ï~~/ s ï~~COPYIHE BY JD. WILLIAM S, 75-77 WABASH AvE.. CHICAGO. 1887. ï~~R, __ c e~ GVa itirt foto 1 eVWor4S rr orrkeRfouS ft rre..^ o j c/\ G1erous e i i1e t" tl - Just /eKIiird f er Wat e igi-o--oo-a.Wa rte a WaLlI t~e teaehgr S~o~W led Â~\ C YClorye, arya Jocitf e r fd'r!'' ï~~I!2 tk or~a e fre to~l &tj~\ if o J~CurSe a ea, Ioo,-ro VJar\er~ Jro, Th eh orohfrpi rru e r, Q!",~ erla r~js e haky Stu~ at If, Wpo ro.t5 o 1e-)al fe5 ful oe fear;i r[a e WorP. e o>, Ti[1 ore /ao/, \e)/r)2 TrIl e i r h \11 V t CAio5 a ~C~' a Io:Lr~T s fe r I i nj rid~ e Ca -;: a ~o~, l ï~~fi~ frAJ-eeA k~oy rQre arouap/," 1" te er-1lor4&-for pIixS, Â~o Â~1WitVrh) d urrr\ rrKieJvus1 ur\N& r h '0 \ eQovUt 6\r freQKWl& fo\es:.". ror fl& four\&ykf\{ Q \IrIjf ~OV\ry~ vh\Grf(9:o=~ d rou ry K~irrv a r0~ -r as VQOul ciseour\I' I{ekor sti' fh l~r~de v )ky ok~erQ Ior\ 11o) ereraiurr ' r e C o XGa06> o a IIthe le Vin o r s h vas P Q r vYthe 1'/ rkovO i r, kzi i ref$s) a~rid. s Me dispern~ eSV; ~rW, O [\e 9sets [lirr\aÂ~ rO~ I~fo$e o fer" ke d S~u maes filee A ~ h.Wr1Â~ o rye d Gf f0 Â~ ï~~C,00 u e srar { e\ eIe nrler j5 Th\ t ro PoV1 ir - a 0 Iwo e \ova.t l I"e Ar\&~~~~~ SpIr pj~ I ~r~ r er i\ 5 J R1$ rire i Wr 7 r f Te curl-1arz& sv~ee a~~ -- A if te a e r, iti Sl 6 Are a 'af of to~o lc fcl er, 4-t-frcaa r f~, toP ~ d _ f ï~~A M podern pdll BY ALONZO R FD, A. M. Reed's Word Lessons is not a hap-hazard treatise, but is practical and scholarly, and thoughtfully supplemented by Language Lessons, Grammar, Composition, Rhetoric and English Literature, all constituting ps & KplIcwg