalls, 12d.: William Thurnbern for a messuage, 2d.; Isolda de Thounshull for a messuage, 2d.; Ranulph Papelard for a messuage with a stall, 8d.; Simon Griuel for half a burgage, 8d.; Robert de Fornham for a burgage, lOd.; and in Westington and Britton, Waiter de Coningote, who holds a virgate, Gilbert atte Grave, who holds a virgate, Alice the widow, who holds a virgate, Walter Austyn, who holds a virgate, Richard de Rales, who holds a virgate, Nicholas Hamard, who holds a virgate, Roger Abovenchirche, who holds a virgate, Albred' de Molend[ino] of Birton, who holds half a virgate, and Adam le Fevere who holds half a virgate of land; the heir (her') of Walter le Despenser, for a burgage in Winchecumbe, 9d.; Alexander le Mir, for a cottage, 8d. The king has committed this purparty to John to hold until his return to England, on condition that John shall then answer to the king for the issues thereof, if the king wish to have them. To the same. Like order in favour of Henry de Erdington and Matilda his wife, co-heiress of the said Nicholaa, for the following lands, assigned to them as Matilda's purparty: in the manor of Barewe, five virgates of land in demesne, 12 acres of meadow upon the bank, an acre of meadow that lies elsewhere in parcels, 1i acres of several pasture without the park, a fourth part of the park (parcii), to wit 90 acres by the extent, a quarter of the foreign wood, to wit 300 acres by the extent; a quarter (quarum parter) of two water mills; the fishery in the water of Sore remains common to the four parts; and of free tenants, William de Murdak, for 13 virgates of land, Is. 4d.; Thomas the falconer (Falkenar'), for a virgate of land, 12d.; Ralph Aunfrey for a virgate of land, 12d.; William Tengy, for a bovate of land, 15d.; William Gerard, for 7 bovates of land, 8s. 8d.; Richard de Lewes, for a me.suage, Id.; Alan ad Capud Ville, for half an acre, id.; Richard Brun, for 2 Acres of land, 2id.; Nicholas son of Alice, for half an acre, )d.; Roger le Saler, for half an acre, id.; Adam le Clerk for half an acre, id.; Robert Ters for half an acre, id.; a quarter of the service of Richard son of Stephen; of customary tenants, Adam Ben, Beatrice the widow, Gilbert son of Thurstan, Richard Gladewyn, John Alfo, Emma de Gaham, Robert Emery, Richard Oy, John Azery, Emma Belle, Matilda Kitte, each of whom holds a virgate of land; of the wood-house tenants (wodehusis), from Hugh Heryy (sic), for 3 acres of land, 3s.; from William le Berker for 21 acres, 2s. lid.; from Roger de Thurleston for 3 acres, 3s.; from Gerecok, for 2 acres, 2s.; from William de Cestreshyre, for 3 acres, 3s.; from cottars (cottar') and tenants at will, Matilda Tuchet, Roesia Danet, Roger Ben, Matilda Belle, for a cot-settle (cotsel'o), 2s.; Edith la Daye for a cottage-holding (cottag'), 16d.; from William ad Frenas, for a plot, 2s.; from Roger ad Aulam for one cottage-holding and a blundeld (blundeld'), 10s. 6[d.]t; from Hugh Gotchepe and Mabel Crwbert, for a bovate of land, 2s.; from Thurgis Ruchewed, for a bovate of land, 16d.; * Written burgo, probably through carelessness, in the roll. In the other cases the word is abbreviated to burg', but in the preceding order it is written burgagio, etc. t The d has been erased, but the vj remains untouched. 78 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 10-cont. from Simon son of John, for a plot, 6d.; of John Puk, for an acre, 6d.; in the manor of Caumpeden, of the customary tenants of Westington, Richard Russel, a virgate of land; Reginald le Messer, a virgate of land; William Baret, a virgate of land; of William le Neuman a virgate of land; Richard Sperhavek, a virgate of land; Robert de Quenton in Biriton a virgate of land; John Pertriche, half a virgate of land; of Christiana the widow, half a virgate of land and 4 acres; Thomas Attesloch, half a virgate of land; from the free tenants, William de Westington, for 2 virgates of land, 7s. 10d., with homage and escheats because the remainder of his rent is assigned to making equal the other portions; from the borough of Caumpeden, from Hugh son of Margery, for a burgage, 10d.; from William Gilebert for a burgage, 12d.; from Robert Cutto, for a messuage 3d.: from Ralph Bond for a messuage, 3d.; from Thomas the clerk, for half a burgage, 5d.; from Alice, daughter of Robert the miller, for a messuage, 4d.; from Adam Page, for half a burgage, 4d.; from John Caumpiun for half a burgage, 4d.; from Matilda de Fulford for half a burgage, 6d.; from Thomas Griuel, for half a burgage, 4d.; from William de Saynebir[y], for half a burgage, 6d.; from William de Hippele, for half a burgage, 8d.; from Henry le Taillur for half a burgage, 3d.; from Cicely Ilmedon for half a burgage, 421d.; from Robert de Cruce for half a burgage, 8d.; from John Dawe, for a burgage, 13d.; from Thomas de Upton, for a wood (holt), 6d.; from John de Birington, for a messuage, 4d.; from Robert the goldsmith, for a burgage, 12d.; from Geoffrey le Bedell, for half a burgage, 6d.; from Edward Felach, for a burgage and a messuage, 15d.; from John le Fort, for two burgages, 3s. 2d.; from Roger de Hovingham, for half a burgage, 16d.; from Gilbert de Kynton, for half a burgage, 2d.; from John Brum, for half a burgage with a stall, 12d.; from Nicholas de la Grene, for half a burgage, 3d.; from John de Cruce, for a burgage, 14d.; from Robert Child, for a burgage, 22d.; from John de Cruce, for a burgage, 22d.; from Hugh Roge for a messuage, 3d.; from John Tale for a messuage, 7d.; from Isabella Ford, for a burgage, a pound of cummin, price ljd.; from William le Prude, for half a burgage, 8d., and from William le Fraunceis for a messuage 2d. The king has taken the fealty[Incomplete]. April 14. To the same. Like order in favour of Walter de Suly and Mabel his Westminster. wife, co-heiress of Nicholaa, for the following lands: five virgates of land in demesne, 12 acres of meadow upon the bank, an acre of meadow that lies elsewhere in parcels, an acre of several pasture without the park, an eighth of the park, to wit 90 acres by estimation, a quarter of the foreign wood, to wit 300 acres by estimation, a quarter of two water mills; the fishery in the water of Sore remains common to the four parceners; from the freeholders, to wit from Gilbert son of Emma, for a bovate of land, l5d.; from Nicholas son of Alice for a virgate, 3s.; from Peter son of Adam, for two bovates of land, 8s.; from John Tengy, for a bovate of land, 16d.; from Roger Blundel, for three bovates of land, 18d.; from Elias de Brademere, for 7 bovates of land in Wileby, 3s.; from Ralph Ters for a smithy, 12 arrows, worth 6d.; from Ralph Wade for an acre, *d.; from Thomas de Burton, for an acre, Id.; a quarter of the service of Richard son of Stephen; from the customary tenants, Matilda Saxi, William Wicclacd, Adam Saxy, William de Cotes, Simon le Grage, Lettice de Cotes, John Reseles, Simon Mazer, Joseph, Richard Rocheheved, Richard Tengy. Of the cottars, Henry de Cotes, Reginald Gladewyn; from Roger Rowaud, for a cottage-holding (cotselda), 3s.; from Richard Burd for an assart, 2s.; from John de Recheles, for a selion of land, 2d.; from Simon Grage, for a selion of land, 10d.; from Gilbert de Houton, for a virgate of land, 9s.; from Robert Wind, for a cottage with crpft, 8d.; from Robert Dod and John the baker 2 EDWARD I. 79 1274. Membrane 10-cont. for a bovate of land, 2s.; from Walter son of Stephen for two bovates of land, 2s.; from Richard Rucheved for a selion of land, 3d.; from Richard son of Ivo for 6 acres, 6s.; from Simon Barun, for 9 acres of land, 9s., in the manor of Barewe. And in the manor of Caumpeden of the customary tenants of Westington: Henry de Erl[ey] a virgate of land; Geoffrey de Hulmo, a virgate of land; William Daniel, a virgate; William Tyw, a virgate; Richard Allibleced, Richard de Norton, a virgate; Alice the widow, halt a virgate; Alexander le Mir, half a virgate; Robert Osemund, half a virgate; of the free tenants and cottagers, Richard the reeve and three other tenants for a burgage in Gloucester, 7d.; from William Calf for two virgates of land, 3s., and half a pound of pepper, price 4d., with the homages and escheats; from Robert Caspy, for a virgate of land, half a pound of pepper, price 4d., with the homages and escheats; from Emma le Gardenere, for a cottage, 16d.; the services of William de Westington, 2s. 10d. of bare rent. From the borough, from William Calf for a burgage, 3s. 3d.; from Matilda, daughter of Hugh Marger[y], for half a burgage, 6d.; from Walter le Feytur for a burgage, 2s.; from John King for two burgages, 2s. 6d.; from John de Cheltenham for a burgage, 12d.; from Stephen Everard for a burgage, 2s. 6d.; from Thomas son of Hugh Marger[yl for a burgage, 12d.; from Richard de Hemmyngton for half a burgage, 8d.; from Geoffrey the miller for half a burgage, 4d.; from Richard Godchild for a burgage, 12d.; from William de Monemut[a] for a burgage, Sd.; from Henry the clerk, for 31 burgages and a messuage, 3s. 3d.; from John Sterwawh for half a burgage, 4d.; from Philip de Murs for half a burgage, 6d.; from Hugh son of Margery, for a burgage, l0d.; from William Sprat, for a burgage, 12d.; from William Bage, for half a burgage, 2d.; from Henry le Enveyse for half a burgage, 4d.; from Richard Beaufiz the younger and Walter Goselay for two booths, 12d.; from John de Linham for a messuage, 3d.; from William Sleth for a burgage, 7d.; to be held until Whitsuntide next, on condition that the said Walter shall go to the king's subjects supplying his place in England in the mean time to do what ought of right to be done in this behalf. MEMBRANE 9. April 10. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause the sheriff of Hereford to have fifteen oaks fit for timber in the Hay of Hereford, for repairing the houses of Hereford castle therewith. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite by permission of the lieges supplying the king's place in England until a month from Midsummer all the debts exacted from John son of John, sent to the council of Lyons as the king's envoy. John de Vallibus has a like letter, provided that any ferm that he may be bound to render to the king shall be levied for the king's use. April 11. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the tenth of temporalities and Westminster. spiritualities granted to the king by the pope, and the arrears thereof, to be levied from those who detain it or from their benefices and goods, whenever he shall be required to do so by Master Reymund de Noger[iis], the pope's envoy, the collector specially deputed for this, as some abbots, priors, men of religion and clerks have detained the tenth for two years, and refuse to pay the arrears, wherefore the executors deputed by the pope to collect it in the diocese of York have excommunicated them. The like to all the sheriffs of England, making mention of other dioceses. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause the sheriff of Nottingham to have 20 oaks fit for timber in the forest 8o CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. Membrane 9-cont. of Galtres, to repair therewith the houses of Notingham castle, the king's mills below the same, the weirs there, and the pond of Clipston, by the view of lawful men. Hamo de Okenhull, Joan his daughter, Agnes her sister, Alice Court, Richard Blengh, John Porchaz, Henry de fIo, William Maucorneys, John Arnald, William Arnald, Michael Arnald, Philip de Came, Philip Thotyng, and William Huglot, imprisoned at Molton for the death of William de Alensun of Craneford, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail them. To the constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause Robert de Shorteford, clerk of the works of the castle, to have 20s. for his maintenance, until he be otherwise provided for. April 16. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order not to Westminster. intermeddle with 41 knights' fees in Badel[eye] and Brokes, unless Geoffrey de Badel[eye] held there or elsewhere of the king in chief whereby the custody of these fees ought to pertain to the king, as the king learns by inspection of the exchequer rolls that Geoffrey held the said fees of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hereford, of the honour of Clare. _ --- - Robert Spreingald, Richard le Bercher, Walter Walle, Thomas Tuthupp, ------ Richard de Bella Landa, Nicholas fiz le Maire, Thurkeld de Wyttewell, John le Dene, John le Tannur, John de la Forge, Hugh Scorte, Robert son of Adam, William Virly, Simon the serjeant of William de Lilleburn, William Boniface, John de Mamthorp and Patrick de Aula, imprisoned at York for the death of Roger de Bulmer, whereof they are appealed, have letters of the king to bail them. April 17. To Walter de Kanc[ia]. Order to deliver the manor of Ryngewod Westminster. to N. bishop of Winchester, to whom the king lately committed it under a certain form until the quinzaine of Easter last, to hold until the quinzaine of Midsummer next according to the form of the commission. Geoffrey de Sidesterne, imprisoned at Ipswich for the death of Richard Gardel[eye], whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. April 20. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause the goods (averia) of Alan de Westminster. Walton, which were taken by reason of the withdrawal of a suit that he was bound to make at the king's hundred of Cattesasse, which he and his ancestors were wont to make, and which he acknowledged to the king and is prepared to make, to be delivered to Alan without delay, demanding nothing from him by reason of the withdrawal except what can be exacted by law. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert de Purlee to be discharged of the issues of the barony of the bishopric of Chester (sic), the custody whereof the king lately committed to him during pleasure, as the king has restored the barony to S. bishop of Chichester, for a fine made with the king. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause Geoffrey son of Richard de Segrave, clerk, appealed in the sheriff's county [court] of the death of Richard son of John de Walton, and imprisoned for that reason, to be carried to Neugate prison without delay, at the expense of his friends, as the king for certain reasons wills that he shall come to Neugate. To the keeper of Neugate gaol. Order to receive Geoffrey from the sheriff, and keep him safely until further orders. To Gregory de Rokeley, keeper of the lands that formerly belonged to Nicholas de Crioll'. Order to cause the houses that belonged to Nicholas within Dover castle to be repaired by the view and testimony of Stephen de Pencestr[ia], constable of that castle, as he shall deem most necessary 1 EDWARD 1. 81 1274. Membrane 9-cont. and to cause the expenses for this to be levied from the woods that belong to Nicholas, which are in Gregory's custody, without making waste or destruction there. April 23. To S. de Crey, constable of Rochester castle. Order to cause Peter Westminster. Renaume of Douay, who lately came from Flanders with cloth and furtrimming (pelura), and whom the constable caused to be arrested when passing through Rochester, to be released from that castle without delay with his cloth and fur-trimming, provided that he shall be delivered to William de Valencia to be kept in prison until further orders, as William, asserting that the cloth and fur-trimming are his, has mainperned before the kilg's subjects supplying his place in England to answer to the king on his arrival in England for Peter and the cloth and fur-trimming. Robert de Okeham, Matilda, wife of Richard Ie Clerk of Okeham, and Adam le Viner, imprisoned at Lincoln, wherewith they are charged (sic), have letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail them. April 23. To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to cause all the venison Westminster. taken in the king's forest of those parts for the king's use, and other venison that he has made in those parts of the courtesy of the king (ex curialitate regis factam), to be carried without delay to Westminster, there to be delivered to the keepers of the king's larder. ------- To Geoffrey Folyot, keeper of the abbey of Glastonbury. Order not to intermeddle with the manors and other things pertaining to the obedientiaries of the abbey, but to permit the obedientiaries to have free administration as pertains to their offices, to wit the prior of those things that pertain to the priory, the chamberlain of those that pertain to the chamberlainship, the almoner to those that pertain to the almonry, the sacristan of those that pertain to the sacristry, the infirmarer of those that pertain to the infirmary, and the mead-maker (medarius) to those of the mead manufactory, the king having committed the abbey to Geoffrey during pleasure. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Beatrice, late the wife of Thomas son of Oto, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the manors of Dylewik, Kerdinton, Ronhale, Lincelade, and Cheldesleye, and of 2 marks of yearly rent in Bruham, together with the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the manors and rent are of the inheritance of Beatrice. To the same. Order to deliver the manor of Chirfeud to John de Wintreshull, to whom the king lately committed it until the quinzaine of Easter last, to hold until the king's return to England by the permission of the king's subjects supplying his place in England. By Robert Burnel. April 24. To the same. Order to deliver to Beatrice, late the wife of Thomas son Westminster. of Oto, tenant in chief, the following manor, inessuage, wood, advowson and land, which the king has assigned to her as dower: the manor of Hamerton, extended at 241. 7s. ld.; the chief messuage of Beauchamp with a wood; and 51. 1 is. 4d. of land yearly in the same manor, and the advowson of the church of that manor. saving to the king the residue of the manor. To W. de Boyvill, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Margaret, late the wife of Robert de Ros of Werk, tenant in chief, the manor of Kirkeby in Kendale, which belonged to Robert and Margaret, to hold in tenancy at will until further orders, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. March 28. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to St. Martin's le- deliver to Roger de Lancastria and Philippa his wife, kinswoman and Grand, London. co-heiress of Richard de Munfichet, tenant in chief, and to Nicholas Corbet u 96998. F 82 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1.274. Mlembrane 9 —cont. and Margery his wife, kinswoman and co-heiress of Richard, and to Walter de Huntercumbe and Alice his wife, kinswoman and co-heiress of Richard, and to Hugh de Laval and Matilda his wife, kinswoman and co-heiress of Richard, heiresses of a third of Richard's inheritance, the following portions assigned to them as their purparty according to the partition made in the king's court of the lands that Joyce, late the wife of Richard, held in dower of her husband's inheritance, retaining in the king's hands until further orders the purparty falling to Nicholas and Margery: the manor of Hoylaund, extended at 171. 6s. lld. with the advowson of the church of that manor, and 211. 11s. 34d. of the yearly rent of free men and villeins in Westhammes, except the park of Hoylaund and the woods of Esthammes, which remain to be divided among the co-heiresses and parceners of the inheritance; so that Hugh and Matilda shall have the chief messuage of Hoilaund and 91. 14s. 64d. yearly of land and rent in Hoylaund and Westhammes, Roger and Philippa shall have 91. 14s. 63d. yearly of land and rent in Hoylaund and Westhammes, and Nicholas and Margery shall have the advowson of Hoylaund church and 91. 14s. 6dd. yearly of land and rent in Hoylaund and Westhammes, and Walter and Alice shall have 91. 14s. 63d. yearly of land and rent in Hoylaund and Westhammes, provided that Roger, Philippa, Nicholas, Margery, Walter and Alice shall have of the purparty of Hugh and Matilda the value of the chief messuage according to the extent thereof made by the escheator, and if more or less have been assigned to them than pertains to them in this respect, the king will cause the lands to be taken into his hands and will cause equal portions thereof to be made between the co-heiresses. March 28. To the same. Like order to deliver to the said Roger, Philippa, Nicholas, St. Martin's-le- Margery, Walter, Alice, Hugh and Matilda the following knights' fees, Grand, London. which have been assigned to them, according to the said partition, of the knights' fees that belonged to the said Richard de Munfichet, retaining in the king's hands until further orders the fees assigned to Nicholas and Margery: to Roger and Philippa half a fee in Ramedene and Chigewell, which Nicholas de Barenton holds; half a fee in Cuppefaud, Chigewell, Hergoteston, which William de Laumburn holds; half a fee in Rewenhale, which Beatrice del Brok holds; two fees in Chigehale, Westmilne, Manudene and Gatesbiry, which William de Zon holds; a quarter of a fee in Barenton, which the heirs of Hugh de Bolebek hold; and to Nicholas Corbet and Margery his wife, three fees in Lecheworth, Weudington (sic), Wolwenwyk, Wilewe, Horesmede, which John Muschet holds; lalf a fee in Witham, which the heirs of Richard de Dovorr[ia] hold; a quarter of a fee in Barenton, which the heirs of Hugh de Bolebek hold; a moiety of a fee in Lamburrn, which Roger le Venur holds; and to Walter de Huntercumbe and Alice his wife 11 fees in Rammeden, Witenham, and Stodleye, which Roger de Witenham holds; a fee in Chigehale, Westmilne, Manidene, and Gatesbiry, which William de Zon holds; a fee in Machingges, which the heirs of Richard de Dovorr[ia] hold; a quarter of a fee in Sudicaump, which the heirs of Henry de Hanesheg' hold; a quarter of a fee in Barenton, which the heirs of Hugh de Bolebek hold; and to Hugh de Laval and Matilda his wife 1I fees in Farnham, which Hugh le Engleis holds; a fee in Chikehale, Westmilne, and Gatisbiry, which William de Zon holds; a fee in Wermondesford, Graundmapeltr[e], Tendring, and Fulmer', which John le Breton holds; a quarter of a fee in Westhamme, which the heirs of Richard son of Urse (Urci) holds; a quarter of a fee in Barenton, which the heirs of Hugh de Bolebek hold. To the same. Order to assign to Isabella, late the wife of John son of Alan, tenant in chief, 20s. yearly of land from the lands that belonged to John, whei e it can be done with least damage to the king, to hold as dower, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Southampton that 2 EDWARD I. 83 1274. Membrane 9-cont. the manor of Berhunte (sic), which belonged to John and whereof John enfeoffed John le Marescall, against whom Isabella claimed a third of the manor as her dower, is extended at 60s. yearly. May 5. Robert le Walur of Worsted, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Odo Westminster. de Smaleberwe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. To Brother Stephen de Fuleburn and William de Midd[elton], appointed to assess a tallage upon certain Jews of the realm. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England the demand for 40 marks upon Cok son of Hagin, a Jew of London, for the king's use, by reason of the debts wherein William de Appledrefeld is bound to Cok, for which debts the king has given respite until his arrival in England to William, so that the Jew may then satisfy the king therefor without further delay. May 7. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause Fulk Peiforer and Henry MaleWestminster. mayns, late taxors and collectors of the twentieth in that county, to have 101., to wit 100s. each, for their expenses in taxing and collecting the twentieth. MEMBRANE 8. May 7. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order as before not to intermeddle further with 4J knights' fees in Badele and Brokes that Geoffrey de Badele held [as at page 80 above]. [ Vacated.] May 8. To the same. Order to permit Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to hold four and a half knights' fees in Badel[e] and Brokes until the king's arrival, by permission of the king's subjects supplying his place, as the king understands from the escheator and others that Richard de Clare, 'earl of Gloucester and Hertford, father of the said Gilbert, and Gilbert were in seisin of the homage of Geoffrey de Badel[e] for the said fees until Geoffrey's death, which fees the escheator took into the king's hands by reason of the lands that Geoffrey held in chief. By R. Burnell. May 7. To the same. Order to respite until the king's arrival in England, by permission of his subjects supplying his place in England, the demand upon the villeins of the manor of Neuport for 101. 11s. Od., which he exacts from them according to an extent of their boon-works made surreptitiously and not well by his sub-escheator, which sum they were not wont to pay at any time to R. de Somery or other lords of the manor. To the same, or to his sub-escheator in co. Essex. Repeated order to cause Peter [de] Bezill[es], nephew and heir of Emery de Bezill[es], tenant in chief, to have seisin of a messuage and a carucate of land in Dagenham, whereof Emery was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death, and which he held of the abbess of Berking. To William de Boyvill, escheator beyond Trent. Order to permit Robert de Ros, son and heir of Robert de Ros of Werk, to have seisin of the castle and manor of Werk, together with the issues thereof, until the king's arrival in England, by permission of the king's subjects supplying his place, so that he may then answer for the issues to the king, if they pertain to him, as the king learns by the testimony of trustworthy men that Robert son of Robert held the castle and manor of Robert de Ros, son and heir of William de Ros of Werk, of the gift and feoffment of Robert de Ros, father of William and Robert, and it does not appear to the king that Robert held anything of him in chief whereby the custody of the F 2 84 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 8-cont. castle and manor ought or might pertain to him. The escheator is ordered to enquire meanwhile whether Robert held anything at his death in chief, and where, and how much, and by what service. May 12. To the bailiffs of Basingestok. Order to replevy to Hugh de Chasteyn and Peter Eynolph until the octaves of Midsummer next their mills, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of certain trespasses charged upon them by Roger de Wauton and John de Swyneford, appointed to the office of the king's market, the custody whereof was committed to the bailiffs by Roger and John, so that in the meantime the cause of their taking into the king's hands may be more fully known, and that justice may be done thereafter herein. To R. de Clyfford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause the lands of Elizabeth de Monemuth[a], formerly the wife of John de Monemuth[a], tenant in chief, to be delivered to her, together with the issues thereof, and to leave her in peace until further orders, by the permission of the king's subjects supplying his place in England, as the late king granted to Baldwin de Villa the marriage of Elizabeth, or any fine made with him for the marriage, or the forfeiture pertaining to the king therefor in case she married without the king's licence, and she satisfied Baldwin for her marriage, as the king learns by the testimony of Queen Eleanor his mother, and the sheriff afterwards took Elizabeth's lands into the king's hands because she afterwards married. May 14. To the same. Order to deliver to Nicholas Corbet and Margery his wife, kinswoman of Richard de Munfichet, tenant in chief, and co-heiress of a third of his inheritance, the following rent and advowson, which cwere assigned to them as their purparty of a third of Richard's inheritance, according to the partition made in the king's court of the lands that Joyce, Richard's wife, held in dower of Richard's inheritance: 91. 14s. 6ad. yearly of land and rent in Hoyland and Westhammes, with the advowson of Hoyland church, so that they and their parceners of the said third part shall have from the purparty of Hugh de Laval and Matilda his wife, their parceners, the value of the chief messuage of Hoyland, and if more or less have been assigned to them than pertains to them, the king will cause the messuage to be taken into his hands with the other lands and will cause equal portions to be made between the heirs. May 16. To the same. Like order to deliver to Nicholas and Margery the following knighlts' fees, assigned to them in like manner: three fees that John AMuschet holds in Lechesworth, Weudington (sic), Walwenwik, Wilewe, Horesmede; half a fee that the heirs of Richard de Dovorr[ia] hold in Witham; a quarter of a fee that the heirs of Hugh de Bolebek hold in Barenton; and a moiety of half a fee that Roger le Venur holds in Lamburn. May 17. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause the lands of David de Effinton St. Martin's- to be replevied to Ela de Somery, his wife, as the king has given him a day le-Grand, at the quinzaine of Midsummer next to come before him or his subjects London. supplying his place in England to answer concerning certain things charged upon him. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order not to hinder Nicholas le Archer from receiving the customs and services that he ought to have of right, from half a virgate of land in Sibertoft, as it appears by inspection of the rolls of the exchequer that the said land, which Thomas de Rewell, deceased, held, was alienated without the late king's licence, and that it was afterwards arrented at 2s. 6d. at the exchequer by reason of this alienation, and that the land is held of the serjeanty of Sibertoft, which Nicholas holds in chief of the king. 2 EDWARD I. 85 1274. Jlembrane S -cont. May 21. Richard le Bulur, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of William Cuddington. Sturthuppe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. May 28. William del Ho, imprisoned at Bedeford for the death of William Westminster. Paumer, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Bedford to bail him. Gereberga de Thurston, imprisoned at St. Edmunds for the death of John la (sic) Warde, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to hail her. May 30. To Robert de Aguillon, keeper of the honour of Arundel. Order to cause the defects of the walls of Arundel castle to be repaired where necessary. By R. Burnell. May 30. To the same. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by Ralph de Westminster. Hengham, in the presence of the archdeacon of Chichester, that from time out of mind, as often as the men of the abbey of Fecamp were amerced in the hundred of Palling' for their defaults or for wrong (lone to the lord of Arundel, or to his men, or for assizes not observed, or for any other cause, those who were put in mercy were wont to find security (vadiare) for their amercement to the bailiffs of the lord of Arundel, and the amercement was wont to be taxed afterwards before the bailiff of Arundel, in the presence of the bailiffs of the abbot of Fecamp, by lawful men of the hundred, and was wont to be afterwards levied by the abbot's bailiffs and to be received for the abbot's use, and that all the abbots of Fecamp bad such seisin hitherto both in the time of the lords of Arundel and in the time when the kings of England had the custody of the honour of Arundel, and that 40s. that are exacted yearly from the abbot's men were wont (solent) to be paid during the whole time of William de Albiniaco, formerly earl of Arundel, [by] the abbot's men to the said earl's bailiff in the hundred of Palling' at the term of Hokeday, and that after William's death Hugh de Albiniaco, his son and heir, was in the same seisin all his time, receiving the said 40s. as pertaining to his hundred of Palling', and that after Hugh's death, John son of Alan, one of Hugh's heirs, to whom the castle of Arundel with the hundred was assigned, was in the same seisin all his time until a year before his death, when the abbot's men withdrew themselves from rendering the rent, so that they have paid no rent since then, neither in the time of John son of Alan, who last died, nor in the time of the late king, to whom the custody of John's lands came: the king therefore orders Robert to permit the abbot and his church to have the same estate as regards the amerceinents aforesaid as they had in the time of the lords of Arundel and especially in the time of the said (sic) John son of John son of Alan, the last lord of Arundel, until the king or his council shall otherwise provide, and until otherwise ordered, superseding until the king's arrival iu England distraints for the said 40s., which John, the last lord of Arundel, did not receive, in order that provision may then be made for doing justice in this behalf. June 4. Edelina de Cotes, Agatha, daughter of John de Cotes, Henry and Simon Westminster. his brothers, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Ralph Gernun of Ravenesthorp, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. May 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the Westminster. account of Giles de Audenard, king's clerk, and to cause due acquittances and allowances to be made to him in the same, as the late king sent him to parts beyond sea to acquit the said king's jewels pledged to the king of France and others in those parts, and to make diyers payments there in the 86 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 8-cont. name of the late king, for doing which Giles received great sums of money by the hands of sheriffs and others, and he is prepared, as he asserts, to render his account at the exchequer for the receipts and payments. To the bailiffs of Yarmouth. Order to cause nine sacks of wool of James (le Troys, merchant of London, arrested by them by virtue of the king's inhibition of the taking of wool out of the realm, to be delivered by him, to be taken into the kingdom to make his profit thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Luke de Luk', his merchant, and Hugh de Dynington that James caused the said wool to be carried from Lenn by the sea-coast to Yarmouth towards parts beyond sea a month and more before he was aware of the king's inhibition aforesaid, and he had previously obtained the king's letters of licence for carrying these nine sacks. June 12. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to cause a coroner for that Westminster. county to be elected in place of Gilbert le Clerk, deceased. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert son of Alan de Langeford, who is incapacitated by infirmity. June 12. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause the Westminster. woods of Esthammes and Westhammes and the park of Hoyland, which Joyce, late the wife of Richard Muntfichet, tenant in chief, held in dower of Richard's inheritance, and which remain to be divided between the heirs and parceners of the inheritance, to be divided into equal portions in the presence of the heirs and parceners, and to cause their portions to be assigned to them. To John de Colecestr[ia], keeper of the hospital of the Innocents without Lincoln. Order to amove Walter Otre wholly from the custody of the hospital, and to depute a discreet and faithful man for the custody, who shall ordain and dispose of the goods and things of the hospital for the use and profit of the brethren thereof, so that it may not be imputed to John that the goods have been dispersed by his negligence, whereby the king ought to lay his hand on him in another manner, as the king learns by inquisition taken with John's assent that Walter, to whom John committed the hospital to keep under him, conducts himself badly in the custody, and that the goods of the hospital are wasted and dispersed by him, so that it will shortly be necessary for the brethren dwelling together there to beg elsewhere for lack of maintenance unless a remedy be quickly applied. To Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. William de Apeltrefeld has shown the king that whereas he stayed in England by the king's order from Midsummer, in the first year of his reign, for certain affairs specially touching the king and him, and is still staying in England, wherefore he and his men, lands, things —[Incomplete]. June 15. James Coche, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of John Boyman, Westminster. wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. John Wawe and Ralph le Fevere of Fraunkeleye, imprisoned at Worcester for the death of William le Prestre,wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail them. Membrane 8-Schedule. Copy or draught of agreement between Alice, late the wife of Peter de Meaudlingg, and Remigius* (Anlmaricus) de Meaudlingg, Peter's brother, whereby Remigius (Emericus) grants that the manor of Meaudlingg, which Alice holds of the feoffment of Laurence de Meaudlingg, shall remain to Alice for her life, provided that the third of the manor that Isabella, * Called Remnigius below, and Remie (a French Remi) in the inquisition post Mortem, 2 Edward I. No. 9. 2 EDWARD I. 87 1274. M[embrane 8-Schedule —cont. mother of Remilius (Emerici), holds in dower, shall remain to Remigius (Emerico), and also a moiety of the fees pertaining to the inheritance,. saving to Alice the other moiety of those fees for life. Alice grants that after her death the manor shall wholly revert to Remigius (Emerico) free of her heirs. And Sir Walter de Merton grants that nothing shall be exacted of Remigius (Remigio) or his heirs or of Isabella by reason of arrears of the 81. that were wont to be pnid to the exchequer from Peter's inheritance or for any other reason. And the parties are bound to make security to each other by a fine to be levied in the king's court so soon as Remigius (Remigius) come of age; so that Remigius (Remigius) and Isabella shall be bound to Alice in 3001. if they contravene and if they will not make this fine, and Alice shall be bound to Remigius (lherigio) in 3001. if she hinder the said fine from being levied. Witnesses: Sir Robert Fulconis and Sir Stephen Heym, justices, and Sir John de Kyrkeby. Endorsed: If the fine be made in the king's court, then the agreement shall remain in force. MEMBRANE 7. -------- Roger Lestrange (Extraneus), Richard de Sutchirch, Nicholas de -- Cugenhou, William le Baud, William de la Rakele, and Ralph de Bello Campo mainperned to have William de Trailli before the king on his arrival in England to answer to the king for all things to be objected against him. June 17. To the sheriffs and community of London. Order to provide in the Westminster. place of Henry le Waleys, mayor of that city, who is going, with certain men of the city, to the king in parts beyond sea by the king's order, by the counsel of the said mayor and by their own counsel, two discreet and faithful men of their fellow-citizens to keep the city in the mayor's place in the king's faith and tranquillity during the mayor's absence, so that the sheriffs and community shall be intendent to the said two citizens until the mayor's return in all things pertaining to the government and custody of the city, as they would be to the mayor if he were present. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the prior and convent of St. James without Northampton of 61. 13s. 4d. in which they made fine with the late king to have the custody during voidance of their house, which was then void, unless they have previously had acquittance by another writ, as it appears by the rolls of the said king's wardrobe that the prior and convent paid that sum to Peter de Winton[ia], keeper of the said wardrobe, on Friday after St. Edmund, in the 54th year of the said king's reign, of which sum Peter rendered an account before the barons at the exchequer, as has been testified before the king. June 17. To R. de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Joan, late Westminster. the wife of Nicholas cl Havcrsh[am], tenant in chief, to have seisin of the manor of Cumpton, estimated at 301. 2s. 4id., and of 26s. of rent in Bredford (sic), and of 17s. 8d. of rent in Putton, and of 10s. of rent in Grimstede, which the king has assigned to her in dower of her husband's lands. Be it known that Joan came into the king's court before the subjects supplying his place in England, and took oath not to marry without his licence, and that she would keep Matilda, daughter and heiress of Nicholas, at her peril, until the king should otherwise ordain. June 18. Ranulph de Acton, Richard le Bretun, Robert le Parker, Gilbert le Parker, Westminster. Richard de Heyeleye, Ralph de la More, William del Brentclyve, Roger de Elmet, Gilbert Talmal, Adam Coulayn, John le Messer, Henry le Marescall, Thomas le Serjaunt, and Richard de Elmete, imprisoned at York for the death of Gilbert Serkeles, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. 88 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 7-cont. ------ To Master R. (le Cliff ord], eecheator this side Trent. Order to deliver --- to William de Gyveldon and Joan his wife, formerly the wife of Thomas le Marescall, tenant in chief, a third of the chief messuage that belonged to Thomas in Cerberge, 76 acres of demesne, an acre of several pasture, an acre and a half and a third of half an acre, and common of pasture, and the grove of wood, which contains two parts, and a third of the issues of the mill, and a third of the pleas and perquisites of the court, the third presentation to the church, and three villeins, each of whom holds a virgate of land, and a third of the service of one villeinage, a third of the dovecote, a cotter in Cerberge, which the king has assigned to them in dower of the lands that formerly belonged to Thomas in Cerberge. June 18. To the same. Order to permit the said William de Givelton and Joan to Westminster. hold the custody of two parts of the land that belonged to the said Thomas in Cerberge until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, as they have given security to the king by Richard de Lomene and John de Blakeford to restore to him the custody of the said lands, which the king committed to them until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, at the said term, if the custody and the marriage of the said heir of Thomas ought to pertain to the king. To the sheriff of Kent. Order not to lay his hands on or to intermeddle with the lands or chattels of Ralph Pyrot, who is imprisoned at London for certain trespasses wherewith he is charged, and to permit Giles de Argentein to have free administration of the lands and chattels for the use of Ralph and his wife and household, as it is not just that Ralph's lands or chattels should be alienated or dispersed or damaged by the king or his ministers before he be convicted in the king's court concerning such trespasses. To the aforesaid escheator. Order to render without delay to the prior of Stokecurcy what the escheator has taken of the tenth penny of all the rents of villeins and of freemen of Wik, Radewye, and of the borough of Stokecurcy, pertaining to the prior after the death of Robert Walerand, except the new money that has newly accrued to ihe manor of Stokeurcy by Robert's providence, and to permit the prior to receive the tenth penny henceforth as he and his predecessors were wont to receive it in times past, because the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the prior and his predecessors received the said tenth penny from the foundation of the priory. June 18. To the same. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff' Westminster. of Wilts that George de Cantilupo took from the goods of Richard de Bedeford in the manor of Brichmerston, which was of George's inheritance and which the king granted to Richard during George's minority, to the value of 241. Uls. 8d. against Richard's will during the custody aforesaid, the king orders the escheator to retain in the king's hands of the goods that belonged to George, which the king lately ordered to be taken into his hands by the escheator for this reason, to the aforesaid sum for Richard's use, and to the value of 201. in addition for the damages that George inflicted upon Richard in the manor of Rokebey (sic, which the king granted to Richard in form aforesaid, to be retained until the king have been certified of the truth of the premises, and to restore the remainder of George's goods to the executors of his will for the execution of his will. To Roger Lestrange (Extraneo), keeper of the castle and land of Peck. Order to deliver to Constance, late the wife of Henry de Alm[annia], or to Master Reymund de Nolmer', her attorney, the arrears of the 1001. yearly granted to her for life by the king from the issues of the said land, from the time when the king caused that 100/. to be taken into his hands for certain causes; according to the tenor of a former order, which Roger has not observed. If Roger have fully answered at the exchequer for the 2 EDWARD I. 89 1274. -Membrane 7-cont. issues for the time past, lie is ordered to deliver to Constance all the money received from the issues since he so answered, and all that he shall next receive thence, until she have been fully satisfied for the said arrears. June 22. To Master R. de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to assign Westminster. to Isabella, late the wife of John son of John son of Alan, 2 marks of yearly rent from the lands and rents that belonged to John and which are in the king's hands and in the escheator's custody, to hold in dower for a third of the mill of Muleford, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Salop that the mill, which John gave to the abbot of Haghemon in frankalmoin, and concerning which the abbot has vouched Richard, John's son and heir, a minor in the king's wardship, to warranty, is extended at 41., whereof Isabella ought to be dowered with 2 marks yearly for the third of the issues of the mill, and to assign to her 2s. 4d. rent for a third of 7s. rent which John gave to the abbot, and concerning which the abbot has vouched the said Richard to warranty. June 25. To the same. Order to restore to Isabella, late the wife of John de Westminster. Curtenay, tenant in chief, the manors of Wavendon and Hildesdon, together with the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the manors were given to Isabella in free marriage. To the same. Order to deliver to John Bek 101. from the issues of his bailiwick for the 101. that John ought to have received from the yearly rent of the moiety of the manor of Tateshal[e] and from the manor of Kirkeby at Christmas term last, at which term the manors were in the escheator's custody by the king's commission by reason of the death of Robert de Tateshale, tenant in chief. Vacated, because otherwise below. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Adam Graveshale, deceased. To Robert de Tateshal[e]. Order to deliver to John Bek 10. out of the fine that Robert made with the king for having seisin of his lands, for the 101. that John ought to have received from the yearly rent of a moiety of the manor [of Tateshale], and from the manor of Kirkeb[y] at Christmas term last, [when] the manors were in the custody of Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent, by the king's commission by reason of the death of Robert de Tateshal[e], Robert's father. July 5. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to deliver in bail Robert Priour, who Westminster. was lately charged with divers trespasses at Newmarket before John son of John, appointed to inquire concerning certain trespasses committed in that county, and who was delivered in bail by John until a month of the present St. John the Baptist, so that he should then stand to right before John concerning these trespasses if any one should wish to speak against him thereupon, or that he should then render himself to the king's prison at Norwich if John did not come to those parts in the meantime, if Robert shall find twelve lawful men of that county who will mainpern to have him before the king or his council in the octaves of St. Peter ad Vincula to stand to right as aforesaid, as Robert has come into the king's court and offered to stand to right concerning the said trespasses. To the same. Order to cause Adam le Bluad of Norwich to have seisin of a messuage in Norwich that John le Blund held, who was hanged for felony, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the messuage has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, that John held it of Adam, and that Walter de Schelfhangre, late keeper of the town of Norwich, ought to answer to the king for the year, day, and waste thereof, and that the messuage is in the king's hands solely for this reason. 90 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 7 —cont. July 4. Bartholomew de Sancto Probo, chaplain, John de Sancto Probo, Cicely Westminster. de Tregeny and Joan her daughter, imprisoned at Launcaveton for the death of Richard de Grugoed, wherewith they are charged, have letters of the king to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail them. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause a ship of Reymund Jak', merchant of Bordeaux, laden with 34 pockets of wool, to be delivered to him, as it has been testified before the king by Poncius de Mora, Roger le Marescall, and Walter le Cornwaleys, citizens of London, that Reymund caused his ship to be laden in Ireland with 34 pockets of wool, which ship the sheriff lately caused to be arrested at Totnes (Tatton') because he believed that Reymund wished to take the wool to Flanders to trade therewith, and it is also testified that Edmund (sic) did and will not communicate with the Flemings, and Poncius and the others have mainperned that Reymund shall take his wool to Southampton to trade there and in the adjoining parts, and not without the realm. July 7. To Roger de Wauton and John de Swyneford, appointed to hold pleas of the market. Order to replevy to Eudo la Zuche and Milicent (Milisante), his wife, their liberty of Calne, which was taken into the king's hands for contempt, together with the issues thereof, until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Godfrey le Fauconer of 66s. Sd., unless he have had acquittance already, which he delivered into the wardrobe of the late king to Nicholas de Leukenore, then keeper of the wardrobe, on Wednesday, the feast of the Holy Innocents, in the 52nd year of the said king's reign, in which sum he made fine with the late king to have respite for his knighthood. MEMBRANE 6. July 8. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Alice de Amundevill to have seisin of the manor of Arningeton, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Matilda de Sancto Andrea demised it to Alice for Alice's life, and that Alice was in good and peaceful seisin thereof long before Matilda's death, until she was ejected thence by the escheator, and the king has rendered to her seisin of the manor, to hold for life, provided that she do not make waste, sale, or ruin, so that it may revert entire to Matilda's heirs at Alice's death. Geoffrey de Cortlingestok, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of John de Wollaston, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. July 9. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause Adam de Knel to have Westminster. seisin of a messuage and a moiety of a bovate of land in Chippyn, which Roger Hoseleneheved held, who was hanged for felony, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the said messuage and moiety have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Roger held them of Adam, and that the township of Chyppyn is bound to answer to the king for the year, day, and waste thereof. To the treasurer or him who supplies his place, and to the barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas all exactions, demands, and distraints on the archbishop of Cashel for the king's debts. By R. Burnell and by writ of the great seal. [Prynne, Records, iii. 137.] To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Alice de Scalar[iis] to have seisin of certain lands that are of her 2 EDWARD I. 91 1274.. Membrane 6-cont. fee in Abinton and which are held of her by knight service, the custody whereof belongs to her of right, as it appears by inspection of the rolls of the exchequer and by inquisition taken by the escheator that William de Abenton held of the king of the honour of Boulogne, and not elsewhere of the king in chief, so that the custody of his other lands that are of the fee of others could or ought [not] to pertain to the king. By R. Burnell. To William de Boyvill, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Margaret, late the wife of Robert de Ros, tenant in chief, to have seisin without delay of all the lands of her inheritance of the lands that belonged to Peter de Brus, her brother, as she has done fealty to the king for the said lands and has taken oath not to marry without his licence. By C. July 11. Robert de Beltoft, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Roger Dode, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. July 11. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver Walter le Graunt, imprisoned at Lincoln for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve lawful men of that bailiwick, who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts to stand to right concerning the trespass. July 13. To Geoffrey de Geynvill, justiciary of Ireland. Order to respite all the exactions, demands and distraints on the archbishop of Cashel until the king's arrival in England, so that provision may then be made for doing what is reasonable thereupon, and not to annoy the bishop or his church in the mean time. By R. Burnell. [Prynne, Records, iii. 137.] July 15. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause William de Mortuo Mari, son and heir of Geoffrey de Mortuo Mari, to have seisin of his father's lands, together with all the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Geoffrey, whose lands the escheator took into the king's hands believing that he held of the king in chief, held nothing of the king in chief, but that he held in chief by knight service of Ralph de Mortuo Mari, tenant in chief of the late king, and that William is his son and heir and is of full age. July 17. John Chirell, Roger Chirell, Nicholas Chirell, Nicholas Flaun, and Westminster. William son of Hugh, imprisoned at Ledes for the death of Thomas Wynter, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail them. Gilbert de Bosco of Neubigging, Adam Schakeltunstal, John Haliday and Juliana daughter of Gilbert, imprisoned at York, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. It has been shown to the king on the part of Robert de la Wythye and John his son that whereas John bought a cartload of brushwood at Wodestok from Robert del Box Bouer, John de Ludewell, bailiff of Wodestok, and his ministers took and imprisoned John and his father because John could not find his warrant quickly for the said purchase, charging him and Robert with having taken the brushwood in the king's park in thievish manner; as John is prepared to aver that the brushwood was sold to him by Robert del Box in good faith (fideliter), the king orders Roger to make an inquisition concerning the matter, and if he find thereby that John bought the brushwood from Robert as is aforesaid, he is ordered to cause John and his father to be released with all speed. July 17. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order not to aggrieve Peter Pycot, who was indicted for certain trespasses, and not to inflict damage on his goods, 92 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 6-cont. out to permit Theophania, his wife, to have free administration of his goods, for the use of Peter and her household, until further orders, as Peter has come to the king's peace spontaneously, and has rendered himself lately to the king's prison at London. To Master R. de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Nicholaa de Cryoll', Margery and Beatrice, sisters of Nicholas de Cryoll', tenant in chief, to have seisin of a moiety of the manor of Stocton, together with the issues thereof, as the escheator, believing that Nicholas was seised at his death of the said moiety in his demesne as of fee ejected Nicholaa, Margery and Beatrice from their seisin thereof and took it into the king's hands, and the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Nicholas at his death was not seised of a moiety of the manor, because he had given it to Roger de Leyburn, and at the time when Nicholas held the moiety he held it of the bishop of Lincoln by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of his first wife. July 18. John son of John Eylward, imprisoned at Marleberg for the death of Westminster. Richard le Retherherde, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to withdraw from the chest of the chirographers the charter of Robert son of Robert (lde Magna Dodington for a debt of 5 marks in which he was indebted to Peytevinus son of Sampson, a Jew of Northampton, by that charter, and to acquit him thereof, as Peytevinus has acknowledged before the king's subjects appointed to levy the tallage of the king's Jews that Robert is quit of the debt aforesaid. July 26. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to permit Robert son of German to go Canterbury. quit, and to restore to him any money that the sheriff may have received by reason of his release, as the king lately ordered the sheriff to cause to be recorded in his county [court] any outlawry promulgated against Robert by reason of the death of Reginald atte Park, for whose death the sheriff took Robert and imprisoned him, and it appears by the said record, sent to the king by the sheriff, that Robert was not outlawed for the said death, and that the late king pardoned him the suit of his peace for that death. Philip le Gaunt, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Alice, daughter of Roger de Waltham, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. July 28. Christiana, late the wife of Robert le Sennenir, and Agnes her daughter, Elham. imprisoned at Winchester for the death of William le Tawyare, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail them. John Adde, Gilbert de Norhantonia, and Alexander le Tanur imprisoned at St. Albans for the death of Robert atte Wodegate, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Hertford to bail them. July 29. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the execuCanterbury. tors of the will of Philip Basset to have administration of all his goods and chattels for the execution of his will, as the treasurer and barons wrote back to the king, after searching the rolls of the exchequer, that Philip is quit at the exchequer by his executors of all debts, as well his own as those due to the king by reason of the lands of Robert de Gynes. Anketinus de Anesye, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Henry de Aspeleye, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. July 30. To Master R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Canterbury. Matilda, late the wife of William de Abington, tenant in chief, the portion 2 EDWARD I. 93 1274. Membrane 6 ---cont. of William's lands falling to her as dower, according to the partition of William's lands made by the escheator, as contained in a schedule enclosed in these presents. Aug. 5. William le Chapman, imprisoned at Lammasse for the death of Richard Canterbury. Goldhen, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. Aug. 10. To the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the king's houses of Tunbridge. Wodestok to be repaired and amended where necessary by the view and testimony of lawful men, as the king learns that they need speedy repair. Aug. 12. To Poncius de Mora and Gregory de Rockel[eye], takers of the king's Tunbridge. wines. Order to cause the five tuns of wine of the king's right prise, which are at Southampton and which the king ordered to be acquitted by the treasurer and chamberlains, to be carried to Brehull, to be placed in the king's cellars against his approaching arrival there. Membrane 6-Schedule 1. Partition of the lands that belonged to Sir William de Abington. There fall to a third of the park in the manor on the north side 6 perches, 12 feet with the fishpond on the same side and with the ditches at the ends of the said plot, and a plot enclosed with a wall without the gate, with a gate and upper room (solario) over the gate, and with the appurtenant chambers, and with a chamber at the east end of the same plot, and a cowhouse with a dovecote and a barn in the same plot with dyke-bote (dyhbote) of 5 feet at the east end and a 'dyhbote' of 3 feet at the west end, and 6 perches 3 feet in the middle of Newtwybr[ugge?] in the same manor, abbutting in the same way, with as much dyke-bote (dyhbote), to wit with the ditch at each end, and with a dykebote of 5 feet at the east end and of 3 feet at the west end. And in Le Holme in that manor on the west side a plot with ditches and dyke-bote (dyhbot) at the ends, and with ditches in the same, and the plot contains at the north end 5 perches 5 feet, and at the south end 6 perches; with a small house for cows and a pigsty without the gate. And a third part in the middle of the lower furlong of a cultura called ' Westdole,' and in the upper furlong of the same cultura a third part towards the east, and two butts in the middle of six butts in the same cultura; and a third part in Stanebregedole towards the east; and in Stanebreg'-furlong, two butts towards the west; and in Melnedole a third part towards the west; and in Baldriesdole, a third part towards the east; and in Faragesdole, a third part in the middle; and at Westbrok, two selions of six on the south side, and at Westbrok an acre near the land of Adam son of William Joan; and upon Westlongelond, two butts [counted] for half an acre near the land of Andrew de Crendene, and in Wowelond a third part of a small cultura towards the east, and in Pertchemer-furlong an acre near le Wowelond and under Ramenho, two butts [counted] for 13 roods near the land of Adam son of William Joan; and at Westbrok an acre near the land of Alan de Ceddre; and under Ramenho, two acres near the land of the hospital of Seneg[eye], and in Lampettes, a selion in the middle of two furlongs (in medio per duas quarentenas); and in Lampettes, a butt near the land of the parson of Abington, and in Snytefurlong, an acre near the land of Richard de Byboys, and a rood on the north side of Berdon near the land of Michael de Vernun; and a third of three selions in Le Clay on the east side; and at Coumade, half an acre near the land of the parson of Abington, and in Eldefeld furlong of the Frenchman's land (del Fransemaneslond), a selion near the land of the parson of Abington, and a 94 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 6-Schedule l-cont. moiety of a rood near the land of Luke West, and it abuts upon the brook (le doyt); and a third of four selions in Le Fulelond towards the north, and in Fulelond a rood near the land of William West; and a third of an enclosed garden near the chapel of Abington on the east side, and a third of the croft near that enclosure on the north side; and in Estdole, a third towards the west, and 3 selions in Fanfurlong near the land of Matilda de Abington; and in Brandelon, 3 selions near the land of Robert de Lindon; and in ' le lower Syke,' a selion [counted] for 3 roods near Le Inland; and in Spotmerefurlong, an acre near the land of Richard de Byboys; and in Flemingescroft, a third towards the west; and a third of 8 selions in Westlongelond in the middle; and in Westlongelond, an acre and a rood near the land of Alan de Berle; and in the same furlong 3 roods, near the land of Matilda de Abinton; and in the same furlong an acre near the land of Robert de la Grene; and in Flemingesdole through three furlongs, a third part towards the east; and of three selions on the north part [of] Beru, a third part towards the west, near the land of Robert son of Philip, and in the same furlong towards the east, an acre near the land of Luke le Neue; and in Mardyhfurlong, half an acre near the land of William Everard, and a rood near the land of Matilda de Abington, and of five selions in the same furlong, half an acre on the east side, and in the same furlong an acre near the land of the hospital of Seneg[eye], and half an acre in Le Hole in the upper furlong near the land of Robert Culle, and in le Northerhale, two butts near the land of Robert the reeve; and in Wendimorfurlong, two selions near the land of the parson, and of 5 selions one acre on the south near the land of Richard de Biboys; and in the same furlong, an acre near the land of Alan de Berle, and at Chalcpettes 3 roods near the land of Richard de Byboys, and a rood at Sutbrok near the land of Luke de Neue; and in the same furlong, half an acre near the land of Richard de Byboys, and of 3 selions in Fransemaneslond a third part in the middle, and on the north part of Beru, two butts [counted] for 3 roods near the land of Walter the reeve; and in the same furlong at Wigodes, 3 roods near the land of Matilda de Abington, likewise Le Wellehalvaker and half an acre near the land of Matilda de Abingt[on]; and under Beru, a butt near the land of Andrew de Crenden; and in the several pasture called 'Estmede,' besides 24 feet that shall remain for dyke-bote (dykbot) and for the common way, in the west field, a third part towards the south; and in the several pasture called ' Westmede,' a third part in the middle, with appurtenant chace (chacia) and easement; and in a pasture called ' Sutdole ' in Wendimor, a third part in the middle; and in Nortdole in the same, a third part on the north side, and a third part of a windmill. And from the free rent of assize of the free tenants, from William son of Waldeve (Waldewy) of Thadelawe, 6s. 6d. yearly; from Walter del Eldefeld, 8d.; from Alan de Berle, id.; from Amicia Sterre, 2s.; from Robert Hethulf, 5s.; from John Dus, 2d.; from Robert son of Philip, 2s.; from John Tucke, id.; from Matilda, daughter of Hugh, id.; and from Margery Ransy a third of a pound of pepper; with the homage, wards, reliefs, escheats, suits of court, and all services arising from the said tenants, except the service of Robert son of Philip, a third part whereof remains to this part; and from the 'molmen,' from Ivo Est, 16d.; from Adam son of Hugh, 6d.; with the appurtenant services and customs; and from Matilda daughter of Hugh, Wd.; and from the villeinage, from William West, who holds half a virgate of land, with all his issue (sequela), together with the services and customs and commodities from him and his tenement, and a moiety of William Everard out of his issue, with a moiety of the services, customs and commodities arising from him and his tenement, which William holds half a virgate of land. With a third part of all the liberties pertaining to that manor, both of bull and boar and of other things. 2 EDWARD I. 1274. Membrane 6-Schedule 1-cont. [Dorse.] Steplemordun.-In the enclosure that belonged to William Farage, a third part towards the west, with appurtenant ditches, 'dyhbot' and easements in the lower croft; a third part near the meadow towards the south side, and in the upper croft, a third part in the middle; and in the meadow, a third part towards the south, with the way and chace (chacia) between the two said crofts; and in the cultura above the said croft, a third part in the middle; and in Hesdele, a third part towards the north; and in Pollardescroft, a third part towards the south; and above Pichardes, a selion of the two towards the north, and half an acre near the Sepewaspedole; and upon Merodune, half il acre near the land of Henry le Whyte; and in Westgletten, an acre near the land -—, abutting upon Madedych; and in Faragesdele, a third part towards the west, and at Langedyche, two selions on the north side, and at Croneweye, half an acre near the land of John le Bretun; and above Holewelle, three butts near the land of Gilbert Prat; and of five selions upon Litlington, a third part in the middle; and the headland (le hevedlond) of an acre at Sytlowedene; and without Allwellstrate upon Catewell an acre near the land of Robert de Strata; and a selion [counted] for three roods near the land of Hugh de Seneg[eye]; and upon Litlingtonfeld an acre near the land of Henry le Blund on the north side; and a selion [counted] for three roods near the land of the prior of Wilemundele under Suthol; and on the west part Sparcdenwey 2 acres near the land of the prior of Wilemundele; and at Hykenhilte an acre near the land of Andrew de Northbrok; and an acre near the land of the parson of Mordun, abutting upon Wodewey; and an acre near the land of William Burre against Havedewey; and an acre near the land of Henry le Blund, abutting upon Havedewey; and three roods near the land of William Burre, above Le Mere, abutting upon Aswellestrate; and above Le Mere, half an acre near the land of John le Bretun, abutting upon the field of Reddre, with a third part of the pasture in Hillewelle. From the rents of assize of free tenants: from Nicholas Hery, 3s.; from Hugh Arneburn, 2s.; from Henry le Blund, 8d.; from William Cayterel, 10d.; from Robert the smith, 1Od.; from John deBruey, -d.; from Philip son of Marsill[ia], id.; with the homages, services, wards, reliefs and escheats coming from his said tenants, except a moiety of the services of William Kayterel, and [except] two parts of the services of Hugh Arnebur[n], Henry le Blund and of all profits that may arise from them and their tenement. These are three parts of the lands of William de Abingeton, in co. Cambridge, equally divided. Membrane 6-Schedule 2. ----- Letter from J. de Kauncy, the treasurer, and the other barons of the --- exchequer to the king. Upon inspection of the rolls of the exchequer at the king's order, they have found that Philip Basseth is quit at the exchequer by his executors of all debts, as well his own as those that he owed to the king by reason of the lands of Robert de Gynes. Membrane 6-Schedule 3. Aug. 1. To Geoffrey Foliot, keeper of Glastonbury abbey. Order to cause the elect of Glastonbury to have 201. from the issues of the abbey for his maintenance, of the king's special grace. 96 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. MEMBRANE 5. Aug. 12. To the barons of the exchequer and the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause William de Hadestok to have respite for all the debts that he owes to Master Elia6, a Jew of London, which rce exacted from him by summons of the exchequer for the use of Elias, Ils the king has granted respite to him. By K. and M. de Grohun. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to release the distraint made upon William de Hadestok for the debts aforesaid, as the king has granted him respite until Michaelmas. By K. and Maurice de Crohun. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver Robert Attewylegh and John his son, imprisoned at Oxford for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve lawful men of that bailiwick, who shall inainpern to have them before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they shall come to those parts to answer to the king for the said trespass. Walter Coppyn and Warin Coppyn, imprisoned at Launceveton for the death of William son of Thomas de Langedon, whereof they are appealed, have letters of the king to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail them. Aug. 15. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Croydon. Fekeham to be elected in place of Robert de Estewode, whom the king lately amoved from that office for various causes. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent Order to deliver to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, one oak in the king's forest of Ceite (sic) for making a certain post therewith for the windmill at Luttegarsale. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause verderers for the king's forest of Fekeham to be elected in place of William de Kingeton and William de IHerveton, deceased. Thomas de la Gare, Adam de Langham, Alan le Gaunter, Richard de la Gare, Thomas Tytot, and Geoffrey de la Hyde, imprisoned at St. Edmunds for the death of Adam Wlwyne of Cokefeld, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail them. Aug. 16. To Master R. de Cliff[ord], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Croydon. John Engayne and Joan his wife to have seisin of the lands in Byfeld that belonged to Joyce de Mountfychet, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the lands that Joyce at her death held in Byfeld in her demesne as of fee fall to Joan by inheritance, and that they are worth 49s. 7id. yearly, and that they are held in chief of the heir of Robert de Sutton, and that they were taken into the king's hands solely by reason of Robert's death, and that nothing can pertain to the king thence in name of wardship. Aug. 16. To the same. Order to restore to Thomas de Weilaund, brother and heir Croydon. of William de Weilaund, the manor of Branteston, together with the issues, if the escheator ascertain by inquisition that William at his death held nothing of the king in chief there or elsewhere in his bailiwick, as the escheator lately took that manor, whereof William was seised in his demesne as of fee, into the king's hands by his order after William's death, and now the king learns by the testimony of trustworthy men that William did not hold the manor of him in chief by reason whereof anything thereof ought to pertain to him. Aug. 20. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to certify the king of the names of Westminster. the mainpernors of John le Clerk of Waleton, imprisoned at Wyndesor for the death of John de Edelmeton, wherewith he is charged, if he shall find twelve lawful men of that county to have him before the justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right if any one wish 2 EDWARDL I. 97 1274. Membrane 5-cont. to speak against him concerning this death, so that the king may cause John to be delivered from prison by that mainprise. Amabilla de Pemilbur[y], imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of Elias son of Roger, whereof she is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail her. Aug. 27. To John de Lovetot and Geoffrey de Neubald, keepers of the bishopric Windsor. of Durham. Order to permit the executors of the will of Robert, late bishop of Durham, to have full administration of all the bishop's goods for the execution of his will, and to permit them to dispose (reponere) of the bishop's corn and other goods in the manors of the bishopric as shall seem fit to them, as brother Hugh, formerly prior of Durham, and Master Roger de Seyton have mainperned for the said executors to render to the king any debts that the bishop at his death owed to him. [Prynne, Records, iii. 134.] Memorandum, that the king landed at Dover on Thursday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 1274. And he was solemnly crowned on Sunday after the Assumption next in the church of St. Peter, Westminster, in the aforesaid year and in the second year of his reign. Aug. 26. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so Windsor. provide, according to the value of the tenement of Stephen Maulovei of co. Nottingham, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of certain debts that he owes to divers Jews of the realm that he may have reasonable maintenance from his tenement, and that he may satisfy the Jews for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on him for the said debts, and the king does not wish that Stephen shall be brought to such need for these debts that he cannot have maintenance from his lands. By K. The like for Thomas son of Thomas de Welleby. To John de Luvetot and Geoffrey de Neubald, keepers of the bishopric of Durham. Order to pay to A. king of Scotland, from the first money from the issues of the bishopric, 1751. for his expenses for five weeks, to wit 100s. a day, in coming to the king at Westminster at his order and returning thence. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so provide, according to the value of the tenements of William de Tanstern, Thomas de Tanstern, and Walter Rudesteyn of Hayton of co. York, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of divers debts that they owe to divers Jews of the realm that they may have reasonable maintenance from their lands, and that they may satisfy the Jews for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on them for the said debts, and the king does not wish that they shall be brought to such need for these debts that they cannot have maintenance from their lands. Aug. 27. Adam Hemming, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Thomas Anger, Windsor. wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. Aug. 26. To the keeper of the prison of Flete. It has been shewn to the king on Windsor. behalf of John de Whytewell, John Lance, Stephen le Keu, and Walter David that whereas Thomas de Bek appealed them before the justices at Westminster of the death of Philip de Hakefeud,* and they placed themselves upon a jury (patriam) before the justices in this behalf, wherefore they were adjudged to prison by the consideration of the king's court, and are still detained there, William de Bek, coming to the king to parts beyond -:: --- * Called Hakeford in the order to the justices of the Bench, which follows next. u 96998. G 98 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 5 —cont. sea on behalf of Thomas, surreptitiously sued out the king's writ under the great seal that the appeal should be respited until the king's arrival in England, and now the king being in England, Thomas seeks a pretext whereby the appeal may not be prosecuted against the said John, John, Stephen and Walter, so that they may be detained maliciously in prison to their confusion, and so that they may not be released according to the law and custom of the realm; as William Belet, William de Saham, Robert le Blund, William de Boyton, Walter son of Walter de Torp, and William de Wytewell of co. Norfolk, Nicholas Herlewyn of co. Buckingham, Thomas de Paumeswrth of co. Cambridge, Hugh de la Batayle, Ralph de Porleye, and William de Porleye of co. Berks have mainperned to have the said John, John, Stephen and Walter before the justices at Westminster in fifteen days from Michaelmas, wherefore the king has ordered the justices to cause lawful men of co. Norfolk to come before them on that day, by whom the truth of the matter may be best known and inquired, the king orders the keeper to cause the said John, John, Stephen and Walter to be released from prison in the meantime by the mainprise aforesaid. By Robert Burnel and Anthony Bek. To Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices of the Bench. Order to cause men of co. Norfolk to come before them, as above. By Robert Burn[ell] and Anthony Bek. MEMBRANE 4. Aug. 28. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause John le Clerk of Waleton, Windsor. imprisoned at Wyndesor for the death of John de Edelmeton, slain at Kunyton, co. Middlesex, to be released on the mainprise following, as John Raghen' of co. Middlesex, John le Clerk of Cherdinton of the same county, John le Clerk of the same county, John de Wodeton of the same county, John le Sire of the same county, Richard Ingolf of the same county, Thomas Attechurche of Lalham of the same county, Gilbert the carpenter of Litleton of the same county, Robert North of Cherdinton, of the same county, William son of Peter de Littleton of the same county, Thomas le Keu of the same county, and Adam de la Brok of Acton of the same county have mainperned before the sheriff of Middlesex to have John before the justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him concerning the death aforesaid, as the sheriff of Middlesex has signified to the king. Sept. 8. Thomas Tanstern of Hayton, imprisoned at York for the death of James Windsor. Kayles of Hayton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Swetiva of-the-Stathe (Oschestathe), imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Augustine Spurnewater, whereof she is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail her. Sept. 9. Ralph de Pinynton imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Thomas de Windsor. Rothinges, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. Sept. 10. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to respite until the morrow of All Souls Windsor. the demand on the barons of the port of Faveresham for 201. exacted of them by summons of the exchequer, in order that in the meantime the king, when fully informed concerning this matter, may cause justice to be done, and to release in the meantime any distraint made for this cause, as the said barons claim to have quittance of this sum. Sept. 10. To the same. The like order in favou the barons of the port of Windsor. Sandwich for 100 marks. 2 EDWARD I. 99 1274. Membrane 4-cont. ----- Robert Doket, Thomas Dynedans and William Dinedans, imprisoned at - Salisbury for the death of William le Berker, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail them. Sept. 13. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Master Berard de Windsor. Neapol[i], the pope's notary, of 100s. in which he was amerced before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices last in eyre in co. Southampton, for the escape of a thief from his prison in Andovre, as the king has pardoned him this sum. Sept. 13. To Master Richard de Clifford, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Windsor. dower to be assigned to Nicholaa, late the wife of Roger de Wyk[es], from the manor of Wyk[es], which belonged to the said Roger, tenant of the honour of Thony, which honour belonged to Roger de Thony, tenant in chief of the late king, the custody of which honour the said king granted to Robert (sic) de Brus until Roger's heir should come of age, which manor the king caused to be taken into his hands by reason of a dispute in his court between Godhilda (Godehuda),* late the sister of Roger [de Wykes], and Walter de Wyk[es], Roger's kinsman. Sept. 20. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Windsor. Henry de Longevill and Petronilla his wife to have again seisin of 41. and of 33s. 4d. yearly of land in Overton Watervill, together with the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master Richard de Cliff[ord], late escheator this side Trent, that Roger de Luvetoft, tenant in chief, enfeoffed Henry and Petronilla jointly by his charter of the said land, and that they had seisin thereof, for a month and three days before Roger's death, and that Roger held the land of John de Litlebyri and of John de Cantilupo by foreign service, and that the escheator took the land into the king's hands solely by reason of Roger's death. To Gregory de Rockel[eye] and Poncius de Mora, takers of the king's wines in England. Order to deliver 12 tuns of the wine in their custody to Matthew de Columbar[iis], to be carried to the king at Windsor. Memorandum, that, on Friday the feast of St. Matthew, the great seal was delivered to Robert Burnell, archdeacon of York, at Wyndesor, and he forthwith sealed therewith both writs, both ordinary (de cursu) writs and writs of precept. Sept. 21. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Ireland. Order to Windsor. cause Master Hugh de Frenes, who came as the envoy of Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland, to inform the king of the state of Ireland and who incurred expenses out of his own pocket, and whom malefactors plundered upon the sea, to have recompence for his expenses and damages according to their discretion, as they shall be certified of the said damages. Sept. 21. William Petit of Stratton, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Simon Windsor. Fyn of Swaneton, wherewith he is charged, hlas letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Sept. 22. Henry son of Richard de Warmynton, William son of Walter Jordan, Windsor. Adam son of Robert 'in the Hale', Adam son of Walter Jordan, Robert Cherie, Gilbert son of Walter le Provost, Richard son of Norman, Richard de Warmynton, William Jordan, Norman Peytevyn and Robert 'in the Hale,' imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Robert son of William le Bacheler, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail them. * Called Godehaude (for French Godeheude) in Roger's inquisition post Mortem (2 Edw. I. No. 28). G 2 %~.~ 100 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 4-cont. John son of James de Wylminton, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Richard Begilo, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. Estmund son of Reimbald de Deneverr', imprisoned at Wynbotesham for the death of Robert son of Estmund, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Sept. 25. William Paynel and Matilda his wife, imprisoned at Northampton for Windsor. the death of Thomas Campyon of Olford, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. Sept. 28. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so Windsor. provide, according to the value of the tenement of William de Arderne of co. Rutland, for the assignment of such terms for payment of divers debts due from him to divers Jews of the realm that he may have reasonable maintenance from his tenement, and that he may satisfy the Jews for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on him for the said debts, and the king wills that he shall not be brought to such need for these debts that he cannot have maintenance from his lands. William Cok, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Henry de --- Scofton and Henry his son, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Oct. 1. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Windsor. 70 marks to be levied of the goods and chattels of Walter de Geyton according to the custom of the king's Jewry, and to cause that sum to be paid to John de Geyton, as the king granted to John, in recompense for the 70 marks that John remitted to him of the debts that he owes to John for the arrears of John's wages and for John's horses lost in the king's service in parts beyond the sea, the 70 marks in which the said Walter is bound hy his charter to Cresseus son of Genta ( Gente), a Jew of London, the debts of which Jew were taken into the king's hands by reason of a tallage assessed upon him. They are ordered to cause Walter's charter to be withdrawn from the chest of chirographers of the Jews, and to cause Walter to be acquitted when John has received the said money. Oct. 2. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to respite until Easter next the Windsor. demand made upon the prioress and nuns of Sewardele for the twentieth for the king's use, by the king's special favour. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Martinmas next the demand upon William de Valenc[ia], who has set out by the king's order to parts beyond sea, for debts due to the king. To the mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. Order to buy for the king's use 20 tuns of the best wines on sale in that city or port, and to deliver them to the constable of Bristol castle, whom the king has ordered to receive the wine from them and to satisfy them for the price thereof, and to cause it to be carried to Shrewsbury against the king's arrival there. Oct. 1. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to provide, Windsor. according to the value of the tenement of Amice Dernate of co. Southampton, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of divers debts due from her to Hakethimus, a Jew of Winchester, that she may have reasonable maintenance from her tenement, and that she may satisfy the said Jew for the remainder. as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on her for the said debts, and the king does not wish that she shall be brought to such need for the said debts that she cannot have maintenance from her lands. ee e* ~ 2 EDWARD I. 101 1274. Membrane 4-cont. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Philip de Columbar[iis], son and heir of Philip de Columbar[iis], of the scutage for the late king's army of Wales in the 41st year of his reign, as the king has ascertained by inspection of the rolls of the said scutage that Philip's father did his service in that army. Oct. 5. To the same. Whereas the late king granted to Isabella de Fortibus, The Tower. countess of Albemarle, that she should render 100 marks yearly to the exchequer for all the clear debts that she owed to the king at the exchequer, as well the debts of Baldwin de Insula, sometime earl of Devon, and those of Margery de Rypariis and her ancestors, whose heir she is, as scutages, reliefs, aids, imprests, arrears, ferms, and other debts whatsoever, and the king has granted that if she die before the debts be paid, her heirs after her death shall render to the king 100 marks yearly until the debts have been fully paid, so that the king shall not lay hands on her goods after her death by reason of the debts aforesaid: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause this to be done and enrolled. Oct. 8. Stephen de Lemyng' of Brymston, imprisoned at York for the death of The Tower. Adam le Suur of Lenlyng,' whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Oct. 9. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Isabella, The Tower. late the wife of William de Hastencot, to have the 201. yearly at the exchequer in which the prior of Bernewell is bound to the exchequer for the ferm of the manor of Cestreton, as the late king granted to her the said 201., which he had granted to William and his heirs, to be received by the prior's hands until the said king should provide them with 201. yearly of land, to be held and received by Isabella, to wit a third as dower and the remaining two parts for her maintenance and that of her children until William's heir come of age, as contained in the said king's letters, and the king has granted that she shall receive the said money in the same way henceforth. MEMBRANE 3. Oct. 7. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to The Tower. Richard de Brus all the issues received from the manor of Wyk[es], which belonged to Roger de Wyk[es], from the time when it was taken into the king's hands by reason of the dispute between Godhilda (Godehudam), sister of the said Roger, and Walter de Mereworth, Roger's nephew (nepotem), retaining the manor in the king's hands until otherwise ordered, as the king learns by inquisition that the manor is held of the honour of Thony, which belonged to Roger de Thony, tenant in chief of the late king, who granted the custody of the said Roger's lands and heirs to Richard de Brus, to hold until Roger's heirs should come of age, and that the custody of the manor of Wyk[es] pertains to Richard until Roger de Wyk[es]'s heirs come of age. Oct. 10. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so The Tower. provide, according to the value of the tenements of Athelard de Barwe and Robert Gunter, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of the debt that they owe to Bonefant, a Jew of Royston (de Cruce Reys), so that they may have reasonable maintenance from their tenements and may satisfy the Jew for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on them for the said debt, and the king does not wish that they shall be brought to such want for such debt that they caunot have maintenance from their lands. Henry de Wynham, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of William Tricche, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 3-cont. Oct. 10. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so The Tower. provide, according to the value of the tenements of Adam Bengemin and John and Robert his brothers of co. Kent, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of certain debts that they owe to Dyaia, a Jew of London, that they may have reasonable maintenance from their tenements and may satisfy the Jew for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on them for the said debts, and the king does not wish them to be brought to such want for the debts that they cannot have maintenance from their lands. The like in favour of Walter de Lodynton of co. Warwick for the debts that he owes to Vives son of Vives de Hereford a Jew of Warwick. The like in favour of William de Ardern of co. Rutland for the debts that he owes to Deykinus de Holm, a Jew of Stafford. Oct. 11. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the men and tenants of The Tower. the manor of Boleshovere of 12 Marks at which they were tallaged in the last tallage of the late king, as the said king granted the said 12 marks to Alan de Usher, who holds the manor for life by the said king's grant and by the king's grant. Oct. 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit The Tower. Reginald de Grey, justice of Chester, of 1001. and to cause Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, to have respite until Lent next for that sum, as Reginald owes the king 400 marks for his ferm of Chester for Michaelmas term last, and Henry owes Reginald 1001. as Henry has asserted before the king, wherefore the king looked to (cepimus ad) Henry for 1001. in part payment of the said 500 (sic) marks, and has given him the said respite. Petronilla de Typpele, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Richard de Typpele, whereof she is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail her. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until Easter next the demand upon John le Bonde and other weavers of Oxford for 241., which are in arrears of the ferm that they owe to the exchequer, so that the king may then cause to be done what he shall cause to be provided by his council. To Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. Order to Tetain any liberties taken by him into the king's hands for any trespass, and not to restore them until the king, after being certified by him concerning them, shall write back his will therein, as the king learns from the complaint of many that some magnates, citizens and burgesses and others frequently exceed the liberties granted to them by the king and his progenitors, and inflict no small damage daily upon many under cover of those liberties, and do not cease to usurp the rights of the king and of others. Oct. 12. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the king's forest of Bernewode. Order Westminster. to deliver to Thomas Inge, bailiff of the king's manor of Brehull, ten oaks fit for timber in that forest, with all their loppings (excaetis), to make a windmill in the manor for the king's use. Oct. 13. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Westminster. William de Bello C(ampo, earl of Warwick, and Thomas de Kaunvill to have seisin of the custody of the lands that Ralph de Lodynton held of them, saving to the king 20s. yearly, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Ralph de Hengham that Ralph de Lodynton at his death held nothing of the king in chief, but that he held of William 41 virgates of land in Drayton by the service of an eighth part of a knight's fee to the carl and rendering to the king 20s. yearly, and that the said 4~ virgates are of the lands of the Norinans, and not of the crown, and that Ralph held of William 2 EDWARD I. 103 1274. Membrane 3 —cont. a fourth part of a knight's fee in Lodynton, and that he held in chief at his death of Thomas a quarter of a knight's fee in Wilmundecote. John Paternoster, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Henry Wodecok, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver the manor of Cantokesheved, which belonged to Alexander Loterel, tenant in chief, to Robert de Typetot, to whom the king granted the custody thereof during the minority of Alexander's heir. Oct. 15. Adam son of Ralph de Bretferton, imprisoned at Worcester for the death Westminster. of John de Pidele, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail him. Adam son of Walter de la Lake, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of William Dragun, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. Oct. 16. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to supersede Westminster. the execution of a writ directing them to cause terms to be assigned to Stephen Maulovel of Rampton for payment of divers debts to Jews, so that he should have reasonable maintenance from his land, [as at page 97 above], if they ascertain that Stephen is able to pay the said debts, as the king, when he provided by his council that the needy who were indebted to Jews should not be brought to such need by the said debts that they could not have maintenance from their lands, did not intend that such remedy should apply to the rich and to those whose means are sufficient to pay their debts, and ho learns from the information of certain men that Stephen Maulovel of Rampton, who is indebted to divers Jews, and who sued out the aforesaid writ from the king's court in deceit of the said court, asserting that he was poor, has 50!. of land and more yearly, and that his goods suffice to acquit the said debts. Oct. 17. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Agnes Bordwate of 8 Westminster. marks, the remainder of a fine of 10 marks made by her in the late king's time, when imprisoned at Wykumb, before the justices last in eyre at Wykumb that she might be treated more mildly in prison until she should be delivered by a jury (patriam), and she has paid 2 marks thereof at the exchequer at Easter last, and the king has pardoned her the remaining 8 marks at the instance of R. archbishop of Canterbury. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the executors of the will of Robert de Monte Forti to have free administration of all Robert's goods and chattels, upon their finding security to render to the exchequer the debts that Robert at his death owed to the king. Richard Baudewye, John le Fevre, and Henry de (sic) Gothyrd, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Peter Culbel, Edith his wife, Alice daughter of Peter, and Thomas Dorival, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail them. Geoffrey le Freyn of Newenham, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of John de Newenham, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. Oct. 17. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Whereas Westminster. Robert de Thurleby, sometime sheriff of Dublin, and [James] de Aldithel[eye], sometime justiciary of Ireland, made certain payments in the king's name to maintain the war against the king's enemies of those parts, without which payments the war could not conveniently be maintained, which payments have not yet been allowed to Robert at the exchequer,,as the king 104 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 3-cont. learns from him; the king orders the treasurer and chamberlains to cause due allowance to be made to Robert for the premises, after taking from him security that he will be ready at the king's summons when necessary to charge the heirs of the said James with the receipt of the money, whereby the king may have due recovery against the heirs of James for the money that ought not to be allowed to James in his expenses. William Licfot, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Roger le Pel, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. Oct. 18. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Whereas William Westminster. de Chivelton and Joan his wife, sometime the wife of Thomas le Marescal, tenant in chief, made security to the king by Henry de Somery of co. Gloucester and Adam Folyot of co. Dorset that they would restore to the king at the quinzaine of the Purification next the custody of two parts of the lands that belonged to Thomas in Cherberwe, which the king committed to them until the said quinzaine, if the custody and marriage of Thomas's heir ought to pertain to the king, who therefore orders John to permit William and Joan to have the custody in the meantime, so that they may answer (respondeat) to the king for the issues thereof in the meantime if the custody ought to pertain to him. Oct. 18. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so Westminster. provide, according to the value of the tenements of Gocelin de Brathewayt of co. York, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of certain debts that he owes to Bonamy, a Jew of York, that he may have reasonable maintenance from his tenement, and that he may satisfy the Jew for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on him for the said debts, and the king wills that he shall not be brought to such need for these debts that he cannot have maintenance from his lands. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the brethren of the order of Holy Trinity, Knarresburg, to be acquitted of the twentieth granted to the late king, as the king learns by the testimony of Luke de Tancy that the brethren paid their twentieth to Henry de Aiemann[ia], to whom the late king.ranted it, and that Luke received the twentieth from the brethren when he was constable of Henry's castle of Cnarresburg for Henry's use. Adam le Pestur of St. Faith's, Stephen de Colne, John de Berkinge, John Lomb, Steyngrim de Sancta Fide, Peter de Braunford, Richard Gulfer, Vitalis de Sancta Fide, Simon Pokok, brother Elias de Sancta Fide, brother Hubert de Sancta Fide, brother Durand le Provenzal, John de Norwyco, brother Benedict de Sancta Fide, and Roger de Elveden, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Nicholas Potekyn, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. William Paynel imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Thomas Campyon, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. MEMBRANE 2. Oct. 18. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Westminster. Edmund, the king's brother, to have respite until Easter next for all the debts that he owes to the king's Jews by reason of the lands that belonged to Robert de Ferarr[iis], which are in his hands, as the king has granted this respite to him. Oct. 20. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas Robert de Nevill and Westminster. William de Boshal, sometime the late king's sheriffs in co. York, say that 2 EDWARD I. 105 1274. Membrane 2-cont. they ought not to answer fully for the issues of the county for the last quarter of the 47th year of the said king's reign, and for three parts of the 48th year, which are exacted from Robert, and for the last quarter of the 48th year, and for the whole of the 49th year, which are exacted of William, as they say that they did not fully receive the issues by reason of the hindrance of the war then in England: the king, wishing to be certified concerning the premises, orders the barons to cause knights and other men of that county to come before them, to inquire by their oath concerning the truth of the premises, who received the issues of the county at that time, and how much they were worth, and by whom Robert and William were impeded from freely exercising their office of sheriff as in time of peace, etc., and to inform the king of what is found by the inquisition, so that he may cause to be done what is just. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Wynd[esore] castle. Order to cause Ralph de Acle, imprisoned in the castle, to come under safe convoy to Northampton, personally convoying him, so that he have his body there before the king on All Saints' day next. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to replevy to the burgesses of Bruges until the king's arrival at that town or the adjacent parts the liberty of their town, which the sheriff took into the king's hands for certain causes, and to be before the king to show the cause and reason for thus taking the liberty into the king's hands. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so provide, according to the value of the tenements of Walter Wyket of co. Surrey, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of the debts that he owes to Leo, a Jew of Norwich, that he may have reasonable maintenance from his tenement, and that he may satisfy the Jew for the remainder, is divers and intolerable distraints have been made on him for the said debts, and the king wills that he shall not be brought to such need for the debts that he cannot have maintenance from his lands. Oct. 18. To brother Stephen de Foleburn and William de Middelton. Order to Westminster. cause reasonable terms to be assigned to Ralph Moryn for the debts due to iHagin son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, according to the extent of his lands taken by the king's order, which the king sends to him under his seal, according to the custom of the king's Jewry, as the king has granted to him, for a fine of 401., that he shall pay the said debts, which are in the king's hands for Hagin's tallage, at reasonable terms, which Stephen and William shall appoint according to the said extent. -------- John le Mouner of (et) Wytham, John Turberd, John Helewys, Jordan * ---- son of Stephen, and Richard le Bau, imprisoned at Witham for the death of Hugh le Chapeleyn, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail them. Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to take and keep in prison until Westminster. further orders John le Lung, shoemaker, Philip de Candovre, William de Temple, Richard de Stobbrigg, Gilbert de Seleburn, John le Gras, Thomas le Paumer, Robert Lungespey, Richard le Bathier, William le Petit, Adam Thurmund, John le Chapeler, David le Suur, Adam Taynture[r], John Whyting, Geoffrey Peuke, Robert le Orfevre, Robert le Tayllur, Master Henry le Cordwaner, Laurence Bloy, Roger le Peschur, John Bocman, John de Norhant[onia], Richard le Marescal, Richard Gabriel, William le Arblaster, Henry de Craneburn, Peter Dunpayn, Walter Bengeley, Adam de Echingham, John Marcheis, Oliver le Cutteler, Andrew Senestre, Hugh le Noreis, Robert Pingil, Nicholas le Savoner, John son of John le Clop, Richard de Hampton, Richard le Mouner, William Proudfot, Richard de Wherewell, James de Wordliam. Peter Dunchaump, Thomas Blacpeyn, 106 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 2-cont. William de la Yerd, Walter de Chaperingge, William le Overur, William de Leyc[estria], and Richard de Wenlamp, imprisoned for certain trespasses whereof they were indicted before Roger de Mortuo Mari, whom the king sent to Winchester, as the king, when in parts beyond sea, lately ordered the sheriff to cause them to be delivered upon their finding mainpernors, to wit each of them six men of the city, who should mainpern to have them before the king on his arrival in England, and neither they nor their mainpernors have come before the king to satisfy him concerning the said trespasses. To brother Stephen de Fuleburn, elect of Waterford, and William de Middelton, appointed to assess and levy the last tallage of the Jews. Order to cause the 140 marks that Richard de Tany owes to Master Elias, son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, to be delivered into the king's wardrobe, and to cause them to be allowed to Elias in the said tallage. Oct. 21. To IHenry de Shotbrok. Order to deliver to Edmund, the king's brother, Westminster. the manor of Chaucumb, which belonged to Hamo Lestrange (Extranei), and which the king caused to be taken into his hands with Hamo's other lands, and to deliver the issues received by him thence in the meantime to Peter de Gloria, merchant, in part payment of the debts that Hamo owes to him, as the king has committed the manor to Edmund, of whom it is held in chief, during pleasure. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit William Gerveys and Richard Bishop of co. Southampton of 10 marks in which they made fine before the king for a trespass, as the king has pardoned them at the instance of Labrus (Labri), his merchant. John de Saure, Roger Russel, and Richard de la Boxe, imprisoned at St. Briavels for trespass of venison charged upon them in the forest of Dene, have letters to Roger to Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, to bail them. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to provide, according to the value of the tenement of Sinton le Frankelein of Abketelby of co. Leicester, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of certain debts that he owes to Dyeius de Holm, Abraham his son and Abraham le Gendre Aron de Staunf[ord] that he may have reasonable maintenance from his tenement, and that he may satisfy the said Jews from the remainder, as divers intolerable distraints have been made on him for the said debts, and the king wills that he shall not be brought to such need for these debts that he cannot have maintenance from his lands. Nicholas de Macworth, imprisoned at Derby for the death of Thomas de Warewyk, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Derby to bail him. Oct. 26. Nicholas le Porter, imprisoned at Ivilcestre for the death of an unknown Westminster. man, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. John de Tayllur, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Thomas de Warewyk, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. John Waryn, imprisoned at St. Briavels for trespass of the king's forest of Dene, has letters to Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent, to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to commit the hundreds of Happing and Fleg, which William de Burgo lately had in his custody, to the king's serjeant, John le Usser, to be kept during plcasurej 2 EDWARD I. 107 1274. Membranes 2, 1. provided that he shall render yearly at the exchequer as much as any one else would render therefor. Oct. 18. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to assign to Westminster. Matilda, late the wife of Robert Waleraund, tenant in chief, 221. 4s. 91d. of land in the manor of Stokecurcy or its appurtenances, which belonged to Robert, which sum is in arrears to her to complete her dower. Nov. 2. To the seneschal of Gascony, or to him who supplies his place. Order Luton. to cause all necessary things to be found for Arnald Garsie, the king's serjeant, and for the king's horses and their keepers staying in Gascony, until otherwise ordered. The king will cause allowance to be made to the constable of Bordeaux for such expenses. William le Post, imprisoned at Brembre for the death of Walter Carper -- and Matilda his sister, wherewith he is charged, has a writ o bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of the Purification next the allowances of charters, liberties and acquittances that divers men of religion and others claim to have at the exchequer by charters of the late king, so that what the king shall cause to be ordained by his council may then be done. To the constable of the Tower of London. Order to deliver Nicholas le Convers and Hugh de Gyzors, imprisoned in the Tower by reason of certain trespasses charged upon them, to twelve mainpernors who shall mainpern to have them before the king on his next arrival in London, or before his subjects whom he shall send thither, to stand to right. To Roger de Clyfford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to permit Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, and her men of co. Northampton to have free cheminage by the public and common ways within the king's forests between the bridges of Oxford and Stamford (Stafford), as they ought and were wont to have it, until further orders, provided that they do no harm by this in the said forests. Nov. 8. To John de London[ial, escheator this side Trent. Order to permit Northampton. Master Robert de Langeleye, son of Geoffrey de Langeleye and of Matilda, his wife, to have seisin in peace of 6 acres of land in Bristwell, a mill and a virgate of land in Chalegrave, and two virgates of land in Heydon, co. Oxford, a carucate of land in Cestreton, 4 virgates of land in Turkeden, co. Gloucester, the manor of Staverton, several messuages* and lands in Coventry and elsewhere in minute parcels in the parts near that town, co. Warwick, and of four virgates of land in Thurkeden, co. Gloucester, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Geoffrey and Matilda were jointly enfeoffed of the premises, with the exception of the four virgates last named, of Matilda's inheritance, and of the last four virgates of her marriage, and that the lands are not; held of the king, and that Master Robert is next heir of Geoffrey and Matilda, and is of full age. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of the Purification the demand upon the barons of the port of Favresham for certain amercements of the eyres of the justices in eyre in co. Kent, so that the king may then cause to be done by him and his council what shall be just, as they claim to have certain acquittances by charters of the king's progenitors, concerning which the king is not fully informed. The like in favour of the barons of the port of Sandwich. To the escheator this side Trent. Order to cause the executors of the will of Nicholas de Haversham, tenant in chief, to have full administration " Membrane 1 commences here 108 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 1-cont. of the corn sown by Nicholas in his demesne lands in the manor of Haversham, such as the executors can show to have belonged to him, for the execution of his will therewith. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Fulk de Rycote of 10 marks, which he delivered into the king's wardrobe to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, on Friday before Martinmas, in the 2nd year of the king's reign, in part payment of the arrears that he owes to the king for the time when he was sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Nov. 10. To John de Muscegros, constable of Bristol castle. Order to cause the Northampton. abbot of Teukebir[y] to have the arrears of the appointed alms that he receives from the toll of the town of Bristol, as he was wont to receive it in times past. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the lands of Fulk de Ricote, formerly sheriff of Oxford and Berks, to be extended according to their true value, and to cause terms to be assigned to him according to that extent for the payment of the arrears that he owes to the king for the time when he was sheriff of the said counties. By K. and Anthony Bek. To the bailiff of the islands. Order to cause William Poryon of St. Heliers (Sancto Hillar'), in the island of Geresy, who abjured his country for certain trespasses charged upon him and for fear of the life of William his son, a minor, who likewise fled for certain trespasses charged upon him to Holy Trinity church in the island, to have a verdict, if he have placed himself in prison and wish to put himself upon the verdict of his neighbourhood concerning the trespasses, as the king has pardoned him the abjuration. Richard Wery, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of John de Bannebiry, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriffs of London to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit Richard de Hereford, remembrancer of the exchequer, to receive and have by the hands of the abbot and monks of Hayles 161. 16s. 10d. of the ferm of the land that belonged to Godfrey de Craucumbe of Pynnocshyre, according to the grant of the late king, and to the abbot and monks-[Incomplete]. Nov. 9. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to Northampton. be made in the city that all merchant usurers shall depart thence within twenty days from the date of these letters, and shall leave the kingdom, under pain of forfeiture of their bodies and goods, and if they be found in the city after that date, to cause them to be arrested and kept safely until further orders, as the king wills that merchant usurers shall not stay in the city or elsewhere in the realm. Roger son of Geoffrey de Ford, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Engelard de Bulers, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. Adam le Pessoner, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of Roger de Stanihurst, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail him. Nov. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to call Northampton. before them all those who were bailiffs and ministers of the king in Ireland and who are bound to render any account to the king, and to audit their accounts, and to cause to be done in these accounts what ought to be done according to the law and custom of that exchequer, as divers men in Ireland are bound to render divers accounts to the king for the time when they were his ministers and bailiffs there, 2 EDWARD 1. 109 1274. Membrane 1-cont. Oct. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver the Westminster. office of the prise of wines coming to Sandwich to the chamberlains of London, as the king wills that the prise there shall be made by them and by no other, so that they may answer to him therefor at the exchequer. Mandate in pursuance to the chamberlains to intend the office. Nov. 12. To John de Luvetot and Geoffrey de Neubald, keepers of the bishopric Northampton. of Durham. Order to retain the manor of Akelaund St. Helen in the king's hands, and to keep it safely until it have been discussed before the king in his court to whom the manor ought of right to be restored, as the king learns that John and Geoffrey have taken the manor into his hands by reason of an order lately sent to them to preserve the liberties of the church of Durham. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to cause the gaol of Eylesbyr[y] to be repaired and amended where necessary by the view and testimony of lawful men. Nov. 13. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to hear Northampton. the matter of William Baud concerning a debt that John de Patemere at his death owed by his charter to Leo son of Preciosa, formerly a Jew of London, which is exacted of William by reason of certain land in Patemere that he had of John's gift, and to exhibit to William for the recovery of his seisin of the lands, which are in the Jew's hands by reason of the said debt, such remedy as he ought to have according to the law and custom of the king's Jewry. To the same. Order to cause the debts that William de Apeltrefeud owes in the king's Jewry to be levied from his lands and chattels according to the law and custom of the Jewry, as they shall find by inspection of the rolls of the Jewry. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of the Purification next the demand on the men of the abbot and convent of Stanleye for amercements, so that what the king shall cause to be provided by his council shall then be done, as the abbot and convent claim to have the amnercements of their men in all the king's courts whatsoever by charters of the king's predecessors. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to deliver Henry de Sabluns, imprisoned at Carlisle for the death of Richard Fremnan in the late king's time, in bail to twelve men of that county, who shall mainpern to have him before the king at his order, until otherwise ordered, if he be detained at the suit of the late king's peace and not by appeal or at the suit of another. Nov. 10. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Northampton. Queen Eleanor, the king's wife, the custody of the lands that belonged to Nicholas de Haversham, tenant in chief, with the corn, stock, and all other goods pertaining to the custody, as the king has granted the custody to her until the heir of Nicholas come of age. 1273. HMEMBRANE 14d. William son of Richard de Halsted acknowledges that he owes to Walter -- de Machchinges 801.; to be lev ied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Robert Aguilon acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello 131. 19s. 10d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. ito CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. M3embrane 14d-cont. N. bishop of Winchester acknowledges that he owes to John son of John 500 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. William de Braibef acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Merton 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton and Wilts. Cancelled on payment. Nov. 30. To Llewelyn (Lewelino), son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Whereas the Westminster. king ordered the prince several times by letters and envoys to pay 2,000 marks to Poncius de Mora, the king's merchant, and 3,000 marks to Reginald de Grey, justice of Chester, to be paid to divers of the king's merchants in his name, and Llewelyn has hitherto done nothing in this respect, making excuses, whereat the king is much astonished; the king notifies to him that he has decided that the excuses are not true or acceptable or suitable in any way, but he considers himself to be grievously and contemptibly hurt, not without ignominy and the loss of his creditors, who have returned empty-handed and hopeless and fatigued with their labours and expenses, more especially as the king is and always will be ready to observe the peace concluded between the late king and Llewelyn. Dec. 9. John Stanton came before the king, on Saturday after St. Nicholas, and St. Martin's-le- sought to replevy to John le Despenser the latter's land in Marteleye, Grand, London. which was taken into the king's hands for his default in co. Worcester against Simon Aleyn. Dec. 10. To the prior of Kenilworth. Writ of aid in favour of brother Joseph St. Martin'slie- de Cancy, the treasurer, and Payn de Cadurc[isl for the expedition of Grand, London. certain of the king's affairs touching the Jewry of Warwick, and ordering him to receive the money coming from that Jewry and keep it safely in his house, and otherwise to do what Joseph and Payn shall signify to him by letter on the king's behalf, so that the king may have to commend his diligence in this matter. To the sheriff of Kent and the mayor of Canterbury. Order to show such diligence in the execution of the matter of the articles touching the Jewry according to what brother Joseph de Cancy, the treasurer, and Payn de Cadurc[is] shall signify to them by letter, that the king may have to commend their diligence and fidelity, and that the execution of the matter may not be delayed by their negligence, whereby the king would have to punish them (ad vos graviter capere). Enrolment of acknowledgment of receipt by Thomas de la Dune from Sir Walter de Merton of 100 marks, in full settlement of a covenant between Walter and Thomas concerning the marriage of Walter's niece (neptis), whom Thomas married. Walter has granted of his courtesy that he will cause Thomas's wife to be kept at his own expense until Easter next, and afterwards Thomas will receive his wife into his house or elsewhere to be kept without further charge to Walter. Dated at London, on Wednesday the feast of St. Lucy, 1273. ----- - Walter de Furnell[is] acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Cyfrewath, ---- 26 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. York, Nottingham and Derby. Enrolment of deed of John son of John de Suffolch', witnessing that whereas Reginald de Suffolch', citizen of London, by his charter, which John has inspected, granted to Adam son of Walter Edred of Agmodesham the homages and all the services of William le Despenser, Geoffrey his brother, Henry Fraunceys and Henry de la Slough, and of their heirs, the men and tenants of Reginald in Agmodesham, and 46s. of yearly rent that the 2 EDWARD I. 1ll 1273. Membrane 14d-cont. tenants were wont to render to Reginald, to wit from William, 30s., from Geoffrey, 12d., from Henry Fraunceys, 10s., and from Henry de la Slough, 5s., the said John confirms the grant, and releases his right in the premises to Adam. Witnesses: Sir John de Wedon, Sir Richard de la Vache, knights; Sir John de Kirkeby, Sir Robert de Ludham, Sir William de Hamelton, Sir Robert de Scardeburg, Master Walter de la Mare, Master Henry Sampson, Sir Hugh de Gernemuta, clerks; Adam Galien, John le Provost, Walter de Ran, Thomas le Provost, Nicholas Gerveys, William de Waleden, Henry le Coddere. Bartholomew de Burleye acknowledges that he owes to John de Kirkeby, parson of Hengham church, 1001. yearly for three years; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. For faithfully performing this he found Robert de Skegeton and Bartholomew de Burle, chaplain, as sureties, who constituted themselves principal debtors in like manner, and acknowledged that if Bartholomew do not pay that sum, it shall be levied of their lands and chattels in the aforesaid county. Ralph Fraunkeleyn of Foleham acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello, clerk and citizen of London, 601.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. In like manner Robert de Northbroc, John Jyngman, William Yungman, William de Cbarlyngton, Gilbert Thurston, Godfrey Fraunkeleyn and Vincent Godman, Ralph's sureties, acknowledge the debt, and grant that the debt shall be levied of their lands and chattels if Ralph do not pay it. Vacated, because Bartholomew came and acknowledged that he had received the money from Ralph and his sureties. Robert, prior of Kenill[eworth], who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has given power to Brother Richard de Bremmesgrave and Roger (le Merlawe to make attorneys in his place until Whitsuntide next. Walter Tony acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Gregory de Rokesl[eye] and Ralph de Alegate of London 38 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. Stephen de Penecestr[ia], demandant, puts in his place John Flavel in a suit before the king between Stephen and Robert de Bodicote and others concerning a certain trespass committed on Stephen. The same Stephen puts in his place the same John in a suit before the king between Stephen and Richard de Kynebelle and others concerning a trespass committed on Stephen. Robert de Bocstepl[e] came before the king, on Wednesday after Epiphany, and sought to replevy to William de Hevere and Alice his wife their land in Bocstepl[e], which was taken out the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against William son of William de Wintreshull and Amice his wife. Gilbert de Sancto Ivone came, on the same day, and sought. to replevy to the same William and Agnes their land in Bocstepl[e], which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices against John de Wintreshull and Amice his wife. The same Gilbert came, on the same day, and sought to replevy to William son of William le Provost and Geoffrey Stesterband their land in Great Paunton, taken as above for their default before the same justices against Geoffrey Flupe. Ralph de Saucheverel came on the said Wednesday, and sought to replevy to Isolda de Chardelawe, Hugh de Wylne, Herbert son of Simon, and Agnes his wife their land in Wylne and Chardelawe [taken into the king's hands for their default] before the same [justices] against Robert Blundel. 112 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1273. fMembrane 14d-cont. Henry de Sancta Brigida came, on the same day, and sought to replevy to Roger Cambeys his land in Dunheytherl[eye] taken, etc., for his default against Roger de Bronhull. Nicholas de Cranford, archdeacon of Taunton, acknowledges that he owes to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset. Gilbert de Insula came before the king, on Wednesday before the Purification, and sought to replevy to Peter son of Master Peter de Northampton the latter's land in Farnedish, which was taken into the king's hands for Peter's default in the king's court against John son of John Victor. MEMBRANE 13d. William de Speresholt acknowledges that he owes to John de Sancto Valerico 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. John son and heir of the said John (sic) acknowledges that if his father do not pay this sum, it shall be levied of his lands and chattels in the said county. The prior of Berliz acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Stoke 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. Enrolment of agreement made in 1273 between Queen Eleanor (H.), the king's mother, and Sir Humphrey de Bassingburm, knight, witnessing that whereas Humphrey is bound to Master Elias son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, in 2150 marks by an account made between them concerning five charters that Humphrey made to Master Elias, and in 101. by a new charter, the queen will acquit Humphrey of the debt against the Jew, and will cause the six charters to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers at London, and will procure a Jew's star (starrum) of acquittance of the debt to be made. For this acquittance, Humphrey demised to the queen his castle and manor of Beningfeud, to hold with the advowson of Beningfeud church, and with all appurtenances except the hamlets of Glapthorn, Suthewik, and the mills of Cotherstok, for twenty-five years from St. Hilary in the said year, with warranty, saving the foreign service due therefor to the chief lords of the fees; the queen shall have power to assign or bequeath the castle, manor, and advowson to whomsoever she please during the said term. If Humphrey or his heirs wish to sell the whole or part of the castle, etc. during the said term, the queen ought to be preferred before others in the sale thereof, and Humphrey shall not be allowed to sell or otherwise alienate the castle, etc. to any one during the term without the queer's assent, and if Humphrey or his heirs so sell, pledge or alienate them, he who thus sells shall be bound to the queen in 1000 marks, to be paid within two months of the day of sale, pledge or alienation, and if he do not do so, then the castle, etc. shall remain to the queen after the end of the term until the said 1000 marks are levied from the issues thereof. The queen shall deliver and acquit the manor of Abyndon, co. Northampton, from the hands of Philip de Horton, burgess of Northampton, who holds it at ferm, and shall cause it to be restored to Humphrey before the Purification next. The queen moreover has given to Humphrey of her pure liberality 201. in ready money to equip (hernesend') himself, his wife and children. In order that this covenant may be firm throughout all the land aforesaid, the queen shall send an attorney to the king's court and Humphrey shall be there in his own person, and it shall be procured by their common assent that this agreement shall be enrolled in that court, and so soon as it have been thus enrolled, the aforesaid six 2 EDWARD I. 113 1273. Membrane 13d-cont. charters, which are in the chest of the chirographers of London, shall be restored to Humphrey, together with the said star of acquittance. Witnesses: Sir Benedict de Blakeham, Sir Nicholas de Kugeho, Sir Geoffrey de Picheford, Sir Guy Ferre, Sir Robert de Stopham, Sir William Arnaldi, knights; Sir Hugh de Penna, clerk, Simon de Stanburgh, Alexander de Bradenham, chaplains; Richard de Totteford, John de Whatelegh, clerks of the queen. Dated at Guldeford, on Saturday the feast of St. Hilary, in the year aforesaid. Robert de Wike came before the king, on Saturday after the Purification, and sought to replevy to John de Tedmersl[eye] the latter's land in Tedmer[s]l[eye], which was taken into the king's hands for John's default against Emma, late the wife of Geoffrey son of John. Memorandum, that Roger de Mortuo Mari, who married Matilda, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Eva'de Brehus', John de Hasting', nephew (nepos) and co-heir of George de Cantilupo, and Eudo la Zuch, who married Milisent, sister and co-heiress of George de Cantilupo, and Humphrey de Bohun, son and heir of Eleanor de Bohun, daughter and co-heiress of the said [Eva], came before the king's subjects supplying his place in England at Westminster, on Sunday after the Purification, and laid claim to the manors -[Incomplete]. Nicholas de Laffham acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Percy 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Leicester and Suffolk. Hervey de Riseley acknowledges that he owes to James Seysel 24 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. Matilda, late the wife of Robert Waleraund, acknowledges in chancery that she owes to Bartholomew de Castello 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Robert son of Robert de Cornhull acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Ralph de Alegate 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. The abbot of Thorneton, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, gave power to brother Richard de Craven and to Gilbert de Thorneton and Richard de Bleseby to make attorneys in his place in all pleas until SL. Peter ad Vincula next, and to amove these attorneys or to substitute others in their places as often as they shall see fit. Ernald Johannis acknowledges that he owes to Robert Burnel 1501.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels wherever they may be in the king's power. John de Merley acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Nicholas Cyfrewast 26 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Southampton and Kent. Geoffrey de la Hawe acknowledges that he owes to the said Nicholas 9 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. John Warchayn acknowledges that he owes to the said Nicholas 15 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Walter le Barbur of Stok, who is going with the archbishop of York to the council of Lyons by the king's licence, has given power to John de Beningeworth to make attorneys in his place in all pleas until the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist. Charles (Karol') son of Charles puts in his place Robert Spot in the suit before the king between him, complainant, and Robert de Laton and Michael his brother, concerning a trespass. u 96998. H 114 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membtane 13d-cont. March 2. The abbot of Burgh, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's St. Martin's-le- licence, has given power to brother William de Wodeford and Robert de Grand, London. Shefeld to make or amove attorneys for him in all pleas until Michaelmas next. If the abbot stay longer in those parts by the king's licence, he grants that they shall have the like power until the term to be granted by the king in this respect. W. archbishop of York, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's --- licence, has given power to Nicholas de Stapelton and John de Bennigewrth to make attorneys for him, or amove them, etc., until Michaelmas next. [Prynne, Records, iii. 143.] March 4. N. bishop of Winchester, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's St. Martin's-le- licence, has given power to Roger de Arneleye and Walter de Tirinton to Grand, London. make attorneys in his place until St. Peter ad Vincula next. MEMBRANE 12d. To Edmund, the king's brother. He was and is aware how the late king and the present king, by reason of trespasses and wrongs inflicted on them and their men by the countess of Flanders and her men, inhibited [the taking] of wool or other merchandise from England to Flanders or elsewhere within her power before satisfaction should have been made by her for the said trespasses and offences; the king, not wishing that any wool of England shall be taken out of his district and power to any parts beyond sea whereby it might perchance come into the hands of the Flemings, and Edmund [is bound] by the duty of homage in which he was to the late king and by the fealty in which is bound to the present king to maintain and cherish all thihgs'that pertain to the safety and honour of the realm, and -- [Incomplete]. Enrolment of release and qurrender by Aice, late thp wife of Simon de Beverlaco, to Henry le Waleys, citizen of London, of her right in name of dower or otherwise in all the land with buildings on it, embankments (dicagiis), liberties, etc., thai Henry had of the gift and demise of Simon in the town of Boston. For this release and surrender Henry gave her 4 marks beforehand. For greater security, she has caused this deed to be enrolled in the rolls of chancery. Witnesses: Nicholas de Winton[ia], Henry de Coventr[eia], sheriffs of London John Aldrian (sic) and John Horn, aldermen; Thomas Box, Robert de Araz, Thom as Heyron, Simon de Giszors, John de Wormele. Dated at London, on 7 March, 2 Edward I. Thomas son of William came before, [the king], on, Wednesday the feast of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas, and sought to replevy his land in Wollaveston, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against William Masce and Amice his wife, r Roger de Bacheworth and Walter de Saunford acknowledge that they owe to Adam de Stratton 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Middlesex and Berks. William de Bluntesdon acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Agmodesham 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. Partition of the lands that belonged to George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, made between John de Hasting', son of Joan de Hasting', eldest sister of George, and Eudo la Zuche and Milisent his wife, the other heiress of George. The part of John de Hasting'.-Bergeveny with the castle, honour and other appurtenances, extended at 2321.. 18s. 34d.; Kilgaran, extended at 351. 18 s. 6Od.; a third of the land of St. Clare, extended a t 10!. Os. 3jd.; 2 EDWARD I. 115 1274. Membrane 12d-cont. Aston, co. Warwick, extended at 591. 4s. 2d.; Berewak, co. Somerset, extended at 261. 6s. 6id.; Little Merston, in the same county, extended at 71. 14s. 91d.; Stotford, in the same county, extended at 41. 14s. l1d.; Bademindefeud, co. Suffolk, extended at 261. 4s. 8d. Heygrave, extended at 201. 2s. Od., which is of the sum of the purparty of John de Hasting', is assigned to Eudo la Zuche and Milisent his wife, to hold in tenancy during the king's will for their challenge of the extent of Bergeveny. The part of Eudo la Zuche and Milisent his wife, sister and co-heiress of George de Cantilupo.-Eyton, co. Bedford, extended at 721. 16s. 7id.; Haringeworth, at 521. 10s. 5d., in co. Northampton; Houton, co. Bedford, extended at 341. 12s. 1id.; Beruby, co. Northampton, extended at 321. Os. l14d.; Rowell, in the same county, extended at 171.; Bolewik, in the same county, extended at 221. 2s. 5d.; Brugewauter, co. Somerset, extended at 261. 18s. Od.; Edenworth, in the same county, extended at 121. Os. 4id.; Calston, co. Wilts, extended at 281. 15s. 8d.; Bridmerston, in the same county, extended at 191. 13s. l1d.; Rode, in the same county, extended at 161. 3s. 7d.; Calne, in the same county, extended at 61s. 6d.; Corneworthy, co. Devon, extended at 101. 2s. 7d.; Dertemuth, in the same county, extended at 75s. 4d.; Totteneys, in the same county, extended at 181. 12s. 8d.; Moles Bracy, co. Salop, extended at 131. 19s. 8jd.; Stok St. Edwald,'co. Dorset, extended at 71. 18s. 4id.; Hamme, co. Buckingham, extended at 41. 19s. 2d.; Hereford, extended at 13s. 4d.; Byngel[eye], co. York extended at 231. 2s. 9d.; Baseford, co. Nottingham, extended at 100s. 9d. MEMBRANE lid. - ------ Gilbert, prior of Merton, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's ---- licence, has given power to brothers John de Eylesbur[y] and Henry de Templo, his fellow-canons, to make attorneys for him in all pleas until Midsummer next. [Prynne, Records, iii. 143.] Robert, abbot of Colchester, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has given power to Godfrey de Meulinges, monk, and to Richard Bayngnard to make attorneys for him until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. [Ibid.] Brother Guy, master of the military order of the Temple in England, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has given power to brothers Thomas de Fenne and William de Meddeburn to make attorneys for him until Midsummer next. [Ibid.] The abbot of Hyde, Winchester, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has given power to Robert de Laverkstok and John de Wonsington to make attorneys for him until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. [Ibid.] The abbot of St. Albans, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has given power to brothers Martin de Sancto Edmundo and Adam Polayn, his fellow-monks, to make attorneys for him until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. [Ibid.] The abbot of Waltham, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has put in his place brother John de Maidenhethe and Master Adam le Graunt in all suits, etc., until the feast of St. John next. [Ibid.] Henry de Eleford came before the king, on St. Cuthbert's day, and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Hasting his land in Kavenedis', which was taken unto the king's hands for his default before the king against Alice, late the wife of Philip de Hasting'. John Giffard is summoned to come in fifteen days from Easter to answer for, the, issues of the manor of Winterburn, which belonged to Robert Walerand, in co. Wilts, and.of, the manor of Neuton, which belonged to H 2 116 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 1 id-cont. Nicholas le Seculer, in co. Hertford (sic), for the time when he held them against the king's will. James de Stiveton came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Cuthbert, and sought to replevy to John de Hiouton, Peter de Gottinge and Dionisia, his wife, their land in the tbwn of St. Ives, [taken into the king's hands] for their default against Isilia, late the wife of John son of Reginald. John de Chifele came before the king, on Tuesday the feast of St Cuthbert, and sought to replevy to John de Bagenore the latter's land in Neubir[y], [which was taken into the king's hands for his default] against John son of Richard de Hamville. March 20. The abbot of King's Beaulieu, who is going to parts beyond sea by the licence of the king's subjects supplying his place in England, has given power to brothers William de Cornub[ia], and William do Evesham, monks of his house, to make attorneys in his place, until the feast of All Saints next. [Prynne, iii. 143.] Hugh de Hekynton came before the king, on Thursday after St. Cuthbert, and sought to replevy to William de Cirencestr[ia] and Matilda his wife, Richard le Keu and Ellen, late the wife of Henry de Wyry, their land in Boston, [which was taken into the king's hands for their default] against Julia, daughter of John le Orfere. March 22. To the sheriff of Sussex. Whereas the king, at the prosecution of Robert, St. Martin's- Aguilon, lately-ordered him to amove the men of John de Warr[enna] e-Grand, earl of Surrey, archers and other armed men, who wander (vacantes) London. about Robert's manor of PFercynges and about his other lands, and lie in wait by day and night for his men, and aggrieve and disquiet them, from the said manor and lands, and the archers and other armed men, although warned by the sheriff on the king's behalf to depart quietly from the manor and lands, still remain there doing worse damage to Robert and his men, whereat the king is moved: the king therefore orders the sheriff, if the archers and men still remain there and refuse to depart, to take them and keep them in prison until otherwise ordered. Geoffrey Goldenwey came before the king, on the morrow of St. Benedict, and sought to replevy to Gilbert de Northwod the latter's land in Lutelington and Husseburn, which was taken [into the king's hands for his default] against John de Northwod. Martin son of Richard de Grenewiz came before the king, on Thursday after St. Benedict and sought to replevy to Alice Ireys her land in Grenewicz, which was taken [into the king's hands for her default] against El[ias] Swetman. John de Berkinges came before the king, on Friday before Palm Sunday, and sought to replevy to Margery de Shete and Henry Bernard their land, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Gregory le Clerk. The abbot of St. Mary's, York, who is going to parts beyond sea, has -—. given power to brother William de Garton, monk of his house, and Thomas de Langetoft to make attorneys in his place until St. Peter ad Vincula next, unless the abbot return to England in the meantime. [Prynne, iii. 143.] Hugh de Burton came [before the king], on Tuesday after Palm Sunday, and sought to replevy to John Hervi his land in Wicumb, which was taken [into the king's hands] for his default against William son of William Hervy before the justices of the Bench, to whom this is signified. Bartholomew de Kancp[ia came, on the same day, and sought to replevy a third of the manor of Haluton, which was taken [into the king's hands] for his default against Beatrice, late the wife of Richard, earl of Cornwall. This is signified to the justices of the Bench. 2 EDWARD 1. 117 1274., Membrane lid-cont. March 28. The abbot of Westminster, who is going to parts beyond sea by the St. Martin's. king's licence, has given power to brother Henry de London[ia], monk, and to Alexander de Westm[onasterio] to make attorneys in his place until Michaelmas next. [Prynne, Records, iii. 144.] Master Walter Scamel, treasurer of Salisbury, who is going to parts beyond sea for the king's affairs, has given like power to Simon Malesars until Michaelmas next. [Ibid.] Master Thomas de Cantilupo has given like power to Master Gilbert de Heywode and to William de Faukeburn, chaplain, until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. [Ibid.] Master Richard de Mepham, dean of Lincoln, has given like power to Robert de Gravesende until Michaelmas next. [Ibid.] Memorandum, that Payn de Cadurc[is] acknowledged that it was agreed between him and John de Muscegros concerning the manor of Sumburn that Payn shall pay to John 200 marks at the quinzaine of Easter for the demise that John made to him of his term in the manor, provided that if Payn do not pay this sum, John shall have the manor again until he have levied it. Brother Hugh, prior of St. Bartholomew's, London, who is going to ---- parts beyond sea by licence, has given power to brothers Alexander de Staundon and Adam de Evton to make attorneys in his place in all pleas until St. Peter ad Vincula, unless he return to England in the meantime. [Ibid.] The abbot of Oseneye, who is going to the council of Lyons by the king's licence, has given power to brother Alexander de Kanoco and Robert Sprete to make attorneys in his place until St. Peter ad Vincula, unless he return to England in the meantime. [Ibid.] The abbot of Seleby, who is going to the council of Lyons by the king's licence, has given power to brother Alexander de Ebor[aco], his fellowmonk, to make attorneys in his place until St. Peter ad Vincula next. [Ibid.] The abbot of Shrewsbury, who is likewise going to parts beyond sea, has given like power to Brother Richard de Wenlok and John Lenfaunt. The abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester, who is likewise going, has given like power to brother William de Aldeswrth and John de Acle until St. Peter ad Vincula next, The abbot of Croylaund, who is likewise going, has given like power to brother Robert de Mohun and John le Espigornel, until the said feast. The abbot of Evesham, who is going, has given like power to Adam le Butiler and John de Clifton, until the said feast. The abbot of Malmesbury, who is going, has given like power to Roger de Evesham and Roger de Cherleton, until the said feast. The prior of Stanes, who is also going, has given like power to John de Broc and Roger de Eton, until the said feast. The abbot of Abbindon, who is also going, has given like power to John de Cerneye, monk, and William de Speresholte. The bishop of Coventry and Lichfield has given like power to the prior of St. Thomas without Stafford and to Gilbert de Kirkeby, until the said feast. Master Richard de Mepham, dean of Lincoln, has given like power to Thomas de Ayneus and Robert de Gravesend, until the said feast. Master Ralph de Freninghamn, who is also going, has given like power to Nicholas de Freningham and Walter de Wademund, until the said feast. Master Peter de Abendon, master of the house of scholars,* has given like power to brother Henry de Temple, canon of Merton, Richard de Sancto Johanne and William de Warpesdon, until the said feast. * That is, Walter de Merton's house of scholars (Merton College, Oxford). 118 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane id-cont. The prior of Spalding, who is also going, has given like power to brother Gilbert de Wautham and William de Scaccario until Michaelmas next. Memorandum, that Roger de Wanton and John de Swyneford, appointed to hold pleas of the market, have delivered to Adam de Wynton[ia], clerk, and to Jpceus le Acatur 187 marks to make provisions therewith against the king's arrival. April 7. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order not to deliver to W. St. Martin's-le- bishop of Bath and Wells or to his steward or any bailiffs of his any return Grand, London. of any writ of the king's directed to him concerning any fees, tenements, or other things touching the abbey of Glastonbury, which is void and in the king's hands, until otherwise ordered. Given by the hand of W. (ie Merton, the chancellor. By J. de Vescy. The like to the sheriffs of Devon, Berks, and Wilts. By J. de Vescy. April 7. To the prior and convent of Giastonbury. Prohibition of their presuming to seek licence to elect an abbot from any one but the king until full certainty be had concerning the right of the king or of others, as the abbey was founded by the king's predecessors and is of his patronage, as he understands, so that licence to elect ought to be sought from him. By J. de Vescy. Adam de Waleshain came before the king, on Tuesday after the close of Easter, and sought to replevy to Reginald de Ispann[ia] of Lynne his land, [which was taken into the king's hands for his default] against Robert de Line[olnia] and Aldr' his wife. Ralph Htethloverd came, on the said day, and sought to replevy his land in Lynne, [which was taken into the king's hands for his default] against the said Robert and Aldr'. MEMBRANE 9d. ---- BR. le Bigot, earl of Norfolk and Marshall of England, puts in his place - David le Messager, and Alina, his wife, countess of Norfolk, puts in her place Henry do Aldeberg in a suit before the king between Geoffrey le Merescall and Eva his wife and the prior of Bradenestak concerning a plea of land, wherein the prior vouched the earl and countess to warranty. The abbot of Leyston puts in his place Walter de Askeby and Alan de Gosfeld in a suit before the king between the abbot and R. le Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshall of England, and others contained in the original writ, concerning a trespass committed on the abbot by them. Walter le Sauvage came before the king, on Saturday after the close of Easter, and sought to replevy to Robert de Boyvill his land in Wateby, which was taken into the king's hands for Robert's default in the king's court at Westminster against Amice Marmiun. Richard de Cranham came befere the king, on Saturday the feast of SS. Tiburtius and Valerian, and sought to replevy to Thomas de Warblingt[on] the latter's land in Tanrigg, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against the prior of Merton. Hugh le Gros came before the king, on the same Saturday, and sought to replevy his land in Tremsak, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Lucy, late the wife of Geoffrey de Lameteyn. Gerard de Furnival puts in his place Robert de Munden and William de Farnesfeud in all pleas and suits. ----- Gerard de Furnival, in the presence of the king's subjects supplying his --- place in England, has given power to Robert de Mumden and William de 2 EDWARD I. 119 1274. Membrane 9d-cont. Farnesfeud to make attorneys for him until St. Peter ad Vincula next, unless he return to England in the meantime. ----- Adam le Despenser puts in his place William de Hope in a suit before - the king between Adam and Walter Cardun concerning a trepass committed by him on Adam. --- - Peter de Chaumpvent, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's --- licence, has given power to William de Bonevill to make attorneys for him until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. Geoffrey Costentin came before the king, on Saturday the eve of Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy to Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, his land in Potton, Sutton and Gatesbyr[y], which was taken into the king's hands for Gilbert's default in the king's court at Westminster against the king. April 10. To the sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford. Order to cause proclamation Westminster. to be made that no one, under pain of loss of all his goods and chattels aad under peril of life and limb, shall take any wool out of the kingdom to parts beyond sea or to Scotland, Ireland and Wales, or elsewhere without the realm, until the king ordain otherwise, as the king and his father prohibited the taking of wool or other merchandise to Flanders, or elsewhere within the power of the countess of Flanders, or elsewhere in parts beyond sea, by reason of the trespasses and damages inflicted by her and her men on the king and his father, until she should satisfy the king for the trespasses, and certain merchants and others, natives and aliens, take wool and merchandise, and the owners of ports and maritime places permit wool and merchandise to be loaded and taken through the district and power of the countess, contrary to the inhibition aforesaid, as the king learns from the relation of trustworthy men. Given by the hand of W. de Merton, the chancellor. [#Federa.] April 20. To William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick. Order to be at the ford Westminster. of Montgomery in a month from Easter, to hear and correct trespasses, wrongs, arid interceptions, together with Roger de Clifford, William Bagod, Odo de Hodenet, and the prior of St. Thomas without Stafford, whom the king is sending thither, according to the form of the peace between the late king and Llewelyn son of Griffin, prince of Wales, and his men, and according to the law and custom of those parts. The said prince will be there then, or will send some of his men there to hear and correct trespasses, etc., committed by himself and his men in those parts. --- ---- Nicholas Tregoz and Hugh de Crepping' acknowledge that they owe to -- - Hugh'son of Oto 501.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Norfolk. For this recognisance, Hugh restored to Nicholas his manor of Tolsaunt Tregoz, and acquitted him of his ransom thereof. Godhilda (Godehuda) de Wykes puts in her place John Peche and William de Rede against Walter de Merworth, and to receive her purparty of the lands that belonged to Roger de Wykes, her brother, in Wik[es], co. Sussex, and of the lands that belonged to Roger de Clifford in co. Hereford. Memorandum, that Walter de Kanc[ia] came into chancery, and acknowledged that he had received from John le Despenser 2001., and 201. for the use of queen Eleanor, the king's consort, for ransom of the manor of Matilye, and he acquitted him thereof. Gerard de Fanecurt attorneyed Henry le Arblester in the matter in the king's court between Gerard and Henry de Brailesford of 1001., which Gerard exacts from Henry for ransom of the dower of Henry's mother in the fortn of the dictum of Kenilworth. 120 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 9d-cont. John le Sauvage acknowledges that he owes to Robert Aguillon 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Derby and Sussex. Alan de Walcringham acknowledges that he owes to John de Luvetote 171 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of grant by Emma, late the wife of Bartholomew Baynard, to Sir Robert Burnell that he shall have after her death in fee and inheritance all her land in Morton-upon-Swale, co. York, and that she may not sell the said lands or part of them or alienate them, whereby they may not revert entirely to Robert and his heirs at her death. Witnesses: Sir Walter de Merton, then chancellor; John de Kyrke[b]y; William de Middelton; William de Hamelton; Eudo de Cletlund; Robert Appelgar, then bailiff of Rychemund; Richard de Boylaund. Dated at Westminster, on Wednesday before Whitsuntide, 2 Edward I. Enrolment of agreement made at St. Marti n in Winter, 1272, between Emma, late the wife of Bartholomew Baynard, and Sir Robert Burnell whereby Emma grants to Robert at ferm for ten years all the lands and chief messuage that she had as dower in Morton-upon-Swale, with all appurtenances and liberties, rendering therefor yearly to her at Stayndrop 32 marks, and Robert shall leave the demense lands and buildings in as good state as he received them by the view of lawful men. The buildings are appraised at 100s. at the beginning of this agreement. If Robert die within that term or make default in payment of the ferm, Emma shall have power to enter and possess all'the said lands. WV itnesses: Walter de Merton then chancellor, Sir Robert de Neyvile, Sir Gilbert HIamsard, knight, Sir John de Kyrkeby, Sir John de London[ia], Richard de Boylaund, William de Middelton, Eudo de Cletloun. J. bishop of London, who is going to the council of Lyons by the king's -- licence, hlias given power to Master Ralph de Ivingho and Robert de Drayton to make attorneys for him until St. Peter ad Vincula. May 17. Lambinus de Langham, Nicholas de Barneton and Robert le Waleys, St. Martin's-le- who are going with the said bishop to the council of Lyons, have given Grand, London. power to the said Robert de Drayton to make attorneys for them. May 24. William son of Joceus le Porter came before the king, on Thursday after St. Martin's-le- St. Dunstan, and sought to replevy to Joceus le Porter his land in Hatfeld Grand, London.peverel, [which was taken into the king's hands for his default] against Matilda, late the wife of Stephen son of John. John de Gysorz, citizen of London, acknowledges, for the abbot of Messingden, that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London and in co. Hertford. May 29. Geoffrey Tholome came before the king, on Wednesday after Holy Westminster. Trinity, and sought to replevy to Ralph son of Philip de Colewell Ralph's land, which was taken into the king's hands for Ralph's default in the king's court against Simon son of Jordan fiz Rokes. Thomas Queynterel came before the king, on Wednesday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy his land in Melles, which was taken [into the king's hands] for his default against Thomas le Neuman of Melles. June 1. John de Swinnerton came before the king, on Friday after Holy Trinity, Westminster. and sought to replevy his land in Schelton, Acton and Chelle, [taken into the king's hands for his default] against William de Mere. 2 EDWARD I. 121 1274. Membrane 9d-cont. - John son of Richard de D ene came before the king, on Friday after St. - Petronilla, and sought to replevy to himself, Emma his wife, Alice, daughter of William Stubbescales, John Newecomen, and Agnes his wife their land in Distington and Haverington, [which was taken into the king's hands for their default] against Adam son of Thomas de Stubbescales. June 2. The prior of Dunmawe came before the king, on Saturday the feast of St. Martin's-le- SS. Marcellinus and Peter, and sought to replevy his land in Hengham, Grand, London.[which was taken into the king's hands for his default] against Matilda, late the wife of Robert de Hengham. Hubert de Plesingho came before the king, on Saturday after St. --- Petronilla, and sought to replevy his land in Brendewode, [which was taken into the king's hands for his default] against Christiana Bakun. --- Hugh Burnel came before the king, on Monday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy his mill in Endon, [which was taken into the king's hands for his default] against Emma, late the wife of Auger de Talinton. ---- - Robert de Thurleby acknowledges that he owes to Master Ralph the - salter (salsario) 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. _ --- _ William de Criketot acknowledges that he owes to Foucher, parson of --- Trillowe church, 261.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. ---- Thomas de Heyham acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Merton -_- 111. l1Is. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. The same Thomas acknowledges that he owes to the same Walter 20 marks; to be levied as aforesaid, for the debt of the countess of Wiht. MEMBRANE 8d. Thomas de Roke acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Staunford, clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. Philip, parson of Kantesbere church, acknowledges that he owes to - Robert Burnell 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon. And for this Stephen Heym and William Walerand constituted themselves principal debtors. Enrolment of agreement between Alice, late the wife of Peter de Meaudlingg, and Remigius (Almaricum) de Meaudlingg, Peter's brother, whereby Remigius (Emericus) grants that the manor of Meaudlingg, which Alice holds of the feoffment of Laurence de Meaudlingg, shall remain to her for life, provided that the third thereof that Isabella, Remigius's (Emerici) mother, holds in dower, shall remain to Remigius (Emerico) and his heirs when it falls in, and also a moiety of the fees pertaining to the inheritance, saving to Alice the other moiety for life. Alice grants that after her death the manor shall remain to Remigius (Emerico) free of her heirs. Sir Walter de Merton grants that he may not exact anything from the said Remigius (Remigio) or his heirs or from Isabella as arrears or otherwise by reason of the 81. that were wont to be paid to the exchequer from Peter's inheritance aforesaid. The parties to this agreement are bound to make security to each other by a fine to be levied in the king's court so soon as Remigius (Remigius) come of age; so that Remigius (Remigius) and Isabella shall be bound to Alice in 301. (sic) if they contravene and if they will not make this fine, and Alice shall be bound to Remigius (Remigius) in 301. (sic) if she hinder the levying of the fine. Witnesses: 122 CALENIDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrnb ane 8d-cont. a ir Robert Fulton[is] and Sir Stephen Heym, justices of the king; Sir John de Kirkeby. Be it known, that if the said fine be made in the king's court, the agreement shall remain in force. -____ Brother Robert de laulout came before the king's subjects supplying his.-... place in England, on Wednesday after St. Barnabas, and sought to replevy to the abbot of Stratford his wood in the forest of Essex, which was taken 1 into the king's hands for waste. Memorandum, that Thomas de Weiland'and Ralph Borun, two attorneys of John son of John, came into chancery, and acknowledged that they had received for John's use from N. bishop of Winchester, by the hands of Gerard la Grue, the bishop's steward, 500 marks of the last payment of 2,250 marks in which the bishop was indebted to John for the manor of Ryngewod. June 6. Robert de Olram in Holdernes acknowledges that he owes to William de Westminster. Beverlaco 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. June 11. To Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. William de AppleWestminster. drefeld has shown the king that whereas he stayed in England by the king's order from Midsummer, in the first year of the king's reign, for certain affairs specially touching the king and his realm, for which reason the king took him and his men, lands, rents, and possessions in Ireland into his protection by letters patent, which were duplicated by reason of the peril of the sea, and were transmitted to the justiciary of Ireland by divers envoys by reason of the said peril, and granted that William should be quit of all pleas and suits from Midsummer aforesaid until the Purification following, except pleas of dower unde nihil habet, assizes of novel disseisin and of last presentation, and one of the envoys was wrecked (periclitaretur) in the Irish sea with one of the letters, and the other envoy with the other letters is at present so impeded in the same sea by its inundations and stress (intemperietn) that he could not come to the justiciary or his bailiffs of those parts as quickly as was necessary, as the king learns from the testimony of trustworthy men, and the justiciary's bailiffs of the court of the liberty of Trum have proceeded during the time of the protection aforesaid in a certain suit moved by writ of right in that court between Richard de Foype, demandant, and the said William, deforciant, concerning certain lands in Balimathethan and Matiston, because the said protection did not reach them soon enough, and the king afterwards ordered the justiciary so to provide, saving the claim of the opposite party, that William should not be unjustly precluded from the proper method of defence in this suit for this reason, and the justiciary has hitherto deferred doing this, and does not permit the king's protection aforesaid or any like protection afterwards made to William to benefit him (sibi locum tenere), because no special mention is made in the said protections concerning pleas moved or to be moved, although it is not the manner or custom of the king's chancery to so express them: the king therefore again orders the justiciary to so provide according to the tenor of the former order that William shall not be placed in default in pleas or suits touching him moved in the time of the king's protections or still to be moved, and so that he or his men may not be losers in any way during that term, so that it may not behove the king to be further solicited concerning this matter. Henry le Waleys, Robert de Araz, William le Mazeliner, Nicholas de Wynton[ia], Peter de Micham, Thomas Jordan, Henry de Coventr[eia], John de Gisorz, Walter le Cornwalays, William de punolm[ia], Ralph 2 EDWARD I. 123 1274. Membrane 8d-cont. de Tony, Nicholas Converssun (?) of Hadestok, Richard de Chigewell, Ralph de Brumlegh, Henry de Frowik, William Bokerel, William de Farendon, Anketinus de Alverne, William de Essendon, Roger le Estivour, Ralph Blundus, William de Manhale, Robert de Geywod, John Adrian, Thomas Box, Fulk de Sancto Edmundo, Gregory de Rokesl[eye], Richard de Paris[ius], Peter Cosyn, Thomas de Basing', Robert de Basing', Robert Longus, Walter le Poter, Roger le Bra[e]ler, John de Honilane, John Horn, Richard Knotte, Thomas Cros, Philip le Taillur, Peter le Hodere, Theobald the horse-merchant, Arnold Thedmar, Wlmar de Essex, Geoffrey Fros, John de Northant[onia], Henry Deuleneye, Peter the goldsmith, Peter Aunger, Henry de Farnham, Reginald Poyntel, William de Hadestok, Ralph de Mora, Adam de Blakeneye, Peter de Edelington, Alan de Castello, Thomas Everard, Robert de Meldborne, William Grapefige, Nicholas le Coreer, John de Blakethorn, Henry de Ware, Thomas de l)unstapl[ia], Richard le Poter, Robert Autayn, Richard le Paumer, Ralph le Tapiter, Robert de Hakeneye, and William de Melkeleye, citizens of London, acknowledge that they owe to Lucasius Natal' and Opizo Malaspine and their fellows, merchants of Luca, 1200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London. Enrolment of agreement made in the 2nd year of the reign, on Friday in Easter week, between Sir John de Sancto Johanne and Sir Richard de Hotot, witnessing that John has granted to Richard all his land and rent of Bromly, with all appurtenances, to hold until Christmas next in the following form: if John enfeoff [Richard] of the manor of Westshipford, except the advowson of the church of that manor, before Christmas, all the said lands, rents, etc. of Bromly shall revert to John, together with a charter of feoffment thereof made between them, which is deposited by their consent with William de Hotot; but if John do not enfeoff Richard of the manor of Westshipford before then, John grants that Richard shall remain enfeoffed of the land, etc. of Bromly in hereditary right, rendering therefor yearly to John one silver penny at Easter for all services, customs, suits of court, and all other secular demands and exactions, saving the accustomed service due to the king. Witnesses-[Incomplete]. June 26. William de Lavington came before the king, on Tuesday after MidWestminster. summer, and sought to replevy to Alice Moryn, Matilda Moryn, Geoffrey Morin and Alice his wife their land in Stepel Lavington, which was taken into the king's hands for their default against Robert le Prestesbrother. --- ---- John de Middelton acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Cifrewast 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Surrey, Sussex, and Buckingham. June 31. Henry Malemeins came before the king, on Monday after SS. Peter and Westminster. Paul, and sought to replevy his land in Wolewych, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Agatha, late the wife of Walter de la Grave. July 5. Nicholas Bissop, imprisoned at Ipswich for the death of William Macke Westminster. and William le Mouner, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. Enrolment of grant by Alan de Plokenet, knight, to John de Sancto Walerico, knight, of the custody of the manors of Gratele and Den, which were of the inheritance of the heir of Thomas Maudut, in co. Southampton, to hold with all appurtenances, except the advowsons of the churches of these manors, from Thursday after SS. Peter and Paul, 1274, until Michaelmas 1279. If John be prevented from having the custody for this term by the death of the heir or by the king or otherwise, Alan grants 124 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 8d- cont. that he shall be bound to John in 501. for each year of the term that John is deprived of the custody, and for John's damages and expenses. If John wish to hold the custody after that term, he shall do so until the heir come of age, rendering 401. yearly to Alan after Michaelmas, 1279, in St. Giles's church, Winchester. Dated at Westminster, on Thursday after SS. Peter and Paul, 2 Edward I. Enrolment of deed whereby the said John grants that if he be impeded by the death of the heir of Thomas Maudut or otherwise by the king or another from holding the custody of the said manors of Gratele and Dene, co. Southampton, for the term aforesaid, and if Alan pay to him without plea or dispute within fifteen days after the hindrance 241. in the. conventual church of St. Swithin, Winchester, together with the damages and expenses sustained by John, for every year short of the said term, John will release to Alan 261. remaining of 501. in which Alan is bound to him for such hindrance as above, but if Alan do not satisfy John for his damages, hindrances, or expenses, he shall be bound to make full payment of the said 501. Dated at Westminster, the day and year aforesaid. - William de Barinty acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Blanmouter 2001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Oxford, Buckingham and Middlesex. Ehrolment of agreement made, in the first year of the king's reign, at the feast of St. Matthew, between Matilda de Sancto Andrea and Alice de Amundevil, whereby Matilda demises at ferm to Alice for life, for 401. sterling that Alice paid to Matilda beforehand, all her land with the manor in the town of Arnington, with all appurtenances, rendering therefor yearly to Matilda ld. at Midsummer and 5 marks yearly for the maintenance of a chaplain celebrating divine service for the souls of Matilda's ancestors, and doing the due and customary services to the chief lords of the fee. Witnesses: William Barbede, Robert Tristram, William Mazun, Henry de Lacy, Ralph de Dokesworth, Robert Bray of Crawedene, Stephen Gocelin of Arnington. Memorandum, that Matilda (sic) came into chancery, and acknowledged that she claims no right in the manor except only for the term of her life. Brother Guy de Foresta, master of the military order of the Temple in -- England, puts in his place Brother Thomas de la Fenne and brother William de Medburne in all pleas for three years, unless the master or another in his place return to England; and he gives to Thomas and William power of making attorneys for him. MMMBRANE 7d. July 9. Richard Gruscet acknowledges that he owes to William Passelewe 20 Westminster. marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham and Bedford. Edmund le Espigurnel acknowledges that he owes to Walter son of Peter de Bocking 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. July 14. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Whereas the wool and other merchandise of the burgesses and men of Amiens are arrested by the king's order by reason of the discord between the king and the Flemings, and at the request of the king of France the king has granted to them that their said wool and merchandise thus arrested, which they could prove to be theirs and to have been theirs before 29 June, in the 2nd year of the king's reign, shall be released, so that, upon their finding security not to take the wool or merchandise witlin the power of the countess of Flanders, and not 2 EDWARD I. 125 1274. Membrane 7d-con t. to sell them to Flemings or others by whom the wool and merchandise might come to the hands of the Flemings in any way, and that they will not communicate with them nor avow wool or other goods of any others for their own henceforth, they may take or carry them to their parts in form aforesaid: the king therefore orders the mayor and sheriffs to accept such security from them, and to cause such wool and merchandise to be delivered to them, provided they pay the due ancient customs thereon, and do not in anywise take other wool or merchandise bought after the said 29 June out of the realm until otherwise ordered. The mayor and sheriffs are enjoined to act so circumspectly and cautiously in executing this order that the king may commend their circumspection and diligence. The said merchants have like letters to the following: The barons and bailiffs of Sandwich. The barons and bailiffs of Wyncheles[eye]. The bailiffs of Ipswich. The bailiffs of Southampton, The bailiffs of Yarmouth. The mayor and bailiffs of Lenn. The mayor and bailiffs of York. The bailiffs of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The bailiffs of Hull. The bailiffs of Yarum. The bailiffs of Boston. The bailiffs of Pontefract. T'he bailiffs of Beverley. The bailiffs of Bristol. The archbishop's bailiffs of Beverlev. The sheriff of York. July 18. Ralph le Keu came before the king, on Saturday the eve of St. Mary Westminster. Magdalene, and sought to replevy his land in Stok, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Alice, late the wife of Richard Sampson. July 28. William de Poleymere came before the king, on Friday after St. James, Elham. and sought to replevy his land in Holedich, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the court of Henry de Brok of Holedich against Constance, late the wife of William le Flemmeyng. Memorandum, that whereas a day is given to William de Valenc[iaj and Thomas de Clar[e] concerning a certain debt that Thomas exacted from William, to wit the morrow of' St. Peter ad Vincula wherever the kingo or his subjects supplying his place in England may then be, and it was provided that Thomas shall be called at that day, Nicholas Sifrewast, proctor of Thomas, came on the said day, offering, etc. Memorandum, that a day is given to (odhilda (Godehuda) de Wyke and Walter de Merewrth before the king in the octaves of Michaelmas, in the suit before the king between her and Walter concerning the manor of Wyke. Aug. 11. John de Muscegros acknowledges that he owes to Hugh son of Oto, for Tunbridge. Robert Bagod, who holds the ferm of Dani in Ireland by Hugh's commission, 711.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Gloucester. Thomas de Scharstede, parson of Purle church, came before the king, on Monday after St. Laurence, and sought to replevy his land in Berking', which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Mabel, late the wife of Nicholas Westman. 126 CuALEWsalAS OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 7d-cont. Aug. 21. Hugh de Oddingseles acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas le Franceis Westminster. 26 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. ---- John de Cogan, who is going to Ireland by the kings licence, gave - po*er, in the king's presence, to Gilbert de Wollavinton to make attorneys in his place until Michaelmas next, and from then for two years following unless John return to England in the meantime. Robert Greley, Alexander le Mey, John de Workedeley, Robert de Ijenwod, Robert de Birkes, Thomas son of Simon, Robert de Birches, Thomas son of Adam, Stephen de Barton, Gervase deaNewenham, Roger son of Roger le Clerk, Ellen his mother, William le Clerk of Eckeles, and Geoffrey le Byrun came before the king, on Friday the feast of St. Bartholomew, and sought to replevy their land in Barton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against tgnes, daughter of Gilbert de Barton. ---- The abbot of Messinden acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello, citizen of London, 1511.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. William de Lindeseye, son of Walter de Lindeseye, lord of a moiety of the barony of Kendale, acknowledges that he owes to Imbert de Mounferaunt 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Westmoreland, York, Lancaster, and Hluntingdon. Gilbert de Lindeseye, his brother, and Gilbert de Wyteby acknowledge the same. Aug. 27. William de Bolevill came before the king, on Monday after St. Windsor. Bartholomew, and sought to replevy his land in Colevill and Earslake, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Eugenia, late the wife of John de Bolevill. Aug. 27. At the instance of his sister, the queen of Scotland, the king has granted Windsor. to R. bishop of Dublin, staying in Scotland, that Robert de Rebercy, whom the bishop appointed in his place, might make attorneys in the bishop's name in suits until the end of seven years, and that the bishop shall be quit during that time of all common summons of the justices in eyre, both or pleas of the Forest and for other pleas, in the counties in which the bishop has lands, so that he shall not be amerced by reason of his absence or be a loser in any wise for the said common summonses. [Prynne, iii. 136.] The king has granted to Alexander Comyn, earl of Bouhan, and to Elizabeth, his Wife, that by their letters patent they may give power of making attorneys in their place in all pleas, etc., and may substitute others in their places as often as they shall see fit until the end of three years. Sept. 8. Reginald le Waleys came before the king, on Sunday after the Nativity, Windsor. and sought to replevy to John le Noreys the latter's laud in Worton, which was taken into the king's bands for his default in the king's court against Hugh de Tywe, Margery his wife, and Agnes Margery's sister. Sept. 8. Stephen de Fernhale came before the king, on Sunday the morrow of the Windsor. Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy to Giles de Avenebury his land in Boclinton, which was taken into the king's hands fort his default in the king's court against Matilda de la Haye. Reginald le Waleys came before the king, on Sunday after the Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy to Amabilla de Gilling her land in Wfrton, which Was taken into the king's hands for 'her default in the 2 EDWARD I. 127 1274. Membrane 7d-cont. king's court against Hugh de Tywe, Margery his wife, and Agnes Margery's sister. Sept. 10. John Godefrey came before the king, on Tuesday after the Nativity of Windsor. St. Mary, and sought to replevy to William de Igate the latter's land in Ledes, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Peter son of Henry Whitlok. Sept. 13. Robert de Cantilupo came before the king, on Friday the feast of the Windsor. Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy to Philip de Cantilupo his land in Hareslad, which was taken into the king's hands for Philip's default in the king's court against Roger son of Hugh de Gahirst (sic). William le Hare came before the king, on Saturday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy his land and meadow in Haleweford, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Agnes the skinner (Theskinnestre). Sept. 16. Walter de Donmawe came before the king, on Monday after the Windsor. Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy to Reginald de Grey his land in Great Brykhull, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against John de Grey. Sept. 16. Henry son of Simon de Stonton came before the king, on Tuesday Windsor. before St. Matthew, and sought to replevy to Miles de Hasting' the latter's land in Solihulle, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against William de Bireches and William Clarice. Sept. 16. John Parden came before the king, on Mlonday after the Exaltation of Windsor. the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy to Philip de Cantilupo the latter's land in Harslede, which was taken unto the king's hands for his default against Roger son of Hugh de Galhurst (sic). Sept. 17. Henry Capye, clerk, game before the king, on Wednesday before St. Windsor. Matthew, and sought to replevy to the prior of St. Denis near Southampton the latter's land in Bereford, which was taken into the king's hands for the prior's default against Geoffrey de Chaucumbe. MlEMBR.ANE 6d. The abbot of Derley hasattorneyed before the king Richard de Derby, clerk, and Peter Bisshop, in a suit before the king between the abbot and Master William Brun, Gilbert le Tayllur, William de Stokes, Henry son of Ralph le Ganter, Simon de Noting[ham], Robert his brother, Henry le Cordewaner, Henry Galyen, Simon Catel, Ralph Fatteneye, Ralph de Covyntr[eia], William le Tissur, Robert Colle, Thomas Silkok, William de Tuttesbir[y], Henry son of Avicia BonQe, John Serveladi, Richard son of Adam de Cleys, Robert P)amyot, Thomas le Graunt, Henry le Hoppere, Hugh his brother, John Culche, Roger son of Ranulph le Gaunter, Payn son of William son of Stephen, Hugh de Cleys, John le Noble, Geoffrey le Orfevre, William de Twyford, Henry de Sallowe, John le Furbur, Henry son of Roger Rostreng, Roger son of Henry le Rus, Thomas de Kersinton, William his brother, Simondde Bolton, Henry his brother, Ralph Franceis, and John Lomb concerning a trespass committed on the abbot. John de Steynton puts in his place Richard de Haytfeld in a suit before the king between John and Adam de Novo Mercato and others contained in the original writ eoncerning a, trespass committed on John by them. I, I ' MEMBRxANE 5d. Aug. 25. To the barons and bailiffs of Winohelsea. Order not to permit any wool Windsor, to be taken out of the realm through their bailiwick or those parts except by the king's licence by letters patent,. 128 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. AMembrane 5d —cont. The like to the barons and bailiffs of the port of La Rye, Sandwyz, Heth, Romenal, and 'Dover. Sept. 9. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause the tenth of temporalities Windsor. and of spiritualities granted to the king by the pope for two years and its arrears to be levied from those who detain them, or from their benefices and goods in that county, whenever he shall be required to do so by Master Reymund de Nogeriis, chaplain of the pope, general collector of the said tenth, or by his substitutes, and to assign the tenth and arrears to the collectors, fulfilling the king's order in this behalf so that for default of execution the king may not have recourse to the sheriff and his goods for such tenth and arrears, as some abbots, priors, men of religion, and clerks detain the tenth and the arrears thereof, wherefore the executors deputed in each diocese to collect the tenth have excommunicated them by apostolic authority. The like to all the sheriffs of England, to the keepers of the bishopric of Durham, and to the justice of Chester. [Prynne, Records, iii. 133.] Sept. 1C. To Amicia, countess of Devon. Whereas the king has confirmed the late Windsor. king's grant to the prioress and nuns of Aumbresbyry of the 481. y-ealy that Amicia was wont to pay at the exchequer for the manor of Melkesham, which the late king granted to her for life at fee-ferm, to be received by the hands of Amicia, and also of the manor after Amicia's death, and the prioress and nuns are ready to answer to Amicia for her life for the value of the manor by reasonable extent beyond the said 481. yearly on bonditio6n that Amicia demise the manor to them in her lifetime; the king requests her, in consideration of his affection to the prioress and nuns, to cause the manor to be extended and delivered to the nuns, to be held according to the tenor of the said charter, provided that the prioress and nuns shall give her sufficient security for the value of the manor according to the extent, the said 481. yearly being allowed to them, to answer to Amicia during her life at certain terms to be provided by her, so completing this affair at the king's instance that he ought to return the kindness on suitable occasions in things concerning her. James Hansard came before the king, on Thursday the eve of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy his land in Farnham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the bishop of Winchester's bailiffs of Farnham against William le Parker and Ascelina his wife. Sept. 13. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to attach Simon le Draper, Windsor. Henry de Dernegate, Walter de Valle, William le Lardener, Nicholas le Rus, Elias Westman, Adam de otoHhampton[a], Henry Prior, Robert Wyard, Roger Dalerun, Peter Seere, John Charite, Matthias le Parmeter, Thomas de Mucheldevere, John de Westbyry, Henry Cobbe, Henry le Cordwaner, Master Henry le Cordwaner, Walter Danne, Alexander le Parmeter, Godfrey le Mascrer, Walter Dalerun, Adam Pouraye, and William le Espicer of Winchester, so that he may have them before the king on Thursday after St. Matthew to answer to the community of the city of Winchester and the king concerning the trespasses committed by them upon the community, as the king learns that they have committed enormous trespasses upon the whole community of that city after his peace was publicly proclaimed in the realm, for which he wills amendment shall be made to the community before him. The sheriff is ordered to summon twelve of the more discreet citizens to be there then to prosecute their suit against the said men concerning the trespasses aforesaid. IEnrolment of acknowledgment of receipt by the community of Bruges from the king of 34 marks of the arrears of all the debts wherein he was indebted to them, or to any one of the country (patria) of Bruges, until the time of his coronation. Dated at Wynd[esore], 12 September. 2 EDWARD I. 129 1274. Membrane 5d-cont. Sept. 16. To the bailiff of the islands. Order to cause William Porjum of St. Windsor. Heliers, in the island of Geresey, who lately abjured his country for certain trespasses charged upon him, to have a verdict, if he have placed himself in prison and will put himself upon a verdict of the country, as the king has pardoned him the abjuration. William Esceymbet of Aureneye, who abjured his country for breaking the king's prison and for other trespasses charged upon him, has like letters to the same bailiff. To the bailiff of the islands, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause Emma, late the wife of Richard de la Hog, of the island of Gernereye, of the parish of St. Andrew, charged with larceny, if she wish to place herself upon her neighbourhood upon that charge, to have a verdict of her neighbourhood. Sept. 16. The king has assigned to Margery, late the wife of Guy de Rocheford, Windsor. tenant in chief, the manor of Rocheford, with a marsh pertaining thereto, which are extended at 181. 8s. 10d.; a moiety of all the arable land of the marshes of Fulnes, which land is extended at 131. Is. 8d.; a moiety of all the pasture of the said marshes, which pasture is.extended at 61. Os. 4d.; and so she ought to answer to the heir for 7s. 6d. yearly. The king has also assigned to her the advowson of Rocheford church, worth by extent 10 marks yearly; and the collation of a moiety of all the tithes of the said markhes of Fulnes, which are worth 6 marks yearly by extent, and a moiety of all wreck of the sea when it happens in the said marshes; to hold in dower of the lands and advowsons that belonged to Guy. R. de Clifford, escheator this side Trent, is ordered to deliver to Margery the said lands in do wer. Sept. 19. The king has assigned in dower to Nicholaa, late the wife of Roger (le Windsor. Wyk[c], who held of the honour of Thony, which belonged to Roger de Thony, tenant in chief of the late king, the custody of which honour the late king granted to Robert de Brus to hold until Roger [de Thony's] heir should come of age, in the manor of Wyk[e]-which belonged to Roger de Wyk[e], dispute and which the king caused to be taken into his hands by reason of the in the king's court between Godehilda (Godehuda), late Roger's sister, and Walter de Wyk[e], Roger's kinsman-the new barn, a dovecote, an old cattle-shed standing near the great gate on the south side, and a little garden on the east side of the court, the great gate, and the little croft without the gate, which are worth 3s. 4d. yearly by extent; 10 acres of arable land in Touleslond, which are worth 5s. yearly, price of an acre 6d.; 3 acres of land in Meteforelond, which are worth 12d. yearly, price of an acre 4d.; in Brembelforelong 2 acres, worth 8d. yearly, price of an acre 4d.; a third of an acre, which acre is worth l1d. yearly; in Potkockescruche 2 acres of land, worth 4d. yearly, price of an acre 2d.; in Swyteforlong 21 acres, worth 61d. yearly; in Longelond an acre and a third of half an acre, worth 42d. yearly, price of an acre 4d.; in Ludekelond 6 acres, worth 2s. yearly, price of an acre 4d.; in Buttes of the mill, 1 acre, price 3d.; in Othull and in Clotemede, 33~ acres, worth 17s. 8d. yearly, price of an acre 6d.; in Alteiscrofte and in Langelond, 2~ acres, worth 83d. yearly, price of an acre 3d.; in Yldelond, 21 acres, worth 9kd. yearly, price of an acre 4d.; of the pasture called ' La Merse' 13s. 21d.; from the windmill, 10s. 10d. The king has also assigned to her from the tenants of the manor, to wit from William Gcdewyn, 18d. yearly; from William Hervy 6d.; from John de Coluerthe, 5s. from Ralph le Singer, 2s.; from Alexander de Warham, 2s.; from Andrew Sturmy, 10s.; from the prior of Tortrington, 6s. 8d.; from William le Wolf, 7d.; from Henry Prikelove, 4s.; from Juliana Blithild, 12d.; from Felicia (Felic'), daughter (fil') of the cleik, 13d.; from Alan Smalbueric, 6s.; from Richard le Syer, 2s. 6d. u 96995. I 130 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 5d-cont. from Alice la Wydu, 2s. 11d.; from Richard le Paumer, 4s. 8d.; from Nicholas le Dene, 5s. 4d.; from Roger le Barbur, 101d.; from William le Carter, 4s. 8ad.; from Isabella, daughter of the parson, 2d.; from Philip le Carpenter, ld.; from Clarice, relict of Matthew, Id.; from William Blake, 2d.; from Juliana. relict of Scalen', 6d.; from Martin le fiz le Carter, 8d.; from Senewod' Arundell, od.: to hold in dower of the lands that belonged to Roger in the said Martin (sic) de Wyk. J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent, is ordered to deliver to Nicholaa the said lands. - Roger de Rolling' puts in his place John de Havering in a suit before --- the king between him and Peter de Middelton, William Hildegar, Thomas de Beynvill, William le Botiller, William Ros, William Gregoire, and Adam de Alcunbyry concerning a trespass committed upon Roger. MEMBRANE 4d. - Hugh de Evere puts in his place John de Catehal, clerk, in a suit before the king between him and Roger le Serjaunt of Ellington, John de Heyden, Robert Mareys, Robert Judan, John le Mouner, Hamo de Ellyngton, William son of Roger, Richard le Provost of Heyden, and John le Provost of Ellington, concerning'a trespass committed upon Hugh. The same Hugh puts in his place the said John in a suit attached before the king between him and William de Vescy concerning the manor of Cressewell, which Hugh claims to have of the assignment of John de Balliolo until it be redeemed according to the form of the dictum of Kellingworth. Sept. 22. Ralph Pypard, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence, has given Windsor. power in the king's presence to John de Trumpinton and Richard Martyn to make attorneys in his place for a year. Sept. 22. Hubert Cobbe came before the king, on Wednesday before Michaelmas, Windsor. and sought to replevy to William de Bluntesdon the latter's land in Broterebluntesdon, which was taken into the king's hands for William's default against Juliana, late the wife of Robert Auhi. Sept. 26. John de Crauncewyk came before the king, on Wednesday before Windsor. Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to the abbot of Fountains the abbot's land in Carlesmor, which was taken into the king's hands for the abbot's default against Richard de Bosco. l Walter de Dunmawe came before the king, on Friday before Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to Reginald de Grey the latter's land in Great B[r]ykhull, which was taken into the king's hands for Reginald's default against John de Grey. ---- AArdrew de Valle Torta puts in his place William de Neubury against -- Henry de Ockele, Michael Payn, and Robert le Messer concerning a plea of trespass before the king. Sept. 20. William Attewode came before the king, on Sunday after Michaelmas, Windsor. and sought to replevy to Robert de Bedeford the latter's land in Little Paxton, which was taken into the king's hands for Robert's default against Alice, late the wife of Roger le Knyt of Little Paxton. Oct. 2. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause the Jews to be amoved from the Windsor. town of Bruges without damage to their bodies or things, as, according to the custom of the king's Jewry, the king's Jews of England ought not to dwell in other cities, boroughs or towns than those wherein they were wont to dwell in past times, and certain Jews, as the king learns, have entered and dwell in the town of Bruges, where no Jew fvas wont to dwell in past times. 2 EDWARD I. 131 1274. lMembrane 4d-cont. Thomas de Petresfeld came before the king, on Wednesday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to Robert son of Robert de Tottenhale, the latter's land in Tottenhale, which was taken into the king's hands for Robert's default against Hugh de Sancta Cruce and Isolda his wife, Peter de Stane and Cristiana his wife, Hugh de Lacy, and Joan his wife. Nicholas de Wortham came before the king, on Wednesday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to Joan de Wortham her land in Wortham, which was taken into the king's hands for Joan's default before the justices of the Bench against Walter son of Thomas de Wortham. Oct. 2. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Writ of summons of an eyre to be holden Windsor. at Middlesex (sic) on the octaves of Martinmes before Master Roger de Seyton, John de Cobeham, Walter de Hopton and Elias de Bekingham, and others. Memorandum, that William de Spauling did homage to the king on Wednesday after St. Edward at Westminster. Because it is testified that H. bishop of Ely was in the king's service by his order on Sunday the octaves of St. John the Baptist last, wherefore he could not be present on that day in the suit before the king between the queen, the king's mother, and the said bishop, of this that he refused to admit a keeper presented by the queen to him to the custody of St. John's hospital, Cambridge, the king warrants the said day to the bishop. Oct. 8. Jordan Bishop came before the king, on Monday after the feast of St. The Tower. Faith, and sought to replevy his land in Little Stibyr[y], which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against John Assewy. Thomas Dupyn acknowledges that he owes to William de Faukham 201.; - to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Devon and Somerset....- Henry de Somer acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of Lesne3 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Oct. 12. To the bailiff of the island, and to him who supplies his place. Order to Westminster. cause William Sethomes of the island of Serc, who lately abjured his country for certain trespasses charged upon him, to have a verdict, if he have put himself in prison and will put himself on a verdict of his neighbourhood concerning the said trespasses, as the king has pardoned him the abjuration. To the same. Order to cause Peter Wauter, charged with certain larcenies, for which Orengia, his wife, who is likewise charged, abjured the country, to have a verdict, if he have put himself in prison and wish to v place himself upon a verdict of his neighbourhood concerning that charge, as the king wills that Peter shall not be aggrieved by reason of his wife's abjuration. Wybert de Araz, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Matthew de Araz 120 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. The prior of Westacre acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Typetot 140 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos, Norfolk and Suffolk. Thomas de Clare, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence, has given power to Nicholas (sic) de Sefrewast and Stephen de Slapton to make attorneys in his place until Easter next. Richard de Lench' acknowledges that he owes to Petronilla, his sister, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in. co. Worcester. 132 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 4d-cont. Humphrey de Bohun acknowledges that he owes to Roger le Tayllur 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford. Robert de Lcnn, chaplain, and Roger le Eyr acknowledges that they owe to Robert Burnell 53 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Cambridge. John Wyger, who is going to the islands of Gerneseye and Jeresie, puts in his place William de Haldesworth and Robert Pollard in all pleas, etc., for or against him, and gives them power to make attorneys in his place as they shall see fit. Patrick de Sutheyk, one of the heirs and parceners of the inheritance that belonged to Hawisia de Levinton, tenant in chief, puts in his place Walter de Twynham to receive his purparty of the inheritance. Walter de Twynham, one of the said heirs and parceners, puts in his place Eudo de Bello Campo to receive his purparty. Membrane 4.-Schedule 1. *Partition of the inherit ance of Helewysa de Levinton. The part falling to Robert de Hampton. The chief messuage of Skelton, with garden, worth 6s. yearly; of the demesne lands in the croft of Craglond and Gamelesflat, 40 acres, price of an acre 12d.; in Baxtonesberue and Begate, 10 acres, and Aldeby, 10 acres, price of an acre lOd.; in Iorigg 9 acres, price of an acre 10d.: total, 7s. 6d. Also of the meadow of Bradenge, 81 acres, price of an acre 15d.; total 10s. 71d.; also at Dancereslond, 20 acres of land on the south, price of an acre 10d.; total, 16s. 8d. William son of Adam holds two bovates of land, and renders half a mark yearly, and for boon.works, 10d.; Richard Lenneban holds two bovates by the same service, and 4 acres for 2s. yearly; Reginald de Aleynby holds two bovates by the same service; Nicholas Drake holds two bovates by the same service; Nicholas le Hunte holds two bovates by the same service, and an acre for 8d. yearly; Hugh son of Robert holds two bovates by the same service; Peter de Roma holds a bovate, and renders 40d. yearly, and for boon-works, 7-d.; Peter de Bosco holds a bovate and renders 40d. yearly, and for boon-works, 71d.; William son of Hugh holds two bovates of land for half a mark yearly, and for boon-works, 10d.: Andrew de Aleynby holds two bovates of land, and renders 8s. yearly; Peter de Bosco holds 5~ acres, and renders 5s. 4d.; John de Peggedale holds 3 acres, and renders 4s. 5o-d.; William son of' Moye holds a messuage and 5 acres of land for 4s. 9d.; John Mangeherneys holds a messuage and an acre of land for 2s. 5id.; William Draumay holds a messuage and 2 acres of land for 2s. 5id.; Matilda, the widow, holds a messuage and 1l acres for 2s. 51d.; Stephen de Gileslaunde holds a cowshed and renders 10s.; also a moiety of the mill with suit thereto, extended at 41.; [Ralso fiom the brewhouse, 2s.]: total, 131. 18s. 5d., and a third part of the wood, which is not extended. The part falling to Patrick and Roland de Carrik. Ranulph de Bastentueyt holds 35 acres, and renders 10s.; in Neulond towards Hunthane, of the demesne 40 acres of land, price of an acre lOd.; total, 33s. 4d.; Daunceresland towards the north (umbram), 20 acres, price of an acre, 1id.: total 42s. 8d. (sic); in Sourflat, towards Fourhous, 6 acres, price of an acre 10d.; total 5s.; of the meadow in Milneholm, 4 acres, price of an acre, 15d.: total 5s.; Robert Tupe holds two bovates of land, and m! n ob. * Endorsement of schedule. tr The words:u brackets are cancelled. 2 EDWARD I. 183 1274. M2fembrane 4-Schedule 1 —cont. renders yearly half a mark, and for boon-works, lOd.; Geoffrey son of Robert holds two bovates by the same service; Reginald son of Patrick holds two bovates by the same service, and 4 acres for 2s. 10d.; Ralph son of Adam holds two bovates by the same service; Thomas son of Dande holds two bovates by the same service, and 5 acres for 2s. Gd.; Robert son of Dande holds two bovates by the same service; Robert de Furneys holds a bovate for 40d. and for boon-works, 71d.; Henry Foleter s holds a bovate by the same service; William son of Thomas holds 12 acres, and gives 8s. 10d. yearly, the service is worth 4d.; John son of Alan holds 20 acres, and gives 10s. 4d. and for the meadow, 21d.; William son of Matthew holds 20 acres by the same service; Simon son of Roesia? (Rase) holds 12 acres, and gives 8s. 4d.; Thomas son of William de Hoton holds 7 acres, and gives 5s. Id.; William de Bereford and Stephen le Messer hold 5 acres, and give 4s.; Eva the widow and Williarn son of Hugh hold a cowhouse for one mark; also a moiety of the mill, which mill is extended at 41.; also of the brewhouse, 2s.; total, 131. 18s. 7d. A third part of a wood, which is not extended. The part falling to Walter de Twvynham. Unthanc.-Of the meadow under Rigges, 3 acres, and Buveheng, 3 acres price of an acre 15d.; total 7s. 6d.; Ranulph holds an acre in the field of Katerlen for 12d.; Patrick the forester holds 6 acres of land for 6s. lid.; John de Joneby hold 17 acres for 11s. I Od.; Simon the clerk of Hlunthank holds 15 acres and gives for all things lls. 6d.; the same Simon holds a messuage and 0 acres of land, and gives 7s. 4d.; Richard de Silva holds 7 acres and gives 4s. Gd.; William Torald holds a messuage and 2 acres of land, and renders 3s. 9d.; also 2 bovates of land, which were wont to render half a mark and for boon-works, lOd.; also 2 acres, which were wont to render 2s.; Adam son of Alexander holds an acre, and gives 6d.; Emma Fulsum holds a messuage and a rood for 18d.; Eda Gateles holds a messuage and 4 acres of land, and gives 2s. 11 d.; William the smith holds a messuage and a rood of land for 18d.; Gerard the cook holds a messuage and an acre, and gives 231d.; Emma Muschet holds a messuage and an acre, and gives 231d.; Eda Birilot holds a messuage and an acre, and gives 2s. 8~d.; Hugh Crossan holds a messuage and 12 acres, and gives 2s. 6d.; Stephen le Messer holds a moessuage and a rood, 18d.; William le Ra holds a messuaae with curtilage, and gives 12d.; Laurence son of Conne holds a rmessuage for 12d.; Adam Payfot holds a waste plot for 3d.; Robert Drake holds a mnessuage and an acre for 231d.; Robert de Furneys and Falcard hold 4 acres of land and give 2s.; Nicholas Fugart holds 6 acres, and gives 5s.; also herbage, which gives 12s. lOd. yearly. Stoffeld. —Adam de Hoton holds a cowhouse for 2s.; also at Stoffold, 26s. 2d.; also at Blundellesfeld, 19s. 6d.; also at Sekergil, 4s.; in the mill of Croclyn, two skeps (escherp) of flour, price of the flour, 4s.; The chief messuage of Stafford (sic), which is not extended and is well built. Botecastre.-John Hom Hodde holds of the demesne 7 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow for 9s.; Johln, husband of Mabbe, holds 26 acres of land and 4 acres of meadow for 2 marks; John the clerk holds 3 acres for 2s.; Adam the reeve holds a bovate of land for 4s.; John son of Adam holds a bovate for 6s.; Hugh holds a bovate for 4s.; William Wytepping holds 6 acres of land for 3s.; David son of Eda holds 5 acres for 4s.: Eva le Sangstere holds 2 acres for 2s. 7d.; Robert Mouning holds a messuage with curtilage for 12d.; Thomas the miller holds a messuage with curtilage for 16d. The mill renders 5 skeps (esk') of flour, price 4s. a skep. 134 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 4-Schedule I-cont. Skelton.-Agnes, late the wife of Jordan holds a messuage and renders 23 d.; Banhody holds a messuage and a rood of land for 21d.; Michael le Fol holds a messuage and I an acre for 23id.; Seret holds a messuage and an acre of land for 231d.; Richard le Cras holds 2aacres for 2s. 9d.; Peter de Roma holds a bovate of land, and renders yearly 40d., and for boonworks 71d.; John son of Ralph holds 8 acres of land and renders 4s. 5id.; Matilda, late the wife of Walter, holds a cottage for 15d.; Alli Topping holds a cottage by the same service; Robert Dybel holds a cottage by the same service; Adam the smith holds a cottage by the same service; Emmok Drinkale holds a cottage by the same service; Avice de Skelton holds a cottage by the same service; Richard son of Adam holds a cottage for 1Sd.; Richard son of Megge holds a cottage for lad.; Thomas de Blacerne holds freely and gives 20d.; Robert le Wyte holds freely for 20d. Be it known that the advowsons and knights' fees and the dower that the wife of Robert de Paveli, who was formerly the wife of Richard de Levinton, holds are not divided. Membrane 4.-Schedule 2. The part falling to Richard son of Richard de Kirkebride, who is under age, of the inheritance of Helewisa de Levinton. The manor of Levinton with the garden is worth yearly, 7s.; the demesne of the arable land, 43 acres, price of an acre 8d.; total, 28s. 8d., and it shall be of the land nearest adjoining the hall; also the meadow is worth yearly, 4s.; the park of Levinton is worth yearly, 40s.; the herbage of Cringgeldik is worth yearly, i mark; Sir Alan de Orreton holds 10 bovates of land and gives yearly, 2s.; Sir Gilbert le Fraunceys gives yearly for common of pasture, 2s.; William Falcard holds 6 bovates of land, and renders yearly lid.; John son of Ralph, Roger Heremere, and John de Teman give yearly for two parts of a carucate of land, 81d.; William Falcard holds 6 bovates of land and renders yearly, lid.; John Banhodi, Thomas the miller, and Juliana daughter of Thomas gave 9d.; Robert son of William Aldeyn holds two parts of half a carucate of land and gives 8s.; Adam son of Robert holds 8 acres and renders 40d.; Albert de Hederford holds 3 roods and renders 14d.; William de Grena holds 11 acres of meadow and renders 15d.; Adam son of Serle and Richard his brother hold 6 acres and render 4s.; Thomas son of Thomas holds 4 bovates of land and renders 6s.; and for autumn boon-works 2s. 2d., and for 8 hens, 8d.; for 80 eggs, 2d., and for a plough 2d., and for a harrow (traha) 2d.; total 9s. 4d.; Adam son of Serle and William his brother hold 4 bovates of land by the same service; John son of Edok and William Sperling hold 4 bovates by the same service; William son of Juliana holds 2 bovates for 4s. 8d., as above (prius) for boon-works; Richard le Bretun holds 2 bovates by the same service; Ralph son of Dykoun holds 2 bovates by the same service. Cottars.-Agnes, late the wife of Richard, holds a cottage for 12d. and for boon-works 3d.; Agnes late the wife of Gilbert, holds a cottage by the same service; Gilbert son of Gilbert holds a cottage by the same service; from the mill of Levinton, 6 marks 4s.; Agnes the widow and Thomas son of Stephen hold 4 bovates of land and render 9s. 4d.; Geoffrey son of Agnes holds 2 bovates of land and renders 4s. 8d.; Adam son of John holds 2 bovates of land by the same service; Eva, late the wife of John, holds 2 bovates by the same service; Richard de Asteneby holds 2 bovates of land by the same service. Also from cornage, 14d.; Robert son of Richard holds 21 bovates of land, and renders 7s. 9d.: total 131. 18s. 5d. This part is assigned to Walter de Corri: Robert son of Avicia renders yearly 20d.; Walter de Corry holds half a carucate of land and renders yearly Id.; William de Mora holds a certain 2 EDWARD I. 135 1274. Membrane 4d-Schedule 1-cont. land and renders yearly 40s.; William Bradheye holds 1I acres and renders 18d.; John son of Robert holds 3 roods and renders 6d.; John le Knyt holds a messuage and 3 acres of land and renders 3s., and for boon-works 3d.; Adam son of John holds a meadow and renders yearly 8d.; Philip son of Richard holds 1 acres and renders yearly 18d.; Laurence de Levenholm holds 2 bovates of land and renders 5s.; William de Burstede holds 4 bovates and renders 10s. 3d.; Jul[ia], late the wife of William Haldeyn, holds 3 bovates atd renders 9s. 3d.; Adam Durebald holds 21 bovates and renders 8s. 9d.; Richard son of Henry holds 4 bovates of land and renders 9s. 4d.; William Brunter holds 4 bovates of land and renders 9s. 4d.; Alberd de Hederford holds 4 bovates of land by the same service; Robecoc holds 4 bovates by the same service; William de Brunthayt holds 4 bovates by the same service; Richard son of Serle holds 4 bovates by the same service; Helewysa, late the wife of the smith, and Thomas her son, hold 4 bovates by the same service; Ralph son of Thomas holds 3 bovates of land and gives for all things, 7s.; a third of the mill is worth yearly 6 marks 2s. Demesne.-The demesne is worth yearly for 43 acres, price of an acre, 8d., and of meadow, 4t acres, price 12d.; also of the herbage of Pettenure, 4s.; also of the herbage of Keldholm, 2s. 8d.; also of the herbage of the old meadow, 12d.; from the brewhouse 6d.; from cornage, 14d. Total: 131. 18s. 3d. This part ought to be assigned to Patrick de Sutheyc: Robert de Laceles holds freely and renders yearly 4s.; Alexander Freysel holds freely and renders yearly 20d.; Richard de Rocheclive holds 16 acres of land and renders yearly for all things 23s. 4d.; William Cokyn holds as much land and for the same service; Richard son of Aldith holds as much land and for the same service; Alberd holds as much land and for the same service; John the reeve holds as much land and for the same service; Richard son of Ralph holds two parts of 16 acres of land and renders yearly 15s. 6d.; Robert de la Ferte gives yearly 7d. Demesne. At Eketon are 39 acres of land and an acre of meadow, which are worth yearly 26s. 8d.; a third of a mill, 6 marks; from the brewhouse 6d.; Henry son of Hugh holds 16 acres and renders for all things yearly 23s. 4d. M2EMBRANE 3d. -— John de Grendon acknowledges that he owes to Petronilla, late the wife - of Richard son of Henry de Morton, 13 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. William Fer of Bristol acknowledges that he owes to Robert Burnell, archdeacon of York, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. Joan, wife of William de Gyveldon, puts in her place William and John de Hescecumb to prosecute in the king's court the right that belongs to her of the custody of her son, a minor, and to demand her dower in that court. Walter de Bech acknowledges that he owes to William de Sancto Hermino 31 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. John de Kanc[ia] acknowledges that he owes to John son of John 751. 4s. 9d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Essex. Henry de Monte Forti and Stephen Heym are appointed to take assizes, juries and certificates in the following counties: Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Southampton, Dorset, Wilts, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Stafford, and Worcester. 136 CALEN1DAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. MIeembrane 3d-cont. In like manner Guychard de Charr[un] and William de Northburg are appointed in the following counties: Nottingham, Derby, Lancaster, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Northumberland, York, and Lincoln. In like manner Geoffrey de Leukenor' and John de Metingham are appointed in the following counties: Leicester, Warwick, Rutland, Northampton, Buckingham, Bedford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norfolk, Suffolk, Oxford, and Berks. In like manner John de Cobeham and Elias de Bekingham are appointed in the following counties: Sussex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Hertford, London, and Middlesex. Nov. 3. To Llewelyn son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Order to come to the king Northampton. at Shrewsbury on Sunday after St. Andrew, to do his homage to the king and the other things that he ought to do to him. [Federa.] -- Alexander Comin, earl of Bochan, and Elizabeth, his wife, put in their - place Thomas de Kynros and John de Sheftington until Michaelmas nexty with power of making attorneys for them. William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, puts in his place John Curteys against Robert de Chevni concerning a plea of land according to the dictum of Kenill[ewurth]. John de Hercy of Pyllardeton acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Hengham 221.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. Nov. 12. To the escheator this side Trent. Whereas the treasurer and barons of Northampton. the exchequer have taken into the king's hands for divers causes the manor of Swyneford, extended at 161. 18s. 43d., the manor of Clent, extended at 81. 17i,. 51d., which are of the king's ancient demesne, and which the king assigned to Amabilia, late the wife of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief, to hold in dower with certain other lands that belonged to Roger, the king orders the escheator to cause other lands to the value of the said manors to be assigned to Amabilia from other lands that belonged to Roger in the king's hands, where it may be done to the least damage to the king and most benefit to Amabilia, in recompense for the said manor. Robert de Folevill came before the king, on Monday the eve of St. Edmund the king, and sought to replevy his land in Gatesby, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against John de Bracebrug. Nov. 18. William de Allbiniaco came before the king, on Sunday before St. Edmund, Fotheringhay. and sought to replevy his land in Bychefeud, Moleston, La Chambre, and Ahcton, which were taken unto the king's hands for his default before the king against Matilda, daughter of Gilbert de Bathon[ia]. Nov. 21. William son of Hugh came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Fotheringhay. Edmund, and sought to replevy his land in Coston, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Roger le Bret. William Hulyn of Appelhy came before the king, on the same Wednesday, and sought to replevy his land in Appelby, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Roger le Estraunge. William de Hanyton has quittance of the common summons in co. Middlesex. 137 3 EDWARD I. 1274. MEMBRANE 25. Nrov 26. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to examine Kings Cliffe. (puretis) all the debts due from Roger de Brom to the king's Jews of (Clyve.) England as shall be just and by all means whereby it can be done for the king's profit, and to certify the king under the exchequer seal concerning the said debts. Nov. 25. To the same. Order to soprovide, according to the value of the tenement Kings Cliffe. of Henry de Hameldon and Is[abella] his wife of co. Rutland, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of divers debts due from them to divers Jews of the realm that they may have reasonable maintenance from their tenement and that they may satisfy the Jews for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints have been made on them for the said debts and the king wills that they shall not be brought to such need for these debts that they cannot have maintenance from their lands. Because it is testified before the king that Henry and Is[abella] have not more than twelve acres of land. Roger le Calewer, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Katherine del Ker, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Richard son of Roger de Esseby to have respite until fifteen days after thePurification for all debts, pains, and interest (usuris) that are exacted from him and his pledges by summons of the king's Jewry of the debts of Sampson son of Sampson, a Jew of Northampton, and Mossekinus, a Jew of Warwick, in order that the king by his council may then cause Richard to know his will more fully. Hugh de Birlingham, Roger and Michael his brothers, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of John de Hadenham, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Nov. 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to call before Kings Cliffe. then the king's justices 'appointed for the custody of the Jews, and, after hearing in their presence the matter concerning Robert HEeyrun, chirographer of the chest of the Jews at London, to cause to be done in this behalf what ought of right to be done. If this cannot be done without the king's presence, they are to cause Robert to be delivered in bail until the king's arrival there, so that the king may then cause to be done in his presence and in the presence of his councillors what ought of right to be done. Nov. 25. To the keeper of the park of Weleg. Order to cause Robert de Tipetot Kings Cliffe. to have twenty does of the king's gift in that park. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to permit the taverners of the city to sell their wines for 4d. a gallon until the king's arrival at the next parliament in the city, as wines are dear at Bordeaux and elsewhere in Gascony and are sold dearly in those parts, as the king understands for certain. --- '.To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to provide ten lasts of - herrings for the king, and to deliver them to Gregory de Rokele to be kept until otherwise ordered by the king. 138 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 25 -cont. Richard de Loges, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of Margery de Mymbar[y], has letters to the sheriff of Warwick (sic) to bail him. Dec. 3. Nicholas de Lodbrok, imprisoned for the death of Isabella, late the wife Kings Cliffe. of Robert de Swyneford, whom he slew in self defence as the king learns by inquisition, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. Henry son of Geoffrey de Sancto Mauro, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of John le Graunger, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause partition to be made of the lands that Eleanor de Vallibus, late countess of Winchester, held in dower of the inheritance of Roger de Quency, sometime earl of Winchcster, formerly her husband, into equal portions in the presence of Margaret de Ferar[iis], countess of Derby, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Roger, and in the presence of Ellen la Zusche, daughter and co-heiress of Roger, and in the presence of Alexander Comyn, earl of Bouhan, and of Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and co-heiress of Roger, and to cause Margaret and Ellen to have seisin of their purparties according to the tenor of a schedule enclosed in the presents, to which schedule they and the attorneys of Alexander and Elizabeth consented in the king's court, retaining in the king's hands the portion falling to Alexander and Elizabeth until they shall come to the king's court in person and do homage to him for Elizabeth's purparty, as the king has taken the homage of Margaret and Ellen for their portions, and he has rendered to them their portions, wherewith they are content, according to the partition made in the king's court between them and the attorneys of Alexander and Elizabeth. Edmund Crane, Adam Crane, Andrew Crane, Adam Chelmund, Roger Potel, William Bissop, Rolert de 'la Hacche, and Robert le Mouner of Framesden, imprisoned at Melton for the death of Robert Cok of Framlingham, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail them. To William Gauger, keeper of the abbey of Glastonbury. Order to make extent of the lands and of the bailiwick of the hundred of Whiteleye, which belonged to Reginald de Mere, tenant in chief of the abbey of Glastonbury, which are in the king's hands by reason of the voidance of the abbey, and to cause dower thereof to be assigned to Luke de Hecche and Alice his wife, late the wife of the said Reginald. Dec. 3. To Philip de Wilgheby, escheator beyond Trent. Whereas the king lately Kings Cliffe. took the homage of Walter de Twynham, Walter de Corry, Robert de Hampton, and of the other co-heirs and parceners of the inheritance that belonged to Helewisia de Levynton, late the wife of Eustace de Balliol[o], for the portions falling to them of the inheritance aforesaid, and rendered to them their portions on condition that the lands should be taken into the king's hands again if necessary and that the king might exhibit justice to everyone claiming right in the same, and he ordered William de Boyvill, then escheator beyond Trent, to cause the lands to be divided equally between them, and to cause them to have seisin of the portions falling to them, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of Eustace's death; and the king now learns from the complaint of certain of the co-heirs and parceners that William did not conduct himself well in assigning the portions, and they have besought the king to help them in this behalf: the king, willing that equal portions shall be assigned to all and singular the parceners, orders the escheator to call before him all the co-heirs and parceners of the inheritance, and, after taking the lands into the king's hands in form aforesaid, and after making an extent of the same, to cause the lands, 3 EDWARD I. 139 1274. Membrane 25-cont. knights' fees, and advowsons of churches to be equally divided between the co-heirs and parceners, and to cause them to have seisin thereof; provided that the lands held in chief of the king shall be equally divided between them, so that every one of them shall hold in chief, as is the custom in the realm. Dec. 6. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause to be Geddington. restored to brother William de Monasterio Villari, monk and proctor in (Geytinton.) England of the abbot and convent of Jumieges (de Gemerico), the lands and possessions of the abbot and convent in Heyling, and to restore anything that he or his men may have received thence, as William has shown the king that whereas he appointed brother John de Bundevill, his fellow-monk, his late proctor to keep his houses, lands, and possessions in England during the pleasure of the abbot and convent, and that they had not at any time in the realm a proctor who was not moveable at their pleasure, and that neither the king nor his ancestors were wont to have the custody of their things and possessions after the death of any of their proctors, the escheator has taken into the king's hands the lands, goods and possessions of the abbot and convent in Heyling after the said John's death as if John had held the lands in chief. Dec. 7. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to deliver to the abbot of Geddington. Pippewell a messuage in Great A.cle, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that William le Bonde of Great Acle, who was outlawed for felony, held the messuage of the abbot, and that it has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that the frankpledge of the township- of Great Acle had the king's year and day thereof and ought to answer to the king therefor. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause the executors of the will of Master Richard son of Robert de Aylesbyr[y], tenant in chief, to have full administration of all the goods and chattels that belonged to Richard (sic) at his death, which the escheator has taken into the king's hands by reason of any debts that might be due from Robert to the king, upon the executors finding security to render the said debts to the exchequer. Ivo de Lunday, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Philip de -- Medcumbe, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. William Gunte, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of William Dragun, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. Roger de la Lak, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Robert Ie Hopere, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. Richard de Byngham, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Michael de Quatton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Dec, 11. To the mayor and sheriffs of London and the keeper of the gaol of Geddington. Neugat[e]. Whereas Peter le Bretun of Sloleye, Alexander de Noers of Honyngham, Philip le Norizun of Warwick, William Schortenal(?) of Anesty, Henry Baldewyne of Cestreton, Peter Hervy of Sowe, William Messun of Cotisbache, Reginald de Cothishale, Ranulph le Fevre of Sowe, Thomas de Pype of Cestreton, Hugh de Loges of Sowe, and John de Bradewell have mainperned to have Richard de Loges, imprisoned at Newegate for the death of Margery de Minbur[y], wherewith he is charged, before the justices in co. Warwick at the first assize, to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him concerning the same, the king orders the mayor and sheriff to release Richard. 140 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 25-cont. Dec. 12. To S. bishop of Waterford, brother Luke the Hospitaller, and William Geddington. de Middelton, appointed to collect a tallage assessed upon certain Jews of the realm. Order to cause to be placed in the chest of the chirographers of the king's Jews at London the charters of Richard de Sees whereby he is bound to Haginus son of Moses (Mossey) and to Aaron Crespyn, the king's Jews of London, to be deposited therein for the use of queen Eleanor, the king's consort, so that she may do what she wish therewith, as the king learns that Haginus and Aaron have granted to the queen all the debts due to them from the said Richard by his charters, which charters were taken into the king's hands and are in the said collectors' custody by reason of the tallage aforesaid. Dec. 15. To the bailiff of the island of Gevnery (sic), or to him who supplies his Geddington. place. Order to cause Peter Walter and Mabel his wife, charged with certain larcenies for which Mabel abjured her country, to have a verdict of their neighbourhood, if they put themselves in the king's prison and will place themselves upon the said verdict for good or for evil according to the law and custom of those parts, as the king has pardoned them the abjuration aforesaid. The like in favour of Nicholaa. wife of Thomas le Geresyes, charged with larcenies for which she abjured her country. Hugh Ridel, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Woolnoth (Wolnoti) de Kempeston, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. William Saundre of Thornbawe, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Woolnoth de Kempeston, whereof ke is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. MEMBRANE 24. To the justice of Chester and the chamberlain of Chester. Order to pay to the abbot and convent of Dernhale 301. of the king's gift out of the money in the king's treasury of Chester, for their maintenance and in order to acquit therewith part of their debts. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause _- the abbot and convent of Stratford to be acquitted of all manner pains and usuries (usuras) of all debts due from them to Jews, saving to the Jews their principal debts, and to cause this to be enrolled, as the king, at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his mother, has pardoned the abbot and convent the said pains and usuries, on condition that they satisfy the Jews for the principal debt. Dec. 15. To Thomas de Clare, steward of the Forest between the bridges of Geddington. Oxford and Stanford. Order to cause the kirg's men of Gaytiuton to have eight oaks fit for timber in the forest of Gaytinton, in order to repair therewith the king's mill there, which is broken down. Dec. 15. To Roger Lcstrange (Extraneo), constable of the castle of the Peak Geddiogton. (Pecco). Order to cause Roger le Peytevyn, imprisoned in that castle, to be taken under safe convoy to Corf, there to be delivered to Elias de Rabayn, constable of Corf castle, or to him who supplies his place, whom the king has ordered to receive Roger and to cause him to be kept safely in that castle until otherwise ordered. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewode. Order to take twenty does in his bailiwick, and to cause them to be sent to Wodestok against the king's arrival there, so that they shall be there on Christmas eve. 3 EDWARD I. 141 1274. _Mlembrane 24-cont. Dec. 21. To the keeper of Salcey (Salceto) forest. Order to cause the friars Silverstone; Preachers of Northampton to have five oaks in that forest for their fuel (focum), of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Whittleswode. Order to cause the bailiffs of the king's manor of Silveston to have forty oaks in the park of Henleye and elsewhere in his bailiwick where it can be done most conveniently, for timber for the repair of the king's pond of Silveston and for the houses of the manor. Dec. 22. To the constable of Notingham castle. Order to permit the prioress and Brackley. nuns of Cateby to take and have daily a cartload of dry wood in the wood of Beskewode for fuel, during the king's pleasure. Dec. 24. Maurice le Botiller, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of Ivo de Woodstock. Dunsterr, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. William son of Richer de Whitewell, John his brother, and Walter Davy, imprisoned at N orwich for the death of Fraricus de Hakeford, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Dec. 24. Adam Cole, imprisoned at Ivie[l]cestre for the death of Walter Enling, Woodstock. wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. Dec. 25. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Woodstock. Peter Corbet, son and heir of Thomas Corbet, to have seisin of the manor of Silferton, whereof his father was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death, as ihe king lately took Peter's homage for the lands that his father held in chief, and ordered the escheator to cause him to have seisin thereof upon his finding security for payment of his relief, and Peter has not yet had seisin of the aforesaid manor, as the king learns. Dec. 26. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause the Woodstock, king's demesne lands of Chester to be tilled and sown, as shall seem best for the king's benefit. To the same. Order to cause the houses of Chester castle, which are in his custody and which are threatened with ruin, to be repaired where necessary without delay. To Thomas de Weshann, keeper of the forest of Alrewas, Order to cause Master William de Ebor[aco], the king's surgeon (curigico), to have two oaks fit for timber with their strippings. (ewcaetis). Dec. 28. To Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony. Whereas the king lately Woodstock. assigned to Queen Eleanor; his mother, in completion of her (lower, 3,0001/. of Tours yearly of his custom of Bordeaux, as contained in his letters patent thereof made to his mother, and 1,0001. Tournois yearly are still lacking in the said assignment, as she asserts, wherefore the king lately ordered the seneschal to take with him Master Poncius de Insula or some other discreet man of those parts, and, after making an extent and true appraisement of the assignment both of lands and of the custom aforesaid, to cause to be assigned to her what is lacking of the assignment, and thie seneschal has not yet made the extent and appraisement, and she has not been satisfied for the arrears of the assignment for terms past, as the king learns: th king orders the seneschal to take with him the said Master Poncius or son.y' other discreet man and to cause the extent and appraisement to be made, and to cause what is lacking of the completion of Eleanor's dower according to the extent and appraisement to be assigned to her from the cv.tom of Bordeaux, according to the tenor of the king's previous order, paying to her the said arrears. Et sunt patentes, et sunt dupplicate. 142 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Mnembrane 24-cont. Dec. 27. To S. bishop of Waterford, treasurer of Ireland. Order to cause Woodstock. William de Castre, who was lately bringing the sons of Walter de Burgo, sometime earl of Ulster, to the king at Wodestok, to be satisfied for his reasonable expenses and charges in bringing them to England, from the day of their departure from Ireland until Christmas eve following. When the king knows what the treasurer has paid to them, he will cause him to have a writ of liberate. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to substitute a fitting person in the office of the aldermanry of Henry le Waleys, citizen of London, certifying the king of his name, as the king is sending Henry to Gascony for the expedition of special affairs touching him, so that he cannot now attend to the duties of the office of alderman, from which the king has absolved him. _ --- — To the sheriff of Salop. Order to permit Griffin son of Wenonwen and his household (familiares) and others for whose good behaviour he shall mainpern to dwell in peace in the town of Shrewsbury until otherwise ordered. Dec. 28. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause the Woodstock. friars Preachers of Chester to have 40d. weekly for their maintenance, of the king's alms, as they were wont to receive previously by the hands of the king's justices of Chester, of the king's especial grace. Walter Durreward, Henry Lovecok, Reginald Serle, and Henry le Chazur, imprisoned at Hereford for the death of Walter de Shordeford, have letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail them. 1275. Jan. 1. To the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to pay to Richard Mauerdyn, Henry Radcot. Brun, Gilbert Fox, Thomas le Ferur, Adam Podding, ahd others their neighbours of Wodestok, from whom the king took brushwood (buscam) at Christmas, 91. 7s. Od. for the brushwood aforesaid. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause the gaol within Oxford castle to be repaired where necessary. Jan. 1. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Radcot. Easter next the demand upon John de Bigenor[e] for 121. 18s. 21d. for the time when he was keeper of the king's manor of Luttegarsale. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause Ralph Morin, imprisoned in Oxford castle by the sheriff for the suspicion had of him concerning the king's gerfalcon that was lately lost, which the king afterwards found, to be delivered from prison if he be detained solely for this cause. Jan. 1. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to release to the prior of Radcot. Bradenestok the demand upon him for 20 marks for his tenth of his temporal goods in the dioceses of Salisbury, Lincoln, Bath and Wells, Worcester, and York, and to release any distraint made therefor, as it appears to the king by the letters patent of Master Reymund de Nogeriis, deputed to collect the tenth, which are in possession of the abbot, that the prior has satisfied the king for that sum. Jan. 5. To Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause Thomas Ramsbury. de Moleton and Edmunda his wife, daughter and heiress of John le Botiller, tenant in chief of the king in Ireland, or their attorney exhibiting these presents to have seisin of the lands falling to Edmunda in Ireland by right of inheritance, which Otto de Graunzon lately held in wardship of the king's grant, saving the rights of the king and of others, and saving to Otto his goods and chattels in the said lands, as Otto lately rendered in person the 3 EDWARD) I. 143 1275. M~em brane 24-cont. lands into the king's hands for the use of Thom.s and Edmunda, who is of full age. Jan. 9. To the sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford. Order to deliver to Edmund, Marlborough. the kitng's brother, all the lands of Thomas de Bray, taken into the king's / hands by his order, to hold at Edmund's pleasure, as the king, at the instance of Edmund, has pardoned Thomas his wrath for a contempt that Thomas committed in not executing the king's order sent to him. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Nicholas de Stapelton, whom the 'sing has deputed to make inquisitions in certain counties concerning wool taken out of the realm contrary to the king's inhibition, 201. for his expenses. Jan. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the Ramsbury. heirs of Geoffrey Folyot, sometime the king's keeper of the abbey of Glastonbury during voidance, and the executors of his will to be acquitted of 200 marks, as Geoffrey paid that sum from the issues of the abbey to the treasurer of the New Temple, London, for the king's use at the feast of St. Margaret last, for the time when he had the said custody, which sum was paid into the king's wardrobe. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Beatrice, the king's sister, consort of John de Brittannia, earl of Richmond, to have twelve oaks in the forest of Whitlewod, of the king's gift..EMBRANE 23. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause three regardors for the forest - of Selewod to be elected in place of Alexander de Perteworth, Michael de Luttleton, and John de Braston, deceased. Jan. 13. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Upavon. cause the park of Edmund, earl of Cornwall, of Okham, which he lately took into the king's hands in accordance with the king's injunction, to be delivered to the earl. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause all the lands of the prior and canons of Chetwod in Brehull that brother John de Wodestok, late prior of Chetwod, holds for his maintenance during his life, and which the escheator took into the king's hands without reasonable cause, as it is said, to be replevied to the said brother John until the quinzaine of Easter next. and to certify the king then of the cause for taking them into the king's hands. Jan. 17. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause Clarendon. D. archbishop of Cashel to be acquitted of 501. of the 1001. in which he was amerccd before Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland, in the plea between the master of the military order of the Temple in England and the said archbishop concerning the advowson of the church of Balistarna, provided that he find security ior payment of the remaining 50/. to the exchequer aforesaid, as the king has pardoned him the sait 501. Et sunt dupplicate propter periculum maris, et non tenet locum nisi unica. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause the friars. minor of Salisbury to have three good oaks in that forest for their fuel, of the king's gift. Jan. 18. Walter son of Nigel de Borstall, imprisoned at Ailesbur[y] for trespass Clarendon. of the forest, wherewith he is charged, has letters to Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, to bail him. 144 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 23-cont. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a good and strong rope for the king's well (puteum) within the manor of Clarendon to be bought, and to cause it to be delivered to John Russel, keeper of the manor, and to cause the houses within the manor to be roofed (cooperiri) and repaired where necessary. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause the sheriff of Wilts to have in that forest timber for eighteen joists (gistas) in the chamber of the king's consort within the manor of Clarendon, and for shingles (cindulas) to roof the king's houses within the manor. Jan. 21. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to brother Clarendon. Luke de Hemyngton and William de Middelton, deputed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. William de Leyburn, son and heir of Roger de Leyburn, has shown the king that the said justices and Luke and William exact from him 8001. by summons if the exchequer of the Jewry by reason of a charter made under the names of his said father and of Hagin son of Master Moses (Mossei), a Jew of London, which sum he is not bound to pay to the king, as he says, wherefore he is prosecuting before the king by writ of Jewry to prove before the aforesaid justices that the charter is false and naught according to the custom of the Jewry aforesaid: the king therefore orders them to supersede the demand upon William until it be ascertained before the king whether William is bound in the said payment by reason of the charter or whether the charter is false, according to the consideration of the king's court, to do which they are to proceed without delay according to the law of the Jewry aforesaid. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause the friars Preachers of Wilton to have three oaks in that forest for their fuel, of the king's gift. William de Hokesham, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Thomas le Brother, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Durham to bail him. Jan. 23. To Joseph de Chancy, the treasurer, and to John de Lovetot and Geoffrey Ringwood. de Neubaud. Order to enquire cautiously whether any merchant-usurers are found in the city of London or elsewhere in the realm, and to cause the bodies and goods and chattels of any such to be arrested and kept safely until otherwise ordered, conducting themselves so circumspectly and diligently in this matter that the king may commend their diligence, as the king lately caused proclamation to be made that all merchant-usurers dwelling within the city and realm should quit the realm before a certain day now past under pain of grievous forfeiture, and the king learns that some of them dwell in the city and elsewhere in the realm contrary to the inhibition. Jan. 24. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to search Beaulieu. the rolls of the exchequer of the king's Jewry, and to certify under the seal of that exchequer in what debts William de Apeldresfeld is bound by his charters or otherwise in the Jewry to the king or to his Jews. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to respite until three weeks from the Purification next the demand upon William de Apeldresfeld by summons of the exchequer of the Jewry for debts to the king or to any Jews. Jan. 25. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Sews. Like order to Beaulieu. respite until the said time the demand for the aforesaid William's debts. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Ralph Dunjon, parson of the church of Wyginkeneston, to be acquitted of 100s. 3 EDWARD I. 145 1275. Membrane 23-cont. in which he was amerced before the late king's justices last in eyre in co. Leicester for harbouring [felons], as the king has pardoned him this sum. Nicholas Gobydn, John Pridias, Robert de Sulthorn, and Matilda his wife, Robert de Worthehale, Ralph son of Mary, Walter le Bere, John la Person, William le Provost, and Alice Pylecruste, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of John le Messer, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail them. Thomas son of Simon de Thundersle, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of Thomas de Wodeham, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. Vincent de Chelsen of Hycch', imprisoned at Hertford for the death of Robert Engleys, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hertford to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause 2001. exacted from Thomas son of William de Dene of Ireland by summons of the exchequer for the debts due from his father at his death to be allowed to Thomas in the sum of money lent by his father to the king, receiving from him his letters patent of acquittance for 2001., and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king is indebted to Thomas in a great sum of money for loans from his father, for which he wishes to satisfy Thomas in part. To the keeper of the town of Southampton. Order to pay to Simon, the chaplain celebrating divine service in the king's chapel at Southampton, who takes yearly 50s. for his stipend, his stipend from Midsummer last until Easter next. To Bogo de Knovill, sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to cause Roger de Cliff[ord] to have twenty bream with roe (breimas matrices) in the king's fishpond of Strettonedale, of the king's gift. Thomas de Ardern and John le Caretter, imprisoned at Shyreburn for the death of John le Messer, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Dorset to bail them. Jan. 27. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to desist from the demand made upon Beaulieu. the bailiffs and other men of the city of Hereford for the escape of an unknown thief from the custody of certain men of that city until fifteen days from Easter, upon the bailiffs finding him security to satisfy the king at that day for the escape in case they be convicted before the king for the escape. The sheriff is ordered to certify the king then of the manner and full certainty of the escape. To the takers of the king's wines at Southampton. Order to cause the abbot and convent of King's Beaulieu to have three tuns of wine for the celebration of divine service in their church for three years, to wit two tuns for the first and second years of the king's reign, and a third one for the present year, until the king shall cause it to be ordained otherwise concerning the yearly tun of wine that they claim to have by the charter of HIenry III. Jan. 30. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to make an Wherwell. extent of the lands that belonged to Henry de Longo [Campo], tenant in chief, and to cause dower to be assigned to Sibyl, late the wife of the said Henry, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Bocholte to be elected in place of William Galrugge, deceased. John Knit, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Herbert his son, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. u 96998. K 146 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 23- -cont. Elias Engayne and Walter Gryt, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of Henry le Clerc of Stratford, have letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail them. Jan. 29, To the keeper of the gaol of Neugate. Order to deliver William de Romsey. Morton, imprisoned in Newegate for the death of John de Billeshawe and William his brother, slain at Shefold' (sic), co. York, from prison on the following mainprise, as Ralph de Eggleshale, Robert de Munteny, Elias de Midhope, Adam de Bosco of Shelfeld (sic), Reginald le Clerk of Shefeld, Henry de Thorn of Bradefeld, John de Whititeleye (sic) in Westmundhalegh, Ralph de Whittelege, Robert le Rus of Anesacre, William de Thorn in Westmundhalgh, and John de Deneby of co. York have mainperned before the sheriff of York to have the said William before the justices at the first assize if anyone wish to speak against him in this behalf, as the sheriff has signified to the king. Jan. 31. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Almaric O verton. de Sancto Amando to be acquitted of five marks, in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Berks for the common summons [of the eyre], as the king has pardoned him the said sum. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause the prior and convent of Motefonte to have four oaks fit for timber in the wood of Melchet, which is within the forest of Clarendon, for the works of their church of Motefonte, of the king's gift. William de Pateneye, imprisoned at I-elcestre for trespass of the Forest, ---- has letters to R. de Clyfford, justice of the Forest, to bail him. Feb. 2. Bartholomew de Corston, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Odo de Caversham. Smaleberg, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Feb. 3. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to permit Caversham. Robert de Typetot to take ten does in the park of Neuport, which is in the king's hands by reason of the death of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief, as the king has enjoined Robert to take ten does therein for the king's use. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to respite until otherwise ordered the demand upon the abbot and convent of Cumbermere, of the Cistercian order, for the twentieth touching them and their villeins. The like to the sheriff of Derby. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause Robert de Typetot, constable of Notingham castle, to have 101. to repair therewith the mills of the castle. Feb. 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the Caversham. account of Peter de Monte Forti, son of Peter de Monte Forti, of the debts of his father, in accordance with the late king's letters to audit the account of the said debts to be rendered in the said king's wardrobe, and to cause due allowance to be made to Peter according to the custom of the exchequer, as Peter is going on pilgrimage to Santiago by the king's licence. To brother Joseph de Cancy, the treasurer. Order to deliver to S. bishop of Waterford two dies (cuneos) of the king's money, to he taken with him into Ireland to make therewith the king's money there. MlEMBRANE 22. Feb. 3. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be 'Caversham. elected in place of John de Albemarle, as the king understands that John is 3 EDWARD I. 147 1275. ' Membrane 22-cont. insufficient to do what pertains to the office by reason of the weakness of his body. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive from Robert de Stutevill, son of John de Stutevill, his letters of quit-claim of his whole fee of fifty marks that he receives at the exchequer yearly by the late king's giant, and for the arrears of the same, and to cause him to be acquitted of a moiety of his relief of 1001. and to cause him to have respite for the other moiety until the quinzaine of Easter next, as he has remitted and quit-claimed to the king the fee and arrears and has restored to him the late king's letters patent made concerning the fee, and the king, in consideration thereof, has pardoned him a moiety of his relief and has respited the other moiety as above. Vacated, because otherwise below. Feb. 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to search the Caversham. rolls of the exchequer, and to certify the king what and how much was allowed to the sheriffs, constables of Rochester castle, for the custody of the castle within forty years before the disturbance in the realm, and also what and how much was allowed to the constables of the castle after the disturbance, and how much should be allowed of right to Simon de Creye, late constable of the castle, for the custody for the time when he had the custody, and to desist in the meantime from the distraint upon Simon for the money exacted from him for ward (vard') of the castle, and to cause to be delivered to him his goods (averia) taken for this reason, as the king wishes to be certified before the quinzaine of Easter next concerning the allowances made before and after the disturbance in the realm. To Philip de Wylegheby, eseheator beyond Trent. The executors of the will of John de Burgo, the elder, have shown the king that whereas he has many times ordered the escheator to cause them to have full administration of all the goods of the deceased for the execution of his will, the escheator has hitherto done nothing for them in execution of the order, pretending that the king needs the corn that belonged to John to sow his lands therewith: as the king wills that none of the corn shall be taken except for a certain and reasonable price to sow the said lands, and that the executors shall be satisfied for that price, he orders the escheator to receive sufficient corn from the said corn to sow the said lands, and to satisfy the executors for the price of the corn so taken, and to cause the executors to have free administration of the remaining corn and of the other goods of the deceased, in accordance with the previous order. Feb. 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to satisfy the Caversham. monks of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, for the 101. yearly that they were wont to receive from the issues of the hundred of Middelton of established alms, for the time when John de Burgo, the elder, had the hundred, so that his executors shall be saved harmless against the mnonks, as it was lately agreed between the king and John that John should receive the said 101. yearly for life, and that the king should acquit him thereof against the monks, and the monks are impleading the executors before the treasurer and barons, exacting from them the said money. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to respite until Midsummer next the distraint upon Edmund, earl of Cornwall, for the twentieth of his demesnes in that county. The like to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower to Margaret, late the wife of Hubert Hoese, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. K 2 148 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 22-cont. To the same. Order to cause to be delivered to the attorneys of Queenr Eleanor, the king's consort, the oxen, cattle (averia), and other goods in the manors of Badmundefeld, Aston Caucelin, and Berewyk, as the king. has granted the said manors to her with the oxen, cattle, and other goods in them. Reginald son of Richard Grace of Hatton, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of Adam son of Simon de la Cote, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. To Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. It is shown to the king on behalf of William son of Warin that Hugh de Fraxino, the justiciary's clerk, who is of the kinship and affinity of Hugh de Maundevill, —who was against the king and his peace with his enemies and rebels of those parts, raising war to the best of his power, as the justiciary wrote to the king at another time —carried off and still detains certain horses that William had taken from Hugh and his accomplices at the time of the war nforesaid from William's men when William was staying in England by the king's side, concerning which horses the justiciary has certified the king amongst other articles sent to him by William de Chastre by the justiciary, which horses William avowed to be his when he was spoken to concerning this matter before the king's council, because he took them as from the king's enemies and rebels, according to the custom of those parts: as it is not consonant with equity and it is not the custom of those parts, as the king believes,. that William or any one else should be despoiled without a judgment of goods that he avows to be his own whilst he has possession of them, the king orders the justiciary to cause the said horses and other goods thus taken to be restored to William, to have until fuller certainty concerning the premises be had by certain inquisitors whom the king will send shortly to those parts for this reason and for other causes. To Adam de Winton[ia], keeper of the town of Southampton. Order to pay to the. taker of the king's wines at Southampton 60s. for three tuns cf wine of the right prise that the king lately ordered to be delivered by him to the abbot of King's Beaulieu for a yearly tun of wine for three years, to wit for the first, second, and third years of the reign, which they claim to have by the charter of Henry III. and which he granted to thenm upon this occasion of his special grace. Feb. 5. To Gregory de Rokesle and Poncius de Mora, takers of the king's Caversham. wines throughout England. 'Order to cause John de Bikenor[e] to have one tun of wine of the right prise, of the king's gift. rio the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, to be acquitted of the 350 marks that he ought to have paid to the late king at Michaelmas, in the 55th year of his reign, for the fine made by him for a trespass committed by him in Westminster Hall upon Alan la Zuche and Roger his son, in accordance with the late king's letters patent pardoning him the said sum, which letters the king has inspected, receiving the said letters from the earl. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to pay to Walter do Hopton, one of the justices assigned to hold pleas before the king, 10 marks fur his expenses on this occasion, of the king's special grace. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to pay to certain of the king's men of Guldeford whose houses were burned when [the king] was last there (quorum domus quando ultimo fuit ibidem combuste fuerunt) 10 marks for their damages in order to rebuild their houses, of the king's gift; provided that this sum shall be divided equally amongst them having respect to the damages that each of them sustained. 3 EDWARD I.. 149 1275. Mlembrane 22 —cont. To the keeper of the forest of Pember. Order to cause Roger de Mortuo Mari to have four does in that forest, of the king's gift. Feb. 7. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Windsor. dower to be assigned to Dionisia, late the wife of Richard Maloysel, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to so provide, according to the value of the tenement of Robert de Scorig of co. Devon, for the assignment of such terms for the payment of divers debts due from him to Ancerna, late the wife of Samuel son of Moses (Mossei), a Jew of Exeter, that he may have reasonable maintenance from his tenement, and that he may satisfy the said Jewess for the remainder, as divers and intolerable distraints are made upon him for the said debts and the king wills that he shall not be brought to such need for these debts that he cannot have maintenance from his lands. Feb. 9. To the keeper of the town of Southampton. Ordei to bty a tun of wine Windsor. in that town for the king's use, and to cause the abbot of King's Beaulieu to have it in recompence for the tun that he received from the keeper at Beaulieu for the expenses of the king's household when the king was last there. Testified by Hugh son of Otto, the king's steward. Feb. 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert de Windsor. Stotrevill, son of John de Stotevill, to be acquitted of 251. of his relief of 501. and to cause him to have respite for the remainder until the quinzaine of Easter next, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has pardoned him the said 251. and respited payment of the remainder in recompence for the release and quit-claim made to him by Robert of the yearly fee of 50 marks that he was wont to receive at the exchequer by the late king's letters patent, which he has restored to the king, together with all the arrears of the fee. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cause Elias Engayne and Walter Grike to be delivered from Neugate prison, wherein they are detained for the death of 'Henry le Clere of Stonistratford, lately slain in co. Buckingham, wherewith Elias is charged out of hatred, as the king learns, upon the mainprise of Nicholas Engayne, Martin le Clere of Neuport, Henry de Lovente, William le Lou, William Gerdel of Neuport, Walter le Seler, William son of Ralph Carbone], Richard Cryps of Stonistratford, John Waryn of Neuport, William Ilissop, Walter le Fullere, and Adam le Mareschal of co. Buckingham, who have mainperned to have Elias before the justices at the first assize in co. Buckingham to stand to right if any one will speak against him in this behalf, and of Humphrey son of Ralph de Neuport, John le Marchant, Richard Minchun, Henry Gricke, Hugh le Brazer, Walter Russel, James le Clere of Pikeford, Michael le Mazecref, Ralph Grys, Richard Terry, Thomas Burgeis, and Ralph de Husseburn, of the aforesaid county, who have mainperned in like manner for Walter. *MEMBRANE 21. Feb. 12. William Hubert, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of Walter Windsor. Wermund, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him. ---- William de la Chapelle, imprisoned at York for the death of John de - Haxeby, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff' of York to bail him. Roger son of Nicholas de Conedevere, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Engelard (de Buchelers, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. 150 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 21-cont. Feb. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order, at the instance of Windsor. Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, to cause Master Elias son of Moses (2lossey), the king's Jew of London, to be acquitted of 350 marks for his portion of the tallage assessed upon the community of the king's Jews by the king's order in the second year of his reign, as the said queen is indebted to Elias in the like sum, and she has granted that she will pay it at the exchequer on the morrow of Michaelmas next for the said Jew. Feb. 15. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to take Roger le Provost of Swaffam Windsor. and Robert Yun[ge]huseband without delay, and to cause them to be taken lo Windesore, to be delivered to prison there, as the king learns from the testimony of Roger de Wanton and William de Steynton, deputed by him to hold pleas and assizes of his market in England, that whereas they lately went to the town of Swaffam to exercise their office there, and the township made fine in 40s. for the king's use for certain trespasses contrary to the assizes of the king's market committed by the men of that town, the said R]oger le Provost and Robert Yungehoseband arrested them and kept them under arrest until they restored to them the said 40s. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Richard son of Roger de Essheby and James his brother, his pledge, to have respite until fifteen days from Easter for all debts, pains, and usuries exacted from Richard and his pledges by summons of the king's Jewry for the use of Sansekinus, a Jew of Northampton, and of Mossekinus, a Jew of Warwick, as the king has granted to them this respite in order that the king may then cause his will herein to be made known more fully by his council to Richard. Feb. 16. John Tywy, John son of Hamo of Little Dunham, and William son of Windsor. Reiner de Dunham, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Ralph de Fyneberge, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Feb. 17. Peter son of William le Bole of Radeclyve, imprisoned at York for the Windsor. death of John son of William de Radeclyve, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester, 20 marks in the debts due from him to the exchequer for the time when he had the custody of the barton (baronie) of Gloucester, as the late king granted to the abbot for a fine of 40 marks the barton (bertonam) of Gloucester to be kept for ten years, and the said king, to avoid damages, revoked the barton to his hands within the said term, so that the term of five years of the custody was lacking to the abbot, wherefore the said king remitted 20 marks of the aforesaid fine to the abbot, as appears by his writs directed to the abbot and restored to the king. Feb. 17. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to deliver Ralph son of Nicholas de Windsor. Acton, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of William son of Swayn, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve mainpernors, who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him in this behalf, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Ralph slew William in self-defence and not of felony and malice aforethought. ------- To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause William son of Warin to have respite until the octaves of Easter next for all debts due from him by his charters to Jacob de Oxon[ia], a Jew of London, as the king has granted to him this respite of his special favour. 3 EDWARD I. 151 1275. Membrane 21 — cont. Feb. 1G. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the Windsor. quinzaine of Michaelmas next the demand upon Peter de Monte Forti for the debts due to the exchequer, blth the debts of his father and his own debts. Feb. 19. To the same. Whereas the late king granted to Eleanor, the king's Windsor. consort, all the debt that Richard de Ernham owed to c3rtain Jews of England, and the queen granted the lands of Richard in her hands by reason of the debt aforesaid to Villiam le Taillur, her yeomal, to hold until he should be satisfied for the debt aforesaid according to the law and custom of the Jewry, and the ransom of the salid lands pertained to the late king, by reason of the trespass6s committed by Richard at the time of the disturbance in the realm, for two years according to the form of the Dictum of Kenill[ewortli], as the late king was given to understand by Nicholas son of Martin an(d his fellows, then appointed to hear and determine in co. Southampton pleas of lands given by reason of the disturbance aforesaid, whereupon the late king, at the instance of the said Eleanor, granted to William that lie should have the ransom of the lands in form aforesaid in case the lands should be rendered to Richard's heirs, as contained in the said king's letters patent, which William has: the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause William to be acquitted of ten marks, which are exacted from him by summons of the exchequer for the ransom of the lands aforesaid. Feb. 19. To the same. Whereas Roger Bertram of Mitford granted by his Windsor. charter to Adam de Gesemuth the town of Benrug and a toft and an acre of land in Mitford, together with the advowson of the church of Mitford, and the late king confirmed the grant, and Roger was indebted to divers Jews for many debts, and the late king granted to Adam, for his laudable service to the late king and to the present king, that Adam and his heirs should not be bound by reason of the lands aforesaid to the said' king or his heirs or to the Jews aforesaid in any of the debts aforesaid, and that distraints should not be made in the lands for those debts by order of the said king or his justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, but that as to the portion of the lands aforesaid they should be quit of the debts aforesaid, saving to the said king and his heirs or to the Jews their recovery, if need be, of the said debts in other lands of the said Roger, and Adam afterwards granted the said town and the park of Wythinley by his charter to Ralph de Cotun, as fully and quietly as Adam held them: the king, not, wishing to aggrieve Ralph contrary to the grant and confirmation to Adam of the late king, orders the treasurer and barons not to permit Ralph to be distrained in the said tenements for any of the debts aforesaid contrary to the late king's grant and confirmation aforesaid. Feb. 20. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas it was found by inquisition Windsor. that the late king caused to be taken by them that Robert de Nevill, sometime sheriff of York, was hindered by John de Eyvill, Robert de Veteri Ponte, John de Vescy, William Marmyun, Adam de Novo Mercato, Baldwin Wake, Robert de Wilgheby, Robert de Wolrington, Richard de Sees, and other the late king's rebels from exercising his office and from holding the aforesaid county from Michaelmas, 48 Henry III., until the battle of Lewes, when William de Boscehale was made sheriff of York by Simon de Monte Forti, sometime earl of Leicester, so that Robert in the meantime received nothing from the issues of that county, with the exception of 10s. of the wapentake-fine of Westridyng' and 3s. 4d. from a man of Flaxton in order that he should be under plevin, and that John de Luvetot, -Robert de Lond[onia], John Drury, Jordan de Horington, and Adam de Eyvill received the issues of the county in the meantime by precept of the said John de Eyvill, and answered to the said John therefor: *the king orders the barons to make to Robert the quittance that the late * The order-clause is written on erasures. 152 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 275. Membrane 21-cont. king ordered to be made to him in this matter by his writ in the barons' hands at the exchequer, according to the tenor of the said writ. Feb. 17. To the sheriff of Kent, etc. Order to deliver Thomas de Shorham, Roger Series, Jordan de Woldingesword, Thomas Arnold, Thomas de Aldinton, William Redwyne, John Reyner, Walter the tailor (cissorem), Simon Skarlet, Robert Madekyn, William Stachel, Hamo le Barber, William Huppe, and Thomas Levyngh, tenants of R. archbishop of Canterbury within the port of Hethe, who lately submitted themselves to the king's prison at Canterbury by reason of the death of Richard Begholtt, whereof they were appealed in that county [court], into the custody of the archbishop's bailiffs, so that he may keep them as has been usual hitherto until what ought to be done with them according to the law and custom of the realm have been done, as it is testified before the king by S. de Penecestre, keeper of the Cinque Ports, and by other trustworthy men that the archbishop ought to have, and his predecessors were wont to have, the custody of prisoners his tenants whatsoever, whether or not they be tenants within the liberty of the Cinque Ports, until what ought to be done with them have been done. Feb. 20. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order not to proceed to the promulgation Windsor. of outlawry of the prisoners in Peterborough prison for the death of Wolnoth ( Wolnoti) de Kempeston before the quinzaine of Easter next, so that the king may then cause to be done what ought of right to be done, as the abbot of Peterborough claims to have this liberty that prisoners detained in Peterborough prison for any trespasses whatsoever ought to be adjudged there and not elsewhere, and have hitherto been wont to be there adjudged, and the king wishes to be certified more fully concerning this. Feb. 18. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Windsor. Nicholas de la Huese to have again seisin of the manor of Rowendon, as he had before the escheator took the manor into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Nicholas was enfeoffed of the manor by Henry de Seymor and had seisin thereof before he [Henry?] was charged with the death of a man whom he was said to have slain in co. Warwick. William son of William le Fevere, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Richard de Hibaldestowe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. Feb. 20. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Windsor. the master and brethren of God's House, Dover, to have the following terms for payment of a debt of 301. that they owe to the king of the debt of Henry de Veer, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has granted that they shall pay 101. yearly until the said 301. be fully paid. Feb. 21. To the same. Whereas Haginus son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, Windsor. lately granted to the king by his star all debts in which John de Berners was bound to hint by his charter, and the king afterwards granted to Robert de Typetot all the said debts, and the late king confirmed the said grant, and acquitted Robert and the said John of the debts, pains, and usuries thereof, and certain charters of the said debts in John's name have row been found in the treasury of the king's Jewry, which ought of right to be restored to Robert in accordance with the said grant: the king therefore orders the justices to restore the said charters to Robert, and to desist from the distraints that they are making in John's lands for the said debts, and to cause John to be acquitted of the debts. To the sheriff of Derby. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert de Herthull, who is incapacitated by illness and infirmity. 3 EDWARD I. 153 1275. JMembrane 21 —cont. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to respite until Midsummer next the demand upon Edmund, earl of Cornwall, by summons of the exchequer for a twentieth of his demesnes of Standen, which belonged to Richard, king of Almain, his father. Feb. 20. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Windsor. William le Povere and Michael de Hispannia, yeoman of R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to be acquitted of all debts, arrears, fees, pains, and usuries that could be exacted from them in their lands, houses and rents by reason of the debts of Jacob de Oxon[ia], a Jew, or by reason of the king's Jewry, and to restore to them any charters thereof that may be found in the chest of the chirographers, as the late king, at the bishop's instance, pardoned William and Michael the said debts, etc. MiEMBRANE 20. Feb. 22. To brother Luke de Hemington and William de Middelton, appointed to Windsor. levy the tallage assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to permit Benedict (Bcnettus) son of Cok, a Jew of London, to have the following terms for payment of the arrears of the tallage last assessed upon him, and not to distrain him by his body therefor, as the king has granted to him that he shall pay a moiety thereof at the quinzaine of Easter next and the other moiety at the quinzaine of Midsummer, on condition that if he fail wholly or partly in the payment his houses, goods, and chattels and all his debts shall be forfeited to the king. It is provided that charters in the treasury of the said Jew's more clear debts to the sum of the arrears aforesaid shall be delivered t6 him in order to levy the said arrears in the meantime for the king's use at the discretion of Luke and William, and that all other charters of his debts in the treasury shall be detained there in the meantime so that they may remain to the king after the said quinzaine or be restored to the said Jew as the king shall cause to be ordained by his council. Nicholas Parys, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of Walter Horshon, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. Roger son of Sibyl de Avenebur[y], Hugh le Goys, William Deure, William le Chircheman, Reginald del Frene, Hugh le Fox, Robert de la Barwe, William de la Barwe, William le Paumer, Richard le Palefreyur, John son of Pain, and William le Porcher, imprisoned at Hereford for the death of Walter de Surdeford, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail them. Feb. 23. To the constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to Thomas de Windsor. Bistellesham and Henry de Wautham, the king's chaplains celebrating divine service in the chapel of the castle, each of whom takes 50s. a year for their stipends, the arrears of their stipends from Michaelmas last, and to pay them their stipends for so long as they shall celebrate there or until otherwise ordered. Feb. 24. To brother Luke de Hemyngton and William de Middelton, appointed to Windsor. levy the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order, at the instance of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to cause the remainder of the tallage assessed upon Moses de Clare, a Jew of Sudbur[y], to be levied for the king's use as they shall see fit from the more clear debts of Moses in the treasury, if Moses satisfy the king for part of the tallage, and not to distrain Moses by his body in this behalf until otherwise ordered. To J. de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver all the lands that Emma, late the wife of John Peyvere, held in dower of the 154 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 12 75. 3Jenbrane 20-cont. inheritance that belonged to the s:tid John, which the cscheator lately look into the king's hands for certain reasons, to bo delivered to the king's sister Beatrice, consort of John de Brit[annia], earl of Richmond, to hold until three weeks from Easter next, so that he shall then cause them to be taken into the king's hands and that what the king shall then cause to be provided by his council may then be done to every one claiming right in the same. Thomas son of Simon de Thunthersle, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of Thomas de Wodefiam, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. Feb. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices Windsor. appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Master Laurence de Sancto Martino bought, before he was elected bishop of Rochester, from Walter son of Robert de Iorkeleye the manor of Little Fordham, co. Essex, which was pledged (vadium) to Abraham son of Aaron, a Jew, by reason of the debt that Walter owed by his charters to the said Jew, and the late king attermined the said debt to be paid to his exchequer yearly, and the treasurer and barons and justices aforesaid caused the bishop's goods and chattels in the manors of the bishopric to be arrested at the bishop's death by reason of the debt aforesaid and compelled the executors of his will by distraints to pay a sum of money to the king from the goods of the bishopric, whereby the execution of the will is hindered to the peril of the deceased's soul: the king orders them to cause the executors to have full and free administration of the bishop's goods and chattels in the manors of the bishopric, and to restore to them the money paid by the said distraints, if the bishop observed his terms for payment of the aforesaid debt. If he did not so observe the term, they are ordered to retain as much as was. in arrear of the said terms not observed out of the aforesaid money or to cause it to be levied from the goods and chattels thus arrested by them, and to look to the heirs of the bishop holding the said manor for the remainder of the debt in arrear to the king after the bishop's death and in future, so that the manor shall remain charged therewith and the executors shall not be aggrieved henceforth by reason of the said debt. To Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. Order to deliver to Hugh do NTuton the ward of Struther, which Walter de Burgo, sometime earl of Ulster, granted to Hugh and which the justiciary lately took unto the king's hands for the debts in which the earl was indebted to the king, as the king wills that Hugh shall not be deprived of his custody for this reason. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the abbot and convent of Messinden to be acquitted of five marks of the 101. in which they were lately amerced before the king at Eton for a disseisin, as the king has pardoned them five marks at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his mother. Feb. 28. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay five marks to Ralph de Brochton. Windsor. king's clerk, whom the king has appointed together with Nicholas de Stapelton to make certain inquisitions in those parts. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Easter next the demand upon John de Steyngreve for the debts due from him to the exchequer of the debts of William de Steingreve, his late brother. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to brother Luke de Hemington and William de Middelton, collectors of the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to permit Vivian de 3 EDWARD I. 155 1275. XMembrane 20-cont. Fieyneburg to have respite until the quinzaine of Easter next for payment of the debt due to Bonauntus, a Jew of York, for payment whereof his goods and chattels do not suffice, as the king, compassionating Vivian's poverty, has granted to him this respite, so that the pains and usuries thereof shall cease until the term aforesaid. They are ordered to cause the lands, goods and chattels of Vivian, which were taken into the Jew's hands for this reason, to be replevied to Vivian in the meantime. Feb. 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to pay to Edmund Windsor. the king's brother, the arrears of 2,600 marks that the late king granted to him from the issues of the last eyre of the justices in co. Lincoln or elsewhere, if the arrears of the said eyre were insufficient, to be paid either from the arrears of the said eyre or from the late king's debts as shall seem most fit for Edmund's benefit and according to the said grant. Robert Belebarbe, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of Thomas Pollard, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Middlesex to bail him. Henry Gille of Hicche, imprisoned at Colecestre for the death of Robert -.-. le Engleis, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hertford to bail him. Serlo de la Hache, Reginald de la Hache, and Walter de la Hache, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of John Kempe of Bradevill, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail them. To Adenettus, buyer of the king's wardrobe. Order to cause to William le Tillur and Paulinus le Arblaster to have a robe each, of the king's gift. March 4. To John Russel, keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to take Windsor. twenty oaks for joists (gistas) in the king's wood of Milchet, which is within the said forest, and eight oaks for shingles (cindulas) in the said forest for the king's works at Clarendon. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to Robert de Say, whom the king has appointed chief forester and minister of the forest of Wyndesore during good behaviour, in place of John Ingelard, deceased, 12d. daily for his expenses about the said custody. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to William de Boyvill, late sheriff of Northampton, in the issues of that county, the rent, aid and sheriff's tourn of the hundred of Spelhou, which is in the hands of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, in the same manner as they were allowed to John le Moyne, sometime sheriff of that county. To the treasurer and barons-of the exchequer. Notification that William de Eton and Robert de Schorteford, whom the king has deputed to view the works provided by him in his park of Wyndes[ore], and to [view] other his works in the manors of Braye, Kenynton, and Old Wyndes[ore], and to pull down and carry to Wyndes[ore] the tents (halas) of Westminster, and to enclose the works of his castle of Wyndes[ore] and of his parks of Wyndes[ore] and Kenynton, and to assart a laund in his park of Wyndes[ore], have taken oath before the king that they will diligently and faithfully intend the office aforesaid, so that all the money that Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of the aforesaid castle, shall receive at the exchequer or from the issues of his bailiwick or from elsewhere at the king's order, as Geoffrey shall happen to be charged before the treasurer and barons, shall be 156 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. M2emnbrane 20 —cont. expended in the works aforesaid by the view and testimony of William and Robert, and shall be allowed to Geoffrey, to wit from Michaelmas last until Michaelmas following: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause this to be so done and enrolled according to the oath of William and Robert. March 5. Whereas William le Gardener and Payn le Dauber, imprisoned at Windsor. Suthwerk for the death of an unknown man, wherewith they are charged, lately went from London on the way to Camerwell, and the said unknown man with two unknown companions pursued William and Payn from the city of London to Hegethoren, in the parish of Camerwell, and there assaulted them, and wounded William with a hatchet so that his life was despaized of, and that William and Payn slew the said unknown in defending themselves and not otherwise, they have letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail them. Membrane 20.-Schedule. The names of the mainpernors of William., man, who mainperned to -- have his body before the justices at the first assize in co. Buckingham, to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him concerning the death of Henry de [Mote?]ford, clerk, wherewith he is charged: Walter de Hynces of Calverton, Jchn Hasfeng of Wolverton, Richard son of Hugh de Stratford, Robert de Hynces of Stratford, William de Beans in Wolverton, Richard le Somter of Stratford, Walter le Ferne of the same, Henry Hogge of the same, Walter the clerk cf Wold (aTalda) in Calverton, Henry de Haddon in Stratford, Anketinus de Barton in the same, Simon the thatcher (tector) in the same, Adam Harding of the same. MEMBRANE 19. March 6. To the constable of Wyndes[ore] castle. Order to cause oaks and Windsor. beeches to be taken in Wyndes[ore] forest by the view and testimony of the foresters and verderers for the enclosure of the king's park of Wyndes[ore] and other works, as shall seem most expedient to his discretion. To the same. Order to pay to John Pollard and Philip Wyz, gatekeepers of the castle, who take 2d. a day each, io Edmund and Fulk, the king's gardeners there, who take 2~d. a day each, to four watchmen in the castle, who take 2d. a day each, and to Robert Leytfot, gate-keeper of Wyndes[ore] park, who takes 2d. a day, and to the parker of Kenynton, who takes lid. a day, their wages from Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king, on 15 March, in the 52nd year of his reign, granted to Edmund his son, the king's brother, all fines and all amercements of Edmund's men in whatsoever eyres of his justices throughout England upon that occasion, s that the fines and amercements should be levied by the hands of the sheriffs and delivered to Edmund, and a great part of the fines and amercements are in arrear to Edmund, as the king learns: the king orders the barons to cause what is in arrear to Edmund of the eyres of the justices after the grant aforesaid in whatsoever counties he had lands to be levied by the sheriffs, and to cause Edmund to have them, according to the form of the said grant, so that he may have the money for his profit, and to cause full allowance to be made to the sheriffs for what they have levied and paid to Edmund, and for which they have his letters patent, which they shall deliver to the barons. 3 EDWARD I. 157 1275. MIembrane 19-cont. March 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices Windsor. appointed for the custody of the Jews. Master Samuel de Loun, the king's Jew of London, has shown the king that whereas the late king granted to him a debt of 1201. in which Geoffrey son of William de Hahull was bound to Isaac son of Jornet, a late Jew of Norwich, for 40s. to be rendered to the said king yearly at the exchequer until the whole of the said debt should be pail, and the said king pardoned Samuel 201. of the said 1201., on condition that he paid the said 40s. yearly until the remaining 1001. should be paidy and it was afterwards found that the said king had sold the said debt of 1201. together with other debts to Isaac son of Elias the rabbi (episcopi), Samuel son of the said Isaac, and to (Jok' son of Aaron long before he granted the debt to Samuel de Loun, so that the latter has not and could not have anything thereof, and the treasurer and barons and justices aforesaid nevertheless exact the said 40s. from Samuel: the king, as it does not seem consonant with right that Samuel shall be bound to pay the said 40s. since he has been deprived of the said debt of 1001., orders the treasurer and barons and justices to cause Samuel to be acquitted of the 40s. if it be as Samruel has shown in his petition. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to brother Luke de Hemington and William de Middelton, collectors of the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to cause William son of Robert dc Middelton to have respite until the quinzaine of Easter next for the debts due from him to Jospinus son of Solomon de Marleberg, a Jew, and to cause his lands taken into the Jew's hands by reason of the debts aforesaid to be replevied, as the king, compassionating William's poverty, has granted to William respite for the debts until the said quinzaine, so that the penalties and usuries therefor shall cease in the meantime. March 7. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Wyndes[ore] castle. Order to Windsor. deliver to John de Lond[onial, escheator this side Trent, all the goods and chattels of William le Cupere of Clyware, who was hanged for felony, with whose goods the constable was charged by the justices appointed to deliver Wyndes[ore] gaol. March 8. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause verderers for the New Windsor. Forest to be elected in place of the present verderers, who are insufficient for the execution of the office, as the king understands for certain. March 12. Nicholas le Chapeleyn of Buggeuor[e], Philip Attepunfold, and Robert Windsor. Daniel, imprisoned at Nitimbre for the death of William le Wine, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail them. Simon son of Henry de Litelchirche, William le Peskur of Amboldeston, Astinus Barun, John Rappok, and William le Brenectur, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Roger son of Adam de Wylne, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail them. Alan Pees, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of Roger son of Geoffrey de Burghull, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. William Fuy and Sibyl la Mareschale of Torp Mounford, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Alexander le Bercher, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. March 18. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Quarrendon. elected in place of Henry Shirard, who is insufficient for the office. March 19. To the sheriff of Lancaster and to the coroners of the same county. Quarrendon. Order to restore to Ralph son of Nicholas his lands, and to deliver his goods 158 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 19-cont. and chattels to twelve mainpernors who shall answer therefor before the justices, as the king, upon learning by inquisition taken by the sheriff and coroners that Ralph, who was charged with the death of William son of Swain, was in nowise guilty thereof, ordered them to deliver Ralph from prison in bail by good and sufficient mainprise until the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, and the coroners still detain his lands, goods and chattels in the king's hands, as the king learns from Ralph's complaint. Adam de Tildesleye and Alan son of Benedict de Wygan, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of John de Bradeschag, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail them. Geoffrey de Marisco and John his brother, imprisoned at Hereford for the death of an unknown man, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail them. John de Rughmere and William his son, imprisoned at Hereford for the death of Scilicia, late the wife of Adam le Messager, and Adam her son, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail them. Richard Atteasse, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of Henry the clerk, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. March 19. To Philip de Wilegheby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Quarrendon. Master Hugh de Evesham, king's clerk, who has long served the king and his mother, to be satisfied for the money due to him from the abbot and convent of Fountains (de Fontibus), although the king lately committed to the escheator the said abbey with everything pertaining to it, so that the issues thereof should fall t ththe abbot and convent for the discharge of the debts owing by them to the king and to other creditors. To the same. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the earls of Albemarle have had from the time of the foundation of the priory of Boulton, which is of their foundation, upon each voidance of the priory a keeper at the gates of the priory to defend the house from those wishing to injure it, and that the canons of the priory never sought licence to elect from their patrons, but elected a prior freely and without hindrance, and presented the prior thus elected to the patrons, who received nothing from the priory during the time of voidance except the relief when the prior was installed there: the king therefore orders the escheator not to vex the canons contrary to the said custom, but [to permit] them [to use] that custom and to restore to them the issues received from the priory, saving to the king his action and any right that may be due to him in the custody of the priory, and saving to him the relief due upon this occasion. To the same. Order to receive from brother William Hog, elect to the said priory, if he be confirmed by the diocesan, the fealty due to the king upon this occasion, as has been the custom upon other voidances, and not to vex the canons on this occasion, but to permit them to use the aforesaid custom freely, and to restore to them any issues received thence [etc. as in preceding order]. Adam son of William Gery of Long Stratton, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Matilda, late the wife of Walter Godwyne, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. 3 EDWARD I. 159 1275. Membrane 19-cont. Roger del Hil of Fornesete, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Alan le Sponere, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. March 18. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior and convent Quarrendon. of St. John the Baptist, Colchester, to be acquitted of 331. 6s. 8d., as they paid that sum into the late king's wardrobe to Peter de Wynton[ia], then keeper of the wardrobe, on Thursday after Palm Sunday, in the 56th year of the reign, in which sum they made fine with the said king to have the custody of their house in the next voidance, as the king learns from the late king's letters patent of acquittance, which he has inspected. March 19. To John de Sancto Dionis[io], keeper of the house of the Conversi, Quarrendon. London. Order to cause to be assigned to Joan, wife of John de Hamslap, a Conversa, a portion of the king's alms as to one of the other Conversi there, and also a house within the enclosure of the Conversi of the said place wherein she and her household may be received. To the keeper of Neugate gaol. Order to cause Richard Atteasse, imprisoned therein for the death of Henry the clerk, slain in co. Buckingham, to be delivered from prison by the mainprise of William Wolsy of Aylesbur[y], John de Paskeden, Richard Attease of Burton, Herbert Gyne, Thomas Wigge, William Aungewyn, Nigel le Fevere, Richard de Angmundisham of Aylesbur[y], Henry Norman, Burruhardus de Aylesbyr[y], Walter Ive.and Alfred (Alvredus) atte Touneshende of co. Buckingham, who have mainperned before the sheriff of that county to have Richard before the king's justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one [wish to speak against him], because he was charged with the said death out of hatred and not because he was guilty thereof, as the sheriff has signified to the king by inquisition taken in this matter by the king's order. John le Wolf, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Simon de Bevercote, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. March 25. Alice, late the wife of William Lewine, imprisoned at Nitimbre for the Aylesbury. death of the said William, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail her. To the sheriff of York. Order to deliver William son of William de Tockeswith, imprisoned at York for the death of Ralph son of Thomas de Tocke[s]wyth, in bail to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the king's justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that whereas William came by the king's public street of York together with Ralph, the latter, wishing to slay William with his sword by a premeditated assault, cut off the ear of the horse upon which William was sitting down to its neck, so that the horse fell to the ground, and he afterwards pursued William with drawn sword and gave him two wounds in the head, the said William in fleeing and defending himself struck Ralph back again with a sword, of which blow Ralph afterwards died, and that otherwise William could not have avoided being slain. MEMBRANE 18. March 27. To William Gauger, keeper of the abbey of Glastonbury. Order to pay Aylesbury. to James de Mayleng 50 marks out of the first moneys to be received from the issues of the abbey, of the king's especial grace. 160 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. 1Membrane 18 —cont. To John de Lond[onia]. Order to take into the king's hands the lands of John de Cokham, tenant in chief, who the king learns is dead. Roger de Granemere, imprisoned at Colchester for the death of Adam de Cranemere, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hertford to bail him. Geoffrey de Hayton, imprisoned at York for the death of Adam le Clerc of Torp, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Richard Poynz, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of a man unknown, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. William Tedrich and Margery his wife, Geoffrey Wenyate, and Avice Wyte, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of John Wyte, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail them. Christiana de Copmanford and Hawisia her daughter, imprisoned at Cam- bridge for the death of Adam Stuce of Copmanford, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail them. March 27. Henry Bekke, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Robert SproteAylesbury. man, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. William Fale of Cotene, Simon de Congiston, and Thomas de Congiston, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Emery (Hemerici) Crowenne, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. William Bate of Groby, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Ralph le Levre, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. Geoffrey Wygeman, imprisoned at York for the death of William Ragges, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Walter son of Richard le Lung of Milcote, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Richard de Milcote, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. John son of William de Buckebrok, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Matilda, daughter of Walter de Offinton, and of a man unknown, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. Thomas Wale, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Henry son of Walter Sprot of Ravenesthorp, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. April 10. William le Suur of Stokton, imprisoned at Bedeford for the death of Westminster. John Paggel, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Bedford to bail him. Alice, daughter of Henry de Haselholt, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Bernard le Granger, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. Ralph de Bramerton, imprisoned at Colecestre for the death of Edward Trilling, whereof he is appealed, ha3 letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. 3 EDWARD I. 161 1275. Membrane 18 —cont. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle in anywise with the custody of the lands of Dionisia, late the wife of Richard Maloysel, which the escheator took into the king's hands after her death by reason of the abbey of Muchelneye, lately void and in the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Dionisia held all her lands of the abbey in. socage, and that the abbot and convent never had the custody of the said lands. April 13. Roger Bacon-of Witham, John Skicladde and William Aubrey, impriWestminster. soned at Colecestre for the death of Hugh le Chapeleyn, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. Mariota de Brampton and Margaret de Brampton, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Hugh Kynel, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. William Ediman, imprisoned at Neugate forthe death of Henry de Stratford, clerk, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. John le Parker, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of John Beaupe and Ralph le Taillur, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail him. April 15. To Hugh de Digneton, constable of Orford castle. Order to cause Westminster. ditches (fossata) to be made anew about the king's marsh of Orford where there were no ditches previously, and to cause the old ditches to be repaired without delay. April 16. To John de Lovetot and Geoffrey de Neubald. Whereas the king has Royston. granted to Rikus de Florencia, Lambert Reineri, and their fellows, Floren(Crucem Roes.)tine merchants, of the society of the said RIikus and Lambert, that they may stay with their goods and chattels in the realm until Midsummer next, the king orders John and Geoffrey not to inflict or permit to be inflicted wrong or grievance in the meantime upon their bodies and goods. April 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Elias son of Moses, the Bury St. king's Jew of London, has shown the king that whereas he has paid in full Edmunds. all the tallage lately assessed upon him, 251. and half a mark are unjustly exacted from him by reason of that tallage under the name of Elias son of Master Aarorn, formerly the husband of lRose, wife of the said Elias son of Moses; as Elias son of Moses is prepared to prove that the debts for which the aforesaid money is exacted from him never belonged to Elias son of Master Aaron, but that they belonged to Elias son of Aaron de Ebor[aco], a Jew of London, still surviving, the king orders the treasurer and barons to call before them brother Luke de Hemington and William de Middelton and Elias son of Aaron de Ebor[aco], and after hearing the complaint of Elias son of Moses concerning the premises, to cause to be done for him what shall be just, so that he shall not be charged with or distrained for the debts of another. If he have been injured in this behalf, they are ordered to cause it to be corrected, and to cause him to be delivered in the meantime from prison on mainprise. April 23. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to c'use Walter de Pateneye, Havering. imprisoned at Winchester and appealed by John Somer, the king's appi over confined in the prison of Old Sarum, to be brought to Old Sarum and there delivered to the sheriff of Wilts. Henry le Somonor, imprisoned at Shireburn for the death of John Guzch, wherewith lie is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Dorset to bail him. u 96998. L 162 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. ifembrane 1 —cont. April 24. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cause John le Parker of Westminster. Byflete, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of John Beaupe and Ralph le Taillur, slain ait Byflete, in co. Surrey, to be released from prison by the mainprise of Adam le Coupere, William le Coupere, William Hardwyne, Robert West, Nicholas le Lavender, Adam son of Hugh, William Paulyn, Henry de Hunteneford, John atte Hache, Hugh de Stonherse, Philip Attenoke, and Hugh Eylrich, of co. Surrey, who have mainperned to have him before the king's justices at the first assize in co. Surrey to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him in this behalf, as the sheriff [of Surrey] has signified to the king. April 25. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to permit Westminster. William Maufe and Joan his wife, relict of Thomas de Ippegrave, to receive the toll that Thomas previously had at Chester of the king's gift, as the king granted to Joan by letters patent the said toll for her life in the same way as Thomas held it. To brother Luke de Hemington and William do Midelton, deputed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to cause Sampson Bunting, a Jew of Lincoln, imprisoned in the Tower of London for 211. due to the king for the tallage assessed upon him, to be discharged of the said debt and to cause him to be delivered from the said prison, if he have not debts, goods and chattels whence he may satisfy the king for the said debt, and if Solomon son of Samuel, the king's Jew of London, deliver to them for the king's use on Sampson's behalf a clear debt up to the sum aforesaid existing in the treasury under the name of William de Neyreford, from which the aforesaid debt may be levied conveniently for the king's use, and to take the last-mentioned debt into the king's bands, and to cause the first-named debt to be levied from it. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the rolls of the exchequer of the king's Jewry to be searched by the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews for debts under the name of Isaac son of Elias le Eveske, the king's Jew of London, who is bound to the king in an old debt found in the treasury under the name of Isaac son of Jornettus, a late Jew of Norwich, for payment whereof his debts, goods and chattels do not at present suffice, and to cause him to have reasonable terms at which he can pay the old debt according to the quantity of his debts aforesaid, to be assigned according to the discretion of the treasurer and barons, and not to arrest the said Jew's body contrary to such assignment, which the king has granted to him out of compassion for his poverty. April 26. To Geoffrey tie Picheford, constable of Wyndes[ore] castle. Order to Westminster. pay to William de Eton and Robert de Shorteford, who are intending the works ordered and provided by the king in Wyndes[ore] park and castle and elsewhere in the constable's bailiwick, their stipends of 3d. a day each from Michaelmas last until next Michaelmas. Richard de la Lynbe, imprisoned at Worcester for the death of Ralph de Sockebir[y], wherewith he is charged,has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail him. Jan. 8. To the barons of the exchequer. Orders to respite until the coming of Marlborough. age of the heirs of Geoffrey Talebot, tenant in chief of the late king, the exaction from John de Sancta Maria, chaplain of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, by reason of Geoffrey's lands, the custody whereof is in his hands until the heir (sic) come of age by the late king's grant, of 101. in which Geoffrey was indebted to Abraham Russel, a Jew, and to cause to be 3 EDWARD I. 163 1275. Ilemnbrane 18-cont. restored to John anything that may have been levied from him_ by the sheriff of Somerset or other bailiffs of the king in this behalf. By K. at the request of his mother. April 30. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to restore to Westminster. Michael de Northampton[a] the custody of the lands in Wynepol whereof Baldwin de Bassingburn was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death, and the issues received therefrom, which lands John's sub-escheator in co. Cambridge took into the king's hands by reason of the right that John de Brit[annia], earl of Richmond, claimed to have in, the custody thereof; as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Baldwin held the said lands of Roger de Quency, sometime earl of Winchester, and that the custody thereof and the marriage of Baldwin's heir pertained to the earl, Eleanor de Vallibus, sometime countess of Winchester, who was dowered with the homage and service of Baldwin for the said lands, having sold the custody of the lands and the marriage to the aforesaid Michael. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to take Simon le Draper of Winchester, charged with divers trespasses, and to cause him to come as a prisoner to Westminster, there to be delivered to the king's marshal. To Philip de Wilegheby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to restore to Matilda, late the wife of Roland de Keiryk, kinswoman and co-heiress of Helewisa, who was a tenant in chief of the late king, the lands of her portion of Helewisa's inheritance, which the escheator took into the king's hands by reason of Roland's death, and to restore to her everything received therefrom since Roland's death, which portion the king rendered to them after taking Roland's homage, as Matilda has now come to the king and done her homage therefor. April 29. Adam de Grendon, John Tery, and John de Croshampton, imprisoned at Westminster. Hereford for the death of Robert Poul, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Hertford to bail them. To brother Luke de Hemington and William de Middelton, appointed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Whereas the king, according to an agreement made between him and William do Apeltresfeld, is bound to acquit William of a sum of money in which he is indebted by his charters to divers Jews of England, the king orders Luke and William, if Benedict (Benettus) de Lincoln[ia], a Jew, find security for 85 marks, which are in arrear of the tallage last assessed upon him (in which sum William acknowledged himself before the king to be indebted to Benedict), to be paid to Luke and William in the octaves of St. John the Baptist next unless that sum be allowed to the said Jew in the tallage in the meantime, to release in the meantime the demand upon Benedict in this behalf. Thomas le Clerc of Caludon, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of William le Deye; wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. MEMBRANE 17. May 3. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the township of Westminster. Flemstede to be discharged at 61. 3s. Od. of the chattels of Henry de Gardino,. a fugitive, as the township paid this sum to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, when the manor and town of Flamsted were in her hands together with the custody of the other lands and heirs of Ralph de Touny, tenant in chief of the late king, by grant of the said king, and the present king granted this sum to her. L2 164 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 17-cont. To J. de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause to be assigned to William de Ros and Eustachia, his wife, late the wife of Nicholas de Cantilupo, tenant in chief of George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief of the king, the custody of whose lands and heirs is in the king's hands during the minority of the heirs, the dower falling to Eustachia of the lands of the said Nicholas. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent, Order to restore to A[lexander], king of Scotland, all his lands, which were taken into the king's hands by the escheator by reason of the death of Margaret, the king's sister, late the wife of king Alexander, and to restore to him everything received from the lands from the time of their being thus taken. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause to be delivered to the executors of the will of Nicholas de Aldithel[eye] of the Iing's special grace all the goods and chattels of the said Nicholas, which the sheriff took into the king's hands because Nicholas was one of the executors of the will of James de Aldithel[eye], who was bound to the king in divers debts at the exchequer. May 4. Richard le Freud of Stratton, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Westminster. Agnes de Meremymme, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. To J[ohn] de London[ia]. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Alexander de la Sale* by virtue of the king's order to take his lands into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John that Alexander at his death held his lands of the king in chief by socage and not by any service whereby the custody of his lands may or ought to pertain to the king. May 6. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to Westminster. cause the constable of Notingham castle to have timber in the forest of Shirewod for the repair of the mills of the castle. Thomas de Gaunt and Margery his wife, William Wyleys, Robert le Baker, Matilda Gemme, Thomas Trillirien, Jul[ia] de Daventre, Adam Snowe and Alice his wife, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of William Balle of Glen and William Woderove, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. To J. de Lond[onia]. escheator this side Trent. Order not to intermeddle with the lands of John de Cokham in Berneston in anywise so that Laurence Hardel or others wishing to claim right therein may not have what pertains to them, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John at his death held nothing of the king in chief, and that Laurence Hardel is his next heir and is aged twenty-four years. May 6. Stephen de Cotene, Roger Alaporte, Robert de la Grene, Adam Walter, Westminster. Henry Alisaundre, Adam Gamel, Adam Knyt, William de Telene, and Garnal[icl] Dele, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of William le Charetter of Brampton, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. John de Malesle, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Roger de Geytintou, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. * Called' Alexander de Hales' in the marginal abstract, a mistake possibly arising from confusion with the name of the philosopher. 3 EDWARD I. 165 1275. Iemizbrane 17-cont. Thomas, vicar of the church of Hakeneye, imprisoned at Stibenhethe for the death of a man unknown, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Middlesex to bail him. May 8. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side of Trent. Order to cause dower Westminster. to be assigned to Ela, late the wife of Roger de Ratelesden, whose lands are in the king's hands by reason of the custody of the lands and heir of Richard de Pley, tenant in chief of the late king, of which custody Roger held by knight service. May 9. To the bailiffs of Boston. Order to permit tho citizens of York to have VWestminster. until otherwise ordered their hanse and gild merchant in Boston fair, as they ought to have them there and have been wont to have in times past. May 11. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to take into the Westminster. king's hands the lands of Philip de Erlegh, tenant in chief, who, the king learns, is dead, and to cause inquisition to be made as to how much land Philip held of the king in chief and how much of others, and by what services, and how much the land is worth yearly in all issues, and who is his next heir, and what is the heir's age. May 10. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower to Westminster. be assigned to Roesia, late the wife of Philip de Erlegh, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence....- To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to - deliver to John de Ebor[aco] the bailiwick of the forest of Galtres, which he had previously, to be held until the king shall otherwise provide for him, in the form enjoined upon Geoffrey by the king. To Giles de Audenard. Order to cause Nicholas de Kuggeho to have three tuns of the king's wines of the right prise bf the king's gift, to hold therewith the feast* of Nicholas his son at Oxford. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Constance, late the wife of Richard de Tillebur[y], tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To Guncelin de Badlesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Alice, late the wife of Roger de Clotton, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. May 12. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Alexander Kellok and Westminster. other burgesses of Lenn to be acquitted of 661, 13s. 4d., as they paid that sum into the late king's wardrobe, in the 55th year of his reign, to Peter de Wintonia, keeper of the wardrobe, in part payment of 200 marks in which they made line with the said king for divers trespasses, as appears to the king by a bill delivered to him by Giles de Audenard, then controller of the aforesaid Peter. To Thomas de Clare, steward of the forest between the bridges of Oxford and Stamf[ord]. Order to cause to be restored to the king's mother a mark that Peter de Middelton, the king's bailiff, took from the herbage of the laund of Langel[eye], which laund the king assigned to her in dower. Ralph Prescyng, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Adam Turnemunt, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. * That is, the usual feast upon incept Master of Arts. 166 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 17-cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to release until Michaelmas next the demand made by them upon the weavers of the city of York for the arrears of 101. that they were lately wont to render to the exchequer for having the office of weaving (officio telar') there, so that at the said feast what ought to be done according to the law and custom of the exchequer may then be done. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order not to permit John de Maundevill to make alienation, waste, or sale of the lands that the king, by reason of the illness from which John has long suffered, caused to be restored to him of the lands alienated by him since the first day of Lent, in the 56th year of the late king's reign, as the king caused all lands thus alienated to be restored to John for the maintenance of himself and family, on condition that John should not make waste or sale of the said lands or of the other lands in his hands. If John shall presume to make any alienation, waste or sale of his lands hereafter, the sheriff shall not permit it. To the sheriff' of Somerset and Dorset. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the demand upon the men of the fee of R. bishop of Bath and Wells and of the abbot of Glastonbury for divers fines and amercements to the exchequer, so that at the said quinzaine what shall be provided by the counsel of the treasurer and barons shall be done in this behalf, Mayv 13. To brother Luke de Hemmington and William de Middelton, appointed' Westminster. to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to cause Batemannus de Staunford, a Jew, to be acquitted of the tallage aforesaid, upon receiving his lands, goods, and chattels throughout the realm for the king's use, as he offered to the king his lands, goods and chattels upon condition that the king cause him to be delivered from the Tower of London, wherein he is imprisoned for the tallage, and cause him to be acquitted of the tallage. May. 15. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Robert Westminster. de Greleye, kinsman and heir of Thomas de Grel[eye], tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of Thomas's lands, the custody whereof was committed to Edmund, the king's brother, by the late king's grant, as it appears to the king by lawful proofs made before him that Robert is of full age, and the king has taken his homage and rendered the lands to him; saving to Edmund and others in whose custody the lands are their stock, corn and other goods in the lands. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William Giffard, to whom the king lately committed the castle of Norwich and the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk with all appurtenances for a fixed sum (certo) yearly, to be discharged and acquitted of 108s. 4d. yearly for all the time during which he was sheriff of the said counties, with which sum the barons (nos) have charged him yearly for the fees for watching (waytfeodis) pertaining to the castle, contrary to the king's commission aforesaid. To the escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay Roger de Arcy 60 marks, after receiving from him his charter of quit-claim of the manor of Spretele and the charters and other instruments that he has concerning the manor, if the escheator deem this expedient for the king's benefit, as Roger has [released] to the king his right in the manor, which he had of the gift of Simon de Veer, for 60 marks. To Hamo Hauteyn and Robert de Ludham, justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to receive from brother Luke de Hemington 3 EDWARD I. 167 1275. Membrane 1 7-cont. and William de Middelton all rolls, charters, tallies, writs, stars, and all other things concerning the tallage lately assessed upon the Jews of England that have hitherto remained in the custody of Luke and William, and to cause the tallage and the arrears thereof to be levied for the king's use together with the said William, whom the king has appointed together with them, as he wills that the justices shall henceforth intend the levying of the said tallage and of its arrears. to brother Luke de Hemington and William de Middelton. Order to deliver the aforesaid rolls, charters, etc., to the said justices for the purposes specified above, as William is so occupied with the king's affairs that he intends in the exchequer of the Jewry and elsewhere that he cannot intend the levying of the aforesaid tallage, and Luke is unable to execute these affairs alone. May 16. To Robert de Belvero and John de Swyneford, appointed to hold pleas Westminster. of the market in divers counties. Order to supersede until the quinzaine of Michaeimas next the exercise of his office in the liberty of the island of Ely, so that what the king shall cause to be provided by his council may then be done in the parliament that he will then hold at Westminster, as he wills that H. bishop of Ely or his liberty of the said island shall not be prejudiced in anywise by Robert and John's office. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Margaret, late the wife of Eobert de Ros of Werk, tenant in chief, to have again seisin of the lands of her inheritance, together with everything received from them by him since they were taken into the king's hands, as the escheator has taken the lands into the king's hands by reason of her husband's death, and the king has taken her homage for the lands and rendered them to her. To John de Lond[onia], eseheater this side Trent. Order to deliver to John de Wintreshull and his wife the manor of Shirfeud, which the escheator lately took into the king's hands for certain causes, to be held by them until the king come to Winchester, so that what ought to be done in this matter may then be done in the king's presence. By K. and C. May 18. To Hamo Hauteyn, justice for the custody of the Jews. Order to be a Westminster. witness henceforth to all writs touching the king's Jewry in any way, both to those whereby arrears of the king's tallage of the Jews or his debts are exacted as well as of pleas, complaints, and other things whatsoever touching the Jewry. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, to have again seisin of tile manor of Sutton, such as he had before it was taken into the king's hands, saving everyone's right. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to exhibit full and speedy justice to Robert de Percy according to the law and custom of the Jewry, after calling before them the said Robert and Haginus son of Deulacres, a Jew of London, and after hearing Robert's complaint against the said Jew, so that complaint shall not come to the king for want of justice. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to lend counsel and aid to Emelina, countess of Ulster, or to her attorneys in those parts in recovering according to the law and custom of Ireland the debts due to her from many men of Ireland. 168 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 17 —cont. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas Kynne* to be acquitted of 101. in which he was amerced before Roger de Cliff[ord], the younger, late justice of the Forest this side Trent, for a trespass of the forest, as the king has pardoned him this sum. Because it is testified before the king by Roger de Cliff[ord], the elder, that Thomas was amerced for the unjust detention of swine and not for any other cause. Membrane 17-Schedules. May 13. To brother Luke de Hemyngton and William de Middelton, appointed to Westminster. collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to cause Benedict (Benettus) son of Deulacres, a Jew of London, to be discharged of the tallage aforesaid upon receiving from him for the king's use from his clearest debts in the treasury to the total of the arrears in which he is indebted to the king for the tallage (catall') last assessed upon him, from which debts the arrears may be levied for the king's use, and to cause the remainder of the said Jew's debts, which are in the treasury by reason of the said tallage, to be restored to him, and to permit him to have peace concerning his body in this behalf. May 16. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order not to interWestminster. meddle in any wise with the' lands in Little Stanbrigg, Kanewedon, Assyndon, Rocheford and Little Hockele that belonged to John de Cokeham, which the escheator has taken into the king's hands by reason of John's death, whereby Laurence Hardel or any other wishing to claim right in the lands may not have what pertains to him in this behalf, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John at his death held nothing in chief of the king and that the said Laurence is his next heir and is aged twenty-four years. MEMBRANE 16. May 19. To the bailiffs of Bedeford. Order to restore to Robert Charles by the Westminster. king's grace a horse of his, which the bailiffs took for the king's use by reason of the death of Peter de Chelesworth, Robert's groom, who rode the horse in the last tournament at lBedeford, which horse the bailiffs have detained until now, as the king learns from Robert. To the barons of the exchequer. Order, if Gilbert de Gaunt satisfy the king at the exchequer for all debts that Gilbert de Gaunt, his father, owed to the late king and for which Gilbert mainperned to satisfy the king there, to cause Gilbert to have such terms upon security for the remainder of the debts due from him to the exchequer that he may satisfy the king for the debts within a year from the Ascension next. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Notification that the king has given him power to sell to John Comyn the custody of the lands and heir of Richard son of Richard de Kirkebride of Levynton, tenant in chief, and order to sell the custody to John if he wish to buy it, and to make the king's profit thereof, and to certify the king of the sale according to the value thereof. By K. and C. * Called Thomas de Kyme id the marginal abstract. 3 EDWARD I. 169 1275. Membrane 16-cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Simon de Insula to be acquitted of a debt of 201. of fee to Cresseus son of Genta and of another debt of 161. of fee due to another Jew, and of the arrears of the said fees, and to cause his charters of the said fees in the treasury to be delivered to him, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the late king, in the 53rd year of his reign, at the petition of the present king and for the relief of the Christians, pardoned to all Christians in the realm all fees together with all arrears of fees in which they were indebted to Jews, unless the fees had been previously sold to Christians and confirmed by the late king's letters patent or enrolled in the exchequer, and the aforesaid Simon is indebted in the said two debts of fee, which fees were then in the late king's hands by resignation of the aforesaid Jews, as the king learns trom Simon. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge John de Muscegros of the debts specified below, and to'cause him to be acquitted thereof, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the late king, for John's good service and at the instance of the present king, pardoned the said John, deceased,* all debts due from him to the said king at the exchequer or elsewhere, both John's own debts and the debts of his father, until 24 October, in the 54th year of the reign, as contained in the said king's letters patent, which the king has inspected. When this acquittance have been made, the barons shall receive the said letters patent from John, to be kept in the treasury. May 20. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Roger de Arsey has Westminster. shown the king that whereas Simon de Veer lately enfeoffed Roger of the manor of Sprottele, and Roger had seisin thereof for a great time, the escheator took the manor into the king's hands because it was alienated without royal licence, and the escheator lately made fine with Roger in 60 marks for making release and quitclaim to the king of Roger's right in the manor; and the king now understands by the escheator that the emption is not yet necessary for the king: he therefore orders the escheator to cause Roger to have again seisin of the manor unless the emption aforesaid be necessary for the king, saving the right of the king and of others. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to William de Middelton. As it appears to the king by their record that a third of a debt of 301. under the names of Richard Pauncefot and Aaron le Blund, a Jew, is the debt of Ursellus son of Isaac, a Jew, and that a debt of 121. under the names of the said Richard and Aaron is the debt of Belya de Glouc[estria], a Jewess, wherefore the king ha3 taken into his hands a third of the first-named debt and the other debt of 121. for the arrears of the tallage last assessed upon Ursellus and Belya: the king orders the justices and William to cause the said debts to be levied for his use for the arrears of the tallage aforesaid, and to permit the said Jews to be in peace henceforth for the arrears of the tallage for so far as the debts aforesaid suffice. To Philip de Wilgheby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Gilbert de Middelton all the lands that he bought from Ralph de Gaugy without the king's licence, for which reason they were taken into the king's hands, to be held by Gilbert until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, so that Gilbert may in the meantime acquire the quit-claim of his said feoffor, and may then come to the king, and may receive the lands from the king to be held in chief, or that he may then restore them to the king, to be held as they are now held in the king's hands. * There appears to be a confusion between the dead man and his son in this order. 170 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 16-cont. The like to the same escheator for William de Middelton, for 5 marks of land yearly bought from Walter de Huntercumb, tenant in chief. May 20. To the constable of St. Briavels castle. Order to cause to be delivered Westminster. to the abbot of Flaxeleye the latter's woods within the forest of Dene, which woods the constable and the king's foresters of that forest took into the king's hands contrary to the tenor of the charters of the abbot of liberties granted to him by the king's progenitors, which liberties they (sic) have heretofore reasonably used, to be held by the abbot until the coming of the king's justices for pleas of the Forest in those parts, or until otherwise ordered, and to cause the abbot's men whom he has arrested for this reason to be delivered in the meantime. - By K. and C. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to pay to John de Reygate, one of the justices in eyre in that county, 101. for his expences in that office, out of the issues of the eyre levied by the sheriff. May 21. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William Giffard, someWestminster. time sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, brother of the archbishop of York, to be acquitted of 711. wherewith he is charged at the exchequer for divers amercements (misericordiis) before the barons of the exchequer and Martin de Littlebir[y], sometime the king's justice of the Bench, and his fellows, justices there, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has pardoned William this sum at the instance of the archbishop. May 22. To the justices for the custody of the Jews and to William de MidWestminster. delton, appointed to levy the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of the realm. Notification that the king, in consideration of the remission and quitclaim that William de Apeltrefeud made to him of his right in the manor of Bansted, has pardoned him 1,000 marks in which he is bound in the king's Jewry, if he be bound in as much in the Jewry beyond the usuries and pains of the debts, which usuries and pains the king remits to him, and if he be bound there in any debt beyond the aforesaid sum, he shall answer for the excess over the said sum according to the law and custom of the Jewry, and if the debts in which William is bound in the Jewry do not amount to 1,000 marks, the king wills that he shall be acquitted of the said debts and shall be contented with that quittance, to wit that he ought to be acquitted of a debt of 1261. 13s. 4d. in which he is bound to Manasser son of Aaron, a Jew of London, for 1031. 6s. 8d., and that he ought to be acquitted of a debt of 50 marks to Haginus son of Master Moses, a Jew, for 45 marks, and of a debt of 801. to Cok son of Haginus, a Jew, for 85 marks, and of a debt of 80. to Benedict son of Jacob, a Jew of Lincoln, for 85 marks, and of a debt of 801. to Benedict son of Abraham, a Jew of Worcester, for 451., and of a debt of 3001. to the said Haginus, of which he has paid to Hfaginus 561. 13s. 4d., and of a debt of 271. to the said Benedict, of which Haginus is bound to acquit him against Benedict, as may appear to the justices and William de Middelton by the stars of the said Jews of all the aforesaid debts, which the said William de Apeltrefeud will deliver to them. The king orders the justices and William de Middelton to cause the charters of the said William by which he owes the said debts in the Jewry to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the Jews and from the treasury, and to cause them to be delivered to William, and to cause him to be acquitted of the debts and of the pains and usuries aforesaid, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled in form aforesaid. Richard Daly, imprisoned at Rochester for the death of a man unknown, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. 3 EDWARD I. 171 1275. M2embrane 16-cont. Godelalcha de Tatehelmeslegh and Robert Perpoynt, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Walter Amfrey of Gutherst, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail them. Gilbert Peytevyn, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Robert son of John, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. May 20. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Walter de Wygeton has Westminster. shown the king that whereas Richard de Kirkebride, deceased, and all his ancestors always held their land hitherto cf Walter and his ancestors by knight service, and [held] nothing of the king or his ancestors, by reason whereof Walter eight years ago and more took the wardship of the lands and heir of the said Richard as chief lord of the fee immediately after Richard's death, and held the same peacefully and without hindrance from anyone, and that the escheator has wholly ejected Walter from the wardship by reason of certain lands that Eustace de Ball[iolo], lately deceased, held of the king in chief, which fall to Richard's heir by right of inheritance, and has taken the custody into the king's hands as lands that belonged to the said Eustace, detaining from Walter the wardship and the heir of the said Richard, whose marriage pertains to Walter; and after this matter had been considered with the king's council, it is found that, if it be as stated, the king cannot on this occasion claim the wardship of the lands that are of Walter's fee or the marriage of the heir, since the inheritance is not yet united with the lands that Eustace held of the king in chief: the king therefore orders the escheator to cause Walter to have speedy restitution of the wardship of the heir and of all the lands whereof he had seisin as aforesaid, saving to the king and his heirs at another time their right in the wardship of all the lands falling to the heir by right of inheritance and in the marriage aforesaid, which shall remain to the king and his heirs henceforth for ever. After the said heir have the said lands that are held of the king in chief, and the lands that fall to the heir of Eustace's inheritance, the escheator shall retain [them] in the king's hands. By K. and C. To Edmund, the king's brother. Order to cause Robert de Greley, kinsman and heir of Thomas de Greley, tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of Thomas's -lands. the custody whereof is in Edmund's hands during the heir's minority by the late king's grant, as it appears to the king by lawful proofs made before him that Robert is of full age, wherefore he has taken his homage and rendered to him the said lands. May 22. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county Westminster. to be elected in place of Roger de Tycheburn, deceased. To the same. Order to cause the bridge of Winchester castle and the king's houses of the castle to be repaired where necessary. Joan, wife of Walter de Bontingford, imprisoned at Royston (Cruce Roes') for the death of Alice Galun, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hertford to bail her. John le Provost of Roteby, William Kempe, Geoffrey son of Richard, Robert son of William le Clerc, Richard le fiz Mayke, and Richard Arna[l]d, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Ralph le Levre, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Alexander Comyn, earl of Bouhan, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and co-heiress of R[oger] de Quency, sometime earl of Winchester, to have seisin of a third of all the lands that Eleanor de Vallibus, late the wife of 172 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 16 —cont. the said Roger, held in dower of Roger's inheritance, as the king has taken the homage of Alexander for the said third falling to Elizabeth by right of inheritance, provided that the said lands with the knights' fees and advowsons of churches that Eleanor held in dower of Roger's inheritance shall be equally divided by the escheator between Alexander and Elizabeth and the other parceners of the inheritance. JMEMBRANE 15. May 24. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to restore to William Comyn Westminster. 81. that he took from him for the escape of a man, and to permit him to have peace until the coming to that county of the justices in eyre for common pleas, as the escapes of thieves ought to be adjudged before the said justices and not elsewhere. To the seneschal of Gascony. Order to cause full and speedy justice to be done by lawful judgment of Christians and according to the laws and custom of those parts in all cases of vexations and wrongs inflicted upon the king's Jews there, as the king understands on behalf of the whole community of his Jews of Gascony that the whole community is immoderately aggrieved by divers vexations and injuries. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William Giffard, late sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, to be acquitted of a moiety of the 1591. in which he was lately amerced for divers causes before the king, Martin de Littleb[iry] and his fellows, then justices of the Bench, and before the treasurer and barons, as the king has pardoned him a moiety at the instance of W. archbishop of York, brother of the said William. May 23. To Roger Lestrange (Extraneo), keeper of the forest of the Peak (Pecco). Westminster. Order to permit Nicholas de Lenn to have, during good behaviour and until otherwise ordered, the bailiwick that he had in that forest at the king's pleasure, to hold in the same way as before. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. It is shown to the king on behalf of Cicely, late the wife of John de Muscegros, tenant in chief of the king, that whereas the king lately ordered the escheator to take into the king's hands all the lands whereof the said John at his death was seised in his demesne as of fee, the escheator by reason of that order took into the king's hands the manors of Bykenore, Teynton, Langford, Cumpton, and Britfarton, which are of Cicely's inheritance, and unjustly detains them from her: as the king wills that Cicely shall not be injured by him or his ministers in this behalf, he orders the escheator to make inquisition whether the manors are of her inheritance or of the inheritance of John, so that the latter died seised thereof in his demesne as of fee or not, and if he find that the manors are of Cicely's inheritance, he is ordered to restore them to her with everything received from them since they were taken into the king's hands. May 20. To Joseph de Chancy, the treasurer, and to the justices appointed for the Westminster. custody of the Jews. The king remembers how, at the instance of his mother Queen Eleanor, he pardoned the abbot and convent of St. Mary, Stratford, all pains and usuries of all debts in which they were bound to Master Elias son of Moses, a Jew of London, and to Floria his wife, and other Jews of the realm whatsoever, both their own debts and the debts that Master Elias and Floria exact from them for certain lands in Ginges Muntenye that they bought from William Bocquite, who was indebted in 601. by his charter to Floria before Elias married her: as the greater part 3 EDWARD I. 173 1275. Mnembrane 15-cont. of the goods of the abbot and convent are insufficient for payment of the said debts together with the usuries and pains, as the king understands for certain, the king, compassionating their estate and wishing to show them favour, for the health of his soul and of the souls of his ancestors and heirs, has pardoned them all pains and usuries of all the debts aforesaid, and of all other debts in which they are bound to any Jews of the realm by reason of any tenements in their hands, provided that they satisfy the Jews for the principal of the loans (pro principalibus mutuis). The king therefore orders the treasurer and justices to cause inquisition to be made as to how much monev the abbot and cbnvent received from the aforesaid Master Elias and Floria or from other Jews, and when they have thus ascertained the amount of the principal debt, they are to cause the Jews to be satisfied for the principal only at terms to be provided by the treasurer and justices, and to cause the abbot and convent to be acquitted of the said usuries and pains, and to cause the charters whereby they are bound for the said debts to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the Jews, and to cause them to be delivered to the abbot and convent, provided however that if the abbot and convent can show by stars or by other instruments that they have paid anything thereof to the Jews, the treasurer and justices shall cause what they have thus paid to be allowed to them in the loans, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Philip lde Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Robert de Greley, kinsman and heir of Thomas de Greleye, to have seisin of the manors of Mamecestre, Barton and Kynerdelegh, which were in the custody of Edmund, the king's brother, by the late king's commission, as the king lately ordered the escheator to cause Robert to have seisin of Thomas's lands, and he afterwards ordered him to supersede the delivery of the manors aforesaid by reason of the right that Peter de Greleye claimed to have in them before the king, and the king, after treating thereof with his council, taking into consideration that Edmund had the custody of the manors during the minority of the heir by the late king's commission, and that Edmund granted the custody of them to Walter de Percy, who delivered the custody to the aforesaid Peter until the heirs (sic) came of age, and that Peter had the custody of the manors by this commission and for no other reason, has rendered seisin of the manors to Robert, saving the right of Peter if he wish to prosecute it (cum inde loqui voluerit). May 26. To J. de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower Westminster. to be assigned to'Amicia, late the wife of John de Haslee, tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. To the same. Order to deliver to Robert de Farendon, son and heir of Robert de Farendon, the bailiwick of the hundreds that his father held in his lifetime, lo be held during the king's pleasure, on condition that he bring the clarter by which he claims to have right in the bailiwick to the king at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, so that there may then be done in this matter what the king shall cause to be provided by his council. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent, Order to permit Alexander do Balliolo and Eleanor de Genover, his wife, to hold until otherwise ordered the castle of Mitford, taken by the escheator into the king's hands, and to restore to them anything received thence in the meantime. To the keeper of the forest of Pembere. Order to cause the constable of Winchester castle to have timber in that forest for the repair of the bridge of the castle. 174 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 15-cont. To Adam de Wynton[ia], keeper of the town of Southampton. Order to cause ten of the thirty tuns of the wine of the right prise that the king lately ordered to be acquitted by him, and which are in his custody there, to be carried to Winchester castle, and ten tuns to be carried to Clarendon, and ten to Wodestok, to be placed in the king's cellars there. May 25. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to William Westminster, de Middelton, deputed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to cause to be taken into the king's hands all the debts, goods and chattels that were in the hands of Joceus le Joven, a Jew of York, on the day when the tallage was assessed, and to cause the tallage assessed upon Joceus to be levied thence for the king's use, and to permit Joceus to have peace concerning his body in this behalf. May 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king Westminster thas pardoned the following men the sums mentioned, and order to cause them to be acquitted thereof, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled: Walter de Leweston, 3s. 4d., Walter Fant of Leye, 3s. 4d., Joceus de Lauceles, 3s. 4d., Henry de Leye, half a mark, Henry Baret, 2s., John Karemy, 12d., Geoffrey de Bernevill, 2s., Robert de Dunton, 3s. 4d., Brian de Gowyz, 3s. 4d., John de Tynhide, half a mark, William Payn, 12d., John Barnage, 2s., Henry Quarel, 12d., John le Gentyl, 12d., Robert de Craunford, 12d., Roger David of Brochampton, half a mark, John Trentedeus, 12d., Ralph de Kuldeweye, 12d., John de Walhop, 12d., Henry Herefrey, 12d., Richard Marcat, 12d., TLomas de la Forde, 12d., Thomas Proutfot, 12d., Roger Aunfrey, 12d., Alexander Fulere, 2s., Matthew Melksop, 12d., Thomas Uppelteye, 12d., Walter le Flik, 12d., Adam de Corston, 12d., Alfred (Alvredo) Longsomer, 12d., William Boyl, 12d., Walter de Burges, half a mark, Thomas le Joevene, 12d., William Germeyn, 12d., Robert le Lung, 3s. 4d., John de Howe, 12d., Roger de Ponte, 12d., William Borde, 12d., Richard le Waleys of Pirycumbe, 12d., Thomas Blundel, 12d., Roger le Keu, 12d., Richard Payn, 12d., in which they were amerced before Master Richard de Cliff[ord], late escheator this side Trent, because they did not come before him at Dorcestre. The king has also pardoned Jordan Poleyn, bailiff of the hundred of Shyreburn, 2s., Roger de Mouhaut, bailiff of the hundred of Badebir[y], 12d., Henry, bailiff of the liberty of the manor of Frompton, 3s. 4d., William de Padenor, bailiff of the hundred of Cokesdich, 3s. 4d., and Robert le Chaumberleyn, bailiff of the hundred of Bere, 12d., in which they were amerced before the aforesaid Richard for summons not made in their bailiwicks. The king has also pardoned William de Marleberg, 3s. 4d., John de Blakemor, 12d., David Lumbard, 3s. 4d., John de Baleiak, 12d., William de Welles, 12d., Reginald de Ramesbur[y], 3s. 4d., William de Tyderlegh, 2s., William Peitevyn of Mortisthorn, 3s. 4d., John atte Mech, 3s. 4d., John de Suthperette, 12d., Clement de Beuboys, 2s., Godfrey de Meyne, 12d., Robert Aurey, 12d., Thomas le Hunte, 12d., William Tribold, 12d., Robert Bursy, 2s., William de Penerys, 12d., Thomas Quarentham, 12d., John de Fifide, 12d., Roger de Plumbere, 2s., Simon le Blake, 12d., Walter Duraund, 12d., Hereward de Blanford, 12d., Stephen Pinnok, 12d., John de Clavyne, 2s., Geoffrey de P'ecyton, 12d., William de Clavill, 12d., Thomas Russell, 12d., Henry de Molend[ino], 12d., Mark de Clavill, 12d., William Vele, 12d., Richard de la Verge, 12d., John de Normanvill, 12d., William de Musters, 12d., Thomas Peytevyn, 12d., William de Brideport, a mark, Richard son of Thomas, 2s., Richard Cresseben, 12d., John de la Sterte, 12d., Robert le Eyr, 12d., Godfrey de Wyke, 16d., Thomas Pens, 20s., Geoffrey le Maszun, 12d., William Jordan, 12d., Thomas de Cheltecumbe, 12d., Thomas de Bromeshull, 12d., Jordan de Stapelbrugg, 12d., Nicholas de Rempel, 12d., William de Lagehull, 12d., Richard de Capella, 3s. 4d., Robert del Hoke. 12d., Henry de Rendecumbe, 12d., Hugh de 3 EDWARD I. 175 1275. Membrane 15-cont. Tolre, 12d., Philip de Eldy, 12d., William le Whyte, 12d., William de Stalke, 12d., Nicholas Cole, 12d., Stephen de Bonevill, 3s. 4d., William de Bengeham, a mark, Robert Sweyn, 2s., Edmund de la Hyde, 12d., William de Angulo, 12d., Robert de Pymor, 12d., William Germeyn, 12d., Henry de Binham, 12d., 'homas Sauvenappe, 12(d., William le Lung, 12d., Adam le Forester, 12d., Richard de Kyngeston, 12d., John le Whyt, 12d., Richard Joie, 3s. 4d., Walter de Riston, 3s. 4d., Laurence de Boys, 12d., Thomas de Welles, 12d., William de Lullesworth, 3s. 5d., Stephen de Watercumb, 12d., Robert Scot, 12d., William Germeyn, 12d., John de Waye, 12d., Thomas de Mokerford, 12d., Simon le Lorimer, 3s. 4d., Peter Cruel, 12d., William le Neyman, 12d., William Vendut, 3s. 4d., Walter Chanflur, 3s. 4d., Thomas Cosyn, 3s. 4d., John the tailor (cissorz), 12d.7 Thomas de la Hyde, 12d., Elias Daniel, 12d., Luke de Stok, 12d., Moses de Sidening, 12d., John Basset, 12d., Henry Wclifed, 12d., Elias Gemay, 12d., John Tilye, 12d., William de Blakemor, 12d., Ace de Limberg, 12d., Walter de Neuchu[r]ch, 100s., Hugh Cole, 40d., Thomas de Ardern, 12d., William de Langeho, 40d., Henry Man, 12d., John Puch, 12d., Roger Anketil, 12d., John Seled, 12d., Hugh de Blinchefeld, 12d., John le Peche, 12d., John Godman, 12d., Henry de Serveton, 12d., John de Melecumb, 12d., John Bolemer, 12d., Adam del Pre, 12d., William de Porton, 12d., John Folyot. 12d., John Pawel, 12d., Alexander de la Wyke, 12d., Warin Crabbe, 12d., William de Corndon, 12d., Robert le Paumer, 12d., John Tyrel, 12d., Walter Schrogeman, 12d., Hugh le Bercher, 12d., William Russel, 12d., Alexander de la Cumb, 12d., in which they were amerced before the said Richard because they would not answer. The king has also pardoned Walter Padel, 12d., John Gerveys, 2s., Henry de Sancta Barba, 12d., Walter Pyg, 2s., Robert Caperun, 12d., Walter Wythereswohe, 12d., William Gryndegrec, 12d., William Nel, 12d., Alarri Gele, 12d., John Furet, 12d., John de Boun, 12d., Reymund e, Bedel, 12d., William Belet, 12d., Nicholas Chaunterel, 12d., Robert Caperun, 12d., Hugh le Wyte, 12d., Ralph Giffard, 12d., Henry Pruet, 12d., Thomas le Pirleye, 3s. 4d., Richard de la Sale, 3s. 4d., William le Duc, 12d., Malger de Wyndes[ore], 12d., Alexander de Whytechurch, 12d., in which they were amerced before the said Richard for contempt. Melembrane 15-Schedule. May 26. *To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause to be taken and imprisoned Westminster. until further orders William de Stokes, William Crul of Warham, Peter Page, Alan his brother, and Thomas de Holma, who came to thle king's warren of Corf with bows, arrows and arms, and chaced therein, and took a hart there, and led the hart to the sea, and put a cord about his neck, and dragged him after a boat, taking him towards Wyreberge in the launds of Caneford, and thence by night to the house of the said William de Stokes at Warham, and to cause their lands to be taken into the king's hands, and to omit doing this in nowise, certifying the king of his proceedings. MEMBRANE 14. [May 25.]t To Philip de Wilegheby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay to John [Westminster.] de Lithegreynes 80 marks for a land of John's in Midford and for the advowson of the church of that town, and to receive from John his charter such as the escheator shall deem fit, made to the king's use for the land and advowson, and to bring the charter to the king to be deposited in the wardrobe. * This appears to be the draught of the writ. t Teste ut supra, referring to the order on pp. 174, 175. 176 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 14-cont. May 26. To Master John de Saunford, escheator of Treland. Order to cause Westminster. William de Valenc[ia], the king's uncle, and his co-executors of the will of Geoffrey de Lezyniaco, tenant in chief, the king's uncle, to lhave free administration of all the goods and chattels that belonged to Geoffrey at his death, both in custodies and in other things, for the execution of the will, which goods and chattels were taken into the king's hands in execution of the king's order to the escheator, the king believing that Geoffrey was indebted to the late king or to him at the exchequer, as it now appears to him that Geoffrey at his death was not bound to him in any debts. The like to Philip de Wilegheby, escheator beyond Trent. The like to John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. William de Valenc[ia] has come to the king, for himself and the other executors of the will of Geoffrey de Leziniaco, and has shewn the king that whereas the king lately assigned to Geoffrey 2001. yearly, to be received at that exchequer from the debts in which John de Verdun and Geoffrey de Geynvill were indebted to the king, until the king should provide him with 2001. of land ) early in completion of 5001. of land yearly granted to him by the late king, and the greater part of the said 2001. yearly is still in arrear to William and the other executors, and William has besought the king to cause all the arrears of that sum to be rendered to him and his co-executors for the execution of Geoffrey's will: the king, wishing to be certified, orders the treasurer and barons to search the rolls of the said exchequer, and to certify him what lands he granted to Geoffrey in Ireland before and after the said assignment, and what these lands are worth yearly, and how much Geoffrey and his attorneys received at that exchequer in ready money, and whether they recovered (se tenuerint) from the aforesaid John and Geoffrey the money aforesaid, so that the king should be discharged or not, in order that the king may cause to be done in the premises what he shall see fit by his council. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause a certain term on this side of Easter to be assigned to Ralph de Gorges, son of Thomas de Gorges, for the payment of six marks to Deulacres son of Master Elias, a Jew of London, if they ascertain by inquisition or otherwise that Ralph received that sum only as a loan from the said Jew, and to cause Ralph to be acquitted of all usuries and pains in which he is bound to the Jew by his charter by reason of the aforesaid debt, as the king has pardoned him the usuries and pains on condition that he pay the principal debt before Easter. Vacated, because otherwise below. May 26. To the same and to William de Middelton. Order to cause Cok Hagiui, Westminster. the king's Jew of London, to be acquitted of the tallage lately assessed upon certain of the king's Jews of England, if he pay to the king his right tailage according to the quantity of a third of his chattels, and to permit his body to be in peace in this behalf, as the king caused the tallage aforesaid to be assessed at a third of the Jews' chattels, then in his hands. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause the lands of Thomas de Chelewarton to be extended, and to cause terms to be assigned to him according to the value of his lands for the paymeut of the debts in which he is bound in the Jewry, saving reasonable maintenance to him and his wife and children, in accordance with the late king's writ remaining in the exchequer of the Jews, as the king learns that this matter has been delayed by reason of the late king's death. 3 EDWARD I. 177 1275. Membrane 14-cont. May 27. To the treasurer of Ireland. Order to cause restitution to be made to Westminster. the friars Preachers of Roscoman and to others for the following money and goods taken from the friars' church, as the king understands by letters patent of the bishop of Elphin and James de Aldithel[eye], late justiciary of Ireland, that the said James, during the disturbance between him and one who called himself king of Connaught, took from the friars' church 771. 11s. ld. in money deposited therein by poor men of that county for fear of the disturbance, and also that James took from the church wheat, oats, and other victuals to the value of 81. 2s. 7d., and timber to the value of 161., oats to the value of 111. 6s. 8d., and wheat to the value of 24s. 4d., all of which were converted to the use of James and his army then with him. To Geoffrey de INevill. Order not to aggrieve the burgesses of Scardeburg until otherwise ordered by reason of the king's order concerning the making of an inquisition by Geoffrey and certain others touching the dispute between William de Percy, constable of the castle of Scardeburg, and the burgesses, as the king wills that the burgesses shall not be aggrieved by reason of that dispute. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver Richard de Ipre, imprisoned at Rochester for the death of Goda de Norf[olkia], slain in the late king's time, in bail to six men of that county, who shall mainpern to have him before the king or his justices at his order, to be restored to the said prison to await the king's pleasure, if he be detained at the suit of the late king's peace and not by appeal or at the suit of another. May 27. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to'cause Westminster. Ralph de Gorges to have term for payment at Easter next of a debt in which he is bound by charter to Deulacres son of Master Elias, a Jew of London, after enquiry concerning the debt, and, when Ralph shall have kept the term, to cause the said charter to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the king's Jews at London and delivered to Ralph, and to cause him to be acquitted of all the usuries and pains in which he is bound to Deulacres by the said charter, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has pardoned Ralph the said usuries and pains on condition that he satisfy the Jew at the said term for the loan received from him. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to William de Middelton. Order to cause two parts of a debt of 301. under the names of Richard Pauncefot and Aaron le Blund, a Jew, to be levied, by Aaron's consent, for the king's use for the arrears of the tallage of Elias son of the said Aaron and of Iva, daughter of Sarah, his wife, and to permit Elias and Iva to be in peace for the arrears of the tallage so far the said two.parts suffice, as it appears to the king by the record of the justices and of William that the two parts are the debt of Aaron, and that the king lately caused the two parts to be taken into his hands by them. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause W. archbishop of York to be acquitted of 101. in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Middlesex for the common summons, as the king has pardoned him this sum. May 28. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause 20 marks to be levied from Westminster. the issues of the justices in eyre in that county, who will deliver to him their estreats by the king's order, and to pay that sum to Solomon de Roff', one of the justices aforesaid, for his expenses in the office of justice in the aforesaid eyre. u 96998. M 17s CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 14 -cont. The like to the same in favour of William de Saham. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Eudo la Znche and Milicent his wife, the second parcener and co-heiress of the inheritance that belonged to William de Cantilupo, to be acquitted of the relief that William owed to the late king for the lands and fees that William de Cantilupo, his father, held in chief, as the late king pardoned William this relief by his letters patent, which the king has inspected. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause to be replevied to Robert son of Roger de Claveringg his liberty, which the sheriff took into the king's hands because Robert's men are said to have imprisoned the king's bailiffs by Robert's order, as Robert has appeared before the king and has asserted that the bailiffs were not imprisoned by his order, and he has placed himself upon an inquisition concerning this. By J. de Lovetot on behalf of the king and council. May 29. To Thomas de Clare, steward of the forest of Essex. Order to cause Westminster. Master John the carpenter of Dover castle to have 100 oaks fit for timber in the wood of Kyngeswod, which is within the said forest, for the works of Dover castle, provided that the carpenter shall cause the said timber to be repaired (sic) out of the strippings (escaetis) of the said oaks. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause Master Geoffrey de Shanketon, king's clerk, whom the king is sending to the island of Lundeye to extend all the lands within the island, to have 10 marks for his expenses. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewod. Order to intend together with the sheriff of Buckingham the repairs of the houses of the manor of Brehull, which the king has ordered the sheriff to make, and to cause the sheriff to have sufficient timber for this purpose. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to cause the houses of the manor of Brehull to be repaired. May 30. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Joan, Westminster. late the wife of Robert de Sutton, tenant in chief, to have seisin of 9s. 74d. of rent in Cotum, which are in arrear to her of her dower of Robert's lands in that town. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the coming of age of the heir of John Peyvere, tenant in chief of the late king, the demand for Sol. for the debts of Paulinus Peyvere, made upon Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, John de Brit[annia], and the other executors of the will of Beatrice, late the wife of the said John Peyvere, which Beatrice had the custody of John's land and heirs by the late king's commission, and to cause the goods and chattels taken for this reason to be delivered to them. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to respite until the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist next the distraint made upon John's lands for the aforesaid sum, so that what 'ought of right to be done in this matter may then be done before the barons of the exchequer. MEMBRANE 13. May 30. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas de Valoynes Westminster. to be acquitted of 10 marks, in which he was amerced before Gilbert de Preston, deceased, the king's justice, because he would not swear in an assize arramed before Gilbert, as the king has pardoned Thomas, because 3 EDWARD I. 17.9 1275. Membrane 13-cont. the late king granted to him by letters patent that he should not be put upon any assizes, juries, or recognitions, and that he should not be made sheriff, coroner, etc. or other bailiff of the king against his will during his lifetime. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. The abbot of Walemond has shown the king that whereas he demised his priory of Stratfeud to John, bishop of Hereford, for John's life, so that it should revert to the abbot or his successors after the bishop's death, the escheator has taken the priory into the king's hands after the bishop's death and detains it from the abbot as if the bishop had been enfeoffed thereof: the king, not wishing to injure the abbot, orders the escheator to make inquisition concerning the matter, and if he find it to be as stated, to cause the abbot to have restitution of the priory, with all goods and chattels and the corn sown in the abbot's lands, on condition that the abbot shall answer therefor to the king unless he can show that they ought of right to pertain to him. Cicely de Loketon, imprisonel at Scardeburg for the death of Henry Gretschank, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail her. June 2. John Thewe of Thornhawe, imprisoned at Northampton for the death Westminster. of Wolnoth ( Walnothi) de Kempeston, wherewith lie is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. John Fauvel, Geoffrey Fauvel, Hugh Fauvel, Richard Ridel of Wyteringg. Alan Swetinbedde, Robert ie Scot, Nicholas le Clerc, David le Scot, Roger Aubeney, Peter Balle, Walter de Osegoteby, William Talimaly, Henry le Charetter, Hugh Kyug, Thomas le Graunt, William le Bret, Adam le Bret, Hugh Wrongers, Richard son of Hugh de Thorn. hawe, William Harebare, Nicholas Duraunt, William Dene, Hugh Smach, and Richard Segel, imprisoned at Peterborough for the death of Wolnoth (Wolneti) de Kempeston, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. June 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. John de Eyvill has Westminster. shown the king that whereas the late king pardoned John by his letters patent, which the king has inspected, all trespasses and excesses committed by him in the time of the disturbance in the realm, the treasurer and barons nevertheless exact a considerable sum from him by reason of the said trespasses and excesses; the king, as he wills that John shall not be unduly aggrieved contrary to the said pardon, orders the treasurer and barons to see the said letters patents, and to cause John to have due pardon according to the tenor thereof, so that it may not be necessary for the king to be further solicited in this behalf. To the same. Whereas the late king, in the 53rd year of his reign, at the present king's petition and for the relief of the Christians, pardoned all Christians in the realm all fees and arrears of fees wherein they were bound to certain Jews, unless the said fees had been previously sold to Christians and had been confirmed by his letters or enrolled in the exchequer, and Simon de Insula is indebted to Gresseus son of Genta in a debt of 201. of fee and to another Jew in a debt of 161. of fee, which fees were then in the late king's hands by the resignation of the said Jews, as the king learns from Simon: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Simon to be acquitted of the said fees together with the arrears thereof, and to cause his charters in the treasury concerning the said fees to be delivered to him, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, although the fees falling to Simon were enrolled in the exchequer after the time aforesaid. M 2 180 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 13-cont. June 3. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to receive William de Ia Clith, clerk, Westminster. whom W. bishop of Rochester shall cause to be delivered to him, and to cause him to be kept in the king's prison of Rochester or Canterbury by the king's special grant until otherwise ordered by the said bishop. June 4. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Notification Westminster. that the king has granted to Queen Eleanor, his 'consort, all the debts, goods and chattels of Cok Hagin, a Jew of London, which pertain to him as forfeited according to the law and custom of his Jewry, because the said Jew is excommunicated, and did not a long time ago permit himself to be justiced according to the custom of the Jewry, and order to cause charters under the name of the said Jew and under the names of certain Christians to be withrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the Jews, and to cause all the debts, goods and chattels of the said Jew to be delivered to the queen, as ought to be done according to the law and custom of the Jewry and has heretofore been the custom in like case. To Geoffrey de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. It is shown to the king on behalf of Eudo la Zusche and Milicent his wife that whereas they hold only a fifth of a fifth part of the lands that belonged to William, sometime earl marshal, which [part] fell to the purparty of Eva de Breus[e], and they are prepared to satisfy [the king] for the relief due from Milicent for her portion of the inheritance, the treasurer and barons of the exchequer exact from them 25 marks for the relief, whereas 5 marks only ought to be exacted from them: the king therefore orders the justiciary to make inquisition concerning the premises, and if they find it is so, to discharge Eudo and Milicent of what they ought of right to be discharged of. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the king lately granted to Queen Eleanor, his consort, all the debts in which Norman de Arsy was bound to certain Jews of the realm, and ordered the justices to cause the debts to be levied according to the law and custom of the Jewry, and to cause the queen to have them, and she has not yet had the debts in which Norman was indebted to Aaron de la Rye and Moses de Clare: the king order the justices to cause the charters aforesaid (sic) to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers, and to cause them to be replaced after they have been made into bills (billicate), and to cause the debts to be levied and to be paid to the queen, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, so that the queen may make her profit of the charters as shall seem most expedient. June 5. To the same and to William de Middelton, deputed to collect the tallage Westminster. lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. The king sends to them enclosed in the presents the petition of Aaron Crespyn, a Jew of London, and orders them to retain in the king's hands of the more clear debts of the said Jew in the treasury to the amount of the arrears of the tallage last assessed upon him, and to retain other debts of his, according to the tenor of his petition, and to cause the said debts to be levied for the king's. use, and to cause him to be acquitted of the said arrears, and to cause the remainder of his chattels in the treasury by reason of the said arrears to be delivered to him, and to permit his body to be in peace in this behalf. To the same. Order to cause'Jacob de Oxon[ia], a Jew, if he find them sufficient security to pay the tallage last assessed upon him before Michaelmas next, or to render his body to prison at the Tower of London within the quinzaine of that feast that the king's will concerning his body may be done, to have peace concerning his body in the meantime. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to execute the gracc that the late king granted to Peter Maunsell concerning the 3 EDWARD I. 181 1275. Membrane 13 —cont. extending of his lands, in accordance with the said king's letter in their possession, as the king has lately continued the said grace. To the same. Whereas Master Samuel de Loun, the king's Jew of London, and Roesia his wife, who was previously the wife of Aaron son of Le) le Blunt, made fine with the late king to have the chattels of the said Aaron and Leo, and the king afterwards gave 7 marks in which Alexander de Audebiry was bound to Leo, which debt was found amongst the chattels aforesaid, to the nuns of Ivingeho: the king, not wishing to do injury to Samuel by his said grant, orders the justices to cause the said 7 marks to be allowed to Samuel and Roesia in the fine aforesaid or in the other debts in which they are indebted to the king. June 6. Thomas le Folur of Sadbergh and John son of Thomas de Ulveswath, Westminster. imprisoned at York for the death of Roger Feraunt, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Christiana, late the wife of Richard de Snyterton, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause all the corn sown by the bailiffs of Eleanor, sometime countess of Leicester, in the lands of the manors of Wexecumbe and Bedewynd, which manors belonged to her, and all the other goods in the said manors belonging to her to be delivered to Master Nicholas de fleyham, archdeacon of Bedford, and to Master Nicholas de Wantham, and the other executors of the countess's will, and to cause them to have full administration thereof for the execution of her will. The like to the sheriffs of Bedford, Hertford, and Buckinghau concerning the corn, etc., in the manors of Luton, Grendon, and Weston. June 6. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Westminster. Edmund, the king's brother, holds all the lands that belonged to Robert de Ferar[iis] until he shall be satisfied for 50,0001., as is contained in the deeds made to him and enrolled in the late king's rolls of chancery, and Robert is bound in divers debts in the king's Jewry, which are exacted from Edmund by reason of the said lands: the king has granted to Edmund that no distraint shall be made in the said lands for the debts aforesaid so long as the lands shall be in Edmund's hands, saving to the king and his Jews recovery in other lands of Robert and his heirs and in the said lands in case they come to the hands of Robert or his heirs. The king therefore orders the justices to cause Edmund to be acquitted of such distraints, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to William de Middelton. Cresseus son oi Abraham de Ulton[ia], a Jew, has come to the king and has shown him that they have tallaged him at a third of the 301. in which Roger de Whelton is bound to him by charter in the treasury, and not at more because hte has no other goods upon which they could tallage him, and he has requested the king to receive the said 301. wholly by the said charter so that arrest of his body for the tallage may not be proceeded to: the king therefore orders the justices, if it be so, to receive the said 301. for his use, and not to take the Jew by reason of the tallage and not to proceed to the taking of his body. To John son of Hugh, keeper of the forest of Shrewsbury. Order to permit Roger de Mortuo Mari or his men to take three harts for the king's use in the king's forest of Longemyneoe, as the king has enjoined upon Roger, and to counsel and aid him in this matter. 182 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 13-Schedule. May 12. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas Andrew de Treverbyn Westminster. arramed an assize of novel disseisin by the late king's writ against Robert de Boyton, Richard de Pengelly, William de Pengelly, Gregory de Pemmene, Thomas de Pemmene, Luke de Wya, Maurice de Uppeton, Gilbert de Lanwran, Roger de Lanwran, Nicholas le Chauntour, Maurice DIyan, Roger Tok, Richard Taperel, John Dygge, Alice la Vedue, William de Trenhay, Roger Gervas[e], Gervase de Tolehan, John de Tollohan, William de Pencoit, William de Cogtha, Edward de Rostonall, Robert de Rostonall, Ralph de Kellion, Osebert Taun, Roger Favinton, Roger Maumunt, Roger Bonde, Robert de Lantiwy, Reymbald de Lantywy, Martin de Lantywy, John de Horrebrugg, Richard Wytyn, and William Wyse, the elder, before Stephen Heym, the justice appointed for this purpose) concerning a tenement in Fonyton, and he recovered his seisin against the said men by recognition of the assize and by consideration of the said Stephen, and also 101. for the damages sustained by him through the disseisin, by reason whereof Stephen amrerced the said men at 194 marks, to wit Robert de Boyton at 40s. and each of the other disseisors at half a mark, which 19[i] marks are exacted from them by summons of the exchequer, and Robert de Boyton and Mary his wife, feeling themselves unduly aggrieved by the taking of the assize, caused the record and process of the assize to come before the said king in his court at a certain day, and after inspection thereof and consideration of the arguments (altercacionibus) between the parties, it was found that Stephen had not properly proceeded to the taking of the assize, and that he ought not to have proceeded to the taking of the same, because the aforesaid Mary, who was enfeoffed of the tenement jointly with Robert her husband by Geoffrey de Sulny, had her free tenement therein on the day when Stephen took the assize, and the assize ought not to have been taken without her being named in the writ or called in judgment, wherefore it was considered in the said king's court that Robert and Mary should have again geisin of the said tenement, and also the said 101. that Andrew recovered for his damages, saving to Andrew his action by another writ against Robert and Mary if he wished to purchase a writ, as appears to the king by inspection of the record and process before the late king and before the said Stephen: as the king considers it unjust and not consonant with equity that Robert and the others shall be distrained to render the said 191 marks when the judgment of the assize has been annulled, he orders the treasurer and barons to cause Robert and the other men to be acquitted thereof. MEMBRANE 12. June 6. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Westminster. Middelton. Order to cause Moses de Clare, or another to be named by him before them, to have allowance in the tallage last assessed upon him for the debts under the names of Norman de Arscy and the said Moses contained in the charters whereby Norman was bound to Aaron de la Rye and Moses, which charters the king lately ordered them to cause to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the Jews, when he ordered them to cause the debts contained in the charters to be levied for the use of Queen Eleanor, his consort, [as at page 180, above]. To the same. Like order for allowance to Aaron for the debts contained in the rolls of the king's Jewry under the names of the said Norman and Aaron. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king granted to Edmund, the present king's brother, 2,600 marks in aid of his 3 EDWARD I. 183 1275. i]Membrane 12-cont. pilgrimage to the Holy Laud, and Edmund has only received 6001. thereof from the issues of the eyre of the justices last in eyre in co. Lincoln, as he says: the king orders the treasurer and barons to inspect the rolls and writs of the exchequer, and if they find it is so, to pay to Edmund as speedily as possible the remainder of the said sum from the moneys coming to the exchequer, for which the king will cause then to have a suitable writ. Simon Navegar, imprisoned at Aylesbir[y] for the death of John de Weston, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. Robert Visdelou, imprisoned at Aylesbir[y] for the death of Henry le Clerc of Stratford, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. June 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Augustine Westminster. son of John de Dunwyco to pay the 231. in which he is bound to the king at the exchequer by 51. 15s. at Michaelmas next, and by 51. [15s.] at that feast yearly until the whole sum be paid, and to cause him to have these terms according to the custom of the exchequer, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has granted to him these terms. To the constable of the Tower' of London. Whereas the king lately ordered the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and William de Middelton to permit Jacob de Oxon[ia], a Jew, if he found them security for payment of the arrears of the tallage last assessed upon him before Michaelmas next, and that he will render his body to prison at the Tower within the quinzaine of the said feast, to have peace as to his body until then, the king orders the constable to cause Jacob's son, who is detained in prison as a hostage for Jacob, to be delivered from prison in the meantime. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton, deputed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to cause the arrears of the tallage of Moses son of Moses de Clare, a Jew of Lincoln, to be levied from his clearer debts in the treasury, and to cause him to be acquitted of the arrears, and to cause the remainder of the debts to be paid to him, and to permit him to have peace as to his body, upon his paying to the king 10 marks of the tallage. June 8. To Philip de Wileby, escheatbr beyond Trent. Order to permit Roger Westminster. de Lancastr[ia] to hold in peace certain lands in Rydale, Amelsate and Loucrigg lately taken into the king's hands by the eseheator, as Margaret, sister and co-heiress of Peter de Brus, late the wife of Robert de Ros of Werk, granted the said lands to Roger by her charter with the king's licence and will, to be held of the king in chief, doing therefore the service of a quarter of a knight's fee, according to the tenor of the charter aforesaid, which the king has inspected. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the 100 marks in which Robert de Tatersale was bound to the king by his letters patent to be levied from his lands and chattels for the king's use, and to cause them to be allowed to Matthew de Charroun, the king's serjeant, in the money that he owes to the exchequer of the 500 marks that he received there to make purveyances against the king's coming to England, as the king assigned the 100 marks due from Robert to Matthew for the 100 marks that the king received from him as a loan, and he has many times ordered Robert to pay this sum to Matthew. IF4 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 12-cont. Nicholas le Walkere, imprisoned at York for the death of John son of William in le Wra, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Geoffrey de Plessinton, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of Roger son of Henry le Fevre of Kirkeham, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail him. Nicholas de Fraunkton, imprisoned at Okham for the death of Remigius de Arundell, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Rutland to bail him. June 9. To the constable of the castle of the Peak (Pecco). Order to pay, out Westminster. of the first moneys to be received from the issues of his bailiwick, to Constance, late the wife of Henry de Alem[annia], or to Master Reymund his attorney, 501. for Michaelmas term last of the 1001. that were assigned ~r* ~ ~ to her in dower from the king's lands there, unless she have had this sum previously by the king's writ. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton, deputed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. Order to cause certain debts contained in a charter under the names of Bartholomew de Redham and Solomon son of Samuel, a Jew of London, which charter was delivered.to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to be allowed to Solomon in the tallage assessed upon him if as much be in arrear to the king, or to cause other debts in the treasury of the Jewry to the amount of the debts in the charter to be delivered in recompence, as the king has granted to the queen all the debts in which Bartholomew was indebted to any Jews by his charters. June 10. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Westminster. the charters whereby Thomas Basset of Weleham is indebted to Benedict de Lincoln[ia], a Jew, and to other Jews of the realm to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the Jews and delivered to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, and to cause them to be replaced after they have been made into bills (billicate), so that she may make her profit out of them as shall seem fit to her, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the late king granted to Eleanor all the debts in which Thomas is indebted to Benedict and other Jews, and she has not received the debts as the king learns, and the king wills that she shall have and recover the debts according to the law and custom of the Jewry. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton. The king sends to them enclosed in the presents the petition of Isaac de Wylton[ia], a Jew, and orders them to inspect the rolls of his exchequer of the Jewry concerning an inquisition taken before them between Richard de Russynden and the said Isaac without Isaac's consent, as he asserts, and to cause to be done for the Jew in this behalf what ought to be done of right and according to the law and custom of the Jewry. To the constable of the Tower of London. Order to cause Nicholas de Gugehou, son of Nicholas de Gugehou, scholar (scolari) of Oxford, to have three tuns of wine to hold the feast of his inception,* of the king's gift, out of the king's wines of the right prise in the constable's custody, unless he have already had them. June 10. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. /Iotification that Westminster. the king has granted to Simon de Anesy, who is indebted in divers debts in * As a Master of Arts. 3 EDWARD I. 185 1275. Membrane 12-cont. the Jewry, and whose lands now in his hands are extended at 106s. yearly, that he shall render to the Jews to whom he is indebted in such debts 21 marks yearly in equal portions, as the justices shall see fit to provide, saving to the king and his Jews their recovery of the debts aforesaid in other lands that belonged to Simon that he alienated after he had received the said loan in the Jewry. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William Beleth to be acquitted of three marks of gold in leaf weighing three marks (in folio pond. iij. marcarum) for the fine that he made with the late king to have the custody of his land, as he pd t aid thre arsaihin three marks in leaf weighing three marl;s to Arcaldus de Sancto Romano, then keeper of the late king's wardrobe, on Saturday the eve of Easter, in the 40th year of the reign, as appears to the king by inspection of the rolls of Arcaldus brought to him by William Golafre by a bill thereof delivered by his hands to the king. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton. Order to supersede entirely until otherwise ordered the execution of the king's writs that they have received for divers Jews concerning allowance or respite for the tallage last assessed upon them. To the same. Hakus son of Roesia de Ebor[aco], a Jew, has shown the king that whereas he has satisfied the king fully for the tallage last assessed upon him, they unjustly exact from him by reason of certain chattels in the king's hands under the name of Solomon son of Isaac, lately deceased, a certain sum of money by reason of the tallage: the king therefore orders them, if they ascertain that the said chattels were in the king's hands on the day when the tallage was assessed, and that they exact the said money from Hakus by reason of the aforesaid chattels and for no other reason, and that Hakus has satisfied the king in full for his tallage, to cause the body of Hakus, which is detained for this reason, to be delivered. June 11. To the same. Order to allow 401. to Moses son of Jacob, a Jew, if Westminster. Master Odo de Westmonasterio satisfy the king at the exchequer for that sum for Moses, in part payment of the tallage last assessed upon Moses, and if Moses satisfy them for the remainder of the tallage. June 13. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to deliver to Walter de Westminster. Wymburn all the rolls of justices whatsoever and of all inquisitions in the treasury, together with two or three chests wherein they may be kept, as the king has ordered Walter to receive all such rolls from them and to search them in order to certify the king of their contents. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Akyna, late the wife of William de Reingny, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. The like to the escheator this side Trent. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton. The king sends to them enclosed in the presents a petition of Deudone Crispyn, his Jew of York, and orders them to retain in his hands up to the sum of the arrears of the tallage last assessed upon Dendo out of the clearer debts in their custody under the names of the said Jew and his children, and other debts of his according to the tenor of his petition, and to cause him to be acquitted of the arrears aforesaid, and to restore to him his chattels taken into the king's hands for this reason, and to permit his body to be in peace in this behalf. June 13. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Juliana, laundress Westminster. of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, 30 marks, which the king has granted 186 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Mlembrane 12-cont. to her for the quit-claim that she made to him of the Gd. daily that she received at the exchequer by the late king's letter's patent for her maintenance, receiving from her the said letters patent and also her letters of acquittance of the money aforesaid. June 13. To Luke de Luke and his fellows, the king's merchants. Order to pay Westminster. to John Ferre 1,000 marks, which the king owes to him for the quit-claim made by him to the king of certain of his lands in Ireland, which sum the king will cause to be allowed to them in their account. M1embrane 12.-Schedules. Letter of Sir Thomas Peche and Warin de Hereford, attorneys of tile mainpernors of a covenant made between Sir John de Brutayne, on the one part, and Sir Humphrey de Bonn, Sir Theobald de Verdeun, Sir Robert de Husford, Ivo (Iwon) la Suhche, Gilbert Peche, John de Boun, Hugh Peche, John de Eschaleyrs, knights, and William de Sey, notifying that whereas they are bound to make deliverance and to render to Sir John de Brutayne or his attorneys all the things arising from the lands that belonged to Aline la Mareschale of the time when they came into the hands of the said Sir John until (drek) Sunday after Holy Trinity, 3 Edward [I], to wit corn in the barns and in and out of garners, rents, services, reliefs, escheats, issues of court, herbages sold, turves, manures (meynhuverrez) until the said day, with all manner stock and with all moveable things pertaining to the said Sir John, to wit ploughs, carts, and other minor implements (hAutyz), with the easement of granges and houses until the corn shall be threshed (bateu) and delivered, and that the bailiffs of the said Sir John shall have full power to make distress in the aforesaid land as before until they shall have levied the things aforesaid and all the arrears. If it happen that any disturbance shall be made by them* or by the aforesaid mainpernors whereby Sir John or his attorneys shall be damaged, they shall be bound in full [to the] said (sic) William Gerard to amend such damage without other proof than what he shall say (diret) that his lord has sustained. For the performance of these matters, they charge for themselves and their heirs all their lands and goods, and have taken oath upon the gospels for their performance. In testimony they have delivered to him this letter sealed with their seals, and they have caused these matters to be enrolled in chancery. Done at London, on Thursday after St. Botulph, in the - year of the reign. French. June 7. To John, duke of Brittany. tThe king reminds him how the king of Westminster. France's council do not neglect (dimittit) those things that it may acquire for his profit provided that any pretext, however small, be found. Lest therefore the council shall have occasion or pretext to detain further the land of the Agenois to the king's prejudice, which is the prejudice of the duke and of his [men], the king requires and requests him that, putting aside all occasion of pretext or hindrance that they take for detaining the said land from the fact that before the earldom of Richmond was assigned to the king's dear brother, the duke's son, by the consent and will of the late king, the duke received from L[ouis], late king of France, the value of the said land, doing to him homage for this reason, as they assert, he will interpose by him and his friends so that the said land may be assigned to the king's proctors without further delay. The king thanks him for being willing to assist in the last parliament the king's proctors and envoys in the * Evidently referring to Sir Humphrey de Boun and other principals. t This appears to be a draught. 3 EDWARD I. 187 1275. Membrane 12-Schedules-cont. court of France for the promotion of his affairs, and requests him to continue what has been so well begun in this behalf, writing back to the king his pleasure in all things with the confident expectation of obtaining them (cum optinendi fiducia). MEMBRANE 11. June 14. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Notification that Westminster. the king has pardoned Ralph de Gorges 401. that he lately received as a loan from Deulacres son of Master Elias, a Jew of London, and also the pains and usuries of the same debt, and order to cause the charter aforesaid (sic) to be withdrawn and delivered to Ralph, and to cause him to be acquitted of the debts, pains and usuries aforesaid, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To John de London[ia], escheatcr this side Trent. Order to cause the abbot and convent of Thame to have again seisin of the lands that belonged to Henry de Weston in Touseseya, which he sold to them, saving to the king his right in all things, provided that they do to him the services that pertain to him thence, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the aforesaid lands are held of Robert de Wauncy and were wont to be held of him and of his ancestors in chief, and of no other, for 20s. yearly, and that they are held in socage, by reason whereof the custody thereof is not due to the king or to any other, and the king has and always had suit and hidage only thence. To the same. Order to deliver to Arnald de Bosco two parts of the manor of Great Claybrok, co. Leicester, which Nicholas de Haversham held of Arnald by knight service, and which was taken into the king's hands by reason of Nicholas's death, retaining in the king's hands the other third in order to dower Nicholas's wife therewith, saving to the king his right in all things when he wish to speak concerning this matter, as it appears to the king by inspection of the rolls of the exchequer that Nicholas held in the manor of Haversham in chief of the honour of Peverel and not of the crown, and also that he did not hold elsewhere of the king in chief, so that the custody of the lands whereof he was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death and of the lands that he held of others by knight service may or ought not of right to pertain to the king. Geoffrey de Hayton, imprisoned at York for the death of Adam le Clerc, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. June 14. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Westminster. Stephen de Graveshende to have again seisin of the manor of Kannesby, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the manor, which John le Despenser, lately deceased, tenant in chief, held by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Joan his wife, is held immediately of R. bishop of Lincoln, and that the bishop had seisin thereof as of his escheat for more than fifteen days after John's death, and that the bishop enfeoffed the said Stephen, his nephew (nepotem), thereof, who had seisin thereof until he was ejected by the sub-escheator, and that the said Joan held nothing of the king in chief at her death, so that nothing in the manor pertains to the king in name of wardship by reason of her tenure. To Thomas de Clare, keeper of the forest of Essex. Order to cause to, be delivered to J. bishop of London the bishop's park of Crundon, taken into the king's hands by reason of a deer-leap (saltatorii) that the bishop claims to have in that park. I 188 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 11 —cont. To the justiciary of Ireland. Order to permit Walter de la Haye to have the custody of the county of Waterford and of the castle of Dungarvan, as he had before, and not to commit the custody thereof to any other, and not to amove him thence for so long as he conducts himself well in the custody or until otherwise ordered, as the king learns by the testimony of the justiciary and of other trustworthy men of those parts that Walter has conducted himself well in the custody, and that he has answered properly to the exchequer of Dublin for the issues thereof. By K. and C. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver Roger de Hatfeld, charged with the silver coming from false money or from clipping (retonsione) of money, together with the silver arrested with him, to Malcolm de Harlegh, Master Walter de Bathon[ia], William Burnell, William de Wyndesor[e], Walter de Watford, and Joceus de Lond[onia], who have mainperned to have him before the king at his order, to stand to right when the king wish to speak against him. Like order concerning Peter de Ponte Lond[onie], mainperned by the said men. June 16. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Westminster. Middelton. Luke de Vyene has shown the king that whereas he is bound to Jacob de Oxon[ia], a Jew, in 161. and 20 quarters of wheat by a charter under their names in the chest of the chirographers at London, and he satisfied Jacob for the said 161. before the tallage lately assessed upon the Jews of England, and the charter was not withdrawn from the chest because he had not satisfied the Jew for the wheat, and the charter was taken into the king's hands after the tallage, nevertheless thessaid 161. together with the corn are exacted from him: the king therefore orders them to inspect the rolls of the Jewry, and if they find it is so, to cause Luke to be acquitted of the said 161. and to cause the charter to be delivered to him, provided that he previously make satisfaction for the said corn. June 16. To Master Reymund de Nolmeriis, constable of Tykehull castle. Order Westminster. to cause William de Garlaund to have the 25 marks in which Constance, late the wife of Henry de Alemannia, is bound to William, which payment the constable shall make to William according to the tenor of Constance's order received by him. John son of John de Fulmere, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of Fulk le Marescall of Fulmere, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him. Robert Folkes, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of William Wyrm of Haselingfeld, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him. June 16. To the sheriffs of London. Order to receive from Gregory de Westminster. Rockesl[eye] and Poncius de Mora, the king's chamberlains of London, 100 tuns of wine, which the chamberlains will deliver to them by the king's order, and to cause the wine to be carried to Westminster and to the Tower of London, as Hugh son of Otto, steward of the king's household, shall enjoin upon them on the king's behalf. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause William de Fennes to have six oaks for timber in Clarendon forest, of the king's gift. June 18. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause 100 oaks to be felled in the Westminster. king's wood of Kingeswode, which is within the forest of Essex, and to 3 EDWARD I. 189 1275. Membrane 11-cont. cause the timber coming from them to be carried to Dover, and to cause the king's carpenter of Dover to have 6d. daily for his stipends, and to cause the other carpenters to have reasonable stipends, for so long as they shall be engaged upon the preparation of the said timber, so that the carpenters shall have the timber at Dover before Michaelmas next. June 15. To Philip de Wylegeby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause John Westminster. de Lytegreins, sheriff of Northumberland, to have 80 marks without delay, as the king lately ordered the escheator to pay that sum to John for the purchase of a messuage and an acre of land in Mitford with the advowson of the church of that town, which the king ordered John to buy for his. use, and the king learns that the escheator has done nothing in the matter. June 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the Westminster. account of Thomas de Bray, late sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford, for the time when he was sheriff there. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause ten tuns of wine of the right prise, which Gregory de Rokel[eyl, taker of the king's wines at Boston, will deliver to him, to be acquitted, to wit 20s. for each tun, and to cause them to be carried without delay to Thydewell near the Peak (Peccum), there to be delivered to the king's bailiffs. June 19. To Bogo de Cnovill, keeper of the king's manor of Oswestry (de Albo' Monasterio). Order to cause Roger de Mortuo Mari to have the 111. yearly from the mills and other issues of that manor that the late king granted to him, together with the issues thereof for the king's time. June 20. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to allow to the executors of Westminster. the will of John de Verdun, in the debts that John owed to the exchequer, the arrears of 25 marks yearly, which he was wont to receive at the exchequer for the town of Drogheda, due to him at his death. Like letters in favour of Theobald de Verdun for the arrears of the said 25 marks from the day of death of the said John, his father. June 20. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted Westminster. respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next to John de Warenn[a], earl of Surrey, for the 100 marks that he ought to have paid at Easter last of the fine that he made with the late king for a trespass charged upon him in the assault made upon Alan la Zuche in Westminster Hall, and order to cause hinl to have such respite. June 20. Walter le Heyward of Hormewode, imprisoned at Royston (de Cruce Westminster. Roys') for the death of Agnes, late his wife, and of his abortive child (pueri), wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hertford to bail him. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause to be replevied to John son of John until the first assize of the justices for pleas of the Forest in those parts his woods of Pyrie, Wyntreslawe, and Ciriel, within the bounds of the forests of Whitlewode, Clarendon, and Savernak, which were taken into the king's hands by the justice for waste made therein. June 20. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to restore to John de Breteby, clerk, Westminster. his chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by the sheriff upon his being imprisoned at Melton for certain trespasses wherewith he was charged until he could be delivered to the official of the archdeacon of 190 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 11-cont. Leicester as a clerk in accordance with the ecclesiastical liberty, as he has purged his innocence before the official, as the king learns by the letters patent of HI. bishop of Lincoln. To Philip de Wilegbeby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to restore to William [de*] Fressenede, citizen of London, 14 bovates of land in Whetelay and Herewell, saving the right of the king and of others, first receiving from William security that he will not sell the land to any one but the king and will not alienate it elsewhere without the king's licence, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John de Burgo, the elder, before his death enfeoffed Adam de Novo Mercato by his charter of 14 bovates of land in Whetelay and Herewell, whereof Adam had seisin for two years according to the feoftment aforesaid, and that Adam afterwards enfeoffed the said William thereof, to be held in the same way as Adam was enfeoffed thereof by John, and that [William] was in seisin thereof from Michaelmas, in the first year of the king's reign, until Epiphany following, when Ralph le Botiller ejected William from the said land and took it into the king's hands, by reason of his taking into the king's hands by the king's order the lands that the said John gave to the king by charter, wherefore the escheator still detains the lands from William. Membrane 11.-Schedule. June 3. To John de Loudon[ia], escheator this side Trent. Whereas it appears Westminster. to the king by inspection of the rolls of chancery that 401. 5s. 9id. yearly of land and rent in the manor of Newebyr[y], which manor is extended at 601.; and 53s. 8d. of land and rent in the manor of Spenhamlond, which manor is extended at 151.; and 37s. 7id. of land and rent in the manor of Wodespene, which manor is extended at 37s. 7Ed.; and the manor of Crandon, co. Buckingham, which is extended at 551. 0s. 5id.; and a knight's fee in Clafford, co. Southampton, which Richard Seward held; a knight's fee in the same county that Alice de Rocheford held; three parts of a fee in Sonburn and Templeton, co. Wilts, which William Talemache held; half a fee in Trumpeton, co. Cambridge, which Alan de la Hyde held; half a fee in Clyve, co. Oxford, which Geoffrey de Wauncy held; half a fee in La Bradeton, co. Wilts, which Robert Bernard held; three parts of a fee in the same town, which Richard Paris held; a quarter of a fee in Ramesden, co. Essex, which Simon de Craye held; a fee in Esingdon, co. Buckingham, which William Talebot held; a quarter of a fee in Morthec (sic), co. Devon, which John son of Richard held; five fees in Offeleye, which William de Sancto Leodegario held; four fees in Whitchirche, Kenebelle and Wulsington, which the earl of Oxford holds; half a fee that Richard Beleng' held; a fee that William de Sancto Albano held; half a fee in Brayburn, co. Devon, all of which Eleanor, countess of Leicester, late the wife of William Marshall earl of Pembroke, held in dower of the inheritance of the aforesaid William, fell into the purparty of the heirs of Eva de Brehus[a], sister and co-heiress of Walter Marshall, brother and heir of the said William, to be had after the death of the said countess, who 'is now dead, as the king learns: the king therefore orders the escheator to cause Roger de Mortuo Marn and Matilda his wife, Eudo la Zuche and Milisant his wife, John de Hasting' and Humphrey de Bonn, the heirs of the said Eva, to have seisin of the said manor of Crandon with appurtenances, of 401. 5s. 9jd. of land and rent in the manor of Newebir[y], of 53s. 8d. of land and rent in the manor of Spenhamlond, of 37s. 7jd. of land and rent in the manor of Wodespene, and also of the aforesaid knights' * From the marginal abstract. 3 EDWARD I. 191 1275. Mfembrane 11-Scheduie-cont. fees, so that of the remaining 191. 14s. 3id. (sic) in Newebyr[yl there shall remain to Roger le By[got], earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, one of the parceners and heirs of the said Walter, 106s. 2d. of land and rent, and to Agnes de Vescy, Emery de Rupe Canardi and Matilda his wife, William de Mohun, John de Mohun, Agatha de Mortuo Mari and John dle Boun, the heirs (hered') of Sibyl de Ferrariis, sister and co-heiress of the said Walter, 141. 8s. ld. of land and rent in the same manor, and the remaining 121. 6s. 8d. of land and rent in the manor of Spenhamlond shall remain to Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, one of the parceners and heirs of the said Walter. June 3. To the same. Whereas it appears to the king by inspection of the rolls Westminster. of the exchequer that 261. 2s. 7d. yearly of land and rent, with the chief messuage and park in the manor of Kemesing, which manor is extended at 361., and 106s. 2d. yearly of land and rent in the manor of Neubyr[y], which manor is extended at 601., which the aforesaid Eleanor held in dower of the inheritance of the said William, fell to the purparty of Roger le Bygot, earl of Norfolk and Marshall of England, one of the heirs of Walter le Mares[chal], brother and heir of the said William, to be had after Eleanor's death, who is now dead: the king therefore orders the escheator to cause Roger to have seisin of the premises, with saving of the aforesaid 401. 5s. 91d. to Roger de Mortuo Mari and the others named in the preceding order, and 141. 9s. lid. to Agnes de Vescy and the others mentioned in the preceding order, with provision that the remaining 91. 17s. 5d. of land and rent in the manor of Kemesing shall remain to William de Valencia and Joan his wife, one of the heiresses (hered') of Walter. June 3. To the same. Whereas it appears to the king by inspection of the rolls Westminster. of the exchequer that the manor of Luton, which is extended at 851.9s. 3id., and 141. 8s. l-d. of land and rent in the manor of Newebir[y], which is extended at 601., and which the aforesaid Eleanor held in dower of the inheritance of the said William Marshall, fell to the purparty of Agnes de Vescy, Emery de Rupecanardi and Matilda his wife, William de Mchun, John de Mohun, Agatha de Mortuo Mart, and John de Bohun, heirs of Sibyl de Ferariis, sister and co-heiress of Walter Mareshall, brother and heir of the said William, to be had after Eleanor's death, who is now dead: the king therefore orders the escheator to cause Agnes, Emery, and the others mentioned above to have seisin of the said manor of Luton and 141. 8s. ld. of land and rent, with saving of 106s. 2d. in the manor of Neubir[y] to Roger le Bygot, and of 401. 5s. 91d. in the same manor to Roger de Mortuo Mart and Matilda his wife and the others mentioned in the preceding orders. MEMBRANE 10. June 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Anselm Westminster. de Gyse to be acquitted of 20s. in which he made fine before the justices of the Bench, in the second year of the king's reign, for a fine to be levied before the said justices, and to cause to be restored to him anything that may have been received from him for this fine, as the king has pardoned him the fine. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause to be replevied to William Burnell until the first assize when the justices for pleas of the Forest come to those parts, his wood of Pimbelby, within the bounds of the forest of Hakeman, which was taken into the king's hands by the escheator for waste committed therein. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede until fifteen days from Michaelmas the demand upon Eudo la Zusche and Milicent his wife by reason of all the debts exacted from them under the 192 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Memlbrane 10-cont. names of William de Cantilupo and George de Cantilupo, Milicent's ancestors, so that they shall not be aggrieved in the meantime for any terms not observed, as they claim to have terms for certain of the debts and quittances for certain others. To the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the sheriff of Buckingham to have in the trench (trenchea) that the bailiff is making in the park of Wodestok timber to make shingles (scindulas) for the works of the king's houses of the manor of Brehull, as often as necessary and as the sheriff shall enjoin upon him. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Andrew de Saukevill, son and heir of Jordan de Saukevill, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, and Ermintrude (Ermedruda), a damsel of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, whom Andrew has married by the king's precept, the custody of Andrew's lands until he come of age, on condition that the issues thereof shall be converted to the profit of Andrew and Ermintrude during the custody aforesaid, saving to the king the corn, hay and other things pertaining to the king now in the lands, whereof the escheator shall make profit for the king as he shall see most fit, as the king has granted this custody to Andrew because he wishes to shew him special favour. June 21. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to allow Westminster. to Master Thomas de Thedd[Cheddworth.], keeper of the archbishopric of Dublin, reasonable expenses in coming into England for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs there and returning thence, unless he have had allowance by another writ. To the same. Order to allow to the said Thomas in his account at the said exchequer 40 marks yearly for the time that he had the custody of the archbishopric aforesaid, as the king's subjects supplying his place in England committed to Thomas, then chancellor of the exchequer of Dublin, the custody of the archbishopric, then void and in the king's hands, and granted to him 40 marks yearly from the issues thereof for his expenses in the custody, to wit from Midsummer, 1271, until Midsummer following, and so afterwards 40 marks yearly for so long as he should have the custody. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Notification that the king has granted to Queen Eleanor, his consort, all the debts, goods and chattels of Cok Ragin, a Jew of London, except the tallage last assessed upon him and except other debts in which he is bound to the king, which goods and chattels pertain to the king as forfeit according to the law and custom of his Jewry, because the said Jew is excommunicated and would not a long time ago permit himself to be justiced, and will not now permit himself to be justiced: the king therefore orders the justices, if they find that it is so, to search the rolls of the last tallage and of other things, and to cause whatever they shall find to be in arrear to the king to be levied for his use out of the better and clearer debts of the said Jew in the chest of the chirographers, and to cause the remainder of the Jew's goods, debts and chattels to be delivered to the queen. June 21. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Wyndesor[e] castle. Order to Westminster. cause Master Robert de Beverle, keeper of the works of the Tower of London, to have 30 oaks in Wyndesor[e] park in order to burn lime for the works aforesaid. June 22. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Notification that Westminster. the king has acquitted the executors of the will of John de Burgo of all 3 EDWARD I. 193 1275. M2embrane 10-cont. pains and usuries that were exacted from them by summons of the exchequer of the king's Jewry, by reason of the debts in which John was bound to Manasser (Ilanserus) son of Aaron and to Haginus de Linc[olnia], Jews, to wit from St. Peter ad Vincula, in the first year of the reign, for two years following. The king therefore orders the justices to cause the executors to be acquitted accordingly, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the same. Order to cause 500 marks that Manasser (Manasserus) son of Aaron and Haginus de Linc[olnia], Jews of London, received from the aforesaid John in part payment of the debts due to them from him, as appears to the king by the acknowledgment of receipt that the said Jews made before him, to be allowed to the executors of John's will in their account before the justices of the debts in which John was indebted in the king's Jewry, as ought to be done according to the law and custom of the king's Jewry. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Matilda, late the wife of Robert Waleraund, tenant in chief, to have seisin of a knight's fee in Cuberleye, 1 knights' fees in Berghton, and the advowsons of the churches of Siston, Frompton, and Podynton, which the king has assigned to her in dower for a third of Robert's knights' fees and advowsons. To the bailiff of Kermerdyn. Order to cause Humphrey de Bohun, son and heir of Eleanor, wife of Humphrey de Bohun, co-heiress of William de Brehuse, to have seisin of the island of Stokholm, as the castle and manor of Haverford and all its appurtenances fell to the purparty of Humphrey and Eleanor, his wife, of the inheritance of the earl Marshal as of the value of 771. 13s. 41d. yearly of land, as appears to the king by inspection of the rolls of the exchequer concerning the purparty of the inheritance of the earl Marshal, and the island aforesaid is of the appurtenances of the castle and manor of Haverford and fell within the extent of 771. 13s. 41d. aforesaid, as the king learns for certain. June 21. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Notification Westminster. that the king has pardoned Simon Unred, citizen of Dublin, the remaining 60 marks of the 100 marks in which he bound himself to the king by reason of a dispute between him and William de Bristoll[ia], his fellow-citizen, of which he has paid 40 marks to the said exchequer, and order to cause him to be acquitted of the said 60 marks, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the same. It is shown to the king on behalf of the citizens of Dublin that Maurice son of Maurice received from them as a loan, when he was justiciary of Ireland, 861. 19s. Od. for the maintenance of the king's war against his enemies and rebels of those parts, for which sum the citizens have not yet obtained any allowance or acquittance: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to audit Maurice's account for the time when he was justiciary of Ireland, and to cause to be done for the said citizens what ought to be done in this behalf, so that it may not behove the king to be further solicited. To the same. It is shown to the king on behalf of the said citizens that James de Aldithel[eye], when he was justiciary of Ireland, received from them as a loan 1891. 2s. 6d. for the maintenance of the king's war against his enemies and rebels of those parts, for which sum the citizens have received no allowance or acquittance: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to audit the account of James's heirs and executors of the time u 96998. N 194 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 10-cont. when he was justiciary of Ireland, and if they find that he converted the said sum to his own uses, they are to cause to be provided for the citizens from the heirs and executors what ought of right to be done, and to certify the king thereof, in order that he may cause it to be duly executed. If they find that the money was faithfully expended in the maintenance of the war, and not merely (tantunm) in any other profit or utility of James and his [men], they are to cause due allowance to be made at that exchequer to the citizens and to the heirs and executors. The king has ordered the justice of Chester and the sheriff of Stafford to distrain James's heirs and executors to pass over to Ireland before the octaves of Michaelmas, so that they shall be at Dublin within the third week of that festival to render their account aforesaid before the treasurer and barons. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause the attorney of Nuto and Burgens[is] his brother, merchants of Florence, to have 20 marks for wines delivered by them to James de Aldithel[eye], late justiciary of Ireland, for the king's affairs in those parts, in accordance with the king's writ of liberate remaining with the treasurer and barons at the said exchequer. If by chance this payment cannot be made at present, they are ordered to send to the king under the seal of that exchequer the said writ or the king's transcript [thereof]. June 20. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Whereas Gilbert de Cur', burgess Westminster. of Ghent, lately demanded at the exchequer from the citizens of London 730 marks in which they were bound to him by their letters patent in his possession for the late king, which sum the late king caused to be arrested by reason of a dispute between him and the countess of Flanders, and which the citizens lately delivered to the treasurer and chamberlains to be kept in deposit until the king should otherwise order: the king, willing that the aforesaid money, together with other goods and wares of the merchants of Flanders arrested within this realm, shall be delivered to the merchants of England according to the order and will of the late king and the ordinance made between the present king and the countess at Mustreoyl, in part recompense for the damages sustained by them in Flanders by the arrest and detention of their goods by the courtess and her men, orders the treasurer and chamberlains to deliver the aforesaid sum to Thomas de Basing', citizen of London, and to Elinandus de Acra, clerk, for the use of the said merchants of the realm, to be distributed amongst the merchants as the king has enjoined upon Thomas and Elinandus. June 23. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to respite Westminster. until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the demand upon Simon de Creye for all debts touching the king's Jewry or to be paid to the king's Jews. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the said Simon to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas for all debts due to the exchequer for the tim'e when he had the custody of Rochester castle by the king's commission. MJEMBRANE 9. June 23. To the constable of Dover castle. Order to cause Peter le Pastur, Simon Westminster. de Erchelowe, William his son, Charles Champeneys, Elias de Dale, William Noreis, Hugh Pertrich, Adam Purs, John de Wynterlond, Hugh de Sancto Gregorio, Robert le Cuver, John le Packer, and John his son of Sandwich, imprisoned by the constable in that castle for certain trespasses wherewith they are charged, to be delivered from that prison upon their finding 3 EDWARD I. 195 1 275. 3embrane 9-cont. mainpernors, to wit two men each of the said town, to have them before the constable in the court of Shipeweye to stand to right there concerning the said trespasses, according to the law and custom of the Cinqne Ports. To J. (le Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of Philip de Derley, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent, or to him who supplies his place in Holdernesse. Order to supersede for three years distraining the abbot of Albemarle for his fealty for his lands, as the king has granted the abbot respite until then. Roger the shoemaker (sutor) of Little Harwedon, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of William Page, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. Thomas le Clerc of Helmeden, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Hugh son of Robert de Cotesford, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. Matthew le Mouner of Daylinton, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Thomas de Blakolvesle, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. Gilbert Pyngel and Eldreda his wife, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Robert de Suterton, wherewith he is charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. June 29. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to pay Westminster. to Bonesius Bonanci, merchanit of Flanders, 25/. or to allow this sum to him in the debts due from him to that exchequer, as he lately paid this sum by the king's order at Paris to Patrick (Parico) de Cadurcis as imprest, in part payment of the yearly fee that Patrick receives from the king for his maintenance in the king's service. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to restore to Thomas Purcel, clerk, lately arrested and imprisoned in Lincoln castle for certain trespasses charged upon him, his lands, which were taken into the late king's hands for this reason, as he has purged his innocence before R. bishop of Lincoln, to whom he was delivered according to the ecclesiastical liberty, as appears by the bishop's letters patent sent to the king. Robert le Sergant, Ralph Pope -of Hillington, William Trunch, and Robert his brother, Adam Spiring, John Spiring, Reginald Kawage and Roger his brother, William Tappe, Robert Spray, Robert Pavely, Geoffrey Folk, Tokus son of Mable, Tokus Dolxing and Adam his son, imprisoned at Norwicl for the death of William Kabbe, wherewith they are charged, have a writ to the sheriff of N]orfolk to bail them. June 30. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Westminster. Middelton. Order to save William de Apeltrefeud harmless if he have made default at any term of payment contrary to the form of the indentures (cirographorumn) made between him and certain Jews, as the king is bound to acquit him of 1,000 marks in his Jewry, if he be indebted in so much to Jews, in addition to the pains and usuries of the debt, which pains and usuries the king has pardoned him. July 2. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de WTestminster. Middelton. Order to allow to Benedict (Benetto) son of Jacob de Linc[olnia], a Jew, in the tallage last assessed upon him the 85 marks in N 2 196 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 9-cont. which William de Apeldreffeld is bound to him by his charter, as William has acknowledged before the king, and of which the king is bound to acquit William according to agreement, and to restore to the Jew his debts, goods and chattels taken into the king's hands by reason of the said tallage after making the aforesaid allowance, if the Jew shall satisfy the king in full for the tallage. June 20. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Westminster. M iddelton. Jorninus son of Abraham, a Jew, has shown the king that whereas he sold eight years ago and more to Roger Kokerel a debt of 10 marks under the names of William de Kineston and of Jorninus, the collectors of the tallage last assessed upon the Jews of England, believing that the debt was in the hands of Jorninus at that time, tallaged him at four marks by reason of it: the king therefore orders the justices and William to inspect the rolls of the Jewry, and if they ascertain that it is as stated, to discharge Jorninus of the aforesaid four marks in the tallage. If outlawry have been promulgated upon the Jew for this reason and for no other, the king wholly pardons it to him. June 20. To Guncelinus de Badelemere, justice of Chester. Order to buy 20 Westminster. tuns of wine, and to cause them to be placed in Chester castle, and to cause provision to be made of 20 other tuns, which he shall cause to be deposited and kept safely in the town of Chester, so that the king, who is coming to Chester about the feast of Assumption, may have the latter 20 tuns if he need them. He is also ordered to provide 100 oxen and sheep, 60 swine, 200 sheep, 40 or 50 quarters of old corn and 10 or more [quarters] of new corn, and 100 quarters of oats, and to have all these things ready by the king's arrival. June 20. To the same. The king sends to him enclosed in the presents transcript a Westminster. of his letters directed to Llewelyn (Leulino) son of Griffin, prince of Wales, and orders him to cause to be made known the letters by two discreet abbots, who shall deliver them to Llewelyn on the king's behalf, and to signify to the king Llewelyn's answer, and to cause the abbots to intend to the premises in all ways, and he is not to omit this in any manner as the king specially trusts in him. He is also ordered to cause Chester castle to be cleaned against the king's arrival there, and to cause the king's houses there to be repaired where necessary. To Philip de Wyleby, escheator beyond Trent. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert de Warthewik, subescheator in co. Cornwall (sic), ejected Robert de Brus and Christiana his wife from certain lands in Garnelesby and Glassanby, delivering five parts thereof to Robert de Hampton, Walter de Twynham, Walter de Corry, Patrick de Suthayk, Patrick Trump, and Matilda, late the wife of Roland de Carrig, the five parceners of the inheritance of Helewysa, late the wife of Eustace de Balliolo, amongst other lands falling to them by right of inheritance, and that Robert and Christiana arramed an assize of novel disseisin against the sub-escheator, Robert, Walter, Walter, Patrick, Patrick and Matilda before Guiscard de Charr[un] and VW. de Northburg, whereby the said parceeners, after the assize had been taken, rendered and quit-claimed the five parts to Robert and Christiana as the right and inheritance of Christiana, and that the aforesaid escheator still detains the sixth part of the said lands from Robert and Christiana by the said disseisin by reason of Richard son of Richard de Kyrkewryde (sic), the sixth heir of the aforesaid inheritance, a minor in the king's wardship: the king, reflecting that he cannot detain the sixth part in his hand by reason of the disseisin aforesaid without injury to Robert and Christiana, orders the 3 EDWARD I. 197 1275. Membrane 9-cont. escheator to restore it to them, with all things received from it since it war, taken into the king's hands, saving to the heir aforesaid when he come of age his right if he wish to speak concerning it. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Roger le Bigot, earl of Norfolk, nephew and heir of Roger le Bigot, sometime earl of Norfolk, to be acquitted of 3111. 10s. Od. exacted from him for an aid for the late king's passage into Gascony in the 26th year of his reign, as it is found that the deceased earl was with the late king in Gascony in that year, and that he had his service in the said king's war there, wherefore he ought to be acquitted of the said sum. Richard de Dodemoneston and Philip de Dodemoneston, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of John Albert and Alice his wife, vherewith he is charged, have letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail them. Richard de Bulecote, vicar of the church of Bingham, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Grctre [or Grecia?] de Bulecote, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Notingham to bail him. June 24. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Westminster. Middelton. Order to allow to Cok son of Haginus, a Jew, in the debts that he owes to the king at the exchequer of the king's Jewry, the 85 marks in which William de Apeltrefeld was indebted to Cok by his charter, as William has acknowledged before the king, and to restore to Cok his chattels taken into the king's hands. July 6. To the same. Order to allow to Master Elias, a Jew of London, Westminster. 601. lOs. 4d. in the tallage last assessed upon him or in the debts that he owes to the exchequer of the king's Jewry, if it appear to them by the letters patent that Master Elias has from Arnald Garsye, attorney of Peter de Burdeg[ala], that Elias paid the above sum for the king for wines taken from Arnald for the expenses of the king's household, unless Elias has previously had allowance, and to receive the said letters patent from him after the allowance, and to restore them to the king. Simon atte Shamel, imprisoned at Relegh for the death of Thomas de - Wodeham, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. Membrane 9d-Schedules. June 19. To G. the pope. He lately ordered the king by his letters to cause to be Westminster. assigned in full to Master R. de Nogeriis, the pope's chaplain, the yearly census in which the pope asserts that the king is bound to the Roman church by reason of his realm of England, for the last eight years, and the king lately received other letters of the pope's containing that whereas the king caused the answer to the petition for payment of the said census, which the said chaplain had expounded to him, to be reserved for deliberation of the council of proceres of the realm in parliament, which is usually celebrated in England about the octaves of the Resurrection, because at the time of the receipt of the said letters the king had newly undertaken the government of his realm, the king would now cause full satisfaction to be made to the said chaplain for the census without further delay. The king confesses that he called together the prelates and proceres of his realm in the octaves pf the Resurrection last. and that he there ordained many things concerning the amelioration of tl!, state of the English church and the reform of the realm, and for the increase cl' the profit of the people, but before he was able to conclude ihe s lid p rliament by reason of the 198 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 9-Schedules-cont. multitude of matters needing reformation, the said chaplain meanwhile beseeching that due answer should be made to him, the king was seized with a serious bodily illness, which much impeded the completion of many other matters and the deliberation upon the petition aforesaid, for which the king grieves, and so the parliament was dissolved by reason of the said i lnes;, from which the king begins to recover. For this reason the king was unable to have deliberation with the prelates andproceres concerning the petition, without whose counsel the king-cannot answer the pope in this matter, and he is bound by the oath taken at his coronation to l)reser e uninjured the rights of his realm, and not to do anything touching the crown of the realm without requesting their counsel. The king therefore requests the pope not to be annoyed because he cannot answer at present as the pope desires, and to hold him excused. The king wishes him to know for certain that in the next parliament, which he intends celebrating before Michaelmas, he will, after he have had and communicated counsel with the prelates and proceres, give the pope an answer by their council. [Parl. Writs; Prynne, Records, iii. 158.] June 4. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Amicia de Say Westminster. and John her son have bhown the king that whereas by a recognisance made before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer between them and Haginns son of Moses, a Jew, they agreed, for a fine of 200 marks made with him, which Amicia paid, that the said Jew should acquit Amicia and John against all Jews of all debts in which they were then bound by their charters, and Aunicia and John were then bound by their charter to Benedict son of Cok, a Jew, in 1401., which charter was afterwards delivered to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, for queen-gold (auro) in which the said Jew was indebted to her, and Haginus has hitherto not taken care to acquit Amicia and John of the said sum, whereby the said charter is still detained from them: the king therefore orders the justices, if they ascertain by the aforesaid recognisance that it is so, to cause the charter for 140/. to be delivered to Amicia and John, and to cause them to be acquitted of the sum contained therein, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. It is provided that another charter of Hagin's now in the treasury, which WvIs taken into the king's hands for his tallage, shall be delivered to the queen up to the said sum. By the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. MEMBRANE 8. * Robert Byset, imprisoned at Rochester for the death of Gervase de la Bataille, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. * To G. earl of Flanders and Hainault. Whereas it is contained in the form of peace lately made at Moustroyl between the king, on the one part, and the count and his mother, on the other, that the king shall cause it to be inquired what goods and how much have been arrested by the late king and by him, or at his order, by reason of the dispute between the king and the count, of the goods of Flemings in the realm or at sea, and also what goods and how much of the king's merchants of England, Irelaud, and the Marches of England were arrested and detained in Flanders by the said countess or her men, and that the king shall certify the count by his letters of what he should find, and also the king granted that the total of the goods of Flemings found in England shall fall to the merchants of Flanders (sic) * The date intended by the ut supra oF the roll is, no doubt, 5 July of the last enrolment but one on the preceding membrane. 3 EDWARD I. 199 1275. MJembrane 8-cont. in part payment of the English goods arrested in Flanders, so that the count shall acquit the king (vos acquietet et nos) and his men against all merchants of Flanders upon whom and from whom the said goods were arrested, upon condition that if the total of the Flemish goods thus arrested in England shall not suffice to pay in full the sum of the goods of English merchants arrested in Flanders or at sea, the count shall cause the king to be satisfied at the king's order, and for this should find the king security, and if the total of the English goods thus arrested shall not attain to the total of the Flemish goods arrested, the king shall cause it to be paid fully to the count: the king therefore signifies to the count that he found by inquisition before John Bek and Fulk Lovel, deputed by the king to hear these matters, made by four merchants on the side of the Flemings and by four merchants on the side of the merchants of England elected for this purpose, that the goods of merchants of England, Ireland, and the Marches of Wales arrested in Flanders amount to the sum of 10,6271. 10s. 2Ad. sterling, and that the goods of Flemings arrested in England amount to the sum of 5,8711. 13s. 21d. sterling, which being subtracted from the former sum, leaves 4,7551. 17s. Od. for which the count is bound to answer to the king, and [the count is bound to answer] for 730 marks sterling, unless he satisfy Gilbert de Cur', burgess of Ghent, for that suim, which is not reckoned in the preceding sum in which the count is bound for the use of the king's merchants. It is, however, provided that if any merchant of the king's or of the count's merchants can show that a false debt has been exacted, the king is bound to satisfy the count or the count the king, as the case may be. The king therefore orders (sic) the count to send the aforesaid sums of 4,7551. 17s. Od. and of 730 marks, unless he satisfy Gilbert for the latter, to the king at the octaves of St. Mary to satisfy therewith the merchants aforesaid, and to provide that if the count satisfy Gilbert, the bond of the citizens of London that Gilbert has shall be restored to the citizens. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton. Order to allow to Benedict son of Abraham, a Jew of Winchester, in the tallage last assessed upon him the 601. in which William de Appeltrefeud is bound to him by charter, as William has acknowledged before the king, of which sum the king is bound to acquit William according to the agreement between him and William, and after this allowance shall be made, to cause Benedict's debts, goods and chattels, taken into the king's hands by reason of the tallage to be restored to him, if he satisfy the king in faull for the tallage. Vacated, because otherwise below. To the same. Order, if the debt be attermined in which Simon de Anesy was bound to Elias de Donecastr[ia], a Jew, by his charter sent by the justices and William to the exchequer of the Jewry, by the king's order, to retain the part that the Jew has in the debt for the king's use, and to search the rolls in their custody concerning the payment of the tallage last assessed upon the Jew, and to allow to the Jew the said part in the arrears of the tallage aforesaid, and when the allowance have been made, if the tallage have been paid in full, to cause the Jew's body, arrested for this reason, to be delivered, and to cause his chattels, taken into the king's hands for this reason, to be restored to him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to William de Midd[elton]. Order to' cause the 601. in which William de Appeltrefeld is bound to Benedict son of Abraham, a Jew of Winchester, by his charter, as William has acknowledged before the king, of which sum the king is bound to acquit William by the agreement made between them, to be. allowed to Benedict in the 1001. that remain to be rendered of his tallage 200 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 8-cont. of the 5,000 marks assessed upon the community of the Jews of London in the late king's time, and to cause the remaining 401. to be levied of the more clear debts of Benedict for the king's use, and to cause Benedict to be acquitted of the aforesaid 1001., and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, and to supersede entirely the taking of his body for this reason. July 10. To Thomas de Clare, steward of the forest of Essex. Order to cause Kempton. Master Robert de Beverlaco, keeper of the works of the Tower of London, (Kenynton.) to have 100 oaks in the park of Havering and 120 oaks in the park of Hadlee, for the king's works aforesaid. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of Oliver de Popehull, tenant by knight service of Robert Waleraund, whose heir is a minor in the king's wardship, upon her finding security not to marry without the king's licence. To the same. Order to cause William de Gyvelton to have seisin until the quinzaine of Michaelmas of his manor of Chereberwe, which the escheator lately took into the king's hands for divers causes, and to deliver to him any issues received from it. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Jo!ln Wyger, sheriff of Devon, to be acquitted of the 1(0s. in which they lately amerced him because he did not come before them at the exchequer on Monday the morrow of the close of Easter last to make his proffer there, as the king has pardoned him this amercement. July 10. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause to Kempton. be assigned to Agatha de Mortuo Mari, daughter and co-heiress of Sibyl, late the wife of William de Ferr[ariis], sometime earl of Derby, the chief messuage of the manor of Luton, which remains to be divided between the co-heirs of Sibyl of the lands that fell to Sibyl of the inheritance of the earl Marshal, to be assigned beyond the extent of her purparty of the said manor, according to the partition of the inheritance aforesaid, as in the partition of the castles, chief messuages and lands that fell to Sibyl made between her co-heirs a castle or chief messuage was assigned to each of them except Agatha beyond the extent of their purparties. To Philip de Wileby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to restore to Hugh de Eure the manor of Kirkelawe and the park of Mitford, with everything received thence, to be held until the next parliament, which will be in the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, if the escheator took them into the king's hands because Roger Bertram alienated them to Hugh without the king's licence, at which quinzaine the escheator shall inform the king, so that the king may cause to be done by his council in this matter what ought of right to be done. To the same. Order to restore to John do Cotun the 100s. of rent that he receives of the grant of Alexander de Balliolo from Alexander's mill in Bywell, which rent the escheator has taken into the king's hands by reason of its alienation, to be held until the next parliament [etc. as in preceding enrolment]. To Philip de Wilegby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Geoffrey de Tylloll the custody [of the manor of Gargou], as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert de Ros of Werk at his death held nothing of the king in chief in the escheator's bailiwick, but that he held the manor of Gargou of Sapiencia, late the wife of William de 3 EDWARD I. 201 1275. Membrane 8-cont. Kariiolo, the younger, and that Robert's reeve of Gargou paid yearly 32d. for cornage to the king's exchequer at Carlisle for Sapiencia, and that he did no other service to the king, and that Sapiencia bequeathed the said (sic) custody during the minority of Robert's heir to Geoffrey in her last will. July 10. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Kempton. Middelton. Whereas Amicia, late the wife of William de Say, lately made fine with Haginus, a Jew of London, for John her son by a certain sum for which the Jew has been satisfied, as the treasurer and barons of the exchequer have informed the king, on condition that the Jew should acquit John of all debts in which he is bound to the king's Jews by charters, wherefore the king lately ordered the justices and William to cause to be delivered to John a charter of 1401. under the names of John and Benedict (Benetti) son of Cok, a Jew, which was taken into the king's hands for the tallage last, assessed upon Benedict, and Haginus has not satisfied Benedict in anything of the said 1401., as the king learns from Benedict's complaint: the king therefore orders the justices and William, if they ascertain that it is so, to allow the said 1401. to Benedict in the tallage last assessed upon him, provided that they cause this sum to be levied for the king's use from the goods and chattels of Haginus. To the same. Order to cause Moses son of Jacob, a Jew, to have alleviation in his tallage if a debt of 20 marks in which \Valter de Ruddestan. was bound to him has been attermined, as the king caused all the said Jew's debts to be taken into his hands for the tallage due to him, and afterwards caused the said debt to be attermined. Richard Cumpynne and Agnes his wife, imprisoned at Eye for the death of an unknown man, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff Suffolk to bail them. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause Hugh de Benethale, imprisoned for trespasses committed by him in co. Salop, to be conducted to Bragg', there to be delivered to the keeper of the gaol of that town. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be delivered Sampson son of Master Miles de Staunford, Samuel son of Maneser de Lincoln, Vives son of Garsyas, Abraham son of Dyeya of Holm, Elias son of Ursel de Lin[colnia], and Abraham son of Samuel, imprisoned at the Tower of London for their tallage, and to permit them to have peace as to their bodies until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, and to cause the tallage assessed upon them to be levied in the meantime from their mere clear debts, so that unless they pay their tallage in full at the said quinzaine, they shall revert to prison, there to await the king's grace. To Stephen de Penecestr[ia], constable of Dover castle. Order to cause the master and brethren of the king's hospital of God's House, Dover, to have seisin of a plot of land in Dover adjoining their house, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the plot, which adjoins the said house, in which the poor and infirm are admitted, which plot the master and brethren have besought the- king to grant to them in order to construct a column for the widening of the said house, is held of the king and of no other, and that the king receives nothing from it yearly, and was not wont to receive anything from it, and that he might grant it to the master and brethren for this purpose without any nuisance or damage to him and without injury to any one else, and that his street there is wide enough, and would still remain sufficient for going, riding, driving (fugandi) 202 CALENDAR OFl CLOSE RIOLLS. 1275. Membrane 8-cent. with carts, and carrying with waggons (harris), and the king has granted the plot to the master and brethren in order to construct the column, to have to them and their house for this purpose for ever. B-aldettus de Fylers, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of William de --- Normanton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. July 15. To Bartholomew le Jevene, constable of Bristol castle. Order to pay Windsor. to Hugh de Malvern[ia], keeper of the forest of Kyngeswode, 71d. daily for the maintenance of himself and of three foot serjeants, for so long as he shall have that custody. MIEMBRANE 7. Robert le Clerc of Sadinton, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Gilbert in le Birne of Kirnington, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. July 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. If they ascertain by Windsor. record of the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and by inspec. tion of the rolls of the king's Jewry that Andrew le Cramare satisfied Cok Hagini, a Jew of London, for 10 marks at the term agreed upon, for a debt of that amount in which Andrew was bound to the said Jew by a star, they are ordered to deliver to Andrew a charter made under the names of Andrew and Cok for this debt, which charter was taken into the king's hands and is in the treasury for the tallage last assessed upon the said Jew. July 16. t'o Anthony du Bek, constable of the Tower of London, or to him who Windsor. supplies his place. It is shown to the king on behalf of John Pynchepol, Richard son of William, Stephen le Teler, and Robert Noteman that whereas Thomas de Sandwyco, sheriff of Essex, - because John de Lassaundr[e], the king's bailiff at Mangeden, wished to attach a felon within the liberty of Robert son of Roger, where hue and cry was raised by the said felon and by other men, so that the bailiffs of the liberty took and imprisoned the king's bailiff and the felon - charged the said John, Richard, Stephen, and Robert, who came to the said hue and cry in order to keep the king's peace, with taking and imprisoning the said king's bailiff, and the said Thomas afterwards caused them to be taken and imprisoned, and extorted grievous ransoms from them, whereupon the king appointed John de Cobeham and Elias de Bekingham his justices to enquire as to the truth of the premises by the oath of men of the vicinity of Manggeden at a day and place to be provided before Midsummer last, and the said justices ordered the sheriff to cause men to come before them for this purpose, and the sheriff at that date caused men from a distance and not of the vicinity who were ignorant of the truth and certainty of the deed aforesaid to come before the justices, and the justices, when it was found that John, Richard, Stephen, and Robert were being treated maliciously, would not proceed to take the inquisition by such recognizers and would not commit John, Richard, Stephen, and Robert to the will or custody of the sheriff, but committed them to the constable to be kept in the Tower until the king should otherwise order: the king, compassionating their grievances, orders tile constable to deliver each of them in bail to twelve mainpernors, who shall nlainpern to have them before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas or at another time at the king's order to stand to right if he or the said Thomas wish to speak against them in this matter. 3 EDWARD I. 203 1275. lMembrane 7-cont. Nicholas le Taillur of Maydenestan, imprisoned at Maydenestan for the death of a woman unknown, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has given respite until Easter next to Hugh de Corteney for 100L exacted from him by summons of the exchequer for his relief, and order to cause him to have such respite. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order not to permit strange merchants to stay in the city after the fortieth day after their entry into the city with their wines and other wares to trade there, without the king's special licence, but they shall sell their wines and wares within the said forty days, and to cause this to be proclaimed and observed in the city. -..- To the same. Order to permit all magnates, approved men, and native -..-. merchants, although they may not be of the city, to buy wines and other wares from native and alien merchants without impediment, paying the customs thereupon due and heretofore used in the realm. July 18. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause Robert Lestrange Windsor. (Extraneo) to have such seisin of the manor of Chauton as he had before it was taken into the king's hands upon the death of Hamo his brother, saving the right of the king and of any other. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit William de Leyburn, son and heir of Roger de Leyburn, to hold until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the lands that Roger held in Reinham, Uppechirche, La Gare, and Hertlep, co. Kent, by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee, as the late king granted to Roger that he should hold all the lands that he held in 'gavelikinde' in the said towns of the said king's fee to him and his heirs by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee for all service, suits of counties and hundreds, custom and demand pertaining to the said king, as contained in his charter made to Roger, which the king has inspected, so that at the said quinzaine there may be done before the king and his council what ought of right to be done. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause the bailiffs of the abbot of Peterborough to have until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the return of the king's writ lately directed to the sheriff to deliver in bail John Fauvel and certain others contained in the writ, imprisoned in Peterborough gaol for the death of Wolnoth (Walnoti) de Kempeston, for whom an inquisition was lately made by return of the king's writ de odio et atya directed to the sheriff, and also to cause the bailiffs to have until then the return of all other writs touching the abbot's liberty. To the sheriffl of Somerset. Order to release the distraint made by summons of the exchequer upon Hugh Poynz by reason of his relief, as the king has granted him respite for his relief until the quinzaine of Michaelmas. To Geoffrey de Pichford, constable of Windes[ore] castle. Order to cause William Dyleswyk, imprisoned at Windes[ore] for divers trespasses, to be brought to Neugath, there to be delivered to the keeper of that gaol. To John Bek. Order to cause Ermentrude (Ermedruda), wife of Thomas de Maresey, and her children to have sufficient maintenance from Thomas's goods and chattels in John's custody, until the king shall cause other ordinance to be made concerning their estate, so that it may not be necessary for her or her children to come again to the king through John's default, the king having committed to John the custody of Thomas, who 2') CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Mlembrane 7-cont. is insane, and of his lands, goo s and chattels, ax the king learns from certain trustworthy men that Ermentrade has nothing of the lands, goods or chattels of Thomas whence she may be maintained, as she ought to have. July 24. To the sheriffs of L-ndoon. Order t) cause Roger de Greschirche to Thame. have 101. for two tuns of Rhine wine (vini de Remes') bought from him for the king's use on Wednesday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, il the third year of the reign, at London by Gregory de Rockesle and Matthew de Columbar[iis], the king's butler. Testified by Hugh spn of Otto, steward of the king's household. July 25 William de Horburn, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Christiana, Brill. daughter of Robert de Coleshull, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. John le Fraunceis; imprisoned at 1-unti[n]gdon for the death of Robert Arnald, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Huntingdon to bail him. Hugh son of Adam le Parva Stretton, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Matilda, daughter of Thomas, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. Richard son of Philip de Parva Stretton, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for - the said death, has like letters. Roger de Otteley, imprisoned at York for the death of Eva, late his wife, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Margaret de Braythewath, imprisoned at York for the death of Roger de Brathewath, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail her. July 26. ''o Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Brill, replevy to William de Noers and Robert de Totehale their woods within the bounds of Salsey forest, taken into the king's hands by tie justice for waste made in the same parks (sic), until the first assize when the justices for pleas of the Forest shall come to those parts. To P. de Wilegheby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause dower to be assigned to liawisia, late the wife of John Sauvage, tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. He is also ordered not to permit her to be impeded concerning the administration of John's goods and chattels from making execution of his will, unless the escheator ascertain that John at his death was indebted to the king at the exchequer in divers debts. July 28. Nicholas Kockeyn of Lilleburn, imprisoned for the death of a man Brill. unknown, has letters to the sheriff.of Northampton to bail him. William de Grenebergh, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Thomas de Falewesle, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northiampton to bail him. Thomas le Bedel and William do Favelore, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Roger le Knyt, whereof he is; appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. Robert de Orlingbery, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of William Warner, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. 3 EDWARD I. 205 1275. Meembrane 7-cont. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause William Bissop, imprisoned at Winchester by the appeal of John le Coc, the king's approver in Rading' prison, to be brought to Rading', there to be delivered to the king's prison, in order that he may answer to John concerning the appeal aforesaid. Henry son of Henry le Fevre of Morton, John Mayn, Reginald son of Beatrice, Thomas son of Michael, Nicholas son of Beatrice, John le Blund, Simon son of Walter le Messer, and Nicholas son of Michael, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Henry Thurbern, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. July 30. Alexander Osewald, imprisoned at Wysebech for the death of a man Beckley. unknown, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to deliver Walter le Alefondere, imprisoned at Colecestre for the death of Ralph le Lung, slain in the late king's time, in bail to six men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the king or his justices at his order, to be restored to prison and there to await the king's pleasure, if he be charged at the king's suit and not by appeal or at the suit of another. John son of Elmaldus de Rallesby, Thomas Osbern of Somerton, and William le Butteler, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Benedict le Dekne and Cicely his wife, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Anu. 3. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Beckley. Middelton. Order to allow to Jacob de Oxon[in], a Jew, in the tallage assessed upon him, 230 marks contained in a charter under the names of Bartholomew de Redham and Jacob and 50 marks contained in a charter under the names of Bartholomew and Jacob, and 200 marks contained in a charter under the names of Norman de Arcy and Jacob, which charters were taken into the king's hands by the justices and William by reason of the said tallage and were afterwards delivered by the king's order to queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to whom the king granted all the debts in which Bartholomew and Norman were indebted to Jacob by their charters. Aug. 6. Robert de Thenford, clerk, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Oxford. John le Juvene, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. To John son of Nigel and to the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the friars of the order of St. Augustine, Oxford, to have ten oaks for timber of the king's gift out of the oaks in the trenches that the king late caused to be made in Wodestok park. 2Membrane 7.-Schedule. [Endorsed]:-Rents of the House of Converts, London. Northumberland Cornwall each o00s. Cumberland Devon Westmoreland Norfolk - Lancaster Suffolk 1 York Cambridge i each 5 marks. Nottingham Huntingdon each 5 marks Derby Northampton Lincoln* Rutland * Possibly intended to be bracketed with the nest group of counties. .06 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 7.-Schedule-cont. Salop ) Buckingham-4 marks.* Stafford Bedford. Leicester Oxford. Warwick Berks. Worcester m Southampton. T each 5 marks., Hereford Essex ) Gloucester Hertford Somerset Kent 1 Dorset Sussex Wilts Surrey | Middlesex J MEMBRANE 6. Aug. 8. John de Denigton, imprisoned at Walingford for the death of Ralph le Woodstock. Goul, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. Aug. 9. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause Saer Mauveisin, imprisoned Woodstock. at Liministre for harbouring Henry his brother and Cuthbert Cobyn, indicted of larceny in the late king's time, to be delivered in bail to six men of that county, who shall mainpern to have him before the king or his justices at his order to be restored to prison and there to await the king's pleasure, if he be imprisoned at the suit of the king's peace and not by appeal or at the suit of another. Sarah Merveille of Eye, Richard her brother, Adam le Fullur of Jakesl[eye], and Emma Pimel, imprisoned at Ipswich for the death of a man unknown, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. John le Lungespey and Peter his brother, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of a man unknown, wherewith they are charged, have letters to bail them. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to deliver Matillla, wife of Walter Levyng of Burcton, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of John her son and Alice her daughter, in bail to twelve men of her kindred, or others of that county, if they will mainpern to have her before the justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right if anyone wish to speak against her in this behalf, as the king learns by the testimony of Walter de Helyun and Henry de Shotesbrok that she slew her aforesaid children when out of her mind by mischance and not by felony or of malice aforethought. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the executors of the will of John de Lodelewell, sometime the king's bailiff of Wodestok, paid into the wardrobe on Friday the eve of St. Laurence, in the third year of the reign, to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, 501. from the issues of the bailiwick aforesaid of the time of John's office, of which sum they are ordered to cause the executors to be acquitted. John de IHolefeld, William le Drivere, and Robert le Crane, imprisoned at Relee for the death of Robert le Wodeward, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail them. To the keeper of the king's forest of Arundel. Order to cause Stephen de Penecestr[ia] to have four bucks, of the king's gift. ~ Possibly this sum refers also to the next four counties. 3 EDWARD I. 207 1275. Membrane 6-cont. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to have two bucks of the king's gift. Aug. l 1. To Luke de Luk' and his fellows, dwelling in London. Request that Woodstock. they will lend the king 500 marks, to be delivered to the bearer of the presents to be brought to the king, as the king now needs much money for the expenses of his household and he specially confides in them. The king will cause this sum to be rendered to them or to be allowed to them in the money to be received by them for his use. The like to Perochius de Plesencia and William Gaynebyen for 500 marks, which the king will cause to be paid to them at Michaelmas. Aug. 14. Stephen Payn, Henry Tebaud, and Geoffrey de Bulteford, imprisoned Banbury. at Winchester for the death of a man unknown, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail them. Roger de Coupeland, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of a man unknown, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. To J. de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Robert de Scales, son and heir of Robert de Scales, tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as the king has taken his homage and rendered the lands to him. Aug. 16. To John son of Nigel, the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the Kenilworth. friars preachers of Oxford to have four oaks from the oaks felled in the trenches that the king lately caused to be made in Wodestok park, for their fire, of the king's gift, if so many remain beyond the gifts that the king made to other men of religion in those parts. To John de Sancto Dionisio, keeper of the house of the king's Convers,;, London. Whereas John proposes, as the king learns for certain, to apply his hand to the completion of the chapel of the Holy Trinity of the said house, so that the body of the chapel may be extended (linealiter protendatur), the king, approving of his proposal, wills and orders him and the conversi to take the stone of the side aisles (alis collateralibus) adjoining the chapel on both sides at John's will, in order to complete the body of the chapel as shall seem most expedient to John, who is enjoined to so conduct himself in the beginning and carrying out of this work that he may incite (excitetis) the will of God and of men to afford him aid in this behalf fully and promptly. Peter le Keu'of Brideport and Nicholas le Westerne, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of John Bossecher, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. Clement de Esse of Brideporth, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of John Bossecher, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. John Whitlok, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of a man unknown at Horslaperithe, wherewith he is charged, has letters of the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. Aug. 16. To John son of Nigel, the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the Merevale. abbess of Godestowe to have fifteen oaks for timber from the oaks in the trenches that the king lately caused to be made in the park of Wodestok. 208 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Mlembrane 6-cont. Nicholas Nec, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Maurice le Teuthiugman of Wyttle, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. ---- Ralph le Lung and Cicely his wife and Henry Ayward of Coueleston, ---- imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Thomas le Boule, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail them. Richard de Salteby and Nicholas his brother and Walter de Scaldeford, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Isabella, late the wife of Gilbert de Gottham and Cicely, daughter of Robert Drake of Sproxton, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. Aug. 22. Henry de Walton, Henry Attewell, Richard son of Ranulph Swan, Ralph Tideswell. son of Ralph Kyde, Richard son of Roger Swan, Richard Beck, Thomas de Kiniton, John son of Ranulph Swan of Ploumannesheved, Robert Beck, Ranulph son of Richard le Palmere and Simon his brother, Robert Eyrik and John his brother, Henry Cok, Richard son of Richard Pollyng, Roger Mabile, Adam son of William Swan, Adam Astel, William Beck, Ralph de Kinton, Roger Swan, Richard son of Robert Attewell, William ie Fevere, Richard le Noreys, Roger Faukes and Ralph his brother, Richard son of Richard le Clerc, William Polling and Stephen his brother, John Sweyn and John his brother, Ralph Sweting, and William le Keu, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Wolward (Wowardi) atte Barre, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. William Juet, Robert son of Ranulph Swan, Richard son of Roger Swan, Richard son of Ralph Swan, and Ralph Gower, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Wolward (Wodardi) atte Barre of Kibbewrth, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. Herbert de Walnegare, William his son, and William le Taillur, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Hugh de Merle, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. Jollan de Hamby, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Richard Willammanhilling, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. Aug. 24. Thomas Walais of Fenton, imprisoned at York for the death of a woman Macclesfield. unknown, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Richard de Hiciing, imprisoned at York for the death of Ralph le Cornur of Wakefeld, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Aug. 24. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justiciary of the Forest beyond Trent. Order Macclesfield. to cause William de Valenc[ia] to have in the forest of Dene twelve oaks for timber with their strippings (escaetis), of the king's gift. To John de London[ia], escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause 200 quarters of wheat to be bought without delay, and to cause them to be carried to Westminster, there to be delivered to the king's bakers, whom the king will send thither to make bread thereof for his use. Richard Lovekin and Matilda his wife, imprisoned at Brugges for the - death of William son of Henry de Kingeston, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Stafford to bail them. 3 EDWARD I. 209 1275. Membrane 6-cont. Aug. 26. Thomas Gantifer, Hugh le Vavasour, and Richard le Coupere, imMacclesfield. prisoned at Winchester for the death of Stephen le Rey, Thomas son of Stephen, and Ellen, daughter of Stephen le Rey, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail them. John Eyse, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of a man unknown, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. Peter son of John le Burgeys and Richard le Charpenter, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Stephen Derilot, Thomas his son, and Ellen his daughter, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail them. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause the abbot and convent of Fountains to be acquitted of 7001. in which they were bound to Joceus le Juvene, a Jew of York, by their charters, which sum is exacted from them by summons of the exchequer of the king's Jewry, as the abbot and convent have satisfied Antlony Bek for that sum by the hands of Luke de Luk[a], thte king's merchant, for the king. Aug. 26. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to pay Id. daily Macclesfield. to Wimark, the anchoret of Frodesham, together with the arrears thereof for the justice's time, as Ranulph, sometime earl of Chester, granted that sum to Winmark, to be received at the exchequer of Chester for her life, and she received that sum until the cominig of the said justice, and the king long ago accepted the grant, and wills that it shall be continued. MEMBRANE 5. William son of Robert de Wodeton, imprisoned at Hereford for the death of Nicholas de Hoppeleye and Margery, his wife, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail him. Sept. 3. To the sheriff of Salop and the coroners of that county. Whereas Chester. William le Roter of Shrewsbury lately sent John Strocetorteys with a cart to the wood of Middelwode to carry brushwood to Shrewsbury for his use, in which cart there were three horses of his with their harness, which cart and horses were valued at 33s. Id., and John whilst taking the cart laden with such brushwood to Shrewsbury was killed by the breaking of the cart, which by mischance fell upon him, and the cart and horses are exacted from William by the sheriff and coroners for the king's use as deodand: as it is testified before the king by trustworthy men that John was killed by accident and in the manner aforesaid, and not by malice of William, and that William has nothing in goods now whence he and his wife and children may be maintained, the king has granted to him what pertains to the king of the cart and horses aforesaid, and therefore orders the sheriff and coroners to cause William to have the cart and horses. Sept. 7. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Birkenhead. Maurice de Credonio, the king's kinsman, the custody of the lands that belonged to Robert de Monte Alto, tenant in chief, as the king has granted to Maurice the custody of the said lands during pleasure, with all things pertaining thereto except the liberty in the lands and liberties and except the rents and liberties and all other things that belonged to Robert in the town of Lcnn, which the king retains in his hands. The like to Philip de Wyleghby, escheator beyond Trent. The like to the escheator in the parts of Chester. u 96998. 0 210 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. JMembrane 5-cont. Sept. 3. Ralph le Mouner of Fereby, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Chester. Everard le Mouner of Fereby, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. Sept. 10. To Bogo de Knovill, keeper of the manor of Ellesmere. Order to cause Birkenhead. Roger de Clifford, the elder, to have 40 live female bream (bremas matrices) in the lake of Ellesmere, of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause 100 female bream to be taken in the aforesaid lake, and to cause them to be carried to Stratton and there placed in the king's fishpond. To Roger Lestrange (Extraneo), bailiff of the Peak (de Pecco). Order to cause all the venison in the king's larder at Tydeswelle to be taken and carried to Westminster, to be delivered to the keeper of the king's larder there. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, the custody of the abbey of Berkingg', void and in the king's hands, as the king has granted it to her during the voidance. Sept. 11. To. G. de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to permit Roger Chester. Lestrange (Extraneo) to take two stags in the forest of Wirhal for the king's use, which the king has ordered him to take, and to receive the stags from Roger, and to cause them to be salted and brought with other venison of the king's to the king at Westminster, so that they shall be there in the octaves of Michaelmas next. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to assist the aforesaid Roger, whom the king is sending to that county to take venison for the king's use, in this behalf, and to permit him to take ten harts in the king's brother's chace of Leverpol, and to receive the harts from him, and to cause them to be salted and brought to the king at Westminster, so that they shall be there in the octaves of Michaelmas next. Sept. 12. To the bailiff of Certeleye. Order to permit Henry de Kandovere, the Tarvin. king's huntsman, whom the king is sending to take ten bucks for his use in the forest of Certeleye, to take the said bucks, and to aid and counsel him in this behalf. To R. Lestrange, keeper of the castle of the Peak. Order to permit Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have a deer-leap (saltatorium) in the valley of Eydale, until otherwise ordered. Sept. 12. To Guncelin de Badelesmer, justice of Chester. Order to cause the Acton. abbot of St. Werburgh's, Chester, to have four harts in the king's forest of La Mare for the four harts that are in arrear to him of the tithe of the venison lately taken by the king in co. Chester. - --- Roger son of Geoffrey de Chalinton, Simon his brother, and Alice Atte -- Croyz, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Richard le Porter, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail them. Robert son of Henry de Meldeburn and John de Twineys, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of Laurence, wherewith they are is charged, have letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail them. Sept. 15. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Notification that the Heywood. executors of the will of Robert de Monte Alto have granted in the king's presence to Nutus, citizen of London, corn that belonged to Robert in the manor of Framesdene to the value of 100 marks, for the 100 marks in which Robert at his death was bound to Nutus, and order to permit Nutus or his attorneys to receive the corn accordingly, provided that the executors satisfy the king out of the goods touching the testament for the debts in which 3 EDWARD I. 211 1275. Membrane 5-cont. Robert at his death was bound to him and that they answer to the king for the remainder of the corn. Sept. 16. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause Vincent de Stanle to have Lichfield. seisin of land 40 feet in length by 30 feet in breadth in the suburbs of Warwick, which John de Honescescote, who was hanged for felony, held, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the land has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that John held it of Vincent. To the sheriff of Worcester. Whereas the king lately ordered him by summons of the exchequer to cause the fines and amercemenlts of the eyre of his justices last in eyre in that county to be levied without delay, so that the sheriff should have them at the exchequer in the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, and the king now learns from the information of certain of his subjects sent to him on behalf of the community of that county that the community would be aggrieved beyond measure if the fines and amercements were levied forthwith and delivered to the exchequer: the king, wishing to show grace to the community, has granted that the community shall render to him a moiety of the fines and amercements at the said quinzaine, and the other moiety at the quinzaine of Easter next, except the fine of 100 marks that G. late bishop of Worcester made with the king for certain trespasses that he was said to have committed in that eyre, which fine the sheriff shall cause to be levied without delay: the king therefore orders the sheriff to cause the community to have the terms aforesaid. Sept. 18. To J. de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower Aylestone. to be assigned to Emma, late the wife of Peter Bastard, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. John son of Ranulph Swan of Wistanneshevd, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Wodardus atte Barre, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause the prior and convent of St. Thomas, Stafford, to have in the king's wood of Tedeslegh, within the forest of Kanek, ten oaks fit for timber with their strippings (escaetis), in order to make the roof of their church. William Basteneys, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Ralph le Levre, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. Sept. 19. Adam son of Thomas de Clareburg, imprisoned at Notingham for theLaunde. death of Alice, late the wife of Thomas de Barevill, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Sept. 22. To Roger de Cliff[ord]. Order to cause the prior of La Laund to have Atherstone. in the forest of Rotelaund four oaks for his fuel, for the charcoal (carbone) (Atheston.) and brushwood taken in his priory for the king's use when the king was last there. Sept. 24. Nicholas Sweyn, Nicholas his son, Richard and John brothers of Liddington. Nicholas, imprisoned at Brigg for the death of Richard son of Alice atte Lanende of Bisshebir[y], wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Stafford to bail them. To Roger de Cliff [ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause the friars Preachers of Staunford to have four leafless oaks in the forest of Rokingham for their fuel, of the king's gift. Sept. 29. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewod. Order to Geddinton. permit William son of Warin, the king's yeoman, to take 20 bucks in that forest, as ordered by the king, and to aid and counsel him in this behalf. 0 2 212 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 5-cont. To S. bishop of Waterford, treasurer of Ireland. Whereas the king is sending Henry le Hert, his yeoman, to Ireland to purchase brachets for stag-hunting (brachettis cervericiis) for the king's use, for which the king lately sent his letters to divers of his subjects of those parts, the king orders the treasurer to cause Henry to have his reasonable expenses from the time of his arrival in Ireland until he shall purchase the brachets, and then to cause him and two grooms and the brachets to have their reasonable expenses until Henry return to the king in England with them. When the king learns how much the treasurer shall have paid by virtue of this order, he will cause his writ of liberate to be made to the treasurer for that sum. Oct. 1. Henry de Drayton, William Lefchild, William son of Ralph de Stanerne, Irthlingborough.Gilbert le Keu of Suthburg, Roger le Palefrour, Absalom Russell, Bartho(Ertelingburg.) lomew Wrangelegh, Thomas de Kirkeby, Robert Fraunceis of Welledon, William Pingel of Stanern, Hugh le Mouner, Fulk Py of Stanern, John de Holt, Ivo son of Reginald, and Ralph de Thyngewyk, imprisoned at Rokingham for trespasses in the forest of Rokingham, have letters to Peter de Middelton, keeper of the forest between the bridges of Oxford and Staunford to bail them. Oct. 4. Robert le Clerc of Bokenhale, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of Leighton. Roger le Clerc of Byrchehull, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Stafford to bail him. Philip le Hert of Brenkewrth, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Hugh Mappyng, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. Oct. 4. To John de London[ia], escheator this side Trent. Order to permit Leighton. Maurice de Credonio, to whom the king committed the custody of all the lands that belonged to Robert de Monte Alto, tenant in chief, during pleasure, excepting the liberty of Lenn[e] and other liberties that Robert had in his lands, tohave all the liberties aforesaid, excepting the liberty of Lenn[e] and the liberty called Thwertnik' that Robert had in his lands in co. Chester, delivering to him all the castles and the rents of Michaelmas term and other appurtenances. Jul[iana] Peranel and Isabella her daughter, imprisoned at Thame for the death of Robert Short, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail them. MEMBRANE 4. Oct. 7. William 'Hereward of Lamburn, Robert Balle, and Walter de Hadele, Windsor. imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Ralph Balle of Lamburn, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Berks to bail them. Oct. 10. To the keeper of Odyham park. Order to cause William le Tilere to have Windsor. a certain oak blown down by wind in that park called ' Seint Edwardesok,' of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause John de Sancto Andrea, the chaplain celebrating divine service in the chapel of Winchester castle, who takes 50s. yearly for his stipends, to have the arrears of his stipends for the time that he has been in the king's service there after the late king's death until Michaelmas last. 3 EDWARD I. 213 1275. Membrane 4-cont. Oct. 12. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Windsor. deliver John de Newenham, imprisoned at St. Briavels for trespass of venison, in bail to twelve men of that bailiwick, who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts to stand to right in this matter, and who shall mainpern that he shall not hereafter incur forfeiture in the king's forest. William de Herdeslawe, imprisoned at York for the death of Alice, daughter of Adam de Shipker, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Oct. 10. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Windsor. Middelton, appointed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. If Sampson son of Solomon, a Jew of Staundon, have a clear debt of 201. in the treasury of the king's Jewry under the names of John de Asshton, knight, and the said Jew, they are ordered to cause this debt to be retained in the king's hands, and to cause it to be levied as quickly as possible in the king's name, and to cause the said Jew to be acquitted of 25 marks in which he is indebted to the king for the tallage last assessed upon him. and to cause himn to be delivered, and to cause him to have peace as to his body, if he be detained for this cause only. John de Sancto Thoma, Wronocus de Tranegouc, Ivorus Dewyas, John de Treys Chasteus, and Meuric de Culkadan, imprisoned at Hereford for the death of Llewelyn Coys, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail them. Oct. 14. Nicholas Parys, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of a man unknown, Westminster. whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. Henry de Meryet, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Robert de la Doule, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. John de Hanton[a], imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Roger Wytherward, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. Oct. 17. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior and convent Westminster. of Bec Hellouin to be acquitted of 300 marks in which they made fine with the late king for the custody of their house when it should happen to be void by the cession or death of John, the abbot, as they paid this sum into the late king's wardrobe to Peter de Wyntonia, keeper of the wardrobe, on Saturday the morrow of SS. Simon and Jude, in the 57th year of the said king's reign. Roger de Forde and Thomas le Pleyere, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Ralph Balle of Lamburn, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Berks to bail them. Herbert de la More and Christiana his wife, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Stephen le Rey, Thomas Stephen's son, and Ellen Stephen's daughter, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail them. Oct. 18. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause Richard Beneit to have in the forest of Waweberg two good oaks for timber, of the king's gift. Henry son of Patrick de Sedbergh, Nicholas de Mourethwaite, Emma ---- his wife, Roger del Hull of Burton, Adam de Kendal, Roger Waldebare, 214 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 4-cont. and Ada, wife of Thomas le Folour, imprisoned at York for the death of Roger Ferraunt, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. Oct. 22. To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to permit the friars preachers of Westminster. Cambridge to have all the corn of John de Moyne in his manors. as it is testified before the king that John before his death granted all his corn to them. To Philip de Wylegby, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Hawisia, late the wife of John le Sauvage, the manor of Steynesby, to hold during the king's pleasure, with everything received thence since the escheator took it into the king's hands by reason of John's death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John held the manor of the king by socage, rendering therefor to the exchequer yearly a sorecoloured sparrow-hawk, and that he held nothing elsewhere of the king or of others, and Hawisia claims to have the custody of John's land and heirs until the heirs come of age because she is nearest [friend] to the heirs aforesaid. Henry Ithebure, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Gilbert son of William le Charpenter of Maydeford, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. Oct. 22. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Westminster. elected in place of Hereward de Marisco, as it is testified before the king by trustworthy men that Hereward, who was lately elected, is so old and weak that he cannot conveniently execute the office. John Whed of Claxkesthorpe, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Joceus le Arblaster, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. Olympias de Goncestr[ia], imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Joceus le Arbelaster, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail her. Oct. 23. Peter de London[ia], Agnes his wife, Simon le Harpour, Hugh le Westminster. Sergaunt, Hugh le Fraunceis, Ralph Porchet, Hugh son of James, Thomas Busk, and Henry de Mar, imprisoned at York for the death of Thomas Wrihalse, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. To John de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to Robert de Typetot, attorney of Gerard de Rodes, in part payment of the debts due to the latter from the king, the 400 marks that the escheaior has received of the issues of the lands of Roger de Sumery, deceased, tenant in chief. To the same. Order to cause Roger de Mortuo Mari to have, in the park and wood of Duddeley, which belonged to Roger de Somery, tenant in chief, and which are in the king's hands by reason of Roger de Somcry's death, to have twenty-four live bucks and does, to wit eight does and four bucks in the park and eight does and four bucks in the wood, of the king's gift, in order to stock a park of his therewith. Oct. 26. Thomas le Fraunceys, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of William de Westminster. Kyme, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. Oct. 28. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Andrew Westminster. de Gramarr[y] is bound in divers debts to Joceus le Jovene, a Jew of York, whose debts were taken into the king's hands for certain causes, for the 3 EDWARD I. 215 1275. Membrane 4 —cont. payment of which debts Andrew's lands or goods do not suffice at present, the king, wishing to aid Andrew, at the instance of Richard de Grepping', whose sister Andrew married, and according to the king's late grant and provision made to Christians indebted to Jews, orders the justices to cause the said debts to be attermined according to his said grant and provision and the extent lately made of Andrew's manors of Bikerton, Bechawe, and Werford, which are extended at 101. 12s. 6d. Although it is contained in the said provision that the Christian shall have the chief messuage and a moiety of his lands for his maintenance and the Jew shall have the other moiety of the lands in acquittance of such debts, the king wills that Andrew shall have the moiety that the Jew ought to have according to the provision aforesaid, and that he shall render it to the king according to the aforesaid extent yearly at the exchequer of the Jews. Oct. 28. To J. de Lond[onia], escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver t. Westminster. Joan, late the wife of Robert de Monte Alto, tenant in chief, the following manors, knights' fees and advowsons, which the king has assigned to her in dower: the manor of Frammesden, extended at 371. 4s. 83d.; from the booth (botha) of Lynn, 151. 10s. Od.; the manor of Marberthorpe, extended at 91. 6s. Sd.; in the manor of Coventr[e], 61. 1 ls. id.; a fee and a third that Roger de Colevill holds in Carleton, Petteshaghe, and Cassingland; a fee that Thomas le Latimer holds in Cassingland; a fee that Robert de Ronhale holds in Ronhale; a tenth of a fee that William de Wineston holds in Wineston and Framesden; a seventh of a fee that Emma, late the wife of Simon Wiloc, holds in Framesden; a fee that Gilbert Hansard holds in Keleseye; half a fee that the heirs of William de Hardershull holds in Hagworthingham; five fees that John le Estrange holds in Hunsfaneston, Geyton, Snytreton, Ringsted, and Holm; and the advowsons of the churches of Framesden, Wotton, and Mamberthorpe (sic). To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Joan the manor of La Lee, extended at 161. 8s. 8d.; half a mark from the salt of Memwich; a knight's fee that Roger de Umframvill holds in Brunstathe and Oxton; a quarter of a fee that Roger de Alderdel[ege] holds in Halderdeleg and Holm, which the king has assigned to her in dower. MEMBRANE 3. Nov. 2. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Whereas the king Westminster. understands from him that the lords of towns within that county wherein there are one or two lords and not more ought to have, and have always been wont to have hitherto, their dogs quit of being lawed (expeditacione) and that if there be more than one or two lords in any town there, then the dogs of the lords and of each man of those towns should be lawed, except the dogs of the principal lord of the towne: the king therefore orders the justice to permit such lords to have their dogs quit of being lawed hereafter. To the bailiff of the islands of Gereseye and Gernerey. Order to restore to Felicia, late the wife of William de Chenney, all the lands with the liberties and free customs thereto pertaining that belonged to William by the late king's gift, which after William's death remained in Felicia's custody with William's heir according to the custom of those parts, and which the bailiff has taken into the king's hands by reason of certain inquisitions taken by John Wyger and Ralph de Brochton concerning the king's escheats in the islands, and to restore to Felicia everything received 216 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 3-cont. therefrom in the meantime, saving the right of the king and of his heirs if they have anything therein when they wish to speak concerning this matter. Oct. 27. To the sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Order to cause the water of Thames Westminster. in his bailiwick to be so widened that ships and great barges may ascend from London to Oxford with victuals and other necessaries, and may descend from Oxford without hindrance from any weirs, so conducting himself in the execution of this order as to merit the king's commendation, as the king understands that the water of Thames between London and Oxford is so narrowed in divers places by weirs made in it, that ships and barges with goods and victuals are unable to pass by it. Nov. 2. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause the master of the hospital of Westminster. Beck' to have seisin of a messuage in Norwich that Walter Drak, who was hanged for felony, held, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the messuage has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Hugh Peche, late keeper of the town of Norwich, had the king's day and year thereof, and ought to answer to the king for the same, and that the messuage is held of the master of the said hospital, and that it is his escheat by reason of the felony aforesaid. Nov. 3. To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to respite until the feast of Westminster. St. Hilary next the demand upon Henry de Aldithelegh for his relief, as he is so ill that he cannot come to the king at present to satisfy him for his relief, as would be expedient for him, and the king has therefore granted this respite so that Henry may in the meantime come to him to do what is just in the premises. Nov. 4. To Bartholomew le Peytevin. Order to deliver to G. de Clare, earl of Westminster. Gloucester and Hertford, or to his envoy the king's goshawk (hostor') called ' Rose,' which is in Bartholomew's custody. Nov. 4. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert* to have respite Westminster. until Easter next for all the debts exacted from him by summons of the exchequer. To the same. Order to cause Thomas Braunche and Robert de Vernun to be acquitted of 5 marks, if they be exacted from them for the trespasses mentioned below, as the late king pardoned them all trespasses committed by them in all forests this side Trent until 8 January, in the 55th year of his reign, as appears by the said king's letters patent, whereupon the said king ordered the barons to cause Thomas and Robert to be acquitted of 15 marks that were exacted from them by reason of the trespasses aforesaid, and the king learns that 5 marks are exacted from them by reason of the trespasses aforesaid. To the bailiff of the island of Gernesey, or to him who supplies his place. The men of the island of Gernesey have shewn the king that whereas the men of that island who wished to fish and their heirs ought to sell yearly in the lands of the king's power between Michaelmas and Easter as often and whenever they would, and from Easter thrice a week fresh and salted fish, and to make their profit thereof without any hindrance of the king's bailiffs, saving to the king the customs thereupon due, and that they and their ancestors from time out of mind have been wont to fish and to sell their fish as is aforesaid, and that they have letters of the late king concerning this, and the bailiff, by his own authority and without reasonable cause, has * The surname is, apparently, omitted by oversight. 3 EDWARD I. 217 1275. Mlembrane 3-cont. taken the fishery into the king's hands, and hinders them fiom fishing and selling their fish as they ought fand were wont to do in times past: the king, having heard the reasons of the said men and having found the premises are true, orders the bailiff to restore the fishery to the men, and to permit them to fish and sell their fish as they ought and were wont in the times aforesaid, and not to put any hindrance in their way, but rather to maintain them in this behalf. Nov. 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause archWestminster. bishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, and others whatsoever claiming to have liberties by charters of the king's progenitors to have respite until a month froma Easter for the said liberties, in the way in which they have used them heretofore without interruption. To Guncelin de Badelesmrere, justice of Chester. Order to permit Ranulph de Ovre and his parceners to have the free common in the wood of Bradefordewod that they always had in the wood before the king recovered seisin of the wood against Stephen de Merton. Whereas a treaty of peace was had, by the mediation of the dean of Salisbury and Thomas de Clare, concerning the actions and complaints that R. bishop of Norwich and the prior of the same place, on the one part, and the community of the citizens of Norwich, on the other, asserted that they had against one another by reason of the burning of the church and priory of Norwich and of the damages inflicted by reason of such burning upon both sides, and by any other reason whatsoever, and 4,000 marks were demanded from the community by the bishop, prior and convent for all the things aforesaid, and 2,000 marks were offered by the community for the sake of peace (pro bono padcis), and at length the bishop and the prior, for himself and his convent, and Adam de Toftys, William de Rollesby, Henry le Chaucer, and Roger de Tudenham, citizens of Norwich, for the said community, have jointly agreed to the king as arbitrator and ordainer de haut en bas concerning the premises, willing that he may part and ordain between the two sums aforesaid, and may fix terms for payment, and may appease all the said actions and quarrels at his pleasure, and they have promised that whatsoever the king shall cause to be decided or ordained between the parties aforesaid for peace or judgment concerning the premises shall be kept inviolably, and that the things to be done (facturas) by the convent and the community shall be observed in all things, and they granted that they shall be compelled to do these things by the royal power. Whereupon the king, after having counsel of prudent men concerning the premises, utters and propounds his dictum in this manner: that all actions or complaints that the parties shall or may have against one another until this day by reason of the premises shall be remitted one to another; that the community shall render to the prior and convent for the repairing or rebuilding of their church and priory 3,000 marks at the rate of 500 marks yearly, a moiety at the quinzaine of Whitsuntide and a moiety at the quinzaine of Martinmas; that the community shall cause a gold vessel of the weight of 101. of gold, price 1001. of silver, to be made to hold the body of Christ on the altar of the aforesaid church; that the prior and convent shall make a gate and entry into the priory on whichever side they wish, without damage or prejudice to others; and that the bishop, prior and convent shall procure in good faith in the Roman court and elsewhere at the expense of the community, except the expenses of the envoy of the bishop, prior and convent to the Roman court for this purpose, that the community and their city shall be absolved from the sentences of excommunication and from the interdict and other things pronounced against them for the reasons 218 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 3-cont. aforesaid, and that the said sentences shall be wholly released. If any doubt arise concerning the premises or any of them, the king reserves to himself full power to declare and interpret such doubt. Dated at Westminster, 5 October, in the third year of his reign. [Prynne, Records, iii. 163.] Nov. 6. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Whereas the king lately ordered Westminster, Henry de Frowyk and Luke de Batencourt, late sheriffs of London, to cause the goods and wares of certain merchants of Zeeland and their ships and tackle arrested by reason of certain trespasses committed by certain Zeelanders to be appraised and kept safely until otherwise ordered; the king now orders the treasurer and chamberlains to receive the goods aforesaid or their price, lately made by the view of men of Zeeland, from Henry and Luke, and to deliver them to Walter Auberkyn, Adam le Folour, William de Braekele, Charles de Wycumb, and Godeman Auberkyn, citizens and merchants of London, who were robbed by the said men of Zeeland, each according to his proportion, in recompence for the damages that they sustained by reason of the robbery aforesaid, receiving from the said citizens security for restoring the goods or their price at the king's order in case he admit the men of Zeeland to his grace and restore their goods. It is provided that if the goods have been carried away or damaged from the time of the arrest through default of custody of Henry and Luke, they shall make good what has been carried away or damaged. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause William de Northburg, one of the justices to take assizes beyond Trent, 201. in aid of his expenses in that office. Nov. 9. To the sheriff of Derby. Order to deliver to Henry Morel and Sibyl his Westminster. wife three tofts and 21 acres of meadow in Asseburn, which are in the king's hands, as they exact the land from the king, of which land Robert de Ferrar[iis] unjustly disseised Henry de Cruce, the said Isabella's (sic) father, of whom she is the heir, and the king ordered the sheriff to certify him concerning this, and the sheriff has written back that Robert disseised Henry and Sibyl as aforesaid. MIEMBRANE 2. Nov. 6. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause Walter Grikke, imprisoned by Westminster. special order of the king for a trespass charged upon him of the time when he was the king's bailiff in the hundred of Codeslowe, to be delivered from prison. To John de Coleham, justice to deliver Neugate gaol. Order, at the request of B. bishop of Lincoln, to deliver William de Forte, clerk, imprisoned at Neugate for certain trespasses, to William, vicar of the church of Flore, to whom the bishop has committed his duties (vices) by his letters patent sent to the king, to exact and receive the said clerk from the king or his justices according to the privilege of the clergy, so that there may be done in the ecclesiastical forum what ought to be done according to the sanctions of the canons and the customs of ecclesiastical liberty. Nov. 7. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Westminster. Warenna, earl of Surrey, to be acquitted of 200 marks for Easter and Michaelmas terms last and of another 800 marks of the fine of 10,000 marks that he made with the late king for a trespass that he was said to have committed in Westminster Hall, and to cause him to have the usual terms for payment of the remainder, the first term beginning at Easter next, as the king has pardoned him 1,000 marks of the fine. By K. 3 EDWARD I. 219 1275. Membrane 2-cont. Nov. 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Master Westminster. Thomas de Birlaund, archdeacon of Northumberland, to be acquitted of 201. in which he was amerced before the king for his contempt in entering the town of Oxford against the king's inhibition. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William de Portes to be acquitted of a moiety of 100s. in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre at Worcester because he was not yet a knight, and of a moiety of 40s. in which he was amerced before the said justices because he did not come, and of a moiety of a mark in which he was amerced before them for a pledging and for an amercement, and to permit him to pay the other moiety of the amercements by 20s. yearly to the Easter exchequer. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Master Adam de Richemund to be acquitted of 111. exacted from him for a ferm that he held of the late king in Lameheth and La Wik during the last voidance of the archbishopric of Canterbury, then in the said king's hands, as the king has pardoned him this sum at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his mother. Nov. 8. To the same. Order to cause inquiry to be made concerning the Westminster. tenements, goods and chattels of Gregory de Coston, and when they have ascertained their value, to cause terms to be assigned to Gregory at which he may pay 63s. 4d. saving his contenement, in which sum he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Worcester for many defaults, as the king is given to understand that Gregory, who has four acres of land only and little or nothing in goods, cannot pay the aforesaid sum to the king without alienating his land, and the king compassionates his poverty. Robert Attewell, imprisoned at Aylesbir[yl for the death of Katharine, his daughter, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. Nov. 8. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause Adam son of Ralph de Westminster. B[ret]forthtune, imprisoned at Worcester for the death of John de Pydel, wherewith he is charged, to be delivered from prison, as the king learns from the testimony of Nicholas de Stapelton and his fellows, justices last in eyre in that county, that Adam slew John in self-defence, so that he could not otherwise escape being slain, and not by felony or of malice aforethought, and the king has pardoned him the suit of his peace by reason of the death aforesaid, provided that he stand to right in the king's court if any one wish to speak against him in this behalf. Nov. 11. To Adam de Winton[ia], keeper of the town of Winchester. Order to Westminster. buy thirty tuns of wine for the king's use, and to cause fifteen tuns thereof to be carried to Gillingham against the king's arrival there, and to cause the remainder to be carried to Winchester castle and placed in the king's cellar there. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause thirty quarters of wheat to be bought for the king's use, and to cause them to be carried to Shaftesbir[y], so that he have them there eight days before Christmas next. To the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause 100 oxen to be bought for the king's use and to cause them to be taken to Winchester. Nov. 11. To the sheriff of Suffolk, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. Gerard de Wachesham, son and heir of Giles de Wachesham, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as it appears to the king by lawful proofs made before him that Gerard is of full age, and the king has taken his homage. 220 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 2-cont. Nov. 13. Richard Snelman, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Richard de Westminster. Aula, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. To William de Middelton and Nicholas de Castello, auditors of the account of the twentieth lately granted in England. Order to allow to William Bagod and his fellows, late collectors of the twentieth in cos. Warwick and Leicester, 10 marks that William Bagod paid to Warin de Chaucumb, appointed to collect the said twentieth with him, for his expenses about the collection, and 401. that William Bagod paid to Robert Burnell, then supplying the king's place in England, by the hands of Bartholomew de Castello for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs upon two occasions. Nov. 13. To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to release to Henry de Westminster. Alditheleg[a] until the quinzaine of Easter next the distraint for the debts due from him to the exchequer for the debts of James de Aldithel[ega], his father, as the king has granted to him respite of the debts until then. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John Giffard to be acquitted of 1,2181. for the price of vert destroyed in the forest of Dene and of 1001. that he received from wind fall-wood (cabelicio) sold in that forest, during the time when he was constable of St. Briavels and keeper of the said forest, as the late king pardoned him all arrears, debts, and trespasses made by him in the forest during the time aforesaid, as appears in the said king's letters patent. Nov. 14. To the same. Order to cause William de Oddingeseles to be acquitted Westminster. of 20 marks in which he made fine for a trespass. Nov. 12. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windes[ore] castle. Notification Westminster. that the king has granted to Geoffrey de Lucy that he may fell in his wood of La Fr[ithe?], which is within the bounds of Windes[ore] forest, great timber and underwood to the value of 100 marks, and may make his profit thereof at his will, provided that he cause the place when the wood shall be felled to be enclosed with a low hedge so that it may grow again, on condition that this shall not be to the damage or nuisance of the neighbouring parts, and order to permit Geoffrey de Lucy to do the premises. Nov. 13. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to take seisin Westminster. of the manor of Weverham with the advowson of the church of that town and all appurtenances, which the king gave to Roger de Clifford to hold until the king should provide him with 201. of land, and which Roger rendered to the king by his charter, and to deliver the manor to the abbot of Dernhal, to be held until the king shall otherwise ordain. Nov. 16. To the steward of the forest between the bridges of Oxford and Stanford. Westminster. Order to cause the abbot of Peterborough to have a tithe of the venison taken in the king's forests within co. Northampton, as it appears to the king by inspection of the charters of kings William, Richard, John, and of the late king that the abbot ought to have the tithe by their grant, and it also appears by inspection of the late king's rolls of chancery that the abbots always had his writ to receive the tithe. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause Gilbert de C!are, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to have three does in the forest of Bernewod, and three does in the forest of Whicheswod (sic). 3 EDWARD I. 221 1275. Membrane 2-cont. Afterwards order was sent by two writs, one to the keeper of Bernewod forest and the other to the keeper of the forest of Wichewod. Nov. 13. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Westminster. Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have all the debts, fees, pains, and usuries in which John de Burgo is indebted to any Jews of England, as the king has granted them to her. Like order concerning the debts of William de Leyburn to Jews. To the same. Order to cause all charters whereby Norman de Arcy is indebted to the king's Jews in the Jewry to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers and to be delivered to the said queen, to whom the king lately granted these debts. To the same. Order to cause the charters by which Stephen Cheindut was bound to Manasser (Manser) son of Aaron, a Jew, in 4501. to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers and delivered to the said queen, to whom the king lately granted the debt. Nov. 15. To the constable of Windes[ore] castle. Order to deliver to R. earl Westminster. of Norfolk and Marshal of England his wood of Broowode, which was taken into the late king's hands for waste, as the king has pardoned him the trespass concerning that wood and has also pardoned him what pertained to the king because the wood remained in the king's hands by judgment of his court before his justices late in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Berks, and has restored the wood to him. Eynon Mohuhen, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Yevan, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. Nov. 12. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William lde Westminster. Middelton. Order to cause Benedict de Wintonia, a Jew, to be acquitted of 221. 2s. 2d. exacted from him for the tallage last assessed upon the king's Jews by reason of the debts of Solomon le Eveske, formerly the husband of Flora la Blunde, late the wife of Benedict, as Flora granted to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, all the debts that belonged to the said Solomon, and Benedict satisfied the queen's will concerning the same, whereupon the queen granted all the said debts to Benedict by her letters, which the king has inspected, and the king has granted and confirmed the said grant. Nov. 12. To the escheator in co. Lincoln. Order to cause Maurice de Croun to Westminster. ]ave seisin of the custody of the lands and heirs of John Paynel, tenant in chief, as the king has granted the custody to Maurice until the heirs come of age, together with the marriage of the heirs. The like to the escbeator in co. Somerset. MEMBRANE 1. The like to the escheator in co. York. — To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de - Middelton. Order to retain for the king's use 25/. of the more clear debts of Benedict de Wynton[ia], a Jew, and to cause him to be acquitted of 251. in which he is indebted to the king of his Jewry for divers debts, fines and amercements, and the arrears of the tallage last assessed upon him. Nov. 14. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas Peter son and Westminster. heir of Peter de Monte Forti charged himself, in the view of his account 222 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 1-cont. lately made before them for the time when his father was the late king's sheriff in cos. Salop and Stafford and keeper of the manor of Bergeveny, a transcript of which view they sent to the king under the seal of the exchequer, which the king has caused to be sent back to them under his seal, with 1461. 13s. 4d. of the arrears of the ferm of Bergeveny and with other receipts and debts of his father's to the amount of 1,4091. Is. 5id., as is contained in the transcript, and Peter sought for his discharge divers allowances for his father's payments, costs, and expenses in the late king's service amounting to 1,2621. 6s. 9d., and the king and Peter, after argument (altercacionibus) concerning the allowances, at length agreed by divers challenges made in the matter, that 2131. 5s. 3ld. that exceed the total of the said 1,4091. Is. 61d. of Peter's father's receipts and debts shall be wholly remitted to the king, and that the view of the account between the king and Peter shall be thus terminated that the king and Peter shall each recede quit from the view: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause the account to be terminated in this manner, and to cause Peter and the king to be acquitted of the account and of the surplus aforesaid, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Simon de Creye to have respite until the quinzaine of Easter next for all debts due to the king and that are exacted from him by summons of the exchequer of the king's Jewry. The like to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Nov. 15. To Richard de Holebeck, steward of the king's lands in co. Rutland. Westminster. Order to cause Theobald de Nevill, son of Peter de Nevill, to have seisin of the manors of Leye and Braunteston, in that county, in the same state as they were in on the day when they were taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Geoffrey de Leukenh[ovre] and John de Metingham that the aforesaid Peter long before he committed the trespass for which he was outlawed enfeoffed Theobald of the manors aforesaid, and that Theobald had seisin thereof peacefully for a continuation of time until the justices of the Forest beyond Trent took the manors into the king's hands by his order, and that the manors ought not and cannot be the escheats of any one by reason of the trespass aforesaid. 1274. MEMBRANE 25d. Adam de Neumarche acknowledges that he owes to Decanicus Guylelmy, -- merchant of the king's mother, and to Guyottus Bonaventure 1121.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. -Memorandum, that, on Wednesday before St. Clement, Laurence de Preston, heir of Sir Gilbert de Preston, in his own person, and Alice, late the wife of the said Gilbert, by Philip the chaplain, her attorney, agreed at Leicester to divide the fees that belonged to Gilbert at his death, and by their consent his fees in co. Northampton were divided in the following form: the services of Ralph de Normanvill in Gnoston, Walter de Bucton in Bocton, Robert de Norhantonia in the same, Simon de Hanynton in Hanynton, Simon de Sancto Mauro in the same, Simon le Fu in the same, Robert he Pathe in Wotton, Simon son of Geoffrey Pigin in the same, Thomas le Fraunceis in Billing, Ralph l e Franchomme in the same, and Andrew le Freman in the same are assigned to Alice with the wardships, reliefs, escheats, suits of court, and all other things thence arising, and she shall have and hold her court by herself concerning the said tenants. In witness whereof both parties have put their seals to the writing of the other, saving to each party the yearly rents thence assigned to them by the king's court. 3 EDWARD I. 223 1.274. 3Membrane 25d —cont. Nov. 25. Ralph le Rus acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Len, clerk, Kings Cliffe. 21 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in (Clyve.) cos. Norfolk and Cambridge. Ranulph de Otteby acknowledges that he owes to Beringer le Moine 18 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.-Guy Gobaud, who mainperned and acknowledged, etc., in co. Huntingdon; John le Lou, who mainperned and acknowledged, etc., in co. Northampton.* Walter Chabenot came before the king, on Sunday after St. Nicholas, and sought to replevy his land in Stok Daubeny, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Cicely, late the wife of William le Teynturer of Staunford. Dec. 12. Henry le Blund came before the king, on Wednesday after the Conception, Geddington. and sought to replevy his land in Northampton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against Beatrice, late the wife of Robert de Ardern. Peter de Wakerle puts in his place William Geraud and Godfrey de Wakirle in the suit before the king between him and Walter de Lesseburn and Hlugh de Branceston concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. The said Peter puts in his place the said William and Godfrey in another suit before the king between him and William Taillard, Walter de Glen, Nicholas de Clopton in Karlton, Algar (Algorem) de Karlton, Henry de Bonhou, and Gregory de Overton concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Hamo le Chaunberleng came before the king, on Thursday the eve of St. Thomas, and sought to replevy his and his wife Alice's land in Wenlok, which was taken into the king's hands for the default that the said Thomas (sic) and Alice made in the king's court against Thomas de Linley and Edith his wife. Robert Russel came before the king, on the aforesaid Thursday, and sought to replevy to Alexander Brun the latter's land in Braddon, which was taken into the king's hands for Alexander's default against John de Forchont. Dec. 22. Robert son of Ralph de Coleworth came before the king, on Saturday Silverstone. after St. Thomas the Apostle, and sought to replevy his land in Coleworth, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against Beatrice, late the wife of Robert de Hardern. William de Ardern came before the king, on the said day, and sought to replevy to Robert de Coleworth the latter's land in Coleworth, which was taken into the king's hands for Robert's default before the king against Beatrice, late the wife of Robert de Hardern. The abbot of Pippewell puts in his place Elias de Thingden and John Scot in the suit before the king between the abbot and Ralph de Sancto Laudo concerning a trespass committed upon the abbot by Ralph. William Aumbisas acknowledges that he owes to James de Coterel 61. 5s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. * That is, the mainpernors' lands were in cos. Huntingdon and Northampton respectively. 224 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1274. Membrane 25d-cont. William de Odingeseles acknowledges that he owes to James 13 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick, Hertford, and Northampton. Enrolment of surrender by Queen Eleanor to her lord the king of her manor of Totel', and of all her lands, rents and services in the town of Geyton, which manor, lands, etc., she had of the gift of Sir Richard de Sees, knight, in co. Lincoln, for the use of John Ferre, her knight, so that the king shall confer them upon John and his hei,'s. Dated at the Tower of London, on Friday the eve of the Translation of St. Edward, 2 Edward [I]. Enrolment of release by Robert son of Ales to Edward de Castello, goldsmith, of his right in all the messuages, houses, lands, meadows, etc., ways, liberties, bondmen (rusticis) and their offspring, services, escleats, etc., that may come to him in Great Stanmere. Witnesses: Walter de Toting', sheriff of Middlesex, Ralph (le Septem Fontibus, coroner of Middlesex, Ralph Somer, Richard Wlward, Richard de la Grave, Walter de Plotinden, Richard de Woxinden, Andrew de Pynhore, Richard de Catton, Ralph le Porter, William de la Cheringg, clerk, Robert de Wenden, Rlichard de Hynkel[eye], clerk. --- ~ - Clement de Rodinton came before the king, on Sunday after Christmas, - and sought to replevy to Felicia de Stanford and Joan de Stanford their land in Stanford on Soar, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the king against John de Trowell. John Stary came before the king, on Monday after St. Thomas the Martyr, and sought to replevy his land in Hilnescote, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the sheriff of Cornwall in his county [court] against William de Whalesbrewe. Walter Russell of Hereford came before the king, on Thursday after the Circumcision, and sought to replevy to Reginald Russel the latter's land in Hereford, which was taken into the king's hands for Reginald's default in the king's court against Ralph de Hisleye. Terricus le Alemand, keeper of the land and heir of Eustace son of Thomas, came before the king on Friday after the Circumcision, and sought to replevy to himself and the heir the latter's land in Shelve, which was taken into the king's hands for the default that Terricius (sic) made in the king's court against Geoffrey de Leukenor[e]. Master John de Brudeford puts in his place John de Wyndesor[e] and Richard de Axeministre in the suit before the king between him and John son of Adam, William de Chiuelton, William son of William de Staunton, William de Dutton, John Chauntemerle, Roger de la Breche, and John de Estecumbe concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Richard de Brirelay came before the king, on Tuesday after the Epiphany, and sought to replevy to Ralph de Bakepuz the latter's land in Holebrok, which was taken into the king's hands for Ralph's default in the king's court against Robert de Ferrar[iis.] 1275. Jan. 9. The king has granted to Eleanor, countess of Leicester, that Master Marlborough. Nicholas de Wautham, canon of Lincoln, whom she appointed in her place before the king, shall be admitted as her attorney in all pleas for or against her in the king's court, and that Nicholas may substitute attorneys in his place, for the space of one year. 3 EDWARD I. 225 1275. Membrane 25d-cont. And Nicholas substituted John Homedeu and Nicholas de Fange, clerk, as his attorneys in the aforesaid suits. Edmund, the king's brother, came before the king, on Monday the morrow of the Epiphany, and sought to replevy his land in Duffeld, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Joan, late the wife of Nicholas de Campania, concerning a third of a messuage, 46 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, and 120 acres of wood in Duffeld. Membrane 25d-Schedules. Purparty of the countess of Ferrers.-Partition of the lands that the countess of Winchester held in dower of the inheritance of Roger de Quency, sometime earl of Winchester, between the underwritten co-heirs of Roger is made thus: that a third part on the south (propinquior versus solem) in demesne lands, meadows, pastures, forests, parks, and other appurtenances, with a third of the rents of freemen and villeins fell by lot to Margaret de Ferr[ariis], countess of Derby (Derbeye); and she has a third of each chief messuage, to wit of Silhou (sic) with Eynisbir[y] and Maugre Shepesheved and Cynnovere. Moreover, lady Ellen la Souche in her own person and the countess of Ferr[ers] by her attorneys granted to the earl of Bouhan and to his wife E[lizabeth] that if they pleased they should have in inheritance the chief mossuage of Suhou with the buildings, gardens, vineyards, fishponds and other things contained within the enclosure, paying to the said parceners the value in that manor of two parts of the extent thereof made by Master William de Klifford. And if they elect to do this, then the chief messuages with buildings, gardens, and other things within the enclosure of Shepeheved and Chynnovere shall be parted by lot between the countess of Ferrers and lady Ellen la Souche, paying to the said earl and his wife in the said manors the value of a third of the said messuages, according to the extent thereof made by Master W. de Klifford. The part of the earl of Bouhan.-Partition of the lands of the aforesaid countess of Winchester is made thus: that a third on the north (remocior a sole) in demesne lands, meadows, pastures, forests, parks and other appurtenances, with a third of the rents of the freemen and villeins fell by lot by consent of the parties to Alexander Comyn, earl of Bouhan, and to Elizabeth his wife, and they have (habet) a third of each chief messuage, to wit of Suhou with Eynisbir[y] and Maugre Shepeheved and Chynovere. Moreover, lady Ellen la Souche in her own person and the countess of Ferrers by her attorneys granted to the earl and his wife that if they pleased they should have in inheritance [etc. as in preceding]. The part of Ellen la Zuche.-Partition of the lands of the aforesaid countess of Winchester is made thus: that a third in the middle (media a sole) in demesne lands, meadows, pastures, forests, parks and other appurtenances, with a third of the rents of the freemen and villeins fell by lot by consent of the parties to Ellen la Zuche, and she has a third of each chief messuage, to wit of Sutho with Eynesbir[y] and Maugre Sepeheved and Chynnore. Moreover, Ellen in her own person and the countess of Ferrers by her attorneys granted to the earl of Bouchan and E[lizabeth], his wife, that if they pleased they should have [etc. as above]. u 96998. 226 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 25d-Schedules-cont. The chancellor to - (.. suo suus, salutem). Order to write to the escheator that, after partition of the lands that the countess of Winchester held in dower shall have been made according to the agreement made between her heirs before the addressee, he shall cause the countess of Ferrers and Ellen la Zusche to have seisin of their portions, and that the portion of the earl of Bochan and his wife shall remain in the king's hands until they come to court in person and until the king shall otherwise order after they shall have done homage for their purparty of the inheritance.* The same to the same (suo suus). Lady Ellen la Zuche, with her parceners and co-heirs of the dower that Eleanor de Vallibus, sometime countess of Winchester, held of the inheritance of R. de Quency, sometime earl of Winchester, whose heiresses they are, have caused the lands to be parted amongst them in equal portions, with which they are contented. which portions [the chancellor] sends to the addressee enclosed in the presents, so that the king may take the homage of the heirs when they come to him and when certified by the letters of the addressee, so that the [chancellor] may cause to be done for the parceners and co-heirs what shall be just, according the duty (debitum) of his office. MEMBRANE 24d. William son of William de Boyton acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Crepping 3001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Walter, bishop of Rochester, puts in his place William de Iamelton and Walter de Odyham in the suit before the king between him and the countess of Gloucester of a plea why the countess deforces him of the heir of Richard de Stratton. The said bishop gives Robert de Rogate to Robert son of Nigel, a minor, as keeper for the plea between the bishop and the abbot of Tiltey. The abbot of Hide, Winchester, puts in his place William de Kancia and John Trencheful in the suit before the king between the abbot and Henry, prior of Bermundes[eye], Walter le Bailif de Warlingham, William Atteful of Warlingham, Thomas Attokese, Thomas de Genescomp, John Hencok, Alexander de Hegham, Elias de Alnesete, John de Selesden, John Hamond, William Randolf, Thomas le Rede, John Flore, William Wlse, Nicholas de Norbrich of Blecchingeligh, and Thomas Welse of Stonhamme in a plea of trespass..Tan. 12. Henry de Brok, who is going to parts beyond the sea by the king's Ramsbury. licence with Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, has attorned Guy de Thaunton, Robert de Bradeford, and Robert de Rogate in all pleas for or against him in all courts, with power to appoint attorneys in their place, for so long as he shall be in parts beyond the sea. -Richard le Bretun came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy the land of himself and Jul[iana] his wife in Boclaund, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Henry de Maneston, chaplain. * This is the mandate for the issue of the order to John de Londonia, the escheator, at page 138 above. 3 EDWARD 1. 227 1275. Membrane 24d-cont. Walter de Colevill acknowledges that he owes to Hugh son of Otto 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his] lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Cambridge. Enrolment of deed of Peter Lof, prior of Rush', resigning the priory, which he has of the gift of the abbot and convent of Sauve Majeure (Silve M1ajoris), to the said abbot and convent, willing and granting that they may ordain concerning the priory and the things pertaining to it. In witness whereof he has procured the king's seal to be appended to the presents, together with his own seal, which is unknown amongst (penes) them. Dated at Ambresbur[y], 15 January, 1274[-5]. Enrolment of letter from the said Peter to the abbot and convent of Sauve Majeure resigning the priory of Rush into their hands. Sealed and dated as above. Geoffrey de Burun puts in his place William son of Reginald de Belton in the suit before the king between him and Richard de Wrkideslegh concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Alexander de Bradenham, who is going to parts beyond sea with Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, has attorned before the king Richard de Pevens[eye] and John de Polewrth in his place in all pleas for or against him in all courts, with power to appoint attorneys in their place, for two years, unless he return in the interim. Reginald le Sauser, who is going with the said queen, attorns John de Burdens and John de Staundon in his place for two years in like manner. Humphrey de Veilly acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Houeden 7 marks; to be levied, il default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Enrolment of grant by John de Grey, knight, to Sir Henry de Longo Campo, knight, and Sibyl, his wife, of all his manor and land in Ketene and all appurtenances of the land and manor, and of the homage and service of William de Kelleby and Serlo Prig for the lands that they held of Reginald de Grey and Matilda his wife in Heydore, and of the service and tenement of John son of Philip and of Alice, late the wife of Thomas le Carpenter, with all their offspring, which tenements they held of Henry and Matilda in villeinage in that town: doing therefor the due and usual services to the lords of the fee, to wit to Sir Richard de Grey for the said manor 2s. or a sore-coloured sparrowhawk yearly, to Sir Eble de Monz 4s. 8d. (?) yearly, to Sir Robert de Stok 3s. 4Ad., to Ralph de Grenham 89d., to the prior of Newstead Id., to the heir (hered') of Walter de Bradecroft 8d., to Richard de Luffenham Id., to Ellen de Weston Id., to German Id., to Robert de Ketelestorp id,, to Ralph Tayllard id., to the altar of St. Mary Ad., to Henry de Neweboth Id., to the heirs (hered') of Hugh Fabian Id., to the heirs (hered') of Geoffrey son of John 3d., to Richard de Freytorp 1d., to Alan de Kiltorp -d., to Matilda Toky id., to Henry David d., to Robert de Luffenham ld., to Simon Gumry id., and rendering therefor to the donor and his heirs a pair of white gloves, price Id., or Id. at Easter. Witnesses: Sir Philip Basset, Thomas Grethel[eye], William de Insula, Hugh de Hercy, John Luvel, Robert de Wauton, Robert de Neweton, knights; Ralph de Grenham, Nicholas de Weston. Mlfemorandum, that Sibyl came into chancery, and acknowledged that she could have nothing in the said manor except free tenement for life, and if she could claim ought else therein, she remits it for herself and her assigns P 2 228 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 24d-cont. to Henry's heir, and she willed and granted that neither she nor any one through her may claim aught in the manor except for the term of her life. Feb. 3. To Bogo de Knovill, sheriff of Salop. The king is well pleased that the Caversham. day that Bogo has agreed upon (inivistis) with Llewelyn, prince of Wales, concerning the trespasses [committed] upon the king's men by Llewelyn and his men, as Bogo has signified to the king, shall be held by Bogo in the form provided by Bogo for this purpose, provided that Bogo take with him two or three discreet and lawful knights of that county at that day, in whose presence Llewelyn and his men shall make amends, if they will, for the said trespasses according to the discretion of Bogo and the said knights. Bogo is ordered to write the king what shall be done on the day aforesaid. Peter de Monte Forti, who is going on pilgrimage to Santiago by the king's licence, has attorned before the king in his place William de Notingham, chaplain, and Richard de Wroksul in all pleas for or against him in all courts, with power to appoint attorneys in their place, until the feast of St. Margaret next. Robert Malet and Master Walter de la Sare acknowledge that they owe - to the abbot of Messeden 130 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. William Devereux came into chancery and acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Mortuo Mari 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his land and chattels in co. Hereford. For the said 100 marks Roger restored to the aforesaid William [Incomplete.] Feb. 5. To Alexander Comyn, earl of Bouhan. The king, at the request of Caversham. Alexander, king of Scotland, and of the king's sister M. queen of Scotland, has granted to the earl that Elizabeth, the earl's wife, daughter and coheiress of R. de Quency, sometime earl of Winchester, may stay in the said earl of Bouhan's parts, as she is pregnant and near her delivery, so that she shall not come to the king for the restitution of the inheritance falling to her from her father. The king will restore the purparty of the said inheritance falling to Elizabeth to the earl of Bouhan on his and his wife's behalf at his next coming to the king, as has been wont tot be done in the like case. - William Girebert acknowledges that he owes to Robert Burnell, arch- deacon of York, 350 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks and Wilts. Feb. 7. Mabel, late the wife of Robert de Chaumpayne, who is going to Scotland Windsor. to stay in Galway, has attorned Robert le Somenur of Great Stivekley in her place in all pleas for or against her, with power to appoint attorneys in his place, for one year. Christiana de Marisco has granted power to R. (sic) bishop of Waterford to make attorneys for her in all pleas, for one year. Stephen, bishop of Waterford, puts in his place Richard de Derby, chaplain, in all pleas, with power to appoint attorneys in his place, for one year. MEMBRANE 22d. ---- John de Barclyve acknowledges that he owes to Robert Burnell, the chancellor, 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester. 3 EDWARD I. 229 1275. Membrane 22d-cont. Roger Loveday acknowledges that he owes to Laurence de Sancto Mauro 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Walter de Colevill acknowledges that he owes to John de Cheyny 8 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Walter de Colevill came into chancery and granted that Hugh son of Oto shall have the corn, stock, and all issues of Walter's manors of Byham, Alburn, Kokerington, and Weston until Hugh shall have received thence 200 marks due from him to Walter. Walter de Huntercumbe acknowledges that he owes to William de Rye 23 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Northumberland, Berks and Buckingham. Henry du Merk acknowledges that he owes to John de Soninghall 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. John Daniel comes before the king, on Friday after St. Matthias, and sought to replevy his land of La More, which was 'taken into the king's hands for his default against Sibyl, late the wife of Richard le Trace. Benedict de Rolleston acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Picheford 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester. Peter Boterel, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has - given power to John de Marre to receive the part that the king will assign to Peter of the fees of Botherell, which are in the king's hands, and to do other things concerning Peter in this behalf. MEMBRANE 21 d. Thomas le Ercedegne acknowledges that he owes to Matilda, late the wife - of Henry de la Pomereye, son (fl') of Geoffrey de la Pomereye, 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cornwall and Buckingham. Geoffrey son of Geoffrey de Graham puts in his place William de Bocllam (?) and John de Fynmer in a suit before the king between Geoffrey and Nicholas Roys, William son of Robert le Couper, Gilbert Togod, and Robert his brother in a plea of trespass. Anselm son of Anselm de Graham puts in his place the said William and John in a plea before the king between him and Nicholas Roys, Thomas son of Thomas, and William son of Robert le Couper in the same plea. 1274. To R. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a general parliaDec. 27. ment to be held on the morrow of the close of Easter next, as the king has Woodstock. prorogued until then the parliament that he proposed to hold with his prelates and magnates at London at the quinzaine of St. Mary next. [Parl. Writs.] MEMBRANE 20(. ---- Andrew de Manyngho came before the king, on Wednesday before St. -- Ambrose, and sought to replevy to Constance de Morteyn the advowson of the chapel of Wroxhulle, which was taken into the king's hands for her default before the king against Mabel de Wrokishull, John Hermer, Richard de Whaddon, Nicholas le Blake, and Ellen his wife. 230 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. MEMBRANE 19d. March 8. To Fulk Lovel and Gregory de Rockel[cye], appointed to hear and,Windsor. determine the affairs of native and alien merchants. Order, at the instance of Guy, count of Flanders, to respite until the middle of Lent next what pertains to the king of the matters of the Flemish merchants touching the said merchants before Fulk and Gregory, so that they shall proceed in the meantime to the inquisitions and pleas of the matters of the said merchants, according to the form delivered to Fulk and Gregory, provided however that no completion of the matters of the said merchants of Flanders before them shall be made by them before the term aforesaid. -Richard Gruscet came before the king, on Wednesday after the Annunciation, and sought to replevy to John son of John Peivere the latter's land in Weston, which was taken into the king's hands for John's default in the king's court against Henry Curcefalur. William Bovy and Eleanor his wife came before the king, on Sunday after the Annunciation, and sought to replevy their land in Rypun, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Thomas de Salleye. Adam del Boys came before the king, on the said Sunday, and sought to replevy to the prior of Holy Trinity, Ipswich, the prior's land in Broke. dysh, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Katherine, late the wife of Reginald de Brokedish. William le Latimer, who is going to Santiago, gives power to John le Latimer his brother and Richard Bret to make attorneys for him in all suits for or against him, until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. May 12. The under-written have quittance of the common summons* in co. Westminster. Worcester: William de Valencia. Roger de Clifford, the elder. John de London[ia]. William de Bello Campo, clerk. Beatrice de Bello Campo. Master Thomas de Cantilupo. Peter Grele. Malculm de Harlegh. John de Wygorn[ia], clerk of chancery. MIEMBRANE 18d. April 11. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to deliver to the chancellor of the Westminster. university of Oxford Master Robert de Fleningvill, whom the sheriff has lately arrested for certain causes, as the king wills that he shall be delivered to the chancellor according to custom; receiving security from the chancellor that Robert shall be before the king at Westminster at Easter, to stand to right concerning those things that the sheriff will then speak against him. The sheriff is ordered to be there then to show why he caused Robert to be arrested. Robert de Bray came before the king, on Thursday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy to William le Bretun of Staundon the latter's land in Overestaundon, which was taken into the king's hands for William's default in the king's court against John de Holewell. * That is, of the eyre. 3 EDWARD I. 231 1275. lMembrane 18d-cont. Thomas son of Avicia de Suwell came before the king, on Easter Sunday, and sought to replevy his land in Suwell and sought to replevy to Richard son of Simon de Averham and to himself Richard's land in the same town, which were taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against William son of Roger de Lekeburn. William de la Sale of Great Fransham puts in his place Nicholas son of Laurence and Alexander de Dodelington in the suit before the king between him and Hugh, parson of the church of Great Fransham, in a plea of land. Hugh de Burton came before the king, on Thursday in Easter week, and sought to replevy to Elizabeth Pantof her land in Burton St. Lazars and Little Danby, which was taken into the king's hands for her default in his court against William Hamelyn. Henry Brun of St. Edmunds came before the king, on Thursday in Easter week, and sought to replevy his land in Stanton, which was taken into the king's handsfor his default in the king's court against Sarah de Berningham. April 23. Robert le Brok of Tywe came before the king, on Tuesday before St. Havering. Mark, and sought to replevy his land in Little Tywe, which was taken into the king's hands [for his default] against Isabella, late the wife of Richard de Staunford. Gilbert le Noreys came before the king, on Wednesday the morrow of - St. George, and sought to replevy to himself and Matilda, his wife, their land in Sutton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Robert de Sutton. William de Ponton came before the king, on Thursday the feast of St. Mark, and sought to replevy his land in Rulvyngdon, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Richard le Wyse. William de Pauling acknowledges that he owes to Master William Darel and the other co-executors of the will of Martin le Littlebir[y] 22 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. John de Karl[iol]o came before the king, on Friday after St. Luke, and sought to replevy to the prior of St. Mary's, Carlisle, the latter's land, which was taken into the king's hands for the prior's default in the king's court against William de Tyndal. April 30. John de Cogan, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence, has given Westminster. power to Gilbert de Wollavinton and Hugh de Wollavinton, clerk, to make attorneys for him in all pleas for or against him, until Michaelmas next and for two years from then, unless he return to England in the meantime. John le Clerc, nephew (nepos) of Nicholas Russel of Lafford, acknow-- - ledged that he owes to Master Henry de Newerk 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. John de Smalebrok and Henry de Gustes' of Leybourne, co. Kent, acknowledge that they owe to Gregory de Rokesle 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent. Paulinus ate Welle, Walter Lymch, John Twyht, Robert ate Welle, and William Twytte acknowledge that they owe to Gregory de Eylmerestone 106s. 101d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent. 232 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 18d-cont. Humphrey de Bohun acknowledges that he owes to John le Usser 55 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford. William de Durneford acknowledges that he owes to Robert de la Ware 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Roger son of Payn acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Peverel of Saunford 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Devon. May 2. The abbot of Albemarle attorns before the king Hugh Hoke of AudeWestminster. burg and James Bouc of Benested in all pleas moved for or against the abbot in whatsoever courts of the king, both in the eyre of justices and elsewhere, for three years. ---- John de Burgo acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Helyun and his.- - fellows, executors of the will of Robert Waleraund, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels, in cos. Somerset and Dorset. Edmund de Hemegrave, Benedict de Blakeham, William de Kirketor, Robert de Valeynes, the younger, and William de Giselham acknowledge that they owe to William de Aete 301.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Baldwin Wake acknowledges that he owes to John de Mouhaut 35 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln, York and Northampton. May 2. To the mayor and burgesses of Oxford. Order to cause the king's Westminster. assizes in the sale of victuals and a certain modification of the price of wine and other things for sale to be fully observed and provided in that town by the council and assent of the chancellor and proctors of the university, and to permit the scholars of the university to use their liberties and customs freely as they used them in times past, so that renewed complaint may not come to the king whereby he would have to apply his hand otherwise in this behalf, as [the mayors and burgesses are bound*] to make good and lawful pennyworths (denaratas) of victuals and to provide and ordain a certain modification of the price of wine and other things for sale in the aforesaid town, which the mayor and other bailiffs are bound by virtue of their oath taken before the chancellor and proctors to cause to be observed faithfully by the counsel and consent of the chancellor and proctors, and the bakers and brewers (braciatrices) and other sellers of victuals, breaking the king's assizes in bread, drink, and especially in the sale of wine and other victuals, sell such victuals more dearly in that town than they ought of right to do, to the damage of the university and of all the community of that town, as the king learns from the information of certain of his subjects. [Prynne, Records, iii. 163.] To William de Bridelinton, chancellor of the university of Oxford. Order to permit friar John de Pecham and Oliver de Encourt to hear and determine the matter and cause between Master Robert de Flemengvill and a Jewess named Comitissa, the wife of Isaac Pulet, which have been long agitated before the chancellor, as the king has for certain causes committed the matter to John and Oliver to be heard and determined. The king wills that by this prejudice shall not arise at other times in causes and * There appears to be an omission here in the enrolment. 3 EDWARD I. 233 1275. Membrane 18d —cont. matters pertaining to the chancellor's office, but that he shall use and enjoy them as he did in times past. To the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London. Order to permit Tiged' Amadei to have administration of the chests of his that John de Lovetot and Geoffrey de Neubald lately caused to be arrested in the priory for certain calses, and to permit Tiged' to have administration of the goods and chattels contained therein. Geoffrey de Suthtorp acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Gugehou 120 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. John de Cameys acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Seyton 35 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Simon de Thrapston acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Helyun and his fellows, executors of the will of Robert Waleraund, 100s. for Robert de Watervill; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Henry de Cokefeud acknowledges that he owes to Ralph Rastel 45 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. William de Botereaus acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Tuyford 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. Saer Hay of Waltham acknowledges that he owes to Ralph Malore 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. MEMBRANE 17d. May 7. William de Mongomery and Stephen de Burgo acknowledge that they Westminster. owe to Nicholas de Gukehou and Amice his wife 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Derby.-For this recognisance Nicholas released his right in the mill of Eketon, and in the meadow called (Holm,' and in the advowson of the church of Eketon, all of which Nicholas and Amice had of the gift of John de Mongomery, and he mainperned for Amice that he would cause her to come on the morrow of the Ascension next to levy a fine thereof in the king's court, so that William shall be secure that the mill, meadow, and advowson shall remain to him and his heirs quit of Nicholas and Amice. Enrolment of agreement between Thomas, abbot of Neuhous, and the convent of the same, and Peter de Campina, knight, made on Tuesday the morrow of St. John the Apostle, 1275, witnessing that whereas the abbot and convent were previously bound to the prioress and nuns of Broddeholm in 6 quarters of wheat yearly, the abbot and convent now acknowledge themselves bound to the prioress and nuns in 9 quarters of good and merchantable (pacabilis) wheat, to be paid to them at Saxilby within the quinzaine of the Purification, so that the aforesaid 6 quarters shall be allowed to the abbot and convent in the 9 quarters that are to be received henceforth. Witnesses: Sir Elias de Raban, Sir Adam de Mohawt, Sir Adam de Novo Mercato, Sir Alexander de Monteforti, knights; Robert de Baliolo, William de Keleby, Peter de Lund. 234 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 17d-cont. Christiana de Manlea, who is going to parts beyond 'sea by the king's -- licence, gives power to Peter son of John and Robert de Feltham to make attorneys in her place in all pleas for one year, unless she return to England in the meantime. On Wednesday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, in the third year of king Edward, all the lands that belonged to James son of Sir James de Alditheleg' in the counties of Salop, Stafford, and Chester, were divided between Henry de Aldithel[eg'], brother and heir of James, and John de Eyvill and Matilda, his wife, by consent of the parties, and Matilda's dower thereof was assigned, to wit that for the purparty and dower of Matilda of the lands of James, formerly her husband, there fell to and were assigned to John and Matilda as her dower all the lands that Henry had in the manors of Egmundon, Alstanesfeld, Onecot[e], Aldithel[eg'], Horton, Chesterton, Gravenhungre, Chadkeleg', Haywod, and the town of Chester, except the town of Newport (Noviburgi) with the fish pond and mill of that town, and except the castle of Aldithel[eg'] and the advowson of the church of that town. Henry and his heirs shall have their lodgings (hospicia) only at Chester, as their ancestors were wont to have. Moreover, John and Matilda shall have as her dower a moiety of all Henry's part of the manor of Ford, and in addition 70s. of yearly rent in that manor, provided that if John and Matilda recover dower of Loxforth and Kempeleg, then Henry shall have out of the said 70s. of yearly rent as much as the dower so recovered shall be worth by extent. Moreover, John and Matilda shall have in dower a moiety of all Henry's part in Wycho Mauban,* with all appurtenances, as fully and wholly separately in all and singular the places aforesaid as Henry held the said lands at any time as they were extended Cry the king's order after the death of James, Henry's brother. Henry shall have recompence for the said dower of his purparty out of the lands (de terris) that belonged to the said James in the aforesaid counties, [to wit] the manors (maneria) of Marchumleg', Kendesden, Heleg', Newport (Novoburgo), Talk, Beckeleg', Weston, Thursfeld, Enedon, Langesdon, Colde Norton, Tunstall, Burwardeslime, Newhall (Nova Aula), Aston, and Smalewod, together with the ferry (passagio) of Swanebache and Bruneshurst. And a moiety (mediet')t of all Henry's part of Wycho Mauban of the manor of Ford, except 70s. of yearly rent aforesaid from the manor of Ford, and except the knights' fees (feod') that are and may be found without the manors of the dower aforesaid and without the manors of two parts of the dower, which fees ought to be divided into three parts, and one third thereof ought to be assigned to John and Matilda in dower. Moreover, Henry shall assign to John and Matilda from his said lands in a suitable place the value of a third of two parts of the manor of Horesete, co. Cambridge, which belonged to James, in recompence for Matilda's dower of that manor. In case Lady Alice de Bello Campo recover the manor of Horesete against Henry by judgment of the king's court, then Henry shall have again the lands thus to be assigned to John and Matilda for the latter's dower of that manor. Henry grants that if any lands of his brother be found that are not contained in this deed, such lands shall be divided without delay and dower thereof shall be assigned to Matilda. Henry Owayn acknowledges that he owes to William de Rye 140 marks. ------ For payment of this he found Henry de Mersenton, Roger de Wardenton, Ralph de Burg[o], and Roger Tok as pledges, each of whom constituted * The following words would seem to be intended to apply to the lands mentioned previously, as well as to those in Wyche Mauban. t The meaning of this section is doubtful. 3 EDWARD I. 235 1275. Membrane 17d-cont. himself principal debtor, and granted that the money shall be levied of his lands and chattels in cos. Derby and Stafford in Henry's default. May 8. Peter Corbet acknowledges that he owes to Malcolm de Harleye 59 Westminster. marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Cancelled on payment. Oliver de Dinhant, Walter de Langel[eg'l, and William de Percy acknowledge that they owe to William de Valenc[ia] 911. for the delivery of the body of Robert de Immere; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Somerset, Devon, and Dorset. May 10. Nicholas Corbet came into chancery, and put in his place Nicholas de Westminster. Yecham and Richard de Hoyland to sue before the king for his purparty of the inheritance of Avelina (Avelini), late the wife of Edmund, his brother, of the inheritance of Muntfichet. May 12. Robert de Derl[eg'] acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull' Westminster. 181. 5s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby. May 13. Geoffrey le Marchant of Renham acknowledges that he owes to Walter Westminster. de Helyan and the other executors of the will of Robert Waleraund 24 marks 13s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. ----- Peter Johan de la Rokau, burgess of Bayonne, acknowledges that he owes _ to Peter de Ryun 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in Bayonne. Stephen de Tot of Westden acknowledges that he owes to William de Berkeswell 53 marks. He made this recognisance for the release of a messuage and two caracates of land in Dodington, co. Devon, and he granted that the sheriff of Wilts shall levy this sum from his lands and chattels in his default. May 15. Memorandum, that Master Thomas de Canti Lupo came into the king's Westminster. court, and delivered to the king William de Canti Lupo, son and heir of Nicholas de Canti Lupo, whose marriage pertains to the king, and that the king delivered William to Thomas to be kept at the king's pleasure. May 15. Simon de Insula acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Bakeham Westminster. 12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. ----- Theobald de Verdun, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence, has --- given power to Elias de Oddeston and Ralph de Burgo to make attorneys in his place in all pleas, until Michaelmas next and for two years from then in case Theobald go to Ireland and unless he return in the meantime. Roger de Mortuo Mari has quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] in co. Worcester. Bartholomew de Suthleye and William Corbet have the like quittance in the same county. The abbot of Messingden acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. 236 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 17d —cont. The king has granted to Theobald de Verdun, who is going to Ireland by his licence, quittance until Michaelmas next and from then for two years of the common summons of justices who may be in eyre in cos. Wilts, Gloucester, Hertford, Salop, Stafford, Leicester, Warwick, Oxford, Buckingham, and Essex, unless he return to England in the meantime. Thomas de Sancto Martino acknowledges that he owes to John de Sancto Dionisio 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex, Suffolk, and Wilts. The abbot of Messingdon came into chancery, and acknowledged that he had received from Robert Malet and Master Walter de la Mare 130 marks, due to him by a recognisance made in the rolls of chancery. The king has granted to Alexander, earl of Bouhan, that Thomas de Kynros and John de Skeftinton may make attorneys for the earl in all pleas for two years from the Ascension, in the 3rd year of the reign, and the king has granted that the earl and Elizabeth his wife shall in the meantime be quit of common summonses in all counties where they have lands, and that they shall have writs to that effect to the justices in eyre when the eyres shall be summoned. The earl has appointed Thomas and John to receive the purparty falling to his wife of the lands, fees, and alms (sic) that belonged to R. de Quency, late earl of Winchester, her father. May 24. The king also gave power to the said Thomas to receive attorneys of the Westminster. said Elizabeth in all pleas and in all the matters aforesaid in which her husband has attorneys. Be it known that Thomas received attorneys in Elizabeth's place, to wit Richard de Kelm and Henry de Cutherstok(?). - William de Percy acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello - 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Master Henry de Bray acknowledges that he owes to William de Blitheburg 46s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. IMEMBRANE 16d. May 28. William de Saham, yeoman, acknowledges that he owes to Robert le Westminster. Paneter 4 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. ---- Hugh Duket acknowledges that he owes to John de Ubbeston, usher of --- the king's chamber, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. May 19. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause William de la Clythe, imprisoned Westminster. at Oxford for carrying off (subtractione) of a horse wherewith he was taken, from prison by the following surety (plevinam), as he is not [a thief] and no one prosecutes him, as it is said, and he has found sureties, to wit John de la Hale and Master Walter de Odyham of co. Southampton, Richard de Braddemer of co. Surrey, and Ralph de Ripplingham of co.,* to stand to right in this matter before the king's justices at the first assize when they come to those parts or elsewhere at the king's order. * The name of the county has been omitted by oversight. 3 EDWARD I. 237 1275. Membrane 16d-cont. Memorandum, that Robert son of Henry de Borewell came before the king in chancery, on Thursday before Whitsuntide, and said that he had lost his seal in Westminster Hall. - Roger de Lancastr[ia], puts in his place Walter Theyl, clerk, and Gilbert de Brunolvesheved to sue for the purparty falling to him of the inheritance that belonged to Avelina, late the wife of Edmund, his brother. Richard de Sees came into chancery, on Saturday the eve of Whitsunday, and acknowledged that he owed to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, 401. in which he made fine with her for a trespass in beating her servants, for which 401. he granted and pledged to her all his tenements in Geyton, so that they shall be extended and shall remain to the queen by that extent until she shall have received the money aforesaid in full, and that after she shall have received the money aforesaid, the tenements shall remain to her by the said extent until she shall receive thence 260 marks of a debt of the Jewry in which Richard was bound to divers Jews, and if he be indebted to Jews in a greater sum, then the tenements shall remain to the queen until she shall receive thence all the said debts for her use. This recognisance is also enrolled in the rolls of the justices for the king's pleas. So soon as the deeds have been written that ought to be made in this matter, they shall be enrolled according to the form of the recognisance aforesaid. Enrolment of grant of Andrew de Scaccario to Sir Francis de Bonon[ia], LL.D., councillor of the king of England, of all his messuage of Badelkyng and of all his lands, rents, etc. in the said town of Baldelkyng (sic), for the term of the grantee's life. For this gift and confirmation of the charter Sir Francis shall acquit Andrew of a debt of 55 marks in the Jewry against Isaac Polet, a Jew. Witnesses: Sir Hugh son of Oto, the king's steward, Sir Peter Achard, Sir Nicholas de Hanrede, knights; Master Richard de Stanes; Sir Adam de Stratton; Sir Michael de Norhamptona, Thomas de Meruwe, William de Spersholt, William le Fanflore, Richard de Badelking, John de Gissich, John le Buteler of Kyngeston, Simon de Lundreford acknowledges that he owes to William de Valenc[ia] 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. For the execution of this he found as sureties Richard le Waleys and Robert de Burnesse, who constituted themselves principal debtors, and granted, as above. Master Thomas de Cantilupo puts in his place John de Haunton and Robert de Wasperton in the suit before the king between the said Thomas and Ralph Wyne, Robert Wyne, the elder, Robert Wyne, the younger, Hugh de Folebrigg, and Hugh le Knyt concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Hugh Davy of Clipeston came before the king, on Tuesday in Whitsun week, and sought to replevy to Richard de Halton the latter's land in Clipeston, which was taken into the king's hands for Richard's default in the king's court against Sibyl de Nounchaump. IMEMBRANE 15d. John de Asheton came before the king, on Thursday before Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy a third of the mill of Harsefeld, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Sibyl, late the wife of Walter de Kentelbir[y]. Enrolment of release by John Lestrange (Extraneus), lord of Knokyn, to Robert Lestrange, his brother, of his right in the manor of Wrocwardin, 238 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 15d-cont. Robert doing homage therefor to the king. Dated at Le Knokyn, on Ascension Day, 3 Edward [I.]. ----- John son of Robert de Reda acknowledges that he owes to John de....- Reda, clerk, 20s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Roger de Kirketon puts in his place Alan de Wyresdale or John le Porter in the suit before the king between the said Roger and Joceus son of Roger le Mestre of Ringeston and others [contained] in the writ concerning a plea of trespass. MEMBRANE 13d.... — Stephen de Edesworth acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert Conan 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Bedford and Southampton. John de Wychel[ege] acknowledges that he owes to William de Valenc[ia] 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Stephen de Cheyndut acknowledges that he owes to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Hertford, Northampton, and Buckingham. William de Bandon, Richard son of Thomas de Bandon, Walter de Rokele, Geoffrey de Forda, Baldric son of Luke, and Eudo Jop' came before the king, on Thursday after St. Barnabas, and sought to replevy their land in Bedynton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Agnes, late the wife of William Baldry. Serlo de Harecourt acknowledges that he owes to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester. Bartholomew de Castello came into chancery, on Saturday after St. Barnabas, and acknowledged that he had received from John de Eyvill 401., which John owed to him, whereof he acquitted John. Robert de Virly came before the king, on Saturday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy his land in Tutleshal, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against the prior of Tokesford. MEMBRANE 12d. -- Humphrey de Bohun acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of - Cornwall, 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. [ Cancelled on payment.] Thomas de Verdun acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. [ Cancelled.] Gilbert Peche acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. [ Cancelled.] 3 EDWARD I. 239 1275. M2embrane 12d-cont. Robert de Ufford acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, [ Cancelled.] Hugh Peche acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. [Cancelled.] Thomas Peche acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. [Cancelled.] William de Seye acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. [ Cancelled.] Warin de Hereford acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. [Cancelled.] Eudo la Zusche acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund 8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. [ Cancelled.] John de Bohun acknowledges that he owes to the said Edmund-8001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Wilts and Gloucester. [ Cancelled.] Memorandum, that the aforesaid Edmund came into chancery, and acknowledged that he had received from Humphrey de Bohun 4001. due to him for the term of All Saints, in the third year of the reign, and he acquitted Humphrey's sureties thereof. Peter de Hulmo acknowledges that he owes to William de Roingg' 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. William de Munchensy, Robert son of Walter, John de Munchensy, Ranulph de Munchensy, and William Daumblyt acknowledge that they owe to Master Alexander de Lalling', clerk, 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex. Thomas de Bello Campo, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to the executors of the will of Martin de Litlebir[y] 40 marks. Thomas grants that if he do not pay the sheriff; etc. He has lands in co. Cumberland. William son of Andrew came, on Saturday before St. John the Baptist, and sought to replevy his land and the land of Roger le Sergant, and of Richard son of Cicely in Wrangel to him and them, which land was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Alice, late the wife of Richlard son of Andrew de Wrangel. June 20. Geoffrey Gascelyn acknowledges in chancery that he has received from Westminster. Henry de Sancto Mauro and Nicholas de la Huse 25 marks for Michaelmas term, in the second year of the reign, and 25 marks for Easter term following. 240 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 12d-cont. -Walter de Geyton acknowledges that he owes to Richard de la Vache --- 43 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Enrolment of deed of John son of William Coleman of Little Tillebiry, witnessing that whereas William held a fifth of a knight's fee in Little Tillebiry, co. Essex, in chief of the king, and the king took the said part into his hands by his escheater after William's death, John has quit-claimed the said part to the king in order that it shall be conferred upon John's special kinsman John Priour of Ixninge, provided that John Priour shall acquit the releasor of any reliefs and other services that may be due to the king therefor for the past. Witnesses: Sir Geoffrey Gacelyn, Sir Ralph Gacilyn, Sir John le Moyne, Robert le Blund, William de Pageham, Odo de Pelecot, John de Mendesham, Reginald de Silverle, Richard de Pyteweneshal. Dated at Westminster, on 4 June, 3 Edward son of King Henry. June 20. To G. de Gyenvill, justiciary of Ireland. Order to distrain the men Westminster. (barones) [of] Desmon[de] or their heirs or executors to pay to divers merchants of those parts the debts taken from the latter by William de Dene, formerly justiciary of Ireland, and to cause William's heirs and executors to have peace for the demand made by the merchants for the said debts, if he ascertain that the men aforesaid bound themselves to William to pay the said debts to the merchants, which debts William took in order to hire (conducend') the king's army against the Irish in Desmond at the time when John son of Thomas was there slain. ---- Gilbert de Cnovill acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Kancia, clerk, -.- 511.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Devon. John de Kyme acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Lacy of Colecestre 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. To do this he found sureties, to wit Nicholas de Cumpton, Ralph de Riston, Gervase de Gateby, Ralph Panel, and Robert Bonde, who likewise constituted themselves principal debtors, and granted that the said sum shall be levied of their lands and chattels in the aforesaid county. William de Lyndon, William le Clerc of Okham, Henry de Gretham, Winemerus de Ketene, William de Neubotel, William Giles, and Richard le Taverner of Okham acknowledge that they owe to Walter de Kanc[ia] 58 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Rutland. Silvester de Swyneford acknowledges that he owes to Philip Burnell 61.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Mabel de Chaumpayne, who is going to Galloway, puts in her place Robert de Styvecle in all pleas, and she has granted to him power to appoint attorneys in his place, for three years. MIEMBRANE lid. June 24. John de Bloynes acknowledges that he owes to Master Peter, warden of Westminster. the house of the Scholars of Merton, 60s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. 3 EDWARD I. 241 1275. Membrane lld-cont. July (?) 30. To Geoffrey de Genvil, justiciary of Ireland. Order to give credence to Westminster. S. bishop of Waterford, the treasurer of Ireland, concerning the fees granted at the exchequer of Dublin, as the king has expounded to the bishop certain matters touching the said fees. June 20. To S. bishop of Waterford, treasurer of Ireland. Order to retain Robert Westminster. Bagot in the king's service in Ireland in the position from which he was amoved, or in some other service in that land until otherwise ordered, if he ascertain that Robert is innocent of the trespasses and excesses that he was said to have committed when he stayed in the parts of Limerick (Lymbricy) and for which he was amoved by the justiciary of Ireland from the service in which he was then employed. To Geoffrey de Genvil, justiciary of Ireland. Whereas the king has not full certainty from the justiciary's letters concerning the trespasses and excesses that Robert Bagot is said to have committed whilst he stayed in the parts of Limerick, and he wishes to be more fully certified concerning them, he therefore orders the justiciary if he find, after inquiring concerning the same in Robert's presence by approved and lawful men not suspected by Robert, after allowing Robert's reasonable answers, that Robert is innocent of the trespasses and excesses, not to vex or grieve Robert for this reason, or if he find him guilty, to certify the king concerning the trespasses and excesses whereof he shall find him guilty. June 26. To the justiciary of Ireland and to the treasurer of the exchequer of Westminster. Dublin. Order to enquire as aforesaid in the aforesaid Robert's presence, and to allow his reasonable answers, and if they find him innocent of the trespasses and excesses to place him in some suitable service of the king's in Ireland, and to retain him therein, as the king ordered the justiciary at another time. June 24. To Llewelyn son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Order to be before the Westminster. king at Chester in the octaves of the Assumption next to do homage and to take the oath of fealty and to do the other things that he, like other nobles and liegemen (fideles) of the king, is bound to do to the king by reason of the crown and royal dignity...... Thomas de Clare comes into chancery, and acknowledges that he owes to the prior of Okeburn 115 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in eo. Dorset. Ralph Pyrot acknowledges that he owes to Charles son of Charles 51 marks 2s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Bedford and Hertford. June 20. To Bogo de Knovile, sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Whereas the king has Westminster. ordered Llewelyn son of Griffin, prince of Wales, to be before him at Chester to do homage and to take the oath of fealty and to do the other things that he is bound to do to the king by reason of the crown and royal dignity, the king orders Bogo to behave himself circumspectly, cautiously, and manfully, and to conduct himself discreetly, bravely, and prudently towards Llewelyn, and to hold no conference (parliamentum) with him in any place not safe or proper (debito), and not to offer to him or cause to be offered to him amends for trespasses committed upon him and his men until Llewelyn and his men have made satisfaction for the damages that they have inflicted upon the king and his men of those parts. Bogo is enjoined to conduct himself so in this behalf that the king may deservedly commend his prudence. [Fcedera.] u 96998. Q 242 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane ld-cont. Roger de Waudeby and Agnes his wife acknowledge that they owe to - Michael de Spann[ia]* 30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. Richard de Vernun puts in his place William Morolf or John de Morton in the suit before the king between him and Margery, late the wife of Peter Danaysyn, and Matthew Danaysyn concerning the dictum of Kenill[eworth]. Walter de Swethop puts in his place William de Swethop or Thomas le Faukoner in the suit before the king between him and Gilbert de Humfranvill and others [contained] in the writ concerning a trespass committed upon him by Gilbert. MEMBRANE 10d. July 10. Henry le Tyeys acknowledges that he owes to John de Ubbeston, usher Kempton. of the king's chamber, 18 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Oxford and Cornwall. William Gernun acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Burgate 2 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Gascelin de Brus of Ghent (Candavo) came before the king, at the quinzaine of Midsummer, and demanded from Isabella de Fortibus, countess of Albemarle, 3001. And the countess did not come at that day, and a day is given to Gascelin in the quinzaine of Michaelmas. Hugh Mussun puts in his place Nicholas son of William in the suit before the king against Peter Pycot of a plea of trespass. July 10. To the sheriff of Kent. Order not to permit the abbot of Ghent or his Kempton. bailiffs to make waste, sale, or destruction of the woods, houses or men pertaining to the priory or cell of Leueseham, which is of the king's patronage, so conducting himself in this behalf that the king may not be compelled to punish him (ad te graviter nos capere) through the default of him or of his ministers, as it pertains to the king to provide that the alms that are of the patronage of his predecessors and of his patronage shall be preserved in proper state without waste, sale or destruction. [Prynne, Records, iii. 159.] To the same. Order to warn the abbot of Ghent and the prior of his cell of Leuesham to be before the king in the octaves of Michaelmas with all the muniments touching that cell and its appurtenances, so that the king may then cause to be done before him what shall seem fit by the counsel of his faithful subjects (fidelium) concerning any defaults or withdrawals there may be, as it pertains to the king to provide that in houses of his patronage the distributions (erogaciones) and alms established by him and his predecessors, kings of England, shall be observed without diminution or deceit (dolo). [Ibid.] _ ---- Ralph de Wassingt acknowledges that he owes to Master Geoffrey de Shanketon 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Huntingdon. * Called de Hispann[ia] in the marginal abstract. t A partly erased h (?) and an erasure of two or three letters follow. 3 EDWARD I. 243 1275. Membrane 10d-cont. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to take surety (ponas per vad' et salvos plegios) R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and Master Simon de Ballingden, his official, that they shall be before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas to show why, after the king had inhibited their holding any plea in Court Christian concerning the goods and chattels in the hands of Nicholas de Lodelawe, the king's merchant, because Nicholas complained that they drew him in a plea in Court Christian, they afterwards presumed to hold that plea in contempt of the king's orders and contrary to the prohibitions aforesaid. [Prynne, Records, iii. 159.] July 19. The king has granted to John, prior of Wenlok, that John de GlastonLia] Windsor. and Thomas de Hallyngbir[y], whom he appointed before the king his attorneys in all pleas in the king's courts, with power to appoint attorneys in their places,* by letters to endure until Midsummer next. MEMBRANB 9d. July 18. Robert Justyn of Cunyng acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Windsor. Acton 2 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Memorandum, that Andrew de Gramere came into chancery on Friday the eve of St. Margaret, and granted that the covenant made between him and Richard de Crepping concerning a debt of the Jewry shall be respited until the quinzaine of Martinmas next. Thomas the goldsmith of Stanes acknowledge that he owes to W. bishop of Rochester 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Middlesex and Buckingham. July 24. William de Cokeseye acknowledges that he owes to William son of Thame. Richard Odonist 81. 10s. Od., to be paid in St. Andrew's church, Wicham, at Michaelmas, and so yearly for life 20s. and a robe, price half a mark; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester. —Humphrey de Bohun granted that the said 81. 10s. Od. shall be levied, in default of payment, of his lands in co. Buckingham. Aug. 12. Roger de Clifford, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to the king Woodstock. 110 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Hereford and Worcester. MfEMBRANE 8d. Aug. 2. The abbot of Salleye, who is going to his chapter-general by the king's Beckley. licence, has given power to brother Roger de Neuby to make attorneys in his place until Michaelmas next. John Serle, Henry de Eure, Richard Hereward, John son of Agnes, -- John Godefrey, Walter le Hoppere, Stephen le Cat, and John Gilebert put in their places William de Sallo[pia] and Thomas Hiredman in the suit before the king between them and Richard le Fulere and others contained in the original writ concerning a trespass committed upon them by Richard and the others. MEMBRANE '7d. John le Noble of Braibrok came before the king, on Friday the eve of - -- St. Laurence, and sought to replevy to William le Scriveyn of Calne the latter's land,in Caleston, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against William de Depegate. * There is an evident omission of the clause granting power to the prior to appoint these attorneys. t Called ' Richard son of Odo ' in the marginal abstract. 2 244 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 7d-cont. John le Grasier and Isolda his wife came before the king, on Saturday the feast of St. Laurence, and sought to replevy their land in Britwell, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Alice de Quenton. Nicholas son of Beatrice de Morton, John le Blond, and Reginald son of Beatrice de Morton put in their places Robert Russel and Henry son of Henry le Fevre in a suit before the king between them and Giles de Morton concerning a trespass committed upon them by him. Aug. 15. Roger de Harpecote acknowledges that he owes to Sir R. bishop of Bath Kenilworth. and Wells 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Salop. Memorandum, that the king is bound to acquit William de Tiwe of the debts in which William is bound to Leo, a Jew of Warwick, to the value of the debts that the late king at his death owed to William, so soon as the king shall be certified concerning those debts. Aug. 17. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to deliver to Maurice de Croun, Merevale. the king's kinsman, the year, day, and waste of the lands and chattels that belonged to Robert Visdelou, which pertain to the king by reason of the felony for which Robert was hanged, as the king has granted the year, day, and waste to Maurice. ---- Memorandum, that Martin de la Lade came into chancery, on Friday the - eve of St. Bartholomew, and quit-claimed to R. bishop of Bath and Wells his right and claim in the manor of Toftes in Lindes[eye]. William Poyne came before the king, on Thursday before St. Giles, and sought to replevy his land in Rotington, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Petronilla, late the wife of Costus de Rotington. MEMBRANE 6d. Enrolment of grant by Richard Brun to Adam his son of the half wara of land pertaining to the half wara of land that Adam holds of Richard, together with the houses built thereon and all other free appurtenances in the town of Aston, rendering therefor to the chief lords of the fee 12d. yearly for all service, worldly exaction, and demand. Witnesses: Sir R. Burnell, bishop of Bath, the chancellor; Sir John de Kirkeby; brother Nicholas, then prior of St. Thomas; Robert de Onileych; Robert de Bromleich; Hugh le Bedull of Ascheleich; John de Ayton. Henry de Benetley, clerk, puts in his place William son of' Margery de - Benetley in the suit before the king between him and John son of Anketel (Anhetely) de Benetley concerning a trespass committed upon him by John. There is assigned to Sir Roger de Lancastr[ia] the chief messuage of Esthammes entirely with the mill entirely for his purparty of the manors of Langel[eye], Wylardesby, and Kenington, in addition to the crop (vesturam) of 63 acres of wood in the park of Langeleye, and the total value of his purparty in Esthammes is 181. 2s. Old. in lands, rents and homages, in addition to the crop aforesaid. There is also assigned to him the advowson of the church of Esthammes in his purparty. Concerning the fees it is not yet known. 3 EDWARD I. 245 1275. Membrane 6d-cont. Enrolment of agreement between John de Berleya and Walter son of Nicholas de Dodinton, whereby John demises to Walter at ferm an acre of land with John's garden in the open fields (teritorio) of Blithefeld, lying between the land of the rector of Blithe church and Walter's land, for the term of fifteen years from the Ascension, 1270, rendering therefore 12d. yearly for all service, custom, tallage, suit of court, and worldly demand. For this grant Walter paid 7s. beforehand. John will warrant this to Walter, his heirs and assigns, or to those to whom he may give, bequeath, alienate, assign or sell the land, except the rector of the church of Blith, and if he be unable to warrant the land and the curtilage aforesaid, then he shall restore and warrant to Walter as much land and as good land measured by length and breadth where Walter shall choose, and Walter may leave the land with the last crop (croppo) without hindrance. Witnesses: Ralph de Hapton; Robert son of John; Richard Pas; Richard Gamell; John sol of Sir James; William son of Geoffrey; Richard son of Swain. Enrolment of release by Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, with the consent of his chapters, to the king of the service of all the lands and fees now belonging to the abbey of Glastonbury, with the patronage or custody of that abbey, which the bishop's predecessors had as mesne (medii) between the kings of England and the abbots of Glastonbury by the grants of kings Richard, John, and Henry III., and the amercements (misericordias) of the abbots of Glastonbury when they fell into the kings' mercies (misericordias) or amercements, and the moiety that remained to Walter Giffard, sometime bishop of Bath and Wells, and to his successors by a composition made between Walter and Robert, sometime abbot of Glastonbury, concerning all amercements, fines, escapes of thieves, chattels of fugitives and condemned men, of murder-fines (murdr'), and of oxen coming from disseisins of lands and fees of the men of the abbey, and from all their fees and men, and also all liberties that the bishops of Bath and Wells had from the said royal grants as mesne between the kings and the abbots; saving to the bishop and his successors and his churches of Bath and Wells the manor of Pakelechurch, with the advowson of the church, co. Gloucester; the manor of Blakeford with the free chapel, the manor of Wynescumbe with the advowson of the church, and the manor of Cranemere, co. Somerset, so that the manor of Cranemere shall be quit of all suits of courts and hundreds, and saving to the bishop and his successors and his churches one knight's fee in Camelerton, the fees pertaining to the manors aforesaid, the advowsons of the churches of Cristemeleford and Kyngton, co. Wilts, Assebur[y], co. Berks, and Boclond, co. Dorset, and also amercements, fines, escapes of thieves, chattels of fugitives and condemned men, and of murder-fines, and oxen coming from disseisins from the aforesaid manors of Pokelechurche, Wynescumbe, Cranemere, and Blakeford, and from the fees pertaining to them and from all men of the said fees and manors; so that the said abbot and convent shall be immediately intendent and respondent to the king in all things touching the abbey, fees, and liberties as lord and patron, and so that the bishop and his successors can challenge no right or claim hereafter in the said services, patronage, custody, amercements, etc., granted and remitted by them to the king: to have to the king and his heirs in exchange for the city of Bath and the suburbs thereof, with the houses, garden and meadow below the city on the east between the Avon (Abanam) and the city, and with any advowsons of the churches of the city and suburbs pertaining to the king, and with all other appurtenances of the city without any retention except the barton (bertona) of Bath, which the prior and convent of Bath hold of the king at fee-farm and which remains to the king and his heirs, and also for certain liberties touching the city that the king has granted to the bishop by charter; saving to the bishop and his successors and to his churches the other rights,/possessions and 246 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 6d-cont. liberties granted to him and his churches by the kings of England, in whi Uh the bishop does not intend that prejudice shall arise to him or his successors by reason of the present grant; saving also to the bishop and his churches diocesan right and jurisdiction and authority in the said monastery and in all its appurtenances. Sealed with the bishop's seal and the seal of his chapters of Bath and Wells. Dated 15 Kal. June, 12175. Witnesses: Sir Walter, bishop of Rochester; Master Walter Scamel, dean of Salisbury; Master Thomas de Cantilupo; Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari, Sir John son of John, Sir Ralph de Hengham, Sir Walter de Helyon, the king's justices (justic'); John de Kirkeby. [Prynne, Records, iii. 167.] MEMBRANE 5d. ----- Richard Folyot calme before the king, on Sunday after St. Matthew, and sought to replevy his land in Milton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Henry de Brully and Katherine, his wife. William son of William de Scaccario came before the king, on Sunday the morrow of St. Matthew, and sought to replevy to William de Scaccario the latter's land in Kirkeby, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Augustine de Plessy and Sarah his wife. Sept. 23. To Stephen de Pencestr[ia], constable of Dover castle. Whereas the Atherstone king learns from the information of trustworthy men that many malefactors (Atheston). of the parts of Zeeland with fourteen cogs and more lie in wait at sea with force and arms for the merchants of London and others of the realm, by reason of a dispute between the merchants of London and the merchants of Zeeland, in order to commit robberies at sea, whereby intolerable expenses and inconveniences may arise if their malice be not obviated: the king therefore orders the constable to cause to be investigated cautiously by all means the truth concerning the premises, and to cause the barons of the Cinque Ports to be warned concerning this, and to go in person to the barons to have colloquy with them concerning the premises, and to cause to be done herein by their counsel what shall seem most expedient. The king is sending his letters of credence to the barons in the constable's favour. ----- William de Pokebrok and Amice, his wife, put in their place Solomon - de Pokebrok and John Dale in the suit between them and Master William de Cliff concerning the manor of Irencestre according to the form of the dictum of Kenill[eworth]. Thomas de Lisurs came before the king, on Wednesday before Michaelmas, and sought to replevy the land and rent of Rametta, daughter of Thomas son of William, in Gusewrth, which was taken into the king's hands for her default in the king's court against Margery, late the wife of Alexander Loterel. John le Parker of Great Bytham came before the king, on the same day, and sought to replevy to Richard Arnald the latter's land of Swofeld, which was taken into the king's hands for Richard's default in the king's court against Margaret de Swofeld. William de Northeburg came before the king, on Thursday before Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to himself the land of Richard Arnald in Swafeld, which was taken into the king's hands for Richard's default in the king's court against Margery, late the wife of William son of Robert. 3 EDWARD I. 247 1275. Membrane 5d-cont. Sept. 26. To the king of France. Whereas the king of France's seneschal of Liddington. Perigord went to Bordeaux, and distrains the king by order of the king of France to pay a sum of money adjudged in the king of France's court to the vicomtesse of Limoges and to certain religious houses for damages and wrongs inflicted upon them, and the king's seneschal of Gascony dare not pay so much money until he know the king's will, the king requests the king of France to respite such distraint until the king of France's parliament at Martinmas. The king will then send to his presence envoys for this matter and for others, who shall execute the king of France's will in the king's name concerning the matters aforesaid, so that the king of France shall deem himself satisfied. The king requests him to write to him his pleasure in the premises. Alice de Preston puts in her place Philip de Brauncestre, chaplain, and -- Walter Pache of Wotthon in the suit before the king between her and Laurence de Preston concerning a trespass committed upon her by Laurence. Richard Trosselone came before the king, on Thursday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to Ralph le Wyne the latter's land in Monyesse, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Joan, late the wife of Robert son of Nicholas, and Robert le Wyne. Robert le Cauces puts in his place Robert his son in a suit before the king concerning a plea of land. The men of the manor of Hermodesworth, which is of the ancient demesne of the crown, put in their place Walter atte Stile and Walter Denne in the suit before the king between them and the abbot of Holy Trinity, Rouen, in a plea that he shall not exact customs and services. John de Wacchesham puts in his place Peter de Hecham in a plea before the king between him and William de Monte Canis[io] of Edwardeston and Thomas his brother and others named in the original writ concerning a writ of trespass. Oct. 10. Hugh de Kendal acknowledges that he owes to Iter[ius] Bocard 5 marks; Windsor. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester. For this recognisance Iter[ius] remitted to the abbot of Furneus a palfrey owing to him. William Cok of Tikehull acknowledges that he owes to Master Simon de Preston 6s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Roger atte Brok, Henry le Conestable, John le Kyng, William le Hayward, Walter de Whitewell, William de Whitewell, Walter le Blund, William Oppershull, Beatrice Harding, and Roger Gornard put in their places William Snel and John Harding in the suit before the king between them and the prior of Farleye of a plea that he shall not exact customs and services. Oct. 14. John son of Philip acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull Westminster. 81. 6s. 4d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. Laurence de Cestr[ia], rector of the church of Modberlegh, acknowledges that he owes to Roger la Zuch 41. ]Os. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Chester. Eudo la Zusche acknowledges that he owes to John le Fauconer and the other executors of the will of Wibert de Kanc[ia] 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. 248 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275i. Membrane 5d-cont. James Russel acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Mules 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. Oct. 20. Robert de Lathum acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Wygan 10 Westminster. marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. _ -- Memorandum, that Master Henry de Newerk came into chancery, and acknowledges that he has received from John de Lafford 20 marks in which John was indebted to him. Geoffrey de Suthorp, knight, and Hugh Ridel of Wytering, and William de Colevill of co. Lincoln acknowledge that they owe to Stephen de Cornhull, ' draper,' of London, 126 quarters of well cleaned wheat and 60 quarters of barley, to be rendered at Suthorp at Christmas next; to be levied, in default, of their lands and chattels in co. Northampton. William de Stanstede acknowledges that he owes to Peter the goldsmith of London Bridge 8j marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Oct. 22. The abbot of Lire (Lyra) attorns before the king brother Robert de Lyn Westminster. and brother William de Fercfeylin(?), monks, and Nicholas de Britoll[ia], clerk, in all pleas, with power to appoint attorneys in their places. Sept. 26. The prior of St. Mary's, Worcester, attorns before the king Philip de Geddington. Colintone and Robert de Maunz in a suit adjourned before the king by the justices lately in eyre at Worcester between William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, demandant, and the prior, tenant, of 1J acres of land in the suburbs of Worcester. MEMBRANE 4d. Oct. 24. Alexander de Balliolo acknowledges that he owes to Master Roger de Westminster. Seyton 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. Cancelled on payment. Jordan Foliot acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Evesham 26 — *; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Oct. 25. The prior of Brackel[eye], who is going to parts beyond sea by the Westminster. king's licence, attorned before the king brother John de Kanc[ia] or Reginald Caperun in all pleas until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. Manasser (Manserus) de Maundevill in Morton acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of St. James's without Northampton 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Enrolment of deed from Robert de Munteny, John de Dykel[eye] of co. Essex, William le Vavasour, Nicholas de Leycestr[ia], and Roger le Bretun of co. York, binding themselves to Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, in 701. for his corn and stock in the manor of Deneby and for the term of two years that he had in that manor. Dated at Westminster, at the feast of St. Luke, 3 Edward [I.]. Enrolment of deed of William son of Thomas de Creystok binding himself to Robert Burnell, bishop of Bath and Wells, or to Joan Burnell * The denomination of the coin is omitted. 3 EDWARD I. 249 1275. Membrane 4d —cont. in 1091. for corn and stock in the manors of Morton and Kirkeby Orenblower that he received from them at Michaelmas, 3 Edward [I.]. In case John, son and heir of William, or other his heir if John die, do not marry the aforesaid Joan, then William shall pay to the bishop or Joan 5001. at the end of five years from Michaelmas aforesaid, together with the aforesaid 1091. If any of William's heirs marry Joan, William shall render to such heir and to Joan the said 1091. only and shall be quit of the 5001. For payment hereof he charges his lands, goods and chattels to the distraint of the bishop and Joan and of the sheriff of Northumberland and Cumberland. Witnesses: Sir Otto de Grandisono, Gwichard de Charron, Alexander de Kirketon, Robert de Torny, knights; William de Middelton, Thomas de Torny, Richard de Bernevill, Roger Miniot. Dated at London, on the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, 3 Edward [I.]. And William came into chancery, and acknowledged that the money aforesaid shall be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Northumberland and Cumberland. ----- Nicholas de Bardefled (sic) of Southampton acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Pape and Torisanus le Pape 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Southampton and Wilts. Oct. 26. William de Pakeham of Thymmeworth, Laurence de Offinton, Ralph de Westminster. Alneto, and Roger de Pridinton acknowledge that they owe to Robert Fulcon[is] 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Enrolment of deed of Walter de Faucunberg and Agnes his wife, one of the sisters and heiresses of Peter de Bruys the third, and Marmaduke de Tweng and Lucy (Luca) his wife, the second sister and heiress of Peter, witnessing that whereas certain lands of Peter's with the advowson of the priory of Gysebur[n] have come to them by inheritance, they, having sought out and found the truth, acknowledge and grant that the canons of the said monastery shall in no wise be bound to seek licence to elect from the donors when the priory is void, but that upon the first voidance they shall present their elect to Walter and Agnes or their heirs at Skelton, according to the manner and form in which the canons have been wont to do in the times of Peter and of his ancestors, and on the second voidance they shall present to Marmaduke and Lucy or their heirs at Denebi, according to the manner and form in which they have been accustomed to present to Peter and his ancestors at Skelton, and thus hereafter successively, so that prejudice shall not be done to the canons by the enrolment concerning the division of the lands and advowsons made in the king's court between the sisters and heiresses of Peter. In testimony whereof the grantors have put their seals to the present letters made in the form of an indenture (cirografphi) and have procured its insertion in the king's rolls. Dated at London, 7 Kal. November, 1275, 3 Edward [I.]. Be it known that Walter and Agnes his wife and Marmaduke and Lucy came into chancery at Westminster, on Tuesday the morrow of SS. Simon and Jude, and granted the 'tenor of this deed made between them in the manner of an indenture (cirograffi), so that they may not contravene the same tenor hereafter. Oct. 28. Eleanor la Zusche, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, Westminster. has given power to William de Causton and John Belami to make attorneys for her in all pleas for one year from Christmas next, unless she return in the meantime. 250 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 4d —cont. Eleanor de Verdun has given power to Robert Bataill, clerk, to make - attorneys in her place in all pleas in the king's court in Ireland, for two yeai's. Nov. 4. Thomas de Multon and Elizabeth his wife attorn in their places before - the king Richard de Flethe, clerk, and Andrew de Cumberlaund in the suit before the king on the morrow of St. Hilary next between the said Thomas and Elizabeth, demandants, and Alan Plukenet, tenant, concerning the manor of Trivel. Nov. 4. Anselm Basset acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull 221.; Westminster. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. Nov. 1. To the sheriff of Oxford. Writ to order Ralph de Dyne to render to Westminster. Richard de Seyton and Alice his wife a messuage and 4 virgates of land except 4 acres in Bereford St. Michael, and to order Richard son of Norman Sampson and Margery his wife to render to Richard and Alice a messuage and a virgate of land in the same town, which Warin de Plesseto and Alice his wife held of William de Chenney, Alice's kinsman, of whom she is the heir, by assignment of Dionisia de Chenny, as the lands that Dionisia had previously given to Warin and Alice and to the heirs of Alice's body, which ought to revert to Richard and Alice, by the form of the grant of Dionisia and by her assignment, after the death of Alice, late the wife of Warin, because she died without an heir of her body. If Ralph, Richard and Margery do not do so and if Richard and Alice find the sheriff security to prosecute their claim, the sheriff shall summon Ralph, Richard and Margery to be before the justices at Westminster in fifteen days from St. Hilary to show cause why they have not done so. By the bishop of Rochester. MEMBRANE 3d. Oct. 24. To Richard de Pyltemor and Roger de Evesham. Appointment to tax -- and appraise the fifteenth of all moveable goods in cos. Devon and Cornwall, the prelates, barons and others of the realm having granted to the king a fifteenth for the relief of his estate, to be taxed and appraised by the oath of knights and others of those counties in accordance with the form delivered to Richard and Roger by the king, and to execute the premises by the counsel of Master Walter Scamel, dean of Salisbury, whom the king has appointed their superior in this behalf. The king therefore orders Richard and Roger to execute the premises at days and places to be provided by them. The king has ordered the sheriffs of the said counties to cause to come before Richard and Roger at certain days and places of which Richard and Roger are to inform them knights and lawful men of those counties by whom the truth in the premises may be best known and enquired, and has ordered the sheriffs to cause the fifteenth to be deposited in places enjoined upon Richard and Roger under the testimony of the dean of Exeter in co. Devon and of the prior of Bodmin (Bodminye) in co. Cornwall, until otherwise ordered, and has ordered the sheriffs to assist the said Richard and Roger. The like to the following: Bartholomew de Briauncoun and James de Sancto Victore in cos. Essex and Hertford: superior, Master Geoffrey de Haspal. John de Lovetot and Geoffrey de Neubaud in ces. Norfolk and Suffolk: superior, Robert de Typetot. Baldwin de Sancto Georgio and Hugh de Kendale in cos. Cambridge and Huntingdon: superior —. 3 EDWARD I. 251 - 1275. Membrane 3d-cont. Guy Gumbaud and Thomas de Stok in co. Lincoln: superior, Anthony de Bek. John de Ridgate and Philip de Wileby in co. York: superior, Master Robert de Scardeburk. Joln de Haulton and Simon de Crepping in cos. Northumberland and Westmoreland: superior, Robert de Nevill. Ranulph de Acre and William de Herlawe in cos. Cumberland and Lancaster: superior, Geoffrey de Nevill. Thomas de Meynwaryn and Leon[ard] son of Leo (Leonii) in co. Chester: superior, the justice (justiciar') [of Chester]. Roger Sprenchehose and Reginald de Leye in cos. Salop and Stafford: superior, Roger de Mortuo Mari. Roger de Burkhull and Walter de Rymerlee in cos. Hereford and Worcester: superior, Walter de Helyun. Roger le Ros and Adam de Chetewind in co. Gloucester: superior, Walter de Helyun. Elias Cotele and Master William de Sancto Botulpho in cos. Dorset and Somerset: superior, the dean of Salisbury. Richard de Pyltymore and Roger de Evesham in cos. Devon and Cornwall: superior, the dean of Salisbury. William Brebuef and Hugh de Dingneston in co. Southampton: superior, Matthew de Columbariis. Matthew de Hastinges and Thomas de Leuk[enore?] in cos. Surrey and Sussex: superior, William de Brehuse. Ralph le Sauvage and Adam de Wynton[ia] in co. Kent: superior, Stephen de Penecestr[ia]. William Spileman and William Girberti in co. Ulster: superior, Matthew de Columbar[iis]. Bartholomew Godard, Robert Paulin, John Lotrich, Simon Wythbert, and Valentine de Byere in the [Cinque] Ports: superior, Stephen de Pencestr[ia]. Hamo Iauteyn and Giles de Audenard in the city of London and co. Middlesex: superior, brother Joseph de Cauncy. Geoffrey de Picheford and John de Lond[onia] in cos. Oxford and Berks: superior, Thomas de Clare. Henry de Wincestr[ia] and Simon de Gatton in cos. Buckingham and Bedford: superior, John son of John; Reginald de Grey in his place. Nicholas de Cugenho and William de Perton in cos. Northampton and Rutland: superior, Payn de Cheworth. Henry de Nothing[ham] and Osebern de Bereford in cos. Leicester and Warwick: superior, Bartholomew de Suthleg. Ralph de Wodeburg and Master Ralph de Besages in cos. Nottingham and Derby: superior, Bartholomew de Suthleg. Nov. 3. Henry de Somery, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John Vallet, Westminster. merchant of Chartres, 50 marks; for payment whereof he found as pledges Roger de Clifford, William Giffard, Nicholas de Sifrewast, Walter de Pedwardyn, and Richard de la More, knights, each of whom undertook payment of 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Essex, Wilts, Hereford, Cambridge, Kent, and Gloucester. Alexander de Baylliol acknowledges that he owes to William de Valencia (Valeno) 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. Cancelled on payment. 252 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. i 1275. Membrane 3d —cont. Nov. 4. Hugh de Turbevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John Yallet, iWestminster. merchant of Chartres, 566 marks 10s. Od.; for payment whereof he found ' as pledges Roger de Clifford, the elder, and Roger Lestrange, each of whom r' "' [. "undertook payment of a moiety; to be levied, in default of payment, of. -I., ftheir lands and chattels in cos. Hereford and York. Vacated. Memorandum, that Poncius de Mora, who was admitted before the chancellor as the aforesaid John's attorney, came into chancery and acquitted the said Hugh of this sum, and looked to Grimbald Pauncefot, who acknowledges in the exchequer that he owes this money to Poncius as John's attorney. - John de Cowe acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Sifrewast 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. Hugh son of William de Noting[eham] acknowledges that lie owes to William de Hamelton, clerk, 4 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Memorandum, that on 7 November, nine bulls and one patent letter concerning the immunity of the king's chapels and concerning other matters of his granted to him by the Roman court were delivered to Sir John de Sancto Dionisio to be kept with the king's other bulls and privileges. Humphrey de Bohun acknowledges that he owes to Bertram Markeys or Peter de la Chaumbre 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. The prior of Lewes puts in his place brother William, prior of Pritelwell, and Richard de Melton, clerk, in all pleas of dower unde nihil habet, assizes of novel disseisin, of last presentation, and quare impedit, and in suits that may happen to be summoned before justices in eyre, with power to appoint attorneys in their place. fMEMBRANE 2d. Enrolment of agreement between Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari and Richard de Coleworth and Erneburga his wife, whereby Richard and Erneburga, for 350 marks in which they are indebted to Roger, demise to Roger for twelve years 201. yearly of land and rent in Kyngeston and Jevele, which they held in Erneburga's dower of the free tenement that belonged to Ralph de Ardene, her husband, in co. Somerset and elsewhere. In case Roger be unable to have seisin thereof for the said term, Richard and Erneburga bind themselves and their lands in Ovesham and Borham, co. Essex, Coleworth, co. Northampton, and elsewhere for payment of what shall be lacking of the aforesaid 350 marks. At the end of the term the land and rent shall revert to Richard and Erneburga or to Thomas de Arden, her son. Witnesses: Master Roger de Seyton; Ralph de Hengham; Brian de Brompton, the younger; Grimbald Pauncefot; William de Ivelton; Richard de Haydon; Peter de Bruges; John Daniel; Robert de Burcy of Blakemor. Enrolment of confirmation by Thomas de ArdeD, son and heir of the late Ralph de Ardenn, of the preceding grant. Witnesses as above. 3 EDWARD I. 253 1275. Membrane 2d-cont. Be it known that Erneburga came into chancery, and acknowledged the aforesaid grant, and being examined in due form, she granted all the premises in form aforesaid. Also Thomas de Ardern, of whose inheritance Erneburga holds the lands aforesaid, came into chancery and granted the confirmation aforesaid. Nov. 11. Jordan de Laverekstok acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Sifrewast Westminster. 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Enrolment of letter from brother R. archbishop of Canterbury to the king, requesting the king to grant to brother Osewald de Estry, confirmed as abbot of Faversham by the archbishop, the administration of the temporal goods and possessions of the monastery aforesaid, in accordance with the custom of the realm, as the archbishop lately quashed the election by the monks of brother John de Romenhale as abbot, and provided the monastery and monks with the said Osewald, to whom the king has given his assent. Dated at Lamehethe, 8 Id. November, 1275, in the third year of the archbishop's consecration. [Prynne, Records, iii. 160.] Thomas de Ayneus acknowledges that he owes to William de Fulham 15 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Roger son of Roger de Suthcotes made the same recognisance, and granted that the aforesaid sum shall be levied of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex, if Thomas do not observe the terms of payment. Nov. 10. Roger le Estraunge acknowledges that he owes to Nutus and Burges[ius], Westminster. his brother, merchants of Florence, 1421. Is. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in England. Ralph de Truhampton acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Waldesshef 14 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Henry de Chauncy of Langeton acknowledges that he owes to Master William de Luda 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. -— ~- John Ferre, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, puts - in his place Walter de Kanc[ia] and John del Pont in all pleas until Easter next, unless he return in the meantime. To the sheriff of Devon. Writ to order Walter, bishop of Exeter, to render to Agnes de Crues a messuage and a third of 8 ferlings of land in Otreg St. Mary, which she claims to be her right of the gift of Henry le Gras, who enfeoffed her thereof, and in which the bishop has not entry except by Mary, late the wife of Henry Thebaud, who recovered them against Agnes in the king's court as her dower of the said Henry Thebaud's free tenement in that town, and which ought to revert to Agnes by reason of Mary's death by the feoffment aforesaid. If the bishop do not do so, and if Agnes find the sheriff security [to prosecute her claim], the sheriff is ordered to summon the bishop to be before the king's justices at Westminster in fifteen days from St. Hilary to show cause why he has not done so. 254 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 2d-cont. Enrolment of deed of the brother John, abbot of Dernhale, of the Cistercian order, and of the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, witnessing that he has sold for himself and his convent, in the city of London on the day when this letter was made, to Giles de Ayre, attorney of John Wermond of Caumbray, twelve sacks of good wool of the better crop (colliette) of Hereford, for 9 marks sterling a sack, the wool to be without cot (cot), breech-wool (gard), and without black or grey, and without clack (clake), and without villein fleece (vilein toyson), clean and dry, and well-washed, without any manner of dirt (ordure), and as good wool as the better crop (coilliette) of Dore, to be weighed by the weight of Dore and well pressed (?brise), of each sack four stones of wool. Be it known that Giles paid, for himself and for the said John, to the abbot, receiving for himself and his convent and to make the common profit of his house, 80 marks sterling as earnest (en arres) for the said wool, on the day when this letter was made, and he will pay all the remainder (le parpai) on delivery of the wool. The wool shall be dressed (apparaillie) in the town of Hereford, and the merchants shall find a dresser (apparailliour), whom the abbot and convent shall provide with food and drink for so long as he shall be employed in dressing the wool. The abbot and convent shall cause the wool to be carried to the city of London at their cost and at their peril and risk (perils e aventures) of war or of other disturbance, and shall there cause it to be delivered at Giles's lodging before the feast of St. Peter at the beginning of August 1276, under pain of 201. to be paid in aid of the Holy Land for every day exceeding that term. In case the abbot and convent have not the wool delivered in manner aforesaid, and the merchants suffer damage or loss or incur expense through defect found in any sack, tie merchants shall be believed by their simple word as to the defects and their other damages and expenses without oath and without proof, and the abbot and convent shall render and restore such defects, damages, and expenses upon the simple statement of the merchants together with all the wool aforesaid. For the observance of these conditions the abbot and convent have bound themselves, their house, their successors, and all their goods of holy church and of lay fee moveable and immoveable to the merchants, so that the merchants may cause them to be destrained by whatsoever sheriffs or bailiffs they shall deem fit in a place where they or their goods shall be found this side the sea or beyond, in such manner that the merchants shall give (doront) freely of goods to the abbot and convent to the aforesaid (?) sheriffs or bailiffs 101. sterling upon each distress. The abbot and convent have granted this of their good will, so that the debt of the merchandise shall not be diminished in aught by reason hereof, and so that the pain aforesaid in aid of the Holy Land be not rendered nevertheless, and the abbot and convent have renounced in all these matters all aid of ecclesiastical courts (de clergiale curt) or lay courts or privilege of clergy, the letter of Sir (dine) Adrian, and every custom and statute and letters and privilege now obtained or to be obtained, and the constitution made concerning two days (jornez) in the council general, and the indulgence granted by the apostolic see (se le apostoile) to the English granting that they shall not be drawn out of their realm by papal letters, and they have renounced all other matters that might aid them against this letter or might aid them to aggrieve or injure the merchants or him who shall carry this letter. If there be default of any sack of the wool aforesaid or if there be default in any sack at the delivery, the abbot and convent ought to render to the merchants the whole value of such sack and all the defaults and damages and expenses upon the bare assertion (simple dit) of the merchants, without oath and without proof. In testimony whereof the abbot and Giles have put their seals to this indenture (lettre cirograffe) interchangeably, together with the seals of Sir John de Kyrkeby, then 3 EDWARD 1. 255 1275. Membrane 2d-cont. clerk of the chancery, and of Robert de Meldeburne and Stephen de Cornhull, citizens of London, who have put their seals in witness whereof at the request of the abbot and Giles. Dated at London, on Friday before Martinmas, 1275. French. Cancelled on payment. -Memorandum, that the abbot comes in chancery and acknowledges that - he owes to Giles de Ayre, attorney of John Wermond of Caumbray, 12 sacks of wool, to be paid in form aforesaid; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Nov. 12. Geoffrey de Neubald acknowledges that he owes to John Bek 30 marks; Westminster. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. ---- The abbot of Dernehal acknowledges that he owes to Huguiccio Pape, - --- Hugelinus de Vickio, Hugh de Postes, and Toresanus Donati, and their fellows, merchants of Florence, 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Chester. MEMBRANE ld. Master Richard de Clifford acknowledges that he owes to Intherius Buchard 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in England. Enrolment of release by William Motegar of Neuton to Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, of his right in the manors of Toftes and Bebesby and the advowson of the church of Toftes, saving to William the land that he had in free marriage with the kinswoman of Master John de la Lade in Toftes of the said John's gift and all the land that William held in fee in the said towns in John's lifetime. The releasor warrants the manors and advowson against William his son and against his said son's heirs and against Martin de la Lade and his heirs, and against John de Claxeby and Robert his brother and their heirs, and he grants that his son William shall, so soon as he come of age, make quitclaim to the bishop of the manors and advowson, and that if William his son die before he come of age, his son's heirs shall complete such quitclaim. The releasor grants that he will pay to the bishop 1001. if he contravene this warranty or grant, or if his son or his son's heirs defer making the quitclaim, payment whereof he charges upon himself and his heirs and his lands and chattels, so that the bishop or the sheriff of Lincoln may levy the raid sum of his lands if he make default. Witnesses: Sir Roger de Northwod, Sir Hamo Hauteyn, Sir Geoffrey de Wynepol, Sir Simon de Driby, knights; John de Kirkeby, William de Middelton, Robert le Blund of Fuldon, Richard de Boylund, John de Heden, Robert le Venur, Geoffrey de Sandyacre. *William Ger[aud?], who is going to parts beyond sea, attorney of John, count of Brittany, having power to make attorneys, puts in his place Master Alan de Berton and Robert de Wetherby until Whitsuntide next in all pleas for or against the earl, giving them power to make attorneys in their places. * From this point the roll is very much worn and darkened. 256 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane ld-cont. Nov. 16. Roger de Clifford, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, Westminster. gives power to Nicholas de Syphrewa[st] and Richard de Bosco to make attorneys in his place in all pleas for one year, unless he return in the meantime. Ralph de Wylton (?) acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Clifford, the elder, 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and Northampton. Eudo la Zusche acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Pape and Donatus Pape 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and cattels in co ---Nov. 12. William Berman (?), who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's Westminster. license, puts in his place William de Fresseneden in all pleas for one year, unless he return in the meantime. Memorandum, that on Friday the eve of St. Edmund the Confessor, judgment was rendered between Matilda de Clare, countess of Gloucester, and Isabella de Fortibus, [countess] of Albemarle, concerning the manor of N.... etbv. John... pann, who is going to Ireland, puts in his place Master John Woulthorp (?) in all pleas, for......, unless he return in the meantime. Enrolment of deed of Peter de Salcey (?), witnessing that whereas he is indebted to Sir Thomas de Clare in 5001. sterling, which he has received for the expedition of certain most urgent affairs, payment whereof he charges upon himself and his goods. Dated at London, on Saturday before St. Martin, [3] Edward [I.]. The abbot of Waledon (?) acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Cast[ello] 250 (?) marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Middlesex. 257 4 EDWARD I. 1275. MEM3BRANE 18. Nov. 21. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Roger The Tower. Lestrange (Extraneo) to have acquittance of the 201. that he oughlt to have paid to the exchequer at Michaelmas last, in part satisfaction of the 251. that are in arrear to him of the excess (superplusagio) of his account of the time when he was sheriff of York, as appears to the king by the record of the treasurer and barons. Nov. 21. To the same. Whereas the king understands that Alexander le Riche in The Tower. the time of the last war in the realm lent to Matthias de Besill[es], then constable of Dover castle, 801. by order of the late king and of the present king, to provision (muniend') the castle therewith, of which sum Matthias or his heirs have not rendered account: the king orders the treasurer and barons to respite the demand that they make upon Alexander for 201. until the heirs of Matthias have rendered account at the exchequer of the aforesaid 801. To Gregory de Rockel[eye]. Order to cause Master Robert de Beverlaco, keeper of the king's works, to have a tun of wine, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the aforesaid Robert to have 12d. a day whilst he stays in the city of London about the the king's works, and 16d. a day when he is journeying in connexion with the said works, which sums the king has granted to him for his maintenance for so long as he shall be in that office. To the same. Order to cause Walter son and heir of John de la Linde to come before them at a certain day to answer to the king for the issues of the forests of Gillingham, Blak[emore], and Porestok for the time when John and he held the forests in their hands. Nov. 24. To the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth in co. Essex. Order not to The Tower. intermeddle further with taxing or appraising the goods of the abbot and convent of Waltham, and to restore to them anything they may have received from them in this behalf, as the abbot and convent have satisfied the king for the fifteenth of their goods. The like in favour of the said abbot to the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth in cos. Hertford, Norfolk, Lincoln, Bedford, Cambridge, Berks, and Surrey. The like in favour of W. bishop of Rochester to the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth in co. Kent. Thomas de Wyethayt and Adam de Ulvethayt, imprisoned at York for the death of Roger Ferraunt, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. Martin de Beston, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Geoffrey le Mouner of Herdwik, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Robert le Taillur of London Bridge, imprisoned in Neugate for the death of Henry Goye, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the mayor and sheriffs of London to bail him. u 96998. R 258 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. 3Membrane 18-cont. Nov. 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the 101. The Tower. that Walter de Huntrecumb was wont to receive from the abbot of Strafford of the abbot's ferm of 201., which 101. Walter quit-claimed to the king, to be levied hereafter and brought to the exchequer, together with the arrears of the same for Michaelmas term last, and to cause this to be thus done and enrolled. To the bailiffs of John de Britannia at Boston. Order to desist wholly from distraining the abbot of Louth Park for the wool mentioned below, and for the damages and expenses of Herbert Wermond adjudged to him in Boston fair last, and to restore to the abbot and his men anything that they may have received from them in this behalf, as an agreement has been made in the king's court between the abbot and Giles de Eyre, Herbert's attorney, concerning all disputes between them by reason of 14 sacks and 20 stone of wool and for the expenses incurred in this behalf. Nov. 23. John de Hales, imprisoned at Hertford for the death of Walter Eleys, The Tower. wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail him. Nov. 24. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the executors of Robert The Tower. Waleraund to be acquitted of 1001., and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, unless Robert had such acquittance in his lifetime, as the late king pardoned Robert 1001. of the 3001. that were exacted from Robert for trespasses committed by his bailiffs in the forest of Dene when he was keeper of that forest, which 1001. are now exacted from Robert's executors because he had not an acquittance thereof in his lifetime. Nov. 25. To the same. Order to allow to R. archbishop of Canterbury his liberties The Tower. and acquittances as they were wont to be allowed in the rolls of the exchequer in the times of kings Richard and John. Nov. 24. To the taxors of the fifteenth in co. Kent. Order to supersede the Westminster. taxation of Gregory de Rokesle's goods in the custody of the lands that belonged to Nicholas de Kirioll in that county, as Gregory has the custody of the said lands by the king's commission for a certain yearly ferm. Nov. 25. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to William The Tower. de Middelton. Whereas the king ordered them by divers writs to cause to be allowed to certain of his Jews, in the tallage last assessed upon them or in other debts that they owe to the king at the exchequer of his Jewry, the total of the debts due to them from certain Christians by their charters, or to cause the total to be delivered to the Jews from the king's debts in the treasury of the Jewry, in recompence for the debts aforesaid attermined by the justices and William by the king's order or granted to any one, and it would not be seemly that the king should be in a worse condition than the said Christians would be in this case if the debts had been in the hands of the Jews: the king therefor orders the justices and William to cause to be allowed to the said Jews the value of the said debts from the debts contained in the writs directed to them, or to cause recompence to be made from the debts aforesaid, tas shall seem most expedient to them, and to cause to be amended cautiously anything that may have been done previously by the said writs contrary to this order. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause Master Robert de Beverlaco, keeper of the king's works, to have 12d. a day when staying in the city of London in connexion with the said works, and 16d. a day when he is journeying without the city in connexion with the works, which sims the king has granted to him for his maintenance whilst in that office. 4 EDWARD I. 259 1975. Membrane 18-cont. To the treasurer and barons. Order to cause John de Vyvone to have the following terms for payment of 100 marks for his fine for his marriage and of 371. in which he is indebted to the king for the debts of Hugh de Vyvone, the younger, his father, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has granted that he shall render 50 marks yearly, to wit a moiety at Easter and a moiety at Michaelmas, 50 marks at the same terms in the following year, and the remainder of the sum at the same terms in the sixth year of the reign. To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause Walter de Lesseburn, imprisoned in Neugath for divers trespasses wherewith he is charged, to be delivered from that prison by the mainprise of Grimbald Pauncefot of co. Worcester, Saer de Harecurt of co. Leicester, William de Parles of co. Stafford,'Master Walter de la Mare, Thomas de Aungens of co. Buckingham, and Roger de Suthcote of co. Middlesex, who have mainperned to have hirn before the king where and when he will to stand to right if the king or any other wish to speak against him concerning the trespasses aforesaid. Nov. 24. Hugh son of Ralph de Thorneton, imprisoned at Beverley for the death The Toier. of John son of Roger de Arnehal, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Dec. 6. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Windsor. the debt in which Ralph de Cameys is bound to Haginus, a Jew of London, to be levied, arid to cause Odinus le Gask', citizen of Genoa, to have it, certifying the king of what they pay to Odinus, so that the king may cause them to have allowance therefor and may cause Odinus to be satisfied for the remainder of the debts due to him from the king, as the king has assigned the aforesaid debt, which is in his hands by reason of the forfeiture of Haginus, to Odinus in part payment. Dec. 7. To the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth in co. Suffolk. Order to Windsor. supersede until the octaves of St. Hilary the taxing or appraising of the goods and chattels of the abbot and convent of St. Edmunds and of their men and villeins within the four crosses of their liberty of St. Edmunds. Dec. 9. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William de Boyvill Windsor. to be acquitted of 101. exacted from him for a fine that he ought to have made for having a wood again, if they ascertain by inquisition that William has no woods within the king's forest between the bridges of Oxford and Stanford or elsewhere within the bailiwick of Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Dec. 11. To Adam de Wynton[ia], keeper of the town of Southampton. Order Reading. to permit Deudone, a Jew of Winchester, to dwell with his own household in that town and ply merchandise, and to take his goods to other places where other Jews of the realm dwell, as the king has granted to Deudone and to his household that they may dwell in the said town and ply their trade there until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, according to the king's grant and the statute lately issued concerning the Jewry. The like to the sheriff of Southampton, To the sheriff of Northampton. Order not to amove Isaac de Bedeford, the king's Jew [dwelling] in Baldwin Wak's town of Strapestor, from that town against Baldwin's will before the quinzaine of Easter next, but to permit the Jew to trade there in the meantime and to ordain and dispose of his things and goods in the meantime, as the king wills that his Jews shall not be amoved from the towns in which they dwell, but that they may there ply their merchandise and provide for their estate until the quinzaine of Easter next. R 2 260 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Membrane 18-cont. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. If they ascertain that the debts that are owing to Swetmannus son of Licoricia, the king's Jew of Winchester, are sufficient to satisfy the king for all debts in which he is indebted to the king in his Jewry, they are ordered to cause all the debts that they exact from him for the late king's time to be levied from the better and clearer debts that are owed to the Jew in the Jewry, and not to permit the Jew or any of his household to be distrained by their bodies or to be disquieted for payment of the debts aforesaid to the king. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order not to amove Copynus son of Bonavita (Bonevite), a Jew dwelling in Gilbert de Clare's town of Kaveresham, to be amoved from that town before the quinzaine of Easter next contrary to Gilbert's will, but to permit the Jew to trade there in the meantime and to dispose and ordain of his goods and things, as the king wills that his Jews shall not be amoved from the towns wherein they now dwell before the quinzaine aforesaid against the will of owners of the towns wherein they dwell. MEMBRANE 17. Dec. 10. Robert le Somenur, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Henry Reading. Punnok, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. Dec. 15. To Roger de la Leye, archdeacon of Essex, and William de Middelton, or Marlborough. to others appointed to make search concerning the debts of the Jews in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews of London. Order not to intermeddle in any way with the body of Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, or with his debts, goods and chattels in the said chest, and to cause him to have full administration of the debts, goods and chattels to make his profit thereof, as the late king granted to Edmund the king's brother, the body of the said Jew and all his debts, goods and chattels, and the king has confirmed the grant. The like to the justices appointed to make scrutiny of the debts of the Jews in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews of Warwick. Dec. 15. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Joan Salvayne, late the Marlborough. wife of Gerard Salvayne, to have the terms that the king has granted to her for payment of 27i. in which she was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. York for certain trespasses charged upon her, to wit a moiety at Michaelmas next and the other moiety at the following Michaelmas. To the sheriff of York. Order to release the distraints that he has made upon Joan for the reason aforesaid. William de Hales, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of William de Hudekerugg, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order not to permit the justices appointed to make scrutiny of the debts of the Jews in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews to intermeddle in anywise with the body of Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, or with his debts, goods and chattels in the said chest, but to permit him to have full administration thereof to make his profit, as the late king granted to Edmund, the king's brother, the body of the said Aaron and all his debts, goods and chattels, and the king has confirmed the grant. Dec. 17. Richard Sterre and Robert his son, imprisoned at Leicester for the death Upavon. of Simon Scot and Hugh son of Alan, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. 4 EDWARD I. 261 1275. l[iembrane 17-cont. Dec. 13. To Matthew de Columbar[iis], keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order Marlborough. to permit Henry de Candovere, the king's huntsman, to take 20 does in that forest for the king's use against Christmas, and to aid and counsel him in so doing, as the king has sent him with certain of the king's yeomen to take the said does. Dec. 17. To the keeper of the forest of Penbere. Order to cause the friars of Upavon. Mount Carmel, London, to have twelve oaks with their strippings (escaetis) for timber for the work of their church, of the king's gift. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton. Order to search their rolls of the examination (puramento) of the debts of the Jews lately made by reason of the last tallage assessed upon them, and if they find that Elias son of Aaron, a Jew of London, is charged with certain debts in which certain Christians were formerly indebted to him and of which the Christians were acquitted before the assessment of the tallage, to discharge the Jew of the said debts. To the same. Order to retain in the king's hands for his use out of the clearer debts of Vives, son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, lately deceased, the value of the portion due from him by reason of the tallage last assessed upon him, and to permit Auncera, late the wife of the said Jew, to have free administration of the remainder of the said debts, according to the custom of the king's Jewry. Dec. 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the Woodford. king has pardoned Walter Helyun 401. of the 741. and 1 mark in which he is indebted to the king for Peter, bishop of Hereford, and of the 101. of imprest made to him in the exchequer towards his annual fee of the first year of his reign, and has granted that he shall pay the remaining 441. and 1 mark by 100s. a year, and order to cause Walter to be acquitted of the said 401. and to cause him and his heirs to have the aforesaid terms for payment of the remainder. Dec. 24. Nicholas le Paumer, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of William de Gillingham. Balbeneye, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. Dec. 27. To the sheriff of York, escheator of the same county. Notification that Gillingham. the king has assigned to Katherine, late the wife of John Paynel, all the lands whereof John at his death was seised in his demesne as of fee in Drax, to have in tenencia until the king shall cause her dower of John's free tenement to be assigned to her, or until otherwise ordered, and order to cause her to have seisin thereof. Dec. 28. To the sheriff of Devon. Whereas the king learns by inquisition made Gillingham. by the sheriff that Gilbert de Addeston, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Roger le Gredere, wherewith he is charged, is charged with that death out of hatred, and that Roger, Richard de Palslo, deacon, Walter Pimich, Roger Smech, and John le Palslo, clerk, were lately in a tavern at Mobir[y], and that they assaulted Gilbert, who came thither for the sake of a drink, of malice aforethought, and gave him five wounds in the head, and wished to slay him, so that Gilbert in defending himself struck Roger le Gredere with an axe, whereof Roger died, and that Gilbert could not otherwise escape death: the king orders the sheriff to deliver William (sic) to twelve approved and lawful men, who shall mainpern to have him before the king's justices at the first assizes when they come into those parts at the king's order, to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him in this behalf. 262 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. Mfembrane 17-cont. Dec. 29. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to respite until Easter next the Gillingham. demand upon William de Boterell for his relief, and to release to him in the meantime any distress made in this behalf. To the taxers of the twentieth in co. Middlesex. Order to supersede entirely the taxation and appraisement of the goods (propriorum bonorum) owned by the infirm women (ancillarum) of the hospital of St. James without Westminster, and to permit them to be discharged of the twentieth, by the king's special grace. Dec. 28. To the sheriff of Wilts, escheator in the same county. Order to deliver Gillingham. to Henry de Condovere, the king's huntsman, all the lands that belonged to Agnes, late his wife, in that county, as the king has committed them to Henry until the octaves of St. Hilary next. To the justices next in eyre in co. Dorset. Order not to molest Guy de Taunton, bailiff of Gillingham, in their eyre for causing 36 oaks to be felled by the king's order in the forest of Gillingham to make brushwood and charcoal thereof before Christmas, in the fourth year of the king's reign. Dec. 29. To the justices next in eyre at the Tower of London. Order that the,Gillingham. abbot of Westminster shall not be put in default or be losing in anyway by reason of the common summons made before them of their eyre at the Tower, as the king warrants to the abbot his absence. 1276. Jan. 4. To the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth in co. Somerset. Order to Bindon. supersede until the quinzaine of St. Hilary next the taxation and appraisement by reason of the said fifteenth of the goods and chattels of the abbot and. convent of Glastonbury within the twelve hides. Jan. 7. To the sheriffs of London. It is shown to the king on behalf of Richard Canford. de Staunford that whereas Isabella de Chadeston lately sued out by fraud and malice a writ of the king directed to the sheriff of Lincoln, in which county Richard has no house, land, or tenement, to attach him to answer to her before the justices of the Bench for rape and breach of the peace, although he dwelt in the city of London a long time before and after that time, and although he and Isabella dwelt in the same city and they were fully acquainted with one another (de conversacione sua.... plenam adinvicem noticiam habentes) in the same, and he was exacted from county [court] to county [court] at her suit by consideration of the said justices because he did not appear before them and was outlawed in the said county [court] for his contumacy, and he, feeling guiltless, has now voluntarily rendered himself to the prison of Neugate, as the king learns from the sheriffs' letters testimonial, prepared to stand to right if Isabella wish to sue her appeal against him, and the king understands by inquisition taken by the sheriffs that the said Richard for seventeen years continuously with his wife and household and the said Isabella for a long time before the sueing out of the writ, and afterwards, and at the time of the sueing out were acquainted (conversarunt) with one another in Richard's house and in the neighbourhood adjoining, and that Richard was fraudulently outlawed at her suit, he being wholly ignorant of the appeal: the king, wishing to be fully certified concerning the premises, orders the sheriffs to deliver Richard in bail to twelve approved and lawful men of the city who shall mainpern to have him before the king in the octaves of St. Hilary to stand to right if Isabella wish to prosecute her appeal, and to warn Isabella to be there then to prosecute her appeal. 4 EDWARD I. 263 1276. Membrane 17-cont. Jan. 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the Wareham. king has granted to William de Stok that he shall render the 50 marks that he owes to the king for trespass of venison by 100s. a year at the Easter and Michaelmas exchequers, and order to cause him to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Jan. 10. To Geoffrey de Pycheford, constable of Wyndesor castle. Order to go Nursling. to the king's park of Odyham immediately upon sight of these letters, and (Nuscelingg'.) to cause 130 live does to be taken therein, and to cause 100 of them to be carried to Kenynton and to be there placed in the king's park in order to stock it, and to deliver the remaining thirty to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, for the stocking of her park of Langel[eye] Cheyndut, of the king's gift. The keeper of the said park [of Odyham] is ordered to aid and counsel Geoffrey in this behalf. Mandate in pursuance to the keeper of the park of Odyham. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order not to make any payments from the money now in the treasury and from the money to be paid at St. Hilary and thereafter, by pretext of any writs of liberate or of other writs, until otherwise ordered, as the king proposes to ordain specially concerning the said money for the expedition of certain of his affairs. Jan. 11. To John Russel, bailiff of Clarendon. Order to deliver to the sheriff of Winchester. Wilts fifteen swans from the king's swans in his custody, to be carried to the king at Winchester by the king's order. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to receive the said swans and to cause them to be carried to Winchester. Jan. 13. To Reginald son of Peter. Order to deliver the king's houses of FreytWinchester. mauntel, together with the king's timber and other things therein, to [Payn de Cadurcis*] in order to do therewith what the king has enjoined upon him. Membrane 17.-S-chedule. Let a scrutiny of the chest of the Jewry of London be made by Roger de la Leye and William de Midelton. Gloucester, Hereford, and Bristol by Walter de Helyun and by those whom he shall cause to be associated with him. Exeter by John Wyger and Roger de Evesham. Winchester, Wilton, and Devises by Robert de Ludham and William Girbert. Canterbury' by Reginald de Norwode and by him whom he shall associate with him. Norwich, Colchester, and Sutbury by William de Middelton and him or those whom he wish to associate with him. Huntingdon, Bedford, Northampton, and Oxford by Hugh de Stapelford and Adam de Wetenhale. Lincoln and Stanford by Hamo Hauteyn and him whom he shall associate with him. Notingham by the prior of Lenton and W. de Stircheleg. York by Nicholas de Stapelton and the abbot of St. Mary's, York. * The name has been omitted by inadvertence. See the first enrolment on Membrane 16. 264 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. MlEMBRANE 16. Jan. 13. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to permit Payn de Cadurc[is] Winchester. and his men to pull down the king's houses of Freytmountel, and to take them away together with king's timber, walls and other things in them, and to make his profit thereof as shall seem expedient to him, as the king has given the houses, timber, etc., to him. Henry son of Roger le Keu of Cotesbrok, imprisoned at Northampton - -- for the death of Simon le Charetter, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. To the barons of the exchequer. Robert de Vernun, son and heir of John de Vernun, has shown the king that whereas John was the late king's sheriff of Wilts and received the custody of that county with the hundred of Melkesham, of which hundred 52s. of rent of assize and 40)s. of pleas and perquisites were wont to be received yearly, and the late king [committed] the manor and hundred of Melkesham to Amice, countess of Devon, at the beginning of [John's] receipt of the county, and the countess held the manor and hundred for the five years during which John was sheriff, and she received in full the profits and emoluments thereof, the barons exact from Robert 231. for the arrears of the said 61. 12s. Od. (sic) for the time aforesaid: the king orders the barons to search the rolls of the exchequer, and to make inquisition if necessary, and if they find it to be as stated, to supersede the demand aforesaid, and to discharge Robert thereof. To the taxors and collectors of the fifteenth in co. Surrey. Order to cause to be restored to Henry Trenchard his manor of Perfright; as the king understands that they have taken this manor into his hands because Henry did not come before them to tax and appraise with others the goods of that county, as they had enjoined upon him on the king's behalf. - --- Richard de Refham, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of John de - - IHadenham, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Jan. 14. To the bailiff of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, of Cocbam. Order Winchester. to cause the abbot and convent of Cirencestre to have two quarters of rye, a swine, and a beech-tree yearly from the issues of that manor for the time during which it has been in the said queen's hands, and the arrears thereof for that time, as the abbot and convent ought to have and were wont to have the things aforesaid of the gift and grant of the king's progenitors. Jan. 15. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause to be replevied to William de Winchester. Godested until the quinzaine of Easter his aldermanry (aldemanriam) within the city of Canterbury, which the sheriff took into the king's hands because William demised it at fee-ferm without the king's will and licence; provided that the aldermanry and its appurtenances shall then be taken into the king's hands unless William agree with the king (gratum nostrum N, fecerit) in the meantime, and unless the sheriff be otherwise ordered. Jan. 18. To brother Joseph de Chauncy, the treasurer. Whereas the king has Westminster assigned the arrears of the tenth in England lately granted to him and of ( sic). the tallage lately assessed upon the Jews to complete the works of the Tower of London, which arrears cannot be levied with the speed that is expedient, and the king wills that the works aforesaid shall not be in any way delayed, the king orders the treasurer to pay to Giles de Audenard, keeper of the works aforesaid, 1,000 marks out of the sum of money that the treasurer has in deposit at the New Temple, London, in the king's name. When the treasurer shall have paid this sum, the king will cause him to have his writ of liberate or of quittance. 4 EDWARD I. 265 1276. Ifembrane 16-cont. Jan. 20. To Geoffrey de Pycheford, constable of Wyndes[ore] castle. Order Winchester. to cause the constable of the Tower of London to have 30 oaks in Wyndes[ore] forest to burn lime with for the works of the said Tower. Jan. 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices Winchester. appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to send to the king under the exchequer seal the total of the arrears of the tallage last assessed upon the Jews of England, and order not to pay anything thence except to the works of the Tower of London, and not to make assignments (deputetis) thereof to any one without the king's special order, as the king has assigned the arrears to the works of the Tower. Jan. 18. To Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Tower Winchester. of London. Order not to permit the king's Jews of London to be impleaded before then in that eyre concerning the tingns that relate to the king's Jewry, as Jews ought not to plead or be impleaded concerning such things except before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews; provided however that they shall answer concerning their lands within the city of London and concerning other things as was the custom in other eyres of justices there in times past. To Adam de Wynton[ia], keeper of the town of Southampton. Order to cause the abbot and convent of the place of St. Edward* to have a tun of wine of the king's right priso in that town for the present year, and the arrears of a tun yearly from the time of the late king's death, as the said king granted to them by his charter, which the king has inspected, a tun of wine of his right prise yearly for the communion (ad corpus Christi inde conficiendum) in their church, to be received from the keepers of his wines of the said prise at Southampton. To the taxors of the fifteenth in the city of London. Order to supersede until three weeks from Easter next the taxation of the goods and wares of James Agolantis, Hugelinus de Wichio, Manettus Bechi, Bartholomew Marchi, Bonaventura Johannis, Frank Plenanell', Henry Pelaphy, and their fellows, citizens and merchants of Florence, Pistoia, and Siena (Senenen'), by reason of the said fifteenth, so that there may then be done what the king shall then cause to be provided by his council. Jan. 20. To Adam de Wynton[ia], keeper of the town of Southampton. Order Winchester. to cause the abbot and convent of King's Beaulieu to leave a tun of wine of the right prise at Southampton for the present year, as the late king granted to them by his charter a tun of wine of the right prise in that town to be received yearly from the takers of the king's wines there for the celebration of divine service in the abbey. To John de Wauton, keeper of the forest of Arundell. Order to cause R. archbishop of Canterbury to have thirteen bucks and thirteen does yearly in that forest, in accordance with the composition entered into between Boneface, sometime archbishop of Canterbury, and John son of Alan, sometime lord of the forest of Arundell, for so long as the forest shall be in the said keeper's custody, and to permit the archbishop to have once a year on his journey to his manor of Slindon and on his return a coursing (cursum) in the forest, in accordance with the said composition. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Whereas the king lately ordered them not to permit any strange merchants to stay in the city with their wines beyond forty days after their arrival, and certain men and merchants of Bordeaux have lately shown to the king that they are unable to make * That is, Netley Abbey. 266 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 16-cont. their profit of their merchandise and wines brought by them to the city within this time, by reason whereof the king has prefixed a day for them before him in five weeks from Easter to ordain between thein and the citizens of London: the king therefore orders the mayor and sheriffs to permit the said men and merchants to come to the city and to stay therein, and to sell their wines and other wares there in the due and accustomed manner without impediment until the time aforesaid. To the taxors of the fifteenth in the city of London. Order not to inter meddle in any wise until otherwise ordered with the taxing and appraising of the wines of the men and merchants of Bordeaux that have been brought into the city by thtem after the granting of the fifteenth. --- - John le Vigorus of Sutton, imprisoned at Nothingham for the death of - Robert de Hotot, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Richard son of William de Trowell of Stanford on Sore, Robert son of William Poyne of Rotinton, and Robert son of Matilda de Hykeling, imprisoned at Nothingham for the death of Robert de Hotot, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail them. Jan. 20. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause David Winchester. son of Griffin to have 100 marks, half at the quinzaine of Easter and half at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, of the king's gift. Jan. 23. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause certain prisoners, whom the Winchester. king is sending to Corf castle to stay therein until otherwise ordered, and their keepers to have necessaries as befits. Jan. 26. To Adam de Wynton[ia], keeper of the town of Southampton. Order Winchester. to desist wholly from distraining the men of Southampton for trespasses of wool and by reason of the payment of the new aid, and to permit them to have peace concerning the same, and to restore to them anything received from them in this behalf. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause the abbess of Shaftesbir[y] to have twenty oaks for timber in the forest of Gillingham, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to make view of the account of Master Richard de Cliff[ord] for the time when he was keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury in the last voidance of the same, and to respite until the quinzaine of Easter next the demand for 1191. that he paid, as he asserts, to R. archbishop of Canterbury for the amendment of the houses of the archbishopric, with which sum the barons charge him in his account. To Nicholas son of Martin, keeper of the island of Scugholm. Order to cause Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, to have seisin of that island, as he lately appeared in the king's presence and sought that the king should restore the island to him as his right and inheritance, and the king thereupon caused Robert de la Vail, who likewise claimed right in the same island, to come before him at a certain day to show cause why the king should not restore the island to Humphrey, and Robert had or showed nothing for himself before the king and his council on the said day whereby any right in the island could be proved for him. Jan. 27. To the sheriff of Wilts, escheator in that county. Order to cause John Winchester. de Grimested to have again seisin of the wardship of the manor of Cumpton, saving the right of others and saving to Joan, late the wife of Nicholas son 4 EDWARD 1. 267 1276. Mlembrane 16-cont. of Nicholas de Haversham, tenant in chief of the late king as of the honour of Peverel, her dower of the manor, which the sheriff is to cause to be assigned to her before making seisin to John, and saving to Joan all her goods in the manor and sown in the lands of the same, and saving to her easement of the houses and other things in the manor to make her convenience of her goods there, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Nicholas was of full age on the day of his father's death, and that he was never in the late king's wardship, and that Emma, late the wife of his father, was dowered by him of the said manor, which his father held in chief of the aforesaid John, who had seisin thereof in name of wardship immediately after the death of Nicholas the son, until he was ejected thence by Master Richard de Clifford, then escheator this side Trent. Jan. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the Winchester. king has granted that Stephen de Eddeworth shall pay the 621. 15s. 5d. due to the king by five marks at the quinzaine of Easter and five marks in the octaves of Michaelmas next, and thus from year to year, and order to cause Stephen to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Walter de Kanc[ia], steward of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Joan, late the wife of Nicholas de Haversham, which Nicholas held the manor of Haversham of the king in chief as of the honour of Peverel, from the said manor, which is in the queen's hands by the king's commission, as it is provided before the king and his court that Joan shall have dower of the manor aforesaid. Jan. 25. To the same. Whereas the king, after the death of the aforesaid Winchester. Nicholas, caused to be taken into his hands the manor of Cleybrok, which Nicholas held of Arnald de Bosco by knight service, and the king afterwards by consideration of his court rendered the manor to Arnald and retained in his hands a third of it in order to dower Joan, late the wife of Nicholas, therewith, the king orders Walter to deliver to Joan in name of dower the aforesaid third, which is in the hands of the said queen by the king's commission. John de Corbyset, Adam le Clerc of Morton, Richard his brother, Roger Nichole, and Joan atte Forthe, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Robert de Langedon, have letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail them. MEMBRANE 15. Feb. 3. To Matthew de Columbar[iis], keeper of the forest of Chete. Order to Marlborough. permit the abbess of Wherewell to make her convenience of 20 acres of her underwood in her wood of Harewode, which is within the covert of the forest aforesaid, and of all her forinsic underwood, and to enclose the said wood afterwards, provided that the king or others be not prejudiced thereby, as the king has granted to her that she may make her convenience and enclose as above, on condition that the men who ought to have and were wont to have common in the wood shall not be defrauded thereby. - To Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony. As it is very perilous for the king to await judgment in the court of the king of France concerning the deed of Fronsac (Frontiaci), as the king believes the seneschal is aware (vos credimus non latere), the king orders the seneschal to take with him some men whom he shall deem fit and who love the king's profit, by whom the vicomte of Frontigny may be more easily inclined to the way of composition and peace, and to compound with the vicomte in the king's 268 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 15-cont. name upon this matter, not sparing the king's land or money in such composition, provided however that the said castle (sic) shall remain to the king, writing to the king speedily an account of his proceedings. In case he be unable to lead the vicomte to the way of composition in any way, he is enjoined to signify it to the king so early that the king may deliberate what shall be done in this behalf before the next parliament, in which judgment ought to be pronounced; the seneschal shall previously labour for the said composition by all means, whatsoever it ought to cost the king. To the mayor and citizens of Winchester. Order to cause Fulk de Montreuel, the king's yeoman, to have 40s. for his expenses, of the king's gift, which the king will cause to be allowed to them in their ferm of the city. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Whereas Thomas, bishop of Hereford, who is of the king's council, frequently comes to the king and his treaties, and has not any lodging (receptaculum) wherein he can conveniently stay (declinare) in coming to the king from his parts or in returning, for which reason he has requested the king to commit to him, until the heirs of Henry de Erleg, tenant in chief, come of age, the manor of Erleg near Rading', which belonged to the said Henry, and which is in the king's wardship by reason of Henry's lands and heirs, so that ---[Incomplete]. Vacated, because on the Fine Roll. Feb. 5. To the keeper of the forest of Cypenham. Order to cause Richard Payn Marlborough. of Cyppenham to have six oaks in that forest, of the king's gift. To Luke de Luk', the king's merchant. Order to cause Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windes[or] castle, to have 1001. for the completion of the works of the king's parks of Windes[or] and Kenigton, which sum the king will cause to be rendered or allowed to them. Vacated, because Luke lost the writ and did nothing herein, as he acknowledged before the chancellor. Feb. 5. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver to Beatrice, late the wife Marlborough. of R[ichard], sometime king of Almain, the manor of Langeberg, to be held in the form specified below, and also the issues of the manor from Tuesday after St. Katherine last until the date of this writ, saving to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, easements of the barns in the manor until the octaves of Midsummer next, as the manor was lately extended by the sheriff at 321. 4s. 9d. and at 10s. from the view of frankpledge of the manor, and a dispute arose between the said Edmund and Beatrice concerning the extent, which Edmund challenged, and an agreement has now been made between them in the king's court before him that the manor with the said 10s. shall remain to Beatrice as of the value of 56 marks lld. of land and rent, in completion of a sum of 500 marks of land and rent. Feb. 7. To the sheriff of Sussex, escheator in that county. Order to deliver to Marlborough. Roger de Hemenhal the bailiwick of the forest of Harundel, as the king has granted to him, in consideration of his long service to the late king and for the arrears of his wages for the time when he was in that service, the said bailiwick, which Robert de Aissinton, lately deceased, held, to have with all appurtenances in the same manner as Robert held it, during the king's pleasure and during good behaviour. The sheriff is ordered to inquire concerning the things that pertain to the bailiwick and what they are worth yearly in all issues, and to certify the king thereof. 4 EDWARD I. 269 1276. Membrane 15 — cont. Feb. 6. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause Hildebrand Marlborough. de Lond[onia], sheriff of Wilts, to have two oaks in that forest for his fuel, of the king's gift. Feb. 4. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted Marlborough. to William Giffard, keeper of the hundred of Berdestapel, respite until Whit Sunday next for the 12L marks that he owes to the king for the ferm of the said hundred for Michaelmas last, and order to permit him to have this respite in the meantime. Matthew de Marleberg, imprisoned at Cambridge for the death of William de Robecoc, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him. To the sheriff of Sussex, escheator in that county. Order to cause Hugh Poynz to have seisin of the custody of the manor of Audeham, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Thomas de Audeham, by reason of whose death the sheriff took into the king's hands all the lands whereof he was seised at his death in his demesne as of fee, held nothing of the king in chief at his death, but that he held the aforesaid manor in chief of Hugh by knight service. -Alexander son of William Poyne of Rotinton and Robert Spileman, -- imprisoned at Nothing[eham] for the death of Robert de IHotot, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail them. Feb. 11. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver Richard de Typpelig, Kempsford. imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Richard Gentyl, to twelve men (Kynemeres- of that county, who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the ford.) first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right it any one wish to speak against him for the said death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Richard de Typpelig was in the house of the said Richard Gentyl in Typpelig when certain malefactors came to that house, and that out of fear of the deed aforesaid he eloigned himself from those parts as a simple and ignorant being, and that certain of his rivals caused outlawry to be promulgated in that county [court] against him in his absence by reason of the death aforesaid, and that he was then a boy of twelve years of age, and that he is in no wise guilty of the said death. Feb. 10. To John Russel, bailiff of Clarendon. Order to cause Hildebrand de Kempsford. London[ia], sheriff of Wilts, to have in the forest of Melchet four oaks fit for timber, in order to rebuild therewith the king's mill under the castle of Old Sarum, lately thrown down by force of the r-iver. Feb. 10. To the sheriff of Leicester, escheator in the same county. Whereas the Kempsford. king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Peter le Bastard, deceased, held of Stephen de Nevill a messuage and a bovate of land in the town of Wymondewold, by reason whereof the custody of the land ought to pertain to Stephen, and that Peter held of Peter de Nevill, deceased, two messuages and a virgate of land in the same town, who held the said land of Stephen de Jorz, tenant in chief, whose heir is a minor and is the king's wardship, the king orders the sheriff to cause Stephen [de Nevill] to have seisin of the messuage and bovate that Peter le Bastard held of him, retaining in the king's hands until otherwise ordered the two messuages and virgate of land that Peter Bastard held of the said Stephen de Jorz, which are of the holding of Stephen's heir, and his marriage. To the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause Henry de Wodestok to have six oaks for timber in Wodestok park, of the king's gift. 270 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. 3Membrane 15-cont. To Giles de Audenard, constable of the Tower of London. Order to cause John de Bykenor[e] to have a tun of wine of the king's gift from the king's wines of the right prise in Giles's custody. Feb. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the Quenington. bailiff and men of Portesmuth to be acquitted of the ferm of their town for five years from Michaelmas, 50 Henry III., of the king's especial grace, as the late king by his letters patent, which the king has inspected, granted to them the ferm for the said five years for the damages and losses sustained by them for him during the disturbance in the realm. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause Bartholomew Godard, Robert Paulin', John Kuterich, Simon lWyberd, and Valentine de Bere, taxors of the fifteenth in the Cinque Ports, to have 20 marks in aid of their expenses about the taxation. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the executors of the will of Geoffrey Folyot the wool, cheese, autumn-works, and other things pertaining to the convent of Glastonbury that the prior and convent ought and were wont to receive in the time of the abbots of Glastonbury and for the time of the voidance of the abbey, which Geoffrey, when he was keeper of the abbey on the last voidance, permitted them to have by the king's order; provided that this allowance ought to be made to them of right and was wont to be made to them in the time of the abbots and in times of voidance. To the same. Order to allow to the executors aforesaid the bread and ale that the prior and convent of the abbey of Glastonbury ought to have and were wont to have for their maintenance and 20s. weekly for their kitchen that they ought and were wont to have both in the time of the abbots and in the time of voidance of the abbey, which the said Geoffrey, when he was keeper of the abbey during the last voidance, permitted them to have by the king's order; provided that this allowance ought to be made of right and was wont to be made in the time of the abbots and in times of voidance. To the same. Order to allow to the said executors the reasonable expenses that the aforesaid Geoffrey incurred when he was keeper of the abbey during the last voidance. Feb. 6. To the sheriff of Gloucester, escheator in the same county. Order to Marlborough. assign to Albrica, wife of William de Caumpeden, damsel of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, 101. of land yearly from the lands that belonged to Ralph Musard, tenant in chief, or from other lands in that bailiwick in the king's hands in name of wardship, as the king has granted to her 101. of land yearly. Feb. 14. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas Thomas de Clare has Quenington. acknowledged before the king that he has received 8 marks 18s. 8d. from Gilbert de Elleffeld's manors of Drayton and Esthildesl[eye] for Michaelmas term, 49 Henry III. when the manors wcre in the said king's hands by reason of the trespasses charged upon Gilbert at the time of the war in the realm, which sum the barons exact from Robert de Whitefeld by summons of the exchequer; the king orders them to discharge Robert of the said sum and to charge the said Thomas with it at the exchequer. Feb. 13. To the sheriff of Somerset, escheator in the same county. Notificatian Quenington. that the king has assigned to Clemencia, late the. wife of John de Maundevill, tenant in chief, the manor Est Cokre, which belonged to John, in dower, on condition that if it exceed a third of the lands of John of which she ought to have dower, the surplus of the said manor shall remain for the king's use, and order to cause her to have seisin of the manor. 4 EDWARD 1. 271 1276. 3Memzbrane 15-cont. On 14 February the bishop of Bath and Wells went from court. Feb. 13. John son of Henry, Geoffrey le Taillur, and Richard Spakeman, Quenington. imprisoned at Dorkecestre for the death of Hugh Selyman, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail them. Walter Cucmey, imprisoned at Wallingford for the death of Hugh Selyman, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Berks to bail him. Geoffrey le Champeneys, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Simon Scot and Hugh Aleyn, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. John Simond of Kyngeston, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Odordus de Kibborth, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. Feb. 16. To John Russel, bailiff of Clarendon. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, Barford. the king's consort, to have in the wood of Melchet, which is within the forest of Clarendon, timber for 200 rafters (cheverones) where it may be done to the least damage of the wood and with the greatest convenience to the queen. Feb. 14. To the sheriff of Devon. Whereas Aaron de Carlyon, Benedict (Beneyt) Quenington. de Wylton[a], Urcellus, Copinus son of Lumbard, Leo son of Lumbard, Isaac Ericun, James de Fenys, Deulacres le Prestre, Solomon son of Solomon, Blakeman son of Jacob Copyn, Aaron de Dorcestr[ia], and Joryn son of Isaac, the king's Jews of Exeter, charged with clipping (tonsura) of the king's money, have made fine with the king to have respite of imprisonment for this reason until the quinzaine of Easter next, the king orders the sheriff to deliver each of them in the meantime to two lawful men or two lawful Jews, who shall mainpern to have them at the said quinzaine before the king's justices appointed for the custody of the Jews to stand to right in that matter, or that they will then render themselves to prison, and to permit them to have peace as to their goods and chattels without [their] making any alienation thereof. Feb. 19. Richard de Heenle, William le Dubbere, and Matilda de Wodestok, Great Compton. imprisoned at Rading' for the death of a woman unknown, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Berks to bail them. Feb. 19. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Master Compton. Elias son of Master Moses, the king's Jew of London, has remitted and. pardoned in the presence of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, to the abbot and convent of Stratford all debts, pains, and usuries in which they are bound to him by any charters, stars, or other instruments for the lands that belonged to William Bukwynte in Gynge Munteny and for their own loans, up to 25 marks, to be paid to the Jew by the said queen at the quinzaine of Easter next; the king orders the justices to go to the chests of the king's chirographers of London as soon as they shall be opened, and to take out the charters, stars, and all other instruments made between the abbot and convent and the Jew concerning the said debts, and to cause them to be delivered to the abbot, and to cause the abbot and convent to be acquitted of the debts in form aforesaid, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Feb. 21. To Master R. de Seyton, John de Cobeham, and their fellows, justices in Compton. eyre at the Tower of London. It is shown to the king on behalf of the community of his Jews of London that whereas they were charged in the 272 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 15-cont. late king's time with the death of a Christian boy slain at Duuegate within the city of London and with certain other trespasses, and were attached to answer concerning the same before the said king, and after inquisition had been made concerning the matter, and other circumstances (circumstanciis) concerning the truth of the matter had been duly terminated, they left quit as innocent, the aforesaid justices nevertheless unjustly cause the said Jews to be distrained to answer before them again for the premises at the prosecution of certain of their enemies: the king therefore orders the justices not to molest or aggrieve the said Jews for this reason if they ascertain that it is as stated, and to supersede at present anything that there may be herein that was not wont or ought not of due custom to be determined before other justices previously in eyre there, and to certify the king thereof in his parliament in three weeks from Easter, and not to intermeddle with aught that ought to be pleaded (deduci) and determined before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews otherwise than was wont to be done in other eyres there. Jan. 18. To the same. Order not to permit the king's Jews of London to be Winchester. impleaded before them in the eyre concerning the things that pertain to the king's Jewry, as they ought not to plead or be impleded concerning these things except before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, provided that they shall answer in the eyre for other things concerning them as was wont to be done in other eyres there. Feb. 23. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county Banbury. to be elected in place of Robert de Suipeston, deceased. Feb. 24. Thomas Spyr and Agnes, daughter of Margery de Lek, imprisoned at Banbury. Bruges for the death of Richard son of Ralph de Caldon, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Stafford to bail them. Feb. 28. To Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Rothwell. Tower of London. Order, at the instance of Queen Eleanor, the king's (Rowell.) mother, who has frequently and strongly requested him in this matter, to cause Robert de Monte Pessulano, citizen of London, imprisoned at Neugate for many trespasses wherewith he is charged, to be delivered from prison upon mainprise, provided that the justices be sure (securi) that he will stand to right before them in the eyre before their return from the Tower to all wishing to complain against him. If he have been taken at the king's suit and not at the suit of another, and if he find the justices mainpernors to have him before the king in his parliament at the quinzaine of Easter next to stand to right as the king shall cause to be ordained by counsel of the said justices and of other his subjects, they are ordered to deliver him in bail to the mainpernors in the meantime with his goods and chattels. MEMBRANE 14. Feb. 29. To the sheriff of Northampton, escheator in the same county. Order to Liddington. cause to be delivered to John Giffard, the younger (le jovene), Robert Barre, Ralph de Arderne, William de Hamton, John de Cumpton, William de Braddene, Peter de Middelton, Thomas Spechel, Nicholas de Herlawe, Walter de Bradden, William Owein, Richard de Musecote, and Robert le Baud the lands of Elias de Tyngewyk, imprisoned at Devizes for certain trespasses that he is said to have committed at Neuport Panyel (sic), as they hlave mainperned in the king's presence to have Elias on Sunday in Mid Lent and on the Monday following at Neuport Paynel to stand to right before the justices whom the king will send to enquire concerning 4 [EbWARD i. 273 1276. Membrane 14-cont. the said trespasses, and to have Elias to be delivered to the justices there to await the king's justice or grace, so that their bodies shall be delivered to the king's prison unless they have Elias there, and the king has delivered Elias and his lands and chattels to the said men in bail. To Walter Lillebon, constable of Devizes castle. Order to cause the body of the said Elias to be delivered to four of the aforesaid mainpernors, to wit Robert Barri, Ralph de Arderne, William de Braddon, and Walter de Bradden, before the justices aforesaid, provided that the bodies of the grooms who were taken with Elias shall be kept safely until otherwise ordered. March 1. To the sheriff of Wilts, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Liddington. dower to be assigned to Alice, late the wife of Roger Oliver of Shaleweclive, tenant in chief of John de Maundevill, deceased, tenant in chief of the king, upon her finding security not to marry without the king's licence. William Steilard, Andrew Jornet, Nicholas Davy, William Northest, John Stace, Philip Matyp, and Robert son of Agnes, imprisoned at Great Yarmouth for the death of William Snappe, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. March 1. ro the sheriff of Oxford. Whereas the king lately caused the abbey of Liddington. Osney (Osneya), which is of his patronage, to be taken into his hands with all its temporalities by reason of a certain contempt committed upon him there, and he wills that the lands pertaining to it shall be tilled and sown, he orders the sheriff to place two approved and discreet men there in the king's name, by whose counsel and view the lands may be tilled and sown, which men shall cause the goods and chattels of the abbey to be kept safely without diminution or dilapidation, and they shall answer faithfully to the king for the issues and revenues of the lands of the abbey if the king wish to have them, saving to the abbot and convent reasonable maintenance, provided that the alms that were wont to be made there shall not cease (decidant) or be diminished hereby. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to deliver Alice, wife of Thomas de Furno of Idemeston, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Thomas her son, wherewith she is charged, in bail to twelve men of that county who shall mainpern to have her before the king's justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against her in this behalf, as it is testified before the king by Hereward de Marisco and William Spileman, justices lately appointed to deliver Salisbury gaol, and by other trustworthy men that Alice slew her son whilst she was mad (dum ipsa frenetica passione laborabat) and not by malice or felony aforethought. March 3. To Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Tower Liddington. of London. The king has heard and understood the tenor of their letters to him concerning the deed touching the community of the Jews of London by reason of the death of a Christian boy, who was crucified by them, and who was irreverently and miserably slain, in offence of the name of Jesus Christ and against the peace of the realm, and who was thrown on shore at Douegate by inundation of the water of Thames, into which the Jews had secretly thrown him, and who was there found, and the king has taken advice and diligently laboured as to what may be done most wholesomely and securely in this behalf; the king, both because he wishes to have special conference (tractatum) with the aforesaid justices and with the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and also with his councillors concerning so detestable a deed and as to how it ought to be punished in u 96998. S 274 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 14-cont. accordance with justice, and he wishes to be certified by the said justices in eyre by word of mouth concerning these things, and because he proposes to ordain shortly concerning some other things touching the said Jews and his Jewry, orders the said justices to adjourn the Jews before him in his parliament at London in a month from Easter, there to do and receive what the king shall cause to be provided by his council in the premises, and to permit the Jews to have peace in the meantime concerning these and other matters touching them by reason of the Jewry. March 4. To John son of Nigel, bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause John Giffard Overton. of Tuyford to have three oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift, in the wood-falls (trencheeis) made in the park of Wodestok. By Sir Anthony de Bek. March 4. To the sheriff of Bedford, escheator in the same county. Order to Overton. commit to John de Mohun, one of the heirs of the manor of Luton, which the sheriff lately took into the king's hands because the other heirs gave the king to understand that the manor was not equally divided between them, in the king's name the said John's purparty of the manor until the quinzaine of Easter next, so that he may in the meantime cause the lands of the purparty to be tilled and sown and may then answer to the king for the rent and issues thereof if the king wish to have them. March 8. Brother William de Roufford, imprisoned at Nothing[eham] for the Temple Bruer. death of Brother Robert de Roufford, wherewith he is charged, has letters (La Bruere.) to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Robert de Boutlirs of Westbur[y], imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of John le Fevre of Alberbur[y], wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. March 10. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Whereas the king Temple Bruer. understands that good, choice (electa), and clear wines for sale have now (Bruera de arrived at Chester, he orders the justice to take from them, if they are Templo.) good, choice and clear, 40 tuns of wine for the king's use, and to cause them to be kept safely in the king's cellars there until otherwise ordered. Reginald de Yelvertoft, Elias his brother, Emma de Yelvertoft, and Joan and Alice, his daughters, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of William Gomund, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. March 12. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause the constable of Temple Bruer. Noting [ehaml castle to have 201. for the repair of the king's weirs there, so that they may be repaired by the view of the viewer of the king's works there lest further damage be incurred for lack of repair. To the sheriff of Northampton. Notification that the king has given respite at his will to Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, for 501 exacted from him by summons of the exchequer for the rents received from the lands seized in that county by the earl and his men after the battle of Evesham from certain men who were then opposing the king, and of which the earl rendered seisin to the king in the parliament of Winchester after the battle aforesaid, and order to release to the earl the distraint made for this reason. March 13. John Ode of Hengham and Alice his wife, John son of John Ode, Ralph Temple Bruer. Hervy of Hengham, Edmund le Teynturer of Ilengham, and Ralph de Rushull of Dcpham, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Roger son of Walter de Wylgheinere, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. 4 EDWARD I. 2tS 1276. Membrane 14-cont. March 13. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Isaac son of Bonevye de Wynton[ia], a Temple Bruer. Jew of Noting[eham], has shown the king that whereas the king lately ordered his justices appointed for the custody of the Jews to cause 5 marks, in which Isaac is indebted to the king for the tallage last assessed upon him, to be levied for the king's use from the clearer debts of Isaac in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews of Noting[eham], and to cause Isaac to be acquitted thereof, and to cause him to have peace as to his body in this behalf, the justices have not yet levied the said sum because the king afterwards caused the said chest to be closed and sealed, by reason whereof the sheriff exacts the five marks from Isaac and distrains him for the same: as the king does not wish that the Jew shall be aggrieved in this behalf contrary to his order aforesaid, he orders the sheriff to respite the distraint until five weeks from Easter day, so that the justices may then cause the five marks to be levied from the said debts according to the said order, and to permit Isaac and his household to be in peace in the meantime. March 15. To the sheriff of Stafford, escheator in the same county. Whereas the Lincoln. king lately ordered him to take into the king's hands the lands that belonged to William le Rous, tenant in chief of the late king, for certain causes, and to warn William de Morteyn, Emecina de Morteyn, and Margery la Rouse, who held the said lands, to be before the king in fifteen days from Easter day to answer to what the king will object (abicere) against them in this behalf, the king, willing that the lands shall be tilled and sown, orders the sheriff to place a faithful and discreet man there who shall hold the king's seisin thereof, and to permit William and Emecina to manure (manuoperari), till and sow until the term aforesaid, so that the king may then cause to be done what he shall deem ought to be done of right. By K. in the presence of Robert de Tybetot. Adam de Haytelegh, William de Lumby and Matilda his wife, and Henry son of Beatrice de Wodesetes, imprisoned at York for the death of William Cobbe, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. March 15. To the sheriff of Nottingham. It is shown to the king on behalf of Lincoln. Petevin son of Isaac and Abraham son of Jacob, Jews of Nothing[eham], that whereas they have satisfied the king fully for the tallage last assessed upon them, the sheriff has imprisoned them and their wives and household for the said tallage by order of the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and has taken all their goods into the king's hands; the king, willing that wrong shall not be done to the Jews in this behalf, orders the sheriff to cause them to be delivered from prison and to permit them to have peace concerning their bodies, upon their finding him security to render their tallage to the king in the quinzaine of Easter next unless they can show before the said justices that they ought to be acquitted thereof. March 19. John de London[ia], imprisoned at Sutton for the death of Isabella Kirton. Frost, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail (Kyrketon.) him. To the bailiffs of Southampton. Order to cause Elias de Rabayn, constable of Corff Castle, to have two tuns of the king's wines, to do therewith as the king has enjoined him. By A. Bek. ---- Simon de Palling, imprisoned at Yarmouth for the death of William - Staggard, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. s2 276 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. 2Membrane 14-cont. Hugh Rachel, imprisoned at Bedford for the death of Robert Attefelde, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Bedford to bail him. March 22. To the sheriff of Northampton. Whereas Robert de Boyton was charged Barton-on- with a trespass and contempt committed by him in beating and arresting Humber. the king's bailiff at Craneford, for which the king afterwards ordered him to be arrested by the sheriff, and Robert then came to the king and found mainpernors that he would render himself to prison at Northampton on Sunday in Mid-Lent last, in order that he might go freely in the meantime through the country to spy out and pursue those who committed the said trespass, and the sheriff has now written to the king that Robert rendered himself to prison on the said day: the king, wishing to be more fully certified whether Robert is guilty or not of the said trespass and contempt, orders the sheriff to take with him Nicholas de Kugeho and other knights whom he knows to be fit for this purpose, and to enquire by the oath of men of the neighbouring parts of Craneford and of others of his bailiwick whether or not Robert committed or caused to be committed the said trespass, or gave authority or consent to it, and if he find by the inquisition that Robert is wholly guiltless thereof, to cause him to be delivered from prison and to cause any of his goods and chattels taken for this reason to be replevied to him until otherwise ordered. --- ---- Richard le Taillur of Heyford, imprisoned at Lanceveton for the death...- of Margery, daughter of William del Ewe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him. March 24. Ermendruda, late the wife of Henry de Sancto Mauro, imprisoned at Barton. Warwick for the death of John de Stanle, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail her. March 26. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county Thornton. to be elected in place of William do Sancto Germano, lately elected, who is incapacitated by weakness of body, as the king understands. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward [of Holdernesse]. Robert de Hildyerd and Joan his wife have shown the king that whereas Robert de Scuris granted the manor of Riston in Holdernesse, which is held of the manor of Brustwik (which belonged to Edmund the king's brother and to Avelina, his deceased wife, and which is in the king's hands by reason of her death), the services of which manor of Riston are assigned in dower to Isabella, countess of Albemarle, to the said Robert and Joan by his charter, to be held of the chief lords of the fee, doing therefor all customs and services that Robert de Scuris ought to have done and that lie and his ancestors were wont to do, the steward has hitherto deferred receiving from Robert and Joan the suit due to the king's wapentake of Holdernes[se] for the manor, although they are and always were prepared to make suit, and the steward distrains Robert de Scuris to make the said suit there as if the manor were still in his hands: as the king wishes to be more fully certified concerning this, he orders the steward, if it be so, to receive the suit from Robert de Hildyerd, and to permit him and his wife to hold the manor until otherwise ordered, saving the right of the king and of others. MEMBRANE 13. March 30. To the sheriff of York. Order to respite until a month from Easter the Sixhills. demand upon Agnes de Vescy for 171 marks 6s. 81d. that are in arrears to (Sixle.) the king of the portion falling to her of the 600 marks yearly that Eleanor, sometime countess of Leicester, was wont to receive from the exchequer for Agnes and the other heirs of Walter, sometime earl Marshal, for 4 EDWARD I. 277 1276. Membrane 13-cont. Eleanor's dower of the lands that belonged to Walter in Ireland, so that the king may then cause to be done what he shall cause to be provided by his council. To Thomas de Normanvill. Order to permit Robert de Ros to chace and take the fox in all his lands in Holdernes[se] until Whitsuntide next, as the king has granted to him that he may chace the fox in all his lands aforesaid with his own dogs until the said feast, on condition that he take none of the king's great beasts (feris) or other beasts of the king and do not course in the warrens of others in the meantime by reason of the grant aforesaid. To the sheriff of Lincoln and the coroners of the same county. Order to cause the abbot of Thormton (sic) to have of the king's gift the two tuns of wine that were lately taken into the king's hands at Immingham as the king's wreck [of the sea]. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the foot of the bridge of the gate of York castle to be repaired where necessary without delay. John Wolriche, Alice la Prestresse, Nicholas Wisman, and Robert Wisman of Hertwell, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Thomas son of Warner, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. April 7. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to Lincoln. cause the dean and chapter of St. Mary's, Lincoln, to have fifty oaks in Shirewod forest, whereof six shall be gnarled (transversar'), for their new works, of the king's gift, as the king has enjoined upon Geoffrey by word of mouth. March 14. To the same. Order to take fifteen does in Shirewod forest and Temple Bruer. twelve bucks in Galtres forest for the king's use, so that he shall have them at Easter next, which is to be celebrated at Lincoln. April 6. To Bartholomew le Jeovene, constable of Bristol castle. Whereas the Lincoln. king learns that the knights and other prisoners in that castle, murmuring against the constable, demand clamorously space to walk more freely and more ample delicacies (delicias) in food and drink, the king, reflecting that if looser reins were granted to them in this behalf, peril might arise to him or to others thereby, therefore orders the constable to administer to them reasonable maintenance without such excess of victuals and charge of expenses, and to cause the said knights and others imprisoned in the castle to be kept more strictly and narrowly, lest by any chance peril arise to the king or others from their insolence or scandal arise to the constable. To the treasurer and barons cf the exchequer. It is shown to the king on behalf of Henry de Audedelegh, son and heir of James de Audidelegh, sometime justiciary of Ireland, that whereas the treasurer and barons cause him to be distrained to render account in the exchequer in fifteen days from Easter for all the time during which his father was justiciary and for certain debts in which his father was indebted to the king for certain citizens of Cork and for two reliefs that they exact from him for the king's use, and he is now suffering from a serious illness, as the king learns, so that he cannot come before them at the said day to answer in the exchequer for the premises, and moreover his father's rolls of the account aforesaid are still in possession of those who were his father's clerks and bailiffs; the king orders them to respite until the morrow of Midsummer next the account aforesaid and the other demands that they exact from Henry for 278 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS 1276. Membrane 13-cont. the king's use and for the use of the citizens aforesaid, so that the account may then be rendered without further delay, and let him then come fully instructed, after having before them the rolls and other aids touching the said matter, by himself or his attorney, to do in this behalf what he ought of right to do. To the constable of St. Briavels castle. Order to cause Thomas de Panes, the king's merchant, to have a piece of wood (lignum) suitable for making a mast for his ship, the king having given to him such wood in the forest of Dene, quit of chiminage and hindrance of foresters and bailiffs. -Peter le Porter, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Robert son of Hugh de Besseford, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. April 11. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Matilda, late the wife of Robert de Welleden Peterborough. of Stanford, has shown the king that whereas Robert bound himself with others of that bailiwick for the king to Guncelin de Gaunt, merchant, for a certain sum of money that the king owed to Guncelin, and Robert afterwards satisfied Guncelin for 124 marks for his share of the obligation (que ipsum inde contingebant), as the king sees evidently by the letters patent and tallies that Matilda has produced before him, the sheriff of Lincoln distrains Matilda, at the prosecution of Guncelin's son and heir, to pay the said 121 marks again: the king therefore orders the sheriff to supersede entirely distraining Matilda for this reason, and to permit her to be quit thereof, in accordance with the tenor of the letters of the said merchant, which she will show to the sheriff, concerning the payment of the said sum, so that she shall not have through the sheriff's default just reason (materiam) to complain. April 13. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Barnwell. Robert de Tybotot the king's shepherdry (bercariam) of Wetherwike in the Peak, which belonged to Robert de Ferariis, sometime earl of Derby, if the king have no sheep there and if it may be done without damage to the king, as the king has granted it to the said Robert. April 17. To Robert de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause Master Langley. Bertram, the king's engineer, to have six oaks in the park of Odyham or in the foreign wood there, to make therewith the king's engines, as Bertram shall cause him to know on the king's behalf. On this day R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, returned to court. April 17. To the sheriff of Sussex, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Langley. Isabella, late the wife of Thomas de Audeham, to have her seisin again of the lands that Thomas held of her inheritance, together with everything received therefrom by the sheriff since he took them into the king's hands by reason of Thomas's death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Thomas at his death held certain lands of the inheritance that his wife held of the king in chief, and that Thomas held nothing of the king in chief of his own inheritance or purchase. The like to the sheriffs of Northampton and Somerset, escheators in the same counties. To the sheriff of Sussex, escheator in the same county. Order to cause the aforesaid Isabella to have again her seisin of certain lands in Execes, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the aforesaid Thomas and she were jointly enfeoffed of the said lands, which they held at Thomas's death and which the sheriff has taken into the king't hands U9lely by reason of Thomas's depth, 4 EDWARD I. 279 1276. Membrane 13-cont. April 17. To the same. Order to commit to the aforesaid Isabella in name of Langley. wardship the custody of certain lands in Torryng' and Flechyng', according to custom, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the aforesaid Thomas at his death held them in socage, and that he held nothing of the king in chief by reason whereof the custody of his lands or heirs may or ought to pertain to the king. To the sheriff of Kent, escheator in the same county. Like order concerning certain lands in Wodlond, Kemesing, and Audeham. To the sheriff of Gloucester, escheator in the same county. Order to cause the aforesaid Isabella to have again her seisin of certain lands in his bailiwick, together with everything received therefrom by him since he took them into the king's hands by reason of the said Thomas's death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Thomas and Isabella held on the day of Thomas's death the said lands as Isabella's dower of the inheritance of Ralph de la Haye, formerly her husband, and that Thomas at his death held nothing of the king in chief, and that the lands were taken into the king's hands solely by reason of Thomas's death. The like to the sheriff of Sussex, escheator in the same county. April 23. To the sheriff of Oxford. William Morun, knight, has shown the king Kempton. that whereas he lately sent John de Sandwyco, his groom, to Newmarket (Kenynton.) (Novum Mercatum) to bring a hauberk (lorica) and other armour that William had left thlere for safe-keeping to his master at Kingeston, and the groom took the armour and carried it secretly and in thievish manner to Oxford, whereupon the mayor and bailiffs of that town, having suspicion thereof, arrested him with the armour, and he was afterwards hanged as a thief when the truth concerning the theft was known, the mayor and bailiffs detain the armour thus found with the said thief: the king therefore orders the sheriff, if he ascertain that it is so, to cause the armour to be restored to William in such manner as he can prove it to be his, of the king's gift. April 23. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Kempton. Michaelmas next the demand upon Elias de Rabayn, who is intending the king's affairs by order, for 281. by reason of the scutage of Wales, as he claims to have quittance thereof. April 23. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Whereas Kempton. the king lately ordered the keeper of the forest of Pember[e] to cause the friars of Mount Carmel, London, to have twelve oaks with their strippings (escaetis) for timber, and they have not had the oaks, as the king learns: the king therefore orders Roger to cause them to have the said oaks without delay, in accordance with the king's order to the keeper of the said forest. April 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the Kempton. account of Adam de Chetewynd for the time when he had the bailiwick of Ellesmere by commission of Robert Burnel, now bishop of Bath and Wells, and of others then supplying the king's place in England when the king was in parts beyond sea, and to cause to be done for Adam what ought to be done of right. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas it appears to the king by inspection of the rolls of the late king's chancery that the said king, on 19 July, in the 30th year of his reign, gave to Matilda, late the wife of Anselm the Marshall, the tallage that he caused to be assessed on the manor of Aure, which was formerly the said king's demesne, and which 280 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS, 1276. Membrane 13-cent. was assigned to Matilda in tenancia until full dower should be assigned to her of Anselm's lands, and she received the tallage in full, the king orders them, if they ascertain that it is so, to cause the tenants of the manor to be acquitted of the said tallage. April 27. To the sheriff of York, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Kennington. the brethren of St. Nicholas's hospital, York, to have again seisin of 11 acres of meadow in the suburbs of York near the king's fishpond, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Guyschard de Charron and William de Norb[ury] that the said 1- acres are not and were not of the ancient demesne of the crown, and were never arrented at the exchequer, which 12 acres were taken into the king's hands for this reason,* but that the empress Matilda, sometime queen of England, bought a carucate of land and the meadow aforesaid and gave them to the hospital and brethren on condition that the brethren should find for ever the following victuals for all lepers coming to the hospital on the eve of SS. Peter and Paul, to wit bread, ale, a mulvel (mulvellum) with butter and salmon when in season (undecunque eveniret), and cheese. To the sheriff of Hereford, escheator in the same county. Order to cause John de Lacu to have again his seisin of all Roger Codagh's land in Rolveston, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Roger enfeoffed John of the said land, and that John was in seisin thereof for a year and more from the time of the enfeoffment and livery of seisin until Roger was taken for certain trespasses charged upon him and imprisoned at Brugg', in which prison he died, by reason whereof Roger Bastard, under-sheriff of that county, took the said land into the king's hands by reason of Roger's death, and that John had been enfeoffed of the land for a year and more before Roger committed the trespasses in the manner charged against him, and that the land is held of the king in chief. April 30. Robert Furneval and Robert Brun, imprisoned at Leicester for the death Westminster. of Robert le Sergaunt of Stanford, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. Thomas Drobel, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of John son of John le Clerc of Cherteham, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. April 30. To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to cause Henry de Wodestok Westminster. to have seisin of the houses that Simon de Wauton, sometime canon of Wlverenehampton, held, to hold as appurtenant to his prebend in the king's chapel of Wlverenehampton, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the said houses, which Simon held as appurtenant to his prebend in the said chapel, ought of right to pertain to the prebend that Henry now holds in the chapel. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to permit Edmund Fyton to have the custody of the lands that belonged to Richard de Erreby [of] Northcliff, until Richard's heirs come of age, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the justice that the custody of the said lands, which the justice has taken into the king's hands by reason of Richard's death, ought to pertain of right to Edmund during the minority of Richard's heirs, because Edmund's ancestors have been hitherto accustomed to have the custody of the lands in time of wardship after the death of Richard's ancestors who held the lands. * The meaning intended to be conveyed is that the lan4 was taken into the ling's hands 4nder the pUppositioll that it was of the ancient demlesne, 4 EDWARD I. 281 1276. JIEMBRANE 12. April 1. To the sheriff of York, escheator in the same county. Order to deliver Westminster. to Katherine, late the wife of John Payne], tenant in chief, the lands and tenements contained in a schedule enclosed with the presents, to be held on condition that if Maurice de Credonio, to whom the king has committed the custody of the land and heir of the said John, be contented with such delivery made to Katherine in name of dower of the said lands, then she shall hold them for her life in name of dower, and that if Maurice be not contented therewith, the king will cause Katherine to come before him to receive from Maurice her dower of John's lands, as ought to be done according to the law and custom of the realm. May 2. To Robert le Eyr, bailiff of [the manor of] Wodestok. Order to cause Westminster. a fall (trencheam) to be made in the king's wood of Hensegrave by the view and ordinance of John son of Nigel, and to cause the trees in the fall to be sold, and to cause the houses, mills and ponds of the manor and the wall about the park to be repaired out of the money received thence and from the other fall that the king previously ordered to be made in the park. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the distraint upon Baldwin Wak for the relief due from him to the king for his lands by the death of Joan de Stuteville, his raother, of whom he is the heir, as the king has granted respite to him until Michaelmas next. To the sheriff of Cumberland, escheator in the same county. Order not to intermeddle further with the following lands, and to restore to Baldwin Wak anything received from the issues thereof since 1 May, in the fourth year of the king's reign, as the king took his homage on that day for the lands whereof Joan de Stotevill, his mother, was seised in her demesne as of fee at her death, and has rendered the said lands to him. May 2. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to deliver to Westminster. Peter de Ardern the manor of Gousewrdth, to be held in name of wardship until the heir of Richard de Orreby come of age, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the justice that the said Richard at his death held the manor of Peter for two parts of a knight's fee, doing therefor to Peter the service of one footman with haubergeon (haubergello) at Peter's castle of Aldeford in time of war, and that he held no lands of the king in chief by such service by reason that the custody of the manor ought to pertain to the king, and that the wardship pertains to Peter, and that the manor is worth 141. in all issues. To Richard de Coleshull, sheriff of Dorset, escheator in the same county. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by John de London[ia], the late escheator, that John de Turri, whose lands were taken into the king's hands at his death by Master Richard de Cliff [ord], then escheator, as if he held of the king in chief, held nothing of the king in chief, and that he held of William de Bingham five virgates of land in Motherwe and of Richard de Capella half a virgate of land and five perches of meadow in Sturcul, which are still in the king's hands, the king orders the sheriff to cause William and Richard to have seisin of the said land. May 3. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Westminster. Middelton. If they ascertain that Solomon son of Benedict, a Jew of Lincoln, has in the treasury of the king's Jewry debts and other goods and chattels that equal the total of the tallage assessed upon him, they are ordered to look to (capiatis) the said debts, and not to inflict damage or annoyance upon the Jew as to his body by reason of the outlawry promulgated against him by reason of the tallage aforesaid, if they deem this expedient for the king's use, 282 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 12-cont. The like in favour of Mansellus de Roddesword, a Jew of Lincoln. May 4. To the sheriff of Dorset, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. the abbot of Bynedon to have seisin of two virgates of land in Modberegh, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John de Lond[onia], late escheator this side 'rent, that John de Turri, tenant in chief, lately deceased, held the said land of the abbot by the service of 4s. 5d. yearly. Robert le Messer, Robert le Keu, Nicholas le Tanur, John son of Durand, Geoffrey le Charpenter, Richard le Charpenter, William de Stretton, Peter le Rotur, William le Lunge, William le Marescal, Adam Crust, Walter le Fevre, William fiz le Provost, John son of Ralph, Nicholas le Messer of Ellerton, Ralph son of Beatrice, William de la Grene, and Robert his brother, imprisoned at York for the death of Hugh Gauk, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. May 5. To the sheriff of Devon, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. Joan, late the wife of Alexander de Oxeton, to have again her seisin of the manors of Modbyr[y] and Brideford and of a third of the manor of Brigesham and of certain lands in Hirbirton, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Joan was jointly enfeoffed with Alexander of the premises by Roger de Valle Torta, to hold to them and their heirs of the king in chief whilst the ward (warda) of Vautort (de Valle Torta) should be in the king's hands, and that Joan was in seisin thereof according to the feoffment in her husband's lifetime and after his death, which manors, etc., the sheriff took into the king's hands by reason of John's death. To the sheriff of Essex. Notification that the king has granted to Robert de Brus respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas for all debts that the sheriff exacts from him by summons of the exchequer, and order to permit him to have such respite. May 6. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas Robert Burnel, bishop of Westminster. Bath and Wells, has acknowledged before the king that he received, when he held the king's place in England, from Bartholomew de Castello 100 marks for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs, by which 100 marks Hugh de Sancta Cruce, who married Isabella, sister and co-heiress of Simon de Albiniaco, tenant in chief, and Hugh de Lucy, who married Joan, another sister and co-heiress of the said Simon, without the king's licence, made fine with the king for the said trespass; the king orders the barons to discharge Bartholomew of the said sum, and to charge the bishop with it. To the same. Notification that the king has pardoned Robert de Halsted, the king's yeoman, 481. 10s. Od. in which he is indebted to the king at the exchequer for the debts of his ancestors, and order to cause him to be acquitted thereof, unless he have previously had acquittance by another writ. May 7. To the same. Notification that Roger Springehus[e], sometime Westminster. bailiff of the king's manor of Stratton, co. Salop, has paid by the king's order to Hawisia, wife of Griffin son of Wenunwen, all issues and proceeds of that manor for all the time that Roger was bailiff thereof, and order to cause Roger to be acquitted for all the time aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to William Bardolf that he may render the 1501. that he owes to the king for his relief after the death of William Bardolf, his 4 EDWARD I. 283 1276. Membrane 12 —cont. father, by 501. yearly, and order to cause him to have these terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the same. Order to audit the account of Robert de Nevill for the time when he had the custody of York castle, and to cause allowance to be made to him for the victuals and other things that he expended (fecit) in the munition of the castle, save the dead stock (mortua garnisona) and other things that he found in the castle, as the late king committed the castle to Robert by letters patent in the time of the late disturbance in the realm, promising that he would cause allowance to be made by an account to be made in the exchequer for the costs of Robert in victuals and other things necessary for the munition of the castle, saving to the said king the dead stock and other things found in the castle at the time of the commission, for which Robert was to answer as above. May 7. To the same. Order to take into the king's hands the five knights' fees Westminster. that Peter de Scoteney held of the king in chief by reason of a moiety of the barony of Scoteney, so that the tenants of the said fees may henceforth answer and be intendent to the king as their lord for all their services, according to an inquisition concerning them that the king sends to the treasurer and barons and according to Peter's charter specified below, which they shall keep in the treasury, and the treasurer and barons shall hereafter exact the reliefs and services from the tenants, and shall receive Peter's quit-claim in full exchequer, and shall cause this to be so done and enrolled, as Peter has quit-claimed the said fees to the king by his charter and his right in all appurtenances thereof, saving to Peter and his heirs 64s. yearly of land and rent in Steynton, to be held of the king and his heirs in chief by the service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee for all service, as contained in the said charter. Geoffrey Arunde, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Roger de Wraybrunne, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. William le Keu of Lokinton, imprisoned at York for the death of Thomas Wryhals, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Nicholas Belle, imprisoned at Peterborough for the death of Henry le Clerk of Stratford and Geoffrey Belle, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. May 7. To the bailiff of the manor of Wodestok. Order to cause the friars Westminster. Minors of Oxford to have in the fall (trenchea) without the king's park of that manor ten oaks fit for timber to build their houses at Oxford therewith, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to Henry de Frowyk, citizen of London, that he may pay the 471. 9s. 64d. in which he is indebted to the king at the exchequer for the arrears of his account for the time when he was sheriff of London by 11i. 17s. 4ad. at Michaelmas, Easter, the following Michaelmas, and at Easter following, the remaining 11. 17s. 5d., and order to cause him to have these terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the sheriff of Essex. Notification that the king has remitted to the preceptor and brethren of the hospital of the Holy Ghost, Writele, the portion due from them of the twentieth of the late king's time granted to him and the present king, and order not to distrain them for payment 284 CAULENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 12-cont. thereof, and to release to them any distress that the sheriff may have made for this reason. May 8. To the sheriff of Berks, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. the abbot of Preaux to have seisin again of 60s. of rent in the manor of Neubir[y], as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the ancestors of William, formerly the old earl Marshal, of time out of mind enfeoffed the abbot of the said rent, to be received in the name of a tenth of the mill and toll of the town of Neubyr[y], and that the abbot and his predecessors were in peaceful seisin of the rent, and were wont to receive it by the hands of the said William the Marshall and his heirs and also by the hands of Simon de Monte Forti, sometime earl of Leicester, and of Eleanor, his wife, until the earl of Gloucester hindered them from receiving it, and that the sheriff has taken the rent into the king's hands because the king ordered him to take the manor into the king's hands until purparties thereof should be made between the parceners and co-heirs of the inheritance of the said manor. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately ordered the sheriff of Kent to take into the king's hands the manor and hundred of Middelton, which John de Burgo, the elder, had in tenancia of the king's grant, and to keep the same until otherwise ordered, so that he should answer at the exchequer for the issues thereof, and the king has now committed the manor and hundred to the sheriff during pleasure, so that he shall answer to the king for the ferm of the same as other sheriffs were wont to answer; the king orders the barons to cause this to be so done and enrolled. MEMBRANE 11. ---- --- To the sheriff of Warwick, escheator in the same county. Order to ---- deliver to Ermengard (Ermegarde), wife of Henry de Sancto Mauro, Henry's manor of Cominton, which was taken into the king's hands by reason of Henry's flight, to hold for her maintenance during the king's pleasure. May 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas J. sometime Westminster. bishop of Winchester made a loan (curialitatem) to the late king for an urgent affair of his of 120 marks, whereof the bishop paid 100 marks to Peter le Charpenter, merchant of St. Jean d'Angely (Angeliacen') for wines taken from him at London for the use of the said king by Joel, the said king's butler, and the bishop paid the remaining 20 marks into the said king's wardrobe to Master Henry de Gandavo, keeper thereof, on Saturday the eve of St. Bartholomew, at Canterbury (Cant'), in the 48th year of the said king's reign, wherefore the said king pardoned the bishop 600 marks in which he had made fine with the said king for his service due to the king that he had not done to the said king at his order at Mid-Lent in the year aforesaid, and acquitted the bishop thereof, as contained in the said king's letters patent, which the king has inspected; the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause N. now bishop of Winchester to be acquitted of the said 600 marks, which are exacted from him by summons of the exchequer, receiving from him the said letters patent. To the sheriff of Northumberland, escheator in the same county. Notification that the king has granted to Gilbert de Middelton that he may hold until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next all the lands in Hertlawe, which are of the king's fee and which he bought of Ralph de Gaugy without the king's licence and will, and order to permit him to hold the lands until then. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton. Isaac de Wilton7 a Jew, has shown the king that whereas he 4 EDWARD I. 286 1276. Membrane l1 —cont. has paid the tallage assessed upon him, they exact from him unjustly five marks under the name of Isaac de Merleberge, a Jew; the king, willing that Isaac shall not be injured, orders them to search the rolls of the examination (appuramenti) from which debts the five marks are exacted, and if they find that the debts are not the debts of Isaac de Wilton and that he has no part of them, to permit his body and chattels to be in peace of that demand, and to look towards (capiatis) him for whose debts the five marks are due, and to restore to Isaac [de Wilton] the star that he made to them by reason of the said five marks. ---- Roger Peche and Richard de Boxham, imprisoned at Lincoln for the - death of John son of Henry son of Thurstan, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. May 10. To the collectors of the fifteenth in co. Norfolk. Whereas the approved Westminster. men and community of the town of Norwich lately made fine before John de Lovetot and Geoffrey de Neubaud, late taxors of the fifteenth in the same county, in 1001. for their fifteenth, and the king afterwards pardoned them 201.; the king orders the collectors to cause them to be acquitted of the said fifteenth upon receipt of the remaining 801. May 11. To the sheriff of Bedford, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. to be restored to John de Mohun, one of the heirs and parceners of the inheritance of Walter, sometime earl Marshal, his purparty of the manor of Luton, which the king lately caused to be taken into his hands for certain causes, provided that he shall answer to the other co-heirs and parceners of the inheritance therefor if any of them wish to speak against him. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas Beufiz to be acquitted of 5 marks 12s. 6d. exacted from him by summons of the exchequer for the ransom of his lands in Bikelye by reason of the trespasses charged upon him in the time of the disturbance in the realm, as it appears to the king by inspection of the rolls of his chancery of the lands given by reason of the disturbance that the late king granted to Maurice de Berkel[eye], the younger, all the lands of the said Thomas in Bikeleye, to have according to the form of the Dictum of Kenill[leworth], and Thomas has satisfied Thomas de Berkeley, brother of Maurice, who had the land of Maurice's gift, for the ransom of the lands, as appears by the letters patent of Thomas de Berkel[eye], which the king has inspected. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king committed to Thomas de Normamvill (sic) his demesnes of Bamburg and all things pertaining thereto, so that he should answer at the exchequer for the issues thereof from Michaelmas next following, and the king ordered Robert de Nevill, who held the demesnes, to retain the body of Bamaburg castle and to deliver the demesnes to Thomas to be kept in form aforesaid, and Robert for certain reasonable causes held the demesnes until Easter last; the king orders them to charge Robert with the custody of the demesnes and the issues thereof from Michaelmas aforesaid until Easter last, and to discharge Thomas thereof. May 12. To the justices lately in eyre at the Tower of London. Whereas Robert Westminster. de Taillur of London Bridge, charged with the death of Henry Goye, slain in the late king's time, is detained in Neugate prison at the king's suit and not by appeal or at the suit of another, the king orders them, if it be so, to take from Henry a fine or ransom for the king's use at their discretion, and to cause him to be delivered from that prison if he be detained for this reason only, as has been wont to be done in the like case at other times. To Luke de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'). Order to cause Theobald Malagalye and his fellows to have within the quinzaine of 286 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 11-eont. Midsummer next, out of the money coming from the custom in England newly granted to the king, or out of other moneys of the king in their custody, 1210 marks, which Theobald and his fellows lately lent to the king at Paris for the expedition of certain arduous affairs, and to receive from them after payment the king's letters obligatory concerning this sum and the said merchants' letters of acquittance. May 12. Richard de Eccleston, imprisoned at Nothing[eham] for the death of Westminster. Adam de Stockeleye, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster (sic) to bail him. - John le Brutere of Chaddesleye, imprisoned at Westminster for the - -- death of Roger le Webbe of Chaddesleye, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail him. May 12. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king, when he made Westminster. exchange with Isabella de Brus for her portion of the earldom of Chester, delivered to her by'his charter, which the king has inspected, the manors of Writel and Hatfeld, co. Essex, with the half hundred pertaining to the manor of Hatfeld, to hold to her and her heirs by the service of one knight's fee only for all service, and the barons exact from Robert de Brus, son and heir of Isabella, 1001. for relief of the said lands as if he held of the king by entire barony and owed that service for the lands; the king orders them to inspect the tenor of the charter aforesaid, and to cause Robert to be acquitted of the demand for the said 1001., after he have satisfied the king for his relief, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver to Thomas de Normanvill the king's park of Plumton, with all the king's other launds and assarts within the forest of Inglewod, for him to make profit of (approianda) for the king's use, as the king has committed to him all his demesne lands beyond Trent and his forest aforesaid, to be kept and rented for the king's use. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the late king, at the instance of Nicholas de Kugenho, pardoned Richard son of Anselm of Grimescote the 141 marks in which Richard was indebted to Benedict son of Isaac de Celar[io], Isaac son of Isaac de Celario, and Aaron son of Samuel, Jews of Northampton, for a loan, and also the pains and usuries of the same debts, as the king understands by the rolls of the exchequer of his father's Jewry, and the said (sic) order has not yet been executed by reason of certain hindrances, as the king learns from Richard; the king orders the justices to cause Richard's charter of the aforesaid debt to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers so soon as the chest shall be opened, and to cause it to be delivered to Richard, and to cause him to be acquitted of the said debt, pains and usuries, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Notification that Theobald le Botiller has done homage to the king for his lands, for which the sheriff has distrained him to do homage to Edmund, the king's brother, and order to cause the said distraint to be wholly released, and to permit Theobald to have peace in this behalf. May 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the Westminster. burgesses of Graham to be acquitted of 20 marks, in which they made fine with John de Luvetot for a trespass that they committed in selling wool to the merchants of Flanders, contrary to the proclamation of the late king and of the present king, as the king has pardoned them this sum. 4 EDWARD I. 28q 1276. Membrane I 1-cont. To the sheriff of Wilts, escheator in that county. Order to cause William de Mohun, son and heir of Isabella Basset, to have seisin of the lands that Isabella at her death held in chief of the king, as the king has taken his homage for the said lands. The like to Master John de Saunford, escheator of Ireland. The like to the sheriffs of Bedford and Berks, escheators in the same counties. May 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert Westminster. de Tybetot to be acquitted of 300 marks, which the king lately ordered to be delivered to him at the exchequer of the king's imprest, as the king has pardoned him this sum. May 12. Richard Joie of Westporte, imprisoned at Shireburn for the death of Westminster. William le Peytevyn, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Dorset to bail him. May 14. To John Russel, bailiff of Clarendon. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, Westminster. the king's consort, to have in the king's wood of Melchet, within the forest of Clarendon, timber for sixty rafters (cheverones), in addition to the timber that she had at another time in that wood. May 13. To Adam Gurdon, keeper of the forest of Axisholt. The king is sending Westminster. to him William son of Warin, his yeoman, with certain of the king's dogs to take harts in that forest, and he orders Adam to aid and council William in this matter, and to certify the king by his letters of the number of the harts, when the king will cause him to have his writ of warrant for this. Richard de Grenham, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of William Puk, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Berks to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to William de Middelton. Whereas, according to the assize and the statutes of the king's Jewry, the king's Jews in the realm ought to have from their Christian creditors a moiety of their lands, rents and chattels until they receive their debts, and William de Lascell[es] of Oteringham, who is indebted to Gamaliel de Oxon[ia], a Jew, by many and divers charters in 1501. and more, has not lands whereby he can be distrained, except 201. that John son of Martin de Oteringham owes to him and 100s. and twelve quarters of wheat of yearly rent to be received for his life from the said John, the king orders them, if it be so, to cause the Jew to have a moiety of the said 201. in accordance with the statute, and to cause him to have a moiety of the said 100s. and twelve quarters of wheat yearly until he have received the said debt in accordance with the statute of the Jewry. The king wills that William shall not be able to give, sell or alienate a moiety of the said 201. or of the said rent until the debt have been paid to the Jew in full. May 15. To the sheriff of Wilts, escheator in the same county. Order to assign Westminster. dower to Emma, late the wife of Philip Marmyun, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To the sheriff of Southampton. Whereas it was lately testified before the king by trustworthy men that William le Tuyller of Motesfunte slew Thomas de Aulton in self defence, so that he could not otherwise avoid being slain himself, and the king therefore pardoned William the suit of his peace for the said death, on condition that he stand to right in the king's court if any one wish to speak against him in this behalf, and the king has 288 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLt. 1276. Membrane 11-cont. granted to him his goods and chattels, which were taken into his hands for the death aforesaid; the king therefore orders the sheriff to deliver to William his goods and chattels. May 16. To the sheriff of Wilts, escheator in the same county. Whereas the king Westminster. learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Philip Marmyun at his death held nothing of the king in chief by such service that the custody of his land and heir may or ought to pertain to the king, and it appears to the king by inspection of the rolls of the exchequer that Philip held a virgate of land of the sergeanty of Richard de Anesy by the service of 2s. yearly to Richard for all service; the king orders the sheriff not to intermeddle in anywise with the said lands, which he has caused to be taken into the king's hands by reason of Philip's death. Membrane 11-Schedule. ----- *To the justiciary and chancellor of Ireland. Whereas Eleanor, late the ---- wife of John de Verdun, tenant in chief, recovered before the justices of the Bench against Theobald, son and heir of the said John, her dower of John's lands in England, and it was afterwards agreed between her and Theobald's attorney in England that if Theobald should render to her the dower aforesaid together with her dower of the other lands of the said John in Dyveleck in Ireland, concerning which a plea was pending before the justices of the Bench of Dublin, Theobald should have for his life, out of the dower in Uriel that she had previously recovered against him, the value of her said dower in Webbeleye, Ewyas, and Lodelawe, in England, and in Dyveleck in Ireland, by an extent to be made thereof, so that Theobald should not have any seisin of the lands in Uryel in her hands in name of dower until she should obtain peaceful seisin of the said dower, as contained in a deed made between her and the said attorneys in the king's court, a transcript whereof the king sent to the justiciary and chancellor at another time under his seal; and the justiciary and chancellor, although Theobald has not yet caused Eleanor to have her said dower in Webbel[eye], Ewias, and Lodelow, have caused him to be put in seisin of her dower in Uryel by an extent not made justly, as the king learns; the king orders them to cause Eleanor to have again seisin of her dower in Uriel, with everything received thence in the meantime, until they ascertain that Theobald has rendered to her dower in Webbelee, Ewyas, and Lodewalawe (sic) and Divelek, MEMBRANE 10. [May 16.t] To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause Robert de Ludeham to have [Westminster.] 100s. for his expenses in going by the late king's order with William Gerberd to make search of the debts in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews of Winchester, Oxford, Wilts, and Devizes. May 16. To Robert Lestrange (Extraneo), keeper of the lands that belonged to Westminster. John Lestrange. Order to cause John Lestrange, son and heir of the said John, to have seisin of his father's lands, as the king has taken his homage for the said lands. * From the numerous alterations, it is evident that this is the draught of the order. t Teste ut supra, referring to the last enrolment on Membrane 11. 4 EDWARD 1. 289 1276. Membrane 10-cont. To Master John de Saunford, escheator of Ireland. Order to deliver to Robert son of Maurice 401. of land yearly from the king's wardships and custodies, as the king has granted that sum to Robert for his long service to the king. To the justiciary of Ireland and to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause the said Robert to have 2s. daily for his wages for so long as he shall stay in those parts, as he is going thither by the king's licence to stay there in his service for a time. May 18. To William de Middelton and Nicholas de Castello, auditors of the Westminster. account of the twentieth lately granted to the king. Whereas the king has granted to Roger de Clifford, the elder, 101. for his expenses in carrying the twentieth from co. Westmoreland to Westminster by the king's order, he orders the auditors to cause Roger and the collectors from whom he received the said sum to be acquitted thereof. To Ralph de Sandwico. Order to cause R. bishop of Bath and Wells to have twenty live does and brockets (brokettos) in the king's park of Odiham, which is in Ralph's custody, in order to stock his park of Dogmerefeld, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Roger de Cliff[ord] to be acquitted of the 401. in which he made fine before Martin de Lutlebir[y] for a trespass that he was said to have committed in the forests and parks that belonged to Roger de Somery in co. Stafford, as contained in an inquisition made by John son of John, as the king has pardoned him this sum. To Henry de Candovre. Order to deliver to Richard de Holebroc the bailiwick of the forest of Whittlewode, which was lately in the custody of Elias de Tingwyk, to be kept by Richard as the king has enjoined upon him by word of mouth. May 20. To Giles de Audenard, sub-constable of the Tower of London. Order Westminster. to deliver Ralph Perot, appealed by Hugh de Caldewelle, the king's approver, of certain trespasses against the king's peace, as Giles de Argenteym of co. Hertford, Hugh Peche of co. Suffolk, Reginald de Argenteym of co. Essex, Miles de Hasting' of co. Northampton, Richard de Argenteym of co. Essex, William de Apeltrefeud of co. Lincoln, Roger de Tylmaneston of co. Kent, Hugh de Coleworth of co. Essex, Peter Pycot of the same county, John de Aston of co. Somerset, Nicholas de la Huse of co. Berks, and Hugh de Brok of the same county have mainperned to have him before the king at his will under pain of forfeiture of all their goods. To Ralph de Sandwico. Order to cause R. bishop of Bath and Wells to have twenty live does and brockets in the king's park of Odiham, in order to stock his park of Dogmerefeld, of the king's gift. May 20. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause the abbot and monks of Pyppwell to be quit of chiminage throughout the forest of Rokingham, as the king has granted that they and their successors shall be acquitted of such chiminage. To the sheriff of Oxford. Whereas the king has appointed Francis son of Accursius and Nicholas de Stapelton to enquire concerning certain injuries and grievances inflicted upon the king's Jews of Oxford, and the sheriff, challenging the Jews concerning usuries and other things, concerning which the king wishes to be certified by the said Francis and Nicholas by inquisition to be made before them, aggrieves and disquiets the Jews in many ways, as the king learns from their complaint; the king u 96998. T 290 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 10-cont. orders the sheriff to desist in the meantime from inflicting such grievances and injuries upon the Jews, and not to intermeddle with anything pertaining to the king's Jewry there, except for the king's tallage or his other debts there, or for queen gold, or for other clear things pertaining to the king of the said Jewry. To the sheriff of Dorset, escheator in the same county. Order to restore to the abbot and convent of Tarente their wood of Bere, which is of the king's fee and which the sheriff took into the king's hands because John do Bohun, one of the parceners of the inheritance of the earl Marshall, alienated the wood without the king's licence or will, as the king has rendered the wood to the abbot and convent at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his consort, to hold in accordance with John's grant. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause the Friars Carmelite of Lincoln to have ten oaks with their loppings (escaetis) for timber, of the king's gift, in the king's wood of Byrkelund, which is within the forest of Shirewode. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to deliver from prison Luke de Brustwik and Robert le Prisoner, whom the king lately ordered specially to be taken. To Richard de Holebroc, the king's steward. Order to cause to be replevied to Elias de Tyngwik, late keeper of the forest of Whittlewode, the bailiwick of the said forest, which was taken into the king's hands for an alleged trespass of Elias's at Newport Paynel. May 22. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause Richard Luffecunte and Westminster. Simon son of Reginald le Provost, imprisoned at Peterborough for a redisseisin made by them, and Sewall de Norh[an]t[ona], imprisoned at Northampton for a trespass against a bailiff of those parts, to be delivered upon their finding mainpernors to have them before the king at his order to stand to right if the king or others wish to speak against them concerning the said trepasses. To the sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford. Whereas the king has delivered Ralph Pyrot, appealed by Hugh de Caldewell, an approver, and lately imprisoned in the Tower of London, to certain persons in bail, the king orders the sheriff to deliver to Ralph in the meantime by the same mainprise all his lands, which were taken into the king's hands for this reason. The like to the sheriff of Hertford and Kent. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has pardoned Simon de Creye all debts due from him to the exchequer, for which reason Simon has pardoned the king all debts due to him from the king, and order to cause Simon to be acquitted of all debts due from him to the exchequer, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, provided that Simon make to king sufficient quittance of the debts owing to him by the king. May 22, To the sheriff of Stafford, escheator in the same county. Order to Westminster. restore to William de Morteyn the moiety falling to him by inheritance of the lands that belonged to William le Rous, tenant in chief, which moiety was taken into the king's hands by reason of a dispute between the said William [de Morteyn] and Margery la Russe, his parcener. To Richard de Plessetis, keeper of the king's park of Perton. Order to cause the abbot of Glastonbury to have twelve oaks for timber in that park, of the king's gift. 4 EDWARD I. 291 1276. Membrane 10-cont. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that William Gauger, king's clerk, late keeper of the abbey of Glastonbury, then void and in the king's hands, has received from John, abbot of Glastonbury, and the monastery 1201. for the expedition of the king's affiirs, to wit 1001. for the whole issue of the stock (instauri) of the monastery for the third year of the king's reign, and 201. for a wardship sold to the abbot by William, and order to cause the abbot to be acquitted of the aforesaid sum. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause Nicholas Belle, imprisoned at Peterborough for the death of Henry le Clerk of Stratford and Geoffrey Belle, wherewith he is charged, to be delivered from that prison, as Robert le Lord, Robert Justin of Ovyng', William de Vescy of Hurtlingbur[y], Adam Hamund of Merston, Walter del Brok of Merston, William le Jofne of Ovyng', William son of William de Merston, John de 1:a Mershe, John de la Croyz, Walter de la Funtayne, Adam le Neue, and Geoffrey del Cimiterye have mainperned to have Nicholas before the king's justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him in this behalf, as the sheriff of Buckingham has signified to the king. May 25. To the taxors of the fifteenth in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. It is shown Westminster. to the king on behalf of William Gereberge, the younger, William de Monesle, the elder, Nicholas de Monesle, Peter de Waxtenesham, Robert Kyff, John de Gorleston, and Robert Asscheman that whereas the taxors caused their goods to be taxed for the fifteenth, and they caused their goods and chattels to be taken by sea in certain ships after the taxation in order to make their profit thereof, and the ships were sunk by storm (intemperiem), whereby they lost their goods and wares in the ships to the value of 4001. and more, so that they recovered nothing thereof; the king, wishing to provide for their indemnity in this behalf, orders the taxors, if they find by inquisition that it is so, to search their rolls of the taxation aforesaid and the ascertainment (puratis) of the chattels of the said merchants 'previously taxed by them, and to cause to be deducted (rescindi) from the totals of the fifteenth as much as pertains to the king for the fifteenth of the goods and chattels thus lost. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Robert de Tybotot to have in the king's wood of Stratton 150 rafters (cheverones) to make therewith a barn of his, of the king's gift. May 23. To the sheriff of Sussex, keeper of the forest and park of Arundel. The Westminster. king is sending to him Henry de Kendor, his huntsman, to take twenty bucks in the said forest and park for the king's use, as the king has enjoined upon him, and the king orders the sheriff to permit him to take the bucks there, and to aid and counsel him, as he shall direct the sheriff on the king's behalf, and to cause reasonable expenses to be found for him and his dogs whilst they shall stay there for this purpose. To the constable of Bergeveny castle. Order to cause Oliver de Dynaunt, Walter de Wymburn, and Henry de Bray, whom the king is sending into West Wales to make certain inquisitions, as the king has enjoined upon them by word of mouth, to have their reasonable expenses for this purpose. --- ---- Thomas le Fouer, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Thomas son ---- of Alan de Evinton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. Robert Shepesheved, Robert le Serjaunt of Stocton, Geoffrey Godberd, and Swain (Sweynus) Scotfordesson, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Thomas son of Alan de Eventon, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail them. T 2 292 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 10-cont. May 28. To Robert le Heyr, bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause Robert de Westminster. Wodestok, the king's marshal, to have in the clearings (trencheiis) that the king lately caused to be made in his park of Wodestok three oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause the manor of Cunewardesleye to be seised into the king's hands, and, after retaining seisin thereof in the king's hands for some time, as shall seem expedient to him and the abbot of Dernhal[e], to cause the manor to be delivered entirely to the abbot and convent of Dernhal[e], as Walter de Vernun, who formerly had the manor of the king's gift, has rendered it to the king for the use of the abbot and convent, to whom the king has granted it. To the bailiff of the islands, or to him who supplies their place. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the bailiff that Arnald Johannis, when he was bailiff of the islands, caused to be taken and carried away from the priory of Wrale, in the island of Gerner[eye], which priory was in the king's custody by reason of the voidance of the abbey of Mont St. Michel, against the will of the monks and others in the priory, 50 quarters of wheat, 220 quarters of barley, and 8 tuns of Gascony wine, which pertained to the priory by reason of their part of a ship there wrecked (periclitata), and 65s. Tournois for their part of the sale of the timber of the said ship, and 21 tuns of wine and 35s. for their part of another ship there wrecked, and 20s. for their part of a tun of wine found in the sea, and their part of three fish called ' porpoys ' there found, and that Arnald still detains these things from the monks; the king orders the bailiff to distrain Arnald by all his goods and chattels in the islands to restore all the premises or the value thereof to the monks, as is just and has been the custom heretofore in the like case. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to pay to Thomas le Ercedekne 201. for his expenses about the expedition of certain of the king's affairs in those parts, as the king has enjoined upon Thomas by word of mouth. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middelton, deputed to collect the tallage lately assessed upon certain Jews of England. If Moses son of Isaac de Sancto Licio, a Jew, have chattels in the treasury of the Jewry that exceed the value of the tallage last assessed upon him, they are ordered to retain the chattels for the king's use and to cause Moses to be acquitted of the tallage, and to cause him to be delivered from prison in which he is detained, and not to vex him by reason of the outlawry lately promulgated against him for the said tallage, but to permit him to be quit thereof. MEMBRANE 9. June 2. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Westminster. Middelton. The king understands from the complaint of Leo de Norwyco, a Jew, and of Jiwa, his wife, that whereas the late king gave to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, all the chattels and debts that belonged to Sadekinus, a late Jew of Northampton, formerly the husband of the said Jiwa (Jywe), which came to the said king's hands by reason of certain trespasses charged upon Sadekinus, and Eleanor had the debts and chattels, nevertheless the justices and William have tallaged (talliastis) the said debts because the charters of the debts of Sadekinus were found in the treasury at the time of the last tallage assessed upon the community of the Jews of England, and they exact the tallage from Leo and Jiwa; as it is 4 EDWARD 1. 293 1276. Membrane 9-cont. unjust that Leo and Jiwa shall be tallaged or molested for goods and chattels that came to the hands of the said queen, the king orders the justices and William to desist wholly from the demand upon Leo and Jiwa by reason of the debts and chattels aforesaid. Hugh de Stokton and Katherine his sister, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of John le Saghere of Geldeston, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Richard Springald, Hugh Springald, John Springald, and Richard de Dreyton, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Henry le Northrene of Wotton, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail them. June 4. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver to brother Thomas Westminster. Leaute the custody of the priory of Moderfunte, which the sheriff lately took into the king's hands by reason of a dispute between the bishop of Winchester and Payn de Cadurcis concerning the advowson thereof, as the king has committed the custody thereof to Thomas until it shall be fully determined (discussum) between the bishop and Payn concerning the advowson. To the taker of the king's wines at Southampton, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause ten tuns of the wines of the king's right prise there to be carried to Wodestok, there to be placed in the king's cellar, and to deliver ten tuns of the wines of the same prise to the king's steward of the New Forest, to be taken to Lindherst, which ten tuns the king has given to Queen Eleanor, his consort. June 3. To Elias de Rabayn, constable of Corf castle. Order to deliver to Westminster. Thomas de Hauvill, the king's falconer of fee, four laner falcons of the falcons that Elias tookl in his bailiwick for the king's use, to be kept by Thomas until the king shall cause them to be sent for. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to William de Middeiton. Cresseus son of Sampson, a Jew of London, has shewn the king that whereas he was tallaged in the last tallage assessed upon the Jews of England at 9 marks 4s. 5d. and he was imprisoned in the Tower of London to render the tallage, and he granted and quit-claimed in that prison to Stephen, bishop of Waterford, and his fellows, then appointed by the king for the collection of the said tallage, two debts that he had then in the king's treasury, to wit one of 151. under the name of Mabel Attefulebrok of co. Essex and another of 100s. under the name of Ralph del Gardin of co. Northampton, in order that he should be quit of the tallage, which debts the bishop and his fellows took for the king's use, nevertheless the justices and William distrain him to render the tallage to the king; as it is unjust that the Jew should be bound or distrained to pay the tallage, the king orders the justices and William to look to (capiatis) the said debts, and to cause the Jew to be acquitted of the tallage, and to cause him to have peace concerning it. June 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the Westminster. king has pardoned John de Mara and Petronilla, late the wife of Robert de Monte Forti, which Petronilla's marriage pertained to the king, 2001. of the fine of 4001. that they made with the king because Petronilla permitted herself to be married to John without the king's licence and will, and that the king has granted that they may render the remainder by 100 marks yearly, and order to cause them to be thus acquitted of 2001. and to have the said terms for payment of the remainder, so that the lands of Petronilla's inheritance shall be charged therewith, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. 294 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Alembrane 9-cont. To the same. Order to permit the said John and Petronilla to pay the 50 marks due at Michaelmas of the aforesaid 100 marks yearly at the Easter exchequer, and the 50 marks due at Easter at the Michaelmas exchequer following, and so from year to year at the same terms until the 2001. have been paid in ful], and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. June 4. To the sheriff of Salop, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. Eudo la Zusch and Milisent his wife, sister and co-heiress of George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the following of George's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to them in her purparty: a fee that Odo de Hodenet holds in Hodenet; a fee that William de Hodenet holds in Hope Bowelers; a fee that Richard son of Robert holds in Harleye; half a fee that John de Gatacre holds in Gatacre; half a fee that Robert de Stepelton holds in Stepelton; half a fee that Walter de Upton, Walter de Goneshale, and Walter de Wittokeslowe held in Wittokeslowe; half a fee that John le Poer and Walter de Eylesbir[y] hold in Ritton; half a fee that Philip de Smethecote holds in Smethecote; half a fee that Roger de Oudredeslowe,* Philip de Beclers, and William de Hocton held in Weston; half a fee in a moiety of the manor of Eytonstok and Muniton, which William de Stanworthin, Hugh de Patyton, and Roger de Eston held; half a fee that William Hunaud held in Marton near Hathewaldeford; half a fee that Philip de Penincton holds in Penyncton; and half a fee that Aldulf (Audulphus) de Bracy holds in Moles Bracy. To the collectors of the fifteenth in co. Cambridge. Order to cause Charles son of Charles to have peace concerning the fifteenth of his goods and chattels until the quinzaine of Michaelmas, and to cause any distraint that they may have made in this behalf to be delivered to him, as the king has granted this respite to the said Charles. June 2. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to permit Bartholomew de Avilers to sell Westminster. to Walter de Shelfangr[e] a messuage and 60 acres of land in Shelfangr[e], and to permit Walter to obtain seisin thereof, of the king's special licence, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard de Holebrok, steward of his lands in that county, that if the king should grant to Bartholomew, who holds of the king by serjeanty, permission to sell the messuage and land to Walter, the remainder of Bartholomew's lands suffice and may suffice to do the said serjeanty due to the king therefor. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately ordered Henry de Frowik and Luke de Batencourt, then sheriffs of London, to cause the goods and wares of certain merchants of Zeeland and their ships and tackle to be arrested and kept safely until further orders, by reason of certain trespasses committed upon the king's men by certain men of Zeeland, and he afterwards ordered the treasurer and barons to receive from Henry and Luke the goods and wares or their price made by the view of men of Zeeland, and to deliver them to Walter Auberkyn, Adam le Folour, William de Brackele, Charles de Wycumb, and Godeman Auberkyn, citizens and merchants of London robbed by the men of Zeeland, each according to his proportion, in recompense for the damages that they sustained [etc. as at page 218, above], by reason whereof the treasurer and barons caused the goods, wares, ships and tackle to be delivered to Henry and Luke according to the appraisement made on the day of the arrest, to answer for the price as if the goods and chattels had in the meantime deteriorated in their default, and moreover they have charged Henry with * The initial C has been carelessly copied as 0. 4 EDWARD I. 1276. Membrane 9-con;. all the goods as if he had received them alone, and they have not charged Luke or his executors for his portion: the king, wishing to aid Henry, orders them to call before them approved and lawful citizens and merchants of the city, and to examine them concerning these matters, and to cause, if necessary, an inquisition to be made by the oath of the said citizens and merchants concerning the deterioration of the goods and concerning goods carried away from them, and if the goods were then in the custody of Luke as in that of Henry, and also what day Henry and Luke first received the custody of the goods, and what the goods were worth on that day and the [present] price of the same; and after due subtraction have been made thereof, to charge Henry and Luke with equal portions thereof, to wit Luke and his executors for the time for which they are bound to answer with Henry, to wit each of them for their proportion, and to discharge Henry of Luke's portion that he is now charged with, and to discharge him of the deterioration aforesaid. They are ordered to provide that Henry shall not be charged with debts owing to those of Zeeland by certain men of Ihe city that he did not receive, and that the said debtors shall -be called before them at the exchequer and be charged therewith, and that they shall be discharged when the debts have been paid. It is provided, that what has been paid to the exchequer by Henry by reason of the aforesaid undue charge shall be restored to him. June 5. To the sheriff of Lincoln, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. Eudo la Zusch and Milisent, his wife, sister and co-heiress of George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the following of the said George's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to them in Milisent's purparty: a fee that William de Well held in Houcton near Grimesby; a sixteenth of a fee that Peter de Lekeburn held in Cokerington; a fee that Henry son of William held in Withale; a fee that the heir of Baldwin de Paunton holds in Paunton; half a fee that Adam le Holm held in Langeton; and half a fee that the heir of Richard de Spechesleye holds in Wlingham. The like to the sheriff of Rutland, escheator in the same county, for half a fee that the heirs of Baldwin de Paunton hold in Glaston, and half a fee that the heirs of Philip Lovet and of Simon le Clerc hold in Northluffenham. The like to the sheriff of Northampton, escheator in the same county, for half a fee that the heirs of Nicholas Katermars and of William Briton and of Simon de Sancto Licio hold in the manor of Haringworth. The like to the sheriff of Bedford, escheator in the same county, for a quarter of a fee that John Peyvre, son and heir of John Peyvre, holds in Toterneho. To the sheriff of Devon, escheator in the same county. Like order to cause Eudo and Milisent to have seisin of two fees that John de Cantilupo and William de Fissacre hold in Hemmeston and Fissacre, and order to cause them to have seisin of the advowson of the priory of Totton[ess], which the king has assigned to them in Milicent's purparty from the advowsons of churches that belonged to George. To the sheriff of Somerset, escheator in the same county. Like order to cause Eudo and Milisent to have seisin of a fee that the heirs of Thomas de Verdun hold in Worle; half a fee that the heirs of Philip Corbyn hold in Tervak; and of the advowson of the priory of Worespring. To the sheriff of Warwick, escheator in the same county. Like order to cause Eudo and Milisent to have seisin of a fee that Thomas de Clinton holds in Coleshull, and of the advowson of the priory of Stodleye. 296 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 9-cont. June 5. William son of Ralph son of Constantine, imprisoned at Noting[eham] Westminster. for the death of Robert Bonte of Barton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. See the appended schedule for Abraham son of Benedict, the Jew.* MEMBRANE 8. June 6. To Philip Mimekan, keeper of the wood of Shottovre. Order to cause Westminster. Sir Francis de Bon[onia], LL.D., (legum doctori) to have eight oaks with heir loppings (escaetis) for his fire, of the king's gift. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewode. Order to cause Sir Francis de Bonon[ia], LL.D. (legumn professori), to have two young bucks and four young does for the present year, four live hares and six live rabbits to be placed in the king's garden at Oxford, as the king has enjoined upon Francis by word of mouth. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windes[ore] castle. Order to cause Cicely de Cleware, nurse of Margaret, the king's daughter, to have six oaks in Windes[ore] forest, of the king's gift. June 7. To the sheriff of Essex, escheator in the same county. Order not to Westminster. intermeddle in anywise with 60 acres of land in the town of St. Laurence, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Robert Ledet, lately deceased, held the said land in socage of Richard de Tillebir[y], deceased, tenant in chief, and that he held no tenement of the king or of another by knight service, and did not do any other service therefor by reason whereof the custody of his lands may pertain to the king, and that Wichard, his son, is his nearest heir and is of full age. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause to be delivered to Alice, late the wife of Roger Oliver, mother of Roger's heir, the custody of Roger's land and heir, with everything received therefrom since the lands were taken into the king's hands, to be held until the heir come of age, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Roger held his lands in Swaleclithe in socage of John de Maundevill, lately deceased, tenant in chief, and that he held no tenement of the king or of another by knight service, and that he did no other service therefor by reason whereof the custody of his lands and heirs may pertain to the king by reason of John son of the said John being a minor in the king's wardship; provided that Alice shall answer to Roger's heir when he come of age for the things received thence in the meantime, as was wont to be done in the like case concerning such lands held in socage. June 6. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Westminster. to be delivered to Benedict (Benetto) de Wynton[ia], the king's Jew, a star for 1,000 marks made in the name of the king and of his consort Eleanor and of the said Benedict, if they find by inquisition taken before them that the star was delivered by Benedict to Master Elias son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, to be kept in neutral (equa) hands under certain conditions, provided that by the conditions contained in the star or by any other cause anything ought to pertain to the king and that the star ought to be delivered to Benedict. To the sheriff of Bedford, escheator in the same county. Order to cause William de Mohun, son and heir of Isabella Basset, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the purparty falling to him of the inheritance that belonged to the * There is no schedule now preserved. 4 EDWARD I. 297 1276. Membrane 8-cont. said Isabella in the manor of Luton, provided that if the parceners of the inheritance claim any right in that purparty, the king shall be able to take the purparty into his hands and to do justice to the parceners. To the justices assigned for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause inquisition to be made by the oath of Christians and of Jews concerning what the houses in Milkestrete, in the city of London, that belonged to Master Moses, a late Jew of London, were worth to sell on the day when the king granted them to Queen Eleanor, his consort, and to cause to be delivered to Cresseus, son of the said Moses, out of the clear debts of the Jewry in the treasury of the Jewry ascertained (puratis) by the said justices, the value of the portion that Cresseus had in the said houses, as he asserted that the houses belonged to him. To Robert le Eyr, bailiff of Wodstok. Order to cause the Friars Preachers of Oxford to have in the clearings of the said manor six leafless oak-trunks (robora) for their fuel (focum), of the king's gift. To the keeper of the king's hay of Lythewode. Order to cause the keepers of the works of the church of St. Chad, Shrewsbury, lately burnt, to have four oaks in that hay to make timber for their works, of the king's gift. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. It is shown to the king by Gamaliel de Oxon[ia], a Jew of London, that whereas he lately lent to Saer de Geregrave by divers charters a certain sum of money, and that Saer, who was then a free man (pro libero habeatur), is now of servile condition, as it is said, and that he sold all his lands that he could freely give or sell at his will after the making of the said charters to divers Christians, in so much that nothing now remains in his possession except a portion of land that he now holds in villeinage, which he could not sell or charge to anyone, whereby the said Jew is unjustly deprived (elongatur) of his debt; the king orders the justices to cause inquisition to be made by an inquisition of Christians and Jews, although the said Saer sold the lands that he held at the time of the making of the said charters after that time, and although he is now of servile condition, what lands, etc., Saer had at that time that he could then or afterwards freely give, sell or charge at his will, and who now hold such lands that are the security (vadium) of the said Jew for this debt, and what the lands are worth yearly, and how much each person holds, and then, after inspection of the debts of the said Jew, that is, what they extend to according to the statute of the Jewry, to cause all those who hold the lands that Saer could thus have given, sold, or charged at the said time and that are the security of the Jew to be destrained, to wit as well the said Saer if he hold any free land as others singly for their portions of the said debt, to be paid to the Jew, causing any star that Saer or any other Christian may have of acquittance or receipt to be allowed to them. June 9. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Laurence de Westminster. Shawecuntewell to be acquitted of five marks for a fine made before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, [justices] last in eyre at Canterbury, as he has satisfied the king for the same by Warin de Chaucumbe. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause the abbot and convent of Dernhall to have a tun of wine of the king's right prise at Chester, in accordance with the king's charter granting to them a tun of wine yearly in that city for the celebration of divine service in their monastery. To John Plouman and Isaac Lucas, and their fellows, keeping the pledges and other goods that belonged to Daikin, a Jew of Stanford. 298 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 8-cont. Order, if they ascertain that a robe of Gilbert de Preston, which is amongst the other pledges of the said Jew, which are in their custody by reason of the trespasses charged upon the Jew, was pledged to the Jew for 40s. and no more, to cause the robe to be delivered to Gilbert, as he shall show that it is his property, upon receipt of the aforesaid sum, for which they shall answer to the king at his will. June 9. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Ralph Westminster. son and heir of Roger de Tryhampton and the executors of the will of the said Roger to have the following terms for payment of 231. 7s. 3d. due from Roger for the arrears of his account of the twentieth granted to the late king and to the present king, to wit to pay eleven marks 9s. ld. by equal portions at the Easter and Michaelmas exchequers yearly, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the sheriff of Essex, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Wyschard son and heir of Robert Ledette to have seisin of 60 acres of land in the town of St. Laurence, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Robert, lately deceased, held the said 60 acres of Richard de Tillebury, tenant in chief, by socage, and that he held no tenement of Richard or the king by knight service or by any other service whereby the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that Wichard, his son and heir, is of full age, which 60 acres Richard caused to be taken into his hands immediately after the death of Robert, who [Richard] died before Wichard could come to him to do what he ought to do herein, wherefore William Balesham, then the king's sub-escheator in that county, in taking into the king's hands the lands of Richard, likewise took the said 60 acres into the king's hands as if Richard had been seised thereof in his demesne as of fee at his death; taking security from Wyschard for payment of his relief to the king. June 9. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Master Martin de Gayo, Westminster. parson of the church of Teynton, to be acquitted of 100s. in which he was amerced by Roger de Cliff[ord] and his fellows, justices last in eyre in co. Oxford for pleas of the Forest, because he did not come to the common summons of the eyre and for the old'waste of the wood of Prestegrave made by him, as it was said, as the king has pardoned him because he learns by the testimony of trustworthy men that all the land that the said Master Martin holds in Teynton is purely the spirituality of his church. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to the constable of the Tower of London. Order to so provide that the 501. in which the community of the Jews of London, for themselves and for others, made fine with the king in order that they should not be impleaded before the justices last in eyre at the Tower of London contrary to the tenor of their charters and contrary to the custom of the Jewry, shall be levied from the whole community of the Jews of England, so that all shall contribute to the payment of the fine, as shall seem expedient to the justices and constable, with all speed, so that the payment shall be made to the said constable, the king having lately ordered the constable to cause the money to be levied from the said community of London. June 16. To John Russel, keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause Westminster. Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have sixty beams (ligna) in the king's wood of Melchet, which is within the boundaries of the forest afore. said, as she needs the said beams for the sixty rafters (cheverones) that the king lately ordered John to deliver to her to make the king's and her houses at Lindhurst therewith, and for other works of the king there. 4 EDWARD I. 299 1276. Membrane 8-cont. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause the manor of Erlegh near Reding', which belonged to Henry de Erlegh, tenant in chief, and which is in the king's hands by reason of the lands and heir being in his hands owing to the minority of the heir, to be delivered to Thomas, bishop of Hereford, during the minority of the heir for 16 marks yearly; provided that the bishop shall answer for the issues of the manor from the time when the sheriff of Berks, the escheator of the same county, delivered the manor to the bishop until Easter last. Hugh le Charetter, imprisoned at Beverley for the death of Ingelran le Prechur, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. June 17. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Aaron son of Aldingbourn. Vives, a Jew, has besought the king to retain for his own use certain debts in the treasury of the Jewry that the late king caused to be delivered to Aaron in recompence for certain other debts, of which he has hitherto received nothing, and to cause other debts of the said treasury to be delivered to him in recompence for the said debts: the king therefore orders the justices to retain for the king's use the debts thus delivered to the said Jew and to deliver to the Jew other debts of the said treasury to the amount of the debts aforesaid thus retained for the king's use, provided that this may be done without damage to the king. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to permit John Giffard to have his fore-course (procursum) at his next coming to his lands in co. Salop throughout the king's forest to take deer found and started (feras inventas et motas) in his lands, as the king has granted to him that he may have such fore-course (percursum). William le Wowere, imprisoned at York for the death of John Gagot, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. June 16. To the keeper of the forest of Whichewode. Order to cause Beatrice, Chichester. queen of Almain, to have four bucks of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Bedford, escheator in the same county. Order to permit Almaric de Lucy to have until the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist the purparty of John de Bohun that falls to him in the manor of Luyton, which the said John demised to him and which the king caused to be taken into his hands for certain reasons, as the king has committed the same to Almaric until the said quinzaine. To the sheriff of Devon, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Robert de Tatershale and Joan his wife and Mary, late the wife of Robert de Nevill, daughters and heiresses of Ralph son of Ranulph to have seisin of a knight's fee in Est Raddon, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by the sheriff that Walter de Bathonia held the fee immediately of the heirs of the said Ralph, which fee is held mediately of Isabella de Fortibus, countess of Albemarle, and that Walter held nothing of the king in chief by reason whereof homage or other service might or ought to pertain to the king. MEMBRANE 7. June 17. To Geoffrey de Pichford, constable of Windesore castle. Order to Aldiugbourn. retain John de Char, whom the king lately sent to him, in the king's service there, and to cause him to have his wages as one of the footmen staying there, for so long as he shall stay there in the king's service. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to permit Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, to make his advantage of the trees and 300 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 7 —cont. underwood of his wood within the king's forest of Bradene, if it can be done without damage to the king, as the earl has besought the king to allow him to fell and make his profit of the said wood. Nicholas de Heselerton, imprisoned at Scardeburg for the death of John de Stampes, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. June 18. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Whereas Master Richard de Clifford, late Aldingbourn. escheator this side Trent, took into the king's hands the advowson of the church of Braundeston, which William de Weylond, lately deceased, tenant in chief, alienated in his lifetime without the king's licence, and which is still in the king's hands for this reason; the king orders the sheriff not to permit anyone to lay hands on the same to the king's prejudice without special order from the king. June 24. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, to have three bucks in the king's forest of Wanberge. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause Robert de Tybotot to have a stag and three bucks in Shirewode forest, of the king's gift. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward beyond Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the castle of Skipton in Cravene. Order to cause Adam de Monte Alto to have two bucks, of the king's gift. To the constable of Devizes castle. Order to deliver Robert Lenge, clerk, from prison in that castle, as the king, out of respect for God and St. Nicholas, has pardoned him the trespass of venison in the king's park of Melkesham for which he is imprisoned. The like to Ralph de Sandwico in favour of the said Nicholas (sic). June 26. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause Robert de Eccleshill to Lewes. have seisin of five acres of land in Eccleshill, upon his finding security to answer to the king for the year, day, and waste thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that John Dulle, who was outlawed for felony, held the said land of Robert, and that it has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Robert ought to answer to the king for the year and waste thereof. Petronilla, wife of William de Watlington, imprisoned at Wynebodesham for the death of John le Berker of Rungeton Holm, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail her. July 3. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Whereas the king, to remove the cause of Romney. disturbance and dispute between the prior and convent of Norwich and the citizens of the same town, ordered the sheriff to take with him two discreet knights of that county and to go in person to the priory and to cause to be provided, by the common assent of himself, the knights, and of the men of religion aforesaid, a place to make their gates to the water of Norwich and for a bridge over the same water, where they might most conveniently have their egress and ingress, provided that this should not be done to the prejudice of the king or of any other, and to certify the king of his proceedings, and the sheriff has written back that he has, in the presence of Robert de Castre and John de Hestreu, knights, with the consent of the prior and convent, provided that they shall have their gates, ingress and egress over the water of Norwich from their land on the east and west, and that they shall cause to be there constructed a bridge of the width of 4 EDWARD I. 301 1276. Membrane 7 —cont. 20 feet, and that it is not to the damage of the king or of any one else, and that the gates cannot be made elsewhere more conveniently to remove the cause of the strife aforesaid; the king has granted to the prior and convent that they may erect the gates and bridge in form aforesaid, on condition that the present gates of the priory shall be blocked up: the king therefore orders the sheriff to go in person to the water aforesaid and to assign to them a place of the width of 20 feet for the construction of the bridge, provided that, when the said bridge and gates have been erected, they shall forthwith cause the previous gates to be blocked up. July 4. Simon de Oldebury, Thomas son of Richard de Oldebury, Walter son of Horton. Geoffrey, and William Thedriche, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of John le IRus, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail them. July 7. William Bates, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of Henry fiz Ricun, Canterbury. wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail him. John son of Ralph de Scamelesby, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Hugh de Merle, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. July 7. To Philip de Wileby and Ralph de Broucthon, [appointed] to make Canterbury. search of the debts of the Jews in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews of London. Order not to intermeddle with the body of Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, or with his debts, goods and chattels, and to permit him to have full administration of the same to make his profit thereof as shall seem fit to him, as the late king granted to Edmund, the king's brother, the said Aaron and all his debts, goods and chattels, as contained in the late king's charter to Edmund. July 8. To the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Whereas the barons Canterbury. of the Cinque Ports ought not, as they say, to plead or answer appeals or other pleas elsewhere than in the king's court of Shipeweye before the constable of Dover castle, the warden of the said ports, according to their liberties and free customs, and Hugh de Kersingham, John Serles, John Luteriche, John his son, Henry Kinnet, Roger le Fauconer, Ralph de Orpinton, Thomas Hermer, Hugh son of Ralph de Cantuaria, Richard le Brechere, Robert Thez, and Nicholas Hunfrey, twelve barons of the port of Romenale, have mainperned before the king for John son of Ralph le Clerc of Folkestane, their com-baron of the port of Hethe, imprisoned at Newcastle for the death of certain men slain on the sea near Neubigging, wherewith he is charged, to have him before the said constable, the warden of the said ports, to stand to right in the aforesaid court if anyone wish to speak against him: the king therefore orders the mayor and bailiffs to deliver the said John son of Ralph to the aforesaid men or to four of them, on condition that they shall have him before the said warden; and to tell all who appeal him of the said death to come to the chancery, when the king will cause a day to be prefixed for them to prosecute their appeal in the court of Shipweye, and will cause justice to be done to them. To the taxors of the fifteenth in co. Kent. Order to supersede until further orders the demand upon Master William de Middelton, archdeacon of Canterbury, for the things of his archdeaconry that are purely spiritual, as the king wills that nothing shall be taken at present from the archdeacon's things that are purely spiritual. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver William le Frauukeleyn of Sloghtre, who is imprisoned at Sloghtre for the death of William son of Ranulph, wherewith he is charged, to twelve men who shall mainpern to 302 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 7-cont. have him before the justices at the first assizes in that country, to stand to right if anyone wish to speak against him for the said death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that William le Fraunkeleyn slew the said William in self-defence and not of malice aforethought. July 1i. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause to be delivered to Ermengard Rayleigh. (Ermegarde), wife of Henry de Sancto Mauro of Comynton, all the corn ( eleg'.) sown in the manor of Comynton, saving to the king any expenses that he may have incurred on the king's behalf, as the king lately ordered him to deliver the manor, which was taken into his hands by reason of Henry's flight, to Ermengard, for her maintenance during the king's pleasure. July 12. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to assist Robert Paynel and Eva his Rayleigh. wife in distraining their customary-tenants (consuetudinar') of Hornleye and Hornynton to do the customs and services due to Robert and Eva, as the king learns by an inquisition, upon which Robert and Eva and their said tenants had placed themselves before the king, taken by the sheriff that the customary tenants were wont in the times of the king's progenitors to do the customs and services that Robert and Eva exact from them. July 12. Walter fiz le Prestre of Mereseye, imprisoned at Colchester for the death Eastwood. of William son of Richard Faleys, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Essex to bail him. Robert de Burnavill has respite for two years of becoming a knight (ad arma militaria), etc., in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. Ernald le Mouner of Rokingham, imprisoned at Okham for the death of Geoffrey Cete of Lidington, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Rutland to bail him. John tUpetun, imprisoned at Baldak for the death of Alexander le Mesre, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hereford (sic) to bail him. July 19. To the sheriff of Devon, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. dower to be assigned to Isolda, late the wife of Walter de Bromhull, tenant in chief upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. Jtuly 13. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the late Eastwood. king, in recompence of the arrears due to Philip de Arcy of the yearly fee of 201. that he was wont to receive from the said king, which fee Philip wholly remitted to the said king, pardoned Philip a debt of 1001. due to Master Elias son of Master Moses and to Gamelin, Jews of London, and a debt of 201. that he owed to the same Jews of yearly fee, and the said king ordered the justices to cause Philip to be acquitted of the debts aforesaid, and to cause to be restored to him the charters whereby he was bound in the said debts, and to cause the debts to be allowed to the Jews in their tallage or in other debts that they owed to the said king, as appears by the rolls of the said king's chancery, and certain sums of the aforesaid fee of 201. still remain to be allowed to the Jews: the king therefore orders the justices, as he ordered them at another time, to allow the remainder of the debts to the Jews in the tallage assessed upon them in the king's time or in other debts due from them to the king. July 19. To the same. The king learns that the late king was wont to have in Westminster. the exchequer of the Jews a Jew executing the office of the escheatry concerning lands and chattels that ought to fall to him by the death or trespasses of Jews or for any other reason, and that the king has not now, and has not had since the death of his father, any Jew executing the said office, by reason whereof he has, as he learns, suffered no small damage: he has therefore 4 EDWARD 1. 303 1276. Membrane 7-cont. appointed Benedict de Wintonia, a Jew, to execute this office in form aforesaid, and orders the justices to admit Benedict to this office, after he have taken oath to conduct himself faithfully in the same. Hugh le Bercher of Bloxham, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Richard de Athelington, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. Philip de Stanburn, constable of the castle of Staunford. Order to deliver Dyay, a Jew of Staunford, imprisoned in that castle for divers trespasses, in bail to six Jews, who shall mainpern to have him before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews in fifteen days from Michaelmas to answer to the king and others. MEMBRANE 6. July 19. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause the prioress of Hegham to have Westminster. seisin of an acre of land in Hegham, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Stephen Gyd, who was outlawed for felony, held the said land of the prioress, and that the land is still in the king's hands by reason of the felony aforesaid, and that Ralph the smith (faber) answered for the year, day and waste thereof in the eyre of the justices last in eyre in that county. To the justiciary of Ireland and to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to allow to William de Lond[onia] the expenses incurred by him about the custody of the castle of Dungervan by the order of James de Audelegh, then justiciary, and the arrears of the fee that he was wont to receive there for the custody of the county of Waterford and of the castle aforesaid, and also his expenses incurred in the king's service in the land aforesaid for which he has not yet been satisfied, such as he shall show before them ought to be allowed to him, as the king understands for certain that William conducted himself well and faithfully all the time that he was in the king's service in that land. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order not to vex Reymund de la Barbane, merchant of Bordeaux, by reason of the action that the king had against him because a piece of plate (cujusdam platene) was found in his hands at Bristol made of metal other than pure silver, for which Reymund is attached to answer before the said justices, and to permit him to go quit, as the king has pardoned him the said action. Vacated, because he did not have [the writ.] To the sheriff of Wilts. Order not to meddle further with the manor of Lavington, which belonged to Emelina de Lascy, sometime countess of Ulster, and which the sheriff took into the king's hands after her death iecause he believed that she held in chief, as it is testified before the king that she held nothing in chief. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Edmund, earl of Cornwall, to have six bucks in the forest of Rokingharn, of the king's gift. July 24. To the sheriff of Warwick. Whereas the king learned by inquisition Westminster. taken by the sheriff that Henry de Sancto Mauro, then imprisoned at Warwick for the death of John le Graunger, wherewith he was charged, was charged with the death out of hatred and malice and not because he was guilty thereof; and the king for this reason ordered Henry to be delivered in bail to twelve men, who mainperned to have him before the justices at the 304 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 6-cont. first assizes in that county; and the sheriff now, by reason of an inquisition afterwards made regarding the same death, intends to take him for such charge, upon which he had been previously taken and imprisoned, and to vex him in his body and goods, as the king learns: as the king wills that Henry shall be treated (deduci) according to the law and custom of the realm hitherto used, he orders the sheriff not to vex Henry in his body, lands or goods contrary to the form of the mainprise aforesaid, and to leave him in peace until the assize by the mainprise. To Thomas de Clare and Robert Bagot, justices of the Bench of Dublin. Grant to them of power to receive the fealty of Maurice son of Maurice for the lands that Emelina, sometime countess of Ulster, held in chief in England at her death and which fall in inheritance to Emelina wife of Maurice, the daughter and heiress of Emelina, and order to take the fealty and to certify the king of the same, so that he may cause to be done for Maurice and Emelina in this behalf what ought to be done. July 25. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windesore castle. Whereas certain Westminster. purprestures are made upon the king in the forest of Windesore whereof tithes have not hitherto been given, as the king understands, and the dean and chapter of Salisbury and the abbot of Waltham claim right in the tithes against each other: the king, not wishing that prejudice shall be done to either of them or to him or his heirs by such new possession, orders the constable to cause the tithes in question to be put in some safe place, and not to permit either of the claimants to lay hands on them until the king be certified as to his indemnity or until further orders. [Ryley, Placita, Appendix, p. 185.] To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Constance, late the wife of Richard de Tillebiry, tenant in chief, to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas for 100 marks in which she made fine with the king for the custody of the land and heir of Richard, as the king has granted her such respite. July 24. To the treasurer and chamberlains of Dublin. Order to cause Geoffrey Westminster. de Gyenvill to have out of the treasury 201. that he expended of the money of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, in Ireland in the king's service, as the king learns from Geoffrey's letters directed to him. To Master R. de Seyton and his fellows, justices next going in eyre in co. Bedford. Order not to permit the king's Jews of Bedford to be impleaded before them in the eyre concerning matters pertaining to the king's Jewry, as the king's Jews ought not to plead or be impleaded concerning such matters except before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews provided that they shall answer in the eyre for other things, as has been usual in other eyres in times past. July 24. To Gregory de Rok[esleye], taker of the king's wines. Order to deliver Westminster. to the sheriff of Lincoln the twenty tuns of wine of the king's right prise that are in Gregory's custody, to be carried by the sheriff whither the king has enjoined him. July 25. To the mheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause ten tuns of the wine that Westminster. Gregory de Rokesle or his attorney will deliver to him at the coming fair at Boston to be carried to Lincoln and the other ten to Notingham. July 25. To the constable of St. Briavells. Order to cause Walter de Helyun to Westminster. have two bucks in the king's forest of Dene, of the king's gift. July 26. To Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony. Order to cause Elias de Westminster. Hauvill, lately arrested for divers prises and trespasses charged against him, to be delivered, with his goods and chattels, as he has found before the 4 EDWARD I. 305 1276. Membrane 6-cont. seneschal John de Monte Alto, Richard de Bosco, William de Muntrevell, and William le Brun, who have mainperned that he will stand to right in Gascony to the king and others wishing to speak against him for things that he did not receive for the king's use and for which he is not charged in his account, and that he will stand to right before the king for those things that pertain to the king; provided that Elias be not charged or challenged concerning those things that he expended in the king's service. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Whereas the king has assigned to Joan, late the wife of John de Hardreshull, tenant in chief, ten pounds of land yearly of the lands that belonged to the said John, to be held in-tenancy until the king cause dower to be assigned to her; the king orders the sheriff to assign to her in the meantime the said land by lawful extent. To Markes Brachesford, constable of Haresford castle. Notification that Giles de Sancto Fusciano and Thomassinus, the yeomen of Nicholas le Herier, have satisfied the king, for the said Nicholas and others his fellows, merchants of Amiens, for the custom that the constable exacts from them for the king's use on the wool that they carried last year without the king's licence from Wales in the ship of Allellinus de Bauchant to parts beyond sea, and order to cause the said Giles and Thomassinus to be released from arrest. To Bartholomew le Jevene, constable of Bristol castle. Like notification, and order to release the aforesaid Nicholas. Thomas de Essexa, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Robert Wash, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to commit to Henry de Gaunt and Isabella his wife, one of the heiresses of Matilda de Avereng', the manor of Audebiry, to be held during the king's will, as the king lately ordered the sheriff to take the manor into the king's hands because Henry and Isabella had alienated it to Giles Boys without the king's licence, as Giles has in the king's court remitted all his right therein to Henry and Isabella, saving to himself the issues of the manor from the time of the alienation. William Dobel, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of John son of Robert, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. William de la Borne, imprisoned at Launceveton for the death of Margery daughter of William son of William de Aqua, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him. July 27. To the constable of Bristol castle. Order to release all the goods of Westminster. Reymund de la Barbane, which were arrested by the constable by reason of the suspicion that was held of Reymund concerning certain silver plates lately found with him at Bristol, as William de Munrevell, Poncius de la More, John Blanket, and Ameneus Deuport of St. Makary, merchants, have mainperned before the king to have Reymund, who is imprisoned in the Tower of London for the said suspicion, at the parliament after Michaelmas to stand to right before the king if anyone wish to speak against him, wherefore the king has ordered the constable of the Tower to cause Reymund to be released from prison. Aug. 1. To Stephen de Penecestre, constable of Dover castle, or to him who Windsor. supplies his place. Order to permit Edmund, the king's brother, who is going by the king's licence to parts beyond sea with knights and others u 96998. u 3()6 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Mlemnbrane 6-cont. whose services he needs, to cross from the port of Dover with knights and others in his company or coming after him. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to deliver to Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, or to Walter de Cnolton, his attorney, a moiety of all the lands of William son of Robert de Middelton in Middelton, in that county, as William demised and granted the said moiety to Aaron to hold in place of a pledge, according to the form of the statute of the Jewry, as of the value of ten marks yearly, in part payment of a debt of 1801. due to the said Jew, so that the ten marks should be allowed to William yearly in part payment of the debt until it be paid in full, as the said William has acknowledged in chancery. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Berenwode. Order to cause the sheriff of Buckingham to have in that forest three oaks for making shingles to cover the king's houses at Brehull. fMEMBRANE 5. Aug. 3. To the constable of the Tower of London. Whereas Tsaac le Evesk, Windsor. Moses le Blund, and Joceus son.of Isaac, Jews of London, have incurred the enmity of certain Jews of London by reason of the portion of the community of the Jews of London of the 1,0001. in which the Jews of England made fine with the king, wherefore Isaac, Moses and Joceus are prepared to make security to the constable to answer before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews in a month from Michaelmas if anyone wish to speak against them in this matter: the king orders the constable to take such security from them by six lawful Jews, and not to permit them to be molested or arrested for this matter in the meantime. Aug. 6. To Robert le Eyr, bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause Master Thomas Odiham. de Pontesbury to have four oak-trunks (robora) with their strippings (escaet') for his fuel from the clearings (trencheiis) that the king lately caused to be made in Wodestok park. To the sheriff of I)erby. Order to restore to Geoffrey de Skeftington the manor of Tissington, which was lately taken into the king's hands because Henry de Aldideleg', tenant in chief, alienated it to Geoffrey without the king's licence, and to restore everything received thence from the time of its being taken into the king's hands, to be held by Geoffrey until otherwise ordered, so that he may answer to the king for the issues thereof if the king wish to have them. To the sheriff of Northampton, escheator in the same county. Order to deliver to Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, the manor of Sutton with the hundred and all other appurtenances thereof, which is of the ancient demesne of the crown and of the body of the said county and of which Emelina, sometime countess of Ulster, was seised in her demesne as of fee at her death, and to deliver to the earl everything received thence since it was taken into the king's hands, to be held during the king's pleasure. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the king, at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his mother, pardoned Ralph de Gorges 40/. in which he was indebted by his charter to Cresseus son of Master Elias, a Jew, and the king thereupon ordered the justices to cause Cresseus, or any other Jew that he wished, to have allowance for the said sum in the debts that he owed to the king [or] to cause it to be delivered to him from the clear debts in the treasury of the Jewry and 4 EDWARD I. 307 1276, Membrane 5-cont. the justices have not done yet anything therein, as the king learns: the king therefore orders them, if it be so, to cause Cresseus to have such allowance or to deliver to him such debts, according to the former order. To Giles de Audenard, sub-constable of the Tower of London. Order to cause Aibricus de Capella, appealed by Hugh de Caldeweil, the king's approver, of certain trespasses against the peace, to be delivered upon his finding six men who shall mainpern to have him before the king at his pleasure under pain of forfeiture of all their goods. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause the abbot of Swinesheved to have again seisin of two messuages and two bovates of land in Burton in Ketsteven, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Henry de Longo Campo enfeoffed the abbot of the premises, and that the abbot had full seisin thereof from the Assumption, in the second year of the king's reign, until St. Andrew the Apostle following, at which feast Henry died, and that the abbot continued his seisin after Henry's death until the Purification following, at which feast John de Londonia, then escheator this side Trent, took the tenement into the king's hands as if Henry had been seised thereof in his demesne as of a fee at his death, and delivered it to Walter de Pedwardyn, to whom the king committed the custody of the body of Henry's heir, which Walter still detains it from the abbot. Aug. 8. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county Odiham. to be elected in place of Ralph de ILyngneynes, whom the sheriff has elected (sic) as coroner, and who has only one carucate of land in the county, wherein he is not a resident, as he cannot attend to the duties of the office because he is staying in the Marches, where he has much land, for the defence of his lands and of the adjoining lands. Aug. 13. William de la Risebrigge, Gilbert de Santon, Michael de Dunshedde, and Selbourne. Roger le Cokhelere, imprisoned at Reigate for the death of Simon le Buke of Newendegate, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail them. Aug. 13. To the mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. Order to cause all the wool and Selbourne. all other goods of the merchants of Flanders in the parts of Bristol, in whose hands soever they be found, to be arrested warily and secretly, and to cause them to be kept safely until otherwise ordered without damage or loss. The like to the bailiffs and approved men of Porthesmuth. The like to the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton. To John Bek and Philip de Wileby. Whereas the king learns that the merchants of Flanders will be damaged beyond reason by the arrest of their wool and goods by John and Philip by the king's order if the goods be detained more than if they were demised by the price thereof to others, who should answer to them as John and Philip shall cause to be ordained on the king's behalf: the king therefore orders John and Philip to ordain concerning the premises as they shall see most convenient for the benefit of the king and of the king's merchants and of the merchants of Flanders, so that answer may be made herein as ought to be done. To the constable of Devises castle. Order to cause Thomas and Henry de Cicestria, clerks, imprisoned in that castle for a trespass that they are said to have committed in taking a doe in the king's forest of Melksham without his licence, to be released, as the king has pardoned them out of respect for God and St. Nicholas. u 2 308 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 5-cont. To John Bek and Philip de Wyleby. Order to restore upon this present occasion to the merchants of Douay in Flanders their goods arrested by them, as the king lately ordered John and Philip to arrest the wool and goods of merchants of Flanders in Boston fair and at Lynn and Lincoln, and it was not his intention that the goods of certain persons should be arrested, but that all goods and wares of Flemings should be arrested at one and the same time everywhere in the realm, by reason of the debt that the countess of Flanders owes to him and to the merchants of his realm and by reason of the non-observance of the agreement entered into by the king and the countess, and the king did not then recollect the grant that he had made to the Flemish merchants that they might safely come into the realm and stay therein until St. Peter ad Vincula last. William Bacyn, imprisoned at Ilvecestre for the death of John son of Avicia, whom he slew in self defence and not of felony or of malice aforethought, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. To the keeper of the forest of Halsisholte. Order to cause Roger le Tayllur to have in that forest two oaks for timber, of the king's gift. To the justices next in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Wilts. Order not to molest Emeric de Rupe Cauardi for the trespass that he committed in taking a buck in the forest of Clarendon without the king's licence, as the king has pardoned him the trespass. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to cause Mabel, late the wife of Geoffrey de Arreford, imprisoned at Bury St. Edmunds for a re-disseisin that she made upon John le fiz le Chapeleyn, to be released upon her making fine with the sheriff for the trespass. To Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony. Order to permit Emeric de Rupe Cauardi to take ten stags in the king's forest of Cutego, and to carry them whither he will, as the king has granted to him ten stags in that forest. John de Synnaneston, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Walter de Herdewik, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. To the sheriff of Nottingham, escheator in the same county. Order to deliver to Cicely, late the wife of Robert de Derley, tenant in chief, the chief messuage and seven pounds yearly of land in Thorp, which the king has assigned to her to hold in tenancy until dower be assigned to her. _ ------ Thomas Gibecrake, imprisoned at Ilvecestre for the death of Robert, vicar -- of the church of Henxterigge, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. Aug. 26. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause two Lyndhurst. stags and two bucks to be taken in the outer parts of the forest of La Mare for the use of his wife, and to cause her to have them, of the king's gift. Aug. 29. To Ralph de Sandwyco. Order to deliver William le Paccare and John Ring's Beaulieu.his son, Walter Home, Walter Corneu, Henry Poche, and William Cadegan, imprisoned at St. Briavells for trespass of the forest, wherewith they are charged, in bail to twelve men each, who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for the pleas of the Forest when they next come to those parts. Sept. 3. To the sheriff of Essex. Whereas the king learns that Moses de Clare, Lindhurst. a Jew, was tallaged at 241. in the assessment of the 1,0001. last assessed upon the community of the Jews of England, and he is thus charged too much, he orders the sheriff to take security from Moses for payment of 81. thereof eight days before Michaelmas next, and to permit him to have peace concerning the remainder of the said sum until the king be certified by the 4 EDWARD I. 309 1276. Membrane 5-cont. treasurer and barons of the exchequer whether the Jew ought to be discharged thereof or not. To John son of Nigel, appointed to make clearings (trencheas) in the park of Wodestok, and to Robert le Eyr, keeper of the manor of Wodestok. Order to cause Henry de Wodestok to have in the clearings of Hessingrave timber for twelve couples of rafters (copulas cheveronum) to make a hall therewith. To the constable of Bergeveny castle. Order to cause the bishop of Llandaff to have three bucks of the king's gift in the park of Bergeveny. On the seventh day of September the chancellor went from court. MEMBRANE 4. Sept. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Clarendon. Cheveroyll to be acquitted of 121. due to the king for the arrears of 201. that Alexander de Cheveroill, his father, owed to the king for the time when he was escheator in co. Wilts, as the king has pardoned him the said 121. at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his mother. By K. To the sheriff of Worcester, escheator in the same county. Order to take into the king's hands all the lands in his bailiwick of Miles de Hastingg', who has committed an enormous trespass upon the king, as it is said, and to keep them without loss or damage until the king shall otherwise order. The like to the sheriffs of Norfolk, Oxford, and Buckingham, escheators in their respective counties. To John Russel, keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause the Friars Preachers of Wilton to have ten cartloads of dry brushwood for their fire, of the king's gift. Stephen de Stanham, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Joan daughter of Robert le Skinner, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. To the keeper of the wood of Melchet. Order to cause the sheriff of Wilts to have in that wood ten oaks and oak-trunks (tam quercus quam robora) to make shingles thereof for the king's works of Clarendon. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause the sheriff of Wilts to have fifteen oaks and oak-trunks (tam quercus quam robora) in the forest aforesaid, where it can be done to the least damage of the forest and for the greatest convenience of the king's works begun there, to make shingles thereof for the said works, and to cause the sheriff also to have fifteen oak-trunks in the king's wood of Bokeholte for shingles. Sept. 10. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause Eleanor, late the wife of Clarendon. Robert le Estraunge, tenant in chief, to have 301. yearly of land in the manor of Chaulton, which belonged to Robert, as the king has committed the said land to her to hold in tenancy until he shall cause dower to be assigned to her. Sept. 14. To the keeper of the forest of Rechich. Order to permit Ralph de Frome. Albiniaco to take 12 bucks for the king's use in that forest and in the park of Stapel, which belonged to Robert de Brus, deceased, tenant in chief. The like to the sheriff of Somerset. Sept. 10. To the sheriff of Warwick, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Clarendon. to be assigned to Joan, late the wife of John de Hardreshull, tenant in chief, 61. 12s. 1d. yearly of land in Hardreshull and 23s. 6d. (sic) yearly of land in the same manor, as the king has assigned the former sum to her as her dower of her husband's lands in the sheriffs bailiwick, which are extended at 191. 18s. 11 d., and the latter sum for a third of the manor of Cokewalde, co. Lincoln, which is extended at 105s. 1 ld. 310 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 4-cont. To the sheriff of Lincoln, escheator in the same county. Order to cause to be assigned to the said Joan 81. Os. 9d. yearly of land and rent in North Kelleseye, which the king has assigned to her as her dower of the lands of the aforesaid John in North Kelleseye and Suth Kelleseye, which are extended at 221. 2s. 4d. when 120 acres of land on one side of the field of North Kelleseye are sown and at 261. 2s. 4d. when 140 acres on the other side of the field [are sown]. To the taker of the king's wines at Southampton. Order to cause John, parson of the church of Chalke, to have a tun of wine of the right prise, of the king's gift. Sep. 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of Bath. Witham, of the Carthusian order, to be acquitted of five marks that are exacted from him for divers trespasses, as the king has pardoned him the same. Sept. 17. Benedict de Ulvreston, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of Richard Keynsham. Rotel, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail him. Sept. 18. William de Ollenho of Alveston, Ralph le Ropere, and Robert Ka, Keynsham. imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Henry de Hatton and John de Hatton, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff to bail them. Sept. 22. To the constable of Bordeaux. Order to pay to the attorney of Ister[ius] Bristol. de (blank), merchant, 115 marks sterling, which he lately lent to the king for the expedition of certain of his arduous affairs. Vacated, because on the Patent roll. To Elias de 'labayn, constable of Corff castle. Order to cause John Giffard to have in Corff chase four stags of the king's gift. To the same. Order to permit the aforesaid John to survey the chase of Corff, and to aid him in so doing, as the king has appointed John to survey the chase and to report (referend') its state to the king. Sept. 22. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to permit John Russel, bailiff of Clarendon, Bristol. to have all the spare wood (couperones) from all the beams (lignis) that the king lately ordered to be felled in the woods in John's bailiwick for the works of Clarendon, of which cuttings timber cannot be made, of the king's gift. To the constable of Devises castle. Order to cause Walter Balle, the huntsman of John Giffard, to have six oaks fit for timber in the forest of Melkesham, of the king's gift. Sept. 22. To Bartholomew le Jeovene, constable of Bristol castle. Order to permit Bristol. Petronilla de Vivonia, wife of David le Blund, to dig sea-coal in her wood within the king's chace of Kingeswod, as the king learns by inquisition taken before him at Bristol that Petronilla and her ancestors from time out of mind were wont to dig sea-coal in the said wood until Robert Waleraund. then constable of the said castle, wilfully hindered her. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of Bath to be acquitted of 301. yearly for the ferm of the city and barton of Bath from the day of the dowering of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, until the present time, and so henceforth during the said queen's life, as the prior has paid the ferm to her, which she receives as dower. Sept. 23. Henry Ryot of Spcnehamelond, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Thornhury. John son of Elias, whierewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Berks to bail him. 4 EDWARD I. 311 1276. Ilembrane 4-cont. Sept. 27, William le Yonge Hosebond, Adam le Tayllur, Thomas and John his Gloucester. sons, John Rymild and Jul[iana] his wife, and Hugh le Waunter, imprisoned at Hereford for the death of Floria, a Jewess, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail them. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause John de Nevill to have again seisin of the manor of Great Wakering, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Robert de Briwys held the manor for his life of the said John by the service of one knight's fee, so that it ought to revert to John after his death. Oct. 2. To the keeper of the forest of Kynfare. Order to cause the Friars Evesham. Minors of Worcester to have six oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. Oct. 1. To the justices of the Bench. Order not to permit Mary le Soper to be Worcester. impleaded concerning the following book, as it is testified before the king by the coroners of co. Warwick that Gregory de Caldewell was outlawed for felony in that county, whereby his goods and chattels came to the king as forfeited, and that the king gave a book from the said goods to Roger de Mortao Mari, and Margery, late the wife of the said Gregory, exacts by writ before the said justices the said book from Mary le Soper as if it was not of the forfeited goods of the said Gregory. To the keeper of the forest of Kenefare. Order to cause Margery de Wigornia, a nun of Wystan without Worcester, to have six oaks, of the king's gift. Oct. 2. To the constable of St. Briavells castle. Order to permit the abbot of Evesham. Gloucester to fell, by the view of Ralph de Saundon or of another of the king's bailiffs to be appointed for this purpose by Ralph, ten oaks in his wood of Bridwode and ten others in his wood of Hopemaloysel, which are within the bounds of the forest of Dene, where this can be done to the least damage of the forest, as the king has granted permission to the abbot to fell the trees aforesaid. To the sheriff of Salop, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Eleanor, late the wife of Robert le Estraunge, tenant in chief, to have again seisin of the manor of Whitchurch (de Albo MIonasterio), with everything received thence since it was taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Robert held the said manor as the inheritance of Eleanor, and in no other wise. MEMBRANE 3. Oct. 2. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to deliver to the abbot of Lire (Lira) Evesham. a messuage in Fothehope, which Robert le Brun, who was outlawed for felony, held, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the messuage has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Robert held it of the abbot, and that the township of Fouhop had the king's year and day by delivery of the coroners and that it ought to answer to the king for the same. To the sheriff of Salop, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Fulk son of Robert le Estraunge, tenant in chief, to have again seisin of the manor of Sutton Maddok, together with everything received thence since it was taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Robert long before his death enfeoffed Fulk of the manor, which was taken into the king's hands by reason of Robert's death, and that Fulk had continuous and peaceful seisin thereof afterwards until the manor was taken into the king's hands by the sheriff. 312 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 3-cont. Oct. 4. To the keeper of the forest of Kanek. Order to cause the prioress of Woodstock. Cochull to have six oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. Oct. 4. To the sheriff of Devon, escheator in the same county. Whereas the Woodstock. king learns by inquisition taken by William de Brayboef and Adam de Wyntonia that Emma, daughter and heiress of Walter de Chiffard, -which Emma was not of sound mind, wherefore the king committed the custody of her lands to John Wyger-held of Isabella de Fortibus, countess of Albemarle, fifteen knights' fees in Aveton Giffard, Whitechirch, Lamberton, Were, and Kempebere, in that county, and that Hugh de Wideworth, her late husband, held the manor of Lusteleg, in the same county, of John de Maundevill by knight service, and that Emma, daughter and heiress of Hugh and Emma of the inheritance of both of them, is under age, and that the custody of the manor of Lusteleg and the marriage of Emma pertain to the king by reason of the lands of the said John being in his wardship, and that Hugh and Emma held nothing of the king elsewhere in chief by reason whereof the wardship and marriage of the said Emma might pertain to the king otherwise than by virtue the wardship of the lands of the said John: the king therefore orders the sheriff to keep the manor of Lusteleg safely until the king shall otherwise order, and to permit the countess to have the aforesaid fifteen fees, together with all the issues thereof from the time of the death of Emma. To 'John son of Nigel, appointed to make clearings (trencheas) in Wodestok park, and to Robert le Eyr, the king's bailiff there. Order to cause the abbess of Godestowe to have twelve oak-trunks (robora) for her fire from the oaks to be felled in the said clearings. Oct. 5. To the sheriff of Oxford. Notification that the king has committed his Brill. houses at Oxford to Edmund de Mortuo Mari to dwell in them during the king's pleasure, and order to deliver them to Edmund. Oct. 8. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest Langley. of Rokingham to be elected, as the king at present needs a verderer in that forest. Oct. 14. To Adam Gurdun, keeper of the forest of Axiholt. Order to cause Roger Westminster. le Taillyur of Heyford to have an oak with the strippings (escaetis), of the king's gift. Oct. 16. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to deliver to the abbot of Grimesby Westminster. the chapel of St. Andrew without Grimesby, which is ruinous and in which divine service is not celebrated now, as the king has granted to the abbot that he may demolish the chapel and use the stones thereof for sacred buildings. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to deliver to Margery, late the wife of William de Hockelinton, to hold during the king's pleasure, the hamlet of Walecote, which Hamo Lestrange (Extraneus), who had it of the late king's grant, gave to them and their heirs, and which the sheriff took into the king's hands after William's death. Oct. 20. William de Ichinton, imprisoned at Titlesham for the death of William Westminster. le Waleys, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail him. Oct. 20. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to search the rolls of the Westminster. exchequer concerning the things that relate to the county of Cumberland, and to cause allowances such as are contained in the said rolls to be made to Robert de Hampton, sheriff of that county. By those of the exchequer. 4 EDWARD I. 313 1276. Membrane 3-cont. Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Lancaster. It is shown to the king on behalf of Alice Westminster. de Coygners that whereas the custody of the lands and heirs of Adam de Coygners pertain to her during the minority of the heirs, because Adam held his land of her by knight service, the sheriff nevertheless, asserting that Adam held his land of Peter de Brus, tenant in chief of the late king, and not of Alice, has taken the custody into the king's hands by reason of the fees that belonged to Peter still in the king's hands: the king orders the sheriff to cause inquisition to be made whether Adam held his land of Alice so that the custody ought to pertain to her or not, and if he find that it ought, to cause her to have seisin of the custody. The like to the sheriff of Westmoreland, escheator in the same county. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the abbot of Rading' 40s. yearly for so long as the New Forest shall be in the hands of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, as the late king granted the forest to her, wherefore the king ordered the abbot to pay to her the 40s. that he was wont to pay to the exchequer for 24 acres of meadow in the forest pertaining to the forest. Oct. 24. To Elias de Rabayn, constable of Corf castle. Order to cause to be restored Westminster. to the abbot of Cerne two tuns of wine of wreck of the sea ihat were found by the constable's bailiffs on the abbot's land by the sea-shore (maritimam) of Brunkeseye and Kemescumbe (sic), which are detained by the constable's bailiffs, or to restore the price thereof, and to permit the abbot to have wreck of the sea on the shore and on his lands henceforth, as he was wont to have in times past, as the king learns by inquisition made by Walter de Wymburn that the abbots of Cerne have always been in seisin of having wreck of the sea on the said shore and lands since the late king granted to them wreck of the sea by his charter in their lands by the said shore, and that although they were sometimes hindered by the constables of the said castle from receiving wreck, it was always restored to them by inquisitions and the inspection of their charters. Oct. 22. To the sheriff of Southampton, eseheator in the same county. Order to Westminster. cause to be assigned to Eleanor, late the wife of Robert son of Robert Lestrange (Extranei), tenant in chief, 231. 2s. 9-d. yearly of land in the manor of Chaulton, which the king has assigned to her as dower. To the sheriff of Salop, escheator in the same county. Order to cause the aforesaid Eleanor to have seisin of the manor of Betton, which is extended at 115s. 4d., as the king has assigned it to her as dower. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately gave to Adam de Norh[an]t[ona] a yearly rent of a fur-cloak (pellicie) of grey (griso) that William le Tailliur owes to the king for a house in Winchester, and the arrears of the same to make his profit thereof: the king orders the barons to cause the cloaks to be appraised, and to cause their value to be paid to Adam; provided that William or the tenants of the house be discharged of the arrears when they shall have satisfied Adam. Oct. 26. To the sheriff of Nottingham, escheator in the same county. Order to Westminster. deliver to Cicely, late the wife of Robert le Derley, tenant in chief, a messuage and 71. 5s. Od. yearly of land and rent in Thorp, as the king has assigned the premises to her as her dower, on condition that he may retake them into his hands if anyone claim right in the land in name of wardship. Memorandum, that Cicely came into chancery, on the 27th October, and took oath that she would not marry without the king's licence. 314 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 3-cont. To Bartholomew le Jeovene, constable of Bristol castle. Whereas the king learns by an inquisition that he caused to be taken when he was last at Bristol that the abbot of Keynesham is entitled to fell trees in his wood of Filwod, which is within the king's chases of Kingeswod, for his use without view of the foresters or regardors, and that he and his predecessors were wont to make their profit thereof in this manner heretofore: the king orders the constable to permit the abbot to make his profit of the said wood in form aforesaid, provided that the king's deer (fere) may enter and leave the wood as they have been wont to do heretofore, To Master Robert de Seyton, and his fellows, justices late in eyre for common pleas in co. Middlesex, Order to deliver the goods and chattels of Hugh son of Laurence de Brok, put on mainprise in their eyre in order that he should render the rolls of his father of the time when his father was the late king's and the king's justice to deliver Neugate gaol, and to cause the distraints made on this behalf to be released, as Hugh has taken oath before the king that he has rendered to him whatever he had from the said rolls and that he will render to him whatever he may hereafter receive from the rolls by himself or his friends. The like to the sheriffs of Hertford and Buckingham to deliver all Hugh's goods put on mainprise for the reason aforesaid. To the sheriff of Warwick, escheator in the same county. Henry de Sheldon has shown to the king that whereas William de Ardern, lately deceased, held certain lands of him in Sheldon by knight service, from which relief and other services are due to him, the sheriff has taken the lands into the king's hands after William's death for certain causes, and that the sheriff still holds them, so that Henry has been unable to have his relief and services therefrom: the king orders the sheriff to cause Henry to have his relief and services from the issues of the land, if it be as stated. MEMBRANE 2. Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest Westminster. of Fynkeleye and Dygelegh to be elected in the place of Roger le Poer, who is insufficiently qualified and whom the king has amoved from office. To the same. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Dileye to be elected in the place of Adam del Espyneye, deceased. Thomas de Hauberdyn, son of Roger de Hauberdyn, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of David le Somenur, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. To Robert de Ufford, justice of Chester. Order to permit merchants of Ireland to take corn for sale to Chester without impediment, taking from them first security that they will not cause the corn to be taken to Wales or elsewhere than to the king's parts, as the king has need to obtain more corn than usual this year for the munition of Chester castle, and others of the county have need of more corn than usual for their maintenance. Oct. 29. To the sheriff of Bedford and the coroners of that county. Order to Westminster. supersede entirely the promulgation of the outlawry upon David de Offinton by reason of certain trespasses charged upon him in that county, as David, who has gone to Ireland by the king's licence, has found the king mainprise that he will stand to right before him at his pleasure concerning the said trespasses if anyone wish to speak against him. 4 EDWARD I. 315 1276. Membrane 2-cont. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause 5,000 quarels to be made in his bailiwick, and to cause them to be carried to the castle of Mongomery, there to be delivered to the constable of the castle for the munition of the castle. To Bogo de Knovill, keeper of the castles of Oswestry (Albi M.onasterii) and Montgomery. Order to cause the castles and the king's houses within the same td be repaired where necessary, and to cause garnisture to be placed in the castles as the king has enjoined upon him by word of mouth. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas those lately supplying the place of the king in England ordered Roger Lestrange (Extraneo), then bailiff of the Peak (Peck), by letters patent sealed with the seal that they then used in the king's name, to deliver to Michael de Burton the lands in Blakebrok and Fanfeld (sic) that William de Horsenden held at ferm of the king, and the bailiwick of the forestry of Hope, which Robert le Hore previously held at the king's will, and also all the land that Henry (le Calvovre used to hold in Tadinton, which were then in the king's hands, to be held by the said Michael in recompence for certain,lands that belonged to him in Cristelton that he had rendered into the king's hands before the delivery aforesaid: the king orders the barons to discharge Roger of the issues of the lands aforesaid from the time of the giving (date) of the letters patents. Oct. 30. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king Westminster. pardoned John Giffard and others of his household and society all trespasses and excesses that they had committed during the time of the disturbance in the realm, and also remitted to them all action against them by reason of the trespasses and excesses aforesaid until March 10, in the second year of his reign, as is contained in his letters patent, and the treasurer and barons exact 40 marks from Richard de Empnebergh for trespasses committed by him at that time, which sum came to them in the estreats of the rolls of Nicholas son of Martin, who was appointed to hear and determine the trespasses committed during the said disturbance, and the king learns by the letters patent of the said John that Richard was of his household and society at the said time: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Richard to be acquitted of the said sum, if it be exacted from him solely for this reason, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Thomas de Langeley, keeper of the forest of Wychewod. Order to cause Beatrice, queen of Almain, to have twenty leafless oak-trunks (robora) in that forest for her fuel, of the king's gift. To Walter de Kancia, keeper of the queen gold. Whereas Andrew le Gramayr' was lately indebted to Cok, son of Hagin, a Jew of London, in ten marks, and for payment of that sum to the Jew at the term agreed upon he bound himself to the Jew by his charter containing 2001. in name of penalty, and Andrew paid the money at the term and received the Jew's star of acquittance therefore, wherefore he prays that his charter aforesaid may be withdrawn from the chest of the Jews and that it may be delivered to him before the justices assigned for the custody of the Jews; and the king, at the time of the making of the said star, granted certain of the goods of the said Jew to Queen Eleanor, his mother, amongst which goods was the said charter, and the justices could not for that reason deliver the charter to Andrew, although the proceedings were with the will of the Jew; and the king lately ordered the justices to send to him under their seals the record had before them concerning these things, and he learns by the record that the Jew has acquitted Andrew by the star aforesaid and by acknowledgement made before the justices of all debts due to him: the king orders Walter to deliver the charter, which is in his custody, to Andrew or his certain attorney. 316 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 2-cont. Oct. 30. To Adam de Chetewind, king's clerk. Order to deliver to Roger Westminster. Lestrange (Extraneus) the vessels, tools, iron fittings of military engines (ferramenta ingeniorum), cords, cross-bows, quarells, armour, and all other his goods and chattels in the castle of Certeleye at the time when Roger delivered the castle to Adam by the king's order. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the demand upon John de Nevill for 52s. 4d. yearly for increment of the ferm of the manor of Arnhale assessed by reason of the late disturbance in the realm, and to cause him to be discharged of the increment and of the arrears of the same, as the king wills that John shall hold the manor of him at the same ferm as he and his ancestors held it before the said disturbance. Nov. 2. To the constable of the Tower of London. Order to deliver Robert de Westminster. Monteny, imprisoned in the Tower for the death of a man, in bail to twelve knights and others who shall mainpern to have him before the king if the king or anyone will speak against him for the same. Oct. 28. To the sheriff of Somerset, escheator in the same county. Order to Westminster. deliver to Clemencia, late the wife of John de Maundevill, tenant in chief, a knight's fee in Kington, which William de Maundevill held of John, and to permit her to have the third presentation to the church of Coker, as the king has assigned the same to her for her dower of John's knights' fees in the sheriff's bailiwick and of the advowson of Coker. To the sheriff of Devon, escheator in the same county. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Clemencia a quarter of a knight's fee in Moulisse, which Ralph de Moulisse held of the said John, and a knight's fee in Westraddon, which the heirs of Thomas de Blakeford held of the said John, and a knight's fee in Cumbe, which the master of the military order of the Temple in England held of the said John, and a knight's fee in Cumbe Ccoffyn, which the heirs of Matthew de Baunton held of William de Moun, who held it of John de Moun, who held it of the said John de Maundevill, and half a knight's fee in Cnouston, which Robert Beupel held of the said John, and a knight's fee in Wyvelsworth, which the heirs of Joel son of Warin held in of the said John, and half a knight's fee in Aysshebyry, which William le Povre held of the said John, as the king has assigned the aforesaid fees to her as her dower of her husband's knights' fees [in that bailiwick]. Nov. 2. To the sheriff of IHertford. Order to cause William le Boghiere, Westminster. imprisoned at Storteford for divers trespasses wherewith he is charged, to be released, as Henry le Esquier, Daniel le Gaunter, Peter le Orfevre, Geoffrey le Taillur, Richard le Wolf and Richard de Staunford, citizens of London, have mainperned to have him before the king at his pleasure to stand to right if anyone wish to speak against him in this behalf. To the keeper of the forest of Dene. Order to cause the Carmelite friars of Bristol to have ten inferior oaks with their strippings. Nov. 3. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Joan, late Westminster. the wife of John de Sancto Walerico, to have, out of the first moneys coming from the issues of his bailiwick, 100 marks for the marriage of Margaret her daughter, of the king's gift. Nov. 2. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to deliver to Juliana, late the wife of Westminster. John Russel, the custody of two parts of the lands and heir of' Richard le Marescal, tenant in chief, which custody is now in the hands of William de Chiuelton, as the king has granted the custody to her until the heir come of age. 4 EDWARD I. 317 1276. Membrane 2-cont. Nov. 4. To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to deliver to Richard de Fokeram, Westminster. steward of Edmund, the king's brother, the liberty of the town of Newcastle-under-Lyme until further orders, which liberty the sheriff took into the king's hands by his order by reason of the escape of Richard de Warewik from the custody of the bailiffs of that liberty, as the said steward has mainperned before the king that if the said Richard de Warewik, whom the sheriff lately arrested for divers trespasses wherewith he was charged and whom he delivered for custody to the bailiffs of the liberty, be found within the liberty, he shall be taken and imprisoned without delay. John de Alwynton and Mariota, his wife, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Roger Falewy, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail them. Nov. 5. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to prevent David Westminster. son of Griffin to take reasonable estovers in the forest of La Mare for constructing and repairing his building in Frodesham. Nov. 7. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him Westminster. who supplies his place. Order to deliver John Staf and Gilbert de la Eglise, imprisoned at Colecestre for trespasses of the Forest wherewith they are charged, to twelve men each, who shall mainpern to have them before the justices of the Forest for pleas when they next come to those parts. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, holds in the city of London certain houses that were destroyed during the last war in this realm, which he bought from Benedict and Abraham, sons of Deulacres, Jews of London, and divers debts are due to the king from the said houses and from other houses and possessions of the said Jews of the debts of their ancestors, and Aaron proposes to build more suitably on the site of the said houses: the king, not wishing that Aaron shall be charged beyond the portion of the said debts falling to him, to wit beyond the value of the houses in the state in which they now are in, orders them to cause the houses to be extended according to their true value, and to charge Aaron with his share of the debts in accordance with the extent, provided that those who hold the other houses and possessions that belonged to the aforesaid Jews shall be charged with the portion falling to them of the said debts. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the king learns from trustworthy information that Moses de Clare, a Jew, is charged too heavily according to his means in the tallage of 201. assessed upon him of the 1,0001. at which the community of the Jews of England were tallaged, he orders the justices to search their rolls and to consider the debts and chattels contained in The same, and if they find that the said Jew is charged more heavily in the tallage than he ought to be according to his means, to measure the tallage according to their discretion, and if he have paid anything beyond the debt of the measurement, they are to allow it to him in his preceding tallage, or to cause as much to be restored to him from the tallage of some other Jew. Membrane 1. Nov. 9. To John de Londonia, and Adam de Wintonia. Whereas those lately Westminster. supplying the place of the king in England ordered Roger Lestrange (Extraneo), then bailiff of the Peak, by letters patent sealed with the seal 318 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 1-cont. that they then used in the king's name, to deliver to Michael de Burton the lands in Blakebrok and Farrefeld that William de Horsinden held of the king at ferm, and the bailiwick of the forestry of Hope, which Robert de (sic) Hore previously held at the king's will, and also all the lands that Henry de Calfovr' used to hold in Tadinton, which were then in the king's hands, to be held by the said Michael in recompence for certain lands that belonged to him in Cristelton that he had rendered to the king before the delivery aforesaid: the king orders John and Adam to discharge Roger in his account of the issues of the land aforesaid from the time of the giving (date) of the letters patent. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to permit Elias de Cornhull and Isaac de Berkehamstede, Jews, to dwell within the city in their houses in which they now dwell, until otherwise ordered. Nov. 15. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Whereas the king learns Westminster. by inquisition taken by the steward that Roger Daubef, formerly constable of the king's castle of Sauvey (Sabaud'), disseised William de Flamsted, sometime abbot of Osolveston, during the late disturbance in the realm of a plot of common pasture before the gate of the castle containing six acres, and that Peter de Nevill, afterwards keeper of the castle, likewise disseised the abbot of certain headlands (cheviciis) containing one rood, which plot and headlands are worth 4s. 4d. yearly and are in the king's hands by the disseisins aforesaid: the king orders the steward to compound in the king's name with the abbot, rendering to him the headlands and making for him and his successors free and sufficient chace with their beasts and cattle over the plot aforesaid, as they shall need, to their pasture between the priory of Laund (Landa) and the castle aforesaid, and to receive from the abbot his quitclaim for the plot, and to send to the king under the steward's seal the composition and quitclaim and this writ, so that the king may cause the composition to be confirmed. By K. & C. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Bogo de Knovill, sheriff of Salop and Stafford, to be acquitted of 711. 6s. 8d. of the arrears of his account of the third and fourth years [of the king's reign], and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has pardoned him this sum. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Notification that the 'king has granted to John de Monte Alto 401. yearly of land and rent from the lands that belonged to John de Hardreshull, tenant in chief, which are in the king's hands by reason of the minority of John's heir, to be held until the heir of John de Hardreshull come of age: the king therefore commands the steward to deliver the said land to John de Monte Alto. If the extent to be made by the steward exceed this sum, he shall retain the excess in the king's hands until otherwise ordered, and if it do not reach the said amount, the king will cause what is lacking to be delivered to John from other lands in his hands by reason of wardship. Nov. 16. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause the abbot of Westminster. Glastonbury to have in the king's park of Stok Curcy ten live bucks and ten live does to stock therewith his park of Glastonbury, of the king's gift. Nov. 16. Gervase son of Robert de Wilueby, imprisoned at Notingham for the death Westminster. of Edusa, daughter of Ralph de Wilueby, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause the abbess of Wilton to have, in the clearings (trenchiis) that the king caused to be made by him in Clarendon forest, thirty oaks for the works of her church. 4 ED WARD I. 319 1276. MlIembrane 1-cont. Robert Lynet, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Constance de Haseloure, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. Nov. 17. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king granted to John Westminster. son of John, lately deceased, tenant in chief of the said king, for a fine of 3001. made with him by the said John, whilst he was a minor in the said king's wardship, the custody of all the lands that belonged to John son of Geoffrey, his father, the wardship whereof came to the said king by reason of John's minority, to have with all appurtenances until he came of age: the king, not wishing to aggrieve the heirs or executors of John son of John contrary to the said grant, orders the barons to cause Richard son of John, brother and heir of John son of John, to be acquitted of 901. that are exacted from him by summons of the exchequer of the debts of the said John son of John for the arrears of the ferm of the manor of Aylesbiry for the time when he was under age after the late king had granted to him the custody aforesaid. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, to have six does (byssas) in the forest of La Mare, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king learns upon trustworthy information that the executors of the will of Alan la Zuch have sufficient of the goods of Alan to answer to the king for 801. 16s. iOd. that are exacted from Roger la Zuch, son and heir of Alan, for the arrears of Alan's account for the time when he was sheriff of Northampton, the king orders the barons to proceed (capiatis) to levy the said sum from the executors, if it be as stated, and to permit Roger to be acquitted of the exaction thereof. John de Rikelingg, imprisoned at Derham for the death of an unknown man, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. Nov. 18. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has pardoned Westminster. Roger Lestrange (Extraneo), for his good service to the king, 100 marks yearly of the 200 marks yearly that he is bound to render to the exchequer for the custody of the lands that Matilda de Moubray, his late wife, held in dower of the lands that belonged to Roger de Moubray, her first husband, during the minority of the heir of Roger de Moubray, and that the king has also pardoned Roger Lestrange 200 marks due from him for arrears of the aforesaid 200 marks yearly: the king orders the barons to cause Roger to be acquitted accordingly. To the same. The king understands from the information of Richard son of John that whereas 2001. are exacted from him by summons of the exchequer for the arrears of the ferm of La Berton without Bristol for the time when John son of Geoffrey, his father, held the Berton, the said John did not hold the Berton during the time for which the said sum is exacted: the king order them to search the rolls of the exchequer, and if they find that John held the Berton at the said time, to charge Richard with the aforesaid sum, or to acquit him thereof if they find that John did not hold it at that time. Walter de Byrchemor and Henry son of William le Bercher, imprisoned at Aylesbyry, for the death of Roger le Ram and John Leverigge, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail them. To the keeper of the forest of Whychewode. Order to cause Beatrice, queen of Almain, to have ten does of the king's gift. 320 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 1-cont. Henry Wade, imprisoned at Aylisbiry for the death of certain men unknown, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. Robert de Wawe, imprisoned at Aylesbyry for the death of Roger le Ram and John Levelyf, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. Nov. 17. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause the Westminster. abbot of Dernhale to have 14 marks from the issues of thejustice's bailiwick, to buy therewith clothing for himself and his monks, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the executors of the will of Ralph de Mortuo Mari, son of Matilda de Mortuo Mari, to be acquitted of 200 marks of the arrears of the time when Ralph was sheriff of Salop and Stafford, as the king has pardoned this sum to the executors at the instance of the said Matilda. Robert de Tene and John Corbyn and brother Nicholas de Bredon, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of William le Hare, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail them. William son of Richard le Fevere, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of William son of Isabella le Fek, wherewith he are charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail them. Henry Hund of Wilingeham, imprisoned at Ely for the death of William Robecote, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him. Nov. 18. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to restore Westminster. all the goods and chattels taken into the king's hands by the justices under the names of Moses (Masseus) son of Aaron and Aaron son of Benedict (Benetti) and under the names of their ancestors by reason of the tallage last assessed upon them, if Moses and Aaron have satisfied the king in full for the tallage. If the justices find that the goods of the ancestors of Moses and Aaron are in the king's hands for any other debts, they are to retain in the king's hands the value of such debts from the clearer chattels aforesaid, and to restore the remainder of the chattels. Walter le Charreter of Carsewell and William le Charrcter, imprisoned at Farendon for the death of John de Ledecumb, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Buckingham to bail him. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Master Samuel de Loun, a Jew of London, and Rois[a] his wife, late the wife of Aaron son of Leo, to have the arrears of the debts of the said Leo, which were assigned to them by a fine made with the late king, as is contained in the rolls of the said king's Jewry, and to cause any of the debts that may not be clear to be changed into other clearer debts for them. Vacated because they did not have [the writ]. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king ordered the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews to cause Master Elias, a Jew of London, to have recompence from the king's debts in the treasury of his Jewry for the debts that the abbot and convent of Stratford owed to him, which the king had pardoned to the abbot and convent at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his mother: he orders the treasurer and barons to cause such recompense to be assigned to Elias if the justices have not already done so. 4 EDWARD 1. 321 MEMBRANE 18d. 1275. Richard le Messager came before the king on Friday after St. Edmund, Nov. 23. and sought to replevy to Matilda de Fonte her land in Wode Ethone, which The Tower. was taken into the king's hands for her default before the justices of the Bench against Robert le Taillur and Alice his wife. Nov. 25. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Peter The Tower. de la Faleyse is indebted to Benedict de Wintonia, a Jew, in divers debts by his charters, the king, wishing to aid Peter, in accordance with his provision and grant to Christians indebted in his Jewry, orders the justices to cause Peter's lands to be extended and to cause Peter to have reasonable terms fbr payment according to the said provision, saving to Peter the chief messuage and a moiety of his lands. Nov. 25. To the same. Like order in favour of Geoffrey de Bradelegh, who is The Tower. indebted to Hagin son of Master Moses, Master Elias son of Master Moses, and Aaron son of Vives, Jews of London. Master William de Clifford acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Cugeho 11l. 8s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Enrolment of grant by William Bagod to Sir Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, of 17 marks of yearly rent in Hildolveston, which Sir William de Haugesford was wont to render to the donor, together with the homage of the said Sir William de Haugesford and all the rent and service that he owes to the donor; rendering therefore 1 d. yearly. For this grant the bishop has paid 1001. beforehand. Witnesses: Sir Roger de Northwod, Sir John de Cobeham, Sir Hamo Hauteyn, Sir William de Careswell, Sir Robert de Standon, Sir William Wither, knights; John de Kirkeby, William de Middelton, Philip de Mitton, Robert Teverey, Gilbert le Marescal, Geoffrey de Aston. Memorandum, that William came into chancery, and acknowledged the said gift. Whereas Giles de Ayre, attorney of Herbert Wermond against the abbot of Louth Park, before Ralph de Hengham, J. de Bek, John de Lovetot, and John de Kirkeby, justices and auditors appointed by the king to examine the execution of a judgment rendered in the court of Sir John de Brit[annia] at Boston, in the octaves of St. Martin in the third year, of the suit that was in the same court between the abbot and Herbert for the unjust detention of 14 sacks and 20 stone of wool sold by the abbot's predecessor, to wit ten sacks of the better wool, price 11 marks each, and 4 sacks of inferior wool and locks (loccorum), price 7 marks each, with 20 stone of the same wool, price 3s. 4d. each, to the damage of the said Herbert of 1001., demanded all the aforesaid from the abbot, although it was not the abbot's fault (per eundemn abbatem non stetisset quominus) that the said wool had not been delivered (soluta); nevertheless the abbot, for the sake of peace, acknowledged that he owed to.Giles, in the name of the said Herbert, all the said wool, to be delivered to him at the quinzaine of Midsummer at Boston fair in the fourth year of the king's reign, on condition that Giles shall pay to him all the price aforesaid at that term and place, according to the agreement made between them, with the exception of 4 marks that the abbot's predecessor received in earnest. The abbot also acknowleged that he owed to Giles, in the name of Herbert, 60 marks for Herbert's damages and expenses, to be paid by equal instalments at Boston fair in the fifth, sixth, and seventh years of the king's reign; to be levied, in default of payment, of the abbot's lands in co. Lincoln. For this grant and acknowledgment Giles, for himself and Herbert, remitted to the abbot u 96998. X CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 322 1275. Membrane 18d —cont. all actions against him, and he will render to the abbot all deeds concerning the debt of the aforesaid wool. And, as all the wool of the abbey was sold by the abbot's predecessor for four years after the re-establishment of the peace aforesaid to Hugelin Sampy and his fellows and by the present abbot for the six following years, it is decreed and adjudged by the king and the aforesaid justices that first of all payment of the said 14 sacks and 20 stone of wool shall be made to Giles, in the name of Herbert, because he had previously bought it at the same time and place, and that Hugelin and his fellows shall receive as much wool from the abbot after the end of their term. Also John de Saunlyz and his fellows shall receive 14 sacks and 20 stone of wool after the end of their term, without impediment or complaint of any against the abbot, notwithstanding the instruments made between the abbot and the merchants. Ralph Byl of Fyleby acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de Fileby 70 quarters of barley; to be levied, in default, according to the market price in co. Norfolk at the time when it ought to be delivered, from his lands in co. Norfolk. Nov. 25. Walter de Huntercumb acknowledges that he owes to William de The Tower. Rokesl[eye] 91. 10s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Oxford and Cambridge. Enrolment of deed of John de Brilaund pardoning Richard de Hercy all the trespasses that he was said by his enemies to have committed against John at Holcham. Dated at London, on Wednesday before St. Nicholas,Edward. Witnesses: Gregory de Rokesle, John Horn, Ralph le Blund, Henry le Waleys, Philip le Tayllur. Memorandum, that it is agreed between Lady Eleanor de Verdun and Sir Theobald de Verdun concerning her dower, that lie has granted to her as dower the manor of Braundone, Bretford, and Flecho, co. Warwick, Codesbech, Loges, and Luttreworth, co. Leicester, with the advowsons of the churches of Lutterworth and Codesbeche, excepting only 91. yearly of land of villein-tenants and cottagers (vilenag' et cotagiis) having toft in Lutterworth, beginning at one end of the town where Theobald wills, proceeding wholly by the extent thereof previously made to the completion of the said 91. yearly of land, provided that the pleas and perquisites within the said 91. of land to be assigned by Theobald be extended pro rata according to the extent previously made, which pleas and perquisites of the tenants of the said 91. of land shall remain to Theobald. It is also agreed that all knights' fees except those of Lodelowe, Ewyas, and Wembele (sic), which belonged to Sir John de Verdun, Eleanor's husband, shall be divided into three equal portions) and that a third part of the fees in the said manors of Braundon, Lutterwortbh and Codesbeche shall be assigned to Eleanor for all her dower of the lands, tenements and advowsons of churches that belonged to the said John in England from the day when he married her and for her dower in Suthstoke of the lands that John de Grey holds there; provided that the advowson of the church of Neubold shall be extended, and that she shall have full value of a third part of the same in the said 91. of land in Lutterworth, to wit for every mark 12d. It is also agreed that she may not exact aught outside the towns aforesaid hereafter for her dower, neither from the manor of Neubold nor from the town of Buttlesby, nor elsewhere in England, except that the fees in the said counties shall be divided, saving to her actions to recover dower against any who were enfeoffed by John since his marriage or by Theobald of John's lands, except against John de Grey for the said lands of Suth Stok and saving to her her action for the lands that her husband 4 EDWARD I. 323 1275. Membrane 18d-cont. acquired in Webbele. It is also agreed that Eleanor shall be reasonably dowered of the lands of Webbele, Ewyas and Ludelowe, which the said John, her husband, had of the gift of Theobald his son, except the fees pertaining to the said manors of Webbele, Ewyas, and Lodelowe, which Eleanor has granted to Theobald for life. Moreover, Theobald grants that she shall have her dower of the manor of Divelek in Ireland, and she grants to hiln that he shall have out of her dower in Uryel in Ireland the value of all her dower of Webbele, Ewyas, and Lodelowe in England and of Divelek in Ireland in the places aforesaid, saving the lands in Wembeleye (sic) acquired otherwise than by Theobald's gift, for which she ought not to answer to him. If anything of her dower in Uryel remain to her after she have satisfied Theobald for having her dower in Ewyas, Webbeleye, and Ludelowe and Divelek, the remainder shall be assigned to Theobald for making equal extent in I)ivelek. A suitable mansion shall be made for her in Divelek outside the chief messuage at a reasonable extent of her houses in Uryel. If her dower of Uryel and Meath (Mithe) do not suffice for the value of her dower in Webbele, Ewyas, and Lodelowe and Divelek, she shall receive so much less in Divelek. If she do not receive her dower in all to the equivalent of her lands of Uriel by extent in Webbeley, Ewyas, and Ludelowe and Divelek. or in any of them, she shall not be bound to Theobald, except so far as she happens to be dowered of the manors aforesaid. If Theobald die in her lifetime, whatever she has remitted to him of her dower shall revert to her in full as her dower. She shall have seisin of her dower in Webbeleye, Ewyas, and Lodelowe and Divelek on the day of the Purification, in the fourth year of the reign, and Theobald shall have seisin of her lands in Uryel and Meath on the same day, saving to the moveables and issues of the lands to either of them who previously held them. All oxen, plough-beasts, corn, hay, and other moveables in the manors of Braundon, Codesbech, Leges and Lutterworth on the morrow of St. Peter ad Vincula, with the Issues of all her lands except Fleechenho assigned in name of dower, except the swans and foals of the stud and the swine of the manors driven away or slain before the making of this agreement, shall remain to her from the aforesaid day on condition that she answer to Theobald for as much money as he acquired them for from the executors of Sir John. Other clauses relating to payment, refunding to Theobald of expenses of cultivation, etc. Sealed by Eleanor and by Elias de Oddeston, supplying the place of Theobald in England, with the assent of Sir Ralph de Hengham, the king's justice, and of brother N. prior of St. Thomas without Staunford, and of Ralph de Burgo, which Nicholas and Ralph had power with the said Elias to dower Eleanor, Dated at London, on Wednesday after St. Katherine, 4 Edward..... The abbot of Lesnis came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Andrew, and sought to replevy his land in Elmedon, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Mary, late the wife of Henry de Pinkeny. Alice, late the wife of Hugh de Donestern, puts in her place John de Aspervill and Thomas [de] la Waude to win or lose in a certificate summoned before the king at his last coming to Windsor between her and Robert le Veel and Robert his son concerning a tenement in Stivecle and Lutlecote. William de Wyndes[or'] came before the king, on Saturday the morrow of St. Nicholas, and sought to replevy to Robert de Aspal a messuage in Cambridge, which was taken into the king's hands for Robert's default against Simon Godlombe. x 2 324 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1275. MEMBRANE 17d. Beatrice, late the wife of Alan Balun, came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Andrew, and sought to replevy her land in Passenham, which was taken into the king's hands for her default in the king's court against John le Bercher of Covesgrave and Isabella, his wife, and Alana, sister of Isabella. Nov. 25. To the taxors of the fifteenth in co. Kent. Whereas certain men of The Tower. religion of the realm have shown the king certain ways whereby they will help him more of their liberal will than by the taxation of their goods made or to be made by the said taxors: the king orders the taxors that, when they have made taxation and appraisement of the goods of the prior and convent of Rochester in that county, so that the taxors may certify the king thereof on their coming to him, they shall not proceed to make distraints on the prior and convent by reason of the said fifteenth until otherwise ordered. Dec. 27. Katherine, late the wife of John Paynel, tenant in chief, of co. Dorset, Gillingham. Geoffrey de Percy of co. Kent, and Robert de Whytefeld of co. Sussex have mainperned before the king to restore John Paynel, son and heir of the said John, to Maurice de Credonio, to whom the king granted the custody until John comes of age, at Maurice's order. Memorandum, that Robert Grubbe, who married Joan (sic), Hugh de Loghumme, who married Joan (sic), Nicholas de Wauton, and Elizabeth de Horsy, sisters and parceners of the inheritance of William de Reigny, tenant in chief, came before the king on the day of the Holy Innocents, at Gillingham, and did homage for the parts of the inheritance falling to them. Dec. 28. The said Robert, Hugh, Nicholas, and Elizabeth put in their place William Gillingham. le Border and Nicholas le Mareschal to receive their purparties of the said inheritance in the Octave of St. Hilary.. ---- Walter Ballard came before the king, on Saturday after Christmas, and - sought to replevy the mill of Reginald son of Simon le Clerc of Stapelton, which was taken into the king's hands for Reginald's default in the hundred of Berton against Isabella Adryan. Dec. 29. John de Cancellis acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, carl of CornGillingham. wall, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Bertinus de Briauzun of Caneworth and Geoffrey le Moyne of Aisscheldeham acknowledge the said debt on John's behalf; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex, The following llave quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] at the Tower of London: The abbot of Westminster.* Dec. 31. Katherine Paynel puts in her place Geoffrey de Rasne, clerk, and John Bindon. de Lulleworth to receive her dower of the lands of John Painel, tenant in chief, and she took oath before the king that she would not marry without his licence. 1276. William de Vernun came before the king, on the morrow of St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to Ralph de Vernun, Robert le Suur, Alice daughter of Peter and Margery, daughter of Ralph, their land in Shireburn, which * Space has been reserved for additional names. 4 EDWARD I. 325 1276. Membrane 17d-cont. was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Robert le Fraunk. Stephen le Bret puts in his place Henry Crok to exact his portion of the manors of Ottescumb, Milverton, Ele Bruere, and Trente, which are held of the king in chief by barony, as it is said. Jan. 15. Geoffrey Baron acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Winchester. Wells 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels wherever they may be in England. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of release by Roger de la Wik and Alice his wife to John de la Hale of their right in all the lands that he held in Awelton, excluding themselves and their heirs from all action, right and claim in the lands for ever. As they wish that the present deed may obtain perpetual validity, they have placed to it their seals in the presence of Lucy, their daughter, who assented to this. Witnesses: Richard de Westcote, Elias le Marescal, John de Awelton, Henry Wyard, Nicholas Swele, Nicholas de la Flode, John Purchas, John Mahew, Geoffrey Martyn, Stephen le Neyr, John le Waleys. Memorandum, that John gave to Roger and Alice 5 marks for this release. Memorandum, that Roger and Alice came into chancery, and acknowledged this deed. John de Baskervill came before the king, on Monday before St. Vincent, and sought to replevy to himself and to Richard de Stockeporte and William de Stockeporte his land in Brunynge and Kelgrymessaregh and Richard's land in Wydeford and William's land in Birkedale, which were taken into the king's hand for their default in his court against Ellen de Stokeporte. Jan. 22. Master William de Clifford, who is going to parts beyond sea by the Winchester. king's licence, puts in his place in all pleas Sewal le Fown, clerk, with power to appoint attorneys under him, until the quinzaine of Michaelmas. Jan. 23. To L[lewelyn] son of Griffin, prince of Wales. Whereas the king lately Winchester. ordered him to come to the king at Chester at a certain day to do homage and fealty and the other things that he owes to the king, at which day the king, because he was not there, caused him to be re-summoned to be before the king at Westminster in three weeks from Michaelmas last for this purpose, which summons was testified to before the king, and L[lewelyn] contemned coming thither, and the king caused hini to be re-summoned to come to Winchester on the morrow of St. Hilary to do the premises and to show why he had not come at the preceding days upon which he was summoned and re-summoned; at which day L[lewelyn] did not care to come: the king again re-summons him to be before him in fifteen days from Easter, to do what the king's court shall decide in this behalf. [Fcedera.] To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Recital of the aforesaid summonses and re-summonses, and order to send two of the more discreet and faithful men of his bailiwick and a knight to the said L[lewelyn], who shall deliver to L[lewelyn] the king's letters that the king sends to the justice for transmission, and who shall summon him again to be before the king in three weeks from Easter to do and receive what the king's court shall decide. The justice is ordered to certify the king at that day by his letters patent and by the letters patent of the said envoys concerning the re-summons and of the names of the re-summoners. 326 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 17d —cont. Robert de Foxcoth acknowledges that he owes to Benedict (Bennetton'), a Jew, of Winchester for a debt of 401., six marks and two quarters of wheat; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. To do this Robert found the following sureties: Nicholas Tybaud and John le Waleys, who grant that the said debt shall be levied of their lands and chattels in the same county if Robert fail in payment at any of the specified terms. Gilbert de Boces came before the king, on Sunday the morrow of the Conversion of St. Paul, and sought to replevy to William de Valencia the said William's land in Benham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Isabella, late the wife of John Gravenel. William de Betelewerthi came before the king, on Monday after the said feast, and sought to replevy his land in Crude, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against John de Alseghe and Eleanor his wife. Feb. 3. John de Vescy acknowledges, for himself and his heirs, that he owes to Winchester. the king 1600 marks, to be paid at certain terms within four years from the Epiphany, in the fourth year of the reign; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. And William de Vescy, brother of the said John, came into chancery and acknowledged that he owed the aforesaid debt, if John should fail in payment. Memorandum, that John was bound to Luke de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), in the aforesaid debt. When the debt shall be paid to the king, the merchants shall receive the money from the king. Membrane 17d-Schedules. Partition of the lands that belonged to Eustace de Watford made by the sheriff; the escheator, of co. Northampton before Robert son of Walter and William de Turvyle, knights, by the oath of twelve jurors, in the presence of the four heiresses, to wit Athelina la Brune, the eldest daughter, Sarah, wife of John de Burneby, Joan, the wife of William de Parles, and Ellen, the youngest daughter and damsel (domnicelle). With the assent of the heiresses the chief messuage was divided into three parts, and the fourth and youngest heiress shall have elsewhere the value of her purparty thereof. After partition had been made equally, drawing lots (sortem mittendo) by the assent of the heirs, their purparties fell as follows: The part of Athelina. Of the chief messuage the hall with courtyard (atrio), two chambers joined, and whatever there is of the messuage from the hall on the south by certain metes and bounds placed by the jurors. Also 43 virgates of the land in demesne, to wit in the cultura of Sladacre 6 acres near the part of Ellen on the north, 8 acres in Tunfurlong next the part of Ellen on the north, 2 acres in Lotfurlong next the part of Ellen on the north, 21 acres and a rood of land in Wendebut next the part, of Ellen on the west, 21 acres and a rood in Shepeneforlong next Ellen's part on the west, 21 acres in Hayforlong next Ellen's part on the west, 21 acres and a rood in Snelleswelleforlong next the part of Ellen's on the north, 18 acre behind Arswelle next Ellen's part on the north, 2 acres and 1I roods next Ellen's part on the west, 75 acres in Great Asberuwe next Ellen's part on the north, an acre and 1 rood next Ellen's part in Little Asberewe, 1~ acres, 1 rood and I acre and l rood in Haycop next Ellen's part on the west, 10 acres and a rood in the Brech next the part of Ellen's on the north, 4- acres in Barlifurlong next Ellen's part on the west, 1U acres in le Buttes 4 EDWARD I. 327 1276. Membrane 17d-Schedules-cont. on Dreyenhull next Ellen's part on the north, 81 acres on Dreyenhull next Ellen's part on the north, 6 acres in Farenhull next Ellen's part on the north, 2 acres on Great Stonhull next Ellen on the west, 11 acres on Luttlestonhull next Ellen's part on the north, | acre on Chirnebikbottes next Ellen's part on the north, 3 acres and 3 roods on Shitho next Ellen's part, 4 acres on Seneschemede next Ellen's part on the north, 3 acres on Arswelleforlong next Ellen's part on the west, 7 acres on Stretforlong next Ellen's part on the north, half an acre next le Hay towards Syvelesworth. Of meadow, 31 acres between the part of William de Parles and the part of Ellen daughter of Eustace. Also 1 acre and 1 rood of spinny (spineti) between the parts of William de Parles and the said Ellen. In villeinage, 83 virgates of land with the bodies of the villeins and their chattels and offspring (sequela) holding that land, of whom Ralph Juet, John Cotemay, Richard Anable, Alexander Godsone, Simon son of Alcays (sic), William Muriell, William Aboveton, and Ralph le Fraunceys each holds a virgate, and William le Provost holds half a virgate, and Ralph Scot and Adam son of Richard each holds a quarter of a virgate. Free service.-The homage and service of Sir William de Arderne for a messuage, a virgate of land, a water-mill, 6s. 6d. and two capons of yearly rent, rendering therefor yearly 4s. The homage and service of Richard Juel for a virgate of land, rendering 2s. yearly. The homage and service of Geoffrey Capel for a virgate of land, rendering 3s. 6d. yearly. The homage and service of Eustace Golafre for two virgates of land, rendering 12d. and a pair of white gloves yearly, price ~d. The homage and service of Richard Tracy for a virgate of land, rendering 2s. yearly. Also the service of cotmen, a messuage that Richard Brun holds, rendering 12d. yearly, a messuage and a croft that Agnes wife of Ralph le Teler holds, rendering 4s. yearly; John Cotemay holds an acre of land, rendering yearly l1d.; Robert son of Hugh de Sivelesworth holds a quarter of a virgate of land, rendering 6s. yearly; Ralph de Sancto Jermano holds a quarter of a virgate, 4 acres and a croft, rendering a quarter of a pound of pepper yearly; Thomas Rynel holds an eighth of a virgate of land, rendering a quarter of pound of pepper yearly; Nicholas de Cestresire holds half a virgate of land, rendering yearly 2s. 83d. The dower of Margery, late the wife of Eustace de Watford, of the part of Athelina. She is dowered of the chief messuage, the demesne lands, the meadow, and spinny for an equal portion of a third part. There are assigned of the villeins for her dower Richard Anable, Simon son of Altus, and William Aboveton, with their chattels and their offspring, and it is to be known that each of them holds a virgate of land, but Margery shall answer to Athelina for lOd. for excess. Margery has for her dower of the free tenants of Athelina's part the service of Richard Juwel for one virgate of land, rendering 2s. yearly, and that of Geoffrey Capel for a virgate, rendering 3s. 7d. yearly. She has for her dower of the cotters of the aforesaid part Agnes, wife of Ralph, who holds a messuage and a croft and renders 4s. yearly, and Margery shall answer to Athelina for 9d. The part of John de Burneby and Sarah his wife. Of the chief messuage the portion between the part of Athelina la Brune and the part of William de Parles in the middle place of the messuage by certain metes and bounds. Of the lands in demesne 43 virgates of land, whereof 6 acres are in the cultura of Scaldacre next the part of William de Parles on the north; 8 acres in Tonforlong next the part of William de Parles on the north; 2j acres and a rood in Wendelond next the part of the said William on the west; 21 acres and a rood in Shepeneforlong next the part of the said William; I acre in Hayfurlong next the part of the said William on the east; 21 acres and a rood in Snellewelle-forlong next the part of William on the south; 1H acres 328 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 17d-Schedudes-cont. behind Arswelle near William on the south; 2 acres and 1 roods in Reyeforlong next the part of William on the east; 7| acres in Great Arsberewe next the part of William on the south; an acre and a rood in Little Arsberwe next the part of William on the south; 11 acres and a rood and 8 acre and 1 rood in Hycop next the part of William on the east; 10 acres and a rood in le Brech next the part of William on the south; 4 acres in Barlifurlong next the part of William on the east; I acres in le Buttes on Dreyenhull next the part of William on the south; 84 acres in Dreyenhul next the part of William on the south; 6 acres in Farenhull next the part of William on the south; 2 acres on Great Stonhull next the part of William on the east; 14 acres on Lutlestonhull next the part of William on the south; 8 acre on Chirnebikbottes next the part of William on the south; 3 acres and 3 roods on Schitho next the part of William on the south; 4 acres on Smethemede next the part of William on the south; 3 acres on Arswellefurlong next the part of William on the east; 7 acres on Stretfurlong next the part of William on the south; half an acre near le Hay towards Syvelesworth. Of meadow 31 acres next the part of Ellen daughter of Eustace on the south. Of spinny one acre and a rood next the part of the said Ellen on the north. Of the lands in villeinage, 84 virgates with the bodies of the villeins and their chattels and offspring, of whom Thomas son of the smith, Ralph the cook and Sabina, Ralph son of Henry, Matilda, late the wife of Peter Anable, Ralph son of the clerk, Richard le Paumer, Adam son of Alexander, Adam son of Mabel, Geoffrey de Crek, hold a virgate each, and William Christofre holds half a virgate, Ralph Scot holds a quarter of a virgate and Adam son of Richard holds an eighth of a virgate. Also of the free services, the homage and service of Edmund de Watford for 14 virgates of land, rendering 6d. yearly; the homage and service of Robert son of Thomas de Watford for two virgates of land rendering 6d. yearly; from Richard Hamund 18d. of yearly rent for three roods of land; from Ralph Panekus 12d. yearly; from the prior of Davyntre for a meadow 2s. Of the cotters and small free tenants, Alexander son of Alexander de Syvelesworth holds a toft and an acre of land, rendering 2s. yearly; the wife of William le Keu holds 2 acres of land, rendering 4s. yearly; Walter le Lord holds a messuage, rendering 3s. 6d. yearly; John Cotemay holds an acre, rendering 31d. yearly; Robert de Aula for a cottage 31d. yearly; Simon le Tayllur renders 2d. yearly for a cottage; Nicholas de Cestresire holds half a virgate, rendering 13d. yearly; Robert son ofr Hugh de Syvelesworth holds a quarter of a virgate, rendering 6s. yearly; Ralph de Sancto Germano holds a quarter of a virgate, rendering a quarter of a pound of pepper yearly; Thomas Rynel holds a quarter of a virgate, by the like service; Nicholas de Cestresire holds half a virgate, rendering 2s. 83d. Dower of Margery, late the wife of Eustace de Watford, of the part of John de Burneby. She is dowered of the chief messuage, demesne lands, meadow and spinny for an equal portion of a third part. There are assigned for her dower of the villeinage of the said part, Ralph the cook and Sabina his wife, Henry de Braunteston, Richard le Paumer, Adam son of Mabel, with their chattels and offspring. And Margery shall answer to John for 1Od. yearly. For her dower of the free tenants, the services of Edmund de Watford and Robert son of Thomas are assigned. For her dower of the cotters, there are assigned the services of Walter le Lord, of the wife of William the cook, and of John Cotemay. And the aforesaid John shall render to her id. yearly because that much is lacking of her dower of this part. The part of William de Parles and Joan his wife. Of the chief messuage [the portion] on the north next the lane next the messuage that belonged to Thomas de Watford, by certain metes and bounds. Of the lands in demesne 44 virgates, to wit within the cultura of Scaldacre 6 acres next 4 EDWARD I. 329 1276. Membrane 17d- -Schedules-cont. the part of Ellen, daughter of Eustace, on the north; 8 acres in Tonforlong, between the part of the said Ellen and the part of John de Burneby; 2 acres in Lotforlong between the parts of the said Ellen and John; 2- acres and a rood in Wendelond between the parts of Ellen and John; 2j acres and a rood in Shepenefurlong between the parts of Ellen and John; 21 acres in:Hayfurlong between the parts of Ellen and John; 1 acres behind Arswelle between the parts of Ellen and John; 2A acres and a rood in Snelleswelleforlong between the parts aforesaid; 2 acres, 18 roods in Ryefurlong between the parts of Ellen and John; 78 acres in Great Assheberwe between the parts of Ellen and John; an acre and a a quarter of a rood in Little Assheberwe between the parts of Ellen and John; ] acres and a rood and 1 acre and 4 rood in Haycop between the parts of Ellen and John; 10 acres and a rood in le Brech between the parts of Ellen and John; 41 acres in Barliforlong between the parts of Ellen and John; 11 acres in le Buttes on Dreyenhull between the parts of Ellel and John; 8i acres on Dreyenhull between the parts of Ellen and John; 6 acres in Farhull between the parts of Ellen and John; 2 acres on Great Stonhull between the parts of Ellen and John; 14 acres on Luttlestonhull between the parts of Ellen and John; 8 acre on Chirnbikbuttes between the parts of Ellen and John; 3 acres and 3 roods on Shitho between the parts of Ellen and John; 4 acres on Smethemede between the parts of Ellen and John; 3 acres on Arswelleforlong between the parts of Ellen and John; 7 acres on Stretforlong between the parts of Ellen and John; half an acre next le Hay towards Syvelesworthe. Of meadow 31 acres in Chirnebyk next Athelina, daughter of Eustace, on the south. Of the spinny an acre and a rood nearest to the town of Watford on the south and near the part of the said Athelina on the north. Of the lands in villeinage 87 virgates of land, together with the bodies of the villeins, their chattels and offspring, of whom William de Jelvertoft, Ralph Gilbert, Bele wife of Peter Gilbert, Humphrey le Jovene, William Sheleful, Geoffrey the smith, Robert de la Sale, Alexander Colas hold a virgate of land each, John son of Nicholas holds half a virgate, Ralph Scot holds a quarter of a virgate, and Adam son of Richard holds an eighth of a virgate. Of the free tenants, the homage and services of John son of Philip de Davyntre in Morcote for a messuage and 11 virgates of land that are held for a quarter of a knight's fee, scutages and wards when they happen; the service of Geoffrey le Chaumberleng for a virgate of land, to wit 2s., 3 hens, a cock, a white loaf, and six gallons of ale of yearly rent, and he shall find a man to lift the lord's hay for a day and for another day to make cocks (muyllones) of the hay, and he shall plough with the lord for a day, and in autumn he shall find a man for two days, price of the total work 144d. The abbot of St. James without Northampton holds 14 virgates and renders yearly 6d., a pound of pepper, a pound of cumin, price 10d. The heirs of Henry de Wyleby hold half a virgate and render yearly a pound of cumin price Id. The heirs of Henry le Messer render yearly a pair of white gloves, price Id. Also the part of the cotters and small free tenants, to wit David son of Simon holds a messuage and 2 acres of land, rendering 5s. yearly; William le Provost holds 2 acres of land, rendering 2s. yearly; Adam le Freman holds a croft, rendering yearly 2s.; William le Gardener holds a toft, rendering yearly 3s. 6d.; John Cotemay holds an acre of land, rendering yearly 64d.; Robert son of Hugh holds a quarter of a virgate, rendering yearly 6s.; Ralph de Sancto Germano holds a messuage, a croft, a quarter of a virgate and four acres, rendering yearly a quarter of a pound of pepper; Thomas Rynel holds a quarter of a virgate, rendering the like service yearly; Nicholas de Cestresire holds half a virgate of land, rendering 321d. yearly. The dower of Margery, late the wife of Eustace de Watford for the part of William de Parles. She is dowered of the chief messuage, the demesne 330 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 17d-Schedules-cont. lands, the meadow, and spinny for an equal portion of a third part. There are assigned to her of the villeinage for her dower thereof Humphrey le Jevene, Alexander Colas, and Geoffrey son of the smith, with their chattels and offspring, and she shall answer to the aforesaid William for 10d. yearly for the excess (superplusagio) that she has. There are also assigned to her for her dower of the free tenants and cotters the services of William le Gardener, David son of Simon, and John Cotemay, and she shall answer to the aforesaid William for 21d. yearly for the excess that she has. The part of Ellen, daughter of Eustace. For her part of the chief messuage the sheepcote with its crofts and all the meadow under the garden as it is enclosed by hedge (hayham) and ditch. Of the lands in demesne 44 virgates of land, to wit in the cultura of Scaldeacre 6 acres between the part of Athelina, daughter of Eustace, and the part of William de Parles; 8 acres in Tonforlong between the parts of the aforesaid Athelina and William; 2 acres in Lotfurlong between the parts of Athelina and William; 24 acres and a rood in Wendebute between the parts of William and Athelina; 21 acres and a rood in Shepenefurlong between the parts of Athelina and William; 21 acres in Hayfurlong between the parts of Athelina and William; 21 acres and a rood in Snelleswellefurlong between the parts of Athelina and William; an acre and a quarter of a rood behind Arswell between the parts of Athelina and William; 11 acres and a rood and an eighth of an acre and a quarter of a rood in Haycop between the parts of Athelina and William; 2 acres, 14 roods in Ryeforlong between the parts of Athelina and William; 75 acres in Great Arsberwe between the parts of Athelina and William; an acre and a quarter of a rood in Little Arsberwe between the parts of Athelina and William; 14 acres, a rood and - acre in Haycop between the parts of Athelina and William; 10 acres and a rood in le Brech between the parts of Athelina and William; 41- acres in Barliforlong between the parts of Athelina and William; 14 acres in le Buttes on Dreyenhull between the parts of Athelina and William; 84 acres in Dreyenhull between the parts of Athelina and William; 6 acres in Farenhull between the parts of Athelina and William; 2 acres near Great Stonhull between the parts of Athelina and William; 11 acres on Littlestonhull between the parts of Athelina and William; 4 acre on Chirnebikbottes between the parts of Athelina and William; 3 acres and 3 roods on Shitho between the parts of Athelina and William; 4 acres on Smethemede between the parts of Athelina and William; 3 acres on Arswelleforlong between the parts of Athelina and William; 7 acres on Stretforlong between the parts of Athelina and William; l acre next le Hay towards Syvelesworth. Of meadow 31 acres in Chirnebyk, between the parts of John de Burneby and Athelina. Of spinny, an acre and a rood between the parts of the said John and Athelina. Of the lands in villeinage 83 virgates of land, with the bodies of the villeins, their chattels and offspring, to wit Walter le Paumer, John Gilberd, Simon le Poter, Humphrey le Weel, Robert le Wower, William son of David, Adam le Freman, Richard son of Geoffrey each holds a virgate, Simon de Haddon holds half a virgate, Ralph Cotus, holds a quarter of a virgate, and Adam son of Richard holds an eighth of a virgate. Of the free services, the homage and service of Adam de Assheby for 4 virgates of land in Assheby, which he holds for a quarter of a knight's fee; the homage and service of Robert le Freman of Sivelesworth for a virgate of land, rendering 3s. yearly; Alexander Michel holds half a virgate of land, rendering yearly 2s. 6d. and he shall find the lord two men for two days at his cost in autumn and on one day one man at the lord's food, and he shall plough twice a year with the lord, and shall find a man to lift the lord's hay and a man to make cocks (muyllones) of hay, price of the whole work lid.; the homage and service of John son of the smith for a virgate of land, rendering 2s. 2d. yearly and 6d. for a small parcel of land. Also of the services of the cotters and small 4 EDWARD I. 331 1276. Membrane 17d-Schedules-cont. free tenants, to wit Humphrey le Veel holds a croft and renders yearly 12d.; Ralph the smith of Syvelesworthe holds an acre of land and a toft and renders 7s. yearly; Robert de la Sale holds a cottage and renders 71d yearly; Robert son of Hugh de Syvelesworth renders 6s. yearly; Ralph de Sancto Jermano holds a messuage, a croft, a quarter of a virgate and 4 acres, and renders yearly a quarter of a pound of pepper; Thomas Rynel holds a quarter of a virgate of land and renders yearly a quarter of a pound of pepper; Nicholas de Cestresire holds half a virgate of land and renders 2s. 83d. yearly. The dower of Margery, late the wife of Eustace de Watford, of the part of Ellen, daughter of the said Eustace. She is dowered for the chief messuage, the demesne lands, meadow, and spinny for a portion of a third part. There are assigned to her for her dower of the villeinage Walter le Paumer, Humphrey le Veel, and John Gilberd, with their chattels and offspring, and Margery shall answer to Ellen for 1Od. for the excess that she has. There are assigned to her for her dower of the free tenants and cotters the services of Robert le Freman, John son of the smith, Humphrey le Veel, and Nicholas de Cestresyre, and she shall answer to Ellen for 71d. for the excess that she has. MEMBRANE 16d. Jan. 30. Nicholas de Segrave acknowledged in chancery at Lutegarsal, for himself Ludgershall. and his heirs, that he owed to William de Valencia and his heirs 1000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. And Roger de Mortuo Mari came and acknowledged, for himself and his heirs, that he owes the aforesaid sum to William in case Nicholas should make default in payment. - _ --- John de Clincton acknowledges that he owes to John de Grimestede 101.; - -- to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Hugh de Dudemaneston acknowledges that he owes to Malcolm de Harelegh 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chatttels in co. Salop. Cancelled on payment. Brother Robert de Turevill, master of the military order of the Temple in England, gave power to brother Thomas de la Fenne to make attorneys for him in all pleas, etc. until the quinzaine of Easter. Master Hugh Pessun came before the king, on Monday before St. Peter in Cathedra, and sought to replevy to William de Valencia the latter's land in Reydon, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert son of Walter. Laurence de Sancto Mauro, who is going by the killg's licence to Santiago, has given power to Robert Waldeshef to make attorneys in his place in all pleas, etc., until Michaelmas next. Feb. 15. Thomas de Moleton and Elizabeth his wife put in their place Hugh de Burford. Bussey and Andrew de Cumbreland to demand the manor of Trivel before the king against Alan Plukenet, who holds it in co. Hereford....- John de Sancto Johanne came before the king, on Ash Wednesday, at Great Cumpton, and promised that he would render to the king before Sunday in Mid-Lent the son and heir of John de Maundevill, tenant in chief, and to do this he bound all his lands. Feb. 19. The said John, who is going to Santiago by the king's licence, has given Great Compton. power to Thomas de Wicham and Walter de Wanberg to make attorneys in his place in all pleas, etc., until Michaelmas next. 332 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 16d-cont. - -- TTheobald le Botillier acknowledges that he owes 220 marks to the executors of the will of William de Kent; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands in co. Lancaster. For payment hereof at the said terms specified he found as pledge Richard le Botillier, who likewise acknowledged the debt. Membrane 16d.-Schedule. William de Warenna, son of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, granted before William de Luton that the earl, when he dies, may dispose of all his lands in co. Norfolk, and that he [William] will esteem the disposition firm and stable until ten years after the earl's death, and that he will not contravene the assignment, but that he will protect the earl's executors and will warrant then until the end of the said term. MEMBRANE 15d. Feb. 24. Eleanor ]a Zusche, who is going by the king's licence to Scotland, has given Banbury. power to brothers Geoffrey de Brackel[eye] and Thomas de Brackel[eye] to make attorneys for her in all pleas, etc., until one year from Easter next. Enrolment of grant by James de Shirl[eye], knight, to Richard Foun of all his rent from his free tenants in Shirl[eye], Halington, and Bubbedon, with homages, wardships, and all other services, and of all his land that his villeins hold in Shirl[eye], with all their chattels, offspring, and of pasture for all Richard's cattle, with all liberties in meadows, woods, pastures, waters, ways, and all other places within and without the said town; and of all his land in Bubbeton that Ivo the chaplain holds of his demise; rendering therefor a pound of cumin yearly for all services. Witnesses: Sir William de Eyte, knight, Sir John de Kirkeby, Sir Anthony Bek, Sir William de Hamelton, Sir Walter de Odyham, Sir Hugh de Kendale, Sir Robert de Scartheburg, Sir William de Hanyton, Sir Sewall Foun of Yevel[eye]. Enrolment of agreement, made on Sunday after St. Matthew, 4 Edward, between Sir James de Shirlegh, knight, and Richard Foun, witnessing that James has received a loan of 84 marks from Richard, for payment whereof he has pledged all his rents, etc., as in preceding enrolment, and he grants that Richard shall have them in fee aud inheritance if he do not pay the money at the term fixed, and Richard grants that the preceding deed shall be of non effect and that he will restore it to John if the latter pay the money at the term fixed. Witnesses as in preceding deed. March 4. Memorandum, that James came into chancery, and acknowledged the Overton. premises. Mar. 5. The abbot of Merivale, who is going by the king's licence to parts beyond Croxton. sea, has given power to brother William de Wavere to make attorneys for him in all pleas, etc., until All Saints next. William son of William de Notingham acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 4 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Ralph son of John de Lafford puts in his place Thomas son of Hugh de la Sale of Grantham in the suit before the king concerning a trespass committed upon Ralph by Brian de Herdeby, Robert de Aneye, and others. Cicely, wife of Alexander de Scalleby, puts in her place Alexander her husband in a suit before the king concerning a trespass committed upon her by Matthew Dogenet, Ivo Legaunt, and Gilbert Quarel of Lincoln. William Blak came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Matthias, and sought to replevy to William de Valencia the latter's manor of Reyden, 4 EDWARD I. 333 1276. Membrane 15d-cont. which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert son of Walter. Mar. 19. To Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Tower Kirkton. of London. Order to cause to be observed in their ejrre the following provisions made by the late king, the present king, and his council and others who had agreed (convenerant) with the late king at Marleberge: that if appeal or complaint of robbery and breach of the peace or homicide should be made before justices in eyre or of other offences in the time of the war against any who were against the late king or against others, or if presentments of such offences should be made as are wont to be made at the capitula of the crown, no one should lose life or limb or incur the penalty of perpetual imprisonment on these grounds, but that justice should be done in another manner concerning damages or things lost or carried off and trespasses according to the discretion of the late king's justices, and moreover that the contents of the Dictum of Kenilleworth should be diligently observed, and that the justices should have in all their eyres a transcript of the Dictum, so that the said king's justices in eyre should do nothing concerning those things that had been determined or ought to be determined by other justices of the said king, without special order from the said king if he should enjoin anything upon them. They are to know that the war began on April 4, in the 48th year of the late king's reign, when the same king went with his army from Oxford to Northampton with banners displayed, and that it lasted continuously until Sept. 16, in the 49th year, when at Winchester, after the battle of Evesham, he caused his peace to be confirmed and proclaimed in the presence of the barons who had come thither. It was provided that no one should lose life or limb for robberies or homicides or other things done under the guise of war by those who were against the late king from 4 June, in the 47th year of his reign, when they first, going through the land with banners displayed, committed robberies, homicides, and imprisonments on persons ecclesiastical and secular, until the said time when the said king went with his army from Oxford to Northampton. Concerning other things that were not done under guise of war during that time, [it was decided that] that time should be regarded as a time of peace. From the time aforesaid when he caused his peace to be strengthened and confirmed at Winchester, the law should run as in time of peace it was wont to run; provided that for those who were at Axeholm or at Kenill[eworth], or in the Isle of Ely, or at Cestrefeld or, afterwards at Southwark (Suwerk) there should be observed fully their peace as they ought to have it, whether by the Dictum of Kenil[leworth] or by their privileges of the peace granted to them. Concerning those who were with the earl of Gloucester in the last disturbance, the peace made between the late king and the earl shall be observed, so that from the time when the earl went from Wales to London until the (lay when he went from the city aforesaid, justices should not proceed against him or against those who were in his peace, and this provision is to be understood of him only. Concerning depredations made on both sides during the time aforesaid, there should be observed what is contained in the peace made between the late king and the said earl. [Ryley, Placita, Appendix, p. 440.] -------- The prior of Pontefract and Robert de Sistan put in their place John -- Poyde in the suit before the king between them and Alexander de Kirketon and others named in a writ of trespass. David de Folifed puts in his place Hugh de Folifed in a suit before the king between him and Thomas de Belewe and others named in the writ of a plea of trespass. March 22. John Pottou came before the king, on Sunday the morrow of St. Barton. Benedict, and sought to replevy the land of himself and Rosamund his wife, 334 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 15d-cont. which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Richard de Tornhill. Nicholas son of Thomas le Marescal came before the king, on Monday before the Annunciation, and sought to replevy to himself and to Robert son of Thomas le Marescal and to Reginald his brother and to Agnes daughter of Thomas le Marescal their messuage in Lichefeld, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Richard le Marescal. William Blak came before the king, on Wednesday before St. Gregory, and [sought to replevy to] William de Valencia the latter's manor of Reydon, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert son of Walter. Elias de Normanton, Roger Poleyn of Drayton, and Robert de Ythslepe came into the king's court, on Saturday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy their land in Est Draiton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Beatrice, late the wife of John son of Hugh de Estdrayton. IMEMBRANE 14d. Robert Crobbe of Holteby came before the king, on Thursday after Palm - Sunday, and sought to replevy to John, parson of the church of Holteby, the latter's land in Holteby, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert son of Aldusa de Barneby. April 4. Nicholas le Pestur of Elverton, Thomas son of Thomas de Belby, Lincoln. William le Long, Ralph Forman, William Longrak, and Peter le Rotour put in their place William Wlryc or Richard de Aton in a suit before the king between them and Henry Hay, parson of the church of Hanton, and others named in a writ of a plea of trespass. April 6. Nicholas de Overtol and Agnes his wife and Avicia, late the wife of Lincoln. William Griffin, came before the king, on Monday after Easter, and sought to replevy their land in Stichebrok, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the king against John de la Sale of Stichebrok. John son of Walter de Freskeneya came before the king, on Monday in Easter week, and sought to replevy his land in Friskney (Freskeneia), which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Ranulph son of Eudo de Freskeneia. -— _ — William Blak came before the king, on the same day, and sought to replevy to William de Valencia the latter's manor of Reydon near Wangeford except 121. yearly of land in the same, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert son of Walter. Peter Picot came before the king, on the same day, and sought to replevy his land in Radeclive, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Agnes, late the wife of William le Keu. Nicholas de Segrave came before the king, on Thursday in Easter week, and sought to replevy his land in Stottesdon and the advowson of the church of the same town, which were taken into the king's hands for his default against Elizabeth, late the wife of Henry de Penbrigg, William de Penbrigg, and Eufemia his wife. Roger de Hoveden puts in his place Hugh de Jertheburg in a suit before the king between him and Reginald le Palefreyman, Hugh le Porter, 4 EDWARD t. 335 1276. Membrane 14d-cont. William de Spaldington, Alice his wife, and Benedict Alice's brother of a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. William de Pokebrok and Amicia his wife put in their place Solomon de Pokebrok and John Dale of the same town in a suit before the king between them and Richard de Irencestre of a plea of detention of charters. William de (sic) Wasteneys puts in his place Thomas Scot in a suit before the king between him and Alan de Trengeston, Robert his brother, Ralph Paynel, Ralph le Blake, William de Hibernia, Thomas Page, John Page, Reginald 'in the Forlong,' John son of Robert de Threngeston, Alexander son of Robert, Richard le Messager, Elias le Provost, William son of William de Wollaveston, and Robert de Holt in a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. The abbot of Vaudey puts in his place brother John de Hermethorp and John de Blacheston in a suit of trespass before the king between him and Gilbert de Gandavo and John le Marescal and Walter le Forester, who committed the trespass upon the abbot. Memorandum, that Philip, parson of St. George's church, Stanfford, delivered to brother Baldwin Gubaud, warden of the Friars Minors of Stanford, on Friday in Easter week, two deeds touching the castle and town of Stanford, to be kept until the king shall otherwise ordain. William le (sic) Wasteneys puts in his place Thomas Scot in the suit between him and Alan de Threngeston, Robert his brother, Ralph Paynel, Ralph le Blake, William de Hibernia, Thomas Page, John Page, Reginald 'in the Forlong,' John son of Robert de Threngeston, Alexander son of Robert, Richard le Messager, Elias le Provost, William son of Hugh le Keu, Roger Pate, Simon de Ashwell, Robert le Serjaunt, Peter son of Osbert de Ashewell, William son of William de Wollaveston, and Robert de Holt concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Robert Simeon and Idonea his wife came before the king, on Wednesday after the octaves of Easter, and sought to replevy their land in Staunton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against John Damyen. April 18. John de Brehus attorns before the king William Swayp in a suit before Coleham. the king between him and John Giffard and Matilda his wife concerning the manor of Glabury and damages of 500 marks adjudged to him and detained from him by them. The dean and chapter of Rouen put in their place Master Herbert Quarel, Matthew de Basselowe, John de Oskevilla, and Henry Garget in a suit before the king between them and Master John Clarel, of a plea of trespass. April 21. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Kempton, the lands of Gocelin de Brathewayt, who is indebted by his charters to divers Jews of the realm, to be extended, and to cause him to have reasonable terms at which he can pay the debts, saving to him the chief messuage and a moiety of his lands, in accordance with the provision and grant lately made by the king to Christians indebted to Jews, provided that what the Jews have received from the lands since the said gift and provision shall be allowed to Gocelin. - -s,........-.^^... Robert de Steynley has like letters. Walter Sewal has like letters. Roger son of Thomas Sig' of Oulton has like letters. 336 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 14d-cont. Margaret de Ros puts in her place Walter de Teyl, clerk, and Richard de Camera in a suit before the king between her and William de Wyndesor' concerning a mill erected in Grarig' in Kendal. Thomas de Insula puts in his place Reginald his son and William his brother in a suit before the king between him and Gilbert de Humfrannvill, Thomas de la Chaumbre, Richard son of William Calyn of Hirbotil and Alan his brother. Richard de Talevan acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Bray 8 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. Enrolment of deed of Hugh Lovel, demising to Sir Henry de Tregoz, lord of Garinges, his manor of Storketon, co. Sussex, with all appurtenances except half an acre of land, the advowsons of the church and of the new chantry of the manor, from Easter, 4 Edward, until Michaelmas following and for seven years from then, as contained in a deed of agreement between them, for 861. that Henry paid to him beforehand. He wills that if he die during this term, so that the manor shall come into the custody of another by reason of the wardship of his heirs, his heirs or executors shall not distribute anything of his goods until they shall have rendered to Henry as much as shall then be in arrear to him of the aforesaid sum, and if his executors will not do so, he wills that his heirs shall be bound to make such payment to Henry in full, and that the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks his goods shall be found may levy the money in form aforesaid, to be paid to Henry. Dated at Westminster, April 27, in the year aforesaid. John de Mekesburgh came before the king, on Tuesday before St. Mark, and sought to replevy the laud of Agnes de la Sale of Brinesford in Brinesford, which was taken into the king's hands for her default in the king's court against Ralph le Walker and Beatrice his wife. Memorandum, that on 25 April, brother William, prior of Spalding, delivered into chancery at Westminster the rolls of the eyre of brother John de Spalding, sometime prior of that place, and the late king's justice for the time when he was justice in co. Essex, in the 56th year of the said king's reign. * John le Brun acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Bracy 8 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Bedford. Cancelled on payment. William de Bradeleye acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Basing 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, his lands and chattels in co. Essex. May 3. The master of the military order of the Temple in England, who is going Westminster. by the king's licence to parts beyond sea, attorns before the king brother William de Medburn in all pleas, and he gave to him power to make attorneys in his place, for one year. 2M/EMBRANE 13d. Robert Paume of Horncastle (Horncastr') acknowledges that he owes to William de Alvingham 41.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Eudo la Zusch acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Kancia, clerk, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. Cancelled upon payment. 4 EDWARD I. 337 1276. Membrane 13d —cont. May 4. Richard le Flemeng and Nicholas de Karru, who are going to Ireland Westminster. by the king's licence, have given power to Thomas le Gras and Richard de Slottesford to make attorneys for them in all pleas until Michaelmas next and for a year from then. John de Trumpeton acknowledges that lie owes to Ralph Pypard 14 - marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. Roger de Nowers acknowledges that he owes to Philip Burnel 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. Robert de Hampstede acknowledges that he owes to William de Valencia 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. James Russel acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Helyun and his fellows, executors of the will of Robert Walraund, 181.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and Somerset. Stephen de Cornhull acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Cugeho 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. John de Pichford acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Cancelled upon payment. John son of Henry de Negeton acknowledges that he owes to Philip Burnel 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. May 6. To all the king's bailiffs and faithful, etc. Notification that he has Westminster. appointed Fulk Lovel, archdeacon of Colchester, and John Bek to make inquisition concerning the wares, debts, and other goods of merchants of Flanders, where and in whose hands the debts are, and what the debts are, and by whom they are owing, and for what merchandise or goods, and the earnest-moneys that the said merchants have given for wool or other wares, and what are the earnest-moneys, and to take into the king's hands the wool or wares to the value of the earnest-moneys aforesaid, and to levy all debts owing by all persons of the king's power to merchants of Flanders, and to arrest and take into the king's hands the goods and wares of the said merchants wherever found, and to detain them in the king's name, and also to enquire who have removed goods of the said merchants contrary to the king's inhibition and have taken them into Flanders or elsewhere within the power of the countess of Flanders, and to arrest the bodies of those who have thus removed goods, and to enquire if any perscns have communicated with the said merchants after the king's inhibition by buying, selling, receiving, or rendering debts to them or by changing or avowing their goods by art or contrivance, and if any persons have caused wool to be taken by them to parts beyond sea after the inhibition, and to plead and determine such pleas, and to do all other things that the matter requires, as shall seem fit to them. The king therefore orders the bailiffs and faithful, etc., to be intending and answering to the said Fulk and John in all things pertaining to the premises, as Fulk and John shall cause them to know on the king's behalf. u 96998. Y 338 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 13d-cont. May 7. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause Gilbert de Clare, earl Westminster. of Gloucester, to come before the aforesaid Fulk and John, appointed to hear and determine the affairs of the merchants of England and Flanders, in Lincoln cathedral, in the octaves of Midsummer next to answer to the king for the following money, which the king understands Gilbert owed to the following merchants at the time when the king and the countess of Flanders agreed at Musteroyl, in the second year of the king's reign, to wit 6701. 11s. Od. to Baldwin Maheu, Lambert le Sage, Peter de Pipre, Michael le Crok, Michael de Lo, Michael de Cassele, John de Lo, Peter de Lo, and John Baudry, merchants of Ipre; 571. 13s. 4d. to Nicholas Cantin, merchant of Douay; and 161. Is. 8d. to Philip Bertulf of Flanders, where it was agreed that the king should cause inquiry to be made what goods, debts, and chattels of Flanders were arrested by the late king and him by reason of the dispute between the said king, the present king, and the countess for the goods, debts, and chattels of merchants of England that she had arrested and detained in Flanders; and that the king should satisfy therefrom the merchants of England, so far as the said goods should suffice, in recompence for the damages sustained by them by reason of the said dispute in Flanders. Witness the aforesaid (sic) J. Bek. Thomas son of Nicholas de Eston, Guy Boteturt, Baldwin de Maneriis, and William Talemach, acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Tybotot 431. 6s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. [blank]. Enrolment of release by Peter de Scoteny to the king of five knights' fees that he held of the king by reason of a moiety of the barony of Scoteny, saving to Peter and his heirs 64s. of land and rent that he holds in the town of Steynton of the king by the service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee. Dated at London, 7 May, 4 Edward. Enrolment of release by Ralph de Albynyaco, knight, to the king of his right in the honor of Monemuth. Witnesses: Sir William de Valencia, Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari, Sir Payn de Cadurcis, Sir Roger de Clifford, Sir Robert de Nevill, Sir Robert de Tybetot, Sir Hugh son of Otto, Sir Walter de Helyun, Sir John de Gayton, Sir Ricliard de Bosco. Dated at Westminster, in the king's parliament, 7 May.' Memorandum, that the two preceding deeds were delivered to brother Joseph de Cauncy, the king's treasurer, on 10 May, for custody in the treasury. May 10. Ela, countess of Warwick, acknowledges that she owes to the abbot and Westminster. convent of Stanleye, co. Wilts, 300 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels. Enrolment of deed of Gerard de Rodes, witnessing that whereas he lately, at the instance of the king, bound himself and his heirs for the king and for Henry de Alem[annia], the king's kinsman, and for Sir Hugh le Bygod in 749 marks 5s. borrowed for their use from divers communities of merchants and from other merchants and from divers places, he protests by these presents that the king has satisfied him by the hands of Sir William de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, and John de Londonia for all the money aforesaid that Gerard received from the merchants for the use of the king and the others aforesaid, and he wills that the king and the others shall be acquitted of the sum aforesaid, and that their deeds of obligation shall be of no effect, and that he shall be bound to acquit them thereof against the said merchants. Dated 2 May, 4 Edward. EDWARD I. 389 1276. Membrane 13d —cont. Memorandum, that Ralph de Wodeburg', Gerard's attorney, came into chancery, and acknowledged that he had received in Gerard's name all the money aforesaid, and he acquitted the king and William de Valencia thereof. Memorandum, that the charter aforesaid was delivered on 16 May, to brother Joseph de Chauncy, the treasurer, for custody in the treasury. Memorandum, that John de Badbiry came into chancery, on 12 May, and remitted to the abbot and convent of Glastonbury 61. of yearly pension, in which they are bound to him by their charter, on condition that he shall receive 101. hereafter, at the terms agreed upon. May 12. Roger de Cliff[ord], the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Alice Etewell Westminster. of Northampton 211. 3s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Hereford and Gloucester. Membrne 13d.-Schedule. Enrolment of agreement between Sir William de Morteyn and Margery la Rousse, his aunt, witnessing that whereas there were lately divers disputes between them in the king's court and out of it concerning damages, waste done, prises and imprisonments, and other matters, she hereby releases to William all damages, suits, and actions against him until this time, saving to her her purparty of the mill of Waleshale, which she ought to have had on the dayof her father's death or that might afterwards fall to her; and William releases to her all actions, deeds, enrolments, etc., that he had or might have until this day. They agree that the king shall make purparty of the manor of Waleshale between them, with all the appurtenances that belonged to Sir William le Rous on the day of his death, except the chief messuage, the park, and the fishpond, which shall remain to Sir William for the purparty that he ought to have in Kaldecote. Kaldecote with all appurtenances shall remain to Margery. In case Margery lose Kaldecote by judgment of law, William grants that she shall recover the value of a moiety thereof in the manor of Waleshale by extent, without (dehors) the said chief messuage, park, and fishpond. French. MEMBRANE 12d. Memorandum, that John de Kyrkeby, archdeacon of Stafford, on Ascension Day, did homage to Richard de Fremauntel for the manor of Cotene, co. Northampton. And Richard did homage to John for 71. 12s. Od. yearly of the villeinage in the towns of North Acle, Pittis, and Hanyton, which villeinage (quod) John had of the grant of Roger son of Peter. Robert de Lilleseye acknowledges that he owes to John de Reda, clerk, 601.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Hugh de Coleworth acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Agmodesham 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. May 16. Walter de Trailly acknowledges that he owes to John de Norwod 301.; Westminster. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham and Bedford. For payment hereof Walter found sureties, to wit Richard Gruscet, John, de Steiton, and Walter de Tingewick, who acknowledged the said debt; to be levied, in case of John's default, of their lands and chattels. 340 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 12d-cont. Thomas le Riche of Andovre acknowledges that he owes to John de Besillye 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. Payn de Cadurcis acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 11 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. Thomas Corbet acknowledges that he owes to Malcolm de Harleye 50s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Membrane 12d-Schedule. Debts of divers persons to be paid at Michaelmas, the residue of which debts ought to be attermined by the king. Salop. It is granted to Robert Lestrange (Extraneo) that he shall pay the 1681. due from him for the remainder of the ferm of Wracwordin by 241. at Michaelmas next, and the king shall provide terms for the remainder, if he will, and in the meantime Robert shall have peace concerning the whole debt. Norfolk. Robert de Tateshale owes 3121. for many debts now found at the exchequer, of which he has day at Michaelmas for 401., and for the remainder as above. Lincoln. Richard de Grey owes 3691. 13s. 9d., whereof he shall render at Michaelmas 401., and the remainder as above. Cambridge. Thomas de Lovetot owes 1981. Is. 54d. of the debt of Roger his father and in addition to his relief, whereof he shall render 101. at Michaelmas, and the remainder as above. Surrey, Essex. David de Jarpenvill owes 401. for many debts, whereof he has respite until Michaelmas. Hertford. Ralph de Thony owes 481., whereof he shall render 100s. at Michaelmas, and the remainder as above. York. John de Eyvill owes 200 marks for a fine and 511. 10s. 8d. for many other debts, whereof he shall render at Michaelmas 50 marks, and the remainder as above. Lincoln. John de Boulton, son and heir of Thomas de Boulton, owes 681. 7s. 2d., whereof he shall render at Michaelmas 81. 7s. 2d., and the remainder as above. Bedford. Peter del Estane owes 40 marks for a fine, whereof he shall render 20 marks at Michaelmas, and the remainder as above. Lincoln. It is granted to Robert de Trehampton that of the debt due to the king for the twentieth-[Incomplete.] Hereford. Henry de Penbrugge owes 471. for many debts, whereof he shall render 20 marks at Michaelmas, and the remainder as above. Southampton. It is granted to Roger son and heir of James de Scures, a minor in the custody of John le Fauconer, that of the 511. 10s. 6d. due from him for his father's debts he shall render 6 marks yearly at Michaelmas until the debt be paid, and the said John mainperned to observe the said term during his custody. Berks. It is granted to Thomas heir of Nicholas de Hanred that of the debts that he owes to the king for Nicholas he shall render 10 marks at Michaelmas, and so ten marks yearly at the same term until the debt be paid. Devon. It is granted to Hugh son and heir of John de Curtenay that of the 1001. that he owes to the king for his relief he shall render 501. at Michaelmas and the other moiety at Easter following. 4 EDWARD 1. 341 1276. Membrane 12d-Schedule-cont. Essex. It is granted to Robert de Brus, the elder, that of the 381. that he owes to the king he shall render 25 marks at Michaelmas next, and the same sum yearly at that feast until the debt be paid, if it please the king. MEMBRANE lid..-.. William Gerberge of Yarmouth, the younger, Augustine the clerk of Dunwich, Walter son of Simon de Stonene, Christian le Taverner of London, Thomas de Cornhull in London, and Robert de Sheffeud of Dunwich, mainperned to have Augustine son of John de Dunewico before the king's marshals, each of them body for body, or before the justices to deliver Norwich gaol. May 17. Geoffrey de Roeng acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Westminster. Briaunzun 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. Stephen de Londonia and John de Honton acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Rogate 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Nutus de Florencia, merchant, acknowledges that he owes to Francis de Bononia, the king's councillor, 27 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment. The abbot of Stratford without London acknowledges that he owes to William de Munchensy, son of Warin de Munchensy, 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. May 20. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, Order to cause Westminster. John son and heir of Hamo de Burton, deceased, to have reasonable terms, saving to him the chief messuage and a moiety of his tenement and the chief lord's service, for payment of the debts due to Abraham Russel, a Jew of Wilton, by reason of certain loans to Hamo, as contained in Hamo's charter in the Jew's possession, according to an extent of John's tenement that the king caused to be made, which he sends to the justices, provided that what has been paid to the Jew shall be allowed to John, as the king wishes to help John in accordance with the provision and grant that he lately made to Christians indebted to Jews. Memorandum, that Adam 1e Despenser came into the chancery and granted to William de Wintreshull and Beatrice his wife the manor of Burgham, co. Surrey, for their lives, with reversion to him. For this grant, they gave him 200 marks. May 24. Elias de Berkwey, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence, puts in Westminster. his place Robert le Marescal and William Molle in all pleas for a year, unless he return from Ireland. - The abbot of King's Beaulieu, who is going to parts beyond sea by the - king's licence, has given power to brother William de Gysorz and brother William de Staundon, monks of his house, to make attorneys in his place in all pleas until Christmas next, unless he return in the interval. William de Blonvill acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Cavenedish 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Essex. 342 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane lid-cont. Enrolment of deed of Walter de Vernun, knight, witnessing that whereas the king has granted to him the manor of Conewardesley, to him and his heirs for ever, the said Walter, for 43 marks paid to him in the king's name by the hands of the abbot of Dernhale, hereby surrenders the manor to the king, and releases to him his right in the same. He undertakes to surrender to the king the latter's charter made to him of the manor, and grants that if he do not, the charter shall be of non-effect. Witnesses: Sir Robert de Kylwardeby, archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Burnel, bishop of Bath and Wells, Sir William de Valencia, Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari, Sir Robert Tybotot, Sir Roger de Clifford, Sir John de Kyrkeby, then the king's clerk, William de Hamelton. May 28. John de la Bere, who is going to Gascony upon the king's affairs, Westminster. attorns in his place William de la Bere or Henry de Waltham, clerk, in all pleas for a year, unless he return before then. Roger de Cliff[ord], the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Nutus, merchant of Florence, 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment. William de Blumvill acknowledges that he owes to William son of Warin de Monte Caniso 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Essex. June 3. Roger de Mortimer acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Luke Westminster. de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), 230 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. [omitted]. Martin le Pastur and Matilda his wife, Roger Pek and Emma his wife, Richild le Deye, Toley Pet, Walter his brother, Simon son of Fulk, Godfrey le Mouner, and Basilia his wife, William le Mouner and Emma his wife came before the king, on Friday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy their land in Quappelad, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against William son of William de Morton and Richard his brother. Membrane 1 d. —Schedules..- * To the justiciary and chancellor of Ireland. Whereas Eleanor, late the wife of John de Verdun, tenant in chief, recovered in the king's court before the justices of the Bench her dower of the lands that belonged to John in England against Theobald son and heir of the said John, and it was afterwards agreed between her and the attorneys of Theobald in England that if Theobald rendered to her peacefully her dower aforesaid together with her dower of other lands that belonged to John in Dyveleck in Ireland, concerning which a plea was pending before the justices of the Bench of Dublin, Theobald should have for his life from the dower that she had previously recovered against him in Uriel the value of her dower in Webbeleye, Ewyas, and Lodelawe in England and in Dyveleck in Ireland, provided that he should not have any seisin of the lands in Uryel in her hands in name of dower until she should obtain seisin of the dower aforesaid, as contained in a deed made in the king's court between Eleanor and the said attorneys, a transcript whereof the king sent to the justiciary and chancellor on another time; and the justiciary and chancellor have put Theobald in seisin of her dower in Uryel by an extent unjustly made, as the king learns, although Theobald had not caused her to have her said * It is evident from the numerous alterations in the original that this is the draught of the writ. 4 EDWARD I. 343 1276. Membrane 1 d.-Schedules-cont. dower in Webbeleye, Ewias, and Lodelow: the king orders them, if they have caused Theobald to have seisin of her dower in Uryel, to cause her to have again seisin thereof, together with everything received therefrom in the meantime, to have until the justiciary and chancellor are informed that Theobald has rendered to her her dower in Webbeleye, Ewyas, and Lodewalawe (sic) and Divelek. May 13. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Whereas W. Westminster. archbishop of York claims to have, by the charters of king Richard and other predecessors of the king, the liberty that all lands of the archbishopric within the county of Nottingham, both in demesne lands and in the prebendal lands (in prebendis), shall be disafforested.and quit of wastes and assarts and pleas of the foresters and of all regard, so that no forester or other of the king's bailiffs should intermeddle therewith, which liberty the archbishop and his predecessors from the time of the making of the said charters have enjoyed until this time, as he asserts: the king orders Geoffrey to permit the archbishop to enjoy the said liberty henceforth without hindrance, in the manner in which he and his predecessors have heretofore used it and according to the contents of the said charters. MEMBRANE 10d. Enrolment of agreement between lady Isabella la Ercedekne and Geoffrey de Schyftington for the settlement of disputes between them arising before Tuesday before the Ascension, 4 Edward son of Henry, whereby Isabella remits to Geoffrey all actions, etc., against himn, and Geoffrey does the like on his side, and they agree that each of them shall cause the actions begun by them against one another to be withdrawn at their own expense. Witnesses: Sir John de Eyvill, Sir Ralph de Wodeburg, Sir Hervey de Chaworth, knights; Master Thomas and Master William de Luda; Robert de Boyton; Richard de Belver. ---- Nicholas son of Master Thomas de Milford and Margery his wife came - before the king, on Friday the feast of St. Boniface, and sought to replevy his land in Milford, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Alice daughter of Roger Cokus. Luke de Thany, who is going to Gascony for the king's affairs — [Incomplete.] The abbot of Thame and brother William le Whelwritte put in their place brother Roger de Hanyton in the suit before the king between them and brother William and Adam de Hedenham, Simon le Bedel, Henry le Clerc of Weston and Thomas de la Suerie of a plea of trespass. Membrane 10d.-Schedule. Mainpernors of R. Perot: Giles de Argentem, Hertford; Hugh Peche, Suffolk; Reginald de Argentem, Essex; Miles de Hastinges, Northampton; Richard de Argentem, Essex; William de Apeltrefeld, Lincoln; Roger de Tylmanston, Kent; Hugh de Coleworth, Essex; Peter Picote, Essex; John de Aston, of co. Somerset; Nicholas de la Hose, of co. Berks; Hugh de Brok, of cos. Berks and Oxon. MEMBRANE 9d. Enrolment of deed of Humphrey de Veyl, knight, binding himself to pay to Moses de Clare, a Jew, 201. at the house of Crasseus son of Master Elias, a Jew of London, in London in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene in 344 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 9d-cont. Melkstrete, in the quinzaine of Michaelmas, 4 Edward, to be paid in full under pain of half a mark of gold to be paid to the king as often and whenever he shall fail to make payment at the said term and place. For securing payment then and there, he charges himself and his heirs and his goods to be distrained for the use of Moses by the sheriff of York or by any other sheriff at the will of Moses, and for every distraint the sheriff shall receive from his goods 40s. He grants that all expenses and damages that Moses shall sustain by reason of the non-payment of the debt at the term aforesaid, shall be restored to him from the goods of Humphrey, and credence shall be given to the bare word of Moses without an oath concerning the amount of such expenses and damages. He renounces all exception or cavil, remedy of canon or civil law or royal prohibition that might benefit him or harm Moses hereafter. Memorandum, that Humphrey, at the aforesaid day, paid to the king at the exchequer by the wish of the said Jew 201., and he is acquitted thereof, and the star made between Humphrey and Moses thereof was delivered to Humphrey by the Jew's wish. Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid Humphrey, binding himself to Crasseus son of Master Elias, a Jew of London, in 120 marks, to be paid in the house of Crasseus in London in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene in Melkstrete, half at the quinzaine of Michaelmas, 4 Edward, and the remainder in a month from the following Martinmas, under pain of half a mark of gold to the king l(as in the preceding deed, and other clauses as in it). Memorandum, that Crasseus came into chancery, and acknowledged that he is bound to acquit the said Humphrey of 241. in which Humphrey is bound to him by charter, and of 801. in which he (Humphrey) is bound to him, Master Elias his father, and to Bonamicus, a Jew of York, in consideration of the said 120 marks, provided that if Humphrey fail in payment thereof, Crasseus shall have his recovery against him for that sum and for the 801. above mentioned. MEMBRANE 8d. Enrolment of release by William, abbot of Messinden, and the convent of the same, to the king of 50s. yearly in which the king was bound to them by the late king's grant by his letters patent, which grant was made to them for the maintenance of a chaplain in the abbey to celebrate divine service for the soul of Hugh de Samford, to be received by the hands of the sheriff of Buckingham, as the king has paid them 50 marks at his exchequer for the said yearly sum. They charge themselves by these presents to make the celebration aforesaid. Dated in their chapter at Messenden, on St. Barnabas, 1276. Memorandum, that the preceding letter and the late king's letter of grant of the said yearly sum were sent to brother Joseph de Chauncy, the treasurer, for custody in the treasury, so that the king and his heirs shall remain quit of the aforesaid payment henceforth for ever. June 9. Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, who is going by the Westminster. king's license to parts beyond sea, has given power to Henry de Wyntonia to make attorneys in his place in all pleas until Michaelmas next. June 15. Peter de Monte Forti acknowledges that he owes to John de Nevill 201.; Chichester. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. 4 EDWARD I. 345 1276. Membrane 8d-cont. Enrolment of deed of Payn de Cadurcis, binding himself to Aaron, son of Vives, a Jew, in 100 marks for the land of Raveneston, which Payn has in his hands by the delivery of Sir William de Barentin for the renewal (stallamento) of a debt between Aaron and the said William by agreement made between Aaron and William; rendering yearly to Aaron 101. until the aforesaid 100 marks be paid. He grants that Aaron shall have entry into the said lands if he fail in payment at any of the terms agreed upon, and that Aaron may hold it until he shall be satisfied for that sum. Dated at Aldingburn, on the day of the Translation of St. Richard, 4 Edward. Witnesses: Sir Otto de Granscon, Sir William de Busselard, Sir Patrick de Cadurcis, Sir James de Nevill. Memorandum, that Payn came into chancery, and acknowledged the preceding deed. Roger Lestrange (Extraneus) puts in his place William de la More and - Roger Maulovel in a suit before the king between him and John de Bella Aqua, Roger Holeye, and Robert Serkon for a trespass committed upon him by them. Juliana, late the wife of Richard Dod, puts in her place Robert de Berdewick and Thomas de Lyuns in the suit before the king concerning five messuages and 70 acres of land in Boding', Rigmere, and Clyve. Theobald de Verdun puts in his place Richard de Lyuns and Geoffrey de Boseworth in a suit before the king between him and Eleanor, late the wife of John de Verdun, concerning the non-observance of an agreement and acknowledgment. July 5. Henry de Ilkeneshal acknowledges that he owes to John de Ubbeston Canterbury. 23 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Huntingdon, Bedford, and Suffolk. ----- William de Valencia came before the king, on Tuesday the Translation of --- St. Thomas the Martyr, and sought to replevy his manor of Benham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Henry de Lascy, earl of Lincoln, and Margaret his wife. July 8. John de Esthalle acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Apeldrefeld, Canterbury. the elder, 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. July 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Eastwood. Gurnay, who is indebted to divers Jews by his charters, to have reasonable terms for payment of the said debts according to the extent of his lands that the king has caused to be made, which he sends to them under his seal, and according to the provision and grant that the king lately made to Christians indebted to Jews, saving to John his chief messuago and a moiety of his lands, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. William de Keleshal acknowledges that he owes to John de Bohun, son and heir of Frank de Bohun, 113 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Dorset. The abbot of Ford, of the Cistercian order, who is going by the king's licence to parts beyond sea, puts in his place Nicholas de Bettescum, monk of Ford, and Edward Gamage in all pleas until Easter next, unless he return in the meantime, and he gave them power to make other attorneys in his place. July 21. Walter de Gayton acknowledges that he owes to Philip Burnell 101.; to Westminster. be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. 346 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 8d-Schedule. Enrolment of grant by Joc[eus] de Dunham to Philip Marmyun of three hides of the free tenement that the king gave to Joceus in his free manor of Westbury; rendering therefore to Joceus a third of a knight's service when scutage runs throughout the whole realm, for all service, etc. that might arise from Philip. He also grants to Philip 'husbott' and 'heybote' in all his woods of Westbury, and sufficient brushwood for his fire throughout all his woods, and that all beasts of Philip and his men shall be quit of pannage throughout all his woods and elsewhere in all places with the beasts of Joceus, as freely as the king granted such liberty to Joceus. Witnesses; Sir Arnulf de Glanvill, Sir Robert Treget, Sir Godfrey Escudemor, William Walding, William de Aneseve, Walter de Lya, Savaric de Penlyge, Colswen de Lye, Hervey, then the clerk of Joceus. Acknowledgment by John del Esthalle that he is bound to Sir Henry de Apeldrefeud, the elder, in 10/. Henry has released to John and Alice his wife his right in the manor of (illegible) and in la Dove in the name of ferm or of free tenement, on condition that the [corn] in the lands of the manor on the day when this fine was made shall remain to the said Sir Henry, and the corn shall be threshed in the manor by Henry's servant, and the fodder (furrage) and (illegible) shall remain to John. John has released to Henry all the demand and action that he had against him [for] chattels. If any deed shall be found in the possession (vers) of Henry contrary to this agreement (illegible) on both sides. MEMBRANE 7d. July 21. John de Ufford, brother and heir of Robert de Ufford, the latter of whom Westminster. is going to Ireland for the king's affairs, came into chancery, and granted to Robert that if the latter should die during John's life, the executors of Robert shall receive for three years from his death all the issues of the lands in England and in Ireland whereof Robert shall die seised in his demesne as of fee and which shall descend in inheritance to John, so that the executors shall have full administration of the issues aforesaid without hindrance of John or of his heirs. The said John acknowledged and granted for himself and his heirs that the executors shall have and hold all the lands aforesaid for the said three years without hindrance. Thomas de Boun acknowledges that he owes to John de Bohun 2001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in England and Ireland. July 24. Robert de Ufford, who is going to Ireland for the king's affairs, puts in Westminster. his place Thomas de Skerningg' or John de Hammes in all pleas for five years, unless he return in the meantime, with power to appoint other attorneys in his place. Robert Pecche, who is going to Ireland with the aforesaid Robert for the king's affairs, puts in his place William de Sidolvesmere and Richard le Coffrer in all pleas, granting them power to appoint other attorneys in his place, for ten years, unless he return in the meantime. July 27. The following have quittance of the common summons in the eyre in Westminster. co. Bedford Emeric de Rupe Cauardi.* William son of Robert de Middelton of co. Somerset, came in the chancery on Sunday after St. Peter ad Vincula, and acknowledged that he had * Space left for the insertion of more names. 4 EDWARD 1. 347 1276. Membrane 7d-cont. delivered to Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, a moiety of his lands and meadow in Middelton, to have to Aaron to the value of 10 marks yearly for a debt of 1801. due from him to Aaron, until Aaron shall have received the said 1801. at the rate of 10 marks yearly, whether the land be worth more or less. He also acknowledged that if the land, meadow, or rent fall in (acciderint) before payment of the said debt, he grants that Aaron shall have a moiety of the land, meadow, or rent at a lawful extent to be made thereof. Aaron is bound to acquit William against Jacob Copyn, a Jew of Exeter, of all debts in which William is bound to Jacob. Membrane 7d-Schedules. Enrolment of agreement between the king and Isabella, countess of Albemarle, that the countess shall give to the king, as securely as may be done, all the land that she has of her inheritance, as well the Isle of Wyht as all other lands and rents, with advowsons of churches and religious houses, knights' fees, dowers when they happen, and all other appurtenances falling to her by right of inheritance, or whatsoever tenements she held in fee on the day when this agreement was made, except the manors of Sevehampton, Wytlecherche, Harewode, and Craft, so that the lands shall be extended by two men on her behalf and two on the king's, and that lands of the king's to the same value shall be extended by the same men. If the said men do not agree in making the extent, then a fifth shall be elected by the king and by her, who shall determine the matters in dispute. When the lands have been thus extended, the countess shall enfeoff the king of all her lands aforesaid, except the four manors above named. All lands that may fall to the countess hereafter, as well those that Thomas de Breaute holds as others, shall remain to the king. The king shall enfeoff the countess of his lands thus extended to the value of her lands and advowsons held on the day when this agreement was made to hold for her life. He shall also give to her 20,000 marks for the gift and confirmation of the lands aforesaid. The dowers, escheats, and fees ought not to be extended, nor exchange made with her for them. The king shall warrant to her the lands thus extended to the value of her lands, which shall be committed to her in exchange, and he shall not permit her to be disseised thereof until exchange have been made to her to the value. And the king grants this for himself and his heirs. Done at Winchester, on the morrow of St. Hilary, in the fourth year of the king's reign. Enrolment of letters patent of the king, granting to Amicia de Redveriis, countess of Devon, the manor of Boklaund, with the hamlets of Columtun, Walanton, and Bykele, to have and to hold according to the tenor of the charters that she has of the gift of Isabella de Fortibus, countess of Albemarle, her daughtar, with provisional confirmation of any grant thereof to men of religion that she may make for the construction of a new house of religious, on condition that such house shall after her death be held of the king in chief, and he promises to confirm the house when constructed or ordained in frank almoin. Date omitted. Enrolment of other letters of the king, witnessing that whereas treaty had been had between the king and Isabella, countess of Albemarle, to make the king her heir, the king grants to her the manors of Sevenhampton, Harewod, Whitlecherche, and Craft or Tyberton, which are of the said inheritance, with power to give, sell, or assign them whenever or to whomsoever she wish, provided that the services due to the king therefrom shall remain to him fully, and the king promises to grant and confirm the gifts of the said manors to be made by her. Date omitted. Draught of the preceding agreement, with alterations and additions. 348 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 7d —Shedules-cont. Enrolment of agreement between the king and Isabella, countess of Albemarle and Devon, whereby she agrees to give to the king all her inheritance, as well the Isle of Wyht as other lands, and rents, with the advowsons of churches and religious houses, knights' fees, etc., falling to her in inheritance, or whatever tenements she held in fee on the day [when this agreement was made], whether of her inheritance or of her purchase, by whatsoever name they may be called; to have and to hold to him and his heirs, except the manors of Sevehampton, Whytechyrch, Harewode, and Tyverton and the service of Henry Trenchard of one knight's fee, and the service of Richard de Affton of one knight's fee, which shall remain to the countess, to hold of the king and his heirs by the services therefor due and accustomed and in form following, that is to say, that the countess shall make good seisin of the aforesaid lands to the king as she now holds them, except the four manors and two knights' fees aforesaid, and the king shall hold the inheritance as his own until some reasonable time to be provided between them, and afterwards he shall demise them to the countess excepting the knights' fees for her life by final concord to be made between them in his court. It is provided that all the tenements that are held in dower of the said inheritance shall remain to the king when they fall in, and in like manner there shall remain to the king by the fine aforesaid all the said knights' fees, with their homages, services, etc. Moreover, the king may make his commodity whenever he wish by sale or otherwise of the crop (vestura) of all the woods that were in the countess's hands of the inheritance aforesaid. The countess shall have power to do her will of the said four manors, giving or assigning them to whomsoever she will, saving to the king his service. If the countess recover the manor of Navesby, which she claims as her right, then she shall give it to the king, to hold to him and his heirs in exchange and for the value of the manor of Tyverton, and unless it be worth as much as the manor of Tyverton, the countess shall make up the value to the king from her other lands. If she do not recover the manor of Navesby, and she recover the manor of Craft, which she claims, then she shall give the latter manor to the king for the manor of Tyverton in form aforesaid. If she do not recover either of the said manors, or be remiss in sueing or die, then she or her assigns or heirs shall make the king reasonable exchange therefor from her other lands remaining to her into whose hands soever they may have come for the manor of Tyverton. All lands that may hereafter fall to the countess, as well those that Thomas de Bryaute holds as others whencesoever coming, shall remain to the king by the fine aforesaid. Tne king shall assign to her 1,0001. of land, to have until the fine shall be made and levied, and this assignment shall be made before she shall put the king in seisin of her inheritance. The king shall give to her for her inheritance 20,000 marks, whereof he shall pay her a moiety when he receives seisin of her inheritance, and the other moiety when the fine shall be made and levied. After the levying of the fine and after she shall have her seisin of the said inheritance, the king shall have again the said 1,0001. yearly of land. And the king and the countess grant that they and their heirs shall fulfil, hold and observe all and singular the premisses in any case whatsoever arising. Note.-Let it be transcribed and a transcript given to Henry Trenchard. *The countess came into chancery at Odiham, and acknowledged the agreement aforesaid, and for the faithful observance thereof she bound all her lands under pain of forfeiture of the same. * It is not clear from the position of the schedules which agreement this refers to. The schedule containing the record of the acknowledgment is at present sewed in front of the other three. 4 EDWARD I. 349 1276. Membrane 7d- Schedules-cont. The dowers, escheats, and knights' fees aforesaid ought not to be extended nor exchange made for them. MEMBRANE 6d. Enrolment of grant by John de Bohun, knight, son of the late Sir Frank (Franconis) de Bohun, and Joan, wife of the said John, to the king of their serjeanty of his chapel and the office of spigurnels pertaining to them, which they hold of him in chief, to have from the Purification for two years, saving to John and Joan all their lands pertaining to the said serjeanty and any lands that may pertain to the said office. For this grant the king paid them 100 marks beforehand. It is provided that, if the king wish to buy the serjeanty and office aforesaid in the form previously spoken of, he shall have them in the same form, and he shall satisfy John and Joan for them according to that form. For the observance of the premisses they bind themselves and their heirs and their goods, and they have acknowledged the premises in chancery and have caused them to be enrolled in chancery. Dated at London, the day of St. Mary Magdalene, 4 Edward. [Feedera.] -Walter Tovi acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Alegate 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. July 24. Roger de Cliff [ord], the elder, who is going by the king's licence to parts Westminster. beyond sea, puts in his place Simon de Crepping' in all pleas, and he gave him power to make other attorneys in his place, for one year, unless Roger return in the meanwhile. Roger de Cliff [ord], the younger, who is going to parts beyond sea with the aforesaid Roger, puts the said Simon in his place in like manner. Enrolment of letter from R. abbot of Westminster and H. de Newerk, clerk to the king. We afterwards received certain hope of the expedition of your principal affair, and it would not have been delayed in aught (nec in alio remanebat) if R. king of Sicily had not left Rome unexpectedly and against the expectation of the physicians on Monday before Midsummer. Pope Innocent the Fifth is dead, which information we convey to your lordship with grief, for which reason we await the creation of the new pope (novi domini) and your excellency's order there. Stephen de Chendut puts in his place John de Cateloyne in the suit for taking a fine (cirograffo) before the justices of the Bench between him and Sir W. bishop of Rochester concerning a tenement in Midde[l]ton. Roger le Bygot, earl of Norfolk, puts in his place John de Tevelby or Geoffrey de Middelton in the suit before the king between him and William de Valen[cia] and Joan his wife concerning the body of the county of Weeeford in Ireland. Robert de Scardeburg came before the king, on Monday after St. James, and sought to replevy to John de Botheclive (sic) and Alice his wife their land in Estlingthorp, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Ralph Wrenne and Alice his wife. John de Bohun, son of Frank de Bohun, acknowledges that he owes to Nuto, merchant of Florence, 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. John Ferre, who is going by the king's licence to parts beyond sea, puts in his place Henry de Wodestok and John de Pount in all pleas until Easter next, unless he return in the meanwhile. 360 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 6d-cont. John de Bohun, son of Frank de Bohun, acknowledges that he owes to Nutus, merchant of Florence, 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Laurence de Sancto Mauro puts in his place John le Faukoner in the suit before the king between him and Andrew de Estleye in a plea of land in co. Northampton, to wit in Coteseye and Lilleburn. Alan de Morton acknowledges that he owes to John de Bykenore 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. July 28. Richard de Apton, who is going by the king's licence to Ireland, attorns Westminster. in his place Stephen de Slapton and Richard de Shete in all pleas for two years, and he grants him power to make other attorneys in his place. Robert Bardolf acknowledges that he owes to Isabella de Fortibus, countess of Albemarle, 121 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Suffolk and Buckingham. Cancelled on payment. William Legat comes before the king, on Monday after St. Peter ad Vincula, and sought to replevy to John le Teynturer the latter's land in Wellington, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Matilda, late the wife of Richer. Membrane 6d.-Schedules. Feb. 14. To John de Londonia, late escheator this side Trent. Order to signify Pulton. to the king what fees John son of Alan held at his death of the king, by what services, and also what fees he holds of others, and by what service, and how many and what fees thereof the escheator has caused to be assigned to Ralph de Ardena and Isabella his wife, late the wife of the said John, in dower. These are the fees pertaining to the barony of Wlvreton: in Wlvreton, in co. Buckingham, 21 fees; in Chalfhunte, in the same county, 21 fees; in Lucton, in the same county, one fee; in Stokehamund, in the same county, 1 fees; in Eselberge, in the same county, half a fee; in Astun Saumford, in the same county, one fee; in Padebury, in the same county, one fee; in Torneberg, in the same county, one fee; in Thenford, co. Northampton, half a fee; in Madewell, in the same county, one fee; in Wik Hamund, in the same county, quarter of a fee; in Langeport, co. Buckingham, half a fee; in Drayton and Helpestrohp, in the same county, half a fee; in Luttrewrthe, co. Leicester, one fee. These fees John son of Alan held this side Trent at his death. These are the knights' fees of the barony of Wlvreton assigned to Ralph de Ardena and Isabella his wife in dower: in Chalfhunte one fee, which Master Roger de Seyton holds; in Ysnhamsted one fee, which John de Cheyney holds; in Maydewell one fee, which Richard de Seyton holds; in Eselberg half a fee, which Richard de Seyton holds; in Thenford half a fee, which Nicholas de Bosco, lately deceased, held. MEMBRANE 5d. Aug. 3. Ralph de Whaddon, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence with Windsor. Robert de Ufford, has given power to Ranulph de Hakeford to make attorneys in his place in all pleas, with power to make other attorneys in his place, for three years, unless he return in the meanwhile. Aug. 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Henry Odiham. de Sobir[y], who is indebted to divers Jews by his charters, to have reasonable terms for payment of the said debts, saving to him his chief messuage and a moiety of his lands, according to an extent of his lands that the king 4 EDWARD I. 351 1276. Membrane 5d-cont. has caused to be made, which he sends to them under his seal, and in accordance with the provision and grant made by the king to Christians indebted to Jews. Ralph Legard came before the king, on St. Laurence's day, and sought to replevy to John de Roclive and Alice his wife their land in Estlingthorp, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the king against Ralph Wrenne. Aug. 16. To R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. Whereas the king Selbourn. lately ordered the sheriff of Somerset to cause a moiety of the fifteenth granted to the king to be levied in that county and to cause it to be taken to Shireburn, there to be deposited in the abbey until further orders, and the sheriff delivered, according to custom, to the bishop's bailiffs of that county the return of the estreats that had come to him in the summons of the exchequer concerning the bishop's liberty, and the bailiffs refused to make execution of the sheriff's order because they were wont [to answer] at the exchequer by their own hands and not elsewhere for any sums of money according to the tenor of the estreats of the exchequer, asserting that this would be to the prejudice of the bishop and his churches hereafter: the king, considering that he will sustain grievous damage at present unless the bishop help him in this behalf, requests the bishop to cause the said money to be levied by his bailiffs and carried to Shireburn, there to be delivered to the abbot and the sheriff. The king wills that no prejudice shall arise from this in the future to the aforesaid liberties. ----- William de Stratton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de -: Pageham 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. William de Sancto Oswaldo came before the king, on Monday the feast of St. Bartholomew, and sought to replevy to John de Rotheclyve and Alice his wife their land in Estlyngthorp, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Ralph Wrenne and Alice his wife. Richard Sundi acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Amundesham 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. Enrolment of agreement, made on 25 August, 4 Edward, between John de la Haleford, son of Edmund de la Haleford, and Gilbert de Teya and Matilda his wife concerning a way (itinere) pertaining to John's tenement of Nussilling and Eling', concerning which there had previously been contention between them, whereby Gilbert and Matilda grant that the said way, which goes from La Caldewere to Caulemor towards the New Forest, is the hereditary right of John pertaining to the tenements aforesaid, to have and to hold without hindrance from them. Gilbert and Matilda shall keep the way safe and whole against floods at their cost, so that John and his heirs may have the use of the way at any time of the year in any manner they may wish. In case John be in any way hindered by the default of Gilbert and Matilda concerning the way, they grant that the sheriff of Southampton may distrain them by all their lands and goods in the manor of Therstewod or elsewhere to observe all the premises, and, in addition, to satisfy John for his damage and interest the sheriff may distrain them for two tuns of wine and for one tun of wine for the sheriff, after eight days' warning. Gilbert and Matilda renounce all privileges, indults to those signed with the cross, and all remedy of law, both canon and civil, whereby the preceding agreement may be in any way annulled or 352 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 5d-cont. weakened. Witnesses: Sir John de Havering', Sir Elias Cotele, Sir John de Bottele, Sir William Spileman, knights; Master Richard de Hailing', William le Brun, Roger de Shardeford, Adam de Everle. Aug. 29. Memorandum, that Gilbert and Matilda came into chancery and granted King's the premisses to John in form aforesaid. Beaulieu. Gilbert de Botes came before the king, on Tuesday the feast of St. Giles, and sought to replevy the manor of Benham to William de Valencia and Joan his wife, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln,. and Margaret his wife. Enrolment of deed of Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, appointing himself principal debtor to William de Insula and Nigel de Staundon, executors of the testament or last will of John de Insula, knight, for Sir William de Monte Revelli, knight, in 140 marks, which William owed to the executors by reason of a cession made to him by them according to the contents of the agreement made between them. Dated at Lindhurst, on Friday after St. Bartholomew, 1276. Memorandum, that the bishop acknowledged all the premisses in form aforesaid. Sept. 4. James de Shirle acknowledges that he owes to Richard le Foun 144 Lindhurst. marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. For this recognisance Richard remitted to James all the lands that he had of him in Shirle, so that the land shall be restored to James at the end of the payment of the aforesaid money. Memorandum, that William Gereberd acknowledges that he has received 100s. from Hildebrand de Londonia, sheriff of Wilts, for William's expenses about the service of the chest of the chirographers of Jewry in cos. Southampton and Wilts. Henry son of Robert Mauveysin came before the king, on Monday before the Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy his land in Brigge Castreton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against William Trunket. Roger de Stokes came before the king, on Monday the eve of the Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy to John de Rotheclyive (sic) and Alice his wife their land in Estlingthorpe, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Ralph Wrenne and Alice his wife. MEMBRANE 4d. Sept. 10. John de Langeport puts in his place Philip de Perham and Thomas de Clarendon. Rigge in the suit before the king between him and Gilbert de Clare, Richard de Heydon, William de Coleshasel, John Folyot, and Jordan le Forester in a plea of trespass.. --- John de Scartheburg puts in his place Richard de Whyton and John - Walseman in the suit before the king between him and Henry de Colevill, Edmund de Colevill and Richard Wyndaler, John le Vinour, Martin Kyng, Robert Dote, John Celestre and Philip de Colevill of a plea of debt. Luke de Warthull puts in his place Robert le Noreys and Henry de Duffeld in the suit before the king between him and Robert D uchty, Muriel his wife, William de Killum, Thomas de Clerevaus, Nicholas de Clerevaus, 4 EDWARD I. 353 1276. Membrane 4d-cont. Thomas son of William de Seleby, Thomas son of John de Seleby, Martin Thomesman, and Joan la Quiltemaker of a plea of trespass. Sept. 14. William le Prince, attorney of the dean and chapter of Lisieux (Lyswes), Frome. acknowledges that he has received from Robert de Vernun 101. for the term of the Purification, in the 4th year of the reign, and 451. for the term of the octaves of Midsummer following, which Robert owed to the dean and chaper for a fine of 1001. that he made with them for quit-claim of the manor of Kingeston Deverel. Sept. 21. John Tregoz acknowledges that he owes to John la Ware 100 marks; Bristol. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Ralph de Ruchemond acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Monte - Alto 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. William de Strensal came before the king, on Monday the feast of St. Matthew, and sought to replevy to John de Rotheclyve and Alice his wife their land in Estlingthorp, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Ralph Wrenne and Alice his wife. The abbess of Romsey puts in her place Robert de Romes[eia] in a suit before the king between her and Nicholas de Ichene and others named in a writ of trespass. Master Roger de Gloucestria came before the king, on Saturday after St. Matthew, and sought to replevy his land in Eye, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Sibyl de Ledinton and Hawisia her daughter. Thomas de Stapelton and Walter de Kirkeby put in their places John de Thorinhull against Robert le Gentyle and others named in writs in a plea of trespass before the king of two writs. Isabella de Mortimer puts in her place Geoffrey le Messager and Richard de Specheslegh in a suit before the king between her and Ralph de Haffold and others in a writ of trespass. William de Brok of Doverhale and Margery his wife came before the king, on Monday the Eve of Michaelnas, and sought to replevy their land in Craule, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Matthew de Hallawe. Henry de Rocheford came before the king, on Monday the eve of Michaelmas, and sought to replevy to Richard de Chattesworth the latter's land, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Ralph Wyne. Sept. 27. William de Periton acknowledges, for himself and heirs, that he owes to Worcester. John de Periton 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester. Oct. 3. Agnes Bauscan puts in her place Hugh de Haversegg' or William de (sic) Swell. Wolward in her suit before the king between her and Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, concerning the manor of Shirreveton, which the queen exacts from her and by what warrant she holds it. ---- Thomas de Bouden came before the king, on Friday after Michaelmas, --- and sought to replevy his land in Mamecestre, which was taken into the king's bands for his default in the king's court against Robert de Grelley. u 96998. z 354 CALENDARl OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 4d-cont. Thomas Hemmyng puts in his place John de Clelmeresford (sic) in a suit before the king against Henry de la Wik' and Agnes his wife, Mabel Hemming, Robert Hemming, John Pomerey and Lettice his wife, and John Ferthyng and Matilda his wife of a plea of land. Henry le Messer of Bureford came before the king, on Sunday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy his land in Bureford, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Aliena, late the wife of Edgar (Adgari) le Noreys of Bureford. John de Middelton acknowledges that he owes to John de Monte Alto 2001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Sussex and Buckingham. Oct. 12. Robert de Lusteshull and Thomas de Nony acknowledge that they owe Westminster. to Alice de Nony 15 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Roger de Lancastria and Philippa his wife put in their place Walter de Tylya, John de Bek, Nicholas de Tilya, and Hugh de Thornethwayt in the suit before the king between them and John de Vescy of a plea of trespass. Peter de Chaumvent puts in his place Simon de Wycumbe and Uldricus de Chaumvent in the suit before the king between him and Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, concerning the manor of Beumond, and in the suit between him and Richard Windaler concerning a trespass committed upon him. Robert dc Rede, William Senebones and Martin de Acham acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Bonewell 70s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Membrane 4d.-Schedule. Sept. 22. To the mayor of Bristol and Richard de Coleshull, sheriff of Somerset. Bristol. Order to cause the banks (costeras) of the water of Avene near the weirs mentioned below and elsewhere to be widened and opened by the view and testimony of two men of Bath and two of Bristol specially elected by the men of those parts, so that boats and ships may freely pass without hindrance or danger throughout the whole water in those parts, as the king understands that he and his men sustain considerable damage and that danger threatens those passing because ships and boats cannot pass by the water of Avene between the city of Bath and the town of Bristol by reason of the narrowness (strictitudinem) of the weirs of that water; provided that the opening and widening of the water do not damage or prejudice the men of the adjoining parts. MEMBRANE 3d. Enrolment of deed of brother P. abbot of Fountains, of the Cistercian order, in the diocese of York, and the convent of the same, whereby they sell to Dunelinus Jonte and Bernard Thethaldi, buying and receiving for themselves and for Theclanus Thedaldi, brother of the said Bernard, and for other their fellows, citizens and merchants of Florence, 62 sacks of wool of the crop (collecta) of the monastery without clack (clack') and lock (lok'), cot (god) and breech-wool (card), or black, grey, inferior fleece (vilein tuysun), and without pelt-wool (pelliciis), which wool the abbot and convent promise to deliver, prepared and weighed at their cost, by lawful stipulation at the terms following, to wit 17 sacks at the quinzaine of Midsummer, 1277; 17 sacks at the same quinzaine in 1278; 14 sacks in 1279; 14 sacks at the said quinzaine in 1280, every year at Clifton to the said merchants or their attorney bearing this letter. For this wool the merchants have paid beforehand at London 697~ marks of good, new and lawful 4 EDWARD I. 355 1276. iMembrane 3d-cont. sterlings, 13s. 4d. sterling being counted for each mark, receipt of which the abbot and convent acknowledge, renouncing all exception that the money has not been counted or paid. If the wool be not delivered as agreed, the abbot and convent bind themselves to refund all the expenses, damages and interest incurred by the merchants through non-delivery, concerning which credence shall be given to their bare word without oath or other proof, which expenses, etc., the abbot and convent shall not count in the lot (in sortem) of the wool, and they shall not retain the wool contrary to the will of the said merchants by pretext of the said expenses beyond the terms aforesaid. For the observance of the premises, the abbot and convent bind themselves, their church and successors and all their goods, ecclesiastical or secular, to the merchants and their fellows, which goods the abbot and convent acknowledge that they hold from the merchants in the name of a pledge (precari) until the full observance of the premises. The abbot and convent renounce all aid of the canon and civil law, privilege of clergy, etc., letters, indulgences, and inhibitions from the pope or the king's court, the constitution of two days issued in the general council, appeals, etc., and especially the papal indulgence granted to the English (Anglice), which provides that no Englishmen shall be drawn into pleas outside England by letters of the papal see, and they renounce generally all exceptions, rights and defences, personal and real, that might benefit them and their successors or injure the said merchants, and they will that they may freely be summoned (conveniri) and drawn to judgment in all places by the merchants or their envoy concerning the premises. Dated at London, on Thursday before St. Luke, 1276. [Prynne, Records, iii. 185.] Memorandum, that the abbot came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Afterwards Dunelinus came into chancery and put in his place Dietaiutus, merchant of Florence, to receive a moiety of the wool aforesaid. Oct. 15. Wymar le Chaumberleyn, parson of the church of Radewinter, acknowWestminster. ledges that he owes to Robert de Aguyllyon 91.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. - Brother Roger de Bradelegh of Suthwik came before the king, on Saturday after the Translation of St. Edward, and sought to replevy the land of the prior of Suthwik in Stubinton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Gunnilda de Frylaund and Matilda her sister. Waleran (Walranuus) de Muceus acknowledges that he owes to William le Draper of Dover 19 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. The said William Le Draper acknowledged that he had of the jewels of Waleran a silver-gilt cup and two silken girdles, which he will render at Mid-Lent, when a moiety of the preceding debt is to be paid. Ela, countess of Warwick, acknowledges that she owes to Stephen de Cornhull 8 sacks of wool, price of each sack 8 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Oxford. Walter de la Lynde acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Danvers 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. John de Burgh acknowledges that he owes to John de la Neylaund, vicar of the church of Asinton, 30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Norfolk. z 2 356 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 3d —cont. Gilbert de Botes came before the king, on Saturday before SS. Simon and Jude, and sought to replevy to William de Valencia and Joan his wife their land in Benham, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before him against Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, and Margery his wife. John son of John de Burgo, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Philip le Taillur, citizen of London, 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Andrew de Estley acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull 241. 14s. 6d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. Robert la Ware acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Shotesbrok 57 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Cancelled on payment. Adam de Cokefeud acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Tailliur of London 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Suffolk and Norfolk. Walter de Pedwardyn acknowledges that he owes to the king 401.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Enrolment of grant from Anselm de Gyse, knight, to Sir Walter de Helyun, for his service and for 23 marks paid beforehand, of his meadow near Dunye in Munestreworth, which Anselm had of the gift of Sir John de Burgo; rendering therefor Id. yearly for all service, etc. Witnebses: Sir Richard Fokerarn, Sir Giles de Berkl[eye], knights; Ralph de Abbehal, Richard de Byseleye, Elias de Heydon, Ralph de Redleye, Ralph Barun. aIemorandum, that Adam came into chancery, and rendered seisin of the meadow to Walter. Oct. 27. Roger son of Roger de Colevill acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Westminster. Taillur 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. The abbot 'of Meaux (Melsa) acknowledges that he owes to Gerard la Grue 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Matilda, late the wife of Thomas de Milleton of Gilleslaund, puts in her place Richard de Bywell or Simon Whytheved in a suit before the king between her and John de Swyneburu, Thomas le fiz Brice, William de Semhill, William son of Thomas le Peyntur, William de Cragscale, Richard son of Juliana, Adam le fiz Race, Racmer de Dodecaster, Laurence le fyz Westcudbright (sic), Hugh le Mouner, and Alan de la Cruiz of a plea of trespass. MEMBRANE 2d. Oct. 28. Richard de Ewell acknowledges that he owes to William de Munchensy Westminster. 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Memorandum, that William came into chancery, on 1 April, and acknowledged receipt of 31 marks of the aforesaid debt. 4 EDWARD I. 357 1276. Membrane 2d-cont. ----- William de Helpeston acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Rye - 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, acknowledges that be owes to Stephen de Cornhull 841. Is. 6d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. John de Munryot acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Taillur, citizen of London, 141.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Somerset. William de Hawardyn acknowledges that he owes to Nuto de Florencia 12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Richard Bissop acknowledges that he owes to Benedict de Wynton[ia], a Jew, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. C'ancelled on payment. Memorandum, that Augustine de Plesset[is] came into chancery, and released to John de Burneby and Robert de Brimnhest his right in the lands of Drayton, which Augustine asserted to be of the serjeanty of Welledon, and which are of the barony of Richard Basset of Welledon, as appears by the inquisition made concerning it. Nov. 4. Ralph de Septem Fontibus, who is going by the king's licence to parts Westminster. beyond sea, puts in his place Richard de Septem Fontibus or Henry le Clerk of Wokindcn in all pleas until Michaelmas next, unless he return to England in the meantime. ----- John son of Philip de Bobinton acknowledges that he owes to Stephen. — - de Cornhull 161. Is. 6d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. Geoffrey de Lucy, knight, and Joan de Chambernon acknowledge that they owe to Nicholas de Sifrewast 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and Northampton. Nov. 4. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause the Westminster. lands of Thomas de Lincoln, who is indebted to divers Jews of the realm by the charters of Peter de Lincoln, his father, to be extended and to cause him to have reasonable terms for payment of the said debts according to the extent, saving to him his chief messuage and a moiety of his lands, in accordance with the king's grant and provision made to Christians indebted to Jews, provided that what the Jews have received from the lands since the said grant shall be allowed to Thomas in the debts aforesaid. Urian de Sancto Petro acknowledges that he owes to John Hercant 121.; - -- to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. Philip de Paunto acknowledges that he owes to William de Hameleton 4 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Henry son of Richard de Abbotele acknowledges that he owes to Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, 37 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Huntingdon. 358 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276, Membrane 2d-cont. Walter de Huntercumb ackowledges that he owes to Nutus, merchant of Florence, and John, his fellow, 30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Northumberland and Kent. Cancelled on payment. Eleanor, late the wife of Robert de Dol, acknowledges, for herself and her co-executors of Roberts' will, that she owes to John de Edeshor 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in cos. Surrey and Sussex. Robert de Muscegros acknowledges that he owes to Nutus de Florencia, merchant, 461.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Stephen, parson of the church of Mitford, puts in his place Giles de Herdesleg or John de Cathal or Simon le Escot against Alexander de Ballioll[o], Stephen de Ballioll[o], William de Rothingg, Ralph de Cotum, Uhtred (Uchredus) de Acun, Adam son of Hugh, Richard son of Baldwin, William son of Baldwin, Adam le Forester of Bromlegh, Hugh son of Arkyl, Robert Rose, Jordan le Mouner, Robert de Acun le Forester, Gerard le Serjaunt of Bywell, Walter de Acun, Ranulph de Eltringham, Richard Grey, Robert son of Diana, Alan Gathred, Richard son of Thomas de Milkeye, Hugh Danchard, Hugh de Milkeye, William de Wylum of Conington, Alan son of Stephen, William de Bywell, and Philip de Ovington of a plea of trespass. Geoffrey de Langeleg' acknowledges that he owes to Aaron son of Vives 251.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Roger de Flokethorp acknowledges that he owes to Roger Crok 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Laurence de Offinton and John del Ho acknowledge that they owe to Bartholomew de Costello (sic) 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk and Hertford. Nov. 13. The king has given power to William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, Westminster. captain of his garrison (municionis) in co. Chester, to receive the attorneys of all those who are staying in garrison with the earl in all pleas within the realm until Midsummer next, so that when the earl shall have certified the kino or his chancellor of the names of the attorneys, a writ of chancery shall be made to them as ought to be done and has been wont to be done. The king gave like power to Payn de Cadurc[is], captain of his garrison in West Wales. The king gave like power to Roger de Mortuo Mari, captain of his garrison in cos. Salop, Stafford and Hereford. Walter de Huntercumb acknowledges that he owes to Nutus, merchant - of Florence, 24 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels il co. Cambridge. Thomas Boudun came before the king, on Monday the feast of St. Edmund the Confessor, and sought to replevy his land in Manchastre, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert de Gredley. John de la Croyze came before the king at King's Beaulieu, on Monday the eve of St. Giles, and sought to replevy his land in Totenhal, which was 4 EDWARD I. 359 1276. Membrane 2d-cont. taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Stephen le Peyntur. Nov. 17. Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, who is going to Wales Westminster. on the king's affairs, attorns before the king Hugh de Chastel and Henry de Evesham (?) in his place in all pleas for a year, unless he return to England in the meantime. Richard de Aston acknowledges that he owes to Michael de Weston 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. Nov. 16. Gilbert, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, who is going to parts beyond Westminster. sea by the king's licence, has given power to Henry de Wintonia to make attorneys in his place for a year, unless he return to England in the meantime. Ernald Jon de Contino, Patald du Pyn, and Reymund Guillelni de Sauvinak acknowledge that they owe to Otto de Grandisono 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels..MEMBRANE Id. Nov. 16. To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to assemble all the foresters and Westminster. regarders to make regard in his bailiwick before the coming of the justices for the Forest, so that the regard be made before Easter. [Capitula.] Nov. 17. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Westminster. an extent of the lands of Simon de Creye to be made, and to assign a quarter thereof to the Jews to whom he is indebted, saving to him his chief messuage and three parts of his lands for the maintenance of himself and family, notwithstanding that the king lately ordained that Christians indebted to Jews should retain the chief messuage and a moiety of their lands and that the other moiety should be delivered to the Jews until the debts had been levied therefrom. The king after his coronation, in the second year of his reign, ordered Llewelyn (Lewelino) son of Griffin, prince of Wales, to come to do the homage and fealty due to him for the land of Wales; and Llewelyn did not come for this purpose within a year from the coronation, so that the king caused him to be summoned to be at Chester in the quinzaine of the Assumption in the third year of his reign to do the said homage and fealty, and he offered to him safe and sure conduct in coming, staying, returning, etc., although the king was not bound to do so. And Llewelyn did not come at that day, but sent certain frivolous excuses by his envoys and by letter to the king, so that it was decided that he should be summoned again to be at Westminster for the aforesaid purpose in three weeks from the following Michaelmas. At which day he did not come, but sent unreasonable excuses as before, so that it was decided that he should be again summoned to come to Winchester in the octaves of St. Hilary following for the aforesaid purpose. And Llewelyn did not come at that day, but excused his absence by letters and envoys insufficiently, as above, so that the king, of his grace, caused him to be summoned a third time to come to Westminster in three weeks from the following Easter to do his homage and fealty. On which day Llewelyn did not come, but pretended insufficient excuses by his letter and envoys, as before, so that R. archbishop of Canterbury and certain bishops and other prelates, earls and barons strongly besought, the king that they by themselves and their envoys might ask, 360 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Mlembrane Id-cont. inform and induce Llewelyn to do his homage and fealty, and that the king would supersede for the time further execution of the said matter. To which prayers the king acceded, so that they frequently sent the archdeacon of Canterbury as their envoy to Llewelyn to treat upon this matter, which could not be consummated, although the archdeacon laboured much to this end with due expedition. Afterwards, in fifteen days from Michaelmas, in the fourth year of the reign, at Westminster Llewelyn signified to the king by his letter that he would come to Muntgomery or Oswestry (Album Monasterium Jokannis filii Alani) to do his homage to the king, provided that the king caused him to have safe-conduct, to wit by the archbishop of Canterbury and the archdeacon of the same place, the bishop of Winchester, the earls of Cornwall, Norfolk, Lincoln, Gloucester, Warenne, and Roger de Mortuo Marn, in coming, staying, and returning, without any challenge or demand being moved against him by anyone whilst there attending (in sua presencia), and provided that the king should first confirm by his letters the form of the peace made between the late king and Llewelyn, and that the king should cause to be supplied the things that were lacking to him of the said peace, and that the king should restore to him his wife and her train, etc. And hereupon, before the king, the archbishop of Canterbury, W. bishop of Rochester, J. bishop of London, H. bishop of Ely, R. bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas, bishop of Hereford, and A. bishop of St. Asaph, the abbots of St. Albans, Glastonbury, Abbindon, and York, brother Joseph, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, W. de Valencia, E. earl of Cornwall, G. earl of Gloucester and Hertford, R. earl ol Norfolk, J. earl of Surrey, H. earl of Lincoln, W. earl of Warwick, H. earl of Hertford and Essex, and R. earl of Oxford, R. de Mortuo Marn, J. de Vescy, B. Wak, R. son of Peter, W. de Brehus', R. de Roos, J. de Sancto Johanne, ER. son of Roger, P. de Monte Forti, P. de Cadurc[is], E. la Zuch, R. la Zuch, R. de Nevill, R. de Tibbotot, R. de Grey, B. de Suthlegh, R. son of Walter, and otber magnates of the king's council, justices and other faithful subjects of the king, on the morrow of Martinmas following, at Westminster, the aforesaid process having been recited and Llewelyn's letter heard and understood, because Llewelyn had been many times summoned by the king to come at certain days and places to do his homage and fealty, which he ought to have done without being requested, and refused to do so in due manner and contemned in all the premises to obey the king, unless the king should be forced (artaret se) to do what he is not bound to do, as appears manifestly, and Llewelyn has not observed what is contained in the form of the peace made between the late king and him, but rather presumed to break and infringe all the things contained in the peace that touch the king, contrary to his promise and obligation and oath, and finally had lately despoiled the king and his subjects in the marches of Wales by himself and his helpers in hostile manner, slaying some men, burning, and spoiling, and received and receives daily the spoilers and homicides, contrary to the peace of the king and his realm -it is agreed by the common council of all the aforesaid prelates, earls, barons, and others that the king shall not hear the aforesaid petition of Llewelyn, and shall not admit his excuses noted above, but that he shall go against Llewelyn as his rebel and as a disturber of his peace, and that all those who hold of the king in chief and owe him service shall be summoned to be at Worcester at Midsummer next with horses and arms and with all their service, to set out with the king into Wales against Llewelyn and his aiders, unless it shall seem to the king or to him who supplies his place that the summons requires greater haste, and then reasonable premonition shall be made; and that all the marches shall be guarded 4 EDWARD I. 361 1276. Membrane Id-cont. with sufficient garrisons. And the king from now inhibits, and it is agreed, that throughout England, Ireland and Gascony it shall be inhibited that from henceforth no one shall communicate with Llewelyn or his aiders, or shall aid, council or favour them secretly or openly, and that no one shall take into their land, or permit to be taken thither through their land or power, by land or by sea, victuals, horses, arms or other things that may be useful to men in anyway, and that no one shall hereafter make truce with the rebels, and if any truce be made or confirmed, it shall be henceforth wholly powerless, so that if any one contravene the said inhibitions and shall be convicted thereof, he shall undergo judgment and pain befitting one who adheres to the public enemy of his liege lord the king and of the realm and who consents to the evil deeds of the enemy, spurning the king's inhibition. [Feedera; Parl. Writs.] Nov. 18. Hugh Peverel, who is going by the king's licence to Santiago, attorns in Westminster. his place Geoffrey Geraud of Great Melton and John Peytevyn in all pleas, with power to make attorneys in his place for a year, unless he return in the meantime. Matilda, wife of William de Gonevill, who is going by the king's licence to parts beyond sea, attorns in her place the said William in all pleas, with power to make attorneys in his place, for three years. [MEMBRAN Ild.-Supplementary.] Nicholas son of Anketin de Pauling acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull 1331. 16s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. L[eicester?] Enrolment of release by Robert son of Robert de Hoby in Esseburn to the king of his right in a plot of land in front of the market of Esseburn near the old cross, which plot Robert de Esseburn formerly held, and of which he enfeoffed by his charter the releasor. For this release Sir Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward this side Trent, granted to the releasor in exchange a plot of land lying near the aforesaid plot, containing in length 26 feet and in breadth 18 feet. Witnesses: Matthew de Knyveton, Stephen de Irton, Thomas de Mapelton, Thomas son of Hervey de Esseburn, Adam brother of Alexander, Ralph Sparewater, Richard Hervy, Robert de Clifton of Esseburn, Walter de Eylisbir[y]. Dated at Esseburn, on Friday after Michaelmas, 4 Edward. 362 5 EDWARD I. 1276. MEMBRANE 13. Dec. 8. William de Cestre, imprisoned at Nothinghlam] for the death of Robert Windsor. le Serjaunt, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Londonia to be acquitted of 40s. in which he was amerced before Richard de Middelton and his fellows, justices in eyre in co. Berks, for a trespass that he was said to have committed. Roger de Hurdwik and Henry his son, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Richard de Hokshill, whereof they are appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail them. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Robert de Tybotot to have in the park of Relegh twenty live deer (feras), of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause Master John, viewer of the works of the Tower of London, to have twenty oaks in the aforesaid park to be chosen by him, for the works of the Tower. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to permit Salle de Roucestria and Hake Poleyn, Jews, to dwell in the city of Rochester in the houses wherein they previously dwelt, until the king shall otherwise ordain. David le Palefreyman, Albinus Underne, and Geoffrey son of John Teler, imprisoned at Huntedon for the death of Gerard Paynel, wherewith they are charged, has letters to the sheriff of Huntingdon to bail them. Dec. 10. Geoffrey de Knelle, imprisoned at Promhull for the death of Richard son Windsor. of Walter Kynet, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail him. Dec. 10. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Londonia, late Windsor. escheator this side Trent, to be acquitted of 261. 6s. Od., as he paid that sum by order [of the king] to the king's uncle William de Valencia by the hands of the prior of Tykeford without Neuportpaynel for the sale of the king's corn in the manor of Neuportpaynel for the third year of the king's reign, which corn the king granted to William. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver John Kyde, Alan Cade, Hugh le Fevre, and Hugh Frigun, imprisoned at Rokingham for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve men each, who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to William de Neyrford that he may pay by 101. yearly at the exchequer the 1601. in which he is bound to Aaron Crespyn, a Jew, by one charter and the 201. in which he is bound to the said Jew by another charter, and the 301. in which he is bound to the aforesaid Jew and to Solomon Bunting 5 EDWARD I. 363 1276. Membrane 13-cont. by a third charter, and the 501. in which he is bound to Leo son of Preciosa by a fourth charter, which debts were taken into the king's hands for certain debts that the Jews owed him; the king therefore orders the barons to cause William to have these terms, after receiving a recognisance from him, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, then (extunc) ordering the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews to cause the charters aforesaid to be withdrawn from the chests of the king's Jews and [to be delivered] to William. Dec. 12. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Joan, late Windsor. the wife of Robert de Monte Alto, to have the value of a third of the issues of the toll-booth (bothe) of Lynn for this year, which is in the king's hands by reason of the wardship of Robert's land and heir, as the king has granted to her a third for this year in ready money. To the barons of the exchequer. Order not to distrain William son of Warin for the debts attermined to him by the king for Easter term next or for other debts whilst he is in Wales for the king's affairs, whither he is setting out at the king's request, as the king wills that he shall not be distrained for the said debts whilst so engaged, provided that on his return he shall recover his terms and shall render to the king the aforesaid debts at the terms granted to him at the exchequer. To Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony. Order to assign to William de Monte Gaugerii, king's clerk, the fee of Rocheford, in the isle of Oleron, which Peter de Castro Novo had of the king's gift in recompence until the land of Marroterota, which the aforesaid William had for life of the king's gift, could be assigned to him, the fee to be held by William in the same way as Peter held it, in recompence for the aforesaid land, which William shall freely demit to the seneschal, who has not assigned the fee to William although ordered to do so by the king because, as it is believed, the fee is worth more than the land aforesaid. It is provided that if the fee have been assigned to the queen, the king's mother, the value of the fee shall be deducted from her assignment. Dec. 12. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Whereas the king lately Windsor. ordered him to cause Adam de Monte Alto to have 501. yearly of land from the king's wardships in the steward's bailiwick, to hold for a certain time contained in the king's letters patent made to him in this behalf; the king now orders him to deliver to Adam the ploughs and oxen in the said land, to have with the custody aforesaid of the king's gift. The king will cause allowance to be made to the steward when he knows how much the steward has delivered to Adam, The like to Thomas de Normanvill in Adam's favour. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order not to distrain Giles de Fissheburn and Margery his wife until the next parliament for all the arrears in which they are indebted to the king for the time when Margery held of him at ferm the manor of Cantokesheved, in the aforesaid county, as the king has granted them respite until the next parliament. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause Master Walter Scamel, dean of Salisbury, to have ten oak-trunks (robora) for his fire in the king's clearings (trencheas) there, of the king's gift. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause William de Givelton to have again the custody of the lands of Thomas le Maresca], deceased, tenant in chief, which the king lately committed to him to hold during the king's pleasure for a certain yearly ferm, and to cause him to 364 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 13-cont. have again all his goods found therein, as the king afterwards, not recollecting the grant to William, granted the custody to Juliana, late the wife of John Russel, and he does not wish that the custody shall be taken from William by reason of the later grant. It is provided that William shall render to Joan yearly the same ferm as he was wont to render to the king. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause dry-wood in the forest of Arundel to be sold to the value of 20 marks where it may be done with least damage to the forest, and to expend the money received thence in repairing the houses of the king's castle of Arundel by the view and testimony of lawful men. To the keeper of the forest aforesaid. Order to permit Ralph to do as above. Dec. 15. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him Windsor. who supplies his place. Notification that the king has granted to Payn de Cadurc[is] that he may fell and sell the underwood of his wood of Parneholt, within the king's forest of La Bere, and of his wood of Stok, within the forest of Salcey, and that he may make his profit thereof, on condition that he cause a low hedge (bassa haya), whereby the king's deer (fere) may enter and leave the woods, to be made about the woods until they shall have grown again, and order to permit Payn to do so. Dec. 13. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause Richard de Insula, imprisoned Windsor. at Shrewsbury for the death of William de Arderne, wherewith he is charged, to be delivered from prison by the mainprise mentioned below, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Warwick that Richard was charged with the said death out of malice and hatred and not because he was guilty thereof, wherefore the king ordered the sheriff to certify him of the names of twelve men of that county who should mainpern to have Richard before the justices at the first assizes, and Richard de Wytacre, Henry de Scheldon, William Fundu, Anketil de Insula. Simon de Blagrave, Thomas Otheyn, William de Sydenhale, Ralph de Cully, Roger de Buryate, Norman le Venur of Middelton, Robert de Longasse, and Nicholas Nichtegale of Wyshawe, of co. Warwick, have mainperned before the sheriff of Warwick in the presence of the coroners of that county to have Richard before the said justices, as the sheriff of Warwick has signified to the king by his letters. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause R. archbishop of Canterbury to have four does of the king's gift. Dec. 15. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted Windsor. to Geoffrey de Piccheford that he may pay the 40 marks in which he is indebted to the king for the marriage of Richard son and heir of Richard Sifrewast, tenant in chief, by ten marks yearly, and order to cause him to have these terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Luke de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'). Order to cause Geoffrey de Piccheford, constable df Windsor castle, to have 601. for the works of the king's park of Windsor. Et sunt patentes. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the king's men of Cocham to be acquitted of 5 marks of the 15 marks that they promised in aid of the late king's passage into Gascony, as it is testified before the king by John Pollard and Robert de Shortford, sometime viewers of the late king's works at his castle of Windsor (Vindes'), that the men paid the said money to Eymon Turumbert, sometime the late king's constable of the aforesaid 5 EDWARD I. 365 1276. Membrane 13-cont. castle, by the said king's order; provided that the heirs of Eymon shall be charged with the aforesaid a marks. Dec. 15. To Gregory de Rokeslegh, taker of the king's wines of his right prise Windsor. throughout England. Order to cause the abbot and convent of King's Beaulieu to have a tun of the king's wine of the right prise at Southampton for this year, in accordance with the late king's grant to them of a tun of wine yearly for the celebration of divine service in the abbey. Robert son of Henry son of Alan, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Walter son of John de Lek, wherewith he is charged, whom he slew in self-defence and not of malice aforethought, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Lincoln, has letters to the sheriff to deliver him in bail to twelve mainpernors. Membrane 13.-Schedule..-.- Letter from W. Hamelyn, sheriff of Warwick, to Robert, bishop of Bath - and Wells, the chancellor, stating that he lately received the king's order [to certify him] if Richard de Insula, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of William de Arden, wherewith he is charged out of malice and hatred and not because he is guilty, found the sheriff twelve men of that county who should mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one wished to speak against him, and that Richard de Witacre, Henry de Scheldon, William Fundu, Anketil de Insula, Simon de Blagrave, Thomas Othein, William de Sidenhale, Ralph de Culy, Roger de Buryate, Norman le Venur of Middelton, Robert de Longasse, Nicholas Nigtegale of Wyshawe have mainperned before the coroners of that county for Richard in form aforesaid, and requesting the chancellor to execute what now pertains to him in this matter (quod vestrum est in hac parte, si placet, ulterius exequi velitis). MEMBRAiB A 12. Dec. 17. Alice de Wimeledon, imprisoned at Maidenstan for the death of Walter Henley. Galoun, wherewith she is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail her. Dec. 19. Robert son of Robert de Piuesham, imprisoned at Ivelescestre for the Wallingford. death of Hugh son of Robert, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail him. Dec. 20. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Ela, countess Abingdon. of Warwick, to have in the king's park of Odiham ten live deer (feras), to wit eight does and two male deer (feras masculas) of the king's gift. Dec. 24. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to restore to the prior of Montacute Cirencester. his manor of Ledecumbe, which the sheriff lately took into the king's hands because he was given to understand that his [the prior's] abbot of Cluny was dead, whereas the abbot is still alive, as the king learns, and also for certain arrears owing to the king from the manor aforesaid, to be held by the prior until the next parliament, and to permit the abbot to have peace in the meantime for the said arrears, so that he may then answer to the king therefor. Dec. 24. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order not to distrain until the next Cirencester. parliament the executors of the will of Henry de Monteforti for the debts 366 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 12-cont. due from Henry at his death to the exchequer, as the king has granted the executors respite until then. To the keeper of the forest of Whittlewode. Order to cause the brethren of the hospital of Quenton to have six oak-trunks (robora) for their fuel. Dec. 17. To Luke de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'). Order to Cirencester. cause John de Lovetot, one of the justices of the Bench, to have 201. in aid of his expenses in the king's service, of the king's gift. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of West Wales. Order to be intendent to Payn de Cadurc[is], whom the king has appointed captain of the king's garrison (municionis) in West Wales to keep those parts against Llewelyn (Lewelinum) son of Griffin and his accomplices, or to him whom Payn shall appoint in his place in his absence, and to help Payn with horses and arms and all his power, and to receive him and his company into his castles and towns and other strong places as he would receive the king himself, as often as he shall be requested to do so by Payn or by him who supplies his place, until otherwise ordered by the king. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to deliver Henry de Donecastre, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Eudo de Ulvestere, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if anyone wish to speak against him concerning the said death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Henry slew Eudo in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought. To the constable of the castle of St. Briavells. Order to cause Alice, wife of Walter de Heliun, to have four does, of the king's gift. To the abbot of Gloucester. Order to deliver to William de Steynton, king's clerk, without delay all the money of the fifteenth granted to the king that is in the abbot's custody, to be brought to the king, and to send one of his men with William to the king to receive the king's letters of acquittance for the money. 1277. Jan. 2. To the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the Carmelite friars of Bampton. Oxford to have two oaks with their strippings (escaetis) for the works of their church, of the king's gift. Jan. 3. To the sheriffs of London. Order to receive from Gregory de Rokeslegh, Bampton. mayor of London, and Giles de Audenarde the twenty tuns of wine that they will deliver to them, and to cause the wine to be carried to Wodestok without delay, there to be delivered to the king's bailiff. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to distrain all those of his bailiwick who have 301. of land yearly or an entire knight's fee worth 30/. yearly, and who ought to be knights and are not, to receive knighthood from the king. To Edmund, the king's brother, and to his bailiffs of Kermerdyn. Order not to have any communion with Llewelyn (Lewelini) son of Griffin, prince of Wales, and his accomplices, and those assisting them in their rebellion, and to inhibit all his subjects of that land and power from communicating with them in any way, or from permitting corn, wine, honey, salt, iron, arms, or anything else whereby the rebels may have maintenance to be carried through Edmund's land and power in Wales, and not to permit this to be done himself during [the war] between the king and the rebels, and to arrest any such victuals or other things necessary 5 EDWARD I. 367 1277. Membrane 12-cont. for the maintenance of the rebels that he may find being led to the rebels through his land and power, and to inform the king thereof. Jan. 2. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause Alice de Wymeden, imprisoned Bampton. at Maydeneston for the death of Walter Galun, to be delivered from prison by the mainprise mentioned below, as the king learns from an inquisition taken by the sheriff of Surrey that Alice is charged with the said death out of malice and hatred and not because she is guilty thereof, whereupon he ordered the sheriff to certify him of the names of twelve men of that county who should mainpern to have her before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if anyone wished to speak against her concerning the said death, and Richard de Chelesham, Henry le Mareschal, Gilbert de Coveham, Peter le Templer, William le Tanur, William le Yineter, William de Meledon, Thomas le Draper, Thcmas le reler, Peter de Grapelinggesham, Stephen Knotte, and Thomas Roey of co. Surrey have mainperned before the sheriff of Surrey in the presence of the coroners to have Alice before the justices in form aforesaid, as the sheriff of Surrey has signified to the king by his letters. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver to Robert Cherles, imprisoned at Langelegh for trespass of the Forest, wherewith he is cliarged, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts to stand to right herein. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to deliver to the barons and ministers in the exchequer for this year their fees that they received last year by the king's writ, or a moiety of the same, in aid of their expenses, until otherwise enjoined by the king, notwithstanding the king's late order to them not to pay any money out of the treasury by reason of any writ of liberate without his special order. Vacated, because otherwise on the Patent Roll. To Luke de Luk' and his follows, merchant of Lucca (Luk'). Order to cause Giles de Audenard, warden of the works of the Tower of London, to have 2,000 marks for the works. Jan. 11. John Cope, Reginald de Stangrund, Elias de Potton, Matilda le Large, Bampton. Tlawisia her sister, and Muriel Pynel, imprisoned at Huntingdon for the death of *de Armeston, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Huntingdon to bail them. Jan. 12. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause to come before the king at Bruern. Wodestok, on the morrow of the Purification, all assizes and attaints (La Bruere.) arramed before whatsoever justices of the king in that county, with the original writs and all other things touching the assizes and attaints, unless the assizes and attaints happen to be taken before the justices in the meantime. Jan. 15. Like order to the sheriff of Worcester to cause assizes and attaints in Oddington. that county to come before S. de Roff[a] and Hugh de Kendal at Kider(otinton.) ministre on Wednesday the octaves of St. Hilary. Ralph do Colleston, William rde Halghton, William Swette, William son of Ismay, John Oppotheston, and Robert his brother, and Thomas le Feyrman of Stok, imprisoned at Noting[ham] for the death of Godard de Beston, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail them. * The Christian name has been omitted by oversight from the enrolment. 368 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 12-cont. William de Geddlingg, imprisoned at Noting[ham] for the death of Godard de Buston (sic), whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. -John Morice, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Roger son of Henry, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. Jordan son of Roger Windote, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Geoffrey son of Sarah de Kiskinton (sic), wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. Jan. 24. To the sheriff of Devon, escheator in the same county. Order not to Worcester. intermeddle with the half knight's fee that Alice Giffard and Emma her daughter held of Oliver de Dineham, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Alice and Emma held the balf-fee by reason of the dower of Isabella de Curteney, wife of the said Oliver, so that the wardship of the half-fee does not pertain to the king on this occasion. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king assigned to Alan Plugenet a certain sum of money to be received from the issues of the eyre of Nicholas son of Martin and his fellows, justices appointed in co. Hereford to hear and determine pleas of land given by reason of the disturbance in the realm, and Alan has lately acknowledged before the king that he had received 5 marks of the said issues from Roger de Kyngeston, now deceased, which sum is exacted by summons of the exchequer from the abbot of Dore, Walter de Ambrel[eye], chaplain, and other tenants of the lands that belonged to Roger: the king orders the barons to cause the abbot, Walter and the other tenants to be acquitted of the said sum. The like to the barons in favour of the prior of St. Guthlac's, Hereford, for 40s., which Alan acknowledged that he had received from him. To the keeper of the forest of Whichewod. Order to cause R. archbishop of Canterbury to have six oak-trunks (robora) in that forest for his fuel, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Whicchewode. Order to cause the abbot of Bruern (Bruera) to have six oak-trunks (robora) in that forest for his fuel, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side,Trent. Order to deliver William Chinne, imprisoned at St. Briavells for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for the pleas of the Forest at the first assize. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order not to distrain until the quinzaine of Midsummer Geoffrey de Abetot to become a knight, as the king has granted to him respite of becoming a knight until then. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of Richard de la Rokele, tenant in chief, the manor of Great Wokendon, which belonged to Richard, as the king has granted it to her to hold in tenancy until he shall cause dower to be assigned to her. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Baldwin son of John de Shyingham the manor of Shopilaund, as John, who had the custody of that manor of the king's commission, assigned the custody in his will to Baldwin until the heir of the manor come of age. Jan. 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the Worcester. king has granted to Brian son of Alan, who is going to Wales on the king's 5 EDWARD 1. 369 1277. Membrane 12 —cont. affairs, that he may pay the debts due to the king by instalments of 201. yearly, the first term to begin at the Michaelmas exchequer next, and order to cause Brian to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. John son of Geoffrey de Menythorp, imprisoned at York for the death of Adam son of Adam de Cramburn, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause to be restored to John de Fyffide the custody of the lands that belonged to Emmelina de Lacy, sometime countess of Ulster, in Lavynton, together with everything received from the custody since it was taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Wilts that Richard de Rupella, tenant in chief, granted before his death to John the said custody, which came to Richard's hands after Emmelina's death because she held the lands of Richard by knight service, and that John was in seisin of the custody until the sheriff, at the steward's order, took the custody into the king's hands by reason of Richard's death. Jan. 25. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause Ralph de Button, Worcester. imprisoned at Gloucester for the death of Giffard le Messer, wherewith he is charged, to be delivered from prison, as it is testified before the king by his justices appointed to deliver Gloucester gaol that Ralph slew Giffard in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought, and the king has pardoned Ralph the suit of his peace for the said death; provided that he stand to right in the king's court if any one wish to speak against him for the said death. To the chamberlains of London. Order to cause Nicholas de Cugeho to have a tun of wine from the king's wines in their custody, of the king's gift. Mlembrane 12 —Schedule. [Return of the sheriff of Surrey on separate panel, not on the writ.] The bailiff of the archbishop's liberty was ordered, and he answered nothing to me therein. Nevertheless [she] is not in prison in my bailiwick, but is in prison at Meydestone, where I have no power to deliver the said Alice. Mainpernors of Alice de Wymedene: Richard de Chelesham, Henry le Marschal, Gilbert de Coveham, Peter le Templer, William the tanner (tannator), William le Viniter, William de Meldon, Thomas le Draper, Thomas le Teler, Peter de Grapelingesham, Stephen Knotte, Thomas Roci. MEMBRANE 11. Jan. 25. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause Simon de Brocbur[y] to Worcester. have seisin of 20 acres of land in La Hethe that Peter le Hert, who was hanged for felony, held, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the land has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Peter held it of the said Simon, and that the township of Hethe now holds it, and has had the king's year and day thereof, for which it ought to answer to the king. Feb. 3. To John le Eyr, bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the Friars Preachers Woodstock. of Oxford to have six oaks in the clearings (trencheis) within the park of Wodestok for timber, of the king's gift. u 96998. A A 370 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 11-cont. John Oty, imprisoned at York for the death of Robert de Cave, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. William de Greinvill of Wuton, imprisoned at Brehull for trespass of the Forest, wherewith he is charged, has letters to John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernwod, to bail him. Feb. 5. To Thomas de Langeleye, keeper of the forest of Whychewod. Order Woodstock. to cause Godfrey, bishop of Worcester, to have 20 deer (feras bestias), bucks and does, to stock his park of Blockele therewith, of the king's gift. To Geoffrey de Picheford, keeper of the forest of Wyndesor. Order to cause Master Simon de Beuveys, the king's surgeon, to have six oaks for his fuel, of the king's gift. Feb. 4. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewode. Order to Woodstock. deliver Peter le Provost and John his son, imprisoned at Brehull for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts. To Gregory de Rockele, taker of the king's wines. Order to cause the archbishop of Rages (Ragen') to have two tuns of wine from the wines of the king's right prise in Gregory's custody, of the king's gift. To Robert le Eyr, bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the prior of Coldenorton to have thirty cartloads of brushwood for his fire from the clearings (trencheis) that the king lately caused to be made within his park of Wodestok, of the king's gift. Henry le Marchaunt, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Roger Wimark, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. To John de Grymested, keeper of the park of Melchet. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have twenty oaks to make laths (latas) thereof for the use of her manor-house (manerii) of Lindhurst, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to permit Joceus son of Samuelotus, a Jew, to dwell with his household in the town of Chastreton near Cambridge, so that he may have access to Cambridge to ply his merchandise there, and to repair the houses that he has in the same town. Feb. 7. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to deliver Richard Blofot, imprisoned Woodstock. at Norwich for the death of his wife and two children (puerorum), to four of his friends, who shall keep him securely so that damage or peril shall not arise from him to anyone, as the king learns by the record of John de Lovetot concerning the delivery of Norwich gaol that Richard is insane (freneticus) and has been long so, and that he slew his wife and children in his frensy and not by felony or of malice aforethought. To Gregory de Rockele, taker of the king's wines. Order to cause the archbishop of Rages (Ragen') to have two tuns of wine from the wines of the king's right prise in his custody, of the king's gift. Feb. 7. To Giles de Audenard, constable of the Tower of London. Order to Woodstock. cause Nicholas de Cugeho to have a tun of good wine from the king's wines of the right prise in his custody. 5 EDWARD I. 371 1277. Membrane 11-cont. Bartholomew son of Adam Unbeyn, William le Welwrihte and Richard his brother, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Baldwin de Elmham, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Feb. 7. To the keeper of the forest of Menedep. Order to permit R. bishop of Woodstock. Bath and Wells to assart up to 60 acres, [measured] by the forest perch, of his woods of Ceddre and Axebrigg, and to hold to him and his successors when brought into cultivation, as the king has granted that the bishop and his successors may assart and bring into culture 60 acres as above where it may be done for the greatest advantage of the bishop and the least damage of the forest, provided that the bishop enclose them with a little ditch and a low hedge, according to the assize of the Forest. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by them that William de Bozale, who was the late king's sheriff in co. York in the 48th and 49th year of his reign, received nothing and was unable to receive anything from the issues of the county for the last quarter of the 48th year because Robert de Nevill, who was the last sheriff before him, would not deliver to him the rolls or writs or anything else touching the office, so that William could not then execute the office of sheriff, and that William received about 401. of the issues of the county in the 49th year, and that he was unable to receive more, because he was hindered by reason of the disturbance then existing in the realm by John de Eyvill, John de Vescy, Ralph de Handesacre, and Thomas de Furnivall, who received the remainder of the issues of the county for that year and have not yet answered to the king for the same: the king orders the barons not to charge William beyond the said 401. in his account at the exchequer for the issues of the county for the said time, and to discharge him of anything in excess of that sum with which they may have charged him, provided that John de Eyvill, John de Vescy, Robert and Thomas be charged with the residue of the county for the time aforesaid. William de Strangerwath and Adam his brother, imprisoned at Appelby for the death of Richard Dilli, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Westmoreland to bail them. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to Roger Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, respite for all debts due to the exchequer from the time of the war moved between the king and Llewelyn son of Griffin for five years from then, and order to cause the earl to have these terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Feb. 6. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to Adam de Woodstock. Wyntonia. Order to cause to be assigned to Henna, late the wife of Jacob de Oxonia, a Jew of London, her dower of the goods and chattels that belonged to Jacob, according to the tenor of a charter made concerning her dower, and if the goods and chattels do not suffice for her dower, to cause what is lacking thereof to be assigned to her from Jacob's houses in London, according to the custom of the said Jewry, and, when such assignment shall have been made to her, they are not to aggrieve or molest her by her body or goods for any debts in which Jacob was indebted to the king or others. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made to Nicholas de Yatingeden, sometime constable of Wyndesore castle, for 151. 8s. 2d., as John Ferre has acknowledged before the king that he received from Nicholas the said sum of the ransom of 301. of land that the AA 2 372 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 11-cont. late king granted to him from the eyre of the said Nicholas and his fellows, justices of the late king to hear and determine in co. Northampton and adjoining counties pleas of lands given by reason of the disturbance in the realm, whence the aforesaid 151. 8s. 2d. were levied for John's use by the justices' estreats of their eyre in co. Berks in the time of Thomas de Sancto Vigore, then sheriff of that county. Feb. 18. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to provide together Banbury. with S. bishop of Waterford, the treasurer, to whom the king has written in this behalf, 600 quarters of wheat and 1,000 quarters of oats in Ireland for the king's use, and to cause them to be carried to Chester before Midsummer, so that they shall be there three days before then, as the king greatly needs wheat and oats for his affairs in the Marches. To Robert le Eyr, bailiff of Wodestok. Order to cause the constable of Bannebyr[y] castle to have five oaks with their severed-branches (coupon') and all other strippings from the clearings (trench') within Wodestok park, for the repair of certain stables in Bannebyr[y] lately broken by certain servants of the king, of the king's gift. Feb. 21. To the same. Order to cause the Friars Preachers of Oxford to have Banbury. from the said clearings six oaks for their fuel and a good oak to make tables for their use, of the king's gift. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver Richard de Selveston, John his son, Henry de Selveston, and William Smart, imprisoned at Selveston for trespass of venison, in bail to six men each, who shall mainpern to have them before the king at his pleasure to answer to him for the trespass. Feb. 23. To Gregory de Rockesle, chamberlain of London. Order to cause Halse. twelve tuns of the king's wines of the right prise in his custody to be brought to Norwich against the king's arrival there, so that they shall be there eight days before Easter, and to cause 40 tuns to be taken to Westminster against the parliament after the said feast. --- -- William Hardewyn of Houeden, imprisoned at York for the death of - Robert son of Adam de Hirst, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Robert le Fisshere of Wyseberg, imprisoned at Arundel for the death of William de Bloare, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail him. To the steward of the forest between the bridges of Oxford and Stanf[ord]. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have four oaks fit for timber in the forest of Salcey (de Salseto), of the king's gift. Feb. 27. To the same. Order to cause Nicholas de Cuggeho to have five oaks for Buckingham. timber in the aforesaid forest, of the king's gift. To Gregory de Rokesle, the king's chamberlain of London. Order to cause the prior of Neuton Longevill to have two tuns of the king's wines in Gregory's custody, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Whichewod. Order to cause Eleancr, daughter of Nicholas de Cuggeho, to have three leafless oak-trunks (robora) of little value for her fuel, of the king's gift. William de Rude, imprisoned at Arundel for the death of Richard Shynewod, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail him. 5 EDWARD I. 373 1277. Membrane 11-cont. March 4. To Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony. Paschal de Pinu has shown Hitchin. the king that whereas Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, assigned to him in the king's name'and place (vice) 151. of Morlaas (morlanorum) yearly to be received at the king's exchequer of Bordeaux, and the king afterwards confirmed the assignment, as contained in his letter's patent in Paschal's possession, Paschal has received nothing for seven years, although he frequently pressed (institerit) for the money: the king orders the seneschal to cause Paschal to be satisfied for the arrears aforesaid, so far as he shall ascertain that they are due to him, and to cause the aforesaid sum to be paid to him hereafter according to the grant. March 6. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to permit Hugh de Royston. Oddingeseles, who is setting out in the king's service, to take with him two (CrucemR oys')iron horse-coverings (cooperturas), a trapping? (treppam), a hauberk (loricam), three gambesons (gambisones), an aketon, a bascinet (bacinum), two iron girdles (circulos), three tunics (tuniculas), a pair of iron leg-pieces? (mustelarum), a pair of thigh-pieces (quissettorum), and four pennoncels (penecellas), which he has caused to be made in the city. ~ ---- Hugh de Capella of Knypton, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of - Andrew de Coston, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. John de Wythou, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Andrew son of Thomas le Mouner of Caston, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. Membrane 11. —Schedule. Letters patent of John Ferre, knight, acknowledging receipt, on the day of St. Mark, 54 Henry [III], in Windsor castle, from Sir Nicholas de Yatingden, constable of that castle, of 151. 8s. 2d. of the ransom of 301. of land that the king granted to him from the eyre of Nicholas and his fellows, justices in co. Northampton and adjoining counties to hear and determine pleas of lands given by reason of the disturbance in the land, which 151. 8s. 2d. were levied for John's use by estreats of the said justices for their eyre of co. Berks in the time of Sir Thomas de Sancto Vigore, sheriff of that county. [No seal.] MEMBRANB 10. March 12. To Ralph de Sandewico, the king's steward. Order to cause to be Barnwell. made at St. Briavells with. all speed 200,000 quarells, whereof 150,000 shall be for crossbows of one foot and 50,000 for crossbows of two feet, as the king wills that quarrels shall be made and kept there for his use. March 13. To Bartholomew le Jevene, constable of Bristol castle. Order to permit Landbeach. a certain Welshman lately taken in the society of Almaric de Monte Forti and of Eleanor his sister and detained in that castle, to be delivered from prison without abjuring the realm, and to permit him to return home. To Geoffrey de Piccheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause the bailiffs and men of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, who are imprisoned at Windsor for a contempt and enormous trespass committed by them upon the king and his men, to be delivered from prison upon their finding mainpernors to have them before the king in three weeks from Easter to satisfy the king and his men for the contempt and trespass. March 17. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Dereham. cause the Carmelite Friars of Lynn to have six oaks for timber in the 874 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 10-cont. king's forest of Sappeleye for the works of their church in that town, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the following mainperiors of John le Cotillier, sometime the king's serjeant, to be acquitted of the following debts: William Godesone of 20s., in which he was amerced before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, late justices in eyre at Cantebrigg, because he had not the said John, whom he had pledged; John Godesone 20s. for the like; Philip de Hyngham half a mark for the like; Gerard le Cotillier 20s. for the like; Alan le Shetere 20s. for the like; Thomas le Botillier a mark for the like; William le Mouner 20s. for the like; Nicholas de Havekeston 20s. for the like; Simon le Shethere 10s. for the like; Ralph Crisp 10s. for the like; John Martin 4s. for the like, as the king, out of charity, has pardoned the mainpernors at the instance of the said John. March 18. To the sheriff of Norfolk. It is shown to the king on behalf of John Gaywood. Corpel, imprisoned at Norwicl, that whereas he impleaded William Bardolf before the justices of the Bench by writ of right for a third part of the manor of Rungeton, Wyrmegeye, Stowe, and Wimneberg, in which plea day is prefixed for the parties in the quinzaine of Easter, William, after the plea was begun, procured that John was appealed before the said justices by Mariota Rust of the death of Sampson Rust by precept, and by Philip de Newebaud of the death of Richard his son by harbouring [the murderers], and also by Margaret, late the wife of Thomas de Aketon, of her husband's death by maliciously harbouring, and procured his imprisonment, and procured a day to be prefixed to the said appellants and to John in fifteen days from Holy Trinity following, in order that John should desist through fear from the prosecution of the plea aforesaid or should make default in the quinzaine of Easter aforesaid, whereby William might go quit without day in the said plea: the king, wishing to obviate such malice, orders the sheriff to deliver John in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices to stand to right in the king's court concerning the said appeals. March 20. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause a coroner for that county Coxford. to be elected in place of John de Tatham, lately elected, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office for insufficient qualification. Henry de la Mare and Walter de la Mare, imprisoned at Gloucester for -- the death of William de Crickelade, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Gloucester to bail them. March 23. To Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln. Whereas the king learns by Gimingham. inquisition taken by the earl and by Bogo de Knovill, sheriff of Salop, that Fulk son of Warin, father of the present Fulk son of Warin, held all the land of Baleslegh whilst he lived as his own right until Griffin son of Wenunwen, by reason of a dispute between him and Thomas Corbet, occupied the land of [le] Gordur together with the land of Baleslegh, and held it by reason of such occupation until the present Fulk son of Warin married Griffin's daughter, when Griffin rendered to Fulk as Fulk's right the said land of Baleslegh, and Fulk held it until, on a contention arising between Llewelyn (Lewelinunm) son of Griffin and the said Griffin son of Wenunwen, Llewelyn occupied and held Griffin's land together with le Gourdour and Baleslegh until the aforesaid earl and all and other subjects of the king in the king's expedition in the Marches ejected Llewelyn's men from that land, and that Peter Corbet then seized the land of Gordour together with the land of Baleslegh because the latter was within the limits of his land of Gordour: the king orders the earl, if the land of 5 EDWARD I. 375 1277. Membrane 10-cont. Baleslegh was not in the king's seisin after the ejection of Llewelyn's men from the land aforesaid, to take that land into the king's hands, according to the tenor of the provision lately made by the king and his council at Worcester concerning such lands, and to cause Fulk to have seisin of the land aforesaid, saving the right of the king and of the said Peter when he may wish to speak concerning it and the right of any others. March 30. To Joseph de Kauncy, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Norwich. England, the treasurer. Whereas the king lately enjoined him at Norwich by word of mouth to take from certain merchants of Gascony-who stayed in London with their wines, beyond the twelve weeks provided by the king, until the king should ordain otherwise, by reason of whose stay the mayor and sheriffs of London took the wines into the king's hands-surety that they will render the true value of the wines to the king in the coming parliament at Westminster, and to cause the wines to be restored to them by the security aforesaid: the king orders him to receive the security from the merchants according to his discretion, and to cause the wines to be delivered to them. The king has ordered the mayor and sheriffs to deliver the wine to the merchants when enjoined to do so by the treasurer. To Robert de Offord, justice of Chester. Order to attach all the goods and chattels that belonged to Bonas[ius] de Florencia, bailiff and keeper of the new custom in Ireland, and of his fellows and servants (famulorum), or that are in their custody, and to cause to be levied all debts due to Bonas[ius] and their fellows, until the king shall be satisfied concerning their receipt of the new custom, and to cause the said custom there to be so kept henceforth that no damage shall be done to the king, and to provide a keeper for the same for whom he will be answerable, as the king is informed that Bonas[ius] has been slain by certain men of Ireland. April 1. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit Thomas Norwich. Rolaund to render the six marks due from him by a moiety at Michaelmas and a moiety at Easter following, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. March 31. To the constable of Rokingham castle. Order to deliver to Roger de Norwich. Clifford the three greyhounds in the constable's 'custody that were lately taken in the forest of Rokingham and which belonged, as it is said, to Thomas de Chaworc[is], as the king has given them to Roger. April 8. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard de Ledwy, of Dunwich. the order of Preachers, to be acquitted of half a mark in which he was amerced, whilst he was in secular habit, before the justices last in eyre in co. Cambridge, which the barons cause to be exacted from him by summons of the exchequer. Here the chancellor returned to court. April 10. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to deliver Thomas son of Richard de Framlingham. Bergham in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, and to return to him his lands and chattels, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff and coroners that Thomas did not receive Richard his son, who slew Richard le Porter by mischance, after the death of Richard le Porter, and that he is not guilty of the said death or of any other forfeiture. April 11. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Orford. permit the prior of Chaurnpeseye to have twenty oaks in his wood of Diham, which is within the precinct of the king's forest of Cestreweld, for the repair of the houses of the priory. 376 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 10 —cont. April 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert Ipswich. de Offord, justiciary of Ireland, to have respite until Michaelmas next for all debts due from him for the time when he was constable of the castle of Orford. April 12. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately granted to Ipswich. William Giffard that he might render the debts due from him to the exchequer at the rate of 201. yearly, the king has granted to him that he shall pay at the Michaelmas exchequer the 101. that he ought to have paid at the quinzaine of Easter last, on condition that he render 201. then, to wit the said 101. and the 101. due at the quinzaine of Michaelmas: the king orders the barons to cause William to have these terms. To Robert de Offord, justiciary of Ireland. Whereas Bonasius Bonant, merchant of Florence, whom the king lately appointed keeper of the new custom of wool in Ireland, has been slain in Ireland by malefactors and disturbers of the king's peace, and the justiciary caused the goods and other wares of Bonasius and his fellows in Ireland to be arrested in the king's name because Bonasius had not rendered his account of the receipt of the issues of the custom: the king orders the justiciary to cause all the goods and chattels to be delivered to the merchants, the fellows of Bonasius, upon their finding security to render account of the custom for the time when Bonasius was keeper thereof to the king at the exchequer of Dublin at the quinzaine of Midsummer next, and to satisfy the king for any arrears of the custom during the time aforesaid. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to permit Hagin, a Jew, of Ipswich, to dwell in his houses within the town of Ipswich wherein he now dwells, until otherwise ordered by the king, and not to molest Hagin for this reason in aught. April 17. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause the Writtle. Carmelite Friars of Lynn to have six oaks fit for timber from the king's woods in his bailiwick where this may be done with least damage to the king and the greatest convenience of the friars, in the place of the six oaks fit for timber that the king lately ordered Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, to cause the friars to have in the forest of Sappeleye for the work of their church of Lynn, of the king's gift, as Roger has not executed the order because there are not such trees fit for timber in the said forest. Alan son of Miles le Clerk of Scheston, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Ralph Atteston, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. Paulinus de Worteleye, imprisoned at York for the death of Thomas de....- Weteleye, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. April 17. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas R. bishop of Lincoln demanded Writtle. from W. archbishop of York and Robert Burnel, now bishop of Bath and Wells, and Roger de Mortuo Mari, who were then supplying the king's place in England, the custody of the moiety of the manor of Stok that belonged to Nicholas de Crioll, deceased, tenant in chief, who held the moiety by the law of England of the inheritance of Joan de Aubervill, formerly his wife, and [the bishop] asserted firmly that the custody ought to pertain to him as the right of his church, and afterwards a moiety of the manor remained to Stephen de Crauefeude, nephew (nepos) of the bishop of Lincoln, by whom the manor was granted to Stephen, by a fine that Stephen 5 EDWARD I. 377 1277. Membrane 10-cont. made with the said archbishop, Robert and Roger, then supplying the king's place, and the barons exact from Stephen the issues of a moiety of the manor received in the meantime: the king, not wishing that Stephen should be wronged, orders the barons to cause him to be acquitted of all the time when he held the custody aforesaid and for the time during which he shall hold it until Joan's heir come of age. William son of Adam le Mouner of Conethelegh, imprisoned at York for the death of Adam son of Wilkus, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. fMEMBRANE 9. April 25. To Roger de Cliff[ord] and his fellows, justices in eyre for Forest pleas in Westminster. co. Essex. Order not to aggrieve William de Faukeham and Joln de Somersete, who are mainperned before them in their eyre to answer for taking six bucks in the forest of Essex, and to permit them to have peace concerning the same, as the late king sent them to take the said bucks for his use. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until otherwise ordered all debts exacted by summons of the exchequer from Baldwin Wake, who is going with the king in his expedition to Wales. To the same. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the exaction of Adam de Monte Gomery to render account at the exchequer of the time when he was constable of the castle of Oswestry (de Albo Monasterio), as he is staying in the Marches in the king's service by his order. To Roger de Clifford and his fellows, justices in eyre for pleas of the Forest at Chelmersford. Order not to molest William son of Warin, William de Arderne or any others who were present at the taking of sixteen bucks in the forest of Essex, as the king sent the said William and William and certain of his servants two years ago to take the said bucks for his use. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the exaction of Walter de Pedwarthin, who is staying in the king's service by his order in the Marches, for the arrears of his ferm of the hundred of Bradefeld for the time when he held it. To Robert de Offord, justiciary of Ireland. Order to permit Master John de Kenle to hold until the king shall otherwise ordain the offices of the chancery and chamberlainship in the exchequer of Dublin, in the form in which he previously held them, and to permit him to receive the fees pertaining to those offices, as the king considers (perpendimus) that John, for the grateful and faithful service hitherto rendered by him, may hereafter suffice as he has done previously to execute the things pertaining to the said offices. April 27. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Edmund de Eyncourt to Westminster. be acquitted of 701. that they exact from him for his scutage of Wales in the 41st year of the late king's reig), as Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, caused the said sum to be levied from Edmund's fees for the said scutage for her use, of the late king's gift, during the time when Edmund was under age and in the present king's custody. William Curcy and Richard his brother, imprisoned at York for the death - of brother Robert Shargar, wherewith he is charged, have letters to the sheriff of York. 378 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 9-cont. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John Gagitanus, canon of York, to be acquitted of 401. in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre for Forest pleas in co. York for [not obeying] the common summons [of the eyre], as the king has pardoned him. Roger Harold, imprisoned at Winchester, for the death of Robert Doget, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. April 29. To the justices in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Essex. Order not Westminister. to disquiet or aggrieve Walter de la Hide, John de Polingfaud, and John de Welewys for the taking of two does, as it appears by inspection of the rolls of the late king's chancery that the said king gave the two does to Hawisia de Nevill, and the king learns from the complaint of Walter, John and John that the justices intend aggrieving them by reason of the does. To Roger de Clifford and his fellows, justices in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Essex. Order to cause the fine of 200 marks payable at the king's will that Robert son of Walter has made with the king by the surety of Ranulph de Monte Canisio and Robert de Sevaunt of co. Essex, John de Pecham of co. Kent, and William Morel of co. Norfolk, for a trespass of the forest wherewith he is charged, to be enrolled before the said justices, so that it may be levied with other fines made before them by the estreats to be made by them, and to cause Robert and his mainpernors to be acquitted of the trespass aforesaid, after taking security from Robert, according to the assize of the Forest, that he will not henceforth incur forfeiture in the king's forest. April 28. To the justices of the Bench. Order to supersede entirely the cognisance Westminster. of the suit before them by writ of right between the king, demandant, and the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, deforciant, concerning the advowson of Dunammeneye, as the king does not intend to prosecute it further. To the justices assigned for the custody of the Jews. Order to respite until the heir of Robert de Hereford come of age the exaction that they make from Richard de Brus, because Robert's land and heir are in his custody, of all the debts in which Robert at his death was indebted in the Jewry. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to cause John de Bella Aqua to have again such seisin of the dale of Kentemere, which he holds in chief, as he had at the time when he alienated it without the king's licence to Thomas de Bella Aqua, for which reason the king ordered the sheriff to take the dale into the king's hands and to keep it safely until otherwise ordered, as Thomas afterwards came to the king and surrendered the dale to John quit of him and his heirs for ever. The like to the sheriff of Lancaster. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause brother John de Acre, warden of the works of the Tower of London, to have 500 ash-trees in Langeley park for the said works. April 28. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause Robert Giffard to have seisin of Westminster. the bailiwick of the king's hundred of Berdestapel, and to receive the ministers whom he shall depute to execute that office, as the king has taken his homage for the bailiwick, which he has by the king's licence of the grant of William Giffard and Gundreda his wife. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Whereas the king granted to Master Ralph the saucer (salsarius), his serjeant, the 5 EDWARD I. 379 1277. Membrane 9-cont. custody of the land of Adam le Tatymer (sic) until Adam's heir come of age, and Ralph afterwards demised the custody to Robert de Thorleby, who was indebted at his death to the king and to Ralph in divers debts, and 351. 15s. lid. were received by certain of the king's ministers for his use and paid into the exchequer from the issues of the custody aforesaid after the king's grant to Ralph, whilst the custody was in the aforesaid Robert's hands, and before it came to the king's hands, which sum is still detained from Ralph, as the king learns from him: the king orders the treasurer and chamberlains to search the rolls of the exchequer, and if they find that it is as stated, to cause the sum thus received, whether more or less, to be 'paid to Ralph from the treasury. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to permit John de Rokesle to pay the 601. due from him for the arrears of the ferm of the town of Ospring for the time when he had the ferm, at the rate of 10 marks yearly, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. The king learns from the complaint of John de la Tye that, although he is not indebted to the king in aught, they exact from him by summons of the exchequer of the Jewry 251. through an error of enrolment, whereas no charter of the said debt can be found in the chest of the chirographers or elsewhere in the treasury: the king orders the justices to cause inquisition to be made by Christians and by Jews concerning this,'and if they find that it is as stated, to cause John to be acquitted of the said sum. April 30. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to permit Alexander de Balliolo Westminster. to have respite until three weeks from Michaelmas for all debts exacted from him for the king's use. To the same. Whereas the king has granted to Stephen de Penecestre, for his long and praiseworthy service, 6001. from the issues of the custody of the lands that belonged to Nicholas de Cryul, tenant in chief, in the hands of Gregory de Rokesle, mayor of London, Isabella de Eynesford, and Margery de Cryul by the king's commission, so that Stephen shall receive 1001. for Easter term last, to wit 861. from Gregory, 101. from Isabella, and 51. from Margery, and shall receive 1001. for Michaelmas term next in the same proportions, and thus 2001. yearly until the said 6001. be paid in full: the king therefore orders the barons to cause Stephen to have the said 2001. at the aforesaid terms, and to cause Gregory, Isabella and Margery to be discharged thereof at the exchequer, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, and to cause the said sum, in case Gregory, Isabella and Margery do not pay it at the terms mentioned, to be levied as if it were owed to the king, and to cause it to be paid to Stephen. Memorandum, that Stephen has letters patent directed to all persons iu the same words (sic) concerning the grant. And he has other letters patent directed to Gregory de Rokesle in the same words to answer to Stephen for the said 1701. and to cause them to be paid to him yearly. And he has letters patent directed to Margery de Criel in like form concerning the aforesaid 101. And he has letters directed to Isabella de Eynesford in like form concerning the said 201. To Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony. The king has received the letters of the king of France in these words: ' Philip, by the grace of God, 380 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 9-cont. king of France, to the eminent prince his well-beloved cousin E[dward], king of England, lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine, greeting and sincere love always. We signify to your serenity that, wishing to appease amicably the disputes between you and our well-beloved Gaston, vicomte of Bearn (Biarnen'), we have taken into our hands the prisoners whom your seneschal of Gascony took into his hands at Rochefort (Rupem Fertem) de Marsiano; intending to keep your honour and rights in all things. Dated at Paris, on Friday after the quinzaine of Easter.' The king therefore orders the seneschal to cause the prisoners to be delivered at the will of the king of France, according to the tenor of his order aforesaid. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's seneschal. Order to restore to the prior of Farnlegh, to be held until the parliament to be held after Michaelmas, the lands that the prior holds at fee-ferm of the prior and convent of Martigny (Martiniaco) in Shlachtreford, Almton, and Brome, which lands they had of the gift of the king's progenitors and which were taken into the king's hands by the sheriff of Wilts, then escheator, by reason of the alienation thereof made, and to restore to the prior of Farnlegh everything received thence. The like to the same concerning the lands that the said prior holds at fge-ferm of the prior and convent of Martigny in Wellenby, Navenby, and Brotenby, which they had of the gift of the king's progenitors, and which were taken into the hing's hands by the sheriff of Lincoln, then the king's escheator, by reason of the alienation thereof. April 30. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to Adam de Westminster. Wyntonia. Auncera, late the wife of Vives, son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, has shown the king that whereas he lately ordered the justices and Adam to search the rolls of the exchequer of his Jewry and to enquire whether what pertains to the king of Vives's tallage, debts and arrears due to the late king and the king had been levied or assigned from the chattels and debts of Vives by the king's order, so that the said chattels ought to be allowed to Ancera in the tallage, and if they found that it was so, to cause the residue of the chattels to be delivered to Ancera, and if more had been levied or assigned by the king from the said Jew's debts or chattels than pertains to him thereof, to cause Ancera to have recompense therefor from the debts due to the king from other Jews or even from the treasury, and the king has been satisfied for the tallage and the other things pertaining to him from the debts and chattels aforesaid by assignments thereof made by him and by other means, and certain of the debts that belonged to Vives together with another debt of 121. in which Robert de Wender of Westminster was indebted to the said Jew, which debt the late king caused to be assigned to John son of Roger le Convers in part payment of his wages, for which restitution or recompence has not been made to Vives or Ancera, still remain to be delivered to Ancera, contrary to the tenor of another order of the king's sent to the justices and Adam: the king orders them to cause recompence to be made to Ancera as well for the said 121. as for the remainder of the debts that belonged to Vives still in the king's hands beyond what pertains to him, according to his previous order. MEMBRANB 8. May 1. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge the preceptor of Westminster. the house of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at Boclaund of 41. 9s. 2jd. yearly and also of the increment of the sum of money arising 5 EDWARD I. 381 1277. Membrane 8 —cont. from the augmentation of the extent of the manor of Northpereton and of the dower of Roesia, late the wife of Philip de Erleye, tenant in chief, for which increment the prior bound himself in order to have the entire custody of the manor, as the king lately-forgetting the assignment to Roesia made by Robert de Radinton, late sub.escheator in co. Somerset, of dower of 41. 9s. 21d. of land and rent yearly in the manor, which is extended at 11l. 7s. 77d.-committed the custody of the manor to the preceptor, including the dower amongst the other lands of the manor, rendering therefore 211. yearly, whereof 41. 9s. 27d. yearly are due to the preceptor for the dower aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas de Clare to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next for all debts due from him to the exchequer. May 1. To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to Westminster. be elected il place of Ralph de Beaufou, whom the king has amoved from office because he cannot attend to the office by reason of certain special affairs upon which he is engaged. To the same. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Roteland to be elected in place of the aforesaid Ralph. To John son of Hugh, keeper of the forest of Salop. Order to permit the bishop of St. Asaph to take wood necessary for his fuel this year in the king's wood of the Wrekin (de Monte Gilberti), of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Geoffrey de Lucy, who is staying in the Marches for the king's affairs, to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, for all debts due to the exchequer. May 2. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Adam Westminster. de Monte Alto the manor of Ernesby, which is extended at 241. 12s. 51d., with the oxen and corn sown in the demesne lands of the manor, in part satisfaction of the king's grant to him of 1001. of land yearly from the king's wardships, whereof the king ordered the steward to cause to be assigned to Adam 501. of land yearly, and the steward has assigned to him the manor of Ichington, which is extended at 351., and the king likewise ordered Thomas de Normanvill, his steward beyond Trent, to assign to Adam another 251. of land, and Thomas has done nothing in the matter until now. To the constable of Bordeaux. Order to cause allowance to be made to Gerard de Burgo, castellan of Fronchac, in his account for his expenses about the keeping of Margaret de Castellione, wife of Peter de Sancto Simphorrian[o], knight, nephew (nepotis) of John de Greyliaco, whom the king by his letters patent ordered Gerard to receive and keep safely in the castle of Fronchac until otherwise ordered by the king or until Peter should come to those parts, so that Gerard might restore her to Peter freely and quietly, providing her with all things necessary for her. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to deliver Robert Sely, imprisoned in Salisbury castle for certain trespasses charged against him, to six men who shall mainpern to have him before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas to stand to right. May 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard Westminster. de Crepping', sometime sheriff of Westmoreland, Guy de Smerdale and certain other men of that county to be acquitted of 105 marks, in which 382 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 8-cont. Guy and the other men made fine with John de Oketon for the king's use because they were convicted of a false oath by an attaint taken before John, then the king's justice appointed for this purpose, as the said Richard paid the aforesaid sum to Iterius Bochard and his fellows, the king's envoys sent to the Roman court for his affairs, by the hands of Luke de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), by order of those who lately supplied the king's place in England. Thomas son of William de Morton, William de Morton and Emma his wife, imprisoned at Northampton, for the death of Henry Seft, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, to be acquitted of the 100 marks in which Masters R. de Clifford and William de Cliff[ord] made fine with the king for their trespass in marrying without the king's licence the two daughters and parceners of the inheritance of William de Albiniaco of Camhou, tenant in chief, as W. archbishop of York, the said bishop, and Roger de Mortuo Mari, then supplying the king's place in England, paid the said 100 marks -wherewith the said Richard and William had charged Bartholomew de Castello, who afterwards charged the said bishop therewith at the exchequer, and which is now exacted from the bishop in co. Somerset by summons of the exchequer of the time aforesaid-to the heirs of Adam de Gesem' in part satisfaction of the purchase of 301. of land in the Peak (in ]Pecco) bought for the king's use. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to permit Isaac, a Jew of Dorcestre, to dwell in his houses at Dorcestre until otherwise ordered. To the same. Whereas the king has granted to Juliana, late the wife of John Russel, the custody of two parts of the land and heir of Richard le Mareschal, tenant in chief, which custody Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward, committed to William de Gyvelton during the king's pleasure for a certain yearly term, so that Juliana shall have the custody from Michaelmas next until the heir come of age, the king orders the sheriff to cause Juliana to have seisin of the lands aforesaid, so that she may now receive the fallows (warectum) and hay pertaining to the crop (vestura) and culture of the said lands for the coming year, as she ought to do of right, and to cause Juliana to have the 10 marks due from William for the ferm of the lands for the present year, of the king's special grace. May 4. To the sheriff of Wilts. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken Westminster. by the sheriff that Philip Marmyon of Bremelrugge, deceased, - who held of the serjeanty of Dulton, which Richard de Anesy held in chief, a virgate of land in Dulton by the service of 2s. yearly to the heirs of Richard, in part payment of 10 marks yearly due to the king by the hands of the said heirs from the serjeanty aforesaid,-held also seven virgates of land in Westbir[y] and Bremelrugge, of Reginald de Pavely, who is of the esnecy (eynescia) and of the heirs of Thomas Maudut, the parceners of the said Reginald by equal portions, by knight service, and that Philip held no other tenement in any other way of the king in chief, and that Roger Marmyun, son of Philip Marmyun, the eldest son and heir of the said Philip the elder, aged seventeen years, is the next heir of Philip the elder: the king orders the sheriff to cause the aforesaid Reginald to have seisin of the custody of the 31 virgates of land that are held of him as above until the heir come of age, saving to the king the custody of the other lands that belonged to the said Philip the elder. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John son of John de Burgo to be acquitted of 1001., in which he was indebted to 5 EDWARD I. 383 1277. Membrane 8-cont. the king for his relief and of 531, in which Hawisia la Waleyse, whose heir he is, was indebted to the king, and of 401. 14s. 8d. in which John was indebted to the king for an amercement before the late king's justices last in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Northampton, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as John has satisfied the king for the aforesaid sums. To the same. Order to cause William de Alditheleg to have respite until Michaelmas next for his own debts and for the debts of his father and of other his ancestors. May 3. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewod. Order to Westminster. deliver Hugh Magot and Humphrey his son, whom he has imprisoned at Brehull for a trespass committed in that forest, to twelve men who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts to stand to right. Richard Aylward, Richard de Brockeleg, and Roger Bunting, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Baldwin, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. To the sheriff of Cumberland, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Robert de Kirkeby to have again seisin of 20 acres of land in Bochardeby, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Alice, late the wife of Ralph de Bochardeby, enfeoffed Robert of the said land, and that he was in peaceful seisin thereof for three years before her death until John de Reigate, late escheator beyond Trent, ejected him from the seisin by reason of Alice's death, and that Alice held nothing in chief in the sheriff's bailiwick. May 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the chamberlains. Westminster. Order to cause Henry de Lascy, earl of Lincoln, to have the fee that he ought to receive and that he and his ancestors, earls of Lincoln, were wont to receive at the exchequer in the name of the earldom, with the arrears from the day when the earl received knighthood from the late king and when he was girded with the sword of that earldom. And it is granted that at the coming of the earl to the king or the coming of his attorney, and (sic) shall prove the earl's full age, to wit that from the day of the earl's full age he shall be satisfied for the arrears, etc., due to him, etc. May 5. Oliver de Manhisleg', imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Thomas Westminster. Wynter, wherewith he is charged, [who] slew Thomas in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. Robert le Mareschal, Nicholas le Tanur, Laurence le Celereresman, Ralph le Pestur, and Laurence le Pestur, imprisoned at York for the death of William Sidehare, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff to bail them. _ ---- William de Treneruf, imprisoned at Launcaveton for the death of Robert son of Richard le Pelerin, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him. May 7. To the sheriff of Somerset, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Westminster. Eudo la Zuche and Milicent his wife, sister and second heiress of George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the following knights' fees that belonged to George, which the knight has assigned to them in Milicent's purparty: a fee that Thomas de Verdun held in Worle; half a fee that 384 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 8-cont. Philip Corbyn held in Ternak; two fees that William Fossard holds in Luketon Fussard; and a fee that Alan de Walton and Nicholas Payn hold in Wauton and Cumpton Pagani and in their members. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause Joan, late the wife of Walter de Langeford, tenant in chief, to have seisin of a third of 4 marks yearly of rent in Dune Savage, to hold for life as her dower of the said rent, which the king ordered the sheriff to take into his hands after Walter's death, which rent Thomas de Chelewarton was wont to render to Walter, and ordered the sheriff to answer at the exchequer for the same until Walter's heir, who is a minor in the king's wardship, come of age, of which rent Walter was seised in his demesne as of fee, as no assignment of dower thereof has yet been made to Joan. To the taker of the king's wines at Southampton. Order to cause the abbot and convent of St. Edward's [Netley] to have a tun of wine for this year of the wines of the king's right prise for the celebration of divine service in the abbey, in accordance with the late king's charter granting to them a tun yearly for this purpose. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause the abbess of Wilton to have in the clearings (trencheis) that the king lately caused to be made by him thirty oaks for the works of her church, of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause the Friars Minors of Salisbury to have six - oaks in that forest, of the king's gift. May 8. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert Peny, Thomas Westminster. Peny, John Petitpeny, Erngis (Arnis') de Messingberth, Batinus Hucyn, Robert Attelane, Robert Attestaple, Robert Vincent, and Adam Wibert of Sandwich to be acquitted of 100s. in which they were amerced before John de Love[tot] and Geoffrey de Neubaud for a trespass that they were said to have committed in taking wool to parts beyond sea without licence from the late king or from the king, as they paid the aforesaid sum into the king's wardrobe to Thomas Bek, keeper of the same, on Monday after the Ascension, in the fourth year of the reign, by the hands of Stephen de Penecestre, constable of Dover castle. To the same. Order to cause John le Blak of Schorham to be acquitted of 20s. in which he was amerced before the aforesaid John de Lovetot and Geoffrey for the like trespass, as he paid this sum into the wardrobe to the aforesaid keeper on the said Monday. MEMBRANE 7. May 8. To the mayor and citizens of London. Order to permit Reginald de Westminster. Suffolch[ia], their fellow citizen, to re-erect certain posts (stapella) outside the gate of his house in the city to guard against the danger (propter discrimina) of carts there passing, and to permit him to have the posts when re-erected, which posts were lately thrown down to Reginald's grievous damage by reason of a presentment made by the mayor and citizens before the justices last in eyre at the Tower, as the king has granted to Reginald, for his praiseworthy service to the king, that he may re-erect the said posts. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to deliver to Walter Wyket the hundred of Waleton, which is of the body of that county, to be kept by him until otherwise ordered, in consideration of his good behaviour in the king's service, if he will give as much for the custody as another has been wont to give yearly for it. 5 EDWARD I. 385 1277. Membrane 7-cont. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to permit Bonenfaunt de Cruce Roes[ie], a Jew of London, to dwell in the said town of Royston (de Cruce Roes') until otherwise ordered. To the keeper of the forest of Wanberg. Order to cause Bartholomew, the chaplain of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have in that forest five oaks fit for timber with all their strippings (escaetis), of the king's gift. To the sheriff of York. Whereas Lambert de Trikingham, John Brimn, Gilbert de Thorneton, Thomas Trussebut, Roger die Pukelinton, William de Seleby, Walter de Boys, Andrew de Hocot, Richard Turevill, John le Gras, John Cort, and Hugh de Acastre of co. York have mainperned to have before the justices at the first assize in those parts Patrick, prior of Watton, who is appealed by Hawisia, late the wife of Richard de Stanes, of the death of Richard by his order, to stand to right in the king's court; the king orders the sheriff to cause the prior to have peace in the meantime by the mainprise aforesaid. To the sheriff of York. Like order concerning Adam de Helmesle, canon of Watton, and William le Akatur, a brother of the same house, who are appealed by the aforesaid Hawisia of the death of her said husband by their precept, as Ralph de Ripplingham, Thomas son of Thomas de Honeton, William Trunket, Walter de Lungthorp, Roger de Lund, Richard de Watsand, Henry de Scardeburg, Ralph de Lelley, William Darayns, Atricius son of Anlacus de Alnateby, Eudo de Bello Campo, and William de Lokinton of co. York have mainperned them as above. To the same. Like order concerning William de Lessett and Odo de Beverlaco, canons of Watton, appealed by the aforesaid Hawisia of the death of her husband by their order, as Thomas Gocelyn, Robert de Rudestan, Nicholas de Hayton, Robert de Horblyn, clerk, Thomas de Turkelby, Robert de Rudestan, Andrew de Hotot, Walter del Boys, Richard de Watsaund, Roger de Lund, and William Trunket of co. York have mainperned them as above. May 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Henry Westminster. de Coventr[eia], citizen of London, to be acquitted of 571. 16s. 8d. of the 971. 16s. 8d. in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre at the Tower of London for the escape of thieves and for other causes, and to permit him to pay the remaining 401. at the rate of 101. yearly, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has pardoned him the said 571. 16s. 8d. and granted him such terms for the payment of the remainder. May 10. To the constable of [the castle of] Hasting'. Order to deliver to John Westminster. de Brittannia 71 acres of meadow in Hasting', as the king understands by the late king's charter granting to John the honour of Hasting', with the knights' fees and all appurtenances except the town, castle, and advowsons of churches, and the prebends of Hasting', that the said 71 acres are of the appurtenances of the said fees, and that he at another time ordered Matthias de Hasting', then constable of the aforesaid castle, to deliver the meadow to John, and Matthias did nothing in execution of the order, as the king learns. May 12. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Norhantonia, Westminster. citizen of London, to be acquitted of 301. of the 401. and 201. exacted from him for the escape of two thieves from the prison of Newgate, when John was one of the sheriffs of that city, and to allow the remaining 301. to him in the debts due to him from the king. u 96998. ~~~~~~~~~~~B B u 96998. B B 386 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 7-cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has pardoned the executors of the will of Roger de Ravenyngham, sometime archdeacon of Huntedon, for the execution of his will, 101. of the 401. in which Roger was amerced before Alan la Zuche and his fellows, the late king's justices in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Huntingdon, for contempt: the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause the executors to be acquitted of the 401. aforesaid upon receipt of 301. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cause the master of St. Bartholomew's hospital in Smythefeld to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas for 7 marks in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre at the Tower of London. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Henry de Frowyk, sometime sheriff of London, to be acquitted of 1101. of the 1601. in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre at the Tower of London for the escape of Roger Drinkcwater and of twelve of his fellows and for the escape of Richard le Scot of co. Northumberland, and of John le Ysemangere of Fremyngham, and of Richard le Clerk of Winchester, and to permit him to pay the remaining 401. (sic) at the rate of 100s. a year, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the abbot of Kyrkestall. Order to cause Augustine de Plesset[is], the king's yeoman, to have 20 marks from the first moneys that the abbot is about to pay to the king of the debts of Joceas le Jevene, a Jew of York, as the king has granted this sum to Augustine out of the debts due to the king from the abbot of the debts of the said Jew. To John son of Thomas, keeper of the New Forest. Order to permit the king's foresters of fee to hold their lands and rents within the bounds of the forest until the king shall otherwise ordain, provided that the bailiwicks that they had in the forest shall be taken and remain in the king's hands, as the king does not wish that they shall be ejected unjustly from their lands or rents. To the justices, etc., appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Thomas de Berevill is indebted to Dencanus Crispini, a Jew of York, by his charter in the treasury and in another debt to Isaac Gabay, a Jew of Lincoln, deceased, by another char.ter, which charter the king caused to be delivered to Solomon Bunting, a Jew of London, for a debt due from him to Solomon, as the king learns from Thomas: the king, wishing to show favour to Thomas because he constantly adhered to the faith of the late king and of the king in the time of the disturbance in the realm and sustained divers losses through his fidelity, orders the justices to examine the said charters and to cause Thomas to be acquitted of the usuries and pains of the debts aforesaid, and to cause him to have terms for payment of the principal debt received by him from the said Jews at which he may pay the debt saving his contenement, according to the law and custom of the king's Jewry and the provision made by the king's council concerning Christians indebted in his Jewry, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the same. Whereas Benedict, a Jew of Winchester, demanded before them for himself and the Jew Swetman son of Licoricia against Stephen de Eddeworth certain debts due to them by reason of certain lands of Stephen, and it was at length agreed between them that Stephen should pay to Benedict 120 marks and 20 quarters of wheat at terms not yet past, and that Benedict should acquit Stephen against Swetman and other Jews 5 EDWARD I. 387 1277. Membrane 7-cont. whatsoever of the realm of the said money and of other debts whatsoever that might be exacted from him by reason of the said lands; and whereas Stephen cannot keep the said terms, which are enrolled before the justices, without sale or alienation of his lands, as the king learns, the king, in consideration of Stephen's praiseworthy service to the late king, has granted to him that he shall pay to the aforesaid Jew ten marks and two quarters of wheat yearly until the 120 marks and 20 quarters be paid in full: the king orders the justices to cause Stephen to have the said terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause Roger de Caverwell and Gilbert le Marescall of Aston to have each seisin of a moiety of a messuage and half a virgate of land in Lenedal that William son of Hugh, who was outlawed for felony, held, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Stafford that the messuage and half virgate have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that they are still in his hands, and that William held a moiety thereof of Roger and the other moiety of Gilbert, and that William de Lenedal ought to answer to the king for the year and day thereof. Robert Craddok, imprisoned at York for the death of Richard son of Elias le Lavander, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause to be paid to Thomas Lovetot, son and heir of Roger de Lovetot, 101. yearly during the time of the wardship of the manor of Wisho, and to cause the arrears thereof from the time of the death of Robert de Derley to be levied and paid to Thomas, as it appears to the king by the charter that Roger de Lovetot made to Robert of the said manor that Robert was enfeoffed of the same rendering therefor 101. yearly, and the king cannot exact more in the same manor in the name of wardship than Robert had on the day of his death. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause all the charters under the names of Robert de Tybotot and of certain Jews of the realm to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the Jews of London, and to cause them to be delivered acquitted (quietas) to Robert. They are not to omit this by reason of the closing of the chest. May 13. To the barons of the exchequer. Order not to vex or aggrieve Henna, Westminster. late the wife of Jacob de Oxonia, a Jew of London, after dower have been assigned to her, by her body or goods for any debts in which James was indebted to the king or toanyone else, as the king lately ordered the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and Adam de Wintonia, clerk, to cause dower to be assigned to Henna from Jacob's goods and chattels, in accordance with a charter made concerning the dower [etc. as at page 371 above]. Membrane 7-Schedule. Letter of Deataiutus Willelmi, merchant of the queen-mother, to Sir J. de Kyrkeby. Whereas a certain letter was formerly enrolled in John's rolls concerning 62 sacks of wool due to Dunellinus Jointe, Teghia Thedaldi and Bernard his brother from the abbot of Fountains, so that one moiety should be for Dunellinus and the other for the said brothers, Deotaiutus now requests John to cause the moiety pertaining to Dunellinus to be enrolled to Deotaiutus in the way in which it was enrolled to Dunellinus, who sends the same [request] by his letters patent under the seal of Master Francis, LL.D., saying that by reason of the many debts in which he is B B 2 388 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 7-Schedule-cont. bound, it behoved Deataiutus to acquit him thereof here and to take the debt of the said wool. He desires that John will so act in this matter that he may be bound to him in returning thanks. Moreover, whereas Sir James de Bello Campo, brother of the earl of Warwick, is in the king's service at Cestre, and the sheriff of Oxford distrains him at his church for certain matters, as the bearer hereof shall inform John, he requests John to cause the sheriff to have a writ to refrain from distraint until a sufficient term, to wit until Michaelmas. If there be anything that Deataiutus can do for John in these parts, the latter is desired to send his will to him by the bearer hereof as he would to one of his own men (tamquam vestro). MEMBRANE 6. May 16. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause 1001. to be levied without Westminster. delay from the issues of the eyre of the king's justices last in eyre for pleas of the Forest in that county, who will deliver their estreats to him by the king's order, and to pay that sum to Roger de Clifford, one of the aforesaid justices, for his maintenance in the eyre aforesaid upon this occasion, of the king's gift. May 22. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause Windsor. Master Francis de Bononia to have fifteen oak-trunks (robora) in Windsor castle for his fuel, of the king's gift. May 24. To Roger Loveday and John de Metingham. Whereas Gundreda la Westminster. Bygote lately arramed an attaint before Roger and John against John le Bygod to convict the jurors of an assize of novel disseisin summoned between them and taken before Roger and John at Cateshull concerning a tenement in Iclingham, wherein Gundreda complained that the jurors had made a false oath, and the jurors, being convicted by the attaint aforesaid, are detained in the king's prison of Bury St. Edmunds, as the king learns: the king orders Roger and John to cause the jurors to be released after taking from them a reasonable fine and sufficient security for payment of the fine to the king at the exchequer, as has been the custom in like case. To Matthew de Columbariis, keeper of the forest of Ceth. Order to cause Adam de Wyntonia to have a good oak for timber in that forest, of the king's gift. To Adam Gurdon, keeper of the forest of Wollemar. Order to permit William de Candovre and Robert le Sauser, the king's huntsmen, to take five harts in the foreign places of the forest for the king's use, and to aid and counsel them in so doing. May 26. To Roger de Hlemenhal, keeper of the forest of Arundell. Order to Windsor. cause underwood and dead-wood (siccum boscum) to be sold up to 201. worth in that forest where it may be done to the least damage, by the view and testimony of Gilbert le Gos of Arundell, and to cause the money received thence to be expended in repairing the houses of Arundell castle. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause the Augustinian Friars of London to have six oaks for timber, of the king's gift. May 26. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order not to put Robert de Burgate on any Windsor. assizes, juries, or recognitions for one year from Midsummer next, as the king wishes to show him favour. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Hamo Hauteyl to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next for all debts 5 EDWARD I. 389 1277. Membrane 6-cont. due to the exchequer for the time when he was the late king's sheriff of cos. Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, etc. Order, if they ascertain by testimony of Christians and Jews and by the exhibition to them of a star that Jacob de Oxonia, a Jew, now deceased, granted to Henry de Wodestock, king's clerk, in Michaelmas term, in the first year of the reign, all the debts in which Laurence de Chisilhamton was then indebted to Jacob by his charters, to cause Henry to have the said debts according to the law and custom of the Jewry used at the time of the aforesaid gift. To the same. Whereas the king was lately given to understand that Laurence de Chyselhampton had lands from which he might sufficiently answer for all the debts in which he is bound in the king's Jewry, and the king therefore ordered that Geoffrey de Lewekenore should not be distrained by reason of the aforesaid debts by the lands that belonged to Laurence and of which Geoffrey was enfeoffed after Laurence had become indebted in the Jewry, and the king now learns that the lands that Laurence then held and now holds do not suffice to pay the said debts: the king orders them, if it be so, not to omit to distrain all the lands aforesaid, both those that Laurence holds and those that Geoffrey holds as aforesaid, to pay the said debts, according to the law and custom of the Jewry. ----- John son of Matilda de Herdwik, imprisoned at Northampton for the - -- death of Simon son of John de (sic) Edwyne, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. May 30. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit Philip de Windsor. Micheldevre to pay the 161. 6s. 8d. in which he is indebted to the exchequer half at All Saints next and the other half at Whitsuntide following, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Robert le Waleys, the king's parker of Odyham, to have until otherwise ordered half a mark yearly in addition to the 10s. yearly that he receives for his maintenance, as the king has granted to him this augmentation during his pleasure. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Master Ralph the saucer, (salsar') king's serjeant, to be acquitted of 21s. that he received from a moiety of the lands that belonged to William de la Poylle for Michaelmas term, 49 Henry III., when the land was in the late king's hands because William was against the said king and the present king at the time of the disturbances in the realm, and to cause Ralph to be discharged of half a mark in which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Bedford for default, as the king has pardoned him these sums. -To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to permit Michael de Retford, a - Jew, to dwell in the town of Retford as he has been wont to do, until otherwise ordered by the king. Alan Gos and Henry le Gaunter, imprisoned at Noting[ham] for the death of Robert de Tuttebir[y], wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail them. William Knot, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of John le Fevre of Sundredelaund, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to bail him. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Philip, parson of Bynteworth church, the manor of Bynteworth, which is in the 390 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 6 —ont. custody of the sheriff of Southampton by reason of the lands of the archbishopric of Rouen being in the king's hands by reason of voidance, to be kept during the king's pleasure, if Philip will give as much yearly for the manor as it is worth in all issues or as much as the sheriff renders for it, taking security from Philip, as the king learns that the manor is kept less well than accords with his honor. To Geoffrey de Piccheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause Richard de Berchamsted of Windsor to have two good oaks for timber in that forest, to be selected by him, of the king's gift. May 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately Windsor. ordered them to enquire the truth concerning the debts and chattels of Isaac le Evesk, a Jew of London, and to assign to him reasonable terms for payment of certain old debts in which he is indebted at the exchequer, according to the quantity of his chattels and the said debts, and Isaac has now besought the king to take into his hands in part payment of the said old debts a debt of 1001. that he has of the assignment of Auncera, late the wife of Vyves son of Master Moses, which debt in the ascertainment (puramento) made of the debts of the king's Jewry was assigned to the said Vyves, after whose death the debt remained to Auncera: the king orders them, if they ascertain by the rolls of the Jewry that the aforesaid debt is Isaac's and no one else's of the assignment of Auncera, and that the debt may be levied for the king's use, to receive the said debt for the king's use, to be levied according to the custom of the exchequer, and to cause it to be allowed to Isaac in the said old debts at the exchequer in the first terms of the assignment aforesaid. May 28. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the Windsor. king learns from trustworthy testimony that Moses de Clare, a Jew, is not now sufficient for the king's tallage assessed upon him and for other debts that he paid to the king after the king's arrival in England, to pay at present' the remainder of the debts that he still owes to the king for the late king's time and for the present king's time, the king orders the justices to search the rolls of his Jewry concerning the debts owing by Moses, and to take for the king's use from his debts to the total of the debts aforesaid, or to cause Moses to have terms according to the quantity of his chattels in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews at which he may pay the debts, saving to him and his household their maintenance, and to cause to be restored to him his chattels taken into the king's hands for this reason. May 30. To Master Henry de Bray, bailiff of Bergeveny. Order to cause William Windsor. de Treggete, son of Walter de Treggete, tenant in chief of George de Cantilupo, to have seisin of his father's lands, if he ascertain by inquisition or otherwise that William is of full age and is the next heir, taking from him what pertains to the king according to the custom of those parts, as the king learns from William that he is of full age and prepared to prove his age, so that he ought to have seisin as son and next heir of his father of the lands that belonged to his father in Overwent, which Henry took into the king's hands with other lands of the said George, after George's death by the reason of the custody thereof that George had, and that Henry detains the lands from William, although William has many times offered to prove his age and to do the other things that he ought to do. May 30. To the same. It is shown to the king on behalf of the executors of the Windsor. will of George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, that whereas George assigned the custody of the lands and heirs of Walter de Tregget, then in his hands * This passage is obi;curely worded. 5 EDWARD I. 391 1277. Membrane 6-cont. by reason of Walter's death, to the executors as his chattel in his last will, the aforesaid bailiff took the custody, which pertained to the executors after George's death, into the king's hands by reason of the custody of the castle and honour of Bergeveny, which the king committed to him at will, and has received the issues thereof, which he detains from the executors: the king orders him, if he ascertain that it is so and that the issues according to the law and custom of those parts ought not to pertain to Henry, to cause the issues received by him to be delivered to the executors for the execution of the testament. June 2. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver Richard de Ywerne, Windsor. imprisoned at Winchester for trespass of venison, wherewith he is charged, to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices next in eyre for Forest pleas in those parts, as it is testified before the king that Richard is needy and poor and is lacking in friends who might minister victuals to him in prison. By K. To Matthew de Columbariis, keeper of the forest of Cett'. Order to cause the abbess of Wherewell to have twelve oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. To Adam Gurdun, keeper of the forest of Wolvemere. Order to cause Helen de Gorges to have ten oaks, of the king's gift. William Tracy, imprisoned at Huntedon for the death of Roger le Provost of Catteworth and William Fresel, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Huntingdon to bail him. June 3. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to respite Windsor. until the lawful age of Hugh Fyche the demand for 201. from his lands by reason of an amercement in which he lately fell in the king's court before the said justices, and not to aggrieve Eleanor, the king's mother, by reason thereof, as the king learns from her that the justices have ordered the said sum to be levied from the lands of Hugh, who is a minor in her wardship. To the same. Whereas the king has granted to Queen Eleanor, his wife, all the debts in which Richard de Sees is indebted to any Jews of this realm by his charters, and Richard is indebted to Aaron Cryspyn in 801. before the grant: the king orders the justices, if they ascertain by inspection of the rolls of the Jewry or otherwise, that it is so, and that that debt was delivered to the queen by the king, to cause the value of the debt to be allowed to Aaron or to whom he will in the debts that he owes to the king, or to cause the value thereof to be delivered to him from the debts in the treasury of the Jewry, as they shall see most convenient for the king. To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Henna, late the wife of Solomon de Merleberge, a Jew, from the goods and chattels that belonged to him, according to the law and custom of the realm, and, after such assignment, not to destrain Henna by her dower for any other debts than for the costs (mis') and debts of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort. MEMBRANE 5. June 3. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Hugh son of Otto to Westminster. be acquitted of the issues of the lands that belonged to Thomas son of Otto, tenant in chief, for all the time during which Hugh has had the custody and during which he shall have it, as the king, on 23 January, in the third year of his reign, committed to' Hugh the said custody on condition that he should answer for the issues thereof, and afterwards, in 392 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 12 77. Membrane 5-cont. consideration of his good service, granted the issues to him, and the barons now exact them from Hugh, as the king learns. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to pay to Philip de Wyleby 20 marks in recompenco for his expenses in finding a clerk for the counter-roll in the exchequer of receipt and for his expenses in going through divers parts of the realm on the king's affairs. To the keeper of the forest of Essex. Order to permit the abbess of Berkingg' and her men to fell oak-trees and oak-trunks (quercus et robora quercuum) in her demesne woods within the forest aforesaid to the value of 401., and to permit her to make her convenience thereof, as the keeper, after making inquisition by the king's order, wrote back to the king that he might give licence to the abbess to fell oak-trees and oak-trunks as above to the value aforesaid, to wit in the wood of Hyneholt oak-trunks to the value of 101., and in the wood of Alderfanne oaks to the value of 241., without doing damage or destruction there. Simon son of Hugh le Charetter, Geoffrey his brother, Richard le Mouner of Holewell, Roger son of William, Henry son of William, Henry son of William (sic), and William his brother, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Simon le Heyward of Hadden, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. June 5. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Bartholomew de Windsor. Briaunzun to be quit of half a mark in which be was amerced before the justices last in eyre at the Tower of London by reason of the common summons [of the eyre]. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the king learns upon trustworthy testimony that Solomon Bunting, a Jew, is not now sufficient for the tallage assessed upon him and for the debts that he paid to the king after the king's arrival in England to pay the remainder of the debts that he still owes to the king, as well for the late king's time as for the present king's time, the king orders the justices to examine the rolls of his Jewry concerning the debts in which Solomon is indebted to the exchequer of the Jewry, and to take for the king's use the value of the said debts from the debts of the said Jew, or to cause him to have reasonable terms for payment according to the quantity of his chattels, saving to him his maintenance, according to the justices' discretion, and to cause to be restored to him his chattels taken into the king's hands for this reason. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prioress of St. Margaret's, Ivyngho, co. Buckingham, to be acquitted of two marks, in which she was amerced before the king's justices last in eyre in co. Bedford because she agreed with John de Northwode, her adversary, in a plea of novel disseisin concerning a tenement in Segenho without seeking or obtaining licence from the justices. To John de Cobham, Philip de Wyleby, and William de Middelton. Order to assess 4,000 marks, or at the least 3,000 marks, upon the Jews ot the realm, the king having lately appointed them to tallage (talliand') all the Jews of the realm according to their discretion. To the abbot of Tynterne. Whereas the king lately appointed him to audit the account of the collectors and receivers of the fine that the burgesses of Bristol made with the king for divers trespasses that they were said to have committed during the time of the disturbance in the realm: the king orders him to allow to Adam de Wintonia, king's clerk, and the other collectors in their account for the expenses of two clerks intending 5 EDWARD 1. 393 1277. Membrane 5-cont. the receipt of the said fine at Bristol from Michaelmas, in the 50th year of the late king's reign, until Midsummer, in the 54th year, and for the robes of the said clerks, to wit one robe for each of them yearly during that time, as much as shall be reasonable, To Roger de Clifford, the elder. Order to cause Ralph de Tony to have seisin of Elveymusmeneth, which is in Roger's custody by the king's commission, to hold as freely as Roger the father of the said Ralph held it at his death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by G(iles de Berkeley, sheriff of Hereford, in the presence of Walter de Helyon, that Roger de Tony aforesaid was seised of the said land in his demesne as of fee at his death, and that the late king caused it to be seised into his hands by reason of the wardship of the said Ralph, then a minor in his wardship, and that he held the land until Llewelyn son of Griffin occupied it, who held it until the men of that land came to the king's peace, and that they know nothing whereby the king or anyone else should have any right to hold the land in demesne except that the king, as chief lord of the fee, [has the wardship thereof], and that the land is worth 40 marks yearly in time of peace, and that it is held of the king in chief, and that Ralph de Tony is the next heir of the said Roger and that he is aged twenty-two years. June 8. To Geoffrey de Pycheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause Windsor. William de Eton, the guest of the chancellor, to have two oak-trunks (robura) to mend therewith his houses of Eton, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king learns that Walter de Essexia, late sheriff of Essex, was amerced in divers sums of money for the time when he had the custody of the county beyond the quantity of his offences, the king has pardoned him a moiety of the amercements aforesaid, and therefore orders the treasurer and barons to search the rolls of the exchequer concerning the sum of the amercements, and to cause Walter to be acquitted of a moiety thereof, and to cause him to have respite for the remainder until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, and to send to the king under the exchequer seal in the meantime the sum of the other moiety, so that the king may cause to be done what shall seem to be expedient by his council. To Geoffrey de Pycheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause the wild (silvestres) bulls and cows in the park of Windsor to be taken, and to be delivered to the king's children staying in the castle for their expences. To the same. Order to cause Robert Lythfot, keeper of the houses of the park, to have 4d. daily for his wages henceforth during the king's will, in accordance with the late king's charter to him, which the king has inspected, as 2d. daily are now subtracted from him. June 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. John de Windsor. Brylaund, merchant, has shown the king that although they are aware that the bishop of Meath, when he was treasurer of Ireland, and Master John de Saunford, still the king's escheator of that land, took 43 marks of John's money from his men in that land for the expedition of the king's affairs, the treasurer and barons would not pay the money to him without the king's special order: the king orders them, if they ascertain that the money was expended in his service, to cause the money to be rendered to John, and to charge the bishop and eseheator with it. To Robert de Offord, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause the aforesaid money to be rendered to John, and to cause it to be allowed to the treasurer. 394 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 5-cont. To the keeper of Windsor forest. Order to cause Master Fulk, the king's gardener of Windsor, to have a trunk of an ash not bearing leaf (unum roburfagi folia fagi non portantis), of the king's gift. Alan le Clerk of Sitheston, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Ralph Atteston, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to Master William de Clifford that he may pay the 371. that he owes to the king for the issues of the archbishopric of York of the time when he was keeper thereof during voidance, and the 100s. that he owes to the king for the issues of the demesnes of the late king of the time when he was escheator of the said king this side Trent, by 101. at Michaelmas next, the like sum at Easter following, 111. at the following Michaelmas, and the like sum at the following Easter, and order to cause him to have these terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Thomas Selgor, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Ralph del Hole, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de Sancto Johanne of 200 marks of his debts due to the exchequer, as the king has pardoned him this sum for his praiseworthy service. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause the Friars Preachers of Wylton to have six oak-trunks (robora) for their fuel, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order not to molest John le Wssher, Henry le Porter, and John Pikard, the king's serjeants, for taking nine does in the forest of Wanberge, as the king sent them thither for that purpose about Martinmas last. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king has granted respite to Stephen de Eddeworth, who has set out with William de Valencia, the king's uncle, for Wales in the king's service, until the octaves of Michaelmas for rendering his account of the time when he was the late king's constable of the Tower of London: the king orders them to cause the distraints that they cause to be levied by the sheriffs of Bedford and Buckingham for this reason to be released in the meantime. Simon Topping of Coleby, imprisoned at Appelby for the death of Simon de Appelby, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cumberland to bail him. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Aldebrandus Malegalye and Colinus Teste and their fellows to be discharged of 5621. 10s. Od., which they have paid to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, as appears by her letters patent, which the king has inspected, the king having granted to her what pertained to him for the trespass committed by the said men in taking wool out of the realm to Flanders contrary to the prohibition of the late king and of the present king. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewode. Order to cause Warin Dyne to have three oaks for timber, of the king's gift. June 18. To the sheriff of Oxford. Oliver de Scalebrok of Hasele has shown the Brill. king that whereas he is indebted to Bonevye son of Vives, a Jew of Oxford, in 56s. by a charter and in 24s. by another charter, which charters are in the chest of the chirographers of the Jews at Oxford, and he is 5 EDWARD I. 395 1277. Membrane 5-cont. prepared to pay the money to the Jew, on condition that the charters aforesaid shall be restored to him, the said Jew has maliciously procured him to be distrained by summons of the exchequer of the Jewry to render to him 40s., by reason of which summons the sheriff distrains him to render the said sum unjustly, especially as he has been always ready to pay the whole sum to the Jew when the charters were restored to him: as the king wishes to provide for the indemnity of the said Oliver, and also that the debts due to him from the Jew shall be levied from the clearer and more certain debts of the Jew, orders the sheriff to release the distraints upon Oliver upon his finding security to pay the whole sum to the king or to the Jew at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, on condition that the charters be then restored to him. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewode. Order to cause Master John de Sancto Omero to have six leafless oak-trunks for his fuel, of the king's gift. Alan de Sitheston, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Ralph Attestone, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver Alan de Elledon and John Rugeman, imprisoned at Winchester for trespass of the Forest, wherewith they are charged, in bail to twelve men each who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts to stand to right. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge the bailiffs and approved men of Portesmuth of the ferm of their town for five years from Michaelmas, 50 Henry III., as the late king granted to them by his letters patent, which the king has inspected, the ferm for that period in consideration of the damages and losses sustained by them on his behalf during the time of the disturbance in the realm. Membrane 5.-Schedule. Letters of privy seal, dated at Rothelane on the morrow of St. Bartholomew, in the fifth year of the king's reign, to R. bishop of Bath and Wells. Order to cause certain letters patent concerning 1,0001. annexed to the presents to be sealed with the king's great seal, and to deliver them to the bearer of the presents. MEMBRANE 4. June 15. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the Brill. king lately ordered them, in accordance with the statutes that he has caused to be made of the Jewry of his realm, to cause the lands of Robert Revell in Crendon to be extended, to wit what they are worth yearly in all issues, and saving to Robert the chief messuage and a moiety of the lands for his maintenance, and to order thie other moiety to be delivered to Beuedict (Benetto) son of Jacob de Oxonia, a Jew, to have until the debts in which Robert is indebted to him should be levied thence, according to the said statutes: the king, compassionating Robert's poverty, orders the justices to desist from delivering seisin of the lands to the said Jew, and to cause reasonable terms to be assigned to Robert for payment of the debts according to the extent of a moiety of the lands, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. 396 CALENI)AR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 4-cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Aaron de la Rye, a Jew of London, holds in the city of London a plot of land whereon a small house stands, which plot he bought from Hagin, a Jew of the said city, and of which plot and house and of other houses and possession that are and were owned by Hagin divers debts of Hagin and of his predecessors are due to the king, and Aaron proposes to erect on that plot more suitable houses: the king, not wishing that Aaron should [be charged] beyond the portion falling to him by reason of the house and plot aforesaid, [orders them] to cause [the house and plot] to be extended, and to charge Aaron with his portion of the said debts according to that extent, provided that Hagin and the other Jews who hold the other houses and possessions that are and were Hagin's and his predecessors shall be charged with their portion of the said debts. June 22. To the same. The aforesaid Aaron has besought the king to take into Beckley. his hands the value of certain amercements and old arrears due to him from Aaron out of Aaron's clearer debts in the treasury of the Jewry: the king therefore orders them to search the rolls of the amercements and old arrears aforesaid, and to take the amount thereof into the king's hands from Aaron's clearer debts, and to retain them, and to cause the Jew to be acquitted of the amercements and old arrears aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons, etc. Order to cause clearer debts of Aaron Crespyn and Cresseus son of Genta, Jews of London, to the value of 101. to be withdrawn from the chests of the king's Jewry, and to cause the debts to be levied for the king's use, and to cause the said Jews to be acquitted thereof, as the Jews aforesaid have besought the king to cause 101. in which they were amerced, to wit 100s. each, and that are exacted from them by summons of the exchequer, to be taken into his hands in this manner. To the sheriff of Oxford. Whereas the king has appointed certain of his faithful subjects at London to assess the tallage upon the community of his Jews of England, by reason whereof it behoves his Jews of Oxford to be there present at the order of his said subjects, the king orders tbe sheriff not to make any inquisitions upon the said Jews whilst they are there [at London] or after they have returned thence, without special order from the king or from his said subjects or of the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and then by Christians and Jews as was wont to be done in the times of other sheriffs there. June 24. To brother Joseph, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Woodstock. England, the treasurer. Whereas Bonamy son of Vives, the king's Jew of Oxford, has acknowledged before the king that he has been satisfied by Ralph de Cestreton for a debt of 35/1. that Ralph owed to him by a charter in the chest of the king's chirographers of Oxford, and also for all other debts in which he was indebted to the said Jew for any cause, as is contained in the Jew's star made thereof: the king orders the treasurer to take with him the sheriff of Oxford and to open the chest of the chirographers in the presence of Ralph and the Jew, and to withdraw the charter aforesaid from it, and to deliver it to Ralph according to the contents of the star aforesaid, and to re-close the chest and to seal it with his seal and the seal of the said sheriff. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause the lands of John Wyger, tenant in chief, to be extended, and to cause Gundreda, late the wife of the said John, to have her dower according to that extent, as she las taken oath before the king not to marry withoat his license. 5 EDWARD I. 397 1277. Membrane 4 —cont. June 25. To Elias de Tingewyk, keeper of the forest of Whitlewod. Order to Woodstock. cause the Friars Preachers of Northampton to have six oaks for timber in the clearings (trenchiis) that the king lately ordered to be made in his park of Hanl[eye]. The king has granted to Anselm de Gurney respite of being made a knight until Michaelmas next. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to deliver Richard son of Robert de Muntpelers, imprisoned at Neugate for a trespass that he was said to have committed upon certain Jews of London, from prison, upon his finding six men of the city who shall mainpern to have him before the king at his next coming thither to stand to right if the king or any other wish to speak against him. Robert le Bo[e]f, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of John Agge, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. Vacated, because he did not have it. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Master Henry Wade, the king's cook, to have six oaks for timber in the wood of Chauton, within the forest of Porcestre, of the king's gift. June 30. John Payn of Clanefeld, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of William Gloucester. Sauvage, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. John de Staure, imprisoned at St. Briavells' castle for a trespass committed by him in the forest of Dene, has letters to Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward, to bail him, with this clause: ' unless John committed (fac') such trespass in the forest out of custom.' Willam Chinne, imprisoned at St. Briavells for a trespass committed by him in the forest of Dene, has letters to Ralph de Sandwyco to bail him, if he be not a public malefactor. To Ralph de Sandwico. Whereas the king lately granted to Walter de Burges the custody of all the lands whereof Philip Marmyun was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death, to hold until Philip's heirs come of age, and the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Wilts that Philip held a virgate of land in Bremmelrugg of Thomas de Tetteburn, the custody or marriage whereof ought not to pertain to the king at present: the king therefor orders Ralph to cause Thomas to have seisin of the said virgate, to hold in wardship until Philip's heirs come of age; provided that Walter shall have as much assigned to him by Ralph from other lands in the king's hand by reason of wardship by extent to be made by Ralph. William de Bolteby, imprisoned at Sutton Stainclif for the death of William de Gylling, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. To the barons of the exhequer. Whereas the late king, on 13 July, in the 52nd year of his reign, granted to the abbot of Grestein (Cresteyno) that he should be quit of the common summons of the eyres of his justices for common pleas and for pleas of the Forest for the term of five years following, and the barons cause 100s. ia which the abbot was amerced before the justices of the said king last in eyre for common pleas in co. Dorset to be exacted from him: the king orders them to cause the abbot to be acquitted thereof. -Ralph le Boef, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of John Agge, wherewith he is charged, whom he slew in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him, 398 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 4-cont. July 5. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Roger de Worcester. Somery, son and heir of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as the king has taken his homage. The like to Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. To the sheriff of Worcester and to the collectors of the fifteenth in the same county. Notification that the king has pardoned Geoffrey le Chaumberleyn 4s. of the fifteenth due to him, and order to permit the said Anselm (sic) to be [quit] thereof. To R. de Clyfford, justice of the Forest. Order to cause the master of St. Wolfstan's hospital, Worcester, to have two oaks for timber in the forest of Kyneffare, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the wood of Chaspel. Order to cause the prioress and nuns of St. Leonard's, Brewed, to have six oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause William de Valencia to have twelve oaks for timber, with their strippings (escaet'), in the forest of Dene, of the king's gift. -... John le Pestur, imprisoned at Whiteby for the death of Adam son of Peter Yol, Wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Bartholomew de Luffenham, imprisoned at Okham for the death of Ralph le Mouner of Morkote, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Rutland to bail him. July 12. To the sheriff of Northampton and to the coroners of the same county. Eccleshall. Order to cause the Friars Minors of Northampton to have a cart (biga) and two horses that the sheriff caused to be taken into the king's hands as deodands by reason of the death of Richard de Lilleford, lately slain (oppressi) by the said cart, as the king has given them the cart and horse out of charity. July 16. To the barons of the exchequer. It is shown to the king on behalf of; Chester. Stephen de Penecestre that whereas Stephen was the late king's sheriff of co. Kent for three years and a quarter, and Roger de Leyburn had throughout that time by the late king's demise the seven hundreds of the Weald (de Waldis), which were of the body of the county and whence 101. yearly were wont to be rendered to the sheriff for the profit of the county, the barons have caused 321. 10s. Od. to be levied from Stephen for the arrears of his account as if he had the hundreds aforesaid as well as the county during that time: the king orders them, if they ascertain that it is so, to cause this sum to. be allowed to Stephen in other debts that he owes to the king. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to keep in the king's hands until otherwise ordered the abbot of F6camp's liberty of Slouhtre, which Geoffrey de Leukenor and Geoffrey Russel, the king's justices, took into the king's hands for certain manifest causes and which they delivered to the sheriff for custody, as the king learns from their letters. Laurence le Broc, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Walter de Pogghelipp, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. July 18. To Roger de Mortuo Mari. Notification that the king has committed Chester. to Roger Lestrange (Extraneo) the castles of Dynasbran and of Oswestry 5 EDWARD I. 399 1277. Membrane 4-cont. (de Albo Monasterio) to be kept during the king's pleasure, wherefore the king wills that Roger Lestrange and his nephew (nepos) shall be intendent and counselling to Roger de Mortuo Mari whenever necessary, and also the latter's men left in the parts of Oswestry shall be intendent to Roger Lestrange when he needs their help: wherefore Roger de Mortuo Mari shall ordain what shall be best to be done in this behalf. For the rest, the king sends to him his letters patent to admit Welshmen to his peace, wherefore Roger shall receive into the king's peace those whom he shall deem fit, excepting the brother and uncle of Rhys (Resi) Vaghan, Howell Abrestrek, Griffin Vaghan of Brumfeld, whom the king will not have admitted to his peace until he shall cause provision to be made otherwise. To the coroners of the town of Shrewsbury. Order to cause Agnes Stureye, widow, of Shrewsbury, to have her two horses that came to the king's hands as deodand, as the king has given them to her. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause H. de Bohun, earl of Hereford, to have five bucks in the forest of La Mare, of the king's gift. MEMBRANE 3. July 19. To the same. Order to permit Ranulph de Parva Ovre, John de Parva Chester. Ovre, Hervey de Bradeford, Robert son of Henry de Bradeford, Richard Baret, and Sibyl de Fraxino to have their free common for housebote (housbold) and haybote (heybold) in the king's wood of Bradefordewod, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the justice that they and their ancestors were wont to have such free common. It is provided that no waste or destruction shall be done in the said wood by reason of this grant. July 21. To Griffin son of Wenunwen. Order to restore to Owen and Mereduc, Chester. sons of Llewelyn son of Owen, and their parceners their lands, corn, and other goods and chattels at Mecheyn by which Griffin distrained them to do homage to him, and to permit them to remain in peace concerning the same until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, so that it may then be discussed between the king and Griffin whether their homage for the said lands pertains to the king or to Griffin. July 18. To Llewelyn, son of Griffin de Brumfeld. Order to permit Margaret, Chester. sister of Llewelyn, wife of Madoc, brother of Llewelyn, sometime lord of Brumfeld, to hold a moiety of the land of Glenfridewe, as the king learns that Madoc assigned it to her for life, according to the custom of those parts. July 21. To Roger Lestrange (Extraneo). Order to restore to Owen and Mereduc Chester. son of Llewelyn son of Owen and to Griffin son of Llewelyn and his brothers, parceners of the said Owen and Mereduc, their lands, corn and other goods and chattels at Mecheynyscoet, which Roger took into the king's hands by reason of the dispute between them and Griffin son of Wenunwen for their homage to Griffin, and to permit them to remain in peace until Michaelmas next, in order that it may be then discussed between the king and Griffin whether the homage pertains to him or to Griffin. July 18. To the sheriff of Hertford. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken Chester. by the sheriff that a messuage and nine acres of land in Haddesor', which William Payn, who was outlawed for felony, held, have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that William held six acres of land and a messuage except 70 feet of land in length and 40 feet in breadth thereof, of James le Peer, and that he held 3 acres of land and 70 feet of land in 400 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Memnbrane 3-eont. length and 40 in breadth thereof of Richard le Wyne: the king orders the sheriff to cause James and Richard to have seisin of their respective pieces as above. July 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John Chester. de Buchton and Agnes his wife to be acquitted of 10s. that are exacted from them for having a certain writ, as the king has pardoned them out of charity. To John de Cobeham and E. de Beking[ham]. Whereas Master Elias son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, asserts that the king has given and acquitted divers of his debts to his debtors, of which he claims to have allowance, and he prays to have them allowed to him in the tallage now assessed upon him: the king orders them to hear the proofs (racionibus) of Master Elias in this matter and to inspect the king's letters of allowance that he has, and to hold in suspense until the king comes to those parts or until otherwise ordered by him what shall seem to them ought to be allowed. Aug. 2. To the sheriff of Cumberland, escheator in the same county. Order to Birkenhead. cause Robert de Kirkeby to have again seisin of 20 acres of land in Bochardeby, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Alice, late the wife of Ralph de Bochardeby, enfeoffed Robert of the said land, and that Robert was in peaceful seisin thereof for three years and more before her death, until John de Reygate, late escheator beyond Trent, ejected him from that seisin by reason of Alice's death, and that Alice held nothing in chief in the sheriff's bailiwick at her death, and the king afterwards retained the laud in his hands in case any heir of Alice or anyone else wished to claim any right in it, and the sheriff has signified to the king that neither Alice's heir nor anyone else opposes or claims right in the land. To the sheriff of Stafford and the coroners of the same county. Order, if no one sue against Richard de Warrewyk, who has gone to the Roman court on his affairs, for anything in that county for which he ought to be taken and imprisoned if he were present, and if Sibyl his wife find them mainpernors to answer before the king's justices at the first assize when they come to those parts for the price of the chattels and for the year, day, and waste of the lands that belonged to Richard at the time of his leaving England, in case he happen to be outlawed for contumacy or to be convicted in the king's court before the said justices for any evil deed whereby he ought to undergo judgment for which the king ought to have year, day and waste of his lands and chattels, to cause Sibyl to have the year, day and waste aforesaid and Richard's goods and chattels, which have been taken into the king's hands by the sheriff and coroners by reason of his absence. Aug. 4. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Whereas the king learns from the testimony Birkenhead. of Alan de Orreton, Robert de Mulecastre, Richard de Laton, and Robert de Warthewyk, the justices lately appointed to deliver Carlisle gaol, that they granted on the king's behalf to Simon de Cokermuthe, an approver then in the prison, his life and limbs if it happened that seven thieves should be hanged at his suit, and that seven thieves have now been hanged at his suit, and the king has granted to Simon his life and limbs according to the justices' grant, and he therefore orders the sheriff' to deliver Simon from the aforesaid prison, on condition that he abjure the realm in due and accustomed form. Henry le Stout, Bacinus le Hyne, Roger de Mareys, and Thomas le -- - Blunt, imprisoned at Yvelcestre for the death of Henry le Heyward, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Somerset to bail them. 5 EDWARD I. 401 1277. Membrane 3 —cont. Aug. 9. To Henry de Bray, bailiff of Bergeveny. Order to cause the bishop of Wallerscote. Llandaff to have all the bucks that can be taken in this time of grease (in ista pinguedine) in the park of Bergeveny. To the keeper of the forest of Cannok. Order to permit Master William de Middelton, archdeacon of Canterbury, to take by his men the following harts and bucks in that forest, and to aid and counsel the men in so doing, as the king has granted to the archdeacon the harts and bucks that the king may take in the present time of grease; provided that destruction be not done there by reason of this grant. Aug. 12. Isabella Pauncefot, imprisoned at Worcester for a trespass of the Forest Bromborough. in the forest of Fekenham, has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail (Bruniburgh.) her. Geoffrey de Parco, imprisoned at Worcester for a trespass in the aforesaid forest, has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail him. Aug. 13. To the sheriff of Lancaster and the coroners of the same county. Whereas Bromborough. Robert de Shelreton lately fell from a horse of Henry de Birches, clerk, into the water of Hirwell, in that county, and was drowned, wherefore the horse pertains to the king as deodand: the king orders them to deliver the horse to Henry upon his finding security to answer to the king before the justices next in eyre for common pleas in that county for the price at which the horse is appraised before the sheriff and coroners according to the custom of the country. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to release Peter de Greleye, imprisoned at Worcester for a trespass in the forest of Fekham, as Henry de Somery of co. Essex, William de Lambelowe, Walter Fraunk, William de Merton, Robert ie Ganter, John de la Beere of co. Hereford, John de Killome, Robert le Archer of co. Northumberland, Philip de Nevill, Thomas de Saneleye of co. York, Robert de Stanton of co. Nottingham, and Richard de Hide of co. Chester have mainperned before the king to have Peter before the justices next in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Worcester to stand to right concerning the trespass and that he will not hereafter forfeit in the forest. Aug. 11 To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit William Ince. de Blumvill, sometime sheriff of Essex and Hertford, to have the following (Ynes.) terms, which the king has granted to him, for payment of the debts due from him to the exchequer and at the exchequer of the Jews, to wit 10 marks at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, and then 101. yearly until the debts be paid in full, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Aug. 22. To the keeper of the forest of Wanberge. Order to cause the The camp near archbishop of Canterbury to have six bucks, of the king's gift. Basingwerk. Aug. 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance The camp near to be made to Elias de Bercwey, the king's clerk, whom the king lately Basingwerk. sent into Ireland to stay in the offices previously committed to him in Ulster, in his account for the wages and robes assigned to him by the letter patent of the escheator of Ireland, which the king has inspected, which escheator received the king's order to assign wages and robes to Elias for his maintenance in the said offices, and also to cause 100s. to be allowed to Elias for his horses lost in the king's service in the fourth and fifth years of the reign. To Elias de Tingewyk, keeper of the forest of Wychewode. Order to cause Walter de Agmundesham to have two oaks fit for timber with their strippings (escaetis) in that forest, of the king's gift. u 96998. c c 402 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 3-cont. Aug. 22. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause John The camp near de Boydel, son and heir of William de Boydel, tenant in chief, whose Basingwerk. custody David son of Griffin had of the king's commission, to have seisin of his father's lands, as the king learns by inquisition that he is of full age and he has taken his homage. Sept. 2. To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause Thomas Tochet to have Chester. seisin of a messuage, 21 acres of land and 41 acres of meadow that John de Langenovere, who was outlawed for felony, held in Langenovere, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that they have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that John held them of the said Thomas, and that William de Longenovere is bound to answer to the king for the year, day and waste thereof. Given by the hand of I. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. William Pauncefot, imprisoned at Hereford for trespass of the Forest, has letters to the sheriff of Hereford to bail him. Sept. 15. To G. de Batelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to permit Roger Rhuddlan. Bigod, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, to take in the forest of La Mare two or three harts or bucks, of the king's special grant, and to aid and counsel him in so doing. ---- - To Elias de Tengewyk, keeper of the forest of Whitlewod. Order to cause fifteen bucks to be taken in that forest for the king's use, and to cause them to be delivered to the sheriff of Northampton to be carried to the Tower of London, as the king has enjoined him. Sept. 2. To John Engayne. Order to cause five bucks to be taken in the forest Chester. of Wanberge for the king's use, and to cause them to be delivered to the sheriff of Huntingdon in order to be salted and carried whither the king has enjoined the sheriff. Given by the hand of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. Sept. 22. To Adam de Everingham, keeper of the forest of Shirewode. Order to Rhuddlan. cause Richard Folyot to have two live bucks and ten live does to stock his park at Grimeston therewith, of the king's gift. Sept. 23. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause Adam Amurik, parson of the Rhuddlan. church of Meyvot, imprisoned at Shrewsbury by reason of a trespass charged against him, to be delivered at once to the bearer of the presents, as A. bishop of St. Asaph has mainperned before the king at Rothelan to have the said Adam before the king at Shrewsbury at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him. The sheriff is enjoined not to omit executing this order by reason of the liberty of the town of Shrewsbury if the bailiffs of that liberty do not execute this writ according to the return of this writ made to them by the sheriff. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause a tithe of the venison taken in all the forests in that county this year to be taken by the view of men of the abbot and convent of Chester and of the foresters, and to cause it to be delivered to the abbot and convent, as they have hitherto been wont to have a tithe of all such venison by the charters of the late earls of Chester, lords of that county. MEMBRANE 2. Sept. 20. To the sheriff of York. Order to deliver to John de Eyvill the manor Chester. of Thorrenton near Ulveston, which John holds in chief of Roger de 5 EDWARD I. 403 1277. Membrane 2-cont. Munbray, a minor in the king's wardship, as fully and in the same state as it came to the king's hands, with everything found in it when it was taken into the king's hands, in accordance with the agreement made and acknowledged in the king's court between John and Peter le Taburner, the manor having been taken into the king's hands because John alienated it to Peter without licence of the king and Roger. The sheriff is enjoined not to omit doing this by reason of any alienation made of the manor or of part of it after its being taken into the king's hands or for any other reason whatsoever. Given by the hand of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. To the keeper of the forest of Den. Order to cause Walter de Helyun to have ten good and chosen oaks for timber in that forest, of the king's gift. William Dangerus, imprisoned at York for the death of William Bolax, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Sept. 20. Richard son of Hubert, imprisoned at Rypun for the death of an Chester. unknown man, wherewith lie is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause Hugh son of Godfrey de Riseleye and Peter de Henovere, imprisoned at Noting[ham] for an alleged contempt against the king, to be delivered from prison upon their finding six men each who shall mainpern to have them before the king at his order to answer for the contempt aforesaid. To Luke de Luk' and his fellows. Order to pay to Isabella, late the wife of William Burd, and to Clemencia and Dametta, his daughters, 27 marks, which the king owed to William for a horse bought from him and which William bequeathed in his last will to his wife and daughters. To Ralph de Sandewico. Order to deliver to Stephen de Monteferandi the custody of the lands in Sotinton that belonged to David de Serveton, to hold until the heirs of John de Maundevill, a minor in the king's wardship, come of age, together with the other lands that belonged to John in Mersewod, the custody whereof Stephen has of the king's grant, unless the lands in Sotinton exceed 10 marks or 101. yearly in value. Oct. 5. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to release Rhuddlan. entirely to Ralph son of William the amercements imposed upon him by Thomas's bailiffs at the king's court of Pokelinton for defaults made by him after the king commenced his journey to Wales, and to release any of his beasts that may have been taken for this reason, as Ralph, after the commencement of the said journey, stayed in West Wales with Edmund, the king's brother, in the king's service by the king's order. Sept. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Guy, prior of Montacute, Chester. has shown the king that whereas he is ready to render to the king 100s. for the time when he held the manor at Lodecumbe, which sum is due to the king therefor, the treasurer and barons cause to be exacted from him by summons of the exchequer certain arrears that are due to the king for the time when the prior of Tetford and the prior of Bermundesey held that manor, and that they cause him to be distrained for the said arrears unjustly: the king therefore orders them to call before them at a certain day the prior of Montacute and the other two priors aforesaid, and to search the rolls of the exchequer, and to make enquiry by all ways that they shall deem fit, and to cause justice to be done to the prior of Montacute as to his discharge and the charging of the two other priors, if they find that prior Guy is ready to pay the king forthwith the rent for his time and also any arrears of the cc 2 404 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 2-cont. time of his predecessors, and that the priors of Thefford and Bermundeseye owe to the king any arrears thereof, and to cause the prior of Montacute to have in the meantime respite for the arrears of his predecessor. Given by the hand of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. To the same. Order to permit John son of Reginald de Grey and his heirs to have the following terms for the payment of the debts in which he is bound to the king at the exchequer, for the debts of Ralph Morin, which are attermined at 201. yearly, to wit 2. marks at the next Easter exchequer and 21 marks at the following Michaelmas exchequer, and so 5 marks yearly until the debts be paid in full, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to permit Adam de Monte Alto to be acquitted of 71. that the steward exacts from him for corn in the barns at Long Ychenton on the day when Adam had by the king's writ seisin of the wardship of the lands that belonged to the inheritance of Henry de Pynkeny, tenant in chief, deceased, and to respite until otherwise ordered the demand from Adam for the corn sown in the said lands on the aforesaid day and for all other things touching him concerning the said wardship, and to certify the kiDg of the value of the corn then sown in the said lands. Sept. 27. To the constable of the castle of Montgomery. Order to cause brothers Rhuddlan. Amanus, Adam, and John, lay-brethren (conversos) of the house of Estramarch[ell], imprisoned at Montgomery by reason of a dispute between A. bishop of St. Asaph and the prior of Chirbur[y], to be delivered from prison, as the bishop has mainperned to have them before the king at Shrewsbury in three weeks from Michaelmas next to stand to right concerning the things that the king or others will speak against them. To the justiciary, treasurer and escheator of Ireland. Order to deliver to Robert Bataill, to whose fidelity and industry praiseworthy testimony is borne before the king, a suitable bailiwick in Ireland in the king's name, if there be one now in the king's hands, to be held by Robert during good behaviour or until otherwise ordered. If there be not a suitable bailiwick now in the king's hands, they are ordered to deliver to Robert the first suitable one that comes to the king's hands. Oct. 16. Adam Stipler, imprisoned at Rypun for the death of Simon de Wylde and Shrewsbury. William Walraun, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver Simon Russel, imprisoned at May denestan for the death of William Russel, in bail to twelve men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assizes in those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Fulk Peyforer and Ralph le Sauvage, his justices to deliver Maydenestan gaol, that Simon slew the said William in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the citizens of Winchester to be discharged of 241. 6s. 8d. in which they were amerced before John de Lovetot and Geoffrey Neubaud, who were appointed to hear and determine trespasses committed by merchants of the realm in taking wool to parts beyond sea contrary to the inhibition of the late king and the present king, as the king has pardoned the merchants such trespasses. Oct. 16, To Roger de Clyfford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Shrewsbury. deliver John le Provost, Thomas Harlewyne, and John le Leche, imprisoned 5 EDWARD I. 405 1277. Membrane 2-cont. at Marleberge for trespass of the Forest wherewith they are charged, in bail to six men each who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for Forest pleas when they come to those parts to stand to right. John son of John de Skyres, imprisoned at York for the death of William de Harle, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Nicholas le Fevere of Cotinton, imprisoned at Worcester for the death of John del Whitechirche, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail him. Richard le Weyte, imprisoned at Lincoln because he was said to have been outlawed at the prosecution of Richard Lomb for a trespass committed upon Richard at St. Ives fair, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. To John son of Thomas, steward of the New Forest. Order to restore to Eustace Foucher the bailiwick that he had in that forest, which the steward took into the hands of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to hold until the quinzaine of Easter next. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Richard de Preston, who is incapacitated by infirmity. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John son and heir of Eudo de Hertford to have the terms granted to Eudo by the late king for payment of all the debts due to the said king, to wit that he should pay a certain sum yearly at certain terms contained in the rolls of the exchequer until all the debts aforesaid be paid, which terms Eudo observed, as the king wishes the grace to be continued to John at pleasure. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order not to intermeddle with the wardship or marriage of Walter son and heir of William de Burguilun, as the king learns by inquisition that William at his death held nothing in chief or of the honour of Albemarle in that county whereby the wardship and marriage of Walter, a minor, ought to pertain to the king. Oct. 18. To the keeper of the forest of Salcey (de Salceto). Order to cause Shrewsbury. Isabella, wife of Philip Burnell, to have four oak-trunks (robura) for her fuel, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to have a messuage in Teukesbury that Ralph Hackebon, who was hanged for felony, held, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the messuage has been in the king's hands for a year and a day and that Ralph held it of the earl. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Isaac le Evesk, a Jew of London, has shown the king that whereas he was indebted to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, in a certain sum of money at the exchequer, and he paid that sum in full to her by the hands of Edmund de Kemesek, nevertheless her attorneys in the exchequer unjustly exact that sum from him: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to call before them the said Edmund and Isaac, and to enquire the truth of the matter by the rolls of the exchequer and by other means, and to cause to be done herein what ought to be done according to the law and custom of the exchequer, and to cause the Jew to have peace concerning this. John Aumfrey, imprisoned at Herford for the death of John le Mouner, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Hertford (Herford') to bail him. 406 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 2-cont. To Elias de Tyngewyk, keeper of the forest of Whytlewod. Order to cause Walter de Agmodesham to have four good oaks for timber with their strippings (escaetis) from the oaks felled or to be felled in the wood of Henle in the king's clearings (trencheis), of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to deliver to Hugh de Digneueten the bailiwick of Suthewerk, which the king has committed to him during pleasure. Vacated, because on the Fine roll. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas Sir R[ichard], sometime king of Almain, the king's uncle, who had by the late king's gift the debts in which Nicholas de Mikelfe[l]d, deceased, was indebted in the said king's Jewry, granted and quit-claimed to the abbot of St. Alban's, for a fine of 100 marks, Nicholas's land, which was in his hands by reason of the said debts, to be held by the abbot and his successors until Nicholas's heirs might redeem or acquit the said land, as contained in the letters patent of king Richard, which Roger son and heir of Nicholas has shown to the king and which the king has fully inspected; and the late king afterwards, believing that the said debts were in his hands, gave to Samuel de Loun, a Jew, a debt of 311. in which Nicholas was indebted by his charter in the treasury of the Jewry to Abraham de Berkamstede, a Jew, and the king, after calling Roger and Samuel before him and hearing the proofs (rationibus) on both sides, considers that no right pertains to him or the said Jew [Samuel] in the debts aforesaid, and he wholly acquits Roger concerning the premises, and he accordingly orders the justices to cause the charter aforesaid to be withdrawn from the said treasury and to be delivered to Roger, and to cause Roger to be acquitted of the said debts. The king has ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer and the aforesaid justices to cause other debts in the treasury of the Jewry to the value of 311. to be assigned to Samuel in recompence for the aforesaid debt. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland, and to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Whereas Master William de Bakepuz, late escheator of Ireland, received certain issues of the lands of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, after the king had rendered them to the earl after the death of the latter's father, as the king learns from the earl: the king therefore orders them, if they find from the rolls of the said exchequer that such issues thus came to the king's hands, to cause the earl to have them, or to cause as much to be allowed to him in the debts in which he is indebted to the king at that exchequer. Thomas de Upwelle and Jul[iana] his wife, imprisoned at Wynebotesham for the death of Stephen Scuchel, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. Oct. 21. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of.Chester. Order to cause to be Shrewsbury. allowed to Master Bertram the king's engineer, to whom the king has committed the custody of the mills of Chester, 41. in his ferm, which sum he paid by the king's order to the prioress and nuns of Chester for the fifth year of the king's reign, for 41. that the king granted to them of established alms. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to pay to Solomon de Roff[al] and Master Thomas de Sodinton 101. each, in aid of their expenses in the king's service. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Master John Clarel to have six oaks for timber in the forest of iWanberge, of the king's gift, as the late king granted to him the said trees and he has not yet had them. 5 EDWARD I. 407 1277. Membrane 2-cont. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause to be replevied to the abbot of Newhus until the quinzaine of St. Hilary the land of the fee of Norman de Arcy in Olseby, which is held in chief, and which the sheriff took into the king's hands because it was alienated to the abbot without the king's licence. Peter son of William Tergaund, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the death of Hugh de Henovre, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to pay to Roger de Eyton 10 marks for a horse that he lost at Rothelan in the king's service. By letters of privy seal. MEMBRANE 1. Oct. 30. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Whereas the king lately Shrewsbury. ordered the sheriff of Nottingham to cause to be assigned to Cicely, late the wife of Robert de Derley, tenant in chief, 71. yearly of land and the chief messuage in Thorp, to be held in tenancy until the king should cause dower to be assigned to her or until otherwise ordered, and the king now learns that she has more from such assignment than pertains to her as dower; the king therefore orders the steward to make extent of Robert's land in the said town, and if they find that it is as stated, to cause dower to be assigned to Cicely. Roger son of Roger de 'Weston, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of Roger son of John de Baschinge, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Salop to bail him. Nov. 2. Robert Scrubbe, imprisoned at Devon (sic) for the death of Walter Storie, Shrewsbury. whereof he is indicted, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him, Given by the hand of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, under the seal of the exchequer because the king had sent for his great seal, at Shrewsbury. Roger de Hauntenesford, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Richard de Bradelegh, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. Nov. 16. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to Rhuddlan. be assigned to Mabel, late the wife of John de Ripariis, tenant in chief, upon her finding security not to marry without the king's licence. The like to Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to deliver Walter de la Grene, imprisoned at Noting[ham] for a trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him, etc. to stand to right. The like to the same for William le Plumer. The like to the same for Nicholas le Venur, Robert de Clare, Robert Oliver, and William le Venur, imprisoned at York for trespass of venison in the forest of Galtris. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of Robert de Hampton, tenant in chief, 151. yearly of land, to hold in tenancy for her maintenance until the king shall cause dower to be assigned to her. 408 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 1-cont. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Detaiutus, merchant and citizen of London, to be acquitted of 251. 6s. 8d. in which he was amerced for divers causes before the justices last in eyre at the Tower. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Wyndesor castle. Order to cause Master Walter de Saundon to have four oak-trunks (robura) for his fuel, of the king's gift. To Peter de la Mare, constable of Bristol castle. Order to deliver without delay all the king's money in his custody to Orlandinus de Podio and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs. Nov. 16. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause dower Rhuddlan. to be assigned to Lucy, late the wife of Hugh de Corune, tenant in chief, taking fealty from her that she will not marry without the king's licence, according to the custom of the county of Chester. To the same. Order to cause the abbot of Vale Royal to have seisin of the lands in Wirhal that belonged to Hugh de Coroun, tenant in chief, as the king has granted the custody of the said lands, saving the dower of Lucy, late the wife of Hugh, and saving the marriage of Hugh's heir, to the abbot until Hugh's heir comes of age, in aid of the works of the church that the abbot is constructing. To Elias de Tyngwik, keeper of the forest of Whittlewode. Order to cause Geoffrey de Lucy to have three does in that forest, of the king's gift. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to [supersede entirely] the demand upon Hamo de Puleford for the ferm that he owes the king for the fifth year of the reign for the lands that he holds of the king in Eton, as the king has pardoned him the ferm for that year because the lands lie uncultivated by reason of the war in Wales. 1276. MRMBRBAN 13d. -- --- John de Tyngwych came before the king, on Thursday after St. Nicholas, and sought to replevy to Elias de Tyngewich the latter's land in Snokescumb, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Isabella, late the wife of Robert de Everedon. Memorandum, that John de la Hull, on Sunday after St. Nicholas, came to Windsor into the king's court, and offered himself in place of Constance, late the wife of Richard de Tyllebir[y], against John de Nevill in a plea of land in the town of St. Laurence, co. Essex. Dec. 14. Richard Foun acknowledges that he owes to Gilliottus le Taillur of Windsor. Somerfeid 1501.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby. To do this he found as sureties Elias le Mareschal of Aulton and Robert le Mareschal of Wodestok, who constituted themselves principal debtors, and made similar acknowledgment. Enrolment of release by John de Shyningham, son and heir of Alard de Shyningham, to the king of his right in the lands that belonged to Avelina, sometime the wife of Sir Edmund, the king's brother, and kinswoman of John. Witnesses; R. archbishop of Canterbury, G. bishop of Verdun, W. bishop of Rochester, R. bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas bishop of Hereford, William de Valencia, John de Vescy, Payn de Cadurcis, Anthony Bek, archdeacon of Durham, Hugh son of Otto, Richard de Bosco, Ralph Bluet. Dated at Windsor-[Ineomplete.] 5 EDWARD I. 409 1276. Membrane 13d —cont. R ---- ichard Crisp came before the king, on Christmas eve, and sought to replevy to Thomas de Shepwik and Emma his wife their land, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against John de Lyuns. Simon son of Master William de Grimele came before the king, on Saturday the morrow of Christmas, and sought to replevy his land in Grimenhull, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Matthew de Grimele. Nicholas son of William son of Reyner puts in his place Roger de Stokton and Thomas de Stokes in the suit before the king between him and Nicholas Weylaund, Herbert son of Richard Cardun, Robert le Hunte of Leyham, William Herre, Robert Ketel of Charsfeud, Robert Neue and Stephen de Cosemere of Otele of a plea of trespass. 1277. Jan. 3. Iterus Bochardi, who is going to parts beyond sea on the king's affairs, Bampton. has given power to William de Hameleton, Hugh de Kendal, Walter de Amondesham, Robert de Scardeburg, and Master Alan de Berton to make attorneys in his place in all pleas, until Michaelmas next. Enrolment of indented deed of Luke de Luk' and Rolondinus de Podio, merchants, acknowledging receipt, by order of the king addressed to brother William, abbot of Oseneye, and the sheriff of Oxford and Berks, from the said abbot of 1,0001. for a moiety of the first payment of the fifteenth of cos. Oxford and Berks deposited by the sheriff in the abbey of Oseneye. Dated at Oseneye, 6 January, 5 Edward. Memorandum, that Luke and Rolandinus came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Thomas le Ken came before the king, on the morrow of the Epiphany, -.- - and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Barbeflet the latter's land in Welles, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Ralph Gunry and Geoffrey White. Agnes Bauscan puts in her place William Wollard or William Levelaunce in a suit before the king of this that she shall be before the king to show what right she claims in two parts of the manor of Brixham. Jan. 14. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to make Oddington. extent of the lands of John Thurbern, who is indebted to divers Jews by his charters in the chest of the chirographers [of the Jews], and to save to him the chief messuage and a moiety of his lands, and to cause the other moiety to be assigned to the Jews, in accordance with the king's provision and grant made to Christians indebted to Jews, provided that what the Jews have received from the said land after the grant aforesaid shall be allowed to John. The like in favour of John de Lauvar. - William Wade came before the king, on Sunday after St. Hilary, and sought to reple7y to William de Cestrehunte and Elizabeth his wife their land in Holmeton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against William Stacy. John le Lung, John de Medecroft, and William le Despenser came before the king at Worcester, on Friday before the Conversion of St. Paul, and sought to replevy their land in Wik', which was taken into the king's hands for their default against Robert le Keu and JulFiana] his wife. 410 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. MEMBRANE 12d. Dec. 12. To Edmund, earl of Lancaster. Summons to be present with his horses Windsor. and arms and all his service at Worcester in the octaves of St. John the Baptist next, to set out on the king's expedition against Llewelyn son of Griffin, prince of Wales, and his accomplices. [Fcedera; Parl. Writs.] The like to thirteen earls and one hundred and sixty-six others. [Ibid.] Dec. 12. To R. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to have the service due from Windsor. him at the said day and place. [Ibid] The like to the archbishop of York and nineteen bishops. [Ibid.] Dec. 28. To Edmund, the king's brother, and to his bailiffs of Cardigan. Order Cirencester. not to have any communion with the said Llewelyn or his accomplices, and to inhibit all the earl's subjects of that land from communicating with them and from permitting corn, wine, honey, salt, iron, arms, or other things whatsoever, whence the rebels might have any maintenance, to be taken through the earl's land in Wales, and to arrest any found doing so, etc. [Parl. Wr'its.] The like to twenty others. [Ibid.] Dec. 12. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause proclamation to be made Windsor. that all who hold of the king by knight service and are able to bear arms shall be at Worcester at the aforesaid day with their horses and arms and all their service due to the king, and that those who are unable to bear arms shall send at the said day and place to do the service due to the king for them such as shall be fit to do the service. He is ordered to cause the writs directed to certain persons in his bailiwick that the king is sending to him to be sent to the persons to whom they are directed with all speed. [Fcedera; Parl. Writs.] The like to the sheriffs of other counties. [Ibid.] MEMBRANE 11d. Dec. 12. To the abbot of Ramsey. Summons to have the service due from him at Windsor. Worcester at the aforesaid day. [Ibid.] The like to nineteen abbots, the prior of Coventry, and four abbesses. [Ibid.] The like to Isabella, countess of Albemarle and Devon, lady of the Isle [of Wight], and to ten other women. [Ibid.] Membrane lid-Schedules. Assignment of dower made to Roesia, late the wife of Philip de Herleye, to the value of the lands of Herleye, which are extended at 111. 7s. 7id., and one mark for Thocham, made before Robert de Radinton, the king's sub-escheator in co. Somerset, on Friday before St. Margaret, 3 Edward, by John de Marisco, Richard de Neweton, Richard le Mazon, Ivo de la Swell, Walter le Keu, Roger de Ryden, Robert Cok, Philip Maunsel, Hugh le Frye, Walter Purchaz, Philip de Thurlekeston, and Roger le Kyng, who assigned to her the mill of Northperton, which is worth 20s. yearly; the rent and service of Joan de Regny, worth 41s. yearly; the rent and service of Walter Broun, worth 8s. yearly; 18 acres of meadow lying in Kywelewere and Nywemede, worth 18s. 5d. yearly; the rent and service of Robert le Scot, worth 10s. Id. yearly; the rent and service of Roger Maunsel, worth 12d. yearly; 41 acres of arable land, with a cow-house, which lie 5 EDWARD I. 411 1276. IMembrane 1 ld-Schedules-cont. near the said cow-house, price 2d. an acre, total 2s. (sic); the rent and service of Walter Maunsel, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; the rent and service of Richard de Nyweton, worth 3s. yearly; tue rent and services of the heirs (hered') of Sterkelande, worth 4s. yearly; the rent and service of Richard la Ware, worth 3s. yearly; the rent and service of Joan Neunthelk, worth 12d. yearly, whereof Roesia shall have 11id. and Id. shall be assigned to the keeper of Philip's heir. Total of this assignment 41. 9s. 2dd. (sic). In witness whereof the above-named men have affixed their seals.* To Roger de Clyfford. Notification that the king has given to him power to receive the attorneys whom Alexander de Balliolo will appoint before him in the suit before the king's justices at Westminster between Adam Donel, demandant, and Dervorgulla de Balliolo, tenant, concerning a messuage, 20 acres of land and 12s. of rent in Hicche, concerning which she vouched Alexander to warranty against Adam, and order to certify the king of the names of the attorneys when he has received them. Dated at Westminster, 18 November, in the 4th year of the reign. Letter from the aforesaid Roger to the king, notifying that he has received the attorneys of the said Alexander on Christmas Day, 1276, by virtue of the preceding writ, and that their names are Hugh de Foderineye and Robert Basset of Suttune. Dated on Christmas day at Baillol (sic). MEMBRANE lOd. ----. William de Whalebrewes, Robert de Sechevill, and William le Someter --- attorn before the king John de Toriton and John de Trefraunk in the suit before the king between them and Alan Bloyhou, William de Kartheyn, Gervase de Bray, Robert del Marrey[s], Henry del Mareys and Richard his brother and William Tirel of a plea of trespass. William de Whalebrews attorns the same in a suit before th king by another writ between him and Roger de Prydias, Hamo Parleben, and Robert de Ber, of a plea of trespass. Walter de Bello Campo acknowledges that he owes to John Springehose 4 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester. 1277. Jan. 25. William de Leyburn acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Bedeford Worcester. 1201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Thomas de Muleton, son of Thomas de Moleton, lord of Moleton, acknowledges that he owes to Arnettus, the king's butler, 75 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. ~ Cancelled on payment. Jan. 25. William de Leiburn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Worcester. Peyson, knight, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Cancelled on payment. - ~- ~Adam de Monte Alto acknowledges that he owes to Giles de Fissheburn 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of.his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Leicester. * This seems to be a copy of the original assignment, for there are ro traces of the seals or of their attachments. 412 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 10d-cont. William Wasteneys came before the king, on Saturday before the Conversion of St. Paul, and sought to replevy his land in Burton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Emma Turvill. Robert de Muscegros acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Wodeburg 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset. Hugh de Holewell puts in his place Ralph son of Richard de Hundelby or Thomas de Barkeworth in the suit before the king between him and Nicholaa, wife of Robert de Barkeworth, and William Rochet of a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. John de raus acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Pap' and Torganus Pape, merchants, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. Walter Algar and John le Vinur came before the king, on Monday, after St. Vincent, and sought to replevy their land in Poywik, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Roger de Kydinton and Agnes his wife. William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, acknowledges that he owes to John de Gayton 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester. Richard de Loges came before the king, on Saturday before the Purification, and sought to replevy his manor of Wirele, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in co. Stafford against William de la More. William de Moun came before the king, on Wednesday the morrow of the Purification, and sought to replevy his land in Shyston, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Edward de Lonere. Peter de Monte Forti acknowledges that he owes to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. James Russel acknowledges that he owes to Andrew de Engelfeud 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester. Feb. 6. William de Montrevell came into chancery on Sunday before Lent, and Woodstock. quit-claimed to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, all the land that he had in the town and suburbs of Bristol, of the king's gift, of the lands that belonged to Christiana, late the wife of Peter le Clerk of Bristol, and to Isolda, late his daughter. Memorandum, that Stephen de Penecestre was in the king's service by his order on the morrow of the Purification at London to make peace between the men of the Cinque Ports and the men of Gernemuth, so that he could not come before the king on that day at Wodestok to answer to the executors of the will of Henry Malemeyns of a plea of trespass. Walter de la Lynd acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Chalfhunte 4 marks; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Sussex and Surrey. 5 EDWARD I. 413 1277. Membrane 10d-cont. Note that he paid Robert de Blie, Gilbert's attorney, and that Roger de Donecastre mainperned that he would acquit Walter. Feb. 7. Ralph son of James de Shirley acknowledges that he owes to Richard Woodstock. Foun 144 marks for acquittance of the lands in Shirley, Olinton, and Bubbeden that James mortgaged (pignori obligavit) for this sum. If he do not pay the money at the date specified, he grants that the charter of quit-claim that the said Ralph had of James for the manor of Etina, shall be annulled. Peter de Monte Forti acknowledges that he owes to Nutus, merchant ox Florence, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. William de Belton, chaplain, puts in his place Robert Mustrel and John de Belton in the suit before the king between him and Robert son of Edusa and others named in the writ for a trespass committed upon him by them. William de Thorp acknowledges that he owes to Stephen le Alblaster 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. John de Cropperi came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Peter in Cathedra, and sought to replevy his land in Norton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Hugh de Tiwe. Luke de Luk', who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's orders for his affairs, has given power to Orlandinus de Luk' and Reinerius de Luk' and their fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), to dispose and ordain of his debts, goods and chattels, whether he die or not, as they shall deem fit for his advantage, and he acknowledged that all the said debts, goods and chattels belong to the said merchants, his fellows, as fully as if they were their own, and he wills that they shall have free administration thereof. William Brayn came before the king, on Wednesday before St. Gregory, and sought to replevy to Roesia, late the wife of Bartholomew de Sancto Neoto, Henry de Lond[onia] and Alice his wife, Geoffrey le Tecchere and Margery his wife three messuages in St. Neots that belonged to them, which were taken into the king's hands for the default that they made in the king's court against Henry Michel and Agnes his wife. Enrolment of deed of Ralph de Schirele, witnessing that he is bound to John de Ubbeston, usher of the king's chamber, in 120 marks, to be paid at Bernham for which sum Ralph [has mortgaged] his manor of Berneham to John, as contained in a deed made between them. Ralph agrees, if he fail to make payment, that he is bound to come at John's cost to the king's court between Easter and Midsummer in the 6th year of the king's reign, and to levy there a fine between him and John of the manor to John and his heirs for ever, rendering therefor to Ralph and his heirs Id. yearly for all service, and that if Ralph do not do this, he shall be bound to the king in 40 marks. If he pay the money at the specified time, then John is bound to render to him the manor with all deeds made between them concerning it. Dated at Bernewell, 11 March, 5 Edward. The under-written have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] for pleas of the Forest in co. Essex: Mar. 16. Dionisia de Monte Canis[o]. Ely. ------ Reginald de Grey, 414 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. MEMBRANE 9d. John son of Thomas de Reynham came before the king, on Thursday after St. Gregory, [and sought to replevy] his lands in Suthclenwartun, Tylney, and Wigehal, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against John son of John de Wodenorton. Alice, wife of John de Hakebech, puts in her place Walter son of Richard de Thorp in the suit before the king between the said John and Alice and John son of Walter de Wigenhal and Warin Brun of a plea of land. William de Brisingham came before the king, on Saturday after St. Edward the king and martyr, and sought to replevy his land in Riwham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Margaret, late the wife of Richard Imeyne of Riwham. Richard Mauclerc came before the king, on Monday the morrow of St. Benedict, and sought to replevy his land in Bodham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Margaret, late the wife of Matthew de Jelleham. Stephen son of Thomas de Ware puts in his place Simon son of Thomas de Cleye or Ralph de Marham in a suit before the king between him and Nicholas son of William and Juliana his wife, John le Serjant, Thomas de Cherfeld, and Reginald Douny of a plea of land in Cleye. The said Stephen son of Thomas de Ware puts in his place Simon son of Thomas de Cleye or Ralph de Marham in the suit before the king between him and Robert son of Godard, William de Langeford, Matthew le Shengham and Elizabeth de Valoignes of common of pasture in Oxeburg. Geoffrey son of William de Westwell came before the king, on Tuesday after the Annunciation, and sought to replevy to Thomas Barun the latter's land in Halywell, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Agnes, late the wife of Geoffrey le Scriveyn. Walter Albon came, on the said day, and sought to replevy to himself a moiety of a mill in Sincle, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Margaret, late the wife of Matthew de Gelham. The under-written have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] for pleas of the forest in co. Essex: The abbot of Westminster. John de Warenna, earl of Surrey. Hugh son of Otto. William de Valencia. The abbot of St. Edmunds. Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford. R. bishop of Norwich. Walter de Graundcourt. The abbess of Caen. Master Oliver de Sutton, dean of Lincoln. Robert de Mortuo Mari of Richard's Castle. Seman Clement of Ipswich acknowledges in chancery that he owes to Walter de Wynneferthing 2j marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Thomas Botman and John Costyn of Dunwich acknowledged that the aforesaid sum shall be levied of their lands in the said county in Seman's default. 5 EDWARD I. 415 1277. Membrane 9d-cont. April 1. Walter de Burgo and Eufemia his wife, one of the heiresses of Walter Norwich. de Evermue, tenant in chief, put in their place Geoffrey de Broghton or Hervey de Redham to receive their purparty of Walter de Evermue's lands. April 2. Matilda de Moleton puts in her place William de Almaly or Henry de Norwich. Hautereve in the suit before the king between her and John de Swyne for a trespass committed upon her by him. - John de Barton came before the king, on Sunday the octaves of Easter, -- and sought to replevy to the abbot of Bardeneye the abbot's land in Burtonon-Humbre (sic), which was taken into the king's hands for the abbot's default before the justices of the Bench against Julia[na], late the wife of William le Gant. Enrolment of grant from Ralph son of James de Shyrleye to John de Ubbeston of all his tenement in the town of Bernham near Thefford, co. Suffolk, with all appurtenances, liberties, etc., and the advowson of the church of St. Gregory of the same town; rendering therefor Id. yearly for all customs, exactions, suits of court. and secular demands, except the foreign service pertaining to the lords of the fee. Witnesses: Sir Robert Houel, Sir William de Calthorp, Sir William de Nerford, Sir William de Stanou, Sir Robert de Boys, Sir Thomas de Ikeworth, knights; Sir John de Kirkeby, Sir William de Hamelton, Master Walter de Cakthorp (sic). Memorandum, that Ralph came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of agreement, made on 9 March, 5 Edward, between Ralph son of James de Shirle and John de Ubbeston, usher of the king's chamber, witnessing that John has lent to Ralph 120 marks, to be paid at Bernham at the feast of the Purification next, and that Ralph grants that, if he do not pay the money then, John shall hold the manor of Bernham near Thifford, co. Suffolk, with the advowson of the church of St. Gregory and all appurtenances, in fee and inheritance. If Ralph pay the money at the said term, John shall restore to him all instruments made between them touching the right and fee. Witnesses: Sir Hugh son of Otto, Sir Robert Houel, Sir William de Nereford, Sir Robert de Boys, and Sir Thomas de lkeworth, knights; Sir John de Kirkeby, Master Walter de Calthorp, William de Hamelton. Memorandum, that Ralph came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Margery, wife of Richard de Boys, puts in her place the said Richard in an assize of novel disseisin arramed by them before the king against Roger de Colevill and Geoffrey Cratte concerning a tenement in Cleton, co. Suffolk. Robert Baret came before the king, on Monday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy to John de Bampton and Amice his wife their land, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Agatha, late the wife of William de Ardern. William Martin came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy to Richard de Ace the latter's land in Lee, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Nicholas Markes. Isabella de Albiniaco, countess of Arundel, attorns before the king in her place John de Raveneston, clerk, and Robert le Rus of Horsham in the 416 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 9d-cont. suit before the king between her and Roger, bishop of Norwich, Alan de Tornham, Thomas Burgeys of Tornham, John Winter, Robert Gerner of Tornham, Nicholas Banwer of Tornham, William Doderode of Tornham, John Peket of Toraham, Alan Peket of Tornham, Geoffrey Stanhard of Tornham, Hervey Scole of Tornham, Simon Bere of Tornham, and Richard Fraunceys of Tornham concerning a trespass committed upon her by them. John de Barneby, the king's envoy, puts in his place Walter Fuket in a suit before the king of a plea of trespass committed upon him by certain men of Leicester. John Talevaz came before the king, on Saturday after St. Ambrose, and acknowledges that he has remitted to Master Richard de Dunham, Richard de Avyllyers, William le Chapeleyn, John de Spichteshal, Adam de Wirlingworth, and William, vicar of Bauderseye, all action against them by reason of a trespass for which he impleads them before the king. Alice le Escote and Lettice her sister put in their place William de Meleburn and Benedict le Huntere in a suit before the king between them and William son of John de Donewyco and Peter his brother and John Joce concerning a trespass committed upon Alice and Lettice by them. William Bule puts in his place Roger de Maneston in a suit before the king between him and William de Rothing, John Aylyl, and Henry Sket concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. John de Trek puts in his place William de Caumbes and Roger de Kileby in the suit before the king between him and John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, and William Spriggy and other named in the writ concerning a trespass committed upon hint by them. Theobald le Botiller puts in his place Walter de Folifet and Simon de Merton, clerk, in the suit before the king between him and John de la Roche of a plea of land. John Baldewyn came before the king, on Monday before SS. Tiburtius and Valerian, and sought to replevy his messuage in Ipswich, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Matilda, late the wife of William de Berneswell. William de Northwode of Sprouton acknowledges that he owes to John de Ubbeston, usher of the king's chamber, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. April 12. Peter Wade of Laxfeld acknowledges that he owes to Matthew de Ipswich. Homeresfeld 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. William de Monte Canis[o], keeper of the land and heir of Henry de Laxefeld, puts in his place Ralph de Alneto in an assize of last presentation arramed by him before the king against the prior of Eye concerning the church of Laxefeld. April 12. Seman Clement acknowledges that he owes to Walter Winneferthing Ipswich. 2i marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Geoffrey de Piccheford puts in his place Nicholas de Molyns in a suit before the king between him and Walter de Wik of a plea of land in co. Sussex. Hugh de Coleworth acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Bibbesworth 38 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in 5 EDWARD I. 417 1276. Membrane 9d-cont. co. Essex. To do this he found as sureties Sewall de Brumfeld and Benedict le Ro, each of whom constituted himself principal debtor, and granted that the debt shall be levied of his lands in Hugh's default. MEMBRANE 8d. Roger Lestrange (Extraneus) puts in his place Philip de Say, clerk, in the suit before the king concerning the arrears due to him for the time when he was sheriff in co. York. William de Engelfeud acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Enrolment of bond of Walter de Wike of the parish of Gillingham, co. Dorset, for the payment to Benedict son of Abraham de Winton[ia], a Jew, of 200 quarters of wheat and 20 quarters of salt tt Winchester at the quinzaine of Michaelmas, 5 Edward. In case he fail to keep that term, he wills that the sheriffs of Dorset and Southampton may cause the same to be levied of his lands and chattels without delay for Benedict's use. Memorandum, that Walter came into chancery, and made acknowledgment - to the like effect. Margery de Watford puts in her place William Petri or Thomas de Bray in a suit before the king between her and William de Parles concerning a trespass committed upon her by them. Geoffrey de Bello Monte, prior of Holy Trinity, York, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, has given power to William de Stallingburg to make attorneys in his place in assizes of novel disseisin, assizes of last presentation, and pleas of dower that may be arramed or moved against the prior from 22 April until the quinzaine of Easter next. John de Sancta Elena acknowledges that he owes to William le Especer of Oxford 91. 15s. 10d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Geoffrey de Welleton acknowledges that he owes to William de Beverlaco, 31 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. Roger le Convers acknowledges that he owes to Peter de la More 71.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex, Philip son of Thomas de Ekenton came before the king, on Saturday the morrow of St. George, and sought to replevy his land in Ekenton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Geoffrey le Clerk of Stok. April 25. To Master Henry de Newerk, Master John de Lacy, and Master John Westminster. de Cadamo. Notification that the king has granted to the abbot of Westminster, who is setting out for parts beyond sea by the king's licence, that he may give power before them to whomsoever he will to make attorneys in his place in all pleas and to remove such attorneys, from the time of the receipt of these presents until a time to be prefixed by the abbot. Memorandum, that Thomas de Belewe came into chancery, on Wednesday after St. George, and rendered to Johnjle Belewe, his brother, all the land that Thomas had of his gift in cos. Lancaster and Westmoreland. u 96998. D D 418 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 8d-cont. Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, acknowledges that he owes to Philip le Taillur, citizen of London, 931. Gs. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment. April 27. Norman de Arcy acknowledges that he owes to William le Botillier of Westminster. Werington 170 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. To do this he found as sureties Geoffrey de Nevill, Roger son of Thomas de le Wodehal and Edmund de Eyncurt, who constituted themselves principal debtors and granted that the money shall be levied, in Norman's default, of their lands and chattels in cos. Lancaster, York, and Nottingham. William de Aldithelegh, who is going to Wales on the king's service, attorned before the king in his place Alan Osemund in all pleas for or against him, and the king granted at his instance that Alan might make attorneys in William's place until St. Peter ad Vincula next. May 4. Stephen de Penecestre, who is going to Wales in the king's service, Westminster. attorns in his place before the king John de Olmested in all pleas until Christmas, unless he return in the meanwhile. Purparties made by the sheriff of Cumberland of the lands that were of the inheritance of William de Reygni, who held in chief the town of Neuton Reygni, co. Cumberland, between the heirs and parceners of the said inheritance, and also of the lands assigned in dower to Akinia, late the wife of the said William, in the same county. The part of Robert Kribbe, who married Joan, one of the heiresses and parceners.-Richard de Newbigging holds two bovates of land in Neuton Reygni and renders yearly 4s. Alan the chaplain holds two bovates of land there, and renders yearly 4s. Thomas son of Emma holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. Adam le Leche holds one bovate there, and renders yearly 2s. Margaret, late the wife of John le Blak, holds two acres there, and renders yearly 12d. Ivo Levekok holds a house with a curtilage, and renders yearly 12d. Of the demesne 7- acres half a rood and six falls (fall'), which are worth yearly 9s. 6~d., each acre placed at 15d. Ot 'forlandes,' 3- acres, worth yearly 2s. 4d., each acre placed at 8d. Of the garden 71d. From Roger son of Patrick for a butt of land, id. yearly. Ranulph de Vallibus holds 3 acres of land, and renders yearly 2s., each acre 8d. From the land that Christiana daughter of William holds lid. (d' ob.) yearly. From Ivo Levecok for a quarter of half an acre of land, Id. The said Robert's part of the meadow contains 41 acres, worth 40d. yearly. From his part of the mill, which mill renders yearly 10 marks, whereof one third is excepted, and so his part of the remainder is 22s. 23d. From his part of the brewhouse, 12d. Total of the purparty of Robert and Joan in money, except the third part assigned in dower to Akinia, which is afterwards divided into four parts amongst the parceners, as appears within: 57s. 31d. The part of William le Penz, who married Alice, and of Hugh de Luketon, who married Joan, and who divide a quarter of the inheritance. Thomas son of Paulinus holds two bovates of land in the same town, and renders yearly 4s. Roger son of Patrick holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. Roger le Fever holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. Adam le Leche holds one bovate, and renders yearly 2s. Jolly holds two acres, and renders 12d. yearly. Alice de Langwathhly holds a house and a curtilage, and renders 12d. yearly. Of the demesne, 7j acres and half a rood and six falls (fall'), which are worth yearly 9s. 6id., each acre put at 15d. Of the forelands, 34 acres, worth yearly 2s. 4d., each acre put at 8d. Of the garden 5 EDWARD T. 419 1276. Membrane 8d-cont. 71d. From Roger son of Patrick for a butt of land, id. a year. Randulph de Vallibus holds 3 acres of land and renders yearly 2s., each acre 8d. Ivo Lovecok for a quarter of half an acre of land, Id. From the land that Christiana daughter of William holds l d. (d' ob.) yearly. The part of the said William, Alice his wife, Hugh and Joan of the meadow contains 41 acres, worth yearly 40d. Of their part of the mill [etc. as above]. From their part of the brewhouse 12d. Total [as above]. The part of Nicholas de Wauton. Walter son of Christiana holds two bovates of land, and renders yearly 4s. Adam de Clifton holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. Thomas de Joneby holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. Gilbert Rulbayn holds a bovate, and renders yearly 2s. William de Pendredoch holds a house with curtilage, and renders yearly 12d. Randulph Palmere holds half a cottage, and renders yearly 12d. Of the demesnes 71 acres and half a rood and six falls, worth yearly 9s. 61d., each acre [put] at 15d. Of the forelands, 31 acres, worth 2s. 4d., each acre put at 8d. From the garden, 71d. From Roger son of Patrick for a butt of land, Id. yearly. Randulph de Vallibus holds 3 acres, and renders yearly 2s., each acre at 8d. From Ivo Lovecok for a quarter of half an acre, Id. From the land that Christiana daughter of William holds, 1 id. (d' ob.) yearly. His part of the meadow consists of 41 acres, worth 40d. yearly. Mill, brewhouse, and total as above. The part of Elizabeth de Horsey. William Qwyntin holds three bovates of land, and renders yearly 6s. Robert de Karlon holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. John Bateman holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. William Qwyntin holds a house with curtilage, and renders yearly 12d. Randulph Palmere holds a cottage, and renders yearly 12d. Of the demesne 71 acres, and half a rood and six falls, worth 9s. 61d. yearly, each acre 15d. Of the forelands 31 acres, worth yearly 2s. 4d., each acre put at 8d. From the garden 71d. From Roger son of Patrick, ~d. Randulph de Vallibus holds 3 acres, and renders yearly 2s., each acre at 8d. From Ivo Lovecok for a quarter of half an acre, I d. From the land that Christiana daughter of William holds, 1d. (d' ob.) yearly. Meadow, mill, and total as above. The purparties falling to the heirs and parceners aforesaid of the lands that Akina, late the wife of William de Reygni, holds in dower in Neuton, after Akina's death. Agnes the widow holds two bovates in the town of Neuton of Akina, and renders 4s. yearly. Ivo son of Robert holds a bovate and a cottage, and renders 4s. yearly. Paulinus de Neuton holds two bovates, and renders 4s. yearly. John le Rede holds two bovates, and renders 4s. yearly. Robert Treuman holds two bovates, and renders 4s. yearly. Emma in le Wra holds two bovates, and renders 4s. yearly. Gilbert Robbayn (sic) holds two bovates, and renders yearly 4s. Emma le Deyster holds a ' cotland,' and renders yearly 2s. Godytha daughter of Hawysia holds a cottage and a curtilage, and renders yearly 12d., which tenants are divided in their tenures into four parts to the heirs and parceners in this manner: Agnes, Emma, and Godytha, who render 7s. (sic) yearly, with 12d. from Akina's part of the garden, are assigned to the part of Robert Kribbe and Joan: Gilbert Bulbayn (sic) and Emma del Wra, who render 8s. yearly, are assigned to the part of William le Pens and Alice, Hugh de Luketon and Joan. Robert '[reuman and Ivo son of Robert, who render 8s. yearly, are assigned to the part of Nicholas de Wauton.* Paulinus de Neuton and John Comyn, who render yearly 8s., are assigned to the part of Isabella de Horsey. Also the said Akina holds in demesne in the town of Neuton 15 acres of land and 1* perches, whereof each acre is worth 15d. and the total is 19s. 2d.; and 6 acres of * Membrane 7d. begins here. DD 2 420 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 8d-cont. land, whereof each acre is worth 9d. yearly, and the total is 4s 6d.; and 7 acres of land, whereof each acre is worth 8d. yearly, and the total is 4s. 8d.; and a garden, worth yearly 2s. 6d., whereof 12d. are assigned to the part of Robert Kribbe and so the total is 18d.; and 9 acres of meadow, worth 9d., total 6s. (sic); a curtilage that Christiana daughter of William holds, which renders yearly 21d.; and the brewhouse, which is worth 2s. yearly; and her part of the water-mill is worth 44s. 65d. yearly. Total of the acres of her demesne: 28 acres 13 perches, whereof 7 acres of land and 131 falls accrue to each part of the said four heirs. Total in money of the said land in demesne: 28s. 4d., whereof 7s. Id. accrue to each part. And of 9 acres of meadow 2 acres and 1 rood accrue to each part, which are worth 201d. Total in money of the garden and brewhouse and her part of the mill: 48s. 11id., whereof 12s. 23d. accrue to each of the parceners. Total of her dower in all: 115s. 22d. And there accrues to each of the said parts of the four heirs and parceners 28s. 91d. Membrane 8d.-Schedule. -. --- Roger de Clifford, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to William de - -- - Hamelton and William le Semoner of Mamecestre 26 marks 7s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. In presence of the king at Bomberk, who ordered this to be enrolled. MEMBRANE 7d. May 6. To the sheriff of Kent. Order not to permit any men of his bailiwick or Westminster. others to invade or perturb the possessions or goods of others by force and arms or by robberies, especially whilst the king is in his expedition to Wales, and to so conduct himself about the peace of his parts as to earn the king's commendation. May 6. Eudo la Zusch acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Westminster. Wells, the chancellor, 110 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment, made by Millicent de Monte Alto, Eudo's wife and executor. Partition of the fees that belonged to Avelina de Fortibus, sometime the wife of Edmund, the king's brother, made between the heirs and parceners of the inheritance that belonged to Richard de Munfychet. The part of Ralph de Plaiz.-Reginald de Pavely holds four knights' fees in Stocton, Cherford, Thorcateleston, Meneford, Bramham, Ardeleshe, and Gingis. At Eobrig in the parish of Wyham one fee. At Cakeley (sic) one fee. At Chingford one fee. In the parish of Borham half a fee that Richard de Colesworth holds. The part of Roger de Lancastria and his parceners.-Robert de Werley holds four fees in Thollesfonte, Little Briche, Saltecote, Cofford, and Samanton. At Springfeld, one fee. At Machinge, one fee. At Esthammes and Little Greneford, one fee. At Barneton is the third of a knight's fee. Enrolment of letter from the mayor, jurats and whole community of the city of Bayonne to their natural lord, the king, informing him that they have, after taking all council and deliberation amongst them, appointed as their proctors, syndics, and agents (actores) Piscasius de Pinn and Reymund (R'nd) Gwillelmide Saubanhaco, citizens of Bayonne, the exhibitors of the presents, to treat, ordain, or make anew (reformand') a truce or perpetual 5 EDWARI) I. 4321 1276. Membrane 7d-cont. peace before the king concerning the discord that exists and has long existed between the king's mariners and barons and their adherents, on the one side, and his mariners of the Cinque Ports of England, Yarmouth, and all others of the king's land and their adherents, giving power to the said proctors to treat, ordain, approve, and accept the truce or perpetual peace according to the king's ordinance to be made concerning this. Dated at Bayonne (baron'), 8 Id. October, 1276. Release from Richard son of William de la Launde to Sir Robert de Tybotot of his right in all the land that belonged to William de la Launde, Richard's brother, in Merston, co. Lincoln, in consideration of 100s. paid to him beforehand by Robert. Witnesses: Sir Thomas de Weyland, Sir Hugh son of Otto, Sir Joln de Lovetot, Sir Roger Lovedai, knights; Gilbert de Thorenton, Peter de Lounde, William Bigge of Normanton, Ralph de Longo Campo. Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of deed of John de Middelton acknowledging receipt from Walter de Esturton, and Juliana his wife of 40 marks as a loan, and that he has mortgaged (invadiasse) all his manor of Middelton and the advowson of the church, which sum he shall repay on Tuesday after the quinzaine of Easter, which is called le Hokeday,' in the sixth year of the reign, in the church of St. Nicholas, Middelton, and granting that, if he do not pay then, the manor and advowson shall remain to Walter and Juliana in fee and inheritance, according to the tenor of the charter of feoffment to them, which charter shall remain in neutral (equali) hands, to wit in the hands of the prior of La Chauceye of Arundel, and shall be rendered to Walter and Juliana on the day when John makes default, and they shall then be bound to pay to John 60 marks at the said day and place, and they grant that the sheriff of Sussex may distrain them by their lands and chattels if they fail to pay that sum, and that the sheriff shall have 40s. from them for making each distraint. If John pay the aforesaid 40 marks at the term specified, his charter of feoffment shall be restored to him and the manor and advowson shall remain to Walter and Juliana until a certain day contained in an indenture previously made between them. Witnesses: John de Wauton, then sheriff of Sussex, Robert de Hotot, Luke de Vyenne, John de Turevill, knights; John Pechee, Peter de Elmere, William de Hotot, Robert de la Wyke, John de Hadham. Memorandum, that John came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. May 12. To Elias de Rabayne, constable of Corfe castle. Order to cause to be Westminster. restored to the abbot and convent of Cerne two tuns of wine of wreck found by the constable's bailiffs in the abbot and convent's lands by the sea-coast (maritimam) of Brunckes' and Remmescumb, as the king has previously ordered [as at page 313 above], so conducting himself in the execution of this order that renewed complaint shall not come to the king for his default..-. — John Stedeman came before the king, on Friday after the octaves of the Ascension, and sought to replevy to Eustace Clement of Walingford his land in Newenham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Dionisia, late the wife of John Masse. Adam Despenser acknowledges that he owes to Philip le Taillur, citizen of London, 251.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Southampton and Oxford, 422 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 7d-cont. Eudo la Zuch acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull 371. 12s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Nicholas de Weyland acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. John de Olneye of Great Lillingston acknowledges that he owes to William de Hanynton, 12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Oxford and Bedford. Bartholomew de Suthlegh acknowledges that he owes to Orlandinus de Podio, merchant of Luke de Luk', and his fellows, 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment. Memorandum, that the king acquits Bartholomew of the aforesaid 1001. against the said merchants, and wills that he himself shall be bound to pay the said sum for Bartholomew. Master Ralph de Fremyngham acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Membrane 7d.-Schedules. The part of the heir of Plaiz that is in the king's hands. Reginald de Paveley holds four fees, in Stoctone, Cherford, Thorcateleston, Meneford, Braham, Ardeleshe, and Gingis. Also at Hobrige in the parish of Wiham, one fee. Also at Takeley is one fee. Also at Chingford is one fee. In the parish of Borham is half a fee, which Richard de Colewerkh holds. Total: 71 fees. The part of R[oger] de Lanc[astria], Hugh de la Val, W. de Huntercumb, and Nicholas Corbet. Robert de Werley holds four fees in Thollesonte (sic), Little Briche, Saltecote, Cofford, and Samanton. Also at Springfeld is one fee. Also at Machinge is one fee. Also at Easthams and Little Greneford is one fee. Also at Barneton is a third of a fee, which Robert de Wer held. Total: 7~ fees. MfEMBRANE 6d. On Monday the morrow of the Holy Trinity, 5 Edward, at Wyndesore in the king's hall, John (de Londonia, rector of the church of Frodesham, rendered and restored to Joan, daughter and heiress of John de Churchull, all the land of Churchull bare and without stock, and granted to her free power (liberas habenas) to go whither she may wish, before Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, chancellor, and others, both clerical and lay, of the court and household of the king then present. And Joan granted to the said John 10 marks yearly of the land aforesaid in the homages, rents, customs, services, heriots, reliefs, escheats, and wardships pertaining to the said land, and all the hall with two parts of the houses and court, for the term of twelve years from the making of this instrument, in consideration of 120 marks in which she is bound to him for a debt of the Jewry in which the land was bound; provided that if she satisfy John for that sum within the aforesaid term, the 10 marks yearly being counted and allowed to her for so long as John shall hold the manor, then the manor shall 5 EDWARD I. 423 1276. Membrane 6d.-cont. wholly remain to Joan or her heirs. In testimony whereof John and Joan have put their seals to this indenture enrolled in the king's court. Memorandum, that Joan came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. May 23. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order not to permit any wool to be taken Windsor. by any merchants of the realm to Flanders or elsewhere beyond sea, unless they show to him the king's letters of warrant under the seal of his chancery, and to cause proclamation to be made forbidding any one, under pain of loss of body and goods, from buying anything from the Flemings or selling anything to them, or from buying any wool or other merchandise in the realm for the use of merchants of Flanders, or from receiving any money from them to exercise any affairs in the realm therewith, or from paying to them any debt, or from procuring or causing by any artifice any of the goods of the said Flemings now in the realm to leave the realm, until the king's merchants have been satisfied for their goods arrested in Flanders, or until otherwise ordered, as the Flemings have not yet satisfied the merchants of the realm for their goods arrested in Flanders according to the peace made between the king and the count of Flanders. The sheriff is enjoined to execute this order with all possible speed, so that it shall not be the king's duty to punish him (ad te... graviter capere). The like to the sheriffs of York, Southampton, Devon, Cornwall, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk, Somerset and Dorset, Lancaster, Lincoln, and Northumberland. The like to Stephen de Penecestre, constable of Dover castle, and warden of the Cinque Ports. And a letter is directed to the barons and bailiffs of Sandwich. The like to the bailiffs of Hull, Lynn, Boston, the mayor and sheriffs of London, Ipswich, Dunwich, Yarmouth, Scardeburg, Whiteby, Grimmesby, and Ravenesor'. May 25. William de Valencia acknowledges in chancery that he owes to the king Windsor. 300 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels..-.- Robert de Morteyn acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Isabella, late the wife of John de Bonecumbe, puts in her place Robert Doget or Philip de Montery in the suit before the king between her and Richard de Bunecumb, John Mauger, John le Ferur, John Ravel, William Sparwe, Richard Stace, Henry le Deyere, and Walter de Shirford concerning a plea of trespass committed upon her by them. William Fraunc, chaplain, puts in his place Walter de Colecestre and John de Thornhull in the suit before the king between him, demandant, and John le Clerk of Colecestre and Joan his wife of a plea of land. June 2. William de Broc acknowledges that he owes to John de Heddesor Windsor. 85 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands in co. Middlesex. To do this he found as sureties Hugh de Brok, his brother, and Walter de Saunford, who made the like acknowledgment, in case of William's default. Hugh has lands in cos. Hertford, Cambridge, Kent, and Oxford. Geoffrey Gascelyn acknowledges that he owes to Arnald de Clarau, the king's serjeant at arms, 30 marks, in full payment of 60 marks that Geoffrey owed to him for the custody of the manor of Bedinton; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. 424 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS, 1276. ' Membrane 6d-cont. Roger la Ware came before the king, on Thursday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy his land and that of John la Ware in Bristleton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the court of Gilbert de Clare of Bristol against the abbot of Kaynesham. Walter de la Lee came before the king, on Thursday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy his land in Chirchesomerham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against William le Parker and Isabella his wife. Richard le Chapeleyn, John Anketil, Robert de Narwegate, John Hervy, Richard Agaz, Robert Sewyn, Benedict son of Eudo, Robert Anketil, Thomas son of Henry, William del Howe, Hubert del Howe, Richard del Howe, Roger son of Reiner, Henry Margeri, Robert and Egelof, men of the manor of Alvergate, put in their places Eudo le Clerc and William le Remer in the suit before the king between them and Roger le Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, of a plea of customs and services. Juetta, wife of Adam de Wyntonia, puts in her place John de Thornhull in the suit before the king between her and Hugh son of Richard of a plea of trespass. Hugh de la Musch' puts in his place John de Thurnhull in the suit before the king between him and Simon le Eyr, William le Heyward, Alan Cappe, Stephen Berefot,. Ralph son of Henry le Messer, Henry the chaplain of Arington, and Geoffrey of the same, chaplain, of a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. Michael de Hockele acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells 11 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby. Robert Giffard acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells 11 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. lMembrane 6d.-Schedule. *To Sir B. bishop of Sabina. To Sir V. bishop of Palestrina (Prenestrin'). To Sir P. bishop of Tusculum. To Sir S. cardinal priest of St. Martin. To Sir G. cardinal priest of St. Mark. To Sir A. cardinal priest of St. Praxed. To Sir R. cardinal deacon of St. Angelo. To Sir J. cardinal deacon of St. Nicholas in Carcere Tulliano. To Sir J. cardinal deacon of St. Mary in Cosmedin (Chosmedin). To Sir G. cardinal deacon of St. George in Velabro (ad Velum Aureum). To Sir M. cardinal deacon of St. Mary in Porticu. To Sir U. cardinal deacon of St. Eustace. To Master B. de Neapoli, notary of the pope. To Master Ysunbard, notary of the pope. To Master Angelus de Urbe, advocate in the Roman court. To Master B. de Anagnia, notary of the pope. To Master George, notary of the pope. To brother Haymo de Confleto, the pope's chaplain. To Master Richard, notary of the pope. * This list of members of the Roman court is written in a foreign hand, probably by someone in the papal court. The first six names have dots prefixed to them. 5 EDWARD I. 426 1276. MEMIBRANE 5d. Enrolment of letters of Alexander, lord of Bergerac (Brigeriac') and Gensac (Genciac'), notifying that he, out of honour for the king, to whom he will defer in all things as his lord, as he is bound to do, has renounced the appeal made by him for failure of right (a juris defectu) to the king of France and his court in the king of England's court of Bazas at St. Macaire (Macharium) from the hearing of Reymund de Miralh, burgess of La Reole, supplying the place of Sir Luke de Tany, seneschal of Gascony, in the Basadois (in Vasatesio), and from the court aforesaid concerning the violence that he said had been done to him in the castle of Cunhac by the king's men. Dated at Windesore, 8 June, 1277. Mlemorandum, that, on the said day and place, this letter was delivered to Master Bernard Fabri to be delivered to the constable of Bordeaux castle, to wit to Master Adam de Norff[olkia]. Richard de Aumundevill and Matilda, his wife, put in their places Walter de Wittenasshe and Gregory de Berkeswell in the suit before the king of this that they shall permit the king to present a suitable parson to the two vacant portions in the church of Wroccestre, which are void and pertain to the king by reason of the wardship of the land and heir of John son of Alan being in his hands. July 17. Elias Cotele acknowledges that he owes to William de Perton 201.; to Brill. be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Wilts and Somerset. John Besil[es] acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Northwyz and - the other executors of the will of Beatrice de Besil[es], John's mother, 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Wilts and Gloucester. Enrolment of deed of Anthony Bek, archdeacon of Durham, witnessing that he is bound to the king in 600 marks, to be paid at the king's pleasure. Dated at Wydingdon, on the day of SS. Peter and Paul, 1277. Memorandum, that this letter was delivered into the king's wardrobe to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the same. William de Swanecote came before the king, on Thursday the octaves of Midsummer, and sought to replevy his land in Clent, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Isabella, late the wife of John de Puperode. Geoffrey son of Thomas Sapience came into the king's court, on Thursday after SS. Peter and Paul, and sought to replevy his lands in Weston, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against the prior of St. Faith's, Longevill. Richard de Loges came before the king, on Saturday after SS. Peter and Paul, and sought to replevy his land and that of Richard le Fevre and William le Graunt in Cestreton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the king and against Robert le Brok. Roger le Marescal came before the king at Worcester, on Saturday after SS. Philip and James, and sought to replevy to Mauger son of Maurice le Vavasour the latter's land in Denton, Aswych, Wolston, Dragton, and Scarneston, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Alice, late the wife of Mauger le Vavasur. William le Botoillier, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John Maupas 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. Cancelled on payment. 426 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 5d-cont, John de Meriete acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Bukenhull 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Lincoln. To do this he found as surety Master Ralph de Wicham, who constituted himself principal debtor, and granted that unless John, etc. John de Moun and Thomas del Pyn acknowledge that they owe to Alan de Plugenet 65 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset. Richard de Afton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Syfrewast 70 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. July 7. Nicholas son of William Hod of Leycestre acknowledges that he owes to Worcester. Thomas de Verdun, parson of the church of Fernham, 11 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause proclamation to be made inhibiting the holding of any markets for so long as the king, who is going with horses and arms and his army to Wales against L[lewelyn] son of Griffin and his accomplices, shall be in those parts, and that all those who have wares or victuals for sale may safely bring them to the king and his army, and that the king will save them harmless, and will cause them to have full and speedy payment for such victuals carried and sold there. The like to the sheriffs of Worcester, Salop and Stafford, Derby, Gloucester, and Hereford. The like to Guncelin de Badelesmere and the bailiffs of Kermerdyn and Cardigan. July 16. Nicholas de Meynill acknowledges that he owes to John de Monte Alto Chester. 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands in co. York. July 18. Richard de Urmeston, John his son, Adam son of Richard de Urmeston, Chester. Richard de Bradeshagh, William de Wrthington, Thomas de Chernok, Henry de Longetre, John son of William de Worthington, Elias de Hennetwysel, Henry de Burgo, and Richard son of Richard de Urmeston acknowledge that they owe to Hugh de Kendal 40 marks; to be levied in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. Richard de Urmeston, John, parson of the church of Lek, Richard de Hudeleston, and Adam de Pulle acknowledge that they owe to Hugh de Kendal 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. July 18. Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, acknowledges that he Chester. owes to Ralph de Linneseye 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. In like manner John de Nevill and John de Bohun acknowledged, and granted that, if the money be not paid at the term stipulated, it shall be levied of their lands and chattels in the aforesaid county. John de Bacheworth acknowledges that he owes to Master Ralph le Sauser 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Walter de Agmundesham acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Stapelford 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bucks. 5 EDWARD I. 427 1276. Mlembrane 5d-Schedule. Pledges of the liberty of Colecestre until the next parliament: William de Eyton, Nicholas de Molond, Philip de Wye. MEMBRANE 4d. July 20. Walter de Huntercumbe acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Chester. Kreting 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Northumberland, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Buckingham, and Bedford. July 21. Nicholas de Sedgrave acknowledges that he owes to Orlandinus de Podio Chester. and his fellows, merchants of Luca, 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Leicester and Warwick. Ralph de Crumbewelle acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid merchants the aforesaid 1,000 marks, if Nicholas fail to pay that sum; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Nottingham and Derby. Robert la Ward made like recognisance for Nicholas. Gilbert de Humfranvill made like recognisance for Nicholas. Robert son of Walter, William de Monte Canisio, Philip de Colevill, and Ralph Basset of Drayton, make like recognisance for Nicholas. Robert son of Walter acknowledges in chancery that he owes to John de la More, clerk, 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Ralph Basset of Drayton acknowledges that he owes to Nutus Fulberti, merchant of Florence, 38 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. Enrolment of deed of Richard son of Robert de Croxton, witnessing that whereas his father gave to him for the term of Robert's life the two bovates of land that Robert had of the demise of Sir Richard de Iolt, Richard's uncle, with Amicia, Richard's mother, for the term of her life, doing therefor to Sir Richard de Holt the due and accustomed rent and service, to wit four barbed arrows at Midsummer for all service pertaining to him, the said Richard de Croxton hereby grants, to exclude the doubts and perils that may be turned to the damage and disinheritance of Sir Richard by reason of Richard de Croxton's entry into the lands aforesaid, that neither he nor his heirs nor any one in his name may make any claim in the said land except for the life of the said Robert, his father. Witnesses: William de Venables, Richard de Sondbache, Ralph de Vernun Robert de Wyminton, John de Otuliston, Matthew de Holegrene, Richard de Mumshull, Roger de Moston, Richard de Brayewell. Memorandum, that Richard de Holt, who seised the said land into his hand by reason of the demise thereof made by Robert to his said son, came and rendered the land to him, to be held in form aforesaid. Roger de Clifford, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton and William le Somenur of Mamnecestre 26 marks 7s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Salop and Worcester. Memorandum, that the letter contained in the appended schedule * was sent to Sir Payn de Cadurcis by brother William de Wycumb, chaplain of Sir Edmund, the king's brother, prior of the canons without Keremerdyn. * The schedule is now missing, but there are remains of the threall by which it was sewed Ito the roll. 428 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 4d-cont. John de la Brome came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Bartholomew, and sought to replevy his land in Cumlon, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against John de la Sale of Cumpton. July 29. Richard Rut, chaplain, came before the king, on Sunday the Decolla--- tion of St. John the Baptist, and sought to replevy to Henry son of Lambert and Margaret his mother an acre of meadow in Pudding Norton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against John de Lekesham. Given by the hand of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. ----- Peter de Burnehull puts in his place William Spring in a suit before the - king between him and Master William de Noting[eham], official of the archdeacon of Richmond, Hugh, dean of Kokerhaym, and Elias de Richemund, clerk, for a trespass committed upon him by them, and in the suit before the king between him and William son of Elias de Holm, Henry his son, Hugh son of William le Swon, Robert Noyte, and Henry his son concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. John Bonel came before the king, on Thursday the morrow of St. Giles, and sought to replevy his land in Colerton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Agnes de Turri. Sept. 10. Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, acknowledges before the king at Gannou Gannu. that he owes to David son of Griffin 300 marks, to be paid at St. John's Hospital, Clerkenwell; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. To do this he found as sureties Reginald de Argenteine, Henry de Penbrug, and Robert Carbonel, who constituted themselves principal debtors, and granted that, if the earl do not pay the money, it shall be levied of their lands and chattels in cos. Essex, Hereford, Salop and Stafford. Cancelled on payment. William de Saperton came before the king, on Monday the eve of St. Matthew, and sought to replevy to Walter de Surdeval the latter's land, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Margery, late the wife of Theobald de Trikingham. MEMBRANE 3d. Emery de Rupe Cauardi and Matilda his wife put in their places Gerinus de Sancto Egidio and Godfrey de Wermenistre in the suit before the king between Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, who vouched them to warranty against Agatha de Mortuo Mari concerning the homage and service of Simon de Suthebrok for a moiety of a knights' fee in Suthebrok in Netherwent, and concerning the homage and service of William de Sancto Mauro for a moiety of a fee in Wondy, and concerning the homage and service of Robert de Gamages for a moiety of a knight's fee in Roggate in Netherwent, and in the suit before the king between Emery and Matilda and Philip de Kyma concerning a trespass committed upon them. Enrolment of agreement between Sir John de Eyvill, knight, and Peter Byset, that if John pay 578 marks to Peter, or to the abbot of St. Mary's, York, or to the prior or sub-prior of the same for Peter's use, within a month of Easter, 6 Edward, then John may enter the manor of Thornetonon the-Hill, which Peter has of his gift, and have it again quit and free of Peter, saving to the latter his chattels in the manor and without the receipts 5 EDWARD I. 429 1276. Membrane 3d-cont. from the manor being accounted for (et perceptis de eodem manerio minime computatis), and the charter of feoffment that John made to Peter of the manor, which is delivered by consent to the abbot, prior, and sub-prior to be kept in neutral (equali) hands in the meantime, shall be annulled and delivered to John. If John do not pay the money at the said term, the manor shall remain to Peter, to have and to hold of the chief lords of the fee, according to the said charter, which shall be delivered to Peter. John grants that if Peter be ejected or disseised at any time by him, except before the said term after payment of the sum aforesaid, the king may, without any hearing of the cause (absque alicujus cause cognicione), cause Peter to be reseised, or Peter may have his recovery by assize of novel disseisin or otherwise as he shall deem fit, and John shall be bound to him in 200 marks for damages. Witnesses: Sir Reginald de Gray, Robert de Tatersale, Richard Syward, John Marmaduc, James de Birun. And the parties acknowledged these things in chancery, and caused them to be enrolled in chancery. Memorandum, that John came into chancery, and acknowledged all the preceding agreements and conditions, and granted that if he did not cause Peter to have seisin of the manor aforesaid, the king shall do so, in form aforesaid. Sept. 20. Theobald de Verdun in the king's presence gave power to Simon Crowe Chester. and John Pikerel to make attorneys in his place in all pleas, with power to make attorneys in their places, from Michaelmas next for one year. Given by the hands of R. bishop of Bath ald Wells, the chancellor. ---- Reginald de Grey puts in his place Master Henry de Bray and Richard - de Gilling in the suit before the king between him and John le Mareschal of this that John exacts from him the manor of Norton because he is of full age, which manor Reginald claims to have until John came of age of the king's gift and according to the Dictum of Kenill[eworth]. Adam de Oterinton puts in his place Walter de Wyteby and Richard le Taylur in the suit before the king between him and Alan Noreys, Roger le Noreys, Roger le Moner of Oterinton, Hugh de Thorneton, Thomas de Knaveton, John Everard and Galnelin de Alverton concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Oct. 15. Alexander Comyn and Elizabeth his wife attorn before the king in their Rhuddlan. place Robert de Leck and Richard de Pokelinton, clerks, Roger Aleyn, and Matthew de Wykingston in all pleas, with power to appoint attorneys in their place, for a year from Michaelmas next. Oct. 16. John le Mareschal acknowledges that he owes to Reginald de Grey Shrewsbury. 200 marks to be paid at Hemmingford; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge. Given by the hands of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. Cancelled on payment. - Thomas Peche made the like acknowledgment for the said John. Simon de Furneus made the like acknowledgment for John. Edmund de Hemmegrave and Warin de Hereford made the like acknowledgment for John. Memorandum, that John remitted to Reginald all exactions and demands for all the time when he had the custody of the manor of Norton, and the aforesaid Thomas, Simon, Edmund and Warin mainperned that John shall not disquiet Reginald contrary to this remission. 430 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1276. Membrane 3d-cont. Memorandum, that Hugh de Boninghal and Felicia his wife came into chancery at Shrewsbury, on 18 October, and acknowledged that they claimed to hold no fee or free tenement in the manor of Albriton by reason of a charter of feoffient thereof made and read in the full county [court] of Salop and delivered to the abbot of Bildewas in neutral (equali) hands, and they granted that the charter shall be annulled. And John de Picheford acknowledged to Hugh and Felicia their term of ten years that they have of the manor, according to the form of the agreement made between them. Roger Maulere acknowledges that he owes to Dervergulla de Balliolo 601. for the arrears of his account of the tine when he was her bailiff of Torkeseye; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Leicester and Bedford. Robert de Stepelton acknowledges, for himself and heirs, that he owes to Nicholas de Cukeho, knight, 801.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. To do this he found sureties Walter de Bukenhull, Roger Springehoese, William de Stapelton, and John de Chetewynd, knights, and William le Enfaunt, who all constituted themselves principal debtors. Oct. 18. Memorandum, that the said Nicholas de Cugeho granted that all the Shrewsbury. obligatory deeds that he has from the said Robert and his sureties for the aforesaid debt shall be annulled. Given by the hands of the chancellor. Constance, late the wife of Richard de Tillebir[y], puts in her place John - de la Hull in the plea before the king between her and Gwischard Ledet of a plea of land in the town of St. Laurence, co. Essex. John Columbayn puts in his place Thomas de Haketorne or John de Wassingle in the suit before the king between him and William de Scarle and others named in the original writ of a plea of trespass.-Lincoln. Enrolment of deed of William de Neketon, notifying that he is bound to enfeoff Philip Burnel of all his manor of Terlingges within eight days after William shall recover it, and that, if he do not do so, he is bound to pay Philip 3001. within a month of the recovery of the manor. Witnesses: Master Roger de Merton, Sir John de Lovetot, Sir Thomas de Weylaund, Sir John de Kirkeby, Sir William de Middelton, Sir William de Hamelton. Memorandum, that William acknowledged the premises in form aforesaid. Walter de Wadinton acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Kendale 2 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. William de Neketon acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells 20s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Membrane 3d-Schedules. April 28. To Ralph de Lasceles and Thomas de Kynros. Notification that the Westminster. king has given them power to receive the attorneys whom Alexander Colyn and Elizabeth his wife will attorn before them in all pleas, and that the king, of his special grace, has granted to Alexander and Elizabeth permission to grant power to the attorneys to appoint others in their places, until Michaelmas next, and for a year from then. Letter from the said Ralph to R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, signifying that he has received Robert de Leck and Richard de Pockelinton, clerks, Roger...... as attorneys of Alexander and Elizabeth, in accordance with the preceding writ. (Partly torn away.) 5 EDWARD I. 431 1276. Membrane 3d-Schedules-cont. May 5. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Notification that the king Westminster. has granted to Theobald de Verdun power to appoint before the justiciary attorneys in all pleas for the like period. Letter [from the justiciary] to the king, notifying that Theobald has appointed Simon Crowe or John Pikerel his attorneys in all pleas in England, and that the justiciary admitted them at Kildare, on 28 June, in accordance with the preceding writ. MEMBRANE 2d. John son of Aer (fil' Aeri) of co. Salop acknowledges that he owes to --- Master Richard de Clifford 1061. for the arrears of his account of the time when he was sub-escheator in co. Salop, saving to him due allowances; to be levied, in defanlt of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Alexander de Balliolo acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Pape, merchant, and Torrisianus his fellow 801. 3s. 8d.; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment. Oct. 29. Geoffrey de Genevill and Matilda his wife put in their places Thomas de Shrewsbury. Lodelowe and Roger de Ewyas in all pleas, with power to appoint other attorneys in their places, from Michaelmas last for one year. William de Goldingham and Isabella his wife, late the wife of William de Hastencot, put in their places John de Holmested to demand at the exchequer 201. yearly that they ought to receive in recompence for the value of the manor of Lideham, which belonged to William de Hastencot by the late king's assignment. Enrolment of grant by Stephen de Streide of Bambrrg to the king of his land in two culture on Randolveslawe and all his land in a plot called 'Burnetoftes,' lying between the king's demesne lands and the common pasture of Bamburg in the field of the same near Strede. For this grant the king paid him beforehand 100s. Witnesses: Sir Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward, Sir Ralph son of Roger, Henry de Sancto Paulo, John de Middelton, Adam de Bedenhal, Henry de Mulsfen, William the coroner, Adam de Campo, Stephen le Marescal, Serlo de Baumburg, John his brother. William le Columbers acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Pap 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset. Griffin Sees acknowledges that lie owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells 15s.; payable at the bishop's will; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. William de Werington acknowledges that he owes to William de Hameleton 11 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. The prior of Burscogh acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Kendal and Adam de Tildesl[eye], executors of the testament of Nicholas de Wygan, 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. 432 6 EDWARD I. 1277. MEMBRANE 15, Nov. 24. To Gregory de Rocle, taker of the king's wines throughout England. Shrewsbury. Order to cause the abbot and convent of King's Beaulieu to have a tun of wine of the king's right prise from his wines at Southampton, for this year, in accordance with the late king's grant to them of a tun of wine yearly for the celebration of divine service. Given by hands of R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. To the sheriff of Southampton, and to the chirographers of the chest of the Jews at Winchester. Order to go to the chest, and to cause it to be opened, and to withdraw from it and deliver to Hugh le Noreys the charters made under his name and that of Benedict (Benetti) de Wyntonia, a Jew, in accordance with an order of the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews directed to them, and to cause the chest to be then closed and sealed with their seals. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the bailiffs and men of Montgomery to be acquitted of the 10 marks exacted from them for tallage, of the late king's debts, as the king has granted to them this sum in aid of the walling of the town (ville claudende). To the same. Order to cause Philip de Netherne and Alice his wife to be acquitted of half a mark in which they made fine to have an assise of novel disseisin, as the king has pardoned them this sum. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to restore to William de Carreu until further orders the bailiwick of the serjeanty of co. Waterford, which he is said to have in fee, if the justiciary took it into the king's hands because William caused certain of his corn taken into the king's hands to be thrashed without the king's license. Nov. 25. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the Shrewsbury. king, in order to make examination of the debts of his Jews of England in the chests of the chirographers, lately caused the chests to be closed and sealed, and the examination of every chest of his Jewry has now been made, he orders the justices to go to the chests and to cause them to be opened, and to cause the charters that are discharged (cartas quietas) in the same to be delivered to the Christians who have discharged them, and to cause to be done concerning the other charters what ought to be done of right and according to the statute of the Jewry, provided any of the charters that ought to pertain to the king by the death of Jews or otherwise shall be withdrawn from the chests and deposited in the treasury for his use. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the dean and chapter of St. Martin's le Grand, London, to be acquitted of 100s. in which they were amerced before the justices last in cvre for common pleas at the Tower by reason of the common summons of the eyre, and of 20s. in which they were amerced before the justices last in eyre for pleas of the Forest in 6 EDWARD I. 433 1277. Membrane 15-cont. co. Essex by reason of the common summons of the eyre, as the king has pardoned them these amercements. Nov. 30. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to deliver Walter le Seler, impriShrewsbury. soned at Shrewsbury for the death of Thomas Crok, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize to stand to rigih:f any one wish to speak against him, as the king learns from William de Ka. swell, one of the justices appointed to deliver the gaol, that Walter slew Thomas by mischance and not by felony or of malice aforethought. The like to the sain sheriff in favour of Walter le Seler, imprisoned at Shrewsbury for the deatl, of Thomas Crok, by the testimony of the said William.* To the treasurer and barons f the exchequer. The king learns from the complaint of John son of HugLs and of all the community of cos. Salop and Stafford that whereas John and ofLers of the community paid to Hamo Lestrange (Extraneo), the late king's sli riff, and to certain other of his sheriffs of those counties many debts whe.t in they were indebted to the said king, and obtained tallies for the paymints from Hamo and other sheriffs, certain of the tallies were stolen from JoLn and many others during the disturbance in the realm by the rebels in divers places, and certain of them were burnt by mischance, and others were stolen, whereby John and others are much aggrieved by a new summons of the exchequer for debts paid: the king therefor orders the treasurer and barons to cause those of the said counties who proffer tallies for payments made to any sheriffs of the late king to be allowed for the tallies found to be lawful, and to cause them to be discharged of the demands to which the tallies relate. Concerning the others who say that they had tallies but have lost them by robbery or fire, the king wills that the treasurer and barons shall cause inquisition to be made concerning such payments, and to cause to be likewise acquitted those who shall be found by the inquisition to have paid such debts. Dec. 2. To the same. Whereas the king learns by inquisition that the manor of Shrewsbury. Cherebury was tallaged in the late kin g's time with the townships of Chirestok and Aston once at 5 marks and again at 6 marks, whereof the men of the manor paid for their portion of the tallages 22s. 3d. to Robert de Grendon, then sheriff of co. Salop, and at another time 2 marks, and had tallies for the said payments from him, which were afterwards burned by the fire that the men of Llewelyn son of Griffin made of the manor and church of Cherebury: the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause the men to be acquitted of the said two sums. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the men of Wilileye to be acquitted of the demand for 7s. made upon them by the sheriff of Salop by reason of the fifteenth of the goods and chattels of Robert Lestrange (Extranei), as the goods and chattels came to the king's hands by Robert's death after they were taxed to the fifteenth. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of Robert de Hampton, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Easter next the demand made by summons of the exchequer upon the men of * By inadvertence, the clerk has enrolled the preceding writ twice or has noted its contents instead of those of another writ. u 96998. B; -;,o,,::-,;; '** ~ ~ ~ -t 434 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 15-cont. Chyrstok, who are outside the county and of the bailiwick of Muntgomery, by reason of certain tallages assessed upon them and the townships of Chyrbury and Aston in the late king's time. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Bogo de Knovill, sheriff of Salop and Stafford, 40s., which he expended in keeping the king's fair of St. Andrew at Oswestry (de Albomonasterio), in the fifth year of the reign, by reason of the late disturbance in those parts, as Bogo expended this sum although he received no issues from the fair by reason of the war in those parts. Dec. 3. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to Shrewsbury. be elected in place of Simon son of Rok', whom'the king has amoved from office because he is insufficiently qualified. To Roger Lestrange (Extraneo). Order to permit Mereduk son of Llewelyn, Owen (Oweynum) his brother, Griffin son of Llewelyn Vaghan and Mereduk son of Llewelyn Vaghan and their brothers to hold until otherwise ordered their lands of Mechyn that they held before the late war in those parts, the seisin whereof'they recovered before Master Ralph de Fremyngham; provided that they shall be intendent and answering to the king therefor as their lord, and shall perform the due and usual customs in those parts. To the keeper of the forest of Asshewod. Order to cause William Ose to have two oaks fit for timber for the renewal (remissione) of a boat that he lately lost in the king's service. To the keeper of the forest of Dolvoran. Order to cause Philip de Monte Gomery to have fifteen oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. Dec. 18. Robert son of Robert Trenoret, imprisoned at Lanceveton for the death Worcester. of Philip Dewyn, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him. Dec. 22. Peter le Irmongere of Farindon, imprisoned at Farendon for the death of Oxford. William Durling and Christiana his wife and of Sarah, late the wife of Maurice de Middelton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. Dec. 26. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause William Westminster. de Haneworth to have seisin of a messuage in Badington, which the king caused to be taken into his hands after the death of Hervey de Borham, tenant in chief, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that the messuage, which Robert Burnell demised to Hervey in the late king's time by reason of William's minority, who was then in Robert's wardship, ought to descend of right to William as his escheat after Hervey's death because Adam de Cestreton, to whom and his heirs Roger de Hanewortb, William's father, demised the messuage, was a bastard and died seised thereof. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Walter de Pedewordy to have eight oaks in the forest of Havekeherst, of the king's gift. Dec. 28. To the keeper of the forest of Shotovre. Order to cause John Gifford to Westminster. have ten leafless oak-stumps (robora) in that forest for his fuel, of the king's gift. To Imbert de Monte Ferrandi, constable of Gloucester castle. Order to restore to Ralph Strecche and Walter de Shirlak, who were imprisoned ': e to - or i.=.. 6 EDWARD I. 435 1277. Membrane 15-cont. for trespass of venison in the forest of Fecham, their bailiwicks, which were taken by him into the hands of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, as they are mainperned by the king's order to stand to right concerning the trespass before the justices next in eyre for Forest pleas in co. Worcester, and Imbert refuses to restore to them their bailiwicks, as the king learns. Dec. 30. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause to be Westminster. replevied to the prior and convent of Breuton a messuage and a carucate of land in Sterte until Michaelmas next, so that he may then take it into the king's hands again unless otherwise ordered in the meanwhile, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that Geoffrey de Wrockeshal eufeoffed the prior and convent of the messuage and carucate, and that they had seizin thereof for two years and a half according to the feoffment, and that the messuage and carucate were held of the serjeanty of Sterte, which is held of the king in chief, by the service of 3s. yearly, and that the alienation thereof is to the king's damage of half a mark yearly in case the serjeanty come to his hands. 1278. Jan. 4. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause the Friars The Tower. Minors of Northampton to have four oaks fit for timber in the park of Silviston, of the king's gift. Ralph son of Walter le Paumer, imprisoned at Certesey for the death of Ralph son of Richard de Crokesford, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail him. To Gregory de Rokesle, taker of the king's wines throughout England. Order to cause Bartholomew de Briaunzun to have three tuns of wine of the king's right prise, of the king's gift. By Anthony Bek. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order not to compel Roger de Mortuo Mari or his men and tenants of those parts to contribute to tallages made or to be made to invade the king's enemies and rebels until further orders, as the king understands that Roger has lands near to the king's enemies and rebels in those parts, whereby he incurs grievous and continuous costs about the defence of his lands. Jan. 4. To the sheriff of Sussex and Surrey. Order to seise into the king's The Tower. hands at once, if he have not already done so, the lands that were of the acquisition of W. de Merton, late bishop of Rochester, and that are of the fee of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, and to commit the seisin thereof to the earl, to hold until the king shall cause justice to be done to those claiming right therein. To John Bek. Order not to proceed to judgment in the pleas of debt brought by certain merchants against Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, before the quinzaine of Easter next, and to revoke until then any order that he may have given to levy from the earl's lands and chattels by writs of judgment, restoring to the merchants any instruments of theirs that may be in his hands, so that the earl may compound with them in the meantime and may receive their instruments from them, as the earl has served the king laudably in the present war of Wales, not without immense labours and expenses. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to permit Richard Pauncevot, charged with trespass of the Forest and with certain other trespasses, to have peace concerning the same, as he has found security by the king's steward to stand to right at the king's order if any one wish to speak against him. B E 2 436 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. MEMBBRANE 14. Jan. 7. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to The Tower. be assigned to Margery, late the wife of Robert de Hampton, tenant in chief. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver William de Oevre, John Henry, and Roger Thursteyn, imprisoned at Winchester for trespass of the Forest, each in bail to twelve men of co. Southampton who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come into those parts. To the bailiffs of the archbishop of Canterbury at Otteford and Northflete. Order to deliver to the barons of the Cinque Ports Michael Cobbeham, Adam son of Adam, and Richard Emet, barons of the port of Sandwich, attached by the bailiffs at Northflete and imprisoned in the archbishop's prison of Otteford, and to deliver any goods that they may have arrested with the same men, as the barons of the Cinque Ports have the liberty that if any one of their liberty shall be taken and detained anywhere within the realm for any trespass, he ought to be delivered to the barons to stand to right within their liberty if any one wish to speak against him. Jan. 8. To the sheriff of Oxford, escheator in the same county. Order to cause The Tower. Richard son and heir of William de Harecurt to have seisin of his father's lands, as the king has taken his homage. The like to the sheriff of Leicester, escheator in the same county. Jan. 10. To R. archbishop of Canterbury. (rder to cause to be delivered to the The Tower. barons of the Cinque Ports without delay Michael Cobeham, Adam son of Adam, and Richard Emet, barons of the port of Sandwich, who were appealed by Robert le Coker of Gravesende of maiming, robbery and breach of the peace and were taken and imprisoned in the archbishop's prison of Otteford, and to cause their boat arrested by the archbishop's bailiff at Northflete for this reason to be delivered to the barons, as the barons of the Cinque Ports have the liberty that if any one of their liberty be taken anywhere in the realm for any cause, he ought to be delivered to them to stand to right within their liberty if any one wish to speak against him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Sancto Johanne to be acquitted of 200 marks of the debts that he owes to the king, as the king has pardoned him this sum for his good and praiseworthy service in the Welsh expedition. To the same. Order to cause John Lestrange (Extraneus), the king's yeoman, to be acquitted of 2001. in which he is bound to the king at the exchequer for the debts of John Lestrange, his father, deceased, as the king has pardoned him this sum for his grateful service. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine [of Easter?] next the arrears in which Bogo de Knovill, sheriff of Salop and Stafford, is indebted to the king at the exchequer for his last account. Simon de Delvedon, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of Simon de la Pelle, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriffs of Kent to bail him. Thuberus (sic) de Delvendon and Geoffrey de Delvenden, imprisoned at Wy for the death of Simon de la Pelle, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail them. Jan. 13. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause the The Tower. abbot of Vale Royal to have 1051. in order to buy the land of James le Vilour, of the king's gift, 6 EDWARD I. 437 1278. Membrane 14-cont. To Richard de Helebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Hugh son of Otto to have six good oaks for timber in the park of Longeleye for timber, and 200 live bream (beeimas) in the king's pond there in order to stock a pond of his. Jan. 17. To Adam Gurdoun, keeper of the forest of Wulvemar' and Asshiolt. Westminster. Order to take all those who are indicted by inquisition of trespass of the Forest, and to cause them to be kept safely until otherwise ordered, and to cause them and others at present imprisoned for trespass of the Forest at the information (denunciacionem) of the Justice of the Forest this side Trent to be delivered by mainprise. To the keeper of the forest of Essex. Order to cause ten does to be taken in the forest, and to cause them to be taken to Westminster, so that they shall be there on Tuesday after SS. Fabian and Sebastian to be delivered to the steward of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert de Halstede, the king's yeoman, to be acquitted of 4s. due from him to the exchequer, as the king lately pardoned him 281. 10s. 10d. due to the exchequer, and 4s. beyond that sum are exacted from him, which sum the king has now pardoned him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Luke de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), to be acquitted of 401. in which they were amerced before the justices last in eyre at the Tower of London for cloth sold contrary to the assize, as the king has pardoned them. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to permit the dean and chapter of St. Martin's-le-Grand to hold until further order the rents and tenements that belonged to Master Adam Linton, who was charged with the death of William Matebot, mercer, in London, as the king learns by the record of Master Roger de Seyton that the said rents and tenements, whereof Adam in his lifetime had enfeoffed the dean and chapter, are not the king's escheats because Adam was never convicted of the felony aforesaid. Jan. 18. To Reiner de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'). Order Westminster. to cause Anthony Bek, keeper of the Tower of London, to have 501. for Michaelmas term last of his fee of 1001. yearly for the said custody. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Alexander de Monte Gomery to be acquitted of 1001. in which Philip son of Alexander de Monte Gomery made fine with the late king for having an inquisition, which are now exacted from Alexander as heir, as it appears to the king that Philip paid this money in his lifetime to Hamo Lestrange (Extraneo), late sheriff of Salop and Stafford. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause John Tolekyn of Munkerothe and his sureties, if he found any, to be acquitted of 40 marks at which a certain ship of his and the goods in her, arrested by the justiciary by reason of the war (turbacionis) between the king and the countess of Flanders, were appraised, and to permit John to return home peacefully, as the king has pardoned him this sum. To the constable of the Tower of London. Order to cause Manasser (Manserum) son of Aaron, a Jew of London, lately arrested by the constable upon suspicion of clipping money and imprisoned in the Tower, to be released upon mainprise until the king shall send justices to the Tower to enquire whether Manasser or another is guilty of the clipping aforesaid. 438 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 14-cont. Jan. 18. To Matthew de Columbariis, keeper of the forest of Ceute. Order to Westminster. cause Matilda Waleraund to have two roebucks (capriolos) in that forest, of the king's gift. Jan. 18. To Elias de Tingwik, keeper of the forest of Whittlewod. Order to Westminster. cause Gilbert de Kyrkeby, sheriff of Northampton, to have twelve oaks in the wood of Hanlee, which is within the said forest, to repair therewith the king's houses within the castle of Northampton. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Master Simon, chancellor of Salisbury, to be acquitted of the demand for half a mark, in which he was amerced before Roger de Cliff[ord] and his fellows, justices last in eyre for Forest pleas in co, Oxford, for waste made in the wood of Prestegrave, and of the demand for 101. because he was not present at the common summons of the eyre aforesaid, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the treasurer and barons that Simon has no lay fee within the bounds of Wycchewode forest, co. Oxford, by reason whereof he ought to have shown his presence before the said justices for the common summons of the eyre, and that neither he nor his predecessors showed their presence before such justices by reason of the common summons, and were not molested or amerced for their absence, and that he has not done waste in the wood of Prestegrave, within the said forest, and that he could not do waste therein because the wood is not his, but pertains to the church of Shypton, which is a prebend of the church of Salisbury. It is provided that the holder of the wood of Prestegrave shall answer to the king for the amercements aforesaid. To the constable of St. Briavells castle. Order to cause John de Malemert to have in the forest of Dene two beech-trees for shafts (flecchas) for quarells and two oak-trees to make two chests for the king's use to place the said quarells in. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas Neel tnd Richard Costard to be acquitted of 59s. of the issues that they received from the lands that belonged to Hugh Peverel in Coleworth and Colecote for the time when they were in the late king's hands by reason of certain trespasses charged against Hugh, as Hugh has acknowledged before the king that he has received this sum from Thomas and Richard. To the same. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Easter next up to 201. of the arrears of the account of Henry de Shotesbrok, sheriff of Oxford and Berks, as he asserts that he has incurred many expenses and costs about the collection of the fifteenth in those counties and about other things that concerned the fifteenth, whereof [he prays] that allowance may be made. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas William le Specer of Oxford is indebted to the king in 201. of the debts of the Jewry, and William de Middelton, king's clerk, has mainperned before the justices to acquit William le Specer of 101. of the aforesaid debt; the king orders the justices, if it be so, to cause the said William [de Middelton*] to be acquitted of 5 marks for the carriage of the rolls and writs of the Bench from London to Shrewsbury and thence to London, and of the remaining 10 marks, which the king granted to him in aid of his expenses in keeping the rolls and writs aforesaid. MEMBRANE 13. Jan. 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until Westminster. the quinzaine of Easter next up to 201. of the arrears of the account of * According to the marginal abridgment. 6 EDWARD I. 439 1278. Membrane 13-cont. Walter de Shelfhangre, late sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, as he asserts that he has incurred many expenses and costs about the collection of the fifteenth in those counties and about other things that concerned the fifteenth, whereof he prays that allowance may be made. To the same. Order to supersede entirely the demand upon John de Bruylly for 20 marks for a fine that he made with the king for the wardship of the land and heir of Ralph de Ludinton until the heir come of age, and to cause him to be acquitted thereof, as it was afterwards found by inquisition that the wardship pertained to William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, and not to the king, wherefore the king caused the wardship to be restored to the earl, for which reason John obtained no profit by reason of the wardship. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order not to permit anyone of the town of Southampton to be molested before them hereafter by reason of a trespass that some men of that town were said to have committed upon Deudoney, a Jew of Winchester, except those who were found guilty thereof by an inquisition taken by the justices, and who were attached at another time, as the king learns that the justices disquiet and molest the community by reason of the aforesaid trespass, of which the community is guiltless. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king granted to William de Insula, deceased, that of all the debts due to the said king he should render yearly 100s., to wit a moiety at the Easter exchequer, in the 51st year of the reign, and another moiety at the following Michaelmas exchequer, and so from year to year until the debts should be fully paid, and the king has granted the same terms to Roger son and heir of the said William: the king therefore orders the barons to cause Roger to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Jan. 28. To the justiciary of Ireland. Robert de Sancto Edmundo, the king's Dover. serjeant, has shown the king that whereas James de Audidelegh, sometime justiciary of Ireland, granted to him the chattels that belonged to Henry Judas, who was hanged for felony, appraised at 131., for the damages that Robert sustained in an expedition with the said James against the Irish of the parts of Desmond (de Essemund), the king's rebels, Miles de Norhaugh, coroner of co. Waterford, still detains these chattels and refuses to deliver them to Robert: the king orders the justiciary, if it be as stated, to cause Robert to have the chattels, in accordance with the grant... To the same. The aforesaid Robert has shown the king that whereas James de Audidelegh, the late justiciary, deputed him to store certain castles in Ireland with corn and other victuals, whereof Robert rendered account before the attorney of James, and left quit, so that 101. 10s. 4d. that Robert paid for victuals after the account was closed are owing to Robert, neither James nor any other on the king's behalf has taken care to satisfy him for that sum: the king prders the justiciary, if he ascertain by X the said account that it is so, to cause Robert to have the said 101. 10s. 4d...... ip 'To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause John son of John le (sic) Verdun to have seisin of a moiety of the manor of Culfho, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard that John le (sic) Verdun. held nothing in chief, and that he held a moiety of the aforesaid manor of Giles de Wachesham, tenant in chief, and that the moiety came into the king's hands by reason of Ithe wardship of Gerard, son and heir of Giles, whilst the heir was under age, as wardship of a wardship, and that John son of the said John le Verdun is his next heir and is 440 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 13-cont. of fill age, to wit twenty-one years, and the king has rendered the moiety to him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has pardoned Walter de Essex [ia], late sheriff of Essex and Hertford, a moiety of all the amercements exacted from him by summons of the exchequer for the time when he was sheriff of those counties, and that he has granted to him respite for payment of the other moiety until a month from Easter, and order to cause Walter to have acquittance of the said moiety, unless he have previously had it by another writ, and to cause him to have the said respite, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Feb. 4. To the justices of the Bench. Order to deliver Richard de Romundeby, Dover. who is appealed by Saer de Collum of burning his houses and by Thomas de Treton of robbery and breach of the king's peace, and who was lately adjudged to the prison of Flete by consideration of the king's court before the said justices, in which appeals the parties have put themselves upon inquisitions to be taken before the justices in fifteen days from Easter next, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the said day to stand to right concerning the appeals. Feb. 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert Dover. de Tateshal to have the following terms, which the king has granted to him, for payment of all the debts due to the exchequer, to wit to pay 401. yearly until the debts be paid in full, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the sheriff of Essex. Whereas the king lately granted to Giles de Fenes the wardship of the land and heir of John Wyger, tenant in chief, and afterwards, having resumed that wardship into his hands, granted to him the wardship of the land and heir of John de Riperiis, tenant in chief, until the heir came of age: the king orders the sheriff to cause to be delivered to Giles all the issues that he has received thence since the time when the wardship came to the king's hands. To the sheriff of Northampton, escheator in the same county. Order to cause Robert de Pinkeny, son and heir of Henry de Pinkeny, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as the king has taken his homage. The like to the sheriff of Buckingham, escheator in the same county. Feb. 5. To the keeper of the king's Hay of Hereford. Order to cause Dover. Bartholomew de Sulley to have six live roe bucks (capreolos) in that Hay, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Whittlewod. Order to cause William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, to have fifteen live does and five live bucks in that forest, in order to stock his park of Hamslape. Geoffrey de Tilliol has respite of becoming a knight until Michaelmas next. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to Walter de Essex[ia], sheriff of Essex and Hertford, that he shal pay all the debts due from him to the exchequer, both for amercements and other things, by 101. yearly until they be paid in full, and order to cause him to have these terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the same. Notification that the king has granted to Ralph de Grendon and his heirs that they may pay the debts due from Ralph to the exchequer by 20 marks yearly, the king having previously granted that they might pay the debts by 201. yearly, and order to cause Ralph to have these terms, ':I, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. 6 EDWARD I. 441 1278. Membrane 13-cont. Feb. 4. To the same. Notification that whereas the king granted to William de Dover. Morteyn that he might pay the 2801. 17s. Od. due to the king by 301. yearly, the king has now, in consideration of William's good service to him in Wales, granted to him that he may pay all that is still owing of the aforesaid sum by 151. yearly, and order to cause him to have the same terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the bailiffs of Wynchelse. Order to cause the 20 marks due from them at the Easter exchequer next for the ferm of that town to be paid to Matthew de Home, brother of John de Home of Winchelse, deceased, in part payment of 30 marks that the king has granted, in consideration of John's good service to him, to James son of the said John, a minor in Matthew's custody, to be put out at profit (approuiandas) by his keeper until he come of age, provided that the keeper shall render account yearly before the warden of the Cinque Ports of the money and profit (approuiamento). To Gregory de Rokesle and William de Middelton, [appointed] to collect the tallage lately assessed upon the Jews of England. Order to cause 401. of the clearer debts of Master Elias, a Jew of London, in the treasury of the Jewry to be levied by the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and to cause that sum to be delivered to Giles de Audenardo, keeper of the works of the Tower of London, for the execution of the said works, and to cause Master Elias to be acquitted of the 40 marks that he owes for his tallage, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To William Maufe. Order to pay to Matthew de Horne, for the use of James, son of his brother John de Horne, 10 marks from the ferm of the town of Winchelse due from him at Michaelmas next, in completion of the 30 marks granted to James [as in the order next preceding]. Vacated, because otherwise below. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to Matthew de Knell that he may pay the 201. due to the exchequer by 10 marks at the Easter exchequer next, 10 marks at the Michaelmas exchequer, and the remaining 10 marks at the following Easter exchequer, and order to cause him to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin and to the chamberlains there. Order to cause to be restored to Lucas de Luk' and Perceval de Luk' and their fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), all the money received by the treasurer and barons and chamberlains from the new custom of wool, fells and hides in Ireland, and not to intermeddle further with the collection or receipt of the said custom, but to permit the merchants to receive the said custom freely and entirely, as the merchants ought to answer to the king for all the money from that custom in Ireland and the treasurer and the barons and chamberlains have received a great sum of money thence for the expedition of the king's affairs in that land. The like to Robert de Offord, justiciary of Ireland. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Master Ralph the Saucer (Salsario), the king's serjeant, a wardship of the value of 201. yearly, to hold for five years, or a wardship of the value of 101. yearly, to hold for ten years, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has, at the instance of Adam de Creting, pardoned Roger de Rolling, late sub-escheator in co. Cambridge and Huntingdon, 19 marks 6s. 8d. of the 39 marks in which Roger is indebted to the king for the arrears of the 442 CALENDAR OEF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 13-cont. issues of his escheatry, which are exacted from Adam by reason of certain lands in his hands of Roger's grant within the precinct of the manor of Havering, and order to cause Roger to be acquitted of the said 19 marks 6s. 8d. and to cause him to have respite for the remainder of the 39 marks until a month from Easter next, so that the king, when certified of the extent of the said land, may cause to be done herein what shall seem fit by his council. Feb. 7. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king pardoned John de Dover. la Mare, for his praiseworthy service, 2001. of the 4001. in which he made fine with the king for the forfeiture that he made against the king in marrying Petronilla de Monte Forti, tenant in chief, without the king's licence, the king has now pardoned him 100 marks of the remainder, to wit 50 marks that he ought to have paid at the last Michaelmas exchequer and 50 marks due at the Easter exchequer, and has granted to him that the remainder of the money shall be paid at the terms previously granted to him, as contained in the rolls of the exchequer: the king orders the barons to cause John to be acquitted of the aforesaid 100 marks, and to permit him to have the said terms for payment of the remainder. MEMBRANE 12. Feb. 7. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to collect, together with other approved Dover. and lawful men in the ports where wools, fells, and hides leave the realm to be specially called for this purpose, the king's new custom, to wit half a mark upon each sack of wool, half a mark on every 300 wool-fells that make a sack, and a mark on every last (lesta) of hides, the sacks to be first weighed by the common weight of that country as they were wont previously to be weighed, and to cause all the money arising thence to be delivered to Luke de Luk' and Orlandinus de Podio and their fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), or to their deputy, the king having appointed the said merchants keepers and collectors of the new custom in the realm, and they are unable to attend to the collection in that county at present. It is provided that persons carrying away or concealing the custom shall be arrested with all their goods and merchandise in the sheriff's bailiwick, until they shall answer fully to the said merchants for their forfeiture, as is provided by the king and his council. To the bailiffs of Winchelse. Order to pay the 20 marks due from them at the Easter exchequer to two men, to be elected from the most faithful and nearest kinsmen of James son of John de Horne by Stephen de Penecestre, warden of the Cinque Ports, in part payment of [30 marks] granted by the king, in consideration of John's good service, to James, a minor, to be put out at profit (approiand') by the said two men, on condition that the two men shall render their account yearly before Stephen or the warden of the Cinque Ports for the time being of the money and of the profit, as the custom is and according to the custom of merchants. Feb. 8 To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas Dover. de Pavely to be acquitted of 40 marks due-from him to the exchequer and which are exacted from him for a fine made for him and his men by the surety of William Bardolf and Thomas de Molton and others, as the king has pardoned Thomas at the instance of Roger de Shirbtnnd. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to deliver to Robert de Erdeston, son and heir of William de Erdeston, all the lands that belonged to William at his death and that fall to Robert by inheritance, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of William's death, as the king learns 6 EDWARD 1. 443 I 2 8*. Membrane 12-cont. by inquisition taken by the sheriff that William whilst suffering from an infirmity called 'phrensy' (frenesis), slew himself with a knife and that he did not slay himself by malice or of felony aforethought. Feb. 7. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king Dover. has granted to Nicholas de Hoperton that he may pay the 301. due for the arrears of the ferm of the bailiwick of the wapentake of West Ridyng, co. York, for the time when he was the king's bailiff there under the sheriff of the county, wherewith the sheriff is charged at the exchequer, by 71. 10s. Od. at the Easter exchequer next and the like sum at the Michaelmas exchequer, and the remaining 151. at the same terms in the following year, and order to cause Nicholas to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, and to discharge the sheriff of the 301. in the meantime. To the sheriff of York. Order not to distrain Nicholas or his sureties for the said ferm contrary to this grant. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to John le Estreys that he may render the 241. due to the exchequer by a moiety at Michaelmas and the other moiety at Easter, and order to cause him to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To Gregory de Rokeslegh and William de Middelton, appointed to collect the tallage assessed upon the Jews. The community of the Jews of Canterbury have shown the king that whereas each of them has paid in full the tallage assessed upon them and have sufficient acquittance, the said collectors cause them to be distrained unjustly for the arrears of a portion of the tallage assessed upon other Jews: the king orders them, if they ascertain by their rolls or otherwise that the community has paid in full [the tallage] assessed upon them, to permit the community to be acquitted, and to distrain other Jews whom they shall find to be in arrears to pay their portions of the tallage. Ralph le Folour, imprisoned at Winchester for the death of Nicholas de la Grave, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Southampton to bail him. Feb. 8. To the sheriff of Essex. Order, at the instance of Queen Eleanor, the Dover. king's mother, to permit Philip de la Rokele, tenant in chief, to sell his lands in Witlegh to Richard Bataille and Matilda his wife, and to permit Richard and Matilda to buy them, and to have seisin thereof by a certain service to the king, of which the sheriff is to certify the king, if Philip will sell the lands to be held of the king without any mesne [tenant]. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to permit Hugh Burnell, nephew of Robert Burnell, bishop of Bath and Wells, to hold the manor of Borham, which is held of the king by knight service, and also a serjeantry that is held of the king in Langeleye, whereof the bishop has enfeoffed Hugh with the king's will and assent, as the king has taken Hugh's fealty for the same and has rendered them to him. Feb. 10. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to pay, out of the first moneys from the Dover. issues of his bailiwick, to William Gregge of Dover 221. for a loan made to the king upon divers occasions when he was in the custody of Simon de Monte Forti, sometime earl of Leicester. John de Oggill, imprisoned at Newcastle-on-Tyne for the death of Isabella daughter of Alan son of Martin de Corbrige, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northumberland to bail him. 444 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 12-cont. Feb. 12. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Whereas the king granted Dover. to Giles de Fenles 401. yearly of land of the lands that belonged to John de Ripariis, tenant in chief, until John's heir come of age, and he has now received 121. 16s. 9d. yearly of land in the manor of Mereseye, co. Essex, which belonged to the said John, so that 271. 3s. 3d. of the said 401. remain to be completed: the king orders the steward, after making extent of the lands in any of the manors that belonged to John, to cause Giles to have seisin of as much land as shall make up the said sum of 271. 3s. 3d., together with the issues thereof, which he shall receive from the time of John's death. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause Stephen de Penecestre to have six oak stumps (robura) in the woods of Chastayners for his fuel, of the king's gift. Feb. 10. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Stephen de Dover. Penecestre to have in the wood of Chastayners six old leafless beech-trees for his fuel, of the king's gift. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to permit Philip Burnel to hold the manor of Nantwich ( Wichio -Mauban) without molestation, as R. bishop of Bath and Wells has granted it to Philip for life, so that it shall revert to the bishop and his heirs. Feb. 11. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Thomas Dover. de Waltham the king's wood called 'Chastenere,' the custody whereof the king has granted to him during good behaviour or until otherwise ordered, and to cause him to have 2d. a day for his expenses about the custody. By Stephen de Pencestre. Vacated, because otherwise below. Robert de Camford and Robert de Trewynou, imprisoned at Lansaveton - -- for the death of Peter Rybon, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him. Memorandum that on Friday after St. Scholastica, R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, crossed from Dover to parts beyond sea, and the seal was then delivered into the king's wardrobe under the seal of Sir John de Kirkeby, whom the chancellor, upon his going away, enjoined to expedite the affairs of the chancery. William le Gardener, imprisoned at Ipswich for the death of Robert le Duk, has letters to the sheriff of Suffolk to bail him. Feb. 14. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit, by the Northbourne. view and testimony of Master Robert de Beverlaco and brother John of the order of St. Thomas of Acre, masters of the king's works at the Tower of London, Westminster, and of the king's mews (de mutis), the account of the king's clerk Giles Audenard, keeper of the same works, of all his receipts and payments made upon the said works by the view of the said Robert and John from Christmas, in the fifth year of the reign, until Christmas following, and to cause Giles to have due allowances. Feb. 17. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Canterbury. Thomas de Waltham the king's wood called 'la Chastaynere,' as the king has committed the custody thereof to Thomas during pleasure, receiving therefor as much as other keepers have been wont to receive. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the abbot and convent of Fountains are indebted to Bonamicus, son-in-law of 6 EDWARD 1. 445 1278. Membrane 12-cont. Joceus the Jew of York, in 2331. 6s. 8d. by their charter in his hands, which sum the king lately gave to Anthony Bek, and Philip de Wileby has acknowledged before the king that he has received this sum from the abbot and convent for Anthony's use and by his order, the king orders the justices to cause the said charter to be delivered to the abbot and convent, and to cause them to be acquitted of the said sum, and to cause this to be as done and enrolled. Feb. 20. Miles le Messer, imprisoned at Bedford for the death of Ralph Kynkus, Newington. whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Bedford to bail him. Feb. 21. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Juliana, Newington. sometime damsel of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, dwelling in the hospital of Ospringg, to have two beeches for her fuel, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Surrey. Although the king lately ordered him to deliver to Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, the lands that were of the purchase of Walter, late bishop of Rochester, and that are of the earl's fee, to be held in the form contained in the king's writ to the sheriff, it was not the king's intention that any persons then holding the lands should be wholly amoved thence by the order or that waste or destruction should be made in the same, and he therefore orders the sheriff not to permit waste or destruction to be done in the said lands, but to cause them to be kept safely in the king's name, so that nothing shall be removed thence until the quinzaine of Easter next, provided, however, that the sheriff shall not amove in the meantime any men of the earl's found in the lands in the earl's name. He is enjoined to warn the earl to be before the king on the said day, when the king will cause justice to be done to him. Feb. 22. Geoffrey de Nevill, imprisoned at Carlisle for the death of William Buk, Merston. whom the said Robert (sic) slew in pursuing him with hue and cry as a public malefactor not permitting himself to be justiced according to the law and custom of the realm, has letters to the sheriff of Cumberland to bail him. Feb. 25. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause Eleanor, daughter of Serlo de rhe Tower. Gloucestria, to have seisin of 21s. of rent in Oxford, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the said rent, which Roger de Barkeston, who was outlawed for felony, held, has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Roger held the rent of Eleanor, and that Geoffrey de Hengseye, William de Doddecote, and Master John de Karsington had the king's year and day thereof, and that they ought to answer to him for it. Robert le Bor, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death of William de Yaldelwode, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Henry de Penbrigg to have respite until Easter next for 471. due to the exchequer for the debts of Henry his father for the time when he was sheriff of Hereford, as the king has granted Henry the son this respite in consideration of his good service in Wales. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to [cause] Master Simon de Beuveys [to have] four oaks for timber in the park of Henley, of the king's gift. Thomas de Preston, imprisoned at Leuesham for the death of Stephen Beupe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to' bail him. 446 446 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 12-cont. Feb. 28. To the sheriff of Norfolk Order to deliver Simon de Ling, imprisoned Henley. at Norwich for clipping the ':ng's money to the weight of 3~d., in bail to two men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the king in a month from Easter to stand to right if the king or any other wish to speak against him. March 1. To the keeper of the forest of Wanberge. Order to cause Anthony Bek Brightwell. to have in that forest five live bucks and ten live does, in order to stock a park of his, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas William de Eton and Robert de Shorteford, whom the king has deputed to view the works provided by him in the park of Wyndesore, and to do other works in his manors of Braye, Kenyton, and Old Wyndesore, and the works of Wyndesore castle, and to make bridges, gates and ditches in his purpresture of Chawes in Wyndesor, and to make a great barge for the king's ferry at Dachete, have taken oath before the king to intend diligently the said office, so that all the money that Geoffrey de Pecheford, constable of the said castle, shall receive at the exchequer or from the issues of his bailiwick or from elsewhere at the king's order shall be expended about the works aforesaid by the view and testimony of the said William and Robert and shall be allowed to Geoffrey, to wit from Michaelmas last until next Michaelmas; the king orders the barons to cause this to be so done and enrolled according to the oath of the said William and Robert. MEMBRANE 12-Schedules. Feb. 1. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to take into the king's hands all Dover. the lands that belonged to W. late bishop of Rochester, together with [his] goods and chattels in the same or elsewhere in the sheriff's bailiwick, and to cause them to be kept safely without loss or diminution, so that no one shall touch them until further orders, as the bishop at his death was indebted to the king and to Queen Eleanor, his consort, in divers debts. [Prynne, Records, iii. 221.] The like to the following: The mayor and sheriffs of London. The sheriff of Northampton. The sheriff of Dorset. The sheriff of Norfolk. The sheriff of Leicester. [Ibid.] Feb. 11. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to permit the executors of the Dover. will of the said bishop to have free administration of his goods and chattels, notwithstanding any order of the king's to arrest his goods and chattels, as the executors have found the king security to pay the debts due from the deceased to him and to Queen Eleanor, his consort. [Ibid.] The like to the following: The sheriff of Dorset. The sheriff of Norfolk. The sheriff of Leicester. The mayor and sheriffs of London. The sheriff of Northampton. The sheriff of Kent. [Ibid.] 6 EDWARD I. 447 1278. Membrane 12-Schedules-cont. Feb. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause all who were Dover. in any way indebted to the said bishop at his death to come before them at the exchequer, and to cause to be levied from them the debts that the bishop's executors shall show to be due, and to cause the executors to have the said debts in order to render the debts due to the king and to make execution of the bishop's will, as the bishop at his death was indebted to the king and queen in divers debts, and the executors have found security to pay the same, and the king learns from the complaint of the executors that many men of the realm are indebted to the bishop in sums that they ought to have paid long since, and for which they have taken no care to satisfy the bishop or his executors, wherefore the executors are unable to pay the debts to the king and queen and to make execution of the will. [Ibid.] Feb. 10. To all the king's bailiffs and faithful men to whom the present letters Dover. shall come. Letters patent notifying that the king has received into his protection the aforesaid executors and the lands, goods and chattels of the deceased, and order not to molest the executors. [Ibid.] To the treasurer of the New Temple, London. Order to cause a chest and the money contained in it that belonged to the said bishop to be kept safely in the king's hands without loss or diminution, so that no one shall touch it until otherwise ordered, as the bishop was indebted to the king and queen in divers debts. [Ibid.] ---- To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to keep safely without waste or - destruction until three weeks from Easter the manor of Ullesthorp, which he lately took into the king's hands by the king's order at the complaint of John de Clinton, nephew (nepotis) of John de Clyntou, which [the latter John de Clynton] had demised to Thomas de Clynton his father, deceased, for life, to revert after Thomas's death to the said John de Clynton [the elder], and in which the said John [the elder] put himself immediately after Thomas's death, as pertained to him according to the demise, as he asserts; to which day the king has adjourned the said John [the elder] before him to do and receive what of right ought to be done; permitting him in the meantime to till and sow the lands of the manor as shall seem fit to him, provided that nothing be moved thence by him and his men in the meantime. MEMBRANE 11. March 2. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to Hinton. deliver John de Cokefeld, charged with taking a stag in Shirwood forest, upon his delivering himself to prison, to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the king in a month from Easter to stand to right if the king or any other wish to speak against him. March 3. To Robert de Cheynes, keeper of the Forest of Bradene. Order to Hinton. cause twenty oak-stumps (robora) to be felled in that forest for the king's fuel, and to deliver them to Henry le Squeler to be carried to the king at Queinton, as enjoined by the king. To Thomas de Langeleye, keeper of the forest of Whicchewod. Order to cause 20 oaks to be felled in that forest for the king's fuel, and to deliver them to Henry le Squeler, the king's serjeant, to be carried to the king at Queinton. March 6. To the keeper of the forest of Whichewod. Order to cause Payn de Quenington. Cadurcis to have sixteen oak-stumps (robora) in the wood of Cornebir[y] within that forest for his fuel, of the king's gift. 448 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membi'ane 11-cont. William de la Mare, Roger Barun, Robert Prest, Alan Fyn, Walter Fyn, and Gilbert son of John de Wygingestorp, imprisoned at Peterborough for the death of Robert de Funteney, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. To Ralph de Broughton. Order to cause [Roger de Molis*] to have five tuns of the king's wines at Lampadervaur, of the king's gift. Vacated because below. Richard de Hemmingburg and Berlitta his wife and Richard de Seleby, imprisoned at York for the death of William de Karleton, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. To Ralph de Broghton. Order to cause Roger de Molis to have five tuns of the king's wines at Lampadervaur, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to Queen Eleanor, his consort, the 100s. that are exacted from William de Wilgeby of Askeby for his relief, and order to cause William to be acquitted of the said sum when they have proof that he has satisfied the queen therefor. March 9. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance to be made Quenington. to G. bishop of Winchester for 201. contained in a writ of the late king's at the exchequer for the time when the bishop had the custody of the manor of Fekeham by the said king's commission, and to the executors of Sibyl Giffard for 241. contained in another writ of the said king's for the time when she had the custody of the castle of Oxford by the late king's commission, in accordance with the writs aforesaid. March 16. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Quenington. cause the prioress of Stodley to have in the forest of Bernewod three oak-trees for timber, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order not to intermeddle in any way with the lands of Robert de Chaundos, which he has taken into the king's hands believing that Robert held in chief, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Robert at his death held nothing o0 the king in chief. To Hugh de Kendale, guardian of the bishopric of Norwich during voidance. Order to restore to the elect of Norwich the manor of Lamburn, which Laurence de Offinton held and which Hugh took into the king's hands as pertaining to the bishopric aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order, to cause the king's men of Cherstok to be acquitted of 3 marks 8s. 8d. exacted from them, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the late king pardoned the men that sum, which the treasurer and barons cause to be exacted from them, as the king learns from their complaint. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to permit the aforesaid men to be acquitted of the said sum. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to make inquisition whether Walter son of Hugh de Wygayn, imprisoned at Rokingham for trespass of the Forest in the forest of Whitlewod, is guilty or not of the trespass, and if he find that he is not guilty thereof, to deliver him in bail * Th name is omitted in the enrolment. It is here supplied from the second enrolment below.,' I, 6 EDWARD I. 449 1278. Membrane 11-cont. to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts. March 18. To the sheriff of York, escheator in the same county. Whereas the king Quenington. learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Nigel de Aldefeld, son and heir of Alan de Aldefeld, lately deceased, who held his land by knight service of Roger son and heir of Roger de Munbray, a minor in the king's wardship, dowered Egidia, late the wife of the said Nigel, with the will and assent of Alan his father, at the church door when he married her with a third of all the lands that belonged to Alan: the king orders the sheriff to cause dower of the aforesaid lands to be assigned to Hugh de Beltoft and the said Egidia, now his wife, according to the extent of the lands that belonged to Alan on the day of her marriage to Nigel sent to the king by the sheriff, a transcript whereof the king sends to him. March 19. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to Down Ampney. cause Reginald son of Peter to have in the forest of Galtris six brockets (brockettos) and does against Easter, of the king's gift. March 18. Walter de Lincolnia, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of William Quenington. son of Ranulph of Keleseye, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. March 19. William Huelinesneveu, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of Robert Down Ampney. his son, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause the prioress of Poleslo to have seisin of a messuage and a ferling of land in Hetfeld that Roger le Bricht, who was hanged for felony, held, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the messuage and ferling have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Roger held them of the prioress, and that the tithing of Lodeswell is bound to answer to the king for the year and waste thereof. Ralph de Markewille, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Alvred de Wadelande, chaplain, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to respite until the king shall otherwise order the demand made upon the king of Scotland for 200 marks, to wit 100 marks for his father's debt and 100 mark for his own debt. John Just de la Funtayne, imprisoned at Gildeford for the death of Robert de Holewilhe of Est Combe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail him. To the sheriff of Surrey. Whereas John Giffard, the younger, has mainperned to have John del Ewe before the king in fifteen days from Easter to answer to the men of Clendon for those things that they will then object against him and to stand to right, the king orders the sheriff to permit John to till and sow his lands in Clendon in the meantime and to have free administration of his goods in the meantime. March 25.. William le Smale, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of John Crispe, Down Ampney. wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause Stephen de Penecestre, constable of Dover castle, to have in the wood called 'la Chastenere' 100 chestnut stumps (robora castenearum) for the works of the castle of Dover. u 96998. F F 450 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 11-cont, To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cause the said Stephen to have 30 cartloads of lead for the aforesaid works. March 27. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to cause to be replevied Down Ampney. to Alexander de Annou until the next parliament his lands and rents, which the king lately caused to be taken into his hands by reason of the alienation that Alexander made thereof without the licence of the late king and without the king's licence, and to cause to be restored to Alexander anything that the sheriff may have received from the said lands since they were taken into the king's hands. April 3. Walter le Botiller, John de Astleye, and Hugh de Kaus, imprisoned at Devises. Oxford for the death of Walter le Waleys, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail them. William de Auburn and William de Cley, imprisoned at Peterborough for the death of Fulk son of Ralph de Hemmyngton, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail them. ----- Ralph Jolif, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Ralph le Serjaunt, - wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Derby to bail him. Gilbert de Spondone, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Ralph son of Roger de Breydesale, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Nicholas de Wydmerpol, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of William Godard of Notingham, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Hugh son of Roger de Mapelton, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Henry le Herdeman, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Derby to bail him. April 9. Robert Dunham, imprisoned at Lansaveton for the death of Peter Bruton. Rybun, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him. April 10. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William de Aldithel [eye] Came]. to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next for all debts due to the king. By Anthony Bek. April 12. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause Contissa, Camel. countess of Lorett[o], wife of Roger de Cliff[ord], to have twelve oaks for timber, of the king's gift. April 14. Thomas de Musters, Peter his brother, and Ralph de Colerne, imprisoned Glastonbury. at Ivelcestre, for the death of Thomas de Perle, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Dorset to bail them. Richard Curteys, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Ralph Cole, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. Robert Spurun and Simon his brother, imprisoned at Bedeford for the death of Agnes le Marchaunt, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Bedford to bail them. April 17. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to deliver Alexander de Tadeworth, Glastonbury. imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Alina de Gydecote, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize to stand to right, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that 6 EDWARD I. 451 1278. Membrane 11 —cont. Alexander slew Alina through madness (per furiam) and that he was mad (furiosus) at the time, and that he did not slay her by felony or of malice aforethought. April 19. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause to be replevied until the next Glastonbury. parliament the purparty of the lands falling to Emericus de Rupe Cauardi and Matilda his wife in the manor of Luton, which the king lately caused to be taken into his hands, together with everything received thence from the time of its being taken into the king's hands. April 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Ralph Glastonbury. Rastel and Margery his wife to have respite until the Ascension next for all debts in which William de Swineford, the late husband of Margery, was indebted to the exchequer at his death for the time when he was the late king's sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Master Nicholas de Marnham to have four good oaks for timber in the king's park of Hanlee, which is within the bounds of the forest of Wittlewod, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent.. Order to cause John de Somersete to have the ten oaks in the park of Petherton granted to him by the late king, if he have not yet had them, as he says. April 20. To the same. Order to cause the king's men of Somerton to have three Glastonbury. oaks in the king's park of Northperton for the repair of their belfry (clocherii), of the king's gift. April 21. To the keeper of the forest of Pedyrton. Order to cause the Friars Wells. Minors of Bruges to have five oaks fit for timber for the making of their dormitory. Robert son of Thomas Ate Hyde and Jul[iana], late the wife of Thomas - Ate Hyde, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of John son of Thomas Ate Hyde, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail them. James de Lye, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Robert de la Forde, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. April 24. William Wolmere, imprisoned at Salisbury for the death of Stephen Bel Gillingham. Ewe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail him. April 26. To Walter Steresman and Walkelin de Cadyhou, bailiffs of Shaftesbury Chalke. (Shafton'). Order to cause'to be delivered to Abraham de Shafton[ia] and Bata his wife, upon their finding security to answer to the king or any other wishing to speak against them concerning certain trespasses charged upon them, their goods and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands for this reason, and to cause Abraham to be delivered from prison. John le Fucker of Tythinge, imprisoned at Peterborough for the death of Walter de Leyghton and William de Leyghton, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Northampton to bail him. Membrane 11-Schedule. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order not to intermeddle in any way with the lands that William de Insula held in Barton by reason of the king's writ to take William's lands into his hands, and to restore to the executors FP 2 452 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Iffembrane 11-Schedule —cont. of William's will any of his goods and chattels that the sheriff may have taken into the king's hands for this reason, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that William at! his death held nothing of the king in chief in the sheriff's bailiwick, but that he held certain lands in Barton of William de Hanred. Witness the king at Worcester, 5 July, in the fifth year of his reign. MEMBRANE 10. May 4. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Roger Winchester. Colbayn and Roesia his wife a messuage and certain lands that Richard son of Nicholas le Sire of Colecestre held of the king within the liberty of Colecestre, to be held by them at the king's will, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that the messuage and lands are not the king's escheats nor the escheats of any one else, and that Richard bequeathed them in his testament to Roger and Roesia and their heirs and assigns, as other men of that liberty can bequeath their lands and tenements within the liberty and as they have heretofore been wont to do, according to the custom of the liberty, and that the messuage and lands ought to be restored to Roger and Roesia of right and according to the custom of the liberty. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to molest William de Monte Caniso, son of Warin de Monte Caniso, by reason of 201. in which he was amerced before Nicholas son of Martin and his fellows, justices appointed to enquire concerning trespasses and excesses committed durinfg the time of the late disturbance in the realm, because it was said that he was against the king at that time, as the king has pardoned him all trespasses and excesses committed by him during the said disturbance. To the same. Order to cause the abbess of Wherewell to be acquitted of 5 marks in which she was amerced before Henry de Monte Forti and Solomon de Roff[a], justices appointed to take assizes in co. Southampton, in the'fourth year of the reign, for an unjust detention, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has pardoned her this amercement. May 4. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Whereas Winchester. the late king granted to the prior and convent of Brymor ten oaks in the park of Melchet for timber for the repair of their church of Brymor, and ordered Stephen de Eddesworth, then bailiff of Clarindon, to cause them to have the oaks in form aforesaid, and Stephen caused them to have two oaks only: the king orders the justice, if it be so, to cause the prior and convent to have the remaining eight oaks. To the keeper of the forest of Assheleye. Order to cause the Friars Minors of Winchester to have four oak-stumps (robora) for their fuel, of the king's gift. John Attebrok and Agnes, wife of Matthew de Depeham, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Robert Attebrok of Attelburg, whereof they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail them. William son of Alexander de Strippling, imprisoned at Warwick for the death of Walter de Gillesden, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Warwick to bail him. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, holds the manor of Haneberge in part exchange for the lands that belonged to Peter de Sabaudia of the honour of Richmond, in accordance 454 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 10-cont. wholly discharged of the fine aforesaid; and the king caused an inquisition to be made by Elias de Bekingham, and he learns by the inquisition that Henry, Matthew, Geoffrey, William de Clay and John Dowel were wholly ignorant of the suing out and did not consent to it, wherefore they ought to be quit: the king therefore orders the barons to cause them to be wholly discharged of the fine, and to cause them to be acquitted thereof, and to cause the others named in the suing out to be charged with the said 401., and to cause that sum to be levied for the king's use. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Thomas Charles, brother of Robert Charles, deceased, to have seisin of the manor of Ayleston, to be held in name of custody, and to permit Thomas and the other executors of Robert's will to have free administration of Robert's goods and chattels in the manor for the execution of his will, as the king granted to Robert the custody of the manor, which belonged to Margery de Harecurt, tenant in chief, to have until her heirs come of age, and the king has granted the custody in the same form to Thomas, in consideration of his faithful service. To Geoffrey de Piccheford, constable of Windesore castle. Order to cause Hamo de la Chaumbre to have three oaks in Windesore forest, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause William de Hodersale, imprisoned at Pontefract for the death of Alan son of Robert de Hodersale, whereof he is appealed, to be delivered from prison, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Lancaster that William is appealed of the said death out of malice and hatred and not because he is guilty thereof, wherefore the king ordered the sheriff of Lancaster to certify him of the names of twelve men of that county who would mainpern to have William before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if anyone wished to speak against him, and Hugh de Hodirsale, Roger his son, Roger son of Roger de Hodirsale, Richard son of Robert de Ditischrayre, Adam son of Thomas del Hurst, John son of Henry de Dutton, William son of Adam del Dene of Blakeburneschyre, Walter Roce of Cliderowe, Robert son of Hugh de Hodirsale, Adam son of Robert de Rybilcestre, John de Barton, and John son of Ailsi Gogard of Hecchernok, of co. Lancaster, have mainperned William before the sheriff of Lancaster in the presence of the coroners in form aforesaid, as the sheriff of Lancaster has signified to the king by his letters. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Whereas' Master John de Saunford, the king's escheator of Ireland, has not come into England for a long time, so that he has not been able to have talk or treaty with the king upon those things in Ireland that concerned him; the king, desiring to have talk with John, orders the justiciary to audit, together with the treasurer of the exchequer of Dublin, to whom the king is also writing, John's account for the time that he has had the custody of the escheatry aforesaid, as speedily as possible, so that John may then come to the king to speak to him concerning the said matters, returning afterwards to Ireland as quickly as possible. The like to the bishop of Waterford to do this with the council of the justiciary. To the constable of Odiham castle. Whereas the king lately ordered him to cause to be taken into the king's hands and kept safely until otherwise ordered the 41. of yearly rent that the king was wont to receive in the 6 EDWARD I. 453 1278. Membrane 10-cont. with an agreement made between her and the king concerning the land of the Agenois, and they exact from William de Sancto Oeno, her tenant in the said manor, 10s. for each year since she had the manor, which sum she has received yearly from him as of the appurtenances of the manor, and the barons refuse to allow this sum to William: the king orders them to allow this sum, if the rent be of the appurtenances of the manor, to William from year to year for so long as the queen shall hold the manor. May 15. To Matthew de Columbar[iis], keeper of the forest of Chete. Order to Westminster. cause Isabella de Sancto Amando to have two oaks for timber in the wood of Dirjay, which is within the forest aforesaid. To Thomas de Normanvill. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Sarah, late the wife of Gilbert de Berneval, tenant in chief, after making an extent of Gilbert's lands, and taking security from Sarah that she will not marry without the king's licence. To the constable of St. Briavells castle. Order to cause the Friars Minors of Gloucester to have ten oaks fit for timber with their strippings (escaetis) in the forest of Dene, of the king's gift. May 16. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Stephen de Penecestre, Westminster. constable of Dover Castle, to be acquitted of 27 tuns of wine, as the king lately ordered the abbot of St. Radegund's near Dover and the prior of St. Martin's, Dover, to go in person to Dover castle, and to examine there, in the presence of Stephen, the king's wines that were placed in the castle for dead garnisture before the late disturbance in the realm, and if they should find them by one way or another in such state that they could make the king's advantage thereof, they should do by Stephen's view and testimony what should seem fit to them for the king's use, and if the wines were altogether rotten and of no value, to do therewith what should seem fit to them and Stephen, and the abbot and prior have written back to the king that, after inspecting and proving the said wines, they caused 27 tuns that were wholly rotten and corrupt and of which the king could have no advantage in any way to be thrown away (eici). May 17. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas William Brand, citizen of Westminster. Lincoln, came to the chancery two years ago and sued out in chancery a justiciary (justiciariam) under his name and the names of Henry Gopyl, Matthew Doggesnek, Simon Wuwyn, Geoffrey de Hampton, William de Clay, Roger son of Ralph, John Dowel and others, whose names remain in the barons' hands at the exchequer, for a fine of 401., which the barons cause to be exacted from the said men, and Henry, Matthew, Geoffrey, William de Clay, Roger, and John afterwards came to the king and complained that they had never consented to the suing out or fine aforesaid, and had not used the suing out, and they besought the king to call before him the said William Brand and to cause enquiry to be made whether it was so or not; for which reason the king caused William Brand to come before him, and Henry, Matthew, Simon, Geoffrey, William, Roger and John, in William's presence, alleged constantly that they had never consented to the suing out or used it or had any advantage from it, wherefore they ought not to contribute to the said fine, William Brand on the other hand alleging that they all consented together to the suing out, wherefore all named therein ought to contribute to the fine, and both parties put themselves upon an inquisition to be made by the king, so that whoever of them should be found by the inquisition to have consented to the suing out or to have used it shall contribute to the fine, and whoever of them should be found not to have consented to the suing out or not to have used it shall be 6 EDWARD I, 455 1278. Membrane 10-cont. town of Greywell within the manor of Odiham from William de Mohun, which the king lately granted to John le Parker, deceased, and to his heirs and assigns for fifteen years from 26 May, 52 Henry III., as contained in the king's letters patent to John, and Robert le Charetter and Dionisia, his wife, sister and co-heiress of John, lately quit-claimed before the king to Robert de Clere and Alina his wife, sister and other heiress of John, all their right in the aforesaid rent: the king orders the constable to cause the rent to be paid to Robert de Clere and Alina henceforth, according to the said letters patent, and to restore to them anything that he may have received thence since it was taken into the king's hands. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order not to charge Alan Stuffin, Richard Millet, William de Bully, and Alan de Redmarele, sometime agistors of the forest of Schyrwode, in their account of the time of their office with 28/. 18s. 8d., as the king has ascertained by inspection of the rolls of the late king's chancery that they paid this sum, on 23 March, 52 Henry III., by the present king's order (preceptum nostrum) to Roger de Leyburn, deceased, then constable of Noting[ham] castle, for the munition of the castle. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause Master Elias de Wyntonia, receiver of the king's moneys in that exchequer and keeper of the king's measures in Ireland, to have yearly for so long as he shall intend those offices by the king's order as much for his fee as other receivers and keepers were wont to receive for their yearly fee. May 20. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to deliver John Brid, imprisoned Westminster. at Aylesbir[y] for the death of William le Fevre of Checchele, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right if any one will speak against him, as it appears to the king by inspection of the record of Geoffrey de Leukenore and Geoffrey Russel, justices appointed to deliver Aylesbir[y] gaol, that John slew William in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought. May 25. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause the prior of Blyth (Blida) to have twenty oaks in the forest of Schirwode for the repair of the houses of his priory burnt by mischance. R. de Tibotot ordered [this], by K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Adam le Botiller, sheriff of Gloucester, to have respite until his next account at the exchequer for the arrears of 201. due from him for his last view of the issues of his county made before them. Membrane 10-Schedules. -Bail of William de IHodirsale, imprisoned at Pontefract for the death of ---- AAlan son of Robert de Hodirsale, taken in the full county [court] before the sheriff and coroners [of co. Lancaster]: Hugh de Hodirsale, Roger his son, Roger son of Roger de Hodirsale, Richard son of Robert de Distischraye, Adam son of Thomas del Hurst, John son of Henry de Dutton, William son of Adam del Dene of Blakeburnechyre, Walter Roce of Clyderawe, Robert son of Hugh de Hodirsale, Adam son of Robert de Rybilcestre, John de Barton Dinens, and John son of Aylci Gogard of Hecchernock. 456 4 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 10-Schedules-cont. Letter to the king from brother J. de Chauncy, the treasurer, and the other barons of the exchequer, informing him that they have searched the rolls of the exchequer, in execution of his order to do so and certify him whether R. late bishop of Norwich was indebted at his death to the king or not, and that they find that the bishop did not owe the king anything except his portion of the 100s. that he and other tenants of the lands that belonged to John son of Gilbert Mauduyt owe to the king for John's relief for one fee that John held of the king in chief in Therlingg, co. Essex. MEMBRANE 9. May 23. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause Floria, wife of Abraham Westminster. de Kent, a Jew, which Abraham fled by reason of the tallage assessed upon him and is lurking a fugitive, for which reason the sheriff took and imprisoned Floria at Noting[ham] by his own authority and without special order from the king, to be delivered to the under-constable of the castle of Noting[ham], to be kept in prison there until otherwise ordered. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to restore the lands of Alexander de Auno to those who ought to hold them by Alexander's demise, with all the issues received thence, which lands the sheriff took into the king's hands because Alexander, tenant in chief, alienated them without the king's licence, and to permit them to hold the said lands in peace, saving the right of the king and of others whenever he may wish to speak in this matter. To the same. Like order to restore to Thomas de Hameldon all his lands in the sheriff's bailiwick, which the sheriff took into the king's hands for the aforesaid reason. May 25. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver to Hugh de Brantingham, Westminster. imprisoned at Maydestan for the death of William Sharpspere, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize in those parts to stand to right if any one will speak against him, as it is testified before the king by William de Orlauston, William de Faukeham, Osbert de Longo Campo, and Robert de Scotho, justices appointed to deliver Maydestan gaol, that Hugh struck (traxit) William in his leg, so that he could not otherwise escape his own death. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause to be assigned to Rose, late the wife of Samuel de Loun, a Jew, her dower from his goods and chattels according to the law and custom of the Jewry. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately granted to Stephen de Penecestre 6001. to be received from the issues of the lands that belonged to Nicholas de Crioll, tenant in chief, in the hands of Gregory de Rokesl[e], mayor of London, Isabella de Eynesford and Margery de Cryoll by the king's commission, so that Stephen should receive 851. from Gregory, 101. from Isabella, and 51. from Margery at Easter, in the fifth year of the reign, and 1001. at the following Michaelmas in the like proportions, and thus 2001. yearly until the whole sum shall be paid; and the king now wills that Margery shall pay the said 101. yearly to the exchequer, there to be paid by the treasurer and barons to Stephen until he shall receive the aforesaid sum in full: the king therefore orders them to receive the said 101. yearly from Margery by equal portions, and to pay them straightway to Stephen or his attorney, and to cause her to have 6 EDWARD I. 457 1278. Membrane 9-cont. quittance thereof, provided that if the wardship shall last beyond the time within which the said sum shall be paid, then the 101. shall be paid to the king as pertaining to the crown. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king by his letters patent pardoned Roger de Clifford, the elder, and all those who were of his household and society at the time of the disturbance in the realm all trespasses and excesses committed by them during that time, and Maurice de Berkel[eye] was of Roger's household and society at that time, as the king learns from Roger's letters patent to him, and Maurice was amerced in 201. for certain trespasses charged upon him before Nicholas son of Martin and his fellows, justices to hear and determine in co. Gloucester pleas of lands given and of trespasses committed at that time: the king orders the barons, if they satisfy themselves that it is so, not to aggrieve Maurice contrary to the said pardon. May 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer and to the justices Westminster. appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Rosa, late the wife of Samuel de Loun, a Jew of London, from all his goods and chattels, whether in the treasury or elsewhere, according to the law and custom of the Jewry. They are enjoined not to omit doing this for any star of acquittance under the name of any other Jew than the said Samuel that may be found not to be enrolled in the rolls of the Jewry or exchequer or that may be proved in any other way to be lawful before them, and to aid her in recovering her dower. May 28. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to Westminster. cause William de Monte Revelli to have two oaks fit for timber in Wyndesore forest, of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause John de Stanes, guest of William de Monte Revelli of Wyndesor, to have in the said forest two oaks fit for timber for the construction of a stable. May 20. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver to Roger Loveday the goods Westminster. and chattels that belonged to him and Alice his late wife, as Roger, John de Monemuth and William de Haningfeld have mainperned to answer for any debts that Alice may have owed to the exchequer at her death. May 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king Westminster. has granted to Roger de Colevill that he may render by 10 marks yearly the 551. 11s. 91d. in which he is indebted to the king at the exchequer for the time when he was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. and order to cause him to have these terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. By Anthony Bek and Robert de Tibbetot. To the sheriff of Sussex. Whereas trespassers in parks and fishponds convicted at the suit of complainants ought, according to the form of the statute, to be so punished that the lords of the parks and fishponds shall have good amends by the consideration of the court according to the measure of the trespass, and the trespassers shall be imprisoned for three years and shall then be released at the king's pleasure if they have whereof they can be ransomed, after finding security not to offend thenceforth, and if they have not whereof they can be ransomed they shall find like security, and if they cannot find such security they shall abjure the realm, and if anyone charged with such trespasses be a fugitive not having lands sufficient to be distrained, he shall, so soon as this have been found by inquisition, be exacted from county [court] to county L[court] until he be outlawed; and 458 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 9-cont. the archbishop of Canterbury, William de Brewosa, and the prioress of Rughesparre, of whom Martin Heyne and Richard his brother, imprisoned at Maydenestane for trespass of venison in the park of William de la Kneppe, wherewith they are charged, held certain lands in Horsham, have taken [the said lands] together with the chattels of Martin and Richard into their hands, and have ejected their wives and children thence without the king's special order or other reasonable cause and contrary to the form of the statute, as the king learns from the complaint of the near friends of Martin and Richard: the king, as it is not his intention and it is not contained in his statutes that such trespassers should be disseised of their lands and chattels until they have been properly outlawed and the king has had his year, day and waste thereof, as was previously the custom with regard to felons' lands and chattels, orders the sheriff to go to the said lands in person, and if he find that it is so, to cause them to be restored to the wives and children of Martin and Richard with everything received thence from the time of the ejection, to be held peacefully until the king shall otherwise order. May 29. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Thomas, Westminster. bishop of Hereford, the wardship of the lands and heir of Stephen de Kantelbere, to be held until the heir come of age, as the king has granted to the bishop the custody of the lands and heir of Philip de Erleye, tenantin-chief, until the heir come of age, with the wardships, escheats, and all other appurtenances, and the king now learns by inquisition taken by the steward that Stephen held of Philip in chief by knight service, wherefore the wardship of his lands and heir ought to pertain to the bishop as wardship of a wardship. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Notification that the king has pardoned William de Upton, at the instance of Queen Eleanor, the king's mother, 26 marks in which he was indebted to Meyr' de Hungerford, a Jew of Oxford, and to Lumbardus de Crikkelade, by charters in the chest of the chirographers, the debts of the said Jews being in the king's hands by reason of the death of the said Jews, and order to cause William to be acquitted of the said sum, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. By K. on the information of Anthony Bek. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer and to the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the king granted in the late king's time to Robert Tibbetot a debt of 2001. under the name of John de Berners and Aaron Crespyn, a Jew of London, then in the chest of the chirographers, which debt belonged to Cok, son of Aaron the Jew, and which Hagin, a Jew of London, had previously granted to the king by his star, and Robert afterwards impleaded certain debtors of the said debt before the justices aforesaid according to the law and custom of the Jewry, and the debtors exhibited before the justices certain stars of acquittance of Hagin's for a great part of the debts, whereupon Hagin made fine with Robert for 100 marks to be paid for the said acquittances, which he has not yet paid to Robert, and could not pay because the king had caused all Hagin's goods and chattels to be taken into his hands: the king orders the justices to cause to be withdrawn from the said chest charters of the clearer debts of Hagin in the king's hands, either of the debts of Adam de Novo Mercato or of another, to the value of 100 marks and to cause them to be delivered to Robert, provided that this sum, as well as what he has hitherto recovered from the other debts of the said 2001. shall be debited (decidant) to Robert in the said debt of 200l. By K. at the prosecution of Robert in the presence of J. de Lovetot. 6 EDWARD I. 459 1278. Membrane 9-cont. John le Waleys and Hugh his son, imprisoned at Gildeford for the death of an unknown woman, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail them. Matilda Wlvyn, imprisoned at Gildeford for the death of Agnes son of Henry le Foun and Agnes son of Robert Ode, whereof she is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Surrey to bail her. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to deliver Warin le Charpenter, imprisoned at Ipswich for the death of William Gyulf, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him, etc., as the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas de Weylaund and Roger Loveday, justices appointed to deliver Ipswich gaol, that Warin slew William in self-defence and not of malice aforethought. To the sheriff of Suffolk and the collectors of the fifteenth in the same county. Order to supersede entirely the demand made by them upon Nicholas Pecche for 61. 6s. 6d. by reason of the said fifteenth, upon his paying to them 8s. 6d., as the king learns by the testimony of John de Lovetot that Nicholas is only indebted to the king in the latter sum for the fifteenth assessed upon him for his goods and chattels in Herthurst. May 16. To Guy, count of Flanders. The king has had full treaty at the count's Westminster. request with his merchants of England, Ireland, and the Marches of Wales concerning a prorogation of the payment of the money due to them from the count by reason of the arrest of their goods by the count's merchants in Flanders, and at length, after many querulous refusals (reclamaciones), he obtained from the merchants with great pressure and difficulty the prorogation of the payment until Easter next, on condition that security be found the said merchants that what is in arrear of the total sum due to them by reason of the said arrest shall then be paid to them in full at the latest without procrastination, excuse, or tergiversation, otherwise the count shall put himself (sic) and his pledges thereafter without contradiction at Mostroyl in custody, there to stay,* without hope of obtaining the favour of further delay from the king or the merchants until the merchants shall have been fully satisfied. Concerning all of which the king wills and orders the count to cause his letters patent obligatory for himself and his sureties to be made and sealed in the form that the king sends to him, the previous agreement remaining firm in all things, because the king does not intend 'by this favour, which he has caused to be made to the count at this time out of special affection, to withdraw in any way from any article contained in the first obligation. Membrane 9-Schedule. Names of the mainpernors of William de Bradecote, clerk of the earl of Warwick, and day is given to him in the quinzaine of Michaelmas: Sir William le Blund, Ralph de Tony, Ralph de Essex[ia], Peter de Leycestria, William de Wasthulle, Richard de Coftone. Mainpernors of Robert de Baillol[o] to have him before the king from day to day: Sir Ralph de Wodeburg, Sir Walter de Huntercumbe. MEBRMRANE 8. June 2. To the keeper of the warren of Purbik. Order to cause John Giffard Westminster. to have in that warren four harts, of the king's gift. * The enrolment is confused, and probably imperfect, in this passage. 460 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 8-cont. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Lucy, late the wife of Jordan Bissop, after making an extent of the said lands, which are in the king's hands by reason of Jordan's death, if it can be done without damage to the king or wrong to any other. May 4. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to deliver Westminster. to Edmund, the king's brother, all the lands in Haddon, Basselawe, Bubinhull, and Roulislegh that belonged to Gilbert le Fraunceis, tenant in chief, which were taken into the king's hands by the steward by the king's order, because the king believed that Gilbert held them in chief of the king as of the crown, and to deliver to Edmund everything received thence, the lands being of Edmund's fee. The like to Richard de Holebrok and Ralph de Sandwyco. July 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, for Westminster. a fine of 2001., granted to Thomas, bishop of Hereford, the custody of the lands and heirs of Philip de Arleye, tenant in chief, until the heirs came of age, and the king learns by an inquisition taken by Ralph de Sandewyco, the king's steward, that the custody of the manor of Northpetherton, co. Somerset, which belonged to Philip and which the king before the said grant had granted to brother Joseph, prior of [the Hospital of] St. John of Jerusalem in England, and to brother Richard, warden of the house of that Hospital at Rocland (sic), to hold until the heirs come of age, for 211. to be' rendered to the exchequer, ought to pertain to the bishop by reason of the said grant: the king orders the treasurer and barons [to cause] the prior and Richard to pay the 211. to the bishop, and to cause them to intend and answer the bishop until the heirs come of age, and to cause them to be acquitted thereof so far as pertains to the king. To Richard de Holebrok. Order [to deliver] to Reginald de Grey the wardship of the lands that belonged to John de la Mare, tenant in chief, to have until John's heir come of age with the marriage of the heir, together with the issues received thence from the time of the sale of the wardship to Reginald by Richard, which sale the king confirms and accepts. To Nicholas de Cugeho, steward of the forest of Brikstok. Order to deliver Alexander son of Peter, imprisoned at Bri[k]stok for trespass of the Forest, to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for Forest pleas when they come to those parts. Thomas Wlvet, imprisoned at Notingham for the death of Adam le Muner of Litton, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. June 8. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order not to receive Westminster. anything from the fines, amercements or other issues of that county, and not to permit any one to make fines for trespasses except in the presence of Leonius son of Leonius, or of his deputy, as the king has committed to Leonius the office of the chamberlainship of Chester and the custody of his works on the abbey of Vale Royal during pleasure, so that the'said works shall be constructed from the issues of the county of Chester brought to the exchequer of Chester. June 9.(?) To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause proclamation to be made Westminster. that the king wills that the county [court] of Somerset, which has been hitherto wont to be held at Yivelcestre, shall hereafter be held at Somerton, and to cause the county to be so held. To the barons of the exchequer. Although the king lately committed to Ralph de Sandewico and William de Saham the archbishopric of Canterbury, 6 EDWARD I. 461 1278. Membrane 8-cont. void and in the king's hands, to be kept during his pleasure, he does not wish that William shall be charged with the issues thereof or shall answer to the king for the same, but that he shall intend the custody aforesaid with the said Ralph and shall be controller of all the issues aforesaid, so that Ralph shall answer to the king for the issues by the view and testimony of William: the king therefore orders the barons not to charge William with the issues, provided, however, that he shall be present as controller with Ralph at the rendering of the account. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause the hundreds of Ringslo, Blengate and Dunhamford, which the abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, lately rendered into the king's hands as the king's right, to be held henceforth under the same laws, uses, and customs as they were wont to be held under when they were in the hands of the king's predecessors. To the keeper of the forest of Wyhtlewode. Order to cause Elizabeth, wife of David son of Griffin, to have two oaks fit for timber in the wood of Henley, which is within that forest. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king, at the instance of Roger de Clifford, the younger, has pardoned Michael de Hercla 1501. of the 3001. in which he made fine with the king for his trespass in marrying Richard, son and heir of Gilbert le Fraunceys, tenant in chief, without the king's licence and will, and order to cause him to be acquitted of 1501. and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Memorandum, that the aforesaid Roger mainperned to have the body of Michael before the king in the quinzaine of Michaelmas next to hear the king's will. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, to have three bucks of the king's gift, in the forest of Hasfeud. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Notification that the king has given to William le Wasteneys, for his faithful service, 20 marks of the debt of 40 marks that Richard de Carleby, knight, owes to Meyrok son of Sampson, a Jew of Stanford, by his charter in the chest of the chirographers, and order to cause the 20 marks to be levied and paid to William, and to cause Richard to be acquitted thereof, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Hugh de Oddingeseles to be acquitted of 50 marks in which he was lately amerced before the king for a disseisin that he was said to have made upon the abbot of Westminster, as the king has pardoned him this sum. By K. in the presence of his council, as it was answered in his petition. [June] 12. To the same. Order to cause Alice la Seculere, daughter and heiress of Westminster. Nicholas le Seculer, tenant in chief, to be acquitted of 50 marks of the 100 marks in which she made fine with the king in order that she and Dionisia and Christiana, her sisters, and parceners of the inheritance of Nicholas, might marry whom they wish provided they be of the king's fealty, as the king has pardoned her 50 marks. Anthony Bek ordered [this] by K. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order not to molest or aggrieve Robert de Baillol, charged with a trespass of vert and venison, by reason of this charge, but to leave him in peace until otherwise ordered by the king, as John de Eyvill, Peter de Chaumpaigne, Roger 462 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 8-cont. le Peytevyn, Elias de Flaunvill, Guncelin de Eyvill, Walter le Graunt, John de Thorneton, Robert de Marton, Richard de Lacy, William de Rednes, Henry le Barber, and William le Chaumberleyn have mainperned to have him before the king at his will. June 14. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to J. Westminster. bishop of Rochester the manor of Middelton, which was taken into the king's hands by reason of the.death of Walter de Merton, late bishop of Rochester, to hold in the king's name until the king shall otherwise order. The like to Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward, for the manor of Cobbehambir[y]. The like to the sheriff of Northampton (sic) for the manor aforesaid. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Whereas the king lately granted to Anian, bishop of St. Asaph, the custody of the manor of Wrocworthyn, which belonged to Robert Lestrange (Extranei), tenant in chief, to have until Robert's heir come of age, and Nicholas Gamage afterwards recovered 100s. of the issues of the manor against the bishop by consideration of the king's court, wherefore the king wishes to make recompense to the bishop; he therefore orders Ralph to cause the bishop to have recompence for the 100s. in some other fitting place by extent, to be received until the heir come of age. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king granted to Thomas, bishop of Hereford, the custody of the lands of Philip de Erleye, and it was found by inquisition that the custody of the manor of Norton Petherton, co. Somerset, which the king had granted to brother Joseph, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and to brother Richard, warden of the house of the said Hospital of Bocland, for 211. yearly, ought to pertain to the bishop (as at page 460 above), and 41. 9s. 21d. are subtracted from Joseph and Richard's ferm aforesaid for the dower of Roesia, late the wife of the said Philip, and 5 marks are assigned to her for the increment of the extent of the manor, so that Joseph and Richard shall pay to the exchequer the remainder of the ferm, to wit 131. 4s. 1 d. (sic); the king orders the barons to cause them to pay the latter sum to the bishop until Philip's heirs come of age, and to cause them to be acquitted thereof, and to cause to be allowed to the bishop in the fine of 2001. made by him to have this wardship whatever the barons may have received from the aforesaid ferm for the king's use, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to have respite until Martinmas for all debts due from him to the exchequer. To the same. Order to cause Henry de Lascy, earl of Lincoln, to have the arrears of his fee that he receives in the name of the earldom of Lincoln from the day when he was of full age, to wit St. Hilary, 56 Henry III., until the day of the making of the presents. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to search the rolls of that exchequer and to certify the king within his next parliament in what and in how many debts William de Alditeleghe, son and heir of James de Alditeleghe, is indebted to the king at that exchequer for the debts of his father, and whether or not he has paid anything of the said debts after his father's death, and if so, how much, and how much still remains to be paid, and to leave William in peace concerning the said debts in the meantime. 6 EDWARD I. 463 1278. Membrane 8-cont. The like to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of England. June 14. To William de Valencia. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken Westminster. by the sheriff of Berks that the thirty-five sheep that William's bailiffs of Benham lately took into his hands by reason of the felony that John de Crekkelad, chaplain of Boxore, made and for which he was outlawed, which sheep Geoffrey de la Croiz, chaplain, committed to John at Boxore for custody, belonged to Geoffrey and not to John, and that the bailiffs took the sheep solely by reason of the said felony: the king orders William to give orders to his said bailiffs to cause restitution of the sheep to be made to Geoffrey. By K. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Thomas, bishop of Hereford, to have six oaks fit for timber in the forest of Lithewod, of the king's grant. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to permit William de Colewik to have and hold his park of Colewik, which is within the forest of Shirewode, enclosed as he and his ancestors were wont to hold it hitherto, until the coming of the justices for pleas of the Forest or until otherwise ordered. June 18. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Whereas Ralph le Botiller asserts that he Westminster. ought to be quit of doing suit at the king's hundred of Grymboldeshash and that he and his ancestors were wont to be quit thereof, wherefore the king has adjourned him before the king at his next coming to those parts or before the justices next in eyre for common pleas in that county: the king orders the sheriff to supersede in the meantime the exaction that he makes upon Ralph for this reason, and to deliver to him his cattle taken for this reason. June 18. To the sheriff of Devon. Orders to cause Richard de Pultimore to have Westminster. again seisin gof tenements in La More and La Langfore, together with the damages adjudged to Joel de Stokes in an assize of novel disseisin that he arramed before Solomon de Roff[a] and Master Thomas de Sadinton against Richard concerning the said tenements, which damages were levied from Richard's goods and chattels by the sheriff by writ of judgment or by order of the justices aforesaid after the rendering of judgment in the assize, as the king has caused the judgment to be revoked by his council and has caused seisin to be adjudged to Richard under a certain form. By K. and all the C. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Roger de Mortuo Mari to have four stags of the king's gift in the forest of Salop. IMEMBRANE 7. June 20. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause Henry de Penebrugg to have ten oaks in the forest of Lythewode, of the king's gift. By K. on the information of Roger de Clifford. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause John de Shotesbrok, son and heir of Robert de Shotesbrok, to have seisin of his father's lands in Shotesbrok, whereof Thomas de Weyland had the custody by the king's commission, as the king has taken John's homage and rendered the lands to him by consent of Thomas. To Master Roger de Seyton. Whereas Margery de Cante Lupo impleads Master Elias, a Jew of London, before the treasurer and barons of the 464 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 7- cont. exchequer of this that he should acquit her against Thomas de Wesenham of 401. that Thomas exacts from her in the exchequer, the king has associated Roger with the treasurer and barons to hear and determine the said suit, and orders him to attend to this at certain days to be provided for this purpose. The king has ordered the treasurer and barons to admit Roger as their fellow. June 19. John Isunber and John his son, imprisoned at Wilton for the death of Westminster. Augustine le Poleter, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Wilts to bail them. To Geoflrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause the prior of Blyth (Blida) to have ten oaks for timber in Shirewod forest, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to permit Stephen son of Stephen de Cheyndut to have the corn growing in the lands of the manor of Chetindon that he has sown this year, together with his stock and other goods in the same manor. He is enjoined not to omit doing this by reason of the lands being taken into the king's hands by his order. June 22. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Westminster. cause John de Nevill to have three bucks in the forest of Essex, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the barons of the port of Favresham to be acquitted of 729 marks in which they were amerced before Nicholas de la Tur and his fellows, justices last in eyre in co. Kent, by reason of the common summons of the eyre made before the justices, as the king has pardoned them. To the same. Order to cause all debtors of L. late bishop of Rochester to come before them at the exchequer, and to cause to be levied from them as quickly as possible the debts that the executors of the bishop's will can prove to be owing, and to cause the executors to have the same in order to render to the king the debts due to him from the bishop and to make execution of the latter's will, as the bishop at his death was indebted to the king in divers sums and the executors have found the king security for payment thereof, and many of the king's realm were indebted to the bishop at his death for debts that they ought to have rendered to him long since, and of which they have not taken care to satisfy him or his executors, wherefore the executors are unable to pay to the king the said debts and to make execution of the will aforesaid. To Nicholas de Stapelton, constable of Tykehull castle. Order to cause three monks celebrating divine service in the king's chapel of Tykehull, each of whom receives 20s. yearly for his wages, to have their wages for their maintenance in the same way as other keepers of that castle have done. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to restore to the dean and chapter of Exeter (Oxon') the manor of Thorverton, with everything received thence since it was taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John Wyger, who had the manor of the demesne of the abbot and convent of Marmoutier (Mermuster), who held it peacefully for a hundred years, gave the manor to the dean and chapter in frankalmoin for the maintenance of three chaplains celebrating divine service, whereby the dean and chapter had peaceful seisin thereof before the death of John from the eve of St. Andrew 6 EDWARD I. 465 1278. Mlembrane 7-cont. until the morrow of St. Thomas the Martyr in the feast of Christmas and long afterwards, until the steward took the manor into the king's hands. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has pardoned Geoffrey de Lucy a moiety of 2531. in which he is indebted at the exchequer, as the king understands by the letters of the treasurer and barons, and has granted to him that he may pay the remainder by 100s. yearly, and order to cause him to be acquitted and to have the terms aforesaid, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. June 22. To the same. Order to cause the barons of Fordwich (Forwyco) to be Westminster. acquitted of 100s. in which they were amerced before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices last in eyre in co. Kent, by reason of the common summons of the eyre made before them, as the king has pardoned them. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver Robert son of William, Richard le Whelp, Peter le Whelpe, Peter Tuck, and Robert Ayllard, imprisoned at Brikstok for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve men each who shall mainpern to have them before the justices of the Forest when they come to those parts. June 22. To the justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause to be assigned and delivered Westminster. to John le Walhop 301. yearly of land from the king's waste (wastivis) lands in Ireland, to be held by the services to be assigned by the justiciary, as the king has granted this land to John for his long service to him. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause Christina de Worting, Peter de la Clyve, Agnes de Ewell, Richard Olyver, Edith wife of Thomas Taillard, and Alan de Portesmue, heirs of Walter de Merton, late bishop of Rochester, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the manor of Kibbeworth, with everything received thence from the time of its being taken into the king's hands, to be parted between the heirs, saving to the warden and scholars of the House of the Scholars of Merton their right in the said manor, so that the king may do justice to them when they wish to speak in this matter, saving also to Saer de Harecourt the chief messuage of the manor, his chattels, and his corn that he caused to be sown in the lands of the manor after the bishop's death. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has pardoned the abbot of Wardon, in consideration of the remission by the abbot of the arrears of the debts due to him from the king and his father, the 100 marks in which he made fine with the king before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices lately in eyre for common pleas in co. Bedford, for certain trespasses, and order to cause the aforesaid remission to be enrolled and to cause the abbot to be acquitted of the said 100 marks. June 23. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to Westminster. cause Roger Lestrange (Extraneo) to have four bucks in the forest of Caltres, of the king's gift. Vacated, because otherwise below. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to permit John de Lovetot to hold a tenement in Great Stanebrigge with the advowson of the church of that town, of the king's fee, which John has entered by the king's licence of the gift and feoff ment of Richard de Tany, tenant in chief. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to respite until the parliament after Michaelmas next all the exactions upon Henry de Shobery for divers debts of the king's Jews. u 96998. G G 466 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 127R. Membrane 7 —cont. June 24. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order Westminster. not to molest or aggrieve Walter de Helyun and John le Stedeman, the king's groom, for the taking of a buck by John with Walter's greyhounds in the forest of Den without the king's licence, as the king has pardoned them. The like to the justices next in eyre for common pleas in co. Gloucester. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to take into the king's hands the body of the castle of Erdeslegh, which Roger de Cliff[ord] lately rendered into the king's hands, and to cause it to be guarded safely until the king shall otherwise order. Richard son of Agatha, Roger le Ward, John atte Grene, Richard son of Stephen Godweyne, Richard Herleweyn, Simon Fox, Walter atte Grene, John de Raveneston, Richard le Noreys, and Richard Godweyne, imprisoned at Noting[ham] for the death of Ralph son of Henry le Lung, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Northampton (sic) to bail them. June 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Westminster. Eyvill to be acquitted of 70 marks of the fine of 200 marks that he made with the king for his trespass in marrying Matilda, late the wife of James de Audithelegh, tenant in chief, without the king's licence and will, of which fine he has paid 30 marks at the exchequer, as the king has pardoned him the said 70 marks. To the bailiffs of Holdernesse. Order to release any distraint that they may have made on the abbot of Aumale (de Albe Marle) for his fealty for the lands that he holds of the king in their bailiwick, as he has done fealty before the king. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Whereas the king granted to Queen Eleanor, his consort, Jacob de Oxonia, a Jew, lately deceased, with all his goods, debts and chattels free and quit of all tallages, aids, imprests and demands pertaining to the king, so that she should have and hold the Jew with all his goods and chattels and with all liberties, laws and customs of the Jewry, and the greater part of the goods, debts and chattels that belonged to the Jew have come to Henna, late his wife: the king orders them to cause all the Jew's goods, debts and chattels aforesaid together with all his goods, debts and chattels that belonged to him at his death and that pertain to the king of right to whose hands so ever they may have come to be delivered to the queen aforesaid, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted respite to Edmund, earl of Cornwall-[Imperfect.] To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause Edmund, earl of Cornwall, to have his town of Wilton until the next parliament, which the king lately ordered the sheriff to take into the king's hands by reason of a trespass committed therein against the king's peace. June 26. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause John Westminster. de Eston to have 100 marks, the remainder of 1001. that the king granted to him for his damages and expenses in prosecuting the right claimed by him in the inheritance that belonged to Avelina, daughter and heiress of William de Fortibus, sometime earl of Albemarle, against the king in his court before him, of which sum John has received only 50 marks. 6 EDWARD I. 467 1278. Membrane 7-cont. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to deliver to William de Monte Caniso of Edwardeston and Beatrice his wife the chief messuage of Belcham, which Amicia, late the wife of William de Bello Campo of Bedeford held in dower of her husband's inheritance, to have entirely in William and Beatrice's purparty, on condition that Roger de Mubray, a minor in the king's wardship, John de Steyngrive and Ida his wife, John de Horebir[y] and Elizabeth his wife and Michael Picot and Joan his wife shall have from William and Beatrice's purparty in that town the value of a third of the chief messuage and Roger, John and Ida, John and Elizabeth, Michael and Joan shall have from the same purparty in the same town the value of a like third of the said messuage, to be held according to what was considered before the king. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause the aforesaid manor, which Amicia held as above, except the chief messuage, to be divided into three equal parts, and, after retaining in the king's hands for his use and the use of Roger de Mubray, a minor in his wardship, who is of the esnecy of the heirs of William de Bello Campo, until Roger come of age, to cause John de Steyngrive and Ida his wife, Joan de Horebirt[y] and Elizabeth his wife, and Michael Picot and Joan his wife to have seisin of one third of the manor, and to cause William de Monte Caniso of Edwardeston and Beatrice his wife, as heirs of the said Roger (sic) of the inheritance of the aforesaid William, to have seisin of a third, and to cause the chief messuage to be extended by itself and to be divided into three equal parts, and, after retaining the value of a third thereof for the use of the king and of Roger as above, to cause the said John and Ida, John and Elizabeth, Michael and Joan to have seisin of lands and rents of William and Beatrice in the same town to the value of a third of the chief messuage. MEMBRANE 6. June 26. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge the men and Westminster. tenants of the manors of Thorp, with the hundred, and Boudon and Haverberg of the ferms and other issues of the manors for all the time during which Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, has held and shall hold the manors, as the late king, at the feast of St. Andrew, in the 51st year of his reign, granted the manors to the said queen. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause the abbess and nuns of Pr6aux (Pratell') to have 100s. a year, with the arrears thereof for the sheriff's time, as the king lately ordered him to pay this sum, which Roger de Quency, sometime earl of Winchester, assigned to them by his charter, to be received from the sheriff of that county, by whose hands the earl was wont to receive yearly his rent of the earldom of Winchester, as contained in the king's letters patent in the possession of the abbess and nuns. The king has ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to cause this money to be allowed to the sheriff. To Elias de Tingewyk, keeper of the king's forest of Litlewode. Order to cause the sheriff of Northampton to have in the king's park of Hanlegh, which is within the forest aforesaid, twelve oaks, to wit eight fit for shingles (cindulas) and four to make tables and forms (tabulas etformulas), for the works of the king's castle of Northampton. William Knyvet of Spalding, imprisoned at Okham for the death of Henry son of John the carpenter, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Rutland to bail him. William de Aneseye, imprisoned at Okham for the death of Henry son of John le Carpenter, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Rutland to bail him. G2 0 468 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 6-cont. June 28. To Richard Wolward. Whereas the abbot and convent of Westminster Westminster. have rendered into the king's hands the liberty that they claimed to have of the return of the king's writs in the lands of the abbey and the other things pertaining to such return in co. Middlesex, the king has assigned Richard to execute what ought to be done by the king's writs or precepts in the said lands, as the sheriff of that county shall signify to him by bills to be delivered to him, until the king shall otherwise ordain: the king therefore orders Richard to receive the bills and precepts from the sheriff and to execute them, and to do what pertains to them in the said lands. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause bills to be made and delivered to the said Richard of the king's writs and precepts concerning the said lands. Simon son of Thomas de Hokeringham, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Gunnilda de Caumpel[eye], wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. July 10. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Windsor. cause Edmund, earl of Cornwall, to have in the forest of Bernewode seven or six bucks, of the king's gift. William de Torfneye, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of Simon Crudde, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Oxford to bail him. July 11. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Windsor. cause Alice de Luton to have in the wood of Pauncehale, which is within the forest of Bernewode, eight oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to deliver John Saunterre and Matilda his wife, Thomas de Turs, and Saer le Serjaunt of Whiteton, imprisoned at Lincoln for a sinister suspicion, to twelve men of that county each, who shall mainpern to have them before the justices at the first assize when they come to those parts to stand to right if any one will speak against them. To Roger de Clifford, justice [of the Forest] this side Trent. Order to cause the Friars Preachers of Northampton to have in the wood of Hanle three oaks and the like number in the wood of Whittlewode for the fabric of their church of Northampton, of the king's gift. To the same, Order to cause Richard Folyot to have four bucks in the forest of Shirewode, of the king's gift. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windsore castle. Order to cause Master Martin de Ispan[nia], cook of Alphonsus the king's son, to have in the forest of Windesore three oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order not to intermeddle hereafter with the custody of the lands that belonged to Jordan Bisshop, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of Jordan's death, and to restore to Robert de Keynes anything that he may have received from the lands since they were taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Ralph de Sandwico, his steward, that Jordan at his death held nothing in chief, and that he held 151. yearly of land in Little Sobbir[y] of the said Robert by knight service, wherefore the wardship of his lands ought to pertain to Robert and not to the king. To Geoffrey de Picheford, constable of Windesore castle. Order to cause Alice de Herneham to have seisin of the fee and bailiwick of a forester's 6 EDWARD I. 469 1278. Membrane 6-cont. office (forestar' nostre) in the forest of Windesore, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the constable that Alice has right in the said fee by reason of Geoffrey de Baggeshete, her uncle, of whom she is heiress, who died seised thereof, and that Alice after his death was seised thereof twenty-five years ago, and that Hugh her son did not hold the bailiwick except from year to year revocable at her will, and that she has offended in no manner whereby she ought to lose the fee and bailiwick. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Whereas the late king granted to Elias Brise son of Roger Brise of La Rochele, for the good service that Roger rendered to him in his lifetime, 9d. daily to be received at the exchequer for Elias's maintenance for life, as contained in the late king's letters patent in the hands of the treasurer and chamberlains: the king, wishing to show favour to Elias, orders the treasurer and chamberlains to compound with him for the arrears of the said 9d. daily and also for the whole fee that he ought to receive in future by reason of such grant, as they shall see most fitting for the king's advantage, and to pay to Elias the money that he ought to have by reason of such composition, receiving from him the late king's letters patent concerning the grant aforesaid. Richard de Hattecoumbe, imprisoned at Exeter (Oxon') for the death of Joan late the wife of Richard de Hattecumbe, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the exaction upon divers citizens of London for amercements before the justices last in eyre at the Tower of London for the deeds of their ancestors who died before the eyre aforesaid, and also the exaction upon other citizens for the common summons of the eyre, releasing in the meantime any distraints made for these causes. To the keeper of the forest of Whichewod. Order to cause William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, to have in that forest a buck of the king's gift. ---- Robert de Berlay, Geoffrey de Mohaud, Thomas Frere, Richard le - Provost, Robert Horsco, and Nicholas de Burstall, imprisoned at York for the death of John de Ellerton, clerk, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them. July 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the i Windsor. king has pardoned Payn de Cadurciis 500 marks of the debt that he owes to the king, and has granted that he may pay the remainder of the debt by 20 marks yearly, and order to cause him to be acquitted of the former sum and to cause him to have the said terms, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. July 25. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause the executors of the will Clarendon. of William de Hasting', tenant in chief, upon their finding security to pay to the king any debts that William may have owed at his death, to have free administration of the goods and chattels that belonged to the deceased, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of his death. The like to the sheriffs of Rutland, Berks, and Gloucester. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver William de Tackele, imprisoned at Langeleye for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they come to those parts. 470 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 6-cont. July 26. To the mayor and bailiffs of Lincoln. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, Clarendon. the king's consort, to have all the houses and rents in that town that belonged to Hagin son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, in whose hands soever they may be, as Hagin lately sold them to Stephen de Cheyndut, who granted them to the queen, as is contained in the deed indented made between Stephen and her and enrolled at the exchequer. To the keeper of the park of Odyham. Order to cause Philip de Pirye, constable of Odyham castle, to have ten oaks beginning to decay (marcescere) and fit for timber in that park for the repair of the houses of the castle. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause Laurence de Chaworth, John de Chaworth, Richard de Ryboef, John del Okes, Robert his brother, William son of Ranulph de Bolmer, and Thomas de Chaworth to be taken and imprisoned until the king shall make special order otherwise. The like to the sheriff of York to take Ralph de Hecleshal, John le Yallet, John de Huckelou,John del Merehok, Robert Moucher, Robert de Halverton, and John Pylat. To Ralph de Sandwico and William de Saham, keepers of the archbishopric of Canterbury, the see being void. Order to cause R. bishop of Porto, cardinal of the Roman church, late archbishop of Canterbury, to have upon this occasion, of the king's special grace, a portion of the agistment of pasture from Easter until Whitsuntide that pertained to the carrying of the cross of the archbishopric for the proportion of his time, and to cause him to have 251. of Whitsuntide term of the 501. yearly for which he demised a cultura of land called ' Oxenhall' within the manor of Aldington to his reeve there, and to cause him to have 81. for the said term of the 161. for which he demised his land of Shirle to his reeve there. [Prynne, Records, iii. 215.] To the same. Order to receive from the said bishop the oxen and stots (stottos) for the ploughs of the manors of the archbishopric in money as he received them from Master Richard de Clifford, late keeper of the archbishopric. July 29. To Stephen de Penecestre, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Clarendon. Cinque Ports. Order to cause to be delivered to Cok Bretun and'Alexander Veneysun, barons of the port of Dover, their houses, goods and chattels until the next parliament, as they have come to the king and shown him that Stephen has taken their houses, goods and chattels into the king's hands by reason of a trespass that they are said to have committed upon the king, and the king, because they offered themselves to purge their innocence before him, has given them day at his parliament after Michaelmas next, so that there may then be done before the king and Stephen what ought to be done by the king's council and of right. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to cause Henry de Novo Burgo, keeper of the castle and honour of Arundeli, to have his wages from the time when he first received that custody until this day. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to permit Richard Bataill and Matilda his wife to hold of the king in chief the lands that belonged to Philip de la Rokele in Crostwiz, which Philip sold to them, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the lands are held in chief by the service of rendering 12d. yearly to the bailiff of the hundred of Tendryng for the king's use for all service. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Whereas the king granted by his letters patent to Thomas de Clare that, after those of Glindelor[y] 6 EDWARD I. 471 1278. Membrane 6-cont. should be of the [king's] peace or jurisdiction (districtu), he should have general summons of knights' fees and other services due to the king in the army in that land, in order to pacify his land of Tochemund, and those of Glyndelory are now of the peace and jurisdiction: the king orders the justiciary'to permit Thomas to have the general summons and other services according to the king's grant. To the keeper of Penber forest. Order to cause the sheriff of Southampton to have thirty oaks fit for timber for the works of the castle of Winchester. MEMBRANE 5. William son of Roger Murdak, imprisoned at Northampton for the death of Robert le Charetter of Wardon, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause Isabella, late the wife of William de Hastinges, tenant in chief, to have again seisin of a messuage, 41 virgates of land, 3 acres of wood and a mill in Cotes and Ravenesthorp, taken into the king's hands by reason of William's death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Alan son of Roald and Matilda his wife granted the lands, etc., to Isabella and her heirs by a fine (cyrographum) made between them in the late king's court before his justices in eyre at Northampton. Aug. 7. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be Gloucester. assigned to Alesia, late the wife of Walter de Aure, tenant in chief, after taking security from her that she will not marry without the king's licence. To Geoffrey de Pycheford, constable of Windes[ore] castle, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause Roger de Mowbray, imprisoned in that castle for certain trespasses charged against him and for a contempt done to the king, to be delivered to Maurice de Berkley, Nicholas de Sedgrave, Emeric de Sancto Amando, Ralph Basset, Peter de Monte [forti?] and John de Sancto Johanne, who have mainperned to have him before the king before the quinzaine of Michaelmas to do his will. Peter de Monte Alto, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of Matilda Morin, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Dorset to bail him. Aug. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard Gloucester. le Gras to be acquitted of 10s. in which he was amerced for a false claim before Henry de Monte Forti and Solomon de Roff[a], the king's late justices to take assizes in co. Cornwall, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled, as the king has pardoned him this sum. To the constable of Devises castle. Order to permit W. bishop of Norwich to take sixteen bucks for the king's use, and to receive them from him and to cause them to be well salted and kept until the king shall otherwise order. Aug. 8. To the keeper of the king's forest of Essex. Order to permit W. bishop Gloucester. of Norwich to take six bucks for his own use in the king's wood of Achfeld, which is within the forest aforesaid, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Peter de Monte Forti to have two bucks of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause Henry de Lascy, earl of Lincoln, to have six bucks in the forest of Bernewode, of the king's gift. 472 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 5-cont. To the same. Order to cause Baldwin le Wak to have four bucks in the forest of Rokingham, of the king's gift. Aug. 10. To the same. Order to cause Ralph de Aubeny to have two bucks in Gloucester. the forest of Richich, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Alan de Plukenet to have two bucks in the forest of Selewode, of the king's gift. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause to be delivered to Amisius de Sabaudia, the king's kinsman, to whom the king lately committed by letters patent the custody of the castle and manor of Stoke Curcy, the corn of the present autumn pertaining to the manor, and the oxen for the king's ploughs there, saving for the king's use the king's other stock there, which the king wills shall be kept by Ralph. Aug. 11. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Whereas the king lately Gloucester. caused to be assigned before him at Westminster by his council to Roger de Moubray, John de Staynegreve, and Ida his wife, John de Horebury and Elizabeth his wife, Michael Pyket and Joan his wife, William de Monte Caniso of Edwardeston and Beatrice his wife, the heirs of William de Bello Campo of Bedeford, the parts that fell to them of the said William de Bello Campo's inheritance [that Amicia], late [the wife] of the said William, deceased, held in dower, as is contained in certain rolls that the king caused to be delivered to the heirs; the king orders Richard to inspect the said rolls and to retain a third of the manors and fees for the use of the king and of the aforesaid Roger, a minor in the king's wardship, who is of the esnecy, and to cause the said heirs to have seisin of their purparties. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands that belonged to Walter Prat of Retteford, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas that Walter at his death held no tenement of the king in chief except by burgage-tenure (burgagium). Aug. 13. To Bartholomew de Picheford, keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order Gloucester. to cause Hildebrand de London[ia], sheriff of Wilts, to have twenty oaks in that forest to make shingles and to do other works of the king at Clarendon. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause the Friars Minor of Gloucester to have three oak-trunks (robura) in the forest of Dene for fuel, of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause the Friars Preachers of Gloucester to have four oak-trunks in the said forest for fuel, of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause Hugh de la Penne to have two oak-trunks in the forest of Clarendon for fuel, of the king's gift. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause to be assigned to Eleanor, late the wife of Herbert de Saltfleteby, dower of the lands that Herbert held of Hugh, son and heir of Hugh de Nevill, a minor in the king's wardship, upon her finding security not to marry without the king's licence. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Humphrey de Boun, earl of Hereford, to have four bucks in the forest of Bradene, of the king's gift. Aug. 16. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer and to the justices appointed Gloucester. for the custody of the Jews. Notification that the king has pardoned Nicholas de Mesnil, for his good service to the king in the army of Wales 6 EDWARD I. 473 1278. Membrane 5-cont. and elsewhere, a debt of 200 marks in which Andrew de Feugers was indebted by a charter of the king's in the treasury to Hagin, a Jew of London, which debt the king lately caused to be taken into his hands by reason of the debts in which Hagin was indebted to the king, and that the king granted to Nicholas that if Andrew would sell to him or otherwise demise 201. yearly of land that he holds in chief in Castel Levynton, co. York, Nicholas may enter the same and hold it in chief without hindrance from the king and his heirs, doing therefore the same customs and services that Andrew and his predecessors were wont to do therefor, and order to cause the aforesaid charter to be withdrawn and delivered to Nicholas, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the same. Like notification that the king has pardoned the said Nicholas a debt of 100 marks, in which he was indebted to Juetta, daughter of Benedict (Benetti), a Jewess (Judeo) of York, by a charter of 1001. made under the names of Nicholas and Juetta in the chests of the chirographers of York, which debt belonged to Joceus le Joevene, a Jew of York, and which the king caused to be taken into his hands by reason of the debts in which Joceus was indebted to him, and order to cause the charter aforesaid to be withdrawn from the said chests, and to be delivered to Nicholas, and to cause him to be acquitted of the said 100 marks, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the sheriff of Hereford. Alice, daughter of Robert de Dekeston, has shown the king that whereas her father, during an acute fever from which he suffered, when left unguarded drowned himself in a ditch outside Hereford, being led by a spirit of madness through the excessive anguish of heart by which he was oppressed, Walter Attebarre, the king's coroner in that city, and Giles de la Hull, asserting that Robert by drowning himself had committed felony of himself, took into the king's hands all Robert's goods and chattels to the value of 20 marks and also a messuage with appurtenances in Hereford that he had bought and whereof he died seised, and that Walter and Giles detain the messuage from her, the daughter and heiress of Robert, and detain the goods and chattels from Robert de Monemuth and Thomas de Sancto Egidio, chaplain, the executors of Robert's will; as the actions of persons thus suffering from fever and madness are wont to be adjudged in such cases for mischance and not for felony, as it is said, the king orders the sheriff to make inquisition in the matter, and if he find thereby that Robert was not of sound mind but mad, and that he drowned himself by reason of anguish and through lack of guard, and not in any other way, to cause the messuage to be restored to Alice and the goods and chattels to be restored to the executors. To the sheriff and coroners of co. Cambridge. It is shown to the king on behalf of William de Conyton, clerk, and the other executors of the will of Walter de Gravele, chaplain, that whereas Walter did not abjure the realm and was not outlawed for any felony nor hanged and did not make forfeiture in any way by reason whereof he ought to lose his chattels by consideration of the king's court, and they ought not to pertain to the king, the sheriff and coroners, asserting that the chattels ought to pertain to the king as forfeitures because Walter, when suffering from madness, hanged himself, unjustly distrain the executors to render the chattels to the king; as the things that are wont to happen through such mad folk in their infirmity ought not and are not wont to be reputed felony by consideration of the king's court, the king orders the sheriff and coroners, if it be so and if it so appear by a jury (patriam), and if there be no sinister suspicion, to desist entirely from the distraint aforesaid, and to permit the executors to execute what pertains to them in this behalf, after taking from them security 474 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 5-cont. to satisfy the king for the chattels or their value if it shall appear to the justices next in eyre in that county that the chattels ought lo pertain to the king by reason of any forfeiture. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Nicholas de Gamages to have in the Forest of Den four oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. Aug. 20. To the same. Order to cause Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Cowarne. Hertford, to have four bucks and two harts, of the king's gift. To the constable of St. Briavells castle. Order to cause Walter de Helyun to have two bucks in the forest of Dene, of the king's gift. To the same. Order to permit Henry de Candovre, the king's huntsmen, to take, with the aid and counsel of Maurice de Berkley, and Thomas his son, a hundred bucks for the king's use, and to receive the bucks from them and to cause them to be well salted and carried in barrels to Westminster. there to be delivered to the king's larder, so that they shall be there in the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. Writ of aid to the said Maurice and Thomas for the aforesaid purpose. Aug. 21. To Matthew de Columbar[iis], the king's chamberlain. Order to go in Leominster. person to Southampton and Bristol, and to cause twenty tuns of good wine to be bought there, and to cause ten tuns thereof to be carried to Quenynton and ten to Dunameney, there to be placed in cellars against the king's arrival in those parts, so that the wine shall be there before Michaelmas. To John de Clinton. Whereas the king lately ordered Henry de Ribbeford to cause thirty bucks to be taken in the forests of Kinefare and Kanoc for the king's use, as should be agreed between him and John son of Philip, keeper of the forest of Kinefare, and Henry is unable to attend to this at present: the king orders and requests John de Clinton to Utake the said thirty bucks in the forests aforesaid, in accordance with his order previously sent to John son of Philip. The king has ordered John son of Philip and the keeper of the forest of Kanoc to admit John deClinton in place of the aforesaid Henry, and to aid him in the premises. Mandate in pursuance to the keeper of the forest of Kanoc. Membrane 5.-Schedule. Aug. 12. To the sheriff of Northampton. As Hugh son of Elton (for Otto?) Gloucester. and Walter de Helion have mainperned before the king for Michael de Norhantona that he will be ready to take knighthood or to do the king's will at Christmas next, the king orders the sheriff to respite until then the distraint upon Michael to become a knight. MEMBRANE 4. Aug. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the Leominster. king has pardoned Nicholas de Sedgrave, for his good service, 951. 10s. 4d. that are exacted from him by summons of the exchequer, to wit 481. for the arrears of the ferm of the manor of Kynton and 401. for the arrears of the wapentake of Cosecote and 71. 10s. 4d. for the debts that Gilbert de Sedgrave, his father, owed at his death to the king, and order to cause Nicholas to be acquitted of the said sums and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. Richard de Knotte, imprisoned at Brugges for the death of William de Audedelegh and Brunus del Pek, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Stafford to bail him. 6 EDWARD I. 475 1278. Membrane 4-cont. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to deliver seisin of the manor of Shyfford, co. Berks, which belonged to John de Ripariis, and which is held in chief of John de Sancto Johanne, to the said John de Sancto Johanne, to be held at the king's will, so that if it be found that John de Ripariis at his death held anything in that county or elsewhere of the king in chief by reason whereof the custody of his lands with the marriage of his heirs ought to pertain to the king, the king shall take the manor into his hands and John de Sancto Johanne shall answer to him for the issues received thence in the meantime. Aug. 26. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to respite Stretton. until otherwise ordered the demand upon Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, for all debts due to the king for any cause, as the king has granted to him respite. Aug. 27. To Richard de Holebrok, keeper of the forest of Roteland. Whereas Stretton. the king lately ordered Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, to cause Peter de Monte Forti to have two bucks of his gift in the forest of Roteland, and Roger returned the writ to Richard to make execution of the king's order, and Richard has deferred executing it: the king orders him to cause Peter to have two bucks in accordance with the said order thus returned to him. William le Messer del Graunge de Ledes, imprisoned at Beverley for the death of Thomas son of John de Goldale, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail him. Sept. 1. To the bailiffs of Bruges. Order to deliver John son of Richard le Shrewsbury. Orfevre, imprisoned at Bruges for clipping \(retonsione) of the king's money, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the king, whenever the king will speak against him. Sept. 5. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to deliver Robert son of Robert Shotwick. Parleben aged seven years, imprisonedat Lincoln for the death of Edith de Herpeswell, 'wherewith he is charged, in bail 'to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assizes in those parts to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Robert slew Edith by mischance and not by felony or malice aforethought. Sept. 8. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause jurors to come before Rhuddlan. Thomas de Weyland and Geoffrey de Neubaud, whom the king has appointed to extend, by the oath of knights and others of that county, all the lands that Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, has in the manor of Kemesing, for the purpose of taking the said extent. The like to the sheriff of Sussex for the lands that William de Valencia has in the manor of Boseham. The like to the sheriff of Essex for the lands that William de Valencia has in the manor of Cestreford. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Grimbald Pauncefot to have three bucks in the forest of Kynefar, of the king's gift. To the same. Order to cause the vicar of the church of Strattondale to have seven oak-trunks (robura) in the forest of Strattonedale, of the king's gift. 476 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 4-cont. To the same. Order to cause the prior and brethren of St. Augustine's, Lodelawe, to have six oak-trunks in the forest of Havekhurst, of the king's gift. To the bailiff of the Peak or to him who supplies his place. Order to aid John de Shelvestrode, the king's yeoman, whom the king is sending to him to take six harts there for the king's use. in taking the said harts, and to cause them to be delivered to John when taken. Sept. 10. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to LRhuddlan. cause Bartholomew de Suthlegh to have four bucks in the forest of Shottovre, of the king's gift. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause ten bucks to be taken in his bailiwick where this may be done most speedily and conveniently, and to cause them to be well salted and kept, and to be delivered to Anthony Bek at his order. To the keeper of the Hay of Hereford. Order to cause Iterius Bocard to have two roe-bucks, of the king's gift. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland, and to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to audit the account of Geoffrey de Genevill for the time when he was justiciary of Ireland, and to cause due and reasonable allowances to be made to him according to the tenor of another order of the king's lately directed to the treasurer and barons there. Sept. 12. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Rhuddlan. cause Joan, wife of William de Valencia, to have six bucks, of the king's gift. Sept. 13. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester, and to Howel son of Flint. Griffin, the king's bailiff of Englefeld. Whereas the king lately ordered them to assign to the bishop and dean and chapter of St. Asaph 201. yearly of land in the parts of St. Asaph, of the king's gift, to be held of the king, and they, not fully executing the said order, caused a certain part of the 201. yearly to be extended and assigned in rents, homages and other things: the king, wishing to aid the bishop, dean and chapter, and to fulfil his order aforesaid, orders Guncelin and Howel to cause the said 201. yearly to be assigned to the bishop, dean and chapter, in arable land, where it may be done to the least damage to the king and the greatest convenience of the bishop, dean and chapter, by a certain and reasonable extent within certain limits in the parts aforesaid, and to take into the king's hands, after they have caused the bishop, dean and chapter, to have seisin of the land thus to be assigned, what they have already assigned, and to make the king's profit of the latter. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to David son of Griffin and Elizabeth his wife 1) acres of land lying between the way from Silveston to Toucestre and the wood of Docwellehey, of the land that Richard lately caused to be assarted in Swyneshey, together with the corn of the said 11 acres for this autumn, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard that the 11 acres pertain to the manor of Norton, which David holds of his wife's dower of the lands that belonged to John le Mareschal, formerly her husband. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland, S. bishop of Waterford, the treasurer, Fromund le Brun, the chancellor, and Master John de Saunford, the escheator. Whereas the king lately ordered the justiciary and treasurer 6 EDWARD I. 477 1278. Membrane 4-cont. to audit the account of Geoffrey de Genevill, the late justiciary, for the time of his office, in the presence of the master of the military order of the Temple and the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland, and they have hitherto done nothing in the matter, as the king learns: he therefore orders them to audit the said account as speedily as possible in accordance with his previous order. If all of them cannot attend to the auditing of the account, three of them shall do so. Thomas Burel, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Geoffrey Giffard, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Fulk son of Warin 115s. of yearly rent in Foteswik within the manor of Waneting, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that John de Ripariis at his death held nothing of the king in chief as of the crown in co. Berks, and that the king and his ancestors had not at any time the wardship of John's lands in the said county, but that John held the aforesaid rent of Fulk; provided that if the king ascertain by inspection of the rolls of the exchequer or otherwise that John held anything in chief as of the crown or otherwise in that county or elsewhere at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, the king shall resume the said rent into his hands and Fulk shall then answer to him for the issues received in the meantime. Sept. 15. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to deliver to Peter de Grete a messuage Shotwick. and half a virgate of land in Grete, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the said messuage and half virgate, which Henry Russel, who was outlawed for felony, held, have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Henry held them of Peter, and that the township of Grete now holds them and had the king's year and day and ought to answer to the king therefor. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justiciary of Chester. Order to cause Roger Lestrange (Extraneo) to have four bucks, of the king's gift. Sept. 17. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to deliver to Robert de la Ferete Macclesfield. the manor of Glassan, as the king learns that the manor, which William de Glassan, who was outlawed for felony, held, has been in the king's hands for a year and a day and is still in his hands, and that William held it of the said Robert, and that Robert had the year and day thereof and ought to answer to the king therefor. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to permit Reginald de Grey to take dead brushwood in his own woods within the forest of Cheshire (Cestreshir'), and to carry it away and burn it at his pleasure. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to deliver Thomas de Cadurcis, charged with trespass of the forest in Shirewod forest, in bail to six men of that bailiwick, who shall mainpern to have him before the king to stand to right when the king will speak against him. Oct. 1. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Macclesfield. Christiana, late the wife of Hugh de Wilne, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. Oct. 2. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to deliver Henry de Brutywell in bail Macclesfield. to Ralph Pyrot, Robert Amory of Carleton, Roger Pyrot of Herlingdon, Benedict Sporum, Thomas le Waleis of Turveye, Robert de Coumton of Statheden, Robert le Keu of Herlindon, John Florence, Henry le Frek, 478 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 4-cont. Richard le Ermite, Walter Maunsel and John Maunsel, as the king-upon learning by inquisition taken by John de Luvetot and Gregory de Rokesle that Henry, whom Sabina, late the wife of Giles de Wodeham, with others appealed in that county of robbery and of breach of the peace, was fraudulently and maliciously outlawed-ordered the sheriff, if Henry rendered himself to prison and found twelve men of that county who should mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize to stand to right if any one would speak against him, to certify the king of the names of the twelve men, and the sheriff has signified that the aforesaid men have mainperned in form aforesaid. William de Sandlond, Stephen and William his sons, Geoffrey de la Ford, Walter his son, Stephen de Clerkeston, William his son, Henry Calle, John Paris, Richard de Trucote, Walter de la Putte, Walter Beagh of Sanford, John Beagh of Stanford, Michael Crok and Walter le Bercher, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Simon Prodhomme, wherewith they are appealed, have letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him. Osbert son of Robert, imprisoned at Bruges for the death of William le Hore, wherewith he is charged, slew William by mischance and not by felony or of malice aforethought, and he has letters to the sheriff of Stafford to bail him. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice [of the Forest] beyond Trent. Order to cause Master Hugh de Evesham to have four bucks in the forest of Galtres, of the king's gift. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands that belonged to Henry de Albiniaco in cos. Southampton and Wilts, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that Henry at his death held nothing of him in those counties by reason whereof the wardship of his lands ought to pertain to the king. Oct. 15. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Torton. cause Henry le Mercer of Brewod, dean of Lichfield, to have four oaks in the hay of Caneleye, within the forest of Kanek, and to cause Philip le Clerk to have four oaks and Amice the widow (la vedue) to have two oaks, from the said hay, for the rebuilding of their houses that were lately burnt by mischance when the king was at Brewode, of the king's gift. Walter son of Walter de Ribuf, imprisoned at Nottingham for the death of Adam le Potter of Nottingham, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail him. Oct. 14. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Whereas the king Worcester. granted to David son of Griffin, for his good service past and future, the manor of: Frodesham, to be held as contained in the king's letters patent; the king now, because David has no chace or sport (deductum) in the manor aforesaid, has granted to him that he may chase and take deer during the king's will in the common pertaining to the manor: the king orders Guncelin to permit David to chase and take deer in the common in form aforesaid, provided that he do not go beyond the bounds of the common. To the same. Notification that the king has granted to the said David that he may have a market in the said manor on Tuesday in every week in the same manner as he was wont to have on Sunday, and order to permit hinl to have such market, and to cause this to be proclaimed throughout the county. 6 EDWARD I. 479 1278. Membrane 4-cont. Oct. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to audit Worcester. the account of Adam de Wetenhale, receiver of the king's moneys in Ireland, from Michaelmas, in the fifth year, until Sunday after St. Hilary following, and from then until Michaelmas following, and to cause due allowance to be made to him for his costs and expenses in the king's service. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Peter de la Mare, constable of Bristol castle, to have eighty oaks fit for timber in the forest of Dene, to make therewith a chamber in the said castle and repair other houses there, as the king has enjoined upon Peter, if he need so many oaks. By K. on the information of Master G. de Aspal. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Ralph, parson of the church of Casterton, chaplain of Edmund, the king's brother, to have in the king's wood of Stratton, co. Rutland, twenty oaks fit for rafters (cheverones) for the work of his church. Oct. 23. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to deliver to John de Windsor. Metingham (Meteringham), one of the justices next going on eyre in cos. Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Northumberland, all the rolls of the last eyre of Roger de Turkelby and his fellows, justices late in eyre in cos. Cumberland and Westmoreland, and also the rolls of the last eyre of Gilbert de Preston and his fellows, lately in eyre in co. Northumberland, to be restored to the treasurer and chamberlains at the end of the eyre. MEMBRANE 3. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to restore to John de Fynham, clerk, all his lands, goods, and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands upon his being charged with the homicide of Geoffrey de Croyleffeld, for which he was imprisoned at Warwick, and was afterwards brought before the justices appointed to deliver that gaol, by whom he was delivered to R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield in accordance with the privilege of the clergy, as he has purged himself canonically of the homicide, as the king learns from the bishop's letters testimonial. Oct. 23. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to deliver William le Smale, imprisoned Windsor. at Guldeford for the death of Richard le White of Cranle, wherewith he is charged, to twelve men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, as the king learns from the testimony of David de Jarpenvill and his fellows, justices lately appointed to deliver Guldeford gaol, that the said William slew Richard in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought. Oct. 25. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause to be Westminster. delivered to Sarah, late the wife of Gilbert de Berneval, tenant in chief, her dower in accordance with the extent and partition made by the steward, as she has found the king security not to marry without his licence..-^Ot,,23. ' To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Whereas the king Windsor. learns that Robert, late bishop of Carlisle, who was indebted to the king in divers debts, left at his death a deposit in the custody of the Friars Minors within the city, of Carlisle, the king orders Thomas to go in person to the place of the Friars Minors and to seal the said deposit, and to take into the king's hands all the other goods and chattels in his bailiwick that belonged to the bishop, so that nothing shall be removed from the said deposit or from the goods and chattels aforesaid before the king be satisfied for the said debts. 480 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 3-cont. The like ' de verbo ad verbum' to the sheriff of Cumberland. Oct. 27. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause two coroners for that county Westminster. to be elected in place of John de Hestru and Thomas de Helgton, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office because he learns upon trustworthy authority that they are insufficient for that office. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause Walter le Marescal to have seisin of a messuage and 18 acres of land in Upton Bishop, which are in the hands of the men of the township by reason of the felony for which Walter Whiteking was hanged, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that the messuage and land has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that the township of Hopton Bishop ought to answer to the king therefor, and that Walter held the messuage and land of the said Walter le Marescal. To the same. Like order concerning a messuage and a virgate of land in the same town, which John de ]a Legh, who was hanged for felony, held of the said Walter le Marescal. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margaret, late the wife of Ralph Raer, tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. Oct. 28. To the keeper of the forest of Cippeham. Order to cause Henry de Westminster. Candovre, the king's huntsman keeping his buckhounds (canes damericios), to have two oak-trunks (robora) for fuel, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of La Bere. Order to cause William de Candovre and Robert le Sauser, the king's huntsmen keeping his staghounds (canes cervericios), to have four oak-trunks (robora) for fuel, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to deliver Richard le Fetere, imprisoned at Battle for the death of Vincent Gyle, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him, etc., as the king learns by the record and process of the rolls of Ralph le Sauvage and William de Hevre, his justices lately appointed to deliver the said gaol, that Richard slew Vincent in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the abbot of Hide to be acquitted of 101. in which he was amerced before the justices of the Bench for an unjust detention, which are exacted from him in co. Southampton, as the king has pardoned him this sum, and order to cause to be so done and enrolled. By Anthony Bek. Oct. 29. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Westminster. Easter next the demand upon Peter de Monteforti for 401. to wit 201. in which he was amerced before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices of the Bench, and 201. that Peter de Monteforti, his father, owed at his death to the king. By K. on the information of R. de Tybotot. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause Ellen, daughter and co-heiress of Eustace de Watford, tenant in chief, to have again her purparty of Eustace's lands, to hold at the king's will, which the king lately caused to be taken into his hands because he believed that she had alienated it without his licence, and which she has not yet alienated, as he learns for certain. Nov. 3. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to Westminster. be assigned to Ascilia, late the wife of John le Blunt, tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. 6 EDWARD I. 481 1278. Mem2brane 3-cont. The like to Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to restore to the abbess of Shaftesbury certain lands in Gissich St. Andrew, and everything received thence, which lands the king lately caused to be taken into his hands by the consent of the abbess and of the abbess of Tarente by reason of certain agreements between them. This order is made at the request of the abbess of Tarente. Nov. 3. To John ]e Mareschal. Whereas it was lately agreed in the king's court Westminster. between David son of Griffin and Elizabeth his wife, on the one side, and the said John, on the other, that if John's manor of Fulsham should exceed, by an extent to be taken, in value the manor of Norton, which David and Elizabeth hold in dower, then the surplus value should be assigned by John to them in other lands or rents of his, as contained in a deed made between them, and the king now learns by extents that he has caused to be made by Richard de Holebrok, his steward, that the manor of Fulsham exceeds the manor of Norton in value by 161. 14s. Id.: the king therefore orders John to assign to David and Elizabeth the said 161. 14s. Id. from his other lands and rents, and in accordance with the agreement aforesaid. To Richard de H[olebrok, the king's steward. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that Herbert de Saltfleteby enfeoffed before his death William his son of all his lands in Malbethorp, Trusthorp, Thethelthorp, Skildbrok, and Saltfleteby, except three acres of meadow and pasture in Malbethorp and 3s. of rent in Thethelthorp, and that William had full and peaceful seisin thereof in accordance with the enfeoffment aforesaid, until the sub-escheator in co. Lincoln took the lands into the king's hands because Herbert held the manor of Kernington with certain other lands of Hugh de Nevill, deceased, tenant in chief: the king therefore orders the steward not to intermeddle with the lands aforesaid whereof William was enfeoffed, and not to hinder William from having his seisin of the same as he had them before they were thus taken into the king's hands. Nov. 7. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward beyond Trent. Order to Westminster. cause Roger de Munbray, son and heir of Roger de Munbray, to have seisin of the lands that his father held in chief of the late king, as the king has taken his homage and rendered the lands to him because he has proved his age before the king. The like to Richard de Holebrok and Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's stewards. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward, and William de Middelton, keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury during voidance. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have in the woods of the archbishopric twenty oaks fit for timber, to wit ten oaks in some wood near her manor of LaIMote where it may be done to the least damage to the woods and the greatest convenience to her, and ten oaks in another wood near the said manor, of the king's gift. To Amadeus de Sabaudia. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have fifty live deer (feras) to stock her park of Camel, of the king's gift. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause W. bishop of Norwich to have fifteen live does and five live sorrels (zourellos) to stock his park of Terringg, of the king's gift. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause Edmund, the king's brother, to have poles (virgas) and timber in the forest of Dene torepairtherewith his weirs in the water of Severn at Radleye. u 9699. i H 482 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 3-cont. To Matthew de Columbariis, keeper of the forest of Chet. The king is sending William son of Warin, his yeoman, to take in that forest live deer (feras) to stock his park of Windsor, and he orders Matthew to take there as many deer as may be taken without damage to the forest and as shall seem fit to him and William, certifying the king of the number taken. Nov. 7. To the barons of the exchequer. Robert de Pinkeny, son and heir of Windsor. Henry de Pynkeny, tenant in chief, has shown the king that whereas he was a minor in the king's wardship together with his lands, and the king took his homage on 4 February, in the sixth year of his reign, and rendered to him his lands, the constable of Windsor castle exacts 100s. from him for ward due to the castle aforesaid from certain of his lands for the time when they were in the king's hands by reason of the wardship aforesaid, and destrains him for the same unjustly: the king orders the barons, if they find that it is so, to cause Robert to be acquitted of 100s., provided that those in whose hands the lands were by the king's commission during the time for which the 100s. are exacted shall answer to the king therefor. To the bailiff of Wodestok. Order to receive from the keeper of the forest of Wicchewod ten oak-trunks (robora) for the king's fuel and the charcoal (carbones) from ten other oak-trunks that the king lately ordered to be felled, and to pay to the keeper his costs in felling the oak-trunks and making the charcoal, and to cause the oak-trunks and charcoal to be carried to the hospital of Quenynton against the king's arrival there, so that they shall be there before Christmas next. Mandate in pursuance to the keeper. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order not to distrain Richard de Hompton to become a knight, as the king wills that Richard shall not be distrained to take up knighthood. To Robert de Kaynes, keeper of the forest of Braden. Order to induce such men as he shall deem fit who have woods in that forest to accomodate (curialitatemfaciant) the king with twenty oak-trunks (roboribus), whereof the keeper shall cause ten to be felled and made into charcoal, and to deliver the charcoal and the other ten to the sheriff of Wilts to be carried to Petronilla de Valers' manor of Dunameneye against the king's arrival there, so that they shall be there before Christmas. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to receive and carry the said oak-trunks and charcoal as above, and to cause to be paid to the said Robert his expenses in felling the trunks and making the charcoal. To Ralph de Sandwyco and William de Middelton, keepers of the archbishopric of Canterbury. Order to cause the Friars Minors of Canterbury to have in the wood of Bokholt, pertaining to the archbishopric, five beeches for fuel, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Heury Werrays, Peter le Pestur, Andrew le Large, Laurence le Porere, Stephen Porere, Nicholas le Ferur, William de Faveresham, the younger, Thomas le Porer, Simon de la Markatfeld, Adam le Lung, Robert Vincent, Simon de Ercesla, Hugh Deny, Robert Mondekyn, Henry Wolebrond, and Thomas Strop, barons of the port of Sandwich, to be acquitted of 100s. in which they were amerced before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews because they did not come to an inquisition to be taken before the barons of the exchequer concerning certain trespasses committed upon a Jewess, as the king has pardoned them. 6 EDWARD I. 483 1278. Membrane 3-cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Michael de Arcla to be acquitted of 501. of the 3001. in which he made fine with the king for his trespass in marrying Richard son and heir of Gilbert de (sic) Fraunceys, tenant in chief, without the king's licence, of which fine the king lately pardoned him 1501., as the king has now pardoned him 501. at the instance of Queen Eleanor, his consort. MEMBRANE 2. Nov. 11. To Roger de Mounbray. Order to permit Roger le Estrange to dispose Westminster. of and make his profit of the issues of the present pannage of the woods lately in his hands by reason of the wardship of the lands that are of Roger de Mounbray's inheritance, which land the king has rendered to Roger de Mounbray, and to permit him to do the like with the corn sown in the said lands on the day when the king took Roger de Mounbray's homage. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that whereas Edmund, the king's brother, holds all the lands that Simon de [Monte] Forti held of the lands of the barony formerly belonging to John le Vesconte in Northumberland and elsewhere, by the late king's grant, in the same manner in which Simon held them in his life, and that certain debts are exacted from Edmund by summons of the exchequer by reason of the debts that John owed at his death for himself and his ancestors and that Simon owed to the exchequer, and that the king has granted to Edmund that he and the heirs of his body shall be acquitted of all the debts, fines, amercements, and all arrears that are or may be exacted from him by reason of the lands aforesaid, saving to the king and his heirs his recovery in case the lands come to the hands of others than Edmund and his heirs of the body, and order to cause Edmund to be acquitted accordingly, and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the barons of the port of Sandwich to be acquitted of 100 marks in which they were amerced before Nicholas de Turri and his fellows, justices in eyre in co. Kent, in 47 Henry III. for certain trespasses. To Thomas de Normanvill. Order to deliver to John Sampson of York nine messuages and nine bovates of land in Aberford and Lutrington, which Thomas took into the king's hands by reason of the death of Gilbert de Bemenall (Bernevall?), as the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas that Gilbert, who enfeoffed John of the premises, was at the time of the feoffment of sound mind and good memory, and that John had seisin thereof and took the esplees of the ferms, rents and other issues thereof before Gilbert's death. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the barons of the port of Faversham to be acquitted of the following sums, which the king has pardoned them:-40s. in which they were amerced for murder before Gilbert de Preston and his fellows, justices last in eyre in co. Kent, and 50 marks in which they were amerced for divers trespasses before Nicholas de Turri and his fellows, justices in eyre in the same county, 47 Henry III., and 151. in which they were amerced before the said Nicholas and his fellows in that eyre for three escapes of thieves, and half a mark in which they were amerced before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices in eyre in that county, in the 55th year of the said king's reign, for wine sold contrary to the assize. To the same. Order to cause the barons of Fordwich, which is a member of the port of Sandwich, to be acquitted of 100s. in which they were H H 2 484 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 2-cont. amerced before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices in eyre in co. Kent, 55 Henry III., for an escape of thieves, as the king has pardoned them. By K. in the presence of his council. Nov. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge Thomas Westminster. de Lovetot, son and heir of Roger de Lovetot, sometime the late king's sheriff in cos. Nottingham and Derby, of 301. 6s. 8d. for the escapes of thieves that Roger received of the time when he was sheriff, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the treasurer and barons that Roger received the money as pertaining to his ferm of those counties, and that other sheriffs were not then charged before the justices in eyre with the like escapes. By C. To the same. Order to respite until otherwise ordered the demand upon Baldwin Wake for the debts to be paid to the exchequer for the fine of Gnaresburg, and to audit his proofs (racionibus) of other debts exacted from him by the estreats of the exchequer, and to cause justice to be done to him according to the law and custom of the exchequer. By K. and C. To the justices of the Bench. Order to cause all the writs concerning the county of Hertford, as well of the late king's time as of the present king's time, pending in the Bench and not yet decided (perplacitata) to be sent to Hertford, there to be delivered to the justices to be decided in their eyre. To Roger le Bigot, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England. Order to send into chancery without delay such rolls of the Marshalsea of the king's army of Wales, in the fifth year of his reign, as he will warrant, concerning those who did their service to the king or had it with the king in the said army, so that the king may ascertain who did in full the service that they offered to him and who did not, and for how long each of them who offered service to him stayed in the army in his service, and who went away by leave, and who did not. The like to Stephen de Penecestre concerning the rolls in his possession. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to deliver to Reyner de Luk' and Orlandinus de Podio, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), the 3000 marks that the treasurer and chamberlains lately received from the tallage last assessed upon the community of the Jews of England, for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs enjoined upon the said merchants. By Anthony Bek. By bill of hand of Giles de Audenard, warden of the works of the Tower of London. Vacated, because on the Liberate roll. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Notification that the king has taken the homage of Joan, late the wife of Michael Pycot, kinswoman and one of the heiresses of William de Bello Campo, tenant in chief of the late king, both for her purparty of the lands that Amice, late the wife of the said William, held in dower of William's gift and for all the other lands that Michael and Joan held of Joan's inheritance, and that the king has rendered the same to her, and order to cause her to have seisin of her purparty, which was taken into the king's hands by reason of Amice's death, and of the other lands aforesaid, which the steward took into the king's hands for Joan's homage, and to restore to her everything received thence since they were taken into the king's hands. 6 EDWARD I. 485 1278. Membrane 2-cont. Nov. 12. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Alice, late the wife of Westminster. Geoffrey Berchant, has shown the king that whereas she [demanded] by writ before the justices of the Bench against the prior of Bridelington her dower of the free tenement that belonged to Geoffrey, to wit of one messuage, four tofts, a mill, a carucate of land, and ]Os. yearly of rent in Burton Flamming, and the prior vouched John de Carleton to warranty, who in his turn vouched to warranty John, son and heir of the said Geoffrey, a minor in the king's wardship, by reason whereof the assignment of the dower aforesaid has been greatly delayed to her damage, and the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that there ought to be no impediment in the way of her having her dower: the king therefore orders the steward to make an extent of all the lands aforesaid and to take security from her that she will not marry without the king's licence, and to cause dower to be assigned to her. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause A. bishop of St. Asaph to be acquitted of 100s. of the 81. yearly due from him for the custody of the manor of Wrocwardyn, which belonged to Robert Lestrange (Extranei), tenant in chief, the custody whereof the king committed to the bishop. By K. To Matthew de Columbariis. Order to permit Payn de Cadurcis to take six does in the forest of Chet, which does the king has given to him. To Geoffrey de Rokesle, late taker of the king's wines of the right prise throughout England. Order to allow John Denys of Sandwich for nine tuns of wine of the right prise of Sandwich in his account, as he delivered the said nine tuns on Tuesday the feast of the Purification, in the sixth year of the reign, to the king's cellars at Dover and at Northburn for the expenses of the king's household when the king was last there, as is testified by Hugh son of Otto, steward of the king's household. By bill of the wardrobe. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the barons of the port of Sandwich to be acquitted of 101. in which they made fine before John de Lovetot and Geoffrey de Newbaud for a trespass of wool, as they paid this sum into the wardrobe to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, on Tuesday the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, in the third year of the king's reign, by the hands of Stephen de Penecestre, constable of Dover castle. To the same. Whereas the late king ordered Gwychard de Charr[un], the sheriff of INorthumberland, to cause Hugh Pape and his fellows, citizens and merchants of Florence, to have 1000 marks for a debt that the said king owed to them, and Gwychard, because he was hindered by pretext of the said order, did not come to make his proffer at the exchequer in the usual way, and was therefore amerced in 100s.: the king orders them to acquit Gwychard of this sum, as he has pardoned him. Nov. 13. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to John Westminster. de Clinton, 181. yearly of lands in Olvestorp, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard that Thomas de Clinton and Mazera his wife enfeoffed the said John, their son, thereof, and that Thomas (sic) had full seisin thereof by the feoffment aforesaid, and that John after his mother's death demised the same to Thomas for life. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to respite until otherwise ordered the demand upon the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, for 100 marks exacted from them by summons of the exchequer. 486 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 2 —cont. The king requested his mother Queen Eleanor to oblige him (curialitatem facere) with six good oaks in her forest of Gillingham for his works within the castle of Shireburn, and that she will order her bailiffs of that forest to cause the constable of the castle to have the said oaks. To Matthew de Columbariis, keeper of the forest of Chet. Order to permit William son of Warin, the king's yeoman, to take 40 does in his bailiwick for the king's use against Christmas. To the constable of Arundel castle. Order to cause to be carried to Windsor before Christmas the seven bucks of the time of grease (de pinguedine) in the larder in his custody and all the cygnets (cignos juvenes) that he has. Bitherus Pesse, imprisoned at Norwich for the death of Jul[iana], late his wife, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him. To the constable of St. Briavel's castle. Order to cause Walter de Helyun to have three does, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Braden. Order to cause the said Walter to have three does, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas Edmund, the king's brother, holds the manor, castle, and honour of Monemuth, which belonged to the late John de Monemuth by the late king's grant, as fully as John held it in his life, and certain debts are exacted from Edmund by summons of the exchequer by reason of debts that John at his death owed to the exchequer for himself and his ancestors, and the king has granted to Edmund that he and the heirs of his body shall be acquitted of all the debts, fines, and amercements, accounts, and all arrears that are or may be exacted from him by reason of the manor, castle and honour aforesaid, saving to the king his recovery if the manor, castle and honour come to the hands of others: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Edmund to be acquitted accordingly. The like concerning the castle and honour of Tuttebir[y] and the honour of the county of Derby and all the lands of the said honours that Edmund holds of, the grant of Robert de Ferrariis. Edmund has also like letters concerning the castle, town and honour of Leicester and the lands of the same honour that belonged to Simon de Monteforti, sometime earl of Leicester, and all the lands that Simon held of any lords whomsoever. MEMBRANE 1. Nov. 14. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit William Westminster. de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, to have the office of the king's chamberlainship, in the same way as he was wont to have it, provided that he cause a suitable clerk for whom he will answer to be put in the exchequer to execute the office in his place, as the king, in consideration of his good service, has rendered to him the said office, which the king caused to be taken into his hands by reason of a trespass that William de Bradecot, the earl's clerk, was said to have committed in the exchequer, which trespass the king has remitted to the earl. To the same. Order not to permit anything to be taken henceforth for searching and examining feet of fines (cirographis), rolls, writs, and tallies, or for making transcripts of feet of fines, writs and enrolments, or for renewing lost tallies, by order of the king or of his justices, from any one 6 EDWARD I. 487 1278. Membrane 1-cont. by the ministers of the exchequer, and to cause these things to be done for nothing, and to cause enrolment to be thus made in the exchequer, as the king has lately learnt from the information of trustworthy men that those who supply the place of the chamberlains in the exchequer have been wont to take grievous fines and ransoms for such work by their own authority to the great damage of the men obtaining such searches, transcripts and renewals of tallies, although the making of such searches and renewals of tallies had been enjoined upon the chamberlains by the king's writs,'and the king, wishing to provide for the common benefit of the men of his realm, has asked William de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, one of the chamberlains of the exchequer, whether he claims to take such fines and ransoms as pertaining to his office or not, and the earl has wholly renounced before the king the taking of such fines and ransoms. [Red Book of the Exchequer, p. 973.] 1277. MEMBRANE 15d. John de Thorneton, John Tempest, Robert de Seby, Nicholas de Horton, and James de Werk of co. York, and Robert son of Manasser (Manseri) de Herre of co. Lincoln mainperned James de Liscynton, clerk of the sheriff of York, to have him before the king in the octaves of St. Hilary to answer for a writ sealed with a false seal that Belaseth, wife of Abraham son of Joceus, a Jew of York, delivered to the sheriff of York, which Jewess he [James] ought then to have arrested. Nov. 28. The aforesaid sheriff is ordered by the king's writ to have the bodies of Shrewsbury. the said Jews before the king at the same day to answer for the premises; which writ the chancellor delivered to the said clerk to be carried to the sheriff. ------- Day is given to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, and Master Robert de. —.. Scardeburg, who sues for the archbishop and dean and chapter of York, for the church of Knaresburg, before the king in the octaves of St. Hilary. Dec. 2. William de Saundeby, clerk, who is going by the king's licence to the Shrewsbury. schools at Montpellier, attorned before the king John de Saundeby in all pleas. And the king granted to him that John may make attorneys in William's name for two years, unless William return in the meantime. The abbot of Evesham puts in his place John de Wytechirch and Ralph de Evesham in the suit before the king between him and John de Draycote, Henry de Bars, and William de Toucestre, for the unjust taking and detaining of the abbot's cattle. Enrolment of agreement made on Saturday [after] the Nativity of St. Mary, 5 Edward, between Robert son of Roger and Robert de Tybetot, that John, son and heir of the former, shall marry Hawisia, daughter of the latter, before the quinzaine of Martinmas next, and shall dower her at the church door on the day of the wedding with 1001. yearly of land in his manor of Aynho, co. Northampton, and if that manor fall short of that value, he shall complete what is wanting in the manor of Bliburg, co. Suffolk, so that she may not exact more in name of dower during the life of John's father in case John die before him. When John reaches the age of twenty, Robert son of Roger shall be bound to enfeoff him of the said 1001. yearly of land and cause him to have seisin thereof. For the execution of the marriage, dower and feoffment, Robert de Tybotot is bound to Robert son of Roger in 600 marks, on condition that if Hawisia die under the age of thirteen years without an heir of her body, Robert son of Roger shall be bound to restore to Robert de Tybotot 400 marks of the aforesaid sum within a year of her death. For the observance of the premises the parties have given faith in 488 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1277. Membrane 15d-cont. the king's presence, and have granted that the king may take into his hands the lands of either of them who shall contravene these provisions, and shall receive the issues thereof until the infringing party complete the covenants, and until the premises be completed. In testimony whereof they have put their seals to this indenture, and have prayed that this deed may be enrolled in the rolls of the king's chancery for greater security. Memorandum, that Robert son of Roger came into chancery at Westminster, on 26 December, in the 6th year, and acknowledged the premises. ----- Robert son of Ralph de Reresby acknowledges that he owes to William - de Hennore* 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby. Adam de Moungomery attorned before the king in his place James de Welles in the suit before the king between him and Thomas Boterel and others, concerning a trespass committed upon him by them, and in the suit before the king by another writ between him and them concerning another trespass. William son of Warin came before the king, on Wednesday the feast of St. Thomas the Martyr, and sought to replevy to Henry de Candovre the latter's land in Fytelton, which was taken into the king's hands for Henry's default before the justices of the Bench against Elias de Marteny. Thomas Mauger came before the king, on Thursday after Christmas, and sought to replevy his land in Meddesel, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Peter de Ralegh. William Eggel of Little Waltham and Roesia his wife acknowledge that they owe to William de Middelton 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex. Thomas Mauger came before the king, on Thursday after Christmas, and sought to replevy his land in Medesol, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Peter de Ralegh. 1278. Jan. 1. Fulk de Mataz acknowledges that he owes to Matthew de Columbariis Westminster. 141. Is. 4d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. ---- - William le Caretter came before the king, on Sunday after the Circum- cision, and sought to replevy to Andrew de Loveny the latter's land in Little Lopen, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Walter de Loveny. Roger Lestrange (Extraneus) acknowledges that he owes to Nutus de Florencia, merchant, 50/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. The said Roger and Owen son of Griffin acknowledge that they owe to Nutus 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels. William le Caretter came before the king, on Wednesday after the Circumcision, and sought to replevy to Andrew de Loveny the latter's land, which was taken into the king's hands for Andrew's default in the king's court against Andrew (sic) de Loveny. Robert de Ielpeston acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert the cook 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. * Written Henoure in the marginal abstract. 6 EDWARD I. 489 1278. Membrane 15d —cont. Nicholas de Stafford, baron of Stafford, acknowledges that he owes to Nutus de Florencia, merchant, 23 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford. To do this he found as security Nicholas de Seynmor, who likewise acknowledged the debt; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, puts in his place John Pikard or Maurice de Lamheth against Nicholas, bishop of Winchester, in the suit before the king by writ concerning the advowson of the church of Portiaund. John de Bello Campo acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Pape, merchant, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels.Somerset. Ralph, abbot of Conche, who is going by the king's licence to parts beyond sea, puts in his place Philip le Esquier or John le Alemaunt or William Osbert in all pleas, and the king has granted, at the abbot's instance, that they may make attorneys for the abbot for three years from Christmas last. Henry le Caretter, Richard Attechirch, William le Fevere, John Prat, William son of Walter, Walter son of Matilda, Robert le Kalender, John son of Lyveve, John son of Matilda, Sigar (Sigarus) son of Emma, Robert Godwyn, John atte Lane, and Gunnilda atte Paleystowe, the men of John del Ewe of the manor of Kyngescler, put in their place Peter Atteputte or Godwin le Lung in the suit before the king between the said Henry, Richard, John son of Matilda, Sigar, Robert, John Attelane and Gunnilda and the aforesaid John del Ewe of this that John exacts from them other customs and other services than they ought and were wont to do in the times when the manor was in the hands of the kings of England. Robert de Catesden came before [the king], on Friday the morrow of St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to Anselm Basset the latter's land, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Isolda, late the wife of Walter Bluet. John de Geiton came before the king, on the morrow of St. Hilary, and sought to replevy his land, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against Richard de Wrockeshull. John le Faukener puts in his place John Portejoie in the suit before the king between him and John de Wintereshull and others named in the original writ of a plea of trespass.-Southants. R. bishop of Carlisle puts in his place Roger de Poklinton or James son of Ivo in the suit before the king by writ of right between the king, demandant, and the bishop, deforciant, concerning the church of Routhebir[y]. William HIeringaud acknowledges that he owes to William de Hertefeud 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Sussex and Southampton.-Northampton. Jan. 18. Thomas du Pyn acknowledges that he owes to William de Hertefeud Westminster. and Thomas de London[ia] 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Devon. Cancelled on payment. William de Henor came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to William le Clerk of Wautham the latter's land in Eton Leministre, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Giles Hakelutel and Jul[iana], his wife. 490 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 16d-cont. Brother Gilbert de Sautre came before the king, on Monday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to the abbot of Beaurepos the advowson of St. Mary's church, Fendrayton, which was taken into the king's hands for the abbot's default in the king's court against the abbot of St. Serge. See the schedule hanging to this for the debts due to the prior of Chartuse, Membrane 15d.-Schedule. Fees established of old for ever. There are owing to the prior of Chartuse of Selewode of the ancient appointed alms of the king, yearly 331. 6s. 8d. To the abbess and convent of Fontevrault, 821. 10s. 4d. To the Templars of the New Temple for the stipends of three chaplains celebrating there, 81. To the master and lepers of the hospital of St. Giles without Westminster, 60s. To the earl of Oxford for the third penny of the county of Oxford, 131. 6s. 8d. He has a writ. To the chaplain celebrating divine service for the soul of the Queen of Scotland, 60s. MEMBRANE 14d. Matilda,,late the wife of Thomas de Gilleslaund, puts in her place William Catun or Simon Messager or Richard Bywell in the suit before the king between her and John de Swineburn, Thomas son of Brice and others in a writ of a plea of trespass. Nicholas son of Martin came into chancery and acknowledged that he owed to the dean and chapter of Wells 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. For this recognisance the dean and chapter quit-claimed to Nicholas and his heirs their right in the advowson of the church of Westludeford, saving to them a yearly pension of half a mark in that church. Jan. 24. Thomas le Brevetur came before the king and sought to replevy the land Westminster. of Gilbert Blondel in Messinden, which was taken into the king's hands for Gilbert's default before the king against John le Marescal, the younger, Nicholas le Chapman, and Alice his wife. Given by the hands of R. bishop of Bath and Wells. Enrolment of agreement between the bishop of Hereford and the earl of Gloucester, whereby the earl renders to the bishop the chace of Colewell and Estenor, as fully and freely as the bishop's predecessors held it, and the earl shall remove his foresters thence, so that the bishop may have his keepers, and the bishop to use his seisin shall course there once, and immediately afterwards the course (le coure) shall remain in the king's hands, so that neither the one nor the other shall there course until the king's justices shall have taken inquisition by twelve men chosen from the parts of the counties of Hereford and Worcester if the twelve can agree, and if they cannot agree, the justices [shall choose] by their office men from those counties who shall not be suspected by either of the parties and by whom the truth may be best known, to ascertain whether it is the free chace of the bishop or whether the earl ought to course there at his pleasure. 6 EDWARD I. 491 1278. Membrane 14d-cont. The justices shall be in the said parts at the octaves of Candlemas to enquire the truth of this matter, and if they cannot determine the matter before Easter following, the king shall cause it to be determined by them or others. The justices chosen for this purpose are Sir Ralph de Hengham and Sir Walter de Helyun. French. Membrane 14d.-Schedule. Copy of agreement made on the morrow of the Circumcision, 6 Edward, between Sir David son of Griffin, prince of Wales, and Elizabeth his wife, late the wife of Sir William Mareschall, knight, on the one part, and John Mareschall, son and heir of the said William, on the other, whereby David and Elizabeth grant and surrender to John all the manor of Folesham, co. Norfolk, with the hundred, the advowsons of churches, homages, and all other appurtenances, which manor they held as Elizabeth's dower. For this grant John grants and releases to David and Elizabeth all his manor of Nort[on], co. Northampton, with all appurtenances, for Elizabeth's life in form of dower. It is agreed that if one manor exceed the value of the other, the deficiency shall be made good from the one of higher value. Witnesses: Sir Gilbert, earl of Gloucester, Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari, Sir Roger Bygod, earl Marshal, Sir John de Vaus, Sir Reginald de Grey, Sir Richard de Brewys, John the clerk. MEMBRANE 13d. Enrolment of letters of Richard de Lacy binding himself to enfeoff Joan Burnel of all the lands that the abbot and convent of Rievaux held in Fulketon at Midsummer, 1271, of the grant of dame Alice, late the wife of Sir Henry son of Walter de Fulketon, which the abbot and convent then demised to Sir William son of Thomas de Craystok, and to pass the lands by fine (ad cirographandum) the said lands to Joan, under the names of himself and of Juliana his wife, within a month of Easter, 1278, under pain of 2001. sterling to be paid to Sir R. bishop of Bath and Wells. Witnesses: Sir Alexander de Kirketon, Master Ralph de Wytham, Sir William de Middelton, Master Thomas de Seggesfeld, Nicholas de Clere, Ralph Sp[r]eingehose. Dated at London, 8 kal. February, 6 Edward. Thomas de Sancto Martino acknowledges, for himself and his heirs, that he owes to John de Sancto Dionisio, archdeacon of Rochester, executor of the will of L. (sic) bishop of Rochester, and to his co-executors 301.; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Suffolk. Feb. 3. Edmund, master of God's House, Dover, who is going to the Roman Dover. court by the king's licence, attorned before the king brother Roger de Ledes and brother Zacharias, brothers of that house, in all pleas, and the king, at Edmund's instance, granted that they may appoint attorney in Edmund's place in the king's court until Michaelmas next and for a year from then. Robert de Pinkeny acknowledges, for himself and his heirs, that he owes to Master Simon de Beauveys 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. William de Imole acknowledges that he owes to John de Sancto Dionisio, --- archdeacon of Rochester, and his co-executors of the will of Walter, late bishop of Rochester, 151.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge and Suffolk. 492 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 13d —cont. John Hersaund puts in his place Robert de Assheburn and Henry de Karleton in the suit before the king between him and the abbot of Whiteby and others in a writ of a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. Simon Bledye puts in his place Robert de Assheburn and Henry de Karleton in the suit before the king between him and the abbot of Whiteby and others, of a plea that the abbot and the others in the writ shall be attached to answer to him why they distrained him by his sheep and plough-oxen contrary to the king's statute. Robert Holt puts in his place Robert de Assheburn and Henry de Karleton in the suit before the king between him and the abbot of Whiteby and others in a plea of trespass. John de Boulton acknowledges that he owes to Master Thomas Bek 130 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. MEMBRANE 12d. Feb. 16. The king asks Aldebrandinus Guidicionis and Adjutus Rotiompil,' Northbourne. citizens of Lucca, and their fellows, merchants of Lucca, to give credence to brother John de Derlinton and Master William de Luda in the matters that touch Orlandinus de Podio, their fellow. Also the king asks Edmund his brother to confer upon Matthew de Columbariis, the king's butler, until the end of Edmund's term of the county of Champagne (Campan') the allowance (graciam) that Matthew's sister has been hitherto wont to receive in money, corn, and other rents in the bailiwick (consergeria) of, Columbers, which are asserted to amount to 501. Tournois yearly. Robert de Pynkeny and Adam de Ryges acknowledge that they owe to Stephen de Cornhulle, citizen of London, 41.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Bucks. Feb. 25. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to attach William de Monte Caniso, The Tower. Richard Bridel, Robert de Genehuth, William Heriard, Alexander Snaw, Richard Glidewyne and Peter Crumberd, so that he may have their bodies before the king in fifteen days from Easter to answer to him why, since he is bound to preserve peace in his realm, they lately committed certain robberies and other trespasses upon Robert de la Gore by force and arms, contrary to the form of the statute provided by the common counsel of the realm and contrary to the king's peace. March 12. John de Tracy acknowledges in chancery that he owes to W. archbishop Quenington. of York 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. --- - Walter de Capbrugg and Peter le Clerk, citizens of Winchester, --- mainperned before the king to have Philip de Elmyn, citizen of that city, before him in a month from Easter to answer to Bernard de Norlak, merchant, for a sum of money in arrear to Bernard of certain debts in which Philip was bound to him. If Walter and Peter do not bring Philip, they shall satisfy Bernard for the money at the said day. March 19. Dionisia, wife of John de Boyvill, puts in her place John, her husband, Down Ampney. and Thomas le Mey in the suit in the hustings of London by writ of right attermined before the king by writ between the said John and Dionisia, demandants, and Osbert de Suff[olchia], tenant, concerning a messuage and four shops in London. 6 EDWARD I. 493 1278. Membrane 12d.-Schedules. Feb. 11. To S. bishop of Waterford, treasurer of Ireland. Notification that the Dover. king has granted to him power to receive the attorneys of Ralph Pypard and Sibyl his wife in all pleas for a year from Easter day, with power for the attorneys to appoint others under them, and order to certify the king of the names of the attorneys. Letter of the aforesaid treasurer certifying the king that he has received Roger son of Richard de Molaghcori and Walter son of Walter de Hampton as attorneys of the said Ralph and Sibyl. Dated at Leixlip (Saltum Salmonis), Friday before Holy Trinity, 1278. MEMBRANE lid. March 21. To R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, and to Otto de Down Ampney. Grandisono. The king commends the care and solicitude exhibited by them in his affairs in the court of France, for which he thanks them, and he hopes that they will finish prudently at fitting times what they have there begun wisely. He therefore orders them and requests them to fulfil and complete properly with all diligence and industry according to their discretion the affairs enjoined upon them by him for which they now journeying to Gascony, in accordance with the duty of the office undertaken by them, observing in all things the order and honesty of right, and this they are enjoined not to omit for the sake of any acceleration of their return to England, especially as the king has no one about him whom he believes could know the premises and do his will in the premises better and more advantageously than them, not even if he were himself to attend to the matters there in person. As the Gascons are reputed to be very full of cavil (cavillosi) and changeable in their agreements, proposals, promises, and deeds, the king believes it to be very necessary that the bishop and Otto shall cause all and singular the things that shall be agreed upon, ordained, and done by them with the Gascons to be done diligently and circumspectly by means of writings, penalties, and other sorts of obligations, and especially the deeds concerning the count of Perigord, concerning which, as the king understands, greater and more diligent caution should be exhibited; so that in times to come they shall not presume in their insolence boldly to contravene their own deeds, and so that their own deed and surety may be objected to their faces eye to eye to repress their malice for ever. Concerning those things that the bishop and Otto have signified to the king by the aforesaid (sic) Anthony, he orders them to show always in those things the faith and belief of St. Mary, the Lord's mother, rather than the faith of St. Thomas the Apostle, for it shall never happen that the king for any cause shall wish to revoke or change their deeds there, but he will cause to be observed and held firmly hereafter those things, which he deems rather his own deeds than theirs. In addition, he wishes them to know that he and the affairs of his land of England and of the Marches are prospering by God's grace as he would wish, for even Llewelyn, prince of Wales, appearing before the king's justices there, with good will seeks and receives justice and judgment before the justices concerning those things that he demands from others and that are demanded from him by others; and A. king of Scotland has offered and tendered to the king unconditionally his homage due to the king by his solemn envoys, and the king has given him day to do this at London at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, when the bishop and Otto will be present, God willing. The king has for certain reasons detained their yeoman, the bearer of the presents, for four days until the coming of the aforesaid Anthony to him, and he wills that they shalt excuse the yeoman's delay. He wishes them to signify to him by frequent information any news worthy of relation when they hear them. [Fcedera.] 494 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane l d-cont. ----- William, prior of Farnl[eye], puts in his place William Seliman and John - le Frye in the suit before the king between him and Roger atte Broke, Henry le Conestable, John le Kyng, William Leveston, Walter de Whitewell, William Uppewell, and Beatrice Harding, men of the prior's manor of Alinton, which is of the ancient demesne of the crown, in a plea that the prior exacts from them other customs and other services than he ought to do. Apr. 3. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause regard to be made in the forest Devises. of Gillingham before the coming of the justices of the Forest, so that the regard shall be made before Midsummer next. The like to the sheriff of Wilts for the said forest. The like to the sheriff of Worcester for the forest of Fecham. May 2. The like to the sheriff of Southampton for the New Forest. Lyndhurst. [ Capitula.] May 27. The like letters to the sheriff of Nottingham for the) Westminster. forest of Schyrwod. I The like to the sheriff of York for the forest of The regard to be Galtres. made before The like to the sheriff of Cumberland for the forest of made before Inglewode. The like to the sheriff of Northumberland for the forest of Northumberland. Richard Atteaks came before the king, on Palm Sunday, and sought to --- replevy to Adam de Sancto Georgio and Roger Whyppup their land in Endon, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the king against Edward Spitty. Roger Bonamy came before the king, on Sunday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy the land of Henry son of Matilda, William Cobbe, Thomas de Grette, Jul[iana] Cobbe, and William Hereberd in Possethorn, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against John de Chastel. John de Harcurt and Joan his wife put in their place Colett' Mitre and Laurence de Kalevill in the suit before the king between John le Marescal and the said John and Joan concerning the manors of Hengham, Banham, and Messingham. Roger le Waleys came before the king, on Saturday the eve of Easter, and sought to replevy to John son of John de la Penne the latter's land in Bekenefeld, Burnham, Farnham, and Estburnham, which was taken into the king's hands for John's default in the king's court against William de la Penne. Robert de Burton, Reginald le Messer, Richard Cressebien, John de Rudes, Henry Portut, Randolph Portut, Godfrey de Wyk, William Heym, John de Frogemere, Walter de Holnerse, and Robert de Haliwelle put in their place Walter Peyn and William Sparue in the suit before the king between them and Andrew Wake concerning the unjust taking and detaining of Andrew's cattle. John, parson of the church of Chalk, puts in his place Robert Waryn in the suit before the king between him and Gilbert de Clare; earl of Gloucester and Hertford, Richard de Heydon, and William de Coleshesel concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. 6 EDWARD I. 495 1278. Membrane lid-cont. Apr. 29. John de Grymstede, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Lyndhurst. Chaunberleyn 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Margaret, late the wife of Hubert Hoese, puts in her place William Limmyng and William de Fisheldon in the suit before the king between her and John Gugou, Thomas Gugou and others contained in the original writ of a trespass committed upon her by them. John de Wynterburn puts in his place William Lemmyng and William de Fishelden in the suit before the king between her and John Gwynn and others contained in the original writ. May 2. Brother William, abbot of Neuham, who is going to parts beyond sea by Lyndhurst. the king's license, attorns before the king brother Richard de Cycestre, his monk, in all pleas, and the king has granted that Richard may appoint attorneys in the abbot's name, until All Saints next, unless the abbot return to England in the meantime. John de Chastel came before the king, on Wednesday after the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy his land in Bruges, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the bailiffs of Bruges in the king's court against Henry del Chastel. May 4. Walter de Wyke of the parish of Gillingham acknowledges that he owes Winchester. to Benedict son of Abraham de Wyntonia, a Jew, 251.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Dorset and Southampton. Memorandum, that Benedict came into chancery, and remitted to WValter for the above sum all debts due to him from Walter. May 2. To Guyschard de Charron and Geoffrey Aguillon. Notification that the Lyndhurst. king has assigned to John de Percy, son and heir of Henry de Percy, a minor, who appeared in person before the king, Richard de Dyne and Peter de Toppeclyve as guardians in the assize of morte d'ancestor that John arramed before the king against Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, concerning 221. yearly of rent in Toppeclyve and Wilton in Clyvelond. The king notifies this to Guyschard and Geoffrey so that they may, according to the duty of their office, receive Richard and Peter for this purpose, and so that they may cause to be done further in this assize what should be done of right and custom. MEMBRANE 10d. May 4. To the prior and chapter of Christ Church, Canterbury. The king Winchester. thanks them for granting, at his request, that W. elect of Norwich may be consecrated at Lamheth, and he grants that their concession shall not prejudice them or their church in the future. In order to provide further for their security, he has ordered the said W. to make his letters patent to them and to procure letters patent of his chapter to be made to them that prejudice shall not arise to them or their said church by the grant made upon this occasion and that it shall not hereafter be drawn into a precedent. [Prynne, Records, iii. 222.] May. To John Bek and Fulk Lovel, justices appointed to hear the pleas of Winchester. merchants. Whereas the late king, after the arrests of goods of his merchants made by merchants of Flanders, ordered by his letters patent, which the king has inspected, Nicholas Beket, Robert Bonet, William Dikeman, and Thomas de Aundever, then bailiffs of Southampton, to cause to be delivered from the goods of Walter Merchyne, merchant of Flanders, 496 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane l Od-cont. that were arrested in Southampton by the late king's order and that were in the bailiffs' hands, to Simon le Draper, citizen and merchant of Winchester, goods to the value of sixteen sacks of wool, to be retained for his use in recompence for his goods that were arrested by merchants of Flanders; and the aforesaid justices have given orders that Simon shall be distrained by his lands and chattels, as the king learns from his complaint, so that the sheriff of Southampton shall have his body before the king at Lincoln in three weeks from Easter last to answer for the value of the wool thus delivered to him by the late king's order: the king, not wishing that Simon shall be aggrieved contrary to the late king's grant, orders the justices not to molest or aggrieve Simon contrary to the late king's letters if the goods thus delivered to him do not exceed in value the goods that he lost in Flanders. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Benedict (Benettus) de Wyntonia, a Jew, has shown the king that whereas the king lately ordered the sheriff of Southampton to make an extent of the lands of Thomas de Chelewarton, who was indebted to Benedict by his charters in the chest of the chirographers, and to cause a moiety of his lands to be assigned to Benedict, saving to Thomas the chief messuage and a moiety of all his lands, in accordance with the form of the king's provision and grant to Christians indebted to Jews, and the sheriff has caused a moiety of the lands to be assigned to Benedict excepting a moiety of certain gardens near Thomas's houses in Chelewarton and Anne: the king orders the justices to make an extent of the said gardens, and to cause a moiety thereof to be assigned to Benedict, saving to Thomas the chief messuage and a moiety of the gardens. Maurice de Berkele acknowledges that ho owes to Henry de Berkele 78 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. The said Maurice acknowledges that he owes to Henry 30 marks. Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid Maurice, witnessing that he is bound to Sibyl, daughter of Sir Henry de Berkele, in 50 marks sterling, in which he was bound to Sir Henry and which Henry granted to her for her marriage, to wit 30 marks for releasing an agreement made between him and Henry for placing one of Henry's daughters in a nunnery (in religione) at Maurice's cost, and 20 marks of a fine of 300 marks that Maurice made with Henry. If Sibyl die unmarried before payment, Maurice shall be bound to render to Henry the arrears of the said sum, and he grants that, if he fail in payment of this sum, the sheriff of Gloucester may levy it from his lands for Sibyl's use. He has acknowledged this in the king's court, and procured its enrolment in chancery. Dated at London, in a month from Easter, in the sixth year of the king's reign. Memorandum, that Maurice came into chancery, and acknowledged that he owed the said sum to Sibyl; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Philip Daubeny puts in his place Thomas Fraunceys in the suit before -- the king between him and Emeric de Rupe Cauardi and Matilda his wife, Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hereford, Robert de Boyton, and Ralph de Bele Launde of a plea of land in Kynemerdon, co. Somerset. Hugh de Acle, William Fraunceys and William Berner put in their place William le Waleys and John Mathi of Craneford in the suit before the justices of the Bench between them and Robert Picot of a plea of land in Craneford. 6 EDWARD I. 497 1278. Membrane l0d-cont. William de Ros, son of Robert de Ros, acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Britteshale, knight, 16 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Christiana de Worting, Peter de la Clyve, Richard Oliver, Agnes de Ewell, Thomas Taylard and Edith his wife, and Alan de Portesmutha put in their places Master Robert de Ewell and John de Baggemere to prosecute the right falling to them by inheritance of the lands that belonged to Walter de Merton, their ancestor, in cos. Southampton, Leicester, Northampton, Kent, Surrey, and Bucks. May 21. Eudo la Zusch acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull, Westminster. citizen of London, 171. 16s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Bucks and Bedford. May 28. Robert le Venur acknowledges that he owes to Master Ralph de Wycham, Westminster. archdeacon of Bath, 3751.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Cancelled on payment. ---- Adam de Creting, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Poste and Hugh Pape, merchant, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. To do this he found as sureties John de Cameys and John le Estrange, who made like acknowledgment; to be levied, in Adam's default, of their lands in co. Cambridge. May 29. William de Insula, executor of the will of John de Insula, his father, Westminster. came into chancery, and released to William de Monte Revelli and R. bishop of Bath and Wells, his surety, all debts and exactions that he might have against them by reason of the said will and by reason of the will of Agnes de Villelada in Gascony, late the wife of the said John, and acknowledges that he had been paid for all debts that William de Monte Revelli owed to him for the purchase of the land of Villelade, which belonged to the said Alice. -—.- Master Oliver de Sutton, dean of Lincoln, acknowledges in chancery, for - himself and the chapter of Lincoln, that he owes to the abbot and convent of Vale Royal 4001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of release by Ralph de Hauvill to the king and to Queen Eleanor, his consort, lords of the manor of Burgh (de Burgo), of all the lands that he had in that manor, with all appurtenances. Witnesses: Sir Robert Tybbetot, Sir Payn de Cadurcis, Sir Richard de Bruys, Sir Bartholomew de Sulleye, Sir Hugh son of Otto, and Walter de Helyun, knights; Anthony Bek, John de Kyrkeby, Master Geoffrey de Aspale, Walter de Kancia. Enrolment of surrender and release by John, abbot, and the convent of Vale Royal, co. Chester, to the king, the founder of their monastery, of the advowson of the church of Esseburn and of all the chapels of the same, which the king gave to them and which the late king confirmed. Witnesses: Sir Thomas de Cantilupo, bishop of Hereford; Sir William de Middelton, bishop of Norwich; Sir William de Valencia, Sir Robert de Tybotot, Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari, Sir Hugh son of Otto, Master Thomas Bek, Sir Anthony Bek, Sir J. de Kirkeby, Master Roger de Seyton, Master Robert de Scardeburg, and Sir Ralph de Hengham. u 96998. II 498 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 278. Membrane lOd-cont. Memorandum, that the abbot came into chancery, and acknowledged, for himself and his successors, that the advowson is the right of the king, as contained in the charter, which is likewise enrolled on the charter roll of this year. MEMBRANE 9d. William son of William de Sadinton acknowledges that he owes to Patrick de Cadurcis 13s. 4d.; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester. Master Henry Sampson of Agmundesham acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Poterton 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Alice de Bello Campo acknowledges that she owes to William son of Warin de Monte Caniso 601.; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. William de Brok acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. Cancelled on payment. William son of Thomas de Creystok puts in his place John son of Elias and John Cort in the suit before the king between him and Ranulph de Dacre, John de la Chapele, Robert Bussel, John Beggil, and Bertram de Joneby of a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. Enrolment of release by Roger Loveday to the king and Queen Eleanor his consort, of the manor of Farleye, co. Kent, which Roger held of the inheritance of Sir Robert de Crevequer. Witnesses: Thomas, bishop of Hereford, W. bishop of Norwich; Sir Robert Tybbetot, Bartholomew de Sulley, Stephen de Penecestre, John de Cobeham, Walter de Helyun, John de Lovetot, Geoffrey de Picheford, knights; Anthony Bek, John de Kyrk[eby], Master Geoffrey de Aspale. Henry do Sancto Paulo puts in his place Simon de Sancto Paulo and Henry le Hore against Walter, prior of Burencestre, Henry de Techewych, brother William de Burencestre, Henry de la Mare, Philip Raisun, John le Simple, William de Chilterne, Robert son of Henry Waryn of Clifton, John le Stalier, Henry de Tywe of Mildecumbe, and John de Notegereshale of a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. MEMBRANE 8d. Henry le Ferrur came before the king, on Sunday after St. Barnabas, and sought to replevy to Ralph de (sic) Cachepol and Matilda his wife, their land in Edrinton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Ralph son of Simon le Fraunkeleyn. Robert de Ormeby came before the king, on Monday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy his land in Brinke and that of Robert de Harington and Richard de Parys in the same town, which were taken into the king's hand for their default before the justices of the Bench against Sarah, late the wife of Alan son of Robert le Mouner. John Synay came before the king, on Friday after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy the land of John Scarye and Alice his wife in Essecote, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Agnes, late the wife of Herbert de la Hethe. 6 EDWARD I. 499 1278. lembrane 8d-cont. Adam de Sancto Georgio and Roger Whyppup came before the king, on Friday the feast of St. Bartholomew, and sought to replevy his land in Endon, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Edward Spitti. Enrolment of release by William de Leyburn, knight, son of the late Roger de Leyburn, to the king, and Queen Eleanor, his wife, of all his castle of Ledes, which is called 'la Mote,' in Ledes and Brumfeld, and all his manor of Ledes with the park of Asshelegh, with the woods and the knights' fees that Sir Roger de Leyburn, his father, had or might have had of the gift of Sir Robert de Crevequer in co. Kent. Witnesses: Thomas, bishop of Hereford, and W. bishop of Norwich, Sir Robert Tibbetot, Sir Bartholomew de Sull[ey], Sir Stephen de Penecestre, Sir John de Cobeham, Sir Walter de Helyun, Sir John de Lovetot, Sir Geoffrey de Picheford, knights; Anthony Bek, John de Kyrk[eby], Master Geoffrey de Aspale. Memorandum, that William came into chancery, and acknowledged and quit-claimed the premises. Enrolment of grant by the aforesaid William to the king and queen of the premises. Witnesses: Thomas, bishop of Hereford, and W. bishop of Norwich; G. de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, J. earl of Warenne, Roger de Mortuo Mari, Roger de Clifford, Robert de Tibbetot, Anthony Bek, Stephen de Penecestre, Richard de Tany, John de Lovetot, Walter de Helyun, John de Kyrk[eby], Walter de Kam. June 22. Memorandum, that William came into chancery and acknowledged the Westminster. premises. Enrolment of deed by John de Aveynes acknowledging that he is bound to Eleanor, late the wife of John de Verdun, in 1001. to be paid at the New Temple, London, for the release that she has made to him of her dower of the free tenement that her husband had at one time of the gift of Maurice son of Gerald in Ireland, and granting that the sheriffs of the counties in England and Ireland in which he has lands may levy the said sum if he fail in payment, and that the sheriffs may levy for each distraint 100s. for the use of the king. For further security he has found sureties, to wit Sir William de Valencia and Sir Robert de Tybbetot, who made like obligation, and John has acknowledged this debt in chancery. Sir William de Valencia and Sir Robert have sealed this deed as well as John. Dated at Westminster, on Thursday in Whitsun week, 1278. Memorandum, that the aforesaid Eleanor came into chancery by William de Walecote, her attorney, and acknowledged the premises in form aforesaid. And John de Aveynes likewise came by William Mortimer, his attorney, and acknowledged the aforesaid sum; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. And he found sureties as above, who constituted themselves principal debtors, and also acknowledged the debt by William de Mortimer, their attorney. And J. de Kyrk[eby] took the attornment and acknowledgment. William de Hamelton and Master Henry de Bray acknowledge that they owe to Bartholomew de Castello 61. 4s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Eleanor, queen of England, the king's consort, acknowledges that she owes to William de Leyburn 400 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels. William de Leyburn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Peisson 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. x1 2 500 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 8d-cont. Enrolment of release from Master Philip de Boulton, surgeon, to the king of his right in 10 marks of yearly rent that he had of the gift of Sir John de Burgo, sometime ear] of Kent, from certain of the earl's tenants in Misterton, Stretton, Misne, and Bolum, pertaining to the earl's manor of Whetele, co. Nottingham. Witnesses: Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward beyond Trent, Alan de Walkingham (sic), William de Seleby, Richard de cI Capeles, Gilbert de Lysurs. Dated at London, on Friday the eve of St. Barnabas, 6 Edward. Memorandum, that this charter was delivered to Thomas de Normanvill to be carried to the exchequer and to be there enrolled. --—. The abbot of Messinden acknowledges that he owes to William de Luton..- 9 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bucks. Roger de Parys acknowledges that he owes to William de Luton 18 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in London, and in cos. Essex and Sussex. Memorandum, that William de Alditeley, by Alan Osemund his attorney, and Lucy, late the wife of Henry de Aldithelegh, who demands from William her dower of all her husband's lands, by John Wade, her attorney, came into chancery at Westminster, in the octaves of Midsummer, and they granted that if they were agreed in this matter within the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, they shall appear before the king and that the matter shall remain in the same state as it was in at the octaves aforesaid. June 26. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to distrain those of his bailiwick who Westminster. have 201. yearly of lands or a whole knight's fee worth 201. yearly and who hold in chief and ought to be knights, to receive knighthood before Christmas, and to distrain all those of his bailiwick having lands of the aforesaid value and a whole knight's fee of that value who ought to be knights, of whomsoever they may hold, to receive knighthood at Christmas or in the meantime; so that the sheriff shall receive security from them for doing this, and to cause the names of such men to be written in a roll by the view of two knights of that county, and to send their names to the king without delay under his own seal and the seals of the two knights. The king wishes the sheriff to know that he will make diligent examination (execucionem) concerning the sheriff's behaviour in executing this order, and will cause a fitting remedy to be provided. [Parl. Writs.] The like to all the sheriffs of England. [lbid.] Membrane 8d-Schedule. June 10. To William Hamelyn. Writ granting to him power to receive the Westminster. attorneys of Eleanor, late the wife of John de Verdun, in the suit before the justices of the Bench of Dublin between her, demandant, and John de Aveynes and Agnes his wife, deforciants, concerning her dower in Addare, Grene, Alekath, and Gremoch in Ireland. Endorsed with return that Eleanor appointed William de Walcote and John de Coventre her attorneys. MEMBRANE 7d. June 26. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to summon the abbot of Croxton to Westminster. be before the justices at Westminster in fifteen days from Michaelmas to show cause why, since it is contained in the provision of Merleberge that 6 EDWARD I. 501 1278. Membrane 7d-cont. men of religion should not have power to enter the fee of another without the licence and will of the chief lord of that fee, to wit the lord of whom it is immediately held, he has entered 200 acres of land and 20 acres of meadow in Berskaldeby that are of the fee of Robert Loterel and that Philip de Gandavo held immediately of Robert, without Robert's licence and will. Enrolment of deed of Stephen de Chenduit, knight, witnessing that whereas he granted to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, the debts and chattels that he had of the grant of Hagin, a Jew of London, according to what is contained in Hagin's stars, which debts and chattels she derained against Hagin before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer,'the justices and others of the king's council, Stephen hereby grants and promises that neither he nor any one in his name shall intermeddle with the said chattels, debts, houses, rents or possessions without her licence to give, sell, pledge, use, or otherwise alienate or consume them. For the observance of this grant and promise he has taken bodily oath, and charges himself with its observance under pain of loss of his goods, which he empowers the queen to take into her hands without contradiction in case of contravention, and he has caused the acknowledgment of this matter to be enrolled in chancery. Dated at Windsor, 4 July. ------ Enrolment of letter of Henry de Glaston[ia], son and heir of Robert de --- GGlaston[ia], witnessing that whereas the late king granted to him by letters patent 201. yearly from the ferm of the town of Andever, until the said king should provide him with 201. yearly of land from wardships or escheats, and that the present king has granted to him, for quitclaiming the aforesaid sum, the next marriage falling to the king of a girl receiving 301. yearly of land from her inheritance, and 1001. for buying marriages for the use of Henry's sisters, Henry, in consideration hereof, hereby releases to the king the aforesaid 201. yearly. Witnesses: Master Thomas Bek, archdeacon of Dorset; Sir John de Kyrk[eby], archdeacon of Coventry; Sir Walter de Helyun, knight; Sir William de Haninton, Walter de Odiham, Hugh de Kendale, and Robert de Scardeburgo, clerks of the king's chancery. Memorandum, that this charter is enrolled on the Charter rolls of this year. Richard de Reigny came before the king on Sunday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, and sought to replevy his land in Est Lidford, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Walter de Dunheved. ---- Memorandum, that William de Brehus' came into chancery at Windsor, -- and released to Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, his right in the manor of Okham, which formerly belonged to James Haunsard, his late tenant, and which James gave by his charter (sic), concerning which manor James Haunsard, son and heir of the said James, arramed an assize of novel disseisin, whereby he recovered his seisin of the manor, and afterward enfeoffed the earl thereof, concerning which William brought an attaint against James and the earl. For this release the eirl rendered to William in the king's court all the lands in Bacham of the earl's fee of Effingham, which lands formerly belonged to John Haunsard, brother of the said James Haunsard and uncle of the said James son of James, of whom James [son of James] is the heir, which lands William had of the gift of the aforesaid James Haunsard the father, and concerning which William arramed an assize of novel disseisin against the earl, and James son of James arramed an assize of mort d'ancestor against the earl. The earl in addition acknowledges that he owes 100 marks to William, who agrees to save the 502 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 7d-cont. earl harmless of any amercement by reason of [the assize of] mort d'ancestor at the prosecution of James son of James. ----- Robert de Singilton puts in his place William son of Adam de Hameleton in the suit before the king between him and Alan de Singelton, William brother of Alan, and Thomas son of Alan concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Enrolment of deed of Maurice de Credonio, lord of Craon (Credonio), witnessing that he has sold, in consideration of 7301. 13s. 4d., to Orlandinus de Podio and his fellows, merchants of Lucca, the wardship of the manors of Risinges, Conventre, Neston, and of two parts of the manors of Walton, Drax, and Rasene, which belonged to John Paganelli, of the manor of Wolverton, which belonged to John son of Alan, all of which were held in chief of the king, who granted the wardship thereof to Maurice during the minority of the heirs of the said (sic) Robert de Monte Alto, John Paganelli, and John son of Alan. Dated at Windsor, 14 July 1278. July 15. To the keepers of the coming (instancium) fair of Boston. Whereas the Windsor. late king, in the 56th year of his reign, caused proclamation to be made throughout his realm, that no native or alien merchant or other should sell to any one or deal in any cloths that were not of the right measure according to the old assize, and the king and the prelates, magnates, and community of his realm sustain great damage because the cloths of native and alien merchants and of others are not of the right breadth according to the assize aforesaid: the king, wishing the proclamation to be continued, and to provide a remedy for such damage, orders the keepers to cause proclamation to be made in the fair that merchants and others having such cloths shall dispose (se deliberent) thereof by sale or otherwise before the next Stanford fair, so that thenceforth every cloth of England worth 4s. an ell and upwards shall be of the breadth of two ells within the lists, and other cloths of lower price shall be of the breadth of seven quarters, according to the assize used from of old, and so that every cloth from parts beyond sea that is of two (sedibus) shall be of the length of twenty-six ells, and of the breadth of six quarters between the lists, and that all the cloth, both from this side the sea and from beyond, that shall not be of the length and breadth aforesaid, except serges (assaiis) of parts beyond sea and of Scotland and Ireland, for which there is no certain measure in the realm, shall be taken into the king's hands, so that they shall be entirely forfeited (incurrantur) to him. The like, 'de verbo ad verbum,' to the sheriff of Lincoln 'to cause proclamation to be made in the said fair and throughout all his bailiwick. Oct. 23. The like to the steward of the abbot of Westminster and the bailiffs of Westminster. the coming fair of Westminster. ---- Richard Pig of Beydon, co. Wilts, acknowledges that he owes to William. ---- de Dun 401.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. To do this he found as sureties Roger de Cumbe, of the same county, and Hugh Pruet, of co. Somerset, who made themselves principal debtors, and made like acknowledgment; to be levied, in Richard's default, of their lands and chattels in the said counties. a Joan de Percy, late the wife of Walter de Percy, acknowledges that she owes to William de Percy 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands. To do this she found as sureties Richard de Boys, Robert de Wytefeud, Henry Baret, and Thomas de Broneshull, who made themselves piincipal debtors, etc. 6 EDWARD I. 4 508 1278, Membrane 7d-cont. William le Mareschal came before the king, on Monday the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, and sought to replevy a third of 40s. of rent in Upton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Agatha, late the wife of Ralph Basset. Aug. 10. To the sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Whereas the king has granted to Gloucester. the Jews of England that they may pay a moiety of the tallage of 3,000 marks last assessed upon them at the quinzaine of Michaelmas, and the other moiety, which they ought to pay according to the king's previous order to the sheriff at the quinzaine of Martinmas, at the quinzaine of St. Hilary: the king orders the sheriff to prorogue payment of the said moiety from the Martinmas term to the quinzaine of St. Hilary, after receiving security from the Jews of his bailiwick, as fully contained in the previous order, so that he may have the money assessed upon Jews of his bailiwick at the said terms of Michaelmas and St. Hilary. The like to all the sheriffs of England and to the constable of the Tower. Aug. 16. Walter de Howes came before the king, on Sunday the eve of the Gloucester. Assumption, and sought [to replevy] the land of Derveguilla de Park, John Champion of Hokinton and Constance (Custancie) his wife in Maddingleye, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court. MEMBRANE 6d. Aug. 13. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause summons and proclamation Gloucester. to be made of an eyre to be holden at Herteford on the morrow of All Souls next before Godfrey, bishop of Worcester, John de Reygate, William de Nortburg, and others. Vacated, because otherwise below. Aug. 16. To the sheriff of Hereford (sic). Like order for an eyre at Herteford. Gloucester. The like to the sheriff of Cumberland for an eyre at Carlisle on the morrow of All Souls. Membrane 6d.-Schedule. The Justices of the Bench for the pleas of the King. Ralph de Hengham, chief, who receives yearly in the name of fee for his maintenance in the king's service 60 marks at two terms. Nicholas de Stapelton - 50 marks at two terms, Walter de Wimburn - - - 40 marks at two terms. Total: 150 marks. The Justices of the Bench at Westminster. Thomas de Weilaund, chief - - -60 marks. Walter de Helyun - -- 50 marks. John de Lovetot - - 50 marks. Roger de Leycestria - 40 marks. William de Brompton - - nothing so far. Total: 200 marks. 504 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 6d —Schedule-cont. The Justices in eyrefor the north, to wit in cos. Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Northumberland. The abbot of Westminster, chief. John de Vallibus. William de Saham - - - 50 marks. Roger Loveday - - 40 marks. John de Metingham - - 40 marks. Master Thomas de Sodinton - - - 40 marks. The Justices in eyre for the south, to wit in cos. Hertford and Kent. The bishop of Worcester, chief. John de Reigate - - 60 marks. Geoffrey de Leukenor - - - 40 marks. William de Norburg - - 40 marks. Walter de Hopton 40 marks. Solomon de Roff[a] - - - - 40 marks. The aforesaid justices were ordained by the king and others of his council at Gloucester in the places aforesaid, in the presence of the king, the bishop of Hereford and Norwich, William de Valencia, Anthony Bek, and others of his council there present. [Parl. Vrits.] MEMBRANE 5d. Aug. 16. Philip de Mattesdon acknowledges that he owes to Agnes de Mattesden, Gloucester. his sister, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. Aug. 3. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to Gloucester. permit until otherwise ordered men dwelling with the king's forests in his bailiwick or on the confines thereof to so make hedges (haias) of their curtilages adjoining their houses and to so enclose their curtilages that the king's deer (fere) may not enter them. If the deer by any chance enter such curtilages, the men shall permit them to leave without injury. The justice is ordered to cause this to be observed throughout his bailiwick, as well by foresters of fee as by other foresters and ministers of the forests in all the places of their bailiwicks. The like to Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. -- --- Enrolment of deed of [the earl of Gloucester], witnessing that whereas Queen Eleanor has requested, on the day of the Assumption, a truce between his men and the men of the earl of Hereford, as [the earl of Gloucester] had requested previously, and hereupon a deed was made, which she sent to [the earl of Gloucester], which was made by him and by his seal (seu); [the earl of Gloucester] before her and her council is fully acquitted [thereof]. And forasmuch as she understands that certain things shall be done that she does not know will please her, and she will send prudent men free from suspicion to [the earl of Gloucester] to be certified and to enquire by the men of the one land and of the other of the things that had been done by the men [of the earl of Gloucester] between the day of the Assumption and St. Bartholomew's day, provided that if the men of the earl [of Hereford] shall come within the land [of the earl of Gloucester] to do damage between the aforesaid terms and damage shall be received, [the 6 EDWARD I. 505 1278. Membrane 6d-cont. earl of Gloucester] and his men shall not be charged therewith. When the inquisition shall be returned and if it shall be found that trespass has been done whereof [the earl of Gloucester] and his men cannot acquit themselves by good reasons, the amends shall be made by the queen's council, excepting [the earl of Gloucester's] enemies (nusors), and by others who have had charge of this affair, as is agreed beforehand, such as they shall award by rightful award, except life and limb and disinheritance. For furnishing (fornir) and holding these things and the award, [the earl of Gloucester] promises and grants that if he contravene, the king shall distrain him by his lands and chattels in England to obey what shall be awarded in form aforesaid. Vacated, because this enrolnment and recognisance is annulled in all things because the queen released to the said earl of Gloucester, his bailiffs, men and ministers everything contained in the enrolment, and it is cancelled by her order, on the information of the chancellor. Felicia, late the wife of Nicholas de Hyntes, attorns in her place William de Haleghton and William de Corleye in the suit before the king against Walter de Pedewardyn concerning a trespass committed upon her by him. Memorandum, that in the king's parliament at Westminster, at Michaelmas, 6 Edward, in the presence of the bishops of Winchester, Durham, Hereford, and Norwich, the prior provincial of the order of Friars Preachers in England, the dean of Salisbury, Master Thomas.Bek, William de Valencia, the king's uncle, the earls of Cornwall, Gloucester, Warenne, Warwick, and Karrik, Robert de Tybetot, Anthony Bek, Master Robert de Scardeburg, Ralph de Sandwyco, John de Lovetot, Walter de Hopton, Master Geoffrey de Aspale, Walter de Wynburne, Nicholas de Stapelton, Ralph de Hengham, Geoffrey de Neubaud, John de Cobeham, William de Brompton, Philip de Wyleby, Thomas de Weyland, Walter de Helyun, Richard de Holebrok, Bartholomew de Sudleye, Hugh son of Otto, Patrick de Cadurcis, Robert son of Walter, and many others, Alexander, king of Scotland, son of Alexander, late king of Scotland, came to the king in his chamber at Westminster, and there offered to become his liege man and to do homage to him, and he did it in these words: 'I Alexander, king of Scotland, become the liege man of Sir Edward, king of England, against all men.' And the king received the homage, saving his right and claim for homage for the realm of Scotland when he may wish to speak concerning it. And the king of Scotland immediately after the homage, offered his fealty to the king and besought the king that he might make that fealty by the mouth of Robert de Brus, earl of Carrik. And the king granted this to the king of Scotland of his special grace upon this occasion. And Robert, being asked by the king of Scotland to do it, immediately after power had been given to him by the king of Scotland to swear on [the peril of] the soul of the king of Scotland, swore fealty to the king, in the name and on behalf of the king of Scotland, in these words: ' I Robert, earl of Carrik, in accordance with the power given to me by the king of Scotland, in the presence of the king of England and the other prelates and magnates aforesaid, of swearing on [the peril of] the soul of the king of Scotland, and in the presence of the king of Scotland and by his order, have sworn fealty to Sir Edward, king of England, in these words: I Alexander, king of Scotland, will keep good faith to Sir Edward, king of England, and to his heirs, kings of England, of life and limb and worldly honour, and I will faithfully do the services due for the lands that I hold of the king of England aforesaid." ' And the king of Scotland confirmed and ratified the fealty thus sworn in his name and behalf by the aforesaid Robert. [Fcedera: Parl. Writs.] 9 506 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. MEMBRANE 4d. - William de Musecote came before the king, on Tuesday the morrow of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, and sought to replevy 12 acres of land and 7- roods of meadow of his in Musecote, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against Alan de Musecote. Geoffrey de Barneville came before the king, on Monday the Decollation of St. John, and sought to replevy to him and Agnes his wife a messuage in Shireburn, which was taken into the king's hands for their default against Christiana, late the wife of Robert de la Wodebregg. Richard de Wympton came before the king, on Monday after St. Giles, and sought to replevy to Richard, bishop of Lincoln, the advowson of the church of Boclaunde, which was taken into the king's hands for the bishop's default against Roger de Clifford, the younger, and Isabella, his wife, Roger de Leyburn and Idonea his wife. Richard de Winton[ia], clerk, came before the king, on the said day, and sought to replevy to the dean and chapter of Lincoln the advowson of the aforesaid church, which was taken into the king's hands for the default of the dean and chapter against the aforesaid Roger and Isabella, Roger and Idonea. Sept. 11. Geoffrey le Brun, clerk, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence, Rhuddlan. attorned before the king Robert Brun and Henry Gyffun in all pleas, and the king granted, at Geoffrey's instance, that Robert and Henry might make attorney's in Geoffrey's place, for one year. Sept. 11. Whereas Roderic son of Griffin and brother of Llewelyn son of Griffin, Rhuddlan. prince of Wales, on Saturday after the Nativity of St. Mary, 6 Edward, and also on Sunday following, the king being then at Rothelan, came there into the king's court and demanded against the said prince his brother his purparty of all the lands that belonged to David his uncle in North Wales and elsewhere throughout the principality of Wales, which lands the prince then held, and the prince came before the king in his court and said that he was not bound to answer to Roderic herein, and he proffered by the hands of the abbot of Aberconwy a deed under the seal of Roderic and others of tile parts of Wales in these words (here follows copy of grant and release by Roderic son of Griffin to Llewelyn, prince of Wales, his brother, and the heirs of his body of all his right in the lands and possessions in (apud) North Wales or elsewhere in the principality of Wales, for 1,000 marks that the prince paid to him beforehand to acquit the marriage of Emonina, daughter of John le Botillier, with promise not to disturb Llewelyn contrary to this grant, which is sealed for greater security with the seals of the bishops of Bangor and of St. Asaph, the abbots of Aberconwey, Basingwerk, and Bully, with the addition of the seals of the archdeacons of Bangor and St. Asaph. Witnesses: Tuder son of Etnyvet, steward of Wales; Annian son of Kaeradauk, David son of Ennyaun, Rhys son of Griffin, Kenewric son of Goronow, Master William and David, clerks of the prince. Dated and done at Kaerinarvon, 2 id. April, 1272). Which deed Roderic, then in court, acknowledged that he had made, but he said that he had received nothing of the said 1,000 marks, and Llewelyn asserted that he had paid Roderic 50 marks thereof. At last, after many arguments between the parties in the said court, it was agreed in the king's presence in his court at Rothelan, on the said Sunday, that Roderic quit-claimed to Llewelyn and the heirs of his body all his right in the lands aforesaid, and Llewelyn acknowledged in the king's court that he owed to Roderic 950 marks, to be levied, in default of payment, from his lands and chattels in the principality of Wales by the sheriffs and bailiffs whom the king shall cause to be sent thither for this purpose. For greater security David son of Griffin, brother of the said 0 6 EDWARD I. 507 1278. 'Membrane 4d-cont. prince and of Roderic, made acknowledgment in the same way, and granted that the money shall be levied of his lands and chattels in England and elsewhere by the bailiffs and sheriffs of the king. Memorandum, that this acknowledgment is enrolled on the roll of Wales on the dorse of the roll, of the same year. Memorandum, that the aforesaid deed of quitclaim was delivered on the same day to the prince's clerk, to be delivered to the prince, by Roderic's consent. Sept. 12. Geoffrey de Genevill, who is setting out for Ireland by the king's licence, Rhuddlan. attorned in his place Richard de Lodelawe in all pleas, and the king, at Geoffrey's instance, granted that Richard might make attorneys in Geoffrey's place for two years, unless Geoffrey return in the meanwhile. ----- John de Bella Aqua attorns in his place John le Barber or Thomas Finch - in the suit before the king between Roger le Estraunge and him for a trespass committed upon him by Roger. The said John puts the said John and Thomas in his place in the suit before the king between David Folefeit and him for a trespass committed upon David by him. Ralph Caylly came before the king at Berneshae, on Sunday after St. Matthew, and sought to replevy to Robert Batayllie and William de Tymberden their land in Tymberdene, which was taken into the king's hands for their default against Alice, late the wife of William Abbot. The abbess of Lacok puts in her place Adam de Rucham and Walter Nore in the suit before the king between her and Peter de la Rokele, Thomas de Swendon, Adam le Chaumberleyn, John le Mareschal of Calne, Richard son of William Seman, Richard son of Peter de la Croiz, William de Chilphurste, Geoffrey de Finemore, John Horn, William fiz le Chyner, Walter Reinald, William Pinnok, Walter Brunes, Edmund Gosscelyn, Robert le Foelere, Richard Goscelyn, Philip son of Henry, Walter de Columbers, Richard le Mouner of Pormelne, Roger son of Henry Bertelmeu, Walter de Holkedich, William de Holkedich, Walter Tete, Walter le fytz Thomas le Hayward, and John fiz le Provost concerning a trespass committed upon her by them. The prior of Alvingham puts in his place Thomas de la Foreste and William de Binbrok in the suit before the king between him and Master Thomas son of William de Luda, Adelard de Golkesby, Roger Swart, Adam le Longe, Baldwin le Fulur, Alan le Oyselur, William his brother, Adam Wortes, Adam le Blund, Hugh le Whyte, Adam de Coupeland, Thomas del Clay, Philip de Manneby, Stephen de Rasen, Hugh de Benigworth, Robert le Keu, John Blak, John le Porter, Henry de Wichkal, Thomas le Boner, William le Pestur, Simon de Welle, William Seterday, John Snel, Richard Weltecarte, Richard de Farford, Robert de Wyern, William de Lekeburn, Robert de Halington, Walter Dase, Robert in Hole, Robert Morin of Louth, William Morin, Peter de Chebbeseye, Richard le Serjaunt, Robert Tropinel, Henry Hardy, Benedict Haket, William son of William son of John, Simon son of William, Robert Sturmy, Nicholas son of John, Ingram le Mercer, Thomas del Gannok, Thomas Laverd, William Underwod, Ranulph son of Ernis, Roger son of Richard son of Walter, Thomas Malerbe, John Bonde, Thomas Alipanche, and Simon de Leggesby of a plea of trespass committed upon him by them. The said prior puts in his place Thomas de la Foreste and William de Binbrok in the suit between him and Robert de Hesle, Thomas Ducty, 508 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 4d-cont. William le Cordewaner, Gilbert Rose], Alan son of Ralph de Rydale, Humphrey de Horncastre, Hervey son of Philip le Clerk, Richard le Clerk, Philip le Bucher, Thomas Rose, Roger de Lincoln, Thomas Gille, Thomas Barfot, Gilbert le Seler, Thomas Wither, Alan de Wallnesgare, Robert de Halington, John de Lincolnia, Robert Pik, Hugh le Neyr, Ralph son of Ernis, Hugh Morin, Thomas del Stowe, William Craspays, Geoffrey de Bolingbrok, Walter de Wichale, Gilbert Mayden, Walter son of Sibyl, Simon le Seller, Ralph Mutte, Roger de Hoyland, and William de la Dale of a [plea of] trespass committed upon him by them. Robert Serkone and William le Provost put in their places John le Barber and Thomas Fing' in the suit before the king between David de Folifarch and them of a trespass committed upon David by them. Robert son of Ralph de Reresby came before the king, on Sunday before St. Faith, and sought to replevy his land in Reresby, Snelleslund, Hengham and Steynton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against Margery, late the wife of Ralph de Reresby. Oct. 15. Robert Achard acknowledges that he owes to Adam Gordoun 60 marks; Winchester. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. William de Walebreus puts in his place John le Mvessager and Walter Prodome in the suit before the king between him and Alan de Blouhihow for that whereas William delivered to Alan the king's writ to admit William's attorney in Alan's court of Treival to make suit for William in that court, Alan has hitherto refused to receive the writ and,to admit William's attorney for this purpose. Enrolment of grant of Eleanor de Wautham to Henry Fuylliet of her land of Wautham, her land and rent of Henle, with the chief messuage and with six acres of meadow in the town of Raineham; rendering therfor ld. yearly. Witnesses: Sir Walter de Helyun, Sir William de Brumpton, Sir Richard de Cornewayll, Sir Robert Malet, Sir Robert de Ammari, Sir Michael de Northampton, Sir Roger de Draiton. Dated at Worcester, on the morrow of St. Edward, 6 Edward. Memorandum, that Eleanor came into chancery, on the same day and place, and acknowledged the premises. Leonius son of Leonius acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Gammages 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. Robert, abbot of Whiteby, William de Lincolnia, Ralph Brunberd, and Roger Bulstrans put in their place Geoffrey de Buketon or John son of Osbert in the suit before the king between Robert de Holt and them for a trespass committed upon Robert by them. Robert, abbot of Whiteby, Ivo le Forester, Adam Doge, and William de Lincolnia put in their place Geoffrey de Boketon or John son of Osbert in the suit before the king between Robert de Holt and them concerning the taking and detaining of Robert's sheep by them contrary to the form of the statutes, and in the suit between John Hersant and them for the taking and detaining of his sheep, JMEMBRANE 3d. Hawisia de Sancto Mauro puts in her place Thomas de Tykenham or Henry dc la Pile in the suit between her and John de Shippeton for a trespass committed upon her by them. 6 EDWARD I. 509 1278. Membrane 3d-cont. John le Mareschal acknowledges that he owes to the prioress and nuns of (Garinges near Walingford 40 marks; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Memorandum, that, on 24 October, certain inquisitions of cos. Cumberland, Northumberland and Westmoreland were delivered to John de Metingham by Walter de Wymburn. Enrolment of grant by John le Estraunge to Robert Giffard, for his service, of 100s. yearly, to be received at London on Christmas eve, until John shall provide him with 100s. yearly of land for his life. John grants that, if he fail in payment, the king's bailiffs in the counties where he has lands may cause the 100s. to be levied from his lands for Robert's use when requested to do so by Robert, without contradiction. Witnesses: Sir Roger de Clifford; Sir Roger le Estraunge; Anthony Bek, archdeacon of Durham, Master Thoms Bek, archdeacon of Dorset; Sir Roderic (Lodewyco) son of Griffin, Sir William le Botiller, Thomas de Giumeys, king's clerk. Dated at Worcester, on the feast of St. Edward, 1278. Memorandum, that the king came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of release by John de Middelton to Sir William de Monte Revelli, knight, of all the lands that John had in Esthamme and Westhamme; rendering therefor to John Id. yearly and doing the services due to the chief lords therefor. Witnesses: Sir Hugh son of Oto, Sir Robert son of John, Sir Richard de Bosco, Sir John de Kirkeby, Sir Roger Ode, Sir William Beaumund, Sir Michael de Gaysham. Memorandum, that John came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Oct. 27. Clemencia de Lungevilers, daughter of John de Lungevilers, puts in her Westminster. place Peter de Cnapeton and Stephen de Coston in the assize of novel disseisin that she arramed before John de Reygate and W. de Norburgo against John de Eyvill and others named in the original writ concerning the manor of Egmerton, co. Nottingham, in which assize the parties are adjourned before the king and his council at Westminster in a month from Michaelmas last. Cicely, the eldest daughter and co-heiress of John Biset, the younger, tenant in chief, puts in her place William de Fenton, her husband, to receive in the king's court her purparty of the lands that belonged to her father in Ireland. Elizabeth, second daughter and co-heiress, puts in her place Andrew de Boys, her husband, for the like purpose. Muriel, youngest daughter and co-heiress, puts in her place David de Graham, her husband, for the like purpose. John Galle acknowledges that he owes to John, usher of the king's wardrobe, 71; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Oct. 27. The underwritten have acquittance of the common summons [of the eyre] Westminster. in co. Cumberland: Alexander, king, of Scotland, because he was with the king. Walter de Corry. Matilda, late the wife of Thomas de Mulleton of Gillesland. 510 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 3d-cont. Nuto de Florencia, merchant, acknowledges that he owes to John de Hedesor 30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Cancelled on payment. Enrolment of release from Peter de Clyvo to God, St. Mary, St. John the Baptist and to the house of the Scholars of Merton in frankalmoin of his right in the manor of Kibbeworth and Chetindon and in all other places that may fall to him by inheritance by the death of Sir Walter de Merton, late bishop of Rochester, his uncle. Witnesses: William de Ew, Geoffrey de Henceseye, Philip de Ew, Robert de Swynebrok, John de Ew, John de Baggemere. Oct. 27. Memorandum, that Peter came into chancery, and acknowledged the Westminster. premises. Oct. 27. Memorandum, that Saer de Harecurt, chief lord of the manor of KibbeWestminster. worth, came into chancery, and granted and confirmed Peter's release of right in the manor of Kibbeworth, saving to himself the sixth part of the yearly rent that he received from the manor aforesaid and a sixth part of the relief pertaining to him from the manor on this occasion, so that neither he nor his heirs may henceforth claim any relief from the said sixth part. __ --- Reginald de Beuchamp acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas del Boys - 24 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bucks. Enrolment of release by Agnes, late the wife of William de Bethefunte, to Ralph son of Roger de Scures of her right in the lands that belonged to her husband in Bethefunte, which Ralph holds of the gift of Roger, his father. For this release Roger shall pay her two marks yearly for her life. Witnesses: William le Brun, Thomas Crok, Simon Crok, John de Haleford, John de Somers[ete]. Dated at Westminster, 30 October, 6 Edward. Memorandum, that Agnes came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Henry de Penedock put in his place Philip de Burle or Edmund de Lutleton in the suit before the king by writ between him and William Outred of a plea of bond. 3Memorandum, that W. de Wimburn, on Wednesday the morrow of All Souls, delivered to Roger Loveday, one of the justices in eyre, in co. Hertford, the inquisitions made in that county concerning trespasses and excesses of the sheriffs of that county. Alexander de Balliolo puts in his place Robert le Faukoner and Ralph Beumanger in the suit before the king between him and Roger de Clifford, the younger, and Isabella, his wife, and Roger de Leyburn and Idonea his wife concerning the custody of the manor of Medburn. Enrolment of deed of Master Walter de la Mare, Robert Malet, John de Cheney, Richard de la Vache, Walter de la Puille, Robert de Ludham, Master William de Ardern, Walter de Amodesham, Hugh de Brok, Richard de Welles, William de Brok, William de la Ho, Hugh de Blunt, Ralph de la Mare, William de Wodewick, William de Jerkanevill, John le Waleys, and William le Blaket, whereby they acknowledge themselves bound to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, in 450 marks sterling. Dated at London, 3 kal. November, 6 Edward. 6 EDWARD 1. 511 1278. Membrane 3d-cont. Memorandum, that Walter and the others acknowledge that they owe the aforesaid money; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels. Enrolment of deed of Robert Malet, Master Walter de la Mare, and Hugh de Brok, whereby they acknowledge themselves bound to Sir John de Cheyny, Richard de la Vache, Walter de la Puille, knights, Robert de Ludham, William de Arderne, Walter de Amundesham, Richard de Welles, William de Brok, William de la Ho, Hugh le Blunt, Richard de Langel[eye], William de Wodewik, William de Jarpenvill, John le Waleys, and William Blaket in 400 marks, and agreeing to save them harmless concerning a recognisance for 400 marks made by Sir John and the others to Edmund, earl of Cornwall. Memorandum, that Robert and the others acknowledged the premises, etc. MEMBRANE 2d. Nov. 2. The under-written have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] Westminster. in co. Hertford: William de Valencia. Geoffrey de Lucy. Hugh son of Otto. Luke de Thany. The abbot of St. Edmunds Edmund, earl of Cornwall. Reginald de Grey. William de Doddinggeseles. John de Luvetot. Thomas de Sandwyco. Ralph de Tony. Nov. 4. Ralph de Whaddon, who is going to Ireland by the king's licence, and Westminster. Sibyl, his wife, put in their places John de Herpingham or Walter de Bathonia in all pleas, and the king granted, at Ralph's instance, that John and Walter may appoint attorneys in their places. Roger Junior (sic),the younger, acknowledges that he owes to John Aubyn 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Enrolment of release by John de Aston to the king of his right in the earldom of Albemarle and in all lands in England that at any time belonged to Alina de Fortibus, John de Fortibus, Thomas de Fortibus, William de Fortibus, and William le Gros, sometime earl of Albemarle, and to Hawisia, his daughter, with all the right of Amice, Constance, and Ranulph, John's ancestors, and of others his and their ancestors, both in England and in Normandy. Witnesses: G. bishop of Worcester; Thomas, bishop of Hereford; William, bishop of Norwich; Edmund, the king's brother; William de Valencia, the king's uncle; Edmund, earl of Cornwall; William, earl of Warwick; Roger de Mortuo Mari; Bartholomew de Sudb[ury]; Robert de Tybetot; Stephen de Penecestre; Hugh, son of Otto. Memorandum, that this deed was duplicated, and one of them was delivered, on Thursday before Martinmas, at Westminster by the hands of J. de Kirk[eby] to brother Joseph de Chauncy, the king's treasurer, and the other was delivered, on the same day, to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, to be kept in the treasury. Enrolment of deed witnessing that whereas Sir Thomas de Clar' has given to Edmund son of Sir Warin de Bassingburn his manor of Bleburg, to wit whatsoever Thomas had previously in the same manor and in Coryngham, Yolthorp, Messingham, Buterwyk, Somerby, and Redburn, with all appurtenances, in exchange for Edmund's manor of Any in Ireland, Thomas hereby grants, for himself and his heirs and all others who shall hold his manor of Plecys, co. Hertford, and his manor of Tarente, co. Dorset, that they shall warrant to Edmund and his heirs the aforesaid 512 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 2d-cont. manor of Bleburg, without receiving any service therefrom, and he also grants that he and his heirs shall not hereafter give, sell, pledge or otherwise alienate the manors of Plecys and Tarente, whereby they shall not be bound to make the warranty aforesaid. He also grants that if Edmund or his assigns be impleaded concerning the manor of Bleburg and vouch Thomas and his heirs to warranty, and the manors of Plecys and Tarente do not suffice to make warranty, then the manor of Any shall revert to Edmund and his heirs, unless Thomas and his heirs satisfy them therefor from lands in England or in Ireland. In case of failure to satisfy or of warranty, Thomas grants that he and his heirs shall be bound to Edmund in 2,0001., submitting himself to the distraint of the king. Thomas agrees to acquit Edmund of all debts that may be exacted from him by reason of the manor of Bleburg or of any debts wherewith it had been charged to Jews or Christians prior to the making of this deed. Witnesses: Sir Payn de Chaurc[es], Sir William Bardulf, Sir Robert Typetot, Sir Adam de Novo Mercato, Sir Ralph de Trehampton, Sir William de Thancy, Sir Roger de Crescy, and Sir John de Gurnay, knights; Sir William de Saham; William de Bibbesworth, parson of Bleburg, William de Sholhye, William Cokke of Kirketon, Gilbert his brother, Walter Martin. Nov. 7. Memorandum, that Richard Olveri, one of the heirs of Walter de Merton, Westminster. late bishop of Rochester, came into chancery and acknowledged that he had released to the warden of the House of the Scholars of Merton at Oxford all his right in the manor of Kibbeworth. Robert de Acovere acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Derby and Stafford. John de Bezill acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Arraz 110s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. Nutus, merchant of Florence, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. William de Londonia, abbot of Messinden, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. William de Evereus acknowledges that he owes to William de Felton, 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Derby and Stafford. Enrolment of grant by John de Vescy to Peter le Taberur for life of 100 marks yearly of land in his manor of Chatton; rendering therefore a clove yearly. He also grants to Peter for life common of turbary and of heath (bruere) in the said manor, and twenty cartloads of brushwood yearly in John's woods in the manor, except from John's park. Witnesses: Sir William Heeron, Sir Walter de Camhowe, Sir John de Woderington, Sir Gerard his brother, Sir Ralph de Gaugy, Sir Ralph son of Roger, John de Midelton, Philip de Brokesfeld, Alexander de Titelington, William de Salesbir[y], William le Messager. Adam de Monte Alto and Simon de Monte Alto acknowledge that they owe to William le Brun 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Somerset. MEMBRANE I d. Enrolment of demise by William de Donerent to his lady, Lady Christiana de Mariscis, of all his rent in Kilguelan, which he had of her gift and that fell to her by the death of Sir Robert de Rype: to hold until 6 EDWARD I. 513 1278. Membrane ld-cont. William shall cause her to have seisin of her manor of Kinelehan, which William demised to Sir Andrew Avenel, and until he shall satisfy her for all damages done to the manor by Sir Andrew, and until he shall render to her an account for all the time during which he was her bailiff in Ireland, and shall satisfy her therefor. He shall acquit himself of all impressions of her seal found in the chest (forcerio) of Richard de Donerent, deceased, whereof he was accused, as contained in indented letters between her and William. Witnesses: Sir William Cadel, Sir Walter Portel, Sir Tankard Durant, knights; William de la More, William le Riche, John le Flemeng. Enrolment of agreement made, on Tuesday after Martinmas, 6 Edward, between the aforesaid William and Christiana that William at his own cost but with her suit shall cause her to have again seisin of her manor in Kinelehan, which William demised to Sir Andrew Avenel, and that William shall satisfy her for all damages done in the manor by Andrew, by the view and award of her attorneyeand of two free tenants of the vicinity of Kinelehan, and that William shall come at the quinzaine of Holy Trinity, in the king's seventh year, before the barons of the exchequer at Westminster in England or at Dublin in Ireland, as directed by Christiana, to render his account of the time when he was her bailiff in Ireland, and shall answer for all things touching that account, and shall satisfy her fully therefor. William shall acquit himself of divers impressions of her seal (as in preceding enrolment). If he fail to do any of these things, all his lands in Ireland shall remain to Christiana in inheritance, in accordance with the tenor of a charter of his delivered to her. Witnesses as above. Enrolment of grant from the said William to Christiana of his lands in the town of Brouneston in Ireland, and of his lands in the city and suburbs of Dublin; rendering therefore Id. yearly. Witnesses as above. Memorandum, that William came into chancery and acknowledged the preceding, and granted power to Sir Ralph de Waddon and Sir Peter le Botiler to put Christiana in seisin. Enrolment of grant by Emma de Brumfeld to the king of all her lands in Maylorseysn[ec]h. Witnesses: Thomas, bishop of Hereford; Roger de Mortuo Mari; Roger de Clifford; Robert de Tibetot: Anthony Bek, Hugh son of Otto, Walter de Heliun, John de Lovetot, Nicholas de Stapelton. Memorandum, that this deed was delivered for custody to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, by the hands of J. de Kirk[eby], on 15 November. --— _ — Richard de Aston acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and --- Wells 11 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Cancelled on payment. Walter de Huntercumbe acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Taillur, citizen of London, 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Oath of the justices in eyre. French. [Much worn and illegible in many places.] u 96968. 514 7 EDWARD I. 1278. MEMBRANE 11. Nov. 27. To the justices next in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Huntingdon. Norwich. Order not to aggrieve Robert de Tybotot in their eyre for taking five does and one buck in the forest of Wanberge in the sixth year, as he took them by the king's order. The like for Robert addressed to the justices next in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. York (sic) for ten bucks (damis) taken in the forest of Shyrewod in the sixth year. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. As the king learns by inquisition taken by the justice that it is not to the damage of the king or others or to the injury of the forest of Essex if the king should grant to John de Nevill that he may enclose his wood of Coringehal, adjoining his park of Halingbiri with a ditch and hedge for the enlargement of the park, and may hold it thus enclosed to him and his heirs, except inasmuch as the wood is distant half a league (leuca) from the great covert of the forest and that there is there sometimes repair (reperium) of the king's deer, and the king has granted to John that he may thus enclose the wood: the king orders the justice not to hinder John concerning this. Nov. 29. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to supersede entirely the distraining Norwich. of Reginald de Ingelose to become a knight, as it is testified before the king that Reginald is so infirm that he cannot receive such arms.-The reason is that he is a leper. To the keeper of the forest of Essex. Order to permit William de Breuse to chase in the forest and to take six does, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to Robert de Insula that he may pay 100 marks of the 200 marks in which he made fine with the late king for the custody of the land and heir of William de Albiniaco of Kayno half in a month from Easter next and half in a month from Michaelmas next, and order to cause him to have these terms and to cause this to be so done and enrolled. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to deliver to Eleanor de Balliolo the lands that Alexander de Balliolo, tenant in chief, and that the said Eleanor, his wife, held in that county of her free marriage and of the gift of Eleanor, queen of England, the king's mother, and to deliver to her all the goods and chattels in the said lands. Dec. 4. To the sheriff of Essex. Whereas William Peyvere, who held in chief Peterborough of John Peyvere, a minor in the wardship of Queen Eleanor, the king's (Burg'). mother, by commission of the late king, is now dead, as the king learns, and certain men have intruded themselves into the lands that belonged to William, the king orders the sheriff to take into the king's hands all the lands aforesaid, and to deliver them to Queen Eleanor, and to attach anyone who may resist him, so that he shall have them before the king in the quinzaine of St. Hilary to answer to the king and to Queen Eleanor directing any one claiming right in the lands to come to the king's court to show their right. The like to the sheriff of Norfolk. 7 EDWARD I. 516 1278. Membrane 11 ---cont. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause to be delivered to the constable of the king's castle of Ottonagh as much lead from the king's mine there as shall be necessary to roof the tower and houses of the castle, as the king learns that the tower and houses need roofing. To the justices in eyre in co. Cumberland. Whereas the king granted, for the health of the souls of him and of his ancestors, to the prior and Friars Preachers of London, in aid of the removal of their houses in the city, his alms called 'deodands,' which pertains to him in the next eyres of his justices in his realm, so that the Friars shall obtain the aforesaid alms by the hands of the justices in their first eyres in every county, fully and wholly, after the last eyre in the said counties for three years following, for the construction of their houses, it was not the king's intention that the brethren should receive and have the alms for three years only after the last eyre, but that they shall have and receive what ought to pertain to the king of these alms after the last eyre in all eyres of justices in all counties from the time of the commencement of the eyre in the sixth year of his reign for three years following, and the justices are ordered to cause the Friars to have the alms in form aforesaid. Dec. 26. To Ralph de Sandwico and William de Middelton, keepers of the Windsor. archbishopric of Canterbury during voidance. Order to cause Richard le Usser to have four oaks for timber of the king's gift in the wood of Slyndon, which is of the archbishopric aforesaid, unless he have had them already by another writ. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Robert de Meringes, lately elected, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office because it is testified before him by trustworthy men that he is insufficiently qualified. To William de Karleton. Order to deliver Simon Drewe and Richard de Braundon, lately taken within the liberty of Lynn of W. archbishop of Norwich, for exchanging (cambio) of the king's money, to the keeper of that liberty for custody. The bishop will answer for them at the king's order. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Roger de Somery to have respite until Midsummer next for the 301. in which he made fine with the king for his service due to him in the last army of Wales, as the king has granted this respite to him at the request of Nicholas de Sedgrave. ~ ------- To the constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause Master Bertram, the ----- king's engineer, to have seven oaks and five beeches to repair (tendend') the king's engines at the Tower. Dec. 26. William son of Richard Wymark, imprisoned at Worcester for the death Windsor. of John son of John le Provost of Pebworthine, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Worcester to bail him, To the constable of the Tower of London and to the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver clerks of the diocese of London imprisoned in the Tower or elsewhere in the city, whom the bishop of London or his deputy will exact from the constable according to the custom of the ecclesiastical franchise, to the bishop, on condition that the bishop shall have the clerks before the king or his justices to be deputed to make full delivery of such clerks and other prisoners at London. [Prynne, Records, iii. 238.] To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order not to lay hands on the ecclesiastical goods of Adam de Stratton, rector of the church of Bromfeld, K x 2 516 COALEIDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane 1 1-cont. and of Simon de Derteford, rector of the church of Witham, imprisoned at London, and to restore to the bishop of London and the churches aforesaid anything that he or his bailiffs may have taken thence. To the constable of Bristol. Order to cause to be taken to Devises castle ten tuns of wine, both of bought wine and of right [prise] wine, there to be delivered to the constable. To Elias de Tyngewyk, keeper of the forest of Wycchewod. Order to cause Thomas de Britannia, yeoman of Edmund, the king's brother, to have in that forest three oaks fit for timber. Dec. 29. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause all goldsmiths lately taken Windsor. and imprisoned by the king's general order —except those of whom suspicion is held of clipping the king's money, or of buying clippings (retonsure), or of changing good money given to clippers for a greater number of clipped money, and except those who were indicted by inquisition, and except certain persons taken and imprisoned by the king's order and named in certain writs sent to the sheriff-to be replevied by sufficient sureties, who shall mainpern to have them to stand to right at the king's order and that they shall not go out of the towns wherein they dwell before Easter next, and to cause all their goods and chattels taken into the king's hands for this reason to be restored to them. By W. de Helyun. The like to all the sheriffs of England and to the justice of Chester. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge Bogo de Knovill, late sheriff of Stafford, of 501. for the ferms of the manors of Swyneford and Clent, in that county, as the king lately committed the manors, whence 25 marks yearly of fee ferm were wont to be paid to the exchequer, to Amabilla, late the wife of Roger de Somery, to have until Roger's heir came of age without rendering any money therefor to the exchequer, and she received 501. of the said ferm in her lifetime for the third, fourth, and fifth years of the reign, as the treasurer and barons may ascertain by the view of Bogo's account to be rendered before them. To Walter de Helyun. Order not to intermeddle in anywise with the body of Aaron son of Vives, a Jew of London, or with his goods and chattels, but to cause his body and chattels, arrested by Walter, to be delivered to Edmund, the king's brother, to whom the late king granted the body of Aaron, with all his goods and chattels. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted respite to Ralph Rastel and Margery de Swyneford, his wife, until the quinzaine of Easter next for all debts due to the exchequer of the debts in which William de Swyneford, Margery's late husband, was indebted to the exchequer at his death for the time when he was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, and order to cause them to have this respite. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Easter next the demand on Walter de She][f]hangre, late sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, for 351. for the time when he was sheriff, as he prays for divers allowances to be made to him for that time. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of William de Parles, daughter and co-heiress of Eustace de Watford, the lands that fall to her purparty of the lands of Eustace in Watford, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of William's death, together with the corn sown in the lands, which the king has granted to Joan, and to deliver to her the other goods and chattels that belonged to William upon 7 EDWARD I. 517 1278. Membrane 11-cont. her finding security to answer for the price thereof to the exchequer, and to restore to Joan any of the goods that the sheriff may have alienated, the king having previously ordered him to deliver the lands, but he has done nothing in the matter, to the king's surprise. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to respite until the quinzaine of Easter next the demand upon Alexander, king of Scotland, for 100 marks to be rendered to the exchequer. To the constable of Bristol castle. Order to cause all plates of clipping (platas retonsure), forceps, and other things relating to the attachments of the Jews lately taken at Bristol and carried by the king's order to the Tower of London, and all other attachments whatsoever relating to the king's money, and also certain causes of suspicions concerning the clipping of the king's money that are in his custody to be sent to London, there to be delivered to Stephen de Penecestre and his fellows, whom the king has enjoined to receive them. To Master William de Perton. Order to cause all the silver plates and all the clippings delivered to him by Henry de Wyntonia, knight, to be delivered by weight to Philip de Wilgheby, whom the king has enjoined to receive them. To the constable of Bristol castle. Order to cause all the silver plates lately found in the possession of Henry de Wyntonia, knight, and sealed with his seal and in the constable's custody.to be sent to London, there to be delivered to Philip de Wilgheby, whom the king has ordered to receive them. 1279. Jan. 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas Windsor. Joce, the king's yeoman, to be acquitted of 241 marks and a quarter of oats of a debt of his father's in which he is indebted in the Jewry, as the king has pardoned him at the instance of Guy de Lezognan, the king's uncle. To the justiciary of Ireland and the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to audit the account of Master John de Saunford, escheator of Ireland, for the time when he had the custody of that escheatry, and to cause due and reasonable allowances to be made to him. To the same. Order to cause due and reasonable allowances to be made to the aforesaid John for the costs and expenses defrayed by him in the time of divers justiciaries of Ireland in the voidances of bishoprics, baronies, and other lands. If John demand any allowances that they cannot make without the king's special order, they are to acquaint the king therewith, so that he may cause them to be certified of what he shall cause to be ordained by his council. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause to be delivered to Gundreda, late the wife of John Wyger, tenant in chief, all the lands that pertained to John in Brodewode, which the king has assigned to her for her dower. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause Robert de Tybotot to have in the forest of Shirewod four does and two roe-does (bissas), of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause to be carried to Bannebiry ten tuns of the wines that Matthew de Columbar[iis], the king's butler, or his deputy, shall deliver to the sheriff at Oxford, and to cause five tuns to be taken to Cumpton in Hennemersh, sixty to Wodestok, and fifty to Oxford. 518 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 11. —Schedule. May 8. Letter of privy seal to the justices in eyre in co. Kent. Notification that Dover. the king has pardoned William son of Warin de Montekaniso the trespass that he was said to have made in erecting without the king's licence his gallows within his liberty of Swanesch, which were thrown down by judgment of the king's court pronounced by the said justices, and that the king has likewise pardoned William the trespass that he is said to have made in receiving within that liberty John son of Hugh de Holeweye after he had been hanged on the said gallows for larceny, whence he escaped alive, and that the king has granted that William may re-erect the gallows and may have and hold them in his liberty in the same state in which he had them before they were thrown down and before the liberty was taken into the king's hands, and order to cause William to be acquitted of the said trespass, and to restore the liberty to him, and to permit him to re-erect and have the gallows. MEMBRANE 10. 1278. Dec. 7. To the barons and bailiffs of the port of Winchelsea. Order to search Windsor. diligently all merchants, native or foreign, and other Christians and Jews wishing to pass through that port, and to cause to be arrested all those in whose possession silver plates, clipped money, or other broken silver shall be found, and to cause such silver, etc., to be kept safely so that they may answer to the king therefor at his order, as he wills that no merchant in his realm, native or alien, or other Christian or Jew shall take out of the realm any such silver plates, clipped money, or other broken silver without his special licence. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Master Roger de Seyton to have five oak trunks (robora) in the forest of Wanberge for fuel, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to deliver Hugh de Misyn of Leyton (sic), imprisoned at Noting[ham] for the death of Cicely, his daughter, in bail to twelve men of that county who shall mainpern to have him before the king to stand to right if any one wish to speak against him, and who shall mainpern that he shall not hereafter injure any one, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the justices to deliver Noting[ham] gaol that Hugh hanged his daughter whilst suffering from madness, and not by felony or of malice aforethought. 1279. Jan. 8. To John son of Philip, keeper of the forest of Kynefar. Order to cause Windsor. Contesse Loretti, wife of Roger de Clifford, to have in that forest ten oaktrunks for fuel, of the king's gift. Jan. 10. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to respite until Michaelmas next, Windsor. the demand upon W. bishop of Llandaff, keeper of the land and heir of Ralph de Throp, for 201. of a debt due from Ralph to the king. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas Adam le Butiller, late sheriff of Gloucester, claims allowances and acquittances of divers debts that are exacted from him at the exchequer to the amount of 801. for the time when he was sheriff, and the king has given him a day in fifteen days from Easter at the exchequer to examine and adjudge the same; the king orders the barons to put debts to the amount aforesaid in the view of Adam's account for the said time, and to hold them in suspense until the term aforesaid, so that the king may in the meantime cause to be done what shall seem fit by his council. 7 EDWARD I. 519 1279. Membrane 10 —cont. Jan. 14. To the justices in eyre in co. Kent. Order to enquire in every county Windsor. in which they may go on eyre upon this occasion concerning the conspiracies and confederations mentioned below, and to take and imprison until otherwise ordered any persons found guilty thereof, as the king is given to understand that certain evil men of divers counties, for the increase of their own profit, have made detestable confederations and evil leagues (allegaciones) under oaths to one anotherto maintain and defend the parts of their friends and well-wishers in pleas and actions in which they are concerned, such as in assizes, juries and recognitions, and to aggrieve their enemies fraudulently and to disinherit them so far as them lies. The like to the justices in eyre in co. Northumberland and to Walter de Helyun, Stephen de Penecestre, and John de Cobeham, appointed by letters patent to hear and determine the matters touching money, with the addition of a clause directing them to mainpern the men whom the king has caused to be taken and imprisoned in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk because they were indicted of such conspiracies and alliances, to stand to right before the king at his order concerning those things that he will object against them. To William de Brayboef, keeper of the priory of Winchester. Order to send to the king the 310 marks that Reyner de Luk and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), lent to William at the last fair of St. Giles, Winchester, for the expedition of certain affairs of the priory, so that the king may have the money on Tuesday after St. Hilary at Rading, there to be delivered to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe. ---- Agnes de Neuton, imprisoned at York for the death of Ralph de Neuton, - her husband, wherewith she is charged, has letters to bail her. Jan. 23. To the abbot of Waverleye. Order to cause to be kept safely the goods Westminster. and chattels that Benedict (Benettus), a Jew of Winchester, imprisoned in the Tower of London for certain trespasses concerning the king's money, has deposited in the abbey, and not to permit anything to be removed thence until otherwise ordered. ---- Roger "son of Ralph de Bestan and Matilda, daughter of Henry Attegrene, imprisoned at Ockham for the death of Walter de Westrine, wherewith they are charged, have letters to the sheriff of Roteland to bail them. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Grimbald Pauncefote to have in the hay of Tidesleye, which is within the forest of Kank, four oaks fit for timber and another four in the hay of Shisteley, which is within the same forest, and another four in the hay of Benetleye, which is within the same forest, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to deliver Richard de Hedersete, imprisoned in the Flete by the king's order for certain trespasses, in bail to twelve men, who shall mainpern to have him before Walter de Helyun and Stephen de Penecestre, whom the king has deputed for this purpose, to stand to right'concerning the things that the king will object against him. - - --- John de Pateshull, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, puts in place Master Henry Bray and Adam le Werrur in all pleas. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to deliver Walter Daniel, imprisoned at Ivelcestre for the death of Robert Wodhorn, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize to stand 520 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 10-cont. to right if anyone wish to speak against him, as the king learns by the record of Thomas Trevet and William Everard, late justices to deliver Ivelcestre gaol, that Walter slew Robert in self-defence and not by felony or of malice aforethought. Whereas the king wills that clearings (trencheye) shall be made in his hay of Hereford according to the ordinance of Alan de Plugenet, etc.[Incomplete.] Jan. 23. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to deliver John de Hedersete, John le Westminster. Dene, William de Duneston, William de Theyt, William le Botiller, Eustace Curzun, Andrew le Waleys, Thomas le Fraunceys, and Alexander de Heythe, lately imprisoned at Norwich for divers trespasses whereof they were convicted before Ralph de Hengham at Norwich, in bail to twelve men each who shall mainpern to have them before Walter de Helyun and Stephen de Penecestre, the justices whom the king has deputed, certifying the king of the names of the mainpernors. Jan. 25. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to search the rolls of the Westminster. exchequer whereby the debts of 251. and of 100s. come into summons against John de Britannia for fines and amercements, and to cause him to be acquitted thereof, as the king has pardoned him. By p.s. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margaret, late the wife of Ralph de Gaugy, tenant in chief, upon her finding security not to marry without the king's licence. Jan. 25. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to deliver to Otto de Grandisono the Westminster. manor of Shene, as Hugh de Wyndesor lately granted to R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, then archdeacon of York, the manor of Shene, which grant the late king afterwards confirmed, and the bishop lately enfeoffed Otto of the manor aforesaid, and the king caused the manor to be taken into his hands because he was given to understand that Hugh enfeoffed Robert of the manor whilst he was of unsound mind, for which reason the feoffment ought not to be valid, and the king afterwards inspected the late king's confirmation and reflected that no new right in the manor could now accrue to him by any reason. Feb. 6. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be Woodstock. elected in place of Roger de Butterley, whom the king has caused to be amoved from office for certain causes. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause William Greyndeorge to be acquitted of 2 marks 2s. 2d. in which he was amerced for divers defaults before the justices last in eyre in co. York for many defaults before them, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of York that William was in prison at Pontefract all the time of the eyre, so that he could not appear before the justices, and the king has therefore pardoned him the aforesaid sum. To the same. Whereas the king in his father's time granted to Roger Kantok of Bristol a garden in La Redeland in the suburbs of Brill (sic), which belonged to Thomas la Ware, and which in the late king's Jewry — [Incomplete.] Feb. 6. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to commit to Hugh Woodstock. de Crues the keeping of the king's demesnes of Newcastle near Lyons, Tassagard and Cromelyn, saving the indemnity of the men of those parts and unless the justiciary have committed the custody to the men, as the king has committed the custody to Hugh for twelve years, in consideration of his good service in the war in Ireland and elsewhere, on condition that he render to the king therefor as much as any other fermor would render. 7 EDWARD I. 521 1279. Membrane 10-cont. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the steward. Order to deliver to R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, the custody of the lands that belonged to Hugh Burnell, his nephew, tenant in chief, as the king has granted the custody to him during the minority of Hugh's heirs, with their marriages. The like to Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. MEMBRANE 9. To the keeper of the forest of Wycchewode. Order to cause the abbot of Bruern (Bruera) to have twelve oaks with their strippings in the wood of Cornbiry, within the said forest, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Salop. Order to deliver to Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, the manors of Acton Burnel and Wlstanston, to hold in name of wardship, with everything received thence since they were taken into the king's hands, of the king's gift, as it appears to the king by inspection of the bishop's charter that the bishop gave to Hugh Burnel, his nephew, lately deceased, the said manors, with the advowsons of churches, and all his lands in Allecote, Acton Picot, Picheford, Chatewall, Tassewode, and Brocton near Madeley, in that county, to hold of the bishop during the bishop's life and after the bishop's death of the chief lords of the fees, by reason whereof the custody of the manors and tenements pertains to the bishop during the minority of Hugh's heirs, which manors and tenements the sheriff took into the king's hands because Hugh held other lands in chief of the king of the honour of Boulogne, the custody whereof the king has committed to the bishop during the minority of Hugh's heirs. Feb. 10. To the sheriff of Devon. Whereas Richard de Bamfeld, canon of the Woodstock. church of Wells, appealed of the death of Thomas de Graham, lately came to the king's court and there rendered himself to prison, and the king afterwards delivered him to the bishop of Bath and Wells, the diocesan, who demanded him in form of law, so that the bishop shall have him before the justices of the Bench on the morrow of the Ascension to stand to right concerning the appeal, the king orders the sheriff to supersede the exaction or outlawry of Richard in this behalf in the meantime. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Henry Hert the custody of the park of Devises, as the king has committed it to him during pleasure, receiving therefor as much as other keepers have been wont to receive. Richard Child, imprisoned at Neugate for the death of Osbert le Taillur, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriffs of London to bail him. To the sheriff (sic). Order to deliver to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, the year, day and waste of all the goods and chattels that belonged to William de Parles, who was hanged for felony, in the manor of Honesworth, as the king has granted the said year, day and waste to her. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver to Hamo de Gatton the lands that belonged to Hugh de Wyndessor', which came to the hands of Hugh, son of heir of the said Hugh, and which the king lately caused to be taken into his hands because Hugh son of Hugh was of unsound mind, to be held by Hamo until the parliament after Easter next, so that there may then be done what shall seem fit to the king by his council. 522 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 9-cont. To the sheriff of Surrey. Like order for the delivery to Ralph de Berners of the lands that belonged to Hugh de Wyndesoure. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause to be replevied to Richard de Emundvile and Matilda, his wife, their woods in co. Salop, which were lately taken into the king's hands for the waste that Richard made therein, until the coming of the justices next in eyre for pleas of the Forest in that county. Feb. 16. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be Woodstock. levied the king's scutage of the knights' fees held of him, to wit 40s. from the shield, for the army of Wales, in the fifth year of the king's reign, according to the manner in which such scutage has been wont to be levied for other armies of Wales in like case. To the keeper of the forest of Whicchewode. Order to cause Robert le Botiller to have in that forest two oak-trunks (robora), of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to deliver William son of Jordan de Burmedenn, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of John son of Roger de Lever, wherewith he is charged, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the justices at the first assize, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that William slew John by mischance and not by felony or of malice aforethought. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margaret, late the wife of Sewal de Wurth, tenant in chief, upon her finding security not to marry without the king's licence. Thurstan le Wenche of Blakemor, imprisoned at Lancaveton for the death of Alice Persone, wherewith he is charged, has letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail him. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, to be acquitted of 201. and Robert de Foston, his bailiff, of 100s. in which they were severally amerced before the justices of the Bench, the earl for several defaults and the bailiff because he did not appear, as the king has pardoned the earl his amercement and has also pardoned the bailiff at the earl's instance. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to permit Alan de Walkyngham, the king's serjeant, to enter and hold without hindrance any lands within the king's fee in the steward's bailiwick that he may buy or otherwise acquire, as the king has granted to him licence to buy or otherwise acquire lands within his fee. Mar. 8. To John Bek and his fellows, justices appointed to hear and determine Woodstock. pleas of trespasses of the Jews. Order to supersede the hanging of Jews until the quinzaine of Easter, executing, however, the other things that concern their office, as the king wills that the hanging of Jews shall be superseded by reason of the holy time that is coming and by reason of the perils of holy Christians and by reason of inquisitions procured. The like to Stephen de Penecestre and his fellows, and to Bartholomew de Suthley and his fellows, justices to hear and determine such trespasses. Mar. 12..| To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Woodstock. cause Nichblas de Cugeho to have in Salcey forest four oaks, of the king's gift. 7 EDWARD I. 523 1279. Membrane 9-cont. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Avicia, late the wife of John Bleyz, tenant in chief, upon her finding security not to marry without the king's licence. Mar. 12. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Whereas Richard and his Woodstock. ministers of the forest of Rokiugham have caused Hugh de Nauburn and John le Fevre to be taken and imprisoned for a trespass in that forest, and they propose to take and imprison Richard de Trailly of Wodeford, John le Veer of Twywell, Warner de Engayne, William de Gaytesden, William del Sak, Simon Tysun, and William le Ken for the same cause, the king, because the said men are prepared to purge their innocence before Richard, orders Richard to make inquisition concerning the premises, and if he ascertain that the men are not guilty and if each of them find him mainpernors to have them before the justices next in eyre for Forest pleas in those parts, to deliver them in bail and to supersede in the meantime the taking of them. Mar. 12. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Whereas the king lately Woodstock. ordered him to take into the king's hands the lands that belonged to William Nowel, tenant in chief, upon William's death, and the steward took into the king's hands with William's lands the lands that Dionysia, late the wife of Richard Nowel, mother of William, held in dower in Hokeling in the Isle of Shepeye and in Deniton, co. Kent, and delivered them to Geoffrey Sturdy, to whom the king committed the custody of William's lands: the king orders the steward to make inquisition concerning the premises, and if he find that Dionysia held any lands in the said towns of the lands of her husband at William's death, and that the steward has delivered them to Geoffrey, to restore to her without delay her dower aforesaid with everything received thence since the lands were taken into the king's hands. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be levied in all counties the king's scutage of the knight's fees that are held of the king's escheats and of the honours in the king's hands and of the knights' fees that are of the king's purchase, to wit 40s. from the shield, for the king's army of Wales of the fifth year. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause William de Wykel[eye] to have again seisin of 13 acres and three roods of land in Boudon, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that Michael de Hockel[eye], who held of the king in chief for thirteen days before his death, enfeoffed William of the said land by his charter whilst lie was sound of body and of good memory, and that William was in seisin thereof and took the esplees thereof both before and after Michael's death until the steward took the lands into the king's hands with other lands of Michael by reason of Michael's death. Matthew son of William de Appelby, imprisoned at Leicester for the death of Hemericus de Shele, whereof he is appealed, has letters to the sheriff of Leicester to bail him. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause Joan, late the wife of Michael de Hockel[eye], tenant in chief, to have again seisin of a messuage and two bovates of land in Tadinton and Presteclyve, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that Joan was enfeoffed of the premises jointly with Michael by Nicholas Ilerigaud and Margery his wife and that she had her seisin thereof during her husband's life by reason of the said feoffment, and that she continued her seisin thereof until the steward took them into the king's hands, and that the messuage and land pertain to her of right. 524 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 9-cont. Mar. 22. To Roger de Cliff[ord], justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to Quenington. cause William le Blund to have ten oaks fit for timber in the forest of Rotelaund, of the king's gift. Mar. 23. To Henry de Shotesbrok. Order to be at Westminster before the treasurer Quenington. and barons of the exchequer in fifteen days from Easter, on pain of incurring the king's wrath, having there with him 3401. that are in arrear to the king of the payment of the first and second moiety of the fifteenth granted to the king in cos. Oxford and Berks of the time when Henry was sheriff and collector of the fifteenth, to be paid to the treasurer and barons. The king has ordered the present sheriff, in case Henry have not yet caused the money to be levied, which the king can scarcely believe, to aid and counsel Henry in levying it whenever required by Henry, and to take security from Henry to have the money before the treasurer and barons at the aforesaid day. The like to the following: Laurence de Scaccario, for 2491. 14s. 6d. in cos. Essex and Hertford. William le Moyne, for 1511. 16s. Od. in cos. Cambridge and Huntingdon. Nicholas de Ry, for 1831. in co. Lincoln. John de Wauton, for 3001. in cos. Surrey and Sussex. John de Havering, for 3841., in co. Southampton. Hugh de Stapelford, for 4031. in cos. Buckingham and Bedford. Walter de Grauntcourt, for 5001. in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Alexander de Kirketon, for 1701. in co. York. Adam le Botiller, for 801. in co. Gloucester. John de Piryton, for 941. in co. Worcester. John de Swimbourne, for 321, in co. Cumberland. Thomas de Pyno, for 2001. in co. Devon. William de Moncketon, for 2481. in co. Cornwall. March 23. To the bailiff of Clarendon. Order to cause the prioress of Aumbresbiry to Down Ampney. have in the forest of Clarendon, at the instance of the king's mother, fifty leafless oak-trunks (robora folia non portantia) for her kiln (rogum), of the king's gift. Membrane 9.-Schedule. These men mainperned Richard son of Hugh de Hudirsale, imprisoned at Lincoln* for the death of Thomas Wrth, to have him before the justices at the first assize if any one wish to speak against him; William son of William de Alston, Robert de Hanyatehaylye, Roger son of Hugh de Hudirsale, Adam del Hirst, Adam son of Thomas de Hudirsale, William de Hudirsale, William de Tuertschaye in Penworttham, Adam Sparwe of Penwortham, William Sparwe of the same, Roger de Keuirdale, Adam del Coppittehirst in Dilwort, and Alan Nictegale of Waleton. MEMBRANE 8. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Whereas the king has taken the homage of Roger de Munbray, son and heir of Roger de Munbray, for the lands that pertain to him, and ordered the steward to cause Roger to have seisin of his father's lands, and the steward, because no mention was made in the writ of other lands pertaining to Roger otherwise than by inheritance, detains from him his purparty of the lands that belonged to Amice de Bello Campo, then in the king's hands by reason of Roger's * Probably an error of Linc' for Lanc[astriam]. Cf. pp. 454, 455, above. 7 EDWARD I. 525 1279. Membrane 8-cont. minority; the king orders the steward, if he have restored to the other parceners of Amice's inheritance their portions, to cause to be assigned to Roger his purparty, and to cause him to have seisin thereof. April 4. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Whereas the king lately ordered him to Lechlade. deliver Hugh Misin of Leverton, imprisoned at Noting[ham] for the death of Cicely, his daughter, to twelve mainpernors [as at page 518, above], and the sheriff has written back that Ralph le Mercer of Ratford, Richard Nory of Landford, Thomas Brexan, William de Tikehull, Walter de Karleton, William de Rampton, Hugh de Leverton, Walter as Eschalers, Hugh Kittok, Richard de Blida, and Geoffrey le Cuperer have mainperned for Hugh in form aforesaid; the king orders the sheriff to deliver to the mainpernors the goods and chattels of Hugh, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the death aforesaid, to be kept by them by the mainprise aforesaid until otherwise ordered, provided that Hugh shall have his maintenance from the goods and chattels according to the judgment of the mainpernors, without making waste of the goods and chattels. To Adam Gurdun, keeper of the forest of Alsisholte. Order to cause the abbot of Hyde, Winchester, and the prior of St. Swithin's there and the sheriff of Southampton, viewers of the works of the castle of Winchester, to have in that forest thirty oaks fit for timber for the said works. To Matthew de Columbar[iis], keeper of the forests of Chet and Derley. Order to cause the aforesaid viewers to have fifteen oaks fit for timber in each of the forests aforesaid. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause the aforesaid abbot and prior to have all the issues of that county until Michaelmas next to the total of 1001., for the works of the aforesaid castle, as the king has enjoined upon them, by the view and testimony of the sheriff and by two of their monks. To the abbot and prior. Order to cause the aforesaid works to be done by two of their monks by the view of the sheriff, in such manner that the king may commend the abbot and prior's diligence in this behalf. April 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the abbot Lechlade. of Lire (Lyra) to be acquitted of 101. by which he made fine before the justices last in eyre in co. Worcester for licence to agree, and of 100s. in which he was amerced before the said justices for a purpresture, and of 6s. 8d. in which he made fine before the said justices for another licence to agree, as he has paid these sums by the king's order to Queen Eleanor, the king's mother. April 19. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the executors of the Westminster. will of Lettice de Kaynes to have free administration of her goods and chattels, after taking security from them for the payment of any debts that she may owe to the king. To the sheriff of Sussex, keeper of the forest of Arundel. Order to cause Roger de Clifford, the younger, to have in that forest two does, of the king's gift. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of Gilbert de Brinnesley, tenant-inchief, after taking security from her not to marry without the king's licence. 526 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 8-cont. April 21. To Matthew de Columbar[iis], taker of the king's wines at Sandwich. WVestminster. Order to cause all the wines of the king's right prise at Sandwich for the present year to be delivered to the constable of Ledes castle for the use of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, of the king's gift. To the justices of the Bench. Order to deliver Robert le Venur, William Tyrel, Simon de Baynthorp, Hugh le Bulur and Hugh son of Peter, imprisoned at Flyte at the king's suit, for the death of Richard de Caverswell, whereof Edith, late the wife of Richard, has appealed them before the justices, in bail to mainpernors who shall mainpern to have them before justices or elsewhere at the king's will, to stand to right if any one wish to speak against them. To the sheriff of Surrey (sic), keeper of the forest of Arundell. Order to cause Isabella, wife of Roger de Clifford, the younger, to have a doe in that forest, of the king's gift. April 21. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard de Suthchirch Westminster. to be acquitted of 100s. in which he was amerced before Roger de Clifford and his fellows, justices last in eyre for pleas of the forest at Chelmereford, for a trespass committed against the king in being present at the taking of a hart that John de Burgo took in the forest of Essex without the king's licence and will, as the king has pardoned Richard this amercement. To the keeper of the forest of Dene. Order to cause Walter de Helyun to have in that forest six oaks fit for timber with their strippings, of the king's gift. By K. on the information of H. son of Otto. April 26. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order not to intermeddle Westminster. further with the lands that belonged to John le Bretun, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John at his death held no lands of the king by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king. To John de Reygate and his follows, justices in eyre in co. Kent. Order to cause estreats to be made of the clearer and better fines and amercements made before them in their eyre to the total of 110 marks, and to cause them to be delivered to the sheriff of Kent to levy the money without delay and to deliver it to them towards their fees. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff to pay the money to the said justices for Easter term, in the seventh year, to wit to John de Reigate 30 marks, Geoffrey de Leukenore 20 marks, William de Norburg' 20 marks, Walter de Hopton 20 marks, and Solomon de Roff[a] 20 marks, for the yearly fees that the king granted to them for so long as they shall be employed in the office aforesaid. To the keeper of the park of Petherton. Order to cause the bishop of Bath and Wells, the king's chancellor, to have in that park six oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. April 27. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the Westminster. custody of the manor of Lollewurth, saving the king's right when he will speak concerning it, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that William de Lolleworth at his death held nothing of the king in chief, but that he held the said manor of Hugh de Roches, kinsman and heir of Roger son of Henry, who held in chief a knight's fee in Lollewurth, as is found by the rolls of the king's exchequer, so that the custody of the manor ought not to pertain to the king at present. 7 EDWARD I. 527 1279. Membrane 8-cont. To R. de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Eleanor, late the wife of Robert de Ferrar[iis], tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. To Hoel son of Meur[ic]. Order to cause Roger de Mortuo [Mari] to nave, so soon as the castle of Buelt shall be closed with a wall, whereby it will be necessary to remove the brattishing (brethach'), to have the best brattishing of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to permit Matilda, late the wife of Matthew Turpyn, to cultivate and sow her lands in Estwintrelowe and to make her profit thereof, until otherwise ordered, and to restore anything received from the issues of her lands. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king learns from their testimony that Stephen de Eddeworth, the late king's constable of the Tower of London, receiving 17s. 9d. daily for his wages for his maintenance and for that of seven serjeants staying with him in the Tower, has 321. 16s. Od. in arrear of his wages from St. Hilary, 52 Henry III., until 17 February following, to wit for thirty-seven days, both days being reckoned, which sum Stephen received, as he says, from the issues of the city at that time: the king orders the barons to allow this sum to Stephen and to William de Dunelmo and Walter Hervy, then the late king's bailiffs of the city, in their account of the issues aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause A. king of Scotland to be acquitted of 100 marks at which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Middlesex for a man of his buried at Staines without the view of the sheriff and coroners, as the king has pardoned him this amercement. April 26. To Philip de Wyleby. Order to deliver to Gregory de Rokesle and Westminster. Orland[inus] de Podio, keepers of the king's exchange, all the silver in his custody of the goods and chattels of condemned Jews, to do therewith what the king has enjoined upon him. By K. on the information of Anthony Bek. To John son of Nigel, keeper of the forest of Bernewod. Order to cause Richard de Beufou to have a buck, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause Alexander de Kyrketon, one of the justices deputed to hear and determine trespasses of money, to have 201. in aid of his expenses. To the sheriff of York. Like order to cause Hugh de Kendal to have 101. in aid of his expenses about the sale of, and receipt of money, from the forfeited goods of Jews. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause Ranulph de Dacre, one of the justices appointed to hear and determine trespasses of money, to have 201. in aid of his expenses in that office. To John Bek. Order to provide for the king in the city of York a good cellar to place the king's wines in, out of the houses that belonged to the Jews in that city, and to deliver the cellar to Matthew de Columbar[iis], the king's chamberlain, or to Simon Gisors, his attorney, so that they may put the king's wine therein. Membrane 8 —Schedule. April 28. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to pay to John de Cobeham, one of the Westminster. justices appointed to hear and determine trespasses of money, 201. in aid of his expenses in that office. 528 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. MEMBRANE 7. April 28. To Thomas de Normanvill. Order to cause Master Robert de Scardeburg Westminster. to have two bucks in the park of Brustwik, which is in his custody, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to receive from Matthew de Columbar[iis], the king's chamberlain, or Simon de Gisors, his attorney, forty tuns of wine of the king's right prise, which they will deliver to him at Boston, and to cause ten tuns thereof to be taken to Rockingham, ten tuns to Northampton, ten tuns to Geytinton, and ten tuns to Silveston, to be placed in the king's cellars. To the sheriff of Southampton. Like order to receive ten tuns from Matthew or Simon at Southampton, and to cause six tuns thereof to be taken to Wodestock and four tuns to Bruhull, to be placed in the king's cellars. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas de Byrlaund, archdeacon of Northumberland, to be acquitted of 201. in which he was amerced for his contempt in entering the town of Oxford against the king's inhibition, as the king has pardoned him. By John de Vescy, who procured his pardon from the king. April 28. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Westminster. Master William Pickerel a messuage and 44 virgates of land in Kingesbrome, which he lately took into the king's hands because Robert son and heir of Robert Hamund, tenant in chief, alienated them to Master William without the king's licence. Here the chancellor went to the king. May 10. To the keeper of the forest of Waltham. Order to cause Master Robert Westminster. de Beverlaco to have in the woods of Wudeford, Waltham and Lucton, within the said forest, 200 beech-trees for the works of the Tower of London. Given by the hand of Master Thomas Bek. April 28. To the justices next in eyre for pleas of the forest in co. Gloucester. Westminster. Order not to aggrieve Thomas, bishop of Hereford, for his trespass in taking in the forest of Dene two wild boars (layas) and a wild swine without the king's licence, as the king has pardoned him. May 9. To Henry de Newerk and Thomas de Newerk, keepers of the archDover. bishopric of York during voidance. Order to cause William de Hamelton to have in the wood of Shireburn four good oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Andrew de Valle Torta to have respite until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next for 181. that he owes to the king of the time when he held the hundred of Rocheford, which he ought to have paid to the exchequer by the hands of Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. By the roll. To the same. Order to permit Andrew de Sakevill to have respite until the next parliament for all debts in which he is indebted at the exchequer. By the roll. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to deliver to brother John de Derlington, the elect of Dublin, all the corn sown in the lands of the archbishopric of Dublin for this year, whether sown at the king's own cost or by champarty or otherwise, as the king has granted such corn to him. It is duplicated, To the same. Order to deliver to the said elect the rents and all other issues of the archbishopric since 28 April, in the 7th year, when the king rendered to him the temporalities, as contained in his letters patent. By the roll, and it is duplicated. 7 EDWARD I. 529 1279. Membrane 7-cont. May 13. To the justices in eyre in co. Kent. Order not to molest in their eyre Dover. John Cottere, William Salomon, Thomas Cristemesse, William Cristemesse, Elias son of Henry, John son of William, Richard son of William Godeholte, Hamo son of Ralph, Hamo le Mer, John Casmere, Nicholas Cristemesse, and Geoffrey Dunote, of the liberty of the port of Dover, if they ascertain by inquisition or otherwise that the aforesaid men took a Flemish ship with the wares contained in her at the time of the contention beween the king and the countess of Flanders, and before the proclamation of peace, and that the goods belonged to Flemings and not to others, and in that case to cause to be delivered to the said nmn any of their goods that may have been arrested by the justices, provided that the justices shall certify the king fully on his return to England concerning all the circumstances of this matter. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause Constance, late the wife of Henry de Alemannia, to have yearly 1001. from the issues of the king's lands of the Peak (de Pecco) assigned to her in dower, for so long as he shall be steward there, and to pay the arrears of the said 1001. of the time when he had the custody of the lands by the king's commission to Master William Reymundi, her attorney. May 7. To Stephen de Penecestre, Walter de Helyun, and John de Cobeham, Canterbury. justices to hear and determine pleas of trespass of money. Whereas all the Jews lately charged, indicted and convicted of clipping the king's money have now been punished with death, and certain of them have forfeited all their goods and chattels for this reason, and are imprisoned during the king's pleasure, and the king learns that many Christians, through hatred of the Jews by reason of the discrepancy of the Christian faith and the rite of the Jews and by reason of divers grievances heretofore inflicted upon Christians by Jews, endeavour from day to day to accuse and indict certain Jews not yet charged or indicted with trespasses of money by light and groundless (voluntarias) accusations, charging them to their terror with being guilty of such trespasses, in order that they may by threats of such accusations strike terror into the Jews, and that they may extort money from them, so that the Jews hereby are frequently put to their trial (ad legem suam), to the manifest peril of their lives: the king wills that all Jews who were not indicted or charged by certain suspicion with trespasses of money before 1 May last, and who will make fine with the said justices for the king's use at the justices' discretion, shall not be charged with such trespasses committed before 1 May by virtue of new accusations made after that day by Christians, but that they may have peace in this behalf for the future; provided that Jews indicted or charged with such trespasses before the said day shall undergo judgment before the justices according to the form previously ordained and provided. The king accordingly orders the justices to take such fines and to cause the premises to be done and observed in form aforesaid. [Fcedera.] The like to Bartholomew de Sulley and his fellows, justices, etc. The like to John Bek and his fellows, justices, etc. [Ibid.] To the aforesaid Stephen, Walter and John, justices appointed to hear and determine pleas of money. The king wills that all Jews who have forfeited their goods and chattels and are imprisoned as aforesaid and who will make fine for the delivery of their bodies, may make such fines according to the discretion of the said justices, and that Jewesses who were the wives of condemned Jews and also the wives of Jews whose goods and chattels are forfeited may similarly make fine, according to the discretion of the justices and according to the quantity of the goods that their husbands u 96998. L L 530 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 7-cont. had and that are not found and are secretly deposited by the said Jewesses and may be thus delivered by the fine from prison, provided that poor Jewesses who were the wives of such condemned Jews and the wives of Jews who have forfeited their goods and chattels having nothing whereby they may be redeemed shall be delivered from prison by the justices without ransom. The king also wills that the justices shall enquire before Midsummer concerning the lands of such Jews that are the king's escheats in whatsoever places they may be and for how much they may be sold, and who will give most for them and will pay the price thereof to the king quickly, and to certify the king fully by the said terms concerning these matters. The king therefore orders the justices to take such fines from the Jews and Jewesses and to do all the premises. [Ibid.] The like to John Bek and his fellows, justices, etc. [Ibid.] The like to Bartholomew de Suleye and his fellows, justices, etc. [Ibid.] MEMBRANE 6. May 13. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to deliver Perceval Westminster. de Luk', the king's merchant of the society of the merchants of Lucca (Luk'), who was lately indicted before the justiciary for clipping money and who was condemned by an inquisition upon which he placed himself, for which reason he is imprisoned, in bail to Orlandinus de Podio, Boruncinus Walteri, Albert (Albem') Talgard, and Mainetus Reyner and their fellows, who have mainperned to have him before the king's court to stand to right. Given by the hand of Master Thomas Bek. Vacated, because otherwise below. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause Joan, late the wife of Robert de Monte Alto, tenant in chief, to have 20 marks 5s. 7d. for the like sum that she ought to have received for her dower of 401. 16s. 9d. that Walter de Shelfhangre, late sheriff of that county, received from the toll and other issues of a booth (selde) that belonged to Robert in the town of Lynn, from Friday before Palm Sunday, in the fourth year of the reign, until Michaelmas following, which sum Walter paid to the exchequer. May 14. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Order to send to the king, Westminster. under his seal and the seals of Robert Bagod, Eustace de Poder, and Master Thomas de Chaddeworth and of those by whom the inquisition was made, the inquisition taken by the said Robert, Eustace and Thomas whether Percival de Luk', merchant of the society of the merchants of Lucca (Luk'), was guilty or not of clipping the king's money, as the king wishes to be certified concerning the tenor of the inquisition, and to cause Percival to be delivered from prison, together with all his goods and chattels, as he has found mainpernors, to wit Orlandinus de Podio, Bouruncinus Walteri, Albert (Albemn') Talgardi, and Mainettus Reiner and their fellows, merchants of Lucca, to stand to right in the king's court. Given by the hand of Master Thomas Bek. May 16. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause John de la More, one of the Westminster. justices appointed to take certain inquisitions in that county, to have ten marks, in aid of his expenses in that office. Given by the hand, etc. To tile treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be levied and paid to Edmund, the king's brother, the arrears of the 600 marks in which the citizens of Hereford made fine with the late king for having his good will, as the late king granted this fine to Edmund, as 7 EDWARD I. 531 1279. Membrane 6-cont. appears by the rolls of chancery and Edmund has not been satisfied for this sum. To Robert de Ufford, justiciary of Ireland. Whereas Leonard Teste, merchant of Lucca (Luk'), charged with the clipping of money and taken and imprisoned on this charge, has found the king mainpernors, to wit Orlandinus de Podio and his fellows, merchants of Lucca, to stand to right in the king's court, the king orders the justiciary, if Leonard find him mainpernors to stand to right in form aforesaid, to deliver him from prison by such mainprise and by the mainprise aforesaid, receiving from him good security that he will render himself to prison at the king's will. May 20. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Ralph Westminster. Dunion or his attorney bearing these letters the temporalities of the archbishopric of Rouen in his bailiwick, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Odo, the late archbishop. The like to Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. May 25. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause R. bishop of Lincoln Westminster. to be acquitted of 801. in which he made fine with the king for his service of five knights' fees, which he lately acknowledged to the king, for the army of Wales in the fifth year of the reign, as the king has received this sum from the bishop by the hands of Reyner de Luk' and Orlandinus de Podio and their fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'). June 4. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause William Westminster. de Monte Caniso and Beatrice his wife to have all the issues of their purparty of the inheritance that Amicia, late the wife of William de Belle Campo, held in dower, from 26 June, in the sixth year, when the king ordered the steward to cause the manor of Belcham, which Amicia held of the inheritance of her husband, except the messuage, to be extended and divided into three parts and to cause William de Monte Caniso and Beatrice his wife to have seisin of a third of it, etc. [as at page 467, above]. Given by the hand of Master Thomas Bek. June 6. To Gregory de Rockesl[eye], mayor of London, and to Orlandinus de Westminster. Podio, keepers of the exchange of London. Order to cause Bouruncinus and Henry de Podio and their fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), to have 6000 marks for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs enjoined upon them. Given by the hand of Master Thomas Bek. By the king's order by writ. June 10. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order not to intermeddle Westminster. further with the land of Sewal de Worth, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that Sewal at his death held nothing in chief by reason whereof the custody of his land ought to pertain to the king. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the account of Luke de Luk' and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), for all the receipts and payments of the king's money from the time when the king landed on his return from the Holy Land at Trapes until St. Hilary, in the seventh year of the reign. Memorandum, that, on Monday before Midsummer, the king landed at Dover; on which day Master Thomas Bek and John de Kirk[eby], to whom the king had delivered his great seal for custody in his absence, delivered the seal to the bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. [.Fe dera.] L L 2 532 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 6-cont. June 21. To the keeper of the exchange of Canterbury. Order to permit J. Canterbury. archbishop of Canterbury to deliver to them his own pennies and to receive the emolument of his own pennies by the view of one of his men to be deputed for this purpose, so far as regards the emolument of three dies (cuneos) that he claims to pertain to him by reason of his archbishopric, until otherwise ordered, as was wont to be done in the times of his predecessors and in the times of other exchangers. [Fcedera,] To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to restore to Alexander, king of Scotland, his liberty of Aldeston, which the sheriff took into the king's hands by order of the justices in eyre in that county. To the justices in eyre in co. York. Order to permit the said king to use and enjoy his liberty aforesaid. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to restore to Robert de Veteri Ponte all his lands of Aldeneston, which the sheriff took into the king's hands by order of the justices last in eyre in that county. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to restore to William de Harewe, clerk, his lands, goods and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands upon his being charged with the homicide of Richard Levegar, for which he was lately imprisoned at Maydenestan, and was afterwards taken before the justices lately in eyre in co. Kent, as he has purged his innocence before J. archbishop of Canterbury, to whom he was delivered according to the privilege of the clergy. June 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Roger Leeds. Ruffyn to be acquitted of 40s. in which he made fine before the justices lately in eyre at Canterbury to have a good inquisition, as the king has pardoned him this sum. To the same. Order to cause Amicia de Pecham to be acquitted of a mark in which she was amerced before J. de Cobeham and E. de Bekingh[am] because she withdrew herself from the prosecution of an attaint that she had sued out against Thomas de Stonesbrok, as the king has pardoned her this amercement. To the collectors of the new custom at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to deliver to Orlandinus de Podio or his attorney all the money received or to be received from the custom aforesaid, for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs enjoined upon Orlandinus. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Isabella, late the wife of Philip de Flerterugg, tenant in chief, after taking oath from her not to marry without the king's licence. July 5. To the keeper of the abbey of St. Edmund. Order to cause Robert de Westminster. Tybotot to have in the parks of the abbey four bucks, of the king's gift. July 4. To John de Reygate and his fellows, justices in eyre in co. Sussex. Westminster. Order to cause the men of the towns of Legh, Ketebrok, Grenewyz, and Leuesham to be acquitted of 10 marks in which they were amerced before the said justices in their eyre at Canterbury for the escape of Richard de Malewasdon, Clement de Oxonia, John Maunger, and one Robert their fellow, who had fled as thieves to the church of Legh and who, after the escape being pursued by the men of the said towns, were hanged, as the king has pardoned the men the aforesaid amercement. July 5. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Luke de Luk' and Westminster. Orlandinus de Luk' and their fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luha), to be 7 EDWARD I. 533 1279. Membrane 6-cont. acquitted of 14981. 5s. Od. that are exacted fiom them for a fine by reason of their trespasses in communicating with the Flemings and in taking wool out of the realm to parts beyond sea contrary to the inhibition of the late king and of the present king, as the king has pardoned them their trespasses, willing that the said merchants and all of their society and their ministers shall be quit of all trespasses, excesses and forfeitures and of fines and amercements pertaining to the king for these reasons. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's steward. Order to cause Peter de Brumpton to have in the forest of Den four oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. July 7. To the keeper of the forest of Braden. Order to cause Walter de Helyun Westminster. to have in that forest four bucks, of the king's gift. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Milisent, late the wife of Eudo la Zusche, the lands of her inheritance of her purparty of the inheritance of George de Cantilupo, tenant in chief, of whom she is the second heiress, together with everything received thence since Endo's death, as she has done homage to the king for the lands. The like to Richard de Holbrok and Ralph de Sandwyco, the king's stewards. July 6. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to Westminster. discharge Adam de Wyntonia, king's clerk, in his debts to the exchequer of the Jews, of 60s. for the arrears of his fee and 81. for his robes, as the king learns by inquisition taken by R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, that 60s. are in arrear of Adam's fee of 101. yearly for the custody of the rolls of the Jewry, to wit 10s. for Christmas term, in the sixth year, and 50s. for Easter term following, and that the king is indebted to Adam in 41. for his winter and summer robes of the sixth year and 41. for his winter and summer robes of the seventh year. To the sheriffs of London. Notification that the king has pardoned Robert Neveu the 21 marks at which a ship of his that was wrecked (periclitata) by accident near London Bridge and was adjudged to the king as deodand was appraised by the sheriffs, and order to deliver to Robert the ship, if it was appraised at so much for this reason and if it be in the king's hand solely for this reason, and to permit Robert to be acquitted of the said sum. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Robert de Aeon', merchant, to be acquitted of 25 marks of the 30 marks assessed upon him by reason of the fifteenth granted to the king, after receiving [security] for payment of the remaining five marks, as the king has pardoned him 25 marks. Membrane 6.-Schedule. These were elected in the presence of Sir Roger de Nordwode and Stephen de Penecestre, beseeching the chancellor that they may not be amoved by writ of chancery, because if so the king will incur manifest loss. In the lathe (lasto) of Suttone: Henry de Apeltrefeud, coroner. In the lathe of Aylesford: William de Etling, coroner. In the lathe of Srewinghop: Stephen de Bocton, coroner. In the lathe of St. Augustine and Edeling: Bertram Tauncre, coroner. In the lathe of Schipwey: Thomas de Marines, coroner, with the seven hundreds. In the hundred of Middelton: Roger de Toketon, coroner. 534 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. MEMBRANE 5. July 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Whereas the Westminster. king lately granted to Falco Masner and his fellows, merchants of Florence, a custom called ' the new aid' to be received from wool and other wares in Ireland for a certain time, for a sum of money paid by them to the king beforehand, and the king caused the custom aforesaid to be relaxed before the end of the time aforesaid, whereby Falco and his fellows lost 20 marks of the custom aforesaid: the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause the said 20 marks to be allowed to the executors of Falco's will and to the other merchants aforesaid in the arrears of the said money, if there be any. If they ascertain that the merchants paid the aforesaid sum to the king in full, they are ordered to pay the aforesaid 20 marks from the money in the king's treasury of Ireland. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause prelates and others of the realm who have made fine with the king for the fifteenth touching them and their villeins for the fifteenth lately granted to him throughout England to be acquitted of their fifteenth by such fines, according to the contents of the writs sent to the king by the collectors and receivers of the said fifteenth in divers counties, provided that the king shall be satisfied for the fines upon the rendering of the account of the collectors and receivers. July 7. To Richard de Holebrok, steward of the forest of Rokingham. Order to Westminster. deliver Robert de Boyton and John Mathy of Craneford, imprisoned at Rokingham for trespass of the Forest, in bail to twelve men each who shall mainpern to have them before the justices for pleas of the Forest when they next come to those parts and that they will not henceforth incur forfeiture in that forest. July 13. To the keeper of the forest of Wicchewod. Order to cause Adam de Windsor. Monte Alto to have in that forest three leafless oak-trunks, of the king's gift. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Nicholas, son and heir of Richard de Perishote, late agistor of the New Forest, to be acquitted of 141. 15s. 2d. exacted from him for pannage of swine in the forest in the 39th, 40th, 41st, 42nd and 43rd years of the late king's reign, as it is testified before the king by Adam de Wintonia that Richard paid the aforesaid sum to Geoffrey de Cave and Elias de Cumbe, the king's late receivers at Bristol. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause John de Nevill to have in the forest of Essex a hart, of the king's gift. July 17. To the keeper of the forest of Bocholte. Order to cause Payn de Windsor. Cadurc[is] to have in that forest two bucks, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Bere. Order to cause the said Payn to have two bucks in that forest, of the king's gift. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard de Tany to be acquitted of nine marks in which he was amerced before Roger de Clifford and his fellows, justices last in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Essex, for trespass of venison in that forest, as the king has pardoned him this amercement at the instance of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause Master Walter Scamel, dean of Salisbury, to have in that forest five leafless oak-trunks for fuel, of the king's gift. 7 EDWARD I. 535 1279, Membrane 5-cont. To William Johannis and his fellows, merchants of Cahors. Order to deliver the 5001. that they promised to lend to the king to Gregory de Rockel[eye], mayor of London, and Orlandinus de Podio of Lucca (Luca), keepers of the king's exchange, for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs. July 17. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to Windsor, be assigned to Mary, late the wife of Robert le Bretun, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence. To Geoffrey de Piccheford, constable of Windsor castle. Order to cause Robert son of John to have in Windsor forest two oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Whereas the king lately ordered him to cause the constable of Bristol castle to have in the forest of Dene eighty oaks for certain works in that castle, of which forty still remain to be delivered: the king orders the justice, if it be so, to cause the said forty oaks to be delivered with all their strippings to the constable, so that the constable shall answer to the king for the strippings by the view of the viewers of the same works. To the same. Order to cause Roger Bygot, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, to have in the forest of Dene two bucks, of the king's gift. July 24. To the prior and convent of St. Swithin's, Winchester. Order to pay Windsor. without delay to William de Brayboef, sheriff of Southampton, for the works cf the castle of Winchester, the 25 marks that the king lately lent them for the expedition of their affairs. July 28. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to deliver to Roger le Bygod, earl of Windsor. Norfolk and Marshal of England, the king's manor of Boseham, with the towns, members and all other appurtenances, which the king lately had of the earl's gift, as the king has granted it to the earl and the heirs of his body, on condition that it shall revert to the king if the earl die without an heir of his body. The like to the sheriff of Hertford concerning the manor of Weston. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Philip de Wyleby to be acquitted of 1421. for money found in the houses of Jews in divers places, as he paid this money to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, on Tuesday the feast of St. James. To Ralph de Sandwyco. Order to deliver to Sarah, late the wife of William Nowel, as mother and nearest [friend] of William's heir, the lands that belonged to William, to have in name of wardship until the heir come of age, saving to the king the heir's marriage, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Ralph that William at his death held nothing of the king in chief by knight service or otherwise by reason whereof the wardship of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that the lands are held in socage. To John son of Hugh, keeper of the forest of La Lungeforest. Order to cause R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, to have in that forest two harts, of the king's gift. To Geoffrey de Piccheford. Order to cause Patrick de Cadurcis to have in the aforesaid forest two oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. Aug. 1. To Richard de Plesetis, keeper of the forest of Menedepe. Order to Brill. cause Richard du Boys to have in that forest two oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. 636 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 5-cont. To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to cause Hildebrand de Londonia, sheriff of Wilts, to have ten oak-trunks in that forest, to make a kiln (rogum) therewith for the king's works at Clarendon. To Gregory de Rokesl[eye], mayor of London, and to Giles de Audenard. Order to take into the king's hands all the houses and rents that belonged to Jacob de Oxonia, a Jew, deceased, which Henna, late the wife of Jacob, holds, and also all the houses and rents that belonged to Jacob when the king was last in Gascony, and after they have taken them into the king's hands, to deliver them to Roger le Fykeys for the use of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to hold according to the form of the grant of the houses and rents that the king has made to her. To the steward of the forest of Essex. Order to cause W. bishop of Norwich to have in the forest of Essex twelve bucks, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford. Order to cause Joan, wife of Geoffrey Gacelyn, to have three oak-trunks in Cypham forest for fuel, of the king's gift. To Richard de Holebrok. Order to cause the houses of the manor of Brehull to be repaired. To John son of Hugh, keeper of the king's forest near Shrewsbury that is called the Long Forest. Order to cause R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, to have in that forest or elsewhere four harts, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to deliver to Roger le Bigot, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, the manor of Weston, to be held according to the form of the king's grant to him. To the sheriff of York. Order to respite until fifteen days from Michaelmas the demand upon Roger le Estraunge for any debts due to the king. The like to the sheriffs of Lincoln and Bedford. Aug. 4. To Guncelin de Batelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause Roger Brill. Lestrange (Extraneo) to have in the forest of La Mare four bucks, of the king's gift. Aug. 4. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to deliver to Roger le Bigod, earl Brill. of Norfolk and Marshal of England, the manor of Weston, to be held according to the form of the king's grant to him. Aug. 14. To the keeper of the forest of Dene. Order to cause Roger de Mortuo Overstone. Mari to have in that forest two harts and ten bucks, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Kanek. Order to cause the said Roger to have in that forest two harts and ten bucks, of the king's gift. To Roger de Clifford. Order to cause John le Lou to have six oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift, in the king's wood of Hanlee, which is within the forest of MV hitlewod. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, to have four oaks fit for timber in the said wood, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Rechicche. Order to cause Ralph de Aubeny to have in that forest two bucks, of the king's gift, 7 EDWARD I. 537 1279. Membrane 5-cont. To the keeper of the forest of Whicchewode. Order to cause the abbess of Godestowe to have in the clearings of that forest four leafless oak-trunks for fuel, of the king's gift. To the keeper of the forest of Salcey (de Salseto). Order to cause the Friars Preachers of Northampton to have in the clearings (trencheiis) of that forest six good oaks for timber, of the king's gift. By K. To the keeper of the forest of Whittlewode. Order to cause Hugh de Ver to have in the park of Hanle, within the said forest, six good oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. By K. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause John, parson of the church of Oveston, to have in the forest of Wakefeud three oaks fit for timber with their strippings (escaetis), of the king's gift, where it may be done most conveniently for him and with the least damage to the king. Aug. 16. To the keeper of the forest of Whitlewode. Order to cause the prior of Geddington. Bradeley to have in that forest three oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift, where it may be done most conveniently for him and with the least damage to the king. Membrane 5-Schedule. July 17. To Roger Loveday and John de Metingham. Notification that the king Windsor. has pardoned the abbot of Waltham the amercements into which he fell in the assizes of novel disseisin that divers men of co. Essex arramed against him before Roger and John concerning common of pasture in Wyntreye, co. Essex, and also all amercements into which the abbot fell before Roger and John for a trespass that he was said to have committed upon R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, and order to cause the amercements to be deleted from their rolls and to cause the abbot to be acquitted thereof. [Original writ, with seal-tag torn away.] MEMBRANE 4. Aug. 17. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Hugh de Bray and Sibyl his wife, the Geddington. youngest daughter and co-heiress of Hugh de Wocketon, have come to the king's court and complained that the partition of the inheritance that belonged to Hugh between them and the other co-heiresses and parceners of the inheritance had been made unreasonably, wherefore the king caused the parceners to be called before him, and after what they wished to propound had been heard, it was found that the chief messuage that belonged to Hugh de Woketon in Woketon remained to be divided between Hugh and Sibyl and William de Jarpenvill and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Hugh de Woketon, and it was considered in the same court that William and Joan should have the hearth and the things that pertain to the hearthheir (astrarium), and that Hugh and Sibyl should have their purparty within the said messuage: the king therefore orders the sheriff to cause their purparties in the messuage to be assigned to the heirs and parceners aforesaid, as he was enjoined, and to cause to be delivered to Hugh and Sibyl certain oxen that he took from them for a disseisin that they were said to have made. Aug. 21. To Guncelin de Badelesmere, justice of Chester. Order to cause the Liddington. abbot of St. Wereburga's, Chester, to have in the forest of Wirhal a hart in order to hold the feast of the said saint. 588 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 4 —cont. Aug. 21. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Whereas the king granted Liddington. to Hugh son of Oto, for his praiseworthy service, 501. yearly of land from wardships, to have until the heirs to whom the lands belong come of age, and Hugh has, by virtue of this grant, the lands in Passenham that belonged to William de Passenham, who is not of sound mind, which lands were lately extended by the steward at 271.: the king, wishing to carry his grant into effect, orders the steward [to deliver] to Hugh the wardship of the lands that belonged to John la Veille, tenant in chief, and the heir of John, to be married without disparagement, to have until the heir come of age in completion of the grant aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on 18 October, in the fifth year of the reign, committed to John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, the liberty of the honour of Richmond in cos. Essex, Hertford, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, and Lincoln from then until Michaelmas following and from that feast for so long as the king wills, rendering therefor to the exchequer 501. yearly, provided that he should answer also for the issues of co. Lincoln in addition to the 501. aforesaid; and the king now learns fiom Richard de Holebrok, his steward in the said counties, that the treasurer and barons charge him in his account with the issues for the time aforesaid of the liberty aforesaid in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, which issues the earl received: the king orders them to charge the earl with the issues from the time of the commission aforesaid, and to cause Richard to be discharged of them for that time. Aug. 22. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to commit to Oakham. Ralph de Rede, who was maimed in the king's service, a suitable bailiwick, to be held during good behaviour. Aug. 27. To Hugh son of Alan, keeper of the Long Forest near Shrewsbury. Nottingham. Order to cause John Giffard of Brimmesfeld to have two harts in that forest, of the king's gift. Sept. 7. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the Gedling. citizens of Lincoln to be acquitted of 1001. of the ferm of their town for Michaelmas term next, as they paid this sum into the king's wardrobe at Noting[ham] by the hands of William Cause, their bailiff, to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, on Thursday the eve of the Nativity of St. Mary, in the seventh year. To the same. Whereas the late king granted. to Isabella, late the wife of Roger de Merley, for a fine of 40 marks, that she might marry whomsoever she wished, and Adam de Everingham, who afterwards married her, satisfied the late king for the said sum, as was testified in the late king's letters patent of acquittance that Adam had and that were burnt by mischance, as is testified before the king, and the king, in case Adam did not satisfy the late king for the money, has pardoned Adam the sum aforesaid: the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Adam to be acquitted of the aforesaid 40 marks. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause William de Colewik to have in the forest of Shirewode near Notingham eight live does and four live bucks to stock his park of Colewik therewith. By K. on the information of Master Thomas Bek. Sept. 8. To Robert Tibotot, keeper of the Hay of Bes[k]ewode. Order to cause Nottingham. the Friars Minors [of Notingham] to have six oaks in the Hay of Bescwode for the new construction of their church of Notingham, of the king's gift. 7 EDWARD I. 539 1279. Membrane 4-cont. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the citizens of Lincoln to be acquitted of 201. of the ferm of their town for Michaelmas term next, as they paid that sum into the wardrobe at Notinghan by the hands of William Cause, the bailiff of the city, to Master Thomas Bek, keeper of the wardrobe, on Saturday the morrow of the Nativity of St. Mary. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause the Austin Friars of Tykhull to have in the wood of Birklund, within the bounds of Shirewode forest, four oaks fit for timber for the work of their church. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause John Lovel to have in the forest of Wychewode three bucks, of the king's gift. Sept. 23. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause the prior Buckden. and convent of Huntedon to have in the forest of Wanberge two good oak-trunks for fuel, of the king's gift. Sept. 20. To Matthew de Columbariis, taker of the king's wines. Order to cause Westminster. Thomas de Pampesworth, keeper of the household of Alfonso, the king's son, to have from the king's wines of the right prise two tuns of wine, for the expenses of the said household. Sept. 24. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to cause David Westminster. son of John son of John de Cawod to have seisin of a third of the manor of Cawod, which part John, his grandfather, held in chief at his death, as the king has taken David's homage and rendered to him the third aforesaid. Sept. 28. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to permit Patrick de Cadurcis, Eastwood. brother and heir of Payn de Cadurcis, tenant in chief, to have all issues and rents of the lands whereof Payn at his death was seised in his demesne as of fee from the time of Payn's death, as the king has granted the issues and rent to Patrick upon this occasion. The like to the sheriffs of Nottingham, Southampton, Berks, Gloucester, and Wilts. Oct. 14. To the keeper of the park of Northampton. Order to cause Nicholas de Westminster. Cukeho to have in that park twelve live hares to stock therewith a grove (grava) of his, of the king's gift. To Master Henry de Newerk, keeper of the archbishopric of York. Order to cause Druettus, the king's butler, or his attorney to have 1001. and Thomas Kyng, burgess' of Rothelan, or his attorney, to have 401. in which the king is indebted to them for money paid by the king's order to William de Perton, keeper of the king's works of Rothelan, for the said works. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Emma, late the wife of Hugh le Botiler, tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without his licence. Oct. 18. To Ralph de Sandwico, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Eleanor, Westminster. late the wife of John de Mohun, tenant in chief, the following manors, which the king has assigned to her in dower; the manor of Menheved, which is extended at 271. 4s. 2kd.; the manor of Kelveton, which is extended at 191. 13s. 6d.; the manor of Braworth, which is extended at 41. 16s. 8d.; the manor of Torre, which is extended at 161. 15s. llid.; and the manor of Eggeburgh, which is extended at 131. 17s. 6dd. 540 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 4-cont. Oct. 21. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Westminster. Alan de Walkingham the custody of the lands that belonged to William de Ardern in Hundeburton, co. York, which are in the king's hands because Richard de Ardern, William's brother and heir, is of unsound mind, as the king has granted the custody to Alan with all issues, etc., during pleasure. Oct. 20. To John de Reygate and his fellows, justices in eyre in co. Surrey. Westminster. Order to cause estreats to the total of 110 marks to be made of the clearer and better fines and amercements made before them in their eyre, and to cause the estreats to be delivered to the sheriff of that county in order to levy the money and to pay it to the justices towards their fees for Michaelmas term last, to wit John de Reygate 30 marks, Geoffrey de Leukenore 20 marks, William de Norburg 20 marks, Solomon de Roff[a] 20 marks, and Richard de Boylond 20 marks. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff. To the justices in eyre in co. York. Order to continue before them from day to day until the quinzaine of Martinmas, all matters touching Robert de Percy, so that they may then proceed in the said matters, as Geoffrey de Nevill, Walter de Huntercumbe, Robert de Insula, Geoffrey de Neubaud, Richard de Crepping, and Alan de Penynton of that county have mainperned to have the aforesaid Robert before the justices in the said quinzaine to stand to right. Nov. 7. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de Swinburn, late Westminster. sheriff of Cumberland, to be acquitted of 201. wherewith he is charged at the exchequer for the arrears of his account as sheriff and of 100s. in which he was amereed before the barons because he did not make his proffer before them in person at Michaelmas, in the sixth year, as the king has pardoned him these sums. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to John Hardyi of Mildenhal that he may pay the 50 marks due to the exchequer by 12 marks 6s. 8d. yearly, and order to cause him to have these terms. Oct. 24. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to cause Roger, Westminster. grandson (nepotis) and heir of Matilda de Sancto Andrea, to have seisin of all the lands that Matilda, his grandmother, held in chief of the late king, as the king has taken his homage. Membrane 4-Schedules. [ Lands of John de Mohun and dower of Eleanor, his wife.] rThe extent of Dunsterre.... 171. 18s. 10Od. Item 55i fees and a fifteenth of a knight's fee. I The extent of Carampton... 551. l7s. 21d. Somerset. < The extent of Oudecumbe... 8. 17s. Od. The extent of Menneheved... 271. 4s. 2~d. The extent of Kylveton.... 191. 13s. 6d. LThe extent of Illebrewere... 241. Os. 61d. The extent of Kadeleye... 108s. 11d. Devon. The extent of Braworth.... 41. 16s. 7d. The extent of Torre Moun 16l. 15s. 11 d. The extent of Uggeburgh...131. 17s. 61d. Sum total of the extent: 194!. 10s. 41d. 7 EDWARD I. 541 1279. Membrane 4-Schedules-cont. Item, in the bailiwick of f The extent of Wycheford..361. Richard de Holebrok The extent of Luton.... 171. Total of this: 531. Sum total of all the extents: 2471. 10s. 41d. Whereof a third part: 821. 10s. lid. Menneheved.... 271. 4s. 21d. Kelveton... 191. 13s. 6d. Braworth..... 41. 16s. 7d. Torre Moun... 161. 15s. 111d. Ugggeburgh (sic).. 131. 17s. 61d. Total of these: 821. 7s. 9~d. And thus there is lacking of the third part: 2s. 4~d. Somerset. Kilveton.... 191. 13s. 6d. Total: S Illebruere.. 241. Os. 6id. Total 431. 14s. 0d. Devon. Braworth.. 41. 16s. 7d. T1ol 211. 1o. ajd. Torre Moun... 16715. 1s d. Total: 21. s. 6d Luton.... 171. Os. Od. Total: 171. Os. Od. Sum total: 821. 6s. 7~d. And thus there is lacking 3s. 6id. Mainpernors of Robert de Balliolo: John de Eyvile of co. York, Walter de Useflet of the same county; Peter de Campanea of co. Lincoln; Roger de Arcy of co. York, Thomas Fole Jaunbe of the same county, William de Heeruncy of the same county, Nicholas de Wurteleye of the same county, Adam de Eyvile of the same county, Ernald de Salso Marisco of the same county, John de Usflete of the same county, Simon de Monte Alto of the same county, William de Lokynton of the same county. Mainpernors of Gilbert son of Aunger de Kyrk[eby?]: Walter Wyman of Kyrk', Ralph his brother, William son of William de Kyrk', John de Harstan, Ralph Rampayn of Kyrk', John Fuche, William Repyn of Ketelby, William Mlortayn, Thomas son of Walter, Roger son of Roger, of co. Leicester, Simon de Aslakeston, John de Ulgrave, of co. Nottingham. Mainpernors of Roger de Beltoft: Ralph Arnale, Gervase de Weleford, Thomas Malet, Thomas de Rempston, Henry de Wyleford, Walter de eKelmp, clerk, Henry Bertilmeu of Notingham, Henry del Stoch, Roger de Drayton, Robert le Petyt, Geoffrey de Bulcote, Richard de Landeford. Mainpernors of Master Roger de Cava to come before the king at Stanford when he first comes thither: Sir Richard de Seyton, knight, Sir Robert de Suyllington, clerk, Richard de Collishil, Reginald son of Thomas, squire of the said Richard, Hugh de Cava, clerk, Robert de Belgrave, attorney of the abbot of Leicester. 542 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 4-Schedules-cont. Aug. 4. *To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver William Normaund Brill. of Southampton, charged with the death of John de Brabancia, a merchant, slain at Southampton in the late king's time, in bail to twelve men who shall mainpern to have him before the king or his justices at his order, as the king now understands that William is falsely and maliciously charged with the said death. Names of the twelve men who have mainperned the aforesaid William: Nicholas de Barbeflet, Robert Beneyt, Henry le Lung, John Beneyt, Peter de Lyons, Hugh le Graunt, Jordan de Insula, Robert de Barbeflet, Richard le Lung, Henry de Reyns, Simon le Neue, Stephen de la Prise. MEMBRANE 3. Oct. 29. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the abbot Westminster. of Abbindon to be acquitted of the 80 marks specified below, as the late king granted 1000 marks of the fines that divers bishops and abbots of the realm made with him for their services, to the present king for his expenses in his journey to the Isle of Axsisholm in aid of the capture of that island, and the abbot of Abbindon paid to the king by reason of the said grant 80 marks of the fine that he made with the late king for his service, as appears by the late king's letters patent, which the king has inspected. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Order to cause Walter de Essex[ia], late sheriff of Hertford and Essex, to be acquitted of 121. 10s. Od. in which he was amerced before Robert de Fuleham and his fellows, then justices for the custody of the Jews, for divers occasions because he did not answer for the issues of the land of Alan de Cogeshal, as the king has pardoned him this sum. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause Robert Malet to have seisin of all the lands that Philip de Hertrugg' held at his death of the king in chief by serjeanty in Herterugg and Tytecumbe, whereof Richard de Coplaund and Joan his wife, sister and heir of Philip, enfeoffed Robert; by reason of which feoffment, which was made without the kings licence, the king caused the lands to be taken into his hands; and to restore to Robert everything received thence since the lands were taken into the king's hands, as the king has taken Robert's homage and rendered the lands to him. Nov. 2. To the sheriff of York. Order to take with him twelve knights of that Westminster. county, and go in person to the land of Robert, bishop of Durham, in Kneveton and the land of Roger de Laceles in Kirkeby Knol, and to cause a perambulation to be made between the said lands, which perambulation shall be made by certain metes and bounds, as the bishop and Roger have put themselves upon the perambulation before the king, and order to certify the justices at the first assize in those parts, under his seal and the seals of four of the knights, by what metes and bounds the perambulation was made. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause R. bishop of Durham to have seisin of three dies (cuneorum) of sterlings of the king's new money, with all things pertaining to the dies, in the same way as his predecessors were wont to have the dies at the exchequer upon the change of other moneys. * This seems to be the original writ, which is sewed on to the roll with the sheriff's return because it is not enrolled. It has several erasures. 7 EDWARD I. 543 1279. Membrane 3-cont. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward beyond Trent. Order to deliver to R. bishop of Durham all the fruits pertaining to the sequestration (sequestrum) of the churches of the bishopric of Carlisle within the bishopric of Durham, which he lately took into the king's hands by the king's order, and not to meddle further with the fruits or the sequestration of the said churches, saving to the king his right when he may wish to speak about this at another time. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of Hasting' to be acquitted of 101. in which he was amerced before the late king's justices last in eyre in co. Sussex, as the late king pardoned the prior this sum and the king confirms the pardon. To Geoffrey de Nevill, justice of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to cause John de Vescy to have in the forest of Northumberland ten does and six roe-does, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to deliver to the steward of the New Forest of Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, the hundred of Redebrigg, as the king has granted the hundred to her during pleasure on condition that she answer at the exchequer for as much as other keepers of the hundred have been wont to answer for. To Hugh de Kendale. Order to cause the said queen to have the 1001. by which Thomas son of Ivo made fine with the king for trespass of the king's money, and the 10 marks by which William de Burton made fine with the king for the like trespass, and the 5 marks by which Contissa, late the wife of Cressantus de Harebergh, a Jew lately hanged, made fine with the king for the like trespass, and also all the goods, debts and chattels that belonged to Cressantus. To Ralph de Sandwyco, the [king's] steward. Order to cause Peter de Brumton to have in the forest of Dene four oaks fit for timber, of the king's gift. Peter Corbet and Hugh Lengleys acknowledge that they owe to Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Salop. To the king's bailiff of Hawarthyn. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Joan, late the wife of Robert de Mohaut, tenant in chief. And the justiciary of Chester is ordered to cause this to be done in the bailiff's default. To Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent. Order to cause Roger de Clifford, the younger, to have four bucks and six does in the forest of Dene, of the king's gift. Nov. 7. To the same. Order to cause John Bek to have in the forest of Sappeleye Westminster. six live bucks and six live does, of the king's gift. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to permit the Friars Minors of Canterbury to enclose a lane on the north side of their yard (aree) for the enlargement of their yard towards the west, and to permit them to hold it thus enclosed, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that it is not to his damage or the damage of any one else if he were to grant licence to the Friars to enclose the lane, and he has accordingly granted them licence. Nov. 6. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard de Creppingg, Westminster. the late king's sheriff and afterwards the king's sheriff of Cumberland and Westmoreland, to be acquitted of 101. 13s. 4d. to wit 100s. at which he was amerced for a contempt before the late king's justices of the Bench, in the 54th year of the reign, 100s. at which he was amerced for the same before 544 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 3-cont. the king's justices of the Bench, in the first year of the reign, and 13s. 4d. at which he was amerced before the justices last in eyre in co. Cunberland for trespass, as the king has pardoned him these sums. To the bailiff and approved men of Shrewsbury. Order to cause the wall of the town adjoining the yard of the Friars Preachers there and the gate of the Friars in the wall to be raised to the height of eight feet, out of the issues of the murage of the town, as the king wills that the wall and gate shall be raised. Nov. 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge the Westminster. prior of St. Edmund's and Walter de Shelfhangre, late sheriff of Suffolk, of 20101. of the first moiety of the fifteenth granted to the king in that county, as they paid it to Luke de Luk', deceased, and his fellows, merchants of Lucca (Lucan'), as appears by the letters patent sealed by Luke and his fellows, which the king has inspected. The like for the prior of Norwich and Walter de Grauncourt, late sheriff of Norfolk, for 29751. 16s. 8d. paid to the aforesaid merchants and to Giles de Audenard, of the second moiety of the fifteenth in the aforesaid county. The like for the prior of St. Edmunds and Walter de Grauncourt, late sheriff of Suffolk, for 19801. 15s. 10d. paid to Luke and his fellows and Giles of the second moiety of the fifteenth in co. Suffolk. The like for the prior of Norwich and Walter de Shelfhangre, late sheriff of Norfolk, for 29721. Ils. 10d. paid to Luke and his fellows of the first moiety of the fifteenth in co. Norfolk. To the barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by the barons that James de Aldithelegh, at the time when he had the custody of the manor and castle of Newcastle-under-Lyme (Limam) by the late king's commission, received damage to the amount of 100s. by the breaking of the pond of the manor, which was broken down and demolished for a great part by floods, so that two mills on the pond did not grind for a quarter of a year and over, and that James afterwards expended 201. in repairing the pond, and that also at the time of the disturbance in the realm he was hindered from holding and was not able to hold any court in the manor for two whole years, whereby he received nothing of the pleas and perquisites of that court for that time, so that he was damaged to the value of 201.; the king orders the barons to cause William, son and heir of James, to be discharged of the aforesaid 451. in the debts that he owes to the exchequer of his father's debts for the time aforesaid. To Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward. Order to deliver to John de Houton, and Eleanor, his wife, all the lands in Baynton that Peter de Malo Lacu, deceased, demised to them for their lives, and all the issues thereof since the lands were taken into the king's hands by his order because Peter alienated the lands without his licence and will. The king makes the present order by the assent of Peter, son and heir of Peter de Malo Lacu. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause the abbot of St. Edmunds to have the same seisin of the die for making money and of everything pertaining to the die as Simon, the late abbot, had. To the justices in eyre in co. York. Order to cause [estreats] of the clearer and better fines made before them in their eyre to be made to the amount of 85 marks, and to cause them to be delivered to the sheriff of that 7 EDWARD I. 645 1279. Membrane 3-cont. county to levy the money and pay it to them towards their fees of Michaelmas term last, to wit to William de Saham 25 marks, Roger Luveday 20 marks, John de Met[i]ngham 20 marks, and Master Thomas de Sudington 20 marks. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff. Nov. 9. To Ralph de Sandewico, steward. Order to deliver to Amicia, countess Westminster. of Devon, the wardship of two parts of a knight's fee in Wyneford that John de Ripariis held of her, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the steward that John at his death held nothing in chief as of the crown in co. Somerset, and that neither the king nor any of his ancestors had at any time the wardship of John's lands in that county, but that John held the aforesaid two parts of the countess. To Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward. Order to deliver to Almaric de Sancto Amando the manor of Whycheford, which belonged to John de Mohun, deceased, tenant in chief, and which is in the king's hands in name of wardship until John's heir comes of age, to be held by Almaric until the heir come of age as of the value of 501. yearly of land, in part satisfaction of 100 marks yearly of land that the king granted to Almaric from wardships or escheats. To the same. Order to provide as quickly as possible in his bailiwick 25 marks yearly of land of wardships or escheats that the king may assign to the aforesaid Almaric in full satisfaction of the aforesaid grant, and to certify the king of the same, so that the king may cause them to be assigned to Almaric. To the bailiff of the Island of Jersey (Gers'). Order to cause Ralph Machon, who was outlawed for contumacy, if he have rendered himself to prison and will place himself upon a verdict of the country for larcenies and other crimes charged upon him, to have such verdict without delay, as the king has pardoned him the outlawry. MAEMBRxNE 2. Nov. 12. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews. Notification that Westminster. Hervey de Hegham, who married Isolda, sister and co-heiress of Master Robert de Sherdelowe, has paid, for a portion of the lands that belonged to Robert that they hold, 471. 7s. 9d. of the debts of 721. 8s. Od. in which Robert at his death was indebted to the late king of the debts of Aaron, a Jew of York, deceased, and of 461. Is. Od. of the debts of Aaron son of Abraham, a Jew, deceased, as the barons of the exchequer have signified to the king, and order to cause Hervey and Isolda to be acquitted of this sum; provided that the remainder of the debts that they exact from Hervey and Isolda shall be levied. To the barons of the exchequer. Notification that the king has granted to William de Stevecheworth of Borewell, John Arnold, and Ralph Karl of Exening that they may pay the 90 marks due from them for the corn of the king's manor of Saham for the sixth and seventh years of the reign, sold to them by Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward, at the rate of 22 marks 6s. 8d. yearly, and order to cause Richard to be discharged of the said sum and to cause William, John and Ralph to have the terms aforesaid. Nov. 13. To the keeper of the gaol of Neugate. Order to cause John de Molendinis Westminster. of Horton and Philip his son, imprisoned at Newegate for divers trespasses, to be delivered, as Walter de la Poyle, William de Foleham, Thomas de Agnys, Wybert de Arras, Hugh le Clerk of Horton, and John de Waleden u 96998. M M 546 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 2-cont. of co. Bucks, have mainperned to have them before the king's lieges whom the king will send to that county to enquire concerning the trespasses aforesaid. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the abbot of Oseneye to be discharged of 1,0001. of a moiety of the first payment of the fifteenth in cos. Oxford and Berks, and to charge Orlandinus de Podio therewith, as Luke de Luk', deceased, the said Orlandinus and their fellows, merchants of Lucca (Luk'), received the aforesaid sum from the abbot, as appears by their letters patent. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause William de Giselham, whom the king has deputed to prosecute and defend the king's pleas and affairs in the present eyre in that county, to have 20 marks from the issues of the eyre for his expenses and for the expenses of the envoys whom he has sent many times to the king for divers matters. Nov. 12. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause John de Vallibus to have from Westminster. the clearer fines and amercements of the eyre of the justices in eyre in that county 60 marks for his expenses, of the king's gift, and 201. towards his annual fee for the coming year. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the prior of Eye to have 121. for Michaelmas term last for the 121. yearly that the prior was wont to receive from the ferm of the town of Dunwich of established alms. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Whereas the king lately granted to Theobald le Botiller that he might pay the 9001. due from him to that exchequer at the rate of 100 marks yearly, as contained in the king's writ sent to them upon another occasion, and the king afterwards granted to Theobald 400 marks for his release and quitclaim of the advowson of the church of Kirkeham, as is contained in the fine made between the king and him, and the king ordered the treasurer and barons to cause 100 marks to be allowed to Theobald yearly out of the 9001. until the said 400 marks should be fully allowed to him, and the king has now granted to him 100t. for his damages by reason of the taking of Castle Conyn in Ireland into the king's hands, which 1001. the king wills shall be allowed to Theobald in the aforesaid 900/.: the king therefore orders them to cause that sum to be allowed to Theobald after the 400 marks have been allowed. Nov. 13. To the same. Order to cause the aforesaid 400 marks for the release Westminster. of the church of Kirkeham, co. Lancaster, to be allowed to Theobald at the rate of 100 marks yearly from Easter next in the aforesaid 9001. To the same. Order to cause Nicholas de Dunheved to be acquitted of 731. in which he is indebted to the king for the arrears of the yearly ferm of 201. for the castle of Adbo.. in Ireland, as the king has pardoned him this sum and wills that he shall hold the castle of the king's commission until the coming of age of John son and heir of John de Cogan, tenant in chief, paying nothing therefor to the king. To the barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be allowed to Geoffrey de Catefeld and Henry le Escot of Newcastle-on-Tyne, keepers of the mourage of that town, in their account as much as has been usually allowed to other keepers of the murage of that town. Nov. 15. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to the master and Westminster. brethren of St. Mary of the Germans (Theutonicorum) in Jerusalem 40 marks for Easter term next, as the king lately granted to them by charter 40 marks yearly at Easter from the exchequer. 7 EDWARD I. 547 1279. Membrane 2-cont. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to deliver Henry Leget, imprisoned at Notingham for divers trespasses, upon his finding six mainpernors to have him before the king in fifteen days from Easter. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Whereas according to the law and custom of the king's Jewry the Jews of this realm ought not to plead or be impleaded elsewhere than before the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews, and John son of Ralph de la More impleads Aaron son of Wyves, a Jew of London, whom the late king granted with his goods and chattels to Edmund, the king's brother, before the mayor and sheriffs in the husting of London concerning divers houses in that city, contrary to the custom aforesaid: the king orders the mayor and sheriffs not to intermeddle in any way with this plea or any other such pleas, provided that they do not touch the crown. The said justices will cause justice to be done to John and others whomsoever wishing to implead the said Jew or another. To the mayor and bailiffs of York. Order to cause the king's consort to have seisin of all the houses that belonged to Jacob de Oxonia, a Jew, in the city of York, as the king has granted them to her. Nov. 15. To the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and to Adam de Westminster. Wyntonia. Notification that the king has granted to Queen Eleanor, his consort, all the debts that were due to Haginus, his Jew of London, and order to cause the charters of the said debts to be withdrawn from the chest of the chirographers of the Jews and from the treasury and to be placed in a chest by themselves, and to be delivered to the queen in order to levy and recover the debts according to the law and custom of the Jewry. By K. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas Alan de Asshton, kinsman and heir of Stephen de Asshton, sometime the late king's sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, a minor in the wardship of Nicholas de Apperl[eye], is indebted in divers debts at the exchequer for the debts of the said Stephen, his grandfather, for the time when Stephen was sheriff, which are exacted from Alan by summons of the exchequer, by reason of which exaction and of Alan's poverty the lands falling to him by inheritance lie fallow (frisca) and uncultivated, and the king is given to understand that the lands are so little (exilia) and the issues thereof and the means of Alan are so slender that they are insufficient for payment of the debts aforesaid, unless he be aided by the king's goodwill: the king, compassionating Alan's poverty and his tender age, orders the treasurer and barons to allow to Alan all payments that he can shew before them by tallies or otherwise to have been made and that have not previously been allowed, and to cause him to have reasonable terms at which he may be able to render the remainder according to his means. To the same. Whereas they lately assigned to Isaac le Esvesk, a Jew of London, by the king's order, after examination of the rolls of the exchequer of the Jewry by the justices appointed for the custody of the Jews and after the justices had enquired and fully understood the truth concerning all Isaac's debts and chattels in the chest of the chirographers (archa cirographia) of the Jews, reasonable terms according to the quantity of the debts and chattels for payment to the king of certain old debts due to the exchequer for a fine that Isaac and certain other Jews made with the late king in order to have the debts that belonged to Isaac de Norwico, a Jew, lately deceased; and the said Isaac has besought the king to cause to be taken into his hands all the tenements that were charged from the time of the making of the said fine to the late king and to the king, together with a debt of 211. under the names of Roger de Bacheworth and Vives son of MM 2 548 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 2-cont. Master Moses, whereof 71. are the king's, and with another debt of 100s. that he has under his name and the name of Simon Wnder, with his other goods and chattels, [as] do not suffice for payment of tle said old debts, and that the king, after an extent of the lands have been made, will cause the value thereof to be allowed to him in the payments of the old debts at the first terms, together with the two debts aforesaid: the king orders the treasurer and barons to make inquisition concerning the debts, and if they ascertain that these debts belong to the said Jew, to cause [them] to be charged in the payment of the said old debts to the king at the first terms, saving to the said Christians the statute that the king lately caused to be made concerning his Jewry. *MEMBRANE 1.-Schedules. Letter from Robert de Ufford to the king, acknowledging receipt of the --- king's letters touching the affairs of Sir Geoffrey de Geynvile, wherein it was contained that Geoffrey had given the king to understand that he was aggrieved by the king's justices and ministers in Ireland in writs and other matters, and that Robert ought to hear his grievances and to make amends to him if he found that Geoffrey had been wrongfully aggrieved. Robert asked him in what he felt himself aggrieved, and he replied in this, that whereas he had, as he said, his franchise and separate county, not within the county of Dublin (Diveline), the chancellor had written to the sheriff concerning many matters when he ought to have written to Geoffrey or to his steward. And it was demanded of the chancellor how he had used this matter, and he said that he had never written except to the sheriff, but that he heard always (turjur) that Geoffrey and his men were making complaint as to this matter. Afterwards Geoffrey said that he was now aggrieved afresh by a return that came to his steward that he should cause many men of his franchise to be put under surety and others to be attached by their bodies to come to answer at Dublin, which matter was never done in his time, as he said. He was then told that it was found by inquisition that he and his men received the king's felons and burners of the king's land and outlaws. He answered that he knew well that he is respon - dent to the king as his lord, and his men to him in all pleas. And whereas he has his franchise and his county by itself, and is not in the county of Dublin, as he says, he and his men are not bound to know the deeds of the king's counties or to answer. The king's council was advised that if he or any of his men are charged with the receipt of the king's felons or outlaws, they are fully bound to answer in the king's court unless they can acquit themselves of knowing that they [the felons or outlaws] were such, or in another manner. Robert desires the king to send to him his will concerning this matter. French. [Addressed: ' A mun segnor le rei de Engleterre."] To such a sheriff. Writ to summon twelve knights and others of the neighbourhood of C. to be before the king at a certain day or before the justices at the first assize or before the justices assigned, etc., by the king prepared to recognise whether so-and-so, who was born at such a town or at such a manor, and who was baptized in the church of that town or manor, and who is in the king's wardship by reason of his minority, is of full age, as he says, or not, and they shall go in the meantime to the said manor and church and shall enquire the truth, and to cause their names to *+ Mmbbrane 1 contains no enrolments. 6 EDWARD I. 549 1279. Membrane 1-cont. be imbreved. The sheriff shall cause the king's steward of those parts or so and so, keeper of the said heir's land by the king's commission, to be there to hear the recognition aforesaid, and to show if there be any reason why the king ought not to restore to the aforesaid so-and-so his inheritance as one of full age, if he be of full age, and to have there the summoners, the names of the twelve, and this writ. An attaint to convict the aforesaid twelve shall be made by the king's grace and not without his special order. The king ordered these writs to be enrolled and registered. 1278. MEMBRANE lid. ---- Matilda de Bray puts in her place William le Lundreis and Walter de -- ardredeshull in the suit before the king between her and Ralph Hardwyn and Sarah his wife concerning certain trespasses committed by her upon them, and in the suit before the king by another writ between her and them concerning certain trespasses committed by her. Warin de Aunay and Thomas le Provost put in their place William de Lundres and Walter de Hardredeshull in the suit before the king between them and Ralph Hardwyn and Sarah his wife concerning trespasses committed by them upon Ralph and Sarah. Agnes wife of Roger de Fleg puts in her place Roger her husband and John de Hemmesby in the assize of novel disseisin that they and Matilda, sister of Agnes, arramed before the king against William le Parchemyner and Ada his wife, Roger de Wyleby, and Godfrey de Herpeley concerning a tenement in Norwich. Nov. 28. The underwitten have quittance of common summons [of the eyre] in Norwich. co. Kent: Guncelin de Badelesmere. Robert de Ver, earl of Oxford. Stephen de Penecestre John de Cobeham in one writ. Gregory de Rockesl[eye] J John de Bikenor. William de Valencia. The abbot of St. Albans. Dionysia de Monte Caniso. Stephen de Graveshend. John de Vescy. John de Britannia, earl of Richmond. Thomas de Sandwyco. Dec. 1. Ralph de Cheini, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Norwich. Nevill 50 marks; to be levied,! in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Essex. The prior of Aivingham puts in his place Richard de Bolington and Robert de Alvingham in the suit before the king between the prior and John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, concerning a trespass committed upon John by the prior. 550 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1278. Membrane lid-cont. Memorandum, that on Thursday after St. Lucy, at the exchequer at Westminster, John de Kirkeby delivered to Brother Joseph de Chauncy, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, the treasurer, five rolls, to wit two rolls of estreats of fines and amercements, made before Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, justices of the Bench, in the fourth and fifth years of the king's reign, and a roll of estreats of fines and amercements made before Roger de Clifford and his fellows, justices in eyre for pleas of the Forest in co. Essex in the fifth year of the reign, and a small roll of estreats of fines and amercements made before the justices appointed to deliver York gaol in the; fifth year, and a roll of estreats of fines and amercements made before Roger Loveday and John de Metingham, justices appointed to take the assizes in divers counties, in the sixth year of the reign. Robert de Acovere acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby. Roger de Beltoft acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton, clerk, 14 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Nottingham and York. Dec. 18. Henry le Botiller, son of William le Botiller, acknowledges that he owes Baldock. to Hugh le Taillur, citizen of London, 251.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. Cancelled on payment. -- Richard de Tregewelen came before the king, on Tuesday the eve of St. Thomas the Apostle, and sought to replevy the land of himself and his wife Edelina, William de Penros and Emma his wife, Dionisia de Boskedek in Tregewelen, Penros and Boskedek, which was taken into the king's hands for the default made by them when they were vouched to warranty before the king by John Lowis against Muriel, late the wife of Roland de.Podiford. Roger de Fynemere came before the king, on Monday after Christmas, and sought to replevy to William Spileman and Ela his wife their land in Cestresham, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Philip de Shireburn and Margery his wife. Bartholomew de Briaunzun acknowledges that he owes to John de Wytham, chaplain, 801.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Bucks. Cancelled on payment. Richard de Cnolle came before the king, on Tuesday the eve of St. Thomas the Apostle, and sought to replevy his land in Pappeworthe Anneys, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Geoffrey de Sandiacre and Clemencia his wife. Stephen Angot puts in his place William Palefrey in the assize of novel disseisin that Stephen arramed before the king against Richard Maylle and Henry his wife concerning common of pasture in Stokestre. Dec. 27. The underwritten have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] Windsor. in co. Northumberland: The prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford. Eleanor, late the wife of Alexander de Balliolo. John de Vescy. 7 EDWARD I. 551 1278. Membrane 1 ld-cont. The bishop of Rochester. Edmund, the king's brother. William de Valencia. William de Felton. Roger de Coingners. John de Britannia, earl of Richmond. William de Burenton. Roger de Trumpeton acknowledges that he owes to James de Sancto Victore 121.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge, Huntingdon and Bedford. John de Paneworth came before the king at Windsor, on the eve of the Circumcision, and sought to replevy to Gilbert de Welles 13s. 4d. of rent in Great Pograve and Little Pograve, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against William de Gunevill. 1279. Jan. 3. To the justices next in eyre in co. Northumberland. Order not to put Windsor. Master Adam de Bekefeud, parson of the church of Eure, in default by reason of the common summons of the eyre, as the king has warranted him his absence. — enry Tyeys acknowledges that he owes to the Friars Preachers of -- London 68s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. Enrolment of deed of John de Vescy, witnessing that whereas William de Valencia, yeoman, has constituted himself a surety for John to Hugh de Leziniaco, count of La Marche and Angouleme (Engolisme), for payment of 2,500 pounds of Tours in case John's wife, the earl's sister, die without an heir begotten by John, the said John hereby charges his goods to save William harmless concerning the said money, and he submits himself and his heirs to the distraint of the king for the levying of the said sum from his lands in case William have to pay it and for any damages sustained by William by reason of this surety. Dated at Windsor, on Tuesday after the Circumcision, 1278. Enrolment of deed of William de Valencia, son of Sir William de Valencia, lord of Montygnac and Bellac (Bellaco), witnessing that whereas the aforesaid Hugh has given his sister Mary in marriage to the aforesaid John, and John has agreed to render and restore 4,500 pounds of Tours in case Mary die without an heir begotten by John, William hereby becomes surety for payment of 2,500 pounds of Tours to Hugh within two years of the death of Mary if she die without an heir as above. Memorandum, that John came into court and granted for himself and his heirs that he would faithfully observe the premises. Memorandum, that John de Kirkeby, on Wednesday before the Epiphany, delivered to Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari at Windsor by the king's order two small rolls, one of the extent of Gannok and the other of the ordinance, feoffment, grant and demise of the land; of two cantreos. Reginald son of Peter and Joan his wife put in their place Henry Thurmund and Geoffrey Corbet in the suit before the king between the king, demandant, and Reginald and Joan, tenants, concerning the manor of Chewton, and in the suit before the king by another writ between the 552 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane ld-cont. king, demandant, and John son of Robert de Ponsont, tenant, concerning a moiety of the manor of Langeblaneford except a third of two carucates and of 20 acres of land and of 3 acres of meadow and of 10s. of rent, concerning which the said John vouched to warranty against the king the aforesaid Reginald and Joan and Fulk de Archiak and Mabel his wife, Guy de Rupe Cauardi and Sibyl his wife, John de Bello Campo and Cicely his wife, and in the suit before the king by another writ between the king, demandant, and John son of Robert de Ponsont, tenant, concerning a third of two carucates of land in Langeblaneford, concerning which the said John vouched to warranty against the king the aforesaid Reginald and Joan, Fulk and Mabel, Guy, Sibyl, John and Cicely. Alexander Comyn and Elizabeth his wife attorn before the king Ralph de Trumpington and Nicholas de la Despense in all pleas. And the king, at their instance, granted that Ralph and Nicholas might make attorneys in their places for Alexander and Elizabeth for a year from Martinmas, in the 6th year of his reign. Jan. 6. Roger de Mortuo Mari puts in his place John de Everley and John de Windsor. Cilecestre in the suit before the king concerning the purparty of the inheritance of the Marshal that William de Valencia and Joan his wife demand against Roger and Matilda, his wife. John Coulyng, Stephen le Bere, John Dolling, John le Bere, John - Lowys, Roger Martin, Henry Winter, John de Creubere, John son of Nicholas, Richard Batecok and Michael Carball put in their places Robert de Polmorva and Richard Chaunceler in the suit before the king between Oliver de Arundel and them, concerning a trespass committed upon Oliver by them. The abbot of Jumieges (Gyminges) puts in his place brother William de Monasterio Villari, his fellow-monk, and Robert le Forester in the suit before the king between the king, demandant, and the abbot, deforciant, concerning the advowson of the church of Chyweton. Enrolment of grant by Roger Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, to William de Mortuo Mari, son of Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari, for his homage and service, of 251. yearly, to be paid on the morrow of the Close of Easter at the New Temple, London. Witnesses: Sir William de Middelton, bishop of Norwich; Sir Roger de Clifford, Sir Otto de Grandisono, Sir John de Vescy, Sir Bartholomew de Suthlegh, Sir Adam de Gurdon, Sir Grimbald Pauncefot, Sir Walter de Hopton, Master Geoffrey de Asphal, Sir Walter de Everle, Sir John de Havering, Sir Walter de Pedewardyn. Jan. 6. Memorandum, that the earl came into chancery and acknowledged the Windsor. premises, and granted that the aforesaid sum shall be levied, in default of payment, from his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. Afterwards, on 7 May, in the 17th year of the reign, the aforesaid William came into chancery and released the said yearly sum and all arrears to the earl for 320 marks paid to him beforehand, and granted that the charter and recognisance aforesaid shall be annulled. Membrane 1 d-Schedule. Memorandum, that Walter de Helyun came before the king at Windsor, on the morrow of the Circumcision, in the seventh year of the reign, and rendered to Edmund, the king's brother, 10 acres of pasture in Redleye, co. Gloucester, which he had by demise from Edmund for his life, and he 7 EDWARD I. 553 1279. Membrane 1ld-Schedule-cont. released to Edmund his right in the same, and Edmund on the same day rendered into the king's hand the said 10 acres of pasture as those that he held of the king in chief, and he released to the king his right in the same. MEMBRNE lO1d. -- Master Ruffinus, archdeacon of Cliveland, puts in his place Bonacius de Mediolano in the suit before the king against Dulcius, Nocius de Burgo, John Beumond, Ranicius Ardingi and other their fellows, merchants of Florence, of a plea of debt. Ralph de Wodeburg puts in his place Thomas de Rampeston and William Starre of Wodeburg in the suit before the king against John son of Paulinas de Stokes, William Stagge, William de Elleton, Master George le Fisicien, Henry Makefare of Landeford, John Chamme and others concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Robert de Avynton puts in his place Matthew Bate in the suit before the king against Robert le Serjaunt of Kelewedon, Agnes, late the wife of Jordan del Hull, Walter Albon, and Isabella his wife, nnd John Sveting concerning a trespass committed upon him by them. Henry de Middelton puts in his place John le Fevre and Nicholas de Westiton in the suit before the king between him and Hugh le Eyr, John le Neweman, John atte Rowemere, Richard Thedrich, Alice Edrich, John le Ronk, Richard Wodecok and Geoffrey Snok for a trespass committed upon him by them. Ralph de Trumpeton, who has power to make attorneys in place of Alexander Comyn, earl of Boghan, and Elizabeth his wife, puts in his place Henry de Merkefeld and Walter de Merkefeld, in the suit before the king between Alexander and Elizabeth and Ellen la Zusch of a plea that if Ellen have more in tenancia of the inheritance of Roger de Quency, sometime earl of Winchester, than pertains to her purparty, etc. Jan. 15. Robert Spret came before the king, on Sunday after the octaves of Guildford. Epiphany and sought to replevy to Richard son of Richard the latter's land in Eynesham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against John son of Ralph le Mazun. William de Charne acknowledges that he owes to Master Thomas Bek 56 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. Alice, wife of Walter de Twyford, puts in her place Walter her husband in the suit before the king between Walter and Alice and Walter de Bello Campo, Robert de Graston, Thomas de Stokton, Adam Amur, Philip Cokeney and Ralph Samuel of a trespass committed upon her by them. William de Haveckleye and Philippa his wife came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy their land in Imbeshete, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against Henry de Burhunte. Order is sent to the justices of the Bench. Memorandum, that John de Grimestede came into the king's court, on Saturday in the Lord's week, and granted and quit-claimed to R. de Wichehamton, bishop of Salisbury, and his successors and to the dean and chapter and the church of St. Mary of the same place his right in the manor 554 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 10d-cont. of Suthwodeford, and he acknowledged that the manor is the right of the bishop and of the dean and chapter and church aforesaid and he grants that he and his heirs shall be bound to warrant the manor to them. For this release the bishop will pay him 200 marks. Jan. 20. Agnes de Neuton, imprisoned at York, has letters to the sheriff of York Westminster. to bail her. Enrolment of deed of Andrew de Saukevill, knight, acknowledging himself bound to Henry de Lenn, clerk of Sir Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, in 101., to be paid in London in the house of Bartholomew de Castello on Mid-Lent day, and granting that this sum may be levied, in default of payment, by the sheriffs. He requests and seeks by the presents that enrolment may be thus made in the rolls of Chancery. Dated at Westminster, on the morrow of St. Vincent, 7 Edward. ---- John de Pateshull, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's - licence puts in his place Master Henry de Bray and Adam le Werrur, and the king has granted, at John's instance, that Henry and Adam may make attorneys in John's place, and the king has granted that this letter shall endure until Christmas. John de Sancto Johanne acknowledges that he owes to Nutus Fuleberti and Burgesius his brother, merchants of Florence, 1431. Is. 4d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Southampton and Sussex. Jan. 20. Henry de Lascy, earl of Lincoln, who is going to parts beyond sea by Westminster. the king's licence, puts in his place Adam de Poterton in all pleas, and the king has granted, at Henry's instance, that Adam may make attorneys in Henry's place, and has granted that this letter shall last until a month from Easter. These have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] in co. York: Roger le Bigod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England. Peter Bekard. Roger Lestrange (extraneus). William de Brehus. Reginald son of Peter. The master of the military order of the Temple in England. Alexander de Lacy. John de Vescy. Robert de Brakenbergh. Edmund, earl of Cornwall. Robert de Tibotot. John de Warenna. Eleanor de Percy. The prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. William de Derneford acknowledges that he owes to Adam le Despenser 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. Master Adam de Writele acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Newerk 631.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in 7 EDWARD I. 1279. Membrane 1Od-cont. Enrolment of grant by Matthew Turpin to Matthew Turpin his son and to Matilda, daughter of Stephen de Brightmerston, for their services and for 100 marks given to him as gressom (in gersumam), of his whole manor of Wyntereslewe, with the chief messuage (manso), homages, villeins, etc. and all other appurtenances; doing therefor the due and accustomed service therefor to the chief lords of the manor in the same way as the grantor was wont to do. Witnesses: Sir William de Dun, Sir William de Durnford, Sir Eustace de Hull, knights; John le Aucher, John Gojun, William de Brightmerston, Philip le Fraunceys, Walter Lovel, clerk, Thomas le Frankeleyn of Derneford, William le Noble of Aldinton, Adam le Frauncleyn, William Beysin. Feb. 7. Memorandum, that Matilda came into chancery at Wodestok, and took Woodstock. oath not to marry without the king's licence, and that she will keep Stephen her son and heir safely and for the king's use, and that she will not cause Stephen to be married without the king's special licence. Although it had been found by inquisition that she had been jointly enfeoffed with her said (sic) husband, according to the tenor of the charter aforesaid, she took oath to that effect for further security (ex habundanti). She also swore that she would not alienate the land or any part of it from the said heir. John Mauger of Couele acknowledges that he owes to Master Thomas de Eadbirbirl[y] 18 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Jan. 21. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to summon Gilbert de Clare, earl of Westminster. Gloucester and Hertford, to be before the king's justices at the first assizes when they come to those parts to show by what warrant he holds the hundreds of Wachelestan and Lutelfeld in that county.* [Parl. Writs.] MEMBRANE 9d. Feb. 7. To N. the 'pope. The king has confidence in the pope that he will hear his Woodstock. prayers with favour and that he will admit them with even more favour to the grace of the desired assent (exauditionis), more especially such as do not desert honesty and do not disagree with equity. The goodwill of the apostolic see in times long past granted to the English,, amongst other insignia of honour, that no Englishman may be called out of the realm to judgment by letters of that see; and now in the present pope's time the inhabitants of this realm are drawn out of the realm to] judgment confusedly (quasi passim et indistincte) by the pope's letters contrary to the privileges aforesaid, to their great labour, expenses and costs and perils of their persons; and the king has been many times requested by the inhabitants of his realm to provide a remedy in this behalf. The king therefore requests the pope to preserve to the English, the devoted sons of the Roman church, the privileges granted to them by the pope's predecessors, and that he will rather amplify, in consideration of the king's devotion, the things that have been granted by the apostolic see, and that he will alleviate their grievances and expenses, more especially as there is free access and regress into and out of the realm for all wishing to come thither, and by God's grace the realm is in such peace and tranquillity that any stranger may freely sue for his rights against any native. [Federa; Prynne, Records, iii. 227.] Feb. 28. John de Clifford came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Matthias, Woodstock. and sought to replevy his:A ir in Frompton and the land of Walter de Salle * Described in the margin as ' Forma brevis de Quo Waranto.' 566 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 9d-cont. to him and Walter, which were taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Alice la Hare and Alditha her sister. William de Pelevil came before the king, on Monday before St. Gregory, and sought to replevy to Reginald Sampson and Alice his wife their land in Northampton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default against Joan, late the wife of Hugh le Mareschal. ---- WWilliam de Doddingesel acknowledges that he owes to Sampson Folyot - 250 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Hertford. John de Wyvill came before the king, on Friday before St. Gregory, and sought to replevy to Margery, late the wife of Walter de Wyvill, her land in Thurneby, which was taken into the king's hands for her default in his court against Gilbert de Bichesworth and Matilda his wife. Enrolment of agreement made on Friday after the Purification, 7 Edward, between Roger de Novo Burgo and Agatha his wife, on the one part, and Richard son of Roger, on the other, whereby Roger and Agatha have granted to Richard by their charter of feoffment a messuage and all their land, rent, meadow and pasture with all liberties, villeinages and appurtenances within and without the town of Wollaston and Strixton, except three virgates of land whereof Emmota, relict of William de Novo Burgo, is dowered: to have and to hold to Richard and the heirs of his body, with remainder to his nearest heirs; rendering therefor to Roger and Agatha 191. yearly for their lives. Witnesses: brother Philip, abbot of Lavenden; Sir William de Bray of Wollaston, knight; Saer de Wollaston, Robert son of Reginald of the same, Ralph de Faucumberge, William Boynager, Nicholas le Clerk of Wyminton. Memorandum, that Roger and Richard came into chancery at Cirencestre and acknowledged the premises, on 15 March. William de Gloucestria came before the king, on Wednesday before the Annunciation, and sought to replevy to John de Appolony and Juliana his wife their land in Hesterehydone, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in his court against Wymarc de Appolony. And order is given to the justices of the Bench. John le Ken came before the king at Dunnameney, on Monday after the Annunciation of St. Mary, and sought to replevy his land in Heccham Ferrar', which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against John le Rus. And order is given to the justices of the Bench. The abbot of Abyndon puts in his place Nicholas Peytevyn and Jordan le Bedel in the suit before the king between his men of La Hurst and him for this that the abbot exacts from them other customs and other services than they ought to do and were wont to do in the town of Hurst. The prior of St. Mary's, Worcester, puts in his place Philip de Torynton and Robert Manns in the suit before the king between the king and him of this that the prior shall render to the king the advowson of the church of Brimesgrave. Sibyl, wife of Guy de Rupe Cauardi, Focaudus de Archiaco, and Mabel his wife put in their place Bertrand de Codereyo, clerk, and Walter le Messager in the suit before the king between the king, demandant, and John de Punsond, tenant, concerning the manor of Long Blaneford, concerning which John vouched to warranty against the king (nos) 7 EDWARD I. 55p 1279. Membrane 9d —cont. the said Guy and Sibyl, Focaudus and Mabel, and Reginald son of Peter and Joan his wife, and John de Bello Campo and Cicely his wife. The said Guy puts in his place Ailward Bissop or Walter de Wodemerston in the aforesaid suit. Giles le Venur puts in his place Hugh de Portes in the suit before the king between him and Osbert de Avenebir[y], William Body, Reginald le Mouner, Nicholas Hyne ' of House,' Roger Bryendene and Gilbert his brother concerning a trespass committed upon Giles by them. William le Chaumberleng and Joan his wife put in their place William Hotale and Richard Wytemay in the suit before the king between Master Henry de Newerk and the said William and Joan concerning a trespass committed upon Henry by them. Robert de Belewe, vicar of the church of Sturmynistre, puts in his place John de Frome in the suit that is attached before the king between him and William le Clerk, Robert le Clerk, and Gilbert de Schortefred concerning a trepass committed upon Robert by them. April 4. John de Gardino came before the king, on Tuesday in Easter week, Lechlade. and sought to replevy his land in Wechet, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Nicholas le Chapeleyn. Thomas Whelp came before the king, on Wednesday in Easter week, - and sought to replevy to Felicia de Brocton her land in Brocton, which was taken into the king's hands for her default in the king's court against Nicholas Aleyn. John de Kancia came before the king, on Monday the morrow of the octaves of Easter, and sought to replevy to John de Meryot, William Tryvet and Sarah [his] wife the land of Alan son and heir of John de Aston in Aston ill their custody, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Geoffrey de Aston, Thomas de Hameleden, Simon de Aston, Walter Gylle, Elias son of Robert, and William le Mareschal. John de Torte came before the king, on Tuesday after the octaves of Easter, and sought to replevy to Hugh de Lincumb and Joan his wife and Hugh de Plesse their land in Selewreby and Langham, which was taken into the king's hands for their default against Robert Peytevyn and Florence his wife and Robert de Blakeford. And order is given to the justices of the Bench. Hugh le Norays came before the king, on Monday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy his land in Blakerode, which was taken into the king's hands for the default that Hugh made against Robert le Noreys and Cicely la Noreyse. Walter Tovy, William de Papeswurth, Thomas de Stanes, goldsmith, Edward le Charpenter, Eustace Malebraunch acknowledge that they owe to Ralph de Alegate, clerk of London, 47 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. John de Saham came before the king, on St. Leo's day, and sought to replevy to William Rothelyn his land in Audeby, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against the prior of Holy Trinity, Norwich. 558 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 9d-cont. William son of William de Sibethorp came before the king, on Thursday after St. Leo the Pope, and sought to replevy his land in Stok near Newerk, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against John son of Paulinus de Stok. And order is given to the justices of the Bench. Robert son of Robert al Bek of Stok came before the king, on Thursday after St. Leo the Pope, and sought to replevy his land in Stok near Newer[k], which was taken into the king's hands for his default against John son of Paulinus de Stok. And order is given to the said justices. Robert de Pollercroft came before the king, on Saturday after St. Leo the Pope, and sought to replevy his land in Algerkirk, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert Bolle. Richard Swan, Richard de Thorp, and William Test of Somerton put in their place Thomas le Leu or Ralph de Newerk against John de Nettleham, William de Norton, Richard le Clerk, Roger le Tasker, Walter Stark, Geoffrey le Clerk, John the parson's groom (garcon la Persone), William le Clerk, John Raulot, Geoffrey de Somerton, Thomas Layk, Thomas Bonding, Richard son of Stephen, John Knol, Peter de Bruton, Henry le Macon, Ralph de Algerby, John le Berker, William de Gretton, Henry de Donhale, Robert Maddy, Henry Turheved, Roger Tullet the younger, Roger Tullet the elder, Richard de Paris[ius], Thomas Godwyne, and Hugh de Somerby, Robert de Godington, Elias le Chareter and Richard le Baillif of Navenby of a trespass committed upon them by John and the others. MEMBRANE 8d. 3Memorandum, that Walter de Wymburn, on Tuesday before St. George, delivered at Westminster to William de Saham the inquisitions made in the counties of York, Nottingham and Derby, concerning the liberties withdrawn from the king's manors and fees, in order to plead the inquisitions in the aforesaid counties. Enrolment of grant and quit-claim by Robert son of Odo de Herberbyry, for the health of his soul and of the souls of Elizabeth his wife and of all their ancestors and successors, to God and the church of St. Mary Combe (Cumba) and the monks thereof, in frankalmoin, of all his tenement and fee in the towns and territories of Herberbiry and Cesterton, to wit all his chief messuage with all gardens and tofts and enclosed crofts and with all the lands of his demesne, to wit 1751 acres, with meadows, pastures and all other appurtenances; and with all homages and wardships, reliefs, rents, services and escheats of all his free tenants, to wit the homage of Gilbert le Harpur in Cesterton and his service from two hides of land in that town of 20s. yearly; and the homage of Thomas Ode for two virgates of land in Herberbiry and his service of ld. yearly; the homage of Ivo the weaver (textor) for one virgate of land and 15 acres yearly, to wit Id. yearly; the homage and service of William Talebot for two virgates of land, to wit Id. yearly; the homage and service of Thomas le Freman for half a virgate of land,,to wit yearly a rose; the homage and service of Juliana, the donor's daughter, for one virgate of land, to wit Id. yearly; the homage and service of Elizabeth, also his daughter, for a virgate of land, to wit id. yearly; 31 virgates of land with six messuages and two cottages, whereof Henry Helot held one messuage and one virgate 'of the donor, and the half virgate of land that John Osolf held of the donor; the half virgate of land that John Berston held of the donor; the quarter [virgate] that John son of William held of the donor; the half virgate that Robert le Hayward (Messar') held of the donor; the half virgate of land with the messuage that Nicholas Scet, the donor's bondman (nativus), held of him, which Nicholas and all his issue 7 EDWARD I. 559 1279. Membrane 8d-cont. and chattels he has given to the monks; the messuage that John Bernard held of the donor; the messuage that Gilbert Ayelard held of the donor; the messuage that Robert le Puleter held of the donor; the messuage that Sarah Kempe held of the donor; the cottage that Robert Rayth held of the donor; the cottage that Ancus Clyfe held of the donor. Witnesses: Sir Robert de Verdon, then sheriff; Eustace de la Hache, John de Lodebrok, William Simili, Peter de Wlwardinton, knights; William, lord of Herdewik, Peter Breton, William lord of Redburn, William Raymund. April 20. Memorandum, that Robert son of Odo de Herberbiry came into chancery Westminster. and acknowledged the premises. -- -- Andrew de Nevile acknowledges that he owes to Master William de -- Luda 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. William le Boteler of Werynton acknowledges that he owes to John de Sothil 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. John de Reda, clerk, and Master William de Luda acknowledge that they owe to Henry de Wyntonia, knight, 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels. The abbot of King's Beaulieu, who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, puts in his place brothers William de Sancto Edmundo and Matthew de Treng in all pleas. And, at the abbot's instance, the king granted that William and Matthew may make attorneys in the abbot's place until Christmas next, unless the abbot return in the meanwhile. Robert Burdun acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. To do this John Escu de mort and Richard de Bedeford mainperned for it, and acknowledged that, if Robert do not pay, the sum shall be levied of their lands and chattels in cos. Wilts and Kent. John de Ripariis puts in his place John Rikelot or Simon de Aungre in the suit before the king between the said John and Henry Ridel concerning a trespass committed upon Henry by him. Amice de Say acknowledges that she owes to Robert de Insula Elyensi 350 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Suffolk and Essex. Cancelled on payment. To make this payment Amice found pledges to wit, John le Mareschal, William de Say, Warin de Hereford, and Robert de Say, who made the like recognisance and constituted themselves principal debtors, and granted that the money shall be levied, in Amice's default, of their lands and chattels. William de Brimmeshete, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Cuggeho, knight, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Wilts and Southampton. Gilbert de Burne acknowledges that he owes to the executors of the will of W. late bishop of Rochester 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. To do this Hamo de Bersted and Edmund de Burn mainperned for him. Cancelled on payment. Peter de Monte Forti acknowledges that he owes to Roger le Estraunge 150 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. Cancelled on payment. 560 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 8d-cont. Dionysia de Crofte and Hamo Bonet acknowledge that they owe to Hugh Esturmy 30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Adam le Despenser acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Cugeho 631. 6s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Oxford, Gloucester, and Southampton. -- -- Memorandum, that a charter concerning a judgment rendered before - the king between the abbot of La Quarrer and Isabella de Fortibus, countess of Albemarle, concerning a charter of the abbot stolen by Adam de Cestreton, is enrolled in the Charter Roll for the seventh year, in the month of May. April 26. To the sheriff of Somerset. Notification that the king wills that the Westminster. perambulations of the forests in that county that he lately caused to be made by Master Walter Schamel, dean of Salisbury, and Matthew de Columbar[iisj, a transcript whereof the king sends to the sheriff under the half sealj(sub pede sigilli), shall be firmly held and observed according to the tenor of the Great Charter of the Forest, and order to cause the perambulations to be observed accordingly. The like to the sheriff of Dorset. Ralph Schad and Thomas le Seler acknowledge that they owe to Richard Ingram 20s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels. For payment they found as sureties Robert le Clerk of Neuton and William Brid, who made like recognisance. MEMBRANE 7d. Be it known that in the king's court before Ralph de Hengham and his fellows, justices for the king's pleas, it was agreed between William de Valencia, the king's uncle, and Joan his wife, on the one part, and Roger le Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, on the other, in form following: Whereas William de Valencia demanded against Roger le Bygod, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, 61. 16s. 61d. yearly of land and rent in the earl's manor of Strigoyl, which land and rent fell to William and Joan his wife of the inheritance of the Marshals, it is agreed at Gloucester on Thursday the morrow of St. Laurence, 6 Edward, before the king and his council, that the earl shall grant, so that the manor shall remain wholly without dismemberment, that in the manor of Kemesing, co. Kent, 101. of land and rent shall be extended, the extent beginning in the chief messuage, park and advowson of the church of the manor, and the said 101. yearly of land shall remain until Martinmas next in the custody of Thomas de Weylaund, chosen by the ear], and of Geoffrey de Neubaud, chosen by William, arbitrators; on condition that because the earl understands that satisfaction has been made for the aforesaid part in the manor of Strigoyll to William and Joan or to any of her ancestors by the earl's ancestors by certain lands in the manor of Cestreford, if the earl can show before the arbitrators by charters or deeds or by enrolment made in the king's court or by any other way consonant with law, except by inquisition and oath before the arbitrators, that such satisfaction was made to William and Joan or any of their ancestors, then Thomas and Geoffrey shall restore the aforesaid 10/. yearly of land to the earl with everything received thence. If the earl fail to prove this within the time aforesaid, Thomas and Geoffrey shall render the said 101. of land to William and Joan, saving to the 7 EDWARD I. 561 1279. Membrane 7d-cont. earl all his corn, and moveable goods and chattels in the same. The earl has moreover granted that if the said 101. yearly of land be restored to him, the said Thomas and Geoffrey shall incontinently cause 101. yearly of land to be extended in a fitting place in one of William's manors in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex or Berks at the earl's option and shall cause it to be assigned to the earl in exchange for the sail 101. yearly of land in the manor of Kemesing, which the earl shall then render to William and Joan. It is also agreed that Thomas and Geoffrey shall cause to be extended the lands that William and Joan have in the manors of Boseham and Cestreford, and after extent have been made, there shall be assigned to William and Joan in the surplus of the manor of Kemesing to the value of the aforesaid lands, and the lands and tenements in the manors of Boseham and Cestreford shall remain to the earl quit, and what remains in the manor of Kemesing beyond the aforesaid extents shall be extended and the value thereof shall be extended in other manors of William according to the arbitrators' discretion, and value for value shall be delivered to the parties on one side and the other. If the earl do not show before Martinmas that satisfaction has been made to William and Joan or any of their ancestors by the said lands in Cestreford for the part falling to them in Strugoyl, and if the earl afterward learn that excbange had been made as he now understands, action shall be saved to the earl to demand exchange or value as if William and Joan had been tenants of the aforesaid purparty in the manor of Strigoyl. If Thomas and Geoffrey cannot agree wholly or in part in the deed aforesaid, then what Anthony Bek shall say or ordain in this behalf shall be firmly observed on both sides. And be it known that all parcels that touch the earl by this arbitration shall be assigned to the earl in one of the manors of William in a suitable place. And as Thomas and Geoffrey, the extenders of the manor of Kemesing and assigned to do the other things aforesaid, have been unable to agree and have wholly withdrawn from the office by their letters patent, and because the said Anthony, appointed to ordain as above, thought that the matter could not be terminated as it ought in the manner and form aforesaid and wishing to put an end to this dispute, has thus ordained between the parties; to wit that the earl gives and grants to William and Joan 501. yearly of land in his manors of Great Spenes and Little Spenes, to be extended by Stephen de Penecestre, elected on the earl's side, and by Geoffrey de Neubaud, elected on the side of William and Joan, beginning in the chief messuage of Spenes, which is of the inheritance of the Earl Marshal, so that the extent shall be made before Whitsuntide next, and if they are unable to agree in the meantime as to the extent, the king shall then cause the manors to be extended by one of his men to be deputed by him, without challenge or impediment of the aforesaid William and Joan and the earl, and when the extent have been made the king shall order Anthony to cause William and Joan to have seisin of the aforesaid 501. yearly of land, and Anthony shall likewise ordain by the consent of the said parties that the 121. yearly of land in the manor of Kemesing that William and Joan have in their purparty of the inheritance of the Marshals, and the 101. yearly of land in the same manor that the earl ought to have assigned to them for 61. 16s. 61d. yearly of land in Strigoyl, and 61. 16s. 61d. yearly of land in the manor of Cestreford, whereby the earl said that William and Joan had been satisfied for the aforesaid 61. 16s. 6(d. of land in Strigoyl, and 101. of land in the manor of Boseham shall be delivered to the earl by Anthony or the king's bailiff when William and Joan have had seisin of the said 501. yearly of land. The earl shall be bound to warrant the land in Spenes and William and Joan shall be bound to warrant the 121. yearly of land in Kemesing and 61. 16s. 61d. yearly of land in the manor of Cestreford and 101. in the manor of Boseham. As one of the aforesaid u 9o998. N N 562 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 7d-cont. manors of Spenes is of the inheritance of Alina, wife of the earl, the parties have granted that a fine shall be made between them in the king's court. And William and Joan and the earl came into chancery and accepted the ordinance aforesaid, and granted for themselves and their heirs that they would firmly observe it. The earl remitted to William and Joan the challenge that he had against them in saying that they had been satisfied for the aforesaid 61. 16s. 6d. in Strigoyl by the aforesaid 61. 16s. 62d. in the manor of Cestreford delivered in exchange. Enrolment of grant by John de Middelton to Sir William de Monte Revelli of all his land in Esthamme and Westhamme: to have and to hold of the chief lord of the fee. Witnesses: Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, Master Thomas Bek, John Bek, Sir John de Kirkeby, and Sir John de Lovetot, Sir Robert de Bikelesden, Roger Ode, Warin Page. Memorandum, that John came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of grant by William de Monte Revelli to John de Middelton of 4d. daily for his maintenance for life and two robes and 20s. yearly from William's chamber until John shall be provided with a suitable corrody in a religious house, to wit with one loaf, a gallon of conventi ale and two dishes from the kitchen. William also grants that he shall be bound to find John hay and oats for one horse and shoes for John and his groom and maintenance for the groom. In case John be in William's service at the latter's cost, William shall be acquitted of the said money or corrody during such service. If John wish to leave William's service and return to his corrody, he shall have power, and he shall take 4d. or his corrody until he be provided with the latter. If William or his assigns transgress this, he grants that the king or his bailiffs to be chosen by John may distrain all his goods in England and in Gascony. Witnesses as above, omitting Sir John de Lovetot. Memorandum, that William came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of grant by Thomas son of John de Middelton to Sir William de Monte Revelli of all his right in the lands, services, etc., pertaining to the land in Esthamme and Westhamme that his father held. Witnesses as above, omitting Sir John de Lovetot, Roger Ode and Warin Page, and adding Sir William de Hamelton, and Master Alan de Berton. Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of agreement between Sir William de Monte Revelli and Thomas son of John de Middelton, whereby Thomas releases his right in the aforesaid lands, and William agrees to maintain Thomas and his wife for their lives in food and clothing, so that each of them shall have daily 2d. for their maintenance and a robe or 20s. yearly until both shall be provided with a suitable corrody in some religious house by William, to wit each of them with a loaf and a gallon of ale and two dishes from the kitchen. If Thomas shall be in William's service, William shall find him in horses, harness, robes and victuals and shall be quit of the corrody and money pertaining to Thomas for so long as the latter shall be in his service. If Thomas wish to return to his corrody, he may do so whenever he wish. William binds his goods in England and in Gascony for the observance of this agreement, and the king or any of his bailiffs to be chosen by Thomas may distrain him by his goods until he satisfy Thomas and his wife for the agreement aforesaid and for any arrears. Witnesses as in preceding. 7 EDWARD I. 563 1279. Membrane 7d-cont. Memorandum, that this deed is in duplicate, whereof William has one and Thomas the other, and that they came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. Peter le Taberur acknowledges that he owes to John de Vescy 578 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. Master Nicholas de Marnham acknowledges that he owes to Anthony Bek 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham and Derby.-To do this he found as sureties Walter de Herterugg, Thomas de Stapelton and Simon de Ellesworth, who constituted themselves principal debtors and granted that the money shall be levied, in Nicholas's default, of their lands and chattels in co. Leicester. April 28. Memorandum, that Matilda de la Pomereye came into chancery, and Westminster. acknowledged that she had received 60 marks from Thomas le Ercedekne, which he owed to her. Enrolment of deed of William de London[ia], abbot of Messendenn, acknowledging himself to be bound to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, in 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of the goods of the monastery by the sheriff or other bailiffs of the king in whose power the goods shall be found. Dated at London 3 kal. November, 6 Edward. Memorandum, that the abbot came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. On Thursday after St. Mark brother John de Derlington, of the order of preachers, the elect of Dublin, in the presence of Master Ardicio, the papal nuncio, did fealty to king Edward for the temporalities of the archbishopric of Dublin in these words: ' I John de Derlington, of the order of preachers, with whom the pope has provided the church of Dublin, swear upon the gospels that I will keep good faith to the king of England and his heirs of life and limbs and of worldly honour against all men, and that I will faithfully do the due and accustomed service for the temporalities of the archbishopric.' And because he came in person and did fealty as is aforesaid, the king rendered to him the temporalities of the archbishopric, according to custom, and ordered that he should have writs concerning this. [Prynne, Records, iii. 226.] April 28. Robert, bishop of Salisbury, acknowledges that he owes to John son of Westminster. Richard de G-rymested 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. To make this payment he found sureties to wit Master Thomas Bek, Master Henry de Braunteston, and John de Kirk[eby], who acknowledged the debt; to be levied, in the bishop's default, of their lands and chattels. MEMBRANE 6d. Theobald de Verdun acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton and Master Henry de Bray 160 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Leicester. Cancelled. May 7. To Kenewric son of Gronnou, bailiff of Rothelan. Order to permit Canterbury. Madoc son of Jorw[er]t Coch, Bledin son of Pill', William son of Griffin and Ithael son of Bledin to stay in the service of Llewelyn son of Griffin, AN 2 564 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 6d-cont. prince of Wales, for so long as it shall please the king, saving the king's faith until the king shall otherwise order. The like to the bailiff of Rosse. May 10. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause William de Valencia to have Westminster. seisin of the manor of Great Spenes, which is extended by Stephen de Penecestre and Geoffrey de Neubaud at 501.; to have to him and his heirs according to the form of an agreement and enrolment thereof made in the chancery between William and Roger le Bigot, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England. Given by the hands of Master Thomas Bek. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause Roger le Bigot, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, to have seisin of the manor of Kemesingg, to have to him and his heirs and in accordance with the form of an agreement and enrolment thereof in chancery made between him and the king's uncle William de Valencia. The like to the sheriff of Sussex to cause Roger to have seisin of all lands that William holds in Boseham. The like to the sheriff of Essex to cause Roger to have seisin of all the lands that William holds in Cestreford. Adam de Creting, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nutus, merchant of Florence, and Burgensis his brother 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. The said Adam acknowledges that he owes to Ralph le Mareschal 14 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Cancelled. The underwritten have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] in co. Surrey: Ellen la Szuch (sic). Edmund, earl of Cornwall. J. archbishop of Canterbury. R. bishop of Salisbury. J. bishop of London. William de Brehus. John de Percy. By the queen Roger Bygot, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England. Master Geoffrey Haspale. The abbess of Berking. John de Warenna, earl of Surrey. The abbot of Westminster. Robert de Scothou. N. bishop of Winchester. The prior of Christ church, Canterbury. Laurence de Sancto Michaele. Andrew de Valle Torta. Roger son of Ralph de Honeworth acknowledges that he owes to Hamo de la Grene of Honeworth 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. 7 EDWARD I. 565 1279. Membrane Gd-cont. The underwritten have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] in co. Sussex: John de Warenna, earl of Surrey. Edmund, earl of Cornwall. Eleanor de Percy. The bishop of London. The prior of Bruton. The archbishop of Canterbury. John de Shelvestrode. The prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Cicely de Gatesden. Walter de Sturtun. Roger de Kerebrok. Dionisia de Monte Caniso. William Deverus acknowledges that he owes to Grimbald Pauncefot 61. 19s. 10d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his land and chattels in co. Hereford. To Stephen de Penecestre, Walter de Helyun, and John de Cobeham, justices appointed to hear and determine pleas of trespasses of money, and to Philip de Wyleghby. Whereas the king is given to understand that certain Jews of his realm have not and do not fear to blaspheme the catholic faith and the church sacraments; the king wishing, as befits a catholic prince, to repress such blasphemies, wills that no Jew shall presume to blaspheme in such manner hereafter, to wit by saying or doing any detestable or abominable error in blasphemy of the crucifix of the catholic faith or of St. Mary the Virgin or of the church sacraments. The king wills that this shall be publicly proclaimed in all places of the realm in which the Jews dwell, and that no Jew shall presume to do or say these things under peril of life and limb. If any notorious blasphemer be found, so that he may be convicted by the oath of good and grave Christians, the king wills every such shall be punished according to what has been wont to be done in such cases upon other occasions. The like shall be done with those who were baptized at any time when converted to the catholic faith and afterwards perverted to the Jewish wickedness. The king wills that Jewish women shall henceforth bear a sign on their outer (superiori) garment as Jewish men do; and that Jews shall not from henceforth have Christian servants, male or female, dwelling with them in any services either in their own houses or in other houses in the cities and places where the Jews dwell, but the Jews shall serve and minister to one another in all things, and this shall be enjoined everywhere upon Christians and Jews under grievous forfeiture. The king wills that all Christians who wish to redeem their pledges found amongst the goods of condemned Jews, shall prove such pledges to be their property by faithful witnesses of good fame and shall describe them by certain signs and indications, and such witnesses shall be believed in so far as they shall appear to be of greater or less fame. If by chance they are unable to prove by witnesses that the pledges are theirs because the witnesses are dead or absent or because the pledges were pawned secretly and without witnesses, then the oath of the owners of the pledges shall suffice, provided that they describe the pledges by certain signs and indications, as is aforesaid, and this shall in no wise be omitted by reason of the lapse of a year from the time of the pawning. The king wills moreover that all who shall prove by trustworthy 566 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 6d —cont. witnesses that they have paid their debts for their pledges, and that they have not received the pledges from the Jews for any certain cause to be shown by them before the said justices and Philip or by reason of the malice of the Jews, shall not be compelled to make renewed payment of the debts and the witnesses shall be believed according to their repute, other witnesses being added to them, if necessary, according to the discretion of the justices and Philip. Concerning books pledged at Oxford, the king wills that no judgment shall be given before All Saints next. The king also wills that public proclamation shall be made in cities, boroughs, market towns and elsewhere that no one shall receive the goods of Jews condemned or to be condemned, or shall conceal or hide any already received, but shall restore them to the king before St. Peter ad Vincula next, otherwise the king will punish (graviter capiemus) them as concealers and hiders of the treasure of the realm. The justices and Philip are ordered to cause all the aforesaid things to be done and firmly observed. [Fcedera; Prynne, Records, iii. 239.] The like to Bartholomew de Suthlegh, William de Brayboef, Adam le Botiller, and John le Fauconer. [Ibid.] The like to John Bek, Alexander de Kirketon, Ranulph de Dacre, and Hugh de Kendale. [Ibid.] Ranulph le Lokier and Edith his wife put in their places William de Eveshaln in the suit before the king between them and Hugh de Dunygton, Walter le Paumer, and Ralph Dawe concerning a trespass committed upon them by the said Hugh, Walter and Ralph. Walter de Tany acknowledges that he owes to John Denys of Sandwich 141. 14s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. Alice daughter of Adam de Excumbe (sic) came before the king, on Saturday the eve of Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy her and her sister Isabella's land in Andreby, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against Gilbert son of Adam de Oxecumbe (sic). Adam le Monyr came before the king, on Sunday the octaves of Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy his land in Chark and Lee, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Robert le Pessoner of Portesmuth and Joan his wife. Geoffrey Corbet and John de Kenilworth came before the king, on Sunday the octaves of Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy to Reginald son of Peter and Joan his wife their land in Chuton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before him against John son of Robert de Punsond, concerning which John vouched them to warranty against the king. Simon Brite came before the king, on Monday after SS. Marcellinus and Peter, and sought to replevy his land in Ermesworth, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Isabella,de Ermesworth. Memorandum, that William de Wynterse delivered to Master Thomas Bek, the king's treasurer, and to Sir John de Kirkeby, archdeacon of Coventry, on Monday before St. Barnabas, 1279, the underwritten rolls of the time of Master Roger de Seyton: Imprimis, the rolls of the juries and assizes and of the crown in co. Kent of the said Roger's eyre at Canterbury, on the morrow of the close of Easter, 7 EDWARD I. 1279. Membrane 6d-cont. 55 Henry III., to wit two rolls containing the common pleas and [the pleas] of the crown. Also a roll of juries and assizes and of the crown of the same eyre at Cycestre, co. Sussex, in the octaves of Michaelmas, in the same year, containing the common pleas and [pleas] of the crown. Also a roll of the same eyre at Winchester, co. Southampton, on the morrow of St. Hilary, 56 Henry III., containing as before. Also a roll of the same eyre at Cambridge on the morrow of the close of Easter, 56 Henry III., containing as before. Also the roll of the same eyre at Gildeford on the morrow of Martinmas, 56 Henry III., containing as before. Also a roll of the same eyre at Chelmeresford on the morrow of Michaelmas, 56 Henry III., containing as before. Also a roll of the eyre at Huntedon on the morrow of Holy Trinity, in the same year, containing as before. Also a roll of the eyre of the same Roger at the Stone Cross, co. Middlesex, at the octaves of Martinmas, in the second and beginning of the third year of the king's reign, containing as before. A roll of the same eyre at Bedeford on the morrow of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, in the fourth year, containing as before. Also a roll of G. de Preston of the same eyre at Bedeford on the morrow of Martinmas, 57 Henry III., containing as before. Also a roll of the same eyre at the Tower of London on the morrow of the Purification, 4 Edward, containing as before. Also four rolls of the Bench for four terms, to wit Michaelmas term, 2 Edward and the beginning of the third year, the term of the octaves of St. Hilary and of Easter term and the term of the octaves of Holy Trinity, 3 Edward. Also four rolls of the Bench for Michaelmas term, 3 Edward and beginning of the fourth year, of the term of the octaves of St. Hilary and of Easter term and of the term of the octaves of Holy Trinity, 4 Edward. Also six rolls of the essoiners of the aforesaid four terms and years. Also all the writs and verdicts of the eyres aforesaid in ten sacks and bags. There are in number twenty-five rolls, besides the roll of G. de Preston of the commencement of his eyre at Bedeford. Also he delivered to them the roll of Laurence de Brok of the prison of Neugate. And be it known that Thomas and John in the presence of William de Wynterse, clerk of the said Master Roger, delivered the aforesaid rolls, writs and verdicts as he received them to Walter de Wymburn, the king's justice, to be kept for the king's use. In witness whereof Thomas, John, Walter, and William have alternately affixed their seals to these deeds, made between them. MEMBRANE 5d. Florence, late the wife of John de Coweye, acknowledges that she owes to Edmund, earl of Cornwall, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Hertford. Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, puts in his place Adam le Messager and William de la Garderobe in the suits before the king between him and the king concerning the church of Forthingbrigg. Memorandum, that Master Nicholas de Curtenay came into chancery, on Wednesday the eve of SS. Peter and Paul, and acknowledged that he had received from the master and brethren of St. Anthony's, London, 31 marks in which they were indebted to him. June 25. Richard le Mareschal acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Stok Leeds. 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey. To make this payment he found sureties, to wit Geoffrey de Bretingherst, Robert Manasser, Absolom de Hachesham, Walter le King, Simon de Wodecote, Stephen Knotte, John Bertelmeu, Richard Aleyn, William Racolf, Roger de Rumbergh, and Edmund de Cateford, who 568 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 5d-cont. constituted themselves principal debtors and granted that the money shall be levied, in Richard's default, of their lands and chattels in cos. Surrey and Kent. June 25. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to summon John Bardulf and Jul[iana] Leeds. his wife to be before the justices at the first assize to show cause why, since the abbot of Cresteyn ought to receive, after the tithing of all their corn of Berlinges to the church of Esden, the tenth sheaf of all the remainder of the corn, and the abbot and his predecessors have been always wont to receive such tenth sheaf in the time of William and Jul[iana] and of Jul[iana]'s ancestors, they do not now permit the abbot to receive it. Walter Dru came before the king, on Thursday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, and sought to replevy to William le Charetter the latter's land in Worcester, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Roger de Kudelynton and Agnes his wife. Order is given to the justices of the Bench. Memorandum, that on Saturday the morrow of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, Walter de Wynburn came into chancery, and there delivered the rolls of the pleas of the crown of co. Kent of the last eyre of Master Roger de Seyton and his fellows, [justices] last in eyre in that county, and also the rolls of assizes, juries and recognisances and of pleas of the crown of co. Sussex of the last eyre of the said justices, for the rolls to be sent to John de Reygate and his fellows, now justices in eyre in co. Surrey, to be returned by them hither immediately after the eyre. And the rolls were delivered to Philip de Perham to be carried to the said justices. Milisenta, late the wife of Eudo la Zusch, acknowledges that she owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, 110 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Master William Burnel, one of the executors of the bishop's will. John, abbot of Citeaux, puts in his place brother Imbert, lay-brother (conversum) of his house, and John de Kayton in all pleas within the realm, so that they may, if it please the abbot, make other attorneys in his place before the king in chancery, for a period of three years. Memorandum, that the abbot has letters patent concerning this to endure for one year. Robert de Helpeston acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Helpeston 14 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Suffolk and Northampton. Robert le Tayllur of Malling' acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Matilda Walerand puts in her place Adam Marescal and Richard de Hopton in an action of morte d'ancestor before the king between John de Aldermanneston, demandant, and her, defendant, concerning four messuages and a hide of land. July 8. To the sheriff of York. Whereas the king is given to understand that Westminster. certain men of the sheriff's bailiwick proclaim that the king has inhibited any one from cutting their corn or mowing their meadows, and suggest many other sinister and unbecoming things concerning the king which had not been thought of by him and had not come from his mouth or conscience: the king orders the sheriff with a faithful knight of his bailiwick to cause 7 EDWARD I. 569 1279. Membrane 5d-cont. his whole bailiwick to be searched and enquired into cautiously and circumspectly as to who relate such things concerning the king, and to arrest all such without delay and to cause them to be kept safely until they shall find the sheriff their informants, and to cause them to be delivered when they have found their informants, and to cause the latter to be kept in prison until he have special order from the king for their delivery. The sheriff is enjoined to conduct himself so in executing this order that the king may not cause him or his bailiffs to be punished for his negligence. The like to all the sheriffs of England. Memorandum, that the abbot of F6camp has day before the king on the morrow of St. Laurence next concerning the liberty of Slouhtre. Enrolment of grant by Richard Fuke, lord of Monyton in Stratdeleye, to Sir Walter de Hopton of his land at La Mere that descended to him by the death of Margaret Fuke, his mother, with all crops, corn, oats and meadows growing upon the land and with all other appurtenances, for 200 marks paid beforehand: to have and to hold with all appurtenances, heriots, villeinages, etc., with power to give, sell, bequeath or assign it, in illness or in health; doing therefor to the lords of the fee the accustomed services. Witnesses: Sir Robert de Chaundos, Sir Henry de Solar', Sir Henry de Cleyhungre, Henry his son, Henry de Baddeshawe, Richard de Cleyhungre. Be it known that the said Richard~ Fouk granted to the said Sir Walter six plough-oxen found at La Mere, together with the plough and its appurtenances, of his special grace. July 28. Memorandum, that the said Richard came into chancery at Windsor, and Windsor. acknowledged the premises. The abbot of Flaxleye puts in his place brothers Alexander de Calthrop and Alexander de Teok[esbury], monks of that house, in the suit before the king and his council by the adjournment of Roger de Clifford, justice of the Forest this side Trent, between the abbot and Richard Talebot concerning the common of pasture that Richard claims to have in the abbot's wood of Flaxleye, which is within the bounds of the king's forest of Dene, as appurtenant to Richard's free tenement in Longe Hope. The abbot of St. Edward's place [Netley], who is going by the king's license to parts beyond sea, attorned before the king brothers William de Northleye and John de Roges in all pleas, with power to make other attorneys in the abbot's place until Michaelmas next, unless the abbot return in the meantime. Enrolment of fine made in the king's court at Westminster, in the octaves of Holy Trinity, 7 Edward, before Thomas de Weylaund, Walter de Helyun, John de Lovetost, Roger de Leic[estria] and William de Brumpton, the king's justices, and afterwards recorded in the king's court at Chichester in a month from Midsummer, in the same year, before John de Reig[ate], William de Norburgh, Geoffrey de Leukenor, Solomon de Roff[a] and Richard de Boylaund, justices in eyre, between the king, demandant, and Roger le Bigot, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, deforciant, concerning the manor of Boseham, Breche, Stokes, Stocton, Funtington, and Thorneye, with all other members and hamlets pertaining to the manor of Boseham, co. Sussex, and between the same concerning the manor of Weston, co. Hertford, concerning which a plea of covenant was summoned between them in the same court, to wit that the earl acknowledged the manors to be the right of the king and rendered them to him in the same court. For this acknowledgment, etc., the king granted to the earl the aforesaid manors with all appurtenances, to have and to hold of the king 570 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 5d-cont. to him and the heirs of his body, with reversion to the king in default of such heirs quit of the other heirs of the earl. Alice, daughter of Peter Snotte, came before the king, on Tuesday the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, and sought to replevy her land in Shireburn, which was taken into the king's hands for her default in the king's court against John Abbot. The abbot of Citeaux came before the king, on Wednesday the morrow of St. Peter ad Vincula, and sought to replevy the advowson of the church of St. Mary, Schardeburg, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against the prior of Bridelington. Ela, countess of Warwick, puts in her place Ralph de Rempton and William de Acot in the suit before the king between Walter de Ludinton and her concerning a trespass committed upon Walter by her. The said Ela puts the aforesaid Ralph and William in her place in the suit before the king between her, demandant, and John de Necton, tenant, of a plea of land. The said Ela puts in her place the aforesaid Ralph and William in the suit before the king between her and Geoffrey, parson of the church of Stiventon, and others contained in the writ concerning a trespass committed upon her by them. MEMBRANE 4d. -Thomas Mustel, Richard de Halton, and Nicholas de Westrington put in - -- their place Walter de Houton or Thomas de Scamelesby in the suit before the king between them and Alan le Jovene and Alice his wife concerning a trespass. Ralph de Faucumberge came before the king, on Monday the eve of the Assumption, and sought to replevy his land in Brixton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against John de Grey. Thomas son of Geoffrey de Witheney came before the king, on Wednesday after the Assumption, and sought to rep]evy his land in Northampton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Felicia, late the wife of Henry Petyn. Aug. 16. Alice, late the wife of John de Hulecote, acknowledges that she owes to Geddington. Laurence de Preston, knight, 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in cos. Berks and Warwick. To do this she found as surety Nicholas Sifrewast and Peter de Mounz, who constituted themselves principal debtors and made the like acknowledgment. The said Alice acknowledges that she owes to Stephen de Cornhull 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Berks. Aug. 20. Thomas son of Richard de Norh[an]t[ona]' acknowledges that he owes to Rockingham. John son of John de Geyton 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. Aug. 21. To the constable of the Tower of London. Order, at the instance of Oakham. Edmund, the king's brother, to inhibit on the king's behalf Master Elias son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, from molesting Aaron son of Vyves, a Jew of the said Edmund, by vouching him to the capitula of the Jewry or by promulgating any sums of money upon him until the next parliament. The constable is ordered not to molest Aaron in his person or things by 7 EDWARD I. 571 1279, Membrane 4d-cont. reason of any accusation to be made against him by Master Elias or others, as Edmund has mainperned to have Aaron before the king in the same parliament to stand to right in a11 things that the king or others will propound against him. Simon de Chilteham came before the king, on Saturday before the feast of St. Bartholomew, and sought to replevy to John de Gloucestria, the elder, and John his brother their land, which was taken into the king's hands for their default against William son of Simon. Aug. 26. Henry son of Herbert, who is going to parts beyond sea, attorns before Nottingham. the king Robert son of Herbert and William de Benetlegh in all pleas. And the king granted to him that Robert and William might make other attorneys in Henry's place in the king's court until Midsummer next, until Henry return to England in the meantime. ---- Mabel de Grenham puts in her place Peter de Grenham and Ralph de -.- iBillefeld in the suit before the king between her and Master Anthony de Sauthorp, Master Roger de Cava and Master Jordan de Lincoln[ia] of a plea that they assembled contrary to the king's inhibition. The said Jordan and Anthony put in their place Thomas de Retford and William de Torp in the aforesaid plea. Alice, late the wife of William son of Geoffrey son of Warin de Tybinton, puts in her place Simon son of Miles de Melton or Robert de Shebemhale in the plea before the king between her and William de Hondesacre, William son of Sarah de Albelby and Richard le Wodeword of Breredon concerning a trespass committed upon her by them. Memorandum, that whereas it was lately agreed between William de Huntingfeud and John de Engayne concerning a marriage between Roger, eldest son and heir of William, and Joyce (Jocosa), eldest daughter of John, by an agreement [set out in full] made in the octaves of Holy Trinity, 5 Edward, whereby it is agreed that William shall give (exhibebit) to Joyce in dower 401. yearly of land in his manor of Suthorp and that John shall give to Roger in free marriage with Joyce 201. yearly of land in the manor of Wyvelisthorn. making up elsewhere what may be lacking of that value in the said manor, and John shall give to William for this marriage 300 marks. As the said 201. yearly of land that John shall give are of the inheritance of Lady Joan Engayne, his wife, it is provided that the gift shall be affirmed by fine in the king's court, and John and Joan shall make jointly a charter of feoffment, so that the fine may be levied upon this charter. For greater security John shall make to Roger and Joyce a charter of feoffment, warranty and defence with the articles that ought to be contained and expressed of right and by modern use in a charter, so that so soon as the fine made by the aforesaid common charter shall be acknowledged and chirographed, the latter charter of feoffment, warranty and defence shall be restored to John. For the observance of these covenants William, John and Joan gave their faith to one another by their hands (manuatim). Witnesses: Sir Seyer de Huntingfeud, Sir John Russel, Sir Henry de Bernham, Sir Roger de Huntingfeud, knights; Nicholas de Sumersham, John de Athout, John de Huntingfeud, William de Estokes, William de Pherpo. And whereas a dispute afterwards arose between William and John concerning the value of the manors aforesaid because William said that the manor of Wyvelisthorn was not worth 201. yearly by an extent to be made and John said that the manor of Suthorp was similarly not worth 401. yearly; the dispute is at length settled in this manner: William and John have granted that the said manors shall be extended, so that if the 572 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. -Membrane 4d-cont. manor of Suthorp be worth 401. yearly it shall remain to Roger and Joyce in form aforesaid, and if it exceed that value, the surplus shall remain to William, and if the manor is not worth 401., William shall make up what is lacking to Roger and Joyce from his other lands nearest to the said manor, and the like agreement is made, mutatis mutandis, regarding the manor of Wyvelisthorn. William shall retain Roger and Joyce with him as of his household and shall maintain them honorably, and when he shall be unwilling to retain them thus, he shall 'assign to them 301. yearly of the aforesaid 401. yearly of land. Memorandum, that William and John came into chancery at Notingham, on 28 August, and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of grant by Thomas de Remeston to William Trumwyne and Allesia his wife and to William's heirs of all his lands and rents that he had in the town of Wisow of the gift of John de Sneyton, with all the villeins and their chattels and with the site of a windmill in the same town: to have and to hold of Thomas as freely and wholly as is contained in a charter of feoffment that William de Stafford and Alda his wife made to the late Walter de Sneyton, grandfather of the said John, of all the said lands with 24s. of yearly rent from four bovates of land that the heirs or assigns of Roger de Loveto held of John: rendering therefor to Thomas Id. at Easter yearly and doing the services due to the chief lords of the fee. Witnesses: Sir Peter Pycot of Radclyve, Thomas de Meynil, Stephen de Nevill of Wymundewold, knights; John de Jorz, Geoffrey son of Stephen de Wymundewold, Robert de Warwik, Robert de Hull, Philip Baudry, Stephen Baudry. M.emorandum, that Thomas came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. Aug. 28. To the sheriff of Derby. Order to take with him twelve knights of that Nottingham. county and to go in person to the land of William de Meynil in Yvelegh and the land of Robert Accovere in Snelleston, and to cause perambulation to be made by the knights between the said lands, so that the perambulation shall be made by certain metes and hedges, as William and Robert have put themselves upon the perambulation before the king. The sheriff is ordered to certify the justices at the first assizes under his seal and the seals of the knights as to the metes and hedges whereby the perambulation have been made. Sept. 8. Gervase de Wileford puts in his place John Putrel or William Big in the Nottingham. suit before the king against the men of Gerard de Rodes concerning the manor of Langare because Gervaso exacts from them other customs and services than they ought to do and have been wont to do. John de Capella puts in his place Reginald de Bulmere against John Minot of a plea that John shall render him two charters that he owes to him and unjustly detains. Matilda Attebriggesende de Notingham puts in her place John Pouterel in the suit before the king between her and Peter Humfridi and William Leffe, late bailiffs of Leicester, in a plea that Peter and William by their own authority caused Roger Crok, who was arrested by them for certain trespasses committed upon Matilda, to be delivered without amends being made to her for the trespass. Master Roger de Cave puts in his place William de Brumpton or Thomas de Cave in the suit before the king between the king and him of a plea that Roger rejected a royal writ of prohibition delivered to him by Mabel, late the wife of Roger de Crenham, and wickedly trampled upon it. 7 EDWARD I. 573 1279. Membrane 4-Schedule. Price of the houses 10 marks; of the garden 4s. Item 30 acres of fallow land second-ploughed (rebinat'), price 12d. an acre. Item 58 acres of land, price of an acre 6d. Item an acre of meadow, price 18d. Item 14d. of yearly rent. Item from the land of Moses (Moises) in Benteleg 3s. Item 24 quarters of mixed corn, price 4s. a quarter. Item 50 (?) quarters of oats, price 9d. a quarter. Item two quarters of pease and beans, price 3s. a quarter. Item three stots (stotti), price 6s. 8d. each. Item a cow, price 6s. 8d. Item a calf, price 12d. Item 8 swine, price 12d. each. Item six young pigs (porcelli), price 6d. each. Item ten sheep, price 8d. each. Item four lambs, price 4d. each. Item a leaden vessel fixed in the ground (unum plumbum in terra), price 12d. MEMBRANE 3d. -- John de Hille came before the king, on Tuesday after the Nativity, and sought to replevy to Walter de Verney the latter's land in Pykesl[eye], which was taken into the king's hands for Walter's default [against] Jul[iana] Bibele. Adam de Kreting acknowledges that he owes to John de Reda, clerk, 12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. Sept. 20. John de Weston acknowledges that he owes to William de Hertefeud Westminster. 7 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Wilts. Nigel de Melton came before the king, on Thursday the feast of St. Matthew, and sought to replevy to himself the land of the master of St. Lazarus, Burton, which was taken into the king's hands for the masters's default before the king against Simon son of Guy de Thorwyngham. Walter le Povere acknowledges that he owes to Bogo de Clare 301.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Guy de Rupe Cauardi and Sibyl his wife put in their places Alan de Lek and John Hert in the suit before the king between the king, demandant, and Guy and Sibyl and Reginald son of Peter and Joan his wife, John de Bello Campo and Cicely his wife, Fucaudus de Archiaco and Mabel his wife, deforciant, concerning the manor of Cheuton. Henry de Hachesham acknowledges that he owes to William, archbishop of Rages (Ragen'), 121.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands in co. Surrey and in London. -—. Hugh son of Richard Miles came before the king, on Friday the morrow - of St. Matthew, and sought to replevy to William Miles, John de Hull, and Adam Whelwryghte their land in Wuringbrig, which was taken into the king's hands for their default in the king's court against the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Memorandum, that Robert son of John de Cawode rendered in chancery to David son of John de Cawode a third of the manor of Cawode and a bovate of land in Kelk, which Hugh atte Mar' holds, as the right of David. And Robert acknowledged five bovates of land in Kelk to be David's right, together with the service of a moiety of a carucate of land in Gemeling. For this acknowledgment David granted to Robert and the heirs of his body the said five bovates in Kelk, together with a moiety of a carucate of 574 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 3d-cont. land in Gemeling, the five bovates to revert to David in default of heirs. Moreover David granted to Robert a toft and a bovate of land in Cawode that William atte Heselwode holds, together with six acres of meadow in the same town, to hold for Robert's life. If the said bovate do not contain 24 acres, David shall be bound to make up that quantity elsewhere in the same town. David has also remitted to Robert nine bovates of land and a third of a bovate in Audeburg, a messuage and an acre of land in Heselington and Fulford, saving to David the services due therefor, according to the tenor of the charters that Robert has of John de Cawode, Robert's father. If Robert die seised in his demesne as of fee of the said land in Audeburg and of the messuage and land in Heselington and Fulford, then the tenements shall revert to David. Memorandum, that David and Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on 23 September, and acknowledged the premises. William de Bretines acknowledges that he owes to William de Bosco, 251. I0s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. Sept. 24. Nicholas de Kanecourt acknowledges that he owes to Bogo de Clare Westminster. 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Surrey. John le Brazur came before the king, on Sunday before Michaelmas, and sought to replevy his land, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against Alice, late the wife of William Gille. Robert de Berley acknowledges that he owes to John de Kirkeby 101.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. Enrolment of agreement between Sir J. de Kirkeby and Sir Robert de Berley, lord of Berley, co. York, witnessing that whereas Sir John holds the homage and service of Robert and his heirs of all the lands that he and his ancestors held at any time of the heirs and inheritance of Asseby by knight service and by other services therefor due, according to what is contained in the charter of Sir William Bagod made to John, the said Robert came into court and did homage to John for the lands aforesaid, and acknowledged that he and his heirs shall henceforth hold the land of John and his heirs. John and his heirs are bound to warrant the land to Robert and his heirs by the services that Robert's ancestors were wont to do to the lands of Asseby. Dated at London, on Sunday before Michaelmas, 7 Edward. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery and acknowledged the premises, and granted that he and his heirs shall be intendent to John and his heirs for homage and a rent of 10s. and the other services due from the said lands and tenements, and he also granted that a fine shall be levied between them. Patrick de Cadurcis came into chancery and acknowledged, for Robert de Muscegros, that he owes to Queen Eleanor, the king's consort, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Memorandum, that Robert made this recognisance to the queen in the fourth year of the reign, which is quashed by reason of the preceding recognisance. Joan de Huntingfeld puts in her place Richard le Clerk of Petrestre and Ralph de Weston in the suit before the king between Margery de Anesy and Baldric de Littington, Thomas son of Henry, Walter Bailli, Thomas 7 EDWARD I. 575 1279. Membrane 3d-cont. Stalun and her concerning the unjust taking of Margery's cattle, and the driving of the same from county to county to places unknown. Oct. 12. The prior of St. Andrew's, Northampton, came into chancery and Westminster. acknowledged that he owes to Walter de Kancia, clerk, 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of the lands and chattels of the priory. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to take with him twelve knights of that county and to go to the abbot of Shireburn's land in Haleghestok and Henry le Botiler's land in Hardinton, and to cause a perambulation to be made by oath of the knights between the said lands, so that the perambulation shall be made by certain metes and hedges, as the abbot and Henry have placed themselves before the king upon the perambulation, and to certify the justices at Westminster in the octaves of St. Hilary under the sheriff's seal and the seals of four of the knights by what metes and hedges the perambulation have been made. Agnes, late the wife of John de Horn',.attorns before the king, Peter - e Pleytur to receive 10 marks in her name from the king's bailiffs of Wynchelse, to wit of the 201. that the king granted to her for the maintenance of her children because her husband was slain in the king's service in the army of Wales. Thomas de Sechevill came before the king, on Saturday after St. Edward, and sought to replevy his land of Themerton, which was taken into the king's hands for her default before the king against William de Gorges. Robert de Cokefield acknowledges that he owes to William Aundreu 32 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. Simon de Ellesworth acknowledges that he owes to Michael de Norh[an]t[ona] 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. John de Mancestre acknowledges that he owes to William Aundrew 16 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his land and chattels. Alexander, king of Scotland, attorns before the king Adam de Charleton and Warin de Fannes in all pleas in England for two years from Midsummer last. Memorandum, that William de Wymburn came into chancery, on Thursday after the quinzaine of Michaelmas, and delivered to William de Gislingham a roll containing the pleas of the crown and of assizes and juries of the last eyre of Master Roger de Seton in co. Surrey, the said roll to be delivered to Sir John de Reygate and his fellows now in eyre at Gildeford, to be returned into chancery after the completion of the eyre. Michael de Norhamptona came before the king, on Sunday after the Translation of St. Edward, and sought to replevy his land in Everdon, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the king against Hugh le Botiler. The prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Oct. 18. To the sheriff of Dorset. Writ of summons of an eyre to be held at Westminster. Shyreburn in the octaves of St. Hilary before John de Reygate and William de Nbrburg and others. 576 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 3d-Schedule. Enrolment of grant by Stephen de Streyt in Bamburg to the king of seven acres and a rood of land in Werkloflat, for 71. 18s. 10d. paid to him beforehand. Witnesses: Sir Henry de Dichend, Sir William de Ulecestre, knights; William de la Barre, Alexander de Bradeford, Henry de Molesfen, Stephen le Marescal of Bamburg, William le Corouner of the same. Dated at Bamburg, on Thursday after the feast of St. James, 7 Edward. Enrolment of grant by William de Friskenad to the king of 56 bovates of land in Whetel[eye], with William's men holding the same and all their issue and all their chattels, to wit Adam Askel, who holds a quarter of a bovate of land, William Asceloc, who holds a bovate, Simon Bele half a bovate, Walter Hardnet half a bovate, Roger Alsy a quarter of a bovate, Hugh Alsy a quarter of a bovate, Simon son of Ralph half a bovate, Roger son of Adam a quarter of a bovate, Elias the carpenter a quarter of a bovate, Alice son of Nigel a third of a bovate, Isabella daughter of Nigel a third of a bovate, Alice son of Geoffrey Milet half a bovate; rendering therefor to William a rose-flower at Whetel[eye] yearly by the hands of the keeper of the manor of Whetel[eye]. Witnesses: Sir Gerard de Hedon, Sir Thomas de Hayton, Sir Robert Morteyn, Sir Roger de Beltoft, knights; Thomas de Lanom in Hayton, Alexander Noreys in Claworth, John le Veutrer in Wellom, Robert de Camera, Walter Oliver of Stretton. Dated on Saturday after Holy Trinity, 7 Edward. Memorandum, that the charters aforesaid were delivered to Sir Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward, to be delivered at the exchequer into the treasury. Llewelyn son of Griffin of Brumfeld acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells 11 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Enrolment of agreement made on Saturday after St. Luke, 7 Edward, between Master Geoffrey de Haspale and the abbot of St. Osyth the Virgin and the convent of the same, whereby Geoffrey grants and quitclaims to them all his lands in the town of Denham and Brent Illegh (Illegh Combusta), co. Suffolk, which lands Geoffrey held of the abbot and convent for the term of ten years and for his life if he lived longer than that time. For this grant the abbot and convent have granted that they will render to Geoffrey yearly for his life 401. In case he die within the term of nine years, they will pay the said sum yearly for nine years to his executors. In case of default, they submit themselves to the power and coercion of any judge, civil or ecclesiastical, whom Geoffrey shall choose. It is agreed if they fail to make payment at any of the terms, that the sheriffs of Essex and Suffolk may distrain them, and that the abbot and convent shall acknowledge this agreement before the barons of the exchequer and also in the rolls of chancery and shall cause it to be enrolled at their cost. They renounce all exceptions, privileges and indulgences, statute, or remedy of the law that might avail to injure Geoffrey or his proctor in this matter. Memorandum, that Geoffrey came into chancery and acknowledged the premises, and that the abbot did the like and granted, for himself and the convent and their successors, that he would pay the money to Geoffrey at the terms agreed upon, and that it shall be levied in default, etc. —.- Bartholomew de Castello acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Burnel - 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Cancelled on payment. 7 EDWARD I. 577 1279. Membrane 3d-Schedule-cont. Richard de Stretton acknowledges that he owes to John de Bruges 40s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. John de Falsham acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Creting 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Ralph son of Fulk acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Huntingfeld 34s. 8d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Philip de Albiniaco, who is going by the king's licence to parts beyond sea, attorns before the king William de Hoga in all pleas. And the king granted that William may make attorneys until Midsummer next, unless [Philip] return in the meantime. ~- - John de Baskervill acknowledges that he owes to Nutus de Florencia -.- 121 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made in the county [court] of York and in the city of York that Jews may there freely traffic in lawful goods and merchandises with Christians and Jews, and may buy victuals and other necessaries and may live (conversare) amongst the Christians, as they were wont to do in times past, and to inhibit any one from laying violent hands upon them or from injuring them otherwise contrary to the king's peace. Walter Trailly, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Huntingfeld 5- marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford. Norman Darcy acknowledges that he owes to Master William de Luda 311.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. Warin de Hereford, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de la Chambre 42 marks; to be levied, in default, of his lands and chattels. Membrane 3d-Schedule dorso. Arnulf, prior of Rumilly (Rumiliaco), who is going to parts beyond sea by the king's licence, attorns before the king Roger de Wilton and Henry de Norwyco, clerks, in all pleas in England. And the king, at the prior's instance, has granted that Roger and Henry may make attorneys for three years following, unless the prior return to England in the meantime. Enrolment of agreement made at Westminster, on 25 October, 7 Edward, between the Lady Eleanor, queen of England, the king's consort, and brother Arnulf de Brueriis, prior of Rumilly (Remilliaco), and the monks of that place, whereby the prior and monks demise to her 201. yearly of rent at Fobbing and Shenefeld, which Sir Robert de Canvill, knight, is bound to pay to the prior and monks, and which they were wont to receive from his ancestors. They also demise to her the advowsons of the churches of Langeho, High Angre, Stanford, Little Laufar, Trienghes, with all appurtenances. As the said rent has been for some time unjustly retained by Sir Robert (a dicto domino Roberto... sunt... retente), and the advowsons of the churches alienated so that they have come to the hands of divers persons by reason of the simplicity and patience of the prior and monks, it is agreed that the queen shall at the prosecution of u 96998. O o0 578 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 3d-Schedule dorso —cont. the prior and monks and their attorneys recover the rent from Robert and the aforesaid advowsons in whose hands soever they may be, to the best of her power at her own costs and expenses, and when the prior and monks have acquired the rent and advowsons with the queen's help, they shall enfeoff her thereof and place her in possession or full seisin thereof, and shall otherwise provide for her security as may be best provided by her council. The queen shall then give them 200 marks sterling for the rent aforesaid and 50 marks when the advowsons shall be acquired. It is also agreed that the queen shall have a moiety of all arrears that can be recovered and of all expenses adjudged to the prior and monks for their damages. The queen shall not make agreement or remission for part of the arrears or damages without the special consent of the prior and monks. If part only of the rent and advowsons be acquired, the queen shall give to the prior and monks a proportionate amount of the sums specified above. The pensions that the prior and monks were wont to receive in times past from the churches, to wit I6s. from the church of Langeho, 50s. from the church of High Angre, 50s. from the church of Stanford, 16s. from the church of Little Laufar, and 100s. from the church of Triengham, shall revert to the prior and monks. The queen promises to help them to recover the pensions and to perpetuate them for their use. For further security of this grant of the rent and advowsons to the queen, the prior and monks shall faithfully procure the confirmation of the abbot of Cluny, and they renounce all privileges, remedies of law, etc., that might hinder the effect of this agreement. Oct. 28. Memorandum, that the prior and monks came into chancery and Westminster. acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of agreement, made on 20 October, 7 Edward, between Queen Eleanor and Sir Thomas de Pyn and Hawysia his wife, whereby Thomas and Hawysia demise to the queen the manor of Dulverton, co. Somerset, with the hundred, wardships, and all other appurtenances. It is agreed that Thomas shall cause his wife to come to the king's court to make acknowledgment of this grant, and that he and she shall cause a fine (cirographum) to be levied in the king's court, and that they shall cause the queen to have quit-claims of all who claim to have any right in the manor and its appurtenances, except those things concerning which they are impleaded in the king's court, which things they shall restore and quitclaim to the queen as soon as they have established their right (disracionare). It is agreed that the queen shall give council and aid to defend the pleas that concern the manor. When all these things have been completed, the queen shall grant to Thomas and Hawysia for life in a suitable place the value of the said manor in all issues by a reasonable extent. Memorandum, that Thomas and Hawysia came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. John Hasteng acknowledges that he owes to Bogo de Clare 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. To do this he found [as surety] Robert Hasteng, his father, who made like recognisance., — Walter de Huntercumbe acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de --- Cornehull 51.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. Walter de la Lynd acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornehull 91. 12s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. 7 EDWARD I. 579 1279. Membrane 3d —Schedule dorso-cont. Enrolment of grant by William Bagot to the Lady Eleanor, queen of England, the king's consort, of the advowson of the priory of Catteby. Dated at Westminster, the feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 7 Edward. Memorandum, that William came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of grant by Master William Pikerel, clerk, to Sir Hugh Burnel, knight, of his manor and entire tenement in Hanlegh Willelmi, co. Worcester. Witnesses: Sir Robert de Mortuo Mari, lord of Richard's Castle, John Esturmy, Henry le Waleys, knights; John de Kirkeby, Malculm de Harlegh, William de Mortuo Mari, rector of the church of Estham, clerks; Richard de Romeny, Geoffrey the farrier (Marscallo), Richard de Carisy, Roger Sampsonis. Memorandum, that Master William came into chancery and acknowledged the premises. He afterwards came and likewise acknowledged everything contained in another charter, which is written below. Enrolment of charter to like effect with same witnesses, differing only in having ' to have and to hold of the chief lords of that fee' and consequent changes instead 'to have and to hold of me and my heirs.' Hugh Burnel came into chancery and acknowledged that he owed to Master William Pikerel 50 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. The prior of Kenilleworth acknowledges, for himself and his house, that he owes to Stephen de Edeworth, knight, 361.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick. Cancelled on payment. ----- Walter de Huntercumb acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Tayllur, - -- citizen of London, 301.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. Walter de Huntercumb and Hugh de Eurc mainperned for John de Balliolo to satisfy the king for any trespass that he may have committed in doing homage to the bishop of Durham for Barnard Castle (Castrum Bernardi) if it be found that the homage ought to pertain to the king. Thomas de Stapelton acknowledges that he owes to R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Thomas Paynel acknowledges that he owes to Robert Tibi 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. Robert Aguyllun acknowledges that he owes to the prior of the New Hospital without Biishopesgate, London, and to the brethren of the same, 27 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Surrey and Sussex. Robert de Valoignes acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello 115 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Joan, late the wife of Humphrey de Boun, the younger, acknowledges that she owes to William Harding, the king's baker, 161.; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. luntingdon. 0 2 580 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 3d-Schedule dorso-cont. Roger de Leukener acknowledges that he owes to Laurence de Sancto Mauro 140 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. Alan Plukenet acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Cornhull 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset. Cancelled on payment. MEMBRANE 2d. Enrolment of bond of Simon, son and heir of Ralph de Trop, to W. de Brewose, bishop of Llandaff, for payment of 100 marks at the end of four years in the cathedral church of Llandaff, because the bishop has with his own money liberated Simon's inheritance from the debts wherewith it had been charged by Ralph. Sealed with the seal of R. bishop of Bath and Wells as well as by Simon. Dated at London, 15 kal. Nov. 1279. [Prynne, Records, iii. 238.] Memorandum, that Simon came into chancery, and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of grant by Robert de Everingham, son of Sir Adam de Everingham, to Sir Walter de Helyun and Alice his wife, for their service and for 300 marks, of all his land in La Hide and Wodemanton, co. Hereford, with all appurtenances and with the reversion of the lands held for terms of life or years: to hold to them and the heirs of Walter; rendering therefor to Robert Id. yearly and doing the services due to the chief lords. Witnesses: Sir Thomas de Weyland, Sir John de Lovetot, Sir Nicholas de Stapelton, Sir Waiter de Hopton, the king's justices; Sir Alan de Plokenet, Sir John de Cobeham, Sir Robert de Chaundos, Sir Henry de Bornhull, Sir Roger le Rus, Sir Giles de Berkel[eye], Sir Henry de Hereford, knights; Philip de Stapelton, Richard de Bisel[eye]. Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery, on Sunday after St. Luke, and acknowledged the premises and rendered seisin to Walter and Alice, who have a writ to the sheriff of Hereford to cause them to have seisin of the said lands. Robert de Everingham, son of Adam de Everingham, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Helyun 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford. Oct. 22. Walter de Helyun came into chancery, on Monday after St. Luke, and Westminster. granted and acknowledged that if Robert de Everingham, by himself or his attorney, and Alice his wife, in her own person, come before the justices in eyre in co. York in the quinzaine of Martinmas or within the fourth day following and recognise and grant that all the lands that they have in La Hide and Wodemanton are the right of Walter and his wife, so that a fine may be levied between them, then Robert shall be quit of the aforesaid 200 marks and Walter shall be bound to satisfy Robert for 100 marks, to be counted and allowed in the sum of 300 marks in which Walter was bound for the lands aforesaid, and also that he shall so do that Philip de Stapelton shall remit to Robert the whole agreement made between them concerning the lands that he had in Eglynton. ---- John de Columbers, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert son - of Payn 28 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. 7 EDWARD I. 581 1279. Membrane 2d-cont. John de Camise, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Felton 25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Sussex and Essex. John Malveisin acknowledges that he owes to John de Rede, clerk, 24 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Cancelled on payment. Hamo Hauteyn, Robert de Ludham, Robert de Valoynes, Henry de Wynton[ia], and Adam de Creting acknowledge that they owe to Bartholomew de Castello 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Memorandum, that Robert de Valoynes, the younger, came into chancery and acknowledged that he owed to Bartholomew for the same Adam and the others 501.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. And thus Adam owes only 501. Adam de Cretinge acknowledges that he owes to Hamo Hautayn, Robert de Ludham, Robert de Valoynes, and Henry de Wynton[ia] 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. Memorandum, that Richard de Valoynes, the younger, acknowledges, for the said Adam, that he owes to the said Hamo, Robert, Robert and Henry 501.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. Vacated, above because. Margaret de Ros, daughter and co-heiress of Peter de Brus, puts in her place John Bek and Robert Horn to demand and receive before the king her purparty of Peter's fees. Enrolment of grant by Nicholas de Wauton, son of Sir Alan de Wauton, to Sir Philip Burnell, knight, of all his land in Neuton Reynny, co. Cumberland, with all the land that Makina, late the wife of Sir William de Reyny, holds in dower of the same land; rendering therefor a clove gillyflower (clavum gariofili) at Christmas and doing the services due to the chief lords of the fee. Witnesses: Sir William son of Thomas, baron of Greystoke; Thomas Weyland, John Lovetot, William de Stapelton, John de Kirketot,* knights; John de Kyrkeby, William de Hamelton, Malcolm de Harlee, Ralph Sprengehose. Memorandum, that Nicholas came into chancery, on Friday the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of release by the aforesaid Nicholas to Sir Philip Burnell, knight, of his right in the premises. Witnesses as in preceding, omitting last four. Dated at Westminster, on Thursday before All Saints, 7 Edward. Memorandum, that Nicholas came into chancery, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the premises. Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid Nicholas promising to come into the Bench at Westminster before Easter, 8 Edward, at the will and summons of the aforesaid Sir Philip to levy a fine concerning the land specified in the preceding deeds, under pain of 1001. to be paid to Philip within a month of the summons, payment whereof he charges upon his goods and chattels. Dated at Westminster, on Wednesday before SS. Simon and Jude, 7 Edward. * Written Cryketot in the next enrolment. 582 CALENDAR OF CLOSE ROLLS. 1279. Membrane 2d-cont. Memorandum, that Nicholas came into chancery, on Friday the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, and acknowledged the premises, and acknowledged that, if he failed in the premises, he owed Philip 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. John le Marchal, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de Castello, clerk, 250 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels. To do this he found [as sureties] Adam de Creting, Warin de Hereford, Thomas de Swaneton, and Thomas Bardulff of Spikenor, who constituted themselves principal debtors and granted that the aforesaid sum shall be levied of their lands and chattels. Henry Trone came before the king, on Friday before SS. Simon and Jude, and sought to replevy Henry de Grey the latter's land in Saxeby, which was taken into the king's hands for his default in the king's court against Master Robert le Surrigien. MEMBRANE Id. Nov. 9. The under-written have quittance of the common summons [of the eyre] Westminster. in co. Dorset: Milisenta, late the wife of Eudo la Zusch. Agatha de Mortuo Mari.*.. — Laurence de Sancto Michaele acknowledges that he owes to William de Hamelton 121.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Kent. William de Leyburn acknowledges that he owes to Nutus de Florencia, merchant, 120 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent. Memorandum, that J. archbishop of Canterbury came before the king and his council, in the king's parliament of Michaelmas, at Westminster and confessed and granted that of the statutes, provisions and declarations of those things that were promulgated by him at Rading, in August, in this same year, amongst certain sentences of excommunication that he promulgated, there shall in the first place be deleted and regarded as non-pronounced the clause in the first sentence of excommunication that makes mention of those sueing out royal letters to hinder process in cases that by the holy canons, etc.; and, in the second place, that the king's ministers shall not be excommunicated although they do not obey the king's order by not taking excommunicated persons; and, in the third place, concerning those who invade the manors of clerks that there the penalty imposed by the king shall suffice; and, in the fourth place, that he shall not interdict the selling of victuals to the archbishop of York or to others coming to the king; and, in the fifth place, Malgna Charta shall be removed from the doors of churches. He also confessed and granted that no prejudice shall arise in the future to the king or his heirs or his realm of England by reason of any other articles in the council of Rading. [Prynne, Records, iii. 236; Ryley, Placita, p. 442.] Nov. 11. To the sheriff of Southampton. Writ of summons for an eyre for pleas Westminster. of the Forest to be holden before Roger de Clifford, Geoffrey de Pycheford, and William de Hamelton at Winchester on the morrow of St. Hilary next. * Space has been left in the roll for the insertion of other names. 7 EDWARD I. 583 1279. Membrane Id-cont. The like to the sheriff of Worcester for an eyre before Roger de Cliff[ord], Nicholas de Romes[eye], and John son of Nigel in a month from St. Hilary. Nov. 15. The under-written have quittance of the common summons for the pleas Westminster. of the Forest in co. Southampton: William de Valencia.* The under-written have quittance of the common summons for pleas of the Forest in co. Worcester: William de Valencia.* Nov. 15. To the justices of the Bench. Order to cause the statute of mortmain Westminster. (statutum virorum religiosorum), the 'form' of which is here set out, to be read before them and to be observed and held firmly hereafter. [Statutes of the Realm, i. 51; Prynne, Records, iii. 236; Ryley, Placita, 441.] Memorandum, that this statute is enrolled in the Patent rolls of this year. Enrolment of release by William de Leyburn, knight, to the king of the forestry and bailiwick of the forest of Ingelwode, which Roger de Leyburn, William's father, had of the late king's gift. Dated at London, on Tuesday the morrow of St. Edmund, 1279. Memorandum, that this deed was delivered to brother Joseph de Chancy, the treasurer, at Westminster, on 15 November, to be kept in the treasury. Robert de Insula acknowledges that he owes to John de Rocheford 361.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge and Suffolk. Enrolment of the form of the.' novum breve de etate probanda,' with note that an attaint to convict the twelve knights and others shall be made by the king's grace and not without his special warrant. * Space has been left in the roll for the insertion of other names. I 585 GENERAL INDEX. A. Aaron, a Jew of York, 545........... Abraham son of, a Jew, 154........... Cok' son of, 157, 458.........., Elias son of, 161............... a Jew of London, 261.............. de Eboraco, 161........... Rose wife of Elias son of, 161........... Manasser son of, a Jew of London, 170, 193, 221, 437.........., Moses son of, a Jew, 320......... son of Abraham, a Jew, 545.......... son of Benedict, a Jew, 320......... son of Leo, and Roisa his wife, 320.......... son of Vives, Wyves, a Jew of London, 260, 299, 301, 306, 317, 321, 345, 347, 357, 358, 516, 547, 570.......... See also Aaron. Abbehal, Ralph de, 356. Abbendon. See Abingdon. Abbetoft, Thomas son of William de, 12. Abbeville, Ponthieu [Somme], 32.........., mayor and echevins of, 32.........., port of, 32. Abbindon abbey. See Abingdon. Abbot, Alice wife of William, 507.........., John, 35, 570. Abbotele, Henry son of Richard de, 357. Abbots Ann. See Ann. Abendon, Peter de, Master of Walter de Merton's House of Scholars (Merton College, Oxford), 117. Abenton, William de, 91. Aberconwy, Aberconwey, abbey. See Conway. Aberford, co. York, 483..........? Werford [co. York], 215. Abergavenny, Bergeveny [co. Monmouth], 114, 115, 222, 401........., bailiff of. See Bray, Henry de........., Bergevenny, castle [co- Monmouth], 36, 59, 71, 114...,............ and honour of, 391................ keeper of, 71.........,....... constable of, 291, 309; and see Bray, Henry de........... honour of, 71........... ferm of, 222........., park of, 309, 401. Abetot, Geoffrey de, 368. Abingdon, Abbendon, Abbindon, gaol, co. Berks, 19.........., abbey, 117, 542, 556................. abbot of, 360.......... letters close dated at, 365. Abington, Abinton, co. Cambridge, 91, 93................. chapel of, 94........... Abyndon, co. Northants, 112. Abington, Matilda wife of William de, 92.........., Abinton, Matilda de, 94........... William de, tenant in chief, 93, 95. Abinton. See Abington. Ab-Kettleby, Abketelby, co. Leicester, 106. Abovenchirche, Roger, 77. Aboveton, Roger, 53.........., Thomas, 62........... William, 327. Abraham, Aaron son of, a Jew, 545..........., Bendedict son of, a Jew of Wor. cester, 170.................. a Jew of Winchester, 199............. de Wintonia, a Jew, 417........... Cresseus son of, de Ultonia, a Jew, 181.........., Jorninus son of, a Jew, 196.........., son of Aaron, a Jew, 154.........., son of Benedict the Jew, 296........., son of Deulacres, a Jew of London, 317. Abrestrek, Howell, 399. Abrunob castle, near Montgomery, 51. Abyndon. See Abington. Acastre, Hugh de, 385. Acatur, Joceus le, 118. Accorso. See Accursius. Accovere. See Acovere. Accursius, Accorso, Francis (son of), 289, 296.......... See also Bononia, Francis de, and Francis, Master. Ace, Richard de, 415. Acham, Martin de, 354. Achard, Sir Peter, knt., 237........... Robert, 508. Achfeld'wood, forest of Essex, 471. Acle. See Oakley.........., Great. See Oakley, Great. Acle, Hugh de, 496.........., John de, 117.........., Ralph de, 105. Acolt, Akeholt, brother Roger de, of the order of the Temple, 53, 57. 586 GENERAL INDEX. Aeon' (Acover?), Robert de, merchant, 533........... See also Acun. Acot, William de, 570. Acovere, Accovere, Robert de, 512, 550, 572. Acra, Elinandus de, clerk, 194. Acre, St. Thomas of, order of, 444. Acre, John de, warden of the works of the Tower of London, 378........... Ranulph de, 251. Acton [co. Chester], letters close dated at, 210.........., co. Middlesex, 98.......... [co. Stafford], 120.......... Burnel, co. Salop, 521......... Pigot, Acton Picot [co. Stafford], 521. Acton, Ralph son of Nicholas de, 150......,, Ranulph de, 87.........., Stephen de, 243. Acun, Robert de, le Forester, 358.........., Uhtred de, 358.........., Walter de, 358. Adam, lay brother of Ystrad Marchell, 404........... Adam son of, baron of the port of Sandwich, 436......,........... de Cramburn, 369.........., Gilbert son of, de Oxecumbe, 566.........., John son of, 133, 224.............., de Burmenton, 20.........., Peter son of, 78........... Ralph son of, 133.........., Reginald son of, 53........... Richard son of, 134........, Robert son of, 80........... Robert son of, de Hirst, 372........... Roger son of, 576............, de Wylne, 157.......... Thomas son of, 126.........., William son of, 76, 132.........,......, de Hameleton, 502......,.......... de Leuesham, 13. Adare, Addare [co. Limerick], 500. Adbo......... castle, Ireland, 546. Addare. See Adare. Adde, John, 92. Addeston, Gilbert de, 261. Addingham [co. Cumberland], Gamblesby, Gamelesby in 196..,.............. Glassonby, Glassanby in 196. Ade, Thomas, 9. Adenettus, buyer of the king's wardrobe, 155. Admiscot, Edmundescote [parish of Tredington, co. Worcester], 67, 70. Adrian, IV., Pope, 254. Adrian, John, 44, 51, 123......... See also Aldrian. Adryan, Isabella, 324. Adwich, Adwyk [co. York], 10. Aer, John son of, sub-escheator in co. Salop, 431. Aete, William de, 232. Afford, Alice wife of William de, 35.........., Roger de, 35........... Walter de, 35. Afton, Aifton, Richard de, 348...........,...., knt., 426.........See also Aston. Agatha, Richard son of, 466. Agaz, Richard, 424. Agenois, land of [Guyenne, Lot-et-Garonne], 186, 453. Agge, John, 397. Agmodesham. See Amersham. Agmodesham. See Agmundesham. Agmundesham. See Amersham. Agmundesham, Augmundesham, Agmodesham, Walter de, 114, 339, 401, 406, 426 Agnes, Geoffrey son of, 134......., Hugh son of, de Riston in Holdernesse, 34.........., John son of, 243........... Robert son of, 273. Agnys. See Ayneus. Agolantis, James, 265. Aguillon, Aguillun, Aguilon, Aguyllon, Aguyllun, Aguyllyon, Geoffrey, 495.......... Robert, 23, 50, 109, 116, 120, 355, 579................. de, keeper of the honour of Arundel, 34, 85. Ahcton (Ashton?), 136. Ailesbury. See Aylesbury. Ainderby Steeple [co. York], Morton-uponSwale in, 120. Aisscheldeham. See Asheldon. Aissinton, Robert de, 268. Akatur, William le, a brother of Watton priory, 385. Akeford, Philip de, 61. Akeholt. See Acolt, Akelaund St. Helen. See Auckland St. Helen. Aketon, Margaret wife of Thomas de, 374. Alan, a monk of Chester abbey, 2.........., Brian son of, 368..........,Hugh son of, 260................., keeper of the Long forest, near Shrewsbury, 538........, Isabella wife of John son of, tenant. in chief, 68.......,. Isabella wife of John son of, 82........., Isabella, wife of John son of John, son of, 35, 89..........,John son of, 23, 350, 360,425, 502.....,,....., lord of Arundel, 85.,.......,....... lord of the forest of Arundel, 34,265.....,........... tenant in chief, 82........,...., John son of, lord of Arnndel, 85, 89.,........,......... de Pokebroke, 64. GENERAL INDEX. 587 Alan, Matilda, wife of John son of, 35........, Richard son of John son of, 89............... son of John, a minor in the king's wardship, 68.........., Robert son of Henry, son of, 365................. de Langeford, coroner for co. Berks, 86.........., Thomas son of, de Evinton, 291. Alaporte, Roger, 164. Alard, John, 16. Albelby, William son of Sarah de, 571. Albemarle (Aumale, Seine-Inf6rieure) abbey, 232, 466................. abbot of, 195.........., honor of, co. Norfolk, 405........... earl of. See Fortibus, William de, Gros, William de.........., countess of. See Fortibus, Isabella de.......... earldom of, 511.,........, earls of, 158. Albemarle,John de, coroner for co. Devon,146. Alberbury, co. Salop, 68, 274.......... [co. Salop], Eyton in, 68..............., Hamme in, 68.............,, oucton in, 68. Albert, Alice wife of John, 197........... John, 197. Albiniaco, Aubeney, Aubeny, Daubeny, Alice wife of Simon de, tenant in chief, 28.........., Christiana daughter of Simon de, 28, 29........... Emma wife of Simon de, tenant in chief, 8.........., Henry de, 478.........., Hugh de, earl of Arundel, 57................. son of William de, earl of Arundel, 85.......... Isabella de, countess of Arundel, 56, 415............., daughter of Simon de, tenant in chief, 27.........., Joan daughter of Simon de, 28.........., Nicholaa, daughter of Hugh de, earl of Arundel, 57.................. sister of Hugh de, earl of Arundel, 76........... Philip de, 496, 577.........., Ralph de, 309, 472, 536..........,...... knt., 338.........., Roger, 179.........., Simon de, tenant in chief, 27, 28, 282.........., William de, 136, 514................. earl of Arundel, 85.................. tenant in chief, 382. Alblaster. See Arblaster. Albon, Isabella wife of Walter, 553........... Walter, 414, 553. Albrighton, Albriton, co. Salop, 430. Album Monasterium. See Oswestry. Album See Aubourn. Albynyaco. See Albiniaco. Alcays, Simon son of, 327. Alcunbyry, Adam de, 130. Aldborough, Audeburg [co. Norfolk?], 232................ [co. York], 574. Aldeberg, Henry de, 118. Aldeby [par. of Skelton, co. Cumberland], 132........., Audeby [co. Norfolk], 557. Aldedesleg, See Alditheleye Aldefeld, Egidia wife of Nigel de, 449........... Nigel de, son of Alan de, 449. Aldeford castle. See Aldford. Aldeneston. See Alston. Alderfanne wood, co. Essex, 392. Alderdelege, Roger de, 215. Alderley, Halderdeleg [co. Chester], 215. Aldermanneston, John de, 568. Alderney, Aureneye, island of, 129. Aldeston, co. Cumberland, 532. Aldestowe. See Padstowe. Aldeswell, John de, 77. Aldeswrth, William de, a monk of Gloucester abbey, 117. Aldewyn, Walter, 10. Aldeyn, Robert son of William, 134. Aldford, Aldeford, castle, co. Chester, 281. Aldideleg'. See Alditheleye. Aldingbourn, Aldingburn [co. Sussex], 345........... letters close dated at, 229, 300. Aldington, co. Kent, 470. Aldinton. See Allington. Aldinion, Thomas de, 152. Aldith, Richard son of, 135. Alditheleg'. See Audley. Alditheleye, Aldideleg', Alditeleghe, Alditheleg, Aldithelega, Aldithelegh, Aldithelegh', Alditheley, Audelegh, Audedelegh, Audidelegh, Audithelegh, Auditheleye, Aldedesleg, Henry de, heir of James de, tenant in chief, 72, 220, 277, 279.......... Henry de, 216, 306................. brother and heir of James de, 234.........., James, Jametus de, 67, 71, 164, 220.........., keeper of the castle and manor of Newcastle-under-Lyme, 544................ justiciary of Ireland, 20, 48, 55, 103, 177, 193, 194, 303, 439..........,...... tenant in chief, 72, 466................ son of James de, 52, 65, 234.......... Lucy wife of Henry de, 500........... Matilda wife of James de, 234........., Nicholas de, 65, 164.........., William de, 383, 418, 450 474, 500................, son of James de, 462, 544. Aldrian, John, alderman of London, 114.........., See also Adrian. Aldusa, Robert son of, de Barneby, 334. Alefondere, Walter le, 205. Alegate, Ralph de, 111, 113, 349.,............, clerk, 557. 588 GENERAL INDEX. Alekath. See Athlacca. Alemand, Terricus le, keeper of the land and heir of Eustace son of Thomas, 224. Alemannia, Constance wife of Henry de, 88, 184, 188, 529........... Henry de, 104, 338. Alemaunt, John le, 489. Alencestria, Henry de, 62. Alensun, William de, 80. Ales, Robert son of, 224. Alexander III., king of Scotland, 97, 164,228, 449, 493, 505, 509, 517, 527, 532, 575................. does homage to the king of England, 505............... Margaret his wife, the king's sister, 164. Alexander, Adam brother of, 361................ son of, 133, 328..........,Alexander son of,de Syvelesworth,328........, William, son of, de Strippling, 452. Aleyn, Hugh, 271.........., John, 42.........., Nicholas, 557.........., Richard, 567.........., Roger, 429.........., Simon, 110. Aleynby, Andrew de, 132........... Reginald de, 132. Alfo, John, 75, 77. Alfonso, Alphonsus, the king's son, 468, 539. Algar, Walter, 412. Algarkirk, Algerkirk [co. Lincoln], 558. Algerby, Ralph de, 558. Alice Holt, Alsisholte, Asshiolt, Axishalt, Axisholt, Halsisholte, forest [co. Hants], 26, 287, 308, 312, 437, 525................., keeper of. See Gurdon. Alice, William son of, 47.........., Nicholas son of, 77, 78. Alien merchants, 119, 230, 265. Alinton. See Allington. Alipanche, Thomas, 507. Alisaundre, Henry, 164. Allecote. See Allscot. Allemannia, Edmund de, earl of Cornwall. See Edmund. Allewellstrate. See Ashwell Street. Allibleced, Richard, 79. Allington, Alinton [co. Wilts], 494..........? Aldinton [co. Wilts], 555. Allscot, Allecote [co. Salop] 521. Almaly, William de, 415. Almain, king of. See Richard........... queen of. See Beatrice. Almannia. See Alemannia. Almton Broome [parish of Swindon, co.Wilts], 380. Alnateby, Atricius son of Anlacus de, 385. Alnesete, Elias de, 226. Alneto, Ralph de, 249, 416. Alphonsus, the king's son. See Alfonso. Alred, 29. Alrewas forest rco. Stafford], 141..........,....... keeper of. See Wesham, Thomas de. Alseghe, Eleanor wife of John de, 326.........., John de, 326. Alsisholte, forest. See Alice Holt. Alstanesfeld. See Alstonfield. Alston, Aldeneston, co. Cumberland, 532. Alston, William son of William de, 524. Alstonfield, Alstanesfeld, Alstonefield [co. Stafford], 234........., Longnor, Langenovere in, 402. Alsy, Hugh, 576.......... Roger, 576. Alton, Aulton, Awelton [co. Hants], 31, 325, 408. Altus, Simon son of, 327. Alvergate. See Halvergate. Alverne, Anketinus de, 123. Alverton, Gamelin de, 429. Alveston, co. Warwick, 310. Alvingham priory [co. Lincoln], 507, 549. Alvingham, Robert de, 549........... William de, 336. Alwinton [co. Northumberland], Harbottle, Hirbotil in, 336. Alwynton, John de, 317.........., Mariota wife of John de, 317. Amadei, Tiged', 233. Amanus, lay brother of Ystrad Marchell, 404. Ambaston, Amboldeston [parish of Elvaston, co. Derby], 157. Ambleside, Amelsate [par. of Grasmere and Windermere, co. Westmoreland], 183. Amboldeston. See Ambaston. Ambreleye, Walter de, chaplain, 368. Ambresbury. See Amesbury. Amelsate. See Ambieside. Amersham, Agmodesham Agmundeshan [co. Bucks], 110, 498. Amesbury, Ambresbury [co. Wilts], 227........... Aumbresbiry, Aumbresbury, Aumbresbyry, nunnery [co. Wilts], 51, 128, 524........... prioress of, 51. Amfrey, Walter, 171. Amiens, burgesses and men of, 124.......... merchants of, 74, 305. Ammari, Sir Robert de, 508. Amodesham, Amondesham, Amundesham, Walter de, 351, 409, 510, 511. Amory, Robert, 477. Ampney, Down, Dunammeneye [co. Gloucester], 378. Amundesham. See Amodesham. Amundevill, Amundevil, Alice de, 90, 124. Amur, Adam, 553. Amurik, Adam, parson of the church of Meifod, 402. GENERAL INDEX. 589 Amyngton. See Emmington. Anable,-Matilda wife of Peter, 328.........., Richard, 327. Anagnia, Master B. de, notary of the pope, 424. Anchoret, 209. Anderby, Andreby [co. Lincoln], 566. Andover, Andever, Andovre, co. Hants, 99, 340........... ferm of, 501........... Finkley, Fynkeleye, forest in, 314. Andreby. See Anderby. Andrew, Alice wife of Richard son of, de Wrangel, 239........., William son of, 239. See also Aundreu. Anesacre [co. York], 146. Aneseye, William de, 346, 467. Anesty. See Ansty. Anesy, Margery de, 574........... Richard de, 288.........., Simon de, 184, 199. Anesye, Anketinus de, 92. Aneye, Robert de, 332. Anger, Thomas, 97.......... See also Aunger. Angmundisham. See Agmundesham. Angot, Stephen, 550. Angouleme (and la Marche), count of. See Leziniaco, Hugh de. Angre. See Ongar. Angre, Geoffrey de, 51.......... See also Aungre, Angulo, William de, 175. Anian, bishop of Bangor, 506........., bishop of St. Asaph, 360, 381, 402, 404, 462, 476, 485, 506. Anketel, John son of, de Benetley, 244. Anketil, John, 424.........., Robert, 424..........., Roger, 175. Anketin, Nicholas son of, de Pauling, 361. Anlacus, Atricius son of, de Alnateby, 385. Ann, Anne, Abbots or Little [co. Hants], 496................. Anne Savage, Dune Savage [co. Hants], 70,384. Annian, son of Kaeradauk, 506. Annou. See Aunou. Anselm, Anselm son of, de Graham, 229........... Richard son of, 286. Ansty, Anesty, co. Warwick, 139. Any, Ireland. See Knockainy. Apeldrefeld, Apeldreffeld, Apeldrefeud, Apeldresfeld, Apeltrefeld, Apeltrefeud, Apeltreffeud, Apeltresfeld, Appelderefeud, Appeltrefeud, Appledrefeld, Henry de, the elder, 345, 346................, coroner, 533.........., William de, 64, 65, 83, 86, 109, 122, 144, 163, 170, 195, 196, 197, 199, 289. 343. Appelby, 136. Appelby, Matthew, son of William de, 523. Appelby, Simon de, 394. Appelgar, Robert, bailiff of Richmond, 120. Apperleye, Nicholas de, 547. Appleby, Appelby, co. Westmoreland, 394.............., prison at, 371........., Colby, Coleby in, 394. Appolony, John de, 556........... Juliana wife of John de, 556........... Wymarc de, 556. Apton, Richard de, 350. Aqua, Margery daughter of William son of William de, 305. Aquitaine, duke of. See Edward. Araz, Arras, Arraz, Matthew de, 131.......... Robert de, 114, 122, 512.........., Thomas de, 545..........., Wybert de, 545........., citizen of London, 131. Arblaster, Arbelaster, Alblaster, Adam le, 61.........., Joan wife of Beginald le, 24, 29........... Joceus le, 214.........., Paulinus le, 155........... Reginald le, tenant-in-chief, 69.......... Stephen le, 413.........., William le, 72, 105. Arblester, Henry le, 119. Archer, Nicholas le, 84.........., Robert le, 401. Archers, 116. Arches, court of, dean of, 66. Archiaco, Archiak, Fulk, Focaudus, Fucaudus de, 552, 556, 573.......... Mabel wife of Focaudus de, 552, 556, 573. Arcla. See Hartcla. Arcy, Arscy, Arsy, Darcy, Norman de, 180, 184, 205, 221, 407, 418, 577.........., Philip de, 302.........., Roger de, 166, 169, 541. Ardeleshe [co. Essex], 420, 422. Arden. See Arderne. Ardern, Ardena, Ardene, Ardena, Arderne, Agatha wife of William de, 415.......... Beatrice wife of Robert de, 223.........., Erneburga wife of Ralph de, 252, 253........... Isabella wife of Ralph de, 350.........., Peter de, 281........... Ralph de, 252, 272, 273, 350........... Richard de, 540........, Thomas de, 49, 145, 175, 252........, son of Ralph de, 252.........,, William de, 100, 102, 223, 314, 327, 364, 377, 510, 511, 540. Ardingi, Ranicius, merchant of Florence, 553. Argentein, Argenteine, Argentem, Argenteym, Giles de, 88, 289, 343.........., Reginald de, 52, 289, 343, 428.........., Richard de, 289, 343. 590 GENERAL INDEX. Arington. See Arrington. Arkyl, Hugh son of, 358. Arleston, William de, 27. Arley [co. Warwick], Sloley Hill, Sloleye in, 139. Arleye. See Erlegh. Armeston,.......... de, 367........... Robert son of Thomas de, 64. Armour, 279, 316. Armscott, Eadmundescote [parish of Tredington], co. Worcester, 8. Armsworth, Ermesworth [parish of Old Alresford, co. Hants], 566. Arnald, Alice, 6.........., John, 12, 80........... Michael, 80..........., R ichard, 171, 246........., Robert, 204........., William, 80. Arnaldi, William, knt., 113. Arnale, Ralph, 541. Arneburn, Hugh, 95. Arneleye, Roger de, 114. Arnesby, Ernesby [co. Leicester], 381. Arnettus the king's butler, 411. Arnhale. See Arnold. Arnho [co. Northants], 65. Arningeton. See Arrington. Arnold, Arnhale [co. Notts], 316.........., John, 545.........., Thomas, 152. Aron, Abraham le Gendre, de Staunford, 106. Arras, Arraz. See Araz. Arreford, Mabel wife of Geoffrey de, 308. Arrington, Arnington [co. Cambridge], 90, 124.........? A rington [co. Cam bridge], 424. Arsy, Arscy. See Arcy. Arunde, Geoffrey, 283. Arundel [co. Sussex], 388.........., bailiff of, 85.......... castle, 85, 364................. constable of, 486................. order to repair the houses of, 388................. walls of, 85................ and honour of, keeper of. See Novo Burgo, Henry de........... Arundell, Harundel, forest, 23,34, 35, 206, 265, 268, 364, 388, 525, 526..............., keeper of, 364, 525, 526................, and see Hemenhal, Roger de, Wauton, John de............., lord of. See Alan, John son of................, and park of, 291........... honour of, 34, 85...........,..,. keeper of. See Agaillon, Robert de.......... lords of, 85.......... gaol, 64, 372.........., priory of La Chauceye, 421. Arundel, countess of. See Albiniaco, Isabella de........... earl of. See Albiniaco, Hugh de, William de........... Oliver de, 552. Arundell, Remigius de, 184........., Senewod', 130. Asceloc, William, 576. Ascheleich. See Ashley. Asdale. See Aysdale. Ashborne, Asseburn, Essehurn, Esseburn [co. Derby], 218, 361, 497.......... old cross and market of, 361........... Hoby in, 361. Ashbury, Assebury, co. Berks, 245.........., Aysshebyry, co. Devon, 316. Ashby, Askeby [co. Lincoln?], 448........... Assheby [co. J-orthants], 330......... de la Zouche, Esseby la Zuch, co. Leicester, 45. Ashcott, Essecote [co. Somerset?], 498. Asheldon, Aisscheldeham, co. Essex, 324. Asheman, Roger, 15. Asheton, John de, 237. Ashewell, Peter son of Osbert de, 335. Ashley, Assheleye forest [co. Hants], 452........... Asshelegh park [parish of Northbourne, co. Kent], 499........... Ascheleich [co. Northants?], 244.......... See also Ahcton. Ashwell Street, Allewellstrate, Aswellestrate, [parish of Steeple Morden, co. Cambridge], 95. Ashwell, Simon de, 335. Asinton. See Assington. Askeby. See Ashby. Askeby, Geoffrey de, 13, 45.........., Walter de, 1 8. Askel, Adam, 576. Aslakeston, Simon de, 541. Aspal, Aspale, Asphal, Master G. de, 479.........., Master Geoffrey de, 497-499, 505, 552.......... Robert de, 323. See also Haspale. Aspeleye, Henry de, 92. Aspervill, John de, 323. Asscheman, Robert, 291. Asseburn. See Ashborne. Assebury. See Ashbury. Asseby [co. York], 574. Assewell, Thomas de, 69. Assewy, John, 131. Assheburn, Robert de, 492. Assheby. See Ashby. Assheby, Adam de, 330. Asshelegh. See Ashley. Assheleye forest. See Ashley. Asshewod forest, keeper of, 434. Asshewy, Richard, 66. Asshiolt forest. See Alice Holt. GENERAL INDEX. 591 Asshton, Alan de, 547........., John de, knt., 213.........., Stephen de, sheriff of cos. Somerset and Dorset, 547. Assington, Asinton, Assyndon [co. Suffolk], 168, 355. Astel, Adam, 208. Asteneby, Richard de, 134. Astleye, John de, 450. Aston, 244, 387, 557.......... [near Chirbury] [par. of Lydham, co. Montgomery], 433, 434.......... [co. Stafford], 234.......... co. Warwick, 62, 115......... Caucelin [co. Suffolk?], 148......... Sanford, Astun Saumford, co. Bucks, 350........... See Ashton. Aston, Alan son of John de, 557.........., Geoffrey de, 321, 557........... John de, 289, 343, 511.........., Richard de, 359, 513. See also Afton.......... Robert de, 77........., Simon de, 557. Astun Saumford. See Aston Sanford. Aswellestrate. See Ashwell Street. Aswy, Robert, 62. Aswych, 425. Athelington, Richard de, 303. Atherstone [co. Warwick], letters close dated at, 211, 246. Athlacca, Alekath [co. Limerick], 500. Athout, John de, 571. Aton, Richard de, 334. Atteaks, Richard, 494. Atteasse, Richard, 158, 159. Attebarre, Walter, the king's coroner in Hereford, 473. Attebriggesende de Notingham, Matilda, 572. Attebrok, John, 452.........., Robert, 452. Attechirch, Richard, 489. Attechurche, Thomas, 98. Attefelde, Robert, 276. Atteful, William, 226. Attefulebrok, Mabel, 293. Attegrene, Matilda daughter of Henry, 519. Attebatch, William, 62. Attelane, John, 489.........., Robert, 384. Attelburg. See Attleborough. Attenoke, Philip, 162. Attepunfold, Philip, 157. Atteputte, Peter, 489. Attesloch, Thomas, 78. Attestaple, Robert, 384. Atteston, Attestone, Ralph, 376, 394, 395. Attewatere, Hugh, 16. Attewell, Katherine daughter of Robert, 219.......... H enry, 208. Attewell, Richard son of Robert, 208..........., Robert, 219. Attewod, Walter, 36. Attewode, William, 130. Attewylegh, John son of Robert, 96.......... Robert, 96. Attillur, William le, king's serjeant-at-arms, 36. Attleborough, Attelburg [co. Norfolk], 452. Attokese, Thomas, 226. Aubeney, Aubeny. See Albiniaco. Auberkyn, Godeman, citizen and merchant of London, 218, 294.........., Walter, citizen and merchant of London, 218, 294. Aubervill, Joan de, 376. Aubourn, Album [co. Lincoln], 229. Aubrey, William, 161. Auburn, William de, 450. Aubyn, John, 511. Aucher, John le, 555. Auckland, St. Helen, Akelaund St. Helen [co. Durham], 109. Audebiry. See Oldbury. Audebiry, Alexander de, 181. Audeburg. See Aldborough. Audeby. See Aldeby. Audedelegh. See Alditheleye. Audeham. See Yaldham. Audeham, Isabella wife of Thomas de, 278, 279........... Thomas de, 269, 278, 279. Audelegh. See Alditheleye. Audenard, Audenarde, Audenardo, Giles de, 21, 25, 165,251, 366, 536, 544................, king's clerk, 85.........,, constable of the Tower of London, 270, 370........,....., sub-constable of the Tower of London, 289, 307..............., keeper of the king's works at the Tower of London, 264, 367, 441, 484........................ and W estminster, 444. Audidelegh, Audithelegh, Auditheleye. See Alditheleye. Audlem [co. Chester], Swanbach, Swanebache in, 234. Audley, Alditheleg' [co. Stafford], 234.......... castle, 234.,....... church of, 234. Augmundisham. See Agmundesham. Augustinian friars, order of, 388, 539. Auhi, Juliana wife of Robert, 130. Aula, Patrick de, 80........... Peter de, 42........., Richard de, 220........., Robert de, 328. Aulam, Roger ad, 77. Aulton. See Alton. Aulton, Thomas de, 287. 592 GENERAL INDEX. Almale Abbey. See Albemarle. Aumbisas, William, 223. Aumbresbury, Aumbresbiry, Aumbresbyry priory. See Amesbury. Aumfrey, John, 405.......... See also Aunfrey. Aumundevill, Matilda wife of Richard de, 425........., Richard de, 425. Aunay, Warim de, 549. Aundever, Thomas de, bailiff of Southampton, 495. Aundreu, Aundrew, William, 575. See also Andrew. Aunfrey, Ralph, 77........... Roger, 174.......... See also Aumfrey. Aungens, Thomas de, 259. Aunger, Gilbert son of, de Kyrkeby, 541.........., Ivo, 45.........., Peter, 123.......... See also Anger. Aungewyn, William, 159. Aungre, Simon de, 559.......... See also A ngre. Auno, Alexander de, 450................, tenant in chief, 456. Aure. See Awre. Aure, Alesia wife of Walter de, tenant in chief, 471. Aureneye. See Alderney. Aurey, Robert, 174. Austin friars. See Augustinian friars. Austyn, Walter, 77. Autayn, Robert, 123. Avene. See Avon. Avenebiry, Osbert de, 557. Avenebury, Giles de, 126........., Roger son of Sibyl de, 153. Avenebyry, Walter de, 60. Avenel, Sir Andrew, 513. Avens Wood, Leavenes, Lehavenes [near Girrick, parish of Skelton in Cleveland, co. York], 4, 40, 46. Averdras, John, merchant, 74. Avereng', Matilda de, 305. Averham, Richard son of Simon de, 231. Averill, Matilda, 75. Aveton Giffard, co Devon, 312. Aveynes, Agnes, wife of John de, 500.........., John de, 499, 500. Avicia, John son of, 303..........,. obert son of, 134........., Thomas son of, de Suwell, 231. Avilers, Bartholomew de, 294. Avon, Avene, river, cos. Somerset and Gloucester, 245, 354. Avyllyers, Richard de, 416. Avynton, Robert de, 553. Awelton. See Alton. Awelton, John de, 325. Awre, Aure [co. Gloucester], 279. Axbridge, Axebrigg [co. Somerset], 371. Axeholm. See Axholme. Axeministre, Richard de, 224. Axholme, Axeholm, Axsisholm, island of [co. Lincoln], 333, 542. Axiholt, Axishalt, forest. See Alice Holt. Axisholm, isle of. See Axholme. Axisholt forest. See Alice Holt. Ayelard, Gilbert, 559. Aylesbury, Aylesbiry, Aylesbyry, Aylishiry, Eylesbyry [co. Bucks], 72, 143, 159, 219, 319.........., letters close dated at, 159.........., prison at, 64, 109, 183, 319, 320, 455. Aylesbyry, Burruhardus de, 159........... Master Richard son of Robert de, 139. Aylesford lathe [co. Kent], 533. Aylestone, Ayleston [co. Leicester], 35, 454.........., letters close dated at, 211. Ayllard, Robert, 465. Aylward, Richard, 383. Aylyl, John, 416. Ayneus, Agnys, Thomas de, 117, 253, 545. Aynho, co. Northants, 487. Ayre, Giles de, 254, 255, 321. Aysdale, Asdale [parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3. Aysshebyry. See Ashbury. Ayton, John de, 244. Ayward, Henry, 208. Aze, Savaric, 9. Azery, John, 77. B. Bacheler, Robert son of William le, 99. Bacheworth, John de, 426.........., Roger de, 114, 547.................., justice, 52. Bacon, Roger, 161.......... See also Bakun. Bacyn, William, 308. Badbiry, John de, 339. Badbury, Badebiry hundred [co. Dorset], 174. Baddeshawe, Henry de, 569. Baddow, Little Badwe [co. Essex], 47. Badebiry hundred. See Badbury. Badele. See Badley. Badele. See Badeleye. Badelesmere, Badelemere, Batelesmere, Guncelin Guncelinus de, 426, 549.......,....,..., justice of Chester, 141, 162, 165, 196, 209, 210, 215, 217, 220, 266, 274, 280, 281, 292, 297, 308, 317, 319, 320, 325, 399, 402, 406, 408, 436, 444, 460, 476, 477, 478, 516, 536, 537. GENERAL INDEX. 593 Badeleye. See Badley. Badeleye, Badele, Geoffrey de, 80, 83. Badelking, Richard de, 237. Badelkyng. See Balking. Bademindefeud. See Badmondisfield. Badgworth [co. Somerset], Tarnock, Ternak, Tervak in, 295, 384. Badington. See Bainton. Badley, Badele, Badeleye, co. Suffolk, 80, 83. Badmondisfield, Bademindefeud, Badmundefeld, Wickhambrook [parish of], co. Suffolk, 115, 148. Badwe, Little. See Baddow. Baesse, Katherine la, 59. Bage, William, 79. Bagenore, John de, 116. Baggemere, John de, 497, 510. Baggeshete, Geoffrey de, 469. Bagod, Robert, 125, 530.........., William, 119, 220, 321........... Sir William, 574. Bagot, Robert, 241................, justice of the Bench of Dublin, 304........... William, 579. Bailif de Warlingham, Walter le, 226. Bailleul? Baillol [Picardy, Somme], 411. Bailli, Walter, 574. Baillif, Richard le, 73, 558. Baillol. See Bailleul. Baillolo, Baillol, Robert de, 459, 461. Bainard, Roger, 51.......... See also Baynard, Bayngnard. Bainton, Badington [co. Northants], 434.......... Baynton [co. York], 544. Bakeham, Gilbert de, 235. Bakepuz, Ralph de, 224........... Master William de, escheator of Ireland, 48, 406. Baker, Hugh the, 75.......... John the, 78..........., Robert le, 164. Bakewell [co. Derby], Baslow, Bubnell and Rowsley in, 460................, Monyash, Monyesse in, 247............... Priestcliffe, Presteclyve in, 523. Bakun, Christiana, 121.......... See also Bacon. Baldak. See Baldock. Baldewyn, Baldewyne, Henry, 139,.......... John, 416. Baldock, Baldak [co. Hertford], 302.........., letters close dated at, 550. Baldry, Agnes wife of William, 238. Baldwin, Richard son of, 358.........., William son of, 358. Baleiak, John de, 174. Balesham, William, sub-escheator in co. Essex, 298. Baleslegh. See Bauseley. u 96998. Balimathethan, Ireland, 122. Balingden, Master Simon de, official of the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 243. Balingor, Richard, 28. Balistarna, Ireland, church of, 143. Balisuthnan, Ireland, 35. Balking, Badelkyng [co. Berks], 237. Ballard, Simon, 62.........., Walter, 324. Balle, Peter, 179........ Ralph, 212, 213..........,Robert, 212.......... Walter, the huntsman of John Giffard, 310.........., William, 164. Balleye, Henry de, 21. Balliolo, Balliollo, Baylliol, Alexander de, 44, 54, 173, 200, 248, 251, 358, 379, 411, 431, 510................, tenant-in-chief, 514........... Dervergulla, Dervorgulla de, 411, 430.........., Eleanor de, 514................ de Genover, wife of Alexander de, 44, 173, 550........... Eustace de, 5, 138, 171.........., Helewysa wife of. Eustace de, 4, 196.........., John de, 130, 579........... Robert de, 233, 541........... Stephen de, 358. Balsham, Hugh de, bishop of Ely, 53, 131, 167, 360. Balun, Beatrice wife of Alan, 324. Bamburgh, Bamborough, Bamburg, Baumburg [co. Northumberland], 29, 285, 431, 576.........., castle, 285. Bamfeld, Richard de, canon of Wells cathedral, 521. Bampton [co. Oxford], letters close dated at, 366, 367, 409........... Amice wife of John de, 415.........., John de, 415. Banberg, Matilda, 75. Banbury, Bannebiry, Bannebyri, Bannebyry [co. Oxford], 372, 517.......... castle, constable of, 372.......... letters close dated at, 207, 272, 332, 372. Bandon, William de, 14, 238. Banerugg. See Benridge. Bangor, bishop of. See Anian. Banham [co. Norfolk], 494. Banhodi, John, 134. Banhody, 134. Bannebiry. See Banbury. Bannebiry, John de, 108. Bannebyry. See Banbury. Banstead, Banstede, Bansted, Benested [co. Surrey], 64, 170, 232........... t h e k i n g 's m a n o r o f, b a i l if f o f, 6 4. P P 594 GENERAL INDEX. Banwer, Nicholas, 416. Barah, William, 62. Barbane, Reymund de la, merchant of Bordeaux, 303, 305. Barbede, William, 124. Barbeflet, Bardefled, Nicholas de, 249, 409, 542,........, Robert de, 542. Barber, Hamo le, 152.........., Henry le, 462........... John le, 507, 508. Barbur, Roger le, 130.......... Walter le, 113. Barby, Beruby, co. Northants, 115. Barclyve, John de, 228. Bardefled. See Barbeflet. Bardney, Bardeneye [co. Lincoln], abbot of, 415. Bardolf, Bardulf, Bardulff, John, 568.........., Juliana wife of John, 568.........,, Robert, 350..........., T h o m a s, 5 8 2...........,William 23, 374, 442.............. son of William, 282.............,, k n t., 5 12. Barentin, Sir William de, 345.......... See also Barinty. Barenton. See Barrington. Barenton, Nicholas de, 82. Baret, Henry, 174, 502.........., R ich ard, 3 9 9........... Robert, 415.......... William, 78. Barevill, Alice wife of Thomas de, 211........... Joan daughter of Robert de, 21........... Lucy daughter of Robert de, 21......,..., Robert de, 21. Barewe. See Barrow-on-Soar. Barewe, John de, 26. Bareworth, co. Herts, 73. Bareworth, Richard de, 73. Barford, Bereford, St. Michael [co. Oxford], 250........... Bereford, Bredford [co. Wilts], 87. Barfot, Thomas, 508. Barinty, William de, 124.......... See also Barentin. Barkeston, Roger de, 445. Barkeworth, Nicholaa wife of Robert de, 412.........., Thomas de, 412. Barking, Berking' [co. Essex], 125........... Berkingg' abbey [co. Essex], 83, 210, 392, 564. Barlinch, Berliz priory [parish of King's Brompton], co. Somerset, 112. Barnack, co. Northants, Southorpe, Suthorp in, 248. Barnage, John, 174. Barnard Castle [co. Durham], 579. Barneby, John de, the king's envoy, 416. Barneby, Robert son of Aldusa de, 334. Barneton, 420. Barneton, Nicholas de, 120. Barneville, Agnes wife of Geoffrey de, 506........... Geoffrey de, 506. Barnham, St. Gregory, Bernham near Thetford [co. Suffolk], 413, 415. Barningham, Berningham [co. Norfolk or Suffolk], 53. Barnshaw, Berneshae [parish of Sandbach, co. Chester], Edward I. at, 507. Barnstaple, Berdestapel [co. Devon], hundred of, 269. Barnstaple, hundred, keeper of. See Giffard, William. Barnston, Berneston [co. Essex?], 164. Barnwell, Bernewell, letters close dated at, 278........... [co. Cambridge], letters close dated at, 373........... priory [co. Cambridge] 10, 63, 101.......... See also Bernewell. Baron, Geoffrey, 325.......... See Barun. Barre, Barri, Robert, 272, 273.........., William de la, 576.........., Wolward, Wodardus, atte, 208, 211. Barrington, Barenton [par. of Chigwell, co. Essex], 82, 84. Barrowby, Bereweby [co. Lincoln], William, parson of the church of, 73. Barrow-on-Soar, Barewe, Baruwe [co. Leicester], 75, 79. Bars, Henry de, 487. Barstable, Berdestapel hundred, co. Essex, 378. Barton, 126........... [co. Lancaster], 173.........., co. Northants, 451, 452.........., co. Notts, 296......... - o n - H u m b e r, B u r t o n - o n - H u m b r e [ c o. Lincoln], 415............, letters close dated at, 276, 333.......... Regis, Berton, hundred of [co. Gloucester], 324. Barton, Agnes, daughter of Gilbert de, 126.......... Anketinus de, 156.......... John de, 415.........., Stephen de, 126.......... Dinens, John de, 454, 455. Barun, Astinus, 157.........., Osbert le, 73........., Ralph, 356........... Roger, 448.......... Simon, 79........... Thomas, 414.......... See Baron. Baruwe. See Barrow on Soar. Barwe, Athelard de, 101.........., Robert de la, 153.........., William de la, 153. GENERAL INDEX. 595 Barwick? Berewyk [co. Norfolk], 148........... Berewak [co. Somerset], 115.......... [co. Somerset], Stotford, Stoford, in, 115. Basadois. See Bazadais. Baschinge, Roger son of John de, 407. Basford, Baseford, co. Notts, 115. Basing, Basinges, Isabella wife of Nicholas de, 47........... Nicholas de, 47.........., Robert de, 123.........., Thomas de, citizen of London, 32, 33, 51, 123, 194, 336.........., Walter de, 13, 45, 51. Basingstoke [co. Hants], bailiffs of, 84. Basingwerk [par. of Holywell, co. Flint], the camp near, letters close dated at, 401, 402......... abbey [co. Flint], 506. Baskervill, John de, 325, 577. Baslow, Basselawe [par. of Bakewell, co. Derby], 460. Basselowe, Matthew de, 335. Basset, Basseth, Agatha wife of Ralph, 503..........., Anselm, 256, 489........... Isab ella, 2 8 7.......,......, tenant in chief, 296.........., John, 175.........., Philip, 48, 92, 95..............,, knt., 227.......... Ralph, 427, 471.........., Richard, 357.........., Robert, 411.........., Thomas, 184. Bassingburn, Baldwin de, 163.......... Edmund, son of Sir Warin de, 511.......... Humphrey de, knt., 112........... Warin de, 6. Bastard, Emma wife of Peter, tenant in chief, 211.........., Peter le, 269.........., Roger, under-sheriff in co. Hereford, 280. Basteneys, William, 211. Bastentueyt, Ranulph de, 132. Batayle, Bataille, Bataill, Bataylle, Batayllie, Alexander, 42.......... Gervase de la, 198.........., Hugh de la, 98..........., Matilda wife of Richard, 443, 470........, Richard, 443, 470.........., Robert, 404, 507................ clerk, 250. Bate, Matthew, 553........, Roger son of William, 73.........., William, 160. Batecok, Richard, 552. Bateman, John, 419. Batencurt, Luke de, citizen of London, 33........... sheriff of London, 218, 294. Bates, William, 301. Bath [co. Somerset], 31, 245, 354........... archdeacon of. See Wycham, Ralph de........... barton of, 245........... city and barton of, 310.......... letters close dated at, 310.......... priory, 245, 310................ church of, 245................. chapter of, 246.......... and Wells, bishop of. See Burnell, Robert; Bytton, William; Giffard, Walter.........., diocese of, 142. Bathiere, Bathier, Richard le, 72, 105. Bathonia, Henry de, justice in eyre in co. Kent, 23.........., Matilda daughter of Gilbert de, 136..........., Master Walter de, 188, 299, 511. Batonia, Alyna de, 2. Battle [co. Sussex], prison at, 480. Batur, Gilbert le, 35. Bau, Richard le, 105. Bauchant, Allellinus de, 305. Baud, Hugh, 28.......... Robert le, 272........... William, 109............ le, 87. Bauderseye. See Bawdsey. Baudewye, Richard, 103, Baudry, John, merchant of Ypres, 338.......... Philip, 572........... Stephen, 572. Baumburg. See Bamburgh. Baumburg, John de, 431........., Serlo de, 431. Baunton, Matthew de, 316. Bauscan, Agnes, 353, 409. Bauseley, Baleslegh [parish of Alberbury, co. Montgomery], 374, 375. Bawdsey, Bauderseye [co. Suffolk], William, vicar of, 416. Baxby [parish of Coxwold, co. York], Thornton-on-the-Hill-cum-, 428. Baxtonesberue, in Skelton [co. Cumberland], 132. Bayllard, Thomas, 64. Baylliol. See Balliolo, de. Baynard, Emma wife of Bartholomew, 120......... See also Bainard. Bayngnard, Richard, 115.......... See also Bainard, Baynthorp, Simon de, 526. Baynton. See Bainton. Bayonne [Gascony, Basses Pyrenees], 235, 420, 421........... mayor,f jurats and community of, 420. Bazadais, Vasatesium [Guienue, La Gironde, Lot-et-Garonne, 425. Bazas [Gironde, Gascony], 425. Beaconsfield, Bekenefeld [co. Bucks], 494. P P 2 596 GENERAL INDEX. Beagh, John, 478........... Walter, 478. Beans in Wolverton, William de, 156. Bearn, France, Gaston vicomte of, 380. Beatrice, queen of Almaine, 29, 268, 299, 315, 319........... the king's sister wife of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, 143.......... Henry son of, de Wodesetes, 275........... Nicholas, son of, 205................, de Morton, 244.......... Ralph, son of, 282........... Reginald, son of, 205................. de Morton, 244. Beauchamp. See Belchamp Otten. Beaufiz. See Beufiz. Beaufou, Ralph de, coroner for co. Rutland, 381........... verderer of the forest of Rutland, 381. Beaulieu, King's [co. Hants], 358......... letters close dated at, 144, 145, 308, 352.......... abbey, co. Hants, 116, 145, 148, 149, 265, 341, 365, 432, 559. Beaumont, Beumond [co. Essex], 354. Beaumund, William de, 73.........., Sir William, 509.......... See also Bello Monte, Beumond. Beaupe, John, 161, 162.......... See also Beupe. Beaurepos abbey. See Bonrepos. Bebesby. See Beesby. Bech, Beche, Walter de, 42, 135. Bechawe, [co. York], 215. Bec Hellouin priory, Normandy [Eure], 57, 213.......... John, abbot of, 513. Bechi, Manettus, 265. Beck, Beck' hospital [par. of Billingford near East Dereham], co. Norfolk, 216. Beck, Richard, 208.........., Robert, 208.........., William, 208. Beckeleg'. See Betley. Beckley, co. Oxford, letters close dated at, 205, 243,396. Beclers, Philip de, 294. Beddele, Roger le, 41. Bedeford, Isaac de, the king's Jew, 259........... Richard de, 88, 411, 559.........., Robert de, 130. Bedel, Bedell, Geoffrey le, 78.......... Jordan le, 556.........,, Reymund le, 175..........., Roger le, 9........, Simon le, 343..........., Thomas le, 204.......... See also Bedull. Bedenhal, Adam de, 431. Bedewynd. See Bedwin. Beddington, Beddington, Bedynton [co. Surrey], 238, 423. Bedfont, Bethefunte [co. Middlesex], 510. Bedford, Bedeford, 9, 62, 467,472, 567........... archdeacon of. See Heyham, Nicholas de.........., bailiffs of, 168.........., hospital of St. John, master of, 28.......... Jews of, 304........... Jewry of, 363........., prison at, 85, 160, 276, 445, 450......., mayor of, 63.........., tournament at, 168.........., county of, 44, 45, 49, 51, 56, 113, 124, 206, 241, 251, 257, 336, 337, 339, 340, 345, 422, 427, 430, 478, 488, 497, 524, 551, 577................, assizes in, 136................. common summons of the eyre in, 346..........,...... coroners of, 314............. justices in, 52........... county of, justices in eyre in, 304, 389, 392, 465, 478..........,...... sheriff of, 9, 19, 22, 63, 68, t1, 85, 119, 143, 160, 167, 181, 189, 274, 276, 285, 287, 290, 295, 296, 299, 314, 394, 445, 450, 451, 477,536. And see Bray, Thomas de................. escheator in, 274,285, 287, 295, 296, 299. Bedinton. See Beddington. Bedull, Hugh le, 244......... See also Bedel. Bedwin, Bedewynd, co. Wilts, 181. Bedynton. See Beddington. Beeding, Boding' [co. Sussex], 345. Beenham Vallence, Benham, co. Berks, 326, 345, 352, 356, 463. Beer, Ber' [co. Dorset], 55. Beere, John de la, 401. Beesby? Bebesby, co. Lincoln, 255. Begate, in Skelton, co. Cumberland, 132. Beggil, John, 498. Begholtt, Richard, 152. Begilo, Richard, 100. Bek, Anthony, 98, 108, 209, 251, 274, 332, 445, 446, 450, 457, 458, 461, 476, 480, 484, 497, 498, 499, 504, 505, 513, 527, 561, 563.,.............. archdeacon of Durham, 408, 425, 509................ du, constable of the Tower of London, 202, 437.........., John, 89, 199, 253, 255, 307, 308, 337, 338, 354, 435, 527, 543, 562, 566, 581.................., justice, 321............... justice for the Jews, 522. I................ justice for pleas of trespass of money, 529, 530. GENERAL INDEX. 597 lBek, John, justice appointed to hear the pleas of merchants, 495.........., Robert son of Robert al, 558.........., Master Thomas, 492, 497, 505, 528, 530, 531, 538, 553, 562, 563................ archdeacon of Dorset, 501, 509............, keeper of the wardrobe, 108, 206,384, 425, 485, 511, 513, 519, 535, 538,539................ the king's treasurer, 566..........., de, 97........... William de, 97. Bekard, Peter, 554. Bekefeud, Master Adam de, parson of the church of Ellre, 551. Bekenefeld. See Beaconsfield. Beket, Nicholas, bailiff of Southampton, 495. Bekingham, Elias de, 131, 136, 400, 454, 532..............., justice, 52, 202........... John de, 71. Bekke, Henry, 160. Bekyngham, Alan de, 66.........., Robert de, 66. Belami, John, 249. Belamy, Henry, 73. Belanne, Mariota, 75. Belaugh, Belawe, co. Norfolk, 70. Belby, Thomas son of Thomas de, 334. Belchamp, Belcham, co. Essex, 467. 531........... Otten, Beauchamp [co. Essex], 81. Bele, Simon, 576. Belebarbe, Robert, 155. Bele Launde, Ralph de, 496......... See also Bella Landa. Beleng', Richard, 190. Belet, Beleth, William, 98, 175, 185. Belewe, Bella Aqua, John de, 3, 4, 40, 345, 378, 417, 507........... Laderina, Ladarena, Ladrana, Ladereyna, Ladrina, Laderona, wife of Sir John de, 3, 4, 40.........., Robert de, vicar of the church of Sturminster, 557...........Thomas de, 333, 378, 417.........., Stephen. 451. Belgrave, Robert de, attorney of the abbot of Leicester, 541. Bella Aqua. See Belewe. Bella Landa, Richard de, 80.......... See also Bele Launde. Bellac (and Montygnac), lord of. See Valencia, William de. Belle, Emma, 77.........., Geoffrey, 283, 291.......... Matilda, 77........... Nicholas, 283, 291........... Richard, 47. Bello Campo, Beuchamp, Alice de, 67, 498........... Lady Alice de, 234.......... Amice de, 524. Bello Campo, Amici, wife of William de 467, 484, 531.......... Beatrice de, 230.......... Cicely, wife of John de, 552, 557, 573.........., Eudo de, 132, 385.........., Sir James de, brother of the earl of Warwick, 388.........., John de, 489, 552, 557, 573.........., Ralph de, 87........... Reginald de, 510.......... Thomas de, the younger, 239.........., Walter de, 411, 553.........., William de, 467, 472................. clerk, 230..........,. earl of Warwick, 102, 119, 136, 248, 319, 357, 360, 388, 412, 439, 440, 459, 469, 505, 511........................ captain of the king's garrison in co. Chester, 358................ one of the chamberlains of the exchequer, 486, 487................, tenant-in-chief, 484. Bello Loco, William de, 76. Bello Monte, Geoffrey de, prior of Holy Trinity, York, 417........ See also Beaumund, Beumond. Beltoft, Egidia wife of Hugh de, 449........... Hugh de, 449.........., Robert de, 91........... Roger de, 541, 550......,........., knt., 576. Belton, John de, 413.........., William de, chaplain, 413........,....... son of Reginald de, 227. Belvero, Joan wife of Thomas de, 21........... Robert de, 167........... Thomas de, 21.......... See also Beuver. Bemenall (Bernevall?), Gilbert de, 483. Ben, Adam, 77..........., Roger, 77.........., William, 76. Bench, the Common, 118, 484, 503, 567, 569, 581........... justices of, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45, 74, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58. 61, 97, 98, 111, 116, 125, 126, 170, 172, 191, 223, 237, 262, 288, 311, 321, 334, 342, 349, 352, 366, 374, 378, 397, 415, 440, 480, 484, 485, 488, 494, 496, 498, 499, 503, 521, 522, 526, 543, 544, 550, 551, 553, 556, 557, 558, 566, 568, 583. And see Brompton, William de; Helyun, Walter de; Lovetot, John de; Leycestria, Roger de; Seyton, Roger de; Weyland, Weilaund, Thomas de; William de.........., replevies in, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55, 56, 72 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118-123, 125-128, 130, 131, 136, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 230, 237, 238, 243, 244, 246, 247, 321, 323, 324, 326, 598 GENERAL INDEX. Bench —ont. 331, 332, 333, 334, 336, 343, 345, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 358, 408, 409, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 424, 425, 428, 488, 489, 490, 494, 495, 498, 501, 503, 506, 507, 508, 550, 551, 553, 555, 556, 557, 558, 566, 568, 570, 571. 573, 574, 575, 582.........., the K ing's, 503, 567............, justices of. See Hengham, Ralph de; Stapleton, Nicholas de; Wimburn, Walter de................. rolls and writs of, 438. Benedict, a Jew of Winchester, 326, 386, 519.........., Aaron son of, a Jew, 320......... Abraham son of, the Jew, 296.........., Alan son of de Wygan, 158..,......., Juetta daughter of, a Jewess of York, 473.......... son of Cok, a Jew of London, 153.......... soi of Deaulacres, a Jew of London, 317.........., Solomon, son of, a Jew of Lincoln, 281. Benefield, Beningfeud [co. Northants], castle and manor of, 112. Beneit, Richard, 213..,...... -See also Beneyt. Benested. See Banstead. Benethale, Hugh de, 201. Benetlegh, William de, 571. Benetley, Henry de, clerk, 244.......... John son of Anketel de, 244........... William son of Margery de, 244. Benetleye Hay, in Cannock forest [co. Stafford], 519. Beneyt, John, 542.........., Robert, 542.......... See also Beneit. Bengeham, William de, 175. Bengele, Bengeley, Walter, 72, 105. Bengemin, Adam, 102.........., John, 102.........., Robert, 102. Benges, William de, 13, 45. Benham. See Beenham Vallence. Benigworth, Hugh de, 507. Beningeworth, Bennigeworth, John de, 113, 114. Beningfeud. See Benefield. Bennigeworth. See Beningeworth. Bennington, Benyngton, Long, Longebeniton [co. Lincoln], 13, 30, 71. Benridge, Banerugg, Benrug [par. of Mitford, co. Northumberland], 44, 151. Bentley, Benteleg, 573. Bentworth, Bynteworth [co. Hants], 388.......... church, Philip, parson of, 388. Bonyngton. See Bennington, Long. Ber'. See Beer. Ber, Robert de, 411. Berchampsted, Richard de, 390........ - See also Berkamstede. Berchant, Alice wife of Geoffrey, 485.........., John son of Geoffrey, 485. Bercher, Alexander le, 157.........., Henry son of William le, 319.........., Hugh le, 175, 303.........., Isabella wife of John le, 324.........., John le, 324.........., Richard le, 80.........., Walter le, 478. Bercwey See Berkwey. Berden, Berdene, priory [co. Suffolk], 12. Berdestapel. See Barstable........... See Barnstaple. Berdewick, Robert de, 345. Bere hundred [co. Dorset], 174........... co. Dorset, wood of, 290........... La Bere forest [co Hants]., 364, 480, 534. Bere, Enga wife of Henry de la, 5........... John de la, 342................ le, 552........... Simon, 416.........., Stephen le, 552.........., Valentine de, 270..........., Walter de, 145.........., William de la, 342. Bereford, 127.........., St. Michael. See Barford St. Michael.........., Osebern de, 251.......... Thomas de, 9.........., William de, 133. Berefot, Stephen, 424. Berenwode forest, See Bernwood. Berevill, Thomas de, 386. Berewak. See Barwick. Bereweby. See Barrowby. Bereweby Goda de, 73........... Ingram son of Roger de, 73. Berewik [co. Lincoln.?] 73. Berewik, Adam de, 66........... Walter de, clerk, 47. Berewyk. See Barwick. Bergerac [Perigord, Dordogne], Alexander lord of, 425. Bergeveny. See Abergavenny. Bergham, Thomas son of Richard de, 375. Berghestede, Stephen de, bishop of Chichester, 80. Berghton. See Broughton. Berhunte. See Boarhunt. Berkamstede, Berkehamstede, Abraham de, a Jew, 406.......... See also Berchampsted..........., Isaac de, a Jew, 318. Berkeford, [in Eynesbury, co. HIuntingdon], 44. GENERAL INDEX. 599 Berkeleye, Berkleye, Berkeley, Berkele, Giles de, 39...............knt. 356, 580................, sheriff of co. Hereford, 393.........., Henry de, 496.......... Maurice de, 457, 471, 474, 496............... the younger, 285........... Sibyl daughter of Sir Henry de, 496.........., Thomas de, 285.......... Thomas son of Maurice de, 474. Berker, John le, 300, 558........... William le, 73, 77, 99. Berkeswell, Gregory de, 425.........., William de, 235. Berking'. See Barking. Berkinge, Berkinges, John de, 104, 116. Berkingg', See Barking..........,abbey. See Barking. Berks, county of, 14, 49, 86, 98, 112, 113, 114, 206, 228, 229, 248, 251, 257, 289, 340, 343, 353, 358, 409, 417, 438, 475, 477, 497, 508, 510, 524, 546, 553, 561, 570........., assizes in, 136.........., justices in, 52........... justices in eyre in, 146,206, 362, 372, 373.........., escheator in, 284........... forest pleas in, justices in eyre for, 221........... sheriff of, 9, 19, 22, 26, 70, 71, 73, '86, 98, 108, 118, 206, 212, 213, 216 271, 284, 287, 299, 310, 365, 372, 373 409, 438, 463, 469, 503, 524, 539, 542. And see Rycote, Fulk de; Sancto Vigore, Thomas de; Shotesbrok, Henry de..............., escheator in, 284, 287, 299. Berkwey, Bercwey, Elias de, 341............. king's clerk, 401. Berlay. See Berley Berle, Alan de, 94. Berley. See Burley. Berley, Berlay, Robert de, 469, 574.........., Sir Robert de, lord of Burley, 574. Berleya, John de, 245. Berling, Berlinges, co. Sussex, 568. Berliz priory. See Barlinch. Berman, William, 256. Bermondsey, Bermundesey, priory [co. Surrey], 39, 44, 403, 404..,......, Henry prior of, 226. Bermondsey, Bermundesey, priory, John prior of, 39. Bernard, Henry, 116......., Joan, wife of Richard son of, 56.........., John, 559.........., Robert, 190. Berner, William, 496. Berners, John de, 152, 458.........., Ralph de, 522. Berneshae. See Barnshaw. Berneston. See Barnston. Berneswell, Matilda wife of William de, 416. Berneval, Sarah wife of Gilbert de, tenant in chief, 453, 479. Bernevall'? Bemenall, Gilbert de, 483. Bernevill, Geoffrey de, 174.,......, Richard de, 249. Berneweli, 413........... See Barnwell......... priory. See Barnwell. Bernewod, Bernewode, forest. See Bernwood. Bernhanu near Thetford. See Barnham St. Gregory. Bernham, Sir Henry de, knt., 571. Berningham. See Barningham. Berningham, Sarah de, 231. Bernwood, Berenwode, Bernewode, frl es, [cos. Bucks and Oxford], 27, 102, 140, 178, 211, 220, 296, 306, 383, 394, 395, 448, 468, 471..........., keeper of, 221, 370, 527. And see Nigel, John son of. Berrington, Biryton, Britton, Birton [parish of Chipping Campden, co. Gloucester], 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. Berskaldeby. See Bescaby. Bersted, Hamo de, 559. Berston, John, 558. Bertelmeu, John, 567.........., Roger son of Henry, 507. Bertilmeu, Henry, 541. Berton, hundred of. See Barton Regis. Berton, Master Alan de, 255, 409, 562. Bertram, Master, the king's engineer, 278, 406, 515.........., Agnes, 27......... Roger, 151, 200. Bertulf, Philip, of Flanders, 338. Beruby. See Barby. Besages, Master Ralph de, 251. Bescaby, Berskaldeby [co. Leicester], 501. Besewode. See Bestwood. Besiles, Beatrice de, 425........., John, 425........... See also Bezill, Bezilles. Besillye, John de, 340. Beskewode. See Bestwood. Besmare, Adam, 9. Besseford, Robert son of Hugh de, 278. Bestan, Roger son of Ralph de, 519. Beston, Buston, Godard de, 367, 368........... Martin de, 257. Bestwood, Bescwode, Beskewode, co. Notts, 141.........., the Hay of, 538. Betelewerthi, William de, 326. Bethefunte. See Bedfont. Bethefunte, Agnes wife of William de, 510. Betley, Beckeleg' [co. Stafford], 234. Bettescum, Nicholas de, a monk of Ford, 345. 600 GENERAL INDEX. Betton [part of Market Drayton], co. Salop, 313. Bety, Walter, 29. Beuboys, Clement de, 174. Beuchamp. See Bello Campo, de. Beufiz, Beaufiz, Richard the elder, 76................ the younger, 76, 79.........., Thomas, 285. Beufou, Richard de, 527. Beumanger, Ralph, 510. Beumond. See Beaumont. Beumond, John, 553.......... See also Beaumond, Bello Monte. Beupe, Robert, 60, 62.........., Stephen, 445......... See also Beaupe. Beupel, Robert, 316. Beuver, Richard de, 343......... See also Belvero. Beuveys, Master Simon de, 445, 491................ the king's surgeon, 370. Beverage, Ralph, 62........... William, 62. Bevercote, Simon de, 159. Beverlaco, Beverle, Alice wife of Simon de, 114........... Odo de, canon of W atton, 385........., Master Robert de, master of the king's works at the tower of London and at Westminster, 192, 200, 257, 258, 444, 528......... William de, 122, 417. Beverley [co. York], 50........... archbishop of York, bailiffs of, 125.........., prison at, 259, 299, 475. Beversbrook, Beversbrok [parishes of Calne and Hilmarton, co. Wilts], 55. Bewcastle, Botecastre [co. Cumberland], 133. Beydon, co. Wilts, 502. Beynvill, Thomas de, 130. Beysin, William, 555. Beyvill, Edmund de, 53. Bezill, John de, 512.......... See also Besiles. Bezilles, Besilles, Matthew, Matthias de, constable of Dover castle, 37, 257.........., Peter de, nephew of Emery de, tenant in chief, 83.......... See also Besiles. Bibbesworth, Walter de, 416........... William de, parson of Blyborough, 512. Bibele, Juliana, 573. Biboys. See Byboys. Bicester, Bureacestre, priory [co. Oxford], Walter, prior of, 498. Bichesworth, Gilbert de, 556........... Matilda wife of Gilbert de, 556. Bichfield, Bychefeud [co. Lincoln?], 136. Bickerton, Bikertone [parish of Bilton, co. York, 215. Bickleigh, Bykele, co. Devon, 347. Bicknor, English, Bykenore [co. Gloucester], 172. Biflete. See Byfleet. Big, William, 572. Bigenore, John de, 142. Bigge, William, 421. Biggleswade [co. Bedford], Stratton, Stratheden in, 477. Bigod, Bigot, Bygod, Bygot, Bygote, Alina wife of Roger le, earl of Norfolk, 118, 562.........., Gundreda la, 388........... Sir Hugh de, 338..........., John le, 388.........., Roger le, earl of Norfolk and marshall of England, 33, 118, 191, 221, 349, 360, 371, 402, 424, 475, 484, 491, 535, 536, 552, 554, 560, 561, 562, 569......................., heirs of, 35.............,.. nephew and heir of Roger le, earl of Norfolk, 197. Bikelesden, Sir Robert de, 562. Bikeleye, 285. Bikenore, Bikenor, Bykenore, John de, 148, 270, 350, 549. Bikerton. See Bickerton. Bildewas abbey. See Buildwas. Bileigh, Byleye, abbey [co. Essex], 57. Billefeld, Ralph de, 571. Billeshawe, John de, 146.........., William brother of John de, 146. Billing, Bylling [co. Northants], 65, 222. Billingeye, Alice wife of Walter de, 60, 63, 64.........., Walter de, 60, 63, 64. Binbrok, William de, 507. Bindon [co. Dorset], letters close dated at, 262, 324........., Bynedon, abbey [co. Dorset], 282. Bingham [co. Notts], 197. Bingham, William de, 281.......... See also Byngham. Bingley, Byngeleye, co. York, 115. Binham, Henry de, 175. Birches, Henry de, clerk, 401.........., Robert de, 126. Birchills, Byrchull, co. Stafford, 212. Bireches, William de, 127. Birilot, Eda, 133. Birington, John de, 78. Birkdale, Birkedale [parish of North Meols, co. Lancaster], 325. Birkenhead [co. Chester], letters close dated at, 209, 210, 400. Birkes, Robert de, 126. Birkland, Birklund, Byrkelund, Hay, in Sherwood forest [co. Notts], 290, 539. Birlaund, Byrlaund, John de, merchant, 393........... Master Thomas de, 67..........,.... archdeacon of Northumberland, 219, 528. GENERAL INDEX. 601 Birleye, Turgis de, 76. Birlingham, Burlingham [co. Worcester], 42. Birlingham, Hugh de, 1 37........... Michael de, 137..........., Roger de, 137. Birne, Gilbert in le, 202. Birton. See Berrington. Birun, James de, 429.......... See also Byrun. Biryton. See Berrington. Biseleye, Byseleye, Richard de, 356, 580. Biset, Byset, Cicely daughter of John the younger, tenant in chief, 509........... Elizabeth daughter of John, 509........., Muriel daughter of John, 509.........., Peter, 428, 429..........., Robert, 198. Bisham [co. Berks], letters close dated at, 4. Bishop Stortford, Storteford, co. Hertford, prison at, 316. Bishop, Bisshop, Jordan, 131, 468........... Peter, 127.........., Richard, 106. Bisshebiry. See Bushbury. Bisshop. See Bishop. Bissop, Ailward, 557........., J o rd a n, 4 6 0.........., Lucy wife of Jordan, 460..........., Nicholas, 123........... Richard, 357.......... William, 138, 149, 205. Bistellesham, Thomas de, chaplain in the chapel of Windsor Castle, 153. Bittesby, Buttlesby [par. of Claybrook, co. Leicester], 322. Bixhill, William de, 66. Blacerne, Thomas de, 134. Blacheston, John de, 335. Blackbrook, Blakebrok [co. Derby], 315, 318./ Blackburnshire, Blakeburneschyre, co. Lancaster, 454, 455. Blackdown, Blakedon [parish of Loddiswell, or Mary Tavy, co. Devon], 44. Blackford, Blakeford, co. Somerset, 245. Blackraoor, [cos. Somerset and Dorset], 252. Blackrod, Blakerode [par. of Bolton-on-leMoors, co. Lancaster], 557. Blacpeyn, Thomas, 105.......... See also Blaunkpayn. Blagrave, Simon de, 364, 365. Blak, John, 507................. le, 384........., Margaret wife of John le, 418.........., William, 332, 334. Blake, Ellen wife of Nicholas le, 229.........., Nicholas le, 229.........., Ralph le, 335.........., Sibyl la, 67......... Simon le, 174.........., W illiam, 130. I Blakebrok. See Blackbrook. Blakeburneschyre. See Blackburnshire. Blakedon. See Blackdown. Blakeford. See Blackford. Blakeford, John de, 88.........., Robert de, 557.........., Thomas de, 316. Blakeham, Benedict de, 232.............., knt., 113. Blakemor. See Blackmoor........... co. Cornwall, 522. Blakemor, John de, 174........... William de, 175. Blakemore forest [cos. Somerset and Dorset], 257. Blakeneye, Adam de, 123. Blakerode. See Blackrod. Blaket, William le, 510, 511. Blakethorn, John de, 123. Blakewell, John de, 20. Blakolvesle, Thomas de, 195. Blandford, Langeblaneford, Long Blaneford [co. Dorset], 552, 556. Blanford, Hereward de, 174. Blanket, John, merchant, 305. Blanmouter, Thomas de, 124. Blaunkgerun, William, 64. Blaunkpayn, Thomas, 72....*.... See also Blacpeyn, Bleangate, Blengate, hundred, co. Kent, 461. Bleburg. See Blyborough. Blecchingeligh. See Bletchingley. Bledin, son of Pill', 563. Bledye, Simon, 492. Blengate, hundred. See Bleangate. Blengh, Richard, 80. Bleseby, Richard de, 113. Bletchingley, Blecchingeligh [co. Surrey], 226. Bleyz, Avicia wife of John, tenant in chief, 523. Bliburg. See Blythburgh. Blie, Robert de, 413. Blida, Richard de, 525. Blinchefeld, Hugh de, 175. Blisworth, Blitheswrth [co. Northants], 38. Blithe. See Blyth. Blitheburg, William de, 236. Blithefeld. See Blyth. Blitheswrth. See Blisworth. Blithild, Juliana, 129. Bloare, William de, 372. Blockele. See Blockley. Blockele, Walter de, 77. Blockley, Blockele [co. Worcester], the bishop of Worcester's park of, 370. Blofot, Richard, 370. Blond. See Blund. Blondel, Gilbert, 490. Blonvill. See Blumvill. 602 GENERA L INDEX. Blouhihow. See Bloyhou. Bloxham [co. Oxford], Milcombe, Mildecumbe in, 498........... See Bloxholme. Bloxholme, Bloxham, co. Lincoln, 303. Bloy, Bloye, Laurence, 72, 105. Bloyhou, Blouhihow, Alan, 411, 508. Bloynes, John de, 240. Bluet, Isolda wife of Walter, 489.........., Ralph, 408. Blumvill, Blonvill, William de, 341, 342.......... sheriff of cos. Essex and Hertford, 401. Blund, Blond, Blunde, Blundus, Blunt, Aaron le, a Jew, 169, 177.........., son of Leo le, 181........., A dam le, 89, 507..........., Ascilia wife of John le, tenant in chief, 480........... David le, 310.........., Elias son of Aaron le, 177.......... Flora la, 221.........., Henry le, 95, 223.......... Hugh le, 510, 511.........., Iva daughter of Sarah, wife of Elias son of Aaron le, 177.........., John le, 89, 205, 244........., Moses le, a Jew of London, 306.........., Ralph le, 123, 322.........., Robert le, 98, 240, 255.......... Roesia wife of Aaron son of Leo le, 181..........., T hom as le, 400........... W alter le, 2 47........, William le, 524........... Sir William le, 459. Blundel, Robert, 111........, R o g e r, 7 8........., Thomas, 174. Blundellesfeld, in Staffield [parish of Kirkoswald, co. Cumberland], 133. Blundus. See Blund. Blunt. See Blund. Bluntesdon, William de, 114, 130. Blyborough, Bleburg [co. Lincoln], 511, 512. Blyth, church of, 245.........., Blithe, Blithefeld [co. Notts], 245.........., priory [co. Notts], 455, 464. Blythburgh, Bliburg co. Suffolk, 487. Boarhunt, Berhunte, co. Hants, 83. Bobinton, John son of Philip de, 357. Bocard, Bochardi, Iterus, Iterius, 39, 247, 409, 476.............. the king's envoy to the Roman Court, 382. Boces, Gilbert de, 326. Bocham. See Bookham. Bochan, earl of. See Comyn, Alexander. Bochardeby. See Botcherby. Bochardeby, Alice wife of Ralph de, 283, 400. Bochardi. See Bocard. Bocholte forest. See Buckholt. Bockelton, Boclinton [co. Worcester], 126. Booking, Walter son of Peter de, 124. Bocland, hospital of. See Buckland Sororum. Bocland, Boclaund, Boclond, Bokeland, Philip de, 6, 13, 25, 45, 51.........., William de, 51. Boclaunde. See Buckland. Boclinton. See Bockelton. Bocllam, William de, 229. Boclond. See Buckland........... See Bocland. Bocman, John, 105. Bocquite, William, 172.......... See also Bukwynte. Bocsteple. See Bucksteep. Bocsteple, Robert de, 111. Bocton. See Boughton. Bocton, Stephen de, coroner, 533. Bodham [co. Norfolk], 414. Bodicote, Robert de, 111. Boding'. See Beeding. Bodkesham. See Bottisham. Bodkesham, John de, 71........... Walter de, 71. Bodmin priory, co. Cornwall, prior of, 250. Body, William, 557. Boef, Ralph le, 397........... Robert le, 397. Boghiere, William le, 316. Bognor, Buggenore [co. Sussex], 157. Bohun, Boun, Eleanor wife of Humphrey de, i93.........., Frank de, 38.........., Humphrey de, 50, 55, 56, 132, 190, 232, 238, 239, 243, 252................ e a r l o f H e r e f o r d a n d E s s e x, 5 7, 266, 358, 360, 399, 414, 426, 472.............., knt., 186............., son of Eleanor de, 113, 193.........., Joan wife of John, 349..........., wife of Humphrey de, the younger, 579.........., John de, 175, 191, 239, 290, 299, 346, 426................. knt., 186............ son of Frank de, tenant in chief, 36, 345, 349, 350.........., Nicholaa wife of Frank de, 33........... Thomas de, 50, 346. Bolum. See Bole or Bollam. Bokeholt. See Buckholt. Bokeland. See Bocland. Bokenhale. See Bucknall. Bokerel, William, 123. Boketon. See Buketon. Bokholt wood. See Buckholt. Boklaund. See Buckland. Bolax, William, 403. Bole, Bollam, Bolum, co. Notts, 500. GENERAL INDEX. 603 Bole, Peter son of William le, 150. Bolebek, Hugh de, 82, 84. Bolebrok, John de, merchant of Flanders, 32. Bolemer, John, 175..... See also Bilmer. Boleshovere. See Bolsover. Bolevill, Eugenia wife of John de, 126.........., William de, 126. Bolewik. See Bulwick. Boleyns, John, 42. Bolingbrok, Geoffrey de, 508. Bolington, Richard de, 549. Bollam, Bolum, co. Notts, 500. Bolle, Robert, 558..........., W illiam, 67. Bolmer, William son of Ranulph de, 470.......... See also Bolemer, Bulmere. Bolsover, Boleshovere [co. Derby], 102. Bolteby, Adam de, son of Nicholas de, tenantin-chief, 3........... Philippa wife of Nicholas de, 3.........., William de, 397. Bolton priory, Boulton [co. Yorks], 158.......... brother William Hog, prior elect of, 158.........., canons of, 158. Bolton-on-le-Moors [co. Lancaster], Blackrod, Blakerode in, 557. Bolton, Henry brother of Simon de, 127.........., Simon de, 127. Bomberk. See Bromborough. Bonamicus, Bonamy, a Jew of York, 104, 155, 344........... son-in-law of Joceus the Jew of York, 445..........., Roger, 494. Bonanci, Bonant, Bonesius, merchant of Florence, 195................, keeper of the new custom of wool in Ireland, 376. Bonauntus. See Bonamicus. Bonaventure, Guyottus, merchant of the king's mother, 222.......... Richard, 51. Bonavita, Copynus son of, a Jew, 260.......... See also Bonerye. Bond, Ivo le, 75........... Ralph 78. Bonde, Henry son of Avicia, 127.........., John, 507............,, le, 102.........., Robert, 240........... Roger, 182........... William le, 139. Bonding, Thomas, 558. Bonecumbe, Isabella wife of John de, 423.......... See also Bunecumb. Bonefant, a Jew of Royston, 101. Bonel, Alexander, 73........., J o h n, 4 2 8. Boner, Thomas le, 507. Bonet, Hamo, 560.........., Robert, bailiff of Southampton, 495. Boneville, Stephen de, 175........., William de, 119. Bonevye, Bonamy, son of Vives, a Jew of Oxford, 394, 396......... See also Bonavita. Bonewell, Robert de, 354. Bonham, Walter, 42. Bonhou, Henry de, 223. Boniface of Savoy, archbishop of Canterbury, 5, 23, 34, 61, 265........... William, 80. Boninghal, Felicia wife of Hugh de, 430.......... Hugh de, 430. Bonmoulin, William, 74. Bononia, Master Francis de, 296, 388................ LL.D., councillor of the king of England, 237, 341. See also Accursius, Francis and Francis, Master.........., Master Salvus de, 56. Bonrepos, Beaurepos, abbey, Britanny [Morbihan], 490. Bonte, Robert, 296. Bontingford, Joan wife of Walter de, 171. Bonvallet, Robert, 21. Bookham, Bocham [co. Surrey], 501. Boothby, Botheby, [co. Lincoln], 65. Bor, Robert le, 445. Borde, William, 174.......... See also Burd. Bordeaux, 90, 137, 247.......... castle, constable of, 425. And see Norffolkia, Adam de.........., constable of, 107, 310, 381.........., custom of, 141........... the king's exchequer of, 373......... merchants of, 265, 266, 303. Border, William le, 324. Bordesley, Bordesle [parish of Tardebigg, co. Worcester], 36, 38. Bordwate, Agnes, 103. Boreham, Borham, co. Essex, 51, 252, 420, 422, 443. Borewell. See Burwell. Borewell, Robert son of Henry de, 237. Borham. See Boreham. Borham, Hervey de, 39.........., tenant in chief, 434. Borne, William de la, 305. Bornhull, Henry de, knt. 580. Borstall, Walter son of Nigel de, 143.......... See also Burstall. Borun, Ralph, 122. Boscehale, William de, 151. Bosco, Adam de, 146.........., Arnald de, 187, 267..........., Gilbert de, 91. 604 GENERAL INDEX. Bosco, Nicholas de, 350.......... Peter de, 132.........., Richard de, 130, 256, 305, 408.........., Sir Richard de, 338, 509.........., Robert de, 24.........., Semannus de, 21.........., William de, 574.......... See also Boys. Boseham. See Bosham. Boseworth, Geoffrey de, 345. Boshal, William de, sheriff of co. York, 104. Bosham, Boseham, co. Sussex, 475, 561, 564, 569........... the king's manor qf, 535. Boskedek, See Boskiddick. Boskedek, Dionisia de, 550. Boskiddick, Boskedek [parish of Lanivet, co. Cornwall], 550. Bosse, William, 59. Bossecher, John, 207. Boston [co. Lincoln], 114, 116, 189, 258, 321, 528.........., bailiffs of, 125, 165, 423.......... fair, 165, 258, 304, 308, 321, 502.......... taker of the king's wines at. See Rokesleye, Gregory de. Botcherby, Bochardeby [par. of Upperby], co, Cumberland, 383, 400. Botecastre. See Bewcastle. Botereans, Boterell, William de, 233, 262. Boterel, Peter, 229........., Thomas, 42, 488. Boterell. See Botereaus........... Botherell, fees of, 229. Botes, Gilbert de, 352, 356. Boteturt, Guy, 338. Botheby. See Boothby. Botheclive. See Rotheclive. Botherell. See Boterell. Botiller, Boteler, Botillier, Botoillier, Buteler, Butiler, Butteler, Butiller, Adam le, 117, 524, 566................,sheriff of co. Gloucester, 455,518.........., Emonina daughter of John le, 506......... Emma wife of Hugh le, tenant in chief, 539.......... Henry le, 575.........., son of William le, 550.......... Hugh le, 575.........., John le, 237..............., tenant in chief of the king in Ireland, 142.........., Maurice le, 141.........., Sir Peter le, 513.........., Ralph le, 190, 463............... clerk, 47..........., Richard, le, 332..........., Robert le, 522.........., T h eob ald le, 2 8 6, 3 3 2, 4 1 6, 5 4 6......... Thomas le, 374.........., Walter le, 450. Botiller, Boteler, Botillier, Botoillier, Buteler, Butiler, Butteler, Butiller, William le, 130, 205, 418, 520, 559................ knt., 425, 509. Botlingham, Roger de, 56. Botman, John, 72.........., Thomas, 414. Botoillier. See Botiller. Botte, Thomas, 77. Bottele, John de, knt., 352. Bottisham, Bodkesham [co. Cambridge], 71. Bouc, James, 232. Bouchan, Bouhan, earl of. See Comyn, Alexander. Bouden, Thomas de, 353. Boudon [co. Derby], 523........... See Bowden, Great. Boudun, Thomas, 358. Boughton, Bocton, co. Northants, 222. Boughan, Buchan, earl of. See Comyn, Alexander. Boule, Thomas le, 208. Boulogne, honour of, 91, 521. Boulton priory. See Bolton. Boulton, John de, 492..............., son of Thomas de, 340........... Master Philip de, surgeon, 500.........., Sir Thomas de, sheriff of Lincoln, 41. Boun. See Bohun. Bourton, Burcton [co. Oxford], 206. Boutlirs, Robert de, 274. Bovelys, Adam de, 28. Bovy, North Bovi, Northbovy [co. Devon], 44, 54. Bovy, Eleanor wife of William, 230.......... William, 230. Bowden Great, Boudon [co. Leicester], 467. Bowness [co. Cumberland], Glasson, Glassan in, 477. Box, Robert del, 91. Box, Thomas, 114, 123..........., Bouer, Robert del, 91. Boxe, Richard de la, 106. Boxford, Boxore, co. Berks, 463. Boxham, Richard de, 285. Boxore. See Boxford. Boycot, Wulwinus de, 64. Boydel, John de, son of William de, tenant in chief, 402. Boyl, William 174. Boylaund, Boylund, Richard de, 120, 255................ justice, 569................. justice in eyre in co. Surrey, 540. Boynager, William, 556. Boys, Adam del, 230.........., Andrew de, 509.........., Elizabeth wife of Andrew de, 509.........., Giles, 305........... Lawrence de, 175. GENERAL INDEX. 605 Boys, Margery wife of Richard de, 415........... Nicholas del, 510.........., Richard de, 502............. du, 535.......... Robert de, knt., 415.......... Walter de, 385................. del, 385.......... See also Bosco de. Boyton, Mary wife of Robert de, 182........... Robert de, 182, 276, 343, 496, 534........., William de, 98................ son of William de, 226. Boyvill, Dionisia wife of John de, 492........... John de, 492........... R obert de, 118.........., W illiam de, 46, 259............... escheator North of Trent, 81, 83, 91, 138.........;....... sheriff of co. Northampton, 155. Bozale, William de, Henry III.'s sheriff in co. York, 371. Brabancia, John de, a merchant, 542. Bracebrig, Bracebrug, John de, 136.......... Sir John de, 41. Brachesford, Markes, constable of Haresford castle, 305. Brackele, William de, citizen and merchant of London, 218, 294. Brackeleye priory. See Brackley. Brackeleye, Geoffrey de, 332........... Thomas de, 332. Brackley [co. Northants], letters close dated at, 141........... Brackeleye priory [co. Northants], 248. Bracy, Aldulf de, 294.......... Master Henry de, 336. Braddemer, Richard de, 236. Bradden, Braddon [co. Northants], 223. Bradden, Walter de, 272, 273. Braddene, Braddon, William de, 272, 273. Brade, Lawrence, 66. Bradebegh, Juliana wife of Hugh de, 5. Bradecot, William de, 486................, clerk of the earl of Warwick, 459. Bradecroft, Walter de, 227. Bradefeld, hundred of, 377........... See Bradfield. Bradefeud. See Bradfield. Bradeford, Alexander de, 576.........., Robert de, 226.......... Hervey de, 399. Bradefordewod, co. Chester, 217. Bradelegh, Geoffrey de, 321.........., Richard de, 407........... Roger de, 355. Bradeley priory. See Bradley. Bradeleye, William de, 336. Brademer, Alice de 76. Brademere, Elias de, 78. Braden, Bradene, forest [co. Wilts], 300, 447, 472, 482, 486, 533.................. keeper of. See Kaynes, Robert de. Bradenestok, Bradenestak, priory. See Bradenstoke. Bradenge, in Skelton [co. Cumberland], 132. Bradenham, Alexander de, 227. Bradenstoke, Bradenestak, Bradenestok, priory [co. Wilts], 118, 142. Bradeschag, John de, 158. Bradeshagh, Richard de, 426. Bradeton La, See Broad Town. Bradeuyn, John de, 73. Bradevill [co. Devon], 155. Bradewell, Alan de, 71........... John de, 139. Bradfield, Bradefeld, Bradefeud [co. Berks], 30, 36, 38.................. [ p a r. o f E c c l e s fi e l d, c o. Y o r k ], 146. Bradfield, John de, bishop of Rochester, 462. Bradford, Bradefordewode [co. Wilts], the king's wood of, 399. Bradheye, William, 135. Bradley, Bradeley, priory [in Holt par. of Medbourne, co. Leicester], 537. Bradworthy, Braworth [co. Devon], 539, 540, 541. Braeler, Roger le, 123. Braghton. See Brotton. Braham. See Bramham. Braibef. See Brayboef. Braibrok. See Braybrooke. Brailesford, Henry de, 119. Brakenbergh, Robert de, 554. Bramber, Brembre [co. Sussex], 107. Bramerton, Ralph de, 160. Bramham, Braham [co. Essex], 420, 422. Bramley, Bromly [co. Hants], 123. Brampton [co. Northants], 164. Brampton, Margaret de, 161........., Mariota de, 161. Branceston, Hugh de, 223. Brand, William, citizen of Lincoln, 453. Brandeston, Branteston, Braundeston, co. Suffolk, 96, 300. Brandon, Braundone [par. of Wolston], co. Warwick, 322, 323. Branksea, Brunckes, Brunkeseye [co. Dorset], 313, 421. Branteston. See Brandeston. Brantingham, Hugh de, 456. Braston, John de, 143. Brathewath, Roger de, 204. Brathewayt, Gocelin de, 104, 335. Braughing [co. Herts], Gatesbiry in, 82. Brauncestre, Philip de, chaplain, 247. Braunche, Thomas, 216. Braundeston. See Brandeston. 606 GENERAL INDEX. Braundeston, William de, verderer of Whittlewood forest, 65. Braundon, Richard de, 515. Braundone. See Brandon. Braunford, Peter de, 104. Braunston, Braunteston, co. Rutland, 222. Braunteston. See Braunston. Braunteston, Henry de, 328, 563. Braworth. See Bradworthy. Bray, Braye [co. Berks], 18, 446..............., the king's works at, 155. Bray, Gervase de, 411......,..., Master Henry de, 236, 291, 336, 429, 499, 519, 554................., bailiff of Abergavenny, 390, 401............... constable of Abergavenny castle, 36, 59.........., Hugh de, 537. Bray, Matilda de, 549.........., Robert, 124............... d e, 230........., Sibyl wife of Hugh de, 537.........., Thomas de, 27, 28, 51, 143, 417................ sheriff of cos. Buckingham and Bedford, 189.........., Sir William de, knt., 556. Brayboef, Braibef, Brebuef, William de, 8, 110, 251, 312, 566..........,...... keeper of the priory of St. Swithin, Winchester, 519................, sheriff of co. Southampton, 535. Braybrooke, Braibrok [co. Northants], 243. Brayburn, co. Devon, 190. Braye. See Bray. Brayewell, Richard de, 427. Brayn, William, 413. Braythewath, Margaret de, 204. Brazer, Hugh le, 149. Brazur, John le, 574. Bream, 210. Breamore, Brymor, priory [co. Hants], 452. Breaute, Bryaute, Thomas, 347, 348. Brebuef. See Brayboef. Breche, [in Bosham?] co. Sussex, 569. Breche, Roger de la, 224. Brechenou. See Brecknock. Brechere, Richard le, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Brecknock, Brechenou, Wales, 50.........., Brikennou castle, 56. Bredford, Bereford. See Barford. Bredon. See Breedon. Bredon, brother Nicholas de, 320. Breedon, Bredon [co. Leicester], 59, 61. Brehull. See Brill. Brehus, Brehusa, Brehus', Brehuse, Breuse, Brewosa, Brewose, Eva de, sister and co-heiress of Walter Marshall, 180, 190. Brehus, Brehusa, Brehus', Brehuse, Breuse, Brewosa, Brewose, Breuse, John de, 54, 335........... Matilda, daughter of Eva de, 113..........., William de, 58, 193, 251, 458,501, 514, 554, 564................,bishop of Llandaff, 309, 518, 580, Brembre. See Bramber. Bremelridge, Bremelrugge, Bremmelrugg [par. of Westbury], co. Wilts, 382, 397. Bremmesgrave, brother Richard de, 111. Brendewode. See Brentwood. Brenectur (Brevetur?), William le, 157. Brenkewrth. See Brinkworth. Brent, East [co. Somerset], Edingworth, Edenworth in, 115. Brentclyve, William del, 87. Brent Eleigh, Brent Illegh, co. Suffolk, 576. Brentwood, Brendewode [par. of South Weald, co. Essex], 121. Breredon. See Brereton. Brereton, Breredon [parish of Rugeley, co. Stafford], 571. Bret, Adam le, 179.........., Philip le, citizen of London, 57.......... Richard, 230..........., Roger le, 136.........., Stephen le, 325.......... William le, 179. Breteby, John de, clerk, 189. Bretford [par. of Wolstan], co. Warwick, 322. Bretforthtune. See Bretforton. Bretforton, Britfarton [co. Worcester], 172. Bretforton, Bretforthtune, Adam son of Ralph de, 103, 219. Bretines, William de, 574. Bretingherst, Geoffrey de, 567. Breton, John, bishop of Hereford, 179................. le, 52, 82.........., Peter, 559 Bretun, Cok, baron of the port of Dover, 470.........., John le, 52, 82, 95, 526.........., Juliana wife of Richard le, 226........... Mary, wife of Robert le, tenant inchief, 535........., Peter le, 139.........., Richard le, 87, 134, 226.........., Roger le, 248.........., William le, 230........... See also Briton. Breuse. See Brehus. Breuton priory. See Bruton, Brevetur, Thomas le, 490........... See also Brenectur. Biewes. See Brus. Brewood, Brewod [co. Stafford], 478................ priory of St. Leonard, 398. Brewosa, Brewose, Brewys. See Brehus. Brexan, Thomas, 525. Breydesale, Ralph son of Roger de, 450. GENERAL INDEX. 607 Briaunzun, Brianzun, Briauncou-n, Bartholomew de, 250, 341, 392, 435, 550.........., Bertinus de, 324. Brice, Thomas son of, 490. Briche, Little [co. Essex]. 420, 422. Bricheclampton. See Bricklehampton. Brichmerston. See Brigmerston. Bricht, Roger le, 449. Brickhill, Great, Brykhull [co. Bucks], 127, 130. Bricklehampton, Bricheclampton [co. Worcester], Nicholas clerk of, 42. Brid, John, 76, 455.........., William, 560. Bridd, Matilda, 76. Brideford. See Bridford. Bridel, Richard, 492. Bridelington priory. See Bridlington. Bridelinton, William de, chancellor of the university of Oxford, 232. Brideport. See Bridport. Brideport, William de, 174. Brideporth. See Bridport. Brideton, Laurence de, 58. Bridford, Brideford, co. Devon, 282. Bridgenorth, Brigg, Bruges, Brugg', Brugges, co. Salop, 49, 105, 148, 157, 197, 208, 261, 280, 314, 495.........., bailiffs of, 475, 495.........., Jews of, 49, 130.........., prison at, 201, 211, 212, 272, 301, 407, 474, 478. Bridgwater, Bruges, Brugewauter, co. Somerset, 115.......... friars minors of, 451. Bridlington, Bridelington priory [co. York], 485, 570. Bridmerston. See Brismarston. Bridport, Brideport, Brideporth [co. Dorset], 207. Bridwode, in the forest of Dean [co. Gloucester], 311. Brigeford, Roger de, merchant, 74. Brigesham. See Brixham. Brigg. See Bridgnorth. Brigge Castreton. See Casterton, Great. Brightmerston, Matilda daughter of Stephen de, 555........... Stephen, son of Matilda daughter of Stephen de, 555.........., William de, 555. Brightwell, Bristwell [co. Oxford], 107......... letters close dated at, 446. Brigmerston, Brichmerston [par. of Milston, co. Wilts], 88. Brigstock, Brigstoke, Brikestoke, Brikstok, [co. Northants], 31.....,.., prison at, 465.......... forest [co. Northants], 460................. steward of. See Cugeho, Nicholas de, Brikehull, Walter de, 44. Brikennou. See Brecknock. Brikestoke, Brikstok. See Brigstocke. Brilaund, John de, 322. Brill, Brehull, Brubull, co. Bucks, 93, 102, 143, 178, 192, 528, 536........... B r e h u l l, B r u h u l l, c o. B u c k s t h e k i n g ' s houses of, 19, 24, 306........., letters close dated at, 204, 312, 394, 395, 425, 535, 536, 542.......... prison at, 370, 383. Brimmesfeld. See Brimpsfiell. Brimesgrave. See Bromsgrove. Brimmeshete, William de, knt., 559. Brimnhest, Robert de, 357. Brimpsfield, Brimmesfeld [co. Gloucester], 538. Brimstage, Brunstathe [parish of Brom. borough], co. Chester, 215. Brinesford. See Brinsworth. Brinke, 498. Brinkworth, Brenkewrth, co. Wilts, 212. Brinnesley, Margery wife of Gilbert de, tenant in chief, 525. Brinsworth, Brinesford [co. York], 336. Brirelay, Richard de, 224. Brise, Elias son of Roger, 469. Brisebone, Robert, 74. Brisingham, William de, 414. Brislington, Bristleton [co. Somerset], 425. Brismarston, Bridmerston [par. of Milston], co. Wilts, 115. Bristleton. See Brislington. Bristol, 71, 100, 135, 303, 305, 307, 310, 314, 354, 393, 412, 474, 520, 534.........., abbey of St. Augustine, 62........... bailiffs of, 125.........., burgesses of, 392........... La Berton without, 319.........., Carmelite friars of, 316.......... castle, 373, 479, 535................. constable of, 29, 100, 305, 516, 517, 535. And see Jevene, Bartholomew le; Mare, Peter de la; Muscegros, John de; Waleraund, Robert.............., prisoners in, 277.......... Jews of, 10.........., Jewry of, 263.......... letters close dated at, 310, 352, 354......,..., mayor of, 63, 354...............,and bailiffs of, 100, 307.,..........,. coroners and bailiffs of, 71........,.,port of, 100.........., Redland, La Redeland, 520.........., toll of, 108.........., dean of Christianity of, 71. Bristollia, William de, citizen of Dublin, 198. Bristwell. See Brightwell. 608 GENERAL INDEX. Britannia, Brutayne, Beatrice wife of John de, earl of Richmond, the king's sister, 154.........., John de, 178,186, 258, 321, 385, 520.......,..... earl of Richmond, 163, 522, 538, 549, 551.....,......... the elder, duke of Britanny and earl of Richmond, 143.........., Thomas de, yeoman of Edmund the king's brother, 516. Brite, Simon, 566. Britfarton. See Bretforton. Britollia, Nicholas de, clerk, 248. Briton, William, 295. See also Bretun. Brittany, count of. See John. Britteshale, Gilbert de, knt., 497. Britton. See Berrington. Britwell [co. Oxford], 244. Briwes, Briwys. See Brus. Brixham, Brigesham, co. Devon, 282, 409. Brixton, 570. Broad Blunsdon, Broterebluntesdon [par. of Highworth, co. Wilts?], 130. Broadholme, Broddeholm, priory [par. of Thorney, co. Notts], 233. Broad Town, La Bradeton [co. Wilts], 190. Broadwater [co. Sussex], Sedgwick, Segwyk in, 58. Broadwoodwidger, Brodewode [co. Devon?], 517. Broc. See Brok. Brocbury, Simon de, 369. Brochampton. See Brockhampton. Brochton. See Brotton. Brochton, Ralph de, 215................ king's clerk, 154. Brockdish, Brokedish [co. Norfolk], Brockeleg, Richard de, 383. Brockhampton, Brochampton, Brokhampton [co. Gloucester], 35, 174, 230. Brockton, Brocton near Madeley [par. of Sutton Maddock, co. Salop], 521. Brocton, 557........., near Madeley. See Brockton. Brocton, Felicia de, 557. Brocwod in Windsor forest [co. Berks], 73; See also Broowode. Broddeholm priory. See Broadholme. Broddesworth. See Brodsworth. Brodewode. See Broadwoodwidger. Brodsworth, Broddesworth [co. York], 17. Broghton. See Broughton. Brok, Broc, Broke, Adam de Ia, 98........... Beatrice del, 82..........,Henry de, 125, 226........., Hugh de, 289, 343, 423, 510, 511................. son of Laurence de, 314.........., John de, 117.......... Lawrence de, 46, 398, 567........., Margery wife of William de, 353........... Robert le, 231, 425.........., Roger atte, 247, 494. Brok, Broc, Broke, Walter del, 291.......... William de, 353, 423, 498, 510, 511........... son of Henry del, 18. Brokedish. See Brockdish. Brokedish, Katherine wife of Reginald de 230 Brokes, See Brooks. Brokesfeld, Philip de, 512. Brokhampton. See Brockhampton. Brom, Roger de, 137. Bromborough [co. Chester], letters close dated at, 401........... Bomberk, king at, 420. Brome. See Almton Broome. Brone, John de la, 428. Bromeleye, Adam de, 55.,........, Hugh de, 55. Bromeshull, Thomas de, 174. Bromfeld. See Broomfield. Bromfield, Brumfeld [co. Denbigh], 399.......... [co. Flint], 576. Bromham, Bruham [co. Bedford], 9, 81. Bromhull, Isolda wife of Walter de, tenant in chief, 302. Bromlegh, See Broomley. Bromleich, Robert de, 244. Bromly. See Bramley. Brompton, Brumpton, Brian de, the younger, 252.........., Peter de, 533, 543.......... William de, 505, 572.............. justice of the Common Bench, 503, 508, 569. Bromsgrove, Brimesgrave [co. Worcester], 556. Brond, Henry, 48, 49. Bronescomb, Walter, bishop of Exeter, 39, 253. Broneshull, Thomas de, 502. Brooks (Hall), Brokes [member of Ipswich, co. Suffolk], 80, 83. Broom, King's Broom, Kingesbrome [co. Warwick], 528. Broomfield, Bromfeld [co. Essex], 515........, Brumfeld, co. Kent, 499. Broomhill? Promhull, co. Sussex, 362. Broomley, Bromlegh [par. of Bywell, St. Peter co. Northumberland], 358. Broowode, [in Windsor forest], co. Berks, 221. See also Brocwod. Brotenby, co. Lincoln, 380. Broterebluntesdon. See Broad Blunsdon. Brother, Thomas le, 144. Brotton, Braghton, Brochton [co. York], 4, 40, 47. Broucthon. See Broughton. Broughton, Berghton [co. Hants], 193.........., (Nether),Broghton [co. Leicester], 35 GENERAL INDEX. 609 Broughton, Broghton, Broucthon, Geoffrey de, 415,........., alph de, 301, 448. Broun, Walter, 410. Brownston, Brouneston [co. Meath], 513. Bruce. See Brus. Bruch, John, 28. Brudeford, Master John de, 224. Brueriis, Arnulf de, prior of Rumilly, 577. Bruern [co. Oxford], letters close dated at, 367......... abbey [co. Oxford], 521. Bruey, John de, 95. Bruges, Flanders, 53........... community of, 128......,.., dean of. See Sancto Quintino, Bonettus de......... See Bridgnorth.......... See Bridgwater. Bruges, John de, 577..........., Peter de, 252. Brugewauter. See Bridgwater. Brugg', Brugges. See Bridgenorth. Bruham. See Bromham. Bruhull. See Brill. Brully, Bruylly, Henry de, 62, 246.......... John de, 62, 439..........., Katherine wife of Henry de, 246..........., Robert de, 62.........., Simon son of Robert de, 62........... William son of Robert de, 62. Brum, John, 78. Brumfeld. See Bromfield........... See Broomfield. Brumfeld, Emma de, 513.........., Llewelyn son of Griffin de, 399........... Sewall de, 417. Brumlegh, Ralph de, 123. Brumpton, Brumton. See Brompton. Brun, Adam son of Richard, 244........... Alexander, 223........... Fromund le, chancellor of Ireland, 50, 476, 548........... Geoffrey le, clerk, 506....,....., Henry, 142, 231........... John, 385................ le, 336........., Richard, 77, 244, 327................., serjeant of Henry III. 8.........., Robert, 280, 506.........., Thomas. 66.......... Warin, 414.........., William, 39.......... Master William, 127................ le, 305, 352,510, 512. Brunberd, Ralph, 508. Brunckes. See Branksea. Brune, Athelina la, 326, 327. Brunes, Walter, 507. u 96998. Brunesle, Gilbert de 52. Bruneshurst, [co. Chester], 234. Brunhamelyn, William, 76. Brunkeseye. See Branksea. Brunolvesheved, Gilbert de, 237. Brunstathe. See Brimstage. Brunter, William, 135. Brunthayt, William de, 135. Brunynge. See Bryning. Brus, Brewys, Briwes, Briwys, Bruys, Christiana wife of Robert de, 196.........., Gascelin de, 242.........., Isabella de, 286.........., Margaret sister of Peter de, 183..........., Peter de, 4, 40, 46, 91, 183, 249, 581.................. tenant in chief, 3, 313.......... Richard de, 66, 99, 101, 378................,knt., 491, 497.........., Robert de, 50, 99, 129, 196, 282, 311.................. earl of Carrick, Karrik, 505............ tenant in chief, 309................. swears fealty to the king of England, in the name of the king of Scotland, 505............... son of Isabella de, 286............... the elder, 341. Brustwik. See Burstwick. Brustwik, Luke de, 290. Brutayne. See Britannia. Brutere, John le, 286. Bruton [co.Somerset], letters close dated at, 450.........., Breuton, priory [co. Somerset], 435................prior of, 565. Bruton, Peter de, 558, Brutywell, Henry de, 477. Bruylly. See Brully. Bruys. See Brus. Bryaute. See Breaute. Brycun, John, 29. Bryendene, Gilbert, 557.........., Roger, 577. Brykhull, Great. See Brickhill, Great. Brymor priory. See Breamore. Bryning, Bruninge [parish of Kirkham, co. Lancaster], 325. Bubbeden, Bubbedon. See Bupton. Bubnell, Bubinhull [par. of Bakewell, co. Derby],460. Buchan, Boghan, Bouchan, Bouhan, earl of. See Comyn, Alexander. Buchard, Intherius, 255. Buchelers, Engelard de, 149. Bucher, Philip le, 508. Buchton, Agnes wife of John de, 400.........., John de, 400. Buckden [co. Huntingdon], letters close dated at, 539. Buckebrok, John son of William de, 160. Q Q 610 GENERAL INDEX Buckholt, Bockeholt Bokholt, Bokeholt, forest [co. Hants], 145, 534..........., wood in Clarendon Forest [co. Wilts], 309.........., wood [co. Kent], 482. Buckingham, letters close dated at, 372. Buckitgham, county of, 8, 23, 44, 45, 51, 53, 56, 98,114, 123, 124, 126, 131, 149, 159, 206, 228, 229, 235, 238, 240, 243, 251, 253, 259, 339, 345, 350, 354, 426, 427, 491, 492, 500, 510, 524, 546, 550..............., assizes in, 136................. justices in, 52.............. justices of assize in, 149, 156, 59, 236,455............... sheriff of, 7, 22, 24, 68, 71, 109, 119, 143, 146, 158, 159. 161, 178, 181, 183,189, 192, 219, 244, 283, 290, 291, 306, 309, 314, 319, 320, 344, 394. 440, 455, 464,.537. And seeBray, Thomas de...........,... escheator in, 309, 440. Buckland, Boclaund, 226, 506........... Boklaund [co. Devon], 347.........., B oclond, co. D orset, 245.......... Sororum? Bocland, Boclaunde. Rocland [par. of Durston, co. Somerset] house of the hospitallers of, 380, 460, 462. Bucknall, Bokenhale, co. Stafford, 212. Bucksteep, Bocsteple, [near Hurstmonceaux, co. Sussex], 111. Bucton, Walter de, 222. Buelt castle. See Builth. Buffard, Agnes, 77. Buggenore. See Bognor. Buildwas, Bildewas, abbey [co. Salop], 430. Builth, Bully, abbey [co. Brecknock],.506........... Buelt, castle [co. Brecknock], 527. Buk, William, 445. Buke, Simon le, 307. Bukenhull, Walter de, 426.............., knt., 430. Buketon, Boketon, Geoffrey de, 508. Bukwynte, William, 271.......... See also Bocquite. Bulbayn, Gilbert, 419. Bulcote, Geoffrey de, 541. Bule, William, 416. Bulecote, Richard de, vicar of the church of Bingham, 197........., Gretre [or Grecia?] de, 197. Bulers, Engelard de, 108. Bulloc, Roger, 62. Bullock, John, 73. Bully, William de, 455. Bulmer, Roger de, 80. Bulmere, Reginald de, 572.......... See also Bolemer, Bolmer. Bulstrans, Roger, 508. Bulteford, Geoffrey de, 207. Bulur, Hugh le, 526. Bulur, Richard le, 85. Bulwick, Bolewik, co. Northants, 115. Bundevill, John de, a monk of Jumibges, 139. Bunecumb, Richard de, 423....... See also Bonecumbe. Bungeye, Matilda daughter of Henry de, 15. Buns, Richard, 64. Bunting, Edmund, 60.........., Roger, 383........., Sampson, a Jew of Lincoln, 162........... Solomon, 362..............., a Jew of London, 386, 392. Bupton, Bubbeden, Bubbedon [par. of Longford, co. Derby], 332, 413. Burcton. See Bourton. Burcy, Robert de, 252. Burd, Clemencia daughter of William, 403.........., Dametta daughter of William, 403.......... IIamo, bastard, 64.........., Isabella wife of William, 403........... Richard, 78........... William son of Hamo, 64. See also Borde. Burdegala, Peter de, 197. Burdeus, John de, 227. Burdun, Robert, 559. Bureford. See Burford. Burel, Robert, 29.......... Thomas, 477. Burencestre. See Bicester. Burencestre, brother William de, 498. Burenton, William de, 551. Burford [co. Oxford], letters close dated at, 271, 331........... Bureford [co. Oxford], 354. Burgate, Robert de, 242, 388. Burgeis, Thomas, 149. Burgensis, Burgesius, a merchant of Florence, 194, 253.......... brother of Nutus, a merchant of Florence, 564. Burges, Walter de, 174, 397. Burgesius. See Burgensis. Bugeys, Peter son of John le, 209. Burgeys, Simon le, 20.........., Thomas de, 416........... William, 56. Burgh [co. Norfolk], 497.......... abbey, 114. Burgh. See Burgo de. Burgham. See Burpham. Burghull, Geoffrey de, 157........... Roger de, 60. Burgo, Burgh, Eufemia wife of Walter de, 60, 63, 64, 415.........., Gerard de, castellan of Fronchac, 381........... Henry de, 426.......... John de, 192, 221, 232, 355, 356, 526................, earl of Kent, 500..........., the elder, 29, 64, 69, 147, 190, 284. I GENERAL INDEX. 611 Burgo, Burgh, John son of John de, 382..............., knt., 356........., Nocius de, merchant of Florence, 553........... Ralph de, 234, 235, 323........... Stephen de, 233.........., Walter de, 60, 63, 64, 415............... earl of Ulster, 142, 154........... William de, 66, 106. Burguilun, Walter son of William de, 405. Burhunte, Henry de, 553. Burkhull, Roger de, 251. Burle, Bartholomew de, chaplain, 111.......... Philip de, 510. Burley, Berley, co. York, 574. Burleye, Bartholomew de, 111. Burlingham. See Birlingham. Burmedenn, William son of Jordan de, 522. Burmenton. See Burmington. Burmenton, John son of Adam de, 20. Burmingham, William de, 67. Burmington, Burmenton, co. Warwick, 20. Burn, Edmund de, 559.........., Henry atte, 20. Burn', Henry de, fermor of the king's manor and hundred of Milton, 37. Burnavill, Robert de, 302. Burne, Gilbert de, 559........., William de, 19. Burneby, John de, 327, 328, 329, 330, 357..........., Sarah wife of John de, 326, 327.............. daughter of Eustace de, 326. Burnehull, Peter de, 428. Burnel, Burnell, Henry, 44.........., Hugh, 121, 576, 579.........,......tenant in chief, 521................. nephew of Robert Burnell, bishop of Bath and Wells, 443............ knt., 579........., Isabella wife of Philip, 405........., Joan, 248, 491.......... Philip, 240, 337, 345, 430, 444.........,...., knt., 581, 582.......... Robert, 10, 18, 23, 32, 38, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 56, 64, 67, 69, 71, 81, 83, 85, 90, 91, 98, 113, 120, 121, 132, 434.............. archdeacon of York, 39, 135, 228, 520..................... delivery of the great seal to, 99..............., bishop of Bath and Wells, 166, 244, 248, 255, 271, 279, 282, 289, 321, 325, 337, 342, 352, 360, 371, 376, 382, 395, 408, 443, 444, 490, 491, 497, 513, 543, 554, 562, 576..........,....... chancellor, 228, 244, 278, 351, 365, 375, 393, 402, 403, 404, 407, 420, 422, 424, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 444, 493, 520, 521, 526, 528, 531, 533, 535, 536, 537, 568, 579, 580................ upplying the king's place in England, 21, 67, 220. Burnel, Burnell, William, 188, 191........... executor of the will of Robert Burnell, bishop of Bath and Wells, 568. Burnesse, Robert de, 237. Burneston [co. York], Leeming, Lemyng in, 101. Burnham [co. Bucks], 494.........., East, Estburnham [co. Bucks], 494. Burpham, Burgham [par. of Worplesdon], co. Surrey, 341. Burre, William, 95. Burscough, Burscogb, priory [co. Lancaster], 431. Burslem, Burwardeslime [co. Stafford], 234. Burstall, Nicholas de, 469.......... See also Borstall. Burstede, William de, 135. Burstwick, Brustwik [co. York], 276.................. park [co. York], 528. Bursy, Robert, 174. Burt, Ralph, 75. Burton, 412.......... co. Bucks, 159.......... [co. York], 213.......... on-Humbre. See Burton-on-Humber.......... Fleming, Burton Flamming [co. York], 485.......... in Kesteven, co. Lincoln, 307.......... Lazars, Burton St. Lazars [co. Leicester, 231........... hospital of St. Lazarus, 573. Burton, Hugh de, 116, 231.........., John son of Hamo de, 341........... Michael de, 315, 318........... Robert de, 494.........., Thomas de, 77, 78........... William de, 543. Burun, Geoffrey de, 227.......... See also Byrun. Burwardescote. See Buscot. Burwardeslime. See Burslem. Burwell, Borewell [co. Cambridge], 545. Burwey, Robert de, 35.t Buryate, Roger de, 364, 365. Bury St. Edmunds abbey, co. Suffolk, 259, 511, 532, 544................ abbot of, 414..............., Simon, abbot of, 544............ keeper of, 532................, liberty of, 259.......... gaol, 26, 60, 61, 85, 96, 308, 388.......... letters close dated at, 161. Buscot, Burwardescote [co. Berks], 73. Bushbury, Bisshebiry, co. Stafford, 211. Busk, Thomas, 214. Bussel, Robert, 498. Busselard, Sir William de, 345. Bussey, Hugh de, 331. Bussy, William, 67. Buston. See Beston. QQ 2 612 GENERAL INDEX. Buteler. See Botiller, Buterwyk. See Butterwick. Butiler, Butiller. See Botiller. Butler, the king's. See Columbariis, Matthew de. Butteler. See Botiller. Butterley, Roger de, coroner for co. Salop, 520. Butterwick, Buterwyk [co. Lincoln], 511. Buttlesby. See Bittesby. Button, Ralph de, 369. Buzun, Ralph, 56. Byboys, Biboys, Richard de, 93, 94. Bychefeud. See Bichfield. Byere, Valentine de, 251. Byfield, Byfeld [co. Northants], 96. Byfleet, Biflete, Byflete, co. Surrey, 62, 162. Bygod, Bygot, Bygote. See Bigod. Byham. See Bytham. Bykele. See Bickleigh. Bykenore. See Bicknor. Bykenore. See Bikenore. Byl, Ralph, 392. Byleye abbey. See Bileigh. Bylling. See Billing. Bynedon. See Bindon. Byngeleye. See Bingley. Byngham, Richard de, 139........... See also Bingham. Bynteworth. See Bentworth. Byrchehull. See Birchills. Byrchemor, Walter de, 319. Byrkelund in Sherwood forest. See Birkland Hay. Byrlaund. See Birlaund. Byrun, Geoffrey le, 126......... See also Birun, Burun. Byseleye. See Biseleye. Byset. See Biset. Bytham, Byham [co. Lincoln], 229........... Great. See Castle Bytham. Bytton, William, bishop of Bath and Wells, 74. Bywell St. Peter, Bywell [co. Northumberland], 358..........,mill of, 200........., Broomley, Bromlegh in, 358. Bywell, Richard, 356, 490.........., William de, 358. C. Cachepol, Matilda wife of Ralph de, 498.........., Ralph de, 498. Cadamo, Master John de, 417. Cade, Alan, 362. Cadegan, William, 308. Cadel, William, knt., 513. Cadeleigh, Kadeleye, co. Devon, 540. Cademan, Robert, 26. Cadurcis, Cadurciis, Chaurces, Cheworth Patrick de,195, 345, 498, 505, 535, 574.......,......, brother of Payn de, tenant-inchief, 539.........., Payn de, 110, 117, 251, 263, 264, 293, 340, 345, 360, 364, 408, 427, 447, 469, 485, 534..............., captain of the king's garrison in West Wales, 358, 366................. knt., 338, 497, 512........... Thomas de, 477. Andsee Chaworces, Chaworcis, Chaworth. Cadyhou, Walkelin de, bailiff of Shaftesbury, 451. Caen abbey [Normandy, Calvados], 58.........., abbess of, 414. Cahors, France [Lot], 535. Cainhoe, Kaynho, Cainhou [parish of Clophill, co. Bedford], 27, 28, 382, 514. Cakeley. See Takeley. Cakthorp, Master Walter de, 415. Caku, Peter, merchant of St. Malo, 51. Caldecote, Caldecotes, Edmund de, keeper of the town of Dunwich, 12, 61, 65. Caldewell, Caldewelle, Gregory de, 311..........., Hugh de, the king's approver, 289, 290, 307........... Margery wife of Gregory de, 311. Caldewere, La, [near Eling, co. Hants], 351. Caldon, Richard son of Ralph de, 272. Cale, Walter, 27. Caleston. See Calstone. Calewar, William, 73. Calewer, Roger le, 137. Calewy, Gilbert de, 66. Calf, William, 79. Calfovr', Calvovre, Henry de, 315, 318. Calle, Henry, 478.........., co. Wilts, 115, 243, 507. Calmoor, Caulemor [parish of Eling, co. Hants], 351. Calne, co. Wilts, liberty of, 90................. Beversbrook, Beversbrok in, 55 Calstone, Caleston, Calston, co. Wilts, 115, 243. Calthrop, Alexander de, a monk of Flaxley abbey, 569.........., William de, knt., 415. Caltres forest. See Galtres. Caludon [parish of St. Michael's, Coventry], co. Warwick, 163. Calverton, co. Bucks, 156..............., Wold in, 156. Calvovre. See Calfovr'. Calyn, Alan son of William, 336.........., Richard son of William de, 336. Cambeys, Roger, 112. Camberwell, Camerwell [co. Surrey], 156.........., Hegethoren in, 156. GENERAL INDEX. 613 Cambout, Henry, merchant, 74. Cambrai, Caumbray, Flanders, 254. Cambridge, Cantebrigg, 11, 31, 71, 149, 323, 370, 374, 567.........., bailiffs and men of, 31.........., assigned as part of the dower of Queen Eleanor, 31........... ferm of, 31.........., friars preachers of, 214........., Jews of, 370.......... gaol, 15, 25, 160, 188, 210, 269........... hospital of St. John, 131........., mayor of, 63........., Barnwell priory. See Barnwell. Cambridge, county of, 8, 43, 95, 98, 121, 132, 163, 205, 223, 227, 235, 240, 250, 251, 252, 257, 294, 322, 337, 340, 358, 423, 427, 429, 441, 491, 497, 499, 524, 538, 551, 578, 583.........., assizes in, 136................., coroners of, 13................ justice in, 52................ justices in eyre in, 38, 43, 375, 473.............., sheriff of, 11, 13, 15, 22, 31, 53, 63, 70, 71, 149, 160, 188, 210, 214, 269, 320, 370, 473..................... and coroners of, 473.............., sub-escheator in, 163. Came, Philip de, 80. Camel park [co. Cornwall], 481.......... Queen's [co. Somerset], letters close dated at, 450. Camelerton. See Camerton. Camera, Richard de, 336.........., Robert de, 576.. Camerton, Camelerton [co. Somerset], 245. Camerwell. See Camberwell. Cameys, Camise, John de, 233, 497..........,.... knt., 581........., Ralph de, 259. Camford, Robert de, 444. Camhou. See Cainhoe. Camhowe, Sir Walter de, 512. Camise. See Cameys. Campanea. See Chaumpaigne. Campania, Joan wife of Nicholas de, 225. Campina. See Chaumpaigne. Campion, Campyon, Henry, 76..........,......, Thomas, 100, 104.......... See also Caumpiun, Champion. Campo, Adam de, 431. Campsey Ashe, Chaumpeseye priory [co. Suffolk], 375. Campyon. See Champion. Cancellis, John de, 324. Cancy. See Chauncy. Candlesby, Candelby, [co. Lincoln], 59, 61. Candovere, Candovre, Condovere, Conedevere, Kandovere, Kendor, Agnes wife of, Henry de, 262.........., Henry de, 262, 289, 488. Candovere, Candovre, Condovere, Conedevere, Kandovere, Kendor, Henry, de, the king's huntsman, 210, 261, 262, 291, 474, 480.......... Nicholas son of Roger de, 149.......... Philip de, 72, 105.......... Roger de, 149.......... William, the king's huntsman, 388..........,............., keeping his staghounds, 480. Caneford. See Canford. Caneleye hay in Cannock forest [co. Stafford], 478. Canesby, Kannesby [co. Lincoln], 187. Canewdon, Kanewedon [co. Essex], 168. Caneworth, co. Essex, 324. Canford, Caneford [co. Dorset], launds of, 175.........., letters close dated at, 262. Cannock, Cannok, La Kanec, Kanek, Kanoc, Kank, forest, and chace, [co.Stafford], 68, 211, 401, 474, 478, 519, 536........., keeper of, 312. And see Weseham, Thomas de. Cantebrigg. See Cambridge. Canterbury, 8, 9, 63, 98, 100, 104, 264, 284.........., abbey of St. Augustine, 8,43, 44, 63, 461........,, I., mltonks of, 147.........., archbishop of. See Boniface of Savoy; Kilwardby, Robert; Peckham, John........... R., a chbishop of, 152.........., archbishopric of, 5, 23. 219, 460, 470, 481, 482, 532..........,...... houses of, 266..,............ keeper of. See Clifford, Richard de.....,.........., temporalities of, 39.......... archdeacon of, 360. And see Middleton, William de.......... archdeaconry of, 301........, cathedral church of, 23, 39.......... exchange of, keeper of, 532.........., friars minors of, 482, 543........ gaol, 12, 13, 61, 152, 171, 180, 280, 320, 436, 445........,. Jewry of, 263......., justices in eyre at, 297, 532, 566.........., letters close dated at, 8, 31, 92, 301, 345, 444, 529, 532, 563........, mayor of, 63......., official of. See Middleton, William de.........., priory of Christ church, 485, 495, 564, 575. Cantilupo, Cantelupe, Cantelupo, Eustachia wife of Nicholas de, 164.........., George de, tenant in chief, 59, 61, 68, 71, 88, 113-115, 164, 192, 294, 295, 383, 390, 391, 533........, John de, 99, 295........, Margery de, 463. 614 GENERAL INDEX. Cantilupo, Cantelupe, Cantelupo, Milisent sister of George de, 113, 114, 115........... Nicholas de, 164........... Philip de, 127.........., Robert de, 127..........., Master Thomas de, 117, 230, 235, 237................. bishop of H ereford, 268, 299, 360, 408, 458, 460, 462, 463, 490, 497, 498, 499, 504, 505, 511, 513, 528................ justice, 246..........,, precentor of York, 67..........,William de, 192................ son of Nicholas de, 235............., son of William de, 178. Cantin, Nicholas, merchant of Douay, 338. Cantokesheved, Cantokeshevede. See Quantoxhead. Cantuaria, Edmund de, 48........, Hugh son of Ralph de, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Canvill, Sir Robert de, knt, 577. Capbrugg, Walter de, citizen of Winchester, 492. Capel, Geoffrey, 327. Capeles, Richard de, 500. Capella, Albricus de, 307.........., Hugh de, 373.........., John de, 572. See also Chapele. Capella, Richard de, 174, 281. Caperun, Reginald, 248..........., Robert, 175. Caperyngg, Chaperingge, Walter de, 72, 106. Cappe, Alan, 424. Capud Ville, Alan ad, 77. Capye, Henry, clerk, 127. Carampton. See Carhampton. Carball, Michael, 552. Carbonel, John, 6.........., Robert, 428.,........, William son of Ralph, 149. Cardigan, bailiffs of, 410, 426. Cardington, Kerdingon [co. Bedford], 81.......... [co. Salop] Chatwall, Chatewall in, 521. Cardun, Adam, 119........... Herbert son of Richard, 409..,......, Walter, 119. Careswell, William de, knt., 321.......... See also Kareswelle. Caretter, Adam le, 71........... Geoffrey le, 74........., Henry le, 489........... John le, 145.........., Jordan le, 74.......... William le, 20, 488. Carey, Kary [parish of St. Giles-in-theHeath, co. Devon], 47. Cargo, Gargou [par. of Rockeliffe, formerly par. cf Stanwix, co. Cumberland, 200]. Carhampton, Carampton, co. Somerset, 540. Carisy, Richard de, 579. Carleby, Richard de, knt., 461. Carlesmor, Carlesmoore [in Grewelthorpe, parish of Kirkby Malzeard, co. York], 130. Carleton-in-Balne. See Carlton........... Curly. See Carlton, Curliew. Carleton, John de, 485. Carlisle, 109, 503........... bishop of. See Chause, Robert de.........., bishopric of, 543.........., exchequer at, 201........... friars minors of, 479.......... gaol, 400, 445.........., priory of St. Mary, 231. Carlton, Carleton, co. Bedford, 477.......... Curliew, Carleton Curly [co. Leicester], 51........... Carleton [co. Suffolk], 215.........., Carleton-iu-Balne, Karleton-in-Baune [parish of Snaith, co. York], 4, 40. Carlyon, Aaron de, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Carmarthen, Kermerdyn, bailiffs of, 193, 366, 426........... Keremerdyn, priory, 427. Carmel mount, order of friars of, 290, 316, 366, 373, 376. Carnarvon, Kaerinarvon, Wales, 506. Carpenter, Alice wife of Thomas le, 227.........., Elias the, 576........... Gilbert the, 98........... Master Gilbert, the carpenter of Windsor Castle, 34.......... Henry son of John the (le), 467.........., John, the carpenter of D over castle, 178.........., Philip le, 130.........., William le, 71.......... See also Charpenter. Carper, Matilda sister of Walter, 107.........,Walter, 107. Carreu, William de, 432.......... See also Karru. Carrik, Carrig, Matilda wife of Roland de, 196.,...... Patrick de, 132.......... Roland de, 132. Carsewell, co. Bucks, 320. Carslake, Karslake [? par. of Stogumber, co. Somerset], 126. Carter, Martin le fiz le, 130........... William le, 130. Carthusian order, the, 310. Cashel, David, archbishop of, 18, 90, 91, 143. Casmere, John, 529. Caspy, Robert, 79. Cassele, Michael de, merchant of Ypres, 338. Cassingland. See Kessingland. Castel Levynton. See Castle Leavington. Castellione, Margaret de, wife of Peter de Sancto Simphorriano, knt., 381. GENERAL INDEX. 615 Castello, Alan de, 123. Castello, Bartholomew de, 109, 113, 12(, 220, 235, 236, 238,256, 282, 358, 382, 422, 499, 554, 576, 579, 581.............., clerk and citizen of London, 111, 126, 582........., Edward de, goldsmith, 224........... John de, 76........... Nicholas de, 220, 289. Casterton, Cesterton [co. Rutland], Ralph, parson of the church of, chaplain of Edmund the king's brother, 479.........., Great,Brigge Castreton [co.Rutland], 352. Castle Bytham, Great Bytham [co. Lincoln], 246.......... Conyn, Ireland, 546........ Leavington, Castel Levynton [parish of Kirk Leaviugton], co. York, 473.......... Rising. See Rising. Caston. See Coston. Castre, Robert de, knt., 300........... William de, 142. Castro Novo, Peter de, 37, 363. Cat, Stephen le, 243.........., William, 69. Cateby nunnery. See Catesby. Catefeld, Geoffrey de, keeper of the murage of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 546. Cateford, Edmund de, 567. Catehal, John de, clerk, 130. Catel, Simon, 127,......... William, 64. Cateloyne, John de, 349. Catesby, Cateby, Catteby priory [co. Northants], 141, 579. Catesden, Robert de, 489. Cateshull. See Cattishall. Cathal, John de, 358. Cathedral churches in England, 39. Catiller, Katiere, Geoffrey le, 8, 9, 12. Catsash, Cattesasse, hundred [co. Somerset], 80. Catteby priory. See Catesby. Cattesasse. See Catsash. Cattishall Green, Cateshull [parish of Great Barton, co. Suffolk], 388. Catteworth. See Catworth. Catton, Richard de, 224. Catun, William, 490. Catworth, Catteworth [co. Huntingdon], 391. Cauces, Robert le, 247............... son of Robert le, 247. Caulemor. See Calmoor. Caumbes, William de, 416. Caumbray. See Cambrai. Caumpeden. See Chipping Campden. Caumpeden, Albrica, wife of Willlam de, damsel of queen Eleanor, 270. Caumpeleye, Gunnilda de, 468. Caumpiun, John, 78....... - See also Champion, Campion. Cauncy. See Chauncy. Cause, William, bailiff of Lincoln, 538, 539. Causton, William de, 249. Cava, Hugh de, clerk, 541........... Master Roger de, 541, 571, 572. Cave, Geoffrey de, 534.........., Robert de, 370...........,Thomas de, 572. Caveham See Cavenham. Cavendish, Kavenedis [co. Suffolk], 115. Cavenedish, Richard de, 341. Cavenham, Caveham [co. Suffolk], 61. Caversham, Kaveresham [co. Oxford], 260................. letters close dated at, 146-148, 228. Caverswell, Edith wife of Richard de, 526.........., Richard de, 526. Caverwell, Roger de, 387. Cawod, Cawode. See Cawood. Cawode, Cawod, David son of John de, 539, 573..........., Robert son of John de, 573, 574. Cawood, Cawod, Cawode [co. York], 539, 573, 574. Caylly, Ralph, 507. Cayterel, Kaykerel, William, 95. Ceddre. See Cheddar. Ceddre, Alan de, 93. Ceite forest, See Chute. Celario, Benedict son of Isaac de, a Jew of Northampton, 286.........., Isaac son of Isaac de, a Jew of Northampton, 286. Celereresman, Lawrence le, 383. Celestre, John, 352. Celte. See Chute. Cerberge. See Charborough. Cerne abbey, co. Dorset, 47, 313, 421. Cerneye, John de, a monk of Abingdon, 117. Certele, Certeleye. See Chartley. Certesey. See Chertsey. Cesterton. See Chesterton. Ccstre. See Chester. Cestre, William de, 362. Cestrefeld. See Chesterfield. Cestreford. See Chesterford. Cestrehunte, Elizabeth wife of William de,409.........., William de, 409. Cestresham. See Chesham. Cestresire, Cestreshyre, Cestresyre, Nicholas de, 327, 328, 329, 331..........,William de, 77. Cestreton, co. Gloucester [rectius co. Oxford?], 107........... See Chesterton. Cestreton, Adam de, 434, 560..........., Ralph de, 396. Cestreweld forest [co. Essex], 375. 616 GENERAL INDEX. Cestria, Laurence de, rector of the church of Mobberley, 247. Cete, Geoffrey, 302. Ceth, Cett, Ceute, forest. See Chute. Chabenot, Walter, 223. Chaddesley (Corbet), Chaddesleye, co. Worcester, 286. Chaddeworth. See Cheddworth. Chadeston, Isabella de, 262. Chadkeleg'. See Checkley. Chalcombe, Chaucumb [co. Northants], 106. Chalegrave. See Chalgrove. Chalfhunte. See Chalfont. Chalfhunte, Gilbert de, 412. Chalfont, Chalfhunte, co. Bucks, 350. Chalgrove, Chalegrave, co. Oxford, 107. Chalinton, Roger son of Geoffrey de, 210..............., Simon his brother, 210. Chalke [Broad or Bower, co. Wilts], letters close dated at, 451................. John, parson of the church of, 310, 494. Chalton, Chaulton, co. Hants, 313........... See Chawton. Chamber, the king's, 242..............., usher of. See Ubbeston, John de. Chamberlain, the king's. See Columbariis, Matthew de. Chamberlainship, the king's, office of, 486. Chambernon, Joan de, 357. Chambre, La, 136. Chambre, William de la, 68, 577. Chamme, John, 553. Champagne, county of, 492. Champeneys, Charles, 194.........., Geoffrey le, 271. Champion, Constance wife of John, 503........... John, 503.......... See also Caumpiun. Chancellor, the, 226, 268, 487. And see Burnell, Robert; Merton, Walter de. Chancery, 15, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 74, 111, 113, 119, 122, 124, 186, 227, 228, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 244, 248, 249, 252, 253, 255, 301, 306, 313, 321, 325, 326, 332, 336, 339, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 348, 349, 352, 355, 356, 357, 358, 409, 412, 414, 415, 417, 421, 423, 429, 430, 444, 453, 455, 484, 488, 490, 492, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 508, 509, 510, 512, 513, 552, 555, 556, 559, 562, 563, 564, 567, 568, 569, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582.,......, clerks of. See Haninton, W illiam de; Kendale, Hugh de; Kyrkeby, John de; Scardeburgo, Robert de; Wygornia, John de.........., rolls of, 51, 61, 80, 114, 181, 190, 220, 236, 285, 302, 378, 455, 488, 531, 554, 576. Chancery, seal of, 74, 423.........., writ of, 358, 533.......... of Henry III., rolls of, 279, 378. Chancy. See Chauncy. Chanflur, Walter, 175. Channel Islands, bailiff of, 108, 129, 292. And see Johannis, Arnald. Chapele, John de la, 498. See also Capella. Chapeler, John le, 72, 105. Chapeleyn, Henry son of Thomas le, 45........... Hugh le, 105, 161.........., Nicholas le, 157, 557.......... Walter le, 73.........., William le, 416. Chapelizod [co. Dublin], 20. Chapelle, William de la, 149. Chapels, the king's, immunity of, 252. Chapelyn, Richard le, 424. Chaperingge. See Caperyngg. Chaplain, Alan the, 418.........., enry the, 424.........., Ivo the, 332........... Philip the, 222.........., Ralph son of Ralph the, 9.........., Simon the, 145. Chapman, Adam son of Henry le, 10........... Alice wife of Nicholas le, 490........... Nicholas le, 490........... William le, 93. Char, John de, 299. Charborough, Cerberge, Cherberwe, Chereberwe [parish of Morden, co. Dorset], 88, 104, 200. Chardelawe. See Shardlow. Chardelawe, Isolda de, 111. Charetter, Chareter, Charreter, Dionisia wife of Robert le, 455.......... Elias le, 558........... Henry le, 76, 179........... Hugh le, 299.......... Robert le, 455, 471........... Simon le, 264................ son of Hugh le, and Geoffrey his brother, 392.........., Walter le, 320.,........, William le, 164, 320, 568 Charite, John, 128. Chark [parish of Titchfield, co. Hants], 566 * Charles, Charles son of, 113, 241, 294.........., Edward heir of William, 41........... Lady Joan relict of Sir William, 41.........., Robert, 168, 454......... Thomas, 454........... Sir William, 41. Charleton, Cherketon [co. Devon], 47. Charleton, Adam de, 575. Charlton, Cherdinton [parish of Sunbury], co. Middlesex, 98. Charlyngton, William de, 111. Charmel, Matthew de, 64. GENERAL INDEX. 617 Charne, William de, 553. Charnock. See Heath Charnock. Charpenter, Edward le, 557.........., Geoffrey le, 282................ son of Roger le, 62.........., Gilbert son of William le, 214.........., Peter le, merchant of St. Jean d'Angely, 284.........., Richard le, 9, 76, 209, 282.......... Robert le, 64.........., Warin le, 459..........,.... son of Walter le, 11.......... See also Carpenter. Charreter. See Charetter. Charrun, Charroun, Guiscard, Guychard, Guyschard, Gwichard, Gwychard de, 136, 196, 280, 495..............., knt., 249................. sheriff of co. Northumberland, 485........... Matthew de, the king's serjeant, 183. Charsfield, Charsfeud [co. Suffolk], 409. Charter of the Forest. See Forest.......... roll, the, 498, 501, 560. Chartereye, Simon, 27. Chartham, Cherteham, co. Kent, 280. Chartley, Certele, Certeleye [co. Stafford], bailiff of, 210.......... castle, 12, 17, 18, 316.......... constable of. See Lestrange, Roger.........., forest of, 210. Chartres [France], 251, 252. Chartuse in Selewode, priory. See Witham Friary. Chasepool, Chaspel wood [parish of Kinver, co. Stafford], 398. Chastayners, woods of. See Chestnut woods. Chastel, Henry del, 495........., Hugh de, 359........... John de, 494, 495.........., Ranulph del, 62. Chastenere, wood of. See Chestnut woods. Chasteyn, Hugh de, 84. Chastre, William de, 148. Chastreton. See Chesterton. Chat, William son of Thomas le, 76. Chatelok, Thomas, 15. Chatewall. See Chatwall. Chattesworth, Richard de, 353. Chatton [co. Northumberland], 512. Chatwall, Chatewall [par. of Cardington, co. Salop], 521. Chaucer, Henry le, citizen of Norwich, 217........... John le, 20. Chauceye, la, priory [par. of Arundel, co Sussex], 421. Chaucumb. See Chalcombe. Chaucumbe, Chaucumb, Geoffrey de, 127.........., Warin de, 220, 297. Chaulton. See Chalton, Chawton. Chaumberleyn, Chaumberleng, Adam le, 507........... Alice wife of Hamo le, 223.........., Geoffrey le, 329, 398.........., Hamo le, 223........... Hugh le, 495........... James le, 56........... Joan wife of William le, 557.........., Ralph le, a robber, 16.......... Robert le, bailiff of the hundred of Bere, 174......... William le, 462, 557........... Wymar le, parson of the church of Radwinter, 355. Chaumbre, Hamo de la, 454.........., Peter de la, 252........... Ranulph de la, merchant, 74........... Thomas de la, 336. Chaumpaigne, (aampanea, Campina, Peter de, 461................, knt., 233, 541. Chaumpayne, Mabel de, 240................., wife of Robert de, 228. Chaumpeseye priory. See Campsey Ashe. Chaumpvent, Chaumvent, Peter de, 31, 119, 354.......... Uldricus de, 354. Chaunceler, Richard, 552. Chauncy, Cancy, Cauncy, Chancy, Kauncy, Henry de, 253........... brother Joseph de, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, treasurer, 36, 37, 95, 110, 144, 146, 172, 251, 264, 338, 339, 344, 375, 456, 511, 550, 583. Chaundeler, Nicholas le, 11. Chaundos, Robert de, 448................,knt. 569, 580. Chauntemerle, John, 224. Chaunterel, Nicholas, 175. Chauntour, Nicholas le, 82. Chaurces. See Cadurcis, de. Chause, Robert de, bishop of Carlisle, 479, 489. Chauton. See Chawton. Chavent, Peter de, 44. Chawes in Windsor [co. Berks], 446. Chaworth, Chaworces, Chaworcis, Sir Hervey de, knt. 343.........., John de, 470.........., Laurence de, 470........., Thomas de, 375, 470.........., William de, 51. And see Cadurcis, de; Cheworth. Chawton or Chalton, Chaulton, Chauton co. Hants, 203, 309.........., wood of, 397. Chazur, Henry le, 142. Chebbeseye, Peter de, 507. Chebsey [co. Stafford], Cold Norton in, 234. Checchele, See Chicheley. Checkley? Chadkeleg' [co. Chester], 234. 618 GENERAL INDEX. Chedder, Ceddre [co. Somerset], 371. Cheddington, Chetindou, co. Bucks, 45, 464, 510. Cheddworth, Chaddeworth, Thomas de, 530................. chancellor of the exchequer of Dublin, 192...........,...... keeper of the archbishopric of Dublin, 192. Cheese, 270. Cheindut. See Cheyndut. Cheini. See Cheyneye. Cheldesleye. See Shelsley Beauchamp. Chelesham, Richard de, 367, 369. Chelesworth, Peter de, 168. Chelewarton [? Chilly or Tilly Down, parish of Appleshaw, or Cholderton, parish of Amport, co. Hants], 496. Chelewarton, Thomas de, 176, 384, 496. Chelewynton. See Chellington. Chell, Chelle [co. Stafford], 120. Chellington, Chelewynton [co. Bedford], 34. Chelmeresford, John de, 354. Chelmsford, Chelmereford, Chelmeresford, Chelmersford [co. Essex], 35, 526, 567.........., forest of, 377. Chelmund, Adam, 138. Chelsen, Vincent de, 145. Cheltecumbe, Thomas de, 174. Cheltenham, John de, 79.......... See also Chilteham. Cheminage, 107, 278, 289. Chenduit, Chendut. See Cheyndut. Cheney, John de, knt. 510, 511.......... William de, tenant in chief, 35, 36. Chenney, Felicia wife of William de, 215.........., William de, 215, 250. Chenny, Dionisia de, 250. Cheping Norton. See Chipping Norton. Chepstow, Strigoyl, Strugoyl [co. Monmouth], 560, 561, 562. Cherberwe. See Charborough. Cherbury. See Chirbury. Chereberwe. See Charborough. Cherdinton. See Charlton. Cherebury. See Chirbury. Cherford [co. Essex], 420, 422. Cherie, Robert, 99. Cheringg, William de la, clerk, 224. Cherketon. See Charleton. Cherles, Robert, 367. Cherleton, Roger de, 117. Chernok, Thomas de, 426. Cherstok. See Church Stoke. Cherteham. See Chartham. Chertsey, Certesey [co. Surrey], prison at, 435. Chesham, Cestresham [co. Bucks], 550. Chester, Cestre, 2, 45, 162, 196, 234, 241, 274, 297, 314, 325, 359, 372, 388........., abbey of St. Werburgh, St. Wereburga, 2, 210, 402, 537. i Chester, Cestre, brother Alan a monk of, 2........... bishopric of, barony of, 80.........., castle, 141, 196, 314........... chamberlain of, 140........... court of, 52........... earldom of, 286.........., earls of, 402.........., Ranulph earl of, 209.........., exchequer of, 209, 460.........., ferm of, 102.......... friars preachers of, 142.........., justice of, 52, 70, 71, 128, 140, 194, 251. And see Badlesmere, Guncelin de Grey, Reginald de; Ufford, Robert de.........., justiciary of, 543.......... king's demesne lands of, 141................, justices of, 142...........,., treasury of, 140..........., letters close dated at, 209, 210, 398 -400, 402, 403, 426, 429.........., mills of, 406........... priory of, 406. Chester, county of, 52, 210, 212, 215,234, 247, 251, 255, 358, 401, 408, 460, 478.........., escheator in, 67, 209.........., forests in, 402, 477.........., the king's garrison in, captain of. See Bello Campo, William de, earl of Warwick. Chesterfield, Cestrefeld [co. Derby], 333. Chesterford, Cestreford, co. Essex, 475, 560, 561, 562, 564. Chesterton, Cestreton, 425..........., Cestreton, Chastreton, co. Cambridge, 10, 101, 370.......... [co. Stafford], 234.........., co. Warwick, 139, 558. Chestnut woods, Chastenere, Chastayners, the king's wood of [par. of Milton and Newington, co. Kent], 444, 449. Chet, Chete, forest. See Chute. Chetewynd, Chetewind, Adam de, 251, 279................ king's clerk, 316........., John de, knt., 430. Chetindon. See Cheddington. Chetwode, Chetwod, priory [co. Bucks], 143. Cheuton. See Chewton. Chevere, Hamo, 30. Cheveroill, Alexander de, escheator in co. Wilts, 309. Cheveroyll, John de, 309. Cheworth. See Cadurcis, de. Chewton, Cheuton, Chuton, Chyweton [co. Somerset], 551, 552, 566, 573. Cheyndut, Cheindut, Chenduit, Chendut, Stephen, 53, 221, 238, 349, 470..........,. knt., 501................. son of Stephen de, 464. Cheynes, Robert de, keeper of the forest of Braden, 447. GENERAL INDEX. 619 Cheyneye, Cheini, Cheyney, Cheyni, Cheyny, John de, 7, 229, 350.........., Ralph de, knt., 549.........., Robert, de, 136. Chicheley, Checchele, co. Bucks, 455. Chichester, Cycestre, co. Sussex, 567..........., archdeacon of, 85........... bishop of. See Berghestede, Stephen de.........., letters close dated at, 299, 344........... the king's court at, 569. Chicksand, Chiksaund, priory [co. Bedford], 27. Chifele, John de, 116. Chiffard, Emma daughter of Walter de, 312. And see Giffard. Chigehale. See Chignal. Chigewell. See Chigwell. Chigewell, Richard de, 123. Chignal, Chigehale, Chikehale [co. Essex], 82. Chigwell, Chigewell [co. Essex], 82.........., Barrington, Barenton in, 82, 84. Chikehale. See Chignal. Chiksaund. See Chicksand. Child, Richard, 77, 521.........., Robert, 78. Chilfrome, Childefrome [co. Dorset], 24. Chilly Down, co. Hants. See Chelewarton. Chilphurste, William de, 507. Chilteham, Simon de, 571.......... See also Cheltenham. Chilterne, William de, 498. Chilton [co. Berks], 10. Chiminage, 107, 278, 289. Chingford [co. Essex], 420, 422. Chinne, William, 368, 397. Chinnor, Chynovere, Cynnovere [co. Oxford], 225. Chipp, John, Christian chirographer, 2. Chippenham, Cippeham, Cypham, Cypenham, Cyppenham [co. Wilts], 268........, Rowden, Rowendon in, 152...........,..., forest, 268, 480, 536. Chipping, Chippyn, co. Lancaster, 90.......... Campden, Caumpeden [co. Gloucester], 75, 76, 77, 78, 79............, Berrington, Biryton in, 75, 76, 77, 78..............., Westington in, 75, 76, 77, 78.......... Norton, Cheping Norton [co. Oxford], 45. Chippyn. See Chipping. Chirbury, Cherbury, Cherebury, co. Salop, 433, 434.............., Hathewaldeford in, 294................, Marton in, 294........,......, priory, 404. Chirchehull. See Churchill. Chirchehull. See Churchull. Chircheman, William le, 153. Chirchesomerham, 424. Chirell, John, 91........... Nicholas, 91........... Roger, 91. Chirestok, Chyrstok [near Chirbury]. See Church Stoke. Chirfeud. See Sherfield. Chirographers (of the Jews) at London, the, 2........... the Christian, 2. Chishull, Master John de, dean of St. Paul's, London, 39..,............. bishop of London, 120, 187, 360, 515, 516, 564, 565. Chisilhamton, Chyselhampton, Laurence de, 389. Chivelton, Chiuelton, Joan wife of William de, 104........... William de, 104, 224, 316. Chorfin, William, 19. Christian chirographers, the, 2. Christian Malford, Cristemeleford, co. Wilts, 245. Christiana, James brother of John son of, 71........... John son of, 71........... Walter son of, 419. Christleton, Cristelton [co. Chester?], 315, 318. Christofre, William, 328. Church, the English, 197......... of Rome. See Rome. Churchill, Churchull [co. Somerset], 422........... Chirchehull [co. Worcester], 42, 43. Churchull, Chirchehull, Joan daughter of John, de, 422, 423.........., John de, 42, 43.........., Matilda wife of John de, 42. Church Stoke, Cherstok, Chirestok, Chyrstok [co. Montgomery], 433, 448.'......... Stretton [co. Salop], Minton, Muniton in, 294..........., letters close dated at, 475................ Strattondale [co. Salop], vicar of the church of, 475. Churgetta, 64. Chute, Ceite, Cette, Ceth, Cett', Ceute, Chet, Chete, forest [co. Wilts], 96, 267, 388, 391, 438, 453, 482, 485, 486, 525.........., keeper of. See Columbariis, Matthew de.........., Standen in, 153. Chuton. See Chewton. Chyner, William fiz le, 507. Chynovere. See Chinnor. Chyrstok. See Church Stoke. Chyweton. See Chewton. Cicely, Richard son of, 239. Cicestria, Henry de clerk, 307........... Thomas de, clerk, 307. Ciferwast, Cifrewast. See Cyferwast. Cilecestre, John de, 552. Cimiterye, Geoffrey del, 291. 620 GENERAL INDEX. Cinque Ports, the, 19, 152, 251, 270, 412, 470,.......... barons of, 22, 246, 301, 436........... law and custom of, 195........... liberties and free customs of, 301.......... liberty of, 22, 152........., mariners of, 421.........., taxation in, 270.......... warden of, 301, 441,442. And see Pencestre, Stephen de. Cippeham forest. See Chippenham. Cirencester, Cirencestre [co. Gloucester], chancery at, 556.........., letters close dated at, 365, 366, 410......... abbey, 42, 264. Cirencestria, Matilda wife of William de, 116........... William de, 116. Ciriel wood in Savernake forest, 189. Cistercian order. See Ctteaux. Citeaux abbey [France, C6te d'Or] John abbot of, 568, 570......, Imbert lay-brother of, 568.........., order of, 14, 254, 345, 354. Clacton, Claketon [co. Essex], park of, 36. Clafford. See Clatford. Claketon. See Clacton. Clandon, Clendon, co. Surrey, 449. Clanfield, Clanefeld, co. Oxford, 397. Clar', Sir Thomas de, 511. Clarau, Arnald de, the king's serjeant at arms, 423. Clarborough [co. Notts], Welham, Wellom in, 576. Clare, honour of, 80. Clare, Bogo de, 573, 574, 578.........., Gilbert de, 260, 352, 424................ earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 1, 9,34, 80, 83, 119, 153, 167, 191, 207, 216, 220, 274, 284, 338, 344, 359, 360, 405, 406, 428, 435, 445, 462, 474, 489, 490, 491, 494, 496, 499, 501, 504, 505, 555, 567.........., M atilda de, countess of G loucester, 226,256..........., Moses de, 180, 182................ a Jew, 308, 317, 343, 344, 390..........., a Jew of Sudbury, 153.......... son of Moses de, a Jew of Lincoln, 183........... Richard de, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 83........... Robert de, 407.......... Thomas de, 9, 10, 12, 45, 50, 55, 56, 65, 125, 131, 140, 217, 241, 251, 256, 270, 381, 470................, justice of the Bench of Dublin, 304.........,....... steward of the forest of Essex, 178, 187, 200..........,...... steward of the forests between the bridges of Oxford and Stamford, 165. Clareburg, Adam son of Thomas de, 211. Clarel, Master John, 335, 406. Clarendon, co. Wilts, 30, 174, 189, 287........... manor of, the king's well within, 144.............., the queen's chamber within, 144.........., the king's works at, 155, 309, 310, 472, 536.........., letters close dated at, 143, 144, 309, 352, 469.........., forest, 30, 155, 188, 261, 269, 271, 287, 298, 308, 309, 318, 384, 452, 472, 534......,...,...... bailiff of, 524. And see Eddesworth, Stephen de; Russel, John..........,......, keeper of, 27, 143, 144, 269, 309, 363, 384, 394, 536. And see Columbariis, Matthew de; Picheford, Bartholomew de; Russel John................, Melchet wood in, 146, 155...........,.... oaks in, 269................. Winterslow, Wyntreslawe, wood in, 189. Clasthorpe, Claxkesthorpe [par. of Flore], co. Northants, 214. Clastlun, Hugh de, 66. Clatford, Clafford, co. Hants, 190. Claveringg, Robert son of Roger de, 178. Claverley [co. Salop], Gatacre in, 294. Clavill, Mark de, 174..........., William de, 174. Clavyne, John de, 174. Claworth. See Clayworth. Claxeby, John de, 255.........., Robert de, 255. Claxkesthorpe. See Clasthorpe. Clay, Thomas del, 507.........., William de, 453. Claybrook, Claybrooke, Great Claybrok [co. Leicester], 187..........., Bittesby, Buttlebby in, 322.........., Ullesthorpe in, 477. Clayton, 48. Clayworth, Claworth [co. Notts], 576. Clarice, William, 127. Claro Beeco, Robert de, 57. Clelmeresford, John de, 354. Clement, Eustace, 421........., Seman, 414, 416. Clenchwarton, Suthclenwartun [co. Norfolk], 414. Clendon. See Clandon. Clent, co. Stafford, 136, 516.......... [co. Worcester], 36, 38, 425. Cleping, William de, 67. Clerc, Clerk, Adam le, 51, 77, 160, 187, 267.......... Alan le, 394................ son of Miles le, 376.........., Augustine the, 341.........., Christiana wife of Peter le, 412..........., Eilen mother of Roger le, 126.........., Eudo le, 424. GENERAL INDEX. 621 Clerc, Clerk, Felicia daughter of the, 129......,... Geoffrey le, 417, 558.........., Gilbert le, coroner for co. Westmoreland, 86........... Gregory le, 116........... Henry le, 15,146, 149, 183, 283, 291, 343, 357.........,...... the, 79, 158, 159........... Hervey son of Philip le, 508........... Hugh le, 545.........., Isolda daughter of Peter le, 412........... James le, 149.......... Joan wife of John le, 423.........., John le, 20, 51, 96, 98, 231, 423.............. the, 133, 491............. son of John Ie, 280.............. son of Ralph le, baron of the port of Hythe, 301................ son of Richard le, 208.......... Julian le, 71........., Martin le, 149.........., Matilda wife of Richard le, 81........... Nicholas, 42, 179, 556.........., Peter le, citizen of Winchester, 492........... Philip le, 478........, Ralph son of the, 328........... Reginald le, 146................. son of Simon le, 324.........., Richard le, 51, 386, 508, 558, 574................. brother of Adam le, 267........., Robert le, 202, 212, 557, 560................ son of William le, 171.........., Roger le, 212................ the 28................ son of Roger le, 126........... Simon le, 295.............. the, 133.......... Thomas le, 19, 38, 163, 195................ the, 78.........., Walter the, 156........., W illiam le, 126, 240, 489, 557, 558................ the, 75. Clere, Alina wife of Robert de, 455.......... Nicholas de, 491.......... Robert de, 455. Clerevaus, Nicholas de, 352........... Thomas de, 352. Clergy, privilege of, 218, 254, 354, 479, 532. Clerkeston, Stephen de, 478.........., William son of Stephen de, 478. Clesby, Roald de, 66. Cleton, co. Suffolk, 415. Cletlund, Cletloun, Eudo de, 120. Cleveland, Cliveland, Clivelaunde [co. York], 40........... archdeacon of. See Ruffinus. Cleware, Cicely de, nurse of Margaret the king's daughter, 296. Clewer, Clifware, Clyware [co. Berks], 64, 157. Cley, Cleye [co. Norfolk], 414. Cley, William de, 450. Cleybrok, 267. Cleye. See Cley. Cleye, Simon son of Thomas de, 414. Cleyhungre, Sir Henry de, 569.........., Henry son of Henry de, 569.........., Richard de, 569. Cleyle, Robert de, 6, 7. Cleys, Hugh de, 127.,......., Richard son of Adam de, 127. Cliche, John de la, parson of Barningham church, 53. Cliderowe. See Clitheroe. Cliff, Master William de, 246. Cliffe, Clyve [parish of Lewes, co. Sussex], 345. Clifford, Isabella wife of Roger de, the younger, 506, 510, 526..........., John de, 555.........., Master Richard de, 255, 382, 431................., escheator, south of Trent, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 99, 107, 129, 174, 267, 281.........,....... keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury, 5, 266, 470.......... Roger de, 54, 119, 145, 220, 256, 289, 298, 338, 342, 375, 411, 463, 466, 499, 509, 513, 536, 552.......,...... justice of the forest south of Trent, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 19, 29, 30, 36, 38, 64, 68, 79, 96, 106, 143, 146, 168, 188, 189, 191, 204, 207, 208, 211, 213, 220, 259, 266, 279, 289, 298, 299, 300, 303, 317, 364, 367, 368, 373, 375, 376, 388, 394, 395, 398, 404, 406, 434, 436, 448, 451, 452, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 468, 469, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 478, 479, 504, 514, 518, 519, 522, 524, 526, 534, 535, 537, 539, 543, 569, 582, 583..........., justice in eyre for forest pleas in co. Essex, 377, 378, 534, 550................ in co. Oxford, 438................, knt. 251...,.....,....., his wife Contesse, Contissa, Countess of Loretto, 450, 518.......,......,.the elder, 168,210,230, 243,252, 289, 339, 342, 349, 393, 420, 427, 457................ the younger, 349, 461, 506, 510, 525, 543........ Klifford, master William de, 225, 321, 325, 382. <........,....... escheator to Henry III., south of Treut, 394.........,....., keeper of the archbishopric of York, 394. Clifton [co. York], 354........., [parish of Deddington, co. Oxford?] 498. r 622 GENERAL INDEX. Clifton, Adam de, 419.......... John de, 117.........., Robert de, 361. Clifware. See Clewer. Clildefrome. See Chilfrome. Clincton, John de, 331. Clinton, Clynton, John de, 447, 474, 485............,, nephew of John de, 447............ son of Thomas de, 447, 485........... Mazera wife of Thomas de, 485.........., Thomas de, 295, 447, 485. Clipston, Clipstone, Clipeston [co. Notts], 237...............,. the pond of, 80. Clitcham, Walter de, 42. Clith, William de la, clerk, 180. Clitheroe, Cliderowe, Clyderawe, co. Lancaster, 454, 455. Clive, See King's Cliff. Cliveland, Clivelaunde. See Cleveland. Clop, John son of John le, 72, 105. Clophill, Clophull [co. Bedford], 27, 28. Clopton in Karlton, Nicholas de, 223. Cloth, 81..........., assize of, 437, 502. Clotton, Alice wife of Roger de, 165. Cluny abbey [Sa6ne-et-Loire, France], 365, 578. Clyderawe. See Clitheroe.' Clyfe, Ancus, 559. Clyfford. See Clifford. Clynton. See Clinton. Clythe, William de la, 236. Clyve. See Cliffe........, co. Oxford, 190.......... See King's Cliff. Clyve, Peter de la, 465, 497. Clyvo, Peter de, 510. Clyware. See Clewer. Cnapeton, Peter de, 509. Cnarresburg. See Knaresborough. Cnolle, Richard de, 550. Cnolton, Walter de, 306. Cnouston. See Knowstone. Cnout, Agnes wife of Robert, 14. Cnovill. See Knovill. Coatham, Cotum [parish of Kirk Leatham, co. York], 3, 39. Cobbe, Henry, 128.........., Hubert, 130.....,.. Juliana, 494.......... William, 275, 494. Cobbehambiry. See Cobham. Cobeham, Cobbeham, Cobham, John de, 131, 136, 392, 400, 505, 519, 532, 549.............., justice, 52, 202....,........... one of the justices appointed to hear and determine trespasses of money, 527, 529, 565. Cobeham, Cobbeham, Cobham, John de, justice in eyre at the Tower of London, 271................. knt. 821, 498, 499, 580........., Michael baron of the port of Sandwich, 436. Cobham, Cobbehambiry [co. Kent], 462. Cobyn, Cuthbert, 206. Coc, John le, the king's approver in Reading prison, 205. Cocham. See Cookham. Coche, James, 86. Cochull priory. See Cookhill. Cockerham, Kokerhaym [co. Lancaster], Hugh dean of, 428. Cockerington, Cokerington, Kokerington, co, Lincoln, 229, 295. Cockfield, Cokefeld, co. Suffolk, 96. Codagh, Roger, 280. Coddere, Henry le, 111. Coddington, Cotinton [co. Hereford], 405. Codereyo, Bertrand de, clerk, 556. Codesbech. See Cottesbach. Codeslowe, hundred of. See Cottesloe. Cofford [co. Essex], 420, 422. Coffrer, Richard le, 346. Coftone, Richard de, 459. Cogan, John de, 126, 231................, son of John de, tenant in chief, 546. Cogeshal, Alan de, 542. Cogeshale, Ralph de, 51. Cogtha, William de, 182. Coinage, 188, 446, 475, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 527, 530, 531, 532, 542, 544, 565.........., clipped money, 517, 518.........., clipping the king's money, charges of, 530, 531................, Jews charged with, 529.........., dies to be taken into Ireland, 146........... the king's new money, 542........... pleas of trespass of money, 529. Coingners, Roger de, 551......... See also Coygners. Cok, Benedict son of, a Jew of London, 153, 198, 201.........., Henry, 2C8.........., Robert, 138, 410........... William, 100, 247.........., son of Aaron the Jew, 458........... son of Hagin, a Jew of London, 315. Cokeburn, Robert de, 66. Cokefeld. See Cockfield. Cokefeld, John de, 447........... Robert de, 575. Cokefeud, Adam de, 356.......... Henry de, 233. Cokeham, John de, 168. Cokeney, Philip, 553. Coker, co. Somerset, 316..........., East, Est Cokre, co. Somerset, 270. GENERAL INDEX. 623 Coker, Robert le, 436. Cokerington. See Cockerington. Cokermuthe, Simon de, 400. Cokesdich hundred. See Coombsditch. Cokeseye, William de, 243. Cokewalde. See Cuxwold. Cokham, John de, tenant in chief, 160, 164. Cokhelere, Roger le, 307. Cokke, Gilbert brother of William, 512........., William, 512. Cokus, Alice daughter of Roger, 343. Cokyn, William, 135. Colas, Alexander, 329, 330. Colbayn, Roesia wife of Roger, 452........... Roger, 452. Colby, Coleby [par. of Appleby, co. Westmorland], 394. Colchester, Colecestre [co. Essex], 63, 155, 161, 205, 240, 317, 423, 452........... archdeacon of. See Lovel, Fulk.......... abbey of St. John, 63................, Robert abbot of, 115......., gaol, 160, 302........... jewry of, 263,......... liberty of, 427, 452.........., mayor of, 63..........., priory of St. John the Baptist, 159. Cold Norton, Coldenorton, priory [par. of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford], 370..........,Colde Norton [par. of Chebsey, co. Stafford], 234. Cole, Adam, 141..........., Hugh, 175..........., Nicholas, 175.........., Ralph, 450........... R obert, 54. Coleby. See Colby. Colecestre. See Colchester. Colecestre Walter de, 423. Colecestria, John de, keeper of the hospital of the Innocents without Lincoln, 86. Colecote [cQ. Northants?], 438. Coleham, letters close dated at, 335. Coleham, John de, justice to deliver Newgate gaol, 218. Colelegh [co. Devon], 54. Coleman, John son of William, 240. Colemandale. See Commendale. Cole Orton, Colerton [co. Leicester?], 428. Colerne, Ralph de, 450. Colerton. See Cole Orton. Coleshasel, Coleshesel, William de, 352, 494. Coleshill, Coleshull, co. Warwick, 295. Coleshull, Christiana daughter of Robert de, 204........... Richard de, sheriff and escheator of co. Dorset, 281.............,, sheriff of co. Somerset, 354. Colesworth, Colewerkh, Richard de, 420, 422. Colevill [co. Devon], 126. Colevill, Edmund de, 352........., Henry de, 352.........., Philip de, 352, 427.........., Robert de, 23.........., Roger de, 215, 415............... s h e r i f f o f c o s. N o r f o l k a n d Suffolk, 457................ son of Roger de, 356.........., Walter de, 227, 229.........., William de, 23, 248. Colewell Chace. See Colwall. Colewell, Ralph, son of Philip de, 120. Colewerkh, Richard de, 422. Colewik. See Colwick. Colewik, William de, 463, 538. Coleworth. See Culworth. Coleworth, Colewrth, Erneburga, wife of Richard de, 252........... Hugh de, 34, 49, 289, 339, 343, 416.........., Richard de, 252.........., Robert de, 223................ son of Ralph de, 223. Colintone, Philip de, 248. Colle, Robert, 127. Colleston, Ralph de, 367. Collishil, Richard de, 541. Collum, Saer de, 440. Colne priory [co. Essex], 63. Colne, Stephen de, 104. Coluerthe, John de, 129. Columbariis, Matthew de, 99, 251, 485, 488, 560................, the king's butler, 204, 492, 517................, t h e k i n g ' s c h a m b e r l a i n, 4 7 4, 528........,......,, keeper of the forest of Chute, 267, 388, 391, 438, 453, 482, 486..............,....., and Durley forests, 525......,,,.. k e e p e r o f t h e f o r e s t o f C l a r e n - don, 261................, taker of the king's wines at Sandwich, 526, 539.........., Michael de, 44........... Philip de, son of Philip de, 101. Columbayn, John, 430. Columbers, bailiwick of, 492. Columbers, John de, knt. 580........... Walter de, 507.........., William le, 431. Columtun. See Cullompton. Colwall, Colewell Chace [co. Hereford], 490. Colwick, Colewik, co. Notts, 538.......... park [co. Notts],;463. Coly, Adam, 48. Combe, abbey of St. Mary [co. Warwick], 558.......... Est. See Coombe. Combermere, Cumbermere, abbey [par. of Acton, co. Cheshire], 146. Comin, see Comyn. Cominton, co. Warwick, 284. 624 6GENERAL INDEX. Common Bench. See Bench. Commendale, Colemandale, Colemendale [par. of Danby-in-Cleveland], co. York, 3, 40. Compton, Cumpton, co. Wilts, 87, 266.........., Long, Great Compton, Cumpton [co. Warwick], 331.........,....... Cumpton in Hennemersch [co. Warwick?], 517................ Great Compton, letters close dated at, 271, 331. Comyn, Comin, Alexander, 429, 430, 552................, earl of Buchan, B ochan, Bouchan, Bouhan, 126, 136, 138, 171, 225, 228, 236, 553........... Elizabeth countess of Buchan, wife of Alexander, earl of Buchan, 126, 136, 138, 171, 225, 228, 236, 429, 430, 552, 553.......... John, 168, 419........., William, 172................, le, 67. Comynton, co. Warwick, 302. Conan, Gilbert, 238. Conches, Conche, abbey [Normandy, Eure], Ralph abbot of, 489. Condovere, Conedevere. See Candovere. Conethelegh. See Cononley. Conestable, Henry le, 247, 494. Conewardesley. See Conwardsley. Confleto, brother Haymo de, the pope's chaplain, 424. Congiston, Simon de, 160.........., Thomas de, 160. Coningesheved priory. See Conishead. Coningeston, Henry de, 64. Coningote, Walter de, 77. Conington [co. Northumberland?], 358. Conishead, Coningesheved, Konigesheved, priory [co. Lancaster], 4, 40. Connaught, king of, 177. Conne, Lawrence son of, 133. Cononley, Conethelegh, co. York, 377. Conrey, Gilbert, 60. Constantine, William son of Ralph son of, 296. Contino, Ernald Jon de, 359. Contissa, countess of Loretto, wife of Roger de Clifford, 450. Conventre. See Coventry. Convers, John le, serjeant to Henry III., 18................, son of Roger lc, 380..........., Nicholas le, 107........... R o g er le, 4 1 7. Converssun, Nicholas, 123. Conwardsley Grange, Conewardesley, Cunewardesleye [par. of Whitegate, co. Chester], 292, 342. Conway, Aberconwy, abbey [co. Carnarvon], 506. Conyton, William de, clerk, 473. Cook, the king's. See Saundon, Walter de; Wade, Henry. Cook, Gerard the, 133........... Ralph the, 328.........., Master Robert the, 488........, Sabina wife of Ralph the, 328........... William the, 328. Cookam, Cocham [co. Berks], 264, 364. Cookhill, Cochull, priory [par. of Inkberrow, [co. Worcester], 312. Coombe, Cumbes [par. of Wotton-underEdge, co. Gloucester], 67........... Est Combe [par. of Croydon, co. Surrey], 449 Coombsditch? Cokesdich Hundred [co. Dorset], 174. Cope, John, 367. Copehod, John, 74. Copinus, son of Lumbard, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Coplaund, Richard de, 542.......... Joan, wife of Richard de, 542. Copmanford, co. Cambridge, 160. Copmanford, Christiana, 160.........., Hawisia daughter of Christiana, 160. Coppittehirst in Dilwort, Adam del, 524. Coppyn, Walter, 96.........., W arin, 96. Copster, Richard, 74. Copyn, Blakeman son of Jacob, 271...,....., Jacob, a Jew of Exeter, 347. Copynus son of Bonavita, a Jew, 260. Corbet, Avelina wife of Edmund, 235.........., Geoffrey, 551, 566.........., Margery wife of Nicholas, 82, 84.........., Nicholas, 81, 82, 84, 235, 422........... Peter, 235, 374, 543................ son of Thomas, 141.........., Thomas, 141, 340, 374........... William, 235. Corbrige, Isabella daughter of Alan son of Martin de, 443. Corbyn, John, 320........... Philip, 295, 384. Corbyset, John de, 267. Cordewaner, Cordwaner, Master Henry le, 72, 105, 127, 128........... William le, 508. Coreer, Nicholas le, 123. Corfe, Corf [co. Dorset], 140.......... chace [co. Dorset], 310........................, the king's warren of, 175.......... castle, 266................., constable of. See Plogenet, Alan de; Rabayn, Elias de. Coringehal wood [near Hallingbury, co. Essex], 514. Cork, Ireland, 277. Corleye, William de, 505. GENERAL INDEX. 625 Corn, 5, 20, 25, 27, 35, 45, 97, 108, 109, 147, 177, 179, 186, 188, 192, 196, 208, 210, 211, 214, 229, 233, 248, 264, 287, 292, 302, 314, 322, 323, 326, 346, 362, 366, 372, 381, 386, 399, 404, 410, 432, 439, 464, 465, 472, 476, 483, 492, 516, 517, 528, 561, 568, 569, 573.......... price of, 573. Cornage, 134, 135. Cornbury, Cornbiry, Cornebiry wood in Wychwood forest [co. Oxford], 447, 521. Corndon, William de, 175. Cornebiry wood. See Cornbury. Cornera, Master William de, 39. Corneu, Walter, 308. Cornewayll, Sir Richard de, 508. Corneworthy. See Cornworth. Cornhull, Elias de, a Jew, 318.........., Robert son of Robert de, 113.........., Stephen de, 235, 247, 248, 250, 337, 355, 356, 357, 361, 422, 568, 570, 578, 580................. citizen of London, 255, 492, 497.....,...., Thomas de, 341. Cornu, Joan wife of Robert Ie, 64. Cornubia, William de, a monk of Beaulieu, 116. Cornur, Ralph le, 208. Cornwalays, Walter le, 122................, citizen of London, 90. Cornwall, county of, 1, 196, 205, 229, 242, 250, 251, 524........... earl of. See Edmund........... assizes in, 135.........., justices in, 52........,..... of assize in, 471........... sheriff of, 90, 96, 224, 250, 276, 292, 305, 383, 434, 444, 450, 522........, his county court, 224........... sub-escheator in. See Warthewik, Robert de........... Beatrice wife of Richard earl of, 116. Cornworth, Corneworthy, co. Devon, 115. Coronation, the king's. See Edward I. Coroner, William the, 431. Coroners, 209, 533..........., orders to elect, 12, 18, 21, 26, 32, 86, 89, 146, 152, 157, 171, 214, 272, 276, 307, 374, 381, 405, 434, 480, 515, 520. Coronton [co. Kent], 29. Coroun, Corune, Hugh de, tenant in chief, and Lucy his wife, 408. Corouner, William le, 576. Corpel, John, 374. Corri. See Corry. Corringham, Coryngham [co. Lincoln], 511.........., Yawthorpe, Yolthorp in, 511. Corrodies, 562. Corry, Corr, Walter de, 134, 138, 196, 509. Corston, Adam de, 174.........., Bartholomew de, 146. u 96998. Cort, John, 385, 498. Corteney. See Curtenay. Cortfaun, Walter de, 51. Cortlingestok, Geoffrey de, 90. Corune. See Coroun. Corwen, Corwenn, John de, 66. Coryngham. See Corringham. Cosecote wapentake. See Goscote. Cosemere, Stephen de, 409. Cosgrove, Covesgrave [co. Northants], 324. Cosin, Robert, 35.......... See also Cosyn. Costard, Richard, 438. Costello. See Castello. Costentyn, Costentin, Geoffrey, 54, 119. Coston, 136.........., Caston, co. Leicester, 373. Coston, Andrew de, 373........... Gregory de, 219.........., Stephen de, 509. Costyn, John, 414. Cosyn, Peter, 123.....,...., Thomas, 175.......... See also Cosin. Cote, Adam, son of Simon de la, 148. Cotele, Elias, 251, 425........... knt., 352. Cotemay, John, 327, 328, 329, 330. Cotene. See Coton. Cotene, Stephen de, 164. Cotenham, Henry de, 53. Coterel, James de, 223, 224. Cotes. See Coton. Cotes, Agatha daughter of John de, 85.......... Edelina de, 85.........., Henry de, 78................ and Simon, brothers of John de, 85.........., Lettice de, 78.......... William de, 78. Cotesbrok. See Cottesbrook. Coteseye, co. Northants, 350. Cotesford, Robert de, 195. Cotherstok. See Cotterstock. Cothishale, Reginald de, 139. Cotiler, Oliver le, 72. Cotillier, Gerard le, 374........... John le, the king's serjeant, 374. Cotinton. See Coddington. Cotisbache. See Cottesbach. Coton, Cotene, co. Leicester, 160...........,....., co. Northants, 339.........., Cotes [par. of Ravensthorpe, co. Northants], 471. Ccttere, John, 529. Cotterstock, Cotherstok [co. Northants], mills of, 112. Cottesbach, Codesbech, Cotisbache [co, Leicester], 139, 322, 323. 626 GENERAL INDEX. Cottesbrook, Cotesbrok, co. Northants, 264. Cottesloe, Codeslowe, hundred of [co. Bucks], 218. Cotum, 178......... See Coatham. Cotum, Ralph de, 358. Cotun, John de, 200.........., Ralph de, 44, 151.........., William, 35. Cotus, Ralph, 330. Couele. See Cowley. Coueleston. See Coulston. Coulayn, Adam, 87. Coulston, Coueleston, co. Wilts, 208. Coulyng, John. 552. Coumton, Robert de, 477. Council, the king's, 518. 521................ magnates of, 360. County courts, 25. Coupeland, Adam de, 507..........., Roger de, 207. Couper, Ralph le, 74.........., William son of Robert le, 229. Coupere, Adam le, 62, 162..........., R ich ard le, 2 0 9..........., W illiam le, 162. Court, Christian, pleas in, 243.........., the king's, 52, 55, 409. Court, Alice, 80. Couwe, See Cowe. Covehal, William de, 13. Coveham, Gilbert de, 367, 369. Coventon, John son of Robert de, 64. Coventreia, Henry de, 122................. citizen of London, 385...........,, sheriff of London, 114. Coventria, Coventre, John de, 66, 500. Coventry, Coventre, Conventre, co. Warwick, 15, 107, 215, 502.......... archdeacon of. See Kirkeby, John de........... priory, 410.......... and Lichfield, bishop of. See Longespee or de Meulan, Roger........... d io ce se o f, 2 5 4. Covesgrave. See Cosgrove. Covyntreia, Ralph de, 127. Cowarne [co. Hereford], letters close dated at, 474. Cowe, Couwe, Joan wife of John de, 47............,, J ohn de, 47, 252. Coweye, Florence wife of John de, 567. Cowley, Couele [co. Oxford?], 555. Coxford [par. of East Rudham, co. Norfolk], letters close dated at, 374..........., Tokesford, priory [par. of East Rudham, co. Norfolk], 238. Coxwold [co. York], Oulston, Ulveston in, 402. Coygners, Adam de, 313.........., Alice de, 313.......... See also Coingners. Crabbe, Warin, 175. Craddoc, Roger, 62. Craddok, Robert, 387. Cradley, Cradele [parish of Halesowen, co. Worcester], 36, 38. Craft, manor of, 347, 348. Craglond, in Skelton [co. Cumberland], 132. Cragscale, William de, 356. Cramare, Andrew le, 202. Cramburn, Adam son of Adam de, 369. Crandon. See Crendon. Crane, Adam, 138.........., Andrew, 138........... Edmund, 138.........., Robert le, 206. Craneburn, Henry de, 72, 105. Cranefeude, Stephen de, nephew of the bishop of Lincoln, 376. Craneford. See Cranford.......... See Cransford. Cranemere. See Cranmore. Cranemere, Adam de, 160. Cranford, Craneford [co. Middlesex?], 496................ Nco orthants, 276, 534. Cranham, Richard de, 118. Cranley, Cranle [co. Surrey], 479. Cranmore, Cranemere, co. Somerset, 245. Cransford, Craneford, co. Suffolk, 80. Craon (Credonio), lord of. See Credonio, Maurice de. Cras, John le, 72.........., Richard le, 134. Craspays, William, 508. Crasseus. See Cresseus. Cratte, Geoffrey, 415. Craucumbe, Godfrey de, 108. Craule. See Crowle. Crauncewyk, John de, 130. Craunford, Robert de, 174. Craven, Richard de, 113. Crawedene. See Croydon. Crawley Down [co. Sussex], Turner's Hill, Tornham? in, 415. Craye. See Creye. Craystok, Sir William son of, Thomas de, 4 9 1. Credonio, Crohun, Croun, Grohun, Maurice de, 96, 212, 221, 281, 324.........,....... lord of Craon (Credcnio), 502.........., the king's kinsman, 209, 244. Crek, Geoffrey de, 328. Crekkelad, John de, chaplain of Boxford, 463. Crendene, Crenden, Andrew de, 93, 94. Crendon (Long), Crandon, co. Bucks, 190, 395. Crenham, Mabel wife of Roger de, 372. GENERAL INDEX. 627 Crepping, Crepping', Hugh de, 119.........., Richard de, 243, 540............,... sheriff of co. Westmoreland, 381................ sheriff of cos. Cumberland and Westmoreland, 543........., Simon de, 226, 251, 349. Crescy, Roger de, knt., 512. Creseke, Robert de, 37. Cresk. See Marske. Crespyn, Aaron, 140................, a Jew of London, 180, 362, 396, 458. Cressebien, Cresseben, Richard, 174, 494. Cresseus, Crasseus, Jew of London, 43....,...... son of Master Elias, a Jew of London, 306, 343, 344.......... son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, 43, 297.........., son of Sampson, a Jew of London, 293.........., Cok Hagyn, son of a Jew of London, 43. Cressewell. See Creswell. Cressing, Little Cressing [co. Essex], 6. Cressingham, Hugh de, 13, 45. Cresteyn, Cresteyno, abbey. See Grestein. Creswell, Cressewell [parish of Woodhorn, co. Northumberland], 130. Creting, Kreting, Adam de, 427, 441, 573, 577, 581, 582................, knt., 497, 564. Crenbere, John de, 552. Crevequer, Sir Robert de, 498, 499. Creye, Craye, Crey, Kraye, Kreye, Simon de, 147, 190, 222, 290, 359................ constable of Rochester Castle, 16, 81, 194. Creystok, John son of William, son of Thomas de, 249........., William son of Thomas de, 248, 249, 498. Crickelade, William de, 374. Criel. See Crioll. Criketot, William de, 121. Crikkelade, Krikelade, Lumbard, Lumbardus de, 458............... the king's Jew of Oxford, 9, 10. Crioll, Criel, Crioll, Crioill, Cryoll, Cryul, Kirioll, Margery de, 379, 456........., Nicholaa, Margery, and Beatrice, sisters of Nicholas de, 92.......... Nicholas de, 80, 258...........,, tenant in chief, 23, 92, 376, 379, 456. Crisp, Ralph, 374........., Richard, 409. Crispe, John, 449. Crispini, Dencanus, a Jew of York, 386. Crispyn, Deudone, the king's Jew of York, 185.......... See also Cryspyn. Cristelton. See Christleton. Cristemeleford. See Christian Malford. Cristemesse, Nicholas, 529.........., Thomas, 529.......... William, 529. Crobbe, Robert, 334. Croclyn, mill of, in Unthank [parish of Skelton, co. Cumberland], 133. Crofte, Dionysia de, 560. Crofton [co. Hants], Stubbington, Stubinton in, 355. Crohun. See Credonio. Croisere, Emma la, 75. Croiz, Geoffrey de la, chaplain, 463.........., Richard, son of Peter de la, 507. Crok, Henry, 325.........., Hugh, 73........... Michael, 478................ le, merchant of Ypres, 338.........., Roger, 358, 572.........., Simon, 510.........., Thomas, 433, 510. Crokere, Richard le, 10. Crokesford, Ralph son of Richard de, 435. Cromelyn, Ireland. See Crumlin. Crondon, Crundon, Park [near Butsbury], co. Essex, 187. Cropperi, John de, 413. Cros, Thomas, 123. Croshampton, John de, 163. Crossan, Hugh, 133. Crossbows, 6, 316.........., the king's, Henry the fletcher of, 26........... quarells for, 373. Crostwiz [in Weeley], co. Essex, 470. Croun. See Credonio de. Crowe, Ralph, 35.........., Simon, 429, 431. Crowenne, Emery, 160. Crowle, Craule [co. Worcester?] 353. Croxton, letters close dated at, 332.......... abbey [co. Leicester], 500. Croxton, Richard de, 427............... son of Robert de, 247. Croyde, Crude [par. of Georgeham, co. Devon?], 326. Croydon, Crawedene [co. Cambridge?], 124.......... [co. Surrey], letters close dated at, 96. Croyland, Croylaund, abbey [co. Lincoln], 117. Croyleffeld, Geoffrey de, 479. Croyz, Croyze, Alice atte, 210.......... John de la, 291, 358. Cruce, Henry de, 218.........., John de, 78.........., Robert de, 78.......... Roesie, Bonenfaunt de, a Jew of London, 384. RR 2 628 GENERAL INDEX. Crudde, Simon, 468. Crude. See Croyde. Cruel, Peter, 175. Crues, Agnes de, 253.........., Hugh de, 520. Cruiz, Alan de la, 356. Crul, William, 175. Crumberd, Peter, 492. Crumbewell, Crumbwell, Crumbewelle, Margaret wife of Ralph de, 57, 75........... Ralph de, 30, 75, 427. Crumlin, Cromelyn [co. Dublin], 520. Crundon. See Crondon. Crust, Adam, 282..........., Matthew, 9, 41. Crwbert, Mabel, 77. Cryketot. See Criketot, Kirketot. Cryoll. See Crioll. Cryps, Richard, 149. Cryspyn, Aaron, 391.......... See also Crispin. Cryul. See Crioll. Cubberly, Cuberleye [co. Gloucester], 193. Cucmey, Walter, 271. Cuddington, letters close dated at, 55, 64, 85. Cudel, Edmund, baron of Sandwich, 22. Cudesford, Richard de, 64. Cudredeslowe, Roger de, 294. Cugeho, Cugenho, Cugenhou, Cuggeho, Cukeho, Gugehou, Gukehou, Kugeho, Kuggeho, Kugenho, Amice, wife of Nicholas de, 233.........., Eleanor daughter of Nicholas de, 372........., Nicholas de, 87, 165, 233, 251, 276, 286, 321, 337, 369, 370, 372, 522, 539, 560.............., knt., 113, 430............... steward of the forest of Brigstoke, 460................ son of Nicholas de, 165....................., scholar of Oxford, 184.......... William de, knt., 559. Cugnac, Cunhac, castle [in Sainte-Sabine, arrond. of Bergerac, Perigord (Dordogne)], 425. Cukeho. See Cugeho. Cukeman, Robert, 9. Culbel, Alice daughter of Peter, 103.........., Edith wife of Peter, 103..........., Peter, 103. Culche, John, 127. Culfho. See Culpho. Culkadan, Meuric de, 213. Culle, Robert, 94. Culleman, Roger, 75. Cullompton, Columtun, co. Devon, 347. Cully, Culy, Ralph de, 364, 365. Culpho, Culfho [co. Suffolk], 439. Culworth, Coleworth, co. Northants, 223, 252, 438. Culy. See Cully. Cumb, Alexander de la, 175.......... John de, 66. Cumbe Coffyn, co. Devon, 316. Cumbe, Elias de, 534.........., Isabella wife of William de, 67.......... Henry de la, 24.........., Roger de, 502. Cumberland, county of, 109, 205, 239, 251, 312, 479, 504, 509, 524, 532................ assizes in, 136................. coroners for, 480................ justices in eyre in, 479, 504, 515, 532, 544................, sheriff of, 22, 26, 109, 249, 281, 312, 383, 394, 400, 418, 423, 445, 449, 477, 480, 494, 503, 517, 532, 540, 543. And see Creppingg, Richard de; Hampton, Robert de; Swinburn, John de................, escheator in, 383, 400. Cumberlaund, Cumbreland, Andrew de, 250, 331. Cumbermere. See Combermere. Cumbes. See Coombe. Cumbreland. See Cumberlaund. Cumpton, 172, 428........... Great. See Compton, Long.......... in Hennemersch. See Compton, Long.......... Pagani, co. Somerset, 384........... See Compton. Cumpton, John de, 272........... Nicholas de, 240. Cumpynne, Agnes wife of Richard, 201........., R ichard, 201. Cumton, 428. Cunewardesleye. See Conwardsley. Cunhac castle. See Cugnac. Cunyng. See Oving. Cupere, Adam son of Hugh le, 62.........., William le, 157. Cuperer, Geoffrey le, 525. Cuppefaud [co. Essex], 82. Cur', Gilbert de, burgess of Ghent, 194, 199. Curcefalur, Henry, 230. Curcun. See Curzun. Curcy, William, and Richard his brother, 377. Curde, Nicholas, 69.........., William, 69. Cure, John, 9.........., Thomas, 9. Curtenay, Curteney, Corteney, Hugh de, 203..............., son of John de, 340.........., Isabella de, 368................. wife of John de, tenant in chief, 89.........., Master Nicholas de, 567..........,....., clerk of Henry III., 18. Curteys, John, 9; 136. *....... Richard, 28, 450. GENERAL INDEX. 629 Curton, Walter, 25. Curzun, Curcun, Eustace, 520.,........, Walter de, 13, 45. Customs, 141, 305, 375, 376, 441, 442, 532, 534. Custresse, Margery la, 28. Cutego forest, Gascony, 308. Cutellus, 64. Cutherstok, Henry de, 236. Cutteler, Oliver le, 105. Culto, Robert, 78. Cuver, Robert le, 194. Cuxwold, Cokewalde [co. Lincoln], 309. Cuyt, Robert, 69. Cycestre. See Chicester. Cycestre, Richard de, a monk of Newenham, 495. Cyfrewast, Ciferwast, Cifrewast. See Sifrewast. Cyfrewath. See Sifrewast. Cyfrowaste. See Sifrewast. Cynnovere. See Chinnor. Cypenham, Cypham forest. See Chippenham. D. Dachet, John, 47. Dachete. See Datchet. Dacre, Ranulph de, 498, 566..............., one of the justices appointed to hear and determine trespasses of money, 527. Dagenham [co. Essex], 83. Dalby, Dauby, Little [co. Leicester], 231. Dale [co. Pembroke], Skokholm, Stokholm, island in, 193. Dale, Elias de, 194.........., John, 246, 335........... William de la, 508. Daleby, Robert de, 75. Dalerun, Roger, 128.........., Walter, 128. Dallington, Daylington, co. Northants, 195. Daly, Richard, 170. Daikin, a Jew of Stamford, 297. Damyen, John, 335. Damyot, Robert, 127. Danaysyn, Margery wife of Peter, 242.........., Matthew, 242. Danby, Denebi [co. York], 249.......... in Cleveland, Daneby [co. York], 3, 4................ forest of, 3, 4, 40.............., Commondale, Colemandale, Colemendale in, 3, 40................ la Dinant in, 3..............., Estbrun near, 3.......... in Cleveland, Gren la in, 3................. Hale in, 3. Danby in Cleveland, Hardale in, 3, 40............... Lealholm, Lelham, Lelholm in, 4, 40................ Locwit near, 40................. Manselenges, Manselinges in, 4, 40..............., Wervelsco in, 40................ Wivedale, Wolvedale in, 4, 40.........., Little. See Dalby. Dancereslond in Skelton [co. Cumberland], 132. Danchard, Hugh, 358. Dande, Thomas son of, 133. Daneby. See Danby in Cleveland. Danet, Roesia, 77. Dangerus, William, 403. Dani, Ireland, 125. Daniel, Cicely wife of John, 61. Daniel, Elias, 175.........., John, 61, 229, 252........... Robert, 157........... Roger, 75.........., W alter, 519......... William, 79. Danlak, Simon, 75. Danne, Walter, 128. Danvers, Thomas, 355. Darayns, William, 385. Darcy. See Arcy, de. Darel, William, 17..........., Master William, 231. Darley, Derley, abbey [co. Derby], 127. Darnhall, Dernhal, Dernhale, abbey [par. of Over, co. Chester], 140, 220, 254, 292, 297, 320, 342....... )........ John, abbot of, 254, 255. Dartford, Derteford [co. Kent], 29. Dartmouth, Dertemuth, co. Devon, 22, 115. Dase, Walter, 507. Datchet, Dachete [co. Bucks ], the king's ferry at, 446. Daubef, Roger, constable of Sauvey castle, 318. Daubeny. See Albiniaco. Dauber, Payn le, 156. Daue, William, 76. Daumblyt, William, 239. Daventre, Julia de, 164. Daventry, Davaytre, priory [co. Northants], 328. David, Henry, 227.......... John, 50.........., Richard son of, 37........... Roger, 174........... Walter, 97........... William son of, 330........., son of Ennyaun, 506.......... son of Griffin, 266,317, 401, 428, 476, 478................. prince of Wales, 49!. 630 GENERAL INDEX. David, son of Griffin brother of Llewelyn prince of Wales, 506................ Elizabeth wife of, 461, 476, 481, 491........, uncle of Roderic son of Griffi n, 506. Davy, Hugh, 237.........,Nicholas, 273........... Robert, 77........... Walter, 141. Davyntre, John son of Philip de, 329. Dawe, John, 78.......... Ralph, 566. Daye, Edith la, 77.......... John le, 75. Daylinton. See Dallington. Dean, Den, Dene, forest, co. Gloucester, 106, 170, 208, 220, 258, 278, 304, 397, 398, 438, 453, 466, 472, 474, 479, 481, 528, 533, 535, 536, 543, 569.................. Bridwode in, 311..........,...... Hope Mansel, Hopemaloysel in, 311................ keeper of, 316, 403, 526. And see Waleraund, Robert.........., Den, co. Hants, 123, 124.......... East, Esden, co. Sussex, 568.........., West, Westden, co. Wilts, 235. Deddington? [co. Oxford], Clifton in, 498. Dedham, Diham [co. Essex], 375. Dedeleye, Robert de, 14. Deer, 5. De etate probanda, writ of, 583. Dekeston, Alice daughter of Robert de, 473........... Robert de, 473. Dekne, Benedict de, 205.......... Cicely wife of Benedict de, 205. Delamere, La Mare, forest, co. Chester, 210, 308, 317, 399, 402, 536. Delawyle, Walter, bishop of Salisbury, 20. Dele, Gamaliel, 164. Delvedon, Simon de, 436. Delvenden, Geoffrey de, 436. Delvendon, Thuberus de, 436. Den. See Dean.........., forest, See Dean. Denardescumbe, Geoffrey de, 24. Dene, forest. See Dean. Dene, Emma wife of John, son of Richard de, 121.........., John le, 80, 520............... son of Richard de, 121.......... Nicholas le, 130.........., Thomas son of William de, 33, 145..........., W illiam, 179................. de, j usticiary of Ireland, 240................, de la, 9, 41............., son of Adam del, 454, 455. Deneys, Richard de, 13.........., William le, 45. Denebi. See Danby. Deneby, 248. Deneby, John de, 146. Deneverr', Estmund son of Reimbald de, 100. Denham, co. Suffolk, 576. Denham, John de, 60, 62. Denigton, John de, 206. Deniton. See Denton. Denne, Walter, 247. Denny, Dunye in Munestreworth [par. of Minsterworth, co. Gloucester], 356. Denton, 425.........., Deniton, co, Kent, 523........... Upper [co. Cumberland], Gilsland, Gillesland in, 509. Deny, Hugh, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482. Denys, John, 483, 566. Deodands, 209, 398, 399, 401, 533.........., grant of, 515. De odio et atya, writ of, 203. Deopham, Depham, co. Norfolk, 274. Depegate, William de, 243. Depeham, Agnes wife of Matthew de, 452. Depham. See Deopham. Derby, 106. Derby, county of, 110, 120, 205, 233, 235, 251, 408, 424, 427, 486, 487, 512, 550, 558, 563, 572............, assizes in, 136.............., ferm of, 484................, honour of, 486................ sheriff of, 22, 106, 146, 152, 218, 306, 426, 450, 484, 572. Arid see Lovetot, Roger de........... countess of. See Ferrariis, Margaret de; Ferrariis, Sibyl de. Derby, brother Ralph de, a monk of Bermondsey, 44.........., Richard de, chaplain, 228................ clerk, 127. Dereham, Derham [co. Norfolk], letters close dated at, 373.........., prison at, 319. Derleg', Robert de, 235. Derley, Cicely wife of Robert de, tenant in chief, 308, 313, 407........... Margery wife of Philip de, tenant in chief, 195........... Robert de, 387. Derham. See Dyrham. Derilot, Ellen daughter of Stephen, 209........... Stephen, 209.........., Thomas son of Stephen, 209. Derley abbey. See Darley.......... forest. See Durley. Derlington, brother John de, 39................ of the order of preachers, archbishop elect of Dublin, 528, 563. Derlinton, John de, 492. Dernate, Amice, 100. Derueford. See Durnford. GENERAL INDEX. 631 Derneford. See Durnford. Dernegate, Henry de, 128. Dernhale, Dernhal, abbey. See Darnhall. Derteford. See Dartford. Derteford, Simon de, rector of the church of Witham, 515. Dertemuth. See Dartmouth. Desmond [cos. Cork and Kerry], Ireland, 240, 439.........., the king's army against the Irish in, 240. Despense, Nicholas de la, 552. Despenser, Despencer, Adam, 421................ le, 119, 341, 554, 560.........., Eleanor, countess of Winchester, 50.........., Geoffrey le, 110.........., Joan dauhter of Hugh le, 41.............. wife of John le, 187.........., John le, 46, 56, 64, 76, 110, 119................ tenant in chief, 187........... Robert son of William le, 10.........., W alter le, 77........... William le, 110, 409. Det, William, 76. Detaiutus, merchant and citizen of London, 408........... See also Dietaiutus. Deudone, Deudoney, a Jew of Winchester, 259, 439. Deulacres, Abraham and Benedict sons of, Jews of London, 317........... Benedict son of, a Jew of London, 168........... Haginus son of, a Jew of London, 167. Deuleneye, Henry, 123. Deuport, Ameneus, merchant, 305. Deure, William, 153. Devereux, Deverus, Evereus, de, William, 228, 512, 565. Devizes, Devises [co. Wilts], letters close dated at, 450, 494.......... castle, 29, 36, 516..............., constable of, 36, 300, 307, 310, 471. And see Lillebon, Walter................, prison in, 272, 300, 307........... Jews of, 288.........., Jewry of, 263........... park of, 521.,.,,....,....... keeper of, 29. Devizes, pond of the stew of, 36. Devon, county of, 121, 131, 149, 205, 232, 235, 240, 250, 251, 340, 407, 442, 489, 524.........,....... assizes in, 135........... countess of. See Fortibus, Isabella de; Redveriis, Amicia de.........., earl of. See Insula, Baldwin de.,........, county court of, 54..,....., justices in, 52.........., ports of, 442. Devon, sheriff of, 21, 22, 27, 29, 63, 90, 101, 103, 118, 139, 146, 147, 155, 178, 200, 250, 253, 261, 267, 271, 282, 295, 299, 302, 308, 312, 316, 317, 362, 368, 383, 394, 398, 407, 423, 442, 449, 450, 463, 469, 477, 478, 521. And see Wyger, John................ escheator in, 282, 295, 299, 302, 312, 316, 368. Dewyas, Ivorus, 213. Dewyn, Philip, 434. Deye, Richild le, 342........... William le, 163. Deyere, Henry le, 423. Deyster, Emma le, 419. Diana, Robert son of, 358. Dichend, Sir Henry de, knt., 576. Dietaiutus, merchant of Florence, 355........... See also Detaiutus. Digneueten, Digneton, Dynington, Hugh de, 86, 406.........., constable of Orford castle, 161........... See also Dingneston. Digneton. See Digneueton. Diham. See Dedham. Dikeman, William, bailiff of Southampton, 495. Dilewyn, Mariota wife of Philip, 55........... Philip, 55. Dileyc forest, co. Hants, 314. Dilli, Richard, 371. Dilton, Dulton, co. Wilts, serjeanty of, 382. Dilworth, Dilwort [par. of Langridge], co. Lancaster, 524. Dinant, la, Donant, le [parish of Danby-inCleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Dinas Bran, Dynasbran castle [par. of Llangollen, co. Denbigh], 398. Dinedans, Dynedans, Thomas, 99.......... William, 99. Dineham, Dynaunt, Isabella wife of Oliver de, 368........... Oliver de, 291, 368. Dinemor. See Dinmore. Dingeleye, John de, 52. Dingneston, Hugh de, 251.......... See also Digneueton. Dinhant, Oliver de, 235. Dinmore, Dinemor, preceptory of [co. Hereford], 62. Dirlay wood. See Durley. Distington [co. Cumberland], 121. Ditischrayre, Distischraye, Richard son of Robert de, 454, 455. Divelek. See Duleek. Dobel, William, 305. Docwellehey, wood of [co. Northants], 476. Dod, Juliana wife of Richard, 345.........., Robert, 78. Doddecote, William de, 445. 632 GENERAL INDEX, Doddinggeseles, Doddingesel, William de, 511, 556. Dode, Roger, 91. Dodecaster, Racmer de, 356. Dodeleye. See Dudley. Dodelington, Alexander de, 231. Dodemoneston, Philip de, 197........... Richard de, 197......... See also Dudemaneston. Doderode, William, 416. Dodington, co. Devon, 235. Dodinton, Walter son of Nicholas de, 245. Doge, Adam, 508. Dogenet. See Doggesnek. Doget, Robert, 378, 423. Doggesnek, Dogenec, Matthew, 332, 453. Dogmersfield, Dogmerefeld, park [co. Hants], 289. Dokesworth, Ralph de, 124. Doket, Robert, 99.......... See also Duket. Dol, Eleanor wife of Robert de, 358.........., Robert de, 358. Dolforwyn, Dolvoran, forest [co. Montgomery], keeper of, 434. Dollinge, Dolling, John, 24, 552. Dolvoran forest. See Dolforwyn. Dolxing, Adam son of Tokus, 195.........., Tokus, 195. Dommock, John, 9........... William, 9. Donant, Le. See Dinant. Donati, Toresanus, merchant of Florence, 255. Donecastre, Henry de, 366........... Roger de, 413.......... See also Dunecastria. Donecastria, Elias de, a Jew, 199. Doneham. See Dunham. Donel, Adam, 411. Donerent, Richard de, 513......... William de, 512, 513. Donestern, Alice wife of Hugh de, 323. Doneur, William le, 76. Donewyco, William and Peter sons of John de, 416. Donhale, Henry de, 558. Donmawe. See Dunmawe. Dorchester, Dorcestre, co. Dorset, 174, 382.........., Jews of, 382....,...... Dorkecestre, co. Oxford, prison at, 271. Dorcestria, Aaron de, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Dore [co. Hereford], 254.......... abbey, 2, 368. Dore, John del, coroner in co. Southampton, 18. Dorival, Thomas, 103. Dorkecestre. See Dorchester. Dorset, county of, 25, 44, 104, 206, 232, 235, 241, 251, 324, 345, 351, 412, 417, 426, 431, 495, 575, 582............,.. archdeacon of. See Bek, Thomas.............., assizes in, 135..........,..,.., justices in, 52............, justices in eyre in, 262.........,..... malefactors in, 25............, posse comitatus of, 25................. sheriff of, 22, 25, 30, 31, 33, 68, 71, 118, 145, 159, 161, 166, 175, 214, 219, 260, 281, 282, 287, 290, 316, 351, 382, 423, 446, 450, 471, 481, 494, 526, 547, 560, 575. And see Asshton, Stephen de...................... escheator in, 282, 290. And see Coleshull, Richard de. Dote, Robert, 352. Douay, Flanders, 81................. merchants of, 308, 338. Doule, Robert de la, 213. Dove, la, 346. Dover [co. Kent], 189, 201, 355, 443, 444, 453..........., letters close dated at, 439-444, 446, 447, 491, 493, 518, 528, 529.........., port of, 46, 306, 529.;................ barons of, 470..........,............ and bailiffs of, 128........... landing of the king at, 97, 531........., the king's carpenter of, 189.........., the king's cellars at, 485........... the king's hospital of God's House (Maison Dieu), 201..............., master and brethren of, 152..............., Edmund, master of, 491........... priory of St. Martin, 453.......... castle, 37, 80, 194, 246, 257, 423, 453, 470, 485................. constable of. See Bezilles, Matthew de; Pencestre, Stephen de......................., warden of the cinque ports, 194, 301..............., the king's wines in, 453................, works of, 178, 449. Doverdale, Doverhale [co. Worcester]? 353. Dovorria, Richard de, 82, 84. Dowel, John, 453, 454. Dower, assignments of, 149.......... of Queen Eleanor, 1. Down Ampney, Dunameney, Dunameneye, Dunnameney [co. Gloucester], 474, 482, 556................ letters close dated at, 449, 450, 492, 493, 524. Downhamford, Dunhamford, hundred, co. Kent, 461. Dragton, 425. Dragun, William, 103, 139 Draiton. See Drayton. Drak, Walter, 216. GENERAL INDEX. 633 Drake, Cicely daughter of Robert, 208.........., N icholas, 132.........., Robert, 133. Draper, Simon le, 128, 163................ citizen and merchant of Winchester, 496........., Thomas le, 367, 369.........., William le, 355. Draumay, William, 132. Drax, co. York, 261, 502. Draycote, Alexander de, 67.........., John de, 487. Drayton, 102.......... [co. Berks], 270........... co. Bucks, 350.......... Beauchamp [co. Bucks], Elstrop, Helpestrohp in, 350.........., East, Estdrayton [co. Notts], 334.......... [Bassett, co. Stafford], 357, 427.......... [parish of Old Stratford, co. Warwick], 65, 103. Drayton, Praiton, Henry de, 212.......... Robert de, 120.........., Roger de, 503, 541. Drewe, Simon, 515. Dreyton, Richard de, 293. Driby, Sir Simon de, knt., 255. Drinkale, Emmok, 134. Drinkewater, Roger, 386. Drivere, William le, 206. Drobel, Thomas, 280. Drogheda, Ireland, 189. Droitwich, Wich [co. Worcester], 31. Dru, Walter, 568. Druettus, the king's butler, 539. Drury, John, 151. Dubbere, William le, 271. Dublin, 33, 103, 108, 176, 193, 194, 241, 288, 303, 342, 377, 378, 393, 406, 454, 455,.462, 500, 513, 534, 546, 548.........., archbishop elect of. See Derlington, John de........., archbishopric of, 192, 528, 563................, keeper of. See Cheddworth, Thomas de........... R., bishop of, 126.........., citizens of, 193........, exchequer of. See Ireland. Dublin, county of, 548.........., sheriff of. See Thurleby, Robert de. Due, William le, 175. Duchty, Muriel wife of Robert, 352.........., Robert, 352. Ducty, Thomas, 507. Duddeley, See Dudley. Dudemaneston, Hugh de, 331.........See also Dodemoneston. Dudley, Dodeleye, Duddeley, park [co. Worcester], 214.............,.. and chace of, 30. Duffeld, Henry de, 352. Duffield, Duffeld [co. Derby], 225.........., Postern, Possethorn in, 494. Duk, Richard le, 69........... Robert le, 444. Duket, Hugh, 236.......... See also Doket. Dulcius, merchant of Florence, 553. Duleek, Divelek, Dyveleck [co. 'Meath], Ireland, 288, 323, 342. Dulle, John, 300. Dullingham, co. Cambridge, 59. Dulton. See Dilton. Dulverton, co. Somerset, 578. Dumblaund, William, 55. Dumblaunk, Henry, 55........... Isabella, 55. Dun, William de, 502..............., knt. 555. Dunameney, Dunameneye, Dunammeneye. See Down Ampney. Dunchamp, Dunchaump, Peter,"72, 105. Dune Savage. See Anne. Dune, Edith wife of Thomas de la, 54........., Thomas de la, 54, 110. Dunecastria, Hugh de, 67.......... See also Donecastre. Dunelmo, Dunolmia, William de, 122................. the late king's bailiff of the city of London, 527. Duneston, William de, 520. Dunewico, Dunwico, Dunwyco, Augustine son of John de, 183, 341........... William son of John de, 32. Dungarvan, Dungervan, castle [co. Waterford], 188, 303. Dunham, Doneham [co. Chester], 67.......... [co. Notts.], 12.........., Little, co. Norfolk, 150. Dunham, Joceus de, 346..........., Hervey his clerk, 346.........., Master Richard (le, 416.......... Robert, 450.........., William son of Reiner de, 150. Dunhamford hundred. See Downhamford. Dunheved, Nicholas de, 546........... W alter de, 501. Dunheytherleye. See Hatherley, Down. Dunion, Dunjon, Ralph, 531..........,...... parson of the church of Wiggington, Wyginkeneston, 144. Dunmawe priory. See Dunmow. Dunmawe, Donmawe, Walter de, 127, 130. Dunmow, Dunmawe priory [co. Essex], 121. Dunnameney. See Down Ampney. Dunolmia. See Dunelmo. Dunote, Geoffrey, 529. Dunpayn, Peter, 72, 105. Dunshedde, Michael de, 307. Dunstaplia, Thomas de, 123. 634 GENERAL INDEX. Dunstall, Martin de, king's bailiff of the new aid in Ireland, 21. Dunsteer, Ivo de, 141. Dunster, Dunsterre, co. Somerset, 540. Dunton, Robert de, 174. Dunum, Richard de, 45. Dunwich [co. Suffolk], 12, 65, 341, 414.......... bailiffs of, 61, 65........... ferm of, 546........, keeper of. See Caldecote, Edmund de........., letters close dated at, 375........., mayor and sheriffs of, 423. Dunwico, Dunwyco. See Dunewico. Dunye in Munestreworth. See Denny. Dunygton, Hugh de, 566. Dupyn, Thomas, 131. Durand, John son of, 282. Durant, Tankard, knt., 513. Duraund, Walter, 174. Duraunt, Nicholas, 179. Durdent, Philip, 56. Durebald, Adam, 135. Durham, archdeacon of. See Bek, Anthony........ bishop of. See Insula, Robert de; Stichill, Robert of........, bishopric of, 97, 109, 128........... cathedral church of St. Cuthbert of, 109.......... priory, brother Hugh prior of, 97. Durley, Derley, forest [co. Wilts], 525........... Dirley, wood [in Savernake forest co. Wilts], 453. Durley, Master William de, 66. Durling, Christiana wife of William, 434.........., W illiam, 434. Durneford. See Durnford. Durnford, Derneford [co. Wilts], 555. Durnford, Durneford, Derneford, William de, 232, 554..............., Sir William de, knt., 555. Durreward, Walter, 142. Dus, John, 94. Dutton, John son of Henry de, 454, 455.........., Philippa de, 52.........., Thomas de, 52........... W illiam de, 224. Dyaia, a Jew of London, 102. Dyan, Maurice, 182. Dyay, a Jew of Stamford, 303. Dybel, Robert, 134. Dyeya, Abraham son of, 201. Dygelegh forest, co. Hants, 312. Dygge, John, 182 Dykeleye, John de, 248. Dykoun, Ralph son of, 134. Dykun, William, 59. Dyleswyk, William, 203. Dylewik [co. Bedford], 81. Dynasbran castle. See Dinas BrAn. I Dynaunt. See Dineham. Dyne, Ralph de, 250........... Richard de, 495........... Warin, 394. Dynedans. See Dinedans. Dynington. See Digneueton. Dyrham, Derham [co. Gloucester], 12 Dyveleck. See Duleek. E, Eadbirbiry, Master Thomas de, 555. Eadmund, Thomas, 77. Eadmundescote. See Armscott. Eardisley, Erdeslegh, castle, co. Hereford, 466. Earley, Erleg [par. of Sonning, co. Berks], 268. Earl Marshal. See Marshal. Easington [co. York], Liverton, Lyverton in, 4, 40. East Ham, Esthamme, Esthammes, Easthams, [co.Essex], 82, 86, 244, 420, 422, 509, 562. Eastham, Estham, co. Worcester, 579..........., Hanley William, Hanlegh Willelmi in, 579. Eastnor, Estenor, chace [co. Hereford], 490. Eastwood [co. Essex], letters close dated at, 302, 345, 539. Eaton, Eyton, co. Bedford, 115.........., Eton, co. Chester, 408. Eboraco, Alexander de, a monk of Selby Abbey, 117..........., Elias son of Aaron de, 161......,... Hakus son of Roesia de, a Jew, 185........... John de, 165........... Master William de, the king's surgeon, 141. Echingham, Adam de, 105. Eckeles. See Eccles. Eckington, Eketon [co. Derby?], 233. Eckington, Ekenton [co.-Derby or Worcester], 417. Eccles, Eckeles, 126. Ecclesfield [co. York], Bradfield, Bradefeld in, 146. Eccleshall [co. Stafford], letters close dated at, 398. Eccleshill, co. Lancaster, 300. Eccleshill, Robert de, 300. Eccleston, Richard de, 286. Eda, David son of, 133. Edburton [co. Sussex], Perching, Percynges in, 116. Eddeworth, Eddesworth, Stephen de, 30, 51, 54, 267, 386, 394............, keeper of the manor and forest of Clarendon, 30............., bailiff of Clarendon, 452. GENERAL INDEX. 635 Eddeworth, Eddesworth, Stephen de, Henry III.'s constable of the Tower of London, 394, 527. Edelington. See Edlington. Edelington, Peter de, 123. Edelmeton, John de, 96. Edelyn, Robert, 73. Edenwortb. See Edingworth. Edeshor, John de, 358. Edesworth, Edewortb, Stephen de, 238........... Stephen de, knt., 579. Edgmond, Egmundon [co. Salop], 234. Ediman, William, 161. Edingworth, Edenworth [par. of East Brent], co. Somerset, 115. Edlington, Edelington [co. Lincoln], 3. Edmund [de Alemannia], earl of Cornwall the king's brother, 1, 2, 7, 9, 17, 47, 74, 114, 147, 153, 155, 156, 166, 171, 173, 181, 182, 225, 238, 239, 260, 268, 276, 286, 301, 303, 305, 317, 324, 360, 366, 403, 410, 427, 460, 466, 468, 479, 481, 483, 486, 487, 491, 492, 505, 510, 511, 512, 516, 530, 547, 551, 552, 553, 554, 563,564, 565, 567, 570.......,, earl of Lancaster, the king's brother, 104, 106, 143................, Avelina wife of, 7, 9, 276, 408........., his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 183. Edmund, the king's gardener at Windsor Castle, 156. Edmundescote. See Admiscot. Edok, John son of, 134. Edon. See Hedon. Edred, Adam son of Walter, 110. Edrich, Alice, 553.......... Nicholas, 64. Edrinton, 498. Edusa, Robert son of, 413. Edward I., king of England, passim.......... his butler. See Columbariis, Matthew de.........., his chamber, usher of. See Ubbeston, John de......... his chamberlain. See Columbariis, Matthew de.........., his chancellor. See Burnel, Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells......... his chapel, serjeanty of, 349........., his chapels, immunity of, 252.....,..... his children, 393........... his cook. See Malvern, Hugh de; Saundon, Walter de; Wade, Henry.........., his coronation, 97, 128, 359.........., coronation feast of, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73................ oath of, 198........... debts of, 21, 22.....~.., his envoy at the council of Lyons. See John, John son of........., grants, &c. to, 431, 499, 500, 576.......... his household. See Household. I Edward I., his huntsmen. See Candovre, William de; Sauser, Robert le.......... lands at Dover, 97, 531..........., letters to, 456, 548.........., his marshal. See Wodestok, Robert de.........., his mews, 444........, his steward. See Holebroc, Richard de; Normanvill Thomas de; Oto, Hugh son of; Sandwico, IRalph de........... his surgeons. See Beuveys, Simon de; Eboraco, William de........., his treasurer. See Chauncy, Joseph de......., his works, keeper of. See Beverlaco, Robert de........... his wardrobe. See Wardrobe. Edward II., 333.........., army of, 333. Edwardstone, Edwardston [co. Suffolk], 247, 467, 472. Edwyne, Simon son of John de, 389. Effingham [co. Surrey], 501. Effinton, David de, 84........... Ela de Somery, wife of David de, 84. Eggeburgh. See Ugborough. Eggel, Roesia wife of William, 488........, William, 488. Eggleshale, Ralph de, 146. Eglemunt, Stephen de, 42. Eglise, Gilbert de la, 317. Eglynton, 580. Egmanton, Egmerton, co. Notts, 509. Egmundon. See Edgmond. Eildaker, Robert de, 64. Ekenton. See Eckington. Ekenton, Philip son of Thomas de, 417. Eketon, 135........... See Eckington. Ekinton, John de, 42. Eldefeld, Walter del, 94. Eldy, Philip de, 175. Eleanor of Provence, the king's mother, queen of England, 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 30, 31, 35, 36, 54, 67, 84, 96, 107, 112, 131, 140, 141, 150, 154, 162, 163, 165, 172, 178, 210, 219, 226, 227, 264, 271, 272, 292, 304, 306, 309, 310, 315, 320, 353, 363, 373, 377, 387, 391, 405, 435, 443, 445, 452, 458, 486, 514.........,............. her dower, 31. J...................... Juliana damsel of, 445........... ~...........,,, her laundress, 185.........., queen of England, the king's wife, 46, 56, 70, 71, 109, 113, 119, 140, 148, 151, 155, 180, 182, 184, 185, 192, 198, 205, 210, 221, 224, 237, 238, 263, 270, 271, 287, 290, 293, 296, 297, 298, 313, 370, 372, 385, 391, 394, 405, 412, 437, 446, 447, 448, 466, 467, 470, 481, 483, 497, 498, 499, 501, 504, 521, 526, 536, 543, 547, 564, 574, 577, 578, 579. 636 GENERAL INDEX. Eleanor of Provence, queen of England, the king's wife, Bartholomew, chaplain of, 385....................... her chamber within the manor of Clarendon, 144....................... Ermintrude damsel of, 192. And see Caumpeden, Albrica de.................,... her steward. See Kancia, Walter de, Ele Bruere. See Isle Brewer. Eleford, Henry de, 115. Eleys, Walter, 258. Elfael is Mynnydd, Elveymusmeneth [commote, co. Radnor], 393. Elham [co. Kent], letters close dated at, 92, 125. Elias, Master, a Jew of London, 96, 197, 320, 441, 463.........., Crasseus, Cresseus son of Master, a Jew, 306, 343, 344........... Deulacres son of Master, a Jew of London, 176, 177, 187.........., Isaac son of, the rabbi, 157.........,, John son of, 310, 498......... son of Aaron, a Jew of London, 261........,,, Master son of Moses, the king's Jew of London, 150, 161, 271, 302, 321, 400, 570........... William son of, de Holm, 428. Eling, Elyng, Elynges, co. Hants, 48, 70, 351. Elledon, Alan de, 395. Elleffeld, Gilbert de, 270. Ellerton, co. York, 282.........., John de, clerk, 469. Ellesborough, Eselberge, co. Bucks, 350. Ellesmere [co. Salop], 210.........., bailiwick of, 279......,.., lake of, 210. Ellesworth, Simon de, 563, 575. Elleton, William de, 553. Ellington [co. Northumberland], 130. Ellyngton, Hamo de, 130. Elmaldus, John son of, de Rallesby, 205. Elmdon, Elmedon [co. Essex], 323. Elmere, Peter de, 421. Elmet, Roger de, 87. Elmete, Richard de, 87. Elmham, Baldwin de, 371. Elmyn, Philip de, citizen of Winchester, 492. Elphin, bishop of, 177. Elstrop, Helpestrohp [par..of Drayton Beauchamp], co. Bucks, 350. Eltoft, Stephen de, 23. Elton, Hugh son of, 474. Eltringham, Ranulph de, 358. Elveden, Roger de, 104. Elverton, 334. Ely, co. Cambridge, bishop of. See Balsham, Hugh de.......... letters close dated at, 413.........., prison at, 320.........., Isle of, 333.........., liberty of the bishop of, 53, 167. Ely, Nicholas of, bishop of Winchester, 39, 59, 80, 110, 114, 122, 128, 284, 293, 360, 489, 505, 564.1 Elyas, William, 75. Elyng, Elynges. See Eling. Elyot, Richard, 67. Emelina, William son of, 10. Emery, Robert, 77. Emet, Richard, baron of the port of Sandwich, 436. Emma, Gilbert son of, 78.........., Sigar son of, 489........... Thomas son of, 418. Emmington, Amyngton, co. Oxford, 58. Empingham, co. Rutland, 73. Empnebergh, Richard de, 315. Empshot, Imbeshete [co. Hants], 553. Emundvile, Matilda wife of Richard de, 522.........., Richard de, 522. Encourt, Oliver de, 232. Endon, 494........... Enedon [par. of Leek co. Stafford], 121,234, 499........... Longsdon, Langesdon in, 234. Enfaunt, William le, 430.......... See also Lenfaunt. Engayne, Engayn, Elias, 146, 149.........., Joan wife of John, 74, 96, 571.........., John, 74, 96, 402................. de, 571......, Joyce daughter of John de, 571........... Nicholas, 149.........., Warner de, 523. Engelfeud, Andrew de, 412.........., William de, 417. England, marches of, 198. Englefeld [cantref of Tegeingel, co. Flint], 476. Engleis, Engleys, Lengleys, Hugh le, 82, 543.........., Robert, 145............. le, 155. Enling, Walter, 141. Enveyse, Henry le, 79.......... See also Lenveseye. Envoys, the king's, 2. And see Barneby, John de; John, John son of. Ercedekne, Ercedegne, lady Isabella la, 343.........., Thomas le, 229, 292, 563. Ercesla, Erchelowe, Simon de, 194..........,....., baron of the port of Sandwich, 482........... William son of Simon de, 194. Enchelowe. See Ercesla. Erdeslegh castle. See Eardisley. Elveymusmeneth. See ElfaeI is Mynnydd. I GENERAL INDEX. 637 Erdeston, Robert de, son of William de, 442. Erdington, Erdinton, Henry de, 77........... Matilda wife of Henry de, 57, 77. Ericun, Isaac, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Erie, Roger le, 76. Erleg. See Earley........... See Erlegh. Erlegh [co. Berks], 299. Erlegh, Arleye, Erleg, Erley, Erleye, Henry de, tenant in chief, 79, 268, 299, 458, 460.........,, Philip de, tenant in chief, 165, 381, 458........... Roesia wife of Philip de, 165, 381, 462........... Turgis, 76. Erlich, William de, 62. Ermesworth. See Armsworth. Ermesworth, Isabella de, 566. Ermite, Richard le, 478. Ernesby. See Arnesby. Ernham, Richard de, 151. Ernis, Ralph, Ranulph, son of, 507, 508. Erreby, Richard de, 280. Esceymbet, William, 129. Eschalers, Walter as, 525.......... See also Scalariis. Eschaleyrs, John de, knt., 186. Escheator north of Trent. See Londonia, John de; Reygate, John de..........south of Trent. See Clifford, Richard de; Wylughby, Philip de. Escote, Escot, Alice le, 416.........., Henry le, burgess of Newcastle-onTyne, 32........,......... keeper of the murage of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 546.......... Lettice sister of Alice le, 416........... Richard le, 23........., Simon le, 358. Escudemor, Sir Godfrey, 346. Escu de mort, John, 559. Esden. See Dean, East. Eselberge. See Ellesborough. Esingdon, co. Bucks, 190. Especer, Espicer, Bartholomew le, 54........... William le, 128, 417.......... See also Specer. Espigornel, John le, 117. Espigurnel, Edmund le, 124. Espyneye, Adam de], verderer of Dileye forest, 314. Esquier, Henry le, citizen of London, 316........., Philip le, 489. Esse, Clement de, 207. Esseburn. See Ashborne. Esseburn, Robert de, 361.........., Thomas son of Hervey de, 361. Esseby. See Essheby. Esseby-la-Zuch. See Ashby-de-la-Zouche. Essecote. See Ashcott. Essendon, William de, 123. Essex, county of, 41, 42, 44, 49, 52, 56, 57, 109, 119, 124, 131, 135, 205, 206, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 248, 250, 251, 252, 256, 257, 289, 293, 302, 324, 336, 337, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 355, 356, 358, 377, 378, 393, 401, 413, 417, 422, 424, 426, 428, 430, 433, 488, 491, 500, 514, 524, 537, 538, 549, 550, 559, 561, 566, 581, 582......... archdeacon of. See Gravesend, Richard de; Leye, Roger de la.........., assizes in, 136.........., forest of, 29, 122, 178, 187,200, 377, 464, 514, 526, 534, 536................, keeper of, 392, 437, 471..................steward of, 536. Andsee Clare, Thomas de........... forest pleas in, 413, 414................, justices of, 377, 378, 388, 534, 550................. Kingswood, Kyngeswod, Kyngeswode in, 178, 188........, justices in, 52.........., justices in eyre in, 12, 48, 61, 236, 433.......... pleas of the crown in, 48........... sheriff of, 6, 12, 35, 48, 63, 68, 70, 89, 93, 96, 105, 145, 154, 160, 161, 178, 188, 197, 202, 205, 206, 282, 283, 296, 298, 302, 308, 311, 363, 378, 388, 393, 401, 440, 443, 467, 470, 475, 514, 515, 527, 542, 564, 576. And see Blumvill, William de; Essexia, Walterde; Sandwyco, Thomas de.........., escheator in, 296, 298.........., sub-escheator in, 83. Essex, Wlmar de, 123. Essexa, Roesia de, 11.........., Thomas de, 305. Essexia, Ralph de, 459.........., Walter de, sheriff of co. Essex, 393................,....., and Hertford. 440, 542. Essheby, Esseby, Richard son of Roger de, 137, and James his brother, 150. Est, Ivo, 94. Estane, Peter del, 340. Estbrun, Estbrunne [near Danby-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Esthurnham. See Burnham, East. Est Cokre. See Coker, East. Estdrayton, Est Draiton. See Drayton, East. Estdrayton, Beatrice wife of John son of Hugh de, 334. Estecumbe, John de, 224. Estenor chace. See Eastnor. Estenoure, Robert de, 42. Estewode, Robert de, verderer of Feckenham forest, 96. Esthalle, John de, 345................. del, 346. Esthamme, Esthammes. See East Ham. 638. GENERAL INDEX. Esthildesleye. See Ilsley, East. Estivour, Roger le, 123. Estley, Estleye, Andrew de, 350, 356. Estlingthorp, 349, 351, 352, 353. Estmund, Robert son of, 100. Estokes, William de, 571......... See also Stokes. Eston, John de, 466.........., Roger de, 294.........., Thomas son of Nicholas de, 338. Est Raddon. See Raddon, East. Estramarchell. See Ystrad Marchell. Estrange, Estraunge le. See Lestrange. Estreys, John le, 443................, coroner for Northampton, 32. Estry, Osewald de, abbot of Faversham, 253. Esturmy, Hugh, 560........... John, knt., 579. Esturton. See Sturton. Estwintrelowe. See Winterslow, East. Estwod, John de, keeper of the bishopric of London, 65. Esvesk. See Evesk. Etewell, Alice, 339. Etindon, 413. Etingham, Adam de, 72. Eton [co. Bucks], 154, 393.......... See Eaton........... Leoministre. See Eyton. Eton, Roger de, 117.........., William de, 162, 393, 446.........,. viewer of the king's works at Windsor, 155. Etling, William de, coroner, 533. Etton, 55. Etton, Alan de, 55.........., Beatrice wife of Robert de, 55. Eudo, Benedict son of, 424.......... John son of, de Hertford, 405. Eure, co. Northumberland, 551. Eure, Evere, Henry de, 243.........., Hugh de, 130, 200, 579. Eustace, Athelina daughter of, 328, 330. Everard, John, 429........... Stephen, 79........., Thomas, 123........., William, 94................, justice, 520. Everdon [co. Northants], 575.........., Great [co. No, orthats], Snoscomb, Snokescumb in, 408. Evere. See Eure. Everedon, Isabella wife of Robert de, 408. Evereus. See Devereux. Everingham, Adam de, 538.,,............., keeper of the forest of Sherwood, 402.........,, Alice wife of Robert de, 580.........., Robert de son of Sir Adam de, 580. Everle, Evereley, Adam de, 352.........., John de, 552.........., Sir Walter de, 552.........., Grele, Grel, Simon brother of William de, 14........., William de, 14. Evermuth, Evermith, Evermue, Alice wife of Walter de, 60, 63, 64................. Eufemia and Margery daughters of Walter de, 60, 63, 64.......... Walter de, tenant in chief, 60, 63, 415. Everton [co. Notts], Harwell, Herewell in, 190. Evesham [co. Worcester], battle of, 274, 333.......... letters close dated at, 311......... abbey, 117, 487. Evesham, Henry de, 359........... Master Hugh de, 478............, king's clerk, 158.........., Ralph de, 487....,..., Roger de, 45, 58, 117, 248, 250, 251, 263.........., William de, 566..............., a monk of Beaulieu, 116. Eveske, Evesk, Esvesk, Flora wife of Solomon le, 221.......... Isaac le, a Jew of London, 306, 390, 405, 547................ son of Elias le, the king's Jew, of London, 162........... Solomon le, 221. Evinton, Eventon Thomas son of Alan de, 291. Ew, Ewe, John de, 510.......,..,...., del, 449, 489....,..., Philip de, 510........... W illiam de, 510.........., Margery daughter of William del, 276. Ewell, Agnes de, 465, 497.......... Richard de, 20, 51, 356........., Master Robert de, 497. Ewyas [co. Hereford], 288, 322, 323, 342, 343.......... Roger de, 431. Exchange, the king's, 535..............., keepers of. See Podio, Orlandinus de; Rokesle, Gregory de. Exchequer, the, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 36, 37, 73, 84, 86, 87, 88, 92, 95, 98, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108, 128, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 157, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 176, 179, 182, 183, 185, 186, 189, 193, 194, 200, 211, 214, 219, 220, 222, 252, 257, 258, 261, 274, 276, 277, 280, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 290, 294, 298, 312, 313, 319, 340, 344, 351, 362, 363, 366, 368, 369, 371, 375, 376, 377, 379, 381, 383, 384, 388, 389, 390, 392, 394, 396, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 431, 433, 436, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447, 448, 451, 453, 455, 456, 457, 460, 462, 464, GENERAL INDEX. 639 Exchequer, the-cont. 465, 466, 469, 470, 474, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 500, 516, 517. 518, 526, 528, 530, 538, 540, 542, 543, 544, 546, 547, 550, 556, 576.....,,..,,barons of the, 3, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 32, 34, 37, 38, 61, 68, 69, 79, 80, 87, 90, 96, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 142, 151, 154, 155, 156, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 178, 182, 185, 189, 200, 206, 213, 216, 219, 220, 258, 259, 260, 264, 266, 269, 270, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285, 286, 289, 290, 291, 297, 298, 310, 312, 313, 315, 319, 320, 362, 363, 364, 368, 371, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 384, 385, 387, 389, 391, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398, 405, 408, 432, 434, 437, 439, 440 441, 442, 443, 446, 448, 450, 452, 453, 460, 462, 466, 467, 480, 482, 485, 513, 515, 518, 520, 525, 526, 528, 531, 532, 534, 540, 543, 544, 545, 546, 576.,,............ and ministers in, 367......., chamberlains of, 487........., charter enrolled in, 500........., counter-roll of receipt, 392........... court of, 21, 550........., cu stom of, 39 0.........., estreats of, 351, 484........... records, 486.......... Red Book of, 487.........., remembrancer of. See Hereford, Richard of.,........, rolls of, 80, 84, 92, 95, 147, 162, 187. 191, 193, 258, 264, 288, 312, 319, 393, 403, 405, 442, 456, 477, 520, 526............... and writs of, 183.........., seal, 137, 222, 265, 393, 407........., summons of, 73, 144, 145, 153, 193, 203, 211, 216, 222, 270, 274, 282, 285, 368, 375, 377, 382, 396.........., tallies, 433, 487.........., treasurer of. See Chauncy, Joseph de.........,....... and barons of, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 21, 23, 25, 35, 85, 92, 95, 101, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 136, 137, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 161, 162, 166, 169, 172, 174, 177, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 189, 191, 194, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 267, 270, 277, 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 293, 294, 298, 304, 309, 310, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 344, 345, 350, 368, 371, 374, 375, 376, 381, 382, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 393, 394, 396, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 433, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 447, 448, 451, 452, 455, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 480, 483, 484, 485, 486, 501, 514, 516, 517, 520, 522, 523, 524, 525, 527, 528, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 538, 539, 540, 542, 544, 546, 547, 548. I Exchequer, treasurer, and chamberlains of, 3, 5, 93, 185, 189, 194, 218, 258, 263, 367, 383, 469, 475, 479, 484, 544, 546................, barons, and chamberlains, 3S3.......... treasury of, 263, 576.......... of Chester. See Chester......... of Dublin. See Ireland.......... of the king's jewry. See Jewry.......... of Henry III., 154. Excumbe, Alice daughter of Adam de, 566. Execes, co. Sussex, 278. Exemuth, Isolda wife of Robert de, tenant in chief of Henry TII., 53. Exening. See Exning. Exeter, 63, 101, 103, 139, 144, 155.........., bishop of. See Bronescombe, Walter......... cathedral, dean of, 250................,...... and chapter of, 464.......... jewry of, 263......... Jews of, 149, 271, 347..,......., priory of St. Nicholas, 63........., prison at, 27, 29, 260, 261, 267, 308, 317, 362, 383, 394, 398, 407, 449, 450, 469, 477, 478........... tallage of, 63. Exning, Exening, Exninge [co. Suffolk], 240, 545. Exonia, Stephen de, 51. Eyam Dale, Eydale [co. Derby], 210. Eydale, valley of. See Eyam Dale. Eye, co. Suffolk, 201, 206, 353.......... gaol, 32.......... priory, 416, 546. Eye, Philip de, 32.......... Richard de, 13........... William de, 45. Eylesbiry, Eylisbiry, Walter de, 294, 361. Eylesbury, John de, canon of Merton priory, 115. Eylesbyry. See Aylesbury. Eylisbiry. See Eylesbiry. Eylmerestone, Gregory de, 231. Eyirich, Hugh, 162. Eylward, John son of John, 92. Eyncourt, Eyncurt, Edmund de, 377, 418. Eyneford, William de, 23. Eynesbury, Eynisbiry [co. Huntingdon], 225. Eynesford, Isabella de, 379, 456. Eynsham, Eynesham [co. Oxford], 553. Eynisbiry. See Eynesbury. Eynolph, Peter, 84. Eyr, Eyre, Ieyr, Giles de, 258.......... Henry, 41.......... Robert le, 174........... bailiff of Woodstock, 281, 292, 297, 306, 309, 312, 369, 370, 372.........., Hugh le, 553.........., Roger le, 132.........., Simon le, 424. 640 GENERAL INDEX. Eyrik, John brother of Robert, 208........... Robert, 208. Eyse, John, 209. Eyte, Sir William de, knt., 332. Eyton, Eton Leministre [co. Hereford], 489........... [parish of Alberbury, co. Salop], 68........... See Eaton. Eyton, Adam de, 117........... Geoffrey de, 73........... Roger de, 407.........., William de, 427. Eytonstok, co. Salop, 294 Eyvill, Adam de, 151, 541.......... Guncelin de, 462.........., John de, 151, 179, 234, 238, 340, 371, 402, 403, 461, 466, 509, 541.........., knt., 343, 428, 429.........., Matilda wife of John de, 234. F. Faber, Ralph, 303. And see Fevre; Smith, the. Fabian, Hugh, 227. Fabri, Master Bernard, 425. Fairfield, Fanfeld, Farrefeld [co. Derby], 315, 318. Fairs, 8, 165, 258, 304, 308, 321, 405, 434, 502, 519. Falcard, William, 134. Falconer, the king's. See Hauvill, Thomas de. Falconer, Thomas the, 77. And see Fauconer. Falcons, 293. Fale, William, 160. Falewesle, Thomas de, 204. Falewy, Roger, 317. Faleys, William son of Richard, 302. Faleyse, Peter de la, 321. Falsham, John de, 577. Fanecurt, Geoffrey de, 14........... Gerard de, 119. Fanfeld. See Fairfield. Fanflore, William de, 237. Fange, Nicholas de, clerk, 225. Fannes, Warin de, 575. Fant, Walter, 174. Farage, William, 95. Farden, John, 127. Farendon. See Farndon.......... See Faringdon, Little. Farendon, Robert de, son of Robert de, 173........... W illiam de, 123. Farenhull, John son of Walter de, 9. Farenhulle, Walter de, 9. Farford, Richard de, 507. Faringdon, Little, Farendon, co. Oxford, prison at, 434. Farlegh, Master John de, parson of Churchill, 42. Farleigh, Farleye, co. Kent, 498.......... Monkton, Farleye, Farnlegh, priory. See Monkton Farleigh. Farmington, Themerton [co. Glouc.], 575. Farndish, Farnedish [co. Bedford], 112. Farndon? Farendon [co. Northants], 320. Farnedish. See Farndish. Farnesfeud, William de, 118, 119. Farnham (Royal) [co. Bucks], 494.......... [co. Essex], 82.,.......... co. Surrey, 128................ the bishop of Winchester's bailiffs of, 128. Farnham, Henry de, 123. Farnlegh, Farnleye, priory. See Farleigh Monkton. Farrefeld. See Fairfield. Farrier, Geoffrey the, 579. Fatteneye, Ralph, 127. Faucon, Peter, called, 58. Fauconer, Faukener, Faukoner, Godfrey le, 90........... John le, 247, 340, 350, 489, 566.........., Robert le, 66, 510........., Roger le, baron of the port of Romney, 301........... Thomas le, 242. And see Falconer. Faucumberge, Faucunberg, Faukenberge, Faukumberge, Agnes wife of Walter de, 3, 4, 39, 46, 249........... Ralph de, 556, 570........... Walter de, 3, 4, 39, 40, 46, 249. Faukeburn, William de, chaplain, 117. Faukeham, William de, 377................. justice, 456. Faukenberge. See Faucumberge. Faukener. See Fauconer. Faukes, Ralph brother of Roger, 208........., Roger, 208........... Thomas, 77. Faukham, William de, 131. Faukoner. See Fauconer. Faukumberge. See Faucumberge. Fauvel, Geoffrey, 179.........., Hugh, 179........, John, 179, 203. Favelore, William de, 204. Faversham abbey [co. Kent], 46, 253................. Osewald de Estry, abbot of, 253.........., Favresham [co. Kent], port of, barons of, 19, 98, 107, 464, 483. Faversham, Faveresham, Thomas de, 43........... William de, the younger baron of the port of Sandwich, 482. Favinton, Roger, 182. Fayntre, Isabella wife of Adam, de., tenant in chief, 69. GENERAL INDEX. 641 F6camp abbey [Normandy, Seine-Inferieure], 85, 398, 569........, abbot of, bailiffs of, 85. Feckenham, Fekeham [co. Worcester], 31, 448........., Fecham, Fekenham, forest, cos. Worcester and Warwick, 96, 401, 435, 494. Fedesham, Walter de, 54. Fednes, William de, 20. Fek, William son of Isabella le, 320. Fekeham, Fekenham, Fekham. See Feckenham. Felach, Felac, Edward, 78.........., Thomas, 76. Feld, Robert de la, 74. Felter, Adam son of Henry le, 10........... Henry le, 10, Feltham, Robert de, 234. Felton [co. Northumberland], 44. Felton, William de, 512, 551, 581. Fendrayton. See Fenny Drayton. Fenes, Fenles, Giles de, 440, 444. Fenne [co. Lincoln], 3. Fenne, Thomas de, 115................ de la, 124 331. Fennes, William de, 188. Fenny Drayton, Fendrayton [co. Leicester], 490. Fenton, co. York, 208. Fenton, Cicely wife of William de, 509........... William de, 509. Fenys, James de, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Fer, William, 135. Ferariis. See Ferrariis. Feraunt. See Ferraunt. Fercfeylin, William de, a monk, 248. Fereby. See Ferriby. Ferete, Robert de la, 477. Feringes, Theobald de, 41. Ferne, Walter le, 156. Fernhale, Stephen de, 126. Fernham, 426. Ferrariis, Ferariis, Ferrers, Eleanor wife of Robert de, tenant in chief, 527........., Margaret de, countess of Derby, 46, 138, 225, 226........... Robert de, 104, 181, 218, 224, 486........... Robert de, earl of Derby, 278......... Sibyl, Sibyll de, 48, 191..........,...... wife of William de, earl of Derby, 200. Ferraunt, Feraunt, Roger, 181, 214, 257. Ferre, Guy, knt., 113........., John, 186, 253, 349, 371................, knt., 373..............., queen Eleanor's knight, 224. Ferrers. See Ferrariis de. Ferriby, Fereby, co. Lincoln, 210. Ferrun, John le, 50. u 96998. I I Ferrun, Margery wife of John le, citizen of London, 26................., relict of John le, 50, 51. Ferrur, Ferrurr, Henry le, 498.................Philip le, 64. Ferte, Robert de la, 135. Ferthyng, John, 354........... Matilda wife of John, 354. Ferur, John le, 423........... N i c h o l a s l e, b a r o n o f t h e p o r t o f Sandwich, 482.......... Thomas le, 142. Fetere, Richard le, 480. Feud, Robert, 35. Feugers, Andrew de, 473. Fevre, Fevere, Fever, Adam le, 35, 77........... Henry son of Henry le, 205, 244........... Hugh le, 362........... Isolda, wife of Alan le, 5.........., John le, 103, 274, 389, 523, 553.........., Nicholas le, 405.........., Nigel le, 159........., Ralph le, 86........... Ranulph le, 139........... Richard le, 76, 425.........., Roger le, 418................ son of Henry le, 184........., Simon le, 16........... Walter le, 9, 282........... William le, 208, 455, 489............... son of Richard le, 320...................... W illiam le, 152.......... See also Faber; Smith, the. Feyrman, Thomas le, 367. Feytur, Philip le, 77.........., W alter le, 79. Fichet, Gilbert, 24. Fifide, Fyffide, John de, 174, 369. Filby, Fyleby, co. Norfolk, 322. Fileby, Master Adam de, 41, 322.........., Thomas de, 41.........., William son of Fulk de, 25. Fillol, Filliol, Baldwin, tenant in chief, 26, 50, 51.........., John, 51. Filwod, wood of [co. Gloucester], 314. Finch, Thomas, 507. Fincheham, Andrew de, clerk, 16, 17. Finemore, Geoffrey de, 507. Fing', Thomas, 508. Fingrye, Henry de, 52. Finkley, Fynkeleye, forest [par. of Andover], co. Hants, 314. Fischereston. See Fisherton. Fish and fisheries, 4, 65, 70, 77, 78, 145, 210, 216, 292. Fishponds, 234. Fishelden, Fisheldon, William de, 495. Fisherton, Fishereston, co. Wilts, 67, 70. SS 642 GENERAL INDEX. Fisicien, Master George le, 553. Fissacre, co. Devon, 295. Fissacre, William de, 295. Fissheburn, Giles de, 363, 411........... Margery wife of Giles de, 363. Fisshere, Robert le, 372. Fittleton, Fytelton [co. Wilts], 488. Fiz Bride, Thomas le, 356. Fiz le Chapelyn, John le, 308......... le Chyner, William, 507.......... le Maire, Nicholas, 80......... Mayke, Richard le, 171.......... le Prestre, Walter, 302.......... le Provost, John, 507...........,...., Thomas, 20........ Race, Adam le, 356........ Ricun, Henry, 301.......... Rokes, Simon son of Jordan, 120.......... le Vicarie, John le, 9................, W illiam le, 9. Flamstead, Flemstede [co. Hertford], 163. Flamsted, William de, abbot of Owston, 318. Flanders and the Flemings, 32, 33, 81, 90, 114, 119, 124, 125, 194, 198, 199, 308, 337, 338, 394, 423, 496, 529, 533.......... and Hainault, count of. See Guy.......... countess of, 32, 114, 119, 124, 194, 308, 337, 338, 437, 529.........., merchants of, 32, 194, 195, 198, 199, 230, 286, 307, 308, 337, 338, 423, 459, 495, 496.........., ship of, 529.......... war with, 437.........., wool from, 6. Flaun, Nicholas, 91. Flaundene, Thomas de, 56. Flaunvill, Elias de, 462. Flavel, John, 111. Flaxley [co. Gloucester], 569........... Flaxeleye, abbey, 170, 569. Flaxton, co. York, 151. Flecchenho. See Flecnoe. Flecher, Christiana wife of Peter le, 5. Flecho. See Flecnoe. Flechyng, See Fletching. Flecnoe, Flecchenho, Flecho [par. of Wolfhamcote], co. Warwick, 322. Fleet, Flete [co. Lincoln?], 39. Fleg, Agnes wife of Roger de, 549........... R o g e r d e, 5 4 9............... le, 67. Flegg, Fleg, hundred [co. Norfolk], 106. Flemeng, John le, 513.........., R ichard le, 337. Flemings, the. See Flanders. Flemingvill, Flemengvill, MIaster Robert de, 230, 232. Flemmeyng, Constance wife of William le, 125. Flemstede. See Flamstead. Fletcher, Henry the, 26. I Fletching, Flechyng, co. Sussex, 279. Flete. See Fleet.......... See London, Fleet. Flete, Alger son of Richard de, 39.......... John de, 27. Flethe, Richard de, clerk, 250. Fleyneburg, Vivian de, 155. Flik, Walter le, 174. Flint, letters close dated at, 476. Flode, Nicholas de la,, 325. Flokethorp, Roger de, 358. Floore, Flore [co. Northants], William vicar of the church of, 218.................. Clasthorpe, Claxkesthorpe in, 214. Flore, John, 226........., William de, 38. Florence, merchants of, 161, 194, 253, 255, 265, 342, 349, 350, 354, 358, 376, 413, 427, 485, 512, 534, 553, 564........... John, 477. Florencia, Bonasius de, bailiff and keeper of the new custom in Ireland, 375........... Nuto, Nutus de, 357.................. merchant, 341, 488, 489, 510, 577, 582. See also Nutus.........., Rikus de, merchant of Florence, 161. Floria, a Jewess, 311. Flory, Gilbert, 76. Flupe, Geoffrey, 111. Flyte, prison at, 526. Fobbing, co. Essex, 577. Foderineye, Hugh de, 411. Foelere, Robert le, 507. Fokeram, Richard, knt., 356................ de, steward of Edmund the king's brother, 317. Fol, Michael le, 134. Fole Jaunbe, Thomas, 541. Folebrigg, Hugh de, 237. Foleburn, Master Robert de, 56........... Stephen de, 105. Folefeit, David, 507......... See also Folifarch, Folifeld. Foleham. See Fulbam. Folebam, William de, 545. Folesham. See Foulsham. Foleters, Henry, 133. Folevill, Robert de, 136. Folifarch, David de, 508........ See also Folefeit, Folifeld. Folifeld, David de, 333....,..., Hugh de, 333......... See also Folefeit, Folefeld. Folifet, Walter de, 416. Foliot. See Folyot. Foljambe. See Fole Jaunbe. Folk, Geoffrey, 195. Folkes, Robert, 188. Folkestone, Folkestane [co. Kent], 301. Folkton, Fulketon [co. York], 491. GENERAL INDEX. 643 Folour, Ada wife of Thomas le, 214.........., Adam le, citizen and merchant of London, 218, 294.........., Ralph le, 443. Folur, Thomas le, 181. Folyot, Foliot, Adam, 104.......... John, 175, 352........., Geoffrey, 270................. keeper of the abbey of Glastonbury, 74, 75, 81, 95, 143, 270.........., Jordan, 248.........., Richard, 246, 402, 468......... Sampson, 556.........., William, coroner for co. Oxford, 26. Fonte, Matilda de, 321. Fontevrault abbey [France, Maine-et-Loire], 490. Fonyton, [Fowey, co. Cornwall?], 182. Forcer, Forcerer, Burgia wife of Henry le, tenant in chief, 8, 24........... Henry le, 24, 35.......... William son of Henry le, 24. Forcerer. See Forcer. Forchont, John de, 223. Ford abbey [co. Dorset, 345.......... [co. Salop], 234. Ford, Forda, Geoffrey de, 238.........,....... de la, 478........., Isabella, 78........., Roger son of Geoffrey de, 108.........., Walter son of Geoffrey de la, 478. Forde, Robert de la, 451.......... Roger de, 213.........., Thomas de la, 174. Fordham, Little, co. Essex, 154. Fordingbridge, Forthingbrigg [co. Hants], 567. Fordwich co. Kent, barons of, 465, 483. Forest, the, 36, 38, 146, 370, 377, 378, 395, 398, 401, 402, 404, 407, 414, 437, 448, 460, 465, 469, 504..,,....., assize of, 72, 371, 378.........., great charter of, 560.........., pleas, 46................ justices of, 6, 7, 8, 32, 36, 38, 46, 64, 72, 91, 96, 126, 170, 191, 213, 221, 298, 308, 317, 359, 362, 367, 368, 370, 377, 378, 383, 388, 391, 395, 397, 401, 405, 413, 414, 432, 435, 437, 438, 449, 460, 463, 465, 469, 494, 514, 522, 526, 528, 534. Forest, the, trespasses of, 534.........., between the bridges of Oxford and Stamford, 19, 107, 140, 165, 212, 220, 259, 372...,,....,.....,, steward of, 372. And see Clare, Thomas de........., north of Trent, 15, 71, 91, 164, 222, 277, 300, 343, 407, 447, 449, 461, 463, 464, 465, 476, 478, 504, 514, 538, 543. ~............., justice of. See Clifford, Roger de; Nevill, Geoffrey de. Forest, the, south of Trent, 79, 96, 106, 168, 188, 216, 259, 266, 279, 286, 317, 364, 367, 368, 373, 375, 376, 395, 406, 434, 436, 448, 451, 455, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 468, 469,.471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 478, 479, 504, 517, 518, 519, 522, 524, 534, 535, 537, 543, 569............., justices of. See Clifford, Roger de; Nevill, Geoffrey de. Foresta, Forresta, Guy de, Master of the military order of the Temple of England, 53, 57, 115, 124. Foreste, Thomas de la, 507. Forester, Adam le, 175, 358.........., Ivo le, 508..........., Jordan le, 352.........., Nicholas le, 35........... Patrick the, 133.........., Richard le, 10.........., Robert le, 552................ de Acun le, 358.......... Walter le, 335.........., William le, 62. Forge, John de la, 80. Forlong, Reginald in the, 335. Forman, Ralph, 334. Forncett, Fornesete, co. Norfolk, 159. Fornham, Robert de, 76, 77. Forresta. See Foresta. Fort, John le, 78. Forte, William de, clerk, 218. Forthe, Joan atte, 267. Forthingbrigg. See Fordingbridge. Fortibus, Alina de, 511..........., Avelina daughter of William de, earl of Albemarle, 7, 466........,...... de, sometime wife of Edmund the king's mother, 420........... Isabella de, countess of Albemarle, 101, 242, 256, 276, 299, 312, 347, 348, 350, 410, 560............... and Devon, and lady of the isle of Wight, 121, 410........... John de, 511.........., Thomas de, 511........... W illiam de, 511. Fossard, William, 384. Foston, Robert de, 522. Foston-on-the-Wolds [co. York], Gembling, Gemeling in, 573, 574. Foteswik in Wantage, co. Berks, 477. Fothehope. See Fownhope. Fotheringhay [co. Northants], letters close dated at, 136. Foucher, parson of Trillowe Church, 121........., Eustace, 405. Fouer, Thomas le, 291. Fouhop. See Fownhope. Fouk, Richard, lord of Monnington in Ystrad. yw, 569. Foulness, Fulnes [co. Essex], marshes of, 129. s 2 644 GENERAL INDEX. Foulsham, Folesham, Fulsham, co. Norfolk, 481, 491. Foun, Fown, Agnes son of Henry le, 459........., R i c h a r d, 3 3 2, 4 0 8, 4 1 3.........,..... le, 352........... Sewal le, clerk, 325......., Sir Sewall, 332. Fountains abbey [co. York], 158, 309, 354, 387, 444.........., a b b o t o f, 1 3 0........... P. abbot of, 354. Fowey, co. Cornwall. See Fonyton. Fown. See Foun. Fownhope, Fothehope, Fouhop, co. Hereford, 311. Fox, Gilbert, 142.......... Hugh le, 153........... Simon, 466. Foxcoth, Robert de, 326. Foype, Richard de, 122. Framesden, Framesdene. See Framsden. Framingham, Fremyngham [co. Norfolk], 386. Framlingham, co. Suffolk, 138, 375. Frammesden. See Framsdon. Frampton, Frompton [co. Dorset], Henry, bailiff of the liberty of, 174........, F rom pton, co. G loucester, 8, 67, 70, 193. Framsden, Framesdene, Frammesden, Framsdon [co. Suffolk], 210, 215. France, 37, 93.......... court of, 187, 493.........., king of. See Louis IX.; Philip III. Franceis, Nicholas le, 126......... Ralph, 127. And see Fraunceys. Franchomme, Ralph le, 222. Francis, Master, LL.D., 387. See also Accursius. Frankelein, Simon le, 106. Frankeleyn, Thomas le, 555. Franketon, Hugh de, vicar of Ashby-de-laZouche, 45. Frankley, Fraunkeleye [co. Worcester], 86. Fransham, Great [co. Norfolk], 231..............., H ugh, parson of the church of, 231. Fraunc, William, chaplain, 423. Fraunceys, Fraunceis, Alan le, 43.......... Benedict le, 71.........., Gilbert le, 134.........,....., tenant-in-chief, 460........... Henry, 110........., Hugh le, 214.......... John, 76................ le, 204.........., Nicholas le, 43.........., Philip le, 555......... Ralph le, 327.........., Richard, 416................ le, 71. i Fraunceys, Fraunceis, Richard, son of Gilbert le, tenant in chief, 461, 483........... Robert, 212.......... Thomas, 496............... le, 214, 222, 520.........., William, 496................ le, 78. And see Franceis. Frauncleyn. See Fraunkeleyn, Fraunk, Robert le, 325.........., W alter, 401. Fraunkeleye. See Frankley. Fraunkeleyn, Frauncleyn, Adam le, 555........... Godfrey, 111...........Ralph, 111................ son of Simon le, 498........., William le, 301, 302. Fraunkton, Nicholas de, 184. Fraxino, Hugh de, justiciary's clerk in Ireland, 148........... Sibyl de, 399. Freemantle, Freytmauntel [co. Hants], the king's houses of, 263, 264. Freiston, Freston [co. Lincoln], 3. Frek, Henry le, 477. Freman, Adam, 64............ le, 329, 330.......... Andrew le, 222.......... Richard, 109.........., Robert le, 330, 331.........., Thomas le, 558. Fremauntel, Richard de, 339. Fremyngham. See Framingham. Fremyngham, Master Ralph de, 422, 434. Frenanvill, brother Richard de, prior of Ogbourn, 57. Frenas, Richard ad, 75.........., William ad, 75, 77. Frend, Richard le, 164. Frene, Reginald del, 153. Frenes, Master Hugh de, envoy of the justiciary of Ireland, 99. Freningham, Nicholas de, 117.........., Master Ralph de, 117. Frere, John le, 24.......... Thomas, 469. Fresel, William, 391. Freskeneya, John son of Walter de, 334. Fressaunt, John, 77. Fressenede, William. de, citizen of London, 190. Fresseneden, William de, 256. Freston. See Freiston. Freston, Roger de, 66. Fretewell, Alan son of William, 73. Freyn, Geoffrey le, 103. Freysel, Alexander, 135, Freytmauntel. See Freemantle. Freytorp, Richard de, 227, Friars, 232.........., the Augustinian, order of, 388. GENERAL INDEX. 645 Friars, the Carmelite, order of, 290, 316........., Minors, order of, 32, 143, 283, 311, 335, 384, 398, 435, 451, 452, 453, 472, 479, 482, 538, 543........., Preachers, order of, 20, 32, 141, 142, 144, 211, 214, 297, 309, 369, 372, 375, 394, 397, 468, 515, 537, 544, 551, 563......................, prior provincial of, in England, 505. Frigun, Hugh, 362. Fring, Walter, 10. Frisby, Friseby [co. Leicester], 76. Friskenad, William de, 576. Frithe, la, wood of, in Windsor forest, 220. Frodsham, Frodesham, co. Chester, 317, 422, 478........, grant of a market in, 478........., Wimark, an anchoret of, 209. Frogemere, John de, 494. Frome [co. Somerset], letters close dated at, 309, 353. Frome, John de, 557. Frompton, 555........... See Frampton. Frontigny, France, vicomte of, 267, 268. Fronsac, Fronchac [France, Gironde], castle of, 263, 381..........., deed of, 267. Fronton, Moses de, 58. Fros, Geoffrey, 123. Frost, Isabella, 275. Frowik, Frowyk, Henry de, citizen of London, 123, 283................ sheriff of London, 218, 283, 294, 386. Frye, Hugh le, 410.........., John le, 494. Frylaund, Gunnilda de, and Matilda her sister, 355. Fu, Simon le, 222. Fuche, John, 541. Fucker, John le, 451. Fugart, Nicholas, 133. Fuke, Margaret, 569........... Fouk, Richard lord of Monnington in Ystrad-Yw, 569. Fuket, Walter, 416. Fulberti. See Fuleberti. Fulconis, Robert, 249............, justice, 52, 87, 122, Fuldon [co. Lincoln?], 255. Fuleberti, Fulberti, Burgesius, merchant of Florence, 554........... Nutus, merchant of Florence, 427, 554. Fuleburn, Stephen de, assessor of a tallage on the Jews, 83................, collector of the tallage on the Jews, 106................, bishop elect of Waterford, 106........,......, bishop of Waterford, 140, 146, 228, 293. Fuleburn, Stephen de, collector and receiver of the twentieth granted to the king in aid of the Holy Land, 34...............,..., treasurer of Ireland, 142, 212, 241, 372, 476, 493. Fuleham, Robert de, justice for the custody of the Jews, 542. Fulere, Alexander, 174........... Richard le, 243. Fulford [co. York], 574. Fulford, Matilda de, 78. Fulham, Foleham, co. Middlesex, 111. Fulham, William de, 253. Fulk, the king's gardener at Windsor Castle, 156 394.........., Ralph son of, 8, 577........... Simon son of, 342.........., William son of, de Fileby, 25. Fulketon. See Folkton. Fulketon, Alice wife of Sir Henry, son of Walter de, 491. Fullere, Walter le, 149. Fullur, Adam le, 206. Fulmer, Fulmere [co Bucks?], 82, 188, Fulmere, John son of John de, 188. Fulnes. See Foulness. Fulpert, William, 64. Fulsham. See Foulsham. Fulsum, Emma, 133. Fulur, Baldwin le, 507. Fundu, William, 364, 365. Funtayne, Walter de la, 291........., William de la, 74.........., Just de la, John, 449. Funteney, Robert de, 448. Funteynes, Geoffrey de, 60, 63, 64........... Margery wife of Geoffrey de, 60, 63,. 64. Funtington, co. Sussex, 569. Furbur, John le, 127. Furches, William de, 60. Furet, John, 175. Furnellis, Walter de, 110. Furness, Furneus, abbey [co. Lancaster], 247. Furneus, Simon de, 429.......... Walter de, 58.............., knt., 44. Furneval, Robert, 280. Furneys, Robert de, 133. Furnival, Furnivall, Furnyvall, Gerard de, 118........... Thomas, 74................ de, 41, 371........., son of Thomas de, 41. Furno, Alice wife of Thomas de, 273........... Thomas son of Alice de, 273. Furnyval, Furnyvall. See Furnival. Fuy, William, 157. Fuylliet, Henry, 508. 646 GENERAL INDEX. Fyche, Hugh, 391. Vyffide. See Fifide. Fykeys, Roger le, 536 Fyleby. See Filby. Fylers, Baldettus, 202. Fyn, Alan, 448.......... Simon, 99.,......... Walter, 448. Fyneberge, Ralph de, 150. Fynemere, Roger de, 550. Fynham, John de, clerk, 479. Fynkeleye forest. See Finkley. Fynmer, John de, 229. Fyschereston. See Fisherton. Fytelton. See Fittleton. Fyton, Edmund, 280. Fytz Thomas le Hayward, Walter le, 507. Fyz Westcudbright, Laurence le, 356. G. Gabay, Isaac, a Jew of Lincoln, 386. Gabriel, Richard, 72, 105. Gacelyn, Gascelyn, Geoffrey, 239, 423........... Sir Geoffrey, 240.........., Joan wife of Geoffrey, 536. Gacilyn, Sir Ralph, 240. Gaddesby, Gatesby [co. Leicester], 136. Gaham, Emma de, 77. Gahirst, Hugh de, 127. Gagitanus, John, canon of York, 378. Gagot, John, 299. Galhurst, Roger son of Hugh de, 127. Galien, Galyen, Adam, 111..............., Henry, 127. Galle, John, 509. Galloway, Galway, Scotland, 228, 240. Galoun, Galun, Walter, 365, 367. Galrugge, William, verderer of Buckholt forest, 145. Galtres, Caltres, forest, co. York, 80, 165, 277, 407, 449, 465, 478, 494. Galun. See Galoun. Galun, Alice, 171. Galway. See Galloway. Galyen. See Galien. Galyot, Richard, 9. Gamage, Edward, 345........... Nicholas, 462. Gamages, Gammages, Nicholas de, 508.........., Robert de, 428. Gamblesby, Gamelesby [par. of Addingham], co. Cornwall [rectius Cumberland], 196. Gamel, Adam, 164.......... Ralph, 45.........., Walter, 45. Gamelesby. See Gamblesby. Gamelesfiat, in Skelton [co. Cumberland], 132. Gamelin, a Jew of London, 302. Gamell, Richard, 245. Gammages. See Gamages. Gandavo, Gilbert de, 335.........., Master Henry de, keeper of the wardrobe of Henry III., 284........., Philip de, 501. And see Gaunt. Gannok, Wales, 551. Gannok, Thomas del, 507. Gannou, Gannu, 428.......,, letters close dated at, 428. Gant, Juliana wife of William le, 415. Ganter, Henry son of Ralph le, 127........... Robert le, 401. Gantifer, Thomas, 209. Ganzia, Peter de, 71. Gard, Thomas del, merchant, 74. Gardele, Gardeleye, Richard, 69, 73, 80. Gardener, the king's, at Windsor. See Fulk. Gardener, William le, 156, 329, 330, 444. Gardenere, Emma le, 79. Garderobe, William de la, 567. Gardin, Ralph del, 293. Gardiner, Stephen le, 18. Gardino, Henry de, a fugitive, 163........... John de, 557. Gare, La. See Gore. Gare, Richard de la, 96........ Thomas de la, 96........... Master William de la, canon of Lincoln, 41. Garget, Henry, 335. Gargou. See Cargo. Garinges. See Goring......... near Walingford, nunnery. See Goring. Garlaund, William de, 188. Garsie, Garsye, Arnald, 197.......... the king's serjeant, 107. Garsthorpe. See Garthorpe. Garsun, Simon le, 62. Garsyas, Vives son of, 201. Garsye. See Garsie. Garthorpe, Garsthorp [co. Leicester], 70. Garton, William de, a monk of St. Mary's abbey, York, 116. Garzun, Richard le, 62. Gascelyn. See Gacelyn. Gascony, 107, 137, 142, 197, 308, 342, 343, 361, 493, 497, 536, 562........... Jews of, 172.........., merchants of, 375........... passage of Henry III. into, 364.........., seneschal of, 107, 172, 247. And see Tany, Luke de.,......... war of Henry III. in, 197. Gask', Odinus le, citizen of Genoa, 259. Gaspy, Robert, 76. Gatacre [par. of Claverley], co. Salop, 294. GENERAL INDEX. 647 Gatacre, John de, 294. Gateby, Gervase de, 240. Gateles, Eda, 133. Gatesbiry, Gatesbyry [par. of Braughing, co. Herts], 82, 119. Gatesby. See Gaddesby. Gatesden, Cicely de, 565. Gatesdene, John de, 42. Gathred, Alan, 358. Gatton, Hamo de, 521........... Simon de, 251. Gauger, William, king's clerk, keeper of the abbey of Glastonbury, 138, 159, 291. Gaugy, Margaret wife of Ralph de, tenant in chief, 520........., Ralph de, 169, 284........... Sir Ralph de, 512........... Roger, 74. Gauk, Hugh, 282. Gaunt, Gilbert de, son of Gilbert de, 168.........., Guncelin de, 278..........H, enry de, 305.........., Isabella wife of Henry de, 305.........., Margery wife of Thomas de, 164........... Philip le, 92........... Thomas de, 164. And see Gandavo de. Gaunter, Alan le, 96........... Daniel le, citizen of London, 316.........., Henry le, 389.........., Roger son of Ranulph le, 127. Gawsworth, Gousewrdth, co. Chester, 281. Gaynebyen, William, 207. Gavo, Master Martin de, parson of the church of Taynton, 298. Gaysham, Sir Michael de, 509. Gaytesden, William de, 523. Gaytinton. See Geddington. Gayton, Geyton, co. Lincoln, 224........... Geyton [co, Norfolk], 215. Gayton, Gaytun, Geiton, Geyton, John de, 100, 412, 489.........., Sir John de, 338.............., son of John de, 570.........., Walter de, 45, 100, 240, 345. Gaywood [co. Norfolk], letters close dated at, 374. Geddington, G aytinton, Geytinton [co. Northants], 140, 528.........., forest of, 140........... letters close dated at, 139, 140, 211, 223, 248, 537, 573.......... the king's mill of, 140. Geddlingg, William de, 368. Gedeneye, Margaret de, 39. Gedling [co. Notts], letters close dated at 538. Geiton. See Geyton. Geldeston, co. Norfolk, 54, 293. Gele, Alard, 175. Gelham, Margaret wife of Matthew de, 414. Gemay, Elias, 175. 'Gemeling. See Gembling. Gemme, Matilda, 164. Gembling, Gemeling [par. of Foston-on-the Wolds, co. York], 573, 574. Genehuth, Robert de, 492. Genescomp, Thomas de, 226. Genever, John, 76. Genevill. See Gyenvill. Gennery, island of. See Guernsey. Genoa, 259. Genover, Eleanor de, 173. Gensac [Gironde, Gascony], Alexander lord of, 425. Genta, Cresseus son of, a Jew of London, 100, 169, 179, 396. Gentyl, John le, 174.......... Richard, 269. Gentyle, Robert le, 353. Genvil. See Gyenvill. Geoffrey the chaplain, 18........... Geoffrey son of de Graham, 229.......... John son of, 319..........,..... de Menythorp, 369.......... Ralph son of, 76.....,..., Richard son of, 330........... Roger son of, de Burghull, 157.............. de Chalinton, 210.......................... Simon his brother, 210.,.........., de Ford, 108........... Thomas son of, de Witheney, 570..........,,,, Walter son of, 301.........., William son of, 245................. de Holkham, 15. Georgeham? [co. Devon], Croyde, Crude, in, 326. Gerald, Maurice son of, 45, 499........... W illiam, 77, 186. Geraud, Geoffrey, 361........... William, 223, 255. Gerberd, Gereberd, Thomas, 73.........., William, 288, 352. Gerberge, Gereberge, William the younger, 291, 341. Gereberd. See Gerberd. Gereberge. See Gerberge. Gerecok, 77. Geregrave, Saer de, 297. Geresey, Gereseye, Geresy. See Jersey. Geresyes, Nicholaa wife of Thomas le, 140. Gerfalcon, the king's, 142. German, 227.........., Robert son of, 92. Germeyn, William, 174, 175. Gernemuta, Gernemutha Hugh de, 54........... Sir Hugh de, clerk, 1 ll. Gernemuth. See Yarmouth. Gernemuth, William de, 23. Gernemutha. See Gernemuta. Gerner, Robert, 416. 648 GENERAL INDEX. Gernerey, Gernereye, Gerneseye. See Guernsey, Gernun, Ralph, 85........... Roger, 67.........., William, 242. Gertieys, John, 73. Gervase, Roger, 182. Gerveys, John, 175..........., N icholas, 111.......... William, 106. Gery, Adam son of William, 158. Gesem'. See Gesemuth. Gesemuth, Gesem' Adam de, 151, 382. Geynvill. See Gyenvill. Geytescales, Nicholas de, 47. Geytinton. See Geddington. Geytinton, Roger de, 164. Geyton, [co. Lincoln], 237.......... See Gayton. Geyton, Geiton. See Gayton. Geywod, Robert de, 123. Ghent, 194, 199, 242........... a b b o t o f, 2 4 2. Gibecrake, Thomas, 308. Gidel, Richard, 35. Giffard, Alice, and Emma her daughter, 368.........., Geoffrey, 477........... Godfrey, bishop of Worcester, 43, 370, 448, 503, 511........................ chief justice in eyre in cos. Hertford and Kent, 504........... Gundreda wife of William, 378.........., John, 115, 274, 299, 310, 315, 335, 434, 459................., constable of St. Briavels, 220................, keeper of the forest of Dene, 220..............., of Brimpsfield, 538..............., the younger, 272, 449.........., Matilda wife of John, 335........... Ralph, 175........, Robert, 378, 424, 509.........., Sibyl, 448..........., W alter, archbishop of York, 1, 2, 9, 10, 17, 43, 48, 50, 54, 67, 113, 114, 170, 172, 177, 343, 376, 382, 410, 487, 492....................., supplying the king's place in England, 21........... bishop of Bath and Wells, 245.........., William, 7, 42, 43, 170, 376, 378..............., keeper of the hundred of Barnstaple, 269................, knt., 251................., sheriff of cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, 166, 170, 172. Gilberd, John, 330, 331. Gilbert, Agnes wife of, 134.......... Bele wife of Peter, 329.........., G ilbert son of, 134.....,..., Juliana daughter of, 91. Gilbert, Ralph, 329........... Sewall son of, 60. Gilbert's Hill, forest of, co. Salop, 381. And see Wrekin. X 1A Gildeford. See Guildford. Gilebert, John, 243........... William, 78. Giles, William, 240. Gileslaunde, Stephen de, 132. Gille, Alice wife of William,. I........... Henry, 155........... Thomas, 508.......... See also Gylle. Gillesden, Walter de, 452. Gillesland, Gilleslaund. See Gilsland. Gilleslaund, Matilda wife of Thomas de, 490. Gilling, Amabilla de, 126........., Richard de, 429. Gillingham, co. Dorset, 31, 219, 324, 417, 495................., bailiff of. See Taunton, Guy de.......... forest, co. Iorset, 257, 262, 266, 486, 494.......... [co. Dorset], letters close dated at, 261,262, 324, 451, Gilsland, Gillesland, Gilleslaund [par. of Lanercost and Upper Denton, co. Cumberland], 5, 356, 509. Gimingham [co. Norfolk], letters close dated at, 374. Ginges Muntenye. See Mountnessing. Gingis [co. Essex], 420, 422. Girebert, Girbert, Girberti, William, 228, 251, 263. Girrick, Grencrig, Grenrugg [parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3, 39,46. Gisburne, Gyseburn, priory [co. York], 249. Giseburnn. See Guisborough. Giselham, William de, 232, 546. Giselingham, Alan de, 73. Gislingham, William de, 575. Gisors, Gisorz, Giszors, Gysorz, Gyzors, Hugh de, 107.........., John de, citizen of London, 120, 122........., Simon de, 114, 527, 528..........., William de, a monk of King's Beaulieu, 341. Gisseburn. See Guisborough. Gissich, St, Andrew. See Gussage, St. Andrew. Gissich, John de, 237. Giszors. See Gisors, Giumeys, Thomas de, king's clerk, 509. Givelton. See Gyveldon. Givelton, William de, 363. Glabury, Glabiry. See Glasbury. Gladewyn, Reginald, 78........... Richard, 77. Glanvill, Sir Arnulf de, 346. Glapthorn [co. Northants], 112. GENERAL INDEX. 649 Glasbury, Glabiry, Glabury [cos. Radnor and Brecknock], 54, 335. Glassan. See Glasson. Glassan, William de, 477. Glasson, Glassan [township of Drumburgh, par. of Bowness], co. Cumberland, 477. Glassonby, Glassanby [par. of Addingham]. co. Cornwall [rectius Cumberland], 196. Glaston, co. Rutland, 295. Glastonbury [co. Somerset], letters close dated at, 450, 451.......... abbey, 74, 81, 95, 118, 138, 143, 159, 166, 245, 262, 270, 290, 291, 318, 339..............., abbot of, 360................ elect of, 95................. abbots of, 245.............., John, abbot of, 291.........,....., Robert, abbot of, 245............., keeper of. See Foliot, Geoffrey; Gauger, William................ obedientiaries of, 81..............., park of, 318. Glastonia, Henry de, son of Robert de, 501.........., John de, 243. Glemsford, Glemesford, co. Suffolk, 67, 70. Glen. See Glenn. Glen, Walter de, 223. Glenfridewe. See Glyn Dyfrdwy. Glenn, Glen [co. Leicester], 164. Glide, Hugh le, 62........., Robert le, 64. Glidewyne, Richard, 492. Giindelory, Ireland [co. Clare?], 470. Gloria, Peter de, merchant, 106. Gloucester, 31, 79, 560.......... the barton of, 150.........., abbey of St. Peter, 62, 117, 150, 311, 366.,...... castle, 26, 31............., prison in, 434................ the king's crossbows in, 6........., friars minors of, 453, 472......... Jewry of, 263.........., king's council at, 504........... king's weir and a half of, 31........., letters close dated at, 311, 397, 471 -474, 503, 504........... mayor of, 63........, prison at, 24, 50, 369, 374. Gloucester, county of, 62, 104, 125, 135, 206, 239, 251, 256, 337, 339, 357, 425, 455, 457, 492, 500, 504, 512, 524, 560..............., escheator in, 270............. justices in, 52, 457................. justices in eyre in, 236, 302, 466................. justices for common pleas in,463............, forest pleas in, justices of, 528. i i I I I I I Gloucester, county of, sheriffof, 6, 11, 22, 24, 26, 63, 68, 70, 268, 270,279, 301, 366, 369, 374, 398, 405, 410, 426, 455, 463, 468, 469, 496, 500, 518, 539. And see Botiller, Adam de..........,........ escheator in, 270, 279..............., earl of, 333................ and Hertford, earl of. See Clare, Gilbert de; Clare, Richard de..............., countess of, 226. And see Clare, Matilda de. Gloucestria, Belya de, a Jewess, 169.........., Eleanor daughter of Serlo de, 445.........., John de the elder, and John his brother, 571..........., Master Roger de, 353.............. Thomas de, 45........., William de, 556................. executors of, 3. Glyn Dyfrdwy, Glenfridewe [commote [of Powys Fadwg, co. Denbigh?], 399. Gnaresburg. See Knaresborough. Gnoston. See Knuston. Gobaud, Guy, 223. Gobion, Gobyon, Gobyun, Anselm, 44.........., Nicholas, 145. Gocelyn, Gocelin, Goscelyn, Gosscelyn, Edmund, 507.........., Richard, 507..........., Stephen, 124.........., Thomas, 385. Godard, 450........., Bartholomew, 251, 270........, Robert son of, 414. Godberd, Geoffrey, 291. Godchild, Richard, 79. Godefrey, John, 127, 243. Godeholte, Richard son of William, 529. Godesone, John, 374..........., William, 374. Godested, William de, 264, Godestowe abbey. See Godstow. Godewyn. See Godwyn. Godfrey, Hugh son of, de Riseleye, 403. Godington, Robert de, 558. Godlombe, Simon, 323. Godman, John, 175.......... Vincent, 111. Godriz, Thomas, 58. Godsone, Alexander, 327. Godstow, Godestowe, abbey, co. Oxford, 312, 537....................., abbess of, 207. Godwyn, Godweyne, Richard, 466.....I.......... son of Stephen, 466........., Robert, 489. Godwyne, Matilda wife of Walter, 158..........., W illiam, 129. l......... Thomas, 558. Godyn, William, 44. 650 GENERAL INDEX. Gofeire, Gilbert, 64. Gogard, John son of Ailsi, Aylci, 454, 455. Gojun, John, 555. Golafre, Gulafre, Eustace, 327........., Stephen, 13.......... William, 185. Gold, in leaf, 185. Gold', William le, 8. Goldale, Thomas son of John de, 475. Goldenwey, Geoffrey, 116. Goldingham, Isabella wife of William de, 431.......... William de, 431. Golithly, Robert, 76. Goldsmith, Peter the, 123, 248.........., Robert the, 78.........., Thomas the, 243. Goldsmiths, 516. Golkesby, Adelard de, 507. Gomund, William, 274. Goncestria, Olympias de, 214. Goneshale, Walter de, 294. Gonevill, Gunevill, Matilda wife of William de, 361........... William de, 361, 551. Gopyl, Henry, 453. Gordel, William, 149. Gordoun. See Gurdon. Gordur, Gourdour le, land of, [Wales] 374. Gore, La Gare [par. of Upchurch], co. Kent, 203. Gore, Robert de la, 492. Gorges, Helen de, 391.........., Ralph de, 177, 187, 306.........,...... son of Thomas de, 176.........., William de, 575. Gorham, Henry de, 20.......... William de, 8. Goring, Garinges [co. Oxford], 336.........., Garinges near Walingford, nunnery [co. Berks], 509. Gorleston, John de, 291. Gornard, Roger, 247. Gos, Alan, 389........., Gilbert le, 388. Goscelyn. See Gocelyn. Goscote, Cosecote [co. Leicester], wapentake of, 474. Goselay, Walter, 79. Gosfeld, Alan de, 118. Goshawk, the king's, 216. Gosscelyn. See Gocelyn. Gotchepe, Hugh, 77. Gothyrd, Henry de, 103. Gottham, Isabella wife of Gilbert de, 208. Gottinge, Dionisia wife of Peter de, 116........., Peter de, 116. Goudhurst, Guthurst, co. Kent, 171. Goul, Ralph le, 206. Gousewrdth. See Gawsworth. Gower, Ralph, 208. Gowyz, Brian de, 174. Goye, Henry, 257, 285. Goys, Hugh le, 153. Grace, Reginald son of Richard, 148. Grage, Simon, 78................ le, 78. Graham. See Grantham. Graham, Anselm son of Anselm de, 229.........., David de, 509........... Geoffrey son of Geoffrey de, 229........... Muriel daughter of David de, 509.........., Thomas de, 521. Grammarry, Gramayr', Gramere, Andrew de, 214, 243, 315, 345. Grandisono, Granscon, Graunzon, Otto de, 142, 359, 493, 520, 552.......,.......,...... knt., 249, 345. Granemere, Roger de, 160. Granger, Bernard le, 160. Granscon. See Grandisono de. Grant Moresum. See Moorsholme. Grantham, Graham [co. Lincoln], 286, 332. Grapefige, William, 123. Grapelinggesham, Grapelingesham, Peter de, 367, 369. Grarig' in Kendal. See Grayrigg. Gras, Henry le, 253.....,..., John de, 385........,...... le, 105........., Richard le, 471.........., Thomas le, 337. Grasier, Isolda wife of John le, 244.........., John le, 244. Grasmere [co. Westmoreland], Ambleside, Amelsate in, 183.........., Loughrigg, Loucrigg in, 183.........., Rydale in, 183. Graspeis, Godard, 51. Graston, Robert de, 553, Grateley, Gratele, co. Hants, 123, 124. Graundcourt, Grauncourt, Grauntcourt, Walter de, 414, 524.............., sheriff of cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, 544. Graundmapeltre. See Maplestead, Great. Graunge, William de la, 74. Graunger, John le, 138, 303. Graunt, Master Adam le, 115.........., Hugh le, 542........... Thomas le, 121, 179........... Walter le, 91, 462.......... William le, 425. Grauntcourt. See Graundcourt. Graunzon. See Grandisono de. Grave, Agatha wife of Walter de la, 123........... Gilbert atte, 77........... Nicholas de la, 443........... Richard de la, 224. Gravele, Walter de, chaplain, 473. GENERAL INDEX. 651 Gravenel, Isabella wife of John, 326. Gravenhanger, Gravenhungre [par. of Woore, co. Salop], 234. Graveshale, Adam, coroner for co. Essex, 89. Gravesend, Gravesende [co. Kent], 436. Gravesend, Gravesende, Graveshend, Master Richard de, archdeacon of Essex, 41................ de, bishop of Lincoln, 41, 187, 190, 195, 218, 376, 506, 531........., R obert de, 117.......... Stephen de, 187, 549. Gray, Sir Reginald de, 429. Grayingham, Grengham [co. Lincoln], 41. Grayrigg, Grarig' in Kendal [co. Westmoreland], 336. Grean, Grene [co. Limerick], 500. Great seal, the. See Seal. Gredere, Roger le, 261. Gredley, Robert de, 358. Greenford, Little Greneford [co. Middlesex], 420, 422. Greenwich, Grenewicz, Grenewyz [co. Kent], 116, 532. Greet, Grete, co. Salop, 477. Gregge, William, 443. Gregoire, William, 130. Gregory X., pope, 79, 99, 128, 197, 198. Grein, Simon de la, 20. Greinvill, William de, 370, Grele, Peter, 230. Greleye, Greley, Peter de, 173, 401......., Robert, 126............... de, 166, 171, 173.........., Thomas de, 173................, tenant in chief, 166, 171. Grelley, Robert de, 353. Gremarde, Henry de, 69. Gremoch. See Grenagh. Gren, la [parish of Danby-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Grena, William de, 134. Grenagh, Gremoch [co. Cork], 500. Grenam, Hawysia ad, 75. Grendon, co. Herts, 181. Grendon, Adam de, 163........., John de, 135.......... Ralph de, 440........., Robert de, sheriff of co. Salop, 433. Grene. See Grean.........., La [near Danby in Cleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Grene, Hamo de la, 564........., Hamund de la, 58.........., John atte, 466................ de la, 74.........., Nicholas de la, 78.........., Robert de la, 94, 164, 282.......... Walter atte, 466................ de la, 282, 407. Grenebergh, William de, 204. Greneford, Little. See Greenford. Grenerig. See Girrick. Grenewicz, Grenewyz. See Greenwich. Grenewiz, Martin son of Richard de, 116. Grengham. See Grayingham. Grenham, Mabel de, 571.........., Peter de, 571......., Ralph de, 227........... Richard de, 287. Grenrugg. See Girrick. Grepping', Richard de, 215. Greschirche, Roger de, 204. Grestein, Cresteyno, Cresteyn abbey [in Carbec, Normandy, Pays de Caux], 38, 397, 568. Greston, William de la, clerk, 61. Gret, William, merchant, 74. Grete. See Greet. Grete, Peter de, 477. Gretham, Henry de, 240. Gretheleye, Thomas, knt., 227. Gretschank, Henry, 179. Grette, Thomas de, 494. Gretton, William de, 558. Grey, Henry de, 582.........., John de, 127, 130, 322, 570................ knt., 227..........,......, son of Reginald de, 404.........., Matilda wife of Reginald de, 227.......... R. de, 360.......... Reginald de, 127, 130, 227, 251, 413, 429, 460, 477, 491, 511.............., justiciary, 57..........,....... justice of Chester, 68, 102, 110.......... Richard, 358................ de, 340. Greyliaco, John de, 381, Greyndeorge, William, 520. Greystoke, baron of. See Thomas, William son of.........., See Creystok. Greywell [co. Hants], 455. Gricke, Henry, 149. Griffin, Avicia wife of William, 334........,., David son of, 266, 317, 402, 428, 476, 478.........., Elizabeth wife of David son of, 461, 476, 481........... Llewellyn son of, 374, 576................ prince of Wales. See Llewellyn................ de Brumfeld, 399.......... Owen son of, 488........... Sir Roderic (Lodewycus) son of, 509........, Sees, 431........... Vaghan, 399.........., William son of, 563......... son of Llewelyn, 399...a............ Vaghan, 434. 652 GENERAL INDEX. Griffin son of Wenonwen, Wenunwen, 142, 374, 399............... Hawisia wife of, 282. Grike, Grikke, Gryc, Walter, 146, 149.................. king's bailiff in the hundred of Cottesloe, 218. Grim, Walter, 71. Grimele, Matthew de, 409.........., Simon son of Master William de, 409. Grimenhulle. See Grimley. Grimesby. See Grimsby.......... abbey. See Grimsby. Grimescote [co. Northants], 286. Grimested,Grimestede,Grymested,Grymstede, John de, 266, 331, 553.................. k n t., 4 9 5................., keeper of the park of Melchet, 370................. son of Richard de, 563. Grimeston. See Grimston. Grimley, Grimenhulle [co. Worc.], 409. Grimsby, Grimesby, Grimmesby, Grymesby, co. Lincoln, 41, 295, 423.................. chapel of St. Andrew without, 312.......... abbey, 312. Grimstead, Grimstede [co. Wilts], 87. Grimston, Grimeston [parish of Wellow, co. Notts], park of, 402. Grindham, Simon de, 56. Grinel, Thomas, 78. Griuel, Simon, 77. Groby [par. of Ratby], co. Leicester, 160. Grohun. See Credonio. Gronnou, Kenewric son of, bailiff of Rhuddlan, 563. Gros, IHawisia daughter of William de, earl of Albemarle, 511.......... Hugh le, 118........... William le, earl of Albemarle, 511. Grove, William at the, 75. Grubbe, Joan wife of Robert, 324.......... Robert, 324. Grue, Gerard la, 356................. steward of the bishop of Winchester, 122. Grugoed, Richard de, 90. Grumbalds Ash, Grymboldeshash, hundred, co. Gloucester, 463. Gruscet, Gruscett, Richard, 42, 124, 230, 339. Grymboldeshash hundred. See Grumbalds Ash. Grymstede. See Grimested. Gryndegrec, William, 175. Grys, Ralph, 149. Gryt. See Grike. Gubaud, Baldwin, warden of the friars minors of Stamford, 335. Gudeford. See Guildford. Guernsey, Gennery, Gerneseye, Gernesey, Gernereye, island of, 129, 132, 292..............., bailiff of, 140, 215, 216.......... fisheries, 216........... men of, 216........... parish of St. Andrew, 129. Gugehou. See Cugeho. Gugou, John, 495........... Thomas, 495. Guidicionis, Aldebrandinus, merchant of Lucca, 492. Guildford, Gildeford, Gudeford, Guldeford, co. Surrey, 12, 31, 69, 113,148, 567, 575.........., prison at, 12, 16, 20, 449, 459, 479.........., letters close dated at, 553. Guillelmi, Reymund, de Sauvinak, 359. Guisborough, Gisehurnn, Gisseburn, priory [co. York], 4, 40. Guisborough priory, advowson of, 40. Gukehou. See Cugeho. Gulafre. See Golafre. Guldeford. See Guildford. Gulfer, Richard, 104. Gumbaud, Guy, 251. Gumry, Simon, 227. Gunevill. See Gonevill. Gunry, Ralph, 409. Gunte, William, 139. Gunter, Robert, 101. Gurdon, Gordoun, Gurdoun, Gurdun, Adam, 508.......... keeper of Alice Holt forest, 287, 312, 437, 525................ keeper of Woolmer forest, 388, 391, 437........... Sir Adam de, 552. Gurnay, John de, 345............., knt., 512. Gurney, Anselm de, 397. Gusewrth, 246. Gussage St. Andrew, Gissich St. Andrew [par. of Sixpenny Handley], co. Dorset, 481. Gustes', Henry de, 231. Gutherst. See Goudhurst. Guy, count of Flanders and Hainault, 198, 230, 423, 459.........., master of the order of the Temple in England, 57........... Simon son of, de Thorwyngham, 573. Guylelmy, Decanicus, 222. Guzch, John, 161. Gwent, Overwent, 390. Gwynn, John, 495. Gyd, Stephen, 303. Gydecote, Alina de, 450. Gyenvill, Genevill, Genvil, Geynvile, Geynvill, Geoffrey de, 176, 304, 431, 507.........,...., justiciary of Ireland, 30, 35, 61, 86, 91, 99, 102, 122, 142, 143, 148, 154, 180, 240, 241, 476, 477. GENERAL INDEX. 653 Gyenvill, Genevill, Genvil, Geynvile Geynvill, Sir Geoffrey de, 176, 548........... Matilda wife of Geoffrey de, 431. Gyffun, Henry, 506. Gyle, Vincent, 480. Gylle, Walter, 557.......... See also Gille. Gylling, William de, 397. Gymynges, Robert de, son of Robert de, tenant in chief, 30. Gyne, Herbert, 159. Gynes, Robert de, 92, 95. Gynge, Munteny. See Mountnessing. Gyse, Anselm de, 191........,......, knt., 356. Gyseburn priory. See Gisburne. Gysorz. See Gisors. Gyulf, William, 459. Gyvelden. See Yelden. Gyveldon, Givelton, Joan wife of William de, 88, 200, 382.........., W illia m d e, 3 6 3. Gyzors. See Gisors. H. Hache, Hacche, Eustace de la, knt., 559..........., John atte, 162.......... R eginald de la, 155.........., Robert de la, 138........... Serlo de la, 155.......... Walter de la, 155. Hachesham, Absolom de, 567........... Henry de, 573. Hackebon, Ralph, 405. Hackney, Hakeneye [co. Middlesex], 165. Haddesor. See Hedsor. Haddestok. See Hadestok. Haddon, nether, Haddon [co. Derby], 460. Haddon, Hadden, co. Northants, 392.........., Simon de, 330.......... in Stratford, Henry de, 156. Hadele, Walter de, 212. Hadenham, John de, 137, 264. Hadestok. See Hadstock. Hadestok, Haddestok, William de, 96....................,,, citizen of London, 53, 69, 123. Hadham, John de, 421.........., Robert de, 20. Hadleigh, Hadlee, Hadlegh [co. Essex], 31.......... park, 200. Hadstock, Hadestok [co. Essex], 123. Hafford, Ralph de, 353. Hagheman, Haghemon, abbey. See Haughmond. Haghman, Reymund de, 68. Hagin, Haginus, Hagyn, a Jew of Ipswich, 376........... a Jew of London, 201, 259, 396, 458, 473, 501, 547........ Hagini, Cok, a Jew of London, 176, 180, 192, 202................ son of, a Jew of London, 83, 170, 197, 315................ son of Cresseus, a Jew of London, 43.......... son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, 144, 152, 321, 470. Hagworthingham [co. Lincoln], 215. Hahe. See Hale. Hahull, Geoffrey son of William de, 157. Hailes, Hayles abbey [co. Gloucester], 108. Hainault, Hyneholt, forest, co. Essex, 392. Hainault, earl of. See Guy. Hakebech, Alice wife of John de, 414. Haketorne, Thomas de, 430. Hakefeud, Hakeford, Philip de, 97. Hakeford, Fraricus de, 141. Hakeneye, Ranulph de, 350. Hakelutel, Giles, 489.........., Juliana wife of Giles, 489. Hakeman, forest of. See Haughmond. Hakeneye. See Hackney. Hakeneye, Robert de, 123. Haket, Benedict, 507. Hakethimus, a Jew of Winchester, 100. Hakkeburne, William de, 33. Halderdeleg. See Alderley. Haldesworth, William de, 132. Haldeyn, Julia wife of William, 135. Hale, Hahe [parish of Danby in Cleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Hale, Adam son of Robert in the, 99.........., John de la, 236, 325........., Robert in the, 99. Haleford, John de, 510................ de la, son of Edmund de la, 351. Haleghestok. See Halstock. Haleghton, William de, 505. Hales, Alexander de. 164........... John de, 258.......... William de, 260. Halesowen [co. Worcester], Cradley, Cradele in, 36. Haleweford. See Halliford. Halfreinsch, Halvefranch, William, 9, 41. Halghton, William de, 367. Halibred, William, 47. Haliday, John, 91. Halingbiri. See Hallingbury. Halington. See Hollington. Halington, Robert de, 507, 508. Haliwelle, Robert de, 494. Hallawe, Matthew de, 353. Hallegh, Master Alan de, 59. 654 GENERAL INDEX. Halliford, Haleweford [par. of Shepperton and Sunbury, co. Middlesex], 127. Hailing', Master Richard de, 352. Hallingbury, Halingbiri, park, co. Essex, 514. Hallyngbiri, Thomas de, 243. Halse [par. Brackley, co. Northants], letters close dated at, 372. Halsisholte forest. See Alice HIolt. Halsted, Halstede, Robert de, king's yeoman, 282, 437........... William son of Richard de, 109. Halstock, Haleghestok, co. Dorset, 575. Halton, Richard de, 237, 570. Haluton, 116. Halvefranch. See Halfreinsch. Halvergate, Alvergate [co. Norfolk], 424. Halverton, Robert de, 470. Halywell, 414. Ham, Hamme [in Waddesden and Wotton Underwood], co. Bucks, 115........... East. See East Ham.........., West. See West Ham. Hamard, Nicholas, 77. Hamby, Yollan de, 208. Hameden. See Hampden. Hameldon, Henry de, 137.........., Isabella wife of Henry de, 137.......,.. Hameleden, Thomas de, 456, 557. Hamelton, Hameleton, William de, 120, 226, 332, 340, 342, 357, 409, 420, 422, 423, 427, 431, 499, 512, 528, 550, 563, 575, 581, 582............, clerk, 54, 111, 252................ 332, 415, 430, 562................ justice of forest pleas, 582.......... William son of Adam de, 502. Hamelyn, Walter, 77.......... William, 231, 500..........,.. sheriff of co. Warwick, 365. Hamerton [co. Huntingdon], 81. Hamme. See Ham.......... [par. of Alberbury, co. Salop], 68. Hammes, John de, 346. Hamo, John son of, 150......................., de Burton, 341. Hamond, John, 226......... See also Hamund. Hampden, Hammeden [co. Bucks], 34. Hampstede, Robert de, 337. Hampton, Geoffrey de, 453........., Margery wife of Robert do, tenant in chief, 407, 433, 436........, Richard de, 72, 105.........., Robert de, 132, 138, 196.........., sheriff of co. Cumberland, 312.........., Walter son of Walter de, 493. Hamsard, Gilbert, knt., 120. Hamslape, Joan wife of John de, a conversa, 159. Hamslape park. See Hanslope. Hamton, William de, 272. Hamund, Adam, 291......... Richard, 328.........., Robert, son of Robert, tenant in chief, 528......... See also Hamond. Hamville, John son of Richard de, 116. Handborough, Haneberge [co. Oxford], 452. Handesacre, Ralph de, 371.......... See also Hondesacre. Handley, Hanle, Hanlee, Hanlegh, Hanleye, Hcnle, Henley, park [par. of Towcester, co. Northants], 397, 445, 451, 467, 468.......... wood, in Whittlewood forest [par. of Towcester, co. Northants], 406, 438, 461, 536, 537. Haneberge. See Handborough. Hanesheg', Henry de, 82. Hanewell, William de, 74. Haneworth, Roger de, 13, 45, 434.........., William de, son of Roger de, 434. Haningfeld, William de, 457. Haninton. See Hanynton. Hanle, Hanlee, Hanleye, wood. See Handley. Hanlegh Willelmi. See Hanley, William. Hanley William, Hanlegh Willelmi [par. of Eastham], co. Worcester, 579. Hannington, Hanynton, Hanyton, co. Northants, 222, 339. Hanred, Hanrede, Nicholas de, knt., 237.........., Thomas, heir of Nicholas de, 340.........., William de, 452. Hansard, Gilbert, 215.......... James, 128. Hanslope, Hamslape, park [co. Bucks], 440. Hanton, 334. Hantona, John de, 213. Hanyatehaylye, Robert de, 524. Hanynton. See Hannington. Hanynton, Hanyton, Roger de, 343........... Simon de, 222........... William de, clerk of the chancery, 54, 72, 136, 332, 422, 501. Hanyton. See Hannington.....,.... See Hanynton. Happing hundred [co. Norfolk], 106. Hapton, Ralph de, 245. Harberton, Hirbirton, co. Devon, 282. Harborough, Market. See Market Harborough. Harbottle, Hirbotil [par. of Alwinton, co. Northumberland], 336. Harbury, Herberbiry [co. Warwick], 558. Hardale [par. of Danby-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Hardel, Laurence, 51, 164, 168. Hardern, Beatrice wife of Robert de, 223. Hardershull, William de, 215...... See also Hardredeshull, Hardreshull. Hardewyn. See Hardwyn. GENERAL INDEX. 655 Harding, Adam, 156........... Beatrice, 247, 494........, Gilbert, 75........... John, 247.........., Richard, 18.........., William, the king's baker, 579. Hardington, Hardinton, co. Somerset, 575. Hardlok, Alan, 75. Hardnet, Walter, 576. Hardredeshull, Robert de, 6.........., Walter de, 549.......... See also Hardershull, Hardershull. Hardreshull, co. Warwick, 309. Hardreshull, Joan wife of John de, tenant in chief, 305, 309, 310........., John de, tenant in chief, 305, 318.......... See also Hardershull, Hardredeshull. Hardwich, Herdewik [co. Cambridge], 11.......... Herdwik [co. Norfolk], 257........., Herdewick, William lord of, 559. Hardwyn, Hardewyn, Hardwyne, Ralph, 549,........, Sarah wife of Ralph, 549.........., William, 162, 372. Hardy, Henry, 507.........., John, 540. Hare, Alice la, and Alditha her sister, 556.........., William le, 127, 320. Harebare, William, 179. Harebergh, Contissa wife of Cressantus de, a Jew, 543. Harecurt, Joan wife of John de, 494.........., John de, 494.........., Margery de, 35................, tenant in chief, 454.........., Richard son of William de, 436.......... Saer de, 7, 259, 465................ chief lord of the manor of Kibworth, 510.........., Serlo de, 238. Harelegh. See Harlegh. Hareng, Alexander, 9. Hareslad, 127. Haresfield, Harsefeld, IIasfeud, forest [co. Gloucester], 461.......... mill of, 237. Haresford (Haverfordwest, co. Pembroke?) castle, constable of. See Brachesford, Markes. Harewe, William de, clerk, 532. Harewelle, Roger de, clerk, 33. Harewode. See Harewood.......... wood of, in Chute forest, 267. Harewood, Harewode [co. York], 347, 348. Haringeworth. See Harringworth. Haringeworth, Hugh son of Simon de, 75........... Quenild wife of Hugh son of Simon, 75. Haringeye park. See Harringay. Harington, Peter de, 67........., Robert de, 498. Haringworth. See Harringworth. Harle, William de, 405. Harlegh, Harlee, Harleye, Harelegh, Malcolm, de, 188, 230, 235, 331, 340, 581.........,. clerk, 579. Harleston, William de, 28. Harlewyne, Thomas, 404. Harley, Harleye, co. Salop, 294. Harleye, See Harlegh. Harlington, Herlindon, Herlingdon, co. Bedford, 477. Harlow Hill, Hertlawe [par. of Ovingham], co. Northumberland, 284. Harmondsworth, Hermodesworth [co, Middlesex], 247. Harnham, co. Wilts, 70. Harold, Roger, 378. Harpecote, Roger de, 244. Harpin, John, 66......,. Nicholas, 66. Harpour, Simon le, 214. Harpur, Gilbert le, 558. Harpyn, Peter, 66. Harringay, Harengeye, Haringeye, park [par. of Hornsey, co. Middlesex], 32, 36. Harringworth, Haringeworth, Haringworth, co. Northants, 115, 295. Harrowden, Little, Harwedon, co. Northants, 195. Harsefeld. See Haresfield. Harslede, 127. Harstan, John de, 541. Hartcla, Arcla, Hercla, Michael de, 461, 48 Hartest, Herthurst, co. Suffolk, 459. Hartford [co. IHuntingdon], Sappeleye forest in, 374, 376. Hartlip, Hertlep [co. Kent], 203. Hartwell, Hertwell, co. Northants, 277. Harundel forest. See Arundel. Harwedon, Little. See Harrowden, Little. Harwell, Herewell [par. of Everton, co. Notts], 190. Harwich, Herewiz [co. Essex], 33. Hasdale, park of [co. York], 39. Haseley, Hasele, co. Oxford, 394. Haselholt, Alice daughter of Henry de, 160. Haseloure, Constance de, 319. Hasfeud forest. See Haresfield. Haslee, Amicia wife of John de, tenant in chief, 173. Haslingfield, Haselingfeld,co. Cambridge, 188. Haspale, Haspal, Master Geoffrey, 250, 564, 576. See also Aspal, Asphal. Hastencot, Isabella wife of William de, 10, 101, 431.......... William de, 10, 431. Hasting, Hasteng, Hastinges, Hastingg', Alice wife of Philip de, 115.........., Isabella wife of William de, tenant in chief, 471........... John, 156, 578................ de, 190..........,...., on of Joan de, 113-115. 656 GENERAL INDEX. Hasting, John de, nephew of George de Cantilupo. 113................, son of Robert, 578........., Matthew de, 251........... Matthias de, constable of Hastings castle, 385........... Miles de, 127, 289, 309, 343.......... Nicholas de, 115.........., William de, tenant in chief. 469. Hastings, Hasting' [co. Sussex], 385.......... castle, 385................. constable of, 385. And see Hasting', Matthias de.........., honour of, 385........... prebends of, 385.,....., priory, 543. Hatfeld. See Hatfield. Hatfeld, brother Peter de, canon of Holy Trinity, London, 50........... Roger de, 188. Hatfield, Hatfeld, co. Essex, 286.......... Peveril, co. Essex, 120...................,,, Toppingho, Tappingeho in, 50. Hatherley, Down, Dunheytherleye [co. Gloucester], 112. Hathewaldeford [par. of Chirbury], co. Salop, 294. Hattecumbe, Hattecoumbe, Joan wife of Richard de, 469........... Richard de, 469. Hatton [parish of Shifnal, co. Salop], 148. Hatton, Henry de, 310.........., John de, 310. Hauberdyn, Thomas de, son of Roger de, 311. Haugesford, Sir William de, 321. Haughmond, Hagheman, Haghemon, abbey [co. Salop], 2, 89.......... Hakeman forest, 191. Haull', John de la, 47. Haulou, Robert de, 122. Haulton, John de, 251. Haunsard, James, 501........... son of James, 501........... John, 501. Hauntenesford, Roger de, 407. Haunton, John de, 237. Hautereve, Henry de, 415. Hauteyn, Hautayn, Hamo, 251, 263, 581................,. justice of the Jews, 6, 7, 166, 167................. knt., 255, 321.........., sheriff of cos. Lincoln, Norfolk, and Suffolk, 388, 389. Hauville, Elias de, 304.......... P eter d e, 6 2.........., alph de, 497.........., Thomas de, the king's falconer, 293. Haveckleye, Philippa wife of William de, 553. Haveckleye, William de, 553. Havekeherst forest. See Hawkhurst. Havekeston, Nicholas de, 374. Havekhurst, forest [co. Salop?], 476. Haverberg. See Market Harborough. Haveresham. See Haversham. Haverford West, Haverford, co. Pembroke. castle and manor of, 193.......... See Haresford. Havering-atte-Bower, Havering [co. Essex], 31, 442. Havering [co. Essex], letters close dated at, 161, 231.......... park [co. Essex], 200. Havering, John de, 130, 524,..............., knt., 352, 552.........., William de, 43. Haverington [co. Cumberland?], 12 1. Haverinton, Patrick de, 67. Haversegg', Hugh de, 353. Haversham, 187, 267............ averesham [co. Bucks.], 67, 108, 187, 267.........., Emma wife of Nicholas de, 267.........., Joan wife of Nicholas de, tenant in chief, 87................, son of Nicholas de, 266, 267........... M a t i l d a d a u g h t e r o f N i c h o l a s d e, 8 7........., Nicholas de, 187, 267.............., tenant in chief, 67, 107, 109................ son of Nicholas de, 267. Hawarden, Hawarthyn [co. Flint], the king's bailiff of, 543. Harwardyn, William de, 357. Hawarthyn. See Hawarden. Hawe, Geoffrey de la, 113. Hawisia, Roger son of, 75. Hawkhurst, Havekeherst, forest [cos. Kent and Sussex], 434. Hawysia, Godytha, daughter of, 419. Haxeby, John de, 149. Haxlingfeld. See Haslingfield. Hay of Hereford, co. Hereford, 79, 440, 476, 520. Hay, Henry parson of the church of Hanton, 334........... Richard, 52......... Saer, 233.........., William, verderer of Salsey forest, 12. Haydon, Heydon [co. Northumberland], 130. Haydon, Richard de, 252. Haydor, Heydore [co. Lincoln], 227. Haye, Isabella wife of Ralph de la, 279.........., Matilda de la, 126.........., Ralph de la, 279........... Richard de la, burgess of Newcastleon-Tyne, 32, 33.......... Walter de la, 50, 188. Hayle, Roger, 11. GENERAL INDEX. 657 Hayles abbey. See Hailes. Hayling, Heyling [co. Hants], 139. Hayod, Hubert de, 67, Haytelegh, Adam de, 275. Haytfeld, Richard de, 127. Hayton [co, Notts], 576.........., co. York, 97, 98. Hayton, Geoffrey de, 160, 187......, Nicholas de, 385........... Sir Thomas de, knt., 576. Hayward (Messar'), Robert le, 558.......... Walter le fytz Thomas le, 507..........., William le, 247. Haywood, Haywod [co. Stafford], 234. Heath, La Hethc, co. Hereford, 369.........., Charnock, Hecchernok, co. Lancaster, 454, 455. Heathfield, Hetfeld, co. Devon, 449. Heccham Ferrar'. See Higham Ferrers. Hecche, Alice wife of Luke de, 138.........., Luke de, 138. Hecchernok. See Heath Chernock. Hecham, Peter de, 247. Heckleshal, Ralph de, 470. Heddesor, Hedesor, John de, 423, 510. Heden, John de, 255. Hedenham, Adam de, 343.........., John de, 73. Hederford, Alberd, Albert de, 134, 135. Hedersete, John de, 520.........., Richard de, 519. Hedesor. See H-eddesor. Hedon, Edon [co. York], 74. Hedon, Gerard de, 13..................knt., 576........... Isolda wife of Roger de, 34.........., Roger de, 34. Hedsor, Haddesor' [co. Bucks], 399. Hedun, Hamelyn de, 44, Heenle, Richard de, 271. Heeron, Sir William, 512......... See also Heyrun. Heeruncy, William de, 541. Hegethoren [par. of Camberwell, co. Surrey], 156. Hegham. See Higham. Hegham, Alexander de, 226........., Hervey de, 545........... Isolda wife of Hervey de, 545. Heighleigh, Heleg' [in Knowl End, parish of Audley, co. Stafford], 234. Hek, Philip de, 74. Hekynton, Hugh de, 116. iHeleg'. See Heighleigh. Helewys, John, 105. Helghton, Thomas de, 35. Helgton, Thomas de, coroner for co. Cumberland, 480. Helingham, Thomas de, 74. u 96998. Heliun. See Helyun. Helmdon, Helmeden, co. Northants, 195. Helmesle, Adam de, canon of WValton, 385. Helot, Henry, 558. Helpeston, Geoffrey, de, 568.........., Robert de, 488, 568.........., William de, 357. Helpestrohp. See Elstrop. Helyun, Helion, Heliun Alice wife of Walter de, 366, 580........... Walter de, 51, 206,232, 233, 235, 251, 261, 263, 304, 337, 338, 356, 393, 403, 466, 474, 486, 505, 508, 513, 516, 519, 526, 533, 552, 580..............., justice, 52, 246, 491, 503, 520, 569..........,...... justice for pleas of trespass of money, 529, 565................. k n t., 3 3 8, 3 5 6, 4 9 7, 4 9 8, 4 9 9, 501, 508, 513, 580. Hemegrave, Hemmegrave, Edmund de, 232, 429. Hemenhal, Roger de, 268................. k e e p e r o f A r u n d e l f o r e s t, 3 8 8. Hemingford, Hemmingford [co. Huntingdon], 429. Hemington, Hemyngton, Hemmyngton, Fulk son of Ralph de, 450........., Luke de, 144........... brother Luke de, collector of the tallage asseseed on the Jews, 153, 154, 157, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168.........., Richard de, 79........... Thomas de, 75. Hemmegrave. See Hemegrave. Hemmesby, John de, 549. Hemmeston. See Helmpstone. Hemming, Adam, 97........... Mabel, 354........... Robert, 354. Hemmingburg, Berlitta wife of Richard de, 448.........., Richard de, 448. Hemmingford. See Hemingford. Hemmyng, Thomas, 354. Hemmyngton. See Hemington. Hempstone, Hemmeston, co. Devon, 295. Hemyngton. See IIemington. Henceseye, Hengseye, Geoffrey de, 445, 510. Hencok, John, 226. Hengham. See Hingham; Ingham. Hengham, Matilda wife of Robert de, 121........., Ralph de, 37, 70, 85, 102, 136, 252, 497, 505.................. justice, 52, 246, 321, 323, 491, 520............... chief justice of the King's Bench, 503. Hengseye. See Henceseye. Henhangre [co. Gloucester], 56. TT 658 GENERAL INDEX. Henle, 508.......... See Handley. Henley [co. Oxford], letters close dated at, 365, 446,......... park, 141.......... wood See Handley. Hennetwysel, Elias de, 426. Hennore, Henor, Henoure, William de, 488, 489. Henovere, Peter de, 403. Henovre, Hugh de, 407. Henry III., king of England, 1, 3, 19, 53, 151, 245, 257, 258, 265, 270, 272, 286, 343, 389, 406, 533, 534........... burial of, 11, 16........, charters of, 10 7, 145, 148, 385, 393.......,.. debts of, 432.........., enrolment of letters of, 58.........., his peace with Llewelyn prince of Wales, 360........... jewels of, 85.........., Joel his butler, 284......... letters patent of, 395.......... order of, 42......., rebels against, 151....... seal of, 58......... his wardrobe, 284................., keeper of. See Gandavo, Henry de. Henry, Alice daughter of, de Haselholt, 160.........., Elias son of, 529........., Henry son of, 45................ de la Cumbe, 24.........., John, 436................. son of, 73, 271................. de Dutton, 454, 455..........,, de Negeton, 337.......... Matilda wife of, de Erdington, 77.........., Petronilla wife of Richard son of, de Morton, 135........... P hilip son of, 507.......... Ralph son of, 328................ de Ingeworth, 58.........., Richard son of, 135.........., Robert son of, de Borewell, 237................ de Bradeford, 399................ de Meldcburn, 210.........., Roger son of, 368, 526.........., Simon son of, de Litelchirche, 157.........., Thomas son of, 424, 574.........., William son of, del Brok, 18............... de Kingeston, 208............... de Trikeby, 25. Hensegrave wood, Hessingrave, in Woodstock park [near Hensington, co. Oxford], 281, 309. Henstridge, Henxterigge, co. Somerset, Thomas vicar of the church of, 308. Hentelove, Robert, 35. Henwood, Robert de, 126. Henxterigge. See Henstridge. Herberbiry. See Harbury. Herberbyry, Elizabeth and Juliana daughters of Robert son of Odo de, 558........... Robert son of Odo de, and Elizabeth his wife, 558, 559. Herbert, Henry son of, 571.........., Robert son of, 571. Hercant, John, 357. Hercla. See Hartcla. IIercy, Hugh de, knt., 227........... John de, 136,.......... Richard de, 322. Herdeby, Brian de, 332. Herdefeud, Thurgisius de, 41. Herdeman, Ienry le, 450. Herdeslawe, William de, 213. Herdesleg, Giles de, 358. Herdewik. See Hardwick, Herdewik, Walter de, 308. Herdwik, See Hardwick. Herdwik, John son of Matilda de, 389. Hereberd, William, 494. Herebert, Hugh, 75........... John, 76. Hereford, 15, 61, 62, 115, 142, 145, 153, 224, 254, 473.........., bailiffs of, 145.......... castle, 79.........., citizens of, 530........... hay of, 520..............., keeper of, 476.......... jewry of, 263.........., mayor of, 63.........., priory of St. Guthlac, 368.........., prison at, 158, 163, 209, 213, 311, 402.......... the king's coroner in. See Attebarre, Walter. Hereford, county of, 9, 25, 45, 51, 119, 132, 206, 228, 232, 243, 251, 252, 307, 331, 339, 340, 358, 401, 428, 490, 565, 577, 580............., assizes in, 135................, justices in, 52, 368................ justices in eyre in, 46................ the king's garrison in, captain of. See Mortuo Mari, Roger de............... sheriff of, 14, 22, 60, 63, 70, 79, 142, 145, 153, 155, 158, 178, 206, 209, 213, 258, 280, 305, 307, 311, 369, 393, 402, 407, 426, 445, 448, 466, 473. 480, 482, 503, 516, 580. And see Berkeley, Giles de; Penbrigg, Henry de................ escheator in, 280................. sub-escheator in, 9................. bishop of. See Breton, John Cantilupo, Thomas de........... Peter, bishop of, 261.......... earl of, 504.........and Essex, earl of. See Bohun, Humphrey de. GENERAL INDEX. 659 Hereford, Sir Henry de, knt., 580.......... Hugh de, 73.........., John de, 42........... Richard de, remembrancer of the Exchequer, 108.........., Robert de, 378........... Stephen de, 55........... Warin de, 186, 239, 429, 559, 582................ knt., 577........... Vives son of Vives de, a Jew of Warwick, 102. Herefrey, Henry, 174. Heremere, Roger, 134. Ilereward, Richard, 243......., William, 212. Herewell. See Harwell. Herewiz. See Harwich. Hergoteston [co. Middlesex, Ossulston hundred], 82. Heriard, William, 492. Herier, Nicholas le, merchant of Amiens, 305. Herigaud, Margery wife of Nicholas, 523.........., Nicholas, 523,.......... William, 489................. tenant of the archbishopric of Canterbury, 23. Heris, Gilbert, 66. Her], William de, 44. Herlawe, Nicholas de, 272........, William de, 251. Herleweyn, Richard, 466. Herlewyn, Nicholas, 98. Herleye, co. Somerset, 410. Herleye, Roesia wife of Philip de, 410. Herlindon, Herlingdon. See Harlington. Hermer, John, 229.......... Thomas, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Hermethorp, John de, 335. Hermodesworth. See Harmondsworth. Herneham, Alice de, 468, 469........., Hugh son of Alice de, 469. Herpeley, Godfrey de, 549. Herpeswell, Edith de, 475. Herpingham, John de, 511. Herre, Robert son of Manasser de, 487.......... W illia m, 4 0 9. Herrings, 137. Hersant, John, 508. Hersaunt, John, 492. Hert, Henry, keeper of the park of Devizes, 521........... John, 573.,........, Peter le, 369........... Philip le, 212. Hertclyve, John de, 67. Herte, Juliana, 64. Hertefeud, William de, 489, 573. Herterugg, co. Berks, 542. Herterugg, Isabella wife of Philip de, tenant in chief, 532.......... Walter de, 563. Hertfeld, Turgisius de, 9. Hertford, Herteford, 145, 258, 484, 503.........., prison at, 405. Hertford, county of, 13, 44, 46, 56, 116, 120, 126, 206, 224, 238, 241, 248, 250, 257, 289, 340, 343, 358, 401, 423, 426, 484, 498, 504, 510, 511, 524, 538, 556, 567................, assizes in, 136..............., coroners of, 14................. issues of, 16.........., j.ustices in, 52................, justices in eyre in, 236, 504, 510.........,......, sheriff of, 16, 22, 73, 92, 145, 160, 163, 171, 181, 189, 290, 302, 314, 316, 385, 399, 401, 405, 440, 503, 510, 515, 535, 536, 542. And see Blumvill, William de; Essexia, Walter de. Hertford, Elias de, king's clerk, 2........., John son of Eudo de, 405. Herthull, Robert de, coroner for co. Derby, 152. Herthurst. See Hartest. Hertlawe. See Harlow Hill. Hertlep. See Hartlip. Hertrugg', Philip de, 542. Hertwell. See Hartwell. Herugg, John de, 54. Hervest, Adam, 10. Herveton, William de, verderer of Feckenham forest, 96. Hervy, Hervey, Hervi, John, 76, 116, 424.......... Peter, 139........... Ralph, 274.........., Richard, 9, 361........... Thomas son of, de Esseburn, 361........... Walter, the late king's bailiff of the city of London, 527................ mayor of London, 51..........., William, 129..............., son of William, 116. Hery, Nicholas, 95. Heryy, Henry, 77. Hescecumb, John de, 135.........., William de, 135. Heselerton, Nicholas de, 300. Heselington. See Heslington. Heselwode, William atte, 574. Hesle, Robert de, 507. Heslington, Heselington [co. York], 574. Hessingrave. See Hensegrave. Hesterehydone, 556. Hestreu, Hestru, John de, knt., 300................. coroner for co. Cumberland, 480. Hetfeld. See Heathfield. Heth, Hethe. See Hythe. Hethe, La. See Heath. 0 TT 2 660 GENERAL INDEX. Hethe, Agnes wife of Herbert de la, 498. Hethloverd, Ralph, 118. Hethulf, Robert, 94. Hevere, Alice wife of William, 111.......... William de, 111. Hevre, William de, justice, 480. Heyden. See Haydon. Heyden, John de, 130. Heydon, co. Oxford, 107. Heydon, Elias de, 356.........., Richard de, 352, 494. Heydore. See Haydor. Heyeleye, Richard de, 87. Heyford [co. Cornwall?], 276........... co. Hants, 312. Heygrave [co. Somerset], 115. Heyham, Master Nicholas de, archdeacon of Bedford, 181.......... Thomas de, 121. Heyling. See Hayling. Heym, Stephen, 121, 135................. justice, 87, 122, 182.......... William, 494. Heyne, Martin, 458.........., Richard brother of Martin, 458. Heyr. See Eyr. HIeyrun, Heyron, Robert, chirographer of the chest of the Jews at London, 137................, Christian chirographer, 2........... Thomas, 114.......... See also Heerun. Heythe, Alexander de, 520........... Master John de la, 73. Heyward, Agnes wife of Walter le, 189........... Henry le, 400.........., Simon le, 392........... W alter le, 189........... William le, 424. Heywode, Master Gilbert de, 117. Heywood [co. Lancaster], letters close dated at, 210. Hibaldestowe, Richard de, 152. Hibernia, William de, 335. Iicche. See Hitchin. Hicling, Richard de, 208. Hide, Richard de, 401........... W alter de la, 378. Hides, 441, 442........... customs of, 441. Hide abbey. See Winchester, Hyde abbey. Higham, Hcgham, co. Kent, 303.........., priory, co. Kent, 303. Higham Ferrers, Heccham Ferrar' [co. Northants], 556. Highworth [co. Wilts], Broad Blunsdon? Brotereblunlesdon in, 130. Hil, Roger del, 159. Hildegar, William, 130. Hildesdon See Hillesden. Hildolveston [co. Norfolk], 321. Hildyerd, Joan wife of Robert de, 276........... Robert de, 276. Hill, Thomas de, 34. Hille, John de, 573. Hillesden, Hildesdon [co. Bucks], 89. Hillington [co. Norfolk], 195. Hilnescote. See Hilscot. Hilscot, Hilnescote [parish of Marhamchurch, co. Cornwall], 224. Hilton, Robert de, 8. Hinderwell [co. York], Runswick, Rennewyz in, 40. Hingham, Hengham, co. Norfolk, 111, 121, 274, 494. fintlesham [co. Suffolk], 54. Hinton [co. Berks], letters close dated at, 447. Hippele, William de, 78. Hirbirton. See Harberton. Hirbotil. See Harbottle. Hiredman, Thomas, 243. Hirst, Adam del, 524.........., Robert son of Adam de, 372. Hirwell. See Irwell. Hisleye, Ralph de, 224. Hispannia, Michael de, 242................. yeoman of R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 153.......... See also Ispannia. Hitchin, Hicche, Hycch' [co. Hertford], 145, 155, 411................. letters close dated at, 373. Ho. See Hoo. Ho, Henry de, 80........... John del, 358.........., William del, 85................ dela, 510, 511. Hobrig, Hobridge [par. of Wytham, co. Essex], 420, 422. Hoby in Esseburn, Robert son of Robert de, 361. Hockele, Little. See Hockley. Hockele, Michael de, 424. Hockeleye, Joan wife of Michael de, 523........... Michael de, tenant in chief, 523. Hockelinton, Margery wife of William de, 312. Hockley, Little Hockele [co. Essex], 168. Hocot, Andrew de, 385. Hocton, William de, 294. Hod, Nicholas son of William, 426. Hodde, John Hom, 133. Hodenet. See Hodnet. Hodenet, Odo de, 119, 294........... William de, 294. Hodere, Peter le, 123. Hodirsale, Hodersale, Hudirsale, Adam son of Thomas de, 524........., Alan son of Robert de, 454, 455.........., Hugh de, 454, 455.......... Richard son of Hugh de, 524. GENERAL INDEX. 661 Hodirsale, Robert son of Hugh de, 454, 455.......,... Roger son of Hugh de, 454, 455, 524.......... Roger de, 454, 455........, William de, 454, 455, 524. Hodnet, Hodenet, co. Salop, 294..............., Kenstone? Kendesden in, 234................ Marchamley, Marchumleg' in, 234. Hoel Da, 50........... son of M euric, 527. Hoese, Margaret wife of Hubert, tenant in chief, 147,495. Hog, Emma, wife of Richard de la, 129........... brother William, prior elect of Bolton, 158. Hoga, William de, 577. Hogge, Henry, 156. Hoilaund. See Holland. Hoke, Hugh, 232........... Robert del, 174. Hokeley, Richard de, 62. Hokeling in the isle of Sheppy. See Hucking manor. Hokeringham, Simon son of Thomas de, 468. Hokesham, William de, 144. Hokinton. See Oakington. Hokshill, Richard de, 362. Holbrook, Holebrook [co. Derby?], 224. Holcham. See Holkham. Holcote, Stephen de, 43. Holderness, Holdernesse [co. York], 34, 122, 195, 277.........., lordship of, bailiffs of, 466.........., wapentake of, 276........,king's steward of. See Normanvill, Thomas de. Holditch, Holedich [par. of Thorncombe, co. Dorset], 125. Hole, Ralph del, 394.......... Robert in, 507. Holebeck. See Holebrok. Holebel, John, 73. Holebrok, Holebeck, Holebroc, Richard de 289, 536, 541............ the king's steward, 290, 291, 318, 362, 363, 368, 372, 376, 378,381, 398, 404, 407, 434, 435, 437, 439, 441, 445, 448, 452, 454, 460, 462, 465, 467, 472, 476, 479, 480, 481,484, 485, 505, 521, 523, 524, 525, 528, 531, 533, 536, 538, 539, 540, 545................ steward of the king's lands in co. Norfolk, 294............. steward of Rockingham forest, 534..............., steward of the king's lands in co. Rutland, 222................, keeper of the forest of Rutland, 475. Holebrok. See Holbrook. Holedich. See Holditch. Holefeld, John de, 206. Holegrene, Matthew de, 427. Holem, Walter de, merchant, 74. Holewell. See Holywell. Holewell, Hugh de, 412........... John de, 230. Holeweye, John son of Hugh de, 518. Holewilhe, Robert de, 449. Holeye, Roger, 345. Holkedich, Walter de, 507........... William de, 507. Holkham, Holcham [co. Norfolk], 322. Holkham, William son of Geoffrey de, 15. Holland, Hoilaund, Hoyland, Hoylaund [co. Essex], 82, 84......... park of, 82, 86. Hollington, Halington, Olinton [par. of Longford, co. Derby], 332, 413. Holm, 201........... See Hulme. Holln, Abraham son of Dyeius, 106..,......,....... 1)yeya of, 201..........., Adam le, 295.........., Deykinus de, a Jew of Stafford, 102.......... Dyeius de, 106........... brother Robert de, 50........... William son of Elias de, 428. Holma, Thomas de, 175. Holme, Holm [co. Norfolk], 215. Holmested, John de, 431. Holmeton. See Holmpton. Holmpton, Holmeton [co. York], 409. Holnerse, Walter de, 494. Holt, John de, 212.......... Sir Richard de, 427.........., Robert, 492................ de, 335, 508. Holtby, Holteby [co. York], 334. Holtby, John parson of the church of, 334. Holte, Richard de, 9. Holteby. See Holtby. Holton, Houton, co. Lincoln, 70. Holton-le-Clay, Houcton near Grimsby, co. Lincoln, 295. Holy Land, the, 1, 2, 34, 45, 254, 531................. pilgrimage of Edward I. to, 21..............., pilgrimage of Edmund the king's brother to, 183. Holywell, Holewell, co. Northants, 75, 392. Hom Hodde, John, 133. Home, Walter, 308. Homeden, John, 225. Homeresfeld, Matthew de, 416. Hompton, Richard de, 482. Hondesacre, William de, 571.......... See also Handesacre. Honescescote, John de, 211. Honesworth. See Hunsworth. Honeton, Thomas son of Thomas de, 385. 662 GENERAL INDEX. Honeworth. See Hunworth. Honeworth, Roger son of Ralph de, 564. Honey, 366, 410. Honilane, John de, 123. Honton, John de, 341. Honyngham. See Hunningham. Hoo, Ho, co. Kent, 8. Hope forest [co. Derby], 315, 318........., Bowdler, Hope Bowelers, co. Salop, 294........... Mansel, Hopemaloysel [co. Hereford], wood of, 311. Hope, William de, 119. Hopemaloysel. See Hope Mansel. Iopere, Robert le, 139. Hoperton, Nicholas de, 443. Ioppeleye, Margery wife of Nicholas de, 209........... Nicholas de, 209. Hoppere, Henry le, 127.........., Hugh brother of Henry le, 127........... Walter le, 243. Hopton Bishop. See Upton Bishop. Hopton, Richard de, 568.........., Walter de, 131, 505.........., Sir Walter de, 552, 569................. justice, 148, 526, 580................ justice in eyre in cos. Hertford and Kent, 504. Horblyn, Robert de; clerk, 385. Horburn, William de, 204. Hore, Henry le, 498.........., Robert de, 318............. le, 3 1 5......... William le, 478. Horebury. See Hornebiry. Horegg in Skelton [co. Cumberland], 132. Horesete. See Horseheath. Horesmede. See Hormead. Horington, Jordan de, 151. Horkeleye, Walter son of Robert de, 154. Horley, Hornleye, co. Oxford, 302. Hormead, Horesncede [co. Herts], 82, 84. Hormewode, co. Herts? 189. Horn, Horne, Agnes wife of John de, 575........., James son of John de, 441, 442.......... John, 123, 322, 507........... alderman of London, 114................. sheriff of London, 51................ de, 441.......... Matthew de, 441.........., Robert, 581. Horncastle, co. Lincoln, 336. Horncastre, Humphrey de, 508. Hornebiry, Elizabeth wife of John de, 467, 472..,........ Horebury, John le, 467, 472. Hornleye. See Horley. Hornsey [co. Middlesex], Harringay, Harengeye, Haringeye, park in, 32, 36. Horrebrtgg, John de, 182. Horsco, Robert, 469. Horseheath, Horesete, co. Cambridge, 234. Horse-merchant, Theobald the, 123, Horsenden, William de, 315. Horses, 10, 29, 46, 67, 100, 148, 168, 209, 236, 360, 361, 366, 398, 399, 401, 403, 410, 426, 562..........., the king's, 107. Horsey, Horsy, Elizabeth de, 324, 419.........., Isabella de, 419. Horsham, co. Sussex, 415, 458. Horshon, Walter, 153. Horsinden, William de, 318. Horslaperithe, co. Wilts, 207. Horsmanger, Joseph le, 28. Horsy. See Horsey. Horton [co. Bucks], 545......... c. Kent], letters close dated at, 301.,...... [co. Stafford], 234. Horton, Nicholas de, 487.........., Philip de,.burgess of Northampton, 112. Hose, Nicholas de Ia, 343. Hosee, Henry le, 48. Hoseleneheved, Roger, 90. Hospitaller, brother Luke the, 140. Hotale, William, 557. Hoton, Adam de, 133.........., Thomas son of William de, 133. Hotot, Andrew de, 385.......... Lucy wife of Ralph de, 21........... Ralph de, 21........... Sir Richard de, 123........... Robert de, 266, 269............... knt., 421.........., William de, 123, 421. Houber, Thomas, 74. Houcton [parish of Alberbury, co. Salop], 68........... near Grimsby. See Holton-le-Clay. Houeden. See Howden. Houeden, Stephen de, 227. Houel, Sir Robert, knt., 415. Houghton, Houton, co. Bedford, 115. House, 557. Household, the king's, 197, 207, 422, 485........., steward of. See Otto, Hugh son of. Houton. See Holton; Houghton. Houton, Eleanor wife of John de, 544........... Gilbert de, 78.........., John de, 116, 544.........., Walter de, 570. Hoveden, Roger de, 334. Hovingham, Roger de, 78. Howden, Houeden, co. York, 372. Howe, Hubert del, 424........... John de, 174........... Richard del, 424........... William del, 424. GENERAL INDEX. 663 Howel son of Griffin, the king's bailiff of Englefeld, 476. Howell Abrestrek, 399. Howes, Walter de, 503. Hoyland, Richard de, 235........... Roger de, 508. Hoylaund. See Holland. Hoylond, William de, 71. Hubert, Richard son of, 403.......,.., William, 149. Huckelou, John de, 470. Hucking-manor, Hokeling in the isle of Shepeye [par. of Minster in Sheppy], co. Kent, 523. Hucyn, Batinus, 384. Hud, Richard, 67. Hudekerugg, William de, 260. Hudeleston, Richard de, 426. Hudirsale. See Hodirsale. Huelinesneveu, Robert son of William, 449.........., William, 449. Huese, Nicholas de la, 152. Hugh, Adam son of, 94, 162, 358.......... Beatrice wife of John son of, de Estdrayton, 334........... Henry son of, 135........... John son of, 433................ keeper of the forest of Long Forest, 535, 536.................. keeper of the forest of Shrewsbury, 181, 381................ de Holeweye, 518........... Matilda daughter of, 94. Hugh, Ralph son of, 329.........., Richard son of, de Hudirsale, 524................. de Besseford, 278................., de Hodirsale, 454.................., de Sivelesworth, Syvelesworth, 327, 328, 331.................. de Stratford, 156................. de Thornhawe, 179........... Roger son of, de Galhurst, 127..........,..... de Hudirsale, 524..........,....... de Westhibi, 11........... W alter son of, de W ygayn, 448........... William son of, 6, 75, 91, 132, 133, 136, 387................. de Welleburn, 73. Hughesdon [co. Salop?], 55. Huglot, William, 80. Hulecote, Alice wife of John de, 570. Hulemore, William de, 35. Hull. See Kingston-on-Hull. Hull, Agnes wife of Jordan del, 553.......... Eustace de, knt., 555.......... Giles de la, 473..........,John de, 573........... John de la, 408, 430.........., Robert de, 572.......... Roger del, 213. Hulme, Holm [co. Chester], 215. Hulmo, Geoffrey de, 79.......... Peter de, 239. Hulney, Simon de, 47. Hulyn, William, 136. Humberton, Hundeburton, co. York, 540. Hume, John "le mestre," 62. Humfranvill, Humfrannvill, Gilbert de, 242. 336, 427. Humfridi, Peter bailiff of Leicester, 572. Hunaud, William, 294. Hund, Henry, 71, 320. Hundeburton. See Humberton. Hundelby, Ralph son of Richard de, 412. Hunfrey, Nicholas, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Hungerford, Meyr' de, a Jew of Oxford, 458. Hunningham, Honyngham, co. Warwick, 139. Hunstanton, Hunstaneston [co. Norfolk], 215. Hunsworth, Honesworth [par. of Birstal, co. York?], 521. Hunte, Nicholas le, 132........... Robert le, 409.........., Thomas le, 174. Huntedon. See Huntingdon. Hunteneford, Henry de, 162. Huntercumbe, Huntercumb, Huntrecumb, Alice wife of Walter de, 82.........., Walter de, 82, 229, 258, 322, 358, 422, 427, 459, 513, 540, 578, 579..............., tenant in chief, 170. Huntere, Benedict le, 416. Hunthanc. See Unthank. Huntingdon, Huntedon, 204, 567........... archdeacon of. See Ravenyngham, Roger de.......... jewry of, 263.........., priory, 539........... prison at, 362, 367, 391. Huntingdon, county of, 126, 205, 223, 242, 250, 345, 357, 386, 427, 441, 524, 538 551, 579................, assizes in, 136................. forest pleas in, 46................., justices in eyre for, 386, 514................, justices in, 52................, sheriff of, 22, 204, 362, 367, 391, 402. Huntingfeld, Joan de, 574........... Peter de, 577. Huntingfeud, John de, 571........... Roger de, knt., 571................, son of William de, 571........... Seyer de, knt., 571.........., William de, 571. Huntrecumb. See Huntercumb. Huntress, Agnes the, 27, 28. Huntsman, the king's. See Candovere, Henry de. Hunworth, Honeworth [co. Leicester], 55........... co. Norfolk, 564. 664 GENERA L INDEX. Hupewill [co. Devon], 54. Huppe, William, 152. Hurdwik, Henry son of Roger de, 362.........., Roger de, 362. Hurst [co. Wilts], 12.......... La [co. Berks], 556. Hurst, Adam son of Thomas del, 454, 455. Hurtlingbury, co. Bucks, 291. Husborne, Husseburn [co. Bedford], 116. Huse, Nicholas de la, 239, 289. Husford, Robert de, knt., 186. Husseburn. See Husborne. Husseburn, Ralph de, 149. Hycch'. See Hitchen. Hyde, Hide abbey. See Winchester. Hyde, Alan de la, 190........... E dm und de la, 175.........., Geoffrey de la, 96........... John son of Thomas ate, 451........... Juliana wife of Thomas ate, 451.........., Robert son of Thomas ate, 451.........., Thomas de la, 175. Hykeling, Robert son of Matilda de, 266. Hymune, Geoffrey, 55. Hynces, Robert de, 156.....,...., Walter de, 156. Hyne, Bacinus le, 400.........., "of House," Nicholas, 557. Hyneholt. See Hainault. Hyngham, Philip de, 374. Hynkeleye, Richard de, clerk, 224. Hyntes, Felicia wife of Nicholas de, 505. Hythe, Heth, Hethe [co. Kent], port of, 152, 301........... barons and bailiffs of, 128. I. Ichene, Nicholas de, 353. Ichington. See Itchington. Ichinton, William de, 312. Icklingham, Iclingham [co. Norfolk], 388. Idmiston, Idemeston, co. Wilts, 273. Igate, William de, 127. Ikeworth, Thomas de, knt., 415. llchester, Ilvecestre, Ivelcestre, Ivelescestre, Ivilcestre, Yivelcestre, Yvelcestre, co. Somerset, 106, 141, 145, 146,153, 160, 213, 365, 450, 460..........,...... prison at, 86, 308, 400, 471, 519, 520. Ile Brewer, Illebrewere, co. Somerset, 540, 541. Ilger, William, 64. Ilkeneshal, Henry de, 345. Illebrewere. See Ile Brewer. Ilmedon, Cicely, 78. Ilsley, East, Esthildesleye [co. Berks], 270. Ilvecestre. See Ilchester Imbeshete. See Empshot, Imeyne, Margaret wife of Richard, 414. Immere, Robert de, 235. Immingham, co. Lincoln, 277. Imole, William de, 491. Ince [co. Chester], letters close dated at, 401. Inge, Ralph, 42........... Thomas, bailiff of the king's manor of Brill, 102. Ingelard, John, 34..........,. chief forester and minister of the forest of Windsor, 155. Ingelose, Reginald de, 514. Ingeworth, Ralph de, 45.................. son of Henry de, 58. Ingham, Hengham [co. Lincoln], 508. Inglewood, Ingelwode forest, co, Cumberland, 286, 494, 583. Ingolf, Richard, 98. Ingram, Richard, 560........... Robert, 71. Ingworth, Ralph de, 13. Innocent V. Pope, death of, 349. Insula, Agnes wife of John de, 497.........., Anketil de, 364, 365........... Baldwin de, earl of Devon, 101........... John de, 497................. knt., 352.......,.., Jordan de, 542.........., Master Poncius de, 141........... Reginald son of Thomas de, 336.......... Richard de, 364, 365.........., Robert de, 514, 540, 583..........,....., constable of Odiham castle, 25................, bishop of Durham, 505, 542, 543, 579........... Roger son of William de, 439.........., Simon de, 169, 179, 235........... Thomas de, 336.........., William de, 336, 352, 439, 451................ knt., 227.............. son of John de, 497.......... Elyensi, Robert de, 559. Ippegrave, Joan wife of Thomas de, 162.........., Thomas de, 162. Ipre. See Ypres. Ipre, Richard de, 177. Ipswich [co. Suffolk], 69, 73, 80, 123, 206, 376, 414, 416........, bailiffs of, 125.........., Jews of, 376........... letters close dated at, 376, 416.........., mayor and sheriffs of, 423.........., priory of the Holy Trinity, 230.........., prison at, 21, 444, 459.......... See also Brokes. Irchester, Irencestre [co. Northants], 246........... Knuston, Gnoston in, 222. GENERAL INDEX. 665 Ireland, 21, 22, 30, 45, 50, 54, 55, 61, 67, 86, 90, 91, 99, 102, 103, 108, 119, 122, 126, 13.0, 131, 142, 145, 146, 148, 167, 176, 186, 193, 194, 198, 199, 212, 231, 235, 236, 241, 250, 256, 277, 287, 288, 303, 304, 314, 323, 337, 341, 342, 346, 349, 350, 361, 372, 375, 376, 377, 393, 401, 404, 406, 431, 432, 435, 437, 439, 441, 454, 459, 465, 470, 476, 477, 479, 493, 499, 500, 502, 506, 507, 509, 511, 513, 515, 517, 520, 528, 530, 534, 546, 548.........., bailiffs and ministers of the king in, 108........... bench of Dublin, justices of, 288, 342, 500. And see Bagot, Robert; Clare, Thomas de.........., castles in, 439........... chancellor of. See Brun, Fromund le......... customs of wool, fells, and hides in, 441.......... the earl marshall's lands in, 48.........., escheator of, 401, 404. And see Bakepuz, William de; Saunford, John de........., exchequer of Dublin, 55, 69, 108, 188, 193, 194, 376, 406........,......, barons of, 69, 513..........,...... chancellor of. See Cheddworth, Thomas de.........., exchequer, chancery and chamberlainship in, 377................. fees granted at, 241.........,....... receiver of the king's moneys in. See Wintonia, Elias de.............., rolls of, 33, 176, 379, 406, 462................. seal of, 194.........., treasurer of, 241, 393, 454.................... and barons of, 18, 21, 33, 55, 90, 99, 100, 108, 143, 167, 176, 192, 193, 194, 195, 289, 303, 393, 406, 462, 476, 479, 517, 534, 546................,...... and chamberlains, 103, 104, 304, 378, 455....................... barons, and chamberlains, 441................ treasury of, 304, 379.......... hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in, 477.,........, justiciaries of, 49, 517.........., justiciary of, 177, 180, 188, 289, 303, 404, 439, 465, 517. And see Alditheleye, James de; Dene, William de; Gyenvill, Geoffrey de; Maurice, Maurice son of; Ufford, Robert de............... and chancellor of, 288, 342............... and treasurer of, 20.........., the king's army in Desmond, 240.........., the king's court in, 250........, the king's justices and ministers in, 548........,, the king's wardships and custodies in, 289........ the king's waste lands in, 465.........., merchants of, 198, 314, 459. Ireland, military order of the Temple of Solomon in, 477........., the new aid in, 21.........., the new custom in, 375................ of wool in, 376.........., rebels of, 148, 193, 435, 439.........., sea of, 122........., serges of, 502.........., tallages in, 435........... treasurer of, 177, 404. And see Meath, bishop of; Waterford, S., bishop of.........., treasury of, 534.........., war in, 520. Irencestre. See Irchester. Irencestre, Richard de, 335. Ireys, Alice, 116. Irmongere, Peter le, 434. Iron, 366, 410. Irthlingborough [co. Northants], letters close dated at, 212. Irton, Stephen de, 361. Irwell, river, Hirwell Water, co. Lancaster, 401. Isaac, a Jew of Dorchester, 382.........., son of Elias the rabbi, 157.........., Joceus son of, a Jew of London, 306.........., son of Jornet, a Jew of Norwich, 157.........., Joryn son of, a Jew of Exeter, 271.........., Petevin son of, a Jew of Nottingham, 275........., son of Samuel, 157........... Samuel son of, 157........... Solomon son of, 185....,...... Ursellus son of, a Jew, 169. Isenberd, Isunber, Ysunbard, John, 42, 464................ son of John, 464..............., Master, notary to the pope, 424. Isenhampstead, Ysnhamsted [co. Bucks], 350. Isle Brewer, Ele Bruere [co. Somerset], 325. Ismay, William son of, 367. Ispannia, Master Martin de, cook of Alphonsus the king's son, 468........, Reginald de, of Lynne, 118.......... See also Hispannia. Isunber. See Isenberd. Itchington, Ichington [co. Warwick?], 381.........., Long, Long Ychenton [co. Warwick], 404. Ithael son of Bledin, 563. Ithebure, Henry, 214. Ithel le Cu, Richard son of, 16. Ive, Walter, 159. Ivelcestre, Ivelescestre. See Ilchester. Ivelden. See Yelden. Ivelton, William de, 252. Ivilcestre. See Ilchester. Ivingho, Master Ralph de, 120. 666 '*GENERAL INDEX. Ivinghoe, Ivingeho, Ivyngho, priory, co. Bucks, 18I, 392. Ivo, James son of, 489.......... Richard son of, 79.......,....., de Segrave, 38........... Thom as son of, 543. Ivyngho priory. See Ivinghoe. Ixninge. See Exning. J. Jacob, Abraham son of, a Jew of Nottingham, 275.........., Benedict son of, a Jew of Lincoln, 170................, de Lincolnia, a Jew, 195.......... Moses son of, a Jew, 185, 201. Jak', Reymund, merchant of Bordeaux, 90. Jakesleye. See Yaxley. James, Hugh son of, 214.........., James son of, 502........... John son of Sir, 245................ de Wylminton, 100........... Ralph son of, de Shirle, Shirley, Shyrleye, 413, 415. Jardyn, le I'near Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 46. Jardyn, Richard del, 50.........., William del, 50. Jarpenvill, Jerkanevill, David de, 340.................. justice, 479........... Joan wife of William de, 537........., W illiam de, 510, 511, 537. Jarum. See Yarm. Jatesbury. See Yatesbury. Jelleham, Margaret wife of Matthew de, 414. Jelvertoft, William de, 329.......... See also Yelvertoft. Jeovene. See Jevene. Jeresie, See Jersey. Jerkaneville. See Jarpenvill. Jersey, Geresey, Gereseye, Geresy, Jerseie, island of, 108, 129, 132.........., bailiff of, 215, 216, 545........... Holy Trinity church in, 108. Jertheburg, Hugh de, 334. Jerusalem, St. Mary of the Germans (Theutonicorunm) in, master and brethren of, 546. Jevele. See Yeovil. Jevene, Jeovene, Jeven, Joven, Jovene, Jofne, Juvene, Bartholomew le, constable of Bristol castle, 202, 277, 305, 310, 314, 373........., Alan le, 570........... Alice wife of Alan le, 570.........., Bartholomew le, 35...,......, Humphrey le, 329, 330. Jevene, Jeovene, Jeven, Joven Jovene, Jofne, Juvene, Joceus le, a Jew of York, 174, 209, 214, 386, 473......... John le, 205......... Nicholas le, 32. Jevene, Robert le, 20.........., Thomas le, 174........... William le, 20, 291. Jewels, 355,......... the king's, 3. Jewry, the, 6, 8, 9, 100, 105, 109, 110, 130, 137, 144, 151, 152, 153, 162, 167, 170, 176,180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 221, 222, 237, 243, 259, 260, 265, 272, 273, 274, 286, 287, 290, 297, 304, 306, 321, 378, 379, 380, 386, 389, 390, 391, 392, 406, 422, 432, 438, 441, 456, 457, 458, 466, 517, 520, 547, 548........... assize and statutes of, 287.........., capitula of the, 570.........., chest of, 6, 263.........., chests of, 396.......... custom of, 50, 261, 298, 371, 386, 389.........., debts of, 65, 422, 438.,........, exchequer of, 144, 167, 176, 197, 199, 209, 215,258, 302, 379, 392, 395, 401, 533........... law and customs of, 547.........., rolls of, 109, 144, 182, 184, 188, 196, 199, 202, 286, 320, 380, 390, 391, 392, 457, 533, 547................. and writs of, 6, 7.......... statute Iof, 259, 287, 297, 306, 395, 432, 548.........., treasury of, 152, 184, 213, 258, 281, 292, 297, 299, 306, 321, 391, 396, 406, 441.........., writ of, 144. Jews, the 6, 8, 9, 10, 30, 43, 46, 49, 50, 65, 70, 83, 92, 97, 100, 101,102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 112, 130, 137, 140, 144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 213, 214, 215, 221, 232, 237, 244, 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 281, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 296,297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 311, 315, 317, 320, 321, 326, 335, 341, 343, 344, 345, 347, 350, 351, 352, 357, 359, 562, 363, 370, 371, 376, 378, 379, 380, 382, 385, 386, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397, 400, 401, 405, 409, 417, 422, 432, 437, 439, 441, 443, 444,445, 456,457, 458, 461, 465, 466, 470,472, 473, 482, 484, 487, 495, 496, 501, 503, 512, 516, 517, 518, 519, 522, 527, 529, 530, 533, 535, 536, 542, 543, 545, 547, 548, 565, 566, 570, 577. GENERAL INDEX. 667 Jews, the chirographers of, chest of, 92, 100, 113, 173, 177, 180, 182, 184, 188, 192, 260, 288, 301, 315, 352, 363,379, 387, 390, 394, 409, 432, 458, 461, 496, 547........... crucifixion of a Christian boy by, 273.........., debts of, 6, 260, 261, 483........... exchequer of. See Jewry........... forbidden to keep Christian servants, 565.........., forfeited goods of, 527........., justices of, 6, 8, 9, 30, 65, 92, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 137, 140, 144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157, 162, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 202, 205, 209, 213, 21 4 215, 221, 222, 258, 259, 260, 261, 265, 271, 272, 273, 275, 281, 284, 286, 292, 293, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 304, 306, 315, 317, 320, 321, 335, 341, 357, 359, 363, 371, 378, 379, 380, 386, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 395, 396, 406, 409, 432, 438, 439, 441, 444, 456, 457, 458, 461, 463, 465, 466, 472, 482, 496, 522, 533, 542, 545, 547. And see Bek, John; Hauteyn, Hamo; Ludham, Robert de; Pencestre, Stephen de; Suthley, Bartholomew de.........., the rolls of, 317.........., ordered to be amoved from the town of Bridgnorth, 130.......... regulations concerning, 565.........., tallage on, 83, 92, 100, 105, 106, 140, 150, 153, 154, 157, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183,184, 185, 188, 192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 205, 213, 221, 258, 261, 264, 265, 275, 281, 285, 292, 293, 302, 308, 317, 320, 380, 390, 392, 396, 400, 441, 443, 456, 466, 484, 503..........., women to bear a sign on their outer garment, as Jewish men do, 565. Joan, Adam son of William, 93. Joce, John, 416........... Thomas, king's yeoman, 517. Joceus, 75..........,a Jew of York, 445........... son of Samuelotus, a Jew, 370..,......., Belaseth wife of Abraham son of, a Jew of York, 487. Joel, butler to Henry III., 284. Joevene. See Jevene. Jofne. See Jevene. Johannis, Arnald, bailiff of the Channel islands, 292........... Ernald, 113.........., William, merchant of Cahors, 535. John, king of England, 220, 245, 258. John, duke of Britanny, 186, 255. John, lay brother of Ystrad Marchell, 404.........,, Adam son of, 134, 135. John, Augustine son of, 12................. de Dunewico, Dunwyco, 183, 341.........., Baldwin son of, de Shyingham, 368.........., David son of, de Cawode, 573................ John son of, de Cawod, 539.........., Emma wife of Geoffrey son of, 113.........., Eva wife of, 134........... Geoffrey son of, 227.........., Gilbert son of, de Wygingestorp, 448.........., Henry son of, de Northclive, 24........, John son of, 30, 110, 122, 135, 189, 251, 289............... tenant-in-chief, 319............... justice, 89, 246................ the king's envoy to the council of Lyons, 79.............., de Fulmere, 188..........,....., de Geyton, 570............... de la Penne, 494................, de Skyres, 405..........,..... de Suffolch, 110..........,....., de Wodenorton, 414........... M a t i l d a w i f e o f S t e p h e n s o n o f, 1 2 0........... Michael son of, 12.........,, Nicholas son of, 507.........., Permannus son of, approver of Henry III., 12.......... Peter son of, 12, 234.................., d e l a R o k a u, b u r g e s s o f Bayonne, 235........... Ralph son of de Lafford, 332.........., Richard son of, 12, 319................ de W alton, 80.......... Robert son of, 12, 171, 245, 509, 535................ de Cawode, 573.........., Roger son of, de Baschinge, 407........... Simon son of, 78.........,...., de Edwyne, 389......., Thomas son of, 36................ de Goldale, 475.........., Thomas, de Ladne, 32................ de Lednes, 61................. de Seleby 353........... Walter son of de Lek, 365. John, William son of, 13, 45................. de Dunwico, 32................, William son of, 507.................an d P e t e r s o n s o f, d e D o n e w y c o, 416. Joie, Richard, 175, 287. Jointe. See Jonte. Jolif, Ralph, 450. Jon de Contino, Ernald, 359. Joneby, Bertram de, 498.........., John de, 133........... Thomas de, 419. Jonte, Jointe, Dunelinus, Dunellinus, citizen and merchant of Florence, 354, 387. 668 GENERAL INDEX. Jop', Eudo, 238. Jordan, Adam son of Walter, 99.........., Agnes wife of, 134........., Thomas, 122........., W illiam, 99, 174............... son of Walter, 99................ son of, de Burmedenn, 522. Jornet, Andrew, 273........... Jornettus, Isaac son of, a Jew of Norwich, 157, 162, Jorz, John de, 572.........., Stephen de, tenant in chief, 269. Joseph, 78. Jovene, Joven, Juvene. See Jevene. Judan, Robert, 130. Judas, Henry, 439. Juel, Juwel, Richard, 327. Juet, Ralph, 327........... W illiam, 2 0 8. Juliana, laundress to queen Eleanor the king's mother, 185........... Richard son of, 356........... W illiam son of, 134. Jumieges abbey [Normandy, Seine-Inf6 -rieure], 139................. abbot of, 552. Junior, Roger, the younger, 511. Just de la Funtayne, John, 449. Justiciary, the king's. See Grey, Reginald de. Justin, Justyn, Robert, 243, 291. Juvene. See Jevene. Juwel. See Juel. Jyngman, John, 111. K. Ka, Robert, 310. Kabbe, William, 195. Kadeleye. See Cadeleigh. Kadriding. See Kate Ridding. Kaerinarvon. See Carnarvon. Kaldecote, 339. Kalender, Robert Ie, 489. Kalevill, Laurence de, 494. Kam, Walter de, 499. Kancia, Bartholomew de, 116.........., John de, 135, 248, 557.........., Walter de, 46, 80, 119. 253, 497,.............., clerk, 240, 336, 575..............., attorney of the queen, 56...............,, keeper of the queen gold, 315...................... manor of Ringwood, 59.........., steward to queen Eleanor the king's consort, 267........... W ibert de, 247........... William de, 76, 226. Kancy. See Chauncy. Kandovere. See Candovere. Kanec, La. See Cannoch. Kanecourt, Nicholas, 574. Kanek forest. See Cannock chace. Kanewedon. See Canewdon. Kank forest. See Cannock. Kannesby. See Canesby. Kanoc forest. See Cannock chace. Kanoco, Alexander de, 117. Kantelbere, Stephen de, 458. Kantesbere. See Kentisbury. Kantok, Roger, 520. Kareles, Alexander, 62. Karemy, John, 174. Kareswell, William de, justice, 433.......... See also Careswell. Karl, Ralph, 545. Karleton in Baune. See Carlton. Karleton, Henry de, 492.........., Walter de, 525.........., William de, 448, 515. Karliolo, John de, 26, 231.........., Sapiencia wife of William de, the younger, 200, 201........... Thomas de, burgess of Newcastle-onTyne, 32, 33. Karlon, Robert de, 419. Karlton, Algar de, 223. Karrik, Carrik, earl of. See Brus, Robert de. Karru, Nicholas de, 337.......... See also Carreu. Karsington, Master John de, 445. Karslake. See Carslake. Kartheyn, William de, 411. Karthorn. See Larthorn. Kary. See Carey. Kate Ridding, Kadriding, Katereriding, Katering' [parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3, 4, 40. Katermars, Nicholas, 295. Katherine, daughter of Henry III., her tomb in Westminster abbey church, 3. Katier, Katiere. See Catiller. Kauncy. See Chauncy. Kaunvill, Thomas de, 102. Kaus, Hugh de, 450. Kavenedis. See Cavendish. Kaversham. See Caversham. Kawage, Reginald, 195.........., Roger brother of Reginald, 195. Kayles, James, 98. Kaylleweyl, Hugh, 42. Kaynes, Keynes, Lettice de, 525...,......, Robert de, 468................. keeper of the forest of Braden, 482. Kaynesham abbey. See Keynsham. Kaynho. See Cainhoe. GENERAL INDEX. 669 Kaynho, Philip de, 28. Kayterel, Cayterel, William, 95. Kayton, John de, 568. Kedington, Kedinton [co. Suffolk], 60. Kegel, William son of Peter, 73. Keinton Mandeville, Kington, co. Somerset, 316. Keiryk, Matilda wife of Roland de, 163. Keleby, William de, 233. Keleseye. See Kelsey. Keleshal, William de, 345. Kelewedon. See Kelvedon. Kelgrymessaregh. See Kellamergh. Kelk [co. York], 573. Kellamergh, Kelgrymessaregh [par. of Kirkham, co. Lancaster], 325. Kelleby, William de, 227. Kelleseye, North and South. See Kelsey, North and South. Keliingworth. See Kenilworth. Kellion, Ralph de, 182. Kellok, Alexander, 165. Kelm, Richard de, 236. Kelmp, Walter de, clerk, 541. Kelsey, Keleseye, co. Lincoln, 215, 449. Kelsey, North, North Kelleseye. co. Lincoln, 310...,......, South, South Kelleseye, co. Lincoln, 310. Kelvedon, Kelewedon [co. Essex], 553. Kelveton. See Kilton. Kemescumbe. See Kentcombe, Kingcombe. Kemesek, Edmund de, 405. Kemesing. See Kemsing. Kemme, Alice, 28. Kempe, Geoffrey, 61.........., John, 155........... Sarah, 559........... W illiam, 171. Kempebere, co. Devon, 312. Kempeleg, 234.; Kempeston, Wolnoth, Woolnoth de, 140, 152, 179, 203. Kempsford [co. Gloucester], letters close dated at, 269. Kempton, Kennington, Kenynton, Kenyton, Kunyton, [parish of Sunbury] co. Middlesex, 18, 98, 244, 446........... Kenigton, Kenynton, park [co. Middlesex], 263.................... parker of, 156.................., the king's works at, 155, 268........., letters close dated at, 200, 201, 242, 279, 280, 335. Kemsing, Kemesing, Kemesingg, co. Kent, 191, 279, 475, 560, 561, 564. Kendal, Kirkeby in Kendale [co. Westmoreland], 4, 40, 81.......... castle, 4, 40..........,Kentemere dale in, 40, 378..........,barony of, 126. Kendal, Kendale, Adam de, 213.........., Hugh de, 45, 247, 250, 332, 367, 409, 426, 430, 431, 527, 543, 566................ c l e r k o f t h e k i n g ' s c h a n c e r y, 501..............., guardian of the bishopric of Norwich, 448. Kendesden. See Kenstone. Kendor. See Candovere. Kene, Robert, 67. Kenebelle. See Kimble. Kenelmy, John, 56. Kenewric, son of Goronow, Gronnou, 506........., h....., bailiff of Rhuddlan, 563. Keneylworth. See Kenilworth. Kenigton park. See Kempton. Kenilworth, Kenilleworth, Kenillewurth, co. Warwick, 136, 579........... dictum of, 42, 46, 119, 130, 136, 151, 242, 246, 285, 333, 429.........., letters close dated at, 207, 244.........., Keneylworth, priory, 62, 110..................... Robert, prior of, 111. Kenilworth, John de, 566. Kenington. See Kempton. Kenle, Master John de, 377. Kennington. See Kempton. Kenstone? Kendesden [par. of Hodnet, co. Salop], 234. Kent, county of, 8, 14, 19, 43, 83, 102, 113, 121, 135, 177, 206, 231, 238, 239, 251, 257, 258, 289, 301, 324, 337, 343, 350, 358, 378, 398, 404, 411, 420, 422, 423, 428, 475, 497, 499, 504, 529, 532, 549, 559, 564, 566, 567, 568, 574, 575, 577, 582................. assizes in, 136................, coroners in, 533..........,....., county court of, 92, 152................ justices in, 52................ justices in eyre in, 14, 16, 23, 34, 107, 303, 404, 464, 465, 483, 484, 504, 518, 519, 526, 529, 532.,................ pleas of the crown in, rolls of, 568.................., r o lls o f t h e j u r i e s a n d a s s i z e s and of the crown in, 566....., sheriff of, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 29, 34, 61, 63, 68, 71, 83, 87, 91, 98, 100, 104, 152, 170, 171, 177, 180, 188, 198, 203, 242, 264, 270. 279, 280, 284, 290, 303, 362, 367, 398, 404, 436, 443, 444, 445, 446, 456, 457, 461, 475, 492, 521, 526, 543, 555, 564. And see Pencestre, Stephen de................. escheator in, 279..........., Weald of, 398........... earl of. See Burgo, John de..........., earldom of, 37. Kent, Abraham de, a Jew, 456.........., Floria wife of Abraham de, 456.........., William de, 332. 670 GENERAL INDEX. Kentcombe, Kemescumbe [par. of Toller Porcorum, co. Dorset], 313. Kentelbiry, Sibyl wife of Walter de, 237. Kentemere, dale of [par. of Kendal, co. Westmoreland], 4, 40, 378. Kentisbury, Kantesbere [co. Devon], Philip parson of the church of, 121. Kenton [co. Devon], Moulisse in, 316. Kenynton, Kenyton. See Kempton. Ker, Katherine del, 137. Kerdington, Roger de, 6. Kerdinton. See Cardington. Kerebrok, Roger de, 565. Keremerdyn, Kermerdyn. See Carmarthen. Kernington. See Kirmington. Kersingham, Hugh de, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Kersinton, Thomas de, 127.........., William brother of Thomas de, 127. Kessingland, Cassingland [co. Suffolk], 215. Kestesby. See Ketsby. Kesteven, Ketsteven [co. Lincoln], 307. Ketebrok. See Kidbrook. Ketel, Robert, 409. Ketelby. See Kettleby. Ketelestorp, Robert de, 227. Ketene. See Ketton. Ketene, Winemerus de, 240. Ketsby, Kestesby [co. Lincoln], 63, Ketsteven. See Kesteven. Kettleby, Ketelby, 541. Ketton, Ketene [co. Rutland], 227. Ketton, altar of St. Mary, 227. Keu, Agnes wife of William le, 334........... Alice wife of Ralph le, 45.........., Gilbert le, 212........... Henry son of Roger le, 264..........,John le, 556........, Juliana wife of Robert le, 409.........., Peter le, 207........... Ralph le, 125.........., Richard le, 116.........., Robert le, 282, 409, 477, 507..........,Roger le, 174........... Stephen le, 97.........., Thomas le, 98, 409.......... Walter, le, 67, 73, 410.......... William le, 208, 283, 328, 523...........,, son of Hugh le, 335. Keuirdale, Roger de, 524. Kevresham, William de, 71. Keynes. See Kaynes. Keynsham, Kaynesham, Keynesham [co. Somerset], letters close daced at, 310.......... abbey, 314, 424. Kibbeworth, Kibbewrth. See Kibworth. Kibborth, Odardus de, 271. Kibworth, Kibbeworth, Kibbewrth, co. Leicester, 208, 465......, Harcourt, co. Leicester, 510, 512. Kicecote [? Kitcott, parish of Romansleigh, co. Devon], 54. Kidbrook, Ketebrok [co. Kent], 532. Kidderminster, Kiderminstre [co. Worcester], 367. Kidewyll, William, 10. Kildare, county of, 48, 49, 431. Kildare, Simon bishop of, 20. Kileby, Roger de, 416. Kilfenora [county Clare], bishop elect of, 56.......... bishopric of, temporalities of, 56. Kilgerran, Kilgaran [co. Pembroke], 114.........., castle, keeper of, 71. Kilgullane, Kilguelan [co. Cork?], 512. Kilham, Killum [co. York], 11. Kilkenny, Geoffrey de, clerk, 35.........., Walter de, friar of the order of the friars preachers, 20. Killome, John de, 401. Killpeck, Kylpek, co. Hereford, 70. Killum. See Kilham. Killum, William de, 352. Kilmersdon, Kynemerdon, co. Somerset, 496. Kilpeck, Kilpek castle [co. Hereford], 9, 13. Kilton, Kelveton, Kilveton, Kylveton [co. Somerset], 539, 540, 541. Kiltorp, Alan de, 227. Kilveton. See Kilton. Kilwardby, Kylwardeby, Robert, archbishop elect of Canterbury, 5, 39..........,....... archbishop of Canterbury, 23, 34, 103, 229, 253, 258, 265, 266, 342, 359, 360, 364, 368, 401, 408, 410, 458.,............... liberty of, in co. Surrey, bailiff of, 369................. bishop of Porto, cardinal of the Roman church, late archbishop of Canterbury, 470. Kimble, Kenebelle [co. Bucks], 190. Kinelehan, Ireland, 513. Kineston, William de, 196. Kinewarton. See Kinwarton. King, Kyng, Hugh, 179........... John, 79............... le, 247, 494.........., Martin, 352.......... N. icholas, 76........... Roger le, 410.........., Thomas, burgess of Rhuddlan, 539.........., Walter le, 567.........., William, 77. Kingcombe, Kemescumbe [par. of Rampisham, co. Dorset], 313. Kingesbrome. See Broom, King's. Kingeston, 279. Kingeston, William son of Henry de, 268. Kingeswod. See Kingswood. Kingeswode, co. Essex, 188.......... forest. See Kingswood. GENERAL INDEX. 671, Kingeton, William de, verderer of Feckenham forest, 96. King's Beaulieu. See Beaulieu. Kingsclere, Kyngescler [co. Hants], 489. King's Cliff, Clive, Clyve [co. Northants], 15, 19, 31.......... letters close dated at, 137, 138, 223.......... the king's park of, 15. King's Langley, Langeley, Langeleye, Longleye [co. Hertford], 10........... park of, 378, 437. Kingston, Kyngeston, co. Somerset, 252........... Kyngeston, co. Warwick, 271.......... Bagpuize, Kyngeston [co. Berks], 237.......... Deverill, Kingeston Deverel [co. Wilts], 353. Kingston-on-Hull, Hull [co. York], bailiffs of, 125, 423. Kingswinford, Swyneford, co. Stafford, 36, 38, 136, 516. Kingswood, Kingeswod, chace of [par. of Bitton, co. Gloucester], 310, 314.......... forest [co. Gloucester], 29, 202..............., keeper of. See Malvern, Hugh. Kington, Kyngton, co. Dorset, 69................ co. W ilts, 245........... See Keinton Mandeville. Kiniton, Thomas de, 208. Kinnerley, Kynerdelegh [co. Salop?], 173. Kinnet, Henry, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Kinton, Ralph de, 208. Kinver, Kinefare, Kyneffare, Kynfare, forest [co. Stafford], 311, 398, 474, 475, 518.............,, keeper of, 311. And see Philip, John son of. Kinwarton, Kinewarton [co. Warwick], 62. Kirby, Kyrk' [co. Leicester], 541.......... Knowl, Kirkeby Knoll, co. York, 542. Kircham, Richard de, 47. Kirioll. See Crioll. Kirkburn, Kirkebroun, Kirkebrunnom [co. York], 4, 40.......... Tibthorpe, Tibethorp, Tibetorp in, 4, 40. Kirkby, Kirkeby [co. Lincoln], 89.......... Overblow, Kirkeby Orenblower [co. York], 249........... Stephen [co. Westmoreland], Waitby, Wateby in, 118. Kirkebride, Kyrkewyrde, Richard de, 171................. son of Richard de, 134, 196.........,... tenant-in-chief, 168. Kirkebroun, Kirkebrnnnom. See Kirkburn. Kirkeby, 246........... See Kirkby.......... -in-Kendale. See Kendal......... Knoll. See Kirby Know.........., Orenblower. See Kirkby Overblow. Kirkeby, Kyrkeby, Gilbert de, 117................, sheriff of co. Northampton, 438................ son of Aunger de, 541........... John de, 39, 54, 87, 120, 122, 244, 246, 255, 321, 332, 387, 415. 430, 444, 497, 498, 499, 509, 511, 513, 531, 550, 551, 562, 563, 574, 581.............., archdeacon of Coventry, 501, 566................ clerk, 42, 111, 579...............,, clerk of the chancery, 254................. king's clerk, 342...........,..., justice, 321................ parson of Hingham church, 111........... Ralph de, 44........... Richard de, 47........... Robert de, 383, 400........., Thomas de, 212........... Walter de, 23, 353.........., William le, 62. Kirkeham. See Kirkham. Kirkelawe [co. Northumberland?], 200. Kirkestede. See Kirkstead. Kirketon. See Kirton. Kirketon, Kyrketon, Alexander de, 56, 333, 491, 524, 566.................. knt., 249, 491..........,...... one of the justices deputed to hear and determine trespasses of money, 527.........., Roger de, 238. Kirketor, William de, 232. Kirketot, Cryketot, John de, knt., 581.......... See also Criketot. Kirkham, Kirkeham, co. Lancaster, 184, 546. Kirkham, Nicholas de, 54. Kirk Leatham [co. York], Coatham, Cotum in, 3.......... Leavington [co.York],Castle Leavington, Castel Levynton in, 473. KirklintonLevynton [co. Cumberland], 168. Kirkoswald [co, Cumberland], Staffield, Stafford, Stoffold in, 133. Kirkstall, Kyrkestall, abbey [co. York], 386. Kirkstead, Kirkestede rco. Lincoln?], 41. Kirkton. See Kirton. Kirmington, Kernington, Kirnington, co. Lincoln, 202, 481. Kirton, Kirketon [co. Lincoln], letters close dated at, 275, 333, 512. Kiselingbiry, Peter de, an approver, 25. Kiskinton, Geoffrey son of Sarah de, 368. Kitcott [parish of Romansleigh, co. Devon]? Kicetote, 54. Kitte, Matilda, 77. Kittok, Hugh, 525. Klifford. See Clifford. Knaith, Kneye [co. Lincoln], 63. 672 GENERAL INDEX. Knaresborough, Cnarresburg, Gnaresburg, Knaresburg, Knarresburg, [co. York], 484.........., brethren of the Order of the Holy Trinity of, 104........... church of, 487.......... castle, constable of. See Tancy, Luke de. Knaveton, Thomas de, 429. Knayton, Kneveton [par. of Leake], co. York, 542. Knel, Adam de, 90. Knell, Matthew de, 441. Knelle, Geoffrey de, 362. Kneppe, William de la, 458. Kneveton. See Knayton. Kneye. See Knaith. Knight service, tenancy by, 200. Knipton, Knypton, co. Leicester, 373. Knit, Herbert son of John, 145..........,John, 145. Knockainy, Any [co. Limerick], 511, 512. Knockin, Knokyn, Le Knokyn [co. Salop], 237, 238. Knol, John, 558. Knot, William, 389. Knotte, Richard, 123................ de, 474.........., Stephen, 367, 369, 567. Knovili, Cnovill, Bogo de, keeper of the castles of Oswestry and Montgomery, 315.............. keeper of the manor of Ellesmere, 210............... keeper of the king's manor of Oswestry, 189.............., sheriff of co. Salop, 228, 374....................... and Stafford, 145, 241, 318, 434, 436, 516.........., Gilbert de, 240. Knowstone, Cnouston, co. Devon, 316. Knuston, Gnoston [par. of Irchester], co. Northants. 222. Knypton. See Knipton. Knyt, Adam, 164.........., Alice wife of Roger le, 130.........., Hugh le, 237......., John le, 135........... Roger le, 204. Knyvet, William, 467. Knyveton, Matthew de, 361. Kockeyn, Nicholas, 204. Kokerel, Roger, 196. Kokerhayn. See Cockerham. Kokerington. See Cockerington. Konigesheved priory. See Conishead. Koytemor [co. Hereford], 70. Kramavill, Henry de, 37. Kraye, Kreye. See Creye. Kreting. See Creting. Kribbe, Joan wife of Robert, 418, 419,......... Robert, 418, 419, 420. I Krikelade. See Crikkelade. Krisp, Geoffrey, 71. Kudelynton, Agnes wife of Roger de, 568.........., Roger de, 568. Kuggeho, Kugeho, Kugenho. See Cugeho. Kuldeweye, Ralph de, 174. Kanyton. See Kempton. Kuterich, John, 270. Kycecote, Nicholas de, 54. Kyde, John, 362.........., Ralph son of Ralph, 208. Kydinton, Agnes wife of Roger de, 412.........., Roger de, 412. Kyff, Robert, 291. Kylpek. See Killpeck. Kylveton. See Kilton. Kyma, Philip de, 428. Kyme, John de, 240.........., Thomas de, 168.......... William de, 214. Kyn, Thomas, 32. Kynebelle, Richard de, 111. Kyneffare forest. See Kinver. Kynel, Hugh, 161. Kynemerdon. See Kilmersdon. Kynerdelegh. See Kinnerley. Kynet, Richard son of Walter, 362. Kynfare forest. See Kinver. Kyng. See King. Kyngescler. See Kingsclere. Kyngeston. See Kingston........... See Kingston Bagpuize. Kyngeston, Richard de, 175......., Roger de, 368. Kyngeswod, wood of, in the forest of Essex, 178. Kyngeswode forest. See Kingswood. Kyngton. See Kington. Kynkus, Ralph, 445. Kynne, Thomas, 168. Kynros, Thomas de, 136, 236, 430. Kynton [co. Leicester?], 474. Kynton, Gilbert de, 78. Kyrk'. See Kirkby. Kyrk', William son of William de, 541. Kyrkeby. See Kirkeby. Kyrkestall abbey. See Kirkstall. Kyrketon. See Kirketon. Kyrkewryde. See Kirkebride. Kywelewere, in North Petherton, co. Somerset, 410. L. Labrus, the king's merchant, 106. Laceles, Robert de, 135........... Roger de, 542. GENERAL INDEX. 673 Lachelade, William de, 62. Lacok abbey. See Laycock. Lacu, John de, 280. Lacy, Lascy, Alexander de, 554......,.... Emmelina de, countess of Ulster, 167, 303, 304, 306, 369.........., Henry de, 124, 240................, earl of Lincoln,,45, 102, 299, 300, 306, 345, 352, 356, 360, 374, 383, 462, 471, 498, 534, 554, 559......................., bailiffs and men of, 373........... Hugh de, 28, 46, 131........., Joan wife of Hugh de, 28, 131.........., Master John de, 117........... Margaret wife of Henry de, earl of Lincoln, 345, 352, 356.........., Richard de, 462, 491. Lad, Alexander, 62. Lade, Master John de la, 255........... Martin de la, 244, 255. Ladne, Thomas son of John de, 32. Laffham, Nicholas de, 113. Lafford. See Sleaford. Lafford, John de, 248.........., Ralph son of John de, 332. Lagehull, William de, 174. La Hide, co. Hereford, 580. Lak, Roger de la, 139. Lake, Adam son of Walter de la, 103. La Lee. See Leigh. Laleham, Lalham, co. Middlesex, 98. Lalleford. See Lawford. Lalling', Master Alexander de, clerk, 239. La Lungeforest. See Long Forest. La Marche and AngoulSme, count of. See Leziniaco, Hugh de. La Mare, forest of. See Delamere. Lamarsh, Lammasse, co. Essex, 93. Lambelowe, William de, 401. Lamberhurst [cos. Kent and Sussex], Scoteney, Scoteny, in, 283, 338. Lambert, Henry son of, and Margaret his mother, 428. Lamberton. See Lamerton. Lambeth, Lameheth, Lamheth [co. Surrey], 219, 253, 495. Lambourn, Lamburn [co. Berks], 212, 213. Lambourne, Lamburn [co. Essex], 82,.84,448. Lamburn, Laumburn, William de, 74, 82. Lameheth, Lamehethe. See Lambeth. Lamerton, Lamberton, co. Devon, 312. Lameteyn, Lucy wife of Geoffrey de, 118. Lambeth, Maurice de, 489. Lammasse. See Samarsh. Lampadervaur. See Llanbadarnfawr. Lamport, Langeport [parish of IStowe], co. Bucks, 350. Lancaster, 108, 150........,. prison at, 97,158, 184, 301, 310, 389, 522, 524. Lancaster, county of, 126, 205, 210, 248, 251, 332, 417, 418, 425, 426, 431, 454, 550, 559.................. assizes in, 136................ coroners in, 157, 401, 454, 455................. county court of, 455..........,...... justices in, 150................., justices in eyre in, 401..........,...... sheriff of, 38, 90, 97, 108, 150, 157, 158, 181, 210, 286, 300, 301, 310, 313, 374, 378, 389, 401, 423, 426, 454, 455, 522. Lancaster, earl of. See Edmund. Lancastria, Avelina wife of Edmund de, 237........... Philippa wife of Roger de, 81, 354.........., Roger de, 81, 183, 237, 244, 354, 420, 422. Lancaveton. See Launceston. Lance, Launce, John, 61, 97. Lanceveton. See Launceston. Landbeach [co. Cambridge], letters close dated at, 373. Landeford. See Langford. Landeford, Richard de, 541. Landford. See Langford. Lane, John atte, 489.................. le, 74........... Richard de la, 73. Lanende, Richard son of Alice atte, 211. Lanercost [co. Cumberland], Gilsland, Gillesland in, 509. Langare [co. Notts], 572. Langbaurgh, Langeberge, Langberwe, Wapentake [co. York], 4, 40. Langbynyton. See Bannington, Long. Langdon, Langedon [parish of Werrington, co. Devon], 44, 47, 54. Langeberg. See Longborough. Langeberge. See Langbaurgh. Langeblaneford. See Blandford. Langedon, 66.......... See Langdon. Langedon, Joan wife of William de, 66........... Robert de, 267........... William son of Thomas de, 96. Langeford, Joan wife of Walter de, tenant in-chief, 384........,....... son of Roger de, 62.........., Robert son of Alan de, coroner for co. Berks, 86..........., Roger de, 60, 62........... W alter de, 8................. son of Roger de, 60.........., William de, 414. Langeforde. See Langford. Langeho. See Langenhoe. Langeho, William de, 175. Langeleg', Geoffrey de, 358........, Walter de, 235. Langelegh. See Langley. UU u 96998. 674 GENERAL INDEX. Langeley. See King's Langley. Langeleye, 165.......... See Langley. Langeleye, Cheyndut. See Langley. Langeleye, Langeley, Matilda wife of Robert son of Geoffrey de, 107.........., Richard de, 511....~...., Master Robert de, son of Geoffrey de, 107.........., Thomas de, 10................, keeper of Wychwood forest, 315, 370, 447. Langenhoe, Langeho [co. Essex], 577, 578. Langenovere. See Longnor. Langenovere, John de, 402........... William de, 402. Langeport. See Lamport. Langeport, John de, 352. Langeporte, Philip de, 67. Langerisse. See Langrish. Langesdon. See Longsdon. Langetoft, Thomas de, 116. Langeton. See Langton. Langford [co. Gloucester], 172........., Landeford, Landford, co. Notts, 525, 553.......... [co. Oxford], Radcot in, letters close dated at, 142........... Langeforde, co. Wilts, 70. Langfore La, co. Devon, 463. Langham [co. Devon], 557. Langham, Adam de, 96.......... Lambinus de, 120. Langley, Langelegh, Langeleye, 367........, co. Essex, 443.......... [co. Bucks], 244..........., Cheyndut [co. Bucks], 263........ [co. Herts], the king's fishpond at, 437.........., letters close dated at, 278, 279, 312........., prison at, 469. Langridge [co. Lancaster], Dilworth, Dilwort in, 524. Langrish, Laugerisse [parishes of East Meon and Frosfield, co. Hauts], 26. Langton, Langeton, co. Lincoln, 253, 295. Langwathby, Alice de, 418. Lanom, Thomas de, 576. Lansaveton. See Launceston. Lantiwy, Robert de, 182. Lantywy, Martin de, 182........... Reymbald de, 182. Lanwran, Gilbert de, 182.........., Roger de, 182. La Quarrer abbey. See Quarr. Lardegate [parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Lardener, William le, 128. Lardethorn [parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 4. La Ieole. See Reole. Large, Andrew le, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482.........., Hawisia sister of Matilda le, 367........, Matilda le, 367. Larkbere, Laverokebery, Laverkebery [parish of Tallaton, co. Devon], 44, 54. La Rochellc, La Rochele, France [Charente Inferieure], 469. Larthorn, Karthorn [parish of Skelton-inCleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Lasceles, Ralph de, 430. Lascelles, William de, 287. Lascy. See Lacy. Lassaundre, John de, king's bailiff at Manewdon, 202. Last presentation, assizes of, 252, 416, 417. Lathun, Robert de, 248. Latimer, John le, 230........... W illiam le, 230. Laton, Richard de, justice, 400.........., Robert de, 113. Lauceles Joceus de, 174. Laufar See Laver. Laumburn. See Lamburn. Launcaveton. See Launceston. Launce. See Lance. Launceston, Lanceveton, Lansaveton, Launcaveton, Launceveton, Lausaveton, co. Cornwall, 276...........,, prison at, 90, 96, 276, 305, 383, 434, 444, 450, 522. Launde [co. Leicester], letters close dated at, 211.......... La Launde, priory [co. Leicester], 211, 318. Launde, Richard son of William de la, 421.........., William de la, 421. Laundress of Henry III. See Tayllur, Ellen wife of Hugh le. Laurence, Nicholas son of, 231.........., Thomas, 35. Lauvar, John de, 409. Laval, Hugh de, 82, 84........... Matilda wife of Hugh de, 82, 84. Lavenden abbey [co. Bucks], Philip abbot of, 556. Lavender, Nicholas le, 162. Laver, Little, Little Laufar [co. Essex], 577, 578. Laverd, Thomas, 507. Laverekstok, Laverestok, Laverkstok, Jordan de, 253.........., Robert de, 39, 115. Laverkebery, Laverokebery. See Larkbere. Lavingtol, Lavynton, co. Wilts, 67, 70, 303, 369.......... Stepel Lavington [co. Wilts], 123. Lavington, William de, 123. Lavynton. See Lavington. Lawford? Lalleford [co. Essex], 44. La Wik, 219. Laxefeld, Henry de, 416. GENERAL INDEX. 675 Laxfield. Laxfeld, co. Suffolk, 416........... church of, 416. Laycock, Lacok, abbey [co. Wilts], 507. Layham, Leyham [co. Suffolk], 409. Layk, Thomas, 558. Lead, 74, 450. Leake, co. York, Knayton, Kneveton in, 542. Lealholm, Lelholm [parish of Danby-inCleveland, co. York], 4, 40. Leaute, brother Thomas, 293. Leavenes. See Avens wood. Leche, Adam le, 418..........., John le, 404. Lecheworth, Lechesworth. See Letchworth. Lechlade [co. Gloucester], letters close dated at, 525 557. Leek, Lek, co. Lancaster, John parson of the church of, 426. Leek, Robert de, clerk, 429, 430. Ledecumbe. See Letcombe. Ledes, 127.......... See Leeds. Ledes, Roger de, brother of God's House, Dover, 491. Ledet, Ledette, Gwischard, hard, Wyschard, 430.............. son of Robert, 296, 298.........., Robert, 296. Ledon, Clement de, 46. Ledinton, Hawisia daughter of Sibyl de, 353........... Sibyl de, 353. Lednes, Thomas son of John de, 61. *........ See also Lodnes. Ledwy, Richard de, of the order of preachers, 375. Lee, 415.......... [co. Hants], 566.......... Legh [co. Kent], 532.................. church of, 532........., La. See Leigh. Lee, Walter de la, 424. Leeds, Ledes, co. Kent, 91, 499.........., letters close dated at, 532 567, 568.......... castle, co. Kent, called "La Mote," 499........., constable of, 526.........., Ledes, co. York, 475. Leek [co. Stafford], Endon in, 121, 499. Leeming, Lemyng [par. of Burneston], co. York, 101. Lef, Robert, 74. Lefchild, William, 212. Leffe, William bailiff of Leicester, 572. Legard, Ralph, 351. Legat, William, 350. Legaunt, Ivo, 332. Leget, Henry, 547. Leggesby, Simon de, 507. Legh. See Lee. Legh, John de la, 480. Lehavenes. See Avens Wood. Leiburn. See Leyburn. Leicester, Leycestre, 208, 222, 416, 426.......... abbey, 541.........., archdeacon of, 190. -........., bailiffs of, 572.......... castle town and honour of, 486.........., prison at, 157, 160, 171, 211, 260, 271, 280, 373, 376, 394, 395, 523. Leicester, county of, 45, 46, 106, 113, 206, 220, 229, 238, 247, 251, 259, 361, 411, 427, 430, 497, 498, 541, 563.......,......, assizes in, 136...............,, coroner of, 272.............., escheator in, 269, 436.........,...... justices in, 52..........,, justices in eyre in, 145, 236.........,....., sheriff of, 22 68, 71, 80, 157,160, 171, 208, 211, 260, 269, 271, 272, 280, 291, 373, 376, 394, 395, 436, 446, 447, 465, 500, 523, 559. See also Verdon, Robert de................. sheriffs county court of, 80. Leicester, countess of. See Monte Forti, Eleanor de.......... earl of. See Monte Forti, Simon de. Leicestria. See Leycestria. Leigh, La Lee [co. Chester], 215. Leighton Buzzard [co. Bedford]? letters close dated at, 212. Leising', John, 35. Leiston, Leyston abbey, [co. Suffolk], 118. Leixlip [co. Kildare], 493. Lek. See Leek. Lek, Agnes daughter of Margery de, 272........... Alan de, 573........... Peter de, 67........... Walter son of John de, 365. Lekeburo, Peter de, 295.......... William de, 507.........., son of Roger de, 231. Lekesham, John de, 428. Lelham, Lelholm. See Lealholm. Lelley, Ralph de, 385. Lemmyng, Limmyng, William, 495. Lemyng. See Leeming. Lemyng', Stephen de, 101. Len, Henry de clerk, 223. Lench, Petronilla, sister of Richard de, 131. Lench', Richard de, 131. Lenedal. See Levedale. Lenedal. See Levedal. Lenfaunt, John, 117.......... See also Enfaunt, le. Lenge, Robert, clerk, 300. Lengleys. See Engleis le. Lenn. See Lynn. Lenn, Henry de, clerk of the bishop of Bath and Wells, 554........., Nicholas de, 172.........., Robert de, chaplain, 132. uu 2 676 GENERAL INDEX. Lenneban, Richard, 132. Lenton? Litton, co. Notts, 460.........., priory, co. Notts, 63, 263. Lenveseye, Geoffrey, 41.......... See also Enveyse. Leo, a Jew of Norwich, 105........... a Jew of Warwick, 244.........., A aron son of, and R oisa his w ife, 320.......... Leonard son of, 251.........., son of Lombard, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Leominster, Liministre, co. Hereford, 206.........., letters close dated at, 474. Leonius, Leonius son of, 508................., chamberlain of Chester, 460. Lepers, 16.........., food for, 280......... at York, 280. Lesness, Lesnes, Lesnis, Lessness, abbey [par. of Erith], co. Kent, 131, 323. Lesseburn, Walter de, 223, 259. Lessett, William de, canon of Watton, 385. Lestrange, Estrange le, Estraunge le, Eleanor wife of Robert son of Robert, 309, 311, 313..........., Fulk, son of Robert le, tenant in chief, 311........... H am o, 42, 10 6, 312.............. sheriff of cos. Salop and Stafford, 433, 437........... Joan wife of John, 76..........., John, 76, 215, 288, 436, 497, 509................. the king's yeoman, 436................., lord of Knockin, 237................ son of John, 288.........,, Matilda wife of Roger, 319.........., Robert, 70, 203, 237, 288, 340, 433................, tenant in chief, 309, 311, 462, 485.......... Roger, 87, 136, 172, 210, 252, 253, 257, 316, 319, 345, 398, 399, 434, 465, 477, 483, 488, 507, 509, 536, 554, 559.................. bailiff of the Peak, 210, 315, 317.........,....... keeper of the castle and land of Peak, 88.........,...... constable of the castle of the Peak, 140, 210..............., constable of Chartley castle, 18................, sheriff of co. York, 257, 417. Letard, Henry, 10. Lutchworth, Lecheworth, Lechesworth [co. Hlerts], 82, 84. Letcombe, Ledecumbe, co. Berks, 365.......... Regis, Lodecumbe [co. Berks], 403. Leu, Thomas le, 558. Leuesham, Leueseham. See Lewisham.......... priory. See Lewisham. Leuesham, William son of Adam de, 13. Leukener, Roger de, 580. Leukenore, Leukenhovre, Leukenor', Lewekenore, Geoffrey de, 136, 222, 224, 389............., justice, 398, 455, 526, 569................ justice in eyre in cos. Hertford and Kent, 504.........,............. in co. Surrey, 540........... Nicholas de, keeper of the wardrobe of Henry III., 90.......... Thomas de, 251. Levedale, Lenedale [parish of Penkridge], co. Stafford, 387. Levedal, Lenedal, William de, 387. Levegar, Richard, 532. Levekok, Levecok, Ivo, 418, 419. Levelaunce, William, 409. Levelyf, John, 320. And see Leverigge. Levenholm, Laurence de, 135. Lever, John son of Roger de, 522. Leverigge, John, 319. And see Levelyf. Leverpol. See Liverpool. Leverton, Leyton, co. Notts, 518. Leverton, Hugh de, 525. Leveston, William, 494. Levington, [co. Cumberland], 134........... mill of, 134. Levinton, Levynton, Adam de, 67........., Hawisia, Helewisa, Helewisia, Helewysa, de, 5, 132, 134................, wife of Eustace de Balliolo, 138.......... Richard de, 134.......... William nephew of Adam de, 67. Levre, Ralph le, 160, 171, 211. Levyng, Alice daughter of Matilda, 206.......... John son of Matilda, 206.........., Matilda wife of Walter, 206. Levyngh, Thomas, 152. Levynton. See Kirklinton, Levinton. Lewekenore. See Leukenore. Lewes [co. Sussex], battle of, 151.........., letters close dated at, 300.......... priory, 56, 252. Lewes, Richard de, 77. Leweston, Walter de, 174. Lewine, Alice wife of William, 159. Lewisham, Leueseham, Leuesham, [co. Kent], 445, 532.........., priory, 242. Lewyn, Nicholas, 35..........., William, 35. Leybourne, co. Kent, 231. Leyburn, Leiburn, Eleanor wife of Roger de, 48, 49......., Idonea, wife of Roger de, 506, 510.........., Roger de, 43, 48, 49, 92, 398, 499, 506, 510.........,...... constable of Nottingham castle, 455..........., William de, knt, son of Roger de, 144, 203, 221, 411, 499, 582, 583. Leycestre. See Leicester. GENERAL INDEX. 677 Leycestria, Leicestria, Nicholas de, 248........... Peter de, 459.......... Roger de, justice of the common bench, 503, 569.........., William de, 72, 106. Leye, 174........... North, [co. Salop], 24........... co. Rutland, 222. Leye, Henry de. 174................ de la, 10........... Reginald de, 251........... Robert de la, 74,263................ archdeacon of Essex, 260. Leyghton, Walter de, 451........... William de, 451. Leyham, 44,.......... See Layham. Leyham, Joan de, 44.......... Margery wife of Peter de, 44................ and Olive sisters of Joan de, 44. Leyston abbey. See Leiston. Leytfot, Robert, gatekeeper of Windsor park, 156. Leyton. See Leverton. Leziniaco, Hugh de, count of La March and Angouleme, 551. Lezognan, Guy de, the king's uncle, 517. Lezyniaco, Geoffrey de, tenant in chief, the king's uncle, 176. Liberate roll, the, 484.........., writs of 6, 37, 142, 194, 212, 263, 264, 367. Licfot, William, 104. Lichfield, Lichefeld [co. Stafford], 334..........., letters close dated at, 211.......... cathedral, dean of. See Mercer, Henry le.......... (and Coventry), bishop of. See Longesp6e de Meulan, Roger. Licoricia, Swetman, Swetmannus son of, the king's Jew of Winchester, 260, 386. Liddington, Lidington [co. Rutland], 302........... letters close dated at, 211, 247, 272, 273, 537, 538. Lidford, Est. See Lydford. Lidington. See Liddington. Lidlington, Lutelington [co. Bedford], 116. Lideham. See Lydham. Lightfot, Robert, gatekeeper of Windsor park, 34. Lilbourne, Lilleburn, co. Northants, 204, 350. Lillebon, Walter, constable of Devizes castle, 273. Lilleburn. See Lilbourne. Lilleburn, William de, Simon, his serjeant, 80. Lilleford, Richard de, 398. Lilleseye, Robert de, 339. Lilleye. See Linley. Lillingstone, Great [co. Bucks], 422. Limberg, Ace de, 175. Limerick, Ireland, 241. Liministre. See Leominster. Limmyng, Lemmyng, William, 495. Limoges, vicomtesse of, 247. Lincelade. See Linslade. Lincoln, 62, 73, 152, 202, 208, 277, 282, 304, 308, 332, 430, 453, 470, 496.......... Carmelite friars of, 290.......... castle, 195.......... cathedral church of St. Mary, 41, 338................. canons of. See Gare, William de la; Wautham, Nicholas de; Wyk, Richard de..........,...... chapter of, 497..........,....... dean of. See Mepham, Richard de; Sutton, Oliver de......................, and chapter of, 277, 506.........., citizens of, 538, 539.........., ferm of, 538, 539........... prison at, 60, 81, 85, 91, 210, 214, 285, 301, 303, 309, 365, 368, 405, 449, 468, 475, 524.........., hospital of the Innocents without, 86..........,..... keeper of. See Colecestria John de; Otre, Walter........... Jewry of, 263.........., Jews of, 162, 170, 183, 281, 282, 386.......... letters close dated at, 275, 277, 334.......... mayor of, 63................ and bailiffs of, 470........... order of St. Gilbert, prior of, 62. Lincoln, county of, 14, 41, 54, 56, 205, 223, 224, 227, 229, 231, 232, 236, 239, 240, 248, 251, 252, 253, 255, 257, 289, 321, 332, 336, 340, 343, 357, 418, 426, 468, 487, 497, 509, 524, 538, 541, 559, 577, 578........,...... assizes in, 136.........,....... coroners of, 277, 375................ escheator in, 221................ forest pleas in, justices of, 91.........,....... justices in, 375................,justices in eyre in, 155, 183, 468................,sheriff of, 7, 13, 14, 22, 63, 73, 81, 85, 91, 152, 189, 195, 202, 208, 210, 214, 255, 262, 277, 278, 285, 295, 301, 303, 304, 305, 307, 309, 312, 365, 368, 375, 380, 388, 405, 407, 423, 449, 468, 475, 502, 527, 528, 536. And see Boulton, Thomas de.,.........,........, escheator in, 295, 310.............. sub-escheator in, 481. Lincoln, diocese of, 142........... bishop of, 92................ and see Gravesend, Richard de.........., earl of. See Lacy, Henry de.......,.. earldom of, 462.........., earls of, 383.........., Margaret countess of, 49. 678 GENERAL INDEX. Lincoln, Roger de, 508. *........ Samuel son of M aneser de, 201.......... Thomas de, son of Peter de, 357. Lincolnia, Aldr' wife of Robert de, 118. Lincolnia, Benedict de, a Jew, 163, 184..............., son of Jacob de, a Jew, 195........... Elias son of Ursel de, 201.........., Haginus de, a Jew of London, 193........... John de, 508......,..., Master Jordan de, 571........., Robert de, 178........., Walter de, 449......., William de, 508. Lincumb, Joan wife of Hugh de, 557.........., Hugh de, 557. Lindby, Lindeby, Hay, co. Notts, 15. Linde, Walter son of John de la, 257.......... See also Lynde. Lindeby Hay. See Lindby. Lindeby, Stephen de, 15. Lindeseia, Alan de, 11.......... Master Robert de, 57. Lindeseye, Gilbert de, 126........... William de, son of Walter de, lord of a moiety of the barony of Kendale, 126. Lindherst, Lindhurst. See Lyndhurst. Lindon, Robert de, 94.......... See also Lyndon. Ling, Simon de, 446. Linham, John de, 79. Linley, Lilleye [co. Salop], 24. Linley, Edith wife of Thomas de, 223.........., Thomas de, 223. Linneseye, Ralph de, 426. Linslade, Lincelade [co. Bucks], 81. Linton, Master Adam, 437. Lire-la-vielle, Lire, abbey [Normandy, Eure], 248, 311. Liscynton, James de, clerk of the sheriff of co. York, 487. Lisieux, Lyswes [Normandy, Calvados], dean and chapter of, 353. Lismore, Lymor [cos. Cork and Waterford, Ireland], 48. Lissaunz, Reymund de, 71. Lisurs, Thomas de, 246. Litelchirche, Simon son of Henry de, 157. Lithegreynes, Lytegreins, John de, 51, 175..........., sheriff of co. Northumberland, 189. Lithewod forest. See Lythwood. Litlebyri. See Littlebiry. Litleton. See Littleton. Litlewode forest [co. Northants], 467. Litlington, co. Cambridge, 95. Litlington, Baldric de, 574. Littlebiry, Litlebyri, Littleburi, Lutlebiry, John de, 99.,........, Martin de, 239, 289. Littlebiry, Littlebyri, Littleburi, Lutlebiry, Martin de, justice of the bench, 39, 58, 170, 172.........., Martin le, 231. Littlecote, Lutlecote [par. of Stewkley, co. Bucks], 323. Littlefield, Lutelfeld, hundred, co. Kent, 555. Littleton, Litleton, co. Middlesex, 98. Littleton, William son of Peter de, 98. Litton. See Lenton. Liverpool, Leverpol [co. Lancaster], the king's brother's chace of, 210. Liverton, Lyverton [parish of Easington, co. York], 4, 40. Livyng, Robert, 76. Llanbadarnfawr, Lampadervaur [co. Radnor or Cardigan], 448. Llandaff, bishop of. See Brus, William de......... cathedral, 580. Llewelyn Coys, 213. Llewelyn, Griffin son of, 399........... son of Griffin, 374, 393, 433.........,....... prince of Wales, 2, 51, 57, 110, 119, 136, 196, 228, 241, 325, 359, 360, 361, 366, 371, 410, 411, 426, 493, 506, 563, 564..................... Master William and David clerks of, 506................ de Brumfeld, 399.........., Margaret sister of Llewelyn, wife of Madoc brother of, lord of Bromfield, 399......... Vaghan, Griffin and Mereduk sons of, 434. Lo, John de, merchant of Ypres, 338..........., Michael de, merchant of Ypres, 338.........., Peter de, merchant of Ypres, 338. Lockington, Lokinton, co. York, 283. Locwit [near Danby-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Lodbrok, Nicholas de, 138. Loddiswell, Lodeswell, tithing of, co. Devon, 449. Lodebrok, John de, knt., 559. Lodecumbe. See Letcombe Regis. Lodelawe. See Ludlow. Lodelawe, Nicholas de, the king's merchant, 243........... Richard de, 507. Lodelewell, Ludewell, John de, king's bailiff of Woodstock, 91, 206. Lodelowe. See Ludlow. Lodelowe, Thomas de, 431. Lodeswell. See Loddiswell. Lodnes, Thomas de, 35......... See also Lednes. Lodynton. See Luddington. Lodynton, Ralph de, 102........... Walter de, 102. Lof, Peter, prior of Rush', 227. Loges, co. Leicester, 322, 323. GENERAL INDEX. 679 Loges, Hugh de, 139.........., Richard de, 138, 139, 412, 425. Loghumme, Hugh de, 324........... Joan wife of Hugh de, 324. Loke, Richard de la, 46. Loketon, Cicely de, 179. Lokier, Edith wife of Ranulph le, 566........... Ranulph le, 566. Lokinton. See Lockington. Lokinton, Lokynton, William de, 385, 541. Lolleworth. See Lullesworth. Lollewrth. See Lulworth. Lomb, John, i04, 127.........., Thomas, 405. Lomene, Richard de, 88. London, 2, 9, 10, 25, 26, 32, 33, 43, 44, 51, 53, 54, 57, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, 83, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 96, 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 120, 123, 131, 137, 144, 156, 159, 176, 186, 188, 190, 193, 194, 203, 204, 207, 210, 216, 218, 246, 248, 249, 251, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 262, 263, 265, 266, 270, 271,272, 279, 283, 284, 285, 293, 294, 295, 296,297, 298, 301, 302, 306, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 322, 323, 333, 338, 341, 343, 344, 349, 354, 355, 356, 357, 369, 371, 372, 373, 375, 380, 384, 385, 388, 390, 396, 397, 400, 408, 418, 421, 428, 437, 438, 441, 446, 450, 458, 463, 469, 473, 491, 492, 493, 496, 497, 499, 500, 509, 510, 513, 515, 516, 517, 521, 527, 531, 533, 536, 545, 547, 550, 551, 552, 554, 557, 563, 567, 570, 573, 574, 579, 580, 583........... aldermen of, 114. See also' Adrian (Aldrian), John; Horn, John; Waleys, Henry le..*......., alien merchants in, 265........., arches, court of, dean of, 66.......... assizes in, 136........... Augustinian friars of, 388.......... bailiffs of, 13, 527........., chamberlain of. See Rokesleye, Gregory de.........., chamberlains of, 109, 369........., chirographers at, chest of, 2.........., citizens of, 194, 199, 265, 469.......... exchange of, keepers of. See Podio, Orlandinus de; Rokesleye Gregory de.......... ferm of, 6........... friars of Mount Carmel, 261, 279.......... friars minors, 32.........., friars preachers, 32, 515, 551.........., hustings of, 492, 547.........., Jews of, 30, 43, 46, 83, 96, 100, 102, 105, 106, 109, 112, 137, 144, 150, 152, 153, 157, 161, 162, 167, 170, 172, 176, 177, 180, 181, 184, 187, 192, 193, 197, 200, 201, 202, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 271, 272, 273, 293, 296, 297, 298, 301, 302, 306, 315, 317, 320, 321, 343, 347, 357, 371, 380, 386, 387, 390, 396, 397, 400, 405, 437, 441, 456, 457, 458, 463, 470, 473, 501, 516, 547, 570. London, Jews of, chirographers of, 137, 140..........,........, chest of, 112, 271, 387, 390.........., king's chamberlains of, 188.........., king's court of, 73, 74.........., mayor of, 379, 536. And see Hervey, Walter; Rokesleye, Gregory de; Waleys, Henry le................. and bailiffs of, 10.,.............. and citizens of, 384................. and sheriffs of, 6, 43, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, 108, 124, 137, 139, 142, 149, 162, 203, 257, 265, 266, 318, 373, 375, 386, 397, 423, 437, 446, 450, 547,........., merchants of, 294, 295, 408.........., attacks on, 246......... merchant-usurers in, 144.........., proclamation to be made that all shall depart thence and leave the kingdom, 108........., new aid in, collectors of, 33........., parliament at, 137, 229, 274.........., sheriffs of, 24, 51, 108, 114, 188,204, 259, 262, 294, 366, 385, 386, 515, 521, 533,554. And seeBatencourt, Luke de; Coveutria, Henry de; Frowyk, Henry de; Horn, John; Norhantonia, John de; Porter, Walter le; Wintonia, Nicholas de.................. and community of, 87........... tallage of, 63.........,, taverners of, 137.........., taxation in, 251, 265, 266.........., letters close dated at, 101, 102, 131, 257-259, 321-324, 435, 436, 445, 492.........., prison in, 162, 180, 183, 290, 293, 305, 316, 437, 515, 519.......... Westminster. See Westminster......,..., bishop of. See Chishull, John; Sandwico, Henry de........... bishops of, 65.........., bishopric of, 32, 36, 65.................. keeper of. See Estwod, John de; Sandwico, Ralph de................, parks of, 36........... diocese of, clerks of, imprisoned in the Tower, 515. London, places in or near:-........., Bishopsgate, the new hospital without, prior of, 579.......... bridge, 248, 257, 285, 533.....,..., Clerkenwell, hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, at, 21, 428................, treasurers of, 25......., house of the Conversi of, 159, 207..............., k e e p e r o f. S e e S a n c to D io n is io, John de.........,......, chapel of the Holy Trinity of, 207................, rents of, 205, 206........... Dowgate, Douegate, Duuezate, 272, 273.........., Fleet, Flete, prison, 9, 440, 519, 680 GENERAL INDEX. London, Fleet, keeper of, 97.......... Holy Trinity, priory of, 41, 50, 233.........., canon of. See Hatfeld, Peter de......., Jewry of. See Jewry.........., the king's prison at, 92.........., Milkstreet, Melkstrete, Milkestrete, 43, 297, 344............. parish of St. Mary Magdalene in, 343, 344......... N ew gate prison, 16, 25, 46, 52, 62, 66, 80, 108, 138, 139, 145, 146, 149, 154, 155, 158, 159, 161, 162, 203,218, 257, 259, 262, 272, 285, 314, 385, 397, 521, 567......., Newgate prison, keeper of, 80, 146, 159, 545.........,......, keepers of, 16, 25.........., prisoners in, 46........... St. Anthony, master and brethren of, 567.........., St. Bartholomew, priory of, 61, 117.............. Hugh, prior of, 117.......... St, Giles, hospital of, master of, 23........... St. Martin's-le-Grand, letters close dated at, 25-30, 32, 38, 54, 55, 61, 62, 64, 71-74, 81, 82, 84, 110, 114-117, 120, 121.............. church of, dean and chapter of, 432, 437.........., St. Paul's, letters close dated at, 9, 10, 44, 47.........,..... cathedral, dean of. See Chishull, John de.......... Smithfield, Smythefeld, hospital of St. Bartholomew, 386........... Temple, the new, 54, 143, 264, 499, 552..........., letters close dated at, 1, 2, 9, 44.............., templars of, 490..........,......treasurers of, 21, 25, 57, 63, 143, 447.......,...... Brother Warin, treasurer of, 53, 57......, Tower of, 9, 107, 166, 188, 192, 200, 201, 202, 224, 402, 527......,...... constable of, 66, 107, 183, 184, 265, 298, 305, 306, 316, 394, 437, 503, 515, 570. And see Bek, Anthony; Eddeworth, Stephen de; Nevill, John de................ sub-constable of. See Audenard, Giles de..........,......, Jews imprisoned in, 517, 519.........., justices in eyre at, 262, 271, 272, 273, 274, 285, 298, 324, 333, 384, 385, 386, 392, 408, 432, 437, 469.............., rolls of, 567.....,...... the king's engines at, 515. London, Tower of, works at, 264, 265, 362, 367, 444, 484, 528....................., keeper of. See Audenard, Giles de. See Beverle, Robert de..................., warden of. See Acre, John de................,......Master John, viewer of, 362. Londonia, Agnes wife of Peter de. 214........... Alice wife of Henry de, 413........... Andrew de, monk of Winchester, 66.........., Henry de, 413................ a monk of Westminster, 117........... Hildebrand de, sheriff of co. Wilts, 269, 472, 536.........., Joceus de, 188.................. citizen of London, 69.........., John de, 37, 120, 160, 164, 230, 251, 275, 317, 338, 362................. escheator south of Trent, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, 130, 138, 139, 141, 143, 145, 146-149, 152, 153, 157, 161, 163-168, 171, 172, 173, 176, 179, 181, 187, 190-193, 195, 200, 207 -212, 214, 215, 226, 281, 282, 307, 350, 362........... John de, rector of the church of Frodsham [co. Chester], 422.........., Peter de, 214........... Robert de, 151.........., Stephen de, 341...,I.... Thomas de, 489.........., William de, 50................, abbot of Missenden, 512, 563..............., keeper of the castle of Dungarvan, Ireland, 303. Lonere, Edward de, 412. Long, William le, 334. Longasse, Robert de, 364, 365. Longborougb, Langeberg [co. Gloucester], 268. Longe, Adam le, 507. Longebeniton. See Bennington, Long. Longeleye park. See King's Langley. Longemynede. See Longmynd. Longespee, or de Meulan, Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 117, 153, 243, 417, 479. Longespeye. See Lungespey. Longetre, Henry de, 426. Longevill. See Longueville. Longevill, Henry de, 99........... Petronilla wife of Henry de, 99. Longford e[o. Derby], Bupton, Bubbedon in, 332........., Hollington, Halington, Olinton in, 332, 413. Long Forest, La Lungeforest [co. Salop], 535, 536........., keeper of. See Hugh, Alan son of; Hugh, John son of. Longhope, Longe Hope [co. Gloucester], 569. GENERAL INDEX. 681 Longmynd, Iongemynede forest, co. Salop, 181. Longnor, Langenovere [par. of Alstonefield, co. Stafford], 402. Longo Campo, Henry de, 307.................. tenant in chief, 145................ knt., 227.........., Osbert de, justice, 456.........., Ralph de, 421.........., Sibyl wife of Henry de, 145, 227. Longrak, William, 334. Longsdon, Langesdon [par. of Endon, co. Staffordl, 234. Longsomer, Alfred, 174. Long Stratton. See Stratton. Longueville, Longevill [Normandy], abbey of St. Faith, 425. Longus, Robert, 123. Lopen, Little [co. Somerset], 488. Lord, Robert le, 291........... Walter le, 328. Loretto, Loretti, Contesse, Contissa, countess of, wife of Roger de Clifford, 450, 518. Lorimer, Simonr-t 175. Lose, John de, 58. Lotegershall. See Ludgershall. Loterel. See Luterel. Lotherton, Lutrington [par. of Sherburn], co. York, 483. Lotrich, John, 251. Lou, John le. 223, 536.......... W illiam le, 149. Loughrigg, Loucrigg [parish of Grasmere, co. Westmoreland], 183. Loughton, Lucton, co. Bucks, 350......... wood [co. Essex], 528. Louis IX. King of France, 186. Loun, Roesia, Roisa wife of Samuel de, 181, 320........... Rose, Rosa wife of Samuel de, a Jew, 456, 457........... Master Samuel de, the king's Jew of London, 157, 181, 320, 406. Lounde, Peter de, 421. Louth [co. Lincoln], 507.......... Park abbey [co. Lincoln], 258, 321. Louthorp, John de, 66. Lo4ecok, Henry, 142. koveday, Lovedai, Luveday, Alice wife of Roger, 457........, Roger, 229, 388, 457, 498, 537.............., justice, 459, 510, 550................ justice in eyre in cos. Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Northumberland, 504......................, in co. York, 545................, knt., 421. Lovekin, Matilda, wife of Richard, 208......., Richard, 208. Lovel, Luvel, Fulk, 199................, archdeacon of Colchester, 337, 338. Lovel, Luvel, Fulk, appointed to hear and determine the affairs of native and alien merchants, 230, 495........... Hugh, 336........... John, 539................. knt., 227................. son of William, 65.........., Walter, clerk, 555........... W illiam, 65. Lovente, Henry de, 149. Loveny, Andrew de, 488.........., Walter de, 488. Loverd, William le, 10. Lovet, John de, 52........... Philip, 295. Loveto, Roger de, 572. Loveton [parish of Meavy, co. Devon], 24. Lovetot, Luvetoft, Luvetot, Luvetote, John de, 120, 144, 151, 161,178,233, 250, 285, 286, 370, 384, 404, 430, 458, 459, 465, 478, 485, 505, 511, 513, 562................. one of the justices of the bench, 321, 366, 503, 569, 580................ keeper of the bishopric of Durham, 97, 109................, knt., 421, 498, 499, 581........... Roger de, 99, 340, 387................. sheriff of cos. Nottingham and Derby, 484,........., Thomas de, 340..............., s o n o f R o g e r d e, 3 8 7, 4 8 4. Lowis, Lowys, John, 550, 552. Lowiseshall, Clement de, 61. Loxforth, 234. Luc', merchants of the society of the. See Lucca. Lucas, Isaac, 297. Lucca, Luc', Luca, Tuscany, 33, 492, 535........... merchants w, 33, 123, 285, 286, 326, 342, 364, 3I, 367, 382, 408, 413, 427, 437, 441,142, 484, 492, 502, 519, 530, 531, 532, 544, 546. Lucton. See Loughton. Lucy, Almaric de, 299.........., Geoffrey de, 220, 381, 408, 465, 511. *.............. knt., 357........... Hugh de, 282........... Joan wife of Hugh de, 282.........., Robert de, 9. Luda, Master Thomas de, 343........., son of William de, 507.........., Master William de, 253, 343, 492, 559, 577. Luddington, Lodynton, Ludinton [parish of Old Stratford, co, Warwick], 65, 103. Ludeham. See Ludham. Ludewell. See Lodelewell. Ludgershall, Luttegarsale, 142........... Lotegershall, Lutegarshale [co. Bucks], 30, 34.......... Lutegarsal, Lutegarshale, Luttegarsale [co. Wilts], 31, 331. 682 GENERAL INDEX. Ludgershall, letters close dated at, 331.........., windmill at, 96. Ludham, Ludeham, Robert de, 263, 288, 510, 511, 581............,., clerk, 111................., justice of the Jews, 6, 166. Ludinton. See Luddington. Ludinton, Margaret wife of Ralph de, tenant in chief, 65........., Ralph de, 439........... Walter de, 570. Ludlow, Lodelawe, Lodelowe [co. Salop], 288, 322, 323, 342, 343..........., priory of St. Augustine, 476. Luffecunte, Richard, 290. Luffenham, North, Northluffenham, co. Rutland, 295. Luffenham, Bartholomew de, 398........... Richard de, 227.........., Robert de, 227. Lufton, Luketon Fussard, co. Somerset, 384. Lugwardine, Lugwardyne [co. Hereford], 12. Luk', Luke, Lucas de, merchant of Lucca, 86, 186, 207, 209, 268, 285, 326, 342, 364, 366, 367, 382, 403, 409, 413, 422, 437, 441, 442, 531, 532, 544, 546.........., Orlandinus de, merchant of Lucca, 413, 532..........., Perceval de, merchant of the society of merchants of Lucca, 441, 530........, R einer, R eyner, R einerius de, m erchant of Lucca, 413, 437, 484, 519, 531.........., Thomas, de, merchant of the society of the Luc' of Lucca, 33. Luke, Baldric son of, 238. Luketon Fussard. See Lufton. Luketon, Hugh de, 418, 419.........., Joan wife of Hugh de, 418, 419. Lullesworth, Lulleworth, Lolleworth, William de, 45, 175, 526. Lulleworth, John de, 324. Lulworth, Lollewurth, co. Dorset, 526. Lumbard, a Jew of Bristol, 10.........., Copinus son of, a Jew of Exeter, 271.........., David, 174.........., Leo son of, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Lumby, Matilda wife of William de, 275.........., William de, 275. Lund, Peter de, 233........... Roger de, 385. Lunday, Ivo de, 139. Lundeye Island. See Lundy. Lundreford, Simon de, 237. Lundreis, Lundres, William le, 549. Lundy, Lundeye Island [co. Devon], 178. Lung, Lunge, Adam le, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482.........., Cicely wife of Ralph le, 208........... Godwin le, 489. Lung, Lunge, Henry le, 542.........., John le, 72, 105, 409........... Ralph, 205................ le, 208................. son of Henry le, 466........... Richard le, 542.........., Robert le, 174.........., Walter son of Richard le, 160........... William le, 44, 175, 282. Lunge forest, La. See Long Forest. Lungespey, Longespeye, John le, 206.........., Peter brother of John le, 206.......... Robert, 72, 105. Lungevilers, Clemencia de, daughter of John de, 509. Lungthorp, Walter de, 385. Luscote, Richard son of Thomas de, 27. Lusteleg. See Lustleigh. Lusteshull, Robert de, 354. Lustleigh, Lusteleg, co. Devon, 312. Lutegarsal, Lutegarshale. See Ludgershall. Lutelfeld hundred. See Littlefield. Lutelington. See Lidlington. Luterel, Loterel, Alexander, 24,103.........., Margery, wife of Alexander, 24, 246................,, Robert, 501. Luteriche, John, baron of the port of Romney, 301..............., son of John, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Lutlebiry. See Littlebiry. Lutlecote. See Littlecote. Lutleton, Edmund de, 510. Luton, Luyton, co, Bedford, 35, 181, 191, 200, 274, 285, 297, 299, 451, 541.........., letters close dated at, 107. Luton, Alice de, 468.........., William de, 332, 500. Luttrington. See Lotherton. Luttegarsale. See Ludgershall. Lutterworth, Luttreworth, Luttrewrthe, co. Leicester, 322, 323, 350. Luttleton, Michael de, 143. Luttreworth, Luttrewrthe. See Lutterworth. Luveday. See Loveday. Luvel. See Lovel. Luvetoft, Luvetot. See Lovetot. Luyton. See Luton. Lya, Walter de, 346. Lydford, Est Lidford [co. Somerset], 501......... West, West Ludeford [co. Somerset], 490. Lydham [co. Montgomery], Aston in, 433........... Lideham [co. Salop], 431. Lye, Colswen de, 346......,.., James de, 451........... Roger de la, king's clerk, 2. Lyford, William de, 64. Lymch, Walter, 231. Lyming, William de, 11. GENERAL INDEX. 683 Lyminge, Luke son of Richard de, 15, 32. Lyministre, Alice wife of Philip de, 5. Lymor'. See Lismore. Lympne [co. Kent], the king's court of Shepway in, 301. Lyn, Andrew de, 66.........., Robert de, a monk, 248. Lynbe, Richard de la, 162. Lynd, Lynde, Walter de la, 355, 412, 578.......... See also Linde. Lvndhurst, Lindherst, Lndhurst [co. Hants], 36, 293, 298, 352,370........... letters close dated at, 308, 352, 494, 495. Lyndon, William de, 240.......... See also Lindon. Lynet, Robert, 319. Lyngedraper, Ivo le, 66. Lyngneynes, Ralph de, coroner for co. Hereford, 307. Lynn, Lenn, Lenne, Lynne, co. Norfolk, 86, 118, 209, 308, 530......., bailiffs of, 423..........., burgesses of, 165..........., Carmelite friars of, 373, 376................ church of, 374, 376.........., fair at, 8.........., liberty of, 212, 515........., mayor and bailiffs of, 125..........., toll-booth of, 215, 363. Lynton, Master Hugh de, 6. Lyons castle, Newcastle near Lyons [co. Kildare], 520. Lyons, council of, 79, 113, 117, 120.............., the king's envoy to. See John, John son of. Lyons, Peter de, 542. Lysors, Gilbert de, 500. Lyswes. See Lisieux. Lytegreins. See Lithegreynes. Lythewode forest. See Lythwood. Lythfot, Robert, keeper of the houses of Windsor park, 393. Lyth wood, Lythewod, Lythewode, forest [co. Salop], 463.........., the king's hay of, 297. Lyun, Richard, 35. Lyuns, John de, 409..........., Richard de, 345.........., Thomas de, 345. Lyverton. See Liverton. Lyveve, John son of, 489. M. Mabbe, John husband of, 133. Mabel, Adam son of, 328........., William son, 24. Mabile, Roger, 208. Mable, Tokus son of, 195. Mablethorpe, Malbethorp, Mamberthorpe, Marberthorpe, co. Lincoln, 215, 481. Macclesfield [co. Chester], letters close dated at, 208, 209, 477. Mace, John, 35. Machchinges, Walter de, 109. Machinge, Machingges. See Matching. Machon, Ralph, 545. Macke, William, 123. Macon, Henry le, 558. Macotere, Reginald le, usurer, 18. Macworth, Nicholas de, 106. Macy, Henry, 46. Maddingleye. See Madingley. Maddy, Robert, 558. Madekyn, Robert, 152. Madeley [co. Stafford], 521. Madewell, Maydewell. See Maidwell. Madingley, Maddingleye [co. Cambridge], 503. Madoc son of Jorwert Coch, 563. Maelor Saesneg, Maylorseysnech [co. Flint], 513. Maer, Mere, co. Stafford, 38, 52. Magna Charta to be removed from the doors of churches, 582. Magna Dodington, Robert son of Robert de, 92. Magot, Henry, 35.........., Hugh, 383.......... Humphrey, son of Hugh, 383. Maheu, Baldwin, merchant of Ypres, 338. Mahew, John, 325. Maidenhethe, John de, 115. Maidenstan. See Maidstone. Maidford, Maydeford, co. Northants, 214. Maidstone, Maidenstan, Maydenestan, Maydenestane, Maydeneston, Maydenestone, Maydenstane, Maydestan, Meydestone, co. Kent, 16, 19, 203........., prison at, 19, 29, 365, 367, 369, 404, 456, 458, 532.......... Mote Park, La Mote in, 481. Maidwell, Madewell, co. Northants, 350. Makefare, Henry, 553. ] Makehayt, Henry, 15. Makeresgate, Thomas de, 20. Malagalye, Theobald, 285.......... See also Malegalye. Malaspine, Opizo, merchant of Lucca, 123. Malbethorp. See Mablethorpe. Malebraunch, Eustace, 557. Malecak, Thomas, a common robber, 25. Malegalye, Aldebrandus, 394.......... See also Malagalye. Malemayns, Malemeins, Henry, 83, 123, 412. Malemert, John de, 438. Malerbe, Malherbe, John, 45..........., merchant, 74.........., Thomas, 507. 684 GENERAL INDEX. Malesars, Simon, 117.' Malesle, John de, 164. Malesoures, Robert, 59. Malet, Robert, 228, 236, 510, 511, 542........... Sir Robert, 508.........., Thomas, 541. Malewasdon, Richard de, 532. Malherbe. See Malerbe. Mailing' [co. Kent?], 568. Malmesbury abbey [co. Wilts], 117. Malo Lacu, Peter de, 544............. son of Peter de, 544. Malore, Ralph, 233. Maloysel, Dionisia wife of Richard, 149, 161. Malsham, Walter de, 51. Maltby, Mauteby [co. Lincoln], 61. Malveisin, John, 581. Malvern, Malvernia, Hugh de, keeper of Kingswood forest, 29, 202.............. the king's cook, 73. Mamberthorpe. See Mablethorpe. Mamecestre, 420, 427........... See Mancetter; Manchester. Mamthorp, John de, 80. Man, Henry, 175.......... John le, 73. Manasser, Robert, 567.........., son of Aaron, a Jew of London, 193, 221, 437. Mancestre, John de, 575. Mancetter, Mamecestre [co. Warwick], 353.......... See also Mamecestre. Manchastre. See Manchester. Manchester, Mamecestre, Mfanchastre [co. Lancaster], 173, 358.......... See also Mamecestre. Manekeseye. See Manxey. Maneriis, Baldwin de, 338. Maneser, Samuel son of, de Lincoln, 201. Maneston, Henry de, chaplain, 226.........., Roger de, 416. Manewdon, Mangeden, co. Essex, 202. Mangeherneys, John, 132. Mangerton, Mangereston [parish of Melplash, co. Dorset], 69. Manhale, William de, 123. Manhisleg', Oliver de, 383. Maning, John son of Walter, 26. Manlea, Christiana de, 234. Manneby, Philip de, 507. Manns, Robert, 556. Mansel (Gamage or Lacy), Maumeshull [co. Hereford], 51. Manselinges, Manselenges [parish of Danbyin-Cleveland, co. York], 4, 40. Manuden, Manudene [co. Essex], 82. Manxey, Manekeseye [parish of Pevensey], co. Sussex, 70. Manyngho, Andrew de, 229. Mapelton, Hugh son of Roger de, 450. Mapleton, Thomas de, 361. Maplestead, Great, Graundmapeltre [co. Essex], 82. Mappyng, Hugh, 212. Mar, Henry de, 214. Mar', Hugh atte, 573. Mara, John de, 293, 294. Marberthorpe. See Mablethorpe. Marcat, Richard, 174. Marchal. See Mareschal. Marchamley, Marchumleg' [par. of Hodnet, co. Salop], 234. Marchant, Geoffrey le, 235........... John le, 149. Marchaunt, Agnes le, 450.........., Henry le, 370. Marche, La, and Angouleme, count of. See Leziniaco, Hugh de. Marcheis, John, 72, 105. Marchi, Bartholomew, 265. Marchumleg'. See Marchamley. Marcigny [France, Sa6ne-et-Loire], priory of, 380. Marden [co. Hereford], Wisterton, Wistanton in, 61. Mare La, forest of. See Delamere. Mare, Geoffrey de la, 44........, Henry de la, 374, 498........... Ida wife of Geoffrey de la, 44.........., John de la, 442.............. tenant in chief, 460.......... Peter de la, constable of Bristol castle, 408, 479............... son of Robert de la, tenant in chief, 7, 27, 38, 47.........., Ralph de la, 510........... Robert de la, tenant in chief, 27, 38, 47..........., Master Walter de la, 236, 259, 374, 510, 511................, clerk, 111.........., Master William de la, 44, 448. Mareschal, Marchal, Marescal, Marescall, Mareschale, Mareschall, Marschal, Marshall, Adam, 568................ le, 149........... Agnes daughter of Thomas le, 334.........., Aline la, 186.........., Eleanor wife of William, earl of Pembroke, 190.........., Elias le, 325, 408.......... Elizabeth wife of John le, 476................ wife of William, 491...,....... Fulk le, 188........... Gilbert le, 71, 321, 387........... Henry le, 87, 367, 369.........., Humphrey le, 13, 45, 51..........., Joan wife of Hugh le, 556................ Thomas le, 88, 104.........., John le, 83, 335, 429, 476, 481, 494, 507, 509, 559. GENERAL INDEX. 685 Mareschal, knt., 582.........., the younger, 490............... son of William, 491........., Matilda wife of Anselm the, 279..............., wife of John le, 5.........., Nicholas le, 324............,.son of Thomas le. 334.......... Ralph le, 564.........., Reginald son of Thomas le, 334..........., Richard le, 72, 105, 334, 567................ tenant in chief, 316, 382.........., Robert le, 341, 383, 408..........,...... son of Thomas le, 334........... Roger le, 425................ citizen of London, 90.........., Sibyl la, 157........... Stephen le, 431, 576.......... Thomas le, 9..............., tenant in chief, 88, 104, 363.........., W alter le, 480................, brother of William, earl of Pembroke, 190, 191, 285.........., William, earl of Pembroke, 180, 190, 191, 284.............., knt., 491............... le, 282, 503, 557......,..., the earl, 48, 193, 200, 284, 285, 290, 552. And see Bigod, Roger.......... See also Merescall. Maresey, Ermentrude wife of Thomas de, 203. Mareys, Henry del, 411.........., Richard del, 411........., Robert, 130........., Roger de, 400. Margaret, the king's daughter, 296.....,,.., the king's sister, wife of Alexander king of Scotland, 126, 164, 228,490. Margeri, Henry, 424. Margery, Hugh son of, 78, 79.........., Matilda daughter of Hugh, 79.........., Thomas son of Hugh, 79........., William son of, de Benetley, 244. Marham, Ralph de, 414. Marines, Thomas de, coroner, 533. Marisco, Christiana de, 228..........., G eoffrey de, 158....,..... Hereward de, justice, 273..........,, coroner for co. Dorset, 214.........., John de, 158, 410.........., William de, 18. Mariscis, Lady Christiana de, 512, 513........., Geoffrey de, 55. Markatfeld, Simon de la, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482. Markes, Nicholas, 415. Market Drayton [co. Salop], Betton in, 313.......... Harborough, Haverberg [co. Leicester], 467......,,..... bailiffs of, 70. Market, grant of a, 478.........,, the king's, 84.......... pleas, 69, 90, 118, 167................ and assizes of, 150................. justices of, 69. Markets, 51. Markewille, Ralph de, 449. Markeys, Bertram, 252. Marleberg, Marleberge. See Marlborough. Marleberg, Jospinus son of Solomon de, a Jew, 157.........., Matthew de, 269.......... William de, 174. Marlborough, Marleberg, Marleberbe, co. Wilts, 31, 62, 92, 405........., bailiff of, 10.......... castle, 10................. constable of, 10................ and manor of, 31........., convention of, 333.........., letters close dated at, 143, 162, 224, 260, 261, 267-270........., mayor of, 63........., prison at, 405........... provision of, 500. Marmaduc, John, 429. Marmium. See Marmyum. Marmoutier, Mermuster Abbey [Tours, France], 464. Marmyun, Marmiun, Marmyon, Amice, 118.........., Emma wife of Philip, tenant in chief, 287........ Philip, 238, 346, 392, 397........., Roger son of Philip, 382.........., William, 151. Marnham, Master Nicholas de, 67, 451, 563. Marre, John de, 229. Marreys, Robert del, 41 L. Marroterota, land of, Gascony, 363. Marshall. See Mareschal. Marshals of England, the, 560.........., the kings', 16, 163, 341. Marshalsea, rolls of the, 484. Marshwood, Mersewod [co. Dorset], 403. Marsillia, Philip son of, 95. Marske, Cresk, Mersk [co. York], 3, 39. Marston, Merston, co. Bucks, 291.......... Merston, co. Lincoln, 421........., Little, Little Merston [par. of Marston Magna], co Somerset, 115. Marteleye. See Martley. Marteny, Elias de, 488. Martigny. See Marcigny. Martin, Isabella daughter of Alan son of, de Corbrige, 443.........., John, 374....,...... son of, de Oteringham, 287........... Nicholas son of, 315, 490....,....., justice, 151, 368, 452, 457.,,......... keeper of the island of Stokholm, 266. 686 GENERAL INDEX. Martin, Robert, 76..........., Roger, 552.........., Walter, 512.........., William, 415. Martley, Marteleye, Matileye, co, Worcester, 46, 110, 119. Marton [par. of Chirbury], co. Salop, 294. Marton, Robert de, 462. Martyn, Geoffrey, 325.......... Richard, 130. Mary, Ralph son, 145. Masce, Amice wife of William, 114.........., W illiam, 114. Mascrer, Godfrey le, 128. Masner, Falco, merchant of Florence, 534. Masse, Dionisia wife of John, 421. Massingham, Messingham [co. Norfolk], 494. Maszun, Geoffrey le, 174. Mataz, Fulk de, 488. Matching, Machinge, Machingges [co. Essex], 82, 420, 422.........., Ovesham in, 252. Matebot, William, mercer of London, 437. Mathi, Mathy, John, 496, 534. Matilda the Empress, Queen of England, 280......,.... countess of Gloucester, 34. Matilda, Henry son of, 494..........., Hugh son of, 75.........., John son of, 489................ de Herdwik, 389.........., Robert son of, de Hykeling, 266........... Walter son of, 489. Matilye. See Martley. Matiston, Ireland, 122. Mattesden, Mattesdon, Agnes de, 504.......... Philip de, 504. Matthew, Clarice relict of, 130.........., William son of, 133. Matyn, John, 35. Matyp, Philip, 273. Mauclerc, Richard, 414. Maucorneys, William, 80. Mauduit, Maudut, Mauduyt, John, 51..........,John son of Gilbert, 456........,, Thomas, 123, 124, 382. Mauerdyn, Richard, 142. Maufe, Joan wife of William, 162........... William, 162, 441. Mauger, John, 423, 555.........., Thomas, 488. Maugre, 225. Maulere, Roger, 430. Maulovel, Roger, 345.........., Stephen, 97, 103. Maumeshull. See Mansel. Maumunt, Roger, 182. Maundevill, Clemencia wife of John de, tenant. in-chief, 270, 316........... Hugh de, 148.........., John de, 166, 270, 273, 312, 403. Maundevill, Clemencia wife of John de tenant-in-chief, 296, 316, 331.........., John son of John, 296.........., William de, 316.......... in Morton, Manasser de, 248. Maunger, John, 532. Maunsel, Maunsell, John, 478.........., Peter, 180........... Philip, 410........... Ralph, 42........... Roger, 410..........,Walter, 411, 478. Maunz, Robert de, 248. Maupas John, 425. Maurice, Emelina wife, of Maurice son of, 304.........., Maurice son of, 304..............., justiciary of Ireland, 193........... Robert son of, 289. Mauteby. See Maltby. Mauveisin, Mauveysin, Henry brother of Saer, 206.........., son of Robert, 352........., Saer, 206. Maydeford. See Maidford. Mayden, Gilbert, 508. Maydenestan, Maydenestane, Maydenesten, Maydeneston. See Maidstone. Maydenstan, Master John de, archdeacon of Oxford, 33, 41. Maydenstane, Maydestan. See Maidstone. Maydewell. See Maidwell. Mayleng, James de, 159. Maylle, Henry wife of Richard, 550........... Richard, 550. Maylorseysnech. See Maelor Saesneg. Mayn, John, 205. Mazecref, Michael le, 149. Mazeliner, William le, 122. Mazer, Simon, 78. Mazon, Richard le, 410. Mazun, John son of Ralph le, 553........... William, 124. Mead, 81. Meath, county of, Ireland, 323.........., bishop of, treasurer of Ireland, 18, 20, 393. Meaudlingg. See Milden. Meaudlingg, Alice wife of Peter de, 86, 87, 121..........., Isabella mother of Remigius de, 87, 121....*....., Laurence de, 86, 121........... Remigius de, 86, 87..........,...... brother of Peter de, 121. Meaux abbey, co. York, 356. Meavy [co. Devon], Loveton in, 24. Mech, John atte, 174. Mechain, Mechyn [commote, co. Montgomery], 434. Mecheyn [commote of Powys Wenwynwyn, co. Denbigh], 399. GENERAL INDEX. 687 Mecheynyscoet [Is coed, commote of Powys Wenwynwyn], 399. Mechyn, land of. See Mechain. Medbourne, Medburn [co. Leicester], 510. Medburne, Medburn, Meddeburn, William de, 124................. a knight templar, 336. Medcumbe Philip de, 139. Medecroft, John de, 409. Medesol, 488. Meddelham, Geoffrey de, 66. Meddesel, 488. Mediolano, Bonacius de, 553. Megge, Richard son of, 134. Mekesburgh, John de, 336. Mepham, Master Richard de, dean of Lincoln, 117. Meifod, Meyvot [co. Montgomery], 402. Meire, John le, 55. Melchet, Milchet, wood, in Clarendon forest [parish of Whiteparish], co. Wilts, 146, 155, 269, 271, 287, 298................. keeper of, 309. And see Grymested, John de..........,park [co. Wilts], 370, 452. Meldborne, Robert de, 123. Meldeburn, Meldeburne, Robert de, citizen of London, 255.......,,,....... sonI of Henry de, 210. Meleburn, William de, 416. Melecumb, John de, 175. Meledon, Meldon, William de, 367, 369. Melkeleye, William de, 123. Melksham, Melkesham [co. Wilts], 128.........., forest [co. Wilts], 307, 310........... hundred [co. Wilts], 264.........., park [co. WiltsJ, 300. Melksop, Matthew, 174. Melles [par. of Wenhaston, co. Suffolk?], 120. Melplash [co. Dorset], Mangerton, Mangereston in, 69. Melton gaol [co. Leicester], 189.........., co. Suffolk, 138.........., Great, 361. Melton, Nigel de, 573........., Richard de, clerk, 252.........., Simon son of Miles de, 571. Memwich [co. Chester], 215. Mendesham, John de, 240. Mendip, Menedep, Menedepe, forest [co. Somerset], 371, 535.............,, keeper of. See Plessetis, Richard de. Meneford [co. Essex], 420, 422. Menheved. See Minehead. Menill, Robert de, 66. Menneheved. See Minehead. Menythorp, John son of Geoffrey de, 369. Meole Brace, Moles Bracy, co. Salop, 115, 294. Meon East [co. Hants], Langrish, Langerisse in, 26. Mer, Hamo le, 529. Mercer, Henry le, dean of Lichfield, 478........., Ingram le, 507.........., Isolda wife of William fe, 53.........., Ralph le, 525.........., William le, 53. Merchants, 459, 502, 518.........., alien, 502, 518..........,...... and native, 230.........., attacks on, 46, 246.........., the king's, 199........... pleas of, justices appointed to hear the, 495.......... usurers, to depart from London and leave the kingdom, 108. Merchyne, Walter, merchant of Flanders, 495. Mere. See Maer. Mere, La [co. Hereford], 569. Mere, Reginald de, tenant in chief of the abbey of Glastonbury, 138.........., William de, 120. Mereduk son of Llewelyn, 434................. Vaughan, 434. Merehok, John del, 470. Meremine, Meremymme, Agnes, 10.........., Agnes de, 164. Merescall, Eva wife of Geoffrey le, 118.........., Geoffrey le, 118.......... See also Mareschal. Mereseye. See Mersea. Merevale [co. Warwick], letters close dated at, 207, 244.........., Merivale, abbey [co. Warwick], 332. Mereworth, Merewrth, Merworth, Walter de, 101, 119, 125. Meriete, John de, 426. And see Meryot. Meringes, Robert de, coroner for co. Nottingham, 515. Merk, Henry du, 229. Merkefeld, Henry de, 553........... Walter de, 553. Merlawe, Roger de, 111. Merle, Hugh de, 208, 301. Merleberge. See Marlborough. Merleberge, Henna wife of Solomon de, a Jew, 391........... Isaac de, a Jew, 285. Merley, Isabella wife of Roger de, 538........... John de, 113. Mermuster. See Marmoutier. Mersea, Mereseye, co. Essex, 302, 444. Mersenton, Henry de, 234. Mlersewod. See Marshwood. Mershe, John de la, 291. Mersk. See Marske. Merston. See Marston; Murston. Merston, Richard de, 46.........., William son of William de, 291. 688 GENERAL INDEX. Merton priory [co. Surrey], 115, 118.,................ canon of. See Temple, Henry de................, Gilbert prior of, 115................ house of the scholars of, Master Peter warden of, 240. Merton, Master Roger de, 430........., Simon de, clerk, 416......,... Stephen de, 217........... Walter de, 45, 46, 52, 53, 54, 60, 87, 110, 120, 121, 497................ bishop of Rochester, 180, 226, 246, 250, 257, 349, 360, 408, 435, 445, 446, 447, 462, 491, 510, 512, 551..........,...... chancellor, 1, 2, 3, 5-9, 16, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 39, 41, 42, 43, 62, 64, 68, 69, 74, 75, 79, 118, 119, 120........., W alter de, chancellor, tenant in chief 465...................... executors of the will of 559.................. his house of scholars at Oxford (Merton College), 117.......... William de, 401. Meruwe, Thomas de, 237. Merveille, Richard brother of Sarah, 206........,., Sarah, 206. Merworth. See Mereworth. Meryet, Henry de, 213. Meryot, John de, 557. And see Meriete. Mesnil, Nicholas de, 472, 473. Messager, Adam le, 567................., son of Scilicia de, 158........... David le, 118.........., Geoffrey le, 353........... Guy le, 13........... John le, 508........., Richard le, 321, 335........... Scilicia wife of Adam le, 158........... S im on, 4 90........... W alter le, 556.........., William le, 512. Messeden, Messendenn, abbey. See Missenden. Messeger, Roger le, the king's envoy, 23. Messer, Andrew le, 28, 29........... Geoffrey le, 76.........., Giffard le, 369.........., Henry le, 329, 354.........., John le, 87, 145........... Miles le, 445........... N icholas le, 282........... Ralph son of Henry le, 424.........., Reginald le, 78, 494.........., Robert le, 77, 130, 282.......... Simon son of Walter le, 205.........., Stephen le, 133.......... del Graunge de Ledes, William le, 475. Messinden. See Missenden. Messingberth, Erngis de, 384. Messingden abbey. See Missenden. Messingham [co. Lincoln], 511........... See Massingham. Messun, William, 139. Mestre, Joceus son of Roger le, 238. Metingham, Meteringham, John de, 136, 222, 388, 509, 537.................. justice in eyre in cos. Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Northumberland, 479, 504, 550................. justice in eyre in co. York, 545. Meulinges, Godfrey de, monk of Colchester, 115. Mews, the king's, 444. Mey, Alexander le, 126........... Thomas le, 492. Meydestone. See Maidstone. Meyne, Godfrey de, 174. Meynil, Meynill, Nicholas de, 426.........., Thomas de, knt., 572........... William de, 572. Meynwaryn, Thomas de, 251. Meyvot. See Meifod. Michael, Nicholas son of, 205........... Thomas son of, 205. Micham, Peter de, 122. Michel, Agnes wife of Henry, 413.......,.., Alexander, 330........... Henry, 413. Micheldevre, Philip de, 389........... See also Mucheldevere. Middelton, 364, 365.........., co. Somerset, 306.......... [co. Somerset?] 347.......... [co. Sussex], 421.................. church of St. Nicholas, 421........... See Middleton; Milton........ hundred. See Milton. Middelton, Middleton, Geoffrey de, 13, 26, 45, 349........... Gilbert de, 169, 284........,, Henry de, 553.........., John de, 123, 354, 421, 431, 509, 512, 562.........., Peter de, 130, 272..........,...... the king's bailiff, 165.................. keeper of the forest between the bridges Oxford and Stamford, 212.........., Richard de, justice, 362.........., Sarah wife of Maurice de, 434........... Thomas son of John de, 562.........., William de, 7, 105. 120, 140, 144, 153, 154, 157, 161, 162, 167, 168, 169, 170, 176, 177, 181, 182, 183, 188, 195, 196, 197, 199, 201, 205, 220, 221, 249, 255, 258, 260, 261, 263, 281, 284, 287, 289, 292, 293, 321, 392, 430, 488, 491.,............... archdeacon of Canterbury, 301, 401.,,.....,......,. bishop of Norwich, 471, 481, 495, 497, 498, 499, 504, 505, 511, 515, 536, 552. GENERAL INDEX. 689 Middelton, Middleton, William de, assessor of a tallage on the Jews, 83............... collector of the tallage on the Jews, 106, 157, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 174, 180, 184, 185, 213, 441, 443..........,...... collector and receiver of the twentieth granted to the king in aid of the Holy Land 34........,........ keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury, 481, 482, 515.................. kings clerk, 438..........,...... official of Canterbury, 66, 67.............. son of Robert de, 157, 306, 346. Middlesex, county of, 13, 23, 45, 51, 53, 74, 96, 98, 111, 114, 124, 206, 223, 243, 251, 253, 256, 259, 262, 341, 349, 423, 468, 498, 557................., assizes in, 136.................. common pleas in, 314.................. coroner of. See Septem Fontibus, Ralph de................, coroners of, 527......Y........ justices in eyre in, 74, 96, 177, 314, 527.................. sheriff of, 22, 31, 74, 96, 98, 131, 155, 165, 224, 468, 519, 527, 532. And see Toting', Walter de................ summons of an eyre to be holden in, 131................. taxation in, 262. Middleton, Middelton, co. Oxford, 19. Middelwode, co. Salop, 209. Midford. See Mitford. Midhirst. See Midhurst. Midhope, Elias de, 146. Midhurst, Midbirst [co. Sussex], 33. Mikelfeld, Nicholas de, 406.........., Roger son of Nicholas de, 406. Milchet. See Melchet. Milcombe, Mildecumbe [parish of Bloxham, co. Oxford i, 498. Milcote, co. Warwick, 160. Milcote, Richard de, 160. Mildecumbe. See Milcombe. Milden, Meaudlingg [co. Suffolk], 86, }21. Mildenhall, Mildenhal [co. Suffolk], 540. Mile, John, 35.........., Robert, 35. Miles, Hugh son of Richard, 573.........., Sampson son of, de Staunford, 201.........., Simon son of, de Melton, 571.........., W illiam, 573. Milet, Alice son of Geoffrey, 576. Milford, 343.........., Muleford [par. of Littleness, co. Salop], 89. Milford, Margery wife of Nicholas son of Thomas de, 343. Milford, Nicholas son of Master Thomas de, 343. Milkeye, Hugh de, 358. u 96998. Milkeye, Richard son of Thomas de, 358. Miller, Alice daughter of Robert the, 78........... Geoffrey the, 79..........., Thomas the, 133, 134. Millet, Richard, 455. Milleton, Matilda wife of Thomas de, 356. Milston [co Wilts], Brigmerston, Brichmerston in, 88.........., Brismarston, Bridmerston in, 115. Milton [co. Dorset], 246.,......, Middelton [co. Kent], 349, 462.......... hundred [co. Kent], 147, 284, 533........., the king's hundred and manor of, 37, 284................. chamberlain of, 37................ Chesnut, Chastenere, wood of, 444. Milverton [co. Somerset], 325. Mimekan, Philip, keeper of the wood of Shotover, 296. Minbury, Margery de, 139. Minchinhampton [co. Gloucester], Sincle in, 414. Minchun, Richard, 149. Minehead, Menheved, Menneheved [co. Somerset], 539, 540, 541. Mines, lead, 515. Miniot, Roger, 249......... oSee also Mynnot. Minot, John,.572. Minster in Sheppy, co. Kent, Hokeling, Hucking-manor in, 523. Minsterworth, Munestreworth [co. Gloucester], Denny, Dunye in, 356. Minton, Muniton [par. of Church Stretton], co. Salop, 294. Mir, Alexander le, 77, 79. Miralh, Reymund de, 425. Misne. See Misson. Missenden, Messinden [co. Bucks], 490........... M e s s e d e n, M e s s e u d e n n, M e s s i n g d e n, Messindon, abbey [co. Bucks], 120, 126, 154, 228, 235, 236, 344, 500, 512, 563........., William de Londonia abbot of, 512. Misson, Misne, co. Notts, 500. Misterton, co. Notts, 500. Misyn, Misin, Cicely daughter of Hugh de, 518, 525........... Hugh de, 518, 525. Mitford, Midford, co. Northumberland, 44, 151, 175, 189........... Benridge, Banerugg, Benrug in, 44, 151........., Molesden, Molesdon in, 44........... Stephen parson of the church of, 358.......... castle [co. Northumberland], 173,........., park of, 200. Mitre, Colett', 494. Mitton, Philip de, 321. Mobberley, Modberlegh, co. Chester, 247. x x 690 GENERAL INDEX. Mobiry, Modberegh. See Modbury. Modberlegh. See Mobberley. Modbury, Mobiry, Modbyry, co. Devon, 261, 282.......... [co. Dorset], 282. Modderfunte priory. See Mottisfont. Mohaut, Mohaud. See Monte Alto de. Mohuhen, Eynon, 221. Mohun, Moun, Eleanor wife of John de, tenant in chief, 539, 540..........., John de, 191, 274, 285, 316, 426, 540................ tenant in chief, 545.,........, Robert de, 117.........., W illiam de, 50, 191, 316, 412, 455................ son and heir of Isabella Basset, tenant in chief, 287, 296. Mohawt. See Monte Alto, de. Moigne. See Moyne. Moine, Beringer le, 223. And see Moyne. Mokerford, Thomas de, 175. Molaghcori, Roger son of Richard de, 493. Molendinis, John de, 545........... Philip son of John de, 545. Molendino, Albred' de, 77......... Henry de, 174. Moles Bracy. See Meole Brace. Molesden, Molesdon [parish of Mitford, co. Northumberland], 44. Molesfen, Mulsfen, Henry de, 431, 576. Moleston, 136. Moleton. See Moulton. Moleton, Edmunda wife of Thomas de, 142........... Elizabeth wife of Thomas de, 331........ Matilda de, 415........... Thomas de, 142, 331. Molis, Roger de, 448. Molle, William, 341. Molleton, Thomas son of Thomas de, 5. Molond, Nicholas de, 427. Molton. See Moulton. Molton, Thomas de, 442. Molycourt, Muliecurt, priory [co. Cambridge], 31................. Oliver keeper of, 31. Molyns, Nicholas de, 416. Monasterio Villari, brother William de, a monk of Jumieges, 552.........,...... proctor in England of the abbey of Jumieges, 139. Monasterium Album. See Oswestry. Moncketon, William de, 524. Mondekyn, Robert, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482. Monemuta, William de, 79. Monemuth. See Monmouth. Monemuth, John de, 457, 486.........., Robert de, 473. Monemutha, Elizabeth wife of John de, tenant in chief, 84. Moner, Roger le, 429. Monesle, Nicholas de, 291.......... William de, the elder, 291. Money. See Coinage. Mongomery Castle. See Montgomery. Mongomery. See Monte Gomery de. Monketon priory. See Nunmonkton. Monkton Farleigh, Farleye, Farnlegh, Farnleye, priory [co. Wilts], 247, 380........... William prior of, 494. Monmouth, Monemuth, honour of, 338.......... castle and honour of, 486. Monnington, Monyton [par. of Vowchurch, co. Hereford], 569. Mons Gilberti. See Wrekin, the. Montacute priory [co. Somerset], 365,403,404................. Guy, prior of, 403. Monte Alto, Mohaud, Mohaut, Mohawt, Mouhaut, Muhaut, Adam de, 300, 353, 363, 381, 404, 411, 512, 534,................, knt., 233.......... Geoffrey de, 469.........., Joan wife of Robert de, tenant in chief, 215, 363, 530, 543.......... John de, 232, 305, 318, 354, 426.........., Millicent de, late the wife of Eudo la Zusch, 420........., Peter de, 471.........., Robert de, 210, 502............... tenant in chief, 209, 212...,..... Roger de, bailiff of the hundred of Badbury, 174........... Simon de, 512, 541...........W illiam, 41. Monte Caniso, Monte Canisio, Montekaniso, Munchensy, Beatrice wife of William de, 467, 472, 531........... Dionisia, Dionysia de, 413, 549, 565..........., John de, 239.......... Ranulph de, 239, 378.........., Thomas de, 247.........., William de, 239, 247, 356, 416, 427, 467, 472, 492, 531.........., son of Warin de, 341, 342, 452, 498, 518. Monte Ferrandi, Monteferandi, Mounferaunt, 'Imbert de, 126............. constable of Gloucester castle, 434.........., Stephen de, 403. Montefonte priory. See Mottisfont. Monte Forti, Monteforti, Alexander de, knt. 233...,...... Almaric de, 373...,,....., Eleanor wife of Simon de, earl of Leicester, 35, 181, 190, 224, 276, 284................ sister of Almaric de, 373........., Henry de, 135, 365................ justice, 52, 471.................. justice of assize in co. South. ampton, 452........., Peter de, 151, 344, 360, 412, 413, 471, 475, 480, 559. GENERAL INDEX. 691 Monte Fcrti, Monteforti, Peter de, sheriff, of cos. Salop and Stafford, 222............., son of Peter de, 146, 221, 480........, Petronilla wife of Robert de, 293, 294.............., tenant in chief, 442.......... Robert de, 52, 103........... Simon de, 483............., earl of Leicester, 151, 284, 443, 486. Monte Gaugerii, William de, king's clerk, 363. Monte Gomery, Mongomery, Montegomery, Moungomery, Adam de, 488................, constable of Oswestry castle 377......... Alexander de, 437.........., John de, 233.........., Philip de, 434.........., William de, 38, 233. Monteny, Munteny, Robert de, 146, 248, 316. Monte Pessulano, Robert de, citizen of London, 272. Monte Revelli, Montrevell, Muntrevell, Munrevell, William de, 305, 412, 457, 497..............., knt., 352, 509, 562. Montery, Philip de, 423. Montgomery, Muntgomery [co. Montgomery], 360, 432.......... bailiffs and men Mf, 432........., bailiwick of, 434........... Mongomery, castle, 51, 315............, constable of, 315, 404................, keeper of. See Knovill, Bogo de.........., ford of, 2, 119.........., Mungomery, honour of, 24, 35.......... prison at, 404. Montibus, Ebulo de. See Monz, Eble de.........., Peter de. See Mounz. Montpellier [Languedoc, Herault], the schools (university) at, 487. Montreuel, Fulk de, the king's yeoman, 268. Montreuil-sur-Mer, Mostroyl, Moustroyl, Musteroyl, Mustreoyl [Picardy, Pasde-Calais], 194, 338, 459........., peace between the king and the count of Flanders, made at, 198. Montrevell. See Monte Revelli de. Mont St. Michel abbey [Normandy], 292. Montygnac and Bellac, lord of. See Valencia, William de. Monyash, Monyesse [parish of Bakewell, co. Derby], 247. Monyr. See Mouner. Monyton. See Monnington. Monz, Montibus, Sir Eble, Ebulo de, 227. Moorsholme, Great, Grant, Great Morsom [parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 4, 40, 47.......... Little, Petite Moresum [parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 47. Mora, Poncius de, 252.........,......chamberlain of London, 188................, citizen of London, 90..............., taker of the king's wines in England, 93, 99, 148..................., the king's merchant, 57, 71, 110.........., Ralph de, 123........., William de, 134. Morcote, co. Northampton, 329. Morcott, Morkoke, co. Rutland, 398. Morden [co. Dorset], Charborough, Cerberge, Cherberwe, Chereberwe in, 88, 104, 200. Mordun. See Steeple Morden. More, La [co. Cambridge], 229........., co. Devon, 463. More, Christiana wife of Herbert de la, 213.......... Herbert de 1a, 213.........., John de la, 56, 427, 530................. son of Ralph de la, 547.........., Peter de la, 417......... Poncius de la, merchant, 31, 305...,...., Ralph de la, 87.......... Richard de la, knt. 251........... William atte, 62.........., William de la, 345,412, 513. Morel, Henry, 218........... Sibyl wife of Henry, 218........., William. 378. Moresum. See Moorsholme. Moreton, Morton, co. Berks, 248.........., Morton, co. Devon, 267. Morice, John, 368. Morin, Alice wife of Geoffrey, 123....,....., Geoffrey, 123.........., Hugh, 508........... Matilda, 471.........., Ralph, 142, 404........., Robert, 507........... W illiam, 507. Morcote. See Morcott. Morlaas, money of, 373. Morolf, William, 242. Morsom. See Moorsholme. Mortayn, William, 541. Morte d'ancestor, action of, 568........., assizes of, 495, 501, 502. Morleyn, Emecina de, 275........., Constance de, 229........... Robert de, 423.,........ Roger, knt., 576.........., William de, 275, 290, 441,........., Sir William de, 339. Morthoe, Morthec, co. Devon, 190. Mortimer. See Mortuo, Mari de. Mortisthorn [co. Dorset], 174. Mortmain, statute of, 583. Morton [co. Northants], 205.......... See Moreton. xx 2 692 GENERAL INDEX. Morton-upon-Swale [parish of Ainderby Steeple], co. York, 120, 249. Morton, Alan de, 350.........., Emma wife of William de, 382.........., Giles de, 244........., John de, 242........... Nicholas son of Beatrice de, 244........... Petronilla wife of Richard son of Henry de, 135........... Reginald son of Beatrice de, 244.........., Thomas son of William de, 382.........., William de, 146, 382.,........,..... and Richard sons of W illiam de, 342. Mortuo Mari, Mortimer, Agatha de, 50, 191, 200, 428, 582..............., wife of Hugh de, 48, 49........, Edmund de, 312.........., Hugh de, 48, 49.........., Isabella de, 353........... Matilda wife of Roger de, 113, 190, 320, 552........... Ralph de, tenant in chief, 91...........,..., son of Matilda de, 320.............. Robert de, knt., lord of Richard's castle, 414, 579.........., Roger de, 18; 31, 48, 56, 66, 67, 72, 106, 113, 149, 181, 189, 190, 191, 214, 228, 235, 251, 252, 311, 331, 338, 342, 360, 376, 398, 399, 435, 463, 491, 497, 499, 511, 513, 527, 536, 551, 552.....,......, captain of the king's garrison in cos. Salop, Stafford, and Iereford, 358................ justice, 246................ supplying the king's place in England, 21, 382..........,......, of West Wales, 366..........., William de, 46, 499........,....... rector of the church of Eastham, 579................, son of Geoffrey de, 91................, son of Roger de, 552. Morun, William, knt., 279. Moryn, Alice, 123........... Matilda, 123........... Ralph, 105. Moses, Master, a Jew of London, 297..........., Ancerna wife of Samuel son of, a Jew of Exeter, 149........... Auncerawife of Vives son of, 380, 390........... Cresseus son of Master, a Jew of London, 43........., M aster E lias son of, the k ing's Jew of London, 106,112, 150, 161, 172, 271, 296, 302, 321, 400, 570........... Floria wife of Elias son of, 172........... Hagin, Haginus, son of Master, a Jew of London, 105, 140, 144, 152, 170, 198, 321, 470........... Vives son of, a Jew of London, 261, 547. Moses, son of Aaron, a Jew, 320. Mossekinus, a Jew of Warwick, 137, 150. Moston, Roger de, 427. Mostroyl. See Montreuil. Mote Park, La Mote [in Maidstone, co. Kent], 481. Moteford, Henry de, 156. Motegar, William, 255..........., son of William, 255. Motesfunt. See Mottisfont. Motherwe, co. Dorset, 281. Mottisfont, Motesfunte [co. IIants], 287.........., church of, 146........., Moderfunte, Montefonte, priory [co. Hants], 146, 293. Moubray. See Mowbray. Moucher, Robert, 470. Mouhaut. See Monte Alto. Moulisse. See Mowlish. Moulisse, Ralph de, 316. Moulton, Molton, Moleton, Multon, [co. Lincoln], 41, 411........... co. Suffolk, 80. Moun, See Mohun. Mounbray. See Mowbray. Moungomery. See Monte Gomeri de. Mouner, Monyr, Muner, Adam le, 377, 460, 566........ Andrew son of Thomas le, 373.......... Basilia wife of Godfrey le, 342........... Emma wife of William le, 342.........., Ernald le, 302..........., Everard le, 210........... Geoffrey le, 257.........., Gilbert le, 64........... Godfrey le, 342.........., Hugh le, 212, 356.........., John le, 9, 105, 130, 405.........., Jordan le, 28, 358........., Matthew le, 195.........., Ralph le, 210, 398.........., Reginald le, 557........... Richard le, 45, 72, 105, 392.......... of Pormelne, Richard lc, 507.........., Robert le, 138........... Sarah wife of Alan son of Robert le, 498........... W alter le, 77........, William le, 123, 342, 374............... son of Adam le, 377. Mounferaunt. See Monte Ferrandi. Mouning, Robert, 133. Mount Carmel, friars of, 261. Mountfychet. See Muntfichet. Mountnessing, Ginges Muntenye, Gynge Munteny [co. Essex], 172, 271. Mounz, Peter de, 570. Mourethwaite, Emma wife of Nicholas de, 213........... Nicholas de, 213. Mouslroyl. See Montreuil-sur-Mer. GENERAL INDEX. 693 Mowbray, Moubray, Mounbray, Mubray, Munbray, Matilda wife of Roger de, 319, 467, 472........... Roger de, 403, 471, 472, 483................, son of Roger de, 449, 481, 524. Mowlish, ioulisse [par. of Kenton], co. Devon, 316. Moye, William son of, 132. Moyne, Moigne, Geoffrey le, 324.........., John le, 50, 214........... Sir John le, 240.........., sheriff of co. Northampton, 155........... William le, 524. And see Moigne, Moine. Mubray. See Mowbray. Mucheldevere, Thomas de, 128........... See also Micheldevre. Muchelney abbey, Muchelneye, co. Somerset, 161. Mauceus, Waleran de, 355. Muhaut. See Monte Alto. Mulecastre, Robert de, justice, 400. Muleford. See Milford. Mules, Roger de, 248. Mulesham, Richard de, 42. Muleton, Thomas de, son of Thomas de, lord of Moleton, 411. Muliecurt priory. See Molycourt. Mulleton, Matilda wife of Thomas de, 509. Mulsfen. See Molesfen. Multon. See Moulton. Multon, Elizabeth wife of Thomas de, 250.........., Thomas de, 250. Mumshull, Richard de, 427. Munbray. See Mowbray. Munchensy. See Monte Caniso de. Muncinceus, William de, 76. Munden, Robert de, 118. Mundevill, Adam de, 76. Muner. See Mouner. Munestreworth. See Minsterworth. Munfichet, Munfychet. See Muntfichet. Mungomery. See Montgomery. Muniton. See Minton. Munkerothe, Flanders, 437. Munketon. See Nun Monkton. Munrevell. See Monte Revelli. Munryot, John de, 357. Munsley? Museleye, co. Hereford, 46. Munteny. See Monteny. Muntfichet, inheritance, 235. Muntfichet, Munfichet, Munfychet, Joan daughter of Joyce de, 74........... Joyce wife of Richard de, 74, 82, 84, 86, 96........... Richard de, 74, 420................, tenant in chief, 81, 82, 84. Muntgomery. See Montgomery. Muntpelers, Richard son of Robert de, 897. Muntrevell. See Monte Revelli. I I Murdak, William de, 77.......... son of Roger, 471. Muriell, William, 327. Murs, Philip de, 79. Murston, Merston [co. Kent], letters close dated at, 445. Murward, John le, 74. Musard, John son of Ralph, 45.......... Matilda wife of Ralph, tenant in chief, 13, 25. Musard, Ralph, tenant in chief, 270. Muscegros, Cicely wife of John de, tenant in chief, 172..........., John de, 117, 125, 169................ constable of Bristol castle, 71, 108.........., Robert de, 358, 412, 574. Musch', Hugh de la, 424. Muschet, Emma, 133.........., John, 82, 84. Muscott, Musecote [par. of Norton, co. Northants], 506. Musecote, Alan de,.06..........., Richard de, 272........... William de, 506. Museleye. See Munsley. Mussun, Hugh, 242. Mustel, Thomas, 570. Musteroyl. See Montreuil-sur-Mer. Musters, Peter brother of Thomas de, 450.......... Thomas de, 450......., William de, 174. Mustrel, Robert, 413. Mustreoyl. See Montreuil-sur-Mer. Mutte, Ralph, 508. Mymbury, Margery de, 138. Mynnot, Roger, 41.......... See also Miniot. N. Nacton [co. Suffolk], Orwell, Orewell in, 11. Nantwich, Wycho Mauban [co. Chester], 234, 444. Naper, Luke le, 11. Narwegate, Robert de, 424. Naseby, Navesby [co. Northants], 348. Natal', Lucasius, merchant of Lucca, 123. Nauburn, High de, 523. Navegar, Simon, 183. Navenby, co. Lincoln, 380, 558. Navesby. See Naseby. Neapoli, master Berard de, the pope's notary, 99, 424. Nec, Nicholas, 208. Necton, John de, 570. Neel, Thomas, 438. 694 GENERAL INDEX. Negeton, John son of Henry de, 337. Neketon, Thomas de, 45.......... William de, 430. Nel, William, 175. Nerford, Nereford, William de, knt., 415. Neroche, Rechicche, Rechich, Richich, forest [co. Somerset], 309, 472, 536. Ness, Little [co. Salop], Milford, Muleford in, 89. Neston [co. Cheshire], 502. Netherne, Alice wife of Philip de, 432........... Philip de, 432. Netley, co. Hants, abbey of St. Edward, 265, 384..............., abbot of, 569. Nettleham, John de, 558. Neubaud, Neubald, Newband, Neweband, Geoffrey de, 144, 161, 233, 250, 255, 285, 384, 404, 475, 485, 505, 540, 560, 561, 564.............. keeper of the bishopric of Durham, 97, 109.......... Philip de, 374........... Richard son of Philip de, 374. Neubigging. See Newbiggin. Neubiry. See Newbury. Neubold. See Newbold Verdon. Neabotel, William de, 240. Neubury, William de, 130. Neuby, Robert de, 31.........., Roger de, 243. Neuchurch, Walter de, 175. Neue, Adam le, 291........... Luke le, 94......... Robert, 409.........., Simon le, 542. Neuham abbey. See Newenham. Neuhous abbey. See NTewhouse. Neulond, in Skelton, [co. Cumberland], 132. Neuman, Adam le, 19........... Reginald, 71........... R o g e r, 7 5........... Thomas le, 120.........., William le, 27, 78. Neumarche. See Novo Mercato. Neunthelk, Joan, 411. Neuport, Neuport Panyel, Neuportpaynel. See Newport Pagnell. Neuport, Humphrey son of Ralph de, 149. Neuton. See Newton. Neuton, co. Hertford, 115.......... Reygni, Reynny. See Newton Regny. Neuton, Agnes de, 554............, wife of Ralph de, 519.........., Paulinus de, 419.......... Ralph de, 519.......... Richard de, 14. Neveu, Robert, 533. Nevill, Neviie, Neyvile, Andrew de, 559.........., Geoffrey de, 177, 251, 418, 445, 540. Nevill, Nevile, Neyvile, Geoffrey de, justice of the forest north of Trent, 13, 14, 26, 30, 71, 79,91, 164, 165, 277, 286, 290, 300, 343, 407. 447, 449, 455, 461, 463, 464, 465, 476, 478, 504, 517, 538, 539, 543.........., Hawisia de, 378........., Hugh de, tenant in chief, 481..........., son of Hugh de, 472.........., Ida wife of Robert de, 44, 45........., Sir James de, 345..........,John de, 311, 316, 344, 408, 426, 464, 514, 534...........,, constable of the Tower of London,9........... Mary wife of Robert de, 299.........., Peter de, 6, 9, 51, 269............, keeper of Sauvey castle, 318.........., Philip de, 401..........., Robert de, 44, 45, 120, 251,285, 338, 360................. keeper of York castle, 283................ Henry III.'s sheriff in co. York, 104, 151, 371..........., Stephen de, 30, 269................, k t., 572.........., Theobald de, 7................. son of Peter de, 222.........., William de, 549. Newbaud. See Neubaud. Newbiggin, Neubigging [par. of Newburn, co. Northumberland], 301................, co. York, 91. Newbigging, Richard de, 418. Newbold Verdon, Neubold [co, Leicester], 322. Newburn [co. Northumberland], Newbiggin, Neubigging in, 301. Newbury, Neubiry Newebyry [co. Berks.], 116, 190, 191, 284. Newcastle near Lyons, Ireland. See Lyons castle. Newcastle-under-Lyme, co. Stafford, 317................, manor and castle of, 544. Newcastie-on-Tyne [co. Northumberland] 32, 33, 301........... bailiffs of, 125........, customs at, collectors of, 532...........,, mayor and bailiffs of, 6, 32, 301........... murage of, 546.........., prison at, 443. Newchapel [co. Stafford], Thursfield, Thurs. feld in. 234. Newdigate, Newendegate, co. Surrey, 307. Newebaud. See Neubaud. Neweboth, Henry de, 227. Newebyry. See Newbury. Newecomen, Agnes wife of John, 121.......... John, 121. Neweman, John le, 553. Newendegate. See Newdigate. Newenham. See Newnham.......... Neuham abbey [co. Devon], 495. GENERAL INDEX. 695 Newenham, priory. See Newnham. Newenham, Gervase de, 126........... John de, 213. Newerk, Master Henry de, 231, 248, 417, 554, 557.............., clerk, 349................ keeper of the archbishopric of of York, 528, 539.............., Ralph de, 558............... Thomas de, keeper of the archbishopric of York, 528. Neweton, Nyweton, Richard de, 410, 411.........., Robert de, knt., 227. New Forest, the,co. Hants, 313, 351, 386, 405, 494, 534........,, keeper of, 5, 27........., the king's steward of, 293, 543. And see Thomas, John son of.........., verderers for, 157. Newgate gaol. See London. Newhall [co. Chester], 234. Newhouse, Neuhous, abbey [par. of Brocklesby, co. Lincoln], Thomas abbot of, 233. Newhus. See Newsham. Newington, co. Kent, letters close dated at 445................... Chestnut, Chastenere wood in, 444. NTewmarket [cos. Cambridge and Suffolk], 89, 279. Newnham, Newenham [co. Bedford], 62........., Newenham priory [parish of Goldington, co. Bedford], 62......... Newenham, co. Hants, 103.........., Murren, [co. Oxford], 421. Newport Pagnell, Neuport, Neuport Panyel, Newport Paynel, Neuportpaynel [co. Bucks], 38, 83, 149, 272, 290, 362........... park of, 146.......... [co. Salop], 234. Newsham, Neuhus, abbey [par. of Brocklesby, co. Lincoln], 407. Newstead priory [co. Notts], 227. Newton, Neuton, 255, 560........... Longville, Neuton Longevill priory, 372........... Regny, Neuton Reygni, Neuton Reynny, co. Cumberland, 418, 419, 581. Newy, Peter de, 41. Neylaund, John de la, vicar of the church of Assington, 355. Neyman, William le, 175. Neyr, Hugh le, 508........... Stephen le, 325. Neyreford, Neyrford, William de, 162, 362. Neyvile. See Nevill. Nicholas, III., pope, 563........, letter from the king to, 555. Nicholas, Joan wife of Nicholas son of, de Haversham, 266, 267................ wife of Robert son of, 247........... John son of, 329, 552.........., Nicholas son of, de Haversham, 267........... Ralph son of, 157........,...... de Acton, 150.........., Roger son of, de Conedevere, 149.........., Thomas son of, de Eston, 338.........., Walter son of, de Dodinton, 245. Nichole, Roger, 267. Nichtegale, Nigtegale, Nicholas, 364, 365. Nictegale, Alan, 524. Nigel, Alice son of, 576.........., Isabella daughter of, 576........... John son of, 205, 281, 309, 312................. bailiff of Woodstock, 207, 274.............. justice of forest pleas, 583..............., keeper of Bernwood forest, 27, 102, 140, 173, 211, 296, 306, 370, 383, 394, 395.............., keeper of the king's forest between the bridges of Oxford and Stamford, 19.......... Robert son of; 226.......... Walter son of, de Borstall, 143. Nigtegale. See Nichtegale. Nitimbre. See Nytimber. Nitinghale, Cicely, 18. Noble, Cicely la, 27.........., John le, 127, 243.......... William le, 555. Noel, William, clerk, 68. Noers, Alexander de, 139........... William de, 204. Nogeriis, Master Reymund de, 142................. chaplain of the pope, 128, 197................ papal nuncio, 33, 79. Noketon, Thomas de, 13. Nolmer', Nolmeriis, Master Reymund de, 88.........., constable of Tickhill Castle, 188. Nony, Alice de, 354.......... Thomas de, 354. Norays, See Noreys. Norbrich, Nicholas de, 226. Norburg, Norburgh, Norburgo, Nortburg, Northburg, Northeburg, William de, 136, 196, 246, 503, 509................ justice, 526, 569, 575................ justice in eyre in cos. Hertford and Kent, 504....................... in co. Surrey, 540................. justice of assizes beyond Trent, 218. Norbury, William de, 280. And see Norburg. Nordwode. See Northwode. Nore, Walter, 507. Noreys, Noreis, Noreyse, Norreys, Alan, 429.........., Alexander, 576........... Aliena'wife of Edgar le, 354........, Cicely la, 557. 696 GENERAL INDEX. Noreys, Noreis, Noreyse, Norreys, Gilbert le, 231.........., Hugh le, 72, 105, 432, 557.......... John, 14............... le, 14, 25, 126........., Matilda wife of Gilbert le, 231........., Richard le, 11, 208, 466.......... Robert le, 352, 557.........., Roger le, 429.......... William, 194. Norffolkia, Adam de, constable of Bordeaux castle, 425. Norfolk, county of, 12, 13, 23, 26, 45, 52, 53, 57, 58, 89, 98, 111, 119, 131, 132, 166, 205, 223, 226, 238, 239, 248, 249, 250, 257, 285, 291, 300, 302, 322, 332, 340, 341, 342, 355, 356, 357, 358, 378, 427, 429, 439, 446, 497, 509, 514, 519, 524, 530, 538, 544, 549, 552, 559, 561, 564, 573, 575.............., assizes in, 136.........., justices in, 52.............., sheriff of, 12, 19, 22, 25, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 61, 63, 64, 68, 83, 89, 98, 99, 100, 104, 137, 141, 146, 150, 158, 159, 161, 165, 170, 172, 195, 205, 206,.216, 264, 273, 274, 275, 283, 293, 294, 300, 305, 309, 319, 370, 371, 374, 383, 388, 405, 406, 412, 422, 423, 439, 446, 451, 452, 457, 471, 480, 486, 514, 516, 520, 530, 544. And see Colevill, Roger de; Giffard, William; Grauncourt, Walter de; Shelfhangre, Walter de; Swyneford, William de. Norfolk, county of, escheator in, 309.............., t a x a tio n in, 2 8 5. Norfolk, countess of. See Bigod, Alina de.......... earl of and Marshall of England. See Bigod, Roger. Norfolkia, Goda de, 177. Norham, John de, 66. Norhamptona, Norhantona, Norhantonia. See Northampton. Norhaugh, Miles de, coroner of co. Waterford, 439. Norizun, Philip le, 139. Norlak, Bernard de, merchant, 492. Norman, Geoffrey, chaplain in Rochester castle, 17.....,..., H e nry, 159.........., R ichard son of, 99. Normandy, 511. Normans, lands of the, 102. Normanton [co. Lincoln], 421. Normanton, Elias de, 334.........., William de, 202. Normanvill, John de, 174........., Ralph de, 222......., Thomas de, 285, 286, 363, 453.,........,..., the king's steward, 300, 361, 381, 387, 392, 403, 407, 431, 433, 436, 455, 460, 466, 472, 479, 481, 483, 485, 500, 520, 522, 523, 528, 529, 531, 533, 535, 539, 540, 543, 544, 576. Normanvill, Thomas de, the king's steward steward of Holderness, 276, 277, 278. Normaund, William, 542. Norreys. See Noreys. Nortburg. See Norburg. North, Robert, 98. Northampton, 32, 53, 75, 100, 104, 105, 112, 137, 140, 159, 195, 204, 205, 223, 333, 339, 528, 556, 570........., abbey of James without, 87, 248, 329......,. bailiff of, 32.......... castle, chapel in, Geoffrey, chaplain of, 18................. the king's houses within, 438................. the king's works at, 467........... friars minors of, 398, 435................ preachers of, 141,397, 468, 537......................., church of, 468.......... gaol, 18, 25, 38, 59, 64, 85,160,164,. 179, 214, 264, 274, 276, 277, 290, 305f, 366, 382, 389, 392, 471.........., Jewry of, 263...,......, Jews of, 92, 137, 150, 286, 292.........., justices in eyre at, 471........ letters close dated at, 107-109, 136.........., mayor of, 63.........., park of, keeper of, 15, 539........., priory of St. Andrew, 11, 62, 575. Northampton, county of, 38, 44, 52, 53, 107, 155, 205, 214, 222, 223, 224, 232, 233, 236, 238, 239, 240, 247, 248, 251, 256, 274, 289, 293, 321, 336, 343, 350, 357, 366, 372, 489, 497, 568, 570, 575................, assizes in, 136..............., coroner for, 276................ coroners of, 398..........,...... escheator in, 272................. forest pleas in, justices of, 32, 383, 523..........., justices in, 52, 372............... justices in eyre in, 366, 373.........,......, the king's forests in, 220................ sheriff of, 12, 18, 22, 25, 32, 59, 63, 64, 65, 75, 85, 91, 100, 104, 139, 140, 142, 152, 155, 159, 160, 164, 179, 195, 203, 204, 205, 214, 259, 264, 274, 276, 277, 278, 290, 291, 295, 305, 306, 312, 319, 326, 338, 366, 382, 389, 392, 398, 402, 438, 440, 446, 448, 450, 451, 462, 466, 467, 469, 471, 474, 480, 516, 518, 539. And see Boyvill, William de; Kyrkeby, Gilbert de; Moyne, John le; Zousch, Alan la.................,..., escheator in the county, 272, 278, 295, 306, 326, 440. Northampton, Norhamptona, Norhantona, Norhantonia, Adam de, 128, 313.........., Gilbert de, 92.........., John de, 72, 105, 123.........,......, sheriff of London, 385........., Michael de, 163, 237, 474, 508, 575..........., Peter son of Master Peter de, 112.........., Robert de, 222. GENERAL INDEX. 697 Northampton Norhamptona, Norhantona, Norhantonia, Thomas son of Richard de, 570. Northay, John de, 69. Northbourne, Northburn [co. Rent], the king's cellars at, 485.........., letters close dated at, 444, 492........... Ashley, Asshelegh, park in, 499. Northbovy. See Bovy, North. Northbroc, Robert de, 111. Northbrok, Andrew de, 95. Northburg. See Norburg. Northcliff, co. Chester, 280. Northclive, Henry son of John de, 24. Northeburg. See Norburg. Northest, William, 273. Northfield [co. Worcester], Weleye, Weoley, park and chace of, in, 30. Northfleet, Northflete [co. Kent], 436.........., the archbishop of Canterbury's bailiff of, 436. Northleye, brother William de, 569. Northluffenham. See Luffenham, North. Northpereton, Northperton, Northpetherton. See Petherton, North. Northrene, Henry le, 293. Northumberland, county of, 51, 56, 121, 205, 229, 248, 251, 358, 386, 401, 427, 479, 483, 504, 509, 550, 563, 579................ archdeacon of. See Birlaund, Thomas de................, assizes in, 136................ forest of, 494, 543.............. justices in eyre in, 172, 479, 504, 519, 551.................. sheriff of, 22, 29, 172, 189, 249, 284, 423, 442, 443, 485, 494, 514, 516. And see Charrun, Gwychard de; Lytegreins, John de.................... escheator in, 284. Northwod, Nordwode, Northwode, Norwode, Gilbert de, 116.......... John de, 116, 339, 392.........., Reginald de, 263........, Roger de, knt., 255, 321, 533........., William de, 416. Northwyz, Adam de, 425. Norton, 413, 429.......... [co. Northants], 476, 481, 491............... Muscott, Musecote in, 506.......... [co. S u ff o lk ], 20.......... Petherton. See Petherton, North. Norton, Richard de, 79.......... William de, 558. Norwich, 63, 68, 73, 75, 89, 98, 99, 104, 137, 141, 146, 150, 195, 205, 216, 257, 300, 372, 375, 549.........., castle of, 166.......... cathedral, altar of, 217............. and priory of, burning of, 217........., citizens of, 217, 300. Norwich, community of, 217, 285..............., sentence of excommunication and interdict against, 217.......... gaol, 15, 25, 32, 34, 35, 36, 61, 64, 83, 89, 97, 158, 159, 161, 165, 264, 274, 283, 293, 305, 341, 370, 371, 374, 383, 446, 452, 468, 486, 520.........., Jewry of, 263.........., Jews of, 105, 157, 162........... keeper of. See Peche, Hugh Schelfhangre, Walter de.........., letters close dated at, 375, 415, 514, 549.........., mayor of, 63.........., priory of the Holy Trinity, 63,217, 300, 544, 557.........., water of, 300........., sheriff of, 32........... bishop of. See Middelton, William de; Skirnyng, Roger.........., bishop elect of, 448........... bishopric of, guardian of. See Kendale, Hugh de. Norwico. See Norwyco. Norwod, Norwode. See Northwod. Norwyco, Norwico, Henry de, clerk, 577.........., Isaac de, a Jew, 547.........., Jiwa wife of Leo de, 292.........., John de, 104........... Leo de, a Jew, 292. Nory, Richard, 525. Notegereshale, John de, 498. Noteman, Robert, 202. Nothingham, Henry de, 251. Notingeham, Hugh son of William de, 252........... William de, official of the archdeacon of Richmond, 428. Notingham, Robert brother of Simon de, 127........... Simon de, 127........... William de, chaplain, 228............... son of William de, 332. Nottingham, 63, 100, 10d, 139, 197, 304, 450, 478, 538, 539, 541.......... castle, 20, 80................, chapel in, 33................. constable of, 33, 141, 164, 274, And see Leyburn, Roger de; Tybotot, Robert de................., the king's weirs and mills at, 20, 80, 146, 164................ the king's weirs at, 274................. the king's works at, 274................. prison in, 456.........., chancery at, 572..........., friars minors of, 538................. church of, 538.......... gaol, 15, 90, 157, 211, 266, 269, 274, 286, 296, 318, 362, 367, 368, 389, 403, 407, 450, 460, 466, 478, 518, 525, 547............., justices to deliver, 518........... Jewry of, 263........., Jews of, 275. 698 GENERAL INDEX. Nottingham, Jews of, chest of the chirographers of, 275.......... the king's wardrobe at, 538, 539.......... letters close dated at, 538, 571, 572........... mayor of, 63. Nottingham, county of, 97, 110, 205, 251, 343, 401, 403, 418, 427, 518, 541, 550, 558, 563........,... assizes in, 136................ com m unity of, 12................,ferm of, 484........,......, sheriff of, 20, 22, 23, 63, 79, 90, 109, 106, 139, 146, 157, 197, 201, 211, 266, 269, 274, 275, 296, 308, 313, 318, 362, 367, 368, 387, 389, 407, 450, 456, 460, 470, 477, 478, 484, 494, 515, 518, 525, 527, 539; 547. And see Lovetot, Roger............,, escheator in, 308, 313. Nounchaump, Sibyl de, 237. Novel disseisin, assizes of, 54, 122, 182, 196, 252, 388, 392, 415, 417, 429, 432, 463, 501, 509, 537, 549, 550. Novo Burgo, Agatha wife of Roger de, 556.........., Emmota relict of William de, 556........., Henry de, keeper of the castle and honour of Arundel, 470.........., R o g er d e, 5 5 6. Novo Mercato, Neumarche, Adam de, 46, 127, 151, 190, 222, 458................, knt., 233, 512. Novum breve de etate probanda, form of, 583. Nowel, Dionysia wife of Richard, 523..........., Sarah wife of William, 535.........., William, 535.....,......, tenant in chief, 523. Nowers, Roger de, 337. Noyte, Henry son of Robert, 428.........., Robert, 428. Nun Monkton, Monketon, Manketon, priory [co. York], 4, 40. Nurse, Dionysia the, 76. Nursling, Nussilling [co. Hants], 351.........., letters close dated at, 263. Nuto. See Nutus. Nuton, Hugh de, 154. Nutus, Nuto, citizen of London, 210........., merchant of Florence, 194, 253, 342, 349, 350, 358, 413, 564.. See also Florencia. Nytimber, Nitimbre [parish of Pagham, co. Sussex], 157, 159. Nywemede [in North Petherton,co. Somerset], 410. Nyweton. See Neweton. 0. Oakham, Ocham, Okeham, Okham, co. Rutland, 69, 73, 81, 143, 240, 467, 501.........., gaol, 69, 184, 302, 398, 519.........., letters close dated at, 538, 570. Oakington, Hokinton [co. Cambridge], 503. Oakley, Great, Great Acle [co. Northants], 139........... North Acle [co. Northants], 339. Oaks, 13, 15, 16, 19, 30, 71, 73, 79, 96, ]02, 141, 144, 146, 155, 156, 178, 188, 205, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 261, 265, 266, 268, 269, 274, 277, 278, 279, 283, 290, 292, 296, 297, 306, 308, 309, 311, 312, 315, 316, 318, 362, 363, 366, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 376, 381, 385, 388, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398, 401, 403, 405, 406, 408, 434, 435, 437, 438, 445, 447, 448, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 457, 461, 463, 464, 467, 468, 470, 475, 476, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 486, 515, 516, 518, 519, 521, 522, 524, 525, 526, 528, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 543. Ocham. See Oakham. Ockele, Henry de, 130. Ockeleye, Robert de, 7. Ockendon, Wokindon [co. Essex], 357........... Great Wokendon, co. Essex, 368. Oekham. See Oakham. Ocolt, brother Roger de, attorney of the Master of the Temple, 46. Odcomb, Odcombe, Ottescumb, Oudecumbe, co. Somerset, 325, 540. Oddeston, Elias de, 235, 323. Oddingeseles, Oddingseles, Hugh de, 126, 373, 461.........., William de, 220, 224. Oddington [co. Gloucester], letters close dated at, 367, 409. Ode, Agnes son of Robert, 459.........., Alice wife of John, 274.........., John, 274................, son of John, 274..........., Roger, 509, 562..........., Thomas, 558. Odiham, Odyham [co, Hants], 22, 348, 389,.......... bailiffs of, 22.........., chancery at, 348......... castle, 470......,....., constable of, 454. And see Insula, Robert de; Pirye, Philip de.........., letters close dated at, 306, 307, 350.........., the king's park of, 25, 212, 263, 278, 289, 365, 389.............., keeper of, 5, 212, 263, 470. And see Waleys, Robert le................, bucks in, 25.......,....., Seint Edwardesok in, 212................ W alter de, 54, 226, 236, 332....,.... clerk of the king's chancery, 501. Odingeseles. See Oddingeseles. Odo, Richard son of, 243........... Robert son of, de Herberbyry and Elizabeth his wife, 558, 559. Odonis, William son of Richard, 243. Odyham. See Odiham. GENERAL INDEX. 699 Oevre, William de, 436. Offeleye. See Offley. Offinton, Offynton, David de, 61, 314.........., Laurence de, 249, 358, 448.......... Matilda daughter of Walter de, 160. Offley, Offeleye [co. Stafford?], 190. Offord. See Tfford. Offynton. See Offinton. Of-the-Stathe, Swetiva, 98. Ogbourn, Okeburn, Okebury, priory [co. Wilts], 57, 62, 241................. prior of. See Frenanvill, Richard de.......... St. Andrew [co. Wilts], Rockley, Rocle, Rokebey in, 88, 115. Oggill, John de, 443. Oirghialla, Uriel, Uryel, Ireland, 288, 323, 342, 343. Okeburn. See Ogbourn. Okeham. See Oakham. Okeham, Richard de, 66........., Robert de, 81. Okenhull, Agnes and Joan daughters of Hamo de, 80.........., am o de, 80. Okes, John del, 470........., Robert brother of John del, 470. Oketon, John de, 1................ justice, 50, 52, 382. Okham. See Oakham. Oky, Nicholas, 10. Oldbury, Audebiry, co. Hereford, 305. Oldebury, Simon de, 301........., Thomas son of Richard de, 301. Oleron, isle of [Charente, France], 363. Olford, co. Northants, 100. Olinton. See Hollington. Oliver, Olyver, Alice wife of Roger, 273, 296.......... Richard, 465, 497.........., Robert, 407........... Thomas, 66.........., W alter, 576. Ollenho, William de, 310. Olmested, John de, 418. Olneye, John de, 422. Olram in Holdernes, Robert de, 122. Olseby. See Ulceby. Olveri, Richard, 512. Olveston [co. Gloucester], Tockington, Tokinton in, 59. Olvestorp. See Woolsthorpe. Olyver. See Oliver. Onecote, [co. Stafford], 234. Ongar High, High Angre [co. Essex], 577, 578. Onileych, Robert de, 244. Oplyom. See Upieatham, Oppershull, William, 247. Oppotheston, John, and Robert his brother, 367. Oreford. See Orford. Orewell. See Orwell. Orfere, Julia daughter of John le, 116. Orfevre, Geoffrey le, 127.........., John son of Richard le, 475........... Peter le, citizen of London, 316.......... Robert le, 72, 105. Orford, Oreford, castle [co. Suffolk], 65, 161. Orwell, Orewell, [parish of Nacton, co. Suffolk], 11. Orford castle, constable of. See Digneton, Hugh de.......... the king's marsh of, 161.........., letters close dated at, 375. Orlauston, Orlaveston, William de, 8.......... William de, justice, 456. Orlaveston. See Orlauston. Orlingbery, Robert de, 204. Orm, William, 35. Ormeby, Robert de, 498. Orpinton, Ralph de, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Orreby, Richard de, 281. Orreton, Alan de, 134................, justice, 400. Orton, Overton, [parish of Rothwell], co. Hants, 15. Osbern, Thomas, 205. Osbert, John son of, 508........... Peter son of, de Ashewell, 335.......... William, 489. Ose, William, 434. Osegoteby, Walter de, 179. Osemund, Alan, 418, 500........., Robert, 79. Oseneye abbey. See Osney. Osewald, Alexander, 205. Oskevilla, John de, 335. Osolf, John, 558. Osolveston. See Owston. Osney, Oseneye [co. Oxford], 409......... abbey, co. Oxford, 62, 117, 273, 409, 545..............., William, abbot of, 409. Ospringe, Ospring, Ospringg [co. Kent], 379.........., hospital, 445. Oswestry, Alburm Monastcritm [co. Salop], 68, 189, 311, 360, 399.........., castle, 315, 398..............., constable of. See Monte Gomery, Adam de. Knovill, Bogo de........... the king's fair of St. Andrew at, 434. Otele. See Otley. Oteringham. See Ottringham. Oteringham, John son of Martin de, 287. Oterinton. See Otterington. Oterinton, Adam de, 429. Otewy, Richard, 71. Otford, Otteford [co. Kent], archbishop of Canterbury's bailiff at, 436. 700 GENERAL INDEX. Otford, archbishop of Canterbury's prison at, 436. Otheyn, Othein, Thomas, 364, 365. Otinton, Henry de, clerk, 3. Otley, Otele [co. Suffolk], 409. Oto. See Otto. Otre, Walter, keeper of the hospital of the Innocents without Lincoln, 86. Otreg, St. Mary. See Ottery, St. Mary. Otteby, Ranulph de, 223. Otteford. See Otford. Otteley, Eva wife of Roger de, 204........... Roger de, 204. Otterington, Oterinton, [co. York], 429. Ottery St. Mary, Otreg St. Mary [co. Devon], 253. Ottescumb. See Odcomb. Otto, Oto, Beatrice wife of Thomas son of, tenant in chief, 81........... Hugh son of, 119, 125, 227, 229, 338, 391, 408, 414, 437, 474, 505, 509, 511, 513, 526, 538..........,. knt., 415, 421, 497..........,.... steward of the king's household, 149, 188, 204, 237, 485........... Thomas son of tenant in chief, 391. Ottonagh, Ireland, the king's castle, and lead mine of, 515. Ottringham, Oteringham [co. York], 287. Otuliston, John de, 427. Oty, John, 370. Oudecumbe. See Odcombe. Oudelin, John, 35. Oudredeslowe, Roger de, 294. Oulston, Ulveston [parish of Coxwold], co. York, 402. Oulton, 335. Outred, William, 510. Overestaundon, 230. Overgares [co. Northumberland?], 44. Overstone, Oveston [co. Northants], John parson of the church of, 537.........., letters close dated at, 536. Overton [co. Hants], letters close dated at, 146, 274, 332.......... Waterville [co. Huntingdon], 99........... See Orton. Overton, Agnes wife of Nicholas de, 334........... Gregory de, 223........... Nicholas de, 334. Overur, William le, 72, 106. Overwent. See Gwent. Ovesham [par. of Matching], co. Essex, 252. Oveston. See Overstone. Oving, Ovyng, Cunyng (for Ouvyng), co. Bucks, 243, 291. Ovingham, co. Northumberland, Harlow Hill, Hertlawe in, 284. Ovington, Philip de, 358. Ovre, Ranulph de, 217. And see Parva Ovre. Ovyng. See Oving. Owayn, Henry, 234. Owein, William, 272. Owen son of Griffin, 488................ Llewelyn, 434.......... and Mereduc sons of Llewelyn sons of Owen, 399. Owston, Osolveston, abbey, [co. Leicester], William de Flamsted, abbot of, 318. Oxborough, Oxeburg [co. Norfolk], 414. Oxecumbe, Gilbert son of Adam de, 566. Oxehall, William de, 21. Oxenden, John de, 38. Oxeton, Joan wife of Alexander de, 282. Oxford, 9, 10, 62, 73, 165, 204, 206, 216, 219, 279, 283, 333, 417, 428, 345, 517, 528.......... archdeacon of. See Maydenstan, John de.........., archdeaconry of, 33........... assizes in the sale of victuals and price of wine in, 232.......... bridge of, 19, 107, 140, 165, 212,220, 259, 372.........., castle, 74, 448................, gaol in, 142.........., Carmelite friars of, 366........... friars minors of, 283........... friars preachers of, 207, 297, 369, 372.......,, friary of St. Augustine, 205.......... gaol, 10, 19, 36, 59, 96,212, 213, 236, 260, 287, 293, 310, 370, 397, 450, 468.........., jewry of, 263, 290.........., Jews of, 9, 10, 288, 289, 394, 396, 458..............., book pledged to, 566.................. chest of the chirographers of, 394, 396........., the king's garden at, 296........... the king's houses at, 312..........., letters close dated at, 205, 434........... liberty of, bailiffs of, 46..........., mayor of, 63........,...... and bailiffs, 279................ and burgesses, 232.......... weavers of, 102........... University of, 66, 184.........,......,. chancellor of, 230. And see Bridelinton, William de...............,......... and proctors, 232............... scholars of, 66, 67, 232...................,........., contention and discord between the, 66, 67................ Walter de Merton's house of scholars (Merton College), 117, 465, 510,512................,........, master of. See Abendon, Peter de. GENERAL INDEX. 701 Oxford, county of, 124, 206, 231, 242, 251, 322, 336, 340, 343, 351, 355, 357, 409, 421, 422, 423, 438, 490, 524, 546, 551, 560................, assizes in 136.......................... and attaints in, 367............... county canrt of, 46................ justices in, 52, 367................. justices in eyre in, 236..........., justices for forest pleas in, 298, 438............ sheriff of, 9, 19, 22, 26, 46, 59, 63, 66, 68, 70, 71, 74, 84, 108, 142, 204, 212, 216, 218, 230, 236, 250, 260, 271, 273, 279, 288, 289, 290, 293, 302, 309, 312, 367, 370, 388, 394, 396, 397, 409, 434, 436, 438, 445, 450, 468, 503, 517, 524. And see Rycote Fulk de, Shotesbrok, Henry de................, escheator in, 309, 436. Oxford, earl of. See Veer, Robert de. Oxford, John of, bishop of Winchester, 284. Oxonia, Benedict son of Jacob de, a Jew, 395........... Clement de, 532........... Edith wife of John de, 14........., Gamaliel de, a Jew of London, 287, 297.......... Henna wife of Jacob de, 371, 387, 466, 536.........., Jacob de, a Jew, 30, 153, 180, 183, 188, 205, 389, 466, 536..............., a Jew of London, 30, 150, 371................, a Jew of York, 547.......... John de, 14, 15.........., Stephen de, 44.........., Thomas de, 11. Oxton [co. Chester], 215. Oy, John, 76.........., Richard, 75, 77. Oyselur, Alan le, 507......... William le; 507. P. Paccare, John son of William le, 308........... William le, 308. Pache, Walter, 247. Packer, John le, 194..... )...... son of John le, 194. Padbury, Padebury, co. Bucks, 350. Padel, Walter, 175. Padenor, William de, bailiff of the hundred of Cokesdich, 174. Padstowe, Aldestowe [co. Cornwall], 56, Paganelli, John, 502. Page, Adam, 78........... A lan, 17 5.........., John, 61, 335.........., Peter, 175.........., Thomas, 335. Page, Warin, 562.........., William, 195. Pageham, John de, 20........... W illiam, 351................ de, 240. Paggel, John, 160. Pain, John son of, 153. Painel. See Paynel. Pakede, Simon, 73. Pakeham, William de, 249. Pakelechurch. See Pucklechurch. Palefrey, William, 550. Palefreyman, David le, 362. Palefreyman, Reginald Ie, 334. Palefreyur, Richard le, 153. Palefrour, Roger le, 212. Palestrina, Sir V. bishop of, 424. Paleystowe, Gunnilda atte, 489. Palgrave? Great, Pograve [co. Suffolk], 551........... Little, Pograve [co. Suffolk], 551. Palling'. See Poling. Palling, Simon de, 275. Palmere, Ranulph, 419..............., son of Richard le, 208.,......... Simon brother of Ranulph le, 208. Palslo, John le, clerk, 261.........., Richard de, deacon, 261. Pamber, Pember, Pembere, Penber, Penbere, forest, co. Hants, 149, 173, 261, 279, 471. Pampesworth, Thomas de, keeper of the household of Alfonso the king's son, 539........... See also Paumeswrth. Panekus, Ralph, 328. Panel, Ralph, 240. Panes, Thomas de, the king's merchant, 278. Paneter, Robert le, 236. Paneworth, John de, 551. Pannage, 483, 534. Pantof, Elizabeth, 231. Panton, Great Paunton, co..Lincoln, 111,295. Pap. See Pape. Papal bulls, 252.......... nuncio. See Nogeriis, Reymund de.......... see, 355. Pape, Pap, Donatus, 256........... Hugh, Huguiccio, 256, 412, 431, 489, 497..,............ merchant of Florence, 255,485................. le, 249........... John, 76.........., Torganus, Torisanus le, 249.............,.., merchant, 412. Papelard, Ranulph, 77. Papeswurth, William de, 557. Papworth, St. Agnes, Pappeworthe Anneys [co. Cambridge], 550. Parchemyner, Ada wife of William le, 549.........., William le, 549. C72 GENERAL INDEX. Parco, Geoffrey de, 401. Parcur, Anna wife of William le, 41. Parham, Perham [co. Suffolk], 68. Paris, 195, 286, 380......., letters close dated at, 57, 58. Paris, John, 478.........., Richard, 190. Parisius, Richard de, 123, 558. And see Parys. Park, Derveguilla de, 503.........., Reginald atte, 92. Parker, Ascelina wife of William le, 128.........., G ilbert le, 24, 87...,....., Isabella wife of William le, 424.........., John le, 161, 162, 246, 455........., Robert le, 87..........,William le, 64, 128, 424. Parleben, Hamo, 411........, Robert son of Robert, 475. Parles, Joan wife of William de, 326, 328, 516........... William de, 6, 259, 327, 328, 329, 330, 417, 521. Parliament, 137, 167, 200, 268, 272, 274, 305, 338, 363, 372, 375, 380, 427, 450, 462, 465, 466, 470, 505, 521, 528, 570, 582.......... at London, summons to attend, 229. Parmeter, Alexander le, 128........... Matthias le, 128. Parneholt in the forest of Bere [co. Hants], 364. Parson, Isabella daughter of the, 130, Parson's groom, John the, 558. Parva Ovre, John de, 399........... Ranulph de, 399. And see Ovre.......... Stretton, Hugh son of Adam le, 204........., Richard son of Philip de, 204. Parys, Nicholas, 153, 213.........., R ichard de, 498........... Roger de, 500. And see Paris, Parisius. Pas, Richard, 245. Paskeden, John de, 159. Passelewe, Master Thomas de, archdeacon of Richmond, 44.........., William, 124. Passenham [co. Northants], 324, 538. Passenham, William de, 538. Pastur, Martin le, 342.........., Matilda wife of Martin le, 342........... Peter le, 194. Pate, Roger, 335. Patemere. See Patmore. Patemere, John de, 109. Pateneye, Walter de, 161.........., William de, 146. Patent rolls, the, 583. Paternoster, John, 103. Paterur, Hugh, 73. Pateshull, John de, 519, 554. Patesleye, William de, 64. Pathe, Robert le, 222. Patmore, Patemere [co. Hertford], 109. Patrick, Henry son of, de Sedbergh, 213........., Reginald son of, 133.........., Roger son of, 418, 419. Patyton, Hugh de, 294. Paulin, Robert, 251, 270. Pauling, Nicholas son of Anketin de, 361.........., William de, 231. Paulinus, John son of, de Stok, 558................, de Stokes, 553..........., Thomas son of, 418. Paulyn, Walter, king's serjeant at arms, 36.........., William, 162. Paume, Robert, 336. Paumer, Nicholas le, 261........, Richard le, 123, 130, 328........., Ralph son of Walter le, 435........... Robert le, 175........... Thomas le, 72, 105........... Walter le, 330, 331, 566.........., William, 85................ le, 153. Paumeswrth, Thomas de, 98........... See also Pampesworth. Pauncefot, Pauncefote, Pauncevo.t Grimbald, 252, 259, 475, 519, 552, 565.........., Isabella, 401.........., Richard, 169, 177, 435.......... William, 402. Pauncehale wood, forest of Bernwood, 468. Paunto, Philip de, 357. Paunton. See Panton. Paunton, Baldwin de, 295. Paveli, Robert de, 134. Pavely, Reginald de, 382, 420, 422........... Robert, 195.........., Thomas de, 442, Pawel, John, 175. Paxton, Little [co. Huntingdon], 130. Payforer, Peiforer, Peyforer, Fulk, 83..............., fermor of the earldom of Kent, 37................ justice, 404. Payfot, Adam, 133. Payn, Peyn, John, 397........... Michael, 130..........., Nicholas, 384........... Richard, 174, 268........., Robert son of, 580.........., Roger son of, 2:.2........., Stephen, 207.........., Walter, 494........... William, 174, 399. Paynel, Painel, Eva wife of Robert, 302.......... Gerard, 362.........., Isolda wife of Adata, 48........... John, tenant in chief, 221, 324. GENERAL INDEX. 703 Paynel, John son of John, 324.........., Katherine, 324................ wife of John, 261, 281, 324......... Matilda wife of William, 100.........., Ralph, 335.........., R o b e r t, 3 o 2........... T hom as, 579.......... William, 100, 104. Peak, the, co. Derby, 189, 317, 382, 529............, bailiff of, 476. And see Lestrange, Roger.........., Peck, castle [co. Derby], 88, 140.............. constable of, 184. And see Lestrange, Roger.......... forest, 172..............., keeper of. See Lestrange, Roger. Pebworth, Pebworthine [co. Gloucester], 515. Pecche. See Peche. Pecham, Amicia de, 532.......... John de, 378................, friar, 232. Peche, Pecche, Pechee, Bartholomew son of Herbert, 4, 5.......... Emery, 74.........., Gilbert, 238................. knt., 186............... de, constable of Windsor castle, 446.........., H erbert, 48.........., Hugh, 239, 289, 343..............., keeper of Norwich, 216................. knt., 186.........., John, 119, 421................ le, 175........... Lucy, 48.........,...... wife of Herbert, 3........... Nicholas, 459.........., Robert, 346........, Roger, 285.........., Thomas, 239, 429........... Sir Thomas, 186. Peck castle. See Peak. Peckham, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 532, 564, 565, 582. Pecok, Edmund, 6. Pedewordy, Walter de, 434. Pedwardyn, Pedewardyn, Pedwarthin, Walter de, 307, 356, 377, 505......,...., knt., 251, 552 Pedyrton. See Petherton. Pees, Alan, 157. Peggedale, John de, 132. Peiforer. See Payforer. Peisson, Nicholas, 499. Peitevyn. See Peytevyn. Peivere. See Peyvere. Pek, Brunus del, 474.........., Emma wife of Roger, 342.........., Roger, 342. Peket, Alan, 416,.........., John, 416. Pel, Roger le, 104. Pelaphy, Henry, 265. Pelecot, Odo de, 240. Pelerin, Robert son of Richard le, 383. Pelevil, William de, 556. Pelle, Simon de, 436................ de la, 436. Pember forest. See Pamber. Pembroke, earl of. See Marshall, William. Pemilbury, Amabilla de,!7. Pemmene, Gregory de, 182........., Thomas de, 182. Penber, Penbere, forest. See Pamber. Penbrigg, Elizabeth wife of Henry de, 334........... Eufemia wife of William de, 334........,,, Henry de, sheriff of co. Hereford, 445.........,......, son of Henry de, 445........., William de, 334. Penbrug, Penbrugge, Henry de, 340, 428. And see Penebrugg. Pencoit, William de, 182. Pendredoch, William de, 419. Penebrugg, Henry de, 463.........,, William de, 51. And see Penbrigg, Penbrug. Pencestre, Pencestria, Penecestre, Penecestria, Stephen de, 111,206, 251, 379, 412, 418, 444, 456, 481 511, 517, 519 533, 549, 561, 564.............., constable of Dover castle, and warden of the cinque ports, 19, 29, 37, 46, 61, 74, 80, 201, 246, 305, 384, 423, 442, 449, 450, 453, 470, 485............... justice, 520..........,......, justice of the Jews, 522..............., justice for pleas of trespass of money, 529, 565................ knt., 498, 499................ H e n r y I I I ' s s h e r i ff o f c o. K e n t, 398. Penedock, Henry de, 510. Penerys, William de, 174. Pengelly, Richard de, 182.........., William de, 182. Penincton, Philip de, 294. Penlyge, Savaric de, 346. Penna, Penne, Hugh de la, 472.,........ Sir Hugh de, clerk, 113.........., John son of John de la, 494.........., William de la, 494. Penros [co. Cornwall], 550........... Emma wife of William de, 550..........., William de, 550. Pens, Thomas, 174........... William le, 419. Penwortham, co. Lancaster, 524. Peny, Robert, 384.,...., Thomas, 384. 704 GENERAL INDEX. Penyncton, co. Salop, 294. Penynton, Alan de, 540. Penyton, Geoffrey de, 174. Penz, Alice wife of William le, 418, 419........... William le, 418, 419. Peopleton, Pupplinton, Puplanton [co. Worcester], 42. Peranel, Isabella daughter of Juliana, 212. Perching, Percynges [par. of Edburton], co. Sussex, 116. Percy, Eleanor de, 554, 565................ wife of Henry de, 1, 495.........., Geoffrey de, 113, 324........... Henry de, tenant in chief of Henry III., 1, 2........... Joan de, wife of W alter de, 502.........., John de, 564..............., son of Henry de, 495........... R obert de, 167, 540..........., Walter de, 173.........., William de, 235, 236, 502......... constable of Scarborough castle, 177. Percynges. See Perching. Perfright. See Pirbright. Perham. See Parham. Perham, Philip de, 352, 568. Perigord [Gascony], count of, 493................, seneschal of, 247. Perishote, Nicholas son of Richard de, agistor of the New Forest, 534. Periton, John de, 353........... William de, 353. Perle, Thomas de, 450. Perot, Ralph, 29, 289, 343. Perpoynt, Robert, 171. Person, John la, 145. Persone, Alice, 522. Perstede [co. Essex], 74. Persun, Reginald, 62........, Robert, 62. Pertesul, Simon, 56. Perteworth, Alexander de, 143. Perton. See Petherton. Perton, William de, 251, 425, 517............... keeper of the king's works of Rhuddlan, 539. Pertrich, Hugh, 194. Pertriche, John, 78. Peschur, Roger le, 105. Pesee, Henry de, coroner for co. Berks, 26. Peskur, Roger le, 72.......... William le, 157. Posse, Bitherus, 486........... J uliana w ife of B itherus, 486. Pessoner Adam le, 108........... Joan wife of Robert le, 566.........., Robert le, 566. Pessun, Master Hugh, 331. I I I I I I i I Pestur, Adam le, 104........., Geoffrey le, 15.......... John le, 398.........., Nicholas le, 334.......... Peter le, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482........... Ralph le, 15, 74, 383.........., Vincent le, 15........., William le, 507........., William son of Hugh le, 59. Pet, Toley, 342........... Walter brother of Toley, 342. Peterborough [co. Northants], 448.......... abbey, 152, 220................, bailiffs of the abbot of, 203.......... prison at. 152, 179, 203, 283, 290, 291, 450, 451.........., letters close dated at, 278, 514. Peter, Alexander son of, 460.........., Alice daughter of, 324.........., Hugh son of, 526......... Joan wife of Reginald son of, 551, 557,566, 573.........., Peter son of Master, de Northampton, 112........... R. son of, 360........., Reginald son of, 42, 51, 56, 263, 449, 551, 554, 557, 566, 573.......... Roger son of, 339.........., Walter son of, de Bocking, 124. Petherton, North, Northpereton Northperton, Northpetherton, Norton Petherton, co. Somerset, 381, 410, 451, 460, 462.........., Pedyton, Perton [co. Somerset], the king's park of, 290, 451, 526................. keeper of, 526. Petit, William, 99................ le, 72, 105. Petite, Moresum. See Moorsholme, Little. Petitpeny, John, 384. Petresfeld, Thomas de, 131. Petrestre. See Pettistree. Petri, William, 417. Pettaugh, Petteshaghe [co. Suffolk], 215. Pettesworth. See Petworth. Pettistree, Petrestre [co. Suffolk], 574. Petworth, Pettesworth [co. Sussex], 1. Petyn, Felicia wife of Henry, 570. Petyt, Robert le, 541. Peuke, Geoffrey, 105. Pevensey, co. Sussex, Manxey, Manekeseye in, 70. Pevenseye, Richard de, 227. Peverel, honour of, 187, 267. Peverel, Hugh, 232, 361, 438.........., John, 24. Peyforer See Payforer. Peyn. See Payn. Peyntur, Stephen le, 359........... William son of Thomas le, 356. GENERAL INDEX. 705 Peyson, Nicholas, knt., 411. Peytevin, Peitevyn, Bartholomew le, 216........... Florence wife of Robert de, 557.......... Gilbert, 171.........., John, 361........., Nicholas, 556.......... Norman 99..........., R obert, 557.........., Peitevyn, Roger, 462................ le, 140.........., Thomas, 174........., W i l l i a m, 1 7 4................ le, 287. -Peyvere, Peyvre, Beatrice wife of]John, 178........, Emma wife of John, 153.........., John, tenant in chief, 178, 514.........., John son of John, 230, 295.........., Paulinus, 178........... W illiam, 514. Peyvre. See Peyvere. Pherpo, William de, 571. Philip III., king of France, 33, 85, 124, 186, 247, 425................. court of, 267.........,...... letter to the king from, 379, 380............., parliament of, 247. Philip, Agnes wife of, 28........... John son of, 227, 247................, keeper of Kinver forest, 474, 518..............., de Bobinton, 357..........., Ralph son of, de Colewell, 120........., Richard son of, de Parva Stretton, 204........... Robert son of, 94. Picard, John, 47........... Margery wife of Edmund, 47........... Matilda wife of John, 6.........., Robert, 47. And see Pikard, Pykard. Picheford. See Pitchford. Picheford, Piccheford, Pichford, Pycheford, Bartholomew de, keeper of Clarendon forest, 472.,....., Geoffrey de, 229, 251, 364, 416, 535.........., constable of Windsor castle, 19, 34, 73, 105, 155, 156, 157, 162, 192, 203, 220, 263, 265, 268, 296, 299, 304, 364, 373, 388, 390, 393, 408, 454. 457, 468, 471, 482, 535...........,. justice of forest pleas, 582.......,, keeper of Windsor forest, 370................ knt., 113.........., John de, 337, 430................, knt., 498, 499................, son of Ralph de, 54.......... Master Robert de, 6. Pickerel, Master William, 528. Picot, Picote, Pycot, Pyket, Joan wife of Michael, 467, 472, 484........., Sir John, 41. u 96998. Picot, Picote, Pycot, Pyket, Michael, 45, 49, 467, 472........... Peter, 91, 242, 289, 334, 343.....,......, knt., 572........... Robert, 496........... Theophania wife of Peter, 92. Pidele, Pydel, John de, 103, 219. Pig, Richard, 502........... See also Pyg. Pigin, Simon son of Geoffrey, 222. Pigs, price or, 573. Pik, Robert, 508. Pikard, John, 489................ king's serjeant, 394. And see Picard, Pykard. Pike, Roger, 67. Pikeford, co. Bucks, 149. Pikerel, John, 429, 431........... Master William, clerk, 579. Pile, Henry de la, 508. Piletrowe, William, 59. Pilgrimages, 21, 46, 50, 146, 183, 228. Pillerton. Pyllardeton [co. Worcester], 136. Pimbelly, wood of [co. Salop], 191. Pimel, Emma, 206. Pimich, Walter, 261. Pincebec, Alan de, 34. Pingel, Pingil, Pyngel, Eldreda wife of Gilbert, 195........... Gilbert, 195........., Robert, 72, 105.........., William, 212. Pinkeny, Pynkeny, Henry de, tenant in chief, 404........., Mary wife of Henry de, 323........... Robert de, 491, 492................, s o n o f H e n r y d e, t e n a n t i n chief, 440, 482. Pinnockshire, Pynnocshyre [co. Gloucester], 108. Pinnok, William, 507..............., de, 174. Pinu, Piscasius de, citizen of Bayonne, 420.........., Paschal de, 373. Pinynton, Ralph de, 98. Pipard, Pypard, Alda, 55.........., Margaret, Margery wife of Edmund, 44, 54.......... Ralph, 55, 69, 130, 337, 493........., Sibyl wife of Ralph, 493..........., Thomas, 44, 54. Pipewell, Pippevell, Pyppwell abbey, co. Northants, 139, 223, 289. Pipre, Peter de, merchant of Ypres, 338. Pirbright, Perfright [co. Surrey], 264. Pirleye, Thomas le, 175. Pirycumbe [co. Dorset], 174. Pirye, Philip de, constable of Odiham castle, 470. Piryton, John de, 524. Pistoia, Italy, merchants of, 265. Y Y 706, GENERAL INDEX. Pitchford, Picheford, co. Salop, 54, 521. Pittis, co. Northants, 339. Pitton, Putton [co. Wilts], 87. Piuesham, Robert son of Robert de, 365. Pixley? Pykesleye [co. Hereford], 573. Plaiz, heir of, 422. Plaiz, Ralph de, 420. Plate, 303, 305. Plecys, co. Hertford, 511, 512. Plenanell', Frank, 265. Plesencia, Perochius de, 207. Plesetis. See Plessetis. Plesingho, Hubert de, 121. Plesse, Hugh de, 557. Plessetis, Plesetis, Plessy, Augustine de, 246, 357..........., king's yeoman, 386........... Richard de, keeper of Mendip forest, 535..........,....., keeper of the king's park of Petherton, 290........... Sarah wife of Augustine de, 246. Pleeseto, Alice wife of Warin de, 250.......... Warin de, 250. And see Plessy. Plessinton, Geoffrey de, 184. Plessy. See Plessetis, de. Pley, Richard de, tenant in chief, 165. Pleyere, Thomas le, 213. Pleytur, Peter le, 575. Plogenet, Plogonet. See Plukenet. Plomer, Plumer, Alice relict of William le, 75........... Henry le, 76.........., W illiam le, 75. Plotinden, Walter de, 224. Plouman, John, 297. Ploumannesheved, co. Warwick, 208. Plukenet, Plogenet, Plogonet, Plugenet, Alan, 250, 331, 368, 580................ de, 9, 13, 48, 67, 426, 472, 520............., constable of Corfe castle, 17.,.......,......, knt., 123, 580. Plumbere, Roger de, 174. Plumer. See Plomer. Plumpton, Plunton, co. Cumberland, the king's park of, 286. Plyom. See Upleatham. Poche, Henry, 308. Pockelinton, Richard de, clerk, 430.......... See also Pukelinton. Pockeswell. See Pokeswell. Pocklingtan, Pokelinton [co. York], 403.......... the king's court at, 403. Podding, Adam, 142. Poder, Eustace de, 530. Podiford, Muriel wife of Roland de, 550. Podinton. See Puddington. Podio, Henry de, merchant of Lucca, 53].......... Orlandinus de, merchant of Lucca, 408, 422, 427, 442, 484, 492, 502, 530, 531, 532, 546. I I Podio, Orlandinus de, keeper of the king' exchange of London, 527, 531, 535........... Rolondinus de, merchant, 409. Podynton. See Puddington. Poer, James le, 399........... John le, 294.........., Philip le, 41.........., Roger le, verderer of Finkley and Dygelegh forests, 314. Pogghelipp, Walter de, 398. Pograve. See Palgrave. Pokebrok, Amice wife of William de, 246, 335........... John son of Alan de, 64.........., Solomon de, 246, 335.........., William de, 246, 335. Pokelinton. See Pocklington. Pokelinton, Richard de, clerk, 429. Pokeswell, Pockeswell, co. Dorset, 47. Poklinton, Roger de, 489. Pokok, Simon, 104. Polayn, Adam, monk of St. Albans, 115. Pole, John de la, 24........... Nicholas de la, 32........., Robert de, 9, 41. Poleslo priory. See Polslo. Polet, Isaac a Jew, 237. Poleter, Augustine le, 464........... See also Puleter. Polewxth, John de, 227. Poleymere, William de, 125. Poleyn, Alexander, 29........... Hake, a Jew, 362........... Jordan, bailiff of the hundred of Sherborne, 174.........., Roger, 334. Polike, Claricius, 19. Poling, Palling, hundred of [co. Sussex], 85. Polingfaud, John de, 378. Pollard, John, gate-keeper of Windsor castle, 156.................. viewer of Henry III.'s works at Windsor castle, 364.........., Robert, 132........,, Thomas, 155. Pollercroft, Robert de, 558. Polling, Stephen brother of William, 208........, William, 208. Pollyng, Richard son-of Richard, 208. Polmorva, Robert de, 552. Polslo, Poleslo, priory [par. of Heavitree, co. Devon], 449. Pomeraye, Henry de la, 47. Pomerey, John, 354.........., Lettice wife of John, 354. Pomereye, Matilda wife of Henry de la, son of Geoffrey de la, 229.........., Matilda de la 563. Ponsont, John son of Robert de, 552. Pont, John del, 253. GENERAL INDEX. 707 Pontage, 12. Ponte, Ralph de, 24.........., Roger de, 174. Pontefract [co. York], bailiffs of, 125...... i... priory, 333.........., prison at, 454, 455, 520. Ponte Londonie, Peter de, 188. Pontesbury, Master Thomas de, 306. Ponthieu, Puntiff [Somme] count of, 32. Pontigny, France, 50.........., pilgrimage to, 50. Ponton, William de, 231. Pool, Thomas at the, 28. Pope, the. See Gregory X.; Innocent V.; Nicholas III. Pope, Ralph, 195. Popehull, Margery wife of Oliver de, 200. Porcestre. See Porchester. Porchaz. See Purchas. Porcher, William le, 153. Porchester, Porcestre [co. Hants], 31.........,....., forest [co. Hants], 397. Porchel, Ralph, 214. Porer, Porere, Laurence le, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482........., Stephen, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482.....,..., Thomas le, baron of the port of Sandwich, 4S2. Porestok forest. See Powerstock. Porjum, William, 129. Porleye, Ralph de, 98.......... See also Purle.........., W illiam de, 98. Pormelne [co. Wilts], 507. Porta, Hugh de, 64. Portejoie, John, 489. Portel, Walter, knt., 513. Porter, Henry le, king's serjeant, 394........... H ugh le, 334. i......... Joceus le, 120......... John le, 238, 507.......... Nicholas le, 106........., Peter ]e, 278.........., Ralph le, 224.......... See also Purle.........., Richard le, 210, 375.........,,,,,, Stephen le, 47.........., Walter le, sheriff of London, 51.,........, William son of Joceus le, 120. Portes, Hugh de, 557....,....., William de, 219. Portesmue, Portesmutha, Alan de, 465, 497. Porthesmuth. See Portsmouth. Portlingstok, Geoffrey de, 71. Portland, Portlaund, 489. Porto, bishop of. See Kilwardby, Robert. Porton, William de, 175. Portskewet [co. Monmouth], Sudbrook, Suthebrok in, 428. Portsmouth, Portesmuth, Porthesmuth, co. Hants, 270, 566........... bailiffs of, 22................ and approved men of 270, 307........... ferm of, 270, 395. Portut, Henry, 494.........., Randolph, 494. Poryon, William, 108................. son of W illiam, 108. Possethorn. See Postern. Post, William le, 107. Poste, Hugh le, 497. Postern, Possethorn [par. of Duffield, co. Derby], 494. Postes, Hugh de, merchant of Florence, 255. Potekyn, Nicholas, 104. Potel, Roger, 138. Poter, Richard le, 123........., Simon le, 330........... Walter le, 123. Poterton, Adam de, 498, 554. Potter, Adam le, 478. Potterspury [co. Northants], Wakefield Lodge, Wakefeud forest in, 537. Potton [co. Bedford?], 119. Potton, Elias, de, 367........., John, 333........... Rosamond wife of John, 333. Poul, Robert, 163. Pount, John de, 349. Pouraye, Adam, 128. Pouterel, Putrel, John, 572. Povere, Povre, Walter le, 573........., William le, 42, 43, 153, 316. Powerstock, Porestok, forest [co. Dorset], 257. Powick, Poywik [co. Worcester], 412. Poyde, John, 333. Poygnaunt, William son of Robert, 64. Poyle, Walter de la, 545.......... See also Puille. Poylle, William de la, 389. Poyne, Alexander son of William, 269........... Robert son of William, 266.........., William, 244. Poyntel, Reginald, 123. Poynz, Hugh, 203, 269................. son of Nicholas, 59........... Nicholas, 47.........., Richard, 160. Poywik. See Powick. Prat, Gilbert, 95.........., John, 489........... Nicholas, 11, 13.........., W alter, 472. Pre, Adam del, 175. Preaux abbey [Normandy, Eure], 284, 467. Prechur, Ingram le, 299. Preciosa, Leo son of, 363.........., a Jew of Londdn, 109. YY 2 708 GENERAL INDEX. Prendewik, Thomas de, 44. Prene, William, 6. Prescyng, Ralph, 165. Prest, John, 77........., R o b e r t, 4 4 8. Presteclyve. See Priestcliffe. Prestegrave [forest of Wychwood, co. Oxford], 298, 438. Prestesbrother, Robert le, 123. Preston, co. Gloucester, 24. Preston, Alice de, 247............, wife of Gilbert de, 65, 222.........., Gilbert de, justice, 52, 178, 298, 483, 567.........., L au ren ce de, 24 7................) knt., 570..............., son of Sir Gilbert de, 222........ Richard de, coroner for co. Westmoreland, 405........... Master Simon de, 247.......... T h o m as d e, 44 5. Prestre, Deulacres le, a Jew of Exeter, 271........... William le, 86. Prestresse, Alice la, 277. Prestur, Richard le, 62. Pridias, John, 145. Pridinton, Roger de, 249. Priestcliffe, Presteclyve [par. of Bakewell, co. Derby], 523. Prig, Serlo, 227. Prigel, William, 14. Prikelove, Henry, 129. Prince, William le, attorney of the dean and chapter of Lisieux, 353. Prior, Henry, 128. Priour, John, 240........... R o b e r t, 8 9. Prise, Stephen de la, 542. Prisoner, Robert le, 290. Prittlewell, Pritelwell, Priterwell, priory [co. Essex], prior of, 56.........., William, prior of, 252. Privy seal, the. See Seal. Prodhomme, Simon, 478. Prodome, Walter, 508.......,. See Prudhome. Promhull. See Broomhill. Proutfot, Prudfot, Thomas, 174.........., William, 72, 105. Provenzal, brother Durand le, 104. Provost, Elias le, 335.,..., Gilbert son of Walter le, 99.........., John le, 111,130, 171, 404................, fiz le, 507....s........ son of John le, 515................... Peterle, 370........... Peter le, 370........... Ralph le, 28........, Ranulph le, 64. rovost, Richard le, 130, 469................, son of John le, 38.........., Robert le, 20.......,.., Roger le, 150,391........... Simon son of Reginald le, 290........... Thomas le, 111, 549................. fiz le, 20........... William le, 145, 327, 329, 508........... fiz le, 282................ son of William le. 111. Prude, William le, 78. Prudfot. See Proutfote. Prudhome, William, 29......... See Prodhomme; Prodome. Pruet, Henry, 175.........., Hugh, 502. Prydias, Roger de, 411. Puch, John, 175. Pucklechurch, Pakelechurch, co. Gloucester, 245. Pudding Norton [co. Norfolk], 428. Puddington, Podinton, Podynton, co. Devon, 67, 70, 193. Pudel, John, 14. Pudercote, John de, yeoman of William Giffard, 43. Puille, Walter de la, knt., 510, 511.......... See also Poyle. Puk, John, 78........... William, 287. Puke, Geoffrey, 72. Pukelinton, Roger de, 385.......... See also Pockelinton. Puleford, Hamo de, 408. Pulet, Comitissa wife of Isaac, a Jewess, 232. Puleter, Robert le, 559.......... See also Poleter. Pulle, Adam de, 426. Pultimore. See Pyltemor. Pulton, letters close dated at, 350. Punder, Nicholas le, 26. Punnok, Henry, 260. Punsond, John de, 556................, son of Robert de, 566. Puntiff, count of. See Ponthieu. Puperode, Isabella wife of John de, 425. Puplanton, Pupplinton. See Peopleton. Purbeck, Purbik, Island of [co. Dorset], the warren of, 459. Purcel, Thomas, clerk, 195. Purchas, Porchaz, John, 80, 325. Purchaz, Walter, 410. Purle. See Purleigh. Purle, Ralph de, 64.......... See also Porleye. Purlee, Robert de, keeper of the bishopric of Chester, 80. Purleigh, Purle [co. Essex?], 125. Purs, Adam, 194.......... Richard, 76. GENERAL 1NDEX. 709 Putrel, Pouterel, John, 572. Putte, Water de la, 478. Putton. See Pitton. Py, Fulk, 212. Pycheford. See Picheford. Pycot. See Picot. Pydel. See Pidele. Pyg, Walter, 175.......... See also Pig. Pygun, John, 19. Pykard, Roger, 60. And see Picard, Pikard. Pykesleye. See Pixley. Pyket. See Picot. Pykun, John, 42. Pylat, John, 470. Pylecruste, Alice, 145. Pyllardeton. See Pillerton. Pyltemor, Pyltymore, Pultimore, Richard de, 250, 251, 463. Pymor, Robert de, 175. Pyn, Pyno, Hawysia wife of Sir Thomas de, 578.........., Patald du, 359, 426, 489.......... Thomas de, del, du, 139, 578. Pynchepol, John, 202. Pynel, Muriel, 367. Pyngel. See Pingel. Pynhore, Andrew de, 224. Pynkeny. See Pinkeny. Pynnocshyre. See Pinnockshire. Pyno. See Pyn. Pypard. See Pipard. Pype, Thomas de, 139. Pyppwell abbey. See Pipewell. Pyrie wood in Whittlewode forest, 189. Pyrot, Ralph, 88, 241, 290, 477.........., Roger, 477. Pyteweneshal, Richard de, 240. Q. Quantoxhead, Cantokesheved, Cantokeshevede, co. Somerset, 24, 103, 363. Quappelad. See Whaplode. Quare impedit, assizes of, 252. Quarel, Gilbert, 332.......... Henry, 174.........., Master Herbert, 335. Quarrels, 315. Quarentham, Thomas, 174. Quarr, La Quarrer abbey [Isle of Wight], 560. Quarrendon [co. Bucks], letters close dated at, 157-159. Quatton, Michael de, 139. Queen-gold, 198, 290, 315. Queinton. See Quenington. Quency, Elizabeth daughter of Roger de, earl of Winchester, 171, 236.........., Roger de, earl of Winchester, 138, 163, 171, 225, 226, 228, 236, 467, 553. Quenild, Agnes wife of William, 55........... Amice wife of John, 55........., John, 55........... William, 35, 55. Quenington, Queinton, Quenynton, Quinton [co. Gloucester], 447, 474.........., hospital of, 366, 482.........., letters close dated at, 271, 447-449, 492, 524. Quenton. See Quenington; Quinton. Quenton, Alice de, 244...R....... Robert de, 78. Quenynton. See Quenington. Quernel, John, coroner for co. Devon, 21. Queynterel, Thomas, 120. Quiltemaker, Joan la, 353. Quinton, Quenton, co. Northhants, 12. Quyrncy, Thomas, 76. Qwrtefeld, Peter de, 43. Qwyntin, William, 419. R. Ra, William le, 133. Rabayn, Raban, Rabayne, Elias de, 279................ constable of Corfe castle, 140, 275, 293, 310, 313, 421......... knt., 233. Rabbi, Isaac son of Elias the, 157. Rachel, Hugh, 276. Racolf, William, 567. Radclyve. See Ratcliffe-on-Sore. Radcot [par. of Langford, co. Oxford],letters close dated at, 142. Raddon, East, Est Raddon [co. Devon], 299.........., Westraddon [par. of Thorverton], co. Devon, 316. Radeclive. See Ratcliffe-upon-Soar. Radeclyve [co. York?], 150. Radeclyve, John son of William le, 150. Radelawe, La. See Redlaue. Rademeld, Ralph de, 56. Radenour, Peter de, 67. Radewinter. See Radwinter. Radewye [par. of Stogursey, co. Somerset?], 88. Rading. See Reading. Rading', Radinges, abbey. See Reading. Radinton, Robert de, sub-escheator in co. Somerset, 381, 410. Radleye. See Rodley. 710 GENERAL INDEX. Radwinter, Radewinter, co. Essex, 355. Raer, Margaret wife of Ralph, tenant in chief, 480. Rages (Ragen', Rai, near Teheran, Persia?), William, archbishop of, 30, 370, 573. Ragges, William, 160. Raghen', Johu, 98. Rainham, Raineham, Renham, Reynham, co. Essex, 37, 235, 508........., Reinham, co. Kent, 203. Raisun, Philip, 498. Rakele, William de la, 87. Rales, Richard de, 77. Ralleneden. See Rattenden. Rallesby, John son of Elmaldus de, 205. Ralph, Adam son of, de Bretforton, Bretforthtune, 103, 219........... Alan son of, de Rydale, 508........... Edusa daughter of, de Wilueby, 318...., F. ulk son of, de Hemmyngton, 450.........., Hamo son of, 529........., Hugh son of, de Cantuaria, baron of the port of Romney, 301................, de Thorneton, 259.......... Humphrey son of, de Neuport, 149.........., John son of, 134, 282..........,. de la More, 547................ de Picheford, 54..............,,, de Scamelesby, 301........... Margery daughter of, 324.........., Peter de, 488........... Ralph son of, 9, 45........... R eg in ald so n o f, d e T u n e w ell, 7 1.........., Richard son of, 135............... de Caldou, 272........... Robert son of, 76................. d e C o lew o rth, 2 2 3.............., de Reresby, 488, 508........., Roger son of, 453................ de Bestan, 519................. de Honeworth, 564........... Simon son of, 576.........., William son of, de Stanerne, 212. Ram, Roger le, 319, 320. Ramesbury, Reginald de, 174. Ramedene, Ramesden. See Ramsden. Rampayn, Ralph, 541. Rampeston, Thomas de, 553. Rampton [co. Notts], 103. Rampton, William de, 525. Ramsbury [co. Wilts], letters close dated at, 142, 143, 226. Ramsden, Ramedene, Ramesden [co. Essex], 82, 190. Ramsey abbey [co. Huntingdon], 410. Ran, Walter de, 111. Randolf, William, 226. Randulf, William, 71. Ransy, Margery, 94. Ranulph, earl of Chester, 209.........., Joan and Mary daughters of Ralph son of, 299........... Richard son of, 73........... William son of, 301, 302, 449................. de Bolmer, 470. Rappok, John, 157. Rasen, Rasene [co. Lincoln], 502. Rasen, Stephen de, 507. Ralne, Geoffrey de, clerk, 324. Rastel, Margery wife of Ralph, 451.........., Ralph, 233, 451, 516. Ratby, Roteby? co. Leicester, 171......... Groby in, 160. Ratcliffe-upon-Soar, Radclyve, Radeclive [co. Notts], 334, 572. Ratele, Stephen, 76. Ratelesden, Ela wife of Roger de, 165. Ratford. See Retford. Rattenden, Ralleneden [co. Essex], 51. Raulot, John, 558. Ravel, John, 423. Ravelingham, Master Roger de, 16. Ravenesor' [lost port on the Humber, co. York], 423. Ravenesthorp. See Ravensthorpe. Raveneston, 345........... See Ravenstone. Raveneston, John de, 466..........,.., clerk, 415. Ravening, Gilbert, 35. Ravensthorpe, Ravenesthorp, co. Northants, 85, 160, 471................, Coton, Cotes in, 471. Ravenstone, Raveneston [co. Leicester], 75. Ravenyngham, Roger de, archdeacon of Huntingdon, 386. Raydon, or Reydon [co. Suffolk], 331, 332, 334. Rayleigh, Relee, Relegh, co. Essex, 197, 206.........., letters close dated at, 302........... park of, 362. Raymund, William, 559. Rayth, Robert, 559. Reading, Rading', Reding' [co. Berks], 268, 299, 519....,..... Radinges, abbey, 41, 313........... council of, 582.........., letters close dated at, 41, 259, 260.........., prison at, 205, 271. Reasby, Reresby [parish of Stainton-byLangworth, co. Lincoln], 508. Rebercy, Robert de, 126. Recheles, John de, 78. Rechicche, Rechich, forest. See Neroche. Reda, John de, clerk, 238, 339, 559, 573.............. son of Robert de, 238. Redbourne, Redburn [co. Lincoln], 511. Redbridge, Redebrigg, hundred [co. Hants], 543, GENERAL INDEX. 711 Redburn, William lord of, 559. Redcar, Rideker, Ridekere [co. York], 3, 39. Rede, John de, clerk, 581................ le, 419.........., Ralph de, 538.........., Robert de, 354.........., Thomas le, 226.........., William de, 119. Redebrigg hundred. See Redbridge. Redenhall, Redenhale [co. Norfolk], 2. Redham, Bartholomew de, 184, 205........... Hervey de, 415. Reding'o See Reading. Redlane, La Radelawe, hundred, co. Dorset, 31. Redleye. See Rodley. Redleye, Ralph de, 356. Redman, Gilbert, 75. Redmarele, Alan de, 455. Redmersham, brother Robert de, 46. Rednes, William de, 462. Redveriis, Amicia de countess of Devon, 128, 264, 347, 545. Redwyne, William, 152. Reeve, Adam the, 133.........., John the, 135.......... Richard the, 79........... R obert the, 94........... Walter the, 94. Refham, Richard de, 61, 264. Reginald, Isilia wife of John son of, 116........... Ivo son of, 212.........,. Robert son of, 556........... William son of, 47, 53, 60................. de Belton, 227. Regny, Joan de, 410. Reigate, co. Surrey, prison at, 307. Reigate, John de. See Reygate. Reigny. See Reygai. Reimbald, Estmund son of, de Deneverr', 100. Reinald, Walter, 507. Reiner, Reineri. See Reyner. Reingny. See Reygni. Reinham. See Rainham. Relee, Relegh. See Rayleigh. Remer, William Ie, 424. Remeston, Thomas de, 572. Remmescumbe [co. Dorset], 421. Rempel, Nicholas de, 174. Rempston, Thomas de, 541. Rempton, Ralph de, 570. Renaume, Peter, of Douay, 81. Rendecumbe, Henry de, 174. Reneward, John, 56. Renham. See Rainham. Renhold, Ronhale [co. Bedford], 81, 215. Rennewic, Renneswic. See Runswick. Rennewyz. See Runswick. Reole, La [Gascony, Gironde], 425. I Repyn, William, 541. Reresby. See Reasby. Reresby, Margery wife of Ralph de, 508.......... Robert son of Ralph de, 488, 508. Reseles, John, 78. Retford, Ratford, Retteford, co. Notts, 389, 472, 525. Retford, Michael de, a Jew, 389........... Thomas de, 571. Retherfeld. See Rotherfield. Retherherde, Richard le, 92. Retteford. See Retford. Revell, Robert, 395. Rewell, Thomas de, 84. Rewenhale. See Rivenhall. Rey, Ellen daughter of Stephen le, 209, 213.........., Stephen le, 209, 213........... Thomas son of Stephen le, 213. Reydon. See Raydon. Reygni, Reigny, Reingny, Reyny, Akinea, Akyna, Makina, wife of William de, 185, 418, 419, 581.........., Richard de, 501........... William de, tenant in chief, 324, 418. Reygate, Reigate, John de, 503, 509.,......,....., escheator north of Trent, 1-3, 4, 5, 59, 383, 400................ justice, 170, 526, 568, 569,575................ justice in eyre in cos. Hertford and Kent, 504.................... in co. Surrey, 540....................... in co. Sussex, 532. Reymundi, Master William, 529. Reyner, Reiner, Reyneri, John, 41, 152........, Mainetus, merchant of Lucca, 530.......... Nicholas son of William son of, 409.......... Roger son of, 424........... William son of, de Dunham, 150........... L a m b e r t, m e r c h a n t o f F l o r e n c e, 1 6 1. Reynham. See Rainham. Reynham, John son of Thomas de, 414. Reyning', Geoffrey de, 7. Reyns, Henry de, 542. Reyny. See Reygni. Rhine wine, 204. Rhuddlan, Rothelan, Rothelane [co. Flintl, 395, 402, 506, 539.........., bailiff of. See Kenewric son of Gronnou.........., the king's court at, 506..........., the king's works of, keeper of. See Perton, William de.........., letters close dated at, 402-404, 407, 408, 429, 475, 476, 506, 507. Rhys, Ralph son of, 46........... son of Griffin, 506.......... Vaughan, 399. Ribbeford, Henry de, 474. 712 GENERAL INDEX. Ribuf, Walter son of Walter de, 478.......... See also Ryboef. Richard 1., king of England, 220, 245, 258, 343. Richard, king of Almain, the king's uncle, 20, 153, 406.................. Beatrice wife of, 268. Richard, clerk to the sheriffs of London, 51.........., Master, notary of the pope, 424.........., Adam son of, 327, 328, 329, 330................. de Urmeston, 426.........., Agnes wife of, 134.........., Alger son of, de Flete, 39........... Geoffrey son of, 171........... Hamo son of, de Shaldeford, 44.........., Henry son of, de Abbotele, 357................. de Warmynton, 99........., Hugh son of, 424.........., John son of, 190.................. de Dene, 121..........,...... de Grymested, 563................. de Hamville, 116........... Lucy daughter of, 25.........., Luke son of, de Lyminge, 15, 32.........., Martin son of, de Grenewiz, 116.........., Philip son of, 135........... Ralph son of, de Crokesford, 435..............., de H undclby, 412........... R ichard son of, 553.................. de Kirkebride, 134................. de Kyrkewryde, 196................, de Urmeston, 426........... Robert son of, 134.........,,,... de Trode, 68........... Roger son of, de Molaghcori, 493........... Thomas son of, de Bergham, 375.............. de Norhantona, 570................, de Oldebury, 301.........., Walter son of, de Thorp, 414.........., William son of, de Halsted, 109. Richard's Castle [co. Hereford], 414.........., lord of. See Mortuo Mari, Robert de. Riche, Alexander le, 257.........., T h o m as le, 3 4 0........... William le, 513. Richefeld, Nicholas de, 16. Richemund, Master Adam de, 219.........., Elias de, clerk, 428. Richer, Matilda wife of, 350.......... William son of, de Whitewell, and John his brother, 141. Richich forest. See Neroche. Richmond, Rychemund [co. York], bailiff of, 120........... archdeacon of. 428. And see Passelewe, Thomas.........., earl of. See Britannia, John de.........., earldom of, 186.........., honour of, 10, 452, 538. Ricote, Rycote, Fulk de, sheriff of cos Oxford and Berks, 108. Rideker, Ridekere. See Redcar. Ridel, Henry, 559.........., Hugh, 140, 248........, Richard, 179. Ridgate, John de, 251. Ridgmont [co. Bedford], Segenhoe, Segenho in, 392. Rievaux abbey [co. York], 491. Rigge, Thomas de, 352. Rigmere. See Ringmer. Rikelingg, John de, 319. Rikelot, John, 559. Ringeston, 238. Ringslow, Ringslo hundred, co. Kent,"461. Ringmer, Rigmere [co. Sussex], 345. Ringstead, Ringsted [co. Norfolk], 215. Ringwood, Ryngewod, Ryngewode [co. Hants], 59, 80, 122................, letters close dated at, 144. Ripariis, Riperiis, Rypariis, John de, 475, 477, 545, 559................. tenant in chief, 440, 444.........., Mabel wife of John de, tenant in chief, 407.........., Margery de, 101. Ripon, Rypun [co. York], 230................. prison at, 403, 404. Rippele, Richard de, 41. Ripplingham, Ralph de, 236, 385. Risebrigge, William de la, 307. Riseley, Hervey de, 113. Riseleye, Hugh son of Godfrey de, 403. Rising (castle), Risinges [co. Norfolk], 502. Riston [co. York], 34.......... in Holderness [co. York], 276. Riston, Ralph de, 240.........., W alter de, 175.......... in Holdernesse, Hugh son of Agnes de, 34. Ritton [par. of Wentnor], co. Salop, 294. Rivenhall, Rewenhale [co. Essex], 82. River, Albinus le, 64. Riwham, 414. Ro, Benedict le, 417. Roald, Alan son of, 471........... Matilda wife of Alan son of, 471. Robbayn, Gilbert, 419. Robecoc, 135. Robecote, Robecoc, William, 320...............,, de, 269. Robert, Adam son of, 134..............., de Rybilcestre, 454, 455.........., Alan son of, de Hodersale, 454, 455.......... Alexander son of, 335.......... Elias son of, 557........... Geoffrey son of, 133....,....., Gervase son of, de Wilneby, 318. GENERAL INDEX. 713 Robert, Hugh son of, 132................ de Cotesford, 195.......... Ivo son of, 419..........., John son of, 135, 305................. de Coventon, 64..............., de Ponsont, Punsond, 552, 566................ de Reda, 238...........,...... de Threngeston, 335.........,, Margery wife of William son of, 246.........., Peter son of, de la Mare, tenant in chief, 7....,..... Richard son of, 294.............., de Croxton, 427.......... Robert son of, de Cornhull, 113..........,., de Hoby in Esseburn, 361.........., de Piuesham, 365..........., Hugh son of 365........... Richard son of, 47............... de Aylesbyry, 139................ de Diischrayre, Distischraye, 454, 455..........,..... de Muntpelers, 397......,.... Robert son of, de Magna Dodington, 92................., de Tottenhale, 131........., Walter son of, de Horkeleye, 154........., William son of, 35, 73, 75................ de Middelton, 157............... de Wodeton, 209. Roce, Walter, 454, 455. Roche, John de la, 416, Rocheclive, Richard de, 135. Rochefort, isle of Oleron [Charente, France], 363......... See Rochford. Rocheford, Alice de, 190........... Guy de, 71.........., Henry de, 353........... John de, 583.........., Margery wife of Guy de, 129. Rochefort-de-Marsiano [Gascony], 380. Rocheheved, Richard, 78. Rochelle, La, La Rochelle, La Rochele, France [Charente Inferieure], 469. Roches, Hugh de, 526. Rochester [co. Kent], 81, 198, 362. Rochester castle, 81, 147, 194............, bailiwick of, 16................ chapel in, 17...................... chaplains of 17.............., constable of. See Creye, Simon de................, constables of, 147............, gate of, 16......... gaol, 170, 177, 180........... Jews of, 362.........., letters close dated at, 32.......... priory, 324.........,,archdeacon of. See Saucto Dionisio, John de; Sancto Martino, William de. i Rochester castle, W. archdeacon of,-66.........., bishop of. See Bradfield, John de Merton, Walter de; Sancto Martino, Laurence de.......... bishopric of, 154. Rochet, William, 412. Rochford, Rocheford [co. Essex], 129, 168......... hundred [co. Essex], 528. Rockcliffe [co. Cumberland], Cargo, Gargou in, 200. Rockele, Rockesle. See Rokesle. Rockingham, Rokingham l[co. Northants], 302, 528.......... castle, constable of, 375........... Rokingham, forest, co. Northants, 211, 212, 289, 303, 312, 375, 472, 523, 534................, steward of. See Holebrok, Richard de........., letters close dated at, 570........., prison at, 212,r362, 448, 534. Rockley, Rode, Rokebey [par. of Ogbourne, St. Andrew], co. Wilts, 88, 115. Rocland, house of hospitallers of. See Buckland Sororum. Rode. See Rockley; Rokeslegh. Roclive, Alice wife of John de, 351.........., John de, 351. Rocy, Roci, Thomas, 367, 369. Roddesword, Mansellus de, a Jew of Lincoln, 282. Roderham. See Rotherham. Roderic (Lodewycus), son of Griffin, 509........., brother of Llewelyn, son of Griffin, prince of Wales, 506. Rodes, Gerard de, 214, 338, 339, 572. Rodinton, Clement de, 224. Rodley, Radleye, Redleye [par. of Westburyon-Severn], co. Gloucester, 481, 552. Roeng, Geoffrey de, 341,......... See also Roingg'. Roesia, Simon son of, 133. Roffa, Solomon de, 367, 406..............., justice, 177, 463, 471, 526, 569.................. justice in eyre for cos. Hertford and Kent, 504.........,......, justice of assize in co. Southampton, 452................., justice in eyre in co. Surrey, 540. Rogate, Robert de, 226, 341. Roge, Hugh, 78. Roger, Elias son of, 97........... Hugh son of, de Mapelton, 450........... Ingram son of, de Bereweby, 73.........., John son of, de Arnehal, 259................. de Lever, 522.................. Robert son of, 487.......... Nicholas son of, de Shirleye, 47. 714 GENERAL Ifl)EX. Roger, Sir Ralph son of, 431; 512........,....., de Breydesale, 450.........,.,.de Scures, 510.........., Richard son of, 556..............., de Esseby, Essheby, 137..........,...... and James his brother, 150.,.....,..., de Wissenden, and Thomas his brother, 69........., R obert son of, 202, 487, 488.............. de Claveringg, 178........., Roger son of, 541...........,...... de Colevill, 356..........,...... de Hodirsale, 454, 455.........., de Munbray, 449.........,....., de Suthcotes, 253.....,......, de Weston, 407........, W illiam son of, 130...........,.... de Lekeburn, 231. Roges, brother John de, 569. Roggiett, Roggate in Netherwent [co. Monmouth], 428. Roingg', William de, 239........... See also Roeng. Rok, Simon son of, coroner for co. Somerset, 434. Rokau, P.eter Johan de la, burgess of Bayonne, 235. Roke, Thomas de, 121. Rokebey. See Rockley. Rokesleye, Rockeleye, Rockesle, Rode, Rokele, Rokeslegh, Gregory de, 30, 111, 123, 137, 204, 231, 257, 258, 322, 478, 549.....,........, appointed to hear and determine the affairs of native and alien merchants, 230............. chamberlain of London, 188, 372............... collector of the tallage on the Jews, 441, 443.,,,......., keeper of lands belonging to Nicholas de Crioll', 80.......,....., m ayor of L ondon, 366, 379, 456, 536........,......, keeper of the king's exchange of London, 527, 531, 535............ taker of king's wines of the right prise throughout England, 93, 99, 148, 189, 304, 365, 370, 432, 435, 485....... John de, 379........ Matilda wife of Richard de la, 368........... Peter de la, 507.........., Philip de la, 470.............., tenant in chief, 443........,, Richard de la, tenant in chief, 368........., Walter de, 238........... William de, 322. Rockingham. See Rockingham. Rolaund, Thomas, 375. Rollesby, William de, citizen of Norwich, 217. Rolleston, Benedict de, 229. Rolling, Roger de, 43, 130............, sub-escheator in cos. of Cambridge and Huntingdon, 441. Rolls, lists of, 566, 567. Rolvenden, Rulvyngdon [co. Kent], 231. Rolveston. See Rowlstone. Roma, Peter de, 132, 134. Rome, 349.........., church of, 39, 197, 470, 555........... court of, 41, 57, 217, 252, 382, 400, 491..............., bulls from, 252............... list of members of, 424.......... see of, 254........... St. Angelo, Sir R., cardinal deacon of, 424.......,.., St. Eustace, Sir U., cardinal deacon of, 424........... St. George in Velabro, Sir G., cardinal deacon of, 424.......... St. Mark, Sir G., cardinal priest of, 424........... St. Martin, Sir S., cardinal priest of, 424...,...., St. Mary in Cosmedin, Sir J., cardinal deacon of, 424........... St. Mary in Porticu, Sir M., cardinal deacon of, 424........... St. Nicholas in Carcere Tulliano, Sir J., cardinal deacon of, 424..........., St. Praxed, SirA.., cardinal priest of, 424. Rome, John son of, Stephen de, 26. Romenal, Romenale, Romenhale. See Romney. Romenhale, John de, abbot elect of Faversham, 253. Romeny, Richard de, 579. Romeseia, Robert de, 353. Romeseye, Nicholas de, justice of forest pleas, 583. Romney, Romenal, Romenale, Romenhale [co. Kent], 16.........., port of, barons of, 301............ and bailiffs of, 16, 128................. letters close dated at, 300. Romsey [co. Hants], letters close dated at, 146.......... abbey, 353. Romundeby, Richard de, 440. Ronhale. See Renhold. Ronhale, Robert de, 215. Ronk, John le, 553. Ropere, Ralph le, 310. Ros, Eustachia, wife of William de, 164........., Margaret de, 336................. daughter and co-heiress of Peter de Brus, 581................. wife of Robert de, of Wark, 4, 40, 81, 91, 167, 183. GENERAL INDEX. 715 Ros, Robert de, of Wark, tenant in chief, 4, 40, 83, 200,277,.........,..., son of Robert de, of Wark, 83.........., son of William de, of Wark, 83.........., R o g e r l e, 2 5 1.........., William, 130................ de, 164..............., son of Robert de, 497. And see Rous. Roscommon, Roscoman, Ireland, friars preachers of, 177..,,.,.,....... church of, 177. Rose, Robert, 358................, son of, 62.........., Thomas, 508. Rosel, Gilbert, 508. Ross, Rosse [co. Hereford], bailiff of, 564. Rossemer, Michael de, 9. Rostonall, Edward de, 182.........., Robert de, 182. Rostreng, Henry son of Roger, 127. Roteby. See Ratby. Rotel, Richard, 310. Roteland, Rotelaund. See Rutland. Roter, William le, 209. Rothbury, Routhebiry [co. Northumberland], 489. Rotheclyve, Botheclive, Roclive, Rotheclyive, Alice wife of John de, 349, 351, 352, 353........., John de, 349, 351, 352, 353. Rothelan, Rothelane. See Rhuddlan. Rothelyn, William, 557. Rotherfield, Retherfeld [parish of East Tistead, co. Hants], 70. Rotherham, Roderham [co. York], 10. Rothing', Alice wife of Henry de, 5. Rothing, Rothingg, William de, 358, 416. Rothinges, Thomas de, 98. Rothwell, Rowell, co. Northants, 115.,.........,...... letters close dated at, 272. Rotington. See Buddington. Rotington, Petronilla wife of Costus de, 244. Rotinton. See Rlddington. Rotiompil', Adjutus, merchant of Lucca, 492. Roucestria, Salle de, a Jew, 362. Rouen [Normandy, Seine Inferieure], 33.........., abbey of the Holy Trinity, 247.........., Odo, archbishop of, 531........... archbishopric of, 390, 531.......... dean and chapter of, 335.......... men of, 33. Roufford, brother Robert de, 274............,,, William de, 274. Rouland, Thomas, 67. Roulislegh. See Rowsley. Rous, Rouse, Rousse, Margery la, 275, 339.,........, William le, tenant in chief, 275, 290, 339. And see Ros. I I Routhebiry. See Rothbury. Rotour, Rotur, Peter le, 282, 334. Rowaud, Roger, 78. Rowden, Rowendon [par. of Chippenham, co. Wilts], 152. Rowell. See Rothwell. Rowemere, John atte, 553. Rowendon. See Rowden. Rowlstone, Rolveston, [co. Hereford], 280. Rowsley, Roulislegh [par. of Bakewell, co. Derby], 460. Roys, Nicholas, 229. Royston [cos. Cambridge and Hertford], 189, 385.......... letters close dated at, 161, 373........... gaol, 171.........., Jews of, 101. Ru...., William son of Walter le, 37. Rucham, Adam de, 507. Ruchemond, Ralph de, 353. Rucheved, Richard, 79. Ruchewed, Thurgis, 77. Rudale,.Hugh, 18. Ruddestan, Rudesteyn, Walter de, 97, 201. Ruddington, Rotington [co. Notts], 244........... Rotinton, co. Notts, 266, 269. Rude, William de, 372. Rudes, John de, 494. Rudestan, Robert de, 885. Rudesteyn. See Ruddlestan. Ruffinus, Master, archdeacon.of Cleveland, 553. Ruffyn, Roger, 532. Rugeman, John, 395. Rugham, John de, 54. Rughesparre priory. See Rusper. Rughmere, John de, 158........,., William son of John de, 158. Ruibayn, Gilbert, 419. Rulvyngdon. See Rolvenden. Rumbergh, Roger de, 567. Rumboldswyke, Wikes, Wykes, co. Sussex, 66, 99, 101, 119, 125, 129. Rumilly priory [Picardy, canton d'Hucqueliers, Pas-de-Calais], 577........... Arnulf de Brueriis prior of, 577. Runcton, Rungeton Holm, co. Norfolk, 300, 374. Runham [co. Norfolk], 60. Runswick, Rennewic, Renneswic, Bennewyz [par. of Hinderwell, co. York], 40. Rupe Cauardi, Emeric, Emery de, 191, 308, 346, 428, 451, 496.........., Guy de, 552, 556, 557........... Matilda wife of Emeric de, 191, 428, 496..........., Sibyl wife of Guy de, 552, 556, 573. Rupella, Richard de, tenant in chief, 369. Rus, John le, 301, 556........,, Nicholas le, 128.........., Ralph le, 223. i716 GENERAL INDEX. Bus, Robert le, 146, 415..........., Roger le, knt., 580................, son of H enry le, 127. Rush' priory, Peter Lof, prior of, 227. Rushull, Ralph de, 274, Rusper, Rughesparre priory [co. Sussex], 458. Russe, Margery la, 290. Russel, Russell, Abraham, a Jew, 162........... Absalom, 212,............... of W ilton, 341.......... Geoffrey, justice, 398, 455........Henry, 477........., James, 248, 337, 412.........,John, 30............... bailiff of Clarendon, 263, 269, 271, 287, 310............, keeper of the forest of Clarendon, 155, 298, 309............ keeper of the manor of Clarendon, 144,.........,...... knt., 571........... Juliana wife of John, 316, 364, 382.........., Margery daughter of William, 53........... Nicholas, 28, 231.........., Ralph, 12........., Reginald, 224........., Richard, 78.........., Robert, 53, 223, 244.......... Roger, 106.........., Simon, 404........., Thomas. 174.........., Walter, 149, 224........., William, 175, 404. Russynden, Richard de, 184. Rust, Mariota, 374........... Sampson, 374, Rut, Richard, chaplain, 428. Rutland, county of, 44, 100, 102, 137, 205, 240, 251..............., assizes in, 136.........,....... escheator in, 295............... Roteland, Rotelaund, forest of, 6, 7, 211, 381, 475, 524............,, forest pleas in, 6, 7, 8..........,............... justices of, 359,..............., justices in, 52,.............., the king's lands in, 222................. sheriff of, 7, 69, 73, 184, 295, 302, 359, 381, 398, 467, 469, 519, 559. By, Nicholas de, 524. Rybilcestre, Adam son of Robert de, 454, 455. Ryboef, Richard de, 470......... See also Riboef. Rybon, Rybun, Peter, 444, 450. Rychemund. See Richmond. Rycote. See Ricote. Rydale [par, of Grasmere, co. Westmoreland], 183. Rydale, Alan son of Ralph de, 508. Ryde, Agnes wife of John, 55. Ryden, Roger de, 410. Rye, La Rye [co. Sussex], bailiff of, 36........... baron of. See Sere, John de.......... port of, barons and bailiffs of, 128........... mills of, 36........., sea-walls of, 36. Rye, Aaron de la, 180, 182................, a Jew of London, 396.........., Thomas de, 357........... William de, 229, 234. Ryges, Adam de, 492. Rymerlee, Walter de, 251. Rymild, John, 311.........., Juliana wife of John, 311. Rynel, Thomas, 327, 329................ de, 328, 331. Ryngewod, Ryngewode. See Ringwood. Ryot, Henry, 310. Rypariis. See Ripariis. Rype, Sir Robert de, 512. Rypun. See Ripon. Ryun, Peter de, 235. S. Sabaudia, Amadeus de, 481.........., Amisius de, the king's kinsman, keeper of the castle and manor of Stogursey, 472.........., Peter de, 452. Sabina, [Italy], Sir B. bishop of, 424. Sabluns, Henry de, 109. Sad, Ralph, 61. Sadbergh. See Sedbergh. Saddington, Sadinton [co. Leicester], 202. Sadekinus, a Jew of Northampton, 292.........., Jiwa wife of, 292. Sadinton. See Saddington. Sadinton, Master Thomas de, justice, 463.........., William son of William de, 498. Saer, Joan wife of John son of John, son of, 73. Sage, Lambert de, merchant of Ypres, 338........., William le, 52. Saghere, John le, 293. Saham. See Soham. Saham, John de, 557........... William de, 39, 98, 178, 512, 558.............. justice, 52.........., justice in eyre in cos. Cumberland, Westmorland, and Northumberland, 504................. justice in eyre in co. York, 545............... keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury, 460, 470..............., yeoman, 236. GENERAL INDEX. 717 St. Albans abbey [co. Herts], 115, 406.........., abbot of, 360, 549........ gaol, 92.,.,,.... lepers of St. Julian of, 16. St. Asaph, bishop of. See Anian........... cathedral of, dean and chapter of, 476. St. Augustine and Edeling lathe [co. Kent], 533. St. Briavels, St. Briavells [co. Gloucester],106, 373.......... castle, 278, 366..............., constable of, 170, 278, 304, 311, 438, 453, 474, 486. And see Giffard, John.........., prison at, 213, 308, 368, 397. Saintbury, Seynbiry [co. Gloucester], 13. St. Clears, St. Clare [co. Carmarthen], 114. St. Decumans [co. Somerset], Watchot, Wechet in, 557. St. Edmunds. See Bury St. Edmunds. St. Edward, his shrine in Westminster Abbey church, 3. St. Faith's [co. Norfolk], 104. St. Gilbert, Lincoln, order of, 62. St. Giles in the Heath [co. Devon], Tetcott, Thetecote in, 47. St. Guthlac's priory, Hereford, 368. St. Heliers, Jersey, 108, 129. St. Ives [co. Huntingdon], 116.........., fair at, 405. St. Jean d'Angely, France [CharenteInlerieure], 284. St. John of Jerusalem, hospital of, 380........., prior of, 50, 360, 378, 396, 460, 462, 550, 554, 565, 573.........., treasurer, 32. And see Chauncy, Joseph de.......... in Ireland, prior of, 477. St. Lawrence Newland, St. Laurence, co. Essex, 296, 298, 408, 430. St. Macaire St. Makary, [Gironde, Gascony], 305.........., the king ofEngland's court of Bazas at, 425. St. Makary. See St. Macaire. St. Malo [Brittany, Ille-et-Vilaine], 51. St. Martin. See Sancto Martino de. St. Mary of the Germans (Theutonicorum) in Jerusalem, master and brethren of, 546. St. Neots [co. Huntingdon], 413. St. Osyth abbey [co. Essex], 576. St. Radegunds abbey [co. Kent], 453. St. Serge abbey [Angers, Maine-et-Loire], 490. St. Thomas of Acre, brother John of,, the order of, master of the king's works at the Tower of London, 444.......,, brother Nicholas, prior of, 244. Sak, William del, 523. Sakevill. See Saukevill. Salcey, Salcetum, forest [co. Northants], 12, 65, 141, 204, 372, 405, 522, 537........., keeper of, 405........., timber in, 405........... Stoke wood in, 364. Salcey, Peter de, 256. Salcott, Saltecote [co. Essex], 420, 422, Sale, Agnes de la 336.....,...,, Alexander de la, 164.........., John de la, 334, 428.........., Richard le la, 175......., Robert de la, 49, 329, 331........... Thomas son of Hugh de la, 332.........., William de la, 231. Saler, John le, 76........... Roger le, 77. Salesbiry, William de, 512. Salisbury, 9, 99, 103, 207, 208, 273......... castle, prison in, 381......... cathedral church of St. Mary, 560.................. Master: Simon, chancellor of, 438................. dean of, 217, 251, 505. And see Scame], Walter........................., and chapter of, 20, 304, 553..............., prebend of Shipton-underWychwood in, 438.........,........, treasurer of. See Scamel, Walter.......... friars minor of, 143, 384........... prison at, 212, 273, 449, 451.........., bishopric of, 20.........., diocese of, 142......., bishop of. See Delawyle, Walter; Wickhampton, Robert de. Salle, Walter de, 555. Salleye abbey, co. York, 243. Salleyc, Thomas de, 230. Sallopia, William de, 243. Sallowe, Henry de, 127. Salomon, William, 529. Salop, county of, 39, 52, 201, 206, 228, 234, 235, 244, 251, 299, 331, 337, 340, 356, 358, 427, 428, 430, 431, 433, 489, 508, 522, 543, 579..............., assizes in, 135..............., community of, 433....,......... county court of, 430..............., forest of, 81, 463...............,......, k e e p e r o f. S e e H u g h, John son of..............., forest pleas in, justices of, 522................ justices in, 52................. justices in eyre in, 6, 70, 236............... the king's garrison in, captain of. See Morruo Mari, Roger de......s.,....... posse comitatus of, 18. Tiw GENERAL INDEX. Salop, county of, sheriff of. 6, 17, 18, 22, 49,81, 89, 105, 108, 130, 142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 157, 197, 201, 204, 209, 213, 216, 220, 221, 222, 228, 241, 243, 261, 274, 278, 280, 294, 301, 312, 313, 314, 318, 320, 364, 374, 402, 407, 426, 433, 434,.436, 437, 448, 477, 520, 521. And see Grendon, Robert de; Knovill, Bogo de; Lestrange, Hamo; Mortuo Mari, Ralph de..........,......., escheator in, 294, 311, 313.............., sub-escheator in, 12. Salsey forest. See Salcey. Salso Marisco, Ernald de, 541. Salt, 366, 410, 417. Salteby, Nicholas brother of Richard de, 208.........., Richard de, 208. Saltecote. See Salcott. Salter, Master Ralph the, 121. Saltfleetby, Saltfleteby, co. Lincoln, 481. Saltfleteby, Eleanor wife of Herbert de, 472.........., Herbert de, 472, 481.........., William son of Herbert de, 481. Salvayne, Joan wife of Gerard, 260. Samanton [in Salcott Virley, co. Essex], 420, 422. Sambourne, Sonburn [par. of Warminster, co. Wilts], 190. Samford, Hugh de, 344. Sampford Peverel, Saunford [co. Devon], 232. Sampson, Alice wife of Reginald, 556................. wife of Richard, 125.........., Cresseus son of, a Jew of London, 293.........., Master Henry, 498............,., clerk, 111........... John, 483........., Margery wife of Richard son of Norman, 250.........., Meyrok son of, a Jew of Stamford, 461.........., Peytevinus son of, a Jew of Northampton, 92.........., Reginald, 556........., Richard son of Norman, 250.........., Sampson son of, a Jew of Northampton, 137. Sampsonis, Roger, 579. Sampy, Hugelin, 321. Samuel, Aaron son of, a Jew of Northampton, 286........... Abraham son of, 201.........,, John, 62.......... Ralph, 553......., Solomon son of, the king's Jew of London, 162................, son of, a Jew of London, 184........, son of Isaac, 157. Samuelotus, Joceus son of a Jew, 370. Sancta Barba, Henry de, 175. Sancta Brigida, Henry de, 112. Sancta Cruce, Hugh de, 27, 28, 131, 282........... Isabella wife of Hugh de, 27, 28, 282.........., Isolda wife of Hugh de, 131. Sancta Elena, John de, 417. Saneta Ermina, William de, 42.......... See also Sancto Hermino. Sancta Fide, brother Benedict de, 104.........., brother Elias de, 104.........., brother Hubert de, 104.........., Steyngrim de, 104.........., Vitalis de, 104. Sancta Maria, John de, chaplain of Queen Eleanor, 162. Sancto Albano, William de, 190. Sancto Amando, Almaric de, 146, 545.........., Emeric de, 471........... Isabella de, 453. Sancto Andrea, John de, chaplain in the chapel of Winchester castle, 212.......... Matilda de, 90, 124........... Roger grandson of Matilda de, 540. Sancto Botulpho, Master William de, 251. Sancto Davide, Thomas de, 67. Sancto Dionisio, John de, 236.......... Sir John de, 252............... archdeacon of Rochester, 491..............., keeper of the house of the Conversi, London, 159, 207. Sancto Edmundo, Fulk de, 123........... Martin de, monk of St. Albans, 115........., Robert de, the king's serjeant, 439.......... brother William de, 559. Sancto Egidio, Gerinus de, 428........., Richhrd de........... Thomas de, chaplain, 473. Sancto Fusciano, Giles de, 305. Sancto Georgio, Adam de, 57, 494, 499.........., Baldwin de, 250. Sancto Germane, Jermano, Katherine wife of William de, 5.........., Ralph de, 327, 328, 329, 331........., William de, coroner for co. Northampton, 276. Sancto Gregorio, Hugh de, 194. Sancto Hermino, William de, 135....... See also Sancta Ermina. Sancto Ivone, Gilbert de, 111. Sancto Jermano. See Sancto Germano. Sancto Johanne, John de, 48, 123, 331, 894, 436, 471, 475, 554........... Richard de, 117. Sancto Laudo, Ralph de, 223. Sancto Leodegario, William de, 190. Sancto Licio, Moses son of Isaac de, a Jew, 292.........., Simon de, 295.......... See also Saunlyz. GENERAL INDEX. 719 Sancto Martino, St. Martin, [Master Laurence de, bishop of Rochester, 154, 464, 491.......... Thomas de, 29, 236,491............ William de, archdeacon of Rochester, 72. Sancto Mauro, Ermendruda wife of Henry de, 276........, Ermengard wife of Henry de, 284, 302........... Hawisia de, 508.......... Henry de, 239, 302, 303..........., son of Geoffrey de, 133........... Laurence de, 229, 331, 350, 580........... Simon de, 222........... William de, 428. Sancto Michaele, Laurence de, 58, 564, 582. Sancto Neoto, Roesia wife of Bartholomew de, 413. Sancto Oeno, William de, 453. Sancto Omero, Master John de, 395. Sancto Oswaldo, William de, 351. Sancto Patrono, brother William de, 57. Sancto Paulo, Henry de, 431, 498........... Simon de, 498. Sancto Petro, Urian de, 357. Sancto Probo, Bartholomew de, chaplain, 90....,..... John de, 90. Sancto Quintino, Master Bonnettus de, dean of Bruges, 53. Sancto Romano, Arcaldus de, keeper of the wardrobe of Henry III., 185. Sancto Simphorriano, Peter de, knt. 381. Sancto Thoma, John de, 213. Sancto Valerico, John de, 112.............. son of John de, 112. Sancte Victore, James de, 250, 551. Sancto Vigore, Thomas de, sheriff of co. Berks, 372, 373. Sancto Walerico, Joan wife of John de, 316.,......., John de, knt., 123........... Margaret daughter of Joan de, 316. Sanderstead, Sanderstede [co. Surrey], 39. Sandford, Sanford, co. Devon, 478. Sandiacre, Sandyacre, Clemencia wife of Geoffrey de, 550.........., Geoffrey de, 255, 550. Sandlond, Stephen and William sons of William de, 478........... William de, 478. Sandwich, Sandwyz, [co. Kent], 37, 74, 194, 384, 485, 566.........., port of, 483, 526........,...., barons of, 14, 34, 98, 107, 436, 482, 488, 485................. barons and bailiffs of, 125, 128, 423........... baron of. See Cudel, Edmund.......... prise of wines coming to, 109. Sandwico, Sahdwyeo, Edmund de, merchant of Ireland, 22..........,Henry de,bishop of London,32, 36, 65.........., John de, 279. Sandwico, Sandwyco, Ralph de, 14, 37, 289, 300, 308, 403, 505............. keeper of the archbishopric of Canterbury, 460, 470, 481, 482, 515............... keeper of the bishopric of London, 32, 36............, the king's seneschal, 380..............., the king's steward, 268, 278, 299, 315, 316, 318,363, 364, 365,369, 373, 382, 389, 396, 397, 398, 407, 435, 444, 445, 449, 450, 458, 460, 462, 463, 464, 468, 471, 472, 475, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 517, 521, 523, 526, 527, 531, 532, 533, 535, 539, 543, 545.......... Thomas de, 511, 549................, sheriff of Essex, 202. Sandyacre. See Sandiacre. Saneleye, Thomas de, 401. Sanford. See Sandford. Sangstere, Eva le, 133. Sansekinus, a Jew of Northampton, 150. Santiago di Canpostella in Galicia, 46, 50, 230, 331, 361.........., pilgrimage to, 50, 146, 228. Santon, Gilbert de, 307. Saperton, William de, 428. Sapience, Geoffrey son of Thomas, 425. Sapley, Sappeleye, forest [par. of Hartford, co. Huntingdon], 374, 376, 543. Sarah, Geoffrey son of, de Kiskiuton, 368........... William son of, de Albelby, 571. Sare, Master Walter de la, 228. Sark, Sere, island of, 131.........., bailiff of, 131. Sarr', William de, clerk, 51. Sarre, John, merchant of Dartmouth, 22. Sarum, Old [co. Wilts], 161................ castle of, 269...................,......, the king's chaplains in, 21.,...............,,the king's mill under, 269..............., gaol of, 161. Saubanhaco. See Sauvinak. Saucer. See Sauser. Saucheverel, Ralph de, 111. Sauekvill, Sakevill, Andrew de, 528............... knt., 554.................. son of Jordan de, tenant in chief, 192.........., Ermintrude wife of Andrew de, 192.......... Jordan de, 58, 192. Saundeby, John de, 487.........., William de, clerk, 487. Saundon, Ralph de, 311........., Master Walter de, 408................. the king's cook, 36, 37. Saundre, William, 140. Saunford. See Sampford Peverel. Saunford, John de, the king's escheator in Ireland, 176, 287, 289, 393, 454, 476, 517. 720 GENERAL INDEX. Saunford, Ralph de, 58........., Walter de, 114, 423. Saunlyz, John de, 322.......... See also Sancto Licio. Saunterre, John, 468........... Matilda wife of John, 468. Saure, John de, 106. Sauser,Saucer, Salsarius, Master Ralph le,426............., king's sergeant, 378, 389, 441........... Reginald le, 227........., Robert le, the king's huntsman, 388..........................., keeping his stag hounds, 480........... Walter le, 9, 76. Sauthorp, Master Anthony de, 571. Sautre, brother Gilbert de, 490. Sauvage, Hawisia wife of John le, 204.........., John, tenant in chief, 204................ le, 5 8, 12 0.,........, Ralph le, 251..............., ju stice, 4 04, 480.........., Robert, 18........., Walter le, 118........... William, 397. Sauve Majeure priory, Gascony, Gironde, 227. Sauvenappe, Thomas, 175. Sauvey castle [par. of Withecot, co. Leicester], 318. Sauvinak, Saubanhaco, Reymund Guillelmi de, 359.......... citizen of Bayonne, 420. Savernake, Severnak forest [co. Wilts], 189........... Ciriel wood in, 189. Savoner, Nicholas le, 72, 105. Savoy, Boniface of, archbishop of Canterbury, 5, 23, 34, 61, 265. Saxby, Saxeby, [co. Lincoln or Leicester], 582. Saxelby, Saxilby [co. Lincoln], 233. Saxi, Matilda, 78. Saxilby. See Saxelby. Saxy, Adam, 78. Say, Amice de, 559.......... Amicia de, 198............ wife of W illiam de, 201......,.., John son of Amicia de, 198, 201.......... Philip de, clerk, 417.........., Robert de, 559.................. chief forester and minister of the forest of Windsor, 155.........., William de, 559................ son of William de, 31, 56. Saynebiry, William de, 78. Scaccario, Andrew de, 237........... Laurence de, 524........... William de, 118, 246............... son of William de, 246. Scaitebek. See Skate Beck. Scalariis, Alice de, 90.......... See also Eschalers, Eschaleyrs. Scaldeford, Walter de, 208. Scalebrok, Oliver de, 394. Scalen', Juliana relict of, 130. Scales, Robert de, son of Robert de, tenant in chief, 207. Scalleby, Alexander de, 332........... Cicely wife of Alexander de, 332. Scamel, Schamel, Master Walter, dean of Salisbury, 246, 250, 363, 534, 560.........., treasurer of Salisbury, 117. Scamelesby, John son of Ralph de, 301........... Thomas de, 570. Scarborough, Scardeburg, Scardebury, Schardeburg [co. York], church of St. Mary, 570......... castle, constable of. See Percy, Willian de........... mayor and sheriffs of, 423........... burgesses of, 177.......... prison at, 179, 300. Scardeburg, Scardeburk, Scardeburgh, Scartheburg, Henry de, 385.........., John de, 352........... Robert de, 251, 332, 349, 409, 487, 497, 505, 528............... clerk, 44, 1............... of the king's chancery, 501. Scarle, William de, 430. Scarneston, 425. Scartheburg. See Scardeburg. Scarye, Alice wife of John, 498........... John, 498. Scawby, Skalleby, co. Lincoln, 70. Scet, Nicholas, 558. Schad, Ralph, 560. Schakeltunstal, Adam, 91. Schamel. See Scamel. Schardeburg. See Scarborough. Scharstede, Thomas de, parson of Purleigh church, 125. Scheldon, Henry de, 364, 365. Schelfhangre, Walter de, keeper of the town of Norwich, 89. Schelton. See Shelton. Scheston [co. Leicester?], 376. Schipwey lathe. See Shepway. Schirele, Ralph de, 413. Schirwode forest. See Sherwood. Schlachtreford. See Slaughterford. Schorham. See Shoreham. Schorteford. See Shorteford. Schortefred, Gilbert de, 557. Schortenal, William, 139. Schrogeman, Walter, 175. Schyftington, Geoffrey de, 343. Schyrefeld. See Sherfield-upon-Loddon. Schyrwod, Schyrwode, forest. See Sherwood. Scole, Hervey, 416. Scorig, Robert de, L49. GENERAL INDEX. 721 Scorte, Hugh, 80. Scot, David le, L79........... Edith wife of Walter, 11.,........, Geoffrey, 75........... Henry le, burgess of Newcastle-onTyne, 33........... John, 223.........., Nicholas, 31.........., Ralph, 327, 328, 329........... Richard le, 386.......... Robert, 175.............. le, 179, 410........., Simon, 260, 271.........., Thomas, 335.......... William, 19. Scoteney. See Scotney. Scoteney, Scoteny, Peter de, 283, 338. Scoteny. See Scotney. Scotfordesson, Swain, 291. Scothou, Scotho, Robert de, 564................. justice, 456. Scotland, 38, 57, 119, 126, 228, 332, 505, 532.......... king of. See Alexander.........., queen of. See Margaret........., serges of, 502. Scotney, Scoteney, Scoteny [par. of Lamberhurst, cos. Kent and Sussex], barony of, 283, 338. Scray, Srewinghop (Sherwinhope), lathe [co. Kent], 533. Scriveyn, Agnes wife of Geoffrey le, 414........... William le, 243. Scrubbe, Robert, 407. Scuchel, Stephen, 406. Scugholm, island of. See Skokholm. Scures, Ralph son of Roger de, 510........... Roger son of James de, 340. Scuris, Robert de, 276. Scurne, Roger, 28. Scutage, ]01, 377, 522, 523. Sea-coal, 310. Seal, the great, 49, 98, 395, 407, 444, 531..............., delivered to Robert Burnell, archdeacon of York, 99................. writ of, 90.........., the privy, 518..............., letters of, 407. Seby, Robert de, 487. Sechevill, Robert de, 411.........., Thomas de, 575. Seculer, Seculere, Agnes wife of Nicholas le, 59........... Alice la, daughter of Nicholas le, tenant in chief, 461........... Dionisia and Christiana sisters of Alice la, 461........., Nicholas le, tenant in chief, 61, 62, 116.......,.... brother of Nicholas le, 62. Sedbergh, Sadbergh, co. York, 181. u 96998. Sedbergh, Henry son of Patrick de, 213. Sedgley, Seggesle, Seggesleye [co. Stafford], 36, 38, 66. Sedgrave, Gilbert de, 474.......... Nicholas de, 427. 471, 515................. son of Gilbert de, 474. Sedgwick, Segwyk [parish of Broadwater, co. Sussex], 58. Seere, Peter, 128. Sees, Griffin, 431.........., Richard de, 140, 151, 237, 391................. knt., 224. Sefrewast. See Sifrewast. Seft, Henry, 382. Segel, Richard, 179. Segenhoe, Segenho [par. of Ridgmont, co. Bedford], 392. Seggesfeld, Master Thomas de, 491. Seggesle, Seggesleye. See Sedgley. Segrave, Geoffrey son of Richard de, clerk, 80. Segrave, Nicholas de, 30, 38, 331, 334......... Richard son of Ivo de, 38. Segwyk. See Sedgwick. Sekergil, in Staffield [par. of Kirkoswald, co. Cumberland], 133. Selbourne [co. Hants], letters close dated at, 307, 351. Selby, Seleby, abbey [co. York], 34, 117. Seleburn, Gilbert de, 72, 105........., Peter de, keeper of Rainham manor, 37. Seleby. See Selby. Seleby, Richard de, 448........., Robert de, 76........... Thomas son of John de, 353.............. William de, 353.........., William de, 385, 500. Seled, John, 175. Seler, Gilbert le, 508.........., Thomas le, 560........... Walter le, 149, 433. Selesden, John de, 226. Selewode. See Selwood. Selewreby. See Selworthy. Selewude, Chartuse in. See Witham Friary. Selgor, Thomas, 394. Seliman, William, 494. Seller, Simon le, 508. Selston, Selveston [co. Notts], prison at, 372. Selveston, Henry de, 372.........., John son of Richard de, 372........... Richard de, 372. Selvestre, Andrew, 72. Selwood, Selewode [co. Somerset], 490.,....... forest [co. Somerset], 472.......... Selewod forest, co. Wilts, 143. Selworthy, Selewreby [co. Somerset], 557. Sely, Robert, 381. Selyman, Hugh, 271. ZZ 722 GENERAL INDEX. Seman, Richard son of William, 507.......... W alter, 66. Semlill, William de, 356. Semoner. See Somener. Senebones, William, 354. Senegeye. See Shingay. Senegeye, Hugh de, 95. Senescall, Geoffrey le, 19. Senestre, Andrew, 105. Sennenir (for Somenir?), Christiana wife of Robert le, and Agnes her daughter, 92. Septem Fontibus, Ralph de, 357............, coroner of co. Middlesex, 224........,, Richard de, 357. Sere. See Sark. Sere, John de, baron of-Rye, 22..........., Theobald de la, 19. Seret, 134. Sergant, Robert le, 195........... Roger le, 239. Sergaunt, Hugh le, 214. Seijaunt, Gerard le, 358.........., Ralph le, 450.........., Richard le, 507..........., Robert le, 280, 291, 335, 362, 553........... Roger le, 130.......... Saer le, 468........., Simon the, 80.........., Thomas le, 25, 87..........., W illia m le, 6 2. Serkeles, Gilbert, 87. Serkon, Serkone, Robert, 345, 508. Serle, Adam son of, and Richard and William his brother, 134.......... John, 243........... Ralph, 65.......... R eg in ald, 14 2.,........, Richard son of, 135. Series, John, baron of the port of Romney, 301........... Roger, 152. Serveladi, John, 127. Serveton, David de, 403. Serveton, Henry de, 175. Seterday, William, 507. Sethomes, William, 131. Sevaunt, Robert de, 378. Sevenhampton, Sevehampton [cos. Gloucester and Wilts], 347, 348. Severn, the river, 481. Sewal, Walter, 335. Seward, Richard, 190. Sewardsley, Sewardele, nunnery [par. of Easton Neston, co. Northants], 100. Sewyn, Robert, 424. Sey, Seye, William de, 186, 239. Seymor, Henry de, 152. Seynbiry. See Saintbury. Seynmor, Nicholas de, 489. Seysel, James, 113. Seyton, Alice wife of Richard de, 250,........., Richard de, 233, 250, 350................ knt., 541........... Robert de, justice, 314........... Master Roger de, 97, 131, 248, 252, 350, 437, 463, 497, 518, 567.............s,,justice, 16, 52, 98, 99, 297, 333, 374, 465, 480, 483, 484, 550, 568, 575................., justice in eyre in co. Bedford, 304................ justice in cyre at the Tower of London, 265, 271, 272, 273. Shadde, Walter, 47. Shaf, Juliana daughter of John, 35. Shaftsbury, Shaftesbiry, co. Dorset, 219, 451.......... abbey, 266, 481. Shaftonia, Abraham de, 451.........., Bata wife of Abraham de, 451. Shaldeford, Hamo son of Richard de, 44. Shaleweclive. See Swalloweliff. Shamel, Simon atte, 197. Shamelesford, John de, a monk of Canterbury, 39. Shanketon, Geoffrey de, 45, 242..............., ing's clerk, 178. Shardeford, Roger de, 352. Shardlow, Chardelawe [co. Derby], 111. Shargar, brother Robert, 377. Sharpspere, William, 456. Shawecantewelle, Laurence de, 297. Shebemhale, Robert de, 571. Sheen, Shene [co. Surrey], 520. Sheep, price of, 573. Sheepshead, Shepesheved [co. Leicester], 225. Shefeld, Robert de, 114. Shefold. See Sheffield. Sheffend, Robert de, 341. Sheffield, Shefold, Shelfeld, co. York, 146. Shefford, Shyfford, co, Berks, 475........., West, Westshipford [co. Berks], 123. Sheftington, John de, 136. Sheldon, co. Warwick, 314. Sheldon, Henry de, 314. Shele, Hemericus de, 523. Sheleful, William, 329. Shelfanger, Shelfangre, co. Norfolk, 294. Shelfangre. See Shelfhangre.. Shelfeld. See Sheffield. Shelfhangre, Shelfangre, Walter de, 294............ sheriff of cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, 439, 516............, sheriff of co. Norfolk, 530................ sheriff of co. Suffolk, 544. Shelreton, Robert de, 401. Shelsley Beauchamp, Cheldesleye [co. Worcester], 81. Shelton, Scheiton [co. Stafford], 120. Shelve [co. Salop?], 224. GENERAL INDEX. 723 Shelvestrode, John de, 565................, king's yeoman, 476. Shene. See Sheen. Shenfield, Shenefeld [co. Essex], 577. Shengham, Matthew le, 414. Shepesheved. See Sheepshead. Shepesheved, Robert, 291. Shepperton [co. Middlesex], Halliford, Haleweford, in, 127. Shepway, Shipeweye [par. of Lympne, co. Kent], the king's court of, 195, 301........... Schipwey lathe [co. Kent], 533. Shepwik, Emma wife of Thomas de, 409.........., Thomas de, 409. Sherborne, Shireburn, Shyreburn, co. Dorset, 145, 161, 287, 351, 575.......... abbey [co. Dorset], 351, 575.......... castle, 83................ houses in, 33................, the king's works in, 486. Sherburn [co. York], Lotherton, Lutrington, in, 483.........., Shireburn, wood [co. York], 528. Sherdelowe, Master Robert de, 545. Sherfield, Chirfeud Sbirfeud, [co. Hants], 81, 167..........-upon-Loddon, Schyrefeld [co. Hants], 22. Sherinton, John de, 26. Sherwood, Schirwode, Schyrwod, Shirewod, Shirewode, forest, co. Notts, 13, 30, 164, 277, 290, 300, 402, 447, 455, 463, 464, 468, 477, 494, 514, 517, 538, 539................, oaks in, 30................. keeper of. See Everingham, Adam de. Shete, Margery de, 116........... Richard de, 350. Shetere, Alan le, 374. Shethere, Simon le, 374. Shingay, Senegeye [co. Cambridge], hospital of. 93, 94. Shipeweye. See Shepway. Shipker, Alice daughter of Adam de, 213. Sjhippeton, John de, 508. Ships, 22, 74, 90, 291, 292, 294, 305, 354, 533.........., service of, 19. Shipton-under-Wychwood, Shypton, co. Oxford, 438. Shipton, Robert de, 47. Shipway, Shipeweye. See Shepway. Shirard, Henry, coroner for co. Dorset, 157. Shirbaund, Roger de, 442. Shireburn, 324. 506, 570.......... See Sherborne......... abbey. See Sherborne.......... wood. See Sherburn. Shireburn, Margery wife of Philip de, 550.........., Philip de, 550. I Shireve, Robert le, 28. Shirewod forest. See Sherwood. Shirfeud. See Sherfield. Shirford, Walter de, 423. Shirlak, Walter de, 434. Shirle, 470. Shirley, Shirle [co. Derby], 352, 413........., Yeaveley, Yeveleye, in, 332.........., Shirleye [co. Oxford], 332. Shirleye, Shirle, Shirley, Shyrleye, James de, 352.............., knt., 332........... Nicholas son of Roger de, 47.........., Ralph son of James de, 413, 415. Shirreve, Simon le, 28.......... See also Shureve. Shirreveton. See Shrewton. Shirwood forest. See Sherwood. Shisteley hay, in Cannock forest [co. Stafford], 519. Shobery, Henry de, 465. Shoemaker, Roger the, 195. Sholhye, William de, 512. Shopland, Shopilaund [co. Essex], 368. Shordeford, Walter de, 142. Shoreham, Schorham [co. Sussex], 384. Shorham, Thomas de, 152. Shorn, Henry le, 9. Short, Robert, 212. Shorteford, Schorteford, Shortford, Robert de, 162, 446................ clerk of the works at Windsor castle, 80, 155................, viewer of Henry III.'s works at Windsor castle, 364. Shotbrok. See Shotesbrok. Shotesbrok. See Shottesbrook. Shotesbrok, Shotbrok, Henry de, 106, 206, 356, 524..........,...., sheriff of cos. Oxford alid Berks, 438........... John de, son of Robert de, 463. Shotover, Shotovre, Shottovre, forest [co. Oxford], 296, 476.............., keeper of, 434. And see Mimekan, Philip. Shottesbrook, Shotesbrok [co. Berks], 463. Shottovre. See Shotover. Shotwick [co. Chester], letters close dated at, 475, 477. Shouldham, Shuldeham, priory [co. Norfolk], 57. Shrewsbury, 1l0, 108, 136, 142, 145, 149, 204, 209, 399, 402, 404, 407, 438........... abbey, 24, 117.........., bailiffs and approved men of, 544.........., chancery at, 430.........., church of St. Chad, 297.......... coroners of, 399........., friars preachers of, 544. zz 2 724 GENERAL INDEX, Shrewsbury, the king's forest near, 181, 536............ keeper of. See Hugh, John son of........... letters close dated at, 404-407, 429 -432, 433, 434, 475, 487.........., murage of, 544........., prison at, 213, 221, 274, 278, 364, 365, 402, 407, 433. Shrewton, Shirreveton [co. Wilts], 353. Shudy Camps, Sudicaump [co. Cambridge], 82. Shuldeham priory. See Shouldham. Shureve, Isabella, 28.........See also Shirreve. Shyfford. See Shefford. Shyingham, Baldwin son of John de, 368. Shynewod, Richard, 372. Shyningham, John de, son of Alard de, 408. Shypton. See Shipton-under-Wychwood. Shyreburn. See Sherborrie. Shyrewod, forest. See Sherwood. Shyreleye. See Shirleye, James. Shyston, 412. Sibbertoft, Sibertoft [co. Northants], 84. Sibethorp, William son of William de, 558. Sibyl, Roger son of, de Avenbury, 153,........., W alter son of, 508. Sicily, R. king of, 349. Sig', Roger son of Thomas, 335. Siddington, Sudinton [co. Gloucester], 25. Sidehare, William, 383. Sidenhale. See Sydenhale. Sidening, Moses de, 175. Sidesterne, Geoffrey de, 80. Sidolvesmere, William de, 346. Siena, merchants of, 265. Sifrewast, Sefrewast, Syphrewast, Syfrewast, Syfrowast, Cyfrewast, Ciferwast, Cyfrewath, Cyfrowaste, Nicholas, 56, 58, 110, 113, 123, 125, 131, 251, 252, 253, 256, 357, 426, 570........,......, knt., 251..........., Elizabeth, wife of Richard de, 64........., Margaret de, 64.......... Richard de, 64.................. son of Richard, tenant in chief, 364........., Wyganus de, 64. Silferton. See Silvington. Silhou. See Southoe. Silkok, Thomas, 127. Silsworth, Syvelesworth [par. of Watford, co. Northants], 327, 330, 331. Silva, Richard de, 133. Silver, 188, 527. Silverle, Reginald de, 240. Silverstone, Silveston [co. Northants], 476, 528.......... letters close dated at, 141, 223........... Silviston park [co. Northants], 435. Silvington, Silferton? [co. Salop], 141. Silviston, park. See Silverstone. Simeon, Idonea wife of Robert, 335........... Robert, 335. Simili, William, knt., 559. Simon, Adam son of, de la Cote, 148........... Agnes wife of Herbert son of, 111........... David son of, 329, 330........... Henry son of, de Stonton, 127........ Herbert son of, 111........... Hugh son of, de Haringeworth, 75........... Quenild wife of Hugh son of, de Haringeworth, 75........., Richard son of, de Averham, 231........... Thomas son of, 126..............., de Thundersle, 145, 154.........., Walter son of, de Stonene, 341......... William son of, 571. Simond, John, 271. Simple, John le, 498. Sincle [parish of Minchinhampton, co. Gloucester], 414. Singelton, Alan de, 502........... William, brother of Alan, 502. Singer, Ralph le, 129. Singilton, Robert de, 502. Sinolf, Walter, 71. Sire, John le, 98.........., Richard son of Nicholas le, 452. Sistan, Robert de, 333. Siston, Syston, co. Gloucester, 8, 193. Sitheston. See Syston. Sitheston, Alan de, 395. Sivelesworth, Robert son of Hugh de, 327. Sixhills [co. Lincoln], letters close dated at, 276. Sixpenny Handley [co. Dorset], Gussage, Gissich, St. Andrew in, 481. Skalleby. See Scawby. Skarlet, Simon, 152. Skate Beck, Scaitebek, Sketebek, Skeytebek [near Girrick, parish of Skelton-inCleveland, co. York], 3, 4,40. Skeftington, Geoffrey de, 306. Skeftinton, John de, 236. Skegeton, Robert de, 111. Skelton [co. Bedford], 34........... [co. Cumberland], 132, 134........., Hunthanc, Unthanc, Unthank in, 132, 133.......... [co. York], 39, 249. Skelton-in-Cleveland [co. York], 3, 4, 39, 40, 47......... castle, 3, 39, 40, 46........... forest of, 3, 39........... Aysdale, Asdale in, 3........... Girrick, Grenerig, Grenrugg? in, 3, 39.......... Katereriding, Kate Ridding in, 3........... Lardegate in, 3, 40..........., Karthorn? Larthorn in, 40. GENERAL INDEX. 725 Skelton-in-Cleveland [co. Yorks.], Great Moorsholme, Great Morsom, Great Moresum in, 4, 40.........., Little Moorsholme, Petite Moresum in, 47........... Skate Beck, Scaitebek, Sketebek, Skeytebek in, 3, 4, 40........... Stangho, Stanghow in, 3, 39........... Swinedale, Swyndale in, 4.........., Westwik in, 3. Skelton, Avice de, 134. Skerningg', Thomas de, 346. Sket, Henry, 416. Sketebek, Skeytebek. See Skate Beck. Skicladde, John, 161. Skidbrooke, Skildbrok, co. Lincoln, 481. Skilling, John, 73. Skiningrove, Skinergreve, Skyiegrive, Skynergrive, Skyneregreve, Skynnergreve [parish of Brotton, co. York], 4, 40,46. Skinner, Joan daughter of Robert le, 309. Skinnestre, Agnes the, 127. Skipton-in-Craven, Skipton-in-Cravene, castle [co. York], 300. Skirnyng, Roger, bishop of Norwich, 31, 217, 414, 416, 456. Skokholm, Scugholm, Stokholm, island [par. of Dale, co. Pembroke], 193, 266......... keeper of. See Martin, Nicholas son of. Skyneregreve, Skyiegrive, Skynnergreve. See Skiningrove. Skyres, John son of John de, 405. Slapton, Stephen de, 131, 350. Slaughter, Sloghtre, co. Gloucester, 301........, Slouhtre, liberty of, co. Gloucester, 398, 569. Slaughterford, Schlachtreford, co. Wilts, 380. Sleaford, Lafford [co. Lincoln], 231. Sleth, William, 79. Slindon, Slyndon [co. Sussex], 23, 34, 265, 515. Sloghtre. See Slaughter. Sloley Hill, Sloleye [par. of Arley], co. Warwick, 139. Slottesford, Richard de, 337. Slough, Henry de la, 110. Slouhtre. See Slaughter. Slyndon. See Slindon. Smach, Hugh, 179. Smalbueric, Alan, 129. Smale, William le, 449, 479. Smaleberg, Smaleberwe, Odo de, 83, 146. Smalebrok, John de, 231. Smallwood, Smalewod [co. Chester], 234. Smalthorn, William de, 61. Smart, William, 372. Smech, Roger, 261. Smeeth, Smeth [co. Kent], 16. Smerdale, Guy de, 381. I Smeth. See Smeeth. Smethcott, Smethecote, co. Salop, 294. Smethecote. See Smethcott. Smethecote, Philip de, 294. Smite, Walter, 29. Smith, Adam the, 134.........., Geoffrey the, 329................. son of the, 330......, Helewysa wife of the, and Thomas her son, 135.........., John son of the, 331.........., Patrick son of the, 19.........., Ralph the, 303, 331........... Robert the, 95.........., Thomas son of the, 135, 328.........., William the, 27, 133. And see Faber. Smythefeld. See London, Smithfield. Snaith [co. York], Carlton, Carleton-inBalne in, Karleton-in-Baune in, 4, 40. Snappe, William, 273. Snaw, Alexander, 492. Snel, John, 507.........., William, 247. Snelland, Snelleslund [co. Lincoln], 508. Snelleston. See Snelston. Snelman, Richard, 220. Snelston, Snelleston, co. Derby, 572. Snetterton, Snytreton [co. Norfolk], 215. Sneyton, John de, 572..........., Walter de, 572. Snodilond, Nicholas de, 9. Snok, Geoffrey, 553. Snorscomb, Snokescumb ' [par. of Great Everdon, co. Northants], 408. Snotte, Alice daughter of Peter, 570. Snowe, Adam, 164.........., Alice wife of Adam, 164. Snyterton, Christiana wife of Richard de, tenant in chief, 181. Snytreton. See Snetterton. Soar, Sore river [co. Leicester], 77, 78. Sobbere, William, 62. Sobbiry, Little. See Sodbury. Sobiry, Henry de, 350. Sockebiry, Ralph de, 162. Sodbury, Little, Little Sobbiry, co. Gloucester, 468. Sodinton, Sudington, Sothington, Soynton, Master Thomas de, 42, 45, 406................. justice in eyre in cos. Cumberland, Westmorland and Northumberland, 504........................ in co. York, 545. Soham, Saham [co. Cambridge], 545. Sokenesse, Agnes wife of Laurence de, 14.........., Laurence de, 14. Solar', Sir Henry de, 569. Soley, Robert de, 76. Solihull, Solihulle [co. Warwick], 127. 726 GENERAL INDEX. Solomon, Jospinus son of, de Marleberg, a Jew, 157......... Sampson son of, a Jew of Standon, 213......,..., Solomon, son of, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Somborne (Kings), Sunburn [co. Hants], 117. Somenur, Semoner, David le, 314........., John le, 45.........., Robert le, 228, 260........... William le, 420, 427. Somer, Henry de, 131........... John, the king's approver, 161........., R alp h, 2 2 4. Somerby [co. Lincoln], 511.........., Sumewardeby [co. Lincoln?], 65. Somerby, Hugh de, 558. Somerfeld, 408. Somerham. See Chirchesomerham. Somerset, county of, 44, 58, 69, 112, 125,131, 206, 232, 235, 240, 248, 251, 252, 262, 289, 337, 343, 346, 351, 357, 381, 382, 410, 412, 425, 426, 431, 489, 490, 502, 512, 545, 560, 573, 575, 580................. assizes in, 135................. county court of, 460..............., county court to be held at Somerton instead of Ilchester, 460................., escheator in, 221, 270.......,...,.. forests in, 560..............., ju s tic e s in, 5 2................. sheriff of, 22, 33, 68, 71, 80, 86, 106, 118, 141, 160, 163, 166, 203, 213, 262, 266, 270, 278, 295, 305, 308, 309, 316, 354, 363, 365, 383, 400, 406, 423, 434, 450, 456, 460, 519, 547, 560, 575. And see Asshton, Stephen de; Coleshull, Richard de........................ escheator in, 270, 278, 295, 316, 383................ sub-escheator in. See Radinton, Robert de............, taxation in, 262. Somersete, John de, 377, 451, 510. Somerton [co. Lincoln], 558.........., co. N orfolk, 205.......... co. Somerset, 451, 460. Somerton, Geoffrey de, 558. Somervill, Robert de, 56. Somery, Sumery, Amabilia, Amabilla, Anabel, wife of Roger de, tenant in chief, 30, 36, 66, 136, 516.........., Ela de, wife of David de Effinton, 84.........., Henry de, 52, 104, 401................ knt, 251.........., Matilda daughter of Reginald de, 57.........., Nicholaa, Nicholea, wife of Roger do, 57, 75, 76..........., Roger de, tenant in chief, 30, 38, 66, 72, 75, 76, 83, 146, 214, 289, 515. Somery, Roger de, son of Roger de, tenant in chief, 72, 398. Someter, William le, 411. Somonor, Henry le, 161. Somter, Richard le, 156. Sonburn. See Sambourne. Sondbache, Richard de, 427. Sonde, John atte, 62. Soneth, William, 9. Songham, James de, 44. Soninghall, John de, 229. Sonning [co. Berks], Earley, Erleg in, 268. Soper, Mary le, 311. Sor, Robert le, citizen of London, 25. Sore. See Soar. Sothil, John de, 559. Sothington. See Sodington. Sotinton, 403. Souche. See Zousche. Soudan, Stephen, tenant in chief of St. Augustine's abbey, Canterbury, 8. Southampton [co. Hants], 22, 90, 93, 145, 249, 259, 265, 266, 365, 432, 439, 474, 496, 528, 542........... bailiffs of, 22, 125, 275, 495........... the new aid in, collectors of, 33........... jewry of, chest of the chirographers of, 352....,...... Jews of, 259.........., keeper of, 145, 148, 149. And see Wintonia, Adam de.........., the king's chapel at, 145..........., letters close dated at, 22.......... mayor and bailiffs of, 22, 307.........., priory of St. Denis, 127.........., takers of the king's wines at, 145, 148, 293, 310, 384........... trespasses of wool at, 266. Southampton, county of, 8, 47, 51, 100, 106, 109, 113, )23, 206, 236, 238, 249, 250, 251, 269, 326, 340, 351, 352, 359, 421, 426, 436, 478, 480, 489, 495, 497, 524, 525, 554, 559, 560, 579................, ssizes in, 135..........,...., justices in, 52............,.... justices in eyre in, 99, 452.........,...... forest pleas in, 391, 582, 583. c.............. pleas of lands in, 151................. sheriff of, 7, 10, 18, 22, 26, 63, 72, 82, 92, 102, 103, 105, 128,144, 145, 148, 153, 157, 160, 161, 163, 164, 171, 203, 205, 207, 209, 212, 213, 220, 259, 264, 269, 287, 293, 309, 313, 314, 351, 378, 384, 390, 391, 417, 423, 432, 443, 446, 467, 470, 494, 496, 525, 528, 535, 539, 542, 543, 582. And see Brayboef, William de......................, escheator in, 313. Southburn, Suthbroun, Suthbrunne [co. York], 4, 40. Southoe, Silhou, Suhoe [co. Huntingdon], 225. GENERAL INDEX. '27 Southorpe, Suthorp [par. of Barnack], co. Northants, 248.......... [co. Lincoln], 571, 572. Southwark, Suthewerk, Suthwerk [co. Surrey], 25, 156.........., bailiwick of, 406. Southwell, Suwell [co. Notts], 23, 231. Southwick, Suthewick [co. Northants], 112.........., Suthwick, priory [co. Rants], 355. Sowe [co. Warwick], 139. Soynton. See Sodinton. Spademan, Thomas, 9, 59. Spakeman, Richard, 271. Spalding [co. Lincoln], 467.......... priory, 118...............,. William prior of, 336................. John de Spalding prior of, 336. Spalding, John de, justice, 336. Spaldington, Alice wife of William de, 335.........., William de, 335. Spannia. See Hispannia. Sparewater, Ralph, 361. Sparwe, Sparue, Adam, 524. Sparwe, Sparue, William, 423, 494, 524. Spark, John, 75. Sparsholt, Speresholt [co. Hants], 12. Spauling, William de, 131. Specer, William le, 438.......... See also Especer. Spechel, Thomas, 272. Specheslegh, Spechesleye, Richard de, 295, 353. Speen, Wodespene [co. Berks], 190........... Speenhamland, Spenehamelond, Spenhamlond [in Newbury, co. Berks], 190, 191, 310..........., Great and Little Spenes [co. Berks], 561, 562, 564. Spelhow, Spelhoe, hundred, co. Northants, 155. Spendelove, William, 27, 28. Spenehamelond. See Speen. Spenes, Great and Little. See Speen. Spenhamlond. See Speen. Speresholt. See Sparsholt. Spersholt, Speresholt, Speresholte, William de, 112, 117, 237. Sperhavek, Richard, 78. Sperling, William, 134. Spichteshal, John de, 416. Spigurnel. See Espigornel. Spikenor, 582. Spileman, Ela wife of William, 550.......... Robert, 269........., William, 251, 550................. justice, 273...........,... knt., 352. Spiring, Adam, 195........., John, 195. Spitty, Spitti, Edward, 494, 499. Spondone, Gilbert de, 450. Sponere, Alan le, 159. Sporum, Benedict, 477. Spot, Robert, 113. Sprat, William, 79. Spray, Robert, 195. Spreingald, Robert, 80.......... See also Springald, Springold. Spreingehose, Sprengehose, Sprenchehose, Springehoese, Springehose,Springehuse, John, 411..........., Ralph, 491, 581.........., Roger, knt., 251, 430............... bailiff of the king's manor of Stratton, 282. Spret, Sprete, Robert, 117, 553. Spretele. See Sproatley. Spriggy, William, 416. Spring, William, 428. Springald, Hugh, 293........... John, 293........... Richard, 293.......... See also Spreingald, Springold. Springehose, Springehoese. See Spreingehose. Springfield, Springfeld, [co. Essex], 420, 422. Springold, Bartholomew, 53........... Robert, 53......... See also Spreingald, Springald. Sproatley, Spretele, Sprottele [co. York], 166, 169. Sprot, Henry, son of Walter, 160. Sproteman, Robert, 160. Sprottele. See Sproatley. Sproughton, Sprouton, co. Suffolk, 416. Sprouton, Robert de, 44. Sproxton [co. Leicester], 208. Spurnewater, Augustine, 98. Spurun, Robert, 450........... Simon brother of Robert, 450. Spyr Thomas, 272. Squeler, Geoffrey le, the king's serjeant of Windsor castle, 19........... Henry le, the king's serjeant, 447. Srewinghop lathe. See Scray. Stace, John, 273.........., Richard, 423. Stachel, William, 152. Stacy, William, 409. Stadebrok, John de, 27. Staf, John, 317. Staffield, Stafford, Stoffold [par. of Kirkoswald, co. Cumberland], 133, Stafford, archdeacon of. See Kirkeby, John de. Stafford gaol, 16........... Jews of, 102........... priory of St. Thomas without, 117, 119, 211. Stafford, county of, 8, 23, 39, 51, 52, 135, 206, 234, 235, 247, 251, 259, 289, 357, 358, 417, 427, 428, 433, 489, 512. 728 GENERAL INDEX. Stafford, county of, community of, 433............... coroners of, 209, 400................, forest of, 81................ justices in, 52................ justices in eyre in, 6, 236, 400...o..............posse comnitatus of, 18............., the king's garrison in, captain of. See Mortuo Mari, Roger de............., sheriff of, 6,17, 22, 81, 145, 194, 208, 211, 212, 216, 220, 222, 241, 272, 275, 280, 290, 317, 318, 320, 387, 400, 402, 426, 433, 434, 436, 437, 474, 478, 516. And see Knovill, Bogo de; Lestrange, Hamo; Mortuo Mari, Ralph de................... escheator in, 275, 290..........,. sub-escheator in, 12. Stafford, Alda wife of William de, 572.........., Clement de, 23........... Nicholas de, baron of Stafford, 489........... William de, 572. Staggard, William, 275. Stagge, William, 553. Stagno, Thomas de, 53. Staindrop, Stayndrop [co. Durham], 120. Staines, Stanes, co. Middlesex, 243, 527.......... priory, 117. Stainsby, Steynesby [co. Lincoln?], 214. Stainton, Steynton [co. York], 283, 338........... by-Langworth [co. Lincoln], 508. Stak, Walter, 10. Stalier, John le, 498. Stalke, William de, 175. Stallingburg, William de, 417. Stalpin, John, 66. Stalun, Robert, 36.........., Thomas, 575. Stambridge, Great, Stanebrigge [co. Essex], 465........... Little, Little Stanbrigg [co. Essex], 168. Stamford, Stanford, co. Devon, 478........... Stanford, Stanfford [cos. Lincoln and Northampton], 19, 46, 63, 223, 278, 280, 335, 541.........., bridge of, 19, 107, 140, 165, 212, 220, 259, 372......... castle, 303, 335................ constable of. See Stanburn, Philip de........... church of St. George, Philip parson of, 335.........., constable and bailiffs of, 63.......... fair at, 502........... friars minors of, brother Baldwin Gubaud, warden of, 335.........., friars preachers of, 211..........., Jewry of, 263......... Jews of, 297, 303, 461........., p rio ry o f S t. L e o n a rd, 6 2........., priory of St. Thomas without, brother N. prior of, 323. Stamfordham, Stanfordeham, co. Northumberland, 70. Stampes, John de, 300. Stanbrigg, Little. See Stambridge. Stanburgh, Simon de, chaplain, 113. Stanburn, Philip de, constable of Stamford castle, 303. Standen [par. of Chute, co. Wilts], 153. Standon, Staundon [co. Herts?], 213. Standon, Robert de, knt. 321. Standover, Robert de, 52. Standover, Thomas de, 52. Stane, Christiana wife of Peter de, 131.........., Peter de, 131. Stanebrigge. See Stambridge. Stanern. See Stanion. Stanerne, William son of Ralph de, 212. Stanes. See Staines.......... priory. See Stone. Stanes, Hawisia wife of Richard de, 385........... John de, 457.......... R. de, 42........... Master Richard de, 237, 385............, justice, 18, 52........... Thomas de, 557. Stanfford. See Stamford. Stanford [co. Essex], 577, 578........... See Stamford. Stanford-on-Soar [co. Notts], 224, 266. Stanford, Joan de, 224.........., Felicia de, 224. Stanfordeham. See Stamfordham. Stanghow, Stangho, Stanghou [parish lof Skelton-in-Cleveland, co. York], 3,'4, 39, 46. Stangrund, Reginald de, 367. Stanham, Stephen de, 309. Stanhard, Geoffrey, 416. Stanihurst, Roger de, 108. Stanion, Stanern [co. Northants], 212. Stanle, John de, 276.........., Vincent de, 211. Stanley, Stanleye, abbey, co. Wilts, 338. Stanleye abbey. See Stoneleigh. Stanleye, Roger de, 11. Stanmere, Fulk de, 71. Stanmore, Stanmere, Great [co. Middlesex], 224. Stanou, William de, knt., 415. Stanstede, 53. Stanstede, William de, 248. Stanton, Staundon [co. Hereford], 60.......... [co. Suffolk], 231. Stanton, John, 110.........., Robert de, 401. Stanworthin, William de, 294. Stapelbrugg, Jordan de, 174. Stapelford, [in Clophill, co. Bedford], 27, 28. Stapelford, Hugh de, 263, 426, 524. Stapelton. See Stapleton. GENERAL INDEX. 729 Stapelton, Ingeram de, 74........., Nicholas de, 114, 143, 154, 263, 289, 505, 513.................. constable of Tickhill castle, 464...............,, justice of the King's Bench, 503, 580................. justice in eyre in co. Worcester, 219........... Philip de, 580.........., Thomas de, 353, 563, 579........... William de, knt., 430, 581. Staple, Stapel park [co. Somerset], 309. Stapleton, Stapelton [co. Gloucester], 324.........., Stepelton, co. Salop, 294. Stark, Walter, 558. Starre, William, 553. Stary, John, 224. Stathe, Swetiva, of the, 98. Staughton, Stocton, Stokton [co. Huntingdon], 92.......... [co. Bedford], 160. Staundon, 230........... See Standon; Stanton; Staunton. Staundon, Alexander de, 117.......... brother Alexander de, 43........... John de, 227.......... Nigel de, 352........... Orabilla wife of William de, 6, 42.........., William de, 6..............., a monk of King's Beaulieu, 341. Staunford. See Stamford. Staunford, Abraham le Gendre Aron de, 106.........., Batemannus de, a Jew, 166.........., Isabella wife of Richard de, 231........... Richard de, clerk, 121, 262............., citizen of London, 316........... Sampson son of Master Miles de, 201. Staunton, Staundon [co. Hereford], 51.......... [co. Notts?], 335. Staunton, Preciosa de, 76. Staure, John de, 397. Stavelley, John de, 57. Staverton [co. Gloucester], 107. Stayndrop. See Staindrop. Stedeman, John, 421............... le, the king's groom, 466. Steeple Morden, Mordun, Steplemordun [co. Cambridge], 95.........., Ashwell Street, Allewellstrate, Aswellestrate in, 95. Steilard, William, 273. Steiton, John de, 339. Stepel Lavington. See Lavington. Stepelton. See Stapleton. Stepelton, Robert de, 294, 430. Stephen, Alan son of, 358. I Stephen, John son of, de Rome, 26.......... Jordan son of, 105........... Payn son of William son of, 127........... Richard son of, 75, 77, 78, 558.........., Robert son of, 42..........., Stephen son of, de Cheyndut, 464........... Thomas son of, 134, 209........... Walter son of, 79. Steplemordun. See Sleeple Morden. Stepney, Stibenhetbe [co. Middlesex], 165. Ster, Robert, 74. Steresman, Walter, bailiff of Shaftesbury, 451. Sterkelande, 411. Sterre, Amicia, 94........... Richard, 260........... Robert son of Richard, 260. Stert, Sterte [par. of Babcary, co. Somerset], 435.........., serjeanty of, 435. Sterte, John de la, 174. Sterwawh, John, 79. Stesterband, Geoffrey, 111. Stevecheworth, William de, 545. Stevene, William, 35. Steventon, Stiventon, Geoffrey parson of the church of, 570. Steward, the king's. See Holebrok, Richard de; Normanvill, Thomas de; Oto, Hugh son of; Sandwico, Ralph de. Stewkley, Stivecle [co. Bucks], 323.........., Littlecote, Lutlecote in, 323..........., Stivekley, Great [co. Bucks], 228. Steynesby. See Stainsby. Steyngreve, Staynegreve, Steyngrive, John de, 154, 467, 472.........., Ida wife of John de, 467, 472........... William de, 154. Steynley, Robert de, 335. Steynton. See Stainton. Steynton, John de, 127.........., William de, 150................. king's clerk, 366. Stibenhethe. See Stepney. Stibyry, Little, 131. Stichebrok [co. Stafford], 334. Stichele, John de, 64........... Walter de, 64. Stichill, Robert of, bishop of Durham, 97. Stile, Walter atte, 247. Stipler, Adam, 404. Stircheleg, W. de, 263. Stirtegedy, Robert, 74. Stivecle, Stivekley. See Stewkley. Stiventon. See Steventon. Stiveton, James de, 116. Stobbrigg, Richard de, 105. Stoch, Henry del, 541. Stock, price of, 573. Stockeleye, Adam de, 286......... Geoffrey son of, de Wymundewold, 572. 730 GENERAL INDEX, Stockeporte, Richard de, 325........... William de, 325. Stockwood, Stock St. Edwald, co. Dorset, 115. Stocton. See Staughton. Stoctone. See Stoughton. Stoctone [co. Essex], 420, 422. Stodham, Philip de, 73. Stodlaunde. See Studland. Stodleye [parish of Danbury, co. Essex], 82. Stodley priory. See Studley. Stoffold. See Staffield. Stoford, Stotford [par. of Barwick], co. Somerset, 115. Stogumber [co. Somerset], Carslake, Karslake? in, 126. Stogursey, Stokecurcy [co. Somerset], 88, 107....... castle and manor of, 472......... Wick, Wik in, 88.......... priory, 88. Stok. See Stoke. Stok, Henry de, 567.........., John son of Paulinus de, 558........... L u k e d e, 1 75...... Peter de, 73........... Sir Robert de, 227....,,,,, Thomas de, 251......... Walter de, 69.........., William de, 263. Stokbrig, Richard de, 72, 73. Stoke, Stok, 125, 376, 417........... Stok [co. Notts], 367......... [co.York?], 113.........., Stok wood in Salcey forest [co. Northants], 364........... Stokes, co. Sussex, 569.......... Albany, Stok Daubeny [co. Northants], 223......... Daubeney. See Stoke Albany........, East, Stok near Newark [co. Notts], 558.......... Hammond, Stokehamund, co. Bucks, 350......... near Newark. See Stoke East.......... St. Edwald. See Stockwood. Stoke, Henry de, 112. Stokecurcy. See Stogursey. Stokeporte, Ellen de, 325. Stokes. See Stoke. Stokes, Joel de, 463.,......., John son of Paulinus de, 553.........,. Roger de, 352.,........, Thomas de, 409.........., William de, 127, 175........... See also Estokes. Stokesay, Suthstoke [co. Salop], 322. Stokestre, 550. Stokholm. See Skokholm. Stokton. See Staughton. Stokton, Hugh de, and Katherine his sister, 293.........., Roger de, 409.........., Thomas de, 553. Stone, Stanes, priory [co. Stafford], 51.......... Cross [near St. Mary-le-Strand], co. Middlesex, 567. Stoneham, Stonhamme [co. Hants], 226 Stoneleigh, Stanleye, abbey [co. Warwick], 48, 49, 109................, manor of, 49........... the abbot of Stoneleigh's, woods in, 48, 49. Stonene, Walter son of Simon de, 341. Stonesbrok, Thomas de, 532. Stonhamme. See Stoneham. Stonherse, Hugh de, 162. Stonistratford. See Stony Stratford. Stonton, Henry son of Simon de, 127. Stony Stratford, Stonistratford, co. Bucks, 149, 156, 183, 291. Stopham, Robert de, knt., 113. Storie, Walter, 407. Storketon. See Storrington. Storrington, Storketon, co. Sussex, 336. Storteford. See Bishop Stortford. Stotevill. See Stutevill. Stotford. See Stoford. Stottesden, Stottesdon [co; Salop], 334. Stoughton, Stocton, co. Leicester, 291........., Stocton, co. Sussex, 569. Stout, Henry le, 400. Stowe [co. Bucks], Lamport, Langeport in, 350.......... [co. Essex], Witenham in, 82.......... [co. Norfolk], 374. Stowe, Hugh de, 64.........., Thomas del, 508........... William de, 11. Strafford. See Stratford. Strangerwath, Adam de, 371.......... William de, 371. Strapeston. See Thrapston. Strata, Robert de, 95. Stratdeleye. See Ystrad-Yw. Stratfield, Stratfeud, priory [co. Hants], 179. Stratford [co. Bucks], 283.......... E. ssex], 146.,......... abbey of St. Mary [co. Essex], 8, 122, 140, 172, 173, 258, 271, 320, 341........... Old [co. Warwick], Drayton in, 65, 102.........,......, Luddington, Lodynton, Ludinton in, 65, 103.......)......, Wilmcote, Wilmundecot in, 65, 103........... See Stony Stratford. Stratford, Henry de, clerk, 161.,........, Richard son of Hugh de, 156. Stratheden. See Stratton. GENERAL INDEX. 731 Stratton, Stratheden [par. of Biggleswade], co. Bedford, 477........... co. ants, 164.......... [co. Norfolk], 99.......... Long, co Norfolk, 158........... co. Salop, 282.........., the king's wood of, 291.......... See Stretton. Stratton, Adam de, 56, 114, 237..............., rector of the church of Bromfeld, 515........... Richard de, 226........... William de, knt., 351. And see Stretton. Strattondale. See Church Stretton. Strecche, Ralph, 434. Streche Benetleye, Adam de, 50. Streide, Stephen de, 431. Strensal, William de, 353. Stretton, Stratton, co. Rutland, wood of, 479.......... Stratton [co. Salop], 210........... the king's fishpond of, 210.......... See Church Stretton; Sturton. Stretton, Adam de, keeper of the king's works at Westminster, 34........... Richard de, 577.........., William de, 282. And see Stratton. Strettonedale, [near Church Stretton], co. Salop, the king's fishpond of, 145. Streyt in Bamburg, Stephen de, 576. Strigoyl. See Chepstow. Strippling, William son of Alexander de, 452. Strixton [co. Northants], 556. Strocetorteys, John, 209. Strop, Thomas, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482. Strugoyl. See Chepstow. Struther, Ireland, 154. Stubbescales, Adam son of Thomas de, 121........... Alice daughter of William, 121. Stubbington, Stubinton [par. of Crofton, co. Hants], 355. Stuce, Adam, 160. Studland, Stodlaunde, co. Dorset, 69. Studley, Stodley, priory [par. of Beckley, co. Oxford], 448......... priory, co. Warwick, 295. Stuffin, Alan, 455. Sturcul, co. Dorset, 281. Sturdy, Geoffrey, 523. Stureye, Agnes, 399. Sturminster, Sturmynistre [co. Dorset], 557. Sturmy, Andrew, 129.........., Robert, 507. Sturmynistre. See Starminster. Sturnel, William, merchant, 74. Sturnell, Matilda, 76. Sturthuppe, William, 85. Sturton? Stretton, [co. Lincoln], 63..........,Stretton, co. Nottt, 500, 576. Sturtun, Esturton, Juliana wife of Walter de, 421.......... Walter de, 421, 565. Stuttefeld, John de, 36........, Richard de, 36. Stutevill, Stotevill, Robert de, son of John de, 147, 149. Stuteville, Joan de, 281. Styvecle, Robert de, 240. Suafham, Henry de, 71. Subbyry. See Sudbury. Sudborough, Suthburg [co. Northants], 212. Sudbrook, Suthebrok in Netherwent [par. of Portskewet, co. Monmouth], 428. Sudbury, Subbyry, Sutbury [cos. Essex and Suffolk], 63, 153.........., bailiffs of, 63.......... jewry of, 263.......... Jews of, 153. Sudbury, Bartholomew de, 511. Sudicaump. See Shudy Camps. Sudington. See Sodinton. Sudinton. See Siddington. Sudleye. See Suthlegh. Suerie, Thomas de la, 343. Suffolch', John son of John de, 110. Suffolchia, Osbert de, 492........... R e g i n a l d d e, c i t i z e n o f L o n d o n, 1 1 0, 384. Suffolk, county of, ]2, 13, 32, 45, 53, 113, 131, 166, 205, 226, 229, 232, 233, 236, 238, 239, 242, 250, 259, 291, 302, 343, 345, 350, 354, 356, 358, 412, 414, 416, 422, 429, 439, 459, 488, 491, 497, 519, 524, 538, 544, 559, 561, 568, 573, 575, 579, 580, 581, 583..........,....... assizes in, 136............, justices in, 52................,, sheriff of, 13, 15, 19, 21,22, 26, 32, 60, 61, 63, 69, 73,80, 85, 96, 97, 123, 137, 138, 170, 172, 201, 219, 300, 308, 376, 388, 423, 439, 444, 451, 457, 459, 516, 544, 576. And see Coleville, Roger de; Giffard, William; Grauncourt, Walter de; Shelfhangre, Walter de; Swyneford, William de........,............, escheator in, 219.........,...... sub-escheator in, 15. Suffolkia, Ralph de, 51. Suhche. See Zousch. Suipeston, Robert de, coroner for co. Leicester, 272. Sulley, Suleye. See Suthlegh. Sulny, Geoffrey de, 182. Sulthorn, Robert de, 145........... Matilda wife of Robert de, 145. Suly, Mabel wife of Walter de, 78.........., Walter de, 78. Sumburn. See Somborne (Kings). Sumersham, Nicholas de, 571. Sumery. See Somery. Sumewardeby. See Somerby. 732 GENERAL INDEX. Sunbury [co. Middlesex], Halliford, Haleweford in, 127.........., Kempton, Kenyton in, 446. Sunderland, Sundredelaund [co. Lancaster], 389. Sundi, Richard, 351. Sundredelaund. See Sunderland. Surdeford, Walter de, 153. Surdeval, Walter de, 428. Surgeon, the king's. See Beuveys, Simon de; Eboraco, William de. Surrey, county of, 14, 49, 58, 62, 105, 123, 162, 206, 236, 251, 257, 264, 340, 358, 367, 384, 412, 497, 524, 546, 567, 568, 573, 574, 575, 579.........,......, assizes in, 136................ coroners of, 367.!............... justices in, 52............... justices in eyre in, 540............., pleas of the crown, assizes, and juries in, roll of, 575.................. sheriff of, 7, 12, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25, 60, 62, 68, 69, 71, 148, 156, 161, 307, 365, 367, 369, 384, 406, 435, 445, 449, 459, 520, 522, 526, 540, 546.........,..., taxation in, 264. Surrey, earl of. See Warenna, John de. Surrigien, Master Robert le, 582. Sussex, county of, 23, 52, 56, 109, 120, 123, 206, 233, 237, 251, 289, 324, 341, 349, 350, 354, 355, 358, 412, 416, 479, 489, 500, 524, 554, 560, 564, 573, 579, 580, 581..........,...... assizes in, 136................, escheator in, 2 68, 269................, justices in, 52..............., justices in eyre in, 58, 532, 543................, Master Roger, justice in eyre in, 58..............., rolls of assizes, juries and recognisances and pleas of the crown of, 568................, sheriff of, 14, 16, 20, 22, 64, 68, 71, 116, 157, 159, 268, 269, 278, 279, 291, 312, 362, 372, 421, 435, 457, 458, 470, 475, 479, 480, 525, 526, 535, 564, 568. And see Wanton, John de.........,........., escheator in, 268, 269, 278, 279.............. keeper of the forest and park of Arundel, 291, 525, 526. Sutbury. See Sudbury. Sutehirch. See Suthchirch. Suterton, Robert de, 195. Suthayk. See Sutheyk. Suthbroun, Suthbrunne, Suthbrunnum. See Southburn. Suthburg. See Sudborough. Suthchirch, Richard de, Sutchirch, 87, 526. Suthclenwartun. See Clenchwarton. Suthcote, Roger de, 259. Suthcotes, Roger son of Roger de, 253. Suthebrok in Netherwent. See Sudbrook. Suthebrok, Simon de, 428. Suthewerk. See Southwark. Suthewik. See Southwick. Sutheyk, Sutheyc, Suthayk, Patrick de, 132, 135, 196. Suthlegh, Suthleg, Suthleye, Sudleye, Sulley, Suleye, Bartholomew de, 235, 251, 360, 422, 440, 476, 505, 552, 566....,........, justice for the Jews, 522.................. justice for pleas of trespass of money, 529, 530..........,......, knt., 497, 498, 499. Suthorp. See Southorpe. Suthorp, Geoffrey de, knt., 248. Suthperette, John de, 174. Suthstoke. See Stokesay. Suthtorp, Geoffrey de, 233. Suthwalde, William de, 65. Suthwerk. See Southwark. Suthwik. See Southwick. Suthwodeford. See Woodford. Sutton, 119, 231........... co. Bedford, 167.........., co. Dorset, 47......... [co. Hereford], 61.........., Suttone, lathe [co. Kent], 533........., co. Northants, 306.......... (Basset), Suttune [co. Northants], 411.......... (Bonington), co. Notts, 266.......... Maddock, Maddok, co. Salop, 311................... Brockton in, 521........... co. York, prison at, 275.......... Stainclif, prison at, 397. Sutton, Joan wife of Robert de, tenant in chief, 59, 178.......... John de, sacristan of Westminster, 43........... Master Oliver de, dean of Lincoln, 414, 497.........., Robert de, 96, 231........... Serlo de, 67. Suttune. See Sutton Basset. Suur, Adam le, 101..........., David le, 72, 105.........., Robert le, 324.........., William le, 160. Suwell. See Southwell. Suwell, Thomas son of Avicia de, 231. Suyllington, Sir Robert de, clerk, 541. Sveting, John, 553. Swafeld. See Swafield. Swaffham, Swaffam, co. Norfolk, 150. Swafield, Swafeld, Swofeld [co. Norfolk], 246. Swain. See Sweyn. Swaleclithe. See Swallowcliffe. Swallowcliffe, Shaleweclive, Swaleclithe, co. Wilts, 273, 296. Swan, Adam son of William, 208. GENERAL INDEX. 733 Swan, John son of Ranulph, 208, 211.........., Richard, 558........... son of Ralph, 208................ son of Ranulph, 208................ son of Roger, 208........... Robert son of Ranulph, 208.......... Roger, 208. Swanbach, Swanebache [par. of Audlem, co. Chester], 234. Swanecote, William de, 425. Swanesch. See Swanscombe. Swaneton. See Swanton. Swaneton, Thomas de, 582. Swans, 323.........., the king's 263. Swanscombe, Swanesch, co. Kent, liberty of, 518. Swanton, Swaneton [co. Norfolk], 99. Swart, Roger, 507. Swayn. See Sweyn. Swayp, William, 335. Swele, Nicholas, 325. Swell [co. Gloucester], letters close dated at, 353. Swell, Ivo de la, 410. Swendon, Thomas de, 507. Swethop, Walter de, 242.........., William de, 242. Swetinbedde, Alan, 179. Sweting, Ralph, 208. Swetman, Elias, 116.......... Swetmannus, son of Licoricia, a Jew, 386................ the king's Jew, of Winchester, 260. Swette, William, 367.........., Swain, Swayn, John, 208................ brother of John, 208. Sweyn, Nicholas, 211.........., Richard son of, 245........... Richard and John, sons of Nicholas, 211........... Robert, 175..........., William son of, 150, 158. Swimbourne, John de, 524. Swindal. See Swinedale. Swindon [co. Wilts.], 54........... Wilts], Almton and Broome, Brome in, 380. Swineburn, Swyneburn, John de, 356, 490............., sheriff of co. Cumberland, 540. Swinedale, Swindal, Swyndale [near Great Moorsholme, parish of Skelton-inCleveland, co. York], 4, 40. Swineford. See Swyneford. Swineshead, Swinesheved, abbey [co. Lincoln], 307. Swinuerton, John de, 120. Swofeld. See Swafield. Swofeld, Margaret de, 246. Swon, Hugh son of William le, 428. Swyndale. See Swinedale. Swyne, John de, 415. Swynebrok, Robert de, 510. Swyneburn. See Swinburn. Swyneford. See Kingswinford. Swyneford, Swineford, Isabella wife of Robert de, 138........, John de, 84, 167.........,....., justice of market pleas, 69, 90, 118........... Margery de, 516............... wife of William de, 451........., Silvester de, 240.......... W i l l i a m d e, s h e r i ff o f c o s. N o r f o l k and Suffolk, 451, 516. Swyneshey [co. Northants], 476. Sydenhale, Sidenhale, William de, 364, 365. Syer, Richard le, 129. Syfrewast, Syfrowast. See Sifrewast. Synay, John, 498. Synnaneston, John de, 308. Syphrewast. See Sifrewast. Syston, Sitheston, co. Leicester, 394.......... See Siston. Syvelesworth. See Silsworth. Syvelesworth, Alexander son of Alexander de, 328..........., Robert son of Hugh de, 328, 331. Syward, Richard, 429. Szuch. See Zousch. T. Taberur, Peter le, 512, 563. Taburner, Peter le, 403. Tackele, William de, 469. Taddington, Tadinton [co. Derby], 315, 318, 523. Tadeworth, Alexander de, 450. Tadinton. See Taddington. Tadlington. See Talton. Tadlow, Thadelawe [co. Cambridge], 94. Taillard, Taylard, Tayllard, Edith wife of Thomas, 465, 497.......... Ralph, 227........... Thomas, 497.........., William, 223. Taillur, Tailor, Tailliur, Tayllur, Adam le, 311.........., Alice wife of Robert le, 321........... Ellen wife of Hugh le, the king's laundress, 5........... Geoffrey le, 271................., citizen of London, 316........... Gilbert le, 127. 734 GENERAL INDEX. Taillur, Tailor, Tailliur, Tayllur, Gilliottus le, 408........... Henry le, 64, 78........... Hugh le, 5, 60, 356.............., citizen of London, 357, 513, 550, 579.........., John de, 106.,............, the 175.......... Nicholas le, 203.........., Osbert le, 521..........., P hilip le, 123, 322.........,....... citizen of London, 356, 418, 421........... Ralph le, 161, 162........... Richard le, 64, 74, 276, 429.........,, Robert de, 285................ le, 72, 105, 257, 321, 568.........., Roger le, 132, 308, 312...,.., Simon le, 328........... Thomas and John sons of Adam Ie, 311.......... Walter le, 51................ the, 152.........., William le, 208, 313.............., the queen's yeoman, 151. Takeley, Cakeley [co. Essex], 420, 422. Tale, John, 78. Talebot, Geoffrey, tenant in chief, 162.........., Richard, 569......... W illiam, 190, 558. Talemache, Talemach, William, 190, 338. Talevan, Richard de, 336. Talevaz, John, 416. Talgard, Talgardi, Albert, merchant of Lucca, 530. Talimaly, William, 179. Talinton, Emma wife of Auger de, 121. Talk [co. Stafford], 234. Tallage, 62, 63, 83, 92, 100, 102, 105, 106, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, 192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 205, 441, 443, 456, 466, 484, 503. Tallaton [co. Devon], Larkbere, Laverkebery, Laverokebery, in, 44, 54. Talmal, Gilbert, 87. Talton, Tadlington [parish of Tredington], co. Worcester, 8. Tancard, John, 10. Tancy. See Tany. Tandridge, Tanrigg [co. Surrey], 118. Tannur, John le, 80. Tanrigg. See Tandridge. Tanstern, Thomas, 98................ de, 7.........., William de, 97. Tanur, Alexander le, 92.,........, Nicholas le, 282, 383.,........, Tanner, William le, the, 367, 369. Tany, Tancy (for Taney) Luke de, 343, 511............, seneschal of Gascony, 141, 267, 268, 304, 308, 363, 373, 379, 425................ constable of Knaresborough castle, 104.......... Richard de, 106, 499, 534............,. tenant in chief, 465.........., Walter de, 566. Taperel, Richard, 182. Tapiter, Ralph le, 123. Tappe, William, 195. Tappingeho. See Toppingho. Tardebigg [co. Worcester], Bordesley, Bordesle in, 36. Tarente, co. Dorset, 511, 512.......... abbey. See Tarrant [Monkton]. Tarnock, Ternak, [par. of Badgworth], co. Somerset, 295, 384. Tarrant [Moukton], Tarente, abbey [co. Dorset], 290.............. abbess of, 481. Tarring, Torryng, co. Sussex, 279.........., Terringg [co. Sussex?], 481. Tarvin [co. Chester], letters close dated at, 210. Tasker, Roger le, 558. Tassagard [co. Dublin], 520. Tassewood, co. Salop, 521. Tatehelmeslegh, Godehalcha de, 171. Tatersete, Hamo de, 32. Tatershale, Tatersale, Tateshal, Tateshale, Thatteshale, Joan wife of Robert de, 299........... Nicholaa wife of Robert de, tenant in chief, 59, 61.........., Robert de, 183, 299, 340, 429, 440................, tenant in chief, 89............... son of Robert de, 89. Tattershall, Tateshale [co. Lincoln], 89. Tatham, John de, coroner for co. Lancaster, 374. Tatlington, Tatlynton [parish of Tredington, co. Worcester], 67, 70. Tatymer, Adam Ie, 379. Taun, Osebert, 182. Tauncre, Bertram, coroner, 533. Taunton, Thaunton, Guy de, 226..............., bailiff of Gillingham, 262. Taverner, Adam le, 66........... Christian le, 341........... Richard le, 240. Tawyare, William le, 92. Taxation, 250, 285, 291, 301, 324, 351, 366, 398, 409, 432, 459, 524, 534. Tayden Gernet. See Theydon Garnon. Taydene del Munt. See Theydon Mount. Taylard, Tayllard. See Taillard. Tayllur. See Taillur. Taynton, Teynton, co. Gloucester, 69, 172.......... Teynton, co. Oxford, 298. Taynturer. See Teynturer. GENERAL INDEX. 735 Tebaud, Henry,'207. See also Thebaud. Tecchere, Geoffrey le, 413.......,.., Margery wife of Geoffrey le, 413. Techewych, Henry de, 498. Teddesley Hay, Tedeslegh, Tidesleye, wood in Cannock forest, co. Stafford, 211,'519. Telmersleye, 113. Tedmersleye, John de, 113. Tedrich, Margery wife of William, 160.......... William 160........... See also Thedriche. Telene, William de, 164. Teler, Agnes wife of Ralph le, 327.......... Geoffrey son of John, 362........., Stephen le, 202........, Thomas le, 367, 369. Teman, John de, 134. Tempest, John, 487. Temple )Bruer [co. Lincoln], letters close dated at, 274, 275, 277. Temple of Solomon [Knights Templars], order of, 6, 46, 57, 143, 316, 490................,master of, 57, 115, 336, 554. And see Forresta, Guy de; Turevill, Robert de................., in Ireland, master of, 477. Temple, Christiana del, 64. And see Templo de. Templer, Peter le, 367, 369. Templeton, co. Wilts, 190. Templo, Temple, Henry de, canon of Merton priory, 115, 117........, William de, 72, 73, 105. Tendring [co. Essex], 82.........., Tendryng hundred, co. Essex, 470. Tene, Robert de, 320. Tengy, John, 78.........., Richard, 78........... W illiam, 77. Teokesbury, Alexander de, a monk of Flaxley abbey, 569. Tergaund, Peter son of William, 407. Terling, Terlingges, Therlingg, co. Essex, 430, 456. Ternak. See Tarnock. Ternehale, Ralpb de, 57. Terringg. See Tarring. Terry, Richard, 149. Ters, Ralph, 78,........., Robert, 77. Tervak. See Tarnock. Tery, John, 163. 'rest, William, 558. Teste, Colinus, 394.........., Leonard, merchant of Lucca, 531. Testwood, Therstewod, co Hants], 351. Tetcott, Thetecote [co. Devon], 47. Tete, Walter, 507. Tetford priory. See Thetford. Tetteburn, Thomas de, 397. I Teukebiry, Teukesbury. See Tewkesbury. Teuthingman, Maurice le, 208. Tevelby, John de, 349. Teverey, Robert, 321. Tew, Little Tywe [co. Oxford], 231. Tewkesbury, Teukesbury [co. Gloucester], 405..........., Teukebiry, abbey [co. Gloucester], 108. Teya, Gilbert de, 351........... Matilda wife of Gilbert de, 351. Teyl, Walter de, clerk, 336. Teynton. See Taynton. Teyntur, Adam le, 72. Teynturer, Taynturer, Adam, 105.........., Cicely wife of William le, 223.........., Edmund le, 274.........., John le, 350. Thadelawe. See Tadlow. Thame [co. Oxford], letters close dated at, 204, 243......... prison, 212.......... abbey, 187, 343. Thames, the river, 216, 273................. order to widen in places between London and Oxford, 216. Thancy, William de, knt., 512. Thany. See Tany. Thatcher, Simon the, 156. Thatteshale. See Tatershale. Thaunton. See Taunton. Thebaud, Henry, 253. See also Tebaud........... Mary wife of Henry, 253. Thedaldi, Teghia, and Bernard his brother, 387.......... Theclanus, citizen and merchant of Florence, 354. Theddlethorpe, Thethelthorp, co. Lincoln, 481. Thedmar, Arnold, 123. Thedrich, Richard, 553. Thedriche, William, 301. See also Tedrich. Thefford. See Thetford. Themerton. See Farmington. Thenford, co. Northants, 350. Thenford, Robert de, clerk, 205. Therlingg. See Terling. Therstewod. See Testwood. Thetecote. See Tetcote. Thetford, Thefford, co. Suffolk, 415........... Tetford, Thefford, priory [co. Norfolk], 403, 404. Thethaldi, Bernard, citizen and merchant of Florence, 354. Thethelthorp. See Theddlethorpe. Thewe, John, 179. Theydon Garnon, Tayden Gernet [co. Essex], 74.......... Mount, Taydene del Munt [co. Essex], 50. 736 GENERAL INDEX. Theyl, Walter, clerk, 237. Theyt, William de, 520. Thez, Robert, baron of the port of Romney, 301. Thibenham. See Tibenham. Thieves and fugitives, 23.......... and homicides, hanging of, 23. Thingden, Elias de, 223. Thocham [co. Somerset], 410. Thollesfonte, Thollesonte. See Tolleshunt. Tholome, Geoffrey, 120. Thomas, Adam son of, de Clareburg, 211................. de Hudirsale, 524...........,...... de Stubbescales, 121.........., Eustace son of, 224.........., John son of, 240.,.............. keeper of the New Forest, 386, 405..........,.de Reynham, 414................. de Toterho, 42................. de Ulveswath, 181........... Juliana daughter of, 134.........., Matilda daughter of, 204........., Philip son of de Ekenton, 417........,. R alph son of, 135................. de Tockeswyth, 159.........., Reginald son of, 541..........., Richard son of, 174.................. de Bandon, 238..................de Luscote, 27............., de Milkeye, 358.........., Robert son of, 328............... de Armeston, 64..........,.de Watford, 328.........., Roger son of de, le Wodehal, 418........... Simon son of, de Cleye, 414............,.... de Hokeringham, 468........, Stephen son of, de Ware, 414.........., Thomas son of, 134, 229...............,,de Belby, 334................, de Honeton, 385..............., de Welleby, 97.........., William son of, 133.....,............ de Craystok, Creystok, 248, 249, 491, 498................, de Langedon, 96.................. knt., baron of Greystoke, 581. Thomesman, Martin, 353. Thomond, Tothemund [co. Clare], Ireland, 471. Thony, honour of, 99, 101, 129. Thony. See Tony. Thopecroft. See Topcroft. Thorcateleston. See Thurcaston. Thorinhull. See Thornhull. Thorleby. See Thurleby. Thorn, Henry de, 146.......... William de, 146. Thornborough, Torneberg, co. Bucks, 350. Thornbury [co. Gloucester], letters close dated at, 310. Thorncombe [co. Dorset], Holditch, Holedich in, 125. Thorenton. See Thorneton. Thornethwayt, Hugh de, 354. Thorneton abbey. See Thornton. Thorneton, Thorenton, Gilbert de, 113, 385, 421.........., Hugh de, 429............., son of Ralph de, 259.........., John de, 462,487. Thorney abbey [co. Cambridge], 53........... Thorneye, co. Sussex, 569. Thornhaugh, Thornhawe, co. Northants, 140, 179. Thornhawe, Richard son of Hugh de, 179. Thornhull, Thorinhull, John de, 353, 423, 424. Thornton, Thorneton, abbey, co. Lincoln, 113, 277............... letters close dated at, 276. Thornton-on-the-Hill, Thorneton-on-the-Hill [par. of Baxby, co. York], 428.........., Thorrenton [parish of Coxwoldl, co. York, 402. Thorny, Hugh de, 11........... See also Torny. Thorp, 308, 467.........., Thorpe, co. Notts, 313, 407.........., Torp, co. York, 47, 160. Thorp Arch, Thorp de Arches [co. York], 4, 40. Thorp, Richard de, 558........... Simon de, clerk of Sir Alexander de Balliolo, 54.......... Walter son of Richard de, 414........... William de, 55, 413. Thorp de Arches. See Thorp Arch. Thorrenton. See Thornton-on-the-Hill. Thorverton, co. Devon, 464............,, Raddon, Westraddon in, 316. Thorwyngham, Simon son of Guy de, 573. Thotyng, Philip, 80. Thounshull, Isolda de, 77. Thrapston? Strapeston, co. Northants, 259. Thrapston, Simon de, 233. Threngeston, John son of Robert de, 335. Throp, Ralph de, 518. Thundersle, Thunthersle, Thomas son of Simon de, 145, 154. Thunthersle. See Thundersle. Thurbern, Turbern, Henry, 205........... John, 409.........., William, 76, 77. Thurcaston, Thorcateleston [co. Leicester], 420, 422. Thurkeden. See Turkdean. Thurkleby. See Turkelby. Thurleby, Thorleby, Robert de, 121, 379.,............. sheriff of Dublin, 103. Thurlekeston, Philip de, 410. GENERAL INDEX. 737 Thurleston, Roger de, 77. Thurlow, Trillowe [co. Suffolk], Foucher parson of the church of, 121. Thurmund, Adam, 72, 105........... Henry, 551. Thurnby, Thurneby [co. Leicester], 556. Thursfield, Thursfeld [par. of Newchapel, co. Stafford], 234. Thurstan, Gilbert son of, 77.......... John son of Henry son of, 285. Thursteyn, Roger, 436.........., Thomas, 19. Thurston, Gereberga de, 85.......... Gilbert, 111. Thwertnik, liberty called, 212. Thweyt, Roger de, 54. Thydewell. See Tideswell. Thymmeworth. See Timworth. Thyngewyk, Ralph de, 212........... See also Tingewick. Tibbotot. See Tybotot. Tibenham, Thibenham [co. Norfolk], 59. Tibethorp, Tibetorp. See Tibthorpe. Tihetot, Tibbetot. See Tybotot. Tibi, Robert, 579. Tibotot. See Tybotot. Tibthorpe, Tibethorp, Tibetorp [parish of Kirkburn, co. York], 4, 40. Tickford, Tykeford, priory, par. of Newport Pagnell [co. Bucks], 362. Tickhill, Tikehull, Tykehull, co. York, 247......... castle, constable of, 188, 464..........., Austin friars of, 539........., the king's chapel of, 464. Tiderley. See Tytherley. Tidesleye. See Teddesley. Tideswell, Thydewell, Tydeswelle [co. Derby], 189........., letters close dated at, 208.......... the king's larder at, 210. Tieys. See Tyeys. Tikehull. See Tickhill. Tikehull, William de, 525. Tilbury, Little Tillebiry, co. Essex, 240. Tildesleye, Adam de, 158. Tilere, William le, 212. Tillebiry. See Tilbury. Tillebiry, Tillebury, Constance wife of Richard de, 165, 304, 430.......... Richard de, tenant in chief, 296, 298. Tilliol, Geoffrey de, 440. Tillur, William le, 155. Tilly Down, co. Hants. See Chelewarton. Tilney, Tylney [co. Norfolk], 414. Tilty, Tiltey, abbey Cco. Essex], 226. Tilya, Nicholas de, 354. Tilye, John, 175. Timworth, Thymmeworth [co. Suffolk], 249, u 96998, Tingewick, Tengewyk, Tingewyk, Tingwik, Tvngewick, Tyngwych, Elias de, 272, 273, 289, 290, 408.......,.,....., keeper of the forest of Litlewode, 4G7.,............... keeper of Whittlewood forest, 290, 397, 402, 406, 408, 438................. keeper of Wychwood forest, 401, 516........... John de, 408........... Walter de, 339........... See also Thyngewyk. Tintern, Tynterne, abbey [co. Monmouth], 392. Tipetot. See Tybotot. Tirel. See Tyrel. Tirinton, Walter de, 114. Tissington, co. Derby, 306. Tissur, William le, 127. Tistead, Tystede [co. Hants], 70........... East [co. Hants], Retherfield, Rotherfield in, 70. Titelington, Alexander de, 512. Titlesham, co. Sussex, 312. Tittleshall, Tutleshal [co. Norfolk], 238. Tiverton, Tyberton, Tyverton, co. Devon, 347, 348. Tiwe. See Tywe. Tochemund. See Thomond. Tochet, Thomas, 402........... See also Tuchet. Tockeswyth, Tockeswith, Ralph son of Thomas de, 159........... William son of William de, 159. Tockington, Tokinton [parish of Olveston, co. Gloucester], 59. Toderdehull, John de, 9. Toft, Toftes in Lindeseye, co. Lincoln, 244, 255. Toftys, Adam de, citizen of Norwich, 217. Togod, Gilbert, 229........... Robert, 229. Tok, Roger, 182, 234. Tokesford priory. See Coxford. Toketon, Roger de, coroner, 533. Tokinton. See Tockington. Toky, Matilda, 227. Tolehan, Gervase de, 182. Tolekyn, John, 437. Tollepayn, Richard, 35. Tolleshunt, Tolsaunt Tregoz [co. Essex], 119........., Thollesfonte, Thollesonte [co. Essex], 420, 422. Tollohan, John de, 182. Tolre, Hugh de, 175. Tolsaunt Tregoz. See Tolleshunt. Tony, honour of. See Thony. Tony, Touny, Thony, Roger de, 66, 129.,,,...,, Ralph de, 123, 163, 340, 393, 459 511. 3 A 738 GENERAL INDEX. Tony, Roger de, 393............., tenant in chief, 99, 101.........., W alter, 111. Topcliffe, Toppeclyve [co. York], 1, 495. Toperoft, Thopecroft [co. Norfolk], 61. Toppeclyve. See Topcliffe. Toppeclyve, Peter de, 495. Topping, Alli, 134........... S i m o n, 3 9 4. Toppingho, Tappingello [par. of Hatfield Peverel], co. Essex, 26, 50. Torald, William, 133. Torfneye, William de, 468. Toriton, John de, 411. Torksey, Torkeseye [co. Lincoln], 430. Tormoham, Torre, Torre Moun [co. Devon], 539, 540, 541. Torneberg. See Thornborough. Tornham. See Turner's Hill. Tornham, Alan de, 416. Tornhill, Richard de, 334. Torny, Robert de, knt., 249........... Thomas de, 249........... See also Thorney. Torp. See Thorpe.........., Mounford, co. Leicester, 157. Torp, Walter son of Walter de, 98........... William de, 571. Torre. See Tormoham. Torryng. See Tarring. Torte, John de, 557. Tortington, Tortrington, priory [co. Sussex], 129. Torton [par. of Hartlebury, co. Worcester], letters close dated at, 478. Tortrington priory. See Tortington. Torynton, Philip de, 556. Toseland, Touleslond [co. Huntingdon], 129. Tot, Stephen de, 235. Totehale, Robert de, 204. Totel'. See Tothill. Totenays, Little. See Totness. Totenhal, 358. Toterho. See Totternhoe. Toterho, John son of Thomas de, 42. Toterneho. See Totternhoe. Tothemond. See Thomond. Tothill? Totel, co. Lincoln, 224. Toting', Walter de, sheriff of Middlesex, 224. Totnes, Totness, Totteneys, Tottoness, co. Devon, 90........... Little Totenays [co. Devon], 47, 115........... priory, 295. Totteford, Richard de, clerk of the queen, 113. Totteneys. See Totnes. Tottenhale. See Tottenhill. Tottenhale, Robert son of Robert de, 131. Tottenhill, Tottenhale [co. Norfolk], 131. Totternhoe, Toterho, Toterneho, co. Bedford, 42, 295. Toucestre. See Toweester. Toucestre, William de, 487. Touleslond. See Toseland. Tottoness priory. See Totness. Touneshende, Alfred atte, 159........... See also Tuneshend. Touny. See Tony. Tours, France, money of, 141, 492, 551. Touseseya. See Towersey. Tovi, Tovy, Walter, 349, 557. Towcester, Toucestre [co. 'orthants], 476..............., Handley, Hanlee, Hanlegh, Hanleye, Henlee, Henley in, 397, 451, 467, 468................ park in, 445.........,....., wood in, 406, 438, 461, 537. Towersey, Touseseya [co. Bucks], 187. Trace, Sibyl wife of Richard le, 229. Tracy, John de, 492........., Richard, 327.........., W illiam, 391. Trailli, Trailly, Traylly, John de, tenant in chief, 30, 34.........., Richard de, 523........... Walter, knt., 577................ de, 339................ son of John de, 34.........., William de, 87. Tranegouc, Wronocus de, 213. Trapani, Trapes [Sicily], 531. Travail, Jordan, 35. Traylly. See Trailli. Treasurer,the. See Bek, Thomas; Chauncy, Joseph dc. Treasury, the, 3, 29, 32, 153, 162, 168, 169, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 198, 263, 283, 293, 338, 339, 344, 367, 380, 386, 432, 457, 473, 511, 547, 576, 583.......... of the jewry. See Jewry. Treaties, 420, 421, 423. Tredington, co. Worcester, 67........... Admiscot, Armscott, Eadmundescote, Edmundescot in, 8, 67........... co. Worcester, Tadlington, Talton, Tatlington, Tatlynton in, 8, 67. Trefraunk, John de, 431. Tregeny, Cicely de, 90........... Joan daughter of Cicely de, 90. Treget, Sir Robert, 346. See also Tregget. Tregewelen. See Tregullen. Tregewelen, Edelina wife of Richard de, 550........... Richard de, 550. Tregget, Treggete, Walter de, 390, 391.........., William de, son of Walter de, 390........... See also Treget. Tregoz, Sir Henry de, 336..........., John, 353..........., Nicholas, 119. GENERAL INDEX. 739 Tregnilan, Tregewelen [parish of Lanivet, co. Cornwall], 550. Trehompton, Ralph de, knt., 512.........., Robert de, 340. Treival [co. Cornwall?], 508. Trek, John de, 416. Tremsak [co. Cornwall?], 118. Trenchard, Henry, 264, 348. Trencheful, John, 226. Treneruf, William de, 383. Treng, brother Matthew de, 559. Trengeston, Threngeston, Alan de, 335........... Robert brother of Alan de, 335. Trenhay, William de, 182. Trenoret, Robert son of Robert, 434. Trent, escheator North of. See Boyvill, William de; Londonia, John de; Reygate, John de; Wileby, Philip de........, South of. See Clifford, Richard de; Londonia, John de. Trente, 325. Trentedeus, John, 174. Trentemars, Thomas, 43. Treton, Thomas de, 440. Treuman, Robert, 419. Treur, Philip le, 11. Treverbyn, Andrew de, 182. Trevet, Thomas, justice, 520. Treville, Trivel, co. Hereford, 250, 331. Treweman, Emma, 67. Trewynou, Robert de, 444. Treys Chasteus, John de, 213. Tribold, William, 174. Tricche, William, 101. Trienghes, Triengham, 577. Trikeby, William son of Henry de, 25. Trikingham, Lambert de, 385.........., Margery wife of Theobald de, 428. Trilling, Edward, 160. Trillirien, Thomas, 164. Trillowe. See Thurlow. Trim, Trum [co. Meath], liberty of, 122. Tristram, Robert, 124. Trivel. See Treville. Trode, Alice sister of Robert de, 68.......... Robert son of Richard de, 68. Trone, Henry, 49, 582. Trop, Simon son of Ralph de, 580. Tropinel, Robert, 507. Trosselone, Richard, 247. Trowell, John de, 224.......,, Richard son of William de, 266. Troys, James de, merchant of London, 86. Trucote, Richard de, 478. Truhampton, Ralph de, 253. Trnm. See Trim. Trump, Patrick, 196. Trumpeton. See Trumpington. Trumpington, Trumpeton, co. Cambridge,190. Trumpington, Trumpeton, Trumpinton, John de, 130, 337.........., Ralph de, 552, 553.........., Roger de, 551. Trumpton, Roger te, 6. Trumwyne, Allesia wife of William, 572........... W illiam, 572. Trunch, Robert brother of William, 195.........., W illiam, 195. Trunket, William, 352, 385. Trussebut, Thomas, 385. Trusthorp, co. Lincoln, 481. Tryhampton, Ralph son of Roger de, 298. Tryvet, Sarah wife of William, 557..........., William, 557. Tuchet, Matilda, 77........... See also Tochet. Tuck, Peter, 465. Tucke, John, 94. Tudenham, Roger de, citizen of Norwich, 217. Tuder son of Etnyvet, steward of Wales, 506 Tuderleye. See Tytherley. Tuertschaye in Penworttham, William de, 524. Tulle, Walter, 75. Tullet, Roger, the elder, 558................, the younger, 558. Tunbridge [co. Kent], letters close dated at, 93, 125. Tuneshend, Richard de la, 61........... See also Touneshende. Tunewell, Reginald de, clerk, 71................. son of Ralph de, 71. Tunstall [co. Stafford], 234. Tupe, Robert, 132. Tur, Nicholas de la, justice, 464. Turberd, John, 105. Turbern. See Thurbern. Turbervill, Turbevill, Hugh de, 56..........,......, knt., 251........... John de, 55. Turevill, John de knt, 421.........., Richard, 385.........., b r o t h e r R o b e r t d e, m a s t e r o f t h e military order of the Temple in England, 331. Turheved, Henry, 558. Turkdean, Thurkeden, Turkeden, co. Gloucester, 107. Turkelby, Roger de, justice, 479.........., Thomas de, 385. Turnemunt, Adam, 165. Turners Hill? Tornham [parish of Crawley's Down, co. Sussex], 416. Turpin, Turpyn, Matthew, 555............. son of Matthew, 555.......... Matilda wife of Matthew, 527. Turri, Agnes de, 428.........., John de, 281, 282. 3A 2 740 GENERAL INDEX. Turri, John de, tenant in chief, 282........... Nicholas de, justice, 34, 483.............,.., justice in eyre in co. Kent, 14, 23........., Robergia wife of John de, tenant in chief, 15. Turs, Thomas de, 468. Turumbert, Eymon. Henry IlI,'s constable of Windsor castle, 364. Turvey, Turveye, co. Bedford, 477. Turvill, Emma, 412. Turvyle, William de, knt., 326. Tusard, Reginald son of Ralph, 15. Tusculum, Sir P. bishop of, 424. Tutbury, Tuttebiry [co. Stafford], castle and honour of, 486. Tuterell, Simon, 41. Tuthupp, Thomas, 80. Tutleshal. See Tittleshall. Tuttlebiry, Robert de, 389. Tuttesbiry, William de, 127. Tuyford. See Twyford. Tuyford. See Twyford. Tuyller, William le, 287. Tweng, Lucy wife of Marmaduke de, 4, 40, 46, 249.......... Marmaduke de, 4, 40, 46, 249.........., Robert de, 47. Twineys, John de, 210. Twyford, Tuyford Eco. Bucks], 274. Twyford, Tuyford, Alice wife of Walter de, 553........... Walter de, 233, 553.......... William de, 62, 127. Twyht, John, 231. Twynham, Walter de, 132, 133, 138, 196. Twytte, William, 231. Twywell [co. Northants], 523. Tybaud, Nicholas, 326. Tybbetot. See Tybotot. Tyberton. See Tiverton. Tybinton, Alice wife of William son of Geoffrey son of Warin de, 571. Tybotot, Tibbetot, Tibbotof, Tibetot, Tibotot, Tipetot, Tybbetot, Tybetot, Typetot, Ilawisia daughter of Robert de, 487.......... Robert de, 103, 131, 137, 146, 152, 214, 250, 275, 278, 287, 291, 300, 338, 342, 360, 362, 387, 455, 457, 458, 480, 487, 505, 511, 513, 514, 517, 532........,......,. constable of Nottingham castle, 146.........., Sir Robert de, 338, 421................, knt., 497, 498, 499, 512........., keeper of the Hay of Bestwood, 538. Tycheburn, Roger de, coroner for co. Southampton, 171. Tyderlegh, William de, 174. Tydeswelle. See Tidesweli. Tye, John de la, 379. Tyeys, Tieys, Gunnora wife of Henry, 5........... Henry, 551................ le, 242. Tykeford priory. See Tickford. Tykehull castle. See Tickhill. Tykenham, Thomas de, 508. Tykhull. See Tickhill. Tyllebiry, Constance wife of Richard de, 408. Tylloll, Geoffrey do, 200. Tylmaneston, Tylmanston, Roger de, 289, 343. Tylney. See Tilney. Tylya, Walter de, 354. Tymberden, William de, 507. Tymberdene [co. Worcester], 507. Tyndal, William de, 231. Tyngewick, Tyngwych. See Tingewick. Tynhide, John de, 174. Tynterne abbey. See Tintern. Typetot. See Tybotot. Typpele, Petronilla de, 102.......... Richard de, 102. Typpelig, co. Hants, 269. Typpelig, Richard de, 269. Tyrel, Tirel, John, 175........... William, 411, 526. Tystede. See Tistead. Tysun, Simon, 523. Tytecumbe, co, Berks, 542. Tytherley, Tuderleye [co. Hants], 60, 62........... West, Tiderleye [co. Hants], 8. Tythinge [co. Northants?], 451. Tytot, Thomas, 96. Tyverton. See Tiverton. Tyw, William, 79. Tywe. See Tew. Tywe, Tiwe, Henry de, 498.......... Hugh de, 126, 127, 413.......... Margery wife of Hugh de, and Agnes her sister, 126, 127........... William de, 244. Tywy, John, 150. U. Ubbeston, John de, 345.............. usher of the king's chamber, 236, 242, 413, 415, 416. Ufford, John de, 346........... Offord, Robert de, 239, 346, 350, 548........... constable of Orford castle, 376................ justice of Chester, 314, 375..........,...., justiciary of Ireland, 372, 376, 377, 393, 406, 431, 432, 435, 437, 441, 470, 476, 515, 520, 528, 530, 531. GENERAL INDEX. 741 Ugborough, Eggeburgh, Uggeburgh [co. Devon], 539, 540, 541. Ulceby, Olseby, co. Lincoln, 407. Ulecestre, Sir William de, knt., 576. Ulgrave, John de, 541. Uliesthorpe, Ullesthorp [par. of Claybrook], co. Leicester, 447. Ulster, Ireland, 251, 401........... earl of. See Burgo, W alter de.........., countess of. See Lacy, Einmelina de. Ultingg', John de, 51. Ultonia, Cresseus son of Abraham de, 181. Ulvestere, Eudo de, 366. Ulveston. See Oulston. Ulveswath, John son of Thomas de, 181. Ulvethayt, Adam de, 257. Ulvreston, Benedict de, 310. IUmframvill, Roger de, 215. Unbeyn, Bartholomew son of Adam, 371. Unde nihil habet, pleas of dower of, 122, 252. Underne, Albinus, 362. Underwod, William, 507. Undy, Wondy e[o. Monmouth], 428. Unred, Simon, citizen of Dublin, 193, Unthank, Hunthanc, Unthane [par. of Skelton, co. Cumberland], 132, 133. Unwine, Robert, 72. Upavon [co. Wilts], letters close dated at, 143, 261. Upchurch, Uppechirche,"co. Kent, 203.........., Gore, La Gare in, 203. Upetun, John, 302. Upleatham, Oylyom, Plyom [co. York], 3, 39. ITppechirche. See Upchurch. Uppeheye, Thomas, 174. Upperby [co. Cumberland], Botcherby, Bochardeby in, 383, 400. Uppeton, Maurice de, 182. Uppewell, William, 494. Upton, 503.......... Bishop, Hopton Bishop, co. Hereford, 480. Upton, Thomas de, 78.........., W alter de, 294.........., William de, 458. Upwelle, Juliana wife of Thomas de, 406.........., Thomas de, 406. Urbe, MIaster Angelus de, advocate in the Roman court, 424. Urcellus, a Jew of Exeter, 271. Uriel. See Oirghialla. Urmeston, Adam son of Richard de, 426.......... John son of Richard de, 426.......... Richard de, 426................, son of Richard de, 426. Urse, Richard son of, 82. Ursel, Elias son of, de Lincolnia, 201. Uryel, Uriel, Ireland. See Oirghialla. Useflet, Walter de, 541. Usflete, John de, 541. Usher, Alan de, 102. Usser, Wssher, John le, 232..............., the king's serjeant, 106, 394........... Ralph le, 59.......... Richard le, 515. Usurers, to depart from London and leave the kingdom, 108, 144. UTJrIum odio, writ of, 46. Uxbridge, Woxebrig, co. Middlesex, 74. V. Vache, Richard de la, 56, 240.......,,....'.., knt. 111, 510, 511. Vacher, Henry le, 47,.......... William son of Henry Ic, 47. Vaghan, Griffin, 399........, Rhys, 399. Val, Hugh de la, 422. Valencia, Joan wife of William de, 191, 349, 352, 356, 476, 552, 560, 561, 562. Valencia, William de, 45, 81, 100, 125, 191, 208, 230, 235, 237, 238, 251, 326, 331, 332, 334, 337, 338, 342, 345, 349, 352, 356, 360, 398, 408, 414, 423, 463, 475, 497, 499, 504, 511, 549, 551, 552, 564, 583................ earl of Pembroke, 338, 339................ the king's uncle, 12, 176, 362, 394, 505, 511, 560, 561, 562, 564..........., lord of Montygnac and Bcllac, 551................ son of Sir William de, lord of Montygnac and Bellac, 551................, yeoman, 551. Vale Royal abbey, co. Chester, 408, 436, 460, 497................. John, abbot of, 497. Valers, Petronilla de, 482. Valeynes. See Valoignes. Vall, Robert de la, 266. 'Valle, Walter de, 128. Vallet, John, merchant'of Chartres, 251, 252................ le, 470. Valle Torta, Andrew de, 130, 528, 564................ Roger de, 282. Vallibus, Eleanor de, countess of Winchester 138, 163.........,......, late the wife of Roger de Quency, earl of Winchester, 171, 226........... John de, 79, 546................. justice in eyre in cos. Cumberland, Westmoreland and Northumberland, 504.........., Nicholas de, 38................, Ranulph de, 418, 419. 742 GENERAL INDEX. Yalmont, Walemund abbey [Normandy, Seine Inf6rieure], 179. Valoignes, Valovgnes, Valoynes, Valeynes, Elizabeth de, 414.......... M a ry d e, 1 2, 4 1........... Robert de, 579, 581.............. the younger, 232, 581.........., Thomas de, 178. Varache, William, 49. Vaudey abbey [parish of Edenham, co. Lincoln], 335. Vans, le [near Skelton in Cleveland, co. York], 46. Vaus, John de, 412........... Sir John de, 491. Vautort family, lands of, 282. Vavasur, Vavasour, Adam le, 45.....A..... Alice wife of Manger le, 425.........., Hugh le, 209........... Mauger son of Maurice le, 425.........., Robert le, 45.........., William le, 248. Vedue, Alice la, 182.........., Margery la, 24. Veel, Humphrey le, 331................, Robert le, 323,................. son of Robert le, 323. See also Weel. Veer, Ver, Hugh de, 537.........., Henry de, 152.......... John le, 523.........., Robert de, earl of Oxford, 190, 354, 360, 418, 428, 461, 490, 549, 550.......... Simon de, 166, 169. Veille, John la, tenant in chief, 538. Veilly, Veyl, Humphrey de, 227.........., knt., 343, 344. Vele, William, 174. Venables, William de, 427. Vendut, William, 175. Veneysun, Alexander, baron of the port of Dover, 470. Venur, Giles le, 557.........., Nicholas le, 28, 407.....,...., Norman le, 364, 365, R......... Robert le, 255, 497, 526.......... Roger le, 82, 84.........., William le, 35, 407. Ver. See Veer. Verdon, Sir Robert de, sheriff of cos. Leicester and Rutland, 559. Verdun, G. bishop of, 408. Verdun, Verdeun, Eleanor de, 250................. wife of John de, tenant in chief, 288, 322, 323, 342, 345, 499, 500.........., John de, 41, 176, 189, 322, 323................. tenant in chief, 342..........,...... le (de), 439................ son of John le (de), 439, Verdun, Theobald de, 189, 235, 236, 345, 429, 431, 563..........,...... knt., 186, 322.........,....... son of John de, 288, 342.........., Thomas de, 238, 295, 383..............., parson of the church of Fernham, 426. Verge, Richard de la, 174. Verney, Walter de, 573. Vernum, John de, sheriff of co. Wilts, 264.........., Michael de, 93...R...... Ralph de, 324, 427........... Richard de, 242........... Robert de, 216, 353................. son of John de, 264........... Walter de, 292................, knt., 342.......... William de, 324. Vesconte, John le, 483. Vescy, Agnes de, 49, 50, 191, 276.......... John de, 118, 151, 326,354, 360, 371, 408, 512, 528, 543, 549, 550, 551, 552, 554, 563........... William de, 130, 291, 326. Veteri Ponte, Robert de, 151, 532. Veutrer, John le, 576. Veyl. See Veilly. Vicarie, John le fiz le, 9.........., William le fiz le, 9. Vickio, Hugelinus de, merchant of Florence, 255. Victor, John son of John, 112. Vigorus, John le, 266. Villa, Baldwin de, 84. Villelada, Agnes de, 497..........,......, wife of John de Insula, 497. Villelade, Gascony, 497. Vilour, James le, 436. Vincent, Robert, 384.........,......, baron of the port of Sandwich, 482. Viner, Adam le, 81. Vineter, Alexander le, 11.......... Robert le, 74.........., Viniter, William le, 367, 369. Vinour, Vinur, John le, 352, 412. Virly, Robert de, 238........... William, 80. Visdelou, Robert, 183, 244. Vives, Vyves, Wyves, Aaron son of, a Jew of London, 260, 299, 300, 301, 317, 321, 345, 347, 357, 358, 516, 547 570.......... Bonevye, Bonamy, son of, a Jew of Oxford, 394, 396........... son of Master Moses, a Jew of London, 261, 547.........., Auncera wife of, 261,380, 390. Vivonia, Petronilla de, wife of David le Blund, 310, GtNERAL INDEX. 743 Vowchurch [co. Hereford], Monnington Monyton in, 569. Vurude, Gilbert, 35......., John, 35. Vyel, William, 73. Vyene, Vyenne, Luke de, 188.......... Luke de, knt. 421. Vynetrie, John de ]a, 51. Vynnal, Bernard de, 71. Vynun. See Vyvone. Vyves. See Aives. Vyvone, Vynun, Hugh de, the younger, 20, 259..........., John de, son of Hugh de, 20, 259. W. Wacchesham. See Wachesham. Wachelestan hundred. See Washlingstone. Wachesham, Wacchesham, Gerard de, son of Giles de, tenant in chief, 219, 439.........., Giles de, tenant in chief, 439.......... Joan wife of Giles de, 15.........., John de, 247. Waddon, Sir Ralph de, 513. Wade, John, 500.........., Henryr, 320................, the king's cook, 397......., Peter, 416.........., Ralph, 73, 78........... William, 409. Wadelande, Alvred de, chaplain, 449. Wademund, Walter de, 117, Wadinton, Walter de, 430. Waitby, Wateby [par. of Kirkby Stephen, co. Westmoreland], 118. Wake, Wak, Andrew, 494.........., Baldwin, 151, 232, 259, 281, 360, 377, 484.................. le, 472. Wakefield [Lodge, par. of Potterspury Wakefeud forest, co. Northants], 537........... Wakefeld, co. York, 208. Wakering, Great, co. Essex, 311. Wakerle, Peter de, 223. Wakirle, Godfrey de, 223. Walais, Thomas, 208. Walanton, co. Devon, 347. Walcot, Walecote, co. Salop, 312. Walcote. See Walecote. Walcringham, Alan de, 120. Waldebare, Roger, 213. Waldeve, William son of, 94. Waldeshef, Robert, 331. Waldesshef, Richard de, 253. Walding, William, 346. Waldon? Waledon, abbey, [co. Essex], 256. I I I i Wale, Adam, 45.........., Thomas, 160. Walebreus, William de, 508. Walecote. See Walcot. Walecote, Walcote, Thomas de, 42.......... William de, 42, 499, 500. Waleden, John de, 545........... William de, 111. Waledon abbey. See Waldon. Waleis. See Waleys. Walemund, abbey. See Valmont. Walenger, Geoffrey, 64. Walerand, Waleraund, Walraund, Walraun, Matilda, 438, 568................, daughter of Robert, 12................ wife of Robert, 8, 12, 37, 67, 69, 107, 113, 193.........., Robert, tenant in chief, 8, 9, 12, 13, 24, 37, 51, 70, 88, 107, 115, 200, 232, 233, 235, 337................, constable of Bristol castle, 310................. justice, 54................, keeper of the forest of Dean, 258.................. nephew of Robert, 67.........., William, 121, 404. Wales, 56, 119, 291, 305, 314, 333, 358, 359, 360, 363, 366, 368, 372, 373, 374, 377, 394, 399, 403, 408, 410, 415, 420, 426, 435, 436, 441, 445, 459, 472, 484, 491, 493, 506, 507, 515, 522, 523, 531.......... army of, 472, 515, 522, 523, 531, 575.........., Henry III's army of, 101.........., the king's expedition to, 377, 403, 410, 420, 426, 436........., the king's army of, rolls of the Marshalsea of, 484........., marches of, 71, 199, 307, 360, 372, 374, 377, 381, 493..........,....... merchants of, 459........... Prince of. See Llev ellyn son of Griffin........... rebels of, 360, 361, 366.........., rolls of, 507........... steward of. See Tuder son of Etnyvet..........., scutage of, 279.........., war in, 408, 435........., North, 506.........., West, 291, 366, 403..........., castles, towns and strong places of, 366........,....... the king's garrison in, captain of. See Cadurcis, Payn de. Waleshale. See Walsall. Walesham, A'dam de, 118. Waleton, co. Middlesex, 96, 98.......... See Wallington.......... See Walton. Waleway, Nicholas, 14. 744 GENERAL INDEX. Waleys, Waleis, Waleyse, Andrew le, 520.........., Hawisia la, 383......... H e n r y le, 7 3, 1 2 2, 3 2 2............ alderman of London, 142................ citizen of London, 114.............., knt., 579................ mayor of London, 87........... Hugh son of John le, 459.......... John le, 325, 326, 459, 510, 511........... Reginald le, 126........... Richard le, 174, 237........., Robert le, 120,...............,, the king's parker of Odiham, 389........... Roger le, 494........... Thomas le, 477.........., Walter le, 450........., William le, 312, 496. Walhop, John de, 174................, le, 465. Walingford. See Wallingford. Walingford, John de, envoy of Henry III., 13. Walker, Beatrice wife of Ralph de, 336.......... Ralph le, 336. Walkere, Nicholas le, 184. Walkingham, Walkyngham, Alan de, 500, 540..........., the king's serjeant, 522. Wall, Geoffrey le, 75.........., Roger le, 75. Walle, Walter, 80. Vallerscote [,ar. of Weaverham, co. Chester], letters close dated at, 401. Walleton. See Walton. Wallingford, Walingford, Walyngford [co. Berks], 11, 60, 74, 206, 421................, prison at, 60, 271................, letters close dated at, 365................, liberty of, steward of, 46. Wallington, Weudington [co. Hertsl, 82, 84.........., Waleton, hundred of, co. Surrey, 38.1. Walmegare, Herbert de, 208........... William son of Herbert de, 208. Walmesford. See Wansford. Walmesgare, Alan de, 508. Walraun. See Walerand. Walraund. See Walerand. Walsall, Waleshale, co. Stafford, 339.......... mill of, 339. Walse, Welse, John le, 14. Walseman, John, 352. Walsham, Nicholas de, 35. Walter, earl Marshal, 276, 285.........., Adam, 164........,...., son of, de la L ake, 103..........., John son of, de Farenhull, 9................, de Freskeneya, 334................ de Wigenhal, 414. Walter, Mabel wife of Peter, 140.......... Matilda daughter of, de Offinton, 160.................. wife of, 134.........., Peter, 140.........., R. son of, 360........... Robert son of, 239, 331, 332, 334, 378, 427, 505............., knt., 326........., Roger son of de, de Wylghemere, 274................ son of Richard son of, 507.........., Thomas son of, 541.........., Walter son of, de Hampton, 493..............., de Ribuf, 478.........., de Torp, 98..........., William son of, 489.......... See also Wauter. Walteri, Boruncinus, merchant of Lucca, 530, 531. Waltham, Wautham, 489,508........... co. Essex, 233.......... abbey, co. Essex, 115, 257, 304, 537.......... forest [co. Essex], 528..............., keeper of, 528.........., Little, co. Essex, 488. Waltham, Alice daughter of Roger de, 92.........., Henry de, clerk, 342........... Thomas de, 444. Walton, 502.......... Waleton, co. Lancaster, 524........... Wauton, co. Somerset, 384.......... [co. Warwick], 38.........., Waleton, Walleton [co. York], 4, 40. Walton, Alan de, 80, 384.......... Henry de, 208........... Richard son of John de, 80......... See also Wauton. Walur, Richard le, 75........... Robert le, 83. Walwenwik [co. Herts], 84. Walyngford. See Wallingford. Wanberg, Walter de, 331. Wanberge, Wanberg, forest. See Waybridge. Wangford, Wangeford [co. Suffolk], 334. Wansford, Walmesford [co. Northants], 46. Wantage [co. Berks], Foteswik in, 477. Wara of land, 244. Warblington, Thomas de, 118. Warchayn, John, 113. Ward, Robert la, 427........, Roger le, 466. Warde, John la, 85. Wardeboys, William, 26. Warden, Waidon, abbey, co. Bedford, 465........ (Chipping) Wardon, co. Northants, 471. GENERAL INDEX. 745 Wardenton, Roger de, 234. Wardrobe, the king's, 3, 11, 106, 108, 143, 146, 155, 159, 175, 384, 425, 444, 485, 511, 513, 519, 535, 538, 539.........., keeper of. See Bek, Thomas; Wintonia, Peter de........... John, usher of, 509.......... rolls of, 87.......... of Henry III., 90, 165, 213, 284................ keeper of. See Leukenore, Nicholas de; Sancto Romano, Arcalcus de; Wintonia, Peter de. Ware or Wear, Were, co. Devon, 312. Ware, Henry de, 123........... John la, 58, 353, 424. Ware, Richard la, 411.........., Robert la, 356.............., de la, 232..........., Roger de, 424................ la, son of John la, 58.........., Stephen son of Thomas de, 414.........., Thomas la, 520. Wareham, Warham, co. Dorset, 175.........., letters close dated at, 263. Warenna, Warenne, John de, 554................. earl of Surrey, 116, 148, 189, 218, 360, 414, 416, 499, 505, 564, 565........... William de, son of John de, earl of Surrey, 332. Warenner, Gilbert le, 61. Warewik, Richard de, 317. Warewyk, Thomas de, 106 Warham. See Wareham. Warham, Alexander de, 129, Warin, Waryn, treasurer of the New Temple, London, 53, 57.........,, Alice, wife of William son of Geoffrey son of, de Tybinton, 571.......... Fulk son of, 374, 477.........., Joel son of, 316........... John, 106, 149. o......., Robert, 45, 494............... son of Henry, 498.........., W illiam, 24................, son of, 148, 150, 363, 377, 488....,.......... the king's yeoman, 211, 287, 482, 486. Wark, Werk, co. Northumberland, 81, 83, 167, 183, 200.......... castle, 83. Warleton, William de, 32. Warlingham, Werlingham [co. Surrey], 99, 226. Warminster [co. Wilts], Sambourne, Sonburn in, 190. Warmynton, Henry son of Richard de, 99.........., Richard de, 99. Warner, vicar of the church of St. Thomas, Winchelsea, 16, 17. Warner, Robert le, 54........... Thomas son of, 277.......... W illiam, 204. Warpesdon, William de, 117. Warrewyk, Richard de, 400.......... Sibyl wife of Richard de, 400. Warrington, Werington, Werynton, co. Lancaster, 418, 559. Warthewyk, Warthewik, Robert de, justice, 400..........,...... sub-escheator in co. Cornwall, 196. Warthull, Luke de, 352. Warwick, 62, 99, 137, 138, 139, 204, 207, 208, 211.........., jewry of, 110.......... Jews of, 102, 137, 150, 244.................. chest of the chirographers of, 260........... mayor of, 63........... prison at, 15, 20, 35, 38, 62, 92, 160, 163, 271, 276, 291, 303, 310, 319, 320, 368, 373, 452, 479. Warwick, county of, 20, 102, 136, 152, 206, 220, 224, 233, 238, 244, 251, 311,355, 356, 357, 364, 411, 427, 556, 559, 563, 570, 577, 578, 579.............., assizes in, 136..............., coroners of, 311, 364, 365................., justices in, 52, 139.............., justices in eyre in, 236, 304..............., sheriff of, 6, 15, 20, 22, 62, 63, 68, 71, 92, 99, 138, 160, 163, 204, 207, 211, 271, 276, 284, 295, 302, 303, 309, 310, 314, 319, 320, 364, 365, 368, 452, 479, 564. See also Hamelyn, William........................, escheator in, 284, 309, 314..........., earl of. See Bello Campo, William, de. Warwick, Ela countess of, 338, 355, 365, 570. Warwik, Robert de, 572. Waryn. See Warin. Wash, Robert, 305. Washlingstone, Wachelestan, hundred, co. Kent, 555. Waspayl, Stephen, 67. Wasperton, Robert de, 237. Wassing, Ralph de, 242. Wassingle, John de, 430. Wasteneys, William, 412................. de, 335............... le, 335, 461. Wasthulle, William de, 459. Watchet, Wechet [par. of St. Decumans, co. Somerset], 557. Wateby. See Waitby. Watercumb, Stephen de, 175. Waterford castle, Ireland, 303.........., county of, Ireland, 188, 303.................. bailiwick of the serjeanty of, 432. 746 GENERAL INDEX. Waterford, county of, coroner of. See Norhaugh, Miles de.........., bishop of, 454........... bishop elect of. See Fuleburn, Stephen de.......... R. bishop of, 228.....,..., Stephen bishop of, 140, 146, 228, 293................, treasurer of Ireland, 142, 212, 241, 372, 476, 493. Watervill, Robert de, 233. Watevill, John de, coroner for co. Essex, 12. Watford [co. Hertford], 516.......... [co. Northants], 327, 329........... Silsworth, Syvelesworth in, 327, 330, 331. Watford, Edmund de, 328.......... Ellen daughter of Eustace de, 326, 328, 329, 330, 480.........., Eustace de, tenant in chief, 326, 516........, Joan daughter of Eustace de, 516........... Margery de, 417................. wife of Eustace de, 327, 328, 329, 331.........., Robert son of Thomas de, 328.........., Thomas de, 328.........., Walter de, 188. Watlekes, Alan de, 66.........., Hugh de, 66. Watlington, Petronilla wife of William de, 300. Watsand, Watsaund, Richard de, 385. Watton priory, co. York, Adam de Helmesle, canon of, 385................., Patrick prior of, 385. Waude, Thomas de la, 323. Waudeby, Agnes wife of Roger de, 242.........., Roger de, 242. Wauncy, Geoffrey de, 190........... Robert de, 187. Waunter, Hugh le, 311. Wauter, Orengia wife of Peter, 131......,..., Peter, 131......... See also Walter. Wautham. See Waltham. Wautham, Eleanor de, 508.........., Gilbert de, 118.........., Henry de, chaplain in the chapel of Windsor castle, 153........... master Nicholas de, 181................, canon of Lincoln, 224, 225. Wauton. See Walton. Wanton, John de, 524......<....., keeper of the forest of Arundel, 265................. sheriff of, co. Sussex, 421.........., Nicholas de, 324, 419................., son of Sir Alan de, 581, 582.........., Robert de, knt., 227. Wauton, Roger de, 84, 150............, justice of market picas, 69, 90, 118........... Simon de, canon of Wolverhampton, 280........., William de, 42.......... See also Walton. Wavendon [co. Bucks], 89. Wavere, William de, 332. Waverley, Waverleye, abbey [co. Surrey], 519. Wawe, John, 86..,......., Robert de, 320. Waweberg forest. See Waybridge. Waxtenesham, Peter de, 291. Waybridge, Waweberg, Wauberge, Wauberg, forest, co. Huntingdon, 15, 213, 300, 385, 394, 402, 406, 514, 518, 539.........., keeper of, 401, 446. Waybrugg. See Weybridge. Waye, John de, 175. Weald, South [co. Essex], par. of Brentwood, Brendewode in, 121. Weaver, Ivo the, 558. Weaverham, Weverham, co. Chester, 220. Webbe, Richard, 35.........., Roger le, 286. Webbele, Webbeley, Webbeleve. See Weobley. Wechet. See Watchet. Wederale priory. See Wetheral. Wedon, Sir John de, knt., 111. Weel, Humphrey le, 330. And see Veel. Weilaund, Weiland. See Weyland. Welby, Wellenby, co. Lincoln, 380. Welchery, the, 54, 55. Weldon, Weledon, Welledon [co. Northants] 65, 212, 357..........., serjeanty of, 357. Weleford, Gervase de, 541. Weleg. See Weoley. Weleham. See Welham. Welewys, John de, 378. Weleye. See Weoley. Welham, Wellom [par. of Clarborough, co. Notts], 576........... Weleham [co. Leicester], 184. Welifed, Henry, 175. Well, William de, 295. Welle, Paulinus ate, 231........... Robert ate, 231.........., Simon de, 507.........., William le, 45. Welleburn, William son of Hugh de, 73. Welleby, Thomas son of Thomas de, 97. Welleden, Matilda wife of Robert de, 278........... Robert de, 278. Welledon. See Weldon. Wellenby. See Welby. Welles, 409. GENERAL INDEX. 747 Welles, Gilbert de, 551........... James de, 488.......... Richard de. 510, 511.........., Thomas de, 175........... W illiam de, 174. Welleton, Geoffrey de, 417. Wellington, 350. Wellom. See Welham. Wellow [co. Notts], Grimston, Grimeston, park in, 402. Wells [cr. Somerset], letters close dated at, 451.......... cathedral church of St. Andrew, 245................. canon of. See Bamfeld, Richard de................, chapter of, 246.............., dean and chapter of, 490. Welse, Walse, John le, 14.........., Thomas, 226. Weltecarte, Richard, 507. Welwrihte, William le, and Richard his brother, 371. Welwyn, Wilewe [co. Hertsl, 82, 84. Wembele. See Weobley. Wenche, Thurstan le, 522. Wenden, Robert de, 224. Wender, Robert de, 380. Wenlamp, Richard de, 106. Wenlock, Wenlok [co. Salop], 223......... priory, 8, 24................. prior of, 51................, John prior of, 39, 243........, Richard de, a monk of Shrewsbury abbey, 117. Wenlop, Richard le, 72. WVrenonwen. See Wenunwen, Griffin son of. Wentnor [co. Salop], Ritton in, 294. Wenunwen, Wenonwen, Griffin son of, 142. 374, 399........, Hawisia wife of Griffin son of, 282. Wenyate, Geoffrey, 160. Weobley, Webbele, Webbeleye, Wembele [co. Hereford], 288, 322, 323, 342, 343. Weoley, Weleye, Weleg [parish of Northfield, co. Worcester], park and chace of, 30, 137.................? W ileby, 78. Wer, Robert de, 422. Were. See Ware or Wear. Werewalt, Richard de, 72. Werford [error for Aberford, co. York?, 215. Werington. See Warrington. Werington, William de, 431. Werk. See Wark. Werk, James de, 487. Werkloflat, in Bamburgh [co. Northumber. land], 576. Werley, Robert de, 420, 422. Werlingham. See Warlingham. Wermenistre, Godfrey de, 428. I i I Wermond, Herbert, 258, 321........., John, of Cambrai, 254, 255. Wermondesford. See Wormingford. Wermund, Walter, 149. Wermyngton, Stephen de, 76. Wermynton, William de, 52. Werrays, Henry, baron of the pert of Sandwich, 482. Werrington [co. Devon], Langdon, Langedon in, 44. Werrur, Adam le, 519, 554. Wervelsco, Wervelscho [parish of Danby-inCleveland, co. York], 3, 40. Wery, Richard, 108. Weryngton. See Warrington. Weseford. See Wexford. Weseham. See Wesham. Wesenham, Thomas de, 464. Wesham, Weseham, Thomas de, 7........... keeper of Alrewas forest, 141..........., keeper of Cannock forest, 68. West, Luke, 94.........., Robert, 62, 162..........., W illiam, 94. Westacre, priory [co. Norfolk], 131. Westbury, 346.......... [co. Stafford], 274.......... Westbiry, co. Wilts, 382..............., Bremelridge, Bremelrugge in, 382. Westbury-on-Severn, co. Gloucester, Radleye, Redleye, Rodley in, 481, 552. Westbyry, John de, 128. Westcote, Richard, 325. Westden. See Dean, West. Westerne, Nicholas le, 207. West Ham, Westhamme, Westhammes [co. Essex], 82, 84, 86, 509, 562. Westhibi, Roger son of Hugh de, 11. Westington [parish of Chipping Campden, co. Gloucester], 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. Westington, William de, 76, 78, 79. Westiton, Nicholas de, 553. See also Westrington. Westludeford. See Lydford, West. Westman, Elias, 128.........., Mabel wife Nicholas, 125. Westmill, Westmilne [co. Herts], 82. Westminster, 11,41, 42, 45, 49, 55, 81, 97,98, 113, 119, 120, 124, 131, 188, 208, 210, 218, 230, 240, 248, 289, 325, 336, 359, 360, 380, 411, 437, 474, 499, 510, 511, 524, 554, 558, 577, 579, 581......., chancery at, 42, 46, 249, 336, 488, 500, 574........, chapel of St. Stephen, 39........., court of common pleas at, 569........... exchequer at. See Exchequer........., fair at, bailiffs of, 502......... hall, 148, 189, 218, 237. 748 GENERAL INDEX. Westminster hospital of St. Giles without, master and lepers of, 490........... hospital of St. James without, 262........., justices at, 14, 67, 68, 250, 253, 411, 500, 575................ of the Bench at. See Bench.......... the king's bakers at, 208,........ the king's chamber of, 505........... the king's council at, 472, 509.........., the king's larder at, 81, 210........... the king's kitchens at, 73........... the king's works at, 34, 444.......,.......keeper of. See Stretton, Adam le.........,,. master of. See Beverlaco, Robert de.........., letters close dated at, 1-25, 32-43, 45-53, 56, 57, 59-61, 63-69, 75-81, 83-92, 96, 102-107, 109,110, 119, 120, 122-126, 131,160-199, 213-222, 230 -241, 247-256, 258, 264, 280-288, 289 -298, 302-305, 312-320, 336-350, 354 -361, 377-388, 391,417-421, 430, 431, 434, 437, 438, 453-468, 479-486, 488 -491, 494, 497, 499-502, 509-513, 519, 520, 525-528, 530-534, 539-547, 554, 555, 559-565, 568, 573-575, 578, 580, 582, 583........., parliament at, 167, 338, 372, 375, 505, 582........ prison at, 286........... tents of, 155.........., treasury at, 32, 583.........., abbey of, 43, 117, 324, 414, 461, 468,............... abbot of, 117, 262, 417, 564........,....... R., abbot of, 349............... chief justice in eyre in cos. Cumberland, Westmoreland and Northumberland, 504................ steward of the abbot of, 502................, sacristan of. See Sutton, John de............... church of St. Peter, 3......., coronation of the king in, 97............... church, the high altar in, frontal for, 3.............,shrine of St. Edward in, 3......... silver image over the tomb of Katherine daughter of Henry III., 3. Westmonasterio, Alexander de, 117......... M aster Odo de, 185. Westmoreland, Westmerland, county of, 40, 86, 126, 205, 251, 289, 381, 417, 479, 504, 509......... assizes in, 136........... coroners of, 405.......... justices in eyre in, 479, 504........... sheriff of, 86, 313, 371, 378, 381, 405, 543. And see Creppingg: Richard de........, escheator in, 313. Westmundhalegh, Westmundhalgh [co. York], 146. Weston, co. Bucks, 181, 230..........[co. Cambridge], 229. Weston park [co. Hants?], keeper of, 5........., co. Hereford, 536.........., co. -erts, 67, 70, 535, 569.......... [co Norfolk], 425.........., co. Salop, 234, 294........... ( N o r t h ), [ p a r. o f T h a m e, c o. O x f o r d ], 343........... See Westoning. Weston, Ellen de, 227........... Henry de, 187........... Hugh de, 57..........,John de, 183, 573.......... Michael de, 359............... keeper of the manor of Overtoil, 15.........., Nicholas de, 227........ Ralph de, 574........... Roger son of Roger de, 407. Westoning, Weston [co. Bedford], 35. Westporte, 287. Westraddon. See Raddon. Westrine, Walter de, 519. Westrington, Nicholas de, 570. See also Westiton. Westshipford. See Shefford, West. Westtiderleye. See Titherley, West. Westuc, John de, 71. Westwell, Geoffrey son of William de, 414. Westwick, Westwik [parish of Skelton-inCleveland, co. York], chace of, 3, 39.........., [parish of Oakington], co. Cambridge, 15. Weteleye, Thomas de, 376. Wetenhaie, Adam de, 263..........,...... receiver of the king's moneys in Ireland, 479. Wetheral, Wederale,priory [co. Cumberland], 47. Wetherby, Robert de, 255. Wetherwick in the Peak [co. Derby], the king's shepherdry of, 278. Weudington. See Wallington. Weverham. See Weaverham. Wexcombe, W execumbe [parish of Great Bedwyn], co. Wilts, 181. Wexford, Weseford,' county of, Ireland, 349. Weybridge, Waybrugg, co. Surrey, 62. Weyland, Weiland, Weilaund, Weylaund, Weylond, Nicholas, 409................ de, 422.........., Thomas de, 96, 122, 463, 475, 505, 560................, justice, 459, 569, 580................... chief justice of the common bench, 503..............., knt., 421, 430, 581........... Walter de, justice, 52........... William de, 96................. tenant in chief, 300................., justice, 50. Weyte, Richard le, 405. GENERAL INDEX. 749 Whaddon, Whaddene, co. Wilts, 70. Whaddon, Ralph de, 350, 511.........., Richard de, 229.......... Sibyl wife of Ralph de, 511. Whalesbrewe, Whalebrewes, William de, 224, 411. Whaplode, Quappelad [co. Lincoln], 342. Whatelegh, John de, clerk of the Queen, 113. Whatley, Whateleye, co. Somerset, 13, 69. Wheat. See Corn. Wheatley, Whetelay, Whetele, co. Notts, 190, 500. Whed, John, 214. Whelp, Richard le, 465.........., Thomas, 557. Whelpe, Peter le, 465. Whelton, Alelm brother of Roger de, 42..........., Helewisia, grandmother of Roger de, 42..........,Roger de, 42, 181......,..,....... grandson of Roger de, 42................ son of W illiam de, 42.........., William de, 42. Whelwrittc, William le, 343. Whelwryghte, Adam, 573. Wherewell. See Wherwell. Wherewell, Richard de, 105. Wherwell, Wherewell, abbey [co. Hants], 391......................, abbess of, 267, 452.......... [co. Wilts], letters close dated at, 145. Whetelay, Wheatley, Whetele, Wheteleye [co. Notts], 190, 576. Whicchewod, Whicheswod, Whichewod, Whichewode, forest. See Wychwod. Whichford, Whycheford, Wycheford [co. Warwick], 541, 545. Whinbergh, Winneberg [co. Norfolk], 374. Whissendine, Wissenden [co. Rutland], 69. Whitby, Whiteby, co. York, 398, 423.........., m ayor and sheriffs of, 423.......... abbey, 492................, Robert abbot of, 508. Whitchurch, Whitchurche [co. Bucks], 190........... Whitechirch, co. Devon, 312........., Whitlecherche, Wytlecherche [co. Hants]? 347........... Wytechirche, co. Oxford, 59. White, Geoffrey, 409........... Richard le, 479......... See also Whyte, Wyte. Whitechirche, Wytechirch, John del, 405, 487. Whitefeld, Whytefeld, Wytefeud, Peter de, 61.........., Robert de, 270, 324, 502. Whiteking, Walter, 480. Whiteleyc, hundred. See Whitley. Whiteton. See Whitton. I Whitewell, Whytewell, Wytewell, Alice de, 35.......... John de, 97................. brother of William de, 141.......... Walter de, 247, 494.......... William de, 98, 247............... son of Richer de, and John his brother, 141. Whiting, John, 72. Whititeleye in Westmundhelegh, John de, 146. Whitlecherche. See Whitchurch. Whitley, Whiteleye, hundred [co. Somerset], 138.........., Wyttle, co. Wilts, 208. Whitlok, John, 207........... Peter son of Henry, 127. Whitsaund. See Wissant. Whittelege, lalph de, 146. Whittingslow, Wittokeslowe [par. of Wistanstow], co. Salop, 294. Whittlewood, Whittelwode, Whittleswode, Wyhtlewode, forest, co. Northants, 65, 141, 143, 189, 289, 290, 366, 402, 406, 408, 438, 440, 448, 451, 461, 468................ Handley, Hanlee, wood in, 536, 537................ Pyrie wood in, 189.........,....... keeper of. See Tingewick, Elias de. Whitton, Whiteton, co. Lincoln, 468. Whycheford. See Whichford. Whychewode forest. See Wychwood. Whyppup, Roger, 494, 499. Whyt, John le, 175. Whyte, Henry le, 95.........., Hugh le, 507.........., W illiam le, 175.......... See also White, Wyte. Whytechurch, Alexander de, 175. Whytefeld. See Whitefeld. Whytewell. See Whitewell. Whytheved, Simon, 356. Whyting, John, 105. Whyton, Richard de, 352. Wiant, Robert, 9. Wibert, Adam, 384. Wicchewod forest. See Wychwood. Wicclacd, William, 78. Wich. See Droitwich. Wichale, Walter de, 508. Wicham, church of St. Andrew, 243. Wicham, Wycham, Master Ralph de, 426..........,..., archdeacon of Bath, 497........... Thomas de, 331. Wichehamton. See Wickhampton. Wichio Mauban. See Nantwich, Wichio, Hugelinus de, 265. Wichkal, Henry de, 507. Wick, Wike, co. Gloucester, 67, 70........... Wik [par. of Stogursey, co. Somerset], 88. 750 GENERAL INDEX. Wick, by Pershore? Wik' [co. Worcester], 409. Wicken [co. Northants], Wyke Hamon, Wik Hamund in, 350. Wickhambrook [co. Suffolk], Badmondisfield, Badmundefeld in, 148. Wickhampton, Wichehamton, Robert de, bishop of Salisbury, 553, 563, 564. Wickwaine, William de, archbishop of York, 582. Wickwar, Wikcware [co. Gloucester], 58. Wicumb. See Wycombe. Wideworth, Emma daughter of Hugh, 312................., wife of Hugh de, 312. Wideworth, Hugh de, 312. Widow, Wydu, Agnes the, 134, 419.......... Alice the, 77, 79, 130........... Amice the, 478........... B eatrice the, 77..........., Christiana the, 75, 78.......... Eva the, 133........., Matilda the, 132. Wigehal. See Wiggenhall. Wigenhal, John son of Walter de, 414. Wigge, Thomas, 159. Wiggenhall, Wigehal [co. Norfolk], 414. Wiggington, Wyginkeneston [co. Leicester], 144. Wight, Wiht, Wyht, isle of, 347, 348........,......, lady of. SeeFortibus, Isabella de. Wigornia, Margery de, a nun of Wystan without Worcester, 311.......... See also Wygornia. Wik, la, 219. Wik, Wik'. See Wick.........., Hamund. See Wyke Hamon. Wik', Agnes wife of Henry de la, 354........., Alice, wife of Roger de la, 325........... Gilbert de, 48.......... Henry de la, 354........... Roger de la, 325.........., Walter de, 44, 416. Wike. See Wick. Wike, John atte, 73........ R ob ert d e, 113........... Walter de, 417. Wikenn', Geoffrey de, 64. Wikes. See Rumboldswyke. Wikes, Roger de, 66. Wikeware. See Wickwar. Wileby. See Weoley. Wileby, Wilegheby, Wilgheby, Wyleby, Wyleghby, Wylegheby, Henry de, 329.........., Philip de, 251, 301, 307, 308, 392, 445, 505, 517, 527, 535, 565, 566.............,.escheator north of Trent, 138, 147, 158, 163, 164, 167, 168, 169, 171, 173, 175, 176, 178, 183, 185, 189, 190, 195, 196, 200, 204, 209, 214.........., Robert de, 151.........., Roger de, 549. Wileford, Gervase de, 572.......... See also Wyleford. Wilegby, Wilegheby. See Wileby. Wilemundele priory. See Wymondesley. Wilewe. See Welwyn. Wilgeby, William de, 448. Wilileye. See Willey. Wilingeham. See Willingham. Willammanhilling, Richard, 208. Willelmi, Deataiatus, Deotaiutus, merchant of the queen-mother, 387. Willerby, Wylardesby [co. York], 244. Willey, Wilileye, co. Salop, 433. William I., king of England, 220. William, earl Marshall, 284........., Christiana, daughter of, 418, 419, 420.......... Geoffrey son of, de Hahull, 157............,.., de Westwell, 414.........., Henry son of, 295..............., and William his brother, 392........., Hugh son of de Notingeham, 252.........., John son of, 184, 529, 558................. de Buckebrok, 160................, de Radeclyve, 150............... de Worthington, 426........... Juliana wife of Nicholas son of, 414.........., Margery, daughter of William son of de Aqua, 305........., Matthew son of, de Appelby, 523.........., Peter brother of, 416........., Nicholas son of, 242, 414........... Rametta daughter of Thomas son of, 246.........., Ralph son of, 403.........., Richard son of, 202............., de la Launde, 421........... Robert son of, 465..........., Roger son of, 392........... Simon son of, 507................. de Grimele, 409........... Thomas son of, 114................, de Abbetoft, 12................ de Dene, 33................. de Hoton, 133................. de Luda, 507.......... William son of, de Alston, 524.................. de Boyton, 226............., de Kyrk', 541..............., de Merston, 291.............. and Richard sons of de Morton, 342................. de Notingham, 332................, de Sadinton, 498.........,....., de Seleby, 353.,............., de Sibethorp, 558................, de Staunton, 224..........,....., de Tockeswith, 159.................. de Wintreshull and Amice his wife, 111. GENERAL INDEX. 751 William, William son of, de Wollaveston, 335.........., son of Griffin, 563. Willingham, Wilingeham [co. Cambridge], 320........... Wlingham, co. Lincoln, 295. Wilm, Adam, 62. Wilmcote, Wilmundecote [par. of Old Stratford. co. Warwick], 103, 165. Wilue, Wylne [co. Derby], 111. Wilne, Christiana wife of Hugh de, tenant in chief, 477. Wiloc, Emma wife of Simon, 215. Wilstone, Wyvelisthorne [par. of Tring, co. Herts], 571, 572. Wllsworthy, Wyvels worth [par. of Petertavy?], co. Devon, 316. Wilton, co. Wilts, 62, 464, 466.........., Wylton, nunnery, co. Wilts, 62, 318, 384........, friars preachers of, 144, 309, 394........... je w ry o f, 2 6 3.......... Jews of, 341.......... mayor of, 63........... in Cleveland, Clyvelond [co. York], 495. Wilton, Wyltona, Wyltonia, Benedict de, a Jew of Exeter, 271..........., Isaac de, a Jew, 184, 284, 285......... Ralph de, 256........... Roger de, clerk, 577. Wilts, county of, 14, 109, 113, 121, 206, 228, 232, 236, 239, 249, 251, 253, 264, 331, 352, 354, 356, 425, 478, 502, 513, 554, 559, 563, 573..............., assizes in, 135.............., Jewry of, chest of the chirographers of, 352..............., escheator in, 262, 266. And see Cheveroill, Alexander..........,. Jews of, 288...........,..... justices of, 52................. justices in eyre in, 236................ justices of forest pleas in, 308................ sheriff of, 9, 21, 22, 63, 88, 92, 99, 103, 118, 143, 144, 161, 181, 207, 208, 212, 235, 262, 263, 264, 266, 269, 273, 287, 288, 296, 303, 309, 310, 352, 369, 380, 381, 382, 397, 449, 451, 464, 466, 472, 482, 494, 495, 527, 536, 539. And see Londonia, Hildebrand de; Vernun, John de.........,......, escheator in, 262, 266, 287, 288, 380. Wilneby, Edusa daughter of Ralph de, 318.........., Gervase son of Robert de, 318. Wimark, the anchoret of Frodsham, 209.........., Roger, 370. Wimbotsham, Wynebodesham, Wynebotesham, Wynbotesham, co. Norfolk, 100, 300. Wimburn, Wymburn, Wynburne, Walter de, 185, 291, 313, 505, 509, 558, 568.....,..,..... justice of the King's Bench, 503, 567........... William de, 510, 575. Wimeledon, Wymeden, Alice de, 365, 367, 369. Wimeswold, Wymundewold [co. Leicester], 572. Wimneberg. See Whinbergh. Wimpole, Wynepol, co. Cambridge, 163. Wincestria, Henry de, 251............. Thomas de, 24. Winchcombe, Winchecumbe, co. Gloucester, 77. Winchelsea, Winchelese, Wynchelse, Wyncheleseye [co. Essex], 17, 441.........., bailiff of, 36........., bailiffs of, 441, 442, 575........., barons and bailiffs of, 16, 17, 50, 125, 127, 518........... church of St. Thomas, Warner vicar of, 16, 17........., ferm of, 441........... Jews of, 50........... Jews to be removed from, 50. Winchester, 72, 102, 103, 106,128, 163, 164, 167, 205, 207, 219, 263, 313, 325, 347, 359, 386,417, 567, 582.......... castle, 72, 171, 174, 535................, bridge of, 171, 173................, chapel of 212................, constable of, 173................., the king's cellar in, 219..............., king's houses of, 171................, works of, 471, 525........, citizens of, 492.........., church of St. Giles, 124, 404.........., community of, 128.........., fair of St. Giles, 519.........., friars minors of, 452.........., prison at, 10, 26, 35, 36, 72, 92, 160, 161, 164, 209, 213, 220, 269, 378, 391, 395, 436, 443.......,.., Hyde, Hide, abbey, 39, 62,115, 226, 480, 525..........,....... abbot of, viewer of the works of Winchester castle, 525..........., jewry of, 263.........., Jews of, 100, 199, 259, 260, 288, 326, 386, 417, 439, 519..........,..... chirographers of the chest of, 432.........,, keeper of. See Wintonia, Adam de......,..., letters close dated at, 263-267, 272, 325-331, 452, 495, 508........... mayor of, 63....,,,....... and citizens of, 268.......,... merchants of, 496.........., parliament at, 274........, peace proclaimed at, 333. Wimbotsham, prison at, 406. 752 GENERAL INDEX. Winchester, priory of St. Swithin, 66, 519, 525, 535............, conventual church of, 124................. keeper of. See Brayboef, William de................ prior of, viewer of the works of Winchester castle, 525.......,... Valentine prior of, 66........... bishop of. See Ely, Nicholas of; Oxford, John of.......... countessof. See Despenser, Eleanor; Vallibus, Eleanor de.......... earl of. See Quency, Roger de.......... earldom of, 467. Wind, Robert, 78. Windaler, Richard, 354. Windermere [co. Westmoreland], Ambleside, Amelsate in, 183. Windote, Jordan son of Roger, 368. Windsor, Windesore [co. Berks], 18, 58, 64, 68, 98, 99, 128, 150, 155, 203, 323, 390, 408, 425, 457, 486, 501, 502, 551, 552.......... castle, 34, 105, 156, 157, 162, 192, 203, 263, 265, 268, 296, 299, 304, 364, 373, 388, 390, 408, 468, 471, 482, 535................, carpenter of, 34................. chapel in, 16, 34, 153.,............, chaplains in, 34................. constable of, 16, 18, 68, 80, 153, 156, 157, 192, 221, 515. And see Picheford, Geoffrey de; Yatingeden, Nicholas de................., Henry III.'s,constable of. See Turumbert, Eymon............... the king's gardeners at, 34,156..............., gate-keepers of, 34, 156................ the king's chaplains in, 16................. the king's children in, 26................ the king's works at, 155, 446...................... clerk of. See Shorteford, Robert de................. Henry Il.'s, work at, 364................, prison in, 373........... chancery at, 501, 569.......... forest, 155, 156, 220, 265, 296, 304, 370, 390, 454, 457, 468, 469, 535.............., keeper of, 394................. Brocwod in, 73................ wood of la Fr[ithe?] in, 220..........., prison at, 96, 150, 157........., the king's court at, 408.........., the king's hall at, 422........, letters close dated at, 97-100, 126 -128, 129-131, 149-157, 202, 203, 212, 213, 228, 230, 243, 247, 259, 305, 306, 350, 362-365, 388-394, 408, 410, 41i, 423, 424, 468, 469, 479, 482, 502, 515 -519, 534, 535, 550-552, 569......... park, 364, 482..............., gate-keeper of, 34, 156................, houses of, 393, Windsor park, the king's works at, 155, 162, 268, 446................, wild bulls and cows in, 393.......... Old, 446.......,...... the king's work at, 155. Windsor, Master Fulk, the king's gardener of, 394. Windsore. See Wyndesor. Wine, 20, 22, 30, 37, 93, 99, 100, 109, 137, 145, 148, 149, 165, 174, 184, 188, 189, 194, 196, 197, 203, 204, 219, 232, 257, 265, 266, 270, 274, 275, 277, 284, 292, 293, 297, 304, 313, 351, 365, 366, 369, 370, 372, 375, 384, 410, 421, 432, 435, 448, 453, 474, 483, 485, 516, 517, 526, 527, 528, 539........., the king's takers of, in England. See Mora, Poncius de. Rokesle, Gregory de........... price of, 137........, prise on, 22........... Rhine (de Remes'), 204. Wine, William le, 157. Wineston. See Winston. Wineston, William de, 215. Winford, Wyneford, co. Somerset, 545. Winfrith, Wynfred [co. Dorset], 12. Wingrave [co. Bucks], 54. Winneferthing. See Wynneferthing. Winscombe, Wynescumbe, co. Somerset, 245. Winston, Wineston [co. Suffolk], 215. Winter, Wynter, Henry, 552.........., John, 416.........., Thomas, 91, 383. Winterbourne, Winterburn, co. Wilts, 67, 70, 115........... Little [co. W ilts], 8. Wintereshull, John de, 489. Winterslow, Wyntereslewe [co. Wilts], 555.........., East, Estwintrelowe, co. Wilts, 527.........., Wyntreslawe, wood in Clarendon forest, 189. Wintonia, Wyntonia, Adam de, 37, 251, 312, 317, 371, 380, 388, 534, 547.......,......, citizen of London, 69.........., Adam de, clerk, 118, 387................, king's clerk, 392, 533................ keeper of the town of Southampton, 148, 174, 259, 265, 266..........,......, keeper of the town of Winchester, 219........... Benedict de, a Jew, 221, 296, 303, 321, 357, 432, 496................ son of Abraham de, a Jew, 417, 495.........., Master Elias de, receiver of the king's moneys in the exchequer of Dublin, 455....,....., Flora wife of Benedict de, 221..........,,,, Henry de, 344, 359, 581..........,....... knt., 517, 559. GENERAL INDEX. 753 Wintonia, Isaac son of Bonevye de, a Jew of Nottingham, 275.........., Juetta wife of Adam de, 424.........., Nicholas de, 122................. sheriff of London, 114........... Peter de, keeper of the wardrobe, 87, 159............., keeper of the wardrobe of Henry III., 11, 165, 213.........., Richard de, clerk, 506. Wintredeshull, Peter de, 62. Wintreshull, Amice wife of John de, 111.,........,,,, Beatrice wife of William de, 341........., J oh n d e, 8 1, 1 1 1, 1 6 7.........., William de, 341..,......,...... son of William de, and Amice his wife, 111. Wirele. See Wyrley. Wirhal. See Wirral. Wirlingworth, Adam de, 416. Wirral, Wirhal forest, co. Chester, 210, 537.......... hundred, co. Chester, 408. Wisbech, Wysebech [co. Cambridge], 205. Wisborough green, Wyseberg, co. Sussex, 372. Wisedam, William, 35. Wishaw, Wyshawe [co. Leicester], 364, 365. Wisho. See Wysall. Wisman, Nicholas, 277.........., R obert, 277. Wisow. See Wysall. Wissant, Whitsaund, bailiffs of, 29. Wissenden. See Whissendine. Wissenden, Richard son of Roger de, and Thomas his brother, 69. Wistanneshevd [co. Leicester], 211. Wistanstow [co. Salop], Whittingslow, Wittokeslowe in, 294. Wisterton, Wistanton [parish of Marden co. Hereford], 61. Wit, John, 24. Witacre. See W'ytacre. Witenham [par. of Stowe, co. Essex], 82. Witenham, Roger de, 82. Witeslege, Jordan de, 74. Withale. See Withcall. Witham, Wyham, Wytham, co. Essex, 82, 84, 105, 161, 420, 422, 515.......... friary, Chartuse in Selewode priory [co. Somerset], 490.......... priory, 310. Withcall? Withale, co. Lincoln, 295. Withecot [co. Leicester], Sauvey castle in, 318. Witheney, Thomas son of Geoffrey de, 570. Wither, Thomas, 508........... William, knt., 321. Witlegh, co. Essex, 443. Wittenasshe, Walter de, 425. Witteneye, John de, 15. v 96998. Wittering, Wytering, Wyteringg, co. Northants, 179, 248. Wittokeslowe. See Whittingslow. Wittokeslowe, Walter de, 294. Wlingham. See Willingham. Wlryc, William, 334. Wise, William, 226. Wlstanston. See Woolstaston. Wivedale. See Wolvedale. Wlverenehampton. See Wolverhampton. Wivet, Thomas, 460. Wlvreton. See Wolverton. Wlvyn, Matilda, 459. Wlward, Richard, 224. Wlwardinton, Peter de, knt., 559........ See also Wolwardington. Wlwyne, Adam, 96. Wnder, Simon, 548. Wocketon, Hugh de, 537.........., Woketon, Joan and Sibyl daughters of Hugh de, 537. Wode Ethone. See Wood Eaton. Wode, Richard atte, 71. Wodebregg, Christiana wife of Robert de la, 506. Wodeburg. See Woodborough. Wodeburg, Wodeburg', Ralph de, 251, 339, 412, 553...........,.. knt., 343, 459. Wodecok, Henry, 103.......... Richard, 553...*....., William, 71. Wodecote, Simon de, 567. Wodeford. See Woodford. Wodeford, William de, 114. Wodegate, Robert atte, 92. Wodehal, Roger son of Thomas de le, 418. Wodeham, Sabina wife of Giles de, 478........., Thomas de, 145, 154, 197. Wodemanton, co. Hereford, 580. Wodemerston, Walter de, 557. Wodenorton, John son of John de, 414. Woderington, Sir Gerard de, 512........... Sir John de, 512. Woderove, William, 164. Wodesetes, Henry son of Beatrice de, 275. Wodespene. See Speen. Wodestock. See Wodestok. Wodestok. See Woodstock. Wodestok, Henry de, 269, 280, 309, 349..............., king's clerk, 389........... John de, prior of Chetwode, 143.........., Matilda de, 271.......... Robert de, the king's marshal, 292. Wodeton, John de, 98.........., William son of Robert de, 209. Wodeward, John son of Richard le, 10..........., Robert le, 206. Wodewick, Wodewik, William de, 510, 511. Wodeword, Richard le, 571. 3B 754 GENERAL INDEX. Wodeyak, John, 64. Wodhorn, Robert, 519. Wodlond. See Woodlands. Wokendon, Great. See Ockendon. Woketon. See Woughton. Wokindon. See Ockendon. Wolaventon. See Wollavinton. Wold, in Calverton. See Calverton. Woldingesword, Jordan de, 152. Wolebrond, Henry baron of the port of Sandwich, 482. Wolewych. See Woolwich. Wolf, Alan son of Andrew, 41.........., John le, 159.........., Richard le, citizen of London, 316.........., William le, 129. Wolfhamcote [co. Warwick], Flecnoe, Fleccenho, Flecho in, 322, 323. Wollard, William, 409. Wollaston, Wollaveston [co. Northants?], 114.......... [co. N orthants], 556. Wollaston, John de, 90.........., Saer de, 556. Wollaventon. See Woollavington. Wollaveston. See Wollaston. Wollaveston, William son of William de, 335. Wollavinton, Wolaventon, Gilbert de, 126, 231.,......... H. de, justice, 52.........., Hugh de, clerk, 231. Wollemar forest. See Woolmer. Wolmere, William, 451. Wolriche, John, 277. Wolrington, Robert de, 151. Wolston, 425..........? Wulsington, [co. Bucks], 190.......... [co. Warwick], Brandon in, 322, 323................, Bretford in, 322. Wolsy, William, 159. Wolvedale, Wlvedale [parish of Danby, co. York],'4, 40. Wolvedale, Wlvedale, Thomas de, 4, 40. Wolvemere forest. See Woolmer. Wolverhampton, Wlverenehampton [co. Stafford], 280........... king's chapel at, 280.........., canon of. See Wanton, Simon de. Wolverton, Wlvreton, co. Bucks, 156................. barony of, 350.......... [co. Warwick], 502. Wolward, Richard, 468.........., W a lt e r, 4 4........... William de, 353. Wolwardington, Henry de, 62............. See also Wlwardinton. Wolwenwyk [co. Herts], 82. Wondy. See Undy. Wonsington, John de, 115. Wood Eaton, Wode Ethone [co. Oxford], 321. Woodborough, Wodebarg [co. Notts], 553. Woodford, Wudeford, wood [co. Essex], 528,.....,. Suthwodeford, 554.........., Wodeford [co. Northants], 523.......... [co. Wilts], letters close dated at, 261. Woodlands, Wodlond, co. Kent., 279. Woodspring, Worespring, priory [par. of Kewstoke], co. Somerset, 295. Woodstock, Wodestok [co. Oxford], 11, 91, 140, 142, 174, 207, 274, 281, 297, 366, 367, 408, 412, 517, 528........... bailiff of, 93, 142, 192, 205, 219, 269, 283, 366, 482. And see Eyr, John le; Heyr, Robert le; Ludewell, John de; Nigel; John son of..........., chancery at, 555............ Henry III.'s wardrobe at, 11........., the king's cellars at, 174, 293.........., the king's houses of, 93.........., letters close dated at, 14], 142, 206, 207, 229, 243, 312, 369-371, 396, 397, 412, 413, 520-523, 555.......... park, 192, 205, 207, 274, 283, 292, 306, 309, 312, 369, 370, 372................, oaks in, 269................ Hensegrave wood in, 281................, Hessingrave in, 309. Wool, 6, 32, 33, 70, 74, 86, 90, 114, 119, 124, 125, 143, 254, 255, 258, 266, 270, 286, 305, 307, 308, 321, 322, 337, 354, 355, 376, 384, 387, 388, 394, 404, 423, 441, 442, 485, 496, 533, 534........., customs of, 305, 376, 441..........., export of, prohibited, 119, 127. Woollavington, Wollaventon [co. Sussex], 20. Woolmer, Wollemar, Wolvemere, Wulvemar', forest [co. Hants], 388, 437................, keeper of. See Gurdon, Adam. Woolstaston, Wlstanston, co. Salop, 521. Woolsthorpe, Olvestorp [co. Lincoln], 485. Woolwich, Wolewych [co. Kent], 123. Woore [co. Salop], Gravenhanger, Gravenhungre in, 234. Wootton, Wotton, co. Northants, 65, 222........... [co. Norfolk], 215. Worcester, 103, 219, 248, 360, 375, 409, 410, 425, 508, 509, 568........... friars minors of, 311.......... gaol, 21, 86, 162, 219, 401, 405, 515........... hospital of St. Wolstan? Wystan without, 311, 398.........., Jews of, 170.......... the king at, 452.........., letters close dated at, 311, 352, 353, 368, 369, 398, 411, 412, 426, 434, 478, 479.........., mayor of, 63........., priory of St. Mary, 62, 245, 556.........., county of, 56, 110, 128, 131, 206, 211, 228, 230, 235, 243, 251, 259, 353, 411, 412, 427, 490, 524. GENERAL INDEX. 755, Worcester, county of, assizes in, 135...................... and attaints in, 367................, forest pleas in, 583................... justices in eyre for, 401, 435................, justices in, 52................ eyre in, 170, 177, 211,219, 235, 248................, sheriff of, 11, 21, 42, 54, 63, 86, 96, 103, 128, 162, 170, 177, 211, 219, 286, 309, 367, 368, 398, 401, 405, 426, 435, 494, 515, 583......................., escheator in, 309..........,......diocese of, 142................. bishop of. See Giffard, Godfrey................ G. late bishop of, 211. Wordham, James de, 72, 105. Worespring. See Woodspring. Workedeley, John de, 126. Worle, co. Somerset, 295, 383. Wormegay, Wyrmegeye [co. Norfolk], 374. Wormele, John de, 114. Wormingford, Wermundesford [co. Essex], 82. Worplesdon, co. Surrey, Burpham, Burgham, in, 341. Worstead, Worsted, co. Norfolk, 83. Worteleye, Paulinus de, 376. Wortes, Adam, 507. Worth, Sewal de, 531. Wortham, Wrtham [co. Suffolk], 15, 131. Wortham, Joan de, 131........... N icholas de, 131.........., Walter son of Thomas de, 131. Worthehale, Robert de, 145. Worthington, John son of William de, 426.......... See also Wrthington. Worting, Christiana, Christina de, 465, 497. Worton [co. Oxford?], 126. Wotton, Wotthon, 247.........., co. Oxford, 293.......... Underwood, Wuton [co. Bucks], 370.........-under-Edge [co. Gloucester], Coombe, Cumbes, 67.........See Wootton. Woughton, Woketon, co. Bucks, 537. Woulthorp, Master John, 256. Wower, Robert le, 330. Wowere, William le, 299. Woxebrig. See Uxbridge. Woxinden, Richard de, 224. Wra, Emma del, 419................ in le, 419.........., John son of W illiam in le, 184. Wracwardin. See Wrockwardine. Wrale priory, in Guernsey, 292. Wrangel. See Wrangle. Wrangel, Alice wife of Richard son of Andrew de, 239. Wrangelegh, Bartholomew, 212. u 96998. Wrangle, Wrangel [co. Lincoln], 239. Wraybrunne, Roger de, 283. Wreck of the sea, grants of, 40, 129, 313. Wrekin, the (Mons Gilberti, Gilbert's Hill), co. Salop, the king's wood of, 381. Wrenne, Alice wife of Ralph, 349, 352, 353.......... Ralph, 349, 351, 352, 353. Wride, John son of Robert, 62.......... Robert, 62. Wrihalse, Wryhals, Thomas, 214, 283. Writel, Writele. See Writtle. Writele, Master Adam de, 554. Writtle, Writel, Writele, co. Essex, 283, 286........... hospital of the Holy Ghost, 283.........., letters close dated at, 376. Wrkideslegh, Richard de, 227. Wroccestre. See Wroxeter. Wrockeshal, Geoffrey de, 435. Wrockeshull, Richard de, 489. Wrocwardine, Wracwordin, Wrocwardin, Wrocwardyn, Wrocworthyn, co. Salop, 237, 340, 462, 485. Wrokishull, Mabel de, 229. Wroksul, Richard de, 228. Wrongers, Hugh, 179. Wrotham, co. Kent, manor and hundred of, 23................. Yaldham, Audeham in, 279. Wroxeter, Wroccestre [co. Salop], 425. Wroxhall,Wroxhulle [co. Warwick], 229. Wrth, Thomas, 524. Wrtham. See Wortham. Wrthington, William de, 426.......... See Worthington. Wryhals. See Wrihalse. Wssher. See Usser. Wudeford. See Woodford. Wulsington. See Wolston. Wulvemar' forest. See Woolmer. Wuringbrig, 573. Wurteleye, Nicholas de, 541. Wurth, Margaret wife of Sewal de, tenant in chief, 522. Wuton. See Wotton Underwood. Wuwyn, Simon, 453. Wy. See Wye. Wya, Luke de, 182. Wyard, Henry, 325.........., Robert, 128. Wyberd, Simon, 270. Wycchewode forest. See Wychwood. Wycham. See Wicham. Wycheford. See Whichford. Wychelege, John de, 238. Wychewode. See Wychwood. Wycho Mauban. See Nantwich. Wyckwood, Whicchewod, Whichewode, Whychewode, Wicchewode, Wicheswod, Wycchewod, forest, co. Oxford, 220, 299, 315, 319, 372, 401, 438, 447, 469, 516, 534, 537, 539. 3 GENERAL INDEX. Wychwood, Whicchewod, Whichewode, Whychewode, Wicchewode, Wicheswod, Wycchewod, bailiff of, 182.........,......, keeper of, 221, 368, 521, 522. And see Langeley, Thomas de. Wycomb, Wicumbe, Wykumb [co. Bucks], 103, 116.........., justices in eyre at, 103. Wycumb, Charles de, citizen and merchant of London, 218, 294........., William de, chaplain of Edmund the king's brother, 427. Wycumbe, Simon de, 354. Wydeford [co. Chester], 325. Wydmerpol, Nicholas de, 450, Wydington, 425. Wydu. See Widow. Wye, Wy, co. Kent, prison at, 436. Wye, Philip de, 427. Wyern, Robert de, 507. Wyethayt, Thomas de, 257. Wygan, Alan son of Benedict de, 158.........., Nicholas de, 248, 431. Wygayn, Walter son of Hugh de, 448. Wygeman, Geoffrey, 160. Wyger, Gundreda wife of John, 396, 517......., John, 132, 215, 263, 312, 464..............., sheriff of co. Devon, 200................ tenant in chief, 396, 440. Wygeton, Walter de, 171. Wygingestorp, Gilbert son of John de, 448. Wyginkeneston. See Wigginton. Wygornia, John de, clerk of the chancery, 230......... See also Wigornia. Wyham. See Witham. Wyht, isle of, See Wight. Wyhtlewode forest. See Whittlewood. Wyk, Godfrey de, 494........., Martin de, 130........... Sir Richard de, canon of Lincoln, 41. Wyke, Wykes. See Rumboldswyke........... Hamon, Wlk Hamund [par. of Wicken], co. Northants, 350.,,........,. Alexander de la, 175.........., Godfrey de, 174........, Godhilda de, 119,125.................... sister of Roger de, 99, 101, 129........... Nicholaa wife of Roger de, 99, 129......... Robert de la, 421.......... Roger de, 99, 101, 119, 129.........., Walter de, 99, 129, 495. Wykeleye, William de, 523. Wykes. See Wyke. Wyket, Walter, 105, 384. Wykingston, Matthew de, 429. Wykumb. See Wycombe. Wylardesby. See Witterby. Wylborham, Walter de, 53. Wylde, Simon de, 404. Wyleby. See Wileby. Wyleford, Henry de, 541....... See also Wileford. Wylegeby. See Wileby. Wyles, Stephen de, merchant, 74. Wyleys, William, 164. Wylghemere, Roger son of Walter de, 274. Wylminton, John son of James de, 100. Wylne. See Wilne. Wylne, Hugh de, 111..........., Roger son of Adam de, 157. Wylton. See Wilton. Wyltona, Wyltonia. See Wilton. Wylum, William de, 358. Wylyes, William de, 74. Wyman, Ralph brother of Walter, 541..........., W alter, 541. Wymark, William son of Richard, 515. Wymburn. See Wimburn. Wymeden. See Wimeledon. Wymeswold, Wymondewold [co. Leicester], 269. Wymington, Wyminton [co. Bedford], 556. Wyminton, Robert de, 427. Wymondesley Parva, Wilemundele, priory [co. Herts], 95. Wymondewold. See Wymeswold. Wympton, Richard de, 506. Wymund, William, 19. Wymundewold. See Wimeswold. Wymundewold, Geoffrey son of Stephen de, 572. Wyn, William, 9. Wynbotesham. See Wimbotsham. Wynburne. See Wimburn. Wynchelse. See Winchelsea. Wyndaler, Richard, 352. Wyndesor, Windsore, Wyndesore, Wyndesoure,Wyndessor', Hugh de, 520, 521, 522.............., son of Hugh, 521.......... John de, 224.......... Malger de, 175.........., Thomas de, 53, 54, 56.........., William de, 188, 323, 336. Wyne, Ralph, 237, 353................ le, 247.......... Richard le, 400.........., Robert le, 247..........,..... the elder, 237..............., the younger, 237. Wynebodesham, Wyneboteshan. See Wimbotsham. Wyneford. See Winford. Wynepol. See Wimpole. Wynepol, Sir Geoffrey de, knt., 255. Wynescumbe. See Winscome. Wynfred. See Winfrith. GENERAL INDEX. 757 Wynham, Henry de, 101. Wynneferthing, Winneferthing, Walter de, 414, 416. Wynter. See Winter. Wynterburn, John de, 495. Wyntereslewe. See Winterslow. Wynterlond, John de, 194. Wynterse, William de, 566.............. clerk of Master Roger de Seyton, 567. Wyntonia. See Wintonia. Wyntreslawe wood. See Winte..lJow. Wyntreye, co. Essex, 537. Wyreberge, in Canford, co. Dorset, 175. Wyresdale, Alan de, 238. Wyrley, Wirele, co. Stafford, 412. Wyrm, William, 188. Wyrmegeye. See Wormegay. Wyry, Ellen wife of Henry de, 116. Wysall, Wisho, Wisow, co. Notts, 387, 572. Wyse, Richard le, 231.........., William, 182. Wysebech. See Wisbech. Wyseberg. See Wisborough Green. Wyshawe. See Wishaw. Wystan without Worcester. See Worcester, hospital of St. Wolstan.' Wytacre, Witacre, Richard de, 364, 365. Wyte, Avice, 160,.......... Hugh le, 175.........., John, 160......., Robert le, 134.......... See also White, Wyte. Wyteby, Gilbert de, 126...........Walter de, 429. Wytechirch. See Whitechirche. Wytechirche. See Whitchurch. Wytefeud. See Whitefeld. Wytemay, Richard, 557. Wytepping, William, 133. Wytering, Wyteringg. See Wittering. Wytewell. See Whitewell. Wytham. See Witham. Wytham, John de, chaplain, 550...........,Master Ralph de, 491. Wythebert, Simon, 251. Wythereswohe, Walter, 175 Wytherward, Roger, 213. Wythinley park, 151. Wythou, John de, 373. Wythye, John son of Robert de la, 91.........., Robert de la, 91. Wytlecherche. See Whitchurch. Wyttle. See Whitley. Wyttewell, Thurkeld de, 80. Wytyn, Richard, 182. Wyvelisthorn. See Wilstone. Wyvelsworth. See Wilsworthy. Wyves. See Vives. Wyvill, John de, 556.........., Margery wife of Walter de, 556. Wyz, Philip, gatekeeper of Windsor castle, 156. Y. Yaldelwode, William de, 445. Yaldham, Audeham [par. of Wrotham], co. Kent, 279...............,, co. Sussex, (rectius Kent), 269. Yarm, Jarum, Yarum [co. York], 4, 40, 46.........., bailiffs of, 125. Yarmouth, Great, Gernemuth [co. Norfolk], 86, 341, 412......... bailiffs of, 86,125.........., mariners of, 421.........., mayor and sheriffs of, 423.........., prison at, 273, 275........... Little [co. Suffolk], 41. Yarum. See Yarm. Yatesbury, Jatesbury, co. Wilts, 67, 70. Yatingeden, Yatingden, Yattingedene, Nicholas de, 2........., constable of Windsor castle, 371, 373................ justice, 372. Yawthorpe, Yolthorp [par. of Corringham, co. Lincoln], 511. Yaxley, Yakesleye, [co. Huntingdon], 206. Ychenton. See Itchington. Yeaveley, Yeveleye,Yvelegh, [par. of Shirley, co. Derby], 332, 572. Yecham, Nicholas de, 235. Yelden, Gyvelden, Ivelden [co. Bedford], 30, 34. Yelvertoft, Elias de, 274.........., Emma, Joan and Alice daughters of Reginald de, 274.........., Reginald de, 274.......... See also Gelvertoft. Yeovil, Jevele, co. Somerset, 252. Yerd, Yerde, William de la, 72, 106. Yevan,221. Yeveleye. See Yeaveley. Yivelcestre. See Ilchester. Yol, Adam son of Peter, 398. Yolthorp. See Yawthorpe. Yonge Hosebond, William le, 311.......... See also Yungehuseband. York, 62, 80, 98, 101, 104, 105, 149, 150, 159, 204, 208, 209, 214, 257, 280, 483,.47, 577.........., abbey of St. Mary, 62, 116, 428............,, abbot of, 263, 360........., castle, 283...............,. bridge of the gate of, 277.................. keeper of. See Nevill, Robert de. 758 GENERAL INDEX. York, cathedral church of St. Peter, canon of. See Gagitanus, John.........., dean and chapter of, 487.................. precentor of. See Cantilupo, Thomas de........... citizens of, 165........, hanse and gild merchants of, 165........... hospital of St. Nicholas, 280.......... lepers' hospital, 280........, Jewry of, 263........, Jews of, 104, 155, 174, 185,209, 214, 344, 386, 445, 473, 487, 545, 547, 577................. chirographers of, chest of, 473................. their houses, 527........... gaol at, 10, 1], 26, 31, 34, 37, 87, 91, 159, 160, 181, 184, 187, 213, 214, 275, 282, 283, 299, 369, 370, 376, 377, 383, 387, 403, 405, 407, 448, 469, 519, 550, 554.........., the king's fishpond, 280........... mayor of, 63.........,.... and bailiffs of, 125, 547.........., order to provide a cellar for the king's wines in, 527........... priory of the Holy Trinity, Geoffrey de Bello Monte, prior of, 417........., suburbs of, 280........... weavers of, 166. York, county of, 17, 23, 37, 41, 57, 104, 110, 120, 122, 126, 146, 151, 205, 222, 227, 232, 236, 242, 247, 248, 251, 252, 340, 353, 356, 371, 385, 401, 418, 426, 430, 443, 487, 524, 532, 540, 541, 542, 550, 554, 558, 574................, assizes in, 50, 136....,........... county court of, 577.............., escheator in, 221, 261..........,....... justices in eyre in, 159, 260, 385, 520, 532, 540, 544, 546, 580..........,....., forest pleas in, 378.......................... justices of, 378, 514............., issues of, 105.......,......, sheriff of, 1, 7, 10, 11, 17, 22, 26, 31, 34, 37, 63, 79, 87, 91, 98, 101, 104, 125, 143, 146, 149, 150, 151, 154, 159, 160, 179, 181, 184, 187, 204, 208, 213, 214, 218, 257, 259, 260, 261, 275, 276, 277, 280, 281, 282, 283, 299, 300, 344, 369, 370, 371, 372, 376, 377, 383, 385, 387, 397, 398, 402, 403, 404, 405, 417, 423, 443, 448, 449, 454, 468, 469, 470, 475, 487, 492, 494, 497, 520, 527, 536, 542, 544, 545, 546, 554, 568, 577. And see Boshal, William de; Lestrange, Roger; Nevill, Robert de.........., county of, sheriff of, clerk of. See Liscynton, James de. York, county of, sheriff of, escheator in, 261,. 280, 281, 449............ West Riding, wapentake of, bailiwick of, 443....................,, fine of, 151.............., archbishop of. See Giffard, Walter; Wickwaine, William de................, a r c h b i s h o p ri c o f, 7 9, 1 4 2, 3 4 3, 394...................... keepers of. See Newerk, Henry and Thomas de................, archdeacon of. See Burnell, Robert. Ypres, Ipre, Flanders, 338. Ysemangere, John le, 386. Ysnhamsted. See Isenhampstead. Ystrad Marchell, Estramarchell [co. Montgomery], 404. Ystrad-Yw? Stratdeleye [commote of, co, Hereford], 569. Ysunbard. See Isenbard. Ythslepe, Robert de, 334. Yungehuseband, Robert, 150.......... See also Yonge Hosebond. Yungman, William, 111. Yvelcestre, See Ilchester. Yvelegh. Se3 Yeaveley. Ywerne, Richard de, 391. z. Zeeland, 218, 246, 294, 295........... merchants of, 218, 294. Zon, William de, 82. Zousche, Souche, Suhche, Szuch, Zousch, Zuch, Zuche, Zusch, Zusche, Alan la, 148, 189, 319.........., justice in eyre for Forest pleas in co. Huntingdon, 386........... E. la, 360.........., Eleanor la, 249, 332........., Ellen la, 38, 138, 225, 226, 553, 564........... Eudo la, 68, 90, 113, 114, 115, 178, 180, 190, 191, 239, 247, 256, 294, 295, 336, 383, 420, 422, 497......., Ivo la, knt., 186. *......., Milicent, Milisent, Milisenta, wife of, Eudo la, 68, 90, 113-115, 178, 180, 190, 191, 294, 295, 383, 420, 533, 568, 582.........., R. la, 360........... Roger la, 247............... son of Alan la, 148, 319. CATALOGUE (Revised to 31 August, 1900), OF ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS, REPORTS OF THE HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION, AND ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPERS OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS, ENGLAND AND IRELAND, Printed for HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, And to be purchased, Either directly or through any Bookseller from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C., and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., ROSE STREET, EDINBURGH, and 90, WEST NILE STREET, GLASGOW; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., LIMITED, 104, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. CONTENTS. CALENDARS OF STATE PAPERS, &C. - - PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, LISTS AND INDEXES - CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND THE MIDDLE AGES - - - - PUBLICATIONS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, &C. WORKS PUBLISHED IN PHOTOZINCOGRAPHY HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION - REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC R Pago - 3 (A IRELAND DURING tECORDS - - 9 10 20 22 24 31 SCOTCH RECORD PUBLICATIONS - - - 35 IRISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS - - - - - 36 REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS, IRELAND 37 -- — --- —. — - ------— - I —' --- —' -----— ""-' —"I-' ENGLAND. CALENDARS OF STATE PAPERS, &c. [IMPERIAL 8vo., cloth. Price 15s. each Volume or Part.] Subsequent to recommendations of Committees of the House of Commons in 1800 and 1836, the Master of the Rolls, in 1865, stated to the Lords of the Treasury that although "the Records, State Papers, "and Documents in his charge constitute the most complete and perfect "series of their kind in the civilized world," and although "they are "of the greatest value in a historical and constitutional point of view, yet "they are comparatively useless to the public, from the want of proper "Calendars and Indexes." Thereupon their Lordships assented to the necessity of having Calendars prepared and printed, and empowered the Master of the Rolls to take such steps as might be necessary for this purpose. The following Works have been already published in this Series:CALENDARIUM GENEALOGICOUM; for the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward ]. Edited by CHARLES ROBERTS. 2 Vols. 1865. SYLLABUS, IN ENGLISH, OF RYMER'S F(EDERA. By Sir THOMAS DUFFc S HARDY, D.C.L. 1869-1885. Vol. I-1066-1377. (Out /f print.) Vol. II.-1377-1654. Vol. I1I., Appendix and Index. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ANCIENT DEEDS, preserved in the Public Record Office. 1890-1900. Vols. I., II. and III. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS, prepared under the superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1891-1900:EDWARD I. Vol. II.- 1281-1292. Vol. IV.-1301-1307. Vol. III.-1292-1301. EDWARD II. Vol..-1307-1313. V ol. II.-1313-1317. EDWARD II[. Vol. I.- 1327-1330. VI ol. IV.-1338-1340. Vol. II.- 1333-1334. Vol. V —1340-1343. Vol. III.-1334-1338. 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CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD I. Vol. I. 1272-1281. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD II. Vol. III. 1318, &C. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD III. Vol. VI. 1343, &C. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF RICHARD II. Vol. IV. 1390, &C. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VI. Vol. I. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD IV. Vol. III. CALENDAR OF THE CLOSE ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD I. Vol. I. CALENDAR OF THE CLOSE ROLLS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD III. Vols. IV. and V. CALENDAR OF LETTERS AND PAPERS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII., preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, &c. Edited by JAMES GAIRDNER, C.B., and ROBERT H. BRODIE. Vol. XVIII. INQUISITIONS AND ASSESSMENTS relating to FEUDAL AIDS. Vol. II. Dorset to Huntingdon. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, relating to ENGLISH AFFAIRS, preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. Edited by HORATIO F. BROWN. Vol. X. CALENDAR of entries in the PAPAL REGISTERS, illustrating the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Edited by W. H. BLISS, B.C.L., and J. A. TWEMLOW, B.A. Papal Letters. Vols. IV and V. 1362, &c. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES II, Vol. XIV. 1672. Edited by F. H. BLACKBURNE DANIELL, M.A. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC SERIES, OF THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. Vol. III. Edited by W. J. HARDY, F.S.A. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS relating to IRELAND, 1633, etc. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, COLONIAL SERIES, Vols. XIII. and XIV. Edited by the Hon. J. W. FORTESCUE. ACTS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF ENGLAND, New Series. Vol. XXII. Edited by JOHN ROCHE DASENT, C.B., M.A., Barrister-at-Law, PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. LISTS AND INDEXES. The object of these publications is to make the contents of the Public Record Office more easily available. In conjunction with the Calendars, they will, in course of time, form a catalogue of the National Archives, as explained in the Fifty-first Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records (page 10). No. I. Index of ANCIENT PETITIONS of the Chancery and the Exchequer. 1892. Price 9s. 6d. No. II. List and Index of DECLARED ACCOUNTS from the Pipe Office and the Audit Office. 1893. Price 15s. No. 11. List of volumes of STATE PAPERS (Great Britain and Ireland). Part I., A.D. 1547-1760. 1894. Price 6s. 6d. No. IV. List of PLEA ROLLS. 1894. Price 7s. No. V. List of MINISTERS' ACCOUNTS preserved in the Public Record Office. Part I. 1894. Price 16s. No. VI. List and Index of COURT ROLLS preserved in the Public Record Office. Part I. 1896. Price 15s. No. VII. Index of CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS, Series II. A.D. 1558-1579. 1896. Price 14s. No. VIII. List and Index of MINISTERS' ACCOUNTS. Appendix, Corrigenda and Index to Part I. 1897. Price 3s. No. IX. List of SHERIFFS from the earliest times to A.D. 1831. 1898. Price 9s. No. X. List of proceedings with regard to CHARITABLE USES. 1899. Price 5s. In the Press. List of FOREIGN ACCOUNTS enrolled on the Great Rolls of the Exchequer. List of EARLY CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. List of STAR-CHAMBER PROCEEDINGS. In Progress. List of ANCIENT ACCOUNTS. List of SURVEYS, RENTALS, &C. 10 THE CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. [ROYAL 8vo. Price 10s. each Volume or Part.] 1. THE CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND, by JOHN CAPGRAVE. Edited by the Rev. F. C. HINGESTON, M.A. 1858. Capgrave's Chronicle extends from the creation of the world to the year 1417. Being written in English, it is of value as a record of the language spoken in Norfolk. 2. CHRONICON MONASTERII DE ABINGDON. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEPHENSON, M.A., Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 1858. This Chronicle traces the history of the monastery from its foundation by King Ina of Wessex, to the reign of Richard I. The author incorporates into his history various charters of the Saxon kings, as illustrating not only the history of the locality but that of the kingdom. 3. LIVES OF EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. 1.-La Estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei. II.-Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III.-Vita AEduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The first is a poem in French, probably written in 1245. The second is an anonymous poem, written between 1440 and 1450, which is mainly valuable as a specimen of the Latin poetry of the time. The third, also by an anonymous author, was apparently written between 1066 and 1074. 4. MONUMENTA FRANCISCANA. Vol. I.-Thomas de Eccleston de Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. Adas de Marisco Epistolme. Registrum Fratrum Minorum Londoniae. Edited by J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. Vol. II.-De Adventu Minorum; re-edited with additions. Chronicle of the Grey Friars. The ancient English version of the Rule of St. Francis. Abbreviatio Statutorum, 1451, &c. Edited by RICHARD HOWLETT, Barrister-at-Law. 1858, 1882. 5. FASCICULI ZIZANIORUIM MAGISTRI JOHANNIS WYCLIF CUM TRITICO. Ascribed to THOMAS NETTER, of WALDEN, Provincial of the Carmelite Order in England, and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth. Edited by the Rev. W. W. SHIRLEY, M.A., Tutor and late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. 1858. This work gives the only contemporaneous account of the rise of the Lollards. 6. TIE BUIK OF THE CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND; or, A Metrical Version of the History of Hector Boece; by WILLIAM STEWART. Vols. I.-IlI. Edited by W. B. TURNBULL, Barrister-at-Law. 1858. This is a metrical translation of a Latin Prose Chronicle, written in the first half of the 16th century. The narrative begins with the earliest legends and ends with the death of James I. of Scotland, and the "evil ending of the traitors that slew him." The peculiarities of the Scottish dialect are well illustrated in this version. 7. JOHANNIS CAPGRAVE LIBEEI DE ILLUSTRIBUS HENRICIS. Edited by the Rev. F. C. HINGESTON, M.A. 1858. The first part relates only to the history of the Empire from the election of Henry I. the Fowler, to the end of the reign of the Emperor Henry VI. The second part is devoted to English history, from the accession of Henry I. in 1100, to 1446, which was the twenty-fourth year of the reign of Henry VI. The third part contains the lives of illustrious men who have borne the name of Henry irivarious parts of the world 11 8. HISTORIA MONASTERII S. AUGUSTINI CANTUARIENSIS by THoMAs oF ELMHAM, formerly Monk and Treasurer of that Foundation. Edited by CHARILES HARDWICK, M.A., Fellow of St. Catherine's Ball, and Christian Advocate in the University of Cambridge. 1858. This history extends from the arrival of St. Augustine in Kent until 1191. 9. EULOGIUM (HISTORIARIUM SIVE TEMPORIS): Chronicon ab Orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1366; a monacho quodam Malmesbiriensi exaratum. Vols. I.-III. Edited by F. S. JAYDON, B.A. 1858-1863. This is a Latin Chronicle extending from the Creation to the latter part of the reign of Edward III., with a continuation to the year 1413. 10. MEMORIALS OF HENRY THE SEVENTH; Bernardi Andreae Tholosatis Vita Regis Henrici Septimi; necnon alia quaedam ad eundem Regem Spectantia. Edited by JAMES GAIRDNER. 1858. The contents of this volume are-(1) a life of Henry VII., by his poet Laureate and historiographer, Bernard Andre, of Toulouse, with some compositions in verse, of which he is supposed to have been the author; (2) the journals of Roger Machado during certain embassies to Spain and Brittany, the first of which had reference to the marriage of the King's son, Arthur, with Catharine of Arragon; (3) two curious reports by envoys sent to Spain in 1505 touching the succession to the Crown of Castile, and a project of marriage between Henry VII. and the Queen of Naples; and (4) an account of Philip of Castile's reception in England in 1506. Other documents of interest are given in an appendix. 11. MEMORIALS OF HENRY THE FIFrTH. I.-Vita Henrici Quinti, Roberto Redmanno auctore. II.-Versus Rhythmici in laudem Regis Henrici Quinti. III.-Elmhami Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Edited by CHARLES A. COLE. 1858. 12. MUNIMENTIE GILDHALLY, LONDONIENSIS; Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn, in archivis Gildhallre asservati. Vol. I., Liber Albus. Vol. It. (in Two Parts), Liber Custumarum. Vol. III., Translation of the Anglo-Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries, Appendices, and Index. Edited by HENRY THOMAS RILEY, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1859-1862. The Lzber Albus, compiled by John Carpenter, Common Clerk of the City of London in the year 1419, gives an account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of that City in the 12th, 13th, 14th, and early part of the 15th centuries. The Lzber Custumarunm was compiled in the early part of the 14th century during the reign of Edward II. It also gives an account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of the City of London in the 12th, 13th, and early part of the 14th centuries. 13. CHRONICA JOHANNIS DE OXENEDES. Edited by SIR HENRY ELLIS, K.H. 1859. Although this Chronicle tells of the arrival of Hengist and Horsa, it substantially begins with the reign of King Alfred, and comes down to 1292. It is particularly valuable for notices of events in the eastern portions of the kingdom. 14. A COLLECTION OF POLITICAL POEMS AND SONGS RELATING TO ENGLISH HISTORY, FROM THE ACCESSION OF EDWARD III. TO THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII. Vols. I. and II. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A. 1859-1861. 15. The "OPus TERTIUM," " OPUS MINUS," &c. of ROGER BACON. Edited by J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. 1859. 16. BARTHOLOMXEI DE COTTON, MONACHI NORWICENSIS, HISTORIA ANGLICANA; 449-1298; neenon ejusdem Liber de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliae. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinty College, Cambridge, 1859. 17. BRUT Y TYWYSOGION; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. Edited by the Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS AB ITHEL, M.A. 1860. This work, written in the ancient Welsh language, begins with the abdication and death of Caedwala at Rome, in the year 681, and continues the history down to the subjugation of Wales by Edward I., about the year 1282. 12 18. A COLLECTION OF ROYAL AND HISTORICAL LETTERS DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY IV. 1399-1404. Edited by the Rev. F. C. HINGESTON, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 1860. 19. THE REPRESSOR OF OVER MUCH BLAMING OF THE CLERGY. By REGINALD PECOCK, sometime Bishop of Chichester. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. CHURCHILL BABINGTON, B.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 1860. The author was born about the end of the fourteenth century, consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph in the year 1444, and translated to the see of Chichester in 1450. His work gives a full account of the views of the Lollards, and has great value for the philologist. 20. ANNALES CAMBRIE. Edited by the Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS AB ITHEL, M.A. 1860. These annals, which are in Latin, commence in 447, and come down to 1288. The earlier portion appears to be taken from an Irish Chronicle used by Tigernach, and by the compiler of the Annals of Ulster. 21. THE WORKS OF GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS. Vols. I.-IV. Edited by the Rev. J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. Vols. V.-VII. Edited by the Rev. JAMES F. DIMOCK, M.A., Rector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. Vol. VIII. Edited by GEORGE F. WARNER, M.A., of the Department of MSS., British Museum. 1861-1891. These volumes contain the historical works of Gerald du Barry, who lived in the reigns of Henry II., Richard I., and John. The Topographia Hibernca (in Vol. V.) is the result of Giraldus' two visits to Ireland, the first in 1183, the second in 1185-6, when he accompanied Prince John into that country. The Expugnatio IHiberntca was written about 1188. Vol. VI. contains the Itnerartum Kambrice ct Descriptio RKambrtae; and Vol. VII., the lives of S. Remigius and S. Hugh. Vol. VIII. contains the Treatise De Przncipum Iizstructione, and an index to Vols. I.-IV. and VIII. 22. LETTERS AND PAPERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE WARS OF THE ENGLISH IN FRANCE DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY THE SIXTH, KING OF ENGLAND, Vol. I., and Vol. II. (in Two Parts). Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A., Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 1861-1864. 23. THE ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE, ACCORDING TO THE SEVERAL ORIGINAL AUTHORITIES. Vol. I., Original Texts. Vol. II., Translation. Edited and translated by BENJAMIN THORPE, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Munich, and of the Society of Netherlandish Literature at Leyden. 1861. There are at present six independent manuscripts of the Saxon Chronicle, ending in different years, and written in different parts of the country. In this edition, the text of each manuscript is printed in columns on the same page, so that the student may see at a glance the various changes which occur in orthography. 24. LETTERS AND PAPERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE REIGNS OF RICHARD III. AND HENRY VII. Vols. I. and II. Edited by JAMES GARDINER, 1861-1863. The principal contents of the volumes are some diplomatic Papers of Richard III., correspondence between Henry VII. and Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain; documents relating to Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk; and a portion of the correspondence of James IV. of Scotland. 25. LETTERS OF BISHOP GROSSETESTE. Edited by the Rev. HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1861. The letters of Robert Grosscteste range in date from about 1210 to 1253. They refer especially to the diocese of Lincoln, of which Grosseteste was bishop. 26. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Vol. I. (in Two Parts); Anterior to the Norman Invasion. (Out of print.) Vol. II.; 1066-1200. Vol. III.; 1200-1327. By Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1862-1871. 27. ROYAL AND OTHER HISTORICAL LETTERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE REIGN OF HENRY III. Vol. I., 1216-1235. Vol. II., 1236-1272. Selected and edited by the Rev. W. W. SHIRLEY, D.D., Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. 1862-1866. 13 28. CHRONICA MONASTERII S. ALBANI:1. THOME WALSINGHAM HISTORIA ANGLICANA; Vol. I., 1272-1381: Vol. II., 1381-1422. 2. WILLELMI RISHANGER CHRONICA ET ANNALES, 1259-1307. 3. JOHANNIS DE TROKELOWE ET HENRICI DE BLANEFORDE CHRONICA ET ANNALES 1259-1296; 1307-1324; 1392-1406. 4. GESTA ABBATUM MONASTERII S. ALBANI, A THOMA WALSINGHAM, REGNANTE RICARDO SECUNDO, EJUSDEM ECCLESILE PRzECENTORE, COMPILATA; Vol. I., 793-1290: Vol. II., 1290-1349: Vol. 11., 1349-1411. 5. JOHANNIS AMUNDESHAM, MONACHI MONASTERII S. ALBANI, UT VIDETUR, ANNALES; Vols. I. and II. 6. REGISTRA QUORUNDAM ABBATUM MONASTERII S. ALBANI, QUI S&ECULO XVmo FLORUERE; Vol. I., REGISTRUM ABBATIIE JOHANNIS WHETHAMSTEDE, ABBATIS MONASTERII SANCTI ALBANI, ITERUM SUSCEPTE; ROBERTO BLAKENEY, OAPELLANO, QUONDAM ADSCRIPTUM: Vol. II., REGISTRA JOHANNIS WHETHAMSTEDE, WILLELMI ALBON, ET WILLELMI WALINGFORDE, ABBATUM MONASTERII SANCTI ALBANI, CUM APPENDICE, CONTINENTE QUASDAM EPISTOLAS A JOHANNE WHETHAMSTEDE CONSCRIPTAS. 7. YPODIGMA NEUSTRIAE A THOMA WALSINGHAM, QUONDAM MONACHO MONASTERII S. ALBANI, CONSCRIPTUM. Edited by HENRY THOMAS RILEY, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1863-1876. In the first two volumes is a History of England, from the death of Henry III. to the death of Henry V., by Thomas Walsingham, Precentor of St. Albans. In the 3rd volume is a Chronicle of English History, attributed to William Rishanger, who lived in the reign of Edward I.: an account of transactions attending the award of the kingdom of Scotland to John Balliol, 1291-1292, also attributed to William Rishanger, but on no sufficient ground: a short Chronicle of English History, 1292 to 1300, by an unknown hand: a short Chronicle, Willelmi Rishanger Gesta Edwardi Primi, Regis Anglise, probably by the same hand: and fragments of three Chronicles of English History, 1285 to 1307. In the 4th volume is a Chronicle of English History, 1259 to 1296: Annals of Edward II., 1307 to 1323, by John de Trokelowe, a monk of St. Albans, and a continuation of Trokelowe's Annals, 1823, 1324, by Henry de Blaneforde: a full Chronicle of English History, 1392 to 1406. and an account of the benefactors of St. Albans, written in the early part of the 15th century, The 5th, 6th, and 7th volumes contain a history of the Abbots of St. Albans, 793 to 1411 mainly compiled by Thomas Walsingham, with a Continuation. The 8th and 9th volumes, in continuation of the Annals, contain a Chronicle probably of John Amundesham, a monk of St. Albans. The 10th and 11th volumes relate especially to the acts and proceedings of Abbots Whethamstede, Albon, and Wallingford. The 12th volume contains a compendious History of England to the reign of Henry V. and of Normandy in early times, also by Thomas Walsingham, and dedicated to Henry V. 29. CHRONICON ABBATxLE EVESHAMENSIS, AUCTORIBUS DOMINICO PRIORE EVESHAMIE EI THOMA DE MARLEBERGE ABBATE, A FUNDATIONE AD ANNUM 1213, UNA CUM CONTINUATIONE AD ANNUM 1418. Edited by the Rev. W. D. MACRAY, Bodleian Library, Oxford. 1863. The Chronicle of Evesham illustrates the history of that important monastery from 690 to 1418. Its chief feature is an autobiography, which makes us acquainted with the inner daily life of a great abbey. Interspersed are many notices of general, personal, and local history. 30. RICARDI DE CIRENOESTRIA SPECULUM HISTORIALE DE GESTIS REGUM ANGLILE. Vol. I., 447-871. Vol. II., 872-1066. Edited by JOHN E. B. MAYOR, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 1863-1869. Richard of Cirencester's history is in four books, and gives many charters in favour of Westminster Abbey, and a very full account of the lives and miracles of the saints especially of Edward the Confessor, whose reign occupies the fourth book. A treatise on the Coronation, by William of Sudbury, a monk of Westminster, fills book ii. c. 3. 31. YEAR BOOKS OF THE REIGNS OF EDWARD THE FIRST AND EDWARD THE THIRD. Years 20-21, 21-22, 30-31, 32-33, and 33-35 Edw. I; and 11-12 Edw. III. Edited and translated by ALFRED JOHN HORWOOD, Barrister-at-Law. Years 12-13, 13-14, 14, 14-15, 15 and 16 Edward III. Edited and translated by LUKE OWEN PIKE, M.A., Barrister-atTLaw, 1863-1900, 14 32. NARRATIVES OF THE EXPULSION OF THE ENGLISH FROM NORMANDY, 1449 -1450.-Robertus Blondelli de Reductione Normannime: Le Recouvrement de Normendie, par Berry, Herault du Roy: Conferences between the Ambassadors of France and England. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. 1863. 33. HISTORIA ET CARTULARIUM MONASTERII S. PETRI GLOUCESTRIE. Vols. I.III. Edited by W.H. HART, F.S.A., Membre Correspondant de la Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie. 1863 1867. 34. ALEXANDRI NECKAM DE NATURIS RERUM LIBRI DUO; with NECKAM'S POEM, DE LAUDIBUS DIVINzE SAPIENTILE. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A. 1863. 35. LEECHDOMS, WORTCUNNING, AND STARCRAFT OF EARLY ENGLAND; being a Collection of Documents illustrating the History of Science in this Country before the Norman Conquest. Vols. I.-III. Collected and edited by the Rev. T. OSWALD COCKAYNE, M.A. 1864-1866. 36. ANNALES MONASTICI. Vol. 1.:-Annales de Margan, 1066-1232; Annales de Theokesberia, 1066-1263; Annales de Burton, 1004-1263. Vol. II.: —Annales Monasterii de Wintonia, 519-1277; Annales Monasterii de Waverleia, 1-1291. Vol. III.:-Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia, 1-1297. Annales Monasterii de Bermundeseia, 1042-1432. Vol. IV.:-Annales Monasterii de Oseneia, 1016-1347; Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon Thomse Wykes, 1066-1289; Annales Prioratus de Wigornia, 1-1377. Vol. V.:-Index and Glossary. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARDS, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. 1864-1869. 37. MAGNA VITA S. HUGONIS EPISCOPI LINCOLNIENSIS. Edited by the Rev. JAMES F. DIMocK, M.A., Rector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. 1864. 38. CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF THE REIGN OF RICHARD THE FIRST. Vol. I.:-ITINERARIUM PEREGRINORUM ET GESTA REGIS RICARDI. Vol. II.:-EPISTOLE CANTUARIENSES; the Letters of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury; 1187 to 1199. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Vicar of Navestock, Essex, and Lambeth Librarian. 1864-1865. The authorship of the Chronicle in Vol. I., hitherto ascribed to Geoffrey Vinesauf, is now more correctly ascribed to Richard, Canon of the Holy Trinity of London. The letters in Vol. II., written between 1187 and 1199, had their origin in a dispute which arose from the attempts of Baldwin and Hubert, archbishops of Canterbury, to found a college of secular canons, a project which gave great umbrage to the monks of Canterbury. 39. RECUEIL DES CRONIQUES ET ANCHIENNES ISTORIES DE LA GRANT BRETAIGNE A PRESENT NOMME ENGLETERRE, par JEHAN DE WAURIN. Vol. I., Albina to 688. Vol. II., 1399-1422. Vol. III., 1422-1431. Edited by WILLIAM HARDY, F.S.A. 1864-1879. Vol. IV., 1431-1447. Vol. V., 1447-1471. Edited by Sir WILLIAM HARDY, F.S.A., and EDWARD L. C. P. HARDY, F.S.A. 1884-1891. 40. A COLLECTION OF THE CHRONICLES AND ANCIENT HISTORIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, NOW CALLED ENGLAND, by J ON DE WAURIN. Vol. I., Albina to 688. Vol. IT., 1399-1422. Vol. III., 1422-1431. (Translations of the preceding Vols. I., II., and III.) Edited and translated by Sir WILLIAM HARDY, F.S.A., and EDWARD L. C. P. HARDY, F.S.A 1864 -1891. 15 41. POLYCHRONICON RANULPHI HIGDEN, with Trevisa's Translation. Vols. I and II. Edited by CHURCHILL BABINGTON, B.D., Senior Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. Vols. III.-1X. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH RAWSON LUMBY, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity, Vicar of St. Edward's, Fellow of St. Catharine's College, and late Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. 1865-1886. This chronicle begins with the Creation, and is brought down to the reign of Edward III. The two English translations, which are printed with the original Latin, afford interesting illustrations of the gradual change of our language, for one was made in the fourteenth century, the other in the fifteenth. 42. LE LIVERE DE REIS DE BRITTANIE E LE LIVERE DE REIS DE ENGLETERE. Edited by the Rev. JOHN GLOVER, M.A., Vicar of Brading, Isle of Wight, formerly Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1865. These two treaties are valuable as careful abstracts of previous historians. 43. CHRONICA MONASIERII DE MELSA AB ANNO 1150 USQUE AD ANNUM 1406, Vols. I.-III. Edited by EDWARD AUGUSTUS BOND, Assistant Keeper of Manuscripts, and Egerton Librarian, British Muselm. 1866 -1868. 44. MATTHrEI PARISIENSIS HISTORIA ANGLORUM, SIVE UT VULGO DICITUR, HISroRIA MINOR. Vols. I.,-III. 1067-1253. Edited by Sir FREDERICK MADDEN, K.H., Keeper of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum. 1866-1869. 45. LIBER MONASTERII DE HYDA: A CHRONICLE AND CHARTULARY OF HYDE ABBEY, WINCHESTER, 455-1023. Edited byEDWARD EDWARDS. 1866. The "Book of Hyde" is a compilation from much earlier sources, which are usually indicated with considerable care and precision. In many cases, however, the Hyde Chronicler appears to correct, to qualify, or to amplify the statements which, in substance, he adopts. There is to be found, in the " Book of Hyde," much information relating to the reign of King Alfred which is not known to exist elsewhere. The volume contains some curious specimens of Anglo-Saxon and mediweval English. 46. CHRONICON SCOTORUM. A CHRONICLE OF IRISH AFFAIRS, from the earliest times to 1135; and SUPPLEMENT, containing the events from 1141 to' 1150. Edited, with Translation, by WILLIAM MAUNSELL HENNESSY, M.R.T.A. 1866. 47. THE CHRONICLE OF PIERRE DE LANGTOFT, IN FRENCH VERSE, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE DEATH OF EDWARD I. Vols. I. and II. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A. 1866-1868. It is probable that Pierre de Langtoft was a canon of Bridlington, in Yorkshire, and lived in the reign of Edward I., and during a portion of the reign of Edward II. This chronicle is divided into three parts; in the first, is an abridgment of Geoffrey of Monmouth's " Historia Britonum "; in the second, a history of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings, to the death of Henry III.; in the third, a history of the reign of Edward I. The language is a specimen of the French of Yorkshire. 48. THE WAR OF THE GAEDHIL WITH THE GAILL, or THE INVASIONS OF IRELAND BY THE DANES AND OTHER NORSEMEN. Edited, with a Translation, by the Rev. JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D.D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Dublin. 1867. 49. GESTA REGIS HENRICI SECUNDI BENEDICTI ABBATIS. CHRONICLE OF THE REIGNS OF HENRY II. AND RICHARD I., 1169-1192, known under the name of BENEDICT OF PETERBOROUGH. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, Oxford, and Lambeth Librarian. 1867. 50. MUNIMENTA ACADEMICA, OR, DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF ACADEMICAL LIFE AND STUDIES AT OXFORD (in Two Parts). Edited by the Rev. HENRY ANSTEY, M.A., Vicar of St. Wendron, Cornwall, and late Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. 1868. 16 51. CHRONICA MAGISTRI ROGERI DE HOUEDENE. Vols. I.-IV. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1868-1871. The earlier portion, extending from 732 to 1148, appears to be a copy of a compilation made in Northumbria about 1161, to which Hoveden added little. From 1148 to 1169-a very valuable portion of this work-the matter is derived from another source, to which Hoveden appears to have supplied little. From 1170 to 1192 is the portion which corresponds to some extent with the Chronicle known under the name of Benedict of Peterborough (see No. 49). From 1192 to 1201 may be said to be wholly Hoveden's work. 52. WILLELMI MALMESBIRIENSIS MONACHI DE GESTIS PONTIFICUM ANGLORUM LIBRI QUINQUE. Edited by N. E. S. A. HAMILTON, of the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. 1870. 53. HISTORIC AND MUNICIPAL DOCUMENTS OF IRELAND, FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN, &C. 1172-1320. Edited by JOHN T. GILBERT, F.S.A., Secretary of the Public Record Office of Ireland. 1870. 54. THE ANNALS OF LOCH CE. A CHRONICLE OF IRISH AFFAIRS, FROM 1041 to 1590. Vols. I. and II. Edited, with a Translation, by WILLIAM MAUNSELL HENNESSY, M.R.I.A. 1871. 55. MONUMENTA JURIDICA. THE BLACK BOOK OF THE ADMIRALTY, WITH APPENDICES, Vols. I.-IV. Edited by Sir TRAVERS TWISS, Q.C., D.C.L. 1871-1876. This book contains the ancient ordinances and laws relating to the navy. 56. MEMORIALS OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VI.:-OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE OF THOMAS BEKYNTON, SECRETARY TO HENRY VI., AND BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS. Edited by the Rev. GEORGE WILLIAMS, B.D., Vicar of Ringwood, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Vols. I. and II. 1872. 57. MATTHAEI PARISIENSIS, MONACHI SANCTI ALBANI, CHRONICA MAJORA. Vol. I. The Creation to A.D. 1066. Vol. II. 1067 to 1216. Vol. III. 1216 to 1239. Vol. IV. 1240 to 1247. Vol. V. 1248 to 1259. Vol. VI. Additamenta. Vol. VII. Index. Edited by the Rev. HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, D.., Fellow of Trinity College, Registrary of the University, and Vicar of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. 1872-1884. 58, MEMORIALE FRATRIS WALTERI DE COVENTRIA.-THE HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF WALTER OF COVENTRY. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1872-1873. 59. THE ANGLO-LATIN SATIRICAL POETS AND EPIGRAMMATISTS OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY. Vols. I. and II. Collected and edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., Corresponding Member of the National Institute of France (Acad6mie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). 1872. 60. MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VII., FROM ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. 1873-1877. 61. HISTORICAL PAPERS AND LETTERS FROM THE NORTHERN REGISTERS. Edited by the Rev. JAMES RAINE, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. 1873. 62. REGISTRUM PALATINUM DUNELMENSE. THE REGISTER OF RICHARD DE KELLAWE, LORD PALATINE AND BISHOP OF DURHAM; 1311-1316. Vols. I.-I V. Edited by Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1873-1878. 63. MEMORIALS OF ST. DUNSTAN, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1874. 17 64. CHRONICON ANOLLE, AB ANNO DOMINI 1328 USQUE AD ANNUM 1388, AUCTORE MONACHO QUODAM SANCTI ALBANI. Edited by EDWARD MAUNDE THOMPSON, Barrister-at-Law, Assistant Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum. 1874. 65. THOMAS SAGA ERKIBYSKUPS. A LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP THOMAS BECKET IN ICELANDIC. Vols. I. and II. Edited,, with English Translation, Notes, and Glossary, by M. EIR KR MAGNUSSON, M.A., Sub-Librarian, of the University Library, Cambridge. 1875-1884. 66. RADULPHI DE COGGESHALL CHRONICON ANGLICANUM. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. 1875. 67. MATERIALS FOR THE HISTORY OF THOMAS BECKET, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. Vols. I.-VI. Edited by the Rev. JAMES CRAIGIE ROBERTSON, M.A., Canon of Canterbury. 1875-1883. Vol. VII, Edited by JOSEPH BRIGSTOCKE SHEPPARD, LL.D. 1885. The first volume contains the life of that celebrated man, and the miracles after his death, by William, a monk of Canterbury. The second, the life by Benedict of Peterborough; John of Salisbury; Alan of Tewkesbury; and Edward Grim. The third, the life by William Fitzstephen; and Herbert of Bosham. The fourth, anonymous lives, Quadrilogus, &c. The fifth, sixth, and seventh, the Epistles, and known letters. 68. RADULFI DE DICETO DECANI LUNDONIENSIS OPERA HISTORICA. THE HISTORICAL WORKS OF MASTER RALPH DE DICETO, DEAN OF LONDON. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1876. The Abbreviationes Chronicorum extend to 1147 and the Ymagines Historiarum to 1201. 69. ROLL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE KING'S COUNCIL IN IRELAND, FOR A PORTION OF THE 16TH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF RICHARD II. 1392-93. Edited by the Rev. JAMES GRAVES, B.A. 1877. 70. HENRICI DE BRACTON DE LEGIBUS ET CONSUETUDINIBUS ANGLIE LIBRI QUINQUE IN VARIOS TRACTATUS DISTINCTI. Vols. I.-VI. Edited by SIR TRAVEnRS Twss, Q.C., D.C.L. 1878-1883. 71. THE HISTORIANS OF THE CHURCH OF YORK, AND ITS ARCHBISHOPS. Vols. I.-III. Edited by the REv. JAMES RAINE, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. 1879-1894. 72. REGISTRUM MALMESBURIENSE. THE REGISTER OF MALMESBURY ABBEY, PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. Yols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. J. S. BREWER, M.A., Preacher at the Rolls, and Rector of Toppesfield; and CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, B.A. 1879-1880. 73. HISTORICAL WORKS OF GERVASE OF CANTERBURY. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, London; Regius Professor of Modern History and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, &c. 1879, 1880. 74. HENRICI ARCHIDIACONI HUNTENDUNENSIS HISTORIA ANGLORUM. THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH, BY HENRY, ARCHDEACON OF HUNTINGDON, from A.D. 55 to A.D. 1154, in Eight Books. Edited by THOMAS ARNOLD, M.A., 1879. 75. THE HISTORICAL WORKS OF SYMEON OF DURHAM. Vols. I. and II. Edited by THOMAS ARNOLD, M.A. 1882-1885. 76. CHRONICLE OF TIE REIGNS OF EDWARD I. AND EDWARD II. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, London; Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, &c. 1882-1883. The first volume of these Chronicles contains the Annales Londonienses, and the Annales Paulini: the second, I.-Commendatio Lamentabzhs in Transitu magni Regis Edwardi. II.Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan Auctore Canonico Bridlingioniensi. III.-Monachi czujusdan Malmesberiensis Vita Edwardi 1I. IV.- Vita et Mors Edward 11., conscripta a Thona de la Eve! 18 77. REGISTRUM EPISTOLARTUM FRATRIS JOHANNIS PECKHAM, ARCHIEPISCOPI CANTUARIENSIS. Vols. I.-III. Edited by CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, B.A., F.S.A., 1882-1886. 78. REGISTER OF S. OSM1UND. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. W. H. RICH JONES, M.A., F.S.A., Canon of Salisbury, Vicar of Bradford-onAvon. 1883,1884. This Register derives its name from containing the statutes, rules, and orders made or compiled by S. Osmund, to be observed in the Cathedral and diocese of Salisbury. 79. CHARTULARY OF THE ABBEY OF RAMSEY. Vols. I.-III. Edited by WILLIAM HENRY HART, F.S.A., and the Rev. PONSONBY ANNESLEY LYONS. 1884-1893. 80. CHARTULARIES OF ST. MARY'S ABBEY, DUBLIN, WITH THE REGISTER OF ITS HOUSE AT DUNBRODY, COUNTY OF WEXFORD, AND ANNALS OF IRELAND, 1162-1370. Vols. I. and II. Edited by JOHN THOMAS GILBERT, F.S.A., M.R.I.A. 1884, 1885. 81. EADMERI HISTORIA NOVORUM IN ANGLIA, ET OPUSCULA DUO DE VITA SANCTI ANSELMI ET QUIBUSDAM MIRACULIS EJUS. Edited by the Rev. MARTIN RULE, M A. 1884. 82. CHRONICLES OF THE REIGNS OF STEPHEN, HENRY Ii., AND RICHARD I. Vols. I.-IV, Edited by RICHARD HOWLETT, Barrister-at-Law. 1884 -1889. Vol. I. contains Books I.-IV. of the Historia Rerum Anglicarum of William of Newburgh. Vol. II. contains Book V. of that work, the continuation of the same to A.D. 1298, and the Draco Normannzcus of Etienne de Rouen. Vol. III. contains the Gesta Stephani Regis, the Chronicle of Richard of Hexham, the Relatzo de Standardo of St. Aelred of Rievaulx, the poem of Jordan Fantosme, and the Chronicle of Richard of Devizes. Vol. IV. contains the Chronicle of Robert of Torigni. 83. CHRONICLE OF THE ABBEY OF RAMSEY. Edited by the Rev. WILLIAM DUNN MACRAY, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Ducklington, Oxon. 1886. 84. CHRONICA ROGERI DE WENDOVER, SIVE FLORES HISTORIARUM. Vols. I.III. Edited by HENRY GAY HEWLETT, Keeper of the Records of the Land Revenue. 1886-1889. This edition gives that portion only of Roger of Wendover's Chronicle which can be accounted an original authority. 85. THE LETTER BOOKS OF THE MONASTERY OF CHRIST CHURCH, CANTERBURY. Vols. I.-III. Edited by JOSEPH BRIGSTOCKE SHEPPARD, LL.D. 1887 -1889. 4 The Letters printed in these volumes were chiefly written between 1296 and 1333. 86. THE METRICAL CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. Edited by WILLIAM ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Parts I. and II., 1887. The date of the composition of this Chronicle is placed about the year 1300. The writer appears to have been an eye witness of many events of which he describes. The language in which it is written was the dialect of Gloucestershire at that time. 87. CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF BRUNNE. Edited by FREDERICK JAMES FURNLVALL, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Parts I. and II. 1887. Robert of Brunne, or Bourne, co. Lincoln, was a member of the Gilbertine Order established at Sempringham. His Chronicle is described by its editor as a work of fiction, a contribution not to English history, but to the history of English. 88. ICELANDIC SAGAS AND OTHER HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS relating to the Settlements and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Vol. I. Orkneyinga Saga, and Magnus Saga. Vol. II. Hakonar Saga, and Magnus Saga. Edited by GUDBRAND VIGFUSSON, M.A. 1887. Vols. III. and IV. Translations of the above by Sir GEORGE WEBBE DASENT, D.C.L. 1894. 89. THE TRIPARTITE LIFE OF ST. PATRICK, with other documents relating to that Saint. Edited by WnITLEY STOKES, LL.D., D.O.L., Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford; and Corresponding Member of the Institute of France. Parts I. and II. 1887. 19 90. WILLELMI MONACHI MALMESBIRIENSIS DE REGUM GESTIS ANGLORUM LIBRI V.; ET HISTORIC, NOVELLAE, LIBRI III. Edited by WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. Vols. I. and II. 1887-1889. 91. LxSTORIE DES ENGLES SOLUM GEFFREI GAIMAR. Edited by the late Sir THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records; continued and translated by CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, B.A., F.S.A. Vols. I. and II. 1888-1889. 92. CHRONICLE OF HENRY KNIGHTON, Canon of Leicester. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH RAWSON LUMBY, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity. 1889-1895. 93. CHRONICLE OF ADAM MURIMUTH, with the CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF AVESBUnR. Edited by EDWARD MAUNDE THOMPSON, LL.D., F.S.A., Principal Librarian and Secretary of the British Museum. 1889. 94. REGISTER OF THE ABBEY OF St. THOMAS THE MARTYR, DUBLIN. Edited by JOHN THOMAS GILBERT, F.S.A., M.R.I.A. 1889. 95. FLORES HISTORIARUM. Edited by the Rev. H.. LUARD, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. Vol. I., The Creation to A.D. 1066. Vol. I. A.D. 1067-1264. Vol. II. A.D. 1265-1326. 1890. 96. MEMORIALS OF ST. EDMUND'S ABBEY. Edited by THOMAS ARNOLD, M.A., Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland. Vols. I.-III. 1890-1896. 97. CHARTERS AND DOCUMENTS, ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF THE CATHEDRAL AND CITY OF SARUM, 1100-1300; forming an Appendix to the Register of S. Osmund. Selected by the late Rev. W H. IIaH JONES, M.A., F.S.A., and edited by the Rev. W. D. MACRAY, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Ducklington. 1891. 98. MEMORANDA DE PARLIAMENTO, 25 Edward I. 1305, Edited by F. W. MAITLAND, M.A. 1893. 99. THE RED BOOK OF THE EXCHEQUER. Edited by HUBERT HALL, F.S.A. of the Public Record Office. Parts I.-III. 1896. In the Press. YEAR BOOKS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD III. Edited and translated by LUKE OWEN PIKE, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. RANULF DE GLANVILL; TRACTATUS DE LEGIBUS ET CONSUETUDINIBUS ANGLIE,, &C. Edited and translated by Sir TRAVERS TwISS, Q.C., D.C.L. and I. S. LEADAM, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 20 PUBLICATIONS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, &c. [In boards or cloth. Volumes not mentioned in this list are out of print.] ROTULORUM ORIGINALIUa IN CURIA SCACCARII ABBREVIATIO. Hen. III.-Edw. III. Edited by HENRY PLAYFORD. 2 Vols. folio (1805-1810). 12s. 6d. each. LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM BIBLIOTHECE- HARLEIANSE CATALOGUS. Vol. 4. Edited by the Rev. T. HARTWELL HORNE. Folio (1812), 18s. ABBREVIATIO PLACITORUM. Richard I.-Edward II. Edited by the Right Hon. GEORGE ROSE and W. ILLINGWORTH. 1 Vol. folio (1811), 18s. LIBRI CENSUALIS vocati DOMESDAY-BOOK, INDICES. Edited by Sir HENRY ELLIS. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 3). 21s. LIBRI CENSUALIS vocati DOMESDAY-BOOK, ADDITAMENTA EX CODIC. ANTIQUISS. Edited by Sir HENRY ELLIS. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 4). 21s. STATUTES OF THE REALM. Edited by Sir T. E. TOMLINS, JOHN RAITHBY, JOHN CALEY and WM. ELLIOTT. Vols. 10 and 11, Folios (1824-1828). Indices, 30s. each. VALOR ECCLESIASTICUS, temp. Hen. VIII., Auctoritate Regia institutus. Edited by JOHN CALEY and the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. Vols. 5 to 6, folio (1825-1834). 25s. each. The Introduction, separately, 8vo. 2s. 6d. F(EDERA, CONVENTIONES, LITTERIE, &C.; or, RYMER'S F(EDEuA. New Edition, folio. Edited by JOHN CALEY and FRED HOLBROOKE. Vol. 4, 1377-1383 (1869). 6s. DUCATUS LANCASTRILE CALENDARIUM INQUISITIONUM POST MORTEM, &C. Part 3, Calendar to Pleadings, &c., Hen. VII.-13 Eliz. Part 4, Calendar to Pleadings. to end of Eliz. (1827-1834). Edited by R. J. HARPER, JOHN CALEY, and WM. MINCHIN. Folio. Part 4 (or Vol. 3), 21s. CALENDARS OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN CHANCERY, ELIZ.; with Examples of Proceedings from Ric. II. Edited by JOHN BAYLEY. Vol. 3. (1832), folio, 21s. ROTULI LITTERARUM CLAUSARUM IN TURRI LONDINENSI ASSERVATI. 2 Vols. folio (1833, 1844). Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. Vol. 2, 1224-1227. 18s. PROCEEDINGS AND OiDINANCES OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF ENGLAND. 10 Ric. II.33 Hen. VIII. Edited by Sir NICHOLAS HARRIS NICOLAS. 7 Vols. royal 8vo. (1834-1837). 14s. each. (Vol. 1 out of print.) ROTULI LITTERARUM PATENTIUr IN TURRI LOND. ASSERVATI. 1201-1216. Edited by T. DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. folio (1835), 31s. 6d. The Introduction, separately, 8vo. 9s. ROTULI CURIE REGIS. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King's Justiciars or Justices. 6 Richard 1.-1 John. Edited by Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE. Vol. 2, royal 8vo. (1835). 14s. ROTULI NORMANNI: IN TURRI LOND. ASSERVATI. 1200-1205; 1417-1418. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 12s. 6d. ROTULI DE OBLATIS ET FINIBUS IN TURRI LOND. ASSERVATI, temp. Regis Johannis. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 18s. EXCERPTA E ROTULIS FINIUM IN TURRI LONDINENSI ASSERVATIS. Henry III. 1216-1272. Edited by CHARLES ROBERTS. 2 Vols. royal 8vo. (1835, 1836). Vol. 1, 14s. Vol. 2, 18s. FINES, SIVE PEDES FINIUM: SIVE FINALES CONCORDIE IN CURIA DOMINI REGIS7 Richard 1.-16 John, 1195-1214. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. In Counties. 2 Vols. royal 8vo. (1835-1844); Vol. 1, 8s. 6d.; Vol. 2, 2s. 6d. ANCIENT KALENDARS AND INVENTORIES OF THE TREASURY OF HIS MAJESTY'S EXCHEQUER; with Documents illustrating its History. Edited by Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE. 3 Vols. royal 8vo. (1836). 42s. DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS illustrating the History of Scotland, and Transactions between Scotland and England; preserved in the Treasury of Her Majesty's Exchequer. Edited by Sir FRANCIS PALGRAVE. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1837). ROTULI CHARTARUM IN TURRI LONDINENSI ASSERVATI. 1190-1216. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. folio (1837). 30s. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, 1831-1837. 1 Vol. fol. (1837). 8s. REGISTRUM vulgariter nuncupatum "The Record of Caernarvon," e codice MS. Harleiano, 696, descriptum. Edited by Sir HENRY ELLIS. 1 Vol. folio (1838)1 31s. 6d, 21 ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF ENGLAND; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, with translation of the Saxon; the Laws called Edward the Confessor's; the laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry I.; Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from 7th to 10th century; and Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. Edited by BENJAMIN THORPE. 1 Vol. folio, 40s. 2 Vols. royal 8vo., 30s. (Vol. 1 is out of print.) ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF WALES; comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good, modified by Regulations prior to the Conquest by Edward I.; and anomalous Laws, principally of Institutions which continued in force. With translation. Also, Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. Edited by ANEURIN OWEN. 1 Vol. folio (1841), 44s. 2 Vols. royal 8vo., 36s. ROTULI DE LIBERATE AC DE MISIS ET PRLESTITIS, Regnante Johanne. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol royal 8vo. (1844). 6s. THE GREAT ROLLS OF THE PIPE, 2, 4, Hen. II., 1155-1158. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 4s. 6d. THE GREAT ROLL OF THE PIPE, 1 Ric. I., 1189-1190. Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s. DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF ENGLISH HISTORY in the 13th and 14th centuries, from the Records of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Edited by HENRY COLE. 1 Vol. fcp. folio (1844). 45s. 6d. MODUS TENENDI PARLIAMENTUM. An Ancient Treatise on the Mode of holding the Parliament in England. Edited by THOMAS DUFFUS HARDY. 1 Vol. 8vo. (1846). 2s. 6d. REGISTRUM MAGNI SIGILLI REG. SCOT. in Archivis Publicis asservatum. Vol. 1) 1306-1424. (For continuation see page 33.) Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. Folio (1814). 10s. 6d. ACTS OF THE PARLIAMENTS OF SCOTLAND. Folio (1814-1875). Edited by THOMAS THOMSON and COSMO INNES. Vol. 1, 42s. Vols. 5 and 6 (in three Parts), 21s. each Part; Vols. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 10s. 6d. each; Vol. 12 (Index), 63s. Or, 12 Vols. in 13, 121. 12s. ACTS OF THE LORDS AUDITORS OF CAUSES AND COMPLAINTS (ACTA DOMINORUM AUDITORUM). 1466-1494. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. Folio (1839). 10s. 6d. ACTS OF THE LORDS OF COUNCIL IN CIVIL CAUSES (ACTA DOMINORUM CONCILII). 1478-1495. Edited by THOMAS THOMSON. Folio (1839). 10s. 6d. ISSUE ROLL OF THOMAS DE BRANTINGHAM, Bishop of Exeter, Lord High Treasurer, containing Payments out of the Revenue, 44 Edw. III., 1376. Edited by FREDERICK DEVON. 1 Vol. royal 8vo., 25s. ISSUES OF THE EXCHEQUER, James I.; from the Pell Records. Edited by FREDERICK DEVON, Esq. 1 Vol. 4to. (1836), 30s. Or, royal 8vo. 21s. ISSUES OF THE EXCHEQUER, Henry III.-Henry VI.; from the Pell Records. Edited by FREDERICK DEVON. 1 Vol. royal 8vo., 30s. HANDBOOK TO THE PUBLIC RECORDS. By F. S. THOMAS, Secretary of the Public Record Office. 1 Vol. royal 8vo., (1853). 12s. HISTORICAL NOTES RELATIVE TO THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Henry VIII.-Anne (1509-1714).. A Book of Reference for ascertaining the Dates of Events. By F. S. THOMAS. 3 Vols. 8vo. (1856). 40s. STATE PAPERS, DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY THE EIGHTH: with Indices of Persons and Places. 11 Vols. 4to. (1830-1852), 10s. 6d. each. Vol. I.-Domestic Correspondence. Vols. II. & III.-Correspondence relating to Ireland. Vols. IV. & V.-Correspondence relating to Scotland. Vols. VI. to XI.-Correspondence between England and Foreign Courts. REPORTS ON THE UTRECHT PSALTER. THE ATHANASIAN CREED IN CONNEXION WITH THE UTRECHT PSALTER; being i Report to the Right Honourable Lord Romilly, Master of the Rolls, on a Manuscript in the University of Utrecht, by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. 1872. 4to. 44pp. 2 fac-similes half bound. Price 20s. FURTiHER REPORT ON THE UTRECHT PSALTER; in answer to the Eighth Report made to the Trustees-of the British Museum, and edited by.the Dean of Westminster. By Sir'Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. 1874. 4to. 80 pp. half bound. Price 10s. - 22 WORKS PUBLISHED IN PHOTOZINCOGRAPHY. DOMESDAY Boox, or the GREAT SURVEY OF ENGLAND OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, 1086; fac-simile of the Part relating to each county, separately (with a few exceptions of double counties). Photozincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, by Colonel Sir HENRY JAMES, R.E., F.R.S., DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, under the superintendence of W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. 35 Parts, imperial quarto and demy quarto (1861-1863), boards. Domesday Survey is in two parts or volumes. The first, in folio, contains the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, and Lancaster, Cornwall, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Gloucester, Hants, Hereford, Herts, Huntingdon, Kent, Leicester and Rutland, Lincoln, Middlesex, Northampton, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, and York. The second volume, in quarto, contains the counties of Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk. Domesday Book was printed verbatim et literatim during the last century, in consequence of an address of the House of Lords to King George III. in 1767. It was not, however, commenced until 1773, and was completed early in 1783. In 1860, Her Majesty's Government, with the concurrence of the Master of the Rolls, determined to apply the art of photozincography in the production of a fac-simile of Domesday Book. Title. Price. Title. Price. ~ s. d. ~ s. d. Tn Great Domesday Book. Brought forward - 7 17 0 Middlesex -- - 0 8 0 Bedfordshire - - - 0 8 0 Nottinghamshire - - 0 10 0 Berkshire - - - 0 8 0 Northamptonshire - - 0 8 0 Buckingham - - - 0 8 0 Oxfordshire - - - 0 8 0 Cambridge - - - 0 10 0 Rutlandshire (bound with Cheshire and Lancashire - 0 8 0 Leicestershire) - - Cornwall- - - 0 8 0 Shropshire (out ofprint) - 0 8 0 Derbyshire - - 0 8 0 Somersetshire - - 0 10 0 Devonshire - - 0 10 0 Staffordshire - - - 0 8 0 Dorsetshire - - - 0 8 0 Surrey - - 0 8 0 Gloucestershire(outofprint) 0 8 0 Sussex - - 0 10 0 Hampshire - - - 0 10 0 Warwickshire- - 0 8 0 Herefordshire - - - 0 8 0 Wiltshire - - - 0 10 0 Hertfordshire- - 0 10 0 Worcestershire - 0 8 0 Huntingdonshire - - 0 8 0 Yorkshire (out of print) - 1 1 0 Kent (out of print) - - 0 8 0 Lancashire (see Cheshire In Little Domesday Book. and Lancashire) - Leicestershire and Rut- Norfolk - - 1 3 0 landshire - - - 0 8 0 Suffolk - - - - 1 2 0 Lincolnshire - - 1 1 0 Essex - - - - 0 16 0 Carried forward - 7 17 0 Total - - - ~17 3 0 FAC-SIMILES OF NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS, from. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR to QUEEN ANNE, selected under the direction of the Master of the Rolls and Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, by Colonel Sir HENRY JAMES, R.E., F.R.S., DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, and edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. Price, each Part, with translations and notes, double foolscap folio, 16s. Part I. (William the Conqueror to Henry VII.). 1865. (Out of print) Part II. (Henry VII. and Edward VI.). 1866. 23 Part III. (Mary and Elizabeth). 1867. Part IV. (James I. to Anne). 1868. The first Part extends from William the Conqueror to Henry VII., and contains autographs of the kings of England, as well as of many other illustrious personages famous in history, and some interesting charters, letters patent, and state papers. The second Part, for the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI., consists principally of holograph letters, and autographs of kings, princes, statesmen, and other persons of great historical interest, who lived during those reigns. The third Part contains similar documents for the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth, including a signed bill of Lady Jane Grey. The fourth Part concludes the series, and comprises a number of documents taken from the originals belonging to the Constable of the Tower of London; also several records illustrative of the Gunpowder Plot, and a woodcut containing portraits of Mary Queen of Scots and James VI., circulated by their adherents in England, 1580-3. FAC-SIMILES OF ANGLO-SAXON MANUSCRIPTS. Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, Lieut.-General J. CAMERON, R.E., C.B., F.R.S., and edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. Part I. Price 21. lOs. The Anglo-Saxon MSS. represented in this volume form the earlier portions of the collection of archives belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and consist of a series of 25 charters, deeds, and wills, commencing with a record of proceedings at the first Synodal Council of Clovesho in 742, and terminating with the first part of a tripartite chirograph of the sixth year of the reign of Edward the Confessor. FAC-SIMILES OF ANGLO-SAXON MANUSCRIPTS. Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, Major-General A. COOK, R.E., C.B., and collected and edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. Part II. Price 31.10s. (Also, separately. Edward the Confessor's Charter. Price 2s.) The originals of the fac-similes contained in this volume belong to the Deans and Chapters of Westminster, Exeter, Wells, Winchester, and Worcester; the Marquis of Bath, the Earl of Ilchester, Winchester College, Her Majesty's Public Record Office, Bodleian Library, Somersetshire Archeological and National History Society's Museum in Taunton Castle, and William Salt Library at Stafford. They consist of charters and other documents granted by, or during the reigns of, Baldred, lEthelred, Offa, and Burgred, Kings of Mercia; Uhtred of the Huiccas, Caedwalla and Ini of Wessex; Ethelwulf, Eadward the Elder, 2Ethelstan, Eadmund the First, Eadred, Eadwig, Eadgar, Eadward the Second, AEthelred the Second, Cnut, Eadward the Confessor, and William the Conqueror, embracing altogether a period of nearly four hundred years. FAC-SIMILES OF ANGLO-SAXON MANUSCRIPTS. Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE SURVEY, Colonel R. H. STOTHERD, R.E., C.B., and collected and edited by W. BASEVI SANDERS, an Assistant Record Keeper. Part III. Price 61. 6s. This volume contains fac-similes of the Ashburnham Collection of Anglo-Saxon Charters, &c., including King Alfred's Will. The MSS. represented in it range from A.D. 697 to A.D. 1161, being charters, wills, deeds, and reports of Synodal transactions during the reigns of Kings Wihtred of Kent, Offa, Eardwulf, Coenwulf, Cuthred, Beornwulf, Ethelwulf, AElfred, Eadward the Elder, Eadmund, Eadred, Queen Eadgifu, and Kings.Eadgar, Ethelred the Second, Cnut, Henry the First, and Henry the Second.. In addition to these are two belonging to the Marquis of Anglesey, one of them being the Foundation Charter of Burton Abbey by Ethelred the Second, with the testament of its great benefactor Wulfric. 24 HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. REPORTS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO INQUIRE WHAT PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND INSTITUTIONS ARE EXTANT WHICH WOULD BE OF UTILITY IN THE ILLUSTRATION OF HISTORY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, SCIENCE, AND GENERAL LITERATURE. Date. S 1870 (Reprinted 1874.) 1871 1872 (Reprinted 1895.) 1873 FIRST REPORT, WITH APPENDIX Contents:- - ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cambridge Colleges; Abingdon and other Corporations, &c. SCOTLAND. Advocates' Library, Glasgow Corporation, &c. IRELAND. Dublin, Cork, and other Corporations, &c. SECOND REPORT WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX TO THE FIRST AND SECOND REPORTS - - - Contents:ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cam- i bridge Colleges; Oxford Colleges; Monastery of Dominican Friars at Woodchester, Duke of Bedford, Earl Spencer, &c. SCOTLAND. Aberdeen and St. Andrew's Universities, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde; Dr. Lyons, &c. THIRD REPORT WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX -.. Contents:ENGLAND. House of Lords; Cambridge Colleges; Stonyhurst College; Bridgwater and other Corporations; Duke of Northumberland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Marquis of Bath, &c. SCOTLAND. University of Glasgow: Duke of Montrose, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde; Black Book of Limerick, &c. FOURTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I.. - Contents:ENGLAND. House of Lords. Westminster Abbey; Cambridge and Oxford Colleges; Cinque Ports, Hythe, and other Corporations, Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh, &c. SCOTLAND. Duke of Argyll, &c. IRELAND. Trinity College, Dublin; Marquis of Ormonde. f me Sessional Paper. 'cap [C. 55] [C. 441] Price. s. d. 1 6 3 10 [C. 673] 6 0 1 [C. 857] 6 8 25 Date. i 1873 1876 1877 (Reprinted 1893.) 1879 (Reprinted 1895.) (Reprinted 1895.) 1881 1881 1881 FOURTH REPORT. PART II. INDEX - FIFTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. Contents:ENGLAND. House of Lords Oxford and Cambridge Colleges; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; Rye, Lydd, and other Corporations. Duke of Sutherland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq., &c. SCOTLAND. Earl of Aberdeen, &c. DITTO. PART II. INDEX - SIXTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. Contents:ENGLAND. House of Lords: Oxford and Cambridge Colleges; Lambeth Palace; Black Book of the Archdeacon of Canterbury; Bridport, Wallingford, and other Corporations; Lord Leconfield, Sir Reginald Graham, Sir Henry Ingilby, &c. SCOTLAND. Duke of Argyll, Earl of I Moray, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde. DITTO. PART II. INDEX L i I I I I Size. f'cap IS ts I I I I I I I I I I I iessional Paper. [C. 857 i.] [C.1432] [C.1432 i.] [C.1745] [C.2102] [C.2340] [C. 2340 i.] ] [C.3040] I I I I I I1 Price. s. d. 2 6 7 0 3 6 8 6 1 10 7 6 3 6 [Out of print.] I SEVENTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX. PART I. Contents:House of Lords; County of Somerset; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Verney, &c. DITTO. PART II. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:Duke of Athole, Marquis of Ormonde, S. F. Livingstone, Esq., &c. EIGHTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX. PART I. Contents:List of collections examined, 1869-1880. ENGLAND. House of Lords; Duke of Marlborough; Magdalen College, Oxford; Royal College of Physicians; Queen Anne's Bounty Office; Corporations of Chester, Leicester, &c. IRELAND. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Emly, The O'Conor Don, Trinity College, Dublin, &c. DITTO. PART II. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:Duke of Manchester. DITTO. PART III. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:Earl of Ashburnham. i [C. 3040 [Out of i.] print.] 1 [CG 3040 ii.] I [Out of 'print,] I Sessionali Date. | Size. SPaper. Price. I- - - - - - Ir 1883 (Reprinted 1895.) 1884 (Reprinted 1895.) 1884 1883 (Reprinted 1895.) 1888 1889 1892 1894 1896 1899 1885 1885 (Reprinted 1895.) 1885 1885 1885 1885 (Reprinted 1895.) NINTH REPORT, WITH APPENDIX AND INDEX. PART I. - - - Contents:St. Paul's and Canterbury Cathedrals; Eton College; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Canterbury, and Barnstaple Corporations, &c. DITTO. PART II. APPENDIX AND INDEX - Contents:ENGLAND. House of Lords. Earl of Leicester; C. Pole Gell, Alfred Morrison, Esqs., &c. SCOTLAND. Lord Elphinstone, H. C. Maxwell Stuart, Esq:, &c. - IRELAND. Duke of Leinster, Marquis of Drogheda, &c. DITTO. PART III. APPENDIX AND INDEX Contents:Mrs. Stopford Sackville. CALENDAR OF THE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G. (or CECIL MSS.). PART I. - - - - DITTO. PART II. - - - DITTO. PART III. - - - f'cap s. d. [C 3773] 5 2 [C.3773 i.] 6 3 [C. 3773 [Out of ii.] Print.] 8vo. DITTO. DITTO. DITTO. DITTO. PART IV. PART V. PART VI. PART VII. DITTO. PART VIII. - - - TENTH REPORT - - - - This is introductory to the following:(1.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Earl of Eglington, Sir J. S. Maxwell, Bart., and C. S. H. D. Moray, C. F. Weston Underwood, G. W. Digby, Esqs. (2.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - - The Family of Gawdy (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Wells Cathedral. (4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - - Earl of Westmorland; Capt. Stewart; Lord Stafford; Sir N. W. Throckmorton; Sir P. T. Mainwaring, Lord Muncaster, M.P., Capt. J. F. Bagot, Earl of Kilmorey, Earl of Powis, and others, the Corporations of Kendal, Wenlock, Bridgnorth, Eye, Plymouth, and the County of Essex; and Stonyhurst College. *5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - - The Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of Fingall, Corporations of Galway, Waterford, the Sees of Dublin and Ossory, the Jesuits in Ireland. [C.3777] [C.5463] [C.5889 v.] [C.6823] [C.7574] [C.7884] [C.9246] [C.9467] LC.4548] [C.4575] [C.4576 iii.] [C.4576 ii.] [C.4576] 3 5 3 5 2 1 2 11 2 6 2 8 2 8 [In the Press.] [Out of Print.] 3 7 1 4 [Out of Print.] [Out of Print.],,,,,,,,,, I ) [4576 iL] 2 10 27 Date 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1890 1888 1888 1889 1888 1891 1889 1890 1891 1891 (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - -.Marquis of Abergavenny, Lord Braye, G. F. Luttrell, P. P. Bouverie, W. Bromley Davenport, R. T. Balfour, Esquires. ELEVENTH REPORT - - This is introductory to the following:(1.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - H. D. Skrine, Esq., Salvetti Correspondence. (2.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - House of Lords. 1678-1688. (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - - Corporations of Southampton and Lynn. 4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - - Marquess Townshend. (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - Earl of Dartmouth. (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Duke of Hamilton. (7.) APPENDIX AND INDEX Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of Waterford, Lord Hothfield, &c.; Bridgwater Trust Office, Reading Corporation, Inner Temple Library. TWELFTH REPORT - - This is introductory to the following:(1.) APPENDIX Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS., at Melbourne Hall, Derby). Vol. I. (2.) APPENDIX - Ditto. Vol. II. (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - Ditto. Vol. III. (4.) APPENDIX The Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. I. (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - Ditto. Vol. II. (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX House of Lords, 1689-1690. (7.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - S. H. le Fleming, Esq., of Rydal. (8.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - The Duke of Athole, K.T., and the Earl of Home. (9.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - The Duke of Beaufort, K.G., the Earl of Donoughmore, J. H. Gurney, W. W. B. Hulton, B. W. Ketton, G. A. Aitken, P. V. Smith, Esq.; Bishop of Ely; Cathedrals of Ely, Glouces ter, Lincoln, and Peterborough; Corporations of Gloucester, Higham Ferrers, and Newark; Southwell Minster; Lincoln DistrictRegistry. Size. 8vo. I Se I ssional Paper. CC.5242] CC.5060 vi.[C.5060] [C.5060 i.] [C.5060 ii.] [C.5060 iii.] [C.5060 iv.] [C.5060 v.] [C.5612] [C.5889] [C.5472] [C.5613] [C.5889 [C.5614] [C.5889 ii.] [C.5889 iii.] [C.5889 iv.] [C.6338] [CC.0338 i.] s. d. 17 03 1 1 20 18 2 6 28 16 20 0 3 27 2 5 14 32 20 2 1 1 11 1 0 26 I Price.. 28 Sessional Date. Size. Sessi Price. Paper. 8. d. 1891 (10.) APPENDIX - 8vo. [C. 6338 1L 11 The First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. I. ii.] 1745-1783. 1892 THIRTEENTH REPORT - - - [C.6827] 0 3 This is introductory to the following:1891 (1.) APPENDIX - - -,, [C.6474] 3 0 The Duke of Portland. Vol. I. (2.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. Ditto, Vol.II,. - 6827 2 0 i.] 1892 (3.) APPENDIX. J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore. Vol. I.-, [C.6660] 2 7 1892 (4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX - - - [C.6810] 2 4 Corporations of Rye, Hastings, and Hereford. Capt. F. C. LoderSymonds, E. R. Wodehouse, M.P., J. Dovaston, Esqs., Sir T. B. Lennard, Bart., Rev. W. D. Macray, and Earl of Dartmouth (Supplementary Report). 1892 (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. 'House of Lords, 1690-1691 - -, [C.6822 2 4 1893 (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX, Sir W. Fitzherbert, Bart. The Delaval Family, of Seaton Delaval; The.., [C.7166] 1 4 Earl of Ancaster; and General Lyttelton-Annesley. 1893 (7.) APPENDIX AND INDEX..The Earl of Lonsdale - - - [C.7241] ik 3 1893 (8.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The First Earl of Charlemont. Vol.1.,I [C.7424] 1 11 1784-1799. 1896 FOURTEENTH REPORT -- [0.7983] 0 3 This is introductory to the following - 1894 (1.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. III. [C.7476] 1 11 1894 (2.) APPENDIX. The Duke of Portland. Vol. III. -,, C.7569] 2 8 1894 (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Duke of Roxburghe; Sir H. H. [C.7570] 1 2 Campbell, Bart.; The, Earl of Strathmore; and the Countess Dowager of Seafield.. 1894 (4.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. Lord Kenyon - - - [C.7571] 2 10 1896.j(5.) APPENDIX. J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore. [C.7572] 2 8 Vol. II. 1895 (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. House of Lords, 1692-1693 - -, [0C.7573] 1 11 (Manuscripts of the Hotuse of Lords, 1693-1695, Vol. I. (Neu6 Series) See H.L. No. 5 of 1900, Price 2/9). 1895 (7.) APPENDIX. The Marquis of Ormonde,, C.7678] 10 1 29 Date. Sie. Sessional Price. ie Paper. 1895 1896 V i 1895 1899 1836 1897 1897 F (8.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds, Hertford, and Great Grimsby Corporations; The Dean and Chapter of Worcester, and of Lichfield; The Bishop's Registry of Worcester. (9.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. Earl of Buckinghamshire; Earl of Lindsey; Earl of Onslow; Lord Emly; T. J. Hare, Esq.; and J. Round, Esq., M.P. (10.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Earl of Dartmouth. Vol. II. American Papers. FIFTEENTH REPORT. This is introductory to the following:(1.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Earl of Dartmouth. Vol. III. (2.) APPENDIX. J. Eliot Hodgkin, Esq., of Richmond, Surrey. (3.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. Charles Haliday, Esq., of Dublin; Acts of the Privy Council in Ireland, 1556-1571; Sir William Ussher's Table to the Council Book; Table to the Red Council Book. (4.) APPENDIX. The Duke of Portland. Vol. IV. - (5.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Right Hon. F~ J. Savile Foljambe - (6.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard - (7.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Duke of Somerset; The Marquis of Ailesbury; and SirF.G. Puleston, Bart. (8.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, at Drumlanrig. 7 (9.) APPENDIX AND INDEX. J. J. Hope Johnstone, Esq., of Annandale (10.) Shrewsbury and Coventry Corporations; Sir H. 0. Corbet, Bart., Earl of Radnor, P.T. Tillard; J. R. Carr-Ellison; Andrew Kingsmill, Esqrs. 1897 1897 1897 1~97 1897 1897 1899 i 8vo. [C.7881] [C.7882] [c.7883] [C,,.9295] [0EC.8156] [C.8327] [C.8364], C8497] [C.8550] [C.8551]3 [C.8552] [C.8553] [C.8554] [C.9472] I I h.~. d. 1 5 2 6 2 9 0 4 1 5 1 8 1 4 2 11 0 10 3 6 1 9 14 10 1 0.i i I i I I 80 Date. — Size. Sessional Price. Paper. I I 1 I 1898 MANUSCRIPTS IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE. S. d. Vol. I.-Lord Mostyn, at Mostyn Hall, 8vo. [C.8829] 1 4 co. Flint. 1899 Vol. I. Part II.-W. R. M. Wynne,,, [.9468] 2 11 Esq., of Peniarth 1899 Manuscripts of the Duke of Buccleuch and, [C.9244] 2 7 Queensberry, K.G., K.T., preserved at Montagu House, Whitehall. Vol. 1. 1899 Ditto Marquis of Ormonde, K.P., preserved,, [0.9245 2 0 at the Castle. Kilkenny. Vol. II. 1899 Ditto Duke of Portland. Vol. V. - -., [9466] 2 9 1899 Ditto J. M. Heathcote, Esq., of Conington, [C.9469] 1 3 Castle. Ditto J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore.. [C.9470] [In the Vol. III. Press.] 1899 Ditto F. W. Leyborne-Popham, Esq., of,, [0.9471] 1 6 Littlecote. Ditto Mrs. Frankland-Russell-Astley, of [Cd.282] [In the Chequers Court, Bucks. Press.] Ditto Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, Hants,, [Cd.283] [In the Press.] DitoBvly opoaio E~.84[Ith i Ditto Beverley Corporation. t I [Cd.284] 1 [In the Press.] I 31 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. REPORTS NOS. 1-22, IN FOLIO, PUBLISHED BETWEEN 1840 AND 1861, ARE NO LONGER ON SALE. SUBSEQUENT REPORTS ARE IN OCTAVO. Number Ssin Date. of Chief Contents. essiona Price. Report. N s d. 1862 23 Proceedings - -- [C.2970] 0 4 1863 24 Proceedings - - - - [C.3142] [Out of print.].1864 25 Calendar of Crown Leases, 33-38 Hen. VIII. [C.3318] [Out of -Calendar of Bills and Answers, &c., Hen. print.] VIII.-Ph. & Mary, for Cheshire and Flintshire. —List of Lords High Treasurers and Chief Commissioners of the Treasury, from Hen. VII. 1865 26 List of Plans annexed to Inclosure Awards, [C.3492] [Out of 31 Geo. II.-7 Will. IV.-Calendar of Privy print.] Seals, &c., for Cheshire and Flintshire, Hen. VI.-Eliz.-Calendar of Writs of General Livery, &c., for Cheshire, Eliz.Charles I.-Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. III. and Edw. I. * 1866 27 List of Awards of Inclosure Commissioners. [C.3717] [Out of - References to Charters in the Cartas print.] Antiqute and the Confirmation Rolls of Chancery, Ethelbert of Kent-James I.Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls. Edw. II. 1867 28 Calendar of Fines, Cheshire and Flintshire, [C.3839] [Out of Edw. I.-Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the print.] Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. III. Table of Law Terms, from the Norman Conquest to 1 Will. IV. 1868 29 Calendar of Royal Charters.-Calendar of [C.4012] [Out of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls print.] Richard II.-Henry VII.-Durham Records, Letter and Report. 1869 30 Duchy of Lancaster, Records, Inventory- [C.4165] [Out of Durham Records, Inventory.-Calendar of print.] Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. VIII.-Calendar of Decrees of Court of General Surveyors, 34-38 Hen. VIII.Calendar of Royal Charters.-State Paper Office, Calendar of Documents relating to the History of, to 1800.-Tower of London. Index to Documents in custody of the Constable of.-Calendar of Dockets, &c., for Privy Seals, 1634-1711.-Report of the Commissioners on Carte Papers.-Venetian Ciphers. 82 NumberDNumber }Sessionalne Date. of Chief Contents. essiona Price Report. o. s. d. 1870 31 Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of [C.187] [Out of Royal Charters,-Durham Records, Calen- print.] dar of Chancery Enrolments; Cursitor's Records.-List of Officers of Palatinate of Chester, in Cheshire and Flintshire, and North Wales.-List of Sheriffs of England, 13 Hen I. to 4 Edw. III. 1871 32 Part I.-Report of the Commissioners on [C.374] [Out of Carte Papers. —Calendarium Genealogicum, print.] I & 2 Edw. II.-Durham Records, Calendar of Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrolments.-Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine, 1871 -- Part II.-Charities; Calendar of Trust Deeds [C.374 [Out of enrolled on the Close Rolls of Chancery, i.] print.] subsequent to 9 Geo. II. 1872 33 Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of [C.620] 1 10 Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine.-Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrolments.-Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. Venetian Transcripts.-Greek Copies of the Athanasian Creed. 1873 34 Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's [C.728] 1 9 Records, Chancery Enrolments.-Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. 1874 35 Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of [C.1043] [Out of Ancient Charters or Grants.-Palatinate of print.] Lancaster; Inventory and Lists of Docu. ments transferred to the Public Record Office.-Durham Records, Calendar of Cursitor's Records.-Chancery Enrolments. — Second Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. 1875 36 Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's [C.1301] [Out of Records, Chancery Enrolments.-Duchy of print.] Lancaster Records; Calendar of Ancient Charters or Grants.-Report upon Documents in French Archives relating to British History.-Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the Palatinate of Chester, to end of reign of Hen. IV. 1876 37 Part I.-Durham Records, Calendar of the [C.1554J [Out of Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrolments. print.] -Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Ancient Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine.-List of French Ambassadors, &c. in England, 1509-1714. 33 Number iSessional Price. Date. of rChief Contents. Price Report.I Date.[ oI 1876 1877 1878 1879 I I 1880 1 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 I I i Part II.-Calendar of Recognizance Rolls [( of the Palatinate of Chester; Hen. V.Hen. VII. Exchequer Records, Catalogue of Special [( Commissions, 1 Eliz. to 10 Vict., Calendar of Depositions taken by Commission, 1 Eliz. to end of James I.-List of Representative Peers for Scotland and Ireland. Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the [4 Palatinate of Chester, 1 Hen. VIII.- 11 Geo. IV. -Exchequer Records, Calendar of Depositions taken by Commission, Charles I.-Duchy of Lancaster Records; Calendar of Lancashire Inquisitions post Mortem, &c.-Third Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. —List of Despatches of French Ambassadors to England 1509-1714. Calendar of Depositions taken by Cornmission, Commonwealth-James II.Miscellaneous Records of Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer.Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitors' Records, ChanceryEnrolments.Calendar of Duchy of Lancaster Patent Rolls, 5 Ric. II.-21 Hen. VII. Calendar of Depositions taken by Cormmission, William and Mary to George I. -Calendar of Norman Rolls, Hen. V., Part I.-List of Calendars, Indexes, &c., in the Public Record Office on 31st December, 1879. Calendar of Depositions taken by Cor- [ mission, George II.-Calendar of Norman Rolls, Hen. V., Part II. and Glossary.- Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1 Edw. I. Transcripts from Paris. Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., 1-7 Charles I. [ — Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory of Court Rolls, Hen. III.- Geo. IV. Calendar of Privy Seals, Ric. II.- Calendar of Patent Rolls, 2 Edw. I.Fourth Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers.-Transcripts from Paris.-Report on Libraries in Sweden.Report on Papers relating to English History in the State Archives, Stockholm. -Report on Canadian Archives. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 3 Edw. I. —! Durham Records, Cursitors' Records, Inquisitions post Mortem, &c.-Calendar of French Rolls, 1-10 Hen. V.-Report from Venice.-Transcripts from Paris.'Report from Rome. C. 1544 C.1747] C.2123]j C.2377] s. d. [Out of print.] [Out of print.] print.] [Out of print.] 1881 1882 1883 C.2658] 4 8;C.2972] 4 0 [C.3425] 3 10 [C.3771] 3 6 c 84 Number Number Sessional Date. of Chief Contents. Price. Report. N 1884 188.5 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory of Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts, Edw. I.-Geo. III.-Durham Records, Cursitors' Records, Inquisitions post Mortem, &c.-Calendar of Diplomatic Documents. —Transcripts from Paris.Reports from Rome and Stockholm.Report on Archives of Denmark, &c.Transcripts from Venice.-Calendar of Patent Rolls, 4 Edw. I. Presentations to Offices on the Patent Rolls, Charles II. —Transcripts from Paris. Reports from Rome.-Second Report on Archives of Denmark, &c.-Calendar of Patent Rolls, 5 Edw. I.-Catalogue of Venetian Manuscripts bequeathed by Mr. Rawdon Brown to the Public Record Office. Transcripts from Paris-Third Report on Archives of Denmark, &c.-List of Creations of Peers and Baronets, 1483 -1646.-Calendar of Patent Rolls, 6 Edw. I. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 7 Edw. I.Calendar of French Rolls, Henry VI. -Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., 8-11 Charles I.- Calendar of Diplomatic Documents.- Schedules of Valueless Documents. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 8 Edw. I.-Index to Leases and Pensions (Augmentation Office).-Calendar of Star Chamber Proceedings. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 9 Edw. I. - Proceedings - - - Proceedings -- Proceedings - Proceedings Proceedings - Proceedings - - - - - Proceedings. Account of the Rolls Chapel with eight plates of the Chapel. Proceedings - - - Proceedings - Proceedings - - - - Proceedings - - Indexes to Printed Reports, viz.:Reports 1-22 (1840-1861) -,, 23-39 (1862-1878) - - - s. d. [C.4425] 4 3 [C.4746] [C.4888] [C.5234] [0.5596] [C.5847] [C.6108] [C.6528] [C.6804] [C.7079] [C.7444] [C.7841] [C.8271] [C.8543] [C.8906] [C.9366] [Cd.245] 2 10 22 3 6 3 3 12 02 0 14 0 2i 0 14 o 40 o 14 10 0 11 0 1 0 1 0 1 40 20 I 35 SCOTLAND. CATALOGUE OF SCOTTISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE LORD CLERK REGISTER OF SCOTLAND. [OTHER WORKS RELATING TO SCOTLAND WILL BE FOUND AMONG THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS, see pp. 21-22.] 1. CHRONICLES OF THE PICTS AND SCOTS, AND OTHER EARLY MEMORIALS OF SCOTTISH HISTORY. Royal 8vo., half bound (1867). Edited by WILLIAM F. SKENE, LL.D. (Out of Print.) 2. LEDGER OF ANDREW HALYBURTON, CONSERVATOR OF THE PRIVILEGES OF THE SCOTCH NATION IN THE NETHERLANDS (1492-1503); TOGETHER WITH THE BOOKS OF CUSTOMS AND VALUATION OF MERCHANDISES IN SCOTLAND. Edited by CosMo INNES. Royal 8vo., half bound (1867). Price 10s. 3. DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY OF SCOTLAND FROM THE DEATH OF KING ALEXANDER THE THIRD TO THE ACCESSION OF ROBERT BRUCE, from original and authentic copies in London, Paris, Brussels, Lille, and Ghent. In 2 Vols. royal 8vo., half bound (1870). Edited by the Rev. JOSEPH STEVENSON. (Out of Print.) 4. ACCOUNTS OF THE LORD HIGH TREASURER OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I., A.D. 1473-1498. Edited by THOMAS DICKSON. 1877. Price 10s. (Out of Print.) Vol. II., A.D. 1500-1504. Edited by SIR J. B. PAUL. 1900. Price 10s. 5. REGISTER OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND. Edited and arranged by J. H. BURTON, LL.D. Vol. I., 1545-1569. Vol. II., 1569-1578 -Vol. III., A.D. 1578-1585. Vol. IV., A.D., 1585-1592. Vol. V., 1592. 1599. Vol. VI., 1599-1604. Vol. VII., 1604-1607. Vol. VIII., 1607 -1610. Vol. IX., 1610-1613. Vol. X., 1613-1616. Vol. XI., 1616-1619. Vol. XII., 1619-1622. Vol. XIII., 1622-1625. Vol. XIV., Addenda, 1545 -1625. Edited by DAVID MASSON, LL.D., 1877-1895. Price 15s. each. Ditto, Second Series. Vol. I., 1625-1627. Edited by D. MASSON, LL.D. Price 15s. 6. ROTULI SCACCARII REGUM SCOTORUM. THE EXCHEQUER ROLLS OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I., A.D. 1264-1359. Vol. II., A.D. 1359-1379. 1880. Vol. III., A.D. 1379-1406. Vol. IV., A.D. 1406-1436. Vol. V., A.D. 1437 -1454. Vol. VI., 1455-1460. Vol. VII., 1460-1469. Vol. VIII., A.D. 1470 -1479. Vol. IX., 1480-1487. Addenda, 1437-1487. Vol. X., 1488-1496. Vol. XI., 1497-1591. Vol. XII., 1502-1507. Vol. XIII., 1508-1513. Vol. XIV., 1513-1522. Vol. XV., 1523-1529. Vol. XVI., 1529-1536. Vol. XVII., 1537-1542. Vol. XVIII., 1543-1556. Vol. XIX., 1557-1567. Vol. XX., 1568-1579, Edited by JOHN STUART, LL.D. (Vol. I.); GEORGE BURNETT (Vols. II. to XII.); GEORGE BURNETT and LE. J. G. Mackay (Vols. XIII. to XX.); and G. P.McNeil (Vols. XV. to XIX.) 1878-189.8 Price 10s. each. 7. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SCOTLAND, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by JOSEPH BAIN. Vol. I. (1881) Vol. II., 1272-1307 (1884). Vol. III., 1307-1357 (1887). Vol. IV., 1357-1509 (1888). Price 15s. each. 8. REGISTER OF THE GREAT SEAL OF SCOTLAND. Vol. I., A.D. 1306-1424 (seep. 21). Vol. II., A.D. 1424-1513. Vol. III., A.D. 1513-1546. Vol. IV., A.D. 1546-1580. Vol. V., A.D. 1580-1593. Vol. VI., A.D. 1593 -1609. Vol. VII., A.D. 1609-1620. Vol. VIII., A.D. 1620-1623. Vol. IX., A.D. 1634-1651. Edited by JAMES BALFOUR PAUL and J. M. THOMSON, 1882-1894. Price 15s. each. 9. THE HAMILTON PAPERS. Letters and Papers illustrating the Political Relations of England and Scotland in the XVIth century. Formerly in the Possession of the Duke of Hamilton, now in the British Museum. Edited by JOSEPH BAIN, F.S.A. Scot. Vol. I., A.D. 1532-1543 (1890). Vol. II., A.D. 1543-1590. Price 15s. each. 10. BORDERS OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Calendar of. Letters and Papers relating to the Affairs of the. Preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London. Edited by JOSEPH BAIN. Vol. I., A.D. 1560-1594. Vol. II., A.D. 1595-1603. Price 15s. each. 11. STATE PAPERS RELATING TO SCOTLAND AND MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. Calendar of A.D. 1547-1603. Vol. I., 1547-1563. Vol. II., A.D. 1563-1569. Edited by JOSEPH BAIN. Price 15s. FAC-SIMILES OF THE NATIONAL MSS. OF SCOTLAND. Parts I., II., and III. (Out of Print.) 36 IRELAND. CATALOGUE OF IRISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS. 1. CALENDAR OF THE PATENT AND CLOSE ROLLS OF CHANCERY IN IRELAND, HENRY VIII., EDWARD VI., MARY AND ELIZABETH, AND FOR THE 1ST TO THE 7TH YEAR OF CHARLES I. Edited by JAMES MORRIN. Royal 8vo. (1861-3). Vols. I., II., and III. Price 11s. each. 2. ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF IRELAND. Senchus Mor. (1865-1880.) Vols. I., II., III., IV..and V. Price 10s. each. Vol. VI. in progress. 3. ABSTRACTS OF THE IRISH PATENT ROLLS OF JAMBS I. (Out of print.) 4. ANNALS OF ULSTER. Otherwise Annals of Senate, a Chronicle of Irish Affairs from A.D.431-1131, 1155-1511. With a translation and Notes, Vol. I., A.D. 431-1056. Vol. II., A.D. 1057-1131; 1155-1378. Vol. III., A.D. 1379-1541. Half morocco. Price 10s. each. 5. CHARTJE PRIVILEGIA ET IMMUNITATES, being transcripts of Charters and Privileges to Cities, Towns, Abbeys, and other Bodies Corporate. 18 Henry II. to 18 Richard II. (1171-1395.) Printed by the Irish Record Commission, 1829-1830. Folio, 92pp. Boards (1889). Price 5s. FAC-SIMILES OF NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS OF IRELAND, FROM THE EARLIEST EXTANT SPECIMENS TO A.D. 1719. Edited by JOHN T. GILBERT, F.S.A., M.R.I.A. Part I. is out of print. Parts It. and III. Price 42s. each. Part IV. 1. Price 51. 5s. Part IV. 2. Price 41. 10s. This work forms a comprehensive Palseographic Series for Ireland. It furnishes characteristic specimens of the documents which have come down from each of the classes which, in past ages, formed principal elements in the population of Ireland, or exercised an influence in her affairs. With these reproductions are combined facsimiles of writings connected with eminent personages or transactions of importance in the annals of the country to the early part of the eighteenth century. The specimens have been reproduced as nearly as possible in accordance with the originals, in dimensions, colouring, and general appearance. Characteristic examples of styles of writing and caligraphic ornamentation are, as far as practicable, associated with subjects of historic and linguistic interest. Descriptions of the various manuscripts are given by the Editor in the Introduction. The contents of the specimens are fully elucidated and printed in the original languages, opposite to the Fac-similes-line for line-without contractions-thus facilitating reference and aiding effectively those interested in paleographic studies. In the work are also printed in full, for the first time, many original and important historical documents. Part I. commences with the earliest Irish MSS. extant. Part II.: From the Twelfth Century to A.D. 1299. Part III.: From A.D. 1300 to end of reign of Henry VIII. Part IV. 1: From reign of Edward VI. to that of James I. In part IV. 2 the work is carried down to the early part of the eighteenth century, with Index to the entire publication. ACCOUNT OF FAC-SIMILES OF NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS OF IRELAND. In one Volume 8vo., with Index. Price 10s. Parts I. and II. together. Price 2s. 6d. Part If. Price Is. 6d. Part III. Price Is. Part IV. 1. Price 2s. Part IV. 2. Price 2s. 6d. 37 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS, IRELAND. _ Number... S.p|inna1 _ }. I ^1 | J.r I- 11 i 11 Sessionlal - - Date. of Report. _~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1869 1870 I 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I Chief Contents of Appendices. Contents of the principal Record Repositories [( of Ireland in 1864.-Notices of Records transferred from Chancery Offices.-Irish State Papers presented by Philadelphia Library Company. Notices of Records transferred from Chancery, Queen's Bench, and Exchequer Offices.Index to Original Deeds received from Master Litton's Office. Notices of Records transferred from Queen's [ Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer Offices.-Report on J. F. Furguson's MSS. -Exchequer Indices, &c. Records of Probate Registries - - - Notices of Records from Queen's Bench Calen- dar of Fines and Recoveries of the Palatinate of Tipperary, 1664-1715.-Index to Reports to date. Notices of Records transferred from Chancery, Queen's Bench, and Common Pleas Offices. -Report respecting "Facsimiles of National MSS. of Ireland."-List of Chancery Pleadings (1662-1690) and Calendar to Chancery Rolls (1662-1713) of Palatinate of Tipperary. Notices of Records from Exchequer and Admiralty Offices.-Calendar and Index to Fiants of Henry VIII. Calendar and Index to Fiants of Edward VI. Index to the Liber Munerum Publicorum Hibernie.-Calendar and Index to Fiants of Philip and Mary. Index to Deputy Keeper's 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Reports. Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth (1558-1570). Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued (1570-1576). Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued (1576 1583). Report of Keeper of State Papers containing Catalogue of Commonwealth Books transferred from Bermingham Tower. C.4157] C.137]:C.329]:C.515]:0.760] [C.963] C.1175] [C.1469] [C.1702] [C.2034]:C.2311] [:.2583] [C.2929] [C.3215] Price. No. f s. d. [Out of print.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] 0 8 [Out of print.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] 1 5 0 64 I I 38 Number [ Sessional Date. of Chief Contents of Appendices. esi ice. Report. I s. d. 1883 15 Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C.3676] 1 0 (1583-1586).-Index to Deputy Keeper's 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th Reports. 1884 16 I Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C.4062] 1 6 (1586-1595). 1885 17 Report on Iron Chest of attainders following [0.4487] 1 6 after 1641 and 1688.-Queen's Bench Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth continued (1596 -1601). 1886 1 18 Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued [C.4755] 1 1 (1601-1603).-Memorandum on Statements (1702) and Declarons (1713-14) of Huguenot Pensioners. 1887 19 Notice of Records of Incumbered and Landed [C.5185] 0 6 Estates Courts.-Report of Keeper of State Papers, containing Table of Abstracts of Decrees of Innocence (1663), with Index. 1888 20 Calendar to Christ Church Deeds in Novum [C.5535] 0 8j Registrum, 1174-1684. Index to Deputy Keeper's 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th Reports. 1889 21 Index to Calendars of Fiants of the reign of [C.5835] 1 0 Queen Elizabeth. Letters A-C. 1890 22 Catalogue of Proclamations, 1618-1660 - - [C.6180] 0 2. Index to Fiants of Elizabeth. D-Z - [C.6180 2 0 i.] 1891 23 Catalogue of Proclamations, 1661-1767.- [C.6504] 1 1 Calendar to Christ Church Deeds, 1177 -1462. 1892 24 Catalogue of Proclamations, 1767-1875. [C.6765] 0 94 Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer. Calendar to Christ Church Deeds, 1462 -1602. 1893 25 Regulations respecting State Papers. In- [C.71703 0 3 structions for Parochial Custodians. Index to Twenty-first to Twenty-fifth Reports. 1894 26 Abstract of Antrim Inquisition, 3 James I., [C.7488] 0 3j Bankruptcy Records, 1857-1872; Early Plea Rolls to 51 Edward III. Index to the Act or Grant Books, and to [C.7488 4 *4 Original Wills, of the Diocese of Dublin to i.] the year 1800. 1895 27 Records from Courts and Offices transferred [C.7802] 0 2j to, and deposited at the Public Record Office in Ireland. 1896 - Index to Calendars of Christ Church Deeds [C.8080] 0 5j 1174-1684, contained in Appendices to 20th, 23rd, and 24th Reports. 1896 28 (1.) Report on the Early Plea Rolls, con- tinued from 51 Edward III. (2.) Table showing present Custodies of Par- [C.8163] 0 5j ochial Records. 1897 29 Copy and Translation of Five Instruments of [C.8567] 0 3 Record in the Public Record Office of Ireland, written in the Irish Character and Tongue, 1584-1606. 1898 30 Report on M.S. S. of Sir T. Phillipps' [C.9030] 0 3j Library; Index to Deputy Keeper's Reports, 26th to 30th, incl. 1899 31 Report of Proceedings, and Appendix (1) [C.9478] 0 5~ Corrections to the Addenda to the Dublin Grants Index in Appendix to the 26th Report; (2.) Notes on the Departmental Letters and Official Papers, 1760-89. 1900 Index to the Act or Grant Book and Original [Cd. 4] 4 7 Wills of the Diocese of Dublin from 1800 -1858. 1900 32 Report of proceedings and Appeuiiix.-Report [Cd.274] 0 6 on the Records of the Clerks of the Crown and Peace transferred prior to 1900. il THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE I i I''~~~~~w -.>~~~ — ==_ CA=rT " -9-I OCTO 9 1 77 UNIV5RSITy OF MICHIGAN 9015 03946 28o2 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD m m I m m