MILITARY RECORD OF Army and Civilian Appointments IN THE BY GUY V. HENRY, BREYET COLONEL, AND CAPTAIN, THIRD UNITED STATES CAVALRY; LATE 0APTAIN FIRST UNITED STATES ARTILLERY, AND COLONEL AND BREVETRIGADIERB GENERAL, UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS. VOLUME II. YEW YORK: Db VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 MURRAY STREET AND 27 WARREN STREET. 187 3. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by D. VAN NOSTRAND, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PRIEFACE is submitting a second volume of Military Records, I feel called upon to make to my brother officers some explanation, My object in undertaking the self-imposed task has been to provide'Records of Officers (non-graduates) who had served during the war of the Rebellion, which would, with "Cullum's Biographical Register of Graduates of West Point," be of future use to the historian, as the history of a nation is that of the individuals composing it. In addition, the knowledge that the death of an officer, and the'consequent erasure of his name from the. Army Register, left to his friends nothing to prove his services, have been strong incentives to the completion of my proposed work. Official assistance, from the source whence I expected it, has not been received. Circulars have been sent more than once to officers requesting the favor of their records; also to the various Post, Regimental, and other Headquarters in the army. Being in possession of a number of personal records, I have decided to publish a second volume, adopting the following plan, viz.: I have included all the casualties of the dead, of the re, signed and mustered out, those Brevetted, and sent me; of those now in the army; those received by me and others, omitting those who have no brevets. This plan I consider just, as brevets conferred indicate service done. In many cases duty was performed where brevets were not given. The names of many are to be found who have done good service without the reward of a brevet; and the mere extract from an Army Register might, without any such intention on my part, do injustice, or give 4 PREFACE. offence to the officers concerned. To those who have aided me, in forwarding their own and others' records, to the Surgeon-General, Quartermasteti-General, Chief of Ordnance, and some regimental commanders, I beg to acknowledge my obligations. I regret to say that, up to the present time, I have only partially succeeded in procuring a correct " etat do service " of every officer as designated in my plan. To attain this object I would earnestly request that each one now in the army, whose full record has not been published, will send it to me, together with all the information concerning any officer or officers, known to him, now out of service. Every year adds to the difficulty of procuring the information required. Once obtained, and made a mattee of history, an officer can feel that his services can no longer be forgotten in the casualties of an Army Register. FoiT D. A. IUSSSELL, W. T., January, 1873. CONTENTS. PART I..RECORDS OF OFICERS, RECEIVED FR OM THEMSELVES, OR FROM OTHER SOURCES............................................ 27 PART II. NAMES OF.OFFICEIRS OF WHO NO RECORDS COUL I BE OBTAILED; WHON ARE DEAD; THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED ]REVET'S, AND HAVE. RESIGNED, BEEN MUSTERED OUT, OR ARE STILL IN THE SERVICE, AND THOSE WITH CONFIRMED BtREVETS, AND TO WRHOM NO COOMMISSIONS WERE ISSUED BY TIIE WAR DEPARTMENT........................ 231 CONFIRMATIONS BY THE UNITEID STATES SENATE, MARCH, 1, 1869....... 363 MILITARY RECORD. BATTLES, ACTIONS, ETC., ACCREDITED ON THE ARMY REGISTER TO THE REGIMENTS OF CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, AND INFANTRY IN THE U. S. ARMY. MILITARY RECORD. BATTLES, ACTIONS, ETC., ACCREDITED ON THE ARMY REGISTER TO THE REGIMENTS OF CAVALRY, U. S. &ARMIY. FIRST U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized March 2d, 1833, as the 1st Regiment of Dragoons. DeSignatiorn changed August 3d, 1861.] Withlacoochie River, East Florida, 27th February, 1836; San Pasqual, California, 6th —,'46; El Pueblo, New Mexico, 4th February,'47; Buena Vista, Mexico, 22d and 23d February,'47; Grand Prairie, near Arkansas River, 26th June,'47; Contreras, Churubusco and the City of Mexico, 19th and 20th August,'49; Santa Cruz de Rosales, Chihuahua, 16th March,'48; Dona Ana, New Mexico, 16th August,'49; Cienequilla, New Mexico, 30th March,'54; Penasco River, New Mexico, 19th January,'55; near Fort Massachusetts, New Mexico, 29th April,'55; Cow Creek, Oregon, 31st October,'55; Big Bend of Rogue River, Oregon, 27th and 28th May,'56; Spokan Country, Washington Territory, 17th May,'58; Valverde, New Mexico, 21st February,'62; Williamsburg, Virginia, 4th and 5th, May,'02; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Kelly's Ford, Virginia, 17th March,'63; Upperville, Virginia, 21st June,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Williams Port, Maryland, 6th July,'63; Falling Waters, Maryland, 14th July,'63; Todd's Tavern, Virginia, 7th and 8th May,'64; Cold Harbor, Virginia, 31st May and 1st June,'64; Trevillian Station, Virginia, 11th and 12th June,'64; Smithfield, Virginia, 28th and 29th August,'64; Winchester, Virginia, 19th September,'64; Woodstock, Virginia, 9th October,'64; Cedar Creek, Virginia, 19th October,'64; Dinwiddie Court House, 30th and 31st March,'65; Five Forks, Virginia, 1st April,'65; Rice's Station, Virginia, 6th April,'65; Appomattox Court House, Virginia, 9th, April,'65; Owykee River, Idaho, 26th December,'66; Steins Mountain, Oregon, 29th January,'67; Silver Lake, Oregon, 8th September,'67; Scout from Camp Harney, Oregon, 13th September,'67; Pitt River,. California, 26th September,'67; Scout from the Willows, California, 7th November,'67; Mount Turnbull, Arizona Territory, 29th April,'69. 10.fILIZARY RECORD. SECOND U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized May~ 23d, 1836, as the 2d Regiment of Dragqoons,; converted to Regiment of Riflemen, August, 23d, 1842; reconverted into the 2d Regiment of Dragoons, April 4th, 1844. Designation changed August 3d, 1861.] Near Micanopy, East Florida, 9th June, 1836; Lake Monroe, East Florida, 8th February,'37; Border of the Kenahapa, East Florida, 17th June,'38; Fort Norton, East Florida, 16th August,'38; Big Hammock of Pitaklikaha, 19th, April,'42; La Rosia, Mexico, 25th April,'46; Palo Alto, 8th May,'46; Resaca de la Palma, 9th May,'46; Monterey, 21st and 23d September,'46; Buena Vista, 22d and 23d February,'47; Vera Cruz, 5th and 29th March,'47; Cerro Gordo, 17th and 19th April,'47; Puebla, 28th May,'47; Contreras and Churubusco, 18th and 21st August,'47; Molino del Rey, 8th September,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Agua Frio, 2d November,'47; near the Lagoon on the Jornado del Muerto, 24th January and 19th February,'52; on the Cagalone, New; Mexico, 5th March,'54; Blue Waters, Nebraska Territory, 3d September,' 55; Valverde, New Mexico, 21st February,'62; Beverly Ford, Virginia, 9th June,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Boonsboro', Maryland, 8th and 10th, July,'63; Brandy Station, Virginia, 1st August,'63; Todd's Tavern, Virginia, 7th and 8th May,'64; Old Church, Virginia, 30th May,'64; Trevillian Station, Virginia, 11th and 12th June,'64; Deep Bottom, Virginia, 27th and 28th July,'64; Berryville, Virginia, 10th August,'64; Smith Field, Virginia, 27th and 28th August,'64; Winchester, Virginia, 19th September,'64; Front Royal, Virginia, 25th September,'64; Cedar Creek, Virginia, 19th October,'64; Peno Creek, Dakota Territory, 6th and 21st December,'66. THIRD U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized May 19th, 1846, as the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen. Designation changed August 3d, 1861.] Vera Cruz, Mexico, 11th and 24th March, 1847; Cerro Gordo, 17th and 18th April,'47; Contreras and Churubusco, 19th and 20th August,'47; Molino del Rey, 8th Septembcr,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 15th September,'47; Huamantla, Mexico, 9th October,'47; near Rogue River, Oregon, 16th June,'51; near Sevier Lake, Utah, 26th October,'53; Lake Trinidad, Texas, 9th May,'54; San Diego, Texas, 11th July,'54; -Ojo Del Muerto, New Mexico, 11th March,'57; Slope of the Sierra de los Miembres, New Mexico, 11th March,'57; near Fort Union, New Mexico, 8th and 9th September,'58; Dog Cafion, New Mexico, 8th February,'59; Mesilla, New Mexico, 25th July,'61; Valverde, New Mexico, 21st February,'62; Albuquerque, New Mexico, 8th April,'62; Cherokee Station, Alabama, 21st October,'63; Purgatory River, Colorado Territory, 1st October,'66; Fort Sumner, New Mexico, 9th July,'67; Sierra Diablo, Texas, 18th October,'67; Indian actions in Arizona. -[EDITOR.] 2IlLrTAR Y RECORD. 11 FOURTH U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized March 3d, 1855, as the 1st Regiment of Cavalry. Designation changed August 3d, 1861.] Solomon's Fork of the Kansas River, 29th July, 1857;. Caddo Creek, Cherokee Nation, 24th and 27th February,'59; Blackwater Spring, Kansas, 11th July,'60; Dug-Spring, Missouri, 2d August,'61; Wilson's Creek, Missouri, 10th August,'61; Blackwater, Missouri, 19th December,'61; Shiloh, Tennessee, 6th and 7th April,'62; Farmington, Mississippi, 9th May,'62; Corinth, Mississippi, 9th and 14th May and Ist June,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 30th December,'62, and 5th January,'63; Thompson's Station, Tennessee, 2d April,'63; Franklin, Tennessee, 10th April,'63; Middleton, Tennessee, 20th and 23d' May,'63; Shelbyville, Tennessee, 27th and 30th June,'63; Ringgold, Georgia, 18th and 19th September,'63; Chickamauga Creek, Georgia, 18th and 25th September,'63; West Point, Mississippi, 21st February,'64; Okolona, Mississippi, 22d February,'64; Tallahatchie River, Tennessee, 22d February,'64; Dallas, Georgia, 26th and 28th May,'64; Lovejoy/s Station, Georgia, 20th August,'64; Selma, Alabama, 2d April,'65; Pecas River, Texas, 12th March, 67. FIFTH U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized March 3d, 1855, as the 2d Regiment of Cavalry. Designation changed August 3d, 1861.] On the Concha River, Texas, 22d December, 1856; Devil's River, Texas, 20th July,'57; Wichita Village, Texas, 1st October,'58; Fort Atkinson, Texas, 13th May,'59; Head Waters, Concha and Colorado Rivers, Texas, 26th and 27th August,'60; Fairfax Court House, Virginia, 31st May,'61; Hanover Court House, Virginia, 27th May,'62; Old Church, Virginia, 13th June,'62; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Little Washington, Virginia, 8th November,'62; Beverly Ford, Virginia, 9th June,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 3d July,'63; Funkstown, Maryland, 10th July,'63; Manassas Gap, Virginia, 21st July,'63; Brandy Station, Virginia, 1st and 2d August,'63; Todd's Tavern, Virginia, 7th and 8th May,'64; Trevillian Station, Virginia, 11th and 12th June,'64; Deep Bottom, 28th July,'64; Winchester, Virginia, 19th September,'64; Woodstock, Virginia, 9th October,'64; South Anna Bridge, Virginia, 12th March,'65; Dinwiddie Court House, Virginia, 30th and 31st March,'65; Five Forks, Virginia, 1st April,'65; Appomattox Court House, Virginia, 8th and 9th April,'65; -Summit Springs, Nebraska, 11th July,'69. SIXTH U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861. Confirmed by Act of Congress, July 29th, 1861.] Williamsburg, Virginia, 4th May, 1862; Hanover Court House, Virginia, 27th May,'62; Beverly Ford, Virginia, 9th June,'63; Upperville, 12 MILITARY RECORD. Virginia, 21st June,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 3d July,'63; Funkstown, Maryland, 7th and 10th July,'63; Brandy Station, Virginia, 11th October,'63; near Paint Creek, Texas, 7th March,'68. SEVENTH U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized by Act of Congress, July 28th, 1866j] Republican River, Nebraska, 26th June, 1867; Fort Wallace, Kansas, 26th June,'67; Washita River, Indian Territory, 27th November,'68. The records of the officers of this regiment are in most cases larger than the above, as the regiment was formed of officers who had served during the war of the Rebellion. EIGHTH U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized by Act of Congress, July 28th, 1866.] This. regiment was composed of officers most of whom had served during the war of the Rebellion. NINTH U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized by Act of Congress, July 28th, 1866.] Horse Head Hills, Texas, 12th September, 1868.9 The records of the officers of this regiment are in most cases larger than the above, as the regiment was formed of officers who had served during the war of the Rebellion. TENTH U. S. CAVALRY. [Organized by Act of Congress, July 28th, 1866.] Saline River, Kansas, 2d August, 1867; Republican River, Kansas, 21st August,'67. The records of the officers of this regiment are in most cases larger than the above, as the regiment was formed of officers who had served during the war of the Rebellion. MILITARY RECORD. 13 BATTLES, ACTIONS, ETC., ACCREDITED ON THE ARMY REGISTER TO THE REGIMENTS OF ARTILLERY, U. S. ARMY. FIRST U. S. ARTILLERY. [OIrganized April 12th, 1808, as the Light Artillery Regiment. Designation changed March- 2d, 1821.] Heights of Queenstown, Upper Canada, 13th October, 1812; York, Upper Canada, 27th April,'13; Fort George, Upper Canada, 27th May,'13; Fort Erie, Upper Canada, 17th September,'14; Withlacoochie River, East Florida, 31st December,'35; Ridgeley's Mills, East Florida, 27th July,'36; Fort Drane, East Florida, 21st Auguit,'36; Mouth of Jupiter Inlet, East Florida, 15th January,'38; Palo Alto, Mexico, 8th May,'46; Monterey, Mexico, 21st and 23d September,'46; Cerro Gordo, Mexico, 17th and 18th April,'47; Contreras, Mexico, 19th August,'47; Churubusco, Mexico, 20th August,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 12th and 14th September,'47; Fort Sumter, South Carolina, April 12th and 13th,'61 (omitted in Army Register); Bull Run, Virginia, 21st July,'61-; Santa Rosa Island, Florida, 9th October,'61; bombardment of Fort Pickens, Florida, 22d and 23d November,'61; Fort Macon, North Carolina, 25th April,'62; Williamsburg, Virginia, 5th May, 62; Fair Oaks, Virginia, 31st May,'62; White Oak Swamp, Virginia, 30th June,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Pocotaligo Bridge, South Carolina, 21st and 22d October,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Fort Bisland, Louisiana, 12th and 14th' April,'63; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th May,'63; Port Hudson, Louisiana, 27th and 31st May,'63; Beverly Ford, Virginia, 9th June,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Williamsport, Maryland, 6th July,'63; Brandy Station, Virginia, Ist August,'63; Fort Wagner, South Carolina, August,'63; Bristol Station, Virginia, 14th October,'63; Olustee, Florida, 20th February,'64; Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, 9th April,'64; Drury's Bluff, Virginia, 16th May,'64; near Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, 30th May,'64; Barker's Mills, Virginia, 2d June,'64; Trevillian Station, Virginia, 11th June,'64; near Roanoke Station, Virginia, 25th June,'64; Deep Run, Virginia, 15th, 16th and 18th August,'64; Johnson's Farm, Virginia, 7th October,'64; Cedar Creek, Virginia, 19th October,'64; Darbytown Road, Virginia, 27th and 28th October,'64. SECOND U. S. ARTILLERY. [Organized March 2d, 1821, from the Corps of Artillery formed from the 1st Rgiment of Artillery, organized in 1802, and the 2d and 3d Regiments of Artillery, organized in 1812.] Chippewa, Upper Canada, 5th July, 1814; Niagara, Upper Canada, 25th July,'14; Fort Erie, Upper Canada, 13th, 14th and 15th August, 14 MILITARY RECORD. and 17th September,'14; Withlacoochie River, East Florida, 28th and 31st December,'35; Camp Izard, East Florida, 28th February,'36; Camp Monroe, East Florida, 8th February,'37; Palo Alto, Mexico, 8th BMay,'46; Resaca de la Palma, Mexico, 9th May,'46; Vera Cruz, Mexico, 24th March,'47; Churubusco, Mexico, 20th August,'47; Molinoe del Rey, Mexico, 8th September,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Fort Deynaud, Florida, 18th January,'56; Chocaliska, Florida, 29th March,'56; Billy's Town, Florida, 6th April,'56,; Bull Run, Virginia, 21st July,'61; Wilson's Creek, Missouri, 10th August,'61; Santa Rosa Island, Florida, 9th October,'61; Fort Pickens, Florida, 22d and 23d November,'61; Corinth, Mississippi, 28th May,'62; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; HIarrison Landing, Virginia, 31st July,'62; Malvern Hill, Virginia, 5th August,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 29th and 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Corinth, Mississippi, 4th October,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Irish Bend, Louisiana, 13th and 14th April,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1st and 3d July,'63; Williamsport, Maryland, 6th July,'63; Brandy Station, Virginia,'lst, and 4th August,'63; Culpepper, Virginia, 13th September,'63; Raccoon Ford, Virginia, 15th September,'63; Morton's Ford, Virginia, 11th October,'63; Chattahoochie River, Georgia, 22d July,'64; Winchester, Virginia, 19th September,'64; Milford, Virginia, 22d September,'64; Waynesboro', Virginia, 27th September,'64; Edenton, Virginia, 9th October,'64; Cedai Creek, Virginia, 19th October,'64. THIRD U. S. ARTILLERY. [Organized March 2d, 1821, from the Corps of Artillery formed from the 1st Regiment of Artillery, or.qanized in 1802, sand the 2d and 3d Regiments of Artillery, organized in 1812.] Chippewa, Upper Canada, 25th July, 1814; Fort Erie, Upper Canada, 13th and 15th August, and 17th September,'14; Withlacoochie River, East Florida, 28th and 31st December,'35; Micanopy, East Florida, 9th June,'36; Camp Monroe, East Florida, 8th February,'37; Indian Crossing of the Locha-hatchie, East Florida, 24th January,'38; Fort Lauderdale, East Florida, 20th February and 27th September,'39; Picolata Road, East Florida, 1st November,'40; Palo Alto, Mexico, 8th May,'46; Resaca de la Palma, Mexico, 9th May,'46; Monterey, Mexico, 21st and 23d September,'46; Buena Vista, Mexico, 22d and 23d February,'47; Vera Cruz, Mexico, 9th and 28th March,'47; Churubusco, Mexico, 19th and 20th August,'47; Molino del Rey, Mexico, 8th September,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Blackburn's Ford, Virginia, 18th July,'61; Bull Run, Virginia, 21st July,'61; Williamsburg, Virginia, 4th May,'62; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Malvern Hill, Virginia, 1st July,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 16th and 17th September,'62; Pocotaligo, South Carolina, 22d October,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Robertson's Ford, Virginia, 23d September,'63; Olustee, Florida, 20th February,'64; Port Walthal Junction, Virginia, 8th, 9th and 20th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 7th October,'64. MILITARY RECORD. 15 FOURTH U. S. ARTILLERY. [Organized March 2d, 1821, from the Corps of Artillery formed from the 1st Regiment of Artillery, organized in 1802, and the 2d and 3d Regiments of Artillery, organized in 1812. Chippewa, Upper Canada, 5th July, 1814; Niagara, Upper Canada,.25th July,'14; Fort Erie, Upper Canada, 13th and 15th August, and 17th September,'14; Fort Drane, East Florida, 21st August,'36; Palo Alto, Mexico, 8th May,'46; Resaca de la Palma, Mexico, 9th May,'46; Monterey, Mexico, 21st and 23d September,'46; Buena Vista, Mexico, 23d February,'47; Contreras, Mexico, 20th August,'47; Molino del Rey, Mexico, 8th September,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Blue Waters, near Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, 3d September,'55; Greenbrier River and Cheat Mountain, Virginia, 3d and 4th October,'60; Shiloh, Tennessee, 6th. and 7th April,'62; Port Republic, Virginia, 9th'June;'62; White Oak Swamp, Virginia, 30th June,'62; Glendale, Virginia, 30th June,'62; -Malvern Hill, Virginia, 1st July,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th Sep'tember,`'62; Chaplin Hills, Kentucky, 8th October,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62, and 2d January,'63; Suffolk, Virginia, 30th January,'63; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th May,'63; Gettysbufrg, Pennsylvania, 1st, 2d and 3d July,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 20th September,'63; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 8th May,'64; near Petersburg, Virginia, 9th May,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 2d and 3d June,'64; Cold Harbor, Virginia, 3d June,'64; Franklin, Tennessee, 30th November,'64; Hatcher's Run, Virginia, 7th and 8th February, and 25th'and 28th March,'65. FIFTH U. S. ARTILLERY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861. Coflrmed by Act of Congress, July 29th, 1861.] Bull Run, Virginia, 21st July, 1861; Shiloh, Tennessee, 6th April,'62; Lee's Mills, Virginia, 16th April,'62; Hanover Court House, Virginia, 27th May,'62; Mechanicsville, Virginia, 26th June,'62; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; White Oak Swamp, Virginia, 30th June,'62; Malvern Hill, Virginia, 1st July,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 29th and 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 16th and 17th September,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 30th and 31st December,'62; Siege of Suffolk, Virginia, April,'63; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th May,'63; Port Hudson, Louisiana, 27th May, and 13th and 14th June,'63; Winchester, Virginia, 12th and 14th June,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th September,'63; Rappahannock Station, Virginia, 7th November,'63; Sabine Cross Roads, Louisiana, 8th April,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 12th May,'64; Piedmont, Virginia, 5th June,'64; Lynchburg, Virginia, 17th and 18th June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, June and July,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 18th and 19th 16 MILITARY RECORD. August,'64; Chapin's Farm, Virginia, 29th September,'64; Cedar Creek, Virginia, 19th October,'64; Boydton Plank Road, Virginia, 27th October,'64; Hatcher's Run, Virginia, 25th March,'65; Petersburg, Vir-.ginia, 1st, 2d, and 3d April,'65. BATTLES, ACTIONS, ETC., ACCREDITED ON THE ARMY REGISTER TO THE REGIMENTS OF INFANTRY, U. S. ARMY. FIRST U. S. INFANTRY. [Or'ganized April 30th, 1790; re-organized by the consolidation of the 2d, 3d, 7th and 44th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1815 anad raqain by the consolidation of the 1st and 43d Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Fort Dearborn, Illinois, 15th August, 1812; Niagara, Upper Canada, 25th July,'14; sortie against the British batteries at Fort Erie, Upper Canada, 17th September,'14; bombardment of Fort St. Philip, Louisiana, 9th and 17th January,'15; Okeechobee, East Florida, 5th December,'37; Monterey, Mexico, 21st and 23d Septemlber,'46; Laredo, Texas, 7th April,'50; Wilson's Creek, Missouri, 10th August,'61; New Madrid, Missouri, 13th March,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Corinth, Mississippi, 4th October,'62; siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, 19th May to 4th July,'63. SECOND U. S. INFANTRY. Organized March 3d, 1791; re-organized by the consolidation of the 6th, 16th, 22d, 23d and 32d Regiments of Itfatry, March 3d, 1815; and again by the consolidation of the 2d antd 16th Regiments of lafantry, alirch 3d, 1869.] Near the source of the Miami River, Ohio, 4th November, 1791; attack upon Fort Bowyer, Alabama, 15th September, 1814; near Micanopy, Florida, 19th May,'40; Orange Creek Bridge, Florida, 2d March,'41; Branch of.Haw Creek, Florida, 25th January,'42; Vera Cruz, Mexico, 9th and 28th March,'47; Cerro Gordo, Mexico, 17th and 18th April,'47; Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, 19th August,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Bull Run, Virginia, 21st July,'61; Wilson's Creek, Missouri, 10th August,'61; Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April,'62; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th, November,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 4th, 5th and 6th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 12th and 14th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May,'64; Kenesaw Moun MILITARY RECORD. 17 tain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, 20th July,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, 27th and 31st July and August,'64; Jonesboro, Georgia, 1st September,'64. THIRD U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized May 30th, 1796; re-organized by consolidation of the 1st, 5th, 17th, 19th, 28th and 29th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1815, and again by the consolidation vf the 3d and one-half of the 37th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Resaca de la Palma, Mexico, 9th May, 1846; Monterey, Mexico, 21st and 23d September,'46; Cerro Gordo, Mexicoj 17th and 18th April,'47; Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, 19th and 20th August,'47; Chapultepee and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Fort Defiance, New Mexico, 17th January,'60; Bull Run, Virginia, 21st July,'61; Santa Rosa Island, Florida, 9th October,'61; Fort Pickens, Florida, 22d and 23d November,'61; Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th.Ap;il,'62; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Malvern Hill, Virginia, 1st July,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May and 4th June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, August,'64; Jonesboro, Georgia, lst September,'64. FOURTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized May 30th, 1796; reorganized by consolidation of the 14th, 18th, 20th, 36th, and 38th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1815; and again by the consolidation of the 4th and 30th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Tippecanoe, Indiana, 7th November, 1811; Magnago, Michigan, 9th August,'12; Siege of Plattsburg, New York, 6th to 11th September,'14; Withlacoochie, East Florida, 28th and 31st December,'35; Thlonotossa Creek, Florida, 26th and 27th April,'36; Okeechobee, East Florida, 25th December,'37; Matamorab, Mexico, 19th April,'46; Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Mexico, 8th and 9th May,'46; Monterey, Mexico, 19th and 22d September,'46; Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, 19th and 20th August,'47; Molino del Rey, Mexico, 8th September,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; near the Red Bluffs, California, 24th March,'53; near Jacksonville, Oregon, 24th August,'53;. Simcul Valley, Washington Territory, 6th, 7th and 8th October,'55; North Fork of Puyallup River, Washington Territory, 6th and 7th November,'55; White River, Washington Territory, 4th December,'55; Big Bend of Rogue River, Oregon, 28th May,'56; Gaines' Mill,. Virginia, 27th June,'62; Malvern Hill, Virginia, 1st July,'62; Cedar Mountain, Virginia, 9th August, 62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st and 3d May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 18 MILIrTARY RECORD. 2d and 3d July,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th and 6th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 13th May,'64; Spottsylvania, Virginia, 16th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th May,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Po-Potomail Creek, Virginia, 2d and 3d June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 17th, 18th, 20tllh and 21st June, and 30th July,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 19th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. FIFTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized June 26th, 1812; re-organized by consolidation of the 4th, 9th, 13th, 21st, 40th and 46th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1815; and atqain by the consolidatson of the 5th and one-half of the 37th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Cork's Mills, Upper Canada, 19th Octoberj 1814; Junction of Bad Axe and Mississippi Rivers, Illinois, 2d August,'32, Pale Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Mexico, 8th and 9th May,'46; Monterey, Mexico, 20th and 21st September,'46; Churubusco, Mexico, 19th and 20th August,'47; Molino del Rey, Mexico, 8th September,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Big Cypress Swamp, Florida, 5th and 7th March, and 23d April,'57; Valverde, New Mexico, 21st February,'62; Apache Cation, New Mexico, 28th March,'62; Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April,'62; Peralto, New Mexico, 15th April,'62; *Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May and 4th June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, August,'64; Jonesboro, Georgia, 1st September,'64. SIXTHI U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized, June 26th, 1812; re-organized by consolidation of the 11th, 25th, p7th, 29th and 37th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1815; and again by the consolidation of the 60th and 42d Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Heights of Queenstown, Upper Canada, 13th October, 1812; York, Upper Canada, 27th April,'13; Fort George, Upper Canada, 27th May,'13; Siege of Plattsburg, New York, 6th to 11th September,'14; Junetion of Bad Axe and MIississippi Rivers, Illinois, 2d August,'32; Okeechobee, East Florida, 25th December,'37; Fort Andrews, Florida, 29th August,'39; Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, 19th and 20th August,'47; Molino del Rey, Mexico, 8th September,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Fort Floyd, Kansas Territory, 29th July,'57; Lagoon near Fort Mohave, Arizona Territory, 5th August,'59; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63. MILITARY RECORD. 19 SEVENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [O'g,ar.nized Jane 26th, 1812; re-organized by consolidation of the 8th, 10th, 4th, 386th 88th and 39th f-egiments of Infantry, la/arch 3d, 1815; and again by the consolei datton of the 7th and 36th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Fort Harrison, Ohio, 4th and 5th September, 1812; Villere's Plantation, Itouisiana, 23d December,'14; New Orleans, Louisiana, 1st, 8th and 9th January,'15; Fort King, East Florida, 28th April,'40; Fort Drane, East Florida, 19th May,'40; Martin's Point Hammock, East Florida, 28th December,'40; Wahoo Swamp, East Florida, 17th May,'42; Fort Brown, Texas, 6th May,'46; Monterey, Mexico, 21st and 23d September,'46'; Cerro Gordoj Mexico, 17th and 18th April,'47; Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, 19th and 20th August,'47; Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Valverde, New Mexico, 21st February,'62; Corinth, Mississippi. April and May,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee,, 31st December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; HIoover's Gap, Tennessee, 26th June,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d'and, 3d July,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May and 1st and 4th June,'64; Keiresaw Mountain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, 20th July,'64; Utoy Creek, Georgia, 7th August,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, August,'64; Jonesboro', Georgia, 1st September,'64. EIGHTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized July 5, 1838; re-organized by the consolidation of the 8th and 33d Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 186d.] Palo Alto, Mexico, 8th M/lay, 1846; Resaca de la Palma, Mexico, 9th May,'46; Monterey, Mexico, 21st and 23d September,'46; Churubusco, Mexico, 20th August,'47; Molino del Rey, Mexico, 8th September, 47;,Chapultepec and City of Mexico, 13th and 14th September,'47; Bull Run, Virginia, 21st July,'61; Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April,'62; Cedar Mountain, Virginia, 9th August,'62; MIurfreesboro, Tennessee, 31st December,?62; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 27th May and 5th June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 23d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, 20th July,'64; Utoy Creek, Georgia, 7th August,'64; Jonesboro', Georgia, 1st September,'64. NINTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized March 3, 185,5; re-organized by the consolidation of the 9th and 27th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] White River, Washington Territory, 1st March, 1856; Spokan, Washington Territory, 17th May,'58; Corinth, Mississippi, April and May,'62; 20 MILITARY RECORD. Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Hoover's Gap, Georgia, 26th June,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May and 1st and 4th June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, 20th July,'64; Utoy Creek, Georgia, 7th August,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, August,'64; Jonesboro, Georgia, 1st September,'64; Peno Creek, Dakota Territory, 17th July and 21st December,'66; Pinery, Dakota Territory, 2d August,'67. TENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized March 3d, 1855; re-organized by the consolidation of the 10th and 26th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Valverde, New Mexico, 21st February, 1862, Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 6th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 13th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 18th and 19th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th MIay,'64; Bethesda Church,Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Cold Harbor, Virginia, 2d and 3d June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 18th, 19th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, Ist October,'64. ELEVENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized way 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congre.s; July 29th, 1861; re-orqanized July 28th, 1866; and agakin by the consotidation of the 24th anld 29th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April, 1862; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Bull Run; Virginia, 30th August,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th, 6th and 7th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 10th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 10th, 11th and 12th May,'64; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 27th May and 5th June,'64; Hanover Court House, Virginia, 29th and 30th May,'64; Cold Harbor,Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 23d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia,'20th July,'64; Utoy Creek, Georgia, 7th August,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 18th and 21st August,'64; Jonesboro', Georgia, 1st September,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. MILITARY RECORD. 21 TWELFTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4, 1861; confirmed by Congress, July 29th, 1861; re-organized July 28th, 1866.] Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June, 1862; Cedar Mountain, Virginia, 9th August,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st and 3d May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 13th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th May,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June and 30th July,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 19th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. THIRTEENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress, July 29th, 1861; re-organized July 28th, 1866.] Chickasaw Bayou, Mississippi, 29th December, 1862; Arkansas Post, Arkansas, 11th January,'63; Walnut Hills, near Vicksburg, Mississippi, 19th May,'63; siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, 4th July,'63; Collierville, Tennessee, 11th October,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 24th and 25th November,'63; Gallatin Valley, Montana Territory, 6th April,'69. FOURTEENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, Maly 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress, July 29th, 186l; re-organized July 28th, 1866, and again by the consolidation of the 14th and 45th Regzments of Infantry,' March 3d, 1869.] Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June, 1862; Malvern Hill, Virginia, 1st July,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Snicker's Gap, Virginia, 3d and 4th November,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 13th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 14th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th May,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 19th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. FIFTEENTH U. S. 1NFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, ciay 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress, July.29th, 1861; re-organized July 28th, 1866; and again by the consolidation of the 15th and 35th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April, 1862; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22 MILITARY RECORD. 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November.'63; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and13th May,'64; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 27th May and, 5th June,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Cold Harbor,Virginia, 2d and 3d June,'64; Petersburg,Virginia, 18th and 21st June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 23d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, 20th July,'64; Utoy Creek, Georgia, 7th August,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 18th and 21st August,'64; Jonesboro, Georgia, 1st September,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. SIXTEENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, Maby 4th, 1861; confirmed by Conqress, JtbLy 29th, 1861; re-organized July 28th, 1866; and agabin by the consolidation of the 11th and 34th Regiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April, 1862; Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June, 62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,.'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th, 6th and 7th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 10th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, 10th, 11th and 12th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May,'64; Hanovertown, Virginia, 29th and 30th May,'64; Cold Harbor, Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, 20th July,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, 27th and 31st July and August,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 18th and 21st August,'64; Jonesboro, Georgia, 1st September,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. SEVENTEENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861; confirmed by Cognqress, JuTy'9th, 1861; re-organized July 28th, 1866; and again by the consolidation of the, 17th and 44th Regiments of Infantry, Marchw 3d, 1869.] Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June, 1862; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 13th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th May,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Cold Harbor, Virginia, 2d and 3d June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, MILITARY RECORD. 23 18th and 21st June,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 18th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. EIGHTEENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress, Jutly 29th, 1861; re-organized duly 28th, 1866; and agqain by the consolidation of the 18th and 25th Regimerts of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April, 1862; Corinth, Mississippi, April and Mlay,'62; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Hoover's Gap, Tennessee, 26th June,'63; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May and 1st and 4th June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Neal Dow Station, Georgia, 3d and 4th July,'64; Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, 20th July,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, 97th and 31st July and August,'64; Utoy Creek, Georgia, 7th August,'64; Jonesboro', Georgia, Ist September,'64. NINETEENTH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress,,luly 29th, 1861; re-organized July 28th, 1866; and again by the consolidation of the 19th and 28th Regiments of Infantry, Miarch 3d, 1869.] Shiloh, Tennessee, 7th April, 1862; Murfreesboro', Tennessee, 31st December,'62; Chickamauga, Georgia, 19th and 21st September,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 25th November,'63; Resacca, Georgia, 13th and 15th May,'64; New Hope Church, Georgia, 28th May and 4th June,'64; Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, 22d and 30th June,'64; Atlanta, Georgia, August,'64; Jonesboro', Georgia, 1st September,'64. TW'ENTIETH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress, July 29th, 1861, as the 2d Battalion of the lath Regiment of Infantry; destgnationr changed, July 28th, 1866.] Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June, 1862; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th, 6th and 7th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 10th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 10th, 11th and 12th May,'64; Hanovertown, Virginia, 29th and 30th May,'64; Cold Harbor, Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 18th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. 24 JILITARY RECORD. TWENTY-FIRST U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, l2eey 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress, July 29th, 1861, as the 2d Bzttalion of the 12th Regiment of Infarntry; designation changed July 28th, 1866; re-organized by the consolidation of the 21st and 32d Rlegiments of Infantry, March 3d, 1869.] Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June, 1862; Malvern Hill, Virginia, Ist July,'62; Cedar Mountain, Virginia, 9th August,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Snicker's Gap, Virginia, 3d and 4th November,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 13th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 14th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th May,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June and 30th July,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 19th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64. TWENTY-SECOND U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President,.lray 4th, 1861; confirmed by Conrgress, July 29th, 1861, as the 2d Battalion, 13th Regiment of infantry; designation changed July 29th, 1866; re-orgqnized by the consolidation of the 22d and 31st Regiments of Infantry, larch 3d, 1869.] Chickasaw Bayou, Mississippi, 29th December, 1862; Arkansas Post, Arkansas, 11th January,'63; Walnut Hills, near Vicksburg, Mississippi, 4th July,'63; Collierville, Tennessee, 11th October,'63; Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, 24th and 25th November,'63. TWENTY-THIRD U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized by direction of the President, May 4th, 1861; confirmed by Congress, JlTdy 29th, 1861, as the 2d Battalion of the 14th Regiment of Infantry; designation changed July 28th, 1866.] Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 27th June, 1862; Malvern Hill,,Virginia, 1st July,'62; Bull Run, Virginia, 30th August,'62; Antietam, Maryland, 17th September,'62; Snicker's Gap, Virginia, 3d and 4th November,'62; Fredericksburg, Virginia, 13th December,'62; Chancellorsville, Virginia, 2d, 3d and 4th May,'63; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2d and 3d July,'63; Wilderness, Virginia, 5th May,'64; Laurel Hill, Virginia, 8th and 13th May,'64; Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 14th May,'64; North Anna River, Virginia, 24th May,'64; Bethesda Church, Virginia, 1st and 3d June,'64; Petersburg, Virginia, 18th and 21st June,'64; Weldon Railroad, Virginia, 19th and 21st August,'64; Chapel House, Virginia, 1st October,'64; Jordan Creek, Oregon, 23d February,'67; Juniper Cation, Idaho, July,'68; Little Salmon River, Idaho, 22d July,'68. MILITARY RECORD. 24Tr U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized July 28th, 1866; re.organized by the consolidation of the 38th and 41st Regiments of infantry, March 3d,,1869.] This Regiment was composed of officers most of whom had served during the war of the Rebellion. 25TH U. S. INFANTRY. [Organized July 28th, 1866; re-organized by the consolidatton of the 39th and 40th.Regiments of Irfutntry, Mlarch 3d, 1869.] This Regiment was composed of officers most of whom had served during the war of the Rebellion. VOL I.-3 PAR T I. RECORD OF OFFICERS, RECEIVED FROM THEMSELVES, OR FROM OTHER SOURCES. PART I. LEMUEL A. ABBOTT. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from Ve'rmont.] MILITARY lISTORY. —Private 10th Vermont ViolU'teer' Infantry, July, 1862. First Sergeant 10th Vermont Volunteer Infantry, September, 1862. In the defences of Washington, D. C., to June, 1863. Second Lieutenant 10th Vermont VolunteerlInfantry, January, 1863. Joined 3d Corps Army of the Potomac, July, 1863, and engaged in pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Rapidan campaign, battles of Rapidan Station, Kelley's Ford,'action of Brandy Station, operations at Mine Run, and action of Locus Grove. With 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tojopotomy, Cold lHarbor, ad siege of and battles around Petersburg. First Lieutenant 10th Vermont Volunteer Infantry, June, 1864. Engaged in the defence of Maryland, against the rebel raid, under Early, battle' of Monocacy (slightly wounded), Shenandoah campaign, actions of Snicker's Gap, Charlestown, and battle of Opequan Creek (severely wounded). Captain (1st class) 114th U. S. Colored Troops, December, 1864 (declined). Captain 10th Vermont Volunteer Infantry, December, 1864. In the Richmond campaign, Army of the Potomac, December, 1864, to April, 1865, engaged in the siege of Petersburg, capture of the intrenched picket line of the enemy, assault which terminated the siege, pursuit of the rebel army, battle of Sailor's Creek, and capitulation of the rebel army at Appomattox Court-Rouse, Virginia. On the march to North Carolina, to operate against- the rebel army under General Johnston, and return to Washington, D. C. Mustered out of service, June, 1865. First Lieutenant 97th U. S. Colored Infantry, November, 1865. At Mobile, Ala., to March, 1866. Regimental Adjutant, December, 1865. Mustered out of service, April, 1866. Second Lieutenant 125th U. S. Colored Troops, April, 1866 (declined). Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. At New Orleans, La. At Fort Richardson, Texas, April to September, 1868. Scouting on the Wachita River for Comanche Indians, June, 1868. On civil service in Texas, protecting loyal citizens and arresting despeiadoes, September to December, 1868. Services officially acknowledged by the Commanding General, 5th Military District, for the arrest of four noted desperadoes. At Jefferson, Texas, March to June, 1869. Shreveport, La., to December, 1869, and from January to February, 1870. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1869. Regimental Quarter 30 JZ1I.7ARY BECORD. master 6th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1869. At Fort Richardson, Texas, April to December, 1870. and January to March, 1871. With regiment on march to Fort Hays, Kansas, March to May, 1871. At Fort Riley, Kansas, to December, 1871, and January to May, 1872. In the field to October, 1872. In camp near Fort Hays, Kansas, from October, 1872, to CIVIm HISTORY. —Cadet at the Norwich Military University, Norwich, Vt., 1861. WILLIAM H. ACKER. [Born in -New Yorke.-Appointed from Mirnnesota.] MILITARY HisTonY.-Captain 1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. Engaged at the battle of 1st Bull Run, Va. (wounded). Captain 16th UT. S. Infantry, May, 1861.' Joined regiment at St. Paul's, Minn., September, 1861. Regimental recruiting duty, Watertown, Wis., to December, 1862. Commanding company at Camp Wood, Ky., tq, March, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., where he was killed, April 7th, 1862. CIVIL HISTORIY.-Profession, Lawyer. FRANK T. ADAMS. [Porn in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Neew Jersey.] MILITARtY HiSTORY.-Joined the Anderson Cavalry, 15th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, August, 1862. Engaged at the battles of Antietam, Md., and Murfreesboro', Tenn. Taken prisoner by the rebels, and held twenty-seven days. Engaged in the advance on Tullahoma, Tenn., July, 1863. Second Lieutenanit 2d New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry, July, 1863. First Lieutenant 2d New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1863. With regiment to January, 1864. Staff duty, Memphis, Tenn., to August, 1864. Engaged in action at- Memphis, Tennessee. Acting Ordnance Officer on staff of General Grierson, Department of the Mississippi, to June, 1865. Aide-de;Camp to General Davidson, to November, 1865. Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 33d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 33d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867:. Regimental Adjutant, August, 1868, to April, 1869. Acting Assistant Adjutant-Geneial, District of Alabama, August, 1868, to January, 1869. Transferred to 8th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. At Fort Macon, N. C., July, 1869, to February, 1870. Commanding company, October, 1869, to January, 1870. At Columbia and Laurensville, S. C., to October, 1870. At David's Island,,New York Harbor, fom October, 1870, to-. GEORGE F. ADAMS. [Born in Massachw8setts.-Afppointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted in the 17th U. S. Infantry, 4863. Sergeant 2d Battalion. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, June, 1864. MJLITARY RIECORD. aS First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, June, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in- the battles on the Weldon Railroad, Va. Out of service, February, 1865. WILLIAM ADAMS. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Military Storekeeper, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army, September, 1862. Captain and Military Storekeeper, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army, July, 1866. At Fort Monroe Arsenal, from October, 1862, to -. GERRITT V. S. AIKIN. [Born in New York.-Appointed fram hido.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Joined regiment at Fort Hamilton, and on recruiting duty to June, 1863. Joined Regiment in the field near Fairfax Court-House, Va. At Fort Columbus, N. Y., July, 1863, to February, 1864. Mustering duty to April, 1864. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, October, 1864. With company April, 1864, to February, 1865. Acting Regimental Adjutant, November, 1864. Member of a Military Commission, and on mustering duty to January, 1866. Commhanding company, August to October, 1865. Assistant Commissary of Musters, Harper's Ferry, Va., January to March, 1866. Commanding company and post of'Woodstock to April, 1866. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Winchester, Va., to August, 1866. Regimental Quartermaster 8th U. S. Infantry, August, 1866. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Raleigh, N. C., 1867. Resigned position of Regimental Quartermaster, March, 1868. With company at Raleigh, N. C., Charleston, Columbia, and Yorkville, S. C., March, 1868, to January, 1869. Out of service, January, 1869. BISHOP ALDRICHIt [Born in New Yorlk.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. Reported for duty at Governor's Island, N. Y. H., November, 1863. On detached service with prisoners to Fort Monroe, Va., December, 1863; Rochester, N. Y., January, 1864; Hilton Head, S. C., February, 1864. Commanding company to September, 1865, and engaged in the campaign againt Petersburg, Va., April to November, 1864. On dctached service at Cambridge, Md., December to January, 1865; Haavre de Grace, February to April, 1865; Wilmington, Del., to May, 1865. Joined regiment at Baltimore, Md. Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Harper's Ferry, Va., February and March, 1866. Acting S2 IMLITTARY EGCORD. Assistant Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Salisbury, N. C., April to September, 1866. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Depot Commissary and Quartermaster, Newbern, N. C. Joined company at Charleston, S. C., 1868. Acting Assistant Commissioner Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Charleston, S. C., to July, 1868. Post Quartermaster, Summerville, S. C., July, 1868. Acting Chief Commissary of Subsistence, Second Military District, and Depot Commissary of Subsistence, Charleston, S. C. Rejoined Company January, 1869. Special duty, Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, 1869. Regimental Quartermaster 8th U. S. Infantry, October, 1869. At Columbia, S. C. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Va. At Omaha, Nebraska, from-,- to. ANDREW J. ALE-XANDtER. [Born in Zentucky.-Appointedfromn llissouri.] MILITARY EISTOnY.-Second Lieutenant M.ounted Rifles, U. S. Army, July, 1861. First Lieutenant Mounted Rifles, U. S. Army, July, 1861. Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, in the office of General McClellan, and present at the battles of Williamsburg and Hanover Court-House, Va. Lieutenant-Colonel, and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, January, 1863. With General Stoneman, Chief of Cavalry Bureau. In Stoneman's raid, and engaged at battle of Beverly Ford, actions of Aldie, -Middleburg, Upperville, Hanover, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Boonsboro' and Williamsport. Assistant Adjutant-General 17th Army Corps, and engaged at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, action of Nickojack Creek, battles of Jonesboro', Lovejoy Station, pursuit of the rebel General Hood to Gaylesville, Ga., battles of Nashville, Franklin, actions of Spring Hill, Buford's Station, Pulaski, pursuit of the rebels to the Tennessee river, and battle of Ebenezer Church, capturing 3 pieces of artillery from the rebel General Forrest, in this battle. Brevet Colonel, and BrigadierGeneral U. S. Volunteers. Assigned to duty according to his Brevet rank of General. Commanding Second Brigade, 4th Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division of the Mississippi, and engaged at the assault and capture of Selma, Ala., and Columbus, Ga. Capturing 5 pieces of artillery at Selma, Ala. Chief of Staff to General Stoneman, commanding Department of the Tennessee. Rejoined regiment, 3d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1866. Major 8th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsular campaign in Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U.. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for distinguished skill and gallantry in the cavalry engagements at Ebenezer Church, Alabama, and Columbus, Georgia, and for steadfast devotion to duty in the field during the war. MtILITARY RECORD. 33 WILLIAM S. ALEXANDER. [Born in Mfissouri. —Appointed from Missouri.] ]MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. -S. Infantry, October, 1867. At Raleigh, N. C., Charleston, Summerville, and Columbia, S. C., to November, 1868. Commanding detachment 8th U. S. Infantry and Company, at Camden, S. C., to December, 1868. With Company at Columbia, S. C., and Fort Macon, N. C. Died at Fort Macon, N. C., March 30th, 1869. Note.-The circumstances of Lieutenant Alexander's death are as follows: About one o'clock, on the morning of March 30th, 1869, at an alarm of fire given by the chain of sentinels' Lieutenant Alexander, being Officer of the Day, hurriedly left his quarters, and ascended to the parapet, at the south-east angle of the fort, near which a sentinel was stationed, with special and particular instructions relative to the escape of prisoners. The night was very dark, with a strong wind, and the officer not hearing the, challenge, the sentinel fired, inflicting a mortal wound. A member of the Guard, seeing the accident, hastened to the spot, when the sentinel fired a second time, killing the soldier instantly. Lieutenant Alexander lived but twenty-four hours after he was wounded. THEOMAS S. ALLISON. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Newo Jersey.] MILIT.ARY HISTonY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. At Port Royal, S. C., and Washington, D. C. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Arm3, April, 1867. At Charleston, S. C. THOMAS L. ALSTON. [Born inb fassachusetts.-Appointedfrom the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Served as an enlisted man in the U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, September, 1863. With regiment in the field, Army of the Potomac, August, 1862,'to August 19th, 1864. Captured and a prisoner of war to February, 1865. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, December, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania; and during the campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Out of service by the reorganization of the Army. ALBERT V. ASMET. [Born in Mfissouri.-Appointedfrom the Army.] MILITARY HIsroRY.-Private 8th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, September, 1861, to February, 1863. Engaged at the battles of Williamsburg, Fair MILITARY RECORD. Oaks, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill. Discharged February, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disability, having contracted malarial disease in the Swamps before Richmond, Va. Hospital Steward 17th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, December, 1863, to June, 1865. With regiment in the Missouri campaign, against the rebel General Price, and in all the combats, &c., in which the regiment was engaged. First Lieutevant 17th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, June, 1865. Post Adjutant, Fort Lamed, Kansas, to November, 1865. Mustered out of service December, 1865. Hospital Steward U. S. Army, September, 1867. On duty at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., Omaha Barracks, Neb., and Fort Wallace, Ks. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry, July, 1872. At Fort Shaw, Montana, from September, 1872, to -. CIVIL HISTORY. —Engaged in mercantile business. THOMAS M. ANDERSON. [Born in Ohio. -Appointedjrofm Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, April, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. With 2d U. S. Cavalry to October, 1861., With 12th U. S. Infantry, and engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain. Commanding Battalion, and engaged at the battle of Rappahannock Station, actions of Waterloo Bridge, Snicker's Gap, battles of Manassas, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville (wounded). Organized First Battalion Invalid Corps. Commanding 12th U. S. Infantry, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Laurel Hill, and Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia (severely wounded). On Staff of General Hooker. Organized and mustered into service, regiments from rebel' prisoners, and known as the Repentant Rebel Regiments, and mustered out 16,000 paroled prisoners at Camp Chase. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Major U. S. Army, March, 1868. Transferred to the 10th U.. Infantry, June, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army for gallant services at the, battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. At Fort McIntosh, Texas, fiom - to -. CIVIL HiSTORY.-Profession, Lawyer. ALBERT H. ANDREWS. [Born in Massacwusetts.-Appointed from icassachusetts.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant and Adjutant 9th Massachusetts Militia, 1859 to 1861. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Drilling recruits, September, 1861, to February, 1862. Quartermaster 1st Battalion 19th U. S. Infantry, in the field to April, 1862, and engaged at the battle of Shiloh and operations in front of Corinth. Commanding company and engaged: at the action of Dry Ridge and battle of Stone River. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, January, 1863. In the Tullahoma campaign to June, 1863. Recruiting duty, Boston, Mass., to June, 1864. MIJLITARY RECORD. 35 Recruiting duty, drilling recruits, Post Quartermaster and Commissary at Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich., to April, 1865. With regiment at Look Out Mountain, Tenn., to September, 1865, Augusta, Ga., to November, 1865. Commanding post of Greensboro', Ga., December, 1865. At Little Rock, Ark., to February, 1866. Commanding post of Camden and Ouachita River District, Ark., to April, 1866. Commanding post of Washington to June, 1866. At Camden, Ark., to August, 1866. Commanding post of Helena to November, 1866. At Little Rock, Ark., to April, 1867. Commanding post of Batesville, Ark., and Supervisor of Registration of a district of ten counties, and Superintendent of the Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned Lands, to November, 1867. With regiment at Little Rock, Arkansas. Transferred to the 28th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Mlajor U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Out of service by the reorganization of the Army. TIMOTHY P. ANDREWS. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] fMII;ITARY HISTORY. —Paymaster U. S. Army, May, 1822. Colonel of Voltigeurs, February, 1847. Engaged in the war with Mexico. Distinguished at the battle of El Molino del Rey, Mexico. Brevet BrigadierGeneral U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chapultepec, Mexico. Retained, June, 1848, as Major and Paymaster, UI. S. Army. Lieutenant-Colonel and Deputy Paymaster-General U. S. Army, December, 1851.-Garcner's -Dictionary. Colonel and PaymasterGeneral U. S. Army, September, 1862. 6Retired, November, 1864, on his own application, after over 40 consecutive years of service. Died, 1868. WILLIA3M H. ANDREWS. [Born- in Mfassachusetts, —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 108th New York Volunteer Infantry. Engaged at the battle of Antietam, march to Falmouth, and battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded). Acting Assistant AdjutantGeneral of a brigade, and engaged at the action of Morton's Ford. Commanding regiment (and engaged at the battles of Cold Harbor, and march to the James River), battles before Petersburg and action on the Jerusalem Plank Road. Commanding regiment and engaged at the actions at Deep Bottom, July and August, 1864. Major 108th New York Volunteer Infantry, August, 1864, but not mustered, owing to the regiment beinig below the minimum number. Engaged at the action of Reams' Station, battles of Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, action of High -Bridge, pursuit of the rebel army, and capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia. Captain 5th Regiment Hancock's Corps, September, 1865. At Fort at Sandy Hook, New York Harbor, to May, 1866. Second Lieu 3 MILITARY RECORD. tenant 12th U S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. At Washington, D. C. Transferred to the 3Dth U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Unassigned, March, 1869, to December, 1870. Indian Agent, Round Valley Reservation, California. Assigned to 3d U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. Engaged in campaign against Apache Indians, Arizona. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services during the war. At Fort Russell, W. T., from March, 1872, to CIVIL lrsTroRY.-Attorney and Counsellor at Law. EDWARD L. APPLETON. [Born in Maine.-Aftpoin4edfrom.1Maine.] MILITARY lHISTORY. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. With battery, and engaged in the defence of Fort Pickens', Fa., action of Teche Bayou, Vermilion Bayou, siege and assault of Port Hudson, action of Donaldsonville, La., and battle of Pleasant Hill. Resigned, May, 1865.'WILBUR F. ARNOLD. [Born in New York.-Ajppointed from the Army.] fILITAiRY HIsToRY.-Enlisted in the 18th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Quartermaster Sergeant 1st Battalion. Engaged in the Kentucky Campaign of 1861, siege of Corinth, campaign through Mississippi, Tennessee aid Kentucky, action of Springfibld, and battle of Perryville. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry,. November, 1862. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, Juno, 1863. Quartermaster of 2d Battalion, May, 1863. Engaged at the battles of Murfreesboro', Hoover's Gap, Rosecrans' Tullahoma campaign, battle of Chickamauga, siege of Chattanooga, battle of Missionary Ridge, action of Tunnel Hill, and first part of the Atlanta campaign. Mustering duty, Harrisburg, Pa., 1864 and 1865. Transfexred to the 27th U. S. Infantry, by the reorganization of the Army. At Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1866. Joined regiment at Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T., fall of 1866. Acting Post and Regimental Adjutant. Captain 41st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Joined regiment in Texas, -1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious wservices during the war. Died at Ringgold Barracks, Texas, December 12th, 1867.'WILLIAM W. ARNOLD. [Born in New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 16th U; S. Infantry. Reogimental recruiting duty, Kalamazoo, Mich., to February, 1862. With company on route from Bow MILITARY RECORD. 37 -ling Green, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn., February, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. With company in the field to June, 1862. Commanding company at Huntsville, Ala., Manchester, Tenn., Hubbard's Cave, Louisville, Bowling Green, and Nashville, to December, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. Resigned, December, 1862. HENRY ASBURY. [Born in Illinois.-Appointed from lUinois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. With regiment, and engaged at the battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, and Gettysburg. Captain 3d U. S. Infantry, December, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Penn. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gaJlant and meritorious services during the war. Unassigned. Died at Jacksonville, Florida, October 20th, 1870. EDWIN B. ATWOOD. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Sergeant-Major 41st Ohio Volunteer Infant-y, September, 1861. Second Lieutenant 41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, January, 1862. In campaign about Shiloh and Corinth, spring of 186. Buell's campaign in pursuit of the rebel General Bragg, from Tennessee to Kentucky, and return to Nashville, Tenn., fall of 1862. First Lieutenant 41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, October, 1862. Commanding company to December, 1862. Aide-de-Camp and Ordnance Officer on the Staff of General Hazen. Engaged at the battle of Stone River, Tullahoma campaign, pursuit of Bragg, battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and campaign for the relief of General Burnside, at Knoxville, Tenn. Captain 41st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, May, 1864. Ordnance Officer, Nashville, Tenn., November, 1864, to June, 1865. Engaged at the battle of Nashville, Tenn. With regiment in Texas to November, 1865, Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for valuable and constant services during the war. Mustered out November, 1865. Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to 2d U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Transferred to 6th U. S. Ixifantry, December, 1870. With regiment in Georgia and Alabama, tX December; 1870. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, March, 1872. In Indian Territory to May, 1872. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee. At Fort Stevenson, D. T., from May, 1872, to CIVIL HISTORY.-Graduate of Allegheny College, Pennsylvania. Engaged in mercantile pursuits. d38 MILITAR Y RECORD. JOHN B. BABCOCK. [Born in Louisiana.-Appointed friom Connecticut.] MILTMARY HISTORY. -(M~ajor U. S.Volunteers.-Army Register.) Seeond Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1867. With company April to Juile, 1867. Detached service at Edgefield, S. C. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1868. Commanding Sub-Post of North Platte, Neb., October to November, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill, and Cane River Crossing, Louisiana. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill, and Cane River Crossing, Louisiana. BrevetoMajor U,. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Sabift CGross Roads, Pleasant Hill, and Cane Pdver Crossing, Louisiana. Battles, &c., in which engaged, not forwarded from Regimental Headquarters. IA the Department of Arizona, from December, 1871 toFRANCIS M. BACHE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed at Large.] M-IITARY HisroRY.-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Regimental recruiting service; Philadelphia, Pa., November, 1861 to February, 1863. Mustering and Disbursing Officer, Philadelphia, March, 1863, to July, 1864. On staff of General Meade, commanding Army of the Potomae, August, 1864, to May, 1865. Aide-de-Camp to General Meade to November, 1865. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the'surrender of the Insurgent Armry, under General RPobert E_ Lee. Resigned, November, 1865. CLARENCE M. BAILEY. [B orn in Ididana.-Apporinted from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, August 186i. Assistant Quartermaster and -Assistant Commissary of Subsistence Ist Battalion'15th U. S. Infantry, to February, 1863, Served in the Department of the Cumberland, under Buell and Rosecrans. First Lieu'tenant 6th U. S. Infantry, July, 1863. Commanding Park Barracks, New York City. Judge Advocate, 1st Division, Department of the East. Judge Advocate, L)epartment of the Sotuth, May to November, 1865. At Charleston, S. C., to March, 1869: Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. At Fort Gibson, Indian Territory. On general recruiting duty, Toledo, Ohio. Transferred to the 8th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. MILITARY RECORD. 39 THOMAS C. i. BAILEY. [Born in Deteaure.- Appo inted fi}omn Deltwarie.] "MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, December, 1862. Brevet Major, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in battle on the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Retired from the U. S. Army (for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty), August, 1865. CHARLES M. BAILY. [Born in Indian Territory.-Appointed at Large.] MiILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. At Raleigh, N. C., Charleston, Summerville,,Columbia, Chester, Charleston, S. C., Tallahassee, Fla., and Brunswick, Ga., to October, 1870. At David's Island,'New York Harbor, from October, 1870, to-. WILLIAM P. BAINBRIDGE. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from Indiana. ] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 101st Indiana Volunteer Infantry, January, 1863. Engaged at the action of Hoover's Gap, battles of Chickamauga (wounded), Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, and expeditions in Tennessee and Kentucky. Captain U. S.Volunteers. Aide-de-Camp to Major General Reynolds, commanding 19th Corps, 7th Corps, and Department of Arkansas. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, November, 1865. First Lieutenant U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. In New Mexico to March, 1869. Engaged in expeditions against hostile Indians. - Aide-deCamp to Major General Reynolds, commanding Fifth Military ZDistrict, State of Texas. Out of service by the reorganization of the Army. EDWARD D. BAKER. [Born in lllinois.-Appointed from Oregon..] MILITARY HIisToRY. —Secont Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, March, 1863. Temporary duty 14th Army Corps, to July, 1863. Post Quartermaster at Bridgeport and Stevenson, Ala., to October, 1863. Charge of generai supply train, Army of'the Cumberland,'October to December, 1863. On staff of General Rousseau, commanding District of -Nashville, January to June, 1864; at Huntsville, Ala., ]to July, 1864.'Quartermaster of Artillery Brigade, 4th Army Corps;:August to November, 1864. Quartermaster of 6th Cavailry Divisioin, Mil 40 MiLITARY RECORD. itary Division of the Mississippi, to April, 1865. Post Quartermaster, Bangor, Me., to September, 1865; Louisville, October to December, 1865. At Camp Nelson, Ky., to April, 1866; Fort Whipple, Prescott, Arizona, August, 1866, to January, 1870., Post and Depot Quartermaster, Vancouver, W. T., August to November, 1870. Post Quartermaster, Camp Halleck, Nev., December, 1870, to November, 1871; Ogden, Utah, April to May, 1872; Salt Lake City to August, 1872. At Ogden, Utah, frtm August, 1872, to -. GEORGE BALDEY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Louisiana.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Should read George Baldey, corrected record from first volume, page 242. HENRY M. BALDWIN. [Born ani ew Tersey.-Appointed from New Jer8ey.] MILITARY HIISTOnY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Recruiting duty, Harrisburg, Pa. With the Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the Peninsular campaign, and with 6th Army Corps, Armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, in its campaign of 1864, being wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. Died at Winchester, Va., November 8th, 1864, of wounds received at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. GEORGE W. BALLANTINE. [Born in Pennsylvaniia. —Aponted from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Should read George W. Ballantine, corrected record from first volume, page 243. CHARLES BANZHAF. [Born in Russia.-ApYpointed from Missouri.l MILITARY HISTORY.-Private and, non-commissioned officer 2d U. S. Dragoons, 1855 to 1860. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 1st Missouri Cavalry, July to August, 1861. Major Ist Missouri Cavalry, August, 1861. Body Guard to Major General Fremont, commanding Army of the West. En route from Sedalia to Fort Leavenworth. Recaptured stores from rebel guerillas, defeating them (wounded). Commanding. Sub-District, NorthWest Missouri, April to September, 1862, and engaged against rebel guerillas. On staff of Major General Schofield, and Brigadier General Totten. Enigaged in the campaign of the Army of the Frontier, being- injured at the battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas, by the fall of his horse. Captain 5th MILITARY RECORD. 41 Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. At Camp Supply, Indian Territory, fromto -. Out of service by the re-organization of the army. PHINEAS P. BARNARD. [Born in New Yorkl.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-[Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services.-Army Register.] Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to 5th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1869. Joined, and with company, to November, 1870. At Fort McPherson, Neb., commanding company, January to July, 1870. Acting Regimental Quartermaster, to January, 1872. En route to Arizona December, 1871. Superintending Post Garden and erection of quarters, at Camp McDowell, Ari., February to March, 1872. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, and Ordnance Officer, Camp McDowell, Ari., to July, 1872. Brewet First Lieutenant, U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Battles, etc., in which engaged not forwarded from Regimental Headquarters. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Ehrenburg, Arizona Territory, from July, 1872, to -. EGLINTON D. BARR. [Born in Scotland.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Chaplain 81st U. S. Colored Infantry. Acted as Rector of St. Paul's Church, New Orleans, La. With regiment in the field. Chaplain 39th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to 25th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. At Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., from to CIVIL HIsTORY. —Chaplain 51st Tew York Militia, August, 1858. Rector of Trinity Church, Syracuse, N. Y. In Louisiana at the breaking out of the Rebellion. Lost all of his property, a prisoner in the hands of the rebels, and badly maltreated, his life threatened for refusing to follow the example of his Bishop, Leonidas Polk, and become a traitor to his country. Escaped, and after suffering hardships, arrived in the Union Lines, penniless and destitute. CHARLES G. BARTLETT. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY. HISTORY.-Sergeant 7th New York Militia, April, 1861. Captain 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged at the VOL. II.-4. 42 MILITARY RECORD. action of Big Bethel, and in building Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, Md.: Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Recruiting duty, Rutland, Vt., and Saratoga Springs, N. Y., to July, 1862. Mustering and disbursing duty, Augusta, Me., to September, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel 150th New York Volunteer Infantry, September, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, and pursuit of Lee to the Rapidan. Guarding Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. Engaged at the battle of Resacca, Ga. Acting Assitant Inspector-General, Department of the Ohio, May, 1864, to January, 1865. In operations of the 23d Corps, to April, 1864. At Knoxville, Tenn., and Lexington, Ky. Colonel 119th U. S. Colored Infantry, August, 1864. Commanding Brigade, Department of the Kentucky, part of 1865. President of a Board of Examiners, and Chief of Office for "Collection of Missing Rolls and Returns from ex. Kentucky Regiments," Louisville, Kyi Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Transferred to the 30th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Resacca, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Commanding Camp Brown, Wyoming Territory, from - to -. ANDREW C. BAYNE. [Born in Scotland. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsToR. —Private 16th New York Volunteer Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged at battle of Ist Bull Run, Va. Second Lieutenant 16th New York Volunteer Infantry, September, 1862. First Lieutenant 16th New York Volunteer Infantry, October, 1862. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of West Point, Fair Oaks, Gaines' Mill (severely wounded in head and through right thigh), 2d Bull Run, Crampton's Gap, Antietam (wounded), Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville (severely wounded). First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, July, 1863. Captain Veteran Reserve Corps, May, 1864. Second Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Regimental Adjutant, June, 1867. Transferred to the 6th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Regimental Quartermaster 6th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Marye's Heights, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. GEORGE T. BEALL. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed fromn Ne. Mexico.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain and Medical Storekeeper, U. S. Army, July, 1866. At Santa Fe, New Mexico, from November, 1866, to -. MILITARY RECORD. 43 JOHN W. BEAN. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from New Hampshre.]'MILITARY HisroRY.-Private 5th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, Septenmber, 1861. Second Lieutenant 5th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, August, 1862. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Rappahannock Station, Fair Oaks (wounded), Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Charles City Cross Roads, and MIalvern Hill. Captain 5th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, December, 1862. Engaged at the battles of 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg (severely wounded in the charge of Hancock's Division, 2d Corps), Chancellorsville, Cold Harbor, and Reams' Station. Second Lieutenant 35th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Fort Bliss, Texas, July, 1867, to June, 1868. Commanding Post, and Depot Quartermaster, and Commissary of Subsistence, Indianola, Texas, to November, 1868. Commanding Post of Camp Verde, Texas, to April, 1869. Transferred to 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. En route from Camp Verde, Texas, to Fort Garland, C. T. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence at Fort Garland, Colorado, from November, 1869, to -. WILLIAM BUTLER BECK. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —First Lieutenant l1th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, April, 1861. On the Upper Potomac to June, 1861. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Recruiting, mustering, and disbursing duty, to January, 1863. With battery in the field to November, 1863, and in Washington, to February, -. Commanding battery and consolidated batteries, 5th U. S. Artillery, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Po River, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Hatcher's Run, and action of Boydton Road, Virginia. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, January, 1865. At New Port Barracks, March, 1865. Fort Richmond, New York Harbor, to October, 1865. Acting Assistant Inspector-General, District of Fort Monroe, Virginia, November, 1865, to April, 1866. With battery at Fort Monroe and Columbia, to November, 1867. Regimental Quartermaster and Commissary, 5th U. S. Artillery, October, 1867. At Columbia to January, 1868. Richmond, Virginia, to October, 1868. Fort Jefferson, Florida, to March, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Po River, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Boydton Plank Road, Virginia. Brevet Major.U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Vir 44 MILITARY RECORD. ginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. At Fort Adams, Newport, Rhode Island, from March, 1869, to -. JOHN H. BELCHER. [Born in Massachusetts. —Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, October, 1864. Depot and Post duties, Louisville, Ky., November, 1864, to August, 1866. Charge of Public Property at Jeffersonville, Ind., and Louisville, Ky., to December, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services during the war. Captain and Assistant Qartermaster U. S. Army, June, 1866. Depot Quartermaster at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Februaryto October, 1867; Fort Sanders, D. T., November, 1867, to July, 1868; Fort Bridger, W. T., August, 1868, to March, 1870. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious servides in the Quartermaster's Department during the war..Depot Quartermaster, Omaha, Nebraska, from April, 1870, to -. CIVIL HISTORY.-Ship Master. Commanded U. S. transports belonging to the Quartermaster's Department, on the Pacific coast. JAMES BELGER. [Born in New York,-.Appointed from the Aromy.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted in the 2d U. S. Infantry, at Fort Brooke, Fla., October, 1837. Sergeant-Major 2d U. S. Infantry. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, October, 1838. In Florida to December, 1841, Arkansas, and Fort Gibson, to 1844. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, February, 1843. Regimental Adjutant, 1840 to 1846. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army, August, 1846. At New Orleans, La., to April, 1849. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious conduct, particularly in the performance of his duty in prosecuting war with Mexico. En route to Fort Kearney, Neb., May to July, 1849. At St. Louis, Mo., to January, 1850, San Antonio, Texas, September, 1851, to August, 1856. Quartermaster General's office, Washington, D. C., to May, 1857. New Orleans, La., to June, 1857. St. Louis, Mo., to August, 1857. San AntQnio, Texas, to September, 1857. Quartermaster-General's office, Washington, D. C., to April, 1861. Depot Quartermaster, and Chief Quartermaster 8th Army Corps, Baltimore, Md., to March, 1863. Major and Quartermaster U. S. Army, August, 1861. Colonel and Additional Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers, July, 1862. Out of service November, 1863, to November, 1867. Restored' to rank of Major and Quartermaster, U. S. Army, by an act of Congress, of March, 1871. Depot Quartermaster, New Orleans, La., May, 1871, to February, 1872, and Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Gulf, from November, 1871. At Galveston, Texas, March to July, 1872. At Fort Gibson, I. T., from August, 1872, to MILITARY RECORD. 45 JACOB B. BELL. [Born in PennsyZvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Shiloh, Chaplain Hills, and Murfreesboro', where he was killed, December 31st, 1863. JAMES M. BELL. [Born in Perinsylvania.-Ap1ointedfrom Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 86th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, May to June, 1862. First Lieutenant 86th Ohio Volunteer Infantry to September, 1862. In West Virginia. Captain of an independent company Pennsylvania Cavalry, and engaged protecting the State against Lee's invasion, and at action of North Mountain. Captain 13th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1863. With Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the operations of Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, action of Hames' Shop, battle of Trevillian Station, actions of Deep Bot-.tom, Reams' Station, Coggins Point (wounded), White Oak Road, and battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. Opening communication between General Sherman's and Schofield's armies, in North Carolina, March, 1865. With Sherman's Army, and engaged at the battle of Bentonville, action of Raleigh, and capitulation of Johnson's Army, near Durham Station, North Carolina. At Fayetteville, May to July, 1865. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Joined regiment at Fort Riley, Kansas, January, 1867. Engaged against hostile Indians (three times) near Fort Wallace, Kansas. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, April, 1867. Acting Assistant Quartermaster detachment 7th U. S. Cavalry, in the field, April to September, 1868, and of General Custer's command, winters 1868 to 1869, being engaged at the battle of the Washita. With General Sully's command, September, 1868. Regimental Quartermaster, N6vember, 1867, to April, 1869, and from November, 1869, to -. Brevet First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Reams' Station, Virginia. ABNER tR. BENEDICT. [Born in N.ew York.-Appointed from 3eLhigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. At Governor's Island, N. Y. H., to December, 1861. Provost duty, Washington, D. C., to March, 1862. With regiment, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, and Fre'dericksburg (wounded.) Captain 4th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. Engaged at the battle of Gettysburg. Acting Field Officer (Lieu 46 MILITARY REGORD. tenant-Colonel) of regiment, and engaged suppressing New York Riots. Recruiting duty, October, 1863, to August, 1864. Commanding regiment at General Grant's Headquarters to December, 1864. Recruiting duty, January, 1865, to March, 1866. At Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallantry and good conduct in battle. Died at New York City, May 15th, 1867, of wounds received at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. CHARLES BERG. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment, and engaged at the battle of Shiloh. Resigned May, 1862. THOMAS H. Y. BICKHAM. [Born in Oho. —Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment at Murfreesboro'. Engaged at battles of Hoover's Gap and Chicakamauga. Out of service January, 1865. JAMES BIDDLE. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Commanding company at Columbus, Ohio, May, 1862. In the field, and engaged at the battle of Stone River. On staff of General Porter, Philadelphia, Penn., May to July, 1863. Commanding Draft Rendezvous to April, 1864. Commanding company, and engaged at the battles of Buzzard's Roost, Resacca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, action of Vining Station, pursuit of the enemy, and actions on the Chattahoochie River, siege of Atlanta, and battle of Jonesboro'. En route to, and at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., to September, 1864. Resigned'September, 1864. EDWARD P. BIGELOW. [Born in New York. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, October, 1862. With the Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the Peninsular campaign, 1862, and Stoneman's raid, 1863. Out of service, 1863. MILITARY RECORD. 47 JAMES W. BINGHAM. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. At Columbus, Ohio, May to July, 1862. In the field, July, 1862. Died of fever'at Bardstown, Ky., November 9th, 1862. JOHN E. BLAINE. [Born in Pennsylvania. -Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Military Storekeeper, Quartermaster's Department, U. S. Army, June, 1868. At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, December, 1868, to April, 1869. Fort Russell, N. Y., June to November, 1869. Resigned May, 1870. THOMAS BLAIR. [Born in Scotland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Served in the East India Company's Service, 1857 to 1860. In the Sepoy Mutiny, and engaged in the capture of Tantia Topee. Enlisted in the U. S. Engineer Battalion, 1865. Passed the required examination, and was appointed Second Lieutenant'15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, October, 1867. /Regimental Quartermaster 15th U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. With regiment on its march from Nacogdoches, Texas, to Fort Craig, N. M., May to October, 1869. At Headquarters of regiment, Fort Craig, New Mexico, from October, 1869, to -. ALEXANDER BLISS. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, February, 1862. On various field duties, Army'of the Potomac, May to December, 1862. Chief Quartermaster 6th Army Corps, to March, 1863. Chief Quartermaster 1st Division, 5th Army Corps. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, March, 1863. Acting Chief Quartermaster 5th Army Corps, to April, 1863. Colonel and Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, April, 1863, to August, 1865. Chief Quartermaster 8th Army Corps, May, 1863, to August, 1864. Member of Board of Examination for officers of the Quartermaster's Department, at New Orleans, La., Little Rock, Ark., and Washington, D. C., November, 1864, to September, 1865. In the Quartermaster-General's Office, April, 1865, to July, 1867. Brevet Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, March, 1868. CIVIL HISTORY.-Assistant Secretary of Legation at Berlin, Prussia. 48 fMILITARY RECORD. JOSEPH BOULD. [Born inr Eng~and.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1863. Joined regiment January, 1863. Taken prisoner at Fairfield, Va., and escaped from the rebels, and rejoined regiment July, 1863. On detached service, Charge of Horses, November, 1863. With regiment to February, 1865. Resigned February, 1865. MICHAEL C. BOYCE. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. Engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded). Died July 28th, 1863, of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. PATRICK BOYCE. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, February,'1863. Joined company, April, 1863. At Falmouth, Va., Tenallytown, D. C., Md., and Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., 1863. Commanding company at Hart's and Riker's Island, to April7 1864. At Warrenton Junction, and near Petersburg, Virginia, to September, 1864. Regimental recruiting duty to February, 1865. With company at Baltimore, Md., to August, 1865. Acting Assistant Inspector-General and Ordnance Officer, District of Western Maryland, to January, 1866. Detached service, Relay House, Md.,-to February, 1866. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, January, 1866. At Baltimore, Md., to April, 1866. Commanding company at,Fort Porter, Buffalo, N. Y., Charleston, S. C., and Salisbury, N. C., to July, 1866. Resigned July, 1866. AUGUSTUS BOYD. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army, May, 1861. At Pittsburg, Pa., to August, 1861. Banks' Division, Maryland, to October, 1861. Charge of transportation, and purchase of Quartermaster's stores, to September, 1864. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned October, 1864. CIVIL HISTORY.-President of the National Exchange Bank of Philadelphia. MILITARY RECORD. 49 ROBERT E. BRADFORD. [Born in Ohio, —Appointed from Ohio.] MILIMTA HISTORY. —Private 2d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, April, 1861, and engaged at the battle of 1st Bull Run, Va. Sergeant 16th Ohio Volunteer Light Battery, August, 1861, to August, 1865.. Engaged at theactions of Donophin, Cotton Plant, storming of Arkansas Post, battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hill, and siege of Vicksburg. Re-enlisted in same battery at New Orleans, La., December, 1863. Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1868. At Fort McRae, New Mexico, at - from -. GEORGE W. BRADLEY. [Born in Yew York.-Ap pointed from Neow fork.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, November, 1862. Temporary duty in North Carolina to March, 1863. Quartermaster 1st Division, 18th Army Corps, and on various duties, Newbern, N. C.; to August, 1864. Acting Chief. Quartermaster 10th Army Corps, Armies operating against Richmond, to September, 1864. Colonel and Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, September, 1864. Chief Quartermaster 10th Army Corps. Chief Quartermaster Depot at. City Point, Va., to June, 1865. Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, City Point, Va., of the Middle Military Department, Baltimore, Md., July, 1865, to August, 1866, and Depot Quartermaster, Baltimore, from October, 1865. Brevet Major U., S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, November, 1865. At Fort Riley, Kansas, September, 1866, to July, 1867. Relieved from assignment with the rank of Colonel, October, 1866. At Fort Harker, Kansas, to September, 1867; Fort Union, N. Mex., November, 1867, to February, 1870. At Charleston, S. C., from February, 1870, to -. JAMES H. BRADLEY. [Born in Ohio. —Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, April, 1861.. Engaged at the action of Philippi, Laurel Hill, and Carrick's Ford, Va. Enlisted in 45th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, June, 1862. Discharged as a. Sergeant, July, 1865. Engaged at the actions of Somerset, Monticello, West Farms, Ky., and Philadelphia, E. Tenn. Taken prisoner by the rebels, October, 1863, to March, 1864. Rejoined regiment, and engaged at the battles of Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Jonesboro', siege of Atlanta, battles of Franklin and Nashville. Second Lieutenant 18th MILITARY 1if ICORD. -U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, ic.-A~Ypointed from Pennfsylvania.] MILITARY HSTORY. —Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Joined regiment at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, July, 1861. Recruiting duty, to March, 1862. With battery in the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg (commanding battery). With Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, April, 1864, to March, 1865, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Spottsylvania, raid to Haxall's Landing, and return; actions of Yellow Tavern, Meadow Bridge, Haines' Shop, and White House. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, August, 1863. Commanding battery, and engaged at the siege of Petersburg, repulse of the assault upon Fort Steadman, and capture of rebel intrenchments before Petersburg, Virginia, April, 1865. Commanding battery at Fort Jefferson, Florida, November, 1865, to September, 1866. At Fort Columbus, and ~on recruiting duty, East Brooklyn, New York, October, 1866, to January, 1868.'Commanding battery at Fort Jefferson, Florida, to March, 1869, and Post, March and April, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Virginia Peninsula campaign. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet-Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the repulse of Fort Steadman, Virginia. At Fort Warren, Boston -Harbor, Massachusetts, from March, 1869, to -. EDWARD McCONNELL. [Born in Illinois. -Appointed from Illinois.j MILITARY HISTORY. -First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. With company at Camp Slemmer to November, 1861. Command MILITARY RECORD. 141 ing company at Camp Thomas, Columbus, Ohio, and Camp Wood, Ky., to December, 1861. With company, and -engaged at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., and commanding company at the siege of Corinth, Miss. Commanding company at Huntsville, Ala; Manchester, Tenn.; Hubbard's Cave; Louisville, Ky., and Bowling Green, to November, 1862. With company, and engaged at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn., and at Murfreesboro' to January, 1863. Regimental recruiting duty, Brooklyn, N. Y., April to August, 1863; Rouse's Point, tN.., to January, 1864; Chittenango, N. Y., to February, 1864. Pottsville, Pa., to May, 1864. Acting Adjutant 2d Battalion 16th U. S. Infantry, and engaged at the battle of New Hope Church, Ga. Commanding company, and engaged at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, siege of Atlanta, and battle of Jonesboro', Ga. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, September, 1864. Commanding company at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., to October, 1864, and Quartermaster, detachment 16th U. S. Infantry, to January, 1865. Commanding company to August, 1865. At Nashville, Tenn., August, 1865; Madison Barracks, N. Y., to October, 1865; Nashville, Tenn., November, 1865, to February, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. Resigned, March, 1866. JOSEPH McCONNELL. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Enlisted in the 18th U. S. Infantry, 1861. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. With regiment, and engaged in the Kentucky campaign of 1861, siege of Corinth, campaign through Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky; action of Springfield, battles of Perryville and Murfreesboro' (mortally wounded). Died in hospital, January 14th, 1863, of wounds received at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. ROBERT McDONALD. [Born in New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted in the U. S. Army, at Newport, Ky., July, 1856. Assigned to 5th U. S. Infantry. Corporal, Sergeant, and First Sergeant in regiment. Post and Battalion Sergeant-Major. Charge of Ordnance Magazine, Ordnance stores, and field works, Fort Union, N. M., 1861 and 1862. Passed the examination before a Board of Officers at Anxnapolis, Md. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, July, 1864. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, September, 1865. Regimental Quartermaster 5th U. S. Infantry. Provost-Marshal, Franklin, Texas. Commanding company at Fort Sumner, N. M. Charge of Navajo Indian subsistence and farm, Fort Sumner, N. M. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, posts of Franklin and Fort Bliss, Texas, and Forts Hays (twice), Riley, and Harker, Kansas. Engaged against the Kiowa, Seminole, Ute, Apache, Navajo, and Coman 142 NILlTARY BECORD. che Indians, and the rebels. Served in Florida, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, and Colorado. CIVIL HISTORY.-License Inspector. GEORGE P. McDOUGALL. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed fron Indiarna.] MILITARY HISTORY.-P-rivate 11th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, July, 1861. Second Lieutenant Ilth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, April, 1863. Engaged at the action of Fort Hyman, capture of Fort Henry, battle and capture of Fort Donelson, battles of Shiloh, Port Gibson, Raymond, and Champion Hill (wounded). Second Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, November, 1863. Second Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Transferred to the 6th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. WILLIAM McELROY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Ohio.] MIIrTARY HISToRY.-Private 76th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, October, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, and skirmishes on the Mississippi River. Captain 72d U. S. Colored Infantry, August, 1864. Transferred to the 12th U. S. Colored Infantry, July, 1865. Commanding Post of Columbus, Ky., November, 1865, to February, 1866. First Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Commissary of Subsistence of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, La., April, 1867, to May, 1869. Transferred to 25th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. ANDREW J. McGONNIGLE. [Born i n Bow York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, March, 1864. Field, depot, and special duty, Department of West Virginia, May to August, 1864. Acting Chief Quartermaster, on staff of General Sheridan, commanding Middle Military Division. Wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., October, 1864. Disabled, to December, 1864. Acting Chief Quartermaster of Middle Military Division, to January, 1865, when assigned as Chief Quartermaster, to May, 1865. Aidede-Camp to General Sheridan, Army of the Potomac, and on his staff, Washington, D. C. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, May, 1865. Assistant to Chief MiLITARY RECORD. 143 Quartermaster, Military Division of the South-West, and Military Division of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., from June, 1865; and on various other duties, at the New Orleans Depot, and in connection with Departments of Louisiana and of the Gulf, to April, 1868. Special Inspector in the Quartermaster's Department, Department of the Missouri, May to July, 1868, and October, 1868, to April, 1869. Purchasing Officer, Chicago, April, 1869, to' May, 1870. Depot Quartermaster, Fort Union, New Mexico, June, 1870, to September, 1871. Acting Chief Quartermaster, District of New Mexico, April to July, 1871, and September to November, 1871. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battles of Five Forks, Sailor's Creek, and Appomattox Court-House, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the Indian campaign of 1868. Depot Quartermaster, Fort Union, New Mexico, from December, 1871, to -. CIVIL HISTORY.-Clerk in Quartermaster's Department, in the field, West Virginia and Maryland, and at Cumberland and New Creek. PETER McGRATH. [Born in Ireand.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Sergeant U. S. Mounted Rifles. In New Mexico. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th YU. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. Died of wounds received at the battle of Valverde, New Mexico, May Ist, 1862. FRANCIS E. MoILVAINE. [BornT in Kentucky.-Appointed from Ne'w York.] MIIrTARY HISTORY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment at Murfreesboro'. At Nashville. Engaged in the Atlanta campaign, expedition to Knoxville, battles of Franklin and Nashville. Brevet Major- U. S. Army, for gallant and. meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. Resigned, June, 1865. JOHN McINTOSH. [Born izn Scotland.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On recruiting duty. With 1st Battalion in the Peninsula campaign. Engaged at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. Absent, sick. Resigned, September 17th, 1862. 144'MILITARY RECORD. SAMUEL A. McKEE. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] TMIARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. With regiiment in the Army of the Potomac. Captain 2d U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. Killed by guerillas near Greenwich, Virginia, April 11th, 1864. CHAMBERS MCKIBBIN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Engaged at the battle of Gaines' Mill, as a citizen, and wounded. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. Served with his regiment in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, except Gettysburg, being wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, June, 1864. Engaged at the battle of the Weldon Railroad (wounded), and severely wounded, August 18th, 1864. Transferred to the 32d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 35th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, fromto —. JAMES McKNIGIHT. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain of a Light Battery, Ringgold Artillery. Organized and commanded it some years previous to the war. With battery at Washington Arsenal. Captain 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Commanding battery, in the Army of the Potomac, in the Peninsula campaign. Assigned to the 6th Army Corps. Engaged in Grant's campaign, and Sheridan's Valley campaign. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Cedar Creek, Virginia. R:esigned, March, 1866. CURWEN B. McLELLAN. [Born in Sotland.-ABppointed from the Army.J MfITITARY HItSTORY.-Private U. S. General Service, and at Governor's Island, New York Harbor, November, 1849, to August, 1850. Assigned to the 3d U. S. Infantry, and served in New Mexico against Apache and Navajoe Indians, to April, 1854. Transferred to: the 1st U. S. Dragoons. Served in California. Discharged as Sergeant, November, 1854. Enlisted MILITARY RECORD. 145 in 2d U.S. Cavalry, August, 1856. Corporal, Sergeant,. and Quartermaster-Sergeant in company. Served in Texas to Twigg's surrender. Engaged against Comanche and Kiowa Indians, being wounded at Wichita Village. Re-enlisted in 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1861. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. Engaged at the battle of Ist Bull Run, Virginia. Joined regiment, August, 1861. Organizing regiment, to April, 1862. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Williamsburg (severely wounded), Stoneman's raid, actions of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville, battles of Gettysburg and Brandy Station. Provost Marshal, Cavalry Corps, July to October, 1863. Inspecting horses, Washington, D. C., to December, 1863. Rejoined company, and commanding Provost Guard, Cavalry Corps Head-Quarters, to November, 1864. Engaged at the battle of Trevillian Station, actions of Haines' Shop, Todd's Tavern, battles of Winchester, Cedar Creek, and Loudon Valley raid. Commanding regiment, and engaged in Sheridan's ~raid to Lynchburg, battles of Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, Sailor'sl Creek, and capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia. In Texas, to August, 1866. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Recruiting duty, to June, 1869. Rejoined regiment in Texas, August, 1869. Commanding expeditions, and operating against hostile Indians. Brevet First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Five Forks, and Sailor's Creek. At Fort Richardson, Texas, from - to -. WILLIAM S. McMANUS. [Born in Prennylvana.-Appointod from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Engaged at the battle of Missionary Ridge, and in the Atlanta campaign. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee, and during the Atlanta campaign to the battle of Jonesboro, Georgia. Resigned, March, 1865. WILLIAM H. McMINN. [Born in Pennsylvanica.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. At Salisbury, N. C., to December, 1867. Superintending work at National Cemetery, Salisbury, N. C., to January, 1868. At Laurensville, N. C., to March, 1868. Detached service, Pickens Court-House, S. C., to April, 1868. At Laurensville, Spartanburg CourtHouse, Unionville, Columbia and Charleston, S. C., to March, 1869. At Tallahassee, commanding detachment at Marianna, Fla., to May, 1870, and at Graham, N. C., to October, 1870. At David's Island, New York Harbor, from October, 1870, to 146 MILITARY RECORD. JOHN S. McNAUGH:T. [Bornr in /Massachuzetts.-Appointed from the Army.] MIILITARY HISTORY. Entered the service under the name of John McIntosh. Private 11th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Sergeant 11th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Sergeant 11th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern HEill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, action of Leetown and battle of Fredericksburg. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. Engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, operations at Mine Run, and battles of the Wilderness (wounded). First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Engaged at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. At Richmond, Va., to August, 1866. General recruiting duty at Governor's and Bedloe's Islands, N. Y. H.; Brooklyn, N. Y.; New York City, and Newport Barracks, Ky., September, 1866, to January, 1869. Transferred to the 20th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 20th U. S. Infantry, October, 1867. At Baton Rouge, La., February to April, 1869. At Fort Abercrombie, D. T., May, 1869, to September, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. At Fort Wadsworth, D. T., from Ootober, 1870, to -. HUGH McQUADE. (Born in iIrdland.-Appoited from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. Died, December 26th, 1861, of wounds received at the battle of lst Bull Run, Virginia. JOHN W. MEANS. [Born in Pennsyvania.-Appoi'nted from Penrnylvannia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. At Fort Hamilton, New York, and on regimental recruiting duty, to December, 1862. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Joined regiment near Falmouth, Va., February, 1863. Detached service to Washington, D. C., in charge of rebel prisoners, May, 1863. Mustering duty, NewYork City, to August, 1863. Detached service, New York to Washington, with prisoners, and with company at Riker's Island, New York, to November, 1863. With company, August, 1863, to June, 1864. Mustering duty, Boston, Mass., August to December, 1864. Joined regiment, and at Wilnmington, Del., and Baltimore, Md., to May, 1865. Mustering duty, Trenton, N. J., to January, 1866. With company at Winchester, Va., Raleigh and Wilmington, N. 0., to September, 1867. Resigned, September, 1867. MILITARY RECORD. 147 HENRY B. MELLEN. [Born in iew Hampshire.-Apponted from California.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 2d California Volunteer Cavalry, September, 1861. Captain 2d California Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1861. Commanding Fort Crook, California, November, 1861, to May, 1865. Major 2d California Volunteer Cavalry, May, 1865. Command - ing Sub-District of Siskiyou, May, 1865, to May, 1866. Engaged in operations against hostile Indians.'Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1867. At Fort Richardson, Texas, from - to ALEXANDER MENZIES. [Born tn gtland.-Appointd from te Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Enlisted in the 10th U. S. Infantry Corporal and Acting Sergeant-Major Battalion of the 10th and 17th U. S. Infantry, March to June, 1862. Transferred to the 17th U.S. Infantry. SergeantMajor 1st Battalion 17th U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. Engaged at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Va. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, October, 1862. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. Adjutant lst Battation 17th U. S. Infantry, December, 1862 Regimental Adjutant, January, 1864. Engaged in the operations of the Army of the Potomac, March, 1862, to winter of 1863 and 1864. At Fort Preble, Portland, Maine. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, August, 1865. Died at New York City, October 25th, 1866. WILLIAM H. MERRELL. [Born in Nemw York —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-William H. Merrill should read William H. Merrell. Correction to record in first volume, page 393. HENRY C. MERRIAM. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault of Fort BIakely, Ala., should read, " Brevet Colonel U.. S. Army, for conspicuous gallantry in the assault and capture of Fort Blakely, Alabama, he having led the assault with his regiment." Correction to record in first volume, page 392. CrvIL HISTORY.-Degrees of A.B. and A.M. conferred by Colby University, Maine. Profession, Lawyer. Addition to record in first volume, page 392. 148 MIziTA RY RECORD. ANTON MEYER. [Born in Prussia. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY EIIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. Engaged at, the battle of Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, Virginia. Out of service November, 1864. EDWARD S. MEYER. tBorn in Ohio.-Appointed fromn Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, November, 1862. Major 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, November, 1864. Resigned, January, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet BrigadierGleneral U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Captain 35th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, August, 1869. Assigned to 19th U. S. Infantry, August, 1870. Transferred to 9th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. EVAN MILES. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsfyivanic.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Recruiting duty, December, 1861, to May, 1862. With regiment, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battles of Spottsylvania, Wilderness, North Anna, Bethesda Church, Weldon Railroad, and Chapin's Farm, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, January, 1865. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, December, 1866. At Camp Infantry, Pinal Mountains, and Crittenden, Arizona Territory, from -to -. HARRISON MILLARD. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from New York.] MIIaTARY HISTORY-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, August,. 1861. On recruiting duty. Engaged at the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, and battle of Chickamauga, where he was wounded, and resigned, November, 1863. MILITARY RECORD. 149 BURNETT E. MILLER. [Born in NVew York.-Appointed from Neew York.] 1MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Joined regiment, June, 1866. At Unionville, S. C., to March, 1867. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. At Unionville and Charlotte, N. C., to June, 1867. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Post of Charlotte, N. C., and Post Treasucer, June to December, 1867. At Columbia, Greenville, Abbevfille, and Anderson, S. C., to December, 1869. Unassigned, December, 1869. Out of servioe by the re-organization of the Army. CHARLES F. MILLER. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MLITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment at Murfreesboro'. Engaged at the battles of Hoover's Gap and Chickamauga (mortally wounded). Died of wounds received at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September, 22d, 1863. JOHN B. MILLER. [Born in Now York.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Recruiting duty, Bellefontaine, Ohio, July, 1861, to September, 1862. Mustering and Disbursing Officer, Indianapolis, Ind., to October, 1863. With Ist Battalion 13th U. S. Infantry in the field to April, 1864. Wholly retired, May, 1864. BERNARD P. MIMMACK. [Born in England.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Served as an enlisted man in the U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. With regiment in the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, and operations at Mine Run, Virginia. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1865. Transferred to the 30th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meriftorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, October, 1868. 150 MILITARY RECORD. EDWARD L. MITCHELL. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Nezw York.] MILITARY HIsTORY. —First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. At Kalamazoo, Mich., September to December, 1861. With company at Camp Thomas, Columbus, Ohio, to January, 1862. Commanding company en route from Bowling Green, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn., February, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., at which battle he was killed, April 7th, 1862. FREDERICK A. MITCHELL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, March, 1863. Aide-de-Camp to General Rousseau, to June, 1863. On staff of General Brannan, to August, 1863. Resigned, August, 1863. JAMES E. MITCHELL. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted-in the 18th U. S. Infantry, 1862. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. With regiment, and engaged at action of Hoover's Gap and Tullahoma campaign. Died in Dade County, Georgia, September 13th, 1863. WILLIAM MITCHELL. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Private U. S., Army, January, 1855. Assigned to2d U. S. Infantry, and Corporal, Sergeant, and lst Sergeant, to 1863. Frontier duty to July, 1861. Joined Army of the Potomac, and engaged at siege of Yorktown, battles of Malvern Hill, Gaines' Mill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, action of Shepherdstown, and battle of Fredericksburg. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, April, 1863. Commanding company, and. engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, action of Aldie, and operations before Mine Run. Enforcing Draft Riot, N. Y. City. Acting Regimental Quartermaster, at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., spring of 1864. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., to October, 1864. Acting Regimental Quar-. termaster, Camp Relief, Washington, D. C., to December, 1861. First: Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, November, 1864. Mustering duty, Annapolis and Washington, to March, 1865. Camp Adjutant, Head-Quarters. Army of the Potomac, spring of 1865. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Fort Whipple, Va., autumn of 1865. Commanding company, and Camps, McClellan and Kearney, Iowa, and Regimental Recruiting Officer, to 1866.. MILITARY RECORD. 151 Commanding company, at Lawrence, Kansas, April, May, and June, 1866. Regimental Quartermaster 3d UJ. S. Infantry, July, 1866, to August, 1869, when he resigned the position. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, June, 1866, to May, 1868. Acting Assistant Quartermaster of General Sully's expedition against hostile Indians, south of the Arkansas River, October, 1868. Depot Quartermaster, Camp Supply, I. T., winter of 1868 and 1869. With company, August to December, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, at Fort Larned, Kansas, from December, 1869, to -. RANDOLPH V. MONTEITH. [Born tn Ne.w York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORT. —Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, May, 1864. At Battery Kemble, D. C., to September, 1864. Commanding Fort Baird, D. C., to November, 1864. Acting Brigade Quartermaster 1st Brigade, Hardin's Division, Fort Reno, D. C. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, February, 1865. At Stephenson, Ala., Chattanooga, Tenn,, and Fort McHenry, Md. En route, with regiment, to California, August, 1865. At Fort Point and Alcatraz Island, California. Resigned, November, 1865. DAVID L. MONTGOMERY. [Born in Pennsyvanica.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILTARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861.. On recruiting duty. Joined company, in the Army of the Potomac. En. gaged at the battle of Gaines' Mill. Severely wounded and taken prisoner by the rebels. Exchanged, and on mustering duty. Wounded twice du — ring the war. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, November, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Major, U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services. GIDEON C. MOODY. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Indiana.] MIEITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, to summer of 1862. Rejoined regiment, and on recruiting duty to spring of 1863. Joined regiment, and engaged at the battles of Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge. Resigned, March, 1864. 152. MILITARY RECORD. JAMES MOONEY. j[Borr in England.-Appointedfrom Now York.] MIITARY HISTORY. —Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment at Murfreesboro', Tenn. Engaged at the battles of Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and in the Atlanta campaign. On recruiting duty. Out of service, September, 1865. JAMES M. MOORE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Penrnsyloamnia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 19th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, April, 1861. Second Lieutenant 90th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, September, 1861. First Lieutenant 90th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, February, 1862. Engaged at the battles of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, action of Thoroughfare G(ap, and battles of 2d Bull Run and,Antietam (wounded). With Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., JIanuary; 1863. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, March, 1863. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, July, 1864. Charge of National Cemeteries, issuing and disbursing officer, and in charge of Register of Deaths in Hospitals in District of Columbia,'to April, 1865. On duty in Washington, and selecting sites, and establishing National Cemeteries in Virginia, and compiling records of deceased soldiers in the United States. Charge of expedition to Andersonville, Ga., to mark graves of soldiers who died prisoners of war, summer of 1865. In search of missing rebel records of Salisbury, N. C., Prison, October, 1865. Major and Quartermaster U. S. Army, June, 1867. Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., June to August, 1867. Chief Quartermaster Ist Military District, Richmond, Va., to July, 1869. Brevet Major and Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Depot Quartermaster, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, July, 1869, to'August, 1872. At Cheyenne Depot, W. T., from August, 1872, to -. WILLIAM J. MOORHEAD. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pensylvanica.] MILITARY HISTORY.-William Moorhead should read William J. Moorhead. Correction from first volume, page 398. LEWIS O. MORRIS. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MLITARY HIsTORY.- Second Lieutenant lst U. S. Artillery, March, 1847. First Lieutenant lst U. S. Artillery, December, 1847. Captain MILITARY RECORD. 153 lst U. S. Artillery, April, 1861. Engaged at the bombardment of Hatteras Inlet, battle of Newbern, and siege of Fort Macon, N. C. Colonel of a New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery regiment. In Grant's campaign of 1864. Killed at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 4th, 1864. PITCAIRN MORRISON. [Born in New York. —Appointedfrom' Nelw York.] MlILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Artillery, October, 1820. Transferred to 4th U. S. Artillery, June, 1824. Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, October, 1825. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1826. Captain 4th U. S. Artillery, September, 1836. In the war with Mexico. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Mexico.- [Gardner's Dictionary.] Major 8th U. S. Infantry, September, 1847. Commanding regiment, September, 1848, to November, 1849. Commanding Post of Fort Lincoln, Texas, 1850 and 1851. At San Antonio, Fprt Croghan, Camp near Fort Mason, Camp Johnstone, Camp McKavett, and Fort Chadbourne, Texas. Lieutenant-Colonel 7th U. S. Infantry, June, 1853. Colonel 8th U. S. Infantry, June, 1861. Commanding regiment, Septem, ber, 1861, to August, 1863. Retired, October, 1863, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Brevet BrigadierGeneral U. S. Army, for long and faithful services in the Army. ROBERT MORROW. [Born in Tennessee. —Appointed from Tennessee.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers.. Brevet Major and Lieutenant-Colonel U. S.. Volunteers, for uniform gallantry and good conduct during the war. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry'and good conduct at the capture of Salisbury, North Carolina. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, May, 1867. On duty in California and Arizona. STANLEY MOURTON. [Born in Veew York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTRY. —Sergeant 3d U. S. Infantry. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. With regiment, and engaged in the Peninsula campaign, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Fredericksburg and Gettysburg. Severely wounded. First Lieutenant.3d U. S. Infantry. Out of service, December, 1864. VOL. II.-11 154 MILITARY RECORD. JOSEPH A. MOWER. jBorn in Yermont.-Appointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HISToRY. —Private, Engineer Battalion U. S. Army. Engaged in the war with Mexico. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, June, 1855. First Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, March, 1857. Captain 1st -U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Engaged at the siege and capture of New Madrid. Colonel 11th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, May, 1862. Engaged in the siege and capture of Corinth. Severely wounded, and a prisoner in the hands of the rebels. Engaged at siege of Vicksburg, capture of Jackson, Meridian, Red River, and Atlanta campaigns. MajorGeneral U. S. Volunteers. Commanding 20th Army Corps. Colonel 39th -U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to 25th U. S. Infantry, March, 1868. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Farmington, Mississippi. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Iuka, Mississippi. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Jackson, Misssissippi. Brevet BrigadierGeneral U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fort De Russy, Louisiana. Brevet Major-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the passage of the Salkehatchie, Georgia. Died while commanding the Department of Louisiana, at New Orleans,.La., January 6th, 1870. CHARLES P. MUHLENBERG. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. With battery at Camp Duncan, 1862; Fort Tompkins, N. Y. H., 1863. Commanding battery in 9th Corps, and engaged at action on Nansemond IRiver, and siege of Suffolk. Commanding battery, and engaged at the battle of Cold Harbor, and in front of Petersburg, Va. Commanding battery at Richmond, Va. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S;. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, Yebruary, 1867. CURTIS E. MUNN. [Born ir. Termont.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Assistant Surgeon 27th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, July, 1863. With regiment at Newbern, N. C., and Norfolk, Va. With Hickman's Brigade, in first battle at Bermuda Hundred, Va. With Field Hospital 18th Corps, before Petersburg, spring of 1864.. Executive Officer, Base Hospital, 18th Corps, Point of Rocks, and Whitehouse, Va., May to December, 1864. Surgeon 2d Massachusetts Volunteer Infanty, December, 1864. With regiment, in: 20th Corps, on march. from MILITARY RECORD. 155 Georgia to Washington, D. C. Operating Surgeon, Division Hospital, at Averysboro' and Bentonville, N. C. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, June, 1868. At Fort Snelling, Minn., to October, 1868. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, November, 1868. At Fort Ransom, D. T., to July, 1870. At Fort Wadsworth, D. T., from July, 1870, to -. JOHN MURPHY. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private and 1st Sergeant U. S. Cavalry Detachment, West Point, N. Y., May, 1858, to January, 1861. Detachment organized into Griffin's Battery (afterwards assigned to 5th U. S. Artillery), and en route to protect Washington, D. C. Engaged at the battles of 1st Bull Run, Hanover Court-House, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill,- Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, Md., action of Shepherdstown, and battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va. Discharged May, 1863. Re-enlisted in the U. S. Cavalry Detachment, West Point, New, York, June, 1863. Transferred to battery of the 5th U. S. Artillery, December, 1863. With the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-House, North Anna, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, battles of Deep Bottom, Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, and capture of Petersburg, Va. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, August, 1867. At Cheyenne Depot, W. T. At Fort Russell, W. T., from 1872, to -. ALEXANDER MURRY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, March, 1855. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, January, 1861. Transferred to 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, October; 1861. At Fort Laramie, D. T., July, 1861, to July, 1862. Commanding regimental recruits, Newport Barracks, Ky., to October, 1862. On duty in the field with General Smith, to December, 1862. Commanding company, February to September, 1863. On detached service, Indianapolis, Indiana, to March, 1864. On staff of General Wallace, Baltimore, Md., to April, 1864. Retired, March, 1864, for incapacity resulting from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. REUBEN D. MUSSEY. [Born in New Rlampshire.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsTORY. —Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On recruiting duty. Joined Army of the Cumberland, fall of 1861.. Engaged at the siege of Corinth and battle of Perryville. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment at Murfreesboro'. Assistant Commissary of Musters for 156 MILITAR BRECORD. organization of colored troops, Nashville, Tenn. Secretary to the President. Colonel TJ. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, February, 1866. J. WILL MYERS. [Born itn Virginia.-Appointed from West Virginia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 3d Virginia Volunteer Infantry, July, 1861, to March, 1863. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability, March, 1863. First Sergeant 4th West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry, August, 1863, to February, 1864. Private 5th West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry,'March to August, 1864. Second Lieutenant 5th West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry (after consolidation the 6th), August, 1864, to April, 1866. Engaged at the actions of Bull Pasture Mountain, Medley Farm, Black Oak Bottom, Moorefield, McNeit's Gap, defence of Post of New Creek, Virginia, and against hostile Indians at Bitter Cotton-Wood Creek, Dakota -Territory, Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1867. At Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from - to -. CIVIL HIsToRY.-Bookkeeper. HORACE NEIDE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers, May, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Glendale. Taken prisoner, and paroled, July, 1862, and exchanged, August, 1862. Received gunshot wound in left arm. Captain Veteran Reserve Corps, June, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel 13th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant services at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Charles City Cross Roads, Virginia. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant services at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, and Charles City Cross Roads, Virginia, and for faithful and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866.'Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to 4th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Glendale, Virginia. WILLIAM McC. NETTERVILLE. [Born in Neew York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Served as an.enlisted man in the U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 12th'U S. Infantry, May, 1862. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, December, 1862. With regiment in the Army of the MILITARY RECORD. 157 Potomac, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, operations on the Chickahomeny, battles of Malvern Hill, Gaines' Mill, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness, Va. Taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army,' for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. At Camps Infantry, Pinal Mountains, McDowell, and Hualpai, Arizona Territory, from to - ELIAS NIGH. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, August, 1861. At Camp Dick Robinson, and Lebanon, Ky., to spring of 1862. Chief Quartermaster Army of the Ohio, to January, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel and Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, March, 1863. Chief Quartermaster 16th Army Corps. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, March, 1863. Resigned, June, 1864. THOMAS E. NOELL. [Born in Missouri.-Appointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1862. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment at Murfreesboro'. Resigned, February, 1865. ALBERT S. NONES. [Born in MFaine-Appointed from Delaware.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Joined company, June, 1866. At Charlotte, N. C., to October, 1866. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Commissary of Subsistence, Post of Charlotte, N. C., June to October, 1866. Resigned, October, 1866. AUGUSTUS W. NORCROSS. [Born in Mfrom Maine.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Military Store Keeper, Quartermaster's Department U. S. Army, March, 1863. At New Orleans, La., July, 1863, to October, 1864, Boston, Mass., December, 1864, to November, 1865. Resigned, September, 1865. CIVIL HIsToRY.-Mercantile business, New Orleans, La. 158 MILIT RY RECORD. HARDMAN P. NORRIS. [Born in PennylZvania.-Appointed from Pen.nsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, August, 18161. First Lieutenant Ist U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. Engaged in the defence -of Fort Pickens, Fla., battle of Fort Bisland, siege and assaults of Port Hudson, and action of Marksville, La. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Out of service, December, 1865. JOHN M. NORVELL. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d Michigan Volunteer Infantry, May, 1861. Regimental Adjutant, June, 1861. Acting Assistant Adjutant-General of Richardson's Brigade, and engaged at the action of Blackburn's Ford, and battle of 1st Bull Run, Va. Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, August, 1861. With Division of 2d Army Corps, and engaged in the Peninsula campaign, battle of Fair Oaks, and Seven Days' Fight.'Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, August, 1862. Engaged at the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Assigned to Head-Quarters, 3d Corps Army of the Potomac, September, 1863, to March, 1864. With 2d Division 2d Corps, to the close of the war, and engaged. in all of its battles, from the Wilderness to the surrender of General Lee. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in the recent campaign, terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army under General Robert E. Lee. First Lieutenant 31st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. On the Upper Missouri River. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, and commanding company at Fort Buford, D. T., for two years. Built most of the Post. Unassigned, May, 1869, to January, 1871. Assigned to 12th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Regimental Adjutant,. February, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Regimental and Post Adjutant, and commanding troops casually at Post of Angel Island, Cal., from February, 1871, to —. IRANDOLPH NORWOOD. [Born in Maryland.-Appointed fromn Maryland.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant Ist Maryland Volunteer Cavalry. First Lieutenant Ist Maryland Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1862. Engaged in the Shenandoah Valley, 1862, and actions of Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to August, 1863. Captain Ist Maryland Volunteer Cavalry, August, 1863. On recruiting and staff duty to June, 1864. MILITARY RECORD. 159 With army in front of Petersburg, and Cavalry Division, 10th Army Corps, to November, 1864. - Resigned, November, 1864. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1866. With regiment in the Department of the Platte from - to -. HENRY J. NOWLAN. [Born in Corfu.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. -First Lieutenant 14th New York Volunteer Cavalry, January, 1863. Engaged in Red River campaign, 1863; investment and siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana, and operations in that vicinity. Captured by the rebels, June, 1863; escaped from them, March, 1865. With the 15th Corps in Sherman's campaign through the Carolinas. Rejoined regiment at New Orleans, Louisiana, May, 1865. Captain 18th New York Volunteer Cavalry. With expedition to Texas, being severely wounded at Yorktown, Texas. Mustered out, May, 1866. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1866. Engaged in Indian expeditions under Generals Hancock and Custer, 1867, and under Generals Sully and Custer, 1868 and 1869. Regimental Commissary 7th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1867. Post Commissary, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, from October, 1869, to -. JOHN J. O'BRIEN. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 4th U. S. Artillery, 1854 to 1859. Private 1st New York Lincoln Cavalry. Taken prisoner by rebels near Centreville, Va., November, 1861. Rejoined regiment, November, 1862. Second Lieutenant Ist New York Lincoln Cavalry, December, 1862. Captain First New York Lincoln Cavalry, November, 1864. Engaged at the action of Moorefield, battles of Winchester, New Market, Piedmont, action of Lexington, and battle of Lynchburg. Commanding escort to General Hunter. On duty with General Torbert, and engaged at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, actions of Nineveh,, Waynesboro', battles of Dinwiddie Court-House, [Five [Forks, Sailor's Creek, and capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, Va. Private 12th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Second Lieutenant 30th U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. Transferred to the 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. At Fort Fetterman, Dakota Territory, from May, 1869, to -. MICHAEL O'BRIEN. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Arrmy.] MILITARY HISTORY.-llospital Steward U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, May, 1864. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, No 160 MILITARY ItECORD. vember, 1864. Resigned, February, 1867. Re-appointed First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, April, 1867. At Forts Hamilton and Schuyler, N. Y. H. With Light Battery of regiment, at Fort Riley, Kansas. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. JOHN O'CONNELL. [Bornr in Ireland.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867.:. At Salisbury, Greensborough and Raleigh, N. C., to May, 1868. Commanding mounted party, December, 1867, to May, 1868. On duty "in Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. At Charleston, Summerville, and Columbia, S. C., to September, 1868. Commanding detachment 8th U. S. Infantry, at Aiken, S. C., to February, 1869. With company at Columbia and Charleston, S. C., Goldsboro', Raleigh and Chapel Hill, N. C., to October, 1870. At David's Island, New York Harbor, from October, 1870, to -. WILLIAM O'CONNELL. [Born inr Irelatnd.l-Appointed from the Armay. ] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Served as an enlisted man in the Dragoon Detachment at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Transferred to the 1st U. S. Cavalry, April, 1855. First Sergeant June, 1855. At Fort Leavenworth, to 1857. In the Cheyenne and Utah expedition, 1857 and 1858. At Fort Riley, Kansas, Fort Smith, I. T., and Fort Arbuckle, to 1860.'Engaged in the Kiowa and Comanche Indian expedition, 1860, and the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., 1861. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1862. With the Army of the Potomac, in Maryland and Virginia to 1863; Army of the Cumberland to September, 1863.. Light duty, in consequence of injuries received, to December, 1864. Commanding regiment in Alabama and Georgia, March to May, 1865. En route to and in Texas, to August, 1866. On recruiting duty, August, 1866, to December, 1868. At Austin, Texas, 1869. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Middleton, Tenn. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. At the Post of Lampasas, Texas, from - 1870, to -. STEPHEN O'CONNOR. [Born in New York.-Appointed from thle Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted in the 8th U. S. Infantry, June, 1860. Served in Arizona and Texas. Taken prisoner of war by the rebels, May, 1861, near San Antonio, Texas, and escaped out of Prison Camp, Decem MIL~ITAR REY ORD. 161 ber, 1862. Joined regiment in the Army of the Potomac, May, 1863. Having travelled via Monterey and Matamoras, Texas. Re-enlisted in 8th U. S. Infantry, in front of Petersburg, Va., July, 1864. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, December, 1866. Joined company at Fayetteville, N. C., April, 1867, and at that Post to November, 1867. At Columbia, Edgefield, S. C., and Raleigh, N. C., to May, 1869. Unassigned, May, 1869. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, January, 1869. Assigned to 23d U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. RICHARD L. OGDEN. [Bor n i ew York.-Appointed from Ccalifornida.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, August, 1861. On various Quartermaster's duties, San Francisco, Cal., September, 1861, to February, 1864. Settling accounts, to May, 1864. Resigned, May, 1864. THOMAS P. O'REILLY. [Born in Ire'and.-Appointedfrom Ntoew Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 2d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged "at the siege of Yorktown, action of West Point, battles of Fair Oaks, Savage Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, and Antietam (wiunded). First Lieutenant 2d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, January, 1863, and engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded). Captain 2d New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, December, 1863, and engaged in the operations at Mine Run. Passed the required.examination, and was appointed Major 116th U. S. Colored Troops, June, 1864. Organizing regiment to October, 1864. Joined Army of the James. Commanding operations at Dutch Gap Canal, and in defeat of the rebels at Harrow's Island. With regiment in the capture of Petersburg, and the surrender at Appomattox Court-House, Va. At City Point to May, 1865. En route to Texas. At Brazos Santiago, and White Ranch, Texas. On the Rio Grande to August, 1865. Commanding regiment and.Post of Roma, Texas, to November, 1865. Commanding Post of Edinburg, and Acting Assistant Inspector-General of Colored Troops. At New Orleans, La., to January, 1867. At Louisville, and Taylor Barracks, Ky. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 22d U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to June, 1867. Conducting recruits to Louisville, and joining regiment at Fort Sully, D. T., to July, 1867. Commanding detachment, July to November, 1867. With Mounted Detachment, to March, 1868, company to April, 1869. Special duty, District Southeast Dakota, to July, 1869. Commanding detachment at Yankton, and on escort duty, to September, 1869. Commanding detachment of recruits, Fort Randall, D. T., December, 1869. Commanding detachments, conducting recruits from Sioux City to Fort Randall, at 162 MILITARY RECORD. Fort Randall, and Whetstone Indian Agency, to June, 1870. Post Treasurer, Adjutant, and Acting Signal Officer, Fort Randall, D. T., to August, 1870. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Post Adjutant, and Treasurer, and Signal Officer, Post of Whetstone, D. T., from August, 1870, to -. PLACIDUS ORD. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed from California.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, November, 1861. On staff of. General Ord, commanding Brigade Pennsylvania Reserves, and engaged at the capture of Centreville, actions of Catlett's Station, Front Royal, and battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, June, 1862, On staff of General Ord, and engaged at the battles of Iuka, Corinth, Hatchie, siege and capture of Vicksburg, capture of Jackson, Miss., captures of Brashear City, Fort Esperanza, La., Fort Harrison, action near Seven Pines, and siege and capture of- Richmond, Va. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant conduct in the campaign of 1864. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant conduct in the field. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Aide-de-Camp on staff of General Ord. First Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to 19th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. On duty in San Francisco, Cal. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chapin's Farm, Virginia. Aide-de-Camp to General Ord, commanding Department of the Platte, Omaha, Nebraska, from March, 1872, to -. LOUIS H. ORLEMAN. [Born in Germany.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] -MILITARY HISTORY.-In the 103d New York Volunteer Infantry, January, 1862. Engaged in reconnaissances in North Carolina. First Lieutenant 119th New York Volunteer Infantry. Engaged in the Rappahannock campaign, and battle of Fredericksburg. Captain 119th New York Volunteer Infantry, May, 1863. Topographical Engineer Officer, of Brigade and Division 11th Army Corps, January, 1863; to August, 1864. Engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, pursuit of the enenly, surveys along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, Virginia, and surveys about Bridgeport, Alabama, and the Chattanooga Railroad. Engaged at the action of Wauhatchie, battle of Missionary Ridge, and expedition for the relief of Knoxville. Constructing defences in Tennessee and Alabama, December,' 1863, to August, 1864. Topographical Engineer, Military Division of the Mississippi, to July, 1865. Engaged at the siege of Atlanta, battle of Jonesboro', erecting defences at Atlanta, March to the MILITARY RECORD. 168 Sea, siege of Savannah, constructing and surveying defences at Savannah, invasion of the Carolinas, battles of Averysboro', Bentonville, occupation of Goldsboro', capture of Raleigh, and capitulation of the Rebel Army, at Durham Station, North Carolina. On the march to Washington, and with General Schurz on his tour of inspection through the Southern States, July to December, 1865. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1867. At Forts Riley, Hays, and Wallace, to 1869. Engaged in Sheridan's Indian campaign, 1868, in the relief of General Forsyth's commanl, October, 1868, and action of Beaver Creek, Kansas. Mentioned in General Department Orders for this action. Scouting duty, to 1869. At Camp Supply, to 1870. At Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from October. 1870, to -. CIVIL HIsroRY-Graduate of the Latin College, and the Engineer, and Cadet School of Hesse. Profession, Civil Engineer. SAMUEL OVENSHINE. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Mclryland.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Regimental Adjutant, January, 1863, to March, 1864. Captain 5th U. S. Infantry, March, 1864. With regiment in New Mexico. At Fort Hays, Kansas, from- to CIVIL HISToRY.-Educated at the Philadelphia Central High School. PHILIP: A. OWEN. [Born in Tennessee. —App-ointed fromn Alabama.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1855. At Fort:M~onroe, Va., to December, 1855. In the field against Indians, northern part of Washington Territory, March to June, 1856, and against Yakima and other Indian tribes in Western Washington Territory, July, 1856, to August, 1856. At Fort Vancouver, W. T., to December, 1856; Fort Dalles, Oregon, to June, 1859. Regimental Adjutant, July, 1856, to December, 1861. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, August, 1857. Engaged in campaign against Spokan and other Indian tribes. At Fort WalIa Walla, W. T., June, 1859, to July, 1860; Fort Vancouver, W. T., to August, 1861; Fort Yamhill, Oregon, to November, 1861; Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., to February, 1864. Captain 9th U. S. Infantry, June, 1861. Commanding Post of Fort Vancouver, W. T., to October, 1865. Commanding District of Southern California, and Post of Drum Barracks. Recruiting duty for two years. At Fort Sedgwick, Colorado Territory, June, 1869, to September, 1870. At Fort Russell, W. T., from September, 1870, to-. 164 MILITAR Y RECORD. JOHN H. PAGE. [Born in Delaware.-AppointedfJromn IZlinos.] MILITARY HISToRt. —-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, March, 1862. With regiment, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. Captain 10th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at' the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. CHARLES PARKER. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Blinois.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Captain 71st Illinois Volunteer Infantry, July, 1862. Guarding Ohio and Mobile Railroad to November, 1862. Captain 17th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, January, 1864. Engaged against rebel guerillas at Rocheport, Fayette, Holtzclaw's Farm, and Point of Rocks; march to the relief of General Ewing; actions of Boonville, Lexington, Independence, Little Blue and Osage. Commanding squadron accompanying flag of truce to arrange terms of surrender for the rebel General Thompson. Garrison duty, Kansas. Major 17th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1865. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. On duty in Texas. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. Brevet First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army, for gallant "and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville, Tenn. (See Army Register.) CIVIL HISTORY.-Graduate of the University of Chicago. Profession, Lawyer. ELY S. PARKER. [Born in New York. —Appointed frm New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, May, 1863. On staff of General J. E. Smith, to September, 1863, and present at the siege of Vicksburg. With General Grant in the campaign and battle of Chattanooga, and from Culpepper Court-House to the rebel surrender at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia. LieutenantColonel U. S. Volunteers, and Military Secretary to General Grant, September, 1864. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1866. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. Colonel, and Aide-de-Camp to the General of the Army. On duty in Washington. Brevet First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel, and Brigadier-General U. S. MILITARY RECORD. 165 Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, April, 1869. CIVIL HIsTORY. —U. S. Indian Commissioner, Washington, D. C. AUGUSTUS C. PAUL. [Born in New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain of the Woodward Guards, of Cinncinnati Captain 2d Kentucky Volunteers, April to August, 1861. Drilling and organizing Volunteers at Camp Clay, Ohio. Captain 23d Kentucky Volun — teer Infantry, October, 1861, to June, 1863. Participated in the campaigns of the Armies of the Ohio and Cumberland, being engaged at the battles of Shiloh, Tenn.; Perryville, Ky., Stone River, actions at Cumberland Gap, McMinnville, Murfreesboro', Nashville, and Pulaski, Tenn. Captain, and Assistant Adjutant-General, U. S. Volunteers, June, 1863. On the staff of General Paul, to November, 1863. On the staff of General Baxter, to May, 1864, being engaged at the operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania. Wounded, and prisoner of war to April, 1865, when he was exchanged. On staff of General Humphreys, commanding Division Army of the Potomac, till its muster out. On staff of General Pierce, commanding Brigade in the Provisional Corps. Mustered out of service. September, 1865. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 3dI U. S. Cavalry, January, 1869. With regiment in New Mexico and Arizona, to December, 1871. At Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from March, 1872, to -. CIVIL HIIsToRY.-Cadet at the Kentucky Military Institute, September, 1858, to March, 1861. Merchant in St. Louis, Mo., January, 1866, to January, 1869. TATTNALL PAULDING. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY lHISTORY.-First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861k With regiment to October, 1861; December, 1862, to February, 1863. Taken prisoner by the rebels, at Fairfield, Va. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1864. Recruiting duty, New York City, August, 1864, to July; 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. JOHN A. PAYNE. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Ilinois.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Private 12th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, April,. 1861. First Lieutenant Birge's Sharpshooters, Auguiist to December, 1861. Recruiting and drilling men. First Lieutenant 1st Missouri Volunteer 166 MILITARY RECORD. Infantry, December, 1861. Captain lst Missouri Volunteer Infantry, October, 1862. Served in Southeast and Southwest Missouri. Captain 14th Missouri Veteran Volunteer Cavalry, December, 1864. Major 14th Missouri Veteran Volunteer Cavalry, June, 1865. Served on the plains against hostile Indians. Second Lieutenant 28th U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. Transferred to the 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. SAMUEL A. PEARCE, Ja. [Born in Pennsybvania.-Appointed from New Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers, May, 1864. At Port Royal, S. C., Norfolk and Richmond, Va. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the Pay Department. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, March, 1867. At Charleston, S. C. Resigned, 1867. SAMUEL PEEPLES. [Bor n l reland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted in the U. S. Army, and assigned to the 4th U. S. Artillery, 1856. Scouting Indians in Florida to September, 1857. En route to, and at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to May, 1858. With the expedition to Utah, and at Cheyenne Pass, to May, 1859.' Fort Randall, Nebraska (now Dakota Territory),' to March, 1860. At School of Practice of Artillery, Fort Monroe, Virginia,'to May, 1861. Reenlisted in the U. S. Army, April, 1861. With Lieutenant Grebble, and engaged at the battle of Big Bethel, Virginia. Transferred to Griffin's Battery, 5th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. First Sergeant of Battery. Engaged at the actions of Lewinsville, siege of Yorktown, battle of Hanover Court-House, actions of New Bridge, Chickahomeny River, battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, action of Gainesville, battles of 2d Bull Run and Antietam, and actions on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, October, 1862. Engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and action of Falling Waters. With battery at Washington, September, 1863, to July, 1864. Engaged in operations against the rebel General Early in his advance on'Washington, D. C., actions of Snicker's Ferry, pursuit of the rebel General McCausland, action of Moorefield, and with General Sheridan's command in the Shenandoah Valley. At Fort Trumbull, Connecticut. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, Maryland. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, April, 1866. And from the Army Register, while a First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, died at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 10th, 1870. MILITARY RECORD. 167 BENJAMIN R. PERKINS. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, July, 1863. Engaged at the battles of South Mountain, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg, and Rappahannock Station.,Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. JOHN C. PETERSON. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro', and in the Atlanta campaign. Resigned, August, 1864. EGBERT PHELPS. [Born in Vermont.-Appointedfrom Vermont.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment, and engaged in the Atlanta campaign. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1864. Resigned, March, 1865. GEORGE S. PIERCE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Iowa.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private First Iowa Volunteers, April, 1861, and engaged at the actions of Dug Spring and Forsyth, and battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo. Severely wounded and left in the hands of the rebels. Released, September, 1861. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Mustering, disbursing, and recruiting duty to May, 1863. Joined regiment, and engaged at the action of Hoover's Gap, Tenn., and battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Taken prisoner by the rebels and confined at Libby, Danville, Macon Charleston, and dColumbia, to March, 1865. Rejoined regiment in Arkansas. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. CIVIL HISTORY.-Assistant Engineer to the, Mexican Boundary Commission, 1850 to 1853. 168 ILITIL'ARY RECORD. HENRY C. POHLMAN. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Served as an enlisted man in the 18th U. S. Infantry, in the field, to June, 1863. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. Captured by the rebels at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September, 1863. Died in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., October 15, 1863. GEORGE K. POMROY. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointedfrom Miassachusetts.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Member of a regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, and engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. With regiment, and engaged at the battles of 2d Bull Run, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. Resigned, March, 1865. RICHARD K. POND. [Born in New Yolrk. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam,'Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. Acting Ordnance Officer, onz staff of General Ayres, October, 1863. Captured by the rebels at Mine Run, November, 1862. At Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., to April, 1864. Exchanged, May, 1864. With regiment, and engaged at the battle of Bethesda Church. Acting Ordnance Officer, on staff of General Ayres, June, 1864. Acting Aide-de-Camp, and engaged at the battles of Hatcher's Run, Gravelly Run, and campaign terminating in the surrender of General Lee. Mustering Officer, May to July, 1865. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Bethesda Church, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. At Camp Toll Gate,'Arizona, from - to ANDREW PORTER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Apppinted fron Pernsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, 1836 to 1837.' First Lieutenant U. S. Mounted Rifles, May, 1846. Captain U. S. Mounted Rifles, May, 1847. Engaged in the war with Mexico. Colonel MILITARY RECORD. 169; 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, May, 1861. Never joined his regiment. Provost Marshal, Washington, D. C. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chapultepec, Mexico. Distinguished in the battle of Cerro Gordo, Mexico. Resigned, April, 1864. DAVID W. PORTER. [Born in _New York.- Appointed from California.] MILITARY HIISTORY. -First Lieutenant Ist Oregon Volunteer Cavalry, May, 1862. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Regimental. Quartermaster, Fort Walla-Walla, W. T., to October, 1862. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, November, 1862. At Fort Lapwai, W. T., to April, 1863. On Snake Indian expedition, and settling accounts, April to December, 1864. Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Salem, Oregon, to April, 1865; Fort Stevens, Oregon, to August, 1865; and Cape Disappointment, W. T., to October, 1865. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. Acting Chief Quartermaster, District of Louisiana, New Orleans, La., June to August, 1867. Post Quartermaster, San Antonio, Texas, August to October, 1867. Superintending location and building of Posts in NorthWestern Texas, November, 1867, to August, 1868. Post Quartermaster, Fort Richardson, Texas, to February, 1869. Acting Chief Quartermaster, 5th Military District, Austin, Texas. Depot Quartermaster, San Antonio, March, 1869, to May, 1870. Purchasing horses at San Antonio, and at ranches in Texas, June to November, 1870. At Fort Quitman, Texas, January to October, 1871. Died at Fort Quitman, Texas, October 15th, 1871. WILLIAM L. PORTER. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-[Captain, and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war.-Army Register.] Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1867. Died of wounds received at Gallatin, Tennessee, caused by an explosion whilst firing a salute, February 22d, 1868. WILLIAM HI. PRESCOTT. [Born in Massachuzsetts.-Appointed from New RHampshire.) MILITARY HISTORY —Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Regimental recruiting duty, Watertown, Miss., to January, 1862; Kalamazoo, to April, 1862; Grand Rapids, Mich., to November, 1862. Commanding unassigned recruits, at Regimental Head-Quarters, Camp Douglas, Chicago, VOL. II.-12 170 MILJTARY RECORD. Ill., to December, 1862, and at Fort Ontario, Oswego, New York, to February,:1863. Commanding company, at Fort Ontario, to March, 1863., Murfreesboro', Tenn., to May, 1863. At Riker's Island, N. Y. H., July to October, 1863. Resigned, October, 1864. BUTLER D. PRICE. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, spring of 1861. First Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Captain 2d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Served, with his regiment, through all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (except that of the Wilderness), to March, 1865. Regiment attached to the Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. At Fort Laramie, W. T., from - to -. GEORGE F. PRICE. [Born in NSew York.-Appointed from California.] MLITARY HISTORY.-For Spanish Fork, Nebraska, read Spanish Fork, Utah. Colorado River, intead of Columbia River. Addition to record in first volume. Assistant to Judge-Advocate, 2d Military District, North and South Carolina, February to September, 1868. Field service, Department of Missouri, January to May, 1869. Department of the Platte, to December, 1869. Engaged at the Indian actions of Beaver Creek, Spring Creek, Ks., Summit Springs, Sand Hills, Frenchman's Fork, Niobrara pursuit, Cal., and Prairie Dog Creek, Kansas. Recommended in OfficialReport, for dash and gallantry at Prairie Dog, Kansas. CIVIL HISTORY.-Addition to record in first volume. Secretary Democratic State Central Committee, California, 1860. Douglas Presidential Elector, California, 1860. NATHANIEL PRIME. [Born in New York. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, August, 1862. Regimental Quartermaster and Commissary, November, 1862. Commanding company and battalion in the field, Army of the Potomac, being wounded. Mustering and disbursing duty. Inspector-General, Department of the East, New York City. At Hart's Island, N. Y. H., temporary duty. Head-Quarters General Recruiting Service, New York City. En route to New Orleans, La., with recruits. At Head-Quarters, District of Texas, in Bureau of Civil Affairs. Transferred to 26th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to 10th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, MILITARY REYCORD. 171 for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. Army, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. At Fort McIntosh, Texas, from - to WILLIAM PRINCE. [Born irn New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Fifrst Lieutenant 159th New York Volunteer Infantry. Second Lieutenant, Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army, January, 1864. At Washington Arsenal, February to October, 1864. Ordnance duty, Department of West Virginia, to September, 1865. At Watervliet Arsenal. Virst Lieutenant, Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army, December, 1865. Chief Ordnance Officer, 2d Military District, Head-Quarters, Charleston, S. C. (and temporarily commanding Charleston Arsenal), April, 1867, to October, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and distinguished services. Engaged conducting valuable series of experiments on metallic ammunition for small arms, and member of a Board of Officers for the consideration of the subject of calibers of small arms, Frankfort Arsenal, from October, 1868, to JOHN H. PURCELL. [Born in Ireland.-Ap~pointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted in the U. S. Army, December, 1852, and with the permanent party, Governor's Island, N. Y. H., to July, 1854. Transferred to the 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1854. Served on the Northwestern Frontier to 1857, and engaged in the Sioux Indian expedition, 1855. Discharged as a Sergeant, December, 1857. Chief Clerk, Ordnance Department, Leavenworth Arsenal, to July, 1859. Enlisted in the Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army, July, 1859. Master Armorer of- Ordnance to July, 1862. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, August, 1862, to June, 1863. At Vicksburg, Miss., to August, 1863. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, November, 1864. Mustering and disbursing duty, Madison, Wisconsin, to 1865. Joined regiment at New Orleans, La. Out of service, by the Teorganization of the Army. GEORGE A. PURINGTON. [Born in Ohio.-Aoppointedfrom Ohio.] MILITARY HisroTRY. —First Sergeant 19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, April, 1861, and engaged at the action of Rich Mountain, West Virginia. Captain 2d Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, August, 1861. Major 2d Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; September, 1861. Engaged at actions of Independence, Lone Jack, Sarcoxie, Fort Wayne, Rhea's Mills, Cane Hill, Mount Sterling, 172 MILITARY RECORD. Fishery Creek,' Steubenville, pursuit and capture of John Morgan, Cum-:berland Gap, Waterga Bridge, Blountsville, Bristol, siege of Knoxville, Bean's Station, Blue Springs, Walker's Ford, Clinch River, Cheek's Cross Roads,.Russellville, Burnt House, Blain's Cross Roads, and Mossey Creek. Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, fall of 1863. Commanding regiment, or brigade, to close of war. Colonel 2d Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, April, 1864, but not mustered, owing to the regiment being below the minimum. Engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, actions of St. Mary's Church, Piney Branch Church, Hanover Court-HIouse, Ashland Station, Shady Grove, Nottaway CourtHEouse, Stony Creek, battle of Reams' Station, action of Summit Point, battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill,' actions of Luray Valley,. Waynesboro', Bridgewater, Reamstown, Charlestown, Berryville, battle of Cedar Creek, and action of Buck Road, Virginia. Captain 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia. At Forts Davis and Quitman, Texas, from June, 1867, to -. ATLEE W. PUTNAM. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Connecticut.] MIIITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry, April, 1861. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Washington Depot, May to September, 1861. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, August, 1861. At Annapolis, Md., November, 1861, to February, 1862. Head-Quarters, Army of the Potomac, Washington, D. C., to March, 1862. Chief Quartermaster 2d Army Corps, April to September, 1862. At Perryville, Md., to November, 1862; New'York City, to February, 1863. Charge of Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage, New Orleans, La., to April, 1863. Died at New Orleans, La., May 2d, 1863. JAMES E. PUTNAM. [Born in Maione.-Appointed from the Ar'my.] MILITARY HisTOR. —Served as an enlisted man in the U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, December,.1863. Engaged in quelling New York riots, battle of Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania (wounded). Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. MILITARY RECORD. 173 HENRY R. PUTNAM. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Minnesota.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Private Ist Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, 1861. Engaged at the battle of Ist Bull Run, Va. (wounded). Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Engaged in quelling New York riots, July, 1863; battle of Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, and battle of the Weldon Railroad. Major and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the campaign against the City of Mobile and its defences. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. At Fort Monroe, Va. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the riots in New York City. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. JULIUS E. QUENTIN. [Borin U~ Germany.-Appointed from New York.] 3MILITARY HISTORY.-Entered the Volunteer service, March, 1862. Engaged at the battles of Cedar Creek (wounded in the wrist), defence of Suffolk, and battle of Gettysburg, Pa. In Europe, and engaged at the battles of Monticello, Magenta, and Solferino. Lieutenant Colonel 103d New York Volunteer Infantry. Captain Veteran Reserve Corps. Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Transferred to 14th U. S. Infantry, July, 1869. At Fort Laramie, Dakota Territory, from - to -. WILLIAM M. QUIMBY. [Born in Maine.-Appointedfrom Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Recruiting duty, Burlington, Vt., to April, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. (wounded). Recruiting duty to September, 1863. Commanding Invalid Company at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia. Retired, January, 1865, for incapacity resulting from wounds received. PASCAL A. QUINAN. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Marylandc.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, August, 1855. At Fort Jupiter, Fla., and Fort Capron, to October, 1856. At Fort Leaven 174 MILITARY RECORD. worth, Kansas, July to September, 1857. At Forts Thom and Defiance, N. M., to January, 1859; Fort Umpqua, Oregon, July to November, 1859; Alcatraz Island and Fort Bragg, Cal., to November, 1861. With troops en route to the Atlantic coast, and with 1st U. S. Cavalry, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1862. Ordered before the Medical Examining Board, June, 1862. Resigned, July, 1862. THOMAS F. QUINN. [Bomn in Ireland.-Appointedfrom the Army.] MIrITALRY HIsToRY.-General service recruit U. S. Army, April, 1853. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. HI., to February, 1854. Assigned to the 2d TJ. S. Artillery, March, 1854. Served through the Seminole Indian troubles, Florida, to March, 1857. At Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, Mass., April, 1857, to April, 1858. Discharged by expiration of service. General service recruit U. S. Army, February, 1859. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to October, 1860. Assigned to the 4th U. S. Infantry, at Fort Vancouver, Washington Territory; November, 1860. At Fort Dalles, Oregon, and San Pedro, Cal., to November, 1861. AtWashington, D. C., to March, 1862. Principal Musician of regiment, December, 1861. With Army of the Potomac, and engaged at siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Htill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancelloisville, and Gettysburg. Sergeant-Major of regiment, July, 1863. - In New York City during riots of 1863. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. At Forts Richmond and Wood, N. Y. HI.r to April, 1864. Regimental and general recruiting service, to January, 1865. At General Grant's Head-Quarters during the pursuit and surrender of the rebel Army under General Lee. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, February, 1865. Provost duty, Richmond, Va., to July, 1865. In New York Harbor to October, 1865. At Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to March, 1867. Engaged in suppressing Fenian hostilities on Northern frontier. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Virginia. At Forts Fetterman and Laramie, Dakota Territory, from March, 1867, to -. HERMAN G. RADCLIFF. [Born i~n ew York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Recruiting duty, to June, 1862. Joined regiment at Iuka, Miss., June, 1862. Engaged in campaign through Tennessee and Kentucky, action of Springfield, and. battles of Perryville and Murfreesboro'" Died in camp at Murfreesboro', Tenn., March 22d, 1863. MILITARY RECORD. 175 ZACHARIAH RAGAN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Chaplain 25th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, July, 1861. Present at battles of Cheat Mountain, McDowell, Savage Mountain, Rappahannock, and 2d Bull Run. Narrowly escaped being taken prisoner retreating before Ashby's Cavalry. Hospital Chaplain U. S. Volunteers, May, 1863. Religious special-charge of Officers' Hospital; Memphis, Tenn., and general supervision of all the hospitals in the city, to April, 1865; of Gayosa Hospital, to January, 1866.; Honorably discharged, January, 1866. Captain and Post Chaplain U. S. Army, March, 1868. At Fort Fred. Steele, W. T., from August, 1868, to -. At Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from- to CIVIL HIsTORY.-At the age of twenty-one, entered the Ministry in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and travelled and preached for nearly four years. In 1829, on account of what he regarded as illiberalin the government of that Church, withdrew from her communion, and gave his influence to the establishment of the Methodist Protestant Church, in which he is still a Minister, and member of the Pittsburg Annual Conference.. Was for many years a member of the General Conference of his Church, and the Presiding Officer of his Conference, filling some of the most important stations in the connection. In 1855, established a literary paper in Steubenville, Ohio, of which he was Editor to 1861, when he became Chaplain in the Army. Degree of D. D. conferred by Adrian College, Michigan. J. GALES RAMSAY. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed at Large.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, November, 1861. At Forts Pickens, Barrancas, and Pensacola, Florida. Adjutant 2d U. S. Artillery, November, 1863. Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, December, 1864. Served in Middle Military Division. With regiment in California, from September, 1865, to March, 1869. Regimental Quartermaster, May, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S..Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Captain 2d U. S. Artillery, February, 1867. Commanding Light Battery of Regiment, at Fort Riley, Kansas, from May, 1869, to -. CIVIL HISTORY.-Member of U. S. Government Survey, to determine the practicability of a railroad route across Isthmus of Chiriqui, August, 1860. JOHN N. RANDALL. [Born in rNew iampshire.-Appointed from Rlhinois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, October, 1867. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to August, 1868. En route to California, to September, 1868. Under orders for Arizona. Resigned, October, 1868. 176 MILITARY REGORD. PHILIP READE. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Served in the U. S. Volunteers on Secret Service duty, Baltimore, Norfolk, Yorktown, and Newbern, to May, 1864. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., June, 1864, to February, 1867, when he was honorably discharged. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. On the Western Frontier. CHARLES A. REYNOLDS. [Born in Maryland.-Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private of Maryland and District of Columbia Volunteer. Infantry, and engaged in the war with Mexico. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1855. On recruiting duty, and at Fortress Monroe, Va., to December, 1855. En route to and in Oregon Territory, to January, 1861. Engaged against hostile Indians, commanding escort to the North-West Boundary Survey, and Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Commissary of Subsistence.. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., January, 1861. En route with recruits to Fort Washington, and Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, and Instructor for Volunteer regiments. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, February, 1861. Captain, and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, November, 1861. At Cairo, Ill., and Chief Quartermaster for General Grant, to April, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel, and Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, November, 1862. Present at the battle of Corinth.. Charge of the Quartermaster's Department, in the movement of the Army operating in rear of Vicksburg. Superintending Construction of Depot for Prisoners of War, Rock Island, Ill. At Nashville, Tenn., and Chief Quartermaster, JohnsonVille, Tenn. In the Department ot the South, portion of the time being Qhief Quartermaster. At Cheyenne Depot, W. T., to August, 1872. Brevet Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel U.. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. In the Departnment of the Missouri, from September, 1872, to -. FRANK REYNOLDS. [Born zt Nerw York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILTARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Artillery, October, 1862. With battery at Beaufort and Hilton Head, S. C. Commissary of Musters, Department of the South. With battery in the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the capture of Petersburg, action of Rice's Station, and capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia. Out of service, December, 1865. MILITARY RECORD. 177 FRANK R. RICE. [,Borvn in Michigan.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, May, 1861.'Engaged at the battle of 1st Bull Run, Va. Private 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, September, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, and 2d Bull Run. Second Lieutenant 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, August, 1862. First Lieutenant 1st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, November, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Antietam, action of Shepherdstown, and battle of Fredericksburg. Wounded and lost his left leg. Second Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, -June, 1863. First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, September, 1865. At Trenton, N. J., to January,. 1866. On duty in the Freedmen's Bureau. Second Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Regimental Quartermaster 44th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. First Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant and Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Retired from the U. S. Army, December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from wounds received in the line of duty. WILLIAM F. RICE. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 19th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, August, 1861. Second Lieutenant 19th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant and Captain 19th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, July, 1863, and July, 1864. Commanding regiment, July to August, 1864. Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Brigade 2d Army Corps, August and September, 1864. First Lieutenant 26th New York Cavalry, December, 1864. Captain 26th New York Cavalry, March, 1865. Second Lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry, July, 1868. At Fort Colville, Washington Territory, from to-. BENJAMIN K. ROBERTS. [Born in Tennessee. -Appointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Second Lieutenant 7th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, July, 1863. Acting Aide-de-Camp to General Roberts, to July, 1864. On staff of General Davidson, in his raid through Southern Mississippi, November, 1864. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General U. S. Volunteers, November, 1864. On staff of Major-General George H. Thomas, commanding Military Division of the Tennessee, to July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, April, 1866. Joined regiment at Fort Monroe, Virginia, July, 1866. Served at Richmond, Fort Jefferson, Flor 178 MILITARY RECORD. ida, and Fort Preble, Portland, Maine. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, February, 1867. At Head-Quarters of the regiment, Fort Adams, Newport, Rhode Island, from - to -. CLAUDE S. ROBERTSON. [Born in Seotland.-Ap2pointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. - Regimental Quartermaster. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. Captain 10th U.S. Infantry, September, 1864. Resigned, June, 1865. HENRY C. ROBINETT. [Born in Yirginia.-A pointed from Delaware.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Second Lieutenant ist U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant First U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. Engaged at the battle of Corinth and siege of Vicksburg. Captain and Aide-deCamp, U. S. Volunteers, March, 1864. On staff of General McClernand. With General Grant from September, 1864, to April, 1865. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in the campaign against the Rebel Army of Northern Virginia, commencing in front of Petersburg, Va., March 29th, 1865, and ending April 9th,. 1865. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Corinth, Mississippi. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. GEORGE T. ROBINSON. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointedr from Maryland.] MILITARY HisToRY.-Second Lieutenant 56th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, September, 1861. Engineer Officer, on staff of General Fremont, and engaged in his Shenandoah Valley campaign. Chief Engineer 11th Corps. Chief Engineer, Grand Reserve Division Army of the Potomac. Acting Chief Quartermaster 11th Corps, and engaged at the battles of Cedar Mountain and 2d Bull Run. Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville. First Lieutenant!lth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, July, 1864. Chief Engineer Department of Kansas. Major 14th Missouri Volunteer Cavalry. Chief Engineer Department of the Missouri. Engaged in the Powder River Indian campaign. Captain 10th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. At Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from - to -. CIVIL HIsTroR.-Civil Engineer. MILITARY RECORD. 179 SOLOMON S. ROBINSON. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed froma Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Commanding company at Camp Thomas, Columbus, Chattanooga, and Post of Fort Halleck. In the Atlanta campaign, and engaged at the battles of Buzzard's Roost, Resacca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Jonesboro', and Atlanta, Ga. With company at Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, Georgia. Resigned, January, 1865. THOMAS B. ROBINSON. [Born at Sea.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, June, 1866. At Chester, S. C.; Fort Macon, N. C.; Goldsboro' and Raleigh, N. C.; Anderson and Laurensville, S. C., to September, 1868. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, August, 1867. At Laurensville, Columbia, S. C., and Fort Macon, N. C., to September, 1869. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to 19th U. S. Infantry, September, 1869. CHARLES M. ROCKEFELLER. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New Yorlk.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 7th New York State National Guards, May, 1861. With 8th New York State National Guards. Engaged at the battle of Ist Bull Run, Va. Recruiting duty, in New York, December, 1862, to June, 1863.'At the New York riots, 1863. First Lieutenant 178th New York Volunteer Infantry, October, 1863. Engaged in Sherman's Vicksburg and Meridian campaigns, Banks' Red River campaign, Rosecrans' Missouri campaign, Smith's expedition to Tupelo, Miss., Thomas's campaign, and battle of Nashville, and Canby's Mobile campaign. Mustered out, as.commander of a company, April, 1866. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. At Fort Mojave, Arizona, December, 1867, to June, 1868; Angel Island, Cal., July, 1868, to June, 1869; -Plum Creek, Neb., July to October, 1869; Sidney, Neb., to October, 1870; and Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., to June, 1871. Escort duty with U. S. Surveying Party, to November, 1871. At Fort Russell, W. T., from November, 1871, to-.ALMON F. ROCKWELL. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 65th New York Volunteers, October, 1861. With Army of the Potomac. Aide-de-Camp on staff of 180.IL TARY RECORD. Generals Buell and Rosecrans, commanding Department of the Ohio, November, 1861, to July, 1863. Inspector of the Provost Marshal's Bureau, State of New Hampshire, to September, 1863. Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, September, 1863. In Bureau of Colored Troops, Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, D. C., to May, 1867. Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, February, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for efficient'and meritorious services. Mustered out, April, 1867. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. Post Quartermaster, Fort Larned, Kansas, June, 1867, to April, 1868. Depot Quartermaster and Commissary, Fort Gibson, C. N., May, 1868, to December, 1869. At Fort Sill, February, 1870, to July, 1872. En route for Yuma Depot, Arizona, August, 1872. Brevet Major U. S. Army,' for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Charge of Yuma Depot, Arizona, from - to -. JOHN F. RODGERS. [Born in Connetieut. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Military Store Keeper, Quartermaster's Department, U. S. Army, July, 1862, and with the rank of Captain U. S. Army, from July, 1866. Clothing Depot, New York City, to January, 1865; Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage Depot, New Orleans, La., February, 1865, to November, 1866. In the Quartermaster-General's Office, and inspecting duty, at Clothing Depots, under orders of the Quartermaster-General, December, 1866, to February, 1867. Awaiting orders to April, 1867. At St. Louis, Mo., Clothing Depot, and special duties in Military Division of the Missouri, to December, 1867. Special duties, Military Division of the Missouri, January to April, 1868. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Sioux City, Iowa, to January, 1869. Depot Quartermaster, and Chief'Quartermaster, District of Upper Arkansas, Fort Harker, Kansas, February, 1869. Post Quartermaster, Fort Dodge, Kansas, March to September, 1869; Fort Harker, Ks., to August, 1870. Charge of Clothing at General Depot, Jeffersonville, Indiana, from September, 1870, to -. [Correction and addition to record in first volume.] PAUL ROEMER. tBorn in Germany.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Enlisted in the U. S. Army, August, 1858. Corporal and Sergeant, 1859. At Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, to September, 1861. Transferred to the 5th U. S. Artillery, and First Sergeant of Battery "C." Engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Discharged, October, 1863, and re-enlisted. Regimental recruiting service, to June, 1864. First Sergeant Battery "C," 5th U. S. Artillery, and engaged at the battles of Deep Bottom, Boydton Road, MILiTARY REC'ORD. 181 siege of Petersburg, and repulse of the rebel attack on Fort Steadman, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, April, 1865. With battery at Chattanooga, July to October, 1865; Key West, Florida, to April, 1866; and Tampa, to December, 1866. -First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, August, 1866. At Key West, Florida, to April, 1867; at Fort Jefferson, to December, 1867. Commanding battery, August, 1866, to December,' 1867. Commanding Fort Jefferson, Florida, during the prevalence of the yellow fever epidemic, September to November, 1867. With battery at Key West, Florida, December, 1867, to May, 1868; and from November, 1868, to March, 1869. Post Treasurer and Adjutant, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, to August, 1869.'With light battery of regiment at Washington, D. C., from August, 1869, to -. RICHARD ROMAN. LBorn in IllinoiS. —Appointed from the Armrzy.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Sergeant-Major U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. In the field, November, 1863. Acting Adjutant 1st Battalion, 13th U. S. Infantry, December, 1863. Assistant Commissary of Musters, 1st Division, 15th Army Corps, January to December, 1864. In the field. First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, April, 1864. Resigned, December, 1864. SAMUEL ROSS. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Iowa.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Sergeant and Commissary-Sergeant 8th U. S. Infantry. Served in Florida for three years, when discharged, December, 1840. First Sergeant 2d U. S. Artillery, March, 1841, to March, 1846. First Sergeant 15th U. S. Infantry, and engaged in the war with Mexico. Brevet Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, June, 1848, for gallant and distinguished services. Engaged at the battle of Churubusco and storming party at Chapultepec. Resigned, June, 1849. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Assistant Superintendent regimental recruiting service, October, 1861, to August, 1862. Chief Mustering Officer of Connecticut, July and August, 1862, organizing eight regiments. Colonel 20th Connecticut Volunteers, August, 1862, to June, 1865. Commanding Brigade, and engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville (wounded in right leg by a shell), Atlanta campaign, participating in many battles, and in Sherman's March to the Sea. Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign against'Atlanta, Georgia. Rejoined 14th U. S. Infantry, July, 1865. Transferred to 23d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Major 28th U.S. Infantry, July, 1868. Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Washington Territory, from May, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Brevet 182.MILITARY RECORD. Colonel U. S. Army, for gallantry and ability, as a Brigade commander during the Savannah campaign. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. Reinstated and retired, January, 1871, upon the full rank of a Brigadier-General U. S. Army, being the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. CIVIL HISTOR. —Civil Engineer. Attorney at Law, and Commissioner in-Ohio and Iowa, 1851 to 1861. NATHAN B. ROSSELL. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from N3ew Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, August, 1838. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, November, 1840. In the war with Mexico, and distinguished at the battles of Monterey and Churubusco, Mexico. Captain 5th U. S. Infantry, September, 1847. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of El Molino del Rey, Mexico. Major 3d U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. With regiment, and engaged in the Peninsula campaign, siege of Yorktown, and battle of Gaines' Mill. Killed at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia, June 27, 1862. WILLIAM H. ROSSELL. [Born in New Jersey. —Appointed from Ne.w Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORrY.-Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, March, 1855. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, December, 1860. Captain 10th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Engaged at the battle of Valverde, N. M. Retired, November, 1863, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Oni mustering and disbursing duty. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the bat-tle of Valverde, New Mexico. DAVID'Q. ROUSSEAU. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARr HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Artillery, August, 1862, to May, 1863. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Colored Troops, January, 1864. With regiment in Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. Engaged in operations against Richmond, and assaults on Petersburg, Va., and operations in North Carolina, after the fall of Fort Fisher, to April, 1865. Acting Assistant Inspector-General, November, 1864, to October, 1865. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Colored Troops, October, 1864. In North Carolina, to October, 1865. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. En route to New Mexico, June, 1866. Acting Assistant MILITAR Y RECORD. 183 Quartermaster, General Sykes' command, to September, 1866. Depot Commissary of Subsistence, Fort Union, New Mexico, October, 1866, to August, 1867. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, October, 1866. At Fort Reynolds and Cedar Point, Colorado, to March, 1868. Depot Commissary and Chief Commissary of Subsistence, District of the Upper Colorado, Fort Harker, Kansas, 1867. At Fort Riley, Kansas, July, 1867, to April, 1868. At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, from April, 1868, to -. GEORGE A. ROWLEY. [Born irn Fermont.-Ap2pointed from Missozuri.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Out of service, and re-appointed. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, April. 1864. With regiment in the Army of the Potomac. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Resigned, January, 1866.'ELBRIDGE G. ROYS. [Bornin Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Served as an enlisted man in the 4th U. S. Cavalry, to 1862. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1863. Served with his regiment through the whole war.,Killed in battle near Selma, Alabama, April 2d, 1865. WILLIAM A. RUCKER. [Bornj,,n Michigan.-Appointed from Michigan.] MTLITARY HISTORY.-Major, and Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers. On duty in Washington, D. C. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major, and Paymaster U. S. Army, April, 1866. At Santa Fe, New Mexico. ROBERT G. RUTHERFORD. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Entered the Volunteer service, November, 1861. ]Engaged at the battles of Rappahannock and 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Received severe injury to the right knee, and contracted rheumatism. Entered the Veteran Reserve Corps, September, 1863. Captain Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rappahannock Station, Virginia, and for meri 184 MILITARY RECORD. torious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rappahannock Station, Virginia, and for meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Unassigned, July, 1869. Assigned to 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant: 1U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Rappahannock Station, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. ISAAC D. SAILER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, January, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Shiloh, and at Murfreesboro', Tenn. Out of service, December, 1863. JOHN SAVAGE. [Born in Pennsiylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MMIITARY HIsTORY.-Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. Engaged,in the advance of the Army of the Potomac, from Fort Monroe, Va., battles of Williamsburg, action of Slatersville, and battle of Hanover Court-House, Va. Resigned, December, 1862. JOHN K. SCHIFFLER. [Born in Bavari:a.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. With company in the Department of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. At Chattanooga, to February, 1864; G(raysville, Ga., to June, 1864. Out of service, June, 1864. HERMAN. SCHREINER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Penndsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U.. S. Volunteers, August, 1862. At Washington, D. C., to November, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in his Department. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for long, faithful, and zealous service. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred. to the 20th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 20th U. S. Infantry, Septeniber, 1866. Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Rich MILITARY RECORD. 135 mond, Va, to November, 1867, and of 5th Military District, San Antonio, Texas.. Assigned to the 9th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. CIVIL HisTORy.-Mercantile business, 1858 to 1861. Clerk in Subsistence Department, Washington, D. C. EBEN G. SCOTT. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 5th IU. S. Artillery, May, 186-1. Recruiting duty at Buffalo, and Fort Schuyler, N. Y. I. Military Instructor of Battery of Artillery. Resigned, April, 1863. GEORGE E. SCOTT. [Born in New York.-Appointedfrom Wisconsin.] IMILITARY HIisToR. -Entered the Volunteer service, April, 1861. Engaged at the actions of Falling Waters, and Green River, Ky. Acting Assistant Adjutant-General on staff of General Granger, September and October, 1862, and engaged against rebel Cavalry at Lebanon Junction, and Lawrenceburg, Ky. Major Veteran Reserve Corps, August, 1863. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States during the war. Captain 24th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army. Out of service, -. JAMES W. SCULLY. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from Tenness6e.] MILITARY EISTIoRY.-Private Light Battery "K," 1st U. S. Artillery, September, 1856. Sergeant Light Battery "K," 1st U. S. Artillery, SMarch, 1857. Honorably discharged at expiration of term of enlistment. First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 1st-Middle Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, afterwards 10th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, July, 1862. With regiment in the Army of the Cumberland. LieutenantColonel 10th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, August, 1863. Commanding regiment and troops on Nashville and N. W. Railroad, to June, 1864. Colonel 10th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, June, 1864. Special service with regiment under Governor Andrew of Tennessee, and Disbursing Officer of Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments of expedition against the rebel General Morgan in East Tennessee. Quartermaster-General State of Tennessee, August to November, 1864. Commanding regiment in the field. Mustered out, June, 1865. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, September, 1865. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Army, September, 1865. Depot Quartermaster, Natchez, Miss., January to May, 1866. Depot Quartermaster, Vicksburg, Miss.,VOL. 11. -13 186 MILITARY RECORD. to June, 1867; and on various duties connected with the Sub-District of Mississippi, Freedmen's Bureau, and Cemeteries, from September, 1866. Inspector of -the Freedmen's Bureau, State of Mississippi, December, 1867, to February,,'1868; Chief Quartermaster, Sub-District of Mississippi, to March, 1868; Depot Quartermaster, Vicksburg, Miss., to March, 1869. Inspecting duty, and awaiting orders in Texas, April to July, 1869; Depot and Post Quartermaster, Corpus Christi, Texas, to June, 1870; Ringgold Barracks, Texas, to August, 1871; Sioux City, Iowa, December, 1871, to April, 1872. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. At Fort Rice, Dakota, from April, 1872, to —. CIVIL HISTORY.-Clerk to Assistant Quartermaster in the field, in Kentucky and Tennessee. RICHARD G. SHAW. [ Bbron n Rhode Island.-Appointed 1hode Island.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 3d Rhode Island Volunteer Heavy Artillery. Engaged in General Sherman's Port Royal, South Carolina, expedition. At Hilton Head and Bay Point, S. C. Commanding company, and engaged in the operations resulting in the, capture of Morris Island, S. C. Commanding battery in the operations against Fort Sumter, S. C., and commanding Battery Gregg to January, 1864. Major 14th Rhode Island Colored Heavy Artillery, January, 1864. Commanding battalion of regiment in the Department of the Gulf to October, 1865. Second Lieutenant 1st UT. S. Artillery, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and mleritorious services on Morris Island, South Car61ina. At Fort Hamilton, New York HIarbor, from- to —. CHARLES M. SHEPHERD. [Born in Ilznodis.-A fpointed rom llinois.1 MILITARY HISTORY.-Private in an Ohio Volunteer regiment for one year. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, August, 1867., Out of service, by the re-organization of the Army. NAvaiL HISTORY;- Midshipman U. S. Naval Academy for one year. ANDREW StHtERIDAN. [Born in Pennsylania.-Ajpointed from Ne Jersey.] MIMITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, March, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. With regiment, and MILITAR Y RECORD. -187 engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Fredericksburg, and-Gettysburg. iCaptain 3d U. S, Infantry, February, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Unassigned, August, 1869. Assigned to 24th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. ALEXANDER N. SHIPLEY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MI.ITAiRY HisToRY. —Private 1st U. S. Infantry, April, 1848. Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, 1850. Brevet Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, June, 1857. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Fort Defiance, N. M., February, 1859, to February, 1860. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Acting Assistant Quartermaster at Fort Pickens, -Fla., and Pensacola, December, 1861, to November, 1862. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S.;Army, March, 1862. Chief Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence of Troops, in Florida, and in command of certain expeditions. Charge of transportation, and other Quartermaster's duties, New Orleans, La., and commanding forces on the west bank of the Mississippi, November, 1862, to July, 1863. Acting Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Susquehanna, Chambersburg, Pa., September, 1863, to March, 1864. Assistant Chief Quartermaster, Department of' the Gulf, arid on other duties, New Orleans, La., March to September, 1864. Commanding District of West Florida and Southern Alabama, October, 1864, to February, 1865. Chief Quartermaster 13th Army Corps, March to July, 1865. LieutenantColonel and Quartermaster U, S. Volunteers. Brevet Major and Lieiutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during'the war. Resigned, July, 1865. JAMES, SIMONS. [Born in Pennn ylvacnia. -Appointed from the Army.] ILITARY IsoaTRY. — Private Pennsylvania Volunteers. Served in Scott's line in the war with Mexico. Served ten years as an enlisted man in 4th U. S. Artillery. In Florida, and on the Plains. First Sergeant ot a company of Artillery. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. At Camp Thomas, Columbus, Ohio, to December, 1861. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry,, October, 1861. With regiment, and engaged in the campaign in Kentucky,- to March, 1862; siege of Corinth, campaign in North iVississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky; action of Springfield, and battles of Perryville and Murfreesboro' (mortally wounded). I).ed in hospital, near Murfreesboro', Tenn., January 14th, 1863, of wounds received in the battle of Murfreesboro'. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. 188 M- ILITAR Y RECORD. THOMAS W. SIMSON. [Born in o few ork.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY IIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1865. Joined regiment, August, 1863. Recruiting duty, April, 1864, to February, 1865. Retired, February, 1865, for incapacity, resulting from wounds received in battle. Died at Elmira, N. Y., October 26th, 1865, of wounds received in battle. RICHARD F. SIMPSON. [Born in IVirginia.-Appointed from VTirginia.] MILITARY IIISTORY.-Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, August, 1840. Distinguished under General Price, in his capture of Chihuahua, and battle of Santa Cruz de Rosales, March, 1848. Surgeon U. S. Army. Died at Key West Barracks, Florida, July 4th, 1861. RICHARD SKINNER. [Born in lllinoi.s.-Alppointed from 1llinois.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. Engaged at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, and in front of Petersburg, Va. (wounded). Died June 23d, 1864, of wounds received in front of Petersburg, Virginia. WILLIAM J. SLIDELL. [Born in Louisiana.-Appointed from Rhode Island.] MILITARY IHISTORY.-First Lieutenant i6th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. Regimental recruiting duty, Logansport, Ind., September to December, 1861. Commanding company, Camp Thomas, Columbus, Ohio, to February, 1862. Commanding company, and engaged at the siege of Corinth, Miss. Commanding company at Hubbard's Cave, Tenn., July, 1862; i Louisville, Ky., to October, 1862; Bowling Green, Ky., October, 1862. On staff of General Wheaton, March to December, 1863. Commanding 114th New York Volunteer Infantry, January to September, 1864. Commanding company at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., to December, 1864. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Murfreesboro' and Mission Ridge, Tennessee. Resigned, October, 1865. MILITARY RECORD. 189 CHARLES G. SMEDBERG. (Born in New York.- Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Sergeant company 14th U. S. Infantry. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. On recruiting duty, Chicago, Ill. Joined 1st Battalion 14th U. S. Infantry, in camp at Falmouth, Va., Janudry, 1863. Adjutant 1st Battalion. Engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Died at camp near Falmouth, Va., June Ist, 1863. GILBERT C. SMITH. [Born in New York.-Appointed from California.] MILITARY IIsToRY. —Private 5th California Volunteer Infantry, September, 1861. Sergeant and First Sergeant in regiment. Second Lieutenant 5th California Volunteer Infantry, January, 1862. At Sacramento, Cal., September to January, 1862. With company in Southern California and Arizona, to August, 1863. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Tucson, Arizona,. to March, 1864. With company to May, 1864. First Lieutenant 5th California Volunteer Infantry, May,, 1864. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, May, 1864. With company in the field, and at Tucson, Arizona, to Septembcr, 1864. Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Camp Bowie, November, 1864, to Maich, 1865. Special duty in San Francisco, en route, establishing posts, etc., to September, 1865. At Carnp McDowell, A. T., to December, 1865. Depot Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Tucson, to March, 1870. Chief Quartermaster District of Arizona, from June, 1866, and, in addition, Chief Commissary of Subsistence District of Arizona, from January, 1868. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Mustered out as Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, November, 1866. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, January, 1867. En route, settling accounts, etc., March to October, 1870. At Corinne, Utah, to January, 1871. Awaiting orders at San Francisco Cal., to March, 1871. Post Quartermaster and Assistant to Depot Quar-. termaster, San Francisco, Cal., from March, 1871, to -. HENRY E. SMITH. fBorn in, New York.-Appointed from Y.ew York.] MILITARY HIToRY, —First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged in the Peninsula campaign, Army of the Potomac, battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. On recruiting duty to February, 1865. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, December, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, 190.MILITARY RECORD. Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Out of service by the re-organ'ization of the Army. JOHIN F. SMITH. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private U. S. Volunteer service, May, i861. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Fair Oaks and 2d Bull Run, Va. First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, June, 1863. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. LEMUEL SMITH. [Born in Neio Jersey.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, October, 1863. With b'attery of regiment, 1863. Commanding Battery 2d U; S. Artillery, 1864. Commanding Battery 4th U. S. Art.illely, Fort MlcHenry, Md., 1865. Commanding battery of regiment, at Key West, Florida, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery. Died at Key West, Florida, January 1st, 1867. WILLIAM S. SMOOT. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed fr.;- M faryland.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 1st Maryland Volunteer Infantry, 1863. Second Lieutenant Ordnance Department U. S. Army, January, 1864. At Springfield Armory, Mass., March, 1864, to March, 1865. At City Point, and Richmond, Va., to October, 1865. At Washington Arsenalj D. C., to November, 1868. First Lieutenant Ordnance Department U. S. Army, March, 1867. In the Offic- of Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army; for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department. Resigned, October, 1870. CHARLES SNYDEWR. [Born in Pennsylvaia. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsTORY. —Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, Aigust, 1861. Joined-regiment at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H. At Fort Columbus, .MILITARY IRECORD. 191 to October, 1861; recruiting duty, to March, 1862. In the field, and engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. Taken prisoner by the rebels, August, 1862, and paroled September, 1862. At Fort Columbus, conveying recruits to the Army of the Potomac, and at Elmira, N. Y. Joined regiment at Falmouth, Va., January, 1863. With prisoners of war to Johnson's Island, commanding company; at Riker's Island, N. Y.; and mustering duty, Philadelphia, to April, 1864. Joined regiment near Spottsylvania Court-House, Va., May, 1864. With company, to December, 1865. Regimental Adjutant 8th U. S. Infantryj November, 1864, to February, 1865. Regimental recruiting duty, Philadelphia, Pa., to October, 1865. First Lieutenant fith U. S. Infantry, June, 1864. Commanding Fort Dix, near Relay House, Md., October to December, 1865. At Winchester, Va., Charleston, Anderson, Chester, S. C., Fort DMacon, Goldsboro', and Raleigh, N. C., to May, 1867. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Commissary of Subsistence, Post of Anderson, S. C., June, 1867. At Greenville,'S. C., to September, 1867. Captain 8th U. S. Infantry, August, 1867. At Anderson, S. C., Raleigh, N. C., Charleston, Summerville, Columbia, S. C., to May, 1869. Unassigned, May, 1869. On duty in 1st Military District, 1869 and 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action in front of Petersburg, Virginia. Resigned, December, 1870. JAMES A. SNYDER. [Born in District of Columrbia. -Appointed from Virginia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. Aide-de-Camp to General Sykes, commanding Regular Troops, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, actions of Shepherdstown, Snicker's Gap, battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Getttysburg, pursuit of the enemy; Rapidan campaign, battle of TRappahannock Station, actions on the Ravpidan, and operations at Mine Run. Captain 3d U. S. Infantry, December, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. LOUIS SNYDER. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylbvania.] MI.ITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment fall of 1861. Engaged at battle of Shiloh, and siege of Corinth. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry. Out of service, December, 1863. 192 MILITARY RECORD. JOHN W. SPANGLER. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Served as an enlisted man in 2d \UT. S. Cavalry, in Texas, 1855 to 1861. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. Regimental Quarter-, master, October, 1861. Acting Division Quartermaster on staff of General Pleasanton, Army of the Potomac. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Died of yellow fever, at New Orleans, La., September 17th, 1867. CALVIN T. SPEER. [Born in Hassachusetts.-Appointed from the Army.] "MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 4th New York Volunteer Infantry. i6i1. Captain 5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 1863. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of West Point, Gaines' Farm, 2d Bull R.un, Antietam, and operations before Petersburg, Va. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, July, 1867. At Anderson, S. C., to December, 1867. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence of Post, from November, 1867. At Laurensville, Columbia, S. C., and Fort Macon, N. C., to May, 1869. Unassigned, May, 1869. Indian Agent, Denver, Colorado, 1870. Assigned to 11th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. EDMUND D. SPOONER. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Recruiting duty, Toledo, Ohio, 1862. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, July, 1863. With battery in the Armies of the Potomac' and Cunmberland. Resigned, January, 1865. JOHN T. SPRAGUE. [Born in Masachuseett8..-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTroRY.-Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious conduct, 30th May, 1848 (after the Mexican war). Addition to record in first volume, page 459. CIVIL HISTORY.-Author of "Origin, Progress, and Conclusion of Florida War, 1848." (See Gardner's Military Dictionary.) MILITARY RECORD. 193 ALEXANDER H. STANTON. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. tRecruiting duty, Janesville, Wis., to September, 1861; Bellefontaine, Ohio, to March, 1862; Lansing, Mich.; to April, 1862; New York City to December, 1862; and Williamsport, Pa., to February, 1863. Commanding company at Murfreesboro', Tenn., to June,:863; Cow-an, Tenn.,:to July, 1863; Camp Dawson, Ala., to August, 1863. Missing in action at the battle of-Chickamauga, Ga. Paroled prisoner of war. Commanding company, and engaged at the battles of New Hope Church, and Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia. Out of service, December 26th, 1864. ENOCH STEEN. [Born in.Kentucky.-Appointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Mounted Rangers, July, 1832. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Dragoons,' September, 1833. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Dragoons, March, 1836. Captain 1st U. S. Dragoons, December, 1840. Engaged in the war with Mexico.: Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico, in which he was severely wounded., On Indian Frontier duty. Wounded in action with Apache Indians, August, 1849. Major 2d U. S. Dragoons, July, 1853. Transferred to 1st U. S. Dragoons, October, 1855. Lieutenant-Colonel 2d U. S. Cavalry, September, 1861. Retired, September, 1863, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injuries received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. WILLIAM W. STEVENSON. [Born in Pennsylvania.- Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Served with regiment in the Kentucky campaign, 1861 and 1862. Died eIt Louisville, Ky., February 27th, 1862. WILLIAM J. STEWART. [Born in Pennsylvania.- Appointed fron Ohio.] MeILTARY HISTORY-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Regimental Quartermaster, Chicago, Ill., to October, 1861; Camp Thomas, Columbus, Ohio, to June, 1862; Chicago, Ill., to December, 1862. Regimental recruiting duty, Youngstown, Ohio, to February, 1863. At Regi 194 MIl~ITARY: RECORD. mental Head-Quarters, Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y., February, 1863. With company at Murfreesboro', Tenn., to; May, 1863. Captain 16th IU. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Commanding company at 3Murfreesboro', Tenn., to June, 1863. At Camp Dawson, Ala.,, August, 1863. Engaged at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Missing in action at the battle, September, 1863,: and no further trace of: him found after that date. FRANK E. STIMPSON. [Born in sMassachusetts. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY lISTORY.-ElEnlisted in 17th U. S. Infantry, 1862. First Sergeant in 2d Battalion. Joined Army of the Potomac, winter of 1862 and 1863. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, March, 1863. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Died at Washington, DI. C., May 28th, 1864, of wounds received at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ANDREW STOLL. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from- the Army.] MILITARY It{STORv.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, November. 1863. Joined regiment, November, 1861. Severely wounded at the battle of Beverly Ford, Va., and left on the field in the hands of the rebels, July 9th, 1863. Died in rebel prison at Charleston, S. C., September 28th, 1864. LYMAN IH. STONE. [ or in nVetrmont.-Appointed from Vermont.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, December, 1847. With troops td Mexico, and there to July, 1848. East Pascagoula, Miss., to October, 1848. En route to and in Texas, to 1849. San Eleazano and E1l Paso. N. M., to 1851. Fort Craig N. M., to July, 1852. In arrest and suspended. to June, 1853. At New Smyrna, Fla., to November, 1853; Fort Washita, Ark., to February, 1858. With Utah expedition to July, 1858. Platte Bridge, U. T., to May, 1859. Camp on Prairie Dog Creek, to September. 1859. Suspended and on leave to October, 1860. At Fort Randall to May, 1861. Surgeon U. S. Army, May, 1861. With General McDowell's command to July, 1861. Prisoner of war to July, 1862. Out of service, September, 1862. Captain U.. S. Colored Troops. At the battle of Cold Hlarbor, and in front of Petersbarg, Virginia. Out of service,-. MILITAR Y RECORD. 19:5: JACOB L. STOUGH. [Born in Pennsylvania.-A-ppointedfromn the Army.] MILITARY H-ISTORY.-Served& as an enlisted man in the U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, operations on tlhe Chickah-omeny, and battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. Taken prisoner by the rebels. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Out of service, February, 1865. EDWARD J. STRANG. [Born in New York..-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 15th New York Volunteer Infantry, May, 1861. With regiment in Virginia, July to September, 1861. Acting Assistant Quartermaster 5th Brigade, Defences of Washington, to December, 1861. -With regiment to March, 1862. Acting Assistant Quartermaster of Engineer Brigade, March, 1862, to July, 1863. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, April, 1863. On duty with the Assistant Chief Quartermaster Army of the Potomac, and Depot Quartermaster in charge of transportation, to Pebruary, 1864. Charge of Depot of Repairs and Transportation, Army of the Potomac, City Point, Va., June, 1864, to June, 1865. Charge of Depot Field Hospitals, from March, 1865. Charge of Repairs of Transports, New York City, June to July, 1865. Various depot duties, New Orleans, La., September, 1865, to February, 1867. Brevet Major U. S.'Volunteers, for long and faithful services during the war. Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for long and faithful services during the war. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster -I. S. Army, January, 1867. Various depot duties, New Orleans, La., March to April, 1867. At San Antonio and in the field, Texas, and in charge of construction of new Posts, May to November, 1867. Disabled by sickness to October, 1868, and on various depot duties, New Orleans, La., to June, 1871. Assistant Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Brownsville, Texas, July, 1871, to January, 1872. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faith ful and meritorious services in his Department during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and' meritorious services during the war. Assistant Quartermaster, Brownsville, Texas, from January, 1872, to -. LYMAN S. STRICKLAND. tBorn n an Maine.-2pointedfrom Mainee.j MILTTARY HrsTORY. —First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. At Camp Thomas, to May, 1862. In the field and at Columbus, to January, 1864; Chattanooga, to February, 1864. In the Atlanta campaign, and engaged at the battles of Buzzard's Roost, Resacca, New Hope Church, 196 MILITARY RECORD. Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, Jonesboro', and Atlanta. At Lookout Mountain to August, 1865. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. At Nashville, Tenn., to December, 1865; Augusta, Ga., to February, 1866; Athens and Macon to April, 1866, and Atlanta, Georgia. Resigned, April, 1866. CHARLES STYER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvbania.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, October, 1867. At Fort Selden, New Mexico, from - to -. EDWIN V. SUMNER. [Born ir tassacchusetts. -Appointed from.Tew York.]'MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, MIarch, 1819. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1823. Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, June, 1827. Captain U. S. Dragoons, March, 1833. Engaged in the Black Hawk Indian war. Major 2d U. S. Dragoons, June, 1846. Engaged in the war with Mexico. Commanding regiment of U. S. Mounted Rifles at battle of Cerro Gordo (17th inst.), and was wounded. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Cerro Gordo, Mexico. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of El Molino del Rey, Mexico. Lieutenant-Colonel 1st U. S. Dragoons, July, 1848. Commanding Cavalry School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. On Indian frontier duty. Commanding Department of New Mexico, 1848. Commanding Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1855, and expedition against Cheyenne Indians, and Department of the West, to 1858. Brigadier-General U. S. Army, March, 1861. Commanding 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, and battles of the Chickahomeny (twice wounded). (ommanding 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battle of Antietam (wounded). Commanding Right GrandD)ivision, Army of the Potomac. Asssigned to the command of the Army of the Frontier. Brevet Major-General U. S. Army, for gallant and merltorious conduct at the battle of Fair Oaks,.Virginia. Died at Syracuse, New York, March 21st, 1863, while en route to assume command of the Army of the Frontier, SAMUEL S. SUMNER. [Born in Pennsyflvania. —Appointed at Large.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1861. First Lieuitenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Captain and Aide-deCamp, U. S. Volunteers. Aide-de-Camp to General Sumner, Army of the Potomac, November, 1861, to August, 1863, and to General Wool, to MILITARY RECORD. 197 November, 1863. Commanding company to December, 1863. Detached service, as Mustering and Disbursing Officer, Springfield, Illinois, to April, 1865. Captain 5th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1864. Commanding company,at Washington, D. C.; Nashville and Memphis, Tenn. Inspector of Elections at Vicksburg, Miss. Commanding company, and on detached service, conducting recruits. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign against Vicksburg, Mississippi. Battles, etc., in which engaged not furnished from Regimental Head-Quarters. At (Camp Bowie, Arizona Territory, from - to -. WILLIAM W. SWAN. [Born in Massachusetts.-Alppointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Quartermaster 1st Battalion. Engaged at the battles of 2d Bull Run and Gettysburg (severely wounded). Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, April, 1864. Transferred to the 35th U. S. Infantry, by re-organization of the Army. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of the Wilderness, and during the present campaign before Rich-mond, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Resigned, November, 1866. HENRY A. SWARTWOUT. [Born in Louisiana. —Appointed from 7New York.]'IILITARY HIISTORY.-First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Regimental Adjutant, November, 1862. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battles of Spottsylvania and North Anna, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Va. Died of yellow fever, at Galveston, Texas; October 8th, 1867. WAGER SWAYNE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY IIIsTORY. —Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel 3d Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Engaged at the battles of Iuka, Corinth, and raid into Alabama. Provost Marshal, Memphis, Tenn. Engaged in the Atlanta campaign, Sherman's March to the Sea, and campaign of the Carolinas. Brigadier and Major-General U. S. Volunteers. Severely wounded, and lost right leg at the action of Salkahatchie River, S. C. Colonel 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, March, 1869. Brevet Brigadier 198.MILITARfY RECORD. General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the action of Rivers Bridge, South Carolina. Brevet Major-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services -during the war. Retired, July, 1870, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. ROBERT SWEATMAN. [Born in England.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant -5th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Recruiting duty, Hagerstown, Md., to November, 1862. With company, and commnanding it to July, 1863. Acting Assistant Quartermaster Reserve Cavalry Brigade, to November, 1863. On detached service, at Indianapolis, Ind., Depot of Drafted men, to April, 1864. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1863. With company toMaIay, 1864. Prisoner of war (missing in action at Beaver Dam, Ya.), to November, 1864. De*tached service at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to February, 1865. Commanding company at Nashville and Gallatin, Tenn. Captain 5th U. S. Cavalry,.November, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Beaver Dam, Virginia. Battles, &c., in which engaged, not furnished from Regimental.Head-Quarters. Out of service, January, 1870. WILLIAM SWEET. [EBorn in Vermont.-Appointed from Vermont.] MILITARY lHISTORY. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Recruiting duty in New Hampshire. Commissary of Mlusters 12th Army Corps. Died at Newbern, N. C., October 1lth, 1864. NATTHANIEL F. SWETT. [Born in iaine.-Appointed from LMaine.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Nathaniel Swett should read Nathaniel F. Swett. Correction from first volume, page 467. THEODORE TALBOT. [BBo in Di8triet of Columbnia.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILTTARY HIsronY.-First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Fremont's Battalion of Mountaineers, Guides, &c., which co-operated with the Navy in ZIILTARY RECOROD. 199 the conquest of California. Secon4 Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, tMay,:1847. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, Augtist, 1848. 2Engaged in the war with Mexico. Chief of staff o the Commanding Officer, IDepartment'of Oregon, May, 1849, to February, 1853. Chief of Staff in Florida, and engaged in the Indian war. In Charleston Harbor, and bearer of confi-!dential despatches from Major Anderson (of Fort Sumter fame) to the authorities at Washington, D. C. On his return, was refused permission -by the rebel authorities to join his command, then at Fort Sumter, S. C. Chief of Staff to General Mansfield, Military Commander of Washington, ID. C. Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Army, August, 1861. Died at Washington, D. C., April 22, 1862, while serving as Chief of Staff to General Wadsworth, Military Governor of the District of Columbia. CIVIL HISTORY.-Member of Fremont's expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 1845 and 1846. HENRY L. TALIAFERR)O. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Recruiting duty, Pottsville, Pa., 1862. With battery at Fredericksburg, Va. Resigned, December, 1862. ELISHA W. TAZRLTON. -[Born in Kentuecy.-Appointed froa AKentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, October, 1863. With regiment to January, 1865. Engaged at the actions of Cherokee, Tuscumbia, Ala., and Benton, Ark. Special Inspector of Cavalry, Department of Arkanasas, to October, 1865. With regiment in New Mexico. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Tuscumbia, Alabama. Out of service by the re-organization' of the Army. ALFRED B. TAYLOR. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed from t7e Army.] IrILITARY HisTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1863. With company to December, 1863, and January to December, 1864. WVith escort to General Grant. Commanding company, December, 1865, to November, 1866. Regimental Quartermaster 5th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1866. Regimental recruiting service, March to.May, 1867, and Post Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., to August, 1868. Cn dstached service, assisting Mr. Alexander Dunbar in instructing Farriers, Veterinary Surgeons, &c., at Washington, D. C., Carlisle Barracks, Pa., and in the Department of Texas, November, 1868, to April, 1869. With 200 MILITAR Y RECORD. regiment at Washington, D. C., and Fort McPherson, Nebraska, to August, 1869. Post Quartermaster at Fort McPherson, Nebraska, from June to August, 1869. Captain 5th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1869. In the Department of the Platte. En route to and in the Department of Ari-zona. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. Battles, &c., in which engaged not furnished from Regimental HeadQuarters. DAVID TAYLOR. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers, June, 1861. At Washington City, D. C., to February, 1869. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, February, 1869. At Leavenworth City, Kansas, from - to -. EDWARD R. THELLER. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from California.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Captain 2d California Volunteer Infantry, October, ]Q 61, to May, 1866. Served on the Frontier, against hostile Indians, in the Humboldt District, and in the Penal Mountains, Arizona. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. On staff of General Ord, commanding Department of California. -Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. At camp in the Penal Mountains, Camp Bowie, Camp McDowell, and Camp Hualpai, Arizona. [Repulsed an attack of Indians upon a company of soldiers and Government Train, en route from Tucson to Camp Bowie, A. T.-EDITOR.] First Lieutenant 21st U. S. Infantry, - 1872. En route from Arizona to Oregon, from - to -. AUGUST THIEMAN. [Born in Germany.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY lISTORY.-Served as an enlisted man in the U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. With regiment in Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the Peninsula campaign, battles of 2d Bull Run (wounded), Antietam, and Fredericksburg. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, April, 1863. Engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, quelling New York riots, Fall campaign of 1863, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Weldon Railload. RecapturedNational Colors, and appointed, for gallant conduct, Aslistant Inspector-General of the Regular Brigade, and acting as such to MILITARY RECORD. 201 January, 1865. Mustering duty to November, 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Out of service, October, 1867. EVAN THOMAS. [Born in District of Columbia. —Appointed from District of Golumb6ia.] MI.IJTARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, April, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Signal duty, June to December, 1861. Joined battery, March, 1862, and engaged in march to Fappahannock Station. Joined Army of the Potomac at Yorktown, and engaged in its campaign to June, 1862. Exchanging prisoners of war at Fort Delaware, Maryland. Commanding batteries, and engaged at battle of Antietam. Commanding battery, and engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg (commanding Artillery ZBrigade). Aide-de-Camp to the Adjutant-General U. S. Army, and employed organizing Colored Troops. Captain 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1864. At Bladensburg, commanding forts south of the Eastern Branch, and at Fort Whipple, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. At Fort Washington, Maryland, from November, 1865, to —. LORENZO THOMAS, JR. [Born in DDelaware.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] MILITArY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, April, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battle of Gaines' Mill, action of Golding's Farm, battles of Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, and Chancellorsville, Va. Captain 1st U. S. Artillery, December, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, February, 1866. NELSON THOMASSON. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY. -,Should read appointed from Illinois. Recruiting duty, Chicago (for one year and three months), Cincinnati, and Newport Barracks. With his regiment, 5th U. S. Infantry, on the Plains. Addition and correction to record in first volume, page 472. Volt. IL —14 202 MILITARY RECORD. ARTHUR W. THOMPSON. [Born in.-AppointedfroM,.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry. Never joined his regiment. Died at New Orleans, Louisiana, July 13th, 1865. JOHN A. THOMPSON. [Born in lMlassachusetts.-Appointed from Mlissouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Recruiting duty, Chicago, Ill., to May, 1862. Provost Marshal duty, Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mlarch, 1863. Joined regiment with his company, at Mi-urfreesboro', Tenn., N1arch, 1863. Commanding 2d Battalion, May to July, 1863. Engaged at the action of Hoover's Gap, Tenn. (mortally wounded). Died at Nashville, Tenn., June 30th, 1863, of wounds received at the action of Hoover's Gap, Tenn. CIVIL HISTORY.-PIrofession, Lawyer. FRANK THORP. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 28th Maine Volunteer Infantry, October, 1862. In the Department of the Gulf, to August, 1863. Commanded company, May to July, 1863, and engaged at the siege of' Port Hudson, La. Second Lieutenant Maine Volunteer Light Artillery, December, 1863. At Camp Barry, Washington, D. C., to April, 1864. With Artillery Brigade, 9th Corps Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-House, North Anna River, Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, battles of Reams' Station, Poplar Spring Church, assault on Petersburg, and pursuit of Lee's Army to Farmville, Va. Garrisoned Fort Sedgwick, November, 1864, to April, 1865. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, June, 1867. At Fort Monroe, Va., December, 1866. At Fort Jefferson, Fla., January to March, 1867. At Key West, Fla., to January, 1868. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence of Post. Commanding Post, March to April, 1867, and October, 1867. At Fort Jefferson,'Fla., to March, 1869. At Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn., from March, 1869, to-. Correction and addition to record in first volume. CHARLES B. THROCKMORTON. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Member of a battalion of Missouri Engineers, in an expedition to South-West Missouri, November and December, 1860. MILITARY RECORD. 20.3 First Lieutenant 2d Missouri National Guards, January to February, 1861.. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, sMarch, 1861. On duty at Washington, and Washington Arsenal, D. C., to June, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th1 U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. In Virginia to August, 1861. On staff of General Anderson, commanding Department of the Cumberland, to October, 1861; on staff of General Sherman to December, 1861; Assistant to Chief Mustering Officer, Department of the Ohio, to March, 1862; on staff of General Halleck, in Missouri, Tennessee, and Mississippi, to August, 1862; equipping and drilling Volunteer batteries in Kentucky, to September, 1862. Commanding battery in campaign against the rebel General Bragg. Recruiting duty, Louisville, Ky.; Cleveland, Ohio; and Buffalo, N. Y., to October, 1864. Captain 4th U. S. Artillery, July, 1864. Provost Marshal, Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, to December, 1864. At Nashville, Tenn.; Camp Barry, Washington, D. C.; Camp Bailey, Md.; St. Louis, Mo., and Detroit, Mich., to December, 1868. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. Commanding battery at Fort Washington, Md., from December, 1868, to —. WILLIAM S. THRUSTON. [Born in Connecticut.-ALppsinted from Maryland.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. With regiment, and engaged in the Kentucky campaign, December, 1861, to February, 1862; siege of Corinth, campaign in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky, action of Springfield, battles of Perryville and Murfreesboro', Tullahoma campaign, and action of Hoover's Gap. Resigned, August, 1863. CIVIL HISTORY. — Died at Cumberland, Aid., 1865. HARVEY TILDEN. [D.orm i~n Ohio.-Appointed froen Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Regimental recruiting duty, Kalamazoo, Mich., September to November, 1.861; Chicago, Ill., to December, 1861; Cincinnati, Ohio, to February, 1862. Duty unknown, March to. May, 1862. Out of service, June, 1862. JOHN TILLSON. [Born in llinois.-Appointed from llz1nois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, January, 1866. 204 MILITARY RECORD. EDWARD MoB. TIMIONY. [Born in Louisiana.-Appointed from Iowa.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. (Captured by the rebels.) With regiment in the field, August and September, 1863. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, June, 1864. Resigned, April, 1865. CHARLES H. TOMPKINS.,[Born in Virginic.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Private U. S. Army, 1856. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1861. Engaged in cavalry charge at Fairfax Court-House, Va. Regimental Quartermaster 5th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. Captain and Assistant Qunrtermaster U. S. Armsy, November, 1861. At Annapolis, Md., January to May, 1872. Colonel 1st Vermont Volunteer Cavalry, April, 1862. With regiment in the field, in Virginia, May to September, 1862. Resigned as Colonel Ist Vermont Volunteer Cavalry, September, 1862.. Depot duties, Washington, D. C., October, 1862, to November, 1867. Assigned to duty according to brevet rank, Colonel, July, 1865. Chief Quartermaster, Ist Army Corps, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Quartermaster's Department, to June, 1866 (not on duty as such). Inspector of the Quartermaster's Department, with rank of Colonel, Quartermaster's Department, June, 1866, to January, 1867 (not on duty as such). Lieutenant-Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army, July, 1866. Chief Quartermaster, 5th Military District, New Orleans, La., from December, 1867. Chief Quartermaster, District of Louisiana, from January, 1868. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Louisiana, from July, 1868. Charge of New Orleans Depot from September, 1868, to January, 1869, and relieved from all duties in New Orleans, March, 1869. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Alaska, Sitka, July, 1869, to October, 1870; Department of Arizona, at Drum Barracks, Cal., ]December, 1870, to September, 1871; and at Prescott, Arizona, from October to December, 1871. Chief Quartermaster Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., April to August, 1872. Brevet Major U. S Army, for gallant conduct at Fairfax Court-House, Virginia, May 31, 1861. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for meritorious services in the campaigns of Generals Banks and McDowell, in 1862 and 1863. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department, in 1863, 1864, and 1865. Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war. En route to report to the Commanding General, Department of Arizona, August, 1872, to -. MILITARY RECORD. 205' CHARLES S. TRIPLER. [Born in Neew York.-Appointedfrom New York.] MILITARY HISTORYy. —Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, October, 1830. At Jefferson.Barracks, Mo., Red River Country, Louisiana, and Arkansas, to December, 1831; Fort Towson, I. T., to January, 1834; Hancock Barracks, Me., to September, 1835; Fort Sullivan, Me. to July, 1836. With troops in Florida to July, 1837; Surgeon-General's office to October, 1837; and with troops in Florida to May, 1838. Surgeon U. S. Army, July, 1838. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to October, 1838; Buffalo, N. Y., to April, 1839. With troops in Florida to October, 1839; Buffalo, N. Y., to January, 1840; Detroit, Mich. to July, 1846. Member of Army Medical Board, 1843. Medical Director, Twiggs' Division, in the war with Dexico, to April, 1848; Detroit, Mich., to July, 1848; Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to November, 1848; Detroit, Mich., to June, 1851; Fort Gratiot, Mich., to June, 1852. En route with the 4th U. S. Infantry to California. (Cholera epidemic on the Isthmus.) Medical Director, Pacific Division, August, 1852, to December, 1855. Delegate Army Medical Association, May, 1856, at Newport Barracks, Ky., May, 1856, to April, 1861. Member of Examining Board, 1856. Board on "Ambulances and Supply Table," 1859, and on Medical Examining Board, 1860. Medical Director, Department of Pennsylvania, Patterson's Command, August, 1861; Medical Director, Army of the Potomac, to July, 1862. Detroit, Mich., to March, 1864. Member of a Military Commission, October, 1863. Medical Director, Northern Department, March, 1864, to October, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel U. S Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Died at Cincinnati, Ohio, October 20th, 1866. CHARLES S. TRIPLER. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY tIsToRY.-Recruiting for the 28th Michigan Volunteer Infantry. First Lieutenant 96th New York Volunteer Infantry, May, 1863. With Wessell's Brigade in North Carolina, to April, 1864. Joined Army of the James, and engaged in the campaign against Petersburg and Richmond, Va. Private 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1865. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, November, 1865. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, November, 1865. Commanding Fort Pulaski, Ga., August, 1868, to March, 1869. En route to California. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. At Camp Gaston, California, from - to -. JOSEPH M. TROWBRIDGE. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Mustering Officer, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September, 1861, to April, 1864. Resigned, May, 1864. 206 MILITARY RIECORD. CHARLES L. TRUMAN. [Born in New York.' Apointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 18thU. S. Infantry, March, 1862. Recruiting duty, to May, 1863. Joined regiment at Murfreesboro', Tenn., June, 1863. Engaged at the action of Hoover's Gap, Tullahoma campaign, and battle of Chickamauga. Killed at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, September 20th, 1863. THEOPHILUS H. TURNER. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from New Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Assistant Surgeon U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, February, 1866. At Fort Wallace, Kansas, to July, 1869. Died at Fort Wallace, Kansas, July 27th, 1869. JOSEPH UPDEGRAFF.'[Born in Virginia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Sergeant U. S. Army.'Brevet Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, June, 1848. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, December, 1854. Captain 5th U. S. Infantry, February, 1861. Major 9th U. S. Infantry, I)ecember, 1863. Reported to regiment, April, 1865. Regimental recruiting duty, Sacramento, Cal., May to September, 1865. Commanding battalion of regiment, at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., October, 1865, to June, 1866. Died at St. Mary's Hospital, Sean Francisco, Cal., June 19th, 1866. VERPLANCK VAN ANTWERP. [Jorn in Neew York.-Appointed from Iowa.] MILITARY HIISTOoRY.-Major and Additional Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers, January, 1862. Mustered out, April, 1862, and re-appointed, April, 1862. Inspector-General, Departmnent of Kansas, May to October, 1862. In the field, Arkansas and Indian Territory, with Major-General Blunt, to January, 1863. Disabled for field service by an accident, March, 1863. Member of Courts-Martial and Military Commissions, St. Louis, Mo., September, 1863, to June, 1865. Acting Assistant Inspector-General and Commissary of Musters, Baltimore, Md., June to November, 1865; awaiting orders at Washingfop, D. C., to July, 1866. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers. Mustered out, July, 1866. Captain and Military Store Keeper, Quartermaster's Department, U. S. Army, December, 1866; MILITARY REOCORD. 207 at San Antonio, Texas, May, 1867, to May, 1870; Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia, September, 1870, to July, 1872. Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Baltimore, Md., from July, 1872, to-. DUNCAN M. VANCE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, Seven Days' Fight, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, actions of Blackburn's Ford, Leetown, Snicker's Gap, and battle of Fredericksburg. Commanding company in the above engagements. Provost Marshal, 2d Division, 5th Corps, May to August, 1963. Engaged at battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and action of Manassas Gap. Aide-de-Camp to General Ayres, New York City, August, 1863. Recruiting and mustering duty, September, 1863, to-March, 1-865. Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, January, 1864. With regiment in the field, and engaged in the operations terminating in the surrender of General R. E. Lee. Commanding company, Richmond, Va., to May, 1866. Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, District of Henrico, Richmond, Va., to May, 1867. Commanding company and Posts of City Springs, to November, 1867, and of Libby Prison, to March, 1868. Acting Assistant Judge-Advocate, 1st Military District, October, 1868, to MlIarch, 1869. Transferred to 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Commanding company, and on election and registration duty, in Mississippi. Brevet Captain U, S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsula campaign. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Commanding Post of Humboldt, Tennessee, from - toRICHARD VANCE. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HrsToRY.-Private 26th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, October, 1861. Second Lieutenant 26th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, June, 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 26th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, January, 1863, to July, 1865. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 28th U. S. Infantry. First Lieutenant 28th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the. 19th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. With regiment at Baton Rouge, La., from - to -. JOSEPH H. VAN-DERSLICE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Private U. S. Battalion of Engineers, January, 1851. Artificer, February, 1853. Corporal, August, 1855. Sergeant, 208 MIILITARY RECORD. October, 1856. At West Point, N. Y., to August, 1853. Surveying duty, Texas, to April, 1854. At West Point, N. Y., to; 1858. In the Utah expedition, March to October, 1858. At West Point, N. Y., to February, 1861; Washington, D. C., to April, 1861; Fort Pickens, Fla., to October,. 1861. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Recruiting duty, to May, 1862. Adjutant, 2d Battalion 14th U. S. Infantry, to January, 1863. Quartermaster 2d Battalion, and with regiment in the field, to September,.1863. Engaged at the battles of 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, action of Snicker's Gap, battles -of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, reconnaissance to Leetown, and action of Burketsville. Recruiting duty, to February, 1865. At WVashington, D. C., to May, 1865. Out of service, to December, 1865. At Fort Vancouver, W. T., March, 1866. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry,;March, 1866. At Camp McDowell, Arizona, and engaged against Apache Indians, May, 1866, to May, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. At Ash Barracks, Tennessee, from - to -. COURTLANDT VAN RENSSELAER. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861t, Regimental Adjutant, September, 1861, to October, 1862, Captain 13th UT. S. Infantry, June, 1862. Commanding company, to March, 1863. Commissary of Musters, 15th Army Corps, on staff of General Sherman, to June, 1863. At Camp of Drafted Men, Brattleboro', Vt., July to October, 1863. With regiment in the field, to June, 1864. Commanding escort, conveying remains of General McPherson to Clyde, Ohio. Commanding company, to September, 1864. Died at Nashville, Tennessee, October 7th, 1864. JOHN C. VAUGHAN. [Born in South Carolina.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MIILITARY HISTORY.-Military Store Keeper, Ordnance Department U. S. Army, August, 1861. Awaiting orders at Leavenworth City, Ks., to June, 1862. Assigned to command of Missouri Depot, Liberty, Mo. Did not take charge of Depot. Resigned, October, 1863. DAVID D. TANVALZAH. [Born in lllinois.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITA-RY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Cedar Mountain, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg (wounded), Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine MILITARY RECORD. 209 Run, and battle of the Wilderness, Va. Taken prisoner by the rebels. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1864. Transferred to the 30th U. S. Infantry. September, 1866. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to 25th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. NICHOLAS VEDDER. [Born in Newa Yorlk.-Appointed from Illinois.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers, September, 1861. On duty in Louisville, Ky., Pay District. Chief Paymaster of Corps of Field Paymasters, paying Sherman's Army, in its Atlanta campaign and subsequent operations. In Washington, D. C. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. Disbursing reconstruction fund, New Orleans, La. DAVID H. VEECH. [Born in, Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-FirSt Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. With battery at Camp Greble, Pa. Recruiting duty, Harrisburg, Pa. Hesigned, June, 1863. CARL VEITENHEIDMEI.[Born in Germrany.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, August, 1861. Engaged at the battle of Cross Keys, action of Freeman's Ford, Sulphur Springs, Waterloo Bridge, and battle of 2d Bull Run. Second Lieutenant 74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, October, 1862. Commanding company, April to July, 1863, and Oetober, 1863, to April, 1865. Engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded). Aide-de-Camp to General Schimmelfennig, Department of the South, August to November, 1863. Engaged in expeditions and skirmishes on James, John's and Seabrook Islands, S. C. First Lieutenant 74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, October, 1863. Captain 74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, July, 1864. In the Department of West Virginia, September, 1864, to August, 1865. Member of Board to Examine Volunteer Officers, April to May, 1865. Lieutenant-Colonel 74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, May, 1865. Commanding regiment and Post of Clarkesburg, West Va., June to August, 1865. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, November, 1866. Post Adjutant, Treasurer, Acting Assistant Quarter 210 MILITARY RECORD. master and Commissary of Subsistence, and Regimental Recruiting Officer, Fort Ontario, N. Y., June, 1866, to March, 1867. In the Deparment of the Platte, Mlarch, 1867, to -. [Correction and addition to record in first volume, page 481.] WILLIAM H. VINAL. [Born in 07io.-A4ppointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Private 17th Ohio Volunteer Battery, August, 1862, to August, 1865. Engaged in the assault on Ohickasaw Bayou, capture of Arkansas Post, operations against Vicksburg, battles of Fort Gibson, Champion Hill, action of B]3lack River, siege of Vicksburg, pursuit of the rebel General Johnston, expedition to Donaldsonville, Teche campaign, action of Carrion Crow Bayou, operations. against Mobile, and siege of Forts Morgan, Spanish, aind Blakely, Ala. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, October, 1866. President Board of Registration, Military Commissioner 18th Division of Virginia, and commanding Post of Warrenton. Transferred to 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Post of Lauderdale, Miss., 1869. At Post of Jackson, Miss., from January, 1870, to -. ANTHONY W. VOGDES. [Born in 3'ew York.-Appointedfrom Noew York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 100th New York Volunteer Infantry, August, 1863. Engaged at the siege of Forts Sumter, Wagner, and Gregg, S. C. Recruiting duty, Buffalo, N. Y., December, 1863, to April, 1864. First Lieutenant 100th New York Volunteer Infantry, November, 1863. Engaged at the actions of Post Walthall, Were Bottom Church, and Bermuda Hundred, Va. With Light Battery, 1st U. S. Artillery, July, 1864, to July, 1865. Engaged at the battle of Deep Bottom, action of Bermuda Hundred, siege of Petersburg, action of New Mlarket Heights, battle of Darbytown oadl, action of Laurel Hill, battle of Hatcher's Run, and capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, Va. In the expedition to Texas. Rejoined regiment at Richmond, Va. Brevet Captain and Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. At Fort Wayne, Mich., to April, 1867. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. At Fort Laramie, W. T., July, 1868, to April, 1869. Acting Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Fort Laramie, Aril, 1869. Unassigned, and re-assigned to the 4th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. At Fort Laramie, W. T., from May, 1869, to -, and Acting Post Signal Officer. Corrected from first Volume, page 482. M.ILITARY RECORD. 211 THEOPtHILUS B. VON MICHALOWSKI. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from the Arny.] MILITAiRY HISTOrY.-Second. Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battle of Gaines' Mill, action of Golding's Farm, battles of Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. First Lieutenant 1st U. S.'Artillery, May, 1863. Engaged at the battle of Beverly Ford, actions of Middleburg, Upperville, Ashby's Gap, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Williamsport, Boonsboro', Wapping Heights, battles of Bristoe Station, Cold Harbor, action of Bottom Bridge, battle of Trevillian Station, actions of St. Mary's Church, Malvern and Lee's Hills, Va. With Light Battery of regiment in Texas. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near St. Mary's Church, Virginia. Resigned, August, 1867. FREDERICH C. VON SCHIRACH. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from Mdissouri.] MRAILITARY HrISTORY.-Private U. S. Volunteers, April, 1861. Engaged at the actions of Sulphur Springs, Rapidan. Germania Ford, battles of Cross Keys, and 2d Bull Run, Va. (Wounded and lost right foot.) Captain 7th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, March, 1865. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 43d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Va. Captain U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from wounds received. ALEXANDER YON SCHRADER. [Born in Germany.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, December, 1861. Colonel 74th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, May, 1863. Declined the appointment. Resigned, April, 1865. Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, February, 1865. Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Inspector-General, lU. S. Volunteers. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers (Inspector-General, Department of the Cumberland), for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet BrigadierGeneral U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Stone River, Tennessee, and Chickamauga, Georgia, during the Atlanta campaign, and particularly for the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Major 39th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. Died at New Orleans, Louisiana, August 6, 1867. 212 MILITARY RECORD. JOSEPH J. WAGONER. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Ar~my.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. On recruiting duty. Engaged at the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, battles of Perryville, Stone River, Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and the Atlanta campaign. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, June, 1865. Transferred to the 37th U. S. Infantry, by re-organization of the Army. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious services in battle, before Atlanta, Ga. Died at Miami City, Ohio, September 12th, 1866. GEORGE R. WALBRIDGE. [Born in lYew York.-Appointed from Wisconsin.] MILITARIY HIsTORY.-Entered the Volunteer service, October, 1861. Engaged at the action of Memphis, siege of Corinth, and battle of Shiloh (wounded in left foot). Captain Veteran Reserve Corps, July, 1863. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Out of service. WILLIAM H. WALCOTT. [Born in Massachusetts.-Ap2pointed from Rhode Island.] MILITARY HISTORY —First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, -May, 1861. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, February, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel U. S. Army. Retired from the U. S. Army (for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty), January, 1865. JOHN P. WALES. [Born in Delaware.-Appointed from Delaware.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. At Fort Preble, Maine, winter of 1861 and 1862. Joined Army of the Potomac. Provost Guard, Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac. Rejoined battalion of regiment and engaged at the battles of 2d Bull Run, Antietam, FredericksLurg, and Chancellorsville. Superintendent regimental recruiting service, Fort Preble, Portland, Me., May to June, 1863. Recruiting duty, Portland, Maine, to July, 1864. Rejoined battalion in the field. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Resigned, March, 1865. MILITARY RECORD. 213 FERGUS WALKER. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from Newo York.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Private U. S. Volunteers, May, 1861. Engaged at the battle of 1st Bull Run, siege of Yorktown, battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, 2d Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksbusg, and Chancellorsville, Va. Lost his left leg and wounded in the right shoulder. Entered the Veteran Reserve Corps, October, 1863. Captain Veteran Reserve Corps. Captain 43d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 1st U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Major U. S.,Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. JOHN S. WALKER. [Born in 1Maine.-Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY IISTORY.-MIajor and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers, February, 1864. At Port Royal, S. C., Norfolk and Richmond, Va. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious conduct. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. At New Orleans, La. CIVIL HISTORY. —Student of law. LEICESTER WALKER. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, M1ay, 1861. With company, Acting Quartermaster and commanding company in the field, to June, 1863. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1862. Aide-de-Camp to General Buford, and at Cavalry Corps Head-Quarters, to January, 1864. Captain 5th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1863. Commissary of Musters, Cavalry Corps, to August, 1864. At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to December, 1864. Musteriig and Disbursing Officer, Columbus, Ohio, January to June, 1865. Commanding company and detachment 5th U. S. Cavalry, to March, 1866. Commanding company and detachments of recruits at Aiken, S. C., Fort Lyons, C. T., and Fort Harker, Kansas. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Beverly Ford, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Yellow Tavern, Virginia. Battles, etc., in which engaged not furnished from Regimental HeadQuarters. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. MOSES B. WALKER. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Colonel 37th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, September, 1861. Brevet Brigadier 214 MILITARY RECORD. General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major and Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Recruiting duty in Ohio, August, 1865, to February, 1866. Colonel U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. WILLIAM M. WALLACE. [Born in Wisconsin.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, October, 1866. With company at Georgetown, S. C., to January, 1868. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, S6ptember, 1867. At Wilmington, N. C., Darlington and Columbia, S. C. On duty with Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., September, 1868, to April, 1869. At Fort Johnson, N. C., to May, 1869. Unassigned, May, 1869, to December, 1870. Assigned to 6th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. WILLIAM S. WALLACE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointedfrom Illinois.] MILITARY IrISTroY.-Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, May, 1861. Retired, March, 1866, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Springfield, Illinois, May 22d, 1867. WILLIAM WALTERS. [Born itn England.-Appointed from New York.] MILTARY tISTORY.-Military Store Keeper, Ordnance Department U. S. Army, September, 1862. At New York Arsenal to June, 1864. Died at New York Arsenal, June 27th, 1864. GEORGE S. L. WARD. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY ]HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, May, 1863. Engaged at the battle of Brandy Station, action of Aldie, battle of Gettysburg, actions: of' Shepherdstown, Culpepper CourtHouse, Occoquam, battle of New Hope Church, and action of Parker's Store. At Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac, February, 1864. Engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-House, North Anna,} Cold Harbor, and siege of Petersburg, June to December, 1864. MILITARY RECORD. 215 First Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1864. Engaged at the battle of Boydton Road, Va. Captain 3d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1864. Commanding squadron, and engaged at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va, (severely wounded). Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. With regiment to August, 1868. Aide-de-Camp to MajorGeneral Hancock. Transferred to 22d U. S. Infantry, Maj, 1869. At Fort Sully, D. T., from — to-. ISAAC M. WARD. [Born sn Kentucky.-Appointed from the r1rmy.] MLTTIARY HISTTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1862. Joined regiment October, 1861. Aide-de-Camp to General Pleasanton, Army of the Potomac, August, 1862, to April, 1863. Rejoined regiment April, 1863. Killed and left on the field, at the battle of Beverly Ford, Virginia, June 9th, 1863. JAMES K. WARDEN. [Born in lAew Y-ork.-Apointed from N2ew York.] MILITARY HIIsTORY.-Entered the Volhnteer service, September, 1861. Engaged at the action of Georgia Landing, and battle of Bisland. Wounded in left wrist and side. First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, February, 1865. First Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Regimental Adjutant, March, 1867. Transferred to the I4th U. S. Infantry. Drowned while crossing the Ohio River, near Jeffersonville, Indiana, December 15th, 1869. HANSON E. WEAVER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] MILITARY. HISTORY.-Hanson Weaver should read Hanson E. Weaver. Correction from first volume, page 488. CHARLES H. WEBBER. [Born in Distr et of Coltumbia.-Appointed from Mlassachusetts.] 3ILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, May, 1855. Served in Florida and Texas, First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Artillery, April, 1861. Captain 1st U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. At Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida. - Joined battery in the Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battle of Williamsburg, Va. Out of service, October, 1862. CIvIL. HISTORY.-Profession of Civil Engineer. 216 MILITARY RECORD. CHARLES T. WELD. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Cbharles F. Weld should read Charles T. Weld. Correction from first volume, page 490. ROBERT G. WELLES. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from Connecticut.] 1VMILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861..First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill. On recruiting and mustering duty. Rejoined regiment, and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Captain 10th Ui. S. Infantry, November, 1863. Resigned, December, 1665. DANIEL T. WELLS. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISrTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, October, 1861. First Lieutbnant and Captain 1st Michigan Volunteer Cavalry. With regiment in the field to August, 1863, and engaged in the operations of Banks' Corps. Captured by the rebels at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Va. Paroled for three months to conduct prisoners of war to Union lines. Joined regiment in the field, and engaged in the Peninsula campaign. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. ~With 1st Michigan. Volunteer Cavalry to August, 1863. Joined 8th U. S. Infantry August, 1863. On detached service wifh prisoners to Johnson's Island, New Orleans, La., Fortress Monroe, and Middle Military Department. At Hart's Island, N. Y. H. to April, 1864. With company in the 9th Army Corps. Commissary of Mlusters 18th Army Corps, June to December, 1864. Engaged at the siege of Petersburg, battle of Chapin's Farm, and capture of Fort Harrison. Joined company near Baltimore, Md., December, 1864. Commanding company to February, 1865. Acting Assistant Inspector-General 3d Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, to April, 1865. With company to May, 1865. Assistant Commissary of Musters, 8th Army Corps, to August, 1865. Aide-de Camp to General, Ayres, and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Winchester, Va., January to April, 1866. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Commanding company at Raleigh, N. C. to June, 1866, and at Morgantown, N. C., to September, 1866. Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Military Command of North Carolina, to April, 1867. Regimental Adjutant, November, 1866. Adjutant, Post of Raleigh, N. C. Resigned position of Regimental Adjutant, March, 1868. Commanding company, June to December, 1868. Sub Post of Laurensville, S. C., October to November, 1868; at Columbia, S. C. to March, 1870; Spartanburg, S. C. to'July, 1870; commanding company, April to May, 1870; M1LITARY RECORD. 217 commanding company at Columbia, S. C., and David's Island, N. Y. H., October to December, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault upon Fort Harrison, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant conduct at Fort Harrison, Virginia, and the succeeding engagements at that place. General recruiting duty, Philadelphia, Pa., from December, 1870, toEUGENE WELLS. [Born in Missouri.-Appointed from Missouri. ] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Engaged at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, September, 1863. Transferred to the 30th; U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. HENRY S. WELTON. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed fromw. Virginia.] MILITARY HIsrouY. —Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. On recruiting duty. With Army of the Potomac, summer of 1862. Joined Army of the Cumberland, spring of 1863. Resigned, November, 1863. OLIVER WETMORE, JR. [Born in e'ew Jersey.-Appointed from.Yew York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private, Engineer Corps, 7th New York National Guards, and 3d Sergeant in the line, 1854 to 1859. Commissary Sergeant 13th New.York National Guards (Brooklyn), to January, 1861. Engaged organizing 40th Regiment New York Volunteers. Regiment not accepted, as the quota for two years troops was filled. First Lieutenant 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, April, 1861. Captain 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, August, J1861. Engaged in the Peninsula campaign of the Army of the Potomac to June, 1862. Captain New York Marine Artillery, December, 1862, to March, 1863. Senior Major 13th New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery, September, 1863, to July, 1865. Commanding line of defences protecting the Norfolk Navy Yard, also Posts of Forts Griswold, Rodman, Woodruff, Reno, Haztell, Cushing, O'Rourke, and Currituck, N. C. Acting Chief of Artillery on staff of General Getty. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. With regiment in Arkansas from - to-. C(IVIL HIISTORY.-Graduate of the New York University, 1850.: Assistant-Professor of History, Belles-Lettres, and Instructor of Elocution, New York Free Academy, now the College of the City of New York, 1851 to 1853. Resigned, and engaged in mercantile business. Declined the appointment of a Cadetship at West Point, 1846. YOL. II.-15 218 JMILiTARY 7BECORID. JAMES N. WHEELAN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Nc2w York.] MILITARY HIsroRY.-Private 1st New York Volunteer Mounted Rifles, July, 1861. Second Lieutenant 1st New York Volunteer Mounted Rifles, December, 1861. Captain 1st New York Volunteer Mounted Rifles, February, 1862. Major 1st New York Volunteer Mounted Rifles, August, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel 1st New York Volunteer Mlounted Rifles, August, 1865. Served in Virginia and North Carolina. Honorably mentioned in Orders from the War Department, for engagement with rebels under General R. A. Pryor, in front of Suffolk; also for engagement at -Charles City Court-House, resulting in the capture of an entire battalion of Confederate troops. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry,. July, 1866. At Camp Stambaugh, Wyoming Territory, from - to -. LEONARD J. WHITING. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from ~Maine.] 3MILITARY HISTORY.- Entered the Volunteer service, August, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Seven D)ays' Fight, and operations before Richmond, 1862. Lost right arm. Captain U. S. Vet-. eran Reserve Corps, December, 1863. Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, June, 1868. Unassigned, July, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Peninsula campaign, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity arising from wounds received. WILLIAM WHISTLER. [Born in Maryland.-A4ppointed from N. tW. T.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant ist U. S. Infantry, June, 1801. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, 1807. Engaged in the war of 1812 to 1815, with Great Britainr. Distinguished at the battle of. Maguago, Michigan, August, 1812. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, 1812. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for ten years' faithful service. Major 2d U. S. Infantry, 1826. Lieutenant-Colonel 7th U. S. Infantry,.1834. Colonel 4th U. S. Infantry, 1845.. Retired October, 1861, on his own application, after oyer 40 consecutive years of service. Died at Newport, Kentucky, December 4, 1863. MILITARY RECORD. 219 FOLLIOTT A. WHITNEY. [Born in District of Columbla.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] M1rrITTRY IrsToRY. —Second Lieutenant company of Independent Volunteer Cavalry, April, 1862. Engaged at the actions of Aldie, Warrenton, and Rappahannock, and 2d battle of Bull Run (wounded). Second Lieutenant Invalid Corps, June, 1863. Aide-de-Camp and Acting Assistant Inspector-General. Brevet First Lieutenant, Captain, and Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. - Second Lieutenant &th U. S. Infantry, MN/Iay, 1866. At Morgantown, N. C., to December, 1866. Commanding company at Raleigh, N. C. Acting Assistant AdjutantGeneral, Military Command of North Carolina, November, 1866. Aidede-Camp to General Robinson to April, 1867. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, November, 1866. Adjutant, Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Commissary of Subsistence, Fayetteville, N. C., to December, 1867. At Columbia, Edgefield, Raleigh, N. C., and Charleston, S. C., to October, 1870. Post Adjutant, Acting Assistant Quartermaster, and Commissary of Subsistence. Commanding detachment of regiment at Unionville, S. C. At David's Island, New York Harbor, from October, 1870, to July, 1872. En route to Fort Rice, D. T., to August, 1872. On Yellow Stone expedition, escort to Surveying -Party, Northern Pacific Railroad, from Fort Rice, D. T., west of the Yellow Stone River, Montana, and return, from August, 1872, to October, 1872. En route to and at Fort D. A. Rusel, -W. T., from October, 1872, to -. SAMUEL M. WHITSIDE. [Born int Canada. —Appointed from the Army.] MiILITARY HISTORY.-Sergeant-Major 6th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. Acting Aide-deCamp to General McClellan, and engaged in all the battles of the Army of the.Potomac, while said Army was under his command. Acting Aide-deCamp to General Banks, and engaged in the operations before Port Hudson. Acting Assistant Quartermaster of command. Aide-de-Camp to General MIartindale, commanding District of Washington. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1864. Aide-de-Camp to General Pleasanton, Army of the Potomac. Severely injured at Culpepper Court-House, Virginia. Mlustering and Disbursing Officer, State of Rhode Island, Providence, April, 1864, to February, 1865. Chief Commissary of Musters, Army of the Shenandoah, mustering out of service 30,000 men. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1866. Brevet Captain and Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. With regiment in Texas, from November, 1865, to -. EDWARD W. WHITTEMORE. [Born itn Massachusetts.-Appoirnted from Massachusetts.] -MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, October, 1871 Joined regiment at Fort Preble, Maine. Engaged at the battle of 220 MILITARY RECORD. Gaines' Mill, Va., and taken prisoner by the rebels. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, March, 1865. Transferred to 35th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. FREDERICK WHYTE. [Born in Englarnd.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Military Store Keeper, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army, October, 1865. At Washington Arsenal, Washington, D. C., from October, 1865, to -. CIVIL HisToRY.-Clerk to Commanding Officer, Washington Arsenal, 1843 to 1850. Member of U. S. Coast Survey to 1861. Chief Clerk, Washington Arsenal, to 1855. AUGUSTUS TW. WIGGIN. [Born in Neow IHampshire.-A ppoirnted from Newo Hampshire.] MIILITARY H:ISTORY.-Medical Cadet, U. S. Army, June, 1864. Served at Transit Hospital, Battery, N. Y. City; at Hospital Transport Atlantic, plying betweeni N. Y., Fort Monroe, Va., and Savannah, Ga. At Lincoln Hospital, Washington, I). C., October, 1864, to May, 1865. Assistant Surgeon 5th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery, May, 1865. At Vicksburg and Granada; Miss., to May, 1866. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, at Forts Harker, Hays, and Wallace, Kansas, and scouting duty, June, 1867, to July, 1868. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, November, 1868. At the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. In the Department of the Columbia from November, 1869, to -. At Camp Warner, Fort Stevens, and Fort Colville, W. T., from to CIVIL EIsTORY.-Degree of A. B. conferred by Dartmouth College, 1862. Degree of M. D. conferred by Medical Department, Georgetown College, Washington, D. C., 1865. EDGAR N. WILCOX. [Born in Massach7usetts.-Appointed from the Artmy.] ~MILITARY HISTOR. —Private 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, June, 1861. Engaged at action of Cross Lanes, West Va. Private 18th U. S. Infantry, February,'1862. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. Engaged at the action of Hoover's Gap, and battle of Chickamauga. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, September, 1863. Engaged at the battles of Resacca, New Hope Church, May, 1864; New HEope Church, June, 1864, and Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. At Lookout Mountain, Ga.; Louisville, KIy.; Fort Leavenworth, Ks.; Fort Kearney, Neb.; Fort MIcPherson, Neb.; Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; Fort Morgan, M.ILITARY RECORD. 221 C. T.; Camp Douglas, Utah, from October, 1864, to August, 1866. On recruiting duty, Fort Columbus and David's Island, N. Y. H., October, 1866, to January, 1868. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. At Forts Reno and Fetterman, D. T.; Forts Russell and Pine Bluff, W. T., and McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., to April, 1869. General recruiting service, Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, from July, 1869, to -. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., and in the Atlanta campaign. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army. CIVIL HISTORY.-Graduate of lMichigan University. Profession, Civil Engineer. THOMAS WILHELM. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointedfrobn Pennsylvania.] MILITARY tISTORY.-Captain 6th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, April to July, 1861. Captain 2d Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artillery, December, 1861, to November, 1862. Major 2d Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artillery, November, 1862, to April, 1864. Colonel Pennsylvania Volunteers, April, 1864. Commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1864. Engaged at the battles of the Wil-'derness, Spottsylvania Court-House, and Cold Harbor, Virginia. Wounded. Engaged in the several battles while establishing the Army before Petersburg, Va., June, 1864. Acting Assistant Inspector-General, Ist Division, 22d Corps, 1864. Recorder of a Board for the examination of officers, at Washington, D. C., 1864. Commanding 2d Brigade, 22d Corps, 1864. Captain 7th U. S. Veteran Volunteers, July, 1865. Provost Marshal; Philadelphia, Pa., to April, 1866. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. At Newbern, N. C., to December, 1867. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, August, 1866. At Georgetown, S. C., to January, 1868. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence.from December, 1867. Superintending work at the National Cemetery, Salisbury, N. C., to February, 1868. Regimerntal Adjutant 8th U. S. Infantry, March, 1868. At Raleigh, N. C., Charleston, S. C., Summerville, S. C., and Columbia, S. C., to October, 1870. Acting Assistant AdjutantGeneral, District of South Carolina, August, 1868, to February, 1869. At David's Island, New York Harbor. At Omaha, Neb., July to October, 1872. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Va. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gal-: lant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. At Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from November, 1872, to -. ALEXANDER WILKIN. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Minnesota.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Captain 1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Major U. S. Volunteers. Colonel 9th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. IKilled at the battle of Tupelo, Miss., July 14th, 1864. 222 XILITAR Y 1tECORD. CHIARLES WILIKINS. [Bormb in.-plapcsinted frcm.ifasscelseetts.] M]IIITArnY HisonRY.-Military Store Keeper, Ordnance Department, UI. -8. Army, February, 1862. At Frankhfort Arsenal, liay, 1862, to February, 1863. Charge of Detroit Arsenal to January, 1865. Died at Detroit Arsenal, Jan-uary 18th, 1865. GEORGE L. WILLARD. [Bovrn in New o ork. -Alointed fqromr tUe Arm1y.] IMILITARY HISTORY.-Sergeant 15th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Infantry, June, 1848. First Lieutenant sth U. S. Inflantry. Captain 8th UT. S. Infantry, April, 1861. MSajor 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Colonel U; S. Volunteers. Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1863. WTELLS 1WILLARD. [Born in 3ficassachuseuts.-A ppyointed fromz M3 eassacdatsetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 21st MIassachusetts ~VolunLeer Infantry, August, 1861. In North Carolina, and engaged at the capture of Roanoke Island, battle of Newbern, and action of South 1Tills, N. C., battles of 2d Bull Run (Adjutant), and. Chantilly, Va. Taken prisoner and paroled. Captain 34th MIassachusetts Volunteer Infantry, September, 1862. Engaged at the action of Ripon, and battle of New Market, Va. (wounded). On staff duty. Rejoined regiment, and was taken prisoner by the rebels at Stickney's Farm, October, 1864, and confined at Libby and Danville prisons to February, 1865. Commanding regiment at Rich-:mond, na., April to July, 1865. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to 37th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 37th U. S. Infantry, November, 1868. On duty as Acting Assistant Qurtermaster and Commissary of Subsistence. Agent for the Nlavajoe Indians. Depot Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Fort Union, New MIexico. Assigned to 5th U. S. Artillery, January, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chantilly, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of New M~arket, Virginia. CIvIL HIsToORY-.Engaged in the manufacture of niachinery. Clerk in Boston Custom House. 31ILITARY RECORD. 223 AUGUSTUS H. D. WILLIAMS. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-[First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers.-Army Register.] Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1865. Escort to General Grant to January, 1866. Detached service, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.. to September, 1866. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1866. Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Post of Winchester, Va., to April, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Petersburg, Virginia. Battles, etc., in which engaged not forwarded from Regimental Head-Quarters. Retired, July, 1868, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. HENRY R. WILLIAMS. [Bornian New York. —Apointed from Niew York.] MILITARY HIsToORY.-Entered the Volunteer service, April, 1861. Engaged at the battles of 1st and 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, actions of Falmouth and Culpepper Court-House, Va. Received a gunshot wound in the left thigh. Second Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps, December, 1864. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, December, 1868. Unassigned, July, 1869. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. THOMAS WILLIAMS, JR. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MIIITARY HIISTORY.-First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. Recruiting duty, Pittsburg, Pa., 1862. On staff of General McDowell. Detached service, 1864 and 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the'battle of Manassas, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, October, 1866. WILLIAM M. WILLIAMS. [Born in Ohio.-Appointedjroom Ohio.l MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 45th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, August, 1862. Second Lieutenant 45th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, February, 1863. 224 MILITARY RECORD. Adjutant of regiment from June to December, 1864. Captain 45th Ohio Volunteers. Acting Assistant Adjutant-General of Brigade, 4th Army Corps, to June, 1865. Engaged in General Burnside's East Tennessee campaign, Sherman's Atlanta campaign, and battle of Nashville, Tenn. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for good conduct in action during the pursuit of the rebel General Morgan through Indiana and Ohio. Second Lieuternant 28th U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. Transferred to the 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. With regiment at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., from t- o -. WILLIAM W. WILLIAMS. [Born in Alabama.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, November, 1862. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, December, 1862. Station and duties unknown at Regimental Head-.Quarters. Killed near 3Boonesboro', Md., July 5th, 1863. DAVID R. WILSON. [Born in District of Cotumbia.-Appointed from Illinois.] MILITARY HISTonY.-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Regimental recruiting duty, Illinois, to September, 1861; Grand Rapids, Mich., to November, 1861; McGregor, January to Apcil, 1862; Philadelphia to July, 1862. Detroit, Mich., to September, 1862, and at Head-Quarters, Chicago, Ill. Charge of recruits, October, 1862. Recruiting duty, Chicago, to November, 1862; Youngstown, Ohio, to January, 1862. At Regimental Head-Quarters, Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y., February, 1863. Out of service February, 1863. LEWIS WILSON. [Born in Ohio. —Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On recruiting duty to Fall of 1861. Joined regiment in the Army of the Cumberland and engaged at the battle of Shiloh, and siege of Corinth. On recruiting duty. Joined regiment during the Atlanta campaign. Resigned, July, 1864. ROBERT P. WILSON. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from Virginia.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, January, 1865. Transferred to the MILITARY RECORD. 225 26th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 10th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. WILLIAM J. WILSON. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed fiom Missouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Acting AssistantsSurgeon U. S. Army, September, 1864, to March, 1865. With the Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, present at action of Davis Farm, in front of Petersburg, battle on the Boydton Plank Road, capture and burning of Stony Creek Depot, Weldon Railroad, and raid on the Weldon Railroad from Jarrett's Depot to flicksford, Va. With Cavalry Division Hospital and Field Hospital, at action of Hatcher's Run, Va. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, April, 1865. Medical Officer, Camp Distribution, Petersburg, Va., to May, 1865. Assistant Surgeon 13th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, May to August, 1865. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, October, 1867. Medical Lirector's Office, General Ord's Head-Quarters, Holly Springs, Miss., to January,. 1868. Post Surgeon, Holly Springs, Miss., to September, 1868; Jackson, Miss., to March, 1869. With 15th U. S. Infantry, in Texas, and en route to Galveston, to April, 1869. Post Surgeon, Fort Brown, Texas, from April, 1869, to -. THEODORE W.- WING. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from KIentucky.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant and Adjutant 35th Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry. In all the battles and engagements of the regiment. First Lieutenant 18th Kentucky Cavalry. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1867. En route to join his regiment in Texas. Died of yellow fever, at New Orleans, La., September, 26th, 1867. CIVIL HIsToRY. Student of Law at the Michigan University. WILLIAM H. WINTERS. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Private 6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, April to June, 1861. First Lieutenant 27th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, July, 1861. Engaged at the siege and capture of New Madrid, Island No. 10, and operations against Corinth. Captain 27th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, June, 1862, and engaged at the battles of Iulka and Corinth. Resigned, November, 1862. Private and non-commissioned officer, Ist U. S. Cavalry, September, 1864, to March, 1865. Engaged at the battle of Winchester, actions of Waynesboro', Wooodstock, battle of Cedar Creek, and expedi 226 MILITARY RECORD. tion to and action at Gordonsville. Second Lieutenant lst U. S. Cavalry, March, 1865. With regiment at New Orleans, and en route to California, to AMarch, 1866. In Arizona, June, 1866, to April, 1870. First Lieutenliant 1st U. S. Cavalry, August, 1866. Engaged against Apache Indians at Tonto Creek, Mule Mountains, Chincahua Mountains, Santa-Catarina Mountains, Apache Mountains, Mount Turnbull, and Chiricahua Mountains. Assistant Adjutant-General, District of Arizona, May, 1868, to August, 1869. WILLIAM W. WISE. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY.- Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, Mlay, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Shiloh, Chaplin Hills, and Stone River, where he was killed, December, 31st, 1863. PRANCIS WISTAR. [Born in Pennlsylvaia.-Appointed from Pennsylvacnia.] MILIfAARY HISTORYo.-Cap.tain 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. On recruiting duty. Commanding battalion in the field. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, operations on the Chickahomeny, battles of Gaines' Mill, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Colonel 215th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, November, 1864. With regiment in the Army of the Potomac to May, 1865. Regimental recruiting duty, August, 1865, to April, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, April, 1866. JAMES B. WITHEREI LL. [Bo:n m 1Michigacn.-Appointed fro0 Michigan.J MILITAXRY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1855. Distinguished in the defeat of Indians near Pecos River, Texas, September, 1856. Commanding troops, and engaged in defeat of Indians, December, 1856. Distinguished in the defeat of Indians in a severe conflict near the head of the Nueces River, Texas, in which engagement he was severely wounded, and again distinguished in Van Dorn's action with Comanche Indians, May, 1859. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry. Supposed to have been drowned at the mouth of the Rio Grande, Texas, March 20, 1861. MILJTARY RECORD. 227 FRANCIS C. WOOD. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Served as an enlisted man in the 4th IT. S. Cavalry. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, [May, 1863. Died April 23d, 1863, of wounds received in a skirmish with the enemy at Mliddleton, Tennessee. ALFRED A. WOODHIULL. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from Kansas.] MILITARY HISTOnY.-Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, September, 1861. Hospital duty,, Georgetown, D. C. ~With 2d U. S. Infantry and other troops. (Washington, to March, 1862.) Army of the Potomac, October, 1861, to November, 1862. Temporary charge Stewart's Hospital, and attending officers, Baltimore, December, 1862. Medical Director's Office,'Middle Department, Baltimore, to November, 1863. Medical Director's Office, Department of Virginia and North Carolina, Fort Monroe, Va., November, 1863, to May, 1864. Medical Director's Office, Army of the James, (Acting Medical Inspector after August, 1864,) to May, 1865. Hospital duty, Point of Rocks, Va., to May, 1865. Brevet Captain, Major, and Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. In Surgeon-General's Office, Washington; D. C., from June, 1865, to-. Correction of record in first volume, page 127. CARLE A. WOODRUFF. [ Born inNewm York. —Appointed at Laxrge.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. Commanding battery at Camp Duncan, Washington, D. C., to February, 1872. With Horse Artillery, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at siege of Yorktown, battle of Williamsburg, actions of Slatersville, Chickah6meny, Mechanicsville, Meadow Bridge, Seven Days' Fight, and battles of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, July, 1862. Engaged at actions of Shepherdstown, Charlestown, Warrentown, in reserve at battle of Fredericksburg, Stoneman's raid to Richmond (commanding portion of Horse Battery), battle of Beverly Ford, actions of Hanover and Hunterstown, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Monterey Springs, Williamsport, Boonesboro', Hagerstown, Falling Waters, Battle Mountain, expedition to Hartwood Church, actions of James City and Brandy Station, movement to Centreville, actions of Buckland Mills and Morton's Ford, Sheridan's raid to Richmond, actions of Craig's Meeting-House, raid to Gordonsville, battle of Trevillian Station, movement to the Shenandoah Valley, actions of WTalpeit's Cross-Roads, and Opequan Creek. Commanding horse battery September, 1864, to August, 1865, and engaged at the action of Lacey Springs, Sheridan's march to near 228 MI~LITARY RECORD. Petersburg, action of Waynesboro, battle of Dinwiddie Courrt-House, Five Forks, Sailor's Creek, action of Appomattox Station, and capitulation at Appomattox Court-House, Virginia. En route to California, and at Angel Island, Fort Point, and Presidio, Cal., to July, 1866. Captain 12th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866, (declined.) On recruiting duty to January, 1868. At Alcatraz Island, Cal., to July, 1869. Acting Asisstant Quartermaster, Assistant Commissary of Subsistence. Post Adjutant and Treasurer from March, 1868. Captain 2d U. S. Artillery, May, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Trevillian Station, Virginia. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Commanding battery, and Post of Fort Kodiak, Alaska, from May, 1870, to — DICKINSON WOODRUFF. [Bornr in Newo Jersey.-Appointed fromn New Jersey.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding a battalion of New Jersey Volunteers for the Mexican war. Captain 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1855. Served on the Pacific coast. Major 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Superintendent regimental recruiting service, January, 1864, to June, 1866. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry by the reorganization of the Army. Commanding Sub-District, 1st Military District, Head-Quarters, Norfolk, Va., February to June, 1868. Assistant Inspector-General, Head-Quarters ist Military District, Richmond, Va. Lieutenant-Colonel 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1868. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received; from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. ALBERT -E. WOODSON. [Born in Keatulcy.-Appointed frogn Idaho Territory.] MILITARY HISTORYnr.-Second Lieutenant 1st Washington Territory Volunteer Infantry, March, 1863. Served in Washington and Idaho Territories. First Lieutenant 36th U. S. Infantry, August, 1867. Assigned to 5th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. On duty in the Department of the Platte, and Arizona. G:EORGE T. WOODSON. [Born in Virginia. -Appointed from Xlisssouri.] MILITARY IHISTORY.-Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Mustering Officer, Chicago, Ill., to October, 1861. Regimental recruitihg service, Tasale, Ill., to March, 1862, and at Dalingen, Ill., to December, 1862. Out of service, January, 1863. .MILITARY RECORD. 229 EDWARD WRIGHT. [Born in M3assachusetts.-Appointed fron llinos.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Major and Aide-de-Camp, U. S. Volunteers. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, February, 1864. At Washington, D. C., and Disbursing Agent Freedmen's Bureau, Alabama. Brevet LieutenantColonel and Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. At Omaha, Nebraska. EDWARD H. WRIGHT. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from Neew Jersey.] MFILITARY HISTORY.- Major 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to Lieutenant-General Scott. Resigned, April, 1863. GEORGE B. WRIGHT. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsTorY.- Military Store Keeper, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army, November, 1863. At Columbus Arsenal. Resigned, March, 1864. TIIOMAS S. WRIGHT. [Born in. —Appointedfromn.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Sergeant, company, 1st Battalion 14th U. S. Infantry. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Inftntry, June, 1862. Engaged at the battles of.Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill, Virginia. Out of service, July, 1862. LOUIS. E. YORKE. [Born in Newo Jersey.-Appointed from New. Jersey.j MILITARY HrsToRY.-Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Recruiting duty, Peoria, Ill.; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Dubuque, Iowa, to July, 1862. Commanding company to February, 1863, anid from May to July, 1863. Commissary of Musters, 15th Army Corps, to September, 1864. Assistant Inspector-General 15th Army Corps, to August, 1865. Aide-de Camp to General Blair, Head-Quarters Department of the Missouri. Resigned, November, 1865. 230 J]fIlTARY RECORD. JOHN H. YOUNG. [Born in Of1io.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HiSTORY.-Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, Mtay, 1861. Recruiting duty to April, 1862. Commanding company before Corinth, to June, 1862. Mustering Officer, Nashville, Tenn., to January, 1863. Commissary of Musters, Department of the Cumberland, to July, 1863. In the field, on staff of General IRosecrans, to November, 1863. Engaged at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. At Nashville, Tenn., to October, 1864. With regiment at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., to August, 1866. Transferred to the 33d U.-S. Infantry, by the re-organization of the Army. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Out of service, November, 1866. PART II. NAMES OF OFFICERS OF WVHOM NO RECORDS COULD BE OBTAINED; WHO ARE DEAD; THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED BREVETS, AND HAVE RESIGNED, BEEN MUSTERED OUT, OR ARE STILL IN THE SERVICE, AND THOSE WITH CONFIRMED BREVETS, AND TO WHOM NO COMMISSIONS WERE ISSUED BY THE W:AR DEPARTMENT. PAR T II. EDWARD S. ABBOTT. [Torn irn ~iassachusetts.-Appoi nted from the Army.1 MIT,rTAllr IrISTORV.-Second Lieutenant 17th U1. S. Infantry, Novem-her, 1862. First Lieutenant 17th T. S. Infantry, ICillod at the battle of Gettysburg', Pa., July 2, 1863. B3ENJAMIIN ABRAHAlMS. [Porn in Massachusetts. —Appointedfrom larayand.] jILITAIRY HISTORt.-Second ILieutenant 39th IT. S. Infantry, January,1867. Diecd at Greenville, La., September 13, 1867. JOiN I. ADAIR. PBoin i'n Penn.sylevania.-Appointed from fthe Armg.] MILITAT. HIIsTon. —-Seconcd Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, March, 1863. Regimental Adcljutant 18th VJ. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain.. S. Army,' for gallant atnd meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Atlanta, Georgia. Pt-signed, January, 1867. JOH; N Q1. ADAMS, [Born in New Y rk.-aAppointed from Okio.] MTLTARYl HISTORY —Seond Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps. Setoncl Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, August, 1867. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, September, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U, S. Army, for gallant aihd meritorious services in the Signal Corps, at the battle of Alatoona, VOL. II — 16 234 MILITARY RECORD. Georgia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Signal Corps, at the capture of Fort McAllister, and Savannah, Georgia, and during the war. CHARLES C. ALESHIRE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointedfrom Ohio. ] MILITARY H-ISTORY. — Captain 18th Ohio Volunteer Battery. Brevet Mfajor U. S. Volunteers, for gallant services during the Atlanta campaign. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, 3May, 1866. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, February, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Georgia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged November, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. JOHIN W. AMiES. [Born in llfassacchusetts. —Appointed from iassactusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Resigned, October, 1866. LEWIS A. ARNOLD. [[Born in Zewo York. —Alppointed from tfassachusetts.] MILITARY HrsrorY.-Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. Died at New Orleans, La., September 25th, 1867. GEORGE ATCHESON. [Born in eVew York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, January, 1865. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to the 7th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. MILITARY RECORD. 235 WILLIAM P. ATWELL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Wisconsin.] MILITARY HIsTORY. First Lieutenant 37th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in action before Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in action before Petersburg, Viiginia. Second Lieutenant 43d U. S. Infantry, January,. 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Petersburg, Virginia, July 30th, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Captain U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. WILLIAM ATWOOD. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIIsTORY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1866. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, July, 1867. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to the 21st U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. Drowned by wreck of steamer R. G. Colburn, in Lake Huron, Miich., October 15th, 1871. HENRY AYRES. [Born in New Yurk. —Appointed frorm N3ew York.] iMILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant, U. S. Signal Corps. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the City of Mobile, Alabama, and its defences. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1868. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. JOHN M. BACON. [Born in Kentucky. —Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major U. S. Volunteers. Captain 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Resacca, Georgia. Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Sherman, the General of the Army of the United States. 236 MILiTARY 2RECORD. EDWARD L. BAILEY. [Born in New Jlanpsmhire.-Ajppointedfrom lew Hamps7sire.] MILITr RY HISTORY.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle ef Williamsburg, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM L. BAKER. [Born in 3iassachusetts.-Appointed from f1rassachu'setts.] MILITARY HIisTonY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1871. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. tKilled at the battle of Antietam, Maryland, September 17, 1862. CHRISTIAN BALDER. [Born in Germany.-Appoined from the Army.] MLITAIRY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1 862. Joined regiment November, 1861. Killed, at the battle of Gettysburg, Penn., July 3d, 1863. EUGENE A. BANCROFT. [Born in lMassachusetts.-Appointed from 3irassachusetts.] MILITARY H-ISTOvY.-Second Iiieutenant 4:th U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U.' S. Artillery, I)ecemiber, 1862. Regimental Quartermaster 4th U. S. Artillery, July, 1865. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gaallant and meritorious services in action near Fair Oaks, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. DWIGHT BANNISTER. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Bruvet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and: meritorious MILITARY RECORD. 237 services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, March, 1868. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15th, 1870. JOHN BANNISTER. [Born in Neuow Yorkc.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. -First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 43d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 20th U. S. Infantry, July, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Petersburg, Virginia. TTHOMAS BARKER. [Born in Minnesota.-Appointed from Caifornia.] MILITARY IIISTORY.-Captain 2d California Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry, May, 1868. Died at San Francisco, Cal., January 17th, 1869. ROBERT W. BARNARD. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed fromn District of Coltzmbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, July, 1863. Transferred to the 28th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Died at Baton Rouge, La., July 21st, 1870. EUGENE L. BARNES. [JBorn in New York. -Appointed from NAew York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 128th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Died at New Orleans, La., October 7, 1867. 238 7ILITAIRY RECORD. ALBERT BARNITZ. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITAIR HISTORY. —Major U. S. Volunteers. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Ashland Station, Virginia. Brevet Lieutnant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Sailor's Creek, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for distinguished gallantry at the battle of the Washita, Indian Territory, November'27, 1868, in which engagement he was severely wounded. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. GEORGE BARRETT, JR. [ Bon in Maryland.-Appointed fr(m Mary'and.] MIIITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Maryland Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 26th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 10th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Regimental Quartermaster, 10th U. S. Infantry, July, 1869. WALLACE W. BARRETT. [Born in 1New York.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Colonel 44th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 34th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Georgia. JOHN BARRY. [Born in Ireland. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, April, 1864. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1868. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Virginia. Out of service, by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernunleraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. MILITARY BECORD. 239 BRADFORD S. BASSETT. [Born in Pennsylcvania.-Appointed from Kansas.] M{ILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1868. Died at Galesburg, Ill., March 11, 1869. DORUS E. BATES. [Born in Illinois.-Appointed from llinois.] MILITARY HIsTORY.- Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Retired January, 1865, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. JOHN C. BATES. [Born in.Missouri.-Appointed from Missouri.] M{IItTARY HISTOoRY.-First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Transferred to the 20th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. ROBERT F. BATES. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Peansylvcanic.] IILITARY tIrsToR. -First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Secend Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, tMarch, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM: BAYARD. [Born ih 3New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1863. Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1865. Captain 9th U. S. Cavalry, July 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the pursuit of the rebel forces under General Ilood. Brevet Captain U. S. 240 YMILITARY RECORD. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. Brevet Major U. S. Army,, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Out of service by the re organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. WILLIAM M. BEEBE, JR. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.l MILITA-RY HIsToRY.-Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Captain 38th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Unassigned and on duty in the Fifth Military District. Out of service by the re-organizantion of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. FREDERICK HI. BEECHER. [Born in Loauisicana.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers,. for gallant and meritorious services. Brevct Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, November, 1864. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Killed in action with Indians, on Delaware Creek, 85 miles from Fort Wallace, Kansas, September 17, 1868. HENRY B.'BEECHER. [Born in Indiana.-App-ointed from New York. ] MILITARY IIsTORY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1863. [At the siege of Petersburg, when our lines, the right. next to the Appomattox River, were bombarded by the combined rebel artillery, Lieutenant Beecher distinguished himself by his coolness and gallantry, by moving his battery from behind his earth-works to open ground, much exposed, but giving his battery a full field of fire.-EDITOR.] Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army. Resigned, October, 1866. 3ZIILTARY BECORtD. 24-1 EDWARD A. BELGER. [ Porn in Virginia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HlISTORY. —First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second. Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, March, 1865. First Lieutenant 3cld U. S. Infantry, April, 1865.:Unassigned, August, 1869. Assigned to the 3d U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. CHARLES BENDISE. [Born in Germany.-Appointed from the Army.] MTILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Transferred to the 1st U. S. Cavalry, September, 1864. First' Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, November, 1864. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, fSr gallant and meritorious services at'the battle of Trevillian Station, Virginia. FRANK T. BENNETT. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTOTR.-Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, January, 1864. Transferred to the 36th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 39th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 9th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U: S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Hoover's Gap, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. JOHN E. BENNETT. [Born in H2ew York.-Appointed from JIlinois. ] MIILITARY HIsToRY.-Colonel 75th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1666. Transferred to the 28th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee. -Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. Resigned, August, 1868. 242 JlILITARY RECORD. EUGENE P. BERTRAND. [Born in France.-Appointed froms Maryzand.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, 3March, 1866. Died at San Antonio, Texas, September 21, 1866. HORATIO S. BINGHAM. [Born in Canada.-Appointed from Minnesota.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. Killed in action with Indians, near Fort Philip Kearney, D. T., December 6, 1866. WILLIAM BINNING. [Born in Scotland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY IIISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1865. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. With company, commanding same, and on detached service. Died of congestive chills at Montgomery, Alabama, January 1, 1868. JAMES G. BIRNEY. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from Michigan.] -MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, April, 1867. Captain 9th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Died at Fort Davis, Texas, January 16, 1870. SAMUEL W. BLACK. [Born in Pennsyvania'.-Appointed from the Army.j MILITARY HIsTRY. —Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, December, 1864. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, July, 1867. Died at HIempstead, Texas, September 29, 1867. MlILITARY RECORD. 243 HENRY M. BLACKALLER. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry. Died at San Antonio, Texas, July 12, 1867. AUGUSTUS B. BONAFFON. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 35th U. S. Infantry. Died at Indianola, Texas, July 12, 1867. CHARLES A. BOOTH. [Born in Xew York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant lst U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. WILLIAM A. BORTHtWIC(K. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.]'MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1867. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1867. Died at Fort Lyon, Colorado Territory, June 12, 1872. BENJAMIN D. BOSWELL. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Iowa.] 1MILITARY HISTORY.-Major U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 29th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. 244- MILITARY BECORD. WILLIAM It. BOURNE. [Born in New York.'-Appointedfrom NAew Ybrk.] ~ MILITArY HISTORY.-Captain Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, September, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Captain U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1860, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. THOMAS T. BRAND. [Born in 07io.-Appointed fro~m Ohio.] MILITARY HISTOiY. —First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, September, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Stone River, Tennessee, and Chickamauga, Georgia. Retired, December, 1864, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. ROLAND C. BREYFOGLE. [Born in Ohio. —Appointed from Ohio.] MIIITAlY HISTORY. —Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned and awaiting orders Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Died at Delaware, Ohio, July 28, 1870. FRANK BRIDGMAN. [Born in 1Massachusetts.-Appointed fronz Iowa.] MIkILITXAIY HIISTORY. —-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, February, 1869. ELIJAH D. BRIGHAM. [Born in M3assac7husetts. —Appointed from nMassachusetts.] MILITARY HisToRY. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers, September, 1861. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence 31ILITARY RECORD. 245 U. S. Army, February, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Arminy, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, February, 1867. JO-IN R. BRINCKLE. [Born in Pennsylvania.. —Ajppointed from De'aczwae.] MIILITAIRY I-IISTOIY.-Seconcl Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, September, 1862. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Sailor's Creek, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant ancl meritorious services in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Forces, under General Robert E. Lee. DANIEL Ml. BItRODIHE.AD. [Eorn in Pennsylvania.-Appointed fiom1 AN -ew York.] M[ILITArY HIrsTORY. —First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, MVay, 1861. Died June 10, 1864, at WVashington, D. C., of wounds received in the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. JOHN R1. B3ROOXIE. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Alointed from Pennsylvania-.] MILITARY HIsTory.-Brig'adier-Cener-G eral U. S. Volunteers. Brevet AMajor-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Trolopotanly and Cold Harbor, Virginia. Lieutenant-Colonel 37th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 3d U. S. Infantry, iMarch, 1869. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and mleritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet BrigadierGeneral U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Virginia. JAMES P. BROWN. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Armny.] MILITARY HISTORY. — Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1864. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1367. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. 246 MILITARY RECORD. HENRY F. BROWNSON. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointedfrom NeYw York.] MILITARY HISTORY-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, December, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, February, 1862. Captain U. S. Volunteers. Captain 43d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned and on general recruiting service, Chicago, Illinois. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Malvern IHil], Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. FRANK C. BIRUNCK. [Born in N'ew York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry. Died at Fort Morgan, Ala., November 7, 1867. WILLIAMI B. BRUNTON. [Born in Pennsytvania.-Appointed from iowa.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant conduct at the battle of Corinth, Mississippi. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant conduct at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. CHARLES M. BUCKLIN. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from Vermont.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Died at New Orleans, La., October 5, 1867. SULLIVAN W. BURBANK. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY I-IsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, March, 1862. Died June 9, 1864, of wounds received in battle. MILITARY RECORD. 247 PATRICK E. BURKiE. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HISTOXY. —First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Killed at the battle of Resacca, Georgia, Mfay 14, 1864. HORACE B. BURNHAAM. [Born in New York. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. MIajor and Judge Advocate U. S. Army, October, 1864. THIOMAS BURNES. [Born in.-Appointed from.1 M~IL[ITARY HIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery. Died October 28, 1864, of wounds received in battle, near Petersburg, Virginia. THOMAS B. BURROWES. [Born in Pennsylania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY EIrsToRY.-First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, November, 1863. Transferred to the 27th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 9th U. S. Infantry, June, 1869. Brevet Mlajor U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. [WVounded during the war. — EDITOR.] ANDREW S. BURT. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY IISToRY. —First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, liay, 1863. Transferred to the 27th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 9th U. S. Infantry, June, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. 248 dMILITARY RECORD. JAMES BUTLER. [Born in England.-Appointed from the Army.] fMILITARY HIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, November, 1863. Brevet. FEirst Lieutenant U. S. Army,' for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged November, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15th, 1870. JOHN EI. BUTLER. [Bornz in Macssachusetts.-Appointed from Connecticut.] M{ILITA2RY tITSTORY. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, June,.1861. Retired February, 1865. Captain 42d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Glendale, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Culpepper, Virginia. Captain U. S. Army, SMay, 1870. Retired, AMay, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. - JOSEPH K. BYERS. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] iMILITARY [IiSTORY.-First Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. First Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brevet lMajor U. 8. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Retired 1)ecember, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, fromn wounds or injury received, friom disease contracted, or fiom exposure in the line of duty. THOMAS BYRNE. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MTILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1862, First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, June, 1863.- Captain 2d U. S. Infantry, August, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 12th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.~ MILITA RY. RECORD. 249 WILLIAM J. CAIN. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from the Arm~y.J MILITARY HIsTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1863. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, October, 1865. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Tuscumbia, Alabama. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee, and in the Atlanta campaign. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being mustered out of service under Section 11 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. JAMES C LLEHAN. [Born in Newa York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1865. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in pursuit of the- rebel forces under General Hood. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Died at Austin, Texas, March 25, 1870. BRUA CAMERON. [Born in Pennsvcania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, May, 1861. Retired November, 1863, for incapacity, resulting ~from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Harrisburg, Penn., January 13, 1864. CHARLES H. CAMPBELL. [Born in District of Colunmbia.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Virginia.. JOHN A. CAMPBELL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from 07io.] MILITARY HITORY. L;ieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and VOL. II.-17 250 MILITARBY RECORD. meritorious services. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for courage in the field, and marked ability and fidelity. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, October, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, especially at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, especially at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, especially at the battle of Resacca, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, especially at the battle ot Franklin, Tennessee. Resigned April, 1869. CIVILI HISTORY.-Governor of Wyoming Territory.-EDITOR. ARTHUR B. CARPENTER. [Born itn Massachusetts.-Appointed from thle Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, September, 1863. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, January, 1866. Transferred to the 37th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia, Unassigned and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries and honorably mustered out of service January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. CAMILLO C. C. CARR. [Born in Virginia. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY IHISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, October, 1863. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, June, 1864. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, April, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle Todd's Tavern, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. MASON CARTER. [Born in Georgia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in an affair with Indians en route from Fort Hays to Fort Harker, Kansas., JMIIITARY RECORD. 251 JAMES S. CASEY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed fraom New York.] MILITARY HISTORY..-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Captain 5th U. S. Infantry, December, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebel attack on Fort Stedman, Virginia. ISAAC S. CATLIN. [Born in Nfw York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Colonet 109th New York Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Petersburg, Virginia. Captain 46th U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. Unassigned July, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Virginia. Colonel U.'S. Army, May, 1870. Retired May, 1870, upxon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. LYNDE CATLIN. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsToRY-Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the ilth U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. LOUIS V. CAZIARC. LBorn in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massachtusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-'First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against Mobile and its defences. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, November, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 2d U. S. Artillery, January, 1871. 252 MILITARY RECORD. JOHN W. CHICKERING(}. [Born in IniAnois. —Appointed from lllinois.] MIdITARY HISTORY.-Captain 88th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 22d U. S. Infantry, February, 1868. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 6th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. HENRY L. CHIPMAN. [Born in New York. —Appointed from Michigan.] M,ILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Colonel 102d U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Transferred to the 29th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services -at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. JOHN CHRISTOPHER. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Aponoted from Pennsylvania.. MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain-16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Transferred to the 25th U. S.. Infantry September, 1866. Transferred to the 18th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. brevet Major U.. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. JOHN L. CHURCHILL. [Born in New York.-App2ointed from Nesw York.] MILITARY HISToRY-Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866.. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry. First Lieutenant 24th U. S.Infantry, September, 1866. Died at Jackson, Miss., October 14, 1868. MILITA RY RECORD. 253 GREENLEAF CILLEY. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.'-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, April, 1867. Brevet 1st Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, August, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. CHARLES E. CLARKE. [Born irn Connecticut.-Appointed from aMichigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel,U. S. Volunteers. Captain 38th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, November, 1869. Assigned to the 17th U. S. Infantry, April, 1870. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana.WILLIAM W. CLEMENS. [Born in Pennsylvarnia.-Appointed from Pennsylfvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. Second Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to 35th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 35th U. S. Infantry, February, 1867. Transferred to the 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Fisher, North Carolina. Brevet Major U. S. Army for meritorious services in the Signal Corps during the war. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, October, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. GEORGE A. H. CLEMENTS. [ Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Seoond Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Died near Rockville, Md., June 27, 1870. 254 MILITARY RECORD. DE WITT CLINTON. [Born in.New York.-Appointed from Newy York.] - MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in the Military Division of West Mississippi and Louisiana. Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Army, May, 1864. JOHN W. CLOUS. [Born in Germany.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, March, 1865. Captain 38th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet: Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. ALBERT COATS. [Born in Ohio. —Apointed from teo Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1862. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, January, 1866. MELVILLE A. COCHRAN. [Born in Mcaine.-Appointed from 3Maine.1 MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861.. Transferred to the 2d U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of -Chickamauga,. Georgia. EDWARD P. COLBY. [Born in Vermont.-A9ppointed from Vermont.] MILITARY HIsTORY. —Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Transferred to the 29th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 29th U. S. Infantry, December, 1866. Transferred-to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April. 1869. Died at Jefferson, Texas, December 31, 1869. MILITARY RECORD. 255 ALONZO A. COLE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry, January, 1863. Captain 7th U. S. Infantry, M[ay, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. PATRICK COLLINS. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry,'[ay, 1861. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, July, 1865. Transferred to the 32d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland.'THOMAS E. COLLINS. [Born in New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY [HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. Supposed to have been killed at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. WALTER COMSTOCK. [Born in.asszachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, November, 1865. Transferred to the 25th U. S. Infantry. Died at Paducah, Ky., August 9, 1867. EDWIN J. CONWAY. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, Februarty, 1863;- First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1864. Captain 4th U. Cavalry, August, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant 256 MILITABRY RECORD. and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. JOHN B. CONYNGHAM. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvanvica.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Captain 38th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Yorktown, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services -at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia. Died at Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 27, 1871. GEORGE H. COOK. [Born in Neew York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITAIRn5'[HISTOR~Y.-Captain 8th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 28th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Transferred to the 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. HENRY C. COOK. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, September, 1864. Transferred to the 2d U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the'Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. WILLIAM W. COOK. [Born inJ Canada. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Regimental Adjutant 7th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Dinwiddie Court-House, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Sailor's Creek, Virginia. MILITARY RECORD. 257 JOHN E. S. COOPER. [Born irn Missouri.-Appointed from Wisconsin.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence'U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services in the Subsistence Department. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Died at Leavenworth, Indiana, September 2, 1866. WICKLIFFE COOPER. [Born in.-Appoin,ted from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major 7th U. S. Cavalry. Died near Fort McFherson, Nebraska, June 8, 1867. JOHN H. COSTER. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY ]ISTORY.-Captain Ist New York Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 30th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to the 8th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the action at G(lendale, Virginia. [Aide-de-Camp to Major-General McDowell.EDITOR.] WILL A. COULTER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-C-aptain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. Unassigned and on duty in the First Military District. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, November, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. GEORG(E W. CRABB. [Born in Penneylvania.-Appointedfromn Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. -S. Artillery, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1865. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Virginia. 258 MILJTARY RECORD. DAVID L. CRAFT. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Arppointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Signal Corps. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, August, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallantry in maintaining his position undor great exposure on the Appomattox Signal Tower, during the siegeWof Petersburg, Virginia, in the late war, while his station was for some time deliberately cannonaded by rebel batteries. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the Signal Corps during the war. JOHN N. CRAIG. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from the District of Uolumbia.] MILITARY HIISToRY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and in the operations before Richmond, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for good conduct and meritorious services during- the secret operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the Insurgent Army under General Robert E. Lee. Captain 38th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, November, 1869. Assigned to the 10th U. S. Infantry, July, 1870. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and for good conduct and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the Insurgent Army under General Robert E. Lee. PRESLEY O. CRAIG. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, May, 1857. Killed at the battle of 1st Bull Run, Virginia, July 21, 1861. FREDERICK -M. CRANDAL. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Colonel 48th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. First Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Captain 41st U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Fort Blakely, Alabama. MILITARY RECORD. 259 AUGUSTUS C. CRAVEN. [Born in N-ew York.-Appointed at Large.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. Died at Bound Brook, New Jersey, March 19, 1863. THOMAS L. CRITTENDEN. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed fromn Kentucky.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Major-General U. S. Volunteers. Colonel 32c U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 17th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869.' Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. FRANKLIN B. CROSBY. [Born in New York.-Appointed frorm New York.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. Killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 3, 1863. JAMES CULLEN. [Born in Delaware.-Appointedfrom Delaware.] MILITARY ]HIsroRY.-Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry. Captain 7th U. S. Infantry, December, 1863. [Served in front of Petersburg, Virginia. —EDIToR. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, October, 1867. WILBUR F. CUMMINGS. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MnIITARY HISTORY.-Major U. S. Volunteers. Captain-l15th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Died at Stark's Landing, near Mobile, Ala., October 22, 1867. 260' MILITARY RECORD. JAMES CURRY. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from Virginia.] IMILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. [Charge of depot, supplying armies operating in front of Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia.-EDITO.] Brevet Major U. S. Voluntebrs, for long, faithful, and arduous services. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for long, faithful, and arduous services. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, June, 1867. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, April, 1871. [Acting Commissary of Subsistence of the Post and Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Virginia.-EDITOR.] JOHN CUSACK. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Arlny.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry. October, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, February, 1862, Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Unassigned. Depot Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence, Galveston, Texas. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet.Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. Died at Galveston, Texas, January 14, 1870. PATRICK CUSACK. [Born in Ireland-Appointed from NVew York.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. First Lientenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for conspicuous gallantry in an engagement with Indians at Horse Head Hills, Texas, September 12, 1868. HOWARD B. CUSHING. [Born in Wisconsin. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, November, 1863. [Served with a battery during the war.-EDITOR.] Transferred to the 3d U. S. Cavalry, September, 1867. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, December, 1867. [Commanded in Arizona a company engaged in constant scouting duty after Apachee Indians. Lieutenant Cushing was fearless in his nature, untiring in the pursuit of his object, and seemed almost incapable of fatigue, qualities fitting him well for a Cavalry officer. — EDITOR.]. Killed May 5, 1871, in action with Apache Indians, in the Whetstone Mountains, twenty miles east of Camp: Crittenden, Arizona Territory. MILITARY RECORD. 261 THOMAS W. CUSTER. [Born in Ohio.-Aponted from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 6th Michigan Volunteer Oavairy. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished and. gallant conduct. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished and gallant conduct. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished and gallant conduct.. Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and distinguished conduct in the engagement with the enemy at Waynesboro', Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and distinguished conduct at the engagement with the enemy near Namozine Church, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for distinguished courage and services at the battle of Sailor's Creek, Virginia. WILLIAM C. CUYLER. [Born in Georgia.-Appointed at Large.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, February, 1862. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, April, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Winchester and Cedar Creek, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Died at Savannah, Ga., November 2, 1869. SAMUEL DANA. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appontted from.Massachusetts.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Transferred to the 26th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, March, 1867. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services connected with the organization of the Volunteer Armies of the United States. Died at San Francisco, Cal., September 27, 1870NAPOLEON H. DANIELS. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry. Killed by Indians on Powder River, Dakota Territory, July 21, 1866. 262 MILITARY RECORD. HENRY T. DAVIS. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massacwhusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-FirSt Lieutenant'U. S. Volunteers. Captain 10th'U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U, S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Died at New; York City, April 10,. 1869. ROBERT DAVIS. [Born in Massah7usetts.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Retired July, 1866, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or exposure in the line of duty. WIRT DAVIS. [Born in iTrginia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, April, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, April, 1865. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Cavalry expedition in Mississippi. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. LEWIS M. DAYTON. [Born in New York. —Appointed from New York. ] MILITARY HISTORY. —Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in the recent campaigns of Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign. Bre-. vet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services MILITARY RECORD. 263 in the Atlanta campaign. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign through the Carolinas. Colonel U. S. Army, and Aide-de-Camp to General Sherman, General of the Army of the United States. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. WILLIAM DEAN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, June, 1863. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, February, 1865. Retired April, 1867, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from dissease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Brevet Captain UI. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Trevillian Station, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Died at Philadelphia, Penn., August 27, 1870. WILLIAM W. DEANE. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant General U. S. Volunteers. Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. /Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Died at Washington, D. C., July 22, 1870. JACOB C. DE GRESS. [Born in Prussia.-.Appointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services at *the Bayou de Glaize, Louisiana. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Captain 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bayou de Glaize, Louisiana. 264 bMILITARY RECORD. DRAKE DE KAY. [Born in New Jersey. —Appointed from New York. ] MILITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On staff of General Mansfield, Washington, D. C. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Resigned, January, 1865. HAYDEN DE LANY. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] IMILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, September> 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action with the Pah-Ute Indians in Warner Valley, Oregon. WILLIAM N. DENNISON. [Born in Ohio.-Appointedfrom Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, August,. 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, November, 1861. Captain 2d. U. S. Artillery, January, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallantry and good conduct at the battles of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallantry and good conduct at the battle of Antietam, and the Maryland campaign of September, 1862. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. ISAAC D. DE RUSSY. [Born in Virginia.-Appoinzted from NYew York. ] MILITARY IIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, April, 1861.. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. MILITARY RECORD. 265 JOHN D. DEVIN. [Born in Maine.-Alppointed from _New HZampshire.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, April, 1861. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. ORVILLE S. DEWEY. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Died at New Orleans, La., June 30, 1867. CHARLES J. DICKEY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First' Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, November, 1864. Transferred to the 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. GEORGE DICKINSON. [Born in Missouri-A ppointed from Mlissouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant, 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, November, 1861. Killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862. JAMES TW. DIXON. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, May, 1866. Transferred to the 4th U. S. Artillery, September, 1867. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, December, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. VOL. II. —18 266 JMILITAR Y RECOID. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Petersburg, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, August 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. HELENUS DODT. [Bo3rn in Germany.-Appointed from Yew York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 7th New York Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry in the engagements near the Boydton Plank Road, Virginia, for efficient services on all subsequent occasions, and for particularly meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army under General Robert E. Lee. Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferrcd to the 33d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 33d U. S. Infantry, August, 1868. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 24th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Southerland Station, Virginia. THOMAS S. DOEBLER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army. ] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, July, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Snicker's Gap, Virginia. Retired, February, 1865, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from Ldisease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS. [Born in Neio York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Retired December, 1864, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. GEORGE M. DOWNEY. [Born in Mcaryland. —Appointed from Virginia.] MILITARY HISTORY. —-irst Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1865. Transferred to the MlLITAR Y RECORD. 267 32d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. JAMES S. DUDLEY. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from Vermonw.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, May, 1863. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Glendale, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, October, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. JAMES W. DUKE. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry. Died at Washington, D. C., October 28, 1862. WILLIAM McK. DUNN. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Indiana.] MLITAuRY HISTORY.-Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Volunteers. Colonel and Assistant Judge Advocate General U. S. Army, June, 1864. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for faithful, meritorious and distinguished services in his Department. WILLIAM D' WOLF. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, Died, June 3, 1862, at Washington, D. C., of wounds received at the battle of Williamsburg, Virginia. 268 MILITARY RECORD. NEWTON L. DYKEMAN. [Born in Neqw York.-Appointed from Iowa.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Transferred to the 34th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Resigned July, 1867. WILLIAM J. ECKLEY. [Born in.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Died at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, June 20, 1867. JAMES EGAN. [Bornin Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, October, 1864. Captain 2d U. S. Cavalryj February, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gdllant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia. THOMAS I. ELLIOTT. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from.Kentucky.] MIILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 22d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned May, 1869. Transferred to the 20th U. S. Infantry, July, 1869. Died at Fort Ransom, D. T., March 19, 1870. JOHN ELWOOD. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Kentucky.]" MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, May, 1857. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 5th, U. S. Infantry. Died at Washington, D. C., December 3, 1862. MILITARY RECORD. 269 JOHN P. ELY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvanica.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. On recruiting duty. Died at Alexandria, Va., January 19th, 1863. JOSEPH J. ENNIS. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1866. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, November, 1867. Died at Cimarrin Agency, N. M., August 12, 1869. RICHARD I. ESKRIDGE. [Born in Missouri. —Appointed from Mtfissouri.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, March, 1866. Transferred to the 23d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Regimental Quartermaster 23d U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for conspicuous gallantry in charging-a large band of Indians, strongly fortified in the "Infernal Caverns," Pitt River, California, September 26, 1867. CHARLES A. M. ESTES. [Born in Wisconsin.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second- Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1862. First Lieutenant. 16th U. S. Iufantry, January, 1863. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, October, 1865. Transferred to the 25th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 18th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. GEORGE W. EVANS. [Born in Maryland. —App ointed from Mary and.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 32d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. First Lieutenant 32d U. S. Infantry, De 270 MILITARY RECORD. cember, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 21st U. S. Infantry, October, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. EVARTS S. EWING. [Born in fennessee.-Appointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HIiTORY. —Captain and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, March, 1866. Transferred to the 34th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. DAVID FAIRLY. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry. Killed by railroad accident en route from Washington, D. C., to Philadelphia, Pa., April 2, 1867. EDMOND G. FECHET. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 8th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for -gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. EDWARD FIELD. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from New Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant UI. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, February, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1863. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of White Oak Swamp, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Meadow Bridge, Virginia. MILITARY RECORD. 271 FRANCIS A. FIELD. [Born in Ohio. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsroRY.-Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1862. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, November, 1868. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Indian Agent, Creek Agency, Indian Territory. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, October, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. THOMAS H. FISHER. [Born i~n New York.-Appointedfrom, New York.] MILITARY IISTORY. -First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 22d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Deep Bottom, Virginia. BIRD L. FLETCHER. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from the Army. ] MILITARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1864. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Cavalry action at Franklin, Tennessee. Retired, June, 1868, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. CHARLES H. FLETCHER. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from JIowa.] MILITARY HIIISTO. —Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States. Resigned, April, 1866. DANIEL FLYNN. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services 272 MILITARY RECORD. at the battle of Beverly Ford,'Virginia. Retired, September, 1863, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. LEANDER W. FOGG. [Born in Maine.-A2ppointed from New Hampshire.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry. Died at Washington, D. C., November 11, 1866. ALFRED FOOT. [Porn in New York. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, January, 1865. Transferred to the 32d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866.'Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Retired, November, 1866, with the rank of Major U. S. Army, being the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. Died at Geneva, N. Y., September 1, 1869. MORRIS C. FOOT. [Bornin New York. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. -First Lieutenant 121st New York Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, and at the battle of Little Sailor's Creek, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. GEORGE F. FOOTE. [Bon isn Nfew YBor'k. —Apfpointed from Tennessee.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 14th Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, April, 1868. Unassigned, June, 1869. Assigned to the 9th U. S. Infantry, December, 1869. Transferred to the 8th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1870. Regimental MXILITARY RECOIRD. 273 Quartermaster, 8th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bentonville, North Carolina. RENSSELAER W. FOOTE. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New Fork.] MILITARY IISTORY. —[Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., September, 1834, to June, 1835. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, November, 1838. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, November, 1843. Captain 6th U. S. Infantry, June, 1853.-Gardner's -Dictionary.] Killed at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia, June 27, 1862. GEQRGE A. FORSYTH. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Illinois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major 8th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Opequan and Middletown, Virginia. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished services and conspicuous gallantry. Major 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Dinwiddie Court-House, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for gallant conduct and meritorious services in an engagement with hostile Indians on the Arickasee Fork of the Republican, on the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th days of --—, 1868. Lieutenant-Colonel and Military Secretary to Lieutenant-General Sheridan, the Lieutenant-General of the Army of the United States. ALFRED FREDBERG. [Born in Denmark.-Appointed from Neew York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the City of Mobile and its defences. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Regimental Adjutant 19th U. S. Infantry, M[ay, 1870. 274 MILITARY RECORD. ALEXANDER H. FREEMAN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvanria.]'MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Resigned October, 1866. HENRY B. FREEMAN. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 27th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Unassigned June, 1869. Assigned to the 7th U. S. Infantry, January, 1870. Brevet Captain IU. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. FREDERICK FUGER. [Born in, Germany.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, December, 1865. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Yellow Tavern, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Dinwiddie Court-House, Virginia. FREDERICK A. H. GAEBEL. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Died at Brooklyn, New York, December 12, 1868. MIILITARY RECORD. 275 JAMES H. GAGEBY. [Born in Pennsylvarnia.-AAppointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY. -Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, December, 1863. Captain 37th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 3d U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Hoover's Gap, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee. -' 7 ALVAN S. GALBREATH. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the action at Brown's Ferry, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. WILLIAM GAMBLE. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major 8th U. S. Cavalry. Died in Virgin Bay, Central America, en route to California, December 20, 1863. HENRY C. GAPEN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISToRY.-First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, December, 1863. Retired February, 1865, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at the Insane Asylum, Washington, D. C., January 13, 1869. FRANK D. GARRETTY. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from.Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 43d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 43d U. S. In 276 MILITARY RPECORD. fantry, January, 1868. Unassigned April, 1869. Assigned to the 17th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. JOSEPH W. GELRAY. [Bon in England.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Major U. S. Volunteers. Captain 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, July, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg,.Pennsylvania. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. ROBERT A. GIBSON. [Born in:'enngsyvanza.-Appointed from Iowa.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry. Died at Fort Randall, D. T., September 23, 1867. CORNELIUS GILLETT. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery. Drowned in Cow Creek, near Camp Reading, California, December 24, 1866. JAMES GILLETTE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-,Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in his Department during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services in the Subsistence Department.. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Resigned March, 1869. MJILITARY RECORD. 277 JOHN M. GOODHUE. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 11th U. S. Infantry,;May, 1861. Major 23d U. S. Infantry, November, 1868. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, December, 1868. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. ABRAM M. E. GORDON. [Born in Marylaand.-Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 4th New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, April, 1867. Died at Fort Jefferson (Tortugas), Florida, September 28, 1867. WILLIAM H. GORDON. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from District of Columbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-[Secondl Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, July, 1838 First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Infantry, June, 1841. Captain 3d U. S. Infantry, September, 1846. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant conduct at the battle of Churubusco, Mexico.-Gardner's -Dictionary.] Major 8th U. S. Infantry, July, 1861. Retired, March, 1862, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Washington, D. C., December 7, 1865. JOHN L. GRAHAM. [Born in Ireland —Appointed fromn Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 21st Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers, for gallant conduct in action at Antietam, Maryland, Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant conduct in action at Antietam, Maryland, Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, January, 1869. Unassigned, July, 1869. Assigned to the 13th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. 278.MILITARY RECORD. WILLIAM P. GRAVES. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed from, Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, March, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, August, 1863. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. -Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Manassas, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the defence of Fort Sanders, Tennessee. ROMAN H. GRAY. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, April, 1862. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry. Captain 24th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Died on board steamboat "Henry M. Shreve," en route from Napoleon, Arkansas, to Memphis, Tenn., September 14, 1867. WILLIAM C. GREEN. [Born in Penn sylvania. -Apointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services' during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Died on board steamship "Moses Taylor," en route from San Francisco, Cal., to New York City, September 18, 1867. THOMAS GREY. [Borrn in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILIT.&RY HISTORY..-Sergeant-Major U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, December, 1847. Disbanded, August, 1848. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, June, 1855. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, April, 1861. Captain 2d U. S. Artillery, November, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. Retired December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. MILITARY RECORD. 279 SETH E. GRIFFIN. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry. Died at San Antonio, Texas, of injuries received in quelling a mutiny, April 14, 1867. JAMES F. GRIMES. [Born in New Hampshire.-Appointed from New Hampshire.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 17th U S. Infantry, August, 1861. Transferred to 26th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 10th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved'July 15, 1870. GEORGE H. GROSSMAN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed at Large.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. Captain 10th U. S. Infantry, November, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, under Section 12 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. GEORGE W. GRUMMOND. [Born in Michigan.-Appo ntedd from Micigan.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Lieutent-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Killed in action with Indians near Fort Philip Kearney, D. T., December 21, 1866. SEBASTIAN GUNTHER. [Born in Germany.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, Angust, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1865. Captain 4th U. S. 280 MILITARY RECORD. Cavalry, February, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in pursuit of the rebel forces under General Hood. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. OSCAR HAGEN. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 11th U. S Infantry, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, January, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 9th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the field during the war. CLAYTON HALE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from illinois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 34th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, September, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee. OWEN HALE. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 4th New York Provisional Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritoridus services during the war. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1869. JAMES A. HALL. [Born in Texas.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, January, 1862. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, June, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, -for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of MILITARY RECOBRD. 281 Five Forks, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under- Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. GEORGE HALLER. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from th7e Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, December, 1864. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, December, 1864. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 24th U. S. Infantry, July, 1868. Died near Bryant's Station, Texas, June 8, 1869. PAUL R. HAMBRICK. [Born in Virginia.-Appoinked from Nrew Jersey.] - MILITARY HISTORY.-Ca'ptain 9th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, February, 1868. Unassigned. -On duty in First Military District. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant -and meritorious services in action at Salem Church, Virginia. Resigned, August, 1870. HiENRtY A. HAMBRIGHET. [Born in Pennsylcvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIIsToRY.-Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Colonel 79th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. 8, Volunteers, for meritorious services. Transferred to the 29th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Major 32d U. S. Infant;ry, January, 1869. Transferred to the 19th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. JOHN HAMILTON. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, Bay, f863. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, March, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. VYo. II. —19 282 MILITAR Y RECORD. JOHIN M. HAMILTON. [Born in Canada.-Appointed from Nezw York. ] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Captain 39th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 5th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. [On duty in Arizona.-EDITOR.] CHARLES E. HARGOUS. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Xlew York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 40th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 5th U. S. Infantry, December, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at Sedgwick's Crossing, Virgin-a. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. WILLIAM HARPER, JR. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Iajor 1st New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and efficient services during the war. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October; 1866. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1867. Brevet E'irst Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. GEORGE HARRINGTON. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, October, 1863. ]Killed in Forrest's attack on Memphis, Tennessee, August 21, 1864. EDWARD HARRIS. [Born itn Virginia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second "Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1864. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. Resigned, October, 1866. MILITARY RECORD. 283 MATTHIAS HARRIS. [iBorn in Maryland.-Appoirnted from.Iaryland.] MILITARY HIrsToRY.-Captain and Chaplain U. S. Army, April, 1867. Retired, September, 18'37. Died near Fort Foote, Prince George County, Md., July 10, 1871. MOSES HARRIS. [Born in NewI HIamlpshire.-Appoanted from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Cavalry, May, 1864. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, August, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. MONREOE HARRISON. [Born in Jfissouri.-Appointed from Missouri.] M3ILITARY HrsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Died at St. Louis, MIo., July 5, 1869. JOHN HARTLEY. [Bortn i. Mfaine.-Appointed from!dinnesotc.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence U7. S. Volunteers. Brevet Mrajor U. S. Volunteers, for efficient and meritorious services. Captain 22d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. CHARLES., A. HARTWELL. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.l MIITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Colonel 10th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery. Brevet BrigadierGeneral U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, October, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 8th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of.Port Hudson, Louisiana. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. 284 MILITAR Y RECORD. WILSON T. HARTZ. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvaniac.] MILITARY XIISTOa. —Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant sand meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. JOSEPH T.'HASKELL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in his Department during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and zealous services in the Subsistence Department. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services in the Subsistence Department. Captain 23d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. JOHN J. S. HASSLER. [Born in the District of Columbia.-Appointed from the Army. ] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U.S. Infantry, August, 1864. -Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Virginia. Unassigned, and ordered to report to the Commanding General, Department of the Platte. Out of service, by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged October, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. FORREST H. HATHAWAY. LBorn in ITermont.-Appointed from Vermont.] MILITARY HIsToRY-Captain 107th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services. Second Lieutenant 41st U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Transferred to the 40th U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 5th U. S. Infantry, December, 1869. Regimental Quartermaster 5th U. S. Infantry, June, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of F'air Oaks, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of New Market, Virginia. .MILl TARY REC~ORD. 285; CHARLES E. HAY. [B-orn in Indiana.-Appointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, November, 1861. Brevet Captain: U. S. Army, for meritorious'servicep during the war. Resigned, October, 1865. JULIUS HAYDEN. [Born in 2New York. —Appointed from Florida.] MILITARY HISTORY. —[Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, January, 1839. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, June, 1846. Distinguished in the battle of Cerro Gordo, Mexico. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco,. Mexico. Wounded at the battle of Churubusco. Captain 2d U. S. Infantry, June, 1850. — Gardner's Dictionary.] Major 10th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel 15th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, March, 1869. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for services'in action at Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for gallant and,distinguished services in the field. Retired, December,'1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. JOHN B. HAYS. [Born in Pennsylvartia.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, April, 1862. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful services during the war. Resigned, September, 1865. JOSEPH H. HAYS. [Born in' ernwnt.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieur-'tenant 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to -the 30th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 30th U.. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, March, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Drury's Farm, Virginia. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. 286 MILITARY RIECORD. JAMES B3. HAZLETON. [Born in New Yorlc.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY IISTORY.-Captain of a Volunteer Light Battery. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, MIay, 1866. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, July, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. DAVID HAZZARD. [Born in Delaware.-A2pointed from tMe Army.] MILITARY HisTonY. —Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant. services at the battles of the Wilderness and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Resigned, May, 1866. GEORGE E. HEAD. [Born in Mcssachusetts.-Appointed fromn assachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, July, 1864. Transferred to the 29th U. S. Infantry, $eptember, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 3d U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. JOSEPH HEDGES. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from 07hio.]" MILITARY HrSTORY. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the pursuit of the rebel forces under General Hood. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, July, 1867. JAMES HENTON. [Born in England.-A9p1pointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. Captain .MILITARY RECORD. 287 14th U. S. Infantry, November, 1865. Transferred to the 23d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. JOHN WV. HICKS. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 9th Regiment ist Army Corps. [Hancock's Corps.] Brevet MIajor U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infanfry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 20th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina. Died at Vidalia, La., October 22, 1867. SAMUEL HILDEBUM. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, September, 1865. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, January, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Tuscumbia, Alabama. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. GEORGE D. HILL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from MIichigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Appomattox Court-House, Virginia Captain U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. JOHN J. HOFF. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from.New Jersey. 1 MMLITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in his Department during the war. Captain 20th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Died at Alexandria, Virginia, July 20, 1870. 288:M1ILITARY RECORD. PYTHAGORAS E. HJOLCOMB. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Illinois.] MILITARY HiSTORY.-Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, December, 1847. Disbanded, August, 1848. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Major U. S. Volunteers. Captain 17th U. S. Infantry, January, 1864. Transferred to the 35th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Port Hudson, Louisiana. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Retired, January, 1869, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. CALVIN G. HOLLENBUSH. [Born in Pennsylvania. — Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Asssistant Surgeon U. S. Army, June, 1857. Died at MEcKey's Half Falls, Pennsylvania, August 6, 1861. JOSEPH HOLT. rBorn inr Kentucky.-Ap1pointed from District of Columbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Colonel and Judge Advocate General U. S. Army, September, 1862. Brigadier-General and Judge Advocate General, U. S. Army, June, 1864. Brevet Major-General U. S. Army, for faithful, meritorious, and distinguished services in the Bureau of Military Justice during the war. JOSEPH L HORR. [Born irn Canada.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, August, 1862. First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, MIay, 1863. Captain 13th lU. S. Infantry, October, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. MILITARY RECORID. 289: PATRICK W. HORRIGAN. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] ~MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, October, 1863. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, January, 1865. Transferred to the 13th U. S. Infantry, February, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Trevillian Station, Virginia. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Out of service, by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. CHARLES HI. HOSMER. [Born in New Yorc. —Appointed from Illinois.]'MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Corinth, Mississippi. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Died at St. Paul, Minnesota, January 1, 1867. CHARLES W. HOTSENPILLER. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed fi'cm the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, September, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 19th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. PATRICK W. IHOULIHAN. [Born. in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISToRY. Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1862. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, January, 1863. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, October, 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallaht and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Died at New York, N. Y., October 5, 1870. 290.MILITARY RECORD. CHARLES O. HOWARD. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for most gallant and valuable services. Resigned, February, 1866. JOSEPH S. HOYER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-A2ppointed from Pennsylvanifa.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, March, 1862. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Killed in battle near Smithfield, Virginia, August 29, 1864. SHADRACH HUBBELL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Died at New Orleans, La., September 30, 1867. LOUIS M. HUGHES. [Born in Maryland.-Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 36th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 36th U. S. Infantry, February, 1869. Unassigned. Temporarily attached to the 7th IU. S. Infantry. Died at Miner's Delight, Wyoming Territory, February 14, 1870. ROBERT P. HUGHES. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MI[ITARY HISTORY. —Lieutenant-Colonel 199th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services at Fort Gregg, Virginia. Captain I 8th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 3d U. S. Infantry, July, 1870. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Fort Gregg, Virginia. MILITARY RECORD. 291 HENRY H. HIUMPHREYS. [Born in Pennsylvaniac.-Appointedfrom Pennesyvania.] MILITARY HISTORY..-Major and Aide-de-Camp U. S. -Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for valuable and meritorious services during the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army under General Robert E. Lee. Second Lieutenant 17th UJ. S. Infantry, February, 1836. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 35th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, October, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the fall of Petersburg, Virginia, and pursuit of the Rebel Army under General Robert E. Lee. JOHN S. HUNT. [Born in Xew York.-Appointed from VNew York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. Drowned in the James River, near City Point, Virginia, May 29, 1864. JOHN HUNTER. [Born in New Yorlk.-Appointed from the Army.] ~MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, March, 1865. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Virginia. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged January, 1871, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. JOSEPH H. HURST. [Born in England.-Appointed from Pennsylvanica.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain: U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. 292.MILITARY RECORD. BENJAMIN T. HUTCHINS. [Born in New lhampshire.-Appointed from Yew Hampshire.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers.. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services. during the war. Resigned, September, 1869. MERRILL N. HUTCHINSON. [Born in New Haimpshire. —Appointed from the Army.] M/ILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, January, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Retired, January, 1864, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or fromi exposure in the line of duty. CHARLES C. HYATT. [Born in.linois.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenat 11th U. S. Infantry. Captain 24th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Died at Pass Christian, Miss., October 5, 1867. DALLAS C. IRISH. [Born irn Pennsiylvania. —Appointed frqom Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. - Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Breret Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Resigned, April, 1866. MASON JACEKSON. [Bornh irn Ohio. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY —Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, December, 1863. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 24th U. S. MILITARY RE CORD. 293 Infantry, September, 1867. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. JOHN C. JENNESS. [Born in Vermont.-Appointedfron New Hampshire.] MILITi.RY HISTORY.- Frst Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Killed in action with Indians, near Fort Philip Kearney, D. T., August 2, 1867. CHARLES E. JEWETT. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from Wisconsin.]:MILITARY HISTORY. First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. HO0RACE JEWETT. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, December, 1862. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Shiloh and Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. JACOB D. JONES. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, July, 1864. Transferred to the 37th U. S. Infantry,, September, 1866. Transferred to the. 5th U. S. Infantry, May, 1T69. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. 294 MMII1TARY RECORD. JOSEPH KARGE. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from New Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY —Colonel 2d New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. JOSEPH KEEFE. [Born in Ireland.-Alppointed from the Army.] MILITARY'IIsToRY.- Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, October, 1862. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, October, 1862. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, July, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the defence of Fort Sanders, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fisher's Hill, Virginia. JOHN KELLIHER. [ 3on in New Bruns8wick.-Appointed from Mcassacwhsetts.] MILITARY HISTORY. —-Major U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Captain U. S. Army. December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. HENRY KETELTAS. [Born in New York.-Appoi,4tedfrom New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Chickamauga, Georgia, and Mission Ridge, Tennessee. Resigned, June, 1867. MrILTARY RECORD. 295 ALEXANDER S.. B. KEYES. [Born in Massachusetts. -Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY. Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 30th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 30th U. S. Infantry, February, 1867. Unassigned, March, 1.869. Transferred to the 10th U. S. Cavalry, April, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. CHARLES W. KEYES. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY. -First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, May, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Fort Butler, Louisiana. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Virginia. First Lieutenant U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. HAMLIN W. KEYES. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Died, June 18, 1864, of wounds received in battle. LYMAN S. KIDDER. [Born in.-Appointed fromn.] MILITARY HIsTORT.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry. Killed by Indians near Fort Wallace, Kansas, July, 1867. EDWARD A. KING. [Born in'ew York-Appointed from Ohio.] bILITARY llISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel 19th -U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Colonel 6th U. S. Infantry. Killed at the battle of C-hickamauga, Georgia, September 20, 1863. 296 MILITARY RECORD. NATHANIEL C. KINNEY. [Born in Ne1ew York.-Appointed from New Jersey.] MILITARY HIsToRY. — First Lieutenant 18thl UT. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 1ith U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of lMurfreesboro', Tennessee. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. Resigned, January, 1867. DAVID H. KINZIE. [Born in llinois.-Appointed from Kansas.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, August, 1862. Captain 5th U. S. Artillery, April, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of White Oak Swamp, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. RIOBE3RT A. KINZIE. [Born. in Illinois. -Appointed from Kacnsas.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, AMay, 1861. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. BYRON KIRBY. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HxISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry. Lieut6nant-Colonel 3d Maryland Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. Resigned, November, 1865. JACOB KLINE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITA.RY HIISTORY.r.-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861L, Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, September, 1864. Transferred to the MIILITARY RECORtD. 297 25th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 18th U. S. In' fantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. WILLIAM3 M. KNOX. [Born in llinois.-Appointedfrom Washington Territory.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 36th U. S. Infantry. Died at Omaha, Nebraska, November 25, 1866. DAVID KRAUSE. [Born in Pennsylvandia.-Appointed from Pennsyvania.]'MILITARY HlrISTOR.Y.-First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, March, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Penn-,sylvania. FRANCIS E. LACEY. [Born in lreland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Captain 2d U. S. Infantry, August, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 10th U. S. Infantry, July, 1870. Bievet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. LOUIS J. LAMBERT. rBorn in 2Franoe. —Appointedfroin ezow Yor/c.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S, Volunteers. [Served on the staff of General J. M. Bannan (Major Ist U. S. Artillery), in Virginia, at Key WVest, Fla, in South Carolina, engaged at action near Pocotaligo Bridge, S. C., in Florida, engaged in expedition up the St. John's River, ]Florida, and in the Western Army. Captain Lambert was particularly dashing and soldierlike in his bearing under fire. -EDITOR.] Brevet M3ajor U. S. Volunteers, for long and faithful services, and for repeated acts of gallantry in the field. Bievet Licutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for long and faithful services, and for repeated acts of gallantry in the field. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, VOL. II.-20 298 MILITARY RECORD. for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Chickamauga, Georgia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Died at Brenham, Texas, September 13, 1867. WILLIAM D. F. LANDON. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry. Supposed to have been drowned in the Missouri River, near Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, July 8, 1866. CHARLES T. LARNED. [Born in Michigan.-Appointted from Mfissouri.] MILITARY HISToRY. —Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, August, 1861. Brevet Lieutenant-Coionel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. JAMES K. LAURENCE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Transferred to the 29th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Resigned, January, 1870. MICHAEL LAWLESS. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, June, 1863. Killed in action near Trevillian Station, Virginia, June 11, 1864. HENRY W. LAWTON. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel 30th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 4 tst U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 41st U. S. Infantry, July, 1867. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Transferred to the 4th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. XMILITARY RECORD. 299 GEORGE LEE. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Michgan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and nieritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 21st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battles of New Madrid and Boonville, Missouri, and Perryville, Kentucky. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battles of Stone River, Tennessee, and Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the field during the war. Died at New Orleans, La., October 29, 1867. JOHN LEE. [Born in Ireland.-Appointedfrom the Army.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, JTuly, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1863. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and merito-,rious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. JOHN D. LEE. [Born iz New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, May, 1866. Died at Fort Bascom, New Mexico, June 13, 1867. HIRAM LEONARD. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from.New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Army, November, 1846. MIajor and Paymaster U. S. Army, March, 1849. Lieutenant-Colonel and Deputy Paymaster-General U. S. Army, September, 1862. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the Pay Department during the war. Retired, January, 1872, by direction of the President of the United States. WILLIAM A. H. LEWIS. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.- First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, April, 1861. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry. Died at Reading, Pa., September 3, 1866. 300 MIL.~TARY RECORD. TILLINGHAST L'HOMMEDIEU. [Born irn Ohio. —Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, April, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. Regimental Commissary of Subsistence, October, 1862. Died at Pulaski, Tennessee, December 31, 1863. THOMAS LITTLE. [Born in Ireland-Appointed from the Army. ] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, August, 1862. Transferred to the 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 31st U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. Unassigned, July, 1869. Assigned to the 10th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee. JOSEPH M. LOCKE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Resigned, July, 1865. DANIEL LOOSLEY. [Born in Englandr.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIIsTRY.o-Second Lieutenant 14thf U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to the 23d U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Resigned, February, 1867. WILLIAM F. LYNCH. [Born in Neow Yorkc.-Appointed from llfinois.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Colonel 88th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Captain 42d U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious MILITARY RECORD. 301 services at the battle of Pleasant Hill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Pleasant Hill, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Yellow Bayou, Louisiana. Brigadier-General U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. WILLIAM J. LYSTER. [Born in:-ichigan., —Appointed fron Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, August, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee, and during the Atlanta campaign. JOHN T. MACKEY. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from the Army.] M'ILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1864. Transferred to the 25th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 25th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga,, Georgia. Unassigned and on duty at Headquarters, Department of the South. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3.of the Act approved July 15, 18 70. JOHN MADIGAN. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from New Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant Ist U. S. Cavalry, April, 1867. Killed in action with Indians on South Fork of Pitt River, California, September 27, 1867. -JOHN H. MARKLEY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, January, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Resigned, January, 1866. 302 MILITARY RECORD. JOSEPH MATRSHALL. [Borin n Indiana.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY. —First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, March, 1864. Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry. Died at Fort Rice, D. T., September 15, 1867. MATTHEW R. MARSTON. [Born in Pennsylvcania. —ACointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY IISTORY.-Second Lieutenant lst U. S. Infantry, April, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain ist U. S. Infantry, January, 186'2. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Died at New Orleans, La., January 13, 1869. CLARENCE MANCK. [Born ihn idiana.-A2pointed from Pennsylvania.] -MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign... JAMES F. MAYS. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry. Died at Tybee Island, Georgia, July 21, 1866. NEIL J. McCAFFERTY. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HEITSTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1865. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Cavalry action at Franklin, Tenaessee. Drowned in the Rio Grande, near Mier, Mexico, June 10, 1870 MziL1TARY IECORD. 8O3 OHARLES C. McCONNELL. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY.iSTORY. —Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, August, 1863. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Peninsula campaign, in Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the rebel attack on Fort Steedman, Virginia. EDWARD M. McCOOK. [Born in Ohio.-Appoirted from Colorado Territory.l MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, April, 1864. Brevet Major-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Cavalry operations in East Tennessee. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, May, 1866. JAMES C. McCOY. [Born in Penrnsylvania.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Major and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in the recent campaigns of Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 2d'U. S. Infantry, December, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 4th U. S. Artillery, December, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Atlanta, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bentonville, North Carolina. Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Sherman, the General of the Army of the United States. 304 MILITARY RECORD. JOHN McCOY. [Born in Tennessee.]-Apointed rom Tennessee.] ~MIITTARY HISTOR. —Captain U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Transferred to the 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct in action at Morristown, Tennessee. Brevet Major U.'S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the capture of Saltville, North Carolina. Resigned, August, 1871. THOMAS M. McDOUGALL. [Born in Wisconsin.-Appointed from Kansas.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, lMay, 1866. Transferred to the 32d U. S. Infantry,'September, 1866. First Lieutenant 32 U. S. Infantry, November, 1866. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Unassigned, October, 1869. Assigned to the 7th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. JAMES F. McELHONE. [Born in Pennsylfvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY IIIsTORY.-First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry; May, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, June 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the -battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Color el U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Retired, November, 1865, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Philadelphia, Pa., August 27, 1866, of wounds received at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. THOMAS P. McELRATH. [Born in New Yorl.-Appointed from New York.] MIIITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, April 1862. Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Captain 5th U. S. Artillery, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful services. Resigned, January, 1870. MILITARY RECORD. 305 JAMES N. McELROY. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from 07io.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1866. Captain 8th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colo-: nel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, August, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. EDWARD McGARRIY. [Born in Neow York.-Appointed from California.l MILITARY HIsToRY.-Colonel 2d California Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Lieutenant-Colonel 32d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Died at San Francisco, Cal., December, 31, 1867. JOHN McGILVRAY. [Born in New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISToRY. —Brevet Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, February, 1863. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, April, 1863. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, May, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fisher's Hill, Virginia. THOMAS McGREGOR. [Born in Scoatand.-Appoonted from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenan t Ist U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant ist U. S. Cavalry, September, 1863. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, October, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Virginia. [On duty in Oregon and Orizona.'-EDITOR.] 306 MILITAR Y RECORD. DAVID B. McKIBBIN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylania.] MILITARY HISToRY.-[Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1855. Distinguished in conflict with Indians on White River, Washington Territory, 1856. —Gardner's Dictionary.] First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Colonel 214th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Transferred to the 32d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Major 10th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to the 10th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet Major U. S.Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the North Anna, Virginia Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bethesda Church, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, [ROBElRT P. McKIBBIN. [Born in PemnsyZlania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITAlRY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, August, 1862. Captain 4th U. S. Infantry, January, 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Major U.S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, March, 1870. CHARLES McMASTER. [Born in lreland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S Cavalry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry. Died, October 15, 1864, of wounds received in battle at Front Royal, Virginia. GEORGE O. McMULLIN. [Born in Penn sylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, September, 1865. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action pear Tusoumbia, Alabama. Brevet MILITARY BECORD. 307 Captain U'. S. Army, for meritorious services. Out of service by the reorganization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. CALVIN P. McTAGGART. [Born in Canada.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Transferred to the 17thU. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia. FREDERICK MEARS. [Born in New York. —Appointed from lllinois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, April, 1861. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Captain 9th U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army) for faithful and meritorious services during the war. CALVIN D. MEHiAFFEY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY ITIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, November, 1865. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Florence, N. J., January 27, 1871. HENRY MEINELL. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, November, 1861. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Resigned, January, 1870. 308 ILZITARY RECORD. CHARLES MEINHOLD. [Bornr in Prussia. —Appointed fromn the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-SeCOnd Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, December,.1863. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, December, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Black. Water Bridge, Mississippi. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in an assault on Vicksburg, Mississippi. [Served in New Mexico and Arizona. At Camp Verde, A. T. Engaged in scouting duty after hostile Apache Indians. En route to and at Fort McPherson, Nebraska, from March, 1872, to —.-EDITOR.] CHRISTOP:HER F. MERKLE. [Born in Germany.-Appointed from the Army.] MILIT&RY'HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, May, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee. Resigned, July, 1866. NELSON A. MILES. [Borrn in fMcssachusetts.-Ayppointed froom Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Major-General U. S. Volunteers. Colonel 40th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 5th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet ~Major-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. JAMES F. MILLAR. [Born in I'ew York-Appointed from Oregon.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battles of the Wilderness, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Killed by Apache Indians, while en route from Fort Yuma, Cal., to Fort Grant, Arizona Territory, March 22, 1866. .MILlTARY RECORD. 309 JOHN MILLER. [Born in New Yorkl.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. Captain 4th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. JOHN MILLS. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant ist U. S. Infantry, April, 186 Retired, June, 1865, by direction of the President. Died at Bradfor, Mass., June 21, 1867. WILLIAM MILLS. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from the Army. ] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1863. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 2d U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. WILLIAM H. MILLS. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Mlissouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.- First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, March, 1862. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, December, 1865. - Transferred to the 32d U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Chancellorsville, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious services in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army of Northern Virginia. Resigned, December 12, 1868. GEORGE MITCHELL. [Born in Ireland.-Ap2pointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Captain 7th U. S. Veteran Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services. Brevet Lieutenant. Colonel 310 2IL1TARY RECORD. U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Transferred to the 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 31st U. S. Infantry, June, 1868. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 2d U. S. iArtillery, December, 1870. JOHN MITCHELL. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1865. Captain 43d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned. On general recruiting service, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in battle on the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the operations against Petersburg, Virginia. Died at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, November 13, 1869. WILLIAM W. MITCHELL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. -First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of North Anna, Virginia. Unassigned and Indian Agent, Warm Springs Agency, Oregon. Out of service, by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, November, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July15, 1870. ISAAC F. MOFFATT. [Born in Canada.-Ajppointed from Penn8syvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Captain 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the wax. Died at Fort Quitman, Texas, October 2, 1870. DEANE MONAHAN. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1864. Captain 3d U. S. Cas .MILITARY RECORD. 11 airy, November, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Tuscumbia, Alabama. [Served in New Mexico and Orizona. Engaged in scouting duty after hostile Indians. At Camp Verde, A. T. En route to and at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from March to Junie, 1872. Detached duty at the Chug Water, W. T., to October, 1872. At Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from October, 1872, to-.-EDITOR.] ]FRANCIS MOORE. [Bornr in Scotland.-Appointed from Louisiana.] MILITARY HISTORY-Major 65th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Regimental Quartermaster 9th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1870. PATRICK HI. MORONEY. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HiSTORY-Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862, First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, July, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Retired, January, 1865, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful services, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. [Born in New York.-Appointed from _New York.] MILITARY IIISTORY.-[Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, New York, September, 1818, to August, 1823. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, May, 1824. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, April,.1831. Captain 4th U. S. Infantry, September, 1837. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Mexico. Major 3d U. S. Infantry, January, 1850. -Gardner's Dictionary.] Lieutenant-Colonel 1st U. S. Infantry, May, 1857. Retired, September, 1861, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Saratoga, New York, October 18, 1868. LOUIS T. MORRIS. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY IIIsToRY.-First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, February, 1865. Transferred to the 28thf 312 MILITARY RECORD. U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 37th U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. Transferred to the 3d U. S. Infantry, August, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee. RICHARD L. MORRIS, JR. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, December, 1862. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. ROBERT M. MORRIS. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed fron District of Columbia.] MILITARY HITSTOn.-[Second Lieutenant U. S. Mounted Rifles, May, 1846. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Contreras, Mexico, commanding his company; and Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec, Mexico. First Lieutenant U. S. Mounted Rifles, January, 1848. Captain U. S. Mounted Rifles, June, 1858.- Gardner's -Dictionary.] Major 6th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1863. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Valverde, New Mexico. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Dinwiddie Court-Hiouse, Virginia. ALBERT P. MORROW. LBorn in Illinois.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry in action. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Major 9th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. HARRISON MOULTON. [Born in New Hampsshire. —Appointed fronm the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, October, 1863. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, April, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Upperville, Virginia. Out of service MILITAR Y RECORD. 313 by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July'15, 1870. FRANK P. MIUHLENBERG. [Born in.PennsyZvanic. -Appointed from Pennsylvafnia.] MILITARYT I:lrsToR. —First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, January, 1862. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services connected with the recruitment of the Armies of the United States. Resigned, April, 1866. JAM]ES B. MULLIGAN. [Born in New Hampslhire. —Appointed from New Jeresey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, October, 161. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Murfreesboro', Tennessee, and Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee, and during the Atlanta campaign. Resigned, August, 1869. JACOB F. MUNSON. [Born, in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY IIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 8th Regiment U. S. Veteran Volunteers. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers,'for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, October, 1866. Regimental Adjutant 6th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. EDWARD MURPHY. [Bor in New York.-Appointed from thle Arzmy.] MILITARY'HISTORY.-Second Lientenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1863. Brevet CaT - tain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todc's Tavern, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorio s services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. - Retired, April, 1865, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Binghamton, N. Y., October 6, 1871. VOL. II. —21 314 MILITARY -RECORD. WILLIAM H. NASH. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsTORY. —Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and distinguished services. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, November, 1865. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the war. HENRY R. NEAL. [Born in Tennsylvania.-Appointed from Kan sas.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 26th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Died at Crockett, Texas, November 21, 1867. FIELDING NEALE. [Born in.-Appointedfrom.1 MILITARY HISToRY.-Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., November 18, 1866. OSCAR /H. NEALY. [Borvn in lndiana.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant Ilth U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, January, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Resigned, February, 1866. JAMES P. W. NEILL. [Born in Pennsylfvania.-Apoinited from' Pennsylgvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, December, 1863. Transferred to the 36th U.S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 7th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, GeQrgia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. M1ILITARY RECORD. 315 WILLIAM NELSON. [Born ipn Indiana.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Secondc Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1862. First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, October, 1862. Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 22d U. S. Infantry, July, 1867. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 21st U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vieksburg, Mississippi. CLARENCE E. NESMITH. [Born in New Hampshire.-Appointed from New 11ampshire.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. Brevet ~Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services in the Subsistence Department. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, April, 1866. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1866. EDWARD P. NEWKIRK. [Born itn New York.-Appointed from New York.] MI:ITARtY HrsToRY.-First Lieutenant 1st New York Volunteer Light Artillery. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers; for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, July, 1866. ALFRED S. NEWLIN. [Born in Pennsylvcania.-Appointed from Pennsyvarnia.] MILITARY IISTOirY. Captain 114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers,: for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. Secondc Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry. Died at Richmond, Virginia, February 18, 1867. 316 MIL-TARY RECORD. CHARLES S. NEWLIN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, April, 1863. First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, January, 1864. Transferred to the 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee. Unassigned and awmaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged September, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. FREDERICK C. NICHOLS. [Born in Canada.-Appointed from Mfissouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major 9th U. S. Veteran Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet. Colonel U. Sg Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1868. Unassigned, July, 1869. Assigned to the 1st U. S. Artillery, January, 1871. JAMES W. NICHOLLS. [Born in District of Columnbia. —Appointed from Tennessee.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. JOHN B. NIXON. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from Illinois.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 17th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services during the war. B:revet LieutenantColonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services during the war. First Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867. -Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Regimental Quartermaster 24th U. S. Infantry, March, 1871. MXLI7TAnRY RECORD. 317 NICHOLAS NOLAN. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1864. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Brandy Station, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Dinwiddie Court-House, Virginia. HENRY NORTON. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY IIsToRY.-Major 6th U. S. Volunteers. Brevet'LieutenantColonel U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry at the battle of Malvern Hill, and for meritorious services during the Peninsula campaign, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. MARTIN NORTON. [Born in Illinois.-Appointed from Blinois.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, October, 1868. THOMAS H. NORTON. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Virginia.] MILITARY HISTORY-Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Unassigned, December, 1869. Brevet:Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tennessee, and in the Atlanta campaign, and battle of 318 MILITARY:RECORD. Jonesboro', Georgia. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. LYSTER M. O'BRIEN. [Born in Michigan.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain 22d Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to the 25th U. S. Infantry, Sept.; 1866. First Lieutenant 25th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 17th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. ROBERT EI. OFFLEY. [Born in New York.-Appointed from.ew York.] MLITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, May, 1857. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 1st U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. LUKE O'REILLY. [Born in Canada.-A4ppointed from Missouri. MILITARY HISTORY.-C-aptain and Aide-de-Camp -U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious conduct at the battleof Bayou de Glaze, Louisiana. First Lieutenant 39th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Captain 39th U. S. Infantry, October, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 19th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Savannah, Georgia. NATHAN W. OSBORNE.:[Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY lISTORY.-Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. MILITARY RECORD. 319 ELWELL S. OTIS. [Born in Maryland.-AppoinAted from Ynew York.] X[LITTARY HIsToRY.-Lieontenant-Colonel 140th New York Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chapel House, Virginia. Lieutenant-Colonel 22d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. DANIEL M. PAGE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Illinois.] aIrLITAlRY lISTORY.-First Lieutenant 111th U: S. Colored Troops. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, July, 1867. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871'under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. WILLIAM W. PARRY. [Born in Pennsyfivania..-Appointed from Pennsy7vania.] MILITAMRY lISTORY.-.Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 34th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. -First Lieutenant 34th U. S. Infantry, February, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 13th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Died at Camp Douglas, Utah Territory, September 4, 1871. JAMES T. PEALE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appoirnted fromn Pennsylfvania.] -MILITARY HISTOoRY.-Major 4th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, and particularly in the engagement at WVyatt's Farm. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. 320 MILITARY RECORD. CHtARLES G. PENNEY. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. Unassigned, November, 1869. Assigned to the 6th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870.. Regimental Quartermaster 6th U. S. Infantry, October, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Fort Blakely, Alabama. WILLIAM F. PENNOCK. [Born in New IHampshire.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTony.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant lst U. S. Cavalry, September, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Virginia. Retired, July, 1865, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. CHARLES B. PENROSE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services during the war. Captain and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, May, 1865. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the war. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. DAVID PERRY. [Born in Connecticut.-Appointed from N.ew Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, Mairch, 1862. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, November, 1864. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallantry in an engagement with a large band of Indians on the Owyhee IRiver, Idaho Territory. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallantry in an engagement with a large band of Indians on the Malheur River, Oregon. II.LI4'ARY RECORD. 321 ROBERT C. PERRY. [Born in Nerw York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Captain 7th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. First Lieutenant 42d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, December, 1870.'Retired, December, 1870, upono the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. LEMUEL PETTEE. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HrISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, September, 1862. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1864. Transferred to the 29th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 29th U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 25th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. BENJAMIN M. PIATT. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointedfrom Kansas.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Major U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, July, 1867. Unassigned, May, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service; from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. EUGENE PICKETT. [Born in Massac&usetts.-Appointed from New York.] ]MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Majdr U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry at the battles of 2d Bull Run, Virginia, and Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry at the battles of 2d Bull Run, Virginia, .322 MILITARY RECORD. and Antietam, Maryland. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, August, 1867. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Out of service by the reorganization of the Army, being discharged December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. AUSTIN L. PIERCE. [Born in.-Appointed f oom.1 MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Died at Fort Griffin, Texas, November 30, 1870. CHARLES C. POMEROY. [Born in Pennsylvania.-IAppointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRy.-Captain Ilth U. S. Infantry' May, 1861. Transferred to the 20th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in connection with the mustering out of service and the disbanding of the Volunteer Army of the United States. Resigned, October, 1867. GEORGE -POMEROY. [Born in New York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. —'Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services in the Pay Department. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, July, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful services in the Pay Department. Died at Omaha, Neb., January 1, 1869.:DOUGLASS POPE. [Born in Illinois.-Appointed from.Missouri.] MILITARY HISToRY. —Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished services in the campaign of the Army of Virginia, and in the Department of the North-West, and Military Division of the Missouri. First Lieutenant 37th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866.'Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 13th U. S. Infan$ry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Groveton, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during.the war. Resigned, October, 1870. MILrTARY RECORD. 323 ROBERT HI. PORTER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] nILITARY HISTORY. -First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, November, 1865. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services. Retired, May, 1867, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful services, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Philadelphia, Pa., April 22, 1869. SAMUEL A. PORTER. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from. Illinois.] MILITA1RY HIsToRY.-Colonel 123d U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Second Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Transferred to the 17th U. S. Infantry May, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Captain U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon. the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. CAR/ROLL H. POTTER. [Born in Rhode Island.-Ayppointed froam Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services during the war. First Lieuutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Regimental Adjutant 18th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. HORATIO POTTER, Jt. [Born in ew York. —Apointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 7th New York Volunteer EHeavy Artillery. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct before Petersburg, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. First Lieutenantt 17th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Regimental Adjutant 17th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. 324 M2ILITARY RECORD. IRWIN W. POTTER. [Born in Wisconsin. —Appointedfrom Wisconsin.1 MILITARY IISTORY.-First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Captain 15thI U. S. Infantry, April, 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Died at Nacogdoches, Texas, February 28, 1869. JAMES POWELL. [Born in 2Maryland. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Secon d Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, September, 1864. Transferred to the 27th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant conduct in the fight with the Indians near Fort Phil. Kearney, Dakota Territory, August 2, 1867. Retired, January, 1868, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. JAMES W. POWELL, JR. [Born in YTew York.-Appointed from New YorAk.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 10th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Captain 42d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 6th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. RICHARD H. PRATT. [Born in New Fork.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY ISTOrRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. MILITARY RECORD. 325 WILLIAM R. PRICE. [Born in Ohio. —Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsTOr. —Major and Assistant'Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for industry, zeal, and faithful services in the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major 8th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and' meritorious services in an engagement with Indians in the vicinity of WTalker's Springs, in the Aquarius Range, Arizona Territory. GEORGE W. PYLE. [Born in.-Appointed from,] MILITARY llISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry. Died at Fort Union, N. M., December 29', 1868. PAUL QUIRK. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1864. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Maryland campaign. Brevet Captain U. S.'Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Beverly Ford, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Captain U. S. Army, July, 1866. Retired, January, 1865, upon the full rank of the command he held when wounded. GEORGE M. RANDALL. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY IHISTORY. -Lieutenant-Colonel 14th'New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallantry in the attack on Fort Steedman, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S., Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. Captain 4th U. S. Infantry, September, 1865. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to the 23d U. S. Infantry, January, 18 71. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Virginia. 326 MILITARY RECORD. WALLACE IF. RANDOLPH. [Born in rensnylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.l MILITARY HIisTORY. —Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, March, 1862. Captain 5th U. S. Artillery, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. [Taken prisoner by the rebels and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., till he escaped by means of the " Tunnel, " and after mach exposure regained the Union lines.-EDITOR.] Brevet Major U. S. Army, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. WILLIAM G. RANKIN. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appo~,,ted from Washington Territory.] MILITARY tISTORY.-Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Transferred to the 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Unassigned, May, 1869. Transferred to the 13th U. S. Infantry, July, 1869. Brevet Mlajor U. S. Army, for faithful services during the war. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for faithful services during the war. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. DUNBAR R. RANSOM. [Born in North Carolina. -Appointedfrom Vermont.] MILITARY HISTOoY.-[Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, June, 1855. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, December, 1856. DisLnsguished in several conflicts with Indians in Washington Territory, September, 1858. -Gardner's Dictionary.] Captain 3d U. S. Artillery, November, 1861, Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for'gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant. and meritorious services in action at 1Kearneysville, Virginia. ALFRED M. RAPHALL. [Born in Eng#land.-Ap9pointed froom Neow York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 6th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Captain 6th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for highly meritorious services NiILITARY RECORD. S27 while in the field, and on detached duty with General Sickles, in South America. Second Lieutenant 43d U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 11th U. S. Infantry, August, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. GEORGE F. RAULSTON.1 [Born in ]ew York-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 19th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being mustered out of service, December, 1870, under Section, 11 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. WILLIAM C. RAWOLLE. EBorn in Prussia.-Appointed from Newo York.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain and Additional Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant ahd meritorious services in the Army of the Potomac, from August, 1862, to January, 1863, including the battles of 2d Bull Run, South Mrountain, Antietam, Warrenton, Sulphur Springs, and Fredericksburg. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S.iVolunteers, for services in the West, including the cavalry campaign in East Tennessee, and expeditions into Northern Mississippi, and for gallant edaring at the battle of Brice's Cross Roads, Mississippi. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, June, 1868. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1869. Regimental Quartermaster 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1870. NICHOLAS REDMOND. [Born in lreland.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HEISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1864. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Retired, December, 1867, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. 328 AMILITARY BECORD. HENRY B. REESE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] NMILITARY HIsToRY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. JOSEPH IRENDLEBOCK. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToY.- Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1863. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, August, 1867. Bievet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the Cavalry action at Franklin, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at McMinnville, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. JOSEPH B. RIFE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsy'vania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, September, 1861. Captain 6th U. S. Infantry, November, 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. CYRUS S. ROBERTS. [Born in Connecticut.-Al4ppointed from Connecticut.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 150th New York Volunteer Infantry. Captain 150th New York Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaigns in West Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. First Licutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, September, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fisher's Hill, Virginia. MILITARY RECORD. 329 SCOTT H. ROBINSON. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Kentueky,] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. First Lieutenant 3d U. S.Cavalry, December, 1868. Died at Georgetown, Ky., January 26, 1870. GEORGE B. RODNEY. [Born in Delaware.-Appointed from Delaware.] MILI'TARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. Captain 4th U. S. Artillery, March, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. WILLIAM W. ROGERS. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvainia.] MILITARY HISTORY-[Private U. S. Volunteer Service, July, 1861. Engaged at the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Kelly's Ford, Brandy Station, Seven Pines, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Mine Run, Manassas, and Gettysburg. Wounded in right shoulder and left breast. Captain 19th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, February, 1864.-Field Record of V. R. C.] Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant conduct in the field. First Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 14th U. S. Infantry, July, 1869. Transferred to the 9th U. S. Infantry, May, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. EDWARD ROSS. -[Born an hNew Yorkc.-Appointed from Washington Terrt. MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 7th U. S. Infantry, April, 1861 First Lieutenant 7th U. S, Infantry. Died at Washington,:D. C.,.July 23, 1862. VOL. II. —22 -830 MILITARY RECORD. CHARLES A. ROSSANDER. [Born in Sweden.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY. First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. [Served with Hamilton's Light Battery of Artillery at Hilton Head, S. C.-EDITOR.] Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. Died at New Orleans, La., September 17, 1867. CHARLES S. RTJSSELL. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Colonel 28th U. S. Colored Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for distinguished services in the assault on Cemetery Hill, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritoriousF services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the action that succeeded the explosion of the Petersburg Mine, Virginia. Died at Cincinnati, Ohio, November 2, 1866. FRANCIS L. D. RUSSELL. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1862. Died at Springfield, Mass., May 11, 1864. GERALD RUSSELL. [Born in Ireland.-AJppointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1864. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, November, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Tuscumbia, Alabama. [Served in New Mexico and Arizona. At Camp Bowie, A. T. Engaged on scouting duty after hostile Apache Indians. En route to and at Fort McPherson, Nebraska, from March, 1872, to-. —EDIToR.] MILITARY RECORD. 831 WILLIAM IRUSSELL, JR. [Born irn New York.-Appointed from Virginia.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for services during the war. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Virginia. Died in Lampasas County, Texas, May 15, 1870, of wounds received in action with Indians. JOHN RZIHA. [Born in oland.-A-A ppoited from lowa.] MIILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Transferred to the 37th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Unassigned, August, 1869. Assigned to the 4th U. S. Infantry, August, 1870. Brevet Major U. S. Army. ALBERT SABIN. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from Vermont.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant ist U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry. Died at Woodstock, Vermont, September 29, 1863. GEORGE H. SANDERSON. LBorn in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARtY IiSTORY.-Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, March, 1866. Transferred to the 33d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 11th U. S. Infantry, December, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta- campaign. ROSWELL M. SAWYER. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Wscons n.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers, July, 1863. Captain 25th U. S. Infantry. Died at St. Louis, Mo., December 26, 1866. .382 2JILTAR Y RECORD. FREDERICK W. SCHAURTE. [Born in Prussia.-Appointed from the Army.j MILITARY IHIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, June, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Captain 2d U. S. Cavalry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, May, 1867. JEREMIAH P. SCHINDEL. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from Pennsylvantia.] MILITARYr HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry, February, 1864. Captain 6th U. S. Infantry, February, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of 2d Bull Run, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle'of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. JOHN SCOTT. [Born in Scotland.-Appointed from Illinois.] MILITARY HISTRY. — Captain 15th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 30th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Transferred to the 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869, GEORGE DE V. SELDEN. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry. Died, September 17, 1863, of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. JAMES Y. SEMPLE. [Born in Pennsyllvania.-AApponted from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 15th U S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry. Captain 15th U. S. Infan MILITARY RECORD. 333 try, December, 1865. - Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mkurfreesboro', Tennessee. Died at Mobile, Alabama, May 11, 1867. THOMAS SHEA. [Born in. Indiana.-Appointed from Indiana.] MI~ILITARY HISTORY.- Colonel U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 44th UT. S. Infahtry, January, 1867. Captain 44th U. S. Infantry, June, 1867,. Transferred to the 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Rome, Georgia. Brevet Major- U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Rome, Georgia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Georgia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, December, 1870. Retired, December, 1870, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. JOSIAH A. SHEETZ. [Born in Pennsylvania. -Appointed fromn llilnois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Colonel 8th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defences. First Lieutenant 30th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Transferred to the 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Viclksburg, Mississippi, Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Mobile, Alabama. WILLIAM SHEILDS. [Born in Maine. —Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 44th'I. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 44th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. ALEXANDER E. SHELDON. [Born in.New York. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISrTORY.Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861, First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. Captain 4th 334 IILITTARY RECORD. U. S. Infantry, August, 1864. Brevet Major U. S. Armyi for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Petersburg, Virginia. Resigned, April, 1866. MICHAEL V. SHERIDAN. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Opequan, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fisher's Hill, Virginia. Lieutenant-Colorel and Aide-de-Camp to General Sheridan, the Lieutenant-General of the Army of the United States. JAMES E. SHORTELLE. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY IISTORRY.-Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry. Died at Elmira, N. Y., August 5, 1871. DANIEL E. SICKLES. [Born in New York.-A ppointedfrom Ne1w York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major-General U. S. Volunteers. [Served in the field during the war of the rebellion, being wounded and losing his leg.EDITOR.] Colonel 42d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet BrigadierGeneral U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brevet Major-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. MajorGeneral U. S. Army, April, 1869. Retired, April, 1869, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. CIVIL HIsTRY.- [Member of the HIouse of Representatives, U. S. Congress. U. S. Minister to Spain.-EDITOR.] JOHN F. SMALL. [Born in Tennessee. —A)2pointed from the Army.] MILITARY EHISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, May, 1864. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, August, 1864. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia. Died at San Francisco, California, February 22, 1869. MILITARY RiECORD. 335 EDMUND L. SMITH. LBorn in Pennsylvania.-,-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Resigned, July, 1867. EDWARD S. SMITH. [Born in England.-Appointed from tfe Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 13th New York IndependentVolunteer Battery. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry, judgment, and precision in action during the recent campaign, terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army under General Robert E. Lee. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, June, 1865. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, July, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being mustered out of service, December, 1870, under Section 11 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. FRANK G. SMITH. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Ohio.] MIIITARY IHISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. Captain 4th U. S. Artillery, February, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. HENRY W. SMITH. [Bo?n in New York.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. Died at Fort Stanton, N. M., March 8, 1869. f386.T1LLITARY RECORD. JOHN W. SMITH. [Born in Connecticut.-Altpointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HISTRY.- Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. IBrevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and zealous services in the Pay Department. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, January, 1867.'Resigned, May, 1870. LEMUEL SMITH. tBorn in Newo Jersey.-A Apointedc from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery, October, 1863. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Artillery. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Died at Key West, Florida, January 1, 1867. ROBERT: B. SMITH. [Born in New York.-Appointed from N1ew Jersey.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Chapel House, Virginia. Resigned, January, 1866. SIMEON SMITH. [Born in New York.-Appointed from Minnesota.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Major U. S. Volunteers. Major and Paymaster, UI. S. Army, August, 1861. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. WILLIAM SMITH. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from Minnesota.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army,.January, 1867. .zILITARY RECORD. 3837 WILLIAM T. SMITH. [Born in.-Appointed from.3 MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry. Died at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, July 31, 1866. WILLIAM H. SMYTH. [Born. in Maine.-Appointed from Kansas.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, December, 1864. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Resigned, May, 1869. RUFUS SOMERBY. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 8th'U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Cavalry, September, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant conduct in engagements with Apache Indians, between the 30th of August, 1868, and 12th of September, 1868. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and efficient services in actions with the Apache Indians, between October 7, 1868, and October 23, 1868. Resigned, March, 1870. SAMUEL D. SOUTHIWORTH. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HIsTORY. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery. Killed in battle at Cedar Creek, Virginia, October 19,1864. EDWARD J. SPAULDING. [Born in New York. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Second Lieutenanf 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, June, 1863. Captain 2d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1867. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Beverly Ford, Virginia. 338 MlLITARY RBECORD. CHARLES J. SPRAGUE. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from California.] MILITARY HISTORY.-[First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1847. Regimental Adjutant 9th U. S. Infantry, July, 1848. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico. Distinguished and wounded in the battle of Chapultepec, Mexico. Captain 9th U. S. Infantry, October, 1847. Disbanded, August, 1848.-Gardner's Dictionary.] Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. WILLIAM F. SPURGIN. [Born in Kentucky.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 100th U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for special gallantry at Johnsonville, in November, 1864, and at Nashville, Tennessee, December 16, 1864, and for faithful and meritorious services in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. First Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Unassigned, April, 1870. Assigned to the 21st U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Johnsonville, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee. STEPHEN R. STAFFORD. [Born in Newo York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARYr HISTORY.-Captain 8th New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery, Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. Unassigned, November, 1869. Assigned to the 15th U. S. Infantry, March, 1870. CHARLES B. STAMBAUGH. [Born. in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio. I MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1868. Killed in action with Indians near Miner's Delight, Wyoming Territory, May 4, 1870. MILITAlBY RECORD. 339 WILLIAM STANLEY. [Born in New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, October, 1863. First Lieutenant 10th U. S. Infantry, June, 1864. Captain 10th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 20th U. S. Infantry, July, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia. ALEXANDER H. STANTON. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, May, 1866. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1868. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallantry in an engagement with a large band of Indians on Malheur River, Oregon. Died at Wheeling, W. Va., January 2, 1870. FRANK STANWOOD. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from lfassachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.- Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1862. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for coolness, energy, and skill in battle. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. [Served in New Mexico and Arizona. Commanding Camp Grant, A. T. Engaged scouting after hostile Apache Indians. En route to and at Fort D. A. Russel, W. T., from March, 1872, to -.-EDITOR.] Died at Brighton, Mass., December 20, 1872. WRIGHT STAPLES. [Born in.England.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, June, 1862. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, November, 1863. Killed in battle, May 5, 1864. AUGUSTUS W. STARR. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from CGalifornia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 2d California Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second: 340 MILITARY RECORD. Lieutenant 8th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 8th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. Captain 8th U. S. Cavalry, November, 1869... Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. IRWIN M. STARR. [Born in Neoew York. —Appointed from New York.] MILITARY IISTORY.-Captain 4th New York Volunteer Provisional Cavalry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, December, 1869. SIGISMUND STERNBERG. [Born in Prussia. -Appointedfrom the District of Columbia.] MIrTTaRY HIrsoRY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Killed in action with Indians, near Fort C. F. Smith, M. T., August 1, 1867. PHINEAS STEVENS. [Bornn it lermont.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY IHISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. Transferred to the 35th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Unassigned, and on duty in the Fifth Military District. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, August, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. JOHN D. STEVENSON. [Born in Virginia.-Appointed from Missouri.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major-General U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services during the war. Colonel 30th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Champion Hills, Mississippi. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. MILITARY RECORD. 841 ISAAC S. STEWART. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful services in the Pay Department. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, October, 1867. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, July, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. JAMES STEWART. [Born in Sctltand-Appointed from the Army.] MILIT:ARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, November, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, July, 1863. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, and during the present campaign before Richmond, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. CLIFFORD STICKNEY. [Born in Rhode Island.-Appointed from Itlinois.] MILITARY HISToRY.-Major U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 20th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Atlanta, Georgia. Died at Marion Virginia, October 3, 1867. LOUIS R. STILLt]. [Born in Maryland.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.'-Captain 3d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, March, 1866. Transferred to the 23d. U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry, October, 1866... SAMUEL W. STOCKTON. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from Newzo Jersey,] MrLIT.RY ITHrso Sr.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Aide-de-Camp on staff of General 342 MILITARY RECORD. Htunter. Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers. Captain 4th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the expedition of-General Hunter against Lynchburg, Virginia. Resigned September, 1866. EBENEZER W. STONE. [Born in M7assachusetts.-Appointed from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY —Lieutenant-Colonel 61st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign resulting in the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the Insurgent Army under General Robert E. Lee. Second Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to the 21st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. First Lieutenant 21st U. S. Infantry, March, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 21st U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Williamsburg, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Williamsburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. HENRY L. STONE. [Born in Massachusetts.-Apponted from Massachusetts.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 41st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Died at West Newton, Mass., May 25, 1870. SAMUEL E. ST. ONGE. [Born in Net York. —Appointed from the Army.] MRLITAiRY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, April, 1862. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, December, 1862.. Captain 16th U. S. Infantry, August, 1865. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Jonesboro', Georgia. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged December, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. MILITARY iRECORD. 343 RICHARD SUMMERS. [Born in P1 ussia.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry, March, 1868. Transferred to the 9th U. S. Infantry, June, 1869. Died at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming Territory, October 18, 1870. EDWIN V. SUMNER. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed at Large.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, November, 1861. Captain 1st U. S. Cavalry, September, 1863. Colonel Ist New York Volunteer lMounted Rifles. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the field. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. ALEXANDER SUTORIOUS. [Born in Switzerland. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-SeCOnd Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, April, 1863. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, October, 1865. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, May, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Tuscumbia, Alabama. [Served in New Mexico and'Arizona, at Camp Verde, A. T. Engaged on scouting duty after hostile Indians. En route to and at Fort Sanders, W. T., from March, 1872, to —. —EDITOR.] WILLIAM E. SWEET. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from the District of Columbia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 23d Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. First Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Berryville, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, October, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. 844 MILITARY RECORD. FRANK W. TAGGAARD. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed frorm Massacrusetts.] MILITARY 1ISTORY.-Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for efficient and meritorious services. First Lieutenant 41st U. S. Infantry, May, 1867. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. DAVID TAGGART. [Born in Pennsylvania.-AAppointed from Pennsylvania.] -MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Paymaster U. 8. Army, fMay, 1861. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. JOHN McL. TAYLOR. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITRY HISTOY.. -Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, March, 1848. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Artillery, June, 1851. Regimental Adjutant 2d U. S. Artillery, 1855. Regimental Quartermaster 2d U: S. Artillery, October, 1855. Captain, and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, May, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel, and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services in his Department during the war. Major, and Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, February, 1863. RODNEY M. TAYLOR. [Born in iNew York.-Appointedfrom New York.] MILITARY HISTORY,-Major 12th New York Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet L;ieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. First Lieutenant 12th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, August, 1869. Assigned to the 20th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. MiLITARY RECORD. 345 STEPHEN B. THOBURN.,[Born in Ohio.-Appointed fromn Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY. -Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 23d U. S. Infantry, October, 1867. Died at Columbus, Ohio, July 2, 1871. A. B. THOMPSON. [Born in New Hzampshire. —Ap ointed from:New Halmpshire.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Seond Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Captain 18th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Retired, May, 1864, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. JAMES THOMPSON. [Born in New York.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, May, 1864. Transferred to the 37th U. S. Infantry, February, 1867. Captain 37th U. S. Infantry, February, 1867. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 23d U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege, of Suffolk, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. J. MILTON THOMPSON. [Born in New Hampshire.-Appointed from New Hampshire.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. First Lieutenant 38th U. S. Infantry, November, 1867. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, November, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army,. for gallant and meritorious services at James Island, South Carolina. LEWIS THOMPSON. [Born in Pemnsytvania.-App-oi ted from Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, October, 1862. Captain 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Upperville, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. VOL. II. —23 346: MILITARY RECORD. WILLIAM THOtPSON. [Born in Pennsylvania.- Appointed from iowa.j MVILITARlY HIsToRY.-Colonel 1st Iowa Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at Bayou Meter, Arkansas. PLATT M. THORNE. [Born in ijekw York.-Appointed fromt Neq York.] MILITARY IISTORY.-Captain 150th New York Volunteers. Breve't Major U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 13th U. S. Infantry, April, 1866. Transferred to the 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry, May, 1869. HENRY W. TORBETT. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed efrom Pennsylvaniia.] 1MILITARY HIsTORY.-LieUtenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 29th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Died at Freeport, Pa., June 8, 1871. ALFRED TOWNSEND. [[Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant -18th U. S. Infantry, November, 1862. First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Captain U. S. Army, July, 1866. Retired, February, 1865, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. GEORGE. H. TRACY. [Bori in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Connecticut.] /MILITARY HIISTORY.-First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry,: August, 1864. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta and Savannahcampaigns. Died at Mobile, Alabama, September 17, 1867. MILITARY RECORD. 347 IRA W. TRASK. [Born in Maine.-Appoinited from Illinois.] MILITARY IIISTORY.-First:Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battle of Mechanicsville, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Out of service by the reorganization of the Army, being discharged, December, 1870, under Section 3 of an Actf approved July 15, 1870. JOHN N. TRAVIS. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HISTORY -First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 14th U. S. Inrfantry, January, 1867. Brevet -First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battle of Mechanicsville, Virginia. Resigned, August, 1868. HENRY TUCKER. [Born in Pennsylveania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY IISToRIY.-First Lieutenant 6ti U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. Regimental Commissary of Subsistence, November, 1865. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for'gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious conduct. Died at Cincininati, Ohio, October 20, 1866. JOHN G. TURNBULL. [Born in District of Columbia.-Appointed at Laerge.] MILITARY HIsToRY-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Artillery, August, 1861. Captain 3d U. S. Artillery, April, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. GEORGE L. TYLER. [Born in Marylandl.-Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 7th Maryland Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at 848 MILITAR Y RECORD. the battle of the Wilderness, Virginia. Captain 36th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, May, 1869. Assigned to the 1st U. S. Cavalry, December, 1870. EDMUND UNDERWOOD. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennseylvlrla.] MILITARY HISTOoRY. —Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1848. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, March, 1853. Captain 4th U. S. Infantry, December, 1854. M~ajor 18th U. S. Infantry, Mllay, 1861. Retired, February, 1862, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Utica, N. Y., September 5, 1863. JOHN B. VANDE-WIELE. [Born in New York. —Apointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 8th Regiment, ist Army Corps. Brevet I ajor U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the -war. Captain 10th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1867. Brevet Major U. S.. krmy, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Reams' Station, Virginia. EUGENE VAN-NESS. [Bor.n i 3New York.-Appointed from _New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, December, Y8839. Lieutenant-Colonel, and Deputy Paymaster-General, U. S. Army, R'ebruary, 1855. Died at Baltimore, Maryland, May 28, 1862. FREDERICK VAN VLIET. [Born in Ylew York-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1861. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the late campaign, from the Rapidan to Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Mobile, Alabama. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for meritorious services during the war. [Served in New Mexico and Arizona, commanding Camp Hualpai, A. T. Engaged in scouting duty after hostile Indians. En route to and at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from ]March, 1872, to December, 1872.] On march to Fort Fetterman, D. T., and' at that post, December, 1872, to -. MILITARY RECORD. 349 CHIIALES 1H. VEIL. [Born in Pennsylvania. —Appointed from thMe Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant ist U. S. Cavalry, April, 1864. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Cavalry, July, 1864. Brevet -First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being transferred to the list of Supernumeraries, and honorably mustered out of service, January, 1871, under Section 12 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. CHARLES D. VIELE. [Born in N2ew York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. First Lieutenant Ist U. S. Infantry, April, 1862. Captain Ist U. S. Infantry, April, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 10th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1871. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. FRIEDElRICK R. VINCENT. [Born in Prince Edward's Isgand.-Appointed from ifissouri.] MILITARY HISTO{RY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1869. Died April 20, 1872, of wounds received in Indian affair at Howard's Wells, near old Fort Lancaster, Texas. GUSTAV VON BLUCHER. [Born in Denmark.-Appointed from. West Virginia.] ]MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers.. First Lieutenant 16th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. At McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, October, 1870, under Section.3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870. 350 MILITARY RECORD. SAMIIUEL P. VORIS. [Born -in Ohio.-Appointedfrom Illinois.] MILITARY HIsTORY.-Captain:U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 17th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of }Mission Ridge, Tennessee. Died at lHempstead, Texas, September 21, 1867. PETER D. VROOM, JR. [Born in New Jersey.-Appointed from New Jersey.] - MILITARY IIISTORY.-M3ajor 2d New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, February, 1866. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Regimental Adjutant 3d U. S. Cavalry. [Served in New Mexico, and at Camp Halleck, Nevada. On general recruiting service, January, 1871, to January, 1873.-EDITOR.] HENRY P. WADE. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY HIsToRY. —Captain 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry. Major 5th U. S. Colored Cavalry. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry,:May, 1866. Captain 8th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. BrevetFirst Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Saltville, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action -at Saltville, Virginia. Brevet MI[ajor U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Saltville, Virginia. Resigned, August, 1869. JAMES F. WADE. [Born in Oho.-Appointed from Ohio.] MILITARY IHISTORY.-First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1861. -Colonel of a regiment of U. S. Colored Troops. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant services in the campaign in South-Western Virginia. Captain 6th U. S. Cavalry, May, 1866. Major 9th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Beverly Ford, Virginia. Brevet Mhajor U. S. Army, MILITARY BRECOD. -35' for gallant and meritorious services in action at Marion, East Tennessee. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. FRANK R. WALBORN. [Born in. Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 31st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Died at Fort Stevenson, D. T., November 23, 1868. GEORGE W. WALKER. [Born in Ohio.-A ppointed from Iowa.] M.ILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry. Captain 9th U. S. Infantry, March, 1867. Died at Camp Ruby, Nevada, September 10, 1867. JOHN H. WALKER. [Borna in NYew York.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-First Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1865. Transferred to the 23d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. ]Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Major UI. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Retired, March, 1869, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. SAMUEL WALKER. [Born in Pennsylvcania.-Appointed from Pennsy7lvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 22d Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Second Lieutenant 45th U. S. Infantry, September, 1868. Unassigned, July, 1869. Retired, December, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. 35-2 -MILITARY RECORD. IRWIN M. WALLACE. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Died at Pittsburg, Pa., February 19, 1862. SAMUEL B. WALLACE. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, August, 1863. First Lieutenant 1st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Regimental Adjutant 1st U. S. Infantry, August, 1 866. Died at New Orleans, La., August 27, 1867. JAMES W. WALSH. [Born in Ireland.-Appointed from Maryland.] MILITARY HIISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. BIevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the -recent operations resulting in'the fall of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavahly, May, 1866. Captain 5th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. MATTHEW H. WARD. [Born in.-Appointed from.] MILITARY HISTORY. Second Lieutenant 2d lU. S. Artillery. Died at Drum Barracks, California, July 3, 1867. IROBERT P. WARREN. [Born in New York.-Appointed from 2Xew York.] MILITARY HISTORY. First Lieutenant 146th New York Volunteer Infantry. Captain 146th New York Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chapel House, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Second Lieutenant 24th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. First Lieutenant 24th U. S. Infantry, May, 1868. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 14th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. MILITARY RECORD. 353 CIAPRLES B. WATSON. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HISTOR. —Seconcl Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry, February, 1857. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Infantry. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, October, 1861. Died on board of steamer "West Wind," near Nebraska City, N. T., April 30, 1863. CHARLES A. WEBB. [Born in Vermont.-Appointed from Vermont.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861.'Transferred to the 22d U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. AMOS WEBSTER. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from District of Cfolnumbia.] MILITARY HISTORY. —aptain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services in the campaign against the Rebel Army of Northern Virginia, commencing in front of Petersburg,'Virginia, March 29, 1865, and ending April 9, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, March, 1867. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. -Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war.. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, April, 1869. JOHN G. WEBSTER. [Born in England.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARiY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th ]U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Cavalry. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the pursuit of the rebel forces under General Hood. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Selma, Alabama. Brevet Major U. S. Army, f6r gallantry during the pursuit of Hood, after the battle of Nashville, Tennessee, and in the charge of his regiment against the rebel earth-works at Selma, Alabama. Died at San Antonio, Texas, March 8, 1866,. 35854 MILITARY RECORD. THOMAS- B. WEIR. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from 2XicY7igan.] -MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel.U. S. Volunteers. First Lieutenant 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Farmington, near Corinth, Mississippi. Brevet LieutenantColonel U. S. Army,. for gallant and meritorious services in the engagement with Forrest, near Ripley, Mississippi.:-ELIJAH R. WELLS. [Born i-n New York. —Appointed from the Army.]:MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. First Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, November, 1863. Captain 2d U. S. Cavalry, May, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Beverly Ford, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. ROBERT' M. WEST. [Born in New Jersey.-Appoznted from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Colonel 5th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious ser-'vices during the war. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet MajorU. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Charles City Court-House, Virginia. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of New Market Heights, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Army,for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia. Resigned, March, 1869. JOHIN S. WHARTON. [Borin N ew York.-Appoi'ntedfrom New York.] MILITARY HISToRY.-First-Lieutenant 14th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 14th U. S. Infantry, June, 1865. Unassigned, July, 1869. Assigned to the 19th U. S.Infantry, December, 1870. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of, 2d Bull Run, Virginia. MILITARY JRECORD. 355 LOYD WHEATON. [Born in.Michigan.-Appointed from Illinois.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defences. Captain 34th U. S.. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 20th U. S. Infantry; September, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for'gallant and meritorious services in the assault at Fort Blalely, Alabama. CHIIARLES A. WHITTIER. [Born in faine.-Appointed from HMassachusetts.],MILITARY HISTORY.-Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Colonel U. S.,Volunteers, for highly valuable and meritorious services during the recent campaign, terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General R. E. Lee. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for highly valuable and meritorious services during the recent campaign, terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General -R. E. Lee. Captain 32d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, and Aide-de-Camp to Major-General H. W. Halleck. Out of service by the rerorganization of the Army, being discharged, August, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. ROYAL E. WHITMAN. [Born in Maine.-Appointed from Maine.] MILITARY HISTORY.-[Colonel of a Maine regiment of Volunteers. Served in the Department of the Gulf, and in the Shenandoah Valley of airginia.-EDITOR.] Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1867. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1869. Brevet First Lieutenant -U. S. Army, for gallantry at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, Louisiana. [Served in New Mexico and Arizona. At Camp Grant,A. T. Charge of Apache Indian Reservation, exercising a strong control' over said Indians, and doing good service to the Government. At Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from October, 1872, to. —-EDoITOR.] CHARLES H. WHITTELSEY. [Born in Connectieut.-Appointed from 2Newo York.] MILITARY HISTORY. —Major and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant 356 MILITARY ZREUO.ED. and meritorious services in the battles before Petersburg, Virginia. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the recent campaign, terminating with the surrender of the Insurgent Army, under General Robert E. Lee. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Captain 30th U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, March, 1869. Assigned to the 13th U. S. Infantry, September, 1869. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Petersburg, Virginia. Died at Fort Bridger, Wyoming Territory, October 18, 1871. LEONARD WIGHTMAN. [Born in -Yew York.-Appointed from Michigan.] MILITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 1st Michigan Volunteer Light Artillery. Brevet Captain U. S. Volunteers, for meritorious services. Second Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, May, 1867. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, January, 1869. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, September, 1870, under Section 3 of an Act approved July 15, 1870;. CHARLES A. WIKOFF. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY IISTORY.-First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1864. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Chickamauga, Georgia, and Missionary Ridge, Tennessee. BAYARD WILKESON. Born in New York.-Appointed from Neow York.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, October, 1861. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, August, 1862. Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. FRANK WILKESON. [Born is Newe York,-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY llISTOoY. Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Artillery, June, 1864. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Captain U. S. Army;, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, March, 1866. TJIlLITAR Y RECORD. 357 MELVILLE C. WILKINSON. [Born in New York.-Appoilted from Aew York.] MILITARY HISToiY.- Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 42d IU. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Transferred to the 6th U. S. Infantry, April, 1869. Unassigned, June, 1869. Assigned to the 3d U. S. Infantry, August, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam, Maryland. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. GEORGE WILLIAMS. [Born in Ohio.-Appointed from Oregon.] MILITA/RY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, April, 1862. First Lieutenant 4th U. S. Infantry, July, 1863. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Retired, November, 1863, for incapacity, resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. JOHN WILLIAMS. [Born in England. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, June, 1863. First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, July, 1864. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Captain 24th U. S. Infantry, October, 1867. Unassigned, April, 1869. Assigned to the 25th U. S. Infantry, January, 1871. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. JAMES M. WILLIAMS. [Born in New Yorkc.-Appointed from EKansas.] MILITARIY ]HrsTORY. C —olonel 1st Kansas Volunteer Infantry,: Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers. Captain 8th U. S. Cavalry, July, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for conspicuous gallantry displayed in engagements with Indians in the Verde, Arizpna, April 16 and 17, 1867; and Yampai Valley, Arizona, June l4, 1867, and near Music Mountains, Arizona, July 9, 1867. 358 MILITARY RECORD. THOMASd- C. WILLIAMS. [Born in- Virginica.-Appointed fromn Missouri.] MILITARY HisTORY.-Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Chickamauga, Georgia, and Mission Ridge, Tennessee, and in the expedition under General L. H. Rlousseau. Died at Little Rock, Arkansas, December 27, 1869. FRANCIS H. WILSON. [Born in Pennsylvania. -Appointedfrom Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HiISToRY. —Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, November, 1861. Transferred to the 3d U. S. Cavalry, August, 1862. First Lieutenant 3d U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. Captain 3d U. S; Cavalry, November, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Tuscumbia, Alabama. Out of service by the reorganization of the Army, being discharged, October, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. WILLIAM P. WILSON. [Born in PennsyZvania.-Apopointed -from Pennsygvarnia.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain 148th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for services throughout the war. Captain 21st U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Unassigned, and awaiting orders. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battles of the Wilderness, Virginia. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, October, 1870, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. CHARLES W. WINOARD. [Bornr in Pennsylvania.-Appointed fromn Pennsylvania.] MITITARY HISTORY. —Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious conduct. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, January, 1867. MILITARY RECORD. 3'5 BENJAMIN WINGATE. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HISTORY.-[Sergeant Mounted Rifles U. S. Army. Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, June, 1848. First Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, October, 1854.-GarIdner's Dictionary.] Captain 5th U. S. Infantry, August, 1859. Died June 1, 1862, of wounds received at the battle of Valverde, New Mexico. THOMAS M. WINSTON. [Born in Kentxcky.-4Appointed from Kentucky.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant, 16th U. S. Infantry, May, 1847. Disbanded, July, 1848. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, April, 1860. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Resigned, September, 1866. WILLIAM WINTHROP. rBorn in Connecticut.-Appointed from New York.] MILITARY IISTORY.-Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious ser-. vices in his Department, in the field. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, and in the Bureau of Military Justice. Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Army, September, 1864. ALEXANDER WISHART. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Appointed from Pennsylvania.] MILITARY HISTORY.-Captain U. S. Volunteers. Second Lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. First Lieutenant 27th U. S. Infantry, October, 1867. Unassigned, June, 1869. Assigned to the 20th U. S. Infantry, December, 1870. Brevet First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Virginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. BRADFORD R. WOOD, JR. [Born in -New York.-Appointed from New Yrk.] MILITARY IIISTORY.-Captain 44th New York Volunteer Infantry. Btevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during; the war. Second Lieutenant 22d U. S. Infantry, July, 1866. Brevet 360 MILITABRY RECORD. [First Lieutenant U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services, at thp battle of Spottsylvania, Yirginia. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Poplar Grove Church, Virginia. Resigned, January, 1868. CHAR-LES 0. WOOD. [Born izn Indiana.-Appointed from Indicrna.3 MILITARY HISTORY.-Second Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, April, 1861. First Lieutenant 9th U. S. Infantry, May, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel 8th California Volunteer Infantry. Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services. Captain 9th U. S. Infantry, May, 1863. Unassigned and awaiting orders. Out of service by the re-organization of the Army, being discharged, August, 18-70, under Section 3 of the Act approved July 15, 1870. JOSEPH H. WOOD. [Born in New York. —Appointed from the Army.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, February, 1863. First Lieutenant 6th U. S. Cavalry, October, 1864. Major U. S. Volunteers. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign against the Sioux Indians. Resigned, May, 1867. SOLOMON E. WOODWARD. [Born in Massachusetts.-Appointed from Vermont.] IIIITARY HISTORY.-First Lieutenant 15th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Captain 15th U. S. Infantry, March, 1865. Transferred to the 24th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Murfreesboro', Tennessee. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Resigned, September, 1866. IRVIN B13. WIRIGHT. [Born in Indiana.-Appointed from Indiana.] MILITARY HIToRY. —Second Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, February, 1862. First Lieutenant 11th U. S. Infantry, December; 1862. Transferred to the 20th U. S. Infantry. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Resigned, November, 1866. MILITARY RECORD. 361 GEORGE W. YATES. [B- orn in New York.-Ap2ointed from NBew York.] MILITARP HISTORY.- Captain 13th Missouri Volunteer Cavalry. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for conspicuous gallantry at Fredericksburg, Beverly Ford, Virginia, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Second Lieutenant 2d U. S. Cavalry, March, 1866. Captain 7th U. S. Cavalry, June, 1867. THEODORE YATES. [Born in Missouri.-Appointed from Miss guri.] MILITAtRY HISTORY. —aptain U. S. Volunteers. Captain 13th U. S. Infantry, August, 1861. Transferred to the 31st U. S. Infantry, September, 1866. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Colonel U. S. Army, November, 1867. Retired, November, 1867, upon the full rank of the command held by him when wounded. FRANK F. YOUNG. [Born in Pennsylvania.-Alppointed fiom Pennsylvancia.] MILITARY HIsToRY.-Second Lieutenant U. S. Volunteers.'Second Lieutenant 5th U. S. Infantry, January, 1867. Retired, November, 1868, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful services, from wounds or injury received, from disease contracted, or from exposure in the line of duty. Died at Indiana, Pa., May 8, 1869. VOL. II.-24 362 MILITARY RECORD. HENRY B. CARRINGTON.* [Born in Conneectiut.-Appointed from Ohio:] MILITARY HISTORY.-Adjutant-General, Ohio, when war began. Published vol. Military Regulations and Tactics. Forwarded two regiments in 60 hours from first call. Organized and placed in West Virginia 9 regiments State Militia, before muster of 3 months U. S. Volunteers. Complimented by Secretary of War, Generals Scott and Wool. Appointed Visitor to Military Academy. Colonel 18th U. S. Infantry, May 14th, 1861. Recommended by General Scott. Assigned to command Camp of Instruction, for 15th, 16th, 18th, and 19th U. S. Infantry, at Camp Thomas, Ohio. Took the field with 12 companies 18th anid 4 companies 16th Infantry, November, 1861. Designated by General Buel to command brigade of 9th and 35th Ohio, 2d Minnesota, and 18th Infantry. Reported with command to General Thomas, Lebanon, Ky. Ordered by Adjutant-General! to first complete regiment. Filled the three battalions to maximum ensuing season. Ordered to Indiana as Chief M. and D. Officer, July, 1862. Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, November 29th, 1862. Took command, District of Indiana, March 23, 1863. Ordered to Cleveland, Ohio, June, 1863, to organize ten regiments of 100 day men.' On invasion of Morgan, July 8th, ordered back to Indiana. Commanded State Militia, District, and Draft Rendezvous, while in Indiana. Received thanks of Governor Bramlette for aid to raise siege of Frankfort, Ky. Exposed "Sons of Liberty." Joined his regiment in Department of the Cumberland upon muster out as General U. S. Volunteers, September, 1865. President Military Commission at Louisville, Ky., to try guerillas, November, 1865. Ordered, with regiment, to the plains. Commanded Fort Kearney, Neb., December, 1865, East Sub-District Nebraska, February, 1866, and the expedition of May, 1861, to open wagon road to Montana, via Powder River. Established forts on the line during harassing warfare with'the Sioux. Commanded Fort Phil. Kearney and " Rocky Mountain District," 1866; Fort McPherson, Neb., 1867; and Fort Sedgwick, Col. Ter., 1868 and 1869. Retired from active service December 15, 1870, for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, wounds received, and exposure in the line of duty. Professor Military Science and Tactics at Wabash College, Indiana, December 11, 1869 to 1873. CIVL HISTOy.- Graduate of Yale College, 1845. Degrees of A. B. and A. M. conferred by Yale, in course, and of LL. D. by Wabash College, Ind., 1870. Professor Chemistry and Greek, Irving Institute, N. Y., 1846 and 1847. At tale Law School, and Professor Natural Science, New Haven Institute, 1848. Attorney at law,' Columbus, Ohio, 1849. Firm, Perry & Carrington, 1850 to 1852; Dennison & Carrington, 1853 to 1861. Represented 12th (Columbus) Congressional District on Committee on Resolutions at Ohio Convention, July 13, 1854, that organized Republican party, and appointed by Convention Chairman of Special Committee to correspond with other States, and make movement national. JudgeAdvocate General, Ohio, 1857. Adjutant and Inspector-General, Ohio, 1858 to 1861. Admitted to bar U. S. Supreme Court, May, 1872. * This Record belongs to Palt I., p. 58, but was received too late for insertion in its proper place. COO NFIRMATIONS* BY THE UNITED STATES SENATE, MARCH 1, 1869. No CoMMIssIONs WERE ISSUED, IN CONSEQUENCE OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED MARCH 1, 1869. TO BE fMAJOR-'GENERALS BY BREVET. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas H. Ruger, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., from March 2, 1867. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas H. Neill, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Brigadier General Horace Brooks, for faithful services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Brigadier-General Robert Avery, from March 2, 1867; also breveted Brigadier-General and Colonel from same date. Brevet Brigadier-General James B. Fry, Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Army, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from March 13, 1865. Brevet Brigadier-General George A. H. Blake, Colonel of the 1st U. S. Cavalry, to date from March 13, 1865. TO BE BRIGADIER-GENERALS BY BREVET. Brevet Colonel Levi C. Bootes, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel George A. Forsyth, for gallant conduct and meritorious services in an engagement with hostile Indians on the Arickaree Fork of the Republican River, on the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th days of September, 1868, from September 17, 1868. Brevet Colonel Daniel McClure, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from October 15, 1867. Brevet Colonel Robert Macfeely, for faithful and meritorious services in his Department during the war, from March 13, 1865. * This list is taken as published in the Army and Navay Journal. It includes the names of Graduates, as well as some names who are credited on the Army Register with brevets above indicated.-EDITOR. 364 MILITARY RECORD. Brevet Colonel Richard N. Batchelder, for efficiency in the discharge of his duties as Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac, from April 9, 1865. Brevet Colonel Allen Rutherford, for faithful services during the war; also Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, from March 2, 1865. Brevet Colonel John T. Sprague, for services during the war; also Colonel from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel Thomas Wilhelm, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; also Colonel from March 2, 1867. Brevet Colonel Milton Cogswell, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel Augustus G. Tassin, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Colonel De Lancey Floyd Jones, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel Henry A. Morrow, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., February 6, 1865; also Colonel from March 2, 1867. Brevet Colonel James Biddle, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; also Colonel from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel John McL. Taylor, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel-Beekman Du Barry, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel Robert Macfeely, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel Henry Clay Wood, for faithful and meritorious services in the field, and in the Adjutant-General's Department during the war, fi-om March 13, 1865. Brevet Colonel Franklin F. Flint, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865; also Colonel from same date. TO BE COLONELS BY BREVET. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Clarence E. Bennet, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also LieutenantColonel from the same date. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Moses B. Walker, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William Sinclair, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865; also Lieutenant-Colonel from the same date. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel George A. Kensel, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Harrison, Virginia, from Mlarch 13, 1865. TO BE LIEUTENANT-COLONELS BY BREVET. Brevet Major James F. Randlett, for distinguished gallantry at the assault at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 13, 1864, from June 6, 1867. Brevet Major James Stewart, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. MILITARY RECCORD. 365 Brevet Major Samuel McKeever, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Major Daniel W. Burke, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from January 22, 1867. Brevet Major Joseph G. Crane, for faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the war, from' April 25, 1865; also breveted Major for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run (Second). Brevet Major Curwen B. McLellan, for gallant and distinguished services during the war, from March 31, 1865. Brevet Major Nicholas Nolan, for gallant and distinguished services during the war, from March 31, 1865; also Major from same date. Brevet Major Charles H. Whittlesey, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Major Birney B. Keeler, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Major John H. Donovan, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Major John Mitchell, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 29, 1865; also Major from same date. Brevet Major Daniel D. Wheeler, for gallantry and good conduct during the war, from March 2, 1867; also Major, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Harrison, Va. Brevet Major William Hawley, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of New Hope Church, near Dallas, Ga., May, 25, 1864, from March 2, 1867; also Major for Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Brevet Major Arthur McArthur, Jr., for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., from March 2, 1867; also Major, for Mission Ridge. THE FOLLOWING MAJORS WERE APPOINTED FOR FAITHFUL AND M:ERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE WAR. Simeon Francis, from March 13, 1865. -Rodney Smith, from March 13, 1865. William A. Rucker, from March 2, 1867. Robert C. Walker, from March 2, 1867. George Pomeroy, from March 2, 1867. Justus Steinberger, from March 2, 1867. William R. Gibson, from March 2, 1867. Thomas H. Halsey, from March 2, 1867. William B. Rochester, from March 2, 1867. Henry B. Reese, from March 2, 1867. John L. Hodge, from March 2, 1867. Charles J. Sprague, from March 2, 1867. Nicholas Vedder, from March 2, 1867. Edwin D. Judd, from March 2, 1867. Valentine C. Hanna, from March 2, 1867. William Smith, from March 2, 1867. John W. Smith, from March 2, 1867. Charles M. Terrell, from March 2, 1867. Thaddeus H. Stanton, from March 2, 1867. George E. Glenn, from March 2, 1867. Jacob E. Burbank, from March 2, 1867. Brantz Meyer, from March 2, 1867. James W. Nicholls, from March 2, 1867. Robert D. Clarke, from March 2, 1867. James H. Nelson, from March 2, 1867. John S. Walker, from March 2, 1867. Charles W. Wingard, from March 2, 1867. James P. Canby, from March 2, 1867. Peter P. G. Hall, from March 2, 1867. George W. Candee, from March 2, 1867. Edmund H. Brooke, from March 2, 1867. Israel 0. Dewey, ~366 MILITARY RECORD. from March 2, 1867. Samuel A. Pearce, Jr., from March 9, 1867. James R. Mears, from March 13, 1867. Thomas S. Allison, from April 1, 1867. Frank M. Etting, from April 13, 1867. Robert Morrow, from May 9, 1867. Isaac S. Stewart, from October 18, 1867. Dwight Bannister, from March 3, 1868. TO BE MAJORS BY BREVET. Brevet Captain Robert A. Torrey, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865; also Captain for gallant and merritorious services at Colliersville, Tenn. Captain George R. Vernon, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Captain Henry F. Leggett, for gallant and meritorious services in the engagement at Lovejoy's Station, Ga., from July 17, 1865. Brevet Captain George Macomber, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also Captain same date. Brevet Captain Charles M. Callahan, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bentonville, N. C., from March 2, 1867; also Captain for Vicksburg, Miss. Captain William H. Bisbee, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga., and for meritorious conduct during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Captain William H. HugO, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also Captain and First Lieutenant. Brevet Captain Frederik Rosencrantz, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign under General Meade, from March 2, 1867; also Captain and First Lieutenant. Captain Clarence E. Bennett, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Captain Frank W. Hess, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., from March 2, 1867; also Captain for Kelly's Ford, Va. Brevet Captain Sumner H. Lincoln, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Va.,.from March 2, 1867; also Captain for the battle of the Wilderness, Va. Captain Charles H. Hoyt, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 22, 1867. Brevet Captain Richard P. Strong, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Captain. George W. Graham, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also Captain same date. Brevet Captain Owen Hale, for conspicuous gallantry at Bottom's Bridge, Va., February 7, 1864, and Drury's Bluff, Va., June 16, 1864, from March 2, 1867; also Captain for Charles City Court-House, Va., December 13, 1863., Brevet Captain'Paul R. Hambrick, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also Captain same date. Captain Adna R. Chaffee, for gallant and efficient services in the engagement with Comanche Indians at Paint Creek, March 7, 1868, from March 7, 1868. Brevet Captain William H. Clapp, for gallantry at the siege of Vicks MILITARY RECORD. 367 burg, Miss., from March 2, 1867; also Captain for Chickasaw Bayou, December 29th, 30th, and 31st, 1862. Brevet Captain Charles C. Aleshire, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15 and 16, 1864, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Captain Thomas J. Spencer, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, March 2, 1867. Captain Jas. M. Williams, for conspicuous gallantry displayed in engagements with Indians on the Verde, Arizona, April 15 and 17, 1867, in Yampai Valley, Arizona, June 14, 1867, and near Music Mountains Arizona, July 9, 1867, from July 9, 1867. Francis M. Seeley, late Captain Fourth U. S. Artillery, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., from July 1, 1863; and Captain by brevet, for distinguished services at the siege of Yorktown, and engagement at Seven Pines, Va., from June 25, 1862. Brevet Captain Arthur Morris, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Captain George W. Gates, for conspicuous gallantry at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., from March 2, 1867; also Captain for Beverly Ford, Va., and First' Lieutenant for Fredericksburg, Va. Brevet Captain Samuel W. McKeever, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet Captain Azer H. Nicherson, for gallant conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863, from March 3, 1867; also Captain for Antietam. Captain James F. Randlett, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the siege of Fort Wagner, September 7, 1863, from June 6, 1867. Brevet Captain Henry H. Abeel, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also Captain same date. Brevet Captain Francis E. Lacey, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 13, 1865. Brevet Captain James Stewart, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va., from August 16, 1864;. also Captain for Gettysburg. Captain Louis M. Hamilton, for gallant and meritorious services in engagements with Indians, particularly in the battle with the Cheyennes, on the Washita River, November 27, 1868, where he fell while gallantly leading his command, from November 27, 1868. Brevet Captain Carroll H. Potter, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also Captain same date. TO BE CAPTAINS BY BREVET. First Lieutenant Jacob Wagner, for gallant and meritorious services in the attack at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865, from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant Thomas E. Merritt, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Port Hudson, Louisiana. Brevet First Lieutenant Louis H. Rucker, for gallant and, meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Upperville and Beverly Ford, Va. Brevet First Lieutenant David A. Griffith, for gallant and meritorious 368 MIll TARY RECORD. conduct at the battle of Antietam, Md., from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Bull Run (Second). First Lieutenant John Whitney, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant George K. Spencer, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Spanish Fort, in the siege of Mobile, Ala., in March and April, 1865, from August 17, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Tupelo, Miss., and Nashville, Tenn. First Lieutenant William Hoelcke, for efficient and distinguished services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant Frank P. Gross, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from August 9, 1867; also First Lieutenant, same date. Brevet First Lieutenant J. Sumner Rogers, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bull Run (Second), Ya., from October 1, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Hanover Court House and Gaines' Mills. Brevet First Lieutenant George W. Budd, for gallaht and distinguished services at the battle of Nashville, Tenn., from August 17, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Corinth, Miss. Brevet First Lieutenant John W. Lewis, for faithful and efficient services during the';war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, same date. Brevet First Lieutenant John Bannister, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant Edward Donovan, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Fort Donelson and Pittsburg Landing. First Lieutenant William G. Fitch, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Hanover Court-House, Va., from March 12, 1865. First Lieutenant William Hawley, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862, from March 2, 1867. First Lieutenant Warren R. Dunton, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant William F. Rice, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Reams' Station, Va., from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Gettysburg. Brevet First Lieutenant James B. Burbank, for gallant conduct in battle as a staff officer, from March 13, 1865. Brevet First Lieutenant George S. L. Ward, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating in Lee's surrender, April 9, 1865, from lMarch 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Hatcher's Run, Va. Brevet First Lieutenant Frank C. Guigan, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for HIatcher's Run. Brevet:First-Lieutenant Frank Thorp, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Petersburg, Va. Brevet First Lieutenant Henry P. Ritzins, for gallant' and meritorious, services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., from October 23, 1867; also First Lieutenant, for Fredericksburg, Va. .JLITAR.Y.RECORD. 369 First Lieutenant William P. Bainbridge, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Chickamauga, Ga., and Mission Ridge, Tenn., from March 2, 1867. First Lieutenant John B. Nixon, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, from June 12, 1867. First Lieutenant Patrick Cusack, for conspicuous gallantry in an engagement with Indians at Horse Head Hills, September 12, 1868, from September 12, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant J. M. Kennedy, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, samedate. Brevet First Lieutenant B. H. Herkness, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March, 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant, same date. Brevet First Lieutenant S. C. Vedder, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 7, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant H. W. Torbett, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 7, 1867; also First Lieutenant, same date. Brevet First Lieutenant D. H. -McComas, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 7, 1867; and First Lieutenant, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services at Peeke's Farm, Va., from March 7, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant E. M. Chester, for gallantry at South Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg, from June 17, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant William C. Rawolle, for services in the West, including Cavalry campaigns in East Tennessee, and expeditions into Northern Mississippi, from June 6, 1868; also First Lieutenant, for gallant and meritorious services in the Army of the Potomac. First Lieutenant Alvan S. Galbreath, for gallant and meritorious services in the action at Brown's Ferry, Tenn., October 27, 1863, from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant Rufus Somerly, for gallant and efficient services in his actions with the Apache Indians, between October 7, 1868, and October 23, 1868, from October 7, 1868; also First Lieutenant from August 30, 1868. Brevet First Lieutenant William M. Bandy, for coolness, courage, and gallantry at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss., from August 29, 1867; also First Lieutenant for distinguished courage at Pea Ridge and Prairie Lane, Ark. Brevet First Lieutenant William L. English, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from June 18, 1867; also First Lieutenant same date. First Lieutenant John S. Hammer, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., from March 2, 1867. First Lieutenant Thomas D. Maurice, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Atlanta, Ga., from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant Asa B. Gardner, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 2, 1867; also First Lieutenant for Gettysburg. First Lieutenant John W. Dillenback, for gallant and meritorious ser 370 MILITARY RECORD. vices in the battles of Petersburg, Va., and Sugar Loaf Hill, N. C., from March 2, 1867. Brevet First Lieutenant Owen J. Sweet, for gallant conduct in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., from May'27, 1867; also First Lieutenant for Chanoellorsville. Brevet First Lieutenant William H. Hicks, for gallant and meritorious services during the war,' from March 7, 1867; also First Lieutenant for Sulphur Springs, Va. TO BE FIRST LIEUTENANTS BY BREVET. Second Lieutenant Samuel K. Thompson, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from October 16, 1867. Second Lieutenant Jonathan B. Hanson, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, from March 7, 1867. Second Lieutenant Henry H. Kuhn, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va., from March 2, 1867. Second Lieutenant Hayden De Laney, for gallant and meritorious services in action with the Pah Ute Indians, in Warner Valley, Oregon, May 1, 1868, from' May 1, 1868. Second Lieutenant Henry J. Reilly, for meritorious services, from Octoher 1, 1867. Second Lieutenant John Anderson, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Petersburg, Va., from August 10, 1867. INDEX TO SECOND VOLUME OF MILITARY RECORD. PAGE PAGaI Abbott, E. S......233...Barker, T....... 237 Abbott, L. A................ 29 Barnard, P. P.......F............. 41 Abrahams, B..................... 233 Barnard, R. W.................. 237 Acker, W. H.......... 30 Barnes, E. L.... 237 Adair, J. I... 233 Barnitz, A... 238 Adams, F. T.......... 30 Barr, E. D........ 41 Adams, G. F......... 30 Barrett, G., Jr................... 238 Adams, J. Q.......... 233 Barrett, W. W.................... 238 Adams, W....... 31 Bartlett, C. G...-.... 41 Aikin, G. V. S... 31 Barry, J 238 Aldrich, B.......... 31 Bassett, B. S..39 Aleshire, C. C. 234 Bates, D. E...................... 239. Alexander, A. J 32 Bates, J. C............ 239 Alexander, W. S...33 Bates, R. F............ 239 Allison, T. S....... 33 Bayard, W....... 239 Alston, T. L.... 83 Bayne, A..... C.. 42 Ames, J. W... 234 Beall, G. T..-42. Amet, A. V..... 33 Bean, J. W...................... 4 Anderson, T................... 34 Beck, W. B............... 43 Andrews, A. H.................. 34 Beebe, W. M., Jr............ 240 Andrews, T. P... 35 Beecher, F. H.... 240 Andrews, W. H.............. 35 Beecher, H. B............. 240 Appleton, E. L................... 36 Belcher, J. H..................... 44 Arnold, L. A............. 234 Belger, E. A.. 241 Arnold, W. F..... 36 Belger, J....................... 44 Arnold, W................... 36 Bell, J. B........... 45 Asbury, H....................... 37 Bell, J. MI....................... 45 Atcheson, G.............234 Bendise, C.. 241 Atwell, W. P........... 235 Benedict, A. R................... 45 Atwood, E. B..... 37 Bennett, F. T............. 241 Atwood, W............. 235 Bennett, J. E.... 241 Ayres, H......... 235 Berg, C..46 Babcock, J. 13............ 38 Bertrand, E. P............ 242 Bache, F. M.................. 38 Bickham, T. H. Y........... 446 Bacon, J............35 Biddle,....................... 4 Bailey, C. H.............. 38 Bigelow, E. P.. 46 Bailey, E. L............ 236 Bingham, H. S. 242 Bailey, T. C. J.......... 39 Bingham, J. W......... 47 Baily, C. M............... Binning, W...................... 242 Bainbridge, W. P 39.......... Birney, J. G..242: Baker, E. D E.................... 39 Black, S. W..242 Baker, W. L..................... 236 Blackaller, H. M. 243 Balder, C...................... 236 Blaine, J. EB........ 47 Baldey, G..... 40 Blair, T......... 47 Baldwin, H.... 40 Bliss, A.. 47 Ballantine, G. W................. 40 Bonaffon, A. B............. 243 Bancroft, E. A...236 Booth, C. A..243 Bannister, D............236 Borthwick, W. A............. 243 Bannister. J... 237 Boswell, B. D.. 243 Banzhaf, C................... 40 Bould, J................ 48 372 MILITARY RECORD. PAG~ PAGO Bourne, Mr. R......... 244 Carter, J. W.......... 59 Boyce, MV. C....................... 48 Carter, M...... 250 Boyce, P...... 48 Casey, J. S....................... 251 Boyd, A.'... 48 Cash, A. D., Jr............ 59 Bradford, R. E......... 49 Catley, H.... 59 Bradley, G. W................... 49 Catlin, I. S............ 251 Bradley, J. H...................49 Catlin, L............ 251 Bradley, T....................... 50 Causten, M. C......... 59 Brand, T. T........ 244 Caziarc, L. V.................... 251 Brayton, G...........50 Chamberlain, W. W............... 60 Breese, W. M.......... 51 Chamberlin, W. H.............. 60 Breyfogle, R. C.... 244 Chase, C......................... 60 Bridgman, F.......... 244 Chase, D......................... 60 Brigham, E. D.......... 244 Chase, D. H........ 61 Brinckle, J. It......... 245 Cheek, D. W............ 61 Brindley,R...................... 51 Chetwood, B. C.... 61 Britton, T...... 51 Chickering, J. W................. 252 Brodhead, D. M.. 245 Chipman, H. L............. 252 3ronson, N............. 52 Christopher, J... 252 Brooke, E. H............. 52 Churchill, J. L................... 252 Brooke, J. R................... 245 Churchill, S.............. 62 Brown, J. P...................... 245 Churchill, W. - H............ 62 Brown, L. F..................... 52 Cilley, G.. 253 Brown, N. W...... 53 Clague, J J..........'. 62 Brown, S. H..................... 53 Clark, H. H.... 62 Browning, G. L.... 53 Clark, L........................ 63 Brownson, H. F.246 Clarke, C. E..... 253 Brua, J.P.54 Clarke, F........................ 63 Brunck, F. C.... 246 Clarke, It...............63 Brunton, W. B......... 246 Clarke, It. D..................... 64 Bucklin, C. M......... 246 Clemens, W. W.................. 253 Burbank, S. W.........246 Clements, B. A............... 64 Burke, D. W......... 54 Clements, G. A. H............... 253 Burke, P. E.......... 247 Clift, E. W............. 65 Burnham, H. B.......... 247 Clinton, D. W.......... 254 Burnham, H...........55 Clous, J. W.............. 254 Burns, G. HI.......... 55 Coats, A................. 254 Burnes, T..........247' Cochran, M. A.......... 254 Burrowes, T. B.......... 247 Coenzler, P. G............. 66 Burt, A. S.......247 Colby, E. P.......... 254 Butler, G B....... 55 Cole, A. A......... 255 Butler, G. H....... 55 Collier, W. S......... 66 Butler, J...... 248 Collins, G. - 66 Butler, J.B.......55 Collins, P.......... 255 Butler, J. H......... 248 Collins, T. E.. 255 Byers, J. K.........248 Compston, S. I................... 67 Byrne, C. B.........56 Comstock, W............. 255 Byrne, T......... 248 Constable, N. S............. 67 Cain, W.......... 249 Conway, E. J............. 255 Callehan, J......... 249 Conyngham, J. B............ 256 Cameron, B......... 249 Cook, G. H.... 256 Campbell, C. H............... 249 Cook, H. C...................... 256 Campbell, J. A......... 249 Cook, W. W............. 256 Candee, G. W......... 56 Cooley, F. M............. 67 Canfield, C. W...... 56 Cooley, J. C......... 68 Carney, J. D.........56 Coolidge, S............. 68 Carolin, A.........57 Cooper, J. E. S............. 257 Carpenter, A. B.. 250 Cooper, S. W............. 68 Carpenter, L. H.. 57 Cooper, W..... 257 Carpenter, T. H.................. 58 Corning, C...69 Carr, C. C. C...........250 Coster, J. H................ 257 Carrington, H. B...........362 Coulter, W. A.............. 257 Carroll, C. H..................... 58 Cox, W.............. 69 MILITARY RECORD. 373 P A G P.iAE Crabb, G. W..................... 257 Dod, A. B.............. 79 Craft, D. L....................... 258 Dodge, F. L...................... 8 Craft E. R...................... 69 Dodt, H...... 266 Craig, J. N......258 Doebler, T. S..................... 266 Craig, P. O.... 258 Dost, G. W..... 80 Craigie, D. J..................... 69 Dougherty, W. E 80 Crandal, F. M............ 258 Douglas, W. O...................266 Craven, A. C..................... 259 Dowling, J. T 81 Crawford, A. MicL................. 70 Downey, G. M...................260 Crawford, S. W............70 Dudley, J. S.................... 267 Cresson, C. C..................... 71 Duer, E. A....................... 81 Crittenden, T. L............259 Duff, G.......................... 81 Crosby, E............ 72 Duke, J. W......267 Crosby, F. -B....... 259:Dumreicher, C. (............. 82 Cullen, J............ 259 Dunn, T......................... 82 Cummings, W. F................ 259 Dunn-, T. S.... 82 Cunningham, F..............72 Dunn, W. McK.......... 267 Curry, J......................... 260 Dunn, W. MeK., Jr...............82 Curtenius, E. A............ 72 Dutton, C. E..................... 83 Cusack, J............ 260 D'Wolf, W....................... 267 Cusack, P.................... 260 Dwyer, P.......... 83 Cushing, H. B................... 260 Dykeman, N. L.................. 268 Cushman, HI..................... 72 Earle, M.......................... 83 Custer, B. M.............. 72 Ebstein, F. H. E................. 84 Custer, T. W.................... 261 Eckert, G. B....84 Cutting, HI....................... 73 Eckles, J. W..................... 84 Cuyler, W. C..................... 261 Eckley, W. J..................... 268 Daggett, A. S......... 73 Edie, J. R......... 85 Dana, S......... 261 Edwards, D 85 Dandy, G. B......... 73 Egan, J 268 Daniels, B. G.........74 Egan, W 86 Daniels, N. H......... 261 Elliott, T. I......................269 Darling, J. A......... 74 Elwood, J. 268 Davis, C. L.... 75 Ely, J. P 260 Davis, H. T.......... 262 Ennis, J. J. 269 Davis, J. C... 75 Eskridge, R. I.269 Davis,. 262 Estes, C. A. M.......... 269 Davis, T....... 76 Etting, F. M............ 86 Davis, W.......... - 262 Evans, G. W......... 269 Dayton, L. M 262 Ewers, E. P.........86 Dean, W 263 Ewing, C......... 87 Deane, W. W 263 Ewing, E.S. 270 Decker, J. P. 77 Ewing, W 87 De Gress,. C............. 263 Fairly, D... 270 De Ianne, J. V................... 77 Farnsworth, H.......... 87 De Kay, D.... 264 Fechet, E. G..................... 27(0 De Lany, H......... 264 Ferguson, C. B........... 88 Dennison, C. E. 77 Fessenden, F........ 8S Dennison, W. N................ 264 Field, E........ 270 Derrieckson, R. W.. 77 Field, F. A. 271 De Russy, I. D. 264 Fink, T. 88 Devin, J. D.265 Fisher, O.89 Devoe, F......................... 78 Fisher, T. H........271 Deweese, J. T............ 78 Fisher, W. J........ 89 Dewees, T. B... 78 Fitch, W. G........ 89 Dewey, O. S 265 Fitzgerald, E.......... 90 Dey, G....... 79 Fitzgerald, M. J. 90 Dick, S. J. 79 Fletcher, B. L... 271 Dickey, C. J................... 265 Fletcher, C. H..........271 Dickinson, G.265 Flynn, D..........271 Dimpfel, G. HI. A 79 Fogarty, M. B..........90 Dix, C. T. 79 Fogg, L. W...................... 272 Dixon, J. W 265 Foot, A.......... 272 374 MILITARY RECORD. PAGE PAcG Foot F..91 Grimes, J. F........... 279 Foot, M............ 272 Groespeck, S. W............... 101 Foote, G. F............... 272 Grossman, G. H............. 279 Foote, R. W........ 273 Grosvenor, O.. 101 Forbes, J. C..................... 91 Grummond, G. W... 279 Forsyth, G.A.................... 273 Gunther, S....................... 279 Forsyth, L. C.................. 91 Hagen, O.. 280 Franks, S. J........91 Hale, C...... 280 Fredberg, A....... 273 Hale, C. H..... 1(1 freeman, A. H................... 274 Hale, J.... 102 Freeman, C. M................... 92 Hale, O................. 280 Freeman, H. B................... 274 Hall, J. A.. 280 French, F. S...92 Halleck, W. F. 102 Fuger, F.........................274 Haller, G..281 Furey, J. V...................... 92 Hambrick, P. R.... 281 Gaebel, F. A. H.................. 274 Hambright, H.. A.. 281 Gageby, J. H................. 275 Hamilton, G..102 Galbreath, A. S................... 275 Hamilton, J. 281 Gamble, W...................... 275 Hamilton, J. M.. 282 Gapen, H. C............. 275 Hammond, J. F..... 103 Gardner, S...........92 Hanham, J.... 103 Garland, J.... 93 Harding, E. D.. 103 Garretty, F. D... 275 Hargous, C. E...... 282 Garvey, T.' 93 Harper, W., Jr.... 282 Garvin, E. L.................... 93 Harrington, G......... 282 Gelray, J.W..................... 276 Harney, W. S.............. 103 Gerlach, W. 94 Harris, E......... 282 Gibbs, E. B3. 94 Harris, M......... 283 Gibbs, J. S 94 Harris, M......... 283 Gibson, F.M.. 95 Harrison, M......... 283 Gibson, R. A..................... 276 Hart, V. K......... 104 Giddings, G. R................... 95 Hartley, J..283 Gilbert, W. W. 95 Hartwell, C. A. 283 Gile, G.... 95 Harwood,.. 104 Gill, W. H... 96 Hartz, W. T.............. 284 Gillet' C.................... 276 Haskell, J.T..................... 284 Gillette, J................ 276. Hassler, J. J. S.......... 284 Gillis, J......................... 96 Hastings, J.... 104 Goddard, C.C........96 Hathaway, F. H......... 284 Godwin, W. F...... 96 Haughey, J. V........ 105 Gonzales, M. J.. 97 Hawley, W.. 105 Goodhue, J. M..277 Hay, C. E....................... 285 Goodrich, F. C.................. 97 Hayden, J 285 Gordon, A. M. E...... 277 Hayes, E.................. 105 Gordon, W. H............ 277 Hays, H. B............... 106 Gould, W. P..................... 97 Hays, J. B..... lo6 Grafius, A........ 97 Hays, J... 285 Graham, J. L..................... 277 Hays, J. H..285 Graves, W. P........ 278 Hazelton, J. B..............286 Gray, C......... 97 Hazzard, D... 286 Gray, R. H........... 278 Head, G.E........ 286 Grealish, M. J.................... 98 Healy, T........106 Green, G. W. 98 Heaton, E.. -106 Green, J. A................ 98...... 98 Hedges, J..286 Greene, J. D 98 Heiner, R. G.............. 107 Green, M. C............... 99 Helm, I. A..... 107 Green, W. C 278 Henton, J......... 286 Gregg, T. J....... 99 Hicks, J. W.. 287 Grey, T.' 278 Hickox, C. R........ 108 Grier, M. C..................... 99 Hildeburn, S.............. 287 Griffin, S. E......... 279 Hill, E. B.. 108 Grierson, B. H................... 100 Hill, G........................ 287 Grimes, E. B' 100 Hillary,...... 108 MILITARY RECORD. 375 PAGE PAGE Hitchcock, J. F................... 108 Kendall, H. M................... 119 Hodge, JL...................... 108 Kennington, J.... 119 Hoff, J. J.. 287 Kerin, J.. 119 Hoge, S.L.................... 109 Keteltas, H............ 294 Hollbrook, 8. S................... 109 Keyes, A. S. B............. 295 Holcomb, P. E.......... 288 Keyes, 0. W.............. 295 Hollenbush, 0. G -.......... 288 Keyes, H. W..... 295 Holmes, 0....................... 109 Keyes, P. T..120 Holt, J.......... 288 Kidd, W.. 121 Hood, 0........... 109 Kidder, L. S.. 295 Hoover, G. W................... 110 Kimball, A. S.. 121 Hopkins, J. A.............. 110 King, C. L............... 121 Hopwood, T. H............. 110 King, E. A..295 Horr, J. L............... 288 King, J. 0.....................122 Horrigan, P. W............. 289 King, J. H............. 122 Hosmer, C. H..........289 King, R. P., Jr..... 123 Hotsenpiller, C. W.......... 289 King, R., Jr.......... 12 Houlihan, P. W.. 289 Kinney, N. C.............. 296 Howard, C. O.......... 290 Kinzie, D. H.................. 296 Hfowe, A......................... 111 Kinzie, R. A.......... 296 Howell, W. T.......... 111 Kirby, B.....................296 Howland, J. C.......... 112 Kline, J..................... 296 Hoyer, J. S............... 290) Knapp, J. S.......... 123 Hoyt, J. T................112 Knapp, O... 124 Hubbell, S......... 290 Kneass, C. L. 124 Hughes, L. lM......... 290 Knower, E. C.... 124 Hughes, R.................... 290 Knox, W. M.. 297 HXumbert, J..........1............. 12 KobbAi, W. A., Jr..-.-..124 Humphreys, H. H............ 291 Krause, D..297 Hunt, J. S............. 291 Kraszynski, lMV..... 124 Hunt, T. B................. 112 Lacey, F. E.... 297 Hunter, J......... 291 Lambert, L. J... 297 Hurst, J. H............. 291 Lamonion, G..... 125 Hutchins, B. T................... 292 Landon, W. D. F................ 298 Hutchinson, M. N................ 292 Lane, J.......................... 125 Hyatt-, C... 292 Lansing, H.S S. 125 Ihrie, G. P..... 113 Lansing, S., Jr........ 125 Ingerton, W. H......... 113 Larned, C. T................... 298 Inman, H.. 114 Lathrop, S. H................... 126 Insley, M. H............... 114 Lauman, G. S...126 Ireland, D................ 115 Laurence, J. K.......298 Irish, D. C.............. 292 Lawless,............ 298 Irwin, B. J. D.................... 115 Lawson, T.... 126 Irwin, J. A................ 115 Lawton, H. W...........2....... 98 Jack, M. 116. Lay, J............ 126 Jackson, J............ 116 Lay, R. G................127 Jackson, V...................... 292 Layton,. R... 127 Jamison, J........... 116 Leahy, M. 127 Jenness, J. 0....... 293 Leamy, W. H................. 128 Jennings, G. D............... 116 Lee, A. T..... 128 Jewett, C. E................ 293 Lee, G..... 299 Jewett, H.. 293 Lee, J... 299 Johnson, G. W.. 117 Lee, J. D.... 299 Johnson, W. S................ 117 Lee, J. M.... 128 Jones, J. D....... 293 Leet, G. K.....129 Kaiser, A....................... 117 Leib, C................. 130 Kane, J. H....... 117 Leonard, H.... 29 Karge, J... 294 Leonard, L.. 130 Keefe, J....... 294 Lewis, 0. H... 130 Keller, J. W....... 118 Lewis, W. A. H... 299 Kelliher, J......... 294 L'Hommedieu, T................. 300 Kelly, P.......... 8............118 Little, J.. 131 Kemble, J. R...... 118 Little, T................. 300 376 MILITARY REGORD. PAGE PAGIN Locke, J..... Mo.30 McManus, W. S............ 145 Loosley, D............. 300 McMaster, C.............3........ 806 Loshe, C. F.131 McMinn, W. H..... 145 Lothrop, W. L.................... 132 McMullin, G. O.................. 806 Lowell, C. R 132 McNaught, J. S.... 146 Lucas, I. E........... 132 McQuade, H 146 Ludington, M................... 133 McTaggart, C. P.307 Ludlow, I................ 133 Means, J. W... 146 Lynch, W. F 30) Mears..................... 30 MeasF.... 307 Lyon, W. W..... 133 Mehaffey, C. D 307 Lyster, W. J..................... 301 Meinell, H. 307 MacGowan, A. B..... 134 Meinhold, C.308 Mackey, J. T.....................301 Mellen, H. B 147 Madigan, J....................... 301 Menzies, A....................... 147 Maguire, W...................... 134 Merkle, C. F..................... 308 Mahan, M.. 134 Merrell, W. H................... 147 Mahon, S. K..... 134 Merriam, H. C................... 147 Mahony, A....................... 135 Meyer, A........................ 148 Maley, T. E...................... 135 Meyer, E. S 148 Mallery, G 136 Miles, E....... 148 Manley, J. A 137 Miles, N. A.... 308 Marcotte, H...... 137 Millar, J.F...................... 308 MIarkley, A. C.................... 137 Millard,....................... 148 Markley, J...... 301 Miller, B. E.... 149 Marshall, J. 302 Miller, C. F...................... 149 Marston, M. 1R............ 302 Miller, J......................... 309 Mason, E. C 138 Miller, J. B...................... 149 Mason, G. F..................... 138 Mills, J.......................... 309 Mason, J. W..................... 138 Mills, W......................... 309 Mason, P. -D..................... 139 Mills, W. H......................309 Matthews, W.... 139 Mimmack, B. P..... 149 Manck, C.... 302 Mitchell, E. L.................... 150 May, J. H.... 139 Mitchell, F. A...... 150 Mays, J. F.... 302 Mitchell, G...................... 309 McCafferty, N. J.................. 302 Mitchell, J....................... 310 McCaskey, W. S................. 139 Mitchell, J. E......... 150 MacConnell, C............. 140 Mitchell, W. 150 McConnell, C. C.................. 303 Mitchell, W. W.................. 310 McConnell, E.........140........... 140 Moffatt, I. F.....310 McConnell, J.......... 141 Monahan, D...... 310 McCook, E. M.303 Monteith, R. V................... 151 McCoy, J. C 30....... Montgomery, D. L. 151 McCoy, J.... 304 Moody, G. C.... 151 McDonald, R1......141..... Mooney, J.... 152 McDougall, G. P................ 142 Moore, F'........................ 311 McDougall, T. M.......... 304 Moore, J. M... 152 McElhone, J. F................... 804 Moorhead, W. J...........152 McElrath, T. P.......... 304 Moroney, P. H........... 311il McElroy, J. N.......... 305 Morris, G........... 311 McElroy, V.......... 142 Morris, L. O.........0.. 152 McGarry, E.......... 3(5 Morris, L. T..................... 311 McGilvray, J..........305 Morris, R. L., Jr................ 312 McGonnigle, A. J................ 142 Morris, R. M.................... 312 McGrath, P.......... 143 Morrison, P........... 153 McGregor, T......... 305 Morrow, A. P........... 312 Molvaine, F. E.......... 143 Morrow, R...................... 153 McIntosh, J...................... 143 Moulton, H........... 312 McKee, S. E.................... 144 Mourton, S.. 153 McKibbin, C................... 144 Mower, J. A..... 154 McKibbin, D. B........... 306 Muhlenberg, C. P................. 1.54 McKibbin, R. P.................. 306 Muhlenberg, F. P..... 313 McKnight, J..................... 144 Mulligan, J. B.. 313 MlcLellan, C. B......... 144 Munn, C. E.............. 151 MI1LITARY RECORD. 377 PAGE PAGc Mlunson, J. F.......... 313 Perkins, B1.......... 167 Murphy, E....................... 313 Perry, D............ 320 Murphy, J....................... 155 Perry, R. C.. 321 Murry, A........................ 155 Peterson, J. C......... 16-7 Mussey, R. D............ 155 Pettee, L......... 321 Myers, J. W....... 156 Phelps, E....... 1 67 Nash, W. H....... 314 Piatt, B. M..... 321 Neal, H. R............... 314 Pickett, E....................... 321 Neale, F....... 314 Pierce, A. L.. 322 Nealy, O. H............... 314 Pierce, G. S.......... 167 Neide, H.......... 156 Pohlman, H. C..........I......... 68 Neill, J. P. W.................... 314 Pomeroy, C. C....... 32 Nelson, W............... 315 Pomeroy, G................ 322 Nesmith, C. E................ 315 Pomroy, G. K.................... 168 Netterville, W. McOC............ 156 Pond, R. H....................... 168 Newkirk, E. P............. 315 Pope, D...............2 Newlin, A.'S.................... 315 Porter, A......................... 168 Newlin, C. S.............. 316 Porter, D. W......... 1(69 Nichols, F. C.............. 316 Porter, R. H....1..............23 Nicholls, J. W..... 31.6 Porter, S. A....... 3 Nigh, E......................... 157 Porter, W. L..1.......69 Nixon, J. B........ 316 Potter, C. H..................... 3 Noell, T. E........... 157 Potter, H., Jr.................... 323 Nolan, N....... 317 Potter, I. W..................... 324 Nones, A. S.......... 157 Powell, J........................ 84 Norcross, A. W.......... 157 Powell, J. W., Jr................. 394 Norris, H. P.............. 158 Pratt, R. H............ 324 Norton, H.......... 317 Prescott, W. IH................... 169 Norton, M.......... 317 Price, B. D............... 170 Norton, T. H.......... 317 Price,,G. F....................... 17 Norvell, J. M.............. 158 Price, W. R............ 325 Norwood, R..................... 158 Prime, N................ 170 Nowlan, H. J.................... 159 Prince, W............ 171 O'Brien, J. J..................... 159 Purcell, J. H.............. 171 O'Brien, L. M.......... 318 Purington, G. A............ 171 O'Brien, M.................. 1.59 Putnam, A. W............ 172 Offley, R. H......... 318'Putnam, J. E.. 172 O'Connell, J........ 160 Putnam, H. R.................. 173 O'Connell, W.............. 160 Pyle, G. W...................... 325 O'Connor, S........ 16" Quentin, J.E.............. 173 Ogden, R. L........ 161 Quimby, W. M.. 173 O'Reilly, L...... 318 Quinan, P. A.. 1 ]73 O'Reilly, T. P......... 161 Quinn, T. F..................... 174 Ord, P................. 162 Quirk, P.:............... 325 Orleman, L. H.........1......... 62 Radeliff, H. G................. 174 Osborne, N. W......... 318 [8 Raagan, Z....................... 175 Otis, E. S........................ 319 Ramsay, J. G.. 175 Ovenshine, S............ 163 Randall, G. M.................... 325 Owen, P. A........ 163 Randall, J. N......... 1 175 Page, D. M....................... 319 Randolph, W. F......3.... 36 Page, J. H......................... 164 Rankin, W. G......... 326 Parker, C........................ 164 Ransom, D... 326 Parker, E. S....... 164 Raphall, A. M....326 Parry, W. W....... 319 Raulstonj G. F....... 327 Paul, A. C........... 165 Rawolle, W. C.................... 327 Paulding, T....... 165 Reade, P..... 176 Payne, J. A........... 165 Redmond, N..... 327 Peale, J. T........... 319 Reese, H. B.. 328 Pearce, S. A., Jr............. 166 Rendlebock, J......... 328 Peeples, S........... 166 Reynolds, C. A......... 76 Penney, C. G..................... 320 Reynolds, F.............. 176 Pennock, W. F............. 320 Rice, F. R......... 177 Penrose, C. B............. 320 Pice, W. F.............177 VoL. II.-25 878.MILITARY RECORD. PAGE PAGE Rife, J.B.328 Smedberg, C. G...... 189 Roberts, B. K......... 177 Smith, E. L...................... 335 Roberts, C. S...... 828 Smith, E. S...................... 335 Robertson, C. S.......178 Smith, F. G.... 35 Robinett, H. C............. 178 Smith, G. C.... 189 Robinson, G. T.......... 178 Smith, H. E............. 189 Robinson, S...........329 Smith, H-. W. 335 Robinson, S. S.................... 179 Smith, J. F 190 Robinson, T. B.......... 179 Smith, J. W..... 336 Rockefeller, C. I......179 Smith, L......................... 190 Rockwell, A. F.179 Smith, L.......................... L336 Rodgers, J. F.................... 180 Smith, RB............ 336 Rodney, G. B................. 329 Smith, S.... 336 Roemer....1............. 80 Smith, W........................ 3 36 Rogers, W. W.............329 Smith, W. T.... 337 Roman, R....' 181 Smoot, W. S..................... 190 Ross, E.......................... 329 Smyth, W. H................ 337 Ross, S.. 181 Snyder, C.. 190 Rossander, C. A.. 330 Snyder, J. A... 191 Rossell, N B.. 182 Snyder, L..... 191 Rossell, W. H.......... 182 Somerby, B,..... 337 Rousseau, D. Q..... 182 Southworth, S.D............ 337 Rowley, G. A.................... 83 Spangler, J. W... 192 Roys, E. G....... 183 Spaulding, E. J. 337 Rucker, W.A A.... 183 Speer, C. T.. 192 Russell, C. S.......... 330- Spooner, E. D.... 192 Russell, F. L. D.. 330 Sprague, C. J 338 Rlussell,..................... 330 Sprague, J. T............1......... 92 Russell, W., Jr................... 331 Spurgin, W.................... 38 Rutherford, R. G. 183 Stafford, S. R. 338 Rziha, J.. 331 Stambaugh, C. B. 338 Sabin A. 331 Stanley, W.... 339 Sailer, I. D....................... 184 Stanton, A. H............ 193 Sanderson, G. H.. 331 Stanton, A. H.................... 339 Savage, J..........: 184 Stanwood, F.....339 Sawyer, R..3M..........331 Staples, W....................... 39 Schaurte, FW. - 332 Starr, A. W...................... 339 Schiffer, J. K.184 Starr, I M.. 340 Schindel, J. P.. 332 Steen, E.193 Schreiner, H.. 184 Sternberg, S. 8340 Scott, -E. G-....................... 185 Stevens, P....................... 340 Scott, G. E....................... 185 Stevenson, J. D.... 340 Scott, J...... 33 Stevenson, W. W........... 193 Scully, J. W....... 185 Stewart, I. S.. 341 Selden, G. De V.......2.... 3 Stewart, J.... 341 Semple, J. Y..' 332 Stewart, W. J... 193 Shaw, R G.... 186 Stickney, C.................... 341 Shea, T.......................... 333 Stille, L........... 341 Sheetz, J. A....... 333 Stimpson, F. E..........194 Sheilds, W..................... 333 Stockton, S. W.... 341 Sheldon, A. E.............. 333 Stoll, A......................... 194 Shepherd, C. M................... 186 Stone,'E. W........342 Sheridan, A.... 186 Stone, H. L........ 342 Sheridan, M. V.................. 334 Stone, L. H........ 194 Shipley, A. N.............. 187 St. Onge, S. E......... 342 Shortelle, J. E.. 334 Stough, J. L......... 195 Sibkles, P. E.................... 334 Strang, E. J..................... 195 Simons, J................. 187 Strickland, L. S.................. 195 Simson, T. W.................. 188 Styer, C....................... 196 Simpson, R. F........... 188 Summers, R..................... 343 Skinner, R............... 188 Sumner, E. V......... 196 Slidell, W. J.............. 188 Sumner, E. V....... 343 Small, J. F..................... 334 Sumner, SO. S.................... 196 .MILlTARY RECORD. 379 PAGE PAGE Sutorious, A........... 343 Vedder, N................. 209 Swan, W. W.............. 197 Veech, D. H................. 209 Swaitwout, H. A........... 197 Veil, C. H..................... 349 Swayne,W........ 197T Veitenheimer, C...... 209 Sweatman, R........... 198 Viele, C. D...... 349 Sweet,W........................ 198 Vinal, W. H............ 210 Sweet, W. E....................343 Vincent, F. R...... 349 Swett, N. F...................... 198 Vogdes, A..................... 210 Taggard, F. W........... 344 Von BliUicher, G...... 349 Taggart, D..................... 344 Von Michalowski, T. B.... 211 Talbot, T........... 198 Von Schirach, F. C...... 211 Taliaferro, H. L............ 199 Von Schrader, A..... 211 Tarlton, E. W...................... 199 Voris, S. P................ 350 Taylor, A. B....... 199 Vroom, P. D., Jr............ 350 Taylor, D......... 200 Wade, H. P................ 350 Taylor, J. McL......... 344 Wade, J. F..................... 350 Taylor, R. M.................... 344 Wagoner, J. J...; 212 Theller, E. R........ 200 Walborn, F. R.......351 Thieman, A........ 200 Walbridge, G. R.................. 212 Thoburn, S. B.... 345 Walcott, W. H... 212 Thomas, E............. 201 Wales, J. P......... 212 Thomas, L., Jr............. 201 2Walker, F 213 Thomasson, N...........201 Walker, G. W.................... 351 Thompson, A. B........... 345 Walker, J. H......... 351 Thompson, A. W............. 202 Walker, J. S... 213 Thompson, J.................. 345. Walker, L...................... 213 Thompson, J. A................. 202 Walker, M. B... 213 Thompson, J. M.............. 345 Walker, S...... 351 Thompson, L..................... 345 Wallace, I.............. 352 Thompson, W.......... 346 Wallace, S. B...................... 352 Thorne, P..... 346 Wallace, W. M...14... 4 Thorp, F................. -.202 Wallace, W. S... 214 Throckmorton, C. B........... 202 Walsh, J. W..................... 352 Thruston, W. S.... 203 Walters, W.... 214 Tilden, H............. 203 WVard, G. S. L... 214 Til]son= J..2...3 Ward, I. MI... 215 Timony, E. McB.. 204 Ward, M. H... 352 Tompkins, C. H... 204 Warden, J. K... 215 Torbett, H. W...... 346 Warren, R. P.... 352 Townsend, A........... 346 Watson, 0. B..................... 353 Tracy, G. H.. 346 Weaver, H. -E........... 2........ 15 Trask, I. W.. 347 Webb, C. A............ 353 Travis, J. N.. 347 Webber, C. H......... 215 Tripler, C. S.. 205 Webster, A......... 353 Tripler, C. S.. 205 Webster, J. G.................... 353 Trowbridge, J. Mi.. 205 Weir, T. B....................... 354 Truman, C. L.. 206 Weld, C. T......... 216 Tucker, H.... 347 Welles, R. G......... 216 Turnbull, J. G.. 347 Wells, D. T......... 216 Turner, T. H... 206 Wells, E......................... 217 Tyler, G. L...................... 347 Wells, E. R............ 354 Underwood, E.... 348 Welton, H. S........ 217 Updegraff, J.... 206 West, R....................... 354 Van Antwerp, V.................. 206 Wetmore, O., Jr............ 217 Vance, D. Mi........... 207 Wharton, J. S.................... 354 Vance, R.... 207 Wheaton, L.... 355 Van-Derslice, J. H............ 207 Wheelan, J. N....... 218 Vande-Wiele, J. B.. 348 Whistler, W...218 Van-Ness, E..................... 348 Whiting, L. J............ 218 Van Rensselaer, C.. 208 Whitman, R. E................... 355 Vanvalzah, D. D..... 208 Whitney, F. A.... 219 Van Vliet,:F..... 348 Whitside, S. Mi............ 219 Vaughan, J. C.................... 208 Whittelsey, 0. H............355 380 MILITARY RECORD. PAGE PAGH Whittemore, E............ 219 Wing, T. W 225 Whittier, C. A......... 355 Wingard, C. W................. 358 Whyte, F....................... 220 Wingate, B...................... 359 Wiggin, A. W......... 220 Winston, T. M................... 359 Wightman, L......... 356 Winters, W................ 225 Wikoff, C. A.......... 356 Winthrop, W.................... 359 Wilcox, E. N......... 220 w/ise, W. W...................... 226 Wilhelm, T........ 221 Wishart, A....................... 359 Wilkeson, B.................... 356 Wistar, F.......... 226 Wilkeson, F............ 356 Writherell, J. B................... 226 Wilkin, A.................... 221 Wood, B. R., Jr.... 359 Wilkins, C *@.................. 222 Wood, C. 0.................... 360'Wilkinson, M. 0.. 357 WoF.2 Wilkinson, ~. O.................. 357 ~Vood, F'. C..................... 227 Willard, G. L............. 222 VWood, J. H.......... 360 Willard, W............... 222 Woodhull, A. A........ 227 Williams, A, H. D............. 223 Woodruff, C........ 227 Williams, G............. 357 Woodruff, D.......228 Williams, HI. R................... 223 Woodson, A. E....... 228 Williams, J............... 357 Woodson, G. T....... 228 Williams, J. M................... 3,7 Woodward, S. E........... 360 Williams, T., Jr............. 223 Wright, E............... 229 Williams, T. C.............. 358 Wright, E....229 Williams, WV. M.................. 223 Wright, G. B3.................... 229 Williams, W. W........... 224 Wright, I. B..................... 360 Wilson, D. IR..................... 224 Wright, T. S..................... 229 Wilson, F. H.....................'358 Yates, G. W. 361 Wilson, L.........................224 Yates, T. 361 Wilson, R. P................. 224 Yorke, L. E...................... 229 Wilson, W. J............... 225 Young, F. F..... 361 Wilson, Wo.................... 358 Young, J...........230 INDEX TO FIRST VOLUME OF MILITARY RECORD. PAGE PAGIS Abadie, E. H............... 51 Bainbridge, A. H................. 241 Abbott, A. T..................... 235 Baird, ex. W..................... 241 Abbott, R. 0........ 51 Baldwin F. D.......... 242 Abeel, J. S....................... 9 Baldwin, H. H..... 191 Abert, W. S.............. 133 Baldy, G........................ 242 Abrahams, D. B3................. 235 Ball, C. J........................243 Adams, S........................ 52 Ballentine, G. W................. 243 Adolphus, P..................... 52 Bandy, W. M........ 244 Albee, G. E...................... 235 Banks, S........................ 135 Alden, C. H............' 52 Barber, A. J.................... 2-4 Alden, G. E...................... 9 Barber,......................... 244 Alexander, C. T.................. 53 Bard, 1. W.... 245 Alexander, J. B.................. 133 Barden, T. C..................... 136 Alexander, R. H..................53 Barnes, J. K..................... 56 Allen, E. C............... 236 Barr, T. F....................... 10 Allen, G. T.............. 53 Barrett, A....................... 10 Allen, H.................. 53 r... Bri, T. O...................... 245 Allen, R................. 133 Barl, R. P...............2....... 45 Alligood, C. A.................... 10 Barstow, E. W................. 192 Allsworth, E..................... 236 Barstow, G.............. 192 Allyn, A. W...................... 236 Barstow, S. F................... 11 Almy, A................ 237 Bartholf, J. H................... 56 Alvord, H. E.............. 134 Bartholow, R.................... 57 Ames, E. PR.................... 237 Bartholomew, W. H.............. 245 Ames, L. S..................... 237 Barton, I. MEL................... 246 Anderson, J..................... 238 Bascom, G. 3I.................... 246 Andrews, G. L................ 238 Bassford, A 136 Appleton, J. S................... 239 Batchelder, R. N................ 11 Armstrong, W. W................. 239 Bates, J. A...................... 247 Arthur, J. A.............. 134 Bates, K........................ 247 Arthur, W....................... 191 Battey, F. A..................... 247 Asbury, G....................... 191 Beall, B. L......................508 Ash, J. P............ 134 Beck, H. L...................... 248 Asch, M. J............... 507 Belden G. P 136 Atchison, C. B................... 239 Bell, B. F. 137 Austin, A........................ 240 Bell, J......................... 57 Austin, W. M.................... 54 Belton, F. S..................... 508 Avery, R................ 240 Benham, D. W...... 248 Axt, G. H. T. F.................. 54 Benner, H H.................... 249 Ayres R........................ 240 BensonH....................... 192 Azpell, T. F..................... 54 Benson, 1-I. M.............. 249 Bache, D........................ 54 Beteen, F. W..137 Bacon, C., Jr................... 55 Bentley, E................ 57 Badeau A....... 507 Benton E. T................. 139 Badger, N....................... 10 Bentzoni, C. 249 Badger, N. D...................... 135 Bernard, R. F.............. 138 Badger W........ 241 Berry, M....................... 138 Bailey, J. HI..................... 55 Best, C. L., Jr 3................... 13 Baily, E. J..................... 5 Biddle, D. W.............. 249 Baily, J. C......................56 Biddle, J................... 250 Beg17) 882 MIILITARY R1ECORD. PAGM' PAGR Bill, JI....... 57 Burke, M....................... 195 Billings, J. S.................... 58 Burke, O........................ 264 Bird, C......................... 250 Burnett, L. F................... 264 Bllisbee, W. H.............. 251 Burnett, R. L.............. 265 Bishop, J. S.............. 252 Burns W......................... 265 Bissell C. T.................... 193 Bush A. K...................... 195 Blake C. M.... 12 Bush J.... 265 Blake, G. A. H.............. 138 Butler, E........................ 266 Blodgett, G. S............ 12 Butler, J. J..62 Blunt, A. P...................... 12 Butterfield, D................... 266:ogardus, S. H.................. 252 Byrme, C. C................... 52 Boies, J. A.. 253 Byrnes, R......................141 Bomford, G. N............... 253 Cain, A. B....................... 267 Bonney,S.......... 253 Caldwell, D. G................... 62 Bootes J. 2 54 Calhou, J. T................... 62 Bootes L. C.................... 254 Califf, J....................... 195 Bower W................... 255 Callahan, C. M.................. 196 Bowers, T. S.......... 13 Callis, J. B.... 267 Bowker, H. D).............. 255 Camp, E. E...................... 14 Boyd, C.......... 255 Camp, E. M.... 268 Boyle, W. H.................... 256 Campbell, C. B.... 268 Brackett, A. G.................. 139 Campbell, J..................... 63 Bradford, J. H.................. 256 Campbell, J. S................... 269 Bradley, C. O.................... 257 Canby, J. P..................... 14 Bradley, L. P.............. 257 Canton, T. M.269 Bradley, T. H.......... 257 Caraher, A. P................... 269 Bradley, W. A. 58 Card B. (... 14 Brady, G. K.............. 258 Carleton, C. A................... 270 Brainerd, T. C.................... 58 Carleton, J. H................... 141 Brandt /. L.................... 258 Carncross, S. E.................. 270 Breckenridge, J. C............. 193 Carpenter, G. S................. 271 Breneman, E. DeW............. 59 Carr, D. W........... 271 Brewer, J. W................... 59 Carroll, H....................... 142 Brewerton,.............. 194 Carroll, J. C........... 271 Brewster, C..................... 140 Carse, G. B..................... 272 Bridges, E. T.................... 258 Carvallo, C..................... 63 Briggs, T. B.............. 259 Castle, J. C..................... 272 Brigham, H. A............. 13 Chaffee, A. R.................... 142 Brigham, H. O.............. 13 Chamberlain, H. B................ 272 Brinkerhoff, H. R............ 259 Chamberlin, L. A............. 196 Brinton, J. B.................... 59' Chambliss, W. P.................. 143 Brisbin, J. S............ 140 Chance, J........................ 273 Bristol H. B......... 259 Chandler, R..................... 273 Broatch, W. J................... 259 Chapin, R. H..................... 144 Brooke J............... 59 Cherbonnier, A. V............... 63 Brooks, C. S................. 141 Chester, J........................ 196 Brooks, E....................... 60 Chevers, M. L................... 15 Brown A. B..................... 260 Chilson, G. W...................274 Brown F. H.................... 260 Choisy, G. L........... 274 Brown H. E.................... 60 Clague, J. J..................... 274 Brown, H...... 261 Clapp, W. H.....................2 75 Brown J. B........ 61 Clark, S. E...................... 275 Brown J. M.................... 61 Clarke, A. E..................... 508 Brown J. P................ 261 Clarke, W. L.................... 275 Brown W. H.......... 261 Clay, H. De B................... 276 Bruen, L. B.............. 262 Clay, J. K....'................ 276 Bryant, l....................... 262 Cleghorn J F 276 Buchanan, W. F................. 61 Clements, B. A.................. 63 Budd, G. W.................... 141 Clendenin, D. R........... 144 Buell, G. P................ 263 Clifford, J. C.................... 15 Buffum,. P................. 263 Clifford, W...................... 277 Burbank, J. B......... 194 Clinton, W...................... 277 Burbank, 3. E... ~........... 14 Cluley, J. F............... 277 Burbank, N... 264 Coale,. H.................. 278 MILITARY RECORD. 383 PAGE PAGE Coates, M........... 278 Dana, J. JS..17 CoeJ. N....................... 278 Danilson, W. H................... 292 Coleman, F. W.................. 279 Darken, E. J.................... 69 Colladay, S. R.......... 144 Daugherty, W. W................ 292 Collins J. B..................... 279 Davidson, J..................... 293 Colton C. M..................... 64 Davis, C. L....................... 293 Comba, R....................... 279 Davis G. W..................... 293 Compton, C. E................... 280 Davis, MN.......... 145 Conner, P. S.................... 64 Davis, P. C...................... 69 Connolly, T......... 280 Davison J..................... 198 Conrad, J....................... 281 Dawes, W. J.................... 294 ConWay, W...................... 281 Day, S. A.......................199 Cook, F......................... 282 Deane, T. M........ 17 Coolidge C. A......:............ 282 Deary, T. V..................... 199 Coolidge PR. I........... 64 DeCamp, S. G. I................ 69 Cooper, G. 6E.... 65 Delanire, J. V........... 70 Coppinger, J. J......... 282 De eulen, E.................... 199 Corbin, H. C................... 282 Denney, J. C........ 146 Cornick, W. F................... 65 Dennis, E. W........... 1 Cones, E....................... 66 DeRussy, G. A...........200 Corliss A. W...... Deusy, R.............. 28.200 Corson, J. I....................66 DeTrobriand, P. t 294 Coster, C. R.......... 283 Devin, T. C..................... 140 Courtney, M. L.......... 283 Dewey, I. O....................: 18 Cowles B....................... 66 Dewey, O. S..................... 509 Cox C. G....................... 145 DeWitt, C....................... 70 Cox, W......................... 284 Dickerson, F. W........... 147 Coxe, F................... 284 Dickinson, J. W................. 295 Crafts W. A.................... 284 Dickinson, W............... 295 Craig, H.I K..................... 15 Dillenback, J. W. 201 Craig, J......................... 16 Dimmick, E. D.................... 148 Craig, R. O....................... 66 D'Isay, I........................ 295 Craig, S......................... 285 Dodd, A.......... 296 Cram, G. H....... 285 Dodge, F. S................. 148 Crane, C. H.................. 67 Dodge, T, A.......... 296 Crane, J. G..................... 16 Dodge, W. T *.............. 297 Cranston, J. R................... 286 Donovan, J. H.......... 297 Crawford, E............ 286 Downing, D. J.............. 297 Crawford, R. R........... 286 Downing, J. C. C.............. 70 Creamer,. T.......... 67 Drake, A. B.................... 298 Crews, H. -..................... 287 Drake, C,. B.............. 29$ Crittenden E. W................. 15 Drew C. E..................... 299 Crocker, G. D............... 16 Drew, G-. A............... 299 Crofton, tR. E. A................. 287 Driggs, W. J....... 300 Crone, L. E..................... 288 Drtnnm Rt. C.................. 18-509 Cronkhite, H. M................. 67 Drum, W. F.............. 300 Crosby, J. S........... 197 Drummond, T............ 148 Crosby,W........... 288 Drury, T....................... 301 Crossmian, F. E............. 288 Dryer, H................ 301 Crowley, S. T................... 2S9 Dubois H. A 71 Cruice, R. B.................... 68 Dubois, Rt. C................. 302 Culbertson, H.................. 68 Dudley, N. A. 1.................. 302 Culbertsoi,, S. S................. 289 Duncan T...................... 149 Currier, J. C................ 290 Dnmkelberger, I. R t.............. 149 Curtis C. A..................... 290 Dunster, E. S......... 71 Curtis, B....... 68 Dunton, W. It............. 303 Curtis, B.M... 290 Duvillardl J. A................ 303 Curtis' H. P.. 16 Eagle, Rt. N......... 150 Cushing, H. C.. 197 Eakin, C. P............... 201 Cuyler, J...................... 68 Earnest, C. A.... 303 Daggett, A. S.................... 291 Eastman, IL....... 71 Dakin, G. K..................... 198 Eaton J. B...................... 202 Dallas, A. J.................... 291 Eckerson, T. J............. 9..... 8-384.MILITARY RECORD. PAG PA Edgar, W. F............7 Gallupe, G-7. S Edwards, L. A.....................72 205 Egbert, A. R.. 804 Gardner H 817 E.bert, H. C..80 Gardner, -.................. 230405 Eg-gemeyer, A.................... 05 G 17 EIn, J. 19 Gardner,.....W. H 1974 Elder,.................35..... C 8 Elder, S. S...........202 Ga. 318 Ellenwood, R. E............3... 105 9 Elliott, J. H.. 150 Gensel I. F 319 Elliott, J. I............20.......... 74 Eliott, W.... Ghiselin, J...........:50 Ellis, H. A...........30 bbs T. K. 305..... Ellsworth, E. D......... Gibson 2 2 Engle, A. H...........3 31069 English, W. L.306 Gibson, J.................... 306 Elrving, J.0 Gibson, W. R...09 EVns, T. H............. 3 Gilbreth, B. 22 e, M., Jr....................... 07 GJ20 Ezekiel, D. I............307 Gillette. P153 ick, W Gilmor.....................3. 207 Farnsworth, H. J.............308 Gi Febiger, G. L.......... 20 Gi. Fei1ner, J..... 15. 1.Go.E 76 Fell, A... G-ood.e, G.. A........ Fess3nden, F.. 309 Good.ellow. 22 Fessenden J. A. 203 Goodwin, 21 Pessemdn, W. F,.......: 08G Fetterman, W. J...........309 Gordon 309D. 3 Fillmore, G. M... 203 Goley, J. W. Finley, C. A72................... 72 Fi'sher, C....151 Gra am, G. W... Iit-h, C. W2 Grafton, B.F 32 Fitch, J. RB......310 Graham, L. P 14 V'itzgerald, J.............203, Graham, S 3 Pitzgerald IR1529 Graham,'W. M14 206 Fitzhugh, C. L.204 Granger, L.. 23 Fieming, G. 34. 10 Graves, C' H..... 303 Fletcher J. S.J 1 Gray, C. C 76. Fletcher, R. $.31 ray, J. W 3.......... 24 Fletcher, W.31 Greeley, A'. W..... 324 F1'6yd R.........204..Green J 154 PF6"rbes, T. F.. 33 r nA..25 Ford, G.E.31 Greene, C. H...2..... Forid, J. A.. 31.2 GreeneC I 325 Forwood, W. H......73 1 reene S. C 306 Fbosdick, H.. 152. Greenlaf C.R 176 Fbster, C. W.. -21 Gregg, J' I 155 F-bulk, W. L.59 Grier, W. P. 7 F-ancis,S..... 510..r....n.W.... Frakin, W- S........ 313.Grimes,.....32 Fr~antz, J. H. 3 Grossmian, F.E37 File-derick C H33 Grgn FC..C15 Fi~mont J. C 2 7 F-th, J. W.......: 314 G.thri...B.. F~-ench, T. H.. 31 aih,, French, W. H., Jr...... 3 14 HainesA Jr........ Fi6`udenberg,,C.. G.. 315 Ha~ll C~ B....8... Fi-o'hock, W. T..12 Hall, 1R.20 Fry er, B. E....73 alsey, T. H.......23 Fuiimer, J... 315 HpmloF 77 FnnkA.31 I-mlltion'L. M'15 Gallager,J JU H.....36 amlin, A. C/`adlagher,.F. M...,.,H1Q Ha God C.'..7 MILITARY LECORD.. 385 PAGPIO Hammond, J. F................... 78 Hooton, M................... 342 Hamner, W. H. 329 Hopkins, J. W................... 161 Hampson, J. A. P................ 329 Hoppy, EB.......... 342 Hanna, V. C...........23.......... 23 Homrner, S. H.................... 83 Happerset, J. C. G.............. 79 Horton, S..................... 8 Harback, A. A............. 329 Horton, I. E......... 3432 Harmon W...................... 330 Hosea, L. M........ 343 Harold J 330....................... 330 Hough, A. L...................... 343 Harris, 156 Howard B............;......... 82 Harrison, J. E................... 157 Howard, O. H.................. 209 Harrison, 1R 330..................... 330 Howard, R. V. W................ 210 Harrison, W. H.... 157 Howe, H. S 44 Harrold, C. W........... Howgate, H. W8 Hart D........................ Hoyt, C. H... 23 Hartsuff, A...................... 79 Hoyt, G. S. 344 Harwood, P. A..................331 Hubbard, Van B.83 Haskell, H. L................... 332 Hubbell, H. W., Jr.............. 210 HIaskin, W. L.................... 208 Hudson, C. L 45 Hasson, A. B................... 79 Huggins, E. L.................. 210 Hastings, D. H........... 158 Iulings, T.................... 345 Hatch,....................... 158 [Hull, G. A....................... 24 Hawley, W..................... 332 Hull, R. B..........3 45 Hay, C 3 2......332 Humason, S. D........ 34 Hay, L..........................833 Humphrey, B. S................ 21 Hay, T. H......33................. 3 Humphrey, R. B 346 Hayden, H. J 28........... Humphreys, L...................83 HaymondH, H.............u........ 333 Hunt, J.. C....................... 161 Hazen, H. E..................... 334 Hunting, G. F................... 211 Hdad, J. F.................... 79 Huntington, D. L i................ 83 Hearn, J. A..................... 334 Huntington, H. A................ 211 Heckscher, J. G........334 H.. urlburt,J............ 24 Heger, A........................ 80 Hyde, J. McE............ 347 Heiner, R. G.................... 335 Hynes, J..3... 347 Heizman, C. L................. 80 Ilges, G............ 347 Helsby, T. H................... 80 lsley, C. S......... 348 Henderson, W. I.................. 159 Ingersoll,E............ 24 Hendrickson, T.... 335 Ingham, G. T.................... 348 Hennisee, A. G.............. 5 Ingram, A............ 83 Henley, J. P..................... 159 Insley, M. H.................. 25 Herkness, B. H................3...36 Irwin, B. J. D............ 84 Reyl, E. M...... 159 Jackson A............. 349 Higbee G. H.................... 836 Jackson J.......... 34 Higgs, A. F.... 837 Jackson, R. H................... 212 Hill, -G. D..................... 337 Jacobs, J. W..................... 3849 Hill, G. W.... 33.......7 Janes, H. W.. 25 Hill, J. F........... 160 Janeway, J. H. 84 Hinks E. W 338..........., Jaquett, G. P................... 84 Hong, J...................... 338 Jarvis, N. S.................... 85 Hobbs, C. W 2 8......208 Jennings, G. S..........3........ 50 Hodges, W. G 2.......... 23 Jerome, A. B...................162 HoelckeW 339..... 9 Jessop, S. S 85 Hoff, A. H 81.............. 81 Jocelyn, S. P.................... 350 Hoffman E. F................... 339 Johnson C. J 351, Hofman W. 339.......... Johnon G.. 85' Hogan, 1M B 340.....Johnson, H..351 Hogarty M. J................... 41 Johnson, H.. 86 Hogarty, W P.... 341 Johnson, J B. 351 Hoge, G. B 31.......341 Johnson, L....352 Holden, L. H.................... 81 Johnston, J. L.................... 352 Holt, H........... 160 Johnston, R. B............. 353 Homans, J., Jr.................. 81 Johnston, W. H..................25 Honey, S. IR...'... 342 Jones, E. P....... 26 Hooker, Ai E............-160 Jones F. B....................353 .MILITARY REC ORD. PA GE PAGE Jones, R...353 Lattimore, W..868 J Lnes, L. 162 Laub, C. it........ Judd, E. D.......... 26 Lauderdale, JV....... 89; Kapus, W........................ 354 Lauffer, 8. B. Kauffman, A. B................. 163 Lawrence, S............. 69 Kearney, J...................... 26 Lawrence, W. H.511 Kearney, P. Jr. 510 Lawson, G....369 Ireeler B B. 354 Le r P..,. 214 Keeling, W. H............ 355 LeConte, J. L 90 Keeney, C. C.................... 86 Lee C. 9) Kellogg, E. R.....................355 Lee, J. G. -C..2) 0,1ggS. C............ 8 e.. P.................?. Kellogg, S. C. 356 Lee, S. P,.,A,h Kellogg, W. L... 355. Leefe, J.G.......... 370 Kelly, A., J....................... 356 Leggett,, H. IF. 3.0 Kelly, J....................... 357 Leib, E..Kelly, J. ]{.. 357. Lendrum, J. H 2..14 KeOlly, J. R................ 212 Lennox 1 K:elly, M. J....................... 163 Leonard, CIF.........'1 Y-e-ly, W........................ 163 Leonard, J............ 7! I onaston H.357 Letherbury, J.W.......... 371 1(endall F. A.. 357 Letterman,J.. 90 1Kendall T.358 Lewis; G.......372 iLendig, D. 27 Lewis, J., I..372 I1endrick, F. M. H. 358 Lieber, G. N............ 29 I [ennedy, J. M..................3 59 Lieber, H... 30 Kennedy, J. F..86 Liedtke, F. W.. 373 Kennedy, J..359 Lindley, W.......... 90 Keogh, M. W.................... 164 Lippincott,...91 Thiddoo, J. B.360 Liscum, E, H..373 Kilpatrick, R. L.................. 360: Litchfield, IH. G...... 373 Kimball J. P 86' Livers, J........ 30 iking, B........................ 87: Livingston,..214 King, J. Ht. T................... 87 Logan,. T. H.374 iJg, J.... 360 Logan, W.374 King, W.H......................3 61 Long, A. K. 30 King W. S 87 Long, E......... 160 Tingsbury, G. W.362 Long, J. W............ Kinney, E. L...................... 641 Long, S. H.31'sa, J. H................... 88; 1ogn.W..........67 Minsman, JH88 Longan,.0. W......1. Kip, L. 213 Lord, T. W..................... 375 1:~irby, DI. T................ 362 Loring, L. Y........ 91 Kirk E. 27. Loud, J. S....167 Kittoe B. D.................. B.... 88. Love, G........... 376 Knapp, O. C...................... 363 LoveR, C. S....... 376 Knickerbocker B. 88 Lowe,. W..- 377 Knight, J. H.. 363 Ludi'gton, E.!................. H32 Kinox, E.B... 363. Luhn, G. L...................... 377 Knox K......................... 364. Luther,!L E........ 378 Kobb6, NV., Jr.................... 363 Lyman, G. It....... 91 Koerper, E. A.89 Lyman, W...... 378 Kramer, A. 164 Lynch, E.... 378 Kress, J. A.28 Lynde., R. D. 91 ruigr. W.....................3~ Lyn. 28...............39 Kroutinger, A. XV.65 LoC.7 Kuhn H. H 365 MacArthur, A.- 379 Ladley, 0. D....................... 366 MacGowan, A. B........ 379 Lambert, J.. 366 Mac/urray, J. W. 215 LaMotte R. 366 Mackay, W. S.379 Lane W. B...................... 165, Mackenzie, T. 92 Larke, A......... 367 Mackin, C. Jr.. 92 Larned, B. F................... 28 Mackln J.... 380 Lamed, F. H..................2 13 Macomber, G.... 380 tirrahee, C. F.367, Madden, D....... 167 ULtchford,: T... 368. Madison, T. Q.92 MILITARY RECORD. 887 PAGEr PAG: lagnitzki, G................... 381 Meredith, D. M...............392 Magruder D. L................. 92 3Meiriam, H. C................... 392 _mahnken, J. H.......... 168 Merrill, W.. 3893 Maize, W. R...................... 31 Merritt, T. E. 393 ia.le, W.. 382 Michaelis, O. E 34: IaiLloy, A. G..382 Middleton J. V. D........ 97 Maloney, IL................... 383 Middleton, P............ 7 Maloney, M3.. 383 Milhau, J. J 9...........7 Manning, E. G................... 383 Miller, G. McC.............. 98 Manning, W.. 384 Miller S.A... arley. A............. 384 Mier, W. F......... 394 Iarsh, E.J 93 Miller, W. H 394 X, a ~y............o.........~............... Marshall, F. B................... 384 Millin, T. Mc 98 MIartin, W. P.............. 32 Mills, A...................... 394 M{ast, J. L... 215 Mills, M....................... 98 Mathey, E. G.. 169 Mills, S. F...................... 217 Maurice. T. D............. 215 Mlinor, W. C..................... 99 Mayer, B.. 32 Mitchell, W. G................... 395 Mayer, M.............. 8 385 Mizne, H R................... 396 IMaynadier, W................. 511 Moale,....................... 396 McBride, J. 8.85..olinard, J.34 McCalln, C. A................... 93 Monroe, F. LeB................ 99 Mocammon, W. W........... 385 Montgomery, R. I................171 McCarthy, J. C.. 83 Montgomery, S. H.............. 385 McCawley, H.................. 386 Moore A......................... 397 McCleave W................... 169 Moore J. 10 McCleery, J.. 386 Moore, 0. H.397 McClellan, E............93 Moore, T. W. C.................. 398 McClermont, R..............: 386 Moore, W. G............. 35 Leclintock, J.................... 387 Moorhead, W.....................398 McClure, C.............. 33 Morgan, A. S. M.................. 35 McConihe,........ 387 Morgan, H. C................ 399 McCormick, C.. 94 Morgan, J. N.................... 399 ]McDermlott G. B............... 387 Morris? A........................ 217 McDermott, G 388 Morris, L. M.................. 399 McDonald, J. E........ 94 Morrison, J. T................... 172 McDougal, C.. 94 Morrison, T. W.................. 400 ]cEldery, H.... 95 Morrow H................... 401 lMcEwan, J. S...........16........ 216 Morton, A....................... 400 MIcGxil, Gi.McC...... 95 Moulton, C. W.. 35 cGinniss, J. T................. 388 Mount J. F................... 21 McGown, G.............. 389 Moylan, M...................... 172 McIntosh J. B................... 389 Mullins, M.......................401 McIntyre, D. C................. 169 Murphy, J...................... 172 McKee, J. C.............. 95 Munrray, R........................ 100 McKeever,........ 390 Mussey, W. H.' 100 McKim, W. W............. 34 Myer, A. J.512 icLandburgh, H. J............... 390 Myers, E.173 McLaren A. N............ 96 Myrick, J. D............173 McLaughlen, N. B..... 170 Myrick, J. It.................... 218 McLean W....... 170 Nelson J. H................ 36 MeLeod, A.......33:Nesbitt W. B................... 401 MicLoughlin G. H................ 391 Newberry, S. S................... 402 McMichael C....... 391. Newby, E. W. B............ 174 icNally, C. I................... 171 Newman, T..... 402. McNett A. J.................... 391 Newman, XV..... 402 licPalin, T. A................. 96 Nichols J. H.................. 174 McQuiston,...................171 Nikerson, A. iH................. 402 Meacham F............ 97 Niles A. E......... 403 Meade G. 392 Nininger, A..................... 404 Mears, J. R...................... 34 Noble, C. H.................... 404: Mechem A. F......... 97 Norris, B......................1 01 kedary, C. S.......... 216 Norris, W. F......101 3888 MILITARY RECORD. PAGL PAGI N~orthrup, E. B.... 404 Pleasants, C. I.......... 418 No rton IiB4051 Plok 0. W.. 422 N ~~n.B.................... 405 Pollock, O....... 4,926, Norvell S. T............. 405 Pollock, W. K... 2 19 Notson, W..'........ 101 Pooley, J. H............... 105 Nugent,... 406 Pope, B. F.. 105 0Bleirne, R. F......... 400 Porter, D. E.. 418 Occleston, W. B................ 407 Porter, G. L............... 100 O'Connor, L.174 Porter, J. B................ 100 O'Donnoghue F 101 Postlethwaite G. L..............422 Ogden, F. C.175 Potter, J. A.. 37 Ogden, M. L.407 Potter, J. B. M.. 38 Ogilby, F. D.407 Potter, R. M.................... 88 Okie, W. F.102 Potts 1R. 220 Olmsted, F. B.408 Powell, J. B.. 419 OlmstedW408l, JW.....................4................. 19 O'Reilly, W. A............... 110 Orton, S. H..................... 102 Powell, W. H...............419 Oteis, G. A. 102 Power, J....................... 420 Overton, -. H................ 175 Pratt, H. H........ 420 Page, A......................... 103 Pratt, J.P.. 421 Page F.A. 409 Pratt, J. Jr 421 Pa;en, V.........0 Prentice,. 422 Pao-e F~~. A;...... 2.~."'":~~~~~~~~~~0 Prt J.,... Jr......................4 Pal.mer, G. H............. 409 Preston, A. W... 177 Palmer, WR.... 86 Price, G. F.. 177 Parke,: J. B..................... 409 Prince, W. B.................... 421 Parker D 410 Proctor, J.: L..... 423 Parker R. C....R.............. 411 Pulford, J................ 423 Pake TD423 Parker, T. D..................... 410 Pyne, C. M...................... P'e,.175 Quinton W. 424 Parry, E. R..... 411 Ramsay, D.220 Parry, H. C... 103 Ramsey W. R.................. 07 Patterson, H. W............. 411 Randall B...................... 107 Patterson, J. H. 412 Randolph J. F................. 107 Patterson R. H............. 218 Rathbone, H. R......... 424 Patterson, W. W.................. 412 Rathbone, J. H............... 425 Paul C. R..................... 412 Rawlins J. A.................... 513 Panlus J.................425 Pearce, H. S.176 Read, E.W.H.425 Pearson, E. P. Jr....418: Read J. G..................... 420 Pease, W. B41 Rea,.. B420 Pbas e,. B............. 414' Read, O. B.................... 2 Peck W. W..4 RedH. 220. Peirce C. H................. e e. -. Pe'rce. C, H.................. 218 Reed, T. 427 PeirrceH. H.............. 4 14 BeeS, R.427 Peirce 1L H3.........220........ 37: Reillly, H. I.............. Pbennypacker, G. 41 ~ fl.............'10 Pennypacker, 0..415 Reilly, J. T10 Penrose, W. H.................., 415: Renaldo, H. O... 427 Pepper, G. W.................... 87 Rensselaer, Van S.. 428 Pbrin, G0....103: Rlexford, W. H....38 Perley, T. F............104 Rheem, E.: B...................28 Perry, F. W.416 Rice,.........428 P'~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~14 Iie,.................,.. 2 Petbers, DeW.C,..104 RIiceJ H.....429 Petherbridge J. B. 104 Richards, W. ~ V. 429 Phelps, J. B........ 176 Richardson, J.: P..429 Phillips, H.J.. 105 Ridgely, T. H... 103 Phisterer, F....417 Rigg,. A.430 Piatt, J. H.417 Riley, T. A.430 Pickett, G.0 B 418 Ring, F. N.21 Pierce F4 418 Rittenhouse- B.: F..2.........1.. Pike, A. F....... 219 Rittenhouse, H. N.108 Pike, H. IL.219 Ritzius,,, H.... 430 Pike, J.. 176 lRoberts, -T. 431.eo, P... 105 Robertson, J. N.222 Piper, J. W.219PIb9tt.....4.1 XMILITARY RECORD. PAGE PAG. R..bin..... R...... 432 Shafter, W. R..... Robinson D.................... 432 Sheibner, E. W....4 R................223 Shelby, I. O....... Robinson J. C...............432 Sheldon, L. H.......... Rocheford H................. 434 Shellabarger, J. H....... Rochester. B............... 38 Shepard, C. H...........44 Rodenbough, T. F...434 Sherburne J. P.......... Roder................... 223 Sherman, H. P.......... 448 Rogers B.............. 435. Sherwood G. P.......... 448 Rogers M............... 435 Shoemaker, W. R. ogJ..................S... 435 Shorkley, G.448 Rogers, J....................... 39 Shorb, J. C.............. Rorneyn, H... 436 Shurly, B. R. P....44................ R.....,P...................;3 hty.R Ropes J..................... 178 Silliman, H....... 1 Rose, G...................... 108 Slva, YV..45.0 Rose T................... on........... 436.....225 Rosencrantz, F............... 437 Simons J... 112 Rousseau L.H 3.. 39 Simonson, J. S..........180 Rowe, lb. H.....~19 SmnoB450.................. 109 Simionton, E............ R 178 Simpsonyall, J........178 S112 I[0513: X S0s, J................'ck r D. H 437 Sclairmpson, J............. Runkle B P.............. 437 Sincladenir, J.............. Russell, GI. B....... 437 Sladen,- J.-A45 R'se C....P...... 109- Sloan, W. H........ Russell B K.........223 Sloan, W. J........... Russell S.......... 438 Smart, C.. 113 RutefrdA................. 438 Smedberg, W....... 4 Ryland K..................... 109 Smith, A. E..181...........'Sacriste, L. J 439 Smith, A.H............113.Sanborn W. I. 439 S...............mith, A. 3 Sanbourne, N. C.. ~~~439- Smith, CQ., H...453 Sanders, W. W.......... 440 Smith, C. L.453...... I. W................... S tA SandersonJ 44 Si.......... B. W4 Sandford, G. B.........178 Smith,. F. W.181... SandsJ.H..179....SmithGW.5 Sanger, J. P... 224 Smith, H......4........54 Sanger, L. H............ 440 Smith, J. B.............455 Satterlee, R. S..109 Smith J. H.45 Sauinnders, T. NI......... 225 SmWith J. H 225 Savage, E. B... 441 Smith),J. R............114 SawyerJB 225 SmithJ-_S-..........114~ Sawyer N. D A... 39 Smith,~L...455 Scantling, J. C....... 441 Sith,0 N.456...... Schell, H... 1 Smith, W.F14 Schenk P. V... 11 tJL456 Schofield G W 442 Sm~~~~~yder, S.457 Schooley D.. 441 SoeS457 Schultz, J N.......40 Souders JA4517 Shultze T.. 449 Spalding L. I 5 Schuyler, P............. 442 Spalding, G. S...........458 Schwan, T... 43 Spencer, G.5 Schwenk, S. K.....44 Spencer, TJ18.1 Scott D. I........444- Spencer, W. C115 Scott, J.44 Sprague, H. M.115 Scott, H. B.179 Sprague, J. T........ -459 Scott, R- N......444 Sprague, W. G.....459, Scottl W...... 40~ Stacey, M., H.45 Sellers B. B.....445 Stafford, J. S460 Sellmer C......445, Stanhope, P.W.460 Sells, D.~...446...Stanshtur.y,.41 Semple, 3_B410 StnbxH. B,.:.......461 Sergjeant, W.. 46 SatnT;.41 Seward D......7.SarS.H.8 390.MILTARY RECORD. PAGE PAGC Stebbins, E. N.................... 42 Tobey, T. F............ 474 Steele, G. W,. 461 Tolles, C W- 474 Steinberger, J 42 Tompkins, W. W.............7: 7 Sternbetrg, G. 3I. -115 Torbett, F. H............ 475 Stetson, P. R........... 462 Torrey, R. A............ 475 Stevens, H......... 115 Tourtelotte, J. E............ 476 Stewart, A. D....42 Towle, G......474 Stiles, D..........F.. 462 Town, F. L..................... 120 Stipp, G. W.116..Townsend, F............... 476 Stivers, E. S.;. 462: Townsend N 5 120. Stiv ers, E,. J................... 62....'......... i.. 10 Stockton, I.. 43 Tracy, A....................... 477 Stoddard, J....... 183 Tracy, F. A. 477 Stommel... 464 Treacy, E..............,....:83 Stone H. 43 Tremainme, W. S.2 0 Stent ~. I5. 226 ~~~~~~~~~Trevor, J..................,.....83, Stone, V. H.. 226. TrevorJ S.13 Stone W......... 4630 Trimble, J G.'183 Storrow, S. A. 116 Trotter, F. E.................. 477 Strode E. C......... 116 TroWbridge, C F............ 478 Strong, R. P............... 463 Tully, R....................... 227 Stuart G.............. 464. Tupper, T......... 184 Summerhayes, J. W.............. 464 Turner, J. H.. 120 Sumniersi. B................ 116 Turner, T................... 478 Sutherland, C.............. 117 Tutle,. B.............. 478 Swaim, D. G........ 465 Tyler, J......................... 479 Sweeney, H. 465 Tyler, 1I. W......479 Sweeney, T.W. ~~~~~~~4616 iho,- J'........ 479,4 Sweeney, T. W............ 466......lio J 4 SWeet; O'J....J.......... -467 Urban.....1.84 Swett, N.... 467 trmston, T.. 480 Swit, E.. 117 Van nzer, C P............ 480 Taliaferro, L...............,. 43.. Van Ness, W. P..............228 Tanfield J. W.............. 467 Vaai Reed, W....... B 228 Tassin, A. G 467......... Varney, A. L;n-. 44 ~Paylor, ~. C: ~ ~ ~~~~468: Vansanf.J...........10 Taylor, A. C... 468.........n.........:. 12 Taylor, A. H. N.. 468- Vaux, W... 45 Taylor, F. E....... 226 V..edder; S............... S481 Taylor; G........ 118 Veitenlieiiier,. 481 Taylor, J. P.................. 514 Vernon,..............481 Taylor, L. 118 Vernou, C......... A. 185 Taylor, M. K..................... 118 Verplanck A. G............ 228 Taylor, S. W.... 227 VialI, G. E.................. 482 Tear, W.. 469 Vickery, i. S.121 Telford, J. G........... 469 Vincent, A-. 0.229 Temple, W. J.............. 470 Viven, J. L. 482 Templeton, G. M................470 Vgdes, Ai. W. 482 Ten Broeck, P. G. S.. 119 Vollumi B. P.......121 Terrell, C. M 43 Von Herrman, C. J.483 Terry, A. H.............. 44 Von Luettwitz, A. H 185 Theaker; E. A............. 470 Wagner, C....................... 121 Thibaut, F. W............. 471 Wagner....... 483 Thoburn S. B................... 471 Wagner, J........... 483 Thomas C. 514 Wagner, J. P........ P484 Thomas D. G 44 Wainwright, W. A 45 Thomas,. G.... 471 Waite, C. A....................515 Thomas P. K. 186 Waite,................... 484 Thomasson, N................ 472 Walker, J. S... 185 Thompson, E. F................. 472 Walker,'Mtf.. 484 Thompson, S. K..'......... 472 Walkeri, R C.......... 46 ThomOn, W.......... 119 Wands, A. H...485 thorpe, F. 227 Ward, I........... 485 Thorpe, W. C.............. 473 Ward, 1. C..................... 486 Tillotson, E................... 473 Warfield, C......... 122 Tilton; H. A....... 119 Warreni, L. H. 486 rIsdl, W-...... 473 Warres, C. H........ 487 .'ILITAR Y RECORD. 391 PAGE PAGl Washington, E. C................ 487 Williams, E...................... 498 Waters, J. G..................... 487 Williams, J. W............ 125 Waters, W. E.................... 122 Williams, W. N.................. 499 Watkins, L. D.................. 488 Williston, E. B. 231 Waymire, J. A................... 186 Wilson, A. D..... 125 Weaver, I..................... 488 Wilson C. I.................... 499 Wea0ver, S....................... 489 Wilson D. B.................... 500 Webb, R. W..................... 489 Wilson, I. H............... 187 Webb, W. W.................... 186 Wilson, J........................ 125 Webster, W............ -.. 122 Wilson, J.'E...... 231 Wedemeyer, W. C............ 489 Wilson, J. K..................... 500 Weeds, J. F..................... i22 Wilson, R....................... 232 Weir, G. V................. 229 Winder, W. A................... 232 Weir, R. F............... 123 Windle, L. S..................... 501 Weld C. F..................... 490 Winebrener, J. A........... 46 Weldy, S................. 490 Weein C. K.................... 126 Welsh, W... 490 Winslow, CG...................... 501 Wenie T. i............... 491 Winslow, R C................... 501 Wessels, H. W., Jr.............. 491 Winthrcp, F..501 West, E. W..230 Wirtz, H. t..................... i26 Weston J. F 186 Witherill, C. T.............. 502 Wharton, H. W.............. 491 Woart, J........................ 47 Wheaton, C...... 492 Wolfe, N........... 502 Wheaton, F...................... 492 Wolverton, W. D.. i27 Wheaton, L.................... 47 Wheato.....494 Wood, H. C.....................47 Wheeler, D. D 0.................... 127 Wherry, W. 1................... 494 Wood, W. W..................... 502 Whipple, S. G............. 495 Woodhull, A. A................. 127 Whitall, J. A.............. 516 Woodruff, E. C.............. 503 White, C. B............... 123 Woodward, G. A........... 503 White J. C. 495 Woodward, J.. 4128 White, G. Q........... 496 Woodward, S. L................. 187 White J. G. S 496 Wool J.E............ 47 White, R. H............... 123 Woolfolk, A. C.. 4 White, W. J. H.......... 124 Worth, WV. S.......... 504 Whitehead, F. F................. 496 Wright, A. 48 Whitehead, W. E........... 124 Wright, G.......... 128 Whitney, J................. 497 Wright, G. H.................... 504 Whitten, J. I.................... 497 Wright, J. J. B...............128 Whitten, J. W........... 497 Wright, J. P..................... 129 Whittingham, E. T.............. 124 Wright, T. F.............. 504 WTilcox, T. E..................... 124 Yeomans, A. A................... 129 Wiley, W. Y.............. 46 Yorke, J. S............... 504 Wilkins, C........ 46 Young, D. J............... 48 Willard,.........4...'. 499 Young, S. B.......4........... 188 Williams, C.............. 498 Ziegler, G. H................... 516 Williams, D. H....... 498 Zoeller, V..................... 129 MILITARY BOOKS PUBLISHED BY D. VAN NOSTRAND, -23 MURRAY STREET & 27 VWARREN STREET, NEW YORK. Benton's Ordnance and Gunnery. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. A Course of Instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery. 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"It is a complete Encyclopaedia of Military Science, and fully explains everything discovered inath e art of war up to thepresent time." —Philadelphia Evening Bulletin."It should; be made a, text-book for the study of every volunteer."-Harper s Magazine. 2 D.: YAIV NlOSl'RAND. 47 ERoemer's: Cavalry. 8vo. Cloth, $6. 00. Half Calf, $7.50. CAVALRY: ITS HISTORY, MANAGEMENT, AND USES IN WAR. By J. ROEMER, LL. D., late an Officer of Cavalry in the Service of the Netherlands. Elegantly illustrated with one hundred and twenty-seven fine wood engravings. Beautifully printed on tinted paper. SUMMARY OF, ICONTENTs:. —Cavalry in'European Armies; Proportion of Cavalry to Infantry; What kind of Cavalry Desirable; Cavalry Indispensable in War; Strategy and Tactics; Organization of an Army; Route Marches; Rifled Fire-Arms; The Charge; The Attack; Cavalry versus Cavalry; Cavalry versus Infantry; Cavalry versus Artillery; Field Service;) Different Objects of Cavalry; Historical Sketches df Cavalry among the early Greeks, the Romans, the Middle Ages; Different Kinds of Modern Cavalry; Soldiers and Officers; Various' Systems of Training of Cavalry Horses; Remounting; Shoeing; Veterinary Surgeons, Saddlery, etc., etc. WHAT GENERAL MCCLELLAN SAYS OF IT. " I am exceedingly pleased with it, and regard it as a very valuable addition to our military literature. It will certainly be'regarded as a standard work, and I know of none so valuable to our cavalry officers. Its usefulness, however, is not confined to officers of cavalry alone, but it contains a great deal of general information valuable to the officers of the other arms of service, especially those of the Staff." Michaelis' Chronograph. 4to. Illustrated. Cloth. $3.00. THE LE BOULENGft CHRONOGRAPH. With three lithographed folding plates of illustrations. By Brevet Captain O. E. MICHaELIs, First Lieutenant Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army. "The excellent monograph of Captain Michaelis enters minutely into the details of construction and management, and gives tables of the times of flight calculated upon a given fall of the chronometer for all distances. Captain Michaelis has done good service in presenting this work to his brother officers, describing, as it does, an instrument, which bids fair to be in constant use in our future ballistic experiments."-Army and Navy Journal. 48 MILITARY BOOKS PUB3ISHED BY Benet's Chronoscope. Second Eadition. Illustrated. 4to. Cloth. $3.00. ELECTRO-BALLISTIC IIACHINES, and the Schultz Chronoscope. By Lieutenant-Colonel S. V. BENET, Captain of Ordnance, U. S. Army. CONTENTS.-1. B3allistic Pendulum. 2. Gulln Pendulum. 3. Use of Electricity. 4. Navez' Machine. 5. Vignotti's Machine, with Plate. 6. Benton's Electro-Ballistic Pendulum, with Plate, 7. Leur's Two-Pendulum Machine. 8. Schultz' Chronoscope, with two Plates. Dufour's Principles of Strategy and Grand Tactics. 12mo. Cloth. $3.00. TIE PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGY AND GRAND TACTICS. Translated from the French of General G. 1I. DuFOUR. By WILLIAM P. CRA'IGILL, Major of Engineers U. S. Army, and late Assistant Professor of Engineering, Military Academy, West Point. From the last French edition. Illustrated. "General Dufour is a distinguished civil and military engineer and a practical soldier, and in Europe one of the recognized authorities on military matters. He holds the office of Chief of the General Staff of the Army of Switzerland."-Eveniny Post. "This work upon the principles of strategy, the application of which we have sorely stood in need of in all our campaigns, comes from an acknowledged o'thority. It was General Dufour who successfully arrayed the Federal Army o Switzerland against secession, and. subdued' the rebellious Cantons."Boston Journal. "In all military matters General Dufour is recognized as one of the first authorities in Europe, and consequently the translation of this very valuable work, is a most acceptable addition to our military libraries."-London Navlval and Military Gazette. 4:-.. 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D. VAN1 NOSTWAN D. 49 Jomini's Life of the Emperor Napoleon. ~4vols' 8vo, and Atlas. Cloth,. Half Calf, MILITARY AND POLITICAL LIFE OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. By BARON JOMINI, General-in-Chief and Aid-deCamp to the Emperor of Russia. Translated from the French, with Notes, by H. W. HALLECK, LL. D., Major-General U. S. Army. With 60 Maps and Plans. "The Atlas attached to this version of Jomini's Napoleon addsavery materially to its value. It contains sixty Maps, illustrative of Napoleon's extraordinary military career, beginning with: the immortal -Italian campaigns of 1796, and closing with the decisive Campaign of Flanders, in 1815, the last map showing the battle of Wavre. These maps take'the reader to Italy, Egypt, Palestine, Germany, Moravia, Russia, Spain, Portugal, and F.landers; and' their number and variety, and the vast and various'theatres of action which they indicate, testify to the immense extent:of Napoleon's operations, and to the gigantic character of his power'' They are'admirably prepared, being as remarkable for the beauty of their execution as for their strict fidelity as illustrations of some of' the greatest deeds in the'annals of human warfare. They are worthy of the work to which they belong, which has been:' rost excellently' presented typographically, and deserving of'"the place whichit has taken in Mr. Van Nostrand's noble and extensive library of military publications." —Boston Daily Evening Traveller. "It is needless to say anything in praise of Jomini as a writer on the science of war. "'General Halleck has laid the professional soldier and the student of military history under equal obligations by the service he has done to'the cause of military literature in the preparation of this work for'the press. His rare qualifications for the task thus undertaken will be acknowledged by all. "The notes with -which the text is illustrated by General Halleck are not among the least of the merits. of the publication, which, in this respect, has,a value not possessed by the original work."-N-ational Inteligencer. " The narrative is so' brief and clear, and the style so simple and perspicuous, that it will be found as interesting to unprofessional readers'as it is valuable to military officers and students." —Nevw York Tlimes. *** This is the only English translation of this important strategical life of th'e great Napoleon....'''' 5 :-50 MILITAR Y BOOKS PUBLiSHEDI B Y Jomini's Campaign of Waterloo. Third Edition. 121mo,. Cloth. $1.25. THE POLITICAL AND MILITARY HISTORY OF THE CAMPAIGN OF WATERLOO. Translated from the French of General BARBON D JOMINI by Col. S. V. BENIT, U.S. Ordnance. Jomini's Grand Military Operations. 2 Vols. 8vo, and Atlas. Cloth, $15.00. Half Calf or Half Morocco, $21.00. Half Russia, $22.50. TREATISE ON GRAND MILITARY OPERATIONS. Illustrated by a Critical and Military History of the TWars of Frederick the Great. With a Summary of the Most Important Principles of the Art of War. By BARON DE JOMIINI.a Illustrated by Maps and Plans. Translated from the. French by Col. S. B. HOLABIRD, A. D.'C., U. S. Army. It is universally agreed that no art or science is more difficult than that of war; yet by' an unaccountable contradiction of the human mind, those who embrace this profes~ion take little or no pains to study it. They seem to think that the knpwledge of a few insignificant and useless trifles constitute a great officer. This art, like all others, is founded on certain and fixed principles, which are by their nature invariable; the application of them only can be varied. In Ihis work these principles will be found very fully developed and illustrated by immediate application to the most interesting campaigns of a great master. *The theoretical and mechanical part of war -may be acquired by any one who has the application -to study, powers of reflection, and a sound, clear common sense. Frederick the Great has the credit of having done much for tactics. He introduced the close column by division and deployments therefrom. He brought his army to a higher degree of skill than any other in manceuvring before the enemy to menace his wings or threaten his flanks. "Jomini is received, in the words of the eminent historian Thiers, as'a military writer of eminent superiority, who had besides exhibited, in the practice of war, the soundest judgment based on the highest views of his art.' This is high praise, but purely military writers assign Jomini even a still higher position as'first among the great writers on the art of war.' "-lYew Orleans Times. 6 D. VTAN NOST'RAND. 51 Barre6 Duparcq's Military Art and History. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. ELEMENTS OF MILITARY ART AND HISTORY. By EDWARD DE LA BARREi D-PARCQ, Chef de Bataillon of Engineers in the Army of France, and Professor of the Military Art'in the Imperial School of St. Cyr. Translated by Colonel GEo. W. CULLUM, U. S. E. "I read the original a few years since, and considered it the very best work I had seen upoa the subject. "H. W. HALLECK, Major-General U. S. A." Myer's Manual of Signals. 48 Plates. 12mo. Roan. $5.00. MANUAL OF SIGNALS, for the Use of Signal Officers in the Field, and for Military and Naval Students, Military Schools, etc. A new edition, enlarged and: illustrated. By Brig.-Gen. ALBERT J. MYER, Chief Signal Officer of the Army, Colonel of the Signal Corps during the War of the Rebellion. A new edition, enlarged. V allen's Service Manual. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50 SERVICE MANUAL for the Instruction of newly appointed C(ommissioned Officers, and the Rank and File of the Army, as compiled from Army Regulations, The Articles of War, and the Customs of Service. By HENRY D. WALLEN, Bvt. BrigadierGeneral U. S. Army. " In my estimation, Gen. Wallen's Service Manual is a book of great value. It contains not only extracts from the regulations, but also includes, in a concise form, the customs of Aervice at well-regulatedl Posts, as well as in Regiments-the unwritten law, which takes so long to learn, and which is so soon forgotten or overlooked. I consider it a very useful compendium for Junior Officers, and a good book for the instruction of Non-Commissioned Officers in their duties. I have prescribed that it be taught in my regiment and at the Post where I command. "J. VOGDES, Colonel 1st Artillery, Bvt. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A., "Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor.". 52 MILITARY BOOKS PPUBLISHED BY Boynton's History of West Point. Seeond Edition. 8vo. Fancy Cloth $3.50. HISTORY OF WEST POINT, and its Military Importance during the American Revolution; and the Origin and Progress of the United States Military Academy. By Bvt.-Maj. EDWARD C. BOYNTON, A. M., Adjutant of the Military. Academy. With 36 Maps and Engravings. "Aside from its value as an historical record, the volume under notice is an entertaining guide-book to the Military Academy and its surroundings. We have full details of Cadet life from the day of entrance to that of graduation, together with descriptions of the buildings, grounds, and monuments. To the multitude of those who have enjoyed at West Point the combined attractions, this book will give, in its descriptive and illustrated portion, especial pleasure." —Nrew York Evening Post. List of Maps and, lustratios. Map of West Point ahd its Vicinity, 1866 —-Map of the Commission in 1812-Survey of the United States Lands at West Point, 1839-Martelaer's Rock (Constitution Island — Map of Fort Constitution, Constitution Island, 1776-Map of the West Side of the Hudson River, 1780 (Fac-simile' —Arrangement of the great Boom and Chain across the Hudson, at West Point,.1780-Relic. of the great Chain of the Revolution-Map of Fort Arnold, 1780 (Fac-simile)-Chapter Vignette —Robinson's House in the Highlands-Map of the Scene of Arnold's Treason —Fort Putnam, from the West Point Hotel, 1863-Grand Arbor and Colonnade at West Point in 1782,Fac-simile)-Ruins of Fort Putnam, Interior View-The Old North Barracks-The Old South Barracks-The Old Academic Building-The Old 3Mess-Hall-The:West Point Hotel-The Chapel-The New Academic Building-The Library and Observatory-The New Cadet Barracks-The New Mess-Mall-Map of West Point in 1863-Ruins of Fort Constitution-Kosciusczko's Monument-Dade's Monument -The Thirteen-inch Mortar -The Cadet Monument -Wood's Monument-The Trophy Guns-The Encampment-Military Academy Band. Guide to West Point. 18mo. ]Flexible Cloth. $1.00. GUIDE TO WEST POINT AND THE U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. With Maps and Engravings. 8 D. VAN NOSTRAND. 53 rWood's West Point Scrap Book. 8vo. Extra Cloth. $5.00. THE WEST POINT SCRAP BOOK., Being a Collection of Legends, Stories, Songs, &c. By Lieut. Oi E. WooD, U. S. A. With 69 wood-cut Illustrations. Beautifully printed on tinted paper. "Lieutenant Wood has a keen sense of the humorous, and if he does not always tell his stories of cadet life as:' neatly as they might be told, he certainly possesses the faculty of giving them a' spicy turn.' T~he fun and frolic of the Camp and the mess-hall are very creditably preserved, and some of the anecdotes with which the book abounds will be new to non-militar) readers. Among the illustrations is a portrait of the celebrated character whose memory is kept green by O'Brien's song of'BENNY HAVENS, OH!".'-Commercial Advertiser. -List of Illustrations. TopogTaphical Sketch of West Point-Crow Nest, looking south-Cadet Monument-Fort Putnam-Ruins of Fort Putnam-Wood's MonumentViews from Siege Battery-Great Chain-Crow Nest-Kosciusczko's Monument-Dade's Monument-Steps leading to Kosciusczko's Garden-The Thomas Powell off Storm King-The North Barracks-The Mess-HallThirteen-inch ] Mortar-The South Barracks-Benny' Havens-West Point Hotel-Road to Cozzen's Dock-The Military Academy Band-The Reception of a Plebe-The Plebe's Trip from the Commissary-Bayonet ExerciseHobgoblins on Post-Squad Drill-Leaving Camp-Studying in Barracks — Plebe's Fencing-Recitation in " Math "-Scene in the Hop Room-Scene in the'Riding-Hall-Going on Furlough-Scene in the Mess Hall-Policing Camp-The Last Review-Going down the Hudson-The Encampment-The Old:Academy.-The Parade-View from Battery Knox-Dream of Furlough -Four Scenes in a Cadet Waltz —A Cadet Hash-Scene in the Commandant's Office-He is Challenged by the Supt's "Bum" —They Lay Ye Prostrate Courier kindly on a- Shutter —At' the Guard-House Door-Frank Davenport at Home-In Stalked the Messenger of Woe —The' Bell Button-The last of poor Frank-A Cadet on Horseback-A Diabolical Scene-The Billy GoatDadegan's "Hive "'-Hurdle Scene-View from Garrison's —Fort PutnamThe Chapel —Cozzen's-The Academic Building —Old Bentz the Bugler — Buttermilk Falls- Church of the Holy Innocents-Martelaer's Rock-Trophy SGuns —Cadets Mess-Hall-The Library. 9 54 MILITARY BOOKS PUBLISHED -BY West Point Life. Oblong 8vo. Cloth. $92.50. WEST POINT LIFE. A Poem read before the Dialectic Society of the United States Military Academny. Illustrated with twentytwo full-page Pen and Ink Sketches. By A CADET.: To which is added the song,, "Benny Havens, Oh!" "Summer visitors at West Point will especially enjoy these illustrations; and the poem itself may be egarded as a description of cadet life, as seen from the inside by on6 who appreciates it.".-N. Y. Journal, of Commerce. Gillmore's Fort Sumter. 8vo. Cloth, $]10.00. Half Russia, $12.00. GILLMORE'S FORT SUMTER. Official Report of Operations against the Defences of Charleston Harbor, 1863. Comprising the descent upon Morris Island, the demolition of Fort Sumter, and the siege and reduction of Forts Wagner and Gregg. By Maj.-Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE, U. S. Volunteers, and Major U..S. Corps of Engineers. With 76 lithographic plates, views, maps, etc. " General Gillmore has enjoyed and improved some very unusual opportunities for adding to the literature of military science, and for making a permanent record of his own professional achievements. It has fallen to his lot to conduct some of the most striking operations of the war, and to make trial of interesting experiments in engineering and artillery which were both calculated to throw light upon some of the great points of current discussion in military art, and also to fix the attention of spectators in no ordinary degree. "His report of the siege of Fort Pulaski thus almost took the form of a popular scientific treatise and we now have his report of his operations against Forts Wagner and Sumter, given to the public in a volume which promises to be even more attractive at bottom, both to the scientific and the general reader, than its predecessor. "The volume is illustrated by seventy-six plates and views, which are admirably executed, and by a few excellent maps; and indeed the whole style of publication is such as to reflect the highest oredit upon the publishers."Boston Daily Advertiser. 10 D. VAN NOST RANXD. 55 Gillmore's Supplementary Report on Fort Sumter. Svo. Cloth. $5.00. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT to. the Engineer and Artillery Operations against the Defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863. By Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE, U. S. Volunteers, and Major U. S. Corps of Engineers. With Seven Lithographed Maps and Views. Gillmore's Fort Pulaski. 8vo. Cloth, $2.50. SIEGE AND REDUCTION OF FORT PULASKI, GEORGIA. Papers on Practical Engineering. No. 8. Official Report to the U. S. Engineer Department of the Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski, Ga. February, March, and April, 1862. By Maj.Gen. Q. A GILLMOREX U. S. A. Illustrated by maps and views. Barnard and Barry's: Report. 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. REPORT OF THE ENGINEER AND ARTILLERY OPERATIONS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, from its Organization to the Close of the Peninsular Campaign. By Maj. -Gen. J. G. BARNAnRD and other Engineer Officers, and Maj.-Gen. W. F. BARRY, Chief of Artillery.:Illustrated by 18 Mlaps, Plans, &c.' The title of this work sufficiently indicates its importance and value as a contribution to the history of the great rebellion. Gen. Barnard's report is a narrative of the engineer operations of the army of the Potomac from the time of its organization to the date it was withdrawn from the James River. Thus a record is give(n of an important part in the great work which the nation found before it when it was first confronted with the necessity of war, and perhaps on no other point in the annals of the rebellion will future generations look with a deeper or more admiring interest." —Buffalo Courier. 11 56 MILITARY BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Barnard's C. S. A., and the Battle of Bull Run. 8vo. Cloth, $2. 00. THE "C. S. A.," AND THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN. (A Letter to an English frie~nd.) By 1Major-General J. G. BARNARD, Colonel of Engineers, U. S. A., Major-General and Chief Engineer Army of the Potomac. With five maps. Barnard's Peninsular Campaign. 8vo. Cloth. $1.00. 12mo. Paper. 80c. THE PENINSULAR CAMPAIGN AND ITS ANTECEDENTS, as developed by the Report of Major-General Gro. B. MCCLELLAN, and other published Documents. By J. G. BARNARD, Colonel of Engineers and Brevet Major-General Voiunteers, and Chief Engineer in the Army of the Potomac from its organization to the close of the Peninsular Campaign. Barnard's Notes on Sea-Coast Defence. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. NOTES ON SEA-COAST DEFENCE: Consisting of Sea-Coast Fortification; the Fifteen-Inch Gun; and Casemate Embrasure. By Major-General J. G. BARNARD, Col. of Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. With an engraved plate of the 15-inch Gun. Henry's Military Record of Civilian Appointments, U. S. A. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00 per Volume. MILITARY RECORD OF CIVILIAN APPOINTMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY. By GUY V. HENRY, Brevet Colonel'and Captain First United States Artillery; Late Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General United States Volunteers. Vol. I. now ready. Vol. II. in press. ~......................12 'D VAN NOSTTRAN D. 57 _B. I:Hotchkiss and Allan's Battle of Chancellorsville. 8vo. Clioth. $5.00. THE BATTLE-FIELDS OF VIRGINIA. Chancellorsville, embra'cing the Operations of the Army of Northern Virginia. From the First Battle of Fredericksburg to the Death of Lt.; Gen. S. J. Jackson. By JED. HOTCHILISS and WrILLIAZ ALLAN. Illustrated with five Maps and Portrait of Stonewall Jackson. "Though written from a Confederate stand-point this is a valuable accession to the military lhistory of the country. It embraces the operations of the rebel army of Northern Virginia from the first battle of Fredericksburg to the death of Stoniewall Jackson." — Washington Star. "A critical friend who has carefully studied this volume, in connection with the Maps, informs us that he arose from the examination with a perfectly clear and satisfactory understanding of all the operations described:and illustrated, and that he was never before able to master them.- He represents the Maps as in all respects admirable, and the account of the battles and other military operations as lucid and graphic and without any of those -fanciful colorings so generally employed by authors. It is the work of military men and not of dramatists, and one that commands respect by reason both of its ability and freedom from passion and prejudice."-Richmond Whig. Andrews' Campaign of Mobile. 8vo. Cloth. $3.50. THE CAMPAIGN OF MOBILE, including the Co-operation of General Wilson's Cavalry in Alabama. By Brevet Maj.-Gen. C. C. ANDREWS. With five Maps and Views. "This is an elaborate account of a memorable campaign conducted by General Canby with great skill, and resulting in a great success. That success, owing to the fact that it occurred at the time the rebellion collapsed in Virginia, has not occupied in the public mind the place due to its intrinsic importance and the generalship which made it possible. T6 military readers, however, the campaign must be of more than ordinary interest."-Bostoi' Transcript. 13 58 MILITA.R Y:BOOKS PUBLISHED B Y Stevens' Three Years in the Sixth.....Corps. New and Revised Edition. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. THREE YEARS IN THE SIXTH CORPS. A concise narrative of events in the Army of the Potomac from 1861 to the Close of the Rebellion, April, 1865. By GEO. T. STEVENS, Surgoon of the 77th Regt. New York Yolnnteers. Illustrated with 17 engravings and 6 steel portraits. " This story of'Three Years in the Sixth Corps' id a valuable contribution to the history of the great struggle, and we are glad to see that its success necessitates this second edition. The work is graphically written, and brings vividly before the"mind of the reader the varied scenes which came before the writer's eye. Not only will it be found interesting to the members of the old Sixth, but to every American reader. Fine portraits on steel of six of the leading Generals connected with the corps, and a number of wood-cuts, accompany this edition."-'-asl. Lecomte's War in the United States. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. THE WAR IN THE UNITED STATES. A Report to the Swiss Military Department. Preceded by a Discourse to the Federal Military Society assembled at Berne, Aug. 18, 1862, By FERDINAND LECORTE, Lieut.-Col. Swiss Confederation. Translated from the French by a Staff Officer. Harrison's Pickett's Men. -2mo. Cloth. $2.00. PICKETT'S MEN. A Fragment of War History. By CoL WALTErR HARRISON. With portrait of Gen'l Pickett. "This contribution to a Southern History of the War will do good service, in so far as it relates to the operations of a particular command. As a record of the splendid gallantry of Pickett's men, from its first organization to the battle of Gettysburg, with brief biographies of its chief officers, it will be found not only interesting, but of considerable historical: value.'-Balt. Alm. 14 D. -VAN NXOSITRAN.D. 59 Todleben's Defence of Sebastopol. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. TODLEBEN'S (GENERAL) HISTORY OF THE DEFENCE OF SEBASTOPOL. By WILLIAM HOWARD RUSSELL, LL.D., of the London Times.. Roberts' Hand-Book of Artillery. 18mo. Cloth. $1.25. HAND-BOOK OF ARTILLERY. For the Service of the United States Army and Militia. Ninth edition, revised and greatly enlarged. By Col. JOSEPr ROBERTS, U. S. A. Instructions for Field Artillery. 12mo. Cloth. $3.00. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD ARTILLERY. Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers. To which is added the "Evolutions of Batteries," translated from the French, by Brig.-Gen. R. AN)DERSON, U. S. A. 122 plates. Heavy Artillery Tactics. 12mo. Cloth $2.50. HEAVY ARTILLERY TACTICS.-1863. Instruction for Heavy Artillery; prepared by a Board of Officers, for the use of the Army of the United States. With service of a gun mounted on an iron carriage and 39 plates. Anderson's Evolutions of Field Artillery. 24mo. Cloth. $1.00. EVOLUTIONS OF FIELD BATTERIES OF ARTILLERY. Translated from the French, and arranged for the Army and Militia of the United States. By Gen. ROBERT ANDERSON, U.S.A. Published by order of the War Department., 33 Plates. 15 0 IELIZAZrY BOOKS.PUBLISHED B Y Iaupt's Military Bridges. 8vo. Cloth. $6.50. MILITARY BRIDGES; For the Passage of Infantry, Artillery, and Baggage-Trains; with suggestions of many new expedients and constructions for crossing streams and chasms; designed to utilize the resources ordinarily at command and reduce the amount and cost of army transportation. Including also designs for' Trestle and Truss-Bridges for Military Railroads, adapted especially to the wants of the Service of the United States. By HERMAN IAUPT, Brig.-Gen. in charge of the construction and operation of the U. S. Military Railways, Author of "General Theory of Bridge Construction, &c." Illustrated by sixty-nine lithographic engravings. " This elaborate and carefully prepared, though thoroughly practical and simple work, is:peculiarly adapted to the'military service of the United States. Mr. Haupt has added very much to the ordinary facilities for crossing streams and chasms, by the instructions iafforcde in this Work."-Boston Courier. Cullum's Military Bridges. 8vo. Cloth. $3.50. SYSTEMS OF MILITARY BRIDGES, in Use by the United States Army; those adopted by the Great European Powers; and such'as are employed in British India. With Directions for the Preservation, Destruction, and( Re-establishment of. Bridges. By Col. GEoaRGE W. CULLUM, U. S. E. With seven fold'ing plates., Duane's Manual for Engineer Troops. i2mo, Half Mlorocco, $2.50. MANUAL FOR ENGINEER TROOPS: Consisting of-Part I. Ponton Drill; II. Practical Operations of a Siege; III. School of the Sap; IV. Military MIining; V. Construction of Batteries. By General J. C. DuaN&E, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. With 16 plates and numerous wood-cut illustrations. "I have carefully examined Capt. J. C. Duane's'Manual for Engineer Troops,' and do not hesitate to pronounce it the'very best work on the subject of which it treats. H. W. HALLECK, Major-General U. S. A." 16 D. VAN NOSTRAND. 61 Mendell's Military Surveying. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. A TREATISE ON MILITARY SURVEYING. Theoretical and Practical, including a description of Surveying Instruments. By G. H. MENDELL, Major of Engineers. With 70 wood-cut illustrations. "The author is a Captain of Engineers, and has for his chief authorities Salneuve, Lalobre, and Simms. He has presented the subject in a simple form, and has liberally illustrated it with diagrams, that it may be readily comprehended by every one who is liable to be called upon to furnish a military sketch of a portion of country."-N-. Y. Evening Post. Abbot's Siege Artillery Against Richmond. 8vo. Cloth. $3.50. SIEGE ARTILLERY IN THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST RICHMOND, with Notes on the 15-inch Gun, including an Algebraic Analysis of the Trajectory of a Shot in its ricochet upon smooth Water. Illustrated with detailed drawings of the U. S. and Confederate rifled projectiles. By HERRY.L. ABBOT, Major of Engineers, and Brevet Major-General U. S. Volunteers, commanding Siege Artillery, Armies before Richmond. Paper No. 14, Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers. Illustrated with six folding plates. Lendy's Maxims and Instructions on the Art of VWar. 18mo. Cloth. 75c. MAXIMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ART OF WAR. A Practical Military Guide for the use of Soldiers of all Armns and of all Countries. Translated from the French by Captain LENDY Director of the Practical Military College, late of the French Staff, etc., etc. 17 62 MILITARY._BOOIKS PUBLISHED B Y Benet's Military Law and CourtsMartial. Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. Law Sheep. $4.50. BENET'S MILITALRY LAW. A Treatise on Military Law and.' the Practice of Courts-Martial. By Col. S. V. BENrT, Ordnance Department, U. S. A., late Assistant Professor of Ethics, Law, &c., Military Academy, West Point.. "Captain Benet presents the army with a complete' compilation of the precedents and decisions of rare value which have accumulated since the creation of the office of Judge-Advocate, thoroughly digested and judiciously arranged, with an index of the most minute accuracy. Military Law and Courts-Martial are treated from the composition of the latter to the Findi'g and Sentence, with the Revision and Execution of the same, alljet forth in a clear, exhaustive style, that is a cardinal excellence in every work of legal reference. That portion of the work devoted to Evidence is especially good. In fact, the whole performance entitles the author to the thanks of the entire army, not a leading officer of which should fail to supply himself at once with so serviceable a guide to the intricacies of legal military government.'"-N. Y. Times. JUDGE-ADVOCATE GENERAL'S OFFICE, l October a3, i862. f * * * So far as I have been enabled to examine this volume, it seems to me carefully and accurately prepared, and I am satisfied that you have rendered an acceptable service to the army and the country by its publication at this moment, In consequence of the gigantic proportions so suddenly -assumed by the military operations of the Government, there have been necessarily called into the field,.from civil life, a vast number of officers, unacquainted, from their previous studies and pursuits, both with the principles of military law and with the course of judicial proceedings under it. To all s:wh, this treatise' will prove an easily accessible storehouse of knowledge, which it is equally the duty of the soldier in command to acquire, as it is to draw his sword against the common enemy. The military spirit of our people now being thoroughly aroused, added to a growing conviction that in future we. m.ay have to depend quite as much upon the bayonet as upon the'ballot-box for the preservation of our institutions, cannot fail to secure to this worlk an extended and earnest appreciation In bringing the results of legisla-.tion and of decisions upon the questions down to so recent a period, the author -has added greatly to the interest. and usefulness of the volume Very respect-' fully, Your obedient servant, J. HOLT. 18 D.. VAN NOSTRAVND. 63 Kelton's New Bayonet Exercise. FifthI Edition, Revised. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. NEW BAYONET EXERCISE. A New Manual of the Bayonet, for the Army and Militia of the United States. By General J. C. KE/LTON, U. S. A. With Forty beautifully-engraved Plates. This Manual was prepared for the use of the Corps of Cadets, and has been introduced at the Military Academy with satisfactory results. It issimply the theory of the attack and defence of the sword applied to the bayonet, on the authority of men skilled in the use of arms. The Manual contains practical lessons in Fencing, and prescribes the defence against Cavalry, and the manner of conducting a contest with a swordsman. "This work merits a favorable reception at the hands of all military men. It contains all the instruction necessary:to enable an officer to drill his men in the use of this weapon. The introduction of - the Sabre Bayonet in our army renders a knowledge of the exercise more imperative."-New York Times. Craighill's Army Officers' Companion. 18mo. Full Roan. $2,00. THE ARMY OFFICERS' POCKET COMPANION. Principally designed for Staff Officers in the Field. Partly translated from the French of M. PE RouvaE, Lieutenant-Colonel of the French Staff Corps, with Additions from Standard American,- French, and English authorities. By WVM. P. CRAIGHILL, Major U. S. Corps of Engineers, late Assistant Professor of Engineering at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point. " I have carefully examined Captain Craighill's Pocket Companion. I find it one of the very best works of the kind I have ever seen. Any army or volunteer officer who will make himself acquainted with the contents of this little book will seldom be ignorant of his duties in camp or field. "H. W. HALLECK, Major-General U. S. A." 19 64 J3ILITA.R Y -BOOKS' P UiBLISHED BY Casey's U. S. Infantry Tactics. 3 vols. 24mo. Cloth. $2.50. U. S. INFANTRY TACTICS. For the Instruction, Exercise, and Manoeuvres of the Soldier, a Company, Line of Skirmishers, Battalion, Brigade, or: Corps d'Armee. By Brig.-Gen. SILAS CASEY, IT. S. A. 3 vols., 24mo. Vol. I.-School of the Soldier; School of the Company; Instruction for Skirmishers. Vol. IHI.School of the Battalion.. Vol. III.-Evolutions of a Brigade; Evolutions of a Corps d'Arinme. Lithographed plates. United States Tactics for Colored Troops. 24mo. Cloth. $1.50. U. S. TACTICS' FOR COLORED TROOPS. U. S. Infantry Tactics for the Instruction, Exercise, and' Manoeuvres of the Soldier, a Company, Line of Skirmishers, and Battalion, for the use of the COLORED TRooPs of the United States Infantry. Prepared under the direction of the War Department. "WAI DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, March 9th, 1868.. "This system of'United States Infantry Tactics, prepared under the direction of the War Department, for the use of the colored troops of the United States Infantry, having been approved by the President, is adopted for the instruction of such troPs.:".EDWIN M, STANTON, Secretary of War." 2 Morris' Infantry Tacti"cs, 2 vols. 24mo. Cloth. $2.00. 2 Vols. in 1. Cloth. $1.50. INFANTRY TACTICS. Comprising the School of the Soldier, School of the Company, Instruction for Skirmishers, School of the Battalion, Evolutions of the Brigade, and Directions for Manceuvring the Division and the Corps d'ArrmSe. By Brig.Gen. WILLIAMr H. MoaRis, U.S. Vols., and late U. S. Second n I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 D. VAN 2OST-RAXD. 65 Morris' Field Tactics for Infantry. Illustrated. 18mo. Cloth. 75c. FIELD TACTICS FOR'INFANTRY. Comprising the Battalion Movements, and Brigade Evolutions, useful in the Field, on the March, and in the presence of the Enemy. The tabular form is used to distinguish the commands of the. General, and the commands of the Colonel. By Brig.-Gen. We. H. MoRRIs, U. S. Vols., late Second U. S. Infantry. Monroe's Light Infantry and Company Drill. P2mo. Cloth. 75cT LIGHT INFANTRY COMPANY AND SKIRMISH DRILL. The Company Drill of the Infantry of the Line, together with the Skirmish Drill of the Company and Battalion, after the method of General LE LOUTEREL. Bayonet Fencing; with a Supplement on the Handling and Service of Light Infantry. By J. MONRoE, Col. Twenty-Second Regiment, N. G., N. Y. S. M., formerly Captain U. S. Infantry. Le Gal's School of the Guides. 16mo. Cloth. 60c. THE SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES. Designed for the use of the Militia of the United States. By Col. EUrGENE: LE GAL. Duryea's Standing Orders of the Seventh Regiment.. New Edition. 16mo. Clot. 500o. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SEVENTH REGIMENT NATIONAL GUARDS. For the Regulation and Government of the RegimeAt in the Field or in:Quarters..:By A. Da VEA - Colonel. 21 66 MILITAR Y BOOKS PUBLISHED B Y Heth's System of Target Practice. 18mo. Cloth. 75c.. SYSTEM: OF TARGET PRACTICE; For the use of Troops when armed with the-'Musket, Rifle-Musket, Rifle, or Carbine. Prepared principally from the French, by Captain HE:RY HET, Tenth Infantry, U. S. A. Published by order of the War Department. Berriman's Sword-Play. Fourth Edition. 12mo Cloth. $1.09. SWORD-PLAY. The Militiaman's Manual and Sword-Play without a Master. Rapier: and Broad-Sword Exercises, copiously Explained and Illustrated; Small-Arm Light Infantry Drill of the United States Arrmy; Infantry Manual of Percussion Musket; Company Drill of the United States Cavalry. By Major M. W. BERXIMAN, engaged for the last thirty years in the practical instruction of Military Students. "This work will be found very valuable to' all persons seeking military instruction; but it recommends itself most- especially to officers, and those who have to use the sword or sabre. - We believe it is the only work on the use of the sword published in this country." —lw York Tablet. W.ilcox's Rifles and Rifle Practice. New Edition. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. RIFLES AND RIFLE PRACTICE. An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Rifle:Firing; explaining the Causes of Inaccuracy of Fire and the manner of correcting it, with descriptions of the Infantry REifles of Europe and the United States, their Balls a and Cartridges. By Captain C. M. WILCOx, U. S.. A. 22 D. VAN NOSTRIANVD. -67 Viele's Ha-and-Book for Active Service. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. HAND-BOOK FOR ACTIVE SERVICE, containing Practical Instructions in Campaign Duties. For the use Of VOlunteers. By Brig.-Gen. EGBPERT L. VIELE, U. S. A. Nolan's System for Training Cavalry Horses. 24 Plates. Cloth. $2.00. NOLAN'S SYSTEM FOR TRAINING CAVALRY HORSES. By KENNER GARRARD, Captain Fifth Cavalry, Bvt. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. Tifs ":System for Training Cavalry Horses," originally arranged by Captain L. E. -Nolan, 15th Hussars, English Army, is based upon the principles of equitation discovered byronsieur Baucher, of France. Captain Nolan's work is now out of print, and to preserve to the Cavalry Service so valuable a "System" this book has been prepared for publication. It is essentially the same as the original, with the addition of a chapter on "IRarey's MIethod of Taming Horses," and one on the subject of "HorseShoeing."..... Cooke's Cavalry Tactics. 100 Illustrations. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. CAVALRY. TACTICS; Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements of the Cavalry of the Army and Volunteers of the United States, By Prinr ST. GvEo tGE CooKE, Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. This is the edition now in use in the U. S. Army. Patten s Cavalry Drill. 93 Engravings. 12mo. Paper.. 50c. CAVALRY: DRILL. Containing Instructions on Foot; Instruction on Horseback;. Basis of Instruction; School of the Squadron, and Sabre Exercise. 23 68 MILI'ARY BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Arnold's Cavalry Service. Illustrated 18mo. Cloth. 75c. NOTES ON HORSES FOR CAVALRY SERVICE, embodying the Quality, Purchase, Care, and Diseases most frequently encountered, with lessons for bitting the Horse, and bending the neck. By Bvt. Major A. K. ARNOLD, Capt. Fifth Cavalry, As sistant Instructor of Cavalry Tactics, U. S. Mil. Academy. Patten's Infantry Tactics. 92 Engravings. 12mo. Paper. 50c. INFANTRY TACTICS. Containing Nomenclature of the Musket; School of the Soldier; Manual of Arms for the Rifle Musket; Instructions for Recruits, without regard to Arms; School of the Company; Skirmishers, or Light Infantry and Rifle Company Movements; the Bayonet Exercise; the Small-Sword Exercise; Manual of:the Sword or Sabre. Patten's Infantry Tactics. Revised Edition. 100 Engravings. 12mo. Paper. 75c. INFANTRY TACTICS Contains Nomenclature of the Musket; School of the Company; Skirmishers, or Light Infantry and Rifle Company M[ovements; School of the Battalion; Bayonet Exercise; Small-Sword Exercise; Manual of the Sword or Sabre. Patten's Army Manual. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. ARMY MANUAL. Containing Instructions for Officers in the Preparation of Rolls, Returns,' and Accounts required of Regimental and Company Commanders, and pertaining to the Subsistence and Quartermaster's Department, &c., &c. 24 D.- AN NOSTRAND. 69 Patten's Artillery Drill. 12mo. Paper, 50.c. ARTILLERY DRILL. Containing instruction in the SCHOOL OF THE PIEcE, and Battery Manoeuvres, compiled agreeably to the Latest Regulations of the War Department. From Standard Militay Authority. By GoEORGE PATTEN, late U. S. Army. Andrews' Hints to Company Officers. 18mo. Cloth. 60 cents. HINTS TO COMPANY OFFICERS ON THEIR MILITARY DUTIES. By General C. C. ANDREWS, Third Regt. Minnesota " This is a hand-book of good practical advice, which officers of all ranks may study with advantage."-Philadelphcza Press. Thomas' Rifled Ordnance. Fifth Edition, Revised.: Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00.;RIFLED ORDNANCE: A Practical Treatise on the Application of the Principle of the Rifle to Guns and Mortars of every calibre. To which is added a new theory of the initial action and force of Fired Gunpowder. By LYNALL THOMAS, F. R. S. L. Brinkerhoff's Volunteer Quartermaster,12mo. Cloth. $2. 50. THE VOLUNTEER, QUA/RTERMASTER. Containing a Collection and Codification of the Laws, Regulations, Rules, and Practices governing the Quartermaster's Department of. the United States Army, and in force March 4, 1865. By Captain ROELIFF BRINKERRHOFF, Assistant Quartermaster U. S. VolUnteers, and Post Quart-'rmaster at WVashington. 25 70 MILITARY: B0OOKS P UBLISHED BY.Hunter's Manual for Quartermasters and Commissaries. 12mo. - Cl1th, $1.25.:Flexible Morocco, $1.50. MANUAL FOR QUARTERMASTERS AND COMMISSARIES. Containing Instructions in:the 5reparationof Vouichers; Abstracts, Returns, etc., embracing all the recent changes: in the Army Regulations, together with instructions respecting Taxation of Salaries, etc. By Captain I: F. HUNTER, late of the U. S. Army. 12pmo. Cloth. $1.25.'s Gunnery. 8vo. Cloth. $4.09. Full Calf. $6.00. GUNNERY IN 1858. A Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sport ing Arms. By Wm. GREENER, R. C. E. Experiments on Metals for Cannon. 4to. 25 Plates. Cloth. $10.00. REPORTS OF EXPERIMENTS- ON THE STRENGTH AND ~ OTHERI PROPERTIES OF METALS FOR CANNON; With a Description of the Machines for Testing Metals, and of the Classification of Cannon in Service. By Officers of the Ordnance Department U. S. Army. Published by authority of the Secretary of War. Rodman's Experiments on Metals for Cannon and Powder. 4to. 60 Plates. Cloth., $10.00. REPORTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE PROPERTIES OF METALS FOR CANNON AND THE QUALITIES OF CANNON PEOWDER; with an Account of the Fabrication and Trial of a 15-inch Gun. By Captain T. J. RODMAN, of the Ordnance Department of U. S.:-Army. Published by authority of the Secretary of War. 26 D. VAN NOSy'RAND2. 71 Norton's Report on the Munitions of.War. 80Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth. Extra $3.50. REPORT TO THE GOVERNMENT OF -THE UNITED STATES ON THE MUNITIONS OF WAR exhibited at the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. By CHARLES B. NORTON, U. S. V., a-Ad W. J. VALENTINE, Esq., U. S. Commissioners. Head's System of Fortifications. Illustrated. 4to. Paper. $1.00. A NEW SYSTEM OF FORTIFICATIONS. By George E. HEAD, A. M., Captain 29th Infantry, and Brevet Major U. S. Army. Holden's Notes on the Bastion System. 8vo. Paper. 50 cents. SYSTEM OF FORTIFICATION; Its Defects and their Remedies. By Lt. E. S. HOLDEN, U. S. Engineers. Ordronaux's Manual for Military Surgeons. 12mo. Half Morocco. $1.50. MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR MILITARY SURGEONS, in the Examination of Recruits and Discharge of Soldiers. - With an Appendix containing the Official Regulations of the Provost-Marshal General's Bureau, and those for the formation of the Invalid cCorps, etc., etc. Prepared at the request of the United States Sanitary Commission. By JOHN ORDRONAUX,: M]. D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Columbia College, New York. 27 742 MILITARY' BOOKS: P UB.ISHED'B Y The Automaton Companyq In Box $1.25. When sent by mail $1.94. THE AUTOMATON, COMPANY; OR, INFANTRY SOLDIERS' PR;ACTICAL INSTRUCTOR. For all Company Movements in thee Field. By G. DOUGLAS BBEWERTN U. S. Army. The Automaton Battery. In Box $1.00. When sent by mail $1.30. THE AUTOMATON BATTERY; OR, ARTILLERISTS' PRACTICAL INSTRUCTOR. For all Mounted Artillery Manoeuvres in the Field. By G. DOUGLAS BREWERTON, U. S. A. The Automaton Regiment. In Box $1.00. When sent by mail $1.33. THE AUTOMATON REGIMENT; OR, INFANTRY SOLDIERS' PRACTICAL. INSTRUCTOR. For all Regimental Movements in the Field. By G. DOUGLAS BREWERTON, U. S. Army. The "Automaton Regiment" is a simple combination of blocks and counters, so arranged and designated by a carefully considered contrast of colors, that it supplies the student with a perfect miniature regiment, in which the position in the battalion, of each company, and of every officer and man in each division, company, platoon, and section, is clearly indicated. It supplies the studious soldier with the means whereby he can consult his " tactics," and at the same time join practice to theory by manceuvring a mimic regiment. Grafton on the Camp and March. 12mo. Cloth. 75 cents. A TREATISE ON THE CAMP AND MARCH. With which is connected the Construction of Field-Works and Military Bridges; with an Appendix of Artillery Ranges, etc. For the use of Volunteers and- Militia in the United States. By Captain HENRY'D. GRAFTON, U. S. A. 28 D. VAN NOSTRAND. 73 Lippitt's Speeial Operations of War. allustrated.: 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. THE SPECIAL OPERATIONS OF WAR: comprising the Forcing and Defence of Defiles; the Forcing and Defence of Rivers, and the Passage of Rivers in Retreat; the Attack and Defence of Open Towns and Villages; the Conduct of Detachments for Special Purposes, and Notes on Tactical Operations in Sieges. By FRANCIS J. LIPPITT, Late Colonel Second California Infantry, etc., etc. " In the illustration of the principles set forth by the writer, he makes frequent and important use of the movements in the late war of the Rebellion, as well as of operations in the wars of Napoleon and other European campaigns. The work thus assumes, in some sense, the character of a historical commentary on celebrated "military actions, and becomes of interest to the general reader, as well as to the student of the art of war." — Yew York Tribune. Lippitt's Field Service in War. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. FIELD SERVICE IN WAR: comprising Marches, Camps, and Cantonments, Outposts, Convoys, Reconnaissances, Foraging, and Notes on Logistics. By FRANCIS J. LIPPITT, Late Colonel Second California Infantry, etc., etc. Lippitt's Tactical Use of the Three Arms. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. A TREATISE ON THE TACTICAL USE- OF THE THREE ARMS: Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry. By FRANCIS J. LIPPITT, Late Colonel' Second California Infantry, etc., etc. "The formation, the manner of use, and the general handling are very practically presented, and we are glad to see that, while many of the illustrative examples are taken from the Napoleonic wars, our own war has not been neglected. We recommend this book for use as a simple, accurate, and brief manual in military institutions, and for instruction in militia organizations." -:-United States Service Magazine. 29 ,74 MILITARY,BOOKS^ PUBMLISHED -BY Lippitt on Intrenchments. 41 Engravings. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50. A TREATISE ON INTRENCHMENTS. By FRANcIs J. LIPPrrT, Late Colonel Second California Infantry, etc., etc.. " It is a brief but comprehensive statement of all that needs to be known upon the subject by any except professional engineers. All the principles of the art of field fortification are clearly explained, with copious illustrations, drawn from military history, especially from the operations of our late war, the whole made plain by diagrams." —Army and Navy Journal.. Sergeant's Roll Book. Pocket-book form. $1.25. SERGEANT'S ROLL BOOK, FOR THE COMPANY, DETAIL, AND SQUAD. Lieber's Instructions for Armies. 12mo. Paper. 25 cents. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF ARMIES OF THE U. S. IN THE FIELD. Prepared by FRANCIS LEBER, LL. D., and revised by a Board of Officers, and approved by the War Department, in General Order No. 100. Ordronaux on Health in Armies. New edition. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents. HINTS ON THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH IN ARMIES. For the use of Volunteer Officers and Soldiers. By JOHN ORDRONAUX, M. D. rWilson's Military Measures. 8vo. Paper. 50 cents. MILITARY MEASURES OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS, 1861-65. By Hon. HENRY WILSON. With a Portrait of the Author. 30 D.; F:AN NOS7T74RAND/. 75 Gen. McClellan's Report of the Army of the Potomac. 8vo. Cloth. $1.00. Paper. 50 cents. REPORT OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, of its Opera~ tions while under his command. With Maps and Plans. By.General GEo. B. MCCLELLAN, U. S. A. Moore's Portrait Gallery of the W5ar. 1 vol. 8vo. Cloth. $6.00. Half Calf. $7.50. PORTRAIT GALLEtRY OF THE WAR, CIVIL, MILITARY, AND NAVAL. A Biographical Record. Edited by FFANK MIOORtE. Illustrated with sixty fine portraits on steel. This is a really splendid volume-an indication at once of how highly the American people esteem the noble men who in the Cabinet, in the field, and on the sea, are working out their: country's redemption from the sin and suffering entailed by the accursed system of slavery, and how ready they are, even in their lifetime, and in the midst of their national struggle, to confer upon them distinguished and imperishable honors. The portraits form a collection that would reflect credit upon any nation-indeed a finer-looking set of statesmen, generals, and admirals, physically and intellectually, could not, we believe, be found in any one nation out of America. The likenesses, we have reason to believe, are true to life, and the engravings, as such, are in the highest and best style of the art. Each of the sixty-the first place, of course, being given to that noble old specimen of Christianized humanity, " honest Abraham Lincoln," and the second to that distinguished veteran, LieutenantGeneral WVinfield Scott-is accompanied with a brief memoir, and the whole forms a volume which, we doubt not, Americans will prize, and the interested of other nations will be anxious to procure. It was our purpose at first to review the volume at some length, and give a few extracts descriptive of the life and history of some of the more prominent Generals of the war; we are now, however, disposed to keep the sketches in reserve, and from time to time, as circumstances permit, to furnish our readers with glimpses of the heroes who come up prominently before them. We may add that, with a courtesy and liberality which must be regarded as worthy of all praise, the portraits are not confined to the Federals alone. Abraham Lincoln is given, as also is the rebel chief, Jeff. Davis; Grant and Thomas are in it, so also are Beauregard and Lee-in fact, both in the civil and military departments of the war distinguished merit and distinguished bravery, whether on the one side or the other, have a place.-Caledoniucw Ylercury-Edinburgh. St. 76- SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PU.BLISHED BY The Rebellion Record. EDITED BY FRANK MOORE. CoIxa plete: in 12 Volurmles', With 158 Steel Engraved Portraits of Distinguished Generals and Prominent Men; together with numerous Maps and Plans of Battles. THE REBELLION RECORD. Containing a full and concise Diary of Events, from the meeting of the South Carolina Convention in December, 1860, to the close of the W ar of the Rebellion, together with Official Reports of both Federal and Confederate State Officers, and Narratives of all the Battles and Skirmishes that occurred. 12 vols., cloth, $60.00; library sheep, $72.00; half calf, antique, $78.00; half morocco, $78.00; half russia, $84.00. *** Single volumes to complete sets furnished at the same rates. There are very few men of ordinary intelligence, and possessing an ordinary share of interest in the war which for a long period so entirely engrossed the public attention, who have not very often desired to fix the date of some important battle, some change of commanders, or the issue of some noteworthy proclamation. There are fewer still who would not feel an interest in recurring to the vivid description of some important engagement by sea or land, in which mayhap a kinsman or friend participated. The REBELLION 1RECORD has, as we believe, a claim to a very wide circulation on the following grounds: its accuracy, its impartiality, its completeness, its preservation of all the materials for a future history of the struggle, its connected diary, its valuable. documents, its interesting collection of incidents, its garnering up the poetry called out by the war, and its unique character, as the only work of its kind. TLE REBELmION RECoRD has now become so firmly established as. the standard authority of the war, that individuals in all depart-.ments of the Army, Navy, and Government, are constantly referring to it, for narratives of important events, and official reports unpublished elsewhere. This work is a compendium of information, made up of special correspondence, official reports, and gleanings from the newspapers of both sections of the United States and of Europe. Of these latter, over five hundred are used in its preparation. 32