CATALOGU E OF THE BRAZILIAN SECTION. PHILADELPHIA InTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1876. PRESS OF HALLOWELL & CO., 12I SOUTH THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA. COM M ITTEE REPRESENTING THE EMPIRE OF BRAZIL AT THE PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL -EXHIBITION. PRESIDENT. ANTONIO PEDRO DE CARVALHO BORGEs-Member of the Council of H. M. the Emperor; Officer of the Orders of the Rose and of Christ; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Brazil, in the United States of North America. VICE PRESIDENT. PHILIPPE LOPES NETTO-Member of the Council of H. M. the Emperor; Dignitary of the Order of the Cross; Commander of that of the Rose; decorated with several foreign orders; and Batchelor in juridical and social sciences. SECRETARY. DR. JOAO MARTINS DA SILVA COUTINHO-Commander of the Order of the Rose; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France, and of that of Izabel the Catholic of Spain; and a Civil Engineer. MEMBERS. L)R. HERMENEGILDO RODRIGUES DE ALVARENGA. DR. JOSE DE SALDANHA DA GAMA-Commander of the Orders of the Rose, of Concei;ao de Nossa Senhora de Villa Vi;osa of Portugal, of Francis Joseph of Austria; Officer of that of the Crown of Italy, and Professor of Botany at the Polytechnic School. -DR. NICOLAU JOAQUIM MOREIRA-Commander of the Order of the Rose, Chevalier of that of Christ, Second Vice President of the Societies of Acclimation, Promoter of National Industry, and Propagator of Fine Arts. DR. PEDRO DIAS GORDILHO PAES LEME-Chevalier of the Orders of Christ, and of the Rose. DELEGATE FOR THE NAVY. COMMANDER LUIZ PHILIPPE DE SALDANHA DA GAMA. iv STATISTIC INFORMATION. EMPIRE OF BRAZIL. STATISTIC INFORMATION. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. Latitude, 5~, 0o' N. to 33~, 46', io" S. Longitude, 8~, 21', 24" E. to 320 W. of Rio de Janeiro. Area in square Kilometres,... 8,337,2i8 Population,..... I2,000,000 PUBLIC REVENUE. General Income,... $58,888,888.oo Provincial Income,. I2.073,ooo0.00 Municipal Income,. 2,528,ooo.oo Absolute General Income,. 71,972,672.00 General Expenditure,. 67,234,620.00 RAILROADS. 22 Lines under traffic,.. 1,66o Kilometres. i6 Lines in course of construction,. 1,362 Kilometres. Projected lines under survey,. 6,53i Kilometres. Capital Invested,... $102,778,000.00 Capital decreed by government, $200,000,000,.00 Vii ANNUAL SUBSIDIES. Seacoast and Fluvial lines,.. $2,000,000.00 Extention of navigation of Seacoast and Fluvial lines,... 24,500 miles. Railroads,.... $5,ooo,ooo.oo PUBLIC WORKS. Annual Expenditures,.. $7,ooo,ooo.oo INDUSTRIES. Agriculture,..7. $7I,ooo,ooo000ooo.oo Cattle Raising,.... 2,000,000,000.00 Manufactures,.... 300,000,000.00 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Primary and Secondary Schools,.. 6,oo00o Number of Pupils,.... 200,000 Annual Expenditure,... $3,000oo,000ooo.o00 High Schools, Number of Pupils,.. 4,400 Annual Expenditure,... $I,388,888,oo Public Libraries,.... I Containing volumes,... 46I,300 Journals,... 300 Printing Offices,.... 320 Scientific Societies,... 40 Industrial Societies,.. ~ 50 Museums,.... 12 COMMERCIAL MOVEMENT. Exports,..... $I58,743,000.00o Imports,.... 138, I 7 2,800. oo Total, $296,9I5,800oo. oc viii ARMY. Regular Army in time of peace,.... I6,000 Regular Army in time of war,.. 32,000 National Guard,... 772,000 National Guard reserve,.. 25, 8o NAVY. Iron-clad vessels,.. I5 Wooden vessels,.. 55 Marines in service,.... 5,340 ARTICLES OF EXPORT. Coffee, Cotton, Sugar, Cacato, Caoutchouc,'Hides, Curnauba, Wax, Nuts, Woods, Medicinal Herbs, Tobacco, Cumarfi, Urucu, Isinglass, Tapioca, Candied Fruits, Cereals, Matte, Vanilla, Copaiba, Cloves, Piassava, Copal, Feathers, Bones, Hoofs, Horns, Tea, Gold-dust, Diamonds, and Spirits. ix CATALOGUE. MAIN BUILDING. DEPARTMENT I. MINING AND METALLURGY. MAIN BUILDING. DEIAI~T1MENT I MINING AND METALLURGY. MINERALS, ORES, BUILDING-STONES, AND MINING PRODUCTS. 0 — ~CLASS 100. i. Commission for the Province of Paranai. Specimens of IRON MINERALS. 2. Commission for the Province of S. Paulo. Specimens of IRON MINERALS. 3. Ypanema Iron Works. S. Joao de Ypanema; Province of S. Paulo. Specimens of IRON MINERALS. 4. M. J. da Cunha Bettencourt. Rio Tibagy; Province of Parana. Collection of MINERALS. 5. Professor H. Gorceix. Province of Minas Geraes. Collection of ROCKs and MINERALS. 6. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of MINERALS from S. Paulo. Specimens of MINERALS, Schist and Gneiss, from Minas Geraes. Specimens of MINERALS from Matto Gr6sso. I6 MINERALS, ORES, BUILDING-STONES, 7; National Museum. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of MINERALS. 8. J. T. Pereira de Goes. Province of Ceari. Collection of MINERALS. 9. J. A. de Lemos. Province of Sergipe. Collection of MINERALS from the Province of Sergipe. 10. J. Severo Correia. Province of Parani. Specimen of CALCAREOUS ROCKS. Assungy. II. M. E. de S. Athayde. Province of Parani. Specimens of gold and silver-colored MICA. 12. J. Severo Correia. Assungy; Province of Parana. Specimens of GALENA and of IRON PYRITES, found in Granite. 13. M. G. de Moraes Rozeira. Palmeira; Province of Parana. Specimens of MARTIAL PYRITES. 14. J. 0. Mendes. Province of Parana. Specimens of SULPHUR. 15. J. da Costa Netto. Province of Bahia. FOSSILS. CLASS ZOl 16. Commission for the Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Specimens of COAL. 17. Baron de Villa Franca. Quissamg; Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of TURF. 18. A. R. L. Andrade. Ponta Grossa; Province of Parana. Specimens of BITUMINOUS COAL. 19. Viscount de Barbacena. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of COAL from Tubarao; Province of Sancta Catharina. 20. Commission for the Province of Sahcta Catharina. Specimens of COAL from the Mines of Ararangud. 21. National Museum. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of CoAL from different localities. AND MINING PRODUCTS. 17 22. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of COAL from Rio Grande do Sul. 23. F. J. A. Lopez & Co. Province of Parana. Specimens of BITUMINOUS SCHIST from "Rio Negro." 24. A. P. S. Carvalho. Province of Paranai. Specimens of BITUMINOUS SCHIST from Ponta Grossa. 25. Dr. J. C. da Silva Muricy; Province of Parana. Specimens of ANTHRACITE and of BITUMINOUS COAL from " Guarapava." The Exhibitor claims the abundance of these products and their chemical contents, which proportions are: Coke, 6.3 per cent. Ashes, 2.72 " Volatiles, 38.6 " 26. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. Specimens of MARBLE from Jatajahy. 27. National Museum. Rio Janeiro. Specimens of MARBLES from different localities. 28. Commisson General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of MARBLES from Rio Grande do Sul. 29. E. Steraux. S. Paulo. Collection of MARBLES from S. Paulo. J. Severo Correa. Province of Parana. Specimens of blue-colored SLATES from Assungy. 31. Dr. A D. de Leto. Province of Parana. Specimens of calcareous SLATES from "Arraial Queimado." 32. Coritiba Museum. Province of Parana. SLATES. 33. Charles Osternack. Province of Parana. VIRGIN LIME. 34. Baron de Juparani, and Nogueira da Gama. Valen9a; Province of Rio de Janeiro. CALCAREOUS SPECIMENS. I8 MINERALS, ORES, BUILDING-STONES, 35. Dr. T. Teixeira de Freitas. Assungy; Province of Parana. LIME from calcareous stones. 36. A. Nunes Cardoso. Antonina; Province of Parana. LIME from oyster shells. 37. F. P. de Asevedo Portugal. Assungy; Province of Parana. Specimens of calcareous ROCKS. 38. Commission for S. Joao d'EI Rei; Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of pulverized PLASTER OF PARIS. 39. J. S. da Silva Nhorinho. Campo Largo; Province of Parana. Specimens of LIME. 40. Dr. Bento. Itapua; Province of Bahia. Samples of common LIME. 41. L. B. Lendenberg. Cape Frio; Rio de Janeiro. Samples of LIME. 42. C. Xavier Rezende. Province of Minas Geraes. Specimens of STALACTITES. 43. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. STALACTITES and STALAGMITES. 44. J. Olinto Mendes. Campo Largo; Province of Parana. Calcareous STALACTITES. 45. Dr. A. de Leto. Queimado; Province of Parani. Specimens of calcareous STALACTITES. 46. T. Teixeira de Freitas. Province of Parana. Specimens of VIRGIN LIME. 47. Colony of Assungui. Province of Parani. Specimens of SAPON ACEOUS CLAYS, used especially for washing purposes. 48. E. J. Gonzaga. Minas Novas; Province of Minas Geraes. Specimens of CLAYS. 49. J. Gonsalves. Rio Claro; Province of Rio de Janeiro. CALCINED KAOLIN. 50. G. Lourengo Correa. Jaboticabal; Province of S. Paulo. Specimens of CLAYS. AND MINING PRODUCTS. I9 51. E. E. Wirmond. Lapa; Province of Parani. Specimens of Yellow ARGIL. 52. C. S. da Mota. Province of Parani. TAGUA, a sort of rosecolored Argil. 53. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. CLAY of Jaboticabal. Specimens of violet-colored ARGIL, from S. Paulo. Specimens of SCHIST and ARGILS, from the Province of Alagoas. Specimens of red CLAY and red ARGIL, from Goyaz. 54. Commission for the Province of Parana. S. Jose dos Pinhaes; Province of Parana. HEMATITES, or BLOOD-STONES. 55. T. G. C. Gomes. Antonina- Province of Parani. Specimens of ARGIL. 56. D. J. Figueredo. Cagapava; Rio Grande do Sul. White ARGIL and PLASTICS. 57. Dr. F. T. S. Magalhaes. Camargos; Province of Minas Geraes. Specimens of white TABATINGA, a sort of white ARGIL. Samples of colored CLAYS. 58. J. F. d'Andrade. Jambeiro; Province of Minas Geraes. Specimens of CLAYS of different colors. 59. Commission for the District of Formiga. Formiga; Province of Minas Geraes. Specimens of white and yellow ARGILS. 60. A. Travanca. Porto de Cima; Province of Parani. White and yellow ARGIL, called commonly TABATINGA ARGIL. 61. A. Schimmelpfing. Province of Parani. Specimens of KAOLIN 62. Commission General for National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of MINERALS, showing the gold and diamond formations, found in the Province of Goyaz. 20 MINERALS, ORES, BUILDING-STONES, Specimens of DIAMONDS-CONGLOMERATES, collected in the Province of "Minas Geraes. " DIAMONDS, found on the banks of "River Tibagy," in the Province of Parand. (Diamonds are very abundant on the banks of this river, which course is distant 600 kilometers from the capital of the Province.) 63. Dr. Agostinbo E. de Leto. Palmas; Province of Parant. DIAMONDS, found at " Palmas." Specimens of yellowish ROCK-CRYSTALS, found at "Assungy." Specimens of AGATES, collected on the banks of "RiverTibagy," and at "Assungy." 64. Dr. Jos6 C. da Silva-Muricy; Province of Parana. Specimens of QUARTZ, from Coritiba and Palmas. Specimens of AGATES, found at " Guarapava." Specimens of GRIND-STONE, from Coritiba. 65. M. de S5 Ribas. Province of Parant. Specimens of ALUM, from Coritiba and Ponta Grossa. The Alum is very abundant in both places, but chiefly at "Ponta Grossa." 66. Domingos F. Ferreira. Gavea; City of Rio de Janeiro. Three DIAMONDS, weighing 23 carats, and of the value of fifteen thousand dollars. One CUT-DIAMOND, value eight thousand dollars. 67. L. Machado da Silva. Paranaguai; Province of Parand. Specimens of QUARTZ-PRISMS, from Paranagua. 68. Theodoro Heyd. Province of Parani, Specimens of GRINDSTONES, found on the banks of "Rio Negro," Province of Parand. The Exhibitor claims the peculiar chemical composition of these stones, which contains the best Clay and Schist. 69. P. Lust6sa de Siqueira. Province of Parana. AGATES, from "' Guarapava.' AND MINING PRODUCTS. 21 70. National Mus6um. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of GEMS, from different localities. 71. Director General of the Colony of Mucury. Province of Minas Geraes. Collection of PRECIOUS STONES, found in the Province. 72. P. de Siqueira Cortez. Guarapava; Province of Parand. Specimens of violaceous QUARTZ, viz.: Amethyst 73. Coritiba Museurn. Province of Parani. Specimens of xviolaceous QUARTZ. 74. D. J. Sant6s Asev6do. Province of Goyaz. DIAMONDS, found on the banks of "Rio Claro." Specimens of MINERALS, showing the Gold and Diamond formations. 75. D. Ferreira Maciel. Province of Parani. SULPHUREOUS WATER. Guarapava. 76. Commission for the Province of Parani. ALKALINE WATERS from " Guarapava. " METALLURGICAL PRODUCTS. 77. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of GOLD from " Goyaz." 78. Commission for the Province of Parani. Specimens of VEINS OF GOLD, found in Felspathic Rocks. 79. F. A. M. Tourinho. Province of Parana. Specimens of MAGNETIC GOLD, from " Rio Novo." 80. J. Ewbank da Camara. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of AURIFEROUS STONES, from the Province of Rio de Janeiro. 22 MIETALLURGICAL PROI)UCTS. 81. F. M. Leone and P. L. temos. Province of Minas Geraes. AURIFEROUS MINERALS. 82. F. T. Vieyra da Camara. Province of Parani. Specimens of GOLD DUST, found in Votuberaba. 83. F. P. de A. Portugal. Province of Parana. Specimens of GOLD DUST found in Campo Largo. 84. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Jeneiro. Specimens of IRON MINERALS, from tile Province of S. Paulo. 85. Commission General for the Province of Pernambuco. Specimens of NATIVE IRON, from Pernambuco. 86. National Musuem. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of IRON AND COPPER, from different localities. 87. The Presidency of the Province of Sancta Catharina. Specimens of IRON AND NICKEL, found on the banks of S. Francisco River. 88. B. A. da Cruz. Province of Parana. Specimens of MAGNETIC IRON. 89. Ernesto Lellian. Province of Parana. Specimens of MAGNETIC IRON. 90. S. Joao de Ypanema. Iron Works. Province of S. Paulo. Specimens of BAR IRON. 91. M. A. Machado da Silva. Castro, Province of Parana. Specimens of OLIGISTIC IRON. 92. A. C. de Oliveira. Fernandes; Coritiba, Province of Parana. Specimens of OLIGISTIC IRON. 93. Nemes Barboda. Coritiba, Province of Parani. Specimens of OLIGISTIC IRON. 94. J. A. Vieyra de Aranjo. Paranipanema, Province of Parana. Specimens of OLIGISTIC IRON. MODELS, MAPS AND SECTIONS. 23 95. Dr. Agostinbo E. de Ledo. Antonina, Province of Parani. Specimens of OLIGISTIC IRON. 96. J. Francisco Supplicy. Province of Parani. MARCIAL PYRITES AND SULPHURATE OF IRON, found on the banks of the river Iguassu. C;LSS 1X13 97. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janerio. Specimens of MERCURY from Palmeira, Province of Parand. 98. F. J. de Almeida Lopez, Province of Paranai. SALTPETRE, found at Jaguariahiva. 99. D. J. C. da Silva Muricy. Compo-Largo, Province of Parana. SULPHUR extracted from Quartz. 100. F. Gasse. Rio de Janeiro. LEAD FOILS, found at Rio de Janeiro (City.) 101. D. Agostinbo S. E. Leao. Province of Parana. SULPHURATE OF LEAD, from the Environs of Coritiba. This Sulphurate contains a sort of Granular Galena, indicating the presence of silver. MINE ENGINEERING.-MODELS, MAPS AND SECTIONS. CLASS 120. 102. Geological Commission. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of GEOLOGICAL PHOTOGRAPHS of Brasil. 103. Professor H. Gorceix. Rio de Janeiro. GEOLOGICAL MAP of the Chapaddo: Province of Minas Geraes. DE:EPAHTMIE:NT II. MANUFACTURES. C HI E M I CAL 0 CLAfl 2S 2QQ. 104. L. B. Lendenberg. Cape Frio; Rio de Janeiro. SALT. 105. A. G. d'Araujo Penna. Rio de Janeiro (City). HOMCPATHIC VEGETABLE TINCTURES. OPODELDOC (Mikania Guaco.) This Opodeldoc is considered in Brazil as an excellent sudorific and antisyphlitic, and is used also as antidote for the bite of venemous snakes. 106. Chemical Laboratory. Rio de Janeiro. CHEMICAL and PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. 107. Ferreira Maia & Co. Pernambuco (City). PARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 108. F. Aprigio da Yeiga. Macei6; Province of Alag6as. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. (Agricultural Hall.) 109. F. J. Lepage. Province of Minas Geraes. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. (Agricultural Hall.) 110. D. F. Z. Perdigao. S. Luiy do Maranhao. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. III. Commission for the Province of Maranhio. PHARMIACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 112. Commission for the Province of S. Paulo. MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. (24) CHEMICALS. 25 113. E. Yiotti. Province of Parana. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 114. Duarte Dias. Rio de Janeiro. DRUGS. (Agricultural Hall.) 115. Commission for the Province of Cearri. MEDICINAL OILS. (Agricultural Hall.) 116. Commission for the Province of Para. MEDICINAL OILS. 117. Leto Aloes. Parto Alegre, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. (Agricultural Hall.) 118. C. Falcon Dias. Macei6, Province of Alagoas. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. (Agricultural Hall.) 119. Braga Juniar. Macei6, Province of Alagoas. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. (Agricultural Hall.) 120. Military Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, Ariquial, from Brazil. (Agricultural Hall.) 121. Cardoso & Gonsalves Rio de Janeiro (City). Samples of SOAP. 122. Pereira Alves & Co. Province of Parani. Samples of SOAPS and CANDLES. 123. Commission for the Province of Pernambuco. SAFETY MATCHES. 124. A. J. A. Guimaraes. Rio de Janeiro (City). SOAPS and CANDLES. 125. Oliveira & Irmao. Province of Ceara. SOAPS. 126. Ferreira de Carvalho Irmao. Rio de Janeiro (City). SoAPs and (CANDLES. 127. Company Luz Stearica. Rio de Janeiro (City). SOAPS an(d CANDLES. A large amount of these products are consumed in the interior of Brazil, and also exported to foreign countries. 128. Duarte Dias. Rio de Janeiro. OILS. 129. Commission for the Province of Parana. SOAPS AND CANDLES.. 130. J. Safarana. Parana. WAX CANDLES. 131. Stechel. Province of Parana. OILS. 26 CHEMICALS. CLASS 202. 132. S. Samuel G. da Silva. Rio de Janeiro (City). COPYING and WRITING INKS. 133. Monteiro & Co. Rio de Janeiro (City.) WRITING INKS. 134. J. A. da Sa. Guimaries. Rio de Janeiro. PIGMENTS AND VARNISHES. 135. Commission for the Province of S. Paulo. WRITING INKS. 136. Yillela. S. Salvador da Bahia. WRITING INKS. CLASS 2083.'137. Daniel Henninger & Co. Rio de Janeiro (City.) SOAPS and rTOILET SOAPS. 138. Lang & Co. Rio Grande; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. TOILET SOAPS. 139. Leto & Alves. Porto Alegre; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. PERFUMERY. 140. Otto Freire. Rio Grande do Sul. ESSENCES. 141. F. J. Lepage. Province of Minas Geraes ESSENCES AND POMADES. 142. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, ESSENCES AND PERFUMERY, from several Manufacturers. J43. J. Lang. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. TOILET SOAPS. CERAMICS, POTTERY, PORCELAIN, &c. CLASS 206. 144. F. A. M. Esberard. Rio de Janeiro (City). Terra Cotta Works. VASES, imitating the Etruscan style. OBJECTS OF POTTERY. NOTE. —All these works are worthy of attention for their elegance and perfection. CERAMICS, POTTERY, PORCELAIN, &C. 27 145. Colony of D. Francisca. Province of Sancta Catharina. BRICKS AND TUBES OF CLAY. 146. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of BRICKS from the Province of S. Pedro do Sul. 147. D. A. E. de Lego. Province of Parana. i BRICK OF GRES from "Campos Geraes." The district of Campos Geraes abounds in that kind of gres on a surface of I92 kilometers. 148. Commission for the Province of S. Pedro do Sul. STONE-BRICKS. 149. Commission for the Province of Parani. TILES AND BRICKS. C06LASS 207. 150. Amaro D. Grillo. Rio de Janeiro (City). CLAY GOODS, POTS, CUPS AND VASES. 151. J. J. S. Patury. Macei6; Province of Alagoas. CLAY POTS, AND WATER-POTS. CLAsS 208 152. J. S. Correa. Assungy; Province of Parani. SLATE TILES for Pavements and Roofing. 153. Dr. J. C. da Silva Muricy. Province of Parana. ENAMELED SLATETILES for Paving and Roofing. This sort of Slate comes in very great abundance from Campo Magro, Province of Paran/. FURNITURE AND OBJECTS OF GENERAL USE IN CONSTRUCTION AND IN DWELLINGS. C~LASS a27. 154. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. A complete SET OF FURNITURE FOR PARLOR, after the Brasilian style. (That furniture which is exhibited in the Brasilian Pavilion, is made 28 FURNITURE AND OBJECTS OF GENERAL USE IN of Jacaranrda and Rose woods, and contains:-Two Shelves; one Sofa, four Arm-chairs, and twelve Chairs, all cane-bottomed. Chairs and Sofas made of different sorts of woods. 155. Commission for the Province of Parani. DIFFERENT PIECES OF FURNITURE, 156. Army Arsenal of Porto Alegre. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. SECRETARY of Cedar-wood. 157. House of Correction of Bahia S. Salvador -la Bahia. FURNITURE SUIT, made by the inmates. 158. House of Correction of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. (City) SECRETARY, inlaid with different sorts of woods. CABINET SUIT, made of satin wood, and containing, SOFA and six CHAIRS, all cane-seated. 159. D. Clara Kern & Tela Lang. Province of Parani. RECLINING CHAIRS. 160. Baron de "itabapoana." Campos; Province of Rio de Janeiro. RECLINING CHAIR. 161. R. J. Gerth. Rio de Janeiro (City) CABINET SUIT, and other objects, made of willow (vime). 162. Edward Plauder. Colony of D. Francisca; Province of Sancta Catharina. Objects made of Willow. 163. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. ~WILLOW OBJECTS, made at the Colony of D. Francisca. 164. Kappel & Irmao, Steam wood-work Factory. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. COLLECTION OF WOOD-WORKS. 165. J. C da Cdsta Aguiar. Rio de Janeiro. (City). BooK STAND. 166. J. F. Supplicy. Province of Parana. ETAGERE of Rose Wood. ETAGERE of "Embuia" and Sassafr/z. WORK Box for Lady. STOOLS, cane-seated. 167. Zacharias Loesch. Province of Minas Geraes. Small WORK-BOX, inlaid with different woods. CONSTRUCTION AND IN DWELLINGS. 29 168. F. J. Moreira & Co. Rio de Janeiro (City). CHAIRS OF GENIPAP(O, (a sort of Brazillian wood.) NOTE.-The exhibitor disposes of a fine establishment, provided with steam machines and with a personal of IIo to I20 workmen. The Xwood employed in the works came exclusively from Brazil. 169. D. J. Alipio. S. Salvador da Bahia. WRITING DESK, made of Sole leather. 170. A. A. Rodriguez. S. Salvador da Bahia. WOODEN WRITING DESK. 171. J. Neves d'Andrade. Province of Alagoas. BASKETS made of a sort of reed, called MaracajA in Brazil. 172. Commission for the Province of S. Paulo. SUIT OF FURNITURE, made of straw. 173. Keppler & Irmao. Province of S. Pedro de Sul. WOODEN CHAIRS:NOTE. —The Kappel & Irmao manufactury is entirely provided with steam machines, and furnishes now all the chairs used in the Province. That manufactory utilizes exclusively the national woods. 174. Jonas Borddal. Province of Parana. TABLES, SHELVES, AND LADIES' WORK BOXES. 175. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. VARIOUS PIECES OF FURNITURE. 176. Polybio da Rocha. S. Salvador da Bahia. MULTIFORM PIECE OF FURNITURE. NOTE.-That piece can be transformed into ten other different pieces, and with the most comfortable proportions. CLASS 218.. 177. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. TORTOISE SHELL BOXES, made in the Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. STRAW ARTICLES, made in the Province of S. Paulo. 178. Commission for thc Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. SMALL WOODEN CASES FOR JEWELRY. TORTOISE SHELL BOXES. 179. Commission for the Province of Maranhao. BATHING CUPS OF GOURD, varnished and colored. 30 FURNITURE AND OBJECTS IN GENERAL USE, ETC. 180. F. J. X. da Silva. Province of Parandi. CHALICES AND CUPS made of Sassafraz and other woods. 181. George Sabut. Rio de Janeiro (City). Collection of ARTISTIC OBJECTS, made from Pine Tree Knots. 182. Keppler & Irmaos. Porto Alegre; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. CHAIRS, MOSAIC BOXES, MOULDINGS, made of Pine Wood. 183. A. J. Gama Malcher. Cidade de Belem, Province of Para. STRAW SATCHELS AND SIEVES. 184. House of Correction of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro (City). THREE BASKETS, BARREL, and STANDS for Manioc Farina. 185. G. C. de Mello. Pernambuco (City). WOODEN URN. 186. J. J. d'Almeida. Rio de Janeiro. GLASS CUPS, cut in Brazil. CLASSF a18. 187. Commission for the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. Cocco NUT SHELLS, Carved. 188. Commission for the Province of S. Pedro do Sul. MARBLE CROSS 189. Martinelli & Irmao. Province of S. Paulo. MARBLE APPURTENANCES FOR WASH-STAND. 190. Adriano Pittanti & Co. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. WASHSTAND OF SCULPTURED MARBLE. 191. Leon Pommerais. Rio de Janeiro. IMITATION OF MARBLES. 192. J. Baumgarten. Cidade do Desterro; Province of Sancta Catharina. ONE Box with LOOKING-GLASS, for examining eggs. YARNS AND WOVEN GOODS OF 3l YARNS AND WOVEN GOODS OF VEGETABLE AND MINERAL MATERIALS. 193. A. Person. Rio de Janeiro. WIRE-CLOTHS. 194. F. Baidet. Rio de Janeiro. WIRE CLOTHS AND WORKS. CLAxSS 228. 195. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. HAMMOCKS trimmed with feathers, made in the Province of Par5. HAMMOCKS of cotton and cord, trimmed with feathers, made in the Province of Amazonas. HAMMOCKS of cotton and cord, made in the Province of Cear.. HAMMOCKS of Tucum, made in the Province of CearA. 196. Commission for the Province of Amazonas. BROOMS AND CORDAGES OF RATTAN. (Agricultural Hall.) 197. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. COTTON-GOODS AND GIRDLES, manufactured in Sobral, Province of CearA. COTTON-QUILTS, manufactured in the Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. COTTON-GOODS, manufactured in the Province of Sergipe. 198. Arouca & Co. Santo Antonio Cotton-Mills, Rio de Janeiro. COTTONGOODS. 199. Rebello & Co. S. Pedro d'Aloantara Cotton-Mills. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COTTON-GOODS. 32 VTEGETABLE AND MINERAL MATERIALS. 200. Brazil Industrial Cotton Mills Co. (Fabrica deTecidos-Brazil Industrial). Macacos; Province of Rio de Janeiro. COTTON-GOODS AND CANVAS of different qualities. NOTE. —The establishment is one of the largest and most important which exists in Brazil; there are employed 400 looms, 6o carding-machines, and 20,000 spindles, and the production amounts at 8,000 metres of cotton-goods a day. The workmen are in number of 230, viz.: 125 men, 44 young men, 32 women, and 28 girls. 201. Colony Blumenau. Province of Sancta Catharina. COTTON-GOODS AND QUILTS.:202. Mascarenhas & Irm3os. Cedro Cotton-Mills; Province of Minas Geraes. COTTON-GOODS. NoTE.-This establishment occupies a surface of 600 square metres, and employs the most modern machines. The number of workmen amounts to 53, and the average production is of I,200 metres a day. 203. Diogo A. de Barros. Itu; Province of S. Paulo. COTTON-GOODS. 204. Anhaia & Angelo. Itu; Province of S. Paulo. COTTON-GOODS. 205. Uniao Mercantil Co. Macei6, Province of Alagoas. COTTON-GOODS, from Fernao Yelho Cotton-Mills. NOTE.-This establishment produces two kinds of woven goods. 206. Collegio da Immaculada Conceigao; Province of Ceari. EMBROIDERED COTTON HAMMOCKS. 207. Yicary C. P. Sa. Curvello. Province of Alagoas. COTTON HAMMOCKS. 208. Commission for the Province of Parani. TWISTED YARNS. 209. Petropolitana Co. Petropolis, Province of Rio de Janeiro. COTTON GOODS. NOTE.-This establishment employs Ioo workmen, 3o00 spindles, Io3 looms, and produces per day 6,ooo metres of cotton goods. 210. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. DYED COTTON-GOODS, from the Province of Goyaz. YARNS AND WOVEN GOODS, ETC. 33 211. Barthelemy Chana. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. DYED GOODS. 212. F. Reyner. Rio de Janeiro. DYED GOODS. CLASS 233. 213. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. COTTON TOWELS, made by hand, in the Province of S. Paulo. 214. F. J. A. Lopez. Province of Parana. TOWELS, PANTALOONS and other articles of Cotton-wearing. 215. Rosalina Z. Paes Leme. Province of Sancta Catharina. Collection of COTTON FABRICS. CLASS a233s. 216. Felippe Keller. S. Joao do Monte Negro Factory. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LINEN GOODS. 217. Colony of St. Maria da Soledade; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LINEN GOODS. 218. Institute Fluminense d'Agricultura. (Agriculture Fluminensis Institute). Rio de Janeiro. CIGAR CASES, HATS and other articles, made of the Bombanacea fibre. Five of the hats are the most worthy of attention. 219. Colony Nova Petropolis; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LINEN GOODS. 220. Baron de Kalden. City of Cachoeira; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LINEN GOODS. 221. Director of the Colony Sancta Maria da Soledade. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LINEN GOODS, middling and ordinary. 34 WOVEN AND FELT GOODS, ETC. SILK AND SILK FABRICS. WOVEN AND FELT GOODS OF WOOL AND MIXTURES OF WOOL. CL6ASS Z35. 222. F. J. Almeida Lopez. Province of Parana. Piece of WOOLENCLOTH. QUILTS. CASIMERES. 223. Dr. J. C. oelbo de Moura. Province of Minas Geraes. CASSIMERES. 224. Rheingantz & Vater. National Manufactory of Woolen Goods, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. COLLECTION OF WOOLEN-GOODS. NOTE.-That manufactory has been established in I874, in the city of Rio Grande, and covers an area of 1,500 square metres. The number of workmen averages 1oo to 120, and the production attains 400 kilos of cloth a day, which corresponds to the average consumption of 300,000 kilogrammes of wool a year. The wool employed in the factory is exclusively taken from the sheep raised in the Province of S. Pedro do Sul. CLASS 240. 225. M. A. Machado. Province of Parana. Articles made of HORSES' HAIR. SILK AND SILK FABRICS. CLASS 243. 226. Fernando Reyhner. Rio de Janeiro. SILK-GOODS, CASSIMERES. Goods very much appreciated for their perfection and cheapness. CLOTHING, JEWELRY AND ORNAMENTS. 35 CLOTHING, JEWELRY AND ORNAMENTS. C0LAS S 250.. 227. Ad. Dol & Co. Rio de Janeiro. LINEN UNDERWEAR, for men and women. 228. J. J. Roballo, Province of Parana. COAT Of Fine Cloth. 229. Frei L. da Grava. Ilh6os. Province of Espirito Sancto. KNITTED SHIRT. 230. Amaral & Co. Province of Para. Complete SUIT, for gent. 231. Fayett & Battcher. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. PANTALOON, with one single seam. C!LASlS 2T V,, (ROOM C.) 232. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of WOODEN SHOES, from the Province of Paranfa. (SHOES of Cordovan Leather, from the Province of Rio Grande do N6rte.) HATS of Woven Cip6 (a sort of reed,) from the Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. 233. Chastel & Co. Rio de Janeiro. HATS, of different qualities and sorts. Considered as one of the best qualities of Hats manufactured in Rio de Janeiro. 234. J. Alvaro, d'Armada. Rio de Janeiro. HATS, CAPS and BONNETS. (One of the largest and most important manufactory of Hats in Rio de Janeiro. 235. Bierrenback & Irmaos. Campinas, Province of S. Paulo. HATS and CAPS. 236. Fernandes Braga & Co. Rio de Janeiro. HATS, CAPS, and BONNETS. (All Hats of good quality, very light and cheap.) 36 CLOTHING, JEWELRY AND ORNAMENTS. 237. J. Bithencourt, Rio de Janeiro. LASTS, for Shoes. 238. Viguier, Rio de Janeiro. BOOTS and SHOES. 239. J. B. Carvalho, da Silva, Rio de Janeiro. HATS, BASKETS and other articles, made of cipo-imbe, (a sort of reed.') 240. J. E. P. Camara. Baturite, Province of Ceara. HATS made from a peculiar sort of hay called in Brazil (Hen's foot hay.) NOTE.-The P6 de Gallinha (Hen's foot hay) is a sort of G-raminr, which abounds near Rio de Janeiro, and almost in all Brazil; it belongs to the genus Dactylothenium. 241. City Council of Cameta. Province of Par5. HATS made of a sort of straw called Timboi, (Bof. Carludovicea palmafa.) 242. p. C. dos Santos. Province of AlagoAs. SHOES and RIDING BOOTS. 243. H. Bossel. Province of S. Paulo. FELT HATS. 244. House of Correction of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. BOOTS and SHOES. 245. F. Fischer. Rio de Janeiro. HATS and CAPS. 246. Figueredo & Co. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of BOOTS and SHOES furnished to the Biazilian Navy and Army. 247. C. F. Cathiard. Rio de Janeiro. SHOES and BOOTS. (All work made by machine.) 248. Berthon. Rio de Janeiro. LADIES' SHOES. 249. Commissioner for the District of Paulo Affonso. Province of Alag6as. LEATHER HATS from the interior of the country. 250. H. J. da Silva. Province of Alag6as. SHOES of white canvas. 251. F. P. Requiao. Rio de Janeiro. HATS FOR GENTS AND BOYS of black-beaver and silk lined, grey-oeaver and sheep-skin. These hats are remarkable for their lightness and cheapness, and show the perfection attained in this branch of industry. 252. F. Ficher. Province of S. Paulo. SILK HAT. CLOTHING, JEWELRY AND ORNAMENTS. 37 253. M. M. Rodriguez Gomes. Province of Bahia. Boors and SHOES for gents and ladies. 254. Sertorio & Pinho. Rio de Janeiro. KID GLOVES. 255. H. Viguier. Rio de Janeiro. SHOES provided with springs. 256. J. C. de Moraes. S. Luiz, Province of Maranh5o. SILK HATS. 257. M. J. Valentim. Rio de Janeiro. ARTICLES OF JEWELRY. 258. Victor Resse, Jr., & Irmaos. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of BRAZILIAN DECORATIONS. ILSAS 25;3 259. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of WALKING CANES from the Province of S. Paulo. I worn WALKING CANE and a collection of WuHIP HANDLES. I WALKING CANE of Muirapinima. (Tortoise Shell Wood.) 260. M'lle Natt6. Rio de Janeiro. Articles of FEATHERS, viz: fans, flowers, ornaments, coiffures, and insects mounted in gold. (This class of fancy work has no rival in the world.) 261. Commission for Province of Amazonas. Rio Negro. CROWN made of feathers. 262. Dr. C. A. de Lima & J. M. de Calarans. Province of Rio Minas Geraes. WAX, RIBBON AND FEATHER FLOWERS. 263. A. J. F. Braga. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of FEATHER ARTICLES AND FEATHER FLOWERS. 264. J. S. H. Cavalcanti. Province of S. Paulo. UMBRELLA with a secret spring. 265. Henke &!rmgos. Province of Sancto Catharina. WALKING CANES of Arabic wood. 266. D. Rosalina Paes Leme. Province of Catharina. LEATHER WALKING CANES. 38 CLOTHING, JEWELRY AND ORNAMENTS. 267. J. P. da. Rocha. Province of Bahia. Collection of BUTTONS, EARRINGS and x WATCH CHAIN, all made of a small sort of cocconut. 268. L. Gomes Ferreira. Rio de Janiero. Collection of WALKING CANES. 269. A. A. Barros. Province of S. Paulo. WALKING CANES made of the cocco tree wood. 270. Jose Xavier Bastos. Mar de Hespanha, Province of Minas Geraes. I WALKING CANE made of Peroba, and carved. 271. J. F. da Costa. Rio de Janeiro. PICTURES OF MOSSES AND INSECTS. 272. H. F. dos Reis. Province of Parana. WALKING CANE, imitating a parasol. CLAS.S 358. 273. Klippel & Irmao. Rio Grande; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. HIDES AND FURS. 274. F. Freischlag. Rio Grande; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. PATENT LEATHER (Polished hides). 275. Costa Eymael & Co. Rio Grande; Province of S. Pedro do Sul. TANNED HIDES. 276. F. G. S. Lima. S. Paulo; Province of S. Paulo. TANNED LEATHER, sole. 277. Jacob Richlin. Desterro, Province of Sancta Catharina. TANNED LEATHER, sole. CLOASS 257. 278. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. A complete suit of HERDSMAN, made of leather. PAPER, BLANKS, AND STATIONERY. MEDICINE, ETC. 39 PAPER, BLANKS, AND STATIONERY. CLASS 261. 279. Leusinger & Filhos. Rio de Janeiro. BLANK BOOKS. (These books are entirely ruled, printed, bound, and finished in that establishment.) 2 BOUND VOLUMES (specimens of binding.) 280. J. Seckler. S. Paulo, Province of S. Paulo. 3 BOUND VOLUMES (specimens of ruling and binding). MEDICINE, SURGERY, PROTHESIS. CLOASS 274.. 281. J. F. da Silva Garrid. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. DRUGGIST SCALE. 282. Merino & Co. Rio de Janeiro. 43 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. (Amidst these instruments there are two invented by Dr. Fragoso, viz.: I incision knife for okymasis, and I electrolytic probe, two forceps modified by the exhibitors, and one upper and lower surgical key of their own invention.) CLABS 277. 283. M. F. da Silva Costa Jor. Rio de Janeiro. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. 284. J. Bento de Faria. Rio de Janeiro. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. 285. Dr. J. Borges Diniz. Rio de Janeiro. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. 40 HARDWARE, FABRICS, CARRIAGES, ETC. HARDWARE, EDGE-TOOLS, CUTLERY, ETC. CLASBS 281. 286. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. KNIVES, DAGGERS, AND OTHER IMPLEMENTS, made in the Province of Paran&. FABRICS OF VEGETABLE, ANIMAL, OR MINERAL MATERIALS. CIJLASS 288 2AD 287. 287. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. BROOMS, BRUSHES, AND CORDAGES, from the Province of Amazonas. CORDAGE, made of cotton thread, in the Province of Cear/. 288. A. R. d'Almeida. Pernambuco. CORDAGES, made of carrapixo (Bot. Triuniffetta semitriloba.) CARRIAGES, VEHICLES, HARNESS, AND ACCESSORIES. CLASS 2s8. 289. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. LEATHER SUIT AND HARNESS, used by herdsmen in the Province of Cear,. SADDLE made in the Province of Sancta Catharina. 290. A. A. A. Gulmarges. Rio de Janeiro. LADY'S SADDLE. CARRIAGES, VEHICLES, HARNESS AND ACCESSORIES. 41 291. S. Maylasky. Province of S. Paulo. SERIGOTIS, a sort of leather " horse bely-band" used in that Province. 292. F. Gomes dos Santos Lima. Province of S. Paulo. HORSE BELLYBANDS AND SERIGOTIS. 293. Baron de Cahy. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. I PAIR OF LEATHER REINS AND BRIDLES. 294. JoaO Cranz & Pinto. Rio de Janeiro. HARNESS AND HORSE COLLARS. 295. Nicolau Schmitt & Co. S. Leopoldo, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. A COMPLETE SET OF HARNESS, enameled by machine. NOTE.-The exhibitor got a privilege to employ a machine of his own invention in the manufacture of harness, and by that machine he is able now to execute by plates all the work made before by hand. The work is remarkable for its perfection and elegance. 296. T. T. A. Guimaraes. Rio de Janeiro. SADDLES. NOTE. —The exhibitor disposes of a large manufacture for leather work; his products are the most worthy of attention for their perfection and finish, and show the development of that branch of industry in Brazil. 297. Aime Coullant. Rio de Janeiro. HORSE-COLLARS. NOTE.-These leather works are remarkable for the perfection of the workmanship and by the peculiar elegance of the pattern. 298. House of Correction of S. Paulo. BRIDLES, REINS AND HARNESS. 299. A. L. d'Almeida. Province of S. Paulo. REINS of leather. 300. T. C. Moraes. Province of Goyaz. I SADDLE of embossed leather. 301. J. de A. Barros. Province of S. Paulo. LEATHER REINS. 302. Waldemar Bierrengaard. Rio de Janeiro. RIDING HARNESS. 303. A. E. de Lego. Province de Parana. I WHIP WITH WOODEN HANDLE imitating woven leather. 304. A. A. Barros & B. A. Gaveto. Province of S. Paulo. I WHIP WITH SILVER HANDLE. I WHIP WITH WOODEN HANDLE carved with a pen knife. 305. Frederico Freischlag. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Set of HARNESS, polished and trimmed with silver. DEF&?PAIRTMENT IIIL EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. o EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, METHODS AND LIBRARIES. CLASSo 300. 306. Municipal School Boards. Rio de Janeiro. TEXT BOOKS. SPECIMENS OF WRITING. SPECIMENS OF DRAWING. SAMPLES OF NEEDLEWORK. 307. Santa Candida School for Girls. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of PENMANSHIP, remarkable for their neatness and excellence. CXLASS 3OZ. 308. Faculty of Medicine. Rio de Janeiro. A collection of TEXT BOOKS and THESES on Medical and Chirurgical subjects. NOTE.-This collection is remarkable for the variety of the subjects discussed and the proficiency of the authors. 309. Naval School. Riode Janeiro. Collection of EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Specimens of DRAWINGS and MODELS, made by the cadets. MAPS, CHARTS, ETC. NOTE.-All the above collection is most worthy of attention, regarding the improved methods and the excellence of the cadets' work, and considering also that all the books have been written by Brazilian professors. EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, METHODS AND LIBRARIES. 43 310. Commercial Institute. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of DRAWING, WRITING and BOOKEEPING. 311. Academy of Fine Arts. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of different styles of DRAWINGS, and pupils' works. 312. Public Instruction Board. Rio de Janeiro. EDUCATIONAL BOOKS, used in the lower and higher schools of the Empire. Specimens of WRITINGS and of NEEDLE-WORK intended to show the methods. NOTE.-The methods used now in Brazil for public schools are remarkable for their simplicity. The progress observed in the educational department is illustrated by the number of the schools and by the merit of the text books exhibited. 313. Arts et M6tiers Lyceums. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of DRAWINGS and PUPILS' WORKS. 314. Artistical Institute. Rio de Janeiro. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHIC ENGRAVINGS. PRINTED BOOKS. MAPS and CHARTS. BOOK-BINDING specimens. 315. Military Archives. Rio de Janeiro. A collection of MAPS and CHARTS, drawn and engraved in the establishment. 316. Faculty of Medicine. S. Salvador da Bahia. Collection of THESES on medical subjects. CLAkLSS 3O3. 317. Institute for Deaf and Dumb. Rio de Janeiro. EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Specimens of DRAWING and DACTYLOLOGICAL PAINTING. Specimens of WRITING. SHOES made by the pupils. 318. Imperial Institute for Blind Boys and Girls. Rio de Janeiro. Several APPARATUS used in teaching. 44 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, METHOIDS AND LIBRARIES. BOOKS printed, bound, and written by the blind boys. GEOMETRICAL FIGURES, engraved by the blind boys, and MUSICAL (COMPOSITIONS. Specimens of NEEDLEWORK, made by the girls. CLAS8B:3Q4. 319. Home Department. Rio de Janeiro. EDUCATIONAL REPORTS. Laws, regulations, statistics and catalogues. C-LASS 3106.. 320. Dr. Nicolau J. Moreira. Rio de Janeiro. TREATISE ON COLONIZATION. 321. Dr. Nicolau J. Moreira. Rio de Janeiro. 0 AUXILIAD6R DA INDUSTRIA NACIONAL. (The National Industry Auxiliary Review.) This Review, published for nearly 40 years, for the propagation of Agricultural Industry, and Manufactures, and of their Improvement, received a prize at Vienna International Exhibition in 1873. 322. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of BRAZILIAN NEWSPAPERS. 323. Leuzinger & Sons. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of PRINTING. 324. Dr. Pessanha da Silva. Rio de Janeiro. ANNAES BRASILIENSIS DE MEDECINA (Brazilian Medical annals), published monthly by the Imperial Academy of Medicine, of Rio de Taneiro, for nearly 30 years. 325. Coronel J. M. Gavea6 & Paesde Barros. S. Paulo. NEWSPAPERS. 326. J. Villeneuve & Co. Rio de Janeiro. THE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, bound. 327. Roxo, Monteiro & Lemos. Rio de Janeiro. DIREI'O MERCANT1L. 328. E. Germack Possolo. Rio de Janeiro. PRINTED BOOKS. INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS. 45 329. S. Jos6 Alves. Rio de Janeiro. PRINTED BOOKS. 330. J. G. d'Azevedo. Rio de Janeiro. PRINTED BOOKS. 331. National Printing Office. Rio de Janeiro. Specimens of MOULDS, TYPES, and PRINTED BOOKS. 332. NicolAu A. Alves Rio de Janeiro. PRINTED BOOKS. 333. Edward & Henry Laemmert. Riode Janeiro. PRINTED and BOUND BOOKS. NOTE.-This was the first printing office established in Rio de Janeiro (I827), and is remarkable for the excellence of its printing and binding. INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS. CLASS 312. 334. Leuzinger & Filhos. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of articles for Museums. 335. J. Ferreira d'A. Brant. Minas Geraes. Collection of Insects. 336. Narciso & Arthur Napoleao. Rio de Janeiro. MUSIC PRINTIN(G and ENGRAVING. 337. Quintino dos Santos. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 338. Francisco Manuel da Silva. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 339. Gomes d'Araujo. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 340. Emilio do Lago. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 341. J. J. Goyano. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 342. J. A. da Silva Callado. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 343. Jos6 Amat. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 344. Cardoso de Menezes. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 345. A. Campos. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 346. Edward Ribas. Rio de Janeiro. MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS. 46 SCIENTIFIC AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. SCIENTIFIC AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS. CLASS 320a 347. Army Arsenal of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre. METAL MERIDIAN, or Sun. Dial. 348. Capt. Luiz de Saldanha, Brazilian Navy, Rio de Janeiro. NAUTICAL REPEATING COMPASS. 349. Lieut. A. Pereira Pinheiro. (Brazilian Navy). Rio de Janeiro. SANDAGRAPH OR AUTOMATIC deep sea-sounding apparatus, (invention of the Exhibitor.) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACOUSTIC APPARATUS. 350. Dr.LamenhaLins. SanctaCandida, Provinceof Parand. I LARGE GUITAR, and 2 small ones (Machetes). 351. J. dos Santos Couceiro. Rio de Janeiro. I VIOLIN AND ITS BOW, made entirely of Brazilian woods. 352. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Jeneiro. I PIANO. ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, CHARTS, MAPS, ETC. 47 ENGINEERING, ARCHITECURE, CHARTS, MAPS, AND GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS. CIVIL ENGINEERING. CSTLASS a, 3o 353. The Board of Directors of the "Pedro II Dock works Company." Rio de Janeiro. DRAWINGS, showing the "Pedro II Docks works," at Rio de Janeiro, and samples of the woods employed in the works, submarine constructions, wharves and warehouses. 354. Engineers Andre Rebougas & Borja Castro. Rio de Janerio. PHOTOGRAPHS representing the Custom-house Dock-works. Plans containing the details of these works, sections of the walls and foundations. 355. Public Works Office. Rio de Janeiro. Project to improve the harbors of the coast of Brazil, by Sir John Hawkshaw. 356. Engineer E. Liais. Rio de Janeiro. SURVEYS and PROFILES of the rivers das "Velhas" and S. Francisco, accompanied by a minute report on the works required for improving their navigation. 357. Hydrographic Department. Rio de Janeiro. SURVEYS of the Amazonas river from its mouth to the boundary of Brazil with Peru, over an extension of 2,240 miles, by Commander Soares Pinto (Brazilian navy), and the Engineer Pereira Dias, under the direction of Captain Costa Azevedo (Brazilian navy.) 48 RAILWAY EN(;INEERING. RAILWAY ENGINEERING. 16.A88 B32aB 358. W. Speir. Province of S. Paulo. DRAWINGS of the railroad from Santos to Jundiahy, S. Paulo. 359. Dr. Ewbanck. Rio de Janeiro. Description of the RAILWAYS of the Province of S. Paulo. 360. Engineer Fox. Province of S. Paulo. General PLAN and PROFILES of the railway from Santos to Jundiahy. DRAWINGS of the viaduct over " Grota Funda," on.the same railway. 361. Public Works Office. Rio de Janeiro. Various DRAWINGS, showing the bridges of the Pedro II. railway. 362. Engineer Ferreira Penna. S. Pedro do Sul. PLANS, ESTIMATES and REPORT on the projected railway from Porto Alegre to Uruguayana, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. 363. Engineer Loyd. Rio de Janeiro. PROJECT of a railway to the Province of Matto Grasso, with illustrations, plans, estimates and profiles. 364. Engineer Bulh6es. Rio de Janeiro. PROJECT to lengthen the main railway line of the Province of Bahia, with illustrations, plans, and estimates. 365. Engineer Silva Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro. PROJECT to lengthen the main railway line of the Province of Pernambuco, with illustrations and plans TOPOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL MAPS AND SECTIONS. 49 TOPOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL MAPS AND SECTIONS. CLCKU 336. 366. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of MAPS OF THE PROVINCE OF S. PAULO. Elements for the organization of a PHYSICAL CHART OF BRAZIL, by the Councilor " Homen de Mello." 367. Senator C. Mendes. Rio de Janeiro. ATLAS of the Brazilian Empire. 368. General de Beaurepaire Rohan. Rio de Janeiro. General CHART of the Empire of Brazil. 369. Public Works Office. Rio de Janeiro. CHARTS and TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS of the Provinces of S. Paulo, Sancta Catharina, Maranhao, CearA, Goyaz, Paran/, Espirito Sancto, Minas Geraes, and Piauhy. CHARTS of the projected Provinces of S. Francisco, Entre Rios, Sapucahy and Araguaya. MAPS of the public lands of the Province of S. Paulo. TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP of the Colony Blumenau. 370. Hydrographic Department. Rio de Janeiro. CHARTS of the coast and harbors of Brazil. PHYSICAL, SOCIAL AND MORAL CONDITION OF MAN. MONEY, MINTS AND COINING. 371. National Mint. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of MEDALS marked in the Mint. Collection of BRAZILIAN COINS. 372. J. F. Suplicy. Province of Parana. Collection of MEDALS obtained by Galvanoplastic process. I GALVANOPLASTIC PILE. DE 3 PAEITME:NT IV. ART. SCULPTURE. CLA5 5 4OO. 373. Academy of Fine Arts. Rio de Janeiro. STATUE IN PLASTER. Recollection of the Tribe, by Bernardelli. STATUE TN PLASTER. The actor, Joao Caetano, acting as Oscar, by Chaves Pinheiro. STATUE IN PLASTER. The Indian Peeping, by Bernardelli. 374. Almeida Reis. Rio de Janeiro. STATUE IN PLASTER. The Crime, by the exhibitor. 375. Almeida Reis. Rio de Janeiro. STATUE IN PLASTER. The Bishop of Chrysopolis, by the exhibitor. PAINTING. CM.ZL S 41X0. 376. Academy of Fine Arts. Rio de Janeiro. Painting in OIL ON CANVAS. The naval battle of " Riachuelo, " (Paraguayan war) by Victor Meirelles. Painting in OIL ON CANVAS. The First Mass in Brazil, by Victor Meirelles. Painting in OIL ON CANVAS. "The Brazilian iron-clad fleet passing by Humaitd " (Paraguayan war), by Victor Meirelles. PAINTINtS, WATER-COLOR PICTURES, ENGRAVINGS, ETC. 51 377. Academy of Fine Arts. Rio de Janeiro. Painting in OIL ON CANVAS. "View of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome." Painting in OIL ON CANVAS. " Charity." 378. Public-works office. Rio de Janeiro. Painting in OIL ON CANVAS. Brazilian army crossing " PAsso da Patria (Paranai river) led by Marshall Ozorio (luring Paraguayan war, by Pedro Americo. Painting illn OIL ON CANVAS. Moonlight in the harbour of Montevideo ("River Plate), by De-Martino. 379. Senate Hall. Rio de Janeiro. Painting in OIL ON CANVAS. Defence of the Island of Cabrita, by Brazilian army and navy (Paraguayan war), painted by Pedro Americo. 380. H. Henschell. Rio de Janeiro. PORTRAIT OF HIS MAJESTY THE EMPEROR OF BRAZIL, in oil on canvas, by the exhibitor. 381. His Royal Highness, the Count d'Eu. Rio de Janeiro. Painting in OIL ON CANVAS, representing a scene at sunset on a seashore. WATER-COLOR PICTURES, AQUARELLES, MINIATURES. 382. ", Insley Pacheco. Rio de Janeiro. OIL AND WATER-COLOR PICTURES representing views of the interior of Brazil; aquarelles. 383. Antonio da Rocha. Rio de Janeiro. MINIATURE, copy of the Virgin of Guido Renl 384. Souza da Silveira. Rio de Janeiro. TRANSPARENT MINIATURES. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHY. DRAWINGS WITH PEN, PENCIL OR CRAYONS. 385. Marianno d'Almeida. Rio de Janeiro. DRAWINGS with pen and ink. 52 LITHOGRAPHS AND ZINCOGRAPHS. 386. Insley Pacheco. Rio de Janeiro. Two LANDSCAPES with Crayons. 387. Joao dos Passos Damasceno. Brazil. PORTRAITS OF HIS MAJESTX THE EMPEROR OF BRAZIL, drawn with pen and ink. LITHOGRAPHS AND ZINCOGRAPHS. 388. Jayme Brutens. S. Paulo. LITHOGRAPHS. 389. H. CarlIs. Pernambucco. LITHOGRAPH SPECIMENS. 390. N. N. Rio de Janeiro. LITHOGRAPHS. 391. Edward Rensburg. Rio de Janeiro. LITHOGRAPHICAL MAPS AND DRAWINGS, (Main Building.) 392. A. Sisson. Rio de Janeiro. LITHOGRAPHICAL WORKS. PHOTOGRAPHIC HALL. PHOTOGRAPHY. 0PHOTOGRAPHS ON PAPER, METAL, GLASS, ETC. CLA 4o430 393. I. Insley Pacheco. Rio de Janeiro. PHOTOGRAPHS; Portraitsafter the system of bichromotype (invention of the exhibitor.) 394. P. S. de Souza da Silveira. Rio de Janeiro. PHOTOGRAPHS. 395. Leuzinger Sons. Rio de Janeiro. PANORAMAS of Rio de Janeiro in Photo-Lithograph. (Annex of Art Gallery.) 396. Thomas Sabino. Bel6m. Province of Pard. PHOTOC;RAPHS. 397. N. N. Rio de Janeiro. PHOTOGRAPHS. 398. Luiz Terragno. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. PHOTOGRAPHS. 399. Fidanza. Belem. Province of Pari. PHOTOGRAPHS. DEPARETME:NT V. APPARATUS AND FIXTURES FOR HEATING AND COOKING. A —LAss a22, 400. J. A. Antunes. Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE Po's for cooking Coffee. BATH ROOMS AND WATER CLOSETS. 401. M. Alves Marques Jor. Rio de Janeiro. MECHANICAL SHOWERBATH made of Tin, presenting an architectural appearance. (Patent of the exhibitor.) ARMY ANI) NAVY. PYROTECHNICS. CWLAS8 20.5 402. Pyrotechnical Laboratory of Campinho. Rio de Janeiro. ROCKETS used in war as missiles. METALIC FUZES for shells of either light or heavy artillery. 403. Military Archives. Rio de Janeiro. PYROTECHNICAL MAPS. 404. Dr. Fausto de Souza, Director of the Pyrotechnical Laboratory of Camphino. Rio de Janeiro. MIETALIC FtUZES for shells. APPARATUS FOR FIRING FUZES. (Invention of the exhibitor.", MILITARY CLOTHING, ARMAMENTS, ORDNANCE, ETC. 55 MILITARY CLOTHING. CL3AJSS 5O0. 405. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENTS worn by the different Corps of the Brazilian Army. FANCY LEATHER WORK, VALISES AND TRUNK. C36LSS 255. 406. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. A pair of VALISES, showing the pattern adopted for officer's service in campaign. MILITARY AND NAVAL ARMAMENTS, ORDNANCE, FIRE-ARMS AND HUNTING APPARATUS. MILITARY SMALL-ARMS, PISTOLS, MAGAZINE, GUNS, ETC. 407. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. i BREECH LOADING RIFLE AND SWORD BAYONET, entirely made after the model proposed by Major Moraes Ancora, of the Engineer corps, and adopted for the Brazilian army after the most successsul trials. REVOLVER, invented and made by hand by the artizan of the Arsenal, Mr. Augusto Teixeira. BREECH LOADING RIFLE, invention and work of the artizan of the Arsenal, Mr. T. Eustachio de Gusmao. 56 ARTILLERY, GUNS, HEAVY ORDNANCE, ETC. 408. Arsenal of Bahia. DRUM of the pattern adopted for Brazilian Army and Navy. 409. Pyrotechnical Laboratory of Campinho. Rio de Janeiro. A1MMUNITION for rifles and revolvers. 410. Dr. Fausto de Souza, Director of the Pyrotechnical Laboratory of Campinho. Rio de Janeiro. MACHINE TO MAKE METALLIC CARTRIDGES FOR RIFLES AND REVOLVERS. (This machine is an invention of the engineer, Otto Anderson.) LIGHT ARTILLERY, COMPOUND GUNS, ETC. C —lASS 2868. 411. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. THREE BRASS FIELD GUNS, rifled on French system; caliber,-I 2 pounder, 4 pounder (heavy), and 4 pounder for service on mountains. WOODEN CARRIAGE, for 4 pounder Field gun, and accessories. MODEL OF 12 POUNDER RIFLED FIELD-GUN, with carriage and limber, and accessories. DRAWINGS, showing the pattern of carriages, caissons and limbers, adopted for Brazilian army. SHOTS AND SHELLS FOR FIELD GUTNS, of Krupp, Withworth and French systems. HEAVY ORDNANCE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. CLASS 8 27.. 412. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. THREE BRASS MORTARS AND THEIR PLATFORMS; calibers,-o.27m., o.22m. and o.I5m. MODEL OF CASEMATE AND OF A 300 POUNDER WITHWORTH'S RIFLED GUN (muzzle loader), mounted on a carriage of Scott's system, all showing what is adopted for Brazil's sea-coast and harbour defence. SHOTS AND SHELLS for heavy guns of Withworth's system. HARDWARE, ORNAMENTAL CASTINGS, ETC. 5 7 413. Navy Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. LEATHER BUCKETS for artillery service. LEATHER CARTRIDGE-BOXES for heavy ordnance. HARDWARE, EDGE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND METALIC PRODUCTS. KNIVES, SWORDS, SPEARS, ETC. 414. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. SWORD FOR CAVALRY, showing the pattern adopted for Brazilian army. FOUR SPEARS of the pattern adopted for the regiments of Lancers. 415. Arsenal of Porto Aiegre. Province of S: Pedro do Sul. PECULIAR WEAPONS used by the cavalry of the Brazilian army. HIAND TOOLS. CLASSF 2860. 416. Arsenal of Bahia. HAND TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS used by carpenters and joiners. 417. Siloino Trispode. Province of S. Pedro de Sul. HAND TOOLS. 418. Ypanema Iron Works. Province of S. Paulo. HAND TOOLS. METAL HOLLOW WARE ORNAMENTAL CASTINGS. 3LA, s5 283, 419. Ypanema Iron Works. Province of S. Paulo. ONE CROSS, ANID ONE IMPERIAL CROWN OF CAST IRON, samples of cast iron, bars. HOLLOW WARE AND HARDWARE. NOTE.-This establishment employs a personal of 121 workmen, and disposes of a complete set of machines to obtain the iron of the ores and to work it. The production of ferro emguza amounts to 3,ooo kil. a day. The establishment was obliged to use, until now, the vegetable coal, but at present the discovery of splendid mines of coal distant scarcely 37 kilometres, promises to supply it abundantly with a good sort of combustible. 420. Bierrenback & Irmao. Cast Iron Works, Province of S. Paulo. ONE CHAIR AND SEVERAL GRATES of CAST IRON; samples of ornamental iron-castings. 421. Couto dos Santos. Rio de Janeiro. IMPERIAL CROWN of cast-iron, BUST OF THE EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OF BRAZIL, made in cast-iron; samples of ornamental iron castings, remarkable for their elegance and beauty of finish. 422. Hargreaves & Irmaos. Rio de Janeiro. ORNAMENTAL IRON CASTINGS, one Imperial Crown the Escutcheon of His Royal Highness the Count d'Eu; the Escutcheon of His Highness the Duke of Saxe. 423. Ponta d'Area Works Company. Rio de Janeiro. IMPERIAL CROWN of cast-iron and guilt. 424. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. D)ifferent piecesaud ornaments of an iron stair case. HARDWARE. CELaSS 2843. 425. Arsenal of Bahia. LOCKS for naval and shipstores, locks for safes. 426. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. MODELS OF SAFES used by the Staff and Engineers Corps of the Brazilian army. 427. Fabiano Slickel. Rio de Janeiro. HORSE SHOES of different shapes. 428. Hargreaves & lrmaos. Rio de Janeiro. IRON BARS AND IRON. STANDS. 429. Ypanema Iron Works. Province of S. Paulo. HOOKS, SPIKES, BOLTS, and IRON BARS. FABRICS, CARRIAGES, ENGINEERING, ETC. 59 FABRICS OF VEGETABLE, AND MINERAL MATERIALS. ROPES, CORDAGE. CGLSS 287. 430. Navy Arsenal of Rio de Janeiro. Ropes, cords, and lines, for naval purposes. CARRIAGES AND ACCESSORIES. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. 431. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. PIG-SKIN SADDLE, REINS AND BRIDLES, trimmed with golden thread as used for the horse furniture of the officers of Brazilian army. Complete set of HARNESS of the pattern adopted for Brazilian Cavalry and Horse Artillery. ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND MAPS. CIVIL ENGINEERING. CLASS 330.. 432. Navy Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. MODELS OF 2 DRY-DOCKS cut into granite rock. MACHINERY. MACHINES AND TABLES FOR MARKING METAL, WOOD AND STONE. PLANING, CUTTING, MOULDING, STAMPIN(G; IMACHINES, ETC. 433. The National Mint. Rio de Janeiro. I STAMPING MACHINE. One EDGING MACHINE. HAND-TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS. MACHINES FOR rHE MANUFACTITRE OF SILK. 434. Luiz de Rezende. Sericiculture Establishment. Rio de Janeiro. One MACHINE FOR REELIN(; AND SKEINING SITLK. APPARATUS FOR COUNTING THE TWIST. STEREOMETER AND SCALES. Samples of SILK of the "Butter Fly," "Aurota Saturnia," reeled and twisted. VIEWS, description and pictures of the establishment. NOTE.-This Department is most worthy of public attention, and demlonstrates the great advancement of the " Sericirulture" in Brazil. A. A.-Navy Department. B. B.-Army " e f C. C.-Mint. D. — Ptump Department. E. —Silk Machines. F.-Ornamental Castings. Machinery Hall. s""o I I L Machinery Hall. Scale A; Itle-h- onie foot. MOTORS AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING POWER. 6I MOTORS AND APPARATUS FOR THE GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION OF POWER. STEAM, AIR OR GAS ENGINES, ETC. oLA\&_S 6550. 435. Navy Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. DUPLEX STEAM ENGINE, I2 nominal horse power, to be used as motor at the Pyrotechnical Laboratory da Arma;go. (Rio de Janeiro.) MODEL OF THE DUPLEX ENGINES built for the iron-clads of the Monitor class. MODEL OF THE ENGINES built for "Mortar Ships." 436. Navy Arsenal. Bahia. MODEL OF a MARINE LOCOMOTIVE. APPARATUS FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 437. Navy Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. PULLEYS, PULLEYS STAND-SHAFTS AND FLYING WHEELS. SCREW-PROPELLERS, WHEELS, ETC. C::ALSS 5546. 438. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. IRON SCREW PROPELLER AND ITS COG-WHEEL. 62 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC APPARATUS, ETC. HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC APPARATUS, PUMPING, HOISTING AND LIFTING. PUMPS AND APPARATUS FOR LIFTING AND COMPRESSING FLUIDS. CL&SS S8S. 439. T. Candido da Costa, Pump Maker. Rio de Janeiro. Two DUPLEX LIFTING AND FORCE PUMPS, hand power. One DUPLEX LIFTING AND FORCE PUMP, hand power. Two single LIFTING AND FORCE PUMPS, either hand or steampower. Two single LIFTING AND FORCE PUMPS, hand power. One HYDRAULIC RAM. STOP-VALVES, COCKS, PIPES, ETC. CLASS 568. 440. T. Candido da Costa. Rio de Janeiro. One NOZZLE FIRE PLUG. 441. F. Candido das Neves. Rio de Janeiro. COCKS of different sys — tems. 442. B. G. Russell. Rio de Janeiro. LEAD PIPES AND HYDRAULIC SYPHONS. COPPER VALVE BOX for shower bath. MACHINES USED IN PREPARING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. FLOUR MILLS. CLASS 5 8_. 443. Birrenback & Irmios, Iron Works. Province of S. Paulo. HAND MILL to grind manioc roots. AERIAL, PNEUMATIC AND WATER TRANSPORTATION. 63 ASRIAL, PNEUMATIC AND WATER TRANSPORTATION. STEAM SHIPS, STEAMBOATS AND ALL VESSELS PROPELLED BY STEAM. CGjLASS 5866. 444. Navy Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. MODELS OF ALL SHIPS built on the stocks of the Arsenal, including models of iron-clads, casemate and turret ships; wooden ships of all classes; steamlaunches, and the models of the corvettes and launches designed by the Naval Constructor, Trajano Carvalho. Samples of the WOODS used in the Arsenal for ship building. 445. Trajano A. Carvalho, Ship Constructor. Rio de Janeiro. MODELS OF TWO CORVETTES AND ONE STEAM LAUNCH, built according to the novel formation of bottom of ships, invented by the exhibitor himself. NOTE. —The exhibitor claims the following advantages for his new lines: Ist. As the ship moves ahead in an upright position, there are no forces created either on the sides or under the floor tending to raise the bow, and so that this most important element of resistance is avoided. 2d. High speed with the most moderate proportions of length to breadth. 3d. For a vessel of any proportion of length to breadth the requisite displacement may be obtained with a much finer entrance than usual, and without the less disadvantage in the form of the after body. 4th. Superiority of displacement on the same dimensions. STEAM CAPSTANS, FANS, ETC. 446. Army Arsenal. Rio de Janeiro. FAN OF CAST IRON, steam power. DE1PAIRT1W3MENT VI. AGRICULTURE. -oARBORICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS. CLALSS 600. 447. Commission General for the National Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOODS from the Province of Bahia. Samples of WOODS from the Province of Goyaz. Samples of WOODS from the Province of "Rio Grande do Norte. " Samples of WOODS from the Province of S. Pedro do Sul. 448. Commission for the Province of ParanA. Samples of WOODS used in ship building, engineering works and in decorating. 449. Pedro II. Dock Works Company. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WooDs used in the Dock Works for submarine construction of wharves and storehouses. 450. Commission for the Province of " Bahia." Samples of WooDs used in construction and for furniture. 451. Commission for the Province of Pernambuco. Samples of WooDS used for building and furniture. 452. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of WOODS used in constructions and for furniture. b b I0 0 0 oQ b b E; A. A.-Coffee and Cotton. B. B.-Forest and Agricultural Products. a a Il 00 0 Agricultural Hall Scale il Inch-= olte foot. ABORICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS. 65 453. Commissioner of the Province of S. Paulo. Samples of WOODS used in ship building and civil engineering works and for furniture. 454. C. B. de S. Farie. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOODS from S. Jodo do Barra, Province of Rio de Janeiro. 455. Baron de Villa Franca. Quissama, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOOD. 456. Baron de Juparana and Nogeira da Gama. Valenga, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WooDS. 457. Director of the Colony of Itajahy. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of WOODS used in construction and for furniture. 458. J. M. C. Cavalcanti. Province of Alag6as. Samples of WOODS used in constructions, ship building, civil engineering works and for furniture. 459. J. F. Barb6sa. Province of MaranhaS. Samples of WOODS. 460. Dr. Borja Castro. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOODS used in the Custom House Dock Works. 461. Commission for the Province of Rio de Janeiro. Nictheroy. Samples of WOODS. 462. Dr. Muricy. Province of Paransi. COAL obtained from pine tree (Araucaria Braziliensis). Samples of WOODS. 463. Dr. Hermelino de LeaS. Province of Parana. COAL obtained from Pine tree knots (Araucaria Braziliensis). Samples of WOODS. 464. Araujo de Silva. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOODS. 465. Domingos Silva. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOODS. 466. Pimenta Bueno. Province of Para. Samples of Woods, from the valley of Amazonas. 467. Commission for the Province of Goyaz. PAPARUS, or paper tree; Samples of WOODS. 66 ABORICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS. 468. Commission for the Province of Amazonas. Samples of WOODS. ISCA DE URACOA, made by ants. CLAEASS 60X. 469. Azarias C. Gama. Province of Alag6as. CIPo PAO, a sort of vine used for making walking canes. 470. Dr. Muricy and Dr. Leto. Province of Paranai. Samples of PINE TREE KNOTS, used for making ornamental objects. 471. Couceiro. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOODS, for decorating, arranged in Mosaic. 472. Municipality of S. Francisco. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of some ORNAMENTAL WOODS, viz.. "Canella Amarella," (Bot. Nectandra sp). "Ebony," "Gissarana,' and c Maiato." 473. Municipality of S. Jose. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of ORNAMENTAL WOODS. CLtASS 802.. 474. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. FRAME made with samples of woods. 475. Commission for the Province of Amazonas. ANILEIRA (Indigo wood), (Bot. Indzigofera t/inctoria), which produces an excellent blue dye. NOTE.-There are many different species of Indigoferos in the Valley of Amazonas and on the Platean of the Guianes, viz —anil, linctoria, argentea, &c., all remarkable for the excellent dye, which can be extracted from their leaves. CARAJUIE (Bot. Bignonia chica), producing an excellent red dye. NOTE.-The carajuie is considered as the best American red dye; its leaves are also highly esteemed for their medicinal virtues. 476. J. F. Guimarges & Co. Province of Parani. RAVE DE S. JONO, (a sort of shrub which produces a beautiful yellow dye for coloring. ABORICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS. 67 477. Rev. Daniel P. M. d'Oliveira. Province of Amazonas. Samples of CUMATE (Bot. Asclepiadacea? Apocynaceas?). That sort of wood produces the best black ink. 478. J. F. Andrade Branl. Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of BARKS, used for coloring. 479. Commission for the Province of Pernambuco. Samples of GIT6 MIRIM. (Bot. Guarea Trichizlioides), used for coloring. 480. Commission for the District of Anadia. Province of Alagoas. Samples of CORONA-CHRISTI, a sort of wood which produces good ink and resin. 481. Commission for the Province of Cearai. Samples of URucu. (Bot. Bixa-orellana; Acafroa Curcumme tinctoria.) NOTE.-The Urzeczu produces a dark yellow dye for coloring. TASSUANA (Indigofera), remarkable for its large width. NOTE. —The Tassuana produces a very fine blue dye. CLASS S033, MANGUE DE SAPATEIRO (Rhyso-sophora mangle). NOTE.-This wood produces a black dye ink, and is largely used for tanning leather. 482. Dr. R. Rebello. Breves, Province of Pari. BARK of Tauari (Courataritanari.) NOTE.-This bark is also used for making cigarettes. 483. i. Tldelfonso J. G. d'Andrade. Province of Parana. BARK of Angico (Acacia Angico). 484. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro, PAPER TREE (Laesiandra-papyrus), from the Province of Goyaz. NOTE.-This sort of paper tree can substitute the papyrus romanus. 485. J. A. Martins. Province of Parani. BARKS and LEAVES of the Eucalyptus giganteus. 68 ABORICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS. 486. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of CAOUTCHOUC, from the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of CAOUTCHOUC, from the Province of Amazonas. NOTE.-This caoutchouc is a product of the latex of the Szi2.on/za elastica, Pers. (Hievea guyanezusis). The exportation of caoutchouc from the Province of Amazonas amounts annually to 4,000,000 of kilogrammes, i. e. nearly the double of the exportation of same product extracted from the Ticus elastica in East Indies. The Province of Amazonas exports also the " Breo de Macaranduba (Mimusopsetata, considered as the true rutta erchza. Samples of CAOUTCHOUC, from the Province of Par/i. Samples of WAX and Guai of the " Carnafiba tree " from the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of RESINS, from the Province of Minas Geraes. 487. Commission for the Province of Cearai. Sample of WAX, from Carnafiba tree. (Bot. Copernicea cerlfera, Mart.) NOTE.-This wax is advantageously used in Brazil for the manufacture of candles and domestic uses. Samples of C^OUTCHOUC, from Mangabeira. (Bot. Hancornia specidsa.) NoTE.-This sort of Caoutchouc is an excellent substitute for the best quality of India Rubber. 488. J. F. Andrade Brant. Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of RESINS. 489. Commission for the District of Macau. Province of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of CAOUTCHOUC of " Mangabeira" tree. (Bot. Ancornia sfpeciosa.) NOTE.-This sort of gzum elastic has been esteemed as one of the best in the opinion of the judges at Vienna Exhibition, and its cost does not exceed 50 cents a pound. WAX of Carnafiba, (Bot. Coryp/zecerjfera.) NoTE.-The Carnafiba wax is esteemed very highly for manufacturing, and has been compared by Professor Toller, of Vienna, to the wax of Japan. ABORIC:LTULtRE. ANI) FOREST PRODUCTS. 69 490. Commission for the Province of " Rio Grande do Norte." Various BALSAMS, generally employed for domestic uses. 491. The Presidency of the Province of Goyaz. RESIN of Cajuciro. (Bot. Avachardizum accidentale). Highly esteemed for its medicinal properties. 492. Commission for the Province of Goyaz. RESIN of MIil-Homens. (Bot. Arisfo/och/t sSecz'osa.) Highly esteemed for its medicinal properties. RESIN of Almacega. (Bot. Icica Icecariba,) esteemed also for medicinal and industrial properties, and known in Europe under the name of e/evii. 493. Lieutenant Colonel Sardinha. Province of Goyaz. RESIN of the Pine tree, esteemed highly for its industrial and medicinal properties. 494. Commission for the District of "Quebranguelo." Province of Alag6as. RESIN of Angico. (Bot. Acacin ang/izc,) substitute of the dcacia arabica, I/iv. RESIN elemi. (Bot. Icica. zcicariba.) RESIN of Jatoba. (Bot. Hyymvznea courbaril.) RESIN of Ucunba. (Bot. Z-O/is/ica.) 495. T. R. da Silva. Province of Alag6as. RESIN of Cajueiro. (Bot. A nachardiurn occidentale.) RESIN Of Mangabeira (Ancornia speciosa.) 496. Commission for the District of Principe. Province of Rio Grande do Norte. RESIN of Pao Percira, largely used for lighting purposes. NOTE.-The Pao Pereira from Rio (ie laneiro is classified as the " Geissos pelrziuznz Zeitosie;" but that of the Northern Provinces belongs to the genus A4spidospscrmia. 497. Drs. J. C. da S. Muricy, etc. H. de Lea6, Province of Parani. PINE-TREE BALSAM (Araucaria brasiliensis). 498. F. P. Azevedo Portugal. Province of Parana. Samples of PINE TREE BALTSAM. 70 ABORICULTURE AND FOREST PRODUCTS. 499. D. F. Yellez, Perdigao. Province of MaranhAo. Samples of RESIN Cajueiro. (Bot. Anachardiuzmz accidentale.) 500. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of RESINS. 501. Gandeneio da Costa. Province of Para. Samples of CAOUTCHOUC. 502. Commission for the Province of Pernumbuco. Samples of GUMS. 503. Felix Safarana. WAX ON THE BRANCH. 504. Commission for Acari. Provine of Rio Grande do Niste. RESIN Benzoin. (Bot. Styrax bcllzo/n.) NoTE. —The Benzoin is an aromatic resin, highly esteemed for its medicinal virtues, being a powerful stimulant and tonic, and also as a precious ingredient in perfumery. It abounds on the mountains of the districts of " Seride6," " Pdo dos Ferros," and Majoridade. 505. C6mmission for the Province of Ceara. BERRIES OF MAMONA. (Bot. Ricinus-coummunis.. farno. EMhorbiac- as. ) 506. Commission for the Province of Amazonas. SEEDS OF MAqACOACAN, (Bot. Theboroma? NOTE.-Those seeds can be used as a good substitute for cacao. SEEDS OF COCAO (from Theobroma cacoa fruit or berry. fam. of Biztnereaceas.) NOTE.-Those seeds are largely used as a basis in the preparation of Chocolate and of agreeable liquors; Iooo plants of Theobromla cacao produce approximately Iooo kilogrammes of fruits or berries during the space of 80 years. 507. D. Rosalina Paes Leme. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of LINSEED. (Bot. Linum-uritatissirmum.) 508. Commission for the Province of Para. Samples of NUTS. 509. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. DRY COCOANUTS, from Pernambuco. BRAZILIAN NUTS (Castanhas), from the Province of ParA. 510. Dr. E. de Leto. Province of Parani. COQUILHOS DE BUTIA. (Nuts of Butia. Bot. ~Enocaripus bacaba Mar/ius. ) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 71 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. CEREALS, GRASSES, AND FORAGE-PLANTS.:511. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of HULLED and UNHULLED RICE, from the Province of Ceard. Samples of YELLOW and COMMON CORN, from the same Province. 512. Commission for the Province of Parana. Samples of WHEAT, RYE, OATS, and LINSEED. 513. Commission for the District of Lages. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of various CEREALS. 514. Commission for the Province of Maranha6. Samples of HULLED RICE. 515. Commission for the District of "Paulo Affonso." Province of Alag6as. CARNAUBA STRAW. 516. Colony of Sancta Maria da Soledade. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Samples of RYE, OATS, and BARLEY. 517. Dr. J. C. S. Muricy.' Province of Parani. FENO PE DE GALLINHA. (Hay, called Hen's foot hay.) 518. Drs. E. D. Lea5 & S. Muricy. Province of Parana. Samples of WHEAT and BARLEY. Samples of HULLED and UNFULLED RICE. 519. Dr. E. de LeaS. Province of Parana. OATS on the straw. RYE wheat on the straw. Rich collection of samples of WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, and MILLET. 72 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 520. J. M. Leite Sampaio. Propril, Province of Sergipe. Samples cf HULLED RICE. 521. J. M. Leite. Propril. Province of Sergipe. Samples of HULLED and UNHULLED RICE. 522. M. A. Guimaraes. Paranagua, Province of Parana. Samples of various CEREALS. HULLED and UINHULLED RICE. 523. Cordeira Comes. Province of Parani. Samples of UNHULLED RICE. 524. J. C. de Mello. Province of Cear6. Samples of RICE SAQUAREMA. 525. J. S. Aranjo. Province of Parana. CORN LEAVES, used for wrapping Cigarrettes. 526. J. Olinto Mendes. Province of Parana. Collection of samples of CORN. 527. B. Rocha Carvalho Iguape. Province of S. Paulo. RICE of the first quality. 528. Frederico Ritchert. Rio Grande, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. CEREALS. 529. A. Bento de Souza. Passo Fundo, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Samples of WHEAT. 530. Schamalake. Province of Parani. HAY of calbpi apftrn. 531. M. Schiffer. Province of Parani. RYE and BARLEY. 532. M. Schiffer & Schamalake. Province of Parani. BARLEY on the straw. 533. J. A. Martins. Province of Parana. Samples of CANARY SEEDS. BARLEY. 534. R. J. Ferreira Valle. ProvinceofMaranha6. Samples of UNHULLED RICE. 535. Commission for the Province of Para. Samples of BARLEY. 536. N. N. Samples of MAIZE on the cob: CARNAUIBA STRAW. 537. Municipi of Lage. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of WHEAT. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 73 LEGUMINOUS PLANTS AND ESCULENT VEGETABLES. GLASSI 6821. 538. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. BEANS and MARROWFAT BEANS, from the Piovince of CearA. 539. Drs. C. Muricy & E. de Lea6. Province of Parana. Rich and varied collection of BEANS and other ESCULENTS. 540. Viscount de Jaguary. Province of Rio de Janeiro. ROSE BEANS, very abundant in that Province. 541. Commission for the District of "Guebranguelo. Province of Alagoas. BEANS and GUANDU. (Bot. Cayvanus Elavus.) NOTE. -This Guandu is an edible and considered also as one of the best fertilizers. 542. A. F. de Moura. Province of Parani. POTATOF.S. MEDICINAL PLANTS AND ESCULENT VEGETABLES. 543. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS, from the Province of Amazonas, namely: PUXURI. (Nectandrria puxur;. ) NOTE.-Powerful and aromatic stimulant; and the most efficaceous against Cholera Mforbus. GUARANA. (Paulina sarTi/is. ) GUACO. (Bot. Abithana guaco. ) CAFERANA. (Bot. Tacnia guyaimensis.) BUTUA. (Bot. Cisamnpelous-parreira.) SALSAPARRILHA. (Smfiax-saIsaparr/-iha). And many others. NOTE.-The Salsaparrilha of Amazonas is the best in the markets, giving from 33 to 41 per cent. of extract,-while that of Vera Cruz (MAexico) only gives from I8 lo 20 per cent. 74 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 544. (b) Collection of Medicinal Plants from the Province of Paranai. 545. (c) Collection of Medicinal Plants from the Province of Ceara. 546. (d) Samples of the Quinina Barks from the Province of Matto Grasso. 547. Commission for the City of Goyaz. Province of Goyaz. Collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS. 548. Commission for the Province of Ceari. Collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS. 549. Commision for the Province of S. Paulo. MEDICINAL BARKS. 550. Commission for the Province of Parana. Collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS. 551. Commission for the Province of Goyaz. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 552. Commission for the District of Votuverava. Province of Parni. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 553. J. Lourenco. Corre5. S. Paulo. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 554. G. de Souza Freitas. S. Paulo. Samples of MEDICINAL PLANTS. 555. A. J. Rodriguez d'Araujo. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of MEDICINAL PLANTS. (Comprehending nearly 40 different kinds.) 556. J. P. de Souza. Aranjo. Province of Parana. MEDICINAL PLANTS, viz:-los on absynthio, (Bot. Ar/emesia absinlt/iam,) Maroica branco, (Bot. MJarrtubine americanum,) Salsa korteuse, (Ap. PetrosiZinum,) and Seeds of the Apple Tree. 557. Dr. A. J. de Carvalho. Province of S. Paulo. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 558. Theophilo do Fouseca. Province ofS. Paulo. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 559. L. Tebirisi Piratininga. Province of S. Paulo. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 560. Z. M. Foggia. Province of Goyaz. Collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS, viz: —Of sucopira (Borzvdichia sp,) barks of quinine, (Strychnos pseudo, quina St. Hil,) and tubers "Amaro Leite," (Pzijtostegia Pissonis.) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 75 561. Norberto Barb6sa. Province of Parana. Collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS, viz: —Tauchagene (Planta/go, mlajor,) Alecrim (Rosmnarinus officinalis), Herva Cidreira (Melissa off,) Picaon Gerambft (Bi/dens filosa,) Fl6r de Barragem (B. officinalis,) Fl6r de Sabuguerio (Sambucusaustralis,) Macella do Campo ( Conysa sp.) and Aipo. 562. J. F. Guimaraes. Province of Parani. Collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS, viz:-Agrimonia (Agrzmonia eupatoria,) Malva (AL. rotondifola), Mentrasto ( Cacala mentrasto, ) Manduoirana (?) Andendro (An graveoleus.) 563. C. Falcao Dias. Province of Alagoas. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 564. Dr. F. A. d'Azevedo. Province of Goyaz. MEDICINAL PLANTS, viz:-Guaiaco (guaiacum officiznals,) Barks of Quinquina (chinco/na cuybensis (?) Barks of Pao Pereira ( Geiss IVeosier,) de Sancto Ignacio, (Feuillea Trilobata.) 565. Dr. J. J. s'Albuquer que Barros. Province of Ceara. Rich and varied collection of MEDICINAL PLANTS, comprehending 37 to 40 different sorts of plants, namely:-Barks of "Araroeira" (Sclinas terebinthzfolius,) Maxixe bravo (Datura arborea) considered as a specific against Asthma leaves, flowers and seeds of the caninana tree (Cliococca,) esteemed as a specific against dropsy, as well as a diuretic and diaphorestic parreira brava ou ruti (C'ssanolos _parreira) esteemed as a tonic and febrifuge, and also as an antidote to the curarc, &c. 566. Dr. J. C. da Silva Muricy. Province of Parana. MEDICINAL PLANTS. 567. M. E. do Sz Athayde. Province of Parana. ALMACEGA. (ic''Ca ]cicariba,) and Poia do Compo (Polygcala poqaa, Mart.) 568. A. Philippe. Province of Parani. TEARS OF THE VIRGIN, highly esteemed for its medicinal virtues, Para tudo "Good for all," There are different plants known in Brazil under this same name viz: I. "Para tudo," or a I'n/er/ianea canella, faln. of the guttiferas, 2. An amarantacea, i. e. the Gamphrena officinalis, Mart. 76 AGRICIJTLT''RAT, PIO1)i)UCTS. ROOTS AND) TUBERS. 569. J. F. Andrade Brant. Province of Minas Geraes. NME)DICINAL ROOTS. 570. Dr. Meredia de Sa. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. HEREDI ROOT (a discovery of the exhibitor.) 571. Commission for the Province of Parani. MANIOC TiUBERs. 572. Commision for the Province of S. Paulo. M.l:DICINAL RooTs. 573. Dr. Muricy. Province of Parani. SWEET FLAG. ( aBot. GC/am/lis. TOBACCO, HOPS TEA, COFFEE, AND SPICES. SPICES. 574. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. (a) Samples of CLOVE, (Bot. Dic.jpell/z Ca Croai, zjzatzu,' cloves aroTmazicus), from the Province of Amazonas. NOTE.-This sort of clove is remarkable for its ine aroma, and is largely employed in domestic and me(licinal uses. (b) GINGER (Bot. Zinogibele- ffc/izalZIs, from the Province of Para. NOTE. —This ginger is largely used for medicinal purposes. (C) VANILLA (Bot. Baufnl'/ia), from the Province of Matto Grosso. (d) VANILLA, from the locality called "M lorro do (Chapdu,'' Province of Bahia. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 77 575. Commission for the Capital of the Province of Goyaz. GINGER, SAFFRON, VANILLA. 576. Municipality of Cameta. Province of Para. Samplesof CACAO. 577. J. M. d'Araujo Triste. Province of Parani. CLOVES OX' INDIA. (Bot. Caoriop5hylus aromaticus.) 578. Dr. Richter. Colony of Mont'Alverne, Province of S. Pedro do Sul WHITE MUSTARD. (Bot. Sinapis a/ba). BLACK MUSTARD. (Bot. SZnap tzS nzra). 579. M. A. Guimaraes & Rev. J. H. Pedrozo. Province of Parana. VANILLA AROMATICA. 580. F. Fernandes Portella. Province of Pernambuco. VANILLA. 581. J. F. d'Andrade Brant. Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of VANILLA. 582. A. de Padua G. Province of Goyaz. VANILLA. 583. M. C. Silva & Filhos, Lage. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of CACAO. 584. L. F. do Pinho. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of various sorts of CHOCOLATE, Viz.: PULVERIZED CHOCOLATE (soluvel em po). MOSS CHOCOLATE (chocolate de musgo). HOMCFOPATHIC CHOCOLATE (HIomaeoathico). CINNAMON CHOCOLATE (chocolate de canel/a). VANILLA CHOCOLATE (chocolate de baun/lhza). 585. Dias Lima. S. Salvador da Bahia. Samples of CHOCOLATE. 586. J. A. F. Ribeiro. S. Luiz, Province of Maranhao. Samples of CHOCOLATE. 587. Commission forthe Province of S. Paulo. Samples of CHOCOLATE. 588. Liborio & Ferreira. Province ofS. Paulo. Samples of CHOCOLATE. 78 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 589. Dr. Agostinho E. de LeaS. Province of Parani. (a) GINGER. (Bot. Zingiber officznafis). NOTE.-This Ginger is esteemed as a powerful stimnulant and a preventative against cholera-morbus. (b) Samples of odoriferous PEPPER. (Bot. capsicuml odoriZerum). 590. Dr. J. C. da Silva Muricy. Province of Paranai. BAUNILHA ( Vanilla aromatica). COFFEE.* 591. Commission for the Province of Cearai. Samples of LEAD COLOURED COFFEE (cafe chumbado). NOTE —This coffee substitutes in the European markets the coffee of " La-Guayra." 592. Commission for the Province of Maranhao. Samples of HULLED and UNHULLED COFFEE (cafe em casca e socado). NOTE.-This coffee is considered of a good quality. Samples of common COFFEE. 593. Commission for the Province of Sergipe. Samples of COFFEE. 594. Commission for the Province of Parahyba do Norte, Samples of COFFEE. 595. The Presidency of the Province of Santa Catharina. Samples of COFFEE. NOTE.-The cultivation of coffee was commenced a few years ago in the Province of Sancta Catharina, and has proven very successful. 596. Baron de Araguara. Araguara, Province of S. Paulo. Samples of COFFEE. * NorE.-Coffee is actually esteemed as the best product and as the first cause of the public wealth in Brazil. The coffee plants grows there every where, and the exportation of coffee during the period from July 1873, to July I874, amounted to I72,449,797 kilogrammes, representing a value of nearly 50 millions dollars. AGRICULTURAL PRCDUCTS. 79 597. J. J. Franco Falcao. Fazenda do Frade, Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 598. J. F. da Nobrega So. Pirahy, Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 599. F. C. de Magalhaes. Cantagollo, Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 600. A. de Sa Albuquerque. Muribeca, Province of Pernambuco. COFFEE. 601. Pedro J. de Lima. Province of Bahia. COFFEE. 602. A. F. de Lacerda. Province of Bahia. COFFEE. 603. L. de Sz Breves. Province of Minas Geraes. COFFEE. 604. J. J. de Sz Breves. Piraky, Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 605. Baron de Sz Gueiroz. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 606. J. F. de Paula Souza. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 607. A. S. de Miranda Jordao. Bemp6sta, Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 608. P. M. da C6sta. Province of Minas Geraes. COFFEE. 609. Viscount de Jaguary. Trez-Barras, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of COFFEE, dried and decorticated by different processes. NOTE.-The washed coffee is decorticated by American machines. The common coffee (cafe de Terreiro) is gathered in sieves, sun dried, decorticated and polished by American machines. 610. D. Maria, C. J. Silva & Filhos. Lage, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of decorticated and sun dried COFFEE. 611. Viscountess do Rio Noao. Rio Noao. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 80 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 612. Baron da Bella Vista. Bananal. Province of S. Paulo. Samples of hulled or decorticated COFFEE of the years IS74 and 1875. Samples of sun dried COFFEE of the year I874. Washed and sun dried COFFEE of the year I875. NOTE.-The coffee of S. Paulo (which is exported through " Santos,") enjoys the best reputation in the foreign markets, and there are few farmers of S. Paulo who do not employ machinery for improving coffee. 613. Baron de Camargos. Province of Minas Geraes. COFFEE. 614. Baron de Juparani & Comp. Sancta Monica. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 615. Viscount de Prados. Province of Minas Geraes. COFFEE. 616. Councillor Carr5o. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 617. Commandeur Montenegro. Nova Lous5. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 618. Baron de Atibaia. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 619. Colonel J. Pinto Tavares. Parahyba do Sul. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE, sun-dried. 620. P. J. Monteiro. Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 621. J. T. M. Portella. Province of Pernambuco. COFFEE from Muribeca. 622. Dezembargad6r Gavea6. S. Bernardo. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 623. J. R. dos Sanctos Camargo. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 624. Luiz Bornaud. Caravellas. Province of Bahia. Samples of round and chosen COFFEE. 625. M. de Freitas Lemos. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of hulled and polished COFFEE. 626. Silverio R. Jord5o. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 627. F. L. d'Almeida Magalhges. Fazenda do Triumpho. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 8I 628. C. J. Fernandes. Maragogipe. Province of Bahia. Samples of COFFEE, remarkable for the peculiar size of the berry. NOTE.-This coffee has been found in the forests of the Province of Bahia, as affirms the exhibitor, and is now cultivated on his plantation. 629. A. Cornelio dos Santos. Fazendo de S. Roque. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of peeled and sun-dried COFFEE. 630. Domingos G. Jardim. Cidade de Rezendo. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUN DRIED COFFEE. 631. M. Antonio Airosa. Cantagallo. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Five samples of superior COFFEE, viz:-Washed or _eeled Coffee, Sun dried Cofee, Moka Coffee, Un/zulled Coffee, Coffee em casquinha. NOTE.-These samples are equal to those sent by the Exhibitor to the foreign markets. 632. J. L. Belens. Fazenda do Macaco. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 633. N. A. Claudio Reines. Monte Vernon. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 634. F. Marcondes Machado. Porto Novo do Cunha. Province of Rio. de Janiero. COFFEE. 635. J. J. Alves da Cunha. S. Fidelis. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of Superior COFFEE. 636. Fribourg & Filhos. Cantagallo. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of various sorts of COFFEE. NOTE.-This coffee has such a high reputation tnat it is not sent to market. 637. J. Nobrega d'Oliveira. BHa Esperanga. Province of Riode Janeiro. COFFEE. 638. A. B. Cdsta Pereira. Fazenda da Piedade. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 639. Umbelino Tosta. Cachoeira. Province of Bahia. Samples of hulled and unhulled COFFEE. 640. F. A. F. de Azevedo. Province of Goyaz. Samples of washed and sun-dried COFFEE. 82 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 641. V. Moretti Toggia. Province of Goyaz. COFFEE, washed and sun-dried. 642. J. de Assis Alves. Province of Minas Ceraes. COFFEE. 643. M. d'Aguiar Valim. Bananal. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 644. J. M. Freire. Province of S. Paulo. Sun dried COFFEE. 645. Jos6 Vergueiro. Ibicaba. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 646. M. B. de Siqueira. Meia Ponte. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 647. J. T. A. Nogueira. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 648. Dr. P. R. Nogueira. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 659. L. Teixeira de Barros. Pindamonhangaba. Province of S. Paulo. Sun dried and polished COFFEE. 650. Raphael A. P. de Barros. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 651. L, A. de Souza Barros. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 652. Ant. P. do Amaral. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 653. Francisco P. do Amaral. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 654. D. Maria T. do Amaral. Campinas. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 655. Frederika Krull. Caravellas. Province of Bahia. Samples of common, hulled and decorticated COFFEE. COFFEE-HULLS, roasted and pulverised. NOTE.-The coffee-hulls are employed as a substitute -or coffee berries. 656. A. E. C. Iguape. Province of S. Paulo. COFFEE. 657. F. N. Calmon Nogueira da Gama. Valenga. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 658. E. N. Togueira da Gama. Province of Rio de Janeiro. COFFEE. 659. Manuel da Rocha Lea6. Resende. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of various sorts of COFFEE, ViZ:-Sun dried COFFEE, Decorticated COFFEE, yellow coloured COFFEE, Round or Moka COFFEE. NOTE.-All these sorts of Coffee are equal to those sent to the foreign markets, and esteemed in Europe as the best. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 83 TOBACCO. 660. Commission for the town of " Fortaleza." Province of Ceara. SNUFF, prepared by Paes Pinto & Son. 661. Commission for the town of CuyabA. Province cf Matto Grosso. TOBACCO LEAVES, CIGARS. 662. Commission for the Province of Amazonas. TOBACCO prepared with the leaves of the NVicotiana-tabacum, of the family "Solanaceas." NOTE.-This tobacco is esteemed one of the best qualities. 663. Commission for the Province of Ceara. Samples of TOBACCO. 664. Commission for the Province of Maranhao. TOBACCO in rolls. 665. Commission for the Province of Goyaz. CIGARETTES, with cornstraw wrappers. NOTE. —The tobacco from the Province of Goyaz is highly esteemed in the market of Rio de Janeiro. From July I873, to July 1874, that Province exported 9,478 kilogr. of tobacco, representing a value (official) of nearly three thousand dollars. 666. Commission for the Province of Parana. Samples of TOBAcco. NOTE.-Tobacco grows well in this Province, but more especially at the following places: "Assunguy," "Tibagy," "Parannapanema," "Ignassi " and "Ivanhy " where the temperature is higher. 667. Commission for the Municipe of " Paulo Affonso," Province of Alagoas. SPUN TOBACCO. 668. Commission for the District of "M6rro do Chapiu, Province of Bahia. Samples of SPUN TOBACCO. 669. Colony of Assunguy, Province of Paranai. TOBACCO LEAVES. 670. Colony of Itajahy, Province of Sancta Catharina. LEAF TOBACCO, [superior.] 671. Director of the Colony, Sancta Maria do Soledade, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. TOBACCO LEAVES. 84 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 672. Presidency of the Province of Bahia. S. Salvador da Bahia. CIGARS of different shapes. NOTE.-The cigars from Bahia are the most reputed in Biazil, and when well prepared compete with the Havana cigars. 673. Pereira & Braga. Rio de Janeiro. CIGARS. NOTE. —The Exhibitors have a large establishment, and the quality as well as the amount of their product shows its developement. 674. J. R. dos Santos, Camargo. Province of S. Paulo. LEAF TOBACCO, and samples of HAVANA TOBACCO, cultivated by the exhibitor. NOTE.-The tobacco from S. Paulo is very much esteemed in the markets. The tobacco exported by that Province from I871 to IS74, amounted to 2,428,582 kilogr. 675. D. Rosalina V. Paes Leme. Province of Sancta Catharina. CIGARS made at the Colony of Blumenau. TOBACCO, from the same Colony. SPUN TOBACCO from Lages. 676. Factory of S. Joao de Nictheroy. Province of Rio de Janeiro. CIGARETTES with paper wrappers. Samples of TOBACCO, prepared for pil)es and cigarette;. 677. Dr. Silva Muricy. Province of Parani. Samples of TOBACco. CIGARETTES, corn straw wrapped. CIGARS made by the Bugrcs (Indians) of Guarapava. 678. Fr. d'Assis C. Moreira. Codo, Province of Maranhio.- LEAF TOBACCO. 679. Souza Queiroz & Filhos. Province of S. Paulo. SPUN TOBACCO. 680. Salamon Levy. TeffR, Province of Amazonas. SNUFF. 681. Jouo Schild. Colony Sancta Cruz, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. CIGARS. 682. August Herbst. Colony of Blumenau, Province of Sancta Catharina, SPUN TOBACCO. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 85 683. Guilherme Rosenstock. Colony of Joinville, Province of Sancta Catharina. TOBACCO. 684. Christiano Kopsch. Colony of Blumenau, Province of Sancta Catharina. TOBACCO. 685. Maxim Merck. Colony of Blumenau, Province of Sancta Catharina. TOBACCO. 686. Vander Berg. Colony of, Sancta Cruz, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. TOBACCO SEEDS and LEAVES. NOTE.-The ex-colony of Sancta Cruz is one of the richest parts of the Province, regarding the production of tobacco. There are in this excolony nearly nine thousand inhabitants, and its exportation of tobacco amounts to ten thousand bags a year. 687. Dr. F. Richter. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. TOBACCO, from the Colony Sancta Emilia. LEAF TOBACCO, from the Colony Mount Alverne. 688. Carlos Seidler. Colony of Sancta Cruz. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LEAF TOBACCO. 689. Barron de Kalden. Colony of Sancto Angelo, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LEAF TOBACCO. 690. Henrique Ketterman. Colony of Soncto Angelo, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LEAF TOBACCO. 691. Augusto Dietrich. Colony of Joinville, Province ofSancta Catharina. LEAF TOBACCO. 692. Mel. Pinto Figueredo. Itabapoana, Province of Rio de Janeiro. SPUN TOBACCO, prepared in stoves. 693. F. Espindola da Veiga. Rio de Janeiro. TOBACCO, (first quality.) 694. Bellarmino de Faria. Province of Bahia.'TOBACCO, prepared for pipes and cigarette use. 695. Fr. Luiz da Grava. Cachveira, Province of Bahia. SAMPLES OF TOBACCO. 696. M. B. de Siqueira. Meia Ponte, Province of Goyaz. Roi,IED TonACc0. 86 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 697. Pinto & Irmaos. Nazareth, Province of Bahia. SAMPLES OF TOBACCO. 698. J. Z. de Louza. Bakiaua, Province of Bahia. SAMPLES OF TOBACCO. 699. J. D. Aranha. Province of S. Paulo. Samples of a sort of TOBACCO called (FuinlO Georgozo ). 700. Ernesto A. Ferreira. Barbacena, Province of Minas Geraes. CIG(ARETTES, straw wrapped. 701. Candido J. Ferreira. Cachoeira, Province of Bahia. CIGARS. 702. D. de Rocka Ferreira. Municipe da Pomba, Province of Minas Geraes. Rolled TOBACCO (superior quality.) NOTE: Mr. I). de Racha Ferreira, of the best manufactulrers of tobacco, and well known in the Brazilian an(t foreirgn markets. Price $2 50 per pound. 703. Domingos V. Paraiso. Cidide de Itu, Province of S. Paulo. Carolino TOBACCO. 704. F. Viotti. Baependy, Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of TOBACCO, rolled and curled. 705. Cerqueira & Comp. S. Salvador da Bahia. SNUFF (Princeza Imperial). CIGARS and CI(;ARETTES. 706. M. J. de Mendonga. "Meia Ponte," Province of Oayaz. Rolled TOBACCO. 707. J. E. Pinheiro. Braganga, Province of Para. TOBACCO. 708. Rev. Marcellino de Menezes. Ourem, Province of Parti. 1)OBACCO. 709. J. R. de Moraes Jardim. Jaragua, Province of Goyaz. ToBACCO. 710. Rev. A. F. do Nascimento. Province of Goyaz. TOBACCO of a sort called in Brazil "Tobacco Jorge Pequeno." 711. J. C. Panitz. S. Leopoldo, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. TOBAcco. NOTE.-This tobacco is manufactured and pressed ill the same manner As the tobacco of the United States, and competes in quality with that one. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 87 712. Nuno B. de Senna. Mucury, Province of Minas Geraes. Rolled TOBACCO. 713. M. A. dos Santos. Colony of Blumenau. Province of Sancta Catharina. BAILED TOBACCO. 714. P. Coelho d'Oliveira. Municipe da Pomba, Province of Minas Geraes. TOBACCO. 715. A. Ignacio da Silva. Limoeiro. Province of Alagoas. ROLLED TOBACCO. 716. J. Constantino. Baependy, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of TOBACCO, first quality, spun and curled. 717. M. L. de Souza. Province of Parana. CIGARETTES. 718. Rev. C. J. R. de Souza. Aveiros. Province of Parai. TOBACCO. 719. Umbelino Tasta. Nazareth. Province of Bahia. Samples of TOBACCO. 720. J. L. Sti Ribas. Province of Parani. SPUN TO1ACCO. 721. E. Cohin. Aveiros Province of Para. SPUN TOBACCO. 722. J. Pinto Gohsalves. Province of S. Paulo. CIGARS. 723. T.J. Souza Gama. Ovro-Preto, Province of Minas Geraes. CIGARS. 724. H. Guedes. S. Salvador da Bahia. Choice CIGARS. 725. J. Monteiro d'Abreu. Province of S. Paulo. CIGARS. 726. Nestor M. Borba. Assunguy, Province of Parani. CIGARETTES, corn straw wrapped and covered with tobacco leaves, manufactured at the colony of Assunguy. 727. Vasconcellos & Filhos. Province of Ceari. CIGARETTES of various brands. 728. J. Barb6sa de Miranda. Rio de Janeiro. CIGARETTES of various qualities. 729. J. Dias Aranha. Province of S. Paulo. CIGARETTES. 730. F. D. Perneta. Province of Parani. CIGARETTES, straw wrapped. 88 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 731. A. L. d'Andrade Ribas. Province of S. Paulo. CIGARETTES straw wrapped. 732. L. F. Ramos. Ouro Preto, Province of Minas Geraes. CIGARETTES. 733. J. Lepage. Barbacena, Province of Minas Geraes. CIGARETTES. 734. Dr. E. de Lego. Province of Parana. CIGARETTES, put together in the form of mattings. 735. F. de S. C. Rocha. Rio de Janeiro. SNUFF (Rapt Princeza da Bahia). 736. J. Paulo Cordeiro. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of seven qualities of SNUFF. Pulverized SNUFF. NOTE.-The manufacture of snuff develops every day more and more in Brazil. There are already a great many varieties. owing to the different processes of preparation, and their exportation to the European markets increases every year. NOTE.-Price 50 cts. to $i a pound. 737. Vasconcellos & Filhos. Fortaleza, Province of Ceara. IMPERIAL SNUFF (Rapt Imperial). NOTE. —This snuff competes with the best snuff manufactured in England, and is known under the name of Prince Albert's snuff. TEA, MATTE. 738. J. L. Martins. Fazenda do Paraiso. Rio de Janeiro. NATIONAL TEA, (Thea Sinensis). 739. F. A. Miranda Russo. Province of S. Paulo. NATIONAL TEA. 740. Counsellor Carrao. Province of S. Paulo. NATIONAL TEA. 741. A. P. de Rego Freitas. Province of S. Paulo. NATIONAL TEA. 742. J Ribeiro Neves. Province of S. Paulo. NATIONAL TEA. 743. F. A. Galvao da Franga. Province of S. Paulo. NATIONAL TEA. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 89 744. J. Ribeiro Xavier. Province of S. Paulo. TEA. NOTE.-Tea (5Thea Sinensis) is largely cultivated in the Province of S. Paulo. That Province exports every year more than Ioo,ooo kilo grammes, without mentioning the tea consumed in the interior. 745. A. L. M. Mosqueira, Camargos. Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of different brands of TEA. 746. T. P. Correa Anstomina. Province of Parana. MATTE, (Special sort of Brazilian tea or holly,) Bot. Ilex Paraguayensis. 747. Ildefonso Correa. Province of ParanS. MATTE. NoTE. —-These samples of Matte have been prepared in the same way that is used to prepare it for exportation to Chili and the Republics of the Pacific. 748. Imperial Institute Fluminense d'Agriculture. TEA made of coffee leaves, and prepared in the same way as the India Tea, except the tortion. NOTE: This sort of tea is esteemed as ais excellent substitute for coffee. 749. Commission for the Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of MATTE. 750. Major V. F. de Leac. Province of Parana. Samples of MATTE, prepared in different manners: in leaves, dried and twisted, or pulverized. NOTE: The Mave is an excellent substitute for coffee antd tea, and remarkably odoriferous, diuretic and nutritive. It contains the theine principle in larger quantities than coffee or tea. The Matte prepared in leaves is consumed in the northern Provinces; the pulverized Matte in the Provinces of Paranh and S. Pedro do Sul. Immense quantities of Pulverized Matte are also exported to the Republics of River Platte, the Argentine Confederation, and the Republic of Uruguay. 751. D. dos Santos Pacheco. Province of Parani. MATTE LEAVES. NOTE: This Matte is prepared in the same manner as tea. 752. J. M. da Silva Braga. Province of Parana. MATTE in leaves. 753. G. d'A. Torres. Province of Parana. MATTE. 90 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 754. J. Bley. Province of Parani. MATTE. 755. Ildefonso J. G. d'Andrade. Province of Parana. MATTE. 756. Ribas d'Andrade. Province of Parani. MATTE. 757. M. d'A. Torres. Province of Parana. MATTE. 758. J. d'Almeida Torres. Province of Parana. MATTE. 759. M. d'O. Cereal. Province of Parana. MATTE in leaves. 760. L. M. Agnez. Province of Paranli. Samples of MATTE-ordinary and fine pulverized. Samples of SENNA in leaves. 761. C. J. Munhoz. Province of Parani. MATTE. 762. P. P. Azevedo Portugal. Province of Parani. MATTE. 763. Henrique Sepper. Colony of Joinville Co. Province of Sancta Catharina. MATTE. 764. D. Rosalina Paes Leme. Lages. Province of Sancta Catharina. MATTE. 765. A. de Paulo Xavier. Province of Parana. Matte. 766. P. de Siqueira, Cortes. Province of Parana. MATTE. 767. Tiburcio de Macedo. Province of Parani. MATTE. NOTE: This Matte is specially to be exported to the Republic of Chili. 768. Joao Diarson. Provitnce of S. Pedro do Sul. MATTE. 769. A. Bento de Souza. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. MATTE. 770. A. Proost Rodovalho. Province of S. Paulo. MATTE, 771. Central Exportation Co., (Companhia Central de Exportagao,) Province of Parand. MATTE. NOTE.-The Matte from the Province of Paranr is almost all of superior quality, and constitutes a most important branch of exportation. The amount of Matte exported from I873 to I874 raised to 12,356,044 kilogr, representing a value of about one million dollars. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 91 SPICES. 772. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Jeneiro. PINDAHIBA FRUITS (Xil~sPia sericra) from the Province of Alagoas. NOTE.- These fruits subIstitute the Cayenne Pepper. SEEDS AND SEED VESSELS. XLA-SS S 773. Commission General for the National Exhibition. SEEDS OF CuMARU (Bot. Dipterix cumaru vel odorata.) NOTFE.The cumaru seeds are remarkable for their fine aromla. 774. J. Lepage. Province of Minas Geraes. VARIOUS SEEDS. 775. Dr. Ermelindo de Leto. Province of Paranai. MATTIE SEEDS, (Bot. Ilex Paraguayensis, 7arin. Iliciniaceas). 776. Drs. Ermelinde de Leto and Muricy. Province of Parana. SEEDS OF PINE TREE. 777. Colony of Sancta Maria da Saledade. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. LINSEED, (Bot. Linhum uri tatissimum.) 778. Dr. J. C. da Silva Muricy. Province of Parani. SEEDS OF SUNFLOWER, (Girasoli. Bot. Helian/hus anmuus.') NOTE: These seeds produce an excellent oil for table. 779. Perdigao. Province of Maranhao. BACURY SEEDS. 780. Commission for the Province of Alagoas. VANILLA SEEDS and OTHER SEEDS. 781. Viscount de Faguary. Trez Barras. Province of Rio de Janeiro. SEEDS OF THE PALMA CHRISTI TREE. 92 (AGRICULTURAL PROI)UCTS. LAND ANIMALS. INSIECTS-USEFUL AND INJURIOT S. 782. Dr. Nicoliu J. Moreira. Rio de Janeiro. BORBOLETA S;ERIGENICA, (a sort of Butterfly which produces silk.) (Af/act/s A/irota -Lepidrofterous). Common name, Butterfly, " Por/a Espe/os." Class, Insects. Order, Lepidopterous. Family, Nosturnas. Section, Bombycianous. Genus, Attacus. Subgenus, Saturnia. Species, Aurota. NOTE. —This Butterfly abounds in almost all the Empire of Brazil. It produces during each generation about 240 cocoonls of sillk; each cocooin weighing 2 2 dracihms, and producing 30,rainzs of fine silk. The fibre of a yellowish colour, is strong elastic, and long, a single thread sustains a weight of 4 drachms, and a cord of 24 threads resists the weight of 34 of a pound. The " Larva " of this insect subsists on the leaves of "1lamnona" (Bot. Ricinus), of BerihlE (Bot. A4nona) ind principally on the "Cajazeiro" (Bot.,Spondis.) The great advantage in the cultivation of this Lepidopterous consists that the Butterfly enclosed in the cocoon can be plreserved and utillzed without breaking the fibre. 783. Luiz de Rezende. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of SILK WORMS from their first day until the formation of the cocoon, preserved in alcohol. Collection of BUTTERFLIES. 784. Ernesto E. Wirmond. Province of ParanA. Collection of INSEFCTS. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 93 ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. (Used as Food or as Materials.) THE DAIRY, MILK, CREAM, AND CHEESE. CLASIS 861. 785. Commission General for the National Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro. BUTTER of Tartle. CHEESES prepared in different manners. 786. Fr. Juliano. Province of ParanA. CHEESE manufactured on the Italian system. CHEESES. 787. B. Rodriguez Carneiro. Province of Parana Brazilian CHEESES. 788. Dr. Ubatuba. Rio Grande. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Condensed MILK. 789. J. F. D. Cabral. Province of Alagoas. MILK of Mangabeira. 790. M. G. de Moraes Sozeira. Province of Paroa. Brazilian CHEESE. 791. Dr. A. E. de Lea&. Province of Parana. CHEESE prepared after the Italian system. 792. Director of Paranapanema. Province of Parana. Samples of BUTTER. 94 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. HIDES, FURS AND LEATHER, IVORY, BONE, ETC. 793. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. (a) Collection of SKINS of Animals, from Cuyaba. Province of Matto Grosso. (b) Panther SKINS and other hides from the Province of Goyaz. (c) Collection of SKINS of Animals, packed in straw, from the Province of Parani. (d) HIDES and LEATHER, from the Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. (e) SKINS, HIDES and HORNS, from the Province of Matto Grosso. (f) SKINS of Animals from the Province of Alagoas. (g) SKINS of Animals, from the Province of Amazonas. (I) HIDES and LEATHER, from the Province of CearA. 794. Commission for the Province of ParanA. OX-HORNS. Ox and STAG HORNS. HIDES and SKINS of various animals. 795. Ignacio d'Oliveira. Goyaz. GLUE in laminas. 796. Commission for the District of " Principe. Province of Rio Grande do Ndrte. SKINS and HIDES of various animals. 797. J. C. Paes d'Andrade. IrajA. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of GLUE. 798. D. M. P. S. Ubatuba. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of TALLOW, LARD and OIL. 799. D. F. Maciel. Province of Parana. SKINS of Steer. 800. Colonel P. Cortez. Province of Parana. HIDE of a black steer. 801. A. C. A. Botelho. Province of ParanA. SKINS of Sucury (Boa aquatica). AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 95 802. M. E. S. Athayde. Province of Parana. Various SKINS. 803. F. D. Perneta. Province of Parani. Two STAG-HORNS. 804. J. Feydel Filho. Rio de Janeiro. Collection of HIDES, tanned and raw. 805. I. J, Andrade, Province of ParanA. Cow HIDES, and SKINS Of steer (spotted). 806. Commission for the Province of S. Paulo. HIDES and LEATHER. 807. Costa Eymoel & Co. Rio Grande. Province of S. Pedro do Sut. HIDES, LEATHER and SOLE. NOTE. —The exhibitors are large manufacturers, andi all the work is performed by machinery; their products compete favourably with similar imports from abroad. 808. Klippel & Irm5o. Trez. Forquihag. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. HIDES and SOLES. C_~LASS 864 809. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of BEES-WAX, from the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of yellow WAX, in cake and in laminas, from the Province of ParanA. 810. D. Maria Miro. Province of Parana. Samples of yellow WAX, in cakes and in laminas. 811. Rev. J. M. C. Araujo. Itadorahy. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of BEES-WAX. 812. A. P. Safarana. Itaborahy. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of BEES-WAX and CANDLES. 813. Commission for the Province of Goyaz. Samples of BEES-WAX. 814. Commission for the District of Principe. Province of Rio Grande do Norte. BEES-WAX. 96 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 815. J. Pereira de Sz. Araujo. Parana. Yellow WAX. 816. J. A. Vioira d'Araujo. Paranipanema. Province of Parana. Collection of bottles of HONEY. 817. A. de Paula Xavier. Province of Parana. Samples of HONEY, bottled. 818. D. Leocadia de P. Xavier. Province of Parana. Samples of WAX, yellow coloured. 819, J. Olinto Mendes. Province of Parana. Samples of HONEY. Samples of BEES-WAX, yellow coloured. 820. Long & Co. Samples of WAX. 821. Macedo & Azerido. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Samples of WAX, white and yellow coloured. NOTE. —The industry of wax has been so much developed during the last years, that now the Province of S. Pedro do Sul imports no more wax candles from foreign markets. The production is estimated to be actually thousands of thousands of kilogrammes a year, and the amount still increases. PRESERVED MEATS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, ETC. 822. Commission General for the National Exhibitions, Rio de Janeiro. MEATS preserved in jars, from the Province of ParA. Preserved BEEF and dried TONGUES, from the Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Orziones, prepared with peaches, in the Province of Parana. 823. Commission for the Province of Ceark, CONFECTIONERIES and samples of SUN-DRIED BEEF. 824. Rosalina R. Botelho Canoza. Para. Preserved VEGETABLES. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 97 825. F. P. de Vasconcellos. S. Salvador da Bahia. Preserved VEGETABLES AND BEANS. 826. Gouthiere and Wagner. Rio de Janeiro. Preserved FRUITS and VEGETABLES. 827. Santos and Ferreira. Rio de Janeiro. Nutritive PRESERVES (Conservas alimenticias). Preserved FRUITS and SWEETS. 828. Silva Leal and Santos. PRESERVES. 829. M. Jose de Castro. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Preserved SWEETS. FLOUR, CRUSHED AND GROUND CEREALS, DECORTICATED GRAINS. 830. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of various sorts of FARINA. FARINA OF MANIOC, prepared from the Fecula of the Manioca Utilissima (Fam. Euphorbiaceas), by the process of scraping, pressing and roasting the fecula. NOTE.-This sort of farina is largely used in Brazil as an alimentary by the population, FARINA prepared from the orris root, in the Colony of Joinville. NOTE. —This sort of farina is prepared from the "L Maranfa arzindinacea,' and is largely used as an excellent alimentary. 831. Commission for the Province of Pernambuco. Samples of FARINAS and FECULAS. 832. Baron de Pirapitinga. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeiro. PEARLS OF TAPIOCA, prepared in big grains and with the same color of the pearl. 98 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 833. J. Sawerbec. Sancta Catharina. Samples of ARROW ROOT, ground. 834.Factory of Tamanca6. Province of Maranhao. Samples of RICE, crushed. NOTE. —This rice is crushed by hydraulic machines. 835. M. C. Silva and Filhos. Lage, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of TAPIOCA. 836. J. J. Pereira. Province of Sancta Catharina. FARINA of Manioc. (Bot. Manioht utizissizma. ) 837. Colony of Angelina. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of WHEAT FLOUR. 838. M.J. de Lima Carvalho. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of various sorts of FARINA. 839. Dr. Muricy. Province of Parana. Samples of FARINA, prepared from corn and rye. 840. Dr. J. J. Correa da Silva. Quissaman, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Salllples of FARINA, of MANIOC and TAPIOCA. 841. Dr. H. R. Alvarenga. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. FARINACEOUS PRODUCTS. 842. A. Schemmelpfing. Province of Parani. Samples of RYE FLOUR. 843. Agriculture Fleminensis Institute. Rio de Janeiro. FARINA or POLVILHO, from Aypim. (Fain. Euzaorbiaceas.) NOTE. —This sort of farina is a healthy nutritive substance, very agreeable to the taste, and also used in the arts. 344. Commission for the Province of Parana. Samples of MANIOC FLOUR and FECULAS. 845. Commission for the Province of Pern ambuco. Samples of MANIOC and ARROW ROOT FLOURS. 846. Silvino Tripodi. Province of Parani. Samples of crushed RICE. 847. Dr. Hermelindo de Leao. Province of Parani. Samples of crushed RICE. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 99 848. Colony Blumenau, Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of Manioc and rice FARINAS. Samples of ORRIS ROOT. 849. Colony Blum, Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of ORRIS, corn and wheat FLOURS. 850. Leto and Alves Grist Mill. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Samples of wheat FLOUR. NOTE.-The exhibitors received rewards at Paris Exhibition (I867), and at all the National Exhibitions for the superior quality of their products. STARCH AND SIMILAR PRODUCTS. C LA S 8 3 851. Baron de Pirapitiuga. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. POLVILHO, or a sort of starch extracted from the Manioht Utilissima. 852. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. POLVILHO, extracted from the Manioht Utilissima. 853. Fleminensis Agriculture Institute. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of POLVILHO (arrow root). SUGAR AND SYRUPS. 854. Commission General for the National Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUGAR, white, common, and brown, from the Province of Pernambuco. 855. T. L. de B. Wanderley. Pernambuco. White SUGAR, filtered. 856. M. de Souza Leao. Pernambuco. White SUGAR, filtered. 857. A. R. Bastos. Pernambuco. White SUGAR, filtered. I00 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 858. M. B. das Virgens. Pernambuco. Samples of White SUGAR, filtered. 859. Franc. P. James Barroso. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUGAR made from molasses. 860. Baron da Boa Viagem. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUGAR made especially for exportation. 861. Dr. C. T. Pinheiro. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeira. Samples of SUGAR, prepared with the molasses, and the syrups from sugar cane. 862. Baron de Villa Franca. Quissam5. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of White SUGAR. 863. Paula Vianna. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUGAR from the sugar cane. 864. Juliao R. de Castro. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUGAR, prepared with the syrup, from sugar cane. Samples of SUGAR from honey. 865. T. B. de Barros. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUGAR, white and brown. 866. Mansell, Carr6 and Co. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of SUGAR, refined and crystalized. 867. Affonso M. Dezencourt, Province of Para. Samples of crystalized SUGAR. 868. F. Fernandes de Barros. Province of S. Paulo. Samples of SUGAR. 869. Viscount de Maui. Fazenda da Atalaia, Province of Rio de Janeiro. Samples of white SUGAR, crystalized. NOTE.-This sugar is refined and crystalized without any introductiou of animal carbon in the process. Its price in the market of Rio de Janeiro amounts to Io cents per pound. 870. Isidoro Dias. Pernambuco. Samples of SUGARS and SYRUPS. 871. Alves de Souza. S. Salvador da Bahia. Samples of SUGAR. 872. Costa & Co. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of refined SUGAR. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I01 873. Braga & Co. Rio de Janeiro. SYRUPS. 874. Presidency of the Province of Bahia. Samples of refined SUGAR. WINES, ALCOHOL AND MALT LIQUORS. 875. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. (a) SPIRITS and LIQUORS, from the Province of S. Paulo. (b) BRANDY of the best quality, from the Province of Parand. (c) Matte LIQUOR, from the Province of Parand. (d) ORANGE WINE, prepared from the juice of the orange, at Assunguy. Province of Parand. 876. Commission for the Province of Parana. Matte LIQUOR. 877. Director of the Colony of Jatahy. Rio de Janeiro. BRANDY, extracted from the sugar-cane. 878. Braga and Irmao. Rio de Janeiro. BRANDY, ALCOHOLS and LIQUORS. 879. D. Vellez Perdigao. Province of Maranhao. Various DRINKS; VINEGAR extracted from the Pine-apple-white and colored. 880. Otto Freyung. Sancta Catharina. Various LIQUORS. 881. J. L. Guimaraes Caip6ra. Rio de Janeiro. LARANGINHA (a sort of orange whisky). 882. Dr. C. J. Minheiro. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. LARXNGINHA (orange whisky). 883. Bela6he. Province of Parani. LIQUORS. 884. Baron da Bella Vista. Bananal, Province of S. Paulo. BRANDY, from sugar-cane, and orange liquor. 885. J. do Amaral Raposo. Pernambuco. Various LIQUORS. 886. Dr. J. J. Carneiro da Silva. Macake, Province of Rio de Janeiro. LARANGINHA (orange whisky). 102 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 887. M. Roiz. d'Oliveira. S. Paulo. LIQUORS. 888. Ignacio J. d'Araujo. S. Paulo. LIQUORS, WINES and SPIRITS. 889. Erdmann Cattermolle. Rio Grande. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. WINES and LIQUORS. 890. F. Viotti. Province of Minas Geraes. LIQUOR made from the juice of peaches. 891. Alves & Co. Rio de Janeiro. Various LIQUORS. 892. M. Leitao de Carvalho. S. Salvador da Bahia. GIN, and LARANGINHA (orange whisky). 893. F. J. Lepage. Province of Minas Gereas. WINES and VINEGARS. 894. A. P. C. Mamede. Province of Ceari. Medicinal WINE of Cajfi. 895. F. L. Correa. Province of Parani. WINE of Genipapo, Cajfi and orange; BRANDY of sugar-cane. 896. M. Gil de Macedo. Sancta Catharina. Various LIQUORS. 897. F. P. Brandto. Rio de Janeiro. LIQUORS, WINES, VINEGARS and BRANDY. 898. J. F. Mattos Pimenta. Campos. Province of Rio de Janeiro. Hesperidina Saguaremb6 —SAQUAREMA WINE. 899. C. Schulman & Co. Rio de Janeiro. WINE and VINEGAR extracted from the sugar-cane; ALCOHOLIC PREPARATIONS. 900. Thomaz Geremoabo. S. Salvad6r da Bahia. AGUARDENTE (brandy) from honey. 901. E. P. M. Silveira. Sancta Catharnia, AGUARDENTE (brandy) from sugar-cane. 902. Braga & Co. Rio de Janeiro. LARANGINHA AND AGUARDENTE extracted from Aniz; LIQUORS. 903. F. Lucas Carneiro. Paranai. VINHO DE PAO (wine of wood.) 904. Bastos & Camacho. Paranai. Collection of LIQUORS, viz:cream of roses, cinnamon, aniz, peppermint, rose and cloves. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 103 905. A. de A. Teixeira. Province of Parana. Zestina and Tonic LIQUORS. 906. J. C. Beloche. Province of Parana. LIQUOR of Mattf, and GIN. 907. J. C. Oliveira Filhos. Province of Parani. ORANGINA. 908. Esteva6 J. Pereira. Rio de Janeiro. LARANGINHA (orangewhisky), AGUARDENTE (brandy), and LOURINHO. 909. Jos6 Boully. Province of Parana. WOOD WINE (vinho de pto.) 910. Commission for Votuverava. Province of Parani. WOOD WINE. 911. J. H. da Silva Rabello. Province of Pari. LARANGINHA, BRANDY and Cajfi WINE. 912. Paulino P. Falcao. Pernambuco. BRANDY from sugar-cane, 913. Baron da Boa Yiagem. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. BRANDY distilled from sugar-cane. 914. Juliao R. de Castro Filho. Campos, PrJvince of Rio de Janeiro. BRANDY and spirits distilled from sugar-cane. 915. Jos6 R. de Castro. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. BRANDY distilled from sugar-cane. 916. Franc. de Paula Gomes Barroso. Campos. BRANDY and SPIRITS distilled from sugar-cane 917. J. M. d' Oliveira Vianna. Campos. BRANDY distilled from sugarcane. 918. D. A. G. C. Barroso. Campos. ALCOHOL. 919. J. A. Raposo. Pernambuco. WINES and LIQUORS. 920. Marianno Alves & Co. Rio de Janeiro. LIQUORS and LARANGINHA (orange whisky.) 921. M. A. d' Oliveira Pinto. Province of Matto Grosso. LIQUOR of Caji, BRANDY distilled from sugar-cane. 922. M. A. Guimaraes. Superagui, Province of Parana. WINES. 923. M. I. M. de Souza. Parani. BRANDY distilled from Matte, LARANGINHA (orange whisky.) 104 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 924. J. Olinto Mendes. Province of Parana. LIQUOR of Marmello (Guinces.) 925. Dr. A. J. Macedo. Soares, Province of Parana. LIQUOR of Quinces. 926. B. A, de Menezes. Province of Parana. LIQUOR of Quinces. 927. J. S. C. Castro. Province of Parani. LIQUOR of Absynth (wormwood.) 928. A. P. Xavier. Province of Parana. ALCOHOL Of 350 distilled from honey, PSEUDO wine of honey, BRANDY distilled also of the honey. 929. Revd. T. Castelnuovo. Province of Parana. Absynth (LIQUOR of worm-wood.) 930. M. G. de Moraes Rozeira. Campos Geraes, Province of Parana. WINES. 931. Francisco P. de Vasconcellos. Province of Bahia. ORANGE WINE; ALCOHOLIC DRINKS. 932. A. M. Carvalho d' Oliveira. Province of Maranha6. WINE distilled fronm sugar-cane, and from various fruits. 933. Baron d' Itabapoana. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. LARANGINHA (orange whisky.) 934. F. M. Celli de Mariz Sarmento. Rio de Janeiro. LARANGINHA (orange whisky.) BREAD, BISCUITS, CRACKERS AND CAKES. 935. Dr. Muricy & Ermelindo de Lea5. Province of Parana. BEIJUS of Tapioca, (a sort of biscuit prepared with the farina of Tapioca. 936. Silva Leal & Santos. Rio de Janeiro. VERMICELLI. 937. Commission for the Province of Bahia. Cakes of CHOCOLATE of musgo. 938. Franc. do Pinho. Province of Parana. Cakes of CHOCOLATE. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 105 VEGETABLE OILS.'939. J. D. Dias. Province of Amazonas. VEGETABLE OILS. 940. Eliezer Cohin. Province of Para. OIL of Copahiba, (Bot. Copahifera hillfuga.) 942. Revd. J. B. Cavalcante. Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. OIL of Andiroba. 943. J. E. C. Barb6sa. Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. OIL of BatiputA. 944, J. F. C. Braga. Province of Alagoas. OIL of Copahiba, superior in quality. 945. J. A. da Veiga. Province of Alacdas. OIL of Togo (Bot. Ilex enropjeus. ) 945. T. R. da Silva. Province of Alagoas. OIL iof Coco, obtained by compression. 946. M. F. A. Jorge. Province of Alagoas. OIL Of COCO (cocus nocifera)-OIL of Aricuri, (cocus coronata). 947. A. M. C. Oliveira. Province of Maranhao. OIL of Tucum (Astrocaryum vulgare). 948. Frederico Stechel. Rio de Janeiro. Various OILS. 949. Barreto Junior. Province of Para. OILS of Copahiba, Andiroba and Tucuman-assu. 950. C. Falcio Dias. Province of Alagoas. OILS of BatiputA OILS of Loco (Plumbago scandex.) OILS of Ricinus (ricinus.) OILS of Gendir6ba (fueillea trilobato.) 951. R. J. Ferreira Valle. Alto Mearim. Province of Maranhao. OIL of the Coco Babassft. i o6 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 952. M. L. Vyeira. Province of Maranhao. OIL of the Coco Babassfi.. 953. S. A. Vyeira. Province of Maranhao. OIL of Andir6ba (carapa Guyannensis.) 954. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. OILS from the Province of Rio Grande do N6rte, namely OIL of BatiputA (Gomphia parviflora.) OIL of the Cajf nut. OIL Of COCO. 955. Commission for the Province of Maranhio. OIL of Acajt. 956. Commission for the District of Paulo Affonso. Province of Alag6as. OIL of the Cajfi nut. 957. Commission for the Province Ceari. Various OILS; OIL of Jurubeba (Solanum Paniculatum, fain. Solanaceous.) NOTE.-The oil of Jurubeba is esteemed as a powerful specific for the Liver diseases. 958. The Presidency of the Province of Bahia. S. Salvador da Bahia. OIL of Ricin (ricinus communis.) OIL Of COCO. 959. J. Perdigao. Province of Maranhao. Vegetable OILS. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I07 TEXTILE SUBSTANCES, OF VEGETABLE OR ANIMAL ORIGIN. COTTON ON THE STEM, IN THE BOLL, GINNED AND BALED. 960. Commission for the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. (a) Samples of cotton, from Ceard Mirim. NOTE.-This kind of cotton is taken from a sort of plant called Gossypium herbaceum. (b) Samples of common COTTON. N OTE.-This Province, from I873 to I874, exported 2,0097,220 kilogr. of cotton, representing the value of nearly I8o thousand dollars. 961. Commission for the Province of Maranhao. Samples of COTTON. ginned. NOTE. —Cotton is the most important culture of this province; the exportation of this product, from I873 to I874, amounted to 3,987,2I kilogr., or the value of I, 15o,ooo dollars. 962. Commission for the Province of Pernambuco. (a) Samples of common COTTON and of yellowish COLORED COTTON. (b) Samples of COTTON from the Magdalena factory. (c) Samples of Russian COTTON. NOTE.-The cotton from Pernambuco is esteemed for the quality and quantity of the fibre. The cotton tree lasts there for 12 years, and always producing. The exportation of this product from I873 to I874 amounted to I2,283,I84 kilogr., representing the value of 3 million dollars. 963. Commission for the Province of Parana. Samples of COTTON, baled. Samples of COTTON, twisted. 964. Commission for the Municipality of Quebranguelo, Province of Alagois. Samples of COTTON, in the boll, and twisted. Iio8 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 965. Commission for the Province of S. Paulo. Samples of COTTON. NOTE.-The culture of cotton in S. Paulo is still made according to the old rules, but its results exceed all calculations. The exportation of this product in the year I873-I874 amounted to 9,877,482 kilogr, 966. Commission for the Province of Goyaz. Samples of COTTON. 967. Commission for the City of Cuyabi, Province of Matto Grosso. Samples of COTTON. 968. Commission for the Province of Parahyba do Norte. Samples of COTTON on the stem. NoTE-This cotton is cultivated at Borborena and Serra Grande, and its price is quoted in the markets the same as that from New Orleans. No'rE.-The culture of cotton produces 8 million kilogr. a year, and the exportation amounts to nearly 4,400,000 kilogr. 979. Commission for the Province of Ceardi. Samples of COTTON, on the branch. NOTE.-This province, from I873-1874, exported 4,878,044 kilogr. of cotton, or the value of I,304,324 dollars. NOTE.-This cotton is obtained from the plant, Gossypiumz arboreuztz. 970. Commercial Association Board from Macei6. Province of Alag6as. Samples of COTTON, from " Palmeira dos Indios." NOTE.-This cotton is obtained from the plant Herbaceumz Tzurboreum. 971. Alexandre C. Moreira. Province of Maranhao. Samples of COTTON on the stem. NOTE. -This cotton is considered one of the best in all markets for its whiteness and long fibre, and it takes very well the dye. One kilogramme of bolls produces Y kil. of cleaned cotton, 73 kilos. of seeds, and 8I litres of oil. 972. M. M. de Miranda. Macei6, Province of Alagoas. Samples of COTTON ginned in wooden cylinders, and preserving intact the fibre. 973. M. E. Souza Athayde. Province of Parana. Samples of COTTON on the stem and with the seed. 974. G. B. T. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of COTTON on the stem. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. og09 975. 0. J. Soares. Touros, Province of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of COTTON. 976. Maximilianno Merch. Colony Blumeneau, Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of COTTON. 977. Eugenia Herbst. Colony Blumenau, Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of COTTON. 978. D. Rosalina Paes Leme. City of Desterro, Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of COTTON. 989. Colony Itajahy, Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of COTTON. 980. F J. Xavier da Silva, Municipe de Castro, Province of Parana. Samples of COTTON. 981. J. Correia de Mello. Maranguape, Province of Ceari. Samples of COTTON, called creoulo. 982. Luiz Maylasky & Co. S. Paulo. Samples of COTTON. 983. Fray Luiz da Grava. S. Salvador da Bahia. Samples of COTTON. 984. Colony of Sancta Marla da Soledade, Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Samples of COTTON. 985. Colony Blumenau, Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of COTTON. 986. Isaac Decker. Mucury, Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of COTTON. 987. Raymundo J. F. Valle. Province of Maranhao. COTTON on the stem. 988. Martin Hayer. Province of Maranhao. Samples of COTTON on the stem. 999. Commission for Carnaru, Province of Pernambuco. Samples of grey COTTON. 990. L. A. de Sz Barros & Co. Province of S. Paulo. Samples of COTTON. 991. Diogo A. de Barros. Province of S. Paulo. Skeins of COTTON. 992. J. C. A. Limeira, ProvinQe of S. Paulo. Samples of COTTON. 993. Dr. J. T. A. C. Constituiggo, Province of S. Paulo. Samples of COTTON. I IO AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. HEMPS, FLAX" JUTE, RAMIE, &C., IN PRIMITIVE FORMIS AND IN ALL STAGES OF PREPARATION FOR SPINNING. CL,Ak.2 S 8_ S66. 994. Commission General for the National Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro. HEMP of Imbirussfi (Bombax) from the Province of Parand. FIBRES of the Bi/bergia linctoria from the Province of Parand. FIBRES of the Cip6 Imb& (Bot. Philodeindronz lmbe) from the Province of S. Paulo. Collection of FIBRES from the Province of Alag6as. Various FIBRES from the Province of S. Paulo. 995. Commission for the Province of Bahia. PIASSABA (a#ta/ea funifera). 996. Commission for the Province of Pernambuco. Vegetable FIBRES. NOTE.-Samples of tow, linen of Mairh (Bactris), ananaz (Ananassa saliva), and Carnm Embira (Xilotia,) 997. Commission for the Province of Sancta Catharina. THREAD of Tucum (astrocarium tucaman.) PAINA, a sort of fibre used for stuffing bolsters, pillows and mattresses. 998. Commission for Votuveraava. Province of S. Paulo. ISCA DE ROCEIRA (Mabea fistu/gera? 999. Commission for the Province of Para. FIBRES from Carrapicho ( Trzumelta semitriloba). NOTE.-Largely employed in the industries. FIBRE of GravatA (Bilbergia Tincloria). NoTE. —Largely used in the industries. 1000. Commission for the Province of Amazonas. PIASSABA, a sort of Fibre taken from the "attalea funifera" (Afartius). FIBRES from the Bertholetia excelsa, largely used for calking vessels. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I I I 1001. L. Gomes de Barros. Province of Alagoas. CIPO MATTA GENTE, used as withes. 1002. Dr. Muricy. Province of Parana. CIPO FLORAO (Maipzghiaceas.) 1003. Dr. Rego Barros S. Leao. BHa Vista, Province of Pernambuco. White EMBIRA (xiloJiZa). 1004. Ant J. da Pa!ma. Province of Bahia. Red EMBIRA (xilopia frulercens). 1005. A. F. de Lacerda. Province of Bahia. PIASSABA (attaleafunjfera). 1006. J. Steele. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of JUTE. 1007. J. Bley. Province of Parana. Striga of HEMP (LinunM usitatis sirnum.) FIBRES of the Urtica speciosa..1008. A. Aguiarde Brros. Province ofS. Paulo. PAMA (cho;lria.) BARBA DE PAU (Eilandesic). BRECHA PAULISTANA (ffinordica). 1009. M. A. Guimaraes. Province of Parana. BETAS prepared with the barks of the Philodendrom root. 1010. Rev. P. M. d'Cliveira. Province of Amazonas. TAPURU. NOTE. —Largely employed in calking ships. 1011. Baron da Villa Franca. Quissaman, Province of Rio de Janeiro. PAINA, fine. 1012. M. Taborda Ribas. Province of Parana. ISCA of URUPE (Bo/tus igniari'us). NOTE.-Remarkable also for its medicinal qualities. 1013. F. Theod6ro do Bofim. Province of Parana. FIBRES of the A4/ina si/va/tca. 1014. J. E. Killian. Province of Parana. FIBRES of the Alves sp. and of the Urena lobala. NOTE.-Largely used for cordages. 1015. S.P. Ferreira & J, de S. Negrao. Province of Parana. FIBRES of the Cecroaia Pellala. NOTE.-Used for woven fabrics. I 12 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 1016. M.A. Guimaraes. Province of Parana. FIBRES of tucum1. NOTE.-This sort of fibres is used for cords and fishing lines. 1017. Dr. Agostinho de Leto. Province of Parana. PAINA BARRIGUDA, ( Choriria speciosa). NOTE.-Used for stuffing matrasses and pillows. 1018. Flor de Capim. (flower of Hail.) 1019. Severino Leite. Province of MinasGeraes. Samples of various kinds of FIBRES. NOTE.-Namely: (I) Cip6 lactesceute (Ascelpiadacea), which fibre offers a resistance of Ioo grammes. The fibre can be extracted two years after the reed has been planted. (2) Vegetable wool from the leaves of the Palma tree," Iriuba?" or Brajafba. (Medium of resistance 41 grammes.) (3) Cipo vermelho (Mapaighkiacea) obtained from the bark of the reed and with the peculiarity that it takes a red dye when extracted. (Medium of resistance 49 grammes.) (4) Cip6 preto (MapigAhiacea), so called because the fibre takes a black dye during the process of separation. (Medium of resistance 36 grammes. (5) Paper or leaves of the fig tree (Ficus speciosus) furnishing very good writing paper. 1020. B. A. da Cruz & Florlndo T. do Bomfin, Province of Parana. FIBRES of the Copalfera ogficinalis. FIBRES of Bombax. 1021. Felix F. Portella. Rio Bonito, Province of Pernambuco. FIBRES of Gravata assu. Samples of VEGETABLE HAIR, white and coloured. NOTE.-These vegetable hairs are used for stuffing matrasses. 1022. Gaspar P. Ferreira & Comp. Province of Parana. FIBRES of the Umbauba tree (Cecropisa.) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. tI3 1023. F. Theod6re do Bomfin and others. Province of Parana. FIBRES of araticum ipi (anona sylvatica). PIBRES of Imbivurrfi (Bomlbax.) FIBRES of copaiba (Copazfera.) 1024. D. Rosalina Paes Leme. Desterro. Province of Sancta Catharina. Samples of FLAX. 1025. Phillippe Keller. S. Joao de Montenegro. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Samples of FLAX. 1026. Baron de Kalden. Cachoeira. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. FLAX. 1027. Carlos Ackermann and G. Bladern. New Petropolis. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. FLAX, prepared. 1028. F. Fernandes de Barros. Province of S. Paulo. FIBRES of Tucum. 1029. Dr. E. de Lego. Province of Parana. FLAX. 1030. A. Rufino d'Almeida. Perna.mbuco (a) FIBRE from the Triump5hetta semitriloba, largely used in the industry. (b) FIBRES from the Be-tholetia Excelsa, largely used for calking ships. (c) FIBRES of the Xilopia Sericea. NoTE. —-The Xilopia sericea produces fibres, wide and very long, and which are highly esteemed in mechanical industries and for various fabrics. 1031. Commission for the Province of Ceara. (a) Fibres of Tucum, (Astrocarium tucuman'). NOTE.-Largely used in mechanical industry. (b) PATNA of Gravata (Bilbergia). NOTE.-Used in the industry and for stuffing pillows and matresses. 1032. Lang & Co. Province of Paranai. Samples of HEMP and FLAX. I I4 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. WOOL IN THE FLEECE, CARDED AND IN BALES. C_.3L, ~kg ~6317. 1033. Instituto Fluminense d' Agricultura. Rio de Janeiro. Samples of WOOL. 1034. A. Schimmelpfing. Province of Parana. Samples of white and black WOOL. 1035. Ernesto Wirmond. Province of Parana. WOOL of the sheep called Negresto merino. 1036. Commission for the Province of Parana. Samples of WOOL. 1037. Commission for the Province of Alagoas. Samples of vegetable WOOL. SILK IN THE COCOON AND REELED. 1038. Luiz Ribeiro de Souza Rezende. Itaguahy. Rio de Janeiro. CoCOONS formed by the silk worm, and samples of silk reeled. Culture of the BOIMBIX. NOTE.-The Seropedic establishment of Mr. Luiz de Rezende is a large one, and occupies an area of 80o thousand square fathoms. The number of Mulberry-trees growing there amounts to 60o thousand, and he is able to cultivate from 30 to, 40 ounces of silk worms, producing 24 to 30 thousand pounds of silk. 1039. Pedro A. dos Santos Reis & Co. Rio Grande. Province of S. Pedro do Sul. Samples of SILK, reeled. NOTE.-This silk is of a superior quality and obtained from the Bombi.r mori. Each cocoon contains nearly 3,600 metres of silk thread, of which 6oo metres can be utilized. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I I5 1040. Francde Paula Mello Netto. Province of Minas Geraes. Cocoons of the SILK WORM, 1041. Paulo Schrazer. Colony Blumenau. Province of Sancta Catharina. COCOONS of the silk worm. 1042. Eugenia & T. Province of Minas Geraes. Samples of white SILK. 1043. Dr. Nicolau J. Moreira. Rio de Janeiro. SILKS in the cocoon and Butter-fly " Porta Espelhos." (See class 638.) HAIR, BRISTLES. 1044. Commission General for the National Exhibitions. Rio de Janeiro. HAIRS and HORSE-HAIRS, from the Province of Paran&. 1045. Commission for the Province of Pernambuco. BRISTLES. 1046. Commission for the Province of Parani. Sainples of HAIR. MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS AND PROCESSES OF MANUFACTURE. T ILLAGE. OTLASS &70, 1047. Bierrenback & Irmao. Campinas. Province of S. Paulo. Four PLOWS. 1048. J. Blanchet. Province of Parana. Small PLOWS. 1049. Commission for the Province of S. Paulo. PLOWS. 1050. Commission for the Province of Parana. PLOW. 1I6 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. CLASS 81a. 1051. Commission for the Province of Amazonas. GUANO. 1052. Drs. Muricy & Leao. Province of Parana. GUANO. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT. A. A.-Artificial Flowers. -1. B. B.-Embroideries and Tapestry. C. C. C.-Laces, Sieves and Crochets. I Ib Women's Pavilion Scale - Iclck= olne foot. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SIEVES, ETC. EMBROIDERIES. 1053. The orphan girls of the School of the Imperial Society, " Amante de Instrucao, Rio de Janeiro. EMBROIDERIES of golden thread on velvet. CUSHION covered with embroidery work. 1054. The Girls of the Immacculate Conception School. Ceara. STOLE for Priest, embroidered. 1055. Baroness of Itamarati. Rio de Janeiro. PIN CUSHION, embroidered on satin. WATCH-HOLDER, embroidered with golden thread on silk. 1056. Miss Capitolina A. d'Araujo. Rio de Janeiro. WATCH-HOLDER, embroidered and imitating the shape of a slipper. 1057. The Orphans of the Sancta Thereza School. Rio de Janeiro. STOLE for Priest, embroidery work of golden thread on silk. CUSHION covered wiih a piece of embroidery, made with golden and silk threads on velvet. 1058. Mrs. Maria Pinto Netto. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. ROBE DE CHAMBRE, embroidered. TOWELS, bordered with embroideries on linen. 120 WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT. 1059. Miss N. A. C. Cunha. S. Salvador de Bahia. CUSHION, covered with a piece of embroidery made of golden and silk threads on silk. 1060. Miss D. A. Julia Dias. Macei6, Province of Alagoas. CUSHION, covered with embroidery work. 1061. M. Antonio Chaves, Embroidery School for Women. Rio de Janeiro. CUSHION, covered with embroidery work. 1062. Baroness de Pirapitinga. Campos, Province of Rio de Janeiro. TOWEL, enriched with embroidery on linen and lace bordered. 1663. Baroness da Boa Viagem. Campos, Province of Rio de Janelro. TOWELS and PILLOW-SHAMS, enriched with embroideries on linen. LACES, SIEVES AND CROCHETS. 1064. Mrs. Maria Pinte. Netto-Campos. UNDER-SKIRT, lace-bordered. Crochet work, in relief. 1065. Baroness de Piraptinga. Campos. TOWELS and PILLOW SHAIM, sieve and lace bordered. 1066. Baroness do B6a Viagem. Campos. TOWELTS, lace bordered. 1067. Mrs. Eulalia de Saldanha da Gama. (Rio de Janeiro. TOWELand PILLOW SHAM, enriched with labyrinth lace; both presented to her Imperial Highness the Princess D. Isabel. 1068. Her Imperial Highness the Princess D. Isabel. Rio de Janeiro. Pair of PILLOW SHAMS, enriched with labyrinth lace. 1069. Miss Maria Thereza d'Oliveira Vianna. Campos. COVERLID, Crochet work made with woolen thread. 1070. Baroness de Suruhy, Rio de Janeiro. COVERLID, crochet work. 1071. The Girls of the Municipal School of S. Jose. Rio de Janeiro. COVERL1DS for chairs, made of crochet. WOMEN'S DEPARMENT. 121 1071. Mrs. Augusta de Barros Pimentel. Province of Alagoas. Lace TIE for lady's garments, handkerchiefs, sieve and lace bordered, all made by Miss Emilia de Paiva. 1072. Mrs. Roza Callado. A piece of labyrinth LACE for lady's garments. 1073. Commission for the Province of Ceari. Fortaleza. HANDKERCHIEFS and TOWELS, cut in sieve and lace bordered, by the women of the Province. 1074. Commission for the Province of Rio Grande do N6rte. Natal. HANDKERCHIEFS, TOWELS, LACES and PILLOW SHAMS, enriched with sieve and laces made by the women of the Province. 1075. Commission for the Province of Parahyba do N6rte. Parahyba. HANDKERCHIEFS, TOWELS, LACES and PILLOW SHAMS, enriched with lace and seive, made by the women of the Province. 1076. Commission for the Povince of Alagoas. Macei6. HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES and PILLOW SHAMS, enriched with lace and seive, made by the women of the Province. 1077. D. Umbelina J. da C6sta. Ic6, Province of Cearai. TOWEL, cut in labyrinth lace. 1078. The Orphan Girls of the Immaculate Conception School. Ceara. TOWEL, cut in sieve and labyrinth lace with small squares, each square with a design, and executed by a different girl. 1079. Mrs. Zulmira Cintra da Silva. Rio de Janeiro. ROBE DE FRIVOLITE, for child. TAPESTRY AND FANCY WORKS. 1080. The Girl Leonbr T. Barros, Rio de Janeiro. Work of tapestry representing the "HOLY MOTHER." 1081. Idelvira Fluminense (girl 10 years old,) Rio de Janeiro. Work of TAPESTRY. 1 22 WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT. 1082. Isabel S. das Neves, (girl of the Municipal School of S. Sebastiab,) Rio de Janeiro. A pair of CUSHIONS covered with tapestry work 1083. Alzira A. d'Oliveira (girl of the Municipal School of S. Joseph,) Rio de Janeiro. CUSHION covered with tapestry work. 1084. The Orphan Girls of the Santa Thereza School, Rio de Janeiro. CUSHIONS covered with tapestry work. 1085. The Girls of the Immaculate Conception School, Ceari. CUSHIONS covered with tapestry work. 1086. The Orphan Girls of the Misericord School. CUSHION covered with tapestry work. 1087. C. Augusta da Matta (girl of the Municipal School of S. Sebastia6,) CUSHION covered with tapestry work. 1088. Henriqueta M. Neves (girl of the Municipal School of S. Jose,) Rio de Janeiro. CUSHION covered with tapestry work. 1089. Maria da Gl6ria Martins (girls of the Municipal School of S. Sebastian,) Rio de Janeiro. TAPESTRY WORK. 1090. Miss Maria D. Pego de Faria (School of Sancta Cecilia, Rio de Janeiro. CUSHION. 1091. Miss Capitolina A. d'Araujo, Rio de Janeiro. FRAME made of paste board, cut with a penknife and containing a portrait of His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil. 1092. Miss Paulina M. de Barros, Rio de Janeiro. LETTER KEEPER made of paste board, and cut with a pen knife. PIN-BOX, made of paste-board, and cut with a pen-knife. 1093. Miss Anna M. Serzedello de Faria. Para. FRAME representing a castle made of cork and cut with a pen-knife. 1094. H.'J. Linhares. S. Francisco. Pair of BOOTS, made of tapestry work. 1095. Mrs. Joanna Honaldi. Rio de Janeiro. NEEDLE-WORK representing the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT. 123 ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. CLA^S5 5,541096. Misses Natte. Rio de Janeiro. FLOWERS, COIFFURES and all sorts of garments made of feathers, and remarkable for their natural colours, rare choice and good taste. 1097. Misses Silveira de Souza. Desterro, Province of Sancta Catharina. Boquet of ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS made of fish scale, egg skin, shells, wood and feathers. NOTE.-The fish scale flowers are most worthy of attention for their delicate perfection, and novelty of workmanship. 1098. The Orphan Girls of the Immaculate Conception School. Ceara. BOUQUET of feather flowers. 1099. Mrs. Rosalinda Paes Leme. Sancta Catharina. BOUQUET of leather flowers. 1100. A. Guimaraes. Parana. BOUQUET of fish scale flowers. 1101. The Nuns of the Convent of Merces. S. Paulo. FLOWER. Cut with pen-knife in the fig tree rim. 1102. Her Imperial Highness the Princess D. Isabel. Rio de Janeiro. CROWN OF FLOWERS, made with cereals. 1103. Commission for the Province of Bahia. BOUQUET of feather flowers, made by different women. 1104. Miss Emilia L. dos Santos Porto. Rio de Janeiro. FLOWER-STAND made of leather. CLASSIFICATION AN D) GROUPINGS OF EXHIBITS, AS ARRANGED BY'rILE nifed tfafes ten ennita rem 5isson, FOR r 1lE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION I876 PHILADELPHIA. 3 MINERALS, MINING AND METALLURGY, INCLUDING THE MACHINERY. CLASS I00.-MINERALS, ORES, ETC. Metallic and non-metallic minerals, exclusive of coal and oil. Collections of materials systematically arranged; collections of ores and associated minerals; geological collections. CLASS IOT. —MINERAL COMBUSTIBLES. Coal-anthracite, semi-bituminous, and bituminous-coal-waste and pressed coal; albertite, asphalt, and asphaltic limestone; bitumen, mineral tar, crude petroleum. CLASS I02.-BUILDING STONES, MARBLE, SLATES, ETC. Rough, hewn, sawed, or polished, for buildings, bridges, walls, or other constructions, or for interior decoration, or for furniture. Marble-white, black, or colored-used in building, decoration, statuary, monuments, or furniture, in blocks or slabs not manufactured. CLASS 103. Cement-stone and crude materials for cement, limestone, etc. (For cement and artificial stone, see Group II.) CLASS 104. Clays, kaolin, silex, and other materials for the manufacture of bricks, terra-cotta, porcelain, faience, and of glass, tiles, and firebrick. Refractory stones for lining furnaces, sand-stone, steatite, etc., and refractory furnace materials. 4 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS I 05. Graphite-crude and refined-for polishing purposes; for lubricating, electrotyping, photography, pencils, etc. CLASS io6. Grindstones, hones, whetstones, grinding and polishing materials -sand quartz, garnet, crude topaz, diamond, corundum, emery in the rock and pulverized, and in assorted sizes, and grades; lithographic stones. CLASS 107. Mineral waters; artesian well water; natural brines; salt; soluble minerals generally; sulphur, etc. CLASS Io8. Mineral fertilizing substances-gypsum, phosphate of lime, marls, shells, coprolites, etc., not manufactured. METALS, METALLURGICAL PRODUCTS, AND PROCESSES. CLASS I IO. Gold, silver, platinum, quicksilver, iridium and the rare metals. CLASS I I I. Iron and steel in the pig, ingot, bar, plates and sheets; with specimens of slags, fluxes, residues, and products of working. CLASS I I 2. Copper in ingots, bars, and rolled, with specimens illustrating its various stages of production. CLASS 113. Lead, zinc, antimony, and other metals, the result of extractive processes. CLASSIFICATION. 5 CLASS II114. Alloys used as materials-brass, nickel-silver, solder, etc. CLASS I 115. Electro-metallurgy-unwrought products. MACHINES, TOOLS, AND APPARATUS [OF MINING, AND METALLURGY. CLASS 500. Rock drilling, boring and cutting. CLASS 501. Well and shaft boring, oil-well machinery, etc. CLASS 502. Machines, apparatus, and implements for coal cutting. CLASS 5 03. Hoisting machinery and accessories. CLASS 504. Pumping, draining, and ventilating. CLASS 505. Crushing, grinding, sorting, and dressing-breakers, stamps, mills, pans, screens, sieves, jigs, concentrators. CLASS 50o6. Furnaces, smelting apparatus, and accessories. 6 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 507. Machinery used in the Bessemer and other special processes for making steel. CLASS 5 2. Rolling mills, bloom squeezers, etc. MINE ENGINEERING-MODELS, MAPS AND SECTIONS. CLASS 120. Surface and underground surveying and plotting. Projection of underground work, location of shafts, tunnels, etc. Surveys for aqueducts, and drainage. Boring and drilling rocks, shafts, and tunnels, etc., and for ascertaining the nature and extent of mineral deposits. Construction. Sinking and lining shafts by various methods, driving and timbering tunnels, and generally the operations of opening, stoping and breaking down ore; timbering, lagging and masonry. Hoisting and delivering at the surface, rock, ore, or miners. Pumping and draining by engines, buckets, or by adits. Ventilation and lighting. Subaqueous mining, blasting, etc. Hydraulic mining, and the various processes and methods of sluicing and washing auriferous gravel, and other superficial deposits. Quarrying. CLASS 121. Models of mines, of veins, and of machinery, etc. 7 POTTERY, GLASS, ARTIFICIAL STONES, ETC. CLASS 206. Bricks, drain-tiles, terra-cotta, and architectural pottery. CLASS 207. Fire-clay goods, crucibles, pots, furnaces, bricks and slabs. CLASS 208. Tiles-plain, enameled, encaustic; geometric tiles and mosaics. Tiles for pavements and for roofing, etc. CLASS 209. Porcelain for purposes of construction-hardware, trimmings, etc. CLASS 210. Stone china, for household use, for chemists, druggists, etc.; earthenware, stone-ware, faience, etc. CLASS 211 I. Majolica and Palissy ware. CLASS 2I 2. Biscuitware, Parian, etc. CLASS 2I3. Porcelain ware for table and toilet use, and for decoration. c8 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 2I4. Glass used in construction and for mirrors. Window glass of various grades of quality and of size. Plate glass-rough, and ground or polished. "Toughened glass." CLASS 215. Chemical and pharmaceutical glass-ware, vials, bottles. CLASS 2 I6. Table glass and movable decorative glassware. CLASS 2 19. Stained and enameled glass, cut and engraved window glass, signs, lanterns and similar decorative objects. CLASS I03. Lime cement, and hydraulic cement raw and burned, accompanied by specimens of the crude rock or material used, also artificial stone, concrete, beton. Specimens of lime mortar and mixtures, with illustrations of the process of mixing, etc. Beton mixtures and results, with illustrations of the processes. Artificial stone for building purposes, building blocks, cornices, etc. Artificial stone mixtures, for pavements, walls, or ceilings. Plasters, mastics, etc. CLASS 517. Brick, pottery and tile machines. Machines for making artificial stone. CLASS 518. Furnaces, moulds, blow-pipes, etc., for making glass and glassware. 9 GIOt7F III CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY, INCLUDING THE APPARATUS. CLASS 200.-CHEMICALS, PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ETC. Mineral acids, and the methods of manufacture. Sulphuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids. The common commercial alkalies-potash, soda, and ammonia, with their carbonates. Salt and its production. Salt manufactured from depositsnative salt. Salt by solar evaporation from sea-water. Salt by evaporation from water or saline springs or wells. Rock salt Ground and table salt. Bleaching powders, chloride of lime, etc. Chemicals and chemical compounds generally. Pharmaceutical compounds. CLASS 274. Pharmaceutical apparatus. CLASS 20I. —OILS, SOAPS, CANDLES, ILLUMINATING GASES, ETC. Oils from mineral, animal, and vegetable sources. Refined petroleum, benzine, naptha, and other products of the manufacture. Oils from various seeds, refined, and of various degrees of purity, such as olive oil, cotton seed oil, palm oil. Animal oils, of various kinds, in their refined state. Oils prepared for special purposes besides lighting and for food. Lubricating oils. Soaps and detergent preparations. Candles —stearine, glycerine, paraffine, etc.; spermaceti. I 0 CLASSIFICATION. Illuminating gas and its manufacture. Oxygen gas, and its applications for heating, lighting, metallurgy, and as a remedial agent. Chlorine and carbonic acid. CLASS 202. Paints, pigments, dyes, colors, turpentine, varnishes, printing inks, writing inks, blacking. CLASS 203. Flavor;ng extracts, essences, perfumery, pomades, cosmetics. CLASS 659. Sugar, syrups, and sugar making apparatus. CLASS 5o8. Chemical manufacturing machinery. CLASS 509. Gas machinery and apparatus. II ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS, AND THE MACHINERY FOR THEIR PREPARATION. CLASS 650. Sponges, sea-weed, and other growths used for food or in the arts. CLASS 651. The Dairy-milk, creamn, butter, cheese. CLASS 65 2. Tallow, oil, and lard; ivory, bone, horn, glue. CLASS 65 3 Eggs, feathers, down. CLASS 654. Honey and wax. CLASS 655. Animal perfumes-as musk, civet, ambergris, etc. CLASS 65 6. Preserved meats, vegetables, and fruit; dried, or in cans or jars. Meat and vegetable extracts. CLASS 65 7 Flour-crushed and ground cereals; decorticated grains. 12 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 658. Starch and similar products. (For sugar, syrups, etc., see Group III.) (CLASS 660. Wines, alcohol, and malt liquors. CLASS 66i. Bread, biscuits, crackers, and cakes. (For vegetable and other oils, see Group i i i.) Yeast preparations, yeast powders, baking powders, etc. 13 FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS-APPARATUS OF FISHING, ETC. CLASS 640. Marine mammals-seals, cetaceans, etc., specimens living in aquaria, or stuffed salted, or otherwise preserved. CLASS 641. Fishes, living or preserved. CLASS 642. Pickled fish, and parts of fish used for food. CLASS 643. Crustaceans, echinoderms, beche-de-mer. CLASS 644. Mollusks, oysters, clams, etc., used for food. CLASS 645. Shells, corals, and pearls. CLASS 646. Whalebone, shagreen, fish-glue, isinglass, sounds. CLASS 647. Instruments and apparatus of fishing-nets, baskets, hooks, and other apparatus used in catching fish. CLASSIFICATION. I 4 CLASS 648. Fish culture-aquaria, hatching pools, vessels for transporting roe and spawn, and other apparatus used in fish breeding, culture or preservation. 15 GIROIJp VL. TIMBER, WORKED LUMBER, PARTS OF BUILDINGS, FORESTRY. CLASS 600. Timber and trunks of trees, entire or in transverse or truncated sections, with specimens of barks, leaves, flowers, seed vessels, and seed. Ship timber-masts, spars, knees; longitudinal sections of trees; railway ties, planks, boards, rough and plane(d; shingles, laths, staves, etc. Timber and lumber prepared in various ways to resist decay an(l combustion, as by injection of salts of copper and zinc, etc. CLASS 6oi. Ornamental woods used in decorating and for furniture, such as mahogany, oak, etc., and veneers of rosewood, ebony, walnut, maple, madrona and other woods. CLASS 602. Dye-woods, barks, and galls for coloring and tanning. (See alko Group I I I.) CLASS 603. Gums, resins, caoutchouc, gutta percha, vegetable wax. Lichens, mosses, fungi, pulu, ferns. CLASS 605. Seeds, nuts, etc., for food and ornamental purposes. I6 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 604. CLASS 606. Forestry-illustrations of the art of planting, managing, and protecting forests. Statistics. CLASS 227. Manufactured parts of buildings-doors, mouldings, sash, blinds, mantels, etc. Parquetry work, detached specimens for floors, wainscoting, etc. (For complete designs, etc., see Group xxvII.) 7 GEIOWUF VXX. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, WOODEN WARE, BASKETS, Etc. CLASS 217. Household, office, and church furniture. Upholstery, curtain fixtures, shades, etc. CLASS 220. Mirrors, guilt cornices, brackets, picture frames, etc. CLASS 22 1. The nursery and its accessories-children's chairs, walking chairs. CLASS 289. Wooden and basket ware, papier mache. CLASS 286. Brushes, brooms, dusters, etc. CLASS 225. I aundry appliances-washing-machines, mangles, clothes-wringers, clothes-bars, ironing-tables. CLASS 226. Apparatus and appliances of the bath room and water-closetshower bath, earth closet, etc. CLASS 290. Undertakers' furnishing goods-caskets, coffins, etc. GICOTTON, LINEN, AND OTHERP VIII. COTTON, LINEN, AND OTHER FABRICS, INCLUDING THE MATERIALS AND THE MACHINERY. CLASS 228.-WOVEN FABRICS OF MINERAL ORIGIN. Wire cloths, sieve cloths, wire screens, bolting cloths. Asbestos fibre, spun and woven, with the clothing manufactured from it. Glass thread, floss and fabrics. CLASS 229. Coarse fabrics, of grass, rattan, cocoanut, and bark. Mattings-Chinese, Japanese, palm-leaf, grass and rushes. Floor cloths of rattan and cocoanut fibre, aloe fibre, etc. CLASS 665. Cotton on the stem, in the boll, ginned, and baled. CLASS 666. Hemp, flax, jute, ramie, etc., in primitive forms and in all stages of preparation for spinning. CLASS 230. Cotton yarns and fabrics, bleached and unbleached. Cotton sheeting and shirting, plain and twilled. Cotton canvas and duck. Awnings, tents. CLASS 231. Dyed cotton fabrics, exclusive of prints and calicoes. CLASSIFICATION. 19 CLASS 232. Cotton prints and calicoes, including handkerchiefs, scarfs, etc. CLASS 233. Linen and other vegetable fabrics, uncolored or dyed. CLASS 234. Floor oil cloths, and other painted and enameled tissues, and imitations of leather with a woven base. CLASS 521. Machines for the manufacture of cotton goods. CLASS 523. Machines for the manufacture of linen goods. CLASS 5 21. Machines for the manufacture of rope and twine, and other fibrous materials not elsewhere specified. 20 G}POtY IX. WOOL AND SILK FABRICS, INCLUDING THE MATERIALS AND THE MACHINERY. WOVEN AND FELTED GOODS OF WOOL, AND MIXTURES OF WOOL. CLASS 667. Wool in the fleece, in bales, and corded. CLASS 235. Card wool fabrics-yarns, broadcloth, doeskins, fancy cassimeres. Felted goods. Hat bodies. CLASS 236. Flannels-plain flannels, domets, opera andc fancy. CLASS 237. Blankets, robes, and shawls. CLASS 238. Combed wool fabrics-worsteds, yarns, dress goods for women's wear, delaines, serges, poplins, merinoes. CLASS 239. Carpets, rugs, etc.-Brussels, melton, tapestry, tapestry Brussels Axminster, Venitian, ingrain, felted carpetings, druggets, rugs, etc. CLASSIFICATION. 21 CLASS 240. Hair-alpaca, goat's hair, camel's hair, and other fabrics mixed or unmixed with wool. CLASS 24I. Printed and embossed woolen cloths, table covers, patent velvets. CLASS 522. Machines for the manufacture of woolen goods. SILK AND SILK FABRICS, AND MIXTURES IN WHICH SILK IS THE PREDOMINATING MATERIAL. CLASS 2 42. Cocoons and raw silk as reeled from the cocoon; thrown or twisted silks in the gum. CLASS 243. Thrown or twisted silks, boiled off or dyed; in hanks, skeins or on spools. CLASS 244. Spun silk yarns and fabrics, and the materials from which they are made. CLASS 245. Plain woven silks, lutestrings, sarsnets, satins, serges, foulards, tissues for hat and millinery purposes, etc. CLASS 246. Figured silk piece goods, woven or printed. Upholstery silks, etc. 22 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 247. Crapes, velvets, gauzes, cravats, handkerchiefs, hoisery, knit goods, laces, scarfs, ties, veils, all descriptions of cut and made up silks. CLASS 248. Ribbons-plain, fancy, and velvet. CLASS 249. Bindings-braids, cords, galloons, ladies' dress trimmings, upholsters', tailors', military, and miscellaneous trimmings. CLASS 520. Machines for the manufacture of silk goods. 23 GROUIXJP X. CLOTHING, FURS, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, ORNAMENTS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. (Exclusive of leather boots and shoes.) CLASS 250. Ready-made clothing, knit goods and hoisery, military clothing, church vestments, costumes, water-proof clothing and clothing for special objects. CLASS 251. Hats, caps, gloves, mittens, etc.; straw and palm leaf hats; bonnets, and millinery. CLASS 2 2. Laces, embroideries, and trimmings for clothing, furniture, and carriages. CLASS 254. Artificial flowers, coiffures, buttons, trimmings, pins, hooks-andeyes, fans, umbrellas, sun-shades, walking-canes, pipes, and small objects of dress or adornment, exclusive of jewelry. Toys, games, etc. CLASS 255. Fancy leather work-pocket-books, toilet cases, traveling equipments, valises and trunks. (See also in Leather, Group xII.) CLASS 257. Furs manufactured into clothing, robes, etc. CLASS 258. Historical collection of costumes; national costumes. 24 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 288. Flags, insignia, emblems. CAOUTCHOUC AND GUTTA PERCHA INDUSTRY. CLASS 285" India rubber " goods and manufactures. 25 Gr:OXtP XI.. JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER-WARE, BRONZES, Etc. (See also Group xxvII ART.) CLASS 253. Jewelry, and ornaments worn upon the person. Diamonds, and other precious gems, mounted singly or in groups -head-dresses, "tiara," necklaces, rings, pins, etc. Pearls, pearl and coral sets and ornaments. Gold ornaments-rings, pins, necklaces, chains, bracelets, buttons, etc. Cut and engraved stones. Gilt goods, metal and other ornaments, and imitations generally. Watches-their mounting and decoration-regarded chiefly from the ornamental and commercial point of view. For " movements" and chronometric qualities, see also Group xxv. Silver-ware and silver-plate —hollow-ware, plain, embossed, engraved, or otherwise ornamented. Silver and silver plated knives, forks, spoons, etc. Ornamental silver bronze and metal work generally. Bronzes and "mantel ornaments," decorative clocks, etc. Enamels, etc. (See Group xxvII.) 26 GRO'LYJ XIIX. LEATHER AND MANUFACTURES OF LEATHER, INCLUDING BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, Etc. (For Harness and Saddlery, in part, see Group xvII.) Hides and skins, salted or dried. Leather of all kinds. Parchment, vellum, etc. Boots and shoes. Trunks, and traveling equipments, in part. Belting, cords, straps, etc. Harness and saddlery. (See Group xvII.) CLASS 532. Machines for preparing and working leather. CLASS 533Machines for making boots and shoes. 27 G.ROIIP XIII. PAPER INDUSTRY, STATIONERY, PRINTING, AND BOOK MAKING. CLASS 258. Stationery for the desk, stationers' articles, pens, pencils, inkstands, and other apparatus of writing and drawing. CLASS 259. Writing paper and envelopes, blank-book paper, bond paper, tracing paper, drawing paper, tracing linen, tissue paper, etc. CLASS 260. Printing papers; for books, newspapers, etc. Wrapping paper of all grades; cartridge and manilla paper, paper bags. CLASS 26 1. Blank books, sets of account books, specimens of ruling and binding, including blanks, bill heads, etc.; book binding. CLASS 262. Cards —playing cards, card board, binders' board, pasteboard, paper or card board boxes. CLASS 263. Building paper, pasteboard for walls, cane fibre felt, papier mache, and materials for construction, car wheels, ornaments, etc. 28 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 264. Wall papers, enameled and colored papers, imitations of leather, wood, etc. MACHINES AND APPARATUS FOR TYPE SETTING, PRINTING, STAMPING, EMBOSSING, AND FOR MAKING BOOKS AND PAPER WORKING. CLASS 5 40. Printing presses. CLASS 541. Type-casting machines, apparatus of stereotyping. CLASS 542. Types and type-setting machines. Type-writing machines. CLASS 543. Printers' furniture. CLASS 544. Book-binding machines. CLASS 545. Paper-folding machines. CLASS 546. Paper and card cutting machines. CLASS 547. Envelope machines. CLASS 525. Paper making machinery and process. 29 GiOUyP XXIV. APPARATUS FOR HEATING, LIGHTING, VENTILATION, WATER SUPPLY, AND DRAINAGE. CLASS 222. Apparatus and fixtures for heating and cooking-stoves, ranges, heaters, etc. Fire places, grates and fixtures, for burning wood, coal or gas. Hot air furnaces, steam heaters, hot water heaters, radiators, etc. Stoves, cooking stoves, kitchen ranges, ovens, and fixed apparatus of cooking. CLASS 224. Kitchen and pantry utensils, tin-ware, and apparatus used in *cooking (exclusive of cutlery). CLASS 223. Apparatus for lighting-gas fixtures, lamps, etc. Ventilating apparatus. Water supply apparatus-pipes, faucets, filters, hot-water boilers; -water-backs and plumbers' goods generally. Drainage-Pipes, traps, and sewer connections, and apparatus. 30 GROIJP XV. BUILDER'S HARDWARE, EDGE TOOLS, CUTLERY, Etc. CLASS 280. Hand tools and instruments used by carpenters, joiners, and forwood and stone in general. Miscellaneous hand tools used in industries, such as jewelers, engravers. CLASS 28 1. Cutlery-knives, penknives, scissors, razors, razor-strops, skates,. and implements sold by cutlers. CLASS 283. Metal hollow-ware-ornamental castings. CLASS 284. Hardware used in construction, exclusive of tools and implements, spikes, nails, screws, tacks, bolts, locks, latches, hinges, pulleys. Furniture fittings; ship's hardware. (For carriage hardware, seeGroup xvII.) 31 GIOTJP XVI. MILITARY AND SPORTING ARMS, WEAPONS, APPARATUS OF HUNTING, EXPLOSIVES, Etc. CLASS 265. Military small-arms, muskets, pistols, and magazine guns, with their ammunition. CLASS 266. Light artillery, compound guns, machine guns, mitrailleuses, etc. CLASS 267. Heavy ordnance and its accessories. CLASS 268. Knives, swords, spears, and dirks. CLASS 269. Fire arms used for sporting and hunting, also other implements, for the same purpose. CLASS 270. Traps for game, birds, vermin, etc. (For apparatus of fishing, see Group v). CLASS 204. Explosive and fulminating compounds, in small quantities only, and under special regulations; shown in the building only by empty cases and cartridges. Black powder of various grades and sizes. Nitro-glycerine and the methods of using and exploding. Giant powder, dynamite, dualin, tri-nitro-glycerine. CLASS 205. Pyrotechnics-for display, signaling, missiles, etc. 32 GwROIP XVII. CARRIAGES, VEHICLES, AND ACCESSORIES. (For farm vehicles and railway carriages, etc., see De,jartments of Agriculture and Machinery.) CLASS 292. Pleasure carriages. CLASS 293. Traveling carriages, coaches, stages, omnibuses, hearses. Bath chairs, velocipedes, baby carriages. CLASS 294. Vehicles for movement of goods and heavy objects, carts, wagons, trucks. (For traction engines, see Group xvII). CLASS 295. Sleighs, sledges, sleds, etc. CLASS 296. Carriages and horse furniture, harness and saddlery, whips, spurs, horse-blankets, carriage robes, rugs, etc. Parts of carriages-wheels, bodies, shafts, etc. Springs, axles. Carriage iron work and fittings. Carriage hardware. Carriage varnish, oil, lubricants, etc. 33 GRLOTrI XVIII. RAILWAY PLANT, ROLLING STOCK, AND APPARATUS. ROAD ENGINES. CLASS 570. Locomotives, models, drawings, plans, etc. CLASS 571. Carriages, wagons, trucks, cars, etc. Snow-plows. CLASS 572. Brakes, buffers, couplings. CLASS 573 Wheels, tires, axles, bearings, springs, etc. CLASS 574. Permanent way, ties, chairs, switches, etc. CLASS 575. Station arrangements, water-cranes, turn-tables. Railway signals. CLASS 576. Miscellaneous locomotive attachments. CLASS 577. Street railways and cars. Road and traction engines, etc. 34 GI3OUIP XIX.: VESSELS AND APPARATUS OF TRANSPORTATION. (Not included in other groups. ) CLASS 590. Suspended-cable railways. CLASS 591. Transporting cables. CLASS 592. Balloons, and apparatus, etc. CLASS 593See Group xx. CLASS 594. Boats and sailing vessels. Sailing vessels used in commerce. Sailing vessels used in war. Yachts and pleasure boats. Rowing boats of all kinds. Life boats and salvage apparatus, with life rafts, belts, etc. Submarine armor, diving bells, etc. Ice boats. CLASS 595. Steamships, steamboats, and all vessels propelled by steam. CLASS 554. Screw propellers, wheels for the propulsion of vessels, etc. CLASSIFICATION. 35 CLASS 596. Vessels for carrying telegraph cables, and railway trains; also coal barges, water boats, and dredging-machines, screw and floatingdocks; and for other special purposes. CLASS 597. Steam capstans, windlasses, deck-winches, and steering apparatus. CLASS 287. Ropes, cordage. 36 l;rEttOJU:p XX. MOTORS, HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC APPARATUS, ETC. CLASS 550. Boilers and all steam or gas-generating apparatus for motive purposes. CLASS 55 I. Water-wheels, wind-mills. CLASS 552. Steam, air, or gas engines. (For electro-magnetic engines, see Group xxv.) CLASS 553. Apparatus for the transmission of power, shafting, belting, cables, gearing; transmission of power by comlpressed air, etc. CLASS 554. (See Group xlx.) CLASS 555. Implements and apparatus used in connection with motors; steamguages, manometers, etc. (See also Grou) xxv\.) CLASS 560. Pumps and apparatus for lifting and moving liquids-water engines, hydraulic rams. (Class 55I1, il part.? CLASS 56r. Pumps and apparatus for moving and compressing air or gas. CLASSIFICATION. 37 CLASS 562. Pumps and blowing engines, blowers, and ventilating apparatus. CLASS 563. Pneumatic railways; pneumatic dispatch. CLASS 563. Hydraulic jacks, presses, elevators, lifts, cranes. (For " meters" see Group xxv.) CLASS 564. Fire engines-hand, steam, or chemical; and fire extinguishing apparatus-hose, ladders, fire-escapes, etc. CLASS 5 65 Beer engines, soda-water machines, bottling apparatus, corking machines. CLASS 566. Stop valves, cocks, pipes, etc. CLASS 567. Diving apparatus and machinery. CLASS 568. Ice machines. 38 GEROITP XXI MACHINE TOOLS.-WOOD, METAL AND STONE. CLASS 5 0. Planing, sawing, veneering, grooving, mortising, tonguing, cutting, moulding, stamping, carving, and cask-making machines, etc., cork-cutting machines. CLASS 5I. Direct acting steam sawing machines, with gang saws. CLASS 514. Steam, trip, and other hammers, with specimens of work; anvils, forges. CLASS 5 I 5. Planing, drilling, slotting, turning, shaping, punching, stamping, and cutting machines. Wheel cutting and dividing machines. Emery wheels and mountings. Drills, taps, guages, dies, etc. CLASS 516. Stone-sawing and planing machines; machines for dressing, shaping, and polishing; sand blasts; Tilghman's machines; glassgrinding machines, etc. 39 GIWROI XXII MACHINES, APPARATUS, AND IMPLEMENTS USED IN SEWING AND MAKING CLOTHING, LACE, ORNAMENTAL OBJECTS, PINS, Etc. CLASS 530. Machines used in the manufacture of tapestry, including carpets, lace, floor-cloth, fancy embroidery. etc. CLASS 5 3 Sewing and knitting machines; clothes making machines. CLASS 534. Machines for ironing, drying, and scouring. CLASS 535. Machines for making clocks and watches. CLASS 536. Machines for making jewelry. CLASS 537. Machines for making buttons, pins, needles, etc., and for sticking pins upon paper. 40 G]rRO]tJP XX[III3 AGRICULTURAL MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE AND GARDENING. CLASS 607.-TILLAGE. Manual Implements-spades, hoes, rakes. Animal power machinery-plows, cultivators, horse-hoes, clod crushers, rollers, harrows. Steam power machinery-plows, breakers, harrows, cultivators. CLASS 67 I. —PLAN'ING. Manual Implements-corn-planters and hand drills. Animal power machinery-grain and manure drills; corn and cotton planters. Steam power machinery-grain and manure drills. CLASS 67 2.-HARVESTING. Manual implements —grain-cradles, sickles, reaping hooks. Animal power machinery-reapers and headers. Mowers, tedders, rakes, hay elevators, and hay loaders. Potato diggers. CLASS 673. —PREPARATORY'10'O MARKETING. Thrashers, clove-hullers, corn-shellers, winnowers, hay-making apparatus. CLASS 674.-APPLICABLE'10 FARM ECONOMY. Portable and stationary engines, chaffers, hay and feed-cutters, slicers, pulpers, corn mills, farm boilers and steamers, incubators. Churns for hand and power, butter-workers, cans and pails, cheesepresses, vats, and apparatus. CLASSIFICATION. 41 CLASS 680.-LAYING OUT AND IMPROVING FARMS. Clearing, stunmp-extractors, construction of roads, draining, irrigating apparatus, models of fences, gates, drains, out-falls, dams, embankments, irrigating machinery, stack building and thatching. CLASS 68I. —COMNIERCIAL FERTILIZERS. Phosphatic, ammoniacal. calcareous, etc. CLASS 682. -TRANSPORT1ATION. Wagons, carts, sleds, harness. (See'also Group xxviI). Yokes, and apparatus for road making and excavating. (For traction engines, see Group xvIIi). CLfASS 683.-FARM BUILDINGS. Models and drawings of farm houses and tenements, barns, stables, hop-houses, fruit-driers, ice-houses, wind-mills, granaries, barracks, apiaries, cocooneries, aviaries, abattoirs, and dairies. TILLAGE AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT. CLASS 690. Systems of planting and cultivation. CLASS 69 1. Systems of draining and application of manures. CLAss 692. Systems of breeding and stock feeding. CLASS 715. Horticultural buildings, propagating houses, hot-beds, etc., and modes of heating them. Structures for propagating and forcing small fruits. CLASSIFICATION. 42 CLASS 7 6. Portable or movable orchard houses and graperies without artificial heat. CLASS 675. Dairy fittings and appliances. GARDEN TOOLS, ACCESSORIES OF GARDENING. CLASS 720. —TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS. Machines for the transplanting of trees, shrubs, etc. Portable forcing pumps, for watering plants in green houses, and methods of watering the garden and lawn. CLASS 72 I.-RECEPTACLES FOR PLANTS. Flower pots, plant-boxes, tubs, fern cases, jardinieres, etc. Window gardening. Plant and flower stands, ornate designs in iron, wood, and wire. CLASS 722.-ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORK. Fences, gates, trellis, bordering of flower beds, porches. Park seats, chairs, garden statuary, vases, fountains, etc. Designations, labels, numbers. GARDEN DESIGNING. CONSTRUCTION, AND MANAGEMENT. CLASS 7IO. —LAYING OUT GARDENS. Designs for the laying out of gardens, and the improving of private residences. Designs for commercial gardens, nurseries, graperies. Designs for the parterre. CLASS 73 I. Treatment of water for ornamental purposes, cascades, fountains reservoirs, lakes. CLASSIFICATION. 43 CLASS 732. Formation and after treatment of lawns. CLASS 733. Garden construction, buildings, etc. Rock work, grottoes. Rustic constructions and adornments for private gardens and public grounds. 44 INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS OF HYGEINE, MEDICINE, SURGERY, PROSTHESIS, ETC. CLASS 272. Medicines, officinal, (in any authoritative pharniacop ); articles of the materia medica; preparations, unofficinal. CLASS 273Dietetic preparations, as beef extract, and other articles intended especially for the sick. CLASS 275. Instruments for physical diagnosis, clinical thermometers, stethoscopes, opthalmoscopes, etc., (except clinical microscopes, etc., for which see Class 324.) CLASS 276. Surgical instruments and appliances, with dressings, apparatus for deformities, prosthesis, obstetrical instruments. CLASS 277. Dental instruments appliances and materials. CLASS 278. Vehicles and appliances, for the transportation and relief of the sick and wounded, during peace and war, on shore or at sea. 45 G:IOUtIP XXV. INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION, RESEARCH, EXPERIMENT, AND ILLUSTRATION, INCLUDING TELEGRAPHY AND MUSIC. (. LAS 320. -ASTR )NOMNICAL, SURVEYINCG AND LFVEIIN(; INSTRUM EN'I'S. Astronomical instruments, and accessories, used in observatories. Transits, mural circles, equatorials, collimators. Geodetic and surveying instruments. Transits, theodolites, needle compasses. Instruments for surveying underground in mines, tunnels, and excavations. Nautical astronomical instruments. Sextants, quadrants, repeating circles, dip-sectors. Leveling instruments and apparatus. Carpenters' and builders' levels, hand levels, water levels, engineers' levels. Instruments for deep sea sounding and hydrographic surveying. METEOR()LOGICAI, INSTRUMFNTS AND APPARATUS. Thermometers, pyrometers. Barometers. Hygrometers and rain guages. Maps, bulletins. Blanks for reports, methods of recording, reducing, and reporting observations. CLASS 32 I. Indicating and registering apparatus, other than meteorological; mechanical calculation. (See also Group xx.) 46 CLASSIFICATION. Viameters,' pedometers, perambulators. Gas meters. Water meters, current meters, ships' logs, electrical logs. Tide registers. Apparatus for printing consecutive numbers. Counting machines, calculating engines, arithmometers. CLASS 322.-WEIGHTS, MEASURES, WEIGHING AND METROLOGICAL APPARATUS. Measures of length; graduated scales on wood, metal, ivory, tape, or ribbon; steel tapes, chains, rods, verniers, rods and graduated scales, for measuring lumber, goods in packages, casks, etc., guagers' tools and methods. Measures of capacity for solids and liquids. Weights. Scales and graduated beams for weighing; assay balances, chemical balances Ordinary scales for heavy weights, weighing locomotives and trains of cars. Postal balances. Hydrometers, alchometers, lactometers, etc., gravimeters. CLASS 323. —CHRONOMETRIC APPARATUS. Chronometers. Astronomical clocks. Church and metropolitan clocks. Ordinary commercial clocks. Pendulum and spring clocks. Marine clocks. Watches. Clepsydras, hour glasses, sun dials. Chronographs, electrical clocks. Metronomes. CLASS 324. —-OPTICAL AND THERMOTIC INSTRUMENTS, AND APPARA — TUS. Mirrors (for special purposes), plane and spherical. Lenses and prisms. Spectacles and eye glasses, field and opera glasses, graphoscopes and stereoscopes. Cameras and photographic apparatus. Microscopes. CLASSIFICATION. 47 Telescopes. (See also Class 320.) Apparatus for artificial illumination, including electric, oxyhydrogen and magnesium light. Stereopticons. Photometric apparatus. Spectroscopes and accessories, for spectrum analysis. Polariscopes, etc. Thermotic apparatus. Thermometers of all descriptions, maximum, minimum, self-registering, etc. CLASS 325.-ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. Friction machines. Condensers and miscellaneous apparatus, to illustrate the discharge. Galvanic batteries and accessories, to illustrate dynamical electricity. Electro-magnetic apparatus. Electro-magnetic engines, (See Class 552.) Induction machines, Rumkoff coils, etc. Magnets and magneto-electrical apparatus. CLASS 326. TELEGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS. Batteries and forms of apparatus, used in generating the electrical currents for telegraphic purposes. Conductors and insulators, and methods of support; marine telegraph cables. Apparatus of transmission-keys, office accessories, and apparatus. Receiving instruments, relay magnets, local circuits. Semaphoric and recording instruments. Codes, signs, or signals. Printing telegraphs, for special uses. 48 CLASSIFICATION. Electrographs. Dial or cadran systems. Apparatus for automatic transmissioin. CLASS 327.-MUSICAI INSTRUMENTS, AND ACOUSTICS, APPARATUS. Percussion instruments-drums, tamborines, cyml)als, triangles. Pianos. Stringed instruments other than pianos. Automatic musical instruments, music boxes. Wind instruments of metal and wood. Harmoniumres. Church organs and similar instruments. Speaking machines. NVocal mutsic. 49 ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING. (For Agricultural Engineering, see Class 680o). (For Mine Engineering, See Group I ). ARCHITECTURE. The construction and arrangement of the interior of dwelling houses, hotels, public buildings, churches and buildings for special purposes. Fire-proof structures and methods of building. CLASS 342. The dwelling —sanitary conditions, and regulations. Systems of water supply, drainage, heating, lighting, and ventilation. (For apparatus and fixtures see Group xTv). CLASS 341. Models and drawings of finished buildings, of market houses and markets, of hospitals, bath houses, gymnasiums, etc. ENGINEERING. CLASS 330. CIVIL ENGINEERING. Land surveying, public lands, etc. River, harbor, and coast surveying. Construction and maintainance of roads, streets, pavements, etc. Surveys, and location of 50 C LASSIFICATION. towns and cities, with systems of water supply and drainage. Arched bridges of metal, stone, brick, or beton. Trussed girder bridges. Suspension bridges, Canals, aqueducts, reservoirs; construction of dams. Hydraulic engineering, and means of arresting and controling the flow of water. Submarine constructions, foundations, piers, docks, etc. CLASS 33I. —DYNAMIC AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. Construction and working of machines; examples of planning, and construction of manufacturing and metallurgical establishments. CLASS 332.- RAILWAY ENGINEERING. Location of railways, and the construction and management of railways. CLASS 333.-MILITARY ENGINEERING. CLASS 335.-CHARTS, MAPS, AND GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS. Topographical Maps Marine and coast charts. Botanical, agronomical, and other maps, showing the extent and distribution of men, animals, and terrestrial products. Physical maps. Meteorlogical maps and bulletins. Telegraphic routes and stations. Railway and route maps. Terrestrial and celestial globes. Relief maps and models of portions of the earth's surface. Profiles of ocean beds and routes of submarine cables. G3ROXUIP XXVII. PLASTIC AND GRAPHIC ART. SCULPTURE. CLASS 400. Figures and groups in stone, metal, clay or plaster. CLASS 401. Bas-relief, in stone or metal; electrotype copies. CLASS 402. Medals, pressed and engraved; electrotypes of medals. CLASS 403. Hammered and wrought work-repouss~ and rehaitse work embossed and engraved relief work. CLASS 404. Cameos, intaglios, engraved stones, dies, seals, etc. CLASS 405. Carvings in wood, ivory, and metal. PAINTING. CTASS 4IO. Painting in oil on canvas, panels etc. 52 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 411. Water color pictures; aquarelles, miniatures, etc. CLASS 412. Frescoes, cartoons for frescoes, etc. CLASS 4I 3 Painting with vitrifiable colors. Pictures on porcelain, enamel, and metal. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHY. CLASS 420. Drawings with pen, pencil or crayons. CLASS 42 1. Line engravings from steel, copper or stone. CLASS 422. Wood engravings. CLASS 423. Lithographs, zincographs, etc. CLASS 424. Chromo-lithographs. PHOTOGRAPHY. CLASS 430. Photographs on paper, metal, glass, wood, fabrics or enamel surfaces, Micro-photographs. CI,ASSIFICATION. 53 CLASS 431. Prints from photo-relief plates; carbon-prints, etc. CLASS 432. Photo-lithographs, eta'. INDUSTRIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS, MODELS, AND DECORATIONS. CLASS 440. Industrial designs. CLASS 44 I. Architectural designs 1studies and fragments, representations and projects of edificies; restorations from ruins and from documents. CIASS 442. Decoration of interiors of building. CLASS 443. Artistic hardware and triimmings; artistic castings; forged metal work for decoration, etc. DECORATION WITH CERAMIC AND VITREOUS MATERIALS; MOSAIC AND INLAID WORK. CLASS 450. Mosaic and inlaid work in stone. CLASS 45. Mosaic and inlaid work in tiies, tesserae, glass, etc. 5 4 CLASSIF 1CATION. C(LASS 45 2. Inlaid work in wood and metal; parquetry, inlaid floors, tables, etc. CLASS 453. Stained glass. CLASS 454. Miscellaneous objects of art. 55 GIROtI7 XXVIIL EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, METHODS AND LIBRARIES. CLASS 300.-ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION. Infant schools and kindergartens —arrangements, furniture, appliances, and modes of training. Public schools, graded schools, buildings and grounds, equipments, courses of study, methods of instruction, text books, apparatus, including maps, charts, globes, etc., pupils' work including drawing and penmanship; provisions for physical training. CLASS 30 I. —HIGHER EDUCATION. Academies and high schools. Colleges and universities. Buildings and grounds, libraries, museums of zoology; botany, mineralogy, art, and archeology; apparatus for illustration and research; mathematical, physical, chemnical, and astronomical courses of study; text books, catalogues; libraries, and gymnasiums. CLASS 302. Professional schools-theology, law, medicine and surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, mining, engineering, agriculture and mechanic(al arts, art and design, military schools, naval schools, normal schools, commercial schools, music. Buildings, text books, libraries, apparatus, methods, and other accessories for professional schools. CLASS 303. Institutions for instruction of the blind, (leaf and dumb and the feeble-minded. 56 CLASSIFICATION. CLASS 304. Education reports and statistics. National Bureau of education. State, city and town systems. College, university, and professional systems. CLASS 305.,ibraries, history, reports, statistics, and catalogues. CLASS 306. School and text books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, gazetteers, directories, index volumes, bibliograiphies, catalogues, almanacs, special treatises, general and miscellaneous literature. Newspapers- technical and special newspapers and( journals, illustrated papers, periodical literature. INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS. CLASS 310. Institutions founded for the increase and diffusion of knowledge. Such as the Smithsonian Institution, the Royal Institution, the Institute of France, British Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Association, etc.. their organization, history, and results. CIlAss 3JI1 Learned and scientific associations. Geological and mineralogical societies, etc, Engineering, technical and professional associations artistic, biological. zoological, medical schools; astronomical observatories. (ClASS 312. Museums, collections, art galleries, exhibitions of w-'rks of art and industry. Agricultural fairs, state und county exhibitions, national exhibitions. International exhibitions. Scientific museums, and art museums. Ethnological andt archeological collections. CLASS 313Music and the drama.