HF 7, ~ " B 50745 4 1 " i I TIIE (;II' 01<' IM, i HonTO.L.: ~a;l iUnl~; H OT, _-~,k~.__..._ ^' I i TREASURY DEPARTMENT. COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES ~IWITH THE:I~ HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HAWVAIIAN ISLANDS FROM 1871 TO 1892. PERE:PARE:D BY THE CHIFEFO OFI THBS iS BUREAU OIF STATISTICS. T-l, rt... - tOr '' / WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIOCE 1893, f CONTENTS. REVIEW. Page. Tntroduction..d......................... 7 Physical features of the islands............................................. 8 Population........................................................... 8 Schools..................................................................... 9 Finance................................................................... 9 Commercial facilities....................................................... 12 The sugar industry.................................................... 12 Agricultural products......................................... 14 Commercial importance............................................... 14 Facilities of transportation.... 15 Commerce............................................................ 15 Imports into the United States from the Hawaiian Islands...........19 Exports from the United States to the Hawaiian Islands................. 20 STATEMENTS. TABLE 1. Quantities and values of merchandise imported from the Hawaiian Islands and of domestic and foreign merchandise exported to the Hawaiian Islands, 1871-1892.................................... 25 2. Total values of exports and imports of merchandise and specie to and from the Hawaiian Islands, 1871-1892...................... 42 3. Values, by Pacific and Atlantic ports, of imports of merchandise, under reciprocity treaty and other, from the Hawaiian Islands, and of exports to the Hawaiian Islands, 1871-1892................ 43 4. Total values of free and dutiable merchandise imported from the Hawaiian Islands, distinguishing imports under treaty, with estimated amounts of duty remitted, 1868-1892.................. 44 5. Quantities and values of molasses and brown sugar imported from the Hawaiian Islands, 1868-1876................................ 45 6. Quantities and values of molasses and brown sugar imported from' the Hawaiian Islands and entered for consumption; also, the esti. mated amounts of duty remitted, 1877-1892...................... 46 7. Values of articles of merchandise imported into the Hawaiian Islands, calendar years 1875 and 1891.............................. 47 8. Values of free, dutiable, and bonded commodities imported into the Hawaiian Islands, calendar years 1875-1891...................... 50 9. Values of merchandise, by countries, imported into the Hawaiian Islands, calendar years 1875-1891................................ 50 10. Quantities of principal articles of domestic merchandise and total values of specie exported from the Hawaiian Islands, calendar years 1878-1891................................................ 51 3 2836 3 4 CONTENTS. Page. 11. Values, by countries, of merchandise exported from and imported into the Hawaiian Islands, calendar year 1891.................... 52 Number, tonnage, and nationality of vessels entered and cleared at the Hawaiian Islands, by ports and countries: 12. Entered, calendar year 1891.................................. 52 13. Cleared, calendar year 1891................................... 53 14. Number, tonnage, and nationality of vessels cleared from the Hawaiian Islands carrying domestic products of these islands, calendar years 1875-1891.............-...-...3..................... 63 15. Summary of the foreign trade, customs receipts, national and merchant marine, the entrance of whalers, and spirits consumed in the Hawaiian Islands, calendar years 1847-1891-.................. 54 16. Receipts and expenditures of the Hawaiian Government, 1878-1892. 56 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF STATISTICS, Washington, D. C., February 20, 1893. SIR: I have the honor to herewith submit a brief report of the condition of the commerce of the United States with the Hawaiian Islands. At this time much interest is manifested by the general public in the trade relations of the United States with this interesting group of islands of the Pacific Ocean, with which, not only intimate commercial, but very friendly social relations have existed for many years. With the purpose of furnishing the latest information that is available, this report, which will answer numerous inquiries addressed to this Bureau, is respectfiully submitted. Respectfully, yours, S. G. BRocK, Chief of Bureau. Hon. CHAS. FOSTER, Secretary of the Treasury. I 1 _i.' I X r COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH THE I HAAWAIIAN ISLANDS. INTRODUCTION. There is no reliable information showing that the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands were discovered prior to 1778, although it has been asserted that some Spanish navigators had observed them before that time. When Capt. Cook discovered the islands, in 1778, he gave them the name of Sandwich in honor of Earl Sandwich, the first lord of the admiralty. The next year this famous navigator was killed in one of the harbors of Hawaii. At that time each of these islands had an independent government with its own ruler. During the reign of Kahamehameha I, from 1784 to 1819, all of these islands were brought under his sway. He was a man of unusual intelligence and of great strength of character. During his reign he caused to be built a fleet of twenty vessels, constructed after the model of European vessels and of from 25 to 50 tons each. With this little fleet quite an extensive trade was carried on between the islands, which had become well united into one government under his control. Kamehamleha encouraged also friendly intercourse and commerce with other nations, and the foundations were laid of a large foreign trade. In 1819, under the reign of his son and successor, Kamehalneha II, idolatry was abolished and in 1820 nissionaries from America went to the islands. From that time the social conditions of the people have steadily improved and remarkable progress has been made in all the conditions that prevail in well-ordered communities. Various lines of industries were started, the resources of the islands greatly developed, and the internal and foreign commerce constantly increased, until at the present time the Hawaiian nation has become the most prominent and important community in the North Pacific Ocean. 7 8 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE ISLANDS. The Hawaiian, or perhaps better known as the " Sandwich," Islands are an interesting group, which constitute the Kingdom of Hawaii. There are thirteen of these islands, eight of which are inhabited. They are situated in the North Pacific Ocean, between latitude.180 55' and 22~ 20' north, and longitude 154~ 50' and 160~ 40' west, and about 2,100 miles directly southwest of San Francisco, and are separated from each other by deep-sea channels, and distant at nearest points from 7 to 61 miles. They have an aggregate area of about 6,000 square miles. Hawaii, much the largest island of the group, has an area of about 4,000 square miles, and the seven next in size vary from 760 to 60 square miles each. The remaining five are small islets and'not occupied. SIZE, AREA, ETC., OF THE ISLANDS. Islands. Size. Elevation. Area. fMiles. Feet. Sq. miles. Hawaii............................................................. 92 by 72 13,805 4, 210 M aui............................................................... 54 by 25 10, 032 760 Oahu............................................................... 36 by 21 4, 060 600 K lauai.............................................................. 31 by 28 4, 800 590 M olokai............................................................ 35 by 7 3,500 270 Lanai............................................ 20by 9 3,000 150 Kahoolawe.............................................. 12 by 5 800 97 Niihau.......................................................... 20 by 5 1, 400 63 These islands, of volcanic origin, are high, steep, and mountainous, with many lofty peaks, rising in some instances to the height of from 10,000 to 13,950 feet, their slopes covered with verdure and forests. The climate of these islands, although they are situated within the tropics, is temperate rather than tropical, it being equable and salubrious, having neither extremes of heat or cold, the temperature ranging from 53~ to 90~. Portions of these islands are quite fertile and yield abundant crops, the principal productions being coffee, sugar, cotton, rice, cocoa, arrowroot, taro, oranges, bananas, sweet potatoes, and yams. On the uplands wheat and other cereals are produced. There is abundant pasturage on the mountain slopes and elevated plateaus for the large flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle, horses, hogs, and mules. These are a source of handsome income to the owners, and form an important part of the productions and exports of the islands. POPULATION. The population of the islands by the census of 1884 was 80,578; in 1890, 90,160, and in 1892 was estimated at 96,000. COMMERCE WITH TIIE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 9 The following table gives the nationalities of the population and estimated number of each for the year 1890: Nationality. Males. Females. Total. Pure Hawaiian............................................... 18, 60 16,390 35,020 Mixed Hawaiian......................................................... 4, 460 4 080 8,540 Foreign, Hawaiian born.................................................. 3,860 3, 550 7,410 Americans.................................................... 1,320 650 1,970 British................................................................... 980 360 1,340 Germans.............................. 515 185 700 Scandinavians......................................... 145 65 210 French................................................................ 50 25 75 Portuguese........................................................ 4, 680 3, 650 8, 330 Chinese.................................................................. 13790 770 14,560 Japanese................................................................. 9, 700 2, 080 11,780 Other races............................................................. 200 25 225 Total............................................................... 58,330 | 31,830 90,160 Of the population in 1890 it will be seen that about 50,000 are natives and half castes, while 25,000 are Chinese and Japanese, the remainder being Portuguese, Americans, and representatives of other branches of the Caucasian race. The native population has decreased rapidly since 1823, at which time it numbered 142,050, and constituted all the inhabitants. In 1890 the native population was 26.4 per cent of what it was in 1823, and about 38.84 per cent of the total population. In 1853 the total foreign population was 2,119. In 1884 the census gave the foreign population, exclusive of Chinese, at 18,409, including foreign Hawaiian born, and in 1890 it is estimated at about 32,000, ex-,lusive of Chinese, including 7,410 foreign Hawaiian born. There is much of commendable thrift and enterprise, both private and public, in these islands, and consequently a resultant prosperity and comfort of the people. SCHOOLS. The public schools and academies are well established and sustained. In 1890 there were about 10,000 children in attendance upon the public schools, of which number 5,599 were native Hawaiians, 1,573 half-caste Hawaiians, and the balance Americans, Portuguese, and other foreigners. It is stated that nearly all the natives read and write. In most of the schools English is taught and there is a growing tendency to abandon the native language. In 1892 there were 127 common schools under the control of the Government and 41 independent, making a total of 168 schools, employing 392 teachers, and having an attendance of 10,712 pupils. FINANCE. According to the Hawaiian Annual, which is deemed to be a trust. worthy source of information, the assessed valuation of property 10 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. in the Hawaiian Islands, derived from official sources, has been as follows: 1859. 1869. 1879. 1889. 1890. ~ Dollars. Doll. Dola. DoUars. Dollars. Dollars. Real estate.............................. 3,417,076 4,808,815 10,699,607 17,704,119 18,482,512 Personal property...................... 2, 909, 572 4,682,947 12,022, 580 17,212,347 17,574,108 Total.......................... 6, 326,648 9,491,762 22, 722,157 34, 916,466 36,239,620.,...._.. The public debt of the Hawaiian Kingdom on March 31,1892, was stated to be $3,217,161.13, which includes the Postal Savings Bank deposits of $903,161.13, leaving a present bonded indebtedness of $2,314,000. According to the Hawaiian Annual the public debt of the Hawaiian Government has been as follows: In 1845, $67,815; 1859, $108,777.6; 1869, $126,569; 1879, $388,900; 1886, $1,065,600; 1888, $1,936,500; 1889, $2,599,502 and in 1890, $2,881,000, including $947,000 postal savings deposits. The revenues for the biennial period ending March 31,1892, are stated at $3,254,319, and the estimated public expenditures for the same biennial period were $4,095,891.44, and will be seen as follows: RECEIPTS OF THE HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT FOR TIHE BIENNIAL PERIOD ENDING MARCH 31, 1892. Sources of revenue. Revenue. Dollars. From licenses......................-.................. -....... 196,857 From customs: Custom-house fees..........9................................. 13,988 Custom duties..................................................................... 1,204, 306 Wharfage............................................................................ 60, 030 All other.7................................................................ 77,420 Total............................................................................... 1, 355, 744 From taxes: Real estate.................................................................. 358, 745 Personal property............ —.......... 341, 206 All otherr............................................................... 263,544 All othtrer ~.-~,,~~~ —.IC.~ —~~~~)-.~IIC-~-~).(~ 263, 544 Total.......................... 963,495 FromFines, penalties, and costs............................................................. 127,124 Rents.. -........................................... 111,073 Revenue stamps......-..6.............-..I................... 70,066 Land sales...................................................... 60,125 San Francisco consulate fees..................................................... 6,229 Government realizations......................................................... 29, 987 All other.......................... 24, 019 Total......4................................................. 458,623 FIrom settlement of claim and crown commission......................................... 13,000 FromPost-office.......................................................... 119, 082 Water......................... 84,581 Prison............................................................... 20, 513 Registry office............................................ 18, 052 Fish market................................................. 13,296 Electric light........................................................................... 9,557 All other............1....................................... 1,519 Total............................................. 266, 00 Totl cret receipts..................................................... 325, 19 j COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 11 EXPENDITURES OF THE HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT FOR THE BIENNIAL PERIOD ENDING MARCH 31, 1892. Expenditures. Values. Section 1. Dollars. Civil list............................................................................... 69,711 Permanent Settlements................................................................ 4, 685 Legislature and privy council................................................................ 34, 694 Department of judiciary.................................................................... 175, 752 Department of foreign affairs................................................................ 181, 400 epartment of inteiior...................................................................... 39, 954 Bureau of survey............................................................................ 63,731 1egistty of conveyances..................................................................... 17, 564 Bureau of immigration.......................................................... 17, 878 Postal bureau................................................................................ 99,051 Bureau of public works...................................................................... 54,059 Landings and buoys, etc..................................................................... 81,173 Roads and bridges, etc....................................................................... 152, 624 Bureau of waterworks...................................................................... 35, 657 Board of health............................................................................. 329, 815 Forests and nurseries........................................................................ 23, 000 M iscellaneous................................................................................. 251,917 Department of finance........................................................................ 459, 047 Bureau of custom s........................................................................... 101,691 Attorney-general's department............................................................. 391,592 Bureau of public instruction................................................................. 242, 531 Section 2. 2, 827,526 Interior department......................................................................... 15,900 Finance department......................................................................... 64, 559 Judiciary department........................................................................ 1, 500 Section S. 81, 959 Interior department......................................................................... 44, 501 Harbors.................................................................................... 19, 144 Waterworks................................................................................ 98, 707 Roads and bridges.......................................................................... 234, 970 Miscellaneous-...................................................................... 50, 054 Board of education.......................................................................... 37, 738 Section 4. 564, 114 Miscellaneous................................................................................ 56,555 Sundry expenditures. Trustees and crown commissioners.......................................................... 95, 000 Road tax to special deposit.................................................................. 152,137 Hawaiian postal-savings bank, withdrawn.................................................. 318, 600 Total.................................................................................. 565, 737 Total expenditures for the period...................................................... 4, 095, 891 For the receipts and expenditures of the Government for a series of years see table No. 16 of the Appendix. 12 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. In his report for 1890, the Minister of Finance gave an estimate of the actual cash value of Government property of all kinds, with the following results: Dollars. Cash.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......491,152. 10 Public lands.~~~~~~~~~~~2,186,950.00 Government buildings.-928,257.00 Bridges.................................101,510.00 Wharves and landings.........................167, 580.00 Light-houses, buoys, et.20, 475.00 Water works (Kingdom)........................796,800.00 Property belonging to the various departments and bureaus, viz: Dollars. Judiciary.~~~~~~~~~20, 075.00 Foreign affairs.~~~~~~52,950.00 Finance........................9,398.00 Interior, electric light plant, fire department, steam tag, dredging plant, marine railway, etc..........570, 014.00 Attorney-generall's office................5,330.00 Board of health (including land, buildings, and improvements at the leper settlement)...........130,059.33 Board of education (including lands, school buildings, adimprovemens cash, etc)..317,025.57 -1,104,851.90 Total............................ 5, 7t97, 576.00 COMMERCIAL FACILITIES. Hfonolulu, the capital of the islands, located in Oahiu, with a population of 20,000, is the principal port of the whole group, having a fine harbor, and is the commercial and business center of the islands. Regular lines of steamers run between Honolulu and San Francisco, New Zealand, Australia, and China. Eighteen steamers and a large number of schooners are now engaged in the inter-island trade. On the three largest islands are steam railroads having an aggregate length of 56 miles. Although nearly all the traffic of the 'Islands is carried on by water, good wagon roads connect many of the towns and villages, in which are numerous elegant residences, attractive homes, churches, and school houses. Some considerable attention has been given to mechanical in dustries (mainly to meet home demands), such as machine shops, foundries, factories for hulling rice, manufacturing woodwork, barrels; flour mills, and fruit-drying establishments. The currency of the islands is principally United States money and i's reckoned in dollars and cents, although there is a Hawaiian coinage of silver of similar denomination, weight, and fineness of United States coins. THE SUGAR INDUSTRY. There are between seventy and eighty sugar plantations on the islands, in which a large amount of American capital has been invested. COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 13 The following tables, which gives the capital stock of the various sugar corporations in the country, with the ownership of the same, classified according to nationality, is condensed from a statement originally prepared for the Planters' Monthly, of Honolulu, by Hon. J. S. Walker, and revised for the Hawaiian Annual: DoUars. Forty corporations with a capital stock of........................ 28,400,990 Ownership: American................................................... 22,459,610 British............................... —........... 4 4,433, 130 German............................................ 834, 600 Native Hawaiian..................................... 266, 250 Other nationalities.................................... 299,100 28, 292,690 The difference between the total capital stock, and the sum of the ownerships as given above, amounting to $108,300, probably represents stock held by the companies and not issued. In addition to the above there are 27 plantations and mills not incorporated, with an estimated value of $5,055,000, the ownership of which is given as follows: Dollars. American.................................................... 2, 276, 000 British............................................ 1, 605, 000 German................................................... 1, 174,000 Totals unincorporated............................................ 5, 055,000 Adding the two classes of plantations together, and tabulating the interests of the different nationalities by amount and percentage, we obtain the following results: Ownership. Amount. Per cent. Dollars. American...................................................................... 24, 735, 610 74.17 British........................................................................ 6. 038,130 18.11 German......................................................................... 2,008, 600 6.02 Native Hawaiian............................................................... 266, 250.80 Other nationalities.............................................................. 299,100.90 Totals................................................................... 33, 347, 690 100. 00 According to this showing, Americans own nearly three-fourths of their sugar interests; British more than two-thirds of the remainder; Germans, including a small Norwegian interest, about 6 per cent of the whole; while all other nationalities, including native Hawaiians, have only one and seven-tenths per cent. The Americans include naturalized American citizens and the children of Americans born in that country. 14 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. For the, information of those not, faimiliar with the country, it should be said that Mr. Walker, whose statistics form the basis of these tabulations in regard to the Sugar industry, is president of the legislative assembly, and has had many years of business experience in Honolulu, besides having twice -filled the office of minister of finance. He may therefore be regarded as competent authority on this subject. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. The leading products of the Hawaiian Islands, stated in the order of the magnitude of their importance, are sugar and molasses, rice, wool,' and fruits. There are no reliable data as to the actual production of sugar andl rice on the 'islands, but the exported products of sugar a-rd rice, in which the commercial world is most interested, were as follows: ExPORTS FROM THlE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Calendar years. Sugar. Rice. Wool. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1.878-.............................. 18,4.31, 458 5, 552, 629 522,757 1879-.............................. 49, 020, 972 4, 831, 628 464,:3os 188 - ~............................63, 584, 871 6, 469, 840 381, 316 18,81-.............................. 93, 789, 483 7, 785, 070 528, 489 1882 ----------------------------— 114,177,9:38 12, 629, 108 528,'913 1883 --- —-------------------— I --- —114,107, 155 12, 987,`705 318,271 1-884 -. ---- ----- ---- ------- --------- 142,654,923 9, 539. 224 407,623 1885..............................171, 350, 314 7, 367, 253 474, 121 1886..............................216, 223, 615 7, 338, 615 418,784 1887~..............................212, 763, 647 13, 684, 600 75, 911 1888..............................2:15, 888, 346 12, 878, 600 562, 289 1889..............................242,165, 835 9, 669, 896 241,925 1wi0..............................259,798,462 10,579,000 374, 724 1891................I..............274, 983, 580 4, 900, 450 97, 119 It appears from. the above table that the product of sugar as shown by the exports of the same have increased gradually and constantly from year to year, while the, exports of rice and wool heave materially -varied. In addition to the exports given in the table mentioned above, there were exported from, the Hawaiian -Islands during the year 1891 bananas of the value of $179,501, an ies, $64,032. Besides these, there were exports, of other articles, such as coffee, guano, fruits, pineapples, goat skins, etc. The total value of the Hawaiian domestic exports of merchandise during 1891 was $10,107,316. COMME RCIAL IMPORTANCE. Of all the islands of the Polynesian groups the Hawaiian Islands are best known and regarded with the greatest interest. It will be seen that the central position of these islands in the Pacific Ocean, resting oii tile great expanse of waters betweern the shores. of the old and new worlds, gives to them muach impiortanice in a commercial sense, which will grow with the increase of the traffi of the seas, COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 15 Situated as they are in midocean, in the direct channels of the great and growing commerce between the western coast of America and New Zealand, Australia, the Indies, China, and Japan, the islands afford safe as well as most convenient harbors, not only for shelter, repair, and equipment, but for supplies to all the ships which traverse the Pacific. The relative distances from Honolulu, the capital of the Hawaiian Islands, to the principal commercial points, appear in the following table: From Honolulu to- Distance. Nautical miles. San Francisco............................................................................. 2,100 Sydney................................................................................. 4,100 A uckland................................................................................ 4 000 Yokohama................................................................................ 3,700 H1 ongkong................................................................................ 4, 800 Valparaiso................................................................................ 5, 500 Callao.........................................-.............4.......7..........0....0... 4, 700 Panama.................................................................... 4,200 Tahiti.................................................................................... 2, 400 Puget Sound.............................................................................. 2,600 COMMERCE. The commerce of the Hawaiian Islands, which originated in the traffic between the islands themselves and enlarged by an active trade with vessels engaged in the whale fisheries of the North Pacific, was greatly stimulated by commercial traffic with the coast of California as it was rapidly settled up, until it has surprisingly increased in importance and value and is established more or less with all the ports of the Pacific Ocean. Honolulu, the capital and principal seaport of the Hawaiian Kingdom, has become an important entrepot for the commercial trade of the Pacific. The commercial importance of the Hawaiian Islands was well understood and appreciated by the United States, and hence by act of Congress, August 15, 1876, closer commercial relations were established by the enactment of the so-called Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, which went into effect September 9, 1876. By the terms of this commercial treaty the leading agricultural products of Hawaii, including rice and raw sugars, are admitted free into the ports of the United States and nearly all the agricultural products and manufactures of the United States are admitted free into the Hawaiian Islands. The result has been, as was anticipated and as will appear in succeeding pages of this report, a large increase in the trade and the establishment of very friendly relations between the two countries. This result is more apparent in Hawaii for the reason that a large amount of Anmerican capital has been invested and their various industries greatly stimulated. Under the direct influence of the treaty her resources have been 16 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. greatly developed and the population increased by the demand for laborers. We give the essential articles from this treaty as follows: TREATY. ARTICLE I. For and in consideration of the rights and privileges granted by His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands in the next succeeding article of this convention, and as an equivalent therefor, the United States of America hereby agree to admit all the articles named in the following schedule, the same being the growth and manufacture or produce of the Hawaiian Islands, into all the ports of the United States free of duty. Schedule.-Arrow-root; castor oil; bananas: nuts, vegetables, dried and undried, preserved and unpreserved; hides and skins, undressed; rice; pulu; seeds, plants, shrubs, or trees; muscovado, brown, and all other unrefined sugar, meaning hereby the grades of sugar heretofore commonly imported from the Hawaiian Islands and now known in the markets of San Francisco and Portland as " Sandwich Island sugar;" sirups o t sugar-cane, melada, and molasses; tallow. ARTICLE II. For and in consideration of the rights and privileges granted by the United States of America in the preceding article of this convention, and as an equivalent therefor, His Majesty the King of tlhe Hawaiian Islands hereby agrees to admit all the articles named in the following schedule, the same being the growth manufacture or produce of the United States of America, into all the ports of the Hawaiian Islands, free of duty. Schedule.-Agricultural implements; animals; beef, bacon, pork, ham, and all fresh, smoked, or preserved meats; boots and shoes; grain, flour, meal and bran, bread, and breadstuffs of all kinds; bricks, lime, and cement; butter, cheese, lard, tallow, bullion, coal, cordage; naval stores, including tar, pitch, resin, turpentine, raw and rectified; copper and composition sheathing; nails and bolts; cotton and manufactures of cotton, bleached and unbleached and whether or not colored, stained, painted, or printed; eggs; fish and oysters and all other creatures living in the water, and the products thereof; fruits, nuts, and vegetables, green, dried or undried, preserved or unpreserved; hardware; hides, fuirs, skins, and pelts, dressed or undressed; hoop iron and rivets, nails, spikes and bolts, tacks, brads or sprigs; ice; iron and steel, and manufactures thereof; leather; lumber and timber of all kinds, round, hewed, sawed, and unmanufactured in whole or in part; doors, sashes, and blinds; machinery of all kinds, engines and parts thereof; oats and hay; paper, stationery and books, and all manufactures of paper or of paper and wood; petroleum and all oils for lubricating and illuminating purposes; plants, shrubs, trees, and seeds; rice; sugar, refined or unrefined; salt; soap; shooks, staves, and headings; wool, and manufactures of wool, other than ready-made clothing; wagons and carts for the purposes of agriculture or of drayage; wood and manufactures of wood or of wood and metal, except furniture, either upholstered or carved, and carriages; textile manufactures, made of a combination of wool, cotton, silk, or linen, or of any two or more of them other than when ready-made clothing; harness and all manufactures of leather; starch; and tobacco, whether in leaf or manufactured. ARTICLE III. The evidence that articles proposed to be admitted into the ports of the United States of America, or the ports of the Hawaiian Islands, free of duty, under the first and second articles of this convention, are the growth, manufacture, or produce of the United States of America or of the Hawaiian Islands respectively, shall be established under such rules and regulations and conditions for the protection of the revenue as the two Governments may from time to time respectively prescribe. ARTICLE IV. No export duty or charges shall be imposed in the Hawaiian Islands or in the United States, upon any of the articles proposed to be admitted into the ports of the United States, or the ports of the Hawaiian Islands free of duty, under COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 17 the first and second articles of this convention. It is agreed, on the part of His Hawaiian Majesty, that, so long as this treaty shall remain in force, he will not lease or otherwise dispose of or create any lien upon any port, harbor, or other territory in his dominions, or grant any special privilege or rights of use therein, to any other power, state or government, nor make any treaty by which any other nation shall obtain the same privileges, relative to the admission of any articles free of duty, hereby secured to the United States. COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. It will be interesting to consider the value and nature of the commerce of the United States with the Hawaiian Islands for a series of years, and the apparent effect upon that commerce by the enactment of the treaty referred to, which brought about more friendly as well as closer commercial relations. The first official information which we have of the imports into the United States from the Hawaiian Islands was for 1849, the value for that year being $43,875. The first official data of our exports to those islands was for 1855, when the value was $929,671. During the year 1870 the value of the exports of merchandise to Hawaii was $808,416, and the value of the imports inito the United States from these islands was $1,134,723. The following tables show the value of our trade with the islands since 1869. From that year these values continued with little variation about the same up to 1876. There was in fact a small decrease in exports to, and some increase in the imports from, the islands as will appear in the detailed statement following this analysis. The total value of exports and imports of merchandise combined, in the year 1873, was $1,943,139, and during the fiscal year 1876 the value was $2,146,343, In the fiscal year 1878, the first complete year during which the commercial treaty of reciprocity was in effect, there was very considerable increase in our commerce, and this increase was manifest in the values of both exports and imports. There was an increase in the value of exports of $503,287, and in the imports of $1,173,654, and the increase in both combined was $1,676,941. For the fifteen years after the adoption of the treaty from 1877 to 1891, inclusive, there was a constant increase in both quantities and values of exports and imports of merchandise, so that the total commerce of the United States with the Hawaiian Islands during 1891 was of the value of $19,002,809. In 1892 the value of this commerce decreased to $11,857,510 in consequence of the admission of sugar into the United States free of duty from all countries by the tariff act of 1890. This caused a considerable decline in the sugar imports from the Hawaiian Islands. 16080- 2 18 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. VALUE OF THE COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH THE EACH YEAR SINCE 1869. MERCHANDISE. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Exports. Imports. Excess of Year ending ---- exports (+) June 30 — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~or imJune 30- Domestic. Foreign. Total. Free. Dutiable. Total. pors i-) ports ( —). Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1870............ 744,371 64,045 808,416 7,469 1,127,254 1,134,723 - 326,307 1871............ 814,885 43,730 858,615 32,442 1,110,802 1,143,244 - 284,629 1872............ 590,295 43,469 633,764 179,285 1,111,548 1,280,833- 647,069 1873............ 631,103 43,088 674,191 196,775 1,088,286 1,275,061 - 600,870 1874............ 588,280 26,348 614,628 176,818 840,134 1,016,952 - 402,324 1875............ 621,974 40,190 662,164 168,771 1,058,420 1,227,191 - 565,017 1876............ 724,267 45,395 769,662 192,071 1,184,610 1,376,681 - 607,019 1877............ 1, 109, 429 163,520 1, 272, 949 2,385, 366 164,969 2,550, 335 -1,277,386 1878............ 1, 683,446 52,653 1,736,099 2,641,628 37,202 2,678,830 - 942,731 1879............ 2,288,178 86,740 2, 374,918 3,243,988 13,950 3,257,938 - 883,020 1880............ 1,985,506 100,664 2,086,170 4,565,918 40,526 4,606,444 -2, 520,274 1881............ 2,694, 583 83,489 2,778,072 5,517,737 15,263 5,533,000 -4,754,928 1882............ 3,272,172 78, 603 3,350, 775 7, 621, 690 24, 604 7,646,294 -4,295,519 1883............ 3, 683, 460 92, 605 3,776,065 8,195,937 42, 524 8,238,461 -4,462,396 1884............ 3, 446, 024 77, 329 3,523,353 7,900, 000 25,965 7,925,965 -4,402,612 1885............ 2, 709, 573 78,349 2,787,922 8, 817, 067 40,430 8,857,497 -6,069,575 1886............ 3, 15,899 76,799 3,192,698 9,741,924 63,783 9,805,707 -6,613,009 1887............ 3, 520, 593 101,436 3, 622, 029 9,892,889 29,186 9,922, 075 -6,300,046 1888............ 3,025, 898 59,305 3, 085,203 11,050,038 30,341 11, 060,379 -7,975,176 1889............ 3, 336, 040 39, 621 3,375, 661 12,832,910 14,830 12, 847,740 -9,472,079 1890............ 4, 606, 900 104,517 4,711, 417 12, 309, 758 4,150 12,313,908 -7,602,491 1891............ 4,935,911 171,301 5,107, 212 13, 865, 648 29, 949 13, 895,597 -8,788,385 1892........... 3, 662, 018 119,610 3,781, 628 8, 062,076 13,806 8, 075,882 — 4,294,254 GOLD AND SILVER. Exports. Excess of exYear ending June 30- Imports. ports (+) or Domestic. Foreign. Total. imports (-). Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1870.......................... 60, 000.............. 60,000 9, 525 + 50,475 1871.......................... 25,500.............. 25, 500 9, 910 + 15,590 1872.......................... 30, 000............. 30, 000 4, 487 + 25,513 1873......................... 23,000.............. 23,000 41,209 - 18,209 1874.......................... 35, 000.............. 35,000 220 + 34,780 1875.......................... 33,200.............. 33,200.............. + 33,200 1876.......................... 30, 000 9,595 39,595 5,911 - 33. 680 1877.......................... 187,513.............. 187,513 81, 428 +- 106,085 1878......................... 100,250.............. 100,250 9, 600 + 90, 650 1879.......................... 134,980.............. 134,980 6,626 +4- 128,354 1880.......................... 214, 100 245,550 459,650 8, 911 + 450, 739 1881.......................... 202, 685 13,520 216,205 45, 400 + — 170,805 1882.......................... 98,945 3, 554 102,499 1,100 + 101,399 1883 -.....-..... --- —-. —...- 26, 098 9, 750 35,848 6,336 +- 29,512 1884........-.................. 1,047,250 43,980 1,091,230 28,336 +1,062,894 1885.......................... 697,800.............. 697,800 616,059 + 81,741 1886.......................... 696,929 1,034 697,963 56,017 + 641,676 1887...............b..... 20,400.............. 920,400 118,617 -- 801,783 1888.......................... 310,450.............. 310,450 28,088 + 282,362 1889.......................... 235. 300.............. 235,300 41,486 + 193,814 1800.......................... 1,1331855.............. 1,133,855 2, 624 +1, 131, 231 1891.......................... 927, 270.............. 927,270 14, 520 +- 912,750 1892.......................... 601,000.............. 601,000 46,181 - 554,819 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 19 IMPORTS FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. The following statement shows the value of imports from the Hawaiian Islands since 1870, and what were the leading articles which were imported therefrom: ear endin June 30- Rce. Sugar and Fruits Hides All other Totl. Yaening Je30c. molasses. andnuts. andskins. articles. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1871................................. 15,654 954,179 4,540 64,268 104,603 1,143,244 1872................................. 35,840 944,869 9,104 127,948 163,072 1,280,833 1873.................................- 62, 574 947, 250 4, 999 115,985 144,253 1, 275, 061 1874................................ 40,110 758, 244 3, 004 101,434 114,160 1,016, 952 1875................................. 60,131 948,379 8,941 93,519 116,221 1,227,191 1876................................. 77,576 1,061,073 15,710 71,996 150,326 1,376,681 1877................................. 158,100 2,258,155 17, 975 50, 861 65,244 2, 550, 335 1878.......-.......................... 209, 042 2, 294, 799 15, 315 78,920 80,754 2, 678, 830 1879................................ 270, 781 2,822,168 17,137 92,003 55,849 3,257,938 1880................................. 294, 186 4,155, 366 14, 453 68, 171 74,268 4,606, 444 1881...........-....-... ---.......- 389, 017 4,962,058 23,182 113,840 44,903 5,533,000 1882.... ----—............................ 499,825 6,943,340 27,436 102,039 73,654 7,646,294 1883 -................................. 610,324 7,377,526 39,524 119,394 91,693 8,238,461 1884................................ 558,476 7,131,255 63,395 113,624 59,215 7,925,965 1885..................... 404,478 8,207,218 68,201 103,150 74,450 8,857,497 1886................................. 361,567 9,174. 612 53,544 104,554 111,430 9,805,707 1887................................. 383,985 9,270,063 44,241 128,221 95,565 9,922,075 1888................................. 551,257 10, 266,465 68,561 92,537 81,559 11,060,379 1889.................................. 494,166 12, 084, 666 91,027 95,576 82,305 12,847,740 1890.............................. 498, 554 11, 559, 142 109, 215 75, 884 71,113 12, 313, 908 1891...................... 415,630 13,161,112 122, 581 70, 509 125,765 13,895,597 1892...............3....-..... 367,533 7,447,958 121,808 71,148 67,435 8,075,882 This increase of our trade, it will be observed, was largely in imports. Our imports are mainly sugar and molasses (the value of molasses being very small) and rice. Fruits and nuts, hides and skins, form the greater portion of the remaining imports. The increase of our imports will be seen by a brief comparison. Our total imports in the year 1876, which was the year prior to the taking effect of the reciprocity treaty, were of the value of $1,376,681; in 1880 they had increased to $1,606,444, or 234.6 per cent; in 1885 they advanced to $8,857,497, an increase of 92.3 per cent over imports of 1880. During the fiscal year 1891 the value of the imports of merchandise was $13,895,597, or an increase of 56.88 per cent over value of like imports in 1885. In 1892 the total value of our imports was $8,062,076, a decrease heretofore explained. During the sixteen years ending with 1892, since the treaty has been in force, if the merchandise admitted free under the treaty had paid the duty levied upon similar goods imported from other countries, the duty would have amounted to $51,336,26 t, and on sugar alone to $43,898,978. During the fiscal year 1892 the only article of merchandise admitted free under the treaty was rice and of the value of $367,533. The value of dutiable articles imported in 1892 was $13,806. For complete details of our commerce with these islands see Appendix, tables Nos. 1 to 6. In this connection the two following tables, taken from the reports of the Hawaiian Government, will be of interest as showing the share which this Government has in the export trade of that country, as contrasted with that of all other countries: 20 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. VALUES OF THE EXPORTS FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS TO THE UNITED STATES AND ALL OTHER COUNTRIES DURING THE YEARS 1888-'91. To the United States. To all other countries. Years...................... --- —--- Domestic. Foreign. Total. Domestic. Foreign. Total. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1888................................. 11,624,482 46,782 11,671,264 6,953 29,382 36,335 1889................................ 13,806,254 34,264 13,840,523 3,817 30,001 33,818 1890................................ 13,021,907 51,570 13,073,477 1,397 67,955 69,352 1891................................ 10, 094,540 101,738 10,196,278 12,775 49,735 62,510 QUANTITY OF RICE AND SUGAR EXPORTED FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS TO THE UNITED STATES AND ALL OTHER COUNTRIES, RESPECTIVELY. To the United States. To all other countries. Years. ----- - Sugar. Rice. Sugar. Rice. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1874.............................................. 18,193,240 885,646 6,373, 371 302,340 1875.............................................. 23,762,744 1,461,835 1,317,438 111,904 1885.............................................. 171,346,625 7,362,200 3,689 5,053 1886.............................................. 216,211,002 7,331, 350 12,613 7,265 1887.............................................. 212,754,197 13,671,600 9,450 12,600 1888.............................................. 235,879,916 12,865,100 8,430 13,.500 1889.............................................. 242,161,789 9,669,896 4,055............ 1890.............................................. 259,787,173. 10,579.000 11,289... 1891.............................................. 274,983,295 4,894,752 285 5,698 EXPORTS TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Our export trade to these islands has also increased, but not to the same extent as our imports. In 1875 our exports of domestic merchandise amounted to $621,974; in 1880 to $1,985,506, an increase of 219.2 per cent; in 1885 the increase had advanced to $2,709,573, or an increase of 36.42 per cent; in 1892 our exports of merchandise had increased to the value of $3,662,018, or an increase of 35.15 per cent over the value of like exports in 1885. The following summary shows the character of our domestic exports to the Hawaiian Islands and their growth since the reciprocity treaty with these islands went into effect. Our trade with these islands in 1871 and in 1876, years prior to the treaty, is given for the purpose of comparison with the years 1880, 1885, and 1892, since the treaty went into effect. - Year ending June 30 -Articles. - ------- 1871. 1876. 1880. 1885. 1892. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Animals.................................... 180 3,005 90,192 70,211. 64,517 Breadstuffs................................. 105,837 84,788 202,659 414,495 706,787 Drugs, chemicals, etc.......................... 13,044 14,790 27,569 47,999 76,557 Cotton, manufactures of....................... 51,300 41,491 114,895 215, 656 256,813 Fish......................... 35,344 20, 212 76,380 100, 673 125,506 Iron and steel, and manufactures of........... 90,710 98, 707 369,940 239, 775 483,616 Leather, and manufactures of.................. 46,482 34, 393 87, 796 152,503 136,374 Oil, mineral.................................... 15,335 5,429 33,785 55, 459 58,996 Provisions.......................... 28,642 28,307 114,777 169,191 181 652 Sugar, refined........ 157 1,520 20,569 35,674 26,937 Tobacco, manufactures of........ 17,412 27,653 61,458 96,143 160, 354 Wood and manufactures of................... 151,452 132,676 297,338 327,846 359,013 All other...................................... 258,990 231,296 488,148 783,948 1,023,896 Total................................... 814,885 724,267 1,985,506 2.709.573 8.662,018 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Of the amounts returned as " all other " domestic merchandise, and which, as it appears from the statement for the year 1892, amounted to the value of $1,023,896, it is well that a more detailed statement should be given of the articles embraced in this large value. They consist in the order of magnitude as follows: Distilled spirits, $143,145; hay, $106,782; wine, $93,927; malt liquors, $88,793; paper and stationery, $59,850; wool, manufactured, $48,320; fruits, $36,923; jewelry, etc., $24,275, and all other articles, $421,881. If the value of the leading articles exported from the United States to the Hawaiian Islands be considered, during the year ending June 30, 1892, and stated in the order of their magnitude of value, it will be found that they were as follows: Breadstuffs, $706,787; iron and steel and manufactures of, $483,616; manufactures of wood, $359,013; manufactures of cotton, $256,813; provisions, $182,652; manufactures of tobacco, $160,354; distilled spirits, $143,145; leather and manufactures of, $136,374; fish, $125,506; hay, $106,782; wine, $93,927; malt liquors, $88,793; drugs, chemicals, etc., $76,557; animals, $64,517; paper and stationery, $59,850; mineral oil, $58,996; wool manufactures, $48,320; fruits, $36,923, and sugar, refined, $26,937. In this connection it will be of interest to know that the total value of imports into the Hawaiian Islands, during the calendar year 1892, as reported in their statistical statements, was $7,439,483, of which $5,294,279 came from the United States, $1,201,329 from the United Kingdom, $384,145 from Germany, and $559,628 from all other countries. See in this connection Appendix, tables Nos. 7, 8, and 9. The principal reason why our export trade with the Hawaiian Islands is not larger in value is the fact that the total population of these islands, by the latest authority, is only about 96,000, and consequently the demand for foreign commodities is limited. Furthermore, it is well understood that nearly all the necessities of life are abundantly produced on these islands. For complete details of our exports to these islands since 1870, see Appendix, tables Nos. 1 to 3. The total tonnage of vessels that entered the several ports of the Hawaiian Islands during the calendar year 1891 was 284,155, of which 224 vessels, of 173,191 tons, carried the American flag; 34 British, of 542361 tons, and the balance was distributed among all other countries. In the following tables of the Appendix are statements containing full details of our commerce with the Hawaiian Islands, and the commerce of these islands with this and other countries for a series of years. S. G. BROCK, Chief of Bureau. Hon. OHARLES FOSTER, Secretary of the Treasury. __ APPENDIX. TABLES. 23 No. 1.-STATEMENT SHOWING THE QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED INTO THE UNITED STATES FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED FROM THE UNITED STATES TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, DURING THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, FROM 1871 TO 1892, INCLUSIVE. IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE. [Abbreviation: n. e. s., not elsewhere specified.] 1S71. 187. 1873. 1874. 1S75. ARTICLES. I - Quantities. Values. Quantities.! Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. Free of ditty. Articles, the produce or manufacture of the United States, Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. broughtback, n.e. s................................................. 4,554............ 22,843............ 7,090....... 4,419 Coffee............................lbs......a.............. a............ a 125,162 20, 369 144,764 28,062 91,176 18,598 Hides and skins, other than fur skins...40,996.........., 880............ 101,434 —.. 93, 519 Household and personal effects and wearing apparel, old and in use. of persons arriving from foreign countries......... 3,874............ 685............ 2,420........... 3,791............ 1, 662 All other free articles........................................ 28,568. 6,401..... 3,263............ 36,441............ 50,573..........._ 28, 568............ --- TOTAL FREE OF DUTY.......................................... 32, 442............ 3 52, 636............ 186, 775 I........... 176,818 1 ----. --- ——. 168,771 Dutiable. Rice....................................................lbs. 5f9, 320 15,654 1, 018, 196 35, 840 1,697, 401 62 574 1,087,785 40,110 1,588,232 60,131 Coffee...................................................lbs.. 188,874 24,484 15, 829 2,454............................................ -............ Fruits of all kinds. including nuts...................................... 4,540 --... — 9.104............ 4, 9993,004............ 8,941 Hides and skins, other than fur skins.............64...................... 26... 86,...........10,105............................. Oils, whale and fish, not of American fisheries........ galls.. 8, 209 5,181 1, 87 1,785 26, 081 11,445 29, 414 10,655 35, 437 11, 998 Salt.....................................................lbs... 1,674,080 4,572 322500 923 '717,110 1,692 1.357,765 3,375 746,582 2,089 Sugar and molasses: Sugar, brown.......................................lbs.. 15, 018. 469 935, 909 15,357,784 923, 441 15,743,146 934, 824 13,575, 674 740, 786 17, 888, 000 938, 676 Molasses.......................................... galls.. 127,888 18,270 135,853 21,3981 65,217 10,512 117.541 17,197 63,578 8,961 Melada and sirup of sugar cane.....................lbs...................... 2,400 30 62, 224 1,914 7,200 261 21, 360 742 Wool, unmanufactured..................................lbs.. 133,084 14, 242 593,412 110,428 194, 207 38, 715 132,785 21,488 217, 990 24,769 A other dutiable articles.............................................. 23,682............ 35, 842.11,506............ 3,258.......2,113 TOTAL DUTIABLE...................................... i!,110 802...........1,228,197............1, 088, 286 840,............! 1,058,420 TOTAL VALUE OF IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE....................... 1,143,244...........1,280,833............1,275,061............1,016,952 1,227,191 a See Dutiable. No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED /~e ~ TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. IMPORTS OF MIERCHANDISE-Continued. 1 76. 1 s. ARTICLES. - -.._..-..-........... Quantities. Values. Quantities., Values. Free of duty. Articles, the produce or manufacture of the United States, -Dollars. I Dollars. brought back, n. e. s................................................ 3.859 7, 497 Coffee................................................ - lbs.. 142 3615 i 29, 947 170..9,3 33,062 Hides and skins, other than fur skins --- —---—.. —...................... 711996............ 50,861 Household and personal effects and wearing apparel, old and in use, of persons arriving from foreign countries......-. 2, 523.......-. 2,799 Articles admitted free under reciprocity treaty with Hawaiian Islands: Fruits and nuts........................................................................ 14,098 Rice - --- -— 0...........................4................................ 3.034,405 128,088 Sugar, brown....................................... 1bs........................ 30,624.162 2, 108, 470 Molasses..........................................ga Us -. -- - —.. 1............... 138,862 23,615 01 ss-. --- 138, 862 23,6615 All other articles................................................................ 3,083 Total.................................................. ---- --- 2, 277, 354 All other free articles........................................-............ 83,746. —..... — 13, 793 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY.............................................. 192,071 - 2,385.366 Du tin iable. Rice, n. e. s --- —--—.. ---. --- —---..-.. —. ---...... — -- I-lbs. 2,074,506 77,576 836, 389 30,012 Fruits of all kinds, including nuts —. --- —-—.....-.-..-.................. 15,710.... —. 3,877 Oils, whale and fish, not of American fisheries.......-.alls. 52, 596 20, 344 2, 609 1, 070 Salt ---l — -- -- - - - - -- - -- ---. lbs............................. Sugar and molasses: Sugar, brown.......................................1ibs- 20, 978,374 1,051,987 1. 849,987 98,424 Sugar. refined.........................b.............. s. 128 11 293,395 26, 640 Molasses......................... —.........-...-g'alls- i 67, 256 9,.075 6, 736 I 1,006 Wool, unmanufactured..................................bs 15,498 1.992 950 227 All other dutiable articles..-.............................. --- 7.915............ 3,713 TOTAL DUTIABLE.................................................. 1184.610............ 164. 969 TOTAL VALUE OF IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE..................... 1, 376, 681 -- --- 2. 550,335 I 1S78. 1879. 1880. Quantities.! Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. 10.... 19..4 150,194 Dollar is. 6, 594 26, 577 78, 920 1.117 72, 794 Dollars. 25, 219 11, 935.1 92,003 467.....77,923 Dollars. 11.150 12.834 68,171 6,922............ 15,156............ 16. 068 --- - -- 13,384 6, 063,514 209, 042 5,553, 676 270, 781 5, 062, 646 294, 186 30, 367,329 2,274,430 41,696, 674 2,807, 675 61, 556, 708 4,135,531 87,535 14,449 94,772 14,493 111,950 19, 835 9 177............ 3,421.-.-.... —.. 1,527........... 2,522, 254...........-3, 112, 438............ 4, 464, 463 ---- -- 6.166............ 1, 926............ 2,378 _________i_ I _________....-.. ----. 2, 641. 628. —..-...... 3, 243,988............j 4,565.918............. 9............ 1,069............1,069 8.. 052...... 17.......................... 0- - 8,0O52 94 7 8 527,026 1,817............. 92,606 436 66, 588 5, 920 -- - -.............- -- --- ----- |...........- - - - - - - - -.........j- - - - -—............; - - -- - - - -. — - - - I 207,820- 21, 153 125,530 12,498 295,031I 35,026 -. —.-.-.-..- 771............ 383 -........ ---i 3,995!... ---...-. 37,202....-.-. —.. 13,950 - 40,526 ----------— 2-, C678, 830 _.1 l1[3, 257, 938............\i 4, 606, 444 i No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES Or MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE-Continued. 1881. ISS2. 1SS3. ARTICLES. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. iQuantitie4. Values. Free of duty. Articles, the produce or manufacture of the United States, Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. brought back, n. e. s....................................... - --- 19, 545............ 27,555............ 25,787 Coffee..................................................l.. 30,375 4 676 3,008 479 15,959 2,447 Fruits and nuts...................................................-........................................... Hides and skins, other than fur skins -.......................-........ 113,840............ 102.039............ 119, 394 Household and personal effects and wearing apparel, old and in use, of persons arriving from foreign countries - -..... ---....... 2.160 4......... 4,963............ il, 682 Articles admitted free under reciprocity treaty with Ha- waiian Islands:- Fruits and nuts-...................................................... 20. 600............ 26,763............ 37, 987 Rice................................................lbs.. 6.984.406 389.017 1i0,135.678 499.825 12,926,951 I 610, 324 Sugar, brown....................................... lbs.. - 76.907.247 4. 927,021 106,181, 858 6,918,083 114,132,670 7,340, 033 Molasses-......................................... alls.. 198. 987 35,037 152, 708 j 2 2525 238,773 37.493 A ll other articles.................................................... 1,402............ 5,525 I............ 4,011 Total —.................................................. 5. 33.077... ---- 7,475, 453. ---......... 18,029, 848 188 4. 18S5. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. i~~~~~~~~~s aus..... " ' 950 Dollars. 18.884 137 63,326 113,624 9,294 " 3,786 Dollars. 17,634 708 68,120 103,150 9, 861................. 12,378,433 558,476 8,291,360 404,478 1125, 158, 677 7, 108, 292 169, 652,6038,198.164 j 163, 347 22,963i 71,649 9,054 I --- —--- - ~ 485 i........... 240.-. —.-....-17,690,216.-............ 8,611,936 4t 439 6I 779 — " --- —-- 4,028 All other free articles ---......... ---......................... 4.439............. 6,779........ 4,519.........8 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY........................................5, 517, 737...........'7,621. 690...........8, 195,937..........7,900, 000.8,817,067 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY -------— 7,621-6-0-8,195-937 ----_ --- —------- Duti able. Fruits of all kinds, including nuts2....................1, 53......7.............69............7 6981 ~~~~~~~~~~~2.......1,53 6............ 8 1 67 Oils, whale and fish. not of American fisheries........galls.. 14,662 4,133 600 251-.................................... Salt -—.. —.. —.. —.. —................................- lbs. ]............. 963 5 i........................................ 1,000 20 Wool. unmanufactured-................................lbs.. 67,997 6, 970 152,885 22,651 420i6 20,182 1 194, 471 16,831 498 80 All other dutiable articles.............1...................... 024............ 1,57 -I- 024 20,805. ---...-.... 9,065............ a40,249 TOTAL DUTIABLE.............................................. --- 15,263 24.604............ 42,524.. —..... 25,965 ------ -- 40,430 TOTAL VALUE OF IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE........................., 533 000 I......... 7,646. 294-............ 8, 238 461..... 7,925,965............! 8,857,497 a Includes spirits, $16,854; opium, $15,012. No. 1. —QUANTTIIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE-Continued. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1 190. 1891. 1892. ARTICLES. jQianti Vti I Qt aues. Quanti. Values Quanti Values Qunti- Qti Values ties. ties. ties ties. ties. ties. ties. 0 ~4 Free of duty. Articles, the produce or manufacture of t h e United States, brought back, n. e. s............. Coffee.............. lbs.. Fruits and nuts........ Bides and skins, other than fur skins......... Household and personal effects and wearing apparel, old and in use, of persons arriving from foreign countries. Articles admitted free under reciprocity treaty with Hawaiian Islands: Rice....... —lbs.. Sugar, brown. -lbs.. Molasses...... galls.. All other articles..... Total.............. All other free articles.... TOTAL FREE OF D TY. Dutiable. Fruits of all kinds, including nuts.-..... —.Oils,whale and fish, not of American fisheries, galls Salt.................bs.. 2, 748 Dollars. 35,536 419 53, 476 104. 554 Dollars. 26, 226 437 44, 149 128, 221 2, 875.,.....P..... " 3, 680........... Dollars. 53,239 932 68, 30O 92, 537 I 15, 907. -.. *.*.*.. Dollars. 33, 13C 3,318 90, 982 95, 576 19, 585 i 90, 238........... Dollars. 33,381 17. 542 109, 183 75, 884 23,401 Dollars. 77,189 5. 001 122, 515 70, 509 1.....,i8i.. o......... I Q Wollars. 33, 111 2, 628; 121, 568 71, 148 11, 045 ___ p 8, 205........... 12,7831........ 12,868......... 9, 986.......... 9, 818........ 1 4; I ' 4 0 6, 892. 900 361. 567 9, 263, 700i 383. 985 13, 269, 500 551, 257 10, 660, 300 494, 166 10, 730, 600 498, 554 7, 840,900 415. 630t 7,489, 700 367. 533 191, 623, 175 9. 166, 826 218, 290, 835 9, 255, 351 22,8 540,513 10, 260, 048 243, 324, 68312, 078, 518 224,457, 011 11, 549. 828 307, 252, 256!al3,152,562 262, 612, 405'7.442.047 61,171 7, 786; 113, 5741 14, 7121 52, 582 6. 417 8,140 6,1481 81, 443 9, 314 76, 019 aS, 550) 51,139, b5,911...................................................i 7621J......................... 1, 496! ---------- I........... 19,536,179;..........., 654. 048..... 10, 818,484........... 12,588, 593............ 12, 058, 557........... 13, 578, 238........... 7, 815, 491........... 3, 555........... 27, 025..... 3, 678"........... 1. 725.......... 5, 225-........ 2, 378.7,085........... 19719, 741, 92........... 9, 892, 889...........11, 050, 038........... 12,832, 910...........12,309,758........... 13, 865, 648...... 062,076 ---- — | _=_ _1_ _ -| -,- - I_..................68.............1........... 261......... 1.............................. 136,640 44...... 616 616 -... — 1.. 32 1-''''''''''I..........|.................. 66........... 240 I.................... — --- I~w Wool, unmanufactured,, 8 4.................. 1lbs-.7 11968.................... 162. 370 11, --- — 18,872 4, 675 AU other dutiable articles........... 63,715 -........... 17.126-..... 10 080-... 9,495 TOTAL DUTIABLE........... 63,73........... 29186- 10, 34 -.......... 14, 830 TOTAL VALUE OF = IMPORTS OF MER-Ij CHANDISE............... 9, 805, 707.............. 075..... 11, 060, 379...........12, 847. 740 a Includes sugar, $2,826,244 and molasses, $2,532, free under general tariff. 4541 95 225,192 22,453 91, 725........... 4,023 -- -- 7,4301 ----........... 4,150....29, 949..... 4,150,........... I 9,400 4,166 13, 806 8,075, 882........... 12,313,908 13, 895, 597 All free under general tariff. fZc 3~ No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FRno, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE. IS71. 1S7,. i 1S73. IS74. 1875. ARTICLES. -- Quantities. Values. Quantities., Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. 0 0 Free of duty.: Dollars. Coffee..................................................lbs.................................. Tea....................................................lbs- -...................... All other free articles.......................................................................... Dollars........... j 15, 634......I...... Dollars. 6, 173 Dollars. 131 I 36 4,338 I 1,786. ---..... ---. 84 i Do 10, 91i60'i.. TOTAL FREE OF DUTY..................................... 6,173..-.. ----. 1, 906...... ---- i Dutiable. Chemicals, drugs, dyes, and medicines, n. e................... 1,572 Clothing (except of silk, and excepthosiery, etc., of cotton or or wool)............................................1,034 Cordage rope. and twine, of all kinds.............. - 12., 937 1, 266 Cotton, manufactures of -..... —.. —.......-... —................... 4, 532 Fancy goods. --------- -------- —.-. ---.- 2,179 Flax, hremp, and jute, manufactures of..-..... ---.-.- -....-............ 2,582 Fruits of all kinds, including nuts............ —... —. —................. 570 Glass and glassware.............................. 171 Iron and steel, and manufactures of..................................... 910 Oils, vegetable, fixed, n. e. s.......................... galls.. 466 379 Opium, and extract of..................................lbs. 33 3 3,111 Provisions.............................................................. 1, 793 Rice....................................................lbs...................... Tea.....................................................lbs. 5,291 1,708 Tobacco, manufactures of: Cigars..............................................lbs — 124 165 All other....................................................... 359 Wines, spirits, and cordials: Spirits and cordials......................... proof galls 1,140 1, 208 Wine in casks....................................galls 2, 243 1,252 Wine in bottles.................................... doz * 453 736 Wool. manufactures of. -—. --- —-----—........... 5, 545 All other dutiable articles... —.......... ---.... ---............ 12,608.........:i. 15, 739. ---......... '2,4 4 8 146......ii...~ 14. 175 12, 789 4,914 343 2, 626 284,,,.......... Ij 1,453........... 1.1 612............,905 1,206I......... 74............I 572 1. 2061.4 1 572 1, 765....................................... 3,152...... 7..... 7,421............i 1,448 5,024............ 2,389......... 3, 430 640 -------............! 1,375..........,258 598............ 634............ 455 486 i............ 1,045............ 209 4.481 I — l — - 3, 215.......... 669 1, 637 2.400 1,367 150 i 117 2, 656. 2,656..- -.......................... i.......... 972 1............ 1.886............ 2, 714 398 62. 167 1, 899..........i.......... 3, 644.................................. 5,595 700 721 2. 972 5,254 439...... ---...... --.-...................... ^"I lla rs. t'......:t 3.914 0 -. I. —. t3,914 2, 920 275 td 4,465 2,844 a 5,564. 359 224 4,022 150 6,145 2,535 | 200 1,200 1,308 ---------- 293 506 745 1 838 1 2, 251 4, 983 1,039 1,477 1101............ 932 1 150 670 i 2,730 266 119 2.561............ 8,848............ 72 1,115 437 4, 787 1,082 1, 351 101 485 652 605 996 4,969 36,276 40,190 TOTAL DUTIABLE...................................... TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE............... 43,730 -............ 43,469 43,469 24, 442............ 43, 730 1........................ 43,088............ 26,348............ No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892 —Continued. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE-Continued. ARTICLES. ~~~ ~~~~~~I1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 18sO. 01nitftitilfR I nna On tt~ I Va~uip~q ifnanfitio~ee 1 Valnm- w O q.nftit-he_ V.lci OnP.4 1 antifst- 1 ValnpM. Free of duty. i i!Dollars. Dollars. iD ollars. Dollars. Dolla Coffee.................................................. lbI — - - - - - - - - - -,5 3 8424 O8 5 4 - - - - - -- - - - - Coffee-lbs-4,56 872..4.0.84................................. 4563 872 I 48085 854 142...................... Tea.....................................................lbs- 9,5171 3,718 4,712 2,.088 25,784 7,041 31,648 5,648 17,452 5,549 All other free articles.............................................. -25............ 268............ 313............ 106............ 2, 231 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY 387 85978............................... 3,743............. 3, 228 ---—..-..- 7, 438 --- — -: 5,896............ 7,780 Dutiable. Chemicals, drugs. dyes, and medicines, n. e. s --- —-------—.. ---.. ----.- 1 2,87............ 1, 259........... 857... —...... 2, 797............ 2, 002 Clothing (except of silk, and except hosiery, etc.. of cotton or w ool)........................-........-.................-............. 233............ 7 617............ 154............i 2,328...................... Cordage, rope, and twine, of all kinds --....... lbs. 505 54 3,547 489 15. 920 2, 253' 6, 774 8331...................... Cotton, manufactures of................................................. 2. 12 4............ 3........... 1,418............ 1, 953 Fancy --- —-— 1-98 4 1 --------- 1 — 1, 9 151 F ancy goods....-....-..-... --- ----...-..... ---- ----...................................... 1,............1,06............ -, — 1 - 2,101 Flax. hemp, and jute, man ufactures of..6..........48................9.......,.4-18,99.... 479............ 14, 586............ 18, 288 Fruiiits of all kinds, incltudint numits....................................... 846........... 445............ 349............ 1,4............ 812 Glass and gliassware —............................i............ 2,442............ 614............ 653............ 897............. 448 Iron and steel, and manufactures of..........................799......... 648 3,776 784 - 2.723 Oils. vegetable, tixed, II. e. S...........................l. 3, 000 1. 498 417 419 I 4.90 i 567 4, 180 2,218 10,6t0 5lo573 Provisions............................................................... 2.882............ 1. 732............. 4.508 1-.... —. ---- 4,011 -...... --- — 4, 207 Rice -....................................................lbs 519,341 16924 36.733 962 5190. 568 4, 932 1, 244 662 30, 065 Sugar. brown........................................... lbs.... 1.205, 870 77,278 2, 024 90 -.................... 750 38 Tobacco, nimlnufacturcs of: Cigars -lbs 2, 660 3,303 1.818 1, 878 ' 2, 31 2. 453 4 349 4, 197 ' 2 308 3, 01, AlC ter189 933-9..............................................[ --... 83 1,4 4 1 ~ - A ~llothK4'.................................................i............ 138.....-........ 2, 179, 1.. -....; 9............S 893 j............i1 35 Wine. spirits. and cordials:... Spirits;and cordials......................... prootf gallsj 71 94 2, 634 984 4,940 3,553 10, 255 5. 808 4, 462 2, 337 Wine in casks....................................galls. 2,780 915 3,128 1,005 3,051 1,089 4,133 1,423 1.319 552 Wine in bottles....................................-(oz. 192 730 147 47 7j1 7 726 201 1,163 696 2,425 W ool, manufac iures of...........................................1,592............I 3, 89......... 1,463............i 2, 611............. 465 All other dutiable articles-2 40 - ) 612-01,) A ll other dut tiable articles............................................... 12.404............ 17. 659............j 16,120 25, 426............ 14,525 TOTAL DUTIABLE......................................I............ 41, 652 -- - 160, '9. 45. 215 80 844...8......... 80,844 ------ 2,84 TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCIIANDISE. --- 45, 395............-163 5-20 -— 52 653......... 86,740......... 100664 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _............ _ _ _5 2 1...... No. 1. —QUANiTITIES AND VkLUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE-Continued. ARTICLES. Free of duty. Coffee..................... —.........l.................lbs.. Tea.....................................................lbs.. All other free articles....................................... TOTAL FREE OF DUTY................................. Dutiable. Chemicals. drugs. dyes. and medicines, n. e. s................. Clothing (except of silk, and except hosiery, etc., of cotton or wool).................................................. Cordage, rope, and twine, of all kinds...................lbs. Cotton, manufactures of..................................... Fancy goods......................-............-..... —. Flax, hemp, and jute, manufactures of...................... Fruits of all kinds, including nuts -—...... —..-............ Glass and glassware --—. ----.................................... Iron and steel, and manufactures of..... —.............. --- Oils. vegetable, fixed, n.e. s................-.....-...g- alls.. Provisions............... ---...-......................... Rice........ —......... ---......... —...........l...-. lbs.. Sugar, brown.......................................... lbs.. Tobacco, manufactures of: Cigoars............................................. lbs.. A ll other................................................ Wines. spirits, and cordials: Spirits and cordials.........................proof galls.. Wine in casks................................... galls.. W ine in bottles..................................o. doz.. Wool, manufactures of..................................... Ali other dutiable articles....................... TOTAL DUTIABLE..................................... TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE-.. [ 188I. A1. 188. 1 3. 1884. 1SS5. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Vaus QuantitiQuantities. Values. Quantities. [Values. Quantities. Values. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 240 40 17,951 1.742 92.148 9,657 26, 875 2,917 55,673 5, 794 21.181 7.385 48,194 11057 i 20.611 6,336 26,394 6,774 24, 258 6,195............ 9.923............ 43........... 488............ 886............ 235 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... - - - - -............. 17,348............. 12S46, 481... 10, 577............ 12,224t............. 2, 598............ 3,969............ 1,121 —....-..... 2,622............ 1,454........... —......................1 237 02............0 167...................... 8 98........... —....................- I......................I.......................................... 6,465........... 2593........ 734 1..-....... 3,548 -.... 2.627 i -. - 836;............653...... 1,0225;-....... 544..........97.......... i 23,.263 -............ 15,495............. 14.465 ---— 6, 756 ---- -- 26,135 1............ 1. 628 162 - - - - 1,373............. 1,073...... 466............ 347 479 218 1,235.., 62 610.............479............ 218............ 1,235............ 62... —.-.-... 6 0......... 2 1.....15 - - - - - 1,285............ 3,766............ 20,216........... 1,094 1,000 477 9.660 i 4.172 7930 3. 377 6,850 3,439 15,501 7,447........ 589............ 3. 477............ 2,611............ 2,463. 727 86.308 1. 818 20,701 542 33,270 676 8,441 I 161 120.281 2,461...................... 2.258 113......I...................... 2.162 83 3, 642 4. 259 11, 633 9. 353 14,199 10, 799 9.968 6, 229 5,540 3,722 ~ i.. 39.................... 91 ------ ----- 117..... 576 -- - - - - - 102 ' 59:1 148069 2,940 4,835 2,936 4,110 2.044 3,423 1,859 3,199 2.855 1, 482 ' 545 i 1, 193 i 519 2, 799 1. 951 532 247 365 335 333 1 2, 124! 87; 796 294 2,764 309 2,424 393 4.022 1............:1.935.. ----....- 8 01............ 1,374.....2,261........... 3, 5S.....-....... 12.813. ----........ 16. 690. --- --- 26,027 - - - -— 13 186. ---—.. —.- 7 302 -. ---.-. 66,141............ 65.761..... ---.-.. 76,124......... 66,752............ 66 125.......... 83, 489............ 78, 603........ 92, 605.......... 77, 329............: 7,3 No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. EXPORTS OF FOREIGN MERCHANDISE-Continued. 1886. 188S. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. ______ ARTICLES. *-us 1Vue -Tu Vae.| al. ~~~Qua nti- i. Quanti-'. QuantiQ nnti. Values. Quanti' Values. Quatio ValuesQ Values. t~~~~ies. tvea lu ties. ties. tis Iy~1 alues.'~~i~i Values. tes. Quties. tales ' ti ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ties. 0 0 gt Free of duty, Coffee............................... lbs.......... 50,654 Tea.................................................lbs.. 31,947 All other free articles........................................... Dollars. 5,498 6,978 1,206 87, 976 26, 568 Dollars. 11, 919 6,511 725 61, 843 18, 348 Dollars. 11,739 5,091 1,653 22, 385 23, 500 Dollars. 3,476 6,747 1,205 2. 950 40,051 Dollars. 558 10,530 2,600. 61, 687 28, 325 Dollars. 12, 643 7,302 3,601 31, 047 16, 294 TOTAL FREE OF DUTY.............................. Dutiable. Chemicals, drugs, dyes, and medicines, n. e. s.................. Clothing (except of silk, and except hosiery, etc., of cotton or wool).................................................... Cordage, rope, and twine, of all kinds................lbs.. 1, 008 Cotton, manufactures of.......................................... Fancy goods..................................................... Flax, hemp, and jute, manufactures of......................... Fruits of all kinds, including nuts............................... Glass and glassware............................................. Iron and steel, manufactures of.................................. Oils, vegetable, fixed, n. e. s........................galls.. 16,358 Provisions..................................................... Rice................................................lbs.. 171, 411 Sugar, brown....................................... lbs.. 3,929 Tobacco, manufactures of: Cigars..........................................lbs.. 5,485 A ll other.................................................... Wines, spirits, and cordials: Spirits and cordials.....................proof galls.. 2,823 Wine in casks................................galls.. 302 Wine in bottles................................doz.. 395 Wool, manufactures of.......................................... All other dutiable articles........................ I.. TOTAL DUTIABLB.......................................... 'rnrP &AT 'VAT Tnn.A V TQI'1 I1 i1__3,_ _ _682_ _ I-........| 19,155 |.......- 18,483 1....... 1148........ 13, 688........ 23,546........ 2, 072 40 123 1, 121 630 11, 239 923 291 3. 644 6, 256 1, 203 3,101 95 4,.442 1,987 2,186 157 4,405 5,428 13, 774 859 1...... 87 I........ 411........ 1,380..... 772................................. 1,514........ 1,514......... 12, 276........ 854........ 1,018................ 16,868.... 2,284 875 9, 630........ 452..'..................... 10, 545 3.046 90........ 5,452 5,816 3,872........ 16........ 1,371 2,203 811 100 66 117 753 8,411 382........ 15,190................ 14,251........ 2,898........ 498 60 9 10,118 --— 5,090 380........ 409 1,378........ 82 1, 066....... 2,740 3,328 9, 516 3,547 187........ 161 144............... 4, 570 2. 1.....1, 521 4, 5740 2, 168 1, 521!........ I........ il 3, 985 I1 3,746 2,793 4,354 161 540::::::::[ 15, 336 2,143 18, 689 102 846 8,774 2, 085 114 53 2, 586 5, 081 86 5, 665 12, 020 15,869 1, 179 135, 388 1, 340 2, 824 1,525 59 452 26, 913 1,759 3, 013 68 516 18, 483 1, 080 75 2, 272 162 '"43i1 1i64i 18, 640. Dollars. 6,046 3,879 3,416 13,341 1,027 H 8,442 560 307....... ~b 3, 616 80 5, 021 36, 273 22, 334 106,269 1, 782 95 3.572 2,218 8, 939 2,522 104 344 DO 2,746 59 4, 273 1, 573 5,006 4, 568 1,339 3,280........ 1,440........ 24........ 5, 121 371 52, 218..... 25.991........ I 63,117. —...... 82,281 |... ---.. 40,822. --- —28,193.... 90,829.... 147,755.... -i - - - - - _________ _________ __________________________________________________ __I___.7! fi*. 11- - -.... - — i ---- -- — j --- 59, 305........ 39,1.......104, 517........171,301........ I 119, 610 NO. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. 1is7 ARTICLES. Quantities. Agricultural implements................................................ A nimals................................................................. Beer, ale, and porter..................................................... Billiard tables and apparatus............................................ Books, pamphlets, maps, and other publications.......................... Bread and breadstuffs: Bread and biscuit..................................lbs.. 375, 973 Oats.............................................. bush.. 14,496 Wheat............................................ bush.. 1,356 Wheat flour....................................... bbls.. 11,804 All other breadstuffs, and preparations of, used as food.............. Carriages, carts, and parts of...............................-........... Coal.................................................. tons.. 259 Copper, and manufactures of.......................................... Cotton manufactures.................................................... Drugs, chemicals, and medicines, n. e. s................................. --- —.. Fancy articles, n. e s..................................................... Fish.............................................................. Fruits, including nuts................................................... Glass and glassware..................................................... Jewelry and manufactures of gold and silver............................ Hats, caps, and bonnets................................................. Hay...................................................tons.. 163 Hemp manufactures.................................... India rubber manufactures............................................... Iron and steel, and manufactures of..................................... Leather, and manufactures of: Boots and shoes..................................pairs.. 22, 918 All other............................................................ Lime and cement...................................... bbls.. 2,175 M atches................................................................. Musical instruments..................................................... Oils: Mineral..........................................galls.. 38,410 All other................................................ Ordnance stores............................................. Paints and painters' colors.............................................. Paper and stationery........................................ 1. 1872. 1 73. 1874. 1875. Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities.f Values. Quantities.| Values. Quantities. Values. Dollars. 1,158 180 482 2, 802 6, 365 19,029 7, 516 1, 563 70,113 7, 616 4, 087 3,013 2,199 51, 300 13, 044 9, 309 35, 344 11, 084 5, 985 2. 015 28, 663 2, 512 23,427 3,122 90, 710........................ 184, 845 13, 876 430 8,106....... oo....... ii.. 25417 251............ Dollars. 2, 628 1,100 921 2, 170 9,288 11, 158 8, 074 558 50,120 6,575 4, 336 2, 901 1, 653 16, 800 11, 012 7, 514 26, 917 9. 449 3, 018 23, 128 4, 736 5,146 1,715 83, 525 30, 882 12, 150 8, 290 1 a8O 175, 642 10,210 1, 207 8,325 1,046 9,559.......... 2,000.......... 66,314............. ~~. *...... Dollars. 4,443 260 403 76 7,806 8, 971 5, 834 1, 294 42,977 5, 939 3,171 7, 567 2. 488 30, 383 20, 822 4,864 22, 362 5,355 4, 622 4,212 14, 369 2, 270 7, 025 2, 773 74, 527 19, 659 12, 471 3,813 6, 044 860 26, 516 2,'160 2,414 7, 826 7,4 1 - 1424 1 269, 103 11, 906t 1 7, 345 1 11, 6501 1 868,,......... ""'i.i4 I 1..,0.......... 1 94........................ 14,240 1,914 61,093 1 - - ---— 1 1........... Dollars. 1,840 1, 223 219 4, 627 13,580 349, 012 6, 049 8, 314 8,857 574 68, 102 9, 905 8,150............ 956............ 4, 240 3, 043 308............ 28, 000 —.....-.... — 10, 553............ 6,833.......... 25,443............ 14,813............ 1, 584 i............ 2,640............ 22,679............ 1,985 121 2,439............ 1,616............ 44,498........... 25,567 13. 961 9,362............ 4, 056 4,495 6,419............ 1,550............ 17,219 43,740 39............ 1,932............ 1,170.... 9.733...... Dollars. 2, 438 2, 570 188 57 6, 951 16, 265 4,071 466 47, 701 3,936 1.188 19,494 1,381 23, 621 11,482 14, 745 32,052 9, 826 5, 102 1, 728 17, 891 1,994 1, 788 3,587 61, 422 25,751 9,980 9, 863 16,369 3, 682 10,745 335 1, 619 1, 860 10, 591 33,917 19, 931 12,565............ 4.415 4,156 6,735........... 3,837........... 15,335 28,880 227......... 2, 011............ 2, 244. 7,023............ 11,187 513 2,359 877 9, 905 Prxvisions: Bacon and hams.................................... lbs. 53, 491 Bef -................................................lbs.- 10,950 Butter and cheese.................................. lbs. 32, 774 Lard...............................................lbs. 10,052 Pork...............................................lbs..j 65, 750 A ll other................................................ -....... Quicksilver.............................................lbs.. 21,875 Spirits, fiom grain....................................galls.. 3,923 Sugar. refined.......................................... lbs 1,300 To iacco. manufactures of: Cigars..............................................M.. 212 All other manufactures of............................... Varnish... —..... ---.. ---..................... ---galls-. 510 V egetables.............................................................. W earing apparel....................................................... Wine.................................................galls.. 1,060 Wood, and manufactures of: Boards, clapboards, deals, planks, joists, and scantling...............................................-M feet.. 5,440 Shingles............................................. M.. 4,849 Shooks, staves, and headings........................................ Hogsheads and barrels, empty.....................No.. 1,984 Household furniture -.......... —. --- —-—............................ All other, n.e. s... —.-........................................... Wool, manufactures of......................................... Al other articles............................................... TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE............. 8,953 1, 134 7, 614 1, 394 6, 743 2, 804 17,160 8,427 157 4, 021 13.391 1, 079 11,710 57, 837 1,961 20, 707 27, 000 13,745 6, 740 11, 100 ~ o........... 3,'981 5, 012 10 79 1, 247 3,234 2,854 2,446 902 1,098 1, 975 -1.........~ 8^,776 661 265 18, 571 153 8, 992 38, 570 1,777 50, 322 12, 329 11,957 7, 160 18, 400.......i.:.' 18,'993 4,172 15,466.........is' 348.......i:..' 1, 636 2, 447 3,459.........9 - 55,194 4,811 51,563 10,239 3,771 8,618 46, 816........ 17, 190 2,177 200 439 17,915............ 16,759 19,111............ 17,518 10. 019........... 942 18,082.......... 12,684 7,980 67,649 9,593 44,514 7,561 845 32, 219 1,855 116, 385 5,811 1,872 28,354 5,573 15,942 3,186 879 6,840 890 9,117 1,348 1,374 21,900 1. 586 40,200 4,168 2,628............ 3,1392............ 5,099 16918. 16. 918............................................ 9,811 5,292 11,728 5,863 14, 984 1,645 38,208 3,664 o 10,478 1,095.......... 5 1251. -------—. --- —----- 18,944............ 15,320 1............ 13,884 5 694............ I 80 08 6,118............i 10,923.108.. 9,828 26, 133....... 36, 893............ 50, 137 2,633 1.054 1,354 651 1,078 26, 454 1 3,546 i 34,331 2,869 29,121 ' 7, 915 4,316 7,514 4, 916 9,236 45,067.. 25,642............ 23,607 1,360 500 575................... 14,591 i............ 5,824 ------------ 6,319 H 40,216 1............ 6, 573............ 16,382 7,482............I.... - 1..... 6,050 22,968............ 36,644:........... 30,233 631,103............ 588,280............ 621,974 i-,I [.-,?J2 z 814, 885............ 590,295 No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE-Continued. IS1 ARTICLES. Quantities. Agricultural implements..-.-....-................................. ---. Animals ---........................................................ Beer, ale, and porter........ —................................ —. Billiard tables and apparatus. ---.. --- —---—.. ---.......... —......... Books, pamphlets, maps, and other publications........................ Bread and oreadstuffs: Bread and biscuit...................................-lbs 159,143 Oats..............................................bush. - 4, 534 Wheat............................................ bush - 127 Wheat flour....................................... bbls. 11,076 All other breadstuffs. and preparations of, used as food.............. Carriages, carts, and parts of............................................ Coal.....................................tons.. 430 Copper, and manufactures of.................................. Cotton manuhfactures.................................................... Drugs, chemicals, and medicines, n. e.s............................... Fancy articles, n. e. s..................................................... Fish. -................................................................... Fruits, including nuts................................................... Glass and glassware..................................................... Jewelry and manufactures of gold and silver...................... Hats, caps, and bonnets................................................. Hay- -.........................................tons- 270 Hemp manufactures...... ----.. ----........... ---..-.............India rubber mainufactures............................................. Iron and steel, and manufactures of................................... Leather, manufactures of: Boots and shoes..................................pairs.. 14,393 All other................................................Lime and cemIent...................................... bbls.. 2,400 M atches.................................................... Musical instruments.................................................... Oils: Mineral..........................................galls. 23, 120 All other-........................................................... Ordnance stores......................................................... Paints and painters' colors.............................................. Paper and stationery.................................................... r6. Values. Dollars. 7,177 3,005 704 7,334 10, 261 3.010 99 63, 361 8,057 6, 361 2, 810 5, 275 41,491 14, 790 14, 531 20, 212 10, 259 4, 034 1.268 12, 890 5,117 1,066 2, 810 98, 707 24,186 10, 207 4,650 5, 246 1,347 I I I 1877. 187 Quantities. Values. Quantities. Dollars............. 9,323. — -- - - - 9, 323.I............ 5,875........................ 1,061........................ 104........................ 5,519............ 367,731 17,766 496,197 6,912 4,305 14.892 4,062 6,991 3,079 11,698 72,640 14,004......-.. — 7,515..................... 10,477............ 684 5,026 1, 099............ 3,167....................... 103,849.................... 19,909........................ 15,796........................ 28,689........................ 15, 271.................. 8,789.................... 1,698........... -...-..-.. 16,540............ 238 4,376 469.-.-.. -—!- 6,657.......................- 18,204...... -............ 162,771............ Dollars. 17. 149 17,900 3,505 472 10,105 Values. Quantities. r8. 1879. 1880. 27,290 8, 396 4, 223 89. 686 13,557 15,430 7,515 6. 820 80, 249 12,265 16. 260 40, 720 14,566 7, 307 6, 626 21,193 8, 345 2,801 7, 587 483, 031 38,416 31, 785 8, 775 6, 094 4, 974 33.154 1, 032 5, 469 4, 213 18, 107 698, 525 31,064 1. 757 17, 934............ 1,i362| 33,428...-.-................. 10,048 121, 944 ~:.:;::::j Values. Quantities. Dollars. 6,626............ 74,216 12,883 1,328 -- 8,787............ 35,496 643,195 13, 849 31,609 1,710 2,491 93,484 17, 074 29,642............ 27,427 5,389 922' 7,168............ 125, 281............ 25,765........... 26, 070. --- 79. 154 —. --- —---- 26, 497............ 11.,442 -............ 24, 439............ 40,705............ 17,4261 1,946 7,096 I............6,211........... 586,262 -........... 53,665 26,406 36,820 -........... 16, 381 10, 483 1,527 1, 2............ 7,504............ 22,630 161,202 4,066............ 9, 27........ 10,759............ 23, 769............ Values. Dollars. 9, 901 90,192 19, 890 2,920 10, 442 33,052 14,339 2, 774 99,648 52,846 28,291 5,775 8, 740 114, 895 27.569 18,378 76,380 25, 004 5,942 17,914 23, 323 23, 579 7, 001 8,924 369,940 53,153 34, 643 14,706 2, 202 3,590 33,785 8 795 5, 806 13, 674 27,365 I 5,4291 238 4, 225 3, 722 14, 4041 21,188 3, 604 91,691 32,341 15, 500 6, 054 1f, 679 4,442 29, 749 305 4,310 2, 413 18,061 23, 550 5,821 141, 600............ i............ Provisions: Bacon and hams.................................... lbs.. Beef............................................... Ibs.. Butter and cheese.................................. lbs.. Lard...................................... lbs. Pork...............................................lbs.. All other................................................ Quicksilver............................................lbs.. Spirits from -rain.................................... galls - Sugar, refined.......................................... lbs. Tobacco, manufactures of: Cigars................................................ All other manufactures of.. Varnish.-............................................galls.. V egetables.................................................. Wearing apparel............................................ W ine................................................. alls.. Wood, and manufactures of: Boards, clapboards, deals, planks, joists, and scantling...........................................M feet - Shingles................................. M Shooks, staves, and headings............................ Hogsheads and barrels, empty......................No-. Household furniture -............................ ---. All other. n. e........................................... Wool, manufactures of...................................... All other articles............................................ 38, 989 85. 914 13, 889 5,122 50,250........... 4, 225 15, 365 2 138 738 6, 466 4, 768 3. 337 795 5, 888 7, 053 " 10.200 1, 520 66 27. 587 187 7, 494 60, 636 1, 016 48. 815 109,151 13. 320 10, 268 30,200...........' 77 4,622 193, 591 76 320........028 2,028 8,032 5, 035 2. 710 1.476 2, 102 10, 297 38 11,413 19, 463 1,489 32, 426 591 8, 722 60. 510 2, 091 95, 515 88. 755 64, 329 36, 094 22, 437 3. 950 86, 484 534..........i' 1, 021 1, 013 13,102 134,427 1 17,738 4, 526 255, 100o 11, 02 15,000 196,294 40,371 4,440 113,550 11,858 1, 813 177,020 10, 727 13, 492............ 39, 030 10. 165 14, 261 24. 638 9,214 145,987 15,606 7,140 612 7,846 31, 398............ 48, 268 1,511 708 1.029 13, 273...- 18. 748 67,776 i............ 80,629 572 1,681 1,519 111, 211 14,561 142, 558 21,781 12,166 19,985 32, 967 12, 456 -.......... 184 129 43,587 - -......... 53,264 67,224............ 65,907 8,489......... 10.545 129.748 I............ 173, 634 5, 821 I 59,346 4, 662 10,025............ 17,639 1, 060 ' 1,348............ 10,939............ 33,379 -.......-.. 2, 697 ' -............ 33,598 7,215 75. 990 11, 081 8,471 16,799 1 2, 536...... 25,180 -........-. 140 175............. 22,195.............. 39; 293............ 4,432............. 78,798............ 136, 596 17, 618 198,546 8,910 125, 025 26,142 131, 902 12, 540 2077 715 12, 244............ 37, 323 3, 123 1, 340 206, 513 20, 569 Q 874 14, 507..........t. - 46,951 466 896.-.......... 17, 605....... —..- 30,443 r 2, 302 1,708 13, 644 143, 044: 12,065 19,274 -......... — 360 813 891............ 62, 145 3........... 71,624............ '12, 370............ 131,534............ 1, 985, 506? TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE{ —.. -.... 724,2671, 1......... 09... 1, 683,446.........2, 288,178 1............I ~I I....... 683 -— 446 - No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. 00 EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE-Continued. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1 885. ARTICLES. ---- --- Quantities. Values. Quantities.1 Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. Quantities. Values. Agricultural implements................................................ Animals.................................................................. Beer, ale, and porter.................................................... Billiard tables and apparatus........................................... Books pamphlets, maps, and other publications......................... Bread and breadstuffs: Bread and biscuit..................................lbs. 654, 921 Oats..............................................bush.. 41,662 W heat............................................bush.. 4.446 Wheat flour.......................................bbls.. 21,221 All other breadstuffs, and preparations of, used as food.............. Carriages, carts, and parts of............................................ Coal.................................................. tons.. 2, 762 Copper, and manufactures of............................................ Cotton manufactures.................................................. Drugs, chemicals, and medicines, n. e. s................................... Fancy articles, n. e.s.................................................... Fish........... Fruits, including nuts................................................ Glass and glassware -. — ----—.- --- - - —........... Jewelry, and manufuctures of gold and silver...............Hats, caps, and bonnets........................................ ---H ayv...................................................tons.. 2, 072 Hemp manufactures........................................ India rubber manufactures.............................................. Iron and steel and( manufactures of...................................... Leather, manufactures of: Boots and shoes..................................pairs.. 32, 349 A ll other.................................................... Lime and cement......................................bbls.. 12, 328 Matches...................................................... Musical instruments................................................ Oils: Mineral...........................................galls 292, 620 All other..................................................... Ordnance stores......................................................... Paints and painters' colors.............................................. Paper.and stationery.................................................... IIII Dollars, 13.516 85,867 40,102 2, 224 14,293 I Dollars............. 11,388............ 149,922............ 12, 024............ 4,076............ 18, 536 34, 224 659, 415 19. 328 52, 837 3. 753 4,366 102, 239 21,741 64,170...... 29,767...... 13,958 2,369 3,972............ 179,902........ 44,168...... 19. 795............ 82, 578. --- — 35, 175...... 14,968. —. --- —11,727s............ 11, 727. 19,998. --- -- 30,811 2,382 19,879...... 13,750............ 601,191............ 59,434 45, 784 54. 589..-... 17,192 12,549 18.790...... 9,268..... —..-.. 55,637 334,713 11,422............ 13,880. 20.186............ 41.010....... 35, 604 29, 886 4,317 111,765 101,470 39, 257 13, 986 7,597 205, 568 48,782 26,991 95, 112 37, 822 18, 254 29, 820 25, 352 35. 679 21, 482 18, 160 815,879 83, 706 71,999 19, 395 14, 170 10,291 51,081 6, 442 7, 599 16, 862 40, 284 677, 923 72, 869 3, 710 34,200 1, 541............ j........-..-::::::::::::[............] 3, 679.............t............ 14,34ii,5 458,674 i............ 3829 Dollars. 21, 250 98,604 22, 568 2, 869 19, 696 40, 748 43, 503 3, 899 185,307 111, 449 31, 926 9. 495 4,1984 300,985 63, 701 49, 769 128,703 55,188 23, 231 31, 526 39, 869 68, 056 29. 222 15,165 536, 632 76. 839 88, 214 25. 687 9, 424 8, 776 74, 059 7, 491 10, 633 27, 441 55.058 Dollars............. 41,662............ 144, 090 ---- --- --- 32,912............ 2,555........... 18,481 661,181 41,452 76, 898 42, 060 6, 620 6. 692 37,236 190,105............ 135,654........... 41,279 4, 972 19, 301 4836............ 4, 836............ 263,414............ 59, 885............ 46, 626............ 122,597............ 50, 594............ 18,548.. —.- --.... 54,303............ (b) 3, 563 53,232............ 32, 378............ 15,847............ 420,709 I -- I 670,380 68, 288 7, 965 43,126........;o/fl........,,,,,,,,, 581...... a.ii/f ""3,416" 40,120......... 32, 5536 394, 956 Dollars. 10, 984 70. 211 38. 728 3. 354 13,507 35, 706 30, 858 6, 576 184. 050 a157. 305 19. 33 4, 795 4, 901 215, 656 47. 999 37, 993 100, 673 43, 950 17., 673 31, 028 (b) 53. 958 40, 758 12. 641 239. 775 82,826 69,677 18, 824 7, 964 6, 629 55,459 4, 920 11, 159 16, 251 23,487 46, 602..... ii:~ia' 11, 546 457,362 92, 746 74, 813 18, 933 4, 793 7, 693 64,131 7, 299 10410 22, 448 35, 518 Provisions: Baon and hams....................................lbs.. 140,426 19,458 161,500 24,877 Beef............................................... lbs.. 248,800 12,066 146,400 7,805 Butter and cheese..................................lbs.. 136,267 33,966 138,918 36,158 Lard................................................lbs.. 125,718 14,808 178,380 25,417 Pork................................................ Ibs.. 195, 900 12, 366 159, 300 13,999 All other............................................................ 44,956............ 52,454 Quicksilver.............................................lbs............................................ Spirits, from grain....................................galls.. 3,512 2,380...... ----- Sugar, refined.........................................lbs.. 190, 826 22,650 295, 218 29,164 Tobacco, manufactures of: Cig ars..............................................M. 1,648 27,983 1,491 23,822 A other manufactures oi........................................... 49, 572............ 66, 332 Varnish..............................................galls 905 1,464 908 1,279 Vegetables....................................... --- —-..................33, 048............ 40,597 Wearing apparel......................................................... 43, 758............ 35,537 Wine.................................................galls.. 3,923 4,526 1,250 1, 312 Wood, and manufactures of: Boards, clapboards, deals, planks, joists, and scantling...........................................M feet.. 19,675 223,816 22,123 259,422 Shingles............................................M.. 16,529 28.752 15,539 29,042 Shooks, staves, and headings......................................... 6,530.. —....... 6, 662 Hogsheads and barrels, empty-.. ----..............No-.. --- —-- -- -- --- -.......... Household furniture................................................. 49,686............ 93, 233 Allother, n.e. s....................................85,384............ 93212 iWool, manufactures of............................................... 3 8.22. 199 Al other articles............................................ 162, 2322............ 169,091 TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF DOMiESTIC MERCHANDISE............ 2, 694, 583............ 3,272,172 208, 028 156, 900 263,727 204,250 150, 900 20,859 356,615 1,232.........:}~o 330.........:. 2,725 23,226 17,994 35,199 11,646 62,603 30, 763 14,679 57,084 18,'139 40,966 20,474 84, 687 491 40,891 74,289 3,190 294,574 36,163 13,414 105, 685 101,804 21, 083 293, 666 210,632........'.i' 233,304 242, 788 147, 700.......i.:. 19, 968 333,743 812.......... 870 o............ 5, 160 22, 512 17,032 35,329 189,722 25 041............ 51,959 245, 515 30, 589 239, 288 13,450 100,700 53,793............ "J..i,'........i.,'..i' c31,223 10,461 34,894 463, 911 16,619 2,795 76,655............ 1,846 540 48,021. (b)............ 6,734............ 326, 913 15,077 32.958 12,096 12, 374............ '"71.i72............ 80,200............ 76,341...... 212,917. --- — I 28,878 10, 216 49,301 26, 894 8, 932 44, 970 c25, 775 35, 674 24,596 71,547 858 47,463 (b) 10,371 195, 892 21,608 13,985.......:.. 50,184 46.177 85,354 191,281 2, 709,573 re2 -- t~~ C4............3,683,460.3,446, 024.......... a Barley, $84,059. b Not enumerated. * Whisky only. No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE-Continued. 1S86. 187. SS. | 1 ARTICLES. Quanti. Values Quanti- Quanti- QuantiABTICLES- _____ ^ ^ "~~~~~Values - jValues, ' g Values. JO^ ties. ties. ties. ties. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Agricultural implements.................. 9. 444 i......... 13, 622 I.......... 9. 296 i......... Animals................................... 90,496.........141,362 i.......... 77,931......... Beer, ale, and porter....................... 41.40354,638 49. 821. - Billiard tables and apparatus.. 1673....... 1,121945......... Books, pamphlets, maps, and.. other publications.............12,681 17,133.8,684........ 2,61......... ------—..... 8, 684 Bread and breadstuff's: Iii Bread and biscuit...-...lbs.. 635,833 35,010 587,579 35, 072 618,927 35.270 712,975 Oats..................bush.. 83 281 35,815 82,832 39.9271 71,994 35,385 79.092 Wheat.... —........... bush 8.250 6.909 10,015 8,917 11,698 9,673 11,238 Wheat flour............bbls. 42,729 182,122 47, 632 190. 163 43, 356 178, 034 49,811 All other breadstuffs, and preparations of, used as food......... 202. 746 2......201,858..........215,288....... Carriages, carts, and parts of......!........ 25. 568......... 40, 232.... - 17,415......... Coal........................tons.. 1,344 9.784 1,995 12,519 1,401 9,895 1,141 Copper, and manufactures of............... 11.344.........3583 839 Cotton manufactures............i.........290. 051.318. 286..........293.986......... Drugs, chemicals, and iuedicines, n.e.s............................54 393......... 57, 226.......... 53,949........ Fancy articles, n.e.s....................... 34,895.... 50,121......... 42,655......... ]FishM 105.............'..12....... 105.242 128.490 110,942......... Frits, i n l u i n 2nt......... --- —-....... Fruits, including nuts.......... 39.250......... 39,304..... 52,321........ Glass and glassware..................... 15,820........23. 762...... 17,274. Hats, caps, and bonnets -----—.........j ---(a)...... (a)..... —.. (a)......... Hay............... tons.. 3,685 54. 088 4,841 64. 591 3,993 69,235 4,933 Hemp manufactures....................... 47,488......... 39. 923 India rubber manufactures.,2-................ |20.339.......... 11 727 Iron and steel, and manufactures of..................................... 357.606......... 405.382........... 265,564......... Jewelry, and manufactures of gold j andsilver......................i......... 15. 297.........18.679 6,901 Leather, manufactures of: Boots and shoes....... pairs.. 38,451 81.263 58,851 95. 729i 45,248 82,737 50,303 All other.............................. 464.463,133......... Lime and cement...........bbls. 9.,313 14.078 j15.510 22.469 11,346 18,364 13,860 M atches......................... 14. 749. 18085......... 1,090 Musical instruments.............!........ 5,907. 4537........ 4537 6, 610......... i89. 1S90. 1S91. 1S92. v le. Quanti- Quanti- QuantiVal ati. Values. a ties. e tValu es. Values. Dlas ties. Qatis. ' Qatie. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 7,886 I.......... 14,769.. —..... 12,736 K......... 6,948 86. 378 i..........167.217..-.. 122,867......... 64. 517 54,254.......... 83,966.......... 92.788......... 88 793 945. 667. 742. ' 945 ---------- 667..........667......... 14,790.......... 18,251.......... 18,667 -........ 17,239 40,198 753,026 44,039 710,665 40,518 701,270 41. 217 32,600 88. 189 39, 213 51.528 29, 9471 52.786 25, 458 10,060 12,467 10, 406 13,700 12, 449 14.663 14,878 224. 244 52,239 222, 056 54,454 248,042 58,538 296, 908 217,410.......... 237,269........ 394, 575......... 328.326 34,931.......... 91,392..... ---. 47,540 ---- 19,651 8,897 2,185 12,128 5,549 26,473 1,362 7,563 5,463........ i 13,153.......... 11,582........ 2,462 345, 289.........402, 523......... 312, 636........ 256,813 66,835.......... 86,509.......... 89,830...-..... 76, 557 40,682....... 57,692.......... 70,633..... (a) 118,647..........140, 867..........146,112......... 125, 506 37,913.......... 43,646.......... 45,940....... 36,923 13,803.......... 25,609..... 21,202......... 15.962 (a) ---------- (a) -........... a) (a) 71,247 5,322 73, 022 5,607 95, 427 7, 209 106, 782 31.306........ 68,784......... 71, 723 --—.... 31.585 19,320......... 24,803....... 29, 425. ---.. 15,933 352, 552 L..........765,126..........762,896......... 483,616 3,693.......... 24.578.......... 39,956........ 24,275 102,604 59.340 117,252 58,141 118, 939 39,487 81,430 72,932.- - 88,636!.......... 81,373........ 54, 944 20,419 19, 134 30,132 21, 199 31, 304 20, 491 27,042 5,463.......... 12.709!.......... 15 285......... 6,270 4,797........ 11,069:.......... 8,372......-.. 4,47(0 Oils: Mineral...............galls..' 531,475 All other..................... Ordnance stores..................I......... Paints and painters' colors................. Paper and stationery...................... Provisions: Bacon and hams.........lbs. - 189, 889 Beef.....................lbs........... Butter and cheese.......lbs.. 246, 515 Lard.....................lbs.. 248,308 Pork.....................lbs. — 99, 217 A ll other.............................. Quicksilver................ Ibs...... Spirits from grain..........galls.. 25,183 Su ar, refined........l.....bs.. 658,486 Tooacco. manufactures of. I cigars....................M. 657 AlA other.............................. Varnish............ ----....galls _ 460 Vegetables................................. Wearing apparel.................... Wine.................glls........... Wood, and manufacture of: Boards, clapboards, deals, planks, joists, and scant.lin................M feet.. 16,935 Shingrles.................. Mt 12,415 Shin~~~les~..{ 12, 415 Shooks. staves, and headings.-......... Hogsheads and barrels, empty......... o........... Household furniture................... All other, n.e. s........................ Wool, manufactures of..................... All other articles.......................... TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE............................ 89,730 788, 860 96, 076 7,933......... 16.348 8. 393......... 14974 21.360o......... 31,118 52,039......... 54. 701 23, 588 205,906 26,850 15,035 93,180 10.308 46,780 261,147 47, 147 23.400 234,264 20. 624 8,207 107,633 5.870 38. 819......... 45.036 N40,454 9 i7,533 1630.279 46,847 922,656 54,630 744,866 201.430 38, 700 175, 646 224, 637 62, 050,19. 427 1, 030, 000 80,192 5936100,118 80,192 401,104 59,366 767,418 100,118 14.553......... 14,720.......... 19,884 13,292.. 12645....... 20,661 23,242......... 19. 563.......... 30.967 48,393......... 54,232.......... 67,051 29,371 219,302 32,519 270,761 37,776 4,633 59,500 6,975 124,910 15,498 38.293 228,857 42, 242 268, 784 45, 719 21,006 277.070 28,267 329,270 29.739 3,181 46,680 3,407 48,300 3,689 49,940......... 35,353.......... 45,067 "/.:..'".. ii...............~."........ii...... 623,460 18.416 b24,249 29,083 647,117 65,797 856,073 59,276 1,280,819 91,833 17, 201 1,155 22,768 860 19,130 93,145......... 117,718...... 144,688 143.................. 470 640 54,278......... 46, 293......... 60,080 ( )......... [ (C)..........I C 62,671......... 67,738 104,675 73,868 158,845 12.550 164,460 19,095 225.296 21.592 10,030 17, 55 9,759 17. 537.).... I QQ 1 O' /Al 1, 335, 861 293,479 117,052 252, 281 327, 170 36, 660 28, 864 1,714,156 1, 768........5' 90 145, 336 30. 007 13, 584 188, 016 452,784 11,575......... 20,383......... 36, 935......... 66,506......... 39, 441 258, 723 15,351 132, 750 47, 950 265, 545 29, 416 361, 110 2, 726 30,850 62, 029......... b48,330 38, 009 104, 156 554, 052 41,477 820 137, 366 140 80 63,921......... (c)......... 105,322 133,262 14. 253 104,1605 525 60, 646 (C) 34,638 201,389 22. 101 1,620 55,592 81,439 85, 446 150. 255 922 18,623 927......... 81.367.......... 120 137 120......... 72, 788................... * } ~ (c)I................. 56,243.......... 16,669 206,470 12. 218 12.646 20.691 10. 743......... 2,.543!......................'i --- - -- - -- -..... 82,199. ----......... 104 748................... 80,816.............. 193,263.......... 58,996 7. 952 9, 439 29,501 59,850 35,005 18,637 52,607 C~ 32,817 0 2,336 41, 250 51,017 '"5i,'6i7 M' 26. 937 17,209 143,145 155 42. 073 (C) f 93, 927 203, 433 21,114 4,402 100 < 54, 428 > 75,536 -' 48,320 251, 380 ~ 36.2. 3,662, 018;. ze C1 My I W' 1,146 62, 576 70, 721 70, 463 203, 173 i......... 140........ - 53,494.-....-..! 83, 7388......... 60, 758 -......... 261, 058.......... 916.-...... 69,093......- 121,249.......... 60, 053.......... 326, 340 271,553 23, 066 7,188 320 86, 179 125, 691 57, 816 343, 079 17, 479 13, 011 3,115, 899.........3,520,593 i.......... 3,025,898..... 3, 336,040.I4,606,900..........J4,606, 900.......... 4, 935, 911 aIncluded in "All other articles."' b Whisky only. Included in manufactures of cotton and of wool. No. 1.-QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM, AND OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE EXPORTED TO, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC., 1871-1892-Continued. EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE-Continued. 18S6. 1887. ISSS. 1| 9. 1890. IS! ARTICLES. QQua. n -tVi- _ __ _ _ - alue_. I QI V I _ _ -alues. QuatQuanti. Values Quanti- quan ti- u Quanties. ties. Values. ties. - lue__ ties. ' ties. ties. ties.~~ Agricultural implements.................. Animals -- ----..... —.......................... Beer, ale, and porter................. Billiard tables and apparatus..-..... Books, pamphlets, maps, and other publications............... Bread and breadstuffs: Bread and biscuit....... lbs. - 635, 833 Oats................ bush. -. 83. 281 Wheat.................bush.. 8. 250 Wheat flour............bbls.. 42, 729 All other breadstuffs, and preparations of, used as food.......... Carriages, carts, and parts of........ Coal........................tons.. 1,344 Copper, and manufactures of............ Cotton manufactures... --- —-.-........ Drugs, chemicals. and medicines, n. e.s. ---......... —......... Fancy articles, n. e. s....................... Fish....................................... Fruits, including nuts..................... Glass and glassware............... Hats, caps, and bonnets.............. ----..... Hay........................tons.. 3, 685 Hemp manufactures....................... India rubber manufactures Iron and steel, and manufactures of............................ Jewelry, and manufactures of gold and silver........................ Leather, manufactures of: Boots and shoes....... pairs.. 38,451 All other....................... Lime and cement........... bbls 9, 313 Matches............... Musical instruments...................... Dollars. 9,444..... 90,496......... 41, 403. 1, 673........ 12,681... 35,010 587, 579 35,815 82, 832 6. 909 10, 015 182, 122 47, 632 202. 746. 25. 568 9.784j 1, 995 11.344..... 290,051.. 54. 393...... 34, 895. 105. 242... 39.250....... 15.820....... (a).......... 54. 088 4, 841 47, 488........ 11, 421,........ 357. 606....... 15, 297........ 81.263 58, 851 74,162.. 14. 078 15, 510 14. 749.. I... 5,907 | Dollars. 13, 622 141, 362 54, 638 1,121 Dollars. 9. 296 77, 931 49. 821 945 Dollars. 7, 886 86. 378 54, 254 945 17,133 1... 35, 072 i 618, 927 39, 927 71, 994 8, 917 11,698 190,163 43,356 201, 858...... 40, 232........ 12,519 1,401 3, 583......... 318. 286........ 57. 226. 50,121.......... 128. 490.......... 39, 304.-..23. 762. ----* (a).......... 64. 591 3, 993 41. 133.......... 20, 339.......... 405. 382.......... 18.679.......... 95. 729 45, 248 78, 464 22, 469 11, 346 18.085......... 4, 537......... 8, 684......... 35. 270 i 712, 975 35, 385 79, 092 9, 673 11,238 178, 034 49,811 215, 288......... 17,415......... 9. 895 1,141 7, 839...... 293, 986 1. -...... 53,949 1... 42. 655...... 110,942......... 52,321...... 17,274 L. (a)........ 69, 235 4, 933 39. 923 - 11,727......... 265, 564......... 6,901!......... 82, 737 1 50, 303 63,133 1......... 18, 364 13, 860 1,090........ 6,610... 14, 790......... 40, 198 753, 026 32, 600 88. 189 10,060 12,467 224, 244 52. 239 217, 410.......... 34, 931.......... 8, 897 2,185 5,463.......... 345, 289..... 66, 835......... 40,682.......... 118, 647.......... 37, 913. 13,803....... I (a).......... 71,247 5,322 31, 306......... 19,320 1.......... 352, 552......-.. 3.693......... 102, 604 59, 340 72, 932...- I 20, 419 19, 134 5,463 -...4,797........... Dollars. 14, 769 167. 217 83, 966 667 18, 251 44, 039 39, 213 10, 406 222, 056 237, 269 91, 392 12, 128 13, 153 402, 523 51. 528 13, 700 54,454 5, 549 91. 1892. Values. Quanti- Values. Dollars. 1 Dollars. 12. 736......... 6,948 122,867......... 64.517 92.788......... 88. 793 742.......... 18,667......... 17,239 40,518 701.270 41,217 29,947 52,786 25, 458 12. 449 14.,663 14. 878 248, 042 58,538 296, 908 394, 575......... 328. 326 47,540......... — 19,651 26,473 1,362 7,563 11, 582........ 2,462 312, 636......... 256, 813 89, 830......... 76,557 70, 633........ (a) 146,112......... 125, 506 45, 940......... 36, 923 21, 202..-. —.;- 15, 962 (a).........! (a) 95, 427 7,209 106, 782 71,723........ — 31. 585 29, 425 -. 15, 933 762, 896......... 483, 616 39, 956....... 24,275 118, 939 39 487 181, 430 81, 373 - 54,944 31, 304 20,491 27,042 15, 285....... 6, 270 8,372......... 4. 470 0 -(9 z z r7I~ 86, 509.......... 57, 692.......... 140, 867.......... 43,646.......... 25, 609.. I (a)!....-.. --- 73,022 i 5, 607 68, 784........-.24,803 765, 126. 765,126.......... 24. 578.......... 117,252 1 58, 141 88, 636!....... 30, 132 21, 199 12. 709.......... 11,; 069 I.......... Oils: Mineral................galls.. 531, 475 All other.......................-.... Ordnance stores........................... Paints and painters' colors............... Paper and stationery...................... Provisions: Bacon and hams........bs - 189,889 Beef..................... lbs..- -. Butter and cheese....... lbs- 246, 515 Lard.................... lbs.. 248,308 Pork..................bs 99,217 All other.................... Quicksilver........... lbs.......... Spirits irom grain.......... galls.. 25,183 Sugar, refine —........ 1.....lbs.. 658, 486 Tobacco, manufactures of: Cigars..................M. 657 All other............................. Varnish.................galls.. 460 Vegetables....................... Wearing apparel....................... W ine ---....-......... alls........... Wood, and maunfacture of: Boards, clapboards, deals, planks, joists, and scantlig................M feet.. 16, 935 Shingles..................M.. 12,415 Shooks, staves, and headings. -. Hogsheads and barrels, empty No......... Household furniture.................. All other, n. e. s -- —....-........... Wool, manufactures of............ All other articles....................... TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE......................... 89,730 788, 860 7.933......... 8,393 - 21, 360......... 52, 039......... 23, 588 205,906 15,035 93,180 46, 780 261, 147 23, 400o 234, 264 8, 207 107,633 38 819......... b4, 454 1"i7,533 46, 847 922, 656 14, 253 104, 605 525 60, 646 (c) 34, 638 922 120.......................... 96,076 | 744,866 80,192 401,104 59,366 767,418 16,348.14.553 --—....... 14, 720..... 14, 974 t *.. 13, 292......... 12, 645.......... 31,118.23,242......... 19,563.......... 54.701....... 48,393.... 54,232.......... 26, 850 201,430 29,371 219. 302 32,519 270,761 10,308 38,700 4,633 59,500 6,975 124,910 47. 147 175, 646 38, 293 228,857 42, 242 268, 784 20,624 224,637 21,006 277.070 28,267 329,270 5,870 62,050 3,181 46,680 3,407 48,300 45.036.......... 49,940......... 35,353.......... b30.279 19,427 b23,460 18,416 5b24,249 29,083 54,630 1,030,000 65,797 856,073 59,276 1,280,819 18,623 927 17,201 1,155 22,768 860 81,367.......... 93,145.........117,718.......... 137 120 143............... — - 470 72,788.......... 54,278......... 46,293.......... (c) I () )................... 56,243.......... 62,671......... 67,738 104,675 206,470 12,218 158,845 12.550 164,460 19,095 20, 691 10. 743 21.592 10. 030 17, 565 9,759 2,543.......... 2,704...... 1,938.......... 1..146........ 140......... 82.199.......... 62,576....... 53,494.......... 104.748........... 70,721 i 83, 738.......... 80,816.......... 70,463.. 60......... 193,263.......... 203,173...... 261,058....... 3, 520, 593..........3,025,898......... 3, 336, 040.......... -~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100, 118 19. 884 20, 661 30.967 67, 051 37, 776 15,498 45, 719 29. 739 3, 689 45,067 547, 117 91,833 19,130 144, 688 640 60, 080 (c) 73, 868 1, 335, 861 293, 479 117,052 252, 281 327, 170 36, 660 128, 864 1, 714, 156 1, 768........ — 'i 90 145, 336 188, 016 452, 784 11, 575....... --- 20, 383......... 36, 935......... 66, 506..-..... 39, 441 258, 723 15,351 132, 750 47, 950 265, 545 29, 416 361, 110 2, 726 30, 850 62,029......... b48, 330 138, 009 104, 156 554, 052 41,477 137, 366 140 63, 921 (c) 105, 322 820 I:80 133, 262 58,996 7. 952 9, 439 29. 501 59, 850 35, 005 18, 637 52, 607 Q. 32, 817 Q 2,336 a 41, 250 51, 017 26, 937 0: 17, 209 143, 145! 155 42. 073 93,927.m 203, 433 ~' 21. 114 4,402 100 54,428 > 75, 536 48,320 > 251, 380 Z 3, 662, 018. ___ 2{ 201,389 1 16. 669 22. 101 12, 646 1,620....... 225, 296 30, 007 17, 537 13, 584 5,408.......... 271,553 17,479 23,066 13,011 7,188 i.... —. 55, 592 81, 439 85, 446 150, 255 916 69,093 121,249 60,053 326,340 320 86, 179 125, 691 57,816 343, 079.I, 4, 606, 900 3,115,899.......... 14, 935, 911 a Included in "All other articles." b Whisky only. cIncluded in manufactures of cotton and of wool, 1b No. 2.-STATEMIENT SHOWIG SEPARATELY THE TOTAL VALUES OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE AND OF GOLD AND SILVER COIN AND BULLION FROM THE UNITED SfATES TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, AND OF THE IMPORTS FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS INTO THE UNITED STATES, FROM 1871 TO 1892, INCLUSIVE. MERCHANDISE. GOLD AND SILVER COIN AND BULLION. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- EXPORTS. EXPORTS. TOTAL EX- TOTAL EXIMPORTS. PORTS AND -----— IMPORTS. PORTS AND!Domestic. Foreign~~~~~~131,Z. IMPORTS. Domestic. Foreign. Total.IPORTS Domestic. Foreign. Total.IMPORTS. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1871................................................ 814.885 43, 730 858, 615 1,143, 244 2,001.859 25,500............ 25, 500 9, 910 35,410 1872................................................ 590. 295 43,469 633,764 1,280,833 1,914, 597 30. 000............ 30,000 4,487 34,487 1873................................................ 631,103 43,088 674,191 1,275,061 1,949,252 23,000........... 23,000 41,209 64,209 1874................................................ 588,280 26,348 614,628 1,016,952 1,631,580 35.000............ 35,000 220 35,220 1875................................................ 621,974 40,190 662,164 1. 227.191 1, 889,355 33,200 33,200 33,200 1876................................................ 724. 267 45,395 769,662 1,376,681 2,146,343 30, 000 9,595 39,595 5,911 45,506 1877-.............................................. 1,109,429 163,520 1,272,949 2,550,335 3,823,284 187,513............ 187.513 81,428 268,941 1878................................................1,683,446 52,653 1,736,099 2,678,830 4,414.929 100,250............ 100.250 9,600 109,850 1879 --- —--—...........-............ --- —-.. —.. — - 2,288.178 86,740 2.374.918 3. 257, 938 5, 632, 856 134, 980............ 134,980 6,626 141,606 188O................................................1,985,506 100,664 2,086,170 4,606,444 6,692,614 214,100 245550 459.650 8,911 468,561 1881 -.........................................i2.694.583 83,489 2,778. 072 5,533,000 8,311, 072 202,685 13, 520 216,205 45,400 261,605 1882............................................... 3,272,172 78,.603 3. 350. 775 7,646, 294 10,997,069 98,945 3,554 102,499 1,100 103,599 1883................................................3,683,460 92,605 3,776,065 8,238,461 12. 014,526 26,098 9,750 35,848 6. 336 42,184 1884................................................ 3,446,024 77,329 3,523,353 7,925,965 11,449,318 1,047,250 43,980 1,091,230 28,336 1,119,566 1885................................................ 2,709. 573 78,349 2, 787,922 8, 857.497 11,645,419 697,800........ 697,800 616,059 1,313,859 1886............................................... 3,115,899 76,799 3,192,698 9, 805, 707 12,998,405 696,929 1,034 697, 963,017 753,980 1887................................................ 3,520,593 101,436 3,622,029 9, 922,075 13,544,104 920,400............ 920,400 18,617 1,039,017 1888...............................................!3,025. 898 59, 305 3,085, 203 11,060,379 14,145.582 310,450............ 310, 450 28,088 338,538 1889............................................... 3,336,.040 39,621 3,375,661 12,847,740 16,223,401 235,300............ 235,300 41,486 276,786 1890................................................4,606,900 104,517 4,711,417 12,313,908 17,025,325 1,133,855............1,133,855 2,624 1,136,479 1891................................................4,935,911 171,301 5,107,212 13,895,597 19, 002,809 927,270............ 927,270 14,520 941,790 1892................................................ 3,662,018 119,610 3,781,628 8,075,882 11,857,510 601,000............ 601,000 46,181 647,181 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _!4, 60 6, 9 00_ _ _ - _ _ No. 3.-STATEMENT SHOWING, BY PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC PORTS, THE TOTAL VALUES OF IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE, UNDERu RECIPROCITY TREATY AND OTHER, FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS INTO THE UNITED STATES, AND OF EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE FROM THE UNITED STATES TO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FROM 1871 TO 1892, INCLUSIVE. CUSTOMS DISTRICTS ON THEPACIFIC COAST. ATLANTIC COAST. San Francisco. Other Pacific ports. YEAR ENDIG JUNE 30 — Imports. Imports. Imports. ________ - ________ ________________j _______~ ________-__ - -------- Exports. Under re- Exports. Under re- Exports. Under reciprocity Other. Total. ciprocityi Other. Total. ciprocity Other. Total. treaty. treaty treaty. Dollars.:Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dolas. 1871............................................... 901.114 901,114 645, 933.......... 186,903 186.903 83.306.......... 65,137 65,137 154.876 1872................................................... 1,048,908 1,048,908 532. 312 ---- 191,117 191. 117 74. 438.45, 295 45, 295 57. 014 18373............................-....-!................ 1.109.890 1,109,890 475, 059.......... 173,601 173,601 39,549.32,779 32,779 182.583 174............................................... 683. 286 683. 286 482. 000 -......... 302, 300 302. 300 91, 113........ 31, 586 31,586 76, 515 1875................-9....................... 997.879 997,879 530. 047.-... --- — 203, 644 203,644 74, 023.......... 25,668 25, 668 91. 294 1876................................... i.......... 1,112,663 1.112. 66' 641 743 2-. --- — J 22 2, 580 222, 580 74,607 47, 349 47, 349 92.907 1877......................-..-..... -...... 1.964.454 303,549 2.268.003 1 1 83. 556 310,201 30. 098 340,299 104,671 2.,699 20, 762 23,461 172.2:35 1878. --- ----- ------- 2.204,180 103,913 2,308 093 1.378,755 308 901 3,711 312.612 160,743 9,173 58, 552 67, 725 296. 851 1879-....................................... 2,934.281 113. 087 3,047, 368 '2.087 591 176. 397 4, 345 180, 742 198,,452 1,760 34, 694 36, 454 223,855 1880....................................... 4, 306,4355 149, 522 4,455.957 2,180,182 1]57,983 690 158,673 168. 401 45 680 725 197, 27 1881............................ 5. 67646 205,323 5,572,969 2. 324. 634 5.431 5.............,43 19579.................... 473802 1882....................................... 71,328,819 170,352 7,499. 171 2, 835, 753 i 63. 820 432 64, 252 206, 076 82,814 57 82,871 308, 946 1883.................................. 7.666. 998 199,948 7,866, 946 2.969,915 11.364 5 11,369 278, 660 351,486 8,660 360,146 527,490 1884.. 7677,516 450 7,911766 2 779.9.! 1 700 1,459 14, 159 330,468 - 40 40 413, 656 1885..-.......8......................... 8 605. 582 242.254 8, 847,836 2, 424. 399 6:094 856 6.950 182, 806 260 2 451 2,711 180,717 1886....................................... 9.532. 1851 241,508 9, 773,693 2, 734, 172 3.994 9 734 6,728 198, 909..25,266 25, 266 259,617 1887... -. -.. 9, 651. 923 266. 636 9, 918, 559 3,082,874 2,125 204 2,329 210,092 99......... 1, 187 1, 187 329.063: 1888....................................... 10,815.934 241,523 11,057,457 2,725,280 2. 550 372 2,922 160,955............ —...-........ 198, 968 1889.....................................1 12,588.593 258. 482 12, 847, 075 3,008. 253... —.... 30 30 i 170, 424.......... 635 635 196, 984 1890................................. 12.058.557 254, 781 12, 313,338 4,006,871.......... 470 470 235, 046.......... 100 100 469, 500 1891....................................... 10. 749.462 3,123. 487 13,872.949 4,299, 63.......... 56 56 306, 778 i. 22,592 22, 592 500. 802 1892....................................... 367.533 7,694,193 8,061.726 3.:;85,747.......... 4,179 4. 179 221,815.......... a9,977 a9,977 174, 066 a Sundries imported from Hawaiian Islands into lake ports, $527, and into St. Louis, Mo., $1., No. 4.-STATEMENT SHOWING THE TOTAL VALUES OF FREE AND DUTIABLE MERCHANDISE IMPORTED FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS INTO THE UNITED STATES, DISTINGUISHING THE VALUES OF ARTICLES NAMED IN THE RECIPROCITY TREATY, TOGETHER WITH THE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS OF DUTY REMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TREATY. IMPORTS. VAILUE OF ARTICLES MADE FREE Free --- of* duty. j- gBY THE TREATY. F~ree of duty._________ __ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- ___ Frf-ty Imported pe Estimated Under the Dutiable. Total. Imported aount of reciprocity Other free s sequent to dutyremitted treaty. treaty. t, -., ~~' ~ Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1868....................................................................... 6,359 6, 359 1,183,041 1.,189,400 1,096,101............................ 1869........................................................., 096,442............................ 1870....................................................................... 7,469 7, 469 1,127,251 1, 134,723 1, o020, s............................ 1871....................................................................... 32. 442 32.442 1,110,802 1,143,244 1,038,641.......................... 1872....................................................................... 52.63652,636 1,228,197 1,280,833 1,076.765............................ 1873....................................................................... 186, 775 186.775 1,088,286 1,275, 061 1,024. 928............................ 1874...................................................................... 176,818 176. 818 810,134 986,952 801. 358............................ 1875....................................................................... 168,771 168.771 1,058,420 1,227,191 1,017.451........................... 1876..................................................................... 192.071 192,071 1,181, 610 1,376,681 1,154,348 -—............. 1877......................................................... 2. 277. 354 108,012 2, 385,366 164,969 2, 550, 335.............. 2, 277 354 1, 064, 225. 00 1878... 2 522. 254 119, 374 2. 641, 628 37, 202 2, 678, 830.' o 5 1, 09,84.0 1878.......................................................... 2, 522, 254 1,029, 854. 00 1879......................................................... 3, 112. 438 131,550 3. 243, 988 13,950 3,257, 938.............. 3, 11 438 1,387. 380. 00 1880......................................................... 4.464, 463 101,455 4, 565. 918 40.526 4,606,444.............. 4,464463 2,009, 060.00 1881......................................................... 5,373,077 144,660 5. 517. 737 15, 263 5,533,000.............. 5,373,077 2,604,776.00 1882......................................................... 7, 475,453 146,237 7.621,690 24,604 7,646,294 7,475,453 3,539,293.00 1883......................................................... 8.029,848 166,089 8,195,937 42,524 8,238. 461.............. 8,029, 848 4,279,975.00 1884......................................................... 7,690,216 209,784 7,900,000 25.965 7,925,965.............. 7,690, 216 3,307,270.00 1885......................................................... 8,611, 936 205,131 8,817, 067 40,430 8, 857. 497.. 8,611. 936 4,103,775.00 1886......................................................... 9,536,179 205,745 9,741,924 63,783 9.805, 707.............. 9,.536 179 4,590. 282.15 1887......................................................... 9,654048 238.841. 9,892,889 29,186 9,922,075......9. 9654048 524.813.96 1887... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~9, 654.,048 238. 841 9,892,889 29. 186 9192"1 075........9, 654,048 5, 224. 813. 96 1888...................................................... 10.818.484 231,554 11,050.038 1 10,341 11,060.379.............. 10,818,484 5,30U5,891 62 1889......................................................... 12.588.593 244,317 12,.832,910 14,830 12,847,740.............. 12, 588, 593 5,452,381.97 1890................... --—.... --- —--------!........ 12,058,557 251.201 12,309,758 4,150 12,313,908.............. 12058,557 5,046, 145.96 1891......................................................... 10,749. 462 3,116.186 13.865,648 29.949 13, 895.597 -...... 10,749,462 5,721,061.28 1892......367,533 7,694, 543 8, 062, 076 13, 806 8, 075. 882........ 7 367,533 168, 518.25 a The collector of customs at San Francisco, under date of February 26. 1886, forwards the statement of his appraiser that the polariscopic test of the Hawaiian sugar brought into that port during the fiscal years 1884 and 1885 would average a little above 93o. The estimated duty remitted has therefore been, since 1883, computed, on sugar not above No. 13, at 2.12 cents per pound, which is the ecuivalent of the polarisoopic test above indicated. COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 45 NO. 5.-STATEMENT SITOWING THE QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MOLASSES AND BROWN SUGAR IMPORTED FROIM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS INTO TIHE UNITED STATES FRIOM 1868 TO 1876, INCLUSIVE. Total value YEAR ENDING JUNE 30- Molasses. Sdard a in color. and molasses. Gallons. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. 1868....................................... 393, 573 58, 063 18, 241,062 956, 898 1, 014, 961 1869...-...-.............. 269,094 41,136 16, 314,482 1,087, 433 1,128, 569 1870...-..-.. —............ 78. 774 1],255 14,016,181 901,645 912,900 1871...................................... 127.888 18. 270 15, 018, 469 935, 909 954. 179 1872...................................... 135, 853 21,398 15,357,784 92:3,441 944, 839 1873...................................... 65, 217 10, 512 15, 743,146 934, 824 945, 336 ]874...................................... 117,541 17,197 13, 575, 674 740, 786 757, 983 1875...................................... 63, 578 8, 961 17,888, 000 938. 676 947, 637 1876...................................... 67,256 9, 075 20,978,374 1,051,987 1,061,062 No. 6.-STATEMENT SHOWING THE QUANTITIES AND VALUES OF MOLASSES AND BROWN SUGAR IMPORTED FROM THE HAWAIIAN qf^ ISLANDS AND ENTERED FOR CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES; ALSO THE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS OF DUTY REMITTED, [Free of duty under reciprocity treaty, act of Congress approved August 15, 1876, which went into effect September 9, 1876.] YEA &R END- _______________SUGAR, DUTCH I-NG JUNIE Molasses. ING JUNE Molasses. Above No. 7 and not Above No. 10 and not Above No. 30 — above No. 10. above No. 13. above Gallons. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. 1877......... 138, 072 23,509 3,980 804 230,155 11,291. 315 i714.490 10,183,556 1878........... 87,534 14,449 2, 437. 920 161, 922 10,805,283 757, 734 12,227,780 1879........... 98,112 14,936 8,174,146 501, 850 16,615,686 1,099,.164 15,670,564 1880........... 111,950 19,835 7, 793,349 450,030 28, 416, 596 1, 892. 737 23,868. 886 1881...........198,987 35,037 5, 373,005 286.707 28. 486,589 1,774,952 43,049,613 1882........... 152,700 25,256 3,952,806 182,873 53 228, 379 3. 416, 318 44, 973, 293 1883........... 238,773 37,493 5,179, 726 243,582 55,797, 719 3,553,651 50,921, 114 1884.......... 163,347 22. 964.. 78,249,593 4, 287, 730 44, 993, 790 1885 71.649......... 9054..6. I...116,365 606 5.490,517 52.193.920 o1886 - 61,127 78....... 7,786 i ---- 33 638 543 6,275,442 57.331,700 1887........... 113,574 14,712..................... 157,390. 339 6,535,021 60.740,925 1888........... 52, 582 6,417..................203,137, 535 9,.119,899 25,402,978 1889........... 48,140 6,148............ —........235. 445. 211 11. 641,490 7,879,472 1890........... 81,443 9,314......................217, 674, 338 11, 139. 862 6, 782, 673 1891...........76,019 8.550 -...... 169,157, 107 7,682,749 138,097,909 1892......... 51,139 5.911................................... I ^i --- -- - - -- 3TANDARI.13 and not I No. 16. I Dollars. 737, 525 963. 550 1,118,118 1,689,061 2,865, 362 3, 026,298 3, 385. 194 2,702. 792 2, 654, 762 2,856, 511 2, 713, 232 1,140, 149 437,028 409,966 5,469, 975 ) IN COLOR. Total Estimated ------------------ - value of duties Above No. 1.6 and TALsugar and remitted. a not above No. 20. molasses. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 5,186,406 426, 303 30,642,081 2, 108,473 2, 131,982 986.,475.30 4,897. 345 391, 24 30,368.328 2. 274.430 2,288,879 989.,602.02 1, 232,673 92,061 41,693,069 2,811,1932,826,129 1,266,554.77 1,477,493 103,659 61,556,324 4, 135,487 4,155,322 1,881,563.44........... 76, 909, 92 9 4.927. 021 4.962,058 2,427,777.57 4,027,380 292,595 106,181,858 6,918, 084 6,943,340 3,314,938.90 2,234,111 157,606 114,132,670 7,340,033 7,377, 526 3.554,139. 96 1. 905,297 117,770 125, 148.680 7. 108, 2927,131,256 2,959,913.39 1,093,257 52, 865 169, 652,783 8,198,144 8,207, 198 3,937,947.32 762. 932 34, 873 i 191. 733,175 9, 166,826 9, 174,612 4,435,091.90 159,571 7,098 I 218,290,835 9, 255. 351 9, 270,063 5. 016,3:80.71.... - 228,540,513 210260,04810,266, 465 5. 007.200.92 *..........I - 243,324,683 12,078,518 12,084,666 5. 210. 049.55.......-__. 224, 457,011 11,549,828 11,559, 142 4. 804. 477.19.......... 307 255 016 13. 152, 562 '13,161,274 b5, 544,150. 73..................... 26 12,612 405 7 442, 04 7,447,958 (b) a The collector of customs at San Francisco, under date of February 26, 1886, forwards a statement of his appraiser that the polariscopic test of the Hawaiian sugar brought into that port during the fiscal years 1884 and 1885 would average a little above 93~. The estimated duty remitted has therefore, since 1883, been computed, on sugar not above No. 13, at 2.12 cents per pound, which is the equivalent of the polariscopic test above indicated. b Duty remitted calculated only to April 1, 1891, when sugar imported from all conntries was made freo, No. 7.-STATEMENT SHOWING, BY ARTICLES, THE VALUE OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED INTO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS DURING THU CALENDAR YEARS 1875 AND 1891. [From report of Hawaiian collector-general of customs.] ARTICLES. Imported into Honolulu. Ale, porter, beer, cider................ Animals and birds.................... Building materials.................... Clothing, hats, boots.................. Coal and coke......................... Crockery, glassware, lamps and lamp fixtures............................. Diplomatic representatives' sundries.. Drugs, surgical instruments, and dental materials........................ Dry goods: Cottons........................... Linens............................ Silks.............................. Woolens.......................... Mixed goods................ Fancy goods, millinery, etc........... Fertilizers and bone mieal............. Fish (dry and salt).................... Flour.................................. Foreign navies......................... Fruits (fresh)......................... Furniture............................. Furs and ivory........................ Grain and feed......-.................. Groceries and provisions.............. Guns and gun materials............... Gunpowder........................... His Majesty (sundries)................ Hawaiian Government (sundries)... Hardware, agricultural implements, and tools............................ Iron and steel, etc..................... J.welry, plate, clocks................. Leather............................... Lumber............................... Machinery............................I M atches............................... 1S 75.18 91891 compared with 1875. IS9 1. 1875. Dutiable. Free. In bond. Total. Dutiable. Dolas Dollars. 16,660.70 434.00 31,016.91 166,907.97 Dollars. 822.40 34, 357.19 Dollars. 16,165.89 1,469.'64 13, 278. 42 ---------............. 1, 685. 94 18, 348.56 161,.260.11 12, 297. 23 13,760.77 39,142.26 39, 519. 02 44, 512.58 14, 781. 74 45,042.84 2,232.00 19, 082. 52 265.55 12.200.37 72,442.46 5,335.11 1,080.41 77,146. 55 18,075.88 15, 836.16 7,861.26 70,779.59 14,432.70 11,089.40........... 2,648. 00........... 2, 204.43........... 25.02........... 70. 62 1........... 1.433.15 I............ 263..3.^^ "I 1i5.'275.40'........... 531.86........... -30,885.3.6 23........... 290.00............ 100. 00 8,3.3...........5. 7,800............ 2. 0........... o372. 83 6,170.77...................... 20.00........... 6. 07,0...7,872.60................. 72. 342... -.... 20.......... 6 8.07...... 7 -. 2. 60 7.....,172. 4............... Dollars. 33,648. Ab 434.00 31,016.91 168,377.61 34, 357.19 13, 278.42 1,685.94 20,996.56 163,464.54 12, 322. 25 13,831. 39 39,142. 26 40, 952.17 44,776.31 14, 781.74 55, 930.57 -23,346.83 2,232.00 19,082. 52 15,540.95 12, 732.23 103,328.02 5,625.11 1,180.41 8,350.53 7,800.00 77,519.38 24,246.65 15, 856.16 8,549.33 78,652.19 23,605.12 11,089.40 Dollars. 80,230. 33 492.77 114,915. 57 240,497.28 46,025.89 62, 201. 00 104,453.76 30,438.16 29, 376.96 134, 774.12 26,881.14 141,461.04 12, 830 16 2, 224. 05 1, 637.91 57,956. 01 '"25.230.:22 170,800. 38 5, 827. 95 11,151.51 Free under In bond. Free by Total. treaty. civil code. ota Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars.............. 18, 033.58. — - -...... 98, 263. 91 114,436.57........... 4,564.53 119,493.87 70. 675.36...................... 185,590.93 164, 903. 43 311.14........... 405,711. 85 10,783.54........... 157, 108.04 167,891.58............. 22.75.46,048.64........................1,756.20 1,756.20............. 1,171.26........... 63,372.26 188.185.70 402.15...........293,041.61............. 2,689.27.... 33, 127.43................................... 29,376.96 9,174.79 806.64..-... 144,755.55 657. 67...................... 27, 538.81 6,679.99 204.60 i....... 148,345.63 -..............-...-.....106,662.06 106,662.06 89,243.49 - - ---.... 102,073.65 271,661.82................273,885.87............. -...........2 934 00 22, 934.00 10.964.36.......... 12,602.27 54,655.42....................j 112,611.43 439,479.24...........I........... 464, 709. 46 454,655.07 3, 900. 25........ 629,355.70 4, 458. 69 112. 08........... 10, 398. 72........................ 11,151. 51............. 3........... 017.88.,1.8 3,017.88.~~~~~~~99, 960.42 99, 960.42....................... 99,960.42 99,960.42 231,355.07 1, 1378.92.......... 316,105.38 46, 976.53........... 28, 748. 09 98, 357. 39............ 22,115.00 ---....... 92,826.43 39, 465 59 i...................... 40, 711. 05 296,048.29......... 296.6249 456,864.46 | 36,877.00...........854,772.70 12,859.93..........I........... 13,839.99 Dollars. Dollars. 64, 614.92.......... 119,059.87.......... 154, 574.02 I.......... 237, 334.24.......... 133, 534.39.......... 32, 770.22......... 70.26.......... 42,375.70......... 129, 577.07.......... 20,805.18.......... 15,545.57.......... 105, 613.29....................... 13,413. 36 103,569.32....... —. 106, 662.06.......... 87, 291.91.......... 217, 955.30.......................i 412.83 10, 370.27.......... 93,528.91..................... 15,540.95 451, 977.23.......... 526,027.68 I.......... 4, 773.61 9, 971.10........ '"-: ----,-1' 5 332.65 92, 160.42.......... 238,586.00.......... 74,110.74......... 76,970.27.......... 32,161.72.......... 217,970.30.......... 831,167.58 I.......... 2,750.59 i......... Increase. Decrease. 83,371.39 22, 632.77 70,711.43 1,245.46 574.20 361,031.24 980. 06 No. 7.-STATEMENT SHOWING, BY ARTICLES, THE VALUE O0 MERCHANDISE IMPORTED INTO THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, 1875 AND 1891 -Continued. ARTICLES. Dutiable. Imported into Honolulu-Continued. Dolrs. Musical instruments.................. 4,764. 53 Naval stores........................... 18, 600. 22 Oils (cocoanut, kerosene, whale, etc.). 17, 926.91 Opium............ —..........-....... 11,295,90 Paints, paint oils, and turpentine..... 15, 316.61 Perfumery and toilet articles.......... 6, 320. 82 Plants and seeds. —.. ----.. —..-.................. Postage stamps.................................... Railroad materials, rails, cars, etc............. Returned cargo................................. Saddlery, carriages, and materials.... 21,515. 96 Sheathing metal.................................... Shooks, bags, and containers.......... 28, 677. 04 Spirits................................ 3, 229.63 Stationery and books.................. 25, 472. 07 Tanning materials................................. Tea................................... 9, 593.47 Tin, tinware, and materials........... 3, 637. 56 Tobacco, cigars, etc................... 26, 382.84 W halebone......................................... Whaling gear......................... 515.06 Wines, ight.......................... 4, 831.51 Sundries, by statute................................ Sundry personal and household effects.............. Sundry merchandise not included in the above........................... 22,648. 96 Sundry merchandise imported by whalers............................. 1,034. 85 Sundry unspecified merchandise...... 2, 573. 08 Charges on invoices................... 38,153.41 Twenty-five per cent added on uncertified invoices....................... 5,117.21 Total imports into Honolulu.... 1, 212, 430. 71 1S75. Free. In bond. Total. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 4...................... 74,64.53........... 12,025.66 30, 625. 88......-.... 29,250.80 47,177.71............11, 220. 36 22, 516.26........... 8. 00. 15,396.61........... 1,669.52 8,020.34 230.02........... 230.02" 87.50........... 87.50 1,007.00........... 1,007.00 21. 515.96.................... 21,515.96 2,551.40........... 2,551.40 368.24 11,867.93 40,913.21. —...I46,216.67 49,446.30 2,085.95.......... 27, 558. 02 411.13....... 411.13........... 699.45 10,292.92........... -3,637.56........... 15,689.79 i 42,072.63!........... 41, 095.08 41,095.08........... 550.00 1,065.06........... 9,857.29 14,688.80 1, 619.4:8....48 1,6i9. 48 -......... 15,359,25 38,008. 2 85,229.67........... 86,264.52........... 80. 00 2,653.08........... 5,159.02 43,312.43 1891. s1891 compared with 18S75. Dutiable. Frete unde In bond. i Free b. Total. Increase. Decrease. Dollars. 10,283. 01 13,530. 81 27, 399. 01 67, 336. 63 19, 416.91 Dollars. 3,072.85 70, 059. 45 146. 997. 06 3,794.00 5, 727.89.............- - - - I - - - -..... 81,592. 60 24,105.99 50, 457. 34 38,636. 62...-..... ~ 3,526.95 141,276.16 10,636.62 9,031.12............. 14, 466.83 55, 925.85........................... 18, 129.30 ---- - -- - 9,269.73............. 25, 888.82 183,491.25 105,470.75.'...................|....................................... Dollars. Dollars. Dollars...............,a13,.86 | 871 ~.1........... '84.461.39,1,950.00........... 176,346.07..........:.::::! ~:~ ~ I "406.'25..... -...... '71, 536. 88 91.31............ 25,236.11...................::....................................... 698. 59.'^'.".''................... 5,698.59 1,990.93........... 91,084.89........... 1,910.62 5,437.57 6,029.36........ 157,942.14 98,718. 67.. 107, 749.79 63.23 1,946.70 72,402.61........ ---------—::::............. 330. 00........... 18, 459.30................... 9.269.73 28,126.28...... 207,506.35............................. - _........... 16,598,39 16,598.39........... 19,456.20 19.,456.20 Dollars. Dollars. 8,591.33.......... 53,835.51.......... 129,168.36....................... 22,516.26 56,140.27.... ----.17,215.77...-.. —.-............. 230.02.......... 87.50 105,698.59 -—,-' ---...........- I 1,007. 00 69,568.93.......... 2,886.17.......... 117,028.93.......... 58,303.49.......... 44,844.59.......... 411.13 8,166.38 1........8 5,632.17.......... 165,433.72.......... -- - - - 41,095.08............ 1,00.06 106,571.96.......... 16. 598.39.......... 17,836.72.......... 127,708.81 -—.................... 86,264.52............. 2,653.08 77,133.89.......... I I 101,045.66 63,170.76 1.,500. 6Q..................................... 77, 387. 58 40,103.76.2,954..98 4, 037.62........................ i........... 165, 717. 02........... I........................ 4120,446.32...........I 4,037.62 ~.-.... —. — 57. 21 5, 174. 42.............. 1,136.80 176,124. 05 301,284. 98 1, 689, 839. 74 2, 615, 972. 64 I3,593, 434. 06.246, 847.:39 1464,663.13 6, 920,917.2' 2 5, 231, 077.42.....-.. Discounts........................................ Discounts on United States currency............. Damaged and short...............................!........... Total deductions................ -- -- I.......'..... 11, 420. 20 12,718.80 3,652. 22 11, 420. 20 12. 718. 80 3, 652. 22 20, 346.99 6,211.91 6,260.83............. 415.14........... 33,296.64 61.77........... 5.505.42 -—........ -7]-~7922~ 27. 791. 22 26, 607. 82 6,211.91 476. 91-.4,04.......... COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 16080 —4 50 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. No. 8.-STATEMENT SHOWING TIHE TOTAL VALUES OF FREE, DUTIABLE, AND BONDED COMMODITIES IMPORTED INTO THE, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS DURING EACH CALENDAR YEARL FROM 1875 TO 1891, INCLUSIVE. [From the animal reports of the Hawaiian collector-general of customs.] MERCHANDISE. YEAR ENDING DECEM- Fe tne pce BER 31- Dutiable. Free of Freei ndroiy Bne. Ttl dt. treaty. -Dollar:. -Dollar:. Dollar:. Dollar:. Dollars. Dollars. 187.5.......... 1,184, 518. 29 1-76, 800. 95 --- —--— 321, 151. 79 1, 682, 471. 0.3 52, 454. 13 1876...........1,053,959.15 247,930.56 343,830.95 166,049.90 1,811, 770.56 107,725.29 1877.......... 1,117,071. 46 126,216. 81 1, 100, 642.52 210, 425. 30 2,554, 356. 09 123, 139. 45 1878...........1,087,652.71 112,570.82 1, 61.9,987. 61 226,158.56 3,046, 309.70 184, 527.42 1879.......... 1,585, 833. 67 149, 639. 41 1, 820, 1355. 33 187, 149. 98 3, 742, 978. 39 160, 500. 00 1880...........1,285, 521.60 126,615.36 2,026,557.90 234, 573.55 3,673,268.41 510,161.20 1881...........1,431, 796. 73 155, 277. 97 2, 646, 577. 12 314, 326. 82 4, 547, 978. 64 236, 626. 55 1882.......... 1,686, 768. 93 238, 759. 91 2, 788, 974. 63 260, 006. 54 4, 974, 510. 01 545, 702. 66 1883...........1,843,697.94 267,280.68 3,169,415.70 343,845.77 5,624,240.09 651, 748.73 1884~........ 1,449,750. 73 257, 758.90 2, 619,511.74 310, 492.85 4,6017,514.22 1, 180,301. 54 1885......... 1,095, 778. 07 214,007. 28 2,302, 181. 37 218,577. 86 3,8:30, 54-4.58 724, 075.70 1886...........1, 544, 034. 12 264, 419. 50 2, 831, 879. 32 237, 405. 79 4, 877, 738, 73 1, 142, 940. 10 1887.......... 1,740, 848. 47 253, 239. 56 2, 692, 436. 31 257, 316. 38 4, 943, 840. 72 900, 353. 50 1888....I...... 1,581, 202. 21- 335, 380. 00 2 467, 687. 56 156, 617.69 4,540, 887.46 1,209, 077.25 1889.......... 1,701, 715. 15 423, 130. 54 3, 164. 335. 73 149, 609. 21 5, 438, 790. 63 -1,149, 517. 20 1.890......... 2, 357, 074. 40 432, 238. 11 3, 978, 022. 3 6 194, 866, 26 6,962, 201. 13 829, 222. 30 1891...........2,642, 182. 97 553, 957. 57 3, 996, 881. 63 246, 460.48 7, 439,482. 65 978,355.25 No. 9.-STATEMENT SHIOWING, uBY COUNTRIES, THE TOTAL VALUES OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED INTO THE H&WAwIA-N ISLANDS DURING EACH CALENDAR YEAR FROM 1875 TO 1891, INCLUSIVE. [From the annual resports of the Hawaiian collector-general of customs.] DECEMBER31- United States. Untd Germany. France. China. All other Ttl Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. -Dollars. -Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1875...... 947,260. 44 180, 922. 50 180, 028. 66........ 36, 574, 65 337,684.78 1, 682,471. 03 1,876......1,115.237.97 83, 350. 60 214, 574. 23........ 51,316.78~ 347,290.98 1,811,77).56 1877......1, 765, 164. 47 291, 706. 15 202,149. 34....... 32, 119. 53 263, 216. 60 2, 554, 356. 09 1878........ 2, 053, 726. 57 549,115. 64 119, 746. 45 19, 078. 81 83, 793. 11 220, 909. 12 3, 046, '369. 70 1879........ 2,24,25.09841, 945. 15 190,743. 751 33, 854.05 125,903. 40 256, 279. 95 3, 742, 978. 39 1880......2, 671,823.93 622, 066. 87 48, 688.99 16, 825. 15 121, 219. 26 192, 644. 21- 3, 673, 268. 41 1881......3. 241,030. 87 871, 854. 75 1,33,713.23 21,261. 15 77, 082. 79 200, 0135. 85, 4, 547, 978. 64 1882......3, 558,932. 22 798, 753. 46 185, 189.57 18, 212. 30 138, 837. 47 274, 584. 99 4, 974. 510. 01 1883......4, 058, 486. 79 939, 294. 74 216, 331. 88 30, 934. 35 70, 093. 41 309, 098. 92 5, 624, 240. 09 1884......2, 835, 127. 16 715, 532. 56 197, 346.05 21,720. 59, 179,161. 75 688, 626. 11 4, 637, 514. 22 1885......2,940, 837. 00 456, 996. 15 155, 893.34 14, 383.67 118, 864. 15 143, 570. 27 3, 830, 544. 58 1886. --- —-3, 724,995. 62 551, 710. 68 145, 207. 86 11,494.48 257, 913. 26 186, 416. 78f 4, 877, 738. 73 1887......2, 659,166. 90 661, 540. 93 182, 343. 33 11, 604.96 258, 085. 99 171, 098. 611 4, 94~, 84(1.72 1888......3,329, 512. 44 652, 171. 71 1.83,124. 85 9, 281.53 199, 706. 34 1.67, 0.90, 59~ 4, 540, 887. 46 1889......4,3(15, 620. 67 674, 831. 42 90, 741. 17 4,781.03 200. 925.54 161, 890.80: 5,438, 790. 63 1890......5, 259, 154. 36 1, 104, 022. 12 148, 288. 27 7, 703.62 a277, 607.04 165, 425. 72 6, 96, 201. 13 1891......6, 294, 278. 57 1, 201, 329. 43 384, 145. 95.......227, 392. 38 332, 336. 32 7, 439, 482. 65 a China and Japan. NOTO.-The imports free under general tariff laws not being stated by countries their value has been oredited to "all other countriss.", The yvalue of such imports represents about 8 per oent of the total rimports. NO. 10.-STATEMENT SHOWING THE QUANTITIES OF THE PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF SPECIE EXPORTED FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS DURING EACH CALENDAR YEAR FROM 1878 TO 1891 INCLUSIVE. [From the annual reports of the Hawaiian collector-general of cnstoms.] YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31 -COMMODITIES. I 1878. 1879. 1880. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. Sugar............... - lbs.. 38,431,458 49,020,972 63,584,871 114,107,155 1142,654,923 171,350, 314 216, 223.615 212,763, 647 235,888,346 242,165, 835 259,798,462 274,983,580 Rice................. lbs..1 2. 767,768 4,792,813 6, 469,840 11, 619, 000 j 9,493, 000 7,367,253 7,338 615 13, 684, 200 12,878.600 9, 669, 896 10, 579, 000 4,900,450 Paddy............Ibs.-i 2,784,801 1 38, 81a ---- 1,368,705 46,224........... 400 911 ---------------- 562...8 Wool...............-lbs.l 522, 757; 464,3 08 381,316 31,271 407.623 474,12 48,784 75911 562,289 241,925 374.724 97,119 Tallow........ l....bs. 239,941............ 19,169 32,252 2.864............ 21.305 56 713 204,743 97,125 33,876 27, 225 Pulu.................lbs. 212, 740 137, 001 44. 846........... 465 -...............4.............................................. Coffee -............ ---lbs. 127,963 74, 275 99.508 I 16.057 4.231 1. 675 5.931 5,300 7130 43,673 88.593 3.051 Molasses...........galls.. 93,136 87.475 198,355 193,977 110,530 57,941 113,137 71,222 47,965 54, 612 74,926 55,845 Peanuts --- —-— lbs_ 2,312 2)7, 3`75-.......-.......... P eanuts.............Ibs — 2,312 | 27,575............,I............ j.........-..............i....................................................... Goat skins...........No.. 64.525 24, 940 31,013 24,798 20 125 19,782 21,173 16,233 17,589 11,715 8,661 7,316 Fungus.............lbs. 22,364 2,571 14,801 3,783 2,247 1,137...............................................................-.-.. W hale oil..........galls.. 7,254............ 14,662.........I.............................................................................. W hale bone.......... bs.. 14, 65 816,9 7........................................................................................... 14, 865 816 10,977 Bananas.......bunches.. 13, 431 12,369 19,164 44. 902 58,040 60,046 45,862 58..938 71, 335 105 630 97. 204 116.660 Hides..N..............No. 25,309 24,885 22,945 38,955 21.026 19,045 31,207 } 28,639 24. 494 27,158 28, 196 26, 427 Ruin.......... galls.. 4.799 2,184 840........................................ ------..........................gl..7........2 8 Sheep skins No..........o................ 2,230 6,583 8,038 8,783 9,255 6,871 5.629 6,188 1 7,565 7,100 Cattle................No.. 467 50................................................. 174 93........................ Poi —...............bbls.. 442 167 30...................................................................................... —..Betel leaves......boxes.. 221 62 223 1,026 416 350 295 741 356 473 183 185 Salt................ tons.. 180 5014............................ 50............0........................ Calfskins...........No.. 651 168 80 190 117 26 105 82 52.................................... Dried bananas....boxes...................................... 106 892................................................................... Taro flour........... Ibs............................................................................. 440 1,840 1,318 5,100............... Tarotlour~~~~~~~~lbs..... 1....~~~~~~~~ 440 1,840 1, 318 5, 100 t.... A wa................. lbs.......................................................................... 20.372 9,636 9,209.................................... Awa~~~lbs. - 20,372 9,636 ~~~~~~~~ 9,209....... Specie.............dolls.. (a) (a) (a) (a) 671,688 I 64,602 43. 128 21,277 28,520 46,909 13,675 24,000 a No specie reported in the Hawaiian official tables. 52 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. No. 11.-STATEMENT SHOWING, BY COUNTRIES, THE VALUES OF EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE FROM AND INTO THE HIAWAIIAN ISLANDS DURING TIHE CALENDAR YEAR 1891. [From the annual report of the Hawaiian collector-general of customs, 1891.] EXPORTS. IMPORT IMPORT TOTAL E S ~~~~EXPORTS. IMPORTAND IMPORTS. COUNTRIES.___ _ _ Domestic. Foreign. Total. Per Values. PPer cent. cent. cent. United States: Dollars. Dllars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pacitic ports...... 10,094,540.42 101,738.05 10,196,278.47 99.40 4,922,060.96 66.17 15,118,339.43 85.37 Atlantic ports -........3........................... 372,217. 61 5. 03 372, 217.61 2.12 United Kingdom....................................... 1,201,329,43 16.15I 1,201,329.43 6.79 G ermany........... 10,170. 00...... 10, 170.00.10 384,145. 95 5. 161 394, 315. 95 2.22 Austral a, NewZea- 738.98 3,299.94 4,038.92.04 185. 156.60 2.47 189,195.52 1.08 laind.............. China and Japan... 150. 00 31,501.48 31,651.48.30 287,955,79 3. 87 329,07.27 1.81 British Columbia_. 62. 00 28..0 90. 00 28,464. 00. 38 28, 554. 00.17 Whale ships........ 15. 50 2, 391.35 2, 406. 85.02 16, 825.75.22 19,232.60.13 Islands in Pacific... 1,638.77 12,513.78 14,152.55.14 10,168.69.14 24, 321.24.14 France.......................................... 21,665.96.29 21,665.96.12 All other.................................. 9,491.91.12 9,491.91.05 Total........ 10,107,315.67 151,47260 10,258,788,27100.00 7,439,482.65100.00 17,698,270.92100.00 No. 12.-STATEMI:NT SHOWING irimE NUMBER, TONNAGE, AND NATIONALITY OF VESSELS ENTERED AT EACh CUSTOMS DISTRICT OF THlE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS DURING TIlHE CALENDAR YEAR 1891. [From the annual report of the Hawaiian collector-general of customs, 1891.] CUSTOMS DISTRICTS INTO WHICH, AND COUNTRIES FROM WHICH ENTERED. HONOLULU. United States: Pacific ports.............. Atlantic ports......... A ustralia and New Zealand.. British Columbia............. China and Japan............. Islands in North and South Pacific.................. Germany..................... United Kiligdomn.............. Kahului...................... Mahukona.................... (Central America.............. South America............... Hilo.......................... KAHULUI. United States: Paci tic ports.. British Columbia........... Australia and New Zealand - - Honolulu...........-..... HILO. United States: Pacific ports.. M exico....................... Honolulu.................... Australia and New Zealand.. MA HUKONA. United States: Pacific ports.. Honolulu..................... China......................... American. British. Hawaiian. German. All other. TOTAL. No. 123 4 28 4 1 3 1 Tons. 105, 284 3, 907 30,489 3, 837 3,128 561 947 No. 10 7 1 8 Tons. 21, 627 12, 577 1,799 11,765 No, 9 1 4 Tons. 20, 210 980 4, 905 1... 1 -.. No. I 1 3 2 1 4 1........... 8 939 4 4,938........... 2 |1,166 -1 -- I- - - - I -'1 1 '-: 1 22 2 2 5 12 1 2 3 7 1 628 6,272 1, 398 984 2,229 5, 724 394 1,221 1,790 2,532 1, 400 I "i 904 81 Tons. 'I460 2, 873 1, 200 5, 169 871 L 1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.... I'.. ' I I '- --.' -......... 1'' -.. ' I.....'' -.. --- —. I - - -- - 1 -- - ' No. 2 8 6 Tons. 1,879 6,737..8,.637.. 8, 637........................................................ No. 144 6 47 5 18 11 2 9.... 2 2 1 1 23 2 3 5 13 1 2 1 3 8 1 Tons. 149, 000 5, 347 54, 708 5, 636 26, 403 1,500 1, 200 11, 054 1,166 1,775 628 81 6,521 1,398 1, 573 2, 229 5, 739 394 1,221 81 1,790 3,311 1,400...1......589 11 589 -........ 1 249... I l!+... 8.............. 1....... 01 1 1 --- 15 i.~. '..... '.. I"... _ I _ _ 1_ _ 1I -_ 1._ Total...................1224 173,891 34 54,361 25 28,077 11 10,573 16 17,253 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 53 No. 13.-STATEMENT SHIOWING TIlE NUMBER, TONNAGE, AND) NATIONALITY OF VESSELS CLEAREl) AT EACH! C(USTOMS 1)ISTICT OF TIlE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS DURING THIE CALENDAR YEAR 1891. [From the annual report of the Hawaiian collector-general of customs, 1891.] CUSTOMS DISTRICTS 1 FROM WHICH, AND C(OUN- American. British. Hawaiian. German. All other. TOTAL. TRIES FOR WHICH I CLEARED. HONOLULU. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. United States: Pacific ports.. 129 104, 492 13 23, 952 11 24,117 5 6,473 6 5, 305 164 164, 339 Atlantic ports. 1 842................... 1 460........... 2 1,302 British Columbia............ 5 4,711 3 4, 203 - 1 740 1 604 10 10,258 China and Japan.-........... 5 7, 847 8 13, 401.... --- 2 1, 332 5 8, 239 20 30,819 Central America............................................... 1 87 1 Islands in North and South1 Pacific... --- —---—.. --- —-. 3 664 2 985 7 945.......... 1 843 13 3,437 Ka ului............ 5 2,030..................................... 5 2,030 M ahikona................... 6 2,256........... 1 779................... 7 3,035 South America................ 3 3,151.....1......................... 3 3,151 H ilo.............................61 366 Australia and New Zealand... 10 18, 683 4 8, 61..................... 1 778 15 28,122 France....-.........1.................. 1 994..........-. 1 994 KAHULUI. United States: Pacific ports.. 34 11, 653 1 589 1 249.-........ 36 12, 491 HILO. United States: Pacific ports.. 15 6, 824 "1.............................. 15 6,824 Honolulu................................ 1 81 1 81 MAHUKONA. United States: Pacific ports. 14 4,531........... 1 779 --- -- —..... -- 15 5,310 Honolulu..-.-.-........ --- 2 1, 422.....................-... - -.. 2 1,422 Total................... 233 169,472 33 52, 866 21 26,869 9 9,005 15 16,640 311 274,852 No. 14.-STATEMENT SHOWING TIlE NUMBER, TONNAGE, AND NATIONALITY OF VESSELS CLEARED FROM PORTS IN THE} HAWAIIAN ISLANDS CARRYING DOMESTIC PRODUCTS OF THESE ISLANDS DURING EACH YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, FROM 1875 TO 1891, INCLUSIVE. [From the annual reports of the Hawaiian collector-general of customs.] YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 -1875.................. 1876................... 1877................... 1878................... 1879................... 1880................... 1881............. 1882................... 1883............. 1884................... 1885........... 1886................... 1887................... 1888.............. 1889................... 1890................... 1891................... American. No. 74 90 117 156 177 179 181 179 195 191 184 220 177 164 185 224 233 Tons. 41, 350 75, 639 81,417 102, 621 99, 102 99, 614 102, 308 103, 591 117, 952 135, 618 131, 011 128. 224 120, 108 113, 069 125, 196 153, 098 169, 472 British. No. Tons. 35 44, 425 22 22, 748 22 26, 292 30 34,836 28 37,363 26 31,201 32 35, 302 44 56, 025 42 53, 310 29 41,398 30 38,749 38 39, 435 18 19,869 24 28, 715 22 21, 108 16 22,912 33 52, 866 No. 16 18 31 27 22 18 20 19 23 11 18 29 43 43 44 35 21 Tons. 4, 901 5,981 9, 496 8,102 5, 950 5,373 5, 765 5, 613 7, 867 3, 672 6, 982 40, 242 61, 398 65,155 56, 670 43, 641 26, 869 No. 3 3 2 3 8 3 10 11 6 4 5 8 6 8 5 9 9 Hawaiian. German. Tons. 1, 286 1,499 797 2, 408 6,136 2, 138 7, 709 5,716 4, 882 2,959 2, 377 5,581 4, 268 6, 385 3,337 7,070 9, 005 All other. TOTAL. No. Tons. No. Tons. 4 1,148 13 93,110 8 2, 839 141 108,706 9 2,905 181 120,907 16 15,673 232 163,640 16 3,025 251 151,576 13 3, 590 239 141,916 15 8,266 258 159,350 5 1,674 258 172,619 1 1,305 267 185,316 6 4,179 241 187,826 6 4,537 243 183,656 7 6,206 302 219,688 8 6,486 252 212,129 8 6,892 247 220,216 13 12,968 269 219,279 9 9, 980 293 236,701 15 16,640 311 274,882 No. 15.-STATEMENT SHOWING THE TOTAL VALUES OF THE IMPORTS INTO, AND O1 THE EXPORTS FROM, THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS; THE CUSTOMS RECEIPTS; THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL AND MERCHANT MARINE; THE ENTRANCES OP WHALERS, AND QUANTITIES OF SPIRITS CONSUMED DURING EACH CALENDAR YEAR FROM 1847 TO 1891, INCLUSIVE. [From the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual.] EXPORTS.T OIL, BONE, AND IVORY TRANSSHIPPED. YEARENDIN Total ius. -------------— t --- —-s --- ---------------— N-ational Merchant Entries Spirits YEAR K"UNG~j Total im- tom-house vessels Merchant des- of conDr. CF"BER 31 — ports.usesntrd DECEMBER 31- ports. Total, Domestic. Foreign. receipts. Sperm. Whale. Bone. Ivory, entered. es enere whalers. sumed.,ollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Gallons. Gallons. Pounds. Pounds. Number. No. Tons. Number. Gallons. 1847............. 710,138.52 264,226.60 209,018.53 55,208.07 48,801.25 (,) (a) (a) (a) 4 67 (a) 167 3,271 1848............. 605,618.73 300,370.98 266,819.43 33,551.55 55,568.94 (a) (a) (a) (a) 7 90 (a) 254 3.443 1849............. 729,839.44 383,285.81 185,083.74 198,202.07 83,231.32 (a) (a) (a) (a) 12 180 (a) 274 5,718 1850.............1,035,058.70 783,052.35 536,522.63 246,529.72 121,506.73 (a) (a) (a) (a) 12 469 90,304 237 8,251 1851.............1, 823,821.68 691,230.49 309,828.94 381,401.55 160,602.19 104,362 909,379 901,604........ 7 446 87,920 220 11,270 1852............. 759,868.54 638,394.20 257,251.69 381,142.51 113,001.93 173,490 1,182,738 3,159,951........ 3 235 61,065 519 14,148 1853............. 1,401.975.86 472,996,83 281,599.17 191,397.66 155,650.17 175,396 3,787,348 2,020,264........ 7 211 59,451 535 18,203 1854............. 1,590, 837.71 585.122.67 274,029.70 311,092.97 152,125.58 156,484 1,683,922 1,479,678........ 16 125 47,288 525 17,537 1855............ 1,383,169.87 572,601.49 274,741.67 297.859.82 158,411.90 109. 308 1,436,810 872, 954........ 13 154 51,304 468 18, 528 1856.......... 1,151,422.99 670,824.67 466,278.79 204,545.88 123,171.75 121,294 1,641,579 1,074,942....... 9 123 42,213 366 14,779 1857.............1,130.165.41 645,526.82 423,303.91 222,222.91 140,777.03 176.306 2,018,027 1,295,525........ 10 82 26,817 387 16,144 1858.............1,089.660.60 787,082.08 529,966.11 257, 115.97 166,138.23 222,464 2,551,382 1,614,710........ 10 115 45,875 526 14,637 1859.-.. --- —— 1,555,558.74 931,329.27 628,575.21 302,754.06 132,129.37 156,360 1,668,175 1,147,120........ 5 139 59,241 549 14,158 1860.............1,223,749.05 807,459.20 480,526.54 326.932.66 117,302.57 47,859 782,086 571.,966........ 10 117 41,t26 325 14,295 1861.........-... 761,109.57 659,774.72 476,872.74 182,901.98 100,115.56 20,435 795.988 527,910........ 7 93 45,952 190 9,676 1862............. 998,239.67 838,424.61 586,541.87 251,882.74 107,490.42 12,522 460,407 193,920........ 6 113 48,687 73 8,940 1863.............1, 175,493.25 1,025, 852.74 744,413.54 281,439.20 122,752.68 56,687 675,344 337,043........ 6 88 42,930 102 7,862 1864.............1, 712 241. 61 1,662,181.41 1,113,328.81 548,852.66 159,116.72 33,860 608,502 339,331........ 8 157 75,893 180 10,237 1865.............1,946.265.68 1,808,257.55 1,521,211.82 287,045.73 192,566 63 42,841 578.593 337,394........ 7 151 67,068 180 11,745 1866 —.. --- —-— 1,993. 821. 56 1,634,576.76 1,205,821.61 428,755.15 215,047.08 118,961 1,250,965 611,178........ 3 150 60,628 229 12,833 1867.............1,957,410.17 1,679,661.87 1,324,122.02 355,539,85 220,599.91 103,215 821,929 405,140........ 11 134 60,268 243 15.119 1868.............1,935,790 72 11,898,215.63 1,450,269.26 447,946.37 210,076.30 106.778 774,913 596,043........ 7 113 54,833 153 16,030 1 7 1~~~~~~~~~139 54,8334 153 1 3 1869.............2,040,068 10 2,366,358.83 1,743,291.59 623,067.24 215.798.42 157.690 698,189 627,770........ 6 127 75,656 102 17,016 1870.............1. 930. 227. 42 2,144,942.62 1,514,425.06 630,517.56 223,815.75 105, 234 443,809 682,905........ 16! 159 91,248 118 19,948 1871.............1,625.884.27 1,892,069.45 1,733,094.46 158,974.99 221.332.34 63,310 283,055 29,362........ 9 171 105,993 47 18,817 1872.............1, 746.178.97 1,607,521.99 1,402,685.38 204,836.61 228,375. 43 50,887 32,974 81,998........ 7 146 98,647 47 18.843 1873.............1,437.611.77 2.,128,054.66 1,225,507.78 402.546.88 198,655.76 56,687 573,697 122,554 25,108 12 109 62,767 63 21. 212 1874.............1,310,827.40 1,839,620.27 1,622,455.37 217,164.90 183,857.66 23,187 403,876 174,111 56,552 13 120 71,266 43 18.466 1875.............1,505, 670.08 12, 089, 736. 00 1,835,382.91 254.353.09 213,447.21 37,812 312,305 104,715 17,254 22 120 93,110 b41 21,131 1876.............1,570.146.22 i 2,241,041.91 2,055,133.55 185,908.36 199,036.40 (a) (a) (a) (a) 14! 141 108,706 37 19,707 1877.............2,428,139.28 2.676,202.98 2,462,416.66 213.786.32 230,498.71 (a) (a) (a) (a) 17 168 116,621 33 24.223 1878.............3,046,369.70 3,548,471.84 3,333,979.49 214,492.35 284,426.42 (a) (a) (a) (a) 11 232 163,640 27 36,360 1879.............3.742,978.39 3, 781, 717. 97 3,665,503.76 116, 214.221 359,671.05 (a) (a) (a) (a) 6 251 151, 576 25 43,166 1880.............3,673,268.41 4,875,694.87 4,796,444.40 79,250.47 402,181.63 (a) (a) (a) (a) 15 239 141, 916 16 44,289 181.............4,547, 98.64 6,737,386.56 6, 671,026.38 66.360.18 1423,192.01 (a) (a) (a) (a) 13 1258 159,341 19 46,085 1882............. 1883............. 1884......... 1885............. 1886............. 1887............. 1888............. 1889..... 890............. 1891...... 4,974,510. 01 8, 219, 016. 70 8,085,931.34 5, 624, 240. 09 8, 021, 843. 88 7, 924, 727.11 4, 637, 514. 22 8, 195, 182. 63 8,077,908.82 3, 830, 544.58 9, 069, 318. 13 8,958, 664. 00 4,877, 738.73 10, 457,285.58 10,340,375.17 4, 943, 840. 72 9, 529, 447. 33 9,435,204.12 4,540, 887.46 111, 707, 598. 76 11, 631,434.88 5,438,790.63 13,874,341.40 13,810,070.54 6, 962, 201. 13 13, 142, 829. 48 13,023,304.16 7,439, 482.65 10,258,783.27 10, 107, 315. 67 133,085.36 97, 116.77 117, 273. 81 110, 654. 13 116, 910. 41 94, 243.21 76, 163.88 64, 270.86 119, 525. 32 151,472.60 505,390.98 577. 332.87 551,736.59 502,337. 38 580,444.04 595, 002.64 546,142.63 550, 010.16 695, 956.91 732,594.93 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) W. iW.. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 6 13 11 6 6 12 42 41 34 25 258 267 241 253 310 254 246 271 295 311 172, 619 185, 316 187, 826 190, 138 222. 372 210, 703 221, 148 218, 785 230,120 274, 852 32 18 23 26 20 23 17 19 21 17 50, 064 61, 272 61,512 80,115 100,703 74,913 68,247 74, 816 88, 884 88, 539 a No data b These figures give the number of custom-house entries of whalers at various ports, some of the vessels entering several ports during the year. 56 COMMERCE WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. NO. 16.-RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT FOR BIENNIAL PERIODS, 1878-'80 TO 1890-'92. [From the Hawaiian Annual.] Revenue. 1878-'80. 1880-'82. 1882-'84. 1884-'86. 1886-'88. 1888-'90. 1890-'92. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Custom-housetom-hose........... 582, 846 719,245 944, 638 986, 417 1, 024, 365 1, 082, 766 1, 355, 744 Internal commerce....... 122, 946 141, 744 178,149 194,172 226, 842 188, 662 196, 857 Internal taxes -............ 465,252 596, 615 680,397 696,869 766,422 901,803 963,496 Fines, fees, perquisites, etc................-....- 190, 265 219, 069 233, 710 96, 490 149, 483 608, 316 458, 623 Government realizations and receipts of bureaus. 318, 527 393, 586 374, 291 684,749 513, 732 35, 623 266, 600 Government stocks...... 23,900.......... 668, 900............................................ From loans....................................................... 1, 811,800 34,500 387, 800 Postal savings.................................................... 319, 932 780, 526 274, 76.1 Crown commissioners....................... 12,000 12, 000..........-........... 13,000 Totals.............. 1, 703, 736 2, 070, 259 13, 092,085 a3,010,655 4,812,576 3,632,196 3,916,881 Expenditures. Civil list....-... 65, 500 100, 000 148, 500 127,931 128,925 76, 800 69,710 Permanent settlement. -- 15, 075 19,512 20, 347 14,028 8, 967 4, 885 4, 685 Legislature and privy council............... 16, 523 19, 338 24,942 31,455 60, 284 22, 767 34,694 Judiciary department-.. 79, 667 92, 870 115, 892 129,057 154, 566 175, 979 177, 251 Department of foreign affairs..-. 104, 823 129, 353 252,641 222, 678 257, 996 156,445 181,400 Department of interior.. 656, 810 1, 204, 703 1,824, 795 1,162,126 1, 528,260 779,111 1,378, 885 Department of finance... 260, 057 299,436 319, 062 566, 569 727,264 563, 458 695, 298 DBepartment of attorneygeneral.....-......- 123, 664 163, 527 266, 730 279,872 - 279,819 259, 237 391,592 Bureau of public instruction....-...... 79, 605 84,249 91,755 151, 693 165,913 197, 610 280, 269 Board of health.................... --- ---------- 241,470 247,907 316, 664 329, 815 Miscellaneous............ 93, 973 169, 608 151, 742 b 76, 821 cl, 152, 384 191, 278 622, 292 Totals.......... 1, 495, 697 2,282,596 3,216,406 3,003,700 4,712,285 a2, 671,430 a4, 095, 891 a Totals and items as given in the Hawaiian Annual. Itenis, however, do not aggregate the total. [Bu. Statistics.] b Indemnity account for sundry expenditures. c InUluding recall and cancellation of bonds, $625,000. o SFP 1 I 1 91 .- ',5,, i I - I i ' 1, *;, 7 - i UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02327 5830 1