CATALOGUE OF THE CABINET OF COINS BELONGING TO DEPOSITED IN THE COLLEGE LIBRARY. [New England Threepence, 1652.] NEW HAVEN: TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRINTERS. 1863. PREFACE. FoR many years previous to 1860 there were a few coins belonging to Yale College, which were deposited in Trumbull Gallery, in glass cases, with little attempt at order or arrangement. It is from this nucleus that our present collection has arisen, by the aid of a few purchases and of donations from persons interested in the subject. This original collection, marked "Yale Coll." in the Catalogue, was a curious one, consisting mainly of old pieces, generally rather rare, and a few of the commonest modern coins. As there was no catalogue of it, most of the pieces have been credited from recollection, and hence there may be a few mistakes. The gem of that cabinet, as well as of the present, is the NEW ENGLAND THREEPENCE, the existence of which numismatists have doubted. The piece needs no description, as an engraving of it is given on the title page. For a long time supposed unique, its value is not lessened by the recent discovery of a similar piece by W. S. Appletou, Esq. of Boston, which puts the genuineness of the issue beyond a doubt. In 1854 Mr. Thomas H. Johns, of Canandaigua, N. Y., left by will a sum of money to Yale College, and in part payment thereof the Corporation consented to take a collection of between seven and eight hundred miscellaneous coins. These are marked "Johns'" in the catalogue. Upon receiving them, some better location seemed desirable, and a cabinet was made capable of holding about six thousand coins, and placed in the College Library. The cabinet consists of a case of forty drawers, with three pasteboard trays in each. These trays have a separate cavity for each coin, thus at the same time insuring them against disarrangement and rendering them easy of access. In 1860 the collection was arranged nearly in the present order by Mlr. F. P. Brewer and at first increased quite rapidly from contributions. Mrs. A. R. Street gave a very large collection of foreign coins. C. W. Bradley, Esq., of New Haven, late U. S. Consul at Ning-po, China, also increased this department, giving many large silver pieces. Many others made contributions, but as it has been impossible to place the name of the donor against the proper coin in every case, some of them are marked" "Unknown." If contributors are aware of any mistakes or omissions in this respect, they will confer a favor by giving information of them. The collection having increased to nearly 3000 pieces, including some duplicates, it has been thought desirable for some time to publish a catalogue of them. Three objects have been aimed at in issuing it. 1st. We have attempted to give such a description of each coin as to distinguish it from others of a similar character, and also to help collectors in the arrangement and study of their own coins. This can be only partially gained, owing to the limited space at command, and to the experimental nature of the undertaking; which is also the cause of some want of uniformity in the catalogue. 2d. We have taken this as the most practicable way of expressing our thanks to the donors, and assuring them that their gifts are appreciated and preserved. 3d. mre have desired to bring the collection more generally to the notice of numismatists and others, in order that they may know wherein it is wanting, and that those so disposed may have an opportunity of adding to its usefulness. The study of coins as aids and illustrations of History and the Arts is daily better appreciated, and there can be no place better fitted for the preservation of a collection for that purpose than a college Library. Already its use has been manifest here, and were the collection more complete it would be of greater service. Doubtless many of our friends have small collections of iv PREFACE. coins which they would be glad to see deposited in some safe and permanent place, but which are now in danger of being lost. We shall be glad to receive any donations, and each piece will be recorded with the name of the donor. Any one desirous of helping us can bring or send donations to the College Library, where they will be taken care of. Lately a few dollars each year have been expended, by vote of the Corporation, when a good opportunity has offered, principally upon ancient coins, but the College must depend mainly on free-will offerings, as there is no fund for the purpose. It remains to say a few words about the arrangement of the catalogue. There are four general heads-Greek, Roman, Oriental and Modern. THE GREEK COINS are arranged according to Eckhel's system, and references are made in parenthesis to the volumes and pages of his work. The obverse and reverse are separated by a dash, and as much of the inscription given as is necessary for identification. THE ROMAN COINS are arranged in the usual way. Denarii and Quinarii are contracted to Den. and Qui., and I, II and III are used for the 1st. 2d and 3d Bronze. Both sides of the Early and Family coins are given-inscriptions in italics and SMALL CAPS. Generally, only the reverse is given in Imperial and Byzantine Series-the inscriptions in CAPITALS. At first, reference is made to the date of coin. (A. ID. unless otherwise mentioned,) which will serve to locate it in the larger works. As it becomes next to impossible to date accurately after the time of Postumus, all references are omitted, and the date of reign is placed with the Emperor's name. THE ORIENTAL COINS include only tlhe ancient dynasties, the more modern being placed among modern coins. The references in brackets are to "Marsden's Numismata Orientalia," where the inscriptions can be seen in full. The date. which precedes the reference, is the year of the Hegira; the date A. D. being given with the reign. The inscriptions are in italics, the obverse and reverse being separated by a dash. THE MODERN COINS are arranged geograpically. Under each state the coins are placed under the Sovereign by whom they were struck, and the date of the reign has generally been given, for convenience of reference. Cities, &c. formerly independent, have been placed under the countries to which they are now subject, and the date during which they coined money has been often given. The sides of the coins are separated by a dash-the inscriptions being in italics. In United States coins we are sadly deficient; and it surely seems that an American College should be better supplied with specimens of the country's progress in this art. References have been made in the case of Connecticut and Vermont cents to Dickeson's Manual-the number of the variety being given in parenthesis. Our Foreign Coins present a fair variety, but still many countries are entirely unrepresented. Of Medimval coins we are almost entirely destitute, and specimens of this class and of the Saxon Heptarchy are very much needed. The geographical order has been departed from in Germany, where the states are taken according to rank, in 2ve classes: 1. The Empire of Austria. 2. Kingdoms. 3. Duchies. 4. Principalities. 5. Cities. Modern Oriental Coins include both Turkish and Asiatic. Any other deviation from the general system will be understood without further allusion. We have about 125 Medals, (not catalogued.) Many of the American ones are electrotypes, and there are but few rare ones. There are also some few specimens of Continental Currency, but too few to make it worth while to publish a list of them. Both of these departments we hope to increase in the future. We would take this opportunity to express our thanks to those gentlemen who have assisted us with valuable hints and suggestions, and with aid in translating many pieces, as well as to those through whose liberality the catalogue is published. Our fullest thanks are due to Messrs. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor for their patience over a tedious job and frequent alterations, as well as for the excellent style in which they have completed it. Hoping that all mistakes will be pardoned, and desiring to be informed of any that are discovered, we send it out to our fellow numismatists. Yale College, July 29, 1863. CATAL O GUE. CREEK COINS. EUROPA. GALJLIA. MASSILIA, Name. Sovereign, &c. Description, Donor, &c. Obolos. (silv.) Youthful head.-MA between spokes of a a four spoked wheel. F. P. Brewer IHISPANIA. BAETICA. Silver. Head. -Horseman. IMONES. Purchase IiPrALIA. CALABRIA. Silver. TARENTUM. Head of Pallas. —Owl. TAP. AOH. (cf.1:148) do LUCANIA. Silver. METAPONTUM. Ear of corn.-Incused ear. (1:157) do Silver. POSEIDONIA. Neptune. —Ox. IlaMOII. (1:157) do BRUTTII. Diobolon. (cop.) Head of Ares.-Bellona. BPETTIQN. F. P. Brewer Copper. CAULONIA. Soldier. —Stag. (1:168) Mrs. Street Copper. CROTON. Tripod. KPO.-Incused tripod. (1:170) Purchase Copper. RHEsGIuM. Two heads.-Soldier. PECINON. do SICIIIA.. PANORMUS. Copper. Head of Ceres.-Palm tree and horse. (1:229) Johns Copper. Head of Ceres.-Head of horse. 0. F. P. Brewer Copper. Head of Ceres.-Head of horse. do SYRACUSE. Copper. HIERO I. Head of Hiero.-Horseman. IEPONO1, (1:257) Johns Copper. AGATHOCLES. Head of Diana.-Thunderbolt. ArAO, &c. (1:262) do Copper. HIERO II. Head of Neptune.-Trident. IEPONO. (1:264) do Copper. Head.-Victory in a biga. do ZANCLE. Copper. Head of Zeus. Ares with spear and shield. MAMEPT. F., P. Brewer M[ACEEDONIA. IN GENERE. Copper. PHILIP II. Head of Zeus. (2:94) Purchase Tetradrachm. ALEXAND. h. Head of Hercules.-Zeus seated. AAEZANAPOT. AP. (2,98) do Drachme. Head of Hercules..-Zeus seated. AAEZANAPOT. M. (2,78) do Copper. Club.-AAEANAPOT. (2:106) do Copper. CASSANDER. Head of Hercules.-Horseman. K. F. P. Brewer Copper. ANTI. GONAT. Head of Pallas.-Soldier. (2:125) Purchase Copper. His head.-Pan erecting a trophy. ANTirONOT. do Copper. Hielmet.-Shield of Macedon. (2:125) do 6 GREEK COINS. TrIHESSALEIA. IN GENERE. Name. Sovereign, &c. Description. Donor, &c. Copper. Head of Zeus.-Pallas. OEf:AAf2N. (2:133) Purchase Didrachm. Head of Zeus.-Pallas. AAE.ANAPOT MENEKPATQN, &c. (cf. 2:134) do iENIANES. Copper. A head.-Soldier. (2:135) do ILXYIICUJU. DYRRACHIUM. Didrachm. Cow and calf.:ENUQN.-Garden of Alcinous. (2:156) do.AETOIjIA IN GENERE. Copper. Head of Zeus.-Hunting spear, &c. (2:185) do:BCE:OrIA. Copper. Head of Zeus.-Neptune seated. (2:197) Unknown Copper. Bceotian shield. —Corinthian trident. F. P. Brewer THESPItE. Copper. - Veiled head.-Lyre. OE2;II. (2:205) Unknown ATTI'iCA. ATHENS. Decadrac.(cast.) Head of Minerva.-Owl. AOE. (2:209) do Tetradrachm. Head of Minerva —Owl. AE. A. T. Pratt Drachme. Head of Minerva.-Owl. AGE. Unknown Triobolon. Head of Minerva.-Owl; front view F. P. Brewer Obolos. (silver.) Head of Minerva.-Owl and olive leaf. AOE. do Hemiobol.(silv.) Head of Minerva.-Double Owl. Unknown. Copper. Head of Minerva.-Zeus hurling a thunderbolt. do Copper. Head of Minerva.-Two owls. AOE. F. P. Brewer ELEUSIS. Copper. Demeter seated.-Pig. EAETYI. do MEGARA. Copper. Female head.-Dolphin. (cf. 2:224) Unknown ASGINA. Tetradrachm. -- Tortoise.-Punch mark. (2:225) Purchase ACEI-IIA. CORINTH. Obolos. (silver.) - Pegasus.-Pegasus. Unknown Copper. Pegasus.-Trident. do Copper. Head of Nero.-Ship. ADVENT. AUG. COR. (2:242) do PHLIUS. Copper. Bull.-4-. do SICYON, Silver. YZ below cadeucus.-Flying dove. F. P. Brewer Copper. Dove flying. —I. (2:260) Unknown Copper. Laureled head.-Flying dove. AIOAA. F. P. Brewer IESSEINIA. IN GENERE. Copper. Female head.-Zeus standing. ME. (2:25) Unknown ZAJKYXPTIIOS. IN GENERE. Copper. Helmed head.-MZ. F. P. Brewer ILACOCNIA. IN GENERE. Copper. Head of Hercules.-Club. AA EIII ETPTKAEOX. (cf. 2:280) do Copper. Heads of Dioscuri.-Two Vases. NI. do LACEDlEMON. Copper. Head.-Eagle. AA. G. do ARGOGLIS. ARGOS. Copper. Wolf's head. A. do ARCADIA. IN GENERE. Copper. Helmed head.-Fistula. AP. (2:292) Unknown SAIM IATIA. OLBIA. Copper. Female head.-Fish. OABI. F. P. Brewer GREEK COINS. 7 ASIA. T ROA S. ALEXANDRIA. Name Sovereign, &c. Description. Donor, &e. Copper. ANT. PIUS. Head.-Wolf, Romulus and Remus. COL. ALEXA. F. P. Brewer jEOLCIS. MYRINA. Tetradrachm. H- ead of Apollo.-Priest standing. MTPINAI2N. (2:495) Purchase IONIA. ERYTHRAE. Copper. Head of Hercules. EPT ATTONMOX, &c. F. P. Brewer ISLE OF RHEODES. Triobolon.(silv.) Head of sun god.-Rose. PO.ITAZIMN. F. P. Brewer Copper. Female head.-Rose. do PA[PIIPYLIA. SIDE.(1) Copper. Head of Pallas. —Victory standing. (3:15) Unknown CAPPADOCIA. IN GENERE. Silver. ARIARTH.IV. His head. BA2IAEUZ2, &c.-Pallas. (3:196) Dr. A. T. Pratt Silver. ARIOBARZ. I. His head. BA;IAEQ2;, &c.-Pallas. (3:199) Purchase SYRIA. IN GENERE. Copper. SELEUCUS. Head of Pallas. —Victory. MEAETKOT. (3:211) Unknown CYRRHESTICA. CYRRHUS. Copper. ANT. PIUS. His head.-Zeus seated. KTPPHCTQ2N. (3:260) Dr. A. T. Pratt SELEUCIS & PIERIA. ANTIOCHEIA AD ORONTEM. Copper. Head.-Zeus seated. ANTIOXEQN, &c. (cf. 3:268) do III. Brass. NERO. Female head turreted.-Ram and moon. (3:280) do II. Brass. OTHO. Head. —EIII MOTKIANOT, &c. (3:282) Unknown III. Brass. TRAJAN. Head.-AYTTOKP. KAIC, &c. S. C. (cf. 3:300,C. III.) do III. Brass. TRAJAN. Head.-KAIC. NEP. TPAIANOC. S. C. do III. Brass. ANTONINUS. Head.-S. C. (cf. 3:301) do III. Brass. ELEGABALUS. Head.-Ram. S. C. (cf. 3.301.) do I. Brass. PHILIP II. Head.-(cf. 3:301)' do I. Brass. DOMIT'N.(Col.)Head.-Woman in a temple. (3,303) do I. Brass. Head.-Woman in a temple, at right, Fortune; at left, a soldier. (3:303) do LAODICEA AD MARE. Copper. H- ead of boar.-Tripod. AAOAIKEf2N TH2X IEPA2;, &c. (cf. 3:315 and 317) Johns. Copper. Head.-Tripod. IOTAELI2N, &c. (cf. 3:316) do Copper. Turreted head. —Goddess standing. IOTAEIQN, &c. (3:316) Unknown Copper. Crowned female head.-Goddess standing. AAOAIKEi2N, &c. (cf. 3:17) do III. Brass. ALEXANDER. Head.-Neptune standing. (3:317) do III. Brass. DOMITIAN. Head.-Turreted female head. do III. Brass. TRAJAN. Head.-Turreted female head. do III. Brass. Head. Turreted head. AAOAIKEf2N. do I. Brass. ANT. PIUS. Head.-M. AUREL ANTONINUS, &c. (cf. 3:319) Dr.A. T. Pratt II. Brass. The same. do III. Brass. Wreath.-A. E. (3:320) Unknown 8 GREEK COINS. Name. Sovereign, &c. Description. Donor, &c. II. Brass. SEVERUS. Head.-Goddess in temple. IOTAI. AOMNA, &c. (3:317) Unknown II. Brass. Head.-Goddess, &c. ATI. AOMNA. do III. Brass. Head.-Goddess, &c. IOTAIA, &c. do III. Brass. Head.-Goddess, &c. A. E. do PH]ENICE. IN GENERE. Copper. - Head of Zeus.-2 Cornucopiae. (3:407.) do Copper. Turreted female head.-Ship's prow. (3:407) do Copper. Turreted female head.-Astarte seated on the prow of a ship. (3:407) Yale Coll. Copper. Turreted female head.-Astarte seated on a ship. do Copper. Turreted female head.-Ship.. Unknown TYRE. Tetradrachm. DEMETR'SII. Head.-Eagle. TTP2N, &c. (3:380) do ARADUS. Didracihm. A bee.-Palm and stag. APAAIQN. (3:39, II.) Pres. Woolsey JUD2EA. IN GENERE. Shekel. - Aaron's rod. -Censer. Unknown Copper. S.MACOABEUS. Palm.-Grapeleaf. (3:469) Yale Coll. PARTHItA. IN GENERE. Drachme. AnsAc. XXI.. Gotarzes. Bearded head of king with tiara.-King on throne with bow. I1legible Greek inscription. F. P. Brewer AFRICA. EGYPT. IN GENERE. Name. Sovereii.n, &c. Descriplion. Donor, &c. Tetradrachm. PTOL. SOTER. Head. —Eagle. I1TOAEMAIOT E2ITHPOE. (4:6) Pres. Woolsey I Brass. Head.-Eagle. IITOA, &c. Unknown III Brass. Head.-Eagle. IITOA, &c. do II Brass. Head covered with lion's skin.-Eagle. IITOAEMAIOT. &c. do. III Brass. PTOL. XI AUL. Head.-Eagle. HTOABMAIOT. (4:21) do ALEXANDRIA. IN GENERE. Silver. NERO. Head. NEPQ KAAT, &c.-Head of Agrippina. (4:52) do Copper. HIADRIAN. Head.-Ox. L. ENNEAKA. (cf. 4:34) do Silver. GALLIENUS. Head.-Eagle. KOTIHTOG. (4:91) do Copper. QUIETUS. Head.-Eagle. (4:93) do Copper. CLAUD. GOTH. Head.-Goddess seated. (4:94) do Copper. AURELIAN. Head. —Eagle and standards. (4:94) do ROMAN COINS. I.. —EAURLY ROMi[AN. Name. Obverse. Reverse. Donor,.c. Uncia. Head of Pallas. Prow of a ship. (wt. 375 gr.) Yale Coll. Uncia. Head of Pallas. Prow of a ship. (wt. 300 gr.) do Uncia. Head of Pallas. Prow of a ship. (wt. 266 gr.) do Sextans. Head of Janus. Prow of a ship. (wt. 35 gr.) do II. —1tO4lANI.. F.AMIIILY COI1NS. Name. Family. Obverse. Reverse. Donor, a-c. Den. ACILIA, Female head, Salvus. Health standing, M. ACILIYS. &C. Purchase Den. /ELIA, Female head, Bala. Biga, c. ALLI. do Den. AMILIA, Female head, Roma. Horseman, M. iEMILIO LEP. do Den. AEMILIA, Camel, M. Scaur. Quadriga. do Den. ANTESTIA, Head of Pallas, Grac. Quadriga, L. ANTES. ROMA. do Den. ANTESTIA, Head of Pallas, C. Antesti. Two horsemen and dog, ROMA. Mrs. Street Den. ANTONIA, Head of Jove, S. C. Quadriga, Q. ANTO. BA. BPR. Purchase III. APRONIA, Censer. GALLVS APRONIVS, A.A.A.FF.S.C. do Den. AQUILIA, Head, Virtus III. Vir. Soldier and Captive, M. AQVIL, &c. do II. ASINIA, Man's head. C. ASINIVS GALLVS. III. VIR. AAA, &C. do Den. ATILIA, Head of Pallas, Saran. Two Horsemen, M. ATIL. ROMA. do Den. BEBIA, Head of Pallas, Tamlpil. Quadriga, ROMA. M. BAEBI. Q. F. do Den. CECILIA, Female head. Elephant, Q. c. M. P. I. do Den. CALPURNIAMan's head. Horseman, C. PISO. L. F. FRVGI. do Qui. CARISIA, Man's head, August. Victory crowning a standard, p. CARISIVS. do Den. CASSIA, Head of Bacchus. Head, L. CASSI. Q. F. do Den. CIPIA, Head of Pallas, L. Cipi.M[.F. Biga, ROMA. do Den: CLAUDIA, Head of Diana, S. C. Biga, A. C. XXIII. TI. CLAVD. TI. APN. do Den. CLAUDIA, Head of Pallas. Biga, c. PVLCHER. do Den. CLAUDIA, Female head. Female with two torches, P.CLODIVS. do Den. CLOULIA, Head of Pallas, Roma. Biga, T. CLOVLI. do Den. CCELIA, Man's head. Head, CLAVDIVS III. VIR. do Den. CoRDIA, Head ofDiosc., Ruf.II Vir.Justice, M. coRDIvs. do Den. CORNELIA, Man's head, G. P. R. Instruments, EX. SC. ON. LEN. Q. do Den. CORNELIA, Head of Hercules, Roma. Victory crowning a soldier, LENT. do Den. CORNELIA, Head, Blasio Cn. &c. Three figures, ROMA. do Den. CORNELIA, Head of Pallas, L.Mfanli,ProQuadriga, L. SVLLA. IMP. do Den. CREPUSIA, Head of Apollo. Horseman, P. CREPVSI. do Den. CREPUSIA, Head of Apollo. Horseman, XXVIII. P. CREPVSI. do Den. CURTIA, Head of Pallas, Q. Curt. Quadriga, M. SIA. ROMA. do Den. EGNATUL. Head of Apollo, C.Egnatul.Victory and standard, ROMA. do Den. FABIA, Head of Pallas, Roma. Quadriga, Q. FABI. do Den. FANNIA, Female Head, Roma. Quadriga, M. FAN. C. F. do Den. FLAMINIA, Head of Pallas, Roma. Biga, L. FLAMINI.-CILO. do Den. FONTEIA, Head of Janus. Ship, c. FONT. ROMA. do Den. FONTEIA, Head of Mars, P.Fonteia,&c.Horseman. Johns Den. FURIA, Head of Janus, M. Fouri. Victory crowning arms, ROMA.PHIL.Purchase Den. GELLIA, Head of Pallas. Quadriga, C.N.GEL. ROMA. do Den. HosIDIA, Head of Diana, Geta.III. VirWild Boar, c. HORSIDI. do Den. JULIA, Pontifical Instruments. Elephant, C2ESAR. do Den. JULIA, Man's head. AEneas carrying Anchises, C2ESAR. do DEN. JUNIA, Head, Libertas. Four men, BRVTVS. do Den. JUNIA, Head of Pallas, A. Biga, D.SILANVS. L.F.ROMA. do Den. JUNIA, Female Head, Biga, D.SILANVS. L.F.ROMA. do Den. LIcINIA, Man's Head. Quadriga, LICINIVS. do Den. LIVINEIA, Head, Regulus. Curule chair, L.LIVIN. 1RE do Den. LUCILIA, Head of Pallas, P. V. Biga, RVF. M.LVCILI. do 10 ROMAN COINS. Name. Family. Obverse. Reverse. Donor, _.c. Den. LUCRETIA, Head of Pallas, Trio. Two horsemen, LVCR. ROMA. Purchase II. LURIA, Man's Head. P.LVRIVS. AGRPPA. III. VIR. A.A.A.,&C. Johns Den. LUTATIA, Head of Pallas, Roma. Trireme, Q. LVTATI. Purchase Den. MECILIA, Head of Pallas. Quadriga, P. ME. ANT. do II. MAECILIA, Man's head. M. M~ECILIVS. TVLLVS. III. VIR., &c. Johns. II. M.ECILIA, Man's head to left. The same. Purchase Den. MAMILIA, Head of Mercury. Man and dog, c. MAMIL. LIMETA. do Den. MARCIA, Head of Pallas. Horseman, Q. PHILLIPVS. ROMA. do Den. MARCIA, Head. Silenus, L. CENSOR. do Den. MEMMIA, Man's head, Roma. Biga, L.MEMI. GAL. do Den. MINUCIA, Head of Pallas. Horseman, Q. MINV. ROMA do Den. MINUCIA, Head of Pallas. Soldiers fighting, Q. THERM. M. F. do Den. NEVIA, Head of Venus, S. C. Quadriga, C. NAE. BAB. do Den. NORBANA, Head of Venus, C.Norban. Wheat, fasces and caduceus. do Den. PAPIA, Head of Juno. Griffon flying, L. PAPI. do Den. PAPIRIA, Head of Pallas. Quadriga, M. CARBO. ROMA. do Den. PINARIA, Head of Pallas. Two Horsemen, M. ATTA. ROMA. do Den. PLETORIA, Head. Front of a Temple, M. PLAETORIVS, CEST. S. C. do Den. PLAETORIA, Female Head. Curule chair, M. PLAETORIVS. AED. CVR. EX. S. C. do Den. PLANTIA, Female head turreted. Camel, IVDAEUS BACCHVS. do II. PLOTIA, Man's head. C.PLOTIVS RVFVS. III. VIR. A.A.A.,&c. Johns. Den. POBLICIA, Helmed head. Soldier and armor, c. MAL. Purchase Den. POBLICIA, Helmed head. Hercules and Lion, c. POBLICI. Q. F. do Den. POMPEIA, Head of Pallas. Romulus and Remus, with Wolf, SEX. POM. FOSTVLVS. do Den. PORCIA, Head of Pallas. Three men, PRovoco. do Den. PoRcIA, Head of Pallas, Lceca. Quadriga, M. PORC. ROMA. F. P.Brewer Den. PoRcIA, Head of Pallas. Biga, c. CATO. ROMA. Purchase Qui. PORCIA, Female Head, M. Cato Pro. Victory seated, VICTRIX. do Den. POSTUMIA, Veiled head, Hispan. Man standing between standard and fasces, A. POST. &c. do Den. PROCILIA, Head of Jove, S. C. Goddess, armed, L. PROCILLI. F. do Den. RENIA, Head of Pallas. Biga, C. RENI. ROMA. do Den. ROSCIA, Head of Juno, L. Rosci. Goddess and Serpent, FABATI. do Den. RUBRIA, Head of Neptune, Dorsen. Victory marching, L. RVBRI. do Den. RUTILIA, Head of Pallas, Flac. Biga, L. RVTILI. do, II. SALVIA, Man's head. M. SALVIVS. OTHO. III. VIR. A.A.A.,&c. do Den. SATRIENA, Helmed head. Wolf, P. SATRIENVS. ROMA. do Den. SCRIBONIA, Female head, Bon.Event.Lit.Two lyres, PVTEAL SCRIBON. do Den. SEMPRONIAHead of Pallas, Pitio. Dioscuri on horseback, L. SEMP. ROMA. do Den. SENTIA, Head of Pallas. Quadriga, L, SATVRN. do Den. SENTIA, Head of Pallas, Arg. Pub. Quadriga, L. CENTI.. F. do Den. SERVILIA, Head of Pallas, Rulli. Biga, P. SERVILLI. M. F. do Den. SICINIA, Female Head. Caduceus, &c., Q. SICINIVS. III. VIR. do Den. SILIA, Bust of Diana armed, Roma.Three figures. do Den. TITIA, Head of Victory. Pegasus, Q. TITI. do Qui. TITIA, Head of Victory. The same. do Den. TITURIA, Man's head, Sabin. Biga, L. TITVRI. do Den. TITURIA, Man's head, Sabin. Rape of the Sabines, L. TITVRI. do Qui. TITURIA, Man's head. Victory crowning a standard, P. SABINI do Den. TULLIA, Head of Pallas, Roma. Quadriga, M. TVLI. do Den. VALERIA, Bust of Victory. Mars standing, L. VALERI FLACCI. do Den. VALERIA, Man's head, Asciculus. Europa carried by the bull, L. VALERIVS. do II VALERIA, Man's head. VOLVSVS VALER. S. C. do Den. VARGUNT. Head of Pallas, Varg. Quadriga, ROMA. do Den. VIBIA, Head of Apollo, Pansa. Quadrigaj c. VIBIVS. C. F. do Den. VIBIA, Head of Pan, Pansa. Jove seated, IOVIS AXVR. &C. do Den. VIBIA, Head of Mark Antony. Venus standing, C. VIBIVS VARVS. do Den. VIPSIANA, Head of Agrippa. Neptune, S. c. do Den. VOLTEIA, Head of Mars. Biga drawn by lions, M. VOLTI. M. F. do ROMAN COINS. 11 III. —IMPEtRIAI SERIIEiS. JULIUS CIESAR. Name. Description. Date. Donor, 4.c. Den. CIESAR IMP. Rev. SEPULLUS MACER. Female standing. B C 43 Purchase CN. POMPEIUS MAGNUS. do PRAEF. CLASS. ET OR2E MARIT. EX. S. C. The two Pompeys standing. B C 66 do M. ANTONINUS. do ANT. IMP. III. VIR. R. P. C. Head of Antony. Rev. Head of Augustus. B C 42 do AUGUSTUS C.ESAR. do IMP. X. An ox. B C 11 do do C. L. C2ESARES AUGUST. F. COS. DES. PRINC. JUVENT. Two figures with shields. B C 1 do Qui. IMP. VII. Rev. ASIA RECEPTA. Victory upon an altar; serpent on each side. B C 28 do II. PROVIDENT. S. C. An altar. 14 Johns do COL. NEM. Crocodile and Palm Tree, (Nemausus,) - H. Champion M. AGRIPPA. do S. C. Neptune standing. B C 26 do TIBERIUS CE SAR. Den. PONTIF. MAXIM. Tiberius seated. 15 Purchase II. TRIBUN. POTEST. TRIBUN. POTEST. XX. S. C. 21 Yale Coll. DRUSUS. do. PONTIF. TRIBUN. POTEST. ITER. S. C. 23 Johns GERMANICUS. do C. CIESAR. DIVI. AUG. &c. P. M. TR. P. III. R. P. S. C. 19 Yale Coil. CALIGULA CESAR. do VESTA. S. C. Vesta seated. 40 H. Champion CLAUDIUS CLE SAR. I. SPES. AUGUSTA. S. C. Emperor and three soldiers. 41 do do The same. Goddess seated. - do II. S. C. Pallas. 41 Purchase NERO CdESAR. Den. SALVUS. Health seated. 54 do do GERMANICUS AUGUSTUS. Emperor standing. 54 W. S. Porter II. VICTORIA AUGUSTA. Victory flying. 58 H. Champion III. TR. PON. S. P. P. S. C. Figure seated on armor. 55 do GALBA CXESAR. Den. DIVA AUGUSTA. Figure standing. 68 Purchase VITELLIUS CiESAR. do VIR. SAC. FAC. Tripod, with dolphin and bird. 69 do I. MARS VICTOR. Mars marching. 69 H. Champion VESPASIANUS C.ESAR. Den. AUGUR. TR. POT. Pontifical Instruments. 69 Johns do COS. ITER. TR. POT. Goddess seated. 70 do do JUDEA. A Captive under a standard. 71 do do COS. VI. An eagle. 75 do II. IOTAAIAC. EAAQKTIAC. Trophy. 71 do do S.C. An Eagle. 72 do do FELICITAS PUBLICA. Goddess standing. 72 do TITUS CXESAR. Den. TR. POT. VIII. COS. VII. Soldier leaning upon a pillar. 79 do do TR. P. VIIII. IMP. XV. COS. VII. P.P. Image upon a pillar. 79 W. S. Porter I. JUDEA C PTA. Captives seated beneath Palm Tree. 80 H. Champion II. S. C. Hope, standing. 80 do DOMITIANUS C.ESAR. Den. COS. IIII. Pegasus. 85 Johns do IMP. XXI. COS. XV. CENS. P. P. P. Goddess standing. 90 do, do IMP. XXI. COS. XVI. Pallas marching. 92 do II. FORTUNa2E AUGUSTI. S. C. Fortune standing. 86 do do ANNONA AUGUSTA. S. C. Annona seated. 86 do III. S. C. Rhinoceros. 88 do NERVA. Den. COS. III. PATER PATRIE. Pontifical Instruments, 97 do 12 ROMAN COINS. Name. Description. Date. Donor, 4c. II. FELICITAS PUBLICA. Goddess standing. 97 Johns TRAJANUS. Den. P. M. TR. P. COS. II. P. P. Genius seated. 99 Dr.A.T.Pratt do P. M. TR. P. COS. IIII. P. P. Abundance standing. 103 Johns do S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Female seated. 110 W. S. Porter do COS. V. P. P. OPTIMO PRINC. Female standing. 110 Johns do IMP. TR. P. COS. VI. P. P. S. P. Q. R. Genius standing. 112 do do PARTHICO. P. M. TR. P. P. &c. FORT. RED. Female seated. 115 do I. S. C. 98 do II. SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS. S. C. FORT. RED. Goddess seated. 108 Johns III. S.C. Sphinx and Globe. (Eck: 6, 443) Yale Coll. HADRIANUS. Den. PARTH. F. &c. P. M. TR. P. COS. JUSTITIA. 117 Johns do COS. III. Man seated on a globe. 119 do do CLEMENTIA AUG. COS. III. P. P. Goddess standing. 127 do I. FORTUNA AUG. S. C. Fortune standing. 130 do II. COS. III. S. C. Griffon. 119 do do SALUS AUGUSTI. COS. III. S. C. Health standing. 129 do do COS. III. S.C. Goddess standing. - do SABINA. Den. VESTA AUG. Vesta. - do L.,ELIUS. I. TR. POT. COS. II. S. C. Fortune standing. 137 do ANTONINUS PIUS. Den. COS. III. A curule chair and thunderbolt. 140 Dr. A.T.Pratt do COS. III. Rev. GENIO SENATUS. Genius standing. 140 Johns do TR. POT. S. C. XV. COS. IIII. TRANQ. Goddess standing. 152 do do COS. IIII. Goddess standing at an altar. 155 do I. PROVIDENTIA DEORUM. S. C. A thunderbolt. - do do SALUS AUG. S. C. Health seated. 140 do II. TR. POT. COS. II. S. C. PAX. Peace standing. 139 H. Champion FAUSTINA SENIOR. Den. ETERNITAS. Goddess standing. - Johns do AUGUSTA. Goddess standing. - do MARCUS AURELIUS. do COS. II. Goddess standing. 145 do do TR. POT. VIII. COS. II. Pallas standing. 155 W. S. Porter I. GERMANICO AUG. IMP. VI. COS. III. S. C. Soldier by a standard. 169 Johns do IMP. II. COS. III. P. P. S. C. Emperor in a Quadriga. - H. Champion do CONSECRATIO. S. C. Eagle upon an altar. 169 Johns II. S. C. Romulus and Remus suckled by the wolf. 180 do FAUSTINA JUNIOR. Den. CONCORDIA. Concord seated. - Purchase do SAECULI FELICITAS. Children upon a couch, - W. S. Porter I. JUNO. S. C. Juno standing. - Purchase II. VENUS. S.C. Venus seated. - H. Champion LUCIUS VERUS. Den. TR. P. VIII. IMP. COS. III. Abundance seated. 169 Purchase II. TR. P. VI. IMP. IIII. COS. S. C. VIC. PAR. Victory bya trophy. 166 H. Champion LUCILLA. Den. CONCORDIA. Concord seated. - Johns do VENUS VICTRIX. Venus standing. do II. SALUS. S. C. Health seated. Purchase COMMODUS. Den. COS. P. P. Goddess seated. 177 Johns I. P. M. TR. P. VII. IMP. VI. COS. IIII. P.P. S.C. Peace seated. 184 H. Champion CRISPINA. Den. VENUS. Venus standing. - Purchase I. CONCORDIA. S. C. Concord seated. - H. Champion DIDIUS JULIANUS. II. P. M. TR. P. COS. S. C. Abundance standing. 193 Mrs. Street. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. Den. RESTITUTOR URBIS. Soldier standing. 200 Johns ROMAN COINS. 13 Name. Description. Date. Donor, 4.c. Den. P. M. TR. P. XVII. COS. III. P. P. Soldier standing. 209 Yale Coll I. VIRT. AUG. TR. P. II. COS. III. Soldier standing. 195 Purchase JULIA DOMNA. Den. PIETAS AUGG. Woman standing at an altar. - Yale Coll do FELICITAS AUG. Goddess standing. -- do I. JUNO. S. C. Juno standing. - do CARACALLA. Den. LIBERTAS AUG. Goddess standing. 200 Yale Coll do PART. MAX. PONT. TR. P. IIII. Captives beneath a trophy. 202 Purchase do P. M. TR. P. XVI. COS. IIII. P. P. Goddess standing. 214 do do P. M. TR. P. XVIII. COS. IIII. P. P. Goddess seated. 214 do do P. M. TR. P. XVIII. COS. IIII. P. P. Goddess standing. 215 do do P. M. TR. P. XVIII. COS. IIII. P. P. Apollo standing. 215 do I. PARTH. MAX. ROMA. Romulus and Remus. - do do IMP. II. COS. IIII. P. P. S. C. Emperor in a Quadriga. 213 I. Champion PLAUTILLA. Den PIETAS AUGG. Goddess standing. - do GETA. do PRINC. JUVENTUTIS. Soldier and trophy. 203 do do P. SEPT. GETA PONT. Head of Geta. Rev. ANTONINUS PIUS AUG. Head of Caracalla. -- do ELEGABALUS. do P. M. TR. P. IIII. COS. III. P. P. Mars marching. 221 Purchase do SALUS. ANTONINI. AUG. Health standing. 219 H. Champion I. FIDES EXERCITUS. Soldier and captive. 218 Yale Coll II. PONTIF. MAX. TR. P. II. COS. II. P. P. S. C. Goddess seated. 219 Johns JULIA M.ESA Den. PUDICITIA. Goddess seated. - do SEVERUS ALEXANDER. do PROVIDENTL/E AUG. Goddess standing. 226 Purchase I. SPES PUBLICA. Hope standing. 826 Johns II. LIBERALITAS AUG. Goddess standing. 228 Yale Coil JULIA MAMEA. I. FELICITAS PUBLICIA. S. C. Figure standing. - H. Champion II. FELICITAS AUG. Goddess standing. - Yale Coil MAXIMINUS. Den. PAX AUGUSTA. Peace standing. 236 Purchase I. FIDES MILITUM. S. C. Goddess between two standards. 235 do do LIBERALITAS AUG. S. C. Goddess seated. 235 Yale Coll. PUPIENUS. I. VICTORIA. AUG. S. C. Victory standing. 238 do GORDIANUS IllI. Den. CONCORDIA AUG. Concord seated. 238 Johns do LETITIA AUG. Goddess standing. 238 do do LIBERALITAS AUG. Goddess standing. 238 Purchase I. FELICITAS AUG. Goddess standing. 238 Johns PHILIPPUS SENIOR. Den. ANNONA AUG. Annona standing. 244 Purchase do FELICITAS TEMP. Abundance standing. 285 W. S. Porter do VICTORIA AUGG. Victory marching. 246 Purchase I. FIDES EXERCITUS. Four standards. 244 Johns do MILIARIUM S2ECULUM. COS. III. S. C. A pillar. 248 H. Champion OTACILLA, Den. PIET &S AUG. Female standing. - Purchase PHILIPPUS JUNIOR. do LIBERALITAS AUGG. III. The two Philips seated. 248 H. Champion I. SALUS AUG. S. C. Health standing. - do TRAJANUS DECIUS. Den. DACIA. Female standing. 250 Purchase ETRUSCILLA. do PUDICITIA AUG. Female seated. - do I. PUDICITIA AUG. Female seated. - do HERENNIUS. Den. CONCORDIA AUGG. Hands clasped. 249 do 14 ROMAN COINS. HOSTILIANUS. Name. Description. Date. Donor, &c. Den. MARTI PROPUGNATORI. Mars marching. 249 H. Champion TREBONIANUS GALLUS. do 2ETERNITAS AUG. Goddess standing. 251 Johns do EQUITAS AUG. Justice standing. - 251 Purchase do PAX LETERNA. Peace standing. 251 do VOLUSIANUS. do VIRTUS AUG. Soldier standing. 251 do I. JUNONI MARTIALI. S. C. Goddess in a temple. 251 H. Champion VALERIANUS. Den. DEO NOLKANS. Vulcanin a temple. 253 F. P. Brewer do PIETATI AUGG. Goddess standing. 254 Purchase do PIETAS AUG. Two soldiers standing. 254 do do VIRTUS AUG. Two soldiers standing. 254 do do VICTORIA AUG. Soldier standing. 255 do do VOTA ORBIS. Two soldiers beside a trophy. 255 do do DIVI. TR. P. V. COS. III. P. P. Two soldiers with shields. 257 do do RESTITUT. ORIENTIS. Soldier and citizen. 259 do GALLIENUS. do VIRTUS AUGG. Two soldiers. 253 Johns do PIETAS AUGG. Two soldiers. 254 Yale Coll do VICTORIA GERMAN. Two soldiers. 256 Johns do GERMANICUS MAX. Two captives beneath a trophy. 256 Yale Coll III. APOLLINI CONS. AUG. A centaur. (Eck. 7: 395)Johns do DIANA CONS. AUG. XI. Stag. 268 F.P. Brewer do FORTUNA RED. Fortune standing. 268 do do JOVI CONSERVAT. A stag. (Eck. 7': 398) Johns do JOVIS STATOR. Jove standing. 268 F. P. Brewer do NEPTUNO CONS. AUG. Sea horse. 268 do do SOLI CONS. AUG. A. Winged horse. - do do VIRTUS AUGUSTI. Soldier standing. A. D. 253 Johns SALONINA. Den. CONCORDIA AUGG. Two men with hands joined. - Purchase do ROMiE IETERNIE. Soldier seated; citizen standing. - do III. VENUS VICTRIX. Venus standing. - Johns do VESTA. Vesta seated. do LIC. SAL. VALERIANUS. Den. SPES PUBLICA. Two soldiers. 260 Purchase do VICTORIA GERMAN. Victory crowning a soldier. 260 do P. LIC. VALERIANUS. do JOVI CRESCENTI. Jove seated upon a goat. 264 do do PRINC. JUVENTUTIS. Soldier crowning a standard. 264 do POSTUMUS. do HERC. PACIFERO. Hercules standing. 259 do do FIDES MILITUM. Faith standing. 259 Johns III. JOVI VICTORI. Jove standing. 259 do do MONETA AUG. Moneta standing. 259 do do ORIENS AUG. S.C. Soldier marching. 259 do do COS. III. Man standing. 262 do do IMP. X. COS. V. Man standing. 268 Yale Coil L..ELIANUS, 267 A. D. do VICTORIA AUG. Victory marching. Purchase do VIRTUS AUG. Soldier standing. Johns VICTORINUS. 262-268 A.D. do FIDES MILITUM. Goddess standing. Purchase do INVICTUS. Soldier marching. Johns do PIETAS AUG. Goddess by an altar. do do PROVIDENTIA AUG. Goddess standing. do do SALUS AUG. Health standing. do do SALUS AUG. Health standing by an altar. do do VIRTUS AUG. Soldier standing. do do DIVO VICTORINO PIO. Rev. CONSECRATIO. Eagle on a globe. do MARIUS. 268 A. D. Den. CONCORDIA MILITUM. Hands clasped. Purchase ROMAN COINS. 15 Name. Description. Donor, f.c. III. SECULI FELICITAS. Abundance standing. Purchase do VICTORIA AUGUSTA. Victory flying. Johns TETRICUS SENIOR. 268-274 A. D. do COMES AUG. Goddess standing. Purchase do FIDES AUG. Faith standing between standards. Johns III. HILARITAS AUG. Goddess standing. do do L2ETITIA AUG. Goddess seated. do do PAX AUG. Peace standing. do do SALUS AUG. Health standing. do TETRICUS JUNIOR. 268 -274 A. D. do PAX AUG. Peace standing. Purchase do PIETAS AUG. Vase. Johns do SPES AUG. Hope standing. do CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS. 268-270 A, D. do ANNONA AUG. Annona standing. do do CONSECRATIO.. An altar. do do JOVI VICTORI. Jove standing. F. P. Brewer do MARS ULTOR. Maars standing. Johns do PAX AUG. Peace standing. do do PROVIDENTIA. Goddess standing. Yale Coil do VICTORIA AUG. Victory standing. do do DIVO CLAUDIO. Rev. CONSECRATIO. An eagle. Johns QUINTILLUS. 270 A. D. do PAX AUGUSTI. Peace standing. do do VICTORIA. Victory flying. F. P. Brewer AURELIANUS. 270-275 A. D. do CONCORD. LEGI. Concord with two standards. Purchase do FORTUNA REDUX. Fortune seated. F. P. Brewer do RESTITUT. ORBIS. Two soldiers. Purchase VABALATHUS. 273 A. D. do OTABAAAAOOC AOENOT. Rev. ATT. K. A. ATPHAIANOC. CEB. (Eck. 7: 492) Johns PROBUS. 276-282 A. D. do CLEMENTIA TEMP. XXI. Two soldiers standing. H. S. DeForest do EQUITAS AUG. Justice standing. Dr.A.T.Pratt do RESTITUT. ORBIS. XXI. Soldiers standing. Johns CARINUS. 282-285 A. D. do EQUITAS AUG. Justice standing. Purchase do. JOVI VICTORI. R. A. B. Jove standing. Johns NUMERIANUS. 282-284 A. D. do. ORIENS. K. A. T. Man marching. H. Champion DIOCLETIANUS. 284-305 A. D. II. GENIO POPULI ROMANI. Genius standing. Dr.A.T.Pratt III. JOVI CONSERVATORI AUG. XXI. Two soldiers standing. Johns MAXIMIANUS HERCULES. 285-310 A. D. Den. JOVI CONSERVATORI AUG. Two soldiers. Dr.A.T.Pratt II. GENIO POPULI ROMANI. Genus standing. Johns III. FELICITAS PUBLICA. Goddess standing. do do GENIO AUGUSTI S. I. S. Genius standing. Purchase CARAUSIUS. 287-293 A. D. do PAX AUG. XXI. Peace standing. Johns do PAX AUG. Peace marching. Yale Coll. do VIRTUS AUG. Soldier standing. do ALLECTUS. 293-298 A. D. Den. VIRTUS AUG. Q. L. Ship. Johns III. PROVIDENTIA AUG. Goddess standing. do CONSTANTIUS CHLORUS. 292-306 A. D. II. GENIO POPULI ROMANI. Genius standing. H. Champion III. CONCORDIA MILITUM. Two soldiers and standard. Johns THEODORA. do PIETAS ROMANA. Woman and infant. H. Champion GALERIUS MAXIMIANUS. 292-310 A.D. II. GENIO POPULI ROMANI. Genius standing. Johns do M. SACRA. AUG. ET CaES. N. N. P. TR. Moneta standing. Purchase 16 ROMAN COINS. Name. Description. Donors, qSc. II. SACRA MONETA AUG. ET. CaES. NOST. T. T. Moneta standing. Johns III. CONCORDIA MILITUM. Standard between two soldiers. H. Champion G. V. MAXIMINUS DAZA. 305-312 A. D. II GENIO C2ESARIS. Genius standing. do III. GENIO C2ESARIS. Genius standing. do do GENIO EXERCITUS. Genius standing. Purchase do SOLI INVICTO. Sol standing. do MAXENTlUS. 306-311 A. D. II. ~ETERNITAS AUG. N. NOST. Two soldiers with standards. Johns III. CONSERVAT. URB. SUE. Goddess in a temple. Johns LICINIUS SENIOR. 317-324 A.D. II. GENIO POPULI ROMANI. Genius standing. do III. JOVI CONSERVATORI AUG. M. ANT. Soldier and captive. Purchase do JOVI CONSERVATORI AUG. ANT. XIII. Jove standing. Johns do SOLI INVICTO COMITI. Sol marching. Dr.A.T.Pratt LICINIUS JUNIOR. 317-324 A. D. do PROVIDENTIA CAS. S. N. P. Jove standing. Purchase do VIRTUS EXERCIT. Two captives beneath a standard. Dr.A.T.Pratt CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS. 306-337 A. D. II. NOB. CAES. Rev. Emperor standing. Johns do NOB. C2ES. Rev. CONSERV. URB. SUAE. A temple. H. Champion do MARTI PATRI PROPUG. P. LN. Mars marching. Purchase do PRINCIPI JUVENTUTIS. T. F. P. TR. Emperor standing. Yale Coll. III. BEATA TRANQUILITAS. S. TR. VOTIS in an altar. do do BEATA TRANQUILITAS. VOTIS XX. P. L. C. Globe on an altar. Purchase do CONSTANTINIANA. DAFNE. Victory seated on a pillar. do do D. N. CONSTANTINI MAX. AUG. VOT. XX. A. SIS. A wreath. H.Champion do D. N. CONSTANTINI MAX. AUG. VOT. XX. Q. T. A wreath. Johns do D. N. CONSTANTINI MAX. AUG. VOT. XX. T. S.A.V.T. A wreath. do do FELICITAS REIPUBLIC2E. Emperor in a ship. do do GLORIA EXERCITUS. S. M. A. L. A. Soldiers and standard. do do JOVI CONSERVATORI. AUG. S. N. R. T. Jupiter standing. do do LIBERTAS PUBLICA. Victory standing on a ship. do do MARTI CONSERV. P. T. R. Mars standing. Purchase do MARTI CONSERVATORI. Head of Mars. do do PROVIDENTIA AUG. M. N. E. A gate. Johns do PROVIDENTIA AUG. S. M. A. L. A. A gate. do do PROVIDENTIA AUG. S. M. ANT. A. A gate. do do PROVIDENTIA AUG. S. M. K. T. A gate. Obv. NOB. CGES. Dr.A.T.Pratt do PROVIDENTIA AUG. S. M. K. T. A gate. Obv. AUG. Johns do PROVIDENTIA AUG. S. M. N. B. A gate. do do SOLI INVICTO COMITI. Sol standing. Obv. IMP. P. F. AUG. do do SOLI INVICTO COMITI. P. LN. Sol standing. Obv. P. F. AUG. do do SOLI INVICTO COMITI. P. LN. Sol standing. Obv. IMP. AUG. do do TR. S. Stand of arms. Obv. CONSTANTINOPOLIS. Yale Coll. do URBS ROMA. Rev. CONS. Romulus and Remus. do do URBS ROMA. Rev. S. M. H. E. Romulus and Remus. H. Champion do VIRTUS EXERCIT. PARL. VOT. XX. Captives beneath atrophy. Dr.A.T.Pratt do VOT. XV. MULT. XX. S. M. ANT. A wreath. H. Champion DELMATIUS. 335 A. D. do GLORIA EXERCITUS. S. M. T.S.E. Standard between two soldiers. Johns CRISPUS. 316-326 A. D. do C2ESARUM NOSTRUM. A. SIS. VOT. X. A wreath. do do ClESARUM NOSTRUM. SIS. VOT. V. A wreath. do do PROVIDENTIE C2ESAR. A gate. do do PROVIDENTILE C2ESAR. Jupiter standing. do CONSTANTINUS JUNIOR. 316-340 A. D. do CiESARUM NOSTRUM. T. S. VOT. X. A wreath. do do GLORIA EXERCITUS. Soldiers and standards. do do LIBERTAE REPUBLICE. Jupiter standing. Yale Coll. do PROVIDENTILE C}ES. A. SIS. A gate. Purchase do PROVIDENTILE CaES. M. ANT. A. A gate. Dr.A.T.Pratt do PROVIDENTIlE CaES. S.M. AN. S. A gate. Johns do PROVIDENTI2E C2ES. S. M. K. T. A gate. do do VIRTUS C2ESS. A gate. do ROMAN COINS. 17 CONSTANS. 337-350 A. D. Name. Description. Donor, 1c. III. FEL. TEMP. REP. Emperor in a ship. H. Champion do GLORIA EXERCITUS. S. M. AN. Soldiers standing. F. P. Brewer do VIRTUS AUG. Emperor riding. Yale Coell. MAGNENTIUS. 350-353 A. D. do GLORIA ROMANORUM. Horseman slaying a footman. Purchase do VICT. D. D. N. N. AUG. ET. C.ES. VOT. V. MULT. X. Two victories holding a shield. Johns do VICTORIE D. D. N. N. AUG. ET. CaES. A. O. V. VOT. V. MULT. X. Two victories holding a shield. do DECENTIUS. 350-353 A. D. do VICT. D. D. N. N. AUG. ET. C2ES. VOT. V. MULT. X. Two victories holding a shield. do CONSTANTIUS II. 325-361 A. D. do FEL. TEMP. REPARATIO. Soldier slaying a captive. Purchase do GLORIA EXERCITUS. C. 0. N. S. T. Soldiers and standards. Johns do GLORIA EXERCITUS. S.M. ANT. Soldiers and standards. do do PROVIDENTI2E CAES. S. M. ANT. H. A gateway. do do PROVIDENTIE CUES. S. M.K. T. A gateway. do do SPES REIPUBLIC2E. Hope standing. do do VIRUS CIES. C. O. N. S. A gateway. do do VOT. XX. MULT. XXX. A wreath. do do - - - - - - - -. Emperor standing. do JULIANUS. 355-363 A. D. do SPES REIPUBLICMI. Soldier standing. Dr.A.T.Pratt do VOT. X. MULT. XX. ANT. I. Wreath. Purchase VALENTINIANUS. 364-375 A. D. Gold. VICTORIAE AUGGG. TR. Two victories holding a trophy. Johns III. GLORIA ROMANORUM. S. M. AN. S. Soldier and captive. Purchase VALENS. 364-378 A. D. do GLORIA ROMANORUM. Soldier and captive. Dr.A.T.Pratt GRATIANUS. 367-383 A. D. Den. VIRTUS ROMANORUM. TR. P. S. Rome seated. Purchase III. GLORIA ROMANORUM. Soldier and captive. Dr.A.T.Pratt THEODOSIUS. 379-395 A. D. do GLORIA ROMANORUM. ANT. S. Emperor standing. do do GLORIA REIPUBLIC2E. TES. Gateway. XP. monogram. F. P. Brewer do VIRTUS REIPUBLIC1E. Emperor with foot on captive. H. Champion ELIA FLACILLA. do SALUS REIPUBLICzE. ANT. E. Health standing. Dr.A.T.Pratt ARCADIUS. 383-408 A. D. Gold. VICTORIA AUGG. Soldier with foot on captive. Johns III. GLORIA ROMANORUM. A. L. E. S. Emperor standing. - Dr.A.T.Pratt do VIRTUS EXERCIT. P. L. E.B. Victory crowning a soldier. do HONORIUS. 393-407 A. D. do GLORIA ROMANORUM. P.L.E.B. Emperor standing. Johns IV. —-.BYZANTI1E SEE ERIES. ANASTASIUS. 491-518 A. D. I. M. below, coN. Purchase III. fK* Unknown do Head. Rev. E. F. P. Brewer JUSTINUS J. 518-527 A. D. I * M.t below, coN. Purchase do *M.* below, B. CON. Johns II. t It Unknown JUSTINIANUS. 527-566 A. D. I. ANNO M. xxxII. below, coN. Purchase do ANNO M. XXII. below, A. KYS. do do *M.* below, B. OEUP. do III. ANNO I xx. Johns do ANNO I xx. below, THEUP. Unknown 3 18 BYZANTINE COINS. JUSTINUS II. AND SOPHIA. 566- 5 78 A. D. Name. Description. Donor, {c. II. ANNO K. III. below, KV,. Purchase TIBERIUS CONSTANTINUS. 574-582 A. D. do ANNO M.,. below, THEUP. do III. t. below, CAR. do TIBERIUS MAURICIUS. 582-602 A. D. I. ANNO M xx. below, CON. do III. ANNO K X. below, A. do CONSTANS IIT. 641-668 A. D. II. Bust of Constans. Rev. M. above, T. K. w. in monogram. Unknown do Bust of Constans. Rev. M. below, s.c.L. do do Busts of Constans and son. Rev. I. do do Figures of Constans and son. Rev. Heraclius and Tiberius. T. K. t. in monogram. do CONSTANTINUS POGONATUS. 668 —685 A. D. I. Two Emperors. M. below, KON. F. P. Brewer II. Constantinus. Rev. Heraclius and Tiberius. T.K.o. in monogram. do do Constantinus. Rev. ANNO M. NEO. above, T.K.,. in monogram. do LEO III. 717-741 A. D. do LEON EN OEO BASILEUS ROMEON. do LEO III. AND CONSTANTINUS V. 720-741 A. D. III. Heads of Leo and Const. Rev. M. K. Purchase do Head of Leo. Rev. Head of Constantine. Above, M. do CONSTANTINUS V. AND LEO IV. 751-755 A. D. do AEON AEC. Rev. K. AEON. do LEO IV. AND CONSTANTINUS VI. 776-780 A. D. do Head of Leo. Rev. Head of Constantine. Unknown MICHAEL AND THEOPHILUS. 821-829 A. D. do MIXAHL S OEO. Rev. M. above, a cross. Yale Coll. THEOPHILUS. 829-842 A. D. do OEOFILOS BASIL. Rev. xxx. M. NNN. Unknown MICHAEL II. AND CONSTANTINUTS. 856-866 A. D. do MIXAHL S. CONSTANTIN. Rev. OEOPILOS BASILE. do ROMANUS I. 920-944 A. D. I. Head. Rev. ROMAN EN OEO BASILEUS ROM. F. P. Brewer III. ROMAN BASILEUS ROM. Rev. ROMAN EN OEO BASILEUS ROMION. JOHN ZIMISCES. 969-975 A. D. I. EMMANOUHL. Rev. A cross.-IS. XS. BASILE BASILE. Dr.A.T.Pratt do EMMANOUHL IC KL. Rev. IHSUS XRISTUS BASILEU BASILE. do II. EMMANOUHL IC KL. Rev. IHSUS XPISTUS BASILEU BASILE. Purchase do Figure of Christ. Rev. A cross. IC XC. NI KA. do ALEXIUS COMNENUS AND CONSTANTINE. 1081 A. D. III. AAEXIO. Rev. Figure of Christ. Unknown COMNENUS. 1143 1189 A. D. do Virgin Mary. Emperor standing. (Concave.) F. P. Brewer do A Cross. M A. A. II. K. at ends and center. do ORIENTAL COINS. ARMENIA. ROOPINYAN DYNASTY. 1080-1380 A. D. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, s.c. - King seated on leopards.-Cross between leopards. silv. D.S.B.Johannis - Face.-Cross between stars. cop. do OMMIAH RACE. 661-750 A. D. Fels. There is no God but Allah. (1: 12) do Purchase Dinar. Allah is one, Allah is eternal, &c. 108. (1: 15) do do Fels. There is no God but God alone. Waset. 120. (1: 14) do do do There is no God but Allah. (1: 20) do do ABBAS DYNASTY. 750-1242 A. D. do There is no God but God, &c. (1: 28) do do TURKOMAN ORTOKITES-MARDIN. 1122-1312 A. D. NiAr-ed-din Atabeg. Man seated. 596. (1: 125) do do - Nasir-ed-din. Man on a lion. 606. (1: 135) do do ATABEGS OF IRAK-MOSUL BRANCH. 1127-1260 A. D. - A face. Above, Winged figures. —iMaudhd ben Zengi. 555. (1: 157) do do - A face. Above, Winged figures. —Nir-ed-din Arslan. 590. (1: 163) do do - Profile in a square-Bedr-ed-din Lulu. Mosul. 631. (1: 168) do do ATABEGS OF IRAK —HALEB BRANCH. 1127 —1195 A. D. Al Malek as Salah Ismail. Damascus. (1; 180) do do FATIMITE DYNASTY-AFRICA AND EGYPT. 908-1169 A D. Dinar. There is no God but Allah, &c.-Abiu Muhammed. gold. P.Nottbeck do There is no God but Allah, &c.-Al —Mansir. do Purchase KHALIFS OF SPAIN-OMMIAH RACE. 756-1030 A. D. Dirh. Allah is one, Allah is eternal.-Andalus. 276. silv. P. Nottbeck do The Imam Hishdm, &c.-Andalus. 371. (1: 323) do do KHALIFS OF SPAIN-MARABUT DYNASTY. 1056-1146 A. D. Dinar. Ali ben YAisif.-Telmascdn. 522. (1: 353) gold. do do Ali ben Yitsif.-Grenada. 523. (1: 353) do do do (Obliterated.) Grenada. 541. (1: 354) do do SHERIFS OF MOROCCO AND FEZ. Dirh. There is no God but Allah, &c. —Grenada. (1: 367) silv. do do There is no God but Allah.-All Empire, &c. (1: 367) do do HINDUSTAN. - orseman. Ox.-Sai Samagra Deva. do Yale Coll. MODERN COINS. AMERICA. CANADIA. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, {4c. Ten Cents. Head of Victoria. silv. J. Edwards, Jr. Five Cents. Head of Victoria. do A. W. Wright One Cent. Head of Victoria. cop. Unknown do Head of Victoria. -A Crown. do H. S. DeForest Penny Token. Man standing.-Bank of Montreal. do Unknown do Man standing.- City Bank. do do do Man standing.-Banque du Peuple. do F. P. Brewer do Man standing.- Quebec Bank. do Unknown do St. George and the Dragon. do do do Head of George IV. —Thistle. _Nova Scotia. do do do Head of Victoria.-A Ship. NAew Brunswick. do do Halfpenny Token. Man standing.-Bank of Montreal. do do do Man standing. —Banque du Peuple. do do do Man standing.- City Bank. do do do Man standing.- Quebec Bank. do. do do St. George and the Dragon. do do do Head of George III.-Thistle. Nova Scotia. do do do Head of Victoria.-Thistle. Nova Scotia. do J. Edwards, Jr. do Head of Victoria.-Branch with blossoms. Nova Scotia. do Unknown do Head of Victoria.-A Ship. New Brunswick. do F. P. Brewer do Bank.-Bank of Montreal. do Unknown do A Head.-A ship. John Barry. do do do A Head.-A Store. Hosterman. do do do A Head.- Montreal. do do do Justice. Leslie and Sons.-A Plough. do do do Shield.-Lamb. Rutherford. do do do Store. Hardware Store. —Keg of Nails. do do do Ship. For Public Accommodation.-New Brunswick. do do do Ship. For Public Accommodation.- Canada. do do do Plough. To facilitate Trade. —Sloop. do do do Anvil. Commercial Change.-Sloop. do do do Man ploughing.-Man threshing. do do do Monument to Brock.-Success, &c. do do do Ship. Success to Commerce.-Sir Isaac Brock, &c. do do Sou. Bouquet. —Wreath. Token Montreal. (7 varieties.) do do do Bouquet.-Wreath. Bank Token. do do do Bouquet.-Wreath. Banque du Peuple. (2 varieties.) do do do Bouquet.-Wreath. Bank of Montreal. do do UNIMI'E1D STrATE]rS. Shilling. N. E.-XII. (wt. 65 gr.) silv. Yale Coll. Threepence. N. E.-III. (wt. 17 gr.) do do Shilling. Pine Tree. —XII. 1652, &c. (wt. 71 gr.) do do do Pine Tree.-XII. 1652, &c. (wt. 70 gr.) do do do Pine Tree.-XII. 1652, &c. (wt. 38 gr.) do Johns do Oak Tree.-XII. 1652, &c. (wt. 69 gr.) do Yale Coll. Sixpence. Oak Tree.-VI. 1652, &c. (wt. 32 gr.) do Exchange Threepence. Pine Tree.-III. 1652, &c. (wt. 18 gr.) do E. Sanford do Oak Tree.-III. 1652, &c. (wt. 16 gr.) do Yale Coell. Penny. 1722. Head of George I.-Rose. Rosa Americana. copy. Johns. Halfpenny. 1722. Head of George I.-Rose. Rosa Americana. do do Farthing. 1722. Head of George I.-Rose. Rosa Americana. brass. Yale Coil. Penny. 1723. Head of George I.-Rose. Rosa Americana. do do Halfpenny. 1723. Head of George I.-Rose crowned. Rosa Americana. do do Cent. 1783. A Star. Nova Constellatio.-U. S. cop. Mrs. Street do 1783. A Star. Nova Constelatio.- U. S. do do do 1185. A Star. Nova Constelatio.- U. S. do Unknown MODERN COINS. 21 Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 1.c. Cent. Sun-dial.-Thirteen links. United States. cop. Yale Coll. do Sun-dial. -Thirteen links. States United. do W. C. Gilman do U. S. A.-Thirteen bars. do E. Bishop do A Head. Gloriuvs III Vis.-Female seated. do Yale Coll. do A Head. Georgius Triumpho.-Liberty behind 13 bars. do Mrs. Street do Hills, &c.- Vermontensium Res Publica. do W. L. Kingsley do A Head. — Vermon Auctori.-1788. (1) do do do Indian.-Massachusetts. An Eagle. 1787. do Yale Coll. do Indian.-Massachusetts. An Eagle. 1788. do do Half-Cent. Indian.-Massachusetts. An Eagle. 1787. do W. L. Kingsley do Indian. —Massachusetts. An Eagle. 1788. do Dr. J. Porter Cent. A Head. Auctori Connec. —1785. (1) do Yale Coll. do A Head. Auctori Connec. —1787. (18) do do do A Head. Auctori Connec.-1787. (29) do W. L. Kingsley do A Head. Auctori Connec.-1787. (32) do do do A Head. Auctori Connec. —1787. (42) do W. C. Gilman do A Head. Auctori Connec. —1787. (49) do Yale Coll. do A Head. Auctori Connec.-1787. (51) do W. L Kingsley do A Head. Auctori Connec. —1787. (71) do Yale Coll. do A Head. Auctori Connec. —1788. (17) do do do Stag. Valve me as you please.-Three Hammers. copy. F. P. Brewer do Horse's head. Nova Ccesarea.-Shield. 1786. (3) cop. Yale Coll. do Horse's head. Nova Cc(sarea.-Shield. 1786. (4) do F. B. Dexter do Horse's head. Nova Coesarea.-Shield. 1786. (10) do W. C. Gilman do Horse's head. Nova Csesarea.-Shield. 1787. (11) do W. L. Kingsley do Horse's head. Nova Ccesarea.-Shield. 1787. (14) do W. C. Gilman do Horse's head. Nova Ccesarea.-Shield. 1787. (15) do do do Horse's head. Nova Ccesarea.-Shield. 1787. (18) do do do Horse's head. Nova Coesarea.-Shield. 1787. (23) do do do Horse's head. Nova Ccesarea.-Shield. 1787. (-) do do do Horse's head. Nova Ccesarea.-Shield. 1788. (2) do do do Horse's head. Nova Ccesarea -Shield. 1788. (3) do do Token. Palm Trees.-Newl Yorke in America. copy. F. P. Brewer Cent. (Kentucky.) Pyramid of stars.-Hand with scroll: Our cause is just. cop. W. C. Gilman do Head of Geo. III.-Shield: Virginia. do Yale Coll. do A Shield.- Colonies Frangoises. 1721. do M.N.Chamberlain do A Shield. —Colonies Frangoises. 1722. do W. S. Charnley do Head of Washington.-Unity States, &c. 1783. do H. F. Aiken do Head of Washington.-Head of Washington. do Mrs. Street do Head of Washington.-A Shield: Liberty & Security. copy. Unknown do Head of Washington. 1791.-Eagle: One cent. do do do Head of Washington. 1792.-Eagle: United States, &c. do do Token. Head of Washington.-Eagle: In unitate fortitudo. brass. W. L. Kingsley do Head of Clinton.-Eagle: Non vi virtute vici. do A. S. Robinson Dollar. 1795. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. silv. Mrs. Street do 1799. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do Mrs. Street Half Dollar. 1817. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do H. Champion Quar.Dollar. 1821. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do do do 1835. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do Johns Dime. 1807. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1825. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do F. P. Brewer do 1834. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do H. Champion do 1841. Liberty seated.-A Wreath. do F. P. Brewer Half Dime. 1834. Head of Liberty. —Eagle. do H. Champion do 1835. Head of Liberty.-Eagle. do F. P. Brewer do 1837. Liberty seated. (No stars.) —Wreath. do do Three Cents. 1851. A star. C III. silv. H. Champion do 1852. do do do do do 1853. do do do do do 1854. do do do do do 1855. do do do do do 1856. do do do do do 1857. do do do do do 1858. do do do do do 1859. do do do do do 1860. do do do do do 1861. do do do do 22 MODERN COINS. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, &c. Three Cents. 1862. A star. C. III. silv. H. Champion do 1863. do do do do One Cent. 1793. Head with flowing hair-a wreath, &c. cop. Yale Coll. do 1794. Head with liberty-pole and cap. A wreath, &c. do H. T. Blake do 1795. Head with liberty-pole and cap. A wreath, &c. (Thick die.) do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1795. Head with liberty-pole and cap. A wreath, &c. (Thin die.) do H. Champion do 1796. Head to right. do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1797. do do do do do 1798. do do do H. T. Blake do 1800. do do do do do 1801. do do do do do 1802. do do do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1803. do do do H. Champion do 1805. do do do do do 1806. do do do H. T. Blake do 1807. Fillet Head. do do do 1808. do do do do do 1809. do do do do do 1810. do do do do do 1811. do do do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1812. do do do H. T. Blake do 1813. do do do do do 1814. do do do H. Champion do 1816. Modern Head. do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1817. do do do do do 1818. do do do H. T. Blake do 1819. do do do do do 1820. do do do do do 1821. do do do do do 1822. do do do do do 1823. do do do H. Champion do 1824. do do do do do 1825. do do do do do 1826. do do do H. T. Blake do 1827. do do do do do 1828. do do do do do 1829. do do do do do 1830. do do do do do 1831. do do do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1832. do do do do do 1833. do do do do do 1834. do do do do do 1835. do do do do do 1836. do do do H. Champion do 1837. do do do do do 1838. do o' do do do 1839. do do do do do 1840. do do do do do 1841. do do do do do 1842. do do do do do 1843. do do do do do 1844. do do do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1845. do do do do do 1846. do do do H. T. Blake do 1847. do do do do do 1848. do do do do do 1849. do do do do do 1850. do do do H. Champion do 1851. do do do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1852. do do do do do 1853. do do do do do 1854. do do do do do 1855. do do do do do 1856. do do do H. Champion do 1856. Eagle. (Altered from 1858.) nick. C. W. Betts do 1857. Head. cop. J. Edwards, Jr. MODERN COINS. 23 Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. One Cent. 1857. Eagle. nick. H. T. Blake do' 1858. do do do do 1859. Indian HIead. do do do 1860. do do do H. Champion do 1861. do do do do do 1862. do do do do do 1862. do do do do Half Cent. 1794. Head with liberty cap. cop. H. T. Blake. do 1795. Head with liberty cap. do do do 1797. Head with liberty cap. do do do 1803. Head with flowing hair. do H. Champion. do ] 804. do do do do do do 1805. do do do do do do 1806. do do do do do do 1807. do do do do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1808. Fillet Head. do do do 1809. do do do do do 1810. do do do do do 1825. do do do H. T. Blake do 1826. do do do do do 1827. do do do do do 1828. do do do do do 1829. do do do do do 1832. do do do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1833. do do do do do 1834. do do do do do 1835. do do do H. T. Blake do 1851. Modern Head. do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1853. do do do do do 1855. do do do do do 1856. do do do do do 1857. do do do do do 1837. An eagle.-Half cent. worth of pure copper. do Dr. J. Porter One Cent. 1837. An eagle.-Feuchtwanger's composition. Ger. silv. Prof. Olmsted PolUtlcal Tolkens. Token. 1834. A Plain System. Man with purse and sword.-Jackass. cop. Yale Coll. do - I take the responsibility, &c. Man in chest.-Jackass. do do do - Same as above. brass. Dr. J. Porter do 1834. My Substitute, &c. Head.-Hog running. do Yale Coll. do 1837. Executive Experiment. Turtle. —Ass running. do do do 1837. Substitutefor shinplasters. Phoenix. —fay tenth. do do do 1837. Substitute for shinplasters. Phcenix.-Not one cent. do Dr. J. Porter do 1837. Head. Not one cent, &c. do Yale Coll. do 1837. Van Buren metallic currency. Shipwreck.-I take'the responsibility, &c. do do do 1837. Van Buren metallic currency. Shipwreck. — Webster credit current. do do do 1837. Van Buren metallic currency. Shipwreck.- Webster credit currency. do do do 1837. Van Buren metallic current. Shipwreck.- Webster credit current. do do do 1838. Locofoco. A Head. —Mint drop. do do do 1841. Webster credit current. A Ship.-Not one cent, &c. do Dr. J. Porter do 1841. Webster credit current. A Ship.-A Head. do Yale Coll. do 1841. Am I not a woman. Slave.-Liberty. do Unknown do 1833. Liberia. Negro and Palm.-Founded A. D. 1816. do J. Edwards, Jr. do 1842. A Head. —An Eagle: United States, &c. do Unknown do - Man drinking from a bucket. do F. Bradley do - Head of Clay.-Hands clasped. cop. Unknown do - Head of Jackson.-An Eagle. brass. do do - Head of Harrison.-Log-hut. cop. do do. - Head of Harrison: Year 1840.-Log-hut. brass. do do -- Head of Harrison: Hero of Tip.-Log-hut. do do do Head of Lincoln. —To more slave territory. tin. F. P. Brewer do - Head of Lincoln.-The great rail splitter. cop. do 24 MODERN COINS. Tradesmen'rs Cards. Issued by Issued at Metal. Donor, S'c. North American Token. copper. Yale Coll. March, Nath. Portsmouth, N. H. do Unknown Simes, Wm. & Co. Portsmouth, N. H. do J. Edwards, Jr. Size, E. F. Portsmouth. N. H. do Unknown Milton, W. H. & Co. Boston, Mass. do Unknown Peck & Burnham. Boston, Mass. do J. Edwards, Jr. Richards, H. M. & E. J. Attleboro', Mass. do Unknown Wilkins, S. L. Lowell, Mass. do do Willard, Alfred. Boston, Mass. do J. Edwards, Jr. Woodworth. Attleboro', Mass. do Unknown Handy, W. A. Providence, R. I. do do Hatheway, E. H. Providence, R. I. do do Bassett, J. E. & Co. New Haven, Conn. do J. E. Bassett & Co. Benedict & Burnham. Waterbury, Conn. do do Scovill, J. M. L. & W. H. Waterbury, Conn. do Unknown Anderson, H. New York. do do Bucklin. Troy, N. Y do do Centre Market. New York. do do Crossman, H. New York. do do Doremus, Suydam & Nixon. New York. do do Evans & Allen. Binghamton, N. Y. do do Hart, Samuel. New York. do do Herschman & Bro. Binghamton, N. Y. do do Jarvis, G. A. New York. do do Jennings, Wheeler & Co. New York. do Frank Bradley Jennings, Wheeler & Co. (hands clasped,) New York. do do Joint Stock Exchange Co. New York. do Unknown Kingsley, T. L. Utica, N. Y. do T. L. Kingsley Merchants Exchange. New York. do Unknown Moffet, J. G. New York. do do Olcott & Bro. Rochester, N. Y. do Frank Bradley Richardson, W. H. New York. do do Robinson, R. & W. New York. do do Robinson, Jones & Co. New York. do Unknown Root & Co. New York. do do Smith. (Clocks.) New York. do Frank Bradley Starbuck & Sons. New York, do Unknown Starbuck & Sons. (Obv. a Head.) New York. do do Talbot Allum & Lee. New York. do Mrs. Street Treadwell, Kissam & Co. New York. do Unknown Walsh, Lansingburg, N. Y. do do Yates, A. C. Syracuse, N. Y. do Frank Bradley North American Ins. Co. Rev. one cent stamp enclosed. New York. do Unknown St. 1860.x. Drake's Bitters. Rev. one cent stamp enclosed. New York. do do Ayers' Pills. Rev. one cent stamp enc. New York. do do Key, F. C. (E. K. Kane.) Philadelphia, Pa. do F. C. Key Key, F. C. (Victoria and Albert.) Philadelphia, Pa. do do Fitzgibbon, St. Louis, Mo. do Frank Bradley Fotterall, B. F. Vicksburg, Miss. do do Van Gott, A. B. Racine, Wis. do do Merwin, S. C. Cincinnati, O. do do Pitkin, R. New Orleans, La. do do Barker & Illsley. Chicago, Ill. do J. S. Bryant. Countiss, R. H. Chicago, Ill. do do Flagg. Chicago, Ill. do do Freedman, Goodkind & Co. Chicago, Ill. do do Gafferty, P. Chicago, Ill. do do Gates & Trask. Aurora, Ill. do do Gerts, G. E. & Co. Chicago, Ill. do do Heilbromer. Chicago, Ill. do do Judd & Corthell. Chicago, Ill. do do Oppenheimer & Metzger. Chicago, Ill. do do MODERN COINS. 25 WVEST' IWDI1ES. Sovereign, &c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, $.c. HAYTI. 25 Centimes. Head of Petion, President. —Palm tree, &c. silv. Unknown 12 Centimes. Head of Petion, President. —Palm tree, &c. do do 12 Centimes. Head of Boyer, President.-Palm tree, &c. do W.A.Reynolds 25 Centimes. Palm tree, &c.-Republique d' Haiti. do Yale Coll. 12 Centimes. Palm tree, &c.-Republique d' Haiti. do do 6 Centimes. Fasces, Liberti, &c.-Republique d' Haiti. cop. C. W. Burrage 2 Centimes. Fasces, Liberte, &c.-Republique d'Haiti. do J. Edwards, Jr. Centime. Fasces, LibertY, &c.-Republique d' Haiti. do do ST. DOMINGO. J Centime. Republica Dominicana. do Unknown BARBADOES. Penny. Indian's head.-Pine apple. do Mrs. Street Penny token Cotton bale. 11. Tolanto.-Barrel. do Mr.Trowbridge BAHAMA. Penny. Head of George III.-Ship. do Yale Coll. BERMUDA. Penny. Head of George III.-Ship. do Prof. Dana CUBA. Mitad. Am. de la cuadra. brass. F. Bradley CuRAgOA. Stuiver. Curafao. 1822. cop. Unknown DANISH W.I. 24 Skillings. A Ship. Dansk Americansk Afynt. silv. Yale Coll. 12 Skillings. A Ship. Dansk Americansk Mynt. do do 10 Skillings. Shield with 3 lions. Dansk Amerik.Jlynt. do H. Champion 2 Skillings. Shield with 3 lions. Dansk Amerik.Afynt. do Prof. Olmsted 2 Skillings. C. 6, monogram. do Yale Coll. M1EXICO. AUGUSTIN. Dollar. Head of Augustin.-Eagle. silv. Mrs. Street REPUBLIC. Dollar. Liberty Cap.-Eagle. do do Real. Liberty Cap.-Eagle. do F. P. Brewer J Real. Head of Liberty. —<. do Unknown J Peso. Eagle. —. cop. Yale Coill. Cob Dollar. Two Pillars.-Cross, castles and lions. silv. Mr.Trowbridge Cob Real. Two Pillars.-Cross, &c. (8 varieties.) do do Cob i Real. Two Pillars.-Cross, &c. (3 varieties.) do do CHIHUAHUA. I Peso. Indian. —<. do Yale Coll. S. LuIS POTOSI.+ Peso. Liberty. —J. do do CETITRALL AMIFERICA. REPUBLIC. 2 Reals. Sun rising.-Tree. silv. Unknown HONDURAS. 2 Reals. Sun rising.-Tree. do do Real. Sun rising.-Tree. do do COIOlM3BIkA. REPUBLIC. Dollar. Indian head. —Fruit. Cundinamarca. silv. Mrs. Street 2 Reals. Indian head.-Fruit. Cundinamarca. do do Real. Indian head.-Fruit, &c. do do N. GRANADA. J Real. Fruit and Cornucopia.-Popayan. do Unknown VENEZUELA. 2 Reals. 2 Pillars. Plus ultra. Caracas.-Cross, &c. cop. Yale Coll. i Peso. Caracas. Ano de 1818.-j. do do GUIANA. FRENCH G. ~ Son. Castle. Guiana. —Lion. cop. Yale Coll. ~ Sou. Castle. Guiana. —Lion. do do 2 Sous. Lilies. Louis XV.-1788. Colonie. do do ENGLISH G. i Dollar. Arms of England.-Anchor. Coloniar, &c. silv. Mrs. Street i Dollar. Arms of England.-Anchor. Coloniar, &c. do do 1-16 do. Arms of England.-Anchor, &c. do do Stiver. Head of Geo. III.-Essequibo & Demerary. cop. Unknown Stiver. Female seated.-Trade and Navigation. do F. P. Brewer i Stiver. Head of Geo. III.-Essequibo & IDemerary. do Mr.Trowbridge BRAZII._Zi. PETER I. 80 Reis. Shield with globe.-80. cop. Yale Coll. 40 Reis. Shield with globe.-40. do C. W. Bradley 40 Reis. Shield with globe.-40, restamped 20. do L. Hebard 20 Reis. Shield with globe.-20. do J.Edwards,Jr. PETER II. 80 Reis. Shield with globe.-80, restamped 60. do Unkown. 4 26 MODERN COINS.:ZPERU. Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. REPUBLIC. Dollar. Liberty standing.-Shield: Repub. Peruana. silv. Mrs. Street. Dollar. Liberty standing.-Shield: Rep. Peruana. do do NORTH PERU. Dollar. Liberty standing.-Shield: Nor. Peruano. do do SOUTH PERU. Dollar. Liberty standing.-Shield: Sud. Peruano. do do 4 Reals. Sun. —Volcano and castle. do Unknown 2 Reals. Liberty standing.-Shield. do do BOLIVIA. Dollar. Head of Bolivar.-Llamas under a tree. do Mrs. Street 2 Reals. Head of Bolivar. —Llamas under a tree. do Unknown ~ Real. Head of Bolivar.-Llamas under a tree. do do LIMA. i Real Llama. —J. do do i Peso. Landscape with Llamas.- Quarto de peso. cop. Yale coll. i Peso. Landscape with Llamas.- Octo de peso. do do CI ILl. 2 Reals. Volcano. Santiago.-Pillar. Libertad. silv. Unknown 2 Reals. Eagle.-Shield and plume. do C. W. Bradley Real. Eagle.-Shield and plume. do Unknown i Real. Eagle.-Shield and plume. do do Centavo. Star.- Un centavo. cop. do LA. PLA m_A. REPUBLIC. Dollar. Two hands holding liberty-pole.-Sun. silv. Unknown 2 Reals. Two hands, &c.-Sun. do do B'NOS AYRES. Real. Casa de lfonedo.. —1 R. cop. do 20 Decimos. Eagle.-Banco Nacional. do Purchase. 10 Decimos. Eagle.-Banco Nacional. do do 5 Decimos. Buenos Ayres.-5-10. Banco Nacional. do do Decimo. Two hands, &c. —1822. do Unknown Decimo. Buenos Ayres.-Banco N2acional. do Purchase Token. Musical instruments. —Entreda de comedia. brass. Unknown EUROPE. GiEATI BhRITmAIN. Sovereign, 4c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. AEDELRED.-(740-8.) Penny. Head.-A hand. Osfred, &c. silv. Johns Penny. Head.-A hand. Olv., &c. do do Penny. Head.-A hand. Pulfstan, &c. do do Penny. Head.-A hand. Sidevinem, &c. do do WILLIAM I.-(10'72-8'7.) Penny. Face.-Cross. do do STEPHEN.-(1135-54.) Penny. Face.-Cross tressure. do do HENRY I.-(1154-88.) Penny. Face.-Cross, double barred. do do HENRY III.-(1216-72.) Penny. Face.-Cross, double barred. do do EDWARD I.-(1272-1307.) Penny. Face. —Cross. Villa Berevici. do do Penny. Face.-Cross. Civitas London. do do Penny. Face in triangle.-Cross. Civitas Dublin. do do Halfpenny. Face. —Civitas London. do do EDWARD II.-(1307-27.) Halfpenny. Face.-Cross. Vill. Sci. Edmundi. do do Halfpenny. Face.-Cross. Civitas London. do do EDWARD III.-(132'7-77.) Groat. Face.-Cross. Civitas Lond. Posui, &c. do do ~ Groat. Face.-Cross. Civit. Cantor.Pos.,&c. do do Penny. Face. —Cross. Civitas London. do do HENRY IV.-(1399-1413.) J Groat. Face.-Cross. Villa Calisce. Posui Deum, &c. do do Halfpenny. Face.-Cross. Civitas London. do do HENRY V.-(1413-22.) Groat. Face.-Cross. Villa Calisce. Posui, &c. do do HENRY VI.-(1422-72.) Groat. Face.-Cross. Civitas Lond. Posui, &c. do do EDWARD IV.-(1412-83.)Rial. King in ship.-Cross. Ihs autem transiens, &c. gold. do Groat. Face.-Cross. Civ.Norvic.Posui,&c. silv. do HENRY VII.-(1485-1509.)Groat. Profile.-Shield. PosuiDeum, &c. do do Penny. King seated.-Shield. Posui Deum. do do MODERN COINS. 27 Sovereign, 4-c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. HENRY VIII.-(1509-47.) Angel. St. Geo. & Dragon.-Shield in ship. gold. Johns Crown. Rose. Henric. VII —Shield. Franc Hib. &c. do do ~ do Profile.-Henric. Rosa sine spina. do Unknown Groat. Profile.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. silv. Johns Groat. Face.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. do do Groat. Face.-Harp. bill. do Penny. Profile.-Shield. Civitas Eborac. silv. do Penny. King seated.-Shield. Civitas Lond. do do EDWARD VI.-(1547-53.) i Crown. King on horseback.-Shield. Posui Deum Adjutorem Jfeum. do do Shilling. Face.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. do do 6 Pence. Face.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. do do MARY.- -(1 5 5 3-58.) Groat. Profile.-Shield. Veritas Temporis Filia. do do PHILIP&MARY.-(1554-58.) Shilling. Two heads.-Shield. Posuimus Deum, &c. do do 6 Pence. Two heads.-Shield. Posuimus Deum, &c. do do Groat. Head of Mary.-Shield. Posuimus Derum, &c. do do ELIZABETH.-(1558-1603.) ~ Crown. Bust.-Shield. gold. do i Crown. Bust.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. silv. do Shilling. Bust.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. do do 6 Pence. Bust.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. do do Groat. Bust.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. do do 3 Pence. Bust.-Shield. Posui Deum, &c. do do Penny. Bust. —Shield. Civitas London. do do JAMES I.-(1603-25.) Crown. Bust.-Shield. gold do Shilling. Bust. —Shield. Quce Deus conjunxit, &c. silv. do 6 Pence. Bust.-Shield. Quoe Deus, &c. do do 6 Pence. Bust.-Harp. Hibernia. do do i Groat. Rose crowned. —Thistle crowned. Tueatur, &c do do Penny. Head. Rosa sine spina.-Shield. do do Penny. Rose. Rosa sine spina.-Thistle. do do XI. S. Head. I. R. -I Brit.-Crown. XI. S. brass. do XI. S. St. George and Dragon. I. R. M. Brit.Crown. XI. S. do do Lion. (Scotland.) Lionin shield.-Thistle. silv. Yale Coll. CHARLES I.-(1625-46.) i Crown. King on horseback.-Round shield. Christo Auspice Regno do Johns Shilling. Head.-Large square shield. Quao Deus conjunxit nemo separet. do do Shilling. Head.-Small square shield. Christo Auspice Regno. do do Shilling. Head.-Large round shield. Christo Auspice Regno. do do Shilling. Head.-Small round shield. Christo Auspice Regno. do do Shilling. Crown. C. R. XII.-Obs. Newark. 1646. do Yale Coll. 6 pence. Head.-Square shield. Christo, &c. do do 6 pence. Head.-Relig. Prot., &c. Deus exurgat, Inimici dissipentur. do Johns 6 pence. Crown. C. R. — VI. do do 2 pence. Head.-Round shield. Justitia, &c. do Unknown 2 pence. Head.-Plume. Justitia, &c. do do Penny. Head.-Shield. Justitia, &c. do do Penny. Rose.-Rose. do do Penny. Head.-Crown and Sceptre. cop. do Penny. Crown & scep.-Harp. Franc. et Hib. do do XX pence. (Scotland.) Head.-Thistle. silv. do Baubee. do Crown. C.R.-Thistle. cop. do ~ penny. King and harp. Floreat Rex.Bishop. do Yale Coll. Farthing. King and harp..Floreat Rex.Bishop. do do 28 MODERN COINS. Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, (Sc. COMMONWEALTH. Shilling. Shield.-2 shields. Godwith us. silv. Johns 6 pence. Shield.-2 shields. God with us. do do 2 pence. Shield.-2 shields. God with us. do do Penny. Shield.-2 shields. do do Farthing. 3 pillars joined.-A Ship. God directs our corse. cop. do CHARLES II.-(1659-85.) Crown. Head. —Four shields silv. Mrs. Street Shilling. Head.-Shield. do Johns Shilling. Head. —Carolus a Carolo. do do 4 pence. Head. —Four C's linked. do do 3 pence. Head.-Three C's linked. do do 3 pence. Head.-Shield. do do 2 pence. Head.-Two C's linked. do do 2 pence. Head.-Shield. do do Penny. Head.-Shield. do do i penny. Head.-Britannia. cop. do ~ penny. Head.-Harp. do do Farthing. Head.-Britannia. do do Baubee. (Scotland.) Head.-Thistle. do do 2 pence. do Cross.-Two C's linked. tin. do JAMES II.-(1685-88.) 3 pence. Head. —III. crowned. silv. do Crown. King on horseback.-Cross of four shields. brass, do ~ Crown.. Head.-Crown and sceptres. May, 1690. do do i Crown. Head.-Crown and sceptres. Sep. 1689. do do Shilling. Head.-Crown and sceptres. Sep. 1680. do do ~ penny. Head.-Hibernia seated. cop. Yale Coll. - penny. Head. —Harp. Hibernia. do Unknown WM. & MARY.-(1688-95.) Shilling. Two heads.-Cross of 4 shields. silv. Yale Coll. 2 pence. Two heads.-2 crowned. do Unknown Penny. Two heads. —1 crowned. do do i penny. Two heads.-Britannia. cop. do j penny. Two heads.-Harp. Hibernia. do do Farthing. Two heads.-Britannia. do do Farthing. Head of William.-Head of Mary. do Yale Coill. WILL'MIII.-(1695-1702.) Crown.. Head. —Cross of 4 shields. silv. A. Townsend Shilling. Head.-Cross of 4 shields. do Unknown 10 pence. Head.-Shield. do do 6 pence. Head. —Cross of 4 shields. do Johns 4 pence. Head. —4 crowned. do do ~ penny. Head.-Britannia. cop. Yale Coil. Farthing. Head.-Britannia. do do Farthing. Head.-Cross of 4 shields. do do Farthing. Head. Jac. Princeps Wallice.Sun. Clarior e Tenebris. do do Farthing. Head. Jac. Princeps Wallice.Quo compressa magis. do do ANNE.-(1702-14.) Crown. Head.-Cross of 4 shields. silv. Mrs. Street Shilling. Head.-Cross of 4 shields. do Johns 4 pence. Head.-4 crowned. do Unknown Penny. Head.-i crowned. do do GEORGE I.-(1714-27.) 6 Pence. Head.-Cross of 4 shields. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. cop. do Halfpenny. Head.-Hibernia. 1722. do Johns Halfpenny. Head.-Hibernia. 1723. do Yale Coll. Farthing. Head.-Britannia. do do Farthing. Head.-Hibernia. do F. B. Dexter GEORGE II.-(1727-60.) Shilling. Head. —Cross of 4 shields. silv. Unknown 6 Pence. Head.-Cross of 4 shields. do F. B. Dexter Penny. Head.-i crowned. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. cop. C. W. Burrage Halfpenny. Head.-Hibernia. do Unknown Farthing. Head.-Britannia. do do Farthing. Head.-Hibernia. do do MODERN COINS. 29 Sovereign, 4-c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. GEO. III.-1760.-1820.) Crown. Head.-St. George and Dragon. silv. Mrs. Street j Crown. Head. —Shield. do Yale Coll. Shilling. Head.-Shield. do do 6 Pence. Head.-Shield. do Unknown 3 Pence. Head.-3 crowned. do F. B. Dexter 2 Pence. Head.-Britannia. cop. do Penny. Head.-Britannia. 1799. do Unknown Penny. Head.-Britannia. 1806. do do Penny. Head.-Harp. Hibernia. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. 1770. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. 1771. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. 1775. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. 1799. do J.M.Woodward Halfpenny. Head. —Britannia. 1806. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Harp. 1766. do Johns Halfpenny. Head.-Harp. 1782. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Harp. 1805. do do Farthing. Head.-Britannia. 1773. do do Farthing. Head.-Britannia. 1799. do S. A. Thomas Farthing. Head.-Britannia. 1806. do Johns GEORGE IV.-(1820-30.) Shilling. Head. —Shield. silv. Unknown Shilling. Head.-Lion on crown. do do 6 Pence. Head. -Lion on crown. do do Penny. Head.-Britannia. cop. Yale Coll. Penny. Head.-Harp. Hibernia. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. do do Halfpenny. Head.-Harp. Hibernia. do Unknown Farthing. Head.-Britannia. do Yale Coll. _ Farthing. Head.-Britannia. do Unknown WILLIAM IV.-(1830-37.) 6 Pence. Head.-Sixpence. silv. F. B. Dexter 3 Pence. Head. —3 crowned. do Unknown lj Pence. Head.-1- crowned. do M. R. Tufts Penny. Head.-Britannia. cop. Yale Coll. Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. do J.M. Woodward i Farthing. Head.-Britannia. do Unknown VICTORIA.-(1837.-) Shilling. Head. — One Shilling. sliv. do 6 Pence. Head.-Six Pence. do do 4 Pence. Head.-Britannia. do do 3 Pence. Head.-3 crowned. do do 2 Pence. Head.-2 crowned. do F. P. Brewer 1~ Pence. Head. —1 crowned. do Unknown Penny. Head. — crowned. do G. J. Brush. Penny. Head.-Britannia. 1844. cop. Yale Coll. Penny. Head. —Britannia. 1860. do C. W. Bradley Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. 1844. do Yale Coll. Halfpenny. Head.-Britannia. 1860. do C. W. Bradley Farthing. Head.-Britannia. 1844. do Yale Coll. Farthing. Head.-Britannia. 1860. do C. W. Bradley j Farthing. Head. —Haf Firthing. do Unknown i Farthing. Head. —Britannia. do do SCOTLAND. - Head of Alexander.-Cross. Rex Scotorum. silv. Johns GUERNSEY. 8 Doubles. 3 Lions in shield. cop. C. W. Bradley 4 Doubles. 3 Lions in shield. do. Mr.Trowbridge ISLE OF MAN. Penny. Head of George III.-Trinacria. do Yale Coll. Bank Penny. Trinacria. do do Halfpenny. Head of Victoria.-Trinacria. do Unknown do Token. Trinacria. do do Tradlesmen's Cards. Issued at Name. Date. Description. Metal. Donor,.c. FRAMINGHAM. Farthing. 1653. John Capon.-Castle. cop. Johns HARLSTONE. Farthing. 1656. Cleare Shewel.-Shield. do do WELLFORD. ~ Penny. 1660. Will Wicke. (Heart shape.) brass. do NORWICH. Farthing. 1663. Robt. Clayton.-Shield. cop. do Farthing. 1667. Castle and Lion. do do G. YARMO'TH. Farthing. 1667. For the use of the Poore.-Shield. do do 30 MODERN COINS. Issued at Name. Date. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. COLeHESTER. ~ Penny. 1668. 1. T.-Shield. cop. Johns Farthing.. Thomas Reynolds maker. do do FOULSHAM. Farthing. 1668. Edward Benn.-Shield. brass. do LONDON. Penny. 1668. Robt. Carter; Grace Ch. St. —Lion. cop. do ~ Penny. Thomas Hunt; Baker, Strand. do do THETFORD. Farthing. 1668. _Francis Howlet.-A Cushion. do do COVENTRY. i Penny. 1669. A Coventry halfpenny. do do DIss. Farthing. 1669. A Diss farthing.-Shield and anchor. do do KINGSLYN. Farthing. 1669. Kingslynfarthing.-Shield. do do LONDON. Farthing. 1669. H. E. B.; Quenden St.-A Head. brass. do LOWISTOFF. Farthing. 1669. A Lowestofffarthing.-Rose in shield. cop. do Farthing. 1660. Jos. Smithson & Co.-Rose in shield. do do BECCLES. Farthing. 1670. A Becclesfarthing.-Sheepfbld. do do Farthing. -. Will Crane of Beck.-Shield. ells in Suffolk. do do IPswICH. Farthing. 1670. An Ipswich farthing.-Shield. do do Farthing.. John Burrough.-Shield. brass. do BOSTON. i Penny. -. Three crowns. cop. do DERHAM. Farthing. F-. Francis Waller.-Shield. do do DUNwICH. Farthing.. John Whitman. do do NORWALSH'M. Farthing. -. Joseph W'4asey.-Shield. do do UFFORD. Farthing.. Robert Terry.-Heart. do do WOORBRIDGE. ~ Penny.. The Poores Advantage. do do ~ Penny. I. K — Walton. do do BIRMINGHAM. - 1742. Almanac for 1742.-The same. brass. do ~ Penny. 1760. Head. Voce Populi.-IHibernia. cop. do Farthing. 1773. A Head. Kirk F.-D. Garrick, Esq. do do ANGLESEY. Penny. 1787. Druid's head.- P. M/. Co. do do - Guinea. 1788. Head of George III.-Shield. brass. Unknown CRONEBANE. i Penny. 1789. Bishop's head. —Miners' Arms. cop. Johns ~ Penny. 1789. Bishop's head — Mine Company. do do TOWER HILL. j Penny. 1790. Prince of Wales G. M. —Sit Lux., &c. do do J Penny. 1790. The same. (on edge,)Masonic Token. do do WILLEY. j Penny. 1790. Head. John Wilkinson. —Vulcan. do do ANGLESEY. ~ Penny. 1791. Druid's head.-P. M. Co. do do EDINBURG. j Penny. 1791. Shield.-St. Andrew and cross. do do GLASGOW. ~ Penny. 1791. Shield. —The Clyde. Nunquam Arescere. do do LIVERPOOL. ~ Penny. 1791. Ostrich in shield. Ship. do C. W. Bradley MACCLESF'LD. Penny. 1791. Head. Chas. Roe, &c.-Female seated. do Johns BIRMINGHAM. ~ Penny. 1792. Female seated.-Stork on cornucopia. do do i Penny. 1792. Beehive.-Donald & Co. do do COVENTRY. i Penny. 1792. Elephant.-Lady Godiva. do do DUBLIN. ~ Penny. 1792. Hibernia.-H. 2M. Co. Turner Camac. do do LANCASTER. ~ Penny. 1792. John of Gaunt, Duke.-Shield. do do MACCLESF'LD. i Penny. 1792. R. G. Beehive.-Female seated. do do NORWICH. ~ Penny. 1792. Castle and Lion.-Shield. do do ~ Penny. 1792. Castle and Lion.-Loom. do do i Penny. 1792. Castle and Lion in shield.-Store. do do WILLEY. i Penny. 1792. Head of John Wilkinson.-Vulcan. do do YARMOUTH. ~ Penny. 1792. Shield.-Ship. do do BIRMIINGHAM. ~ Penny. 1793. Boy.-4 hedgehogs in shield. do do COVENTRY. ~ Penny. 1793. Elephant.-Lady Godiva. do do MANCHESTER. i Penny. 1793. Arms. —V. E. C. I in a heart. do do i Penny. 1793. Lion in a shield.-Man carrying a pack. do do NOR. WALES. ~ Penny. 1793. Druid's head.-Harp. do do ~ Penny. 1793. Druid's head.-S. N. G. do do SUDBURY. ~ Penny. 1793. Lion and Dog in shield.-Pro bono publico. do do ~ Penny. 1793. Head. Sir I. Newton.-Caduceus, &c. do do Farthing. 1793. Head. Isaac Newton. —Britain rules, &c. do Unknown BIRMINGHAM.4 Penny. 1794. Four Hedgehogs in shield.-A ship. do Johns BRAINTREE. ~ Penny. 1794. Building.-Female by an anchor. do do DUBLIN. i Penny. 1794. Hibernia.-H; M. Co. do do GOSPORT. i Penny. 1794. Head. Promissory halfpenny.-Ship. do do MODERN COINS. 31 Issued at Name. Date. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. HAVERHILL i Penny. 1794. Loom. —i F. cop. Johns HULL. i Penny. 1794. Hall. Shire Hall.-King & Constitution. do do NORWICH. i Penny. 1794. Norwich Castle.-Fleece. do do i Penny. 1794. Muff and Tippet.-Parasol, &c. do do i Penny. 1794. R. Campin. Gloves, &c. —Female seated. do do SPALDING i Penny. 1704. Female standing. Success, &c.-T. J do do - Penny. 1794. Head. Earl Howe.-Ship. do do ~ Penny. 1794. Head. Earl Howe. —King & Const. do do ~ Penny. 1794. Two Men. Erskine & Gibbs.-T. Hardy, &c. do do ~ Penny. 1794. Head. T. Hardy tried, &c.-Acquitted, &c. do do ~ Penny. 1794. Female standing. —King & Const. do do BRUNSWICK. ~ Penny. 1795. Head. J. Klivington.-Female seated. do do BURY. ~ Penny. 1795. Angel blowing trumpet.-Going, a going. do do DUBLIN. j Penny. 1795. Head. Fred. Duke of York.-Elected GC.J. do do DUNDEE. i Penny. 1795. Old Tower.-Ship, &c. do do INVERNESS. ~ Penny. 1795. Cornucopia. —Rose and Thistle. do do SWANSEA. i Penny. 1795. Castle.-Key. John Voss. do do WALES. ~ Penny. 1795. Head. Jestyn ap Gwrgan.-Female seated. do do i Guinea. 1795. Head of George III.-Shield. brass. do INVERNESS. ~ Penny. 1796. Cornucopia.-Rose and Thistle. cop. do PORTSMOUTH ~ Penny. 1797. Neptune crowning John Jervis. do do BUIRY. Penny.. Three crowns in shield.-Crown. The Commerce, &c. do do ~ Penny. -. Three crowns in shield.-Grate and kettle. do do ~ Penny. -. Three crowns in shield.-James Goers. do do i Penny. -. Rackham's Library.-Cathedral. do do CAERM'RTH'N.~ Penny.. Inside of Foundry.-A Forge. do do IPSWICH. ~ Penny. -. Shield, supported by sea-horses. do do LONDON. i Penny. -. Shield. God preserve London.-Elephant. do do i Penny. -. Head. George Prince of Wales. — Shield. do do - Penny. -. Prosperity to Old England.-Female. do do Weight. D. wt 5. Gr. 6. —Coined before 1 72. brass. Unknown. i Guinea. 1800. Head of Geo. III.-Shield. do do - Penny. 1800. Castle. Enniscorthy.-Shield on a tree. cop. Johns BRISTOL. Penny. 1811. Plume -Castle. do do Penny. 1811. Castle in a shield. B. B. & Co. do do SHEFFIELD. Shilling. 1811. Arrows.- Overseers of the poor. silv. do CHEADL E. Penny. 1812. Plume.-Foundry. Scorrier house. cop. do CORNWALL. Penny. 1812. Payable, &c.-Cheadle copper, &c. do do Penny. 1812. Female. Trade, &c. Pure copper. &c. do Unknown - Penny. 1812. Head. -Female seated. do do - Penny. 1812. Head.-Female seated. brass. do ~ Penny. 1812. Ship.-Female seated. cop. do i Penny. 1813. Female. Trade & Nav. —Pure copper, &c. do do i Penny. 1813. Female seated.-Spread Eagle. do do Penny. 1813. Foundry.-Flint lead works.. do do ~ Penny. 1813. Head of F. 11. Wellington.-Britannia. do do ~ Penny. 1813. Lion.-Britannia. do S. A. Thomas - Penny. 1813. Ship.- Trade & Navigation. —Pure copper, &c. do Unknown i Penny. 1814. Head. Wellington.-Britannia. do do ~ Penny. 1814. Head.-Ship. Convenience of Trade. do do SHEFFIELD. Penny. 1815. House.-Female standing. do do ~ Penny. 1815. Head.-Britannia. Genuine British,&c. do do ~ Penny. 1815. Head.-Ship. Success to Nav., &c. do do i Penny. 1815. Ship.-Female seated. do do - Penny. 1815. Ship.- Wellington. Waterloo. do do 32 MODERN COINS. Issued at Name. Date. Description. Metal. Donor. $.c. j Penny. 1815. Spread Eagle.-Britannia. cop. Unknown j Penny. 1816. Head. The illustrious Wellington. do do LONDON. Shilling.. Charing Cross. Statue. silv. Johns j Penny. -. Horse. Light Harness.-Whips, &c. cop. do Penny. -. Cards.-Cards. do Unknown. j Penny.. Head. F. M. Wellington.-Britannia. do do - Penny. -. The same, but smaller. do F. P. Brewer -~ Penny. -. Head of Wellington.-Hisp. et Lusit. do Johns j Penny. -. Head.- Victoria nobis est. do do J Penny. -. Ship.-For general accommodation. do Unknown. Counter. 1821. Head of Geo. IV.-St. Geo. & Dragon. brass. do j Penny. 1838. Head. Pure copper, &c.-Female seated. cop. do - Penny. 1838. Beehive. EWisdom and Pleasure. do do Counter. 1845. Head of Victoria. —lan playing cards. brass. do - Counter.. Head of Geo. IV.-Ace of spades. do do 36 Shillings.-. Thirty-six Shillings.-The same. do do SWEIEk"(E AIID N T'OR~WAY. Sovereign, 4c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. CHARLES XI.-(1660-97.) i Or. S. M. Shield.-3 crowns. C. R. S. cop. Yale Coll. CHAS. XII.-(1697-1718.) 1-16 Or.S.M. Lion rampant.-3 crowns. C. XII. R. S. do do 1-16 Or.S.M. Lion in 3 barred shield.-3 crowns, &c. do do Daler. Flink och Fardig.-Sold. & lion. do Johns. Daler. Wett och Wapen.-Soldier. do do Daler. Publica Fides. —Female seated. do do Daler. Jupiter.-Jupiter standing. do do Daler. Mars.-Mars standing. do do Daler. Mercurious.-Mercury standing. do do Daler. Saturn.-Saturn standing. do do FREDERIC.-(1720-51.) 1 Or. S. M. F. F. crowned. —2 arrows crossed. do Yale Coell. I Or. K. M. 3 crowns. F.R. 5.-2 arrows in shield. do do GUSTAV. III.-(1771-92.) Rigsdaler. Head.-3 crowns in shield. silv. Unknown Gus.AD.IV.-(1792-1809.) i Skilling. G. A. IV. crowned.-2 arrows crossed. cop. J.Edwards, Jr j Skilling. 3 crowns in globe. do C. W. Bradley i Skilling. G A. IV. crowned.-2 arrows crossed. do Unknown 1-12 Skilling. G. A. IV. crowned.-2 arrows crossed. do Dr. J. Knight CHAS. XIII.-(1809-18.) Skill. spec. Lion with axe in shield. do J.Edwards,Jr. i Skilling. C. C.XIII. crowned.-2 arrows crossed. do S. A. Thomas 1-12 Skilling. C.XIII. crowned. do C. W. Bradley CIIARLES XIV.-(1818-44.) Spec. Daler. Head.-Arms of Sweden and Norway. Folkets, &c. silv. Mrs. Street i Rigsd. Sp. Head.-3 crowns in shield. Folkets Karlek min Beloning. do C. W. Bradley 1-16 Rigd.Sp. Head.-3 crowns in shield. do H. Champion Skilling. C.XIVcrowned.-2 arrows. cop. J.Edwards,Jr. J Skilling. C. XIVcrowned.-2 arrows. do Yale Coll. J Skilling. C. X.IVcrowned.-2 arrows. do F. P. Brewer Skilling Spec. Lion with axe in shield. do Unknown Rigsb. Skill. Arms of Sweden & Norway. do do Skill. Banco. Head.-2 arrows crossed. do do - Skill. Banco. Head.-2 arrows crossed. do do ~ Skill. Banco. Head.-2 arrows crossed. do do OsCAR. —(1844-59.) Rigsdaler Sp. Head.-Shield sup. by lions. silv. Mrs. Street 4 Rigsd. Riks. Head.-Shield sup. by lions. do C. W. Bradley 24 Skillings. Head.-Lion with axe in sh'ld. do do 1-16 Spec.Dal. Head.-Arms of Sw. & Norw. do do 25 Ore. Head.-Wreath. do do 10 Ore. Head.-Wreath. do do * Skill. Banco. Head. —3 crowns. cop. do MODERN COINS. 33 Sovereign, S.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, $.c. CHARLES XV.-(1859-.) R. Dal. Riks. Head.-Shield, sup.bylions. silv. C. W. Bradley 5 Ore. Head.-W-~reath. cop. do 2 Ore. Head.-Wreath. do do Ore. Head.-Wreath. do do ID]1FTWMAJE[_K. CHRIsTIANVI.-(1670-99.) 2 Skillings. 3 lions in shield. silv. Yale Coll. 2 Skillings. Lion with axe. do do FRED'C IV. —(1699-1730.) 8 Skillings. Head.-Crown. do W. C. Gilman Skilling. Lion.-F. F. crowned. do do i Skilling. 3 lions in do CHRIsTIANVII.-(1766-84.) 2 Skillings. C. R. VII. crowned.-Skille mrynt. do Unknown Skilling. C.7. C. 7. monogram, crowned. cop. do ~ Skilling. C. 7. crowned. do do FREDERIOVI.-(1808-39.) 1-6 Rigs. Dal. F. R. VI. crowned.-Friviligt Offer. do do 4 Rigs. Skill. F.. R. V crowned. do F. P. Brewer 2 Skillings. Head.-Arms of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. do W. C. Gilman Rigsb. Skill. Head. do do CURIsTIANVIII.(1839-48.) Spec. Daler. Head.-Shield supported by wild men. silv. Mrs. Street Rigsb. Daler. Head.-Shield. do C. W. Bradley 16 Rigs. Skill. Head.-Shield. do Unknown FREDERIC VII.-(1848-) 16 Skillings. Head. do do 4 Skillings. Head. do do Skill. Rigsm. F. VII. crowned. brass. do:RU S IA. PETER Gr.-(1696-1725.) EKopeck. St. George and the Dragon. cop. Yale Coll. JOAN.-(1730-40.) i Kopeck. Double Eagle.-Polypeka. do do ELIzABETH.-(1741-61.) 2 Kopecks. St. George and the Dragon. -Monogram E. E. I. I. do do Denga. Double Eagle. do do CATHARINE II.-(1762-96.) 5 Kopecks. Double Eagle.-E. T. II. do W. C. Gilman j Kopeck. St. Geo. and Dragon. E.T.II. do do PAUL.-(1796-1801.) 2 Kopecks. P. I. crowned. do Yale Coll. Kopeck. P. I. crowned. do do ALEXANDER.-(1801-25.) 20 Kopecks. Double Eagle. silv. W. C. Gilman 5 Kopecks. Double Eagle. cop. do 2 Kopecks. Double Eagle. do do Kopeck. Double Eagle. do J. Edwards,Jr. Denga. Double Eagle. do Unknown Zlot. Polsk. Head. —likolay &c. Polski. silv. F. P. Brewer NIcIorLas. —(1825-55.) Ruble. Double Eagle. do Mrs. Street j Ruble. Double Eagle. do C. W. Bradley 30 Kopecks. Double Eagle. do Purchase 10 Kopecks. Double Eagle. do J.M.Woodward 5 Kopecks. Double Eagle. do Johns 10 Kopecks. Double Eagle. cop. Purchase Kopeck. N 1 crowned. do Unknown'EIrTHEE IEL.jAr'DS. FRIESL AND.-(1648-1795.) 10 Stivers. Liberty.-Lion, &c. silv. Yale Coill. Stiver. Bundle of arrows.- West Frisia do do Stiver. Two lions in shield.-Frisia. cop. do Stiver. Bust with sword.-2 lions in shield. do do Stiver. Two lions in shield.- West Frisia. do do GELDERLAND.(1648-1795.) Stiver. Bundle of arrows.-Gelria. silv. do Stiver. Two lions rampant in shield. -D. Gelrice. cop. do 5 34 MODERN COINS. Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, {.c. GRONINGEN. —(1648-1795.) Stiver. Shield. —Gron. et Oml. cop. Yale Coll. HOLLAND.-(1648-1795.) Stiver. Lion rampant in shield.-Female in enclosure. do do Stiver. Lion rampant in enclosure with pole and hat. do do OVERYSSEL.-(1648-1795.) Stiver. Lion rampant in three barred shield. do do ROERMOND.-(1648-1795.) Stiver. Lion with trident in shield. R VRIM. do do UTRECT. —(1648-1795.) Gulden. Lion rampantin shield.-Liberty. silv. Purchase 6 Stivers. Lion rampant in shield.Horseman. do do Stiver. Shield supported by lions. cop. Johns Stiver. Shield. do Yale Coll. ZEELAND.-(1648-1795.) 2 Stivers. Lion swimming in shield.Zeelandia. silv. Johns Stiver. Bundle of arrows. do do Stiver. Lion swimming in shield.Zeelandia. cop. J.Edwards, Jr. Stiver. Lion swimming. do Yale Coll. WILLIAM I.-(1814-40.) 24 Guilders. Head.-Lion with sword in shield. silv. Mrs. Street 4 Guilder. Head.-Lion, &c. in shield. do Mrs. N. Porter 25 Centimes. Lion, &c.- W. crowned. do Unknown. 5 Centimes. Lion, &c.- -W crowned. do do Centime. Lion, &c.- W. crowned. cop. do 4 Centime. Lion, &c.- W. crowned. do do WILLIAM II.-(1840-49.) 21 Guilders. Head.-Lion, &c. silv. Mrs. Street Guilder. Head.-Lion, &c. do C.W. Bradley 25 Centimes. Head.-Wreath. do H. Champion 10 Centimes. Head.-Wreath. do J.Edwards. Jr. WILLIAM III. —(1849-.) 5 Centimes. Head.-Wreath: do F. P. Brewer iBEL GIxUM. AUST. POWER.-(1714-91.) Head of M. Theresia.-Belgii Aust. cop. Unknown Head of Joseph II.-Belgii Aust. do do Lion with pole and cap.-Bel gii Aust. do do LEOPOLD. —(S40-.) 4 Franc. Head.-Wreath. silv. J. Edwards,Jr. i Franc. Head.-Wreath. do Unknown 10 centimes. Lion seated.-L crowned. cop. do 5 centimes. Lion seated.-L crowned. do do 2 centimes. Lion seated.-L crowned. do do Centime. Lion seated.-L crowned. do do ATI.JSTRIA. (Duchy till 1806. Since, an Empire.) ALBERT.-(1411-39.) Kreuzer. Shield.-Cross. cop. Yale Coll. LEOPOLD I. —(1658-1705.)~ Thaler. Head in a square.-Double Eagle. silv. Purchase CHARLESVI. —(1711-40.) Kreuzer. Head. Rom. Imp. — C. crowned. cop. Johns M.THERESIA.-(1740-80.) 10 Kreuz. Head. —Double Eagle. silv. C. W. Bradley 5 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. do do Kreuzer. Head.-Wreath. cop. Unknown JOSEPH II.-(1765-90.) 20 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. silv. do 10 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. do do FRANCIS I.-(1790-1806.) 3 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. cop. Prof. Dana. Kreuzer. Shield. -Wreath. do Unknown Kreuzer. Head.-Double Eagle. do do do. Emp.-(1806-35.) 20 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. silv. do 3 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. do do 3 Kreuz. Head.-Wreath. cop. W. C. Gilman Kreuzer. Shield.-Mint A. 1816. do Unknown }Kreuzer. Shield.-Mint S. 1816. do do MODERN COINS. 35 Sovereign, &c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, -.c. FRAN. I. EMP.-(1806-35.) i Kreuz. Shield.-Wreath. cop. Unknown i Kreuz. Shield.-Wreath. do do 30 Kr. tok. Head in a square.-Double Eagle. do W. C. Gilman 15 Kr. tok. Head in a square.-Double Eagle. do C. W. Bradley FERDINAND I.-(1835-48.)20 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. silv. Unknown 6 Kreuz. Head. —Double Eagle. do C. W. Bradley 3 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. do Unknown 2 Kreuz. Shield.-Double Eagle. cop. F. P. Brewer Kreuzer. Double Eagle.-Wreath. do Unknown FRANCIS JOSEPH. —(1848.)Florin. Head.-Double Eagle. silv. C. W. Bradley J Florin. Head.-Double Eagle. do do 6 Kreuz. Head.-Double Eagle. do J.Edwards, Jr. 6 Kreuz. Shield.-Double Eagle. do F. P. Brewer 4 Kreuz. Double Eagle.-Wreath. do C. W. Bradley Kreuzer. Double Eagle.-1 Kreuzer. cop. J.Edwards, Jr. Kreuzer. Double Eagle.-I 1858 M. do C. W. Bradley ~ Kreuzer. Double Eagle.-5-10. 1858. H. do Prof. Dana i Kreuzer. Shield.-Wreath. do do DALMATIA.-(1797-1805.) 2 Kreuz. Head. SanMarc. —Dalma etAlban. do Johns 2 Kreuz. Head. S.larcus.-Dalmat. et Alb. do do HUNGARY.-(1711-.) 20 Kreuz. Head.-Vir. Mary. Patrona Hung. silv. Unknown POLAND.-(1764-1814.) 4 Grosch. Head of Stanislaus Aug.-Shield. do Purchase (1587-1632.) Groschen. Head of Sigismund I11-2 crosses in shield. do Johns fBAVA:RIoA. (Electorate till 1806. Since, a Kingdom.) Kreuzer. Head.-Shield. cop. Yale Coil. FERDINAND.-(1651-79.) Kreuzer. F. B.-Shield. do do MAx.EMAN.-(1679-1726.) Kreuzer. Head.-Shield. do do Kreuzer. Head.-Monogram. do do Kreuzer. Head- Cross of 5 shields. do W. C. Gilman CHAS. THaEo.-(1778 —99.) Kreuzer. Shield.-Cross of 5 shields. do do MAX. JOSEPH.-(1806 —25.) 6 Kreuz. Head.-Shield, sword and scepter. silv. do Kreuzer. Head.-Shield. Baiern. do Exchange Kreuzer. Shield.-Baiern. do H. Champion Pfenning. Head. cop. Unknown MAXIMILIAN II.-(1848.) Thaler. Head -Shield supp. by lions. silv. C. W. Bradley PALATINATE.-(- 1778.) 10 Kreuz. Head of Chas. Theodore.-Shield. do Yale Coll. 10 Kreuz. Head of Max Joseph. do do 4 Kreuz. 3 Shields.-Churpfalz. do do AUGSBURG. -(-1806.) 1-20 Mark. Head of Francis I.-Shield. Augusta Vindel. do Purchase Niurermburg'Tokens. A. B. C. D., &c. brass. Johns Alex. Magnus. —Rechen Pfen. do do Alex. III. Kaiser.-Jetton. do do Carolus V. Rom. Imp.-Deus Vicit. do do C. Ccesar Divi Aug.-Insignia Civitas Romce. do do Conrad Laufer. Rech. Pfen.-Dolphin. do F. P. Brewer Domianus. do Johns Fama extendefacto.-Arbeit und Tugend. do do Festina Lente.-Assiduitate, &c. do do Gluckstein.-In Gottes Hand. do do Handskraftwinkel, &c.- Gottes Segen macht reich. do do [Handskraftwinkel, &c. —Marcus Evangelis. do do Hans schultes. Norm. —Marcus Evangelis. do do Henricus III. Gall.-Shields. do do Henri IIII. Roi de France. do do Insignia Regis Hisp. do do J. C. Gruner. Rech. Pfen.-Plus Ultra. do Purchase J. C. Gruner. Rech. Pfe.-Plus Ultra. do do L. Ch. Lauer. Rech. Pfen.-Plus Ultra. do do Leop. II D. G. Rom. Imp.-Rech. Pfen. do Johns Lovis XVIII.-Lauf Rech. Pfen. do do Lud. Lauer Rech. Pfen. —Plus Ultra. do Purchase 36 MODERN COINS. Description. Metal. Donor, {c. Lud. XIIIL. —Conrad Laufers. brass. Johns Lud. XV- Michael Luck Haus. do do Lud. XVI.-Erzeirt das Land. do do fMaximus.-Non plus ultra. do do Minerva.-Rech. Pfen. Goddess. do do Minerva.-Rech. Pfen. Temple. do do Nec igni nec ferro.-Nihil inexplorato. do do Nobilitas unica virtus. do do Remus et Romulus.-The same. do do Spiel Marken.-A hunting scene. Volcanus. do do Spiel Pfenning.-Double Eagle. do F. P. Brewer Wolf Laufes in Nuremburg.-Anfang bedenks ende. do Johns HEAIOOV}]R]. Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. 3 Ma. Grosh. Horse running. silv. Unknown ERNST AUGUS.-(1837-51.) Thaler. Head.-Shield. do do 1-12 Thaler. Head.-Shield. do F. P. Brewer 6 Pfennings. Horse running. do Johns 6 Pfennings. Horse running in shield. do do 4 Pfennings. Horse running in shield. do do 2 Pfennings. E. A. R. monogram. cop. Unknown Pfenning. E. A. R. monogram. do do GEORGE V.-(1851-.) 2 Thalers. Head.-Shield and lions. silv. C. W. Bradley Groschen. Horse running. do Unknown ~ Groschen. Horse running. do W. C. Gilman 2 Pfennings. Horse running. cop. Unknown OSNABURG.( —1802.) 5 Pfennings. Wheel.- V. do Purchase Heller. Wheel in a shield. do do lj Pfenning. Wheel in a shield. do do CAMPEN. Pfenning. Lion.- Cam-pen. silv. Prof. Olmsted HILDESHEIM. 1-12 Thaler. Shield.-Epis. Hildes. do Unknown PRIUSSIA. (Duchy till 1701. Since, a Kingdom.) FREDERIC II.-(1I740-86.) 20 Kreuzers. Head.-Shield. silv. Prof. Dana FREDERIC III.-(1786-98.) J R. Thaler. Head. —Wreath. 3 Einen Thaler. do Yale Coll. 1-12 R.Thaler. Head. do C. W. Bradley FRED.WM.III.-('98-1840.) Reich. Thaler. Head. do Unknown Thaler. Head.-Shield. do do 1-6 Thaler. Head.-Eagle in a shield. do do 4 Groschen. Head.-Eagle in a shield. do do 4 Groschen. Head. — Vier Groschen. do C. W. Bradley ~ Silber Gros. Head. do Unknown FRED. WM.IV.-(1840-61.) 1 Thaler. Head.-Eagle. do C. W. Bradley 21 Silb. Gros. Head. do Unknown 1-6 Thaler. Head.-Eagle in shield. do do 1-12 Thaler. Head.- 12 Einen Thaler. do do Silber Gros. Head. do do 4 Pfennings. Eagle in shield. cop. J.Edwards,Jr. 3 Pfennings. Eagle in shield. do G. J. Brush 2 Pfennings. Eagle in shield. do W. C. Gilman Pfenning. Eagle in shield. do do WESTPHALIA. —(1807-13.) 2 Centimes. H. N. monogram.-Koenig v. Westph. do Unknown CLEVES.-(1416-1805.) 2 Pfenning. Shield. —Duc Clivice. do Purchase AACHEN.-(-1794.) 12 Heller. Eagle. do do 4 Heller. Eagle. do do COLOGNXE.-(-1800.) Groschen. Shield.-Shield. silv. Johns 8 Pfennings. Shield, Chur Coll. do Purchase i Stuber. C. A. monogram. cop. do i Stuber. M. F. monogram. do do COSVELDT.-(-1617.) Stuber. Cow's head in shield.-Shield. do do DORTMUND.-(-1815.) i Stuber. Eagle.-Dortmund.' do Johns;ELBERFELD.-(1810-47.) Brod. Elberfelder Korn Verein. do Purchase Brod. Lion rampant. do do GULICH BERG.-(1803.) J Stuber. C. T. monogram. do do 4 Heller. Lion supporting a shield. do do MODERN COINS. 37 Sovereign, -.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, -c. MANSFELD.-(-1800.) i Thaler. St. Geo. and Dragon. —Shield. silv. Yale Coll. MUNSTER.-(-1803.) 1-12 Thaler. /11. F. monogram. do. C. W. Bradley PADERBORN.-(-1803.) 4 Pfennings. C. A. monogram. cop. Purchase 3 Pfennings. St. Paul. St Paulus. do do TREVES.-(-1799.) Bishop.-Shield. Carl. Casp. Arc. Trev. silv. Yale Coll. Bishop.-Shield. Joan Hugo Dei Gracia. do Johns Kreuzer. Shield.-Clem. Wenc. Tree- cop. Yale Coll. SA.XOINY. (Duchy till 1806. Since, a Kingdom.) AUGUSTUS.-(1553-86.) 1-12 Thaler. Bustwithsword.-Sax. shield. silv. Johns JOHN GEO.-(1656-80.) 1-12 Thaler. Bustwith sword.-Sax. shield. do do FRED. AUG. II.-(1694-1733.) 1-12 Thaler. Saxon shield. do C. W. Bradley FRED. AuG. IV.-(1763-1827.) Thaler. Head. —Saxon shield. do Mrs. Street 1-6 Thaler Head.-Two shields. do C.W. Bradley 1-12 Thaler. Saxon shield. do do 1-12 Thaler. Two shields. do do III Pfennings. Saxon shield. cop. Unknown Pfenning. Saxon shield. do do FRED. AuG. V.-(1827-54.) 5 NeuGrosch. Head.-Saxon shield. silv. do 2 NeuGrosch. Saxon shield. do J. Edwards,Jr. Neu Grosch. Saxon shield. do do J NeuGrosch. Saxon shield. do do 3 Pfennings. Saxon shield. cop. C. W. Bradley 2 Pfennings. Saxon shield. do do Pfenning. Saxon shield. do do Pfenning. Saxon shield. K S. S..MA do Unknown JOHN V.-(1854-.) 2 Thalers. Head.-Lions supp. shield. silv. C. W. Bradley 2 Thalers. Head.-Lion and unicorn supporting shield. do do Thaler. Head. —Lion and unicorn supporting shield. do do Thaler. Head.-Miners supporting a shield. Segendes Bergbaues. do do 1-3 Thaler. Head.-Saxon shield. do do 1-6 Thaler. Head. —Saxon shield. do do 2 Pfennings. J. R. monogram; —Sax. shield. cop. do Pfenning. J. R. monogram —Sax. shield. do Unknown WVUERTIETI3B tJRG. (Duchy till 1806. Since a Kingdom.) CHARLES.-(1737-93.) Kreuzer. Head.-Shield of Wurtemburg. cop. Yale Coll. FREDERIC. —(1797-1806.) 6 Kreuzers. Shield of Wurtemburg. —F. R. monogram. silv. J.Edwards, Jr. WILLIAM.-(1816-.) 6 Kreuzers. Shield of Wurtemburg. do Unknown 3 Kreuzers. Shield of Wurtemburg. do do Kreuzer. Head.-Shield of Wurtemburg. do do Kreuzer. Shield of Wurtemburg. cop. W. C. Gilman 4 Heller. W. K. monogram. do do GERMAN EMPIRE.-(1000.) Denarius. (Bracteate.) Rude figure of a man. silv. Unknown MENGEN. j PeteL Shield. — Petel. Mengen. do Purchase ULM. Kreuzer. Sable shield. — Ulm. cop. do AIWIIHALII. (Duchy in Germany.) LEOPOLD.-(1817-.) Silber Grosch. Eagle and bars in shield. silv. C. W. Bradley BA~IDEIN. (Duchy in Germany.) LoUIS.-(1806-30.) 3 Kreuzers. Head.-Ludwig Herzog. silv. Unknown 3 Kreuzers. Head.-Ludwig Grosherzog. do do Kreuzer. Head. cop. do Kreuzer. Shield.-Lion, &c. do W. C. Gilman 38 MODERN COINS. Sovereign, -.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. LEOPOLD.-(1830-56.) 6 Kreuzers. Head.-1831. silv. Prof. Dana 6 Kreuzers. Shield supported by Griffins. do C. W. Bradley Kreuzer. Head. cop. Unknown. FREDERIC.-(1856-.) Kreuzer. Head. do Prof. Dana Kreuzer. Shield supported by Griffins. do do BR:U1tSSWICIK and LUTFN5TEB3UG. (Duchy in Germany.) GEO. Louis.-(1698-1727.) 2-3 Thaler. Shield.-Horse running. In recto decus. silv. Johns 2-3 Thaler. Wild man.-Cross of 4 shields. do Purchase 3BRUU2'SWIC1K WOIlFE ]NB1JTTEIL. (Duchy in Germany.) RUD'LF AUG.-(1666-1704) 1-6 Thaler. Horse running. Rud. Aug. u. Ant. Ulr. silv. Yale Coll. 1-12 Thaler. do do 1-24 Thaler. do do CHARLES.-(1735-80.) 1-3 Thaler. Head.-Horse running. Nunquam retrorsum. do do 1-12 Thaler. Horse running. do F. P. Brewer WILLIAM.-(1830-.) Thaler. Head.-Shield. 1842. do C. W. Bradley IHESS:E. (Duchy in Germany.) H. CASSEL.-(1567-.) 1-6 Thaler. Head of William II. silv. C. W. Bradley 1-6 Thaler. Shield. —Wilh. II. Kurf. und Fried. Wilh. Kurp. do do Silb. Grosch. Lion rampant in shield. do do Heller. Lion in shield. —G. H. K. M. cop. Johns Heller. Lion in shield. —Kurhessische. do C. W. Bradley H.DARMSTADT.-(1567-.) Thaler. Head. Ludwig II-.-Lions supporting shield. silv. Johns 6 Kreuzers. Lion in shield. do H. Champion Kreuzer. Lion in shield. 1842. do Johns Kreuzer. Lion in shield. 1844. do do H. HOMBURG.-(1596-.) 1-6 Thaler. F. L. in shield supported by lion. 1769. do C. W. Bradley 1-8 Thaler. Lion rampant in shield. 1769. do do 2 Albus. F. L. monogram. do do MAYENCE. 3 Pfennings. Menstrische Scheide Aunze. cop. do 1iEOLSSTEII3. (Duchy in Germany.) CHAS. AuG.VII.-(Denm.) Sechsling. C. A. VII. monogram. Schlesw. Hols. cop. Purchase JLUXEMI3BU3RxG. (Duchy in Germany.) 21 Centimes. Lion rampant in shield. cop. Purchase Demi Liard. Lion rampant in barred shield. do do M3CI [ ELEIN~qBU uG. (Duchy in Germany.) M. SCHWERIN. Thaler. Head.-Fried. Franz. Grossh. silv. C. W. Bradley i Thaler. Shield. Fried. Franz. —. do do Schil. Cour. F. F. crowned. do Unknown ROSTOCK. 3 Pfennings. Two tailed dragon. cop. Purchase 3 Pfennings. Dragon in shield. do do WISMAR. 3 Pfennings. Shield. Mon.Nova Wismariensis. do do INASSAU. (Duchy in Germany.) 6 Kreuzers. Lion rampant in shield. silv. Unknown 3 Kreuzers. Lion, &c. do C.W. Bradley Kreuzer. Lion, &c. 1817. cop. do Kreuzer. Lion, &c. 1855. do do Kreuzer. Shield supported by lion. do do j Kreuzer. Lion in shield. do Unknown MODERN COINS. 39 OLIDENIIBUflG. (Duchy in Germany.) Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, $.c. 4 Grote. Shield with cross and bars. silv. J.Edwards, Jr. Groschen. Shield wi+h cross and bars. do do 0. BIRKENFELD. 2 Pfennings. P. F. A. monogram. cop. Purchase SAXE. (Duchies in Germany.) S. COBURG GOTHA. ~ Groschen. Barred shield, bar sinister. silv. C. W. Bradley 2 Pfennings. Barred shield, &c. cop. do 1l Pfennings. Barred shield, &c. do do S. HILBERGHAUSEN. Heller. Barred shield, &c. S. H. do Purchase S. MEININGEN. i Kreuzer. Barred shield, &c. S.Meiningen do do 2 Pfennings. Shield, &c. do C. W. Bradley Pfennina. Shield, &c. H. S. Hleusi. S. M. do do S. WEIMAR. i Silb. Grosc. Shield, &c. Sachsen W. E. silv. do HEO}IEINZOLLE:RI I. (Principality in Germany.) H. SIGMARINGEN. 3 Kreuzer. Shield. silv. do LIPP1?E. (Principality in Germany.) L. DETMOLD. Silb. Grosch. Head. silv. F. P. Brewer 4 Pfennings. Rose in shield. do H. Champion Heller. Rose. cop. do REMUSS. (Principality in Germany.) R. SCHLEISS. Silb. Grosch. Lion rampant in shield. silv. C. W. Bradley Pfenning. Lion, &c. cop. Unknown R. GREITZ. Pfenning. Lion, &c. F. R. P. Greizer. do do SCIIIVAWAZBURG. (Principality in Germany.) S. SONDERHAUSEN. Silb. Grosch. Double Eagle in shield. silv. F. P. Brewer WALDIECK. (Principality in Germany.) Pfenning. Rose and cross in shield. 1840. cop. Purchase. Pfenning. Rose and cross in shield. 1842. do do BREMIEN. (Free City in Germany.) 36 Grotes. Key in a shield supp. by lions. silv. Unknown 12 Grotes. Key in a shield. do J.Edwards, Jr. JOSEPH I.-(Germ. Emp.) 2 Grotes. Double Eagle.-Key. do Yale Coll. CIIAs.VI.-(Germ. Emp.) 2 Grotes. Double Eagle.-Key. do do Grote. Double Eagle.-Key in shield. do do CHAS. VII.-(Germ. Emp.) Grote. Double Eagle.-Key. do do Grote. Double Eagle.-Key in shield. do do FRANC. I.-(Germ. Emp.) Grote. Double Eagle.-Key. 1750. do do Grote. Double Eagle.-Key. 1755. do do Grote. Double Eagle.-Key. 1764. do Prof. Olmsted FRANKFORT. (Free City in Germany.) Kreuzer. Eagle.-Freie StadtFrankfort. silv. Unknown Kreuzer. Eagle.-City of Frankfort. do do Heller. Eagle.-S.(F.) T. cop. do Heller. Eagle.-Freie Stadt Frankfort. do do HAlUBURG. (Free City in Germany.) 2 Schillings. Three towers.-Double eagle. silv. C. W. Bradley Schilling. Three towers.-Hamburger, &c. do do Schilling. Three towers.-Hamb. Courant. do do LUBECK. (Free City in Germany.) 7 Schillings. Double Eagle.-Lubeecs, &c. silv. C. W. Bradley 40 MODERN COINS. FRANCE. Sovereign,.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. HENRY IV. —(1589-1610.)D'ble Tourn. Head.-Lilies. cop. Johns LouisXIII.-(1610-43.) D'bleTourn. Head. Lud. XII —Lilies. do do D'ble Tourn. Head. Loys XII —Lilies. do do Liard. Head. L.XIII Roy, &c-Lilies. do do LouIs XIV.-(1643-1115.) 30 Sols. Head.-Lilies in a shield. Sit nomen Domini benedictum. silv. Yale Coll. 30 Sols. Head.-Sceptres and lilies. Domine Salvum fac Regem. do do Liard. Head. —Lud. XIII. Lilies. cop. do Liard. Head.-L. XIII. Lilies. do do 6 Deniers. Triangle: lilies at angles. do do Louis XV.-(1715-14.) 30 Sols. Head. —Lilies in shield. silv. do Sou. Head.-Lilies in shield. cop. Johns. ~ Sou. Head.-Lilies in shield. do do 4 Sou. Head.-Lilies in shield. do do Louis XVI.-(1?774-92.) 15 Sols. Head.-Lilies in shield. silv. Yale Coll. 2 Sous. Head.-Fasces and Liberty cap. cop. Unknown Sou. Head. —Lilies in shield. do Mr.Trowbridge Sou. Same, but smaller. do do ~ Sou. Head.-Lilies in shield. do Unknown i Sou. Same, but smaller. do do 12 Deniers. Fasces and Liberty cap. do do 6 Deniers. Fasces and Liberty cap. do C. W. Bradley REPUBLIC.-(1792-1804.) 5 Francs. Hercules, Liberty & Fraternity. silv. do Decime. Head of Liberty. cop. Unknown 5 Centimes. Head of Liberty.- Cinq cent. do W.C. Gilman 5 Centimes. Head of Liberty.-5 centimes. do do Centime. Head of Liberty. do do 2 Sols. Liberty seated.-Long inscrip. do J.Edwards,Jr. 2 Sols. Tablet.-Scales, wreath and liberty-cap. do do Sol. Tablet.-Scales, wreath, &c. do do NAPOLEON.-(1804 —15.) Franc. HIead. —Republique Francaise. silv. Purchase Franc. Head.-Empire Franpaise. do Mrs. Street Demifranc. Head.-Republique Frangaise. do Unknown Demifranc. Head.-Empire Frangaise. do J. Edwards,Jr. i Franc. Head.-Rep. Fra. Quart. do Unknown Decime. Ncrowned. cop. W. C. Gilman. 10 Centimes. N crowned. do do LouIs XVIII.-(1815-25.) 2 Francs. Head.-3 lilies in shield. silv. Unknown Franc. Head.-3 lilies in shield. do do J Franc. Head.-3 lilies in shield. do do Decime. L crowned. 3 lilies. cop. W. C. Gilman CHARLES X.-(1825-30.) 2 Francs. Head.-3 lilies. silv. Unknown Franc. Head.-3 lilies. do do i Franc. Head.-3 lilies. do do ~ Franc. Head.-3 lilies. do do 10 Centimes. Hlead. —Colonies Frangaises. cop. W. C Gilman 5 Centimes. Head. —Colonies Frangaises. do do LoUIS PIIIL.-(1830-48.) Franc. Head. —Wreath. silv. Prof. Dana J Franc. Head.-Wreath. do F. P. Brewer 50 Centimes. Head.-Wreath. do W. C. Gilman 25 Centimes. Head. -Wreath. do do 10 Centimes. Head.- Colonies Frangaises. cop. Mr.Trowbridge 5 Centimes. Head. —Colonies Franpaises. do do REPUBLIC.-(1848-52.) 20 Centimes. Head of Liberty. silv. do Centime. Head of Liberty. cop. M. R. Tufts NAPOLEON III.-(1852-.) Franc. Head. silv. C. W. Bradley 50 Centimes. Head. do Unknown 10 Centimes. Head.-Eagle. cop. W.C. Gilman 5 Centimes. Head.-Eagle. do do 2 Centimes. Head.-Eagle. do Prof. Dana Centime. Head.-Eagle. do do BOUILLoN. D'ble Tourn. Head.-Em. de la Tour Duc. do Yale Coll. BOURBON. - Head. Francois de Bourbon. do C. W. Bradley MODERN COINS. 41 Sovereign, &c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 1.c. DAUPHINE. Tessera. Dolphin. Ave Maria Gracia plena.-Cross. cop. Johns HAINAULT. - Face.-Iohs. Comes Hannonice. silv. Yale Col. MANTOUE.-(1627-37.) D'ble Tourn. Head. Charles I.Duc. —Lilies. cop. do NIVERNOIS..-(1601 —37.) Head. Car. Gonz.-Sup.Princ. Archen. do C. W. Bradley Head. Car. Dux. Niv.-Dei Gratia Princ. do do ORLEANS. D'ble Tourn. Head. Gaston. do do TOURS. Cross. Philippus Rex.-Civis Turonis. silv. Yale Coll. Token. Bishcp.-Confrairie des Maachands des vins. cop. do Token. Shield.-3 lilies. Camerce Comnputor Regionum. brass. Unknown Token. Theatre Ticket.-Bon pour 4 personnes. do do PORTUGAL. JOHN V.-(1706-50.) 400 Reis. Cross. In hoc Signo vinces.Shield. silv. Unknown 80 Reis. Cross, &c.-Shield. do do 40 Reis. Cross, &c.-Shield. do do X Reis. J. V. crowned. cop. do X Reis. Shield. do do V Reis. Shield. do Mrs. N. Porter III Reis. J. V. crowned. do do JoSEPH. —(1750 —7.) XXXX Reis. Cross. In hoc Signo vinces. silv. Unknown X Reis. Shield. cop. do X Reis. Shield. Pecunia Insulana. do do MARIA & PET. —(177-86.)XX Reis. Globe. do Mrs. N. Porter X Reis. Shield. do do X Reis. Globe. do Dr. J. Porter MARIA I.-(1777-1816.) 20 Reis. Shield. do Unknown 5 Reis. Shield, do do JOHN, P. R.-(1799-1816.) 960 Reis. Shield.-Globe and Cross. silv. Mrs. Street 400 Reis. Shield. -Cross. do do 80 Reis. Shield.-Globe and Cross. do Unknown XL Reis. Globe. cop. do 40 Reis. Head.-Shield. UtilitatiPublicce. do do JOHN VI.-(1816-26.) 960 Reis. Globe and cross. silv. do XL Reis. Globe and shield. cop. do XX Reis. Globe and shield. do do X Reis. Globe and shield. do do SPAIN. BEFORE 1450. - - Rudely stamped letters and figures. cop. Mrs.H.J.Potter FERD. & IsA -(1488-1516.) Real. Bundle of arrows.- Cast. Leon. silv. Yale Coll. CIAS.I & JoAN.-(1516-55.)2 Reals. Shield.-2 pillars. Plus ultra. do do PHILIP II.-(1555-1608.) 2 Reals. Head. —Shield and cross. do Johns PHILIP III.-(1608-21.) 8 Maravedis. Castle.-Lion. Hispaniarum. cop. do 4 Maravedis. Castle.-Lion. do Mrs.H.J.Potter PHILIP IV.-(1621-65.) 16 Maraved. Head.-Shield. do Johns. 16 Maraved. Head.-Shield: (restamped) 8. do do 8 Maravedis. Castle. —Lion. do do 4 Maravedis. Castle.-Lion. do do CHAS. III.-(1665-1700.) 16 Maraved. Head.-Shield. do do 8 Maravedis. Head.-Fleece. do do PHILIP V.-(1700-46.) 8 Reals. Arms of Spain.-Shield. silv. A. Townsend Real. Shield.-Globe between pillars. do H. Champion Real. Arms of Spain.-Shield. do Mrs. N. Porter i Real. Arms of Spain.-Shield. do Mrs. Street i Real. Globes between pillars. do do 6 Maravedis. Shield.- V 6 crowned. cop. Yale Coll. 4 Maravedis. Shield.-3 shields. Dux Burgun. do do 6 42 MODERN COINS. Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. PHILIP V.-(Continued.) 4 Maravedis. Shield.-Lion with sword and sceptre. cop. W.T.Kingsley 2 Maravedis Shield.-Lion, &c. do do 2 Maravedis. Cross, castles and lions. Fid. Catolic. do do CG&RLESIII.-(1756-88.) 1-16 Doubl'n. Head.-Arms of Spain. gold. Mrs. Street ~ Real. Head.-Shield. silv. F. B. Dexter 8 Maravedis. Head.-Arms of Spain. cop. J. Edwards,Jr. 4 Maravedis. Head. —Arms of Spain. do Unknown CHAS. IV.-(1788-1808.) 8 Reals. Head.-Shield between pillars. silv. Mrs. Street Real. Head.-Shield between pillars. do C. WN. Bradley J Real. Lion.-Castle. J. M. do W.T.Kingsley 8 Maravedis. Head.-Arms of Spain. cop. do 4 Maravedis. Head.-Arms of Spain. do do FERD'D VII.-(1808-33.) 2 Reals. Head. —Spanish shield. silv. H. Champion 10 Reals res. Head.-Resselado 10 Rs. do P. Nottbeck 4 Reals res. Head.-Square shield crowned at corner. do do 8 Maravedis. Head —Arms of Spain. cop. WV. C. Gilman 4 Maravedis. Head.-Arms of Spain. do do 4 Maravedis. VII crowned.-Arms of Spain. do do 2 Maravedis. Head.-Arms of Spain. do Prof. Dana ISABELLA II.. —(1833-.) 4 Reals res. Head.-Spanish shield. silv. Unknown 2 Reals res. Head.-Spanish shield. do do Real res. Head.-Spanish shield. do W. C. Gilman 8 Maravedis. Head. —Arms of Spain. cop. C. W. Bradley 4 Maravedis. Head.-Arms of Spain. do Unknown 3 Quartinos. Spanish shield. —Round shield. Cataluna. do do CHAS. III.-(Pretender.) 2 Reals. Carolus, monogram.-Shield. silv. Johns 2 Reals. Shield and cross. -Lion with sword. do do Real. Head. —Cross. Civi.Bar. Cino. do do V'ALENCIA. Maravedi. Head.- Valencia. cop. P. Nottbeck GIBRALTAR. 2 Quartos. Castle.-Rock of Gibraltar. do Unknown 2 Quartos. Castle.-Lion and key. do do Quarto. Castle.-Rock of Gibraltar. do do Quarto. Castle.-Lion and key. do do SWITZERLAND. CONFEDERATION. Franc. Female seated.-Helvetia. silv. Mrs. Street J Franc. Female seated.-Helvetia. do do 20 Centimes. Cross in a shield. bill. do 10 Centimes. Cross in a shield. do do 5 Centimes Cross in a shield. do do Centime. Cross in a shield. cop. W. C. Gilman AARGAU. Batz. 3 stars, &c. in shield. —Cross. bill, do i Batz. 3 stars, &c. in shield.-Cross. do W.T. Kingsley APPENZEL. Batz. Bear in shield. cop. Mrs. Street BASLE. 20 Kreuzers. Head. Joannes Conradus.-Double Eagle. silv. Unknown Batz. Trident in shield. bill. Mrs. Street BERNE. 4 Kreuzer. Bear in shield. —Cross. silv. Mrs. Street 2+ Batzen. Bear in shield.-Cross. do do Batz. Bear in shield.-Cross. bill. do 5 Rappen. Bear in shield.-Cross. cop. do 5 Rappen. Bear in shield.-Cross. Doninus Providebit. do W. C. Gilman Rappen. Bear in shield.-Cross. do do FRIBOURG. J Batz. Black and white shield. do S. A. Thomas 5 Rappen. Black and white shield.-Cross. do Mrs. Street 2+ Rappen. Black and white shield. do do GENEVA. 25 Centimes. Key and half eagle in shield. silv. do 10 Centimes. Key and half eagle in shield. bill. W. T.Kingsley 5 Centimes. Key and half eagle in shield. do Mrs. Street 4 Centimes. Key and half eagle in shield. do do MODERN COINS. 43 Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, -.c. GENEVA.-(Continued.) Centime. Key, &c. in shield. 1844. cop. W. C. Gilman Centime. Key, &c. in shield. 1847. do do Centime. Key, &c. in shield Republica Genevce. do Mrs. Street GRAUBUNDEN. i Batz. 3 shields. bill. do i Batz. 3 shields. cop do 1-6 Batz. 3 shields do W. C. Gilman GRISONS. Kreuzer. Goat in castle Curice Rheticce. -Cross. bill. Mrs. Street LUCERNE. Batz. Shield. do do Angster. Shield. do do ST. GALL. 20 Kreuzers. Abbot seated.-St. CGallusAbbas. silv. Unknown Batz. Fasces in shield. bill. Mrs. Street SCHAFFHAuSEN. i Batz. Ram in shield. ~ do do ScHwYz. 2 Rappen. Small cross in shield. silv. do Rappen Small cross in shield. cop. S. A. Thomas SOLOTHURN. 4 Creuzers. Shield.-Cross. bill. Mrs. Street 21 Rappen. Shield.-Cross. do do THURGAU. Batz. 2 lions in shield. cop. do Rappen. 2 lions in shield. do do TIcINO. 6 Denari. Shield. do do VAUD. ~ Batz. Liberte et Patrie, in shield. do do ZuRIcII. 2 Rappen. Shield. bill. W. T. Kingsley Rappen. Shield. do do KINGDOMI OF:ITALY. (Established in 1860) VICT.EMANUEL.-1860-.) Lira. Head.-Cross in shield. silv. H. Champion SARIIDINIA. (Kingdom in Italy.) VICT.AMAD.-(1672-1730.) 3 Centesimi. Head.-Cross. flux Sab., &c. cop. Unknown VICT. AMA. II.-(1773-96.) 20 Soldi. Head.-Shield. D)uxSabaud &c. silv. do 10 Soldi. Head.-Shield. Dux Sabaud &c. do do CHAS. FELIX.-(1821-31.) 2 Lire. Head.-Shield. flux Sab. Genve, &c. do do Lira. Head.-Sh. Dux Sab. Gen. &c. do Mr.Trowbridge 50 Centesimi. Head.-Sh. Dux Sab. den. &c. do Mrs. Street. 25 Centesimi. Head.-Sh. Dux Sab. Gen. &c. do do 5 Centesimi. Eagle in shield. —Wreath. Car. Felix, &c. cop. do 3 Centesimi. Eagle in shield. —Wreath. Car. Felix, &c. do do Centesimo. Eagle in shield.-Wreath. Car. Felix, &c. do Prof. Dana CHAs.ALBERT.-(1835-49.) 5 Lire. Head.-Cross in shield. silv. Mrs. Street MONACO. 5 Centesimi. Head of Honore V-Wreath. cop. Purchase GENOA. Lira. St. John Baptist.-Shield supported by dragons. silv. Mrs. Street 2 Soldi. St. John Baptist.-Cross in shield. cop. Unknown LOqIBARDY, or KI[NGDOM OF ITALY. NAPOLEON.-(1804-14.) 5 Lire. Head.-Eagle with shield on breast. silv. Mrs. Street Lira. Head.-Eagle with shield, &c. do do 10 Soldi. Head.-Crown. Regno d'Italia. cop. J.Edwards, Jr. 5 Soldi. Head. —Crown. Regno d'Italia. do Mr. Tyler Soldo. Head.-Crown. do Unknown 3 Centesimi. Head.-Crown. do J.Edwards, Jr. LOM. VEN. KINGDOM. i Lira. Crown and tiara. do Unknown 5 Centesimi. Crown and tiara. do do Centesimo. Crown and tiara. do do AUSTRIAN VENICE. i Lira. Head of Franciscus I. of Austria.-Shield. silv. Mrs. Street Lira. Double eagle.-i Lira Veneta. do do 5 Centesimi. Double eagle. —Imnp.Austriaco. cop. Prof. Dana Centesimo. Double eagle.-Imnp.Austriaco. do Unknown MANTUA. 20 Soldi. Shield. —Wreath. Mantoua. silv. W.T.Kingsley 44 MODERN COINS. PAIECA AND IIOD ENA. (Duchy in Italy.) Sovereign,.-C. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4c. FERD'ND I.-(1765-1802.) Mesino. Shield. —Mesino di Parma. cop. 1W.T.Kingsley MARIALucIA.-(1815-31.) 10 Soldi. Head.-M. L. crowned. silv. do MAR. BEATRICE.-(1S03-6.) 2 Soldi. Shield. Alar. Beatrix.-Dux Alassce. cop. do TUSCANY. (Kingdom in Italy.) FRANCIS. —(1737-65.) 10 Quattrini. Head. D. Etr.-Shield. silv. Yale Coill. LEOPOLD I.-(1765-90.) 10 Quattrini. Head. D. Etr.-Shield. do do Quattrino. Head. D. Etr. cop. do Soldo. Shield. D. Etr. do Unknown FERD. III.-(1792-1801.) 10 Quattrini. Head.-Shield. Lex tua Verilas. silv. do CHAS. LOUIS.-(1803-08.)2 Soldi. Shield. Car. Lud. R. Etr. & A. Aloysia. cop. W.T.Kingsley LEOPOLD II.-(1824-59.) 100 Quatt. Lion with banner.-Fleur de lis. silv. Purchase ~ Florin. Head.-Shield. Susceptor nost. Deus. do do 4 Florin. Head.-Shield, &c. do do 5 Quattrini. Shield. cop. Prof. Dana 3 Quattrini. Shield. do do Quattrino. Shield. do do PROVIS'NAL Gov.-(1859.) Centesimi. Cross in shield. — Governa della Toscano. do J.M.Woodward LuccA.-(Duchy.) 3 Centimes. Heads of Felice and Eliza. do Yale Coll. PISA.-(City.) i Florin. Head of Virgin Mary.- Cross. do Unknown STATES OF TiE CHURcCI. ALEX. VII.-(1655-67.) 3 Baiocchi. Bust of Pope. silv. Yale Coil. CLEMENT IX.-(1667-70.) 5 Baiocchi. Four diamonds in shield, do Unknown CLEM.ENT X.-(1670-76.) 5 Baiocchi. Six stars in shield.-Gateway. do do INNOC'TXII.-(1691-1'i00.)5 Baiocchi. Head.-St. Peter. do Johns CLEMENT XI.-(1700-21) 5 Baiocchi. Shield.-Pauperi porrige, &c. do E. J. Miller SEDE VACANTE.-(1740.) 5 Baiocchi. Shield and hat.-Dove. Illuminet corda nostra. do do BEN'DICTXIV. —(1740-58.)5 Baiocchi. Three bars. —Gateway. do Unknown 5 Baiocchi. Three bars.-Dispersit, dedit, &c. do do 5 Baiocchi. Three bars. —-Novit justam causam. do do Baioccho. Three bars. cop. W.T.Kingsley i Baioccho. Three bars.-Ferrara. do Unknown SEDE VACANTE.-(1758.) 1-5 Scudo. Shield and hat.-Dove. silv. Yale Coll. CLEM. XIII.-(1758-69.) J Baioccho. Head above shield.-St. Peter. cop. Unknown CLEM. XIV.-(1769-74.) 5 Baiocchi. Shield.-Fiat pax. silv. Prof. Thacher ~ Baioccho. Three bars.-St. Peter. cop. Mrs. N. Porter PIUS VI.-(1774-97.) 5 Baiocchi. Branch.-St. Peter. silv. W.T.Kingsley i Baioccho. Branch in shield.- Gubbio. cop. Unknown PIus VII.-(1800-22.) 5 Baiocchi. Shield. —Pauperi, &c. silv. Unknown 5 Baiocchi. Shield.-Augustum et Sanctum. do E. J. Miller Baioccho. Shield. cop. Unknown J Baioccho. Shield. do do PIus VIII.-(1829-30.) Baioccho. Lion in shield. do do GREG'Y.XVI. —(1831-46.) 20 Baiocchi. Head -Shield. silv. do 10 Baiocchi. Shield. do do 5 Baiocchi. Shield. do do Baioccho. Shield.-Baioccho. cop. do Baioccho. Shield.-Baiocchio Romano. do do ~ Baioccho. Shield.-Mezzo Baioccho. do Prof. Dana ~ Baioccho. Shield.-M. Baioccho Romano. do do PIus IX.-(1846-.) 20 Baiocchi. Head. silv. Purchase 10 Baiocchi. Shield. do Prof. Dana 2 Baiocchi. Shield. cop. do Baioccho. Shield. do do ~ Baioccho. Shield. do do REPUBLIC.-(1849.) 4 Baiocchi. Eagle..-Dio e Popolo. silv. F. P. Brev3 Baiocchi. Eagle.-Dio e Popolo. cop. do MODERN COINS. 45 SICILY AND NAPLES. Sovereign, 4c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, $rc. ROGER.-(1097-1154.) 4 Tornesi. HFread.-Tree. cop. Yale Coil.' Torneso. HIead.-Oriental inscription. do do CHARLES I.-(1607-35.) 4 Tornesi. Head.-Shield. Sicilice Ilierusce. do do CHAS. II.-(1665-1700.) 100 Grani. Head.-Shield. silv. W. C. Gilman 20 Grani. Head.-Fleece. do Unknown Grano. Eagle.-Felicitas cop. do VICT. AMED. —(1703-18.) Grano. Eagle.-Publica commoditas. do W. T. Kingley FERDI'ND. I.-(1759-1825.) 20 Grani. Head. (F.IV.)-Crown. Infans Ilispaniarum. silv. Unknown 10 Grani. Head. (F.III.)-Cornucopia. cop. WV. C. Gilman 5 Grani. Head. (F. III.)-Female seated. Securitas. do Unknown 8 Tornesi. Head. (F. IV.) do do 6 Tornesi. Head. (F. IV.) do do 5 Tornesi. Head. (F. IV.) do do 5 Tornesi. Head. (F. I.)-Tornesi Cinque. do Purchase 5 Tornesi. Shield in a Wreath.-T. S. do do 4 Tornesi. Head.-Publica Commnoditas. do Prof. Dana Grano. Head.- Un Grano Caballi. do Mrs. Street REPUnLIc.-(1799-1801.) 6 Tornesi. Fasces. Republica Neapolitana. do Prof. Dana 4 Tornesi. Fasces Republica Neapolitana. do do FERDI'NDII.-(1830-59.) 120 Grani. Head.-Shield. silv. Purchase 60 Grani. Head. -Shield. do do 10 Grani. Head.-Shield. do W. C. Gilman 10 Tornesi. Head. cop. Prof. Dana 2 Tornesi. Head. do do Torneso. Head. do do MIAILTA. HUGO VERD.-(1 582-96.)- 2 crosses and 2 lions.- Ut Commodius. cop. Yale Coll. FRANZ. XIM.-(1673-75.) Tower.-Maltese cross. Sanc. Sepu. Jeru. silv. do EMTAN.PINTO.-(1741-73.) 5 crescents.-Maltese cross. do do GREECE. CAPO D'ISTRIA.-(1827-31.)10 Lepta. Phcenix and cross. 1828. cop. Unknown 10 Lepta. Phoenix and cross. 1831. do do Lepton. Phoenix and cross. do do OTHo.-(1833-62.) Drachme. Head.-Greek cross in shield. silv. F. P. Brewer ~ Drachme. Head.-Greek cross in shield. do W.T.Kingsley i Drachme. Head.-Greek cross in shield. do E. C. Herrick 10 Lepta. Greek cross in shield. cop. Prof. Dana 5 Lepta. Greek cross in shield. do Johns 2 Lepta.. Greek cross in shield. do do Lepton. Greek cross in shield. do do IONIAN ISLANDS. Farthing. Winged lion.-Female seated. do Unknown ORIENTAL. TURKEY. Sovereign, {4c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 4.c. MUSTAPH. III.-(1757-74.) i Piastre. Year 25, Struck at Constantinople 1171. silv. Unknown Para. Year -. Struck, &c. 1171. bill. do Para. Year 7. Struck at Tunis 1171. cop. do AsD.HAMED.-(1774-89.) 10 Paras. illorocco 1187. bill. do MAuMOUDII. —(1808-39.) 10 Piastres. Year 31. Struck at Constantinople 1223. gold. Mrs.N. Porter 2~ Piastres. Toghra. Struck at Cons. 1223. silv. Purchase i Piastre. Year 7. Struck at Tripoli 1223. do W. C. Gilman i Piastre. Struck at Tripoli 1223. do Unknown j Piastre. Toghra.-Struck atAlgiers. do do 46 MODERN COINS. Sovereign, I.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, S.c. MAHMOUD II.-(contin'd.) 10 Paras. Crescent.- Year 23. Struck at Constantinople 1223. bill. Unknown 10 Paras. Wreath.-Year 27. Struck at Egypt 1223. do do 5 Paras. Wreath.- Year 26. Egypt 1223. cop. W.T.Kingsley Para. Year22. Struck at Const. 1223. do Unknown Para. Year-. Struck at Egypt 1223. do do ABD.MEDJID.-(1839-60.) 6 Piastres. Year 1. Struck at Const. 1255. gold. Mrs. Street 6 Piastres. Year 7. Struck at Const. 1255. silv. Mrs. N Porter 3 Piastres. Year 7, &c. do C. D. Seropyan 2 Piastres. Year 7, &c. do do Piastre. Year 7. do do 10 Paras. Wreath. Year 4. &c. bill. do 6 Paras. Wreath. Year 27, &c. do do 3 Paras. Year 18. Struck atEgypt. 1255. do do Para. Year -. Struck at Const. 125 5. do do 10 Paras. 5. Struck, &c. around edge. cop. E. J. Miller 5 Paras. 5. Struck, &c. around edge. do C.D. Seropyan 5 Paras. Year2. StruckatEgypt. 1255. do do Para. 1. Struck at Con. around edge. do do Para. The same. (Thin die.) do do EAST INDIA. DANISH COLONIES. 4 Kas. C.A.R. crowned.-IV Kas. Tra. cop. C. W. Bradley DUTCH COLONIES. i Gulden. Head of lWillem.-Niederlandish Indie. silv. do i Stiver. Lion in shield.-Indice Batav. cop. Unknown i Stiver. Lion in shield.-Nederl. Indie. do do i Stiver. Lion in shield.- V 0. C. do C. W. Bradley i Stiver. 2 lions in shield.- V.0. C. do do i Stiver. Lion in shield.-Nederl. Indie. do Unknown 2 Centimes. Lion in shield.-Nederl. Indie. do do Stiver. Java. 1. St. do do Stiver. Java.-Heart. V.E.IJ C. do do Doit. Java.- VE.I.C. do do ENGLISH COLONIES. Rupee. Head.- Victoria Queen. do Mrs. Street i Rupee. Head.- William III. King. do do i Rupee. Head.- Victoria Queen. do'do 2 Annas. Head.- Victoria Queen. do do ~ Anna. E. I. Co's arms.-Scales 1246. do C. W. Bradley i Anna. E. I. Co's arms.-Wreath. do do i Anna. E. I. Co's arms.-Scales. 1246. do Unknown i Anna. E. I. Co's arms. —Wreath. do do 1-12 Anna. E. I. Co's arms.-Wreath. do C. W. Bradley Cent. Head.- Victoria Queen. do do Cent. Head.- Victoria' Queen. do do i Cent. Head.- Victoria Queen. do do 20 Cash. E. I. Co's arms.-XX Cash. do do 10 Cash. E. I. Co's arms -X Cash. do. do J Pice. E. I. Co's arms.-4 Pice. do Unknown Pie. E. I. Co's arms.-Scales. do do 4AmpatKeping. E. I. Co's arms. do C. W. Bradley 2 Row Keping. E. I. Co's arms. do do 2 Row Keping. E. I. Co's arms.-PuZo Pinang. do do 2 Row Keping. Mengenkabau. do do 2 Row Keping. Negry Acheen. do do 2 Row Keping. Negry Trumah. do do 2 Row Keping. Pulo Percha. do do 2 Satu Keping. E. I. Co's arms.-Sumatra. do do 2 Satu Keping. E. I. Co's arms.-Sultana. do do i Satu Keping. Cock. Tanal Malaya. cop. C. W. Bradley Cock. Tana Malaya. do Cock.'ana Mal.&c. Star. 1250. do do j Stiver. Head of Geo. III.-Elephant. Ceylon, do Unknown NATIVE POWER. Rupee. Struck at Benares in the year 16. silv. P. Nottbeck Rupee. Struck at Morshedabad. Year 19. do do MODERN COINS. 47 Sovereign, 4.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor, 1.c. N. POWER.-,contin'd.) Rupee. Struck at Surat in the year 56 do P. Nottbeck i Rupee. Struck at Arcot in the year 6. do do i Rupee. Struck at 3Morshedabad. Year 12. do do Pai Sicca. Struck, &c. year 6.-Name in three languages. cop. Unknown Pai Sicca. Struck year 22.-1190, &c. do do j Pai Sicca. Struck year 6. Name as above. do do j Pai Sicca. Same, but smaller and thicker. do do i Pali Sicca. Struck year 22.-1190, &c. do do Pie. (Burmah.) Elephant.-Squares and dots. do Purchase SIAVI. Tikal. Bullet shaped. silv. E. E. Atwater Tikal. Bullet shaped. do Miss Gilman CHINA. ANCIENT.-(200 B. C. —1600 A.D.) Cash. 128 varieties of 44 reigns; some oblong, some razor shape, most round, with hole in center. brass. C. W. Bradley MODERN.-(1600 A.D. -.) Cash. 14 varieties of 9 emperors; all round, with hole in center; some large, of 40 Cash. do do REBEL. —(1600-1854.) Cash. 5 varieties, same as last. do do JAPAN. ~ Itzbue. Oblong. silv. AdmiralFoote i Itzbue. Oblong. do Prof. Olmsted 100 Psenny. Oval, with hole in center. brass. E. C. Herrick MISCELLANEOUS. SANDWICH ISLANDS. Sovereign,.c. Name. Description. Metal. Donor. -c. KAMEHAMEHA II. Hapa Haneri. Head. Aupuni Hawaii. cop. Purchase SIERRA LEONE. 10 Cents. Lion.-Hands clasped. silv. Unknown Cent. Lion. —Hands clasped. cop. Purchase ST. II-ELENA. Halfpenny. Cross in shield supported by lions. cop. H. Champion SUMMARY. Gold. Silver. Cop., I-c. Total. GREEK COINS, --------------- - 28 86 114 ROMAN COINS, 2 ------— 202 269 473 ORIENTAL COINS, (ANCIENT,) 5 6 12 23 UNITED STATES, — ------ 34 ------— 238 272 REST OF AMERICA, - ------- 45 -------- 72 117 EUROPE, —---- 7 ------— 407 619 1033 CHINA,- -------------------- --- -- -------- 282 282 REST OF ORIENTAL & MISCELL. -. 2 20 66 88 INDEX. Ancient Coins in SMALL CAPS. Modern in Roman. Country. Page. Country. Page. ACHAIA, -6 Luxemburg, - - 38 Advertisements, 24, 32 MACEDONIA, - - 5 LEOLIS, - - 7 Malta, 45 SETOLIA-. - -6 Mecklenburg,..38 AFRICA, 8, 19 MESSENIA, - - 6 ALEXANDRIA, 8 Mexico, 25 America, - - 20 Miscellaneous, - - 48 ANCIENT COINS, 5 Modena, 44 Anhalt, - 37 Modern Coins, - - 20 ARCADIA, -6 Naples, 45 ARMEMNIA, - 19 Nassau, 38 ASIA, -7 Netherlands, - - 33 Asia, - 46 New Grenada,..26 ATTICA, -6 Norway, - 32 Austria, -34 Nuremburg,..35 Baden,- 37 Oldenburg, - 39 Bavaria, -35 ORIENTAL,. 19 Belgium, -34 Oriental, 45 BcEOTIA-, 6 Palatinate of the Rhine, - 35 Bourbon, -41 PAMPHYLIA,. 7 Brazil, -25 Parma, 44 Bremen, -39 PARTHIA. - 8 Brunswick, 38 PELOPENNESUS, - - 6 Buenos Ayres, 26 Peru, - -. - 26 BYZANTIUM,.- 17 PItENICE,. 8 Canada, -20 Poland,.-. 33, 35 CAPPADOCIA, - 7 Portugal, - 41 Central America, 25 Reuss, 39 Chili, -26 RHODIA, 7 China, - 48 ROMA, 9 Colombia, - 25 ROMAN EMPIRE, - 11 CONSULAR COINS, - 9 Rome, Papal,. 41 Dalmatia, 35 Russia, 33 IDauphin-,.41 Sandwich Islands, - 48 Denmark, - - -33 Sardinia, 43 East India, - 46 SARMATIA. 6 EGYPTA,.8 Saxe, - - -. 39 EUROPA, - - - - 5 Saxony, 37 Europe, - -26 Scotland, - 29 France, -34 Schwarzburg,..39 Frankfort, -39 SELEUCIS, 7 GALLIA, -5 Siam, -48 Germany, -34 SICILIA, - 5 Great Britain, 26 Sicily, 45 GREECE, -5 Sierra Leone,..48 Greece, - 45 South America, - 25 Haiamburg, -39 SPAIN, 19 Hanover, - 36 Spain, -41 Hesse, -38 St. Helena, 48 HINDUSTAN,.- 19 Sweden, - 32 HISPANIA, - - - - 5 Switzerland, - - 42 Hohenzollern, 39 SYRIA, -7 Holstein, -- 38 THESSALIA - 6 ILLYRICUM, -.. 6 Tokens, - - - 23, 32, 35, 41 IONIA, - - -7 Turkey, - 45 ILIA, - - -5 United States, 20 Italy, - - -43 Tokens, - 23 Japan, - 48 Cards, - 24 JUDEA, -8 Venezuela, - 25 LACONIA, - 6 Venice, 43 La Plata, -26 Waldeck, - 39 Lppe, - - -39 West Indies,..25 Lombardy, -43 Wurtemburg,..37 Lubeck, - — 39