THE BOOK O F BLOOD, AN AUTHENTIC RECORD o F THE POLICY ADOPTED BY MODERN SPAIN TO PUT AN END TO THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE OF CUBA. ( October 1868 to December 1870.) M.. AR.,AlERN)J, TRANSLATOR & PRINTER, 40 & 42 BIROAI)WAY. 1871. THE BOOK OF BLOOD. AN AUTHENTIC RECORD OF THE POLICY ADOPTED BY MODERN SPAIN TO PUT AN END TO THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE OF CUBA. (October 1868 to Decenmber 1870.) fL A. ZARZAMENDI, TRANSLATOR & PRINTER, 40 & 42 BROADWAY, 1871. Now that the "Tiger of Jiguani" the rival of Haynau and Mourawief has succeeded through the infuence of the volunteer rabble in climbing to the position of Captain General of the Island of Cuba, we deem it advantageous to exhibit to the people of the United States for their consideration a rough sketch of the carnival of blood, that has taken place in Cuba during the government of Generals Lersundi, Dulce and Caballero de Rodas. We will exhibit first a catalogue of the persons murdered in cold blood by order of the Spanish Government of Cuba; leaving out of consideration the killed on the battle field. We give with the name of each victim the source, in the most part spanish, from which we have taken the data. We will also give a list of the names of those captured by the spanish troops with arms in their hands since the 1st of March 1869, taking them always from Spanish sources. We have selected that date because on the 12th of February a decree was issued and published in all the papers in Cuba, to shoot all the insurgents captured with arms in their hands. In this list we only include the names of those whose execution has not been noticed in the newspapers, and of whom no mention has ever been made; but knowing as we do the law and the savage character of the rulers in Cuba, it is easy to understand what their fate has been. The third list comprehends those condemned to death in the IV garrote by a military commision sitting in Havana but not executed on account of being out of the reach of the spanish hangman. It will be well to bear in mind also that we always read in the spanish reports that " Such a column has scoured such and such a territory and killed so many insurgents. " Habitually the killed are poor, harmless and defenceless peasants forced out of their houses and brutally murdered. We adjoin also a note of those delivered by the Captain General to the military courts as guilty of treason. We do not know the exact fate of those unfortunates. It is known however, that many of them have mysteriously dissappeared, and their families are sure that they have found an obscure grave in the burial grounds of the Cabafla or el Principe. We do not pretend to give a table of the crimes committed in Havana and elsewhere, such for example as those at the theatre of Villanueva, the coffee house of the Louvre, the butchery of Cohner, Greenwald and many like cases: or the transcendentally treacherous killing of Augusto Arango under a flag of truce. Neither shall we atempt to catalogue the murders commited by the brutal soldiery in the country, the indiscriminate slaughter of defenceless men, women and children, the rapes, the obscene mutilations and the cruelties of every kind perpetrated in our unhappy country by the scourges of America: those are personal crimes which we do not deem just to charge upon a whole people. In another list shall be found the names of those condemned to hard labour in the chain gang of the penal colonies of Africa or of Cuba, many of them men of high standing who, often old and infirm, have been unable to endure the hardships and brutalities of their overseers and have been brought to an untimely death. In another we publish the names of the illfortunate men sent to Fernando Poo, a barren and unhealthy island in the coast of Africa, a large number of whom perished on account of the bad treatment received on their voyage thither. Next will be found a catalogue of those exiled from their homes to different countries by order of the spanish authorities; excepting the first four lists all the other are very incomplete, as the spanish censor permitted only for a few months the publication in their own papers of the crimes perpetrated in Cuba by Modern Spain. We have not considered necesary to present the catalogue of persons whose property has been confiscated. We may only say that it reaches already the nuumber of seven thousand, a thousand of whom are V ladies whose only crime is to be n itives of Cuba and possessed of large properties there. It is sought by some persons in this country to show that the cubans have exhibited the same ferocity as the spaniards in their conduct of the war, and that they have been uniformly as sanguinary and merciless as their adversary, uniformly as regardless of humanity as even Valmaseda. The allegation is utterly unfounded and grossly unjust to the cubans, as those who make or credit it might easily satisfy themselves. In the very outset of the Revolution a considerable number of officers and men fell into the hands of the patriots, in Bayamo and elsewhere in the Oriente. All were spared without exception, and every effort was made by the cuban chiefs to carry on the war in accord with the christian spirit of the age. Many of these captives officers having taken their parole not to escape, have broken that parole, and became the most ruthless and unsparing of all the spanish officers in the war. Some also pretending to simpathize with the Revolution, took service under it and were trusted. Those for the most part betrayed their trust, deserted on the first opportunity, and like those who had broken their paroles, became conspicuous for their ferocity. Meanwhile in all parts of the island no cuban taken prisoner of war was spared; to a man they were shot on the spot as so many dogs. Nevertheless up to August 1869 many spanish prisoners of war were captured and not executed by the Cubans. It was them that General Quesada endeavoured to bring the enemy to an agreement on the subject and addressed General Lesca a note to that effect. This note was published in the New York papers. The reply was a verbal brutal characteristic assertion of the spanish adherence to the policy of shooting all prisoners of war; leaving the cubans no other alternative than the stern measure of retaliation, which for a time, with many exceptions, was adopted on the cuban side. In October 1869 General Quesada after having brought the matter to the notice of the cuban Congress ordered that certain prisoners of war who has voluntarily taken service in the cuban army, in number of 67 should be executed they having been detected in a conspiracy to revolt under circunstances of peculiar treachery, these men were accordingly executed; in a report of the affair made by General Quesada in 1870, by some error, the number was swollen to1670 or 603 more than were actualy executed. The act excited a good deal of hard criticism in this country from the Press, in Congress and even by the President of the United States and the execution of so many men is cited as conclusive evidence of a blood-thirsty spirit in the cubans quite equal to that of the enemy. Those who have taken that view surely overlook that the men in question were shot not as prisoners of war for that they have -long ceased to be, as they had taken service under the Republic and were detected in a conspiracy to desert to the enemy; therefore even had the number of those men been 670, their execution would have been a justifiable act of war. * As to the causes of this execution we prefer to give spanish evidence, namely on account of the transaction from the Diario de la Marina of the 24th March of 1870, which we translate: "All the officers, sergeant and corporals who were in the hands of the enemy have been shot. In connection with many cubans they had p]anned a counter-revolution and had conceited the delivery of all the rebel chieftains to General Puello. Two days before the one appointed by this gallant general to commence his march, he sent a messenger to captain Troyano with the news of his advance.-The bearer of the news was arrested however and searched, the letter was found, and on the following day the messenger, our officers and the cubans compromised in the counter-revolution were shot, thus sealing with their lives their devotion to their beloved mother country." Thus it is plain what those men designed to do. What the laws of war adjudge as the punishment of officers convicted of such crimes will be found in any writer of international law whatever his nationality may be. We deem proper to append some documents and extracts of documents, and papers, almost all from spanish origin, which explain very forcibly the kind of war made by the Spaniards in Cuba. COUNT VALMASEDA'S PROCLAMATION. Inhabitants of the country! The re-enforcements of troops that I havNe been waiting for have arrived; with them I shall give protection to the good, and punish promptly those that still remain in rebellion against the government of the metropolis. You know that I have pardoned,those that have fought us with arms; that your wives, mothers, and sisters have found in me the unexpected protection that you have refused them. You know, also, that iimnl of those I have pardoned have turned against us again. Before such ingratitude, such villany, it is not possible for me to )e the man that I have been; there is no longer a place for a falsified * American must not forget the execution in Mexico in 1848 of the Battallion of San Patriek &c. &c, VII neutrality; he that is not for me is against me, and that my soldiers may know how to distinguish, you hear the order they carry: 1st. Every man, from the age of fifteen years, upward, found away from his habitation, (finca,) and does not prove a justified motive therefore, will be shot. 2d. Every habitation unoccupied will be burned by the troops. 3d. Every habitation from which does not float a white flag, as a signal that its occupants desire peace, will be reduced to ashes. Women that are not living at their own homes, or at the house of their relatives, will collect in the town of Jiguani, or Bayamo, where maintenance will be provided. Those who do not present themselves will be conducted forcibly. The foregoing determinations will commence to take effect on the 14th of the present month. EL CONDE DE VALMASEDA. BAYAMO, April 4, 1869. In the interest of Christian "Measures of war are undoubtcivilization and common humani- edly those adopted by General ty, I hope that this document is Count of Valmaseda; but they are a forgery. If it be indeed genuine, not of such a nature as to revolt the President instructs me, in the the feelings of humanity. Let the most forcible manner, TO PROTEST proclamation issued by General AGAINST SUCH MODE OF WARFARE. Count of Valmaseda be studied MR. FISH to without passion, let the anteceMR. LOPEZ ROBERTS. dents be recorded, and it will be MAY 10, 1869. seen that said proclamation does not even reach what is required "... protesting against THE IN- by the necessities of war in the FAMOUS PROCLAMATION of General most civilized nations." Count of Valmaseda.,'- Leading article of the Dianrio de - MR. FISH to MR. HALE, la Marina, Havana. MAY 11, 1869. " MAY 9, 1869. Captain Generalship of the Island of Cuba, Staff. The drumhead court-martial, sitting at this place on this day, with the object of examining and judging into the process instituted against the civilian Jose Valdez Nodarse, for having uttered seditious words, has condemned him to six years hard labor in the chain-gang; and his Excellency in conformity with the opinion of the Auditor has been pleased to approve said sentence, but recognising, as the Auditor does too great lenity in the sentence, because it is not in accord with VIIt the regulations, codes and existing laws; he has ordered that the President and members of the Military Court may be sent to a castle to suffer the penalty'of two months' imprisonment in the same. Published by order of his Ex. "With cheeks reddened with shame and hearts dripping blood, we confess, in view of what is now happening that foreigners are right. Africa commences in the Pyrenees, not the Africa of the Marochians. but the Africa of the Kaffirs." Estado Catalan, Barcelona, August 9, 1869. More than three hundred spies and conspirators are shot monthly in this jurisdiction. Myself alone, with my band, have already disposed of nine, and I will never be weary of killing. Letter of Domingo Graino, Captain of Volunteers, Villaclara, September 23, 1869. We captured seventeen, thirteen of whom were shot outright; on dying-they shouted hurrah for Free Cuba, hurrah for Independence. A mulatto said hurrah for Cespedes. On the following day we killed a Cuban officer and another man. Among the thirteen that we shot the first day were found three sons and their fathers; the father witnessed the execution of his sons without even changing color, and when his turn came he said he died for the independence of his country. On coming back we brought along with us three carts filled with women and children, the'families'of those we had shot; and they asked us to shoot them, because they would rather die than live among Spaniards. Letter of Jesus Rivacoba, oficer of Volunteers, Encrucijada September 4th, 1869. Not a single Cuban will remain in this Island, because we shoot all those we find on the fields, on the farms and in every hovel. Letter from Pedro Fardon, officer of Volunteers to Rosendo Rivtas, September 22d, 1869. We do not leave a creature alive where we pass, be it man or animal. If we find cows we kill them; if horses, ditto; if hogs, ditto; men, women, or children, ditto; as to the houses, we burn them; so every one receives his due —the men in balls, the animals in bayonetthrusts, The Island will remain a desert. Letterfrom the same Pedro Fardon to his father, Sept 22, 1869. THE MARTYRS OF LIBERTY IN CUBA. POLITICAL PRISONERS EXECUTED SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 1N Clq\. 1868. December. 8 Manzanillo. 1lilario'Tamayo —First patriot publicly executed 1 ). 19 Decc 16 Cabo Cruz. Four prisoners. 4 2^'22 Vicana. One spy*." 11 23 Manzanillo. Theodore Bertot and the overseer of the sugar plantation Benicia. 2 30 " 1869. January. 2 Pto. Principe. One scout.. " 8 Jan. 18 Ti-Arriba. C(ol. Manta el Abreu, Lieut. Col. Francisco Abreu, Major Bernardo Delgado, Clapt. Francisco Delgado 4 19 " 26 Gtantainaimo.. _N. Parra and Juan Ant. Anava l! " 8 Feb. February. 9 Manzanillo. "Some rebel chiefs, and imlla insurgents of whose fate only the earth that receives them in her bosom after they are shot, can render an account.". 1 30 Mch. 14 Jagiey-Grande. Four prisoners. 4 V. de C. 19 Feb. 17,,, Elias Guerra. 1 ). 21 i 22 Cienfuegos. A mexican general. I ". 26 24 Las Jiquimas. Jos6 L6mos. I " 26 March. I Sagua. Juan Daniel Araoz. 1 V. de C. 3 Mch. 1 to 6. Cuba. Five rebel chiefs. 53 c 43 43 4 1lemedios. Te6filo dcl Pino andc Cirilo Torres. 2 V. dc C. 12 Mch. 8 Caibarien. Five rebel chiefs. 5 i 18 9 Cienfuegos. Juan B. Capote. 1 12 9 Peralejo. Two spies. 1). 3 Apr. I() Villaclara.. A. oya. 1 -21 Mcll. 15 lemledios. Dr. Francisco Jimenez xv lafael Falero.' " 19 " 19 Cololn. Pedro Hernandcle 1'" 22'30 San Anltol. Antonio Cadiz. 1 N.. 1P. 2(0 Corralfalso. Juan Leiva. 1 N. Y. P. 2 1 Hablana. Jose Caindido Ilomnero ( tlll another. 1). 22 21 13enil)a. Juan Valdes and Loreto Ilnda 2 N. Y.P.'3 St. D)onminlo. Jose Fernandez Elvira 1 I). 16 Apr.'t - ihlri nen. Gustavo Valverde and Cristobal Pardo. N.Y. P. 26 Alacraues. Three brothers Olivera 3 1). 3 Apr. 24 S'airut la Chica. Seven plantation burners'7 31 Mcll., SNietes. Nicolas Oliva. I N. Y. P. 6 i Lagnnillals. Manuel Guerra (engineer) I N. Y. P.'2: Cuba. Cornelio Robert. 1 ). 11 Apr. 28 Villaclra.l. Generoso de la Vega. 1 " 17, 29 Arimao. N. Noodal. 1 " 9 30 Cuba. Felix Tejada and Aurelio Castillo. " 10 30 Claudio. Manuel Fuentes. I N.Y.P. - lcmll)a. Bonifacio Samaniego, Juan Fernandez, N. Garcia and Toribio Pefa, killed by the "'chapelgorris". 4 N.. I. - G antilnamo. Mannel Borges, Professor of the Institute of Santiago de Cuba, and eighteen more sent to Guantanamo to be tried, and shot in their way by the volunteers 19 N. Y. P. April. 1 Cairdcnlas. The engineer Ger6nimo Valladares and a negro man 2 N. Y. P. 2 C(laibarie. Ant. de Jesus Gutierrez. 1. Y. P. 92 Cobre. Luis Guerra* 1 D. 10 " 1- CCuba. Adolfo Rodriguez and F'rancisco Puente y M:edina 2. Y. P. 4 Isabelita. One chinaman. 1 D. 10 Apr.; llolguin. Justo Aguilera. 1 16 115 115 7 lIolguin. Some prisoners of high rank 5 ). 16 Apr. 7' Horno. Two brothers Aguilera and three more. 6 Mav. 9 Hlabana. IF'RAXCISCO LEONx and A(-usTIN MEDINA. 2' 10 Ap1. 10 Nuevitas. Benjamin Perez. 1 " 16' 11 Guisa. Five prisoners. 5 " 6 May. 12 Cuba. One carrier. 1 " 18 Apr. 13 Santa Claral. Manuel Acosta y BeLrnmo 1 17 13 CGibara. One letter carrier. 1 " 30 " 15 Jagfiey. Two men captured in Zapata 2 N. Y.P. 19 Manacas.. N. edrano. 1. 19 av. 20 Bavamo. "Some large groups of enemies shot from the 13th to the 20th by Col. Palacios." 25 " ( " 0 D)os Palmlas. Antonio Santa Rufina I " 19 23 Las Minas. Fourteen rebels. 4 " 15 " 23 Sagua. Francisco Lopez Ramos' 9 Apr. 24 Cuba. Delfin Aguilera. 1 " 6 May. 27 Cartagena. Twelve rebels. 12 " 8 29 Cuba1l. Jose Nicolas, Fernando, Ambrosio and Vicente Anaya, IIomobono Portuondo 5 ";; (- obre. N. Batista, Natalio Sales, Vicente Fonseca, Rafael Ruiz and two more. ) N. Y. P. - Sevilla. Three peasants. 3 N. Y. P. May. 1 Bejucal. Rafael M. MArquez* N. Y. P. 2 Ianzanillo. Many spies shot. 10 D. 15 Mav. 2 Manacas. N. Medrano, Juan Lachalaiegnan and nine more 11 N. Y. P. 4 Cllba. Jose Ant. Rodriguez I D. 16 Ma. 14 Sn. Geronimlo. Jose M. de Quesada 1 " 2 16 Maanzanillo.. Ardila and Jose Biritan 2 N. Y. P. 19 M anzanillo. Manuel La Rosa and an idiot shot by Machin. 2. Y. P. 20 Camajuani. Juan Jose and Pedro de Leon 2 N.Y.P. 22 C ienfuegos. Manuel de J. Ramirez, Ramon Cabrera y Benito C. Figueroa. 3 1D. 23 May. 19 to 25 Nipe. Some prisoners of the Perit 5 " 9 31 Cienfuegos. Jose Rafael Leiva. 1 " 6June. June. 2 Jibaro. Luis Palmero, Andres Meneses, Isidro Aquino and th ree sons* 6 N. Y. P. 252 4 2'52 4 Banao. N. Serrano and a negromanl 2 N. Y. P. 4 Santa Clara. VXicente Machado. 1 D. 9 June 6 Cabaigan. Cairlos Luceda. N. Y. P. G-uantitlnaino. One pirata of the Grapeshot 1 1. 15 June 10 Cuba.. Juan de Dios Palma, Jacobo Neeger and Jose Dooray. 3 23 12 (Cartagenat. Cirilo Arbona and Manuel Espinosa. 19 " 1 Baaitiiqueri. Pedro Valdes, Jose Pefia and Gregorio Rodriguez. 3 27 13 Santa Clara..Jose Antonio Godoy 1 19 13 Santa Cruz. Cairlos Polhamus. 1 N. Y. P. 14 Santa Clara. M anuel Vasquez. 1 IP. 19 June 15 Las Cruces. A rebel. 1 19 15 Cuba. Ricardo Sirven. I " 24 15 Palmillas. -N. Lamadrid, another man who was in prison and Luis Garcia 3 N. Y. P. 1 5 Roque. lafael Hernandez, and Juan Acosta. 2 N. Y. P. 16 IMacurijes. "Five who had been pardoned" 5i N. Y. P.' 7 " Diego Tavio, Manuel Tavio and N. Espinosa. 3 N. Y. P. 18 Colon. Two spies. 2 D. 22 June 18 CubaN. Carlos Speakman. " 24 " 20 Santa Clara. (Ctndido Roche. 1 " 23 20 Cienfilegos. Ant. de Armas y Castillo I " 24 " 21 C(ubal-. C('rlos Quifones, Martin Juztiz, Rafael Estevez, Juan C. Castillo and Alfredo Wyeth 5 " 27 21 Slanta Clara. F'elix Machado and Ramon Prieto. 2 " 30 22 Santa Clara. (Clemente Oliva. 1 " 27 " 23 Ramon. N. Rodriguez Cols. 1 " 7 July. 26 Baracoa. Jos6 Bucelo and N. Calderin 2 14 28 Las Tajas. Miguel Bonachea and Rafael Consuegra. 2 " 2 - Arimao. Ten stragglers shot. 10 " 14 " - CanmagiUte. Twenty-five rebels and their chiefs shot bv Gonzales Boet. 2 " 2 Sept. - Colon. Francisco Puente, Eduardo Corrales, Manuel del Pino, Filomeno Facundo,N. Fundora, Miguel IHernandez, three brothers Talera, M. 338 338 Almeida, L. Mendiondo, N. Samaniego, Urbano Rocriguez, N. Castellanos, Tomas Garcia, Antonio Robiinson, and two peasants all shot by the "Chapelgorris " of Guamutas commanded by the brothers Durante. 19 N. Y. P. 6 Bavamo. Juan and Manuel Fornaris,, ^ I Luis Merconchini and his c two sons Luis and Rodrigo, and nineteen more, Juan I..-. Gonzalez, Jose Dumenigo, Santiago Pujals, Jose Cas- 49) 0 ^ tellanos, six of the Fajardo I a ^ o E family and fourteen neigh- f hours of the hacienda La o, Punta hanged headdown by the Spaniards. c July. 1 Pto. Principe. Agustin Socarras y Bonora 1 1). 13 Jul y. 2 Santa Clara. Gonzalo Gonzalez and a negro man. 2 " 2 Baracoa. Five rebels. "S 14 3 Cifuentes. Nine rebels. 9 7 " 3 Manacas. One spy. 1 6 Cuba. Notary N. Ferran and Manuel Estrada. 2 N. Y. P. 6 Puriales.'lorres father and son and six more. 8 D. 21 July C Cabagan. Ant. Arias, Natalio AIachado, Angel Benitez and two sons ) X. Y. P. 7 Jiguani. Dr. Jose A. Perez, Dr. Rafael Espin, Jose A. Collazo, Bruno Collazo, Salvador Benitez, Asencio Asencio, Joaquin Ros, AndresVillasana, Bartolo Montero, and their friends, Exuperancio Alvarez, Manuel Fresneda, Ant. Perez, Manuel Nateras, Manuel Benitez, a cook and six more who accompanied the nine first who were sent to Jiguani to be tried, 439 439 and assassinated and robbed in the march by Colonel Palacios (THE TWENTYONE OF JIGUANI) 21 N.. Y. ) Purialeks. Jose and Pastor Pita and Claimiro Manresa. 3 1). 14 July.v. 10 Seib1abo). Three rebels. 3 13 10 Gnua. Twelve. 12)' "' 10 " Pedro Cordero and Jose Vila 2' 21 " 10 Hongolosongo. Ernesto Macarty. 1'" 5 11 Sti. Spirits. One spy. 1' 19 12 Jibara. Dr. Malnuel de la Sera. I' 30 16 Giiira. Francisco Torres. N. Y. P. 20 AMagnaraya. Leandro Barreto. N. Y. P. 23 Las Lajas. Celestino de Calrdenas IP. 27 24. Ranchuelo. Ceferino Perez. 1 T. 27 "29 Neiva. Fernando Perdomo. 1 ). 6 A g. 30 Trinidad. Patricio Parada and Francisco Fonseca. 2 ). 30 Cienfuegos. Victorio Garcia, Felix Macias, Antonio Rodriguez del Rey. and seven more. I N. Y. P. 31 Caibariein. Adolfo Ruiz. 1 D. 4 Aug. 31 " Antonio Perez, Anastasio Cortes and his brother and Francisco Prin. 4 N.Y.P. Auguist. I (:naarones. The chief Macias and sixteet1 rebels. 17 D. 8 " 1 Tibisial. Eight rebels "hunted" 8 1. 13 " 1 Vista Hermosa. One prisoner. 1 " 20 " 3: Guantatnamo. Teodoro Chayarran. 1 Sept. 4 Mamon. Jose Irene de Leon. 1 14 Aug. 5 Potrerillo. Jesus Ramos, Francisco 1Prez. Rafael Cabanuco. 3 " 14 I G iines. Zacarias (a mulatto). 1' 14 I El Ramoni. The son of Rufino and another l " 2 S Potrerillo..Jose Doroteo Perez, Antonio IHerrera Alvarez and Silvestre Pedrosa. 3 " 14 9 Cumanayagua. Juan CastanOon.1' 14 " 11 Mataguta. Francisco Fleites and Francisco Castro. 2 " i 1:1 ILimones. Bartolome Martin and anotlher 2 " 20'" 12 Yaguajay.'Two prisoners. 2 " 17 1' (umanavagusa. Two spies. 2 24 552 7 552 15 Santa C(lra. Rafael y Miguel Sanchez 2 I). 24 Aug. 15 " Patricio Nufiez and Agapito Lopez*. " 4' 15 Caibarc. el' Joaquin Espinosa y Pereiz N. Y. P. 18 Lajas. Canmilo Salgado. N. Y. P. 19 Seibabo. Two spies. N.Y. P. 2(1 ".Juan B. and Jose Forte, liis brother Jose and his slave Juan, Lnis Gonzalez, Felipe Jorge, Salvador Rodriguez. the overseer of the plantation Adelaida and mcrtig others. 13' " 20 oron. o Mallnuel Colpaniolnv 1 " " 21 Trinidad. Jos6 de laRosa. Ralion Alvtarez, Perfecto Quintana, Ladislao Lara and N. Arias. 5' 21 Con trerans. Shlot by Dnrante during the last three days, (some of them were distinguished persons and one was a planter seemingly very rich) 20 1). 24 23 ILas Cruces. Two prisoners. 2 " 29'24 Candelaria. Manuel Prieto. 1 " 2 26 Jesus del Monte. N. Cartas and brother 2 N. Y. P. 27 Manicaragua. Jose Lopez. 1 D. 14 Sept. 29 Caibarien. Jose Guevara, Joaquin C6spedes (90 years old) and one chinaman. 2. Y. P. 31 Cifuentes. Jose Penton. D. 5 Sept. 31 Niguas. Twelve rebels of Callejas band 12 " 2 31 Baire. Eighteen prisoners. 18 " 10' September. I Gufi... Santisteban, Rafael Torres, Gen. Pavon and some others 8 1). 8 Sept. 1 Cidra. Roman Sanchez (a chief) and another. " 1'' 2 Sti. Spiritus. Abelardo de Leon, Matias Cardoso, Modesto Jimenez, Francisco Montalvan adl his clerk. 5 N. Y.'. 4t Esperanza. Rafael Mufioz. 1 1). 8 Sept. 6 IanTabana. Two guides. 2 " 1 7 Sto. Domingo. Julio Guzman, Fernando Divia, Jose Arredondo, Luis Jimenez and Jose Bosch 5 " 14 662 662 a laiccthuelc. Manuel Portillo and tliree more. 4 X. Y. P.' Potrerillo. A snttler. 1 ). 1 Sep. 10 Cidra. Six rebels. 15 14 Pto. Padre. Manuel Trinidad Go-lzales 1.'8 8 16 Remedios. FFrancisco Bac(allao...P. 18 Ranchuelo. Seven rebels. ). 21 Sept. 20 Campechuela. Three ". " 10 Oct..20 Guanajay. Nicolas Mendive 1. 1..P. 20 Jutinicfi. Jotaquin Mursutii andt tw-d o 1nephews. i. 20 l'alnilltas.. Valera, Pl'eruclio (a llulatto 80 years old) and ten more. 12 "' 21 Elsperalnza. l'arinas and four more 5 1). 23 Sept. 22 Recreo. Nicolais S. Carballo. 1 " 26, 22 Cabaguan.' Three prisoners. 3 " 1 Oct. 2.- Caiblarien. Felipe Parafa, Claudio Brifas, Julio Perez and Dionisio Vazquez. 4 N. Y. P. 2 ReIellledios.'Two rebels. D. 28 Sept. 25 Sta. Clara. Maximo Grillo and a compalion. 2 " 30 " 26 Mayabon. One rebel. " 30 26 Rvio IHondo. Eleuterio Cabrera. Antonio Vega, Eduardo N., Silverio Cruz Escobar and Juan Va ldes. Nov. October. 8 Manzanillo. Barrasa (the second of Marcano) Rafael Tomes Causo and Joaquin Palomino 3 21 Oct. 13 Santa Clara. Tello Mendoza. " 14' 19 Cartagena. iesiderio Hernandez 1 i 23 19 El Roque. Leoncio Guerra and two sons, Jacinto Oliveres, Cleto Daniel, Ignacio Camejo, two brothers Sardiflas and Desiderio del Aguila, killed by the Chapelgorris 9 N. Y. P. 21 Santa Clara. Jos6 Diaz Argielles. 1 D. 23 Oct. 21 Palo Picado. Brigadiers Masso anld Tamavo 2 ). 10 Nov. November. 2 Cienfuegos. Antonio Luciano Sanz 1 D. 6 2 Guantanamo. Arturo Casimajoux. I D. 10 Nov. 2 Ciego de Avila. Four prisoners. 4 " 10 742 742 4 Trinidad. Bernardino Rojas. 1 I 10 Nov. 5 Caunao. Serafin Valdes. 1 " 14 5 Sti. Spiritus. Mateo Luis Perez. 1 " 19 11 Cruces. Four prisoners. 4 " 14 15 Rio Negro. One letter carrier. 1 " 21 17 Jibara. Abelardo de Leon, Bartolome Martinez, N. Lopez, N. Montalvan, Luis Perez 5 N. Y. P. 19 Sagua. Francisco Barros. 1 D. 27 " 19 " Twelve chiefs of a negro plot 12 " 27 20 Dos IHermanas. N. Real. 1 D. 5 Dec. 20 Sti. Spiritus. J. M. Madrigal. 1. Y. P. 21 Sti. Spiritus. Enrique Ohlmeyer and Manuel Carbajal. 2 D. 12 Dec. 21 Magues. One rebel. I " 3 " 24 Tibisial. Domingo Serrano, N Oliveira 2 D. 17 5 E1l Cristo. Three rebels. 3 " 7 " 25 Santa Clara. Jos6 Prados. 1" 29 Nov. 26 IHolguin. Carlos Tellez, Salvador Rivera, Francisco Valdes and N. Acosta. 4 "14y 15 Dec. 27 Caunao. Two prisoners. 2 " 30 Nov. - Manzanillo. Gregorio Santisteban Sr., Gregorio Santisteban Jr., Juan Sanchez Izaguirre, Ramon Salazar, Antonio Roblejo, Jose de Jesus Rosabal, Luis Betancourt, Jose V. Castellanos, Agustin Ramirez 9 N. Y. P. - C. de Zapata. One spy. I).'2 De. - Cuba. Twenty five rebels shot by Gonzales Boet during his excursion. 2 " 14 " December. 2 Guanabo. N. Gonzalez. 1 D. 1)ec. 2 Santa Rita. One rebel. 1 " 7" 3 Holguin. Three salt-makers. 3 " 15 10 NearCienfuegos Carlos Consuegra. I.. P. 14 San Luis. Eustaquio Arencibia, Jacobo Montano, Jose R. Mendoza, Rafael Rivera, Domingo Aguiar, Juan Campos,Ciriaco Alvarez, Crispin Alvarez, Feliciano Campos, G umercindo Gala. 10 D. 19 Dec. 14 El Purial. Ramon de Leon*. 1 " 6 Jan. 837 10 837 15 Banao. One )prisoner. 1 1). 6 Jan. 17 Ceiba. One " " 28 17 Cabagan. Two who attempted to fly 2 " 28 18 Niguas. ()ne incendiary. " 22" 20 Sagua. Miguel Acosta y Espinosa 1 " 25 20 Nignuas. Nicolas Mufoz.'. Y. P. 21 Macagna. l)ionisio Borges. I 1 " " 23 Arimao. Three Incendiaries. 3 D. 26 Dec. 23 Cienfuegos. Pablo Arvelo. " 26 24 Matanzas. Eleuterio Lamar y Valera I " 25 " 2.5 Manacas. Justo Pablo Meneses 1 " 6 Jan. 2,7 Santa Clarat. Two Prisoners. 2 28 Limones. Two incendiaries. 2 " 3 Dec. 28 Cabagan. Ceferino Rodriguez. I " 1 Jan. 28 Habana. Jos6 R. Crespillo and Valdes Rubio. 2 D. 28 Dec. 29 Cienfuegos. Antonio Moreira. 1 " I " 30 Pinar del Rio. One incendiary and Telesforo Peia. 2 " 6 " 30 Matanzas. Pedro Rivera. 1 N. Y. P. 31 Villaclara. Victor Carrazana.. 1 D. 4 Jan. 31 La Nifia.''Two rebels. 2 " 11,, 31 Las Tunas. - rs. Mercedes Varona and two prisoners. " 14 1870..January. 1 Remedios. One prisoner 1. 4 Jan. 1 Ilolguin. Jos6 Guerra Almaguer and Captain Manzanedo. 2 " 14 I Sn. Isidoro. One spy. 1 " 31 " I Arroyo Hondo.One traitor. 1 " 31 " 2 " " A negro rebel. I " 8 Feb. 5 Pifion. Six rebels *. 6 " 14 Jan. 6 Pinar del Rio. Felipe Hernandez. 1 " 6 6 Casilda. One who carried bananas 1 " 11 " 7 Pto. Principe. Ramon Sanchez. " 23 " 7 Palmarejo. One prisoner. 1 27 " 8 Sti. Spiritus. Antonio Abad Bello. 1 " 18 " 8 Giiinia. Three rebels 3 " 19" 10 Sti. Spiritus. Pedro Sanchez y Eligio Jimenez.. 2 " 22 " 11 Trinidad. Pablo Lugones. 1" 14 " 12 " Rafael Rodriguez Moya 1 " 14 892 11 892 12 Limlones. One prisoner 1 I). 27 Jan. 13 Arroyo Blanco.Two spies. 18; 16 Trinidad. -Doctor N. Morado, Ricardo and Ramon M. Gras. 3 19 " 1I Mamanayagua. Five spies. 5 8 Feb. 18 Cambute. Thirteen prisoners. 13 2 6 Jan. 19 Sagua. One who uttered seditious words,. " 31 21 Contramaestre.Jesus Reyes, Santiago Duyende, an american colonel'lnd four more. 7 " 1 Feb. 24 Pto. Principe. Miguel Esquivel. 1 2" 9 Jan. 21 Cubitas. Sotero Napoles and another 2 12 Feb. 25 Ciego de Avila.A Lieutenant. 15 25 El Cedro. Two prisoners*. 2 26 Cuba. General Francisco Marcano. 1 2 28 Camagfiev. Sixteen captured by Goyene- 6 " che.; "; 31 Habana. Two who uttered seditious words. 2 1 " 31 Cuba. Tomas Tamayo. 1 N. Y. P. c " Manuel Ros y Matias Hida'go N. Y. P. Holguin. Capitan Miguel Rodriguez 1 N.Y.P. - Sti. Spiritus. Luisa FIernandez y Gutierrez. a lady of 26 years of age condemned to death for the crime of concealing in her room a rebel-if executed, her execution, as manyal others, has not leeln published.... de C. 16 Jtn. February. 1 Pto. Principe. Domingo Barreto. 1 1. 8 Feb. 1 Trinidad. Andres Matamoros. 1 " 8 " i Cuba. Lieutenant N. Ochoa. 1 N. Y. P. 1 Pto. Principe. An artillery soldier. 1 D. 8 Feb. 1 " Francisco Silveira and three more. 4 " 8 6 Polo Viejo. A rebel prisoner.' " 11 6 Guadalupe. Four" ". 4 12 6 ArroyoBlanco.T'wo ". 2 12 " 6 Moron. Three" ".: 12 " 6 Magua. N. Zerquera. 1 " 4,, 7 Habana. Felipe Valdes..Y.P. 10 Charco Azul. A post commissioner. l IV, 13 Feb. 974 12 974 3 to 10 Habana. Thirteen (general order of Caballero de Rodas). 13 World 12 Feb. 14 Iiolguin. Carlos Abreu, Eduardo Gazois, Francisco O'Ryan and Gregorio Caballero 4 D. 19 15 Sagua. Manuel Sanchez and Joaquin Morales. 2 19 15 Calabazar. Juan Torrente. 1 19 16 Yaguajay. Five rebel prisoners. 5 " 22 17 La Parras. One ". I " 17 Baga. Two ". 2 22 7 Pto. Principe. One " 2. 1 " 2 " 18 Santa Clara. Six*" ". 6 22 " 18 Holguin. Manuel Oliva and two of the Goicouria expedition 3 " 2 Mch. 19 H-Iabana. Jose Estevez. " 20 Feb. 20 Ceiba. One prisoner. I " 24 " 20 Santa Cruz. Two ". 2 " 8 Mch. 21 Cienfuegos. Francisco Figueroa. 1 24 Feb. 23 Holguin. Four prisoners of the Goicouria expedition 4 " 3 Mch. 24 Pto. Principe. Manuel Betancourt and N. Gonzales. 2 " 2 25 Cienfuegos. Simon Calderon 1 " 1" 2.5 Cascorro. Miguel Fernandez. I " 15 28 Juan Ginez. A prisoner. " 4 " Cobre. Manuel Camacho, Belisario Caballero, Jose M. Bravo, Ventura Bravo, Juan Francisco Portuondo, Desiderio Echeverria, Juan Francisco del Pozo, Magin Robert, Ramon Garriga, Andres Puente, Joaquin Santisteban, Diego Vinagre, Melchor Catasus, Ventura Cruz, Baldomero Cosme, Diego Palacios and two more 18 " 25 Feb. March. I Pozo Blanco. One rebel. I " 8 Mch. 3 Rubi. Five rebels. " 8 4 Palmarejo. Andres Sanchez. 1 " 15 5 Palmarejo. Two rebel chiefs. 2 6 5 Pto. Principe. Francisco Aldana y Suarez 1 " 16 " 5 L. del Infierno. Five rebels. 5 " 10 " 6 Polo Viejo. One. 1 " 12.. _J 13 1060 1 to8 Giiines. Thirty-eight of Arredondo's band.. 38 D. 13 Mcli. 8 Sta. Ana. Two rebels.. 2 " 1 to 8 Holguin. More than fifty rebels captured and shot.. 51 1 14 Habana. Julio C. Betancourt, Viscount Santa Cruz 1 " 15 11 Manicasigua. N. Ballogina and two more 3 " 17 15 La Ceiba. Merced Moya and Felix Jos6 Ulloa. 2 " 18 * Ciihnes., Luis Arredondo and Rlafael Cueto.. 18" " Pto. Principe. Manuel Artola. 1 "'3" 15 Cobre. Carlos Dubose. I " 7 15 Cauto Abajo. Sixteen conspirators. 1' 31 16 Giiines. Six more of Arredondo's band 6; " 7 " 17 Ciego Montero. One rebel*.. I' 24' " Gibara. Three rebels.. 3 30 " 17 Yareyal. Joaquin Leiva and another 2 " 2 April 20 Arroyo Blanco. Jos6 M.Ecija and Jos M.Mallo 2 " 5' Moron. N. Alpizar.. 1 4 Mar. " Guanajayabo. One incendiary. I'" " 21 Los Cocos. N. Annio.. 1 " 22 SabanaGrande.Jose de la Vega Betancourt 1 " 2 " 23 Mayajigua. Two rebels. 2 1 April 24 Matanzas. Casimiro, Francisco and Juan Rivero, Antonio Cruz 4 " 26 lar. 24 Cuba. Jose Candelario Alayo I " 30 " Zapata. Four rebels.. 4 N.. Y.P. 27 Pto. Principe. Two repentant rebels. 2. 2 April " Bayamo. Ten conspirators. 10 5 28 Cuba. Agustin Lara, Isidro Rodriguez and Pablo Aguilera 3 " " " 29 Cardenas. Andres Perez.. 1 " 30 3ar. 31 Guanabacoa. Jose Vaso y Araoz. 1 1 April 31 Cuba. Perfecto Perez. 1 " 5 April. 1 Habana. Eduardo Nattes. 1 " " 2 Pozo Azul. Three rebels.. 3 4 Pto. Principe. Jose S. Marrero and Lorenzo Torres.. 2 16 5 Sevilla. General Oscart and Jose M. Fornaris.. 2 15 6 Cienfuegos. Andres Diaz Castellanos 1 9 8 Pto. Principe. Two spies.. 2; " CiegodeAvila. Three ". 3' 10 1238 14 1238' Yamaqueye. Captain N. Parrado. D. 21 April 10 Pto. Principe. The American Officer Blake and a negro. 2 14 14 Uruguay. Julian Cheri.. " 26 17 Holguin. Eight of Peralta's banld 8' 30 18 Magarabomba. Four rebels.. 4 21 21 Pto. Principe. Fernando Varela and Francisco Lopez Camara 2; 26''I The Prefect Pedro Betancourt I I 1Mav. Caballiguan. The rebel chief Fonseca 1 3 " 28 Yaguas. Five conspirators. 29 April Baez. One spy.. Mav. Pto. Principe. Jos6 M. Rafleti. I 2 " 30 Cienfuegos. Rev. Francisco Esquembre. parson of the parish of Yaguaramas (accused of having blessed the Cuban flag) 1 " TlrierraQuemlad.Quirino Hurtado and Antonio Becerra.. 2..P. May. 1 Agiiica. Four rebels*.4. 4. Maxy I La Ceiba. Serapio. " 10 2 Santi Spirit is. Jos6 M. Benegas, Florencio Caflizares, Jose Gonzales v N. Bermia. 4 c 6 2 Limones. Four prisoners. 4 12 3 Sta. Cruz. Francisco Martinez. 1 " 6 3 Caunao. Some members of the families Molina and Adan. 6 8 3 Pto. Principe. Luciano Pruna y N. Castalfeda. 2 10 " 3 Salto del iego.One spy. 1" 1 Jun. i Habana. Fernando Rodriguez. 1 " 6 May. 5 Pto. Principe. Gonzalo Varona y Rafael Morales. 2 " 10 " 6 Gibara. Two spies. 2 11 7 Habana. DOMINGO GOIcoURIA 1 " 8 "'7 Buena Vista. Tomas de Leon and Atanasio Bravo 2 " 16 8 Pto. Principe. Jose Aldana. 1 15 14 Habana. Gaspar and Diego Agfiero 2 " 14 14 Caimanera. Emilio Torres unooz I " 3 Jun. 14 Najaza. One letter carrier. " 2 " 17 Trinidad. Juan Moya. " 27 Ma. 17 Arroyo Blanco.Ramon Rodriguez. 1 " 31 18 Cauto. Jose Ant.0 Castillo v Jose J. Feria. 2 24 JuI. 1308 15 1308 19 Habana. Ricardo Casanova. 1 " 19 May. 19 Sagua. Pedro Dominguez and Falstino Peraza. 2 " 28 " 19 Mayajigua. Two rebels. "' 27 " 20 Santa Clara. Ramon Chcngo. " 22 " 21 Guanal. Pedro Roblejo. 1 2 4 Jun. 22 Pto. Principe. Tiburcio Guerrero, Juan Antonio Perez, Manuel Tellez, Juan Brito, Francisco Batista, Pedro Gutierrez and another. " ^31 May. 22 Rollete. Three rebels. 12 Jun. 24 Trinidad. One letter carrier of 1enbeta 1 " 5 25 Sti. Spiritus. Antonio Ramirez. " 10 26 Jibacoa. Jose Cartaya. 1 " 1 26 Pto. Principe. Oscar Cespedes. 1 " 3 29 Sitio Hondo. One of Jesus del Sol band " 2" 29 Punta Brava. Justo y Pedro Aparicio, Jose Valdes y N. Benayides 4' 9' 30 Yareval. Two rebels 2 " 10 30 Moron. Joaquin Palmnero and fonr more. " 16 31 Maraguan. Luis Rivero. " 3 " - Las Tunas. Diego Milanes. N. Y. P. - Nuevitas. Junta of Cubans, captured aid punished. 5 D. 13 June. 1 San Agustin. One negro rebel. 1 " 12 Jun 2 Cardenas. Jose M. Perez. 1 " 3 3 Cienfuegos. Higinio Moreira y Espinosa 1 " 3 3 Pinalito. Fourteen rebels.14 " 22 " 3 Mayari. Carlos M. Delgado and seven more. 8 " 22 " 3 Pto. Principe. Luis Medal, Tomas Almeida, Isidro Gance. 3 " 8 3 Manzanillo. Eduardo Hurst. I World 10 Jun. 3 Trinidad. Jose Zerquera 1 D. 10 " 7 Mayari. Alejandro Cutifla, Julian de las Rosas and Luis Carballo 3 " 12 " 8 Holguin. Francisco Galobarde. 1 " 23 " 9 Sto.Domingo. Jose de la Merced Leon 1 " 12 9 Vijarrfi. Some rebels. 5 " 28 12 Pto. Principe. Jose Guiteras and Miguel Peralta. 2 " 21' 12 Remedios. Pedro del Portal. 1 " 23 1391 16 1391 14 Santi Spiritus. Jose Ramon Sanchez, Agustin Chaviano 2 D.. 22 June 18 Mnzanizlo. Javier Villanueva, Vicente Cespedes and some stragglers. 7 " 4 "c 19 Manaca. One scout. 1 " 29 " 20 G uamutas. Agustin Hernandez. 1 " 23 20 Bocachica. Salustiano Estevez and Nicolas Mendoza, shot on their sleep. 2 " 25 " 20 Santi Spiritus. One rebel. 1 " 25 " 20 Gihara. Antonio, Juan and Julian Naranjo, Valentin Hernandez and two more. 6 " 25 " 20 Quemado. Roman Pinto and another 2 " 25 20 Santi Spiritus. Nazario de Lara. I " 28 21 Pto. Principe. Agapito Gerez. " 28 22 " " Genaro Hijuelo, Benito Carun, Jose M. Arredondo yEustaquio Chavero 4 " 29 22 Tunas. Manuel Ruz. 1 " 29 24 Cienfuegos. A near relative of Jesus del Sol. I 28 " 24 Itabo. Two rebels 2 " 29 " 25 Seibabo. Juan Bruno and brother 2 " 3 July.'26 Pto. Principe. Fernando Varona, Jose Francisco Fernandez and Gabriel Ballagas.3 " 5 2 Yaguas. Toms Almeida and three more.4 " 8 " 28 IHabana. Francisco Gonzales Junco. " 29 Jun. 28 Arroyo Blanco.Miguel Garcia, Jose M. Perez and Juan Pazos. 3 " 5 July. 28 Soledad. Mongo Ordufo. " 19 " 30 Pto. Principe. Juan Caballero Aguilera, " 5 " July. 1 Santi Spiritus. Antonio Lopez and Antonio Sir. 2 " 3 July. I Pto. Principe. Hilario Perez and Francisco Medina.2 " 12 " 1 Holguin. Manuel Mestre, Eulogio de la Calle, Jose A. Collazo, Isidro Portillo, Adolfo Leite Vidal, Jose Meana, and Agustin Batista 7 " 17 1449 17 1449 2 Cabaniguan. Man. Ramon Estrada, Luis Vega and six more 8 J). 20 July. 3 Giava Three rebels 3 " 13 3 California. " ".3 " 13 5 Cienfuegos. Jose Castilla a-nd Juan Garcia 2' 9 5 Pto. Principe. Martin Lara. " 14 " 5 Malagueta. Thirty-two letter carriers, spies and collectors of vegetables 32 1 ~ 6 Trilladeritas. The rebel chief Hernandez 1 6 Calderon. Cleto Torres, Miguel de los Santos Santisteban, Miguel Santisteban and Ramon Reyes* 4 " 1, 7 G uabaciano. Jose Salina and Manuel de la Sera. 2 " 10" Sipiabo. One rebel. 1 " 7 Guabani. One spy. I " 8 " 8 Guabaciano. Two rebels.'' 8 " 9 Manzanillo. " ". " " 9 Baire. Many rebels. 10 " 17 " 9 San Luis. Ignacio Santa Cruz Pacheco I X. P. 10 Trinidad. Francisco Mendieta. 1 1). 12 July. 10 Vista Hermosa.IRebel chief Francisco Molina and surgeon Rufino Napoles. 2; 10 Vista Hermosa.Some stragglers shot 5 17 " 10 Candelas. Manuel Rodriguez, Modesto Duche, Eusebio IN.; 17 " 11 C. de Zapata. Two rebels.'. - 22 July. 11 Sabanilla. One carrier of provisions 1 28 " 14 Camajuani. One rebel. 1 22 " 16 Aguacate. One carrier of bananas t 20 " 16 Trinidad. Two rebels. 2 22 " 18 Laguna Grande.Pablo Oxamendi, Jose de la Cruz Melendez,Ignacio Crespo, Juan J. Palomo, Jose Figueredo, Pablo Quiflones, Carlos Perez Cisneros, Porfirio Garcia, Jesus Sanchez, Ignacio Forcade 10) 4 Aug. 20 Bayarmo. Sergeant N. Moya. 1 2 July. 20 Caunao. Chucho Valdes.I 23 El Pesquero. Nicanor,Luis, Jesus,Bernardo, Isaias y Fulgencio Reinaldo, Manuel Fueutes 7 " 2 " 1559 18 1559 24 Baynmo. Dionisio Almena. 1 D. 4,Aug. 26 Guajabani. One rebel. 1 " 30 July. 26 Narciso. Two ".2 " 30 " 27 Mandiliga. One who carried provisions 1 " 4 Aug.:31 Bayamno. Ant. Aguilera, and his son 2 " 10 " August. 3 Maguate.'Three surprised. 3 12 8 Holguill. Pedro Arias. I 13 8 Sti. Spiritus. Hermenegildo Gonzalez 1 l(6i X8 Mava jiguna. Manuel Consuegra, and Juan Valdes. 2 0.1'to. Principe. Julian J. Pozo, and C. More 2 30( 1; Sti. Spiritus. Two rebels.' i 18 1 6 (Charco RedondoFive "..4 4 16 llolguin. Jose Leite Vidal. 1 24 17 Cuba. Generals Pedro Figueredo, Rodrigo, and Ignacio Tamayo 3 24" 1't Bavamnv. Brig. Angel Figueredo, Col. Manuel Fernandez 2 24 17 Pinos Blancos. One rebel.1 25 20 St. Luis. Juan Cortes (78 years) 1 N. Y.P. (26 Remedios. Juan B. and Pedro Ferrer del Rio. 231 Aug. 31 Cinco Villas. Eight captured in different excursions. 8 " 3 Sept. 31 Sti. Spiritus. Jose and Francisco Ochavian, Francisco Caballero, Rafael Perez, and three armed rebels. 7 3 31 Itolguin. Delfin Pavon, and seven more 8 " 14 " - Banao. Corn. Gregorio Mola 1 N. Y. P. September. I Santa Clara. Felipe Acosta,and three more 4 D. 7 1 Colon. The spy N. Ruiz.. 1 " 7 " 2 Holguin. N. Gonzales. 1 " 1 Oct. 4 Gibara. Marcelino N. 1 " 15 Sept. 4 Las Arenas. Brig. Francisco Esteban Tamayo and Manuel Vega 2 " 7 Oct..5 St. Domingo. Merced Leon, Jose M. Castellon, Dionisio Diaz and Misterio Cardoza. 4 10 Sept. 5 IPto. I'rincipe. VicenteVelasco, Pedro Pelaez, Tomas Gomez, Federico Cruz, Manuel Jimenez, Felipe MuiToz and Felix Pera 7' 13 1631 ii) 1631 5 Trinidad. Andres Llanes. 1 ). Sept. 8 Sti. Spiritus. Rafael Peralta. 1 13 10 Pto. Principe. Joaquin Espinosa. I; 15 10 Sti. Spiritus. Francisco Trueba. 1 " 17 10 Pto. Principe. N. Bonora. I' " 10 Pto. Principe. Miss Pastora Lopez Marrero, a Cuban lady caught in arms was condemned by the military Court to be shot on the 10th of Sept. —Her execution: if it ever took place has not been published. " 14 11 SantaClara, Jose de los Santos Fleites 1 27 II Santa Clara. One rebel. 1 13 12 Remedios. Ant. C. Manso. N. Y. P. 12 Fray Benito. Eulogio y Leopoldo Sarmiento, Rafael Reves, and Teofilo Lorca. 4 ). 4 Oct. 14 Conception. Two rebels.2 " 17 Sept. 16 Baire. Capt. Pedro Bertrandi I N.Y.P. 19 Guinea. Four rebels. 4 1). 4 Oct. 22 Santa Clara. Julian Perez del Hoyo 1 " 2 Sept. 22 Jibacoa. Cipriano Estrada, and Luz Medina. 2 5 Oct. 24 Hlabana. LUTS DI AYESTARAN lI 25 Sept. 24 Cayo Confites. Three sailors of the Margaret and Jessie. 3 07 Oct. 2G Santa Clara. Joaquin Martinez. 1 27 Sept. 3(0 Iolguinera. Justo Aguilera, and another 2 18 Oct. October. I Cieguito. Two rebels. 2 " 4 Oct. Sti. Spiritus. One ". 1 5 4 Gibara. Three ". 3 " 18 " 5 Cienfuegos. Francisco (utierrez Calvo I N. Y. P. 10 Lechuzas. One rebel. 1 1). 25 Oct. 12 Pto. Principe. Mlanuel Torres Serrano, and Juan Martinez 2 " 26 13 Trinidad. Dr. Vicente Rodriglez de la Barrera 1 1S " 14 Bejuco. Clemente Cafizares, his brother and two more. 4 1). 5 Oct. 14 Matainzas. Agripino Sanchez; the Spanish papers call him a robber but he was condemned by the military court as a rebel 1 N. Y. P. 15 Sti. Spiritus. DiImtaso Leon. 1 1). 23 Oct. 1. (1) 7 20o 1677 16 Trinidad. Andres Pimentel. 1 D. 25 Oct. 18'Remiedios. Pref. Carlos Ruiz and Capt. Nicolas Loyola. 2 " 4 Nov.'24 Canl uggi r. Gen. Gabriel Fortun and fourteen more. 15 ^ 4 93 Santa Claa.. Pantaleon Prieto. 1 i 1 29 Yara. Two rebels. 2 " 9:31 Mainamjanalbo. Brijido and Julian Torres y Rodriguez. " 13 -- Renedios. Pedro Garcia and Agustin Ramos. 2 " 25 Aug. - Ilolgulil. Manuel Guerra Tamayo, Julian Patiflo, Angel Aguilera and Carlos Druck. 4 " 27 ~-( ilines. F'rancisco V. Garcia. I N.Y. P. November. 2 San Pedro. Three rebels 3 D. 19 Nov. 2 Paredones. Alberto and Joaquin Maya 2 " 8 " 2 Casiguas. Two rebels. 2 " 19 " 3 Manzanillo. Jose Mendoza Lopez. 1 N. Y. P. 3 Colon. Miguel Madruga. 1 D. 11 Nov. 3 Paredones. Inocencio Fonseca and Manuel Rodriguez 2 " 13 " 4 Tibicial. Pref. Ramon CarbaJal, Com. Armengol and another rebel 3 N. Y. P. 4 Tempfl. Luis Varona and fifteen more 1.6 D. 18 Nov. 6 Banao. Miguel Silva. 1 " 20 " 8 I-olguil. Jose Martinez and four more a N. Y. P. 9 Maraguan. Miguel Cepero and another 2 D. 15 Nov. 11 Trinidad. Juan B. Pedros.. 1 " 15 " 12 Pilatos. T'wo rebels. 2 D. 17 Nov. 12 Castafios. One ". 1 c" 17 " 1*2 Canallito. lPedro and Angel Reinaldo, Antonio Lopez and Rafael Fonseca 4 " 2 PDec. 12 Jiucaro. Raimundo Sanchez, Jesus Herrera and Ambrosio Zayas 3 " 20 14 Yagrunia. One scout. 1 " 22 " 15 Cuaiva. Two " 2 " 17 " 18 Jiguani. Quintilio Villareal. 1 " 2 Dec. 13 Canasi. Capt. Jose Lechuga. " 11 " 20 Sti. Spirituq. Manuel Belen Perez. 1 " 22 " 20 " Manuel de Jesus Bahamonde 1 N. Y. P. 20 Jaguey. Federico Mola, Jose Gonzales, two letter carriers and another 5 D. 14 Dec. 27 Cienfuegos. German Barrios. 1 " i * 1749 21 Sigualnea. Ca(pt. Alejo Cantero, Capt. Felix Yurubide and thirteen more. 1). 6 )ec. 28 Pto. Prieipe. Cristobal Mendoza 1 8i'9 lHatico. o. Manuel Torres,Pref. Emilio Tellez, Subpref.Maciais and some other officers. 8 11 " December. 1 Gibara. ()One who smelt as a rebel 1' 18 " 4 Las Tunas. Three rebels.: "31 i 0 Mamones. Juan Meneses. 1 " 10 7 Las Lomas. N. Rodriguez. 1 10 9 Los Cristales. Emilio Moreno and another' 14 -' 11 Holu(rin. Ge. ( Jos6. Aurrecoechea and his chief of staff Facundo Cable.'22 " 17 Pto. Prilcipe. Lope Recio Agraimontle 1 1 Jan. 1 California. One armed rebel. 1 15 19 Remedios. Two rebels. 2 ".)e. 17 Pto. Prillicipe. Cap.. Francisco BetancourtEnEilio Estrada, Carlos T'orres. Jose Molina, Francisco Benalvides, Manuel Montojo and Caballero, Javier B. Varona, AMartin Loynaz y Miranda s 1. JIa. 0o Io) ll' ilt. Manuel Zufiga,Evaristo Torres. Francisco Llaurador, Miguel Peralta, Antonio Olive, Antolin Varela, Santiago Miralnda, Antonio del Toro 8 27 Dec. 21 Cienfuegos. Jose Cayetano Santos. 1 " 22 Dec. 30 El Mallon. One rebel.1 Jla)). 15 to 30 Camagiiev.Eleven shot in different excursions. 11 15 " 31 Trinida(l. A negro man.l 1 4 31' Nicolas Fernandez. 4 " 31 Guanajal. Seven prisoners captured withi the wife of President Cespledes.. 14 " - Colon. Antonio de Armas. 1 " 1l -- Canoa. Segundo Bejalrano and- Antonio Aviles. 2 0 " 1828 All thlose marked with an asterisk, have been shot in the roads when con ducted to the cities for trial. PRISONERS Captured by the Spaniards and whose fate has never been made known. 1869. March. I Sti. Spiritus. Four cartridge makers. V. de C. 4 IMh.' Jagiiey. N. Sardi... II iario. 14' 8 Giieiba. Seven prisoners.. 7 " 12 " 9 Peralejo. Eight ".. 8 3 Apr. 12 Sto. Doimingo. A mulatto spy... I 16 Meh. 14 oron. Eleven spies... II " 29 " 15 Manzanillo. Fifteen prisoners.. 15 " 3 Apr. 19 Sti.-Spiritus. Two ".. 2 " 6 24 Guamutas. Forty three.. 43 " 23 2; Sto. Domingo Six ".. 6 " 27 Niguas Nine.. 9 " 23 29 Aserradero Four.. 4 " 10 " Gnamutas. Twenty three more.. 23 " 23 - Mayari Forty.. 40 " 16 Mih. C ielnfluegos Twenty one ".. 21 " 19 April. I Guaracal)bva Two prisoners.. 2 " 7 Apr. 5 Potrerillo Three ".. 3 " 16 " 13 " One spy ".. " 16 10 " Nine rebel chiefs.. 9 " 16 " 10 Manzanillo One spy.. 1 " 22 May. 10 Jagua Nine prisoners.. 9 " 13 " 1, Las Lajas. Bernardo Bonet R. C.. I " 22 Apr. 23 Sta. Clara. MIanuel Rojas R. C.. 1 " 28 23 Yaguaramal. Antonio Moreira.. I " 27 May. 2S Sta. Clara. Ricardo Ledon and Juanl Lopez R. C. " 3 30 C1uba Nine plunderers.. 9 " - Mavajiguas. A number of prisoners. " May. 1 Camarones Four prisoners. 4 " 7'9 Arimao Andres Diaz and one spy'' 15 " 15 Vasquez Two prisoners.. " II Sept. 15 Tunas'T'hree prisoners. 3 " 17Jun. 17 Cienfiteg:s Ant. Figueroa and N.M; sa. e. 20 " 5)? 23 252 18 lIatillo Thirteen from Figueredo's band... 13. 29 Ma. 18, GClaracabulla. Sacramento Carvajal, B. Machado, R. Jimenez and his two sons... 5 8" 18 Maizanillo. Four prisoners.. 4' 9'24 Lajas Seven prisoners..' 2 June. 26 Ni) ie O(ne corporatl and four soldiers... o ) )6 1lorn,, -Ialiv Mayprison1er.. 10 1 June. 10 Sta. Clara. Five prisoners..' 20 Jntinici OnCe ".. I 7 Julx-. 20 Guisa Teln "cap. by Boet. 10 " 8.9 26 Baracoa Eighteenl.. 18 13.14 28 Palmira Seven ".. 1 Sta. Cruz Four ".. 4 31) Jun1le. July. 6 Calla o'io Iernandez and two more 3 1I1 Jui-. 12 Sta. Clara. Three spies.. 3 19 Aug. 19 Barrancas. Two prisoners.. 2 5 22 Cuba. Three ".. 3 " 3 2 Jiguani One ".. 12 Trinidad. Three recruiting officers. 3 " 30 J ulv. Caibarien. Some prisoners.. " 15 Aug. August. 6 PalmaSoriano.Four prisoners.. 4 " 13 Aug. 8 Sti. Spiritus. Three ".. 3 " 17 11 Limnones. Four ".. 4 11 Cachaza. Four ".. 4- 22 12 Limones. Two ".. 2 " 25 " 13 Bajados. Three ".. 3 " 1 Sept. 13 Cuba. Eleven'i.. 119 A u. 14 Puerto Padre. Three ".. 3 " 2 " 17 Hicotea. Jose de J. Garcia and another 2 " 24 " 18 Baire. Thirteen.. 13 " 27 " 18 Cienfuegos. Gregorio Hernandez. 1 " 20 Aug. 19 Jibacoa. Six prisoners.. 6 " 10 Sept. 20 Biajara. A certain number. 5 " 1 20 Arroyo BlancoSix prisoners.. 6 24 Taguayabon. Eleven.. 11 1 24 Cubitas. Fourteen.. 11 1 25 Pto. Principe. Thirteen.. 13 i" 31. 26 Central Dept. Four by the Civiles. 4 " 29 " 28 Giiines. Nine.. 9 29 29 Cienfuegos. Two.. 2 " 12 S(. 483 24 483 30 Sidonia. Three..3 D. 12 Sept. Sagua. Eight. 8 " 29 Aug. September. I Yaguas. More than fifty prisoners 5 10 Sept. 4 Mangas. T'wenty:bur conspirators 24 8 i San Cristobal. Fifteen ". lo i 1.1 C 1Canto del PasoThirty sevenl (Boot). 9 Oct. )0 (Cardenlasl.. Macario y N. Lnggo. 2; 6 Sept. 1 TuIna. f Juan Saiiclho, two more and hlis personal guard 8 9 Oct. 1 *Jagua.''l'irtleen pI)soni5 r. 13 8 0) La8s 1 ii a.. I 12 (October. (, Siern-ira,J tl.l;ign. (ua. oll. enldoza and othert 3 " 8 " J Las Lajas. Seventy-one prisoners'1 " 12 8 Sti. Spiritius. O(e ", 14 10 Remedios. O(ne..I 1 "7 1 0 Puerto Padre. Two. 2 " 2 12 Remedios. Two. " 17 " 18 (ontranmlaestre' Two i. 2 " 13 Nov. 19i Pto. Principe. Four ". 4 29 Oct.'28 Puerto Ptadre. Two chiefs antld five mole 7 " 23 Nov.!9 El Role. One. " 3;31 Mijalito. ()One. I " 1 " Los NeTgos. Thirteen (Boet). 13 November. I Ba-guana. l Three prisoners.:3 " 4 Ta'aj6. Zaldcivar adnd two more 3: 27 4 Moront. Captain Carvajal. 1 " 19 5 Ca'ulao Three prisones. 14 (' Jobosi. Seven ".'' 10 " S HIolgui:. Five "c..0. 14 II El AItacio. A. certain nuim)elr. 5 24 13 CIaunao. Five. " 14 " 14 Sta. Cruz. Lorenzo Xiques v Estrada R.C. 1 20 14 TlinnicUi. Four prisoners. 4 " 24 1) Arroyo BlacoTwo ". " 22 Dec. l(; Sipiabo. One ". 1 20 Nov. 18 (Moron. Two ".'3 26 " 18 Cabaiguian. Cepedai t.C. and eleven more 12 " 2 Dec. 19 Portillo. Manuel Codina R.C.. I" " 2 19 Pinos Bllaicos.Three prisoners. 3 22 " 40 Minas. One. 1 " 28 Nov. 20 Manaoas. Five bearers of seditious proclamations " 21 " 818 818 22 Zayas. Three spies. 3' 22.)ec. 22 eRemedios. Three reb. chiefs. 3 24 " 24 Sti. Spiritus. J. M. Abreu (incendiary) 1 1 " 25 Caunao. Two prisoners. 2 " 27 Nov. I7 lolugin. N. Ramirez, N. Sarmiento and N. Chavarria. 3 " 14 ])ec 28 CG. Angel Colas, recruiting officer 1 " 8 i (. de Zaplatil. T1en spies 10 I 2 " )eccmber. 1, Palmira, Thlree prisoners. 3 D. 4 24 14 Velazqune. Five i. 30 14 Purial. One, I " 6 Jan., Seibabo. Twelve. 12 26 1 Arroyo B3lll)cowenty five. 2, 8 i )ec. 23 Bijarr'i. A certain number of spies 5 ^ 0 " 23 Baez. Five prisoners. 5 " 2c JIal.!- -t[olguin. Bernardo Millares, Eladio Cabrera R. C..' 2i Matao'uan. Sixty seven prisoners 67 " 1 2i Sti. Spiritus. Two armed rebels. 2 " 15' t: Pta. de Guano. One. 1 31 Casimba. Four. 11' 1870. January. 3 Sta. Catalina. Four rebels. 4 " IL 6; " " Felix Ferrer. 1 i 13, Sta. Cruz. One rebel. 1 1.3 11 Pto. del Padre.Eight prisoners. S 2 12 Yaguas. Two ". 23. 15 Giuinia. A certain numberof prisoners 5o 21 " 17 Limones. Three prisoners. 3 " 5 " 20 Cauto. Four. 4' 11 Fe. 21 Iarroquin. One chief and three more 4 31 ian. 21 Sta. Clara. Tliree prisoners 3 24 24 Holguin. Three ". 3 24 Barajagun. Some prisoners, among them the chiefs Fernando Toro and B. Perez.. 5 30' 24 Palmarejo. One prisoner.. 1' 5 Feb. 4 El Roble. One. 1 " 27 Jan. 24 Cubitas Two. 2' 11 Feb. 25 Caunaito. Six. " 29 Jan. 20 to 28 Pto. Princ. Twelt Eighlit prisoners 28 " 8 Feb. 1,054 26 1,004 February. 1 Pto.Principe. Twenty three more prisoners 23 D. 3 Feb. 3 " Seven more 7 " 8 " 4 Yayabo. One incendiary I " 11 " 6 Los Guerreros.Seven prisoners. 7 11 " 7 Sevilla. TomasMartinez and two more 3 " 17 " S Pto. Principe. Ten prisoners. 10 " 15 i 10 Btag'i. Nine more. 9 " 13 February. 22 Camnbute. Seven prisoners. 7 " 8 Mch. 23 El Ramon. One " 1 I 3 " 23 Cascorro. Zacarias Diaz, Agustin Llanes and Nicolas Montero 3 " 15 244 Santo Spiritus. Two incendiaries.2 " 1 25 Las Minas. Six prisoners. 2' 28 Santi Spiritus. Three ". 3 " March. 3 San Luis. Nine prisoners. 9 " 10 3 El Jumiento. One.,, 1 Apr. 5 Cambite. Three captured by Boet 3 " 12 Mch., Giiinia. Three prisoners. 3 15 6 to8 Holguin. Four ". " 12" 1 to 9 AguasVerdes. Many prisoners 10 " 12 I to 5 Cobre. Some captured by Boet O " 12 " 10 Peflagorda. One prisoner. 1 " 1 " 10 Guanajayabo. Two ". 2 " 3 10 Purial. Two ". 2 " 3 " 11 Manicaragua. One prisoner. 1 " 17 " 14 Seiba. Four. 4 " 29 16 Cauto. Seven prisoners. 7 "25 " 17 Congreso. Three ".3 " 24 " 22 Cauto. Thirty-six captured by Boet 36 " 8 Apr. 23 Pto. Principe. Three prisoners. 3 " 27 Mch. 25 Santa Clara. Three ". 3 " 29 " 27 Maniabon. Eight ". 5 " April. 1 Las Parras. Eight, among them some chiefs 8 " 16 3 Pto. Principe. Six prisoners. 6 " 14 4 Magarabomba. Four. 4 " 21 5 Caunao. Six. 6 " 8 " 5 Santi Spiritus. Three. 3 " 12 " 8 Cacatual. One ". I 14 8 Sabanilla. Two prisoners. 2 " 99 Apr. 11 Giiir~a. One ".1'" 13 11 Ojo de Agua. Nine ". " 20 " 1,281 1,281 12 Santi Spiritus. Twenty-four conspirators who aided the rebels. 24 D. 16 Apr. 13 Caunao. Four rebels.4 "14 i 14 Uruguay. One letter carrier and twenty-one prisoners captured by Boet. 22 " 26 15 Pto. Naranjo. Four rebels in arms. 4 " 26' 17 Gibara. Commander Juan Sales and Pablo Luis Villegas 2 " 26 17 HIolguin. Five rebels from Peralta's band 5 " 30 18 Mamanayagua.Thirty prisoners. 30 24' 18 Calesito. Two ".' " 24 " 18 Holguin. Nine;. 9 " 30' 18 Moron. Sixteen ". 16' 2 May. 21 Cayo Loco. One ". 14 Apr. 21 Yaguajay. One ". I 26 " 21 Trinidad. Chief Man. Rodriguez, Francisco and Jose Diaz 3 " 2 24 Caunao. Prefect Betancourt, and twelve men i3 " 7 24 Cttbitas One hundred and thirty-six 136 " 27 25 Guanaja. One prisoner. I' p1 May. 18 to 25 Las Sierras.Six ". 0;'2' 27 Pto. Principe. Thirteen prisoners. 13' 2 27 to 29 " Six. 6 " 17 " 30 " " Eleven ". ll " 1 30 La Matilde. Four. 4; 10) 27 to 7 May Pto. Twenty-one p risoners of MonPrincipe. taner. 21 " 17 May. 1 Cano. Some rebels mlaiufaicturing gunpowder.' 4 " I Guara. One with arms. 1 " 4 i 2 Arroyo Bermejo. Three prisoners. 3 " 4 4 Trinidad. Twenty-five members of a Junta. 25 6 " 2 to 5 Santa Clara. Seven prisoners. 7 i 6 5 Nuevitas. Seven rebel chiefs. 7', 8 9 Caoba. One prisoner. I " 12 " 11 Yaguajay. One rebel prisoner. I 13 " 11 Remedios. Five " ". - 14 " 11 Arroyon. One ". 1 " 19 11 Palopicado. One ". 1 " 18 " 12 Bicana. One ". 1 " 25 14 Maraguan. Nine " " 9 22 " 1,682 28 1.682 14 Ciego de NajazaNineteel prisoners. 19 D. 24 Mav. 18 Moron. One " ". 1 " 22' 18 Monte Oscuro Nine " ". I) " 1 June 18 Calento. One'. 1,' Mav. 11 to 18 Pto. Prin- Twenty-two more captured by cipe. Montaner. 2 June 11 to 18 " Seventeen " by Chinchilla 17 3 19 Santa Cllara. Two prisoners. " 9 May.'2 Pto. Principe. Twenty-two more.' " ) ~'2 t SaunIa. Panlino Yeros, Jos6 Itodrigucz and Matias Pavon.:3 " 9'- \Vista llerinosa.Many prisoners. 10 Julne 2; (4Guajabana. One'. I 1 26: Aserradero. Three. " i''7 Punta Brava. Six; 6. 8 " 30 Maraguan. Thirty. 30 - 3 " 31 Caimlanera One. 1 3 " - lIolgui. Nine ". 9 11 Puerto Princi- Seventy nine rebels captured pe. by three combined columns. 1 June. 2 Linones. Eight prisoners. 8 16 " 2 Divertido. Four " 4 " 7 " 9 Ci6naga. Chief Pablo Recio and one mulatto. 2 16 8 San Miguel. Six rebels. 6 " 14 1 Najaza. Six ". 6 " 17 " II Yaguajav. Three 3 " 20 " 1i7 Baga. One ". 1 " 5 July. 17 Seibabo. One ". " 7 " 18 Canto. Forty. 40 " 24 June 18 Balyalo. Four ". 4 " " June. 18 Vertientes. Pablo Barrios, Prefect Fernando Varona, Jose J. Fernandez and two more 5 " 29 Jun. 22 Voladores. Nineteen prisoners. 19 " 24 " 22 Pto. Principe. Sixteen ". 16 " 26 " 22 Palmar. One. 1 " 29 22 Guayabo. One:. 1 7 July. 20 Pto. Principe. Twenty-seven captured in different incursions 27 " 30 June July. 7 Yareyal. One prisoner _ 40 July. 2,072 29 2,072 7 Las Lajas. Three prisoners. 3 D. 28 July. 7 Quemados. One.1 " 11 " Pto. Principe. Xine ". " 12 s 8 Aguada. One -. 1 19 9 TVista HerIlosa.Sevenleen w-ounded and ten.more. 2 1' " 9 Jiwguani. Fifteen prisoners. 15) " 20 " 12 Sanlta (11uz. Bernab6 M5orales, and his son Eduardo, Juan Sanchez..Jose Arwe, aIInd Ramonil Varona. 5 2 " 1'iibici al. Two prisoners.' 2 () Ma,raguan. Eleven captured by Montaner. 11i 8 " 22 Yaguajay. Prefect B. Garefio. I " 22 Salnta Cruz. Twenty-three rebels, among them six iprominlent personS. 3 9 " 1 Yalguajay. Two I)risoners. 2 " 28 29 La G-loria. Two. 14 Aug. August. 3 Guani. Juan Ferrer, Pedro Rios, and three more. 5 " 10 Ag. 24 Arroyo Blanco.Rafael Peralta.' Sept. - Cuba. Six prisoners. 6 "' 28 Caunao. Fifteen ". 15 " 7 31 Villas. Five ". " 3 " 31 Pto. Principe. One 1 " 3 - Manzanillo. Eleven captured in different incursions. 11 9 7 Pto. Principe. Twenty-two prisoners 22'14 7 Holguin. Three ". " 10 Deseada. Two ". 2 " 3 Oct. 11 Guanaisi. Four ". 4 " 3 " 17 Yareyal. Two - i. 2 3" 20 Guaimaro. Twelve. 12 1 25 Sti. Spiritus. Two. 2' 9 Sep. 30 Holguin. One. 1 18 Oct. October. 2 Quemadito. Seventy-five wounded 3' Sti. Spiritus. One prefect. 1 " 5 5 " One letter carrier.. 1 " 8 7 Remedios. The father in law of Boitel and another. 1 "; 8 Hicotea. One prisoner 1' 16 2,346 80 2,343 11 Guti. Three prisoners. 3. 27 Oct. 12 La Deseada. Five ". 5 " 26 " 16 Trinidad. One I. 1 25 " 19 TacamaraL. Jose Carvajal and his son 2 6 INov. 20 Yareval. Jose Martinez, and four more e " (; 6 21 Rtemdios. Pedro Garcia and Agustin Mamirez. 2 " S 23 Santa Clara.. One prisoner. " r2 Oct. 13 La Deseada. Seven ". i " 1 Nov. 16 Majaguas. Two ". 4 16 Pirindingo. Eleven.: " 27 Yara.. Three. 3 9 19 Charco Azul. Six (two of them chiefs) 6 " 4 29 Central Dept. Three captured in some incursions. 3 " 9 N