PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY OF GEOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL NAMES. THE GEOGRAPHICAL LIST EMBRACES ALL THE NAMES WORTHY OF NOTE IN THE KNOWN WORLD, ACCOMPANIED WITH SUCH DESCRIPTIVE AND STATISTICAL FACTS AS ARE USUAL IN GAZETTEERS. THE PERSONAL NAMES COMPRISE THOSE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MEN OF ANCIENT AND MODERN TIMES, DOWN TO THE PRESENT DAY, WHICH ARE LIKELY TO BE MET WITH IN GENERAL READING; APPENDED TO EACH NAME ARE SUCH BIOGRAPHICAL FACTS AS ARE NECESSARY IN A BOOK OF REFERENCE. TO WHICH IS ADDED A COMPLETE LIST OF SCRIPTURAL NAMES. CONCLUDING WITH TABLES WHICH SHOW AT A GLANCE THE POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL STATES, THE TIME OF THEIR ELECTIONS, THE MEETING OF THEIR LEGISLATURESI THE SUCCESSION OF THE PRESIDENTS, AND A LIST OF ALL THE COLLEGES AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES. BY ELIAS LONGLEY. CINCINNATI: LONGLEY BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 168 VINE STREET, ABOVE FOURTH. 1857. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by LONGLEY BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the Southern District of Ohio. iNTRODUCTION. PECULIAR FEATURES OF THE WORK. A WANT has long been felt, in every community, for a cheap Vocabulary of Geographical and Personal Names, as a book of reference for pronunciation, mainly, but secondarily as a brief guide to the leading items of information connected with those names. This want has been experienced, perhaps often unconsciously, by pupils in our common schools, by the poorer portion of students in high schools and colleges, and by the mass of newspaper readers who invest very little money in books. The thorough student, and the general reader who has plenty of means with which to supply every convenience, can obtain the information desired in such works as "Lippincott's Gazetteer," "Appleton's Biogrcphical Encyclopedia," etc.; but they are too expensive for the classes mentioned, and in many cases too voluminous to be convenient. In regard to personal names, so far as the publishers are aware, there has never before been an attempt made to give their pronunciation in an extended list. [For remarks on the importance of calling men by their right names, see pages 128-9.] But there is another feature of the work here presented, which, in the minds of the publishers and of the many school teachers and friends of education who have examined the subject, is of more value than either of the considerations above mentioned, and demands more than a passing notice. The methods of representing pronunciation in the ordinary dictionaries and gazetteers, either by marked letters or by figures in connection with them, is so imperfect and unsatisfactory as to be a constant source of annoyance to all who are necessitatad to use them. That the reader may understand the full merits of the system of notation employed in this book, we propose to notice briefly some of the circumstances that call for its introduction. The first principle of alphabetic writing or printing was the representation of each sound by a simple character or letter, so that these letters or elemental parts, when combined, would be the counterpart of the spoken word-a picture of the word itself. Such was the Sanscrit, and such, it is evident to every intelligent mind, should be the principle of all alphabetic writing, for thus the acquisition of written or printed language would be as easy as that of (iii) iv INTRODUCTION. spoken, and there would be no necessity for Pronouncing Dictionaries and Gazetteers, while a disregard of this principle renders the represented language, if not hieroglyphical, at least ideagraphic; that is, the written or printed word represents an idea, and can not, as a general thing, be considered as representing the sounds of a spoken word. For example, take the word cU]gh, and what relation does either of the letters bear to the three sounds heard, as indicated by the Pronouncing Dictionary, kof! C can not definitely represent k, because in cent it is supposed to stand for s, in suslice for z, in vicious for sh, etc.; and how can o be a representative of the vowel sound in cough, when it has such different sounds in no, son, womran, women, etc.; and u is not any better a representative of this sound, and the two uncertainties together can not make the matter more clear, especially when we see them called so differently in count, cousin, pour, tour; while g is a poor representative of f, and A is no better, and the two together are no improvement, when we view their varying sounds in lough, ghost, and want of sound in dough and weigh. Any other word, almost, would answer just as well to show the utter deficiency of English orthography to represent the spoken words of the language. There are only 60 words, in the 90,000 used by English speakers, whose spellings are in accordance with the true principle of alphabetic writing.* Primarily, then, an insurmountable difficulty in the way of accurately representing by means of the Roman alphabet any words whatever, is, in its consisting of but twenty-three representative letters, while the spoken language consists of upwards of forty distinct sounds! And secondarily, even were there a uniformity in the notation used by the different authorities in supplying the deficiency caused by employing the Romanic semi-alphabet, it is still open to the charge of complexity and inaccuracy, and therefore unfit to be used in teaching children a correct pronunciation. There are other serious objections to our present orthography as it regards teaching a correct pronunciation, only one of which we shall mention in this connection, and which has a bearing on the remarks above. It is that it gives rise to a slip-shod manner of pronunciation or enunciation. Who that has paid the least attention to the pronunciation of the middle and upper classes, as well as that of public speakers, has not noticed the great want of care, the inaccuracies and diversities prevalent, and particularly how utterly regardless of all rules and taste they are in the enunciation of unaccented syllables? The words fall from their lips robbed of all their beauty and interest-shapeless and repulsive to the educated ear. The fault with the better educated class of people is chargeable, to a great extent, to themselves, but with those less fortunate there can be no such plea, and the present English or Johnsonian orthography, absurd as it is in structure, becomes responsible here. Good pronunciation is in giving the whole word, with all its parts perfect; every unaccented syllable should be enunciated clearly and distinctly-not with emphasis but with distinctfiess. Speakers who are thus accurate are seldom found, nevertheless there are such, and it is probable that when phonology For further illustrations of this subject, see " Plea for Phonetic Spelling." INTRODUCTION. V shall have been generally taught the number will be increased; nay, more, good speech will come to be "a common heritage." A word further in reference to elemental speech. "It is rare," says Mr. A. J. Ellis, whose authority is unquestioned on this subject, " to meet with a single elemental work which contains even a tolerably correct account of this important subject, and even scholars and professed teachers of pronunciation and elocution are generally very ignorant of the latter. Nay, more, the very teachers and best investigators of the subject are at variance. Let any one peruse the works of the greatest authorities we possess, those of Amman, Johannes Muiller, Willis, Wheatstone, Lepsius, Max. Muiller, Latham, etc., and he will see differences on fundamental points which are irreconcilable. If he turn to works of minor pretence, as Bell, Smart, Walker, Worcester, and the numerous works on elocution, he will find confusion partly arising from ignorance, and partly from a partial view of the subject. While in common grammars, and in the common treatises of travelers, and Pronouncing Vocabularies and Dictionaries, he will find that one person has copied from another without understanding him, till words are repeated and sense entirely lost."* So long as we have for guides the clumsy system of notation of Webster, the "obscure" vowel sounds of Worcester, and the common imperfect works on phonology, we may expect no better results. The remedy clearly is the general introduction, into all our primary schools, of works based upon a strictly phonetic principle, and in time there will be a total revolution and a harmony in pronunciation. By the application, then, of the phonetic principle, that every distinct element in speech shall have its distinct symbolic exponent, to the representation of the pronunciation of geographical words, we have a work that at once combines the three things desirable, simplicity, accuracy, and reliability. It may be urged in opposition, that the introduction of this without being accompanied or preceded by primary works will prove inexpedient, and, eventually, a failure. We reply that if this were the first work of the kind offered to the public there might be some ground for apprehension, but phonotypy is a fixed fact; and its promulgation for several years past, and its introduction into primary schools in different parts of the'country as a means of teaching to read romanically, in the common print, and the generally increasing demand for teachers qualified to teach it, have wrought a complete change in our system of primary instruction, and stamp phonetics as an indispensable adjunct in teaching to read, and the knowledge of it a prerequisite to a qualified teacher. When, previous to the introduction of phonetics, did we hear of the first principles of language, the elemental sounds, being taught in schools? Or where were the teachers who were well acquainted with them? Even now, in many sections of the West and South, instructors as well as pupils are greatly deficient in this respect; but the light of the phonetic principle is opening their eyes; and whether it reach them directly through the phonotypic alphabet or by means of Charts of the Elementary sounds, newly arranged spelling books and readers, or some other channel, it matters not, they will soon all be *Introduction to Phonetic Dictionary, p. xxiv. Vi INTRODUCTION. theoretical phoneticians, and will not object to a philosophical alphabet for the representation of pronunciation in Dictionaries, Vocabularies, etc., if for no other purpose. In regard to the availability of the Phonetic alphabet for teaching children to read the common spelling in shorter time and in a better manner, than by the ordinary method, the reader is referred to the Primer and Readers advertized at the close of this work, or for the philosophy of the fact, to the Introduction to the Phonetic Dictionary, by the same publishers. The phonetic alphabet will be found on page 12, facing the first page of the Vocabulary, where, by examining the key words the sounds of the new letters will be readily learned, the old letters having the sounds they usually represent in the old spelling, which are also designated. PRONUNCIATION OF FOREIGN NAMES. In accordance with the established custom of the best Geographers, we have given the pronunciation of the names of cities, towns, rivers, etc., as nearly as English mouths can speak them, as they are pronounced by the best educated people of the countries in which they are situated. To do this it has frequently been necessary to give two pronunciations, as the same printed word is often spoken differently in different countries; as, LIMA, LE-m/q, a province in Peru, but Li-7a, towns in the United States; PARIS, Pq-re, a city in France, but Plr-is, towns in this country. In carrying out this plan we have been compelled to represent a few sounds not provided for in the English Phonetic Alphabet, because not heard in the English language. The most frequent is that of the German and Scotch ch and German g at the end of a syllable, which represent the same sound, namely, a strongly aspirated h, which we indicate by using the italic of that letter. Thus, METTERNICEH, Mdt-er-nik; LOCHABER, Loh-4-ber; HAMBURG, HI4m-biurh. Next is the trilled r, which in French, German, and indeed most of the European languages, is often sounded more roughly, even, than in such English words as crash, terror, etc., which we indicate by the italic r. Thus, LIERRE, Ler-Ar; PERNAU, Per-ns. The Welsh 1, too, we represent by the italic of that letter, which may be called the whisper of the English vocal 1, an approximation-towhich the reader may make by sounding ht. Thus, LLANELLY, Lan-61-e. Lastly, is the sign of the French orinasal vowels, or, as some phoneticians regard it, the whispered i. It can only be produced by sounding some vowel through the nose and mouth at the same time, to do which is indicated by affixing the letter f; thus, MONT BLANC, MoAn Blofi. The French u or eu being very difficult to produce by English mouths, we have not attempted to represent it accurately, but give the nearest English approximation, namely e as the vowel in sir, or earth, which is at least as near the proper sound as "u in tub orfur," which Baldwin gives. INTRODUCTION. vii GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF PRONUNCIATION OF THE LEADING EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. As a guide to the pronunciation of such unimportant names, or names that may hereafter come into sudden notoriety, as are not to be found in this book, we give the following rules, which are more specific, by far, than can be found in any ordinary dictionary. The letters in parentheses, in the Phonetic alphabet, have the sounds referred to immediately preceding. A.-Always has the sound of a in the English word arm, (q) in modern Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Spanish, Swedish and usually Welsh. In German it generally has the above sound, but when followed by h it frequently has the sound of a in all, (e). In Danish, in addition to the above, it sometimes has the sound of a in at,(a). In French, its first sound is like a in arm, (q); its second like the vowel in at, (a), with a circumflex, d, it is sounded very nearly like a in all (e). In Dutch, it is similar to the French. In Hungarian, it is like o in not, (o); with an accent, i, like a in arm, (q). E.-In Danish is sounded like i in ill, (i), at the end of an accented syllable; in other situations like e in ell, (e), or like ea in earth, (e). The Norwegian is similar to the Danish. In French, marked thus, 6, it is sounded like a in -ale, (a); thus, e, like ea in pear, or ai in air, (q); thus, e, like e in very, (e), and unmarked, like a in up, (u.) In Dutch and Flemish, similar to the Frencb. In German, when long, it is like a in ale (a); it is, however, more frequently short like e in met, (e), and sometimes like ea in earth, (e). Swedish, the same as in German. In Greek, (modern,) it has the sound of a in ale, (a). In Hungarian, like e in met, (e); with an accent, 6, more like i in sir, (e). In Italian it has two sounds, like a in ale, (a), and like e in ell. In Polish, without an accent, like e in ell, (e); with an accent, 6, like a in ale, (a). In Portugese and Spanish, it is like a in ale, (a). In Welsh, like e in met, (e); when circumflexed, e, like ai in air, (q). L —In Portugese, Spanish and Polish is sounded like ee in eel, (s). In Danish, Dutch, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish and Welsh, it has two sounds; first, as in eel, (e), second as in ill, (i.) O.-In Danish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portugese and Spanish, is sounded as in English. In French, Dutch, Flemish, German, Italian and Welsh, it has two sounds; first, as o in note, (a), and second, as o in rob, (o). In Polish, unaccented, like o in note, (a), with an accent, like oo in good, (ta). In Swedish, at the end of a syllable, it is like oo infool, (Xo); otherwise like o in not, (o.) Viii INTRODUCTION. U.-In Danish, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese and Spanish, is sounded like oo infool, (c). The French sound of u is not heard in English. It seems to be an attempt to pronounce ee and oo at the same time. We have represented it in this work by the phonetic e, which is, perhaps, the nearest approximation to the true sound English mouths can make, without much vocal teaching. Greek and Dutch are similar to the French. In German, u has two sounds, long like oo infool, (a), short like u infull, (m). In Swedish we have represented u by the phonetic a, though this is not the exact sound. In Welsh, the sound of u is like i in ill, (i), circumflexed, t as ee in eel, (e). E.-In Danish and Swedish, is like the French u, (e). In Dutch and Flemish, like long i in English, (i) in ice. In French, German, Hungarian, (when a vowel) Portagese and Spanish, like ee in eel, (e). In Greek, when a consonant and before a vowel or a liquid sound, is like the English v; otherwise like f. In Polish, like i in ill. In Welsh, in a monosyllable or final syllable, as in ill, (i); in the penult or antipenult, like u in lup, when circumflexed, like ee in feet, (e). Aa.-In Danish, sounds like o in ope, (a). Ae.-In Danish and German, like a in ale, (a). In Dutch and Flemish, like a in arm, (q). Ai.-In French and Greek, like a in ale, (a). In German, Spanish and Italian, like i in ice, (i). Au.-In French, like o in ope, (a). In German, Italian and Spanish, like ow in owl, (s)..i. —In French, sounds like a in fate, (a). In German, like i in ice, (i). In Spanish, ei and ey are pronounced a-e. In Greek, like ee in see, (s). Eu.-In French, is the same as %, (9). In German, it is sounded like oi in oil, (o). Ja.-In French, is pronounced like ia in medial, (i-a). Je.-In Danish, Dutch, Flemish, French and German, sounds like ee in see, (e). Oe.-In Danish, German and Hungarian, has no English equivalent; the sound, however, approaches very near the phonetic e. In Dutch and Flemish, it sounds like oo in food, (a). Oi.-In French, is nearly like wa in was, (wq). In Greek, like ee in eel, (e). Oo.-In Dutch, is like o in ope, (o). Ou.-In French, is like oo in fool, (a). Ua, ue, ui, tuo in French, and ue in German, are like the French u, (9). Ui, or uy in Dutch, sound like oi in oil, (or). Ao.-In Portugese, are pronounced almost owng, (my.) l Nearly all of the letters in French are silent in different positions. INTRODUCTION. ix Most of the consonants are sounded as in English; the following are exceptions: B.-In German, at the beginning of words as in English, but at the end of a word it is pronounced like p. In Greek it is sounded as v. In Spanish, between two vowels, it is sounded like v modified by w. C.-In French, with a cedilla, g, always has the sound of s. In German, before e, i and y, like ts. In Hungarian c is not used except in connection with some other consonant. In Italian, c and cc, before a, o and u, are sounded as k; before e, i and y as ch, or tsh, (q);-cc and all double letters, more strongly than single' c, followed by e or i, or i and another vowel, has the sound of ch. In Spanish, before e and i, as th in thin,, (M). Ch.-In French and Portugese, like sh in shall, (I). In German, like a strongly aspirated h. In Italian, before e and i, like k. Cs.-In Hungarian, is sounded like ch in cheap, (q). Cz.-In Hungarian, like ts; in Polish like ch, (q). D.-In Danish and Spanish, between two vowels, or at the end of a syllable following a vowel, is sounded like th in this, (4). G.-In Danish, at the end of a word, has the sound of A. In Dutch, like a strongly aspirated h. In German, except at the beginning of words, when it is always heard as in go, (g), it generally has the same sound as in Dutch. In Spanish, before e and i, the same. In French, before e, i and y, like zh, or s in measure, (3). H.-In German, is only pronounced when it begins a word. In Italian it is never sounded. In Portugese it is silent except when following I or n, when it becomes y. J.-In French and Portugese, is like zh, (3). In Hungarian, like ee. In Spanish like strongly aspirated h. In the other languages like consonant y. K. —In Swedish is sounded as c/ in English. L.-When it ends a word in French, preceded by i, it takes the sound of.y; or when II follows i in any position, the last 1 becomes y. The same in Spanish. N.-In Spanish, or in Polish with an accent (s' ), is sounded as ny, (consonant). Q, and qu, in French and Portugese, are sounded as k. In Spanish, qu before a and i is sounded as k, unless u be marked with a dieeresis, in which case it is kw. B. —In Danish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portugese, and Spanish, has a stronger trill than in English. S.-In French, between two vowels, has the sound of z. In German, at the beginning of a word or between two vowels, it is like z. In Hungarian, like sh, (I). In Polish, with an accent, (') like sy (consonant.) x INTRODUCTION. Sc. —In Italian, before e and i, is like 8h, (S). Sch~. —In German, is like sh, (I). 6z. —In Hungarian, is like 8. In Polish, like sh, (I). Th. —In German, is pronounced like t. Ts, and t/ in Hungarian, are like C~/ in English, ((I). V.-In German, except when betwen two vowels, has the sound of English f. q W. —In Danish, Dutch and German, is sounded very nearly like English v, except that the upper teeth should not touch the lower lip. X.- In French, sometimes has the sound of 8 or z. In Portugese, like si,, ($). In Spanish, like the strongly aspirated /. Z. —In German, is sounded as td. In Polish, like x/~, (3). In Italian, like dz. Z~.-In Hungarian, is like z/h, (3). Z~.-In Italian, is like ts. A'EccuT.-The French language cannot be said to have any accent, yet there is seemingly a stress of the voice on the last syllable in a word, and when any accent has been given in this work, it is on the last syllable. Great care should be taken, however, in not making so great a difference as in English, but to pronounce each syllable with such a force as will let each glide smoothly into that which follows it. No rule can be given for the accent of the German words. And the same may be said of the Hungarian, yet with this difference, while the German names have a distinct accent, the Hungarian are distinguished by puantity. In Italian, Spanish and Portugese, words ending in a vowel are accented on the penult; Spanish words ending in a consonant are accented on the last syllable. Polish words or names of more than one syllable are always accented on the penult. Russian words are always accented on the last syllable. Welsh words are always accented either on the penult or the last syllable. Of course, in the preparation of a work of this kind at the present day, there can be but little originality, and we have to acknowledge our indebtedness to most of the Gazetteers that have heretofore been published, not having relied exclusively upon any one. The compiler also acknowledges valuable aid received from Mr. William Henry Smith, especially in the preparation of the list of Personal Names, to CONTRACTIONS EMPLOYED IN THIS WORK. As a general thing the contractions will suggest the reading intended. The populations of towns, cities and islands, are represented by figures and fractions that give the number of thousands; thus, 52 immediately following any such name is to be read 5,500; but if a fraction only, then the population is only that -portion of a thousand. In the sentence, "1, can and t Switz., 7y," and similar ones, the figures apply only to the place last mentioned. Abys. for Abyssinia. Ky. e Kentucky. Trin. ~....Trinidad. Af. - - - Africa. Ka......- Kansas. Tus......Tuscany. Afg. - - - - Afghanistan, Kam. -.. Kamtchatka. Tur...... Turkey. Ala. ~ -.Alabama. La. ~....Louisiana. U. S. -. — United States. Am..... America.'Lab. ~...Labrador. Va. -.....- - Virginia. Ara. -. -Arabia. Lap. -..Lapland. Vt.- - - - - Vermont. Ark. - - - -. Arkansas. L.. - Long Island.. Wis.-..... Wisconsin. Aus. - ~ - Austria. Loin. -..Lombardy. Yu. ~..-.Yucatan. Aust. Australia. Lux. —. Luxemburg. Zeal. ~...Zealand. Ba. ~ *.Baden. Mad. - -. xMadagascar. Bav. ~..-Bavaria. Mass. -. Massachusetts. ano -... -ancient. Bel.-.....Beloochistan. Md. - - - - Maryland. b - - - - bay. Belg... - - Belgiam. Me. ~ - - Maine. ba - - - - bayou. Ben. ~* Bengal. lMex..... Mexico. bo. borough. Bo. - -Bolivia. Mi. ~- -. Mississippi. Boh. ~ - Bohemia. Min. ~.-Minnesota. cap. capital. Br. Ind. -.British India. Mo........Missouri. co. -.. county. Bra..Brazil. Mt. ~. Mount. corn. commercial. Bur. -....Burmah. N-B..-..N. Brunswick. con.. -..continent. Cal. ~ - -.California. N. C.. * - North Carolina. cr........creek. Can. - -Canada. N-H. -. N. Hampshire. Cen. Am. -Cen. America. N-J. ~. -.New Jersey. dep..... department. Chi....... China. N-Y.. - New York. dis... - -district. Con. ~. Continent. Neth. — *- Netherlands. fr... free. Conn. - * Connecticut. Neb. ft..- - - - -......feet. Dal. Dalmatia, N-Eng... New England. gar - -... garrison. Dan. ~ -.... Danish. N-Gra... New Granada. yov... - government. Del...... Delaware. N-Zeal....New Zealand. qr... group. Den, ~-..Denmark. N. W....North Wales.........houses. E. Ind.. East In-East India. Nor...Norway. harr. -..harbor. Ec. ~*...Ecuador. Oc. ~-.. - * -Ocean. i...island. Eg. ~-....Egypt. Oca..-....Oceanica. in -.-.-..inhabitants. Enng. ~ 0-Eng. O.-...***-Ohio. ist -......isthmus. Eu. ~* * -Europe. Or. - m - - -. -Oregon. 1 lake. Fa. ~.....Florida. Pa. ~. Pennsylvania. m...mountain. FPlan. ~ Flanders. Pac. ~ Pacific. mil. military. Fr. ~....France, French. Pan. - - - - - Pa. nama. - navigable. Ga. ~.....Georgia. Par.....Paragua. p or par.- parish. Ger...... Germany. Pat. Patagonia. pen... * peninsula. Gr. or Gre. Greece. Per. Persia. p o. - * post office. Gr. Br. ~- - Great Britain. Phil.- - - - - - Philippine. pop -..population. Green... Greenland. Po. ~..Poland. prin. principality. Gua. - - - Guinea... t...Portugal. pr..rov. province. Gui...... Guiana. Pru. ~..Prussia. r. river. Han. ~ — -Hanover. R. I.......Rhode Island. reg —- -..region. Hind..... Hindoostan. Rus. ~. Russia. s-pt. - seaport. Hol...... Holland. Swe......Sweden. st........strait. Hun. ~ -..Hungary. Swit. ~. -. Switzerland. s. m. -... square miles. la. -.-.- -Indiana. S. C. S. Carolina. -sub......suburb. Ill. - - - - - Illinois. Sp. -... Spain. Ind.......India, Indies. Ter.. - - - Territory. ter.-. territory. Io..-.. Iowa. Tenn.... Tennessee. v- -........ -village. Ir. - - - Ireland. Tex.......Texas. val......valley. It... Italy. Tran.... s Transylvania..vol.....volcano. (xi) PHONETIC ALPHABET OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Each letter has the sound of the itaicized letter or letters in the illustrative words. Letters. nllustrative Words. Name. Letters. Illustrative Words. Name. Long Vowels. Explodents. e...... eart....eel.........bale be......... ale........ tame. ].a fl.....B barms........b e s......... alle...... eer.....ja......oak...air........ ka Da )........ ooze....... G Siort Vowels. I i ilit onin........uats. E e.........ell....... et f...... fain..... ef A v.........ain. v o.........on. ot........ de 1i U.........UP i4.......Ut Sseal.u....... eas w.........ood. t Z. zeal.........ze Dzphthotngs. 2......... shall.......g if hor. oil. (Liquids. 3.........owl......... lull... J.upe......... R r..........rae........ra Coalescents. Y y yea ya Nasals. y.......yea........ ya W w. way.......wa Mm........ maim....... am Breathing. N n....... nine.......en - h......... hay........ha 1.;......... sing.......... l The marks of punctuation are the same as in the old orthography, excepting the following changes and additions: the mark of interrogation 3 is placed before the first word in a sentence that indicates a query,? at the end of a sentence indicates doubt,? laughter, I surprise. isorrow; the inverted * signifies the omission of a letter. Rules of Accent. 1. Words of two syllables are accented on the first. 2. Words of three or more syllables are accented on the third from the end; Unless the last syllable but one contain a long vowel or dipthong, or the last syllable begin with/; g, or y,-in which case the accent falls on the last syllable but one. Exceptions to these rules are marked with the sign' placed over the vowel to be accented. Words wholly printed in capitals, and French words, (which have no regularly a.cented syllables,) are not thus marked. PRONOUNCING GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Aa, A-q, or H; contraction of old Ger- Abbeyleix, Ab-e-las, p and t Ir. man AhAa; rs in Ger., Neth., Fr. Abbeyville, Ab'e-vil, v 0. Aach, fh, t and r Bad. Abbitibbe, or Abbitibbie, Ab-E-tib-e, Aachen, Ah'en, See Aix-la-Chapelle. 1, r, s Brit. N. Am. [seat, Scot. Aagard, G'gqrd, V Den. Abbotsford, Ab'ots-ford, Sir W. Scott's Aal, 01 or 01, t Nor. Abd-El-Curia, lbd-el-k(6-ri-c, or AbdAalborg, Ol'bnrg, c Den., 7Y4. UI-Kooree, or Kouri, is In. Oa. Aalesund, O'le-s&nd, t Nor. Abenberg, A'ben-berg, t Bay. Aalst, flst, v Neth., t Belg. Aberdeen, Ab-er-dgn, c Scot., 41'; Aar, Hr, r Swit., r8 G. ts Miss., Ark., Tenn., 0., Ind. Aarau, HA'r, t Swit., 44. Aberdeenshire, Ab-er-din-jsr, co. Scot. Aarberg, Afrberg, t Swit. Aberfeldie, Ab-er-fel-de, v Scot. Aargau, ar'gs, [Fr. Argovie, Hr-go- Aberffraw, 1I-ber-frg, s-pt andp Wales. vi,] can Swit. Aberford, Ab'er-ford, p and t Eng. Aarhuus, Or'hzs, s-pt t Den., 8. Aberfoil, Ab-er-f6l, p o Ala. Aaron, Atron, p Fr.; -burg, p o N. Y. Aberfoyle, Ab-er-.fl, v and p Scot. Aasy, El, El-l'se, r Syr.(See Orontes.) Abergavenny, Ab-er-gd-ne, t Wales. Aath, or Ath, Hft, t Bel., 834. Abergeley, Ab-er-gg-le, t Wales. Abacaxis, fl-bq-kq-jSz, r Bra. Abergwilly, Ab-er-gwit-ls, p Wales. Abaco, H'bq-ko, Bahama island. Aberlady, Ab-er-la-di, v Scot. [v Mo. Abaite, H-bi-ta, r Bra. n Abernethy, Ab'er-net-i, t and p Scot., Abakan, or Abakane, f-bq-k4n, r Si. Abert, a'bert, I Oregon. [s-pt Wales. Abakansk, H-bq-k4nsk, ft t Si. Aber-Ystwith, Ab-er-ist-wit, bor and Abancay, Hl-bcqn-ki, t Peru, 5. Abher, or Ebher, t Per. Abanilla, Q-bq-nsl-yq, t Sp., 3Y/. Abilin, H-bs-ldn, v Syr. [loupe. Abano, Q-b4-no, t Lomn., 2x. Abimes, Les, Laz fl-bim, t GaudeAbany, A-bqny, t Hun. 74. Abingdon, Ab'i9-don, bor and t Eng.; Abaran, F-bq-r'n, c. As. Rus. t Va.; vs Md., Ill., Iowa. Abasa, l-bq-s4, As. ter. sub. to Rus. Abington, Ab'ii-ton, p Eng.; v Scot.; Abatis Villa, Latin of Abbeville. ts Ill., Mass., Conn., Pa., Ind. Aba Uj Var, O-b6o-a-s-v4r, dis. Up. Abiquiu, l-be-ks-c6, t N-Mex. Hun. Abistada, flb-is-tq-dq, 1 Afg. Abba-Jaret, or Abba-Yaret, Hf-bq-y4- Abkasia, Ab-k,-fi-q, Abasia, or Abasret, m Abys., 14,918. [of Mich. cia, fl-bia-i-a, ter Asia. Abbaye Point, Ab-i Pent, upper pen. Abo, l'bn, c and s-pt Rus., 14. Abbeokoota, H-bs-e-k6-tcq, or Abbe- Aboh, Q'bbs, Ibo, or Eboe, M'be, t Af. kuta, 1-be-kd6-tq, t W. Af., 50. Aboite, A-b6t, r and a Ind. Abbeville, Hlb-v9l, f t Fr., 194; Ab'e- Abomey, Ab-e-msi, t Af., 24. vil, dis and t S. C.; )8 Ala., La. Aboo-Arish, or Abu-Arisch, H'bm+-~ Abbeyfeale, Ab-a-ffil, p and v Ir. rif, t Ar., 5. (13) 14 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Aboo-Girgeh, Abou-, or Abu-, fl-bcb- Adana, f-d4-nq, c Asia Minor, 10. jir-je, t Eg. [v Eg. Adario, A-d4-ri-o, p 6s 0., Wis. Abookeer, or Aboukir, fl-be-kir, b and Adda, fl'dq, r nor. Italy; proiv Af. Aboolonia, fl-baD-16-ni-cl, v and I As. Addison, Ad'i-son, vs N-Y., Pa., &c. Minor. [Brazil. Adelaide, Ad's-lad,- c and r Australia. Abrantes, R-br4n-tez, ts Port. and Ad-el-Ji-vas, Hd-el-ji-v4s, t As. Tur. Abries, fl-brs-a, v Fr. Aden, fl'den, or a'den, s-pt. Ar., 20; Abrolhos, l-br6l-yos, rocky is Bra. cape and gulf. Abrud-Banya, Ob-rwd-b4n-yo, t Tran- Adenara, fl-den-4,-rq, i Malay, Arch. sylvania. Aderno, l-ddr-no, t Sic., at foot of Abruzzo, fl-brdt-sc, prov Naples. Mt. Etna, 64. Abscota, Ab-sk6-ta, p o Mich. Adije, R'ds-ja, r nor. Italy 220. Absecum, Ab-sg-kum, or Absecom, Adirondack, Ad-i-r6n-dak, v N. Y., Absecombe, Absecon, ~ N. J. 2000 feet above the sea; ms, highest, Abydos, H-bi-dos, c As. Minor. Tahawus, 5460 ft. Abyssinia, Ab-i-sin-i-a, cy E. Af. Adjyghur, Ad-ji-gdr, t Bengal. Acadia, A-kd-di-a, first name of Nova Admiralty, Ad'mi-ral-ti, b S. Am.; is Scotia. Rus. Am.; Pac. Oc.; N. Zeal.; sound, Acaponeta, H-kq-po-na-tq, t Mex.' Terre del Fuego. Acapulco, l_-kq-jpl-k@, main s-pt t Adony, fl-d6ny, t Hun., on Danube, 3. Mex., 5. Adorf, fl-d6rf, t Sax., on Elster, 2/. Acari, fl-kq-rg, t Peru, 6. Adour, H-d6r, r Fr. 200. Acarnania, Ak-qr-nit-ni-a, dep Greece. Adowa, flH'do-wq, (or Adova,) cap. of Acra, Accra, or Accrah, l'krq, cy Af., Tigre, Abys., 8. belonging in pqrt to England. Adra, H'drq, s-pt t Sp., 7%. Accumoli, f-kdb-ma-ls, t Italy, 34. Adramyti, Hl-drq-mi-ti, s-pt t Asia Acebo, H-t —bo, v Sp., 21/3. Minor, 5. Acerenza, fl-Ga-rdn-zq, c Naples, 3Y2. Adria, fl'dri-q, t Lomb., 10. Achaia, A-ka-yq, or l —k-yq, dep Gr. Adrian, a['dri-an, t Mich., 4. Acheen, Atcheen, Achen, Atchin, At- Adriance, I'dri-ans, v N. Y. [160. gin, king and t Sumatra. Adrianople, Ad-ri-an-6-pl, c Eu. Tur. Achelous, Ak-s-1l-us, r Gr. Adriatic, Ad-ri-at-ik, or Gulf of VenAchen, H'lcen, r Bavaria. ice, arm of Med. Sea, 500 m. long, Acheron, Ak's-ron, r ancient Greece. 100 wide. Achill, Ak'il, (or Eagle Island,) i Ir. Adro, A'dro, cap Venetian Lom., 24. Achor, Ak'or, v 0. Adur, El'dur, r Eng., 25. Achtyrka, flk-tir-kq, r and t Eu. Rus. ~Egades, 8'ga-dez, is w. coast Sic. 14Y4.,Egean, S-jg-an, sea, or Grecian Arch., Aci, or Aci Reale,:'1s-ra-4-la, t and part of Mediterranean, 400 by 200 m. s-pt Sicily, 19/. AlEgina, Egina, S-ji-na, or Engia, En' Aconcagua, fl'kon-k4-gwq, m Chili, ji-a, i Greece, 16; t 10; gulf 50 by 30. 23,910; r,,prov and t Chili. [J.,3. Aeroe, El're-e, (or Arroe,) i Den., J]0/. Acquackanonck, A-kwik-a-nopk, t N. Aeroeskiobing, tE're-es-ky.-big, s-pt t Acqui, lH'kws, t Piedmont, 74. of above island. Acre, H'ker, or a'ker, or Akka, l'kq, Aerzen, Art'sen, t Hanover, 1. or St. Jean D'Acre, Sai-3ofi-d(4k-r,,Ethiopia, or Ethiopia, S-ti-6-pi-a, c and s-pt Syria, 10. countries s. of Eg. Actopan, flk-tc-pAn, t and dis Mex. 3Etna, or Etna, Et'na, vol Sicily, 10s Aculco, H-kil-ko, I Chili. ft. above the sea. Acworth, Ak'wur9, a8 N-H., and Ga. _Etolia, 8-t6-li-a, guv. of k. of Gr. Ada, l_'dq, v Mich. Afganistan, ff-gtn-is-t4n, cy. of Asia. Adafoodia, fl-dq-f6-di-q, t W. Af., 24. Afioom, Afioum, Afium, l-fi-c6m, or Adair, A-d4r, cos Ky., Mo., Iowa. Afium - Karahissar, - Kq-r4-his-4r, Adaja, l-d4t-hcl, r Sp. (Black-Castle of Opium,) As. Min. Adalia, l-d4-li-q, or Satalieh, Sq-t4- 60. li-ye, g and s-pt As. Min. Afragola, H-frq-g6-lq, t Naples, 13. Adams, Ad'amz, cos in seven States; Africa, Af'ri-ka, great division of the tps twenty-one; vs seven. globe, third in extent; 5,000 by 4,800 Adams, Mount, Ad'amz, Mwnt, m Or., miles; pop. 60,000,000, speaking 150 near Colombia river. languages. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 15 Afrikiah, H-fri-ki-q, (or Mahadiah,) Ahanta, f-hAn-tq, ke At. s-pt t Tunis. Ahascragh, Hs'krq, or fls'krqc, t and Afshars, or Afschars, Af-j4rz, tr Per. p Ir. 20,000 houses. Ahmedabad, fl'med-q-b4d, dis and o Agably, or Aghably, fl-g4-bls, t Af. Hin., 100. Agadez, or -es, fl'gc-dez, c Cen. Af., Ahmednuggur, f-med-ndg-ur, dis and formerly 50 now 8. c Hin., 20. Agamenticus, Ag-a-m6n-ti-kus, m Ahmood, H-mc6d, t Brit. Ind. Maine. Ai, d, p o O.; r Rus.; t Fr. Agate, Ag'at, Harbor, n. part Mich. Aidin, T-den, (Iden or Guzzel-Hissar,) Agawam, Ag-a-w6m, v Mass. t As. Tur. Agawan, Ag-a-w6n, r Mass. Aigash, El-g4j, or Aigas, a-gqs, i Scot. Agdas, or Aghades. Same as Agades. Aigues Mortes, [[g'mort, t Fr. 4. Agde, lgd, t Fr. 9. Aiguille, La-ggy, m Fr. Agen, H-3Ai$, t Fr. 16. Ain, An, r and dep Fr. Aggershuus, flg'erz-hoz, prov Nor. Aintab, Tn-tAb, t As. Tur., 20. 592%. Air, Ar, t Pa.; po Mo. Aghmat, fAh-m4t, r and t Morocco, 6. Airdrie, Ar'drs, b6or and t Scot., 14%. Aghor, fHh'or, (or Hing61) r Bel. Aire, Ar, t Fr.; r Eng. Aghrim, or Aughrim, Og'rim, p Ir. Aisne, En, or En, r and dep Fr. Agincourt, Fl-3a-kwr, (or Azincourt) Aitkin, a[t'kin, l andferry Min. v Fr. Aix, aks, c Fr., 27%; t Sar. Agio Strati, Hl'j@ Str4-te, i Gr. Arch. Aixe, E[ks, t Fr. 24. m Aglie, Hl'ya, or Aglia, fl'ya, t Pied., Aix Ile d', El-diks, i and eil ft and 4%/3. vs Fr. Agly, f-gli, r Fr. Aix-La-Chapelle, Uks-lq-Jq-p6I, c of Agno, fln'yw, r Lomb., 50; v Swit. Prus., 453/. Agnone, Hn-y6-na, t Naples, 7. Ajaccio, fl-y4t-gG, or Ajazzo, fl-yAtAgoa de Pao, f'gwq-da-pf4-oA, v and s3, s-pt and cap Corsica, 11%; Na-;n peak of the Azores. poleon Bonaparte's birth place, 1769. Agogebic, A-gc-js-bik, I n. part Mich. Ajan, H-34n, country of Af. Agogna, f-gin-yc, (or Gogna,) r Pied. Ajeho, E3-ye-hc, c Mantchooria, 60. Agoona, fl-g&-nq, st w. part Af. Ajmeer, flj-mgr, (or Rajpootana)prov Agosta, fl-g6s-tq, or Augusta, ~-g6s- and c India, 25. tqc, c Sicily, 10. Akerman, fl'ker-mqn, t Bessarabia, 26. Agows, fl'g-z, people of Abyssinia. Akhalzikh, or Akalzik, f-hql-zsh, a Agra, fl'grc, prov Hind., 23,800,549; As. Rus., 10. the city of the same name has been Ak-Hissar, flk'his-ar, t As. Minor, 6. held by Eng., since 1803; pop. 96%. Akootan, or Akutan, fl-ko-t4n, i and Agram, Og-r6m, (or Zagrab,) cap Cro- vol Aleutian series. atia, Aus., 1434. Akowaay, f-ko-wj, t Guin., 8. Agreeb, Agrib, fl-greb or Agarrib, Akron, Ak'ron, v N-Y. t 0., 4Y/. f-gq-rib, n. Eg. off gulf Suez. Aksai, flk-si, r and v Circassia. Can be seen 100 m. Akshehr, or Akscher, flk-ja-her, a Ague Caliente, l'gwq Kqi-le-6n-ta, and I As. Tar. set Cal. Aksoo, or -ou, flk-s6, t and r Chinese Aguas Calientes, fl'gwqs Kq-le-6n-tes, Toorkistan. st Mex., 8134; c 20. Akstafa, flk'stq-fq, r and sal As. Geo. Aguachapa, fl-gwq-q4-pc, t Gua. Alabama, Al-a-b4-ma, Am. st 50,772 Aguadilla, fl-gwq-dul-yq, s-pt t Antil- s. in.; pop., in 1850, 426% whites, les, Porto Rico. 2% free blacks, 342% slaves, total, Agua Dulce, fl'gwq D6l-sa, cr Texas. 771%; representative pop., 634%; Agua Fria, f'gwq Fri-q, v N-Mex.; cap Mobile; r navigable 460 m. t and or Cal. Alabama, (or Big Sandy Creek) and v Agua Nueva. H'gwq Nwa-vq, Texas. Aguapehi, f-gwqc-pa-hi, r Bra. Alachua, A-laq-qr-a, co in Florida. Agua, Volcan de, Vol-k4n-da R'gwq, Alacrane, Al-a-kran, is Gulf Mex. m. Cen. Am. Alaculsa, Al-a-kdll-sa, or Ga. Agueda, fl-gdi-dq, r Sp. Ala-Dagh, f'lcq-d4g, n As. Tur. Aguila, al'ge-lq or Ag'wil-a, or Tex. Alaghez, a-lq-gdz, (or Ali-) vol m Arm. 16 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Alagoa, l-lq-g6-q, t and dies island St. Alcamo,.l'kq-mo, t Sic. 15. Michael. Alcantara, Hl-kdqn-tq-rq, ft t Sp.; r Alagoas, l-lq-g6-qs, prov Bra., 220; c 4. Sic.; t Bra. Alagon, fl-lq-g6n, r Sp., 120. Alcaraz, Hll-kq-rQ1, t Sp. 71. Alais, -la, t. Fr. 184. Alcazar, (or Alcacer) de San Juan, Alajuela, H-lq-hc-t-lq, c Costa Rica, 10. lI-k4-ter da Sqn-hb-4n, t Sp., 7X. Alamance, (or Alle-) f'la-mans, or Alcester, (or Awlster) Ol'ster, t Eng. and co N. C. 24. Alameda, Q-lq-ma-dq, t Sp.; co Cal.; Alcona, Al-kUc-na, co Mich. tN-Mex. [ft. Tex. Alcovy, Al'kza-vi, r Ga. (tTlcofauhaAlamo, Al'a-mo, v Ia., Mich., Cal.; chee. Alamos, Los, Los _H'lq-mos, t Mex. 10. Alcoy, ll-k6-e, t Sp., 27; also r. Alan, Al'an, (or Camel) r Eng. Aldan, Hl:-d4n, r 300, and ms Siberia. Aland, f'land, or Oland, ('land, Aldborough, (or Aldburg) Old'bur-@, eighty islands Gulf Bothina, 15. s-pt t Eng., 1l4; also, market t 23. Alapaha, A-lap-a-he, s and r Ga., 100 m. Alde, Old, r Eng. Alaqua, Al'a-kwe, v and r Florida. Alden, Ol'den, t N-Y. 234; Ill. Alasea, fl-lq-sA-4, (or Alasey, -ej) r Aldenville, Aldenbrook, and similar Sib. combinations, have the first syllable Ala-Shehr, f-l4-Jor, or Ala-Schehr, pronounced alike. fl-lq-SA-her, c As. Mi., 15. Alderney, (or Aurigny,) Ol'der-ni, i Alaska, or Aliaska, Rl-yC4s-kq, pen Eng. Channel, 1. Rus. Am. Aldstone, Old'ston, (or Alston-Moor) Alatamaha. See Altamahba. t Eng. [Port. Alausi, f-lIs-s6, vol Andes, t Ecuador. Alemtejo, (or -en) fl-lof-td-s3, prov Alava, A-14-vq, prIov n. part Sp. Alengon, l-lof-sdfi, c Fr. 1434. Alba, fll'bq, ts Pied., Nap.; Al'ba t Pa. Aleppo, A-16p-@, (Haleb or Haleb es Alba Longa. See Albano. Shabba) c As. Tur.; prev. to earthAlbania, Al-ba-ni-a, [Turk. Arnaood- quake 1822, pop. 200, now 60 to 80. lik, -tleck, -outlik,] country Eu. Alessandria, fl-les-4n-dri-q, c PiedTur., 1,600,000. mont, 19, with suburbs 40. Albano, fll-b4-na, c It. 54; t Nap.; Aleutian, A-li-fi-an, is (volcanic) I and m It. Rus. Am. Albany, Ol'ba-ni, co and cacp N-Y., 60; Alexander, Al-eks-an-der, various cos r ft and dis Br. N. Am.; div. Cape and ts U. S. of Good Hope; ts Ga., Ill., and vs Alexandria, Al-eks-an-dri-a, s-pt c in many states. Eg.; before the war with Caesar, Albay, fll-bk, v and t Philippine Is., 13. and the burning of the libraries, its Albemarle,'Al-be-m4rl, t Fr.; co Va.; population was 600,000 when it went -Sound, N. E. part N. C. down to 6,000; it has now 80,000. Alberche, Hl-blr-ga, r Sp. 148 m. Alexandria, c Va., 83; various ts Alberes, ll-b/r, ms part of Pyrenees. and vs U. S. Albia, Al'bi-a, co t Iowa. Alford, Ol'ford, t Eng., 2. Albion, Al'bi-on, anc. name Gr. Brit- Alfordsville, Ol'fordz-vil, ts N. C., Ia. ain; co ts N-Y., Ia., Ill., and numer- Alfred, Al'fred, ts and vs Me., O., ous 8s. N-Y., &c. Albuera, Al-b&-d-rq, r Sp. Alfreton, Al'fre-ton. t Eng., 84. Albufeira, ll-bna-fa-e-rq, s-pt Port. Algarve, (or -bia) ll-gir-va, prov Albufera, Ml-bz-fa-rq, 1 Sp. Port. Albuquerque, Hl-bo-k6r-ka, t N-Mex. Algeciras, (or -zi,) Al-jez-g-ras, [Sp. is Car. Sea. Hl-ha-t9-ras,] s-pt t Sp., 11. Alburg, Ol'burg, p o; -Springs, Vt. Algeria, Al-jg-ri-a, [Fr. Hl-ga-rf] ter Alby, or Alby, Ill'be, or fll-bg, c Fr., Nor. Af., Fr. colonial province; 90,000 where, on account of the religious s. m.; native pop. 2 mil.; European, wars, the Protestants received the 1193. name of Albigenses. 133. Algiers, Hl-jirz, cap. Algeria, 9434, Albyn, or Albinn, ll'ben, anc. name Sc. half European; v op. N-Orleans, La. Alcala de Henares, Al-kq-ldl-da En-4- Algoa, Al-g6-a, b S. E. coast Af. res, c Sp., in 1768, 22, now 334; Algoma, Al-gd-ma, v Wis. -la-Real, lcq-Ra-41, c Sp. 113. Algonac, Al-go-nak, t Mich. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 17 Algonquin, Al-g6n-kwsn, Am. Indians Alost, fl'lost, t Bel., 15. nearly extinct; vs O., Mich., Ill. Alpena, Al-pi-na, co Mich. Alhama, Al-hq-mc, t Sp., 6. Alps, Alps, m Eu.; extending through Alhambra, Al-ham-bra, v Ill. part of Swit., Fr., It., Bav., Aus., Aliaska, Hl-yqs-kq, pen Rus. Am. and Tur., varying from 10,000 to Alicante, fl-le-kqn-ta, prov and s-pt c 15,800 ft. in height. Sp., 19. Alsace, lI-sqs, one of the old German Alicata, (or Licata) H-l-kq-tq, 8-pt t prov., ceded to France 1648. Sic., 13K. [1. Alsen, Hl:sen, is Den., in the Baltic Alicudi, fl-le-kc6-dz, w. Lipari Islands, 22K. Alida, A-li-da, t Ill. Alstead, ll'sted, t New Hampshire. Alipee, A-li-pg, s-pt t Hin. 13. Alsten, Al'sten, i Norway. Alixan, Hi-liks-6fi, v Fr., 2K. Alster, Hl'ster, r Den. Alkaisareeyeh, (or -seria) fl-kl-ser-s- Altai, fll-ti, m Sib., rich in go!', silye, t Mor. 8. ver, copper, &c. Alkmaar (or -maer) Alk-mqr, t Hol., 9. Altamaha, l'ta-ma-he, r Geo., naviAlkosh, fll-k6lJ ft t As. Tur., 3. gable 140 miles. Allahabad, f-lq-h4-b4d, t Hin., in Altamira, fl-tq-m6-rq, t Mex. 1832, 64r. Altamont, Al'ta-mont, v Ten. Allaire, fl-lkr, v Fr., 2. [N-J. Altamura, fll-tq-mc6-rc, t Naples, 16. Allamuchy, (or -chee) Al-a-mc6-qi, v Altenburg, ll'ten-bairg, duchy and o Allan, Al'an, two rs Scot. Ger., 13K/. Alle, f'le, r East Prus., 115. Alton, Al'ton, t Eng., 3&; c Ill., 4; Allegan, Al's-gan, co and v Mich. ts Maine, N-H., N-Y., Tex., O., Alleghany,* Al-E-ga-ni, r Pa.; range Mich. ms Pa., Md., Va.; cos Pa., N-Y., Altona, Hll't-na, (or Altena,) second Md., Va.; vs N-Y., and Pa. o Den., 37. Alleghany City, opposite Pittsburg, Pa., Altoona, Al-tc6-na, v Pen., 2X. 21y. Altorf, ll'torf, (or Altdorf,) t Swit. Allen, Al'en, numerous cos and ts in Alvarado, ll-vq-r4-do, t and r Mex. the U. S., with various combina- Alzey, Alt'si, t fesse Darmstadt, 4X. tions. [Pa., 6. Amacura, fl-mq-kc6-rq, r S. Am. Allentown, the most prominent, co t Amager, fl'mq-ger, (or Amak,) i Den. Alliance, A-li-ans, t O. Amalfi, fl-m4l-fe, c and s-pt Naples, Allier, f-ls-A, r Fr., 260 m. pop. once, 50 now 4. Alligator, Al-i-gA-tor, r N. C.; t Fa. Amambahi, fl-mqm-bql-, or AmamAllisonia, Al-i-sdS-ni-a, t Tenn. bay, fi-mqm-bj, m and r S. Am. Alloa, Al'l-a, s-pt t Scot., 51. Amanda, A-min-da, various ts and ve Allomakee, Al-o-ma-kg, co Iowa. U. S. Alloway, Al'@-wa, v N-Y. Amarante, f-mq-rAn-ta, t Port., 4. All-Saints Bay, Ol-Sants Ba, on the Amarapoora, Amarapura, Hm-q-racoast of Brazil. pd6-ra, ft c Burm., in 1800 175; now Alma, l'lmq, r Rus., in the Crimea. much reduced. Almaden, Hl-mq-dtn, t Sp., 8K. Amasia, Amasieh, or Amasiyah, f-m4Almagro, l:-m4-gro, c Sp., 12K2. sr-a, c As. Min., 25. Almalee, (or -li) l1-mq-l, t As. Tur. Amatitlan, f-mq-te-tl4n, or Amititan, 20. fl-mq-ts-thn, t Gua. 12. Almas, Ol'mof, t Hun, 82. Amaxichi, ql-mqks- -ke, s-pt t Ionian Almazarron, fl-mq-tq-r6n, t Sp., 63K. Island, Santa Maura, 6. Almneida, fll-mA-e-dqc, ft t Por., 6K; Amazon, Am'a-zon, largest r not only t Bra., 4. of S. Am., but of the globe; length Almeria, fl-ma-r6-q, s-pt c Sp., 17K3. 4000 miles; breadth of the largest Almond, fl'mond, two rs Scot.; vs N-Y., mouth, 96 miles; but the two, with Ala., Wis. the island included, cover a width Almont, Al-m6nt, v Mich. of 250 m.; v Ill. Alne, lIn, three rs Eng. [7 3. Ambato, Am-b.-to, (or Hambato,) t Alnwick, or Alenwick, An'ik, t Eng., Ec., 12. * All considerate persons will unite with the editors of Lippincott's Gazeteer in giving but one orthography to this name. 2 18 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Amberg, Hm'berg, t Bay., 11. Amoor, Amour, Amur, f-mc6r, r E. Ambert, Otf-btr, t Fr., 8x4. As., 2200 m. Amboise, On-bwc4z, t Fr., 434. Amorgos, or Amorgo, l-m(r-go, i Gre, Amboy, Am-b&, various vs U. S. Arch., 2/. Amboyna, or Amboina, flm-b&-na, i Amoskeag, Am-os-kig, v N-H. Malay Arch., 29y; apo t 834. Amoy, f-m&, (or Emoui,) s-pt t China, Ambriz, Am'briz, or lm-briz, ind. pop. 250. Negro kingdom Af. Amphila, flm-ff-la, b and i Red Sea. Ambrosia, Am-br6-3i-a, p o Iowa. Amphitrite, Am-fi-tri-ts, is China Sea. AmeIia, A-mg-li-a, t and co Vir., v O. Amrawutti, Qm-ra-wdt-e, or AmaraAmenia, A-mi-ni-a, v N-Y. vati, flm-a-ra-v4-ts, t. Ind, America, A-mer-i-ka, with the excep- Amritseer, Amritsir, flm-rit-sir, o of tion of Asia, the largest division of Punjab, Hind., 115. the globe. - North, entire coast Amsterdam, flin-ster-d4m, c, cap Hol., line 22,800 m; area 8,000,000 s. m.; 2284;' N-Y., Vir., O., Ia., Iowa. divided into six political organiza- Anabara, f-nq-bq-rc, r Si. 400 m. tions, viz., Danish America or Green- Anachuana, fl-nq-~ca —nq, v and b land; Brit. Am., Rus. Am., U. S., Isthmus of Panama. Mex., and Cen. Am.; entire pop., in Anacoca, An-a-k6-ka, p o La. 1854, exceeded 40,000,000. - Cen- Anacostia, An-a-k6s-ti-a, p o Dis. Col. tral, is the narrow strip of land unit- Anadarco, An-a-d4r-ko, p o Tex. ing North and South Am.; length Anadeer, Anadir, or Anadyr, fl-nq800 or 900 m.; its breadth from 20 to dir, r N. E. Asia, in Siberia. 400 m.; area 200,000 s. m.; the states Anagni, l-nqn-ys, t It. of Gua., San Sal., Hon., Nic., and Anagua, fl-n4-gwq, p o Tex. Costa Rica, though nominally re- Anahuac, Hn-q-wjk, table-land, m and publican, are ruled by military des- v Tex. pots; total pop. 2,146,000. - South, Anam or Annam, fl-ndm, Empire of is a vast peninsula, of about 6,500,000 Cochin China, pop. 12,000,000. s. m.; comprising the republics of Anamaboe, A-nq-ma-bW, Brit. ft Af., N. Gran., Ven., Ec.; Brit., Fr., and 4K. D., Gui.; Pe., Bol., Ch., the United Anamirapucu, Q-nq-mi-rq-pcD-kc6, r Prov. of La Plata, Par., Ura., Bra., Bra., 200 m. Pat., Ter. del Fue., the Falk. and Anamosa, An-a-mS-sa, v Iowa. other islands; entire pop. 16,000,000. Anandale, An'an-dal, vs Pen., Vir. r central Cal. Anapa, fl-nq-p4, s-pt t Russian Cir. Americus, A-mir-i-kus, vs Geo., Ind. Anaquasscook, An-a-kqt-as-ktak, p o Amersfort, or Amersfoort, l'mers-fac't, N-Y. [Fa. t Neth., 13. Anastasia, An-a-sta-fi-a, i e. coast Ames, Emz, v N-Y. Anatolia, fln-a-t6-li-a, or Anadolia, Amga, flm-g4, r Si., 460 m. fl-nq-d&-li-a, (written also Anadoli Amhara, flm-hc-rq, k Abys. and Natolia,) pen.; pashalic of Tur. Amherst, Am'erst, s-pt t Brit. Ind., 5.; in As., identical with Asia Minor, co and t Vir., ts Me., N-H., Mass., area 270,000 sq. m.; pop. 4,500,000. (seat of Amherst College,) 3.; v 0. Anava, fl-nqc-v4A, or Guanahau, GwqAmhertsburgh, Am'erst-burg, gar t nq-hi, r Brazil, 200 m. C. W., 1%3. Anazo, fl-n4-zo, (or Haaazo,) r Abys. Amicalola, A-mik-a-16-la, p o Geo. Ancach, fln-ktq, dep North Peru. Amicu, Hf-me-kcD, or Amucu, a-mm-kwf, Ancaster, An'kas-ter, v Canada West. I South Am. Ancholme, An'qglm, r Eng. Amiens, H-ms-&f, t Fr., 52/. Anchor, AB'kor, i N-Zeal.; is Bra. Amite, Am-it, r Miss., Lou., co Miss. Ancober, An-k6-ber, r Af.; t Abys. Amity, Am'i-ti, various vs U. S. Ancona, fln-k6-nq, a free port c Papal Amlwch, Am'la)k, a-Pt t N. W. States, in two parts, Citta Vechia, Ammer, or Amper, flm'per, r Ger. ((Ci-t4 Vik-i-qc,) Citta Nuova, ((i-t4 Ammonoosuck, Am-o-n&-suk, upper Nw6-vq;) pop. 36. and lower, r N-H. Andalusia, An-da-lh-Si-a, (Sp. AnAmol, fl-m61, c Per., 35 to 40. dalucia, An-dq-lo-ti —a,) division of Amoo, Amou, or Amu, l-mc6, r Cen. the s. of Spain; vs Penn., Ala., Ten., As., 1300 m. Illinois. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 19 Andaman, An-da-mAn, i Bay of Ben. Angra, fin'grq, s-pt t of Port., on the Andaya, fin-d4-yq, or Andaia, fln- island of Terceira, 10. di-q, r Bra., 120 m. Angrab, An-gr4b, r Abys., 120 m. Andelle, Onf-d6l, r Fr. Angra dos Reis, fAD'grq-das-rt-es, s-pt Andelys, Les, Laz-ofi-dl~, t Fr. 54. and b Brazil, 3. Anderson, An'der-son, dis S. C.; cos Anguilla, fln-gg-lq, i Br. West Ind., 3. Tex., Ten., Ken.; vs N-J., S. C., Anhalt, Rln'hqlt, three duchies Central Geo., Tex., Ill.; t Ia. [Ia. Germany. Andersonville, An'der-son-vil, vs S. C., Anhanduhy-Mirim, fln-yqn-dmo-g-miAndes, An'diz, range of ms extending rfte, two rivers in Brazil. parallel to the Pacific coast, the Anholt, fin'holt, i Den., t Prus., 2. entire length of S. A., 4500 miles; Aniooy, i-ni-dc-s, or Aniuj, Aniuy, and under different names, traverses fln-yd6-s, two rivers in Siberia. the whole N. American continent, Anklam, or Anclam, fln'klqm, t Pr. about 9000 m.; the ridges and peaks 84. [Abys., 12. varying from 2 to 22,000 ft. above Ankober, (or Ankobar,) fln-kc6-ber, t the sea. Ankova, fln-k6-vq, k Madagascar. Andkhoo, fnd-kc6, Ankkoui, fn-kc-s, Annaberg, fa'nq-bery, t Saxony, 634. (or Ankoi,) t ind. Tartary, 25. Annagh, f-n4, two islands Ireland. Andorra, fin-d6r-q, (Valley of) ind cy, Annan, An'an, r and s-pt Scot. a republic on the s. slope of the Annapolis, An-ip-o-lis, cap Md., 3; vs Pyrenees, pop. 6; t, cap of the above, O., la.; r andft s-pt t Nova Scotia. 234. Ann Arbor, An-4r-bor, c Mich., 43. Andover, An'do-ver, t Eng.; vs Maine, Annawaika, An-a-wi-ka, p o Ala. N-H., Ver., Mass., 7; Con., N-Y., Anne Arundel, An-a-rin-del, co Md. N-J., O., Mich., Ill. Annecy, fln-s9, t and I Savoy. Andraix, fin-drt-szh, s-pt t island of Annisqaam, An-is-gw4m, p o Mass. Majorca, 43. Annobon, fl-n@-b6n, i w. coast of Af. Andreeva, fln-dra-e-vq, t Rus., 12. Annonay, fl-n@-nd, t Fr., 13/. Andrew, An'dra, co Mo.; v Iowa. Anoka, A-n6-ka, v Minnesota. Andro, fln'dr@, (or An'dros,) i Gre. Anselm, An'selm, p o O. Arch., 1534. Anson, An'son, co N. C. Androscoggin, An-dros-k6g-in, r N-H., Ansonia, An-s6-ni-a, v Conn. Maine; co Maine. [Sp., 9%. Anspach, Hn'spqc, ft c Bavaria, 16. Andujar, or Anduxar, fln-dS-har, t Antang, fln-t4, v and di isl. Java, 10. Anegada, fl-na-gd4-da, t of the Antilles. Antarctic, Ant-jrk-tic, oc, the expanse Angara, fi9-gc-r4, r of Siberia, 1000. of water around the South Pole. Angelica, An-jel-i-ka, co t N-Y. Antequera, fln-ta-kd-rq, c Sp., 17. Angelina, An-je-lg-na, r and co Tex. Anthony, An'to-ni, p os R. I., Ia. Angermann, Ou'er-man, nav r Swed., Antibes, Ofi-tdb, ft s-pt t Fr., 6%. 120 m. [Swed. Anticosti, An-ti-k6s-ti, des i C. E. Angermannland, Og'er-mqn-lcnd, prov Antietam, An-tg-tam, cr Penn. Angermunde, fl:'er-men-de, t Prus., Antigua, fln-tg-gq, Brit. W. I. Island, 4%. 36; station, ft and arch in the PhilAngerona, An-je-reS-na, p o Va. ippine Islands. Angers, An'jerz, (Fr. Angiers, Ofi-3i,) Antilles, fin-til, West India Islands. ft c Fr., 46Y/. Antioch, An'ti-ok, c and anc cap Syria, Anglesey, or Anglesea, fil'gl-se, i the place where the name of ChrisN. W., 51. tians was first given to the followers Angola, Aj-g6-la, cy w. coast of Afri- of Jesus Christ. Founded 300 B. C. ca, notorious for its slave trade: pop. Ancient pop., 400,000, time of Chry2,000,000; p os N-Y., Del., N-C., Ia. sostrom, 200,000, at present, 10,000; Angora, AU-g6-ra, t As. Tur., 35. vs S. C., Ga., Ala., Tenn., O., Ill. Angornou, er Angornu, fin-gor-nc6, t Antioch College. See Yellow Springs. Cen. Africa, 30. Antioco, fin-ti-o-ka, i Med., 2/. Angosta, Qn-g6s-ta, dis, r and three i Antioquia, fln-ti-Q-ks-a, t S. Am. 4. s. e. of Africa. Antipodes, An-tip-o-dez, i S. Pac. Oc. Angostura, fln-gos-tc6-rq, (or Bolivar Antisana, fln-ti-s4-nq, vol in Ecuador, City) t Venezuela, 83y. 19,140 feet high. Angouleme, O0-gco-lm, c Fr., 21%. Antivari, fn-tO-vq-rE, t s-pt of Albania. 20 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Antoin, An-ten, p o Arkansas. Arafat, fl-rq-f4t, Mount, granite hill, Antrim, An'trim, cos Ir., Mich.; vs N- Arabia. [k Sp. H., Penn., O., Mich. Aragon, Arragon, flr-q-g6n, r and anq Antuco, ln-td6-ko, vol (16,000 ft) and Araguay, lr-q-gwi, r Brazil, 1000 m. val of Chilian Andes. Aral, Ar'al, sea Ind. Tartary. Antwerp, Ant'werp, ft c Belgium, 79; Aranda-de-duero, H-rqn-dq-da-dwdprov do.; vS N-Y., O. ro, dis and t Spain. [Spain. Aonia, [[-6-ni-a, p o Ga. Aranjuez, l-rqn-hwdt, t, royal res., of Aosta, fl-6s-tq, t Pied., 7. Aransas, Ar-an-sas, r, b and v Texas. Apache Indians, A-p4-qa In'di-anz, Arapahoe, A-rnp-a-ho, Indians, tribe Texas and N-Mexico. between the s. fork of Platte river Apennines, Ap'en-jnz, a mountain and the head waters of the Arkansas. chain traversing the Italian penin- Ararat, Ar'a-rat, vol M Western Asia, sula, 800 miles, embracing Mounts 17,323 ft; r and r, N. C.; vs Pa., Va. Albano, Vesuvius and Etna. Aras, fl-rqs, (or Araxes,) r Arm. 500m. Apollonia, fl-pol-6-ni-q, (or Amana- Arasaig, flr-a-sig, v and dis Scot. hea,) dis, cape and fort Africa. Arator, or Arrator, A-rd-tor, v Mo. Apostles' Islands, A-p6s-lz V'landz, Araucania, f-re-kq-ni-q, ind ter s. Straits of Magellan. part of Chili, 70. Appalachee, Ap-a-lq-qe, r Ga.; b Fa. Arauco, fl-r*-ko, ft Chili. Appalachian, Ap-a-l.-qi-an, the Alle- Araure, l-ri-ra, c Venezuela, 10. ghany Mountains. Arba, lr'ba, p o Ia. Appalachicola, Ap-a-la-iz-ks —la, r, b Arbacoochee, lr-ba-kc6-ge, p o Ala. and t Fa. Arbe, flr'ba, i Adriatic, 5. Appalachin, Ap-a-l4-~in, p 6 N-Y. Arbela, flr-bg-la, p o Mo. Appanoose, Ap-a-nd6s, co Iowa; v Ill. Arboga, fr-b6-gq, t Sweden, 2. Appenzell, fl-pent-sdl, can and t Swit.; Arbois, flr-bwq, t Fr., 7. cap Inner Rhodes, 3. Arbroath, Hr-br6t, s-pt t Scot., 8%/. Appleby, Ap'l-bi, bor and t Eng., 2K. Arbuthnot, flr'but-not, par Scot. Appleton, Ap'l-ton, Vs O., Ill., Wis. Arcabutla, flr-ka-bdt-lq, p o Miss. Appling, Ap'lii, co Ga.; vs N-Y., Ga. Arcade, flr-kid, v N-Y. Appomattox, Ap-o-mit-oks, co and r Arcadia, flr-ki-di-a, ancprov Greece, Va., 150 m. in the Gulf of Morea; vs R. I., N-Y., Appoquinnimink, Ap-@-kwin-i-mijk, La., Tenn., Ia., Ill., Mo. cr Del. Arcanum, flr-ki-num, p o 0. Apsheron, flp-Ja-r6n, (or Abeheron,) Archaig, Loch, Lolh-qr-kig, I Scot. pen Russian dominions. Archangel, flrk-an-jel, ter and s-pt t Apulia, fl-pi-li-a, anc prov Southern Russia in Europe, 242; also a bay. Italy; p o N-Y. Archipelago, Qr-ki-p61-a-g@, signifies Apure, l-pd-ra, r Venezuela. a sea interspersed with numerous is. Apurimac, fl-pa)-ri-mj4k, r S. Am. 500. Arcola, Ar-k6-lq, anc t Piedmont, 2/; Aquapim, fi-kwq-pdm, st Africa. vs Va., N. C., O. Aquasco, A-kwds-kc, p o Md. Arcos de la Frontera, fir-kos da lq Aquia, Ak'wi-c, p o and cr Va. Fron-ta-rq, t Spain, 1114. Aquila, f'kwi-lq, ft c Naples, 11%. Arcot, flr-k6t, (Arucati, orArookatee,) Aquileja, fl-kwi-la-yq, t Nor. It., 1K. c South Hindostan, 40. Aquokee, A-kw6-ks, r Ga., Tenn. Arctic Ocean, flrk'tic (D'an, the NorAquone, A-kw6-ne, p o N. C. thern Sea, containing Greenland, Arabgheer, Arabgir, l-rqb-gir, (or Spitzbergen, Iceland and many other Arabkir,) t As. Tur., 6000 houses. islands. Arabia, A-rd-bi-a, s. w. part of Asia, Ardeche, flr-dij, r and dep France. 750,000 square miles, mainly desert. Arden, flr'den, p o Va. Arabian Sea, A-rM-bi-an Se, on the Ardennes, or Arden, fr'den, dep Fr. s. w. coast of Asia. Ardrah, lr'drq, t and proe Africa. Aracan, or Arracan, Ar-a-kan, British Aremberg, X'rem-berg, div Hanover. prov. Farther India; t do., 10. Arena, A-rs-na, v Wis. Aracati, or Aracaty, fl-rq-kq-tg, r and Arenac, Ar-e-nhk, co Mich. port, Brazil, 5. Arequipa, H-ra-ki-pq, dep and c PeAraquahi, fl-rq-swq-hg, r Bra. ru, 35; vol 20,300 ft high. Arad, Or-6d, t Hun., old and new, 20. Arezzo, f-ret-s@, prov and c It., 11/. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 21 Argentan, Hr-3ofi-t6fi, t Fr., 54. Arok-Szallas, ftrok-sq-1iJ, v Hun., 9. Argentaro, ar-jen-t4-r@, m Turkey in Aroma, A-r6-mca, v Ill. Europe; prom Western Italy. Aron, a-r6of, r and v Fr.; t Pied. 5. Argenteuil, Ar-30of-tdl, t Fr., 434. Arooat, Aronat, Aruat, fl-ra)-t, st and Argentine, fir'jen-tin, Republic of S. t N. Africa. [co and p o Me. American countries, comprising Bue- Aroostook, A-rdcs-ttk, r U. S., 120 mn. nos Ayres, Santa F6, Entre Rios, Arpino, Ar-pi-no, t Naples, 11. Corrientes, Cordova, La Rioja, San- Arqua, Hr'kwc, t Mexico, 4. tiago del Estero, Tucuman, Cata- Arques, flrk, r and t Fr. marca, Salta and Jajay, San Luis, Arran, Ar'an, i w. coast of Scotland; Mendoza, San Juan. Total pop. 820. is w. coast of Ireland. ArgQ, ir'tgo, i in the Nile; p o Ga., Arras, Ar'qs, ft c Fr., 24%. Ill., Mo., Iowa. Arrifana, fr-i-fC-nq, ft, b and i s. w. Argoon, or Argun, flr-gdn, r separates coast of Portugal. the Russian and Chinese Empires; r Arroas, Pf-r6-qs, is Straits of Malacca. in Circassia. Arroe, fl-re, is in the Red Sea. Argos, rt'gos, t Greece, 8. Arroo, Arco, Aru, A-re, is n. of AusArgostoli, Ar-g6s-to-le, s-pt t Ionian Is. tralia; also, n. w. coast of Wash. Ter. Argyle, or Argyll, Hr-gil, co Scot.; co Arrow, Ar'o, r Wales and Eng.; or New South Wales; vs Me., N-Y., N. Eng.; 1 and r Ireland. C., Ga., Ill., Miss., Wis. Arta, fIr'tq, r Eu. Tur.; ts Albania Arica, f-r-kcq, dis and t Peru, 3%. and Majorca, gulf Ionian Sea. Ari6ge, fl-re-dA, dep Fr. Artas, flr-tqs, (or Artoss,) a beautiful Ariel, a'ri-el, p o Penn. fertile valley of Palestine, near BethArienzo, fl-ri-6n-zo, t Naples, 10. lehem. Arigal, Hlri-gel, m Ireland, 2,462. Artaxata, flr-taks-4-tq, former cap. of Arispe, fl-ris-pa, t of Sonora, Mexico; Armenia, with a pop. of about 190,11l. 000, now a mass of ruins. Arjish, flr-jeS, t and r Eu. Turkey. Artois, lr'twq, old prov Fr. Arkadelphia, flrk-a-d61-fi-a, v Ark. Aruba, f.-r6c-bq, (or Oruba,) i Dutch Arkansas, flr-kan-sas, (formerly f1r' Antilles. kan-so,) r U. S., 2000 m. in length, Arun, Ar'un, r Eng. navigable by steamboats 800 m. from Arundel, Ar'un-del, t Eng. [dis Hun. its mouth in the Mississippi; one of Arva, lr'va, rs Sp. and Hun.; v and the United States, containing 52,197 Arve, flrv, r Sardinia. s. m.; pop. in 1854, 253,117, of whom Averni. See Auvergne. 199,224 were white, 60,279 slaves, Asahan, or Assahan, fls-q-h4n, t, dis and 614 free colored. and r Samatra. [pan. Arkansas Post, co t Ark. Asama-Yama, fl-sA-mq-y4-mq, 0vo JaArlanza, flr-lcn-tq, r Sp. Asbury, Az'ber-i, qu8 N-J., Ga., Ala., Arlanzon, Hr-1ln-tcn, r Sp. Tenn., O., Ill. Aries, firl, c and r-port Fr., 234. Ascalon, As'ka-lon, or Asculan, fls-ksArlington, flr'lig-ton, p os Vt., O., 1ln, ruined s-pt c Syria. Mich., Ill., Wis. Ascension, A-s6n-jon, i n. w. of St. Armacolola, flr-ma-ka-16-la, or in Ga. Helena; par La.; b Yucatan. [8x. Armada, Hr-mq-da, p o Mich. Aschaffenburg, Pf-fAf-en-burg, t Bav., Armagh, flr-m4, bor and c Ir., 9; t Pa. Aschersleben, Afi-erz-lA-ben, t Prus., 10. Armangon, fr-m6f-scn, r Fr. Ascoli, fls'k@-le, c It., 3. Armenia, flr-mg-ni-a, a mountainous Aseer, (or Asir,) fl-sgr, ind st Arabia. country of Western Asia, now po- Ashangee, fif-4n-ge, 1 Abys. litically defunct; v Ga. Ashantee, fi-qn-te, k W. Af. Armentieres, flr-moni-ti-kr, t Fr., 8%. Ashapoo, (or Ashepoo,) Af-a-pc6, r S.C. Armuchee, fir-mcS-qe, p o Ga. Ashborough, Af'bur-@, 0) N. C. Arnheim, flrn'him, or firn'him, v O. Ashby, Af'bi, v Ill. Arnhem, flrn'hem, (also Arnheim)ft t Ashbyburg, Al'bi-burg, v Ky. Neth., 16/; b Australia. Ashe, Af, co N. C. Arno, Ir'nce, r Tuscany. Asheville, Af'vil, V8 Pa., N. C., Ala. Arnon, fir-nnfi, r Fr.; fir'non, v Ill. Ashfield, AJ'feld, t Mass. Arnsberg, Pfrnz'berg, t and gov Ger. Ashford, AJ'ford, t and par Eng., 5; Aroa, f1-r-a, t and r Venezuela. ts Conn., N-Y., Wis. 22 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Ashland, AJ'land, co 0.; ts Mass., N-Y., Atalanta, At-a-lAn-tc, 9 Ill. Pa., Va., N. C., Ga., Tenn., O., Ia., Atascosa, At-as-k6-sa, cr Tex. Iowa; residence late Henry Clay, Ky. Atauai, A-ts-i, (Atooi, Atui, or Tauai,) Ashley, Af'li, r S. C.; co and v Ark.; Sandwich Islands. vs 0., Mo.; I Utah Ter. Atbara, Ht-bq-rq, ter and r Nubia. Ashley City, AS'li Sit-i, (or New Bal- Atchafalaya, Ag-af-a-li-a, Bayou Lou., timore,) v Mich. 250 m. Ashleyville, Af'li-vil, vs Mass., Mich. Atchison, Aq'i-son, co Mo. Ashpetuck, Af-ps-tdk, r Conn. Atchison City, t of Kanzas. Ashtabula, Af-ta-bi -lq, r, co and v 0. Aterno, Af-t6r-no, r Naples. Ashton, Af'ton, vs Pa., La., Mo., Wis. Atessa, H-t6s-q, t Naples, 72. Ashton-under-Lyne, Af'ton-un-der-lin, Ath or Aath, fit, ft t Belgium, 8%. t and par Eng., 30. Athabasca, At-a-bis-ka, (or AthapesAshuelot, AJ'ws-lot, r N-H. cow,) I and r British N. Am. Asia,'lfi-a, largest of the great di- Athens, At)enz, cap Gr., founded B. C. visions of the globe. Its greatest 1336, 30; co in O.; ts in N. Y., Pa., length, 7,500 m., breadth, 5,166 m.; Ga., O., &c. pop., 480,000,000, considerably more Athlone, At-16n, t Ir., 61%. than half the entire pop. of globe. Athol, Athole, or Atholl, H'tol, dis Asia Minor. See Anatolia. Scot.; t['tol, vs Mass., N-Y. Asiatic Archipelago. See Malay Arch. Athos, At'os, (Mount,) Holy m Gr. Asimagomy, fl-si-mq-g6-me, I U. C. Atitlan, fl-ti-tl4n, 1, t and vol Central Asirmintar, fl-ser-min-t4r, vol i One- Am. [Ky. kotan. Atkinson, At'kin-son, ts Me., N-H., Askeaton, As-kA-ton, t Ir. Atlanta, At-lan-ta, c Ga., 4. Asnieres, fls-ni-tr, several vs Fr. Atlantic, At-lan-tik, co and t N-J. Aspalaga, As-pa-14-gc, v Fa. Atlantic Ocean, the largest of the five Aspe, As'pa, t Sp., 634. [2'/. great hydrographical divisions of Aspinwall, As'pin-wel, s-pt Cen. Am., the globe; its extreme breadth is Aspropotamo, ls-pra-p6t-q-mo, largest 5000 m., and its area 25,000,000 s. m. river of Greece, 100 m. Atlas Mountains, At'las M'n-tenz, in Assabet, As'a-bet, cr and v Mass. N. Af. Assal, _-s4l, I Eastern Africa. Atlixco, At-liks-ko, t Mex. Assam, or Asam, A-sAtm, cy India. Atrato, fl-trA-tQ, r N-Gran. Assamoonick, As-a-m&c-nik, p o Vir. Atsion, At'si-on, r and v N-J. Assatchinskaya, fl-sqt-qin-ski-ycb, ol Attakaspa, A-tdk-a-pe, fertile dis S. Kamtchatka. part La. Assiniboin, A-sin-i-bern, r N. Am. Attakembo, fl-tq-kem-bc), one of the Assisi, l-sg-ss, t It., 6. [C. E. Feejee Islands. Assuapmoussoin, 1H-swqp-mc-swAn, I Attala, A-tc,-la, co Miss. Assumption, A-sdmp-fon, v and r C. Attawal, fl-tq-wel, is Red Sea. E.; p and v La. Attersee, fl-ter-st, l Upper Aus. Assumption, (Sp. fl-sa)h-si-6n, c S. Attica, At'i-ka, div of Gr.; vs N-Y., Am., cap Par. O., Mich., Ia., Iowa, Wis. Assyria, A-sir-i-a, modern Koordistan. Attleborough, At'l-bur-@, ts Mass., Pa. Asti, As'te, prov and c of Alessandria, Attoo, Attou, or Attu, H_-ti, largest 20. of the Aleutian Islands. Astonville, As'ton-vil, v Penn. Attoyac, At-a-Ak, r Tex. Astor, As'tor, r and ft of Cen. Asia; Aubagne, 0-b4ny, t Fr. v Wis. [Or. Aube, Oib, r and dep Fr. Astoria, As-t6-ri-c, v N-Y., Ill., Mo., Aubenas, Ob-nq4, t Fr. Astrabad, fs-trc-bdd, c and prov Per. Auburn, O'burn, c N-Y., 11; ts in Astrakhan, f1s-trq-hqn, gov and c of half the States of the Union. Rus. Auch, OJf, c Fr., 1214. Astura, ls-tc6-rq, v and r It. Aucheahachee, 0-qs-haq-s, r Ga., Asturias, _fs-tJc-ri-cqs, anc div Spain. sometimes called Little Ocmulgee. Asuay, or Assuay, H-sa)-i, or fl-sw, Auchtermuchty, Oh-ter-midh-te, burg dep Ec. and par Scot., 2%4. Atabapo, fl-tq-b4-po, r Yen. Auckland, Hk'land, pt of N-Zeal., Atacama, fl-tq-kA-mq, proe Bol. group of is in S. Pac. Oc. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 23 Aude, Qd, r and dep Fr. Ava, I'va, c Burmah, 30; principality Audrain, 0-drdn, co Mo. of Japan; v N-Y., Ga., Ill. Audubon, O'duq-bon, co Iowa; vs Avallon, fl-vq-ld6f, t Fr. Tenn., Ill. [O. Avalon, Av'a-lon, pen Newfoundland; Auglaize, 0-gliz, rs O., Mo.; co and t p o Md. Augsburg, Ogs'burg, (Ger.`gz'bsarg,) Avant, A-vant, p o Tex. c Bav., 38. Avares, f —v4-res, political div Cir. Augusta, 0-gdis-tca, co Va.; c Me., 10. Avatcha, fl-vqt-qq, t and b Kam. c Ga., 12; vs in over a dozen states. Avatchinskaya, fl-vqq-in-skj-yq, vol Augustowo,`'-g0ts-t6-vca, prov, t Pol. Kam. Aullagas, 5l-y4-gqs, I of Bol. Aveiro, fl-vi-se-ro, s-pt t Port.; t Bra. Aulne, On, r Fr. Avellino, H-ve-l-no, fortified episAuraria, 0-rqC-ri-a, v Ga. copal c Naples, 22 4. Auray, O-rd, r-pt Fr. Aven Loch, Loh f'ven, I Scot. Aven Aure, Or, r Fr. or Avon, several Scotch rivers. Aurelius, 0-r~-li-us, t N-Y., O. Averno, fl-vdr-nu, I Naples. Aurich, 7'rih, t Hanover. Aversa, fl-vdr-sq, t Naples, 163. Aurillac, O)-rel-y4k, t Fr., 11. Avery, a'ver-i, vqs Ill., Iowa. Aurora, O-r6-ra, ts Maine, N-Y., Ken., Avesnes, fl-v/n, ftt Fr., 34. O., Ind., Ill., Wis., i Red Sea. Aveyron, H-va-rnt, r and dep Fr. Aurungabad, O-rug-ga-bqd, c Hind., Avigliano, fl-vel-yt-n@, t Naples, 93. 60. Avignon, fl-ven-yshn, c Fr. 35. Au Sable, )-sq-bl, r N-Y.; q Ill. Aviston, Av'is-ton, v Ill. Austerlitz, Os'ter-litz, t Mor., vs N-Y., Avlona, flv-16-nq, t Albania, 8. Mich. [ous vs. Avo, fl'vQ, v Va. Austin, Os'tin, cap Tex., 3; numer- Avoca, fl-v6-kc, (or Ovoca,) val and Australasia, Os-tral-d-fi-a, div of the r Ir.; vs N-Y., Ala., Ill., Mo., Wis. globe, consisting of the continent of Avola, fl-v6-la, s-pt t Sic., 634. Australia, Van Diemen's Land, N- Avon, f'von, rs Wales, W. Australia; Zeal., and numerous other islands. numerous vs U. S. Australia, Os-tral-ya, or New Holland, Avondale, fl'von-dal, (or Avendale,) the largest island in the world, lies par of Scot.; v Penn. [rs in Eng. between the Indian and Pacific Ocs.; Avon (Hampshire,) (Lower,) (Upper,) greatest length 2400 m., breadth Avoyelles, Av-a-lz, par La. 1700 to 1900 m. including an area of Avranches, fiv-r6if, t Fr. 3,000.000 s. m. The British colonies Awe, Loch, Loh 9, I Scot. are directed by a governor appointed Axbridge, Aks'brij, t Eng. by the crown, and a legislative Axe, Aks, rs Eng. council, partly elective and partly Axholme, Aks'@)lm, Isle of, Eng. appointed by government; white Axoom, Axoum, flk-sdcm, anc. t Abys. pop. 500,000. Ayacucho, +-q-k6-qa, dep S. Peru. Australian Alps, ms of Australia. Ayamonte, +-q-m6n-ta, s-pt t Sp. Austria, Os'tri-a, one of the most ex- Ayasoolook, -cq-s&a-llk, v As. Min.; tensive of the European monarchies; site of the ancient Ephesus. comprising 258,000 s. m.; pop. in Ayersville, Arz'vil, p o N. C., O. 1850, 36,514,466. The government Aylesbury, aIlz'ber-i, bor and t Eng. is vested in the emperor, who exer- Ayletts, V'lets, v Vir. cises supreme control in all the prov- Aylmer, aIl'mer, I Brit. N. Am.; ts inces, excepting Hungary and Tran- C. E., C. W. sylvania. Aylsham, Il'fam, t Eng. Autauga, 0-t6-ga, cr and co Ala. Ayora, +-A-rq, t and r Sp. Auterive, O-ts-riv, t Fr. Ayr, Ar, r and s-pt t Scot., 10. Auteafil, O)-tdly, a enclosed within the Ayrshire, Ar'fer, CO Scot. new walls of Paris. Aysville, Elz'vil, p o Ia. Authie, O)-t0, and Authion, ()-ti-@a Azalia, A-zA-li-a, v Ia. rs of Fr. Azerbaijan, flz-er-bi-jAn, prov Persia. Autun, O-tdti, c Fr., 12. Azimghur, Az'im-gur, dis Brit. Ind. Auvergne, OC-vtrny, prov and ms Fr. Azio, fld'zi-o, dis and prom Gr. Auxerre, O)-sAr, c Fr., 144. Azof, Az'of, (Azoph, or Azov,) sea Auxonne, Ok-s6n, ftt Fr. 63. e. part of Europe. 24 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Azores, Az'aErz, or A-znrz, or Western Azpeytia, or Azpeitia, Rs-pA-i-t-cq, t Islands, in the N. Atlantic Oc., be- Spain. longing to Portugal. Aztalan, Az'tal-an, v Wis. B. Baagie, B6-ge-e, i Denmark. Bahama Islands, 500 islands belonging Baalbec, Bql-bek, ruined t of Syria, 2. to Great Britain, n. e. of Cuba, 28. Bababeg, Bq-bq b6g, t Persia. Bahar, Ba-hqr, t British India, 30. Baba-dagh, Bcq-bq-d4g, t Eu. Tur., 10; Bahia, Bq-g-q, prov Bra. m As. Min. [10. Bahia, or Sao Salvador, Sq-oeg Sql-vqBabakanda, Bc-bq-k4n-dq, t W. Af., ddr, s-pt c Brazil. Babba, B4-bq, i As. Arch. Bahia Honda, Bq-g-q 6n-dq, lhar Cuba. Bab-el-mandeb, Bqb-el-m4n-deb, str Bahlingen, Bq-liij-en, t Wiirtemberg. and gulf of the Arabian Sea. Bahrein, Bq-rdn, (or Aval Island,) i Babelthuap, Bq-bel-t-f-4p, Pelew is. in the Persian Gulf. Babylon, Bib-i-lon, anc. cap Babylonio- Baiboot, Bi-bdit, t Asiatic Turkey. Chaldean Empire, whose walls were Baikal, Bi-kql, I or Holy Sea, Siberia. 60 m. in circumference, 87 thick, Bailleul, Bq-yb, t Fr., 7. and 350 high. Bainbridge, Bdn-brij, many vs U. S. Babylonia, Bab-i-l6-ni-a, anc. prov Bains-du-Mont-d'Or, Bafi-de-mofMiddle As., now called Bagdad. der, v Fr., celebrated for mineral Bacalar, Bq-kq-lAr, s-pt t Yucatan, 4. baths. Back's River, Brit. N. Am. Bairdstown, Bfrdz-t-n, v Ga. Bacolor, Bq-ko-lbr, t on i Luzon, 834. Baireuth, Bi-ret, c Bav., 17. Badajos, Bad-a-h6s, ft c Sp. 11. Baise, or Bayze, Baz, r Fr. Bad Axe, co, p o and r Wis. Baja, B6-yo, t Hun., 141/. Baden, B4-den, grand duchy of the Bajada-de-Santa-Fe, Bq-h4-dq-da-s4nGerman Confederation; t in Baden, tq-fa, c Entre Rios, 6. 6; ts Swit., Lower Aus.; Bi/-den, c Bajibo, Bq-j&-b@, ts Western Africa. Pa. [Arch. Bajoor, or Bajour, Bqc-jr, dis and t of Badong, Bcq-d6i, et and s-pt t Malay Northern Afghanistan. Badoor, Bq-dcbr, (or Bhugwar,) r Bel. Bakel, Bq-k6l, c Western Africa. Baena, Bq-at-nq, (or Vaena,) t Sp., 13. Baker, BA-ker, co Ga.; v 0. Baeza, Bq-fi-tq, (or Baega,) t Sp., Baker's Falls, Hudson River, N-Y. 104'. [N. Am. Bakhtchissarai, Bqh-qis-a-ri, t Russia. Baffin's Bay, Bif-inz Ba, inland sea Bakhtegan, Bah-ta-gAn, I Persia. Baganga, Bq-g(iq-gq, s-pt t and b Mal. Bakhtiyari, Bqh-ti-yj-re, ms Persia. Arch. Bakony-Wald, Bo-k6ny-vcqlt, m Hun. Bagaria, Bq-gq-rE-q, or Bagheria, Bq- Bakoo, Bakou, or Baku, Bcq-kc6, s-pt ga-re-q, t Sicily. Rus., 5%; t Mol. Bagdad, Bqg-dqd, c As. Tur., 65; Balabac, Bq-lq-bqhl, i Malay Arch. Pashalic of, ter As. Tur.; Big-dad, Balaguer, Bq-la-g4r, ft t Sp. vs Tenn., Mo. Balakhna, Bq-lAh-na, t Rus. Baghul, Bq-gdl, Sikh states, Hind. Balaklava, Bqclq-kl4-vq, t Rus., 3X. Baglen, Bqg-len, or Bagaleen, Bq-ga- Balasore, Bql-a-s6r, dis British India; lan, Dutch residency on i of Java. t and cap, 112. Bagnires-de-bigorre, Bqn-y4r-de-be- Balatony, B4-lq-tony, I Hun. gor, t Fr., watering-place. Balbriggan, Bal-brig-an, t Ir., 3. Bagneres-de-luchon, Bqu-y/~r-de-lsq- Balgas, or Balsas, Bcl-sqs, r Brazil, 200. JQA, watering-place, Fr. Bald Eagle Mountain, Pa. Bagnoli, Bqn-yd-ls, t Naples. Baldo, Monte, M6n-ta Bl1-do, m Lom. Bagnolo, Bqn-yd6-1, t Piedmont. Baldwin, B6ld-win, cs and ts U. S. Bahala, Ba-hA-la, cr Miss. Balearic Isles, Ba-li-rik flz, is Med. Bahama Channel, Ba-hi-mq CGn-el, or Balfurosh, Bcl-fur-bJ, t Per., pop. in Gulf of Florida, sea between Florida 1822, 200,000, but since devastated coast and Bahama Islands. by the plague and cholera. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 25 Balize, Belize, Ba-lIz, (or British Hon- Bann, Bqn, r Ir. duras,) British colony e. of Yucatan; Bannacks, Ban-aks, (or Boonaks,) incap Honduras; v and pass at the dians in Oregon. mouth of the Mississippi river. Bantallan, Bqn-tq-l4n, i Malay Arch. Balkan, Bql-kfcn, m Eu. Tur. Bantam, Bqn-tem, k Dutch East InBalkash, Bcql-kqf, 1 Central Asia. dies; t and r of Java; Ban-tam, v 0. Balkh, Bqlh, prov and c Cen. Asia. Baracoa, Bq-rq-kd-q, s-pt t W. Ind. Ballinahinch, Bal-in-a-hing, 1, r and Barak, Bq-rqk, r Farther Ind. t Ir. Baranca, Nueva, Nwa-vq Bq-rqn-kq, Ballina, Bal-e-n4, t Tr., 5Y1. t New Granada. Ballinasloe, Bal-in-a-sl6, t Ir. Barataria, Bar-a-t4-ri-a, b s. e. La. Ballon D'Alsace, Bq-lfi-Dctl-sfs, rnz of Barbados, or Barbadoes, Bqr-bd-dnz, the Vosges chain in France. eastern of the Carribbee Islands; Ballon de Guebwiller, - Geb-ve-lr, Bqr-b4-d)s, r Brazil. m Vosges chain, Fr. Barbary, Bqr-ba-ri, division of Af. Ballston Spa, B61-ston Spq, o N-Y. Barbour, Bcr-bur, v Ala. Ballymena, Bal-i-mg-na, t Ir. Barboursville, co ts Va., Ky. Baltic, B61-tik, inland sea of N. Eu. Barcelona, Bqr-sa-t16-ncq, provey and s-pt t Baltic Provinces, Russian governments Sp., 121iS; t and port Ven.; v N-Y. of Courland, Esthonia, Livonia, St. Bardstown, Bqrdz-tsn,(o? Bairdstown,) Petersburg, and Finland. t Ky. Baltimore, B61-ti-mor, s-pt t Ir.; nu- Bareily, Bar-s-l, dis and a Brit. Ind. merous vs in U. S.; c Md., 200. Barge, B4r-ja, t Piedmont, 7. Bambarra, Bam-bar-a, ind st W. Af. Bargoozeen, (or Bargouzin,) Bar-gDnBambecque, Bofi-b6k, v Fr. zin, r Siberia. Bamberg, B4m-berg, t Bayv., 19%. Bari, Bq-re, ft c Naples, 274. Bambook, Bambouk, Bqm-bc6k, cy Af. Bark River, Wis. Bamian, Bqt-mi-4n, (or Baumeean,) Bar-le-Duc, Bqr-le-dek, t Fr., 14Y3. valley and pass of Afghanistan. Barletta, Bar-let-q, s-pt c Naples, 20. Banalbufar, Bqn-yql-bce-fcr, t island Barmen, Bar-men, t Prussia, 35. of Majorca, 5. Barnaul, Bar-nl, t w. Siberia, 10. Banana, Bq-nq-nq, is n. w. of Africa. Barnegat, Bqr-ne-g/t, v N-Y.; b and t Bananal, Bq-nq-nal, i of Brazil in the N-J. river Araguay. Barnsley, B4rnz-li, t Eng., 15. Banas-Chai, Ben-qs-qi, r Asia Minor. Barnstable, Birn-sta-bl, co and t Mass. Banat, Bq-nqt, prov Austria. Barnstaple, B4rn-sta-pl, s-pt t Eng. Banca, or Banka, BA}-kq, i in Malay Barnwell, Bqrn-wel, dis and t S. C. Arch., 35. [Mass., Ga. Baro, Bq-r6, r Africa. Bancroft, BAn-kroft, co Iowa; ts Me., Baroach, Bq-r6q, dis of British India. Banda, Bc n-dq, Isles, twelve small is- Baroda, Ba-r6-da, c Hindostan. [12. lands in the Molucca Arch. Barquesimeto, Bqr-ka-si-md-to, c Yen. Banditti, Ban-dit-i, Isle, Malay Arch. Barraboo, Bar-a-bd, r and t Wis. Bandon, Ban-don, r and t s. of Ir., 9. Barrada, (or Burada,) Ba-r4-dq, r Syr. Banela, Ba-ng-la, v Miss. Barra, BAr-q, Islands, w. coast Scot. Banff, Bqmf, bor and s-pt t Scot. Barre, BAr-E, t Vt. Bangalore, Bai.-ga-16r, ft t s. Ind., 60. Bareges, Bqr-sg., watering place of Fr. Bangkok, or Bankok, Ban-k6k, cap c Barren River, Tenn. Siam, 400. Barriers Reef, n. e. coast of Australia. Bangor, Bag-gor, c s-pt and par North Barrow, Bar-u, (or Borragh,) r Ir. Wales; s-pt t and par Ir.; c Me., 20. Bartholomew, Bqr-t61l —mq,, bayous Bang-pa-kung, Bqp-pq-kd1J, r Siam. Ark. and La., nav. 250 miles; co Ind. Banguey, Bo3-ga, i Malay Arch. Barton, Bqr-ton, num. vs U. S.; r Vt. Baniak, Bc-ni-4k, Islands, Ind. Oc. Bartsch, Bqrq, r Prus. Banialuka, Bq-ni-q-lk6-ka, ft t Eu. Baseelan, (or Basilan,) Bq-si-lcqn, i Tur., 74. Sooloo Arch. Banister, Ban-is-ter, r and v Vir. Basel, Bq-zel, canton and t Swit., 27/. Banjermassin, or Banjarmassin, Bqn- Bashkeers, o(r Bashkirs, B4f-ksrz, peoyer-mc-sin, cy of Borneo. pie of Russia, inhabiting the plains Banjoemas, Bqn-yw-m4s, t Datch East adjoining the South Uralian Mts. Indies, 9. Basiento, Bq-si-6n-to, r Naples. 3 26 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Baskahegan, Bas-ka-hli-gan, r and I Beaufort, B-f6o', ts Fr. Me. Beaufort, Bi-fort, co and t N. C. Basque, Bask, Provinces, Sp. Beauharnais, Bu-hqr-nd, v C. E. Bassano, Bq-sqC-no, c n. Italy, 12. Beaulieu, Bu-li-e, t Fr.; BAi-li, r Eng. Basse-Terre, Bqs-tkr, s-pt t W. I., 1 2/3. Beauly, B1-li, r Scot. Bassorah, B1s-o-rq, c As. Tar., 60. Beaumaris, Ba-mA-ris, s-pt t N. W. Bastia, Bqs-tg-q, s-pt t Corsica, 12KY. Beaumont, Bo-mfi, ts Fr., Bel. Bastrop, Bas-trop, co and t Tex. Beaumont, B1-mont, vs U. S. Batavia, Ba-tt-vi-a, (Dutch Bq-tc- Beaune, Bun, anc t Fr., 11. vi-q,) c Java, 118/; vs N-Y., O., Ill. Beauvais, Bo-vd, c Fr., 144. Bath, Bqt, c Eng., 54V4; c Me., 12; Beaver, Bg-ver, and numerous comnumerous vs U. S. [Va. pounds; crs and ts U. S. Bath Alum Springs, watering place, Beaver Islands, Lake Michigan. Bathurst, Bat-urst, t N-B.; i N. Aus- Beaver Lake, Jasper co., Ia. [Pa. tralia; I Newfoundland. Beaver River, different rs N-H., N-Y., Batignolles-Monceaux, Bq-ten-ybl- Beeancour, Ba-koft-kcdr, v C. E. muit-s6, t 194. Bechuanas, Bet-qw-4-naz, a nation of Baton Rouge, Bat-on Rc5, ctap La., 43. S. Af. Batoo, Bq-tcd, vol is Malay Arch. Bedford, Bed-ford, t Eng., 114; nuBatoom, Bq-tim, s-pt t Tur. in As., 25. merous co8 and ts U. S. Batso, BAt-su, r and v N-J. Bedouin, Ba-dw&fi, t Fr. Battahatchee, Bat-a-hqg-e, r Ala. See Bedouin, or Beduin, B6d-a-in, inhabButtahachie. itants of the desert, supposed to be Battam, Bq-t4m, i Malay Arch. derived from Ishmael, the population Battenkill, Bit-en-kil, r Vt. of Arabia. Battle Creek, cr and t Mich. Beemah, Bi-mq, r S. Ind. 400 m. Baubaugo, Bo-b6-go, cr Ia. Beersheba, Be-.r-fe-ba, a ruined t of Baubula, Bs-b6-lq, r Sp. Palestine. Baughman, B6-man, v O. [livia. Begsheher, Beg-fhA-her, I and r As. Baure, Bi-ra, (Baurus, Bi-rvs,) r Bo- Min. Bautzen, Bit-sen, t Saxony, 12. Behring, BE-rig Sea, N. Pac. Oc.; str Bavaria, Ba-vd-ri-a, (Kingdom of,) between Asia and Am. part of Ger. confederation, 4,559,442; Beilan, Ba-1ln, t and pass of Syria. its government is a constitutional Beit-el-Fakih, BAt-el-F4-kzk, t Ar., 3. monarchy. Beja, Bd-3q, t Port., 53. Bavispe, Bq-vis-pa, t and r Mex. Bejapoor, Bs-ja-pdSr, c S. Ind. [19. Bay, Bi, 1 island of Luzon. Bekes, Ba-kSf, (or Bekesvar,) t Hun., Bayamo, Bq-yc-m@, (or San Salvador,) Bela, Belah, Beila, or Beylah, Ba-lq, t Cuba, 14. t Beloochistan, 5. Bayan, Bi-4n, mountain range Asia. Belaia, Ba-li-q, or Bielaja, Bya-l4-yq, Bayazeed, Bi-a-zgd, ft t Tur. Armenia. r Rus., 550 m. Bayeux, Bq-y., c Fr., 94. Belair, Be-lqr, v Vt. Bay Islands, in the Bay of Honduras. Bel Air, Bel Ar, a Md., Ga., Ill. Baylique, Bi-ld-ka, i coast of Brazil. Beled-el-Jereed, Be-ld-el-Jer-gd, sterBayonne, Bq-y6n, ft e Fr., 185. ile region of Af. Bayou, Bi-w, or Bi-@, a term confined Belfast, Bel-fist, s-pt t Ir., 120; s-pt chiefly to La., Tex., and Ark., sig- t Me. nifies a stream which is derived from Belgium, B61-ji-um, a k of Cen. Eu., some other stream or from a lake. divided into 9 prov.; Antwerp, S. Bayou Bceuf, - Bef, - Chicot, Mg-ks, Brabant, E. Flanders, W. Flanders, - Goula, G6-lc, - Pierre, PEs-r, Hainaut, Liege, Limbourg, Luxem- Ramois, Rq-m&, - Sara, Sa-ra, bourg, and Namur; having a total vs La. pop. of 4,359,090, who for the most Baza, Bq-tcq, c Sp., 10. part, speak the Fr. language; governBear Lake, Bqr Lak, I Brit. N. Am. ment is a constitutional monarchy. Bear, or Utah River, Utah and Oregon Belgrade, Bel-grid, ft c of Servia, Ter.; also California. pop. 30. Beas, Bg-as, or Beypasha, Bd-paj-q, Bellechasse, Bel-fSs, co C. E. r Punjab, 220 miles. Bellefontaine, Bel-f6n-tan, "fine founBeaucaire, B@-kkr, t Fr. 11. tain," ts 0., Ia., Mo., Iowa. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 27 Bellefonte, Bel-f6nt, vs Pa., Ala., Mo. Berkshire, Berk-fsr, cos and vs U. S. Bellemont, Bel-m6nt, v Tenn. Berlin, Ber-lin, (Ger. Ber-lIn,) c Ger., Bellemonte, vs Pa., Mo. cap Prussian monarchy; except Belle River, stream Mich. Vienna, Berlin is the largest t in Belleview, Bel-vli, numerous vs U. S. Ger., pop. in 1852, 442,000. Belleville, B61-vil, numerous vs U. S. Bermuda, Ber-m6-da, (or Bermudas,) Bellevue, Bel-vAi, vs Ga., 0., Mich., is N. Atlantic Oc., belonging to Great Iowa. Britain, 15. Bellona, Be-16-na, v N-Y. [vs U. S. Bern, or Berne, Bern, canton and t of Belmont, Belmonte, Bel-m6nt, cos and Swit., 27/. Beloit, Br-l6t, v Wis. Bernadotte, Ber-na-d6t, v Ill. Beloochistan, Bel-M-kis-tqn, mountain- Bertie, Ber-ti, co N. C. onus cy of S. As.; the government is Berwick, Bir-ik, co and t Scot. despotic; pop. uncertain, estimated Berwick, Ber-wik, vs U. S. at from 450,000 to 2,000,000. Besangon, Be-zofi-s6th, ft c Fr., 41x4. Belvidere, Bel-vi-dir, ts U. S. Bessarabia, Bes-a-ra-bi-a, prov S. Ras. Benares, Ben-4-rez, c of Hind.; sta- Bethany, Bit-a-ni, vs Pal., and of U. tionary pop. est. at from 200, to 600. S.; seat of College established in Ben-Aven, Ben-d-ven, m Scot. 1841 by Alexander Campbell. Bencruachan, Ben-krdc-han, m Scot. Bethel, Bit-el, t Pal.; and vs U. S. Benevento, Ben-e-ven-tQ, c S. It., Bethlehem, Bit-le-hem, c of Pal., 16Y2. birth place of the Founder of ChrisBengal, Ben-g61, prov Brit. Ind., con- tianity; vs IJ. S. sisting mainly of the immense valley Bethune, Ba-ten, ftt Fr., 8. of the Ganges; pop. 57,985,656. Betisbooka, or Betisbouka, Ba-tis-b6Bengal, Bay of, part of the Indian Oc. kq, r Madagascar. Benguela, Ben-gd-lq, cy of W. Af. Bettws, Bit-4as, pars Eng., and Wales. Beni, Ba-ng, dep and r of Bol.; 2000 m. Betwah, Bet-wq, r Hind. Benicia, Be-nif-i-a, former cap Cal., 2. Beulah, BAi-la, ts N. C., Iowa. Benin, Ben-9n, a negro cy, r and t Bevedero, Ba-va-da-r@, 1 La Plata. W. Af., 15. Beverly, Bir-er-li, ts Mass., N-J., Vir., Benlawers, Ben-16-erz, m Scot. Ohio. [Ga., Ala. Benledi, Ben-1ld-i, m Scot. Bexar, Ba-4r, or Ba-h7r, co Tex.; vs Ben-Lomond, Ben-16-mond, m Scot., Beyroot, Beyrout, Beirout, Ba-rwt, s-pt also of Vandiemen's Land. t of Syria, 30. Ben-Macdhui, Ben-mak-d6-i, m Scot. Beziers, Ba-zi-a, c Fr., 19%. Ben-More, Ben-m6r, m Scot. Bhadrinath, Bhad-rin-4th, t N. Hind., Ben-Nevis, Ben-ng-vis, m Scot., also in a valley of the Himalayas, 10,294 Van Diemen's Land. ft. above the sea, remarkable for a Bennington, Bin-irj-toa, various cos temple visited annually by 50,000 and ts U. S. Hindoo pilgrims. Bentevoglio, Ben-te-vbl-yo, t Va. Bhamo, Bhcq-m6, or Bhanmo, Bhqn-m6, Benton, Bin-ton, numerous cos and ts large t Burmah. U. S. Bhawlpoor, Bhel-pc6r, ind st N. W. Berbice, Ber-bgs, dis and r Brit. Gui. Hind.; cap c 20. Berdiansk, Ber-di-4nsk, t S. Rus., 10. Bheels, Bl1z, mountaineers of Hind. Berditchev, Ber-di- gv, t Rus. Pol., 20. Bhirjan, Brr-j4n, Beerjoon, Brr-jdSn, Berea, Br-ri-a, ts N. C., O. ts Pers. Beresina, Ber-i-zg-nq, r Rus., 200 m. Bhooj, Bhwoj, ft c Hind., 30. Bergamo, Bir-gq-m@, ft c Lom., 32y. Bhurtpoor, Bhurt-pacr, or Bhartpoor, Bergen, Bir-gen, ft c Nor., 253; ts Bhqrt-pc6r, state and c Hind. Prus., Neth.; Ber-gen, co N-J.; vs Bialystok, Bi-f4l-is-tok, prov and c Eu. N-Y., N-J. [Neth., 10. Rus. Bergen-op-zoom, Birg-en-op-z)m, ft t Bickaneer, Bicanere, or Bicanir, BikBergerac, Ber-3e-rdk, t Fr., 102. an-9r, state Hind.; ft t cap, 70. Bergholtz, Birg-hclts, v N-Y., 2. Bidais, Br-dd, cr Tex. Bergues, Berg, ft t Fr., 6. Bidschow, Bgq-ov, t Bohemia. Berhampoor, Ber-qm-pc6r; t Brit. Ind. Bielopol, Be-a-16-pol, t Rus., 9. Berja, Bir-lcq, t Sp., 94. Bienne, Br-in, I and t Swit. Berkeley, B.rk-li, t Eng.; cos U. S. Bienville, Be-in-vil, par La.; p o Miss. 28 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Bigelow's (mills,) Big-E-loz, p o Ia. Blackwell's Island, BlAk-welz, in the Bighton, Bi-ton, par Eng. East River, opposite N-Y., seat of Big Plover, Pldv-er, r Wis. the city penitentiary. Bijawar, Bejawer, Be-j6-er, or Bejour, Blanche, Blqnq, v Mo. BE-j'-er, state Hin. Blaye, Bla, ft s-pt t Fr. Bilbao, Bil-bq-a, (often written and Blegno, or Blenjo, Bl1n-yo, r Swit. pronounced, in English, Bilboa, Bil- Blenheim, Bl6n-im, or Bl6n-hjm, v ba-a, c and port Sp., 12. Bayv.; N-Y. Billerica, Bil-er-ik-a, v Mass. Bligh, Bl1 (Islands,) Feejee Arch. Biloxi, Bi-16ks-i, v and b Miss. Block Island, belonging to Rhode Is. Bingham, BiU-ham, ts Me., Penn., Blois, Blwq, ac c F'r., 174. [U. S. Mich. Bloomfield, ts Me., N-J.; and many vs Binghamton, Bii-am-ton, c N-Y. Bloomington, t Ia., 2; and other states. Bingtang, Bip-tUaj, i Malay Arch. Bloomsburg, Bldmz-burg, t Pa. Biobio, Bg-a-b~-o, r Chili, 200 m. Blount, Bl5nt, cos Ala., Tenn. Biorneborg, Bi-6r-ne-borg, s-pt t Fin. Bluefields, or Blewfields, Bl6-feldz, r Birioossa, Be-ri-&-sq, r Siberia. and t Mosquito Ter. Birkenhead, Berk-en-hed, t Eng., op- Blue Mountains, in Pa., Or., Jamaica, posite Liverpool, 24&. Australia. [ghany ms. Birket-el-Hadji, B6r-ket-el-Had-jj, Blue Ridge, easterly ridge of the Ale( "lake of pilgrims,") 10 m. n. e. of Blue River, three streams of Ia., one rairo. of Wis. Birmingham, Ber-mii-am, c Eng.; 232- Bluestone, r s. w. part Vir. Y; Ber-mi!-ham, manufacturing ts Blyth, or Blythe, Blit, three rs Eng. Conn., N-Y., Pa., and numerous vs. Boavista, Ba-q-vds-tq, (or Bonavista,) Birnee, B.r-ns, (Birnie, old,) t Cen. i Af. Af., 10, once 200. Bocchetta, Bo-kdt-q, m W. Apennines. Bisayas, Be-si-qs, Philippine Islands, Bockenheim, B6k-en-h.m, t Hesse excepting Luzon. Cassel. In. w. La. Biscay, Bis-ka, or Biscaya, Bis-ki-q, Bodcau, B6d-kw, (Lake and Bayou,) prov of N. Spain; (Bay of,) w. Bodega, Ba-dg-ga, v and b Cal. coast of France. Boeotia, Be-6-Ji-a, dep of Gr. Bisceglia, Bez-fl-yq, s-pt t Naples. Boglipoor, B6-gli-pdr, (or BhaugulBischwiller, Bij-vil-er, t Fr., 64. poor,) dis Brit. Ind., cap same, 30. Bisignano, Be-sen-y4-ne, t Nap., 10. Bogota, Bo-ga-t4, (formerly Santa Fe Bissagos, Bc-s4-gQs, or Bijooja Islands, de Bogota,) c cap New Granada, 40. Bs-jcb-ja, arch off the w. coast of Bohemia, BQ-hg-mi-a, div Austrian Af., densely peopled with a savage Empire, forming the e. part of the negro race. Germanic Confederation, 20,000 s. Bissao, Bs-s4-efi, i W. Af. m.; pop. in 1850, 4,409,900. Bistineau, Bis-tin-6, I La. Bohmerwald, Be-mer-vqlt, m Ger. Bistritz, Bis-trits, r and c Tran. between, Bohemia and Bavaria. Bitioog, Be-ti-ag, r Rus. Bohol, BQ-h61, one of the Phil. Is. Bizerta, Be-zdr-tq, ft s-pt Tunis, 10. Bois Blanc, Bwq Blofi, i Lake Huron. Blackfeet Indians, n. and w. portions Bois D'ark, Ba Dqrk, v Mo.; r Tex. of Mo. Territory. Bois-le-duc, BwA-le-d.k, ft c Neth., Black Hills, m range Mo. Ter. 21%. Black Hole. See Calcutta. Bojana, Bo-y4-nq, r Eu. Tur. Black Lake, La., formed by a bayou of Bokhara, Bo-hd.-rq, (called also Great its own name. Bucharia,) state of Central Asia, in Black log Mountain, Pa. Ind. Toorkistan, pop. 2,000,000; c, Black River, rs Cornwall, Ir., Vt., N- cap of same, 150. Y., N-J., S. C., La., Mo., O., Mich., Bolabola, Ba-lq-bb-lq, (or Borabora,) Wis., Mo. Ter. one of the Society Islands, Pac. Oc., Black, or Euxine, Yqrk'sin, inland sea Bolbec, Bol-beh, t Fr., 9/. between Europe and Asia, length Bolingbroke, B6l-i3-briak, t Eng. 1. 700 m., breadth, 380 m. Bolivar, B61-i-var, various ts U. S. Black Warrior River, Ala. Bolivia, Ba-l-vi-q, or Upper Peru, Blackwater, r Ir., 100 m.; three rs st South America. Area, 374,480 Eng.; (River,) N-H., Ya. s. m. pop. 1,030,000. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 29 Bolivia, Bu-liv-i-a, vs Miss., Mo. Bosporus, B6s-po-rus, (less correctly, Bologna, Bo-16n-yq, c It., 75. Bosphorus,) called also the Strait of Bolonchen, BG-lon-q6n, a Yucatan, 7. Constantinople, a passage connecting Bolor-Tagh, Bo-16r-tqg, mountain the Black Sea with the Sea of Marchain of Central Asia. mora, and separating Europe from Bolsas, B6l-sqs, r Mexico. Asia, 17 miles long. Bomarsund, B6-mar-sand, ft island of Bossier, Bos-i-t, par La. Aland, Russia. Boston, B6s-ton, s-pt t and par Eng., Bombay, Bom-bit, most westerly Pres- 15/; second commercial city of the idency of British India. Area, 68,074 U. S., cap Mass., 137. s. m., pop. 7,240,277; c, s-pt and cap B6sz6rmeny, Bez-er-mdny, t Hun., 17. of the above presidency, 500. Botany, B6t-a-ni, Bay, Pacific Ocean. Bona, or Bonah, Bdc-nq, ft s-pt Alge- Botetourt, B6t-s-tort, co Va. ria, 9X. Bothelle, B-t)Bl, p o Wis. Bonaparte, B6-na-pqrt, vs Ill., Iowa. Bothnia, B6t-ni-q, cy Nor. Eu.; g nor. Bon Aqua, Bon atkwa, p o Tenn. part of Baltic Sea. [Fr. Bonaventure, Bon-q-v6fi-ter, co C. E. Bouches-du-Rhone, Bbf-de-ron, dep Bondoo, or Bondou, Bon-d&6, cy Sene- Bouchoux, Les, La Ba)-fci, v Fr., 1/. gambia. [Arch. Bouckville, Bik-vil, p o N-Y. Bongay, or Bangey, Bon-ga, i Malay Bougainville, Bao-gafi-vdl, b in S. Am.; Bon Homme, Bon-om, t Mo. i in the Pacific. Bonite, Bu-net, p o Tex. Bouguenais, Bag-nd, t Fr. Bonn, Bon. t Rhenish Prussia, 14K. Bouie, Bc1-e, r Miss. Bonne Femme, Bon Fem, cr Mo. Bouillon, Ba)l-ySfi, or Ba-yfie, t Bel. Bonpland, Bdfi-p16tf, I Cal. Bouin, B-atfi, or Bwafi, i w. coast Fr. Bonsecours, or Bonesecour, Bon-se- Boulogne, Ba-1in, or Ba-l1dny, s-pt t kcir, b Ala. Fr., 30%. Boom. Bom, t Belgium, 6K. Bourbeuse, Baor-bez, or Ba)r-bchz, r Mo. Boondee, Bc6n-de, st and c Hindostan. Bourbon, Bcr-bhfi, i Indian Ocean, Boone, Ban, cos, -ville, ts U. S. Fr., 108; Bdr-bon, co Ky. [12. Boorghas, Bar-g4s, s-pt t Eu. Tur., 6. Bourg-en-Bresse, Barg-ofi-Bres, t Fr., Boorhanpoor, Boar-han-pcdr, c India. Bourges, Bar3, c Fr., 25, built six cenBooro, or Bouro, B1b-ro, i Malay Arch. turies before the Christian era. Boosempra, Baz-s6m-pra, r Wes. Af. Bourne, Born, t and par Eng. Boossa, or Boussa, B1S-sa, t Cen. Af., 18. Bourneville, Bc6rn-vil, v 0. Bootan, or Boutan, Ba-tcn, ind st N. Boutonne, Ba)-t6n, r Fr. India. Bouvignes, Bca-vgny, v Bel. Boothia, B16-ti-q Fg-liks, insular por- Bouxviller, Bao-vel-4r, t Fr. tion Brit. N. Am., - Gulf, Brit. Am. Bovina, B1-vi-na, ts N-Y., Miss. Boquet, Bo-kt, r N-Y. Bovino, Bo-vi-no, t Naples. Bordeaux, Bor-d6, c Fr., 131. Bowdark, Bo-dArk, v Mo. Borgia, B6r-jq, t Naples. Bowditch, B16-dig, i S. Pac. [Me. Borgne, Born, I or b s. e. part of La. Bowdoin, B1-din, College, Brunswick, Borgoo, or Borgou, Bor-gc6, two ks Af. Bowdon, B1S-don, p os Ga., Ala. Borinage, Bu-ri-ntg, dis Belgium. Bowenville, B6-en-vil, a Ga. Borneo, B6r-ns-u, i Malay Arch., ex- Bowersville, B'-erz-vil, v 0. cepting Australia the largest island Bowie, B&6-E, co Tex. on the globe. The greatest length Bowlesville, Bdlz-vil, p o Va. is 850, width 600 miles; area, 280,000 Bowling Green, numerous vs U. S. s. m., pop. 2,000,000. [22. Bowman, B6-man, p o Va. Borneo, or Brunai, Br&-nj, t Borneo, Boyaca, Bo-yq-kq, v New Granada. Bornholm, B6rn-holm, i Denmark, in Boyana, Bo-y4-nq, b and t Madagascar. the Baltic Sea, 26K/. Boydton, Btfd-ton, p o S. C. Borodino, Bor-o-di-nu, v N-Y. Boyer, B6'-er, River, Iowa. Borovsk, Bu-r6vsk, t Russia. Boyne, Boan, r Ir. Boscawen, B3s-ka-wen, t N-H. Bozzolo, B6t-so-lo, t N. Italy, 5. Bosco Tre-case, B6s-ku Tra-k4-sa, t Bra, Brq, t Piedmont, 8. Naples, 8K. [60. Brabant, Brq-bjnt, North, prov NethBosna Serai, B6s-nq Ser-i, t Eu. Tur., erlands; - South, prov Belgium. Bosnia, B6z-ni-q, prov Ea. Tur. Braga, Br4-gq, c Port., 16. 30 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Braganga, Brq-g4n-sq, ts Port., Bra. Brihueja, Bre-wa-gq, t Spain. Brahe, Br4-e, r Prus. Brindisi, Brin-di-se, ft c Naples, 6/4. Brahilov, Brq-hi-16v, Brailoff, or Brai- Brioni, Bre-6-ne, Islands, in Adriatic. low, Brq-i-16v, ft t Wallachia, 6. Brioude, Bre-d6d, t Fr., 5. Brahmapootra, or Brahmaputra, Brc- Brisbane, Briz-ban, r co and t East ma-pd-tra, (or Burrampooter,) r Australia. South Asia, 1500 miles. Bristol, Bris-tol, s-pt c and co Eng., Brailes, Bralz, par Eng. [of Java. 137/; port of entry, R. I.; vs U. S. Brambanan, Brqm-bq-ndn, dis island Bristol Channel, s. w. arm of the AtBranco, Br4p-ko, one of the Cape de lantic, Great Btitain. Verd Islands; r Brazil. British America, Brit-if A-mer-i-ka, Brandenburg, Br4n-den-btarg, prov and northern portion of North America, t Prussia: Bran-den-burg, t Ky. comprising the Canadas, New BrunsBrandywine, Brdn-di-win, cr Pa., and wick, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Del. Prince Edward's Island, NewfoundBrathay, Bra-ta, r Eng. land, North-west Territory, and Brattleborough, Brft-l-bur-(, v Vt. Hudson's Bay Territory; 2,684,000. Braunau, Bri-ns, ts Upper Austria British Empire, The, Brit-if Em'pjr, in and Bohemia. many respects the greatest that has Braunfels, Brsn-felz, t Wis. ever existed, comprehends the folBraunsberg, Brinz-berg, t Prus, lowing colonies and dependencies:Bray, Bra, r Fr..Ebrope —British Isles, Helgoland, Brazil, Bra-zil, or Brq-zgl, empire of Gibraltar, Malta and Gozo, Ionian South America; area, 3,956,800 s. m. Islands. Africa-Gambia, Sierra It is divided into 18 provinces, pop. Leone, Gold Coast Possessions, Fer6,065,000. nando Po, Ascension, St. Helena, Brazoria, Bra-zc-ri-a, co and t Tex. Cape Colony, Natal, Matiritius, SeyBrazos, Brn-zos, co and r Tex., 900 m. chelles. Asia-Aden, India, (BritBrazos Santiago, - San-ti-4-go, v ish,) India, (Dependencies,) TenasTex. serim Provinces, Ceylon, Penang, Brazza, BrAt-sq, i Dalmatia, 15Y/. Malacca, Singapore, Labooan, Hong Breafy, Bri-fi, or Bra-fi, (Breagh- Kong. America-Canada East, wee, Bra-we,) par Ir. Canada West, New Brunswick, Nova Breathitt, Br6t-it, co Ky. Scotia and Cape Breton, Prince EdBreda, Bra-dI, ft t Netherlands, 1234. ward Island, Newfoundland, HudBreede, Brt-de, or Brsd, r S. Africa. son's Bay Territory, Labrador, West Brejo, BrA-gQ, t Brazil. India Islands, Bermudas, Honduras, Bremen, Bra-men, free city of Ger., Guina, Falkland Islands. Austral53; Brg-men, vs U. S. asia-New South Wales, South Breneau, Bre-na, r Oregon Ter. Australia, Western Australia, VicBrenta, Br6n-tq, nav r Lom. toria or Port Philip, Australia, (not Brescelia, Bra-J61-a, (or Bregella,) t settled,) Van Diemen's Land, New Nor. Italy, 2. Zealand, Norfolk Island, Auckland Brescia, Br6f-i-ac, or BreS-q, c Lom., Islands. Area, 8,356,781 s. m., pop. cap. of the province, 35. 205,884,357. Breslau, Br3s-le, or Brds-ls, c Prus., Britannia, Bri-tan-i-a, Islands, Pac. Oc. cap. of Silesia, 1124. Brixham, Briks-am, s-pt t Eng., 6. Brest, Brest, ft c Fr., 614. Brody, Br6-di, t Aus. Gallicia, 174. Breton, Cape, Brg-ton, i Brit. N. Am. Bromberg,Br6m-berg, t Prus. Pol., 912. Briangon, Brs-6&-soQf, t Fr., 4Y1. Bromley, Brim-li, t Eng. m Bridgeport, Brij-port,s-pt c Conn., &c. Brompton, Br6mp-ton, western suburb Bridgeton, Bri.j-ton, port of entry, N-J. of London, Eng. Bridgetown, Brij-t0n, cap i Barbados, Brornsgrove, Br6mz-grov, t Eng., 10/4. 19iY2X.'Bronte, Br6n-ta, t Sicily, 914. Bridgewater, Brij-wa-ter, bor and r-pt Brooklyn, Briak-lin, s-pt c N-Y., 125. Eng., 11; numerous ns U. S. Brookville, Brfik-vil, ts Ia., Ill., Iowa. Brieg, t Breh, Prus. Silesia, 1214. Broughton, Bre-ton, t Eng. Brighton, Bri-ton, bor s-pt t and wat- Broughty, Bre-ti, Ferry, t Scot. ering place, Eng., 694. Brownsville, Brknz-vil, ts N-Y., Pa., Brignoles, Bren-yOl, t Fr. Tex., Ark. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 31 Bruche, Breo, v Fr. Bujalance, B-hAq-ltn-ta, t Sp., 9. Bruchsal, Brtah-sql, t Ger., 7%. Bukharia, or Bacharia, BwD-kd-ri-a, Bruges, Brc6-jiz, ft c Bel.; pop. once ter Cen. Asia. 200, now scarcely 49%. Bulacan, Bac-lq-kqn, t Phil. Is., 934. Brunn, Bren, ft c Austrian Em.; cap Bulama, Ba-14-mq, is w. coast of Af. Moravia anwl Silesia, pop. 45 Bulga, Bcfl-gq, rn and t Abys. Brunswick, Brlinz-wik, duchy and c Bulgaria, Bal-gft-ri-a, prov Eu. Tar. Ger.; ts Me., Ga. Bullina, Bctl-yg-nq, rs Mex., Yuc. Brusa, or Broussa, Brc6-sc, (also Bursa,) Bullion, Bil-yon, t Wis. c As. Min., pop. 60. Bullit, B15l-it, co Ky. Brussels, Brds-elz, c, cap Bel., 1233. Bullock, Bl1-ok, co Ga. Briix, Breks, (or Brix,) t Bohemia, 3. Bulti, Bdl-ts, Baltee, B4l-ts, or BulBrzesc Litewski, B3ets Le-t6v-sk, ft t tistan, Bul-ti-stqn, (called also Little Ruse., 8. [icia, 7. Thibet,) state Central Asia. Brzezany, B3a-g4-ne, t Austrian Gal- Bunawe, Bun-6, v Scot. Brzezyn, B3A-zin, t Pol. 3%. Bunchiom, Bun-qi-6m, t Siam, 5. Buagie, Bco-q-gg, Sikh state Ind. Buncombe, Bdii-kom, co N. C. Bubrooah, Bub-r&-q, t Hind., 2000 Bundelcund, Bun-del-kdnd, ter Hind. houses. Bund-Emeer, Bund-s-mir, r Per. Buccaneer, Buk-q-ngr, arch Ind. Oc. Bunker Hill, celebrated height near Buccari, Bn-kq-re, s-pt t Aus. Boston, Mass. Buccino, Bobt-gq-n), t Nap., 51g. Bunpoor, Bun-pefr, ft and dis W. Bel. Buccleuch, or Buccleugh, Ba-klhi, par Buntzlau, Bints-l-, t Silesia 6%; t Scot. Bohemia, 5. Buchanan, Buk-an-an, cos and vs U. S. Burdette, Bur-ddt, v N-Y. Bucharest, or Bukharest, BnD-kq-rdst, Burdwan, Burd-w6n, dis Brit. Ind.; t cap Wallachia, pop. 6034. cap above dis., 54. Bucharia, Bq-ka-ri-a, ter Cen. Asia. Bureau, Bft-rc, co and creek Ill. Buchholz, Bth-h)lts, t Sax. Burg, Barha, t Saxony, 14K. Buckatawny Buk-a-tO-ni, r Miss. Burgau, Bdr-gs, t Bay. Bickeburg, B.k-e-bdrg, t N. Ger. Burgdorf, Bcr/h-dorf, t Swit. Buckingham, Bdk-ij-ain, t Eng. Biirglen, B.rf-len, v Swit. Bucyrus, Bq-si-rus, t 0., 21,. Burgos, BC6r-g6)s, prov and c Sp., 16. Buda, Bij-do, free c, cap Hun., 403,. Burgstein, Be.hl-stin, (or Birkstein) Budeaux, 1B-do, par Eng. v Bohemia. Biidos-Hegy, Be-d6f -hej, m, Tran. Burgundy, Bur-gdin-di, former prov Fr. Budukhshan, Bud-uh-lqn, (or Badakh- Burhampoore. See Burhanpoor. shan,) ter Cen. Asia; t, cap of the Burhampooter River. See Brahmasame. pootra. Budweis, Bsd-wis, or Budwitz, Bfid- Burke, Burk, cos and ts U. S. vits, t Bohemia, 8:4. Burkha, or Burka, Bdir-ka, t Ar. Buech, Be-df, or Bwef, r Fr. Burleson, Bdir-le-son, co Tex. Buenaventura, Bwa-nq-ven-t6-rq, t Burlington, Bdr-lir-ton, most populous 3Iex. t Vt., 63; c N-J., 4y2; c Iowa, 7. Buena Vista, Bwa-nq Vgs-tq, battle- Burmah, Burma, or Birmah, Ber-mq, field Mex.; and 36 vs U. S. state in Farther India; area 200,000 Buen Ayre, Bwen +'ra, (or Bon Air,) s. m., pop. in 1826, 4,230,558. Dutch West India Island. Burnley, Biirn-li, t Eng., 1434. Buenos Ayres, UB-nos Arz, (Sp. Bwa- Burriana, Bcu-rse —nc, t Sp., 634. ncs 1'res,) o cap Buenos Ayres, pop. Burslem, Bdrs-lemr, t EnZ., 16. 85.; prov S. Am., area, 75,000 s. m., Burtscheid, B6rut-Jft, or Borcette, Borpop. 320. set, t Prus. Buffalo, Bdf-a-lo, c N-Y., 80. Bury, Bdr-i, t Eng., 31%1. Buffalo Bayou, nav. stream Tex. Bury St. Edmund's, t Eng., 14. Buffalo Lake, Wis.; three lakes of Burzen, BiSrt-sen, r Tran. Brit. N. Am. Burzenland, Birt-sen-lqnt, dis Hun. Buffalo River, Tenn., Mo., Wis. Busca, Bb6-kq, t Pied., 9. d Bug, Boug, Bag, (or Bog,) r Rus., Buseo, Bac-sd-o, r and t Wal., 44. 340 m. Busheab, B-fe-4s-b, i Persian Gulf. Bugia, Bcb-gez, people of Malay Arch. Bushi, B4-Ji, p o Ala. 32 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Bushire, BcD-ISr, s-pt c Persia, 20. Buttigliera, Bn-tel-ya-rq, t Pied. Bush River, S. C. Buycksville, Biks-vil, p o AIa. Bussaher, Bds-q-her, Sikh state, Ind. Biizancais, Be-zof-sd, t Fr., 5. Bussero Bds-e-r@, cr Ia. Bylaugh, Bi-le, p Eng. Busto-Arsizio, Bdas-to-ar-sgd-zi-o, t Byram River, Bi-ram, Conn. It., 93~. Byrne, Bern, p o Tenn. Busvagon, Bcos-vc-gdn, Phil. Is. Byrneville, Bern-vil, vs N. Y., Iowa. Bute, Bqt, i Scot., 9/. Byske, B.s-ka, or Bis-ke, r Swed. Butow, Be-tov, t Prus. Bytown, Bg-t-n, t C. W., 8. Buttahatchie, But-a-hAq-E, r Ala., Byturney, Bi-tc6r-ns, or Vaiturani, Miss. Vi-to-r4-ne, r Hind., 400 m. Butte, Bllt, r, t and co Cal. [Wis. Byzantium, Biz-an-fi-um, ancient c on Butte des Morts, Brqt da Mert, l and u the site of modern Constantinople. C. Cababuri, Kq-bq-bct-ri, r Brazil. Cahokia, Ka-h6-ki-a, v and cr Ill. Cabagan, Kqc-bq-gqn, t Phil. Is., 11%. Cahors, Kq-6r, t Fr., 1313. Cabapuana, Kq-ba-pac-Q-nq, r Bra. Cailloma, or Caylloma, Kil-y6-mq, Cabes, Kqb-es. gulf Med. prov and t S. Am. Cabool, Kq-bc6l, (or Caboul, Cabul,) Caillou, Ka-yc6, or Ka-kS, 1 La. Afg., 60. Cairiris, Ki-rs-ris, m Brazil. Cabra, K4-brq, t Sp., 11/2. Cairn, Karn, v and r Scot. Cabrera, Kq-brA-rq, is Med. Cairo, Ki-rQ, cap c Egypt, pop. 250. Cabriel, Kq-br-61l, r Sp. Cairo, KA-r@, t Ill., at junction 0. and Cacapon, Kak-a-pon, (often Cap-on,) Miss. rs.. Va., 140 m. Caitawistky, Kat-a-wist-ki, cr N. C. Caceres, K4-ta-res, prov and t Sp., 12. Cajazzo, Kq-ytt-so, or Caiasso, K1-4Caceres, Nueva, N-ad-vq, K4-sa-rez, t so, t Naples. [Nap. Phil., 12. Cajeta, Kq-yi-tcr, (or Caieta,) s-pt c Cache, Kaf, r and t Ark.; cr Cal. Calabar, Kq-lq-b4r, (or Cross River,) Cachemaso, Kaf-s-mC-s@, p o Ark. r Af., nav. 200 m. Cachimayo, Kq-qe-mi-o, r Bol., 340 m. Calabria, Ka-ld-bri-a, or Kq-lq-bri-q, Cachoeira, or Caxoeira, KqC-J-fi —i-rq, part of Naples. c Bra., 15. Calahorra, Kq-lq-6r-q, c Sp., 54. Caddo, Kid-o, (Lake,) Tex., La. Calais, KM-is, (Fr. Kq-l,) s-pt t Fr., Cadereita, Kq-de-ra-i-tq, t Mex. 4. 100; c Me., 6. Cadiz, Ka-diz, (Sp. K,-det,) prov Calaisis, Kc-la-zg, die Fr. and c Sp., pop. 54. Calamianes, Kq-lcq-mse —nes, is Malay Cadwallader, Kad-w61-a-der, p o O. Arch. [Sumatra. Caen, Kon, cFr. Calantiga, Kcq-lqn-tE-gq, is N. E. Caerleon, Ker-l1-on, t Eng. Calapooya, Kal-a-pcb-ya, p o Oregon. Caernarvon, Ker-nAr-von, v Pa. Calasparra, Kq-lqs-pir-q, t Sp., 5/. Caerwys, Kir-wis, t Wales. Calata Bellota, Kq-14-tq Bel-d-tq, t Coesarea, Ses-a-rg-a, haven of Pales- and r Sicily, 434. [10. tine, once a place of note, now a Calata Fimi, Kcq-lq-tq Fg-me, t Sicily, mass of ruins. Calata-Scibetta, Kq-l4-tq-Jfs-bt-q, t Cagayan, Kq-gi-4n, prov of Is. Luzon. Sicily, 44. Cagli, KCl-ys, t It., 9s. Calatayud, Kl-lq-tcq-yrtd, t Sp., 8/. Cagliari, K4l-yq. rs, c cap Is. Sar., 30. Calaveras, Kal-a-va-ras, r California. Cagnano, Kqn-y4-no, t Naples, 4. Calayan, Kq-lq-yqn, i Malay Arch. Cagua, K q-gwq, t Ven., 514. Calbuco, Kql-bdc-ko, or El Fuerte, El Cahawba, Ka-hb-ba, rAla., nav. 100 Fwa-6r-ta, t Chili. m.; t Ala. Calcasieu, KA1-ka-fa), r and I La. Cahete, Kq-A-ta, t Bra., 6. Calci, Ktl-qe, v Tuscany. Cahir, or Caher, K/-her, t Ir. Calcinaja, Kql-qg-n[-ycq, t Tuscany. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 33 Calcio, K4l1-qo, t Lombardy. Camargue, La, Lq Kq-mqrg, pop i Fr. Calcken, Kql-ken, t Belgium. Camarines, Kct-mq-r6-nes, two provs Calcutta, Kal-kdt-a, c Hindostan, seat Philippines, island of Luzon. of gov. British India, 230. Cambay, Kam-bi, gulf and s-pt t HinCalder, Kl1-der, r Eng. dostan, 10. Caldera, Kql-da-rc, port Costa Rica: Cambodia, Kam-b6-di-q, (Camboge, or s-pt Hayti. Camboja,) t Siam. [Fr., 21),. Calder, KAql-der, r Scot. Cambrai, or Cambray, Kam-bri, ft t Caldewgate, K61-dq,-gat, suburb of the Cambria, Kam-bri-a, ancient name of city of Carlisle, Eng., 5K. Wales; cos U. S. Caldwell, KEld-wel. c08 U. S. Cambridge, Kaim-brij, t Eng., 28; c Caledonia, Kal-e-d6-ni-a, anc. name Mass., 15x4; numerous vs U. S. of Scotland. Camden, Kam-den, e N-J., 15; ts S. C., Caledonian Canal, Scot., connects the Ala., Miss., Ark., &c. North and Irish Seas, 60/ miles. Camenz, K4-ments, t Saxony, 4. Caledonia, New, cy British N. Am.; i Camerino, Kq-ma-rg-no, c Italy. Australia. Cameron Kim-er-on, co and v Texas. Calhoun, Kal-hMn, vs Ga., &c. Cameroons, Kam-er-6ns, (or CamerCall, Kq-l9, t New Granada, 4. ones,) r and ms West. Africa. Calicut, Kil-i-kut, s-pt t Brit. Ind., 25. Camiguin, Kq-mi-ggn, Malay Arch. California, Kal-i-fer-ni-a, st U. S., Camogli, Kq-mcl-yr, t Sardinian area, 188,982 s. m., pop. in 1852, States, 5%. 264,435. Campagna, Kcqm-pl n-yq, t Naples, 6O. California, Gulf of, arm of the Pacific, Campbell, K{m-el, cos and vs U. S.; i w. of Cal., length, 700 miles. South Pacific Ocean. California, Lower or Old, dep Mex. Campbello, Kam-bel-a, v Mass. Calk's Ferry, Keks, p o S. C. Campbelton, KIm-el-ton, s-pt t Scot. Callaghans, Kil-a-hanz, p o Va. Campeachy, or Campeche, Kam-pg-gi, Callao, Kq-li. i China Sea; Kq-I4-o, gulf and s-pt t Yucatan, 18. s-pt t Peru, 8K. [gon. Campinas, Kqm-pg-nqs, c Brazil, 6. Callapooya Indians, Kal-a-pcl-ya, Ore- Campobasso, K4m-pc-bA-s@, ft c NaCalmina, Kal-mg-na, t Africa, 15. ples, 74. Calmucks, or Calmacks, people of Up- Camtoos, Kqm-t6s, or -tdcs, r S. Af. per Asia. Cana, Ki-na, ruined t Pal.; p o Ia. Caln, Kqn, p o Pa, Canaan, Ka-nan, or Ki-na-an, "PromCalne, Kqn, t Eng. ised Land" of the Israelites; vs U. S. Calore, Kqc-16-ra, r Naples. Canada, Kan-a-da, two British provCalpentyn, Kql-pen-tin, pen and s-pt iInces in N. America; area, 357,822 s. Ceylon. m., pop. 1,842,265. Caltagirone, Kql-tq-ji-r6-na, (or Cal- Canaderaga, Kan-a-de-r4-ga, I N-Y. atagirone,) c Sicily, 213[. [17y4. Canadian, Kan-i-di-an, (or North Caltanisetta, Kql-tq-ni-sdt-q, c Sicily, Channel,) passage in St. Lawrence; Caltonica, Kql-t6n-i-kq, t Sicily, 7. r New Mexico, 900 m. Calumet, K4l-yq,-met, (or Calumick,) Canajoharie, Kan-a-j)-hAr-r, v N-Y. r Ind., and Ill. Canandagua, Kan-an-di-gwa, v and I Calvados, Kql-vq-dis, dep Fr. N-Y. Calvary, KMl-va-ri, t Ohio. Cananore, Kan-a-nir, s-pt t Brit. Ind. Calventura, Kcql-ven-t6-rq, is Bay of Canaries, Ka-ng-riz, (or Canary IsBengal. lands,) arch Atlantic Ocean, 2574, Calvert, Kol-vert, co Md. belonging to Spain. Calw, or Kalw, Kqlv, t Ger., 4K. Canasauga, Kan-a-s6-ga, v Tenn. Calzada, Kql-tq-dq, t New Castile, 4. Canaseraga, Kan-a-se-ro-gct, v N-Y. Cam, or Granta, r EnBg. [Bra. Canastota, Kan-as-ti-ta, v N-Y. Camacho, or Camaxo, Kq-mr4-s, Is Canastra, Kcq-ncs-trq, ms Brazil. Camacuan, Kct-mq-kwvn, r Brazil. Cancale, -Koi-k4l, b and s-pt t Fr., 6. Camanche, Ka-man-qg, v Iowa. Cancao, Kqn-ki, s-pt t Farther India. Camanche Indians, (or Comanche,) Candahar, or Kandahar, Kqn-dq-hAr, Mexico and Texas. ft c and cap Central Afghanistan, Camaranca, Kcq-mc-r4cj-kq, r Africa. pop. from 25 to 100. Camargo, Kq-mqr-ga, t Mex., vs U. S. Candeish, Kan-dif, die India. 34 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Candia, KAn-di-a, (or Crete,) i Med.; Cape Grisnez, Gre-nd, France, point s-pt c and cap island of Crete, 12; nearest Britain. t Sardinia; ts U. S. Cape Haytien, Hi-ti-en, (formerly Cane, Kan, (or Ken,) r India. Cape Franqais, Froti-sa,)s-pt tHayti. Canete, Kqn-y.-ta, prov and s-pt t Pop. in 1789, 18,500; in 1851, 6,000. Peru. Cape Horn, Horn, most s. point Amer., Cangallo, Kcln-gAl-y@, prov and t Peru. on last island of the Fuegian Arch. Cangozima, Kqn-go-zi-mq, (or Kan- Cape Island, c watering place, N. J. gozima,) s-pt t Japan. Cape Malabar, Mal-a-bcjr, s. e. extremCangugu, Kqn-gca-s6, r and t Brazil. ity of Mass. Caniapuscaw, Kan-i-ap-us-ke, r and 1 Cape Matapan, Mq-tq-pcn, s. extremLabrador. ity, Morea, Greece. Canicatti, Kq-ni-k4-te, t Sicily, 18. Cape May, s. extremity of N. J. Caninde, Kq-ngn-da, r Brazil, 200 m. Cape Maysi, or Maisi, Mi-se, e. exCanisteo, Kan-is-tg-o, co, r and v N-Y. tremity of Cuba. Cannes, Kqn, s-pt t Fr. Cape of Good Hope, see Cape Colony. Cannon River, Minn. Ter. Cape River, or Rio de Segovia, r Cen. Cannouchee, or Canoochee, Ka-nc6-gs, America, 300 miles long. r Ga. Capernaum, Ca-per-na-um, anc c Pal. Canoma, Kq-n6-mq, r Brazil. Cape Town, ft s-pt t S. Africa, 222. Canonsburg, t Pa. Cape Trafalgar, Traf-al-gqr, headland Canquaga, Kan-kw4-ga, cr N-Y. of Spain. Canso, or Canseau, KIn-so, Gut of, Cape Verd, (or Verde,) is w. Africa, passage bet. Nova Scotia and Cape Atlantic Ocean, pop. in 1834, 55,838. Breton. Cape Vincent, Vin-seat, port of entry, Cantabrian, Kan-ta-bri-qn, ms Sp. N-Y. Cantal, Kosi-tCl, dep Fr. Capibaribe, Cq-pE-bq-r6-ba, r Brazil. Canterbury, Kan-ter-ber-i, c, bor and Capiz, Kq-pgs, c Philippines, 11i&. co Eng.; pop. of c 18A; v!s U. S. Cappadocia, Kap-a-d6-fi-a, anc prov Canton, Kan-ton, r and c China; pop. Asia Minor; v Naples. estimated by Balbi at 500,000, by Capsali, Kqp-s4-le, s-pt t Ionian Is., 5. others at 1,500,000; ts U. S. Capua, K(-pat-q, ft c Naples, 8. Canturio, Kqn-t6-ri-), (or Cantu,) t Caqueta, Kq-ka-tqj, r S. Am. Italy. Caracas, Kq-rq-kqs, c and cap Ven., 63. Canuma, Kq-nc)-mq, 1 Brazil. Caraglio, Kq-rCql-y), t Piedmont, 64. Cap au Gray, Kap ) Gra, p o Mo. Caramnassa, Kq-rqm-nq-sq, r Br. Ind. Cape Agulhas, fl-gc6l-yas, s. coast Af. Carangamite, Kcq-rqn-gq-mgt, salt waCape Aia, fl'yq, s. coast Russia. ter lake, Australia. Cape Anguilla, An-gwil-q, coast New- Caravaca, Kq-rq-vq-kq, t Sp., 10. foundland. Caravaggio, Kq-rq-v/td-ja, t Italy, 6. Cape Apsheron, flp-sf-r6n, e. Georgia, Caravellas, Kq-rq-vdl-qs, s-pt t Bra., 5. Caspian Sea. Carbondale, Kqr-bon-dal, c Pa. Cape Bearn, Ba-Arn, prom Fr. Carcajente, Kqfj-kq-1hn-ta, t Sp., 6/. Cape Beaufort, BA-fort, Rus. America; Carcassonne, Kqr-kq-s6n, c Fr., 20. Brit. America. Cardenas, Kqr-da-nqs, s-pt t Cuba, 6. Cape Boeo, Ba-A-o, w. point of Sicily. Cardiff, or Caerdiff, K4r-dif, s-pt t Cape Breton, Bri-ton, i Brit. N. Am.; South Wales, 18S. [Wales. length 100 miles; breadth 85 miles; Cardigan, K4r-di-gan, co, t and b S. pop. 54,880. Cardington, K4r-diaj-ton, v 0. Cape Coast Castle, ft t Africa, 10. Cariaco, Kcq-ri-4-ko, gulf and t VenCape Cod, Mass., 65 miles long, from ezuela, 7. 1 to 20 miles wide. Caribbean, Kar-i-bg-an, Sea, portion Cape Colony, or Cape of Good Hope, of the North Atlantic Ocean. territory of Great Britain, the south- Caribees, Kar-i-bez, part of the West ern extremity of Africa, pop. 166,408, India Islands. of whom 70,000 are colored. Carignano, Kq-ren-y4-no, t Pied., 8. Cape Domesne, or Domesnes, Dc-mAn, Carinhenha, Kq-rcn-y6n-yq, r and Russia. Brazil. Cape Fear River, N. C., nav. 120 m. Carini, Kq-rg-ne, r and t Sicily, 7. Cape Girardeau, Jr-rqr-d6 co and t Mo. Carleton, Kqrl-ton, v Iowa. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 35 Carlisle, Kqr-lil, c Eng.. 26K; t Pa., Cascade, Kis-kad, City, Wash. Ter. 6; vs Ky., O., Ind., &c. Cascade Range, ms w. part of Oregon. Carlow, K4r-lo, co, par and t Ir., 83/4. Casco, Kas-ko, Bay, Me. Carlowitz, or Karlowitz, KCr-lo-vits, Caserta, Kq-s.5r-tq, t Naples, 25y3. t Austria, 512. ling-place. Cashel, KhJ-el, c Ir., 8. Carlsbad, Kqcrlz-bqt, t Bohemia, water- Cashie, KaS-i, r N. C. Carlscrona, or Karlskrona, Kqrls-kr4- Cashmere, Kashmir, Kachemir, or nq, ft s-pt t Sweden, 12/. [5. Cachemire, KqJ-mir, cy Hindostan, Carlshamn, Klrls-hqm,ft s-pt t Swed., under the protection of Eng.; pop. Carlsruhe, or Karlsruhe, KCrlz-ra, c 200,000, having been reduced, in cap. of Baden, 254. twenty years, from 800,000, by earthCarlstad, Kqrl-stqt, prov and t Swed. quakes, pestilence, and famine. Carlyle, Kqr-ll, vs Ala., Ill. Cash River, s. extremity of Ill. Carmagnola, Kqr-mqn-yc-lq, t Pied. Casoria, Kcl-sc-ri-q, t Naples, 8. Carmarthen, Kqr-mAr-den, s-pt t S. Caspe, Kjs-pa, t Sp., 7Y. Wales, 101y. Caspian Kis-pi-an, Sea, inland sea Carmel, Kdr-mel, m Palestine. bet. Europe and Asia; length, 760 Carmen, Kc4r-men, i Gulf of Cal. m., breadth, 270 m. Carmi, Kcr-mi, v Ill. Cassadaga, Kas-a-dA-ga, Z and v N-Y. Carmoe, Kir-me-e, i Norway, 601. Cassandra, or Kassandra, Kq-sqn-drq, Carmona, Kcqr-m6-nq, c Sp., 13. pen and gulf Eu. Turkey. Carnarvon, Ka-ncr-von, (or Caernar- Cassay, Kq-sd, (Kathee, or Munnivon,) b and s-pt t North Wales, 834. poor,) ind cy Farther Ind., 754. Carolina, Kar-o-li-na, vs Miss., Tex., Cassel, or Kassel, Kd-sel, walled city Tenn. of Germany, cap. of Hesse-Cassel, Caroline Islands, (or New Philippines,) pop. 3412; also ft t Hesse-Darmarch. of Oceania. stadt, pop. 21; Kq(-sdl, t Fr., 414. Carondelet, Ka-r6n-ds-let, e Mo. Cassiquiare, Kq-si-ke-c-ra, (or CassiCarony, or Caroni, Kq-r@-ng, r Vene- quiari,) r Venezuela. zuela, 400 miles. Cass Lake, central Mich. Carora, Kq-r6-rq, (or Caroro) t Ven., 9. Cass River, Mich. Carouge, Kq-rcd3, t Swit., 5. Cassville, ts N-Y., Pa., Ga., Mo., &c. Carpathian, (or Kar-) Kqr-pd-ti-an, Castalia, Kas-tA-li-a, v 0. mountain range in Europe, chieflyin Castel-a-Mare, Kqs-t61-q-mA-ra, c NaAustria. ples, 16; t Sicily, 6. Carpentaria, Kcqr-pen-t4-ri-a, gulf in Castellon de la Plana, Kqs-tel-y6n da S. Pac. Oc., n. coast of Australia. lq Plq-nq, c Sp., 17. Carpentras, Kqr-pof-trqs, c Fr., 1034. Castelnaudary, Kqs-tel-n)-dcq-rg, 10. Carrara, Kq-rc-rq-r c It. [84. Castel Nuovo, Kqs-t61 Na-6-vG, ft t Carrick-on-Suir, Khr-ik-on-ssr, t Ir., Dalmatia, 7. Carrollton, vs Ga., Ala., Miss., La., &c. Castiglione, Kqs-tsl-y6-na, ts Italy, Carson's Lake, w. part Utah Ter. Naples, Sicily, &c. Cartagena, Kqr-ta-j9-na, c Sp., 2734. Castile, Kqs-tgl, former kingdom of Cartagena, or Carthagena, Kqr-ta-jE- Spain, (Old and New,) ts U. S. na, New Granada, 18. Castine, Kas-ttn, port of Entry, Me. Cartago, Kqr-tC-go, r and b Mosquito Castlebar, Kas-l-bqr, r and t Ir. Coast; cap Costa-Rica; t New Gran. Castlereagh, Kas-l-ra, r Australia. Cartaya, Kqr-ti-yq, t Sp., 4. Castleton, Kds-l-ton, vs Vt., N-Y., &c. Carthage, KCr-taj, anc cap of a fa- Castletown, Kdci-l-tsn, cap Isle of mous country of the same name in Man, Eng., 214. Northern Africa; numerous vs U. S. Castor, Kas-tor, bayouz La.; r Mo. Carthagena, Kqr-ta-ji-na, p o O. Castres, Kcjs-tr, t Fr., 2034. Carupano, Kq-rw-pq-no, s-pt t Vene- Castro, Kqs-tro, s-pt t Naples, 7; t zuela, 5. [Fr., 4. As. Turkey, 6'; ts Brazil, Chili. Carvin-Epinoy, KqLr-vAfi-[-ps-nw4, t Castro-del-Rio, Kqs-tro-del-R9-co, t Casale, Kq-s4-la, prov and t Sardinian Sp., 9. [Sicily, 11x. States, 21. Castrogiovanni, Kqs-tro-ja-vq-ns, c Casanare, Kq-sq-n4-ra, r N-Granada. Castro-Urdiales, K4s-tr-(W)r-di-4-les, Casas-Grandes, K4-sqs-Gr4n-des, t t Sp., 3. Chihuahua, 3. Catahoula. Kat-a-h6-la, I La. 36 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Catalamet, Kat-a-lA-met, v Wash. Ter. Caymans, Ki-mcnz, three is Brit. W. Catalonia, Kq-tc-16-ni-a, old pros Sp. Ind. Catamarca, Kq-tq-mcr-kq, dep and t Caymites, Ki-mit, two is West Ind. La Plata, 4. Caymito, Ks-mn-tc), r New Gran. Catanduanes, Kq-tqn-da- t,-nes, one of Cayo Cocas, Ksi-c KS-kqs, i Carribean the Philippine Islands. [541. Sea, belonging to Cuba; - Largo, Catania, Kq-tq-ni-q, g and c Sicily, Lqr-g@, ditto; - Romano, Ra-m4Catanzaro, Kq-tqn-zci-r), c Nap., 11Y1. n@, ditto. Catapuliche, Kq-tq-poa-li-ga, r S. Am. Cayuga, Ka-yA-ga, 1, v and co N-Y.; Catasauqua, Kat-a-so-kwa, v Pa. vs Miss., Mich., Can. West. Catatonk, Kat-a-t6gk, p o N. Y. Cayuse, Kq-yis, Indians, Oregon. Cataula, Ka-t6-la, cr and p o Ga. Cayuta, Ka-yfi-ta, v, cr and I N-Y. Catawba, Ka-t6-ba, r N. and S. C. Cazembe, Kq,-zdm-be, cy Africa. Catawissa, Kat-a-wis-a, m, cr and v Cazenovia, Kaz-en-6-vi-a, v N-Y., 5. Pa. Cazorla, Kq-t6r-lq, c Sp., 7y. Cateau, Le, Le Kcq-t6, t Fr., 83/. Cea, HAl-q, r Sp. Catfish River, Wis. Ceccano, Cek-4-no, v It., 6. Catorce, Kq-t6r-ta, t Mex. Cecina, Ca-q9-nq, r Tus. Catrimani, Kq-tri-mrC-ne, r Brazil. Cedar Bluff, v Ala. Catrine, KA-tren, v Scot. Cedar Rapids, t Iowa. Catskill, Kats-kil, ms and t N-Y. Cedarville, ts N-J., O., &c. Cattaraugus, Kat-a-r6-gus, cr and v Cefalu, Ca-fq-ld0, ft s-pt t Sicily, 9. N-Y. Ceglie, CAl-ya, c Naples, 7d. Cattaro, K4-tq-rcs, s-pt t Austria.' Cehegin, aa-a-hin, t Sp., 9J2. Cattegat, Kat-e-gat, arm of North Celebes, S6l-E-bes, i Malay Arch., govSea, w. Sweden. ernment federal and republican, pop. Cauambe. KRs-m-ba, or Gaume, G*- 2,000,000. [12. ma, r Brazil. Celle, Tsl-e, or Zell, Tsel, t Hanover, Cauca, Ki-kq, r New Gran. Centenary College, Jackson, La. Caucasus, KE-ka-sus, range of moun- Central America. See America. tains forming the boundary bet. Eu- Central Falls, v R. I. rope and Asia, 700 m. in length. Central Village, or North Plainfield, Caucasus, portion of the Russian Em- manufacturing v Conn. pire contiguous to Caucasian Mts. Centreville, Sen-ter-vil, ts Mass., R. I., Caudebec-les-Elbeuf, Kud-bdk-laz-El- Conn., O., Ia., &c., &c. bef, t Fr., 7%. Cephalonia, Sef-q-l-ni-q, i Med.; Caughdenoy, Ko-ds-n6, p o N. Y. length 32 m., breadth 12 m.; under Caughnawaga, Ke-na-w6-ga, V N-Y. protection of Eng., pop. 6314. Cauquenes, Kv-kA-nes, min. springs, Ceram, or Zeram, Se-r4ij, i Malay Chili. Arch., 226. Caura, Ki-rq, r Venezuelan Gaiana. Cerea, Ca-ra-q, t Lom., 5V3. Cauten, Ks-tdn, (or Imperial,) r Chili. Ceresco, Se-res-kc, ves Mich.. Wis. Cauto, K~-to, r Caba. Cerignola, Ca-ren-y6-lq, t Nap., 104. Cava, K4-vq, t Naples 13. Cerigo, (Cr-i-g@, s. Ionian Is., pop. 9. Cavaillon, Kq-va-y6i, t Fr., 7Y. Cerro-de-Pasco, Sdr-n da Pqs-ko, t Cavanas, Kq-v4-nqs, port of Cuba. Peru, 16. Cavery, Ke-ver-i, (or Cauvery,) r Ind. Cerro Gordo, S&r-o G6r-do, battleCavesa, Ka-vf-sa, cr Tex. field, 60 m. n. w. city Mex.;'s U. S. Cave Spring, Ga., seat of state asylum Cesena, Ca-sA-nq, t It., 12. for the deaf and dumb. Cesenatico, 2Ca-sa-nq-ti-k), s-pt t PonCavitY, Kq-ve-ta, ft s-pt t Phil. Is. tifical States. Cawnpoor, Caunpoor, Ken-pdr, (or Cette, Set, ft s-pt t Fr., 1914. Caunpore,) dis and t Hindostan. Cettina, Tse-ti-nq, r Austria. Caxamarca, or Cajamarca, Kq-hq-m/qr- Ceuta, Si-ta, s-l)t t Af., belonging to kq, c Peru, 8. [Bra. Sp., 8/4. Caxias, or Cachias, Kqc-Ji-qs, com. t Cevennes, Sa-vdn, ms Fr. Cayambe, Ki-4m-ba, (or Cayambeur- Ceylon, Si-lon, i Ind. Oc., belonging cu, K-qm-ba-cwr-kc6, m in Ecuador, to Great Brit., length 270 m. breadth 19,535 feet high. [i At. Oc. 100 m., pop. 1,507,000. Cayenne, Ki-6n, s-pt cap Fr. Guiana; Cezimbra, Sa-zim-brq, s-pt t Port., 5. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 37 Chabeuil, ], t Fr., 4/2. Chapultepec, Cq-pcal-ta-pdk, fortress Chablais, Yq-bli, prov Savoy, 5434. of Mex., 2 m. s. w. of the capital. Chachacomani, Cq-qq-kQ-mQ-ns, mr Charbar, CcLr-bir, (or Choubar,) b Bel. peak Andes, in Bolivia, 20,235 ft. Chard, Cqrd, t Eng., 54. Chachapoyas, Gcq-g-p6-yqs, (or Cha- Chardon, JfXr-don, v 0., 1. capoyas,) t Peru. Charikar, Car-i-kqr, t Afg., 5. Chadda, Cad-a, r Guinea. [Plata. Chariton, CGir-i-ton, r Iowa, and Mo., Chadi-Leubu, CA-de-Le-w-bc6, r La vs Mo., Iowa. Chseronea, Ker-~-ng-a, ruined c of Gr. Charlemont, ~Cr-le-mont, v Mass. Chagres, CGq-gres, s-p t New Granada. Charleroi, Xqr-ls-r&, ft t Bel., 6%3. Chagres River, Isthmus of Panama. Charles River, Mass. Chagrin Falls, Xa-grin Felz, v and r 0. Charleston, c and port of entry, S. C., Chalcis, KdAl-sis, (or Negropcont) t Gr. 43; ts and vs Ill., Iowa, &c. Chaldea, Kal-dg-a, ane div As., on Charleston, Cqrlz-tan, c and s-pt adthe Euphrates. joining Boston, Mass., pop. 174; vs Chalear, Eq-lkmr, b Gulf of St. Law. N-H., Pa., Va., Ia. Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Xq-16n-ser-lwcr, Charleville, cqr-le-vgl, t Fr., 9/4. t Fr. [c Fr., 15/. Charlevoix, cqr-le-v6, co Mich. Chalons-sur-Marne, Ecq-l6fi-ser-mqrn, Charloe, Cqr-l@, v O. Chalon-sur-Saone, -son, t Fr., 16Y3. Charlotte, Xtlr-lot, ts Vt., N-Y., N. C. Chama, Cq-mc, r Ven. Charlotte Amalie, -fl-mq-le-e, t, cap Chamahatchie, Cam-a-h/A-i, p o Ala. of the Is. St. Thomas, 10. Chambersburg, Cdm-berz-burg, t Charlotte Harbor, (or Boca Grande,) Pa., 5; vs O., Ia. w. coast of Fa. [Prus., 7Y4. Chambersia, Cam-ber-fi-a, v Tex. Charlottenburg, 2qr-16t-en-btarh, t Chambery, Xoh-ba-rg, c, cap Savoy, 16. Charlotte River, N-Y. [Va., Ia. Chambly, Xfam-bli, co and v C. E. Charlottesville, YIr-lots-vil, ts N-Y., Chamouni, Xq-m@-n4, (or Chamonix,) Charlotte-town, cap Pr. Edward Is., picturesque val and t Sar. States. Brit. Am., 4s/. Champagne, X6fi-pqny, old prov Fr. Charties, GCr-terz, t Pa. Champagnolle, ]am-pan-y6l, cr and v Chartres, Clr-tr, c Fr., 18/. Ark. Chateaugay, E3-to-gd, r, 1 and t N-Y.; Champaign, Xam-pAn, cos U. S. a and r C. E. Champlain, ]am-plan, 1 bet. N-Y., Chateauroux, ]so-t@-rd6, t Fr., 16. and Vt., 130 by Yx to 10 m.; t N-Y., Chatham, Cat-am, r-pt, naval arsenal 5; v C. E. and t Eng., pop. 28>/; vs Mass., Chanahachee, Can-a-hAgq-, p o Ala. Conn., N-Y., N-J., Ill., C. E., C. Chandeleur, >San-de-lc6r, b s. e. La. W., N-Brunswick. Chandernagore, >cqn-der-nq-g&r, Fr. t Chatham Harbor, e. ex. Cape Cod. Bengal, 3534. Chatham Islands, S. Pac., e. N-Zeal. Chandlersville, Cand-lerz-vil, t O. Chattahoochee, Cat-a-hc6-gq, r Ga., Changchoofoo, qtj-qng-f4d, c China, length 550 m., nayv. 350 m. from the pop. from 800,000 to 1,000,000. Gulf; v Fa. containing U. S. ars. Chang-Mai, (qD-mi, t Laos, 25. Chattanooga, Cat-a-n6-ga, v Tenn. Chang-Sha, Cqg-f4, c China. Chattooga, a-tc6-ga, r bet. S. C. and Channahon, Can-a-hon, v Ill. Ga., also r Ala. Channel Can-el (Islands,) group in Chaudeire, >@-de-kr, r C. E. the Eng. Chan., belonging to the Chaumont, Zo-m6fi, t Fr., 6/. Eng. crown. Chaumont, M@-m5, v N-Y. Chao-Tchoo, CJ-o-q6, or Tchao-Cheou- Chauncey, ECcn-si, v O. Fou, C-@-gqa-6c-fe, c China. Chautauque, Ea-te-kwe, co and 1 N-Y. Chapala, cq-pq-lq, I Mex. Chaux-de-fond, La, Lq Co-de-fdis, t Chapari, Cq-pq-rp, r Bol. Swit. Chapelle Agnon, La, Lq Eq-p61 fin- Chazy, ]az-g, r, 1 and v N-Y. y6f, t Fr. Cheadle, 0C-dl, t Eng., 4/. Chapelle St. Denis, La, Safi Da-n~, Cheat River, Va. and Pa. t Fr., 184. Cheduba, C-dd6-bq, i Far. Ind., 8'. Chapola River, Ca-p6-la, Fa., Ala. Cheektowaga, Cek-ta-d-ga, p o N-Y. Chapoo, Cq-pc6, or Zq-pd6, t China. Chehaw, Cs-h6, r S. C. Chappaqua, Ca-p4-kwa, v N-Y. Chehalis, Cs-hd-lis, co Wash. Ter. 38 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Chelmsford, Udmz-ford, t Eng., 7%. Chicago, li-k6-g9c, com. c Ill., on Lake Chelsea, C6l-se, t Eng., 56%. Mich. and Chicago River, remarkaChelsea, Cdl-se-a, vs Vt. 2; Mass., 63, ble for its rapid growth. It conMich., &c. tained in 1840, 43 inhabitants, Cheltenham, 61lt-nam, t and watering 1850, 30; 1853, 60%; 1855, 87%. place, Eng., 35. Chicapa, Cs-kq-pc, r and t Mex. Chemnitz, Hdm-nits, t Sax., 2834. Chiche:ter, Cig-es-ter, c Eng., 84. Chemung, Es-mdU, r, co and v N-Y.; Chickahominy, 0ik-a-h6m-i-ni, r Va. 3 Ill. Chickamauga, Cik-a-m6-ga, cr' Ga. and Chenango, Ye-nkp-go, r and co N-Y. Tenn. Chenook, (e-nd)k, (or Chinook,) v Chickasaw, 0ik-a-se, r Ga.; v Ala.; Wash. Ter. Indian tribe originally occupying Chepachet, Ce-pak-et, v R. I. portions of Mississippi and Alabama. Chepillo, (a-pfl-y), i off the s. coast Chickopee, (ik-a-pg, r Mass. of the Isthmus of Panama. Chickopee Falls, v Mass., 23.. Chepo, Ca-pC), r and t N-Gran. Chico, (d-k@, p o Cal. Chepstow, 6ep-st@, t and r-pt Eng. Chicot, Xd-ka, co Ark. Cher, tqr, r Cen. Fr. Chicsoi, Crk-s6-s, r Guatemala. Cherasco, Ka-rqs-ka, t Pied., 8. Chictawaga, Cik-ta-we-ga, tp N. Y. Cheraw, &e-re, v S. C., 1. Chienne or Cheyenne, se-dn, Indian Cherbourg, Eer-burg, ft s-pt t naval tribe Mo. station, Fr., 28. Chieri, Ke-d-re, t Pied., 133. Cheribon, or Sheribon, X6r-i-bon, s-pt Chieti, Ke-i-te, ft c Naples, 1734. ~ Java, 11. Chignecto, Xig-n&k-tW, b bt. N. S. and Cherokee, Cer-a-ki, (Indians) a noble N. B. tribe who formerly occupied the Chihauhau, Ce-w4-wq, c and st Mexsouthern portion of the Appalachian ican Confederation, 14. Mountains, and contiguous ter., now Chikiri, Cheekeeree, or Tchikiri, Canearly extinct; cos and vs U. S. ke-rg, r Mantchooria, China. Cherry Valley, vs N-Y., Pa., Tenn., Chila, 69-lq, r Peru, 105 m. Ill., &c. Chilapa, &4e-l4-pq, and Chilapilla, eeCherso, K6r-so, i of Illyria, in the lq-pgl-yq, rs. Mex. Adriatic, pop. 14. Chilhowee, (il-hSg-, m and p o Tenn. Chersonesus, Ker-so-nd-sus, anc. name Chili, Cil-e, ind rep S. A., area 170,000 of several peninsulas. s. m., pop. mostly of Spanish and Chertsey, eds-i, t Eng., 6. Indian descent; Vs N-Y., O., Ind., Chesapeake, ECs-a-pek, largest b in Ill., &c. U. S., length, 200 m. Chillicothe, Cil-i-ko6-e, c 0., 7%,; vs Chesapeake City, 3) Md. Ill., Mo., Iowa. Chesham, lJf -am, t Eng., 6. [&c. Chillisquaque, Cil-is-kw4-kwe, 3 and Cheshire, (fS-er, Ts Mass., Conn., O., cr Pa. Chestatee, Jes-ta-te, r Ga. Chillitecaux, Eil-i-te-k, p o Mo. Chester, BEs-ter, c Eng., 27%; 3s N-H., Chilo, iE-l@, v) 0. Vt., Mass., Conn., N-Y., Pa., Ill. Chiloe, OCe-l@-a, i w. coast S. A., 42. Chesterfield, eds-ter-feld, t Eng., 71; Chilpanzingo, Cel-pcn-sin-go, t Mex. v N-H., Mass., S. C., &c.; - Inlet, Confederacy, 27. Brit. N. Am., length, 250 m. Chiltepec, Ell-ta-pdk, r Mex. Con. Chester River, Del., and Md. [0O., &c. Chimbarongo, Eem-bq-r6n-go, r Chili. Chestertown, V8s N-Y., Md., Pa., S. C. Chimborazo, 0im-b@-r4-zQ, m S. A. Chesuncook, Cs-sdn-kiak, I Me. Height, 21,424 ft. Chetachee, CE-t-qge, cr Ala. Chimepanipestick, sem-pq-nep-stdk, r Chetimaches, Cet-im-ag-ez, or ]et- Canada East. mAj, I La. [n Eng. China, (see Chinese Empire) vs Me., Cheviot, Civ-i-ot, or Cev-i-ot, v O.; N-Y., Mich., &c. Chiantla, Ce-4qnt-lq, r and t Gua. China Sea, portion of the Pacific Oc. Chiapq, Ce-4-pq, s. state Mex. Con., Chincha Islands, Cin-qq V'landz, tre pop. 162. [7. small is Pac. Oc. near Peru, noted for Chiaramonte, Ks-c-rq-m6n-ta, t Sic., their guano. Chiari, Ke-4-re, t Lomn., 9. [10%. Chinchilla, (in-qgl-yq, c Spain, 12%. Chiavari, Ke-4-vq-re, t Sar. States, Chinchon, Orn-q&n, t Spain, 5%. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 39 Ckin-choo, Cin-qd), region and c China. Christianstadt, Kris-ti-qn-stqt, ft t S. Chincoteague, oi)-k@-tgg, p o Va. Sweden. [St. Croix. Chinendega, Es-nen-dd-gq, New and Christiansted, Kris-ti-qn-sted, t island Old ts Nicara-gua. Christiansund, Kris-ti-qn-scand, s-pt t Chinese Empire, extensive ter. of Asia. Norway. Area, 5,000000 s. in.; pop., 400,- Chuapa, Ccx-4-pq, r Chili. 000,000. Divided into China Proper Chucuito, Cs-kwg-tn, t Bolivia. and the dependencies: Corea, Mant- Chulafinne, Co-la-fin, p o Ala. chooria, Mongolia, Elee, including Chulahoma, CEo-la-h6-ma, a Miss. Soongaria, East Toorkistan, Koko- Chumbul, Cum-bihl, r India, 500 m. nor, Thibet, and various islands. Chuprah, Cdp-ra, t Br. India, 50. China Proper, area 1,297,999 s. m.; pop. Chuqueapo, ~Ck-ka-q-p6, r Bolivia. 387,632,907. Chuquibamba, C(n-ke-bfim-bq, t Peru; Ching-Hai, Gir-hi, seaport t China. ns, elevation 21,000 ft. Ching-Kiang, iiji-kse-4i, c China. Chuquisaca, CoD-ke-s4-kq, (or La PlaChing-Kiang-Foo, (i9}-kv-49-fc6, ft c ta,) cap Bolivia, 12. China. [India. Churchill, Cdrg-il, (or Missinnippi,) r Chingleput, Cii-gl-pdit, dis and c Br. Brit. Am., 700 m. [U. S. Chiobbe, CEs-b-a, t China, 300. Churubusco, Cco-rcD-bcs-ko, Vs Mex., Chioggia, Ks-6d-ja,ft t N. Italy, 27. Cibolo, Se-bW-lI, r Texas. Chipicani, C(s-pe-k4-ns, mn p Andes. Cicero, Sis-er-@, vs N-Y., O., Ind. Height, 19,740 ft. Cicola, CE-k6-lq, r Austria. Chipola, Ci-p6-la, r Ala., 150 m. Cienfuegos, Se-en-fwd-gos, t Cuba,4s. Chippenham, Cip-num, t Eng. Cieza, He-&-tq, t Spain, 7. Chippewa, (ip-e-wa, rs O., Mich., Wis.; Cinaloa or Sinaloa, Sin-q-16-q, st and t vs Pa., 0., Ia., Ill., C. W. [Wis. Mex., 9)4. Chippeway or Ojibbeway, Indian tr Cincinnati, Sin-sin-d-ti, c O., fifth in Chiquimula de la Sierra, C(-ke-m&-lq size in the Union, 16014; vs Ia., Mo., da lq Se-er-q, t Cen. A. Iowa, Or. Terr. Chiquimula, ist. Cen. A. Cinque (Si0k) Ports, s-pts Eng., enChiquitos, CE-kE-tns, ter Bolivia. dowed with various privileges, in Chiriqui, Ce-rs-kg, r, lagoon and arch consideration of furnishing ships of Costa Rica. war for the king's use, when deChirripo, (C-ri-pa, vol and r Costa Ri. manded. Chisago, (i-s6-go, co Minnesota. Circassia, Ser-kAS-i-a, cy s. e. cor. of Chiswick, (iz-ik, par Eng. [Y. Eu.: area 40,000 s. m., pop. 650,000. Chittenango, Cit-en-ftj-ga, cr and [ N- Circleville, Ser-kl-vil, t O., 4)/; vs Ia., Chivasso, Ke-vq-sO, c Piedmont, 73. Cirencester, Sis-e-ter, t Eng. [Ill. Chocolochee, Co-ko-1-qs, cr Ala. Cisalpine (Sis-il-pin) Republic, a forChoctaw, C6k-to, Ind tr Miss. [and Fa. mer st Italy. Chocta-whatchee, Cok-te-hhq-s, r Ala. Citronelle, Sit-r@-ngl, v Ala. [ta. Choestoe, 6c-sto, p o Ga. Citta Vecchia, Ci-tA Vek-i-q, ft c MalChoiseul, 2wq-zel, i S. Pac. Oc. Ciudadela, Ss-w-dq-dd-lq, c and s-pt Choleechel, LG-la-gel, i La Plata. island of Minorca, 73. [6). Cholet or Chollet, 0S-lf, t France, 10)34 Ciudad Real, SEs —dQd Ra-41, t Mex., Cholmondeley, Cdim-li, seat of a mar- Ciudad Real, He-Lt-dt-d Ra-l., c Sp., quis, Eng. [Indians. 10 4. Cholula, @-l1c-lcq, t Mex., 10, wholly Civita Vecchla, LC-ve-tqV~k-z-q, s-pt Chonos, EC-nus, arch W. Patagonia. c Pontifical States. Choo-Kiang, Lcb-ke-qi], Chinese for Clackamas, KlAk-a-mas, r Oregon. Canton River. Claiborne, Kl-burn, sev. cos U. S.; vs Choptank, C6p-taqk, r Del. and Md. Ala., Miss. Chorley, C6r-li, t Eng., 124. Clara, Kl-rq, t Cuba. Chorolque, C@-r6l-ka, m Bolivia. Ele- Clare, Klqtr, r lr.; i off w. coast of Ir. vation, 16,548 ft. Claremont, Klqr-m6nt, a N-H. Chowan, El-w6n, r N. C. [Pa., Wis. Clarence, Klar-ens, i S. A.; r Australia. Christiana, Kris-ti-4-na, r Mich.; vs Clarendon, Kldr-en-don, es Vt., N-Y. Christiania, Kris-ti-4-ni-q, cap c Nor- Clarion, KlAr-i-on, r and v Pa. way, 26.. [t Norway, 8). Clarke's or Flathead, r Wash. Terr. Christiansand, Kris-ti-qn-sqnd, ft s-pt Clarkesville, Kl4rks-vil, v Ga., 4. 40 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Clarksburg, t Va., 1 /,; es Ky., O., &c. Cocos, K6-kos, is Indian Ocean. Clarks, r w. part of Ky. Codogno, KQ-ddn-yo, t Lombardy, 93/. Clarkston, Klqrks-ton, v Mich. Codorus, K@-d6-rus, v and cr Penn. Clarksville, t Va., 1; vs Ala., Tex., CoepaDg or Koepang, Ka-p49, t island Ark., Tenn., &c. of Timor, 5. Clausthal (or Klaus-), Klgs-tql, t Han. Coeslin, Kes-l1n, t Prus., 8/. Clay, Kla, cos and tps U. S. [&c. Coesse, K'Q-s, p o Ind. Claysville, KlAz-vil, vs Ky., O., Ind., Coeyman's, Kwg-manz, v N-Y. Clayton, Kla-ton, vs N-Y., Ill., &c. Coffeville, K6f-e-vil, v Miss. Clearfield, Klgr-feld, v Pa., 4. [v Wis. Coffin's, K6f-inz, i Gulf of St-Law. Clearwater, Kler-we-ter, r Br. N. A.; Coggeshall, K6g-Jal, t Eng. Cleckheaton, Kl1k-e-ton, v. Eng. Cognac, Kon-y4k, t Fr. Clerkenwell, Klgr-ken-wel, out-par of Cohahuila, Kc-q-w9-lq, or Montelovez, London, 563.' Mon-ta-16-ves, t Mex. Clermont, EKler-m6nt, vs O., Ind. Cohahuila, Ko-q-wi-lq, st Mex. Clermont-Ferrand, Kler-mfi-Fer-6f, c Cohansey, Ko-hbn-si, r N-J. France, 333. Cohasset, Ko-hbs-et, v Mass. Cleveland, Kltv-land, c and Ipt 0., 41; Cohoes, Ko-h6z, (or Cahoos and Cavs N-Y., Tenn., Ind., Ill. hoes,) v N-Y. Cleves, Klevz, ts Prussia, Ohio. Coila, K&-la, p os N-Y., Miss. Clifton, Klif-ton, watering-place, Eng., Coimbatoor, KaEm-ba-tdr, dis and t 14; sev. vs U. S. Hindostan. Clinch, Kling, r Va. and Tenn. Coimbra, Ko-Em-brq, c Portugal. Clinton, Klin-ton, ts Me., Mass., Conn., Coin, Ko-En, t Sp. N-Y., N-J., La., &c. Cojutepeque, Ko-a-ta-pEi-ka, t San Clinton - Golden (Klin-ton-G6l-den) Salvador; also 1. Lake, Br. N. A. Colair, Ko-ltr, I Hind. Clinton River, Mich., 50 m. Colaparchee, Ko-la-pqr-qe, p o Ga. Clintonville, vs N-Y., &c. Colberg or Kolberg, K61-berh, t PrusClio, Kl-o,,s S. C., Ky., 0. sian Pomerania. Clitheroe, Klid-er-o, t Eng., 11Y~. Colbert, K6I~-1ert, v Miss. Clonmel, Klon-md1, t Ir., 13K. Colchagua, Kol-qp-gwq, dep Chili. Cloverdale, KlG-ver-dal, v Ia. Colchester, K6l-ges-ter, t Eng., 19Y3; Cloverport, Kl-ver-port, v Ky. vs Vt., Conn., &c. [N-J., &c. Clwyd, Klwid, r N. Wales. Cold Spring, Kold Spriq, vs N-Y. 1%, Clyde, KlId, r Scotland; t N-Y.; v O. Cold Spring Harbor, v N-Y. Clymer, Kli-mer, v N-Y. Coldwater, Ki5ld-we-ter, t Mich., 2; r Coahoma, Ko-a-hd-ma, co Miss. Miss. Coanza, Ko-4n-za, r Lower Guinea. Coleborne, Kdl-born, v C. W. [&c. Coast Range, Kost Ranj, m Cal. Colebrook, Kl1-brtak, v N-H., Conn., Coatesville, Kits-vil, v Pa. [Mex. Coleraine, Kol-rAn, s-pt t Ir.; vs U. S. Coatzacoalco, Kc-qt-sq-k-41l-kQ, Colima, Ko-l1-mq, ter and t Mex., Coban, KI-bqn, c Guatemala, 14. 3134; vol 12,000 ft. Cobbessecontee, Kob-es-k6n-te, r Me. Collamer, K61-a-mer, vs Conn., Ill., &c. Cobija, Ko-bi-hq, (or Port la Mar,) s- College of St. James, v Md. pt Bolivia. Colliers, K61-yerz, v N-Y. [Vs. Coblentz, K6b-lents,ft c Prus., 18/. Collinsville, K61-inz-vil, t Conn., 1; sev. Cobourg, Kd-burg, port of entry C. W. Colmar, Kol-mw4r, c Fr., 23K/. Coburg, Kd-biury, t Cen. Ger., 10. Colne, Koln or KQn, rs and t Eng. Cochabamba, Ku-qq-b4m-bq, or Con- Cologna, Ko-ldn-yq, t N. It., 6x. dorillo, Kon-du-ril-yo, r Bolivia. Cologne, Ko-16n, c Prus., 92Y4. Cochabamba, (also Oropesa, Q-ru-pd- Cololo, Ko-16-1l, m p Andes, 17,930 ft. sq,) c Bolivia. Coloma, Ko-l-ma, p os Ala., Ill. Cochin, Kd-qin, or Ko-fJn, s-pt t Hin. Colombia, K@-16m-bi-q, former name Cochin China, Kd-gin Ei-na, s. e. of the republic of S. A. portion of Anam. Colombo, Ko-16m-bo, or Columbo, KoCochituate, Ku-git-yq-at, v and I Mass. ldm-bo, s-pt t and cap Ceylon, 31/. Cochran's Grove, K6k-ranz Grov, v Ill. Colonia do Santissimo Sacramento, Cocle, K6-kl, r N-Grenada. Ko-ld-ni-q do Sqn-tt-si-mo SqCocolamus, Ku-k6l-a-mus, or Pa. krcq-m6n-to,ft t Uruguay. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 41 Colorado, or Rio Colorado, Rg-u Kol- Conchas, K6n-gcqs, (or Conchos,) rs o-r4-do, (to distinguish it from the Mex. and Braz. [Peru. Colorado of Texas,) r U. S., w. of Conchucos, Kon-qc6-kQs, prov and 9 the Rocky Mountains. Concord, K6p-kord, c N-H., 834; t Vt.; Colossee, K@-16s-e, ruined c As. Minor. vs Mass., Ky., Mich., &c. Colquitt, K61-kwit, v Ga. Con3ordia, Kon-ker-di-a, par La.; sev. Colton, K1l-ton, v N-Y. vs U. S. Coluguape, Ku-lkn-gwdt-pa, I Patagonia. Concord River, Mass. Columbia, Ko-lim-bi-a, (or Oregon,) Condi, Kui-dA, t Fr., 51. largest r entering Pacific Ocean from Conde, K6n-da, ts Braz. American continent; entire length Cond6-sur-Noireau, K@Iu-da-ser-nwq1200 m.; c, cap S. C., 7; ts Pa., ro, tFr., 6K. Tenn., Mo.; vs Me., N-H., Conn., Condom, Kofi-cd61, t Fr., 7/4. N-Y., O., Ind., Tex., &c. Conecocheague, Kon-e-ku qig, cr Pa. Colambiana, Ku-lum-bi-An-a, co and v Conecuh, KC-ni-ku, r Ala. 0.; v Ill. Conedogwinit, Kon-e-dog-win-it, cr Pa. Columbia Village, Ku-ldm-bi-a Vil-aj, Conegliano, Ku-nal-yd-no, t It., 6K. v N-Y. [Med. Conemaugh, K6n-e-mo, r Pa. LPa. Columbretes, Ko-lctm-brd-tes, vol is Conequenessing, Kon-E-kwe-n6s-ip, or Columbus, Ko-ldm-bus, c, cap 0., 25; Conestoga, Kon-es-t6-ga, or and v Pa. c Ga., 9; t Miss.; vs Tex., Ind., Wis. Conesus, Ko-ni-sus, v and 1 N-Y. Colusi, Ko-l5-ss, co and t. Cal. Conewago, Kon-t-wA-gu, or Pa. [N-Y. Colzean, Kol-zsin, Castle, Scot. Conewango, Kon-e-w7jl-gu, cr and v Comacchio, Ku-mA-ki-u, ft t It. Coney, K6-ni, Island, s. w. of Long Comal, Ku-mal, co and t Tex. Island, N-Y. Comanche, Ko-mAn-ga, or Comanches, Congaree, Koj-ga-rg, r S. C. Ko-min-ges, (also Camanches,) Am. Congleton, Ko6-gl-ton, t Eng. Ind. Mex. and Tex. Congo, K6g-go, or Zaire, Zq-g-ra, r Comayagua, Ko-m[-4-gwq, (formerly S. Af.; extensive cy W. Af. Valladolid,) c Cen. Am., 12. Congrehoy, Kon-gra-h6-e, r Gnat. Combaconum, Kom-ba-ki-num, or Congress, K&6-gres, v 0. Combooconum, Kom-bea-k6-num, t Conhoeton, Kon-h6k-ton, r N-Y. Hind., 40. Coni, K6-ne, or Cuneo, Ka)-nA-o, ~ Combahee, Kom-ba-hi, r S. C. Piedmont, 18%. Comitan, Ku-me-t4n, (or Comitlan, Conki, K6n-ke, r Hind. Ku-met-14n, t Mex., 10. Connasauga, Kon-a-s6-ga, r Ga. Comite, Ku-mit, r La. Connaught, K6n-et, prov Ir. Communipaw, Ko-ml-ni-pe, v N-J. Conneaut, Kon-e-4t, or Pa.; v 0. Como, K6-mo, 1, prov and c Lom., Conneautville, Kon-E-6t-vil, v Pa. 18Y2; Vs tJ. S. Connecticut, Kon-6t-i-kut, T N-Eng., Comodo, K&-mu-du, i Malay Arch. 400 m.; one of the U. S., area 4674 Comorn, KS-morn,fr t Hun., 18. s. m., pop. 370,792. Comoro, K6m-u-ru, Isles, vol is Moz- Connemara, Kon-e-mir-a, dis Ir. ambique Channel; pop. 80,000, Arabs Connersville, K6n-erz-vil, t Ind. and Negroes. Conoloway, Ku-n61-u-wa, cr Pa. Competition, Kom-pe-ti-Jon, v Va. Conotten, KQ-n6t-en, cr and v 0. Compiano, Kom-pE-4-nu, t It. Conseca, Kon-sA-kq, walled t Sierra Compiegne, Kofi-pe-any, t Fr., 10%. Leone, 20. Compotine, Kom-p6-tsn, p o Io. Conseguina, Kon-sa-gg-nq, vol Nic. Compton, K6mp-ton, v Ga. Conshatte Chute, Kufi-f4t Eoat, p o La. Comstock, K6m-stok, v Mich., 114. Conshohocken, Kon-Jf-h6k-en, v Pa. Concentaina, Kon-ten-ti-nq, t Sp. Constance, K6n-stans, ft c Baden; I Concepcion, Kon-sep-se-6n, (or Con- Cen. Eu. ception,) i n. side Panama. Constantia, Kon-stin-fi-a, v N-Y. Concepcion, Kon-sep-ss-dn, pt Chili, 10; Constantina, Kon-stctn-tU-nq, t Sp., 7. ts Bol., N-Grenada, &c. Constantine, Kon-stqn-tin, (or ConConception, Kon-sip-jon, Bay, inlet stantina,) ft c Algeria, 21. Newfoundland. [Salvador. Canstantine, K6n-stan-ten, v Mich. Conchagua, Kon-qg-gwq, g and vol San Constantinople, Kon-stan-ti-n6-pl, c Conchardee, Kon-qdr-de, p o Ala. Tur., cap Ottoman Empire, 787. 4 42 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Contentny, Kon-tent-ni, cr N. C. Cordillera, Kor-dil-e-ra, (Sp. Ker-delContoocook, K6n-ta-kik, r N-H. ya-rq,) Spanish name of Andes mns. Contra Costa, K6n-tra K6s-ta, co and Cordova, K6r-d@-vq, prov Sp.; also c., p o Cal. 42, in the tenth century nearly 1000. Contreras, Kon-trA-rqs, bat. field, Mex.; Cordova, K6r-dw-va, t Mex., 6; preao is s. w. of Guatemala. and c La Plata, 13. [Ill. Contreras, Kon-tri-ras, p o O. Cordova, KEr-de-va, p os Tenn., Ky., Conversano, Kon-ver-s4-no, t Nap.,7s. Corea or Korea, Ke-ro-a, c N. E. As. Conway, K6n-wa, or Conwy, K6n-we, - Archipelago of, is w. Corea. r North Wales. Corea, Strait of, connecting Sea of JaConway, K6n-wa, r Va.; v Mass. [C. pan with Yellow Sea. Conwayborough, K6n-wa-bur-o, v S. Corentyn, K-ren-tn, r S. Am. Conyersville, K6n-yerz-vil, v Tenn. Core Sound, coast N. C. Conyngham, KdIn-ig-ham, v Pa. Corfu, Kor-f& or K6r-fa, one of Ionian Coobcabia, Kwb-kA-bi-q, t Cen. Af. is, 75; cap same, 20. Coodoonia, Kcn-d4-ni-a, r N. W. Af. Corigliano, Ko-rel-yj-n@, t Nap., 8/. Coogee, K(6-ge, s-pt t N-S. Wales. Corinaldo, Ke-re-nAl-do, t It., 6. Cook Inlet, Rus. Am. Coringa, Ke-ri5j-gq, s-pt Brit. India. Cook Islands, Pac. Oc., s. of Polynesia, Corinna, Ke-rin-a, v Me. pop. 50,000, Malay. Corinth, K6r-int, anc. c Greece, on isCookstown, t Ir.; Vs N-J., C. W. thmus of Corinth, 2; g arm Med.; v8 Cooksville, vs. Miss., Ind., Wis., C. W. Me., Vt., Ga. Coomassie, Ko-mis-E, t Guinea, 18. Corisco, Ke-ris-ke, b and i w. Af. Coonewar, Kco-ns-wer, p o Miss. Cork, Kork, c Ir., 84K. Cooper, KIp-er, River, S. C. Corniglio, Kor-ngl-yo, t It. Cooperstown, vs N-Y., N-J., Pa., Wis. Corning, K6rn-ip, v N-Y., 4. Cooper's Wells, watering-place, Miss. Corno, Monte, M6n-ta K6r-no, m Nap. Coos, KE-6s, co N-H. Cornucopia, Ker-nrt-k6-pi-a, p o Ind. Coosa, Kcb-sa, r Ga. and Ala. Cornwall, K6rn-wel, co Eng.; Vs Vt., Coosauda, Ke-s6-da, v Ala. Conn., N-Y., Nova Scotia, C. W. Coosawattee, Km-sa-w6t-e, r Ga. Cornwall, New, portion w. coast N. A. Coosawhatchie, Km-sa-hw6q-E, V S. C. Coroe, KS-ro, c Ven., 4. Cootehill, KHct-hil, t Ir., 234. Coromandel, Kor-o-man-del, Aar e. Copan, Ko-pAn, r and ruined c Guat. coast N-Zeal. Copano, Ko-p4-n@, v Tex. Coronata, Ko-ro-nft-tq, i Adriatic. Copeland, Kdp-land, Islands, n. w. Ir. Coronation, Kor-e-na-fon, /s N-S. Copenhagen, Ko-pen-hat-gen, cap Den- Shetland and Rus. Am. mark, 1334; vs N-Y., N. C. Coronda, KE-r6n-dq, t Santa-F6. Copiah, Kc-pi-a, cr and co Miss. Coroora, Ke-rc6-rq, i N. Pac. Oc. Copiapo, Ke-pe-c-p6, r Chili. Carowaugh, K6r-o-we, p o Va. Copiapo or San Francisco de Selya, Corpus Christi, K6r-pus Kris-ti, v t Chili. Texas, 1%; b Texas. Coppermine, K6p-er-mjn, ms and r Corrib, Lough, Lo K6r-ib, I Ir. Brit. N. Am. Corrientes, Kor-s-6n-tes, dep La Plata. Coquago, KI-kw4A-go, or Oquago, 6- Corsica, Ker-si-ka, i Med., 110 by 53 kw4-ge, branch Delaware r, N-Y. m., pop. 236,251; vs Pa., O. Coquet, K6k-et, (or Cocket,) r Eng. Corsicana, Kor-si-kd-na, v Texas. Coquimbo, Ko-kim-b@, prov. and s-pt Cortd, Ker-ta, t Corsica, 4%. t Chili, 8. Cortetz, Ker-tets, i in the Dnieper. Cora, K6-rq, cap island of Samos; v Cortland, K6rt-land, co and v N-Y. Iowa. Cortona, Kor-t6-nq, t Tuscany. Coral, Ke-r4l, i Brazil; K6r-al, v Ill. Corunna, Ko-rdn-a, ft c Sp., 19K; v Coral Sea, part Pac. Oc., w. Australia. Mich. Corannas, K~-r4n-qs, tribe S. Af. Corvo, K6r-ve, i Azores, 1. Corato, Ke-r4q-t@, c Nap., 11i. Corycian, Ko-rij -i-an, Cave, in Boeotia. Corbeau, Ker-b6, v N-Y. Corydon, K6r-i-don, vs Pa., Ky., Ia., Corcobado or Corcovado, Ker-ke-v4- Iowa. dc, vol Patagonia; q w. coast S. Am. Cos, Kos, or Stanchio, Stin-ke-o, i Corcovado, Ker-ko-v4-do, m Brazil, Med.; q near island. height 2000 ft. Cosala, Ko-s4-lq, t Cinaloa, Mex. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 43 Cosenza, Ko-s6n-zc, c Nap., 14. Cowes, K5z, s-pt t Isle of Wight, 4. Coshocton, Ko-J6k-ton, co and v O. Coweta, Ks-d-ta, co Ga. Cossatot, K6s-a-tot, cr Ark. Cowlitz, Kt-lits, r Wash. Ter.; - Cosi, Kd-se, or Koose, Kdb-ss, r Hind. Landing, t Wash. Tar. Cosiguina, K@-si-gg-nq, vol Nic. Coxim, KQ-Jih, r Brazil. Cosihuiriachi, K@-si-ws-ri-4-qe, t Chi- Coxsackie, Kok-shk-E, v N-Y. hauhau. Coyle, Kol, r Hind., 300 m. Cosmoledo, Kos-mn-ld-do, is Ind. Oc. Cozumel, Kc-zwa-mel, Island, Yucatan. Cosne, Kon, t Fr. Crab Orchard, mineral springs, v Ky. Cossacks, K6s-aks, (Country of the Cracatoa, Krak-a-ti-a, i Malay Arch. Don,) vast plain S. Rus. Cracow or Krakow, Krd-kc, c Poland, Costa Rica, Kos-tq Rg-kq, southern st 43; the former republic of this name, Cen. Am.; area 16,250 s. m., pop. now included in the grand duchy of 150,000. Cracow. Cosumne, Kos-um-ns, p o Cal. Craftsbury, Krdfts-ber-i, a Vt. Cote Blanche, Kut BlqfSf, b s. La. Craigsville, Krigz-vil, a Pa. Cote D'Or, Kot Der, rns and dep Fr. Cranberry, Krin-ber-i, v8 N-J.,Pa., O.; Cotile, Kn-tgl, p o La. 1 N-Y. Cotindiba, Ko-ten-dg-bq, r Brazil. Cranborne, Kran-born, t Eng. Cotoma, K@-td-ma, p o Ala. Cranbrook, Krin-bruk, t Eng. Cotopaxi, K@-to-piks-e, vol Ecuador, Cranston, Krans-ton, a R. I., 4%.S height 18,875 ft. Crawfish, Kr6-fif, River, Wis. Cotosa, Kn-t6-sa, p o Ga. Crawford, Kre-ford, numerous cos and Cotrone, K@-tr6-na, t Naples, 52. vs U. S. Cotta, K6t-q, v Ceylon. L8X. Crawfordsville, Kr6-fordz-vil, t Ia., Cottbus or Kottbus, K6t-buas, t Prus., 2y1; vs Ga., Iowa. Cottica, Kot-&-kq, r Dutch Guiana. Cree, Kre,' r Scot. fe Cotuit, K6t-yq-it, v Mass. Creek, Krsk, Indians, of Ga. and Ala. Cotuy or Cotui, K@-twg, t Hayti, 2. Crefeld, Krst-felt, t Rhenish Prussia, Couche's (Kgq-ez) Gap, a Tenn. 232. Coudersport, KE- derz-port, v Pa. Crema, Krd-mq, t Lombardy, 9)/. Coudoonia, Kw-d&-ni-q, r Soodan. Cremona, Kra-md-na,. ft c Lom., 281. Coudres, Kcd-r, i St. Lawrence. Crescent (Krds-ent) City, two ts Cal. Coulson's, K1l-sonz, Mills, p o Mo. Crestline, Kr6st-l1n, v O. Council Bluffs, Kin-sil Blufs, v Io., 4. Crete Krst, (or Candia,) i Med., beCouncil City, v Kanzas. longing to Turkey; 150 by 6 to 35 Courbevoie, KcEr-be-vw4, v Fr., 5. m.; pop. 158,000. Courland or Kurland, Kd6r-lqnd, a gov. Creuse, Krez, dep and r Fr., 175 m. Russia. Creuzot, Le, Le Kre-z6, t Fr., 8. Courtableau, Kwar-tq-bl6, Bayou, La. Creve Coeur, Krev ker, p o Mo. Courtais, Kcer-td, or Mo. Crevillente, Kra-vel-ydn-ta, t Sp., 734. Courtesy, Kdr-ts-si, v Ga. Crewe, Kra, t Eng. Courtland, Kdrt-land, vs Ala., Ia., Wis. Crewkerne, Kr&-kern, t Eng., 4)x. Courtrai or Courtray, K0br-tri, ft t Crieff, Krsf, t Scot., 4). Belgium, 19%. La. Crimea, Krim-1-a, pen S. Rus., on Coushattee Chute, Kra-Jat-rs Zt, p o the Black Sea; pop. 190,063. Coutances, KC-t6is, t Fr., 8. Crittenden, Krit-en-den, vs Ky., Ia. Coventry, Kliv-en-tri, c Eng., 37; vs Crixa or Cricha, Krsg-q, r Brazil; c Vt., R. I., Conn., N-Y., Pa. do., 5. Cove of Cork, (now Queenstown,) s-pt Croatia, Kru-d-fi-a, prov Aus. Em., t Ir., 5. area 3398 s. m., pop. 588,204. Covington, Kdv-ig-ton, c Ky., oppo- Croatia, Turkish, part of anc. Croatia. site Cincinnati, 13; v8 0., Ia. 1)/, Crockett, Kr6k-et, v Texas. 111., Mo., Pa., Va., Ga. Croghan, Kr6-han, vs N-Y., O. Cowallis, K@s-w61-is, p o Oregon. Croia, Croja, Kr6-yq, t Turkey in Eu. Cowanesque. Ks)-an-6sk, cr Pa. Croix-rousse, La, Lq Krwq-rds, t Fr., Cowee, K*-s, p o N. C. 19. Cowekee, K —e-kg, or and p o Ala. Cromarty, Kr6m-cr-ti, co and t Scot. Cowelitsk, Ks-el-itsk, Indians, Wash. Cromford, Kr6m-ford, t Eng., 1%. Ter. Cromwell, Kr6m-wel, v Conn. 44 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Cronstadt or Kronstadt, Kr6n-stqt, s- Cumberland Basin, bet. Nova Scotia pt t Rus., on Kotlin island; pop. in and N-Brunswick. winter, 6; summer, 40. Cumberland Island, is n. of Ga.; Brit. Crooked, Kriak-ed, Lake, w. N-Y., 18 N. Am.; in the Pacific. by I1 m. [6y. Cumberland Mountains, bet. Va. and Crossen or Krossen, Kros-en, t Prus., Ky., and bet. N. C. and Tenn. Cross (or La Crosse) Lake, Br. N. Am., Cumberland River, flows through Ky. origin of the Miss. River. and Tenn., 600: nav. 200 to 500. Crosswicks, Kr6s-wiks, v N-J. Cumberl'd University, Lebanon, Tenn. Croton, Kr6-ton, v N-Y. Cumbola, Kum-b6-la, v Pa. Croton River, N-Y. Cumbre, La, Lq K&(m-bra, pass across Crow, Krm, Indians, tribe of Me. Ter. the Andes, bet. Santiago, in Chili, Crown Point, Krsn Pont, Vs N-Y., Ia. and Mendoza; elevation, 12,454 ft. Crow River, Min. Ter., 100 m. Cumbrian, Kdm-bri-an, Mts., in Eng. Crow Wing, r and v Min. Ter. Cumino, Kcw-mg-n@, i Med., 4. Croydon, Krr-don, t Eng., 20. Cumming, Kim-ij, v Ga. Crozet, Kro-zA, Islands, S. Ind. Oc. Cummingsville, Kdm-ijz-vil, v 0. Croz n, Kr@-zif, t Fr., 9. Cunningham's Kdin-ij-hamz, Island, Cruces, Kr&-ses, v N-Grenada. [63. w. end Lake Erie, 3 by 214 m. Cruyshantem, Kr(os-h4n-tem, v Belg., Cuorgnd, Kw6rn-ya, t Pied., 5Yz. Crystal, Kris-tal, Lake, I and v Ill. Cupar-Fife, Kil-par-Fif, t Scot. Csaba, C6b-o, v Hun. Cupica, KwI-p6-kc, v and b N-Gran. Csacza, i6t-so, t Hun., 4Y2. Cura, Kc-rcq, t Ven., 4. Csakova, Cfk-@-vo, t Hun., 414. Curagoa, Kq-ra-s6-a or Ke-rq-s6, i Csakvar, Cqk-v4r, v Hun., 4%. W. Ind., 40 by 6 to 10 m.; pop. 154. Csath, Csat, or Csatt, eqt, t Hun., 5/. Curaray, Kw-rq-ri, r Ecuador. Csongrad, Con-gr4d, t Hun., 13y/. Curia, Kfl-ri-a, v Ark. [Arab. Cuajiniqualpa, Kwq-he-ni-kwQl-pq, t Curia Muria, Kc6-ri-q Md6-ri-q, is s. e. Guat., 3. Curico, Kw-rg-kQ, dis and t Chili. Cuba, Kit-ba, (Sp. Kc-bq,) i at the Curitiba, Kao-ri-t9-bq, r and t Brazil. mouth of the Gulf of Mexico, largest Current, Kdr-ent, River, Mo. and Ark., of the W. Ind., belonging to Spain; 250 m. [N. C. 560 by 50 to 60 m.; area 35,757 s. m.; Currituck, Kdr-i-tuk, i and sound n. e. pop. in 1853, 510,988 whites, 176,647 Curtatone, Kcr-tq-t6-na, v Milan, 51. free colored, 330,425 slaves,-total Curzola, Kiord-z6-lq, i Adriatic, pop. 1,009,060; es N-Y. 1, O., &c. 434. [Pa. Cubahatchee, Kq.-ba-haq-s, cr and p o Cussawago, Kus-a-w4-g@, cr and p o Ala. [ezuela, 5. Cusseta, Kus-i-ta, a Ala. Cucuisas, Las, Lqs Kw-kwE-sqs, t Ven- Cutchogue, Kut-q6g, a N-Y. Cuddalore, Kud-a-lr, t Hind. Cuthbert, Kdt-bert, a Ga. Cuenca, Kw6n-kq, c Sp., 6; proa do. Cuttack, Kut-ak,dis and c Br. Ind., 40. Cuenca, (or Rambae,) c Ecuador, 20. Cuvo, K&-va, r Lower Guinea, 400 m. Cuero, Kwa-ro, v Texas. Cuyaba or Cuiaba, KIc-yd-bq, r and c Cueva de Vera, Kwa-vq da Va-rq, t Brazil. Sp., 10o. Cuyahoga, Ki-a-h6-ga, r O. Culebra, Kac-la-brq, r and s-pt Costa Cuyahoga Falls, a 0. Rica; i W. Ind. Cuyler, Ki-ler, v N-Y Culiacan, Kc-li-q-k4n, t Mex., 7. Cuyos, Kc&-ycs, Is., group of the Phil. Cullera, Kcol-yA-rq, t Sp., 7. Cuyuni, Kw-y&-ne, r Br. Guiana. Culloden, Kul-6-den, moory ridge of Cuzco, Kds-k@s, c Peru, 41%; dep do. Scot.; a Ga. Cwmdu, K(6m-de, hamlet S. Wales. Culloma, Kul-&-ma, t Cal., 3. Cyclades, Sik-la-dez, is Grecian Arch., Culna, Kuil-na, t Brit. Ind.; 40. [6x4. pop. 19. Cumana, Kw-mq-n4, dep and c YVen., Cynthiana, Sin-ti-an-a, vs Ky., O., Ia. Cumania or Kumania, Kw-md-ni-a, Cypress, Si-pres, vs Ky., Mo., &c. Great and Little, ind. dis Hun. Cyprus, Si-prus, i Turkey in Asia, 148 Cumbal, Kwm-btl, rn p Andes, N-G., by 40 m.; pop. 100. [16Y2. 15,620 ft. high. Czegled, TsA-gled, large a Cen. Hun., Cumberland, Kdm-ber-land, t Md., 6; Czernowitz,.er-n@-vits, (or Tschernovs Me., Ky., O., Ia. witz,) t Aus. Poland, 12. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 45 D. Dacca, DAk-a, c Brit. Ind., 200. D'arbonne, Dqr-b6n, bayou La., nay. Dag6e, D4-ge-e, or Dago, D4-g$a, i Darby, Dcr-bi, v Pa. [60 m. Rus., Baltic Sea, 34 by 15 m.; pop. Dardanelle, Dqr-da-n6l, v Ark. 10,000. [Iowa. Dardanelles, Dqr-da-n6lz. (or HellesDahlonega, Da-16n-e-gct, vs Ga. 1/, pont,) strait bet. Eu. and As. Tur.; Dahme, D4-me, t Prus., 33. p o Or. Dahomey or Dahomay, Dcq-ho-mA, Dardenne, Dqr-d6n, or and v Mo. k W. Af.; pop. 200,000. Darfoor, Dcqr-fcr, cy of Af. Daiman, Di-mqn, or Arangua, fl-r4n- Darien, Da-ri-en, g and former prov gwq, r S. Am., 110 m. of N-Gran.; ts Conn., N-Y., Ga. Daimiel, Di-mi-61, t Sp., 9. Wis. Dakhel, El, El DA-1Zel, w. oasis Upper Darling, D4r-li;, r and ms Cen. Aust. Egypt, pop, 7,000. Darlington, D4r-lir-ton, t Eng., 11i; Dakota, Da-k6-ta, co and a Min. vs Pa., Md., S. C., Ia., &c. Dakota Indians, same as Sioux. Darmstadt, D4rm-.stqt, t Ger., 27. Dal-Elf, Dql-dlf, r Swed., 250 m. Dart, Dqrt, r Eng.; p o Ark. [Wis. Dalhousie, Dal-hcf-ze, v Scot.; t N- Dartford, Ddrt-ford, t Eng., 64; v Brunswick. Dartmouth, Dqrt-mut, s-pt t Eng. 4K; Dalias, Da-li-qs, t Sp., 12. Vs Pr. Ed. Is., N. S., Mass.; r Mad. Dalkeith, Dal-ket, t Scot., 5. Darmouth College, Hanover, N. H. Dallas, Dal-as, vs N. C., Tex., Ark., &c. Darwar, D4r-wqr, dis and t Hind. Dalmatia, Dal-ma-fi-a, prov Aus. Em., Darwen, Over, Dqr-wen, )'ver, t Eng., comp. anc. Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavo- Darwin, Dqr-win, v Ill. [112. nia, and Fiume: pop. 393,715; v Pa. D'Aubigny, D@-bsn-yg, v C. E. Dalry, Dal-ri, v Scot., 9. Dauchile, Do- qt, bayou Ark., La. Dalton, D6l-ton, vs Mass., Ga., O., &c. Daule, Di-la, nav. r Ec. Damaran, Dq-mqc-rqn, i Malay Arch. Dauphin, D6-fin, co and v Pa. Damariscotta, Dam-a-ris-k6t-a, r Me. Davenport, Dav-en-port, c Iowa, 5. Damascus, Da-mAs-kus, e Syria, oldest Davie, DTI-ve, co N. C. in the world, founded 2000 B. C., 112; Daviess, Da-vis, sev. cos U. S. vs Pa., O., &c. Davis Inlet, b e. coast Labrador, 57 m. Dambool, Dam-bdc1, v Ceylon. Davis's Strait, between Greenland and Damietta, Dam-i-et-a, t Low. Eg., 28. Brit. N. Am., 750 m. Damme, D4-me, i Malay Arch., 12 m. s. Dayton, Da-ton, fourth e of O., 17; ws Dampier, Dam-per, Arch., n. w. coast Ia., Ala., Ill., Iowa. Australia. Dead Sea, I Pal., 41 by 82 m. Danbury, Dan-ber-i, Vs N-H., Conn. Deal, Del, maritime t Eng., 7. Danby, Din-bi, vs Vt., N-Y.;p o Ill. Dean Forest, Eng., 22,000 acres beDandridge, Dan-drij, v Tenn. longing to the crown; pop. 13K. Dane, Dan, rel. to Denmark; co Wis. Dearborn's River, DNr-born, Mo., 150 m. Danemora, Dan-s-m6-ra, v. Dearbornville, Dgr-born-vil, v and Danish, DAn-if, belonging to Den. U. S. Arsenal, Mich. Dankali, Dqn-kq-l, or Danakil, Dq- Dease River, Des, Brit. N. Am. nc-kgl, ind state, Af., pop. 70,000. Debreezin, or Debretzin, Da-brft-sin, Dannemora, Dan-e-m6-ra, v N-Y. free t E. Hungary, 63. Dan River, Va., and N. C. Decatur, De-kA-tur, vs Ga., Ala., O., Dansville, v N-Y., 2K/. Mich., Ia., Ill., Wis. Dantzic, or Dantzick, gov and ft c W. De Chien Bayou, De-lfn, w. part Ky, Prussia, pop. 58; gulf of the same. Deckertown, Dfk-er-tan, v N-J. Danube, Din-yrqb, r Eu., rising in Decorah, Ds-kc-ra, v Iowa. Baden, and falling into the Black Dedham, D6d-ham, v Mass. sea, 1000 m.; v N-Y. Dee, De, r Wales, 70 m.; two rs Scot. Danvers, Dan-verz, v Mass. Deegoa, De-g6-q, walled t Bornoo, 30. Danville, ts Pa., 3%; Va., 3; Ky., 24; Deep River, central part N. C., 100 m. V8s Me., Vt., Ia., O., Ill., &c. Deerfield, Dgr-feld, r Vt., numerous Darabgherd, Dq-rqb-gerd, t Per., 20. De U. S. 46 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Defiance, Dr-fi-ans, co and t O. hereditary constitutional monarchy; De Graff, Dr Graf, v 0. vs Tenn., Ill., &c. De Kalb, Dr Kalb, cos and vs U. S. Dennis, Ddn-is, v Mass. Dekorra, De-k6r-a, v Wis. Depauville, Dr-p6-vil, v N-Y. Delagoa, Del-a-gd-a, izlet Ind. Oc. Depere, Dr-p4r, or De-per, v Wis. De La Palma, De Lc PAl-ml, p o O. Depeyster, Dr-pi-ster, v N-Y. Delavan, D61-a-van, vs N-Y., Ill., Wis. Deptford, D6d-ford, pt Eng., 27s4. Delaware, D6l-a-wqr, r, rises in N-Y. Dera Ghazee Khan, D6r-ca Gq-ze Kqn, and flows bet. the states of N-Y., t Afg., 25. and N-J. on one side, and Pa. and Derayeh, El, El Da-ri-e, t Ar., 15. Del. on the other; nav. for ships to Derbend, Der-b6nd, (or Derbent,) t Philadelphia; whole length 300 m. Rus., 12. [Conn., la. Delaware, smallest of the U. S., except Derby, Der-bi, t Eng., 40%; *s Vt, R. I.; 2120 s. m., pop. 71,169 whites, Derby Centre, v Vt. 18,073 free blacks, 2,290 slaves,- Derby Line, v Vt. total, 91,532. Derry, Der-i, v N-H. Delaware, t O., 2; b sep. N-J. and De Ruyter, De Ri-ter, v N-Y. Del., length 60 m. Derwent, Der-went, three rs Eng., rs Delaware City, v Del.; settlement in Van Dieman's Land. Kansas Ter. Desaguadero, Des-q-gwq-dd-ra, r Bol., Delaware College, at Newark, Del. 180 m. also a val in Bol. and Peru, Delawares, tribe of Indians formerly 400 by 30 to 80 m. occupying N-Y., Pa., N-J. Des Allemand's, Daz fll-m6h, or Dez Delft, Delft, t S. Holland, 17K. ll-e-mc4nz, l s. e. of La., 7 m. Delhi, D61-r, c Hind., at one time cov- Des Arc, Dez firk, v and baLyou Ark. ering 20 s. m., with pop. 2,000,000, Deseret, Des-er-et, co Utah Ter. now reduced to 250,000; D6l-hi, vs Desha, De-fi, co Ark. N-Y., O., Ill. Iowa, Wis., &c. D'Eschambault, Def-4it-b@, v C. E. Delos, Dg-los, is Gr. Arch. Desirade, Da-ze-rqd, is Little Antilles, Delphi, D1l-f4, m and t anc. Gr.; vs N- 22. Y., Tenn., Ia., Mo. Des Moines, De Morn, r Iowa, 200 m. Delphos, Del-fos, v 0., 114. Desna, Des-nq, r Rus., 500 m. [Ga. Delta, Del-ta, vs N-Y., Miss., O. Desoto, Dr-sd-to, co Miss.; par La.; ) Delton, Del-ton, v Wis. Des Plaines, Da Plan, r Ill., 150 m. Demak, Dem-4k, t, dis and r Is. Java. Dessau D&s-s, walled t N. Ger., 12. Demavend (Dem-q-vend,) Mount, vol Detroit, De-trdt, c Mich., 342. Persia, 14,695 ft. Detroit River, str connecting Lake St. Dembea, Dim-br-a, 1 Abys. Clair with Lake Erie, 25 m. [7. Dembia, Dem-bi-a, r W. Af. Deux-Ponts, De-pdfi, t Rhenish Bav., Demer, Da-mer,' Belg. Deventer, or Dewenter, D6v-en-ter, e Demerara, Dem-er-q-ra, r and dis Brit. Hol., 14K. Guiana. [200 m. Devereaux, D&v-r-ro, p o N-Y. Demianka, Da-mi-4n-ka, r Siberia. Devizes, Dr-vj-zez, t Eng., 6K/. Demmin, De-min, t Prus., 64. Devonshire, D6v-on-fEr, co Eng. Demonte, Da-m6n-ta, ft t Pied., 7. Devon, D6v-on, r Scot. Demopolis, Dr-m6p-o-lis, a Ala. Devonport, Dev-on-part,ft t and naval Demotica, Ds-m6t-i-ka, t Eu. Tur., 8. ars of Eng., 501. Denain, De-nain, v Fr., 8S. De Witt, Dr Wit, vs8 N-Y., Mich., Ill. Denbigh, D1n-be, t N. Wales, 5x. Dewsbury, Dq)z-ber-i, t Eng., 14. Dender, D6n-der, r Nubia, 250 m. Dexter, Deks-ter, vs Me., N-Y., Mich. Dendermonde, Den-der-m6n-de, ft t Dezfool, or Dezphoul, Dez-fc6l, t Per., Belg., 8x. 15. Denia, Da-ni-q, maritime t Sp., 3. Dhalak, Dq-l4k, is Red Sea. Denmark, D6n-mqrk, k N. Eu., having Dhawalaghiri, Da-wol-a-gdr-e, p Him. as colonies: Duchies of Sleswick, Moun., 28,000 ft. Holstein, Lauenburg; Far6e Islands; Diablerets, De-qb-le-r/, zm Swit. Iceland; Greenland; West India Is. Diamantina, De-q-mqn-tg-nq, c Bra, -Santa Cruz, St. Thomas, and San Diamante, De-q-mn4n-ta, r La Plata, Juan; Nicobar Is. Total area, 62,870; 170 m. total pop., 2,412,926. The gov. is a Diana, DI-An-a, v N-Y, GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 47 Diarbekir, D-,qr-bs-kdr, e As. Tur., Doniphan, D6n-i-fan, v Mo.; - City, 8000 families. t Kanzas. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Donnybrook, D6n-i-brak, par and v Ir. Dieppe, Dyep, or De-6p, s-pt t Fr., Doon, Don, r and loch Scot., 18 m. 173-. Dor, D'or, or Dore, (Mont,) M6O-dor, Diest, Dest, walled t Belg., 74. 8ns Fr. Diggers, Dig-erz, various tribes de- Dora Baltea, Do-rq Bcql-tA-q, r Pied. graded Indians in Or. and Cal., who Dorchester, D6r-ges-ter, t Eng., 6%; ts subsist on roots, insects, lizards, &c. Mass., 8; N-B., S. C., &c. Dijon, Ds-36fi, c Fr., 324. Dordogne, Dor-ddn, r Fr., 220 m. Dilman, Del-mqn, t N. Per. 15. Dorogoboozh, Do-ro-ga-ba63, t Rus., 5. Dinagepoor, De-nqj-pl6r, dis and t Br. Dorpat, D6r-pqt, t Rus. 12. Ind., 30. Dort, Dort, t S. Hol., 21. Dinan, De-n6fi, t Fr., 82. [6%. Douai, or Douay, Dmw-A, ft t Fr., 20%. Dinant, Ds-n(nt, or Ds-nnfi, t Belg., Doubs, Dcwbz, r Fr., 263 m. Dinkelsbiihl, Dijk-elz-bel,ft t Bav., 5. Douglas, Ddg-las, s-pt Isle of Man, 9%; Dinwiddie, Din-wid-s, co and a Va. vs Scot., Mass., Pa., Kansas, &c. Dios Nombre De, N6m-bra da Dd-as, Doune, Dwn, v Scot., 1/Y. t Mex., 7. Douro, De6-r@, r Sp. and Port., 400 m. Disco, Dis-k@, i of Denmark, w. coast Douw, DYv, or Dv, i Malay Arch., 5. of Greenland. Dover, D6-ver, t Eng., 224; t N-H., Dismal Swamp, Diz-mal Swomp, Va., 8%; vs Me., Mass., N-Y., N-J., N. C., 30 by 10 or 12 m. Del., O., &c. District of Columbia, ter for the cap- Dover, Strait of, sep. Eng. and Fr. ital of the U. S., ceded to the Gen. Dovrefield, D6-vre-fs-dld, m range Gov. by Md.; 60 s. m., pop. in 1850, Nor. whites, 38,027; free blacks, 9,973; Dowagiac, Do-wA-ji-ak, r and a Mich. slaves, 3,687; total 51,687. The Downs, The, portion, N. Sea, s. e. citizens of the District are without of Eng. any representation in Congress or Dracut, Dra-kut, v Mass. vote for president. Draguignan, Drq-gen-y6fi, t Fr., 9. Ditteah, Dit-s-q, t Hind., 120. Drammen, Drj-men, s-pt t Nor., 8. Dixon, Diks-on, v Ill., 1. Drave, Dray, r S. E. Eu., 360 m. Djokjokarta, Jok-yo-kqr-ta, dis Java; Drennon Springs, Dren-on, watering cap of the dis., pop. 90. place, near Louisville, Ky. Dnieper, Ng-per, r Rus., flows s. into Dresden, Drez-den, c and cap Saxony, Black Sea; length 623 m. including 94; vs Me., O., Ill. windings, 1230 m. Drin, DrEn, two rs Eu. Tur. Dniester, Nis-ter, nav. r Aus. and Drogheda, Dr6-he-da, s-pt t Ir., 16/. Rus., 400 m. Droitwich, Drdt-iq, t Eng. Doboka, Da-b6-ko, v Tran., 67. Drummond's Island, Drdim-ondz, Lake Doce, D6-sa, r Bra., 500 m. Huron. Dodgeville, D6j-vil, a Wis., 1. Druses, Drc6-sez, people inhabiting the Dole, Dal, t Fr., 104. chain of Lebanon, in Syria. Dolores, Do-lh-res, t Guanajuato. Dublin, Ddb-lin, cap c Ir., 254; a8 Dominica, or Domenica, Dom-i-ni-ka, N-H., Ia., Ga., &c. Brit. W. Ind. Is., 29 by 16 m., pop. Dubois, Dq-b&, co Ia. 22%, 800 are whites; also one of the Dabuque, Drl-b(k, c of Iowa, 9. Marquesas Is. Duck River, Middle Tenn., 250 m. Dominick, D6m-in-ik, a Ill. Duddeston, Ddd-es-ton, t Eng., 20. Don, Don, r Eu. Rus., enters the Sea Dudley, Ddd-li, t Eng., 38; a Mass. of Azof, 468 m.; rs Eng., Scot., Fr. Dugdemona, Dug-ds-m6-na, V8s La., Donaldson, D6n-ald-son, a Pa. Iowa. Donaldsonville, r-pt La. Duida, Dwd-dq, m YVen., 8500 ft. Don Benito, Don Ba-nd-to, t Sp., 15%. Duisburg, Dc-is-bhLrh, t Rhenish Doncaster, D6n-kas-ter, t Eng. [Pa. Prussia, 7%. Donegal, Don-z-g6l, s-pt t Ir.; three as Dulce, DL6l-sa, I Gua., 25 by 10. Donets, D@-ndts, r S. Rus., 400 m. Dulce Rio, Rd-a D&l-sa, r La Plata. Dong-nai, Do9-nf, r and t Anam. Dulcigno, Dol-g~n-yo, s-pt t Eu. Dongola, D6&-g@-lq, t Nubia; v Ia. Tur., 8. 48 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Dumbarton, Dum-bAr-ton, s-pt t Scot., Dunmore, Dun-m6r, vs Ir., Pa. 41g. Dunse, Duns, t Scot., 234. Duamfries, Dum-frgs, r-pt Scot., 11i. Dunstable, Ddn-sta-bl, t Eng., 3K. Dummodah, Dum-6-da, r Brit. Ind., Duntocher, Dun-t6h-er, v Scot., 34. 300 m. Dunville, Duin-vil, a C. W., 1. Duiina, De-nq, or Dwina, Dwg-nq, r of Du Page, Di1 Paj, co and a Ill. Rus., nay. 400 m. [6%. Duquesne, I)Dq-ka, a ft formerly on Diinaburg, De-nq-bwrg, ft t Rus. Pol., the site of Pittsburg; a two miles off. Dunbar, Dun-bqr, s-pt t Scot. Duquoin, Dil-kw&n, v Ill. Dundalk, Dun-d6k, s-pt t Ir., 104. Durango, Dco-ri4-go, st Mex.; area Dundas, Ddn-das, t C. W. 3. 48,489 s. m., pop. 137K; cap same, 22. Dundee, Dun-d~, s-pt Scot., 78%; Vs Duiren, Dd-ren, t Rhen. Prus., 8. N-Y., 1K; Mich., Ill. Durham, Ddr-ham, c Eng., 13. Dunfermline, Dum-fer-lin, t Soot., 8K. Dusseldorf, Dds-el-derf, gov and Dungannon, Dun-gin-non, t Ir., v 0., Rhen. Prus., 232. Dungarvan, Dun-gqr-van, s-pt t Ir., Duxbury, Ddks-ber-i, v Mass. 8/x. Dwina, Dwi-na or Dw8-ncq, r Rus., Dunkirk, Ddn-kerk, ft s-pt t Fr., 29; t 330 m. N-Y., 4X; a Wis. Dysart, DI-zart, s-pt t Scot. E. Eagle Harbor, 8'gl H4r-bor, v Mich. Echmiedzin, Eq-mi-ed-zen, t Armenia. Eagle Pass, a Texas. Ecija, a'ti-hq, t Sp., 28K. East Aurora, Est 0-r6-ra, a N-Y., 2. Eckford, Ek'ford, a Mich. East Greenwich, Grgn-wiq, a R. I., 21/3. Eckhung Choo, Ek-fi ( Co, r Thibet. East Haddam Landing, a Conn. [Y. Eckmansville, Ek'manz-vil, v 0. East Hampton, HAmp-ton, as Mass., N- Economy, 8-k6n-@-mi, vs Pa., 0., Ia. East Hartford, H4rt-ford, a Conn. Ecorce, aI-k6rs, a Mich. East Haven, HA-ven, a Conn. Ecuador, Ek-wq-d6r, (i. e. "Equator;") East Indies, In'dez, applied to Hin., a republic of S. Am.; area 240,000 s. Farther India, Malay Arch. m., pop. 500,000. East Liverpool, Liv-er-poal, a 0. Eddystone (Ed'i-stnn) Island, S. Pac.; East-Main or Slade River, Lab., 400 m. - Light-House, Eng. Channel. Easton, Cs'ton, t Pa., 71; as N-Y., Eddyville, as N-Y., Ky., Iowa. Md., Mass., Kansas. Eden, 8'den, rs Eng., Scot.; as U. S. Eastport, 8st'pnrt, Ts Me., Miss. Edenkoben, a'den-k@-ben, t Rhenish East Randolph, Ran-dolf, as Vt., Bavaria, 5. [0. Mass., N-Y. Edenton, 8'den-ton, cot N. C.; as N-Y., East River, con. Long Island Sound Edgartown, Ed'gar-t-sn, co t Mass. with N-Y. Bay, 20 m. Edgecomb, Ej'kQm, a Me. East Saginaw, Sag-i-ne, a Mich. Edgefield, a Tenn.; co t S. C. East Salisbury, S4lz-ber-i, a Mass. Edgington, Ej'i)-ton, a Ill. East Schuyler, Ski-ler, p o N-Y. Edin, E'din, a 0. East Stoughton, Stc-ton, a Mass. Edina, E-dj-na, co t Mo. Eastville, co t Va. Edinborough, Ed'in-bur-o, a Pa. East Weare, WEtr, a N-H. Edinburg, Ed'in-burg, vs U. S. East Windsor, Wind-sor, as Mass.,Conn. Edinburgh, Ed'in-bur-u, metropolis of East Woburn, W6-burn, a Mass. Scot., 158. Eaton, S'ton, Ts N-H., N-Y., Pa., Edinburgh, New, s-pt S. Am. Tenn.; co t 0. Edisto, Ed'is-to, r S. C. Eaton Rapids, a Mich. Edmonton, Ed'mon-ton, vs Eng., Brit. Eatonton, $'ton-ton, co t Ga. N. Am., Ky. Ebenezer, Eb-en-i-zer, Ts Pa., Miss. Eelee, Ele, Ili, 8'ls, r and c Chi., 75. Ebersbach, W'berz-bq], a Saxony, 5?2. Eel River, two rs Ia. Ebro, I'lbr@, r Sp., 340 m. Eels, Elz, Eeleeyats or Iliyats, S-leEccleshall, Ek'lz-hel, t Eng., 4%. ycqts, wandering tribes of Persia. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 49 Eem, am, r Holland. Elgg, Elk, v Swit., 3. Eessah Somaulee, 8'sa So-m4-le, tribe Elgin, El'gin, t Scot., 6%; vs N-Y., Ill. in E. Af. 2Y3, &c. Efbe, Ef'ba, i Malay Arch. Elisabethstadt, a[-lg-zq-bet-stqt, t Etfinglham, Ef'ip-harn, vs N-H., S. C. Transylvania, 4. Eger, Eg'er or [['ger, r E. Ger.; t Bo- Elisavetopol, a-le-zq-va-t6-pol, t Ga. hemia, 101. in Eu., 12. Egerdir, Eg-er-ddr, 1 and t Asia Minor. Elizabeth, vs Pa. 2/2, Ark., &c. Egga, Eg'a, large t Guinea. Elizabeth City, co Va.; t N. C., 2. Eggebee, Eg'a-bz, t W. Af., 14. Elizabeth Islands, coast of Mass., and Egg Is. Point, s. ex. Egg Is., Del. Bay. likewise the names of other small Egmont, Eg'mont, (or Six Islands,) islands in the At. and Pac. Oceans. Ind. Oc.; i Santa Cruz Arch.; vol Elizabeth Port, v N-J., 1. N-Zealand. Elizabethtown, vs N-J. 4, Pa., Va., &c. Egypt, cy in n. e. Af.; area 11,000 s. El Kader, El Kq-der, v Iowa. m., pop. 2,500,000; vs N-Y., Pa., &c. El-Kasr or El-Kasar, El-kqs-r', cap of Ehen, 8'hen, r Eng. Dakhel, in Upper Egypt. Ehrenbreitstein, [E'ren-brit-stin, ft t El-Khargeh, El-kqr-ge, t Up. Eg., 6. Rren. Prus., 2. Elkhart (Elk'hqrt) River, Ia., 100 m. Eichstidt or Aichstadt, ik'stet, t Bav., Elk Mountain, m Pa. 7%y3. El-Kos, Ei-kds, r Morocco. Eider, I'der or Id'er, r Den., nav. 70 m. Elk River, rs Pa., Va., Tenn. and Ala. Eig, Eigg, ~g, or Egg Is., Heb. of Scot. Elle, El-A, r Fr. Eiger, +'ger, m Swit., 13,045 ft. high. Ellezelles, El-zel, t Belg., 6/4. Eijerland or Eierland, i'er-lqnt, n. Ellice (El'is) Islands, group of islets in part island of Texel. [834. the Pacific, 4. Eilenburg, V'len-burh, t Prus. Saxony, Ellichpoor, El-ik-pc6r, c India. Eil, Loch, Lo]h 81, 1 Scot. Ellicotville, El'i-kot-vil, v N-Y., 13. Eimbeck, +m'bek, t Han., 53. Ellsworth, Elz'wurt, t and pt Me., 5. Eimeo, i'ms-@, one of the Society Is- Ellwangen, El'wqi.-en, t Wiirt., 3. lands, Pac. Oc., 11. Elmina, El-mg-nq, (or St. George del Einsiedeln, Pn'ss-deln, t Swit., 3. Mina,) t and ft, cap. Dutch posses. Eisenach, +'zen-qh, t Cen. Ger., 9Y3. on the Guinea coast, Af.; 10 blacks. Eisenstadt, V'zen-stqt, t Hun., 934. Elmira, El-mi-ra, vs N-Y. 10, 0., Ill. Eisleben, Ws'la-ben, t Prus. Sax., 8%/. Elmshorn, Elms'hern, t Denmark, 534. Ekhe, Ek'e, or Iga, Ig'a, r Mongolia, El Paso del Norte, El P4-sa del Ner-ta, 170 m. (often written El Passo,) a line of Elba, El'ba; i of Tuscany, Mled., 183; settlements on the right bank of the vs N.Y., Va., &c. Rio Grand, Mex., 5. Elbe, Elb, (Ger. El'be,) r Ger., 550m. El Rosario, El R@-s4-ri-o, t Mex., 5. Elberfeld, El'ber-felt, t Rhen. Prus., 35. Elsinore, El-si-n6r, or Elsineur, El-siElbeuf or Elbceuf, El-bef, t Fr., 1734. nftr, s-pt t Den., noted as the place Elbing, El'big, t e. Prus., 20. where the Sound dues are levied on Elbingerode, El'bipu-ha-r)-de, t Han., 3. vessels entering or clearing the BalElbogen or Ellbogen, El-b6-hen, t Bo- tic; pop. 8. hemia, 2. Elster, El'ster, White, r Ger., 110 m. Elbridge, El'brij, vs N-Y. 1, Ill. Elster, Black, r Ger., 105 m. Elbrooz, El-brlcz, range of mountains, El Tyh, Wady, WA-di el Ts, ("Valley Cen. Asia, breadth 200 m. of the Wandering,") Middle Egypt. Elburg, EI'burh, t Hol., 2. Elvas, El'vqs, ft c Port., 1634. Elche, El'qa, t Sp., 18. Elven, El-v6fi, t Fr., 33/. Elde, El'de, r Meck.-Schwerin, 94 m. Ely,'lle, Isle of, dis Eug., co of CamEl Dorado, El D@-rq-d@, part of S. A.; bridge; area 225,150 acres. co Cal., area 2,000 s. m., pop. 40; vs Elyria, 8-lir-i-a, v O., 2%. Ark., Ky., Mo. Elza, El'zq, r Tuscany. Elek, tI-16k, v Hun., 2%/3. Elze, Elt'ss, t Hanover, 2. Elemer, [I-la-m4r, v Hun., 24. Emba, Em'bq, (Jem or Djem, Jem,) r Eleuthera (8-14,-ts-ra) Island and Cen. Asia, 250 m. Keys, Bahama Islands, 2'/. Emubach, Em'bql, Great and Little, r Elfeld, El'felt, t Cen. GCer., 234. Russia. 5 50 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Embrun, Em'brun or Ofh-brdfi, t Fr., Ensenada de Barragon, En-sa-n4-dq 43~. da Bar-q-gdn, b and v Argentine Ermden or Embden, Em'den, s-pt t Republic. Hanover, 12. Ensisheim, En'sis-him, or Ensheim, Emenabad, Em-en-q-b4d, or Amina- Ens'him, t Fr., 4. bad, fl-min-q-b1Cd, t of the Punjab. Entrague, Oti-trc(g, v Sard. States, 3. Emerina, Em-e-rg-nq, dis island of Entrecasteaux, Oi-tr-kqs-t6, t Fr., 2. Madagascar. Entre Rios, En'tra Rd-os, prov ArgenEmmerich, Em'e-rih, or Emrich, Em'- tine Republic, 30. rik, walled t Rhen. Prus., 6%. Entry (En'tre) Island, Kapito, K4-peEmpoli, Emtpo-le, t Tuscany, 5'. to, i of N-Zealand. Ems, r n. w. Ger. Envie, Ofi-vi, v Pied., 24. Ems Hohen, Enms H&-en, t Aus. Enzweihingen, Ents-vi-hiij-en, vWiirt. Enara, al-nq-rq, I Rus. Lapland. [3Y. Eoa, 8-i-q, or Eooa, $-cb-q, i Pac. Oc. Encina-Sola, En-t9-nq-Sc5-lq, t Sp., Epaignes, E-pAn, v Fr., 2y31 Encruzilhada, En-krc-zzl-yq-dq,, and Epe, a'pe, or Eep, tlp, v Hol., 33. har Brazil, 2. Eperies, [-pa-ri-6S, or Heperjes, HaEndava, En-dq-vq, r S. Am. per-yef, t Hun., 8s. Ende, En'da, s-pt t Malay Arch. Epernay, El-per-nui, t Fr., 6. Endingen, En'dil-en, t Baden, 3. Ephratah, C-fri-ta, v N-Y., 2. Enfield, En'feld, v N-H., Conn. Epila, [I-pg-lq, t Sp., 3. Engano, En-gq-no, is Malay Arch., Epinal, a[-pe-nAl, t Fr., 11. northern coast of Papua. Epsom, Ep'som, t Eng,, 3K. Engedi, EU'ge-dj, or Ainjidy, [n-jid-E, Epte, Ept, r Fr. anc. t Palestine. Erbach, Er'bqh, vs Hesse-Darmstadt, Engelberg, Epj'el-berh, v Swit. Nassau, and Wiirt.; r Rhen. Bavaria. Engelhardszell, Ei'el-hqrt-sel, t Upper Ercsi, Er-qg, or Ercseny, Er-qdny, o Aus., 1. Hun., 31. Engelholm, E.'gel-hom, s-pt t Swed. Erdeven, Erd-v6fi, a Fr., 3. Engelsberg, E''gels-berh, t Austrian Erfurt or Erfurth, Er'fiart, t Prussian Silesia, 24. Saxony, 24K. Engenho-do-Matto, En-3dn-yo-d@-m4- Ericeira, El-ri-sa-i-rq, mnar t Port., 2X. to, a Brazil, 3. Ericht, Loch, Loh Er'iht, I Scot. Enghien, Ofi-gi-afi, t Belg., 3/. Ericht, r Scot. England, I.l'gland, a famous cy of Erie, ~-ri, I n. U. S., one of the five Europe, forming, with Wales, the drained by the St. Lawrence River; southern part of the island of Great ts Pa., Mich., &c. Britain. Area, 57,812 s. m., of which Erivan, Er-i-vtn, ft t Rus. Arm., 1114. 50,377 are in England, and 7,425 in Erlangen, Er'lqp-en, t Bavaria, 11i. Wales; pop. of Eng., in 1851, was Erlau, Er'lw,f ft Hun., 19/. 16,921,888, Wales, 1,050,721. Erne, Ern, r and two is Ir. Engua-Guaqu, (or Guazu,) Eg'gwc- Ernoe, Er-ni, t Fr., 5Y. gwq-s6b, i of Brazil. Ernsthal, Erns'tcl, t Sax. _[6S/. Enguera, En-gwd-rq, t Sp., 54. Ersek-Ujvar, E]r-jSk-ia-i-v4r, t Hun., Enkhuysen, Ejk-h&-sen, Enkhuizen, Erstein, Er'stin, t Fr., 3Kx. Enchusa, En-kcb-sq, s-pt t Neth., 5. Ertvaag-Oe, Er'vog-e-e, i of Norway. Enkirch, En'ksrh, v Rhen. Prus., 2. Ertvelde, Ert-vdl-de, v Belg., 3. Enkjoping, Enk6ping, En'qe-piU, t Erzberg, Erts'berh, m Styria. Sweden, 1S4. Erzengan, Er-zen-gtn, t As. Tur. Ennaska, En-cs-kq, i N. Pac. Oc. Erz-Gebirge, Erts-ga-bir-ga, n s. Ger. Enneda, En-d-dq, v Swit., 2. Erzroom, Erzroum or Erzrum, Erz-rc6m, Ennel, En'el, I Ir. c Armenia, 50. Ennis, En'is, t Ir., 9%. Erzroom, Pashalic of, one of the subEnniscorthy, En-is-kir-ti, t Ir., 7. divisions of As. Tur. Enniskillen, En-is-kil-en, t Ir., 5/. Escalaplano, Es-kq-lq-pl-n@, or SeaEnns or Ens, r and t Aus., 3K. laplano, Skq-lq-plC-no, r island of Enos, I['nos, s-pt t Eu. Tur., 7. Sardinia, 1 4. Enosburg, 8'nos-burg, v Vt., 2. Escalonilla, Es-kqc-lo-ngl-yq, v Sp., 2. Enotaevsk, lI-no-tq-dvsk, t Rus., 3. Escambia, Es-katm-bi-a, r Ala.; co Fa. Enschede, En-ski-de, t Netherlands, 5. Escholzmatt, ES'olts-mqt, v Swit., 3. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 51 Eschwege, Ef'va-ge, t Hesse-Cassel, 6. Eszek, Esseck, Es'ek, or Essegg, Es'eg, Eschweiler, Ef'vi-ler, t Rhen. Prus., 8. cap Aus. Slavonia, 12/. Escudo de Veragua, Es-kc6-do da Va- Etampes, a-tonp, t Fr., 8. r4-gwq, r S. Am. Ethiopia, 8-ti-o-pi-a, cy S. Egypt. Escuintla, Es-kwgnt-lq, t Cen. Am., 2'. Etna, Et'na, vol n. e. Sicily. Eskee-Sara, Es'ke-sq-rq, or Eski-Sa- Eton, $'ton, t Eng., 32. gra, Es'ke-sq-grq, t Eu. Tur., 20. Etowah, Et'@-wc, or Hi-to-wq, r Ga. Esla, Es'lq, r Sp. Ettrick, Et'rik, r and par Scot. Eslingen, Es'lij-en, t Wiirt., 63/. Euboea, Yq,-bg-q, or Negropont, the Esmeralda, Es-ma-rql-dq, r S. Am.; m largest island of the kingdom of Gr. Brazil. L[23. Euclid, Yfi-klid, vs N-Y., O. Esparraguera, Es-par-q-gd-rq, t Sp., Eupen, U'pen, t Rhen. Prus., 11. Espejo, Es-pd-hIo, t Sp., 5%. Euphrates, Ytl-frd-tez, called also by Espinhaqo, Serra do, Sdr-q do Es-pen- the natives, Moorad, r Egypt. yq-s), ms Brazil. Eure-et-Loir, Er-a-Lwqr, prov Fr., 295. Espiritu Santo, Es-pir-i-tco S4n-to, Europe, Yi,-rQp, the least of the great is Pac. Oc., Gulf of Cal., one of the divisions of the earth, Australia exBahama Is.; t Cuba; sev. vs and cas. cepted, yet a quarter in which civilEspita, Es-pg-tq, t Cen. Am., 3. ization has progressed most extenEspluga de Francoli, Es-plc6-gq da sively. Area, 3,830,130 s. m.; pop., Frqn-ko-l1, t Sp., 23. 264,209,000. Esquimaux, Es'ki-mo, or -moz, the in- Eutaw, YAi-to, v Ala., 2. habitants of Greenland and the ex- Evansville, Iv'anz-vil, t Ia. 9; vs Va., &c. treme north of America. Everghem, ~1'ver-hem, v Belg., 73. Esquimaux, i and har N. Am. Evora, Ev'o-rq, c Port., 15. Essarts, Les, Laz Es-4r, t Fr., 24. Evreux, Ev-re, c Fr., 13. Essen, Es'en, t Prus. Westphalia, 714. Ewington, Yl,-i9-ton, co t Ill. Essequibo, Es-e-kg-b@, r Br. Guiana. Exe, Eks, r Eng. Essex, Es'eks, cos and Vs U. S. Exeter, Eks's-ter, c Eng., 33; vs Me., Este, Es'ta, t Lombardy, 8. N-H., and other States. Estella, Es-tel-yq, t Sp., 6. Exmouth, Eks'mut, t Eng., 5. Estepona, Es-ta-p6-nq, t Sp., 934. Eyafialla-Yokul, i-q-fi-A4-lq-Y`-kal Estrella, Serra da, Ser-q dc Es-trIl-q, vol Iceland. [s-pt t Eng. ms Brazil and Port. [Port., 748K. Eye, 1, bor and t Eng., 7K2; -mouth, Estremadura, Es-tra-mq-dc6-rq, prov Eynesford, anz'ford, par Eng. F. Faaberg, F65-berg, ts Nor. 44., Den. Fall River, ts Mass. 11x, Wis. Fabbriano, Fqb-ri-4-n@, c Cen. It., 6K. Falmouth, Fal-mut, s-pt t Eng., 5; 08 Facone, Fc-k6-na, I Japan. Me., Mass., &c. Fadievskoi, Fcq-di-6v-sko, i Arc. Oc. Falster, Fl1-ster, i in the Baltic, 23%. Fremund or Famund, Ft-mcand, 1 Nor. Fano, F4-n@, s-pt t Cen. It., 10. Faenza, Fq-6n-zq, c Cen. It., 193. Farallones de los Frayles, Fq-rql-y6Fairfax, Fr-faks, co t Va.; vs Vt., 0. nes da las Fri-les, is coast of Cal. Fairfield, F/r-f~ld, v port of entry, Fareham, Fkr-ham, t Eng., 3K. Conn.; vs N-Y., O., Ia., Ill., Iowa. Farmington, Fqrm-ij-ton, vs Me., NFairhaven, Fqr-ha-ven, v Mass., 5; ts H., Conn., N-Y., &c. [Eng. N-Y., Conn., O., Ill. Farne (Fqrn) or Fern Is., off coast of Fairmont, F/r-mont, co t Va. Farnham, F4rn-ham, t Eng., 31/; v Va. Fairweather, Fqr-wed-er, m Rus. Am., Faro, Fq-r@, s-?pt c Port., 81/. a 14,900 ft. high. [Conn. Faroe, Ft-r@ or FA-re-e, i N. At. Oc. Fairweather's Is., Black Rock Harbor, Farsan, Fqr-scn, Islands, Red Sea. Falaba, Fq-14-bq, t W. Af., 6. Fasano, Fq-sC-no, c Nap., 9. Falaise, Fq-ltz, t Fr., 9. Fatsizio, Fqt-sg-zi-@, i of Japan. Falalu, Fq-lq-lc6, i Pac. Oc. Fauquier, F6-ker, co Va. Falkirk, Fol-k4rk, t Scot., 9. Fausse (Fos) Point, p o La. Falkland, Fdk-land, Islands, S. At. Oc. Fausse Riviere, Fos eR-vi-tr,' La. 52 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Faversham, Fiv-er-Jam, s-pt t Eng. Flensborg, Fltnz-bor7b, t Den., 16M. Favignana, Fq-ven-yQ-nq, i Med. Flint, Flint, s-pt N. Wales; vs Mich., ia. Faxardo or Fajardo, Fq-hqr-do, t and Flint River, rs Ga., 300 m.; Mich. i Porto Rico, 3. Florence, F16r-ens, c It., 102y,; vs U. S. Fayal, Fi-l1, i Azores, N. At. Oc., 26. Flores, Fl-res, is Malay Arch., Azores 9, Fayette, Fa-et, Vs N-Y., Pa., Miss., &c. Plata estuary, N. Pac. Oc.; t Brazil. Fayetteville, Fa-et-vil, t N. C., 7; vs. Florida, Fl6r-i-da, most southern U. S.; Fayoom or Faioum, Fi-dm, prov Eg. area, 59,268 s. m.; pop. 47,203 whites, Feather (Fed-er) River, Cal. 932 free blacks, 39,310 slaves-total, F'camp, Fa-k6fl, s-pt t Fr., 11'2. 87,445; vs U. S. Feejee, Fidji, Fiji, Fg-je, or Viti, V~- Floridia, Flo-rt-di-q, t Sic., 43. te, Islands, group in the S. Pac. Oc. Flushing, Fldf-ig, s-pt t Neth., 79/;'i Feia, Fa-9-q, I Brazil. N-Y., 2Ys. Felaniche, Fa-lq-ngq, t Sp., 9%3. Fogaras, F6-go-r6f, t Transylvania, 5. Felegyhaza, Fa-lej-h4-zo, t Hun., 17. Foggia, F6d-jq, c Nap., 24. Feliciana, Fs-lij-i-An-a, par La.; v Ky. Fogo, F6-go, or Fuego, Fa —A-go, one Felicity, Fe-lis-i-ti, v 0. of the Cape Verd Is., 7. Femern, Fa-mern, i Den., 9. Fohr, Fer, i of Den., 4y. Fermoy, Fer-ma, t Ir., 5%. F6ldvar, Feld-vqr, t Hun., 102. Fernando de Noronha, Fer-nqn-da da Folgefonden-Field, F61-ge-fon-den-FiN@-riin-yq, i S. At. Oc. dld, ms Nor. Fernando Po, Fer-nqn-da Pa, i W. Af. Foligno, Fa-ltn-yo, t Cen. It.. 15%. Fernan Nunez, Fer-nqn Nc6n-yet, t Folkestone, Fdk-ston, s-pt t Eng., 7%. Sp., 5%. Fond-des - Negres, Ffi- da-N - gr, t Ferrara, Fer-c-rq, c Papal States, 31. Hayti. Ferret, Col de, Kol de Fer-d, pass in Fon du Lac, Fon dl Lak, t Wis., 5.; Pennine Alps. Fong-Tsiang, Fop-Tsi-4j, c China. Ferro, Fer-a, one of Canary Is., 4%. Fontainebleau, Fofi-ten-b6, t Fr., 10%. Ferrol, Fer-&l, s-pt t Sp., 16Y/. Foochoo, Fa-qc6, Foo-Choo-Foo, FaoFesa, Fes-q or Fa-sq, t Per., 18. Ca-F6d, or Foo-Tchow-Foo, F-63sFez, Fez, k Morocco; c do., 90, Fco, c China, 500. Fezarah, Fa-zq-rq, I Algeria. Foolahs or Fulahs, F6-lqz, sing. race Fezzan, Fez-Cn, k N. Af. W. Af. Fichtelberg, Fih-tel-berh, or Fichtel- Foosee, Fousi or Fusi, Fa-s6, m Japan. gebirge, Fih-tel-ga-bhr-ha, ms Bav. Foo-Shan or Fou-Schan, Fa-Z4n, c Figueira, Fe-ga-i-rq, t Port., 6. China, 200. Figueras, Fe-gd-rqs, t Sp., 8. Foota-Jallon, F&-tq-Jq-16n, dis W. Af. Fillmore, Fil-mor, vs U. S.; - City, Forcados, Rio dos, Rt-a das For-kq-das, t Utah. r W. Af. Finale, Fe-nA-la, ts It., 5 and 8. Fordoche, For-d6f, bayosu La. [&c. Finana, Fen-yq-nq, t Sp., 314. Forestville, F6r-est-vil, vs Conn., N-Y., Fincastle, Fin-kas-l, vs Va., O., Ill.,&c. Forfar, Fer-far t Scot., 11. Findlay, Find-la, v 0., 3. Forli, For-lt, c Cen. It., 16. Finesville, Finz-vil, v N-J. Formentera, Fer-men-td-rq, i Med. Fingal, Fin-g6l, dis Ir.; v C. W. Formosa, For-mc-sq, is China Sea, Fingoes, Fig-goz, race S. Africans. 2,500,000; i off W. coast Af. Finland, Fin-land, Grand Duehy of, a Mount and River, Malay Peninsula. goe N. W. Russia, 1,637. Forsyth, For-sid, vs Ga., Mo. Finland, Gulf of, arm of Baltic Sea. Fort Anne, Fort An, v N-Y. Finmark, Fin-mqrk, prov of Nor., 44. Fort Beversede, Bd-ver-sa-de, Pa. Finster-Aarhorn, Fin-ster-Hr'hern, m Fort Boise, Bwq-zd, Oregon. Swit., 14,026 ft. high. Fort Des Moines, De M&n, t cap. Iowa. Fishkill, FiS-kil, v N-Y., 914. Forteau (For-t6) Bay islet s. e. Lab. Fitchburg, Fig-burg, t Mass., 7. Fort Edward, v N-Y., Y4. Fiume, Fi-cb-ma, s-pt t Aus., 11. Fort Gaines, Ganz, v Ga. Flanders, Fldn-derz, former dis Eu., Fort Gibson, v and mil sta Ind. Ter. now included in Hol., Belg. and Fr. Forth, Fart, r Scot. Fleetwood, Flit-wud, s-pt Eng. Fort Hamilton, v and ft defending NFlemingsburg, Flem-ig z-burg, t Ky., %. Y. Harbor. Flemington, vs N-J. 1, Pa., N. C. Fort Howard, v Wis., Y2. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 53 Fort Isle Aux Noix, 8l 0 Nwq,ft C. E. Fredericton, Fr6d-er-ik-ton, c N-Brun., Fort Kearny, Ker-ni, Neb., on Or. route. 4Y2. [Den. Fort Laramie, Lir-a-mr, mil post Frederikshavn, Fred-er-iks-hsn, s-pt t Platte River, Ind. Ter. Fredonia, FrE-d6-ni-a, v N-Y., 14; Vs Fort Leavenworth, L6v-en-wurt, muil Ala., Ky., O., Ill., &c. [0., Ia., Ill. post, Kansas. Freedom, Fr~-dom, vs Me., N-H., Pa., Fort Liberte, LB-ber-tit, s-pt t Hayti. Freehold, Fri-hold, v N-J. Fort Madison, Mid-i-son, t Iowa, 3. Freeport, Frg-port, Vs Ill., Me., Pa., &c. Fort Plain, v N-Y., 112. Free-town, or St. George, cap Sierra Fort Ridgely, Rij-li, Min. Ter. Leone, 18. [Sax., 144. Fort Riley, Ri-li, Kansas Ter. Freigburg, or Freyberg, Fri-bery, t Fort Royal, R6-al, ft t Fr. W. Ind. Freiberg, or Freyburg, Fri-buarq, c Fort Smith, t Ark., 112. grand duchy of Baden, 15%. Fort Snelling, mil post and v Min. Fremont, Fri-mont, formerly Lower Fortune, F6rt-yqn, Bay, inlet s. N-Fd. Sandusky, zv 0., 1%; numerous V8 Fort Union, U. S.ft bet. Independence and cos U. S. [200 m. and Santa-F6. French Broad River, N. C. and Tenn., Fort Valley, t Ga., 1. [Ter. Frenchman's Bay, on coast Me. Fort Wallawalla, W61-a-wol-a, Wash. Frenchman's Cap, m Van Diemen's Fort Washita, W6f-i-ta, Ind. Ter. Land, 5000 ft. Fort Wayne, Wan, t Ia., 62. Frenchtown, Vs N-J., Pa., Md., &c. Fort Yuma, Yai-ma, Cal. Freneuse, Fre-nilz, 1 N-Brun. Fossano, Fos-c-no, t Pied., 16. Fresnillo, Fres-nil-yo, mining t Mex., 8. Foster, F6s-ter, ts R. I. 2, Ky., &c. Freyburg, Fri-burg, canton and t Fourche a Reynault, Fowrf q Ra-n6, Swit., 9. a Mo. Freycinet (Fri-si-net) Island, in Pac. Fowey, Foe, r Eng. Frey-Oe, Frj-?-e, i w. coast of Nor. Fowla or Foula, Fi-lq, one of Shet. Is. Friendly, Frend-li, (or Tonga, T6n-gq,) Fox River, rs Wis., Iowa, Mo., Canada. is, upwards of 150 islands, Pa. Oc. Framingham, Frit-mi]-ham, v Mass., Friendship, 3s N-Y., a/, Md., N-C. 4x. Friesland, Friz-land, prov of the Neth. France, Frans, one of the mightiest Frignano, Fren-yC-no, vs Nap., 2%3. empires in the world, w. part of Eu., Frodsham, Fr6d-fam, t Eng., 6/3. embracing the following islands and Frome, or Frome Selwood, FrQm SIl3olonies: Corsica; Algeria; Senegal wrad, t Eng., 104. in W. Af.; Bourbon, Ind. Oc.; St. Fronton, Fron-t6n, V Tex. Marie; W. Ind., —Martinique, Guad- Front Royal, v Va., Y. eloupe, n. part of St. Martin, Marie Frosinone, Frm-si-n6-na, t It., 7%. Galante, Desirade, and the Saintes Fronton, Fron-tin, c Tex. Group: French Guiana, St. Pierre Fryeburg, Fri-burg, v AMe., 12. and Miquelon Is., coast of N. Am.; Fuca, or Juan De Fuca, (Sp. pron. MIarquesas Is., Taiti and Akarno; and Hwm-4t Da Fc6-kq,) str N. Am., in New Caledonia. Area, 321,016 s. m.; Or. Ter. pop. 38,489,979. Fucino, Lago, Lci-go Fw-qg-no, I Nap., Francestowr, FrAn-ses-tsn, t N-H., 14. 11 by 5 m. [Phil. Is. Franconia, Fran-ki-ni-a, ts N-H., Pa. Fuegos, Fwt-gos, or Fb-ai-gns, one of Frankfort (FrAijk-fort,) on the AMain, Fuego, Volcano de, Vol-k4-no da c of Ger., seat of the Germanic Diet, FwA-gco, (Fw-d-go,) m Cen. Am. pop. 624. Fuen-Ho, Fwen-Hi), r China, 300 m. Frankfort, (FrAik-fort,) on the Oder, Fuerte de San Jose, Fwdr-ta da Sqn c Prus., 30l/. [0.. Ia. Ho-si, t of the Argentine Republic. Frankfort, t, cap Ky., 5;'Ts Me., N-Y., Fierteventura, Fwer-tq-ven-t6-rq, one Franklin, Fr/ijk-lin, 20 cos; 33 vs; 60 of the Can. Is. [9N. ts, U. S. [4%. Fulda, Ftal-dq, r Ger.; t Hesse-Cassel, Frederica, Fred-er-iJ-i-q, s-pt t Den., Fulton, Fidl-ton, cos N-Y., Pa., Ky.; Frederick, Fr6d-er-ik, cos in Mid., Va.; vs N-Y., 2, Miss., O., Ill., Mo. ts in Pa., O., &c.; - City, Md., 6. Funchal, Fban-Jfjl, cap of the Island Fredericksburg, t Va., 4; vs O., Tex. Maderia, 18. Fredericksville, v Ill. Fundy, Bay of, inlet of the Atlantic Fredericktown, vs Ky., 0., 1, Mo. separating Nova Scotia from N-B. 54 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Fiinfkirchen, Fenf-kerh-en, t S. Hun., Fusagasuga, Fcm-scl-gqc-sL6-gq, N14'i. Gran. [12,000 ft. Furca, La, Lq Fcfr-kq, m Swit. Futi-Panjal, FK-te-Pqn-jAl, m Cash., Furneaux, Fur-nu, is of Australasia. Futtoolah-Killa, Fu-tc-l1q-Kil-q, v Af. Furruckabad, Fur-uk-q-bqd, t Brit. Fuur, Fwr, or Fuurland, Fdr-lqnd, i Furth, Fert, t Bav., 15. [Ind., 66. Fyzabad, Fi-zq-bLd, t of Ind. [Den., 1. G. Gaddada, Gqd-d4-dcq, (or Tchin- Ganges, G6os5, t Fr. Tchoo,) r Hind., 150 m. Gangpoor, Gqc-p6r, t Brit. Ind. Gadjatsch, Gqd-yaq, or Gaditch, Gq- Gannet (GAn-et) Islands, S. Pa. Oc., dig, t S. Rus., 3/2. Brit. N. Am., on coast of Labrador. Gaeta, Gq-a-tq, s-pt c Naples, 3. Gantheaume (Gan-t6m) Bay, Aus. Gagy, G(-ge, or Gaga, Gq-gq, i Malay Gap, Gqp, t Fr., 83; Gap, v Pa. Arch. Garda (G4r-da) Lake of, N. It., 35 by Gaillac, Ga-yAk, or Gql-yqk, t Fr. 814. 2 to 10 m. Gainesville, Ganz-vil, vs N-Y., Ga., Gardaia, Gqr-di-q, t Algeria. Ala., &c. Gardiner, Gqr-din-er, c Me., 61. Gainsborough, Gdnz-bur-0, s-pt t Eng., Gardner, Gjcrd-ner, v Mass., 1]. 72; v in Va. [Far. Ind. Gargano, Gqr-gC-n@, m Nap. Galadzet, (Gq-lqd-zdt,) Hills, range in Garigliano, Gq-rsl-y4-n@, r Nap. Galapagos, Gq-lq-pq-gc)s, is Pac. Oc. Garlasco, Gqr-ljs-ko, t Pied., 5/s. Galashiels, Gal-a-jflz, t Scot., 6. Garnavillo, Gqr-na-vil-), v Iowa. Galatz, Gj-lqts, t Moldavia, 36. Garonne, Gq-r6n, r Fr., 384 m. Galena, Ga-lf-na, c Ill., 8; name of vs Garrard, Gar-ard, co Ky. O., Ia., Mo. Garrabillas, Gqr-c)-bgl-yqs, t Sp., 4/2. Galesburg, Geilz-burg, vs Ill., 1, Mich. Garrote, Gqr-6-ta, p o Cal. Galiano, (Gq-li-q-n@,) Island, of Brit. Garstang, GqCrs-tap, t Eng., 71/. N. Am., in Queen Charlotte's Sound. Gartempe, Gqr-t6dp, or Gardempe, Galicia, Gal-if-i-a, prov Aus., 4,702,383. Gcr-d6fp, r Fr. Galilee, GAl-i-le, prov ancient Judea, Gasconade, Gas-ku-nid, r, co and v Mo. w. of the Jordan. [i-on, v 0. Gaspe, Gas-pa, t C. E. Galion, Gc-li-on, i n. e. of Java; GAl- Gas Port, v N-Y. Gallas, Gq-lqz, powerful race E. Af. Gaston, GAs-ton, v N. C. Gallatin, GAl-a-tin, vs Miss., Tenn. Gatehouse, Gat-has, t Scot., 134. Gallego, Gql-yO-gco, r Sp. Gateshead, par and t Eng., 24. Gallegos, Gql-yA-gos, r Patagonia. Gatineau, Gq-ts-n6, r C. E., 300 m. Gallia, GAl-i-a, (Latin for Fr.,) co O. Gatshina, Gqt-jf-nq, t Rus., 7. Gallipoli, Gct-lip-o-le, ts Tur., Nap.; Gatun, Gq-tdmn, r Isthmus of Panama; and peninsular bet. lEgean Sea and t N-Gran. Hellespont. Gauir, G'i-er, r Scot. Gallipolis, Gal-i-puo-ls, t 0. Gauley (G6-ls) Bridge, v Va.; r ditto. Galloway, GIl-o-wa, v Ill. Gavia, Gq-vi-q, m Brazil. Galoengong, Gq-lcn-g6ij, vol Java. Gavilan, Sierra De, Se-&r-q Da GtGalt, Golt, t C. W., 2%. vi-ltn, m Cuba. Galveston, Gal-ves-ton, pt of entry, c Gaya or Gayah, Gj-q, c Brit. Ind., 36. Tex., 8. Gaya ( G-q) Islands, Ind. Arch. Galway, G61-wa, co and t Ir., 2434; b Ir. Gaza, Gt-zq, c Pal., 15. Gambia, GCm-bi-a, r W. Af.; Brit. Gazuolo, Gqd-zc-c)-l@, v Lom., 2. colony of W. Af. Gazzo, Gqt-so, v N. It., 134. Gambier (Gdm-bsr) Is. Pa. Oc.; t 0. Geant, Xa-6fi, summit Pennine Alps. Gamla Karleby, G4m-lc KICr-le-be, t Geauga, Je-6-ga, co O. Finland., 2. Geddes, Ged-ez, v N-Y. Gananoque, Gq-nq-ndk, v C. W. Gedeh, Ga-de, m Java. Ganci, G4n-~g, t Sic., 9Vs. Geelong, Gs-16s, t Aus. Ganges, Gin-jez, r Hind., 196 m.; v 0. Gefle, Yev-la, s-pt t and vorov Swed. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 55 Geish, Gaf, m Abys. Ghara, or Garra, Gqr-q, name of SutGenesee, Jen-e-sg, r and co N-Y.; co lej River, for 260 m., Brit. Ind. Mich., &c. Ghauts, Gets, m Hind. Genesee Falls, a N-Y., 1. Gheel, or Geel, Gal, t Belg., 7. Geneseo, Gen-e-sg-@, vs N-Y., 1l2, Ill. Gheezeh, Ghizeh, Gg-ze, t Egypt, near Geneva, Jen-g-va, c Swit., 30; vs N-Y., the great Pyramids. 5; O., 1%; Ill., 1; Wis. [of Wis. Ghent, Gent, c Belg., 112K; vs N-Y., Geneva, Lake of, s. of Swit.; 1 s. part 2%, Ky. Genevieve, Jen-e-vgv, tp Mo., 13._ Ghio, Gg-a, or Ghemlek, Gem-ldk Genivre lMont, Mafi Xe-ndv-r, Cottian s-pt t As. Minor. Alps. Gholson, G61-son, v Miss. Genoa, J6n-a-a, s-pt c N. It., 1251/3. Ghuznee, Ghuzni, Guz-ne, r andjt o Genoa, JE-n)-a, v N-Y., 2/.; vs O., Afg., est. 3 to 10. [N. Ir. Mich., Ill. Giant's Causeway, basaltic formation, Gentilly, (ofi-tE-yg, Fr., 134; v C. E. Giant's Mountain, Asia Minor. George, Lake, (or H6ricon,) I N-Y. Gibraltar, Ji-br6l-tar, c and ft rock S. Georgetown, c Dis. of Col., 8s; co ts Sp., 1314; vs Mich., Wis.; - Bay Del., S. C., Ky. 0. and Strait, same location. Georgetown, (Dutch Stabrock, St4- Giessen, Ggs-en, t Ger., 10. bruk,) cap Brit. Guiana, 25'. Gijon, Jijon, or Xixon, He-hdn, ft s-pt Georgia, J6r-ji-a, or Grusia, Grd)-si-a, t Sp., 612. cy Asia, pop. 300,000. Gila, or Jila, Hgl-q, r N-Am. [60. Georgia, one of the original states of Gilbert (Gil-bert) Islands, Pac. Oc., the U. S.; pop. 521,572 whites, 2,931 Gilboa, Gil-b6-a, vs N-Y., Va., O. free blacks, 381,682 slaves, total Gilead, Gil-e-ad, vs Me., O., Ill., &c.; 906,185. - Mount, in Syria. Gera, GA-rq, t Cen. Ger., 1114. Giles Jilz, cos Va., Tenn. Gerard-de-Rys,:a-r/qr-de-REs, i Pac. Gilge, Gil-ge, r Prus. Oc., inhabited by Papuan Negroes. Gillespie, Gil-ds-ps, co Tex; p o Mo. Gerasa, Je-rA-sa, or Jerash, Je-rCf, Gilly Xel-yg, v Belg., 5%. ruined city of Syria. [Port. Gilmer, Gil-mer, vs Tex., Ill. Gerez, Serra de, Sir-q da XA-rez, as Gilolo, JE-ld-l), is Malay Arch. Germantown, Jer-man-tsn, vs N-Y., Gilopolis, Gil-6p-co-lis, p o N. C. 1; Pa., Va., Tenn., Ky., O., Ia., &c. Gilroy, Gil-r&, p os Mo., Cal. Germany, Jer-man-i, a large portion Gimone, KE-m6n, r Fr. [lnd. of Central Europe, composed of nt- Gingee, /r Jhinji, Jin-js, ft t Brit. merous sovereign states, bound to- Girard, Ji-rcrd, vs Pa., Ala., O. gether by a common league, called Girgenti, Jir-jdn-te, c Sicily, 18%. the Germanic Confederation, name- Givet, Xe-vd, ft t Fr., 5%, ly: Anhalt-Bernburg, - Dessau, - Giveors, Xe-v6r, t Fr., 94. Kothen, Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Glazdova, Glc-dd-vq, t Servia. Bremen, Brunswick, Frankfort, Glasgow, GlAs-g@, large com. c Scot., Hamburg, Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, 347; also vs in Mo., Ky., &c. - Darmstadt, - Homburg, Hohen- Glassborough, Glats-bur-, v N-J., 1%. zollern-Hechingen, - Sigmaringen, Glastenbury, GlAs-ten-ber-i, v Conn. Holstein and Lauenburg, Liechten- Glatz, Glqts, ft t Prus. Silesia, 734. stein, Lippe-Detmold, - Schaum- Glauchau, G[l-;sa, t Saxony, 83. burg, Lubeck, Luxemburg with Lim- Gleiwitz, Gli-vits, t Prus. Silesia, 7K. burg, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, - Glendale, Glun-dal, vs O., Mass., N-Y., Strelitz, Nassau, Oldenburg and Glenn's Falls, v N-Y., 22. Kniphausen, Prussia, Reuss (old Glogau, G16-gv, ft t Prus. Silesia, 14%. line,)- (youngline,) Saxony, Saxe- Glommen, G16m-en, r Norway. Altenburg, - Coburg-Gotha, - Glookhov, or Gluchow, Gla-kov, t Meiningen, - Weimar-Eisenach, Rus., 7. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, - Son- Glossop, G16s-op, t and par Eng., 223. dershausen, Waldeck, Wurtemburg; Gloucester, Gl6s-ter, c Eng., 18. Area, 235,029; pop. 41,187,000. Gloucester, ts N-J., Mass., 8. Gerona, Jerona, or Xerona, Ha-r6-ncq, Gluckstadt, Glek-stqt, t Den., 6. a Sp. Gnesen, Gl-zen, t Pius., 7?. Gettysburg, G4t-iz-burg, bor Pa., 3X. Godavery, Gz-d4-ver-i, r Ind., 700 m. 56 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Goentoer, Go~n-t6r, vol Island of Java. Graham, Gra-ham, vs N-C., Ia., Mo. Goes, REms, t Neth., 5/. Grajehu, Grq-3a-hc6, r Bra. Goggra, G6g-ra, r N. Aind., 400 m. Grammichele, Grqmn-i-ka-la, t Sic., 8. Golconda, Gol-k6n-dcq, t Hind.; v Ill. Grammont, Grc-m6ft, t Belg., 7%. Goldberg, G6lt-berg, t Prus. Sil., 7%. Grampians, Gram-pi-anz, ms Scot., do. Gold Coast, cy Guinea, W. Africa. Gran, Grqn, c of Hun., 12. [Aust. Goldsborough, G6ldz-bur-c, vs Pa., Granada, Grq-n4-da, c Sp., 613; c N. C. [Oc. Nicaragua, 10. Golfe, Isles Du, 81 de Golf, is S. Pac. Grand Caillou, Ka-yti, bayou La. Goliad, G@-li-ad, co and v Tex. Grand Coteau, K@-t6, v La. Gornera, G@-mg-rq, i Canaries, 113/. Grand Cote Prairie, Tht Prg-rs, v Ill. Gondar, G6n-dar, cap c Abys., 50. Grand Detour, Da-tedr, v Ill. Gonzales, Gon-z4-lez, co and v Tex. Grand Ecore, ft-k6r, p o La. Good Hope, ter Gr. Brit., S. Af.; vs O., Grand Gulf, v Mfiss. Wis., &c. Grand Haven, Hd-ven, t Mich. Gookeka, G6-ke-kq, 1 and v Eu. Ga. Grand Island, in the Niagara River. Goole, Gctl, r-pt and t Eng., 5. Grand Isle, co Vt., consisting of /i Goolkoo, Gacl-kc6, m Afg., 13,000 ft. Lake Champlain; i Lake Superior. Goomree, Gcdm-rE, ruined t Rus. Ar., Grand Rapids, c Mich. 5; v Wis. now the city of Alexandropol, 10. Grand River, Mich., 220 m.; rs La., Goomty, or Goomtee, Gc6m-te, r Brit. O., Mo. [Mich. Ind. [5. Grand Traverse, Trav-ers, b and p o Goppingen, G4p-i -en, t Wiirtemburg., Grandville, Grand-vil, vs Mich., Ill. Gordon, Gbr-don, vs Ga., O. Grangemouth, Grdnj-mut, s-pt t Scot. Gorgona, Gor-g6-nq, is Med., Bay of Granger, GrAn-jer, co Tenn.;:s N-Y., O. Chocho; v N- Gran. Granicus, Gra-ni-kus, r As. Minor. Gorham, G6-ram, a Me., N-H., N-Y. Granville, Grofi-vil, ft s-pt t Fr., 10; Goritz, Ge-rits, t Illyria, 121. vs N-Y., Va., 0., 2/; Ia., Ill., &c. Gorkum, Gr-kum,.ft t Neth., 84. Grasse, Grqs, t Fr., 1134. G6rlitz, G.r-lits, t Prus. Silesia, 15%/. Grass Lake, a Mich., 12; - River, N-Y. Goroguea, Go-r@-ga-q, r Brazil. Grasville, Graville, Grq-vgl, v Fr., 1234. Gort, Gert, t Ir., 3. [&c. Gratiot, Graf-i-ot, cos and vs Mich., Goshen, G6-fJen, vs N-Y., 31; Ia., O., and Wis. Goslar, G6s-lar, t Hanover, 71. Gratz, Grets, cap c Styria, 50. Gosport, G6s-port, ft s-pt t Eng., 7x2; Graudenz, Gri-dents, ftt Prus., 634. vs Ala., Ia. Grave Creek, v Va., 1X4. Gotha, G6-tq, t Cen. Ger., 1334. Gravelines, Grqv-ln, ft s-pt t Fr., 534. G6tha (Ge-tq) Canal, Sweden. Gravesend, Grdvz-end, t Eng., 6/4. Gothenburg, or Gottenburg, Got-en- Gravina, Grq-vi-nq, c Naples, 8. burg, s-pt c Sweden, 2834. Gray, Gra, t Fr., 714. Gottingen, Ge-tip-en, t Han. 10%. Graysville, Grtz-vil, vs Pa., O., Ill. Gottland, G6t-land, is Baltic, 41/2. Great Barrington, BAr-iD-ton, v Mass., Gouda, GA-da, t Neth. 14y2. 3 4. Gouffre, GSf-r, r C. E. [1 G. Great (or Fremont) Basin, a singular Gouldsborough, Gdbldz-bur-@, v Me., region in the w. part of Utah Ter. Gourdon, Guar-d6fi, t Fr., 5. Great Bend, vs N-Y., Pa., 11, Ia. Gouverneur, Gcav-er-ndur, (often pro- Great Britain, Brit-en, largest and nounced, Guv-er-ngr,) a N-Y., 1. most important island of Eu., comGovernador, Go-ver-nc-dAr, i Brazil. posed of the united territories of Governor's Island, N-Y Harbor. Eng., Wales, and Scot.; area, 87,903 Gowanda, G@F-won-da, v N-Y. s. m., pop 20,816,351. [1 Wis. Gowanus, Go-wo-nus, v N-Y. Great Butte des Morts, Bilt da Moer Gower (GS-er) Jsland, Solomon group. Great Egg Harbor River, N-J., 60 m. Goyanna, Go-y n-q, c Brazil, 5. Great Falls, q N-H., 4Y/. Goyaz, G@s-y4z, c Bra., 8. Great Fish River, S. Af., 230 m.; r Gozo, or Gozzo, G6t-zo, is Mced., 16. Br. N. Am. [N-H. Graciosa, Grq-se-6-sq, is Atlantic. Great Island, in Portsmouth Harbor, Gr'afenberg, Gri-fen-berh, t Bavaria. Great Kanawa, Ka-n6-wa, r N-C., Grafton, Grdf-ton, qs Mass., Vt., O., and Va. Ill., C. W., &c.. Great Salt Lake, Utah Ter. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 57 Great Slave Lake, Brit. N. Am. Guachipe, Gwq-qg-pa, or Guachipas, Great Slave River, Brit. N. Am., 300 m. Gwct-q —pqs, r La Plata. Greece, Gres, k S. E. Eu., consisting of Guacuba, Gwc-kc6-bq, r N-Gran. two peninsulas of main land, and Guadalajara or Guadalaxara, Gwcq-dqvarious contiguous islands; pop. in lcq-hq-rq, a Mex., 70. 1852, 1,002,112. Guadalaviar, Gwq-dc-lq-vi-cr, r Sp. Green Bay, arm of Lake Mich., 100 by Guadalquivir, Go-dal-kwiv-er, r Sp. 15 to 35 m.; co t Wis., 2%. Guadalupe, Gwqc-dq-lc-pa, rms, r and 9 Greenbush, Grin-bif, v N-Y. [1K/. Sp., 3%. Greencastle, Grin-kas-l, ts Pa. 114, la. Guadalupe, GE-da-lc6p, r and co Tex. Greene, Gren, num. ts and cos U. S. Guadalupe Hidalgo, Gwq-dq-ld-pa Hs-.. Greenfield, Grin-feld, vs Mass. 22, Pa., dql-go, t Mex. 0. 1, Ia., Ill., Wis. Guadalupe-y-Calvo, Gwq-dcl-lc-pa-iGreenland, large i of Den., n. e. N. A., K/l-v@, t Mex., 10. 9Y/, Esquimaux. [E. Guadeloupe, Goe-de-lkp or Gq-de-ldp, Green Mountains, Conn., Mass., Vt., C. i W. Ind. Greenock, Grin-ok, s-pt t Scot., 36%. Guadiana, Gwqc-di-4-nq, r Sp., Port. Green Point, a N-Y., 3. Guaduas, C'w-dwqs, t N-Gran. Greenport, v and pt of entry N-Y., 114. Guahan, Gwq-h4n, i Pac. Oc. Green River, rs Ky., Ill., Or., ete-.; vs. Guaianeco, Gw1-q-nd-kW, i gr w. Pat. Greensborough, Grgnz-bur-@, vs S. C., Gualan, Gwq-l1n, t Cen. Am., 2. Ga., Pa. [4. Gualateiri, Gwq-lq-ta-i-r6, m p Andes. Greensburg, vs Pa. 1%, La., Ky., la., Gualillas, Gwq-11-yqs. mps ass PeruviGreenupsburg, Grin-ups-burg, cot Ky. an Andes, 14,750 ft. high. [161K. Greenville, vs 0. 112, R. I., Conn., Pa., Guanabacoa, Gwq-nq-bq-k6-q, t Cuba, N. C., S. C., Ga.,Ala., Tex., Tenn., Ky. Guanajuato or Guanaxuato, Gwq-nqGreenwich, Grin-ij, par Eng., 105%. hwi(-tw, st Mex.; c same, 63. Greenwich, Grgn-wiq, vs Mass., Conn., Guanaparo, Gwct-nq-pq-ro, r Ven. N-Y., N-J. Guanare, Gwq-nq-ra, t Ven., 12. Greenwood, Grgn-wmcd, Vs Miss., La., Ia. Guano (Gwi-nu) Islands, coast S. Am. Greiffenhagen, Grjf-en-hq-gen, t Prus. and Af., some of which are the Seal Greifswalde, Grifs-vCl-de,t Prus., 1l/. and Chincha Islands. [Cuba. Grenada, Gren-a-da, i Brit. W. Ind., Guantanamo, Gwqn-tq-n4-m), har s. 32 a,2; v Miss. Guapai, Gwq-pi, r Bol. Grenadines, Gren-q-dinz, is W. Ind. Guarambari, Gwq-rqm-bq-r9, r Par. Grenelle, Gre-nel, v Fr., 8. Guarapari, Gwq-rq-pq-r9, r, m and t Grenoble, Gren-c-bl', c Fr., 311. Brazil. Gretna'Gr6t-na) Green, v on the line Guarapiche, Gwq-rq-pV-ga, r Yen. bet. Scot. and Eng. Guaratiba, Gwq-rq-t-bqc, s-pt v Bra., 4. Grey Town, or San Juan de Nicara- Guarico, Gwq-rg-k), r Ven., 200 m. gua, San Hw-4n da Ne-kq-rq-gwq, Guaruapo, Gwq-rca) —po, two rs Ven. s-pt t Cen. Am. Guatavita, Gwq-tq-v9-tq. v and I NGriffin, Grif-in, t Ga., 312. Granada. Griggsville, Grigs-vil, v Ill., 1. Guatemala, Gwq-ta-m4-lc, st Cen. Am. Grimes, Gr mz, co Tex. [122. Area, 44,500 s. m.; pop. 1,000,000. Grimsby, (Grimz-bi,) Great, s-pt t Eng., - New, cap above state, 50. Grinnell (Grin-el) Land, in Arc. Oc. Old, c 12. Grodno, Gr6d-n@, gov Rus., 795y; t Guaviare or Guabiare, Gwct-vi-c-ra, do., 16. r N-Gran., 450 m. Groningen, Gron-iij-en, t Neth. Guayama, Gwi-4-mq, s-pt t Porto Ri., 5. Grossenhain, Gr6s-en-hin, t Sax., 6%. Guayaquil, Gwi-q-kdl, c Ecuador, 20. Grossetete, Gros-tat, p o La. - Gulf of, ditto. Grossetete Bayou, - Bi-co, La. Guaytara, Gwi-t4-rq, r Ecuador, 75 m. Grosswardein, Gros-wvr-din, c Hun., Gubbio, Gd-bi-c, c Cen. It., 17. 181Y. Guben, Gd6-ben, t Prus., 9%. Groton, Gr6-ton, vs Mass., N-Y. Guelph, Gwelf, t C. W., 2. Grottaglie, Gro-tAl-ya, t Nap., 5. Guerande, Ga-r6fid, t Fr., 8%. Griinstadt, Gr4n-stcqt, t Rhen. Bav., 3%/. Guerara, Ga-r(4-rq, t Algeria. Guacara, Gwq-kq-rq, t Ven., 4. Gueret, Ga-ra, t Fr., 5. [co 0. Guachinango, Gwq-qi-nqn-g@, t Mex.,6. Guernsey, G.rn-ze, one of Channel Is.; 58 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Guerrero, Ger-A-ro, Bt Mex., 270. Galf of Paria, P4-ri-q, Carib. Sea, Ven. Giiglingen, G4g-liH-en, t Wiirt., 144. Gulf of St. Lawrence, L6-rens, At. Oc., Guiana or Guyana, GE-4-nq, ter S. Am. lying bet. C. E. and Newfoundland. Guicowar's, Gwik-o-warz, st Hind. Gulf of Tehuantepec, Ta-wqn-ta-pdk, Guijar or Guixar, Gs-h/r, 1 San Salv. Pac. Oc., Cen. Am. Guilford, Gil-ford, vs Me., Vt., Conn., Gulf Stream, a singular current in the N-Y., &c. [30. At. Oc., having its origin in the Gulf Guillotiere, La, Lq Ge-yo-ti-4r, t Pr., of Mexico. Guiloom, Ge-lcbm, r Senegambia. Gumoorjeena, Gum-ear-jg-nq, t Ea. Guinea, Gin-E, a geographical division Tur., 8. of Af. [Cuba, 4. Giins, Gens, fr t Hun., 8. Giiines, Gwg-nes, (almost WT-nes,) t Gurupatuba, Ga)-rb-pq-tc6-bq, r Brazil. Guingamp, Gen-g6f, t Fr., 7i4. Gurupi, Gwt-rco-pg, r and t Brazil. Guionsville, Gi-onz-vil, p o Ia. Gurutuba, Ga-roa-tc6-bq, r Brazil. cFor gulfs not mentioned below, Gustavia, Gws-tq-vi-q, cap island St. see proper name. Bartholomew, 10. Gulf of Guinea, At. Oc., coast N. Gui. Giistrow, Ges-trov, t N. Ger., 9. Gulf of Lyons, Li-onz or Les-6i, Med., Guyandotte, GI-an-d6t, r and v Va. s. Fr. Gwalior, Gwq-li-or, c Hind. Gulf of Mexico, s. coast of the U. S. Gwinnett, Gwin-et, co Ga. Gulf of Panama, Pq-nq-mq, Pac. Oc., Gyongyos, Dyen-dyef, t Hun., 14%. N-Gran. Gyula, Dy&-lo, t Hun., 13%. H. Haarlem or Harlem, H4r-lem, c Neth., Hamadan, IIq-mq-d4n, c Persia, 30. 254. Hamah, H4-mq, c Syria, 44. Habersham, Hhb-er-Sam, co Ga. Hamburg, Ham-burg, ( Ger. IIcmHaddam, Had-am, v Conn., 24. balrh,) c Ger., 161/a; ts N-Y., NHaddington, Had-i]-ton, burgh Scot., 4. J., Pa., S. C., Ill., &c. Haddonfield, HAd-on-feld, v N-J. Hameln, Hq-meln, t Han., 64. Hadersleben, Hq-ders-la-ben, s-pt t Hamilton., Ham-il-ton, t Scot., 9/: Den., 6. cs 0., 8; C. W., 18; vs N-Y., N. Hadleigh, Had-li, t Eng., 31/%. Ga., &c. Hadley, HAd-li, vs Mass., Mich., Ill. Hamm, Hqm, t Westphalia, 7. Hagerstown, Ha-gerz-tvn, t Md., 4; vs Hammersmith, HAm-er-smit, t Eng., Ia., O. 13i2. Hague, Hag, The, t Neth., 72's. Hammond, HAm-ond,: N-Y. Haguenan, Hqg-nC) or flg-n6, t Fr., Hammondsport, v N-Y., 4. [Va. 113-. Hampstead, HAmp-sted, vs Eng., Md., Haina, Hi-nq, r and b Hayti. Hampton, Hamp-ton, IVs N-H., Va., NHainan, Hi-nAn, i of China, 1,000,000. Y., Conn.; t Eng., 5. Hainaut or Hainault, Ha-n6, prov Belg. Hampton Roads, arm of Chesapeake b. Hainichen, Hi-nih-en, t Sax., 5%. Hanau, Hq-ns, t Ger., 151. Hala (1Hc-lq) Mountains, Beloochistan. Hancock, HAn-kok, num, cos U. S. Halberstadt, H41-ber-stqt, t Prus. Sax., Hang-Chow-Foo, Hqo-Ca-F6, c China. 18S3. Hanging Rock, v 0., 1. Halcyon, HAl-si-on, p o Pa. Han-Kiang, Hqn-Ki-4ij, two rs China, Halesowen, Halz-6-en, t Eng., 2%. 600 and 200 m. Halfmoon, Hqf-mwcn, t N-Y., 2%. Hannibal, HAn-i-bal, t Mo., 4. Halibut, H61-i-but, Island, N. Pac. Hanover, HAn-a-ver, c, 7c clc., N. Ger.; Halifax, HAl-i-faks, t Eng., 333; c vs N-H., seat of Dartmouth College; Nova Scotia, 27; vs U. S. O., Ill.; t Pa., 1s.. Halle, H1c-le, c Prus. Sax., 2934. Hanover Court-House, co t Va. Hallettsville, Hal-ets-vil, co t Texas. Hanse (Hans) Towns, or Hanseatic Hallowell, HAl-o-el, t Me., 3. (Han-se-At-ik) League, an associaHall's Landing, v Ill. tion of towns for mutual suapport, Halstead, Hal-sted, t Eng., 5%. Germany. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 59 Han-Yang or Han-Yang-Foo, Hqn- Harre, Le, Le Hqv-r, s-pt c Fr., 30. Yq.)-Ftx. c China. Havre de Grace, HIv-er de Gras, v Hapai, H(q-pi, i gr S. Pac. Oc. Md., 134. Harburg or Haarburg, Hir-burAh, t Hawaii, Hq-wi-., (or Owhyhee,) larGer., 5. [5'2. gest of Sandwich Islands, 241. Harderwick, Hqr-der-vik, s-pt t Neth., Hawash, HtI-wqf, r Abys., 460 in. Hardin, Hqr-din, vs O., 111., Iowa. Hawes, Hoz, t Eng., 14. Hardinsburg, Hjr-dinz-burg, v Ky., 1. Hawesville, Hez-vil, v Ky. Harlem, Hcr-lem, sub N-Y. City, 5; vs Hawick, He-wik, t Scot., 634. 0., Ill., &c. Hawkeshead, H6ks-hed, t Eng. Harlingen, Hqcr-lii,-en, ft t Neth., 8K. Hawley, H11-li, v Pa., 3. Harmar, H4r-mar; v 0., 134. Haw River, N. C. Harmony, H4r-m@-ni, vs N-J., Pa., &c. Hayes (Haz) River, Brit. N. Am. Haro, f'r@, t Sp., 6. Hayneville, Hdn-vil, v Ala., 34. Harper's Ferry, HClr-perz F6r-i, v and Haysville, Iitz-vil, vs Pa., O., Ia. U. S. armory, Va. Hayti or Haiti, Hk-ts, i second in size Harpeth, Hcr-pet, r Tenn., 100 m. W. Ind., 943. Harricanaw, Har-i-kln-e, r Br. N. Am. Hazebrouck, Hqz-brrck, t Fr., 8. Harrisburg, Hir-is-burg, cap Pa., 10; Heathsville, HIgts-vil, co t Va. [115. vs Texas, O., Ia., Mo., Iowa. Hebrides, IHb-ri-dez, 160 is w. Scot., Harrison, Har-i-son, vs Tenn., K2; 0., Hebron, H1-bron, t Palestine, 10; vs 114; Ia., Ill, &c. Conn., N-Y., O., Ill. Harrisonburg, vs Va., 1%; La. Hechingen, Heh-in-en, t Ger., 3/4. Harrisonville, vs N-J., Pa., Ky., O., &c. Hecla, (Hek-la,) Mount, vol Iceland. Harrisville, Hir-is-vil, v Pa., Va., O. Hee-Ho or Hi-Ho, He-Ho, r Corea. Harrodsburg, Har-odz-burg, co t Ky., Heidelberg, Hi-del-berh, c W. Ger., 12. 3; vs Ia., Mo. Heilbronn, Hjl-br6n, t Wiirt., 8Y/. Harrowgate, Hir-a-gat, watering-place Heiligenstadt, Hi-li-gen-stqt, t Prus., of Eng., 33. 43. [Wis. Hartford, Hcrt-ford, c, semi cap Conn., Helena, Hel-9-na, vs N-Y., Ark., Ky., 20; ts Me., N-Y., Pa., Miss., Ky., &c. Helgoland, H1l-go-lqnd, i of Great Hartland, t Eng.; vs Mich., Wis. Britain, North Sea, 2/4. Hartlepoo;, Hqr-tl-p)l, s-pt t Eng., 9/2. Helicon, (Hel-i-kon,) Mount, m Greece. Hartsgrove, Hqrts-grov, v 0., 34. Hell Gate or Hurl Gate, rocky pass Hartsville, vs N-Y., Mass., Pa., Ia., &c. East River, near New-York. Hartwick, Hcrt-wik, v N-Y., Y2. Helmsley, H6lmz-li, t Eng., 3/2. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Helmstidt, Helm-stet, t Ger., 514. Harveysburg, Hqr-viz-burg, v 0. Helmund, Hel-muind, r Afg., 650 m. Ilarwich, Har-ij, s-pt t Eng., 41/. Helsingfors, H6l-si0-fors, s-pt t Rus., Harwich, Hqr-wig, t Mass. cap Finland, 16. Harwington, Hcr-wi0-ton, v Conn. Helstone, HRl-ston, bor and t Eng. Haslingden, His-lij-den, t Eng., 9. Helvetia, Hel-vt-fi-a, anc. name of Hasselt, His-elt, t Belg., 84. Switzerland; v Ill. Hassloch, His-lohs, v Rhen. Bav., 434. Helvoetsluis, Hel-vuat-sl&s, ft s-pt t Hastings, HIls-tirz, t Eng.; vs N-V., Neth., 24. Mich.; r Australia. Hemel-Hempstead, HIm-el-Hemp-sted, Hatborough, Hit-bur-co, v Pa. t and par Eng., 71. Hatchie or Hatchy, Hag-i, r Tenn., Ilempstead, v N-Y., 1ly. nay. 150 m. Henderson, Hen-der-son, Vs Ky. 134, Hatfield, t Eng., 64; vs Mass., Pa. N-Y., N. C., Ill., Tex., Min. Haukivesi, Hi-ki-v/-se, 1 Finland. Heng-Choo-Foo, Hej-Cgc-Feb, c China. Havana, Ha-van-a, cap Cuba, 1341; Heng-Kiang, Hep-Ki-clj, r China. vs N-Y., Ill., &C. Henley-on-Thames, Hen-li-on-Tdmz, t Havel, Hqi-vel, r Ger., 180 m. Eng., 34. Haverford, Hav-er-ford, t Pa. -West, Hennepin, Hen-E-pin, co t Ill. r-pt S. Wales. Henrico, Hen-ri-ko, co Va. Haverhill, HAv-er-il, t Eng. [0. Henrietta, Hen-ri-et-a, v N-Y. Haverhill, Hd-ver-il, vs Mass. 4, N-H., Henry, H1n-ri, v Ill., 1K. Haverstraw, Hiv-er-stre, v N-Y. Henryville, H1n-ri-vil, vs C. E. 134, Ia. Havr6, Hq-vrd, v Belg., 2. Herat, Her-4t, ft c W. Afg., 40. 60 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Hereford, H1r-e-ford, co and c Eng., 12. Hochstadt, H6h-stqt, t Bavy., 2x. Herford, Her-fort, t Wesphalia, 51. Hocking, H6k-ij, r and co 0. Herkimer, Her-ki-mer, v N-Y., 1%. Hodgdon, H6j-don, v Me. Hermann, Her-man, v Mo., 1. Hoei-Ho, Hoa —H6, r China, 400 m. Hermannstadt, Her-mcLn-stqt, t Aus., Hoei-Ngan, Ha-a-fhgin, c Chinese Em. 21%. 111l. Hoei-Toug, Ha-a-T6j, c China, 44. Hermitage, Her-mit-aj, vs N-Y., Ga., Hoeksche-Waard, De, De HSik-sheHermon, Her-mon, v N-Y. Vtrd, i of Hol., 22. Hertford, H4r-ford, bor and t Eng., 61. Hof, Hof, t Bav., 8. Hertford, Hert-ford, co and v N. C. Hogansburg, H6-ganz-burg, v N-Y. Hesse-Cassel, Hes-Kas-el, Ger. princi- Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Ha-en-ts6lpality, pop. 759,751. ern-H6h/-i]-en, jprin. Ger., 20/. Hesse - Darmstadt, Hes - Dirm- stqt, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, -Sig-mqGrand Duchy, ind. Ger. st, pop. rip3-en, prin. Ger., 4512. 854,319. Holbeach, H61-bqg, t andpar Eng., 2K. Hesse-Homburg, Hes-H6m-burg, div Holland, 1161-and, (North and South,) W. Ger., pop. 24,921. k Neth., composed of peninsulas and Heuvelton, Hfi-vel-ton, v N-Y. islands; pop. 1,106,248: ts N-Y., Mich. Hexham, H6ks-ham, t Eng., 4%. Holley, Hbl-i, v N-Y., i14. [2%. Hiang-Ho-Vou, Hi-4g-Hu-Vmc, c China. Hollidaysburg, H61-i-daz-burg, t Pa., Hibernia, Hi-ber-ni-a, a name of Ir- Holliston, H61-is-ton, v Mass., 2%. land; v Mo. Holly (1161-i) Springs, v Miss., 4. Hickman, Hik-man, co t Ky., 2. Hollywood, v) Ir., 112. Hickory, Hik-a-ri, Vs Pa., O., Ill. Holmes' (Hdmz-ez) Hole, v Mass. Hicksford, Hiks-ford, co t Va. Holmesville, H1mz-vil,'s O., Ia., Miss. Hierapolis, Hi-er-Ap-ca-lis, anc. ruined Holstein, (H61-stin,) Duchy of, bec As. Tur. longing to Den.; pop. in 1850, 482,364. Higginsport, Hig-inz-part, v 0., Y%. Holston, H1161-ston, r Tenn., 200 m. Highland, Hi-land, q:s Pa., O., Ia., &c. Holt, Halt, t Eng.; co Mo. Highlands, H[-landz, div N. and N. W. Holyhead, H61-i-hed, i and s-pt t of Scotland. N. Wales, 5%. Hightstown, Hits-tisn, v N-J. Holyoke, Hl6-yak, v Mass., 3K. Highworth, Hi-wurt, bor and t Eng., 4. Holywell, H61-i-wel, t N. Wales, 5%. Hildesheim, Hil-des-him, t Han., 14K. Homburg, H6m-biarh, ft t Rhen. Bav. 3. Hillah or Hilla, Hil-a, t As. Tur., 10. Home City, v O. Hillsborough, Hilz-bur-a, ts Ir. 3%/, Homer, Hid-mer, vs N-Y. 12, La., O. N-H., Va., N. C., O., Ia., Ill., Mo. Homs, Hams, or Hums, t Syria, 30. Hillsdale, Hilz-dal, ts N-Y., Mich. Honda, H6n-da, (Sp. O(n'dq,) t New Himalaya, Him-a-li-a, or Himmaleh, Granada, 5. Him-q-lc], Mountains, Hind. Honduras, Hon-dcf-rqs, st and b Cen. A. Hinckley, Hi~k-li, t Eng., 64; v 0. Honeoye, Ha-ns-6, v N-Y.; - Falls, Hindoo-Koosh, Hin-da)-KSf, or Ghoor V N-Y., 112. Mountains, Cen. Asia. Honesdale, Hdnz-dal, co t Pa., 5. Hindostan, Hin-do-stAn, extensive re- Hong-Kiang, Hoip-Ke-[j, nav. ir China, gion, S. Asia; pop. 150,000,000. 800 m. Hinds, Hjndz, co Miss. Hong-Kong, Br. i s. e. China, 37. Hinesburg, Hinz-burg, v Vt. Honiton, Hlin-i-ton, t Eng., 3%2. Hingham, Hip-ham, v Mass., 4. Honolulu, Hon-u-l&-lo, t and s-pt Hinsdale, Hinz-dal, vs N-H., Mass., N-Y. Sandwich Islands, 6. Hiram, Hi-ram, v;s Me., O. Hoobly, Hc6-bli, t Br. Ind., 15. Hirschberg, Herj-berh, ft t Pras. Si- Hoogly or Hooghly, Hdg-le, t and r lesia, 73. Br. Ind. Hivaoa, ~-vq-6-q, i S. Pac. Oc., 6%. Hoorn, Harn, ft t N. Hol., 84. Hjelmar or Hielmar, Hydl-mar, I Swed. Hoosick (HL&-sik) Falls and Tunnel, tHoai-Ho, H-ij-H6, r China, 400 m. near Troy, N-Y. Hoai-Khing, H@-i-Hip, c China. Hopedale, H6p-dal, i Mass.; v 0., and Hoang-Ho, Ha-ap-H6, r Chinese Em. seat of McNeely Normal School. Hobart, H6-bart, vs N-Y., Ia. [25. Hopkinsville, H6p-kinz-vil, co t Ky., Hobart Town, cap Van Diemen's Land, 312; v O. Hoboken, H6-bo-ken, c N-J., 6; t Cal. Horicon, H6r-i-kon, ivs N-Y., Wis. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 61 Horncastle, HIrn-kas-l, tandparEng.5. Hud, Hwa or Hw-i, r Anam. Hornellsville, H6r-nelz-vil, v N-Y., 11. Hud, or Thua-Thien, T-hwq-Ti-en, Horsham, H6rs-am, bor and t Eng., 6; cap empire of Anam. v Pa. IIuesca, Wds-kq or Hwds-kq, c Sp., 9. Horton, H16r-ton, s-pt Nova Scotia. Hughesville, Hfiz-vil, vs N-J., Pa., Va. Hot Springs, vs Va., Ark. Hull, Hul, r-pt and bor Eng., 83. Hottentots, H6t-en-tots, an Af. race, Hulmesville, 1H6mz-vil, v Pa. Cape of Good Hope. Humber, Hdm-ber, r Newfoundland, Houghton, Hl-ton, co and p o Mich. 150 m.; est. Eng. Houghton-le-Spring, t and par Eng., Humboldt, Hum-bQlt, v Wis.; b and r Houlton, H}I1-ton, v Me. [34. Cal., 350 m. Houma, Hcd-mq, v La. Humphreys, Um'friz, co Tenn. Hounslow, Hinz-lo, t Eng., 3t2. Humphreysville, vs Conn., O. Housatonic, Hwc-sa-t6n-ik, River, Mass., Hungary, Hd6-ga-ri, cy S. E. Europe, 150 m. forming a part of the Austrian EmHouston, Hacs-ton, co ts Miss., Texas pire; ar. 69,170 s. m., pop. 11,000,000. 6; t Kansas Ter. Hungerford, Hud-ger-ford, t and par Howden, Hg-den, t and par Eng., 2%. Eng., 24. Howell, Hi-el, co t Mich., 3. Hunslet, Hdn-slet, chapelry Eng., 20. Hoy, Ha, i and par Eng., i/2. Huntersville, Hdn-terz-vil, co t Va. Huaheine, Hc-q-hg-na, Society Is., 2. Huntingdon, Hiint-ii-don, bor and t Huallaga, Wql-y(-gq or Hwcl-yi-gq, Eng., 61; co ts Pa. 1%, Tenn. r Peru, 500. Huntington, Hdnt-iij-ton,,vs N-Y., Vt., Huamanga, Wq-mlj-gq, or Guaman- S. C.; co t Ia. ga, Gwq-mqi-gq, c Peru, 20. Huntly, Hunt-li, t and par Scot. Huamantla, Wqc-mqnt-lq, t and battle Huntsville, Hdnts-vil, co ts Ala. 4, Mo., field, Mex. [ru, 8. Tex. 13; vs O., Ia., Ill. Huancavelica, Wqn-kq-va-li-kq, t Pe- Hurdwar, Hurd-wer, t famous for its Huaraz, Wq-rts, t Peru, 5. annual fairs, N. Hind. Huaura, Wt-rq, s-pt t Peru. [Eng., 25. Huron, (Hit-ron,) Lake, third in size Huddersfield, Hud-erz-fsld, bor and t of N. Am.; vs N-Y., O. Hudson, Hdd-son, or North River, N- Hurst Monceaux, (Mon-s6,) par Eng. Y., the finest in the U. S., 300 m.; Husum, Hi-siam, s-pt t Den., 4. nav. for the largest ships to Hudson, IIuy, Ha, t Belg., 814. 117 m.; c N-Y., 7; vs O. 1l, Mich.; Huyton, Hi-ton, par Eng. co t Wis. Hyannis, Hi-An-is, v and s-pt Mass. Hudson's Bay, inland sea of Br. Am., Hydepark, Hid-pqrk, co t Vt.; vs N-Y., 850 by 600 m. Pa. 13. Hlldson's Bay Territory, the whole of Hyderabad, Hi-der-a-b4d, c India, 200; Br. N. Am., excepting the Canadas, t and ft Hind., 20. N-Brunswick, Nova Scotia and New- Hydra, H9-drq, or Idra, 8'drq, i of foundland, over which Hudson's Bay Greece, 20. Company have a charter for its use Hydres or Hi'res, Hes-r, t Fr., 10. as hunting ground for furs. Hythe, Hid, bor and t Eng., 21. I. E In order to agree with Lippin- Iberia, T-bg-ri-a, vs O., Mo. cott's Gazetteer, "names in Eastern Iberville, T'ber-vil, par and co t La. Europe and Asia, beginning with I, Ibicui, 8-bi-kwg, r S. Am., 400 m. followed immediately by a vowel, will Iceland, Ts'land, i of Den., bet. N. At. generally be found under Y; thus, for and Arc. Oceans, 60. Iakoutsk, see Yakootsk; Iana, see Ya- Ico or Icco, E'ko, t Brazil, 7. na, &c. Icod, -k6d, - t island of Teneriffe, 53/. Ibague, 8-b4-ga, t N-Gran., 5. Ida, I'da, co Iowa; p o Mich. Ibarra, $-bq4r-q, t Ecuador, 11. Idjeng, Id-jde, active vol is. of Java. 62 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Idle, I'dl, r Eng. Indragiri, In-drcq-g6r-e, nav. r Sumatra. Idria, Id'ri-a or 8'dri-q, t Illyria, 412. Indre, Afsd'r, r Fr. Idumnea, Id-yuq-mg-a, anc. cy W. Asia. Indus, In'dus, r S. As., 1650 m. Iesi, 8-a-se, t It., 9. Industry, In'dus-tri, i's Pa., O., Ill. Igatimi, E-gq-ti-mg, r S. Am., 200 m. C. E. [91. Iglau, Ig'ls, t Moravia, 16y1. Ingolstadt, Iij'ol-stqt, ft t Upper Bav., Iglesias, 8-gli-si-qs, t Sardinia, 12Y/. Ingoolets, In-gw-lets, r Rus., 220 m. Iglo, Ig'lo, t N. Hun., 6. Inkerman, I1jk-er-min, v s-pt of S. Iguagu, 8-gwq-sc6, t and r Brazil. Rus. in the Crimea. Igualada, 8-gwq-l —dq, t Sp., 10. Inn, r Swit. and Bav., 250 m. Igualapa, 8-gwq-lqC-pq, t Mex., 3. Innspruck, Ins'priak, cap Tyrol, 12a. Iguape, 8-gw4-pa,' Brazil, 150 m. Insterburg, Ins'ter-biarh, t E. Prussia, Ikropa, 8-kr6-pq, r Madagascar, 270 m. 99/. Ilfracombe, Il'fra-kcom, s-pt t Eng., 3. Inverness, In-ver-nes, s-pt t Scot., 12Ilha Grande, 81'yc Grqn-da, i of /; v Mich. LTer. Brazil, 2. Inyan Reakah, In'yqn RE-4-kq, r Min. Iliniga, $-li-ng-sq, m p Andes, Ec., Inyan Yankey (Yaj-ki) River, Iowa. 17,380 ft. Iona, 8-6-na, i Hebrides, Scot., 1. Ilkeston, Il'kes-ton, tandpar Eng.,6B. Ionia, F-6-ni-a, Vs Mich., Ill., Mo. 1ll, 81, r. Fr., 100 m. Ionian (T-6-ni-an) Islands, Med., w. Iller, Il'er, r S. Ger., 85 m. of Gr.;- bel. to Gr. Br.;, pop. 219Y; Illimani, 1E-yq-mi-ni, m Bol. Andes, sea, part of Med. 21,149 ft. Iowa, fi'-wa, one of U. S.; area 50,914 Illinois, Il-i-n&, one of the w. U. S.; s. m., pop. 330; r Iowa, 300 m. area 55,409 s. m., pop. 857,470; r Ill. Iowa City, cap Iowa, 4. Illinois College, Jacksonville, Ill. Ipswich, Ips'wiq, bor and t of Eng., 33; Illyria, Il-ir-i-a, ter forming the s. w. t Mass., 313. part of Austria; area 10,996 s. m., Iquique, 8-kg-ka, s-pt t S. Peru. pop. 1,284,947, of whom X are slaves. Iraja, 8-rq-3q, v Brazil, 5. Ilminster, Il'min-ster, t and par Eng., Irasbtlrg, i'ras-burg, v Vt. 3%3. Irasu, 8-rq-scb, ool Costa-Rica, 11,478 ft. Iloilo, $-l&-l@, prov of Panay, 2593. Iren, 8-ren, or 8-rAn, r Rus., 150 m. Imbros, Im'bros, or Imbro, Im'br@, i Iredell, Ir'del, co N. C. Gr. Arch., 4. Ireland, 1Fr'land, western is of the Imola, 8'm@-lq, t Cen. It., 9%. Kingdom of Gr. Brit.; area 32,513, Inagua, 8-n4-gwq, one of Bahama Is. pop. 6,553,163. Independence, c Mo., 3; co ts Ky., Io.; Irish Sea, V'rij, portion At. Oc., bet. vs Tex., O., Ia., &c. Ir. and Eng. India, In'di-a, region of cy S. Asia; Irkootsk, Ir-kedtsk, c Siberia, 120. divided into India beyond the Gan- Iroquois, Ir-@-kw&, r Ia., Ill.; v Ill. ges, and Brit. Ind.; area of the latter Iroquois, or Six Nations, Fr. name of 1,427,547 s. m.; pop. 170,813,668. the united Mohawk, Oneida, Onon"The gov. is vested in the East Ind. daga, Cayuga, Seneca, and TuscaroCompany as trustees for the crown, ras Indians. [1200 m. consisting of the Governer-General, Irrawaddy, Ir-a-w6d-i, r S. E. Asia, and a council of five members." Irtish, Ir'tif, r N. As., 1700 m. Indiana, In-di-an-a, one of the w. U. Irvine, Er'vin, s-pt t Scot., 4/; vs Pa., S.; area, 33,809 s. m., pop. 988,342. Ky. Indiana, co t Pa., 1; v C. W. Isar, 8'zar, or Iser, 8'zer, r Ger., 165 m. Indianapolis, In-di-an-Ap-a)-lis, c cap Ischia, Is'ki-q, i in Med., 24. of Ia., 18; v Iowa. [coast. Iseghem, 8'se-hem, t Belg., 8/. Indian Ocean, a vast sea off the Af. Iserlohn, 8-zer-16n, t Prus., 10Y4. Indianola, In-di-an-6-la, vs Tex., Iowa, Isernia, ~-ser-ni-q, t Nap., 5/. Kansas. Iset, 8-set, r Siberia, 250 m. Indian River, Fa., 100 m. Ishim, or Ischim, Ib'im, r Sib., 700 m. Indian Territory, w. Ark., set apart by Isla de Leon, 8s'lq da La-dn, c Sp., gov. of U. S. for the exclusive occu- 9/. pation of the Indian tribes of the Isla de Negros, 8s'lq da NA-gras, is West. [750 m. in the Malay Arch., 3594. [12. Indighirka, In-di-gir-kq, r E. Siberia, Islamabad, Is-lqm-a-bqd, t Brit. Ind., GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 63 Island Pond, v Vt. Italy, It'a-li, (It. I-t4-li-q,) cy in S. Eu. Islay, T'la, is Hebrides in Scot., 16. consisting of divisions, kingdoms, Isle, 81, r Fr., 100 m. dutchies, &c., formed of the peninIsle Au Bois, 81 o Bwq, p o Mo. sula, and adjacent islands; area Isle Au Haut, 81 o Ho, an entrance of 118,356 s. m., pop. 24,733,385. Penobscot Bay. Itamaraca, 8-tq-mq-rc-k4, i Bra., 8. Isle-aux-Coudres, 8l-a-Kc6d-r, i C. E. Itapicuru-Grande, 8-tq-pi-kac-rc-GrCuIsle-Dieu, 81-De-4, ft i Fr., 24. da, r Brazil, 410 m. Isle of Pines, i Pac. Oc., 22; i W. Itasca Lake, It-as-ka, the head of the Ind. Arch., 1/2. [50%. Mississippi. [Chili. Isle of Wight, l1 ov Wit, i Eng. Chan., Itata, 8-tqC-tq, or Chillan, Cel-y6n, r Isle Royale, 1 R&-al, i Lake Superior. Itawamba, It-a-w6m-ba, co Miss. Islington, Is'li.-ton, par Eng., 951%. Ithaca, It'a-ka, Ionian Is., 93; co t Islip, Is'lip, v N-Y. N-Y., 7; v 0. [Oc. Ismail, Is-mc[-gl, ft t Rus., 2134. Itooroop, 8-tt-rctp, Koorile Is., N. Pac. Isola, 8'sa-lq, t Illyria, 3/2. Itu, Hitu, or Ytu, 8-t6, t Bra., 10. Isola Grossa, 8'so-lq Gr6s-q, i Adriatic Itzehoe, It'se-ho-e, t Den., 6. [Bra. Sea, 12. Ivahi, 8-vq-hg, or Ubahi, ()-bq-h6, r Ispahan, Is-pa-h4n, or Spahawn, Spq- Iviga, Iviza, 8-vg-sq, i Sp., 11. h6n, c Persia, 150. Ivinghoe, Iv'i9-h,. t Eng., 2. Issaquena, Is-a-kwg-na, co Miss. Ivrea, 8-vrd-q, t Pied., 7. [831/. Issoire, $s-wqfr, t Fr., 534. Ivry-sur-Seine, S-vrg-ser-San, v Fr., Issoudun, 8-sa-ddfi, t Fr., 13%. Izard, Iz'ard, co Ark. [15,705 ft. Istip, Is'tip, t Eu. Tur., 8. Iztaccihuatl, $s-tqk-si-hwq-tl', vol Mex., J. E To agree with Lippincott, Jamaica Plain, v Mass. "Names beginning lvith J, in Eastern Jamesburg, v N-J. Europe and Asia, will generally be James River, Va., 450 m. found under Y, thus: for Jablonoi, see James's (Jamz-ez) Bay, g Brit. Am. Yablonoi; Jassy, see Yassy, &c." James Town, cap of is St. Helena; Jabary, Xabary, /q-bq-r9, or Yavary, co ts Tenn., Ky.; v N-Y., 23; Va., Yq-vq-rg, r S. Am., 450 m. O., Ia. Jaca, or Xaca, Jq1-kq, t Sp., 3. Janesville, Janz-vil, c Wis., 6. Jacarehi, KXq-kq-ra-hg, t Bra., 7. Japan, Jq-pan, (called Niphon, NipJacinto, Ja-sin-ta, v Miss. h6n, by the Japanese,) an empire in Jackson, Jak-son, vs La., Tenn., Ky., the N. Pac., composed of three large 0., Mich., Mo., &c. and several small islands area 116,Jacksonville, co t Ill., also of Va., Ga., 405 s. m.; pop. 35,000,000. Fa., Ala. Japura, Hq-p6-rq, r S. Am., 1000 m. Jacuhy, Zq-kot-g, r Bra., 250 m. Jarrow, Jhr-r, par and 2v Eng., 42y2. Jaen, or Xaen, llq-6n, c Sp., 17%. Jasper, Jas-per, co ts Ala., Tex., Ark., Jaen de Bracamoros, Hq-6n daBrq-kq- Tenn., Ia. 84. m6-ros, t Ec., 2. Jasz-Apathi, Y4s-O-po-ts, t Cen. Hun., Jaffa, Jaf-a, or Ycf-q, t Pal., 5. Jasz-Bereny, Yqs-Ba-rAny, t Hun., 17. Jaffnapatam, Jqf-nq-pqc-tcm, s-pt t Jauer, Y*-er, t Prus. Silesia, 61f. Ceylon, 8. [120 m. Jauja, Hi-hq, or Atanjauja, A-tqnJagua, or Xagua, Hj-gwq, r lIon., h-h/,q, r 400 m. Jaguaribe, Xq-gwq-r6-ba, r Bra., 460 m. Jauru, X(-rcd, r Brazil, 220 m. Jalapa, or Xalapa, Hc-l14-pq, c Mex., Java, Jc-vq, an i Malay Arch.; area 10; Ja-14-pc, vs Tenn., Ia., Ill. 49,730 s. m., pop. 9,600,000; Jd-va, Jallore, Jq-16r, t Hind., 15. [m. v N-Y. Jalomnitza, Yq-lom-nit-sq, rWal., 140 Javana, Jq-v4-nq, t Java, 10. Jaloun, Jq-lc6n, t Hind., 180. Jawahir, J4-wq-hsr, peaks of Himalaya Jamaica, Ja-mrn-ka, largest of the Mountains, 25,670 ft. Brit. W. Ind. Is., Caribbean Sea; Jaxartes, Jaks-4r-tsz, r Ind. Toorkispop. 377,433; v in N-Y., 4%. tan, 900 m. 64 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Jedburgh, J6d-bur-u, t Scot., 24. Jhylum, or Jilum, Ji-lum, r Punjab. Jefferson, Jef-er-son, v N-Y., 112; Jiddah, or Djiddah, Jid-q, s-ptt Ar.,22. co.ts N. C., Ga., Ala., Tex., 0., Wis., Johnson, J6n-son, vs Vt., Ga., Ill. 114; v Ia. Johnson, J6n-ston, v Scot., 534. Jefferson City, cap Mo., 3. Johnstown, co t N-Y., 1%; V Pa., 2. Jeffersonville, t Ia., location state pen- Joigny, Kwqln-yg, t Fr., 6Y3. itentiary, pop. 3; co t Va. [Pal. Joliet, J61-i-et, co t Ill., 4. Jehoshaphat, Je-h6f-a-fat, Valley of, Jonesborough, Jdnz-bur-a, co ts Tenn., Jemmapes, [a-mqp, V Belg., 434. Ill.; Vs Ga., Ala., Ia., Mo. Jena, J6n-a, or Ya-nq, t Cen. Ger., 6V4. Jonesville, co t Va.; qV Mich., 1. Jenne, J6n-e, t W. Af., 9. [Bra. Joodpoor, Jwnd-pc6r, st and t Hind., 60. Jequitinhonha, [a-ke-ten-ydn-yq, r Jordan, Jer-dan, r As. Tur., 120 m.; Jerez de La Frontera, HEra-ret da lq V N-Y. Fron-tat-rq, t Sp. Jorullo, Xurullo, Ho-rc(l-yo, vol Mex. Jerez-de-Los-Caballeros, Ha-rdt-da- Josephine, Jo-ze-fdn, V Ill. LQs-Kq-bc-la-rcs, c Sp., 61. Jouna, J&6-nq, r Rus. Am., 300 m. Jericho, Jdr-i-k@, anc. c Pal.; V8 Vt., Juan Fernandez, J(i-an Fer-nin-dez, Jerome, Je-r6m, V Ia. [N-Y., Ala. i Pac. Oc., 18 by 6 m. Jersey, Jer-zi, the largest of the Is. of Judea, Juq-dg-a, anc. k of Pal. Gr. Brit. in the Eng. Chan.; area Juggernaut, Juggernauth, Jug-er-nkt, 39,000 acres, pop. 57/. t and temple of Ind.; pop t 30. Jersey City, N-J., 22. Jujuy, Hcb-lcwg, r La Plata, 300 m. Jersey Shore, v Pa., 34. Jumna, Jdm-nq, r Ind., 680 m. Jerseyville, J6r-zi-vil, co t Ill., 34. Juneau, Jq-n6, V Wis. [671 ft. Jerusalem, Je-rc6-sa-lem, a revered c Jungfrau, Yea9-frs, m Swiss Alps., 13Pal., 10; vs N-Y., Va. Juniata, Jql-ni-4-ta, r and co Pa. Jessulmeer, Jes.ul-mir, t Hind., 20. Jura, JAi-ra, i Inner Hebrides Scot., Jeypoor, or Jypoor, Ji-pdr, st and c ms separating Fr. from Swit. Hind., 60. Jutland, Jdt-land, pen and prov Den. K. Kaffa, Caffa. K4f-q, t Rus., 74. Kamtchatka or Kamtschatka, KqmKaffraria, Caffraria, Kq-fr4-ri-q, re- q4t-ka, pen forming a part of the Sigion of S. E. Af.; pop., 345,000. berian Gov., n. e. of Asia, 6. Kafiristan, Kq-fe-ris-t'n, cy Cen. As. Kanawha, Ka-nu-wa, co and r Va. Kairwan, or Cairwan, Kjr-w4n, c N. Kanayawa, Kq-ni-4-wq, c Japan, 200. Af., 50. [8000 h. Kan-choo or Kan-Tchou, Kcqn-q6, ft c Kaisareeyeh, Ki-zar-g-e, c As. Min., China. [jee Is., 10. Kalafat, Kq-lq-f6t, t En. Tur. 2000 h. Kandaboo, Kqn-dq-b&, one of the FeeKalamazoo, Kal-a-ma-zd6, r and co t Kandy or Candy, K4n-de, t Ceylon, 7. Mich., 5. Kane, Kan, v and co Ill. Kalantan or Calantan, Kq-lqn-t4n, st Kangaroo, Kap-ga-r6, is S.Aust. [3 Malay Pen., 50. Kanisa, Nagy, Noj K6-nE-fo, t Hun., 8Kalida, Ka-li-da, co t O. Kankakee, Kan-k'-ke, r Ia. and Ill.; Kalimno, Kq-lim-no, or Calamo, Kq- V Ill.; - City, co t Ill. 14-mo, is s. w. coast As. Min. Kankaree, K4n-kq-rs, t As. Tur., 18. Kalisz or Kalisch, K4-liJ, c Pol., 12. Kan-Kiang, Kqn-Ki-4p. r Chi., 350 m. Kallo, Nagy, Noj Kq-16, t Hun., 5Y%. Kanona, Ka-nud-na, v N-Y. Kallsioen, K4l-si-e-en, I Swed. Kanam, Kq-nc6m, c Little Thibet. Kalmar, K41-mar, two cs of Swed. Kanzas, or Kansas, west. Ter. U. S., Kalocsa, Ko-16g-o, t Hun., 6. [/2. the "bone of contention" between Kalooga, Kq-lc6-gq, gov and t Rus., 29- the free and slave states, commencKalwarya, Kql-v4i-ri-q, t Pol., 1. ing with the repeal of the " Missouri Kama, K4-mq, r Rus., 1400 m. [15. Compromise," in 1854; area 114,798 Kamieniec, Kqm-ydn-yet3, t Rus. Pol., s. m.; r of the ter., 120 m; v Mo., 3; Kaampen, K4m-pen, t Neth., 10%. tr Indians. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 65 Kara, Kq-rq, r Rus., 125 m. Kenesaw, Ken-e-s6, p o Ga. Karakool or Karakoul, Kq-rq-kc6!, t Kenilworth, Kin-il-wurt, t and par Bokhara, 30. Eng., 3/2. Karaman, Kq-rq-mqn, t As. Min., 12. Kenjua, K6n-jl-au, v Pa. Karana-Assamn, Kq-r.qd-f-s4nm, st Ma- Kenmare, Ken-m4r, r and t Ir., 1/3. lay Arch., pop. 250,000. Kennebec, Ken-E-bek, r Me., 150 m. Kara Soo, Kara Sou, or Kara Su, Kq- Kennebunk, Ken-e-btiik, r and v Me. rq Su, rs As. Min., Per., As. Tur., Kennedysville, Kin-e-diz-vil, v N-Y. Eu. Tur. [S. Rus., 15. Kennet, K6n-et, r Eng. Kara-Soo-Bazar, Kq-rA-Soa-Bq-zCr, t Kenosha, Ken-6-fa, t Wis., 5y/. Kardzag, Kord-s6g, t E. Hun., 11/2. Kensico, Kin-si-ko, v N-Y. Karikal, Kq-ri-kql, t Ind., 15. Kensington, Ken-sii-ton, t and par Karlsburg, or Carlsburg, KdIrls-biarh, Eng., 44; sub Philadelphia, 48. t Tran., 123. Kent, vs Conn., Ia. Karlstadt, or Carlstadt, Kcrl-stqt, free Kenton, Kin-ton, co t O. t Aus. Croatia, 4Y2; t Bay., 2Y. Kent's Hill, a Me. Kars or Khars, Kqrs, c As. Tur., 12. Kentucky, Ken-tdk-i, on6 of the w. Kasanlik, Kqz-qn-lik, t Eu. Tur., 10. U. S.; area 37,680 s. m., pop. 761,449 Kaschau, Kq-fS, or Kositze, K@-sit-sa, whites, 10,011 free blacks, 210,981 c Hun., 1534. slaves,-total, 982,405; r Ky. Kashan, or Cashan, Kq-f4n, t Per., 30. Keokuk, K-co-kuk, co and t Iowa, 5. Kashgar, or Cashgar, KqJ-gqr, c Chi. Keosauque, Kg-u-se-kws, co t Iowa, Toork., 16. [73. Kerah, KiA-rq, r Per., 350 m. Kasimov, Kasirnow, Kq-si-m6v, t Rus., Kerman, Ker-mun, ft c Per., 30. Kaskaskia, Kas-kis-ki-a, r Ill., 300 m.; Kermanshah, Ker-mqcn-14, t Per., 35. v Ill. Kern Lake, Cal. Kassaca, Kq-sq-kq, c Japan, 150. Kertch, Kerg, t Rus., 10. [2 /. Kastamoonee, or Kastarnouni, Kqs-tq- Keswick, Kez-wik, or Kez-ik, t Eng., mnd-ns, t As. Min., 48. Keszthely, Kest-hely, t W. Hun., 7Y/. Katonah, Ka-t6-na, v N-Y. Ket, Ket, 1r As. Rus., 500 m. Katrine, Ka-trin, or Kat-rin, I Scot. Keta, Ki-tq, r As. Rus. 300 m. Kaufman, Kif-man, co Tex. Ketcho, Kgq-u, or Cachao, Kaqg-4-, Kaukaunra, Ko-k6-na, v Wis. c of Anam, in S. E. As., 100. Kavala, Kq-vq-lq, s-pt t Tur.. 4. [10. Kettering, K6t-er-i9, t and par Eng., Kavaya, Kavaja, Kq-vj-q, t Eu. Tur., 54. Kazan, Kasan, Kcq-zdcn, gov and c Rus., Kew, Kql, v Eng., palace of George III. 41~/3. Kewaunee, KE-wo-ns, r and co Mich. Kecskemet, KEq-kem-at, t Hun., 42. Keweenaw (Ke-wi-ne) Bay, Lake SuKediri, Ka-dg-rE. prov, t and r Is. of perior; - Point, n. part Mich. Java. Key, or Ki, Ki, is Malay Arch. Kedron, Ki-dron, brook of Pal., in the Keyport, KI-port, a N-J. Valley of Jehoshaphat. Keysport, Kgz-pQrt, v Ill. Keea-Hing-Foo, Ki-q-HiD-Fm, ft c Keys, Ksz, (or Cays,) islets on the China, 270. shores of Honduras. Keene, Ken, co t N-H., 2; a Ky. Keytesville, Kits-vil, co t Mo. Keeseville, Kgz-vil, a N-I., 2. Key West City, co t Fa., 3. Keighley, Kit-li, t Eng., 13. Khania, tIq-nu-a, (or Canea,) s-pt t Keith, Ket, t and par Scot., 5. Crete, 8. Keithsburg, Kits-burg, co t Ill., /2. Khanpoor, Hqn-pdcr, t Hind., 20. Kelat, or Khelat, Ks-14t, t Belg., 12. Kharkov, Hqr-k6v, (or Slobodisch Kelso, K6l-se, t and par Scot., 4%; Ukraine, S16-ba-dif (D'kran,) gov u Ia. s. Eu. Ras., area 20,931 s. m., pop. Kemijoki, Ki-mi-y6-ke, or Kemi, Kt- 1,366,188. me, r Rus., 300 m. Kharkov, or Charkow, c, cap of the Kempten, Kimp-ten, t Bavaria, 73/. above, 35. Keimptville, Kimt-vil, av C. W., 1l4. Khartoom, _cr-tcdm, cap Nubia, 20. Ken, or Kent, r Eng.; Ken, r Scot. Khatanga, rcq-t4lJ-gq, r As. Rus., Kenansville, K6n-anz-vil, co t N. C. 700 m. Kendal, Kin-dal, t and par Eng, 10'3. Khatmandoo, Kqt-mqn-dc6, (or Kath Kenduskeag, Ken-dus-k~g, v Me. maro, Kqt-h-mqg-r6,) cap of Nepaul. 6 66 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Kherson, or Cherson, Her-sdn, gov and Kingston, cs C. W. 14; Jamaica 35; cap ft t S. Rus., 24%. island St. Vincent, 5; co t R. I; vs Khilok, Hs-16k, r As. Rus., 430 m. N-Y., Pa., Ga. Khiva, Ki-va, cy and cap in Ind. Kingston-upon-Thames, (- Temz,) t Toork., 10. and par Eng., 124. Khoi, Hef, t N. Per., 30. Kingstown, KiUz-t-n, s-pt t Ir., 10/. Khonsar, Hon-sqr, t Per., 13. Kingsville, vs O., Md., S. C. Khooloom, Hf —lhcm, t Afg., 10. King-Te-Tchiang, Kip-Ta-Ci-4, t Ch. Khyen-Dwem, Ki-en-Dwem, r Far. Kington, Ki]-ton, t and par Eng., 34. Ind., 400 m. King William Court-House, co t Va. Khyerpoor, Ki-er-pcir, t Sinde, 15. Kingwood, co t Va. Kiakhta or Kiachta, Ks-4h-tq, t Sib., 5. Kinsale, Kin-sal, bor and s-pt t Ir., 5%. Kickapoo (Kik-a-pd6) Indians, Kansas Kiong-Choo, Ke-on-GC, c China, 100. Ter.; r Wis. Kirengha, Ks-rdn-gq, r Siberia, 300 m. Kidderminster, Kid-er-min-ster, bor Kirgheez, Ker-giz, Mongol race of and t Eng., 2334. Cen. As., num. 2,260,000, sub. to Rus. Kiel, Kel, s-pt t Den., 15. Kirkcaldy, Ker-k6l-di, s-pt, t and par Kielce, Ke-dlt-sa, c Pol., 54. Scot., 10.'2 [Scot., 234. Kiev, Kiew, Ks-6v, (or Kief, Ke-6f;) Kirkcudbright, Ker-kc6-brs, t and par gov Eu. Rus.; area 1942 s. m., pop. Kirkintilloch, Kerk-in-til-oh, tand par 1,636,339; c do., 47%/. Scot., 6%. [N. C. Kilbarchan, Kil-bqr-han, t and par Kirkland, Kerk-land,,s Scot., N-Y., Scot., 5%. Kirkwall, Kerk-w6l, s-pt t and par Kilbeggan, Kil-b6g-an, par and t Ir., 2. Scot., 31. Kilbirnie, Kil-b.r-ne, v and par Scot., Kirriemuir, Ker-i-mer, or Killamuir, 3%3. Kil-a-mer, t and par Scot., 3's. Kildare, Kil-dkr, co and t Ir. Kirtland, K.rt-land, V O. Kilia, Kg-li-c, ft t Bessarabia, 7. Kishenev, Kif-es-n6v, t Rus., 43. Kilkenny, Kil-ken-i, co, c and bor Ir., Kishm, KiSm, i Persian Gulf, 5, Arabs. pop of c 20%. Kistnah, Kist-na, r India, 600 m. Killaloe, Kil-a-kl, t Ir., 2/. Kittanning, Kit-An-ij, v Pa. Killarney, Kil-4r-ni, t and par Ir., 6; Kittatinny, Kit-a-tin-i, or Blue Mountiree Is, do. tains, running through N-Y., N-J., Killiecrankie, Kil-e-krhA-ks, pass in Pa., Va., N. C., Tenn., Ala. Grampian Mountains, Scot. Kizil-Irmak, Kiz-il-Er'mcqk, r Asia Killough, Kil-o, s-pt t Ir., 1. Minor, 520 m. Killucan, Kil-cO-kan, par Ir. Kizliar, Kiz-li-cr, ft t Rus., 12. Killyleagh, Kil-i-li, s-pt t Ir., 1. Kj6ge, Ke-.-ge, t Den., 23. [14%. Kilmacduagh, Kil-mak-d6-a, par Ir. Klagenfurth, K1C-gen-fxwrt, t Illyria, Kilmalie, Kil-mi-le, par Scot. Klamath, Kl4-mat or Kldj-mat-h, writKilmalloch, Kil-miAl-oh, t Ir., 11g. ten also Tlamath, r and t Oregon. 5Kilmarnock, Kil-mqir-nok, t Scot., 21%; Klattau, KlC-ts, t Bohemia, 6%. av Va. Klausenburg, Klt-zen-brrhA, cap c Kilmuir, Kil-mer, par Scot. Transylvania, 251/. [Eng., 1014. Kilmun, Kil-mun, sea-bathing v Scot. Knaresborough, Ntrz-hur-Q, t and par Kilrea, Kil-rA, t and par Ir., 1%. Knightstown, Nits-tsn, a Ia., 1%. Kilrenny, Kil-rdn-i, s-pt and par Scot., Knottingley, N6t-ij-li, a Eng., 41. 214. Knowlesville, N6lz-vil, a N-Y. Kilrush, Kil-rdj, s-pt and t Ir., 4y. Knoxville, N6ks-vil, c Tenn., 5; co ts Kilsyth, Kil-sid, t and par Scot., 4. Ga., Ill., Iowa. [412. Kilwinning, Kil-win-ig, t and par Knutsford, Ndts-ford, t and par Eng., Scot., 34. Koisoo, Ka-sc6, r Rus., 1200 m. Kinboorn, Kin-bWorn, ft Rus., at the Kokomo, KS-ko-mo, a Ia. mouth of the Dnieper. Kokoora, Ko-kc-rq, t Japan, 16. Kincardine, Kij-kar-din, s-pt t Scot. Kolin, or Neu Kolin, Na Ka-lgn, t Kinderhook, Kin-der-h-hk, as N-Y. 4, Bohemia, 54. Ark.. Ia., Ill. Kolomea, Ko-lo-mna-q, t Aus. Galicia, 7. King-Ki-Tao, Kip-Ki-Tq4-, cap Corea. Kolomna, K@-16m-nq, t Rus., 13. King-and-Queen Court-House, cot Va. Kolyma or Kolima, K@lk-mA or KaKingsbury, Kij)z-ber-i, as N-Y. 3, Ia. lI-mq, r Siberia, 700 m. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 67 Konieh, K6-ni-e, c Asia Minor, 40. Kostroma, Kos-tr6-mq, r, gov and c Koniggriitz, Ke-nih-grets, t Aus., 8S. Rus., 14. Konigsberg, K6n-igz-berg, c Prus., 75. Kovno, K6v-n), t Rus. Poland, 7. Kooban, Kw-bqn, r S. Russia, 380 m. Krajova., Krq-yd-vq, cap Lit. Wal., 8. Koordistan or- Kourdistan, Kwr-dis-tAn, Krementchoog, Krem-ent-fc6g, t Rus., cy of W. Asia, divided bet. Turkey 17. and Persia; area 500,000 s. m., pop. Kremnitz, Krem-nits, t Hun., 6%. 3,000,000. Kreutznach, Krdts-nqh, t Rhen. Prus., Koorile (K6-ril) Islands, N. Pac., pop. 913. small. Kronstadt, Kr6n-stqt, t Aus., 36. Koorsk, Kdtrsk, div Eu. Rus.; area Kuenlun, Kwen-l6n, ms Cen. Asia, 17,382 s. m., pop. 1,665,215; cap of Kumo, Kd-m@, r Rus. [22,000 ft. same, 302. Kurrachee, Kur-a- q, s-pt t Sinde, 15. Kordofan, Ker-dn-fqn, cy Cen. Af., 400. Kurrichane, Kur-i-kq-na, t-S. Af., 16. Koros, Nagy, Noj Ke-rj', t Hun., 18K. Kussnacht, Kcrs-nqht, v Swit., the Kosciusko, Kos-i-is-ko) Mount, Aus- scene of William Tell's trial. tralia; co t Miss.; co Ia. Kutaieh or Kutaiah, Kw-ti-ye, t Asia Koslov, Kos-16v, t Rus., 8. Minor. [212. Kossuth, Ko-S6t, co Iowa; v Ill. Kyparissia, Ke-pq-ris-d-q, t Greece, L. Laaland, Le-land, or Lolland, L61-qnd, Ladrones, Lq-dr6nz, or Mariana, Mqi of Den., 553. ri-4-nq, Islands, of Sp., group N. La Baie du Febore, Lc Ba de Fe-ber, Pac., 10. v C. E. Lafayette, Lq-fa-et, c Ia., 9; par La., Labansville, LA-banz-vil, a Pa., K. and sub N-Orleans, 7; co ts Ga., Tenn.; La Bathie, Lq Bq-ti, v Sard. States, 1. vs N-Y., N-J., Pa., Va., Ky., O., Ia., Labooan, Lq-bo-tn, i Malay Arch. Iowa, Or. [100 m. Labrador, Lab-ra-ddr, pes e. coast Br. La Fourche, Lq Fd6r, bayou La., nay. N. Am., as yet very little known in Lagan, LAi-gan, r Ir. the interior; area 450,000 s. m., pop. Lago Maggiore, Lq-go Mqd-j6-ra, or 5,000. [210 m. Lake of Locarno, L@-k4r-n@, I N. I[acantun, Lq-kqn-tc&n, r Cen. Am., It., 40 by 2 m. Laccadive (Ltk-a-djv) Isles, group in Lagos, LC-gus, ft s-pt t Port., 7; t Ind. Oc., 10. [cian st. Mex.; t Guinea, 5; g and t Eu. Tur. Lacedoemon, Las-E-dg-mon, anc. Gre- La Grange, La Granj, co Ia.; co ts Ga., Lachine, Lq-fgn, v C. E. Tex., Ky., Ia.; ts Ala., Tenn., &c. Lachlan, L4k-lqn, r Australia, 400 m. Lagro, La-gra, v Ia. [8. Lackawanna, Lak-a-wAn-a, or Lacka- La Guayra, Lq Gwi-rq, t and s-pt Ven., wannock, Lak-a-wan-ok, r Pa. Laguemba, Lq-gdm-bq, Feejee i. Lackawannock Mountain, Pa. [Pa. Laguna del Madre, Lq-gd-ncq del M4dLackawaxen, Lak-a-wAks-en, r and v ra, lagoon or bayou Tex., 110 by 14m. La, Clair, La Klaqr, v Ill. Laguna Seca, Lq-gcb-nq Sa-kq, p o Cal. La Clede, La Klad or La Kled, co Mo. Lahajan, Lq-hq-jqn, t Persia, 15. Lac Maskinong6, Lqk Mqs-ke-n-iu-3A, La Harpe, La Hqrp, v Ill. a C. E., 2. Lahaska, La-hts-ka, p o Pa. Lacon, L/-kon, co t Ill. Lahore, Lq-hdr, cap of the Punjab, Laconia, Lq-k6-ni-q, gov Greece; v Ia. Br. Ind., 100. La Cote St. Marie, Lq Kot Sent MA-re, La Hoya, Lq H6-yq, v Mex. p o Wis. Lahsa, LQh-sq, fertile dis E. Arabia, 50. Lac Qui Parle, Lqck Ke Pctrl, Min. Lake Kattakittekon, Kat-a-kit-e-kon, La Crosse, La Kr6s, r, co and co t Wis. head of Wisconsin River. Ladakh, Lq-dtk, prov Cen. Asia; area Lake Mills, a Wis. 30,000 s. m., pop. supposed to be Lake of the Woods, I Br. N. Am. 500,000. [Eu.; a Ia. Lake Pleasant, Plez-ant, co t N-Y. Ladoga, Lq-d6-gq, Z Rus., largest in Lake Prairie, PrA-re, v Iowa. 68 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Lake Providence, Pr6v-i-dens, v La. or Caucasian race; area 130,000 s. m., Lake Village, v N-H. pop. 20,000. Lakeville, Ldk-vil, vs Conn., N-Y., &c. La Pointe, La Pant, co and v Wis. Lake Zurich, Zei-rik, v Ill. Laporte, La-part, co ts Pa., Ia. 2K/. Lalita-Patan, Lq-l9-tq-Pq-tqn, t N. La Prairie, Lq PrA-rs, v C. E., 134. Hind., 24. La Purissima, Lq Pa-ris-i-mq, v Cal. Lamar, La-mAr, co Tex.; v Miss. Lar or Laar, Lqr, t Persia, 12. Lamartine, Lam-ar-tgn, p os Pa., Ala., Laredo, La-rd-d), co t Tex. Ark., Tenn., O.; v Wis. Largs, Lqrgz, s-pt and par Scot., 3. Lambayeque, Lqm-bij —ka, t Peru, 8. Larissa, Lq-ris-q, t Eu. Tar., 20. Lambertville, Lam-bert-vil, t N-J., 2. Larissa, La-ris-a, v Texas. Lainmbourn, Chipping, Cip-iU LAm- Larkhana, Lqr-kt-nq, ft t Sinde, 12. burn, t and par Eng., 234. La Rue, Lq Ra, p o 0.; co Ky. Lamego, Lq-mr-g@s, c Port., 9. Lasalle, Lcq-sql, a Fr., 2s. La Mine, La Maen, r and v Mo. La Salle, La Sal, co and v Ill., 3'4; p o Lamoille, La-mil, r and co Vt.; a Ill. N-Y.; a Texas. La Motte, La AM6t, i Lake Champ., 1/; Las Palmas, Lqs Pqil-mqs, c island of ) Iowa. Gran Canaria, 1713. [50. Lanark, LAn-ark, co and t Scot. Lassa or H'lassa, H-lqs-q, cap Thibet, Lancaster, LAtg-kas-ter, co and s-pt t L'Assomption, Lqs-ofi-si-Wfi, a C. E. Eng., 1614; c Pa., 15; co ts N-H., Latakeea, Lq-ta-kg-a, s-pt t Syria, 10. Ky., O., Mo., Iowa, Wis.; vs Mass., Lauderdale, L6-der-dal, cos Ala., Miss., N-Y., la. Tenn. [Den.; t Prus. Lancaster Court-House, co ts Va., S. C. Lauenburg, Li-en-biarg, d uchy and c Lancaster Sound, bet. Baffin's Bay Launceston, LEns-ton, bor and t Eng., and Barrow's Strait. 6; t Van Diemen's Land, 5. Lanchang, Lqn-q~i, cap Laos country. Laureana, LE-ra-4-nq, t Naples. Lanciano, Lqn-qi-f-na), t Nap., 13. Laurel, L6-rel, as Del. 11, O., Ia. 34. Landau, Lqn-d-;, ft t Rhen. Bav., 6; ts Laurel Factory, v iMd., 1. [Pa.; v Ill. Germany. [Fr. Laurel Hill, cemetery Philadelphia; ms Landerneau, Loft-der-nS, s-pt t and r Laurens, L6-rens, dis S. C.; co Ga. Landsberg, Lqnts-berh, t Prus., 11%. Laurens Court-House, co t S. C. Land's End, headland w. Eng. Lauria, Lg-ri-q, t Nap., 634. Landshut, LqEndz-hcbt, t Low. Bav., 9%. LELuricocha, Ls-ri-k6-qq, 1 Peru. Lane End, t Eng., 12%. Lausanna, LE-z4n, c Swit., on the Jura Lanesborough, Ldnz-bur-c, vs Mass.,Pa. Mountains, 450 feet above lake GeLanesville, as Ia., Ky., Va. neva, 20. Here Voltaire, Haller, TisLangeland, L4IU-e-lqnd, iof Den., 17%. sot, Gibbon and Byron once resided. Langensalza, Lqg-en-sqlt-sq, t Prus. Lausanne, Le-san, v Pa. Sax., 73.- Lauven, L;-ven, r Nor. Langholm, LAg-unm, bor and t Scot., 3. Lavacca, La-vak-a, r and co Tex. Langres, Loft-gr, ft t Fr., 111g. Laval, Lq-vl, t Fr., 194. Lanho, Lqn-hb, r China, 300 m. Lavaur, Lt-vor, t Fr., 71. [Bra.,12. Lanier, La-n~r, co t Ga. Lavras-de-Funil, Lcj-vrqs-da-Fcb-nl, t Lannion, Lqn-i-6ft, t Fr., 6%. Lawrence, L6-rens, c AMass., 15; a rapLansing, Lan-sip, cap Mich., 3. idly growing c Kanzas Ter.; also Lansingburg, Lin-sip-burg, v N-Y., 5. numerous cos in the states. [v Pa. Lanzarote, Lqn-sq-r6-ta, Canary i, 18. Lawrenceburg, t Ia., 5; co ts Ky., Tenn.; Laon, Lq-Sfi, c Fr., 10. Lawrenceville, a and U. S. arsenal, Pa.; Laona, La-6-na, vs N-Y., Ill. co ts Va., Ill.; as Ia., &c. Laos, LqC-cs, cy S.-E. Asia; area un- Laybach, Li-bqh, r and t Aus., 17'2. known, pop. supposed to be 1,000,000. Leakesville, Lgks-vil, a N. C.; co t Miss. La Paz, Lq Pqz, dep and t Bol., 20; Leamington, Lem-ip-ton, t Eng., 153. cap Lower California. Leavenworth, L6v-en-wurt, c Kanzas Lapeer, La-plr, co and a Mich. Ter., 1. Lapland, LAp-land, ter N. Eu., inhab- Lebanon, Ldb-a-non,?fns Syria;, celeited by a people noted for their sin- brated for their ancient and historic gular physical appearance, ethnog- associations; co ts Pa. 3, Va., Ala., raphers being unable to say whether Tenn., Ky., 0. 31/, Ia.; vs N-H., Ill., they belong more to the Mongolian Conn., &c. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 69 Lebrija or Lebrixa, La-brg-hq, t Sp., Leonardstown, Ldn-ardz-tsn, co t Md. 73; r N-Gran. Leonardsville, Len-ardz-vil, v N-Y. Lecce, Ldt-ga, c Nap., 1912. Leonforte, La-on-f r-ta, t Sic., 103. Le Claire, Le Klfr, v Iowa. [Ter. Leoni, Le-a-ni, v Mich., 34. Lecompton, Le-k6mp-ton, cap Kansas Leonidas, Le- n-i-das, v Mich., 14. Lectoure, Lek-tdgr, t Fr., 634. Leopold, Lg-a-pold, v Ia. [Hun., 134. Ledbury, Led-ber-i, t andparEng. 43. Leopoldstadt, La-6-pold-stqt, ft t Cen. Ledyard, Led-yard, vs Conn., N-Y. Lepanto, LE-pan-t@, s-pt t Greece, 2. Leeds, LEdz, c or bor Eng., 152. Lerchenfeld, Lrh-en-felt, v Aus., 7/. Leedsville, Lgdz-vil, Vs N-Y., N-J., Va. Lerici, Ler-i- s, t It, 5y4. Leek, Lek, t and par Eng., 134. Lerida, Ler-i-dq, t Sp., 124. Leesburg, Liz-burg, co t Va., 2; vs 0., Lerins (Le-raa) Isles, Med., bel. to Fr. Ia., Ky., Tenn., Ala. Le Roy, Le Ra, vs N-Y. 2, Mich., &c. Leesport, v Pa. Lesina, Les-i-nq, i of Dalmatia, 121/. Leesville, vs N-Y., Va., Ky., O., Ia., Ill. Le Sueur, Le Sc6-er, co and v Min. Leeuwarden, L-wor-den or Le-u-vqr- Leutschau, Ltit-jS, fr t Hun., 51. den, t Hol., 242. [Ind. Levanna, LE-vAn-a, vs N -Y., O. Leeward (LE-ward) Is., applied to W. Levant, Le-vAnt, e. coasts Med. Sea; Ts Lefkosia, Lef-ka-z9-q, (or Nicosia,) Me., N-Y. cap island of Cyprus, 18. Levanto, La-vun-to, t Sard., 4x. Leflore, Le-flhr, v Miss. Leven, LI-ven, rs Eng., Scot. Leghorn, Lg-horn or Leg-horn, s-pt t Leven,.Loch, Lok L6v-en, I Scot. Tuscany, 78. [t Aus. It. Levenworth, Lev-en-wurb, co t Ia., 3. Legnago, Len-y4-g), ft t Lombardy, 6; Levering, L&v-er-ig, v 0. Leh, La, or Lei, Ld-e, c Cen. Asia, 8. Lewes, Lfl-is, bor and t Eng., 914. Lehi (L9-hi) City, v Utah Ter. Lewis, Ll-is, i of the Outer Hebrides; Lehigh, L9-hi, r and co Pa. cos N-Y., Va., &c. Lehighton, Le-hi-ton, v Pa. [v Mass. Lewisburg, Lfl-is-burg, t Pa.; co ts Va., Leicester, Lgs-ter, co Eng.; t do., 60y2; Tenn.; as Ky., 0., Ia. Leigh, Le, t and par Eng., 54. Lewis or Snake River, largest tributaLeighton-Buzzard, Lg-ton-Bdz-ard, t ry of Columbia River. [2. and par Eng., 7. Lewiston, L(1-is-ton, t Me., 7; cot N-Y., Leipsic, Lip-sik, prov and c Saxony, Lewistown, LAi-is-tgn, co ts Pa. 3, Ill.; noted for its fairs, 70. v 0. [Ark. Leipsic, Lgp-sik, a Del.; p os O., Ia. Lewisville, Lfl-is-vil, vs Pa., O., Ia.; co t Leisnig, Lis-nih, t Sax., 51. Lexington, L6ks-ig-ton, c Ky., 12; co ts Leith, Lvt, s-pt t Scot., 31. Va., N. C., Ga., Miss., Tenn., Mo., Leitmeritz, Lit-mer-its, ft t Boh., 41/a. S. C.; v Mass. Leitomischel, Li-tQ-miS-el, t Boh., 6j%. Leyden or Leiden, Li-den, c Neth., 36. Leixlip, Las-lip. t and par Ir. Leyland, Li- land, t and par Eng., 133. Lema (Ld-mq) Islands, Chinese Sea. Leyte, LA-i-ta, Philippine i, 924. Le Maire, Le Mtr,, str S. Am. Leytha, Li-tq, r Aus., 90 m. Lemberg, Lem-berg, (or Leopold) t Leyton, La-ton, a and par Eng., 33. Aus., 71. [mi. Libau, LI-bh, s-pt t Rus., 103. Lena, LE-na, (Rus. La-n4q,) r As., 2400 Liberia, Li-bh-ri-a, rep of Af.; it was Lenawee, Len-a-ws, co Mich. [5x2. founded in 1820, by the American Lendinara, Len-di-nq-rq, ft t Aus. It., Colonization Society, for the occuLennox Town, Len-oks Tan, v Scot., 3. pation of the free American blacks; Lenoir, LE-ndr, co and co t N. C. the enterprise cannot be said to have Lenox, L6n-oks, co t Mass., 34. proved, as yet, very successful; 250. Lenoxville, Len-oks-vil, v C. E. Liberty, Lib-er-ti, co ts Va., Miss., Lens, Lon, t Fr., 93. Tex., Ky., Ia., Mo.; vs N-Y., Pa. Lentini, Len-t~-ni, t Sicily, 5. Liberty Falls, v N-Y. Leominster, Lem-in-ster, t and par Libertyville,'s Ill., Iowa. Eng., 41; a Mass. Libourne, Le-bcrn, t Fr., 12%. Leon, LI-on, c Sp., 7; t Nicaragua, 30; Libyan Desert, Lib-i-an Dez-ert, part vs Va., O.; r Tex. of Sahara. Leon, La-6n, t Guanajuato, 6. Lichfield, Lig-feld, c Eng., 7. [5s. Leon, or Alanagua, Mq-n4-gwq, I Nic. Lichtervelde, Lil-ter-vel-de, I Belg., Leona, Le-6-na, co t Tex. Licking, Lik-iij, River, rs Ky. 200 m.; O. 70 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Licordia, Li-ke&-di-a, t Sicily, 7. Little Egg Harbor River, N-J. Liddel, Lid-el, r Scot. [Con., 7%. Little Falls, vs N-Y., 4; N-J. Liechtenstein, L9h/-ten-stin, prin Ger. Littlehampton, Lit-l-hAmp-ton, t and Liege, Lej, c Belg., 60. watering place Eng., 22. [150 m. Liegnitz, LEg-nits, t Prus. Silesia, 14. Little Kanawha, Ka-n4-wa, r Va., Lierre, Ls-tr, t Belg., 13K. Little Miami (Mi-am-i) River, cen. 0. Lifu, Ls-f&, i Pac. Oc. Little Missouri, Mi-zd-ri, rs Ark., Mo. Lignidres, Len-ys-4r, t Fr., 2%. Ter. [foundland. Ligny, Len-yi, v Belg. Little Placentia, Pla-s6n-fi-a, s-pt NewLigonier, Lig-o-ngr, bhr and t Pa. Little Red River, Ark., 150 m. Lika, Lg-kq, r Aus. Croatia. [Fr., 76. Little River, La., nav. 150 m.; various Lille or Lisle, LEl, a manufacturing c other streams. [S. arsenal; 3. Lillebonne, Lsl-b6n, t Fr., 514. [100. Little Rock, cap Ark., and seat of U. Lima, Lg-mq, prov Peru, 125; calp do., Littleton, Lit-l-ton, v N-H. Lima, Li-ma, vs N-Y., Mich., Ia., Wis.; Livadia, Liv-q-d-t-a, (or Libadia,) div co t O. [prus. Gr., 3324; cap same, 9. Limasol, Ls-mc-sol, s-pt t is. of Cy- Liverpool, Liv-er-pal, c Eng., and secLimburg, Lim-burg, t Ger., 3%. ond in commercial importance, 376; Limerick, Lim-er-ik, co and c Ir., 5534; s-pt ts Nova Scotia, N-Brunswick; vs Me., Pa., &c. vs Pa., O., Ia., Ill. Limestone (Lim-stan) Springs, v S. C. Livingston, Liv-ilgz-ton, co ts Ala., Tex., Limington, Lim-icj-ton, v Me. Tenn.; vs Mich., Ill. Limoges, Ls-m63, c Fr., 27. Livonia, Li-viS-ni-a, maritime gov Rus.; Limoux, Ls-m&c, t Fr., 7y. area 20,450 s. m., pop. 821,457: v la. Linares, Ls-n[-res, t Sp., 612. Ljusne or Liusne, Lyc6s-na, r Swed., Lincoln, Li.-kon, co Eng.; c do., 14; ts 220 m. Me., N-H., Mass., O. Llanbedr, Lan-bed-er, bor S. Wales. Lincoln Centre, v iMe. Llanberris, Lan-bdr-is, par N. Wales, Lincolnton, Li -kon-ton, cots N. C., Ga. containing scenery among the most Linden, Lin-den, vs N-Y., Pa., Wis.; magnificent to be found in N. Eu. co ts Ala., Tenn. Llandeilo-Vawr or Fawr, or Llandilo, Lindenville, Vs O., Wis. Ian-di-lI-Vsr, t S. Wales, 1%. Lindville, Lind-vil, v Iowa. [20 m. Here is Grongar Hill, where, in 1282, Lingen, Lio-gen, i Malay Arch., 40 by the last effort was made for the inLinkoping, Lin-ge-pio, t Swed., 44. dependence of Wales. [2. Linlithgow, Lin-lit-go, co Scot.; t do., Llandovery, Lan-dd-ver-i, t S. Wales, Linn, Lin, co t 3Mo. [44. Llanelly, Lan-6-ls, s-pt t S. Wales, Lintz, Lints, cap Upper Aus., 31. 83X. Lipan, Le-pqn, Ind tr of Tex., hex. Llangollen, Lan-go-len, t N. Wales, 5. Lipari (Lip-a-ri) Islands, vol is MIed., Llanidloes. LAn-id-les, bor and t N. 22; t same, 12'. [Ger., 10612. Wales, 3. Lippe-Detmold, Lip-e-Det-molt, prin Llanrwst, LAn-rcbst, t N. Wales, 3/'. Lippstadt, Lip-stqt, ft t Prus. Westp. Llantrissent, Lan-tris-ent, t S. Wales, 1. Liria, Lg-ri-q, t Sp, 8'. [ f2. Llewellyn, Lil-l-in, v Pa. Lisbon, Liz-bon, cap Port., 280; v Ill., Lloughor, Li-gor, r and t S. Wales, 1. Lisburn, Liz-burn, t Ir., 7; v Pa. Llumayor, Lywn-mi-4r, t is. of Majorca, Lisieux, Le-zi-e, t Fr., 11%3. Loa, Li-q, s-pt t and r Peru. [7. Liskeard, Lis-kqrd, t and par Eng., 3. Locarno, Lw-k4r-na, t Swit., 23. Lisle, L, L Mo. Lochaber, Loh-c4-ber, moun. dis Scot. L'Islet, Le-l1, co and v C. E. Lochapoka, Lw-ka-p6-ka, v Ala. Lismore, Liz-mer, i w. Scot., 11; c Loches, Lof, t Fr., 54. and par Ir., 3. [834. Lochgilp-Ilead, Loh-gilp-Hed, v Scot. 3. Lista, Lis-q, i Adriatic, 3: t Prus. Pol., Lochinvar, Loh-in-vor, 1 Scot. Litchfield, Lig-feld, co ts Conn., Ky.; Lochmaben, Loh-ma-ben, bor and par Vs O., Mich. Scot., 1. Lithonia, Lit-6-ni-a, v Ga., 34. Lochwinnoch, Loh-win-oh, par Scot. Lithopolis, Lit-6p-@-lis, v O. Lockhart, L6k-hcqrt, co t Tex. Lithuania, Lit-yt-a-ni-a, anc. ter Eu., Lock Haven, Lok Hdi-ven, v Pa., 1. Litiz, Lit-its, V Pa. [bel. to Ru3. Lock-Hoi, Lok-H&, s-pt t China, 90. Little Chute, EnWt, v Wis. Lockland, L6k-land, v 0. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 71 Lockport, L6k-port, vs N-Y. 12%, Ill. Louisa, La-E-zc, co ts Ky., Va. [C. 2, Pa., O., La., &c. Louisburg, Lcb-is-burg, t Fr.; vs Pa., N. Locle, Le, Le Lok-l', v Swit., 8S. Louisiade ( Ln-s-zi-4d) Archipelago, is Lod ve, Lo-ddv, t Fr., 103. S. Pac. Oc. Lodi, Lb-de, c Lom., 15%; Lb-di, vs Louisiana, La-e-zi-d-na, one of the s. N-Y., O., Ia., Wis. U. S., on the Gulf of Mexico; area Loffoden, Lo-f6-den, is n. w. Nor., 4. 41,225 s. m.; pop. 255,451 whites, Lofo, Lb-fe, i Gaulf of Bothnia. 17,462 free blacks, 244,809 slavesLogan, L6-gan, v 0., 1Y/. total, 517,762. Loganspart, LcS-ganz-part, c Ia., 3Y.. Louis-Philippe (Lba —Fil-ip) Land, a Logazohy, La-gq-za-hi, t W. Af., 9. tract in the Ant. Oc., off S. Shetland. Loggun, Lo-gcn, cy Af. [7/. Louisville, L6-is-vil or Lo-i-vil, c Ky., Logrono, L)-gr6Sn-yo, pros and t Sp., 5134; co ts Ga., MisS.; vs O., Ia., &c. Loir, Lwqr, r Fr., 150 in. Loule, Lcf-la, ft t Port., 814. Loire, Lwqcr, largest r in Fr., 645 m. Lourdes, Lard, t Fr., 4i. Loja or Loxa, L-hlq, c Sp., 15; t Ec., 10. Louth, LsB, t Eng., 102. Lokeren, Lb-ker-en, t Belg., 164. Loutre (Lct-er) River, Mo. Lombardo-Venetian, Lom-bcr-d@-Ven- Louvain, Lb-ven, c Belg., 24%. i-fan, k Austrian dominions; area Louvier., Ln-vi-6t, t Fr., 10. 17,511 s. m., pop. 5,001,000. Lovat, La-vqt, r Rus., 175 m. Lombardy, L6m-bar-di, former div It. Loveland, Luv-land, O0. Lomblem, Lom-blum, i Malay Arch. Lovettsville, Luv-ets-vil, v Va. Lombok, Lom-b6k, i Malay Arch.; area Lovingston, Lbv-ij-ston, co t Va. 1,480 s. m., pop. 250,000. Low Archipelago, (Hr-ki-pil-a-go,) is Lomond, Loch, Loh Lb-mond, 1, largest Pac. Oc. in Scot., 40 s. m. Lowell, L6-el, manufacturing c Mass., Lonato, La-ni-ta, t Lom., 5/. 37; vs Ga., O., Mich., Iowa, Wis. London, Lun-don, cap Gr. Brit., and Lower Blue Lick, watering-place, Ky. largest city in the world; circumfer- Lower Saginaw. L6-er Sig-i-no, a ence estimated at 30 m.; pop. 2,362,- Mich., 113. 236; c C. W., 7; co ts Ky., O. Lowestoft, Li-es-toft, s-pt t Eng., 134. Londonderry, Lun-don-der-i, c Ir., 20; Lowndes, Lnndz, cos Ga., Ala., Miss.'s N-H., O., &c.; s-pt t Nova Scotia. Lowville, L6-vil, vs N-Y. 1, Pa. Long Branch, wateriung-place, N-J. Loyalty (Lb-al-ti) Islands, Pac. Oc., 3. Longford, L61-ford, t Ir., 4Y. Loyola, La-yb5-lq, v Sp. Long Island, portion of N-Y., separated Liibeck, L6-bek, prin Ger., 22%; cap from the state by a strait; is Hebrides. same, 27; Lbi-bek, v Me. Long Island Sound, separates Long Is- Lublin, Li-blin, c Pol., 16. land from N-Y. and Conn. Lucas, Lb-kas, co and v Iowa. Longueil, Lap-gely, v C. E., 4%/. Lucca, Ldk-a, ter and c Cen. It., 2234. Longwy, Lad-vi,ftt Fr.,3S3. [Fr.,8y,. Lucena, Llt-si-na or Lza-tA-nq, c Sp., Lons-le-Saulnier, Lfti-le-SG-ni-d, t 1634. Loo Choo, La C(c, is Pac. Oc. [20. Lucera, Lcn-~q-rq, t Nap., 11. Loodianah, Lct-di —nq,ft t N. W. Hin., Lucerne, Lit-snrn c, ccanlton and I Swit.: Lorain, La-rAn, co and v 0. pop. of c 10. Lorca, Lar-kq, c Sp., 48%. Lucknow, Luk-ns, c Hin., 200. Loreto, Lb-rA-ta, or Loretto, La-r6t-a, Ludlow, Liud-la, t Eng., 513: z Vt. c Cen. It., 8. Ludlowville, Ldd-l)-vil, v N-Y. [614. Loretto, LG-r6t-a, a Pa. [Fr., 253. Ludwigsburg, Lc6d-wigz-burg, c Wiirt., Lorient or L'Orient, La-ri-nfi, s-pt t Lugano, La-g6-na, 1 and t Swit., 51/. L'Orignal. La-rsn-yql, v C. W., 34. Lugo, Lc:-go, c Sp., 7Vj; t It., 714. Los Angeles, Las An'je-lez, co Cal. Lumnberton, Ldm-ber-ton, a N-J.; co t Lossini, Los-i-ns, i of Illyria, 6%. Lumpkin, Ludmp-kin, co t Ga. [N. C. Lothians, Lb-ti-anz, divs Scot. Land, Land, c Swed., 54. Loudon, Li-don, co Va.; vs N-H., Pa. Liinebarg, Ld-ne-burg, t Ger., 1134. Loudonville, LS-don-vil, v 0. Lunenburg, il-nen-burg, v Vt., ll4; Loudoun, Lc6-dan, v Scot., 4%. s-pt Nova Scotia. Lougen, LS-gan, r Nor., 200 m. Luniville, Le-na-vil, t Fr., 123/. Loughborough, Luf-bur-o, t Eng., 11. Luray, Lqb-ra, co t Va.; vs 0., Ia. Loughrea, Loh-ra, t Tr., 5/.. Lurgan, Ldr-gan, t Ir., 4%. 72 GEOGRAPIITCAL VOCABULARY. Luton, Lit-ton, t Eng., 104. [Hol., 11. Lymington, Lim-ir-ton, s-pt t andpar Luxemburg, Liiks-em-bura,, tei, and t Eng., 514. Luzerne, Ltl-zern, co Pa. [900. Lynchburg, Linq-burg, t Va., 10; vs S. Luzon, L -zon, i Malay Arch., 2,176,- C., Tex., Ky., O. [13. Lycoming, Li-k6mn-ii, co Pa. Lyndon Corner, Lin-don K6r-ner, v Vt., Lykens, Li-kenz, v; Pa. Lyndhurst, Lind-hurst, v Eng., 113. Lyman, Li-mn, m N-EI. Lynn, Lin, c Mass., 141. Lyme, Ljrm, vs N-H., Conn. Lynn-Regis, Lin-Rg-jis, t Eng., 19%. Lyme-Regis, Lim-Re-jis, s-pt t and par Lyons, Li-onz, second c Fr., 156%; vs Eng., 3Y.. N-Y., Miich. M. Maad, Mqd, t N. HIun., 53. Macroom, Ma-krdcm, t Ir., 5. lMaassluis, MIqs-lets, t Neth., 4. Mactan, Mqk-tqn, i Philippines. Macao, Mq-k'g, s-pt t China, 30. MIacVeytown, Mak-Vii-tsn, -v Pa., 1. Macapa, MIc-kq-pq, t Brazil, 6. MIadagascar, Mad-a-gAs-kar, i Ind Oc., MacArthar, Mak-flr'tur, O0. area 240,000 s. m., pop. 4,700,000. Macassar, Mq-kqs-ar, gov and t Is. Cel- Madawaska, Mad-a-was-kact, p o Me. ebes, 20; - Strait, separating Is. Maddalena, La, Lc, Mq-dq-ld-nq, i of Borneo and Celebes. Sardinia, 12. Magayo, M4-s-co, t Brazil, 5. Maddaloni, Mq-dc-l6-ne, c Nap., 113. Macclesfield, Aik-lz-fEld, t Eng., 39. Madeira, Mq-dg-ra, i of Port., in At..MacConnellsburg, NIMa-K6n-elz-burg, co Oc., area 300 s. m., pop. 110,000. MacConnellsville, v Ot Pa. Pa. adeira, or Madera, Mq-dA-rq, (or MacDonough, Mak-D6n-a, co Ill.; co t Cayari, Kj-q-r9,) r S. Am., 1500 m. Ga.; v N-Y. Madeley, MAd-li, t and par Eng., 814. Macedon, Mas-s-don, v 0. Madison, M&d-i-son, c Ia., 13; cap Wis., Macedonia, Mas-E-d6-ni-a, anc cy Eu., 7; co t Ga; vs Conn., N-Y., N-J. now in Tur.; vs Tenn., Iowa. Madison, Court House, co ts Va., Fa. Macerata, Mq-gqa-rq-tq, t Papal Sts., 16. Madison Springs, v Ga. [Ky. MacEwensville, Mak-Yli-enz-vil, v Pa. Madisonville, Mad-i-son-vil, cots Tenn., MacGillivray's, Kootanie, Mak-Gil-iv- Madjicosima (Mq-ji-k@-s6-mq) Islands, raz, Kc6-tq-ni., or Flat Bow River, arch Pac. Oc., 114. W. Brit. Am., 400 m. Madras, Ma-drts, c and ter div Br. Ind.; MhacGrawville, Mak-Gr6-vil, v N-Y. pop. of c 720,000, of ter 19,901,808. Machias, AMa-q-as, co t Me.; v N-Y. MIade-de-Dios, (Mq-d&ra-da-D1-os,) Machias Port, v Me. Archipelago, off s. w. coast Pat..Machynlleth, Mq-hdnt-let, t and par MaIdrid, Md-rid, (Sp. Mcq-drgd,) cap c N. Wales, 134. Sp., 260. MacKenzie, Ma-Ken-ze, r Brit. N. Mad River, strearns N-H., Vt., Conn., O. Am., 2500 m. Madura, Mqc-d&-ra, i Malay Arch., 263; Mackinac, M'Ik-in-o, vs Mich., 11; Ill..ft c Hind., 20. MacKiniey, Ma-Kin-i, co t Tex. Maelar, Ma-lar, I E. Swed., containing Macksville, M/Iks-vil, vs Ia., Ky. 1300 islands. MacLaughlinsville, Mak-L6h-linz-vil, Maelstrom, or MNalstrom, MIl-strem, a MacLean, Mak-Ldn, v N-Y. [v Pa. whirlpool near Norway. MacLeansborough, Mak-Ldnz-bur-c), Maestricht, MAs-trikt, t Hol., 2514. co t Ill. [Tenn. Mafra, Mdc-frq, t Port., 314. MacLemoresville, Mak-LUm-orz-vil, v Magdalen, Mgg-da-len, sound s. Pat. MNacornb, Ma-komn, co Mich.; v Ill., 11/. Magdalena, Mag-da-li-na, r S. Am.; Macon, Ma-kdfi, t Fr., 1234. dep N-Gran.; r Bol., called also UbaMac-n, Ma -kon, c Ga., 7; co t Miss.; hy, D)-bq-h9, t Mex. t)aLOu Lt., s' Mich. iagSdalen Islands, Gulf St. Lawrence. Malcrupin, Ma-k h-pin, co and cr Ill. MIagdeburg, MlAg-de-burg, gov and a MacQuarie, Ma-Kwvr-z, rs E. Aust., Prus., 56014. 280 m.; Van Diemen's; s-pt t N-S. Magellan, Mqc-jel-an, strait bet. Terra Wales., &c. del Fuego and Patagonia. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 73 Mager6e, MAg-er-@, i Arctic Oc. Mairore, Mq-ma-rd, r Bol., 500 m. Magnolia, Mao-n6-l-a,vN-Y.,Ill.,Wis. Man, Isle of, i Irish Sea, 524. Mahanuddy, Mq-ha-niidl-i, r Ind., 500 m. Mana, Mq-nq, r Fr. Gui., 157 m. Mahaska, Ma-hds-ka, co Iowa. Manacor, Mq-nq-k6r, t is M.ajorca, 102. Mahavillygunga, Mq-hq-vil-i-giin-gq, Manahocking, Man-a-h6k-ig, v N-J. r Ceylon. Manasarowar, Mcq-nq-sq-r@-wqr, I Mahoning, Ma-hdn-ig, r and co O. Thibet. Mahratta (Mq-rq-ta) States, Hind. Manasquan (Man-is-kwon) River, N-J. Maidenhead, Mdd-en-hed, bor and t Manatawny, Man-a-t6-ni, p o and cr Pa. Eng., 3%. [20. Manawatu, Mq-nq-wq-t&, r N-Zeal. Maidstone, Mad-ston, par and t Eng., Manayunk, Man-a-ydigk, t Pa., 7. Main, Man, r Ir.; Min, r Sib., 180 m. Manchester, Man-ges-ter, manufacturMain, Mayne, or Maine, Man, (Ger. ing c Eng., 401Y%; c N-H., 22; vs Vt., Mjn,) nav. r Ger., 280 m. Mass., Conn., N-Y., Pa.; co ts Tenn., Maine, Man, n. e. N-Eng. St., U. S., Ky. [50. area 31,766 s. m., pop. 590,000. Mandavee, MAn-da-ve, s-pt t Hind., Majorca, Ma-jdr-ka, i Sp. in Med., Mandingos, Man-dii-gws, tr W. Af., repop. 179,753. markable for advance in civilization. Makallah, Mq-k-lcq, s-pt t Ar., 4'2. Maneesa, Mcq-ng-sq, t As. Minor, 25. Mako, Mo-k&, or Makovia, Mq-kd-vi-q, Manfredonia, Man-frs-dd-ni-a, s-pt t Hun., 21. Naples, 5. Makoqueta, Ma-k6-ke-ta, r and v Io. Mangaia, Mcqn-gi-q, i S. Pac. Oc., 2. Makree or Makri, Mc-kre, s-pt t Tur., 3. Mangalore, Mag-ga-16r, s-pt t Br. Ind., Malabar, Mal-a-bqr, dis Br. Ind.; area 30. 6060 s. m., pop. 1,514,909. Mangola, Mcqn-g6-lq, is Malay Arch. Malacca, Mq-lak-a, dis Malay Pen.; cap Mangueira, Mcqn-ga-i-rq, I Brazil. of the same, pop. 1214; - Strait, Manhattan, Man-hat-an, vs 0., Ia. bet. Malay Pen. and Is. Sumatra. Manhattan Island, s. e. part N-Y. Malaga, Mal-a-ga, s-pt c and prov Sp., Manheigan (Man-hi-gan) Island, off pop. of c 68,577; of prov 438,000. the coast Me. Malay Archipelago, Ma-ld flr-ki-p61- Manheim, Man-hlm, v Pa. a-go, largest group is on the globe, Manicouagan, Man-i-kwc-gan, r, I and s. e. of Asia. b C. E. Malay Peninsula, s. part of As.; area Manidowish, Man-i-do-if, r Wis. 45,000 s. m., pop. 375,000. Manila, Mq-ng-la, cap c Is. Luzon, 15. Malden, Me1-den, vs Mass., 2; N-Y. Manilla, Man-il-a, v Ia. Maldive (Mil-div) Islands, Ind. Oc.; Manitch, Mq-nig, r Rus., 300 m. pop. l75,000. Manitoba (Man-i-tb-ba) Lake, Br. N. Maldon, M61-don, t Eng., 5X. Am. [Wis., 22. Maldonado, Mql-do-nq-do, s-pt t Ur. Manitoowoc, Man-i-tz-w6k, r and co t Mallicollo, Mq-li-k61-@, is Pac. Oc. Manitou (Man-i-twa) River, Wis. Mallow, Mal-@, t and watering-place Manitoulin, Man-i-t&-lin, is Br. Am. Ir., 9x4. Manlius, Man-li-us, v N-Y., 1% Malmaison, Mql-ma-sdfi, chateau in Mannheim, Mdn-him, t Baden, 2334. Fr., residence of Empress Josephine. Manoel-Alves-Septentrional, Mq-no-lMalmesburg, Mcmz-ber-i, t and par l'ves-Sep-ten-tri-)-ndtl, r Brazil, Eng., 7. 400 m. Malmo, MAl-me, s-pt t Swed., 1034. Manona, Ma-n6-na, co and v Iowa. Malone, Ma-lSn, v N-Y., 4%. Manresa, Mqn-rA-sq, t Sp., 133. Malpas, MIl-pas, t and par Eng., 54. Mans, Le, Le-Mofi, t Fr., 223. Malta, Mlt-ta, is Br. in Med.; area Mansfield, MAnz-fsld, t and par Eng., 98 s. m., pop. 100,000; v 0., 34. 10; co ts 0., 4; La.; vs Mass., Conn., Malton, M61-ton, t Eng., 7%. N-Y., &c. Malvern, M6-vern, watering-place Mantchooria, Man-q6-ri-a, div China; Eng., 334; Me1-vern, v O. area 700,000 s. m., pop. 2,500,000. Mamanguape, Mq-mcqn-gwq-pa, r and Mantiqueira, Mqn-ti-ka-rq, ms Brazil. t Brazil. Mantua, Man-tqt-a, c Aus. It., 303. Marnaroneck, Mq-mAr-o-nek, v N-Y. Manua, Mq-ncd-a, is S. Pac. Oc. Mainers,.Mq-mn4r, t Fr., 6. Manzanares, Mqn-tq-nq-res, t Sp., 8%. Mammoth Cave, Edmonson co., Ky. Manzanilla, Mqn-sq-ngl-yq, b Mex. 7 74 G EOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Mlaracaybo, Mcq-rq-ki-b@, s-pt c Ven., Martinsville, M4r-tinz-vil, vs N-Y., %. 8K; 1 and g of same. Pa., Va.; co t Ia., 1. Maragha, Mc-rq-gq, c Per., 15. Martirios, Mctr-ti-ri-@s, v Brazil, 7. Marajo, Mq-rq-36, i At. Oc., 20. Martos, MMqr-tas, t Sp., 11. Maranhao, Mq-rqn-yAf, c Brazil, 30; Maryland, Ma-ri-land, one of the orig- Island, Brazil, 40. inal U. S.; area, 9,356 s. m., pop. Marburg, MlCr-burg, t Hesse-Cassel, 8. 417,943 whites, 74,723 free blacks, Marcellus, Mqr-s6l-us, v N-Y. 90,368 slaves,-total, 583,034. Marchena, Mqr-qa-nq, t Sp., 114. Maryport, MA-ri-pQrt, s-pt t Eng., 54. Maree, Loch, Loh Mq-rg, 1 Scot. Marysville, c Cal., 10; co ts Va., Tenn., Marengo, Ma-r6n-ga, vs N-Y., Ill., Io. Mo.; V O., 3. Margarita, Mqr-ga-rg-ta, i Caribbean Masbate, Mqs-b4-ta, Phil. Is. Sea, 15. Maskegon, Mas-ki-gon, r Mich. 300 m. Margate, Mcr-get, s-pt Eng., 93. Mason, MA-son, co t Mich., X; v O., i. Mariana, Mq-ri-4-nq, c Brazil, 53. Massachusetts, Mas-a-qf-sets, one of Marianna, Ma-ri-an-a, co t Fa. the original U. S.; areas. 7800 s. m., Marias, Las Tres, Lqs Tres Mq-r6-qsc, pop. 996,000. [93. is Pac. Oc. Massa Ducale, M4-sq Dma-k4-la, c It., Maria's (Ma-ri-az) River, Nebraska Massapeag, Mas-a-pdg, R. B. station Ter., 300 m. Conn. [400 m. Marica, Mq-r9-kq, t Brazil, 6. Massaroony, Mq-sq-r6-ne, r Brit. Gui., Marie Galante, Mq-ri Gq-6lit, one of Massena, Ma-sg-na, v N-Y. the W. Ind. Is., 123. Massillon, Mas-i-lon, t O., 4; v Io. Marienwerder, Mq-rg-en-ver-der, o W. Massowah, MI-s@-wq, s-pt t Abys., 4. Prus., 7%. Matagorda, Mat-a-ger-da, b and co t Marienzell, Mq-re-en-ts6l, t Styria. Tex., 13. Marietta, Ma-ri-et-a, t 0., 5; co t Ga.; Matamora, Mat-a-m6-ra, v Tenn.:vs Pa., Ia. Matamoras, Mat-a-mi-ras, t Mex., 20; Marin, Mq-rsn, co Cal. [Arch. vs Pa., Ia. Marinduque, Mq-rsn-dcd-ka, i Malay Matanzas, Mq-tan-zas, s-pt t Cuba, 26. Marinilla, Mq-ri-ngl-yq, t N-Gran., 5. Matareeyeh, Mq-tq-rg-ye, v Lower Eg. Marion, MA-ri-on, co ts Va., N. C., Ga., Mataro, Mq-tq-rd, c Sp., 13. Ala., Miss., Tex., Ark., Ky., 0., Ia., Matawamkeag, Mat-a-w6m-keg, r and Ill., Io., S. C., &c. p o Me. Mariposa, Mar-i-pd-sa, r, co and v Cal. Matelica, Mq-tel-i-kq, t Cen. It., 74. Marlborough, M4rl-bur-o, or MOI-bro, Matera, Mq-tA-rq, t Nap., 113. t Eng., 534; Mirl-bur-e, vs N-H., Mathura, Mdt-ra, t Brit. Ind., 60. Vt., Mass., N-Y., O. Matina, Mq-tg-nq, r and v Costa-Rica. Marlow, Great, t and par Eng., 6x. Matlock, Mat-lok, watering-place Eng., Marlton, M4rl-ton, v N-J. 33. [50. Marmande, Mqr-m6did, t Fr., 813. Matsinai, Mqts-mi, c Japan; i Yesso, Marmora, Mc r-mi-ra, sea bet. Eu. and Mattapoisett, Mat-a-p&-set, v Mass. Marne, Mqrn, r Fr., 210 m. [Asia. Mattawan, Mat-a-w6n, v Mich. iMaros, Mor-6S, r Tran., 400 m. Mattewan, Mat-e-w6n, v N-Y. Maros-Vasarhely, Mo-r6S-Va-jqr-h6ly, Matto-Grosso, M4-t@-Gr6s-@, prov and t Tran., 10. c Brazil, 180. Marowyne, M4-r@-win, r S. Am., 400 m. Maubeuge, Mn-bd4, ft t Fr. 74. Marquesas, Mq;r-ka-sqs, is Pac. Oc., 20. Mauch Chunk, Mok Eupk, t Pa., 3K. Marquette, Mqr-k6t, co and co t Wis. Maui, Mt-r, Sandwich Island, 173. Marsala, Mqr-s4-lq, s-pt c Sicily, 21. Maule, M —la, r Chili, 180 m. Marseilles, Mqr-sAlz, (Fr. Marseille, Maulmain, Mel-min, s-pt t Fur. Ind., 10. Mqr-sAly,) c Fr., 195; vs O., Ia., Ill. Maumee, Me-mg, r Ia.; t O. Marshall, M4r-fal, co t N. C., Tex., Maurepas, M6-re-pq, I e. part La. Mich., 2KY; Mo. Maurice (M6-ris) River, N-J. Martha's Vineyard, Mqr-taz Via-yard, Mauritius, Mo-riS-i-us, (or Isle of Fr. i s. e. of Mass. i Ind. Oc., 162. Mlartigues, Mqrs-tig, t Fr., 8K. [121. Mauvaise (M@-vaz) River, Wis. Martinique, Mqr-tin-ik, W. Ind. Is., Maxey, Maks-i, v Ga. Martinsburg, Mcr-tinz-burg, co ts N- Maxville, Maks-vil, vs Ky., Ia. Y., 4; Va., 2K2.'Mayari, MI-c-rE, s-pt t Cuba, 3. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 75 Mayenne, 1i'q-ydn, t Fr., 10. Melton-Mowbray, M16-bre, t Eng., 4%. Maynooth, Ma-nowt, t Ir., 24. Melun, Me-ldfi, t Fr., 7?x. Mayo, MA-o, r Va., N. C.; Mi-a, Cape Melville (M6l-vil) Island; off N. Aust., Verd Is.; r Sonora. also in the Artic and S. Pac. Ocs. Mayru, Mi-pc5, r Chili, 130 m.; m peak Memel, Mem-el, or Ma-mel, t Pru., 10. Andes, 15,000 ft. Memingen, Mdm-itj-en, t Bav., 6%. May's Landing, co t N-J. Memphis, Mem-fis, c Tenn., 12; co t Maysville, Maz-vil, c Ky., 7; co ts N- Mo.; anc. c Lower Eg. Y., Va., Ill.; ~v Ia. Memphremagog, ( Mem-fre-ma-gog) Mayville, Ma-vil, v Wis., Y. Lake, Vt. Mazamet, Mq-zq-ma, t Fr., 9/. [12. Menai (Mdn-j) Strait, N. Wales. Mazatlan, Mqz-at-14n, t Cinaloa, Mex., Menam, Ma-n4m, r S. As., 800 m. Mazzara, Mqt-s4-rq, t Sic., 8Y. Menard, Men-4rd, co Ill. Mazzarino, Mqt-sq-ri-n@, t Sicily, 11Y. Menasha, Men-AJ-a, v Wis., 1%4. Meade, Med, co Ky. [v Va. Mende, Mofid, t Fr., 6. Meadville, Mgd-vil, co ts Pa., 2%; Miss.; Mendham, M6nd-ham, v N-J.,. Meaux, Mo, t Fr., 10. Mendocino, Men-d@-si-no, co Cal. Mecca, M&k-a, c Arabia, visited annu- Mendon, M6n-don, vs Mass., N-Y., ally by 100,000 Mohammedan pil- Mich., Ill., Iowa. grims; pop. 28,000. Mendota, Men-d6-ta, v Ill.; co t Min. Mechanicsburg, Me-kan-iks-burg, vs Mendoza, Men-d6-za, r and c La Plata, 0., 1%; Pa., Ia., &c. Menin, Me-nAfi, ft t Belg., 8. [12. Mechlin, M6k-lin, c Belg., 274. Menomonee, ME-nom-a-ns, r Wis.; Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mdk-len-bi/rhA- - Falls, v Wis. 1wa-rin, st of the German Confed- Mentz, Mentz, c Hesse-Darmstadt, 32. eration; pop., 541,449. Mequanigo, Me-kwln-i-g@, v Wis., M. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Mek-len-burlh- Mequinez, M6k-i-nez, c Morocco, 60. Stra-lits, st German Confederation; Mequon, Mz-kw6n, v Wis. pop., 100,000; cos Va., N. C. Mercede, Mer-sdd, r Cal.; - City, t Cal. Medellin, Ma-del-yen, c N-Gran., 14. Mercer, Mer-ser, co t Pa., 1. Medford, Med-ford, v Mass. Mercersburg, Mer-serz-burg, t Pa., 114. Media, Mg-di-a, cy Per.; co t Pa., %2. Meredith (Mr-e-dit) Bridge, co t N-H. Medina, Ma-dg-nq, c Arabia, 18. Meredosia, Mer-c-d6-fi-a, v Ill. [8. Medina, Me-di-na, rs Eng., Tex.; v N- Mergui or Merghi, Mer-gs, t Br. Ind., Y.; co t 0. Merida, M6r-i-dq, c Sp., 6. Medina-Sidonia, Ma —dl-nq-Se-d&-ni-q, Merida, M6r-i-dq, cap c Yucatan, 23; c Sp., 10%. t Ven., 4. Mediterranean Med-i-ter-A-ns-an Sea, Meriden, Mer-i-den, v Conn. Eu., connecting with the Atlantic Merrimack, Mr-i-mak, r N-Eng.,110 m. and the Strait of Gibralter. Merseburg, M&r-se-biarh, t Prus. Sax., Medvieditza, Med-vi-a-dit-sq, r Rus. Mersey, Mer-zs, r Eng., 60 m. [11s. Meerpoor, Mer-pclr, t Sinde, 10. Merthyr-Tydvil, M.r-der-Tid-vil, t and Meerut, Ms-rdt, dis and t Br. Ind. par S. Wales, 63. Meherrin, Ms-her-in, r Va., 150 m. Meshed, M6f-ed, c Per., 45. Meigs, Megz, cos Tenn., O. Mesilla (Ma-sSl-yq) Valley, tract land Meigsville, Mdgz-vil, v Cal. s. part N-Mex. [cy As. Meiningen, Mi-nip-en, ft t Ger., 6%/. Mesopotamia, Mes-a-po-ta-mi-a, anc. Meissen, Mi-sen, t Sax., 9. Messina, Me-si-nq, c Sicily, 97. Meklong, Ma-kl6j, t Siam, 13. Strait, separating Sicily from Italy. Me-Kong, Ma-K6j, rs As. Mestre, Mes-tra, t Aus. It., 6. Melbourne, M6l-burn, c Aust., 50; i Meta, Ma-tq, r S. Am., 500 m. Pac. Oc. Metamora, Met-a-m6-ra, co t Ill. Melegnano, Ma-len-y4-na, t Aus. It., 7. Metapa, Ma-tq-pq, t Guat., 8. Melfi, M61-fe, t Naples, 8x. Metetecunk, Me-tg-ts-kuqk, r N-J. Melford, M61-ford, v and par Eng., 22, Methuen, M6t-yq-en, v Mass. Melksham, Melks-ham, t and par Eng., Metomen, ME-tA-men, v Wis. [Ill., Y3. 234. Metropolis (Me-tr6p-o-lis) City, co t Melrose, Mel-rdz, burgh and par Scot., Metz, Mets, ft c Fr., 43%. 7%; v Mass., Tex., Ill. Meuse, Mtqz, r rising in Fr., courses Meltham, M6l-taam, vs Eng. 3%. through Belg., Hol 434 m. 76 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Mexico, Mtks-i-k@, Sp. rep s. N. Am., Mifflinsburg, Mif-linz-burg, v Pa. having the following states and ter- Mifflintown, Mif-lin-tgn, co t Pa. ritories: Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Milam, Mi-lam, co ts Tex. Chiapa, Cinaloa, Cohahuila, Duran- Milan, Mil-an, prov and c Aus. It., 160 go, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Jalisco, Milan, Mi-lan, Vs 0. 3, Ia., Ill., &c. Mexico, Michoacan, New Leon, Oaja- Milazzo, ME-1lt-so, s-pt t Sic., 7. ca, Puebla, Queretaro, San Luis Po- Milbourn, Mil-burn, v Ky. [Eng., 41. tosi, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Mildenhall, Mil-den-hol, t and par Vera Cruz, Yucatan, Zacatecas, Tlax- Miletus, MI-l1-tus, ruined c As. Minor. cala, Colima, Tehuantepec, Lower Milford, Mil-ford, s-pt t S. Wales, 3; California, Isla de Carmen; area Ts Eng. 1, N-H., Mass., Conn., N-Y., 834,140 s. m., pop. 7,852,394. N-J., Del., Va., O., Ia., &c.; co t Pa. Mexico, cap of the Republic, 200; s Milford Centre, vs N-Y., O. N-Y. 34, Pa., O., Ia.; co t Mo. Military Frontier, Mil-i-ta-ri Frdn-tsr; Mezen, Mez-an, v and r Rus., 450 m. cy Aus.; area 12,922 s. m., pop., Mdzieres, Ma-zi-kr, ft t Fr., 4. Millau, ME-16, t Fr., 10. [1,747,733. Miako or Meaco, Me-4-ko, c Japan, 500. Millbrook, Mil-brak, v O. Miami, Mi-im-i, v Fa. Millburn, Mil-burn, v Ill. Miami River, (Little and Big,) O. Millbury, Mil-ber-i, v Mass. [v Ill. Miamisburg, Mi-am-iz-burg, v 0. Milledgeville, Mil-ej-vil, cap Ga., 3K; Miamisville, v 0. Millersburg, Mil-erz-burg, co t 0.; vs Miamitown, Mi-im-i-t-n, v 0. Pa., Ky., O., Ia., Ill. Miami University, Oxford, O. Millerstown, Mil-erz-tan, vs Pa., 1. Miarim, Me-q-rnfi, r Brazil, 350 m. Millersville, Mil-erz-vil, vs Pa., Md., Miava, Me-6-vo, t Hun., 10. O., Ia. Michigan, Mif-i-gan, n. w. of U. S.; Millerville, Mil-er-vil, v N-Y.' area 56,243 s. m., pop. 525,000; 1 Milleville, Mil-vil, v N-Y. within and w. of the state. Mill Grove, vs O., Ia. Michigan City, v Ia., 3. Mill Hall, v Pa. Michigantown, Mij-i-gan-tsn, v Ia. Millheim, Mil-him, v Pa. Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich. Millport, Mil-part, vs N-Y., Pa. Michilimackinac, MiS-il-i-mik-in-o, co Millville, Mil-vil, vs Mass., N-J. 1K, Mich. [Superior. Mo., Iowa, &c. Michipicoton, MiJ-i-pi-k6-ton, b Lake Millwood, Mil-wmnd, v 0., K. Michoacan, Mi-go-q-kjn, st Mex.; area Milo, Mg-la, i Grecian Arch., 4. 22,993 s. m., pop. 491,679. Milo, Mi-lo, v Me., 3/. Micmac, Mik-mak, tr Ind Br. Am. Milton, Mil-ton, 8 N-H., Mass., Pa. 2, Middelburg, Mid-el-burg, t Hol., 16. N. C. 1%, Miss., Ia.; co t Fa. Middleborough, Mid-l-bur-a, v Mass., Miltonsburg, Mil-tonz-burg, v O. 53. [0. Miltonville, Mfl-ton-vil, v 0. [do. Middlebourne, Mid-l-barn, co t Va.; v Milwaukee, Mil-we-ks, c Wis., 35; r Middleburg, Mid-l-burg, vs N-Y., Pa., Minchinhampton, Min-qin-hAmp-ton, t O., Va., dc. [O., &c. and par Eng., 4Yi. [74. Middlebury, Mid-l-ber-i, vs Vt., Conn., Mindanao, Min-dq-n4-@, i Malay Arch., Middleport, Mid-l-part, vs N-Y. 1, O.; Minden, Min-den, ft t Prus., 12%; v co t Ill. [par Eng., 7K. La., 1. Middlesborough, Mid-lz-bur-@, r-pt and Mindoro, Min-d6-ra, Philippine i, 29/. Middlesex, Mid-l-seks, vs Pa. Mineral Point, co t Wis., 3. Middleton, Mid-l-ton, t and par Eng., Minersville, Mi-nerz-vil, t Pa., 4 534; t Ir., 6. Minerva, Mi-ner-va, vs Ky., O. Middletown, Mid-l-tan, c Conn., 4/; Minho, Mgn-ya, prov and r Port. vs 0. 1i/, Pa., N-Y., Del. Minisink, Min-i-sigk, v N-Y. [i. Middletown Point, v N-J. Minneapolis, Min-e-ap-o-lis, co t Min., Middleway, Mid-l-wa, v Va., K. [41/. Minnesota, Min-e-s —ta, ter n. w. U. S., Mfiddlewich, Mid-l-wig, t andpar Eng., area 166,025 s. m., pop. from 10,000 Middle Yuba, Y4i-ba, r' Cal. Minnesota City, co t Min. [to 15,000. Midhurst, Mid-hurst, t and par Eng., 7. Minnetonka, Min-e-t6r -ka, I Min., 28 m. Midnapoor, Mid-na-pc6r, dis and t Br. Minni Wakan, Min-a Wo-k4n, i Min. India. Ter., 40 by 12 m. Midway, Mid-wa, vs Ga., Ky., Pa., S. C. Minorca, Min-er-ka, i of SD., Med., 40. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 77 Minot, Mi-n6t, v Me. Molton, (Mol-ton,) South, t and par Minsk, Minsk, gov and t Rus., 23. Eng., 4/. Mi6se:l, MIs-e-zen, 1 Nor., 55 m. Molua, M4-lI)-q, nation in int. Af. Miquelon, Me-ke-ldfi, is off coast New- Moluccas, Ma-ldk-az, or Spice Islands, foundland; area 85 s. m., pop. 510. group in the Malay Arch. Miramichi, Mir-a-mi-js, b, r andpt N- Mombas, Mom-bcs, i and t Af., 6. Brunswick. Mompox, Mom-p6h, t N-Gran., 10. Miranda, Mi-ran-da, v N-C. Monastir, M@-nqs-tir, s-pt t N-Af., 12; Mirandola, Mz-rAn-da-lq, ft t It., 6. c Eu. Tur., 15. Mirim, Me-rif, I S. Am. Moncalieri, Mon-kq-li-A-re, t Pied., 8. Mirzapoor, Mer-za-pc0r, t Hin., 100. Mondego, Mon-dd-ga, nav. r Bra.,180 m. Mishawaka, Mif-a-w6-ka, v Ia., 2Y. Mondovi, Mon-da-vg, t Pied., 16. Miskolcz, MiJ-k6lts, t Hun., 30. Monee, Ma-ng, e Ill. [Ind.; 30. Missisque, Mi-sis-kws, r Vt. Monghir or Mungeer, Muj-gir, t Br. Mississinewa, Mis-i-sin-e-wa, r Ia. Mongolia, Mon-g6-li-a, reg Asia; area Mississippi, Mis-i-sip-i, r N. Am.; with 1,400,000 s. m., pop. 2,000,000. the Missouri, its principal tributary, Moniteau, Mon-i-t6, co and v Mo. the longest river in the world; 4350 Monmouth, MA6n-mut, t and par Eng., m., including the Missouri. 6; v Me.; co t Ill. Mississippi, one of the s. U. S.; area Monomoezi, Ma-na-ma-a-zs, em Af. 47,156 s. m; pop. 295,718 whites, 930 Monomotapa, Ma-nQ-ma-tj-pq, em Af. free blacks, 309,300 slaves,-total, Monongahela, Mo-non-ga-hi-la, r Pa., 605,948. 150 m. - City, opp. Pittsburg, Pa., Missouri, Mi-zd6-ri, one of the s. w. U. 1y. S.; area 67,380 s. m.; pop. 592,004 Monongalia, M@-non-gd-li-a, co Va. whites, 2,618 free blacks, 87,422 Monopoli, Ma-n6p-a-ls, t Nap., 16. slaves,-total, 682,044. Monreale, Mon-ra-q-la, t Sic., 13. Missouri Territory, now divided into Monroe, Mon-r6, co ts Mich. 4, Wis., Kanzas and Nebraska. La., Ga., N. C.; vs N-Y., Tenn. Missouri University, Columbia, Mo. Monroeville, Mon-r&-vil, vs 0.; co t Cal. Mitau, Mi-ts, t Rus., 28. Mons, Mofs, ft t Belg., 2314. Mittineague, Mit-i-nig, p o Mass. Monserrat, Mon-ser-At, m Sp. Mitylene, Mit-i-li-ns, i Gr. Arch., 40. Monson, M6n-son, v Mass. Mobile, Ma-bil, r and c Ala., 20',; Montague, M6n-ta-glj, vsZ Mass. 12, - Bay, s. w. Ala. Va.; i Pac. Oc. Mocha, MS-qq, i of Chili; t Arabia. Montauban, Mats-to-b6ti, t Fr., 244. Modena, M6d-en-q, st It.; area 2,073 Montauk (Mon-t6k) Point, prom L. I. s. m.; pop. 586,458; c do., 27K. Montbeliard, Mcfi-ba-li-4r, t Fr., 6/. Modica, M6d-i-kq, t Sicily, 17K. Mont Blanc, Mah B16fi, highest m in Moen, Mg-en, i of Den., 134. Eu., 15,810 ft. high. Moffat, M6f-at, t and par Scot., 2%. Montbrison, Mao-bre-znfi, t Fr., 6. Mogadore, Mog-a-dlr, ft c Morocco, 17; Montcalm, Mont-kAm, co and co t Mich. a 0. [Brazil. Monte-Christi, Mon-ta-Kris-tse t Hayti, Mogi-das-Cruzes, M6-3E-dqs-Krc6-zes, t 3. [naica, 4. Moguer, Mo-g4r, t Sp., 6K/. Montego (Mon-tg-ga)) Bay, s-pt t JaMogul, Mo-gfil, empire, Hin. Montelimart, Mofi-ta-le-mqr, c Fr., 10. Mohacs, Mo-hbq, t S. Hun., 10. [Y. Montello, Mon-tel-a, v Wis., 4. Mohawk, MJ-hok, r N-Y., 160 m.; a N- Montenegro, Mon-ta-nA-gro, ind Moheelev, Ma-hs-lev, t Rus., 16. Eu. Tur., 100. Mohiccanville, Ma-hik-an-vil, 0. Mentereau, Mafi-te-r6, t Fr., 63/. Moissac, Mwq-sAk, t Fr., 10%. Monterey, Mon-ta-rA, c Mex., 12; co Moldau, M6I-ds, r Boh., 200 m. and c Cal., 2. [Alps. Moldavia, (Mol-di-vi-a,) Principality Monte-Rosa, Mon-ta-Ri-sq, m Pennine of, st S. Eu.; area 18,000 s. m., pop. Monte San Giuliano, M6n-ta Sqn Ja1,419,105. li-A-no, t Sic., 7',. Molfetta, Mol-f6t-q, s-pt t Nap., 13. Montevallo, Mon-ts-vAl-a, q Ala. Moline, Ma-lin, a Ill. Montevideo, Mon-ts-vid-i-a, s-pt c, cap Molino del Rey, Mo-l-nca del Ra, range Uruguay, S. Am., 12. of stone buildings near city of Mex- Montezuma, Mon-te-zfl-ma, vs N-Y., ico;p o Ark. Ga., Ia., &c. 78 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Montgomery, Mont-gdmr-er-i, cap Ala., Morrisville, v Vt. Y3, Pa., Ia.; co t N-Y. 7; co t Tex.; vs N-Y. 11, O. Morrow, M6r-), v O., 1. Monticello, Mon-ti-sdl-c, residence of Mors, Mors, i of Den., 6. Thomas Jefferson, Va.; v N-Y., 14; Mortara, Mer-tC-rq, t Pied., 5%3. co ts Ga., Fa., Miss., Ark., Tenn., Mortimer, M6r-ti-mer, v Ill. Ky., Ia., Ill. Mortonsville, M&r-tonz-vil, v Ky., Y2. Montilla, Mon-tgl-yq, t Sp., 134. Moscow, M6s-ka, gov Rus.; area 12,609 Montlugon, Mwii-le-s6ft, t Fr., 9. s. m., pop. 1,349,000; cap c 350; vs Montmartre, Mofi-mqrt-r', t Fr., 231. N-Y., Ky., Tenn., O., Mich., Ia., &c. Montmorency, Mwfi-m@-roft-s9, v Fr., Moselle, M@-z61, r Fr. and Ger.,328 m.; 21; Mont-ma-rdn-si, co Mich.; r C. E. Mosiertown, M6-3er-tvn, v Pa. [v Ill. Montoro, Mon-t6-r@, c Sp., 101. Moskva, M6sk-vq, r Moscow, 200 m. Montour, Mon-tdcr, co Pa. Mosquito (Mos-kg-t@) Territory, cy Montoursville, Mon-thrz-vil, v Pa., 13. Cen. Am.; area 34,000 s. m. Montpelier, Mont-pgl-yer, cap Vt., 2%; Mosul or Mosel, M6-sul or MC6-sul, t vs Ga., Ia., As. Tar., 40. Montpellier, Mont-pdl-i-er, c Fr., 37%. Motagua, Mo-tA-gwq, r Cen. Am. Montreal, Mon-tre-61, c C. E., 58. Motril, Mo-tril, c Sp., 104. Island, on which the city is built, is Mottville, M6t-vil, v Mich., /. 32 by 10 m. - River, Wis. Moulins, Mco-lifi, t Fr., 14%3. Montrose, Mont-roz, s-pt t Scot., 15%; Moulton, Ml61-ton, co t Ala. co t Pa., 1%; v Iowa, Y4. Mount Auburn, Msnt O'burn, cemetery, Montrouge, Mnfi-r&3, v Fr., 9%. [8. Cambridge, Mass.; vs Ia., Ill. Montserrat, Mont-ser-At, Br. W. Ind. i, Mount Carmel, Kq4r-mel, vs Ky., Ia.; Monza, M6n-zq, c Aus., 184. co t ll., 1'/. Mooltan, MAl-t4n, old c of Punjab, 80. Mount Carroll, Kar-ol, co t Ill., 34. Moorefield, MSr-feld, co t Va.; v 0. Mount Clemens, Klem-ens, co t Mich., Mooreshill, Mtrz-hil, v Ia., 4. 22. Moorestown, Ml6rz-tan, v N-J., 1. Mount Desert, Ddz-ert, i coast Me., 3. Mooresville, M6rz-vil, v Ia., 2. Mount Etna, Et'na, v Ia. Moorshedabad, Mmar-Se-da-b4d, c Br. Mount Gilead, Gil-s-ad, V8s Va., Ky., O. Ind., 165. Mount Healthy, HE1-ti, vs 0., Ia. Moose, Mes, r Br. N. Am., 250. Mount Holly, H61-i, co t N-J., 2; v 0. Moosehead (Maws-hdd) Lake, Me., 35 Mount Holyoke, H5-li-ok or H6Sl-yok, by 10 m. mt Mass. Moquehua, Mc-kA-wq, c Peru, 32x. Mount Hope, vs N-Y., Pa. Moquelumne, M@-kal-um-ne, r Cal. Mount Ida, V'da, co t Ark. Moradabad, M@-rq-dq-bqd, t Br. Ind., Mount Jackson, Jak-son, vs Pa., Va. Morano, Ma-r4-na, t Nap., 8. [32%. Mount Joy, Ja, v Pa. Morant, Mo-rAnt, t Jamaica, 7. Mount Morris, M6r-is, vs N-Y., Ill. Moratalla, MQ-rq-t4-lq, t Sp., 8. Mount Pleasant, Pl6z-ant, co ts Tex., Morava, M@a-r4-va, r Servia, 130 m. Ky., Iowa; ve Pa. 14, Tenn., O., Ia. Moravia, Ma-rd-vi-a, prov Aus.; area Mount Sidney, Sid-ni, v Va. 10,239, pop. 2,238,424; v N-Y.; p o Io. Mount St. Elias, E-li-as, vol m N. Am., Morea, Mo-r&-a, or Peloponnesus, Pel- 17,900 ft.; var. ms Eu. [v O. @-pon-g-sus, pen Greece. Mount Sterling, Ster-liV, co ts Ky., Ill.; Moreau, Mo-r6, p o N-Y. [Tenn. Mount Tahawus, Ta-he-wus, peak of Morgan (M6r-gan) Court-House, co t Adirondack Mts., N-Y. Morganfield, M4r-gan-fsld, co t Ky. Mount Union, Yi'n-yon, vs Pa., O. Morgantown, co ts Va. 1, N. C., Ky.; v Mount Vernon, Ver-non, residence of RMoriah, MA-rI-a, v N-Y., 1. [Ia. George Washington, Va.; t 0., 5.; co Morlaix, Mor-li, t Fr., 12%. ts Ga., Ky., Ia., Ill., Mo.; vs N-Y., Wis. Morocco, Mo-r6k-o, c and em Af.; area Mount Washington, W6f-irj-ton, peak 222,560 s. m., pop. 8,000,000. White Mts., N-H.; vs Pa., Ky., O. BIoron, Ma-r6n, t Sp., 101. Mount Zion, Zi-on, v Ga., 24. Morpeth, M6r-pet, t and par Eng., 10. Moyamensing, Ma-a-men-sij, sub PhilMorris, M6r-is, co t Ill., 1. adelphia, Pa., 27. Morrisiana, Mor-is-i-d-na, v N-Y. Mozambique, M@-zam-bek, c Af., 6. Morristown, M6r-is-tsn, vs Vt., N-Y., - Channel, str Ind. Oc. [250 m. Tenn., O., Ia., &c.; co t N-J. Msta, M-stq, or Masta, Mq-st4, r Rus., GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 79 Muhalitch, Mu-q-lgq, t As. Minor, 11. Murphy, Mdr-fi, co t N. C. Muhlenburg, Mit-len-burg, co Ky. Murphysborough, Mdr-fiz-bur-a, co t Miihlhausen, Mel-hi-zen, t Prus., 134. Ill. Miilhausen, M.l-hw-zen, t Fr., 293. Murray, Mur-a, r Australia; co t Ky. Miilheim-am-Ruhr, M.l-hjm-qm-REt r, Murrumbidgee, Mir-um-bij-c, r Aust Prus., 101. tralia, 400 m. Mull, Mul, Hebrides i, 153. [43. Murviedro, Mwar-vi-L-dre),ft t Sp., 7%. Mullingar, Mul-ip-g4r, t and par Ir., Muscat, Mus-k&t, st and c Arabia. Mulweeya or Muluia, Mial-w -yq, r Muscatine, Mus-ka-tin, co t Iowa, 6. Morocco, 350 m. [Ia., 1%. Muscoda, Mus-k6-da, v Wis. Muncie, Mfdn-se, or Muncietown, co t Muscogee, Mus-k&-g, co Ga. Muncy, Mdn-si, v Pa., 1. [Y. Musconetcong, Mus-ka-ndt-koj, r N-J. Manfordsville, Mdn-fordz-vil, co t Ky., Muscovy, Mds-k@-vi, applied to Russia. Munich, Mil-nik, cap c Bav., 95x. Muskingum, Mus-kilj-gum, r 0., 110 m. Munster, Mdn-ster, prov Ir. Musselburgh, Mds-el-bnr-o, s-pt t Scot., Miiuster, M4n-ster, cap c Westphalia, 25. 7. Murcia, Mdr-fi-a, c Sp., 55. Myconus, Mik-cD-nus, i Grecian Arch., Maurfreesborough, Mdr-frez-bur-a, v N. Myerstown, Mi-erz-tsn, v Pa., 1. C.; co ts Ark., Tenn. Mystic, Mis-tik, r and v Conn. N. Nabloos, Nq-bl6s, c Pal., 8. [Tex. Napo, N4-pc), r S. Am., 500 m. Nacogdoches, Nak-o-d-qgez, co and v Napoleon, Na-p6-le-on, vs Ark. 1, 0., Nacoochee, Na-kc6-qg, v Ga. Ia. %. Nadudvar, No-dod-vQr, t Hun., 64. Napoleonville, Na-p6-ls-on-vil, v La. Nagaranu, Nq-gct-rq-nd6, t Hin., 6. Naponock, Nip-o-nok, iq N-Y. Nagasaki, Nq-ga-s4-ke, c Japan, 65. Naraul, Nq-r6l, t Hin., 6. Nagore, Nq-gdr. ts Br. Ind., 40. Narberth, Nqr-bert, bor S. Wales, 12. Nagpoor, Nqg-pd6r, ter India; area 76,- Narbonne, Nqr-b6n, o Fr., 13. 432 s. m., pop. 4,650,000; c do., 115. Narborough, N4r-bur-Q, Islands, S. Pac. Nahant, Na-hant, v Mass. Nardo, N4r-do, t Nap., 8. Nailsea, Nal-s, v Eng., 22. Narew, NA-rev, r Rus., 200 m. Nain, Nin, t Hin., 10. Naro, N4-r@, t Sic., 10. Nairai, Ni-rl, Feejee i, Pac. Oc. Narraganset, Nar-a-ghn-set, Bay, R. I. Nairn, Ntrn, co and t Scot., 3Y. Narraingange, Nar-in-gdnj, t Br. Ind., Nakhitchevan, Nq-ket-Je-vQn, t lus,10. Narva, Nc r-vq, ft t Rus., 3. [15. Namalouk, Nq-mq-l6k, Islands,Pac. Oc. Nashport, NaS-port, v 0. Namur, Nd-mur, prov and c Belg., 24s. Nashua, Naf-yqr-a, r and t N-H., 53. Nanas, No-n6f, t Hun., 73. Nashville, Nj4-vil,cap c Tenn., 20; co Nanche, Nqn-(id, c China, 200. ts la., Ill.; vs N. C., Tex., O. Nancy, Nan-si, (Fr. Noi-sg,) c Fr., 45. Nassau, Nas-e, st Ger., pop. 429,341; vs Nanking, Nqn-kip, or Nankin, Nqn- N-Y., Fa., Iowa; c Bahama Islands, 7. kin, c China, 400. Nassuck, Nq-sdk, c Br. Ind., 30. Nan-Ling, Nctn-Li, ms China. Natal, Nq-tjl, cy Af., bel. to. Gr. Br.; Nantasket, Nan-tas-ket, pen Mass. area 18,000 s. m., pop. 121,000; ts Nantes, Nants, c Fr., built partly on Brazil 10, Sumatra. islands in the Loire, 96%/. Natchez, Naq-ez, c Miss., 6; Vs O., Ia. Nanticoke, Nin-ti-kok, v Pa. Natchitoches, Nag-i-t6g-ez, par and co Nantucket, Nan-tdk-et, co t Mass., 8. Natick, NA-tik, v Mass., 234. [t La. Nantwich, Nant-ig, t Eng., 5%. Naugatuck, No-ga-tdk, v Conn. Napa, Nc-pa, r, co and t Cal. Naumburg, Nim-burh, t Ger., 123. Napanee, Nap-a-ni, v C. W. [C. E., 1. Nauplia, N6-pli-a, ft s-pt t Or., 15; g Napierville, NA-per-vil, co t Ill., 2X; v AEgean Sea. Naples, Na-plz, k, c and b It.; area of k Nauvoo (Ne-v6) City, Ill., 2. 32,571 s. m., pop. 6,610,873; pop. c, Navarre, Na-v4r, 2rov Sp.; area 4,069 400; vs Ie., N-Y., I a. m., pop. 280,000. 80 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Navaza, Nq-v4-sq, i Caribbean Sea. Neuburg, N6-biarh, t Bav., 61/%. Navigator's, Nav-i-ga-torz, or Samoan, Neufchatel, Ne1-q-tdl, 1, canton and Sa-m6-an, Islands, populous is, Pac. t Swit., 74. Naxos, NAks-os, i Grecian Arch., 20. Neuhausel, N&-ha-sel, t Hun., 63. Nayoe or Nayoo, Ni-&, is Malay Arch. Neuilly-sur-Seine, Ne-yg-ser-San, t Nazareth, NAz-a-ret, ts Pal., Pa. F3. Fr., 16. Nazareth, Nq-zq-r6t, ts Belg. 5%, Bra. Neurode, N6-r@-de, t Prus. Silesia, 5%. Naze, Nc-ze, cape Nor.; headland Eng. Neusatz, N6-sqts, t Hun., 17%. Ne, Na, v Sard. States, 3%. Neuse, Nts, r N. C., 300 m. Neagh, Lough, Loh Na, I Ir. Neui-Shehr, Na-a-fe-r', t As. Tur., 15. Neath, Net, r and bor S. Wales, 6. Neusiedl, N6-sad-l, I Hun. Nebraska, Ne-bris-ka, ter U. S., organ- Neuss, Nes, t Rhen. Prus., 9. ized in 1854; area 335,882 s. m.; v Io. Neustadt, Nt-stqt, ts Prus., 63; Aus., Neches, Ndg-ez, r Tex., 100 m. 9%; Prus. Saxony, 63. Nechow, Na-qd, t China, 30. Neustadt-an-der-Hardt, N6-stqt-qnNeckalofa, Nek-q-l-fq, t island of der-Hqrt, t Rhen. Bav., 6. Tonga, Friendly Islands, 2. Neustadt-Eberswalde, N&-stqt-E'bersNeckar, Ndk-ar, r Ger., 210 m. vql-de, t Prus., 5%. Necosta, Ne-k6s-ta, co Mich. [334. Neustlidtl-an-der-Waag, N&-stet-l-qnNederbrakel, Na-der-brq-kel, t Belg., der-Vqg, t Hun., 5/. Nedjed, N6j-ed, interior portion of Neu-Strelitz, Na-StrA-lits, t Ger., 6%. Arabia. [Brunswick. Neutitschein, N6-tit-jin, t Moravia, 9. Negowac, Neg-c-wik, Indian v New Neuwied, N6-vet, t Rhen. Prus., 63. Negros, NA-gr)s, Philippine i. Neva, Na-vA, r or str Rus. Neilgherry, Nel-ger-E, Mts., S. India. Nevada, Na-v4-dq, co Cal. - City, Neisse, Ni-se, t Prus. Silesia, 17%. co t Cal., 5. Neiva or Neva, Na-vq, r Rus., 300 m. Nevers, Na-v4r, c Fr., 17. Nekimi, N&k-i-mi, v Wis. Neville, N6v-il, v 0. Nellore, Nel-6r, t Br. Ind. Nevis, Ndv-is, W. Ind. i, 103. Nelson, N61-son, vs N-Y., 0., N-Brun. New Albany, Nq, Ol'ba-ni, c Ia., 15. Nelsonville, N61-son-vil, v 0. Newark, Ni-ark, c N-J., 50; co t 0., 5; Nemi, Na-me, I and v Cen. It. vs Del., Ia., Ill., &c.; bor Eng., 11%. Nenagh, Nd-na, t Ir., 9%. New Bedford, Nq, Bdd-ford, c Mass., 18. Nene, Nen, r Eng. [v Wis. New Berlin, Ber-lin, v N-Y.; co t Pa. Neosho, Ne-6-J@, r Kanzas; co t Mo.; Newbern, Ni-bern, co t Va.; t N. C., Neosho City, a vegetarian settlement, 4%; v Ia. [Ia. K(anzas. Newberry, Nl-ber-i, co t S. C.; vs Pa., Nepaul, NE-pel, ind cy Hin.; area 53,- New Boston, Nq, B6s-ton, vs Ill. 4, N-H. 000 s. m., pop. 2,000,000. New Brighton, Bri-ton, vs N-Y., Pa. Nepenski, NE-pdn-skj, v Wis. New Britain, Brit-en, v Conn., 3; arch Nephi (Ng-fj) City, a9 Utah. Pac. Oc. Neponset (Ne-p6n-set) Village, Mass. New Brunswick,, Br. ter N. Nerac, Na-rqk, t Fr., 73. Am.; area 27,700 s. m., pop. 194,000; Nerbudda, Ner-bad-a, r India, 620 m. c N-J., 13%. Nescopeck, N&s-ka-pek, m and v Pa. New Buda, Bfj-da, v Iowa. Nesochaque, Nes-@-qA-kws, River, N-J. New Buffalo, Blif-a-l@, vs Pa., Mich. Nesqually, Nes-kw6l-i, r Wash. Ter. Newburg, Ni-burg, co ts N-Y., Tenn.; Nethe, Na-te, r Belg. as Pa., O., Ia., Wis., Ala. Netherlands, N6d-er-landz, called also Newbury, Nil-ber-i, t and par Eng., Kingdom of Holland, cy in the west- 6%; vs Vt., Mass. [13%. ern part of Eu., embracing the fol- Newburyport, Nfl-ber-i-part, c Mass., lowing provinces: North Brabant, New Caledonia, Kal-e-d6-ni-a, i S. Gelderland, South Holland, North Pac. Oc.; area 6600 s. m. Holland, Zealand, Utrecht, Friesland, New Carlisle, Kar-lil, a 0., 1. Overyssel, Groningen, Drenthe, Lim- New Castle, Nfi Kas-l, co ts Pa. 14, burg; area 12,662 s. m., pop. 3,767,671. Del., Va., Ky. Nethou, Pie, Pek Ne-tA, highest peak Newcastle, Nti-kas-l, co t Ia. of the Pyrenees, 11,168 ft. Newcastle (Ntl-kds-l) upon-Tyne, c Neu-Brandenburg, Na-Br4n-den-biarh, Eng., 873. [103. t Meck.-Strelitz, 6. Newcastle-under-Lyme, bor and t Eng., GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 81 New Cumberland, Kdm-ber-land, 8vs Newton, Nof-ton, co ts N-J., N. C., Ga., Pa., Va., Ia. Ala., Ill., Iowa:; O., 34. New Diggings, Dig-ijz, v Ill., 4. Newton-Abbot (Ab'ot) with NewtonNew England, Ip'gland, embraces Me., Bushell, (Bf j-el,) t Eng., 31. N-H., Vt., Mass, R. I., Conn. Newton-upon-Ayr, (Ar,) burg2 Scot.,5. Newfoundland, Nfi-fund-lAnd, i Br. N. Newton Falls, 0., 34. Am., At. Oc., bel. to Gr. Br.; area Newton-Stewart, St-k-art, t Scot., 2/. 57,000 s. m., pop. 102,000. Newtown, Nfl-tan, bor N. Wales, 334; New Granada, Nq, Grq-nq-dq, rep S. vs Mass., Conn., N-Y., Pa., Va., Ky., Am.; area 480,000 s.m., pop. 2,364,000. Md., O., Isa. [Ir., 104. New Hampshire, Himp-fer, one of the Newtown-Ardes, flrdz, bor and s-pt t original U. S.; area 9280 s. m., pop. Newtown-Limavaddy, Lim-a-vad-i, bor 318,000. and t Ir., 3x. New Hampton, H~mp-ton, vs N-Y., N-J. New York, Nql York, the most populous New Harmony, H4r-mo-ni, Ias. of the U. S., and pre-eminent in inNew Hartford, Hjrt-ford, vs Conn., N-Y, ternal improvements and commercial New Haven, Hi-ven, c, semi-cap Conn., importance; area 47,000 s. m.; pop., noted for its beauty, and being the in 1850, 3,097,394: 3,048,325 whites, seat of Yale College;'vs N-Y., Pa., 49,069 colored; in 1856, 3,345,840. Ky., O., Ill. New York, c of the above state, the New Hebrides, Hdb-ri-dsz, is Pac. Oc. most important in the New World, New Holland, H61-and, a Pa. and the third, only, in point of wealth New Hope, vs Pa. 13, O. and population on the globe; pop. 625; New Ipswich, Ips'wiq, v N-H. vs Tenn., la., Ill., Wash. Ter. New Ireland, r'land, i S. Pac. Oc. New Zealand, Zi-land, is of Gr. Brit., New Jersey, Jer-zi, one of the original in S. Pac. Oc., area, 105,115 s. m. U. S.; area 8320 s. m., pop. 489,555. pop. 26,656. New Leon, Li-on, st Mex.; area 16,687 New Ulster, and New Munster, prins. m., pop. 133,361. cipal is of New Zealand. New Lisbon, Liz-bon, co t O., 23y; vs Ia. Neyva, or Neiva, Nd-i-vq, t N-Gran. New London, c Conn., 10; vs O., Ia., AIo., Nezheen, Na-gsn, t Rus., 16. New Madrid, Mid-rid, co t Mo. [&c. Nez Perci (Na-Per-sd) Indians, tr Or. New Market, Mqr-ket, vs N-H., N-J. Ngami, N-g4-ms, I S. Af. New Mexico, M6ks-i-ko, ter of the U. Niagara, Ni-Ag-a-ra, r N. Am., formS.; area 207,007; pop. is of a mixed ing between lakes Erie and Ontario character, 61,547 being Mexicans and the celebrated "Falls of Niagara." Americans, and 45,000 Indians. Niagara, co t C. W., 3. New Milford, Mil-ford, vs Conn., Ill. Niagara Falls, a N-Y., 1y2. Newnan, NdA-nan, co t Ga. Nias, Ni-as, i of Malay Arch. New Orkney, Ork'ni, is S. At. Oc. Nicaragua, Nik-ar-q-gwq, st Cen. Am., New Orleans, Or'le-anz, c La., built on area, 36,000 s. m., pop. 235,000; t deposit made by the Mississippi Nicaragua, 8; 1 ditto, 90 by 30 m. river, which is about 5 feet lower Nicaria, Ns-kq-ri-q, i Gr. Arch., 1. than the river level; 126%. [2. Nicastro, Ns-kfs-trn, t Naples, 10. New Philadelphia, Fil-a-ddl-fi-a, a O., Nice, Nes, c It., 25. Newport, Nfi-purt, two important bors Nicholas, Nik-o-las, t Cal. Eng.; s-pt t S. Wales, 13; t Eng., Nicholasville, Nik-n-las-vil, co t Ky., 1. 21s; c, semi-cap R. I., 91/; c Ky., 9; Nicobar (Nik-u-bar) Islands, isInd. Oc. co ts N-H., Ia.; vs N-Y., Pa., O., Mich. Nicolet, Ne-k@-ld, co and v C. E. Newport-Pagnell, Nf,-purt-PAg-nel, t Niccollet, Nik-@-ld, co and I Min. Eng., 3/%. [i; v Tenn. Nicopolis, NE-k6p-o-lis, t Eu. Tur., 10. New Providence, Pr6v-i-dens, Bahama Nicosia, Ns-kn-sg-q, c Sicily, 13. New Richmond, RiS-mond, a O., 2'2. Nicoya, Ns-k6-yq, pen, b, r and ts New Rochelle, Ra-f61, a N-Y., 13. Costa Rica. Newry, N4-ri, bor Ir., 25. Nicuman, Ns-koD-mn4n, r China, 220 m. New Sharon, Ad-ron, v Me. Nieder-Hessen, Ng-der-H1s-en, prov New Siberia, Si-bg-ri-a, is Arc. Oc. a Hesse-Cassel, pop. 366,663. New South Wales, Nq, S-t Walz, ex- Niemen, Ng-men, r Rus. Pol., 400 m. tensive cy Australia; area 350,000 Nievre, NE-Avr, dep Fr., area, 2595 s. s. m., pop. 208,254. m., pop. 327,161. 82 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Nigdeh, Nig-de, t As. Min., 5. Noon, Nan, r Mantchooria, 500 m. Niger, Ni-jer, r W' Af., 2000 m. Noonivak, Ndc-ni-v-4k, i Rus. Am. Nikolaiev, Ne-ko-lj-v, (or Nikolaief,) Nootka-Sound, N~dt-ka-Ssnd, inlet w. ft t Rus., 12. of Vancouver Is. Nikolsburg, Nik-olz-burg, t Moravia, 8. Nord, Ner, dep Fr., area 2170 s. m., Nile, Nil, r E. Af., 700 m. pop. 1,158,285. Niles, vs 0., 34; Mich., 2/2. Norden, N6r-den, t Hanover, 53. Nimar, Ne-mAr, dis Ind., area, 7000 s. Norderney, Ner-der-ni, i N. Sea, 34. m., pop., 250,000. Nordhausen, N6rt-hz-zen, t Prus. Nimes, Nem, i Fr., 53%. Sax., 13. Nineveh, Nin-s-ve, anc c and cap of Nordland, Nerd-lqnd, div Norway; area, the Assyrian Empire, now in ruins. 14,337 s. m., pop. 65,512. Ning-Po, Nip-P), c China, 250. N6rdlingen, Nert-lig-en,.ft t Bav., 6Y3. Ninove, Ne-n6-va, t Belg., 434. Nordstrand, Nert-strqnd, i Den., 3. Nio, Ne-a, is Gr. Arch., 3/. Norfolk, N6r-fok. c Va., 16; cos Eng., Niort, Ns-dr, t Fr., 183. Mass., Va.; - Bay, Van Die. Land; Nipe (Ng-pa) Bay, Cuba. - Island, Pac. Oc.; - New, dis Van Niphates, Ns-f4-tsz, m Armenia. Dieman's Land.; -Sound, Rus. Am. Niphon, Nif-6n, (or Nipon, Nip-on,) Norman, Ner-man, is W. Ind. Iargest is Japan, area, 200,000 s. m. Normandy, N6r-man-di, anc. prov Fr., Nipissing (Nip-is-iv) Lake, C. W., 50 area, 10,534 s. m. by 35. Norman Isles, comprise Channel Is., Nisari, NE-s4-rs, i Gr. Arch. Jersey, Guernsey, &c. Nishapoor, Nif-q-pt6r, a Per., 8. Norridgewock, N6r-ij-wok, v Me., 1l. Nisita, Ng-si-tq, i Naples. Norristown, N6r-is-twn, t Pa., 6; v8 Nitinat, Nit-i-nit, or Berkeley (B4rk- Ark., O. li) Sound, N. Am., w. Vancouver's Is. Norrkj6ping, Nor-qe-pig, t Swed., 113x. Nivelles, Ns-v6l, t Belg., 8. Norrska Fiellen, N6rs-kq Fy6l-en, ms Nixdorf, Niks-derf, (Groce and Klein, Norway. Gros and Klin,) vs Bohemia. North Adams, Ad'amz, v Mass., 3. Nizhnee-Lomov, Ni3-ns-La-m6v, t Northallerton, Nert-il-er-ton, bor and t Rus., 7 Eng., 5. Nizhnee Novgorod, Ni3-ns-Nov-go-r6d, Northampton, Nert-Amp-ton, bor and t t Rus., 32. Eng., 2634; v Mass., 4. Nizhnee-Taghilsk, or Nijnii-Taghilsk, North Bellerica, B61-er-i-ka, v Mass., Y1. Ni3-ns Tq-gilsk, t Rus., 22. North Bend, country residence of Gen. Noblesville, N6-blz-vil, v Ia., 1X2. W. H. Harrison, near Cincinnati. Nobosque (No-b6sk) Point, Buzzard's North Bridgewater, Brij-we-ter, v Bay, Mass. Mass., 4. Nocera Dei Pagani, No-qA-rq DA-e Pq- North Carolina, Kar-o-li-na, one of g4-ne, anc t Naples, 734. the original U. S.; area 50,704 s. m., Noceto, No-qA-to, t It., 534. pop. 553,028 whites, 27,563 fr. blacks, Noci, N-qgs, t Naples, 6. [Arch. 288,548 slaves, —total 868,903. Noessa-Laut, N@-ds-q-Lot, is Malay North Clarendon, KlAr-en-don, v Vt. Nogent, Na-306i, t Fr., 3. North Danvers, Dan-verz, v Mass. Nogent-le-Ber-nard, No-306-le-Ber- North-East, vs Pa., Md., &c. nAr, t Fr., 3. [Fr., 7. North-East Pass, or Balize, Ba-l9z, v Nogent-le-Rotrou, No-36f-le-R@-trd, t La.; at the mouth of Mississippi. Nogent-sur-Seine, No-36g-sur-San, t Northern Circars, Ser-k4rs, prov Br. Fr., 334. [6. Ind.; area 17,000 s. m., pop 2,995,500. Nohcacab, No-kq-k4b, vYucatan, Mex., North Ferrisburg, Fdr-is-burg, v Vt. Noir, Nwqr, i S. Am. Northfield, N6rt-fsld, vs Vt., 3; Mass., Noirmoutiers, Nwqr-mi-ti-d, i w. of 13; N-J., 0., Ia. Fr., 834. North Granville, Gran-vil, v N-Y. Noja, N6-yq, t Naples, 534. North Hadley, Had-li, v Mass. Nola, N6-lq, c Naples, 5x4. North Haven, HA-ven, v Conn., 1%. Nombre-de-Dios, N6m-bra-da-Di-as, North Hero, Hi-r@, co t Vt., 34. t Mex., 634; pt N-Gran. North Lawrence, L6-rens, v N-Y. Nookaheeva, Nco-kcq-ht-vq, one of the North Lebanon, LUb-an-on, v Pa., 3. Marqaesas Isles, Pac. Oc., 18. North Madison, Mid-i-son, v Ia., 3. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 83 North Scituate, Sit-y%,-at, V8 Mass., Nova Zembla, N6-va Zdm-bla, two is R. I. Arctic Oc., area, about 61,967 s. m., North Sea, or German Ocean, an arm has no permanent inhabitants. At. Oc., between the Brit. Is. and Novelda, No-vdl-dq, t Sp., 8. German States. Novellara, Nc-vel-A-rq, t It., 4. Northumberland, Nor-tuim-ber-land, t Novgorod, Nov-go-r6d, gov Rus., c do., Pa., 1 4; v N-H. pop. 15,000. North Vernon, V6r-non, v Ia. Novgorod-Severskoie, Nov-g@-r6d-SaNorthville, N&rt-vil, vs Mass., Mich., Ill. ver-sk-ya, t Rus., 8. Northwich, N6rt-wig, t Eng., 1%. Novi, N6-vs, t It., 10%. Norton, N6r-ton, vs Eng., 2; Mass., 2; 0. Novi-Bazar, N6-ve-Bq-zqr, t Bosnia, 8. Norton-Chipping, Cip-ii}, bor Eng., 3. Novoi-Oskol, No-v&-Os-k61, t Rus., 5. Norton Sound, inlet Behring Sea, Rus. Novomoskovsk, N@-vC-mos-k6vsk, ft t Am. [13. Rus., 7%. [Rus., 1734. Norwalk, N'r-wok, t Conn., 4%; v O., Novo-Tcherkask, N6-vc-6er-kqsk, t Norway, N6r-wa, ey of Eu., forming Now-Chow, Nv-60, i China. the extreme n. w. part; provinces, Noxubee, N6ks-y1-bc, r and co Miss. Aggershuus or Christiania, Chris- Noyon, No-y6fi, t Fr., 6a. tiansand, Bergen, Trondhjem, Trom- Nubia, Nf,-bi-a, cy E. Af.; area 35,000 soe; area 123,386 s. m., pop. 1,330,000; s. m., pop. 400,000. vs Me., 2; N-Y., 1; Ia. Nublada, N(a-bl4-dca, i N. Pac. Norwich, N6r-ij, c Eng., 122; N4r-wiq, Nueces, Nwa-ses, r Tex., 350 m. vs N-Y., 3; Pa., O. Nuevitas, Las, Lqs Nwa-vi-tqs, t Cuba. Norwood, Upper and Lower, two ovs Nuits, Nws, t Fr., 3S. Eng., United pop. 6046. Nuko, Nc6-ko, i Rus., Gulf of Fin., %. Nos-Beh, N6s-Ba, i of Fr., coast of Numa, N'-ma, v Ia. Madagascar, 1534. Numidia, Nil-mid-i-a, anc cy N. Af. Noss-Island, one of Shetland Is. Nunda, Nun-da, v N-Y., 2. Noto, N6-to, c Sicily 1034. Nuneaton, Ndin —ton, t Eng., 434. Notre Dame, N6t-r Dqm, p o Ia.; - Nunez, Na)-ndz, r W. Af. Bay, Newfoundland. Nuremberg, Nfi-rem-berg, important c Notre Dame de Cenilly, Ncit-r Dqm de Bavaria, pop. 46,000. Se-ne-yi, v Fr., 2. Nurpur, Nur-pdr, t Punjab, 6. Notter6e, N6t-e-re-e, i Norway. Nyack, Ni-ak, v N-Y., 34. Nottingham, N6t-ig-am, bor and t Nyassi, Ns-4s-r, I S. E. Af. Eng., pop., 57,407. Nyborg, Ne-borq, ft t Den., 3. [153. Nottoway, N6t-o-wa, r and co t Va. Nyireghyhaza, Nye-rej-hq4-zo, t Hun., Novara, N@-v4A-rq, c It. 182. Nyk6ping, N.-ge-pi}j, dis Swed.; area Nova Scotia, N6-va Sk6-fi-a, prov Br. 2516 s. m., pop. 120,113; t Swed., 3%. N. Am.; area 15,627 s. m., pop. 276, Nymwegen, Nim-wa-gen, ft t Neth,. 119. 21/. 0. Oahu or Wahoo, W4-ham, one of the Obi, Oby, or Obe, iY'b, r Sib., 2000 m. Sandwich Islands, 19%. Obidos, 0)-bi-dos, t Brazil, 6. Oajaca or Oaxaca, Wq-Mh-kq, st of Obies, 6l)bez, r Tenn. Mex.; area, 31,822 s.m., pop. 525,101; Obion, )'bi-on, r Tenn., 150 m. c Mex., 25. Oboyan, C)-bo-y4n, t Rus., 52. Oakham, i)k'am, t Eng., 3. [Ill. Ocana, 0)-k6n-yq, ts Sp. 5: N-Gran., 5. Oakland, Ok'land, c Cal., 22; Tvs O., Occoquan, Ok'nD-kwon, r and v Va. Oakville, vs N. Y., Mich., C. W. Ocean, or Cure, K.6-ra, i Pac. Oc. Oban, )'ban, bor and spt t Scot., 134. Ocean, or Paanopa, P4-no-pq, i Pao. Obeid, 0-bad, cap t Kordofan, Af., 30. Oc., %. Oberlin, i)'ber-lin, v 0., noted for its Oceania, 0-Je-4{-ni-a, or Oceanica, College, free to people of color, 2. 0)-je-an-i-ka, fifth division of the Obernai, 0-ber-nd, t Fr., 5. [71. globe, con-sisting of Malaisia, AusO-Bessenova, )-beJ-a-n6-vo, t Hun., tralia, and Polynesia. 84 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Ochil (Q'hil,) Hills, ms Scot. Oleggio, 0Q-1d-jo, t It., 72. Ocmulgee, Ok-mdl-gs, r Ga., 300 m. Olekma, 0-lk-mq, r Siberia, 400 m. Oconee, 0-ko-ni, r Ga., 300 m., vs Olenek, 0-la-nek, r Siberia, 800 m. Ga., S. C. [v Wis. Olentangy, Ol-en-tAn-ji, r O. Oconomewoc, Ok-o-nom-e-wok, cr and Olron, 0-la-rdfi, i coast of France, 17. Ocrakoke, O'kra-kak, v N. C. Olhao, Ol-ySfi, t Portugal, 6. Odense, O'den-sa, t Den., 1114. Olinda, 0-lin-da, c Brazil, 8. Odense-Fiord, Fe-erd, b is. of Funen. Oliva, O-lh-vq, t Sp., 5Y1. Odenwald, 6'den-vqlt, m Ger. Olivenza, O-le-vdn-sq, t Sp., 7/. Oder, O'der, r Ger., 550 m. Olkhon, Ol'hon, i Lake Baikal, Siberia. Odessa, 0-dds-a, c Rus., 71/. Olmutz, Ol'muts, c Moravia, 12K. Odowara, 0-d@-wq-rq, t is. of Niphon, Olney, Ol'ni, t Eng., 2%; Vs Penn., Ill. Japan, 5. [4/2. Oloron, 0-l1o-rodf, t Fr., 6Va. Oedenburg, E'den-borhA, t W. Hun., Olot, 0-16t, t Sp., 12. Oederan, E'da-rqn, t Saxony, 4K. Olvera, Ol-va-rq, t Sp., 6/. Oeiras, 0-a-e-rqs, c Brazil, 5. Olympia, 0-lim-pi-a, cap Wash. Ter. Oels, Els, t Prus. Silesia, 6. [40. Olympus, 0-lim-pus, m Thessaly. Oesel, E'sel, i Rus., area, 1200 s. m., Om, r As. Rus., 330 m. Offenbach, Of'en-bql, t Hesse-Darm- Omaha City, 0-m4-hq Sit-i, cap Neab stadt, 9Yx. Ombay, Om-bj, i Malay Arch. Ogdensburgh, Og'denz-burg, t N-Y., 8. Ometepe, 0-ma-ta-pa, vol i Cen. Am. Ogeechee, 0-gg-ge, r Ga., 250 m. Omsk, Omsk, ft t As. Rus., 11/3. Ogle, Og'l, co and v Ill. Omun, 0-mc6n, t Guinea, 5. Oglethorpe, O'gl-terp, c Ga., 2K. Ona, 6'nq, r Siberia, 280 m. Ogono, 0-g6n-yo, cape Sp. Oneco, 0-ng-ko, v Ill. [Rus. Oheteroa, 0-ha-ta-r6-a, i S. Pac. Oc. Onega, 0-nu-ga, r Rus., 250 m.; I Ohio, 0-hi-o, one of the U. S., third Oneglia, 0-nel-yq, t Sard. States, 5,. in population and commercial im- Oneida, Q-ni-da, 1 and co N-Y. portance. Area, 39,964 s. m., pop. Onekotan, 0-na-ko-tqn, Koorile Is. in 1850, 1,980,329: whites, 1,955,050, Oneonta, 0-nE-6n-ta, v N-Y. colored, 25,279. In 1856, 2,138,754; Onghin, On-gtn, r Mongolia, 200 m. r U. S., 950 m. Onion, Un'yon, rs Vt., Wis. [N-Y. Ohomura, 0-h@-m&-rq, t Japan, 20. Onondaga, On-on-d6-ga, 1, co and, Oich, Loch, Losh Gh, I Scot. Onondaga Valley, v N-Y., 1. Oignies, Wan-yg,' Belgium, 1/. Onslow, Onz'lq, a-pt t Nova Scotia; b Oise, Wqz, r and dep Fr. and co N. C. Oits Mitsoo, COts Mit-s&, I Japan. Ontario, On-tdi-ri-o, one of the five Ojalava, 0-yq-14-vq, one of Nav. Is., great lakes, U. S.; co N-Y.; co C. W. Pac. Oc. [beria, 500 m. Onteniente, On-ta-ns-6n-ta, t Sp., 9K. Oka, G'kq, rs Cen. Rus., 650 m.; Si- Ontonagon, On-ton-ag-on, r and vMich. Okanagon, 0-kan-Ag-on, r N. Amer., Oobsa, C)b'sq, I Chinese Empire. 200 m. Ooch, o)q, t N. W. Hindostan, 20. Okau or Okaw, O'ko,' Ill. Ooda, or Ouda, ('dca,'l Siberia, 200 m. Okauchee, 0-ke-gq, v Wis. Oofa, (C'fq, t Rus., 6. Okhota, 0i)-h-tq, r Siberia, 200 m. Ooglitch, (Cg-liq, t Rus., 8. [ak. Okhotsk, Oi)-htsk, Sea of, inlet of Oojak, W)-jqk, b N. Pac. Oc., is. KodiPac. Oc. Oojein, ()-jan, ft c Hindostan. Okladnikovo, Ok-lqd-ni-k6-vo, l Rus. Oo-Kiang, W)-ke-4ij, r China, 500 m. Okolona, Ok-a-16-na,' Miss. Oonalaska, ()-na-14k-ka, Fox Island, Oktibbeha, Ok-tib-s-he, r and co Miss. N. Pac. Oc. Oland, E'lqnt, i Sweden, 31. Oonimak, ()-nE-mdCk, Fox Island. Olcott, Ol'kot, v N-Y. Ooralsk, (I)-rlsk, t Rus., 13. Oldburg, Old'burg, t Eng., 5K. Oorfa, W)r'fq, t As. Tur., 30. Oldenburg, Ol'den-burg, grand-duchy, Oorga, (Dr'gc, c Mongolia, 7. Ger., 252,699; t Ger., 8;'a Ia. Ooroomeeyah, W)-rwD-m-ycq, ft t North Oldham, Old'am, bor and t Eng., 72/. Persia, 25. Old Point Comfort,' Va. Ooroomtsee, )D-rdcmt-ss, c China. Old Providence, i Carribbean Sea, 1/. Ooroop, O)-rdp, one of Koorile Is. [m. Oldtown,'v Me., 3. Oosooree, ()-so)-rg, r Mantchooria, 340 Olean, 0-le-An, v N-Y.; p o Ind. Oostacker, Os'tqk-er,' Bel., 5K. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 85 Oostioog, )sa-ti-d6g, t Rus. 13. Oshkosh, Of'kof, a Wis., 3. Oozen, or Ouzen, (I)-zen, twoars Rus., Cshmooneyn, Of-mci-nAn, a Egypt. 250 m. Oskaloosa, Os-ka-ld-sa, v Iowa, 112. Opelousas, Op-e-lc-sas, v La. Osnaburg, Os'na-burg, t Han., 113. Ophir, )'fer, Mount, ms Malay Pen., Ostashkov, Os-taf-k6v, t Rus., 9. and Sumatra. Ostend, Os-tend, ft slat t Belg., 14K. Oporto, 6)-p6r-tn, c Port., 80. Osterode, Os'ta-ra-da, t Han., 5}. Oppeln, Op'eln, t Prus. Silesia, 7K2. Ostrog, Os-tr6g, t Rus. Poland, 6/2. Opwyck, or Opwijk, Op'wjk, a Belg., Osuna, )-sc6-nq, t Sp., 17Y1. [m. 3Y. Oswegatchie, Os-ws-gag-s, r N-Y., 120 Oquaka, Q-kwc-kct, a Ill., 1. Oswego, Os-wE-go, c N-Y., 16; co and Oran, C(-r[n, Jt c Algeria, 25; a N-Y. r N-Y.; vs Ia. and Ill. Orange, Or'anj, r S. Africa; t Fr., 10; Oswestry, Oz'es-tri, bor Eng., 5. [19/. vs Mass., N-J.; b Terra del Fuego. Otago. O-t4-g@, settlementof N-Zeal., Orange Court House, co t Va., K. Otisville, 6)'tis-vil, v N-Y. Orange River, Republic of, div. S. Af., Otranto, O-trqn-to, t Naples, 4K; str area, 50,000 s. m. connecting Adr. and Med. Sea. Orbey, Or-bA, t Fr., 5K. Otsego, (Ot-sg-ga,) Lake, N-Y. Oregon, O'rs-gon, most western of the Ottawa, Ot'a-wa, t Ill., 32; r Canada; territories, U. S.; area, 185,030 s. m., cos 0., Mich., and Canada. pop. 13,294. Ottery St. Mary, Ot'er-i Sant Ma-ri, t Oregon City, a Ill.; t Oregon, 1. Eng., 2%. Orel, 0)-rl, t Rus., 254. Ottumwa, Ot'um-we, a Iowa. Orenboorg, O'ren-barAh, c Rus. 6. Ouachita, (Wof-i-te,) City, q La. [1. Orense, 6-rdn-sa, t Sp., 5. Oualan, )-q-lqn, i Pac. Oc., Carolines, Orgaos, Serra Dos, Sdr-qc dos Or-g4.- Oude, (Dd, k Hindostan; area, 23,738 ons, ms Brazil. s. m., pop. 2,970,000; c of the above. Oria, I)'ri-q, t Sp., 5/; t Naples, 4/. Oughter, Loch, Loh Oh'ter, I Ir. Orihuela, O-rs-wA-lq, c Sp., 17K/. Oundle, Un'del, t Eng., 3. Orinoco, 0)-ri-nb-kn, large r S. Am., Ouro Preto, W('ro Pra-to, c Brazil, 8. 1600 m. Ouse, Wz, r Eng. Oriskany, 6)-ris-kan-i, v N —Y. Outagamie, 6)-ta-ga-mg, co Wis. Oristano, i-ris-t4-nQ, t is. Sardinia, Ovada, 6-v4-dq, t Piedmont, 6/. 10; g is. of Sardinia. Ovar, O-v4r, t Portugal, 5. [phon. Orizaba, 06-ri-sq-bq, t Mex., 15. Ovari, 6)-vq-re, Bay of, inlet on is. NiOrkhon, Or-hon, r Mongolia, 380 m. Overflakkee, ('ver-flqk-a, i Neth. Orkney Ork'ni, Islands, arc/ N. of Overyssel, Q'ver-i-sel, prov Neth.; area, Scot. 1,312 s. m., pop. 227,683. Orland, Or'land, v Me. Ovid, O'vid, v N-Y., 1. Orleans, Or'le-anz, c Fr., 47%. Oviedo, O(-vi-a-dn@, c Sp., 9%. Ormus, Or'mus, i Persian Gulf. Owasco, (6)-w6s-ko,) Lake, N-Y. Orontes, 0-r6n-tez, r N. Syria, 240 m. Owego, (D-w~-g@, co t N-Y., 4. Oroshaza, 6-rof-4-zo, v Hun., 9/. Owenborough, O'en-bur-o, v Ky., 1K. Orotava, )-rn-t4-vq, t Canary Is., 8%. Owen's Lake, Cal. Orphano, Or'fq-no, / of Gr. Arch. Owenton, (C)'en-ton, co t Ky. Orphan's Island, Penobscot river. Owingsville, ('iDjz-vil, co t Ky. Orthez, Or-tA, t Fr., 10. Oxford, Oks'ford, c Eng., 28; co ts N. Ortler, Ort-ler, m Austria. C., Miss., Ind.; vs Mass., N-Y., Md., Ortona, Or-t6-na, t Naples, 7. Ga., O. Oruro, D-rc6-ro, t Bolivia, 5. Oxus or Amoo, rs Cen. Asia, 1300. Orust, 0('rwst, i Sweden. Oyapok, 6-ycL-p6k, r S. Am., 180 m,. Orvieto, Or-vy A-tn, c Cen. It., 6y. Oyonnax, ()-yo-n4, t Fr., 31K. Orwigsburg, Or'wigz-burg, bor Pa., 1. Oyster'Bay, Uts'ter Ba, a N-Y., 7. Osage, 6)-sAj, r Ind. Ter., U. S., 500 m. Ozark, C)-z/rk, co t Ark.; a Mo.; ms Osaka, 0-s4-kqc, s-pt t Japan. Ark., and Mo. Osceola, Os-s —l1a, cos Mich., Iowa; Ozaukee, Oi-z6-ke, co and co t Wis. p os in many of U. S. Ozieri, O)-zi-A-re, t is. of Sardinia, 8. Oschatz, 5-Jf4ts, t Sax., 5%. Ozorkow, 6)-z6r-kov, t Poland, 5. 86 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. P. Pabba. PAb-a, i Hebrides, Y1. Palmyra, Pal-mi-ra, anc. c of Syrian Pacaja, Pc-kq-34, r Brazil, 150 m. Desert; co ts Va., Mo., 2; vs N-Y., 3; Pacajes, Pq-k4-hes, r and mn Bolivia. O., Mich., Wis. Pachacama, Pq-gc-kq-m4, v Peru. Palo Alto, P4-li fll'to, battle-field, Pacheco, Pq-qd —kQ, t Sp., 5. Mex.; co Iowa; vs Ga., Miss., Iowa. Pachitea, Pc-qi-ta-q, r Peru, 200 m. Palte, P41-ta, 1 East Thibet. Pachucaca, Pq-ga-k4-kq, r Peru, 130 m. Pamiers, Pq-me-i, t Fr., 7%. Pacific Ocean, Pa-sif-ik 6'fSan, the Pamlico, P/m-li-ko, r N. C. largest division of water on the globe. Pamlico Sound, e. coast of N. Carolina. Paco, P4-ku, v is. Luzon, 6K2. Pampas, Pqm-pqs, plains S. Am.; area, Pacora, Pq-ko-rQ, r Isthmus Panama. 1,62o,000 s. m. Paddock-with-Marsh, hamlet Eng., 3K. Pampas del Sacramento, Sq-krq-mdnPaderborn, P4-der-burn, t Prus., 83. tu, plains of Peru; area, 60,000 s. m. Padron, Pq-drdn, t Sp., 6. Pamplona, Pqm-pl6-nq, ft t Sp., 11; Padstow, PAd-stu, s-pt t Eng., 2K. t New Granada, 3K. Padua, Pad-yq,-a, ft c Aus. It., 60. Panama, Pan-a-mq, s-pt c N-Gran., 6; Paducah, Pa-dAi-ka, co t Ky., 3. Isthmus of, connecting land bet. N. Padula, Pq-dc6-lq, t Naples, 8. and S. America. Paejaene, Pa-yd-na, 1 Finland, 90 by 20. Panaon, Pq-nq-6n, Philippine Is. Paete, Pq-d-ta, v Philippines, 3%. Panay, Pq-ni, Philippine Is. Pago, P4-gu, i Dalmatia, Adriatic, 5. Pancsova, Pqn-go-vo, ft t Hun., 11%. Pagsanjan, Pqg-sqn-jtn, t Phil. Is., 4/. Pandacan, Pqn-dq-kqn, v Phil., 4%. Pahang, Pq-hqdt, st Malay Pen., 40. Pangansane, Pcqt-gqn-san, i Mal. Arch. Pah Utah, Pq Yc6-tq, ind tr Ter. Utah. Panola, Pa-n6-la, co t Miss., K. Paimboeuf, Pafi-bef, t Fr., 4K. Pantar, Pqn-tqr, i Malay Arch. Painesville, Panz-vil, co t 0., 3/. Pantellaria, Pqn-tel-q-ri-q, i Nap., 5. Painswick, Panz-wik, t and par Eng., Paola, PC-o-lq, c Naples, 5. 3x2. Paoli, Pa-6-li, v Pa.; co t Ind. Painted Post, v N-Y., 12. Paoo, P4-ca, Fejee island, Pac. Oc. Paintville, co t Ky. Papa, Pc-po, t Hun., 16K. [Am. Paisley, Pdz-li, burg and t Scot., 48. Papagayo, Pq-pq-gi-u, g and vol Cen. Paks, PokS, t Hun., 8a. Papandayang, Pq-pqn-dq-yqg, vol Java. Palanpore, Pql-an-pcr, t Hind., 30. Papa-Stour, Pa-pa-Stur, Shetland i, K, Palatine, PAl-a-tin, v -Va. Papinsville, Pd-pinz-vil, co t Mo. Palawan, Pq-lq-wqn, i Malay Arch. Papua, PAp-u-a, or New Guinea, i bet. Palazzuolo, Pq-lqt-sa)-6-lQ, t Sic., 8x. Asiatic Seas and Pac. Oc.; area 250,Palembang, Pq-lem-bqIj, t Sumatra, 25. 000 s. m., inhabited by Malays and Palencia, Pq-16n-t —cq, c Sp., 11K. Papuans. LBrazil, 10. Palermo, Pq-ldr-m@,ft c Sicily, 167K. Pars, Pq-r4, r S. Am., 200 m.; s-pt c Palestine, Pl-es-tin, anc. cy in s. w. Paragatu, Pq-rq-sq-tc6, r and c Brazil. Asia; area, 11,000 s. m.; co ts Teax., Paradise, Par-a-dis, v Pa., 2. Ill.; vs 0., Ind. Paragau, Pq-rq-g}, rs Bol., Ven. Palestrina, Pq-les-tre-nq, c Italy, 43. Paraguaqu, Pq-rq-gwq-sL6,rBra., 260m. Palhanpoor, Pql-hqn-pe6r,ft t Hind., 30. Paraguana, Pq-rq-gw4-nq, pen S. Am. Palk's (Peks,) Strait, bet. Ceylon and Paraguay, Pq-rq-gwd, st S. Am.; area Hind. 84,000 s. m., pop. 1,000,000; r do., Palma, P4l-mq, ft t of the Balearic Is., 1600 m. 40K.; ts Sicily, 8; Naples, 6; Sp., 3;- Parahiba, Pq-rq-9-bq, c Bra., 15. i Canary Islands, 33. [5K. Parahiba-do-Sul, Pq-rq-gxbq-d@-Swcl, r Palma del Rio, Pcl1-mq del R-Cu, t Sp., Bra., 500 m. Palmar, Pql-mdr, t Sp., 6. Parahitinga, Pq-rq-v-tin-gq, t Bra., 4. Palme, Pclm, lagoon of Fr. Paramaribo, Par-a-mAr-i-bQ, cap t D. Palmer, Pcm-er, v Mass., 4. Guiana, 20. [41. Palmer Depot, Dd-pu, v Mass. Paramatta, Par-a-mit-a, t N-S. Wales, Palmetto, Pal-met-u, r and v Ga. Paramoosheer, Pq-rq-man-Sjr, Koorile Palmi, P41l-me, c Nap., 6K. i, area 120 s. m. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 87 Paramythia,Pq-rq-mi-t4-q, tEu.Tur.,5. Patmos, Pat-mos, i As. Minor, 4. Parana, Pq-rq-n4, r S. Am., 2000 m. Patna, Pat-na, c Hin., 285. Paranagua, Pq-rq-nq-gw4, t Bra., 7. Patoka, Pa-t6-ka, creek and v Ia. Parana-Iba, Pc-rq-nq-S'bq, rBra.500m, Patos, PA-tos, I Bra. Paranpeba, Pq-rqn-pd-bq, r Bra.,250 m. Patras, Pcq-trQs, s-pt t Greece, 8. Parati, Pq-rq-tg, s-pt t Bra., 10. Patterson, Pat-er-son, vs N-Y., Pa., O. Parchim, Pcjrh-im, t Ger., 6K2. Pattersonville, Pat-er-son-vil, v La., 3. Parcipany, Par-sip-a-ni, v N-J., Y1. Patti, P4-te, c Sic., 5. Pardo, Ptr-do, r Bra., 280 m. Paturages, Pq-te-r4g, t Belg., 6K. Paredon, Pq-ra-d6n, i W. Ind. [YVen. Patuxent, Pa-tidks-ent, r Md., 90 m. Parima, Sierra, Se-6r-q Pq-ri-mq, ms Patzum, Pqt-s~dm, t Guat., 5Y3. Parinacochas, Pq-ri-nq-k6-qqs, I Peru. Pau, Po, t Fr., 16K. Paris, Par-is, (Fr. Pq-rs,) metropolis Paucartambo, Ps-kqr-t4m-b@, t Peru, and cap of France; pop. 1,053,262; co 17; r do., 300 m. ts Me. 3, Ky. 2K, Tenn., Tex., Ill., Paulding, Pl1-dip, co t Miss. Mo.; v C. W., 2K. Paulina, Pe-l-na, v N-Y. Parisburg, Par-is-burg, co t Va. Pavia, Pq-vd-q, c Aus. It., 28%. Parita, Pq-rg-tq,.g Cen. Am.; t N-Gran. Pavlovo, Pqv-16-vo, t Rus., 8. Parkersburg, P4rk-erz-burg, co t Va., Pawcatuck, Pe-ka-tdk, r and v R. I. Pnrkesburg, P4rks-burg, v Pa., K. [3K. Paweea, Pq-wg-a, t Guinea, 16. Parkman, Pqrk-man, v 0.. 1%. Pawlet, P6-let, v Vt., 2. Parkville, Pcrk-vil, t Mo., 1. [Mich. Pawpaw, Pe-pe, r and v Mich., 1:. Parma, Pqr-ma, c It., 41; vs N-Y. 3, Pawtucket, Pe-tkft-et, t R.I. and Mass., Parnahiba, Pcqr-nq-g-bq, r Bra., 750 m. 10; r N-Eng. [14. Parnassus, Pqr-nas-us, eel. m Greece. Pawtuxet, Pe-tdks-et, r and a R. I., Paropamisan, Pq-r@-pq-mi-sqn, ms Afg. Paxo, Paks-o, Ionian i, 54. Paros, Pd-ros, i Grecian Arch., 6. Paxton, Paks-ton,'V Mass., 3. Partenico, Pqr-tdn-i-k@, c Sic., 11. Payta, Pi-tq, s-pt t Peru, 5. Parthenay, Pqr-te-na, t Fr., 5. Peabody (P6-bod-i) Bay, Greenland. Partick, Pdcr-tik, v Scot., 23. Peace (Pes) River, Br. N. Am., 1100 m. Paru, Pq-rc, r Bra., 350 m. Pearl (Perl) Islands, of N-Gran. Paruro, Pq-rc6-ra, t Peru. Pearl River, Miss., 250 m. Pascagoula, Pas-ka-g6-la, r and b Miss. Pe-Chee-Lee, Pa-es-l1, inlet Yel. Sea. Pasco, P4s-k@, t Peru, 12. Peckham, P6k-am,' Eng., 19K. Paseoag, Pis-ka-ag, v R. I., 12. Pecos, Pi-kos, r N-Mex., 700 m. Pascuaro, Pqs-kw4-r@, t Mex., 6. Pedee, Pe-dg, (Great and Little,) r8 Pas-de-Calais, Pq-de-Kc-lad, dep Fr. S.C. Pasewalk, P4-ze-vqlk, t Prus., 534. Pedraza, Pa-dr4-sq, t Ven., 3K. Pasman, Pqs-m4n, i of Dalmatia. Peebles, P9-blz, t Scot., 2a. Paspaya, Pqs-pi-q, r Bol., 200 m. Peekskill, Piks-kil, v N-Y., 2K. Pasquotank, Pds-ko-tapk, r N. C. Peel, PEl, s-pt t Isle of Man, 2%. Passaic, Pa-sA-ik, r N-J., 100 m. Peel River, Br. N. Am. Passamaquoddy (Pas-a- ma- kw6d-i) Pegau, Pd-gs, t Sax., 3%. Bay, s. e. Me. Pego, PA-ga, t Sp., 5%. Passau, Pts-s, ft t Bav., 10K. Pegu, Pe-go5, cy India, 70; c do. Passoeroean, Pq-sca-rD-4qn, prov Java; Peipus or Peipous, PA-e-pacs, I Rus. pop. 310,000. Pekatonica, Pek-a-t6n-i-ka, r Wis. and Passy, Pq-sE, t Fr., 11K. Ill.; p o Ill. Pastaza, Pcqs-t4-sq, r S. Am., 400 m. Pekin, P9-kin, vs N-Y., Ill. 2. Pasto, P4s-to, t S. Am., 7. Peking, Pe-kip, or Pekin, Ps-kin, cap c Patagonia, Pq-tq-g6-ni-a, div S. Am.; China, pop. 2,000,000. [4. area 350,000 s. m., inhabited only by Pelestrina, Pa-les-trg-nq, i and t N. It., Indians. Pelew (Pe-lf,) Islands, Caroline is, N. Patak, P6-tok, t Hun., 5. Pac. Oc. Patapsco, Pa-taps-ko, r Md., 80 m. Pelham, P61-ham, vs N-H., N-Y. Patchogue, Pat-qdg, v N-Y. Pellew (P61-qt) Islands, of Australia. Paterno, Pcq-ter-n6, c Sic., 11. Pelworm, P61-vorm, i of Den., 2. Paterson, Pat-er-son, c N-J., 17K. Pemadumcook, Pem-a-dim-kiuk, I Me. Path-Head, Pdt-Hed, t Scot., 4. Pemba, P6m-ba, i of Af. Patia, P4-ti-q, r N-Gran., 200 m. Pemberton, PWm-ber-ton,':s N-J. 3, O. 88 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Pembina, Pfm-bi-ne, Z and co Min. Pershore, Per-fcr, t Eng., 2/. Pembroke, P6m-briak, s-pt t S. Wales; Persia, P.r-ji-a, cy Asia; area 450,000 v's N-H., Mass. s. m., pop. 11,299,500. Pemigewasset, Pem-i-js-wos-et, r N-H. Persian (Per-fan) Gulf, arm Ind. Oc. Pemiscot, P6m-i-skot, I Mo. Perth, Pert, c Scot., 22K; t C. W., 2; Penang, Pe-nAU, or Prince of Wales' dis and cap W. Australia. Island, on Strait of Malacca, 43K. Perth Amboy, Pert Am-b6, v N-J., 2. Penchant, Pen-jltnt, bayou La. Peru, P-r-), rep S. Am., comprising Pendleton, Pen-dl-ton, vs Eng. 14K, Ia. eleven departments; area 370,000 s. Penedo, Pa-nd-d@, c Bra., 14. m., pop. 2,279,085; co t Ia., 1%; Vs Penha, Pen-yq, v Bra., 1. Ill. 3, N-Y., O., &c. Penicuick, Pen-i-kek, burgh Scot., 3. Perugia, Pa-rc6-jq, I and c Cen. It., 18%. Penjinsk, Pen-jinsk, y Siberia. Peruwels, Psi-re-vels, t Belg., 73K. Penkridge, P6n-krij, t Eng., 3K. Pesaro, Pds-a-rQ, t Cen. It., 12. Pennar, Pen-qr, r India, 270 m. Pescadores, Pes-kq-d5-res, is of Peru; Pennington, P6n-i]-ton, v N-J., 2. N. Pac. Oc. Penniston, Pen-is-ton, t Eng., 6%. Peshawer, PeJ-i-er, c Afg., 50. Penn's Cove, Penz KQv, co t Wash. Ter. Pesth, Pest, fr c Hun., 100. Pennsgrove, Penz-grov, V N-J. Petchenegue, Peq-ndg, t Rus., 7. Pennsylvania, Pen-sil-vA-ni-a, one of Petchora, P6q-@-rq, r Rus., 900 m. the original U. S., second in popula- Peten, Pa-tin, 1 and i Guatemala. tion; area 46,000 s. m.; pop., in 1850, Peterborough, Pi-ter-bur-@, c Eng., 2,311,786: 2,258,160 whites, 53,626 8%/.; co t C. W., 2K; v N-H., 2K. colored; in 1856, 2,496,728. Peterhead, PE-ter-hed, s-pt t Scot., 5. Penn Yan, Pen Yan, v N-Y., 24. Petersburg, Pi-terz-burg, ts Va. 15, Penobscot, PE-n6b-skot, r Me., 300 m. Pa. 1; co ts Ia., Ill.; v Ky., K. Penrhyn (Pin-rin) Islands, Pac. Oc. Petersfield, Pg-terz-feld, bor Eng., 5K. Penrith, Pin-rit, (often Pg-rit,) t and Peterwardein, Pi-ter-w6r-djn, cap t par Eng., 6K. Slavonia, 4. Penryn, Pen-rin, bor and t Eng., 4. Petit-Canal, Pe-t9-Kq-nl1, t island of Pensacola, Pen-sa-k6-la, co t Fa., 214; Guadeloupe, 7%. Pensaukee, Pen-se-kr, r Wis. [b Fa. Petra, Pi-tra, anc. c Arabia Petrsea. Pensnett, Pins-net, v Eng., 5. Petropaulovski, Pa-tr@-ps-16v-skr, cap Pentland Frith, Pint-land Frit, sound t Kamtchatka, 1. bet. Scot. and Orkney Islands. Petrovacz, Pa-trc-v4ts, v Hun., 54. Penza, Pin-zq, qov Rus.; area 14,768 Petrovoszelo, Pa-tr@-vo-sa-l@, a Hun., s. m., pop. 1,058,444; c of same, 10K. Petrovsk, Pa-trovsk, t Rus., 7. [5%. Penzance, Pen-zmns, bor and s-pt t Petrozavodsk, Pa-tro-zq-v6dsk, ft t Peoria, Pr-6-ri-a, c Ill., 8. [Eng., 9K3. Rus., 8. Pepperell, Pep-er-el, v Mass., 1K. Petsh, Peg, t Eu. Tur., 12. Pequot, Pg-kwot, Vs Conn., Wis. Petworth, Pit-wurt, t Eng., 22. Perekop, Pa-ra-k6p, ist Rus. Crimea. Petzka, Pets-hq, t Hun., 13K. Pereslavl, Per-a-slItv-l, t Rus., 7. Peveragno, Pa-va-rqn-y@, t It., 6. P1rigueux, Pa-re-ge, t Fr., 13K/. Pewaukee, Pe-wi-ke, v and I Wis. Perleberg, Per-la-berh, t Prus., 6K. Peyster, Pi-ster, i Pac. Oc. Perm, Perm, t Rus., 10. Pezenas, Pa-za-n4, t Fr.; 7%. [7Y. Pernagoa, Per-n4-g@-q, t Bra., 4. Pforzheim, Pf6rts-him, anc. c Baden, Pernau, P.r-ns, s-pt t Rus., 9. Phatuka, Fq-t&6-kq, t Br. Ind., 12. Peros Banhos, Pd-rs B4n-yos, is Cha- Pheng-Hoo, Fei]-Hw, i China Sea. gos Arch., Ind. Oc. Philadelphia, Fil-a-del-fi-a, c Pa., and Perote, Pa-r6-ta, t Mex. second in the U. S., 408K; co t Miss.; Perpignan, Per-pen-y6t, t Fr., 214. V8 N-Y., Ia., &c. [3K, Belg. Perry, Per-i, co t Ga., 1K; T8 N-Y. 3, Philippeville, Fr-lrp-vEl, ft ts Algeria Ill. K, Pa. Philippi, Fi-lip-i, t in ruins, Eu. Tur.; Perryopolis, Per-i-6p-a-lis, a Pa. co t Va. Perrysburg, Per-iz-burg, a 0., 1%. Philippine (Fil-ip-en) Islands, a group Perrysville, Per-iz-vil, vs Pa., O. in the N. Malay Arch., comprising Perryville, Per-i-vil, co ts Miss., Ark.; 1200 islands, of which Luzon, Mina~s N-J., Pa., Ia. 1. [cap Persia. danac and Palawan are the principal; Persepolis, Per-sep-@-lis, ane. ruined area 120,000 s. m., pop. 5,000,000. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 89 Philipsburg, Fil-ips-burg, ts N-J., Pa., Piscataqua,Pis-kat-a-kwa, River, N-H. Philipsville, Fil-ips-vil, v N-Y., 1. [0. Piscataquis, Pis-kat-a-kwis, r and co Me, Phocoea, F@-sg-a, s-pt t As. Minor, 4. Piscataway, Pis-kat-a-wa, vs N-J., Md. Phoenix, Fi-niks, v N-Y. Pisek, Pi-sek, t Boh., 5i. Phoenixville, Fg-niks-vil, v Pa., 3. Pisgah, Piz-ga, anc. m Pal.; v Iowa. Phookok, FoD-k6k, i Gulf of Siam. Pisticci, Pis-t6-gs, t Nap., 6/. Piacenza, Pe-q-gen-zq, ft c N. It., 30. Pistoja, Pis-t6-yq, t Tus., 121/%. Piana, PE-4-nq, t Sic., 5. Pitcairn (Pit-ktrn) Island, Pac. Oc., K. Piasina, Pe-q-s9-nq, I and r Sib., 250 m. Pitcher, Pig-er, v N-Y., 1/. Piauhi, Pe —s-9, r Bra.. 300 m. Pitic, Pe-tik, t Mex., 5. Piavozero, Pes —v@-za-r@, 1 Rus. Pitt's Archipelago, Pac. Oc. Piazza, Pe-4t-sq, c Sic., 1614. Pittsborough, Pits-bur-o, co t N. C. Pichincha, Ps-qin-qq, vol S. Am. Pittsburg, Pits-burg, c Pa., 46%; V8 Ia., Pickaway, Pik-a-wa, co 0. [C. Mo., Iowa. Pickens (Pik-enz) Court-House, co t S. Pittsfield, Pits-feld, t Mass., 6/; co t Pickering, Pik-er-ii, t Eng., 232, Ill.; v Pa. Pico, Pg-ko, Azores i At. Oc., 36. Pittsford, Pits-ford, vs Vt., N-Y. Picton, Pik-ton, c t C. W., 14. Pittston, Pits-ton, vs Me. 3, Pa. 2. Pictou, Pik-t", s-pt t Nova Scotia. Pizzo, Pit-s), c Nap., 53. Piedimonte, Ps-a-di-m6n-ta, t Nap., Placentia, Pla-s6n-fi-a, s-pt t New534. foundland;- Bay, inlet, do. Piedmont (Pid-mont) Principality, cy Placer, Plq-ssr or Pla-ser, co Cal. Eu.; area 11,913 s. m., pop. 2,134,152; Placerville, Pla-ser-vil, v Cal., 5%. Pielis, Pe-t-lis, 1 Finland. [v Va. Plainfield, Plan-fsld, Vs Vt. 3, Conn., Piermont, Pir-mont, v N-Y., 13. N-J. 2, Ia. Pierpont, PFr-pont, v 0. Plainville, Plan-vil,,s R. I., Conn., O. Pierre Bayou, Pe-Ar Bi-a, stream, Miss. Plaquemine, Plak-mln, bayou, par and Pierrepont Manor, Pir-pont Min-or, v v La. N-Y. [8K. Plasencia, Plq-sen-ti-q, c Sp., 6 34. Pietraperzia, Ps-a-trq-perd-zs-q, t Sic., Plata, La, Lq P14-tq, (or the ArgenPietro-in-Calatina, Pe-a-tru-in-Kq-lq- tine Republic,) rep S. Am., consisting ts-nq, t Nap., 734. of the provinces of Buenos Ayres, Pig Island, i S. Pac. Oc. [ft. Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Corrientes, Pike's (Piks) Peak, Rocky Mts., 11,497 Cordova, La Rioja, Santiago del EsPiketon, Pik-ton, co t O., 34; v Ia. tero, Tucuman, Catamarca, Salta and Pikeville, PFk-vil, co ts Ky., Tenn., Ala. Jujuy, San Luis, Mendoza, San Juan; Pilao Arcado, P-l1't flr-k4,-do, t Bra., area 820,000 s. m., pop. 820,000. Pilatka, Pi-lat-kca, co t Fa. [5. Platte, Plat, r tributary to Mo. River, Pilaya, Pe-li-q, r S. Am., 300 m. [m. 1200 m.; also rs Iowa, Wis. Pilcomayo, Pil-ko-mi-o, r S.Am.,1000 Platte City, co t Mo., %. Pilsen, Pil-sen, t Bob., 93. Platteville, Plat-vil, v Wis., 1X. [Mo. Pinckney, Pink-ni, v Mich., /2. Plattsburg, Plats-burg, co ts N-Y. 5%, Pinckneyville, Pijk-ni-vil, co t Ill. Plauen, P1S-en, t Sax., 10%. [214. Pine Bluff, Pin Bluf, co t Ark., K. Pleasant Valley, Plez-ant Vil-i, v N-Y., Pinega, Ps-na-gq, r Rus., 290 m. Pleasant View, Vt1, v Ia. Pine Plains, v N-Y. Pleschen, P1Fj-en, t Prus., 5. Pinerolo, Pe-na-r6l-u, t Sard. S., 13/. Plesse, Ples-e, t Prus. Silesia, 3%. Pinos, Pg-nus, i Caribbean Sea. Plock, Plotsk, c Poland, 6. Pinsk, Pinsk, t Rus., 5%. Ploermel, Plu-er-mel, t Fr., 8%z. Piqua, Pik-wa, t 0., 4. Ploeuc, Plu-ek, v Fr., 6. Pirahi, Ps-rq-hi, t Bra., 3. Plouaret, Plw-cq-ra, v Fr., 51%. Pirano, Ps-r4-nu, s-pt t Istria, 61, Plover, PlFv-er, v Wis., Y2. Pirate (Pi-rat)Islands, Gulf of Tonquin. Plumb (Plum) Island, coast of Mass.; Piratinim, Ps-rq-te-ntfi, t Bra., 33. also in Long Island Sound. Pirmasens, Pir-mq-sents, t Rhen. Bav., Plymouth, Plim-ut, bor and s-pt t Eng., Pirna, Pir-nq, ft t Sax., 6. [5%. 524; co ts Mass. 6K/, N. C., Ia.; vus Piron, Pe-r6n, i Louisiada Arch. Pa. 13, O., Mich., Wis.; - Sound, Pir-Panjal, Psr-Pqn-j4l, ms bet. Cash- inlet of Eng. Channel. mere and Punjab. Po, PG, r It., 340 m. [V Ill. Pisa, Pg-zq, c Tus., 22. Pocahontas, Po-ka-h6n-tas, co t Ark.; 8 90 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Pocklington, P6k-li])-ton, t and par Pontifical (Pon-tif-i-kal) or Papal Eng., 234. States, central portion Italian PenPocomoke, P6-k@)-mok, r and b Md. insula, of twenty divisions; area 17,Podgoritza, Pod-go-rit-sq, t Eu. Tur., 6. 210, pop. 3,006,771. Point-a-Pitre, La, Lq Pwafit-q-Pit-r, t Pontivy, Pe)A-tE-v9, t Fr., 5. island of Guadeloupe, 121. Pontoise, Pei-twCz, t Fr., 5%. Point Commerce, Pvnt K6m-ers, v Ia. Pontoosuck, Pon-t6-suk, vs Mass., Ill. Pointe Coup6ee, Pernt Kai-pi, par and Pontotoc, Pon-tc-t6k, co and co t Miss. v La.. Pont-Saint-Esprit, Pe/-Saft-Es-prg, t Point Isabel, Iz'a-bel, vs Tex., Ky. Fr., 52. Point Pleasant, co t Va.; vs 0., Mo. Pontypool, P6n-ti-pcwl, t Eng., 3%. Poirino, Pa-ri-nQ, t It., 5%. Ponza, Pon-zq, is Med. Sea, 11. [10. Poitiers, Pa-tgrz, t Fr., 294. Pooching-Hien, Pa-giq-He-dn, t Chi., Poland, P&-land, a former k of Cen. Poole, Pal, bor and t Eng., 914. Eu., now divided between Rus., Aus. Poona, Pe-na, c Br. Ind., 86. and Prus.; area 284,000 s. m., pop. Poor or Pur, Por, r Sib., 200 m. 11,000,000; vs N-Y., O. 1]. Poorbunder, Par-bdn-der, t Hind. Polar Regions, P6-lar Rg-jonz, ter Pootivl, Pe-tev-l', t Rus., 9. about the n. and s. poles. Pooto, P6-to, pop. i coast of China. Polar Sea, (Northern,) Arctic Ocean; Popayan, Po-pq-yqn, c S. Am., 20. (Southern,) Antarctic Ocean. Poperinghe, Pe-per-Afih, t Belg., 1024. Policandro, Pol-i-k4a-dro, i Grecian Poplar Plains, v Ky., %. Arch., 4. Popocatepetl, Po-pe-kq-ta-pet-l, voZ Policastro, Po-li-k4s-tr@, t Nap., 7. Mex., 17,720 ft. Poligny, Pe-lsn-yg, t Fr., 5%. [m. Popo Great, P6-po Grat, t Guinea, 5. Polillo, P@-lil-e, Philippine i, 30 by 20 Popo Isles, Malay Arch. Polk, Pok, cos U. S. Poppi, P6p-e, t Tus., 5%/. Pollenza, Pol-6n-zq, t is. Majorca, 6Y. Porcuna, Per-kc-nq, t Sp., 54. Pollockshaws, Pol-ok-J6z, t Scot., 6. Pordenone, Per-da-n6-na, t Aus. It., 5. Polochic, Po-le-qgk, r Guat., 120 m. Poros, P6-ros, pop. i Gr. Polotzk, Pe-ltsk, t Rus. Poland, 9. Port Adelaide, Ad'e-lad, t S. Aust., 10. Poltava, Pol-t4-va, c Rus., 20. Port Adown, Part A-d';n, t Ir. 3. Polynesia, Pol-i-n-J'i-a, numerous is Portaferry, Port-a-fdr-i, s-pt t Ir., 2. Pac. Oc.; united pop. 1,500,000. Portage, Pdrt-ag, v Ia., 114. Pomerania, Pom-s-rA-ni-a, prov Prus.; Portage City, co t Wis., 2. area 12,304 s. m., pop. 1,197,701. Portalegre, Por-tq-lA-gra, t Port., 534. Pomeroy, Pdm-re, co t 0., 4. Portarlington, PQrt-4r-liij-ton, t Ir., 2X. Pomfret, P6m-fret, vz Conn., 2. Port Au Prince, Port-e-Prins, cap c Pomigliano D'Arco, P@-mel-y4-no- Hayti, 20. D4r-ke, t Nap., 6. [Mo. Port Byron, Bi-ron, v N-Y., 1l. Pomme de Terre (Pom de Tqr) River, Port Carbon, Kqr-bon, her Pa., 3. Pomona, Po-m6-na, Orkney i, 161. Port Chester, G6s-ter, a' N-Y. Pompeii, Pom-pS-yi or Pom-pa-ys, anc. Port Clinton, Klin-ton, co t O. ruined c It. Port Dalhoozee, Dal-hc6-ze, a C. W. Pondicherry, Pon-di-I6r-e, cap French Port Deposit, De-p6z-it,' Md. settlements in India, 40. Port Discovery, co t Washington Ter. Ponta Delgada, P6n-tq, Del-g4-dq, t Port Elizabeth, s-pt t S. Af., 4; avN-J., 1. Azores Islands, 22. [73. Port Gibson, a' Miss,, 1. [Scot., 7. Pont-a-Mousson, PeQit-q-Mn-s6fi, Fr., Port Glasgow, GlAs-ge, burgh and t Pont-Audemer, Pofi-O-de-mkr, t Fr. Port Hope, t Upper Canada, 2%. Pontchartrain ( Pon-Jar-trAn ) Lake, Port Hudson, Hdd-son, a La., /. La., 40 by 24 m. Port Huron, Hi-ron, v Mich., 4. Pontecorvo, Pon-tal-kr-vd, t It., 54. Portici, P6r-te-q, t Nap., 5. Pontefract, P6m-fret, bor and t Eng., Port Jeff -er-son, 0.-er-so,. 11Yx. Port Jervis, J.r-vis, v N-Y. Pontevedra, Pon-ta-vi-drq, t Sp., 42. Port Kennedy, K6n-e-di, v Pa., %. Pontevico, Pon-ta-vi-ka, t Lom., 5. Portland (Pbrt-land) Isle of, pen and Pontiac, P6n-ti-ak, co ts Mich., 2y2; Ill. par Eng., 51; c Me., 22%; c Or., 6Pontianak, Pon-ti-q-nlk, Dutch c of 14; co t Ia.; a's Conn., Ala., Ky., Borneo, 191. Mich., Mo. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 91 Portlaw, Port-l6, t Ir., 3%. Povoa de Varzim, Po-v6-q da VqPPort Leon, Li-on, pt entry Fa. zfit, t Port., 6.4. Port Louis, L6-is, cap t Is. Mauritius, Poweshiek, P;-e-fIsk, co Iowa, 35; t Guadeloupe, 44. Powhatan, P@-ha-t/n, co Va.; v Ark. Port Mahon, McI-h6n, ft t Sp., 134. Poxim, Po-figh, t Bra., 3. [Ter. Portneuf, Port-nef, co and v C. E. Poyais, Pwq-ya, r and dis Mosquito Porto Alegr,, P&Sr-tao -ld-gra, c Bra., Poyang, Po-ytgj, I China, 80 by 40 m. 12; t do. 4. [Aar S. Am. Pozoblanco, Pa-to-blcu-ke, t Sp., 61/. Porto Atacames, PSr-t@ fl-tc-kC-mes, Pozzuoli, Pot-sca-6-le, t Nap., 8/. Porto Bello, Pgr-te Bel-a, s-pt t Scot., Prado, Pr4-do, t Port., 7. 3x:; t N-Gran.; t Bra. Praga, Pr4-gq, t Poland, 4. Porto Ferrago, Pdr-to Fer-A-yo, cap t Prague, Prag, important c Bohemia, Elba, Tuscany, 4%. Eu., 6834. [Wis. Port-of-Spain, t W. Ind., cap Is. Trin- Prairie da Chien, PrA-ri de Men, co t idad, 11%3. [Verd Is. Prairie du Rocher, R6-fer, v Ill. Porto Praya, P6r-to Pri-q, t Cape Prairie du Sac, Sqk, v Wis., 34. Porto Rico, P&r-to Rg-ka, W. Ind. Is., Prairie mer Rough, Pra-ri mEtr RO3, p area 2580 s. m.; pop. 500,000, 50,000 o La. being slaves. [Is., 6. Prairie Ronde, Rand, v Mich., 3. Porto Santo, Por-to S4n-to, Madeira Prairieton, PrA-ri-ton, v Ia. Port Philip, Fil-ip, b Aust. Prairieville, vs Ia., Mo., Mich. Port Royal, Rd-al, ft t Jam.; v Va., 3. Praslin, Prqs-ln, is Ind. Oc. [314. Portsea (P6rt-se) Island, coast of Eng., Prats de Mollo, Prq de Mo-lA, ft t Fr., pop. 72,126. Prattsville, Prits-vil, v N-Y., 13; v Portsmouth, Pdrts-mut, bor and s-pt t Ala., 6. [Java, 700,000. Eng., 72; c N-H., 11; s-pt and naval Preanger, Pra-4ij-her, Dutch residency, depot Va., 82; co t 0., 5; v Mich. Preble, Preb-l, co O.; v N-Y. Portsoy, P6rt-se, s-pt t Scot., 2. Pregel, Pra-gel, r Prus., 120 m. Port Tobacco, Ta-b/k-a, co t Md. Prenzlow, Prents-lov, t Prus., 1234. Portugal, P(r-tq,-gal, k Eu., area 35,- Presburg, Pr6s-burg, c, cap Hun., 38. 268 s. m.; pop. 3,471,203. [m. Prescot, Prds-kot, t and par Eng., 7%; Portuguesa, Par-tk-gd-sq, r Ven., 200 co t Wis.; t C. W., 2%3. Port Washington, v O., i; co t Wis., Presque Isle, Presk Oi, co Mich. [3. Port William, v Scot., 34. [2%. Presteigne, Pres-tin, bor and t Eng., 1Posega, Pa-fd-gq, t Aus., 64. d Preston, Pres-ton, bor and t Eng., 695; Posen, P6-zen, c Prus., 32; - Grand vs Tex., Ky.; t C. E., 1%. Duchy, polish prov Prus.; area 12,248, Prestonburg, Pr6s-ton-burg, co t Ky. s. m., pop. 1,352,014. Prestonpans, Pres-ton-panz, s-pt t and Possneck, Pes-nek, t Cen. Ger., 34. par Scot., 1. Potawatamies, Pot-a-w6t-a-miz, tr In- Preto, Pra-to, rs Brazil, 150 m. dians, n. Ia. Prevesa, Pra-va-sq, ft t Eu. Tur., 4. Poteau (Po-t6) River, Ark. Pribylov, Pre-bi-16v, is Behring Sea. Potenci, Pa-ten-3i, r Bra. Priego, Pre-d-ga, t Sp., 13/. Potenza, Pa-tin-zq, t Naples, 12%/. Prince Edward Island, Br. Am., area Poti, Pa-ti, r Brazil, 200 m. 1950 s. m., pop. 90,000; i Upper C. Potomac, Pa-tA-mak, r Va., 350 m. Prince of Wales Archipelago, Rus. Am. Potosi, Po-ta-si, dep Bol.; c do. 164. Prince of Wales Island, Pac. Oc.; MaPotosi, Po-tA-si, co t Mo.; t Wis.; 2%. lay Arch.; is Torres Strait. Potsdam, P6ts-dqm, qov and c Prus., Prince's Island, Gulf of Guinea. 38; P6ts-dam, v N-Y., 24. Princes' Islands, Sea of Marmora. Pottstown, P6ts-tsn, bor Pa., 2. Princess Anne, co t Md. Pottsville, P6ts-vil, t Pa., 10: Princess Charlotte (Mqr-lot) Bay, Aust. Poughkeepsie, Po-kip-se, c N-Y., 15; Princeton, Prins-ton, bor N-J., 2K; co v Ia. ts Va., Miss., Ark., Ky., 1K;'Vs Ia., Pouinipete, Pwe-ni-pit, i Pac. Oc., 2. 1; Ill., &c. Poultney, P6lt-ni, s Vt. 2/3. Princeville, Prins-vil, v Ill.,. loc. Poulton, P(l-ton, t Eng., 71. Prince William Island, Feejee Is., ac. Poviglio, Po-vil-yo, t It., 1s. Prince William Sound, Rus. Am. Povoa de Meadas, Pa-v6-q da Mia-i- Pripets, Prip-ets, r Rus. Pol., 350 m. dqs, t Port., 74. Prisrend, Pris-rdnd, t Eu. Tur., 20. 92 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Pristina, Pris-tg-nq, t Eu. Tur., 12. Puerto del Padre, Pw.r-to del P4-dra, Pritzwalk, Prits-vok, t Prus., 4. Ahar Cuba. Privas, Pre-vqs, t Fr., 5/4. Puerto de Santa Maria, Pwer-ta da Prizzi, Prit-se, t Sic., 7/. Sqn-tq-Mq-rg-q, c Sp., 18. Procida, Prc6-i-dq, i Bay of Naples, 13. Puerto Principe, Prgn-si-pa, c Cuba, 49. Proctor, Pr6k-tor, v Ky. Puget (Pil-get) Sound, b Wash. Ter. Proctorsville, vs Vt., Ia. Pughman, Pwtg-mqn, m Afg., 13,000. Prolog, Pro-16g, ms Dalmastia. Pulaski, P -las-ki, vs N-Y., 1; Pa., Prome, Prom, t Burmese dominions. 13; Io., Ill.; co t Tenn., 1Y3. Pronsk, Pronsk, t Rus., 634. Pultusk, Pdl-task, t Pol., 4K2. Prossnitz, Pr6s-nits, t Moravia, 8. Puna, Pa-nc, i Ecuador. Providence, Pr6v-i-dens, c R. I., 47K2; Punderpoor, Pua-der-p(dr, t Ind., 25. co t La.; v O.; i Carribean Sea; - Pungudutive, Pup-ga-da-tdv, i n. of Lake, La. Ceylon, 2'2. Province Wellesley, W41z-le, British Punjab, Pun-jqb, ter of N. W. Hind.; settlement Malay Peninsula, 471/. area 210,000, pop. 4,740,000, inhabProvins, Pro-vafi, t Fr., 7. ited by Sikhs, Cashmerians, and Prussia, Pr&-Ji-a, extensive k Eu., Afghans. consisting of Prussia, Posen, Brand- Punnair, Pu-ntr, r S. Ind., 220 m. enburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Saxony, Puno, Pfl-na, c Peru, 9. Westphalia, Rhine. Prussia, has Puntas Arenas, Pcn-tqs Fl-ra-nqs, pt adopted the most complete system of Costa Rica. education in the world; area 109,314, Purbeck, (Pdr-bek,) Isle of, Eng. pop. 16,935,420. Pardy (Pdur-di) Islands, S. Pac. Prussian Poland, Prc6-fan P6-land, e. Purneah, Pdr-ns-a, t Br. Ind., 40. Prus., formerly part of Poland. Purus, Pc-ras, r S. Am., 400 m. Prrith, Pract, r E. Eu., 360 m. Putnamville, P.t-nam-vil, Vs Ia., Mo. Psilorati(Pse-lo-r4-te) Mount,is. Crete. Putney, Pdt-ni, r Eng., 54. [m. Pskov, Pskov, gov Rus., 6574; c do. 9. Putumayo, Po-tn-m-oa, r S. Am., 700 Puebla La, Lq Pwdb-lq, st Mex.; area Putzig (PiAt-sih) Bay, an arm of the 12,042 s. m., pop. 580,000; C, cap of Gulf Dantzic. the above state, pop. 50,000. Puy, Le, Le Pwe, t Fr., 1534. Pueblo Viejo, Pwdb-la V —d —ha, t Vera Puy de Dome, Pwe de Dam, dep Fr., Cruz, 1K/. 5963; m do. 4806 ft. Puerco, Pw.r-ko, r N-Mex., 200 m. Puylaurens, Pws-lQ-r6f, t Fr., 63. Puerto Bello, Pw4r-ta, B61-yo, s-pt t Pwllheli, PbZ/-hd-ls, bor and s-pt t N. N-Gran. [pt t Ven. Wales, 24. Puerto Cabello, Pwer-to Ka-bW1-yo, s- Pyramid (Pir-a-mid) Lake, Utah Ter., Puerto de La Cruz de Oratava, Pwer- 35 by 15. to da Lq Kreas da i)-rq-t4-vq, s-pt t Pyrenees, Pir-en-ez, ms bet. Fr., and Canary Is., 3K. Sp., 11,168 ft. Q. Qua, Kwq, m Guinea, 5000 ft. Quathlamba, Kwqt-l]m-bq, m Af. Quaco, Kw4-ko, v and liyht-house Bay Quatre Bras, Kc t-r Brq, v Belg.. of Fundy. Quebec, Kwe-bek, c, cap of the two Quakertown, KwA-ker-tsn, v N-J., 4. Canadas, 42. Quampanissa, Kwqm-pq-nis-q, t Da- Queda, KA-dq, st Malay Pen., 21. homey, 12. Quedlingburg, Kwdd-lin-buarh, t Prus. Quang-See, KwqU-Sg, c and prov Chi- Sax., 1434. na, pop. 7,313,895. Queen Charlotte (E4r-lot) Island, S. Quang-Tong, Kwqc-To69, prov China, Pac. Oc.; also numerous is Br. N. Am. pop. 19,147,030. [atic Sea. Queen Charlotte Sound, w. of N. Am. Quarnero, (Kwqr-nd-ro,) Gulf of, Adri- Queenstown, v C. W., K. Quarto, Kwr-ta, r La Plata, 280 m. Quelpaert, Qwel-pqrt, - Yellow Sea. Quarto, Kw4r-to, t Sardinia, 534. Quenu, Ka-nd6, i Chili. Quasqueton, Kwis-ke-ton, Io,. Quequay, Ka-kwi, 1' Uruguay, 100 m. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 93 Queretaro, Ka-r/i-tq-ro, st Mex.; area Quillota, Kcl-y6-tq, t Chili, 10. 2444 s. m., pop. 132,124; cap of the Quimper, Kanf-pkr, t Fr., 11. above state, 293. [Af. Quimperle, Kafi-per-la, t Fr., 6B4. Querimba (Ka-rgm-ba) Islands, e. of Quincy, Kwin-si, co ts Fa., 1; Ill., 11; Quesaltepeque, Ka-scl-tq-pa-ka, t Vs Mass., 5; Pa., K; 0., 2. Guat., 4. [Guat., 14. Quincy Point, v Mass. Quezaltenango, Ka-sql-ta-nqn-go, c Quindiu, KEn-di-cl, mt S. Am. [1~. Quibebon, KI-be-r6ih, pen Fr., in Brit- Quinebaug, Kwin-s-b6g, r and V Conn., tany, 3. Quinto, Kin-to, r La Plata, 250 m. Quibo, Ki-bo, i N-Gran. Quitman, Kwit-man, co ts Miss., Tex. Quicara, Ks-k4-rq, is N-Gran. Quito, Kg-to, c, cap Ecuador, 70. Quilimane, Kg-li-mi4-na, t E. Af. Quitta, Kwit-q, t N. Guinea, 5. RA Raab, Rqb, or Nagy-Gyir, Noj-Dyer, Raphoe, Rq4-fo, t Ir., 1%. t Hun., 18. Rapidan, Rap-i-din, r and v Va. Rabatt, Rq-bqt, ft t Morocco, 27. Rapides, Rct-pgd, or Ra-pidz, par La. Rabinal, Rc-bi-nql, t Gautemala, 62. Rappahannock, Rap-a-hAn-ok, r Va., Racconigi, Rct-ko-ng-je, t N. It., 10. 125 m. [Oc., 4. Racine, Ra-sin, c Wis., 73; co Wis. Raratonga, Rq-rq-t6-ga, S. Pac. Racketville, Rik-et-vil, v N-Y. Raritan, Rar-i-tan, r, b and v N-J., 1. Raccoon, Ra-kdcn, cr Ind.; r Iowa. Rasay, RA-sa, i Hebrides, 12. Racs, Rqts, t Hun., 113. Rassegoo, Rqs-s-g6, one of Koorile Is. Radnor, Rid-nor, t S. Wales, 2%. Rastadt, RCs-tqt, ft t Baden, 6%3. Radokala, Ra-do-k4-lq, is N. Pac. Rat Island, in Aleutian Arch. Radom, R4-dom, t Poland, 53. Rathboneville, Rit-bon-vil, V N-Y., K. Ragusa, Rq-g6-sq, t Sicily, 21K2; s-pt Rathenow, RA-te-nov, t Prus., 5%. c Dalmatia, 6. Rathfarnham, Rat-f64rn-am, v Ir., 5/. Rahway, R6-wa, r and v N-J., 34. Rathkeale, Rat-kAl, t Ir.. 43/. Raiatea, Ri-q-tA-cq, one of Society Is. Rathlin, RAi-lin, i Ir., 1. Rai-Koke, RI-k6-ka, one of Koorile Is. Ratibor, R4-ti-ber, t Prus. Silesia, 7/4. Rainy, Ri-ni, I and r bet. Brit. N. A., Ratisbon, Rit-is-bon, t Bavaria, 23. and U. S. Territories. Ratz Boszormeny, Rqts Bes-er-meny, Raisin (Ra-zin,) River, Mich., 140 m. t s. e. Hun., 17. Rajamahal,Rq-jq-mq-hl, c Br. Ind. 30. Ravanusa, Rqc-vq-nd-sq, O Sicily, 6K. Raleigh, Re-li, cap c N. C., 434; co ts Ravee, R4-ve, r Punjab, 370 m. Miss,, Tenn., Ill. Ravenna, Rq-ven-q, c Cen. Italy, 12; Ralls, Rolz. co Mo. Ra-ven-a, co t 0., 3x. Ralston, Rels-ton, V Pa. Rawak, Rq-wek, i East. Arch. Rambe, Rqm-bfi, one of Feejee Is. Rawdon, R4-don, V Can. West,, 34. Rambla, La, Lq R4m-blq, t Sp., 9. Rawitsch, R4-viq, t Prus. Poland, 10. Ramboullet, Roti-bw-el-ya, t Fr., 43. Raymond, RA-mond, V Me., 13; co t Ramganga, Rqm-gdu-gq, r Br. Ind., Miss., Wis. 250 m. [ft. Raysville, RAz-vil, V Ind. Ramne, R4im-nz, m Himalayas, 22,768 Rd, Ra, i w. of France. Rampoor, Rctm-pdr, ts Ind. Readfield, Rid-feld, v Me., 2. Ramsay, Rim-za, V Can. West, 334. Reading, Rdd-ig, bor and t Eng., 21K; Ramsey, Ram-zi, t and par Eng., 23/. c Pa., 17; vs Conn., O., Ind. Ramsgate, Rimz-gat, s-pt t Eng., 12. Real, Ra-41l, r Brazil, 160 m. [3. Ranai, R4-ni, one of Sandwich Is. Realejo, Ra-q-lA-ho, s-pt t Nicaragua, Randers, R4n-derz, t Den., 73. Rechnitz, Reh-nits, t Hun., 5. Randolph, Ran-dolf, (East and West,) Recife, Ra-sg-fa, c Brazil, 18. Vs Mass.; V Vt., 23; N-Y. Red Bank, V N-J. Rangoun, Rqpc-gc6n, t Burma, 20. Red Cedar River, Minn. and Iowa, 300 Rannock, Loch, Loi Rin-oh, 1 Scot. m.; also Wis. Rapallo, Rq-p4l-o, s-pt t Sar., 10. Red Creek, V N-Y., 34. 94 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Reddington, Red-ii-ton, v Ind. Rhinns, Rins, pen Scot. Redditch, Rdd-iq, v Eng., 5. Rhode Island, Rd F'land, one of the Red Lake, Minn. Ter., 37 by 16. original U. S., having an area of only Redon, Ra-d6tf, t Fr., 5%. 1,306 s. m.; pop. whites, 143,875; colRed River, trib. of Miss., coursing ored, 3,672; total, 147,541. [15. Tex., Ark., La., 1200 m.; rs Tenn., Rhodes, Rodz, i As. Tur., 30; c same, Ky., Minn., 700 m. Rhoe, Rco, Shetland Island, 4. Red Rock, v Minn. Rh6n, Ren, m Ger. Redruth, Rdd-rwct, t Eng., 7. Rhone, Rin, r Eu., 285 m. Red Sea, an inland sea, Asia. Rhuddlan, Hrid-lan, bor N. Wales, 1%. Red Sulphur Springs, v and watering Riazan, Re-q-zqn, t Rus., 9. place Va. Ribeauvilld, Re-bo-vEl-yd, t Fr., 7~y. Reedsville, Rddz-vil, v Pa. Riccarton, Rik-ar-ton,: Scot., 4%. Refugio, Re-fi-ji-@, co and co t Tex. Riccia, Rit-&cq, t Naples, 6. Regello, Ra-jdl-@, v Tus., 10. Rice Lake, Canada West. Reggio, Rdd-jQ, c E. Italy, 1813; c N. Richibucto, Rif-e-blik-ta, r and port Italy, 17. of entry, N-Brunswick. Richenau, Ri-he-ns, i Baden, 12. Richland, Rig-land, v N-Y., 4; vs O., Reichenbach, Ri-hen-bch, ts Sax., 6%; Iowa, Wis. Prus. Silesia, 5%. Richmond, Riq-mond, c and cap Va., Reichenberg, Ri-hen-berh, t Bob., 134. 32%; c Ia., 5; t and par Eng., co of Reigate, Rj-gat, bor and t Eng., 5. [1. Surrey, 9; t Eng., co. of York, 5; te Reikiavik, Rj-ki-a-vik, cap t Iceland, Me., 2; Vt., Mass.; co ts N-Y., Ky., Reims, Remz, c Fr., 45%. Tex., Mo., La. Remiremont, Ra-mer-mdfi, t Fr., 5%. Richville, Ric-vil, v N-Y. [5. Remscheid, Rdm-fit, t Rhen. Prus., 12. Rickmansworth, Rik-manz-wurt, t Eng., Renaix, Ra-nd, t Belg., 12%. Riddings, Rid-it~z, v Eng., 434. Rendezvous, Rdn-de-vctz, i Borneo. Rideau, Re-d6, r Canada East. Rendsburg, Rendz-ba)rh,ft t Den., 10s. Ridgefield, Rij-feld, v Conn., 2%. Renfrew, R&n-frw, burgh Scot., 3. Ridgeway, Rij-wa, co t Penn.; vs N. C., Reni, Rd-ni, t Rus., 6. Mich., Wis. [Ger. Rennes, Ren, c Fr., 3934. Riesengebirge, Rd-zen-ga-bdrh-a, ms Rennsselaer, Rdn-se-ler, co and v N-Y. Rieti, Rs-d-te, t Cen. Italy, 11. Rensselaerville, v N-Y., 3%. Riga, Rd-gq, ft c Rus., 71. Renton, Rdn-ton, a Scot., 2/. Rigaud, Re-g6, v and College Can. E. Republic, Re-pdb-lik, a 0., 11. Righi Culm, Rd-ge Klilm, n Switz. Requena, Ra-kAn-yq, t Sp., 11. Rigolets de bon Dieu, Rig-a-lets do Resaca de la Palma, Ra-s4-kq da lq bats De, duplicate channel of Red P41-mq, battle field, Mex. River, La., 50 m. Reshd, Reft, t Persia, 50. Rimini, Rd-me-ne, c Cen. Italy, 173. Resina, Ra-sg-nq, t Naples, 9. Rimouski, Re-meds-ke, a Can. East, 4. Resinar, Ra-zs-nqr, v Transylvania, 6. Ringkibbing, Rip-kye-bi, s-pt t JutResolution, Rez-o-ldi-Son, i Hudson's land, 1%. Strait. [200 m. Ringwood, Riq-wnad, t Eng., 4; v N. J. Restigouche, Res-ti-ga-fA, r Br. N. A., Rio, Rg-o, Spanish for "river." Retford, Rdt-ford, (East,) bor and t Rio Branco, Re-a Br4n-ko, r Brazil, Eng., 46. 700 m. Rethel, Ra-tdl, t Fr., 8%. Rio Colorado Chiquito, K)-lo-r4-dc Reus, Rd-aws, t Sp., 25. (Ie-kd-ta, r N-Mex., 500 m. [500 m. Reutlingen, Rkt-li:U-en, ft t Wiirtem- Rio das Mortes, dqs M6r-tes, r Brazil, berg, 114. [6.. Rio de Janeiro, da xq-na-e-ro, prov Revel, Rdv-el, ft s-pt t Rus., 24%; t Fr., Brazil; area, 70,630 s. m.; pop. 850,Revello, Ra-vdl-a, t N. It., 5%. 000. Reynoldsburg, Rdn-olz-burg, v O. Rio de la Pasion, Pcq-ss-Sn, r Cen. A. Rezd, Ra-za, t Fr., 6%. Rio de la Plata, P14-tq, r S. A., 2500 m. Rezende, Ra-zdn-da, t Brazil, 5. Rio de los Martires, M4r-ts-res, r Cal. Rhea, Ra, co Tenn. Rio de San Juan, Sqn HwI-4n, r New Rhett (Ret,) Lake, I of Cal., 12 by 8. Mexico, 350 m. Rhine, Rin, noted r of Europe, 900 m. Rio Dulce, D6l-sa, r or outlet of the Rhinebeck, Rin-bek, a N-Y., 11V. Golfo Dulce Honduras. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 95 Rio Grande, Rg-o Gr4n-da, rs Sene- Rockport, R6k-part, co ts Ia., Ark.; vs gambia, Af.; Bra., 600 m., also one Mass., O., Ill. 250 m.; Bol.; N-Gran.; Mex., 400 m.; Rock River, Wis., 225 m. Mosquito Ter., 200 m.; (anglicized, Rockton, R6k-ton, v Ill., /3. Ri-a Grand,) r N. Am., rises in Mex., Rockville, R6k-vil, co ts Ia. 1lX, Md.; and separates Texas from Mex., vs Mass., Conn., O. 1800 m. [I. Rockwell, R6k-wel, v Ill. Rio Grande (Ri-o Grand) City, t Tex., Rocky Mount, R6k-i M-6nt, cot Va.,'A. Rio Grande do Norte, R-oa Grqn-da Rocky Mountains, cen. N.. Am.; length, do Ndr-ta, prov Bra.; area 22,784 3000 m.; highest peaks, Fremont's, s. m., pop. 110,000. 13,570 ft.; Pike's, 11,497 ft. Rio Grande do Sul, Rg-a Gr4n-da do Rodez, Ro.,dd, t Fr., 10/. Saul, t Bra., 3x. Rodrigues, Ro-drdg, i Ind. Oc. Rioja, Rz-6-hq, prov Argentine Re- Roermond, Rar-mbnt, t Neth., 71/. public; pop. 19,000; t do., 4. Roeskilde, Res-kil-da, t Den., 3%. Rio Janeiro, Rg-a Xq,-na-e-ro, or Ri-o Rogersville, R6j-erz-vil, co t Tenn. Jan-i-ra, cap Bra., 350. Rokelle, Ro-kM1, r Af., 250 m. Riorm, Re-&h, t Fr., 12%. Rolandswerth, R6-lqndz-vert, i Rhine. Rio Negro, Ri-a Nd-gra, r N-Gran. Rollo, R61-yo, m Sp. and Bra., 1000 m.; also rs S. Am., Roma, R6-mq, i Malay Arch.; v Tex. 600 m.; Uruguay, 250 m., &c. Romano, Ro-mC-n@, ft t Lom., 4. Rionero, RE-o-nA-ro, t Nap., 90%. [4. Romans, Ro-m6h, t Fr., 11. Rio Vermelho, R-ao Ver-mel-ya, t Bra., Rome, Ram, c It., and the most celeRipatransone, Rs-pqc-trqn-s6-na, t It.,5. brated in the world, 175; co ts N-Y., Ripley, Rip-li, vs N-Y. 13, O. 13/. 10%, Ia. Y; c Ga., 3; vs O., Wis. Ripon, Rip-on, c Eng., 6; v Wis. Romeo, Rd-ms-o, v Mich., 1/4. Risdon, Riz-don, 0O., K. Romford, Rdm-ford, t Eng., 3%. Rising Sun, co t Ia., 2. Romney, (R6m-ni,) New, t Eng., 1; co Rivarolo, Re-vq-r6-lo, ts N. It. 6, Sard. t Va.; v Ia. States, 5%. Rombne, R6-mo, i Den., 1y. Rive-de-Gier, Rev-de-~X-t, t Fr., 13. Romorantin, Ra-ma-roi-tah, t Fr., 8. Riverhead, Riv-er-hed, co t N-Y., 2K. Romsey, Rum-zi, bor and t Eng., 2. Riverton, Riv-er-ton, v N-J. Rona, Rd-na, i Hebrides, %. River Trent, Riv-er Trent, v C. W., 1. Ronaldshay, R6n-aldz-ha, ( North,) Riviire-a-Jacques, Rc-vi-tr-q-Xcqk, r Orkney i, K; - (South,) do., 3,. Minn., 600. LMo. Ronda, R6n-dq, c Sp., 16. Riviere-au-Boeuf, Rs-vi-tr-o-Bef, cr Rondout, Ron-d-ft, v N-Y., 2K2. Rividre-au-Cuivre, Re-vi-4ir-o-Kwrv- Rhnne, Rgn-a, s-pt t Den., 4s3. r', r Mo. [32. Ronneburg, R6n-e-buarh, t Ger., o. Riviere Ouelle, Rs-vi-tr W-61, v C. E., Roostchook, Ras-qSk, ft c Eu. Tur.,30. Rivoli, Rd-vo-le, t Pied., 5y4. Roques, Los, Las R6-kes, i Carib. Sea. Roane, Ron, co Tenn. Rosa Morada, Rd-sq Ma-rA-tcq, t Mex.,4. Roanne, Ro-4n, t Fr., 13%. Rosario, Ra-s(,-ri-o, v is. Teneriffe, 1%. Roanoke, Rc-an-dk, c Va. and N. C., Rosario de Cucuta, Ra-sq-ri-a da Ka250 m.; vs N-Y., Mo. kc6-tq, t N-Gran., 5. Roapoa, Ra-q-pd-q, Marquesas Is. Roscoe, R6s-ka, vs O., Ill. Robideaux, Ra-be-dd, cr and v Mo. Roscommon, Ros-k6m-on, t Ir., 3K. Rochdale, R6q-dal, bor and t Eng., 29. Roscrea, Ros-kra, t Ir., 5/. Rochefort, RoJ-f6r, t Fr., 24%/. Rose, Raz, v N-Y. Rochelle, La, Lq Ra-J6l, s-pt t Fr., 16Y. Roseau, Ra-zd, t is. Dominica, 5. Rochester, R6q-es-ter, cs Eng. 15, N-Y. Rosenau, R6-ze-n-6, ts N. Hun., 7; 44%/~; vs N-H. 3, Pa. 1%, O., Mich., Transylvania, 4. Ia., Iowa, Wis., &c. Rosendale, Rd-zen-dal, vs N-Y., Wis. Rockaway, R6k-a-wa, t N-J.; v N-Y. Rosetta, Ra-zet-q, s-pt t Low. Eg., 4. Rockbridge, R6k-brij, co t Mo. Ross, Ros, ts and pars Eng. 2%, Ir. 1; Rockford, R6k-ford, c 111., 7; co ts N. - New, bor and t Ir., 9. C., Ala.; v Ia. [Vt. Rossano, Ros-4-no, c Nap., 15. Rockingham, R6k-i9-ham, co t N. C.; v Rossie, R6s-e, v N-Y., 1X. Rock Island City, co t Ill., 4. Rossiena, Ros-z-A-nq, t Rus., 5%. Rockland, I6k-land, c Me., 10. Rossville, R6s-vil, vs 0. 2X, N-Y. Ia. 96 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Rostock, R6s-tok, c Ger., 204. Rugby, Rdg-bi, t Eng., 6%3, Rostov, Ros-t6v, two ts Rus., 8 and 6. Riigen, Re-gen, i Baltic, 37. Rota, R6-tq, t Sp., 8; i Pac. Oc. Rum, Rum, i Inner Hebrides, 14. Rothenburg-an-der-Tauber, R6 - ten - Rumbeke, Rum-ba-ke, v Belg., 6%. bairh-qn-der-T-;-ber, t Bav., 51. Rumney, Rdm-ni, v N-H. Rotherham, R6d-er-am, t and par Eng., Rumsey, Rdm-zi, v Ky. 6%3. [71. Runcorn, Rud-korn, t Eng., 8. Rothesay, R6t-sa, s-pt t and par Scot., Rupert (Rd-pert) River, Br. N. Am., Rottee, R6t-r, i Malay Arch. 300 m. Rottenburg, R6t-en-bsarh, t Wiirt., 6. Ruppin, Neu, Ne Ra)-pSn, t Prus., 10. Rotterdam, R6t-er-dqm, c Neth., 89. Rupanuny, Rup-i)-nd-ne, r Br. GuiRotuma, Ru-td-mq, i Pac. Oc. ana, 250 m. Roubaix, RcS-ba, t Fr., 344. Rush, RuJ, s-pt t Ir., 1Y2; N-Y. Rouen, Rc6-en, c Fr., 100%3. Rushford, Rfi-ford, v N-Y. [N-Y., O. Rouge Bayou, Riz3 Bi-u, La. Rushville, Rdf -vil, co ts Ia. 13, Ill.; vs Rouge (R13) River, Mich. Rusk, Rusk, co t Tex. Rough-and-Ready, Ruf-and-Rdd-i, vs Russell, Ruis-el, vs N-Y. 11, Mass. Ga., Ala., Ky., Ill. Russellville, Rds-el-vil, co ts Ky., Ala.; Roulers, Rm-lia, t Belg., 101. vs 0., Tenn., La. Roundhead, Rind-hed, v O., 1. Russia, Rd6-i-a, emzpira Eu., and the Rousay, Rdi-sa, Orkney i, 114. largest that has ever existed, having Rouse's (Rts-ez) Point, 4 N-Y. the following divisions: European Reveredo, R@-va-ra-do, t Tyrol, 8. Russia; Asiatic Russia, embracing Rovigno, RQ-vgn-yo, s-pt t Illyria, 10%. Siberia and Transcaucasian ProvRovigo, R@-vg-g), t Aus. It., 9%. inces; and Russian America. Area, Rowandiz, Rs-4n-diz, t Tur. Koord. 7,430,125 s. m.; pop. 65,220,580. Rowland's (R6-landz) Springs, water- Russian America, R&d-fan A-mer-i-ka, ing place, Ga. ter n. w. N. Am.; area 394,000 s. m., Rowlesburg, R61z-burg, 4 Va. pop. 61,000, mostly Esquimaux. Rowley, Ri-li, v Mass. Russian Poland, P6-land, former k Rowno, R6v-n@, t Rus. Poland, 9.1/ Poland, and contiguous territory. Row's, Rsz, v O. Rute, Rd6-ta, t Sp., 8. [N. C., 3. Roxborough, R6ks-bur-), co t N. C. Rutherfordton, RHud-er-ford-ton, co t Roxbury, R6ks-ber-i, c Mass., 25; vs Rutherglen, Rug-len, burgh and par Conn. 11, Pa. Scot., 6/. [3%. Roxo, R6ks-u, v Wis. Ruthin, R&-din, bor and t N. Wales, Royal Oak, R&-al Ok, v Mich. Rutigliano, Ruz-tsl-y4-n@, t Nap., 5. Royalston, R&-alz-ton, v Mass., 1%. Rutland, Ruit-land, co t Vt., 31; 4 0. Royalton, R&-al-ton, vs Vt., Ia. Rutledge, Rdt-lej, co ts Tenn., Miss. Royston, Rus-ton, t Eng., 2; v Ta. Ruvo, R6-v@, t Nap., 8. Ruatan, Ru-q-tqn, i Bay of Hond., 4. Rybinsk, Rib-insk, t Rus., 10. Rubicon, R6-bi-kon, r Cen. It., 20 m. Ryde, Rid, t Eng., 714. Rudgeley, RAj-li, t Eng., 3. Rye, Ri, bor and t Eng., 8%; 4 N-Y. Rudolstadt, R6-dol-stqt, t Ger., 54. Rylsk, Rilsk, t Rus., 7. Ruffec, Ref-6k, t Fr., 3%. Rzhev, R-3ev, t Rus., 9. S. Saale, Sachsische, SAh-sif-e S4-le, r Sabine (Sa-b~n) Lake, La. Ger., 212 m. Sabine River, Tex., 500 m. Saalfeld, S41-felt, t Cen. Ger., 4%. Sibinetown, Sa-bin-tsn, v Tex. Saarbriiuck, Sqr-brek, t Rhen. Prus.,8%. Sabioncello, Sq-bi-on-gql-o, pen Dalm. Saar-Louis, Sqr-LcS-is, t Rhen. Prus., Sable, Sq-bli, t Fr., 51. Saatz, Sqts, t Boh., 5. [4%. Sable Island, Sq-blta i'land, i At. Oc. Saba, S4-bq, Dutch W. Ind., 1%. Sables, S4b-I, t Fr., 6. Sabara, Sq-bq-rq, c Bra., 5. Sabrina (Sa-bri-na) Land, Ant. Oc. Sabbionetta, S4-bi-w-ndt-q, t Lom., 7. Sac, Sok, r Mo.; co Iowa. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 97 Sacarappa, Sak-a-rAp-a, v Me. Saint Christopher, Kris-to-fer, i Br. Sacatecoluca, Sq-kq-ta-kl -l6-kq, t San W. Ind.; pop. 1612 whites, 21,521 Salvador, 5. colored. Sacatepec, Sq-kq-ta-pek, t Guat., 3. Saint Clair, Kltr, v Pa., 3; co t Mich.; Saccatoo, Sqk-q-t&, t Cen. Af. 1 bet. C. W. and Mich.; r Mich., 40 Sachem's Head, Sd-qemz Hed, water- m.; - City, v Pa. ing place, Conn. [N-Y., 2. Saint Clairsville, Kltrz-vil, co t 0., 13~. Sackett's Harbor, SAk-ets Hqr-bor, v Saint-Claude, Sad-KlQd, t Fr., 6. Saco, S6-kn, r N-Eng.; t Me., 53%. Saint-Cloud, Safi-Klh, t Fr., 4. Sacomango, Sak-n-mdAj-gn, r N-Y. Saint Croix, Sant Kr6, r bet. Me. and Sacramento, Sak-ra-mdn-tn, co t Wis., N-Brun., 75 m.; r Wis., 200 m. Sacramento City, t, cap Cal., 20. [14. Saint Croix (Krd) Falls, co t Wis. Sacs or Sauks, Seks, Ind tr Iowa. Saint Cyprian (Sip-ri-an) Bay, w. Af. Sacui, Sq-kno-s, r Bra., 250 m. Saint Day, t Eng., 2. Sado, Sq-dn, i Sea of Japan. Saint-Denis, Sadi-De-nS, t Fr., 15%; Saegerstown, S -gerz-t06n, v Pa., 3. cap is. Bourbon, 19. Saffee, Sjf-e, s-pt t N. Af., 12. Saint-Did, Sah-l1)-a, t Fr., 9. Saffron-Walden, Saf6-ron-W61-den, bor Saint-Dizier, Safi-De-zes-, t Fr., 734. and t Eng., 6. Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatidre, SantSagan, S4-gqn, t Prus. Silesia, 6/. Hn-de-lq-Pn-kq-te-tr, v C. E. Saghalien, Sq-gq-l1-en, i coast Asia. Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Sahft-naSag Harbor, Sag Hqcr-bor, v N-Y., 3i2. da-Plan, v C. E. Saginaw, Slg-i-no, r Mich.; b L. Huron. Sainte-Anne-du-Machiche, Safit-flnSaginaw City, co t Mich., 13. de-Mq-Jdf, v C. E., 2. Sagua la Grande, S4-gwq lq Grqn-da, Sainte Croix, Sanit-Krwq, or Santa r and t Cuba. Cruz, S4n-tq Krns, largest of Virgin Saguenay, Sqg-a-na, r C. E., 100 m. Islands; area 100 s. m., pop. 25,600. Sahara, Sq-hA-rq, or Great Desert, Saint Elizabeth, Sant E-liz-a-bet, a vast uninhabited region of N.-E. Af.; C. E., 3. area 2,700,000 s. m. Sainte-Marie, Saft-Mq-rg, i of MadaSaida, Si-dq, t Syria, 6. gascar, 5. Sai-Gon, Si-G6n, c Anam, 180. Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, Sait-Mg-rdSaima (Si-mq) Lake, Finland. n-Men, t Fr., 113. Saint-Affrique, Salt-Hf-rdk, t Fr., 6%. Sainte-Marie-de-la-Beauce, San-MqSaint Alban's, Sant Ol'banz, bor and rg-de-lq-Bos, v C. E., 33. t Eng., 7; v Vt. Sainte-Marie-de-Monnoir, Sai-Mq-rgSaint Alban's Bay, v Vt. de-Mon-w4r, v C. E., 5. Saint-Amand, Sant-fl-m6h, two ts Fr., Saintes, Sait, t Fr., 1134. 83 and 9i/. Saintes, Les, La Safit, i Fr. W. Ind., 1. Saint Ambrose, Sant Am'brnz, i Pac. Saint-Esprit, Sait-Es-pri, a and par Saint Andrew, An'drco, s-pt t Pr. Ed. Is. C. E., 23. Saint Andrew's, An'dretz, s-pt c Scot.; Saint-Etienne, Saft-a-ti-dn, t Fr., 56. s-pt t N-Brun., 8; vs C. E. 13, Fa. Saint Eustatius, Sant Yq-st~-Ji-us, i Saint Anthony, An'to-ni, t Minn., 2. Br. W. Ind., 2. Saint Anthony City, v Minn., 3i. Saint-Flour, Sai-Floor, t Fr., 53. Saint Augustine, O'gus-ten, c Fa., 2. Saint Francis (Sant Frin-sis) River, Saint Austell, Os'tel, t Eng., 3K/. Mo., 450 m. Saint Bartholomew, Bqr-t6l-co-mnl, i Saint Francisville, Fran-sis-vil, co t W. Ind., 18. [bon, 11%. La.; vs Ill., Mo. Saint-Benoit, Saf-Ba-nw4, t is. Bour- Saint-Frangois, Safi-Frod-sw4, t Fr. Saint Bernard, Sant Ber-ncrd, singular W. Ind., 6%; commune Fr. is. Marm pass Alps i par La. tinique, 6. Saint-Brieuc, Saf-Bres-, t Fr., 14. Saint Frangois, Sant Fran-sis, co Mo. Saint Catharines, Sant Kit-a-rinz, t Saint-Frangois-du-Lac, Sai-Frof-sw4C. W., 5. de-Lqk, q C. E., 7; - Rividre-duSaint Catharine's Island, coast Ga. Suld, Re-vs-tr-de-Sed, a C. E., 1%. Saint-Cdsaire, Sad-Sa-z/r, a C. E., 2. Saint Gall, Sai Gql, t Swit., 11i. Saint-Chamond, Sadfi-q-m6fd, t Fr., 9. Saint-Gaudens, Saf-Go-d6h, t Fr., 5. Saint Charles, Sant'tqrlz, v Ill., 334; Saint Genevieve, Sant Jen-e-viv, co t co t Mo., 3. Mo., 134. 9 98 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Saint George, Sant Jerj, bs Newfound- Saint-Lo, Safi-Lo, t Fr., 8%. land, Nova Scotia; Bermuda Island; Saint Louis, Sant Lc6is or Sant LI-i, t on same, 2X; - Gulf of, e. Pat. c Mo., 95; 1 C. E.; i Senegambia, Saint George's, J4rj-ez, v Del., 3. 143; t is, St. Louis, 12; t is. BourSaint George's Channel, the part of the bon, 9%x; r Minn., 200 m. Atlantic separating Eng. from Ir. Saint Lucia, La-si-q, i Br. W. Ind., 25. Saint George's Island, Gulf of Mexico. Saint Lucie, Lca-sf, co Fa. Saint-Germain, SaA-Ker- mAi, t Fr., 12. Saint-Malo, Sant-M4-l, s-pt t Fr., 9%. Saint German, Sant Jer-man, bor and Saint Margherita di Rapallo, Sani Mqrt Eng., 3. ga-rg-ta de Rq-p41-o, v Sard. Sts., Saint-Gilles-les-Boucheries, Safi-Xel- Saint Marie, Sant Ma-rg, v Ill. [64. la-Ba-fe-rg, t Fr., 6. Saint Mark's, Mqrks, co t Fa. Saint- Gregoire-le-Grand, Safi -Gra- Saint Martin, M4r-tin, i W. Ind., 74. gwir-le-Gr6fi, v C. E., 3. Saint Martinsville, M4r-tinz-vil, co t Saint Helena, Sant Hel-g-na, i of Br., La., 1/. S. At. Oc., well known as the place Saint Mary, Ma-ri, v Iowa; Azores i, of Napoleon's banishment, from 1816 4%; i Madagascar, 54. [Ga. Y4. till his death, May 5, 1821; pop. 5; Saint Mary's, MA-riz, vs C. W. 1, O. 1, par La. Saint Mary's Strait, unites Lake SuSaint Helen's, Hel-enz, t Eng., 5. perior with Lake Huron, 63 m, Saint Helen's Mountain, Or,, 13,000 ft. Saint Matthew, MH-l%, i Mergui Arch. Saint Heliers, Hel-yerz, cap t is. Jer- Saint Maurice, Sahi Mo-ris, r C. E., sey, 21. 400 m. Saint-Henri-de-Mascouche, Saft-Hoh- Saint Michael, Sant M{-kel, i Azores, 81. r9-de-Mqs-k&f, v C. E., 2%/; - de- Saint Michael's, Mi-kelz, v Md., 1. Quebec, de-Ka-b6k, v C. E., 2%. Saint-Mihiel, Safi-Ms-i-fl, t Fr., 54. Saint-Hippolyte, Safit-E-pa-lft, t Fr., Saint-Nazaire, Safi-Nq-zktr, t Fr., 5%. 534. [E., 3%. Saint Neots, Sant Nets, t Eng., 3. Saint Hyacinthe, Sant Hi-a-sint, t C. Saint Nicholas, Nik-o-las, Cade Verd Saint-Irne6, Satit-E-ra-ni, v and par Is.; t Belg., 20. C. E., 1. [Eng., 10. Saint-Omer, SaAt-6Q-mkr, ft t Fr., 22. Saint Ives, Sent Tvz, bor and s-pt t Saint Omer, Sant C)'mer, v Ia., /. Saint-Jacques-de-l'Achigan, Sa-Xqctk- Saint Ours, Safit (Dr, v C. E., 3. de-Lq-fe-g56f, v and par C. E., 8. Saint Paris, Sant Par-is, v 0., 1. Saint-Jean-Bonnefond, SaA-Xofi-Bon- Saint Paul, Pol, c, cap Minn. Ter., 10; f6fi, v Fr., 6%. Sahi Pal, t is. Bourbon, 16%. Saint-Jean-d'Angely, Satfi-'o-Doti- Saint Paul de Loanda, Stsh PA-la da 3a-If, t Fr., 6/. Lo-4n-dq, cap Port. st. in Low. Gui. Saint-Jean-Molenbeek, Saf-.ofi-Ma- Saint Peter, Sant Pf-ter, I Canada. lofi-bdk, t Belg., 7%. Saint-Peter-le-Port, Sai-Pe-ftr-le-Por, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, SaS-:lofi-Por- cap t land of Guernsey, 16. XQ-l, v and par7 C. E., 3%. Saint Petersburg, Sant Pf-terz-burg, Saint Joachim, Safs KQ-q-kati, v and (Rus. Pa-ter-barg,) c, cap Russian par C. E., 1. Empire, 534. Saint John, Sant Jon, or Saint John's, Saint Peter's River, Minn. Ter., 450 m. c N-Brun., 224; r do., 450 m.; c, Saint Pierre, Safi Pe-tr, i Lake Bienne, cap Newfoundland, 21; 1 C. E. Swit.; i s. Newfoundland, 1%2; cap t Saint John's, Sant Jonz, t C. E., 2%. is. Martinique, 20%; i Ind. Oc.; t is. Saint Johnsbury, J6nz-ber-i, c Vt., 3. Bourbon, 14%3. Saint John's River, Fa., 200 m. Saint-Pierre-l1s-Calais, SaA-Pe-tr-laSaint Joseph, J6-zef, c Mo., 5; co t La.; Kq-la, t Fr., 11%. v Mich., 1; I Br. N. Am. [m. Saint-Pol-de-Leon, Sani-Pol-de-La-iS, Saint Joseph's River, Mich. and Ia., 250 t Fr., 7. Saint-Junien, Saf-Xe-ni-iat, t Fr., 6. Saint Polten, Sant Pl1-ten, ft t Aus.,6. Saint Kilda, Sant Kil-da, iAt. Oc., %. Saint-Quentin, Safi-Kofi-ttant, t Fr., Saint Lawrence, L6-rens, large r bet. 24%. the U. S. and the Canadas, 2200 m.; Saint-Remy, Safi-Ra-mg, t Fr., 6. i Behring Sea. Saint Scholastique, afi. Sk-lcqs-tUk, v Saint Leonard Middleton, Len-ard C. E., 5%. [Sp., 13. Mid-l-ton, t Eng., 5%. Saint Sebastian, Sant Se-bist-yan,ft a GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 99 Saint-Servan, Saf-Ser-voi, s-pt t Fr., Salta, Sql-tq, c La Plata, 8. 10. [N-Brun. Saltcoats, S61lt-kuts, 8-pt t Scot., 4%. Saint Stephen's, Sant Sti-venz, s-pt t Saltillo, Sql-t1l-yo, t Mex., 6; - SalSaint-Suzanne, San-Se-z4n, t is. Bour- til-o, vs la., Tenn. bon, 66. Salt Lake City, cap Utah Ter., inhabSaint Thomas, Sant T6m-as, one of the ited by Mormons; pop. 10. Virgin Islands, 123; i Gulf of Gui- Salt (Selt) Range, ms Punjab, nea; t C. W., 1%. Salt River, cr Ky., entering the Ohio Saint-Trond, Saf-Troi, t Belgian Lim- below Louisville; r Mo. bourg, 92. Saltzburg, S61lts-burg, v Ia., 34. Saint-Valery-en-Caux, Sah —Vq-la-ri- Salubria, Sa-hi-bri-a, v N-Y. of-Ko, t Fr., 5%. Saluda, Sa-lli-da, r S. C., 200 m. Saint Vincent, Sant Vin-sent, Br. W. Saluria, Sa-lu-ri-a, v Tex. Ind. Is., 304; Cape Verd Is. Saluzzo, S1q-lkt-so, c N. It., 14%. Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Sad-Vin-sent- Salvisa, Sal-vi-za, v Ky. de-Pol, v C. E., 3. [s. Aust. Salwin, Sql-win, large r Far. Ind. a Saint Vincent (Sant Vin-sent) Gulf, Salzburg, S61lts-burh, c Up. Aus., 14%. Saint Xavier, ZAv-i-er, i w. Pat. Salzungen, SAlt-sta-en, t Cen. Ger., 3. Saint-Yrieix, Safi —ri-a, t Fr., 7%. Salzwedel, S4lts —Va-del, t Prus. Sax.,8. Sakmara, Sqk-m4-rq, r Rus., 350 m. Samakov, Sq-mc-k6v, t Eu. Tur., 7. Sal, Sql, rs Rus., 250 m.; Peru; Cape Samana, Sq-mq-n4, pen Hayti, 13; Verd Is., %. b San Domingo. Sala, Sq-lq, t Nap., 6. Samar, Sq-m4r, i Malay Arch., 96%3. Salado, Rio, RE-a Sq-14-d-[, rs Buenos Samara, Sq-mq-r4, two rs Rus., 150 Ayres, 400 m.; La Plata, 1000 m. and 280 m.; t Rus., 11. [50. Salahieh, Sq-lq-hg-e, t Lower Eg., 6. Samarang, Sq-mq-r4, ft s-pt t Java, Salama, Sq-l4-mq, t Guatemala, 5. Samarcand, Sq-mqr-ktnd, o IndepenSalamanca, Sq-lq-mq0-kq, c Sp., 14. dent Toorkistan, 10. Salamis, Sal-a-mis, i of Greece, Gulf Samarrah, Sq-mi4r-q, t As. Tur. of lEgina, 5. Sambas, Sqm-bqs, t is. Borneo, 10. Salawatty, Sq-lq-w4t-E, i Malay Arch. Sambor, S4m-bor, t Aus. Poland, 6%. Salayer, Sq-li-er, i Malay Arch., 60. Sambre, Sofi-br, r Fr. and Belg., 100 m. Sale, S4-la, t Sard. States, 5. Sambuca, Scqm-bdc-kq, t Sic., 8. Sale, Sq-la, s-pt t Morocco, 10. Samoan, Sa-mA-an, or Navigator's IsSalem, Sa-lem, t Br. Ind., 19; c Mass., lands, Pac. Oc., 50. 21; co ts N-J. 4, Ia. 2, I11. 1, Va.; cap Samoieds, Sam-e-ddz, three nomadic Or., 1%; vs N-Y. 3, N. C. 1%, Miss.; tribes occupying the shores of the t O., 2%. Arctic Ocean. Salemi, Sq-lA-me, t Sic., 8. Samos, Sa-mos, i w. As. Minor, 50. Salerno, Sq-le.r-no, c Nap., 19; g Med. Samothraki, Sqc-mo-tr4-ke, i Egean Salford, S61-ford, t and par Eng., 63%. Sea, 1Y. Salgado, Scql-g4-d@, r and t Bra., 4. Samozero, Sq-mo-zA-ro, I Rus. Salghir, Sql-gfr, r Crimea, 100 m. Samsoe, Scm-se-e, i of Den., 5%x. Salibabo, Sq-li-bA-bo, is Malay Arch. Samson, XEm-fon, v Hun., 22%. Salina, Sq-l-ncq, Lipari Is., Med., 4; - Samsoon, Sqm-siSn, s-pt t As. Minor. Sa-li-na, v N-Y., 2. Sana, Sq-n4, c Arabia, 40. Saline, Sa-ln, vs Mich., Mo.; bayou San Angel, Scn Hll'hel, t Meax., 2. La.; r Ark., 200 m. San Antonio, Sqn fln-t6-ni-a, t Ven.; Salineville, Sa-lgn-vil, v 0., 2. one of Cape Verd Islands; - San Salins, Scl-lad, t Fr., 71. An-t6-ni-a, r and co t Tex., 7. Salisbury, S61z-ber-i, c Eng., 11%; co t San Antonio de Gibraltar, Scqn fin-tAN. C., 2; Vs Vt. 1, Mass. 3, Conn. 3, ni-@ da Hsz-brql-t4r, t Ven., 3. [1. Md. 1%/. San Augustine, San 0-gus-tgn, v Tex., Salo, S4-lo, t Aus. It., 5%. San Bartolomd de Tirajana, Sqn BqrSalona, Sq-lA-nq, t Greece, 4. [70. to-la-mA da Te-rq-ha-nq, t Canary Salonica, Sq-l@-ng-kq, s-pt c Eu. Tur., Island, 3%. Sal Rey, Sql Ra, Cape Verd Is., 3%. San Bias, San Biqs, s-pt t Mex., 2. Salsette, Scql-set-a, i Br. Ind., 50. San Buenaventura, Stn Bwa-ncq-venSalso Maggiore, S41l-sG Mqd-j6-ra, v t&-rq, r and t Cal. Parma, 5%. San Carlos, Scql K4r-ls, t Yen., 10. 100 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. San Cataldo, Sqn Kq-tc4l-da, t Sic., 9. San Joaquin, Sqn H@-q-kbn, r Cal., San Colcmbano, Sqn Ka-lom-b4-na, t 350 m.; co and t do. Lombardy, 5. San Jose, Sqn H'-sa, one of Pearl Is., Sanda, San-da, i of Scot. Gulf of Panama; i Gulf of CaliforSandalwood (SAn-dal-wad) Island, nia; co t Cal., 2. populous i Malay Arch. San Jose de Buenavista, Sqn Ha-sA San Damiano d'Asti, Scqn Dcq-mi-4-no da Bwa-nq-vis-tq, t Phil. Is., 7. Dts-ts, t It., 7. San Jose del Interior, Sqn Ha-sd del Sandbach, S/nd-baq, t Eng., 234. ~n-ta-ri-6r, t Costa Rica, 18. San Diego, Sqn De-d-ga, co t Cal., 2. San Jose del Parral, Sqn _a-sd del Sandisfield, San-dis-feld, v Mass., 13. Pqr-41, t Mex., 5. San Domingo, San Do-mip-ga, or the San Juan, Sqn Ha)-4n, rs Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, st is. Hayti, 100 m.; Bolivia, 300 m.; Mex., 150 m.; having the following provinces: San t Peru, 18; - Ji-an, t Cal. Domingo, Azua de Compostela, Sey- San Juan de la Frontera, Sqn HaD-4n bo, Santiago de los Caballeros, Con- da lq Fron-td-rq, pros La Plata, 25. cepcion de la Vega; area 22,000 s. m., San Juan de los Remedios, Sqn /Hn-4n pop. 126,500; c, cap same, 10. da las Ra-mA-di-as, t Cuba, 53. Sandusky, San-dds-ki, c O., 12. San Juan del Rio, Sqn Ha-qn del RiSandwich, SAnd-wiq or Sand-wij, bor a, t Mex., 10. and t Eng., 123; vs N-H. 22, Mass., San Juan de Porto Rico, Sqn B]:-4nn C. W. da PLr-ta Rg-ko, c is. Por. Ri., 11. Sandwich Islands, or Hawaii, Hq-wj-s, San Lorenzo de la Frontera, Sqn Lo13 is N. Pac. Oc.; area 6500 s. m., rdn-zo da lq Fron-td-rq, t Bol., 4. pop. 73,230. San Lucar de Barrameda, Sqn LcS-kqr Sandy Hill, San-di Hill, co t N-Y. da Bqr-q-mA-dqc, c Sp., 17. Sandy River, Va. and Ky., 150 m. San Luis, Sqn L6-is, p'ov and c La San Felipe, Sqn Fa-l1-pa, t Ven., 7; Plata. - San Fil-ip, v Tex. San Luis Potosi, Sqn Ld-is Pa-to-si, San Felipe de Aconcagua, Sqn Fa-l- st Mex.; pop. 394,592; c same, 40. pa da — kon-kI-gwq, t Chili, 12. San Marco in Lamis, Sqn Mtr-ka in San Felipe de Jativa, Sqn Fa-li-pa da L4-mis, t Nap., 9. [Tex. H4-ts-vq, c Sp., 133. San Marcos, Sqn M4r-kos, r and co t San Fernando de Apure, Sqn Fer-n4n- San Marino, Sqn Mq-ru-na. t It., 7/. do da fl-p6-ra, t Ven., 6. San Martin, Sqn Mqr-tIn, v La Plata, 2. San Filippo d'Argiro, Sqn Fs-lip-o San Miguel, Sqn M-gl, two ts San Dqr-jg-ro, t Sic., 734. Salvador, 8 and 10; t Cal.; vol state San Francisco, San Fran-sis-ko c Cal., of Salvador; har N-Gran. [74. 60; - Bay, the finest harbor in the San Nicandro, Sqn Ne-kqn-dra, t Nap., world, Pac. Oc., Cal. San Nicolas, Sqn Ni-ka-lqs, Cape San Francisco de la Montana, Sqn Verde Island, 6. Frqn-sis-ka) da lq Mon-t4.-nq, t N- San Nicolo, Sqn Ns-ko-l6, cap t is. Gran., 5%3. Tinos, Gr. Arch., 4. Sangamon, Saj -ga-mon, r Ill., 200 m. San Patricio, Sqn Pq-trE-si-o, co and Sangar, Sqn-gdr, str separating islands co t Tex. [3; pt Cal. Niphon and Yesso. San Pedro, Sqn Pi-dro, t La Plata 1Sangay, Sqn-gj, vol m S. Am. Sanquhar, SAdk-er, t Scot., 13. Sangerhausen, S64.-er-hs-zen, t Prus. San Roque, Sqn R6-ka, c Sp., 73. Sax., 534. San Salvador, Sqn Sql-vq-dir, repubSan German, Sqn Her-mAn, t is. Porto lie Cen. Am.; area 7500 s. m., pop. Rico, 93. 280,000; c, cap of the republic; one of San Germano, Sqn Jer-m4-na, t Nap., 5. Bahama Is.; t S. Guinea, 20. San Gil, Sqn Hel, t N-Gran., 6. San Salvador De Bayamo, Da Ban-ma, San Giovanni in Fiore, Sqn Ja-vdn-e t Cuba, 10. [10. in Fe-6-ra, t Nap., 53. Sansanding, Sqn-sqn-dig, t Cen. Af., Sanguir, Sqn-gur, i Malay Arch. San Severo, Sqn Sa-vA-ro, t Nap., 17. Sang-Koi, Sqp-Ka, r Far. Ind., 600 m. Santa Anna, S4n-tq fln'q, t San Sal., San Jacinto, Sqn Ja-sin-ta, r and v 10; ts Cal., &c.; - Da Chaves, Da Texas. C4-ves, cap t is. of St. Thomas, San Jaime, Sqn Hi-ma, t VYen., 7. Gulf of Guinea. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 101 Santa Barbara, tS4n-tq BLr-bq-rq, co t San Vicente, Scqn VE-s6n-ta, t Sp., 634; Cal., 1; t Bra., 4; - Islands, s. of Cal. t San Salvador, 8. [6. Santa Caterina, Sqn-tq Kq-ta-ri-nq, Sao Bernardo, Sts Ber-nar-do, c Bra., ft t Sicily, 5Y4. [12. Sao Francisco, Sit Frqn-sgs-ka, r Bra., Santa Catharina, Kq-tq-r9-nq, i Bra., 1250 m.; i Bra. Santa Clara, Sqn-tq Klq-rq, co t Cal. Sao Joao Del Rei, Ssi.g~-*fh Del Ri-E Santa Cruz, Sqn-tq Kras, r Pat., 200 c Bra., 6; — Do Principe, Do Pranm.; co t Cal.; - or Saint Croix, Sant si-pa, t Bra., 6. Krs, largest of the Virgin Is., 2534; Sao Jorge, S;sfi 6r-a, one of the t Brazil, 3; t is. Luzon, 52. Azores Is., 4. Santa Cruz De La Palma, Da Lq Pc4l- Sao Jorge Dos Ilheos, Sshf X3r-3a Dos mq, cap is. Palma, 54. $l-yd-@s, t Bra., 3. Santa Cruz De Los Rosales, Da Las Sao Jose, Zo-zA, t Bra., 5. R@-s4-les, t N. Mex. Sao Miguel de Piracicaba, Ssh Me-gel Santa Cruz De Teneriffe, Da Ten-e-rif, da Ps-rq-si-kq-bq, v Bra., 11. cap c Canary Is., 8. Saone, San, r Fr., 316 m. Santa Fe, S4n-tq Fa, cap t N-Mex., 4- Saone-et-Loire, Son-a-Lwqr, dep Fr., 4; t Sp., 44; i and c La Plata, 4. 3270 s. m., pop., 547,720. Santagny, Sqn-tQg-ne, t is. Majorca, 5. Sao Paulo, Sfsi-P*-lo, c Bra., 22. Santa Inez, Sqn-tq S-nds, r and t Cal. Sao Ramano, Ro-mnfi, t Bra., 3. Santa Juana, Sqn-tq Hc- 4-nq, i Chili. Sao Roque, R6-ka, t Bra., 4. Santa Margarita, Sqn-tq Mqr-gq-rg-tq, Sao Salvador, Sql-vq-d6r, c Bra. t Sicily, 7; i Lower Cal. Sao Sebastiao, Sa-bqs-ti-fih, t Bra., 3. Santa Maria, Sqn-tq Mq-r-cq, i of the Sapan Tagh, Sq-pqn Tqg, m As. Tur. Azores. [Majorca, 53. Saparooa, Sq-pq-rca-q, is Malay Arch. Santa Maria De Rosal, Da Rc-sql, t Sapucahi, Sq-pz-kq-E. r Bra., 200 m. Santa Maria Di Capua, De Kq-pw-q, Saquarema, Sq-kwq-r4-mq, t Bra., 7. t Naples, 83. Sara, Bayou, Bi-an Sa-ra, La. Santa Marta, M4r-tq, s-pt N-Gran., 8. Saragossa, Sc-rq-g6s-q, c Sp., 30. Santa Maura, M*-rq, Ionian Is., 18. Sarahsville, Sd-raz-vil, co t 0., Y. Santander, Sqn-tqn-d'r, c Sp., 164; Saramaca, Sq-rq-m4-kq, r Dutch Guir Mex., 110 m. [Brazil, 10. ana, 200 m. Santarem, Sqn-tqc-r6fi, t Port., 8; t Saransk, Sq-r4nsk, t Rus., 84. Santa Rita, RW-tqc, v Tex., 134. Sarapiqui, Sq-rq-pe-k9, r Ccn. Am. Santa Rosa, R6-sq, t Mex., 4; t Chili, 6; Sarapool, Sq-rcl-pIl, t Rus., 6. t N-Gran.; co Fa. Sarare, Sq-rq-ra, r Brazil. Santee, San-ti, r S. C., 150 m. Saratoga (Sar-a-t6S-ga) Lake, N-Y. Santiago, Sqn-ti-4-gQ, largest Cape Saratoga Springs, v N-Y., 6X. Verde Is., 10; dep Chili; r and t Ec.; Saratov, Sq-rq-t6v, ft t Rus., 45. r San Salvador; v Mex. Sarawak, Sq-rq-wqk, t is. Borneo, 12. Santiago De Chili, De (il-E, cap c Sardinia, Sqr-din-i-a, large i Med. Chili, 80. Sea; area 9235 s. m., pop. 552,665; Santiago De Compostela, Da Kom-pos- - Kingdom, s. of Eu., composed of tf-lq, c Sp., 29. [243. the island of Sardinia, and the SarSantiago De Cuba, Da Kc6-bq, c Cuba, dinian States on the Continent, Santiago De Las Vegas, Da Lqs Va- namely:- Alessandria, Anneey, Cogqs, t Cuba, 534. ni or Cuneo, Genoa, Ivrea. Nice, NoSantiago Del Estero, Del Es-tA,-ro, vara, Savona, Savoy or Chainbdry, prov and t La Plata, 4. Turin, Vercelli; area 28,229, pop. Santiago De Los Caballeros, Da Las 5,090,545; vs N-Y., O. Kq-bql-yA-rGss, t Hayti, 12. Saree or Sari, Sq-rg, t Persia, 30. Santo Antonio, Squt An-tA6-ni-o, Cape Sarlat, Sqr-14, t Fr., 6. de Verde Island. Sarmatta, Sqr-mqt-q, i Malay Arch. Santo Antonio De Sa, Da Sq, t Bra., 7. Sarmiento, Sqr-mi-dn-to, ms Terra del Santo Antonio Dos Guarulhos, Das Fuego. Gwq-rdnl-yos, t Bra., 6. I13. Sarnia, S4r-ni-a, t C. W., 1s. Santorini, Sqn-to-rg-nz, i Gr. Arch., Sarno, SQr-no, t Nap., 7. Santos, Sqn-tos, t Bra., 8; t N-Gran. Sarpa, S4r-pq, r Rus., 200 m. Santo Stefano Daveto, Sqcn-ta Sta-fq- Sarre, Sqr, r Fr., and N. Ger., 120 m. no Dq-vA-to, t Sardinian States, 6%. Sarreguemines, Sqr-ga-mgn, t Fr., 5%. 102 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Sarthe, Sqrt, r Fr., 145 m. Scarpanto, Skqr-pqn-to, i Med. Sea. Sarzana, Sqcd-zq-nq, t N. It., 8K. Schaerbeek, SAitr-bak, v Belg., 43K. Sarzeau, Sqr-z6, t N. It., 7/. Schaffhausen, Eqf-ht-zen, can and t Sasik, Sq-sik, 1 S. Rus. of Swit., 734. Saskatchewan, Sas-kAq-s-won, r Br. Schaghticoke, EAg-ti-kok, v N-Y. N. Am., 1000 m. Schassburg, Xds-bcark, t Tran., 63. Sassari, SC-sq-re, c is. Sardinia, 24. Scheldt, Skelt, r Eu., 200 m. Satoralja Ujhely, SqI-t@-rol-yo OD-i- Schelestadt, Xa-les-tqd, ft t Fr., 103. hbly, t Hun., 74. [Ind. Schemnitz, MEm-nits, t Hun., 19. Satpoora (Sqt-pc6-rq) Mountains, Cen. Schenectady, Sken-ek-ta-di, c N-Y., 9. Sattarah, Sqt-t4-rc, dis and cap t Brit. Schiedam, She-dqm, t Neth., 124. Ind. Schiermonnik-oog, Shdr-mon-ik-ag, i Saucelito, Se-se-lg-to, naval station N. Sea, 4. Cal., 12 m. of San Francisco. Schintznach, Xints-nqh, v Swit., 1K. Saugerties, or Ulster, Se-ger-tiz, or Schio, Ski-a, i Aus. It., 6%. [K. Ul'ster, v N-Y. Schlangenberg, l4iCj-en-berh, t Sib., 4Sauk (Sek) Indians, same as Sacs. Schleisingerville, Eli-siq-er-vil, v Wis. Sauk Rapids, co t Min., 1; rdo. Schleitz, ljts, t Cen. Ger., 434. Saumur, So-mgr, t Fr., 143. Schleusingen, El&-sij-en, t Prus. Sax. Saundersville, S6n-derz-vil, co t Ga. 33x4. Saut (or Sault) Sainte Marie, Sa Safi Schluckenau, 1l8ik-e-ne;, t Boh., 33. Mq-re, usually So) Sant Ma-re, v Schmalkalden, Zmltl-kql-den, t Ger., Mich., 1. 4. [34. Savage Islands, Pac. Oc. Schmiedeberg, ]mg-de-berhi, t Ger., Savaii, Sq-vi-e, Samoan Island, Pac. Schneeberg, Ent-berh, t Sax., 734. Oc., 20. Schneekoppe, ngt-kop-e, m Prus. Sil. Savanah, Sa-van-a, r S. C., 450 mi.; c Schneidemihl, XEn-de-mel, t Prus. Pol., Ga., 16; co ts Tenn., Mo.; v Ill. 44. [23. Save, Sqv or Say, r Aus. Em., 550 m. Schohario, Ska-hhr-e, co and v N-Y., Saverne, Sq-v/rn, t Fr., 61g. Sch6nheide, e.n-hb-de, v Sax., 4K. Savigliano, Sq-vel-yC-no,ft t It., 15K. Schonlinde, 26n-lin-de, t Boh., 6. Savona, Sq-v6-nq, t It., 16Y4. Schonwalde, Een-w4l-de, t Prus., 23. Savoo, Sq-vc, i S. Pac. Oc., 25. Schoodic (Skd6-dik) Lakes, Me. Savoy, (Duchy of,) S'v-ae, one of the Schooleraft, Skthl-kraft, v Mich., 14. Sardinian States, pop. 591,135. Schoorisse, ShA-ris-e, v Belg., 33. Sawarcarna ( So-war-kq4r-na ) River, Schorndorf, Mdrn-derf, t Wurt., 33. Mo. Ter., 200 m. Schouten (d_-ten) Island, e. coast of Saxe - Altenburg, Saks - fl'ten-burg, Van Die. Land: i Malay Arch. duc]&y Cen. Ger., pop. 132,850. Schouwen, Skg-en, i prov. of Zeal. Saxe - Cooburg- Gotha, Saks-K6-burg- Schreckhorn, Xrek-horn, na Swiss Alps, G6-ta, duchy Cen. Ger., pop. 150,412. 13,492 ft. [the Danube. Saxe-Meiningen-Hildburghausen, Saks Schiitt, Met, (Great and Little,) i in Mi-nix3-en Hild-burg-hb-zen, duchy Schuyler, Ski-ler, cos Ill., N-Y., Mo. Cen. Ger., 166,364. Schuylerville, Ski-ler-vil, 9 N-Y. Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Saks-Wi-mar- Schuylkill, Skcjl-kil, r Pa., 120 m. +'zen-ak, grand duchy Cen. Ger., Schuylkill Haven, bor Pa., 2K. pop. 262,524. Schwabach, gwq4-bqh, t Bavaria, 10. Saxon (Saks-on) Land, s. part Tran- Schwarza, Ywdrt-sq, rs Ger. sylvania, pop. 446,700. Schwarzburg-Radolstadt, Ew4rts-burgSaxony, Saks-a-ni, k Cen. Ger., pop. Rdi-dol-stqt, princip Ger., 69,000. 1,987,832; - Prussian, prov central Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Xwdrtspart Prussia, pop. 1,781,300. buarh-S6n-derz-h-6-zen, principality Saypan, Si-pqn, Ladrone Island. Cen. Ger., 60,847. Scala Nova, Sk4-lq N6-vq, s-pt t As. Schwatz, Xwqts, t Tyrol, 8. Min., 20. Schwedt, Ewet, t Prus., 6K. [13. Scalpa, SkAl-pa, is Hebrides. Schweidnitz, Ewid-nitz, ft t Prus. Sil., Scalpay, Skal-pa, i Hebribes, 4. Schweinfurt, Ewin-furt, t Bav., 7%. Scarborough, Skqr-bur-a, bor and s-pt Schwerin, Ewa-rgn, t N. Ger., 17%; t t Eng., 13. Prus., 52w; i Ger. Scarp, Skcqrp, i Outer Hebrides,. Schwiebus, Swi-bus, t Prus. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 103 Schwytz, Ewits, V Swit., 5x/. Segura, Sa-gc6-rq, r Sp., 180 m. Sciacca, XCk-q, s-pt t Sicily, 1214. Seil, SEl, i Inner Hebrides. Sciglio, 1I-ye, prom Naples. Seiland, Si-lqnd, i n. w. Norway. Scilly (Sil-i) Islands, s. w. of Eng., 2. Seine, San, r Fr., 497 m.; dep Fr.; Scio, XE-a or Si-, i w. of As. Min., area 185 s. m., pop. 1,420,580. 62; t of same 142; vs N-Y., 2.; Mich., Seine-et-Marne, San-a-Mqrn, dep Fr., Sciortino, Esr-tg-na, t Sicily, 6. [IlK. area 2154 s. m., 345,076. Scioto, SI-6-t), r 0., 200 m. Seine-et-Oise, San-a-Wqz, dep Fr.; Scipio, Sip-i-a, vs Ia., N-Y. area 2141 s. m., pop. 421,882. Scituate, Sit-q,-at, v Mass., 214. Seine-Inferieure, San-A/i-fa-ri-.r, dep Sclavonia, Skla-vd-ni-a, prov Aus. Fr.; area 2298 s. m., pop. 762,039. Scoglio Grande, Sk6l-yo Grqn-da, Selangan, Sa-lqcn-gcn, t is. Murdinao, largest Brioni Island, Adriatic Sea. 10. Scotland, Sk6t-land, northern part of Selby, Sl1-bi, t and par Eng., 5%. the island of Gr. Brit.; area 29,417, Seligher, Sa-li-g/kr, I Rus. pop. 2,888,742. Selime, Sa-ld-ma, oasis desert Nubia. Scottsville, Sk6ts-vil, vs N-Y., Va., 1K; Selimno, Sa-lim-nc, t Es. Tur., 20. co ts Va., Ala., Ky. Selkirk, Sdl-kerk, t and par Scot., Scranton, Skran-ton, bor Pa., 3. 3s. Scriba, Skri-ba, v N-Y., 24. Selma, S6l-ma, vs Ala., 1K; Mo. Scriven, Skriv-en, co Ga. Semao, Sa-m —o, i Malay Arch. Sculltown, Skdl-t-n, v N-J. Semendria, Se-min-dri-q, ft t Servia, 9. Scutari, Sk6-tq-re, t As. Min., 50; t Semerone, Se-me-r6n, r Ind. Ter., Eu. Tur., 40. 600 m. Seabrook, Sg-briak, v N-Hi., 11. Seminole (Sdm-i-nal or Sem-in-a)-le) Seacombe, Si-kumb, v Eng., 3. Indians, tr Fa. Seaford, Sd-ford, v Del., 34. Semlin, Sem-ldn, t Aus. Em., 1014. Seal Islands, Pac. Oc., off Peru. Seneca, Sdn-e-ka, v C. W., 3s4. Seal River, Br. N. Am., 200 m. Seneca Falls, v N-Y. Searcy, S.r-si, co Ark.; co t do. Seneca Indians, tr w. N-Y. Searsmont, SErz-mont, v Me., 3. Seneca Lake, N-Y.; vs N-Y., N. C. Searsport, Sdrz-pcrt, v Me., 2. Seneffe, Se-ndf, v Belg., 3%1. Seattle, S9t-l, co t Wash. Ter. Senegal, Sen-e-gl, r W. Af., 1000 m.; Sebastian, Ss-bAst-yan, co Ark. Fr. col W. Af. Sebastopol or Sevastopol, Se-bAs-tA- Senegambia, Sen-s-gdm-bi-a, a region pol, t Rus., 40. W. Af.; the history of the country Se-Beero (Se-Bg-rG) Island, Ind. Oc. is too imperfect to obtain its area, Sebenico, Sa-bA-ni-ka, t Dalmatia, 6. and the number of its inhabitants. Secunderabad, Se-kun-der-q-bcd, t Seniavine (Sa-ni-qc-vdn) Islands, Pac. Ind., 34%. Oc. Sedan, Se-d6ri, ft t Fr., 37. Senjen, Sen-yen, is n. w. coast Nor. Sedbergh, S6d-berg, t Eng., 4Y/. [21. Senlis, Sotf-lds, t Fr., 53. Sedgefield, S6j-feld, t and par Eng., Sennaar, Sen-4r, st and c Af., 4. Sedlitz or Seidlitz, S6d-litz, v Boh., Sens, Soft, c Fr., 1034. mineral springs. [314. Sentis, Sen-tis, m Swit., 814 ft. Seehausen, Sd-hs-zen, t Prus. Sax., Sept-Isles, Set-El, is n. Brittany. Seekonk, Sg-kook, v Mass., 24/. Sepulga, Se-pdl-ga, r Ala. d Seeland or Zealand, Zd-lqnd, the Sequatchie, Se-kwAq-e, r Tenn., 100 m. largest i belonging to Denmark, bet. Seraing. Se-rfan, v Belg., 3',. [N. the Cattegat and the Baltic Sea; Serampore, Ser-am-pcfr, t Br. Ind., 12area 2840 s. m., pop. 499,400. Sereq, Snqrk, i Eng. Chan. Seelyville, Sd-li-vil, v Pa., Y. Seres, Sdr-es, t Eu. Tur., 30. Seevas, Sd-vqs, t As. Tur., 24. Sereth, Ser-6t, r MIoldavia, 270 m. Seez, Sa, t Fr., 5. Sergipe. Ser-39-pa, v and prov Brazil, Sego, Sd-ga, I Rus.; t Cen. Af., 30. 31,958 s. m; pop. 175,000. Segorbe, Sa-gdr-ba, c Sp., 6. Serido, Sa-rd-da, r Bra., 120 m. Segovia, Sa-g6-vi-q, c Sp., 61. Serinagur, Ser-i-nq-gdr, cap c CashSegre, SA-gra, r Sp., 150 m. mere, 40. [S. Ind. Seguin, Sd-gwin, co t Tex. im. Seringapatam, Ser-iO-ga-pa-tim, ft Segundo, Sa-g6a-da, r La Plata, 130 Serino, Sq-rd-na, t Naples, 6. 104 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Serle (Serl) Island, Pac. Oc., 2. Sharon Centre, v 0. [N-Y. Sermatta, Ser-mj-tq, i Malay Arch. Sharon Springs, v and watering-placd Sermide, Ser-mg-da, v Aust. It., 5. Sharonville, Xa-ron-vil, v 0. Serpho, Ser-fQ, i Gr. Arch., 34. Sharpsburg, MYjrps-burg, vs Ia., 2; Ky. Serpookhov, Ser-pw-hdv, t Rus., 13. Sharpsville, Ycrps-vil, v Ia. Serravalle, Ser-q-vq-la, t It., 52. Sharptown, ~4Lrp-t;n, v N-J. Servia, Ser-vi-a, cy Eu., area 20,000 Shasta, Xqs-ta, co t Cal. Seskar, Ses-k4r, i Gulf of Fin. [s. m. Shaste, 4Qs-tE, m Cal., 14,000 ft. Sestri a Levante, S6s-trs R-la-v4n-ta, Shatsk, Xqctsk, t Rus., 6. t N. It., 7y/. Shawnee (Y6-ne) Indians, tr now in Setang, Se-tia, r Burmah, 260 m. Kansas Ter. Setauket, SE-t6-ket, v N-Y. Shawneetown, je-ns-t-n, t Ill., 2. Setta, Sdt-q, t Dahomey, 9. Shayuen, Xa-ytl,-n, r Min., 300 m. Settle, Sdt-l, t Eng., 2. Sheboygan, Es-bh-gan, r and t Wis.; Setubal, Sa-tk-bcql, s-pt c Port., 15. - Falls, v Wis., X. Sevastopol or Sebastopol, Sev-as-t6- Shediac, 2ed-i-4k, t N-Brun., 2. pol, t and naval station Eu. Rus., 40., Xs-r4z, c Per., 30. Sevellan, Sa-vel-4n, m N. Per., 13,000 ft. Sheerness, Yer-nds, s-pt t Eng., 8/2. Sevenoaks, Sev-n-6ks, t Eng., 1%. Sheffield, XEf-eld, par and e Eng.; Severn, S6v-ern, r Eng., 210 m.; r 135%y; vs Mass., 24; Pa., &c. Md., &c. Shehr, Yehr, t Arabia, 6. Sevier, Sev-gr, cos Ark., Tenn. Sheilville, i9il-vil, p o Ia. Seville, S6v-il, c Sp,, 10011; 0. Shelburn, M6l-burn, vs Vt., 1%; N-H. Sevre-Nantaise, Sevr (or Savr) Noi- Shelburne, X61-burn, s-pt t N. Scotia. tdz, r Fr., 70 m. Shelburne Falls, v Mass., 1. Sevre-Niortaise, Ne-er-t6z, r Fr. Shelby, Y6l-bi, vs N-Y., O.; co t N. C. Sevres, Sevr or Savr, t Fr., 43. Shelbhville,,6,l-bi-vil, co ts Tex. Sevres, Deux, De Savr, dep Fr.; area Tenn., 1; Ky., 2; Ia., 1%; Ill., Mo. 2315 s. m., pop. 323,615. Sheldon, l61-don, vs Vt., N-Y. Sewickleyville, S,-ik-li-vil, v 0., Y4. Sheligov, >el-i-g6v, I Rus. Am. Seybo, Si-b@, t Hayti, 5. Shelliff, X6l-if, r Algeria, 250 m. Lm. Seychelles, Sa-fil, is Ind. Oc., 7. Shenandoah, Een-an-dd-a, r Va., 170 Seymour, Si-me;, vs Conn., Ia., C. W. Shenango, sE-nAn-go, cr Pa. [Ly. Sezza, S6t-sqc, t It., 83. Shepherdstown, ~Ep-erdz-t0;n, tVa., 1Shaduan, Xq-dm-4n, i Red Sea. Sheperdsville, E6p-erdz-vil, co t Ky. Shaftsbury, A/fts-ber-i, bor and t Eng., Sheppy,.6ep-i, i Eng., in mouth of 2x; v Vt., 2. Thames. Shahpoor, Zq-pl6r, r Persia. Shepton-Mallet, ]6p-ton-Mil-et, t and Shalersville, Zd-lerz-vil, vs Pa., 0. par Eng., 3%. Shamaka, Old, O)ld Zq-m4-kq, a Rus., Sherborn, 2.r-born, v Mass. 1814. Sherborne,.edr-born, t Eng., 34. Shammar (Mam-4r) Mountains, Arabia. Sherboro, Y.r-bur-o, i off Guinea; r Shamokin, YAm-O-kin, v Pa., 2. Guinea, 230 m. Shamrock, Xam-rok, a 0. Sherbrooke, ESr-brak, t C. E., 1y. Shanesville, Samnz-vil, a O., 3. Sherburne, 2:dr-burn, v N-Y., 2%. Shang-Hai, EaD-Hi, s-pt c China, 190. Sheridan, ~Er-i-dan, v N-Y. Shang-I-Yuen, ZEqi-8-Yn-6n, t China, Shermon, e.r-man, co t Tex. Shannon, Xin-on, r Ir., 224 m. [100. Shermansville, M&r-manz-vil, v R. I. Shannondale ( Zin-on-dal ) Springs, Sherington,,dr-ig-ton, v C. E., 114. watering-place Va. Shetland (Sedt-land) Islands, arch N. Shannonville, iSn-on-vil, Ts Pa., C. At. Oc., 31. W., Y24. Shiashkotan, &E-qfc-k@-t4n, Koorile i. Shao-Choo, Eql-@-0c6, c China, 40. Shiawassee,,i-a-w6s-e, r, co and a Shao-Hing, Xq-o-Hip, c China. Mich. [Eng., 29. Shao-King, YJq-o-Kig, ft c China. Shields, South, Sst Xildz, bor and t Shao-Woo, Eq-@-Wd, ft c China. Shieldsborough, Xdldz-bur-a, co t Shapinshay, Elp-in-ja, Orkney Is., 34. Miss., 114. Sharon, Jad-ron, vs Vt., Mass., Conn., Shiel, Loch, Loh Eel, 2 Scot. Pa., Va., Miss., 0., Mich., Ill.,, Io., Shienne, Xe-en, r Mo., 200 m. Wis. Shiffnal, Yif-nal, t Eng., 5%. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 105 Shikarpoor, Tik-ar-p(Sr, t Sinde, 30. Sierra, SE-6r-q, Sp. word for "saw," Shiloh, Zi-l@, vs N-J., N. C. applied to the notched appearance of Shinandoah,in-an-d6-a, v N-Y. mountain ridges. Shinnston, Zinz-ton, v Va. Sierra Acarai, fl-kq-ri, ms S. Am. Shippensburg, Xip-enz-burg, bor Pa. Sierra Blanca, Blqi-kq. m New Mex. Shippensville, Xip-enz-vil, v Penn. Sierra de Caballo, da Kq-b4l-y@, ms Shippingport, Xip-iq-purt, v Ky. New Mexico. Shirley, E.r-li, v Mass., 1%. Sierra de la Lanterna, da Ic, Lqn-terShoa or Schoa, XS-cq, state Abys. nq, m New Mex. [Ter. Shoalhavem, Eal-hd-ven, r N. S. Wales. Sierra de la Platte, da lq Plat, m Utah Shokapee, Xa-kA-pe, co t Minn. Sierra de la Vinda, da lq V~n-dq, m Shokokon, ca-k6-kon, p o Ill. cordillera in Peru. Shoneaw, E6-ne-e, v Wis. Sierra de los Jumanes, da l1s tcn-m4Shongalo, Mor-gA-1), v Miss. nes, ms New Mex. [New Mex. Shoojuabad, Ec-jw-a-bqd, t Punjab, 10. Sierra de San Juan, da Sqn /a-4qn, ms Shoomnla, Ydm-lq, c Bulgaria, 21. Sierra Leone, Ls-(-ns, British colonial Shooster, cS6s-ter, c Persia, 8. settlement, West Africa, 44K. Shoreham, Y6r-ham, s-pt t Eng., 2x; Sierra Madre, Mc-dra, ms Mexico. V Vt., 1.3. Sierra Morena, Mw-ri-ncb, ms Spain. Shoshonees, Xa-f6-nez, or Snake In- Sierra Morina, Mo-rg-nq, ms Cal. dians, tr Oregon. Sierra Nevada, Na-vt-dqc, ms Sp. Pen.; Showstown, Yj6z-t'-n, v Penn., 1. - Na-vq-dq, ms Cal. [Am. Shreveport, Ergv-pQrt, co t La., 3. Sierra Pacaraima, Pc-k4-ri-mqc, wm S. Shrewsbury, Erdz-ber-i or Zrc6z-ber-i, Sigourney, Sig-ur-ni, v Iowa, %. bor and t Eng., 194; vs Vt., N-J., Siguenza, Ss-gw6n-tq, t Sp., 5. Penn. [Scotia. Sikhs or Seiks, Seks, warlike nation, Shubenacadie, 26-ben-a-ka-ds, r N. Br. India. [s. Shullsburg, Ydlz-burg, v Wis., 2K. Sikino, Se-kg-no, i Grecian Arch.; Shumalari, Mum-a-lr-s, peak of the Sikokf, Se-k6kf, i Japan. Hi mmalaya Mountains, 27,200 ft. Silesia, Si-l9-fi-a, prov Prus.; area, Shuna, EAl-na, i Inner Hebrides. 15,820 s. m.; pop. 3,060,593. Shusan, q,-san, v N-Y. Silesia, Austrian, part of Silesia subSiah-Koh, Se-a-k6, m Afghanistan. ject to Austria. Siak or Siakh, SEs-k, r and st Sumatra. Silistria, Si-lis-tri-a, c Eu. Tur., 20. Siam, Si-am, king Asia; area, about Siljan, Sil-yqn, 1 Sweden. 250,000 s. m.; pop., about 5,000,000; Silvan, Sil-van, v Mich., 1. q Siam, 500 by 300 m. Silver Creek, v N-Y. Siamo, Ses —mca, i Malay Arch. Silver Spring, v Penn., 2. Siang-Yang; SEs-CI-Yctj, c China. Simabara, SE-mct-bt-rc, y Japan. Siasconset, Si-as-k6n-set, v Mass. Simbeersk or Simbirsk, Sim-bhrsk, gov Siberia, Si-bE-ri-a, large territory of Russia; area, 27,944 s. m.; pcp. 1,North Asia belonging to Russia. Di- 024,236; cap c of above, 35K. visions: West Siberia- Tobolsk, Simcoe, Sim-ku, 1 and t Can. W., 14. Tomsk, Omsk. East Siberia —Yeni- Simferopol or Simpheropol, Sim-ferseisk, Irkootsk, Yakootsk, Okhotsk, 6-pol, t S. Russia, 8. Kamtchatka, Tchooktchee. Area, Simooseer, Se-ma)-sgr, Koorile island. 4.812,389; pop. 2,887,184. Simplon, Saf-pltfi, m Switz. Sibkah, Al, ll Sib-kq, salt 1 North Simpsonville, Simp-son-vil, v Ky. Africa, 80 by 20 m. Simsbury, Simz-ber-i, v Conn., 2. Sibley, Sib-li, v Mo. Sinai, Si-na or Si-na-i, Mount, ScripSibuyan. Se-bcu-yAn, i Malay Arch. ture m, Arabia; pen bet. Gulfs of Sicily, Sis-i-li, i Mediterranean; area, Suez and Akabah. 10,556 s. m.; pop. 2,041,583. Sind, Sind, r Hind., 220 m. Siculiana, Se-kcal-y4-nq, t Sicily, 5%1/. Sinde, Sind, ter British India; area, Sidmouth, Sid-mut, s-pt t and par 52,120 s. m.; pop. 1,275,000. Eng., 3%. Singapore, Six-ga-ptr, British settleSidney, Sid-ni, as Me., N-Y., Ind., ment in S. E. Asia; pop. 52,891; c, Ill., Iowa: co t 0. [514. cap of above, 26. Siegen, Seg-en, t Prus. Westphalia, Sing Sing, Sig Si9, q N-Y., seat of Sienna, Se-6n-q, c Tuscany, 22. one of the state prisons, 3. 106 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Sinigaglia, Se-ns-g4l-yq, s-pt t Pontif. Smithfield, Smit-feld, ce ts Va., 1; N. States, 22. C.; v Ind. Sinna, Sin-q, t Persia, 20. Smithland, Smit-land, co t Ky. Sinnimari, SEn-q-mq-ri, r Fr. Guiana, Smith's Falls, t Can. West, 1. 200 m. Smith's Sound, n. Baffin's bay. Sinope, Sin-o-pe, s-pt t As. Minor, 8. Smithville, Smit-vil, co ts N. C., Ark., Sinu, Se-ncd, r New Granada, 200 m. Tenn.; vs N-Y.,. Miss., Can. West. Sioot, Se-d6t, t Upper Egypt, 20. Smolensk, Smu-lnsk, t Rus., 13. Sioux Indians, Sua In'di-anz, tr Ne- Smyrna, Smer-nc, c Asia Minor, 150; braska territory; r Minn. ter., 300 m. vs N-Y., 2; Del., 2; Tenn., O.; g Sipan Dagh, Se-pin Dqg, m Tur. Ar. Agean Sea. Siphanto, Sif-an-to, i Grec. Arch., 5. Sneedsville, Snidz-vil, co t Tenn. Sipotuba, Se-po-t&-bq, r Brazil. Sneek, Snak, t Netherlands, 7/. Sippican, Sip-i-kan, v Mass. Sniatyn, Sne-4-tin, t Aus. Pol., 6Kx. Siskiyou, Sis-ki-yea or Sis-i-kub, coCal. Snowdon, Sn6-don, s4 Wales. Sisteron, Sis-te-rti, ft t Fr., 4%/. Snow Hill, co ts Maryland, 1%; N. C. Sisterville, Sis-ter-vil, v Va., 1. Society (SQ-si-e-ti) Islands, S. Pac., Sistova, Sis-t6-vq, t Eu. Tur., 20. the principal of which are, Tahiti, Sitka, Sit-ka, i w. N. Am. Eimeo, Osnaburg; pop. 10,000. Sitkhin, Sit-kin, Aleutian island. Socorro, So-k6r-o, t New Granada, 12. Sittingbourne, Sit-i}-burn, t and par Socotra, S6k-o-trq, i Ind. Oc., 4. Eng., 3. [China. Soda (Sd-da) Lake, La. Siue-Foong-Shan, S6-co-a-Fup-Zlqn,m Sodus, Sd-dus, a N-Y., 4%; b 35 m. Siue-Shan, Sg-cu-a-E.qn, m China. e. of Rochester, N-Y. Sivana, Se-v4-nq, i Br. Ind. Sodus Point, a N-Y. Skagen, Sk4-gen, cape Jutland 1%/. Soerabaya, Sot-rq-bi-q, s-pt t Java, 60. Skager Rack or Skagerrak, Skag-er Soerakarta, Sm-rq-kqCr-tq, t Java, 10. Rak, arm of North Sea. Soest, Sest, t Prus. Westphalia, 83. Skagt6ls-Tind, Sk4g-telz-tind, m Nor. Sofala, Su-f4-lq, r E. Africa, 200 m. Skalits, Sk4-lits, t Hun., 83. Soham, S6-ham, t Eng., 234. Skamania, Ska-md-ni-a, coWash. ter. Soignies, Swqn-yg, t Belgium, 6%. Skaneateles, Skan-e-at-les, v N-Y., Soissons, Swq-sdfi, ft t Fr., 9%/. 1%; 1 N-Y., 16 by 2 m. Solano, Su-14-nu, co Cal. Skegness, Skeg-ns, a and par Eng. Solesmes, Su-lim, t Fr., 534. Skerries, Sker-iz, t Ir., 2%. Soleure, S6-l1r, t Switz., 5%. [6s. Skiatho, Ski-q-tb, i Grec. Arch. Solingen, Sd-li1-en, t Rhen. Prus., Skiberbeen, Skib-er-bin, t Ir., 4. So-ling-shan, Su-lip-fjn, m China. Skipton, Skip-ton, t Eng., 5. Soller, Sol-ytr, t is. Majorca, 7. Skopelo, Sko-pA-lu, one of the North Solo, Sd-lo, r Java, 356 m. Sporades Islands, Egean Sea, 2%. Solofra, Su-ldi-frq, t Naples, 5/. Skopin, Sku-pin, t Rus., 6. Solomon (S6l-u-mon,) Islands, Pacific Skowhegan, Sks-hg-gan, a Me., 13l. Oc.; is Indian Oc. Skunk (Skunk) River, Iowa, 250 m. Solon, Sd-lon, v Me., 1; Iowa. Skye, Ski, i Inner Hebrides, 21/. Solor, Su-lr, i Malay Arch. Skyros, Ski-ros, i Grec. Arch., 2%. Solt, Solt, t Hun., 7. Slatersville, SIA-terz-vil, v R. I., 1%2. Solta, S61-tq, i Dalmatia, 1%. [Sea. Slavonia, Slq-vd-ni-q, or Sclavonia, Solway Prith, S61-wa Frit, inlet Irish Sklq-vd-ni-q, ter Aus.; area, 3,656 Somerford, Sdm-er-ford, v 0. s. m.; pop. 336,000. Somers, Sdm-erz, vs Conn., N-Y. Sleaford, Sli-ford, New, t Eng., 3%. Somerset, Sum-er-set, vq Mass.- bor Sleswick, Sls-wik, duclhy Den., pop. Penn., 1; co ts Ky., O., 14. 363,000; t Den., cap. of above, 11%. Somers Point, v N-J. Sleydinge, Sli-di]-e, a Belgium, 54. Somerton, Sum-er-ton, t and par Eng., Sligo, Sli-gu, bos and s-pt t Ir., 113; 21; vs Va., O. vs Tenn., O. Somerville, Suim-er-vil, v Mass., 5; co Slobdosk, Slob-dosk, t Rus., 6. ts N-J., 1; Ala., Tenn.; vs N-Y., O. Slonim, Sli-nim, t Rus. Poland, 7%i. Sommariva del Bosco, Som-cq-rg-vq del Slootsk, Slutsk, t Rus. Poland, 8. B6s-ko, t Pied., 5%. Smethport, Smdt-port, co t Penn. Somme, Som, dep and r Fr., 117 m. Smithborough, Smit-bur-u, v N-Y. Sommen, S6m-en, I Sweden. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 107 Sommerfeld, Sdm-er-felt, t Prus., 3%. South Berwick, Ber-wik, v Me., 23. Somonauk, Som-o-nek, v Ill. South Bloomfield, Blctm-feld, v O. Sondershausen, S6n-derz-h-s-zen, t Southborough, Sgt-bur-,,v Mass., 1%. Cen. Ger., 3X. South Braintree, Brin-tre, v Mass. Sone, or Soane, Son, r Ind., 440 m. Southbridge, Sst-brij, v Mass., 3. Song-Kiang, So0-Kse-Cj, c China. South Bridgewater, Brij-we-ter, v Mass. Sonneberg, S6n-a-berh, t Ger., 3K. South Bristol, Bris-tol, v N-Y., 1}. Sonnenburg, S6n-en-burh, t Prus., 3. South Britain, Brit-en, qv Conn. Sonoma, S@-n6-ma, co and t Cal., 1. Southbury, S-t-ber-i, v Conn. Sonora, S@-n6-ra, co t Cal., 22; r South Butler, But-ler, v N-Y. Mex., 300 m.; state Mexico; area, South Canaan, KA-nan, Conn. 123,466 s. m.; pop. 147,133; t state South Candor, KAn-dor, v N-Y. of Sonora, 8. [dor, 10. South Carolina; Kar-o-li-na, one of Sonsonate, Son-so-nq-t-, t San Salva- the original U. S.; area, 30,213 s. m.; Soo-Chow-Foo, Swn-Cs-F6, t China, pop., whites, 274,563; free colored, pop. 2,000,000. 8,960; slaves, 384,984; total, 668,507. Soodan or Soudan, Sb-dqn, undefined South Carrollton, KAr-ol-ton, v Ky. region of Central Africa. South Charleston, Cqrlz-ton, v 0. Sooja, S6-jq, t Russia, 7. [As. Tur. South Charlestown, Cqrlz-tan, v N-H. Sook-el-Shooyookh, Swk-el-ZEu-ymh, t South Corinth, K6r-int, v N-Y. Sookhona, SD-hlA-nq, r Rus., 250 m. South Cortland, K6rt-land, v N-Y. Soolina, Sm-l-nq, branch of the Dan- South Coventry, Kuiv-en-tri, i Conn. ube in Bessarabia. South Danvers, DAn-verz, v Mass. Sooloo (Sz-lk6,) Islands, arch Ind. Oc., South Dartmouth, Ddhrt-mut, v Mass. pop. 200,000; t Sooloo Arch., 6. South Dedham, Ddd-ham, v Mass. Soomshoo, Sbm-fc, Koorile Island. South Deerfield, Dir-feld, vs N-H., Soomy, S6-me, t Rus., 12; 1 Siberia. Mass. Soongaree, San-gq-rg, r Mant., 800 m. South Dennis, D6n-is, v Mass. Soongaria, Sa)j-gq-ri-q, part of the South Dorset, D6r-set, v Vt. Chinese Empire in Central Asia. South Dover, D6-ver, v N-Y. Soosa, S(-sq, s-pt Tunis, 10. South Easton,,s'ton, t Penn. Sophia, So-fg-q, c Eu. Tur., 50. South English, I0'glif, v Iowa. Sora, Sc-rq, c Naples, 8. South Fairfax, F~r-faks, v Vt. Soragno, S@-rAn-yq, t Italy, 5%. South Fitchburg, Fig-burg, v Mass. Sorau, Sdl-rs, t Prus., 6K. South Framingham, Fram-ij-ham, Sorel, S@-rel, v Can. East, 31/. Mass. Soresina, S@-ra-sg-nq, t Lom., 5. South Gardiner, G~qr-di-ner, v Mass. Sorocaba, S@-r@-kq-bq, t Brazil, 12. South Genesee, J6n-e-sg, v Wis. Sor6e, S6-re-e, i Norway. South Glastenbury, Glas-ten-ber-i, v Sorrento, Sor-6n-t@, t Naples, 10. Conn. Sosnitsa, Sos-nit-sq, t Rus., 5. South Hadley, HAd-li, v Mass., 22. Sosva, S6s-vc, r Siberia, 350 m. South Hampton, HAmp-ton, v N-Y., 5. Sotoanne, So-tA-4n, Caroline Is. South Hartford, Hqrt-ford, v N-Y. Soucook. Sd-kuak, r N-H. South Harwich, H4r-wig, v Mass. Souhegan, Sz-hg-gan, r Mass. South Hawley, H6-li, v Mass. Sound, S-nd, or Oeresund, Er-a-s6nd, South Hingham, Hi9-ham, v Mass. sir between Denmark and Sweden. Southington, Sit-ig-ton, v Conn., 2/. South Abingdon, S-t Ab'i9-don, v South Keene, Ken, v N-H. Mass. South Lee, Ls, v Mass. South Acton, Ak'ton, v Mass. South Lincoln, Lihk-on, v Me. South Adams, Ad'amz, v Mass. South Livonia, Li-v6-ni-a, v N-Y. South Albion, Al'bi-on, v Me. South Malden, M61-den, v Mass., 1. South Amboy, Am-b6, v N-J., 2K. South Merrimack, Mer-i-mak, v N-H. Southampton, Sut-hamp-ton, bor and South Middleborough, Mid-l-bur-@, v s-pt t Eng., 35%; v Mass., 1; i Br. Mass. N. Am. South Milford, Mil-ford, v Del. South Australia, Os-tral-ya, British South Nashville, NAf-vil, t Tenn., 3. colony of Australia; area, 300,000 s. South Newmarket, Nql-mir-ket, v N-H. m.; pop. 68,663. South Norwalk, N6r-wok, v Conn. South Bend, co t Ind., 2. Southold, St-ald; v N-Y. 108 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. South Orange, Or'anj, v N-J. Sparta, Spqr-ta, co t8 Ga., Ala., La., South Orrington, Or'iij-ton, v Me. Tenn.; vs N-J., Ky., O., Ill., Mo. South Paris, Par-is, v Me. Spartanburg, Spar-tan-burg, co t S. C. South Perry, P6r-i, v O. [234. Spask, Spqsk, t Rus., 6. South Pittsburg, Pits-burg, bor Penn., Speedsville, Spgdz-vil, v N-Y. South Point, Pant, v Mo. Spencer, Spdn-ser, co ts Tenn., Ind.; Southport, Sit-port, as Conn., 13; N- vs Mass., 13; N-Y., O. Y., 21; Ind. Spencer Gulf, b South Australia. South Reading, RId-ip, v Mass., 234. Spenserport, Spdn-ser-port, v N-Y. South Royalston, R&-alz-ton, a Mass. Spencerville, Spdn-ser-vil, v Ind. South Royalton, R6-al-ton, v Vt. Sperryville, Spdr-i-vil, v Va. South Salem, SA-lemn, as N-Y., O. Spesshardt, Spds-hqrt, ms Ger. South Sandwich, SAnd-wiq, v Mass. Spey, Spa, r Scot., 110 m. South Schodac, SkQ-ddk, v N-Y. Speyer, Spi-er, c, cap Rhen. Bav., 93. South Scituate, Sit-yiq-at, vs Mass., Spezia, La, Lq Sped-zi-q, t It., 93. R. I. Spezzia, Sptt-si-q, i Greece, 8. South Seekonk, Si-ko3jk, v Mass. Spirit Lake, Iowa. South Shaftsbury, cidfts-ber-i, v Vt. Spitalfields, Spit-al-feldz, section of South Shetland, ~Et-land, arche South London, Eng. [Eng. Atlantic. [1/2. Spithead, Spit-hed, roadstead coast of South Thomaston, Tom-as-ton, v Me., Spitzbergen, Spits-ber-gen, i Are. Oc. South Vernon, Ver-non, a Vt. Spoleto, Sp@-lI-to, c Cen. It., 63. Southville, Sit-vil, vs Conn., N-Y. Spoon River, Ill., 100 m. Southwark, Silt-ark, bor Eng., 173. Spottsville, Sp6ts-vil, v Ky. Southwell, Sit-wel, t and par Eng., Spottswood, Sp6ts-wud, a N-J. 334. Spree, Spra, r Ger., 220 m. South Wellfleet, W6l-flet, v Mass. Spremberg, Sprem-berh, t Prus., 4Y/. South Weymouth, Wa-mut, a Mass. Spring Bay, v Ill. South Wilbraham, Wil-bra-ham, v Springborough, Spriy-bur-o, O., 3. Mass. [Mass. Springdale, Sprip-dal, a Miss. South Williamstown, Wil-yamz-tsn, a Springfield, Sprip-feld, c Mass., 1334; South Windham, Wind-ham, a Conn. c 0., 8; cap c Ill., 7; Vs Vt., 23, South Woburn, W6-burn, v Mass. N-J., 1%; Mo., 1, &c. Southwold, S-t-wold, bor and s-pt t Spring Hill, vs Ala., Tenn., Ind., Ill. Eng., 214. Spring Hills, v 0., s2. South Yarmouth, Y4r-mnt, v Mass., Spring Mill, v Penn. Sovicille, So-ve-qdl-a, v Tus., 634. Spring Place, co t Ga. Soxville, S6ks-vil, a Penn. Spring Prairie, Pra-ri, v Wis. Spa, Spe, t Belg., 34. Spring River, r Mo., and Ark.; a Mo. Spain, Span, king S. W. Europe, com- Spring Valley, v O., 12. posed of the following divisions:- Springville, Sprii-vil, vs N-Y., 1/4; New Castile, Old Castile, Leon, As- Penn., Ky., Ind., Ill., Mo., Wis. turias, Galicia, Estramadura, Anda- Springwater, Sprip-wo-ter, v N-Y. lusia. Aragon, Murcia, Valencia, Spring Wells, v Mich., 2. Catalonia, Navarre, Basque Provin- Sprottau, Spr6t-s, t Prus. Silesia, 434. ces, Balearic Islands, Canary Is- Squam (Skwom) Lake, N-H. [H. lands. In America-Cuba, Porto- Squammagonic, Skwom-a-g6n-ik, v NRico, Virgin Islands. In Asia-Phil- Stade, StA-da, ft t Hanover, 6. ippine Islands. In Africa-The Pre- Staeden, St4-den, a Belg., 4%. sidios, Guinea Islands. In Oceanica Staffa, StAf-a, i Inner Hebrides. -Part of the Ladrone Islands. To- Stafford, StAf-ord, bor and t Eng., 12; tal area, 286,279 s. m.; pop. 18,144,- q) N-Y., 1. [Dalmatia, 512. 509. [101s. Stagno Grande, St4n-yo Gr4n-da, t Spalato, Spq-14-to, s-pt c Dalmatia, Stalimni, Stq-lim-ns, i Grec. Arch., 8. Spalding, Speld-i], t and par Eng., 9. Stamford, StAm-ford, bor and t Eng., 9; Spalmadore, Spql-mq-d6-ra, is As. Tur. bor Conn., 5; as N-Y., Can. W., 23. Spandau, Spqn-dN, ft t Prus., 634. Stampalia, Stqm-pq-l~-q, i Grec. Arch., Spanish Town, or Santiago de la Vega, 112. Scqn-te-c-go da leq Va-gq, cap t Ja- Stanardsville, Stan-ardz-vil, co t Va. maica, 6. Stanford, StAn-ford, co t Ky., 1. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 109 Stanhope, St.n-hop, v N-J. Storsion, Ster-si-en, Z Swed. Stanislawow, Stqn-is-lq-vov, ftt Aus. Stoughton, St6-ton, vs Mass., Wis. Galicia, 9O. Stour, Stabr, four r8 Eng. Stanley, Stan-li, v Eng., 74. Stourbridge, Stdr-brij, t Eng., 8. Stanovoi, Stq-n@-v6, ms East Asia. Stourport, Stdr-part, t Eng., 3. Stanstead, Stin-sted, t Can. East, 1. Stoutsville, StSts-vil, v N-J. Stapleton, Sta-pl-ton, v N-Y. [834. Stow, Sta, v Mass., 12. [Eng., 3/4. Staraia-Roossa, Stq-ri-q-Rdcs-q, t Rus., Stowmarket, St6-mqr-ket, t and par Stargard, Stqr-gqct, t Prus., 13/4. Strabane, Stra-ban, bor and t Ir., 5. Starkey, Stqr-ki, v N-Y., 3. Stradbally, Strad-bal-i, t Ir., 1%. Starkville. St4rk-vil, co ts Ga., Miss. Stralsund, Strql-suant,ft t Prus., 1914. Starling Medical College, Columbus, O. Stranraer, Stran-rdr, s-pt t and par Starodoob, Stq-ra-ddb, t Rus., 9. Scot., 5Y. Staten (StAt-en) Island, N-Y. Bay; i Strasbourg, Strqs-bc6r, c Fr., 65. Terra del Fuego. Strasburg, Str4s-blarJh, t Prus., 41; Statesborough, Stats-bur-o, co t Ga. - Stras-burg, t Pa., l; Ts Va., 0. Statesville, Stdts-vil, co t N. C. Stratford, Strat-ford, co t C. W.; t's Staunton, StAn-ton, r Va., 200 m.; co t Conn., O. [Eng., 3Y1. Va., 2K;'vs 0., Ill. Stratford-upon-Avon, fl'von, bor and t Stavropol, Stqv-r6-pol, t Rus., 7. Stratford le Bow, le Bo, t Eng., 7. Steelsville, Stglz-vil, vs Mich., Mo. Strattonville, Strdt-on-vil, a Pa. Steilacoom, Sti-la-kabm, co t Wash. ter. Straubing, StrA-bii, t Lower Bav., 9. Steinhude, Stin-hu)-da, i N. Ger. Strausberg, Str;s-berh, t Prus., 312. Stendal, Sten-dql, t Prus. Sax., 61. Strawberry Plains, Str6-ber-i Planz, v Stephens'(Sti-venz) Pd int, vWis., 1/. Tenn. Sterling, Ster-liU, vs Mass., 1; Conn., Strawtown, Str6-twn, two vts Ia. 1; N-Y., 2; co t Ill. Streefkerk, Straf-kerk, v Neth., 1l. Sternberg, St.rn-berh, t Ger., 8. Strehlen, StrA-len, t Prus. Sil., 434. Stettin, Stet-En, ft t Prus., 4714. Strelitz, Alt, alt Stra-lits, t MecklenSteubenville, Stil-ben-vil, t 0., 61. burg-Strelitz, 3. Stewarton, Sti,-art-on, t Scot. 31. Striegau, Strg-g-6, t Prus. Sil., 5)/. Stewartstown, StUi-arts-twn, a Pa.,'1K. Stromboli, Str6m-ba-li, Lipari Is., 114. Stewartsville, Styi-arts-vil, v N-J., -; Stromness, Strom-nos, s-pt t Scot., 2. Penn., N. C. Strongville, Str6g-vil, v O., 11. Steyer, Sti-er, t Upper Aus., 10. Stronsa, Str6n-sa, Orkney Is., 1. Stilesville, Stilz-vil, v Ind. Stroud, Strid, t and par Eng., 3614. Still Valley, v N-J. Stroudsburg, Strgdz-burg, co t Pa., 1. Stillwater, Stil-we-ter, vs N-Y., N-J., Stuhlweissenburg, Stwl-vi-sen-burA, t co t Minn., 1K. Hun., 21. Stirling, Ster-liy, t Scot., 91/s. Sturbridge, Stdr-brij, v Mass., 2/4. Stockbridge, St6k-brij, v Mass., 2. [93. Sturge, Sturj, i Ant. Oc. Stockholm, Stok-hom, c, cap Swed., Sturgeon, Stdr-jon, 1 Br. N. Am. Stockorn, St6k-heorn, Switz. Sturgis, Stdr-jis, v Mich., 4. Stockport, Stdk-pQrt, bor and t Eng., Stuttgart, Steft-gqrt, c, cap Wiirt.,30. 54; vs N-Y., Penn. Stuyvesant, Sti-ves-ant, v N-Y., 1K. Stockton, St6k-ton, co t Cal., 9. Styria, Stir-i-a, prov Aus., 950,612. Stockton - on - Tees, St6k-ton-on-Tez, Suakin, Swq-kin, s-pt t is. Red Sea, 8. s-pt t and par Eng., 10K. Subiaco, Sao-bi-4-ko, t Cen. It., 6. Stokesley, Stdks-li, t andpar Eng., 2K. Subtiava, Smcb-ti-AC-vc, t Nicaragua, 5. Stoke-upon-Trent, t and par Eng., 84. Subzulcote, Sub-zul-kdt, t Sinde. Stolpe, St61-pa, t Prus., 8%4. Suchiltepec, Sm-gel-ta-p6k, t Guat. Stone, Ston, t Eng., 3y. Suczawa, Scw-q4-vq,ft t Aus., 5. Stoneham, Stkn-ham, v Mass., 114. Sudbury, Sdd-ber-i, t andpar Eng., 6; o Stonehaven, Ston-ha-ven, s-pt t Scot., Mass., 114. [ga, n Ger. 314-. Sudeten-Gebirge, Sc-da-ten-Ga-bgrStoneleigh, Stan-Is, v Eng., 1Y. Sueca, Swd-kq, t Sp., 9. Stone Mountain, Iv Ga., 13. Suez, SAc-ez, s-pt t Egypt, 2; g w. arm Stonington, St&-nip-ton, t Conn.; 3. Red Sea; ist uniting As. and Af. Stornoway Ster-no-wa, s-pt and par Suffeed Koh, Suf-9d K(, m Afg. Hebrides, 23. Suffern's, Sdf-ernz, v N-Y. 110 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Suffield, Sdf-eld, v Conn., 2. Sveaborg, SvA-q-berg, ft t Rus. FinSuffolk, Suf-ok, co t Va., 11. land, 4. Sugar (Xhg-ar) Creek, streams N. C., Sveer or Svir, Sver, r Rus., 130 m. Ia., Ill., &c. Sviaga, Sve-4q-gq, r Rus., 200 m. Sugar Grove,'s Pa., O., Iowa. Sviazhsk, Sve-43k, t Rus., 4. Sugar River, rs N-H., Wis. Swabian (Swa-bi-an) Alps, ms Wiirt. Suhl, Seal, t Prus. Sax., 8. Swaffham, SwAf-am, t and par Eng., 4. Suir or Sure, Xqr, r Ir. Swale, Swal, r Eng., 70 m. Suisoon, Sw-E-sdn, b Cal. Swanage, Sw6n-aj, or Swanwick, Suleiman, Sa-la-mqn, rns E. Afg. Swen-wik, t and par Eng., 2. Sulen (Sd6-len) Islands, w. Norway. Swan Quarter, - Kw6r-ter, co t N. C. Sullivan, Sil-i-van, co t Ia.; vs N-Y., Swan River, Swon River, r W. Aust. Pa. 1K, O., Ill., Iowa. Swansea, Sw6n-se, s-pt t and par S. Sulmona, Sal-m6-nq, ft t Nap., 6. Wales, 25. Sultaneeyah, Scdl-tq-n9-a, anc. c Per. Swanton, Swen-ton, Vs Vt., O. Sulze, Sflt-sa, t Meck.-Schwerin, 3./ Swanzey, Swdn-zi, v N-H., 2. Sumatra, Sw-m4-tra, i Indian Sea; Swartwout, Swert-wst, v Tex. area 140,000 s. mn., pop. 5,000,000. Swatara, Swa-tq-ra, cr Pa. Summer Hill, Sdm-er Hil, e Pa., 1/. Swavesey, Swiv-ze, par Eng. Summer Islands, 30 is w. Scot. Sweden, Swg-den, k N. Eu.; area Summerville, Sdm-er-vil, co ts Va., 128,076 s. m., pop. 3,482,541. Ga.; vs S. C., O., Ill., Mich., Wis. Swedesborough, Swidz-bur-s, v N-J. Summit, Sdm-it, v Pa. Sweet Springs, v Va. Sumner, Suim-ner, v Me., 1l4. Swindon, Swin-don, t and par Eng., 5. Sumterville, Sdm-ter-vil, co t S. C.; Swinemiinde, Swg-na-men-da, t Prus.,,vs Ga., Ala. Swineshead, Swinz-hed, t Eng., 2. [4%. Sunapee (Sdn-a-pe) Lake, N-H. Switzerland, Swit-zer-land, rep Cen. Sunbury, Sdn-ber-i, co t Pa., 14; vs8 Eu.; area 15,261, pop. 2,390,116. O., Ill. Swords, Sordz, t and par Ir., 3. Sunda (Sdn-da) Isles, Malay Arch. Sycamore, Sik-a-mar, co t Ill. Sunday (Sdn-da) River, Cape Colony, Sydney, Sid-ni, s-pt c Aust., and cap Af., 200 m. N-S. Wales, 100; s-pt t Nova Scotia; Sundeep, Sun-dip, i of Hindostan. v Me., 2. Sunderland, Sdn-der-land, t and par Syltoe, Sil-t), i of Den., 2%. Eng., 6714. Sylva, Sil-vq, r Rus., 300 m. Supaiwasi, Sm-pj-w4-se, m Bol. Sylvania, Sil-va-ni-a, co t Ga. Superior, Snt-pg-ri-or, I n. w. U. S., Sylvester, Sil-vds-ter,' Wis., /3. the largest fresh water lake on the Symi, Si-me, i w. As. Minor, 7; g do. globe; area 32,000 s. m.; - City of, Symsonia, Sim-s6-ni-a, v Ky. v Minn. and Wis. Syra, Sd-rq, i Grecian Arch., 30; c, cap Surat, Sw~-r4t, c Br. Ind., 157. same, 20. [Y., 251. Surinam, SwD-rin-am, r Dutch Guia- Syracuse, Sir-a-klrs, ft c Sic., 11; c Nna, 300 m. Syria, Sir-i-a, cy As. Tur.; area 50,000 Surry (Sdr-i) Court-House, co t Va. s. m., pop. 2,000,000. Susa, S6-sq, t It., 3y2. Sysola, Si-s6-lq, r Rus., 200 m. Susannah (Sq-z&n-a) Island, Mergui Syzran, Siz-r4n, t Rus., 8. Arch. Szamos, So-m6f, r Transylvania, 200 m. Suspension Bridge, v N-Y., 1. Szarogrod, Xq-r@-gr6d, t Rus., 6%. Susquehanna, Sus-kwe-han-a, r Pa., Szasz-Regen, Sqs-Ra-gen, t Trans., 5. 150 m.- v Pa., 1. Szathmar, Nemeth, Na-met Sot-m4r, t Sussex, ~ds-eks, v Wis. E. Hun., 15. Sussex Court-House, co t Va. Szegedin, Seg-ed-in, t Hun., 34. Sutlej, Sdt-lej, r Punjab, 1000 m. Szent Miklos, Nagy, N oj Sent Md-klof, Suttersville, Sdt-erz-vil, v Cal. t Hun., 141. Sutton, Silt-on, v Mass., 2; co t Va. Szexard, Seks-6rd, t Hun., 8/. Sutton-Coldfield, - K6ld-feld, t Eng. Szigeth, Sd-get, t Hun., 7. Sutton, Long, par and t Eng., 614. Szoboszlo, So-b6s-la, t Hun., 14. Suwalki, Swa-w4l-ks, t Poland, 5. Szolnok, Sol-n6k, t Hun., 11%. Suwanee, Sut-we-ne, r and v Ga. Szurul, So-rcl, m Transylvania. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 111 T. Taasinge, T6-sij-ga, i Den., 4/3. Tamiagua, Tq-me-4-gwq, 1 Mex. Tabarca, Tcq-b6r-kq, i Med. Sea, Y2. Tamise, Tq-mgz, t Belg., 7%. Tabareeyeh, Tqb-a-rg-ye, I Pal. Tampa Bay, Tam-pa Ba, b Fa. Tabasco, Tq-bas-ko, st Mex.; area 15,- Tampico, Tqm-pg-kG), s-pt t Mex., 7; 609 s. m., pop. 63,580; r do., 250 m. r do., 200 m.; 1 do. Taberg, Ta-berg, v N-Y. Tamworth, TAm-wurt, t Eng., 8%. Tabernacle, Tab-er-nak-l, v N-J. Tanaga, Tq-nj-gq, Aleutian Is. Tabernas-de-Valldigna, Tq-ber-nqs- Tanah-Pileh, T4-nq-P6-le, t is. Sumada-Valy-dlg-nq, t Sp., 5. tra, 4. Tablas, Tq4-blqs, Philippine Is. Tanakeke, Tq-nq-ka-ka, is Malay Arch. Table Bay, Ta-bl Ba, s. w. Af. Tangermunde, T6ij-er-men-da, t Prus. Tabor, Tq-bor, t Bob., 4. Sax., 4%. Tabreez, Tq-briz, c Persia, 60. Tangier, Tqn-jgr, s-pt t Morocco, 10. Tacloban, Tq-kla-bAn, t Phil. Islands. Tangipaha, Tan-ji-pa-h6, r La. Tacna, T4k-nq, t Peru, 10. Tanjore, Tan-jdr, c Br. Ind., 40. Tacora, Tq-k6-rq, m Bol. Tanna, TAn-a, i N-Heb., Pac. Oc. Tacunga, Tq-k6i-gcq, t Ec., 10. Tantalem, Tqn-tq-16m, i Gulf of Siam. Tadcaster, TAd-kas-ter, t Eng., 2K. Taos, Tq-os, co and t N-Mex.; v Tex. Taganrog, Tq-gqn-r6g, t Rus., 16. Tapajos, Tqc-p4-3$s, r Bra., 500 m. Tagodast, Tq-ga-dqst, t Morocco, 7. Tapisi, Tq-pi-se, s S. Am., 200 m. Tagus, Ta-gus, r, Iberian Pen., 540 m. Tappahannock, Tap-a-han-ok, co t Va., Tahiti, Tq-hb-te, Society Is., 9. 3.- [and 140 m. Tahoora, Tq-hb-rq, Sandwich Is. Taquari, Tq-kwq-rg, two rs Bra., 400 Tahoorowa, Tq-hwa-r6-wa, Sandwich Is. Taranto, TAc-rqn-t@, c Nap., 15; g Med. Tain, Tan, t Scot., 2%. Tarare, Tq-rqr, t Fr., 10%. Tai-Ping, T[-Pip, cs China. Tarascon, Tq-rqs-kbfi, t Fr., 12K. Tai-Wan, TI-W6n, cap is. Formosa. Tarazona, Tq-rq-t6-nq, t Sp., 6. Takinos (Tq-ke-n6s) Lake, Eu. Tur. Tarazona de la Mancha, Tq-rq-tc-nq Talanda (T-14ln-dq) Channel, arm da lq M4n-qq, t Sp., 6. sea in Greece. Tarbagatai, Tqr-bq-gq-tc, t Chi. Toork. Talavera de la Reyna, Tq-lq-vA-rq da Tarbes, Tqrb', t Fr., 14. lq Ra-g-nq, c Sp., 6%. Tarborough, Tcr-bur-o, co t N. C., 1. Talbotton, Tal-bot-on, co t Ga. Tarentum, Ta-rdn-tum, o Pa., 1%. Talca, Tql-kq, t Chili, 14K. Tarifa, Tq-rg-fq, s-pt t Sp., 8%. Taliabo, Tq-li-q-ba, i Malay Arch. Tariffville, TAr-if-vil, v Conn., 2. Taliaferro, T61-i-ver, co Ga. Tarki, T4r-ks, t Rus., 8. Talladega, Tal-a-ds-ga, co t Ala. Tarma, Tqr-mq, t Peru, 8. Tallahassee; Tal-a-has-s, c, cap Fa., 2. Tarn, Tqrn, dep and r Fr., 220 m. Tallahatchie, Tal-a-hAq-e, r Miss, 250 m. Tarn-et-Garonne, Tqrn-a-Gq-r6n, dep Tallahoma, Tal-a-h&-ma, r Miss. Fr., pop. 237,553. [3%. Tallaloosa, Tal-a-l&-sa, v Miss. Tarnowitz, T4r-no-vits, t Prus. Silesia, Tallapoosa, Tal-a-p&-sa, r Ga. and Tarporley, Tqr-por-li, t Eng., 2X. Ala., 250 m.; v Ga. Tarragona, Tqr-q-g6-nq, s-pt c Sp., 13. Tallassee, Tal-a-sg, a Ala. Tarrakai, Tqr-a-ki, b Sea of Japan. Tallow, Tal-o, i Ir., 4. Tarrant, TAr-ant, co t Tex. Tallulah, Ta-li-la, co t Miss. Tarrasa, Tqr-4-scq, t Sp., 5. Tama, Tq-ma, co Iowa. Tarrinsay, Tar-in-sa, i Outer Hebrides. Tamandua, Tq-min-da)-q, t Bra., 8. Tarrytown, Tar-i-tsn, a N-Y., 5. Tamaqua, Ta-m6-kwa, t Pa., 6. Tarsus, T6jr-sus, c As. Minor, 7. Tamar, TA-mar, r Eng., 60 m. Tartary, T~cr-ta-ri, ext. reg As. and Eu. Tamara, Tq-m4d-rq, i w. Af. Tashkend, TqS-kend, t Indep. Toork.,40. Tamaulipas, Tq-ms-l1-pqs, st Mexico; Tasman's (Tas-manz) Peninsula, Van area 30,334 s. m., pop. 100,064. Diemen's Land. Tambov or Tambow, Tqm-b6v, gyo Tatay, Tq-ti, s-pt t Phil. Is., 3. Rus.; area 25,542 s. m., pop. 1,666,505; Tat-Seen-Loo, Tqt-Sln-L0o,ft t China, c, cap same, 20%. Tatta, T4t-q, t Sinde, 10. [500. 112 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Taunton, T6n-ton, t Eng., 14/; co t Tenasserim, Ten-as-e-rim, r Far. Ind., Mass., 12; r do. 220 m. Taunus, Tt-nus, m Hesse-Darmstadt. Tenasserim Provinces, Br. India. Taurus, T6-rus, ms As. Tur. Tenbury, Ten-ber-i, t and par Eng., 2. Tauss, T-ss, t Boh., 62. Tenby, Ten-bi, s-pt t S. Wales, 3. Tavira, Tq-vg-rq, t Port., 8/. Tendra, T6n-drq, i Black Sea. Tavistock, Tav-is-tok, t Eng., 8%. Tenedos, Ten-i-dos, i w. As. Minor. Taw, To, r Eng. Teneriffe, Ten-er-if, largest of the Tawee, T4-ws, i Malay Arch. Canary Islands, 85; m peak 12,182ft. Tay, Ta, r and est Scot., 160 m. Te-Ngan, Ta-nigqn, c China. Tayabas, Ti-4-bqs, t Phil. Is., 21/. Teng-Tchoo, Teij-(6, c China. Taycheeda, Ta-(q-da, v Wis. Tenian, Ta-ni-4n, Ladrone Is. Taylor's Falls, TA-lorz Felz, q Minn. Tenimber, Ts-nim-ber, is Malay Arch. Taylorsport, TA-lorz-port, v Ky. Tennessee, Ten-e-sg, one of the U. S.; Taylorsville, Ta-lorz-vil, co ts N. C., area 45,600 s. m.; pop. 756,826 whites, Tenn., Ky., Ill. 1; vs Pa., Md., Va., 6422 free colored, 239,459 slaves0. 1., Ia. total, 1,002,717; r Tenn., 800 m. Taz, Tqz, r Siberia, 300 m. Tenterden, Ten-ter-den, t and par Tazewell, Taz-wel, co t Tenn.; co Ill. Eng., 4. [M(ex. Tchad, Cqd, I Con. Af. Teotihuacan, Ta-a-ti-wq-k4n, plateau Tchadobets, e(q-d@-bhts, r Sib., 200 m. Tepic, Ta-pgk, t Mex., 10. Tchao-Naiman-Soome, 64-@-Ni-mAln- Teramo, Ter-q-m@, c Nap., 10. S&-ma, e Mongolia. Terceira, Ter-sA-s-rq, Azores Is., 40. Tcharytch, Cq-rig, r Sib., 220 m. Tercero, Ter-sA-ro, r La Plata, 100 m. Tcheboksari, Ca-bok-s4-re, t Rus., 5. Terek, Ta-rek, r Rus., 350 m. Tcherkask, Staroi, Stq-r6 Cer-kqsk, Tergovist, T&r-gQ-vist, t Wallachia, 5. t Rus., 15. Terlizzi, Ter-lit-se, t Nap., 12. Tchernigov, Cer-ne-g6v, t Rus., 7%. Termini, TUr-mi-ne, s-pt t Sic., 13. Tchesme, (ds-ma, v As. Minor, 6. Terminos, T&r-mi-nos, inlet Carib. Sea. Tchoogooev, ECa-g(5-6v, ft t Rus., 9. Terminos, Laguna de, Lq-g&-nq da Tchooi, 6da-e, r Asia, 700 m. Ter-mi-nos, s-pt t Yucatan, 2. Tchooktchees, (C6k-gez, tribe E. Sib. Ternate, Ter-n4-ta, i Malay Arch. Tchooroomn, (o-rc6m, t As. Minor, 7%. Terni, TWr-ne, t Pontifical Sts., 94. Tchoruk, 6J-rdk, r Turkish Armenia, Terodant, Ta-r@-d4nt, t Morocco, 21. Teano, Ta-4-nQ, t Nap., 8. [200 m. Teror, Ta-r6r, t Canaries, 6. Tebesse, Ta-bhs-q, t Algeria, 15. Terra del Fuego, Ter-q del FwA-g@, is Teche, Tef, bayou La. s. S. Am. Tecumseh, Te-kdm-se, v Mich., 1. Terranova, Ter-q-n6-vq, s-pt t Sic., 10. Tedsi, Tdd-se, t Morocco, 14. Terre aux Bceufs, Ter @ Bef, v La. Tedzen, Ted-zen, r Persia, 250 m. Terre Bonne, Ter B6n or Tqr Bon, Tees, Tez, r Eng., 90 m. bayou and par La.; co t C. E. Teglio, TAl-yQ, v Aus. It., 5/. Terre Coupee, Ter-e KcI-pg, V Ia. Tegucigalpa, Ta-gaa-sE-gC1-pq, t Hon- Terre Haute, Ter-e Hat, co t Ia., 7. duras, 10. Terschelling, Ter-shl-ii3, i N. Sea, 234. Teheran, Te-her-4n, c, cap Persia, 10. Teruel, Ta-ra-6l, t Sp., 6/. Tehuacan, Ta-wq-k4n, t Mex., 12. Teschen, Tdj-en, t Aus. Silesia, 6/. Tehuantepec, Ta-wqn-tcL-pek, st Mex., Teshoo- Loomboo, TeJ-d- Lanm-b6, t pop. 82,395; ist and g do.; t do., 8. Thibet, 4. Teign, Tan, r Eng., 45 m. Tesouras, Ta-se-rqs, r Bra., 200 m. Teignmouth, TUn-mut, t Eng., 5. Tetbury, Tdt-ber-i, t and par Eng., 3%. Telde, T6l-da, c Canaries, 12. [Mex., 5. Tetooan, Tet-ow-n, t Morocco, 16. Temascaltepec, Ta-mqs-kql-ta-p6k, t Teutopolis, Tq,-t6p-o-lis, v Ill. [Eng., 6. Temesvar, Tem-eJ-v4r, c Hun. 19%. Tewkesbury, Tftks-ber-i, t and par Temiscaming, Te-mis-ka-min, i C. E. Tewksbury, Tilks-ber-i, v Mass., 4. Temiscouata, Tem-is-kc-4 —tq, I C. E. Texana, Teks-t-na, co t Tex. Temperanceville, Tem-per-ans-vil, t Texas, Teks-as, one of the s. w. U. S.; Pa., 2%. area 237,504 s. m.; pop. 154,024 Tempio, Tem-pi-@, t is. Sardinia, 9%/. whites, 397 free colored, 58,161 Templemore, Tem-pl-m6r, t Ir., 9%/. slaves-total, 212,592; as N-Y., O., Templeton, Tem-pl-ton, v Mass., 1l. Ia., Ill. GEOGIRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 113 Texel, Tdks-el, i North Sea, 5. Thunder Bay, Bdn-der Ba, Lake HuTeza, Ta -zq, t Morocco, 11. ron, n. e. Mich. Tezcoco, Tes-h&-kw, t Mex., 5. Thuringian Forest, Bqi-rin-ji-an F6rThame, Tem, t and par Eng., 3/. est, ms Cen. Ger. Thames, Temz, rs Eng., 215 m.; C. W. Thurles, Burlz, t and par Ir., 6. Thanet, HAn-et, Isle of, i Eng., 32. Thurso, Hidr-so, par and s-pt t Scot., 5. Thann, Tqn, t Fr., 6. Tibagi, TE-bqt-3, r Bra., 200 m. Thaso, R4-sQ, i Egean Sea, 6. [co t Ill. Tiber, Ti-ber, r Cen. It., 185 m. Thebes, HRbz, anc. c and cap Egypt; Ticao, Te-k4-@, Philippine Is. Thebes, HB-va, t Greece, 9. Tichfield-with-Crofton, Tiq-fsld-widTheiss, Tis, r Hun., 500 m. Kr6f-ton, t and par Eng., 4. [23s. Themsche, Tem-she, t Belg., 63. Ticonderoga, Ti-kon-der-6-ga, v N-Y., Theresa, Te-ri-sa, v N-Y. [40. Tideswell, Tidz-wel, t Eng., 33/. Theresienstadt, Ter-a-zi-en-stAt, tAus., Tidor, T&-dSr, i Malay Arch. Thermia, Her-mi-q, i Grecian Arch., 6. Tien-Tsin, Te-en-Tsgn, c China. Thermopylse, Rer-m6p-i-le, celebrated Tiete, Ts-L-ta, r Bra., 500 m. pass Greece. Tiffin, Tif-in, co t 0., 4. Thessaly, Ris-a-li, prov Eu. Tur. Tiflis, Tif-lis, c, cap Ga. in Asia, 50. Thetford, Hit-ford, t Eng., 4; v Vt., 2. Tigris, Ti-gris, r As. Tur., 1150 m. Thian-Shan, TE-4n-Eqn, ms China. Tilburg, Til-burh, t Neth., 1313. Thibet or Tibet, Tib-et, large reqion As. Tillanchong, Til-qn-g6j, Nicobar Isle. Thibodeaux, Tib-@-d(, co t La. Tilsit, Til-sit, t Prus., 134. Thielt, Telt, t Belg., 12%. Tim, Ternm, r Siberia, 250 m. Thiers, Te-4r, t Fr., 14. Timbuctoo, Tim-bdk-tw, t Cen. Af., 12. Thionville, Te-o@f-v1l, t Fr., 8Y2. Timor, TE-m6r, i Malay Arch. Thirlamere, B6r-la-mer, I Eng. Timor Laut, Te-mir L-t, i Mal. Arch. Thirsk, Hersk, t and par Eng., 51/3. Tinajo, Te-nq-hQ, t Canaries, 1%. Thogji-Chumo, H6g-je-fm-mo, salt l Ting-Hai, Tit-Hi, c is. Chusan. West Himalayas, 15,500 feet above Tino, Tg-no, i Grecian Arch., 22. the sea. Ticern, Te-e.rn, i of Swed. Thomaston, T6m-as-ton, co t Ga. Tioga, Ti-6-ga, vs N-Y. 1, Pa. Thomastown, T6m-as-t-n, t and par Tioomen, Te-ta-m6n, t Sib., 12. Ireland, 23/. Tippecanoe, Tip-e-ka-nc6, v O.; r Ia. Thomasville, T6m-as-vil, co t Ga. Tipperary, Tip-er-si-ri, co Ir.; t do., 83~. Thompson, T6mp-son, vs Conn., Ga. Tipton, Tip-ton, co ts Ia. 4, Iowa. Thompsonville, vs Conn. 2, Pa., Va. Tirajana, Tn-rq-h4-nq, t Canaries, 3%/. Thonon, T@-n6in, t Savoy, 43/. Tirana, Tn-rA-nq, t Eu. Tur., 10. Thorda, To6rdq, t Transylvania, 814. Tiraspol, Te-r4s-pol,ft t Rus., 5. Thorn, Torn, t W. Prus., 123/. Tiree, Tir-9, i Inner Hebrides, 33. Thornapple, H6rn-ap-l, r Mich., 80 m. Tirlemont, Terl-mnfi, t Belg., 8%. Thornbury, H6rn-ber-i, t Eng., 434. Tirnova, Tir-no-vq, t Eu. Tur., 8. Thorne, Rorn, t and par Eng., 3o3. Tishemingo, Tif-e-mini-g@, co Miss. Thorn Hill, Rern Hil, v C. W., 3~. Tiskilwa, Tis-kil-we, v Ill. Thornton, B6rn-ton, vs Pa., Ill. Titicaca (Ts-ti-kq-kq) Lake, S. Am. Thorntown, Hern-tsn, v Ia., 3. Tittibawassee, Tit-i-ba-w6s-e, r Mich., Thorold, H6r-@ld, t C. W., 13. nav. 80 m. Thourout, Tn-rd, t Belg., 83/. Titusville, Ti-tus-vil, vs N-J., Pa. Thousand Isles, Hg-zand +lz, 1500 Tiverton, Tiv-er-ton,t andparEng., 11; rocky islets river St. Lawrence. v R. I., 23. Thrace, Rras, or Thracia, Brd-fi-a, a Tivoli, Tiv-b-ln, t Cen. It., 632. name applied to Turkey in Eu., or Tivoli, Ti-v6-li, vs N-Y., Iowa. that part of Turkey bet. Bulgaria Tizzana, Tit-s4-nq, t Tus., 73/. and the Archipelago. [13. Tlapa, T1c-pq. t Mex. Thrapston, Brrps-ton, t and par Eng., Tlascala, Tlqs-k4-lq, t Mex., 4. Three Kings, or Manawa-Tawi, Min- Tlemcen, Tlem-sin, t Algeria, 9X. a-wq-Tq-wg, i S. Pac. Oc. Tnilaia, Tne-li-q, r Rus., 120 m. Three Rivers, ire Riv-erz, vs Mass., Tobago, To-bU-g@, i Br. W. Ind., 143~. Mich.; t C. E., 63~. Tobarra, To-b(r-q, t Sp., 6Y2. Thsieoo-Shan, RHs-aw-E4n, m China. Tobermory, T@-ber-mb-ri, s-pt t Scot., Thun, Tobn, I and t Swit., 5. Tobol, To-b6l, r Sib., 500 m. [13. 10 114 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Tobolsk, To-b6lsk,gov Sib.; area 1,000,- Tornea, Tdr-nse-, r Scan., 230 m. 000 s. m., pop. 685,000; c, cap W. Toro, T&-ro, t Sp., 7. Sib., 20. [t do. Toronto, Ta-r6n-to, c, cap C. W., 50. Tocantins, To-kqn-tgnz, r Bra., 1000 m.; Toropetz, T6-ro-pets, t Rus., 8. Tocoa, Ta-k6-a, r Ga. and Tenn. Torquay, T&r-ks, t Eng., 8. Tocuyo, Ta-kc6-ya, r Ven., 200 m.; t do. Torre del Greco, T&r-a del Gra-ko, t Toddington, T6d-i]-ton, t and par Nap., 13. Eng., 2K. Torre dell' Annunziata, Ter-a del LqTodmorden-with-Wafsden, T6d-mer- ncan-zs-4-tq, t Nap., 10. den-wit-Wdfs-den, t Eng., 4K. Torre Don Jimeno, Ter-a Don He-mATokat, Ta-k4t, c As. Minor, 26%. no, t Sp., 54. [6K. Tokay, Ta-ki, t N.-E. Hun., 5%. Torrejoncillo, Tor-a-1hon-til-yo, t Sp., Toledo, Ta-la-da, c Sp., 14; - To-18- Torren's (T6r-enz) Lake, S. Aust. do, c 0., 11K; v Il. Torrente, Tor-6n-ta, t Sp., 5. Tolentino, To-len-tg-na, t It., 9K. Torrington, Great, Grat T6r-i]-ton, t Tolland, T61-and, co t Conn. Eng., 3./3 Tolna, T61-no, t Hun., 5%. Tortola, Tor-t6-1a, Virgin Island, 8K. Toloar, To-l-4Ar, i Malay Arch. Tortona, Tor-t6-nq, t Sard. St., 10%. Toluca, T@-l6-kq, t Mex., 12. Tortosa, Tor-t6-sq, t Sp., 20K. Tolu, Santiago de, Sqn-ti-4-ga da To- T6rtsvar, Terts-vAr, v Tran., 6K. 16, s-Pt t N-Gran. Tortuga, Tor-t&-ga, i W. Ind. Tomaszow, To-m4-Jov, t Poland, 5. Tortugas, Tor-t6-gqs, i W. Ind. Tombigbee, Tom-big-be, r Miss. and Torzhok, Tor-36k, t Rus., 1514. Ala., 450 m. [v N-Y. Totana, To-t4-nq, t Sp., 8K. Tompkinsville, T6mp-kinz-vil, co t Ky.; Totness, T6t-nes, t Eng., 42. [12. Tomsk, Tomsk, qov Sib.; c, cap same, 24. Totonicapan, To-ta-ne-kq-pAn, t Guat., Tom's (Tomz) River, co t N-J., 1; r do. Touboual, Tca-btb-i, i S. Pac. Oc. Tonawanda, Ton-a-w6n-da,v NY., 1K. Toul, TaMl, ft t Fr., 82. Tondern, T6n-dern, t Den., 6Y. Toulon, Tao-16i, s-pt c Fr., 691. Tondja, T6n-ja, r Eu. Tur., 150 m. Toulouse, Ta-lhcz, c Fr., 93%. Tondo. T6n-da, t is. Luzon, 17K/. Tourcoing, Tor-kwnfi, t Fr., 27%. Tone, Tan, r Eng. Tournay, Tacr-nA, ft t Belg., 33. Tonga (T6j-ga) Islands, Pac. Oc., 18K. Tournus, Tar-nes, t Fr., 534. Tongataboo, Toi-a-t4-ba, i Pac. Oc., 8. Tours, Tacr, c Fr., 332. Tongres, Tof-gr, t Belg., 64. Towanda, Ts-An-da, bor Pa., 1/. Tongue (Tuj) River, Mo. Ter., 300 m. Toweester, T;s-ter, t Eng., 2%. Tonneins, Ton-ain, t Fr., 7K. Towyn, T6-win, v N. Wales, 24. Tonnerre, Ton-4r, t Fr., 42%. Traina, Tr.-nq, t Sicily, 71g. Tonquin, Ton-kin, g China Sea, 300 m. Traitor's ( Trat-orz) Island, one of NavToobonai, Tac-ba-ni, i Pac. Oc. igators' Is. Toola, T6-lqc, gov Eu. Rus.; area 11,875 Tralee, Trq-l', bor and s-pt t Ir., 13%. s. m., pop. 1,092,473; cap same, 55. Trani, Tr4-ne, s-pt t Naples, 14. Toolcha, T~cl-qcq,ft t Eu. Tur. Transcaucasia, Trans-ko-kA-fi-a, cy As. Toolsborough, Tdlz-bur-o, v Iowa. Rus.; area 66,300 s. m., pop. 1,625,000. Toombuddra, Taom-bdd-ra, r Ind., 400 m Transylvania, Tran-sil-va-ni-a, prinToong, Tapj, r China, 250 m. cipality Aus. Empire; area 23,078 s. Toora, Td6-rq, r Sib., 300 m. m., pop. 2,074,202. Toorkistan, Tar-kis-tAn, reg Cen. Asia; Trapani, Tr4-pq-ns, s-pt t Sicily, 25. - Chinese, area 500,000 s. m.; - Travancore, Trav-an-k(r, st Ind.; area Independent, or Independent Tarta- 6710 s. m., pop. 1,300,000. ry, area 720,800 s. m., pop. 4,000,000. Travi, Trc-vs, v Parma, 51. Tooz-Golee, Taz-GA-le, salt 1 As. Min. Travnik, Trqv-nik, t Eu. Tur., 8S. Topeka, To-pg-ka. cap Kanzas Ter. Trebigne, Tra-bgn-ya, 10. Topsfield, T6ps-feld, v Mass., 11. Trebitsch, TrAi-big, t Moravia, 5. [40. Topsham, T6ps-am, s-pt t Eng., 2%; z Trebizond, Trdb-i-zond, s-pt c As. Tur., Me., 1K2. Tredegar, Tred-s-gar, t Eng., 17%. Torbay, 1Tr-ba, b Eng. Tremiti (Trdm-i-te) Isles, Adriatic Sea. Torda, Ter-dq, t Transylvania, 7. Tremont, Trg-mont, Zv Pa., 1. Torgau, Tdr-gw, ft t t Prus. Sax., 6K. Trent, Trent, r Eng., 140 m.; c Aus., Torget, Ter-get, i of Norway. 1314. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 115 Trenton, Tr6n-ton, c, cap N-J., 63. Tiibingen, Te-biij-en, t WtLrt., 73. Trenton, t C. W., 1K2. Tuckahoe, Tuk-a-hcU, r Md.; v N-J., %/. Tresco, Trds-ko, Scilly Island, K2. Tuckerton, Tdk-er-ton, v N-J. Trevanion, Trs-v4-ni-on, i S. Pac. Tucopiu, Tac-k6-pi-q, i S. Pac. Oc., 2. Treves, Trsvz, c Rhenish Prus., 19%. Tucuman, Ta-kw-mtn, prov La Plata, Treviglio, Tra-vgl-y@, t Aus. It., 61/. 44,000; t do. 12. Treviso, Tra-vg-so, c Aus. It., 19X. Tudela, Tw-da-lq, c Sp., 64. Tricarico, Tre-k4-re-ko, t Nap., 5. Tulare, Tw-lqC-rs, co Cal. Trichinopoly, Trig-in-6p-w-li, t Brit. Tule, Ted-le, I Cal. Ind., 100. Tullahoma, Tul-a-h6-ma, v Tenn. Triest, Tre-6st, s-pt c Aus., 64. Tullamore, Tul-a-mSr, t Ir., 4%. Trikeri, Trg-ka-rs, t Tur., 5. Tulle, Tel, t Fr., 113. Trikhala, Tri-kq-lq, t Eu. Tur., 10. Talln, Tualn, t Aus., 1K. Trim, Trim, bor and t Ir., 6y4. Tullow, Tdl-C, t and par Ir., 3. Tring, Trio, t Eng., 43. Tully, Tdl-i, vs N-Y., Mo., %. Tringany, Trin-gj-ns, t Malay pen., 15. Tulmaro, Tol-m64-ro, t Ven., 8. Trinidad, Trin-i-dqd, (Sp. Tre-ne-) Tulpehocken, Tul-ps-h6k-en, cr Pa. dad, one of the W. Ind. Is.; area 1,- Tunamaguont, Tw-nam-a-gw6nt, a Pa. 536,000 acres, pop. 68,645. [v La. Tunbridge, Tdn-brij, t and par Eng., Trinity, Trin-i-ti, rs Tex., 550 m., Cal., 42. Trino, Trg-no, t Sardinian States, 8S. Tunbridge Wells, t and watering-place Triora, Tres —rq, v Sardinian States, Eng., 102. 44. Tuncha, Tun-q4, t China, 150. Tripoli, Trip-o-le, cy n. Af., area, 105,- Tung-Chang, fTw-54Og, c China. 000 s. m., pop. 1,500,000. [15. Tunis, Tft-nis, st N. Af., area 70,000, Tripoli, Trip-a-le, s-pt ts Af., 20; Syria, pop. 2,500,000; s-pt t, cap Tunis, 150; Tripolitza, Trs-pa-lit-sq, t Gr. - Gulf, Med. Tristan D'Acunha, Tris-tfn Dq-kcbn- Tunja, Tcdg-hq, t N-Gran., 7. [K. yq, i S. At. Tunkhannock, Tunk-han-ok, co t Pa.; Trobriand, Tra-bri-4nd, is Lotisiade Tunstall-Court, Thins-tel-Kurt, t Eng., Arch. 9/2. Troia, Tr6-yq, t Naples, 5. Tunuyan, Tca-nm-y4n, r S. Am., 200 m. Trois Rividres, Trwq Rs-vi-tr, t is. Tuolumne, Tw6l-um-ns, r Cal. Guadeloupe, 3K. Tuparro, Tao pjqr-a, r N-Gran., 200 m. Troitzkoi, Trft-skae, t Rus., 7. Tupisa, Tw-pg-sq, t Bol., 5. Trondhjem, Tr6nd-yem, s-pt t Norway, Tura, T6-ro, t W. Hun., 6K. 1334. Turaboo, Tur-a-bc6, Society Is., 2. Tropea, Tra-pa-q, t Naples, 42. Turin, Tft-rin, (Fr. Te-rfan,) c, cap Troppau, Tr6p-s, ft t Aus. Silesia, 11. Sardinian States, 143K; v N-Y. Troupville, Trc6p-vil, co t Ga. Tur-Kevi, Twr-Ka-vg, v [Hun., 91f. Trowbridge, Tr6-brij, t and par Eng., Turkey, or The Ottoman Empire, rdr11K. ki or Ot'@-man Em'pir, extensive Troy, Tra, ruined e As. Min.; c N-Y., countries in Eu., As., and Af.; the 45; t 0., 2; co ts N. C., Ala., Tenn., following are the prominent divisO., 2; Mo.; Vs Ia., Ill., Pa., Ga., Wis. ions; — Room-Elee, Bosnia, Silistria, Troyes, Trwq, c Fr., 27%. Jezayr, Is. of Gallipoli, Candia, GozTrujillo or Truxillo, Trma-hgl-yo, c Sp., zo, Standie, Thasos, Samothraki, Im6; t Peru, 8; c Ven., 4; s-pt t Hond., 4. bro, Stalimni or Lemnos, Strati, &c.; Trumansburg, Trc(-manz-burg, a N- Wallachia, Servia, Moldavia, Asia Y., 1. Minor, Armenia and Koordistan, Truro, Trc6-ro, bor and s-pt t Eng., 10- Syria or Sham, Irak and Mesopota34; v Mass., 1; s-pt t N. Scotia. mia, Jidda in Arabia, Egypt, Tripoli, Tsaritsin, Tsq-rit-sin, ft t Rus., 4%. Tunis; area 2,095,194, pop. 35,360,000. Tsarskoe- Selo, TsArs-ka)-a-Sd-la, t Turner, Tdr-ner, v Me., 2. Rus., 10K. Turnhout, Turn-h-t, t Belg., 13K. Tsong-Gan-Hien, Tsog-Gqn-HE-6n, t Turquino, Tor-kg-na, m Cuba. China, 10. Turriff, Tdr-if, t and par Scot., 13. Tsoosima, Tsc-ss-mq, i Japan. Turyassu, To-re-q-s(6, r Bra., 350 m. Tsung-Ming, Tsu9-Mi0, i China. Tuscahoma, Tus-ka-h&-ma, v Ala., Tuam, TWl-am, t and par Ir., 734/. Tuscaloosa, Tus-ka-l6-sa, co t Ala., 334. 116 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Tuscany, Tds-kan-i, grand duchy N. Tweedmouth, Twid-mut, v Eng., 53. It.; having as divisions:- Florence, Twickenham, Twik-en-ham, v and par Lucca, Pisa, Sienna, Arezzo, Gros- Eng., 61. setto, Leghorn, with is. of Gorgona, Twofold Bay, e. coast of Aust. Elba and adjacent islands; area 8,- Two Rivers, a Wis., 1. 586, pop. 1,778,021. [v O. Tygart's Valley (Ti-garts Val-i) River, Tuscarawas, Tus-ka-ro-wa-s, r, co and Va., 150 m. Tuscarora, Tus-ka-r6-ra, ers Pa., Va.; Tyler, Ti-ler, co t Tex.; v Ill. v N-Y., Pa., /. Tymochte, Ti-m6k-te, v 0. Tuscola, Tus-k&-la, co and v Mich. Tyne, Tin, r Eng., 80 m. Tuscumbia, Tus-kdim-bi-a, v Ala.; co t Tynemouth-with-North Shields, (TinTuskegee, Tus-ki-ge, co t Ala. [Mo. mut,) two ts Eng., 30/2. Tutbury, Tut-ber-i, a Eng., 134. Tyngsborough, Tigz-bur-@, v Mass. Tuxford, Tuks-ford, t andparEng., 14. Typinsan, Ti-pin-sqn, Madjicosima Is. Tuxtla, T(6kst-lq, t Mex., 5. Tyri-Fiord, Te-ri-Fe-ord, I Nor. Tuy, Tws, t Sp., 414; r S. Am. Tyrnau, Tir-ns, t Hun., 534. Tyer, Tyer, c Rus., 24. Tyrol, Tir-ol, prmv Aus.; area 11,084 s. Tvertsa, Twert-sq, r Rus., 110 m. m., pop. 859,706. Tweed, Twed, r Scot. and Eng., 95 m. Tyrone, Ti-rdn, vs N-Y., Pa. U. Uanapu, (D-q-nq-p6, r Bra., 400 m. Uncasville, Un'kas-vil, v Conn. Uatuma, CW-q-tdb-mq, r Bra., 350 m. Unghvar, (bCg-vdCr, t Hun., 5. Uaupes, W*-pes, r Bra. Unie, l)n'ya, i Adriatic Sea, 3. Ubatuba, ()-bq-tdD-bq, t Bra., 6. Union, Yftn-yon, co ts Va., Mo.; s8 NUbeda, I)-bA —dq, t Sp., 13/. Y., Ia., Mich., N-C. Ubrique, OD-brg-ka, t Sp., 5Y/. Union City, a Mich. Ucayale, (I)-ki-4-la, r Peru, 500 m. Union Mills, vs Pa., Va., Ia., Io. Udine, (Y'de-na, t Aus. It., 264. Union Springs, vs N-Y., 1; Ala. Ill. Uelzen, Elt'sen, t Han., 3. Uniontown, co t Pa., 23; vs Ala., ia., Uerdingen, Er'di9-en, t Rhen. Prus., 3. Union Village, v N-Y. Ugliano, (Dl-yA-n@, i in Adriatic Sea. Unionville, co t S. C.; vs Conn., Pa., O. Uhricksville, Yti-riks-vil, v O., 1. United States, Yq-nit-ed Stats, Rep. Uist, (Wist or Est,) North, i Outer N. Am., occupying more than half of Hebrides, 3%. the territory of the North Temperate Uist, South, i Outer Hebrides, 4. Zone, and presenting in the unity of Uithuizen, (ft-h&-zen, a Neth., 334. its States, the most perfect government Ujhely-Satoralja, (D'e-hely-Sq-to-ro6- the world ever witnessed. The face of yo, t Hun., 6%. the country is of every variety-valley, Uleaborg, OC'le-@-berg, s-pt t Fin., 5. mountain, and plain. Topographically Ulea-Trask, W('le-@-Trqsk, I Fin. considered, the United States are diUlloa, (Dl-y6-q, r Hond., 100 m. vided as follows: 1. The Atlantic, or Ullswater, Ulz'wo-ter, I Eng. Alleghany Slope; 2. The Mississippi Ulm, Ulm, t Wiirtemberg, 13Y/. Valley; 3. The Pacific, or Rocky Ulster, Wl'ster, r Ger.; Ul'ster, co and Mountain Slope. The first, the oldest, p o N-Y. and comprising the original states of Ulva, Ul'va, is Inner Hebrides, 34. the confederacy, possessing the greatUlverstone, Ul'ver-stcn, t and par est number of inhabitants, farthest Eng., 63/. advanced in the arts and sciences, comUmbagog (Um'ba-gog) Lake, N-Eng. mercial and educational improvements, Umea, (I)'lne-, r Swed., 250 m. steadily furnishes the states and terriUmpqua (Ump'kwe) City, a Or. Ter. tories of the other two divisions with UTna. (l'nq, four rs Bra.. 60 m.'Cbone, sinew" and mind, for their setLnadilla, Un-a-dil-a, r N-Y.; vs N-Y., tlements. The second comprises the MAich. richest and most extensive agricultural Unare, (W-nh4-ra, r Ven., 120 m. country in the world; while the other, GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 117 yet in embryo, contains beneath its hills led by that of any country (excepting great mineral wealth, and in its moun- Prussia) in the world. The numberxof tain streams undreamed of manufac- public and private schools, colleges and turing power. academies, is 87,162; of students in attendance 4,089,597, and the proporStates and Terri- Area in Total tion at school is I to 4.9, not including tories. s. ms. populat'n. slaves, and greater than that of any — aine, _ - other country. The ratio of those over Maine, 31,766 583,169 twenty years of age unable to read or New Hampshire, 9,280 317,976 write is 1 in 40 in the non-slaveholding Vermont, 10,212 314,120 states, and I in 12 in the slaveholding Massachusetts, 7,800 994,514 states. In the New England states, Rhode Island, 1,306 147,545 1 in 400. The number of papers pubConnecticut, 4,674 370,792 lished, 2,526; while other publications, New York, 47,000,.3,097,394 such as books, pamphlets, etc., exceed, New Jersey, 8,320 489,555 probably, all other countries together. Pennsylvania, 46,000 2,311,786 American ships are found on every Delaware, 2,122 91,532 sea, and in its ports the productions of Maryland, 11,124 583,034 every clime are received. There enDis. of Columbia, 60 51,687 tered from foreign ports, in 1854, 19,Virginia, 61,352 1,421,661 103 vessels, with a tonnage of 5,884,North Carolina, 50,704 869,039 339 tons; cleared, in the same period, South Carolina, 29,385 668,507 19,073, with a tonnage of 6,019,194; Georgia, 58,000 906,185 valueof imports, $304,562,384; exports, Florida, 59,268 87,445 $278,241,064. Alabama, 50,722 771,623 Unity, Yil-ni-ti. vs O., Ill. Mississippi, 47,156 606,526 Unna, IWn'q, t Prus. Westphalia, 5%; Louisiana, 41,255 517,762 r Turkish Croatia, 110 m. Texas, 257,504 212,592 Unst, Unst, Shetland Island, 3. Arkansas, 52,198 209,897 Upland, Up'land, v Pa., 1. Tennessee, 45,600 1,002,717 Upolou, W)-po-lc6, Samoan Is., Pac. Kentucky, 37,680 982,405 Oc., area 60 s. m., pop. 25,000. Ohio, 39,964 1,980,329 Upper or New California, (Kal-i-ferMichigan, 56,243 397,654 ni-a,) former ter. of the state of Cal. Indiana, 33,809 988,416 Upper Iowa, r Mhin. and Io. [Md. Illinois, 55,405 851,470 Upper Marlborough, MQrl-bur-c), co t Missouri, 67,380 682,044 Upper Sandusky, or Fremont, co t 0., 1. Iowa, 50,914 192,214 Upper Swatara, Swq-t4-ra, tp Pa. Wisconsin, 53,924 305,391 Upperville, Up'er-vil, v Va., A/. California., 155,980 92,597 Upsal, Up'sal, t Swed., 5. Kanzas Territory, 114,798...... Upshur, Up'fur, v 0. Nebraska Ter., 335,882 Upton-upon-Severn, Up'ton-up-on-SdvMinnesota Ter., 166,025 6,077 ern, t and par 22. New Mexico Ter., 207,007 61,547 Ural, Yij-ral, r Rus., 1800 m.; ms do. Utah Ter., 299,170 11,380 Urbanna, Ur-bAn-a, co ts Va., O., Ill., Oregon Ter., 185,030 13,294 Mo. [7. Washington Ter. 123,022 Urbino, Wr-bg-na, c Pontifical States, Tot_ l, Urghundaub, Ur-gun-d6b, r Afg., 230 m. Total, 2,936,166 23,191,876 Urquhart, Urk'hqrt, par Scot. Ursa, Ur'sa, v Ill. The rapidity with which population Urubamba, (D-rco-b4m-bq, t Peru, 4. increases in the United States is re- Urucaia, C)-rc-kj-q, r Brazil., 200 m. markable: at the rate of increase for Uruguay, CO-rcn-gwi, r S. Am., 800 m. the preceding ten years, up to 1850, Uruguay, a republic S. Am.; area 75,the present population would be (1856) 000 s. m., pop. 1,120,000. 28,753,062. The number of persons to Usedom, (I'ze-dom, i Prus. Pomerania. the square mile in the non-slavehold- Ushant, Uj'ant, i off Brittany, 2y*. ing states were 21.91; slaveholding, Uskup, cs'kup, t Eu. Tur., 10. 11.35. Ustica, D)s'ti-kq, i Med. [400 m. The educational system is unequal- Usumasinta, C)-scn-mc-sin-tq, r C. Am,, 118 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Utah, Yl,-to, or YA-tq, ter U. S.; area Utrecht, Y~q-trekt, t Hol., 491; prof 269,170, s. m., pop., whites, 11,330; Neth., pop. 155,224. free colored, 24; slaves, 26; total, 11,- Utrera, OB-trd-rq, t Sp., 124. 380, mostly Mormons. Uttoxeter, Uks'e-ter, t and par Eng., 5. Utah Lake, central part ter. 30 by 10 m. Uvalde, (B-v4l-da, co Tex. Utica, Y~l-ti-ka, c N-Y., 221; vs Pa., Uxbridge, Uks'brij, t Eng., 34;, Miss., O., 1; Mich., 1; Ia., Ill., Mo. Uyea, W(-yd, one of Shet. Is. [Mass., 2. Utiel, W(-ts-61, t Sp., 53. Uzes, E-zts, t Fr., 7. Utilla, W(-til-yq, i Caribbean Sea. Uzzano, WCt-sq4-n@, t Tuscany, 4. V. Vaagen, V4-gen, (East and West,) Van Diemen's Land, i s. e. Aust.; area two of the Loffoden Is., Nor., 4. 24,000 s. m., pop. 80,000. Vache, (VqJ) Island, W. Ind. [m. Vandola, La, Lq-Vqn-d6-lq, AdmiralVadavate, Vqc-dq-v4.-ta, r S. Hind., 200 ty Island. Vaga, V4-gq, r Rus., 250 m. Vanikoro, Vq-ni-kc$-ro, i S. Pac., 114. Vaigats, V~-gAts, i Artic Oc., large and Vannes, Vqn, s-pt t Fr., 13x4. inhabited. Vanua-Valavo, Vq-n5- q-Vq-l-C-vo, i Vaila, Vd-la, Shetland Island. S. Pac., 1. Vahk, Vqk, r Siberia, 350 m. Van Wert, Van Wert, co t 0., 1. Valatie, VAl-a-te, v N-Y. Var, Vqr, dep Fr., pop. 357,967. Valbenoite, Vql-be-nwQt, v Fr., 6. Varazze, Vq.-rtt-sa, t Sard., 71. Valdepenas, Vql-da-pAin-yqs, t Sp., 93. Varel, F4-rel, t Ger., 31. Valdes, V41-des, i Gulf of Georgia. Varinas, Vq-rg-nqs, t Ven., 12. Valdivia, Vcl-dg-vi-q, r Chili, 120 m. Varna, Vqr-nq, ft s-pt t Eu. Tur., 14. Valenga, Vq-ldn-sq, t Brazil, 3. Varoqua, Var-6-kwa, co t Wis. Valence, Vq-16fls, t Fr., 161. Vasa, Vq-sq, s-pt t Fin., 3%. Valencia, Vq-16n-fi-a, prov Sp.; c, cap Vasarhely, Hold-Mezo, HRld-MA/-zo, of same, 70; c Ven., 17; - Lake, do. V4-fqr-hely, t Hun., 2614. Valenciennes, Vq-lofi-se-6n, t Fr., 231. Vasarhely, Somlyo, E6m-lyo V4-fqrValentia, Vq-1dn-Ji-a, i w. of Ir.; t do. hely, t Hun., 25. 21X. [71. Vashka, V4I-kq, r Rus., 200 m. Valenza, Vq-1en-zq, t Sard. States, Vasilkov, Vq-sil-k6v, t Rus., 8. Valetta, Vq-1et-q, s-pt c is. Malta, 30. Vasioogan, Vq-se-a-gqn, r As. Rus., Valki, V41-ke, t Rus., 9. 170 m. Valladolid, Vql-yq-do-lSd, c Sp., 30; Vassalborough, VAs-al-bur-@, v Me., 3. c Mex., 18; c Yucatan, 15. Vasto, V4s-to, t Naples, 9. Vallay, VAI-a, i Outer Hebrides. Vatersa, V4t-er-sc, i Outer Hebrides. Valle - Hermoso, V41-ya - Er-m6-s), t Vaucluse, Vo-klez, dep Fr., 264,618. Canaries, 3. Vaud, Va, or Pays-de-Vaud, Pia-e-deValognes, Vq-16ny, t Fr., 6. Va, canton Switz. Valpariso, Vql-pcq-ri-s@, c cap Chili, 50; Vaudreuil, Vo-drely, co C. E. Val-pa-ra-za, co t Ia. Vauxhall, Vo-hel, suburb London. Van, Vqn, c Turkish Armenia, 40. Vavao, Vq-v4-o, Friendly Island, 6. Van, Lake, salt lake, As. Tur. Veglia, VIl-yq, i Adriatic Sea, 15. Van Buren, Van Bfl-ren, co ts Ark., Vejer, Va-hkr, t Sp., 8S. 1%; Mis. Velez, Va-les, t N-Gran., 7x4. [x. Vanceburg, Vans-burg, vs Ky., 14; Ill. Velez Blanco, VA-let BlAn-kG), t Sp., 7Vancouver's, Van-k&b-verz, i w. Br. Velez Malaga, AMq-lq-gq, t Sp., 16. N. Am., 11. Velez Rubio, R5-be-c, t Sp., 12%. Vancouver, Fort, settlement Hudson's Velikaia, Va-le-ki-q, s Rus., 160 m. Bay Company, Wash. Ter. Velino, Va-l-no, r It. Vandalia, Van-dA-li-a, co t Ill., 1. Velizh, Va-liz, t Rus. Pol.. 634. Van Deusenville, Van Dsi-zen-vil, v Velletri, Ve-lA-tre, t Pontificial St., 10. Mass. Ln. w. Aust. Venado, Va-n4-da, t Mex., 8. Van Diemen's (Van )f-menz ) Gulf, Venango, Ve-nAio-go, v Pa. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 119 Vendome, Vofi-ddm, t Fr., 91/. Victoria, Vik-tQ-ri-a, Br. col Australia; Vendotena, Ven-do-tA-nq, i Med., K. area 160,000 s. m., pop. 320,000; co t Venezuela, Ven-ez-wg-la, (Sp. Va- Tex.; v Ill.; t Mex., 53/; - Vek-t&net-wd-lq, rep S. Am., area 400,000 ri-q, t Bra., 5. s. m., pop. 1,419,289. Victoria Lake, S. Aust. Venice, Vdn-is, c Aus. It., 110; v O. Victoria Land, Antarctic ter, supposed Venloo, Ven-l1, ft t Neth., 74. to be discovered by Sir James Ross. Venosa, Va-n6-sq, t Naples, 6. Victoria River, N. Aust. Ventnor, V6nt-nor, t Isle of Wight. Victoria Strait, Arc. Oc. Vera, Va-rq, t Sp., 8%. Victory, Vik-to-ri, v N-Y. Vera Cruz, Vd-rq-Krws, st Mex., area Vidalia, Vi-dd-li-a, co t La. 27,595 s. m., pop. 274,686; s-pt t Mex., Vieille-Vizne, Ve-Aly-Veny, v Fr., 5K. 81s. Vienna, Vi-6n-a, c, cap Aus., 408; co ts Veragoaa, Va-r4-gwc, t N-Gran., 5. Ga., Ill.; as N-Y. 2~, Ala., O., Ia., Vercelli, Ver-gql-e, c Sard. Sts., 184. Wis., C. W. Verden, FBr-den, t Ger., 434. Vienne, Ve-6n, dep Fr., pop. 317,305; Verdun, Ver-ddfi, t Fr., 14. c do., 203; r do., 220 m. Vereya, Va-rd-yq, t Rus., 6. Vieque, Vs-A-ka, i Br. W. Ind. Vergennes, Ver-jenz, c Vt., 1%. Vierzon, VE-er-zcfi, t Fr., 6x. Veria, Ve-rg-q, t Eu. Tur., 8. Viesti, Ve-6s-ts, t Nap., 6. Vermejo, Ver-md-ho, r S. Am., 750 m. Vigan, Ve-gqn, s-pt t Phil. Is., 174. Vermilion, Ver-mil-yon, V 0., 1, rs Vigevano, Vs-ji-vq-n@, t Sard., 153. La., Ill. and Ia. Viggiano, Vid-j4-n,. t Nap., 5 4. Vermilionville, Ver-mil-yon-vil, co t Vigo, Vg-g@, s-pt t Sp., 43; 1 Rus.; Louisiana. - Vj-g, co Ia. Vermont, Ver-mont, one of the U. S., Vilaine, VE-lin, r Fr., 130 m. the first admitted after the union; Vilcanota, Vel-kqn-y6-tq, m Andes. area 10,212 s.m., pop. whites, 313,402, Vilkomeer, Vil-ko-mwr, t Rus. Pol., 5. colored 982, total 314,120; v Ill., 1Y2. Villa-Bella-da-Princeza, Vgl-q-B61-qVernon, Ver-ndfi, t Fr., 63; Ver-non, dq-Prsn-sA-zq, t Bra., 3. co t Ia., 1; vs Conn., N-Y., Wis., Cal. Villa del Fuerte, Vil-yq del Fw.r-ta, Verona, Va-r6-nq, ft c Aus. It., 48; t Mex., 5. Vs-r6-na, a N-Y., 52. Villa del Principe, Vil-yq del PrEn-siVerret (V6r-et) Lake, La. pa, t Cuba, 30. Versailles, Ver-sAlz, c Fr., 353/; co ts Villa do Rio Pardo, Vil-q do RE-6) Ky., Ia., Mo. PTr-do, t Bra., 5. Versecz, Vdr-Jets, t Hun., 153. Villa Franca, Vil-q Frdrj-kq, t Bra., 4. Vertou, Ver-td, v Fr., 6. Villafranca de los Barros, V9i-yq-frAxVervick, Ver-vik, t Belg., 53. kq da 1Qs B4r-os, t Sp., 6. Verviers, Ver-ves-, t Belg., 20. Villafranca de Panades, Vel-yq-fr49Vesoul, Va-zl1, t Fr., 6%. kq da Pq-n4-des, t Sp., 534. Vesuvius, (Vs-sf-vi-us,) Mount, act- Villafranca de Xira, Vel-q-frqi-kq da ive vol It. ~X-rq, t Port., 5. Veszprim, Ves-prim, t Hun., 9. Villafranca di Piemonte, Vil-q-fr4gVetlooga, Vet-lU-gq, r Rus., 300 m. kq de Ps-a-m6n-ta, t Sard., 83. Vevay, Vs-vA or Vi-va, co t Ia., 2. Villajoyosa, Vsl-yq-ha-y6-sq, t Sp., 8. Viana, Vs-4-nc, s-pt t Port., 8. Villanova de San Antonio, Vl-eq-n6-vc, Viatka, VE-At-kq, gov Rus.; area 53,- da Sqn ftn-td-ni-@, t Bra., 4. 493 s. m., pop. 1,818,752; c, cap Villanueva de Cordova, Vel-yq-nwd-vq same, 7; r do., 500 m. da K6r-dQ-vq, t Sp., 63x. Viazma, Ve-Az-mq, t Rus., 12. Villanueva de la Serena, Vel-yq-nwAViborg, Vg-berg, s-pt t Finland, 33. vq da lq Sa-rA-nq, t Sp., 9. Viborg, V-boerh, t Den., 534. Villanueva y la Geltru, Vsl-yq-nwd-vq Vicenza, Vs-sdn-zq or VE-q6n-zq, c E lq Hel-trd, t Sp., 10%. Aus. It., 33. Villa Real, Vil-yq Ra-41, t Sp., 84. Vich, Vik, c Sp., 10/. Villa Real de Concepcion, Vil-yq RaVichada, Ve-g4-dq, r N-Gran., 260 m. l1 da Kon-tep-te-6n, t Paraguay, 4. Vicksburg, Viks-burg, c Miss., 3%. Villa Vigosa, Vgl-q VE-s6-sq, t Bra., 5. Vico Equense, Vg-ka E[-kwdn-sa, t Villefranche-de-Rouergue, Vsl-fr6fifIt., 93. de-Rd-Mtrg, t Fr., 934. 120 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Villefranche-sur-Sa6ne, Vel-fro6ft-ser- Vivero, Ve-vt-ro, t Sp., 43. San, t Fr., 8. Vlaardingen, Vlr-dip-en, t Neth., 74. Villena, VEl-ya-nq, t Sp., 84. Vladimeer, Vlq-di-mtr, gov Rus.; area Villeneuve-le-Roi, Vel-nev-le-Rwq, t 18,445 s. m., pop. 1,168,303; t do., 71. Fr., 514. [Fr., 13k. Vlieland, Vlg-lqnt, i Zuyder-Zee, 4. Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Vel-nev-ser-Lo, t Vodla, V6d-lct, 1 and r Rus., 120 m. Villette, La, Lc, VEl-6t, v Fr., 18%. Voghera, V@-gg-rq, t Pied., 10%. Vilna, Vil-nq, c Rus. Poland, 52k. Voiron, Vwq-rfh, t Fr., 8%. Vilvoorden, Vil-v6r-den, t Belg., 54. Volcan de Agua, Vol-k4n da a'gwc, Vinaroz, VE-nq-r6t, t Sp., 10%. [2. vol Guat. Vincennes, Vin-sdnz, t Fr., 812; cotIa., Volcano, Vol-kit-no, i S. Pac. Oc. Vindhya (Vind-yq) Mountains, Hin. Volga, V61-gq, 7. Rus., 2500 m. Vinnitsa, Vin-it-sq, t Rus., 7x. Volhynia, Vol-hin-i-a, gov Rus. Pol.; Vintimiglia, Vin-ti-mtl-yq,ft t Sard.,5. area 27,742 s. m., pop. 1,469,442. Vire, Ver, t Fr., 71. [Ind. Volo, V4-la, Gulf, inlet of _Egean Sea. Virgin Gorda, V6r-jin Gdr-da, i Br. W. Vologda, Vc-16g-dq, gov Eu. Rus.; area Virginia, Ver-jin-i-a, one of the orig- 148,674 s. m., pop., 864 268; c same, 14. inal U. S.; area 61,352 s. m.; pop. Volta, V61-tq, r Guinea, 360 m. 894,800 whites, 54,333 free colored, Voltchansk, Vol-q4nsk, t Rus., 7. 472,528 slaves-total, 1,421,661. Volterra, Vol-tdr-q, t Tus., 4%2. Virgin (Vdr-jin) Islands, W. Ind. Volturno, Vol-tcbr-no, r Nap., 90 m. Virtzerv (Virt-zerv) Lake, Rus. Voorn, Varn, i of S. Holland. Viseu, Vg-sa-eb, c Port., 94. Vorms, Verms, i Baltic. Vishera, Vif-a-rA, r Rus., 260 m. Vorona, Va-rcS-nq, r Rus., 220 m. Vishnee, Vij-ne, t Rus., 9. Voronezh, V@-r@-n6e, gov Rus.; area Viso, Monte, M6n-ta Vi-sa, peak Alps. 25,878 s. m., pop. 1,629,741; c do., 44. Vistula, Vis-tq-la, r Eu., 530 m. Vosges, Vo3, dep Fr.; area 2230 s. m., Vitchegda, VE-qdg-dq, r Rus., 380 m. pop. 427,409; ms Fr. and Ger. Vitebsk, Ve-tdbsk, t Rus. Pol., 30. Votka, Vot-kq, t Rus., 9. Viterbo, Ve-t6r-ba, c Cen. It., 14. Vozh, Vog, I Rus. Vitoria, Ve-t&-ri-q, t Sp., 10%. Vracene, Vr4-sa-na, v Belg., 51/. Vitre, Ve-tri, t Fr., 834. Vukovar, Vcn-k)o-v4r, t Aus., 5%/. Vitry-le-Frangois, Vs-trg-le-Fro-swA4, Vulcano, Vol-k4-n@, Lipari Is., Med. ft t Fr., 8%. [11. Vuna, Vc-nq, Feejee Is., 7. Vittoria, Vi-t6-ri-a, ts C. W. 3, Sic. Vuoxen, Vw-6ks-en, r Finland, 350 m. W. Waag, Wqg, r Hun., 200 m. [2. Wahlahgas, Wq-1l4-gas, r Me. Wabash, W6-baJ, r Ia., 550 m; co t Ia., Wahsatch (Wcq-sag) Mountains, Utah Wabashaw, W6-ba-fe, co t Minn. Waia, Wi-q, Feejee Is., 3. [Ter. Wachusett (Wo-GlL-set) Mt., Mass. Waiblingen, Vj-bli)-en, t Wiirt., 3. Wacoochee, We-kd6-~e, v Ala. Waikato, Wi-kA-to, r N-Zeal., 250 m. Wacousta, Wa-kc6s-ta, v Mich. Waiping, Wj-piU, t China, 150. Waday, W6-di, cy interior Af.; pop. Waitzen, Wit-sen, t Hun., 11l. unknown. Wakefield, WAk-feld, t and par Eng., Waddington, Wod-ii-ton, v N-Y., %. 33; vs R. I., Md. Wadebridge, Wid-brij, t Eng., 1. Wakulla, Wa-kdl-a, r and co Fa. W-densweil, Vd-denz-vil, v Swit., 5. Walbridgeville, W6l-brij-vil, v Vt. Wadesborough, Waidz-bur-o, co t N. Walcheren, V41-her-en, i of Neth., 45. C., 12; ~v Ky. Waldeck-Pyrmont, W61-dek-Pir-mont, Wadesville, Wiadz-vil, v Va. p)rin Ger., pop. 59,697. Wadjier, Wqd-jgr, Arroo i. Waldenses, Wol-den-ssz, a Protestant Waereghem, W4,-re-gein, v Belg., 5. people in Piedmont. Wagram, Wq-gram, v Lower Aus. Waldo, Wl1-da, vs O. [4%. Wahkiacum, Wq-ki-Ak-um, co Wash. Waldoborough, W4l-do-bur-o, t Me., Ter. Waldiirn, Vql-dern, t Baden, 3%. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 121 Wales, Walz, div Gr. Br.; area 7,398 Warrenspoint, Wor-enz-p1nt,t and par s. m., pop. 1,005,721. Ir., 134. Walker's (W6k-erz) Lake, Utah Ter. Warrenton, W6r-en-ton, co ts Va. 132, Walkersville, W6-kerz-vil, v Pa. N. C. 14, Ga., Ala., Mo.; v8s Miss., Wallachia, Wol-d-ki-a, prin, Eu. Tur.; Ky., O., Ia. area 27,000 s. m., pop. 2,000,000. Warrentown, Wor-en-t-sn, v Pa. Walla Walla, Wol-a W61-c, r, co and Warrington, W6r-ij-ton, t and par co t Wash. Ter. Eng., 23/3. Wallenstadt, Vql-en-stqt, I Swit. Warrior's Mark, W6r-i-orz Mqrk, a Pa., Wallingford, W61-i9-ford, t and par Warsaw, W6r-se, c Rus. Pol., 16442; Eng., 234; vs Vt., Conn., Ill. co ts N-Y., Va., Ky. 1, Ia., Mo.; t Ill., 3. Wallis (W61-is) Lake, N-S. Wales. Warta, Vqr-tq, r Ger., 450 m. Walloostook (Wol-w-stcdk) River, Me. Wartenburg, V4r-ten-bulrh, t Prus., 3. Wallsend, W61-send, v Eng., 53. Warwick, W6r-wik, bor and t Eng.,11; Walpole, W61-pol, vs N-H. 1, Mass. 1. co t Va.; vs N-Y., Pa. Walsall, W61-sel, t and par Eng., 84. Washa, W6f-a, I La. Walsham, W6ls-ham, North, t and par Washington, W6f-ig-ton, n. w. tess U. Eng., 3. S.; area 123,022 s. m.; pop. chiefly Waltenberg, V41-ten-berA, t Tran., 82. Indians; some few whites, mostly Waltersborough, Wel-terz-bur-a, co t traders, occupying a part of the S. C. Territory. Waltershausen, V4l-terz-h —zen, t Washington, c, and seat of government Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 314. of the United States, situated in the Waltham, W61-tam, v Mass., 2/. District of Columbia; pop. 55; co t8 Waltham-Abbey, W4lt-am-Ab'i, t Pa. 24, O., Ia. 14, Io., Ky., Tenn., Eng., 2%'; -, Bishop's, t and par Ark.; vs Mass., Conn., N-J., Pa., O., Eng., 24. Ia., Ill., Mo. Walthourville, Wol-t.4r-vil, a Ga. Washington, land Are. Oc., discovered Walton, Wl1-ton, as N-Y. 1, Ky. 4. by Dr. Kane, in 1854; - or Uahuga, Walvisch, Wl4-vif, b S. Af. )D-q-h&-gq, Marquesas Is. [500 m. Walworth, W61-wurt, vs N-Y., Wis. Washita or Ouachita, W6f-i-te, r Ark., Wanchow, Wqn-q-, s-pt t China, 200. Watab, W6-tab, v Minn. Wandsworth, W6nz-wurt, par and v Watauga, Wo-t6-ga, r and co N. C. Eng., 934. Wateeo, Wa-tg-@, one of Harvey Is. Wangeroog, V4, -er-@g, i of N. Ger., 34. Waterbury, W6-ter-ber-i, c Conn., 7. Wanlock-Head, W6n-lok-JHed, a Scot,l. a Vt., 2. [than 200 m. Wantage, W6n-taj, par and t Eng., 3. Wateree, We-ter-g, r S. C., nav. more Wanzleben, V4nts-la-ben, t Prus. Sax- Waterford, W6-ter-ford, c Ir., 25/; s8 ony, 3. Conn. 23, N-Y. 1, Pa. 3, Va., O., Wapahkonetta, Wop-a-ka-net-a, co t O. Ia., Ill., Wis., Miss. Wapello, Wa-pel-o, co and co t Io., 34. Waterloo, We-ter-l6, a Belg., 23; co t8 Wapsipinicon, Wap-si-pin-i-kon, r Io., N-Y. 3s/, Ill.; vs Va., Ala., Ia., 200 m. Wis., C. W. Warasdin, V4-rqs-din, t Aus. Croatia, 9. Watertown, W6-ter-tsn, c Wis., 4; co t Wardsville, Wdrdz-vil, t C. W., 4. N-Y., 73; vs Mass., Conn. Ware, Wtr, t andpar Eng., 5; v Mass., 2. Waterville, We-ter-vil, vs Me. 4, Conn., Wareham, Wjr-haim, bor and t Eng., 3. N-Y., 0. Waren, Vq-ren, t Meck.-Schwerin, 5. Watford, W6t-ford, t and par Eng., 4. Waresborough, W4rz-bur-o, co t Ga. Watkinsville, W6t-kinz-vil, co t Ga. Warminster, Wer-min-ster, t and par Watling's (W6t-ligz) Island, Bahamas. Eng., 434. Watlington, W6t-lig-ton, t and par Warm Springs, Worm Springs, co t Eng., 2. [Ter., 80 m. Va.; vs N. C., Ga. Watonwan (W6t-on-wan) River, Minn. Warner, Wer-ner, v N-H. Watsontown, W6t-son-tsn, v Pa. Warneton, Vqrn-tdfi, t Belg, 6. Watton, W6t-on, t and par Eng., 1/. Warren, W6r-en, co ts Me. 234, Ark Wattsburg, W6ts-burg, v Pa., 3. 3/, 0. 3; vs Mass., R. I. 2, Conn., Pa. Waukau, We-k6, v Wis., 34. 1, la. 3/, Ill. Waukegan, We-ki-gan, co t Ill., 434. Warrensburg, WSr-enz-burg, co t Mo.; Waukesha, We-ke-Je, co I Wis., 4. a N-VY.' Waupacca, We-pik-a, co and r Wis. 11 122 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Waupun, We-pun, v Wis., 2. Wellsburg, W6lz-burg, co t Va., 3; v NWausau, W6-se, co t Wis., 1. Wells' River, v Vt. [Y. Waushara, We-Jar-a, v Wis., Y2. Wellsville, Welz-vil, vs N-Y. 3, 0. 1%. Wauwatosa, Wo-wa-t6-sa, v Wis., 1. Wels, Vels, t Upper Aus., 4%. Waveland, Wdv-land, v Ia., 13. Welshpool, W6lJ-pwl, t and par North Waveney, Wa-ven-i, r Eng., 50 m. Wales. [2. Waverley, WA-ver-li, v N-Y. Wendover, Wdn-do-ver, t and parEng., Wavre, Wdcv-r, t Belg., 54. Wener, Va-ner, or Wenner, Vdn-er, I Waxahachie, Waks-a-hag-e, co t Tex. Sweden. Wayne, Wan, v N-Y., 1. Wenham, Wdn-ham, v Mass., Y. Waynesborough, Wanz-bur-o, co ts Wenlock, Wen-lok, t and two pars Ga., Tenn.; vs Pa. 1, Va., N. C. Eng., 20K. Waynesburg, Wanz-burg, co t Pa., 13; Wentworth, W`nt-wurt, co t N. C. V 0., 1. Werdau, Wdr-ds, t Sax., 63. Waynesville, WAnz-vil, co ts N. C., Werden, Ver-den, t Rhen. Prus., 5%3. Ga., Mo.; vs O. 1. Ill. Werl, Verl, t Prus. Westphalia, 4. Wazemmes, Vq-zem, t Fr., 13. Wernigerode, Ver-ni-ga-r6-da, t Prus. Wea, Wi-o, v Ia. Sax., 52. Wear, Wer, r Eng., 67 m. Werra, Wdr-q, r Cen. Ger., 150 m. Weaverville, Wg-ver-vil, t Cal., 2K. Wertheim, Vert-hbim, t Baden, 3K. Webster, Web-ster, vs Ia., Mo., Cal. Wesel, Nieder, Ng-der Va-zel, ft t Wednesbury, Wdnz-ber-i, t and par Rhen. Prus., 124. Eng., 12. Weser, VA-zer, r Ger., 250 m. Weedowwee, Ws-d*-we, co t Ala. Wesley City, Wds-li Sit-i, v Ill. Weedsport, Wgdz-port, v N-Y. Wesleyville, W&s-li-vil, v Pa., 14. Weerdt or Weert, Vqrt, t Dutch Lim- Wessel (Wes-el) Islands, off N. Aust. burg, 64. West Alburg, West Ol'burg, v Vt. Weerselo, Vqr-se-16, t Neth., 5. West Alexandria, Al-eks-an-dri-c, vs Wehlau, Va-Ls, t Prus., 3%. [4. Pa., O. Weichselburg, Vik-sel-buarh, t Illyria, West Alton, Ol'ton, v N-H. Weida, V{-dq, t Saxe-Weimar, 334. West Amesbury, imz'ber-i, v Mass. Weighton (Wa-ton) Market, t and par NWest Andover, An'do-ver, v N-H. Eng., 2%. West Barnstable, Bqrn-sta-bl, a Mass, Weilheim - an-der - Teck, V~l-him-qn- West Baton Rouge, Bat-on Rw3, par La. der-Tek, t Wiirt., 3X. [11. West Bend, v Wis., 1. Weimar, Vi-mar, c, cap Saxe-Weimar, West Bloomfield, Bliom-feld, v N-Y. Weingarten, Vin-gqr-ten, v Baden, 3. Westborough, Wrst-bur-o, vs Mass., O. Weinheim, Vin-him, t Bad., 51s. Westbrook, Wdst-brtak, v Conn., 1. Weissenburg, Vi-sen-burh,ft t Bay., 4. West Brownsville, Brinz-vil, v Pa., K. Weissenfels, Vi-sen-fels, t Prus. Sax., Westbury, Wdst-ber-i, t and par Eng., 83. 7. L2. Weisskirchen, Vis-kerh-en, t Aus., 5y2; West Cambridge, KAm-brij, v Mass., t Moravia, 51/. West Camden, KAm-den, v N-Y. Weissport, Wis-pwrt, v Pa. West Carlisle, Kqr-ljl, v 0. [0. Weldon, Wel-don, v N. C. West Charleston, CqCrlz-ton, vs Me., Vt., Welland, W6l-and, r Eng., 70 m. Wrestchester, Wdst-qes-ter,'v N-Y. Welland Canal, connecting Lake Erie West Chester, CBs-ter, co t Pa., 4y. with Lake Ontario. West Columbia, K@-ldm-bi-a, v Va. Wellborn, Wl6-born, co t Ala. West Concord, K6p -kord, vs N-H.,Vt. Wellersburg, Wel-erz-burg, v Pa. West Cornwall, Kkrn-wol, v Conn. Wellesley (Wdlz-le) Islands, Gulf of Westecunk, Wds-te-kugk, a N. J. Carpentaria, n. Australia. West Elizabeth, 8-liz-a-bet, a Pa., K. Wellfleet, W61-flet, v Mass., 2. Westeras, W`6s-ter-os, t Swed., 33. Wellingborough, Wdl-ig-bur-o, t and Westerham, Wdst-er-ham, t and par par Eng., 5. Eng., 1. Wellington, W`I-ip-ton, ts and pars Westerly, W`st-er-li, v R. I., 14. Eng., 4% and 4; vs Mo., C. W.: set Western Australia, W6st-ern Os-trAilN-Zeal.; i w. S. Am. [do., 3%. ya, Br. col Australia, 102. Wells, Welz, c Eng., 434: s-pt t and par Western Port, inlet s. Austral'a. Wellaborough, Wdlz-bur-oa co t Pa. Western Saratoga, Sar-a-t46-ga, I Ill. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 123 Westervik, V&s-ter-vik, t Swed., 3. Wettin, Vet-9n, t Prus. Sax., 3%. West Farms, v N-Y., 234. Wetumpka, Ws-tdmp-ka, c Ala., 3/. West Feliciana, Fr-lif-i-An-a, par La. Wetzlar, Vdts-lar, t Rhen. Prus., 5. Westfield, Wdst-feld, vs Mass. 4, N-Y. Weverton, Wg-ver-ton, v Md., 212. 2, N-J. Wexford, Weks-ford, s-pt t Ir., 13. West Fitchburg, Fig-burg, v Mass. Wexio, Wdk-fs-e, t Swed., 23. Westford, West-ford, v Mass. Wey, Wa, r Eng. West Gilead, Gil-s-ad, v 0. Weymouth, Wi-mut, s-pt Eng., 3; s-pt West Gloucester, G16s-ter, v R. I. t Nova Scotia; v N-J. West Glover, Gldv-er, v Vt. Whaleysville, Hwd-liz-vil, v Md. West Greenville, Grgn-vil, v Pa., 1. Whalsay, Hwal-sa, Shetland Is., /3. West Hartford, H4rt-ford, v Conn., 4Y. Wharton, Hwdr-ton, co t Tex. West Haven, HIa-ven, v Conn. Whartonsburg, Hw6r-tonz-burg, v 0. West Indies, West In'dsz, or Antilles, Wheatland, Hwit-land, v Wis. fn-tal, is At. Oc., s. U. S., embracing Wheaton, Hw9-ton, v Ill. the following groups: Greater An- Wheelersburg, Hwil-erz-burg, v 0., 34. tilles; Lesser Antilles; Caribbee; Wheeling, Hwil-ip, c Va., 11I2. Virgin; Bahama, &c.; of which Cu- Whidby's (Hwid-biz) Island, i n. w. ha, Hayti, Porto Rico, and Jamaica, Wash. Ter. of the first group, are the principal. Whiddy (Hwid-i) Island, s. Ir., Y2. Area 95,000 s. m., pop. 3,500,000. Whippany, Hwip-a-ni, v N-J., 34. West Isles, is At. Oc., near Me. Whitby, Hwit-bi, bor, t andparEng.,11. West Jefferson, Jef-er-son, a O., 12. Whitchurch, Hwit-qurc, ts and pars West Killingly, Kil-ij-li, v Conn., 2/. Eng., 2 and 3%3. West Lebanon. L6b-a-non, v N-H. White Creek, Hwit Krsk, v N-Y., 1. West Liberty, Lib-er-ti, co t Ky.; t O., 1. Whitehall, Hwit-hel, vs N-Y. 4, N. C., West Meriden, Mer-i-den, v Conn., 11. Ill. [pt t Eng.. 19. Westminster, West-min-ster, div Lon- Whitehaven, Hwit-hI-ven, bor and sdon, Eng.; co t Md., 1; vs Mass., 0. Y3. White Haven, HI-ven, a Pa. West Needham, Ngd-ham, v Mass. White House, Hss, v N-J. West Newton, N4i-ton, v Mass., 1%. White Mountains, N-H., 6226 ft. Weston, Wes-ton, c Mo., 3; co t Va.; White Oak Springs, Ok Sprirjz, v Wis.,,vs Vt., Mass., Conn. White Pigeon, Pij-on, v Mich., 1. L3. Weston-Super-MIare. Wes-ton-Si-per- White Plains, Planz, co t N-Y. MI.-rs, t and par Eng., 4. White River, Ark. and Mo., 800 m.; Ia. Westphalia, West-fa-li-a, prov Prus.; Whitesborough, Hwits-bur-@, co t Narea 7848 s. m., pop. 1,464,921; v Mo. Y., 214. West Point, 52 miles n. of N-Y. City, Whitesburg, Hwits-burg, co t Ky. on the Hudson River, site of the U. White Sea, or Gulf of Archangel, g S. Military Academy; vs Ga., Tenn., Arc. Oc. Ky., Ia., Mo., Iowa, 1. White Sulphur Springs, vs Va., La. Westport, West-purt, s-pt t Ir., 4; vs Whitesville, Hwits-vil, co t N. C.;'O N-H., Mass., Conn., N-Y., Ky., Ia.; t Tenn. Mo., 1~'. Whitewater, Hwit-wo-ter, v Wis., 114. West Poultney, P6lt-ni, v Vt. Whitewater River, Mo., 250 m. [123. Westray, Wes-tra, Orkney Is., 2. Whithorn, Hwit-horn, t and par Scot., West Ruinney, Rum-ni, v N-H. Whitneyville, HIwit-ni-vil, v Conn. West Rutland, Rit-land, v Vt. Whitstable, Hwit-sta-bl, t and par West Springfield, Sprip-feld, v Mass. Eng., 3. West Stockbridge, St6k-brij, v Mass. Whittlesey, Hwit-l-si, t Eng., 52; v 0. West Union, YVdn-yon, co ts Va., O., Wick, Wik, s-pt t and par Scot., 12. Iowa; v Ia. [Ia.; co t MIiss. Wickford, Wik-ford, zv R. I. Westville, West-vil, vs Conn., 1%, O., Wicklow, Wik-lo, s-pt t Ir., 3. West Wheeling, Hwil-in, a O., i3. Wiconisco, Wik-O-nis-kQ. v Pa., 1. Wetherby, Wed-er-bi, t Eng., 11%. Widin, Vid-in, ft t Eu. Tur., 25. Wetta, Wdt-q, i Malay Arch. Wieliczka, Vs-liq-kq, t Auns. Pol., 4/. Wetter, V6t-er, I Sweden. Wiesbaden, Vgs-bq-den, t Ger., 1214. Wetteren, Wet-er-en, t Belg., 8%. Wigan, Wig-an, t and par Eng., 32. Wetterhorn, V&t-er-horn, one of the Wigton, Wig-ton, t and par Eng., 43. Alpine Mountains. Wigtown, Wig-tan, t and par Scot. 124 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Wilbraham, Wil-bra-ham, v Mass. Winstead, Win-sted, v Conn. Wildervank, Wil-der-vqr.k, v Neth., 4. Winston, Win-ston, co t N. C. Wilkesbarre, IWXilks-bar-e, bor Penn.,3. Winterset. Win-ter-set, co t Io. 53/. Wilkesborough, Wilks-bur-@, co t N. C. Winterswyk, Win-terz-wik, a Neth., Wilkesville, Wilks-vil, v 0., 1. Lm. Winton, Win-ton, co t N. C. Willamette, Wi-lq-met, r Or. ter., 200 Winyaw (Win-ye) Ba, S. C. Williamsburg, Wil-yamz-burg, c Long Wiota, Wi-6-ta, v Wis. Island, 50; co ts Va., 1/{; Miss., Ky., Wirksworth, Weks-wurt, t and vs 0., 13; Pa. Eng., 2Y3. 2. Williamson, Wil-yam-son, av N-Y., 1%. Wisbeach, Wis-beg, bor and t Eng., 10Williamsport, Wil-yamz-port, co ts Pa., Wiscasset, Wis-kas-et, t Me. 22, Va., Ia. Wisconsin, Wis-k6n-sin, r Wis., 200 m. Williamstown, Wil-yamz-tsn, co ts N. Wisconsin, one of the n. w. U. S., reC., Ky.; vs Mass., 1, Mich., X. cently admitted into the Confederacy; Williamsville, Wil-yamz-vil, vs N-Y., area, 53,924 s. m.; the increase of 1; Vt. [3'2. the pop. in this state is unexampled; Willimantic, Wil-i-man-tic, t Conn., in 1850, its inhabitants, numbered Willington, Wil-ij-ton, vs Conn., 1/3; 305,391; -whites, 304,756, colored, 630. S. C. Wismar, Wis-mar, s-pt t MecklenburgWillingston, Wil-ij)-ston, v Vt. Schwerin, 113. Willoughby, Wil-o-bi, v 0., 1. Wissembourg, Ves-em-bdcr, t Fr., 6. Willow Grove, Wil-o Grayv, Pa. Wiston, Wis-ton, v and par Wales, 34. Willsborough, Wilz-bur-@, v N-Y., 1. Witham, Wit-am, r Eng., 80 m; t and Willshire, Wil-ser, v O. par do. 33. Wilmington, Wil-mil3-ton, cDel., 1614; Withamsville, Wit-amz-vil, v O. c N. C., 10; vs O., 14, Ia., Ill. Withlacoochee, Wit-la-k&c-ge, rs Ga., Wilson, Wil-son, a N-Y., 4; co t N. C. Florida. Wilton, Wil-ton, t and par Eng., 134; Witney, Wit-ni, t and par Eng., 3. vs N-H., 14, Conn. Wittenbecg, Wit-en-berh, ft t Prus. Wirnborne- Minster, Wim-born-Min- Sax., 84. [. ster, t and par Eng., 2%. Wittenberge, Wit-en-berl-e, t Prus., 4Wincanton, Win-kin-ton, t and par Wittstock, Vit-stok, t Prus., 63. Eng., 22. [Eng., 2. Wittzenhausen, Vit-sen-ha-zen, t Winchcombe, Winc-kum, t and par Hesse-Cassel, 314. [Eng., 3. Winchester, Win-ces-ter, c Eng., 133/4; Wiveliscombe, Wils-kum, t and par )s5 N-H., 2%; Mass., 1; co ts Va., Wivenhoe, Wiv-en-ho, t andpar Eng., 4y, Ia., 1, Ill., 1, Tenn. 1%. [a Mass. Windermere( Win-der-msr) Lake Eng. Woburn, W6-burn, t and par Eng., 2; Windham, Wind-harn, a Conn. Wohlau, V~c-1, t Prus. Silesia, 3. Windsor, New, Nil Win-zor, t and par Wokingham. W(5-kip-ham, t Eng., 214. Eng., 9s2. Wolcott, W61-kot, vs Vt., N-Y. Windsor, co ts N-C.; vs N-Y., Vt., 1, Wolcottville, W61-kot-vil, as Conn., 1O., Ia., Ill., Wis.; s-pt t N. Scotia; t Y/; Ia. C. W. [sovereigns. Woldenberg, V61-den-berh, t Prus., 3. Windsor Castle, residence of British Wolfborough, Wialf-bur-o, a N-H. Windsor Locks, a Conn., 114. [1/. Wolfenbuttel, V61-fen-bet-el, t Ger., 9. Winfield, Win-feld, co t Va.; v N-Y., Wolf River, Wis., 150 m. WinnebagoWin-e-bA-go (Lake,) Wis., Wolgast, V61-gqst, s-pt t Prus., 54. 28 by 10 m. Wollin, Vol-gn. s-pt t Prus., 434; i do. Winneconna, Win-e-k6n-c, v Wis. Wollmirstadt, V61-mer-stet, t Prus. Winneshiek, Win-e-JFk, co and p o Io. Sax., 334. [Eog., 412. Winnipeg, Win-i-peg, 1 Br. N. Am., Wolsingham, W61-sin-ham, t and par 210 by 55 m. Wolverhampton, Wol-ver-hamp-ton, t Winnipegoos, Win-i-pe-gas, I Br. N. and bor Eng., 50. [212. An., 125 by 25 m. Wolverley, W al-ver-li, a ani par Eng., Winnipiseogee, Win-i-ps-s6o-e, 1 N- Woodbridge, W-id-brij, t and par Eng., H., 23 by 10 m; - River, do. [La. Woodburn, Wtad-burn, a Ill. [53. Winnsboroauh, Wins-bur-o, co ts S. C., Woodbury, Wubd-ber-i, co ts N-J., 1k Winooski, Win-cbs-ki, a Vt. Tenn., Ill.; a Conn. Winslow, Winz-l@, vs Me., N-J., Ia. Woodsfield,, co t O., 3. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 125 Woodstock, W-ld-stok, t Eng., 114; co Wrightsville, Rits-vil, bor Pa., 113. ts N-H., Vt., 12; Va., 11; Ill., N- Wrington, Riij-ton, tandparEng., 1%. Brun., C. W., 2; vs N-Y., Ga., O. Wrockwardine, R6k-war-din, v and Woodstown, WiAdz-tan, v N-J. par Eng., 34. [4. Woodville, Wfid-vil, co ts Miss., Tex.; Wrotham, R6t-ham, v and par Eng., 3Vs O., Ia., Ill., Mo., Va., Ga., Ala. Wulur, Wdl-er, 1 Cashmere. Woodwardsville,WiAd-wardz-vil, evN-J. Wunsiedel, Vian-se-del, t Bavaria, 4. Wooler, Wfil-er, t and par Eng., 2. Wunzen, Wcfn-zen, vol Japan. Woolwich, Wfl1-iq or WSfi-ij, t and Wurdah, Wdr-da, r Ind., 300 m. par Eng., 3234. Wurno, Wdr-no, t Cen. Af., 13. Woonsocket, Wtan-sok-et, v R. I., 603. Wiirtemberg, Ver-tem-ber/h, k Ger.; Wooster, Wfas-ter, co t O., 4. area 7554 s. m., pop. 1,733,263. Wootton-Basset, Wiht-on-Bis-et, t and Wurzburg or Wurtzburg, Verts-burh, par Eng., 214. ft t Bavaria, 2634. Worcester, Wgs-ter, c Eng., 27K; c Wurzen, Vfirt-sen, t Saxony, 414. Mass., 204; * N-Y., Ill. Wyalusing, Wi-a-lhi-siij, v Wis. Workington, Wdrk-igj-ton, s-pt and Wyandot, Wi-an-d6t, v O. [Eng., 73. par Eng., 74. [1. Wycombe, Wik-um, Chipping, t andpar Worksop, Wdrk-sop, t and par Eng., 7- Wye, Wi, r Eng. and Wales, 130 m.; Workum, Ver-kum, t Neth., 33. par and v Eng., 1l. Wormditt, Verfi-dit, t Prus., 33y. Wyhe, Vi-e, v Neth., 1134. Worms, Wurmz, anc c Hesse-Darm- Wymondham, Wi-mond-ham, t and stadt, 934. par Eng., 51. Worthing, Wdird-ib, t Eng., 5%. Wynantskill, Wj-nants-kil, v N-Y. Worthington, Wdrd-ij-ton, vs Pa., Wyne-Gunga, Win-Gdn-ga, r Ind., 230 Ky., O., Y2. Wyngene, Wi.i-ha-ne, v Belg., 7. im. Worthsville, Wdrts-vil, v Ia. Wyoming, Wji —mig, v, Pa., N-Y., Wragby, RAg-bi, t and par Eng., /3. Ky., Ia., Ill., Io. Wrangel, RaU-el, i Rus., 1%. Wythe, Wit, co Va. p o Ill. Wrexham, Reks-ham, t and par N. Wytheville, Wit-vil, co t Va., 1. Wales, 1534. Wytoonee, Wi-tw-ns, one of the DisWrietzen, Vrst-sen, t Prus., 6. appointment Is. X.:R Many names beginning with X, Xenia, ZE-ni-a, co t 0., 3x,; s Ill. will be found under J, as the more Xingu or Chingu, Zij-gd, r Brazil, recent orthography. [pdk, t Mex., 4. 1300 m. Xamiltepec or Jamiltepec, Hq-mEl-ta- Xochimilco, Ha-qe-mil-ko, V Mex. Xanten, Ksfn-ten, t Rhenish Prus., 3. Xochitepec, HE-qe-ta-p6k, qv Mex. Xanthus, ZAn-tus, r As. Min.; anc. c Xorullo, H'-r(bl-c, vol Mex. As. Min. Xulla, Zc6l-q, is Malay Arch. Y. Yablonoi, Yq-blo-n&, ms h. As. Yalpookh, Yql-pc6l, I Rus. Yadkin, Yad-kin, r N-C., 200 m. Yamaska, Yq-mqs-ka, v C. E., /3. Yakoono Seema, Yq-kd-no Sg-mq, i Yana, Yq-nq, r Sib., 600 m. Yakootsk, Yq-k~ctsk, t Sib., 7. [Jap. Yanaon, Yq-nq-6fi, v Fr. Ind., 634. Yakova, Yq-k5-vcq, t Eu. Tur., 18. Yanceyville, Yan-si-vil, co t N. C., 34. Yallobusha, Yal-o-bhd-fa, co and r Yang-Tse-Kiang, Yqc-Tss-KE-A4, r Miss., nav. 90 m. China, 1000 m. Ya-Long-Kiang, Yq-Lo1-KIs-4b, r Yanina, Y4-ne-nq, c Eu. Tur., 36,000. China, 600 m. Yan-Phing, Yqn-FiU, c China. 126 GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. Yaqui, Yq-kg, r Mex., 400 m. Yeoo, Ya-6<, r Af., 300 m. Yardley-Hastings, Yqrd-li-Hds-tigz, v Yeovil, Y6S-vil, t and par Eng., 6. and par Eng., 1l4. Yeshil-Kool, Y6J-il-Kbl, I Chinese Yardleysville, Ycrd-liz-vil, v Pa. Toorkistan. Yarkand, Yqr-kClnd, capl c Chinese Yesso or Jesso, Ygs-@, Japanese Is. Toorkistan, 100. Yeste, Yds-ta, t Sp., 6. Yarkand River, China, 500 m. Yetholm, Y6t-om, par Scot., 1%. Yarmouth, Great, Grat Y4r-mut, s-pt Yezd, Yezd, c Persia. t and par Eng., 30:. Ylopango, 8-l@-pCtj-g@, 1 Cen. Am. Yarmouth, Y[r-mut, t and par Isle of Yonkers, Y6ogk-erz, v N-Y., 4. Wight, 13; s-pt t N. Scotia. Yonne, Yon, dtep Fr., pop. 380,856. Yarmouth Port, a Mass. Yoodoma, Yw-dd-mnq, r Siberia, 170 m. Yaroslav, Yq-ro-slqv, c Rus., 35. Yoog, Ymg, r Rus., 220 m. Yarra-Yarra, Yar-a-Yar-a, r Aust. Yoogan, Yca-gqn, r As. Rus., 228 m. Yassy, or Jassy, Yqs-s, cap t Moldavia, Yoomadung, Ywn-a-diij, m Fur. Ind. Yaxley, Yaks-li, a Eng., 1l/. [20. York, York, c Eng., 36%; co t Pa., 63; Yazoo, Yq-zc6, r Miss., nav. 290 m.; - ts Me., 3, Ill.: ft Br. N. Am., w. of City, co t Miss., 2. Hudson's Bay. Ybicuy, 8-bi-kwi, r Uruguay, 200 m. York River, Va., 40 m. Yealmpton, Yelmp-ton, v and par Yorkshire, Y&rk-fer, v N-Y. Eng., 1N. York Sulphur Springs, a Pa. Yecla, Ya-klq, t Sp., 9%. Yorktown, Y6rk-tsn, co t Va.; v Ia. Yeddo or Jeddo, Ydd-o, cap c Japan, Yorkville, Ylrk-vil, co t S. C.; v8 1,500,000; - Gulf, s. e. of the is. of Tenn., Ia., Ill., Wis., C. W., Ia. Niphon. Youghal, Y6-hil or Yel, s-pt t and par Yefremov, Yef-ra-m6v, t Rus.,r.. I, 7. Md., Pa. Yeia. Yd-yq, r Rue., 140 m. Youghiogheny, Yo-ho-gd-ns, r Va., Yekaterinboorg, Ya-kq-ta-rin-bc6rg, t Youngstown, Ydgjz-tsn, v N-Y., 1, Pa., As. Rus., 15. [Rus., 5. 12, 0., ly. Yekaterinodar, Ya-kq-ta-re-n@-dqr, t Youngsville, Yfipz-vil, a Pa. [tsn, a Pa. Yekaterinoslav, Ya-kq-ta-re-n@-sl.v, Youngwomanstown, Yu.i-w im-anzgov and t Rus., 131/. Yountsville, Ylnts-vil, a Ia. Yelagooi, Ya-lq-g&-e, r Siberia, 200 m. Ypres, 8'pr, ft t Belg., 153. Yelatom, Ya-lq-t6m, t Rus., 5. Ypsilanti, Ip-si-ldn-ti, a Mich., 2Y2. Yelets, Ya-lh;s, t Rus., 16%. Yreka, F-rg-ka, t Cal., 2/2. Yelisavetgrad, Ya-le-sqa-vet-grC4d, ft t Ysselmonde, P'sel-m6n-da, i S. Hol. Rus., 10. Yssingeaux, [-safi-S6, t Fr., 7%. Yell, Yel, one of the Shetland Is., 2%. Ystad, Is'tqd, s-pt t Swed., 414. Yellow Sea, inlet Pac. Oc., n. e. of Ch. Ystwith, Ist'wit, r Wales. Yellow Springs, v O., 1/2. Yuba, Yfi-ba, r Cal. Yellowstone River, a tributary of the Yuba City, t Cal. Missouri, 1000 m. Yucatan, Yc-kq-tbtn, st Mex., area Yellville, Y6i-vil, co t Ark. 52,947 s. m., pop. 668,623; - Bay, Yemen, Yem-en, s. w. div Arabia. n. of Honduras. [400 m. Yen-Chow-Foo, Yen-lG-Fd6, c China, Yuen-Kiang, Ye-4n-Ke-6j, r China, pop. 200. Yuma, Y&-mq, r Hayti, 70 m. Yenikale, Yen-i-k4-la, strait uniting Yurung-Kash, Yco-rgiD-Kqj, r Chinese the Sea of Azof with the Black Sea. Toorkistan, 250 m. Yenisei, Yen-i-si-e, r Siberia, 2500 m. Yverdun, 8-ver-ddft, t Swit., 3%. Yeniseisk, Yen-e-sdsk, gov and c Rus., 6. Yvetot, ~v-t(, t Fr., 10. Z. Zaandam, Zqn-dq4m, t Neth., 1114. Zacatecas, Zqk-a-tU-kas, st Mex., area Zab, Zqb, r Turk. Koordistan, 200 m. 30,507 s. m., pop. 305,551; c, cap of Zabakano, Zq-bq-kq,-nQ, t W. Af., 9, the same, 25. Zacapa, Sq-kq4-pq, t Cen. Am., Guat., 5. Zacatula, Sq-ka-t6-laq, t Mex. GEOGRAPHICAL VOCABULARY. 127 Zacualpan, Sq-kwql-pAn, A Mex. Zengg, Zeij, s-pt t Croatia, 5. Zzlcualtipan, Sq-kwql-te-pqn, t Miex. Zenjan, Zen-gqn, t Persia, 15. Zafaran-Boli, Zq-fq-rqn-B6-ls, t As. Zenta, S6n-to, t Hun., 1334. Min., 15. Zer-Afshan, Zer-ff.-Jqn, r Independent Zaffarin, Zq-fc-rgn, is Med. Toorkistan, 400 m. Zafra, 11-frq, t Sp., 43. Zerbst, Tserpst, t Ger., 83. Zzlgros (Z4-gros) Mount, As. Zeulenroda, Tstr-len-r6-da, t Ger. 4/4. Zaisan, Zi zqn, I Chinese Toorkistan. Zhitomeer. Xit-o-mgr, t Rus. Pol., 28. Zalesczyky, Zq-lej-qik-e, t Aus. Gal- Zhizdra, 3is-drq, t Rus., 8. icia, 5. Zielenzig, Tsg-len-tsih, t Prus., 412. Zamora, Hq-m6-rq, c Sp., 84. Zierikzee, Zg-rik-za, t Neth., 634. Zamora, ScL-m5-rq, t Mex. Zillerthal, Tsil-er-tql, val Tyrol, 14. Zamosz, Zq-mof, t Pol., 5. Zilwaukie, Zil-w4-ks, v Mich. Zanesville, Zinz-vil, c O., 10y14: v Ill. Zinder, Zin-der, t Bornoo, 10. Zanguebar, Zqi-ga-bqr, ter of E. Af. Zionsville, Zi-onz-vil, vs IA., Pa. Zante, Zqn-ta, Ionian Island, 39/; t Zittau, Tsi-ts, t Saxony, 10. of same, 20. Znaim, Tsnim, t Moravia, 5. Zanzibar, Zqn-ze-bqr, or Zanguebar, Zoar, Znr, v O., settled by Germans, Zcq-ga-bqr, i e. of Af., 150. [agua. having a community of property. Zapatera, Sq-pqc-tA-rq, is Lake Nicar- Zolotchev, Za-lo-qgv, t Rus., 5. Zapatosa, Sc-pc-t6-sq, I N-Gran. Zombor, Z6m-bor, t Hun., 22. Zara, Z4-rq, cap c Dalmatia, 64. Zschoppau, Tf6p-o, t Sax., 6y4. Zarevokokshaisk, Zqc-rA-v@-ko-fJsk, t Zug, Tsnl]. canton Swit.; c of same 33Y. Rus., 5. [40. Zulia, S-li-q, r S. Am., 180 m. Zaria; ZA-re-yq, cap Zeg-Zeg, Cen. Af., Zullichau, Tsel-r-k~, t Prus., 43. Zaslav, Zqs-l4v, t Rus. Pol., 8S4. Zuni, Zwn-yg, t N-Mex. "' Zbarasz, Zb4-raJ, t Aus. Galicia, 523. Zurgena, Rir-hk-nct, t Sp., 123. Zea, Z-cq. i Gr. Arch., 9. Zurich, Zii-rik, canton Swit.; cap c of Zealand, ZV-land, prov Neth., 165. same, 17; - Lake, Swit. Zebayer, Ze-bi-er, is Red Sea. Zurrah, Zur-a, brackish 1 Afg. Zebeed, Zeb-id, ft t Arabia, 7. Zuruma, Sw-rc6-mq, t Ec., 6. Zebu, ZE-bl6, i Malay Arch., 834. Zutphen, Zdt-fen, t Neth.. 1234. Zebulon, Zdb-yq-lon, co t Ga. Zuyder-Zee, Zi der-Ze, q German Oc. Zeiden, Tsi-den, t Transylvania, 334. Zvornik, Zver-nik, ft t Eu. Tur., 15. Zeitz, Tsits, t Prus. Sax., 12Y4. Zwickau, Tsvik-s, ts Bohemia, 334; Zelaya, Sa-14-yc, t Mex., 10. Sax., 1234; Bohemia, 334. Zele, ZA-le, t Belg., 1034. Zwittau, Tsvit-s, t Moravia, 334. Zell (Zel) Lake, s. part of Baden. Zwolle, Zw61l-e, ft t Neth., 17. PERSONAL NAMES. INTRODUCTION. SURNAMES, like Steam Engines, Railroads, and Telegraphs, seem to be of modern origin, the expanse of mind and a rapidly advancing civilization having created the necessity for a definite distinction between the actors in the drama of life. However this may be, the invention seems, to the mass of mankind, to be more perplexing than those mentioned in this connection; but this difficulty is not, let it be borne in mind, in the names vocally expressed, but in their symbolical representation. Following out the tendencies of a wretchedly imperfect orthography, the good fathers dressed themselves [i. e., their names,] in ill-arranged costumes, which, after the established manner of things temporal, fell to their children, who have since continued to hand them down from generation to generation, with but slight modifications. If it be true that, "Sine nomine homo non est,"* then should the clothing of the name be appropriate-an indication to the eye of what the thing is itself. But alas! such is not the case, and in view of the fact, which we cannot look to be changed at present, in any way whatever, we have endeavored, in the pages that follow, to overcome this difficulty to some extent-to place it in the power of the reader to call people by their right names. We do not claim for it correctness in every particular, for the many difficulties in the way rendered this impossible at first, but we feel confident that the reader of general history, and the student in all the departments of science and literature, will find this list of PERSONAL NAMES an invaluable companion. And, furthermore, to those engaged in commercial, mechanical, or agricultural pursuits, who generally give their spare time each day to the reading of their "paper," this will be found of great use in rendering familiar what they read. The constant intercommunication between the civilized nations of the earth, the numerous travelers following the various directions of the compass, at the present time, render such a work highly important. There are biographical dictionaries, it is true, but while the names given are barely readable to the savant, they are unapproachable barriers in the way of the general reader.-Surely this class, as well as * Without a name man is nothing. (128) PERSONAL NAMES. 129 all others who are in the habit of reading, will feel grateful for the appearance of this little work, and all other attempts to make intelligible words clothed in a strange orthography. If every Dutchman one meets has not a name so long as Hans ln7cvervankodsdorspanckinkadrachdern,-or every father of the Church so modest a title as that of "St. Collen-ap-Gyunawg-ap- Clyndawg-cpCawrda-ap-Caradoc-Freichfraas-ap-Llynn-Merim-ap-Enion- Yrth-ap- CuneddaWledig,"* still there are many less imposing, of Anglo-Saxon as well as-of foreign races, quite unpronouncable without assistance,-to dress these in phonotypy renders them intelligible. This, as we believe, is the first attempt to give the pronunciation of modern names, and in the absence of such a work of reference the task has been laborious. But no pains have been spared in procuring the correct pronuncia. tion of every name as far as possible, not only as instanced, but by reference to geographical names, poetry, and to works in every department of science and Bellas-lettres. For instance, the name of a distinguished Senator from Texas, (Houston,) is pronounced by some public speakers, H'ss-ton, by others, Hc6s-ton; now the object to be obtained was to find out how the gentleman pronounced it himself, which was done, and was found to be as last given. It would have been gratifying to the publishers to have been able to have given a more extended notice of the works of the great minds that have passed away, together with those actively engaged at the present time, —to have chatted column after column away about the SHAKESPEARES, NEWTONS and GODiWINs, the G(ETHES, KAN'TS and SCHILLERS, the LA PLACES and FRANKLINS of the past, the HumBOLDTS, ARAGOS and AGAssIZ, of the present, but this would have alone required a massive volume, and would have defeated the object of the publishers, which was to make a convenient book of reference for every class of persons. In conclusion, we invoke an honest criticism of our labors, hoping that such errors as are noted will be forwarded in time to make the requisite corrections in the second edition. W. H. S. * The dedication of the Church of Llangollen in Wales. [Vide Recreative Review, vol. ii. p. 189, Eng.] It appears from the following laughable description of cheese. designed to ridicule this system of nomenclature, that the surnominal adjunct, ap, [meaning of, orfromn, by descent,] was used in Wales until recently:"Adam's own cousin-german by its birth, Ap-Curds-ap-Milk-ap-Cow-ap- Grass-ap-Earthl" Bhglisl Surnames, vol. i. p. 18. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. The usual Geographical abbreviations are employed, as explained in the Introduction to the Geographical Names; also, the ordinary abbreviations of Christian names. In order to economize space, an abridged style of expression has been adopted, which when once understood is sufficiently expressive for a book of reference. Thus: "Aaron, eld br Moses,"-elder brother of Moses; " b. A. M.,"-born year of the world; "B. C.,"-before Christ. The figures at the close of each paragraph, thus: "1512-1571," are to be read, " born 1512died 1571;" or if "k." precede the last figures, read "killed 1571;" "g." "guillotined," &c. See "Ainmuller," "1807-," means, born 1807, but not dead, or if so it is not known; "Allen," " —1789," means, the birth is not known, but died in 1789. [Those who own the book, when they hear of the death of any individual mentioned in it, should enter the time of his decease opposite the name.] act -.. for.. actor. emp - - - - emperor, empire na.. - - national. adm.... admiral. nat......naturalist. advs -. advocate. engr... -engraver. nob......nobleman. a - - - - agriculturist. ento -. - entomologist. noncon...nonconformist. ac - - - alchemist. essa - - essayist. nov - - - - -novelist. anat. - anatomist. ethhn ethnologist. s. f. officer. anti - - - -'antiquarian. ex - - - - executed. or - - - - - orator. ar * exp... explorer, and ori —.-. orientalist. arc, arch -architect. experimental. pa. * patron. arch.. -.. archaeologist. Jab......fabulous. pat......patriot. art —-....artist. found... founder. ph -. —-- physician. ast, astr. astronomer. neral. phil ~ - philosopher. astrol....astrologer. geneal. - - genealogist. philol ~ - philologist. au * * thor genre - - various. phren.... phrenologist. b.....born. geo - - - - geographer. hys ph.s.physiologist. bar...- barister. geol......geologist. pola-.-.politician. ben -....benefactor. gov -. -governor, pop.. popular. biog - - - - biographer. hist - - - istorian. pr - - - - - -prince. bp........ bishop. humrn - humorist. pres - - president. br - -. - brother. illus - - - illustrious. prof - - - - professor. c......... crowned. imp. - imposter. prot r a. protestant. capt.......captain. ing -....inquirer. psychoal- ~ psychologist. cari-. - caricaturist. j *... judge. pt........painter. cel * * - * - - * celebrated. jour-ur ~ **jo urnalist. pub......publisher. cet. —...century. jur......juror. polit....political. chem - - emmist. k -.......king, killed. ref - - - reformer. cler - -. clergyman. law - - rel - - -religious. con - -. commodore. lec - - lecturer. rep - - representative. conman * commander. leg.......legislator. repab... - republican. commen. -commentator. lieu ~ lieutenant. schol - -.scholar. conch..- -conchologist. lin - - - - -linguist. sculp - - sculptor. conzq -..conqueror. lit - - - - literary. [ter. sh - - - - - shot. contrl. - -contributer. -pt -....landscape pain-sol.. - - - soldier. crit - - - -critic. math - - - -. mathematical. st - - - - statesman. dip - - - - - diplomatist. mat med - materia nledica. sur..- - - surgeon. dist - - - - distinguished. meta -. -metaphysical. surg - -..surgical. div...... divine. meteor - - - meteorologist. theo - - - - theologian. dram... - - - dramatist. nil - - military. trage - tragedian. ecc - - - - - - ecclesiastic. min. - minister. trans - - translator. econ -. economist. miner.... - - - mineralogist. tra - - - traveler. ed. —--- editor. misc -..miscellaneous. sic.. —-— viceroy. e - - - - -eminent. mar - - - - - moralist. v-pres.. - - -vice-president, emb.. e - - - embassador. mu8 comp music composer. wr *..... writer. (130) PERSONAL NAMES OF DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. Aaron, A'ron, eld br Moses, first high Adams, John, 8t, V-Pres. to Washingpriest of the Jews, b. A. M., 2434, or ton, from 1789 -to 1798, and Pres. U. 1575 B. C. S., till 1801; Mass., 1735-1826. VAartsbergen, Alex. Van, Fon flrts'ber- Pres., Thomas Jefferson. gen, nob and st of Holl., 17th cen. Adams, John Quincy, son of Pres. John Abati, Nicolo, Nik-6-lo a-bA-ts, pt Adams, st and sixth Pres. of J. S., Italy, 1512-1571. from 1825 to 1829, elected by House Abbas Pacha, Ab'qs P4-Sq, vie Egypt. of Representatives, 1767-1848. VAbbot, Ab'ot, Samuel, merch Boston, Pres., J. C. Calhoun. [1722-1803. Mass., 1732-1812. [aus Mass. Adams, Samuel, Am. pat and st Mass., Abbott, Ab'ot, John S. C. and Jacob, Adams, J. C., astr Eng. Abd-El-Kader, Obd-el-KA-der, gen Al- Adanson, A-dhn-son, Michel, bot and geria. [nu Eng. au Fr., 1727-1806. A'Beckett, a[-Bgk-et, Gilbert Abbott, Addison, Ad'i-son, Joseph, poet and au Abercrombie, Ab-er-kr6m-bi, John, M. Eng., ed "Spectator," 1672-1719. D., asu and ph Scot., 1781-1844. Adelunog, flde-lo, John Ch., philol Abercromby, Ab-er-kr6m-bi, Sir Ralph, Ger., 1734-1806. qf Scot., 1734-1801. Adolphus, A-d61-fus, Frederick II, k Aberdeen, Ab-er-din, Geo. Gordon, Sweden, 1710-1771. Earl of, st Eng. Adonis, A-d6-nis, a youth remarkably Abernethy, Ab'er-ne-fi, John, sur and beautiful, beloved by Venus and au Ir., 1763-1831. Proserpine. Abinger, Ab'in-jer, James Scarlett, _Eneas, 8-ng-as, Trojan prince, son of Lord,j Eng.,1769-1844. [Chaldea. Anchises andVenus, -1197 B. C. Abraham, a'bra-ham, patriarch, b. in tEolus, 8'c-lus, the god of the winds. Achilles, A-kil-sz, Jab, being dipped iEschines, Es'ki-nez, or cotem. Demosby his mother in the river Styx, was thenes, 730 B. C. [B. C. invulnerable in every part except his IEschylus, Es'ki-lus, poet Athens, 274 right heel, by which she held him; -Esculapius, Es-kq,-ld-pi-us, the god of killed at the seige of Troy. physic. Achilli, Giovanni Giacinto, J@-vq-ne iEsop, 8'sop, a Greek slave, au of the Jq-~gn-t) f-kl-le, Italian Church fables that bear his name, 200 B. C. reformer. Agamemnon, Ag-a-mem-non, brother Actason, Ak'te-on, fab, a hunter who, to Menelaus, captain-general of the discovering Diana bathing, was by Greeks at the seige of Troy. her turned into a stag. Agassiz, Louis, Lb-i Ag-C4-ss, dist. nat, Adam, Ad'am, father of the human born 1807, in Switzerland, now of race, lived 930 years after his expul- Mass. i- Uk, o n,4 [1747-1822. sion from Paradise. Aikin, a'kin, ohn, M. D., wr Eng. Adams, Ad'amz, C. B., geo and au Ainmuller, Eln'mul-er, Maximilian Mass., 1814-1853. Emanuel, art Ger., 1807 - (131) 132 PERSONAL NAMES. Ainsworth, Enztwurt, W. Harrison, Ampere, Jean-Jacques, Xan-Xak ftl - nov Eng., 1805- par, ph]ilol and au Fr., 1800Ainsworth, Eanz'wurt, comp English Amphion, Am-fi-on, a famous musician. and Latin Dictionary, 1743- Anacharsis, An-a-kqr-sis, ph Scythia, Airy, Ar'i, Geo. Bidell, ast royal Eng., was assassinated for attempting to 1798- introduce Grecian customs into his Ajax, ~a'jaks, fab, one of the princes own country, 550 B. C. [B. C. and heroes at the seige of Troy. Anacreon, An-Ak-rs-on, Greekpoet 270 Akenside, a['ken-sid, Mark, poet and Anastasius I., pope of Rome, died 402. ph Eng., 1721-1770. Anaxagoras, An-aks-Ag-@-ras, Grecian Alban, Ol'ban, St., first Christian mar- ph 450 B. C. tyr in Britain, 3d cen. Anderson, fln'der-son, Hans Christian, Albert, Al'bert, Franz-August-Karl- Dan. nov 1805Emanuel, Prince Consort, Duke of Andral, Rfl'dral, Gabriel, ph and au Saxe - Coburg- Gotha, but better Fr., 1797- [1749-1780. known. as "'rince Albert," Eng., Andre, fln'dr, John, pf Brit. army, 1819-lg<;i/'rr A t'n Andrew, St., An'drca, dis of John the Alcibiade4, AI-Vi-bi-a-dsz, Athenian Baptist, put to death on the cross in gen, slain 404 B. C. Scythia, for preaching the Gospel. Alembert, fl-lem-ber, John Le Rond Andromache, An-dr6m-a-ke, fab, the d', math, died 1783. wife of Hector. Alexander the Great, son of Philip, k Anglesey, Ap'gl-sa, Henry Wm. Paget, Macedon, born 365 B. C. At 20 as- Marquis of, f'Brit. army, 1768sumed his father's throne, and at 33 1854. had "conquered the world," and died. Anthon, An'ton, Charles. LL. D., clasAlexander Paulowitch, Al-eks-an-der sic au N-Y., 1797P6-l@-vig, emp Rus., 1777-1825. Antonius, Marcus, Mqrk-us An-t6-ni-us, Alexander II., present emp Russia. or Mark Antony, the Roman triumAlfieri, fll-fi-d-rs, Count Vittorio, vir, 40 B. C. dramatic poet It., 1749-1803. Apis, ~t'pis, son of Jupiter and Niobe, Ali, Pacha, P-Sjq Fi'll, prince Eu. taught the Egyptians to sow corn and Tur., 1750-1822. plant vines; after his death worshipAlison, Al'i-son, Archibald, hist, adv ped in the form of an ox, a symbol of and au Scot., 1792- [Scot. husbandry. Alison, Wm. Pultney, pol econ and ph Apollonius, Ap-ol-6-ni-us, Greek poet Allen, Ethan, 8'tan Al'en, off Am. and rhet. Also, aPythag. ph stcen. army, -1789. [-1626. Apollos, A-p61-os, a Jew of Alexandria, Alleyn, Al'in, Edward, act Eng., 1566 convert to Christianity, in the time Allston, Ol'ston, Washington, pt Mass., of Paul. 1779-1843. Appert, Ap'er, Benj. Nicholas Marie, Almqnist, fllm-kcf-ist, Karl Jonas Lud- philan and au France, 1797wig, asu Sweden, 1793- Aquinas, Ak'wi-nas, St. Thomas, Italy, Alsop, Ol'sop, Richard, poet Conn., 1224-1274. 1759-1815. Arago, Francois Dominique, FrQ4f-swe Alva, Afl'vq, Ferdinand, duke of Alva, Dom-i-nik f-ri-go, ast Fr., 1786gen Sp., 1508-1582. 1853. [Fr. Alvensleben, fll-fenz-la-ben, Count Arago, Etienne, EI-tgn l-rA-ga, jour Albert, dip and min of state, Prus., Arbuthnot, flr'but-not, Dr. John, ph 1794- and au died 1735. [690 B. C. Ambrose, Am'brcoz, St., father of the Archilochus, flr-kil-)-kns, Greek poet Christian church, 333-397. Archimides, flr-kim-i-d&z, anc. geom Ambrosia, Am-br6-3i-a,fab, the food of Sicily, k. 208 B. C. the gods. Argelander, PIr-ge-lqn-der, Fred. Wm. Amerigo Vespucci, fl-mer-g-go Ves- Agustus, ast Prus., 1799p6-q~;:, nav It., -1512. [1808. Argus, lr'gus, fab, said to have had a Ames, imz, Fisher, Am. st Mass., 1756 hundred eyes. Amici, Giovanni-Batista, J@-vq-ne-Bq- Ariosto, Lodovico, La-do-vi-ka l-ritis-tq, lm-i-qe, ast and Inat ph It., 6s-ta, ~oet It., 1474-1533. 1784- [785 B. C. Arista, l-ris-tq, Don Mariano, Pres. Amos, E'mos, prophet and k Israel, d. Mex., 1803 — PERSONAL NAMES. 133 Aristarchus, Ar-is-t4r-kus, phil Greece, Athanasius, aI-tan-A-ji-us, St., born of the first to maintain that the earth heathen parents, became bp of Alexturns upon its centre, and describes a andria, 326. circle round the sun, lived about 200 Atlas, At'las, k Mauritania, ast, cotem. B. C. with Moses, now represented as an Aristides, A-ris-ti-dez, 7Elius, Roman old man bearing the world upon his sophist and trav, died A. D., 180. shoulders. Aristides the Just, Athenian gen, 480 Atterbom, A'ter-bom, Pe. Dan. AmaB. C. dens, poet Sweden, 1790Aristippus, Ar-is-tip-us, phil, 392 B.C., Attwood, At'wuad, Thomas, comnp Eng., who asserted pleasure to be the ob- 1765-1837. ject of life. Auber, O'ber, Dan. Francois Esprit, Aristophanes, Ar-is-t6f-a-nez, comic (Es'prs,) comnp Fr., 1784poet of Athens, 340 B. C. Aubigne, O-bdn, Theod. Agrippa D', Aristottle, Ar-is-t6t-l, peripatetic phil, hist, sat and poet, 16th cent. Athens, 384 B. C. Audubon, O'de-bofi, John James, Am. Arias, aI'rius, div 4th cen.,found of a orni La., 1782-1851. sect which denied the Godship of Auerbach, Berthold, B.r-told Y'erChrist. bqh, wr and poet, Ger. Arkwright, Hrk'rit, Sir Richard, in- Auffenberc, Zf'en-berh,Joseph, Baron ventor of the spinning machine, Von, dram Ger. Eng., 1732- Augereau, 0-ger-c, Pierre Francois Arlincourt, lr'lin-knr, Victor, Vicomte Charles, gen Fr., 1757-1816. d', poet and as Fr., 1789- Augustenburg, T-gis-ten-burh, ChrisArminius, flr-min-i-us, James, found tian August, Duke of Schleswigof the doctrine that God creates men Holstein, etc., 1798free moral agents, Holl., 1560-1619. Augustine, O'gus-ten, St., bp and fathArmstrong, lrm'stro], John, M. D., ph er of the church, -430. and auL Scot.. 1709-1779. Augustus, O-gds-tus, Caius Julius CaeArne, firn, Thos. Augustine, mus sar Octavianus, the first Roman Emcomp Eng., 1710- peror, A. D., 14. Arnold, Benedict, Bdn-e-dikt fr'nold, Aurora, O-r6-ra, fab, the goddess of of and traitor, U. S. army, -1801. the morning. Arnold, Samuel, mus comp Eng., 1740 Austria, Emperor of, Francis Joseph -1802. Charles, 1830- [Scot. Arnold, Thomas, D. D., au Eng., 1795 Aytoun, +'ton, William, ed and au -1842. [180 1 —- Azeglio, Hfdz-6g-li-o, Massimo D', au Aschbach, HFS'bqh, Joseph, hist Ger., Italy, 1798B. Babbage, Bab-aj, Charles, math and Baillie, Bt-le, Joanna, poetess Eng., phil mech Eng., 1790- 1762-1841. Bach, Johann Sebastian, Y6-hqn Sa- Baily, Bd-li, Jean Sylvain, wr and bis-te-qn Bqh, mas and comp music, eist, Fr., 1736-1793. Upper Saxony, 1685-1750. Baird, Btrd, Rev. Robert, D. D., au Bachmann, Bah-mqn, Charles Fred., and cler Pa., 1798coun and prof phiil, Ger., 1785- Bakewell, Bdk-wel, Robert, experirnenBachmann, Gottlob Louis Ernest, prof tal farmer and cattle-breeder Eng., and au, Ger., 1792- 1726-1795. Bacon, Bd-kon, Francis, Lord Verulam, Balboa, Bql-b6-q, Vasco Nunez (N6Lord Chancellor, &c., au Eng., 1560 net) De, Spanish nav 16th cen. -1626. Balbo, B[l-bo, Count, Cesare, st and Bahr, Bqr, John Christian Felix, coune, au Italy, 1789. [Ger., 1804 — prof and au, Ger., 1798- Bajza, Bo-&-zo, Anthony, poet and au Bailey, BA-li, E. H., sculp Eng., 1788- Balzac, Honore De, Hon-dr D9 BqlBailey, Philip James, poet Eng. z4k, nov Fr., 1799-1850. 134 PERSONAL NAMES. Bancroft, Ban-kroft, George, Am. au Bayley, Bd-li, Richard, ph, med au and and hist Mass., 1800- prof, Conn., 1745-1801. Bangs, Nathan, D. D., cler and essac Bavaria, Ba-vA-ri-a, Maximilian JoConn., 1778- seph, King of, 1811Banks, Sir Joseph, Bart., bot and ttav Beattie, Bg-ti, James, poet and mor Eng., 1743-1820. Scot., 1735-1803. Banks, N. P., st and Speaker of House Beaumont, Bo-m6nt, Francis dramn of Rep., U. S. Cong., 1856, elected af- poet Eng., 1584 —1616. [1853. ter 7 weeks of voting, Mass., 1810- Beaumont, B@-m6fi, Gustave De, pot Barante, Guillaume Prosper Brugiere, and au Fr., 1802Gwil-bm Pr6s-per Bre-gqr Bqr-nfit, Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand LouBaron. au and st, Fr., 1782. is Lionce Elie De, eng, p7rof geol, etc., Barbauld, BCr-bold, Anne L., poetess Fr., 1798Eng., 1743-1825. Beccaria, Bek-d-ri-a, marquis, wr "On Barbes, Armand, flr'mqnd Bftr-ba, a Crimes and Punishments," Milan, French revolutionist, 1810- 1735-1794. Barclay, Bqr-kla, Robert, Apologist or Beck, Lewis C., Am. chesm and bot NQuaker, Eng., 1648 —1680. Y., 1790-1853. Barebone, Btr-bhn, Praise-God, zealot Beecher, Lyman, D. D., cler, ref, etc., of Cromwell's parliament, Eng.,1653. Conn., 1775Barentz, Bqr-6nts, Winm., a Dutch nav Beecher, Henry Ward, LL. D., son of 16th cen. [1757-1812. above, div and ref, Brooklyn, N-Y., Barlow, Bcr-lo, Joel, poet acu Conn., 1820Barnes, Bqrnz, Joshua, cler, prof and Beechey, Be'-i, Fred. Wm. nav capt poet, Eng., 1654-1712. and trav Eng., 1796Barnes, Daniel H., Am. conc7b and an, Beddoes, Bid-cz, Thos. Lovell, poet -killed, 1818. [-1818. Eng., 1803-1849. Barney, Joshua, corn U. S. Navy, 1759 Beethoven, Ba-t0-fen or Be-46-ven, Baroche, Bqcr-6S, Jules, min and ads Ludwig. Van, mus and comp Prus., Fr., 1803. [st Fr., -1829. 1779-1827. [1744. Barras, Bqr-q4, Faul Francis, Count De, Behring, B1-rip, Vitus, nav Den., - Barrere De Vieuzac, Bqr-kr De Ve- Bekker, Bek-er, Immanuel, philol zk, Bertrand, pol Fr., 1755-1-841. Ger., 1785- [king, 1831. Barrot, Odillon, 0C-d9l-yotf Bqr-6t, adm Belgians, Leopold, King of the, elected and ex-min Fr., 1790- Belknap, Bil-nap, Jeremy, D. D., cler Barrow, B4r-o, Dr. Isaac, math and and owr, Mass., 1744-1798. [-1842. div Eng., 1630-1677. Bell, Sir Charles, physiol, Scot., 1774 Barry, Bar-i, John, corn U. S. Navy, Bell, John, st N-H., 1730-1825. 1745-1803. [1795- Bellini, Vincenzio, mus comp Italy, Barry, Sir Charles, R. A., arch Eng., 1806-1835. [trav, -1823. Barthelemy, St. Hilaire, Safi Hil-tr Belzoni, Bel-dzc-ne, Giovanni, Paduan Bqr-td-le-ms, poljour Fr., 1792- Benedektow, Ben-E-dek-ts, Wladimir, Bartlett, Bqrt-let, Josiah, M. D., gov a Russian lyric poet. and st N. H., 1729-1795. Bentham, Bin-tam, Jeremy, a great Bartlett, Josiah, M. D., ph and essa, thinker and writer, Eng., 1748 —1832. Mass., 1759-1820. Bentinck, Bdn-tijk, Lord Geo., parl Barton, Bqr-ton, Benj. Smith, M. D., leader Eng., 1802-1848. prqf nat hist and bot, ed, &c., Pa., Benton, Thos. Hart, Am. st Mo., 1783. 1766-1815. [1784 —1849. Beranger, Ber-qfi-3er, Pierre-Jean De, Barton, Bernard, " Quaker poet," Eng., song swr and poet, Fr., 1780Bartram, Wm., bot and orni Pa., 1739 Berenger, B.r-en-gr, L. P., poet, rhet -1823. and au, Fr., 1748-1822. [1798Batthyanyi, Bot-y6ny-i, Louis, nob Beresford, Bir-es-ford, Winm., st Eng., and pat Hun., 1809-shot, 1848. Berghaus, Be'J-h-s, Henry, geog Ger., Bauer, B;-er, Bruno, bib crit Ger., 1797- [-1753. 1809 — [Eng., 1615-. Berkeley, Berk-li, Geroe, bp iF.. 1684 Baxter, Baks-ter, Richard, div and au Berkeley, Wm., gov Va., -1677. Bayard, Ba-qrd, Jas. A., Am. st Pa., Bermudez De Castro, Bqr-mc6d-at Da 1767 —1815. [1706. K1(s-tr@, Don Salvador, poet Spain, Bayle, Bal, Peter, crit au, Fr., 1647- 1817 PERSONAL NAMIES. 135 Bernadotte, Ber-nq-d't, k Sweden and.Boas, BS-qs, Ed., poet and ate, Ger., Norway, 1764-1844. 1815Bernard, Ber-nqrtl, Sir Francis, gov Boccaccio, Bo-kAC-q@, Giovanni, It. poet Mass., and pa lit -1779. and ant, 1313 —1375. Bernhard, Bern-hqrt, Karl, Danish nov. Bodenstedt, B6-den-stet, Fred. Martin, Bernouilli, Bir-nw-E, family name of wr Ger., 1819a cluster of celebrated mathemati- Bochmen, B6-men, Jacob, rel wr and cians of the 17th and 18th centuries. teach, Ger., 1575-1624. Berthollet, Ber-tQ-la, Claude Louis, Boehtlingk, B6t-lij3k, Otto, philol chem Fr., 1748 —1822. Rus., 1815- [1785Berryer, B6r-i-a, M., pol and adv Fr. Boekh, BQh, Augustus, antiq Ger., Berzelius, Berts-A-lre-cs, Jno. Jacob, Boettcher, Bet-her, Adolf, poet and chem, Sweden,.1779-1848. trans Ger., 1815Bethune, B6t-yqn, Geo. W., Am. au Boettiger, B6-ti-ger, Karl Wilhelm, and div 1805- prof lit and hist, and au, Ger., 1790Beza, Bg-za, or Theodore De Beze, Boileau-Despreaux, Bwo-h1-De-spr&, (Baz, Eng. Bez,) ed, trans and com- Nicolas, sat Fr., 1636-1711. men, Fr., 1518-1605. [1800- Boissonade, B6s-on-cd, Jean Frangois, Biard, Bi-ar, Frangois Aug., pt Fr., Gr. schol and clas ed, Fr., 1774Biermann, Bgr-mqn, Chas. Ed., I-pt Boker, Geo. H., Am. poet and d.arn Ger., 1803- Pa., 1821 — Bickersteth, Bik-er-stet, Ed., wr rel Bolingbroke, B6-liij-brok, Henry St. svorks, Eng., 1786-1850. John, Lord, or, st and phil essa Eng., Biddle, James, Am. com 1783-1848. 1678-1751. Biddle, Nicholas, capt Am. Navy, 1750 Bolivar, Bn-ls-v(4r, Simon, liberator of -1778. killed. S. Am., 1783-1830. Biddle, Nicholas, Am..fin and pres U. Bonaparte, B16-na-pqrt, Napoleon, emp S. Bank, 1786-1844. [-1821. Fr., 1769-1821. Bigelow, Big-l), Timothy, st Mass.- Bonaparte, Joseph, eld br Napoleon, k Binder, Bin-der, Wilhelm Chris., hist Sic. and Sp., 1768-1844. [1846. Ger., 1810. [Eng. Bonaparte, Louis, br do., k Hol., 1778Binney, Bin-i, Thos., noncon preacher Bonaparte, Lucien, br do., pr Canino, Bird, William, muss Eng., 1540-1623. 1775-1840. Bird, Dr. Robt. Mont., nov Pa., 1803- Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon, son of Bishop, Sir Henry Kent, mnus comnp Louis Bonaparte, emop, Fr., 1808Eng., 1786-1855. Bonaparte, Chas. Lucian, pr Canino, Bixio, Biks-E-a, M., ph and nat, Fr. and dist nat, 1803Black, Joseph, chem Scot., 1728 —1790. Bond, William C., ast, Mass., 1790Blackstone, Sir Wm., j and coamen, Boniface I., to IX., Popes fr. 422 to 1404. Eng., 1722-1780. Bonpland, Aimd, [[-md Botf-plqfi, Fr., Blalir, Blar, Francis P., pol ed and st, nat, 1799- [1820. Md., 1791- Boone, Daniel, Am. pio hunter, 1730Blair, Blqr, Dr. Hugh, Scottish div Bopp, Bop, Francis,philol and orischol and au of " Lectures on Rhetoric," Ger., 1791- [1728-1804. 1718-1800. [-1659. Bordley, B6rd-li, Jno. Beale, ag au Md., Blake, Admiral, adra navy, Eng., 1599 Bornhauser, B6rn-h - zer, Thomas, Blakeley, Johnston, capt Am. Navy, Swiss poet, pol zvr, etc., 1799perished at sea. [1801- Borrow, Geo., au Eng., 1805Blanc, Louis, L&-i Blqni, pol theo Fr., Boscovich, B6s -k) vig, Roger Jos., Blessington, Marg. P., Countess of, wr learned Jesuitical wr, It., 1711-1787. Eng., 1789-1849. Bossuet, Bo-se or Bo-si1-A, Jas. BeBlotnfield, Bl6m-feld, Chas. James bp nigne, Fr. div and air 1627-1704. London, 1786- [wer, 1809- Boswell, B6z-wel, Jas. biog Dr. JohnBlommaert, B1i-mert, Philip, Flemish son, 1740-1795. Bloomfield, Blkm-feld, Robert, poet Botta, Bot, Paul'Emile, 1n'mel, Fr. Eng., 1766-1823. archoe and trav. Blucher, Bld-her, Gebhart Lebrecht Boudinot, B4d-din-ot, Elias, LL.D., Von, 9f' Prus. Army, 1742-1819. law and edu ben N-J., 1740-d. Blumenbach, Blcdm-en-bqc, Jean Fred., Bougainville, Bw-gan-vgl, L. A. De, anat, ph and nat Ger., 1752-1840. com Fr. Navy, 1729-1811. 136 PERSONAL NAMES. Bourdon, Bcr-d6h, Leonard J. J., pa- Brooks, Hon. Preston S., who brutally tron na edu, Fr., d. about 1810. caned Charles Sumner, in the U. S. Boussingault, Bo-sqa-g61l, M., chem Senate Chamber, in 1856; South and au, Fr. Carolina, 1810- - J Bowditch, B6-dig, Nathaniel, LL.D., Brooks, Shirley, dram eor and jour math and ast, Mass., 1773-1838. Eng., 1816Bowdoin, B6-den, [Fr. Bo-dw6h,] Jas. Brougham, Br6-am, Henry, Lord, phil, LL.D., gov Mass., ben Harvard Uni- st, law-ref and critic, Eng. versity, etc., 1745-1790. Brown, Chas. Brockden, Am. nov, Pa., Bowen, B6-en, Wm. C., D.D., chemr, 1771-1810. [1775-1828. R. I., 1776-1815. [au, Mass. Brown, Jacob, maj-gen U. S. Army, Bowen, Francis, ed N. Am. Rev. and Brown, Thomas, met and au, Scot. Bowring, Bi-riU, John, LL.D., philol, 1778-1820. [1814 — poet, pol wr, etc., Eng., 1792- Brown, Henry Kirke, Am. sculp Mass., Boylston, B61-ston, Zabdiel, M.D., F.- Browne, Sir Thomas, au and ph Eng., R.S., Am. ph Boston, 1780-1760. 1605-1682. Braddock, Ed., maj gen Br. Army, k. Browing, Robt., poet Eng., 18121775. [1795. Bruce, James, F.R.S., exp of Africa, Bradford, Winm., att-gen U. S., 1775- Scot., 1730-1794. [1767. Bradstreet, Anne, au first Am. vol po- Bruce, Michael, Scotch poet, 1746ems, 1612- Bruce, Braos, Robert, Scotch gen, electBrahe, Tycho, T.-k@, Br4-e, ast Den., ed king in 1306, died, 1329. 1546-1601. Brullow, Br&-l@, Karl, hist pt Rus., Brainard, Brt-nard, John G. C., Am. 1800poet, Conn., 1797-d. Brunel, Bre-nA or Br&-nel, Marc I., Bramante, Bra-mcn-ta, Donato, It. civ eng, Normandy. arch, 1444-1514. Brunelleschi, Brc-nel-es-ke, Filippo, Brande, Brand, Wm. Thos., chem and It. arch, 1377-1446. wr Eng., 1780. Bruno, Giordano, Jor-d4-no Brsd-no, Brandis, Brqn-dis, Chris. Augustus, It. rel zor, an atheist, burnt at the prof phil Prus., 1790- stake, 1600. Brant, Joseph, cel Indian chief. Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, Brtinz-wikBrazil, Pedro, Emp. of, 1825, c. 1840. W6lf-en-b)-tl, A. W. M. Frederick, Braun, Br-sn, August Emil, wr and Duke of, 1806archcs, Ger., 1809- Brutus, Br&c-tus, Marcus, Rom. gen and Breckinridge, J. C., st and V-Pres. U. pol, who assassinated Julius Caesar. S. to James Buchanan, Ky., 18- He slew himself, 42 B. C. Breithaupt, B7rt-hSpt, Joh. Aug. Bruyare, Bre-y/r, Jean, De La, Fr. au Fried., mineraloqist, Ger., 1791- Normandy, 1644-1696. Breton De Los Herreros, Bra-tc6n Da Bryant, Bri-ant, Wm. Cullen, Am. poet Las Ar-or-6s, Don Manuel, dram andjour, N-Y., 1794and poet, Sp., 1796. Buba, BcS-bq, Adolf, Ger. poet, 1802Brewster, Brcds-ter, Sir David, exp, Buch, Boh, Leopold Von, geol Prus., phil and au, Scot., 1781- 1777Brindley, James, civ eng, Eng., 1716 Buchanan, Biq-kAn-an, Geo., Latin poet -— 1772. and hist, Scot., 1506-1581. Brissot, Bri-s6, Jean Pierre, or and Buchanan, James, Am. st and fifteenth pol wr, Fr., 1793. Pres. U. S., from 1857 to 1861, Pa., Brodie, Br6-di, Sir Benj. Collins, sur 1791- J. C. Breckenridge, V-Pres. and surg wr Eng., 1783- Buchanan, Dr. J. R., prof Physiology, Brongniart, Br6fi-yqr, Adolphe Theo., Phrenology, etc., au, and ed "JourFr. nat, 1801- nal of Man," Ohio, 181 -- Bronn, BrQn or Brun, Heinrich Geo., Buchez, Be-fa, Philip Benj. Jos., Fr. Ger. nat, 1803- ph and jour, 1796Brooke, Sir James, rajah of Sarawak, Buckingham, Jas. S., trav, wr, pol, and philan, 1803- Eng., 1786-1855. Brooks, John, LL.D,, gov Mass., and Buckingham, Jos. T.,jour, Mass., 1779lieut-col U. S. Army, 1752-1825. Buckland, Dr. Winm., geol Eng. Brooks, Maria, Am. poet Mass., 1795- Buel, BlO-el, Jesse, Am. ag, Conn., 1845. 1778-1839. PERSONAL NAMES. 137 Buffon, Be-fos, Geo. L. Le Clerc, Burleigh, Chas. C., wr and ref Pa. Comte De, nat Fr., 1707-1788. Burmeister, Bur-mis-ter, Hermann, Bulgarin, Bwl-gqr-9n, Thaddeus, wr Ger. nat 1807Rus., 1789- Burnap, Bur-nap, Rev. Geo. W., D.D., Bull, Bul or Bul, Ole B.,,iol, Norway, theo and gen au N-H., 18021810- Burnet, Jacob, j, leg and au Ohio, Bulow, B~-lQv, Karl Edward Von, Ger. 1771-1853. nov, 1803 — Burney, Charles, tius comp and au Bulwer, Bdl-wer, Sir Edward Lytton, Eng., 1726-1815. nov and poet Eng. Burns, Robert, poet Scot., 1759-1796. Bulwer, Sir Henry Earle Lytton, K.- Burr, Aaron, st and V-Pres. U. S. to C. B., dip and au Eng., 1804- Thomas Jefferson, 1756-1836. Bunsen, B6n-sen, Christ. Chas. Josias, Burritt, B6r-it, Elihu, lec, jovr and Chevalier de, Prus. emb and au, Zli Conn., 18111791- Bury, Be-rg, Henri B., Baron de, au Bunyan, John, au "Pilgrim's Prog- and crit Fr., 1818ress," Eng., 1628-1688. Bush, Rev. Geo., theo and commen Vt., Blrckhardt, Barh-hqrt, J. Ludwig, 1796trav Swit., 1783-1817. Buss, Bus, Franz Joseph, polit econ Burgkmair, Burgh-msur, Hans, pt and and au Ger., 1803wood-eng Ger., 1472-1559. Butler, Richard, mcaj-gen U. S. Army, Burgos, Babr-g6s, Don Javier De, st k. 1791. and au Sp., 1778- Butler, Samuel, poet sat Eng., 1612Burgoyne, Bur-gfn, lieu-gen Br. Army, 1680. Burke, Burk, Edmund, or, st and phil Byron, Geo. Gordon, Lord, poet Eng., Ireland, 1730-1797. 1788-1824. Burleigh, Bdr-le, Wm. Cecil, Lord, st Bystrom, Be-str6m, Johann Nikolaus, Eng., 1520-1598. Swed. sculp, 1783C. Cabanis, Ka-bq-ng, Pierre Jean G., ph Calhoun, Kal-hd6n, John C., V-Pres. and phil Fr., 1757-1808. U. S. to Andrew Jackson and Martin Cabet, Ka-ba, Etienne, Fr. communist, Van Buren, st, etc., South Carolina, formed communes in Texas and Ill., 1782-1850. 1788-1856. [15th cen. Caligula, Kal-ig-ytq-la, Roman emp and Cabot, KA-b@t, John, Venetian nav, tyrant, began his reign A. D. 37; Cabot, Sebastian, son of Jno. C., nay, assas. A. D. 41, aged 29 years. and discoverer of the variations of Callcott, K61-kot, John Wall, mnus the magnetic needle, 1477-1557. comp Eng., 1766-1821. Cadmus, KAd-mus, k of Thebes, intro- Callimachus, Kal-i-ma-kus, Greek poet. duced 16 letters into Greece, B. C. Calmet, Augustin, 0-gus-ten Kql-ma, Cadwallader, Kod-w61-a-der, John, Fr. au, 1672-1757. brig-gen Am. army, -1786. Calvin, John, rel ref Fr., 1509-1564. Csesalpinus, Ka-zql-pin-us or Sa-sql- Camoens, Kq-ms-anz, Luis De, poet pin-us, Andre, bot Tus., 1519-1603. Portugal, 1527-1579. Ctesar, Caius Julius, Ka-yus Jfl-li-us Campanella, Kqm-pan-61-yq, Thomas,,Si-zar, Roman gen and hist, b. 98 meta Sp., 16th cen. B. C. Campbell, Kam-bel, Thomas, poet Cailliaud, Kal-yid, Frederic, Fr. trav Scot., 1777-1844. 1797- Campbell, Lord John, j and au Calame, Ka-a1m, Alex., Swiss l-pt. Scot., 1781Calderon De La Barca, KI1-dqr-sn Da Camper, Kqfc-pe, Pierre, altt and nat Lq B4r-kq, Pedro, poet dram Sp., Fr., 1722-1789. 1600-1681. Candolle, Kan-do6y, Aug. Pyramus De, Calderon, Don Serafin E., poet and bot Fr., 1778-1841. orientalist Sp., 1800- Canina, Kq-nd-nq, Luigi, antiq Italy. 12 138 PERSONAL NAMES. Canning, Kin-iig, Geo., at Eng., 1770 Castlereagh, Kas-l-ra, Robt. Stew., -1827. Brit. st, 1769-1822. Cano, KA-no, Alonso, pt, sculp and arch Castor, Kds-tor, fab son of Jupiter and Sp., 1601-1667. [1757-1822. Leda. Canova, Kq-n6-vq, Antonio, sculp It., Castren, K4s-tren, M. Alex., 7in and Cantu, Kjn-t), Cesare, schol and au ethno Finland, 1813Italy, 1805- Catesby, Mark, F.R.S., nat Eng., 1679 Capefigue, Kq-pe-fig, Baptiste H. -1749. Raymond, hist Fr., 1799- Catharine De Medici, - De Me-de-si, Caracci, Ka-r4-qe, name of a celebrat- a French princess, 1519-1589. ed family of painters in It., 16th cen. Catharine Alexievna, empress Russia, Caravaggio, Kq-rcq-v4-j@, Michelangelo from 1725 to 1727. M.,pt Italy, 1569-1609. Catharine II., empress Russia, from Cardan, Kqr-dafi, Jerome, ph, astrol 1762-1796. and au Fr., 1501-1576. Catilina, Kdt-i-li-nq, Lucius Sergius, Carey, Kd-ri, William, div, oriental Roman war, 62 B. C. philol and trans Eng., 1761-1834. Cato, Marcus Portius, censor Rome, b. Carey, Henry C., Am. polit econ and 233 B. C. au N-Y., 1793- [1798. Catwn, John, j U. S. Sup. Ct., Tenn. Carleton, K4rl-ton, Winm., Irish nov. Cattermole, Kat-er-mol, Geo., pt Eng., Carlisle, Kqr-lil, Geo. Wm. F. H., 1800Earl of, at and lec Eng., 1802- Cavaignac, Ka-vAn-yak, Eugene, Fr. Carlyle, Kqr-ljl, Thomas, Brit. au and gen and republican, 1802reviewer, 1796 — Cavendish, Hon. Henry, chem Eng., Carmichael, K4r-mi-kl, William, dip 1731-1810. and Charge d'Affaires, U. S., Md., Caxton, Kaks-ton, Wm.,:introducer of -1795. printing, Eng., 1410-1491. Carnicer, Kqr-ne-tkr, Don Ramon, Cecil, Sg-sil, William, Lord Burleigh, opera comp Sp., 1789- Eng. st, 1521-1598. Carnot, Kqr-n6, Lazare Nic. M., mil Cecrops, Si-krops, Egyptian found engin and min of war Fr., 1753- Athenian monarchy, 1556 B. C. 1823. [1814 —. Cellini, Cel-g-ne, Benvenuto, sculp It., Carrera, Kq-rt-rq, Rafael, pres Guat., 1500-1572. Carroll, KIr-ol, Ckarles, signer Dec. of Centaurs, Sdn-terz,fab half men, half Ind., Md., 1737-1832. horse, Thessaly. Lculture. Cartier, Kqr-ts-a, Jacques, Fr. nav Ceres, Si-res, fab the goddess of agriand trav 16th cen. Cervantes Saavedra, har-vqu-tis SqCarver, John, first gov "Plymouth vAdt-rq, Miguel De, au'Dun Quixote,' Colony," -1621. (Ks-h6-ta,) Sp., 1547-1616. Carvallo, Kqr-v4l-yo, min of Chili in Cesare, Ce-sm-ra, Giuseppe, Cavalieri the U. S., 1808- di, hist Italy, 1783Casas, Kqs-4s, Barthol. Las, a misguid- Chalmers, CAm-erz, Thomas, D.D., Led philan,-originator of African L.D., pulpit or and div Scotland, slavery, -1566. 1780 —d. Casati, Kqs-4-te, Gobrio, Count, st Chambers, Ctm-berz, Win. and Robt., Lombardy, 1798- pubs and essayists, Scot., 1800- and Caspari, Kqs-p4-re, Karl Paul, bib crit 1801Ger., 1814- Chambord, Xam-bWrd, Henri Chas., Cass, Lewis, st Mich., 1782- Duke of Bordeaux, etc., rep of the Cassini, Ka-sin-e, family name of sev- house of Bourbon, 1820eral astrs Fr., 17th cen. Chamier, Xam-er, Fred., nmcv Eng., Cassius, Caius, Kat-yus KIf-i-us, br- 1796- [1756-d. in-law Brutus, and one of Coesar's Champe, Xomp, John, Am. soldier, murderers, -42 B. C. Changarnier, _ati-gqr-ni-a, Gen., gen Castelli, Kqs-tdl-e, Ignaz Friedr, hum Fr. Army, 1809poet Ger., 1781 — Channing, Cin-iV, William Ellery, Castiglione, Kqs-tUl-y@-na, Carlo Ot- Unitarian div and moral phil, R. I., tavio, Count, It. philol 1795- 1780-d. Castillio, Kqs-tgl-y@, Antonio F., Port. Chantrey, Sir Francis, sclp and ben of poet, 1800- art, Eng., 1781-1841. PERSONAL NAMES. 139 Chapman, John G., artist, Va. Clairaut, Klvtr-6, Alexis C., math Fr., Chapin, Rev. E. H., LL.D., pulpit or 1713-1765. and au, N-Y., 1814- Clarendon, KlAr-en-don, Ed. Hyde, Charlemagne, Xqr-le-mafi, k Fr. and Earl of, st and 7i.t Eng., 1608-1674. Ger., 8th cen. Clark, Winm., Am. st and explo Va., Charles, name given to numerous ks 1770-1838. of Europe; the most prominent of Clark, Dr. Adam, bib commen Ireland, which in history is Charles the XII., 1760-1832. of Sweden, who ascended the throne Clarke, Dr. Samuel, met div Eng, 1675 in 1697, at the age of fifteen, and -1729. was killed 1718. Clarkson, Thomas, philan and au Eng., Charon, Cg-ron, fab ferryman of hell. 1760-1846. Chase, Cas, Samuel, j U. S. Sup. C t., Claudius, K14-di-us, I. and II., Roman Md., 1741-1811. emps, d. A. D. 54 and 271. Chase, Salmon P., st and gov Ohio. Clay, Henry, st and or Ky., 1777-1852. Chasles, Mas-la, Victor E. P., wr Fr., Clay, Cassius M., anti-slavery speaker, 1800- Ky., 1810 — [1773. Chateaubriand, la-t6-bri-ahd, Fran- Clayton, John, Am. bot and au, 1686gois A., Vicomte De, French au, Cleanthes, Kls-in-tez, stoic phil Ath1769-1848. ens, fl. 240 B. C. Chatham, Cat-am, William Pitt, Earl Clement, name of 14 Papal rulers. of, or and st Eng., 1708-1778. Cleopatra, Kls-o-pt-tra, queen Egypt, Chatterton, Cat-er-ton, Thomas, au fl. 40 B. C. Eng., 1752-1770. Clinton, De Witt, go N-Y., and disChaucer, (C-ser, Geoffrey, father of tinguished for his enterprise in pubEnglish poetry, 1328-1400. lie improvements, 1769-1828. Cheever, Rev. Geo. B., div and au, Clinton, Geo., gov N-Y., V-Pres. U. S. Maine, 1807- to Thos. Jefferson and Jas. Madison, Chelard, Sel-4rd, Andre H. J. B., mus 1739- 1812. comp Fr., 1789- Clinton, Henry, maj-gen Brit. army, Cherubini, Zqr-e-bi-ns, Lugi C. Z. S., -1795. mus comp Fr., 1760-1842. Cloquet, Kll-ka, Jules G., Fr. ph, 1790 Chesterfield, Philip D. Stanhope, Earl Cobbet, William, wr Eng., 1762-1835. of, 8t Eng., 1694-1773. Cobden, Richard, M. P.,free trade adv Chevalier,,ev-a-li-A, Michel, Fr. wr, Eng., 18001806- LFr., 1786 —-—. Coke, Sir Edward, commen on law, Chevreul, Ye-vr-el, I1. Eugene, chem, and cekief justice, Erg., 1552-1634. Choate, Cot, Rufus, law Mass., 1799- Colbert, Jean B., st Fr., 1619-1683. Chodzko, Htad3-k@, Jacques L., hist, Coleridge, K61-rij, Samuel Taylor, poet Poland, 1800- and meta Eng., 1772-1834. Chomiakof, Yom-a-kof, Alexei S.,2poet Collier, K61-yer, John Payne, crit and and prose wr Rus. compiler, Eng., 1789Chotek, HM-tek, mus comp Ger., 1800- Colton, Calvin, cler and au Mass. Christina, Kris-to-nq, queen Sweden, Collins, Wm., poet, Eng., 1720-1756. from 1633 to 1654, when she resigned. Columbus, Christopher, disc of the Chrysostom, Kris-os-tom, John, bp of Western continent, an Italian, 1435 Constantinople in 398, -407. -1506. Cibber, Colley, comedian, Eng., 1671 Combe, Klm, Andrew, M. D., med wr -1757. and phren Scot., 1797-1847. Cibrario, Ce-br4-re-@, Luigi, hist wr Combe, Geo., champion of phil and Fr., 1802- phren Scot., 1788Cicero, Sis-er-o, Marcus Tullius, Ro- Comte, Komt, Auguste, founder of man phil, or and st, 107-44 B. C. what is termed positive philosophy, Cincinnatus, Sin-sin-a-tus, Lucius Fr., 1797Quintus, Roman dictator, 456-376 Condillac, Kon-dsl-yhk, Etienne BonB. C. net De, meta Fr., 1715-1780. Circe, Sdr-se, fab an enchantress. Condorcet, Kot-der-sa, Marie Jean A., Civiale, Siv-i-tl, Jean, sur Fr., 1792- math and pol wr Fr., 1743-1794. Clair, Arthur St., gen Am. army 1.734 Confucius, Kon-f i-Si-us, Chinese phil, — 1818. 551 B. C. 140 PERSONAL NAMES. Congreve, K63-grev, Wmin., poet and Crittenden, Krit-en-den, John J., Am. humtorist, Eng., 1669-1729. st Ky., b. about 1792Constant De Rebecque, Kof-staht De. Croesus, Krg-sus, ruler Lydia, 548 B. C. Re-bak, Benj., Fr. pol, au and poet, Croker, John Wilson, pol and au Eng., 1767-1831. 1780- [Ireland. Constantin, Abraham, Swiss porcelain Croly, Rev. Dr. Geo., poet, au and cler pt, 1785- Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector, Great Constantine, K6n-stan-tln, the Great, Britain, 1599-1659. first Christian emp Romans, 272- Cruden, Krc6-den, Alexander, au Con337; succeeded by twelve others. cordance Scripture, 1701-1770. Cook, Capt. James, Brit. nay, 1728- Cruikshank, Kr-Sk-faIjk, Geo., art and 1779, killed. [1812. carl Eng., 1794Cooke, Geo. Fred., tragic actor, 1756- Cruveilhier, Kre-val-i-a, Jean, med Cooper, Jas. Fenimore, Am. nov N-J., prof and au Fr., 17911789-1851. Csaplovics, Cop-lo-vig, Johann, au Cooper, Thos. Sidney, art Eng.,1803- Hungary, 1780Copernicus. Ku-per-ni-kus, Nicolas, (or Csaszar, Co-sqr, Franz, prose wr and Zepernich,) ast Prus., 1473-1543. poet Hungary, 1807Corbiere, Ker-bi-qr, Edward, pcet and Cubitt, Sir Wmu., engin Eng., 1785nov Fr., 1795- Cudworth, Kdd-wurt, Ralph, phil Corday, Ker-da, Charlotte, French re- Eng., 1617-1688. [1790. pub martyr, 1768-1793, guillotined. Cullen, Wm., M. D., p/s Scot., 1712Corelli, Kor-l-E, Arcangelo,fonnd Ro- Culpeper, Kdl-pep-er, Thomas, Lord, man school of music, 1653-1713. qov Va., -1719. Coriolanus, Ko-ri-o-lA-nus, C. Marcius, Cupid, Kij-pid, fab son of Mars and Roman capt, banished and killed as Venus; the god of love, smiles, &c. traitor. Curran, Kur-an, John Philpot, bar, or Cormenin, Ker-me-nhfi, M., pol wr Fr., and patriot, Ireland, 1750-1817. 1789- Curtis, George W., Am. au and lect Corneille, Kor-na-s, Pierre, wr Fr., N-Y. 1606-1684. Curtius, Keer-ti-us, Ernst, archoe Ger., Cornelius, Ker-nd-le-us, Peter Von, art 1814Ger., 1787- Curtius, George,philol Ger., 1820Cornwallis, Chas., Lord, Brit. gen in Cusa, Ke-sq, Nicholas De, astr, 1401American Revolution, 1738-1805. 1464. Correggio, Kor-a-j@,pt It., 1493-1534. Custine, Kes-ten, Aristolphe, Marquis Cortez, Kor-titt, Hernando, Spanish de, French nov, poet and trav, 1793cong of Mexico, 1485-1547. Cuvier, Ke-vi-a, Georges Leopold Ch. Corwin, Thomas, Am. st Ohio. Fred., nat Fr., 1769-1832. (The Corvin - Wiersbitzky, Ker-fen - Verz- most distinguished naturalist the bits-ki, Otto J. B. Von, hist wr Ger., world ever produced.) 1810- Cybulski, Tsib-ihl-ski, Adelbert, SclaCotta, K6t-cL, Bernhard, geol Ger.,1808 vio au, 1812Cousin, Kee-sdfi, Victor, metalphil Fr., Cyclops, Si-klops, fab Vulcan's work1791- men, with only one eye, in the midCouthon, KEi-tofi, Georges, French jac- dle of their forehead. obin, 1756-guillotined. [-1800. Cynthia, Sin-ti-a, poetically applied Cowper, KS-per, Wmin., poet Eng., 1731 to the moon. Cox, David, pt Eng., 1783- Cypria, Sip-ri-a, Cytherea, Sit-s-rg-a, Crabbe, Krab, Geo., poet Eng., 1754- fab titles of Venus. 1832. Cjrus, Si-rus, found ancient Persian Cranmer, Thomas, Eng. archbp, martyr empire, -530 B. C. to protestantism, 1489-1555. Czartoryiski, Cqr-tar-i-gs-ks, Adam, Crawford, Winm. Harris, Am. st and j Prince, Polish nob and patriot, 1770Va., 1772-1834. Czerny, Ts6r-ni, Karl, comp Ger., 1791Crawford, Thomas, Am. scuip N-Y., Czetz, Tsets, Johann, Hungarian au, 1814- 1822Cremieux, Kra-me-e, Mi., French leg Czuczor, Tsoe-tsar, Geo., Hungarian and min of justice. prose wr, poet and lin, 1800 PERSONAL NAMES. 141 D Daguerre, Da-g6r, L. J. M., pt and in- Dawson. De-son, Geo., lec Eng., 1821venter of Daguerreotyping, Fr., 1789 Deane, Den, Silas, U. S. min to Fr., -1851. [1788. -1789. Dahl, Dql, Johann C. C., 1-pt Nor., Dearborn, DEr-born, Henry, major gen Dahl, Dql, Waladimir I., au Rus. U. S. army, N-H., 1751-1829. Dahlborn, Dl1-bQrn, Anders G., ento Decamps, Da-kAmp, Alex. G., a Fr. Swed., 1806- genre and 1-pt 1803Dahlmann, DAl-mqn, Fred. Christoph, Decatur, De-kt-tar, Stephen, corn U. prof hist and pol science, at Bonn, S. Navy, Md., 1759-1820. Ger., 1785- De Foe, De F@, Daniel, au "Robinson D'Alembert, Dal-dm-ber, Jean Le Crusoe," etc., Eng., 1661-1731. Rond, math and ast Fr. 1717-1783. Deger, DA-her, Ernst, pt Ger., 1809. Dallas, Dil-as, George M., Am. st and Dehn, Dan, Siegfried W., Ger. wr on mirn Pa., 1792- the theory of mus, 1799. Dalton, Dl1-ton, John D. C. L., chem Delaine, De-lin, John, jour and ed and neath Eng., 1767-1844. " London Times." Damon, Da-mon, Pythagorean phil Delambre, De-lAm-br, M., astr Fr., and friend of Pythias. 1749-1822. [1797 —. Dampier. DAm-per, Wm. nav and nat Delaroche, De-lar-of, Paul, pt Fr., Eng., 1652-d. Demetrius. De-mg-tri-us, phil Athens, Dana, DI-na, Francis LL. D., Am. st 284 B. C. [Thrace, 460 B.1C. Mass., 1742-1811. Democritus, De-m6k-ri-tus, phil of Dana, Richard H., son of F. D., poet Demoivre, De-mw6-vr, Eng. math and and ncv Mass., 1787- au 1667-1754. [ens, 370 B. C. Dana, Richard H. jr., son of R. H. D., Demosthenes, De-m6s-ten-ez, or Athlaw and au Mass. [Fr., 1800. Denman, DIn-man, Lord Thomas, Eng. Dantan, Datii-tai, Jean-Pierce, sculp j and legis, 1779-1854. Dante, DAn-ta, Alighieri, It. poet, 1265 Denmark, Din-mqrk, Charles Christian — 1321. Frederick, King of, 1808Danton, Din-ton, Georges Jacques, st Derby, Der-bi, Edward Geof. S. Stanand demagogue, Fr., 1759 —1794. ley, st Eng., 1799D'Antonelle, Dan-ton-el, Pierre A., Descartes, Da-kqr-ta, Rene, inet phil Marquis, Fr. pat, 1747-ex. 1819. Fr., 1596-1650. Darius, Da-ri-us, three ks of Persia, Desmoulins, Da-ma-lhtfi, Benedict Ca404 B. C. mille, Fr. repub or and martyr, 1762 Darley, Dqr-li, Felix O. C., art of N- -1794. [City, 1794 —. Y. City, born in Phila. 1822- Dewey, D4i-i, Orville, D. D., div Wash. Darwin, D4r-win, Erasmus, poet and De Quincey, De Kwin-si, Thomas,phil bot Eng., 1731-1802. wr of Eng. Daubenton, Dn-bafi-tofi, Louis J. M. De La Beche, De La Bgq, Sir Henry anat and nat Fr., 1716-1799. Thomas, geol Eng., 1796D'Aubigne, Do-bin, J. H. Merle, pres., Diagoras, Di-Ag-o-ras, surnamed the the school, Geneva, and au History Atheist, fi 412 B. C. of the Reformation. Dick, Dik, Thomas, LL. D., wr on Daumer, DI-mer, Geo. Fred. phil wr pop scifnce, Scot., 1772Ger., 1800- Dickens, Dik-enz, Chas., Eng. au, 1812Daumier, D6-mi-a, Henri, Fr. carada- Dickinson, Dik-in-son, Daniel S., 2po t2rist, 1810. [1748-1825. of N-Y., 1800David, DA-ved, Jacques Louis, pt Fr., Diderot, Did-er-o, Dionysius, Fr. poet David, Pierre Jean, sculp Fr., 1793- and wr on physics, 1713-1784. David, Felicien, mu-s cemp Fr., 1810- Didot, Di-do, Firman, inv of Stereo. David, Ferdinand,'iol Ger., 1810- typing, Fr., 1764-1836. Davis, DA-vis, Andrew Jackson, seer Didymus, Did-i-mus, of Alexandria, and clair N-Y., 1826 — wr 4th century. Davy, DA-vi, Sir Humphry, Bart., Diez, Dets, Friedr. Christian, foun of chem ph7il Eng., 1778-1829o romance, philol Ger., 1794. 142 PERSONAL NAMES. Dilke, Dilk, Charles Went., once ed Drake, Freidrich, sculp Ger., 1805and now propri of the London "Ath- Draper, Drip-er, John Wmin., ph and enveum," 1789- cheim N-Y., 1811Dilworth, Dil-wurt, Thomam, teacTher Draysen, Dri-sen, Job. Gustav, Ger. and compiler of school-books, Eng., hist, 1808 — [-1700. -1781. Dryden, Dri-den, John, poet Eng., 1631 Dingelstedt, Dipj-el-stedt, Franz, poet Dubner. DcSb-ner, Frederick, phil and of Ger., 1814- critic Ger., 1802- [1805 —. Dioclesian, Di-s-klg-Ji-an, Caius Val- Duchatel, Def-a-t6l, M., min Fr., erius, Roman emp who persecuted Ducpetiaux, Dek-pa-to, Edouard, BelChristians, 233-314. gian philan and wr 1804 — Diodorus Siculus, Dj-a-d6-rus Sik-y-q- Duller; Dohl-er, Edouard, poet, nov and lus, hist Sicily, fl in the times of hist Ger., 1809Csesar and Augustus. Dumas, De-mA, Jean Baptiste, chem Diogenes, Di-6j-en-ez, phil Babylon, Fr., 1800- [1803 -. 200 B. C. Dumas, Alexander, dram and nov Fr., Diogenes, the Cynic, an austere phil, Dumont D'Urville, DI)e-m6 Der-vil, who for a time lodged in a tub, b. 413 Jules S. C., Fr. nav 1791-1842. B. C. Duncker, DcSn-ker, Max. Wolfgang, Dionysius, Di-o-nif-i-us, I., tyrant of Ger. hist 1812Sicily, died 366 B. C. Dunglison, Dtiq-gli-son, R., M. D., LL. Dionysias, Halicarnassensis, hist and D., prof mat med, an, etc., Pa., born critic of antiquity. [1766-1848. Eng., 1798D'Israeli, Diz-ra-61-j, Isaac, au Eng., Dunlap, Ddn-lap, Win., Am. art and D'Israeli, (sometimes written Disraeli,) wr N-J., 1760-1839. Benj., au and chancellor of exche- Duntzer, 1)ints-er, Joh. Heinr. Joseph, quer, Eng,, 1805- Ger. philol and hist 1813Doddridge, D6d-rij, Philip, D. D., div Dupin, De-pats, Andre M. J. J., st Fr., Eng., 1702-1751. a champion of the middle classes. Donizetti, Don-idz-&t-e, Gaetano, mus Dupont De L'Eure, De.-pofi De Lgr, comp It., 1798-1848. st Fr., 1770Dorn, Darn, Heinrich Lud. E., mus Dupont, Pierre, poet Fr., 1826comp Ger., 1804- Dupuytren, De-pe-i-tran, Wm., Baron, Doughty, Dbt-i, Thomas, Am. I-pt stcr Fr., 1777-1835. Pa., 1793 — Duran, Do-r4n, Augustin, Sp. critic, Douglas, Ddg-las, Frederick, ed and or, 1800who was a slave until 21 years old, Durand, Dcb-rtnd, Asher Brown, art N-Y. [1813 —4: and pres of the National Academy Douglas, Stephen Arnold, pol Ill of design, N-J., 1796Dow, D-s, Gerard, Dutch genre pt, 1613 Durer, Dw-rkr, Albrecht, Ger. pt 1471 -1680. [er, -1834. -1529. Dow, Lorenzo, an eccentric Am. preach- Dwight, Dwit, Timothy, S. T. D., LL. Dozy, D6ts-i, Reinhart, orientalist D., poet, au and pres Yale College, Ger., 1820 —. [1546-1596. 1752-1818. [1797 —. Drake, Drak, Sir Francis, Eng. nay, Dyce, Dis, Alex., Eng. au and ed E. Eastlake, Est'lak, Sir Charles Lock, pt Edmonds, Ed'mondz, Francis W.,bankEng., 1800- er and art N-Y., 1806Eckersberg, Ek'erz-berg, Christoph Edmondson, Ed'mond-son, Joseph, herWilhelm, hist pt Den., 1783- aldic wr Eng.. -1786, Edgeworth, Ej'wurt, Richard Lovell, Edward, Ed'ward, name of numerous phil and inventor of the old tele- Saxon kings. [div at -1758. graph, 1744-1817. Edwards, Ed'wardz, Jonathan, Am. Edgeworth, Maria, daughter of above, Edwards, Jonathan, D. D., son of the au Eng., 1767-1849. above, scholar, theo and wr -1801. PERSONAL NAMES. 143 Egerton, Ej'er-ton, Francis, earl of Erostratus, 8-r6s-tra-tus,fab, he who, Ellesmere, au and patron of the arts, to perpetuate his name, set fire to Eng., 1800- [1781 -. the celebrated temple of Diana at Eichhorn, +k'horn, Karl Fried., st Ger., Ephesus. Elizabeth, 8-liz-a-bet, queen of Eng., Erskine, Ers'kin, Thomas, Baron, law 1533-1603. Also the name of other and or Scot., 1748-1823. European queens. Eschenmayer, Ef'en-mir, C. A., prof, Ellenborough, EI'en-bur-a, Ewd. Law, phil, and au, Ger., -1822. Lord, Eng. law and j, 1748-1818. Espartero, as-pcqr-td-r), General, exEllery, El'er-i, Wm., signyer Dec. of regent of Sp. Ind., rbemof Cong. R. I., 1727-1820. Etty, Et'i, Wm. R. A., pt of Eng., Elliot, El'i-ot, Charles L., Am. por-pt 1787-1849. N-Y., 1822- Euler, Yfl-ler, Leonard, analist, posthuEllis, EL'is, John, nat Eng., 1710-1776. mous wr on math. and physical scienEllis, Alex. John, one of the inventors ces, Fr., 1707-1783. of the phonetic alphabet, and a Euclid, Yfl-klid, math and ast, when philol, Eng., 18- born, and in what country, we have Ellsworth, Elz'wurt, Oliver, LL. D., no account; but hefl about 277 B. C. chief justice Sup. Ct. U. S., Conn., Eunomius, Yq,-n6-mi-us, foun of a 1745-1807. Christian sect, died 394. Emerson, Eln'er-son, Ralph Waldo, Euripides, Yi,-rip-i-dez, Gr. poet 240 Am. meta and au Mass., 1803- B. C. [Orpheus. Emmnet, Em'et. Robert, repub and Eurydice, Yi,-rid-i-se, fab, the wife of martyr, Ir., 1780-ex. 1803. Eusebius, Yl,-si-bi-us, Pamphilus, Emmet, Thomas Addis, law and or Ir., ecc hist, Palestine, bishop of Caesarea, latterly of N-Y., 1764-1827. died in 338. Encke, El)k'a, Johann Franz, astr di- Eustachius, 8-c-sta-kE-us, or Yqr-starector of the Royal Observatory, and kg-us, Bartholomew, It. anat, -1570. Secretary of the Academy of Scien- Eutropius, Yq,-tr6-pi-us, Flavius, It. ces, Berlin, Prus., 1791- sophist and hist,fl 364. Engelbrecht, Ep'el-brekt, John, Ger. Evadne, C-vAd-ne, daughter of Mars visionary 1549-1642. and Thebe, who threw herself on the Epictetus, Ep-ik-tg-tus. phil and au funeral pile of her husband Cataneus, of great humility, born 68 A. D. from affection. Epicurus, Ep-i-kf6-rus, phil who taught Evelyn, Ev'E-lin, John, nat and wr on that the happiness of man consists archi. and numismatics, Eng., 1620 in pleasure, born 340 B. C. -1706. Epimenides, Ep-i-mdn-i-dez, ane poet Everett, Ev'er-et, Edward, Am. or, and phil, Greece, B. C. schol and dip, Mass., 1794Erasmus, 8-rAz-mus, Desiderius, schel Ewbank, Yfi-bank, Thomas, wr on and au Hol., 1467-1536. prac. mechanics, and U. S. com. of Erebus, Er's-bus,fab an infernal deity, patents, N-[., 1792son of Chaos and Nox; river of hell. Exmouth, Ek4mut, Edward, Pellew, Ericsson, Er'ik-son, John, Swed. mech- Lord, cor Bnavy, 1757-1832. anician, inventor (in U. S.) of a Eyck, 1k, Huler and John Van, pt8 "coloric engine," 1803- of Bruges, 14th cen. F. Fabricius, Fq-brg-ki-us, Jean Chre., times of the parlimentary revolution, Ger. ento, 1742-1807. 1608-1671. Fahrenheit, Fq-ren-hit, Gabriel D., Falconer, Fjl-kon-er, W., Eng. chemr phil and inventor of the Thermome- and disc of the property of carbonic ter and Barometer, Prus., 1686-1736. acid gas, 1743-1824. Fairfax, Fkr-faks, Ewd., poet and class- Fallopius, Fal-6-pi-us, Gabriel, ph, beot, ic trans, Eng., -1632. anat and dis of what are called "FalFairfax, Thomas, Lord, officer in the lopian tubes," Modena, 1490-1563. 144 PERSONAL NAMES. Faraday, Fjr-a-da, Michael, Eng. Fontaine, Foi-tan, Jean De La, poet chem 1794- [1779-1853. and wr Fr., 1621-1695. Flrrar, Fhir-qr, John, Am. math Mass., Fontenelle, Fofi-ta-nel, Bernard Le B. Fatio Dailler, Fq-si-a Del-y?, N., De, lil savant and math Fr., 1657math and ait Fr., 1664-1753. 1757. [1640. Faucher. F6-jfqr, Leon, ex-min of Fr. Ford, Ford, John, dram Eng., 1586Faust, Fcqst, John, theo and cheat of Forrest, F6r-est, Edwin, Am. actor, Ger., 15th. Cen. Pa., 1806Faustus or Fust, F6s-tus or Fust, John, Forster. Fcrs-ter, John Reinhold, nat, one of the inventors of printing, in philol and geog Prussia, 1729-1798. 1460, in Ger., -1466. Forster, John, au and jour, ed of the Fellenberg, Fl-en-berg, Philippe Examiner, Eng., 1812Emanuel De, agri, bette of Edu., and Forster, Fer-ster, Ernst J., art and wr au Switz., 1771-d. Ger., 1800Fenelon, Fafi-a-16fi, (or Fdn-e-lon,) Fortuna, For-tfl-na, fab goddess of Francis Do S. De La Motte, priest happiness, &c., said to be blind. and au Fr., 1651 —1684. Fosbrooke, F6s-brlak, Rev. Th. DudFerdinand, Fer-di-nand, tittle of sev- ley, antiq wr and Saxon scholar, eral emps of Ger., and ks of Sp. Eng., 1770-1842. Ferguson, Fer-giq-son, Adam, phil and Foscolo, Fos-k6-lo, Ugo, It. poet, dram au Scot., 1724-1816. [1774. wr and lit savant, 1776-1827. Ferguson, Robert, poet of Scot., 1750- Fourier, Fdo-ri-a, Charles, socialist and Fermat, Fer-mq, Pierre, Fr. mathl aeu Fr., 1772-1837. 1595-1667. Fox, Foks, W. J., an Eng. pol and lect Fessenden, Fes-6n-den, Thomas G., acu 1786N-H., 1771-1837. [Congress, Me. Fox, Chas. James, st-Eng., 1749-1806. Fessender, Win. Pitt, st and mere of Fox, George, found of the Society of Feuillee, Fdly-a, Louis, nat Fr., -1732. Friends, Eng., 1624-1690. Fichte, Fik-ta, Johann Got., meta Francia, Frqn-qg-q, Ruibolini, pt of It., phil Ger., 1762-1814. 1450-1518. Fielding, Fild-iij, Henry, nov and Francia, Frqn-si-q, Don Gasper R. De, dram poet Eng., 1706-1754. dictator of Paragua, 1757-1840. Filicaija, Fil-e-kq-~-yq, Vincenzo, Da, Francis, FrAn-sis, I., II., etc., emps Ger., poet Florence, 1642-1707. and ks of Fr., from 15th to the 19th Fillmore, Fil-mar, Millard, V-Pres U. century. S., with Gen. Taylor, after whose Francis, Philip, clas trans, trage, and death he served as Pres., bet. 1.850 pol wr Eng., -1773. and 1854, h. 1800- Francis, Fran-sis, John W., M. D., LL. Finiquerra, Fin-ek-cb-d-rq, Tommaso, D., ph and mted wr N-Y., 1789inv of metal plate printing, Florence, Franklin, FrAljk-lin, Benj. Am. moral1426-1464. ist, phil, and st, signer Dec. of Ind., Fitch, Fig, John, inv of the steamboat, Pa., born in Boston, 1706-1790. Conn., 1743-1798. [1646-1719. Franklin, FrApk-lin, Sir John, Eng. ArtFlamsteed, Flam-sted, John, astr Eng., ic nae, 1786-per. Are. reg., 1852-4. Flaxman, FlAks-man, John, sculp Eng., Frauenhofer, Fri-en-hcfif-er, Jos. Von, 1755-1826. optician and phil Ger., 1787-1826. Fleischer, Fli-fer, Heinr. Leber., prof Frederick, Fred-er-ik, II., k of Prussia, oriental lang., Leipzig, Ger., 1801- called Frederick the Great, b. 1712, Fletcher, Fl1q-er, John and F. Beau- began to reign 1740, died 1786; this mont, dram wrs Eng., 1579-1616, is also the title of numerous German 1585-1625. [1760-1814. emperors from the 12th to the 14th Flinders, Flin-derz, Mathew, Eng. nav can., also of other Eu. monarchies. Flora, Fl]6-ra, fab, goddess of flowers. Freiligrath, Fri-li-grqt, Ferd, poet of Flores, F16-rez, General Don Juan Ger., 1810Jose, founder and preserver of the Fremont, Fre-m6nt, John C., explorer republic of Ecuador, 1800- and contr to the Physical Sciences, Fludd, Flud, Robert, Eng. ph and Cal., 1813- [1675-1728. Rosierucian phil, 1574-1637. Friend, John, ph and rned wr Eng., Fonblanque, Foi-blask, Albany, jour Frisi, Frg-ss, Paolo, math phil and Eng., 1800- astr au Milan, 1727-1784. PERSONAL NAMES. 145 Frobisher, Fr6-biJ-er, Sir Martin, Eng. Fulton, F-il-ton, Robert, Am. engin, nav -1594. and first to practically apply steam Frost, Frost, John, off Am. army, Me., to vessels, Pa., 1765-1815. 1738-1810. Furies, Fit-riz,fab, the three daughters Frost, Frost, Wm. Ed.,pt Eng., 1810- of Nox and Acheron, with hair conFry, Fri, Mrs. Elizabeth, philan Eng., posed of snakes, and armed with 1780-1841. whips, chains, &c. Fiihrich, Fe-rik, or Fe-rik, Jos., hist Furness, Ftr-nes, Rev. Dr.Wm. Henry, pt Ger., 1800- div and wr Pa. G. Gaertner, Gktrt-ner, Joseph, bot Ger., Gavard, Ga-vArd, Hyacinthe, anat 1732-1791. France, 1753-1802. Gagern, G-hkern, Baron Hein. Von, Gavarni, Ga-v4dr-ne, the nom de crayon premier min Ger., 1799- of a French artist, 1801Gainsborough, Gdnz-bur-o, Thomas Gavazzi, Ga-vqt-se, Padre A., Italian R. A., pt Eng., 1727-1788. church ref, 1809Galen, Gd-len, Claudian, Greek ph, Gay, John, sallad wr Eng., 1688-1732. sur, and au of 500 books on physic, Gay Lussac, Ga Le-sak, N. F., chem, 131-201. and discoveror of chemical princiGaliano, Gqc-lE-4a-n@, Don A. A., re- ples and compounds, Fr., -1850. view, pam, poet and or Sp., 1789- Ged, Win., inv stereotyping, Eng., - Galileo, Gal-i-l-6; Galilei, astr and 1749. inventer of the telescope, Italy, 1564 Genii, Jg-ni-i, fab guardian angels. -1642. Geoffroy, Xa-of-r-w6, Stephen F., ph Gall, Gqcl, Francis Joseph, focurd Phre- and cherm Fr., 1672-1731. nology, Ger., 1758-1828. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, - Saft Hil-tr, Gallatin, Albert, st Pa., 1761-1849. Etienne, zool Fr., 1772-1844. Galvani, Gal-vn-ns, Luigi, ph and George, name of several ks Eng., from physiol, and disc galvanism, Italy, 16th to 18th centuries. 1737-1798. Gerando, Xa-rknd, Marie Joseph De, Gama, Gq —mc, Vasco De, nav Portu- French meta, 1772-1842. gal, -1525. Gerard, Je-?,qrd, Alex., div and essa Gambart, Gam-b4r, Jean F. A., astr Scot., 1728-1795. France, 1800-1836. Gericault, Xqr-e-kzl, Jean L. T. A., pt Gans, Gqns, Edward, jurist and legal Fr., 1790-1824. au Prussia, 1798-1839. Germany, J-B. Joseph Sebastin, ArchGarcia Gutierrez, Gqcr-tE-c Goe-te-t- duke of Austria, Ex-Regent of, ret, Don Antonio, dram Sp., 1813- 1782Garden, Alex., bot and zool Scot., 1730 Gerry, J6r-i, Elbridge, V-Pres. U. S. -1791. to Jas. Madison; Mass., 1744 —1814. Garnett, Dr. Thos., Eng. ph and nat Gesenius, Ges-a-ns-us, Fred. Henry phil, 1766-1802. Win., philol and ori scholar Ger., Garrick, David, actor Eng., 1716 —1779. 1786-1812. [Nova Scotia. Garrison, Win. Lloyd, leader of the Gesner, Jds-ner, Abraham, M. D., geol Abolition party, and ed " Liberator," Ghiberti, Gs-b.r-te, Lorenzo, FiorenMass. tine sculp, 1381-1455. Gartner, Friedr. Von, arch and wr Giardini, Jctr-d-ns, Felicoe, viol Eng., Ger., 1792- 1716-1796. Gassendi, Ga-shfid, Pierre, meta phil Girardin, Xir-qr-dati, Emile De, jour, Fr., 1592-1655. and ed "La Prese," Paris, 1802Gates, Horatio, maj-gen Am. army, Girardin, Saint-Marc, jour and au Fr., Va., 1728-1806. 1800- " Gatterer, Gqc-ttr-er, John Chris., Ger. Gibbon, Edward, hist Eng., 11-a7-1794. hist, -1799. Gibbons, Grinling, carver i: wood, Gauss, Gss, ast Ger., 1777-1855. Holland,- 1648-1721. 13 146 PERSONAL NAMES. Gibbons, Orlando, mus comrn Eng., which all persons possessing more 1583-d. than 500 acres of land, should yield Gibson, John, sculp Eng., 1790- the surplus for the benefit of the Gifford, Wm., poet and ed Eng., 1756 poor citizens. Both suffered violent -1826. deaths by their enemies, 133 and Gilbert, Wm., Eng. ph and exper phil, 121 B. C. 1540-1603. Graham, Sir James Robt. Geo., Bart., Gilfillan, Rev. George, critic and au Eng. st, 1792 — Scot., 1813- Gramont, Gra-m6if, name of an illusGil y Zarate, Hel se qr-4-ta, Don An- trious French family. tonio, Sp. poet and dram, 1793- Granville, G. G. L. Gower, Earl, Eng. Gioberti, J)-bsr-ts, Vincento, Italian st, 1815ref and an, 1803 - Grattan, GrAt-an, Henry, Irish st and Girard, Jir-4rd, Stephen, found "Gir- law, 1750-1820. ard College," Phila., Pa., 1746-1831. Gray, Thomas, Eng. poet, 1716-1771. Gladstone, Rt. Hon. Win. E., Eng. st, Gray, Asa, M. D., nat and prof at 1809- Cambridge, Mass., 1810Glauber, Glt-ber, John Randolph, Greece, Otho I., King of, 1815Ger. exp chens, 16th cen. crowned 1832. Gleig, Gleg, Rev. Geo. Robt., Eng. an, Greeley, Horace, jour, and chief ed 1796- "N-Y. Tribune," 1811Gleim, Glim, Fred. Wm. Louis, poet Greene, Nathaniel, maj-gen U. S. arGer., 1719-1813. my, R. I., 1742-1785. Glendower, Owen, last prince Wales, Greenough, GrEn-o, Horatio, Am. sculp 1349-1415. Mass., 1805-1852. Gluck, Christoph, comp mue Ger., Gregory, an illustrious Scotch family 1714-1787. name, as well as names of numerous Godwin, G6d-win, William, ref, e-ssa, popes and saints of Rome. au, etc., Eng., 1756-1836. Gregory, 0. Gilbert, LL.D., math and Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, wro on au Eng., 1774-1841. "rights of women," and on morals, Grenville, Richard, Earl Temple, Eng. educa. and pol., 1768-1797. st, author of the American Stamp Godwin, Parke, Am. essa N-Y. Act, and reputed by some as the Goethe, G4-te, Johann Wolfgang Von, original "Junius," 1711-1779. Ger. poet and au, 1749-1833. Grenville, George, Eng. st, 1712-1770. Goldsmith, Oliver, Brit. poet and prose Grew, Nehemiah, Eng. ph, bot and an, wr, 1728-1774. 1628-1711. Goodall, Fred., Eng. pt, 1822- Grey, Charles Earl, Eng. st, 1764-1845. Goodrich, Samuel G., au and pub Grey, Lady Jane, atalented and beauConn., 1800- tiful English lady, 1537-exec. 1554. Gordon, Lord George, a factious st Griffin, Edmund D., wr Pa., 1804Eng., 1750-1793, died in Newgate 1830. prison. [-1827. Grimke, Grim-ks, Thos. Smith, law, Gore, Christopher, Am. st Mass., 1758 an, and spell ref, S. C., 1778-1834. GSrgey, Gor-ge-y, Arthur, Hungarian Grimm, Fred. M., Baron De, French gen, 1818- an, 1723-1807. Gorgons,-Medusa, Euryale, and Sthe- Grimm, Jakob Lud., elder of the no, fab, who could change into stone "Brothers Grimm," Ger. au, 1785those upon whom they looked. Grimm, Wilhelm Karl, younger of the Goszezynski, GaJof-ins-ki, Seweryn, "Brothers Grimm," Ger. an, 1786Polish poet, 1803- Griswold, Roger, LL.D., law, j Sup. Gough, Gof, Am. temperance lee. Ct., &c., Conn., -1812. Gould, Gcold, John, Eng. ornith, 1804- Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, D. D., Am. Gower, John, Eng. law and poet, 1320 biog Vt., 1816-1402. Grote, George, banker, pol ref and aun, Griberg, Von Hemso, Grt-berg Fan Eng., 1794Hmi-so, Jacob, Swedish an, 1776- Grotefrend, Gra-ta-frend, Geo. Fried., Gracchi, GrAk-i, The, Tiberius and Ger. phil and antig, 1775-1853. Caius, brothers, elected tribunes of Grotius, Gr6-fi-us, Hugo, jur, div and the Roman people, secured a law by hist, Holland, 1583-1645. PERSONAL NAMES. 147 Guido, Gi-do, Aretinus, monk, begin- Guy, Thos., found Guy's Hospital, ning 11th cen., who introduced the London, and most liberal benefactor present mode of writing music on in England, -1724. the scale, and composing in differ- Guyon, Ge-i-6fi, Madame Jeanne M. ent parts. R. De La Mothe, Fr. seer and au, Guise, William, Eng. div, and trans 1642-1717. of oriental languages, 1653-1683. Guyon, Gn-yon, General, comman in Guizot, Ge-z6, Frangois- Pierre- G., the patriotic Hungarian army. 1815Fr. hist and ex-min, 1787- Guyton De Morveau, Ge-i-t6ft De MerGunter, Edmund, Eng. math, ast, and va, Louis B., Fr. chern and au, 1736 insv "Gunter's Scale," 1581-1626. -1816. Gustavus Adolphus, k Sweden, 1594- Gutzkow, Gc6ts-kov, Karl, Ger. au, crowned 1611-killed 1632. jour and dram, 1811Guttenberg, John, disc art of printing, Gyllenborg, Gel-en-berg, Chas., Count, Ger., 1400-1468. Swed. sea and man of letters, -1746. H. Hagedomrn, H4g-a-dern, Fred. Von, Handel, H4n-del, Geo. Fred., ntis comp Ger. poet and ast, 1708-1754. Ger., 1684-1759. Hahnemann, H4n-a-mqn, Sam'l.found Hannibal, Carthaginian gen, who after Homoeopathy, Ger., 1755-1843. numerous successful victories against Haldane, Robert and James Alex., the Romans, was defeated, and poisEng. nays, 1764-1842, 1768-1851. oned himself, 182 B. C. Hale, Sir Mathew, Eng. j and constitu- Hanover, Geo.- Fred.- Alex.- Ch.- E.tional law, 1609-1676. Augustus, King of, 1819- comHale, Nathan, of Am. army, and exe- menced his reign 1851. cuted by the British, as a spy, 1776. Harding, J. D., Eng. art, 1797Halevy, Hal-av, Fromenthal, Fr. snus Hare, Dr. Robt.. M. D., M. A., P. S., comp, 1800- c/hem, associate of the Smithsonian Haliburton, Judge, T. C., hum au No- Institute, spiritualist, etc., Pennsylva Scotia, alias " Sam Slick." vania, 1781Halifax, Geo. Saville, Marquis of, Eng. Haring, Hqr-ig, Wilhelm, Ger. nov, st, 1630-1695. [-1831. 1798- [1771-. Hall, Rev. Robt., preacher, Eng., 1764 Harispe, Har-esp, Marshal, Fr. gen, Hall, Samuel C., Eng. au, and ed " Lon- Harpies, fab, three monsters, with the don Art Journal." 1800- faces of virgins, bodies of vultures, Hall, James, geol N-Y., 1811- and hands of claws. Haller, Albert, M. D., anat and physiol Harrison, Gen. Wmin. Henry, ninth Pres. Swit., 1708-1777. U. S., from Ohio; 1773-1841, a Halley, Edmund, Eng.. ast, 1656-1742. month after assuming his duties. Hallam, Henry, Eng. hist, 1778- John Tyler, V-Pres. Halleck, Hal-ek, Fitz-Green, Am. poet, Hartley, David, Eng meta and au, Conn., 1795 — 1705-1757. Hamilton, Alexander, Am. st, jur, fi- Hartzenbusch, Hrt-tan-bMSf, Don Juan nancier, etc., N-Y., 1757-1804, Eugenio, Sp. poet and dram, 1806killed in a duel with Aaron Burr. Harvard, John, found Harvard College, Hamilton, Sir Wm., Bart., Scotish met Mass., -1688. phil, and present Professor of Logic Harvey, William, M. D., disc of the in the University of Edinburgh. circulation of the blood, Eng., 1578 Hammerich, HAm-er-eh, Fred., Danish - 1657. poet and prose wr, 1809- Hastings, Warren, Brit. East India pol, Hampden, John, Brit. st, 1594-1643. 1733-1818. Hancock, John, LL.D., Am. st, pres of Hauy, Ho. Rene Just, Fr. mineralogist, the Continental Congress, and the 1743-1822. first to sign the Declaration of Inde- Hawes, Hez, Dr. Winm., found Royal pendence; Mass., 1737-1793. Humane Society, Eng., 1736-1808. 148 PERSONAL NAMES. Hawks. Heks, Francis L., D. D., LL.D., Hermes, Her-mez, Egyptian leg, priest pulpit or and div N-Y., 1798- and phil, year of the world 2076, Hawley, Joseph, st Mass., 1724-1788. soon after Moses. Hawthorne, H6-torn, Nathaniel, Am. Herodotus, Hs-r6d-o-tus, Greek hist, au Mass., 1809- 484-413 B. C. [1591-1660. Haydn, Hi-dn, Francis Joseph, Aus. Herrick, Robert; Eng. clerg and poet, mus comp, 1732-1809. Herschel, Sir William, astr Eng., 1738 Haydon, HR-don, Benj. Robt., English -1822. pt and lec, 1786-1846. Herschel, Sir John Fred. Wm., son of Haynau, Hi-ns, Baron, brutal Aus. Wm. H., astr Eng., 1790comman, 1786- Hervey, James, Eng. div and au, 1714 Hayne, Han, Robert Y., Am. law and -1758. st S. C., 1791-1839. Herwegh, Her-veg, George, Ger. poet, Hayti, Faustin-Soulouque, (-ScD-ldk,) 1816- [not known. Emperor of, b. a slave, about the Hesiod, Hi-3i-od, Greek poet, his time year 1789- Hesperides, Hes-pir-j-dez, fab daughHazlitt, HAz-lit, William, Eng. crit, ters of Hesperus: who had a garden essa and au., 1778-1830. [and au. bearing golden apples, watched by a Head, Hed, Sir Francis B., Eng. maj dragon, which Hercules slew, and Headley, J. T., Am. wr N-Y., 1814- bore away the fruit. [1802Hebe, Hi-be, fab goddess of youth. Hesse, Fred.-William IV., Elector of, Hector, most valliant of the Trojans. Heyne, Hi-na, Christ. Gottlob, Ger. Hegel, Ha-gel, Geo. Winm. Fred., Ger. au, 1729-1812. [5th cen. phil, 1770-1830. Hierocles, Hi-dr-@-klez, Platonic phil, Heiberg, Hi-be.'g, Johann Ludwig, Hill, Rowland, ecc div Eng., fl. 1800-30. Danish poet and dram, 1791- Hill, Rowland, Post-Ofice ref. Eng., Heideloff, Hi-del-of, Karl Alex., Ger. about 1810arch and ur, 1788- Hipparchus, Hip-4r-kus, first to reduce Heine, Hi-na or Hin, Heinrich, Ger. astronomy to science, fl. at Nice, bet. critic, poet, and prose Vwr, 1799-1853. 160 and 125 B. C. Helena, HIl-e-na, fab, the most beau- Hippocrates, Hip-6k-ra-tez, father of tiful woman of the world, who run- physic, a Grecian, 440 B. C. ning away with Paris occasioned the Historia, His-t&-ri-a, fab, the goddess Trojan war. of history. Helmont, Jean Baptist Van, alch Brus- Hitchcock, Edward, D. D., LL.D., geol, sels, 1577-1644. and pres Amherst College, Mass., Helvetius, Hel-v-fJi-us, Claude Adrian, 1793materialistic au, Fr., 1715-1771. Hobbes, Hobz, Thomas, meta phil Eng., Heliodorus, He-li-o-d6-rus, Phoenician 1588-1679. [1800. romance wr, fl. 398. [1835. Hoche, Hof, Lazare, Fr. gen, 1768Hemans, Mrs. Felicia, Eng. poet, 1794- Hofer, Andrew, chief of the Tyrolese, Henry, name of ks England, France in war against the French and Bavaand Castile, and of emps Germany. rians, -1810, shot. L1784 —1854. ]Henry, Mathew, bib commen Eng., Hoffman, David. Am. law and au, 1662-1714. Hoffman, Charles Fenno, Am. poet and Henry, Patrick, Am. or Va., 1736-1799. prose wr N-Y., 1806Herault-De-Sechelles, Her-al-De-Sd- Hofland, Mrs., Eng. an, 1770-1844. fe-la, Marie Jean, Fr. pat and au, Hogan, John, Eng. sculp, 18001760-1794, guillotined. Hogarth, Hc-gqrt, William, Eng. pt, Herbert, Hdr-bert, Edward, Lord, Eng. 1697-1764. [-1835. meta wr, 1581-1648. Hogg, James, Scotish au and poet, 1772 Herbert, Henry William, wr N-Y., Holbach, HRl-bqh, Paul T., Baron 1807- Von, Ger. miner and nat phil, Paris, Hercules, H6r-kLI-lez, Jab son of Jupi- 1723-1789. ter and Alcmena; the man of great Holland, Henry Richard V. F., Lord, strength. Brit. st, 1773-1840. Herder, Her-der, Johann G. Von, Ger. Holland, William III., Alex. Paul an, 1744 —1803. Fred. Louis, King of, Prince of OrHermann, Her-mqn, Karl Heinrich, ange-Nassau, Grand Duke of LuxGer. hist pt, 1801- * embourg, etc., 1817-c. 1849 PERSONAL NAMES. 149 Holmes, Hcmz, Oliver Wendell, M. D., and tray, au of that great work, Am. pA and poct, 1809- "Cosmos," the best product of his Holt, Sir John, Eng. j 1642-1709. towering genius, 1769- fis Homer, Hil-mer, the most ancient and Hume, David, Scottish ist, best of the Greek poets, whose only 1711-1776 [1855. remaining works are the "Illiad," Hume, Joseph, Eng. st and ref, 1777 — and Odyssey;" fl. 920 B. C. Humphreys, David, LL.D., sol rev, Hood, Thomas, hum and humanitary amb to Lisbon, miss to Spain, pat poet, Eng., 1798-1845. wr, U. S., -1818. Hooke, Robt., math and exp phil, 1635 Hunt, Fred. Knight, Eng. jour, ed -1703. "Daily News," 1814Hooker, Richard, au " Ecclesiastical Hunt, Leigh, jour and poet Eng., 1784Polity," Eng., 1553 —1600. Hunt, Robert, Brit. au, 1814Hopkins, Stephen, signer Dec. of Ind., Hunter, John, Scottish surg and anat, R. I., 1742-1785. 1728-1793. Hopkinson, Francis, Am. j, and signer Hunter, William, elder brother of the Dec. of Ind., Pa., 1738-1791. above, anat, physiol and ph, Scot., Horace, H6r-as, (or Horatius, Quintus 1717-1783. Flaccus,) Roman lyric and sat poet, Huntington, Samuel, gov Conn., and fl. 65 B. C. [-1792. siynler Dec. of Ind., 1732-1796. Horne, Geo., Eng. prelate and au, 1730 Huntington, Daniel, art N-Y., 1816Horne, Richard Henry, Eng. poet and Hurd, Richard, Eng. au, 1720-1808. critic. Huskisson, Hds-ki-son, Wm., Brit. st, Horrox, Jeremiah, astr, disc, and au 1770 —1830. of a theory of lunar motion, 1619- Huss, Hoas, John, Ger. church ref, 1370 1641. -1415, burnt at the stake. Hortense Eugenie De Beauharnais, Hutchinson, John, Eng. wr in opposiHer-tths E-.e-ne De Bc-hqr-nt, tion to the theories of Sir Isaac daughter of Empress Josephine, and Newton, 1674-1737. wife of Louis Bonaparte, 1783-1837. Hutton, Charles, LL.D., Eng. math Houston, Hc6s-ton, Gen. Samuel, Am. and wr, 1737' —1823. st and U. S. sen, Texas, 1793- Hutton, Dr. James, Scottish geol, and Houssaye, H6-sa, Arsene, Fr. poet and found of Psychometry, 1726-1797. au, 1815- Huyghens, H6]-henz, Christian, Dutch Howard, John,philasn Eng.,1726 —1790. math, astr, etc. In Geometry he Howe, Admiral Earl, adm Eng. navy, gave theorems for the quadrature of 1725-1799. the Hyperbola, the Ellipsis, and the Howit, HR-it, William, Eng. poet and Circle; he discovered the Saturn's descri wr, 1795- ring; he laid down the theory of the Huber, He-bqr, Frangois, nat Swit., pendulum, and its application to the 1750-18:31. clock; he discerned the synchronism Hubner, Hc6b-ner, Rud. Jul. Benno, of the Cycloid, invented the theory Ger. hist, 1806- [ished at sea. of Involutes and Evolutes of Curves, Hudson, Henry, Eng. nav, -1610, per- etc., 1629-1695. Hughes,. Htlz, Rev. John, D. D., arch- Hydra, Hi-dra, fab, a serpent, which bp N-Y., 1798- had seven heads. [health. Hugo, He-go, Victor, repub pol, poet Hygeia, Hi-jj-ya, tab, the goddess of and au, forbidden, on account of his Hymen, Hi-men, fab, the god of marsentiments, to enter France, 1802- riage. Hull, Isaac, Am. corn Conn., 1775-1843. Hypatia, Hi-pei-fi-a, female teacher in Humboldt, Hdim-bolt, William Von, Alexandria, 4th cen. Ger. phil and st, 1767-1835. Hyperides, Hi-pdr-i-dez, a disciple of Humboldt, Alexander Von, Baron, Plato who procured the punishment brother of the preceding, Ger. nat of Socrates, 320 B. C. 150 PERSONAL NAMES. I. Ianthe, T-An-t, fab, the beautiful wife Irving, Washington, Am. au, N-Y., of Iphis. 1783Ibraham Pasha, Eb'rq-ham Pa-S6, emp Irving, Theodore, LL.D., nephew of Egypt, 1789-1848. Wash. Irving, au N-Y. Ignatius, Ig-nd-Ji-us, bp Antioch, torn Isabella of Castile, queen of Spain, to pieces by lions, at Rome, by order 1450-1504. of the emperor Trajan, A. D. 107. Isturiz, Ss-to-rgt, Don Xavier De, Ingersoll, IU'ger-sol, Jared, LL.D., j, Sp. pol, 1790law, etc., Pa., -1822, Iturbide, S-tcor-bid, Don Augustus, Ingres, Au-gra, Jean Dominique A., emp Mexico, 1784-sh. 1824. Fr. pt, 1780 — Ixion, Iks'i-on, fab, the son of PhlegyInnocent, from 1. to XIII., popes be- as, who for some vice, was fastened tween A. D. 402 and 1724. in hell to a wheel perpetually turnIrving, Er'vi], Rev. Edward, pulpit or ing round. and div, Scotland, 1792-d. Izard, Ralph, Am. st S. C., 1738-1804. J. Jackson, Gen. Andrew, seventh Pres. Jeffreys, George, Lord, Eng. law and U. S., from 1829 to 1837 7; Tenn., j, notorious for his infamous cruelty, 1767-1845. V-Pres., J. C. Calhoun 1648-1689. and Martin Van Buren. Jellachich, Me-14h-ih, Jos. Baron Von, Jacobi, Y4-ko-be, Fred. Henry, Ger. ban of Croatia, Sclav. and Dalmatia, meta phil and wr, 1743-1819. of Aus. army, 1801Jacobs, YC-kQbz, Frederick, Ger. crit, Jenner, Edward, M. D., F. R. S., disc 1764-1847. of vaccination, Eng., 1749-1823. Jacquard, Za-kqrd, Marie Joseph, inv Jenyns, J6n-inz, Soame, pol and wr a loom for weaving damasks, France, Eng., 1704-1787. 1752-1834. Jerome, of Prague, disciple of Huss, James, name of Scottish and English ks. and prot martyr, -1416. James, Wm., Eng. naval hist, -1827. Jerrold, Jir-old, Douglas, Eng. au and James, G. P. R., Eng. ans, now of N-Y., satirist, 18051800- Joan d'Arc, Ko-atf Dqrk, (or Joan of Jameson, JAm-e-son, Robert, nat Scot., Arc,) the "virgin-martyr of French 1774-1854. liberty," 1410-1431, burnt at stake. Janin, Xa-nai, Jules, au and jour, Johnson, Richard M., V-Pres. U. S. to France, 1804- Martin Van Buren; Ky., -1850. Jarvis, JQr-vis, John Wesley, por-pt Johnson, Dr. Samuel, lex, au and crit, N-Y., 1780-1834. Eng., 1709-1784. Jasmin, Kas-mai, Jacques, "barber Joinville, Kwofi-vel, Frangois-Ferd.poet," France, 1798 — Ph.-L.-M. D'Orleans, Prince de, of Jay, John, Am. st, and first chief jus- the house of Orleans; 1818tice U. S., signer Dec. sf Ind., for- Jones, Jacob, corn Am. navy, Del., eign min, etc., N-Y., 1745-1829. 1770-1850. [1736 —1792. Jefferson, Thomas, Am. st and scholar, Jones, Paul, comman Am. navy, Scot., draftsman of the Declaration of In- Jones, Sir William, ori and trans, dependence, author of the ordinance Eng., 1746-1794. of'87, and third Pres. U. S., from Jonson, Benjamin, dram wr, contempo1801 to 1809; Va., 1743-1826. V-.. rary of Shakspeare, Eng.,1573-1637, Pres., Aaron Burr and Geo. Clinton. Jordan, Dorothea, Eng. actress, 1762Jeffrey, Jdf-ri, Francis, Scottish ws, 1816. critic, and ed Kdinlrurgsh Review, Josephine, first wife of Nap. Bonaparte, 1773-1850. and empress of France, 1763-1814. PERSONAL NAMES. 151 Josephus, Jo-sg-fus, Flavius, hist of Juno, Jit-n, fab, the sister and wife the Jews, Jerusalem, A. D. 37 —93. of Jupiter. Jouffroy D'Albans, Kco-frwo Dqb-as, Jupiter, Jfi-pi-ter, fab, a son of SatCl. F. D., Marquis De, Fr. machani- urn and Ops; the supreme deity of cian, to whom the Academy of Sci- the heathens. ences has awarded the honor of Jussien, [Ke-se, Atoine De, Fr. bot, having first applied steam to navi- 1686-1758. gation, instead of Fulton; 1751- Jussieu, Bernard De, brother of the 1832. [1813-1853. above, beot, 1699-1777. Judd, Rev. Sylvester, Am. au Mass., Jussieu, Antoine L. De, nephew of the Judson, Emily C., ("Fanny Forester,") above, bot, 1748-1836. Am. au and poet N-Y., -1854. Justin, Jds-tin, ancient Latin hist, fl. Julian, Jl,-li-an, Roman emp, styled A. D. 250. the Apostate, for turning anti-Chris- Justin, the Martyr, wr Chris. Church, tian after ascending the throne; and for his faith beheaded, 167. killed, 363. Justinian, Jus-tin-i-an, Roman emp, Junius, Letters of, famous Eng. pol who collected and arranged the laws woritings, supposed to have been of the nation, 541. [youths. written by Hugh Boyd, who d. 1794. Juventa, Juq-vdn-ta, fab, a goddess of K. Kaempfer, K/mp-fer, Engelbert, Ger. Kepler, Kdp-ler, John, Ger. astr and trav and nat, 1651-1716. au, 1571-o. s. 1631. Kaestner, Kdst-ner, Abraham Gott., Keyser, Ki-ser, Nicaise De, Aist pt Ger. math, astr and au, 1719-1800. Belgium, 1813Kalb, Kqlb, Baron De, Polish naj-gen King, Rufus, Am. st Me., 1757-1827. Am. army, -1780, killed. King, William R., V-Pres. U. S. to Kalm, Kqlm, Peter, Swedish nat, Franklin Pierce; N. C., -1853. 1715-1779. Kingsley, Charles, Brit. poet and au. Kane, Dr. Elisha Kent, U. S. Navy, Kinkel, Ki:l-kel, Gottfried, Ger. wr and sur, nat, and Arctic explorer, Pa., repub. 1822- Kirby, Ker-bi, Rev. Winm., ento Eng., Kant, Kqnt, Immanuel, Ger. meta, 1759-1850. [1710. phil and critic, 1724-1804. Kirch, Kirh, Gottf., Ger. astr, 1639Kaulbach, Kisl-bqh, William, Ger. art, Kirwan, Ker-wan, Richard, chem Scot., 1804- [1790-1833. 1750-1812. Kean, Ken, Edmund, Eng. tragic act, Klaproth, Klap-rut, Heinrich J. Von, Kean, Chas. John, son of the above, ori sckol and crit, Ger., 1783-1835. act, 1811- [1820. Klaproth, Martin Henry, Ger. chiem, Keats, Kets, John, Eng. poet, 1796- the discoverer of uranium, zirconia, Kemble, Charles, Eng. act, 1775-1854. titanic acid, etc., 1743-1817. Kemble, John P., Eng. act, 1757-1823. Klopstock, K16p-stok, Friedrich, Ger. Kemp, Joseph, mus comp Eng., 1778- poet, 1724-1803. 1824. Knowles, Nolz, Jas. Sheridan, Irish Kemp, Kenneth, Scotch ciheer, was the dran poet, 1784first to solidify carbonic acid gas, Knox, Noks, Henry, maj-gen Am. arand was the introducer of amalga- my, Mass., 1750-1806. mated zinc plates into the galvanic Knox, John, Scotch cler, and church battery, 1807-1843. ref, 1505-1572. Kennedy, John Pendleton, Am. nov Kock, KQk, Chas. Paul De, Fr. n(ov, Md., 1795- 1794Kenrick, WVim., compiler of an English Koekkoek, Kcnk-knk, Bernard C., Dut. dictionary, -1779. l-pt, 1803Kenriok, John, Eng. /ist and piilol. Kosciusco, Kusts-E-&s-kd or Kos-i-dsKent, James, Am. jurist N-Y., 1763- ka, Thaddeus, Polish patriot and 1847. Am. gen, 1756-1817. 152 PERSONAL NAMES. Kossuth, Ko-Jfit, Louis, ex-gov Hun- Kugler, K6g-ler, Franz. Theod., Ger. gary, and or, 1806- poet and au, 1808Kotzebue, K6ts-e-bc6-a, August Von, Kunckell, Kc&t-kel, John, Ger. chem, Ger. dram, 1761-1819. 1630-1703. Krause, Kri-sa, Chas. Christ. Fred., Kyan, Ki-an, John H., the inv of the Ger. rmeta, 1781-1832. process of Kyanized wood, Eng., Kruseman, Kre-sa-man) Cornelius, -1859. Dutch hist pt, 1797L. Labitzky, Lq-bits-ki, Joseph, Ger. mtls La Place, Lq Pl4s, Pierre S., Marquis comnp, 1802- De, Fr. geom, and astr au,1749-1827. La-Caille, Lq-Kaly, Nich. Louis De, Lares, La-rez,fab, sons of Mercury and Fr. astr observer, 1713-1762. Lara, worshipped as household gods. Lacepede, Lq-sa-pdd, Bernard G. Etie. Las Cases, Lqs Kq-sa, Fr. naval cornDe La, Fr. nat, 1756-1825. - man, 1766-1842. Lafayette, Lq-fa-et, Marie Paul J. R. Latbam, Li-tam, John, Eng. orni and Y. G. M., Marquis De, Fr.;, st and antig, 1740-1837. patriot, who assisted in the Ameri- Latimer, Hugh, Eng. church ref, 1472 can Revolutionary War, 1757-1834. burnt at the stake, 1555. Lagrange, Lq-grAis3, Joseph Louis, Laube, LS-be, Heinrich, Ger. nov and 7math, and geomn and astr au, France, dram, ] 8061736 —1813. Lauder, L6-der, Robt. Scott, Scottish Laharpe, Lq-hcLrp, Jean F. De, Fr. pt, 1803- L1724-1792. crit and au, t739-1803. Laurens, L6-renz, Henry, Am. st S. C., Lahire, Lct-hir, Philip De, Fr. math Lavater, Lq-vE-ter, John Gasper, wr and astr, 1640-1719. on Physiognomy, Ger., 1741-1801. Lalande, Lq-lahd, Joseph J. Le F. De, Lavoisier, La-vw6-si-a, Antoine Lan., astr obs atnd wr, Fr., 1732-1807. Fr. chem, contributing to this sciLamarck, Lq-m(rk, or Jean B. P. A. ence, among other things, the chemiDe Monet, Fr. nat,-conch, zool and cal nomenclature now in use; 1743bot, 1744-1829. 1794, guillotined. Lamartine, Lam-qr-tgn, Alphonse De, Law, John, Scotch finan, projecter of poet, or, hist and pol, Fr., 1790- the French money bubble, 1670Lamb, Charles, Eng. humor, critic and 1729. essa, 1775-1834. Law, Wm., Eng. relig wr, 1686-1761. Lamb ert, L4m-bert. John Henry,Ger. Lawrence, James, Am. nav of N. J., math and phil, 1728-1777. 1781-1813. Lamennais, Lcq-mah-a, F1licit6 Robert, Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P. R. A., Eng. (Fa-le-si-ta,) Fr. ecc, pol and au, por-pt, 1769-1830. 782 —1853. Lawrence, Abbott, Am. merch Mass., La-Motte-Fouque, Lq-Mot-Fwck, Fred. 1792-1855. Hein. Karl, Baron De, Normo-Ger. Layard, La-qrd, Henry Austin, Eng. poet and nov, 1777-1843. tray and au, 1817Lancisi, Lqn-qg-se, Giammaria, Italian Le Conte, Le K6nt, John L., M. D., anat and physiol, 1654-1720. Am. nat N-Y., 1825- [pt. Lander, Richard and John, Eng. eXps LUcurieux, La-ke-re, Jacques, Fr. hist of Africa, 1804-1832; 1806- Ledyard, John, Am. trav Conn., 1751 Landon, Lititia Elizabeth, Eng. poet, -1788. -1838. [au, 1775 —. Lee, Anne, found of the "Shakers," Landor, Lan-dor, Walter Savage, Eng. Eng., 1735 —1784. Landseer, Sir Edwin, Eng. pt, 1801- Lee, Arthur, Am. st, and pol wsr, Va., Lane, Edward Win., Arabic and ori 1740-1792. [-1782. schol, Eng., about 1800- Lee, Charles, maj-gen Am. army, Pa., La Perouse, Lq Pa-rd6s, Jean F. G. De, Lee, Francis Lightfoot, signer Dec. of Fr. nat, 1741-1789. Ind., Va., 1734 —1797. PERSONAL NAMES. 153 Lee, Henry, Ad Am. army, Va., 1756- Livingston, Robert R., Am. law and 1818. st, and signer Dec. of Ind., N-Y., Lee, Richard Henry, Am. st and signer 1746-1813. Dec. of Inld., Va., 1732-1794. Livius, Liv-i-us, Titus, best Roman Lee, —, Eng. i-pt. hist, most of whose books are lost. Legendre, La-3afi-dr, Adrian Marie, b. 59 B. C. [1704. Fr. geom, and math au, 1751-1833. Locke, John, Eng. meta phil, 1632Lehmann, L/-mqn, Prof., Rus. nat, Lockhart, John G., Scottish an, and 1814-1842. ed "; Quarterly Review," 1794-1854. Leibnitz, Lib-nits, Godfrey William, Logan, John, poet Scot., 1748-1788. Ger. meta and matIphil, 1646-1716. Lollard, Walter, found of a sect who Lemon, Mark, Eng. jour, ed "Punch," denied the use of the mass, baptism, 1810- &c.; was burnt for heresy, 1322. Lennep, La-nap, Jacob Van, Dutch Lomenie-De-Brienne, Lo-mafi-s -Depoet and nov, 1802- Bre-sfi, Stephen Chas. De,.finance Leo X., Pope Giovanni De Medici, min of Louis XVI., Fr., 1727-1794. 1475-1521. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Am. Leonhard, LA-on-hqrt, Karl Casar Von, poet Mass., 1807Ger. miner and qeol, 1779- Longueville, Lofi-ge-vel, the name of Leopold I., enop Austria, 1640-1705. a celebrated French family of the Leopold II., emp Germany, 1747- 1792. 15th century. Lepsius, Ldp-si-us, Karl Rich., Ger. Lope De Vega, La-pa Da Vi-gq, Sp. ori, 1811- dram, 1562-1635. Lerminier, Lar-mafi-i-a, Jean Louis Lortzing, Lor-tsi., Albrecht Gus., Ger. E., Fr. phil and wr, 1803- iMus comp, 1803- [-1715. Leroux, La-rr, Pierre, Fr. 8oc phil, Louis XIV., (Lc6-i,) Bourbon k, 1638 1805 — Louis XVI., k France, 1754-g. 1793. La Sage, Le St3, Alin, Fr. nov and Louis Philippe, Lc6-i Fil-9p, k France, dram, 1668-1747. 1773-1850. Leslie, Lds-li, Sir John, Eng. math Lovejoy, Rev. Elijah P., ed "Alton and wr, 1766-1832. Observer," an anti-slavery paper, Leslie, Chas. Robert, Eng. pt, 1794- and became a martyr to that cause Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, Ger. crit, and a free press, in defending his phil, dram wr and au, 1729 —1781. paper from a mob; Ill., 1802-1837. Lessing, Karl Fred., Ger. pt, 1808- Lover, Samuel, Irish au and art. Leutze, Lsts-a, Emanuel G., Ger. art. Lowe, La, Lieut. Gen. Sir Hudson, Leuwenhoeck, L6-ven-hek, Atoine, K. C. B., guardian of Napoleon at Ger. nat, 1632-1723. St. Helena, 1769-1844. Leverrier, La-vi-ri-a, M., Fr. astr, Lowell, L6i-el, James Russell, Am. poet and disc of the planet Neptune. and wr Mass., 1819Lewis, Samuel, pioneer in the cause of Loyola, Lo-e-6-lq, Ignatius, found of education in the west, and anti- the Order of Jesuits, Sp., 1491-1556. slavery regf, Ohio, — 1853. Lucian, L(-Ji-an, Greek crit and sat, Lieber, Li-ber, Francis, LL. D., Ger. 90-180. sePrub and au, and pres Columbia Lucifer, Ll[-si-fer, fab, son of Jupiter College, Ga., 1800- and Aurora, made the morning star. Lilbume, John, Eng. repub, 1613-1657. Lucius, Lfl-Si-us, I., II., III., popes, Lilly, William, Eng. astrol, 1602-1681. 253, 1144, 1181. Lincoln, Li.-kon, Benjamin, gen Am. Lucretia, Lu,-kri-fi-a, Roman matron army, Mass., 1733-1810. who was the cause of the revolution, Lindley, Lind-li, John, English beot, 509 B. C. 1800- Lucretius, Lq-krg-fi-us, Titus Carus, Linley, Thomas, vocal comp, Eng., Roman phil and poet, 96-54 B. C. -1795. Lully, L(6-li, Jean B., anus comp Italy, Linnueus, Lin-s-us, Charles, bot and au 1634-1687. Sweden, 1707-1778. Luna, Lil-na, Jab, Diana's name in Liszt, Lest, Franz, Hungarian pianist, heaven. [-1546. 1811- Luther, Martin, Ger. church ref, 1483 Livingston, Liv-ip-ston, Edward, Am. Lycurgus, LI-kdr-gus, Spartan. leg, Jurist and et N-Y., 1764-1836. 870 B. C.;-Athenian or, 408 B. C. 154 PERSONAL NAMES. Lyell, Lil, Sir Charles, geol Scot., Lysander, Li-sAn-der, Spartan gen, who 1797- defeated the Athenian fleet, and Lyndsay, Lind-sa, Sir David, Scottish ended the 27 years' war, 396 B. C. poet, 1490-1555. Lyttleton, Lit-l-ton, George Lord, Eng. au and st, 1709-1773. M. Mabuse, Mc-bc6-sa, Jan De, an It. pt Madrazo, Mqd-r4-to, Don Pedro, Sp. 1470-1532. poet, jour, critic and pt 1816Macaulay, Ma-k6-la, Catherine, hist Madvig, Mtd-vig, Johann N., Ger. and pol wr Eng., 1734-1791. class wr and prof 1804Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Br. Mist, Magellan, Ma-gel-an, (or Magalhaens, essa, poet and pol, 1800- Mqc-gql-yq-6nz, ) Fernando, Port., nay Macbeth, Mak-bht, usuzrper of the Seot. the first to circumnavigate the globe, crown, slain -1054. 1470-1521, killed by natives at Maccabees, Mak-a-bsz, seven brothers, Philippine is. Jews, with their mother, put to death, Maginn, Maij-in, William, Irish wr,f oun at Antioch, 168 B. C. of "Fraser's Magazine," 1794-1842. Macdonough, Mak-d6n-o, Thomas, Mahmoud, M4-m-d, the name of Turcommo Am. navy, 1784-1825. kish Sultans. Macfarlane, Mak-fcr-lan, Henry, pol Mahomet, Ma-h6m-et, the au of the and misc wr Scot., 1734-1804. "Koran" andfoun of a new religion. Machiavelli, Mct-ks-q-v6l-s, Nicolo, an A name applied since, to Turkish It. pol wr and au 1469-1527. emperors, who ruled from the 13th Mackay, Ma-kA, Charles, Br. poet and to the 17th century. jour, 1812- Mahon, Mq-h6n or Mq-An, Philip H., Mackenzie, Ma-ken-zi, Sir. Alex., Br. Viscount, an Eng. hist wr 1805nay, -d. [-1831. Mahoney, Mq-h6-ni, Francis, Br. jour Mackenzie, Henry, Scottish navy, 1745 and au, 1800Mackintosh MAk-in-tof, Sir. James, Mailath, Mqc-gl-qct, Count Johann, Hun. Scottish am and law, 1765-1832. au, 1786Macklin, MAk-lin, Chas., act and dram Mars, Mqrz, fab, god of war. Ir., 1690-1797. Mechain, Me-fIn, Pierre Francis A., Maclise, Ma-kliz, Daniel, Irish art Fr. astr and mnath, 1774-1805. 1811- Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mdk-len-burgMI'Clintock, Ma-Klin-tok, John, D.D.,,wa-rin, Frederick Francis, Grand ed, trans and au of Greek and Latin Duke of, 1823- assumed governtext books, Pa., 1814- ment 1842. M'Lean, Mak-LAn, John, chief justice Mecklenburg-Strelitz, StrA-litz, FredU. S. Sup Ct 0., 1785- erick Chas. Joseph, Grand Duke of, Maclaurin, Mak-16-rin, Colin, Scottish b. 1779; he is a distinguished govmath 1698-1746. enor, and a great friend of education Macomb, Ma-ksmb, Alex., com-ii-chief and human rights. of the Am. army, 1782-1841. Medici, Ma-de-se, an illus. Florentine Macon, MA-kon, Nathaniel, Am. st N. family, from the 14th cen. to the C., -d. present time. Macpherson, Mak-f6r-son, James, ed Mehemet Ali, Me-hem-et iH'le, Eg. of "Ossian," awr Scot., 1738-1796. pasha, 1765-1848. [-1730. M'Cullah, Ma-kdl-a, Wm. Torrens, pol Mehemet-Effendi, Ef-in-de, Turk. st and au Ir., 1813- Meigs, Megz, Return Jonathan, Am. M'Culloch, Ma-kdl-ok, J. R., wr on pol Of 0., -1828. econ Scot., 1790- Melanchthon, Mel-kak-ton, (Ger. MelMadison, Mad-i-son, James, Am. st and 4tpk-ton,) Philip, colleague of Luther fourth pies U. S., from 1809 to 1817; in the Reformation, 1497 —1568. Va., 1758-1836. V-Pres. George Melbourne, MIl-burn, Wm. Lamb, VisClinton, and Elbridge Gerry. count, Eng. st, 1779-1843. PERSONAL NAMES. 155 Melitus, Me-li-tus, Greek or and poet, Mill, Mil, James, Scotish phil and st, accuser of Socrates, ex. 400 B. C. 1773-1836. Mellen, M61-en, Grenville, Am. poet Millar, Mil-ar, James, Scot. pAh and and misc wr, 1800-1841. chem, 1762-1827. Melville, M61-vil, Andrew, Eng. div Miller, Edward, ph and med au N-Y., and au 1545-1622. 1760-1812. Melville, Henry Dundas, Lord Viscount, Miller, Winm., found of the sect called Eng. st 1740-1811. the "Millerites," -1849. Melville, Herman, Am. au N-Y., 1819- Miller, Hugh, Scot. geol and au, 1805Mendelssohn, M6n-del-son, Dr. Felix Miller, Thomas, Eng. poet and nov Bartholody, Ger. mus comp andper- 1809former, 1809-1847. Millin, Mil-in, Aubin Louis, Fr. archm, Mendelssohn, Moses, a Jewish phil and nat and au, 1759-1818. mor Ger., 1729-1786. Milman, Mil-man, Henry Hart, Eng. Menelaus, Men-E-la-us, k of Mycenae, au and clerg, 1791hus of Helena. Milnes, Mil-nes, Richard Monckton, Mengs, MeDz. Antony Raphael, Bohe- Eng. poet, 1806mian pt, 1729-1779. Milton, Mil-ton, John, Eng. poet whose Mercator, Mer-kjt-tor, Gerard, math writings have given a name to the and geog Flanders, 1512-1594. English language, 1608-1675. Mercer, Mer-ser, Hugh, a brig gen in Mina, Mg-nq, Don Francisco E. y, Sp. the Am. army, -1777. gen, 1782-1836. [wisdom. Mercury, Mer-kqr-ri, fab, messenger of Minerva, Min-.r-va, fab, goddess of the gods, inventor of letters, god of Minot, Min-ot, Laurence, Eng. poet eloquence, &c. [1800 —-. 14th cen. Merimee, Mer-s-mA, Prosper, Fr. au Minto, Min-tQ, Walter, math and nat Mesmer, Mds-mer, Fred. Anthony, a phil Scot., -1796. promoter of animal magnetism, Ger., Mirabeau, Mir-q-bo, Honore G. R. 1734-1815. Comte De, or and repub Fr., 1749Mesonero y Romanos, Ma-san-A-ro e 1791. Ro-mqn-&s, Don Ramon De, Sp. au Mirabeau, Mir-q-ba, Victor Riquetti, 1803- Marquis De, au and foun of pol sect Mietastasio, Ma-tqs- tfs —Q,, Pietro, It. of Economists, Fr., -1790. dram, 1698 —1782. Miranda, Mir-4n-dq, Don Francisco, Metternich, Mlt-er-nih, Clemens, W. Sp. S. Am. liberator -1816. N. L., Prince, Aus. st and dip, 1773- Miraflores, Mer-q-fl6-ras, Don Manuel Meursius, Mer-si-es, John, Dutch critic P. F. De P. M. y D., st, miin and au philol and hist, 1579-1639. Sp. 1792- [1810 —-. Meyer, Mi-er, Philippe, Ger. mus comp Mitchel, Mig-el, O. M., Am. astr 0., 1737-1819. Mitchell, John, Am. nat and au, -1772. Meyerbeer, Mi-er-bar, Giaocomo, Ger. Mitchell, Thomas, Eng. philol, 1783mus comp, 1794- 1845. [1822 —-. Mezerai, Ma-za-rti, Francis E. De, Fr. Mitchell, Donald G., Am. wrI Conn., hist 1610-1683. Mitchell, John, Irish "patriot," exiled, Michaelis, Mih-q-61-is, John David, now in U. S., 1814Ger. orien and bib critic, 1717-1791. Mitford, Mit-ford, John, misc wr Eng., Michelangelo Buonarroti, Me-ka-lqn- -1831. [1.827. gA-lo Bo-Q-nqcr-6-ts, or anglicized, Mitford, Mary Russel, Eng. an, 1786Michael Angelo, Mi-ka-el An'js-lo, Mitford, William, hist and philol Eng., It. art, 1475 -1564. L1798. 1784-1827. Michelet, Mif-a-la, Jules, Fr. hist Mittermaier, Mit-er-mi-er, Charles J. Mickiewicz, Mats-ke-A-veg, Adam, Pol- Anthon, jurist and aut, a friend of ish poet, 1798- popular freedom, Ger., 1787Middleton, Mid;l-ton, Conyers, polem Mitzler, Mits-ler, Lan. Chas. de Kolof, wr and critic Eng., 1683-1750. Ger. mus comp, 1711-1778. Middleton, Arthur, signer Dec. of ind., Modena, MG-da-nq, Francis Ferd. GemS. C., 1743-1787. [-1846. imen, Duke of, b. 1819, commenced Middleton, Henry, Am. st S. C., 1771 to govern, 1846. Mignet, Meg-ni, Francois Au. Alexis, Moir, Mwer, David Macbeth, Scottish Fr. hist, 1796- wr and an, 1798-1851. 156 PERSONAL NAMES. Mole, Mol, John, an Englishman, em- Montezuma, Mon-ta-z4-ma, or Moninent for his skill in the science of ta-t6-mqc,) last Indian emp of Mex., Algebra, -1827. stoned to death at the time of the Moliere, MaIl-i-4r, Jean B. Poquelin, Spanish invasion, -1520. Fr. act,-r and comic wr, 1622-1668. Montfaucon, Mofit-f,-k6n, Bernard De, Moliers, Mol-i-qr-Af, Joseph P. De, phil Fr., critic and antig, 1655 —1741. wr Fr., 1.677-1742. [1777 —- -. Montgolfier, Mont-g6l-fi-a, Jacques MIolina, Mo-l-nq, Pedro, st Guat., Etie., the inventor of air-balloons, Moltke, M6lt-ke, Adam Wm., Count, 1745-1799. Danish st, 1785- Montgomery, Mont-gdm-er-i, James, Molyneux, M1l-i-no, Wm., an ingen- poet Eng., 1771-1854. ious, math Ir., 1656-d. Montgomery, Richard, major-gen Am. MIolza, Ml-dzq, Francis Maria, Italian army, 1737-k. 1775. poet, 1489-1544. Montgomery, Geo. Wash., Am. nov and Monardes, MQ-nqr-das, Nicholas, Sp. trans, -1841. [-1828. ph and bot, -1578. Monti, M6n-te, Vincenso, poet It., 1753 Monbeillard, Mofi-bal-yqrd, Philibert Monti, Raffaelle, Italian sculp, 1819Gue., Fr. nat, 1720-1785. Montmorency, Mofit-mo-rqfis, Duke of, Moncey, Mos-sa, Adrien, Fr. off and Henry II., French adm, 1595-1632. st, 1754-1842. Montrose, Mont-rdz, James G., Marquis Monge, Mot3, Gaspard, an illustrious of, dist. royalist under Charles I., scientific man, qeom, au of the meth- Eng., -1645. od known as " Descriptive Geometry," Montucci, Mon-t6-ke, Antonio, philol Fr., 1746-1818. and an, Italy, 1762-1829. [1799. Monk, Muqk, George, Eng. geo and Montucla, M6ti-te-klq, Fr. math, 1725pol, 1608-1670. Moore, MIcr, Edward, an English poet Monmouth, M6n-mut, James, Duke of, and dram wr, 1712-1757. [1802. a pretender for the throne of Great Moore, John, pA and au Scot., 1730Britain; the attempt to seize which Moore, Sir John, Brit. gen, and the was the foundation of the revolution, subject of the celebrated stanzas of in 1688; b. 1619-1685, beheaded. Wolf, 1761-k. 1809. Monnet, Mo/t-dt, Anthony Grim, Fr. Moore, Thomas, British poet and wr; chem, 1734-1817. 1780-1852. Monro, Mon-r6, Alexander, Eng. ph, Mora, M6-rq, Joseph J., Sp. poet and and anat, 1697-1767. au S. Am., 1783. Monroe, Mon-r6, James, Am. st and Moratin, Mo-r4-ten, N. F. De, and L. fifth pres U. S., from 1817 to 1825; F'. De, Sp. dram poets, 1737-1760, Va., 1758-1831. V-Pres., D. D. 1780-1828. [1833. Tompkins. More, Mor, Hannah, Eng. wr, 1744 — Montague, Mon-tag, Charles, earl of More, Henry, Eng. dic, 1614 —1687. Halifax, Eng. st, 1661-1715. More, Sir Thomas, Eng. au and st, Montague, John, fourth earl of Sand- 1480 —1535. wich, dip, st and asu, Eng.,1718-1792. Moreau, Mor-6, Jean Michel, designer Montague, Basil, an English law and and engraver Fr., 1741-1814. wr, 1770-1851. Moreau, Jean Victor, Fr. gen, 1763Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, an 1813. English wr and friend of Addison, Morell, M6r-el, Thomas, Eng. critic Pope, etc., 1690 —1762. [1800. and lexicog, 1703-1784. Montague, Elizabeth, wor Eng., 1720- Moreto y Cabana, Mn-rd-to e Kq-b4Montaigne, Mofi-tafi, Michel, Seigneur nq, Don Augustin, Sp. dram poet De, French essa, 1533-1592. 17th cen. [1755-1799. Montcalm, Motit-kqm, Louis Jos. De, Morgan, MWr-gan, Daniel, Am. gen Va., Marquis of St. Krau, French gen, Morgan, Win., Eng. math and wr, - 1.712-1759. 1833. Montecuculli, Man-ta-kmc-kO-le. Ray- Morghen, Mc5r-gan, Raphael, engraver mond De, Modenese gen Ger., 1608- Naples, 1758-d. 1680. Morier, fM6r-er. James, Eng. trav and Montesquieu, M6fi-tas-ke, Carl De S., nov, 1780-1648. Baron De, Fr. phil and au, 1689- Morison, M6r-i-son, Robert, Eng. pA 1755. and bot, 1620-1383. PERSONAL NAMES. 157 Moritz, M6r-its, Charles, P., Ger. wr Muller, Gerard Fred., Ger. trav and 1757-1793. L1764-1804. wr and Rus. hist, 1705-1783. Morland, Mclr-land, George, Eng. pt Muller, John, Ger. ast, 1436-1476. Morland, Sir Samuel, Eng. st and snech, Muller, John Von, $wiss. hist 17521625 —1596. 1809. [ —1784. Mornay, M6r-na, Philip de, Fr. st and Muller, Othon Fred., Danish nat, 1730 wr, 1549-1623. [dreams, &c. Muncer or Muntzer, Mdint-ser, Saxon Morpheus, MNr-fr-us, fab, god of sleep, div, church ref and social leveller, Morris, M6r-is, Gouverneur, Am. st and beheaded 1525. wr N-Y., 1752-1816. Munro, Alex., M. D., a skilful anat and Morris, Robert, supt of the finances of ph Scot., 1733-18l7. [ —1836. the U. S., during the Revolutionary Munster, Mdn-ster, Coun, st Hanover, war, and signer -Dec. of Iad., Pa., Muntz, Munts, George Fred., Eng., -1806. merch and pol reformer, 1794Morris, George P., Am. wrN-Y., 1802- Murat, Me-rq, Joachim, Fr. gen and k Mors, Morz, fab, goddess of death. of Naples, 1767-sh. 1815. Mortier, M6r-ti-a, Edmund, A. C. J., Muratori, Mtu-rq-t6-re, Louis Anthony, Fr. marshal, 1768-1835. It. hist and anti], 1672-1750. Morton, M6r-ton, Nathaniel, Am. au Murillo, Mw-rgl-yo, Bartholome E., Sp. Mass., 1612-1685. pt. 1618-1682. Morton, Mkr-ton, Samuel G., Am. nat Murphy, Mdr-fi, Arthur, dram and and ethno, Pa., -1851. L1838. misc szr, Ir., 1727-1805. Morton, Thomas, Eng. dram, 1764- Murray, Midr-a, Alexander, Scotch Moses, M6-zez, lawgicer of the Jews, linguist and auz, 1775-1813. Eg., 1571 B. C. Murray, Hugh, Scot. geo wr, 1779Mosheim, Mos-him, John L. Von, Ger. 1846. [-1820. hist and phil wr, 1694 —1755. Murray, John, ph, chem and wr Scot., Motherwell,Mdid-er-wel, Wm., Scottish Murray, Rev. John, father of the Unipoet and ed, 1798-1835. versalist denomination, b. Eng., 1741 Mott, Mot, Valentine, M. D., LL. D., -1815, U. S. Am. surqeor N-Y., 1785. Murray, John, F. S. A., Eng. pub, Motley, M6t-li, John Lothrop, Am. 1778 —183. [1826. hist who has recently distinguished Murray, Lindley, Eng. gram, 1745himself by a very able and beauti- Murray, Wm. Vans, Am. dp Md., 1762 fully written history of "The Rise -1803. of the Dutch Republic." N-Y. Murray, Nicholas, D. D., Am. wr NMottley, M6t-li, John, Eng. biog wr, Y., better known by the nomr de 1692-1750. plume, " Kirwan;" b. 1802Mortiuer, MSr-ti-mer, Thomas, corn- Muses, M[lz-ez, fab, nine daughters of merciat wr and au iEng., 1740-1809. Jupiter, mistresses of all the sciences, Moultrie, M61-tre, Win., Am. rft S. C., presidents of musicians, and poets, -1805. [N-Y., 1807 —. and governesses of the feasts of the Mount, AMtnt, William S., Am. art. gods. Mountfort, Mint-fort, William, Eng. Musgrave, Mds-grav, Sir Richard, bart, actor and dram wr, 1659-k. 1692. an Ir. hist, 1753-1818. Mourad-Bey, Ma)-rad-Ba, chief of the Musschenbroek, Mlus-hen-brcbk, Peter Mamelukes, 1750-1801. Van, Dutch nat, phil and math, Mozart, McS-zctrt, (or Ger. M6ts-qrt,) 1692 —1761. Johann, C. W. Gott., master of mus, Musset, MB-sa, Alfred De, Fr. poet, and rnus comp, Ger., 1756-1792. 1810Mudie, Med-ds,. Robert, Scot. au in Mustapha, Mds-tqc-fq, I., ascended the nat hist, 1L757I 1842. Turkish throne, 1617-strangled Mudge, Muj,'M. D., F. R. S., mech and 1623. - II., asc. 1695-dethroned au, -1793. 1703. - III., asc. 1757-1774. Muller, Mdl-er, Carl Ottfried, Ger. Mutis, Mlc-tls, Joseph Celestino, Sp. archo3 and asu, 1797-1840.. nat, 1731-1808. 158 PERSONAL NAMES. N. Nahl, Nql, Johann Aug., Prussian scuilp, Necker, Nek-er, James, Fr. min and 1710-1781. [ers, &c. pol, 1732-1804. Naiades, Nd-ya-dsz.fab, nymphs of riv- Necker, Madame, wife of the above, Napier, Na-pir, Lieut. Gen. Sir Chas. dist. for her philanthropy and learnJames, (fJ Br. army, 1782-1853. ing, 1739-1796. Napier, Sir Charles, admn Br. navy, Nelson, NIl-son, Horatio, Eng. adm, 1786- 1758-1805. [ed, 1759 —. Napier, John, Baron of Merchiston, Nelson, Samuel, an "Irish patriot" and miv of logarithms, and math au, Nelson, Thomas, Am. qen, and gov Va., Scot., 1550-1617. signer Dec. of Ind., 1738-1789. Napier, Macvey, ed "Encyclopedia Nepos, Ng-pos, Cornelius, Latin hiet, Britannica," and of the " Edinburgh fl. 75 B. C. Review," Scot., -1847. Neptune, N6p-tqln, fab, god of the sea. Naples, Na-plz, Ferdinand II., k of Nero, Claud. Domit. CEesar, emp and the two Sicilies, b. 1810- succeeded tyrant Rome, slew himself A. D. 68. to the throne in 1830. Nestor, commaib at siege of Troy, said Napoleon Bonaparte, Na-ps-le-on Bc5- to have lived 300 years. [-1737. na-pqrt, emp Fr., 1768, died at St. Neumann, N&-mqn, Caspar, Ger. chem, Helena, 1821. Neureuther, Na-re-tqr, Eugene, Ger. Narbonne Lara, Nqr-bo6f LA-rcq, Louis art, 1806Count, aid-de-camp to Napoleon, Newcomen, NA-ko-men, Thomas, the 1755-1813. first to improve the steam-engine, Narcissus, Nqr-sis-us, fab, a beautiful Eng., 17th cen. youth, who, falling in love with his Newland, Peter, Dutch math and au, own shadow in the water, pined 1764-1794. away into a daffodil. [1555. Newton, Sir Isaac, math and nat phil, Nardi, Ntr-de, Jacopo, It. hist, 1476- au "Principia," etc., Eng., 1642 o. s. Nares, N'rz, Robert, Eng. critic and -1727. theol, -1829. Ney, Na, Michel, Marshal of the Naruszewicz, Nqr-e4-a-vsg, Adam French emp., Duke of Elchingen, Stamslans, hist and poet Poland, - Prince of the Moskwa, 1769-sh. 1796. 1815. [B. C. Narvaez, Nqr-vq-ft, Don Ramon, Duke Nicander, Greek poet and med wr, 140 of Valencia, Sp. pol, 1795- Niceron, Nes-a-r6i, John Peter, Fr. Nash, Naj, Francis, brig-gen Am. army, biroq a, 1685-1738. -1777 killed. Nicholas, PAulovitch, emp Russia, 1796 Nash, John, Eng. arch, 1752-1835. -c. 1824-1855. Nasmyth, NAi-smit, Alex., Scot. I-pt, Nicholls, Charlotte, [" Currer Bell,"] 1757-1840. Eng. an, -1855. Nassau, Na-s6, Adolph, Duke of, 1817 Nicholls, Frank, M. D.. F. R. S., Eng. - assumed government 1839. ph and an, 1699-1779. Naude, Ni-de, Philip, Ger. math, 1654 Nichols, John, anti4 and misc wr, con-1745. ductor of the "Gentleman's MagaNaudet, N6-da, Thomas Chas., Fr. I-pt zine," 1744-1828. 1774-1810. Nicholson, James, of Am. navy, Md., Naumann, N*-mqn, Johann Got., Ger. 1737-1804. mus comrp, 1741-1801. Nicholson, John B., Am. com, -1846. Navarre, Na-v4r, Henry of, [Henry IV.] Nicholson, William, wr on chem. and k of Fr., 1553- ascended the throne nat. philos., Eng., 1758-1815. 1610. Nicolai, Nik-w-la, Chris. Fred., Ger. Neal, Nsl, Joseph C. an Am. wr, ane of au and booksel11ler, 1733-1811. the " Charcoal Sketches," Pa., 1807 Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris, antig -1847. Scot., 1799-1848. Neal, John, Am. svr Me., 1794- Nicole, Francis, Fr. math, 1683-1748. Neander, Na-qn-der, Johann Aug., Niebuhr, Ng-bur, Carsten, Ger. trav, Church hist, Ger., 1789-1850. 1733-1815. PERSONAL NAMES. 159 Niebuhr, Barthold Geo., son of the Nollet, N61-a, John Antoine, Fr. nat preceding, hist, philol and dip, 1776 phil, 1770-d. -1831. Noodt, Nodt, Gerard, civilian Holland, Nield, James, Eng. philan, 1744-1814. 1647-1725. Niemeyer, Ne-mi-er, Aug. Herman, Norris, John, Eng. meta phil and div, Ger. educational and miscellaneous 1657-1711. wr, 1754-1828. North, Frederic, Earl of Guildford, Nieuwlend, Ns-cn-lqnd, Peter, Dutch Lord, Eng. st, 1732-1792. wr on nat. phil. and mathematics, Northcote, N6rt-kst, James, Eng. pt, 1764-1794. 1746-1831. Ninus, Ni-nus, found Assyrian empire, Norton, Andrews, Am. poet and prose husband of gemiramus, 2164 B. C. wr Mass., 1786- [Wr. Niobe, Ni-u-be, fab, wife of Amphion, Norton, Mrs. Caroline, Eng. poet and who, preferring herself to Latona, Nott, John, M. D., poet and ori Eng., had her 14 children killed by Diana 1751-1826. and Apollo, and wept herself into a Nott, Eliphalet, D. D., wr, and pres statue. [-2029 B. C. Union College, N-Y., 1773Noah, N5-a, saved from the flood, Nox, Noks, fab, the most ancient of Noah, Mordecai M., Am. jour N-Y., deities. 1785-1851. [1784-1827. Nuck, Nek, Anthony, Dutch anat an4 Noble, Mark, Eng. hist and biog wr, med or, -1692. Noehden, N.-den, George Henry, Ger. Nunez De Balboa, N6-net Da Bql-b6-q, wr, 1770-1826. [1823. Sp. disc Pacific Ocean, by crossing Nollekens, Joseph, Eng. sculp, 1737- the Isthmus of Darien, in 1513. 0. Oberlin, John Fred., "Pastor of Wald- O'Keefe, G)-ki-fe, John, dram Ireland, bach," an earnest laborer in the 1.748-1833. cause of education and the arts of Oken, G)'kn, Lorenz, Swiss nat and civilization; Ger., 1740-1826. au, 1778-1851. Oberlin, Jeremiah James, Ger. philol Olafsen, O-ljf-sen, Stephen, trans the and antiq, 1735-1806. Edda and Voluspa, Iceland, -1688. O'Brien, 0-bri-en, Wm. Smith, "Irish Oldenburg, Ol'den-burg, Augustuspatriot," 1806- Paul-Fred., Grand-Duke of, 1783Ockham, Ok'am, William of, British Oldham, John, Eng. poet, 1653-1683. meta phil, 14th cen. Olivan, Ol-e-vqn, Don Alesandro De, Ockley, ()k'li, Simon, ori and au Eng., Spanish publicist. 1678-1720. Omar I., caliph of the Saracens, assas. O'Connell, 60-k6n-el, Daniel, Irish or 643. and patriot, 1775-1847. Onosander, Greek anu, A. D., 50. Odescalchi, (I-das-k4l-ks, Marc A., It. Opie, Y)'ps, John, hist pt, Eng., 1761philan, -1670. 1807. Odin, war, poet, priest and monarch, Opie, Amelia, wife of the above, au, Den., after death worshipped as a 1768-1853. god, 70 B. C. Orange, William of Nassau, Prince of, Oeder, E'der, Geo. Christ., ph, bot and found Dutch republic, 1533-as. 1584. au, Ger., 1728-1791. Origen, a father of Christian church, Oeblenschloeger, ()-len-sl&-ger, Adam, Alexandria, 185-254. Danish dram poet, 1777-1850. Orion, (a-ri-on, fab, a mighty hunter. Oetinger, E'tin-her, Fred. Christopher, Orleans, Or-le-an or Or'le-anz, dukeGer. philol, 1702-1782. dorm, and titular name borne by the Oge, )-3i, a creole of St. Domingo, princes of the blood royal in France, founder of the Haytian revolution, of which there ate two houses:-1790, killed. 1. Commencing with Louis I. of Fr., Oglethorpe, G)'gl-terp, James, Brit. gen, 1393; 2. Commencing with Philip I., found Georgia, died in Eng., 1785. 1660. 160 PERSONAL NAMES. Orleans, Louis Philippe Jos., Duc D', Oudinot, ()-dafi-6, Chas. Nicholas, father of the late king, and singu- Duke of Reggio, marshal Fr., 1767 larly enough, a republican, 1747- -1847. ex. 1793. Ouvrard, Dl)v-r4rd, Rene, Fr. div, poet, Orme, Robert, Eng. hist, 1728-1801. math and mus, -1694. Ormond, James B., Duke of, Eng. st, Overbeck, Frederick, Ger. art, 17891610-1688. Ovid, Y)'vid, Publius Naso, Roman Orpheus, Or'f -us, Greek poet, mes and' poet, fl. A. D. 12. ph, fl. before Homer. Oviedo, 6-vi-a-do, John G., Spanish Orville, Or-vgl, James Philip D', clas nat, -1540. [1683. wr Holland, 1696-1751. Owen, John, D. D., Eng. div, 1616Ossian, Oj'i-an, Gaelic poet, 3d cen. Owen, Robert Dale, Am. wr, pol theoOssoli, Os-6-le, the Countess, better rist, and pol, Ia. known as Margaret Fuller, Am. au Owen, William, Eng. por-pt, 1769Mass., 1810-1850. 1825. Otho I., k Greece, 1815 —c. 1832- Owen, Robert, pol theorist Eng., 1771Otho, G)qaD, Marcus Salvius, emp of Owen, Richard, F. R. S., Eng, sur, nat Rome, in 69. - I., II., III., IV., and aun. emps Ger., 936 to 1218. Oxenstierna, Oks-en-stgr-nq, Axel, Otis, James, Am. st Mass., 1725-1783. Count, st Sweden, 1583-1654. Otranto, G)-tr4n-tW, Jos. Fouche, Duke Ozanam, Oz-a-nqm, James, Fr. math, of, mlin of Police, Fr., 1763-1820. 1640-1717. Ottley, Ot'li, Wm. Young, F. R. S., Ozeretzkoffsky, Oz-er-ets-k6f-ski, Brit. art and au, 1772-1836. Nicholas Yak., Rus. savant and wr, Otto, O-t6, Louis Wm., Count de Mos- 1751 —1827. loy, Fr. dip, 1754-d. [1651-1685. Ozeroff, Vladislas Alexandrovitsch, Otway, Ot'wa, Thomas, Eng. dram, Rus. tragic poet, 1707-1816. P. Paaw, Pqv, Peter, Dutch ph and bot, Palladio, Pq-lq-dg-o, Andrea, It. arch, 1564-1617. 1518-1580. Pacheco, Pq-~g-k@, Don Joaquin Franz, Pallas, Pq-14s, Peter Simon, trav and Sp. jour, anq and poet, 1808- n,at Ger., 1741-1811. [1781-1850. Paciandi, Pq-qe-4n-de, Paul Maria, Palmella, Pqm-6l-a, Duke cf, st Port., Italian antiq and hist, 1710-1785. Palmerston, PAm-er-ston, Henry TemPaez, Pq-dt Jose Antonio, ex-pres Ven- ple, Viscount, Eng. st, 1784ezuela, 1790- Pandora, Pan-d6-ra, fab, the first Paganini, Pq-gq-n6-ns, Nicolo, Italian woman made by Vulcan, and enviol. 1784-1840. dowed with gifts by all the deities; Page, William, Am. por-pt N-Y., 1811- Jupiter gave her a box containing Paine, Robert Treat, Am. law, and all manner of evils, war, famine, &c., signer De,,. (f Ind., 1731-1811. with hope at the bottom. Paine, Thomas, pol wr and bib crit, Paoli, Pq-6-le, Pascal, Corsican st, Pa., 1737 —1809. 1726 —1807. Paisiello, PI-ze-d-lo, Giovanni, Italian Papin, Pq-pani, Denys, Fr. nat, phil Irus comp, 1741-1818. and ph, -1710. Palafox-Y-Meizi, Pq-14-fo-F-Ma-9-te, Paracelsus, Par-a-sel-sus, Aureolus PhiSp. qen, the defender of Saragossa, lippus Theophrastus, &c., Swiss ph -1847. and phil wr, 1493-1541. [1590. Paley, Pd-li, Wm., D. D., Eng. div and Pare, Pqr, Ambrose, Fr. sur, 1509wr on ethics. 1743-1805. Pareja, Pqr-i-hq, Juan De, 1:t and Palissot De Beauvois, Pal-s-so De s lave, Sp., 1610-1670. [1729-1799. B@-vw6, Ambroise M. F. J., Fr. nat, Parini, Pqr-i-ne, Joseph, Italian poet, 1752-1820. Paris, PAr-is, fab, son of Priam, who Palissy, Pq-le-ss, Bernard De, French ran away with Helena, and occachem, -1590. sioned the Trojan war. PERSONAL NAMES. 161 Park, Mungo, Scottish tray and exp in Pellico, Pal-g-ko, Silvio, It. wr, 1789Africa, 1771-perished 1806. Pemberton, Thomas, Am. hist, 1728Parker, Rev. Theodore, Unitarian cler, 1807. [household gods. anti-slavery ref, and wr, Mass. Penates, PE-nA-tez, fab, statues or Parkes, Samuel, ~zper chem and au, Pena Y Aguayo, Pat-nq 8 fl-gwq,-Es-, Eng., 1759-1825. [1830. Don Jose De La, Sp. law and au, Parkinson, Thomas, math Eng., 1745 — 1801Parnassus, Pqr-nAs-us,.fab, a mountain Penelope, Ps-nel-a-pe,fab, daughter of of Phocis, famous for a temple of Icarus, celebrated for her chastity Apollo, and being the favorite resi- and fidelity during the long absence dence of the muses. of Ulysses. Parnell, Pqr-n6l, Thomas, Irish poet Penn, William, a "Quaker," found and au, 1679-1718. Pennsylvania, 1644-1718. Parr, Pqr, Samuel, div and scholar, Pennant, Pen-ant, Thomas, Brit. nat, Eng., 1746-1825. 1726-1798. Parry, Par-i, Caleb H., M. D., F. R. S., Pepusch, Pa-pc6f, John Christ., Ger. ph and nat, 1756-1822. theor mus, 1667-1752. Parry, Sir Wm. Edward, Eng. nav, Perceval, Per-se-val, Spencer, Eng. 1790-1855. [1705-1770. law and st, 1762-sh. 1812. Parsons, James, Eng. med and misc wr, Percival, P.r-si-val, James Gates, Am. Parsons, Theophilus, LL. D., law and poet Conn., 1795chief justice, Mass., 1750-1813. Percy, P@r-si, Thomas, Eng. ed and wri Pascal, PAs-kal, Blaise, math and nat 1729-1811. [and gen. phil, Fr., 1623-1662. Pericles, P6r-i-klez, Athenian st, or Paskewitch, PAs-ka-viq, Ivan Feod., Perry, James, Eng. jour, pol wr, and Prince of Warsaw, 1782- ed " Morning Chronicle," 1756-1821. Pastor Diaz, Pqcs-tar De-4t, Don Ni- Perry, Oliver Haz., of Am. navy, R. I., comedes, Sp. poet, 1811- 1785-1820. Patrick, St., guard saint of Ireland, Pestalozzi, Pes-tq-16t-sr, Henry, Swiss native of Wales, carried to Ireland, educator, founder of the system of and converted the people to Christi- instruction by "objects," and au., anity, -460. [geol, 1742-1815. 1745-d. Patrin, Pa-tr/hf, Eugene L. M., Fr. Peter, chief of the Apostles, crucified Paulding, P61-diij, James K., Am. wr by Nero, head downward, A. D. 66. N-Y., 1779- [1801. Peter, St., bp Alexandria, martyred 311. Paul, Petrowitz, tyr emp Rus., assas. Peter the First, czar Rus., and a proPaul, Father, scholar and au "History moter of education and the arts of of the Council of Trent." civilization, 1672-1725. Paul, St., originally Saul, put to death Peter, the Hermit, Fr. of, and holy by Nero, for preaching Christ, A. D. pilgrim, who instigated the war of 66. [1272. the Crusaders, -1100. Paulo, Marco, Venetian tray in China, Pethion De Villeneuve, Pa-ts-6hf De Paxton, Puks-ton, Sir Joseph, arch of Vel-yafi-uv, Jerome, Girondist leader the Crystal Palace, Scot., 1804- of the French revolution, -1793. Payne, Pan, John Howard, Am. wr Petion, Pa-ts-6i, Alex. Salies, a negro, and dram N-Y., 1792-1852. gen, and pres republic of Hayti, 1770 Peabody, Pg-bod-i, Rev. Andrew P., -1818. l-1750. D. D., div and crit wr Mass., 1811- Petit, P4-tE, Jean Louis, Fr. sur, 1674 Peequet, Pe-kA, John, Fr. anat and ph, Petrarch, Pg-trqrk, Francesco, chief discoverer of the thoracic duct and restorer of classical learning, Tuscathe receptacle of the chyle, -1674. ny, 1304-1374. Pedro I., PAd-ro or Pi-dro, Antonio Phaeton, Fa-e-ton, Jab, son of Sol Jose D'AI., Don, ex-emp Brazil, 1798 (Apollo), who asked the guidance -1834. of his father's chariot for one day, Peel, Sir Robert, Eng. st, 1788-1850. as a proof of his divine descent; but Pegasus, Pdg-a-sus, fab, winged horse unable to manage the horses, set the belonging to Apollo and the Muses. world on fire, and was therefore Pelagius, Pe-la-ji-us, found of a sect, struck by Jupiter with a thunderBrit., 5th cen. - I, and II., popea, bolt into the river Po. [B. C. 555, 578. Phidias, Fid-i-as, Athenian sculp, 432 14 162 PERSONAL NAMES. Philemon, Fi-l-mon, comic poet, Ath- Pitt, Christopher, Eng. cter and poet, ens, 274 B. C. 1699-1748. [1806. Philetus, Fi-li-tus, Greek poet. Pitt, William, st and min Eng., 1759Philip II., Fil-ip, k Macedon, father Pius the Ninth, Pope, was b. 1792of Alex. the Great, assas. 336 B. C. assumed the gov. 1846Philip II., k Spain, bigot and tyrant, Pizarro, Pe-znr-o, Francisco, conq of 1527-1598. Peru, 1517-1541. Philip, St., the first whom Jesus called Plato, P1I-to, Athenian phil, of great as a disciple. [-1749. repute, 429-348 B. C. Philips, Ambrose, Eng. poet and dram, Playfair, Pl/-ftr, John, math and nat Philips, John, Eng. poet, 1671-1708. phil Scot., 1749-1819. Philips, Samuel, Eng. jour and misc Pleiadeq, Pl-ya-dez, fab, the seven wr, 1815-1854. [ref Mass. daughters of Atlas and Pleione, who Philips, Wendell, Am. savant, or and were changed into stars. Phillpotts, Henry, champion of the Pliny, Plin-i, Caius Secundus, most Eng. High-Church party, 1777- learned of anc. Roman wrs, 23-79. Philo, Fi-ln, Indeeus, Greek wr on Pliny, Csecilius Secundus, nephew of mor. philos., fl. A. D. 40. the above, law and consul, 62-113. Philostratus, Fj-los-tri-tus, Greek Plot, Robert, Eng. nat, 1640-1696. sophist and crit, -244. Plache, Plqj, Noel A., Fr. nat and wr, Phocion, F6-fi-on, Athenian gen and 1688-1761. [ —1854. phil, poisoned 318 B. C. Plunket, Winm. C., Lord, Brit. st, 1764 Piazzi, Pa-4t-ss, Guiseppe, It. astr, Plutarch, Phji-tqrk, phil and hist discoverer of the planet Ceres, 1746 Greece, -140. -1826. [1728-1801. Pluto, Pli-to, lab, the god of hell. Piccini, Pes-q-ns, Nicolai, It. mus comp, Pocahontas, Pn-ka-h6n-tas, Indian Pichler, Pih-ler, Caroline, posthumous princess Va., who married Mr. Rolfe, Ger. wr, 1769-1843. an Engfishman; died in Eng., 1616. Pickering, law, and chief j Sup. Ct. Poinsett, Pfn-set, Joel R., Am. st S. N-H., -1805. C., -1851. [1646-1719. Pictet, Mark Aug., Swiss nat and phil, Poiret, Pwo-rit, Peter, Fr. mystic phil, 1752-1825. [k. 1815. Pole, Reginald, Eng. cardinal, and Picton, Sir Thomas, K. C. B., Brit. r(f, friend of Queen Mary, 1500-1558. Pierce, Pers, Franklin, pol, and thir- Polignac, Pol-eg-nak, Jules, Prince De, teenth Pres. U. S., from 1853 to 1857; prime mins of Charles X., of France, N-H. V-Pres., Wm. R. King, who 1783-1847. died before taking his seat. Polk, Pak, James K., eleventh Pres. Pierpont, Pir-pont, Rev. J., Am. cler, U. S., from 1845 to 1849; Tenn., poet and ref Mass., about 1776- -1849. V-Pres., Geo. M. Dallas, Pa. Pike, Zebulon Mont., of Am. army, Pollok, P61-ok, Robert, Eng. poet, 1798 N-J., -k. 1813. -1827. Pilate, Pontius, Pon-Si-us Pf-lat, Ro- Polwhele, Pol-hwi-lr, Rev. Richard, man goa Judea, under whose rule antiq, poet, hist and misc wr Scot., Christ suffered death; he was ex- 1760-1838. [1667-1703. iled, and hanged himself A. D. 37. Pomfret, P6m-fret, John, Eng. poet, Pinckney, Pipk-ni, Chas. Cotesworth, Pomona, P@-m6-na, lab, the goddess Am. off and dip S. C., -1825. of fruits. Pindar, lyric poet, much esteemed, Pompadour, P6m-pa-dcar, Jane Antoi-500 B. C. [1711-1796. nette Poisson, a beloved mistress of Pingre, Paaf-gr, Alex. Guy, Fr. astr, Louis XV., 1720-1764. Pinkerton, Pi]-ker-ton, John, au Scot., Pompey, P6m-pi, Cneius the Great, 1758-1826. rival of Julius Csesar; being defeatPinkney, Pi)k-ni, Wm., Am. st Md., ed, he fled to Egypt, and was assas., 1765-1822. 48 B. C. Piranesi, Per-qn-A-ss, Giambattista, Pomponazzi, Pom-pn-nqt-se, It. phil, It. archoe, 1707-1778. 1462-1524. Pitman, Isaac, ini of Phonography, Pond, John, F. R. S., Eng. astr, —1836. and experimenter in phonetic print- Poniatowski, Pn-ne-q-tdivs-ki, Stanising, Eng., 1814- [1771. laus Augustus, last k of Poland, 1732 Pitot, Pe-ta, Henry, Fr. math, 1695- -drowned 1814. PERSONAL NAMES. 163 Pope, Alexander, poet and eat Eng., ygen, carbonic oxide, binoxide of 1688-1744. nitrogen, ammonia, muriatic acid, Porson, Per-son, Richard, Eng. crit sulphurous acid, fluosilicic acid, etc., and classic an, 1759 -1808. Eng., 1733-1804. Porta, P6r-tq, Giovanni B. D., nat Pringle, Prio-gl, Sir John, Eng. nat phil and math, inventor of the phil and ph, 1707-1782. camera obscura, Italy, 1540-d. Prior, Pri-or, Mathew, Eng. poet, 1664 Porter, Anna Maria, nov Eng., -1832. -1721. Porter, Jane, Eng. au, 1776-1850. Procter, Pr6k-ter, Bryan W., better Porter, Sir Robert Ker, Eng. art and known as "Barry Cornwall," British wr, 1780-1842. poet. Porter, David, corn Am. navy, Mass., Prometheus, Pra-mi-tE-us, a great war, 1780-1843. supposed to have been the first disPortugal, Maria-Da-Gloria, Queen of, coverer of the art of striking fire by b. 1819 —assumed gov. 1834- flint and steel, which gave rise to Potemkin, Gregory Alexandrovitsch, the fable of his stealing fire from Rus. prince and of, 1736-1791. heaven; fl. 1687 B. C. [of Pluto. Potocki, P@-tn-ke, Claudia, Countess Proserpine, Pr6s-er-pin, jab, the wife of, distinguished for her acts of Proteus, Pr6-tr-us,fab, a sea-god, who charity in the Polish war, 1802 —1836. could transform himself into any Pott, Percival, Eng. sur, 1713-1788. shape. Potter, Jno., au'"Antiquities of Greece," Prudhomme, Pred-6m, L., ed of "Le Eng., 1674-1747. Journal des Rivolutions de Paris," Potter, Paul, Dutch pt, 1625-1654. 1752 —1830. Pouschkine, PS-kin-e, Alex., Rus. poet, Prutz, Prints, Reinhold E., Ger. poet 1799-1837. [-1665. and lit hist, 1810Poussin, Poa-sait, Nicolas, Fr. pt, 1594 Prynne, Prjn, William, Puritan a%, Powers, Pi-erz, Hiram, Am. scalp, 0., Eng., 1600-1637. [sure. 1805- Psyche, Si-ks, fab, the goddess of pleaPowhattan, Ps-hAt-an, Indian chief, Ptolemy, T61-s-mi, Claudius, geoy, Va., father of Pocahontas, -1618. math and astr, b. in Eg., A. D. 138. Pozzo Di Borgo, P6t-s) De Bor-g@, Publius Cyrus, Plb-li-us Si-rus, SyrChas. A. Count, dip Corsica, 1768- ian slave, who distinguishing him1842. self as a poet, was set at liberty, 44 Prentice, Prdn-tis, George D., Am. B. C. poet and jour, ed " Louisville Jour- Puffendorf, PWf-en-derf, Samuel, Ger. nal," Ky., 1804- nat, jurist and hist, 1632-1694. Preissnitz, Pris-nits, Vincent, disc of Pultney, Pdlt-ni, Wm., Earl of Bath, the Water-Cure, Prus., 1799-1851. pol Eng., 1682-1764. Prescott, Prds-kot, Wm. Hickling, Am. Pulaski, Pa-14s-ks, Count, Pole off hist Mass., 1796- Am. army, -k. 1779. Prescott, Winm., off Am. army, Mass., Purcell, Pur-sdl, Henry, Eng. mae, 1725-1795. 1658-1695. Prevot D'Exiles, Pre-vo Dqg-zgl-a, Putnam, Israel, Am. maj-gen RevolaAnthony Francis, a posthumous Fr. tionary war, Mass., 1718-1790. wr, 1697-1763. Pym, Pim, John, Eng. st, 1584-1643. Priam, Pri-am, fab, father of Paris, Pyrrhus, Pir-us, fab, son of Achilles, Hector, &c.; the last king of Troy. remarkable for his cruelty at the Price, Dr. Richard, Eng. div, essa and siege of Troy. math, 1723-1791. Pythagoras, Pi-tag-a-ras, Grecian phil, Prichard, Priq-ard, James Cowles, H. 590-497 B. C. D., Eng. ethno, 1786-1848. Pytheas, Pit-r-as, Greek phil, who Priestley, Prdst-li, Joseph, chem, theol, discovered the difference in the hist, electrician and pol. To him we length of days in different climates, are indebted for a knowledge of ox- 384 B. C. 164 PERSONAL NAMES. Q. Queries, Kwqr-les, Francis, Eng. poet, Quinault, Ke-ndl, Philip, Fr. dram 1592-1614. poet, 1636-1.688. Quelinus, Ke-a-lin-rls, Erasmus, Dutch Quincy, Kwin-si, Josiah, Am. patriot pt, 1607-1678. and laz Mass., -1775. Querlon, Ker-lofi, Anne Gabriel M. De, Quincy, Josiah, ex-pres Harvard UniFr. jour, 1702-1780. versity, st and scA Mass., 1772Quer y Martinez, Kar s Mqr-ten-dt, Quincy, Josiah, jr., law and finan Joseph, Sp. bot, 1695-1764. Mass., 1802Quesnay, K6s-na, Francois, Fr. pol Quinet, Ke-na, Edgar, Fr. poet and econ, 1794-1774. hist of literature, 1803Quesnoy, Kes-nw6, Francis Du, sculp Quintana, KEn-th-nq, Jose Manuel De, Brussels, 1592-1646. Sp. poet and hist, 1772Quevedo Villegas, Ka-va-do Vel-ya- Quita, Kg-tq, Domingos Dos Reis, poet g4s, Francisco De, Sp. poet and sat- Port., 1728-1770. irist, 1570-1647. Quintilian, Kwin-til-i-an, Marcus FabiQuin, Kwin, James, Br. act, 1693-1766. us, Rom. law and crit, A. D. 42-131. R. Rabelais, Rq-beI-A, Francois, Fr. hum, Ramsay, RAm-za, Allan, Scottish poet, 1483-1553. 1685-1758. Racan, Rcq-khi, Honorat De B., Mar- Ramsay, David, Am. ph and hist, S. C., quis of, Fr. poet, 1589-1670. 1749-1815. Racine. Rq-ssn, Jean, Fr. trag dram, Ramsden, Ramz-den, Jesse, opt and 1639-1699, [1764-1823. math instrument maker, Eng., 1735 Radcliffe, Rad-klif, Ann, Eng. nov, -1800. Radetzky, Rq-d6ts-ki, Joseph, Count, Ramus, Rq-mes, Peter, Fr. meta phil, comman Austrian army, 1766- and wr, 1515-1572. Radowitz, Rq-do-vits, Joseph Von, Randolph, Ran-dolf, John, of Roanoke, Prus. min, 1797- Am. st Va., 1773 —1833. Raeburn, Ra-burn, Sir Henry, Scot. Ranke, R4A-ka, Leopold, Ger. hist, art, 1756-1823. 1795Rafu, Rl,-fac, Karl Christian, Icelandic Raphael, Ra-fa-el, Santi, the "prince critic and antiq, 1795- of painters," It.. 1483-1520. Raglan, RAg-lan, Lord Fitzroy James Raphall, RAf-al, Morris J., M. A., Ph. H. Somerset, Baron, Eng. gyes com, Dr., a rabbi preacher, N-Y., and em. Crimean forces, 1788-1855. ar, 1798 — Ragotsky, Rqc-g6ts-ki, Francis, prince Raspail, Rjqs-pal, Francois V., Fr. wr of Transylvania, 1676-1735. on the nat sciences, and a roepob ed, Raimondi, Ri-m6n-de, Marc Antonis, 1794- [1722-1805. It. engraver, 1478-1540: Ratte, Rqt, Etienne Hy. De, Fr. ast, Raleigh, R4-li, Sir Walter, Eng. nav, Rauch, lR{h, Christian, Ger. sculp, exp and wr, 1552- beheaded 1618. 1777Rameau, Rq-m6, Jean Philippe, Fr. Raumer, R —mer, Fred. Lud. Geo. mus theorist, 1683-1764. Von, Ger. hi.t and tray, 1781Ramler, Rrnm-ler, Chas. Wm., Ger. Ray, Ra, Joseph, prof and au math poet and misc wr, 1725-1798. works, Ohio, b. Va., 18 —1855. Rammohun Roy, RAm-a-un Ru, Rljah, Ray, Rev. John, bot and zool Eng., phil and reformer, Br. Ind., 1774- 1628-1705. 1833. Raynal, RA-nql, Win. Thom. F., Fr. Ramond De Carbonnieres, RA-mofid hist and pol wr, 1711-1796. Da Kqr-bo-s-ra, ILouis F. E., Baron, Reach, Re(j, Aungus B., Scottish jour Fr. phil and geol, 1775-1827. and au, 1821 PERSONAL NAMES. 165 Reaumur, R6-me, Rene An. F. De, Retzsch, Rits-J, Moritz, (er. art, 1779phil nat, Fr., 1683-d. Reuchlin, Rah-lin, John, Ger. philol, Reboul, Ra-bil, Jean, "the baker 1455-1522. poet," Fr., 1796- Rey, Ra, John, Fr. pneumatic chen Redesdale, RId-es-dal, John F. M., and ph, -1645. Baron, Eng. law and st, 1748-1830. Reyneau, Rd-no, Chas. R6ne, Fr. Redfield, Rid-feld, William C., Am. math, 1656-1728. meteor Conn., 1789- Reynolds, Rdn-oldz, Sir Joshua, found Redgrave, Rid-grav, Richard, Eng. pt, of the Eng. school of painting, 1723 1804- [1626-1698. -1792. Redi, Rd-de, Francis, It., ph and nat, Rhigas, Ri-gqs, a modern Greek patReding, Rid-it, Aloys, Baron Von, riot, 1753-1798. Swiss. qen, 1755-1818. Rhyne, Ri-ne, Wm. Fen., Dutch ph Reed, Red, Henry, Am. tr Pa., perished and nat, 1640-d. at sea, 1854. [1742-1807. Ricardo, Ri-kqr-do, David, Eng. pol Reed, Isaac, critic and misc wr Eng., econ, 1772-1823. Reed, Joseph, Am. rev and mer of Rich, Rig, Claudius James, Eng. trav Congress, Pa.,-1781. 1632-1707. and orientalist, 1787-1821. Regis, Rd-.s, Pierre S., Fr. metaphil, Richard, Rig-ard, I., the "Lion-heartRegius, Ra-hg-wes, Urban, Ger. poet ed," b. 1157- k of Eng. from 1189 and controv'ersialist, -1541. to 1199 the time of his death. Regnault, Rdn-yal, Michel L. S., Fr. Richard, II., b. 1366- k of Eng. from st 1760-1819. [1736-1814. 1366 to 1399. Regnault, Noel, math and phil, Fr., Richard, III., the most execrable Eng. Regnier, Rdn-yer, Maturin, Fr. poet prince, b. 1452 — k from 1484 to 1485. and satirist, 1573-1613. Richard, Claude Louis, Fr. beot, 1754 — Regulus, Rdg-yqn-lus, Marcus Attitius, 1821. [1761. Rom. gen, put to death 251 B. C. Richardson, Samuel, Eng. nov, 1689 — Reicha, Rj-hq, Antoine Jos., Ger. qnus Richardson, Wm., poet and misc wr, comp, 1770 —1836. Scot., -1814. Reichardt, Rih-qrt, Johann Fried., Ger. Richelieu, Rif-el-e, Armand J. Da mus comp, 1752-1814. Plessis, Cardinal, Fr. main, 1585Reichenbach, Rih-en-bqh, George of, 1642. an artist dist. in manuf astro and Richter, Rih-ter, Jean Paul Friedrich, philo instruments, Ger., 1772-1826. Ger. wr and au, 1763-1825. Reichstadt, Rih-stqt, Napoleon Fran. Riego, Re-A-g@, Rafael Del, Sp. patChas. Jos. Bonaparte, Due De, only riot o 1785-1823. son of Napoleon, 1811-1832. Rienzi, Re-6nd-ze, Nicolas Gabrini de, Reid, Red, Thomas, Scottish phil, 1710 a man of low estate, who raised him-1795. self to sovereign power in Rome, Reid, Col. Sir William, Royal eng and 1310-1354. [-1838. naut wr, 1791- Ries, Res, Ferdinand, Ger. mus, 1784 Reinhold, Rin-holt, Erasmus, Ger. Rigaud, Ri-gSd, Stephen Peter, ast vzath and ast, 1511-1553. Eng., 1775-1839. Reiske, Ris-ke, John James, philol Ritchie, Rig-i, Thomas, Am. pol and and orientalist, Ger., 1716-1774. ed of "Richmond Enquirer," Va. Reissiger, Ris-ig-er, Karl Got., Ger. Rittenhouse, Rit-en-hss, David, math m-us comp, 1793- [1733-1790. Pa., 1732-1796. Reiz, Rits, Frederic W., Ger. philol, Ritter, Rit-er, John Wm., Ger. phil Rembrandt Van Rhyn, Rem-brjAnt Fqn and wr, 1776-1810. Rin, Paul, Dutch pt and engra, 1606 Rivaroi, Riv-qr-w6, Anthony, Count -1674. De, Fr. wr, 1757-1801. Remnsat, Ra-ma)-s4, Jean Pierre A., Rivas, Re-v4s, Angel De S., Duque Fr. ling, 1788-1832. De, poet, dvam and pt, Sp., 1791Rend, Ru-ni, of Anjou, the last of his Rivaz, Re-vt, Peter Jos. De, Fr. msc4 dynasty who sat on the throne of and chronologer, 1711-1772. Naples, 1409-1470. [1761-1821. Riviere, Re-vi-kr, Meroier De La, Fr. Rennie, Rdn-e, John, civil eng Eng., pol econ, 1747-1794. Retz, Ret, Jean F. P. De Gondi, Card- Rivinus, Riv-in-us, Augustus Q., Ger. inal De, Fr. pol and wr, 1614-1679. bot, 1652-1723. 166 PERSONAL NAMES. Robert, Rob-br, Peter Fran. Jos., Fr. Rollin, Rol-afi, Charles, Fr. hist, 1661 st and wr, 1743-d. -1741. Robert, Hubert, Fr. pt, 1732-1808. Romanzoff, R5-man-zof, Peter Alex., Robert-Fleury, - Fler, Joseph Nicolas, Count, Russian gen, 1730-1796. Fr. pt, 1797 — Romanzoff, Michael Paul, Count, Rus. Robertson, R6b-ert-son, Dr. Win. di, -18-. Scottish hist and clery, 1729-1793. Rome De L'Isle, Rom De Lel, John Robespierre, Rob-es-per, Francois Jo- Baptist L., Fr. miner, 1736-1790. seph M. J., the chief actor in the Romilly, R6m-i-li, Sir Samuel, Eng. French revolution, and celebrated st, 1757-1818. [-1302. for his cruelty, 1759-guil. 1794. Romney, R6m-ni, George, Eng. pt, 1734 Robin Hood, R6b-in Haud, capt band Romulus, R6m-ylg-lus, found and first of robbers, Eng., -1247. k of Rome, -715 B. C. Robins, R6b-inz, Benjamin, Eng. math Rosa, R6-sq, Salvator, Sp.poet, pt and wr, 1707-1751. inus, 1615-1673. Robinson, R6b-in-son, Mary, Eng. poet Rosa, Francisco iM. De La, st, or, poet, and mnisc wr, 1758-1800. dram and hist Sp., 1789Robinson, Thomas, Eng. nat and clerg, Rosas, R@-s4s, Don Juan Manuel, the -1719. dictator who ruled the Argentine Robinson, R6b-in-son, Edward, D. D., Republic 23 years, b. 1783LL. D., Am. scholar, Conn., 1794- Roscoe, R6s-ko, Wm., Eng. biog and Robison, R6b-i-son, John, Scottish wr mise wr, -1831. on nat phil, 1739-1805. Roscoe, Henry, son of the above, Eng. Robson; Geo. Fennel, drauzghtsman and wr and law, 1800-1836. Ipt, Eng., -1833. Rose, Roz, George, st and pol wr, Eng., Roby, R6-bi, John, Eng. banker, poet, 1744-1818. and hist, -1850. Rosellini, R@-sel-g-ne, Ippolito, It. Rochambeau, Ro-fam-b5, Jean B. D. arcsce, 1800-1843. De Vimeur, Count De, Fr. of, 1725 Rosenkranz, Rwz-en-kr4nts, Johann 1807. Karl Fried., Ger. phil, 1805Rochejaquelein, Ro-fa-3a-ke-ldfi, Henri Ross, Ros, Sir James Clark, Eng. Artie De La, chief of La Vendoe, 1773- nav, 1800k. 1794. Rosse, Res, Wm. Parsons, Earl of, Rockingham, R6k-i9-ham, Charles W. man of science, and projector of the W., second Marquis of, Eng. st and largest telescope constructed up to pol, 1730 -1782 this time; pres of the Royal Society, Rodney, R6d-ni, George B., Lord, Eng. Eng., 1800adm, -1792. [1644. Rossi, Rb-ss, Pellegrino, Count, noble Roe, Ro, Sir Thomas, Eng. st, 1580- victim of the popular cause in Italy, Roebuck, R6-buk, John, Eng. ph and 1787-1848. natPhil, 1718-1794. Rossini, Ro-sg-ne, Gioachimo, It. mus Roebuck, John Arthur, radical Eng. csynp, 1792pol, 1801- Rosslyn, R6z-lin, Ale. W., Earl of, Roemer, R4-mer, Olaus, Danish astr, law and st, Scot., 1733-1805. discoverer of the velocity of light, Rostopschin, Ros-t6p-skin, Feador, 1644-1710. [-1732. Count, Rus. st and ~cf, 1760-1826. Rogers, R6j-erz, Woods, Eng. navy, Rothermel, R6O-er-mel, Peter F., Am. Rogers, Samuel, Eng. poet and banker, art, b. 18171760-1856. Rothschild, R6ts-gild, House of, found Rogers, John, Eng. div martyred in of this world-controlling financial the persecuting reign of Mary, at establishment was Mayer Anselm Smithfield, -1555. Rothschild, a native of Frankfort, Rohault, Roe-61, James, Fr. math and Ger., and money-changer, b. 1740nat phil, 1620-1675. 1812. His sons were five in number, Roland De La Platiere, Rol-4nd De Anselm, Nathan, Solomon, James de, Lq Plq-tir, Jean Marie, Girondist and Charles; all are now living with min of Fr., 1732-1793. the exception of Nathan, who died Roland, Manon Jeanne P., the wife 1836. The heads of the house are of the above and dist. as pol er, stationed at Frankfort, Vienna, Na1754-g. 1793. ples, Paris and London. PERSONAL NAMES. 167 Rotteck, Ro-tdk, Charles Von, Ger. Ruckert, ReS-kert, Frederick, Ger. poet, hist, 1775-1848. 1789 — Roubilliac, Rw-bsl-yi-ak, Louis Fran- Rugendas, Rnc-gdn-dqs, Geo. Philip, cis, Fr. sculp, -1762. Ger. battle-pt, 1666-1742. Rouelle, Re-el, Wm. Francis, chem Fr., Ruhs, Rnz, Frederick, Ger. hist, 1780 1703-1770. -1820. Rouget De Lisle, Ra)-3t De LI, Jo- Ruschenberger, R6c-en-ber-ger, W. S. seph, wr and comp of the "Marseil- W., M. D., surg and wr U. S. navy, laise," and an Fr. of, 1760 —1836. Pa., 1807Rousseau, Rn-s6, Jean Baptiste, Fr. Rush, Ruf, Dr. Benj., Am. ph, scholar, lyric poet, 1669-17-. philan, patriot, au, and signer Dec. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, phil and poet of Ind., Pa., 1741-1813. Fr., 1712-1778. Rush, Richard, son of the above, exRowe, Rn, Nicholas, poet and dram wr min and pol Pa., -1780. Eng., 1673-1718. Russell, Rds-el, Lord Wm., Eng. st, Roxburgh, R6ks-burg, William, ph and 1639-ex. 1683. [1792 —. bot Scot., 1759-1815. [-1847. Russel, Lord John, Eng. st and min, Roy, R-wo, Count Antoine, Fr. st, 1764 Russia, R-Sfi-a, Alexander II., esmp of, Royer-Collard, R-wo-4r-Kol-Ard, Pierre succeeded to the government 1855. Paul, Fr. phil, 1763-1845. Rutherford, Rdd-er-ford, Daniel, Scot. Rozier, Ro-zir, Francis, Fr. beot and nat, phil and ph, 1749-1819. agri wr, 1734-1793. Rutledge, Rdt-lej, Edward, Am. st, Rubens, Rd-benz, Peter Paul, the and signer Dec of lnd., S. C., 1749great master-pt, b. at Cologne, 1577 1800. -1640. Ruysch, Ras, Frederic, M. D., F. R. S., Rabini, Rm-bg-ne, Giambatista, tenor Dutch anat, 1638-1731. [1676. opera singer It., 1795-1854. Ruyter, R&-ter, Dutch adm, 1607Rucellai, R-qdel-j, Bernard, It. st and Rysbrach, Ris-brqh, John M., Dutch hist, 1449-1525. sculp, 1694-1770. S. Sabatier, Sa-ba-tir, Antoine, Fr. wr, Saint-Mars, Fr. off, the Keeper of 1742-1817.'The Man in the Iron Mask,' which Sacy, Sqs, Antoine I. S., Baron De, to this day remains a historical seFr. scholar and au, 1758-1838. cret; 17th cen. Sa Da Bandeira, Sq Dq Bqn-da-g-rq, Saint-Martin, - Mqr-taft, Louis C. Bernardo De, Port. st, 1796- De, Fr. phil, 1743-1803. Sadler, Michael Thomas, F. R. S., Saint-Palaye, - Pa-16, Charles I. C., Eng. scholar, or and philan, 1780- Abbe De, Fr. pol wr and philan, 1835. 18th cen. Sadler, Wm. W., Eng. ceronaut and Saint Pierre, - Per, Jacques B. H. De, chem, 1804-k. 1824. phil wr Fr., 1737-1814. Saint Arnaud, Safi flr-n6d, Jaques Saint-Simon, - Si-mon, Claude Henri, Leroy De, marshal, and comman of Count De,found of a school of social the French forces in the Crimea, science, Fr., 1760-1825. 1801-1854. Saldanha, Sql-dq4-yq, Oliviera, E. Saint-Clair, Sant-Klqr, of Am. army, Daun, etc., Duke of, mins and off Pa., -1818. Portugal, 1780Saint-Croix, Safi-Krwo, G. E. J., Ba- Sallust, Caius Crispus, Roman hist, ron De, Fr. wr, 1746-1809. 85-35 B. C. Sainte-Beuve, Safit-Bev, Chas. Augus., Samson, celebrated in Scripture for his Fr. crit and poet, 1803- strength, was betrayed and perished Saintine, Safi-ten, Xavier Bon., Fr. with 3000 Philistines in the temple poet and dram, 1790- of Dagon, 1117 B. C. Saint-Just, Antoine, min of Robespi- Samuel, prophet of Israel, -1057 erre, 1768-1794. B. C. 168 PERSONAL NAMES. Sancho, SAn-kl, Ignatius, a negro wr Scarlatti, Skqr-l4-te, Alessandro, It. and poet, born on board a slave-ship, mus comp, 1658-1728. [-1826. freed in England, 1729-1780. Scarpa, Skjv-pq, Antonio, It. art, 1746 Sandby, Paul, Eng. art, 1732 —1809.. Schadow, X4-dov, Johann G., Ger. Sandford, Sir Daniel K., D. C. L., Cculp, 1764-1852. classic scholar and or, Scot., -1838. Schadow-Godenhaus, - G6-den-h-s, Sands, Robt. C., jour and poet, N-Y., Fried. Wilhelm Von, Ger. hist and 1798-1832. por-pt, 1789 — Sannazarius, Sctn-qd-zqr-e-6s, Jacopo, Schaeffer, Xqf-er, Geof. Heinrich, Ger. Italian poet, 1458-1533. philol, 1764-1840. [1740-1823. Sansovino, Sqn-sc-vg-n@, Giocomo F., Schank, Skajk, John, Eng. naval off, Italian sculp and arch, 1479-1570. Scheele, Ze-le, Chas. William, Swed. Santa Anna, Sqn-tq f'nq, Antonio chem. He discovered fluorine, chloLopez De, ex-pres of the Mexican rine, malic, molybdic, arsenic, tartarConfederation, 1790- ic, oxalic, &c., acids, glycerine and Santa Cruz, (Sp. Krwt, S. Am. Kras;) oxygen. 1742-1786. protector of the Peru-Bolivian Con- Scheffer, Ydii-fer, Ary, Dutch art Fr., federacy, b. about 1790- 1795Sappho, Sif-a, Greek poetess, whose Schelling, ES-ih, Fred. Winm. Joseph, lover was so cruel to her that she Ger. meta phil and poet, 1775-1854. threw herself into the sea. Schiller, Xil-er, Friedrich, Ger. poet Sardanapalus, kc Assyria, who on a re- and dram. It is enough to say that volt of his people, set fire to his he is the only German poet who can palace, and perished in the flames, contest the supremacy of Goethe. 820 B. C. 1759-1805. Sardinia, Victor-Emmanuel-A.-E.-F.- Schirmer, Zir-mer, Johann Wilhelm, Thomas, King of, b. 1820-assumed Ger. 1-pt, 1807gov. 1849- Schloetzer, I.6t-zer, Aug. Louis, Ger. Saumaise, S@-mAs, Claude, crit, archce hist, 1737-1809. and ori, Burgundy, 1588-1658. Schlosser, YX16s-er, Friedrich Chris., Saumarez, Se6-ma-rez, Rt. Hon. James, Ger. hist, and prqf at University of Lord De, off Brit. navy, 1757 —1836. Heidelberg, 1776Saunders, Son-derz, John C., Eng. sur, Schlegel, ElX-gel, John Elias, Ger. oculist and med wr, 1773-1810. poet and dram wr, 1718-1749. Saunders, Win., ph] and med wr, 1743 Schlegel, August Wilhelm Von, Ger. -1819. poet, crit, hist and meta phil, 1767Saunderson, Sdn-der-son, Nicholas, a 1845. blind math Eng., 1682-1739. Schlegel, Friedrich Von, brother of the Saussure, So-ser, Horace B. De, nat above, crit and phil, 1772-1829. Swit., 1740-1799. Schleiermacher, 5Xli-er-mqh-er, FredSaussure, Nicholas T. De, son of the eric Daniel E., Ger. div and wr above, nat and chem, 1767-1845. 1768-1834. Sauvages, Su-vq-ga, Francis B. De, Schoefer, Xe.-fer, Peter, one of the inFr. bot and ph, -1767. ventors of printing, Ger., — 1502. Sauveur, Su-ver, Joseph, Fr. math, Schoepflin, e6p-flin, John Daniel, Ger. 1653-1716. hist, 1694 —-1771. Savage, Richard, Eng. poet, 1698-1743. Schomberg, X6m-berg, Isaac, hist and Savary, Sa-vcr, R6nd, Fr. gen, 1774- off Am. navy. -1813. 1833. Schomburgh, X6m-babrg, Sir Robt. Savonarola, Sqv-on-cqr-6-lq, Franciscan Hermann, Ger. nat and trav, 1804monk and ref, 1452-k. 1498. Schoolcraft, Skcdl-kraft, Henry Rowe, Saxe, Count Maurice of Saxony, Fr. Am. trav, nat, antiq and au N-Y., gen, -1750. 1793Saxe, John G., Am. sat and h)um poet, Schopenhauer, 26p-en-hs-er, Johanna, Vt., 18 - Ger. authoress, 1770-1838. Say, Sa, Jean B., Fr. wr on pplitical Schrodter, Ercd-ter, Adolf, Ger. pt, economy, 1767-1832. 1805. [1680-1756. Say, Thomas, Am. nat, 1787-1834. Schroeder, Tre-der, John Joa., Ger. ori, Scanderbeg, Sk4n-der-beg, Albanian Schubert, Xcb-bert, Francis, Ger. mua chief, 1404-1467. comp, 1795-1830. PERSONAL NAMES. 169 Schulz, Tnlts, Wilhelm, Ger. pol wr, Sewall, S4-al, Stephen, Am. scholar 1797- and au Mass., 1734-1804. Schumacher, 6 - mqh - er, Heinrich Seward, SA-ard, William H., Am. st Christian, Ger. astr, 1780-1850. and sen, N-Y., 1801Schumann, >6-mqn, Robert, Ger. mus Sewell, Sq,-el, George, Eng. misc wr wr, 1810- and poet, -1726. [A. D. 100. Schuyler, Ski-ler, Philip, maj-gen Am. Sextus Empyricus, a Pyrrhonian phil, army, N-Y., 1804. Seymour, Sg-mar, Edward, Duke of Schwanthaler, Evcqn-t4-ler, Ludwig Somerset, Eng. of, -ex. 1552. Von, Ger. sculI, 1802-1848. Shadwell, Eitd-wel, the Rt. Hon. Sir Schwartzenberg, Evqrts-en-berg, Chas. Lancelot, vice-chancellor of England, Philip, Prince, Aust. field-marshal, and j, 1779-1850. 1771-1820. Shaftesbury, ]dfts-ber-i, Anthony Scipio, Sip-i-o, Publius Cornelius, Ashley Cooper, Eng. meta phil and Roman gen, -180 B. C. wr, 1671-1713. Scott, David, Scottish art, 1806-1849. Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley C., Earl Scott, Michael, aue "Tom Cringle's of, Eng. philan, and leader of the Log," Scot., 1789-1835. Low-Church party, 1801Scott, Sir Walter, Scottish poet, nov Shakspeare, Zaks-per, William, the and misc wr, 1733-1832. most illustrious dram poet of AngloScott, Gen. Winfield, comman-in-chief Saxon origin, 1564-1616. Am. army, 1786- Sharp, Granville, au, and projector of Scribe, Skreb, Augustine Eugene, Fr. the society for the abolition of the lyric poet and dram wr, 1791- slave-trade, Eng., 1734-1813. Sebastian, Se-bist-yan, (Port. Sa-bqs- Sharp, William, Eng. engr,1749-1824. te-4n,) King of Portugal, 1554-k. Shee, Sir Martin Archer, Irish art and in Africa, 1578. poet Eng., 1769-1850. [1792-1822. Sedgwick, Sej-wik, Theodore, Am. wr Shelley, 16l-i, Percy Bysshe, Eng. poet, Mass., 1730-1839. Shenstone, Zen-st)n, William, poet Seetzen, Sets-en, Ulric Jaspar, Ger. and prose wr Eng., 1714-1763. tra, -1811. Sheridan, Zer-i-dan, Richard Brinsley, Segur, Sa-g4r, Louis, Count De, Fr. Irish dram, st and or Eng., 1751 — dip and hist wr, 1753-1830. 1816. Seidl, Si-dl, John Gabr., Aust. poet, Sherman, lEr-man, Roger, Am. st, and 1804- signer Dec. of Ind., Mass., 1721-1793. Selden, S61-den, John, Eing. antiq, Sherwin, John Keyse, engr Eng., law, wr and hist, 1584-1654. -1790. [1749-.-1829. Selkirk, Alex., Scot. voyager to the Shield, MEld, William, Eng. composer, South Seas, 1680-d. Shirley, Ye.r-li, James, Eng, dram wr Semiramis, Se-mir-a-mis, queen of andpoet, 1594-1666. Assyria, famous for her conquests; Short, James, nat phil and optician put to death by her son Ninyas, Scot., 1710-1768. 1220 B. C. [1742-1809. Shrapnel, Erip-nel, Lieut.-Gen. Henry, Senebier, Sn-e-bsr, nat phil Swit., inv of the spherical case-shot, Eng., Seneca, S&n-e-ka, Lucius Annseus, -1842. stoic phil, preceptor of Nero, by Sibthorp, Sib-terp, John, nat, and prof whom he was put to death. b. Sp. bot in the University of Oxford, A. D. 12. Eng., -1796. [1755-1831. Sergeant, S4r-jent, John, Am. law and Siddons, Sid-onz, Sarah, Eng. actress, st Pa., 1779-1852. Siddons, Mrs. H., actress of the TheaServetus, Ser-vi-tus or Ser-vf-tus, tre Royal, Edinburgh, -18 Michael, theol, burnt at the stake Sidmouth, Sid-mut, Henry, Viscount, through the instrumentality of Cal- Eng. st, 1757-1844. vin, 1509-1553. Sidney, Sid-ni, Sir Philip, gentleman, Servius Tullus, sixth k Rome, eel. au, and comman, of the reign of for his laws on rank and property; Queen Elizabeth, 1554-1586. murdered, 530 B. C. [211. Siebold, Sg-bald, Philip Franz Von, Severus, Lucius Septimius, Rom. emp, wr on Japan, Ger., 1796Severus, Sulpitius, hist, au "Historia Sieyes, Se-i-a, Count Emanuel Jos., Sacra," -420. vol of the Fr. revolution, 1748-1836. 15 170 PERSONAL NAMES. Sigaud De Lafond, Sc-god De Lqc-fohfd, Smith, Rev. Dr. John, antiq and CelJno. Renatus, Fr. sur and nat phil, tic scholar and wr Scot., 1747-1842. 1740-1810. Smith, Dr. John Pye, theol wr Eng., Sigismund, Sig-is-mtbnd, emp of Ger., 1775-1851. [1689-1768. 1378-1437; also, names of three Smith, Robert, div and math Eng., Polish kings. [1441-1524. Smith, Sir Win. Sidney, Brit. adm, Signorelli, Ssg-n.-rB1-e, Luca, It. pt, 1764-1840. Silenus, Sj-l-nus, fab, the foster-fa- Smith, Rev. Sidney, M. A., div, essa, ther of Bacchus, who lived in Arca- crit, wr and wit, the projector of the dia, rode on an ass, and was drunk Edinbusrgh Review, Eng.,1771-1845. every day. Smith, William, LL. D., F. G. S., Eng. Silliman, Sil-i-man, Benjamin, M. D., geol, 1769-1840. LL. D., prof of the Natural Sciences Smith, Thomas Southwood, a/n, ph and in Yale College, and distinguished wr Eng., 1790for his scien. writings, 1779- Smith, Gerritt, Am. philan, or, scholar, Simms, Simz, Wm. Gilmore, Am. nov, and anti-slavery ref, N-Y. hist and poet S. C., 1806- Smithson, James, found of the SmithSimon Magus, Samaritan imp, who sonian Institution, Washington, Eng., pretended to be the Son of God, - -1829. A. D. 56. Smollett, Sm6l-et, Tobias, Eng. crit Simrock, Karl, Ger. poet, 1802- and nov, 1721-1771. Simson, Robert, math Scot., 1687- Smyth, Smit, William, hist lea and wr 1768. Eng., 1764-1849. Sinclair, Sin-klar, George, eng and Snell, Rodolph, matA and philoZ wr nat phil, au of works on hydrostat- Holland, 1547-1613. [-1837. ics and the principles of astronomy Soane, San, Sir John, Eng. arch, 1752 and navigation, Scot., -1696. Sobiesky, So-bgs-ki, John, k of PoSinclair, Sir John, Bart., philan Scot., land, fam. in the Turkish wars, 1629 1754-1835. — 1696. Sindiah, Sin-di-q, Mahadjee, Mahratta Socinus, S@-sin-us, Faustus, champion prince, 1741-1794. of the doctrine of Unitarianism, ItSingh, Sig-h, Maha Raja Runjeet, chief aly, 1539-1604. of Lahore and Cachmire, 1779-1839. Socrates, S6k-ra-tsz, greatest of ano Sismondi, Sis-moS-dg, Jean Chas. L. phil, put to death by the Athenians S. D', hist and wr on pol. economy, on false charge of atheism, 467-400 Swit., 1773-1842. B. C. Sisyphus, Sis-i-fus,fab, killed by The- Sol, Jab, a name of Apollo; the sun. seus, and doomed incessantly to roll Solander, S@-l4n-der, Daniel Chas., a huge stone up a mountain in hell nat Sweden, 1736-1782. for his perfidy and numerous rob- Solomon, S61-a-mon, son of David, k beries. [1590. Israel, wrote the books of Proverbs, Sixtus Quintus, pope of Rome, 1521- Eccl., and Canticles, died 975 B. C., Skelton, John, poet-laureate of Eng., aged 58. [80. -1529. Solon, sage of Greece, d. 558 B. C., aged Sleidan, Sli-dan, John Philipson, Ger. Solvyns, Sol-vinz, Francis B., Dutch hist, 1506-1556. art and au, 1760-1824. Sloane, Slon, Sir Hans, Bart., bot Ire- Solyman, So6-i-man, the Great, Turkland, 1660 —1752. [1771. ish emp, 1494-1566. Smart, Christopher, Eng. poet, 1722- Somnus, S6m-nus, fab, the god of sleep. Smeaton, Smi-ton, John, civil ong Somoza, S@-m6-ta, Jos6, Sp. pol and Eng., 1724-1792. wr, 1781Smith, Adam, meta phil, au and pol Sonnini De Manoncourt, Sofi-afi D9 econ Scot., 1723-1790. Mafi-on-kdr, Charles N. S., Fr. tray Smith, Sir James Edward, Eng. ph and nat, 1751-1811. and nat, 1759-1828. Sontag, S6n-tqg, Henrietta, opera Smith, James and Horace, lit duum- singer Ger., 1805-1854. virate Eng., 1775-1839,1779-1849. Sophocles, Sgf-@-klez, Greek poet, and Smith, Capt. John, of and trat, con- chief magistrate of Athens, 500-410 nected with the history of Virginia, B. C. 1579-1631. Soul6, So-16, Pierre, Am. ex-sen La. PERSONAL NAMES. 171 Soult, Sml, Nicole Jean De D., Duke Stanley, Stan-li, Thomas, Eng. phil of Dalmatia, Fr. marshal and of, hist, 1625-1678. [-1822. 1769-1851. Stark, John, gen Am. army, N-H., 1728 Southcote, SStO-kot, Joanna, the sub- Staudenmaier, Sti-den-mi-er, Franz ject of religious delusion, England, A., Catholic theol and asu Germany, 1750-1814. 1800Southern, SSd-ern, Thomas, an Irish Steele, Sir Richard, Brit. essa, pol wr, dram poet, 1660-1746. dram poet and hum, 1671-1729. Southey, S~td-i, Robert, Eng. poet and Steevens, Sts-venz, Geo., commen on prose wr; and in 1813, poet-laureate, Shakspeare, Eng., 1736 —1800. 1774-1843. [1588-1650. Stenbock, Sten-bok, Magnus, Count, Spagnoletto, Spcn-yo-let-), Italian pt, Swedish gen, 1664-1717. Spallanzani, Spal-qnd-zqn-e, Lazaro, Stentor, St6n-tor,fab, a Grecian, whose It. physiol and nat, 1729-1799. voice is reported to have been as Spanheim, Sp4n-him, Ezekiel, wr and strong and as loud as the voices of st Geneva, 1629-1710. 50 men together. [pol wr, -1832. Sparks, Spqrks, Jared, Am. biog and Stephen, StY-ven, James, Eng. law and misc wr, and pres Harvard College, Stephen, St., first Christian martyr, 1794- [nat, 1747-1820. stoned by the Jews, A. D. 33. Sparrmann, Sp4r-mctn, Andrew, Swed. Stephens, John Loyd, Am. trav and Spartacus, Spdr-ta-kus, Thracian shep- wr N-J., 1805-1852. herd, and conq of some of the Roman Stephenson, Stg-ven-son, Geo., Eng. armies, 71 B. C. [Y., 1788-1855. civil eng, 1787-1848. Spencer, John C., Am. law and st N- Stephenson, Robert, eng Eng., 1803Spencer, John Chas., Earl, promoter Sterling, John, Brit. essa and crit, 1806 of agriculture, Eng., 1782-1845. -1844. Spenser, Edmund, Eng. poet, 1553- Sternberg, St.rn-berg, Alexander, Ba1599. ron Von, Ger. au, 1806Sphinx, SfiUks, fab, a monster, who Sterne, Stern, Laurence, Irish wr and destroyed herself because (Edipus hum, 1713-1768. solved the enigma she proposed. Steuben, Ste-ben, (Am. St4-ben,) Spielmann, Spgl-mqn, James Reinhold, Frederic Wm. Aug., Baron, Prussian Ger. chem, 1722-1782. of Am. army, during the RevoluSpinoza, Spin-c-za, Baruch, meta pkil tionary war, — 1795. (atheistical,) Holland, 1632-1677. Stevenson, StE-ven-son, Sir John AnSpohr, Sper, Louis, Ger. mu8 comp, drew, mus comp Ireland, 1761-1833. 1783- Stevenson, Robert, civil eng Scotland, Spontini, Spon-tg-ne, Gasparo, It. mus 1772-1850. [navy, 1778 —. comp, 1778-1851. Stewart, Stil-art, Charles, corn Am. Sprague, Sprag, Charles, Am. poet Stewart, Dugald, Scottish meta, math Mass., 1791- and au, 1753-1828. Spurzheim, Spcr3-hjm or Spclrts-him, Stewart, Mathew, D. D., Scottish math phren, contemporary of Gall, Ger., and au, 1717-1785. [1727-1795. 1776-1832. Stiles, Stilz, Ezra, Am. div and hist, Squier, Skwlr, Ephram Geo., Am. wr Stilling, Heinrich, pseudonyms adopted and pol N-Y., 1821- by Heinrich Jung, in a remarkable Stael-Holstein, Stal-Hol-stin, Anna autobiography. He was a misc wr Louisa G. Necker, Baroness De, tragic Ger., 1740-1817. poet, pol and romance wr France, Storch, Storh, Heinrich Fred. Von, pol 1766-1817. econ Ger., 1766-1835. Stahl, Stel, Geo. Ernest, Ger. ph and Storch, Nicholas, found of the sect chem, 1660-1734. called Anabaptists, Ger., -1530. Stallbaum, Stql-bhm, Gottfried, Ger. Story, Justice Joseph, Am.j and j.ur classic scholar and am, 1793- wr Mass., 1779-1845. Standish, Stan-dif, Frank Hall, Eng. Stothard, St6d-ard, Thomas, R. A., au and poet, 1798-1840. Eng. art, 1755-1838. Stanfield, StAn-feld, Clarkson, Eng. Stowe, Stco, Harriet Beecher, Am. au, pt, 1790- now residing in Maine. Stanislaus, Stan-is-lss, Augustus, the Strakosch, Strak-of, Maurice, mun last k of Poland, 1732-1798. comp and pianist, Pol., 1825 172 PERSONAL NAMES. Strafford, Straf-ord, Thomas Bent., Sullivan, Sil-i-van, John, ger Am. Earl of, st Eng., 1593-ex. 1641. army, in the Revolutionary war, Strange, Stranj, Sir Robt., Brit. hist N-H., 1741-1795. engr, 1721-1792. Sully, Sdil-i, Thomas, Eng. ar4t, 1783Strauss, Strss, Dav. Rriedr., Ger. au, Sully, Maximilin De Bethune, Duke 1808- [-1849. of, Fr. min and of, 1560-1641. Strauss, John, mus comp Aust., 1804 Sumner, Charles, Am. st, or, legal wor Strickland, Strik-land, E., trav and and scholar, sen from Mass., 1811nat Eng., 1811-1853. Suwarrow, Sm-vqr-ov, Peter Alexis V., Struensee, Strb-en-se, John Fred., Count, Russian gen, 1730-1800. Count, ph and pol Denmark, 1737- Swammerdam, SvAm-er-dcm, Jean, ex. 1772. [1749-1802. Dutch anat and ento, 1637-1680. Strutt, Joseph, art and antig wr Eng., Swartz, Swqrts, Olans, Swedish bot, Struve, Strewv (or Strdcv-a, Friedr. Geo. 1760-1817. Wilh., Russian astr. Sweden and Norway, Oscar I., King Stuart, the royal house of Great Brit- of, 1799-assumed gov. 1844ain after the union of Scotland. Swedenborg, Swi-den-berg or SwAStuart, Daniel, pol wr, ed "Morning den-berg, Emanuel, math and ChrisPost," London, 1766-1846. [1786. tian phil, found of a sect numerous Stuart, Gilbert, hist wr Scot., 1742- at the present day; b. at Stockholm, Stuart, James, Eng. trav and antiq au, 1688-1772. [1854. 1713-1788. Sweet, John A., Am. ph Mass., 1808Stuart, James, of Duncarn, pog wr Swift, Jonathan, Brit. au, sat and poc Scot., 1776-1849. ewr, and huzm, 1667-1745. Stukeley, Stik-li, William, Eng. antig Sydenham, Sid-en-ham, Thomas, M. and au, 1687-1765. D., Eng. ph and med wr, 1624-1689. Sture, Std-re, administrators of Swe- Sydney, Sid-ni, Algernon, pol wr and den, from the 14th to the close of repub Eng., 1621 —ex. 1683. the 16th cen. Sylla, Lucius Cornelius, Roman gen Sturgeon, Stdr-jon, William, exp in and dictator, scourge of his country, the nat. sciences, Eng., 1783-1850. -78 B. C. [woods and forests. Stuyvesant, StO-ves-ant, Peter, the Sylvanus, Sil-va-nus, fab, a god of last Dutch gov of New-York, ap- Symmes, Simz, John Cleves, au of pointed 1664. the eccentric Theory of the Earth, Styx, Stiks, fab, a river of hell. that the globe is hollow, with openSuckling, Sir John, poet and courtier, ings at the poles for the admission Eng., 1609-1641. of light; Ohio, -1829. Sue, Se, Eugene, Fr. nov, 1808- Syrens, Si-renz, fab, sea-monsters. T. Tacitus, Tas-i-tus, Marcus Claudius, Tallien, Tal-i-din, Jean Lambert, dist. emp Rome, -276. Jacobine of the Fr. revolution, 1769 Talbot, T61-bot, or Til-bot, John, Earl -1820. of Threwsbury, Eng. off in the re- Talma, Tal-mq, Francis Joseph, Fr. nowned Fr. wars, 1373-1453. actor. 1770-1826. Talfourd, TAl-fQrd, Sir Thomas Noon, Tamerlane, Tam-er-lAn, emp of Tardist. as the au of'"Ion," and other tary, 1335-1405. interesting writings, as a judge, and Taney, Tan-i, Roger B., chief justice for his many virtues, Eng., 1795- of the Sup. Ct. U. S., Md., 17771854. Tannahill, Tan-a-hil, Robert, Scottish Tallard, Tal-4rd, Camille D'H., Duke lyric poet, 1774-1810. [au. De, Fr. marshal, 1652-1728. Tapia, Tq-pi-q, Eugenio, Sp. jour and Talleyrand-Perigord, TAl-s-rqnd-Pqr- Tasman, Tas-mln, Abel Janssen, Dutch s-gord, Charles Maurice De, the nav, 1600-d. [-1595. "prince of diplomatists," Fr., 1754- Tasso, T4-s), Torquato, It. poet, 1544. 1838. Tate, Tat, Irishpoet, 1652-d. PERSONAL NAMES. 173 Taylor, TA-lor, Jane, Eng. poet and Theodosius, He-o-d6-fi-us, the last prose wr, 1783-1823. Rom. emp, a convert to Chris., -395. Taylor, Dr. Jeremy, bishop of the Theodotus, Re-6d-@-tus, a tanner of Church of Eng., 1613-1667. Byzantium, who apostatized from Taylor, Thomas, a modern promulgator Chris. faith to save his life, and of the Platonic Philosophy, Eng., formed a sect. 1758-1835. Theon, RS-on, Greek sophist, au TreaTaylor, William, critic and trans, tise on Rhetoric; also, a matA of AlEng., 1765-1836. exandria. Taylor, Wm. Cooke, LL. D., misc wr Theophrastus, He-o-fris-tus, Greek Ir., 1800-1849. phil, 288 B. C. Taylor, Zachary, Am. gen, pres of the Thespis, HRs-pis, Greek tragic poet, U. S., from 1849 to 1850; his career and first actor at Athens, 536 B. C. being terminated by his sudden death Thibaut, Tib —st, Anton Justus Fried., in July of the latter year. He was Ger. jurist, 1792-1840. succeeded in office by his V-Pres., Thicknesse, Hik-nds, Anne, Eng. wr, Millard Fillmore; b. La., 1790-1850. 1737-1824. [1798 —-. Taylor, Bayard, Am. tray, poet, and Thiers, Ter, Adolphe, Fr. pol and hist, misc wr, N-Y., 1825- Thierry, Ter, Jacq. Nic. Augustin, Fr. Tching Tching Kong, Wtig - igj - Kog, hist, 1795Chinese adm, 17th cen. Thom, Tom, James, sculp N-Y., 1799 Tefft, Teft, B. F., au, Methodist clerg -1850. [1770-1824. and ed N-Y., 1813- Thom, Walter, Aist and misc wr Scot., Tekeli, Te-k6l-s, Emerie, Count De, Thomas, T6m-as, St., surnamed DidyHungarian nob and patriot, 1658- mus, one of Christ's apostles; suffered 1705. martyrdom in India. Telford, T61-ford, Thomas, civil eng Thompson, Tom-son, Alex., rnisc wr Scot., 1757-1834. andpoet Scot., 1762-1803. Tell, Tel, William, Swiss hero of the Thompson, Col. Thomas Peyronnet, 14th cen. pol reformer and au Eng., 1783Tempelhof, T6m-pel-hof, Geo. Fred., Thomson, T6m-son, Anthony Todd, M. Ger. of and au, -1807. D., med wr, Scot., 1778-1849. Temple, T6m-pl, Sir William, Eng. st, Thomson, James, Scottish poet, au of 1628-1700. the " Seasons," 1700-1748. Teniers, Tdn-erz, David, the elder, Thomson, Rev. John, Scot. I-pt, 1778 Flemish pt, Belg., 1582-1649. -1840. Teniers, David, the younger, Flem. pt Thomson, Thomas, M. D., Scot. exp Belg., 1610-1694. choem, lect and wr, 1773-1852. Tennant, T6n-ant, William, Scottish Thomson, Edward, M. D., D. D., Am. poet and philol, -1843. div, wr and pres Ohio Wesleyan Tennant, Ten-ant, Smithson, F. R. S., University, Ohio, 1810Eng. chem, 1761-1815. Thomson, Samuel, mred ref, and au of Tennyson, Ten-i-son, Alfred, Eng. " Botanic Family Physician," in 1838, poet, and now poet-laureate, 1810- U. S. Tenterden, Tdn-ter-den, Charles Abbot, Thornton, HRrn-ton, Bonnel, humorist Lord, Eng. lazw, j, and legal wr, wr and poet Eng., 1724-1768. 1762-1832. Thornton, John Robt., Eng. bot, 1758 Tertullian, Ter-tall-i-an, Quintus Sep- -1837. timius Florus, father and def early Thorwaldsen, Tor-vtld-sen, Bertel, Christian Church, fl. 211. Danish art, 1770-1844. Thackery, Hik-er-i, Winm. Makepeace, Thucydides, RH,-sid-i-dez, Greek hist, Eng. au, lect and humorist, 1811- -391 B. C. Thalberg, Tq1t-berg, Sigismund, mus Thurlow, HRdr-lo, Edward, Lord, Eng. comp, Switz., 1812- pol, 1732-1806. Thales, Hat-lgz, chief of the seven sages Tiarks, TE-4rks, John Lewis, F. R. S., of Greece, 640-545 B. C. Ger. ast, Eng., 1789-1837. Themistocles, RH-mis-to-klsz, Atheni- Tiberius, Tb-hb-ri-us, Claudius Nero, an gen and pat, being banished to dissolute emp Rome, -37. Persia, to avoid taking arms against Tickell, Tik-el, Thomas, wr and poet, his county, he slew himself, 465 B. C. Eng., 1686 —1740. 174 PERSONAL NAMES. Ticknor, Tik-nor, George. Am. schol the greater part of his life a slave, and au, 1791- but noted for his kindness and skill. Tieck, Tek, Ludwig, Ger. poet and nov, 1743-perished in prison, Fr., 1803. 1773-1853. [1756-1830. Trajan, Trd-jan, M. Alpinus Crinitus, Tierney, Tir-ni, st and pol wr, Eng., Rom. enrp celebrated for his mild and Tillotson, Til-ot-son, Dr. John, ar-bp equitable government, -117. Canterbury, published many valua- Trembley, Tr6m-bli, Abraham, nat ble sermons; -1694. Swit., 1700-1784. Timothy, Tim-o-ti, disciple of St. Paul, Trenck, Tregk, Frederick, Baron Von, first bp of Ephesus, stoned to death, Prussian of, eel. for his adventures A. D. 97. and misfortunes, 1726-g. 1794. Tindall, Tin-dal, Wm., Eng. div and Trotter, Tr6t-er, Thomas, M. D., med antiq, -1804. wr Scot., -1832. Tintoretto, Tin-t@-rft-o, Jacopo R., pt Trumbull, Trdm-bul, Jonathan, pat Venice, 1512-1594. of the Am. Rev., and gov Conn., - Tippoo Saib, Tip-ca Sab, the last sul- 1785. Son of the same name, Aid tan of Mysore, 1749-k. 1799. to Gen. Washington, st and lieut-gov Titian, Te-ts-4n, (or Tiziano Vecellio, Conn., -1809. Ted-zs-4-no Va-ga-l-o,) Itpt, 1477 Truxton, Trdks-ton, Thomas, corn Am. -1576. navy, N-Y., 1755-1822. Titus, Ti-tus, Greek disciple of St. Tschirnhausen, Tfirn-hi-sen, EbhrenPaul, bp of Crete. fred, W. Von, Ger. geom and exp Tofino De San Miguel, To-fg-no Da phil, 1651-1708. Sqn Me-hal, Sp. ast, 1740-1806. Tucker, Tdk-er, Saint George, Am. Toland, T61-and, John, Scot. metd au, law and st, -1828. 1669-1722. Tuckerman, Henry T., Am. poet and Tompkins, T6m-kinz, Daniel D., qov essa, Mass., 1813N-Y. and F-Pres U. S., under Mr. Tupper, Tdp-er, Martin Farquhar, Eng. Monroe, -1825. auz, 1811Tone, Ton, Theobald W., Irish revolu- Turenne, Te-raft, Henri De La Tour tionary pol, 1763-1798. D'Auv. Viscount de, Fr. gen, 1611Tooke, Ttak, John Horne, Eng. poi, 1675. gram and philol, 1736-1812. Turgot, Ter-go, Anne Robert Jacques, Toreno, Tor-a-no, Count Jose De, hist Fr. st andphil, 1727-1781. and st Sp., 1786-d. Turner, Tdrn-er, Edward, M. D., chem Torre, T6-ra, Giovanni, M. D., nat and au Eng., 1797-1837. phil It., -1782. Turner, Joseph M. Wmin., Eng. art, Torricelli, T@-re-qA-ls, Evangelista, 1775-1851. It. math, invented the barometer; Turner, Sharon, hist of the Anglo Sax1608-d. ons, Eng., 1768-1847. Torrigiano, To-rs-j4-no, Pietro, sculp Turner, Tdrn-er, William W., printer Florence, 1472-1522. and philol Eng., 1810Totten, Tot-en, Joseph G., Am. mili- Tuscany, Tds-kan-i, Leopold II., Grand tary eng, Conn., 1788- Duke of, b. 1797 succeeded to the Totten, George M., Am. civil eng, government 1824. [-1849. Conn., 1809- Twiss, Twis, Horace, Eng. law and wr Torrey, T6r-i, John, M. D., LL. D., Tyler, Ti-ler, John, elected V-Pres of Am. bhot and chem N-Y. the U. S. in 1840, and succeeded to Tournefort, T&r-na-for, Joseph Pitton the presidency at the death of HarDe, Fr. bhot, 1656-1708. rison in 1841; Va., 1790Toussaint, Ta)-snfi, L'Ouverture, an Tyndale, Tin-dal, Wm., trans and illus. and intel. chief of the negroes martyr, Eng., 1484-ex. 1536. of St. Domingo, after the revolution Tytler, Tit-ler, Patric Fraser, hist, they affected in that island, was for Scot., 1790-1849. PERSONAL NAMES. 175 U. Ueoktritz, Eh'trits, (or Eh'trits,) Feied. Urban, Ur'ban, I. to VIII., popes from Von, Ger. dram poet, 1800- 223 to 1644. Uhland, (I)'lqnd, Ludwig, Ger. poet, Urquhart, Ur'kwqrt, Sir Thomas, 1787- Scottish philol and math, 17th cen. Uilkens, &fl'kenz, James Albert, Dutch Urquijo, WDr-ki-h@, Mariano L. Chevnat, 1772 —1825. alier De, Sp. st, 1768-1817. Ulloa, Wl-y6-q, Antonio De, Sp. gen, Urqriza, )r-kd-tq, Gen. Don Justo st and math, 1718-1795. Jose, pres of the Argentine ConfedUlrica, (l-r9-kq, Eleanora, two queens eration, 1800of Sweden, from the 17th to the 18th Ursins, Er-safi, (or (Dr-sinz,) Anna M. century. De La T., Princes De, a French lady Ulysses, YTr-lis-ez, jab, ki of Ithaca, who indirectly governed Spain, in who, by his subtlety and eloquence, the days of Philip V., -1722. was eminently serviceable to the Usher, US'er, James, D. D., Irish div Greeks, in the Trojan war. and theo wr, 1580-1656. Unzer, C(nts'er, John Aug., Ger. ph, Uwins, Y4f-inz, David, M. D., Eng. ph psychol and phys au, 1727-1799. and med wr, 1780-1837. V. Vahl, Vql, Martin, bot Norway, 1749 Varignon, Var-en-y6fi, Pierre, Fr. -1804. [1669-1722. math, 1654- 1722. Vaillant, Val-aft, Sebastian, Fr. bot, Vasari, Vq-s4-re, Giorgio, It. asu, 1512 Valckenaer, Vqlk-en-4r, Louis C., -1574. Dutchphilol and critic, 1715-1820. Vattel, Va-tel, N., wr on juris and Valerius Maximus, Val-g-ri-us Miaks-i- meta, au of "Right of Nations;" mus, Latin, hist, fl. A. D. 30. Swit., -1770. -Emer de, Swiss Valli, V41-e, Eusebius, It. ph, 1762- wr on same subjects, -1767. 1816. Vauban, V@-ban, Sebastian L. Do Valperga De Caluso, Vql-pdr-gq De Fr. military-eng, 1632-1707. Kcql-e-so, Piedmontese math and Vaugelas, Vt)-gu-lq, Claude F. De, ast, 1730-1815. Fr. wr, 1585-d. [-1522. Vanbrugh, Van-brchh, Sir John, Dutch Vaux, Vo, Thomas, Eng of and poet, dsam, 1666-1729. Vega, Vn-gq, Lopez De La, Sp. poet, Van Buren, Van-B4,-ren, Martin, pot 1562-1635. and eighth pres of the U. S., from Veit, Vit, Philipp, Ger. pt, 17931837 to 1841; N-Y., 1782 —-. Velazquez, Val-qt-kdt, Don Diego R. V-Pres. R. HA. Johnston. De Silva Y, Sp. pt, 1599-1660. Vancouver, Van-klf-ver, George, Eng. Venus, VE-nus, f'b, the goddess of nav, -1798. love and beauty. Vanderlyn, Van-der-lin, John, Am. Vespasian, Ves-pA-Ji-an, Titus Flavius, art, N-Y., 1776-1852. Rom. gen, made emp A. D. 69-79. Vandervelde, Vqn-der-val-de, William, Verboeckhoven, Fer-bc k-h6-ven, EuDutch pt, 1610-1693. gen, Flemish pt of animals, 1799Vandyck, Van-dik, Antony, Dutch pt, Vernet, Ver-na, Horace, Fr. pt, 17891599-1641. Vernon, Ver-non, Edward, Eng. adm, Vandyk, Van-dik, Harry Stoe, poet 1684-1751. and misc wr Enog., 1798-1828. Vernon, Robert, found of the Gallery Vane, Van, Sir Henry, rebup, a cham- of British Art, 1774-1849. pion of the English commonwealth, Verplanck, V&r-plajlk, Gulian C., Am. 1612 —ex. 1662. au N-Y. Van Schouten, Fan S@a-s-ten, Dutch Vertot D'Aubceuf, Vtr-t@ Do-bef, navy, 17th cen. Rene Aubert De, Fr. hist, 1655 —d. 176 PERSONAL NAMES. Vesalius, Va-sq-le-c6s, Andreas, anat, Virginia, Ver-jin-i-a, daughter of Virfather of the modern human anatomy, ginius, was stabbed by her father, to Brussels, 1513-1564. prevent the violence which Appius Vico, Vg-ko, Francis De, It. ast and meditated against her, 450 B. C. wr on natphil, -1848. Vivens, Viv-enz, John Louis, one of Vico, Giovanni Battista, the first to the revivers of English literature, propose a philosophical method of 1492-1541. considering human history, Naples, Viviun, Viv-i-un, Richard Hussey, 1668-1744. Lord, British of, 1775-1842. Victoria, Vik-ti-ri-a, Queen of Eng., Viviani, VE-vs-4-ns, Vincentio, It. b. 1819-assumed government 1837. mats, 1622-1703. Vigny, Vin-ye, Count Alfred, Fr. ac, Volkoff, V61-kof, Theodore, Russian 1799- dram, 1729-1763. Villemain, Vil-a-mus, Abel Francois, Volney, V61-na, Constantine C., Comte Fr. savant and pol, 1791- De, Fr. wr, -1820. Villoison, Vil-wo-s6n, Jean Baptiste Volta, V61-tq, Alexander, It. nat p/il, G. D'Anse De, Fr. sc/sol, and discov- the inventor of the Voltaic pile, 1745 erer of the manuscripts of Greek au- -1829. thors, 1750-1805. Voltaire, Vol-t4r, the name assumed Vince, Vins, Samuel, Eng. math and by Francois Marie Aronet, Fr. savant ast au, -1821. who was a phil, essa, poet, hist, etc., Vincent, Vin-sent, Thomas, Eng. non- etc., 1694-1778. con div, au of "Explanation of Cate- Voss, Vos, John Henry, Ger.poet, critic, chism, -1671. [1452-1519. trans, and philot, 1751-1821. Vinci, Vgn-qs, Leonardo Da, It. pt, Vossius, Vos —qfs, Gerard John, Dntch Virgil, V4r-jil, (or Virgilius,) Publius critic, phil and au, 1577-1649. iMaro, most excellent of Rom. poets, Vulcan, Vtil-kan, fab, the god of sub70-18 B. C. terraneous fire. w. Wackernagel, Vqk - ern - -gel, Karl Waller, W61-er, Edmund, Eng. poet, Heinrich Wilhelm, Ger. wr and poet, 1605-1687. 1806- Walpole, W61-pel, Sir Robert, Eng. Waghorn, Lieut. Thomas, R. N., the st and pot, 1676-1745. [ —1797. projector of steam navigation bet. Walpole, Horace, Eng. st and wr, 1717 England and India, 1800-1850. Walsingham, W61-si9-ham, Sir FranWahlenberg, Vql-en-b.rg, George, Ger. cis, Eng. st, 1536-1590. bot, 1784-1814. Walter, W61-ter, John, for many years Waldo, Peter, merch Lyons, found proprietor of the "London Times," sect Waldenses, 12th cen. to whom its great success is chiefly Wales, William, mat/h and astr Eng., owing, 1773-1847. 1734-1798. Walton, W61-ton, Isaac, wr on angling, Walker, W6-ker, Adam, exp p/il and Eng., 1593-1583. lect, 1732 —1821. Wappers, W4-perz, Gustavus, Dutch Walker, John, lex Eng., 1732-1807. pt, 1803Wallace, W61-as, Horace Binney, Am. Warburton, Wer-bur-ton, Eliot Barth. savant, and wr on art, philosophy, Geo., Irish au, 1810-1852. &c., Pa., 1817-1852. Ward, Word, Robert Plumer, Eng. au, Wallace, Sir Wm., Scottish gen, who 1765-1846. sought to rescue his country from Ward, Edward Mathew, Eng. pt, 1816the English yoke, but was betrayed Ware, Wtr, Henry, Am. div and poet by Sir John Montieth, and ex. 1303. Mass., 1794-1843. Wallenstein, W4l-en-stin, Albert, duke Ware, James, Eng. sur, ocultist and of Friedland, Ger. cornman, during au, 1756-1815. the first half of the Thirty Years' Ware, William, Am. diev and misc wr war; 1583-1634. Mass., 1797-1852. PERSONAL NAMES. 177 Waring, Wr-ibj, Edward, Eng. math West, Benjamin, Am. pt, b. in Pa., and wr, 1734 —-1798. 1738-d. in Eng., 1820. Warren, W6r-en, Dr. Joseph, Am. of Westall, William, Eng. art, 1782-1850. who fell at the battle of Bunker Hill, Westmacott, West-ma-kot, Sir Richard, 1741 —1775. Eng. oullp, 1775Warton, W&r-ton, Joseph and Thomas, Weyse, Vi-se, Christopher Ernest Eng. aius and poets, 18th cen. Fred., Ger. dramatic and lyric comp, Warwick, Richard Nevil, Earl of, gen 1774-1842. and st Eng., -1471. Wheaton, Hwg-ton, Henry, Am. law, Washington, George, illustrious as the dip and wr, R. I., 1785-1848. "Father of his Country,"-for his Whipple, Hwip-l, Edwin P., Am. wr love of liberty, his stern advocacy Mass., 1819and defense of human rights, and for Whiston, Hwis-ton, William, Eng. div his many private virtues; first Pres. and nat phil, 1667-1752. U. S., from 1789-1797; Va., 1732 White, Rev. Gilbert, Eng. nat and au, -1799. V-Pres., John Adams. 1720-.-1793. Waterhouse, Benjamin, Am. ph, nat White, Henry Kirke, Eng. poet of great and wr, 1754-1846. promise, whose early death was a Watt, Wot, James, the author of im- nation's regret. 1785-1806. provements in the application of Whitefield, Hwit-feld, Rev. George, steam to motive power, Soot., 1736 found of the Calvinistic Methodists, -1819. Eng., 1714-d. Watts, Isaac, D. D., Brit. div, wr and Whitney, Hwit-ni, Eli, inv of the cotpoet, 1674-1748. ton gin, Mass., 1756-1825. Wayland, Francis, pres of Brown Uni- Whittier, Hwit-i-er, John G., Am. poet versity, and wr, N-Y., 1796- and prose wr Mass., 1808Wayne, Wan, Anthony, mnaj-gen Am. Wieland, V6-lqnd or Vg-lqnt, Christoarmy, Pa., 1745-1796. pher Martin, Ger. poet, dram. and wr, Webb, James Watson, Am. jour and 1733-1813. ed "N-Y. Courier and Enquirer," Wiffen, Jeremiah Holme, Quaker poet 1802- Eng., 1792-1836. Weber, Web-er, Carl Maria Von, Ger. Wilberforce, Wil-ber-fors, William, mus, 1786-1826. Esq., Brit. 8t and philan, 1759-1833. Weber, Henry William, min, wr and Wilkie, Wil-ks, Sir David, Scottish pt, archoe Scot., 1783-1818. [1852. 1785-1841. Webster, Daniel, Am. st Mass., 1782- Wilkins, Sir Chas., F. R. S., ori scholar Webster, Noah, Am. lex Conn., 1758- and wr Eng., 1751-1836. 1843. William I., the Conqueror, asc. the Wedel, George Wolfgang, Ger. ph, and Eng. throne 1066 —d. 1087. au, 1645-1721. William III., k of Eng., stadtholder of Weed, Thurlow, Am. jour and ed "Al- Holland, and Prince of Orange, the bany Evening Journal," 1797- defender of civil and religious libWeinbrenner, Vin-bren-er, Frederic, erty, 1650-1702. Ger. arch, 1766-1828. [1803. William IV., k of Eng., b. 1765-sucWeir, Wer, Robert W., Am. pt N-Y., ceeded to gov. 1830-d. 1837. Weisse, Vjs-e, Christian Felix, Ger. William I. of Nassau, Prince of Ormisc wr and dram poet, 1726-1804. ange, leader in the war of IndepenWellington, W6-ij-ton, Arthur W., dence that established the Dutch Duke of, Brit. comman and st, 1769 Republic, 1533 —k. 1584. -1852. William, two ks of Holland, from 1772 Werner, Abraham Gottlieb, miner and to 1848. geol Ger., 1750-1817. [1785. Williams, Roger, pres of the Colony of Werner, Paul De, Prus. gen, 1707- Rhode Island, 1599-1683. Werner, Zacharias, Ger. dram poet, Willis, Thomas, Eng. anat and p7l, 1768-1823. 1622-1675. Wesley, W&s-li, John, found of the Willis, Nathaniel Parker, Am. poet and Arminian branch of Methodists, Eng., jour, N-Y., 18071703-1791. Wills, Wm. Henry, Eng. jour, 1810Wesley, Charles, brother of the above, Wilson, Alexander, ornitA Pa., 1766preacher, 1708-1788. 1831. 178 PERSONAL NAMES. Wilson, James, Am. law, wr, and sign- Wolff, Volf, Emil, Ger. sculp, 1802er Dec. of lnd., Pa., 1742-1798. Wollaston, W61-aS-ton, Wm. Hyde, Wilson, John, better known by the M. D., Eng. chem, inv of the perisoubriquet of Christopher North, scopic camera, etc., 1766-1828. poet, wr and prof, Scot., 1788-1854. Wolsey, WAl-zi, Thomas, a powerful Wilson, Sir Robert, Brit. gen, 1777- Cardinal of Eng., 1471-1530. 1849. Woodhouse, Wfid-h-s, Robert, Eng. Wilson, Richard, R. A., Brit. pt, -1782. math, 1773-1827. Wilson, Horace Hayman, prof of Sans- Woodhouse, James, Am. chem and ph,. krit at the University of Oxford, and 1770-1809. wr, Eng. Wool, Wull, John E., Am. gen, N-Y., Winclemann, Virjk-le-mqn, John Joa- 1789- [1785. chim, eel. in msthetical and art lit- Woollett, William, Eng. engr, 1735erature, Ger., 1718-1768. Worcester, Wir-ster, Joseph E., lex Windischgratz, Vin-dif-grqts, Prince Mass., 18 - generalissimo of the Austrian troops, Wordsworth, Wdrdz-wurt, William, 1786- Brit. poet, 1770-1850. Winsor, Win-zor, Frederic Albert, the Worth, Wurt, W. I., maj-gen Am. projector of gas-lights, Eng., -1830. army, N-Y., 1794 —1849. Winthrop, John, first gov of Mass., Wouverman, Wc6-ver-mcn, Philip, pt, 1587-1676. b. at Haarlem, 1620 —1668. Wirt, Wert, Win., Am. law and misc Wraxall, Raks-el, Sir Nathaniel Wm., war Va., 1772-1835. Eng. tray and hist wr, 1751-1831. Wirth, Virt, John Geo. Aug., Ger. pol Wrede, Vr6d-e, Field-marshal Prince, wr, 1800- Bavarian soldier and st, 1767-1839. Withers, George, Eng.poet, 1588-1667. Wren, Ren, Sir Christopher, dist. as Witherspoon, John, D. D., LL. D., clersg England's greatest arch, 1632-1723. Scot., pres of Princeton College, U. Wright, Rat, Silas, Am. st N-Y., 1795S., signer Dec. of Ind., &c., -1794. 1847. Withmer, Vit-mer, Michael, Ger. hist Wright, Thomas, Eng. wr and lit ed, pt, 1803- Wurtemberg, William I., King of, b. Wolcott, W61-kot, John, assumed name 1781-assumed gov. 1816Peter Pindar,-sat poet and hum Wyatt, Wi-at, R. J., Eng. sculp, 1795 Eng., 1738 —1819. -1850. [1503-1541. Wolcott, Oliver, gov Conn., and signer Wyatt, Sir Thomas, Eng. st and poet, Dec. of Ind., 1727-1797. Wycherley, Wi-ker-li, Wm., comic Wolf, ~alf, Fred. Augustus, philol dram Eng., 1640-1715. and wr Ger., 1759-1824. Wycliffe, Wicklyffe, or Wiclif, WikWolf, John Christian, voluminous wr lif, John De, Eng. div and church and superficial phil Ger., 1679-1754. ref, 1324-1384. Wolfe, Walf, Charles, Irish poet, au Wyndham, Wind-ham, Sir William, of'Ode on the Death of Sir Jchn Eng. st, 1687-1763. Moore,' 1791-1823. [1759. Wythe, Wit, Am. st, and signer Dec. Wolfe, Gen. James, Brit. of, 1726-k. of Ind., 1726-1806. X. Xantippe, Zan-tip-e, wife of Socrates, Xenocrates, Zs-n6k-ra-tez, Greek phil, had a morose and violent temper, 314 B. C. 460 B. C. Xenophon, Z6n-o-fon, Athenian phil, Xantippus, Zan-tip-us, Lacedwemonian sold and hist, 370 B. C. gen, in the service of the Cartha- Xerxes, Zerks-ez, k Persia, who entered genians. Greece with an army of 5,283,220; Xavier, Za-vi-a, Jerome, jesuit and was stopped at Thermopylke by 300 mis to East Indies, — 1617. Spartans under Leonidas; murdered, 454 B. C. PERSONAL NAMES. 179 Y. Yale, Elihu, native of Conn., went to Young, Mathew, Irish math and au, Eng., became goi East India Comp., 1750-d. and gave liberally to establish Yale Young, Thomas, Eng. nat phil. He College, -1721. is principally distinguished for two Yearsley, Ygrz-li, Anne, dram wr things. First, he contests with FresEng., 1756-1806. nel the glory of founding the UnduYeates, Yats, Thomas, ori scholar latory Theory of Light. Second, he Eng., 1768-1839. was the first to detect the key to York, the House of, rival of that of phonetic Hieroglyphics; 1773-1829. Lancaster, in claim for the crown of Ypsilanti, Ep-ss-l1n-te, three Greek England. princes, who have endeavored to York, Frederick, Duke of, comman, of achieve the independence of their the British army, 1763-1827. country; they lived from 1760 to Yorke, Philip, geneal and hist Eng., 1832. 1743-1804. Yriarte, Er-s-4r-ta, Don Juan De, Sp. Young, Edward. Eng. poet-aau of archce and philol, 1702-1771. "Night Thoughts," 1684-1765. Z. Zachariah, Zak-a-ri-a, prophet of the Zimmermann, Tsim-er-mqn, Eberhard, Messiah, 400 B. C. Augustus W. Von, Ger. nat and au, Zahn, Tsqn, Job. Karl Wilh., arch, pt, 1743 —1815. and prof. of arts, Ger., 1800- Zinzendorf, Tsin-tsen-dorf, Nicholas, Zaionezek, Zq-s-dn-gek, Joseph, Polish Louis, Couat Von, found of the gen, 1752-1826. [1802. Moravian Brethren, Ger., 1700-1760. Zaleski, Zq-16s-ke, Bohdan, Polish poet, Ziska, Tsis-kqc, (or John Trocznow,) Zamoski, Zq-m6s-ke, John, a dist. Ger. leader in the religious wars, Polander, 16th cen. 1380-1425. Zanotti, Dzqn-6t-e, J. P., It. pt and Zoroaster, Zo-r@-4s-ter, Persian phil, poet, 1674-1765. [15th cen. found Majian religion, said to have Zarco, Z4r-kn, John G., Port. nav, predicted the coming of the Messiah. Zea, Hd-q, Don Francisco Aatonio, bot Zorrilla, Rnr-9l-yq, Jose, Sp. poet and and st, N-Gran., 1770-1822. dram, 1817Zendrini, Tsen-dri-ns, Bernardo, math Zschokke, Ts-j6k-e, Heinrich, Ger. and hydraulic eng, Aust., 1679-1747. List, nov and dram, 1771-1848. Zeno, DzA-no, Nicolo and Antonio, are Zschukowskii, Ts-flc-ki-ske, (?) Wasalleged to have discovered America silii Andrejewitsch, Rus. poet, 1783prior to the voyage of Columbus; Zumbo, Dzcfm-bQ, Gaetano Julio, Sil15th cen. ician art, 1656-1701. Zeno, Zg-no, stoic phil, Cyprus, stran- Zumpt, Tscompt, Karl Gottlob, Ger. gled himself 264 B. C., aged 98. Latinist, 1792Zenobia, Ze-n6-bi-a, queen of Palmyra, Zwingli, Tsvij-gle, Ulrick, the great and empress of the East, -280. Swiss reformer 1484-k. 1531. PRONUNCIATION OF SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Aalar, a'a-lar. Abidah, A-bi-da. Accad, Ak'ad. Aaron, A'ron. Abidan, Ab'i-dan. Accaron, Ak'a-.ron. Ab, Ab. Abiel, a'bi-el. Accho, Ak'Q. Abacue, Ab'a-kq,. Abiezer, aI-bi-i-zer. Accos, Ak'os. Abadah, Ab'a-dq. Abiezrite, a-bi-&z-rit. Accoz, Ak'oz. Abaddon, A-bad-on. Abigal, Ab'i-gal. Aceldama, A-sdl-da-mq. Abadias, Ab-a-di-as. Abihail, Ab-i-ha-il. Achab, E'kab. Abagtha, A-big-ta. Abihu, A-bi-hn. Achad, U'kad. Abal, a'bal. Abihud, A-bi-hud. Achaia, A-ka-ya. Abana, Ab'a-nq. Abijah, A-bi-ja. Achaicus, A-kU-i-kus. Abarim, Ab'a-rim. Abijam, A-bi-jam. Achan, ~'kan. Abaron, Ab'a-ron. Abilene, Ab-i-li-ne. Achar, f'kar. Abba, Ab'a. Abimael, A-bim-a-el. Achaz, Ef'kaz. Abda, Ab'da. Abimelech, A-bim-e-lek. Achbor, Ak'ber. Abdi, Ab di. Abinadab, A-bin-a-dab. Achiacharus, U-ki-b[k-aAbdias, Ab-di-as. Abinoam, A-bin-o-am. rus. Abdiel, Ab'di-el. Abiram, A-bi-ram. Achim, W'kim. Abdon, Ab'don. Abirom, A-bi-rom. Achimelech, A-kim-e-lek. Abednego, A-bdd-ne-go. Abisai, A-bis-a-i. Achior, ~['ki-er. Abel, EL'bel. Abisei, Ab-i-s-ij. Achiram, A-ki-ram. Abel Bethmaacah, El'bl Abishag, Ab'i-fag. Achish, if'kif. Bet-ma-a-kcq. Abishahar, A-biJ-a-hqr. Achitob, Ak'i-tob, or Abel Maim, a'bel MA-im. Abishai, A-bif-a-i. Achitub, Ak'i-tnb. Abel Meholath, El'bel Mg- Abishalam, Ab-ij-a-lam,or Achitophel, A-kit-o-fel. bh-lat. [ra-im. Abishalom, Ab-i-Ji'-lom. Achmetha, Ak'me-tq, or Abel Mizraim, I'bel Miz- Abishua, A-bif-qc-q, or Ak-mg-ta. Abel Shittim,'[Ibel Zit- A-bi-Sf-q. Achor, a'ker. im. Abishur, Ab'i-fur. Achsa, Ak'sa.. Abesan, Ab's-san. Abisum, Ab'i-sum. Achshaph, Ak'faf. Abesar, Ab's-sar. Abital, Ab'i-tal. Achzib, Ak'zib. Abez, aI'bez. Abitub, Ab'1-tub. Acipha, As'i-fqt. Abgarus, Ab'ga-rus. Abiud, A-bi-ud. Acitho, As'i-~t. Abi, a'bi. Abner, Ab'ner. Acua, A-k4-cx. Abia, A-bi-a, or Abram, ~t'bram, or Acub, [l'kub. Abiah, A-bi-a. Abraham, ~['bra-ham. Ada, E['da. Abialbon, aI-bi-il-bon. Absalom, Ab'sa-lom Adad, U'dad. Abiasaph, A-hl-a-saf. Abubus, A-bi-bus. Adada, Ad'a-dq, Abiathar, A-bj-a-tqr. Acaron, Ak'a-ron. Adadah, Ad'a-dq. Abib, U'bib. Acatan, Ak'a-tan. Adadezer, Ad-ad-4-zer. (181) 182 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Adadrimmon, Ad-ad-rim- Agabus, Ag'a-bis. Ai, ~['. on. Agag, El'gag. Aiah, a[t-a. Adah, EI'da. Agagite, EI'gag-jt. Aiath, a-i-at. Adaiah, Ad-a-j-a. Agar, a'gar. Aija, aEI —ja. Adalia, Ad-a-li-a. Agarenes, Ag-a-rdnz. Aijah, al-ja. Adam, Ad'am. Agee, Ag's-e. Aijalon, Aj'a-lon. Adama, Ad'a-mq, or Aggeus, A-gd-us. [bor. Aijeleth Shahar, Aje'-let Adamah, Ad'a-mq. Agnothtabor, Ag-not-ta- da-har. Adami, Ad'a-mj. Agur, a'gur. Ain, a'in. Adami Nekeb, Ad'a-mi Ahab, a'hab. Aioth, ~a-i-ot. Nd-keb. Aharah, A-har-a. Airus, a-i-rus. Adar, E'dar. Aharal, A-har-al. Ajalon, Aj'a-lon. Adasa, Ad'a-sq. Ahasai, A-has-a-i. [rus. Akkub, Ak'ub. Adatha, Ad'a-tq. Ahasuerus, A-has-yq-9- Akrabbim, Ak-rab-im. Adbeel, Ad'be-el. Ahava, A-hA-va. Alamelech, A-lam-&-lek. Addan, Ad'an. Ahaz, a'haz. Alameth, Al'a-met. Addar, Ad'ar. Ahazai, A-haz-a-i. Alamoth, Al'a-mob. Addi, Ad'i. Ahaziah, a-ha-zi-a. Alcimus, Al'si-mus. Addin, Ad'in. Ahban,'ilban. Alema, Al's-mcq. Addo, Ad'u. Aher, a'her. Alemeth, A-li-met. [q. Addus, Ad'us. Ahi, a'hi. Alexandria, Al-eks-an-driAder, a'der. Ahia, A-hi-a. Alexandrion, Al-eks-anAdida, Ad'i-dq. Ahiam, A-hi-am. dri-on. Adiel, ~t'di-el. Ahiezer, a-hi-d-zer. Aliah, A-li-a. Adin, aI'din. Ahihud, A-hi-hud. Alian, A-li-an. Adina, Ad'i-nq. Ahijah, A-hi-ja. Allelujah, Al-E-lI-yq. Adino, Ad'i-no. Ahikam, A-hi-kam. Allom, Al'om. [hut. Adinus, Ad'i-nus. Ahilud, A-hi-lud. Allon Bachuth, Allon BkAditha, Ad'i-tq. Ahimaaz, A-him-a-ax. Almodad, Al'm@-dad. Adithaim, Ad-i-tA-im. Ahiman, A-hi-man. Almon Diblathaim, Al'mon Adlai, Ad'la-j. Ahimelech, A-him-s-lek. Dib-la-tA-im. Admah, Ad'mc. Ahimoth, A-hi-mot. Alnathan, Al'na-tan. Admatha, Ad'ma-tq. Ahinadab, A-hin-a-dab. Aloth, a'lot. Adna, Ad'na. Ahincam, A-hin-o-am. Alpha, Al'fa. Adnah, Ad'na. Abio, A-hi-c. Alpheus, Al-fd-us. Adonai, Ad'@-na. Ahira, A-hi-ra. Altaneus, Al-ta-nd-us. Adonias, Ad-@-nI-as. Ahiram, A-hi-rfam. Altaschith, Al-tAs-kit. Adonibezek, A-don-i-bg- Ahiramites, A-hI-ram-its. Altekon, Al'te-kon. zek. Ahisamach, A-his-a-mak. Alush, a'luf. Adonijah, Ad-@-ni-ja. Ahishahur, A-hif-a-hur. Alvah, Al'va, or Adonikam, A-d6n-i-kam. Ahisham, A-hi-fam. Alvan, Al'van. Adoniram, Ad-on-i-ram. Ahishar, A-hi-jar. Amad, a'mad. Adonizedek, A-don-i-zd- Ahitob, A-hI-tob. Amadatha, A-mad-a-tq. dek. Ahitophel, A-hit-@-fel. Amadathus, A-mad-a-tus. Adora, A-d6-ra. Ahitub, A-hi-tub. Amal, a'mal. Adoraim, Ad-o-rA-im. Ahiud, A-hj-ud. Amalda, A-mal-da. Adoram, A-dS-ram. [lek. Ahlah, f'la. Amalek, Am'a-lek. Adramelech, A-dram-E- Ahlai, H'la, or f-lg-i, Amalekites, Am'a-lek-jts. Adria, El'dri-a. Ahoe, A-hG-c, or Aman, a'man. Adriel, Ia'dri-el. Ahoah, A-h-a. Amana, Am'a-nq. Aduel, A-di-el. Ahoite, A-hA-jt. Amariah, Am-a-ri-a. [sq. Adullam, A-ddl-am. Aholah, A-hA-la. Amasa, A-ma-sa, orAm'aAdummim, A-dum-im. Aholba, A-h61-ba. Amasai, A-mas-a-i. Aedias, a[-s-di-as. Aholbah, A-h61-ba. Amashiah, Am-a-Si-a..Agypt, 8'jipt. Aholiab, A-h(-li-ab. Amatheis, Am-a-tg-is. 2.Eneas, 8-nd-as, ( Virgil.) Aholibah, A-h61-i-bq. [mq. Amathis, Am'a-tis. AEneas, 8'ns-as, (Acts ix.) Aholibamah, El-ho-lib-a- Amaziah, Am-a-zI-a. JEnon, 8'non. Ahumai, A-hi,-ma-i. Amen, aI-mdn..Enos, 8'nos. Ahuzam, A-h4-zam. Ami, E'mi. Agaba, Ag'a-bq. Ahuzzah, A-hdz-a. Aminadab, A-min-a-dab. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 183 Amittai, A-mit-a-i. Antipha- An'ti-fq. Arelites, A-ri-lits. Amizabad, A-miz-a-bad. Antonia, An-t6-ni-q. Areopagite, [i-re-6p-a-jit. Ammadatha, A-mdd-a-tq. Antothijah, An-tr-t -jd. Areopagus, a-rs-6p-a-gus, Amma, Am'a. Antothite, An'tot-it. or Ar-e-6p-a-gus. Ammi, Am'j. Anub, [i'nub. Ares, Wi'rez. Ammidioi, A-mid-i-r. [el. Anus, E['nus. Aretas, A-ri-tas. Ammiel, Am'i-el, or A-mi- Apamea, Ap-a-md-a. Areus, A-rd-us. Ammihud, A-mi-hud. [a-i. Apharaim, Af-a-rd-im. Argob, fr'gob. Ammishaddai, Am-i-fad- Apharsathchites, A - f4r- Argol, fr'gol. Ammon, Am'on. sat-kits. Aridai, A-rid-a-i. Ammonites, Am'on-its. Apharsites, A-fAr-sits. Aridatha, A-rid-a-tq. Amnon, Am'non. Aphek, [i'fek. Arieh, A-ri-e. Amok, ['mok. Aphekah, A-f~-ka. Ariel, a'ri-el. Amon, [I'mon. Apherema, A-fer-e-mq. Arimathea, Ar-i-ma-te-a. Amorites, Am'@-rits. Apherra, A-fer-a. Arioch, ['ri-ok. Amos, aE'mos. Aphiah, A-fi-a. Arisai, A-ris-a-i. [lus. Amplias, Am'pli-as. Aphrah, Af'ra. Aristobulus, Ar-is-to-bftAmram, Am'ram. Aphses, Af'sEz. Arkites, frk'its. [on. Amramites, Am'ram-its. Apocalypse, A-pok-a-lips. Armageddon, flr-ma-gddAmran, Am'ran. Apocrypha. A-p6k-ri-fq. Armishadai, fr-mi- SidAmraphel, Am'ra-fel. Apallos, A-p61-os. a-i. Amzi, Am'zi. Apollyon, A-p61-yon. Armon, fir'mon. Anab, E'nab. Appaim, Ap'a-im. Arnan, flr'nan. Anael, An'a-el. Apphia, Af'i-q. Arnepher, flr'ne-fer. Anah, [a'na. Apphus, Af'us. Arnon, fir'non. Anaharath, An-a-hfi-rat. Aquila, Ak'wi-lq. Arod, a['rod. Anaiah, An-a-i-a. Ar, fir. Arodi, Ar'@-di. Anak, aE'nak. Ara, a['ra. Aroer, Ar'a-er. Anakims, An'a-kimz. Arab, ['rab. Arom, [['rom. Anamelech, A-nam-e-lek. Arabah, Ar'a-bq. Arpad, flr'pad, or Anamim, An'a-mim. Arabattine, Ar-a-bft-i-ne. Arphad, flr'fad. Anan, aE'nan. Arabia, A-ra-bi-q. Arphaxad, fir-faks-ad. Anani, An-6-ni. Arad, ['rad. Arsaces, Hr'sa-sez. Ananiah, An-a-ni-a. Aradite, [a'rad-jt. Artemas, fir'te-mas. Ananias, An-a-ni-as. Aradus, Ar'a-dus. Aruboth, Hr'yrL-bot. Ananiel, A-nan-i-el. Arah, a'ra. Arumah, A-r6-ma. Anath, ['nat. Aram, a'ram. Arvad, flr'vad. Anathema, A-nat-e-mq. Aran, [a'ran. Arvadites, fr'vad-Its. Anathoth, An'a-tot. Ararat, Ar'a-rat. Arza, Pfr'za. Anathothite, An'a-tot-it. Araunah, A-r6-na. Asa, ~['sa. Andrew, An'drco. Arba, or Arbah, fr'ba. Asadias, As-a-dj-as. Andronikus, An - dro -ni- Arbal, fir'bal. Asael, As'a-el. kus, or An-dr6n-i-kus. Arbattis, flr-bat-is. Asahel, As'a-hel. Anem, a'nem, or Arbela, flr-bd-la. (Syria.) Asaiah, As-a-i-a. Anen, ['nen. Arbella, fr-bel-a. Asana, As'a-nq. Aner, [a'ner. Arbite, Qr'bit. Asaph, [a'saf. Anes, ~t'nes. Arbonai, qr-b6-na-i. Asaphar, As'a-fqr. Aneth, [['net. Archelaus, fir-ke-l-us. Asara, As'a-rq. Aniam, [a'ni-am. Archestratus, flr-kds-tra- Asareel, A-sAr-e-el. Anim, a'nim. tus. Asarelah, As-a-ri-la. Anna, An'a. Archevites, flr'ks-vits. Asbazareth, As-bdz-a-ret. Annaas, An'a-as. Archi, flr'ki. [rot. Ascalon, As'ka-lon. Annas, An'as. Archiataroth, flr-ki-at-a- Aseas, A-s~-as. Annuus, A-nqk-us. [nus. Archippus, Qr-kip-us. Asebebia, A-seb-e-bj-a. Antilibanus, An-ti-lib-a- Archites, -rk'its. Asebia, As-e-bi-a. Antioch, An'ti-ok. Ard, fird. Asenath, As'e-nat. Antiochis, An-tj-a-kis. Ardath, fir'dat. Aser, i'ser. Antiochus, An-ti-a-kus. Ardites, fird'its. Aserar, A-sd-rar. Antipas, An'ti-pas. Ardon, Hfr'don. Ashabiah, AS-a-bI-a. Antipatras, An-tip-a-tris, Areli, A-ri-1. Ashan, aI'ian. 184 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Ashbea, AJ'bs-c. Atharias, At-a-ri-as. [us. Ashbel, Aj'bel. Athenobius, At-E-n6-biAshbelites, Af'bel-its. Athens, At'enz. B1 Ashdod, AJ'dod. Athlai, At'la. Ashdothites, Al'dot-ts. Atroth, At'rot. Ashdoth Pisgah, A['dot Attai, At'a. Baal, BA-al, or Piz-ga. Attalia, At-a-li-a, Bel, Bel. Ashean, ['SI-an. Attalus, At'a-lus. Baalah, Ba-a-lc. Asher, AJ'er. Attharates, At-tar-a-tez. Baalath, Ba-al-at. Ashimath, AJ'i-mat. Augia, O'ji-q. Baalath Beer, - Be-er. Ashkenaz, AJ'ke-naz Auranitis, 0-ra-ni-tis. Baal Berith, BA-al Bg-rit. Ashnah, Aj'na. Auranus, 0-rA-nus. Baal Gad,- Gad. Ashon, a'Son. Auteus, 0-tg-us. Baal Hamon, - Ham-on. Ashpenaz, Aj'pe-naz. Ava, E['va. Baal Hanan, - Han-an. Ashriel, Af'ri-el. Avaran, Av'a-ran. Baal Hazor, - Ha-zor. Ashtaroth, AS'ta-rot. [its. Aven, ['ven. Baal Hernon, - Her-non. Ashtarothites, AS'ta-rot- Avim, a'vim. Baali, BA-al-j. Ashtemoth, Af'te-mot. Avims, tI'vimz. Baalim, Bd-al-im. Ashuath, A-Jfl-at. Avites, *U'vjts. Baalis, Bi-a-lis. Ashur, Aj'ur. Avith, a'vit. Baalle, BA-al-s. Ashurim, A-S,-rim. Azaelus, Az-a-g-lus. Baal Meon, BA-al Me-on. Ashurites, AJ'ur-Its. Azah, ['za. Baal Peor, - Pg-or. Asia, ~1'Ji-a. Azal, a'zal. Baal Perazim, - Pdr-aAsibias, As-i-bi-as. Azaliah, Az-a-li-a. zim. [Iq. Asiel, E['si-el. Azania, Az-a-ni-a. Baal Shalisha, -]El-iAsipha, As'i-fq. Azaphion, A-zA-fi-on. Baal Tamar, -- TA-mar. Askelon, As'ks-lon. Azara, Az'a-rq. Baal Zebub, - Zg-bub. Asmadai, As'maoda. Azareel, A-zit-rs-el. Baal Zephon, - Zg-fon. Asmaveth, As'ma-vet.' Azariah, Az-a-ri-a. Baana, Ba-a-nq. Asmodeus, As-m@-de-us. Azarias, Az-a-ri-as. Baanah, Ba-a-nq. Asmoneans, As - m@ -ng - Azaz, ['zaz. Baanan, Ba-a-nan. anz. Azazel, A-z6a-zel. Baanath, BA-a-nat. Asnah, As'na. Azaziah, Az-a-zi-a. Baanias, Ba-a-nI-as. Asnapper, As-nap-er. Azbazareth, Az-bAz-a-ret. Baara, BA-a-rq. Asochis, A-s&-kis. Azbuk, Az'buk. Baasha, BA-a-Jq. Asom, a'som. Azekah, A-zi-ka. Baashah, Ba-a-Jq. Aspatha, As'pa-tq. Azel, a'zel. Baasiah, Ba-a-sI-a. Asphar, As~far. Azem, ['zem. Babel, Ba-bel. Aspharasus, As-far-a-sus. Azephurith, Az-s-fi-rit. Babi, Ba-bl. Asriel, As'ri-el. Azer, ['zer. Babylon, BAb-i-lon. Assabias, As-a-bI-as. Azetas, A-zi-tas. Baca, Ba-ka. Assalimoth, A-sAl-i-mot. Azgad, Az'gad. Bacchurus, Ba-kit-rus. Assanias, As-a-nI-as. Azia, A-zI-a. Bachrites, BAk-rits. Assideans, As-i-dg-anz. Aziei, A-zi-z-1. Bachuth Allon, Bak-ut Assir, As'er. Aziel,'zi-el. Al'on. Assos, As'os. Aziza, A-zI-za. Bagoas, Ba-g6-as. Astaroth, As'ta-rot. Azmaveth, Az'ma-vet. Bagoi, BAg —. [it. Astarte, As-tqr-te. Azmon, Az'mon. [bor. Baharumite, Ba-hA-rumAstath, As'tat. Aznoth Tabor, Az'not Ta- Bahurim, Ba-h-6-rim. Asuppim, A-sdp-im. Azor, a'zor. Bajith, BA-jit. Asyncritus, A-sin-kri-tus. Azotus, A-z6-tus. Bakbaker, Bak-bAk-er. Atad, U['tad. Azriel, Az'-ri-el. Bakbuk, Bak-buk. Atarah, At'a-rq. Azrikam, Az'ri-kam. Bakbukiah, Bak-buk-I-a. Atargatis, A-tcr-ga-tis. Azubah, A-zi,-ba. Balaarm, Ba-lam. Ataroth, At'a-rot. Azur, ['zur. Baladan, BAl-a-dan. Ater, tE'ter. Azuran, Az'y-r-ran. Balah, Ba-la. Aterezias, At-e-re-zI-as. Azymites, Az'i-mits. Balak, Ba-lak. Athack, El'tak. Azzah, Az'a. Balamo, BAl-a-ma. Athaiah, At-a-I-a. Azzan, Az'an. Balanus, BAl-a-nus. Athaliah, At-a-lI-a. Azzur, Az'ur. Balthasar, Bal-Ua-sar. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 185 Bamah, BA-ma. Beer, Bi-er. Besor, Be-sor. Bamoth, Ba-mot. ral. Beera, Be-o-rd. Betah, Bi-ta. Bamoth Baal, BA-mot Ba- Beerah, Be-g-ra, or Beten, Bg-ten. Ban, Ban. Berah, Bd-ra. Bethabara, Bet-ab-a-rq. Banaias, Ban-a-i-as. Beerelim, Be-6r-e-lim. Bethebarah, Bet-ab-a-rq,. Bani, Ba-ni. Beeri, Be-g-ri. [i-re. Bethanath, Bdt-a-nat. Banid, BA-nid. Beerlahairoi, Be-er-la-hA- Bethanoth, Bdt-a-not. Bannus, BAn-us. Beeroth, Be-g-rot. Bethany, Bdt-a-ni. Banuas, Ban-yq,-as. Beerothites, Be-g-rot-its. Betharabah, Bet-ar-a-bq. Barabbas, Ba-rAb-as. Beersheba, Be-dr-fs-bq. Betharam, Bdt-a-ram. Barachel, Bar-a-kel. Beeshterah, Bs-df-te-rq. Betharbel, Bet-Ar-bel. Barachiah, Bar-a-ki-a. Behemoth, Bg-he-mot. Bethaven, Bet-A-ven. Barachias, Bar-a-ki-as. Bekah, Bg-ka. Bethazmaveth, Bet-&z-maBarak, BA-rak. Bela, Bd-lac. vet. [mg-on. Barcenor, Bqr-se-nor. Belaites, Bg-la-Its. Bethbaalmeon, Bet-ba-alBargo, B4r-gc. Belemus, Bdl-e-mus. Bethbara, Bet-ba-ra. Barhumites, Bqr-hQ-mjts. Belgai, B6l-ga-j. Bethbarah, Bet-ba-ra. Bariah, Ba-rI-a. Belial, Bd-li-al. Bethbasi, BOt-ba-sj. Barjesus, Bqr-jg-sis. Belmaim, B61-ma-im. Bethbirei, Bet-bir-e-i. Barjona, Bqr-j6-na. Belmen, Be1-men. Bethcar, Bdt-kar. Barkos, Bqr-kos. Belshazzar, Bel-jaz-ar. [ar. Bethdagon, Bet-da-gon. Barnabas, Bqr-na-bas. Belteshazsar, Bel - ts - Jaz- Bethdiblathaim, Bet-dibBarodis, Ba-rb-dis. Ben, Ben. la-tA-im. Barsabas, B4r-sa-bas. Benaiah, Be-nai-ya. Bethel, Bdt-el. Bartacus, Bfr-ta-kus. [mr. Benammi, Ben-Am-i. Bethelite, Bdt-el-It. Bartholomew, Bqr-t6l-a- Beneberak, Ben-6b-e-rak. Bethemek, Bet-d-mek. Bartimeus, Bqr-ti-mg-us. Benejaakam, Ben-e-jfaa- Bether, BW-ter. Baruch, BA-ruk. kam. [Ben-hA-dad. Bethesda, BE-tdz-da. Barzillai, Bqr-zil-a-n. Benhadad, Bdn-ha-dad, or Bethezel, Bet-g-zel. Bascama, Bas-ka-mq. Benhail, Ben-ha-il. Bethgader, Bet-gA-der. Bashan, BAi-Jan, or Benhanan, Ben-ha-nan. Bethgamul, Bet-gA-mul. Bassan, BAs-an. Beninu, Bdn-i-ntq. Bethhaccerim, Bet -hakBashan Havoth Fair, BM- Benjamin, Ben-ja-min. se-rim. fan HA-vot Fa-er. Benjamite, Bdn-ja-mjt. Bethharan, Bet-hA-ran. Bashemath, Ba&-e-mat. Benjamites, Bdn-ja-mjts. Bethhoglah, Bet-h6g-la. Baslith, BAs-lit. Beno, Bi-no. Bethhoron, Bet-h6-ron. Basmath, BAs-mat. Benoni, Be-nA-ni. Bethjesimoth, Bet -js-iBassa, Bas-a. Benui, Bs-nfi-j. mot. Bastai, Bis-ta-j. Benzoheth, Ben-z6-het. Bethlebaoth, Bet-ldb-a-ot. Batane, Bat-a-ne. Beon, Bi-on. Bethlehem, Bdt-le-hem. Bath, Bat. Beor, BE-or. Bethlehem Ephratah, BBBathaloth, BAt-a-lot. Bera, Bg-ra. le-hem Ef'ra-tq. [it. Bathrabbim, Bat-rib-im. Berachah, Bdr-a-kq. Bethlehemite, BdJ-le-hemBathsheba, BAt-je-bq. Berachiah, Ber-a-ki-a. Bethlehem Judah, Bdt-leBathshua, Bat-fij-a. Beraiah, Ber-a-i-a. hem JiA-da. Bavai, BAv-a-j. Berea, Be-rd-a. Bethlomon, Bet-l6-mon. Bealiah, Be-a-lI-a. Bered, BW-red. Bethmaacah, Bet - ma - aBealoth, B9-a-lot. Beri, BW-r. kq. [ka-bot. Bean, Bg-an. Beriah, Be-rI-ac. Bethmarcaboth, Bet-m4rBebai, Bdb-a-j. Berites, Bi-rits. Bethmeon, Bet-mg-on. Becher, Bg-qer. Berith, B9-rit. [nis. Bethnimrah, Bet-nim-ra. Bechorath, Be-kA-rat. Bernice, Ber-nI-se, or Ber- Bethoron, Bet-6-ron. Bechtileth, Bdk-ti-let. Berodach Baladan, Be-r6- Bethpalet, Bet-pA-let. Bedad, Bg-dad. dak Bal-a-dan. Bethpazzer, Bet-pAz-er. Bedaiah, Bed-a-I-a. Beroth, Bd-rot. Bethpeor, Bet-pg-or. Beeliada, Be-el —a-dq. Berothai, Bdr-@-ta. Bethphage, B6t-fa-je. Beelsarus, Be-6l-sa-rus. Berothath, Bs-r6-tat. Bethphelet, Bdt-fe-let. Beeltethmus, Be - el - t6t- Beryl, Bdr-il. Bethrabah, Bdt-ra-bq. mus. Berzelus, Ber-zd-lus. Bethrapha, Bt-ra-fq. Beelzebub, B-6l-zse-bub. Besodiah, Bes-Q-dj-a. Bethrehob, Bet-re-hob. 16 186 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Bethsaida, Bet-sA-i-dq.'Boscath, BWs-kat. Caphtorim, KAft-to-rim. Bethsamos, BWt-sa-mos. Bosor, Bc-sor. Caphtorims, KAf-to-rimz. Bethshan, Bdt-f an. Bosora, B6s-o-rq. Cappadocia, Kap-a-d6-fiBethshean, Betf-If-an. Bosrah, B6z-ra, q. [on. Bethshemesh, BMt-lf-meJ. Bozez, B6-zez. Carabasion, Kar-a-ba-3iBethshittah, Bet-fit-a. Bozrah, B6z-rcL. Carchamis, Kjr-ka-mis. Bethsimos, BMt-si-mos. Brigandine, Brig-an-din. Carchemish, Kqr-ke-mif. Bethsura, Bet-sil-ra. [q. Bukki, Bdk-i. Careah, Ka-r-cta. Bethtappua, Bet-tip-ytq- Bukkiah, Buk-i-cI. Caria, Kd-ri-a. Bethuel, BE-tit-el. Bul, Bul. Carcas, Kjr-kas. [anz. Bethul, BM-tul. Bunah, BAi-nct. Carmanians, Kctr-ma-niBethulia, Bet-yqt-1-q. Bunni, Bi.n-i. Carme, K4r-ms. Bethzor, Bkt-zor. Buz, Buz. Carmel, K4r-mel. Bethzor, Bdt-zur. Buzi, B 1i-zi. Carmelite, Klr-mel-jt. [es. Betolius, Be-t6-li-us. Buzite, Biz-it. Carmelitess, K4r-mel-itBetomestham, Bet-o-m6s- Carmi, K4r-mi. tam. Carmites, Kqr-mits. Betonim, Bdt-o-nim. Carnaim, Kqr-na-im. Beulah, Be-yif-la. Carnion, K4r-ni-on. Bezai, Bs-za. Carpus, K6r-pus. Bezaleel, BE-zil-e-el. Carshena, Kcr-fs-na. Bezek, B9-zek. Cab, Kab. Casiphia, Ka-sif-i-q. Bezer, Be-zer, or Cabbon, KEb-on. Casleu, KAs-lrq. Bozra, B6z-ra. Cabhem, KAb-ham. Caslubim, Kas-lq,-bim. Bezeth, Bg-zet. Cabul, KA-bul. Casphor, Kas-fer. Biatas, Bi-a-tas. Caddis, Kad-is. Caspis, KAs-pis, or Bichri, Bik-ri. Cades, Kit-dez. Casphin, Kas-fin. Bidkar, Bid-kar. Cadesh, KA-def. Cathuath, Ka-tAf-at. Bigthah, Big-ta. Caiaphas, Ka-ya-fas, or Cedron, Si-dron. Bigthan, Big-tan. Ka-a-fas. Ceilan, SI-lan. Bigthana, Big-ta-nq. Cain, Kan. Celemia, Sel-s-mi-a. Bigvai, Big-va-i. Cainan, Ka-I-nan. Cenchrea, S6n-kre-a. Bildad, Bil-dad. Cairites, Ka-rits. Cendebeus, Sen-dc-b&us. Bileam, Bil-E-am. Calah, KA-la. [a-lus. Centurion, Sen-tl-ri-on. Bilgah, Bil-ga. Calamolalus, Kal-a-m6l- Cephas, S6-fas. Bilgai, Bil-ga-i. Calamus, Kal-a-mus. Ceras, Sg-ras. Bilha, or Bilhah, Bil-ha. Calcol, KlAl-kol. Ceteb, SE-teb. Bilhan, Bil-han. Caldees, Kal-ddz. Chabris, KA-bris. Bilshan, Bil-fan. Caleb, Ka-leb. Chadias, Kit-di-as. Bimhal, Bim-hal. Caleb Ephratah, Ka-leb Chsereas, Kg-re-as. Binea, Bin-s-4. Ef'ra-tq. Chalcedony, Kil-se-d-ni. Binnui, Bin-y-i1. Calitas, KAl-i-tas. Chalcol, Kal-kol. Birsha, Ber-Sa. Calneth, KAl-net. Chaldea, Kal-dg-a. Birzavith, Ber-za-vit. Calno, KAl-no. Chanes, KA-nez. [us. Bishlam, Bif-lam. Calphi, KMl-f. Channuneus, Kan-yq,-niBithiah, Bi-ti-a. Calvary, KEl-va-ri. Charaathalas, Kar-a-At-aBithron, Bit-ron. Camon, Ki-mon. las. Bizijothiah, Biz-i-jo-ti-a. Cana, KI-na. [na-an. Characa, Kar-a-kcq. Bizijothijah, Biz-i-jo-t- Canaan, KA-nan, or KA- Charasim, KAr-a-sim. ja. Canaanites, KA-nan-its, or Charcus, K4r-kas. Bizjothjah, Biz-j6t)-ja. Kit-na-an-its. Charea, KA-re-a. Biztha, Biz-ta. Candace, KAn-da-se. Charmis, K4r-mis. Blastus, BlAs-tus. Canneh, KAn-e. Charran, Kar-an. Boanerges, B@-a-n4r-jez. Canveh, Kan-ve. [um. Chaseba, K&s-s-bq. Boaz, Bb-az, or Capernaum, Ka -per - na- Chebar, Ki-bqr. [a-mer. Booz, B6-oz. Capharsalamah, Kaf- ar- Chederlaomer, Ked-er-lABoccas, B6k-as. sAl-a-mq. Chelal, Kg-lal. Bocheru, B6k-e-rd. Caphenatha, Ka-fen-a-tq. Chelcias, Kdl-Ji-as. Bochim, BA-kim. Caphira, Ka-fi-ra. Chellians, K61-i-anz. Bohan, BA-han. Caphtor, Kaf-tor. Chellub, K6l-ub. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 187 Chellus, Kdl-us. Cisleu, Sis-lq. Dalphon, Dil-fon. Chelod, Kg-lod. Citherus, Sit-e-rus. Damaris, Dam-a-ris. Chelab, Ki-lub. Cittims, Sit-imz. Damascenes, Dam-a-sins. Chelubai, Ke-lf-ba. Clauda, Kl1-da. Dan, Dan. Chelubar, Ks-l14-bar. Cleasa, Kle-a-sa. Daniel, Dan-yel. Chemarims, Kdm-a-rimz. Clement, Klem-ent. Danites, Dan-Its. Chemosh, Kg-mof. Cleophas, KlW-a-fas, or Danjaan, Dan-ja-an. Chenaanah, Ke-na-a-nq. Cleopas, Klg-a-pas. Dannah, DAn-a. Chenani, Kdn-a-nj. Cloe, K16-s. Danobrath, Dan-o-brat. Chenaniah, Ken-a-ni-a. Cnidus, Ni-dus. Dara, Da-ra. Chephar Haamonai, KE- Colhozeh, Kol-hM-ze. Darda, D4r-da. far Ha-am-@-na. Collius, K61-i-us. Darian, Da-ri-an. Chephirah, KE-fi-ra. Colosse, Ka-16s-s. Darkon, D4r-kon. Cheran, Kg-ran. Colossians, Ko-16f-i-anz. Dathan, D/-tan. Chereas, Kg-rs-as. Coniah, Ko-ni-a. Dathemah, Dait —mq. Cherethims, Ker-et-imz. Cononiah, Kon-@-ni-a. Dathmah, Dat-ma. Cherethites, Ker-et-its. Cor, Kor. David, DA-vid. Cherith, Kg-rit, or Corban, Ker-ban. Debir, Dg-ber. Cherish, Kg-riS. Corbe, K6r-bs. Deborah, D6b-a-rq. Cherub, Kg-rub, (a city.) Core, K6-rr. Decapolis, Dr-kap-a-lis. Cherub, 6er-ub. Corinth, KMr-int. [anz. Dedan, Ds-dan. Cherubim, (er-yuq-bim. Corinthians, K - rin- r in- iDedanim, Ded-a-nim. Chesalon, Kes-a-lon. Cosam, K6-sam. Dedanims, Ded-a-nimz. Chesed, Kg-sed. Contha, KM-tba. Dehavites, Dr-ha-vits. Chesil, KI-sil. Coz, Koz. Dekar, D- kar. Chesud, Ki-sud. Cozbi, K6z-bi. Delaiah, Del-a-i-d. Chesulloth, Ke-sdl-ot. Cresens, Kr6s-enz. Delilah, D6l-i-lq. Chetim, KEt-im. Cretans, Krg-tanz. Demas, Di-mas. Chezib, Kg-zib. Crete, Krrt. Derbe, D4r-be. Chidon, Ki-don. Cretes, Krsts. Dessau, Des-e. Chilion, Ki-li-on. Cretians, Krg-fi-anz. Deuel, Dr-yli-el. [a-mi. Chiliab, Kil-s-ab. Cubit, Kfi-bit. Deuteronomy, Deq-ter-6nChilmad, Kil-mad. Cush, Kuf. Diblaim, Dib-la-im. Chimham, Kim-ham. Cushan, KA-fan. Diblath, Dib-lat. Chisleu, Kis-li, Cushan Rishathaim, KEi- Dibon, Di-bon. Casleu, Kas-lq, or Jan Rif-a-tL-im. Dibon Gad, Di-bon Gad. Cisleu, Sis-lq,. Cushi, Kf-Sj. Dibri, Dib-r. Chislon, Kis-lon. [TA-bor. Cuth, Kut, or Dibzahab, Dib-za-hab, or Chisloth Tabor, Kis-lot Cuthah, Ksit-a. Dizahab, Diz-a-hab. Chittim, Kit-im. Cutheans, KA-te-anz. Didrachm, Di-dram. Chiun, K-aun. Cyamon, Si-a-mon. Didymus, Did-i-mus. Chloe, K16-e. Cyrene, Si-ri-n~. Diklah, Dik-la, or Choba, K6-ba. Cyrenius, SI-rg-ni-us. Dildah, Dil-da. Chorasin, Ko-rA-sin, or Dilean, Dil-e-an. Chorashan, Ko-ra-fan, or Dimnah, Dim-na. Chorazin, Ko-rA-zin. Dimon, Di-mon. Chosameus, Kos-a-md-us. Dimonah, Di-m6-na. Chozeba, Ka)-zg-ba. Dinah, DD-na. Christ, Krist. Dinaites, Di-na-its. Chub, Kub. Dabareh, Dab-a-re. Dinhabah, Din-ha-bt. Chun, Kun. Dabbasheth, Dab-a-fet. Diotrephes, Di-6t-re-fsz. Chusa, Kfi-sa, or Daberath, Dab-e-rat. Dishan, Di-jan. Chuza, K-l-za. Dabria, DA-bri-a. Dishon, DI-fon. Chushan RishathaimKd- Dacobi, Da-kS-bi. Dizahab, Diz-a-hab. an RiS-a-ta-im. Daddeus, Da-di-us. Docus, DS-kus. Chusi, Kift-sj. Dagon, DA-gon. Dodai, D6d-a-j. Cinnereth, Sin-i-ret, or Daisan, DA-san. Dodanim, D6d-a-nim. Cinneroth, Sin-s-rot. Dalaiah, Dal-a-1-a. Dodovah, D6d-a-vcq. Cirama, Sir-a-mq. Dalilah, DAl-i-lq. [ta. Dodo, D6-do. Cisai, Si-sa. Dalmanutha, Dal-ma-n,- Doeg, D6-eg. 188 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Dophkah, D6f-ka. Elead, $'ls-ad, or 8-1d-ad. Elizaphan, 8-liz-a-fan. Dor, Der. Elealeh, S-1-A-le. Elizur, 8-l-zur. Dora, DW-ra. Eleasah, -1id-a-sq. Elkanah, El'ka-nq. Dorcas, D6r-kas. Eleazer, S-le-A-zer. Elkoshite, El'ka-Ift. Dorymenes, D@-rim-e-nez. Eleazurus, 4-le-a-zti-rus. Ellasar, El'a-sqr. Dositheus, Do-siit —us. Elelohe Israel, El-e-1i-he Elmodam, El'me-dam. Dothaim, D6-ta-im, or Iz'ra-el. Elnaam, El'na-am. Dothan, D6-4an. Eleph, S'lef. Elnathan, El'na-tan, or Dumah, D4I-ma. Eleutherus, E-lt-Ie-rus. El-nA-tan. Dura, D4f-ra. Eleuzai, El-yqL-zd-i. Elon, 8'lon. Elhanan, El-ha-nan. Elon Bethhanan, 8'lon Eli, ~'1i. B6i-ha-nan. Eliab, 8-lj-ab. Elonites, 8'lon-jts. E. Eliada, $-li-a-dq. Eloth, 8'1ot. Eliadah, $-lI-a-dc. Elpaal, El'pa-al. Eliadun, S-1i-a-dun. Elpalet, El'pa-let. Eanas, S'a-nas. Eliah, 8-li-a. Elparan, El-pd-ran. Ebal, ~'bal. Eliahba, 8-li-a-bq. Eltekeh, El'te-ke. Ebed, S'bed. [lek. Eliakim, 8-li-a-kim. Elteketh, El'te-ket. Ebedmelech, 8 - bed - me- Eliali, $-lj-a-li. Eltekon, El'te-kon. Ebenezer, Eb-en-d-zer. Eliam, 8-1j-am. Eltolad, El'to-lad. Eber, S'ber. Elias, E-l-as. Elul, ~'lul. Ebiasaph, 8-bi-a-saf. Eliasaph, ~-li-a-saf. Eluzai, -liq-za-j. Ebronah, 8-br6-na. Eliashib, 8-1-a-Sib. Elymais, El-i-ma-is. Ecanus, ~-ka-nus. Eliasis, S-l-a-sis. Elymas, El'i-mas. Ecbatana, Ek-bat-a-nq. Eliatha, 8-li-a-tq, or Elzabad, El'za-bad. Ecclesiastes, Ek-ls-zi-/s- Eliathah, ~-li-a-tq. Elzaphan, El'za-fan. tez. [ti-kus. Eliazar, E-li-d-zar. Emalcuel, Em-al-k4-el. Ecclesiasticus, Ek-le-zi-&s- Elidad, 8-1l-dad. Emanuel, 8-mAn-ytq-el. Ed, Ed. Eliel, S'li-el. Emims, S'mimz. Edar, ~'dar. Elienai, S-li-d-na-j. Emmaus, Em'a-us. Eden, E'den. Eliezer, S-li-d-zer. Emmer, Em'er. Eder, E'der. Elihaba, 8-1j-ha-brq. Emor, 8'mor. Edes, 8'des. Eliheena, El-i-hd-na. Enam, 8'nam. Edias, ~'di-as. Elihcenai, El-i-hd-na-j. Enan, 8'nan. Edna, Ed'na. Elihoreph, El-i-h6-ref. Endor, En'dor. Edom, S'dom. Elihu, S-l1-hq. Eneas, S'ne-as. Edomites, S'dom-jts. Elijah, 8-li-ja. Eneglaim, En-eg-ld-im. Edrei, Ed'rc-1. Elika, El'i-kq. Enemessar, En-e-mds-ar. Eglah, Eg'la. Elim, S'lim. Enenias, S-nd-ni-as. Eglaim, Eg'la-im. Elimelech, S-lim-e-lek. Engannim, En-gan-im. Eglon, Eg'lon. Elicenai, S-li-d-na-l. Engedi, En'ge-d]. Egypt, S'jipt. Elionas, S-li-6-nas. Enhaddah, En-had-a. Ehi, ~'hi. Eliphal, El'i-fal. Enhakkore, En-hAk-a-re. Ehud, ~'hud. Eliphaleh, S-lif-a-lq. Enhazor, En-hd-zor. Eker, ~'ker. Eliphaz, El'i-faz. Enmishpat, En-mif-pat. Ekrebel, Ek're-bel. Eliphelet, 8-lif-e-let. Enoch, $'nok. Ekron, Ek'ron. Elisabeth, 8-liz-a-bet. Enon, S'non. Ekronites, Ek'ron-its. Elismeus, El-i-sd-us. Enos, S'nos. Ela, S'la. Eliseus, El-i-sd-us. Enosh, ~'nof. Eladah, El'a-dq. Elisha, 8-1i-ja. Enrimmon, En-rim-on. Elah, ~'la. Elishah, S-li-Ia. Enrogel, En-rd-gel. Elam, S'lam. Elishama, 8-lii-a-mq. Enshemesh, En'fe-mef. Elamites, S'lam-its. Elishamah, S-lii-a-mq. Entappuah, En-thp-yq,-q. Elasah, El'a-sq. Elishaphat, 8-lif-a-fat. Epaphras, Ep'a-fras. Elath, M'lat. Elisheba, S-lifS —bq. Epophroditus, 8-paf-roElbethel, El-bdt-el. Elishua, El-i-fl-a. di-tus. Elcia, El'fi-q. Elisimus, 8-lis-i-mus. Epenetus, S-pdn-e-tus. Eldaah, El'da-q. Eliu, S-li-yq. Ephah, S'fa. Eldad, El'dad. Eliud, 8-li-ud. Ephai, 8'fa. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 189 Epher, ~'fer. Eunice, Yq-ni-se. Gaddes, GAd-cz. Ephes- dammim, 8' fes- Euodias, Yr-6-di-as. Gaddiel, Gad-i-el. dam-im. Eupolemus,Ygq-p6l-e-mus. Gadi, Gd-di. Ephesians, E-f&-3i-anz. Euroclydon, Yit-r6k-li- Gadites, GAd-its. Ephlal, Ef'lal. don. Gaham, Gd-ham. Ephod, 8'fod. Eutychus, Y'i-ti-kus. Gahar, Gd-har. Ephor, 8'for. Eve, Ev. Gaius, GA-yus. Ephphatha, Ef'a-t,. Evi, 8'vi. [ r6-dak, Galaad, Gal-a-ad. Ephraim, 8'fra-im. Evil Merodach, 8~vil Me- Galal, Gd-lal. Ephraimites, 8'fra-im-jts. or 8'vil Mdr-o-dak. Galeed, GAl-e-ed. Ephratah, Ef'ra-tq,. Exodus, Eks'@-dus. Galgala, GAl-ga-lq. Ephrath, Ef'rat. Ezar, 8'zar. Galilee, Gal-i-le. Ephrathites, Ef'rat-its. Ezbai, Ez'ba-i. Gallim, Gal-im. Ephron, ~'fron. Ezbon, Ez'bon. Gallio, Gil-i-@. Er, Er. Ezechias, Ez-e-ki-as. Gamael, Gam-a-el. Eran, 8'ran. Ezekias, Ez-e-ki-as. Gamaliel, Ga-md-li-el. Eranites, 8'ran-jts. Ezekiel, 8-zg-ki-el. Gammadims, GAm-a-dimz. Erastus, 8-ris-tus. Ezel, 8'zel. Gamul, Gd-mul. Erech, 8'rek. Ezem, ~'zem. Gar, Gqr. Eri, 8'rs. Ezer, ~'zer. Gareb, GA-reb. Esa, E'sa. Ezerias, Ez-e-r'-as. Garizim, Gar-i-zim. Esaias, 8-za-yas. Ezias, $-zi-as. Garmites, G4r-mjts. Esarhaddon, 8'sar-hid-on. Ezion Gebar, ~'zi-on Gg- Gashmu, GdA-mq. Esau, 8'sa. bar, or [ber. Gatam, Gd-tam. Esdras, Es'dras. Ezion-geber, 8'zi- on-je- Gath, Gat. Esdrelon, Es-drS-lon. Eznite, Ez'njt. Gath Hepher, Gat HI-fer. Esebon, Es'e-bon. Ezra, Ez'ra. Gath Rimmon, Gat RimEsebrias, 8-sd-bri-as. Ezrahite, Ez'ra-hit. on. Esek, ~'sek. Ezri, Ez'r. Gaulan, G6-Ian. Eshbaal, Ej'ba-al. Ezriel, Ez'ri-el. Gaulon, G6-lon. Eshban, EJ'ban. Ezril, Ez'ril. Gaza, GA-za. Eshcol, EJ'kol. Ezron, Ez'ron. Gazabar, Gaz-a-bqr. Eshean, 8'fe-an. Ezronites, Ez'ron-its. Gazara, Ga-zt-ra. Eshek, 8'jek. Gazathites, GA-zat-jts. Eshkalon, EJ'ka-lon. Gazer, Ga-zer. Eshtaol, ES'ta-ol. Gazera, Ga-zg-ra. Eshtaulites, Ef'te-lits. F. Gazez, Gd-zez. Eshtemoa, EJ-tdm-@-q.. Gazites, GAz-jts. Eshtemoth, EJ'te-mot. Gazzam, Gaz-am. Eshton, ES'ton. Felix, Fg-liks. Geba, Gg-ba. Esli, Es'lq. Festus, F&s-tus. Gebal, Gg-bal. Esmachiah, Es-ma-ki-a. Fortunatus, Fer-tc -na-tus Gebar, Gg-bar. Esora, 8-sS-ra. Geber, Gg-ber. Esril, Es'ril. Gebim, Gg-bim. Esrom, Es'rom. Gedaliah, Ged-a-li-a. Essenes, Es-gnz. Go Geddur, Ged-ur. Esthaol, Est'ha-ol. Geder, Gg-der. Esther, Es'ter. Gederah, Ge-dg-rq. Etam, 8'tam. Gaal, Gd-al. Gederite, GWd-e-rit. Etham, 8'tam. Gaash, Gd-aJ. Gederoth, Ge-dg-rot. Ethan, 8'1an. Gaba, Ga-ba. Gederothaim, Ged-e-rot-AEthanim, Et'a-nim. Gabael, GAb-a-el. im. Ethbaal, Eb'ba-al. Gabatha, Gab-a-tq. Gedir, G~-der. Ether, 8'ter. Gabbai, GAb-a-j. Gedor, Gg-dor. Ethma, Et'ma. Gabbatha, GAb-a-tq. Gehazi, Ge-ha-zI. Ethnan, Et'nan. Gabrias, GA-bri-as. Geliloth, G6l-i-lot. Ethni, Et'ni. Gabriel, Ga-bri-el. Gemalli, Gs-mil-i. Euasibus, Ytq-ds-i-bus. Gad, Gad. Gemariah, Gem-a-rI-a. Eubulus, Yq-b4-lus. Gadara, Gad-a-rq. Genesareth, Ge-nds-a-reD. Eunathan, Ysf-na-tan. Gadarenes, Gad-a-rinz. Genesis, Jdn-e-sis. 190 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Genezar, Gs-ng-zar. Gergashites, Ger-ga-J'ts. Hadlai, HAd-la-i. Genneus, Gen-6-us. Gispa, Gis-pa. [fer. Hadoram, Ha-d6-ram. Gentiles, J6n-tjlz. Gittah Hepher, Git-a HC - Hadrach, Ha-drak. Genubath, Ge-nfi-bat. Gittaim, Git-a-im. Hagab, Ha-gab. Geon, Gg-on. Gittite, Git-it. Hagabah, HAg-a-bq. Gera, G-rcl. Gittites, Git-its. Hagai, HAg-a-i. Gerah, Gg-ra. Gittith, Git-it. Hagar, Ha-gar. Gerar, G-rcr. Gizonite, Gi-z@-njt. Hagarenes, Ha-gar-dnz. Gerasa, G&r-a-sq. Glede, Gled. Hagarites, Ha-gar-Its. Gergashi, Ger-ga-fj. Gnidus, Ni-dus. Haggai, HAg-a-1. Gergashites, Ger-ga-fits. Goath, G6-at. Haggari, HAg-a-ri. Gergesenes, Ger-gs-senz. Gob, Gob. Haggeri, HAg-e-ri. Gerizim, Ger-i-zim. Gog, Gog. Haggi, HAg-i. Gerrseans, Ger-9-anz. Golan, G6-lan. Haggiah, Ha-gi-a. Gerrinians, Ger-in-i-anz. Golgotha, G61-go-tq. Haggites, HAg-its. Gershom, Goliabh, Ga-li-a. Haggith, HAg-it. Gershon,$on. Goliath, Go-li-at. Hai, Ha-i, Gershonites, G4r-Son-its. Gomer, GA-mer. Hakkatan, Hak-a-tan. Gershur, G.Sr-Sur. Gomorrah, Go-mor-a. Hakkoz, HAk-oz. Gesem, Gi-sem. Gopherwood, GS-fer-wiad. Hakupha, Ha-klUi-fa. Geshan, Ge-fan. Gorgias, GWr-ji-as. Halac, HA-lak. Geshem, G-Ifem. Gortyna, G6r-ti-nq, or Ger- Halah, Ha-la. Geshur, Gg-fur. ti-na. Hall, Ha-lI. Geshuri, G6f-yrl-r. Goshen, G6-fen. Hallelujah, Hal-s-l4-ya. Geshurites, G46-yot-rjts. Gothoniel, Ga-t6n-i-el. Halloesh, Ha-16-ef. Getholias, Gelt-@-l-as. Gozan, Gd-zan. Hallul, Hal-ul. Gethsemane, Get-s6m-a- Graba, GrA-bca. Ham, Ham. ne. Grecia, Gr-fji-q. Haman, Ha-man. Gethur, Gi-tur. Gudgodah, Gdd-ge-dq. Hamath, Ha-tnat, or Geuel, Ge-yfl-el. Guni, G4l-ni. Hemath, HA-mat. Gezer, GA-zer. Gunites, Gfl-njts. Hamathite, Ha-mat-It. Gezerites, Gg-zer-jts. Gur, Gur. Hamath Zobah, HA-mat Giah, Gi-a. Gurbaal, Gur-ba-al. Z6-ba. Gibbar, Gib-ar. Hamelech, Ham-e-Iek. Gibbethon, Gib-e-ton. Hamital, HAm-i-tal. Gibea, Gib —cq. Hammath, HAm-at. Gibeah, Gib-e-q. Hammedatha, Ha-mdd-aGibeath, Gib-s-at. Rt. [ket. Gibeon, Gib-s-on. Hammoleketh, Ha-mol-eGibeonites, Gib-s-on-its. Haahashtari, Ha-a-haf-ta- Hammon, HAm-on. Giblites, Gib-lits. Habaiah, Ha-ba-ya. [ri. Hamonah, Ham-@-nq. Giddalti, Gid-al-ti. Habakkuk, Hab-a-kuk. Hamon Gog, Ha-mon Gog. Giddel, Gid-el. Habaziniah,Hab-a-zi-ni-a. Hamor, Ha-mor. Gideon, Gid-s-on. Habergeon, Ha-ber-js-on. Hamoth, Ha-mot. Gideoni, Gid-s-6-nj. Habor. Ha-bor. Hamoth Dor, Ha-mot Der. Gidom, Gl-dom. Hachaliah, Hak-a-li-a. Hamuel, Ha-mra-el. Gier Eagle, Ji-er U'gl. Hachilah, HAk-i-lq. Itamul, Ha-mul. Gihon, Gi-hon. Hachmoni, Iiak-mo-ni. Hamulites. Ha-mul-its. Gilalai, Gil-a-la. Hachmonite, Hak-mG-nit. Harnutal, Ha-mft-tal, or Gilboa, Gil-bo-q. Hada, Ha-da. HAm-ytl-tal. Gilead, Gil-e-ad. Hadad, Ha-dad. Hanameel, Ha-nAm-e-el, Gileadite, Gil-c-ad-jt. Hadadezer, Had-ad-6-zer. or HAn-a-mel. Gilgal, Gil-gal. Hadad Rimmon, Ha-dad Hanan, HA-nan. Giloh, Gj-Io. Rim-on. Hananeel, Ha-nan-s-el, or Gilonite, Gi-lo-nit. Hadar, Ha-dar. HIIn-a-nsl. [na-nj. Gimzo, Gim-za. Hadashah, HAd-a-fq. Hanani, Han-a-ni, or HaGinath, GI-nat. Hadassa, Ha-dAs-a. Hananiah, Han-a-nf a. Ginnetho, Gin-c-ta. Hadassah, Ha-dAs-a. Hanes, Ha-nez. Ginnethon, Gin-s-ton. Hadattah, Ha-dAt-a. Haniel, HAn-i-el. Girgashi, Ger-ga-fj. Hadid HA-did. Hannah, HAn-a. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 191 Hannathon, Hin-a-ton. Hazar 8nan, Ha-zar E'nan. fHermogenes, Her-m6j-zHanniel, Han-i-el. Hazar Gaddah, - GAd-a. nez. Hanoch, Ha-nok. Hazer Haticon, - HAt-i- Hermon, Her-mon. Hanochites, Ha-nok-lts. kon. Rlermonites, Hfr-mon-jts. Hanun, Ha-nun. Hazar Maveth, - Ma-vet. Herod, Her-od. Hapharaim, Haf-a-ra-im. Hazaroth, Ha-zA-rob. [al. Herodian, HE-rA-di-an. Hara, Ha-ra. Hazar Shual, Ha-zar Aiy- Herodians, Hs-r6-di-anz. Haradah, Har-a-dq, or Ha- Hazar Susah, - S4i-sa. Herodias, He-r6-di-as. ra-da. [ra-a. Hazar Susim, - S,-sim. Heseb, Hs-seb. Haraiah, Har-a-i-a, or Ha- Hazel Elponi, HA-zel El- Hesed, Hf-sed. Haran, HA-ran. pA-nl. Heshbon, Hff-bon. Hararite, Ha-ra-rit. Hazerim, Ha-zF-rim. Heshmon, H6f-mon. Harbona, Hqr-b6-na, or Hazer Shusim, Ha-zer hli- Heth, Het. H4r-bn-nq. sim. [Ta-mar. Hethlon, Hf6t-lon. Harbonah, Hqr-bA-na. Hazezon Tamar, HAz-c-zon Hezeki, Hfz-s-kj. Hareph, Ha-ref. Haziel, Ha-zi-el. Hezekiah, Hez-e-ki-a. Hareth, Ha-ret. Hazo, HA-zn. Hezer, Hs-zer, or Harhass, Hqr-has. Hazor, Ha-zor. Hezir, Hf-zer. Harhata, H4r-ha-tq. Hazabah, HAz-yi,-bq. Hezia, He-zi-a. Harhur, H(4r-hur. Heber, Hg-ber. Hezion, Hg-zi-on. Harim, HA-rim. Heberites, H~-ber-its. Hezrai, Hfz-ra-i. Hariph, Ha-rif. Hebrews, Hf-brwz. Hezro, Hfz-ro. Harnepher, Hr-ne-fer, or Hebron, Hg-bron. Hezron, Hez-ron. Hqr-ni-fer. Hebronites, Hi-bron-jts. Hezronites, Hfz-ron-jts. Harod, Ha-rod. Hegai, Heg-a-i. Hiddai, Hid-a-i. Harodite, Ha-rod-It. Hege, Hg-ge. Hiddekel, Hid-e-kel. Haroeh, HAr-@-e, or Ha- Helah, HE-la. Hiel, HI-el. r6-e. Helam, Hf-lam. Hiereel, Hi-&r-c-el. Harorite, Ha-ro-rit. Helbah, H61-ba. Hieremoth, Hll-r-e-mot. Harosheth, HAr-@J-jet. Helboni H6l-bon. Hierielus, Hi-er-i-f-lus. Harsha, Htr-fa. Helchiah, Hel-ki-a. Hiermas, Hi-r-mas. Harum, Ha-rum. Heldai, Hel-da-i. Hieronymus, Hi - - r6n-iHarumaph, Ha-rc6-maf. Heleb, HE-leb. mus. Haruphite, Ha-rda-fit. Heled, Hg-led. Higgaion, Hi-ga-yon. Haruz, Ha-ruz. Helek, Hf-lek. Hilen, Hi-len. Hasadiah, Has-a-di-a. Helekites, Hg-lek-lts. Hilkiah, Hil-ki-a. Hasenuah, Has-s-nft-a. Helem, Hf-lem. Hillel, Hil-el. Hashabiah, Haf-a-bi-a. Heleph, Hf-lef. Hin, Hin. Hashabnah, Haf-ab-na. Helez, Hg-lez. Hinnom, Hin-om. Hashabniah, Haf-ab-ni-a. Hell, Hf-l. Hirah, Hi-ra. Hashbadana, Haf-bad-a- Helkai, H61-ka-j. Hiram, Hi-ram. Hashem, Ha-jem. [nq. Helkath, H6l-kat. Hircanus, Her-ka-nus. Hashmonah, Haf-m6-na. Helkath Hazzurim, H61- Hiskijah, His-ki-ja. Hashum, Ha-fum. kat HAz-yq-rim. Hittites, Hit-its. Hashupha, Ha-J'i-fa. Helkias, Hel-kI-as. Hivites, Hi-vjts. Hasrah, HAs-ra. Helon, HE-lon. Hoba, or Hobah, H6-ba. Hassenaah, Has-c-nA-a. Heman, HE-man, or Hobab, HA-bab. Hasupha, Ha-sA-fa. Hamath, HA-mat. Hod, Hod. Hatach, Ha-tak. Hemdan, Hfm-dan. Hodaiah, Hod-a-i-a. Hathath, Ha-tat. Hen, Hen. Hodaviah, Hod-a-vi-a. Hatita, HAt-i-tq. Hena, H-nca. Hodeva, Ho-df-va. Hattil, HAt-il. Henadad, Hsn-a-dad. Hodevah, Ho-df-va. Hattipha, Ha-ti-fa. Henoch, Hf-nok. Hodiah, Ha-di-a. Hattush, HAt-uf. Hepher, Hf-fer. Hodijah, Ho-di-ja. Hauran, H,-ran. Hepherites, Hf-fer-Its. Hodish, H6-dif. Havilah, Hav-i-lq. Hephzibah, H, f-zi-bq. Hoglah, H6g-la. Havoth Jair, HA-vot JA-er. Heram, Hf-ram. Hoham, HA-ham. Hazael, HAz-a-el. Heres, HiErez. Holen, HA-len. Hazaiah, Ha-zA-ya. [ar. Heresh, Hf-ref. Holofernes, Hol-o-for-ncz. Hazar Addar, HA-zar Ad'- Hermas, H.r-mas. Holon, HA-lon. 192 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Homan, H&-man, or Ibnijah, Ib-ni-ja. Ishua, IJ'yq,-a. Heman, He-man. Ibri, Ib'ri. Ishuai. If'ynq-a. Homer, Hl6-mer. Ibzan, Ib'zan. Ismachiah, Is-ma-k-a. Hophni, H6f-ni. Ichabod, Ik'a-bod. Ismaiah, Is-ma-i-a. Hophra, H6f-ra. Iconium, T-k6-ni-um. Ispah, Is'pa. Hor, Her. Idalah, Id'a-lq. Israel, Iz'ra-el. Horagiddad, Hor-a-gid-ad. Idbash, Id'baf. Israelites, Iz'ra-el-its. Horam, H6-ram. Iddo, Id'Q. Issachar, Is'a-kqr. Horeb, H1-reb. Iduel, Id'ytt-el. Istalcurus, Is-tal-ki,-rus. Horem, H6-rem. Idumvea, Id-yuq-mg-a. Isui, JI'yI-i. Hori, H6-ri. Idumaeans, Id-yq,-mg-anz. Isuites, I'yq,-ts. Horims, H6-rimz. Igal, F'gal. Italy, It'a-li. Horites, H6-rits. Igdaliah, Ig-da-li-a. Ithai, It'a-i. Hormah, H6r-mca. Igeabarim, Ig-s-ib-a-rim. Ithamar, It/a-mqr. Horonaim, Hor-Q-n/-im. Igeal, Ig'e-al. Ithiel, Itsi-el. Horonites, H6r-@-nits. Ijon, F'jon. Ithmah, It'ma. Hosa, H6-sa, or Ikkesh, Ik'eJ. Ithnan, It'nan. Hasah, HAs-a. Ilai,'la, or Il'a-i. Ithra, It'ra. Hosanna, Ha-zAn-a. Im, Im. Ithran, It'ran. Hosea, Ha-zg-a. Imlah, Im'la. Ithream, It're-am. Hoshaiah, HoS-a-1-a. Immah, Im'a. Ithrites, It'rits. Hoshama, H6f-a-mq. Immanuel, Im-an-yq,-el. Ittah Kazin, It'a K/a-zin. Hoshea, H@-lS-a. Immer, Im'er. Ittai, It'a-1. Hotham, H6-tam. Imna, Im'na, or Iturea, It-yq,-r-a. Hothan, 116-tan. Imnah, Im'na. Ivah,'va. Hothir, HS-ter. Imrah, Im'ra. Izehar, Iz'e-hqr. Hukkok, Hdk-ok. Imri, Im'rl. Izhar, Iz'hqr. Hul, Hul. Iota, F-6-ta. Izharite, Iz'har-it. Huldah, HIl-da. Iphedeiah, If-e-ds-ya Izrahiah, Iz-ra-h -a, or Humtah, Hdm-ta. Ir, Er. Israiah, Iz-ra-i-a. Hupham, H1,-fam. Ira, F'ra. Izreel, Iz'r-el. Huphamites, H1i1-fam-Its. Irad,'rad. Izri, Iz'r. Huppah, Hdp-a. Iram,'ram. Izrites, Izrits. Huppim, Hdp-im. Iri, +ri. Har, Hur. Irijah, -ri-ja. Hurai, H11-ra. Irnahash, Er'na-haf. Huram, Hi-ram. Iron, F'ron. JO Huri, H11-rj. Irpeel, Er p-el. Hushah, H11-fa. Irshemish, Er's-mif. Hushai, H11-Ia, or HA-Sa-j. Ira, F'rca. Jaakan, Jt-a-kan. Husham, H4-fam. Isaac, T'zak. Jaakabah, Ja-ik-o-bq. Hushathite, H1i-fat-it. Isaiah, F-za-ya. Jaala, Ja-a-la. Hushim, Hi,-fim. Iscah, Iskcq. Jaalah, Ja-a-la. Hushub, Hit-Jub. Iscariot, Is-kar-i-ot. Jaalam, Ja-a-lam. Hushubah, HqI-iA,-ba. Isdael, Is'da-el. Jaanai, Jd-a-na. Huz, Huz. Ishbah, I'bat. Jaareoragim, Ja-ar-e-6r-aHuzoth, H1,-zot. Ishbak, If'bak. gim. Huzzab, Hiz-ab. Ishbi Benob, II'bj Bs-nob. Jaasania, Ja-as-a-ni-a. Hydaspes, Hi-das-pez. Ishbosheth, If'b@-fet. Jaasau, JgA-a-so. Hyene, Hi-g-ne. Ishi, F'Ji. Jaasiel, Ja-A-si-el. Hymenous, Hi-men-i-us. Ishiah, -fij-a. Jaazah, Ja-A-zsa. Ishijah, T-fi-ja. Jaazaniah, Ja-az-a-nl-d. Ishma, IS'ma. Jaazar, Ja-t-zar. Ishmael, If'ma-el. Jaaziah, Ja-a-zi-a. I Ishmaelites, If'ma-el-Its. Jaaziel, Ja-d-zi-el. Ishmaiah, If-ma-i-a. Jabal, Ja-bal. Ishmerai, If'mE-ra. Jabbok, Jib-ok. Ibhar, Ib'har. Ishod, F'fod. Jabesh, Ja-beJ. Ibleam, Ib'le-am. Ishpan, If'pan. Jabez, Jit-bez. Ibaeiah, Ib-ni-a. Ishtob, If'tob. Jabin, Ji-bin. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 193 Jabneel, Jab-ne-el. Jar, Jqr. Jehieli, Js-hi-e-li. Jabneh, JAb-ne. Jarah, JA-ra. Jehishai, Jr-hif-a-j. Jachan, JA-kan. Jareb, JA-reb. Jehiskiah, JS-his-ki-d. Jachin, Ja-kin. Jared, Ja-red. Jehoadah, Js-h6-a-dq. Jachinites, JA-kin-jts. Jaresiah, Jar-r-si-a. Jehoaddan, Jr-ho-Ad-an. Jacob, Ja-kob. Jarha, Jqr-ha. Jehoahaz, Jr-h6-a-haz. Jacobus, Ja-k6-bus. Jarib, JA-rib. Jehoash, Je-h6-af. Jada, JA-da. Jarmuth, Jqr-muf. Jehohadah, Jr-h6-ha-dq. Jaddua, Ja-d4-a. Jaroah, Ja-r6-a. Jehohanan, Js-h6-ha-nan. Jadon, JA-don. Jasael, JAs-a-el. Jehoiachin, Je-h6-a-kin. Jael, JA-el. Jashem, JA-fem. Jehoiada, Js-h&-a-dq. Jagur, Jd-gur. Jashen, JA-fen. Jehoiakim, Je-h6-a-kim. Jah, Jq. Jasher, Ja-fer. Jehoiarib, Jr-hS-a-rib. Jahaleel, Ja-ha-li-el. Jashobeam, Ja-Jf-br-am. Jehonadab, Je-h6n-a-dab. Jahalelel, Ja-hal-e-lel. Jashub, JAJ-ub. Jehonathan, Jr -h6n-a-tan. Jahath, JA-hat. Jashubi Lehem, Jif-ysq-bj Jehoram, Je-h6-ram. Jahaz, JA-haz. Lg-hem. Jehoshabeath, Je-ha-JAbJahaza, Ja-hA-za. Jashubites, JaS-ub-its. c-at. Jahazah, Ja-hA-za. Jasiel, Ja-si-el. Jehoshaphat, Je-h6j-a-fat. Jahazia, Ja-hA-zi-a. Jasubus, Ja-sA,-bus. Jehosheba, Je-h6J-e-bq. Jahaziel, Ja-hA-zi-el. Jatal, Ja-tal. Jehoshua, Je-h6f-yq,-q. Jahdai, Jq-da-i. Jathniel, Jat-ni-el. JEHOVAH, Jr-h6-va. Jahdiel, Jq-di-el. Jattir, JAt-er. Jehovah, Jireh, - Jo-re. Jahdo, JA-da. Javan, JA-van. Jehovah Nissi, - Nis-j. Jahleel, J4-le-el. Jazar, JA-zor. Jehovah Shallom, - alJahleelites, J4-le-el-Its. Jazer, JA-zer. om. [Zam-a. Jahmai, JA-ma-1. Jaziel, Ja-zi-el. Jehovah Shammah, - Jahza, Jk-:az. Jaziz, Ja-ziz. Jehovah Tsidkenu, Jahzeel, J4-zs-el. Jearim, Jg-a-rim. Tsid-ke-mni. Jahzeelites, J4-ze-el-tts. Jeaterai, Je-At-e-ra. [a. Jehozabad, Je-h6z-a-bad. Jahzerah, J4-ze-rq. Jeberechiah, Je-ber-e-kj- Jehu, J9-h -. Jahziel, J4-zi-el. Jebus, Jg-bus. Jehubbah, JE-hAb-a. Jair, JA-er. Jebusi, Jr-bil-si. Jehucal, Jg-hq,-kal. Jairites, Ja-i-rits. Jebusites, J6b-yq-sits. Jehud, J~-hud. Jairus, JA-i-rus. Jecamiah, Jek-a-mi-a. Jehudi, Je-hi-di. Jakan, JA-kan. Jecoliah, Jek-o-li-a. Jehudijah, Je-hi,-dj-ja. Jakeh, JA-ke. Jeconiah, Jek-c-ni-a. Jehush, Jg-huf. Jakim, JA-kim. Jedaia, Je-da-ya. Jeiel, JS-i-el. Jakkim, Jak-im. Jedaiah, Je-di-ya. Jekabzeel, JE-kib-ze-el. Jalon, JA-lon. Jeddeus, Jed-r-us. Jekameam, Jek-a-mf-am. Jambres, JAm-brtz. Jeddu, Jdd-q,. Jekamiah, Jek-a-ml-a. Jambri, JAm-bri. Jedediah, Jed-E-di-a. Jekuthiel, Je-ki-ti-el. James, Jamz. Jedeiah, Je-di-a. Jemima, Jem-i-mq. Jamin, JR-min. Jediael, Je-di-a-el. Jemuel, Jr-mi-el. Jaminites, JA-min-its. Jediah, Jed-i-q. Jephthah, Jdf-ta. Jamlech, Jam-lek. Jediel, Jg-di-el. Jephunneh, Jr-fdn-e. Jamnaan, JAm-na-an. Jeduthun, Jed-yg-tun. Jerab, Jg-ra. Jamnia, Jam-ni-a. Jeeli, Jr-g-lq. Jerahmeel, Je-r4-me-el. Jamnites, Jam-nits. Jeezer, Je-g-zer. Jerahmeelites, Je-r4-msJanna, Jan-a. Jeezerites, J E —zer-its. el-its. Jannes, Jan-rz. Jegar Sahadutha, J-gar Jerechus, Jdr-r-kus. Janoah, Ja-n)-a. Sa-ha-d-i-ta. Jered, JR-red. Janohah, Ja-n)-ha. Jehaleel, Js-hi-le-el. Jeremai, Jdr-E-ma. Janum, JA-num. Jehalelel, Je-hl]-s-lel. Jeremiah, Jer-r-mI-a. Japhet, JA-fet. Jehaziel, Je-ha-zi-el. Jeremoth, Jdr-r-mot. Japheth, JA-fet. Jehdeiah, Je-d1-a. Jeremouth, Jdr-E-m'st. Japhiah, Ja-f -a. Jeheiel, Je-hi-el. Jeriah, Jr-rI-a. Japhlet, Jif-let. Jehezekel, Je-hdz-e-kel, Jeribai, Jdr-i-ba. Japhleti, JAf-le-tj. Jehiah, Je-hi-a. Jericho, Jer-i-ka. Japho, Ja-fa. Jehiel, Jr-hi-el. Jeriel, J8-ri-el. 17 194 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Jerijah, Js-ri-ja. Jiphtah, Jif-ta. Joses, J6-sez. Jerimoth, Jdr-i-mot. Jiphthahel, Jif-tia-el. Joshabad, J6I-a-bad. Jerioth, Jg-ri-ot. Joab, J6-ab. Joshah, J6-fa. Jeroboam, Jer-o-b&-am. Joachas, J6-a-kaz. Joshaphat, J6S-a-fat. Jerodon, Jdr-o-don. Joadanus, Ja-a-da-nus. Joshaviah, Jof-a-vi-ca. Jeroham, Jkr-o-ham. Joah, J6-a. Joshbekasha, JoJ - bdk - a. Jerubbaal, Je-rib-a-al. Joahaz, J6-a-haz. Joshua, J6S-y,-q. [q. Jerubesheth, Js-rib-e-fSe. Joakim, J6-a-kim. Josiah, Ja-su-a. Jeruel, J6r-yi-el. Joanna, Ja-an-a. Josias, Ja-si-as. Jerusalem, Je-rc6-sa-lem. Joannan, Ja)-n-an. Josibiah, Jos-i-bj-a. Jerusha, Je-r-fja. Joash, J6-aS. Josiphiah, Jos-i-fi-a. Jesaiah, Js-st-yq. Joatham, J6-a-tam. Jotbah, J6t-ba. Jeshaiah, Jef-a-E-a. Joazabdus, Ja-a-zib-dus. Jotbath, Jot-bat. Jeshanah, J6J-a-nq. Job, Jab. Jotbatha, J6t-ba-tq. Jesharelah, Jef-Ar-E-lq. Jobab, J6-bab. Jotham, J6-4am. Jeshebeab, Jof-db-e-ab. Jochebed, J6k-e-bed. Jozabad, J6z-a-bad. Jeshebeah, JeJ-db-e-q. Joda, J6-da. Jozachar, Joz-a-kcLr, or Jesher, J9-fer. Joed, J6-ed. Joiachar, Ja)-za-kar. Jeshimon, Jdf-i-mon. Joel, J5-el. Jozadak, J6z-a-dak. Jeshishai, Je-Sif-a-i. Joelah, Ja-E-la. Jtabal, J1i-bal. Jeshohaiah, JeS-a-ha-i-a. Joeser, J)-6-zer. Jucal, Jit-kal. Jeshua, J6f-yrq-q. Jogbeah, J6g-be-q. Judma, Jq-di-Ci. Jeshurun, J6f-yq-run. Jogli, J6g-l4. Judah, Ji-da. Josiah, Je-si-a. Joha, J6-ha. Judas, Jt,-das. Jesimiel, Je-sim-i-el. Johanan, Jo-hd-nan. Jude, Jqd. Jesse, J6s-E. John, Jon. Judith, JAi-dit. Jesaa, J&s-y4,-q. Joiada, J~-a-dq. Juel, Jfl-el. Jesui, J6s-y-ij. Joiakim, J&-a-kim. Julia, Ji-li-q. JESUS, Jg-zus. Joiarib, J6-a-rib. Junia, Jq-ni-q. [sed. Jether, JH-ter. Jokdeall, J6k-de-am. Jushabhesed, Jq-J&b-heJetheth, Jg-tet. Jokim, J6-kim. Justus, Jds-tus. Jethlah, J6t-la. Jokmeam, J6k-me-am. Juttah, Jdt-a. Jethro, Ji-tro. Jokneam, J6k-ne-am. Jetur, Jg-tur. Jokshan, J6k-fan. Jeuel, Jg-yq-el. Joktan, J6k-tan. Jeush, Jg-uf. Joktheel, J6k-tr-el. K. Jeuz, Jg-uz. Jona, J6-na. Jewry, J, -ri. Jonadab, J6n-a-dab. Jezabel, Jez-a-bel. Jonah, J6-na. Kab, Kab. Jezaniah, Jez-a-ni-a. Jonan, Ji-nau. Kabzeel, Kab-zr-el. Jezelus, Js-zg-lus. Jonas, J6-nas. Kades, Ki-dez. Jezer, Jg-zer. Jonathan, J6n-a-tan. Kadesh, KA-deJ, or Jezerites, J-zer-its. Jonath Elim Rechochim, Cadesh, Ka-def. Jeziah, Je-zi-a. J6-nat E'limRe-k6-kim. Kadesh Barnea, KA-dej Jeziel, Jg-zi-el. Joppa, J6p-u. Bjr-ne-q. Jezliah, Jez-li-a. Jora, J6-ra. Kadmiel, Kdd-mi-el. Jezoar, J6z-o-qr. Jorai, Ja-ra-i. Kadmonites, KCd-mon-jts. Jezrahiah, Jez-ra-hi-a. Joram, J6-ram. Kallai, KAI-a-i. Jezreel, Jdz-re-el. Jordan, Jor-dan. Kanah, Kad-na. Jezreelite, J&z-rr-el-It. Joribas, J6r-i-bas. Kareah, Ka-re-a. Jezreelitess, J&z-re-el-it- Jorim, J6-rim. Karkaa, Kqr-ka-q. es. lJorkoam, J6r-ko-am. Karkor, KiLr-kor. Jibsam, Jib-sam. Josabad, J6s-a-bad. Karnaim, Kqr-na-im. Jidlaph, Jid-laf. Josaphat, J6s-a-fat. Kartah, KIr-tat. Jim, Jim. IJosaphias. Jos-a-fi-as. Kattath, Kat-a. Jimla, Jim-la, or'Jose, J-se. Kedar, Kr-dar. ImIa, Im'la. Josedech, J6s-r-dek. Kedemah, Ked-E-mq. Jimna, Jim-na, or Joseel, J6-se-el. Kedemoth, Ked-e-mot. Jimnah, Jim-na. Joseph, J6-zef. Kedesh, Kr-del. Jimnites, Jim-nits. Josephus, Ja-s.-fus. jKehelathah, Ke-hMl-a-tt. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 195 Keilah, Ki-la. Koz, Koz.'Lodebar, L6d-e-bqr. Kelaiah, KE-lA-ya. Kushaiah, Kuf-A-ya. Log, Log. Kelita, KEl-i-tq. Lois, L6-is. [mq. Kelkathhazurim, K61-kat- Lo Ruhamah, La R6-haha-zit-rim. Lot, Lot. Kemuel, Ke-m4-el. L Lotan, L6-tan. Kenah, Kg-na. Le Lothasubus,Lot-a-s4i-bus. Kenan, Kg-nan. Lozon, L6-zon. Kenath, Kg-nat. Laadah, LA-a-dq. Lubim, Lfi-bim. Kenaz, Kg-naz. Laadan, LA-a-dan. Lubims, L4-bimz. Kenites, K6n-its. Laban, LA-ban. Lucas, Lfi-kas. Kennizzites, K6n-iz-its. Labana, Lab-a-nq. Lucifer, Lli-si-fer. Kerenhappuch, Ker-en- Lachish, LA-kif. Lucius, Lil-ji-us. hap-uk. Lacunus, La-kAi-nus. Lud, Lud. Kerioth, Kg-ri-ot. Ladan, LA-dan. Ludim, Lq,-dim. Keros, Kg-ros. Lael, LA-el. Luhith, Lif-hit. Ketura, Ks-ti-ra. Lahad, La-had. Luke, LLk. Keturah, Ke-tfi-ra. Lahairoi, La-hi-re. Luz, Luz. Kezia, Ke-zi-a. Lahman, L4-man. Lycaonia, Lik-a-6-ni-q. Keziz, Kg-ziz. Lahmas, L4-mas. Lycca, Lik-a. Kibroth Hattaava, Kib- Lahmi, Lq-mi. Lydda, Lid-a. rot Ha-tAi-a-vq. Laish, LA-if. Lydia, Lid-i-a. Kibzaim, Kib-za-im. Lakum, La-kum, Lysanins, Li-sA-ni-us. Kidron, Kid-ron. Lamech, LA-mek. Lysia, Lif-e-q. Kinah, Ki-na. Laodicea, La-od-i-sg-a. Lysias, LifS —as. Kir, Ker. [set. Lapidoth, Lap-i-dot. Lystra, Lis-tra. Kirharaseth, Ker-h&r-a- Lasea, La-sg-a. Kirheresh, Ker-he-ref. Lashah, LA-fa. Kiriathaim, Kir-i-a-t- im. Lasharon, La-Ja-ron. Kirieth, Kir-i-et, or Lasthenes, L&s-ts-nez. M. Kirjath, Ker-jat. Lazarus, Laz-a-rus. Kirioth, Kir-i-ot. [im. Leah, Lg-a. Maacah, MA-a-kcq. Kirjath Aim, K4r-jaat E'- Lebanah, Lhb-a-nq. Maachah, MA-a-kq. Kirjath Arba, -Hrlba. Lebanon, Leb-a-non. Maachathi, Ma-Ak-a-ti. Kirjath Arim, -'rim. Lebaoth, Ldb-a-ot. Maachahthites, Ma-ik-aKirjath Arius, - ri-us. Lebbeus, Leb-A-us. tits. Kirjath Baal, - BA-al. Lebona, Le-bAS-na. Maadai, Ma-ad-a. Kirjath Huzoth, -H14- Lechah, LA-ka. Maadiah, Ma-a-dj-a. zot. [rim. Lehabim, LA-ha-bim. Maai, Ma-A-i. Kirjath Jearim, -J~-a- Lehi, L9-h. Maaleh Acrabbim, Ma-il-e Kirjath Sannah,- San-a. Lemuel, Lem-yq,-el. A-krAb-im. Kirjath Sepher, - Si-fer. Lefem, L~-fem. Maanai, Ma-a-na. Kish, Kif. Lettus, Let-us. Maarath, MA-a-rat. Kishi, Kif-j. Letushim, Ls-t4,-fim. Maaseiah, Ma-a-sA-a. Kishion, Kif-i-on. Leummim Ls-dm-im. Maasiah, Ma-a-si-a. Kishon, Ki-fon. Levi, Lg-vi. Maath, MA-at. Kithlish, Kit-lif. Leviathan, Le-vI-a-tan. Maaz, Ma-az. Kitron, Kit-ron. Levis, LA-vis. Maaziah, Ma-a-zl-a. Kittim, Kit-im. Levites, Li-vjts. Mabdai, Mab-da-j. Koa, KA5-a. Leviticus, Ls-vit-i-kus. Macalon, Mak-a-lon. Kohath, KAL-hat. Libanus, Lib-a-nus. Maccabaeus, Mak-a-bg-us. Kohathites, K6-hat-its. Libnah, Lib-na. Maccabees, MAk-a-bsz. Kolaiah, Kol-a-c-a. Libni, Lib-ni. Machbenah, MAk-be-nq. Korah, K6-ra. Libnites, Lib-nits. Machbenai, MAk-bs-na. Korahitas, K6-ra-Its. Libia, Lib-i-q. Macheloth, Mak-hg-lot. Korathites, K6-rat-its. Lignaloes, Lig-nAl-oz. Machi, MA-kj. Kore, K6-re. Ligure, Li-gqr. Machir, MAi-ker. Korhite, K6r-hLt. Likhi, Lik-hi. Machirites, MA-ker-its. Korhites, K6r-hits. Loammi, L@-/m-j. Machmas, MAk-mas. [ba. Korites, K6r-its. Lod, Lod. Machnadebai, Mak-na-dg 196 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Machpelah, Mak-pd-la. Malluch, Mal-uk. Matthew, Mdt-yrt. Macron, MA-kron. Mamaias, Ma-mfi-yas. Matthias, Mat-bt-as. Madai, Mad-a-j. Mammon, MAm-on. Mattithiah, Mat-i-ti-d. Madiabun, Ma-di-a-bun. Mamnitanaimus, Mam-ni- Mazitias, Maz-i-ti-as. Madiah, Ma-di-a. ta-nA-mus. Mazzaroth, MAz-a-rot. Madian, MA-di-an. Mamre, Main-re. Meah, Md-u. Madmannah, Mad-man-a. Mamhucus, Ma-mfi-kus. Meani, Me-g-nj. nMadmenah, Mad-mg-na. Manaen, MAn-a-en. Mearah, Me-A-rc. Madon, Ma-don. Manahath, MAn-a-hat. Mebunai, Me-bfi-na. Maelus, Ma-g-las. Manahem, MAn-a-hem. Mecherath, M&k-e-rat. [jt, Magbish, MAg-bif. Manahethites, Ma-nd-het- Mecherathite, Mdk-e-ratMagdala, MAg-da-lq. its. Medad, Md-dad. Magdalen, MZAg-da-len. Manasseas, Man-a-sg-as. Medalah, Med-a-lq. Magdalene, Mag-da-ld-ne, Manasseh, Ma-nAs-e. Medan, Mg-dan. or MAg-da-len. Manassites, Ma-nAs-its. Medeba, MWd-s-bq. Maogdial, MAg-di-el. Maneh, Mdt-ne. [ir, Medes, Medz. Magog, Md-gog. Manhanaim, Man-ha-nd- Media, Md-di-q. Magor Missabib, Ma-gor Mani, Ma-nj. Median, Md-di-an. Mis-a-bib. Manna, MAn-a. Meeda, Me-d-da. Magpiash, MAg-pi-af. Manoah, Ma-n6-a. Megiddo, Me-gid-o. Mahalah, MA-ha-lqc. Maoch, Ma-ok. Megiddon, Me-gid-en. Mahalaleel, Ma-hAl-a-lld. Maon, MA-on. Mehali, Me-ha-li. Mlahalath Leannoth, Ma- Maonites, Ma-on-its. Mehetabel, Me-hdt-a-bel. ha-lat Le-An-ot. [kil. Mara, Ma-ra. Mehida, Me-hi-da. Mahalath Maschil, — Ms- Marah, Ma-ra. Mehir, Mg-her. Mahaleel, Ma-hdi-ls-el. Maralah, MAr-a-lq. Meholathite, Me-h61-at-lt. Mahali, MA-ha-lj. Maranatha, Mar-a-nAt-t. Mehujael, Me-hfl-ja-el. Mahanaim, Ma-ha-nd-im. Mardocheus, Mqr-do-kd- Mehuman, Me-hf —man. Mahaneh Dan, Ma-ha-ne us. Mehunim, Me-hil-nim. Dan. Mareshah, Ma-rg-fa. Mehunims, Me-hti-nimz. Mahanem, MA-ha-nem. Mark, Mqrk. Mejarkon, Me-jqr-kon. Maharai, Ma-hAr-a-j. Marisa, MAr-i-sq. Mekonah, MWk-o-nq. Mahath, MA-hat. Marmoth, M@r-mot. Melatiah, Mel-a-ti-a. Mahavites, MA-ha-vits. Maroth, Ma-rot. Melchi, Mel-ki. Mahaz, Ma-haz. Marrekah, Mar-e-kq. Melchiah, Mel-ki-a. Mahazioth, Ma-ha-zi-ot. Marsena, M4r-se-nq. Melehias, Mel-ki-as. Mahershalalhashbaz, Ma- Martena, M4r-te-nq. Melchiel, Mel-ki-el. [dek. her-fdl-al-ha -baz. Martha, MjCr-ta. Melchisedek, Mel - kiz- e Mahliah, Mqc-la. Mary, Ma-ri. Melchishua, Mel-ki-[fe-a. Mahli, Mq-lI. Masa, Md-sa. Melea, Me-li-a. Mahlites, M-lits. Maschil, MAs-kil. Melech, Md-lek. Mahlon, Mq-lon. Maseloth, MAs-E-lot. Melita, Mel-i-tq. Maianeas, Ma-an-e-as. Mash, MaI. Mellicu, Mdl-i-kqL. Makas, Ma-kas. Mashal, Ma-fal. Melzar, M6l-zar. Maked, Ma-ked. Masman, Mas-man. Memphis, iMdm-fis. Makeloth, Ma-kg-lot. Masmoth, MAs-mot. Memucan, Me-mrn-kan. Makkedah, Ma-kd-da. Masrekah, MAs-re-kq. Menahem, Mdn-a-hem. Maktesh, Mdk-tef. Massah, Mhs-a. Menan, Md-nan. Malachi, MAl-a-kj. Massias, Ma-si-as. Mene, Md-ns. Malcham, MAl-kam. Matred, MA-tred. Menith, Mg-nit. Malchiah, Mal-ki-a. Matri, Ma-trj. Menothai, IMdn-o-ta. Malchiel, MAIl-ki-el. Mattan, MAlt-an. Meonenem, Me-6n-s-nem. Malchielites, MAI-ki-el-jts. Mattanah, MAt-a-nct. Mephaath, Mdf-a-at. Malchijah, Mal-ki-ja. Mattaniah, Mat-a-ni-a. Mephibosheth, Me-fib-oMalchiram, Mal-ki-ram. Mattatha, Mdtt-a-tq. Set. Malchishuah, Mal-ki-If-ct. Mattathias, Mat-a-ti-as. Merab, Md-rab. Malehom, MAl-kom. Mattenai, Mat-e-nA-j. Meraiah, Mer-a-I-a. Malchus, MAl-kus. Matthan, MAt-tan. Meraioth, Me-rd-yot. Mallas, MAl-as. Matthat, MAt-tat. Meran, Md-ran. Mallothi, Mal —tji. Matthelas, Mat-t-l1as. Merari, Mdr-a-ri. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 197 Merarites, M6r-a-rits. Michri, Mik-ri. Molid, M6&-lid. Merathaitn, Mer-a-td-im. Michtam, Mik-tam. Moloch, M6-lok. Mered, Mg-red. Middin, Mid-in. Momdis, M6m-dis. Meremoth, Mdr-e-mot. Midian, Mid-i-an. Moosias, Moa —si-as. Merez, ME-rez. Midianites, Mid-i-an-its. Morashite, M6-raf-it. Meriba, 1M6r-i-bcq. Migdalel, Mig-da-lel. Morasthite, M6-ras-tit. Meribah, Mdr-i-bc. [deS. Migdal Gad, Mig-dal Gad. Mordecai, M6r-de-ka. Meribah Kadesh, - Ka- Migdol, Mig-dol. Moreh, M6-re. Meribbaal, Me-rib-a-al. Migron, Mig-ron. Moresheth Gath, M6r-efMerimoth, M6r-i-mot. Mijamin, Mij-a-min. et Gat. Merodach Baladan, Me-rd- Mikloth, Mik-lot. Moriah, Mo-ri-a. dak BAl-a-dan.. Mikneiah, Mik-ni-a. Mosera, Mo-sg-ra. Merom, MW-rom. Milalai, Mil-a-la-i. Moserah, Mo-sg-ra. Meronothite, Me-r6n-o-tit. Milcah, Mil-ka. Moses, Md-zez. Meroz, Mg-roz. Milcha, Mil-ka. Mosollam, Ma-s61-am. Meruth, Mg-rut. Milchah, Mil-ka. Mosoroth, Mo-s6-rot. Mesech, Ms-sek. Milcom, Mil-kom. Mosullamon, Ma - s6l - a Mesha, Md-ia. Millo, Mil-). mon. Meshach, Md-fak. Mina, Mi-na. Moza, M6-za. Meshech, Mg-fek. Miniamin, Mi-ni-a-min. Mozah, M6-za. Meshelemiah, Mef - el - e- Minni, Min-i. Muppim, Mdp-im. mi-a. Minnith, Min-it. Mushi, MAt-fj. Meshezabeel,Ms-Jfz-a-bsl. Miphkad, Mif-kad. Mushites, MiAt-jts. Meshezabel, Me-f6z-a-bel. Miriam, Mir-i-am. Muthlabben, Mut-lAb-en. Meshillamith, Mef - i - la- Mirma, Mr-ma. Myndus, Min-dus. mit. [mot. Misgab, Mis-gab. Myra, Mi-ra. Meshillemoth, Me - fil- e- Mishael, Mif-a-el. Mytilene, 3Mit-i-li-ne. Meshoba, ME-Sf-ba. Mishal, MI-Sal. Meshullam, Me-Sdl-am.] Misham, Mi-Sam. Meshullemith, Me - fjd1- e- Misheal, Mi-fe-al, or Mimit. f -al. N Mesobah, M&s-a-bcq. Mishma, Mif-ma. Mesobaite, Mds-o-ba-it. Mishmanna, Mij-man-a. Mesopotamia, Mes-o-po- Mishraites, MiS-ra-its. Naam, Na-am. tA-mi-q. Mispar, Mis-par. Naamah, Na-a-mq. Messiah, hMes-i-a. Mispereth, Miz-pe-ret. Naaman, Nd-a-man. Messias, Mes-i-as. Mispha, Miz-fa. Naamathite, Na-a-ma-tjt. Meterus, Me-td-rus. Misphah, Miz-fa. Naamites, NA-am-its. Metheg Ammah, Mg-teg Misraim, Miz-ra-im. Naarah, Na-a-rq. Am'a. Misrephothmaim, Miz-re- Naarai, Nd-a-ra. Methredath, M6t-re-dat. fot-mA-im. Naaran, Nd-a-ran. Methusael, Me-Hti-sa-el. Mithcah, Mit-ka. Naarath, NA-a-rat. Methusela, Me-tDi-se-lq. Mithnite, Mit-nlt. Naashon, Na-Af-on. Methuselah, Me-tij-se-lq. Mithridath, Mit-ri-dat. Naathus, NA-a-tus. Meunim, ME-yAi-nim. Mizar, MI-zar. Nabal, Na-bal. Mezahab, Mez-a-hab. Mizpah, Miz-pa. Nabarias, Nab-a-rI-as. Miamin, Mi-a-min. Mizpeh, Miz-pe. Nabatheans,Na-ba-tE-anz. Mihbar, Mib-har. Mizraim, Miz-ra-im. Nabathites, Na-bat-Its. Mibsam, Mib-sam. Mizzah, Miz-a. Naboth, Nd-bokt Mibzar, Mib-zar. Mnason, NA-son. Nachon, Na-kon. Micah, Mi-ka. Moab, MS-ab. Nachor, Na-kor, Micaiah, Mi-ka-yq. Moabites, Md-ab-its. Nadab, Na-dab. Micha, Mi-ka. Moadiah, Ma-a-d-a. Nadabatha, Na-dab-a-tq. Michael, Mi-ka-el. Mockmur, M6k-mur. Nagge, Nag-s. Michah, Mi-ka. Mockram, M6k-ram. Nahabi, Na-ha-bj. Michaiah, M1-ka-ya. Modin, Mh-din. Nahaliel, Na-ha-li-el. Michal, M1-kal. Moeth, Md-et. Nahallal, Na-hal-al. Michmas, Mik-mas. Moladah, M61-a-dq. Nahalol, Na-ha-lo]. Michmash, Mik-maf. Molech, Md-lek. Naham, Na ham. Michmethah, Mik-mes-q. Moli, M6-1l. Nahami, Na-ham-a-ni. 198 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Naharai, Na-har-a-i. Nehushta, Ne-hdf-ta. Nomenius, No-me-ni-us. Nahash, NA-haf. Nehushtah, Ne-hdS-ta. Non, Non. Nahath, NA-hat. Nehushtan, Ns-haf-tan. Noph, Nof. Nahbi, Nq-bi. Neiel, Ng-l-el. Nophah, NA-fa. Nahor, Na-hor. Nekeb, NE-keb. Nun, Nun, (thefat]er of Nahshon, Nq-Jon. Nekoda, Ns-kA-da. Joshuac.) Nahum, Na-hum. Nemuel, Ne-mA-el. Nymphas, Nim-fas. Naidus, Na-i-dus. Nemuelites, Ne-m4i,-el-its. Naim, Na-im. Nepheg, Nd-feg. Nain, Na-in. Nephi, Nd-fi. Naioth, Na-yot. Nephis, Nd-fis. 0 Nanea, Na-ng-a. [mi. Nephish, NO-fif. Naomi, Na-@-mb, or Na-6- Nephishesim, Ns-fif-e-sim. Naphisi, Naf-i-sm. Nephthali, Nef-Da-li. Obadiah, Ob-a-di-a, or Naphthali, Naf-ta-lj. Nephthoah, Nff-ta-q. 6)-ba-di-a. Naphthar, Naf-Dar. Nephtuim, Ndf-tq,-im. Obal, Q'bal. Naphtahim, NAf-tiq-him. Nephusim, Ne-ffl-sim. Obed, O'bed. Napish, NA-pij. Ner, Ner. Obed Edom, - 8'dom. Nasbas, Nas-bas. Nereus, Nd-re-us. Obeth, O'bet. Nashon, NA-Jon. Nergal, Ndr-gal. [zer. Obil, i)'bil. Nasith, Na-sit. Nergal Sharezer, -E-a-rg- Oboth, G'bot. Nasor, Na-sor. Neri, Ng-r'. Ochiel, O'ki-el. Nathan, NA-tan. Neriah, Ns-rl-a. Ocidelus, Os-i-dg-lus. Nathanael, Na-tAn-a-el. Nethaneel, Ne-tAn-s-el. Ocina, Os'i-nq. Nathanias, Nat-a-ni-as. Nethaniah, Net-a-nI-a. Ocran, Ok'ran. Nathan Melech, N - tan Nethinims, N6t-i-nimz. Oded, Q'ded. Mg-lek. Netophah, Ne-t6-f a. Odollam, O)-d61-am. Naum, Na-um. Netophathi, Ns-t6f-a-ti. Odonarkes, Qd-on-4r-ksz. Nave, NA-ve. Netophathites, Ns - t6f -a- Og, Og. Nazarene, Naz-a-rdn. tjts. Ohad, )'had. Nazarenes, Naz-a-rinz. Neziah, Ns-zi-a. Ohel, )'hel. Nazareth, NAz-a-ret. Nezib, Ng-zib. Olamus, Ol'a-mus. Nazarite, NAz-a-rjt. Nibbas, Nib-as. Olivet, Ol'i-vet. Neah, Nd-a. Nibshan, Nib-jan. Olymphas, 0-lim-fas. Neariah, Ns-a-ri-a. Nicodemus, Nik-o-dg-mus. Omaerus, Om-a-i-rus. Nebai, Ndb-a-i. Nicolaitans, Nik - o - la- i- Omar,'Ymar. Nebaioth, Ns-bA-yot. tanz. Omega, 6-md-ga. Nebajoth, Ne-bA-jot. Nicolas, Nik-o-las. Omer, O'mer. Neballat, Ns-bal-at. Nimrah, Nim-ra. Omri, Om'ri. Nebat, Ng-bat. Nimrim, Nim-rim. On, On. Nebo, Nd-bo. Nimrod, Nim-rod. Onam, G'nam. Nebuchadnezzar, Neb-yq,- Nimshi, Nim-Ji. Onan, )'nan. kad-nez-ar. Nineve, Nin-s-vs. Onesimus, O)-ons-i-mus. Nebuchadrezzar, Neb-yq,- Nineveh, Nin-e-ve. Onesiphoras, On-e-sif-okad-rez-ar. Ninevites, Nin-e-vits. rus. Nebuchasban, Neb - yq - Nisan, NI-san. Oniares, 0-ni-a-rzz. kAs-ban. Nisroch, Nis-rok. Onias, 0-ni-as. Nebuchodonosor, Neb-ysq- Noadiah, N@-a-dI-a. O no, )'na. kod-6n-@-sor. Noah, NA-a, or Onus,'6nus. Nebuzaradan, Neb-ypj-zAr- Noe, N-s-. Onyas, 0-ni-as. a-dan. Nob, Nob. Onycha, On'i-kcq. Necho, Nd-k@. Nobah, NA-ba. Onyx, )'niks. Necodan, Ne-kA-dan. Nod, Nod. Ophel, O'fel. Nedabiah, Ned-a-bi-a. Nodab, NA-dab. Opher, O'fer. Neemias, Ne-e-mI-as. Noeba, N-se-ba. Ophir, G'fer. Neginoth, Ndg-i-not. Noga, NA-ga, or Ophni, Of'ni. Nehelamite, Ne-hel-a-mit. Nogan, N6-gan. Ophrah, Of'ra. Nehemiah, Ne-hs-mi-a. Nohah, N6-ha. Oreb, 0'reb, Nehemias, Ns-hs-mi-as. Nom, Nom. Oren, 0'ren, or Nehum, Nd-hum. Nomades, N6m-a-dez. Oran, 6'ran. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 199 Orion, 6'ri-on, or ()-ri-on. Pathrusim, Pat-rc6-sim. Phaselis, Fa-sg-lis. Orman, Or'nan. Patrobas, PAt-rn-bas. Phasiron, Fas-i-ron. Orphah, Or'fa. Pau, PiA-yt. Phebe, Fd-bs. Orthosias, Or-tc)-si-as. Paul, Poi. Phenico, Fe-ni-sz. Osaias, 6)-za-yas. Pedahel, Ped-a-hel. Phibeseth, Fib-,-set. Oseas, O-zd-as. Pedahzur, Ped-a-zur. Phicol, Fi-kol. Osee, 6)'zs. Pedaiah, Pe-da-ya. Philarches, Fi-14r-klz. Oshea, O'fe-q. Pekah, Pd-ka. Philemon, Fi-li-mon. Ospray, Os'pra. Pekahiah, Pek-a-hi-a. Philetus, Fi-ld-tus. Ossifrage, Os'i-fraj. Pekod, Pd-kod. Philistia, Fi-lis-ti-q. Othni, Ot'ni. Pelaiah, Pel-a-i-a. Philistim, Fi-lis-tim. Othniel, Ot'ni-el. Pelaliah, Pel-a-li-a. Philistines, Fi-lis-tinz. Othonias, Ot-6-ni-as. Pelatiah, Pel-a-ti-a. Philologus, Fi-161-@-gus. Ozem, D'zem. Peleg, Pd-leg. Philometor, Fil-o-m.-tor. Ozias, O)-zi-as. Pelet, Pg-let. Phineas, Fin-e-as. Oziel, O'zi-el. Peleth, Pi-let. Phinehas, Fin-e-has. Ozni, Oz'ni. Pelethites, Pd-leD-jts. Phison, Fi-son. Oznites, Oz'nIts. Pelias, Pe-l-as. Phlegon, Fld-gon. Ozora, 6)-z6-ra. Pelonite, P61-a-nlt. Phoros, F6-ros. Peniel, Pe-ni-el. Phul, Ful. Peninnah, Pe-nin-a. Phur, Fur. Penninah, Pen-i-nq. Phurah, F4-ra. P. Pentapolis, Pen-tap-o-lis. Phut, Fut. Pentateuch, P6n-ta-tiqk. Phuvah, Fi-va. Paarai, PA-a-ra. Pentecost, PNn-ts-kost. Phygellus, Fi-jdl-us. Padan, PA-dan. Pentel, Pe-nfi-el. Phylacteries, Fi-lAk-te-riz. Padan Aram, - E['ram. Peor, Pd-or. Pihahiroth, Pi-ha-hi-rot. Padon, PA-don. Perazim, Per-a-zim. Pilate, Pi-lat. Pagiel, PA-gi-el. [ab Peresh, Pd-ref. Pildash, Pil-daJ. Pahath Moab, PA-hat 16- Perez, Pr-rez. Piletha, Pil-r-tq. Pai, Pa-i. Perez Uzza, - Uz'a. Piltai, Pil-ta. Palal, Pa-lal. Perga, Per-ga. Pinon, Pi-non. Palestine, PAI-es-tln. Pergamos, PNr-ga-mos. Pira, Pi-ra. Pallu, Pal-yq,. Perida, Pr-ri-da. Piram, Pi-ram. Palluites, Pal-yq,-jts. Perizzites, Pdr-iz-jts. Pirathon, Pir-a-ton. Palti, PAl-ti. Permenas, PWr-me-nas. Pirathonite, Pir-a-ton-jt. Paltiel, PAl-ti-el. Peruda, Pr-rc6-da. Pisgah, Piz-ga. Paltite, PAl-tit. Pethahiah, Pet-a-hI-a. Pison, Pi-son. Pannag, Pan-ag. Pethor, Pd-tor. Pispah, Pis-pct. Paradise, PAr-a-dis. Pethuel, Pe-tD-el. Pithon, Pi-ton. Parah, PA-ra. Peulthai, Pe-fil-ta. Pochereth, P6k-z-ret. Paran, PA-ran. Phacareth, FAk-a-ret. Pontius Pilate, P6n-ti-us Parbar, P4r-bar. Phaisur, FA-sur. Pi-lat. Parmashta, Pqr-m4f-ta. Phaldaius, Fal-da-yus. Poratha, P6r-a-tlq. Parmenas, P4r-mr-nas. Phaleas, Fa-ld-as. Potiphar, P6t-i-far. Parnach, P4r-nak. Phaleg, Fa-leg. Potiphera, P)-tif-s-rq. Parnath, P4r-nat. Phallu, FAl-yu0. Prochoras, Pr6k-o-rus. Parosh, Pa-rof. [tq. Phalti, Fal-ti. Pua, Pfa,-, or Parshandatha, Pqr-jan-da- Phaltiel, Fal-ti-el. Puah, P4i-a. Paruah, PAr-yqr-q. Phanuel, Fa-nif-el. Pudens, Pi,-dens. Parvaim, Pqr-vA-zm. Pharacim, FAr-a-sim. Puhites, PAi-hits. Pasach, PA-sak. Pharaoh, FA-ro. Pul, Pul. Pasdammin, Pas-dAm-in. Pharathoni, Far-a-DA-ni. Punites, P4-nits. Paseah, Pa-sd-a. Pharez, Fa-rez. Punon, Pfl-non. Pashur, PiA-ur. Pharezites, FA-rezjits. Pur, Pur, or Passover, PAs-Q-ver. Pharisees, FAr-i-ssz. Purim, P4-rim. Patara, Pat-a-rq. Pharosh, Fa-rof. Put, Put. Pateoli, Pa-tdg —li. Pharpar, F4r-par. Puteoli, Pq,-tg — l. Patheus, Pa-Dt-us. Pharites, F4r-zits. Putiel, Pfi-ti-el. Pathros, PAt-ros. Phaseah, Fa-se-q. Pygarg, Pi-gcrg. 200 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Rechah, RE-ka. Rumah, R&-ma. R Reelaiah, Re-el-a-yt. Rusticus, Ris-ti-kus. Reelias, RE-el-i-as. Ruth, Reat. Reesaias, Ra-s6a-yas. Raamah, Ra-a-mq. Regem, Rg-gem. [lek. Raamiah, Ra-a-mi-a. Regemmelech, Re-gdm-ERaamses, Ra-Am-sez. Regom, Rg-gom. s Rabbah, RAb-a. Rehabiab, Re-ha-bi-d. Rabbat, Rab-at. Rehob, Rs-hob. Rabbath, Rab-at. Rehoboam, Re-ho-b6-am. Sabaethani, Sa-bak-ti-ni. Rabbi, RAb-j. Rehoboth, Re-h6-bot. Sabaoth, SAb-a-ot. Rabbith, Rab-it. Rehu, RE-hit. Sabat, Sd-bat. Rabboni, Ra-b6-ni. Rehum, Rd-hum. Sabatus, Sab-a-tus. Rabmag, RAb-mag. Rei, Rd-i. Sabban, Sab-an. Rabsaces, RAb-sa-saz. Rekem, Rd-kem. Sabbath, Sab-at. Rabsaris, RAb-sa-ris. Remaliah, Rem-a-li-a. Sabbatheus, Sab-a-Ut-us. Rabshakeh, RAb-fa-ke. Remeth, Rd-met. Sabbeus, Sa-bg-us. Raca, or Racha, RA-ka. Remmon, Rdm-on. Sabdeus, Sab-da-us. Racab, Ra-kab. Remmon Methoar, - Mt- Sabdi, Sab-di. Racal, RAt-kal. @-qr. Sabeans, Sa-be- anz. Rachab, Ra-kab. Remphan, Rem-fan. Sabi, SE-bi. Rachel, Ra-gel. Remphis, Rdm-fis. Sabtah, Sab-tt. Raddai, RAd-a-i. Rephael, Rd-fa-el. Sabtecha, SAb-ts-kq. Ragau, Rd-go. Rephah, Rd-fa. Sacar, Si-kar. Rages, Ra-jez. Rephaiah, Ref-a-I-a. Sadamias, Sad-a-mi-as. Ragua, Rag-yr-cq. Rephaim, Rdf-a-im. Sadas, St-das. Raguel, Ra-gi,-el. Rephaims, Ref-a-imz. Saddeus, Sad-E-us. Rahab, Ra-hab. Rephidim, Rdf-i-dim. Sadduc, SAd-uk. Raham, Rd-ham. Resen, Rd-sen. Sadducees, SAd-yt,-sez. Rakem, Rd-kem. Resheph, Rg-Jef. Sadoc, Sa-dok. Rakkath, Rak-at Reu, R-1-q. Sahadutha Jegar, Sa-haRakkon, Rak-on. Reuben, R6-ben. dil-ta Jd-gar. Ram, Ram. Reuel, RE-yfi-el. Sala, Sa-la. Rama, or Ramah, Ra-ma. Reumah, R(d-ma. Salah, Sa-la. Ramath, Rd-mat. Rezeph, Rd-zef. Salasadai, Sal-a-sad-a-1. Ramathaim, Ra-mat-A-im. Rezia, Re-zi-a. Salathiel, Sa-1d-ti-el. Ramathem, RAm-a-tem. Rezin, Rd-zin. Salcah, SAI-ka. Ramathite, Ra-mat-it. Rezon, Rd-zon. Salchah, SAl-ka. Ramath Lehi, Rd-mat Ld- Rhegium, Rd-ji-um. Salem, Si-lem. hi. Rhesa, Rg-sa. Salim, Sd-lim. Ramath Mispeh, - Mis-pe. Rhoda, R)-da. Sallai, SAl-a-i. Rameses, Ra-md-sez. Rhodocus, R6d-@-kus. Sallu, Sal-yq,. Ramiah, Ra-mI-a. Ribai, Ri-ba. Sallum, SAl-um. Ramoth, RA-mot. Riblabh, Rib-la. Sallumus, Sa-ldQ-mus. Ramoth Gilead, Rd- mot Rimmon, Rim-on. Salma, or Salmah, Sal-ma. Gil-e-ad. Rimmon Parez, -- PA-rez. Salmon, Sal-mon. Rapha, Rd-fa. Rinnah, Rin-a. Salmone, Sal-m6-ne. Raphael, Ra-fa-el. Riphath, Ri-fat. Salom, SdA-lom. Raphah, Rd-fa. Rispah, Ris-pa. Salome, Sa-l6-me. Raphaim, Raf-a-im. Rissah, Ris-a. Salu, Sd-lht. Raphon, Ra-fon. Rithmah, Rit-ma. Salum, Sa-lum. Rapha, RA-fit. Rogelim, R@s-gE-lim. Samael, Sam-a-el. Rassis, RAs-is. Rohgah, R6-ga. Samaias, Sa-mid-yas. Rathumus, RAt-yq,-mus. Roimus, Rd-i-mns. Samaria, Sa-md-ri-q, or Razis, Rd-zis. Romantiezer, R@-man-ti- Sam-a-rI-a. [tanz. Reaiah, Re-a-i-a. E-zer. Samaritans, Sa- mar - i - Reba, Rd-ba. Rosh, Rof. Samatus, Sam-a-tus. Rebecca, Re-bdk-a. Ruby, Rc6-bi. Sameius, Sa-mg-yus. Rechab, Rd-kab. Rufus, Rd-fus. Samgar Nebo, SAm-gqr Rechabites, Ri-kab-its. Ruhamah, Rb-ha-mq. Nd-bo. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 201 Sami, SA-mn. Sechenias, Sek-E-nl-as. Shalman, ]Eal-man. [zer. Samis, Sa-mis. Sechu, Si-kq,. Shalmaneser, Eal-ma-ngSamlah, Sam-la. Sedecias, Sed-e-si-as. Shama, E]-ma. Sammas, Sam-us. Segub, Sd-gub. Shamariah, Eam-a-ri-a. Sampsames, SAmp-sa-mez. Seir, Sd-er. Shamed, Ed-med. Samson, Sam-son. Seirath, Sd-i-rat. Shamer, Ed-mer. Samuel, S'im-yq,-el. Sela, Sd-la. Shamgar, ESm-gar. Sanabassarus, San-a-bas- Selah, Si-la. Shamhuth, Eam-hut. a-rus. Selah Hammahlekoth, — Shamir, EA-mer. Sanasib, San-a-sib. Ham-a-li-kot. Shamma, Eim-a. Sanballat, San-bAl-at. Seled, SE-led. Shammah, Edm-a. Sanhedrim, SAn-he-drim. Selemias, Sel-e-mi-as. Shammai, Ehm-a-i. Sansannah, San-san-a. Sem, Sem. Shammoth, Eam-ot. Saph, Saf. Semachiah, Sem-a-ki-a. Shammua, Ea-mft-a. Saphat, Sd-fat. Semaiah, Sem-a-i-a. Shammuah, Ea-mA-a. Saphatias, Saf-a-ti-as. Semaias, Sem-a-i-as. Shamsherai, Eam-fe-rM-i. Sapheth, Sa-fet. Semei, Sdm-s-i. Shapham, Ea-fam. Saphir, SAf-er. Semelleus, Se-mel-c-us. Shaphan, Ed-fan. Sapphira, Sap-fi-ra. Semis, Sd-mis. Shaphat, )>L-fat. Sapphire, SAp-fir. Sennaah, Sdn-a-q. Shapher, Ea-fer. Sara, Sd-ra, or Seneh, Sd-ne. Sharai, Ear-a-i. Sarai, Sa-ra. Senir, S~-ner. Sharaim, E/r-a-im. Sarabias, Sar-a-bi-as. Sennacherib,Sen-a-k~-rib, Sharar, EA-rar. Saraiah, Sar-a —oa. or Sen-hk-e-rib. Sharezer, Ea-rd-zer. Sarah, Sa-ra. Senuah, Sdn-yq,-. Sharmaim, Eqr-ma-im. Saraias, Sa-ra-yas. Seorim, Se-6-rim. Sharon, E4-ron. Saramael, Sa-ram-a-el. Sephar, Sd-far. Sharonites, E.-ron-Its. Saramel, Sar-a-mel. Sepharad, Sdf-a-rad. Sharuhen, Ea-r&c-hen. Saraph, Sa-raf. [nus. Sepharvaim,Sef-ar-vd-im. Shashai, EAj-a-l. Sarchedonus, Scr-ked-@- Sepharvites, Sg-far-vits. Shashak, A-Jfak. Sardeus, S4r-de-us. Sephela, Se-fd-la. Shaul, EA-ul. Sardis, Sqr-dis. Serah, Sd-ra. Shaulites, Za-ul-its. Sardine, Sqr-din. Seraiah, SE-ra-i-a. Shausha, Ea-yfi-Sa. Sardites, Sqr-djts. Seraphim, Sdr-a-fim. Shaveh, EA-ve. Sardius, Sqr-di-us. Sered, Sd-red. Shaveth, Ed-vet. Sardonyx, Sqr-dQ-niks. Seron, Sd-ron. Sheal, Ed-al. Sarea, Sd-re-c. Serug, Sd-rug. Shealtiel, &E-Al-ti-el. Sarepta, Sa-rep-ta. Sesis, Sd-sis. Sheariah, YEz-a-ri-a. Sargon, S4r-gon. Sesthel, Sds-tel. Shearjashub,&E-ar-ja-Jub. Sarid, Sd-rid. Seth, Set. Sheba, or Shebah, Ed-ba. Saron, Sd-ron. Sethar, Sd-tar. Shebam, Ed-bam. Sarothi, Sa-r4-tj. Sether, Sd-ter. Shebaniah, Zeb-a-ni-a. Sarsechim, Sqr-sd-kim. Shaalabbin, Ea-al-db-in. Shebarim, 7edb-a-rim. Saruch, Sa-ruk. Shaalbim, Ea-Al-bim. Shebat, Eg-bat. Satan, Sd-tan. [nez. Shaalbonite, Ea-Al-b@-njt. Sheber, YEd-ber. Sathrabaznes, Sat-ra-baz- Shaaph, EA-af. Shebna, )eb-na. Sathrabouzanes, Sat- ra - Shaaraim, Ea-a-rA-im. Shebuel, e6b-yq,-el. bs-zd-nez. Shaashgas, Ea-AJ-gas. Shechaniah, Eek-a-ni-a. Saul, So1. Shabbethai, Ea-bdt-a-j. Shechem, Ed-kem. Savaran, Sav-a-ran. Shachia, Edk-i-q. Shechemites, VE-kem-jts. Savias, Sd-vi-as. Shaddai, EAd-a-i. Shechinah, YEdk-i-ncq. Sceva, Sd-va. Shadrach, Ed-drak. Shedeur, ESd-e-ur. Scribes, Skribz. Shage, EA-ge. [mat. Shehariah, Ze-ha-ri-a. Scythians, Skit-i-anz. Shahazimath, Ea-haz-i- Shekel, dg-kel. Scythopolis, Ski-t6p-o-lis. Shalem, Ed-lem. Shelah, Ed-la. Scythopolitans, Skit - - Shalim, EdL-lim. Shelanites, ZE-lan-its. p61-i-tanz. Shalisha, Edl-i-fct. Shelemiah, Eel-e-mi-a. Seba, S-bca. Shallecheth, EAl-c-ket. Sheleph, Ed-lef. Sebat, Sd-bat. Shallum, al-um. Shelesh, Ed-leI. Secacah S6k-a-kc. Shalmai, Edl-ma-j. Shelomi, Ed1-@-mi. 202 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Shelomith, 62l-a-mit or Shimi,orih Shushan, E4f-Jan. ~E-16-mit, Shimi, ~Zi-mn. Shushan Sduth, -'dut. Shelomoth, X6]l-b-mot. Shimites, lim-Its. Shuthalites, 4,-tal-its. Shelumiel, Zs-li4-mi-el. Shimna, lim-na. Shuthelah, i,-ts-lq,. Shem, Zem. Shimon, Ti-mon. Sia, Si-a. Shema, Ed-ma. Shimrath, Zim-rat. Siaka, Si-a-kq. Shemaah, E6m-a-q. Shimri, Eim-rj. Siba, Si-ba. Shemaiah, Mem-a-i-a. Shimrith, Eim-rit. Sibbachai, Sib-a-ka. Shemariah, Eem-a-ri-a. Shimron, Eim-ron. Sibboleth, Sib-a)-let. Shemeber, X6m-e-ber. Shimronites, Eim-ron-its. Sibmah, Sib-ma. Shemer, Ed-mer. Shimron Meron, Zim-ron Sibraim, Sib-ra-im. Shemida, ME-mi-da. Md-ron. Sichem, Si-kem. Sheminith, 26m-i-nit. Shimshai, Zim-fa. Siddim, Sid-im. Shemiramoth, ErE-mir-a- Shinab, E]S-nab. Side, Si-ds. mot. Shinar, Ei-nacr. Sidon, S-i-don. Shemuel, E]-m4,-el. Shion, ES-on. Sigionoth, Si-gi-a-not. Shen, Zen. Shiphi, Ei-fi. Siha, Si-ha. Shenazar, ME-nd-zar. Shiphmite, Eif-mit. Sihon, Si-hon. Shenir, ES-ner. Shiphra, Zif-ra. Sihor, Si-hor. Shepham, Ed-fam. Shiphrath, Mif-rat. Silas, Si-las. Shephatiah, Eef-a-ti-a. Shiptan, Zip-tan. Silla, Sil-a. Shephi, MEd-fl. Shisha, Ei-fa. Siloa, Sil-a-q, or Shepho, Ed-f@. Shishak, E]j-ak. Siloah, Sil-a-q. Shephuphan, E-fi4-fan. Shitrai, Eit-ra-i. Siloam, Sil-a-am, or SiSherah, Ed-ra. Shittah, Eit-a. [Wad. la-am. Sherebiah, ]er-E-bi-a. Shittim Wood, Eit -im Siloas, Sil-a-as. Sheresh, Ed-ref. Shiza, E]i-za. Siloe, Sil-o-r. Sherezer, ME-rd-zer. Shoa, E6-a. Simalcue, Si-mal-kfi-e. Sheshack, Ed-Jak. Shoab, Ed-ab. Simeon, Sim-r-on. Sheshali, Ed-fa. Shoah, Ed-a. Simeonites, Sim-r-on-lts. Sheshan, Eg-Jan. Shobach, Ed-bak. Simon, Si-mon. Sheshbazzar, Eef-baz-ar. Shobai, Ed-ba-1. Simri, Sim-rj. Sheth, Zet. Shobal, Ed-bal. Sin, Sin. Shethar, ME —tar. [na-i. Shobek, Sd-bek. Sinai, SI-na. Shethar Boznai, - B6z- Shobi, Ed-bi. Sinim, SI-nim. Sheva, Ed-va. Shocho, E6-ko. Sinites, Sin-jts. Shibboleth, ilb-a-let. Shochoh, E6-ko. Sion, Si-on. Shibmah, Zib-ma. Shoham, Ed-ham. Siphmoth, Sif-mot. Shichron, EI-kron. Shomer, E6-mer. Sippai, Sip-a. Shiggaion, Xi-gA-yon. Shophach, id-fak. Sirach, Si-rak. Shihon, Ei-hon. Shophan, Ed-fan. Sirah, SI-ra. Shihor, EI-hor. [nat. Shoshannim, E@-Sfn-im. Sirion, Sir-i-on. Shihor Libnath, - lib- Shoshannim Eduth, - 8'- Sisamai, Sis-am-a-j. Shiihim, Ei-i-him. Shua, Eit-a. [dut. Sisera, Sis-s-rq. Shilhi, Eil-hi. Shuah, E(i,-a. Sisinnes, Si-sin-rz. Shilhim, Eil-him. Shual, Ei1,-al. Sitnah, Sit-na. Shillem, Eil-em. Shubael, Si3-ba-el. Sivan, SI-van. Shillemites, Eil-em-Its. Shuham, Elq-ham. So, So. Shiloah, Si-16-a. Shuhamites, Zi-ham-its. Sochoh, Sd-ka. Shiloh, or Shilo, El-Gl. Shuhites, Eft-hits. Socoh, Sd-ka. Shiloni, Mi-ld-nl. Shulamite, fiE-lam-it. Sodi, S6-dj. Shilonites, Zi-Il-nits. Shumathites, 4,-mat-i-ts. Sodom, S6d-om. Shilshah, Eil-fa. Shunamite, Efi,-nam-It. Sodoma, S6d-a-mq. Shimea, Eim-e-q. Shunem, Zit-nem. Sodomites, S6d-om-jts. Shimeah, Zim-r-q. Shuni, Zi,-ni. Solomon, S61-o-mon. Shimeam, Zim-e-am. Shunites, ~E-nits. Sopater, S6p-a-ter. Shimeath, Eim-E-at. Shupham, fi4-fam. Sophereth, S6f-e-ret. Shimeathites,Eim-s-at-jts. Shuphamite, Zil-fam-it. Sorek, Sd-rek. Shimei, Zim-r-i. Shuppim, Szp-im. Sosipater, So-sip-a-ter. Shimeon, Zim-e-on. Shur, Zur. Sosthenes, S6s-te-nez. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 203 Sosthenes, Ss-tr-nez. Tahtim Hodshi, T - tim Thahash, HB-haf. Sostratus, S6s-tra-tus. H6d-fi. [KA-mi. Thamah, HA-ma. Sotai, S6-ta-j, or So-tA-i. Talitha Cumi, TAl- i - tq Thamnatha, Ham-na-tq. Stachys, StA-kis. Talmai, TAl-ma. Thara, HA-ra. Stacte, StAk-ts. Talmon, T&l-mon. Tharra, Rar-a. Stephana, Stef-a-nq. Talsas, Tal-sas. Tharshish, HR4r-Sif. Stephanas, St6f-a-nas. Tamah, TA-ma. Thassi, Has-i. Stephen, Sti-ven. Tamar, TA-mar. Thebez, RH-bez. Suah, S-c-a. Tammuz, Thm-uz. Thecoe, HR-k6-s. Suba, SfA-ba. Tanach, TA-nak. Thelasser, He-lAs-er. Subai, S,-ba-a. Tanhumeth, Tan-hq-met. Thelersas, HR-ldr-sas. Sucaathites, Suq-kA-at-its. Tanis, TA-nis. Theocanus, Re-6k-a-nus. Succoth, Sdk-ot. Taphath, TA-fat). Theodotus, Hr-6d-o-tus. Succoth Benoth, -Be-not, Taphenes, TAf-e-nrz. Theophilus, Re-6f-i-las. Sud, Sud. Taphnes, TAf-nrz. Theras, HR-ras. Sudias, S4-di-as. Taphon, Ta-fon. Thermeleth, Hdr-me-let. Sukkiims, Siik-i-imz. Tappuah, TAp-yqu-q. Thessalonica, Res-a-lo-nlSur, Sur. Tarah, TA-ra. Theudas, RHf-das. [ka. Susa, SAi-sa. Taralah, TAr-a-lq. Thimnathath, Him-na-tart. Susanchites, S4-san-kjts. Tarea, TA-rs-q. Thisbe, Ris-bs. Susannah, Su-zan-a. Tarpelites, Tdr-pel-its. Thomas, T6m-as, Susi, S4-si. Tarshis, T4r-Jis. Thomoi, H6m —ij. Sycamine, Sik-a-mjn. Tarshish, TQr-fif. Thraseas, Rra-sg-as. Sycene, SI-si-ns. Tarshisi, Tqr-Jl-si. Thummim, Hdm-im. Sychar, Si-kar. Tarus, Tfr-sus. Thyatira, Ri-a-ti-ra. Syelus, Si-g-lus. Tartak, T4r-tak. Tibbath, Tib-at. Syene, Si-g-ns. Tartan, T4r-tan. Tiberias, Ti-bi-ri-as. Synagogue, Sin-a-gog. Tatnai, TAt-na-i. Tibni, Tib-ni. Syntyche, Sin-ti-ke. Tebah, TU-ba. Tidal, Ti-dal. Syria lMaacah, Sir-i-a MA- Tebaliah, Teb-a-li-a. Tiglath Pileser, Tig-lab a-kc. Tebeth, TU-bet. [hsz. Pi-l~-ser. Syrion, Sir-i-on. Tehaphnehes, TE-hAf-ns- Tikvah, Tik-vd. Syrophenicia, Si-ro-fe- Tehinnah, T-hfin-a. Tikvath, Tik-vat. nif-i-q. Tekel, Tg-kel. Tilon, Ti-lon. Tekoa, Te-k6-a, or Timelus, Ti-mg-lus. Tekoah, TE-k6-a. Timna, Tim-na. m1C Tekoites, Ts-k6-jts. Timnath, Tim-nat. J__j. Telabib, Tel-a-bib. Timnathah, Tim-na-tq. Telah, TU-la. Timnath Heres, Tim-nab Taanach, TA - a- nak, or Telaim, Tel-a-im. Hi-rrz. Ta-a-nak. Telassar, Te-lAs-ar. Timnath Serah, - Sg-ro. Taanach Shilo, - Mi-la. Telem, Ti-lem. Timnite, Tim-nit. Tabbaoth, TAb-a-ot. Telharesha, Tel-ha-re-fJ'. Timotheus, Ti-m6-te-us. Tabbath, TAb-at. Telharsa, Tel-hAr-sa. Timothy, Tim-n-ti. Tabeal, TA-bs-al. Telmela, T6l-mr-lq. Tipsah, Tip-sa. Tabeel, TA-br-el. Telmelah, T61-mr-lq. Tiras, Ti-ras. Tabellius, Ta-bel-i-us. Tema, TU-ma. Tirathites, Ti-rat-its. Tabera, TAb-e-rq. Teman, TU-man. Tirhakah, Ter-ha-kq. Tabitha, Tab-i-tq. Temani, Tem-a-ni. Tirhanah, T'r-ha-nq. Tabor, Ta-bor. Temanites, TU-man-Its. Tiria, Tir-i-q. Tabrimon, Tab-ri-mon. Temeni, Tdm-e-ni. Tirshatha, Tfr-fa-tq. Tachmonite, Tak-mo-nit. Tepho, Tg-fo. Tirzah, Ter-za. Tadmor, Tad-mor. Terah, TE-ra. Tishbite, Tif-bit. Tahan, TA-han. Teraphim, T6r-a-fim. Tivan, Ti-van. Tahanites, TA-han-its. Teresh, Ti-ref. Tiza, Ti-za. Tahapenes, Ta-hAp-s-nrz. Tertius, T.r-fi-us. Tizite,- Tj-z4t. Tahaphanes, Ta-haf-a-nez. Tertullus, Ter-tAl-us. Toah, T6-a. Tahath, Ta-hat. Teta, Tg-ta. Toanah, T6-a-nq. Tahpenes, T4-pe-nez. Tetrarch, T6t-rqrk. Tob, Tob. Tahrea, T6-re-qc. Thaddeus, Ha-dg-us. Tobiah, To-bi-a, 204 SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. Tobias, To-bi-as. Uzzah, Uz'a. r[. Zalmunah, Zal-mlin-a. Tobie, T6-bi. Uzzen Sherah, Uz'en 2d- Zambis, Zam-bis. Tobiel, T6-bi-el. Uzzi, Uz';. Zambri, Zam-bri. Tobijah, To-bi-ja. Uzziah, Uz-i-a. Zamoth, Za-mot. [imz. Tobit, T6-bit. Uzziel, Uz-l-el. Zamzummims, Zam-zflmTochen, T6-ken. Uzzielites, Uz-i-el-its. Zanoah, Za-n6-a. Togarmah, To-g4r-ma. Zaphnathpaaneah, ZafTohu, T6-hq. nat-pa-a-ng-a. Toi, T6-1. Zaphon, Za-fon. Tola, T6-la. 11 Zara, Za-ra. Tolad, T6-lad.. Zaraces, ZAr-a-sez. Tolaites, T6-la-jts. Zarah, Zi-ra. Tolbanes, T61-ba-nez. Vajezatha, Va-jkz-a-tq. Zaraias, Zar-a-1-as. Tolmai, T61-ma. Vaniah, Va-ni-a. Zareah, Za-re-q. Tophel, T6-fel. Vashni, VaS-ni. Zareathites, Za-re-aB-jts. Tophet, TA-fet. Vashti, VYl-ti. Zared, Za-red. Tou, T6-yq,. Vophsi, V6f-s.. Zarephath, Zar-e-fat. Trachonitis, Trak-a-ni-tis. Zaretan, ZAr-e-tan. Tripolis, Trip-a-lis. Zareth Shahar, Za-ret JATroas, TrQ-as. har. Trogyllium, Tro-jil-i-um. X. Zarhites, Z4r-hits. Trophimus, Tr6f-i-mus.. Zartanah, Z4r-ta-nt. Tryphena, Tri-fe-na. Zarthan, Z4r-tan. Tryphosa, Tr[-fM-sa. Xagus, ZA-gus. Zathoe, Zat-c-e. Tubal, TiL-bal. Xanthicus, Zan-ti-kus. Zathu, Zat-y1t. Tubal Cain, - KA-in. Xeneas, Ze-ne-as. Zathui, Za-tfQ-1. Tubieni, Tq-bj-s-ni. Xerolybe, Ze-r61-i-be. Zattu, ZAt-yq. Tyberias, Tj-bg-ri-as. Xerophagia, Zer-o-fa-ji-a. Zavan, Za-van. Tychicus, Tik-i-kus. Xystus, Zis-tus. Zaza, Za-za. Tyrannus, Ti-ran-us. Zebadiah, Zeb-a-dl-a. Tyre, Tir. Zebah, Zd-ba. Tyrus, Ti-rus. Zebaim, Zs-bA-im. Z/ Zebedee, Zdb-s-de. Zebina, Ze-bi-na. Zeboim, Ze-b6-im. U3 Zaaman, ZA-a-man. Zebuda, ZE-bi-da. Zaanaim, Za-a-nA-im. Zebul, Zg-bul. Zaanannim, Za-a-nan-im. Zebulon, Zdb-ytq-lon. Ucal, Y4f-kal. Zaavan, Za-a-van. Zebulonites, Zdb-yq-lonUel, Y,-el. Zabad, ZA-bad. its. Ulai, Yfl-la-i. Zabadaeans, Zab-a-dg-anz. Zechariah, Zek-a-ri-a. Ulam, Yft-lam. Zabadaias, Zab-a-da-yas. Zedad, Zg-dad. Ulla, Ul'a. Zabbai, ZAb-a. Zedekiah, Zed-e-kl-a. Ummah, Um'a. Zabdeus, Zab-dg-us. Zeeb, Zsb, or Zg-eb. Unni, Un't. Zabdi, Zhb-dj. Eelah, Zg-la. Upharsin, YtL-f4r-sin. Zabdiel, Zab-di-el. Zelek, Zg-lek. Uphaz, Yli-faz. Zabina, Za-bi-na. Zelophead, Zs-l6-fe-ad. Urbane, Ur'ba-ne. Zabud, Za-bud. Zelotes, Zg-l6-tez. Uri, Yi4-rj. Zabulon, Zab-yqt-lon. Zelzah, Z1l-za. Uriah, YTL-rj-a. Zaccai, Zak-a i. Zemaraim, Zem-a-ra-im. Urias, Yqu-ri-as. [el. Zacchous, Za-ke-us. Zemarite, Zam-a-rit. Uriel, Yi-ri-el, or Yqt-r- Zaccur, ZAk-ur. Zemira, Zs-mi-ra. Urijah, Yiq-rl-jca. Zachariah, Zak-a-rj-a. Zenan, ZE-nan. Urim, Yfl-rim. Zacher, Za-ker. Zenas, Zg-nas. Uta, Yfl-ta. Zadok, Za-dok. Zeorim, Zs-6r-im. Uthai, Y-bta-1, or Yq-tA-j. Zaham, Za-ham. Zephaniah, Zef-a-nl-a. Uthi, Yli-ti. Zair, Za-er. Zephath, Zg-fat. Uzai, Yfl-za-1. Zalaph, Za-laf. Zephathah, Zdf-a-tq. Uzal, Yti-zal. Zalmon, Zal-mon. IZephi, Zg-fI, Uzza, Uz'a. Zalmonah, Zal-ma-na. Zepho, ZV-fo. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. 205 Zephon, Zg-fon. Zidkijah, Zid-ki-jc. Ziz, Ziz. Zephonites, Z6f-on-its. Zidon, Zj-don, or Ziza, Zj-za. Zer, Zer. Sidon, Si-don. Zizah, Zi-za. Zerah, Zi-ra. Zidonians, Zi-dd-ni-anz. Zoan, Z&-an. Zerahiah, Zer-a-hi-a. Zif, Zif. Zoar, ZM-ar. Zeraia, Zer-a-i-a. Ziha, Zi-ha. Zoba, Z6-ba, or Zerau, Zg-ro. Ziklag, Zik-lag. Zobah, Z6-ba. Zered, Zillah, Zil-a. Zobebah, Zo-bg-bd. Zereda, Z6r-E-dt. Zilpah, Zil-pa. Zohar, ZJ-har. Zeredah, Zdr-E-dq. Zilthai, Zil-ta. Zoheleth, Z6-hs-let. Zeredathah, ZE-rdd-a-tq. Zimmah, Zim-a. Zonaras, Z6n-a-ras. Zererath, Z6r-e-rat. Zimram, Zim-ram, or Zopeth, Z&-pet. Zeresh, Zg-ref. Zimran, Zim-ran. Zophah, Z6-fa. Zereth, Zd-ret. Zimri, Zim-rj. Zophai, Z6-fa. Zeri, Zg-rj. Zin, Zin. Zophar, Z6-far. Zeror, Zg-ror. Zina, Zi-nct. Zophim, Z6-fim. Zeruah, ZE-r6-a. Zion, ZI-on, or Zorah, ZM-ra. Zerubbabel, Ze-rdb-a-bel. Sion, Si-on. orathites, Zd-rat-Its. Zeruiah, Zer-yqc-i-a. Zior, Zi-or. Zoreah, E6-rs-qc. Zerviah, Zer-vI-a. Ziph, Zif. Zorites, Z6-rts. Zetham, Z4-tam. Ziphah, Zi-fa. Zorobabel, Zn-r6b-a-bel. Zethan, ZE-tan. Ziphion, Zif-i-on. Zuar, Zfi-ar. Zethar, Zg-tar. Ziphites, Zif-its. Zuph, Zuf. Zia, ZI-a. Ziphron, Zi-fron. Zur, Zur. Ziba, Zi-ba. Zippor, Zip-or. Zuriel, Zi-ri-el. Zibeon, Zib-s-on. Zipporah, Zi-p6-ra. Zurishaddai,Zlt-ri-Sid-a-i. Zichri, Zik-ri. Zithri, Zit-rj Zuzims Zfi,-zimz. Ziddim, Zid-im. 206 THE UNITED STATES. THE UNITED STATES. States and Terri- Capitals. tories. Whites. Fr. Col. Slaves. Total. Maine,............ Augusta,........- 581,813 1,356....... 583,169 New Hampshire,... Concord,. 317,456 520.. 317,976 Vermont,....'Montpelier, 313,402 718.. 314,120 Massachusetts,..B B osto n,..... 985,450 9,064 994,514 Rhode Island,... Newport & Prov'e, 143,875 3,670........ 147,545 Connecticut,...... Hartford & N. H'n, 369,099 7,693....... 370,792 New York,.... Albany,.......... 3,048,325 49,069. 3,097,394 New Jersey,.. Trenton,. 465,509 23,810 236 489,555 Pennsylvania,..- Harrisburg,. 2,258,160 53,626.......2,311,786 Delaware,....... Dover,...........[ 71,169 18,073 2,290 91,532 Maryland,....... Annapolis,........- 417,943 74,723 90,368 583,034 Dist. of Columbia, Washington City, 37,941 10,059 3,687 51,687 Virginia,...... Richmond,........ 894,800 54,333 472,528 1,421,661 North Carolina,-... Raleigh,. -... 553,028 27,463 288,548 869,039 South Carolina,... Columbia,. - 274,563 8,960 384,984 668,507 Georgia,...... Milledgeville, 521,572 2,931 381,682 906,185 Florida,...... Tallahasse,. 47,203 932 39,310 87,445 Alabama,........ Montgomery....... 426,514 2,265 34-2,844 771,623 Mississippi,........ Jackson,......... 295,718 930 309,878 606,526 Louisiana, ~...Baton Rouge,. 255,491 17,462 244,809 517,762 Texas,.... Austin, 154,034 397 58,161 212,592 Arkansas,.... Little Rock,. 162,189 608 47,100 209,897 Tennessee,....... Nashville, ~...... 756,836 6,422 239,459 1,002,717 Kentucky, ~... Frankfort,....... 761,413 10,011 210,981 982,405 Ohio,............Columbus,.... 1,955,050 25,279....... 1,980,329 Michigan,..........Lansing,.... 395,071 2,583.. 397,654 Indiana,.......... Indianapolis,. 977,154 11,262.. 988,416 Illinois,.......... Springfield, 846,034 5,436....... 851,470 Missouri,... Jefferson City, --. 592,004 2,618 87,422 682,044 Iowa,............. Iowa City,........ 191,881 333....... 192,214 Wisconsin,....... Madison, ~....... 304,756 635 305,391 California,........ Sacramento, 9 91,655 962 92,597 Kansas Territory,.- Topeka,.................................... Nebraska Territory, Omaha City,...... Minnesota Territory, St. Paul,. 6,038 39 6,077 N. Mexico Territory, Santa Fe, 61,525 22....... 61,547 Utah Territory, — - Salt Lake City,. | 11,330 24 26 11,380 Oregon Territory,-.. Salem, 13,087 207. 13,294 Washington Ter.,.. Olympia,......... Total,..................... 19,553,068 434,495 3,204,313 23,191,876 THE MEETING OF THE LEGISLATURES.-California, Mississippi, Ohio and Wisconsin, I M. Jan.,-Indiana, January,-Illinois and Virginia, 2 M. Jan.,Louisiana, 3 M. Jan.,-New-York and Pennsylvania, I Tu. Jan.,-New-Jersey, 2 Tu. Jan.,-Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts and Michigan, 1 W. Jan.,-Connecticut, 1 W. May,-Rhode Island, May & Oct.,-Delaware, 1 Tu. June, —NewHampshire, 1 W. June, —Tennessee, I M. Oct.,-Vermont, 2 Th. Oct.,-Arkansas, Florida and Georgia, 1 M. Nov.,-Alabama, 2 M. Nov.,-N. Carolina, 3 M. Nov., —South Carolina, 4 M. Nov.,-Jowa and Kentucky, 1 M. Dec.,-Texas, December, Missouri, Last M. Dec. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. 207 PRESIDENTS AND VICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Year. Presidents and Vice-Presidents. Vote Opposition. vote Set 1789 1 George Washington, Virginia. 69 1793 S John Adams, Massachusetts. 34 - 35 1793 George Washington, Virginia.132 _ 1797 John Adamns, Massachusetts. 77 Gee. Clinton, N-Y. 50 5 1697 John Adams, Massachusetts. 71 137 Thomas Jefferson, Virginia. 68 1801 Thomas Jefferson, Virginia. 73 John Adams, Mass. 65 - 1805 Aaron Burr, New- York. 73 C. C. Pinkney,- 64 1 1805 Thomas Jefferson, Virginia. 162 C. C. Pinkney,- 14 - 1809 George Clinton, New- York. 163 Rufus King, Maian. 14 - 1809 James Madison, Virqinia. 152 C. C. Pinkney, - 49 6 1813 i Geo. Clinton, fewv- Yrok. 118 Rufus King, Maine. 47 15 1813 James Madison, Virginia. 128 Dewitt Clinton, N- Y. 89 - 1817 Elbridge Gerry, Massachusetts. 131 Jared Ingersoll, Pa. 86 -- 1817 James Monroe, Virginia. 183 Rufus King, Maine. 34 1821 D. D. Tompkins. New- Yrk. 113 - 134 1821 James Monroe, Virginia. 231. J. Q. Adams, lass. I - 1825 D. D. Tompkins, New-York. 212 - 20 1825 J. Q. Adams, Mlassachusetts. 84 Andrew Jackson, Tenn. 99 78 1829 John Calhoun, S. Carolina. 182 - 79 1829 Andrew Jackson, Tennessee. 178 J. Q. Adams, JMass. 83 - 1833 J. C. Calhoun, S. Carolina. 171 R. Rush, Pa. 83 - 1833 Andrew Jackson, Tennessee. 219 Henry Clay, Ky. 49 18 1837 Martin Van Buren, New- York. 189 John Sergeant, Pa. 49 48 1837 Martin Van Buren, iVew- York. 170 William H. Harrison, Ohio. 73 61 1841 R. M. Johnston, Kentucky. 147 Francis Granger, AN-Y. 68 84 1841 J William IH. Harrison, Ohio. 234 Martin Van Buren, N- Y. 60 - 1845 J John Tyler, Virginia. 234 R. M. Johnston, Ky. 48 12 1845 James K. Polk, Tennessee. 170 Henry Clay, Ky. 105 - 1849 Geo. M. Dallas. Pennsylvania. 170 J. Frielinghuyzen, N-Y. 105 -- 1849 I Zachary Taylor, Louisiana. 163 Lewis Cass, Mich. 127 — 1853 1 Millard Fillmore, New- York. 163 W. O. Butler, Ky. 127 - 1853 FranklinPierce, N-hampshire. 254 Winfield Scott, Id. 43 - 1857 5 W. R. King, North C6arolina. 254 W. A. Graham, Pa. 43 - 1857 Jas. Buchanan, Pennsylvania. 173 J. C. Fremont, Cal. 115 8 1861 J. C. Breckinridge, Kentucky. 1731 W. L. Dayton, 2N-J. 115 8 TIME OF ELECTIONS AND ELECTORAL VOTES. E. 5i:. States. Gen. Election. V. States. Gen, Election. V. Maine,............ 2 M. Sept. 8 Alabama,.......... 1 M. Aug. 9 New Hampshire,..: 2 Tu. March. 5 Mississippi,.....1 M. & To. N. 9 Vermont,........ I Tu. Sept. 5 Louisiana,........ 1 M. Nov. 5 MIassachusetts,.... 2 M. Nov. 13 Texas,.......... I AM. Aug. 4 Rhode Island,.... 1 W. April. 4 Arkansas,. 1 M. Aug. 4 Connecticut,.......1 1M. April. 6 Tennessee,..... Th. Aug. 12 New York,........ 1 Tu. Nov. 35 Kentucky,........1 M. Aug. 12 New Jersey,.......1- I Tu. Nov. 7 Ohio,.......... 2 Tu. Oct. 23 Pennsylvania, -..... 2 Tu. Oct. 27 Michigan,.........- 1 Tu. Nov. 5 Delaware,.. - 2 Tu. Nov. 3 Indiana,. 2 Tn. Oct. 13 Maryland,. I W. Nov. 8 Illinois,..I... i Tu. Nov. 11 Virginia,......... 4 Th. April. 15 Missouri,...........1 M. Aug. 9 North Carolina,.... 2 Th. Aug. 10 Iowa,............. IM. Aug. 4 South Carolina, 2 A. Oct. 8 Wisconsin, -. 1...... I Th. Nov. 5 Georgia,.......... 1 M. Oct. 10 California,........ I Th. Sept. 4 Florida,.......... M. Oct. 3 Total...................296 COLLEGES AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES. Foun- Stu- Vols. in Name. Place, ded. dents. Libraries, Alleghany,j...............-. Meadville, - -... - -Pa. 1817 98 9,700 Amherst,.................. Amherst,.-......Mass. 1821 237 20,000 Antioch College,........... Yellow Springs,- Ohio. 1852 300 Augusta,................. Augusta, - -.-...Ky. 1825 51 2,500 Bacon,..................... Harrodsburg,. ——.Ky. 1836 75 1,200 Baton Rouge,..............]Baton Rouge,...... -- La. 1838 45 300 Beloit,.................... Beloit, Rock co., —. Wis. 1847 30 2,500 Bethany College,........... Bethany, - - -.-.....Va. 1841 141 3,500 Bowdoin,.................- Brunswick,.-...Me. 1802 177 27,650 Brown University,*........ Providence,-. H...R. I. 1764 252 32,000 Burlington,t.............. Burlington,....... - N. J. 1846 118 1,200 Centenary,;............... Jackson,.......-...La. 1839 102 5,000 Centre,.................... Danville,..........Ky. 1820 189 5,500 Charleston,..Charleston,......S. C. 1785 70 2,000 College of New Jersey,............Princeton,........ N. J. 1747 225 17,800 Columbia,t............... New-York, - - - N. Y. 1754 148 14,000 Columbian,*. ashington,'.-..D. C. 1821 55 6,000 Cumberland University,.... Lebanon,. -Tenn. 1844 164 5,000 Dartmouth, Ha..Ha..'H nover,....N. H.. 1769 252 30,798 Davidson,.................. Mecklenburg co.,..N. C. 1838 81 5,000 Delaware, ~................. Newark, -. - -...Del. 1833 37 7,500 Dickinson,:............... Carlisle, - -. - - Pa. 1783 123 15,500 East Tennessee............ Knoxville,. — -Tenn. 1792 57 4,500 Emory,.................. Oxford,............Ga. 1837 115 1,700 Emory and Henry,. Emory,.- -. —-— Va. 1838 54 8,470 Fayette,.Fayette,. Ia...........Ia.... 75 Franklin,. Athens, - Ga. 1785 182 15,500 Franklin,.... Opelousas,. La. 1839 70 Franklin,.Near Nashville,... Tenn. 1845 106 3,500 Franklin,....New Athens,.- -Ohio. 1824 110 5,000 Genesee College,...... Genesee, - -.... N. Y. 78 Georgetown,~.............. Georgetown,. —-.D. C. 1789 160 26,000 Georgetown,*........ Georgetown,.......Ky. 1840 83 6,600 Granville,*................ Granville,........Ohio. 1831 44 7,000 Green Mount College, -. Richmond, - -.. - Ia. 1852 Hamilton,.....'... Clinton, - -. N. Y. 1812 140 12,000 Hampden Sidney,. Prince Edward co.,. -Va. 1783 25 8,000 Hanover College, - HI anover, -..-. —-..Ia. 1832 100 5,000 Harvard University,... Cambridge,.-....Mass. 1636 339 98,100 Hobart Free College,t Geneva, -~ -.....N. Y. 1823 67 7.000 Holy Cross,~ Worcester, Mass. 1843 120 4,220 Howard,*............. Marion,..-........Ala. 1841 88 2,200 Illinois, Jacksonville,..... Ill. 1830 48 3,660 Indiana Asbury University,] Greencastle,........Ia. 1837 120 4.000 Indiana State University,. - -Bloomington...... Ia. 1816 175 4,200 Jackson, Columbia, *..-. Tenn. 1833 75 4,100 Jefferson,....... Canonsburg,........Pa. 1802 251 10,000 (208) COLLEGES AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. 209 Foun- Stu- Vols. in Name. Place. ded. dents. Libraries. Kenyon,t.... Gambler, -..- -.Ohio. 1827 163 7,000 Knox,.................... Galesburg, - - -. - Ill. 1837 56 3,300 Lafayette,................. Easton, - - - - - - Pa. 1832 53 5,000 La Grange,:4................ La Grange,........Ala. 1830 86 4,000 Mladison University,*....... Hamilton,........N. Y. 1820 74 12,990 Marietta,.......... Marietta,arietta, - - - - Ohio. 1835 68 13,700 Marshall,... Mercersburg, -......Pa. 1835 58 6,000 Masonic, Marion co., * *..Mo. 1831 45 McKendree,:.............. Lebanon,. - - - Ill. 1835 79 7,000 Mercer UIniversity,*........ Penfield, Ga. 1838 106 3,400 Miami University,.......... Oxford,..........Ohio. 1809 119 8,000 Middlebury,............... Middlebury,........Vt. 1800 55 6,000 Mississippi College,......... Clinton, — —.. —— Miss. 1851 16 300 Missouri University,........ Columbia, -.Mo. 1842 180 1,700 Mount St. Mary's,~........ Emmetsburg, -.-.Md. 1830 126 4,000 Norwich University,......... Norwich,- --.-. -. Vt. 1834 60 1,400 Oakland,.................. Claiborne co.,.. —.Miss. 1830 70 6,000 Oberlin Collee,............. Oberlin,....... -Ohio. 1833 1,327 5,000 Oglethorpe,................ Milledgeville,......Ga. 1836 69 4,500 Ohio University,...... Athens,..........Ohio. 1804 41 5,000 Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware,........Ohio. 1842 57 5,400 Pennsylvania,'.. Gettysburg, - - - - - Pa 1832 74 6,721 Randolph Macon,+......... Mecklenburg co., - -Va. 1832 135 8,000 Rector,*.. Taylor co.,....:..Va. 1839 50 2,500 Richmond,*............... Richmond,..Vaa. 1832 50 1,200 Rutgers,.................. New Brunswick, -.N. J. 1770 85 10,000 Shelby,...................- Shelbyville, - - - - - -Ky. 1841 44 300 Shurtleff,*................ Upper Alton,..- -Ill. 1835 40 2,000 South Carolina,............. Columbia,..-.- - S. C. 1804 120 21,800 Spring Hill,~.............. Spring Hill,. —.-.-Ala. 1830 30 7,000 St. Charles,~.............. Grand Coteau, ---— La. 1838 103 4,000 St. Charles,:. -. St. Charles,.....Mo..o. 1837 20 900 St. James's,t........ Washington co., M- - - d. 1842 72 6,800 St. John's,..............., Fordhan,........N. Y. 1811 141 12,600 St. John's,. - -........... Annapolis, - - - - - -Md. 1784 43 3,292 St. Joseph's,~............. Bardstown, - - - - - Ky. 1819 80 6.600 St. Mary's,~............... Baltimore,......- - - - Md. 1805 122 19,600 St. Phillip's,~............. Near Detroit, -.- -Mich. 1839 30 3,000 St. Vincent's,............. Cape Girardeau, — I Mo. 1843... 5,500 St. Xavier,~............... Cincinnati,.- --- -Ohio. 18t2 18 7,500 Transylvania,............... Lexington,...... Ky. 1798 50 14,000 Trinity,t..................- - Hartford, - -..Conn. 1824 79 15,000 Tufts College,.......... Somerville,......Mass. 1855 Tusculum, *........ Near Greenville,..Tenn. 1843 36 Union,-....... Schenectady,. — -N. Y. 1795 225 15,000 Union,*...-f........... llurfreesboro' -- -Tenn, 1848 111 1,300 University at Lewisburg,* Lewisburg,........Pa. 1849 83 2,680 University of Alabama, - - - Tuscaloosa, - - - - - - Ala. 1831 116 8,140 "c Louisiana, N - ew Orleans, - - - - - - La. 1849 Michigan, --- Ann Arbor, ----- Mich. 1837 64 6,400 ((" Mississippi, - Oxford, - - - - - Miss. 1844 131 2,450 cc" Nashville, Nashville,......Tenn. 1806 75 10,207 " New York, N- New-York, —- -- -N. Y. 1831 65 4,000 "' N. Carolina, - Chapel Hill,..... lN. C. 1789 270 13,700 Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,.- - Pa. 1755 88 5,000 "d Rochester, *. Rochester, N. Y. 1850 123 3,000 c" St. Louis.~ -. St. Louis, *..Mo. 1832 225 15,000 " Vermont,.... Burlington, At, 1.t.91 107 1.3,000 18 210 COLLEGES AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. Foun- Stu- Vols. in Name. Place. ded. dents. Libraries. University of Virginia,....... Charlottesville,.....-Va. 18.19 466 19,500 Urbanna University,...... Urbanna, --- --- Ohio. 181) 1,000 Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, - - - - - - -.. Va. 1839 130 5,000 Wabash,.......... Crawfordsville,....... la, 1834 43 6,400 Wake Forest,* Wake Forest, - - - - -N. C. 18:38 76 5,000 Washington,.......... Washington,..a. 1806 112 3,300 Washington,.............. Chestertown, Md.. 1783 70 1,200 Washington,.............. Lexington, - - Va. 1798 62 6,105 Washington,.............. Washington co.,..Tenn. 1795 22 1,800 Waterville,*.............. Waterville,........ Ie. 1820 88 15,500 Wesleyan Femalo,..........- Macon, - -..- — Ga. 1839 140 800 Western Military Institute,. Drennon Springs,. -Ky. 1847 121 1,000 Western Reserve,.......... Hudson, Ohio. 1326 57 8,000 Wesleyan University,+..... Middletown, Conn. 1831 116 12,170 William and Mary,t......... Williamsburg, - - - - -Va, 1692 55 5,000 Williams,................. Williamstown,..-.ass. 1793 231 17,643 Wisconsin University,...... Madison,.... - - Wis 1818 23 1,200 Wittenberg,............... Springfield,. - - *Ohio. 1845 37 4,500 Yale,..................... New Haven,...... Conn. 1 00 443 51 1,000 G — The Colleges marked thus (*) are subject to the control of the Baptiists; thus (t) E)isecopalians; thus (:) Methodists; thus (~) C'at/olTics. PHONOGRAPHY has been defined as a philosophical method of writing the English language, with an alphabet composed of the simplest geometrical signs, which accurately represent the sounds of spoken words. It may be written six times as fast as the ordinary longhand, and is equally legible. Aside from the scientific propriety of the system, as made manifest in the Introduction which follows, the following practical advantages are worthy of consideration: 1. To professors of scientific and literary institutions-to gentlemen of the bench or the bar-to legislators in the halls of representation-to ministers of religion-to lecturers on the various arts and sciences-it presents the most invaluable aid, in enabling them to arrange, condense, and fix their thoughts, facts, arguments and proofs, in the briefest period of time and the shortest possible space, presenting, in the condensed schedule of a smallpage, a full and complete synopsis of their most elaborate speeches, orations, or discourses. 2. By its aid, the advocates in the courts of justice or the halls of trial, will be enabled to write, with ease and accuracy, either the full depositions of important witnesses, or the facts, proofs, evidences, and arguments of legal opponents, and thus be in a position, not only to meet them with readiness and strength, but eventually to thoroughly overthrow and refute them. 3. The student in the halls of science can transcribe with faithfulness, and preserve in the smallest compass, the valuable lessons of professors, and thus preserve, for the meditation of his leisure hours, a connected whole, instead of broken, detached, and uncertain fragments, that often serve to confuse, bewilder, or perplex. 4. Merchants, and clerks of mercantile houses, to whom time and space are really a desideratum, will find Phonography a most invaluable auxiliary; as the ease with which it can (vi) ADVANTAGES OF PHONOGRAPHY. Vii be learned and acquired, and the facility and readiness with which it can be written and read, will enable them to transcribe their accounts, to note their memoranda, to post up their bills, and even to conduct their correspondence, in less than one-fifth of the ordinary time, and in a considerable reduction of the ordinary space; and as " time is money," it presents to them indeed a most invaluable gain. 5. To the author, editor, or general writer-to the orator, legislator, or minister-how invaluable must it be, when they reflect how many of their most brilliant thoughts and most glowing conceptions, how many of the most sparkling gems of their imaginations and the most radiant pearls of their thoughts, that in moments of genius and enthusiasm flash like electric sparks from the mind, are forever lost for the want of some Daguerrean process, like the one we present, to catch and transfix them on the wing, recording them on the glowing page in all the freshness, vigor, and brilliancy of their first conception, as rapidly as they are presented to the mind! and for the lack of which, alas! like the dazzling flash of the evanescent meteor, they fade and expire as rapidly as they are kindled, and leave but the indistinct memory of their trace behind. 6. A practical acquaintance with this art is highly favorable to the improvement of the mind, invigorating all its faculties, and drawing forth all its resources. The close attention requisite in following the voice of the speaker (in reporting) induces habits of patience, perseverance and watchfulness, which will gradually extend, till they form habits that will be found useful through life. The close attention to the words and thoughts of the speaker which is necessary in writing them down, will naturally have a tendency to endue the mind with quickness of apprehension and distinctness of perception, whereby the judgment will be strengthened and the taste refined. 7. The memory is also improved by the practice of Phonography. The necessity for the writer to retain in his Viiill ADVANTAGES OF PHONOGRAPHY. mind the last sentence of the speaker, while he is attending at the same time to what follows, and also to penning down his words, must be highly beneficial to that faculty, which is more than any other improved by exercise. It draws out and improves all the faculties of the mind. "Phonography," says Messrs. FowLERS & WELLS, "we regard as one of the most important inventions of the age, and one which should be open to every person desirous of being considered educated. As a system of reporting, general correspondence, and memoranda, it is unparalleled in usefulness. In chirography, it is what the telegraphs are in agencies for transmitting thought. We employ three reporters, one in our office and two who travel with lecturers from our house. In ten minutes we can dictate an article for publication which we could not compose and write in two hours; besides it contains more spirit and freshness than if labored through at the slow pace of ordinary composition. Every scholar should by all means learn it." Professor HART, Principal of the Philadelphia High School, says: " Phonography has been introduced into this institution two years and a half, and has been learned by about four hundred. Two hundred are studying it now. It is one of the regular branches of the course, being attended to three times a week during the whole of the first year. Had I not supposed it to be of much practical value, I should not have urged its introduction, a measure which I have seen no occasion to regret. Such of our students as have made Phonographic Reporting a profession, have got along in life faster, by all odds, than those in any other kind of business, and that without the possession of any special brilliancy of talents. Some of them, not yet turned twenty, are now making more money by Phonographic Reporting than the Principal of the High School, after having given himself for more than twenty years to his profession." Said the Hon, Thomas Benton: " Had this art been known forty years ago, it would have saved me twenty years of hard labor." " It is my humble opinion that it will eventually supersede the present system of writing, as the steam carriage train supersedes the old eight inch wheeled wagon." —Rev. Dunbar. Such are the tendencies of the art this book is designed to unfold. N1EXGJ1EY BRIOTHE3RS PuThdero, No. 168 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. TEN years' experience in the Phonographic art, as Teacher and Reporter, and for nearly the same period occupied, more or less, in preparing books for the press, give the author of the AMERICAN MANUAL OF PHONOGRAPHY the fullest assurance in presenting this work to the public. Since its first publication, it has undergone careful revision, and now appears in an entirely new dress, in every way adapted to the wants of the teacher and private learner. It differs from any other work published, in the following particulars: 1. The explanatory matter is in large, clear type. 2. The Phonographic Exercises are engraved in a bold, distinct style, that they may be as easily read by candlelight as daylight. 3. The Reading and Writing Exercises are introduced just where the text requires them, whether it be on the same page or the opposite one. 4. The Exercises to be written are printed in phonetic spelling, which, being fully explained, enables the learner to analyze accurately, and vocalize his writing correctly-two essentials to rapid progress and the attainment of a good style. 5. Each lesson is closed with a review in the form of questions, which, as in all other text books on science, proves of great service to both learner and teacher. 6. It contains more extensive lists of Contracted Words, and more Phraseography than any other work. 7. Beside the above characteristic features, the AM ERICAN MANUAL possesses all the late improvements in Phonography, including the adaptation of the art to the writing of foreign languages. 8. The AMERICAN MANUAL is one-fourth larger than works of the kind usually are, more space being devoted to an exposition of the philosophy of the system, for the purpose of satisfying the student in regard to the necessity of the various contractions, etc. It is printed on the very best of paper, and is substantially and elegantly bound. PBICES:-Single copies, in paper covers, 40 cts,; postage 4 cts. in boards, 45 cts.; " 8 cts. (" in cloth, 50 cts,; " 8 cts. t" in black sheep, 75 cts,; "' 8 cts. Three to 10 copies at one-fourth less; 12 to 20 at one-third less; 25 or more at half price. ------------------------------— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TESTIMONIALS ON PHONOGRAPHY. A course of lessons in Phonography, in addition to the practical utility of the art, will prove highly advantageous to all young men who contemplate becoming public speakers; as the practice it will give them in the analysis and pronunciation of words will greatly improve their ability to read and speak accurately and distinctly. It will drill them thoroughly in the fundamental principles of the art of Elocution, an art most essential to all well educated persons. For the information of those not acquainted with the science of Phonetics, nor with the utility of the phonographic art, a few extracts are given on the following pages, taken from the "Report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Controllers of the Public Schools of Philadelphia, to examine into the principles of the art and its capacity for usefulness." TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. The Committee, after styling it a "simple, beautiful and labor-saving art," proceed to say they "are satisfied of the practical value of Phonography, not only as applicable to verbatim reporting, and of its eminent utility and admirable adaptation to the purposes of business and professional life, but of great importance as a branch of popular education." The Princopal of the Philadelphia High School, John S. Hart, says:Could a suitable amount of instruction be given to the latter study (Phonography,) I have no doubt every student, with rare exceptions, would become sc proficient in the art as to make it practically useful in whatever business he shall follow; besides having at command a ready and certain means of support in default of other occupations. Such of our students as have made Phonographic Reporting a profession, have got along in life faster, by all odds, than those in any other kind of business, and that without the possession of any special brilliancy of talents. Some of them, not yet turned of twenty, are now making more money by phonographic reporting, than the Principal of the High School, after hayving given himself for more than twenty years to his profession. From Francis Wharton, formerly Prosecuting Attorney:-Sooner or later, it will supercede the present method of writing; and the result will be a great saving of time and economy of labor. As it stands now, there is no way of so soon making a boy self-supporting as by teaching him Phonography. In one case under my immediate observation, a lad hardly seventeen, was able in the course of three years, not only to support himself, but to establish a fund of nearly three thousand dollars; the income of which is ample to support him during the rest of his professional training. At present, the demand in the Courts and in private business is great and increasing. Dr. James W. Stone, of Boston, llass., says:-One can always compose, when writing in Phonography, much more readily than while using,; the longhand; and this for two reasons: first, because he is not obliged; to think of the spelling, so difficult for those most accustomed to write English; second, because the more rapid transmission of his thoughts to paper enables him to preserve them, without that loss of them so common to those accustomed to write only in the longhand. THE TYPE OF THE TIMES, FOR 1857. Vol. X.-16 Large Double-Column Pages.-$1 a Year. Longley Brothers, Editors & Publishers, 1681 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. The TYPE OF THE TIMES will hereafter appear semi-monthly, and will be devoted entirely to the cause of Phonetic Writing and Printing, including all its philosophical, educational and moral bearings. With the exception of an occasional article in exposition of the principles of the phonetic system, it will be printed exclusively in the new orthography, which, so far from being an obstacle to being read, will, on account of its simplicity and admirable consistency, make it more interesting than the ordinary spelling. The paper employed will be of the best book quality, and the printing very neatly executed, so that Spelling Reformers may be proud of the appearance of their cherished system. In illustrating the beauty and legibility of phonetic typography, we shall give in every number either an ORIGINAL STORY of unobjectionable moral bearing, a SKETCH OF CHARACTER, or a BIOGRAPHY; also, SCIENTIFIC articles that will be of general interest, together with the proper MISCELLANY and POETRY that are requisite to make the TYPE a favorite with all classes. Phonetic Lecturers and Teachers will receive especial attention in our columns, and they are respectfully solicited to favor us with brief notes, for publication, in reference to the persons or classes they teach, the schools where phonetic teaching is employed, &c. All friends of the Phonetic cause are solicited to act as Agents for the TYPE, in making strangers acquainted with its character, in soliciting for it their patronage, and in forwarding subscriptions. For their services they may retain 25 percent of the money; or, if they choose to forego the percentage, they may form clubs of four or more at 75 cts. each. Specimen copies will be forwarded, gratuitously, to any address. Also, parcels of this Prospectus, for distribution by letter. THE Y OUTH'S FRIEND, A Monthly Illustrated Paper for Children. The FRIEND contains eight large three-column pages, is printed on the best of paper, and neatly ornamented. Its contents are designed to combine interest with instruction, and instruction with amusement; and while they are of an eminently moral and elevating character, they are kept free from all sectarian bias. An appropriate piece of Music is given every alternate month; and one page of every number is printed in phonetic spelling, which renders it a most effectual means for promoting the love of a consistent orthography among the young people who are hereafter to say whether the Spelling Reform shall become a reality. Let Phoneticians aid in giving it a large circulation, by sendinr subscribers at 50 cts.; three for $1,00; ten for $3,00: and twenty for $5,00. For every ten subscribers the Agent is entitled to an extra copy. ldrness as above. _- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Published and Sold by Longley Brothers, Cincinnati,, THE SPELJING REF0RMO-Instituted to make Rniversal education possible, by rendering the arts of Reading and Writing pleasant and easy to acquire. PHo.NeTYPY is a rational system of spelling words as- they re pronounced, by employing an enlarged alphabet containing a separate letter fQr each sound, by which means the dradgery of learning to spell is entirely dispensed with, and learnming to read is accomplisked in one-fourth of the time required in the old way. PHONOGRAPHY is a truly philosophical method df writing- the English. Language, by -an -alphabet composei of the sipplest geometrical siis, which acourately represent the sounds of spoken words. it may be written six times as fast as ordinary longhand, and is eqally leglle, and such is the simplicity of the art that its principles lmay be easily mastered even without th0 aid of a teacher. Tefirst price is that charged at the counter: the second ic des the etpayrnst of pofstage; a iberal reduction b j the quaiy Phono typ ic.-Work s. Chart of the Phonotypic Alphabet, on a sheet 28 by 42 inches, with-a Key, 2 25 The samQ, 36 by 50, with explanatory matter, and remarks on the acquisition of Good Reading, 50-54 Thos.ame, on canvas and roller, 1,50 Phonetic IPrimer, -each letter illustrated with- a letter suggestive of its sound, 10-1il First Phonetic Reader, conitaitiing simple and interesting reading-lessons,. 20-25 With these bovlke teachers and parents can comnmence a comurse of P.Onetic,instructon., in all co fidence that other books will fozllow asfast as they may he wanted. The Transition Reader, or a Course of Inductive Ronianic Rending Lessons. For the use of Phonetic Readers in learning to read Romanically, 20 -25 Biographies of the Presidents, with their Portraits. In paper ctcrs, 80-35; in cloth, gilt lettering, 40 —48 New Testament, 12mo. edition, according to the authorized-version. In cloth, 75-90; dark sheep, 85 —1,00; moroeco, gilt,.- $1,25-1,40 Mone-Getting -andPlMoney Spendingc; a Prize Essay of twenty-four chapters;,a serious and reformatory work. In paper, 25-30; cloth, 40-46 Phonetic Dictionary of the English Language; a complete work of 800 octavo pages, embrawing -lso lists of Classica1l, Geographical and Sariptural Names. $3,50-4,00 Pronouncing Medical Lexicon, the definitions in the ornmon spelling, An invaluable eompAtnion to Medical -Students, -readers of phgiological nd hygienic works. Cloth, 75 —85; heep, 8-1,Ob PIhonetic AlrnAac, and Register of the 4pelling and Writing Reform, together-with a list of the Amerif.n Fhonetio 9rsiacy, fr the yeiia MA52, lists 1854 1855 aid 158. 10 LOINGLEY BROTHERS LIST OF PUBLICATIONSo. Phonetic Longhand Writer; exhibiting various styles of Penmanship, 10-11 Longhand Alphabet, in slips, to be used as a key by enclosing in letters written in phonetic longhand. Per dozen, 6-7 School Credit Tickets. A handsome and useful form of Credit Tickets, in Phonetic dress. The Ticket is adapted for Primary and District Schools. Per hundred, 40 Type of the Times; a journal of the Writing and Spelling Reform. Printed in the new orthography. Semi-monthly. Per year, in advance, $l1o0 The Youth's Friend; an elegant monthly paper, devoted to the improvement of the young. Embellished with Portraits and Historical Illustrations, partly in the phonetic orthography. 50 cents a year; three copies, $1,004; ten copies, $3,00; twenty copies, $5,00 Phonographic Works. First Lesson in Phonography; Containing the Alphabet and a simple reading lesson. Useful for lecturers to distribute in an audience, &c. I ct. Per hundred, 50-60 American Manual of Phonography; being a complete exposition of Phonetic Shorthand, especially arranged so as to give the fullest instruction to those who have not the assistance of the oral teacher. In paper, 40 —42; cloth, 50 —5 l Tis instruction book is just pibliseed, and difmfers ro any ot7mer work of the kind in this important particular: It tihorogqh iy cplains the P&onotqypic or znew printing alphabet, and its eercises fot writing are printed phrnetically, wiich enables the pupil to progress monre correctly and rapidly thean i/printed in the odinary, or;tl)grapbVy. BENN PITMAN,'S PHONOGRAPHIC PUBLICATIONS. Manual of Phonography, 50-57,- extra cloth, 60-67 Phonographic Reader, engraved exercises, 25 Cruise of the Tomtit; Second Reader, ditto, 25 Manners Book, corresponding style, do. 75-81 Teacher, a Treatise on Lecturing and Teaching Phonography, 1,00-1,07 Copy Slips, a series of Phonographic exercises, 10-11 Phonographer's Song, richly illustrated, 25-27 Phon. Mag., for 1854,'55,'56, per vol, 1,25-1,36 Phonographic Chart, in colors, 75-80 Reporter's Companion; the adaptation of Phon. to verbatim reporting, 75-81, cloth, 1,00-1,07 History of Shorthand, reporting style, 75-81 Manners Book, in easy reporting, 75-81 Phon. iReporter for 1854,'55,'56, per vol, 1,25-1,36 LONULEY BROTHERS LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Phonetic Works in the Common Spelling. Introduction to Phonography, 16 pp.: an excellent document for presenting to a friend or a stranger to Phonography, 2 —3 Report on Phonetic Teaching, by the Committee of the Ohio State Teachers Association. 16 pages; single copy 2-3; per dozen, 1830 Lecture on the Spelling Reform, delivered at the first meeting of the Ohio Phonetic Association, held at Columbus, Dec. 20th, 1851. By L. A. Hine, Esq. Single copy, 2-3 cts.; per dozen, 30 The Four Ways of Teaching to Read. By Rev. Thos. Hill, Chairman of the School Committee of Waltlhm, Mass. 16 pp., single copy 3 cts; per dozen, 25-35 Report of the Philadelphia High School on Phonography.-On a motion to discontinue the teaching of Phonography in the Philadelphia High School, an able report was made by the Committee who had the subject under consideration, in opposition thereto. This is the most complete and overpowering document in favor of the system ever published. 40 octavo pages, covered, 10-11 Phonetic Stationery. Phonetic Copy-Books, for Common Schools, (romanic or phonetic,) containing on the last page of cover, the shorthand alphabet and an explanation of the system. Small size, 5-6 cts.; large, 10-12; by the dozen, one-fourth less. Reporting Paper, double-ruled especially for Phonography. This is a heavy article, and indispensable for convenience in reporting. Per quire, 10-12. Bound into blank books of 84 pages, for preserving reports, &c.. 60-68 Phonographic Letter Paper, (the size of an envelope); for Circulating Magazines, closely ruled. Per quire, 10-12 Phonographic Pencils, of a superior quality, and adapted for general use. 5 cts. Extra, for Reporting, 10 cts. Phonographic Gold Pens, that cannot be excelled anywhere; manufactured for Longley Brothers, Cincinnati, who pledge themselves to suit customers. If a pen bought of them prove too hard or too soft, if returned immediately, it will be exchanged for one of a different flexibility. Price5 without holder, $1,50; ditto, warranted, $1,75; extra size, $2,00, warranted. [By warranting a pen we mean, that if the- point comes off, by fair usage, within six months, by returning the pen a new one will be supplied.'The manufacturer never repoints pens.] Long holder, with pencil apparatus, 75 cts; sliding or extension holder, ditto, $1,25. Sent by mail free of postage. Reporting Covers, Morocco, 75-80; Sheep, 30-35. Phonographic Breast Pin; a neat gold emblem, consisting of the word-sign for Phonography, the wearing of which will often be the means of inducing an inquiry in reference to Phonetics, and of introducing Phonographers to each other, as they pass up and down the earth. e1 oo phonetic Envelopes, medium size; containing a statement of the nature of Phonography-and Phondtypy, with'a specimen ofthe latter. Per hundred, 30-40 LONGL]EY BROTHERS' LIST OPF'UIBLUAk coso Miscellaneous Publications. Pronouncing Vocabulary of Geographical and Personal Names. The Geographical list embraces all the names worthy of note in the known world, accompanied with such Descriptive and Statistical Facts as are usual in Gazetteers. The Personal Names comprise those of the most celebrated men of Ancient and Modern Times, down to the present day, which are likely to be met with in general reading. Appended to each name are- such Biographical Facts as are necessary in a Book of Reference. To which is added a Complete List of Scriptural Names. Concluding with Tables which show at a glance the Population of the several States, the meeting of their Legislatures, the Succession of the Presidents, and a List of - all the Colleges and Professional Sshools in the Unitbd States. By Elias Longley. 210 pp..n boards, 40-50; cloth, 50-60 Earth and Man; being a Vindication of Man's relations to the Soil. By L. A. line, 224 pp. 50-56 Science and Man; being a Vindication of Man's Educational relations. By L. A. Hine. 208 pp. 50-56 Currie Cummings; or, Love's Labor not Lost. A singulIarly interesting Reform Story. By L. A. Hine. 96 pp., 25-30 The Practical Cook-Book, containing recipes and directions for plain and superior Cookery on Hygienic principles. By Mrs. Sylvia Campbell. A valuable kitchen companion. In paper, 25-27, cloth, 40-47 Parents and Teachers' Guide, in the Physical, Intellectual, and Moral Education of Children. By Charles Morley. -15 Young Folks' American Troubadour; a Collection of Glees, Quartets, Trios, Duets, and Songs, with Piano accompaniments, comprising many of the most popular pieces of the day. -10 Intemperance; or the use of Intoxicating Liquors, Chemically, Physiologically, and Statistically Considered. By Dr. J. G. Buckly, — 15 Philosophy of Health, Disease and Cure: Reasons for not using Drugs, and an explanation of the different kinds of Baths used in Water-Treatment. By Dr. J. G. Buckly, -15 Children's Illustrated Toy-Books. The Hobby-Horse. The song of a happy boy, about his Hobby-Horse; each verse illustrated with a beautiful picture. In plain print, 5c.; per doz. 40. In various colors. 8c.; per doz. 50c. Harry O'Hum and his big round Drum. The adventures of a little fellow who had a Drum given him for his amusement. Illustrated as the above. In plain print, 8c.; per doz. 50c.; in various colors, 10c., per doz. 75c. The Little Big Man. The story of a Discontented Boy, who, trying to improve his condition, tnade the matter worse, and learned a useful lesson. Illustrated az the others. In plain print, 10c., per doz. 75cts. In various colors, 15o., per doz. $1,00. The Young' Hero; or, Money never makes the Man. By Maiel. A capital story for Boys. 160 pages, with a graphio froatispieco.'rioe, retail, in paper Oovors, 25 ote.; cloth, 4-6O