E A) i X! R.CKIEIVED IN EXC.II NS;B V.J J.... A {BM -- -- I{ I I MINUTES OF THE ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE 1775 - 1778 Prepared for publication by The Division of Archives and History JAMES SULLIVAN, Ph.D. Director and State Historian VOLUME I ALBANY THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1923 3. S. LYON COMPANY GENERAL PRINTERS AL-BANY NEW YORK INTRODUCTION In 1909 the State, through the then State Historian, Victor H. Paltsits, published the Minutes of the Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York; Albany County Sessions, 1778-1781. These commissioners were a creation of the Legislature which had been organized under the Constitution of 1777. They had been preceded by various committees on disaffected persons, which had been appointed by the New York Provincial Congress or Convention. A copy of the minutes of one of these committees is in the possession of the New York Historical Society and is now being edited for publication in 1925 by Miss Dorothy C. Barck. These minutes begin with December 11, 1 776, and close with September 23, 1778. Preceding both of these committees in time of organization were the local committees of correspondence or safety set up in the counties and subdistricts of counties. If a strict order of chronological sequence in publication had been followed, therefore, this present volume of the Minutes of the Albany Committee of Correspondence, or as it styled itself " Committee of Safety, Protection and Correspondence," should have been issued first. In view of the fact that the introductory matter in volume 1 of the Minutes of the Commissioners above mentioned deals with, or gives references to works which treat the whole subject of loyalism, the tories and disaffected persons, the reader and student are referred to that volume. Of the local county committees that of Albany is the only one of New York State for which the large part of the minutes are in existence. The fragmentary Minute Book of the Committee of Safety of Tryon County was edited by Samuel L. Frey and published in 1905. Fragments and collateral evidence frequently show that the other counties, like Albany, had their committees, but the minutes as collections have, so far as is known, been lost; only another evidence, if any further is needed, of the former negligence of public records in our State. It is not the purpose of this introduction to give a study of the origin and history of the committees of correspondence. Various studies of these have iii iv INTRODUCTION been made by Edward D. Collins,' Bessie L. Whitaker,2 John T. Fitzpatrick 3 and others. The Albany Committee, as a study of the minutes will disclose, consisted of members chosen from a variable number of districts, usually seventeen ta nineteen, into which the county was divided, and the three wards of the city of Albany.4 Certain references in the body of the minutes show that the members from a given district constituted a committee for that district and that each one of these district committees kept minutes of its own. None of these, with the exception of those for the Schenectady district, are known to be in existence. For the latter there is in the State Library, at Albany, a partly reconstructed copy which has been put together by Mr Peter Nelson, head of the manuscript section of the State Library. Though there are many lacunae, there is sufficient material between the date of the first meeting, May 6, 1775, to the last recorded meeting of August 18, 1779, to throw a great deal of light on the activities of these district committees and their relationship to the general Albany Committee. They also show us that the latter continued to function for a much later date than that for which we have any recorded minutes. As Matthew Visscher, who was secretary of the Albany Committee and as such kept the minutes, had become one of the commissioners for detecting conspiracies in 1778, it is probable that the keeping of the minutes of the Albany Committee subsequent to that date fell to the lot of some other secretary and thus were not kept together with those kept by Visscher. The exact date when the first Albany Committee of Correspondence came into existence is not known. There is reference in the minutes of what was evidently the first meeting of this committee, (January 24, 1775) to a former committee which had met in November and December of 1774, passed upon certain resolves and had had them printed. The Journals of the Continental Congress (I:19) under September 1774, show that a committee for Albany was in existence even earlier than that date and that Jacob Lansing was chairman, for in a letter he stated that the Albany Committee had adopted the same delegates to the Continental Congress that New York City and 1 Committees of Correspondence of the American Revolution, Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1901, Vol. I, p. 243. 2 The Provincial Council and Committees of Safety in North Carolina, published by The North Carolina Historical Society, 1908. 3 The Committees of Correspondence and Safety of the Revolutionary War, in the Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, for November, 1921. 4A law passed March 24, 1772, divided Albany into fifteen districts of which the city of Albany was counted as one. A law of April 1, 1775, created two new districts making the total seventeen. See The Colonial Laws of Neut York, vol. V: and Laws of the Colony of New York, 1774-1775. The Albany Committee, however, as an examination of the minutes will show, increased the number of districts at times to suit the convenience of the inhabitants. INTRODUCTION v County had chosen, namely, James Duane, John Jay, Philip Livingston, Isaac Low and John Alsop. For this earlier committee no minutes are known to be in existence. The loss of the minutes of these county and district committees in New York State is unfortunate, for from them better than from any other known source is information to be had about the manner in which the Revolutionary War was actually begun and carried on. The reader of these minutes will soon realize that he is close to the primal forces that did the work for those higher up in the Colony and the Union. Because of their great interest the editor is often moved to go beyond his province and enter that of the historian in order to write a series of essays on the topics on which these minutes throw light. It must suffice, however, merely to call attention to these subjects and permit the historical student to do his work upon them. One is almost immediately impressed with the orderly and legal way in which the Revolution was carried on. At the beginning the committee seemingly merely regarded itself as a military committee to assist in raising and supporting troops. It was very particular not to interfere at first with the civil and judicial functions of government. It was only later, when the officials in charge of such: matters either fled or failed to perform their duties, that the committee felt called upon to intervene, and then only generally to the extent of seeing that other officials were properly chosen. No committee of revolutionaries showed a more careful regard for the fact that they owed their powers to the people who elected them and no suggestion is even found that the members should continue in power beyond the time for which they were chosen. Everything pertaining to the successful prosecution of the war they felt to be within their province. It is an almost bewildering array of activities. (1) The raising, drafting, equipping, disciplining, training, officering, stationing and paying of troops. (2) The exemptions from military duty of those in essential industries or employment. (3) The detection, imprisonment, punishment and exile of the disaffected, spies and emissaries. (4) The suppression of organized revolts within the county and the prosecution of those guilty of speaking adversely of the patriot cause. (5) The support of those made poor by the war, the burial of their dead, and the helping of refugees. (6) The collection of the excise and the regulation of taverns. (7) The supervision of the construction of hospitals, barracks, forts and prisons. (8) The assumption of authority over the ordinances and powers of the city vi INTRODUCTION officers and the control of firemasters and fire regulations. (9) The regulation of prices for all kinds of articles, particularly of tea, sugar and salt. (10) The, regulation and encouragement of trade and manufactures, and the inspection for bad products. (11) The handling of appeals to control housing difficulties, fix wages and prevent hoarding. (12) The encouragement of auxiliary aid such as the knitting of socks for the soldiers, collecting linen rags, medicines, and instruments. (13) The control of the issuance of paper money and of counterfeiting. (14) The quarantining against smallpox. (15) The rationing of food, particularly of wheat, and preventing its distillation into whiskey. (16) Subscriptions for the poor at home and in Boston. (1 7) The supervision of elections of members in subdistricts and for members of the Provincial Congress and the Legislature. (18) The maintenance of law and order. (19) The establishment of night watches. (20) The management of Indian affairs and relations. A large part of the time of the committee was taken up, as might be expected, with the tories, prisoners, deserters, murders, passes, rangers, protection of the loyal, robberies, plunder, sequestration of tory property and treason, all very similar in character to the work carried on by the commissioners for detecting conspiracies. The patience exhibited in this work is at times surprising and if cruel treatment in the prisons is sometimes alleged, it must be attributed to lack of facilities rather than to intent. Most interesting is the study of the internal organization of the committee and of its relations to its secret and subcommittees, the Provincial Congress, the Legislature, the local committees in New York State and in other states, particularly Massachusetts. Even after central committees of the Provincial Congress and the State Legislature had been selected to handle the disaffected, the Albany Committee continued to do its work. When it dissolved or had its closing meeting we have no exact date. The last meeting recorded in the minutes is that of June 10, 1778, but the minutes are obviously incomplete. The Minutes of the Commissioners for Conspiracies, I:394, under date of July 28, 1779, show that the Albany Committee was still having sessions and the Minutes of the Schenectady District Committee (p. 128) refer to a meeting of the Albany Committee to be held on August 24, 1779. From all indications the committee was doing business with full vigor several times a week. For the period between June 10, 1778, and August 24, 1779, (with the strong probability that the committee continued its activities much later) the minutes, if kept, as they probably were, are not known to be in existence. The failure to find any references to the committee subsequent to the year 1779, however, INTRODUCTION vii would seem to indicate that it had gone out of existence, but of this we cannot be certain. Some collateral material throwing light on the activities of the committee may be found printed in the Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774 -1782; the Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety and Council of Safety of the State of New York, 1775 -1778; the Calendar of Historical Manuscripts relating to the War of the Revolution; the Public Papers of George Clinton; Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, vol. 15 (State Archives, vol. 1); New York in the Revolution as Colony and State; Minutes of the Commissioners for Conspiracies; Force's Archives. Of collateral manuscript material, of which there must have been much at one time in the way of letters sent and received, vouchers and other documents mentioned in the minutes, very little remains. The Papers of the Continental Congress at Washington afford some, as do the fragmentary Assembly Papers at Albany. JAMES SULLIVAN State Historian THE MANUSCRIPT The minutes of the Albany Committee are bound in two volumes. Two methods of numbering were used. From 1 to 341 the numeration is consecutive; 342 is blank; and from 343 to the end the numbering is by leaves instead of pages, the last leaf in the second volume bearing the number 794. John N. Bleecker was elected clerk of the committee at its first meeting January 24, 1775. On May 25, he was appointed by the Provincial Congress a member of a commission to remove cannon and stores from Ticonderoga to the south end of Lake George; and a few days later he was charged with certain commissary duties by the committee.2 On May 28, Leonard Gansevoort, the treasurer, became assistant clerk, and on the following day Matthew Visscher and John Cluet were authorized to transcribe the rough minutes and other papers.3 In the minutes of July 22, John Bay appears as secretary, evidently acting pro tempore, a function which the correspondence of the Provincial Congress shows him to have sometimes exercised. The proceedings of October 26 contain mention of Matthew Visscher as clerk to the board, a position which he had filled for more than two months at least.4 From that time he was regularly the secretary. The minutes are not entirely in Visscher's hand, other writing appearing in places. The variations in handwriting occur mostly in the uncopied minutes, which are no small part of the first volume and are found in the second. The drafts incorporated with the transcripts show erasures and corrections and bear marks of hurried work. The minutes of some sessions are evidently lacking and they are interrupted at April 16, 1 778. On June 10th the committee convened again and named a committee to audit its accounts. The folios on which the proceedings are inscribed are of different sizes, and the paper is of several stocks, both Dutch and English. The watermark which distinguishes much of it has the " Pro Patria" impress and two figures, a woman holding a staff surmounted by a liberty hat, and the Dutch lion rampant in a stockade. Another device represents a figure within a circle, 1 May 29, 1775; also Journals of the Continental Congress, 2:56, and Journals of the Provincial Congress, 1:12. 2 May 31, 1775. 3 On a fly leaf of the first of the manuscript volumes is written in the hand of Matthew Visscher: "Minutes of the Proceedings of the Committee for the City and County of Albany begun 24th January - - 1775." 4 See Journals of the Provincial Congress, 1:116, proceedings of August 23, 1775. ix x THE MANUSCRIPT holding a scepter in one hand and a spear in the other. A shield is at the right side, and above the circle is a crown. The letters, G. R. under a crown are found on some sheets. Others show the capital letters, L. V. G. One design carries the words, " Work & Be Rich." There are other watermarks. A few leaves are torn, a considerable number faded but still legible. After the dissolution of the committee, the manuscript remained in the hands of the clerk, Matthew Visscher, and was in the care of his family until acquired by the State. In the annual report of the trustees of the State Library, transmitted to the Senate January 16, 1847 (Senate document 21, 1847), page 3, is this statement: "The trustees have purchased from the descendants of the late Matthew Visscher, the manuscript proceedings of the Albany Committee of Safety and Correspondence during the early years of the Revolution, (1775-78) and also the proceedings of a committee appointed by the Legislature during that period, to inquire into the cases of disaffected persons."' On page 87 is this account under January 7, 1846: "By cash paid Misses Visscher, for three 2 folio Ms. volumes of Minutes of Committees of Correspondence and Safety, New York and Albany, during the Revolution, $25." The manuscript has been edited strictly "as is." At certain places where it has been deemed necessary to make corrections or supply words or letters omitted they have been enclosed in brackets [ ]. Exception is made naturally where the brackets are used around numbers to indicate the numbers of the pages. The verso of each folio after page 342 is indicated by the folio number followed by letter a. Material which has been crossed out in the manuscript has been indicated by italics surrounded by brackets and usually though not always footnoted with a reference to the fact that it has been crossed out in the manuscript or text. 1 The proceedings of the legislative committee were lost in the Capitol fire of 1911. Professor Osgood has an item about them in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1900, 11:96. 2 The third volume contained the proceedings of one of the committees of the Legislature, created to deal with disaffected persons referred to in note 1. L PAGE I OF THE MANUSCRIPT GIVING TIlE OATI OF SECRECY OATH OF SECRECY Wee the Subscribers do swear on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that we will not devulge or make known to any Person or Persons whomsoever (except to a Member or Members of this Board) the Name of any Member of this Committee giving his Vote upon any Controverted matter which may be debated or determined in Committee, or the arguments used by such Person or Persons upon such Controverted Subject, and all other such matters as shall be given hereafter in Charge by the Chairman of this Committee to the Members to be kept secret under the sanction of this Oath, until discharged therefrom by this Committee or a Majority of the subscribers or the Survivors of them, or unless when called upon as a Witness in a Court of Justice [Signed] Albany in Committee 27th Jany: 1777 -Peter Ryckman Stephen Lush Isaac Ds. Fonda James Magee Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten Gerrit Lansing Jur Jacob Cuyler John M: Beeckman Henry I. Bogart Jer V Rensselaer R. V. Rensselaer Leond. Gansevoort John N. Bleecker Jacob Roseboom Jr Henry Quackenboss Peter Brat Philip v vechten Bastejaen T Vischer Isaac Fonda John Fort John Barclay Abm. 'Ten Broeck Myndt Roseboom John Ten Broeck John Price Henry Wendell Jno~ Jac: Beeckman Ab Ten Eyck Hlar — Wendell Mat: Visscher Abm. Yates Junr Jacob Lansing Junr Phi. P. Schuyler Walter Livingston Meyndt. S Ten Eyck Necoles Veder John Taylor Heskiah Midelbrook John Vann Orden Edward Jewett Volkert Veeder Adam Vroman G V Bomel Wmn Thorn 2 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albartus Van Loon John Van Loon Jost borst Reynier Van Aalsteyn Daniel Winnie Anthony Van Schaick Flores Bancker K V: Rensselaer Lewis V antwerp Friderich Beringer Samll1 Ten Broeck John younglove Corneles groot W B Whiting Gosen A Van Schaick John Beebe John H Beeckman Abraham D Fonda David Sternberger Johanes Becker Jnr Philip Smith John D. Fonda Barent Mynderse George Palmer Abrm. Oot'hout Philip Rockefeller Gadus duet Johanats Ball Calvin Sk[i]nner Stephen J Schuyler Teuis Ts. Van Vechten John Tayler Harmen Fort James Denison Daniel Hull Rutger Lansingh Philip Connyne Nathanael Ford Micbhal Oberacker Reitgert Bronck Lawrence Hogeboom George White Jabez Hubbell Charles Moore Asa Douglass Thos Sweetman Samuel McCrea Myndt M Wemple Arent N. Van Detten Peter Bronck Phillip Bronck Jonas vroman Jasber wenne Hezekiah Van Orden Wouter N groesbeck John Ten Broeck Isaac Goes John Bay John Abbot Jehiel Beardsley Ebenezar Allen Laurance Fonda Henry van Driessen Heze: Baldwin Robert Yates John Roseboom Job Wright michel van der cook William Patrick Friederick Marden Endorsed: Oath 1 This document is an insert of two leaves at the beginning of the manuscript vol. 1. It was presented to the New York State Library, on April 14, 1893, by Philip Ten Eyck M D., a grandson of Matthew Visscher. GENERAL ASSOCIATION A General Association agreed to and subscribed by the Members of the several Committees of the City and County of Albany PERSU[A] DED that the salvation of the Rights and Liberties of America depends under God on the firm Union of it's Inhabitants, in a Vigorous prosecution of the Measures necessary for it's Safety; and convinced of the necessity of preventing the Anarchy and Confusion, which attend a Dissolution of the Powers of Government WE the Freemen, Freeholders and Inhabitants of the City and County of Albany being greatly Alarmed at the avowed Design of the Ministry, to raise a Revenue in American; and shocked by the bloody Scene now acting in the Massachusetts Bay Do in the most Solemn Manner resolve never to become Slaves; and do associate under all the Ties of Religion, Honour, and Love to our Country, to adopt and endeavour to carry into Execution whatever Measures may be recommended by the Continental Congress, or resolved upon Iby our Provincial Convention for the purpose of preserving our Constitution, and opposing the Execution of the several Arbitrary and oppressive Acts of the British Parliament untill a Reconciliation between Great Britain and America on Constitutional Principles (which we most ardently desire) can be obtained; And that we will in all things follow the Advice of our General Committee respecting the purposes aforesaid, the preservation of Peace and good Order and,the safety of Individuals and private Property John Barclay Chairman Jo Young Walter Livingston Richard Esselstyn John Bay Othniel Gardner James Magee Baret Dyne Tynans Collins Abrm Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Robert Mc:Clallen Gisbert Marselis Henry Wendell Phi. P Schuyler Corns Van Santvoordt George White Rr. Bleecker John McClung Henry Bleecker 1 Provisions for signing this General Association were made by the committee at its night session of February 17, 1776. 3 4 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Gershom Woodworth Bastejaen T Vischer Flores Bancker John Knickerbacker Junr Barent Vanderepoll William Vanbergen John Abbott Jacobus Williamson Saml. Van Vechten Peiter Becker Ebenezar Allen Simeon Covell Asa Flint James Parrot his Henry X L. Leake mark Andries Witbeck Mat: Visscher Saml: Stringer Gerrit Lansing Jur John Ten Broeck Robert Yates Henry I Bogart John Van Loon Ab Ten Eyck Henry Van Veghten John H Ten Eyck Jacob Bleecker Junr Jno J: Beeckman Hars Wendell Matthew Adgate Abm: Yats Junr John Tayler Rutger Lansingh Henry Quackenboss John M: Beeckman John D Fonda John Van Rensselaer Jur John Price Anthony Van Schaick Dirck Ten Broeck Reitgert Bronck Friderich Beringer Reynier Van Aalsteyn Philip van veghten Joshua Losee Anthony Van Bergen Albartus Van Loon Myndt Roseboom An Association agreed to and subscribed by the Members of the several Committees of the City & County of Albany We the Subscribers Inhabitants of the County of Albany and Colony of New York do voluntarily and solemnly engage under all the Ties held sacred amongst mankind at the risk of our Lives and Fortunes to defend by Arms the united American Colonies against the Hostile attempts of the British Fleets and Armies untill the present unhappy Controversy between the two Countries shall be setteled. L PAGE 9 OF TI:E MAN'U SCRIPT (;IVING TIE MIN UTES OF TIE FIRST MEETING IN TIIE HANDWRITING OF MATTHEW VISSCHER PROCEEDINGS [9]1 Albany 24th January 1775. At a meeting of the Committee of Correspondence held at the City of Albany, at the House of Richard Cartwright Inholder. Members Present. Henry I. Bogert for the 1st Ward. John N. Bleecker I for the second Rutger Bleecker Ward. Abraham Yates Jur, for the 3rd. Ward. John Knickerbacker for Schagtekoeke John De Wandelaer J District Corns. Tymese, for Half Moon &c. Adam Vrooman [ for Schohary & Dr. Daniel Budd. f Duanesborough Francis Nicoll for the Killiaen Van Manor of Rensselaer Rensselaerwyck First. Resolved. That this Committee proceed to the Election of a Chairman, Upon which Abraham Yates Junr. was Unanimously Elected. Secondly. Resolved, that a Clerk to this Committee be appointed Upon which John N. Bleecker was unanimously Elected. Thirdly. Resolved. That this Committee approve of the Resolves, of the former Committee of Correspondence (to wit) their Resolves which have been Printed of the 23rd. November and 10th. December 1774. Fourthly. Resolved. That a Sub-.Committee be appointed, upon which the Members for the City of Albany, together with Robert Hoakesly and Henry Quackenbush, two of the Members for the Manor of Rensselaerwyck; were Unanimously chosen, to receive and open all Letters, directed to this Committee, and to answer the same, 1 In the original manuscript pp. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are entirely blank and pp. 3 to 6 contain the " General Association" with signatures, which is printed in the preceding pages. 5 6 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE and that they acquaint the Members of the several Districts, with the Contents thereof and the Answers thereto; and that they are 'hereby farther impowered to Transact the Ordinary Business of this Committee. Fifthly. Resolved. That Circular Letters be wrote to the Supervisors of the 'several Districts who have not attended at this Meeting by their Members [10] requesting them to Re-elect Members for a Committee of Correspondence, agreeable to a resolve of the late Committee, and that the said Supervisors be requested to signify their reasons for the Non Compliance of their Districts. Sir. Albany 24th Jany. 1775. At a meeting of the new Committee of Correspondence, agreeable to the resolution of the former. This Committee after having appointed a Chairman, Clerk, and a Sub-Committee to manage the ordinary Business, ordered that Letters be wrote to the Supervisors of the Districts that did not Associate at this meeting, to desire them, if no Committee be appointed, to Urge the District thereto, and should a Committee be already appointed, that then the Supervisor will be good enough to send this Letter to them, but in either Case an answer is desired directed to the Chairman. I am Sir Your Most Humble Servt. Abm Yates Jur Chairman By order of the Committee of Correspondence John N. Bleecker, Clerk PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1775 7 Albany 1st March 1775. At a Meeting of the Sub-Committee of Correspondence, held at the House of the Widow Vernor Members Present. Jacob C. Ten Eyck for the first Ward Henry I. Bogert. of said City. John N. Bleecker for the second Rutger Bleecker D~. Abm. Yates Junr. for the third David Edger D~. Killiaen Vn. Rensselaer r M Henry Quackenbush Rensseaerck Robert Hoakesly n laer A Letter being produced by the Chairman from Collo-s. Schuyler, Ten Broeck and Livingston Members of the General Assembly, recommending the Committee of Correspondence to appoint Delegates for [11] the intended Congress to be held at Philadelphia, which Letter being taken into Consideration, It was unanimously Resolved, that Letters be wrote to the Committees of the different Districts of this County requiring their meeting at the House of Richard Cartwright the 21st day of this Month at two O Clock in the afternoon, with full Power to appoint Delegates. Gent. Albany 1st March 1775. At a meeting of the Sub-Committee, in Consequence of a Letter received from our Representatives, acquainting us, that the House are not likely to appoint Delegates for the Province, so that it will require to appoint Delegates to meet the Congress at Philadelphia by the 10th of May next. You are therefore desired to attend at the House of Richard Cartwright the 21st day of this Month at two O Clock in the afternoon, and that you previous thereto take the Sense of your District in respect to the appointment of Delegates. We are Gent. Your Most Huml servants By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Junr Chairman 8 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved. That the following Letter be wrote to Col.os Schuyler, Ten Broeck and Livingston, to wit, Gent. Albany 1st March 1775. We received your Letter of the 25th February inclosing three Sheets of the Journals of the House of Assembly, and it is with surprise and great Concern, we find that your laudable Attempts have proved fruitless, we as a Sub-Committee have agreeable to your recommendations requested the Committees of the several Districts of our County to take the sense of their Constituents relative [12] to the appointment of Delegates for the intended Congress, and to meet us on the 21 t Instant, when we will take this serious matter into farther Consideration We are Gent. Your Most Humble Servts. By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Albany 21St March 1775. At a meeting of the Committee of Correspondence for the City and County of Albany, held at the House of Richard Cartwright, Inholder in said City. Members Present. Jacob C. Ten Eyck for the first Henry I. Bogert Ward. John N. Bleecker, } for the second. Abraham Yates Junr. r^. > r- i rIfor the third. David Edgar... f Killiaen V" Rensselaer for two Henry Quackenbush Districts Manor Rens. Walter Livingston. Manor Livingn. John De Wandelaer l Schaghtekocke John Knickerbacker District Peter Van Ness. Claverack District. Daniel Budd District of Schoharry & Peter Zielen j Duanesborough Isaac Fonda, Nistegaone & Half Moon John Tayler Saraghtoga PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1775 9 First. Secondly. Thirdly. [13] Fourthly. Fifthly. Sixthly. The Chairman put the Question whether the Members were fully authorised by their Constituents to Elect Delegates or Deputies, to meet the Deputies from the other Counties it appeared, that they were, unanimously impowered to appoint either A Motion was made by Walter Livingston Esqr whether Deputies shall be appointed to represent the City and County of Albany, to meet the 20th day of April next at the City of New York, with the Deputies from the different Counties, to Elect Delegates, out of their Body to meet the Continental Congress to be held at Philadelphia the 1Oth day of May next. Resolved. Unanimously that Deputies be appointed accordingly to represent this County, Mr. Henry Bogert on Consideration of said Motion Dissented, he being for appointing Delegates for the City and County to meet the intended Congress at Philadelphia. Resolved. by a Majority that five Persons be appointed to meet the intended Provincial Congress. Resolved. Unanimously that Abraham Yates Junr. Walter Livingston Esq.rs Col. Schuyler, Col. Ten Broeck and Col. Peter Livingston, are appointed Deputies, to represent the City and County of Albany, at the intended Provincial Congress, to be held at the City of New York the 20th day of April next, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to represent this Colony, at the next Congress to be held at Philadelphia the 10th day of May next. Sixthly. Resolved. That the Donations for the Poor at the Town of Boston, be sent there as soon as Conveniently may be. Ordered that the Subscriptions be Collected, and the Store Keepers render an Account and deliver such Donations into the Hands of Jacob C. Ten Eyck, Jacob Lansingh and Henry Quackenbush, and that they Buy Wheat for the Money, and send the same in proper Time, to the Relief of the said Poor at Boston, and that the said Donations be delivered, at the places appointed in the respective Districts, on or about the 1st day of May next. 10 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Seventhly. Resolved. That two hundred Copies of the following Advertisement be Printed, and that the same be sent to the Committees of Correspondence in the different Districts of this County, to be by them Stuck up at the most publick Places in said Districts (to wit) Whereas subscriptions have been made to raise a Donation throughout the different Districts in the County of Albany for the Relief of the suffering Poor in the Town of Boston some of which Donations have not been delivered into their respective Store Houses, Therefore [14] we earnestly request, that those who have Subscribed, and have not sent their Donations would send send them in by the first day of May next, and farther we recommend to the Committees of each District, that they may use their Influence for the more speedy, collection thereof and those who have not subscribed, and are inclined to Contribute to the Relief of the above Poor, their Donations will be gratefully received By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Eightly. Resolved. That the Chairman of the Committee Sign the said Advertisements. Ninthly. Resolved. That the Sub-Committee appointed by the fourth Resolve of 24th January last be and are now again unanimously appointed to Transact the Business set forth in said resolve Tenthly. Resolved. That the Clerk sign a Copy of the Resolve which appoints Abraham Yates Junr Walter Livingston Esqrs. Col. Schuyler Col. Ten Broeck, and Col. Peter R. Livingston Deputies to represent the City and County of Albany, and also that he signs the following Instructions to the said Deputies, to wit. Gent. In consequence of advices from New York intimating that the Committee of Correspondence for that City and County have adopted the mode of appointing Delegates by the different Counties, to represent the Province, in provin PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1775 11 cial Congress to be held at New York the 20th of April next. We the Committee of Correspondence for the City and County of Albany approve of the above mentioned Plan, and being highly Sensible of your Zeal Fidelity and Virtue as [15] well as Abilities to serve your Disstressed Country, we have appointed you Gent. Viz. Col. Schuyler, Col. Abraham Ten Broeck, Col~o Peter R. Livingston, Abraham Yates Junr and Walter Livingston Esqrs' to represent the City and County of Albany in said Provincial Congress, Vesting in you full Power and Authority to chuse out of your Body, such and as many Members as to you shall seem proper, to represent us at the General Congress to be held at Philadelphia the 10th of May next. And as many Subjects may present themselves to your View when Assembled in Provincial Congress, which we at present cannot forsee, and of Course cannot instruct you in 'tis the Sense of this Body, that you Act in such Cases, as your Prudence and Wisdom shall direct. By order of the Committee John N. Bleecker Clerk. Albany 12th April 1775. At a meeting of the Sub-Committee of Correspondence held at the City of Albany at the House of John (5) Lansingh Inholder Members Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Henry I. Bogert. Henry Quackenbush. Rutger Bleecker John N. Bleecker. A Letter being produced by the Chairman dated at Stockbridge the 28th March 1775. and signed by Thomas Williams, Timothy Edwards, and William King, a supposed Sub-Committee of Correspondence for the County of Berkshire in the Province of Massachusets Bay, which letter being taken into Consideration, it was resolved that the same be answered. 12 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Gent. Albany 12th April 1775. We received your favour of the 28 Ult. Yesterday, when a Meeting of the Sub-Committee [16] of Correspondence for the City and County of Albany was convened. and your Letter being read it was resolved, that the same be immediately answered. It is with reluctance that we are under the necessity to inform you, that there is but too much reason to think, that the Report which prevails among you, respecting the Conduct of the Inhabitants of Kinderhook and Kings District is founded on truth, the Sentiments of the Latter will appear from the Copy of the Letter enclosed from their Supervisor, and in respect to the former, we find that you are more fully Possessed of their Resolutions and proceedings than what we are, as we have not received any other Letter from that District except the one Dated Kinderhook the 6th February 1775, the Contents of which we find you are already possessed of. We are still willing to hope that their Conduct rather proceeded from wrong Representations and apprehensions, Propagated and instilled by those (as you justly suggest) who are disaffected to the Rights and Liberties of America, than to an unfriendly disposition to the Common Cause, a Cause of greater Consequence, than they now are aware of; however their Measures will not impede or obstruct us in firmly adhering to the Association of the Congress, as the only sure Guide to the Salvation of our Priviledges. We are Gent. Your Most Humble Servants By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Junr Chairman To Thomas Williams Timothy Edwards and William King at Stockbridge PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1775 13 [17] Albany 26th April 1775. At a meeting of the Sub-Committee of Correspondence for the City and County of Albany, held at the House of John 5 Lansing Inholder Members Present. Henry Bogert Henry Quackenbush Robert Hoakesly John N. Bleecker David Edgar A Letter being produced dated Pittsfield 25th April 1775. Signed by Thomas Allen, James Easton and John Brown, a supposed Committee of Correspondence for the township of Pittsfield which Letter is directed To the Committee of Correspondence, or Select Men of the City of Albany, and the same being taken into Consideration, it was resolved that it be answered in the following manner, Viz. Gent. Albany 26th April 1775. We received your Letter of the 25th Instant and the same being taken into Consideration by a few Members, of the Sub-Committee of Correspondence, it was resolved that it be answered. We are extremely sorry to find that the Kings Troops have commenced Hostilities against your Province, we as a Sub-Committee being not full, cannot take upon us to answer that part of your Letter requesting assistance, being a matter of the greatest importance, which matter to be left to a future day when the Sense of the County can be taken, and as to your fears of the Inhabitants of Kinderhook taking up arms against you, we look upon as entirely Groundless. We are Gent. Your Most Humble Servants By order of the Committee John N. Bleecker Resolved that John N. Bleecker sign the foregoing Letter. 14 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [ 18] Albany 29th April 1775. At a meeting of the Sub-Committee of Correspondence held at the House of John 5 Lansingh Inholder. Members Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Col. Pihilip Schuyler Henry Bogert. Henry Quackenbush John N. Bleecker Col. Abm Ten Broeck as a Spectator First. Resolved. That Circular Letters be wrote to the Committees of Correspondence of the Districts in this County who met here the 21st March last, in the following manner Vizt. Gent. Albany 29th April 1775. The engagement that has lately happend. in the Massachusetts Bay, between the Regular Forces, and the Inhabitants of that Colony, in which our Accounts say the latter had the advantage This event has brought matters to such a Crisis, which together with a Letter we have received from the Massachusetts Bay, makes it absolutely necessary that there should be a meeting of the Committee of this County previous to which we think it highly necessary that a Committee of Safety, Protection & Correspondence should be appointed, agreeable to the inclosed advertisement, and if you or any other Gentlemen should be appointed in Consequence thereof we most earnestly intreat you, that you or them will not fail of attending at the House of Richard Cartwright on Wednessday the 10th day of May next, we suggest to you that as District meetings are to be held on Tuesday next, and that you should receive this Letter in time, that you ought then to take the Sense of the People. We are Gent Your Most Humble Servtts By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman [19] Secondly. Resolved. That the following Circular Letter be wrote to the Districts in this County who did not meet here 21st March last Vizt. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1775 15 Sir Albany 29th April 1775. The late troubles in the Massachusetts Bay, renders a meeting of the Committee of Correspondence necessary, which is appointed to be held at the House of Richard Cartwright on Wednessday the 10th day of May next, and as your District have not lately associated by Committees we conceive this Step necessary, that should your District persist in not sending Committees, they shall for the future give you no further trouble, The inclosed advertisement will inform you, of what otherwise would be necessary to ad, and therefore we now Conclude, Sir Your Most Humble Servants By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Jun Chairman N B. Copies of this Letter were sent and directed to the several Supervisors of those Districts who did not Associate by Committees. Thirdly. Resolved. That one hundred Copies of the following Advertisement be Printed and that they be inclosed, in the foregoing Letters all which Letters and Advertisements to be Signed by the Chairman. Albany 29th April 1775. Advertisement. Whereas the unfortunate event which has lately happened in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay makes it highly necessary that Persons should be appointed to watch over and attend, to the Safety of the good People of this County And whereas the Committee of Correspondence do not conceive themselves fully invested with the Power to do every matter which in this Critical Hour may become [201 necessary; the Inhabitants of the Districts in this County are therefore requested, either to appoint such Gentlemen as are already of the Committee of Correspondence or such others in whom they can place the fullest Confidence, to be a Committee of Safety Protection and Correspondence, with full Powers to Transact all such matters as they shall conceive may tend to the welfare of the American Cause for which purpose they are requested to meet at the House of [ blank ] on the [ blank ] day of May next. By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Jun, Chairman 16 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Fourthly. Resolved. That the Clerk employ persons to write Copies of the foregoing Letters, and that he be refunded the expence of the same, as well as the Printing the said Advertisements, and that he bring in his Account (of those several Disbursements which he has from time to time made) at the next meeting of the General Committee - Albany 1st May 1775. At a meeting of the Sub-Committee of Correspondence held at the House of John 5 Lansing Inholder. Members Present. Abraham Yates Jun Chairman. Col. Philip Schuyler Henry Bogert. John Tayler John N. Bleecker Killiaen V.n. Rensselaer David Edgar. First. Resolved. That the following Advertisement be published through the Town. Whereas the various accounts that have been received of the extraordinary Commotions both in the Province of Massachusetts Bay and at New York, makes it indispensibly necessary that the Sense of the Citizens should be taken on the line of Conduct they propose to hold in this Critical Juncture every Person therefore is most earnestly intreated to attend at the market house in the third Ward at four O [21] Clock this afternoon to give his Sentiments, It is expected that no Person whatever able to attend will be absent, Secondly. Resolved. That the Chairman Sign the several Papers relative to this Days Transaction Thirdly. Resolved. That the following proposals be read to the Citizens, at their intended meeting this afternoon Are you willing to Co-operate with our Brethren in New York, and the several Colonies on the Continent, in their opposition to the Ministerial Plan now prosecuting against us Are you willing to appoint Persons to be (Conjointly with others to be appointed by the several Districts in this County) a Committee of Safety, Protection and Correspondence with full Powers to Transact PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 17 all such matters as they shall conceive may tend to the Weal of the American Cause. If Yea. Who are the Persons you chuse to appoint. After the several Questions had been seperately proposed to the People Assembled the following Persons were appointed to be a Committee of Safety, Protection and Correspondence Vizt For the first Ward Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bogert. Peter Silvester Henry Wendell Volkert P. Douw. John Bay Gysbert Marselis Second Ward. John R. Bleecker Jacob Lansing Junr Jacob Cuyler Henry Bleecker Robert Yates Stephen DeLancey Abraham Cuyler Third Ward. John H. Ten Eyck Abraham Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Anthony E. Bratt. Samuel Stringer Abraham Yates Junr. Corns. Vn Santvoordt. [22] Albany 1st May 1775. At a meeting of the Committee of Safety, protection & Correspondence for the City of Albany (this day chosen) and now convened at the House of Richard Cartwright. For the first Ward. Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bogert Peter Silvester Henry Wendell Volkart P Douw John Bay Gysbert Marselis Present. Second Ward. Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob Cuyler Henry Bleecker Stephen De Lancey Abraham Cuyler chosen for second Ward. John R Bleecker & Third Ward. John H Ten Eyck Abraham Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansing Junr. Anthony E Bratt Samuel Stringer Abraham Yates Junr. Corns. Van Santvoordt Robert Yates but absent. Resolved. that Abraham Yates be and he is appointed Chairman of this Committee. 18 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that Peter Silvester be and he is hereby appointed Secretary of this Committee. Resolved. that John Ostrander be appointed to summon and attend this Committee and be paid for the same Resolved. that each Member be fined the Sum of Two Shillings for non attendance at every future meeting unless such absent Member gives satisfactory reasons for his Non attendance. Resolved. that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Correspondence at Boston by Capt'n Barent Ten Eyck. Gentlemen. While we lament the mournful Event which has caused the Blood of our Brethren in the Massachusetts Bay to flow, we feel that satisfaction which every honest American must experience at the Glorious stand you have made, we have an additional satisfaction from the consequences which we trust will [blank] in uniting every American in Sentiments and Bonds, which we hope will be indissoluable by our Enemies - This afternoon the Inhabitants of this [City]1 convened and unanimously renewed their former Agreement that they would Co-opperate with our Brethren in New York and in the several Colonies on the Continent in their opposition to the Ministerial Plan now prosecuting against us [23] and also unanimously appointed a Committee of Safety Protection and Correspondence, with full Power to transact all such matters as they shall conceive may tend to promote the Weal of the American Cause - We have the fullest Confidence that every District in this extensive County will follow our Example, On the twenty second Instant a Provincial Congress will meet when we have not the least doubt but such effectual Aids will be afforded you, as will teach Tyrants and their Minions that as we were born free, we will live and die so, and transmit that inestimable Blessing to Posterity, be assured Gentlemen that nothing on our Parts shall be wanting to evince that we are deeply impressed with a Sense of the necessity of Unanimity, and that we mean to Co-opperate with you in this arduous struggle for Liberty to the utmost of our Power, The Bearer Captn Barent Ten Eyck who is expressly sent, has our Orders to shew this to the several Committees in his way to the Town, in which the Enemy is encamped which occasions it being unsealed. permit us to entreat you to favour us with as circumstantial an Account of the late engagement as your Time will allow, and to beg you to give such directions as that we 1This word has been supplied in the manuscript by a later hand. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 19 may be favoured with the intelligence of every important Event as soon as possible - We are Gentlemen with the warmest Wishes and most fervent Prayers for your Success, safety and the success of the Common Cause Your Most Humble Servts. By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Albany 1 t. May 1775. To the Committee of Correspondence of such Town in the Massachusetts Bay in which the Provincial Army is encamped. Paid Luke Cashady 3/ for beating the Drum to notify the People Paid John Ostrander 3/ for going about & ringing the Bell [24] At a meeting of the Committee of the City at the House of the Widow Vernor on the 2nd May 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Volkert P. Douw. Corns. Van Santvoordt Jacob Cuyler John Bay Gysbert Marselis Henry Bleecker John H. Ten Eyck Peter Silvester Abraham Cuyler Henry Wendell Samuel Stringer Colo. Ten Broeck Jacob Lansing Junr Anthony E Bratt Jacob C. Ten Eyck Stephen De Lancey the following is a list of the Committee of Rensselaerwyck brought & delivered in by Colo~ Ten Broeck Vizt i& those only marked with a Cross or thus X were present at this meeting John Van Rensselaer X Killiaen Vn Rensselaer X Francis Nicoll Jochim Staats X Stephen J. Schuyler Gerrit C. Van Bergen Anthony Van Schaick Volkert Veeder Teunis Slingerlandt X John H. Beeckman X Jacob C Schermerhorn Frederick Berger 20 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE X Henry Quackenbush X Peter Schuyler X Jacob Ja. Lansing X Henry Oothoudt X Lucas Van Veghten X Coenraedt Ten Eyck X Bastiaen T Visscher Jacob F Lansing Abraham J. Lansing Joseph Anderson Resolved. that the proposal made to us by Jeremiah Hasely Esqr- and Capt. Stevens is of such a Nature that we being only a Committee for the City of Albany and the Manor of Rensselaer (the Committees from the other Districts in this extensive County not being present) cannot give any decisive Opinion upon it more especially as those Gentlemen have not produced any Powers from our Brethren in the Colony of Connecticut from whence they say they are sent. That we think it indispensibly necessary every Circumstance considered to transmit the Proposal to New York, That in every operation which promisses to promote the Weal of the Common Cause, we will most chearfully Co-operate with our Brethren in the other Colonies and give them such supplies of Provision as we can untill we receive the Directions of our Provincial Congress to do that or any other Matter in a Provincial Way Ordered that the above Gentlemen be furnished with a Copy of this Resolution, which was done accordingly. Ordered that a Letter be sent to the Committee of New York respecting the Proposal made and our answer thereto, requesting their Sentiments this Letter is as follows. Vizt. Gentlemen. [251 Albany Committee Chamber 3rd. May 1775 -Yesterday two Persons from New England in the Character of Gentlemen appeared before us, and declared that they came immediately from the Boston encampment and were sent in Consequence of a Resolution of their Provincial Council founded on information that the Garrison at Ticonderoga was furnished with several Peices of Brass Cannon or Ordnance and many fine Stand of Arms, a Quantity of Gun Powder and other Military Stores - They say that of the Council that gave them the orders and directions was composed Messrs. Hancock, Adams, Paine and others, That their Instructions were in writing but they have distroyed them for fear of Discovery, and upon Suspicions that we might be unfriendly to their Project, That they contained directions to surprise and take the said Fortress, and Warlike Stores, and if it was Tenable to hold the same in their Possession untill PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 21 further orders, as it was a Post of Great Importance at this Critical Conjuncture and by which probably the Kings Troops expected from Canada, would pass and render more formidable than at present it is That they were to apply to us for our Countenance and small assistance with a supply of Flour in the execution of the proposed Plan, intimating however at the same time their determination in attempting this enterprise should we discourage it; The inclosed is a Copy of our Answer upon the Subject, You will please to give us your Sentiments thereon and Opinion respecting the Line of Conduct for the future on that Point- We received yesterday your letter of the twenty eighth Ultimo the Business of which we shall attend to but at this alarming Crisis we wish you had and that you will from time to time furnish us with every Account and particular Intelligence respecting the Actions Movements Dispositions and Designs of the Contending Parties in the Grand Contest and the Conduct you mean to pursue that we may Co-operate therein if we approve [26] thereof- From the many Applications that have been and are daily made from the Eastward We are very scant of Powder &c. in this City & County, the whole Country in these Parts but illy provided with Arms and Warlike Stores especially the Poorer Sort, and the City is in a very Defenceless situation, not a Peice of Artillery in it please to let us know your thoughts in relation to any future applications whether the People are to be supplyed and how and upon what Credit, if you have all any and which of the aforesaid Articles to spare as it is probable we may have occasion for them at this Time of General Commotion. By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman N B. The Committee have injoined each other in Secresy with respect to the Which Letter was drawn Copyed Design of the New England and signed by the Chairman People taking the Fort &c.- nd delivered to Captn Peter and we expect and recom- Douw. mend each of you to do the same We this Day received a Letter dated the twenty eight April from the Chairman of the Committee of New York which is in the Words following Viz. 22 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Gentlemen The distressed and alarming situation of our Country occasioned by the sanguinary Measures adopted by the British Ministry (to enforce which the sword has been actually drawn against our Brethren in the Massachusets) threatning to involve this Continent in all the Horrors of a Civil War obliges us to call for the united Aid and Council of the Colony at this Dangerous Crisis, Most of the Deputies who composed the late Provincial Congress' held in this City were only vested with Powers to choose Delegates to represent the Province at the next Continental Congress, and the Convention having executed that Trust dissolved themselves, It is therefore thought advisable by this Committee [27] that a Provincial Congress be immediately summoned to deliberate upon, and from Time to Time to direct such Measures as may be expedient for our Common Safety. We persuade ourselves that no Arguments can now be wanting to evince the necessity of a perfect Union; and we know of no Method in which the United Sense of the People of the Province can be collected, but the one now proposed, We therefore entreat your County heartily to unite in the Choice of proper Persons to represent them at a Provincial Congress to be held in this City on the twenty second day of May next, Twenty Deputies are proposed, for this City, and in order to give the greater Weight and influence to the Councils of the Congress, we could wish the Number of Deputies from the Counties may be Considerable We can assure you that the appointment of a Provincial Congress approved of by the Inhabitants of this City in General is the most proper and salutary Measure that can be adopted in the present melancholy State of this Continent and we shall be happy to find that our Brethren in the different Counties concur with us in Opinion. By order of the Committee Isaac Low Chairman 1 Provincial Convention, which met in New York City April 20 and adjourned April 22. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 23 At a Committee held for the City on Wednesday the 3rd May 1775. at the Common Council Room in the City Hall Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Gerrit Lansing Junr Jacob Cuyler Henry Bogert Gysbert Marselis Corns. Van Santvoordt John H Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler Jacob Lansing Junr Doctr Stringer Henry Bleecker Jacob C. Ten Eyck John R Bleecker Henry Wendell John Bay Peter Silvester Ordered that Doctr. Stringer Mr. De Lancey and Silvester [281 be a Committee to wait on Colo. Guy Johnson to know the Truth of the Report prevailing about the Disposition of the Indians being unfriendly to the Colonies relative to the Present Commotions.Then the Committee adjourned untill 3 0 Clock this afternoon. Met according to adjournment Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Henry Bogert. Volkert P. Douw Corns. Van Santvoordt Jacob Cuyler1 John R Bleecker Doctr. Stringer John Bay Jacob Lansingh Junr. Chairman Henry Bleecker Henry Wendell Peter Silvester Jacob Cuyler1 Stephen De Lancey Gysbert Marselis John H Ten Eyck Cole. Ten Broeck Jacob C. Ten Eyck. Resolved. That Messrs Jacob Cuyler and Henry Wendell be appointed as a Committee to wait on the Mayor, to call a Common Council, to inform 1 This name is duplicated in the original manuscript. 24 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE them, that it is the Sentiments of this Committee that there should be a Burgers Watch kept in this City, during the Alarms and Commotions now prevailing, desiring the Concurrence of that Board therein, and that they will confer with the CommitteeCommittee upon the Regulations proper for the Government of the proposed Watch. The Gentlemen appointed as a Committee to wait on Collo. Johnson Report that they have waited on him at his Lodging, and he assures them on his Honor, that there is no Grounds for the Reports that he knows of, and should have been glad, to have been informed of the Author of such Reports propogated by Malicious Persons from Sinister Motives as he supposes but says that he has it from good Authority that the Canadians were to come down upon the back of the Colonies and which he beleives to be true [29] Resolved. That Messrs Abraham Cuyler and Hendrick Wendell be a Committee to apply to Mr Dirck Ten Broeck for two hundred Stand of small Arms of the Parcel he is Possessed of, and when they are procured to put such of them as require it in proper Hands to be prepared and made fit for immediate Service From the present state and Turbulance of the County from the Alarm arisen by Suspicion of the Negroes - From the information of Col~ Johnson respecting the Canadians and on Account of the great uneasiness of the Inhabitants, on these Occasions We conceive it prudent and adviseable to have a Strict and Strong Watch well Armed and under proper Discipline, and the Corporation declining to undertake the same, which we had recommended to them as the Committee appointed to wait on the Mayor Report; Therefore for the peace, good order, Safety and Protection of this City, ordered that Copy's of the following Advertisement be fixed up, in the proper Places in the different WardsNotice is hereby given to the Inhabitants of the City of Albany, that it is the Opinion of their Committee that they Assemble and meet together in the different Wards of this City, at the usual Places of Election to Morrow at One O Clock in the afternoon to form themselves into Companies from the Age of Sixteen to Sixty each Company to consist of a Captain Two Lieutenants, one Ensign, four Serjeants, four Corporals one Drum and fifty one Privates. By order of the Committee Dated 3rd. May 1775. Abraham Yates Chairman Adjourned untill to Morrow at 3 of the Clock PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 25 [30] At a meeting of the Committee 4th May 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Junr. John1 Bleecker Jacob Lansingh Junr. Volkert P. Douw. Stephen De Lancey Gysbert Marselis Henry Bogert Peter Silvester Henry Wendell Chairman Jacob Cuyler Henry Bleecker Jacob C. Ten Eyck Doctr. Stringer Corns. Van Santvoordt John H Ten Eyck John R Bleecker This Committee being determined to Act as near to the Law as may be, and being told that the Verbal Answer they received from the Members of the Corporation, not being sufficient to compose a Body, thought proper to make another application to them respecting the aforesaid Proposal for regulating a Watch that we might have an answer from them in form and in their Political Capacity and thereupon they gave in the following answer to wit [Blank space in manuscript.] Upon which we sent the same Committee to know whether they had any objections, they said as a Body they could give us no answer, but as Individuals they had none, The following is the return of the Officers chosen this Day by the People in Consequence of our Advertisement, (to wit) [31] For the first Ward. First Company. John Barclay Captn John Price Leuts. Stephen Van Schaack Abraham J Yates Ensign Second Company John Williams CaptnHenry Staats Liut Barent Van Aelen J Henry Hogan, Ensign Third Company Thos. Barret CaptnAbm. Eights A Mat. Visscher Leuts John Hoogkerk Ensign 1 Duplicate. 26 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE For the third Ward. Captains Lieutenants John Beeckman Isaac De Freest Harmanis Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck William Hun Peter Gansevoort Jur Ensigns. Cornelius Wendell Teunis T. Van Veghten. For the second Ward. [Blank space in manuscript.] At a meeting of the Committee at the City Hall of the City of Albany 5th May 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jacob C. Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Jacob Lansing Junr. John Bay John R Bleecker Henry Bogert John H Ten Eyck Doctr. Stringer Henry Bleecker Gysbert Marselis Abraham Cuyler Corns. Van Santvoordt Henry Wendell Peter Silvester We received a Letter from Noah Phelps, Barent Romans, Edward Mull, Elisha Phelps, William Nichols, John Bogelon, Josiah Stoddard, and Thomas Allen dated the 4th May at Barrington, and delivered by Barent Roman - Upon the subject of which and the request of said Barent Roman verbally made to us This Committee came to the following resolution. Viz. That the Committee of this City of Albany decline taking any steps whatever untill we have the Opinion of the Committee of the City of New York, to whom we have wrote and whose answer we expect in a few Days, Which Resolution was committed to Mr. Roman this Day by Messrs. Stringer and Silvester - PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 27 [32] Committee Chamber 10th May 1775. City Hall of the City of Albany. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jacob C Ten Eyck Gysbert Marselis Collo- Ten Broeck Corns. Van Santvoordt Anthony E Bratt. John H. Ten Eyck Volkert P. Douw Abraham Cuyler Henry Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John R. Bleecker John Bay Jacob Cuyler Hendrick Bogert Robert Yates. Peter Silvester Henry Wendell Doctr. Stringer For the District John Van Orden )Return madeby John B. Dumond of Grote Imboght David Abeel Sinkaick and Hosick District Daniel B. Bratt John Wood. Fenner Palmer Return by John Van Rensselaer For Bennington District Simon Hatheway Ebenezer Wood. Nathan Clark j Elijah Dewy Nathan Brush Moses Robinson Benjamin Wemple Samuel Robinson Return by Messrs. Clark and Dewy For the Thos. Morrison Edward Rigg For the Corpo n of Joseph Well James Ashton Corporation of JohnBlair Cambridge John Blair Joseph Youngloe JouCambridgePhineas Whitesi / John Younglove Phmneas Whitesi Manor of Livingston Peter R. Livingston Walter Livingston Henry Beekman Livingston Samuel Ten Broeck Dirck Jansen Return by Thos. Morrison, Moderatr re Edmund Wells ide Clerk. Return by Peter R. j Livingston Esqr. J Schagtekoeke I Carol H. Toll John W Groesbeeck Verbal Return John Js. Bleecker Harme Quackenbush V l i Ignas Kipp Michael Cook Ignas VI e pp n Justice Bleecker j Dirck Van Veghten Benjamin Hicks 28 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Kings District. German Camp Nathaniel Culver,Asa Douglass. Matthew Edgate Esqr. } John Kortz Junr. Philip Rockefeller Verbal Return by Justice Edgate Verbal Return by Collo. Ten Broeck Verbal Return by Mr. Covill. Cambridge District } Jeremiah Clarke John Millinton Simeon Covill [33] Districts Cocksakie and Katskill Schoharry and Duanesborough Members Hendk. Vn.. Bergen Philip Conine James Barker Peter Vrooman Jacob Zimmer Daniel Budd Mathias Van Lone Henry Oothout Peter W. Zielen Thos. Ackerson Johannis Ball Richard Esselstyn Stephen Hogeboom Henry Van Schaack Peter Vossburgh by whom retdVerbal Return by Mr. Van Bergen Verbal Return by P. Vrooman Verbal Return by Coll Robert Van Rensselaer Verbal Return by H. Van Schaack Peter Van Ness Claverack Robt. Van Rensselaer Peter Cantine Kinderhook Peter S. Van Aelstyn Matthew Goes Junr Manor of Rensselaerwyck Jno. Van Rensselaer Killiaen Vn Rensselaer Francis Nicoll Jochim Staats Stephen J. Schuyler Gerrit C.Vn. Dn Bergh Henry Quackenbush Jacob Ja Lansingh Lucas Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Abm J Lansingh Anthony Vn. Schaick Volkert Veeder Teunis Slingerlandt John H Beeckman Jacob C Schermerhorn Frederick Berger Peter Schuyler Henry Oothoudt Coenraedt Ten Eyck Jacob F. Lansingh Joseph Anderson Returned before by Col Ten Broeck PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 29 Districts Members Collo Schuyler John Mc.Crea Saratoga Peter Lansingh Corns. Van Veghten Hars' Schuyler Rynier Mynderse Henry Glen Schonectady Chrisr Yates James Wilson John Roseboom Dirck Swart John Tayler Daniel Dickinson John Fish Corns. Van Den Bergh Hars Wendell Abraham Oothoudt Hugh Mitchell Corns. Cuyler Jacobus Teller by whom retdWritten Return 15th June, additional Members. Abraham Yates was chosen by ballot Chairman Peter Silvester Secretary & Clerk. Ordered that the Deputies be chosen and appointed out of the Body of the Committee, and then adjourned untill three 0 Clock this Afternoon Committee met accordg. to adjournit Wilhels. Vn. Antwerp P r V Peter Vn. Vranken Rutger Lansingh Guert Vn. Schoonhoven Comrn. Tymese Isaac Fonda Ezekiel Tayler Isaac F'ondla Half Moon Return for Half Moon [34] It was ordered by the Committee that the Choice for Deputies to meet in General Congress at New York the 22nd Instant be determined by Ballot. And the following Persons were chosen and appointed Vizt. Abraham Yates Volkert P. Douw Peter Silvester Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler Walter Livingston Dirck Swart. Robert Van Rensselaer Francis Nicoll Henry Glen Abraham Ten Broeck Resolved. Unanimously, That this Committee will recommend the Signing, the Association in the several Districts, and throughout the County. Resolved. That the Committees of the different Districts in this County recommend it to the People to form themselves or be formed into Companies, properly equipped and disciplined with all dispatch and do also recommend that they make Report of the State &c of each Company to the Chairman of the Committee for the Time being. 30 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered. That the Committees of the City of Albany and those of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as far as the Manor House, and Colo~ Van Rensselaer and such of the Committees as may be in Town and chuse to attend shall be a Sub Committee and that the Majority of such of them, as shall meet, shall be fully authorised, and are hereby appointed to proceed and do the ordinary Business that may come before them, of which they may think proper to enter upon and DetermineThen Adjourned untill to Morrow Morning at eight OClock May 11th 1775. Met according to adjournment. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Collo. Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John R. Bleecker Peter Silvester Jacob Cuyler John Bay Gysbert Marselis Killiaen Van Rensselaer [35] Hendrick Bogert. Jochim Staats Jacob Lansingh Junr. Gerrit C. Van Den Bergh John Van Orden Henry Quackenbush David Abeel Jacob Ja Lansingh Daniel B. Bratt. Bastiaen T. Visscher John Wood Peter Vrooman Fenner Palmer John H. Beeckman Nathan Clarke Jacob C. Schermerhorn Elijah Dewy Frederick Berger John Younglove Henry Oothout James Ashton Jacob Lansingh Henry Beekman Livingston Joseph Anderson Samuel Ten Broeck Cornelius Van Veghten Carol H: Toll Harmanus Schuyler John Js. Bleecker Dirck Swart Nathaniel Culver John Tayler Asa Douglass Daniel Dickinson Matthew Edgate Cornelius Van Den Bergh John Kortz Junr. Henry Glen Philip Rockefeller James Wilson Jeremiah Clarke John Roseboom PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 31 John Millington Simeon Covell Hendrick Van Bergen James Barker Jacob Zimmer Peter Cantine Robert Yates Corns. Van Santvoordt Harmanus Wendell Abraham Oothoudt Hugh Mitchell WilhelK. Van Antwerp Guert Van Schoonhoven Peter Van Vranken Ezekiel Tayler A Letter was delivered in by Messrs Edgate and Douglass directed to them as Committee Men dated the eighth of May &c. requiring the supplys therein mentioned, which Letter is on file, for the use of the People gone against Ticonderoga and they requesting our Answer that they might communicate the same to their Constituents and the Question being put whether we would comply with the Contents of the Letter, and it was carried in the Negative, among others for the following Reasons, that it is a matter in our Opinion of the highest Moment, and a Provincial Concern, also because we have wrote the Committee of New York, on the like Subject, whose [36] Answer, we have not yet received, but daily expect and the Provincial Congress is to set the 22nd. Instant, for which reasons we now decline. Resolved. That the Sub-Committees collect the Donations for the Poor of Boston, and inform themselves of the best manner to convey it to them, and send it accordingly with all dispatch At a meeting the 12th May 1775 at the City Hall Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Volkert P. Douw. John H Ten Eyck Robert Yates Abraham Cuyler John Bay Peter Silvester Jacob Lansing John R Bleecker Col~. Ten Broeck Doctr. Stringer Jacob Cuyler Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Lucas Van Veghten We received a Letter Signed Ethan Allen by the Hands of Mr. Brown 1 acquainting us of the taking Ticonderoga, upon which we wrote a Letter to the Committee of New York by Captn. Barent Ten Eyck express and each of us paid him a Dollar a peice for going -The Draft of Letter is on fyle 1 Mr. John Brown. 32 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met the 13th May 1775. And having this day received Letters of the 5th & 11 th Instant from the Committee of New York which are on the fyle, we sent for Mr. Brown who was still in Town and gave him the following in answer to Allen's Letter & his own application thereon Viz Sir. We have now received an Answer from our Brethren at New York, who agree with us to use their own Words, that the Powers invested in them and us, are too limitted to permit either Body to take an Active step in the Matters proposed, before we have the Opinion of the Provincial or Continental Congress. Resolved. That Samuel Stringer be appointed Chairman in the place of Abraham Yates who is appointed one of the Deputies to meet in Provincial Congress at New York. Resolved That John Bay be appointed Secretary and Clerk in the place of Peter Silvester who is also appointed one of the Deputies &c. [37] Committee Chamber, Albany 18th May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro: Tem: Abraham Yates Jacob C Ten Eyck Peter Silvester John R Bleecker Robert Yates Jacob Lansing Junr. Jacob Cuyler Abraham Cuyler Cornelius Vn. Santvoordt John Bay Henry Bleecker John H. Ten Eyck. Resolved 1st. That any Person in this City or County, who has Arms, Ammunition, or other Articles necessary for our Defence, to dispose of; or shall import any of those Articles for Sale, and shall not within ten Days after the publication of these Resolutions, or in ten days after the Importation of such Arms, Ammunition &c. aforesaid inform the Chairman, or deputy Chairman of this Committee, of the Quantity and Quality of the same; he shall be held up to the Publick as an Enemy to this Country. Resolved 2nd. That any person in this City, or County who shall, during the unhappy Contest with our Parent State, dispose of any Arms Ammunition, PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 33 or other Articles aforesaid to any Person, knowing or having reason to believe such Person to be inimical to the Liberties of America; or shall put those Articles in the Hands of any Such Person, or any other Person knowing, or having reason to believe that they are to be Used against those Liberties; he shall be held up as an Enemy to this Country: Which being Unanimously agreed to. Ordered that the same be published in Hand Bills [38] Committee Chamber Albany 22nd May 1 775. Present Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro. Tempore. Jacob Lansing Junr. Hendrick Bogert Abraham Cuyler Cornelius Van Santvoordt Gysbert Marselis John H Roseboom Henry Bleecker Lucas Van Veghten John H. Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher John R. Bleecker Henry Quackenbush Anthony E. Bratt Mr. John H. Roseboom delivered a Speech from an Indian commonly called little Abram, a Chief of the Mohawks in their behalf, which is in the following Words to wit. Brothers. Our present situation is very disagreeable and alarming, what we never expected, therefore desire to know what is designed by the Reports that are spread amongst us, We hear that Companies and Troops are coming from one Quarter to another to Molest us, particularly that a large Body are -ouerly expected from New England to apprehend and take away by Violence our Superintendant and extinguish our Council Fire, for what reasons we know not. Brothers. We desire you would inform us if you know of any such design on Foot either by the New England People or in your Vicinity, and not deceive us in this matter for the consequences will be important and extensive Brothers. We shall support and defend our Superintendant and not see our Council Fire extinguished, We have no inclination or purpose of interfering in the dispute between Old England and Boston, the white People may settle their own Quarrels between themselves we shall never meddle in those Matters, or be the aggressors, if we are let alone, we have for a long time lived 2 34 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE in great Peace with one another and we wish ever to continue so, But should our Superintendant be taken from us, we dread the Consequences, the whole Confederacy would resent it, and all their Allies, and as reports now are, we should not know where to find our [39] Enemies; the innocent might fall with the Guilty: We are so desirous of maintaining Peace, that we are unwilling the Six Nations, shou'd know the bad Reports spread amongst us & threats given out. Brothers. We desire you will satisfy us as to your knowledge of the foundation of those Reports, and what your News are, and not deceive us in a matter of so much Importance Abraham Chief. Interpreted by Samuel Kirkland MissY. May 20dt 1775 S. Kirkland MissY. Resolved That a Committee be appointed to draw up an answer to said Speech, and that Messrs. John H Ten Eyck, John R. Bleecker and Henry Bleecker be a Committee for that purpose A Letter was read from the Committee of Schonectady dated 19th May 1775. Signed Chrisr- Yates Chairman proposing a Sub-Committee to be appointed from this Board to join a Sub-Committee of theirs to go into the County of Tryon for purposes therein mentioned. Resolved in the Negative. It was moved that one of this Body be appointed to go with one or more Members of the Committee of Schonectady as a Sub Committee, with the Answer that shall be drawn up to the Indians, which was resolved in the Affirmative. Debates arising upon the Resolution of the Committee Adjournd. untill to morrow Morning at 8 OClock. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 35 Met according to Adjournt. 23rd May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman pro. Temp. John R Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Lucas Van Veghten Jacob J Lansingh Jacob Lansingh Abraham Cuyler Henry Quackenbush John Bay Corns. Vn Santvoordt Stephen J. Schuyler John H Ten Eyck Peter Schuyler Henry Bleecker Anthony E Bratt Gysbert Marselis Jacob C: Ten Eyck Henry I. Bogert Daniel Budd [40] An Answer to the Speech of Little Abraham an Indian Chief, was brought in by Messrs. John H. Ten Eyck, John R. Bleecker and Henry Bleecker a Committee appointed for that purpose, which being read and unanimously agreed to, and is in these Words to wit. [Blank space in manuscript.] Resolved that Messrs. Peter P. Schuyler and Gysbert Marselis be a Com mittee to go to the above mentioned Indian Abram with the Answer, and that they take a proper Person with them to interpret the same. Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Collo. Guy Johnson concerning the Rumours, about the unfriendly dispositions of the Indians, and other disturbances in Tryon County. Adjourned 'till two OClock in the afternoon. [41] Met according to Adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman John R. Bleecker John H. Ten Eyck Lucas Van Veghten John H Beeckman Henry Bogert Jacob C. Ten Eyck Corns. Van Santvoordt Henry Bleecker Henry Quackenbush Pro. Temp. Stephen J. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Ja. Lansingh Jacob Lansingh Junr. Daniel Bud Gysbert Marselis Peter Schuyler John Bay 36 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Letter to Collo. Guy Johnson according to the foregoing resolution being read, it was approved of and is in the following Words to wit. "Committee Chamber Albany 23rd May 1775. Sir Several Letters from you have been handed to us, addressed to the Magistrates, Committee of Schonectady, and the Mayor and Corporation of Albany, some of which you requested to be communicated to us whereby we (with great concern) observe you are much alarmed with apprehensions of evil intentions against your Family and self in particular from a Body of New Englanders, or People from these Parts, so as to put you under the necessity of fortifying yourself for Safety, From what Causes those terrible Ideas have sprung, we are entirely Ignorant, if any real ones, you must be better acquainted with them than we are however we do assure you that the first and last knowledge of such designs have come to us from you, and of course must have originated somewhere near you -We are not Ignorant of the Importance of your Office as Superintendant, and have been perfectly easy with respect to any Suspicions of the Indians taking a part in the present dispute between Great Britain and her Colonies, knowing them to be a People of too much Sagacity to engage with the whole Continent in a Controversy that they can profit nothing by, and which would throw [42] them into endless Wars and Misery. As long as they are peaceable, they need not be under apprehensions of Hostilities commencing against them -We have been some time ago informed that there was to be a Congress at your House of the Indians* and hope such Methods may be taken then as will give them a Just sense of the nature of the present disturbances, and that they may govern themselves by such a line of Conduct as will appease the Minds of such Persons in your County, as may be uneasy on their Account -The information we have from time to time received very lately from Travellors passing by your House, have given us some pain, as we find the Communication betwixt this and your County in a manner Stoppd insomuch that no person is permitted to pass without undergoing a strict examination. These Proceedings will if not speedily stopped, raise the resentment of the People we fear, and cause them to undertake such Acts as will not be in the Power of any Authority to restrain, We would therefore be glad and permit us to recommend it seriously to your attention, that you wou'd leave the Communication free, disperse your Guards and not interfere with the meetings of the People intended solely to concert Measures for the preservation of their Liberties in Conjunction with the other Counties of this and the rest of his Majisties Colonies. Resolved That the foregoing Letter be forwarded immediately to Collo. Guy Johnson. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 37 A Letter was read from the Committee of Palatine District in the County of Tryon dated 21stMay 1775. Resolved that the said Letter be immediately answered, which was done in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen. Committee Chamber Albany 23rd. May 1775 Gentlemen. We received yours of the 21st Instant and can assure you that we Simpathise with you in your distressed and distracted situation but [43] at the same time must rejoice to find you so Warmly ingaged amidst the opposition you meet with in the Grand Plan of Operation generally nay almost universally adopted through the Colonies for the Preservation of our Liberty and security of our Property Inclosed you have a Copy of a Letter we have sent to Colo. Guy Johnson -We have sent also a Committee to join a Committee from Schonectady to wait upon him and to know the Reasons of his Military preparations, and the source from whence those apprehensions he has from an Assault from the New England People arose, also an answer to the Speech of an Indian Chief (Copy of which you have inclosed) and an Interpreter to Translate it for them, and to make the Indians sensible of the Nature of the dispute between the Mother Country and the Colonies. You complain of a Scarcity of Ammunition amongst you, we are very sorry tho' there was a free Communication between you and us, we have it not in our Power at present to afford you any Assistance in that Particular, as the New England People have carri'd off almost every Pound of Powder that can be spared, though we understand that the Committee of Schonectady have some, But be assured that we will afford you every Assistance that is in our Power to give, and shall rejoice to walk Hand in Hand with you, in every thing that shall tend to your particular advantage in so critical a situation and to promote the good of the General Cause which thousands of our Neighbouring Brethren are strenously supporting at the expence of their lives and estates-We cannot at present advise you to force a direct Communication between you and us as it may be attended with bad Consequences and perhaps it may be effected without such a risk as you must run in the attempt we have heard several weeks ago that Col~. Johnson had appointed last Winter, to have a general Congress with the Indians this Spring. We have wrote a Letter to the Revd. Samuel Kirkland [44] Missionary among the Oneyda Indians to use his influence with them to maintain Peace and Harmony with the white People. 38 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber Albany 25th May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Cornelius Van Santvoordt 1/ John R Bleecker Lucas Van Veghten Gerrit C. Van Den Bergh Bastiaen T. Visscher 4/9 Henry Quackenbush 1/ Henry I. Bogert pro: Temp. 4/ Jacob Ja Lansingh /9 Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Bleecker Jacob C. Ten Eyck John H Ten Eyck Anthony E. Bratt /6 John Bay 4/6 A Letter of the 18th May 1775 from the Continental Congress, together with their Resolutions concerning the expedition against Ticonderoga being read, and is in the following Words to wit, Gentlemen. Philadelphia 18th May 1775. Your Letter inclosing the Intelligence of the taking Possession of the Post of Ticonderoga has been laid before the Congress, and inclosed you have their Resolutions upon this Important event. We take the Liberty of suggesting to you that besides a number of Men Competent for the purpose recommended by the Congress it will be necessary that a Suitable Quantity of Provisions be immediately sent thither from Albany and also a number of Carpenters to construct a few Scows to be imployd. on Lake George in transporting the Cannon & Stores Pitch Oakum, Nails, Ropes Gins & Carriages (to convey the Cannon across the carrying Place) will be absolutely requisite, Care also ought to be taken to supply the Men who may be imployed in this Service with Ammunition, as the Quantity found at Ticonderoga is inconsiderable and not fit for use We are with great Respect Gentn. Wm. Floyd. To the Committee for the City & County of Albany 1 Journals of the Continental Congress, 2:55-56. Your Most Obt. Servts. Francis Lewis JaS. Duane Geo: Clinton Lewis Morris John Alsop Ph: Schuyler PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 39 [45] Also a Letter of the 20th May Instant from the Committee of New York, recommending supplies to be sent to Ticonderoga being read, which is as follows to wit. Gentlemen. New York 20th May 1775. You have inclosed the Resolution of the Continental Congress, directing your Conduct and ours relative to the securing the Stores and Ordinance at Ticonderoga, and our Delegates Letter on the Subject. We immediately purchased one hundred Barrels of Pork, which you have by this Conveyance for the support of the People employed at that Post, and we think it necessary that you should employ some fit Person as a Commissary of Stores to take the Charge of such Articles as shall be supplied for the Service, As the Provincial Congress is to meet on Monday next, we think it expedient to wait their further direction and Assistance in this matter But we have in the mean time appointed a Sub-Committee to make an Estimate of all the Articles we can furnish, Ammunition Men and Arms you cannot expect from us, but every other Article shall procure and expedite to you without delay except Flour Bread & Pease which we expect you will procure - We are Gent. Your Humble Servts. By order of the Committee Committee of Albany. Henry Remsen Dep Chairman Resolved. That circular Letters be sent immediately, by expresses to the Committees of the different Districts in this County requesting them to join the Sub-Committee of the City and County of Albany, on Saturday the 27th Instant. This Committee having taken into Consideration the great inconveniences that arise from a Scarcity of Members occasioned by the number of Deputies being sent to the Provincial Congress. Resolved That it be this day recommended to the [46] different Wards in this City, to choose two additional Members for each respective Ward, to join this Board. Resolved. That Mr. Henry I. Bogert be appointed to go to the Fort of Ticonderoga and take an Inventory of the Cannon Stores &c. at that place, in Conjunction with the Officer commanding at that post, and also to make an estimate of such Men, Boats Ginns, Carriages &c. that may be necessary for transporting said Cannon & Stores, to the South End of Lake George, and that said Inventories be signed by both the Commanding Officer and Mr. Bogert. Adjourned to two OClock, in the Afternoon. 40 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Lucas Van Veghten Garret C Van Den Bergh Henry Quackenbush John Bay Bastiaen T. Visscher Cornelius Van Santvoordt Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Jacob Ja Lansingh John N. Bleecker Henry I. Bogert Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Anthony E, Bratt John Ten Broeck Jacob Lansing Junr. Leonard Gansevoort John H. Ten Eyck Goose Van Schaick Killiaen Van Rensselaer Peter W: Yates The following is the return of the additional Members chosen for the City of Albany to be added to the Committee For the first Ward Peter W. Yates Goose Van Schaick ir For the second Ward ) Jeremiah Van Rensselaer l John N. Bleecker I For the third Ward John Ten Broeck J Leonard Gansevoort The Canada Mail being intercepted and delivered to John Ten Broeck Esqr. with orders to lay before the Committee for their inspection, which was accordingly done. Resolved That Messrs. Peter W. Yates and Leonard Gansevoort be a Committee to examine the Letters which were already opened, and sent to this Board for their Inspection, and Report to the Committee what Letters in said Mail respected the publick Agreeable to a recommendation from the Continental Congress - It is resolved that a sufficient Body of Forces be raised and enlisted under the Command of such [47] officers as shall be approved of by this Board and that they with all possible dispatch proceed to Ticonderoga Adjournd. untill 8 OClock to Morrow Morning. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 41 Met according to adjournt 26th May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro. Temp. 8/ John Ten Broeck 8/ John N. Bleecker 8/ Bastiaen T. Visscher 8/ Peer W. Yates 8/ Jeremiah Vn Rensselaer 8/ Goose Van Schaick 8/ Daniel Budd Leonard Gansevoort 8/ Henry Quackenbush 8/ Abraham Cuyler Henry Bleecker 8/ Jacob Lansing Junr 8/ Lucas Van Veghten 8/ John Bay 8/ Corns- Van Santvoordt Jacob C. Ten Eyck John H Ten Eyck 8/ Henry I Bogert 8/ Stephen De Lancey Frederick Berger As there is a Number of Provincial Arms at Mr. Dirck Ten Broecks which are much wanted through the different parts of this County. Resolved. That Messrs. Leonard Gansevoort and Abraham Cuyler be a Committee to wait on Mr. Ten Broeck and examine the Quantity and Quality of those Arms The scarcity of Powder renders it necessary to take all possible care of what is in this City, and it being Reported that there is some damnified Powder in the City Magazine. Resolved. That Mr. Henry I Bogert go to the Magazine and examine the Powder. Mr. Bogert according to the aforesaid appointment Reports that there is about 250 ls- of the damnified Powder and that he thinks, it is spoiled. Messrs Leonard Gansevoort and Abraham Cuyler return and Report, That the Guns are in very bad repair That the most of them want Repair, and that Mr- Ten Broeck says there is about four hundred and fifty including those that he gave the Independant Company of the City of Albany. Resolved That a Letter be immediately sent to the [48] Captain of the Association Company of the City of Albany, requesting him to March immediately with his Company to Ticonderoga, which Letter is in the following Words to wit, 42 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Gent. 26th May 1775. Nothing gave this Committee and we presume the People in General whom we represent, greater satisfaction than to see you voluntarily Place and Form yourselves into a Company, at a T ime when the public in general do so much stand in need of Persons of Resolution and Courage to stand forth in defence of the Invaded Rights and Properties of their fellow Countrymen- We hope the other Inhabitants of this City and of the County of Albany in general will follow your glorious example. There is now an absolute necessity for a sufficient Body of Forces to go up without delay to Ticonderoga &c to assist our People in keeping those Posts to prevent our Enemies from Quebec advancing into the interior Parts of this and the New England Colonies We hope therefore Gent. and doubt not in the least but that you will be ready immediately to advance up to Ticonderoga, to answer those laudable purposes as your County so loudly calls for your immediate Services, We shall however expect your Answer to this as soon as possible Messrs. Peter W Yates and Leonard Gansevoort the Committee appointed to examine the Letters that were found open in the Canada Mail made the following extracts to wit. Extract of a Letter dated Montreal 1st May 1775. from Lieutt. George Cupbaidge of the 26th Regiment to Mrs. Cupbaidge at Bellville in Ireland. " I am apt to think our Regiment will be sent very soon to serve against the rebellious New Englanders Extract of a Letter from Randle Merridith dated Montreal 2nd May 1775 to Mr John Rowe Mercht. in Boston. " I am sorry to find the Government intend to put their detestable Measures into Execution, God only knows the Event, I feel for your situation but yet have some faint hopes a Plan of Reconciliation [49] may be adopted before Blood is spilt. The English in this Country are in a deplorable situation, being deprived of all their Liberties and Priviledges, and are afraid to speak or Act relative to public affairs, Our Brethren below must Pity us, and our only hopes are that if Providence ordain that they succeed in their just Demands they will then exert themselves to obtain a Redress for us, Our wills being good but dare not act, being few in Number and our little Attempts have been treated with disdain by the Tools of Power at home. " In an Anonymous Letter to Mr. Gomers at Boston dated Caldwell Place 26th April 1775 There is a Passage that the Governors Commission was read on Monday he has Power to raise a Canadian Regiment and send it where he pleases. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 43 Extract of a Letter dated Quebec April 27th. 1775. from John Mc.Cord to Lieut. James Pattigrew of the 10th Regiment. " We are impatient for the pacquet there is rumors here of bad News, have heavy Fears for our Friends at Boston on both sides the Question - I pray God to grant Peace on almost any Terms the Blood of British Subjects is very precious would gladly hope a method will still be found out to prevent the spilling of any Mr. John Visscher offered to raise a Company and John Tillman and Joseph Fitch were recommended for his Lieutenants who were approved of by this Board. Resolved That he raise a Company of one hundred Men with all possible dispatch, and march as soon as possible to Ticonderoga. Resolved That Leonard Gansevoort Esqr. be appointed Treasurer for this Board. Two Pounds ten Shillings was paid Captn' John Visscher by the Members of this board as P Rect. Resolved That Peter W. Yates be appointed to draw [50] up a Letter to the Continental and Provincial Congresses. Resolved. That a Commissary of Stores be appointed, who was accordingly ballotted for, and a Majority of Votes was in favour of Mr. Cornelius Van Santvoordt who was approved of by the Board. Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer received ~3..10 Adjournd. untill two OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. 26th May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro: Temp. Jacob Lansingh Junr. John H Ten Eyck John R Bleecker Leonard Gansevoort Gosen Van Schaick Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Lucas Van Veghten Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Henry I Bogert John N. Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Jacob C. Ten Eyck Frederick Berger Gysbert Marselis John Bay Resolved. That twenty Barrels of Pork be immediately sent to Fort George,1 to be delivered to Capto. John Stevens to be forwarded to Ticonderoga, if thought necessary. 1 At the southern end of Lake George. 44 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from the Committee of New York dated 24th Instant with an Invoice of the following Articles inclosed (to wit) 1 Cask small Deck Nails E W L 1 D~- 6 Inch spikes E W L N~o 101 in which is also 20 flI - 2/d Nails 3 D.-20d D~. 3 D- 12d D 3 D-1OdD. 3 D 6 D. 1 Cask 6 Inch Spikes E W L N~o 55. 1 Do~ large Deck Nails C 4 # B No~ 7 1 Pitch Pot: 1 Pitch Ladle 2 Spades. 4 Ring Bolts 2 long Iron Bolts 1 Whip Saw, 1. X Cut Saw' 1 Dozen Gimblets files &cResolved That Corns. Van Santvoordt take the Care of the above Articles and that they be transported to Fort George with all convenient speed. [51 Resolved That Henry I Bogert proceed to Fort George to Supervise the Buildings Scows &c. and take charge of all Provisions and Stores as shall be sent from this Place thither, and pass Receipts for the same, keep regular Entries thereof and that he makes a Return as soon as possible of the Stores, Ordinance and Provisions at the Posts from Fort George to Crown Point. 1st. Resolved. That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Physicians and others of this City and County who are in the practise of Innoculation for the small Pox be requested immediately to disist from Innoculation in this City and County for the future, untill the Sense of this Committee be signified to ithe Contrary. 2nd Resolved. That Copies of the Association be lodged at the following Places in the respective Wards of this City, to wit at the House of Gysbert Marselis in the first Ward. at the House of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer in the second Ward and at the House of Leonard Gansevoort in the third Ward, To the intent that all such Persons, who have not yet subscribed the Association may with greater Convenience do it, and it is hereby recommended to them to make their Subscriptions by the first Day of June next after which Time returns are to be made to the Committee of all such as decline it and a PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 45 similar Mode is recommended to the Committees of the different Districts in the County. And that these Resolutions be printed and published in Hand Bills and be dispersed through the different Parts of this City and County. Adjourned untill 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met according to adjournment 27th May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Bastiaen T. Visscher John H Ten Eyck John Tayler Asa Douglass Cornelius Van Veghten Henry Bleecker Hendrick Oothoudt Henry Quackenbush Harmanus Wendell Frederick Berger Gosen Van Schaick Gysbert Marselis Daniel Dickinson Stephen J. Schuyler s Isaac Fonda. Peter W Yates [52] Jochim Staats Lucas Van Veghten Dirck Van Veghten Leonard Gansevoort Peter Van Vranken Harmanus H Wendell Jacob J. Lansing Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansing Junr. Cornelius Van Den Bergh James Barker Abraham Cuyler Cornelius Tymese John Bay Matthew Adgate John H Beeckman John Ten Broeck Killiaen Van Renssleaer Guert Van Schoonhoven Henry Van Schaack Ignas Kip Peter S. Van Aelstyn Wilhels. Van Antwerp Matthew Goes Junr. John R Bleecker Peter Van Ness Henry Bleecker Gerrit C. Van Den Bergh Peter Vossburgh Resolved That Letters be sent to Claverack and Kings District inclosing a Resolve for enlisting Men, and requesting such of the Militia Officers as are willing to March to Ticonderoga, to Compleat their Companies, and March wvih the greatest dispatch Resolved That Peter W Yates, Peter Van Ness, John N. Bleecker and Matthew Adgate be a Committee to draw up a Letter [to] those Districts. 46 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved. That Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gosen Van Schaick, and Henry Wendell be a Committee to wait upon Mr' Dirck Ten Broeck, to receive the Provincial Arms in his Possession, and to inspect them and make a Return to this Board what Number is out of Repair. Adjourned untill two OClock P. M. Met according to adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. John Ten Broeck Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Ignas Kip Isaac Fonda John R Bleecker Matthew Adgate Jacob Lansingh Junr. Cornelius Tymese John N. Bleecker Harmanus Wendell Frederick Berger Lucas Van Veghten Dirck Van Veghten Richard Esselstyn Guert Van Schoonhoven Anthony E Bratt John Ball Henry Oothoudt [53] Jacob J Lansingh Cornelius Van Den Bergh Peter Van Ness Henry Van Schaack Stephen J. Schuyler Matthew Goes Junr. John H. Beeckman John H. Ten Eyck Corns- Van Veghten James Barker Killiaen Vn- Rensselaer Peter W. Yates Jochim Staats Gysbert Marselis Henry Van Bergen Henry Beeckman Livingston Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort John Bay John Tayler Peter Van Ness Samuel Ten Broeck The Question being put whether Col~o Portor1 should be admitted to be present and hear the Debates of this Board but that he withdraw when ever the Board thinks it necessary, Resolved in the Affirmative Messrs Peter W. Yates, Peter Van Ness, John N. Bleecker and Matthew Adgate, agreeable to a resolution of this Board brought in a Letter to Kings and Claverack Districts, together with a Resolution of the Sub Committee 1 Probably Elisha Porter. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 47 of Albany, being read were approved of and are in the following Words. to wit, Gent. Albany 27h May 1775. We have received a Resolution from the Continental Congress now sitting at Philadelphia dated 18th Instant wherein they advise us immediately to raise, and send up a sufficient Number of Forces to Ticonderoga in order to prevent the Canadian Troops from retaking that Place &c. We have for this purpose entered into a Resolution for raising Men in this County in order to go up with all possible dispatch of which we enclose you a Copy, and as we are informed that several Persons in your Parts are hearty in the Cause and some already inlisted and stand ready on any necessY Emergency to embark in Defence of the Liberties of their Country. We deemed it expedient to write to you on this Subject, as we understand you have sufficient Influence to raise two or three Companies to go up towards Ticonderoga without any Delay, No Time is now to be lost every Hours [54] delay is big with Danger as the Canadians are soon expected down to retake Ticonderoga, We hope you will within two or three Days be in Albany, bring along with you all the Arms and Ammunition you have as they are very Scarce here, and such of your Men as have no Guns and Ammunition will be supplied here -We are now busy raising two Companies here to go along with you on the like expedition The Committee were this Day informed that some Men were raised in your Neighbourhood to go to other Parts instead of going up to the Northward where their Aid and Assistance is at present so much wanted as the maintaining the Posts above are of the highest Importance and the Continental Congress requires this County to raise Forces immediately to reinforce our People at Ticonderoga. We hope that you will not suffer but discourage any People of your Neighbourhood to March a different Way, when their Country so loudly calls for their immediate Services to the Northward. Albany Committee Chamber 25th May 1775. Whereas it is undoubtedly the avowed design of the British Ministry to bring the Colonies by force & Arms to subject themselves to the late Cruel and oppressive Acts of Parliament, and it is apprehended that the British Troops in the Province of Quebec will without delay be made use of to carry on those wicked Designs, To prevent which it is become highly necessary and 48 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE recommended by the Continental Congress to raise a sufficient Body of Forces, in order to Proceed with all possible dispatch towards Ticonderoga and the South End of Lake George And whereas no Mode or Plan has yet been formed respecting the Payment of such Forces - We therefore do hereby promise & engage that we will recommend this matter to the Provincial Congress for their advice and direction, and will pursue and abide such advice and directions as they (or the Continental Congress) shall give unto us on the Subject, and we do doubt [55] not in the least but that the Provincial or Continental Congress will make the most ample Provision in the Premisses and we do therefore hope that all such Persons as can possible go, will immediately inlist themselves under such officers as shall be approved of by this Board, & in Case the Provincial & Continental Congress make no Provision for the payment of said Forces, in such Case we do promise & engage to pay them agreeable to the example of the New England Governments for the time they serve Resolved That the Letters with the Resolution be forwarded with all possible Dispatch. Edward Wall, Daniel McDougall, David Cox and Duncan McDougall a Committee appointed from a joint Committee of Canajoharry German Flatts and Kingsland Districts to commune with the Committees of Albany and Schonectady requested to be admitted and be present at the Debates of this Board, and Debates arising, the Question being put whether, or no they should be admitted. Resolved in the Affirmative Messrs. Henry Wendell, Collo. Goose Van Schaick and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer the Committee appointed to receive and inspect the Arms in the Possession of Mr. Dirck Ten Broeck, belonging to this Province, Report that there is upwards of one hundred out of about four hundred which may be repaired and fitted for Use at the expence of about one Shilling or fifteen Pence a peice and they have accordingly employed Gunsmiths to have one hundred in readiness on Tuesday, next the Remainder they conceived best to Assort, and get them repaired at the most Moderate Rate, with the greatest dispatch Possible. It being reported that some of the Members of this Board had not signed the Association. The Question being put whether or no the Association should not be signed by this Board. Resolved in the affirmative Nem: Con. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 49 The Question being put whether or no a Letter should be sent by this Board to Governor Trumbull of Connecticut. Resolved in the Affirmative Nem: Con: [56] Resolved. That Messrs Peter W. Yates, Peter Van Ness Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Leonard Gansevoort be appointed a Committee to draw up said Letter. It being suggested to the Committee that Phyn and Ellice Merchs- in Schonectady had contrary to the Recommendation of the Continental Congress imported by the Way of Quebeck. Resolved That a Letter be drawn up by the Clerk to the Provincial Congress concerning the aforesaid Suggestion as Mr. Ellice is now in New York, and that it be forwarded with the utmost dispatch. Adjourned 'till 8 of the Clock to Morrow Morng. Met according to Adjournment 28th May 1775. Present. Sxmuel Stringer Peter W. Yates 16/ Gosen Van Schaick 8/ Henry Beeckman Livingston Samuel Ten Broeck 16/ Johannis Ball 8/ John Van Orden 16/ James Barker 16/ Lucas Van Veghten 16/ David Abeel 16/ Henry Van Bergen 16/ Gysbert Marselis Corns. Van Veghten 16/ Isaac Fonda 8/ Corns. Vn.. Den Bergh 16/ Daniel Dickenson 16/ Leond Gansevoort 16/ John Bay 16/ Chairman P. T. 16/ John Js. Bleecker 20/ Jeremiah Vn- Rensselaer 16/ 37/ John R Bleecker John Ten Broeck 16/ Guert Van Schoonhoven 16/ Henry Quackenbush 8/ Bastiaen T. Visscher 8/ Henry Wendell 16/ Jacob Lansingh Henry Bleecker 8/ John H Ten Eyck 8/ Gerrit Lansing John N. Bleecker Collo. Porter advanced 26/8 John Tayler 16/ Jacob J Lansingh 8/ Messrs Peter W. Yates, Peter Van Ness, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Leonard Gansevoort the Committee appointed to draw up a Letter to Gov 50 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE ernor Trumbull brought in a Letter which being read and approvd' of, is in the Words following to wit. Albany Committee Chamber Sir- 27th May 1775. From the inclosed Papers you will find the State [57] and Condition of the Provincial Forces at Ticonderoga &c- The Congress recommended our drawing upon the New England Colonies for a sufficient Number of Forces to go up to the Northward &c We have sent up and shall supply them with Provisions, Carpenters &c' are also gone up to Construct Boats &c. But we can scarcely point out to your Honour the distressed situation of this County in particular and our Province in General for the want of Powder All we can possibly procure here with what is already gone up will not amount to above 3001. The Massachusetts and Connecticut People have lately bought up and taken from here most of the small Quantity we had amongst us, nor did we refuse to sell as long as we had any as we conceived the first and principal Place where it might be wanted was Boston.We have repeatedly wrote to New York to supply us with some, but have received their Postive answer that they can spare none. Without a sufficient Quantity of this Article our Forces (tho' ever so numerous) can by no Means prevent a recaption of Ticonderoga &c from us We must therefore most earnestly beg and entreat of your Honor to cause a sufficient Quantity to be sent up from your Parts (as we are informed it is in your Power to do it) to our Forces at Ticonderoga, together with two or three Companies of Men, if convenient to reinforce our small Number now above, We are busy here raising three or four Companies for the like purpose two of whom are already gone forward and the rest we expect will be ready to March up in two or three Days, and who together with such Forces as shall be sent thither from the New England Colonies we hope will be sufficient to answer the intended Purposes. We make the first application to your Government on this Subject as you can undoubtedly grant the most speedy Relief, while dispatch in this situation of our public affairs is so absolutely requisite- But should you not be able to grant this our Request, you will be pleased to send forward an Express the Bearor hereof with this Letter to the Congress of Massachusets Bay at Concord for the immediate assistance in the Premisses [58] Six Pounds, sixteen Shillings and eight pence was paid to Thomas L. Witbeeck the express sent into Connecticut. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 51 As there are now in this City some Soldiers who were taken Prisoners at St. Johns by the New England People and unprovided for, The Question being put whether or no, The Commissary shall give out Salt Provisions out of the Provincial Stores, and supply them with fresh upon occasion, Debates arising thereon Resolved in the Affirmative. Mr Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer of this Board received fourteen Pounds nineteen Shillings. Resolved That an Order be given by this Board to Cornelius Van Santvoordt the Commissary to purchase Provisions for the use of the Provincials, on the Credit of this Colony. It being proposed that whenever any thing of Importance is debated that the Names of the Assentients and Dissentients be entered upon the Minutes, upon which Debates arising, and the Question being put. Resolved in the Affirmative Resolved That Leonard Gansevoort be an assistant Clerk, Resolved Unanimously that Peter W. Yates, John N. Bleecker, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and John Tayler be appointed a Committee to draw up an Instrument in writing to bind those in their Duty who shall inlist in the Provincial Service, agreeable to the Mode recommended by this Board. Resolved. Unanimously that the Persons who are gone up from Saraghtoga District, at the request of the Committee of that District, to assist in keeping the Forts of Ticonderoga Crown Point & Lake George be paid in the manner the others are that shall inlist in the provincial Service, for the Time they shall serve Resolved That the Members of the Districts of this County join the SubCommittee of the City and County the fifteenth Day of June next and from thence forward every fortnight Adjourned untill 4 OClock in the afternoon 52 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [59] Met according to adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Jacob C Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh James Barker Gosen Van Schaick Edward Rigs John Blair Rutger Lansingh Isaac Fonda Henry B Livingston Samuel Ten Broeck Joseph Anderson Abraham J. Lansingh Pro Temp. David Abeel Leonard Gansevoort John Van Orden John Ten Broeck Anthony E Bratt Gysbert Marselis Cornelius Van Santvoordt John Bay Lucas Van Veghten Cornelius Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh John Tayler Resolved That the Members of the Committees of the different Districts of this County Sign the Association and cause the same to be Signed by the Inhabitants of their Districts, and make a return of those that Sign, together with the Names of all Persons that willfully neglect it by the fifteenth Day of June next. Resolved. That circular Letters be sent to the Committees of the different Districts in this County, inclosing a Copy of the preceeding Resolve with all Convenient speed. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 53 Albany Committee Chamber 29th May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gosen Van Schaick John H Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Henry Quackenbush Gysbert Marselis Bastiaen T. Visscher Cornelius Van Veghten Peter W Yates Abraham Lake Pro. Temp. Henry Oothoudt John N. Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Henry Wendell Henry Bleecker Leonard Gansevoort Jacob C Ten Eyck John Bay Joseph Ander son John Kortz Junr'. 8/ Philip Rockefeller 8/ John Tayler [60] A Letter was read from the Provincial Congress at New York, Dated 25th May 1775 inclosing instructions to Messrs- John N. Bleecker, Henry Bogert, George Palmer, Peter Lansingh and Dirck Swart, who were by said Congress appointed Commissioners or Agents to Superintend and put in execution the Recommendation of the Grand Continental Congress of the 18th May 1775 relative to Ticonderoga, And as Mr- Cornelius Van Santvoordt was agreeable to a recommendation in a Letter of the 20th Instant from the Committee of New York appointed Commissary of the Stores to be sent to Ticonderoga. Resolved That a Letter be wrote to the Provincial Congress recommending that Mr. Cornelius Van Santvoordt be appointed a Commissioner or Agent in addition to those already nominated by the Provincial Congress. Captain Joel Pratt of Spencer Town attended here this Day in Consequence of our Letter to him of the 27th Instant and informed us that he had inlisted a Company of forty nine Men, whom he expected in a Day or two to be augmented to fifty nine, that his Company was formed with an Intention to proceed towards Boston in Consequence of offers from that Government to be paid from the 23rd of April last but said that he would proceed to Ticonderoga in the service of this Province in Case we would pay them in the same manner- Therefore Resolved That the said Company be paid agreeable to the Mode of the payment of the other Forces already raised for the service of this Govern 54 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE ment agreeable to our Resolve of the 25th Instant and this Committee will recommnend the paying said Company (from the said 23rd April untill they actually enter into Service) unto the Consideration of the Continental and provincial Congresses, and to pursue their Determination on the Subject [61] Messrs. Peter W. Yates, John N. Bleecker, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and John Tayler the Committee appointed to draw up an Instrument in writing to bind those in their Duty who shall inlist in the Provincial Service brought in an Instrument which being read was approved of, and is in the Words following to wit. We the Subscribers being well convinced of the absolute necessity of raising a sufficient Body of Provincial Forces for the Defence of the Constitution and the preservation of our Just Rights and Liberties when the same are in the most eminent Danger of being invaded have therefore Voluntarily inlisted into the Provincial Service under Captn' [one line blank] and do hereby promise and agree that we will severally do execute and perform all and every such Instructions directions, Orders, Military Discipline and Duties as our said Officers, or either of them, or the commanding Officer for the Time being on this new establishment shall from Time to Time give or send to us during the Time that our Service is required in the unhappy Contest between Great Britain and the Colonies and we do severally promise and engage not to go from or quit the said Service untill we shall be discharged or dismissed from the same by the Continental Congress or the Provincial Congress of this Colony, or by the General Committee of the City and County of Albany under the Penalty of forfeiting our Wages and being deemed in the Eye of the Public as Enemies to our Country, And we the said Officers do severally promise and engage under the most Solemn Ties of Honor and Love to our Country that we shall and will from Time to Time and at all Times during the said Contest between Great Britain and the said United Colonies to perform and execute in our several & respective Stations all and every the Instructions directions Orders, Military Discipline and Duties as the Continental or Provincial Congress, or the General Committee of the City and County of Albany, or the Commanding Officer for the Time being shall recommend, or give or send to us, or either of us And we do likewise severally promise and engage not to [62] go from, or quit the said Service untill we are discharged, or dismissed from the same by the Continental Congress, or the Provincial Congress of this Colony, or by the General Committee of the City and County of Albany, Under the Penalty of forfeiting our Wages, and being deemed Enemies to our Country. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands this [blank] Day of [blank] 1775. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 55 Resolved That it be recommended to the Captains of this City chosen agreeable to a resolution of this Board of the fourth Instant, that they call out their Companies once every two Weeks in the Afternoon for the purpose of perfecting themselves in the Military Discipline and that Saturday the third of June next be appointed for the first Time of Mustering. Resolved. That Matthew Visscher and John Cluet be appointed Clerks to this Committee, to Transcribe the Rough Minutes of this Board, and all such other Papers as shall be handed them Mr. John R Bleecker at his own request is dismissed from being a Member of this Board. Resolved That it be recommended to the Inhabitants of that Ward to chuse a Person in his stead. Committee Chamber Albany 30th May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. John H Ten Eyck John Tayler John Ten Broeck Peter W. Yates Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob C Ten Eyck Gysbert Marselis Stephen De Lancey Gerrit Lansingh John N. Bleecker Leond- Gansevoort Henry Wendell Bastiaen T Visscher Ezekiel Tayler Gosen Van Schaick Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Bay Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer received Sixteen Shillings Resolved That the Commissioners or Agents appointed by the Provincial Congress Issue such [63] Provisions and other Things necessary to the Kings Troops now in this City from time to time as their necessity may require, in the same Proportion as is allowed them from his Majesty's Contractors and take their Serjeants Receipt for the same. Resolved. That Benjamin Evans be appointed first Lieutenant in the Place of John Tillman who has Voluntarily resigned. Resolved. That circular Letters be sent to the Committees of the different Districts recommending to rqeuest the Captains of their Districts to tall out their Companies once every two Weeks for the purpose of perfecting them in the Military Discipline 56 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Guy Young was recommended for an Ensign in the Company now raising by Capt"- John Visscher who was approved of by this Board. For the better Regulation of the Burger Watch Resolved. That John Ostrander be appointed under the Denomination of Town Serjeant, who shall keep a regular Roster of all the Officers of the different Wards in this City, and that he warn the Officer next on Duty every Morning preceeding the Night he is to Watch, and that every Officer so warned shall order his Serjeant to Warn the Men, who shall attend at the Watch House at the appointed Hour with proper Arms Ammunition and Accoutrements and that every Person Capable of doing his Duty shall attend in Person, and those who from unexceptionable reasons cannot attend may be permitted to send a Person in their Room provided such Person shall be approved of by the Officer of the Watch. And if it should happen that the Officer who is warned should be from home, or by Sickness or otherwise rendered incapable of attending the Watch, that the next Officer on the Roster shall [64] take the Watch for him that Night and on his return or the removal of his inability that he repay him by taking the Watch for him again. Elisha Benidict of Balls Town made application to this Board, for the Priviledge of raising a Company to be ready to take the Field when called upon by the Province, under such allowance and pay as this Colony shall think proper for the Time they are into actual Service. Resolved That his request be granted. Committee Chamber Albany 31 st May 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Peter V. Yates Abraham Cuyler John N. Bleecker John Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell John Bay Leonard Gansevoort John H Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Gysbert Marselis Gerrit Lansingh Bastiaen T. Visscher Gosen Van Schaick Henry Quackenbush Jacob C Ten Eyck A Motion was made that an order be given to John N. Bleecker to receive from Mr. Dirck Ten Broeck All the Arms, Accoutrements Tomhawks &c' PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1775 57 that are in his Hands belonging to the Province of New York, Mr. Bleecker giving his Receipt for the same. Resolved. Nem: Con: that an Order be given to Mr Bleecker which is in the following Words to wit, Sir "Committee Chamber 31st May 1775. It is required by this Committee that you will be pleased to deliver unto Mr. John N. Bleecker one of the Commissioners appointed by the Congress If New York, all the Arms Accoutrements Tomhawks &c that are in your Hands belonging to this Province taking his Receipt for the same By order of the Committee Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. To M.r Dirck Ten Broeck [65] We received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 30th May 1 775 acquainting us, that they have already raised some Men, and that they will want Arms for them. Resolved, That the same be answered which was done in the Words following to wit. -e. Albany Committee Chamber 31st May 1775.,jent. Yours of the 30th Instant we have received and are well pleased to find your readiness in raising Men for Gte new intended Continental Service in Defence of our Rights and Liberties, and hope you will have a Company in Compleat order ready for Marching on the first Notice. We deem it absolutely necessary for you without delay to transmit all the Powder you can possibly spare from your Town to Ticonderoga, where our Forces stand very much in need of it, for without a sufficiency of that Article all the Forces we can send up can by no Means answer any salutary Purposes. We beg of you not to neglect this a Moment as it is of the utmost Consequence. The Arms here are now under Reparation and will be in good Order in two or three Days, and wherewith such of our Forces of the County as do first go up, shall be supplied. The Commissary Mr. Bleecker will write to you on the Subject of Pease and Flour. It being suggested that the Indians have complained, and are uneasy at the Stoppage of Powder 58 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved. That a Letter be wrote them on that Subject and that Messrs Peter W. Yates, Henry Bleecker and Gysbert Marselis be a Committee to draw up said Letter. Resolved That an extract of the Proceedings of this Board, from the twenty sixth Instant be made and transmitted to the Provincial Congress. [66] Committee Chamber June 1st. 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Tem: John H Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler Lucas Van Veghten Matthew Adgate Henry Wendell John Bay John Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort Gosen Van Schaick Gerrit Lansingh Henry Bleecker Henry Quackenbush Jacob C Ten Eyck John N. Bleecker Peter W. Yates Messrs Peter W. Yates, Henry Bleecker and Gysbert Marselis, the Committee appointed to draw up a Letter to Collo~ Guy Johnson, brought in the following Letter, (which being read was approved of Nem: Con:) Sir. Albany Committee Chamber 1st June 1775. When some of the Gent. of the Commitee from Albany and Schonectady had a meeting and Conference with some of the Mohawks at your I-fouse, they promised to send them some further answer respecting Powder. We have duly enquired into and considered of the Matter and find the Report of our People stopping Powder going up (intended for the Indians) to be groundless. We cannot find out that any of our People have stopped any from going up, nor shall we stop any from going up to you that is sent up for the Indians as long as they remain quiet & peaceable, That Article now is and for some time past has been very scarce in this whole Province The New England Colonies have bought up and taken from this Colony most of what we had, as they expected to have the first occasion for it, to preserve their Lives and Liberties from the Invasion of the Troops from England, who came over to inforce the late cruel oppressive and unconstitutional Acts of Parliament to oppose which all the Colonies are united, and therefore will want the little Powder they have to stand in their own Defence, especially as Old PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 59 England of late withholds all the Powder she can from us and will suffer no more to come over. We don't want to injure any of the Indians, We wish them well and would gladly supply them with Powder if we had any to spare, But it is so scarce among us [67] that we have lately wrote to several Parts for some We have made the Speech of the Mohawks known among the White People round about us, East and West and they all are satisfied, and well pleased to see that the Indians have no Hostile intention against them nor to interfere in Disputes by which they cannot profit any Thing. We desire you will be pleased to have the Contents of this Letter interpreted to them and are Sir Your Humble ServtBy order of the Committee Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Resolved. That a Letter be sent by express to the Provincial Congress concerning the expediency of abandoning Ticonderoga and settling the Command of the Forces at that and the adjacent Stations. Resolved. That Peter W. Yates and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be appointed a Committee to draw up said Letter. Resolved. That Mr. John N. Bleecker be authorised by this Board to purchase on the Credit of Government such Articles for the use of the Provincial Troops, as he shall from time to time be ordered Resolved. That Mr. John N. Bleecker supply Captn- George White with such Camp Equipage as he shall stand in need of for his March to Ticonderoga Resolved. That a Letter be sent to Collo. Arnold which was done in the following Words to wit, Sir Albany Committee Chamber 1st June 1775. We conceive it necessary for you to send down to us with all possible dispatch all the Damaged Powder above unfit for use, that we may immediately have the same wrought over, and refitted for use as Judge Livingston has lately constructed a Powder Mill To avoid any difficulties, or disputes above amongst our Forces we recommend all of them to be under you as Commander in Chief above, untill the Congress make farther Orders in the Premisses, and we recommend the several Captains and Officers to aid and assist you [68] with their Companies in every necessary Measure above for the Defence of the United Colonies, and we wou'd recommend to all our Forces of whatever Colony to unite in Peace, and with one Mind in the present situation of publick affairs. Adjourned untill two of the Clock 60 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. John Ten Broeck John Bay Matthew Adgate Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gosen Van Schaick Stephen De Lancey Corns. Van Santvoordt John H Ten Eyck Jacob C. Ten Eyck Gysbert Marselis Jacob Lansingh Junr John N. Bleecker Peter W. Yates Resolved. That an Order be drawn upon Mr. Leond- Gansevgconc for five Pounds in favour of Mr. John Price. FResolved That Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay to Captn' George /White Twenty Pounds as advance Pay and take his Receipt for the same Resolved. That John N. Bleecker do issue Provisions to the different Companies of Provincial Troops now raised by direction of the Committee and take a Receipt for the same from a Commissioned Officer Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer received Twenty eight Pounds, three Shillings and four pence Thiis Board received of Mr- Isaac Bogert Twenty eight Pounds three Shillings and four pence of the Monies in his Hands collected for the use ot the suffering Poor in Boston, for which the Chairman passed his Receipt. [69] Committee Chamber AlbY- 2nd. June 1775 Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Henry Quackenbush John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Peter W. Yates Jacob C. Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansing Junr. John J Bleecker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Collo. Samuel Rowland Gosen Van Schaick Gysbert Marselis John H Ten Eyck Matthew Adgate John Bay Henry Bleecker John N. Bleecker Nathaniel Culver Resolved That a Letter be wrote to the Provincial Congress at New York and that Peter W. Yates be appointed to draw up said Letter PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 61 Captn. Benjamin Hicks of Tomhenock having raised a Company of Soldiers to March for Ticonderoga, if thought necessary by this Board, and that he chose John Langdon his Lieutt. and Solomon Acker his Ensign. The Question being put on Motion of Mr. John J. Bleecker whether or no tllis Board approved of those Gentn. as Officers Resolved in the Affirmative The Question being put whether or no it was now necessary that the said Captain Benjamin Hicks should March immediately for Ticonderoga with his Company. Resolved in the Negative Mr- John Js. Bleecker moved to have the Question put whether Captn' BenJamin Hicks's Company should be disbanded, or March up to Ticonderoga, mnd debates arising upon the Propriety of putting the Question in that Form, Then the Question being put whether the Question should be that Cap'tn' Benjamin Hicks should discharge his Company, or March to Ticonderoga, or a Letter should be wrote and sent to Captn- Benjamin Hicks informing him that this Board does not 'think it necessary at present that he should March up to Ticonderoga [70] but recommend to him, to keep his Company in readiness, if he would rely upon the Credit of the Colony for his Pay, and that this Board would recommend him to the Provincial Congress. Resolved That the Question be put in the latter Form. The Question being put whether or no a Letter should be sent to Captn. Benjamin Hicks of the foregoing Purport. Resolved in the Affirmative Resolved. That Mr Leonard Gansevoort be appointed to draw up that Letter Resolved That John N. Bleecker supply Captain Hezekiah Baldwin with Guns Flints. Blankets Shoes and Bullet Pouches &c- and such other Articles as he may stand in need of on the public Credit of this Colony. Mr Leonard Gansevoort who was appointed to draw up a Letter to Captain Benjamin Hicks which being read, with Amendments was approved of and is in the following Words to wit, Sir Albany Committee Chamber June 2nd- 1 775 M"r- John JS. Bleecker reported to this Board that you had inlisted a Company to serve under this Province in the general Cause of the United Colonies. We are extremely happy to find your readiness in stepping forth in the Defence of the Rights and Liberties of America but as the Province does not yet require any additional Number of Forces to March to Ticonderoga, as several 62 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Companies are already raised, some gone up and others on their Way to Ticonderoga and as the Governor of Connecticut has already ordered 1000 Men thither who are now likewise on their Way, We can at present only recommend to you, to keep your Company in readiness, if you will rely on tile Credit of this Colony, for your Payment as it is probable that some Forces will soon be wanted. Should any additional Forces be required you may depend that we shall recommend you to the Congress, You and your Officers are approved of [71] by this Committee. We are Your Hum- Servants. Mr. Peter W Yates who was appointed to draw up a Letter to the Provincial Congress, brought in the following Letter which being read was approved of. Gent. Albany Committee Chamber 2nd June 1775. In Consequence of a Letter from this Committee to Governor Trumbull dated 27th Ult. we received his Answer of the 30t whereof you have a Copy Inclosed and from which it appears that you have sent them a Resolve with a Request to send up Forces to Ticonderoga &c' in Consequence whereof 1000 of them are now on their Way. You will therefore be pleased to send up with all possible dispatch a sufficient Supply of Provisions (except Flour Pease and Bread which we can supply them with) and other necessaries for which purpose we send you inclosed Copy of a List from Collo' Arnolds Letter to us of the 29h Ult. We have on the Alarm above raised several Companies to go up to Ticonderoga &ca. two of which are on their Way up, This we did in Consequence first of the Resolution of the Continental Congress of the 18th Ult. Secondly of the Letter from the New York Committee inclosing said Resolve dated 20th Ult. and thirdly Collo- Arnolds Letter to us requiring immediate assistance. But on our Receipt of the above Letter from Governor Trumbull we are in great doubts with respect to our Men already raised in this County and those who stand ready to March up, as we know not the nature of the Resolve yoll have sent to Governor Trumbull and his Letter contains a Clause that these 1000 Forces are to continue at Ticonderoga &ca untill releived from this Colony &c. We should be extremely glad to have plain explicit Instructions from Time to Time that [72] we need not wander astray, and act counter to your Intentions, and the general good of the public PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 63 There are some Troops (twelve in Number) taken by the Provincial Forces from St. John's, who are now in this City and who daily call upon this Committee for the Common necessaries of Life, But we can give the Commissioners or Agents no directions in the Premisses as their instructions from you will not warrant them to supply them with Provisions altho' they have hitherto been supplied out of the Provincial Store, But we would be glad of you; Resolution on this matter, and let us know, whether we should supply these Troops any longer, or leave them to be supported from the Provisions here in the Kings Store, and upon the whole what you wou'd have us do with them, as they are only a Burden to us. Please to take these matters into your immediate Consideration, and send us your Resolution in Consequence thereof and you will oblige Gent. Your Most Humble Servants. Resolved That Mr Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer pay Twenty Pounds to Capt"- Hezekiah Baldwin as advance pay and take his Receipt for the same. This Board received of Mr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Twenty Pounds four Shillings and four pence of the Monies which was in his Brother John G. Lansingh Decd Hands collected in the third Ward of this City for the use of the suffering Poor at Boston, for which the Chairman passed his Receipt. Adjournd- untill Eight OClock to Morrow M. [June 3, 1775] Met according to Adjournment. Samuel Stringer John H. Ten Eyck Lucas Van Veghten Gerrit Lansing Junr. [73] Jacob J. Lansing Henry Quackenbush Nathanial Culver Matthew Adgate John N. Bleecker Present. Chairman Pro. Temp. Gysbert Marselis Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Leonard Gansevoort. John Bay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick Mr. Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer received from this Board Twenty Pounds four Shillings and four pence 64 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That Mr. Henry Quackenbush supply on the Credit of this Colony, Captn- Baldwins Company with necessary's to the Value of about five or Six Pounds and take his Receipt for the same, which said amount is hereafter to be deducted from the pay of the Colony. Adjourned untill two OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Gerrit Lansing Junr. John Bay Peter W. Yates Jacob C. Ten Eyc!: Bastiaen T. Visscher John H. Ten Eyck Jacob J. Lansing Stephen De Lancey Nathaniel Culver Jacob Lansing Junr. Gosen Van Schaick Henry Bleecker Henry Quackenbush Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob F Lansingh Gysbert M arselis Matthew Adgate Captain Joel Pratt offered to this Board a state of the raising his Company and their original destination, desiring that the same might be by this Board transmitted to the Provincial and Continental Congress's Resolved that the same be transmitted to said Congress's recommending it to their Consideration Mr. Peter W. Yates paid Twenty six Pounds unto Captain John Visscher as advance pay, and took his Receipt for the same. Resolved That Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer repay the said Sum to M.- Yates upon Demand PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 65 [74] Committee Chamber 5th June 1775. Samuel Stringer Gerrit Lansingh Junr ~3,,10 Abraham Cuyler 2,,0 Gerrit Lansingh 1,,12,,6 Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob J Lansingh 1,,1 1,,4 Anthony E Bratt 2,,0,,0 Lucas Van Veghten 1,,12,,6 Henry Wendell 2,,0,,0 John H Ten Eyck 2,,0,,0 Leond. Gansevoort 1,, 13,,8 Present. Chairman P. T. ~1,,17s. Jacob C Ten Eyck 2,, 0,,0 Gysbert Marselis John Bay ~1,,12 Peter W. Yates 1, 1 7 Henry Bleecker 1,, 12,, 6 John Ten Broeck 1,, 12,, 0 Stephen De Lancey Corns' Van Santvoordt Peter P. Schuyler Henry Quackenbush ~1,,12 Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Mr' Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer received of this Board thirty Pounds two Shillings Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer repaid Mr- Peter W. Yates the twenty six Pounds he advanced to Captn. John Visscher Resolved That an order be drawn on Leonard Gansevoort to pay Capt"' Joel Pratt Thirty Pounds New York Currency in advance pay to himself and Company and take his Receipt for the same. Resolved that John N. Bleecker deliver to Capt. Pratts Company thirty Blankets and ten Camp Kettles and take his Receipt for the same Messrs. Thomas Barret, John Hoogkerk, Matthew Visscher and Abraham Eights appeared before this Committee and said that some of the Company of which they had been chosen Officers, were disatisfied, with their appointment, and therefore resigned and desired that there might be a new Election held for the appointment of other Officers. Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the above Gent. send their Serjeant about duly to warn their Company to attend at a certain Place in the said Ward for the purpose of Electing Officers over the said Company, and make Report to this Board of the Persons by them elected. 3 66 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [75] Committee Chamber 6th June 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gysbert Marselis Abraham Cuyler Jacob C. Ten Eyck Corns. Van Santvoordt John Bay Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Adjourned 'till eight OCClock to Morrow Morning Met according to adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Lansingh Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Leonard Gansevoort Henry Bleecker John Bay Henry Quackenbush Dirck Swart Henry Wendell Gosen Van Schaick Lucas Van Veghten Stephen De Lancey John H Ten Eyck Jacob C. Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansing Junr. Frederick Berger Gysbert Marselis Peter W. Yates. It being moved that an express be sent to Captn' John Visscher, Captn. Joel Pratt, Captn- Hezekiah Baldwin and Captn" George White, ordering them with their Companies to stop at Fort George untill farther orders, and Debates arisingThe Question being put whether or no an express should be sent to said Captains for the purpose aforesaid. Resolved in the Affirmative. Resolved that a Letter be sent to each of the said Captains, which was wrote in the following Words, read and approved of. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 67 Sir Committee Chamber Albany 7th June 1775. We daily expect instructions from the Provincial Congress, for which reason it is our desire that you and the rest of the Companies raised in this County proceed no farther than the South End of Lake George & there remain untill further Orders from the Congress or this Committee [76] Resolved. that Dirck Bratt Van Schoonhoven go express to Lake George. Committee Chamber 7th June 1775. at 7 P. M. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Leonard Gansevoort Jacob C Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Gosen Van Schaick Corns- Van Santvoordt Bastiaen T. Visscher Frederick Berger Lucas Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush Stephen De Lancey John H. Ten Eyck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry I. Bogert Henry Wendell Gysbert Marselis Christopher Yates Guert Van Schoonhoven John Bay John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh JunrDirck Swart John N. Bleecker Peter W Yates Abraham Ten Broeck Henry Bleecker Received a Letter from Volkert P. Douw Esqr- by Col. Ten Broeck one of the Provincial Delegates for the City of Albany inclosing a Letter to Messrs John Frey Peter Wagenaer, Jacob Clock, Anthony Van Veghten Christopher Yates Esqrs and the rest of the Inhabitants of the County of Tryon, and another to Collo. Guy Johnson with a request to forward them after perusal, which Letters were delivered to Christopher Yates of Schonectady, who promised to forward them from that place with the greatest dispatch. It being moved whether or no the Company raised at Schonectady should be disbanded upon which Debates arising. Then 68 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Question being put whether or no the said Company should be disbanded, immediately or be continued untill we hear from the Provincial Congress. Resolved That it be continued [77] We received a Letter from James Gordon of Balls Town informing us that they had chose a Person to Correspond with this Committee Resolved That a Letter be wrote and sent to said Mr. James Gordon, informing him that this Committee cannot correspond with them, untill they chuse a Committee, and to recommend them to chuse one as soon as possible, which Letter is in the following Words, Sir. Committee Chamber Albany 7th June 1 775 We have this day recd. your favour (without date) and gave it due attention. As you are not formed into a Committee, we cannot correspond with you as such. It is now highly recommended to your District immediately to form a Committee of ten or a Dozen Persons, who have signed the Association a Copy whereof we herewith send you, which it is necessary should be compleated by the 15th of June at which Time you will send one or more of your Body to represent you at this Committee on that day, when all the Districts are to meet at this Place We are Sir Your Very H ServtsCommittee Chamber 8th June 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro T. Abraham Ten Broeck John Bay John H. Ten Eyck Stephen De Lancey Henry Bleecker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Corns. Van Santvoordt Christopher Yates. Jacob Lansingh Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Frederick Berger Received a Letter from the Delegates of this City from New York dated 7th June 1775. in these words, to wit, PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 69 Gent. Your favour of the 2nd Instant was this Morning read But as there was an insufficient number of Members to form the Congress, no measures could be taken by them upon the Contents thereof, this afternoon it is [78] probable that the Congress will be formed, and the several Matters by you recommended to their Consideration you may expect to receive their direction upon This Day at noon the regular Troops who had been in Town for some time received orders to embark on Board of the Asia, In their March thro' broad street to the Warf at the exchange they were stoped by the Citizens, and endeavours used to enduce them to quit the Service - Three of their Number accordingly left their Ranks with their Baggage Arms &,c and without any attempts from the Troops to retake them, were peaceably conducted by the Citizens to a place of Safety - The Baggage of the Army however which was carried by 8 or 10 Carts in the front, is stoped and Searched, and its is said that there was found amongst it about 200 stand of Arms with Ammunition &c. answerable to it, This Booty the Citizens have declined delivering up- As the City is yet in great confusion we cannot say what the Conclusion of these disturbances will be The Congress last Saturday had resolved that in Case the Troops intended to leave the City, they should be suffered peaceably to depart, In this resolve they conceived they acted in Conformity to that of the Continental Congress, who had on nearly a similar occasion recommended it to this City to Act only on the Defensive, as long as the Troops behaved themselves peaceably, In what Light the Congress will take the proceedings of the Citizens is hard to determine. A Report is circulating in Town, That Govr Colden has received advice from the Eastward that Govr- Tryon is to come out for New York with four Regiments, but as we cannot find that it can be well authenticated, we only mention it as a Report which wants confirmation. Respecting the late operations of the Colony Army to the Eastward agst. the regular Troops, we inclose you the Hand Bills which have been published on the occasion. We are Gent. Your Most Hum Serts. Volkart P. Douw Abm Yates, Robert Yates, Jacob Cuyler, Henry Glen P. your proceedings are highly approved of by every Member of the Provincial Congress 70 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [79] We received a Letter from Collo. Philip Schuyler dated Philadelphia 3nd June 1775. in these Words, to wit. Your favour of the 15th Ult I had the pleasure of receiving a few Days ago, and immediately answered that of the 27th I recd this Day.- The Conduct of the Albany Committee has given great satisfaction to the Congress, you cannot wonder that I should be pleased, with every Transaction that reflects honor on my dear Countrymen, I mentioned to you in my former that I did not beleive the Ports would be shut before the time limitted by the last Congress, If then, I have a farther reason (which I am not at Liberty to communicate) from an Occurrance since I wrote to Corroborate that Opinion I have wrote your Committee three Letters since my Arrival, but have not had a Line acknowledging the Receipt of any, whence I conclude they had not come to Hand when you wrote. The Article of Powder is under Serious Consideration but difficult as it is to procure that essential Commodity, I hope however we shall soon have a supply. May indulgent heaven smile propositionsl on the endeavours of the Americans to remain a free, and a happy People, may my Countrymen stand distinguished in the Glorious struggle and may an all directing Providence Guide us safely thro' the Dangers of this unhappy Contest untill we arrive at the much wished for haven of Peace. Resolved. That Peter W. Yates Esq- be appointed to wait on the Provincial Congress at New York and give them a state of our Transactions, relative to raising of Men to go to Ticonderoga and the adjacent Parts, That he desire the Congress to send us directions how to dispose of them, as a Regiment is now on their March in Consequence of a Request from said Congress to the Colony of Connecticut which renders it probable that there will be a superfluous Number of Men, and also that give said Congress all necessary information relative to our [80] Transactions from time to time in these Commotions. 1 Evidently "propitious " is meant. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 71 Committee Chamber 10th June 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Gosen Van Schaick Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansingh Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Bay John H Ten Eyck Stephen De Lancey Gysbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Dirck Swart. Appeared before this Committee, three Mohawk Indians, David, John, and Joseph, when the followg' Speech was delivered Extempore by David, and interpreted by Mr. Martinus Lydias. Brothers. We are sent down by our Heads to hear how it goes here, we have heard a great many lies and stories that go about daily, and that the Gentlemen of the Committee, who were up at our Superintendant, promised, that we should hear from the Committee concerning the lies that go about, and that our Superintendants was the place where they were to let us know, and our not hearing is the reason of our coming down, And that we heard there was an Army raising here, which Army was to go to the Mohawk River, and we are come down to hear the right of it, how it is. Brothers We stand to the Agreement we made at our Superintendants, with the Committee, and do not intend to go from it, but will stand as solid Friends, as we always used to do forever. Brothers, The News we hear in the Street, while we are here, we can take no Notice of, But desire to hear from the Committee the Truth of the whole. To which an Answer was promised at four P. M. Resolved That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Answer to the foregoing Speech, and that Samuel Stringer, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Leonard Gansevoort, John Ten Broeck and Hugh Mitchel be the Committee Adjournd. till 2 of the Clock P. M. 72 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [81] Met according to Adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro. Temp. Gosen Van Schaick Lucas Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Lansingh Henry Quackenbush Hugh Mitchell John Ten Broeck John Bay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell John H. Ten Eyck Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Samuel Stringer Leonard Gansevoort, John Ten Broeck, and Hugh Mitchel the Committee appointed, to draw up an Answer to the speech delivered by an Indian David which being read, and approved of was delivered Ore Tenus by the Chairman, and interpreted by Mr. Martin Lydias. Brothers. It gives us great pleasure to see you at this place where our Forefathers used to speak with you, as this is the place where the Friendship which has so long been kept up between your People and our People was first made, and has been so often Renewed. No lies or Deceit hath ever been used here with you our Friends whenever you came to see us, But we always gave you the plain truth and treated you with sincere Regard, which is well known by your Old Men and Warriors to this Day. We are glad they have not forgot us, seeing that you are sent to hear the Reports that spread abroad, from our own Mouths and to brighten the Old Chain of Friendship and Peace with us Brothers. The disturbance among us, and which you are uneasy at comes from the advice of bad Men whom our King keeps about him, to do his Business. They would take from us our Lands, Goods and Money, for their own use, without asking us for them, which is contrary to the Laws made by our great Forefathers, and which were made never to be altered, and which have been kept good untill since the last Warr It was always the Custom that when our King wanted Money he used to ask his People for it who have been always willing to give him as much as he wanted [82] and this is the Custom at this Day in the Old Country, altho' the bad Men he has employed will have it from us without asking, or telling us for what use, and this we will not allow, as long as we have a Man left to Bleed in this New World PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 73 Brothers. The reason of the Boston People's raising Armies is that those bad Men employed by the King will not let them make use of their own Estates; they will not allow them to send their Ships out to Trade, nor even to Catch Fish out of the Sea, They have sent great Ships of War and Arms. They have killed their Old Men Women and Children, and burnt their Houses & keep their Brethren shut up with their Wives and Children in the Town of Boston, and won't suffer them to come out. Brothers. This is the reason that Boston is at War with the Troops; and altho' we are not yet quite so bad used we expect it every day, and are growing very uneasy; therefore all the white People in this new World from East to West are joined to hinder the wicked designs of those great Men. Brothers. The Boston People with us are your Friends they have desired us lately to tell you so, And we wou'd have you rest easy in your Minds with your Women and Children, as no Hurt is intended to any one but those who wou'd hurt us, therefore we will always protect you, as we desire to keep the Chain of Friendship bright betwixt you and us Brothers You say, you are told that the New England People are going up your Way. This is a Lie raised to make you uneasy; be assured they have nothing against you, or any of your Nations, you have not hurt them, or taken any thing from them, therefore no disturbance shall reach you, as long as you are our Friends and remain still, and if ever it should be necessary to send our Armies up your River, we hope you will not object to it, as it will be without any designs against your Nations, and only for our own Safety, against the Kings Soldiers who may come that Way to hurt us. Brothers The taking the Fort at Ticonderoga and the Kings Vessel was to hinder the Army in Canada [831 which was to be Joined by some of the French from coming against us; which we well knew was to done, We also have heard and are very sorry for it that the Northern Indians were to come along with them; therefore there is a great Army gathering at Ticonderoga, to hinder that Army from coming to hurt us, Our People are to go no further, you may depend on it, unless they are provoked to it. Brothers We are very sorry to hear that the French Mohawks shou'd take up the Hatchet against us when we have done them no Hurt, nor ever intended it. We therefore think they have heard Lies from the Mouths of evil Men, and beg you to let them know the Reasons of our dispute, which you now are very well acquainted with, and advise them from taking part with such bad Men, in a dispute that does not concern either them or you 74 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Brothers. It has come to our Ears, that you have been told that Powder was stoped which was going up to you. This we know nothing of, nor do we know where the Powder should have come from as the Kings big Ships stop all Powder from coming to us, and if they hinder us from getting any, how can we stop it when there is none. If your Superintendant will furnish you with Powder, he knows he can get enough at the trading Places, where we hear there is great plenty. Answer. Delivered Ex Tempore by David, and Interpreted by Mr. Martinus Lydias. Brothers. We are very glad to hear that the Reports which we have heard are Lies, and that we have the Truth from you, and will take to Heart what we have heard from the Committee Brothers We should like it well if no Body of Strangers should go up that Way, for there are bad among all People, and if it could be helped, we would not chuse that Strangers should go up among them Brothers. You must think no Harm of the Congress of the Nations being held up there, for [84] it is their Custom to have it every Year Brothers. We are very glad, that we have got the right of the News now, and that we can bring the Truth to our Heads, who sent us down, and that we take it as a great kindness to be informed, and return our Thanks. Reply. Brothers. What we meant by telling you if mve should send People up among you is that if the Kings Troops should be sent to come down upon us that Way, for we cannot set still, and be cut to Peices, and if you will stop them we would not have occasion to send any. If you hear of any People coming down against us your Way we would take it a great kindness if you would let us know Answer. Brothers. We will go up to our Heads, and let them know what v:v have heard, and they will go to the Congress, and inform every one of what we told them, and that whenever they hear any thing they will come down and let us know Captain Lee from Skenesborough delivered open the Canada Mail to the Chairman by whom it was laid before the Board. Resolved That it be sent to the Post Office PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 75 Committee Chamber 12th June 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro. Temp. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansing Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Lansing Corns- Van Santvoordt Stephen De Lancey John Bay Lucas Van Veghten Leond. Gansevoort Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Jacob C. Ten Eyck Abraham Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick John H Ten Eyck Whereas the Committee of this City has lately for [85] its safety constituted a Night Watch for the Peace good order and Safety of this City, but several Persons do from Time to Time on frivolous Pretences neglect or refuse to Watch to prevent which for the future. Resolved That if any Person wilfully neglect or refuse to Watch agreeable to the Resolves made for regulating said Watch he shall be deemed an Enemy to his Country, Peace and good Order unworthy the Protection of this Committee, and that his Name be held up to the public in Hand Bills to be dispersed through the different Parts of this City and County. Resolved That the foregoing Resolve together with a Resolve of the 30th May last be published in Hand Bills Received a Letter from the Provinciall Congress of the 7th June Instant containing two Resolutions of the Continental Congress of the 1st Instant, also Copy of a Letter from John Hancock President of said Congress of the same Date, which said Letters & Resolutions are in the Words following to wit. Gent. New York Provincial Congress June 7th. 1775. Before this comes to Hand, you will be furnished with our directions dated the 1st Instant. We are convinced of the necessity of giving you explicit Instructions respecting your Conduct, but the variety of business in which this Congress has been engaged, and the time which is necessarily taken up, in our friendly intercourse with the Continental Congress and the Colony of Connecticut does necessarily at times occasion an apparent delay in our directions to you, We highly approve of your zeal and activity in raising Troops, but request you not to proceed in making farther levies untill farther Orders. 76 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The two Companies raised in your County already on their March, you will suffer to proceed to join the Forces at Ticonderoga but must observe to you that by the directions of the Continental Congress their pay will stand on the same Footing with that of the Eastern Colonies without allowing Bounties, or cloathing to the Men, and that they [86] are to continue in the service untill the last day of December next unless the Continental Congress shall direct that they be sooner disbanded. Those Companies who are under your direction formed and not sent up, you will continue in pay if your engagement with them will not justify your discharging, them and request that you send to this Congress a return 1 of the Officers and Men in each Company The Troops taken at St. John's who are with you shou'd remain at Liberty, and they may probably be of service in instructing your Inhabitants the Military exercise if they refuse earning their Bread, in this or any other Way, it is however the intention of this Congress, that they shall receive their subsistance out of the Colony Provisions. Inclosed we send you Copy of a Letter from the Continental Congress, and their resolve respecting the appointment of Commissaries for receiving supplies of Provisions at Albany Inclosed also is a Copy of the Resolve of the Grand Congress to discourage any Incursions into Canada but this has in some measure been anticipated by a former Resolution of this House already published as well as your request respecting our Letter to Govr. Thrumbull, Copy of which has been sent you by Collo- Ten Broeck. We are Gent Your Most Obt. Hum SertsP. V. B. Livingston PresidtIn Congress Thursday June 1st. 1 775. Resolved. That it be recommended to the Government of Connecticut or the General of the Forces of that Colony to appoint Commissaries to receive at Albany, and forward the supplies of Provisions for the Forces on Lake Champlain, from the Provincial Convention of New York and that the said Convention Do their utmost endeavours in facilitating and aiding the transportation thereof from thence to where the said Commissaries may direct A true Copy from the Minutes _~_______ -- -Chars- Thomson SecY. 1 In Library of Congress. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 77 In Congress June 1St- 1775. As this Congress has nothing more in view than the Defence of these Colonies. Resolved That no expedition or [87] Incursion ought to be undertaken or made by any Colony or Bodies of Colonies against or into Canada, and that this Resolve be immediately transmitted to the Commander of the Forces at Ticonderoga. A true Copy from the Minutes Chs. Thomson SecySir Philada- June 1st 1775. The Congress have a full confidence that the Colonies of New York and Connecticut will heartily Unite their endeavours in carrying into execution the measures necessary for the Common Defence. Under this Confidence the state of preparation in the two Colonies as represented to the Congress induced them Yesterday to direct the Troops ready raised immediately to march, in order to re-inforce the Garrisons at Crown-point and Ticonderoga, which are in imminent danger, and that these Troops be furnished with Provisions &. by the Colony of New York That this may be effectually carried into execution so as to answer the end proposed, the Congress have this Day come to the inclosed resolution which I am desired to transmit to you I also inclose you another Resolve of Congress for the direction of the Commander at Ticonderoga which please to forward. I am Sir Your Most Obt- ServtJohn Hancock President To Peter V. B. Livingston President of the Provincial Congress of N York Received a Resolution of the Provincial Congress of the 25th May last with a list of Stores necessary to be sent to Ticonderoga, which said list is as follows. The Committee having considered the requisition on this Colony made by B. Arnold Commandant at Ticonderoga for Provisions Stores &c transmitted to this Congress by the Committee of Albany and at the same time Com 78 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE pared it with the List of Supplies already ordered to be sent. Do report that the following additional Stores &c- ought to be procured and sent. 10 Men of the Train of Artillery 2 Masons 12 Ship Carpenters & Caulkers 100 Hatchets 2 Gun Smiths 20 Broad Axes 2 Black Smiths 50 Spades 50 Hoes [88] The Iron Work for 4 Gins & Blocks 8 falls for Do~ of 4 1/2 Inch Rope 1 Coil 2 1/2 inch Rope 1 Do~ 2 Do 1 D~ 1 1/2 Do. 100 fathom each 4 Peices of Raven Duck 4011 Sewing Twine 10 Doz. of Sail & Bolt Rope Needeles 1 Doz Palms 2 Seans 30 fathom long capted 12 feet and Arms 6 Feet Deep of course twine, marshes 1 1/2 inch Square 2 Doz. of nail Hammers 1 Faggot of Steel. Agreed to by the P. Congress. Also received a Letter from the Continental Congress dated the 6th June Instant inclosing resolutions of said Congress of the 31st May, and 1st June, which said Letter & Resolutions are as follows. Gent. We this Morning received your favour of the first Instant by express. The inclosed resolution of the Continental Congress which has already been forwarded to our Convention at New York will explain their sentiments with respect to Ticonderoga, and we are happy it Corresponds so well with your own Wishes; as our Province was not provided with Men and Ammunition to defend that Important Post it was thought necessary to apply to the Government of Connecticut for a Body of Troops, and to authorise Governor Trumble to appoint a Commanding Officer for the present. they will we presume be releived as soon as our own Men are raised and equipped. this Invasure will settle all disputes between Collo. Arnold and Ethan Allen, who PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 79 will both be supersed[ed] by the Colonel of the Connecticut Regiment, now probably on its way to the Lakes We are extremely sorry that at so Critical a Juncture there should be any occasion of Uneasiness between the Colonies, we have mentioned to the Delegates of the Massachusets your Complaints that some Persons of that Province promise Extraordinary Wages to Induce Men in our Government to inlist in their Service, they cannot be persuaded there is any just foundation for such a charge at least they are [89] Confident that no Person has Authority to offer any encouragement beyond what is allowed to the Troops raised amongst themselves which is 40/ their Money a Month, and a Coat, we shall consider whether it may be proper to make a formal application to the Cons gress on this Subject, in the mean time we do not chuse to detain your Express as the Resolution inclosed is of Great Importance for your direction. The Attention your Committee has paid to the Common Cause and particularly to Indian Affairs meets with approbation, and we know of no object more worthy of your Care than that of keeping the Six Nations in good Humour and preventing their Interfering in this Dispute, when any thing further Offers, which we may be at Liberty to Communicate, we shall not fail of giving you the earliest Intelligence We learn that a Quantity of damaged Powder is amongst the Stores found at Ticonderoga care should be taken to send it with all expedition to the Committee at N: York to be remanufactured We are with great Respect Gentlemen Your Most Obedient Humble Servants. Phil. Livingston Jas. Duane, Ph. Schuyler, Lewis Morris, Frans- Lewis, Henry Wisner. Philadelphia 6th June 1775. P.S. You will see the necessity that any Troops destined for Ticonderoga, be supplied with Provisions and aided with every necessary for their speedily arriving at that place, and we have no doubt but that this will command your utmost attention, as we foresee no small difficulties on this Head. In Congress May 31st. 1775. Resolved. That the Governor of Connecticut be requested immediately to send a strong reinforcement to the Garrisons of Crown Point & Ticonderoga and that so many of the Cannon and other Stores be retained as may be necessary for the immediate Defence of these [90] Posts, untill further Orders from this Congress and that the Provintial Convention of New York be informed of this Resolve and desire to furnish those Troops with 80 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Provisions and other necessary Stores, and to take effectual Care that a sufficient number of Batteaus, be immediately provided for the Lakes. Ordered That the President transmit a Copy of the above to New York, and that in his Letter to Govr Trumbull he acquaint him that it is the desire of the Congress, that he appoint a proper Person, in whom he can confide to command the Forces at Ticonderoga & Crown Point. A true Copy from the Minutes Chs- Thomson SecyReceived a Letter from the Provincial Congress of the 8th June Instant which is in the following Words. Sir. New York June 8th 1775. The Provincial Congress may probably embody Troops in this Colony, and whenever this Measure should be entered upon, the Members will doubtless have it in Consideration what Officers to recommend to their Command. In order to enable your Deputies to appoint fit Persons, we propose it to your Consideration to send us a list of such Persons in our County as you conceive fit for the Command of a Regiment from a Coll. down to a Subaltern. It will be needless to observe to you that in such a Recommendation you will pay due attention, to the Qualifications Rank & Political Sentiments of those you may propose, and at the same time make an Arrangement of the different Ranks you may conceive such Persons qualified for, We recommend to you to keep this a profound secret. And are Sir Your Most Hum Servants Jacob Cuyler Abm. Yates Junr Robt' Yates We mean you should include Henry Glen those who have under your direction already embodied Troops You will favour us with such a Recommendation by the first oppertunity as it may probably be wanted soon [91] Received a Letter from Peter T. Curtenius of the 8th June Inst. inclosing a Receipt of John Tillman Junr. for one Box and one Cag with Powder PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 81 Resolved. That Mr Leonard Gansevoort wait upon Mr Hendrick Roseboom, and request him to receive four Casks of Powder from John Tillman Junr. and deposit, in the Magazine, and there to remain until farther orders from this Board. Resolved That a Copy be made of a Resolution of the Povincial Congress, and that the original be transmitted to the Commanding Officer at Ticonderoga. Committee Chamber Albany 15th June 1775. Samuel Stringer Jacob C. Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler John Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh JunrHenry Quackenbush Leonard Gansevoort Abraham Ten Broeck Corns- Van Santvoordt John Bay John Van Orden David Abeel Daniel B. Bratt John Younglove Peter R. Livingston Gosen Van Schaick Asa Douglass Matthew Adgate John Kortz Junr Philip Rockefeller Simeon Covil Hendrick Van Bergen James Barker Francis Nicoll Jacob J Lansingh Lucas Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher 1 Van Vranken. Present. Chairman Pro Temp. Gysbert Marselis Frederick Berger Henry Oothoudt Stephen De Lancey Jacob F Lansingh Joseph Anderson Christopher Yates Harmanus Wendell Abraham Oothoudt Hugh Mitchell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Peter Schuyler Wilhels Van Antwerp Jochim Staats John H. Beeckman Killiaen Van Rensselaer Rutger Lansingh Guert Van Schoonhoven Isaac Fonda Peter Van Vraken1 Cornelius Tymese Richard Esselstyne John H Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman 82 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [92] John R. Bleecker being at his own Request permitted to resign serving as a Member of the Committee for the second Ward of this City and agreeable to a Resolve that another be elected in his stead, John Ja. Beeckman was returned Received a Letter from the Committee of Kinderhook District inclosing a Return of the Collections for the use of the Poor in Boston, the Amount of which is 126 3/4 Bushels of Wheat and ~2.. 8 in Cash. Adjourned untill two CClock P. M. Met according to adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Anthony E. Bratt Gysbert Marselis Corns. Van Santvoordt John Younglove Peter R Livingston John H. Ten Eyck Matthew Adgate John Kortz Junr Philip Rockefeller James Barker Hendrick Van Bergen Richard Esselstyn Abraham Ten Broeck Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush Jacob J. Lansingh Lucas Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher John H. Beeckman Frederick Berger Peter Schuyler Henry Oothoudt Jacob F Lansingh Joseph Anderson John Ten Broeck Chrisr Yates 1 This name appears in duplicate in the original manuscl Pro. Temp John Van Orden Daniel B. Bratt David Abeel Harmanus Wendell Abraham Oothoudt Hugh Mitchel Wilhels Van Antwerp Rutger Lansingh Francis Nicoll Jochim Staats Isaac Fonda Peter Van Vranke Corns- Tymese Gosen Van Schaick Leonard Gansevoort John Bay Jeremiah Vn Rensselaer Guert Van Schoonhoven Asa Douglass Peter Contine Francis Nicoll Gerrit Lansingh John Ja. Beeckman' Gerrit Lansingh JunrThomas Ackerson ript through an inadvertence. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 83 On Motion Resolved. That the returns of the Association for the several Districts in this County be Postponed untill the 29th of this Instant at which Time a [93] Return must be made together with the Names of all who neglect or refuse to Sign. A Complaint by Mr. R. Bleecker in behalf of Arie Gardinier against Lieut- Chittington (of Capt. Pratts Company) for entering his House, and taking therefrom Sundry Arms & Ammunition. Resolved That a Letter be wrote by the Chairman to Captn- Pratt desiring him to make satisfaction to Mr. Arie Gardineer for the Arms &c and the Injury done him by Lieut- Chittington Received a Letter from Captn. John Visscher dated Fort George 1 11 th June inclosing the Names of eight Persons who had joined his Company since the Muster Mr. Bratt a member of the Committee of Hosack District made a return of the Association for said District together with the Names of those who refused to sign. A Petition being presented to this Board of Wilhelmus Philip and seventy seven others of the District of Claverack against Peter Van Ness Esqr' a Member of the Committee of said District requesting this Board to take into Consideration the Contents of said Petition, and order a New Election, or a full and impartial hearing of the Complaints therein contained On Motion of Mr. Peter Contine Resolved That Peter Van Ness Esqr' be furnished with a Copy of said Resolution, and 'that Mr Van Ness and the Petitioners are requested to attend this Committee the 29th Instant when the Contents of said Petition shall be taken into Consideration Mr. John Younglove offered the return of an Association materially different from the General Association recommended by the Provincial Congress of the Province of New York which being read was refused to be accepted by this Board Resolved that no Association be accepted by [94] this Board, but an exact Copy of that which is recommended by the Provincial Congress of this Colony, and that none of the Committees of the several Districts do offer any other to the Freeholders and Inhabitants of their District to Subscribe Resolved. That Mr. John Younglove be furnished with a Copy of the General Association and that he tender the same to the Inhabitants of the District he represents for them to Sign 1At the southern end of Lake George. 84 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from James Gordon dated Baltown 121h June 1775. which is in the following Words. Sir Since writing a Letter you will receive herewith addressed to you as Chairman of the Committee. Mr. Benidict of this Place arrived here from Albany, and brings an Association with him adopted to this Place, and some Resolves of the Congress now sitting at New York.-The People here in General take it much amiss that they should be treated with so much disrespect as to have the public Business of this Place in a manner committed to a Man, neither in whose Principles or abilities they chuse to place any Confidence, when at the same time there was a Person appointed for that purpose by their Unanimous Consent, the bearor will inform you more particularly in what light they look upon it - in short it is rather an Insult than otherwise, for as it was a single Person in either Case it is very plain, their sentiments was had no regard to in the affair, as the Person they chose was set aside, and another appointed in his Place. I am afraid such proceedings will be more detrimental to the Cause of Liberty than otherwise, as it will naturally create a disgust in the minds of the People towards those that treat them so. I am with much Esteem Your Very Humble Servant James Gorden P.S. we have appointed a meeting next Tuesday [95] Received a Letter from Peter Van Ness Esqr- dated June 13th. 1775. in the following Words. Sir If anything should appear before the General Committee of this County, againist my Conduct as a Committee Man, I beg to be heard at a proper Time. I am very Sincerely Sir Your Hum Servt' Peter Van Ness P. S. Mr. Cantine can give further information about my proceeding as a Committee Man during the Time, I acted as such &c. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 85 Received a Letter from James Gorden dated Balltown 12th June 1775. in these Words. Sir Yours of the 7th Instant I received and Communicated it to some of the Principle People here If you gave my last due attention as you say you did I think it will appear to you that we don't expect to be Corresponded with as having chosen a Committee but hoped the mode we adopted would answer the same purpose as it seemed to us to carry the same Weight in regard to public affairs, and wou'd be easing us of a good deal of expence and trouble, and was agreed to by the People met without one dissenting Voice, except Elisha Benidict. Our Sense of the affair was this, that as we did not think it necessary to send any one from this Place to consult or give advise in what measures ought to be pursued for the reasons following, a diffidence in our own Capacity, a Confidence that proper Measures wou'd be adopted, and a want of Persons equal to the Task, We imagined that the Committee of Albany would dispense with our personal attendance, especially as we had declared our willingness to join with our Brethren of the County to carry into execution any Measures agreed to by them as far as our Circumstances will admit, as to Signing the Association, I believe the Generality of the People here will have no objection to it, and will readily meet for the purpose if it is recommended to them by you, but would be glad to be dispensed with as to chusing a [96] Committee it appearing to them it will only be a Burthen to the Place, and answer no other purposes than what may be answered by the Mode we have adopted, for I must again plead our Poverty it being clear to me that if it pleased God to blast our Crops this Year the same as last it would ruin above one half of the People in this Place, this makes it more incumbent upon them to give due attention to their Farms, for you can't conceive how inconvenient it is for any one here to leave their business, but for one Day, a great number of the Inhabitants and several of those the oldest Settlers, having been obliged to purchase their Bread for some time past and in General I beleive find it very difficult to get wherewith to purchase it. I am Sir with Respect Your Most Hum Sert. Received a Letter from Henry Van Schaack dated Kinderhook 11th June 1775. in these Words to wit. Dear Sir I have heard lately that there is printed Resolutions of our Provincial Congress respecting the Conduct of the Committee about Signing the Association - 86 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE If this be true, I could wish you would be so Obliging as to send us a Copy for our Government- The Signing of the Association goes on slow here inasmuch as that I fancy it will be best for us to postpone our Returns a little beyond the 15th Instant- The Provincial Congress I hear requires returns by the fifteenth of next Month- if this be true we shall have time enough for the return, It is said that a Report has prevailed in Albany, that the Kinderhook Committee had not signed the Association when we met last in Albany. The Propogaiters of this Falsehood can have no good in view by promoting such Tales - The contrary is the truth - we had signed it many days before we went up, Pray favour me with an Answer by this OppY. It will return to Morrow, I therefore beg you will not fail to send a Line to Mrs. Silvester immediately I remain D Sir Yours Sincerely[97] A Return of the Association for the Second Ward of this City was made by Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer together with the Names of those who refused. Received a Letter from the Revd Samuel Kirkland dated Charry Valley 9th June 1775. in these Words to wit Gentlemen. This Acknowledges the receipt of your favour with an inclosed paper, the authenticity of which I have no doubt I am much embarassed at present. You have doubtless heard Colo. Johnson has orders from Government to remove the dissenting Missionaries from the Six Nations, till the difficulties betwixt Britain & the Colonies are settled. In consequence of which has forbid my return to my People at Oneida he has since given encouragement that I may revisit them after the Congress, but to be plain, I have no dependance at all upon his promisses of this kind, in particular he appears unreasonably Jealous of me, & has forbid my speaking a Word to Indians & threatned me with confinement if I transgress- All he has against me I suppose to be this A suspicion that I have interpreted to the Indians the doings of the Continental Congress-which has undeceived & too much opened the Eyes of the Indians for Coll. Johnson's purposes I confess to you Gentlemen that I have been guilty of this, if it be any transgression- The Indians found out that I had recd. the Abstracts of said Congress, & insisted upon knowing the Contents I could not deny them — PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 87 notwithstanding my Cloth, tho' in all other respects, I have been extremely cautious not to meddle in matters of a Political Nature. I apprehend my Interpreting the doings of the Congress to a number of their Sachems has done more real service to the Cause of the Country, or the Cause of Truth & Justice than five hundred Pounds in presents would have effected. If you think proper you may acquaint your [98] Provincial Congress, with the Contents of this but you must be cautious in exposing my Name, you cannot but be sensible my situation is extremely difficult. You may expect either to see, or hear from me very soon again, Wishing you the blessings of Peace, & that we may all be disposed to acquiesce & rejoice in the divine Government in utmost haste Subscribe Gent. Your Most Ob. & Very Humble Servant. Resolved That a Copy of said Letter be forwarded to the Provincial Congress Mr. Strong deputy Commissary to the Regiment sent from the Colony of Connecticut to Ticonderoga and the adjacent Posts, delivered in a request in writing, in behalf of said Forces for fresh Provisions &c. Resolved that the said request be forwarded to the Provincial Congress, in a Letter directed to said Congress. Whereas the meetings of the Negroes are more frequent of late than usual in disregard to a Law of this Colony passed the 29th day of October 1 730. Resolved that it be recommended, and it is hereby recommended to the Inhabitants of this City and County in General, and the Magistrates in particular to be Vigilant and strict in putting in Execution the fourth and twentieth Sections of said Act. Ordered that this resolve together with said Sections be printed in Hand Bills & distributed through the City & County As it is reported that there is a decline of Justice in the North Eastern parts of this County. On Motion of Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Resolved, That a state of Facts with regard to the said Reports be drawn up and laid before this Board, at their next Meeting, And that Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, John Ten Broeck, Leonard Gansevoort & Gerrit Lansingh Junr; be a Committee to draw up said State [99] A return of the Association for the United Districts of Schoharry & Duanesborough was made by Thomas Ackerson, together with the Names of those who refused to Sign 88 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber Albany 17th June 1775. Present Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. John H Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh John Bay Gosen Van Schaick Abraham Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr- John Ja. Beeckman Corns. Van Santvoordt Captns Hezekiah Baldwin and George White appeared before this Board and requested that they might be supplied with some Cash, without which they think they cannot keep their Companies together Resolved That it is the opinion of this Committee that Captains White & Baldwin wait a few Days as directions are daily expected from the Provincial Congress upon that Head. Received a Letter from Capt. John Visher dated Fort George June 1 7th: 1775, Received a Letter from Collo. Benedt. Arnold dated Crown Point 12th June 1775. in these Words to wit. Gent. Your Letter to Captn. White with orders for the Companies from Albany County, to return to Fort George, he has just received, in consequence of which, they are now embarking for that place - their departure leaves us in a very defenceless situation, as we have only one hundred Men left here but could not advise him to go contrary to his Orders, tho' the Men are much wanted- Had you known our present situation I beleive you would not have given Orders for their Removal, I am much obliged to you for the Assistance you have afforded us and am very respectfully GentYour Most Humble SertBenedt- Arnold. Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 16th: June 1775. requesting that fifty stand of Arms be sent to them by Mr- Wendells Servant. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 89 [100] Resolved. that John N. Bleecker deliver to Mr' Wendells Servant fifty Guns for the use of Captn- Cornelius Van Dyck's Company at Schonectada. Resolved. that John N. Bleecker Commissary send to Fort George four Barrels of New England Rum to be delivered to Henry I. Bogert, or any other of the Commissaries at that Post, to be charged to the Soldiers at the Rate of Six Shillings V Gallon. Albany Committee Chamber June 20th: 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Dirck Swart 1/ Harmanus Schuyler 1/ Gosen Van Schaick 1/ John Ten Broeck Gysbert Marselis 1/ Henry Bleecker I/ Gerrit Lansingh JunrJacob Lansingh Jun. 1/ Abraham Cuyler Pro. Temp. 1/ Jacob Cuyler Jacob C Ten Eyck Stephen De Lancey Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 1/ John Ja. Beeckman 1/ John H Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort John Bay 1/ Received a Letter from Colo~ Benedict Arnold dated at Crown Point 18th Instant, inclosing an Inventory of the Ordinance at that Fortress, and the Condition of them. Another Letter from Collo. B. Arnold dated 15th Instant in these Words to wit. Gentlemen, I have given Captn. Herrick Commanding Officer at Ticonderoga orders to forward to Albany to your Care all the Damaged Powder there (Twenty odd Barrels) beg the favour of your sending it immediately to the nearest Powder Mill to be wrought over a New, as it will make near the Quantity of good Powder Your Compliance will much Oblige Gent Your Most Obt. Hum Sert. 90 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from Peter W Yates dated at New York the 14th Instant in these Words to wit. Gent. Since my arrival here, I have made it my business to collect all the material intelligence [101] in my Power. From the Congress, nothing Transpires that may be depend [ed?] on, as their Proceedings are held secret within their sacred Walls, no doubt for good reasons, I am however very well informed that the Proceedings of our Committee are highly commended, and our raising some Companies deemed in the Eyes of the Congress an Act of Courage & Prudence. Tho the Connecticut Forces are looked on as sufficient to maintain the Posts above, yet it seems to be the Opinion of the Congress here, not to disband ye. Companies raised [by] us if any way inconsistant with our engagement with them. I think it would be inconsistant and that they ought to be held in Service. The Congress are still contemplating on a Mode of raising Forces each County will have to send its proportion - and tho' the Mode adopted by the Congress here should differ from ours yet I am confident that the Companies raised by us will remain in their present Form, and be confirmed -I have given in the Names of the several Officers &c. whom I expect will undoubtedly be approved of-Such is the good Opinion and disposition of the Congress here towards our Albany Committee which is this Day (none excepted) foremost in their Esteem. Last Monday some New England People with a Sloop well Armed, and about forty Men came up to Turtle Bay and took off from the Kings Magazine there some Military Stores such as Ropes, Shells a Number of Boxes with Salt Petre, Harness &c. for moving Cannon &:- The next Morning they were pursued by the Man of War Kings Fisher attended with several armed Barges, but their Pursuit was fruitless, they returned back the next Day. This looks like Lex Talionis - and reminds us of the Troops destroying the provincial Magazine at Concord. Two Days ago the Gentlemen from above whom our Committee lately suffered to pass on his way to Philadelphia on his Parol de'Honeur was visited [102] here by a few Liberty Gentlemen who have conducted him under safe and secure conduct to Hartford It is said he had been with Major Skene at Philadelphia, and on Board the Asia here Major Skene we hear is under Guard & sent of from Philadelphia to Lancaster, it is said that he spoke very self important on his Arrival at Philadelphia being appointed Commander at Ticonderoga &c. but appeared much disconcerted on his being told that this important Post was already occupied by a Provincial Commander on a different establishment. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775j 91 Yesterday arrived here a Ship from Cove in Ireland, she brings Accounts that six Regiments on Board of Transports were on their Way to Boston, and that four others were embarking, and wou'd in a few Days sail for New York, one of whom or two were destined for Albany & the Posts above. I beleive they will [not?] peaceably reach their intended Journey's End nor make a very rapid Progress after being landed, for the New Yorkers (whether Saints or Rebels) will not be found quite so loyal as they are represented at Home, but boldly stand forth with her Sister Colonies in defence of their Lives and support of their Liberties, am with the greatest Esteem Your Most Humble Sert. Received a Letter from Beriah Palmer dated 14th Instant inclosing Resolutions respecting the appointment of a Committee for Balstown, and that Andrew Mitchel, James Gordon, Tyrannus Collins, Eliphalet Kellog, and Stephen White, where chosen as and for the Committee of said District. Resolved That the Commissary send the four Casks of Powder sent by the Provincial Congress to Lake George for the use of the Companies stationed at that Post to be equally distributed among the Soldiers by the Commissary there including what [103] they have Mr. Jacob Lansingh Reports that he has a quantity of Horns, which he is willing to dispose of, and as there are a Number wanted by the Soldiers stationed at Lake George. Resolved that an Hundred of said Horns be made & furnished with Strings &c. and sent up to said Post. Mr. Dirck Swart reported to this Board that one Mr. Hay who lives forty Miles down Lake Champlain informed him on Sunday the 18th Instant, on board the Sloop on Lake Champlain, that he went to Montreal for Flour, and was confined at Montreal by order of Governor Carlton, but by the intercession of the English Merchants he got a pass from the Lieut' Governor, then he was desired by them to pass on to Collo- Arnold, and inform him that the Caghnuago Indians had taken up the Hatchet and would not go out untill Nine of their Men should come in, nine of them being then absent And that Governor Carlton had frequently made presents to them. Resolved That Letters be wrote to the Continental and Provincial Congress's and be forwarded by an express. Resolved That Messrs Gerrit Lansingh Junr- Leonard Gansevoort, John Ten Broeck & Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be appointed a Committee to draw up said Letters. 92 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received an Association from the Inhabitants of Old England District in l ryon County dated 9th June Instant, which was requested to be sent down to the Provincial Congress. Resolved. That the same be transmitted. Received a Letter from the Committee of Bennington dated 14th June Instant by Elijah Dewy. [104] Albany Committee Chamber June 21st: 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro. Temp. Jacob Lansingh Gysbert Marselis Lucas Van Veghten Corns. Van Santvoordt Harst Schuyler Stephen De Lancey John H. Ten Eyck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Dirck Swart. John Bay. Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick John Ja. Beeckman It being reported that some Member of this Board had privately and without the Concurrence of the Committee wrote Letters or sent verbal intelligence to Collo Guy Johnson or some other Persons in Tryon County who are unfriendly to the Mode of Proceedings recommended by the Continental Congress Resolved that it be recommended that the following Affidavit be tendered to every Member of this Board. Albany 21st June 1775. I do solemnly swear on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, that I have not since I have been elected a Member of this Committee wrote any Letter or Letters to Coll Guy Johnson, or any other Persons inTryon County, or elsewhere, whom I knew or had reason to Suspect to be in opposition to the Resolutions of the Continental Congress, or have I sent or caused to be sent any verbal intelligence informing him or them of what was done or intended to be done in this Committee, neither have I sent any express to any place whatsoever for that purpose, nor have been aiding or assisting therein or Privy thereto nor have I endeavoured to bring this Committee or their Proceedings in Contempt for the purpose of frustrating the End of their appointment PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 93 Messrs Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer who were appointed a Committee to draw up [105] Letters to the Continental and Provincial Congresse's brought in the following Letters, which were read and with the Amendments were approved of Gent. Albany Committee Chamber June 21st: 1775. Mr- Dirck Swart a Member of this Board, who is just returned from Crown Point, brings us the following intelligence that one Mr Hay who lives about 40 Miles up Lake Champlain came down to Crown Point, who told Collo. Arnold and others that he had been to Montreal for some Flour, that Governor Carlton had him seized and confined for several Days, that by the interposition of the English Merchants of that place he received Liberty to return Home, and that the Merchants who procured him the pass from the Lieut. Governor, desired him to go down to Crown Point and Ticonderoga with all Speed and communicate to the Commander of those Fortresses, that the French Caghnuaga Indians had taken up the Hatchet but that they refused to go out upon any Scouts untill nine of their Men who were then out returned, and that Governor Carlton, was giving them presents Daily. We are very sorry to inform you that from a Number of Corroborating Circumstances, we have but too much Reason to believe the above information to be true, and more especially as the Troops which amount to about six hundred Men suffer no Persons coming up the Lake to pass St. John's if they can avoid it, where they are building Floating Batteries and Boats. Mr. Swart also acquaints us that Mr- Hay said that Governor Carlton had asked the English Merchants to take up Arms against the Yankees to make use of his own phraseology, that the Merchants refused upon which he told them he would set the Town on Fire, which the Merchants said he was welcome to do, and added they could carry as much [106] Fire as himself- Mr. Hay also desired Mr- Swart if he should happen to meet Mr' Price, he should request him not to proceed, as the English Merchants in Canada conceived it unsafe for him The Forces above are in no proper State of Defence, principally owing to the Scarcity of Powder of which Article, we have not yet been able to send up more, with the supply we have received from New York than 350ms which Quantity is altogether insufficient to answer the purposes intended, and of little Service in Case of an Attack and we can further inform you this City is not half Supplied, nor have the Frontier Inhabitants either Powder or Arms, for which applications have been, and daily are making to us, and as we have no prospect of any farther supply from New York, we beg to be assisted 94 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE if possible from the lower Governments, with all the dispatch Possible, We should also desire that the Command at the Forts might be settled. Collo. B. Arnold being appointed to that Command by the Massachusets Congress from whom he has his Commission Coll.o. Hinman who we understood would have taken the Command, but by his appointment from Govr- Trumbell his orders are only to Reinforce the Garrisons and Command his Regiment, upon which Collo. Arnold refused to resign, therefore conceive it highly necessary that a Matter of such Importance should be setteled with all Speed. The above we are also informed by Mr Swart, who was present and heard each read the others Instructions We thought it our indispensible Duty to acquaint you of these Matters therefore send them to you V Express We are Gent. Your Very Hum Servants To the Members of the Continental Congress Gent. [107] Albany Committee Chamber June 21st1 1775. Mr. Dirck Swart a Member of this Board, who is just returned from Crownpoint, brings us the following intelligence, that one Mr. Hay who lives about forty Miles up Lake Champlain came down to Crownpoinft, who told Collo. Benidict Arnold and others, that he had been at Montreal for some Flour that Governor Carlton had him seized & confined for several Days, that by the interposition of the English Merchants of that place, he received Liberty to return home, and that the Merchants who procured him the pass from the Lieut. Governor, desired him to go down to Crownpoint and Ticonderoga with all speed, and communicate to the Commander of those Fortresses that the French Caughnuago Indians had taken up the Hatchet but that they refused to go out upon any Scouts untill Nine of their Men who were then out returned and that Governor Carlton was giving them presents daily. We are sorry to inform you that from a Number of Corroborating Circumstances, we have but too much reason to beleive the above information to be true and more especially as the Troops which amount to about six hundred Men suffer no Persons coming up the Lake to pass St- John's if they can avoid it, where they are building Floating Batteries, and Boats, Mr. Swart also acquaints us, that Mr. Hay said that Governor Carlton had asked the English Merchants to take up Arms against the Yankees to make use of his own phraseology, that the Merchants refused upon which he told them, he would set the Town on Fire which the Merchants said he was welcome to do, and added they could carry as much Fire as himself, Mr. Hay also desired Mr. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 95 Swart if he should happen to meet Mr. Price he should request him not to proceed as the English Merchants [108] in Canada conceived it unsafe for him The forces above are in no proper State of Defence principally owing to the scarcity of Powder of which Article we have not been able to send up more with the supply we have received from you than 35011s which Quantity is altogether insufficient to answer the purposes intended, and of little Service in Case of an Attack. We can further inform you this City is not half supplied, nor have the Frontier Inhabitants either Powder or Ammunition for which Applications have been and daily are making to us.l We must therefore beg you will afford us all the Assistance in your Power, and send us V the first oppertunity such an additional quantity as you can Conveniently Spare. We must also beg of you to send us 78 Blankets for so many of the Men inlisted in this County who are now at Fort George without any as also some Money to pay the Companies as they are very uneasy, and threaten to desert two of their Officers are now in Town, and declare they dare not return without some Cash to satisfy their Men. We are Gent &c. To the Provincial Congress. Resolved That Baren!t Ten Eyck be engaged and sent express with said Letters to the Provincial and Continental Congresse's Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp 16/ Jacob Lansingh 8/ Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 8/ John H Ten Eyck 16/ John Ja Beeckman 8/ Hars. Schuyler Gosen Van Schaick 8/ John Ten Broeck 16/ Leonard Gansevoort 18/8 Lucas Van Veghten 18/8 John Bay 14/ Dirck Swart 8/ [109] It being absolutely necessary that the Provisions in this City for the use of the Forces at Ticonderoga and the adjacent Posts should be sent up with all possible dispatch 1 Down to this point the letters are virtually identical. They show, however, some variation in spelling, etc. 96 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved. That it be recommended to John N. Bleecker, Commissary, to employ all Waggons he can procure untill the said Provisions be transported thither Mr- Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer received of this Board Six Pounds nineteen Shillings and four pence. Resolved That Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay unto Mr- Barent Ten Eyck, who is sent express to the Continental and Provincial Congresses, Six Pounds nineteen Shillings and four pence The Association for the third Ward of this City was returned by Leonard Gansevoort together with the Names of those who refused to Sign Committee Chamber June 22nd: 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Lucas Van Veghten 2/ Corns- Van Santvoordt 2/ Jacob Lansingh 2/ Gysbert Marselis 2/ John Ten Broeck 2/ John J. Beeckman 2/ Leonard Gansevoort 2/ Stephen De Lancey 2/ Hars. Schuyler Jochim Staats 2/ John H Ten Eyck 2/ Pro Temp. 2/ Jacob C. Ten Eyck 2/ Gosen Van Schaick 2/ Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 2/ Abraham Cuyler 2/ John Bay 2/ Dirck Swart Stephen J. Schuyler 2/ Bastiaen T. Visscher 2/ Jacob Ja Lansingh 2/ Frederick Berger 2/ Appeared before this Board Elijah Wempay Reuben Cogheu, Stephen Hugh, & Ephraim Phash Oneida Indians, who offered an open Letter to the four New England Governments, but directed particularly to Governor Trumbull, Signed by a Number of the Heads of that Nation shewing their disinclination to take any part in the present Controversy, on either Side. [110] They also informed this Board that Collo- Guy Johnson had held a Congress with the Indians composed of several Tribes of different Nations, but many Tribes were absent. That Coll~ Johnson had offered presents to them, to assist King George (as they Termed it) but they refused his presents and would not engage in the dispute, To which he replied, that if they would not assist him, he knew who would. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 97 That Collo Johnson had taken a Men that came from the German Flatts, and tied him by the Hands and Feet expanded and stretched between two Stakes, upon the sight of which, the Indians demanded him to be released, for they said that they had 'but a few Days since renewed their Friendship with the white People, and that Man was their Brother which at first was denied but after a Consultation he ordered him to be released. That Collo, Johnson is now gone up to Oswego and in his Way thither, he requested the Oneidas to let him Build a House, on their Land and live amongst them which they refused, And that they had an Inclination to have taken him, but fearing that some Blood might have been shed they declined it. Two Pounds two shillings and eight pence was paid by this Board to the four Oneida Indians above mentioned. Adjourned till two OClock P M. Met according to adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Gosen Van Schaick Volkert P. Douw Jochim Staats Henry Quackenbush Jacob Lansingh Jacob Ja Lansingh Killiaen Van Rensselaer Lucas Van Veghten Harmanus Schuyler Peter P. Schuyler John Ten Broeck Henry Bleecker Cornelius Van Santvoordt Gerrit Lansingh [111] John Ja Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen J Schuyler Abraham Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort John Bay Frederick Berger Jacob C. Ten Eyck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer On Motion The Question being put whether or no it is necessary that some Money be raised to pay the Troops raised for the use of this Colony Resolved in the Affirmative Nem: Con. The Question being put what Sum should be raised. Resolved that five hundred Pounds be raised 4 98 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Then. The Question being put whether the said Sum of five hundred Pounds be raised by Loan or by Bills of Credit. Resolved That it be raised by Bills of Credit of the following Emission to wit. 1000 of 1/ ~50 750 2/ 75 500 5/ 125 500 10/ 250 ~500 Resolved That the Bills for the above Sum be of the following Tenor to wit. Albany Committee Chamber June 22nd. 1775. (No ) This Note shall entitle the bearer to the Sum of New York Currency payable by us the Subscribers on or before the first day of September next pursuant to a Vote of Credit of the Sub-Committee of the ity & County of Albany By order of the said Committee Resolved That Mess- Jacob C. Ten Eyck, Jacob Lansingh Junr. and Samuel Stringer subscribe their respective Names to the several Notes to be issued as aforesaid and Number the same. And the respective Members of this Committee do hereby engage to save and keep harmless and indemnified [112] the said Jacob C. Ten Eyck, Jacob Lansingh Junr- and Samuel Stringer for all Sums of Money which they or either of them may be compelled to pay in Consequence of their Signing the said Notes, exclusive of their Proportional Part as Members of this Committee. FartherResolved That Messrs Robert Yates, John Bay, Abraham Cuyler, Gosen Van Schaick, Cornelius Van Santvoordt, John Ten Broeck, Henry Quackenbush and Lucas Van Veghten, or any two of them Superintend the printing of said Bills. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 99 Committee Chamber 23rd June 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. 2/ John H Ten Eyck 2/ John Bay 2/ Robert Yates 3/7 Leonard Ganservoort 2/ Gerrit Lansingh 4/ Abraham Cuyler 2/ John Ten Broeck 2/ Killian Van Rensselaer 3/ John Ja Beeckman 2/ Abraham Ten Broeck Corns- Van Santvoordt Henry Quackenbush 2/ Jacob Lansingh Jur. 2/ Jacob C. Ten Eyck Gosen Van Schaick 2/ Received a Letter from the Delegates of the Provincial Congress for this City & County inclosing Copy of a Letter supposed to have been wrote to Collo' Wooster requesting that the Contents of both might be communicated to the Committee of Schonectada Resolved. That the same be Copied and forwarded to Schonectady. Resolved that an express be sent to Boston to bring certain Intelligence concerning the Vague Reports of an engagement there between the Provincial and Kings Troops. Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Provincial Congress of the Massachusets Bay Government by the express Bretheren Albany Committee Chamber June 23rd: 1775. We have received a Vague and uncertain account from your Colony of an Engagement which your Troops have had with the Enemies of our Country at or near Charles Town, As we feel ourselves deeply interested in every event affecting the general [113] Weal of America it gives us great pleasure that tho' with the loss of many brave Men, you have been able (if our information be right) to drive with Considerable Loss the Tools of Tyranny and Oppression back to their Assylum, Strongly impressed with the warmest disposition to cultivate harmony with you, and if necessary to afford you all the Assistance in our Power we have therefore sent you this by Mr. Price, in order to receive from you a circumstantial Detail of the late engagement and its Consequences. We expect daily an Attack upon Ticonderoga from Canada. May that God who has so often signally espoused our Cause in the arduous Struggle for Liberty & Humanity still continue to you his Gracious Guidance and protection. o100 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE We are at a loss to know what must be done with the Donations collected in this City for the Poor of Boston, and beg to be informed by you, as the Chief of Contributions was in Grain, whether we shall dispose of it here, and convert it into Cash or otherwise wait your directions. We are Brethren Your Very Humble Servts Six Pounds three Shillings was paid to John Price the express sent to Boston It being necessary that some one Person have the Command of the Forces, of this Colony now stationed at Fort George, and as most of the Captains there have bore Commissions in the last Warr. Resolved That the Captn- who has the oldest Commission take the Command of the Forces there untill it shall be otherwise ordered by the Continental or Provincial Congress's, and that the Command of the Subaltern Officers be regulated by the Commanding Officer according to the Date of their former Commissions, if they have any, and if they have none that they ballot for it, and continue in such Command untill it shall be farther ordered by the Congress, and that they be Subject to the Commanding [114] Officer of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Resolved That an order be given to Captn- John Visscher to receive and buy of James Caldwell a Box of Soap, to be paid by this Board in fourteen Days after Date Received a Letter from Joel Pratt dated at Lake George June 21st: 1 775. Albany Committee Chamber 24th June 1 775. Present Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. John Ten Broeck John C. Ten Eyck Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Roseboom Jacob Cuyler John Ja Beeckman John Bay John H Ten Eyck Cornelius Van Santvoordt -Jerh- Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Broeck Lucas Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Henry Quackenboss Robert Yates John Tayler Henry Bleecker Stephen De Lancey Gysbert Marselis Francis Nicoll PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 101 Resolved that an order be drawn upon Mr. John D. Wyncoop of Lansingburgh, and other Merchants for Sixty Blankets in favour of Captn. John Visscher on Account of this Colony, which is as follows. Sir Let the bearor Captn John Visscher have Sixty Blankets, on Account of this Colony, and out of the first,Money raised by the Colony, you will be paid by this Committee By order of the Committee To Mr. John D. Wyncoop and other Merchants at Lansing borough A Motion being made by Mr. Henry Bleecker for supplying a Number of Carpenters sent from New York to Lake George Resolved That they cannot be supplyed by this Board. Received a Copy of an Affidavit of John Denny taken before Cornelius Cuyler Justice dated Schonectada [115] the 20th June 1775. Received a Letter from the Delegates of this County in the Provincial Congress June 10th. 1775. Adjourned untill 2 OClock P. M. Met according to adjournment Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Leonard Gansevoort Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Robert Yates Henry Quackenbush Lucas Van Veghten Francis Nicolls John H. Ten Eyck Peter P. Schuyler Gosen Van Schaick Stephen J. Schuyler John Ja. Beeckman John Roseboom Abraham Ten Broeck Gysbert Marselis John Bay Resolved That John N. Bleecker Commissary furnish Captn. White, with four Guns, one Camp Kettle, four Hatchets, and five Blankets. 102 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Appeared before this Board four Oneyda Indians to wit, Tenussa Teaundeantha, William, Thahteequesera, Kristiaen & Clenis. Chairman Brothers. We are glad to see you at your Council Fire the sparks of which have always existed, but now much revived by your appearing here. We are sorry to hear of the troubles, which have been up with you, which was occasioned by your Superintendant, who has thrown off the upper World into Confusion, and has attempted to remove your Minister from you We have heard of the Congress held up at the German Flatts, and your behaviour there affords us great pleasure, if any disturbance up there should happen, we hope you will give us the earliest intelligence. The following Speech was delivered by Theenis Teandeantha and interpreted by Mr. Brothers. The Day is now come that we are [116] allowed to light a Pipe together, where our Forefathers used to meet together and setteled Business We greatly rejoice in this meeting w[h]ere we four of us together return our thanks for what you have said, and we doubt not, but our Heads who sent us down will rejoice with us. We thank God who has preserved us to have this meeting Brothers. You have observed that it is long since the Council Fire has been revived here, Yet it seems, as tho' we hear the Voice of our Forefathers We rejoice that our Minds so Unite about was delivered to our Brethren at the German Flatts Who knows but the Old Fire that was so long since Kindled by our forefathers, should now burn bright - This is the place where our forefathers first settel'd their Ancient Friendship. I have made my Brothers a short reply to your Speech. You observed to us, to let you know the reason why Collo- Johnson, should be so affrighted as to leave his Place, That he appointed one Meeting at one place, than at another, that you have also desired us to let you know of his applications to us True very true Brothers our Opinions meet concerning Col. Johnson's Conduct, we cannot know his Intentions. We began to look about us, as having received some knowledge of God. We were all of us surprised at his Conduct, the Young Men, as well as the Old Warriors, not knowing what such Conduct meant. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 103 By the first Messenger we could not understand as he sent for three Men only but said his Business was friendly. So he sent a second but the Letter was lost at the Flatts. As the Letter was lost, the Carrier comes in with the Scout firing Shout, and said I am sent by Collo. Johnson who calls upon you to his Assistance and Protection, he calls upon all those who [117] love him, for the Boston People are coming to him, who have already taken his Towns. This Alarm was so sudden and unexpected to us Oneydas, we thought proper to send to some of the Tribes, but desiring them to sit still untill we sent down to Alarm the rest of the Nations, Our Chiefs had added this to their Speech, that they should send to hear the truth of the Matters and then would let the rest of the five Nations know it At the same time we sent of two Messengers to Col. Johnson, they run one Day, and had met five Onondagas, who told them that Col Johnson was in a sad Condition, much affrighted, and has a Nunmber of the Mohawk Indians armed about him, and some large Guns, and that they got their escape by promissing to carry a Message to the Oneidas, that the Boston People were a Coming, and that we saw your Minister there, but he did not love to speak much to us of it. We then asked them what presents they made to Col. Johnson to get away, they said to speak to their Young Warriors to assist him And they farther replied when we got consent to go, to our People, Col~. Johnson enjoined them that they should get three Young Men in each Town, as he passed through to come down to him, He farther enjoined them to carry a Message to the Oneida Nation that they should come down, for he was much surprised, that they were not there before that time, Upon this we moved down to the German Flatts, and there we thought fit first to converse with our Brethren concerning the uncommon Alarm, that had reached our Territories, we consulted together and determined to live in Peace and enjoy the Blessings God [118] has given us, upon which Col~- Johnson was very angry, that we should converse with any Body, before they came down to him. After this Conference with our Brethren at the German Flats, a great Number of our Oneida Nation, returned home, But several of our Chiefs proceeded to Collo. Johnson, when they had a Warm Conference with him soon after their Conference, Col Johnson proposed to them, where it would be most agreeable to them to rekindle their Council Fire they replied at the German Flats for which he returned thanks. 104 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Upon this he sends another Messenger to all the five Nations that he would kindle the Council Fire at the German Flatts, where he would provide every thing agreeable and sent this Word through all the Towns When this last Messenger came Mr 1 with others was at Onondaga, when the Messenger came, he told them Colo~ Johnson had sent them so many different Messages, and we did not come, we told him we thought it prudent to sit still, to see what the Tribes from Susquehannah would do The Onondagas thanked them kindly for their Wisdom, in strengthning the Chain of Friendship with the People at the German Flatts and there had brightned the Chain of Friendship, and had fixed the Oneida for the place where to apply for intelligence. Now Colo- Johnson sent another Message to us from the German Flats, with orders that it should go with the greatest dispatch informing them that he fixed Fort Stanwix for the place of their Council, and that they should repair thither with the utmost haste, and not to wait [119] for each other. No Indians coming from any Quarter Col Johnson sends the last Message to us Oneidas, as we were just by calling us to come, instantly, and he would inform us why he moved the Council Fire from the German Flats to Fort Stanwix, it was in Compliance with the good Will of the great King, that he was resolved, that he would not be deceived of the presents, sent for the Indians That the great People of Schonectada, had stopped up, the River, that nothing designed for the Indians should reach their Council Fire, however the King should not be disappointed for there were some Men, in Schonectada who had goods, and he would here share them You see how your Brothers behave, as soon as they got the knowledge of their having imported Goods, they entered into their Houses and threatned, to tear them down. And you may see farther what their Friendship to you is they have sent two Men from Albany to forbid the Goods coming this Way, but I am determined to have them for I will keep this Passage open. They still refused to come from Oneida This is contrary to our Custom the five Nations must first come down and then we will have a peaceable and quiet meeting Upon this he sends a fourth Message, and says I must certainly see you on the Morrow Upon this short but sudden Message we Oniedas determined to see him, but with this Determination not to assist him if he was upon any bad design, 1 Name omitted in the original. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 105 (The Indian addressed himself & said) that it is too Scandalous to relate what Col Johnson told them at Fort Stanwix, Foolish & Trifling [ 120] But when requested proceeded, When we arrived at Fort Stanwix, we told him we had come to hear what he had to say to us as he had sent us the last Message of all in Peremptory Turns, We met with a Cold reception, as we brought nothing but our Tobacco Pouches, and he make us no other Reply but referred us to our Brothers the Ochquagoes, who were just coming up Dressed in a Warriors Hue, with Guns, and with their Death Moll, and replied these appear like Men Upon which we replied and said why did not you compleat the Sentence and tell us we were a pack of Old Women. Upon this we returned to our Brethren the Ochquagoes, and asked them why they came dressed in such a Warlike manner to the Council Fire, we told them we thought it the most Scandalous of any thing that had happened The Ochquagoes replied to us that they came away unadvisedly never once bethought themselves where they were going, nor what they were upon, while they were upon the Way reflecting upon the Manner of their Dress began to feel ashamed themselves, then Concluded to submit the Matter to their elder Brothers the Oneidas for their future Conduct When we were met at Fort Stanwix, we had a short Council among ourselves and formed a short Speech to our Superintendant. Brother Superintendant we are in a strange situation we never knew of such Council Fires, as you are kindling up now here, then there, It seems you play [the Fool 1] with the five Nations, they have been a Badge once not to be Trifled with we suspect you are not upon a good design [121] That the present Council Fire intended is not for Peace, our former Superintendant never kindled up any other fire at Oswego, but for the Warriors. The Chiefs of the five Nations are much Chagrined at the Conduct of their Superintendant as soon as the Interpreter had delivered the purport of the Speech of our Head Men, instead of making an answer said I will speak first as I kindled the Council Fire. They contradicted him, he told them that at Philadelphia and to the Southward all the Sea Ports were opened, and Trade carried on as usual. 3 Crossed out in the original. 106 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber June 26th- 1775 Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Gerrit Lansingh Jur. Lucas Van Veghten Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gosen Van Schaick Peter P. Schuyler John Bay Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Peter W. Yates Jacob Lansingh Junr Jacob Cuyler John Ja. Beeckman Abraham Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Stephen De Lancey John H Ten Eyck Henry Quackenbush Resolved That the following Articles be Provided for the following Indians to wit Theenis Teandeantha William Tahtequese, Kristiaen and Cleenis, to wit twelve Pounds of Tobacco, three pounds 1/4 Soap, four Peices of Gartering, four Pair of Shoes, four Straw Hatts four Small D~- five Blankets, one Peice of Strouds four Shirts, four Pair of Stockings, one Dozen of Knives, two Bridles, four Pair of Scarlet Stockings four Pair of Pinch Back Shoe Buckels for four of their Chiefs to wit Senussis Kanagguaissu, Knenerodagh and Sughnagearat, and forty Shillings in Cash [122] which was advanced by Mr Leonard Gansevoort Received a Letter from Captn. John Visscher dated Stonerabia 25 June 1775. Mr. Gosen Van Schaick delivered to this Board from the Printing Office together with the Device one hundred and forty Bills of ten Shillings one hundred and forty of one Shilling each which were struck under his Inspection. Resolved That there be struck in Bills of Credit in addition to what has already been ordered, five hundred Pounds of the following Tenor to wit, two hundred and fifty of Twenty Shillings and one hundred and Twenty five of forty Shillings Resolved That a Committee be appointed [to prepare] a Speech for the Gentlemen who shall be appointed a Committee, to meet the Congress of the Indians to be held at the German Flatts, on Thursday next and that Messrs Peter W. Yates, Jacob Cuyler, John H. Ten Eyck, Abraham Ten Broeck & Leonard Gansevoort be a Committee for that purpose PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 107 Resolved That the Revd' Samuel Kirkland MissionY among the Oneyda Indians be furnished with fifteen Pounds Cash, who is now on his way to the Provincial and Continental Congress which Leonard Gansevoort offered to advance on the Credit of the Colony. Answer to the Speech delivered the 24th Instant to this Board by Theenis. Brethren We are extremely glad to see you here, and shall at all times be ready and willing to converse with you, or any other of your Nations. We are sorry to hear that your Ministers, are ordered away from amongst you. We know not the Reason of this Strange Conduct, and we do greatly disapprove of it, as we wou'd wish to see you and your Children tought the true Religion of Jesus Christ. To shew our Sincerity [123] towards you, and that we mean to serve you as far as in our Power, we do promise that we will communicate this Matter to our great and wise Men now sitting at New York, and make no doubt but they will take it into Consideration and give you Relief therein, that you may continue to be Blessed with the Labours of your Ministers as usual and that you may no more be disturbed in your Worship of God. This is all we can do at present as we have not the Disposal of Ministers among you. From you we cannot expect any Evil as we are on Terms of Friendship as our Forefathers have been, and as we hope we may Continue and our Children after us -As this affair is a matter of so great Importance we have advised Mr. Kirkland your Minister to proceed on to New York (as that is the Capital of the whole Province) in order to Converse with our Wise and great Men there upon this Subject As we understand that a small Council Fire of Peace of your Nation and some others will be held at the German Flatts next Thursday we shall appoint one or more of our Number to represent us there, and shew you more fully, how we stand affected towards you and the Nations, And that we are still mindfull of the Antient Covenants of Peace and Friendship between yours and our Ancestors, In token of which we now shew you those Convenant Belts and we shall then also give you a full Account of the present disturbances and disputes between Great Britain and America, And we now advise you to Peace and quietness and hope you will recommend the same to your People This Belt was given in answer to the Speech deliver'd by you on behalf of your Chiefs - [ 124] In token of our approbation of your good and Peaceful intentions we present you with these few Articles 108 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Reply by Theenissis Teandeanthaw. Brethren We are now again Assembled in your Council HouseIt is thro' Gods Mercy that we are again here together & rejoice this Day We were glad of the Short Conference the other Day when we smoked a Pipe together- But we are more pleased with this - We are exceedingly rejoiced at your Token of Affection towards us in your Speech now delivered. It now further appears that you rejoice in the Religious Instructions that we have had and wish their Continuance, As you have promised us to write to your great and Wise Men at New York who are there Assembled. This shows your Concern for us, and your Wisdom & Prudence This will revive our great ones, who sent us down to accompany our Father to your Place We shall take the greatest Care of your Belt which speaks the greatest Friendship for us the Oneydas. We shall Communicate the same to our Chief Men of the Oneyda Nation We are also Glad that you are pleased to send one or more of your Number to represent you or carry your Minds to our Council to be held at the German Flats. This is what our Chief Men want to know how your Minds stand affected in these Troublesome Times, There your Messengers will expect to be informed by our Chief Ones of Col. Johnson's Designs, This they firmly agreed to when they met your Brothers at the German Flats, We are but four of us here we may [125] however in the Name of our Chief Men thank you for your Speech to our Chiefs and Acts of kindness to us. Resolved That Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Peter P. Schuyler Stephen Schuyler and John J. Bleecker be a Committee to attend at the Congress of the Indians to be held at the German Flats on Thursday next. Resolved That the above Gentlemen be added to the Committee appointed to prepare a Speech to be delivered to the Indians at the Congress aforesaid. Adjourned untill 8 OClock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 109 Met according to Adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Gosen Van Schaick Henry Quackenbush Lucas Van Veghten Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham Ten Broeck John Ja. Beeckman Peter W. Yates John Bay Robert Yates. Bastiaen T. Visscher John H. Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. The Gentlemen appointed to prepare a Speech for the Committee who are to attend the Congress of the Indians to be held at the German Flatts on Thursday next brought in the following which being read was approved of, and is in the following Words Brethren of the Oneydas and the others of the Chiefs of the different Nations here present at this Council Fire A small Council Fire was held at the City of Albany on Saturday and Monday last at which Tenussis Teawendeauntha, William Thahteegeressera, Christiaen & Cleenis Brethren of the Oneyda were present the Transactions at which they promised us to tell you [126] We were extremely glad to see them there, and we are very glad now to meet you here at this Place in order to let you know more of our Minds and to hear your's. Brethren We are very sorry to see America in general so full of disturbance and Confusion, All this is occasioned by Great Britain's unjust and unlawful Proceedings, against her American Brethren and Subjects, We have laboured under a Number of Oppressions Wrongs and Grievances here and have remonstrated and petitioned against them to great Britain, but she has refused to do us Justice. refused even to hear us on Subjects of so great Importance, and instead like a Tender Mother of hearing the Just Complaints of us her Children she has sent over Companies and Troops to distroy us and deprive us of our Properties, she demands from us Debts, we don't owe her, lays Taxes on us and our Estates against Law and Justice, and too heavy for us to bear, and all this Money they want from us without our Consent to pay off their own Debts none of which we owe or have contracted, nor ought to pay - Brethren upon this great and Important Subject all the great Men and Chiefs of the white People of America (except the Province of Canada) have 110 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE last Fall had a large Council Fire at Philadelphia (and which is now sitting there) and have agreed with one Heart and one Hand to oppose these unjust Proceedings even at the Hazard of their Lives and Properties Bretheren. We have always been dutiful and loyal Subjects of King George the third and still are and mean so to continue and support him, But these unjust unlawful Proceedings proceed not from him, but from his Servants and his wicked Councellors who want to oppress us that they may live [127] the greater themselves. Bretheren. We have always given what we could afford when the King asked it of us in a lawful and just Way, and whenever we had a War against an Enemy but now they will not ask from us, they will force us to give our Money for other Purposes. This Brethren is the true Cause of all the present disturbances, and this we thought fit now to tell you that you may guard yourselves against the Falshoods and misrepresentations which evil designing and wicked Men may spread abroad and report to deceive you and lead you astray. But we have too much Confidence in your Justice and Wisdom to suppose you will be misled by false Reports. Brethren. We have made Preperations to oppose the Companies and Troops sent over from Great Britain to oppress and distroy us, and have great reason to think that trusting in Gods divine Providence, we will meet with Success, This Brethren is a Dispute between Great Britain and us her Children and Subjects, in which we desire that neither you nor any other of the Indian Nations, will interfere unless you should be disturbed on our Accounts in which Case we will be ready and willing to give you our Council and Assistance, and if you should hear of any News of Consequence relative to these disputes either respecting you or us we desire you will let us know as soon as possible and you may depend upon the same from us Brethren Our Forefathers and yours have always been on Terms of Peace and Friendship, and we have shewn you two of their Belts to convince you that we are still mindful of our antient Convenants Brethren. We desire you to make this our Speech known to all the Nations East and West and particularly to your Brethren the Caghnuagas whom we have heard are disposed to Act against us that they may know the Truth and Cause of all these disputes [128] Brethren. We shall always be glad to see any of you to converse with us at our Council House at Albany and hope that you and we, and yours and our Children may always continue to live together in Peace and Friendship. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 111 Committee Chamber 29th June 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Jacob Cuyler Peter Van Ness John Ten Broeck Peter Contine Robert Yates Lucas Van Veghten Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Quackenbush John Ja Beeckman Corns. Van Santvoordt Gysbert Marselis Frederick Berger John Van Orden Stephen Hogeboom Leonard Gansevoort Jochim Staats John Wood Peter W. Yates John Younglove Volkert Veeder Ignas Kip Jacob F Lansingh John W Groesbeeck Joseph Anderson Asa Douglass Rutger Lansingh Matthew Adgate Guert Van Schoonhoven Philip Rockefeller Isaac Fonda Gosen Van Schaick James Barker Simeon Covil Hendrick Van Bergen Peter W Zielen Received a Letter Signed Abraham Yates Junr Robt. Van Rensselaer, and Henry Glen Delegates from the County of Albany in the Provincial Congress dated New York 25th June 1775. 9 OClock in these Words. Gent. Yours of the 21st Instant we recda by Mr Ten Eyck Yesterday at about five in the Afternoon, We Copied the Letter, and sent the Copy to Coll Schuyler with Ten Eyck, who went over about 9 OClock in the Evening, the Congress was adjournd. before Ten Eyck came, but as 300t Weight of Powder had been ordered to be sent before we received your Letter, We are getting it aboard of Mr. Wendell [129] which must Suffice untill more can be had. The Hand Bill will give you the News, except that Governor Tryon is now laying in the Hook and will come in it is said by One OClock to day We are GentYour Humble Servt Your Humble Servt'. 112 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received another Letter from the same dated 25th June, 10 OClock, which Letter is in these Words Sir In addition to what we wrote you this Morning (having now had the Opinion of the Congress) we have an Order upon Mr Curtenius to send 78 Blankets, but whether we will find Curtenius so as to be ready to send it now by Mr Wendell is uncertain the City is all in Oproar, Governor Tryon will come in about One OClock and nearly the same time General Washington. We also inclose you now a Letter that will confirm your Suspicion still more in respect to the Indians, Money is not yet to be had, but have it in Order from the Congress to assure you that as soon as Money (as also Powder both every Day expected) arrives it will be sent. Coll Schuyler will also be here to day in Company with General Washington We are Gent Your Very Humble Servants. Received a Letter from Peter Silvester dated New York 25th June 1775. inclosing Copy of a Letter to the Provincial Congress, from the Provincial Congress held in Watertown for the Province of Massachusets Bay dated 13h June 1775 Received a Letter from the Committee of Little Hosick District dated 27th June 1775. Resolved That John N. Bleecker furnish Captn. George White with two Guns, three Blankets, three Tomhawks, three Powder Horns, and one Camp Kittle And that he furnish Captn. Joel Pratt with Ten Blankets, and Captn' John Visscher with twenty nine [130] which he will forward with CaptnGeorge White A Return was made of the Association for the Corporation of Cambridge together with the Names of those who refused to sign by Mr. John Younglove. A return of Do~ was made by Simeon Covil for the District of Cambridge A return of D. was made by Mr. Philip Rockefeller for the German Camp District. A return of D~o was made by Henry Quackenbush for the District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck A return of Do~ was made by John Van Orden for the District of the great Imboght. A return of D. was made by Mr. Rutger Lansing for the District of Half Moon PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 113 Messrs. John Baptist Dumond, Henry Feiro and John Persen were returned as additional Members for the Committee of Grote Imboght District A return was made of the Association for Kings District, together with the Names of those who refused to Sign, by Matthew Adgate Esqr. Adjournd. untill two OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Jacob Cuyler Rutger Lansingh Henry Wendell James Barker Corns. Van Santvoordt Stephen J. Schuyler John Van Orden Peter Contine John B. Dumond [131] Peter W. Zielen John Younglove Peter Van Ness Robert Yates Matthew Goes Ju. Ignas Kip Stephen Hogeboom Simeon Covil John Js. Bleecker Hendrick Van Bergen Peter W Yates Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Bay Jochim Staats Gerrit Van Den Bergh Volkert Veeder Volkert P. Douw Jacob C. Schermerhorn Guert Van Schoonhoven Frederick Berger Henry Oothoudt Jacob F Lansingh Isaac Fonda Joseph Anderson Gysbert Marselis Chrisr. Yates Stephen J. Schuyler Jacobus Teller Henry Van Schaack Philip Rockefeller Matthew Adgate A return was made of the Association for Cocksakie District together with the Names of the Persons who refused to Sign by Mr. James Barker A return of D. was made Signed by three Companies of the Schaghtekocke District by Mr. John Js Bleecker A return of D. was made for the District of Little Hosick by Messrs. Jacob C. Schermerhorn and [blank space] Gardner 114 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE A return of D. was made by Messrs. Stephen Hogeboom and Peter Van Ness for the District of Claverack. A return was made of D~o by Mr Christopher Yates for the Township of Schonectada. A return of D~o was made of Kinderhook District by Messrs. Henry Van Schaack and Matthew Goes Junr. Mr. Robert Yates moved in behalf of Mr. Petrus Van Ness that the Petition lately presented to this Board against said Van Ness be taken into Consideration, and the Petitioners be called upon to prove its Contents, for that said Van Ness was present and ready to answer and exculpate himself from the Charges therein alledged against him The Petition being ordered to be read and the Petitioners called upon which was accordingly done Mr. Henry J Van Rensselaer one of the Petitioners with others appeared, and in support of said [132] Petition offered some Exparte Affidavits to the Introduction of which, objections were made on behalf of Mr Van Ness by Mr- Robert Yates. Resolved That Exparte Affidavits shall not be admitted. By Consent and Nomination of the Parties Resolved that Philip Rockefeller, John Ten Broeck Peter W. Yates and John Bay be a Committee to go to Claverack, and take the Affidavits in behalf of both Parties, and that they make a return or Report of said Affidavits at the next general meeting of this Committee Resolved that John N. Bleecker Commissary furnish Captn. Cornelius Van Dyck with four Barrels of Pork for the use of his Company A request in writing from some of the Inhabitants of Cambridge and Quashakoke was presented to this Committee 1 Relative. [Blank space in manuscript] Resolved that Messrs. James Barker, Robert Yates and Peter W. Yates be a Committee to draw an Answer to said Request which was done in the following Words, to wit. We have taken into Consideration the Questions from some of the Inhabitants of Cambridge and Quasakoke. Ist Relative to their Submitting to the Execution of Law and Administration of Justice in his Majesty's Name 2 Relative to Appeals PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1775 115 [133] 3rdy. Relative to our being deemed Rebels and Traitors and our Property forfeited 4 Relative to Arms and Ammunition, and Upon the whole we are of Opinion respecting the first Point. That as the Safety of our Persons and the Preservation of our Properties depend upon the due Administration of Justice, that the Course of Justice ought not to be obstructed, but ithat the same Continue in the usual Course and in the Kings Name, and our Alligiance to him is not denied and that we are to wait the Resolution of the Provincial or Continental Congress on this Subject and abide by their Determination for otherwise, we conceive the whole Country will be reduced to a State of the greatest Anarchy and Confusion. And as to the II Point. Appeals are still admitted, at least in this Government in all Cases where they always have been allowed, in this therefore the Law has not be altered, and the Subject in this Province has the Same Liberty of a fair and Impartial Trial as usual on Constitutional Principles, and we do not object against any Acts of Parliament except the late unconstitutional and oppressive ones and which have been Noticed by the Continental Congress in their Session last Fall, and as to the III Point. We are neither Rebels or Traitors nor have we forfeited our Estates, neither are there any Acts of Parliament of that Nature in force to our knowledge against any Persons in this Province, nor do we conceive the Appellation of Traitors and Rebels Justly applied to Subjects who refuse to comply with requisitions of unconstitutional Acts of Parliament, as to the [134] IV Point. The Want of Arms and Ammunition seems to be universal throughout this Province nor have we any to spare in this City and County, but stand in need of more than we have at present, and have wrote to the Congress on this Subject. and should be glad of a Supply of these necessary Articles from any Quarter. Finally we wou'd recommend every Person who wishes well to the Cause of Liberty, and especially to those who have Signed the Association to observe the same Strictly, and by no Means Act contrary to the Resolution of the Continental or Provincial Congress, or the General Committee agreeable to the Form and Effect of the said Association 116 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber 1St July 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. John H. Ten Eyck Henry Wendell Lucas Van Veghten Gosen Van Schaick Leonard Gansevoort John Js. Bleecker Gysbert Marselis Frederick Berger Jacob C. Ten Eyck Bastian T. Visscher John Ja. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush Joseph Anderson John Bay Received by our Express a Letter from the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts Bay held at Water Town dated 28th June 1775. in these Words to wit. In Provincial Congress Water Town June Gentlemen. 28th: 1775. Gentlemen. This Congress have received your very obliging Letter (by Mr. Price) of the 23rd Ult. and they chearfully embrace the oppertunity to forward to you by the same Hand as Particular an Account of the late engagement with the Enemies of America as we in the present hurry of our Publick Affairs, are able to do [135] On the Night of the 16th of June Instant, a Body of our Troops took Possession of a Hill in Charlestown, where they began some Entrenchments, but as soon as the Morning light appeared, they were fired upon by some of the Ships in Boston Harbour, and also from a Battery on Cops Hill which is on Boston Side Soon after several Ships and Floating Batteries drew up as near as Possible, on each Side Charlestown Neck, in order with their Cannon to annoy our People and Prevent any Recruits going from our Main Body to their Relief, About two OClock P. M. a large Body of Regular Troops consisting of several Thousands under the Command of Lord How suddenly crossed Charles River, and landed near the Hill on which our People were Posted, they immediately marched up in order to force our Infant entrenchments, but our People gave them so Warm a Reception, that they thought best to retreat, but soon renewed their Attempts, but were repulsed the second Time with great Slaughter but on their third Attempt our People (being almost destitute of Ammunition as the Enemies Constant Fire from their Ships and Floating Batteries had prevented any PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 117 supplies from our Main Body) were obliged to Retreat with the loss of about 50 Men Killed and 200 Wounded as near as has been yet asscertained, and about 30 Taken Prisoners many of whom were Wounded, and some of them are since Dead of their Wounds, the Loss on the Part of our Enemies is much greater, Some Persons who were on the field of Battle soon after the fight affirm they saw 800 Men Dead on the Ground, and that there were many more Wounded, the lowest Accounts we have had is 1000 Killed and Wounded among which are 84 Commissioned Officers. On the same Day the Town of Charlestown (consisting of near 500 Houses and other Buildings) was by those Bloody Incendiaries set on Fire and [136] Comsumed to Ashes. We cannot however Gentlemen but assure you that notwithstanding our present distressed situation, we feel a peculiar satisfaction in finding our Brethren of the City and County of Albany so Cordially interesting themselves in our particular Welfare, and so kindly offering us their Assistance as well as manifesting their Zeal for the Rights and Liberties of America in General, and it is our Ardent desire to Cultivate Harmony and Friendship, with all our Neighbouring Brethren, and we hope you will not fail to continue your favours and we assure you that we shall always take pleasure in conveying to you any intelligence that shall afford Satisfaction As to the Benevolent Donations you mention which are Collected for our distressed Brethren, as the transporting the Article, you make mention of is almost impracticable, think it had better be exchanged for Cash, or some necessary Specie which may be more easily Transported. We are sorry to hear, there is any prospect of an Attack upon Ticonderoga &c. but we Trust those Important Fortresses are sufficiently Garrisoned, and doubt not but our brave Countrymen Stationed there will be able to Repell any force that can be sent against them from Canada. Finally Brethren, We ardently wish that the great Supreme being, who governs all things, may so direct our Military operations that they may speedily Issue in the full Restoration and Peaceable Possession of the Natural and Constitutional Rights and Liberties of every American We are Gent- with great Respect Your Most Humble Servants By order of Congress P. S some make the Number of Jas. Warren President our killed and missing to be near a Hundred 118 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [137] This Board paid Mr Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer two hundred and Sixty six Pounds eight Shillings Resolved That John N. Bleecker, Commissary furnish Captn- White with one Gun, one Blanket, one Powder Horn, and one Tomehawk, and Captn- Baldwin with one Blanket. Albany Committee Chamber July 3rd: 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Gosen Van Schaick Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Bleecker Lucas Van Veghten Corns. Van Santvoort John Jacob Beeckman John H Ten Eyck Stephen De Lancey. Mr. Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer reported that he had paid Captn. George White the Sum of one hundred Pounds fourteen Shillings New York Currency for himself, the Officers and Privates of his Company, which this Board does approve of Resolved. That a Letter be wrote to Captn- Visscher at Fort George requiring him to deliver the Supernumery Blankets he has, into the Hands of Henry J. Bogert Commissioner at that Fort and take his Receipt for the same Mr Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer received of this Board the Sum of Seventy-seven Pounds New York Currency. Resolved that Mr. Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay unto Captn- Hezekiah Baldwin the Sum of Seventy one Pounds, on behalf of his pay as Capt"and for and on behalf of the rest of his Officers and Privates of 'his Company. Received the following Letters. One from Philip Schuyler Esqr dated 24th June 1775 in these Words to wit. Gentlemen It gives me great satisfaction [138] that from your prudent and Spirited Conduct in those unhappy Times, I can look up with Confidence to you to support me in the discharge of that Important Station to which my Country has called me, this Confidence I dare say will be well founded. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 119 I have received advice that some Oneida Indians are now at Albany, your prudence will suggest that the kindest treatment is necessary to these People, and I beg of you not to let them return without some liberal presents or Tokens of our Friendship, nor without Assurances that they will speedily be called to a Conference at Albany or some other Convenient in that or Tryon County, what Money you may disburse for Presents, I shall immediately see repaid. I beg of you to engage me thirty of the best Ship Carpenters to be employed in building boats &c- in the Neighbourhood of Lake George and Ticonderoga, I wish to have them in such Time as to be able to leave Albany about the latter End of next Week, I know you are distressed for Money, but I shall bring a Considerable Sum with me. I am Gent. Your Most Obt. Hum Servant Ph. Schuyler Received also a Letter from Captn. John Visscher dated 26th June 1775. in these Words. to wit. Sir Captn1 Graham's Men complain very hard of their not being supplied with Money, Blankets and Guns, whether or no they are intituled is best known to you Gentlemen, only as they insisted upon my writing to the Board in regard to their pay and it was likewise recommended by Mr' Bogert and Mr Lansingh to write in favour of them as they have been the first on the Ground of the [139] New York Forces, and are Still and I must say the Men do their Duty, as well as any in the Line I likewise received in the New City Twenty nine Blankets from Mr. Wyncoop and twenty from Mr- Nanning Visscher so that I am deficient eleven Blankets, which I hope you will send V first Oppertunity. I am &c. Received also a Letter from Abraham Yates Esqr' dated June 1775. inclosing the following Resolution of the Provincial Congress. June 26h- 1775 In provincial Congress Ordered that the Gentlemen who are Deputies from Albany County, write to the Committee of Albany & request them to have the Arms belonging to the Colony cleaned and put in good repair at the expence of the Colony with all Convenient dispatch Resolved that an order be issued to John N. Bleecker Commissary to furnish Captn. Cornelius Van Dyck's Company with 173 Rations in Pork. 120 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber July 5th: 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Robert Yates John Ten Broeck John H Ten Eyck Henry Glen Jacob C Ten Eyck Corns. Van Santvoordt Pro Tempore Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Cuyler Goosen Van Schaick Lucas Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr Mr. Henry Glen produced to this Board Warrants and Instructions for the following Persons. Captn. Cornelius Van Dyck 1st' Lieut- Cornelius Van Slyck Schonectady 2 D. Guy Young Captn. Peter B. Vrooman 1 st Lieut. Mindert A Wemple Schoharry 2nd D. Jillis A. Fonda [140] Captn. Stephen J. Schuyler i h 1st Lieut. Barent Roseboom Albany County 2 Lieut. Dirck Hansen A t Cap't Joell Pratt. 1 Lieut Benjamin Chittenden 2nd D. Israel Spencer J Albany County. Capt- Elisha Benidict 1st. Lieut. Samuel Fletcher 2nd Do. Alexander Brink } Albany County. Capt. Joseph Mc.Cracken 1st Lieut. Moses Martin 2nd D. John Barns Capt. John Visscher 1st Lieut. Benjamin Evans 2nd D. Joseph Fitch Albany County. Albany County. PROCEEDINGS, JULY,' 1775 121 Capt- Hezekiah Baldwin 1st- Lieut. Nathaniel Rowley Albany County. 2 D. Roswell Beeby Capt. Peter Yates. lst- Lieut. Henry Van Veghten Albany County. 2nd D. Gideon King Resolved that Letters be wrote to the Officers above mentioned acquainting them with their Appointment and requesting them to signify to this Board whether they will accept of their Warrants. Resolved that the Warrants of Cornelius Van Dyck and Peter B. Vrooman with those of their Lieutenants be given to Henry Glen to be handed to them, and that he acquaint this Board, whether they will accept of them, Mr. Henry Glen also informs this Board that the Congress have approved of the following field officers Collo0 Mindert Roseboom Lieut- Coll: Goose Van Schaick Major Lucas Van Veghten And that they had appointed John W. Wendell Quarter Master and Barent J. Ten Eyck Adjutant. Mr. Goosen Van Schaick attending the Committee [141] being asked whether he would accept of the Appointment of Lieut Coll. in the Continental Service declined for the following reasons. Because he has been a Collo- and as such is an Elder Officer than any, that are now appointed full Collo' Mr. Barent Roseboom appeared before this Committee and being asked whether he would accept of a Warrant to be Lieut in the Continental Service declined because (he says) he is too old an Officer, and would not chuse to be commanded by Officers who had never before been in the Service Mr. Lucas Van Veghten attending the Committee, being asked whether he would accept of his Appointment as Major - declined. Resolved. that Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Gosen Van Schaick, Cornelius Van Santvoordt and Leonard Gansevoort be appointed a Committee to draw up an Account of the Disbursements, and Provisions and other necessaries found and provided by this Committee and the Inhabitants of this County for inlisting of Men, Wages paid them Expresses &c to be transmitted down to New York, to our Deputies attending the Provincial Con 122 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE gress, requesting them to lay the same before the Congress, and desire an order to be reimbursed out of the first Monies that comes to Hand. Resolved that Advertisements be put up in the different parts of this City and County desiring all Persons who have advanced either Cash Provisions or other Necessaries for inlisting of Men, Wages paid them Expresses &cand all Waggoners to bring in the Accounts thereof to Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Cornelius Van Santvoordt Goose Van Schaick or Leonard Gansevoort that they may be transmitted to the Provincial Congress Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer on behalf of himself and the rest of the Gent. appointed a Committee to attend the Congress of the Oneida Indians at Ger. man Flatts returned to [142] this Board a Copy of the Proceedings which are in the Words following to wit. The Answer of the Oneydas and Tuscaroras (Assembled at the German Flats) to the Speech delivered them by the People of Albany 1 July 1775. Brothers. We are again met by Gods blessing in health with the Brothers from Albany and this County, and hope not to detain you longer than is requisite to give a few Sentiments, on your Speech delivered us Yesterday Brothers What you have mentioned concerning Gorah Queter 1 we cannot comply with, or at least at this present time we cannot properly explain those Matters our thought or Policy is closed and Bound up and as such we shall keep it, untill our Fire is extinguished and another again is lighted and not till the Fire of the Superintendant at Oswego is gone out, then will the Nations return home, at which Time we will attend at Nondaga, there we shall loosen our Sentiment with those we have received of our Brethren of Albany. Brothers You have demanded from us the truth, freely Rely on it, we shall neither diminish, or ad to those Sentiments we have heard from you, this is the truth from our Souls, you have mentioned About the Canada Indians, we beleive it is not true, they have been and assisted with us last fall at Nondaga, with the other Nations at a large Fire, there they left us our thought and promised the Nations to do nothing without a Joint Consent and hoped they would never be again seperately Concerned as it was last War, and that they would particularly look to us the Oneydas to be a Guide to their Conduct. We concluded the Peace with 10 Belts of Wampum, the Warriors promised their Fathers and hope no Mistake for the future should again [143] happen with them, but that Peace would again be the Interest of their Nations, and particular that of the Christians setteled in the Country the Women also gave a Belt and desired it would be considered that the 1 Name applied to Sir William Johnson. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 123 Sachems and Warriors was their Offspring, that they might also intercede that their Actions might be conducted with Justice, then the blessings would be General and they the Women would than injoy the happiness of Sachems and Warriors Brothers. The Seneca Indians confessed to the Nations Assembled at the great fire at Nandaga that their Conduct to the Southern Nations was wrong and for the time to come they would Act Jointly with our Nations, we cannot as yet understand what was the Cause of the difference between the Virginians and Shawanese, but whatever their difference may be the 5 Nations we assure you will take no part in it Brothers. When the Council Fire at Nandaga ended we the Onidas and Mohawks received the thanks from the other Nations for our good Council and advice and acknowledged us to be their Parent Branch, from which we also Judge that no War can insue Brothers. We observe a Coolness in the Conduct of the Mohawks, in these our present Proceedings it Surprises us much of the first fathers of the 5 Nations after our Solemn engagement last Fall at Nandaga that they should shew any dislike to us Onidas for our present Proceedings, we shall ask them if it is willfull, or if they have forgot the Great Fire and if they did not rest their Sentiments with us at Nondaga. Also what may be their Reason of their Conduct of Arming themselves with Collo. Johnson in a like manner as in War time Brothers. What you have desired of us shall be done as soon as we think the Indians are returned to [144] Nandaga. there we shall agrain light a Council Fire, and acquaint them with what is your desire After which 3 Men out of each Nation will attend the Council Fire in Albany, and there explain our Meaning in every thing that's necessary, you may depend that we Onidas will exert the utmost in our Power to establish peace and good Order, and do not doubt but trusting in God. that before long it will again be firmly made and accomplished Brothers You have Yesterday laid before us a Belt or Testimony of the Old Covenants with our forefathers (which you are desirous to preserve) we shall Substitue another in its place and shew it our Brethren and remind them of the old Agreement. Brothers. This Belt Kayainguraghte has left in Albany as his Mind, it sufficiently appears to us by this Belt that Gora Quieter1 and the Senecas made an Aliance, we will also Substitute a Belt in its place to shew the Senecas the Covenant made with Gora Quieter 1 Sir William Johnson 124 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Brothers. We here shew you, your pledge or belt delivered us at Albany please to tell your great Men, that we shall comply with what you have asked of us, this is all we have to say, and beg you'l give our Respects to all the People of Albany and this County down Brothers. We desire the favour of the Albany Brothers to have a printed Copy of what has been here spoken, sent up to us. Resolved that Messrs Robert Yates and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be appointed a Committee to revise the said Proceedings, and that two fair Copies be made thereof one to be sent to the Oneida Indians, and the other to the Provincial Congress now sitting at the City of New York together with the former Proceedings of the Indians at Albany [1451 Mr Chairman produced a Letter from Mr. Peter R. Livingston inclosing the Association from the Manor of Livingston Mr Henry Van Veghten appeared before this Committee and being ask'd whether he would accept of a Warrant to be Lieut- in the Colony Service declin'd Resolved that Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Corns. Van Santvoordt Goose Van Schaick and Leonard Gansevoort be appointed a Committee to draw a List of the Persons in this City and County, who refused to Sign the General Association to be transmitted down to the Provincial Congress. Committee Chamber 6th July 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro. Temp. Corns- Van Santvoordt Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob C Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort Henry Bleecker Robert Yates John Ten Broeck John H Ten Eyck Gosen Van Schaick Abraham Cuyler John Bay Volkert P Douw Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell Jacob Ja Lansingh Henry Quackenbush Mr Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer received fifty five Pounds New York Currency of the Emission of this Board. Resolved. that Leonard Gansevoort pay unto Joseph Fitch Lieut. in CaptrJohn Visscher's Company one hundred and fifteen Pounds New York Cur PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 125 rency and take his Receipt for the same on behalf of himself and the rest of the Officers and Privates of said Captn. Visscher's Company A Paper was laid before this Board by Mr. John Ten Broeck, Signed and handed to him by Jacob Philip Junr. reflecting on the Conduct of Mr Henry Van Schaack, a Member of the Committee [146] [Blank space in manuscript.] Resolved that Mr. Van Schaack be furnished with a Copy of said Paper, and that a Letter be wrote to him informing him, that the Complainants are notified to appear at the General Committee on the 15th Instant which was done in the following Words, to wit. Sir A paper was handed to this Committee by one of the Members (a Copy whereof you have herewith inclosed) which is conceived reflects on your Conduct as one of the Committee of this County, But this Committee far from taking up a Charge of this kind upon bare Assertions. Do therefore hereby apprize you of these particulars, and that they have notified the Complainants to appear here on the 15th Instant and at the same desire you to be present to clear or defend yourself against the same. Resolved that a Letter be wrote to the Complainants requesting them to attend at the next General meeting on the 15th Instant to make their Charge against Mr. Van Schaack, which was done in the following Words to wit. Sir One of the Members of this Committee have handed to this Body a Paper Signed by you reflecting on the Conduct of Mr. Van Schaack, whereof we have apprized him for the purpose of making his Defence. If you persist in the Truth of the Charge we desire you with proper Proof to attend on the General Committee the 15th Instant, in order to make the same Good. [147] Received a Letter from Collo- Benjamin Hinman dated Ticonderoga 3rd July 1775 which was read. Received a Letter from Thomas Allen dated Pittsfield July 3rd: 1775 in these words to wit. Gent. I am directed by the Committee of Inspection for this Town to acquaint you that Mr. John Sterns of this Place is appointed a Weekly Post for this and Adjacent Towns to our Army at Cambridge and Moxbury 1 to bring us M'r 1Roxbury 126 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Halls Paper printed at Cambridge and to carry Letters to and from our Army Gratis to Subscribers As matters of great Importance are now transacting in our Army and this Paper is Judged to be as good as any in our Province, it was thought well to advertise you of this Design that the People of Albany might have sd. Paper, should they be so inclined The Paper at the Press costs 6/8 i9 Annum, The Postage from there 8/4 V Annum our Currency so that our Papers here costs us 15/ a Year, If a Number of Subscribers should be procured your Way they would be cheaper, The Paper is Printed on Thursday and arrives here Saturday Evening. I make no doubt I could procure a Post here to carry the Papers to Albany every Monday after should you get a Number of Subscribers sufficient to defray the expence, which I think will not amount to much less than three Dollars a Week, Reconing 1 Dollar for sd- Posts time, one for his expences and one for his Horse, Should you incline to send here for them it may be as well, The Printer expects 3/4 pay upon entering each Subscribers Name which is just half of what he is to receive for sd. Paper for a Year of each Subscriber Gent. I wrote a Letter of the same Tenor with this last Week to you and sent one of sd. Papers but I am told both Letter and Paper were lost, Whether I shall be able to send you one with this I can't yet say, I expect every Minute a Paper and Letters from our Army, Our [148] Post will return next Saturday Evening. I am &c Received a Letter from the Deputies for the Province in Continental Congress dated Philadelphia 30th June 1775 by our Express Captn Barent Ten Eyck which was read and is in these Words to wit. Gent~ We have the Honour of your Favour by Mr. Ten Eyck your Express, who has thus long been detaind. that we might give you some satisfaction, respecting the Article of Powder, which Justly gave you uneasiness. Fifty quarter Casks are procured from this City and forwarded this Day and we hope it will not be long before this supply reaches Albany. Urgent Business which engaged the attention of the Congress, and the time necessary for Negociating this matter with the Committee of Philadelphia occasioned a delay, which considering the Importance of the Subject has given us pain. We know not the Quantity which has been furnished by Connecticut, but are Confident that they have not been unmindful of providing their Troops with as much as they cou'd spare, especially as the Occupancy of the Posts PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 127 of Ticonderoga and Crown Point are objects which that Government has much at Heart Your intelligence concerning the Caghnawaga Tribe has been communicated to the Congress who will pursue speedy and we hope effectual Measures for preserving Friendship with them and all the other Indian Nations. Our information of the Temper of the Tribes within the Territory of Quebec is different from various Quarters, and upon the whole uncertain We are not however without strong hopes that Governor Carlton's inhuman artifices to excite them to engage in the War will be frustrated. We do not find that the least Impression to our Disadvantage has been made on the Six Nations. The Military arrangement within the Department of New York is entrusted to Major General Schuyler to whom we refer you for the Money which you [ 149] request, not doubting but his Hands will be Strenghtned, so as to enable him to do every thing necessary for the Protection of our Frontiers. We have the Honour to be with great Respect Gent. Your Most Obedient Humble Servants. Phil. Livingston Jas Duane Wm Floyd. Resolved that an address be prepared, to be presented to General Philip Schuyler on his arrival, and that Robert Yates, Abraham Ten Broeck and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Esqrs be a Committee to prepare said address Adjourned untill 5 OClock P. M. Met according to adjournment. Present Samuel Stringer Chairman Pro Temp. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Bleecker Jacob Lansingh Junr. Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Robert Yates Gysbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Peter P. Schuyler Gosen Van Schaick Volkert P. Douw Gerrit Lansingh John Bay Jacob C Ten Eyck Henry Wendell Messrs Robert Yates, Abraham Ten Broeck and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer the Committee appointed to prepare an address to be presented to Genl Philip Schuyler on his Arrival brought in the following, which being read was approved of. 128 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Address of the Committee of safety correspondence and protection of the City and County of Albany To Philip Schuyler Esq r.Major General and Commander of the Forces m the Colony of New York. Permit us Sir to express our fullest approbation on the appointment by which your Country has raised you to the Chief Military command in this Colony. While we deplore as the great misfortune the necessity of such an appointment, we have the utmost Confidence that you have accepted of power for the glorious purpose [150] of exercising it, for the re establishment of the Liberties of America, at present unnaturally invaded by a Deluded and Despotic Ministry. Born and educated amongst us, in a Country which Freedom has raised to a state of opulence and envy - You whose Principles are known, whose sentiments have been invariably opposed to Abitrary power afford us the pleasing prospect of the unremitted exertion of your knowledge, prudence and experience for the restoration of Harmony and Peace, upon Constitutional Principles when the Sword shall be rendered useless, except against our natural Enemies, when we shall see you restored to the peaceful State of a private Citizen when this happy Period shall arive, then and not till then, will Americans injoy the glorious blessings of Freedom. Mr Stephen J Schuyler declines to accept of the Appointment as Captain in the Continental Service, and by Volkert P Douw Esqr returned to this Board the Instructions sent him by the Provincial Congress for inlisting Men. Committee Chamber 8th July 1775. Present. Samuel Stringer Chairman P. T. Jacob Cuyler John Bay Volkert P Douw Robert Yates. Lucas Van Veghten John Ten Broeck John Ja. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Gysbert Marselis Corns. Van Santvoordt Peter W. Yates. Bastiaen T. Visscher Gosen Van Schaick Henry Quackenbush Leonard Gansevoort Jeremiah Van Rensselaer PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 129 Received a Letter from the Committee of Stockbridge dated 5th July 1775. inclosing a Speech from the Stockbridge Indians to the Caghnawagas, with their Answer and also a Relation of Abraham Nimham with two others of the Stockbridge Indians, after his return from the Caghnawaga's taken in the presence of John Sergeant. which said Letter Speech and Relation are in the 151 ] following Words, to wit. Gent. Your situation we apprehend will necessarily make your Connections with the western Indians extensive, If so a General knowledge of Indian Politicks would be advantageous to you, Therefore we have thought it our Duty herewith to transmit to you some transactions of that Nature, between the Stockbridge Indians and Caghnawaga Tribe near Montreal. We are Gent. (congratulating you upon the Union and Zeal of the Colonies) your Sincere Friends in the Cause of our Country. Stockbridge Indians to the Caghnawagas sent May 13d1 1775. Three Brothers. perhaps you have heard of the great Quarrel between Strings England, and our Brothers the white People of this Country of Now I am come to tell you something so I open your Ears and Wampum open your Eyes, and put your Heart right, that you may understand A Belt Brothers. One Morning I got up, I heard from Boston that the Regulars came out against our People, and there was a great deal of Blood shed, when I heard this our Young Men took a run to Boston, to see how it was there, they did not go as one does, when goes to War, some of them had no Guns with them, Very soon after this I heard from Boston again, that our People sent some Men up North to Ticonderoga to take Possession of them Forts as soon as ever I heard this. We all came together, I thought it was the best way to send some of our Young Men to our Brothers the Caghnawagas for fear our Brethren would be Jealous that he goes with a bad design against them, But it is not so, he is only going to take Care of himself doing his own business only guard himself against his Enemies, so you need not be afraid of him, if he comes that way, he has no evil design against you, Now I think 'tis the best way for you and I to sit down, and smoak our Pipes, under the Shade of our great Tree, 5 130 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE and have our Ears open and see our Brethren fight, they are great and Tall they reach up to the Clouds. A [152] Brothers. I have got a little more to say to you, I Belt. have made a Road now from where I live to your fire place, whenever you open your Door, you may look and see my Door Open too, and when I open my Door, I shall see your Door open too, whenever you hear any thing bad of me, you must not lay it up, you must follow this Road of ours, and tell me of it and and I shall tell you the truth, I shan't hide nothing from you, so I shall do the same by you whenever I hear any thing bad of you, I shall come and! tell you of it. Whenever we fight, we must fight as one, we must strike him who began this mischief, let us keep our Convenant Strong do not let any one break that which we made at the End of the War, that we never would fight against one another again The Caghnawagas to the Stockbridge Indians. Three Brothers. You tell me, I open your Eyes, I open your Ears, Strings and I open your Heart, so that you might see and hear and conof sider what I am a going to say Now I am going to say the same Wampum to you, I open your Eyes, your Ears, and make your Heart Strong. so that you might more thoroughly consider things I ad also with this, I wipe the Tears from your Eyes which comes from the trouble that happened to the Young Men. A Belt. Brothers. You tell me, I must sit still and have nothing to do with this Quarrel, I am glad to hear you, I shall do as you tell me A Belt. Brothers. This our Road you tell me, I clear the Road and whenever I open my door I shall see your door stand open, and when you go out of your door, you shall see my Door stand open too: and you tell me whenever you hear any bad Report of me, don't you lay it up, but put it aside, and follow this Road and come and tell me of it, and you will know whether it is so or not. Now Brothers I make the Road more smooth, so that no one may stumble on the [153] Way. Now I open my Door wider, and whenever you go out of your Door, you shall see my Door open Wider for you, whenever I hear any bad reports of you, I shall not lay it up, but put it away, and go and tell you of it, and see whether it is so or not. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 131 A Belt. Brothers. I am glad that you keep in remembrance the Agreement of Friendship, that our Fathers have made, let us hold that Fast, let no one break that so as to divide us, now I make it more strong, now we must sit down under our great Tree and smoak our Pipes, and give thanks to the great God, it is he that made us all, we are in another way now from what we used to be since we began to worship this one God, this is like one Staff that we steady ourselves by, I shall do as you advise me to do, I shall sit still, there is seven Brothers of us (meaning Tribes) we all agree to this, now we say to you, we would have you sit still too, and have nothing to do with this Quarrel, but be strong in your Hearts, and we intend to do the same. Abram Nimham with two others of the Stockbridge Indians set out from this place with a Message for Coghnawaga in the Province of Canada, arrived at Crown Point, where after tarrying a few days being joined by four of the Caghnawaga Indians, they crossed the Lake arrived safe at St' John's; when one of the Caghnawaga Indians went immediately home, to return the next day with Horses for each to ride upon into Caghnawaga after he was gone the Regular Soldiers unbeknown to the Indians examined their Packs (likely suspecting our Indians) where they found the Belts with some Papers that Abram had in his Pack in the evening they decoyed our Indians to the Waterside when they bound them tight with Cords laid them in the Battoe on their backs tied their Legs to the Top of the Battoe, leaving them in that Condition all Night early the next Morning they carried them down to [154] Shambalee, where they were about to confine them but upon Abram's earnest request they carried them to Montreal, on their arrival the Commanding Officer, ordered them untied and gave them refreshment, at which time Abram supposes they were holding Court Martial upon them in private By this time the Indians at Caghnawaga got apprised of the situation of Abram and his Companions while the regular Officers were consulting together about twenty of the Chiefs and Warriors from Caghnawaga came up, and their speaker addressed Abram after this manner, " Brother I hear you are agoing to be hanged, if that be so, I am come to take your place I shan't suffer such a thing to happen to my Brother in my Country " then he addressed himself to the Commanding Officer, and say's I am come for my Brother, what be you agoing to do with him, The Commanding Officer or General as Abram calls him replyed that he was agoing to do with them as he pleased, they were his Prisoners, The Sachem says again, " you call me Brother how would you think of me now, supposing I had a quarrel with some of my Brothers, and 132 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE you should want to see your Brothers and have occasion to come thro' my Town, and I should take you and confine you, how would that look, would that be Brother like, This my Brother has come a great way to see me, he has no bad design against you" Then the Officer insisted upon hearing the Message contained in the Belts, and Abram was obliged to deliver in presence of all, tho he left out a Part, they were not however pleased with it at this Time there came in a stragling Frenchman, who said he came from New York and reported that there had been a great fight there many Regulars were killed, and that there were Indians there fighting &c. he supposed that these Indians were sent by the Grand Congress to hire the Canadian Indians to fall upon the Regulars and kill them all, upon this they told [155]' Abram he should be hung, they not hearing to any thing he said. This occasioned high Words between the Caghnawaga Chief and the Regulars, their Officers told the Indians, they did not care the Snap of their Finger for all the Indians, they were not of much Importance!they would hang them all if they had a mind for it Then the Sachem replyed, you say I am little, you don't care the Snap of your finger for me, now I say the same to you, I don't care the Snap of my Finger for you, you call me little, it will take me a Year to go and call all my Friends together, if you think it is for your good hang them, but remember I shant forget it, You have tryed to hire me to fight for you but I love peace, and did not want to meddle with your Quarrel, I have not known yet who was my Enemy, who I ought to fight, but now I shall know who is my Enemy, who is a going to hurt me, if I wanted to fight for Money surely, I should take yours sooner than the Money that comes from tother Way for you live near me &c' upon,these threats the Regulars thought best to let them go, and told them to take their Brothers and be gone, and if they ever came that way again, they would hang them without asking any Questions and gave them but four days to get out of their Territories. They then went with the other Indians to Caghnawaga, where they were treated with the greatest kindness, The Indians by this Time were gathered from all Parts, and were fixing up their Guns and hatchets working at Caghnawaga all night in preparing to defend themselves set guards all round the Town night and day 'till Abram and his Companions had done their Business, and gone they further told them, that they did not like the Regulars, and if they did fight at all they should fight for us, The Indians got away from St' John's with some difficulty with their Battoe, but were [156] soon pursued by the Regulars were obliged to put to shore and leave all and take to the Woods, and with five Days Provision only, they Travelled thro' the Woods and drownd. Lands, and in nine Days got into Crown Point. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 133 Resolved that Copies of the aforesaid Letter Speeches and Narrative be made and Transmitted with the other Proceedings to the Provincial Congress, Messrs. Jeremiah Van Resselaer, Cornelius Van Santvoordt, Gosen Van Schaick and Leonard Gansevoort the Committee appointed to draw out a List of the Persons in this City and County who refused to Sign the Association returned to this Board a List of said Persons. Ordered that a Copy of said List be made and Transmitted to the Provincial Congress. Received a Letter from the Committee of Claverack dated 6th July 1775 which was read, and is in the following words. Gent. As it has been Resolved by our Provincial Congress that a Number of Forces should ibe raised for the defence of our Country, and as we understand that it is recommended to you to draw up a List of such Officers as you shall Judge qualified to serve on this Important occasion. We take the Liberty to inform you that Messrs Zachariah Garn Ryck and David Van Ness Junrhave signified their Inclination to serve, the former as a Captain and the latter as first Lieut- of a Company and that Mr [blank space] be appointed as the other Lieu-t we are of Opinion that these Persons are well qualified to serve in that Capacity, should therefore be glad (if you should think proper) that these Persons may be Nominated to that appointment. We are Gent. Your most Obedient Humble Servts- Peter Cantine Junr. Richd. Esselstyn. Peter Van Ness. Gysbert Marselis one of the Members of this Board this Day informed the Committee that he had repeatedly applied [157] to Hugh Sims of the City of Albany and tendered him the Association in order that he should Sign it And that he refused Signing it saying that it invested the Continental Congress with too much Power, and either asked or Charged the People who had taken Possession of Ticonderoga and Crown Point with an Act of Rebellion. Upon which said Sims was sent for, and confessing the Particulars of said discourse, and excused himself in making those remarks, because he was in a Passion and ask'd Pardon of this Body, and the public for the freedom he had taken, and promised not to be guilty of the like Conduct for the future, and at the same time Voluntarily Signed the Association Resolved therefore that it be recommended to the public in general that they behave themselves peaceably towards him, as his Confession is deemed Satisfactory. 134 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber 10th July 1775 Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jacob C. Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell Henry J. Bogert John N. Bleecker John H Ten Eyck John J. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh JunrAbraham Cuyler John Bay Jacob Cuyler Samuel Stringer Henry Bleecker Abraham Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Robert Yates Gosen Van Schaick John Tayler Killiaen Vn. Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Received General Philip Schuyler's answer to the address presented him Yesterday by this Board which is in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen I feel myself so sensibly affected by this Polite and friendly address, that whilst my Heart overflows with Sentiments of Gratitude, I want words properly to convey my thanks [158] The honor you do me in the approbation which you are pleased to express of my appointment to a Military Command, confirms me in the pleasing reflection, that I shall experience your assistance in a continuance of those generous exertions, by which you have already so conspicuously manifested your love for your Country, and your Zeal for its Cause. I most sincerely and unfeignedly deplore with you the unhappy occasion which has forced America to have recourse to Arms for her safety and defence Ambitious only to aid in restoring her violated Rights I shall most chearfully return my Sword to its Scabbard, and with Alacrity resume the employments of Civil Life, whenever my Constituents shall direct or whenever a happy reconciliation with the parent State shall take place. That indulgent Heaven may guide us thro' this Tempestuous Scene, and speedily restore Peace Harmony and mutual Confidence to every part of the British Empire is the warmest Wish of my Heart. Ph. Schuyler Albany, July 9th. 1775 PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 135 Received a Letter from Peter Silvester Esqr dated New York 8th July 1775 containing a Resolution of the Provincial Congress, for an adjournment for a fortnight, and of the appointment of a Committee during the recess of that Body, to transact business Received a Letter from Collo- Benjamin Hinman dated Ticonderoga 30th June 1775. inclosing a Petition of Godliel Switzer, which were read. Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress dated New York 3rd. July 1775. in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen. Your will receive by the bearor Capt. Edward S. Willet 50 Quarter Casks of Gun Powder sent from Philadelphia by the Continental Congress, for the use of the Forts at Crown Point & Ticonderoga You are sensible of the necessity of forwarding it with all possible dispatch and safety and will [159] doubtless attend to a matter of so much Importance. We are Gent. Your Most Obt. Hum Servants By order Leonard Lispenard President P.T. Received a Letter from Peter Silvester dated New York 7th July 1775. inclosing a Resolve of the Provincial Congress dated 6th July which Letter & Resolve are in the following Words to wit. Gent. Inclosed is a Copy of a Resolution entered into Yesterday by this Congress which probably you would like to have early Notice of. The Corporation were much puzled and embarassed by a Resolve of this Board in a manner interdicting them or any other Body addressing his Excellency our Governor on his Arrival at this Critical Con Juncture which was thought improper at this time by a Majority of the Congress, I shall omit particularising on this now, as I have a matter of more Consequence to Communicate of a very serious & Important Nature We were alarmed at an Account spread about this City this Morning, that the Town of Boston was in Flames, that upwards of 4000 Regulars were killed and about 800 Regulars,' the Story was told so Streight and that an express had arrived with the News at General Woesters Camp,- to know the Truth of this Report we despatched two of our Members to the Camp, 1 So in the manuscript. 136 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE they soon returned without going to the Camp I believe and said there was no foundation in the Report. There is only two of our Deputies here & every time a matter is agitated that requires Voting, they continually say that we are now unrepresented and therefore cannot Vote. we told them that unless they allow us to Vote, we shall leave Congress for in that Case we shall be in a manner useless —the matter is now on the Carpet again and I apprehend we shall be excluded from Voting if so Mr. Nicoll and myself will set off for home. I am Gent Your Most Hum Sert. P Silvester [160] I think you had best get the Consent of the several districts in the County that such a Number shall have sufficient authority to Act in Congress ToMorrow it will be determined about the proposed adjournment and what Measure is to be adopted in the recess of the House, if an adjournment is agreed upon. It is determined we have no Vote being only two of us. 6th July 1775 New York Provincial Congress Resolved that ten Shillings shall be allowed to every Soldier that shall enlist in the Continental Service in this Colony for the present Campaign who shall furnish himself with a good Musket to be approved of by the Muster Master and Armourer for each Regiment. Received a Letter from the Committee of Ballstown dated 8th July 1775 inclosing a return of the Association together with the Names of those who refused to Sign. A Petition was presented to this Board by Godliel Switzer representing that he had been in the Kings Service at Ticonderoga as Commissary and that since the taking that Fortress he is sent down to this City and that he is in a suffering Condition with his Family, and is willing to serve his Country. Resolved thereupon that as this Committee has no Post or Office to bestow, that they cannot put him in any way of getting his Bread; But that they recommend it to him to go down to New York and that in the mean while he be furnished with Provisions out of the Provincial Store Adjourned untill 9 of the Clock to Morrow Morning. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 137 [161] Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Corns- Van Santvoordt Volkert P. Douw John Ten Broeck John N. Bleecker Henry Bleecker John H Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Robert Yates Gosen Van Schaick Jacob C Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort Abraham Cuyler John Bay Abraham Ten Broeck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ja Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Mr. Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer Reports that he paid to Lieut' Benjamin Chittenden twenty one Pounds as P Rect. 7th July 1775. General Philip Schuyler delivered to this Board a Request in writing, with a recommendation to chuse Officers in the Place of those who decline serving agreeable to an appointment by the Provincial Congress which said Request &c. is in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen. Albany 1 th July 1775. By the returns made me by the Commissary of Provisions here, I find he has very little provision of any kind in store, and altho' I have no regular return of what remains unexpended of the great Quantity you have forwarded to the Garrisons of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, yet from the information I have received, I have but too much reason to beleive that little is left. Permit me therefore to intreat your assistance in procuring five hundred Barrels of flour with a proportionable Quantity of Pease or Rice, and to aid the Commissary in procuring carriages to forward it to Fort George. I have certain, advice that I shall be enabled to pay for this in a few days and shall leave directions that the Money be lodged for that purpose with whomsoever you shall direct. I do [162] not at present mentions provisions of meat kind as I sent a Gentleman from New York to purchase an hundred head of Cattle, which I daily expect to arrive here Amongst the Variety of extraordinary exertions in this Critical Hour which do you so much honour, that of emitting a Circulating Medium, on the Credit of your own Members merits particular attention, and be assured Gentlemen that I shall do myself the great pleasure of communicating it by the first opper 138 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE tunity to the Continental Congress and shall venture immediately after I receive the Money I expect, to reimburse you with a Sum equal to your emission It gives me pain to learn that the affairs of many of the Gentlemen whose Names were inserted in the Warrants for levying Troops in this County do not permit them to serve should you return those Warrants to the Provincial Congress (which I understand is adjourned for a fortnight) to be exchanged for others it would create such a Delay as must inevetably prove very prejudicial if not ruinous to the Service, and as Ultimately the Gentlemen must be recommended from here, give me leave to suggest that you would do, an essential Service to your Country if you ventured to appoint such Gentlemen as will accept of Commissions in lieu of those that have refused and to direct them to proceed to make the levies immediately and to assure them that you will procure the Warrants and Commissions for them. I am Gentlemen with unfeigned Respect Your Most Obt- Humble Servant Ph. Schuyler If the Committee should be possessed of any intelligence respecting the Indians & Canadians which has not already been sent to the Continental Congress I beg to be furnished with it as I write to that respectable Body this Morning [163] Resolved That Messrs Henry Bleecker, Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ja. Beeckman and Jacob Cuyler be a Committee to examine what Quantity of Flour and Pease can be had in this City and County in a Week, what in two Weeks, what in three Weeks and what in a Month. Resolved that a Vacant Captains Warrant be filled up for John Graham of Saraghtoga Resolved that Letters be wrote to Captns. John Visscher Joel Pratt, George White and Hezekiah Baldwin which was done in the following Words. to wit. Sir Albany 11th July 1775. The Committee do hereby request you and the other Captains of this Province to make out Monthly Muster Rolls of the Number of Men in each Company specifying the pay due them, in Columns properly ruled for that purpose, and it is also required that you take proper Receipts from each Men for the pay you advance them, and particular Care must be had that Columns are ruled in said Muster Rolls for Capt Lieuts Sergts. Corporals Drums and PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 139 Privates these Muster Rolls to be signed by the respective Capts' of each Company You will please to communicate the Contents of this Letter to Captns Pratt White and Baldwin and request them to comply with the above Contents We are Sir Your Most Humble Servts By order of the Committee To Capt. John Visscher A Paper was handed to this Board by Mr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer supposed to contain reflections on this Board, which is as follows to wit. The Mode of a late very extraordinary and very grand Procession - I The Congressional General II The Deputy Chairman and who is only Chairman Pro Tempore III Mr. Ten Broeck - thro' a mistake [164] IV The Chairman V The Committee VI The Troop of Horse, most beautiful and Grand Some Horses long taild, some bob Tailed and some without any Tails, and attended with the Melodious Sound of an incomparable fine Trumpet VII The Association Company A Spectator The Question being put whether or no the Committee should take Notice of said Paper Resolved in the Affirmative The Question being put whether the said Paper does not contain Scandalous reflections upon the Proceedings of last Sunday Resolved in the Affirmative Adjourned untill four of the Clock P. M. 140 ALBANY COMMITFEE OF CORRESPONDENCE - I Met according to adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Abraham Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob C. Ten Eyck John J. Beeckman Robert Yates Henry I. Bogert Volkert P. Douw Henry Bleecker John H. Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler John Bay Gosen Van Schaick Leonard Gansevoort Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham Oothoudt Jacob Lansingh Junr. Samuel Stringer Henry Quackenbush Stephen De Lancey Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated July 10th: 1775. by Mr. Abraham Oothoudt who returned the Warrants sent to Peter B. Vrooman as Captain and Myndert A. Wemple as Lieut. by the Provincial Congress who decline to serve but recommended others in their Stead. The recommendation of John Graham as Captain instead of Peter Yates who is preferred to wit. [165] Peter Yates the Captain named in this Warrant being promoted to the Rank of a field Officer, this Committee do therefore recommend to the Provincial Congress in his stead John Graham whom they request in the inlistment and Government of a Company to observe the directions in the Instructions preceeding the said Warrant. Mr. Rutger Bleecker presented to this Board an Account or Memorandum of a Riot committed by Benjamin Chittenden David Spencer, Samuel Thomson and others at the House of Arie Gardoneer at the Klyne Kill some time in June last which is as follows. [Blank space in manuscript.] Resolved that Messrs Gosen Van Schaick, Jeremiah Van Resselaer, John Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler and Leonard Gansevoort be a Committee to draw up a State of the Conduct of Captn' Joel Pratt and his Company in their Way to Ticonderoga, and that they furnish General Philip Schuyler with Such a Sum of Money of the Currency emitted by this Board, as the said Committee shall think proper. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 141 [166] In order to find out the Author of the Paper laid before this Board this Morning. On Motion of Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Resolved. that the public be informed that it is the opinion of this Committee that those who are possessed of any information respecting a Scandalous reflection published against this Committee, attend at any of their meetings, and Lodge all such intelligence as they may judge requisite, in order to discover the said author. This Committee this Morning have taken into Consideration the requisition of the Contents of a Letter received from General Philip Schuyler. Do now proceed to the Consideration of the Arrangement Recommended in the last part of said Letter and are well convinced of the necessity of the expedient proposed by the General, and therefore to promote the Service of this Colony, upon the reasons assigned, reassume the Consideration of the Military arrangement. Myndert Roseboom appointed as Coll. and declining the Service. Whereupon Gosen Van Schaick is appointed in his Stead and Luykas Van Veghten declining the Service of Major and Lieut. Collo- Whereupon Peter Yates is appointed Lieut. Coll. & Chrisr. Yates appointed Major instead of Luykas Van Veghten And in the Room and Stead of Stephen J. Schuyler Captain. George White and in the Room of Barent Roseboom first Lieut. Jarvis Mudge and Ebenezer Grant, Second Lieut And in the Room of Peter Yates who is promoted to a Lieut. Coll. John Graham Captain. and in the Room of Henry Van Veghten who declines David Jones, and also Gideon King And in the Room and stead of Peter Vrooman Captain who declines serving Cornelius Van Santvoordt Captain, and in the [167] Room of Myndert A Wemple first Lieut- who declines Dirck Hansen, and in the Room of Jillis J. Fonda second Lieut. who declines John G. Lansingh. Thereupon on the reasons assigned as above this Committee do resolve that an indorsement be made on each of the Warrants of the Persons declining serving recommending the appointment of the Persons placed in their Room and Stead. and that they immediately take on themselves the enlistment of Men according to the Instructions preceding the said Warrant. 142 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 12th July 1 775. Present. Abraham Yates John Ja. Beeckman Lucas Van Veghten Jacob Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Corns. Van Santvoordt Gosen Van Schaick Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Chairman Volkert P. Douw Robert Yates John H Ten Eyck Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Bay Jacob Lansingh Junr. Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Provincial Congress, and that Messrs Robert Yates and Jacob Cuyler be a Committee to prepare said Letter Resolved by this Board that Messrs: Jacob C. Ten Eyck, Leonard Gansevoort and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be a Sub-Committee to state the accounts of the different Companies inlisted and taken into pay by this Body as also of the Monies and other necessaries paid found and provided by this Body, or any other Person by their directions or order. And also farther resolved that after such Accounts are stated that Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be furnished with the Sum of ~332 - - out of the Paper Emission of this Committee, and that he go up to Lake George, Ticonderoga and Crown Point where those Companies are now stationed, and after mustering those Companies, and deducting from their pay the [168] Money already advanced as above, that he pay the Officers and Men, upon the Continental Establishment the Money in proportion to their Number and pay, and that the said Jeremiah Van Rensselaer make a final settlement with those Companies and declare to them, that they for the future must look for their pay and necessaries to the Officers appointed by the Continental or Provincial Congress for that purpose, and that he take with him the Warrants and deliver them to the Officers at the above Station. Adjourned untill 5 of the Clock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 143 Met according to adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort Gosen Van Schaick Lucas Van Veghten John H. Ten Eyck Corns. Van Santvoordt Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Volkert P. Douw Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh Junr. Francis Nicolls John Bay Robert Yates Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 12th July 1775 which was read. Messrs Robert Yates and Jacob Cuyler the Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Provincial Congress brought in a Letter. Resolved that the Consideration of said Letter be deferred untill the General Committee Meets Resolved that Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer who is by this Board appointed to go up to Lake George and pay the Forces embodied by order of this Committee as far as the Money he shall be furnished with will serve, provided said settlement does not extend to a Date after the first day of June 144 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [169] Committee Chamber 13th July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Henry Bleecker Corns. Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr John Roseboom Robert Yates Daniel B. Bratt Jacobus Teller John Ten Broeck John B. Dumond Wilhels Van Antwerp Lucas Van Veghten Samuel Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick Chairman John Kortz Junr. Matthew Adgate Peter Vrooman Christopher Yates Volkert P. Douw John Bay John H. Beeckman Corns Timese Peter Van Vranken Leonard Gansevoort Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Jacob Schermerhorn John H. Ten Eyck Received a Letter from the Commmittee of Cherry Valley dated Harpersfield 10th July 1775. which was read, and is in the following Words, to wit. As we find it inconvenient meeting with the Committees of our own County, we have thought it best to send one of our Members to meet with you, which is the bearor hereof, and if it is agreeable to you we shall from time to time Correspond with you in the public affairs now under our View, the bearor will likewise inform you of our situation, forwardness and Abilities, and we are Gent. &c. To which the following answer was prepared and approved of. Gent. Albany Committee Chamber July 13th: 1775. Mr. Harper one of the Members of your Committee from Harpersfield in the County of Tryon has favoured this Board with your request, that you by reason of the inconvenience attending your meeting in your own County Committees would be glad to hold up a friendly intercourse with this Body. This Committee from a necessity that the greatest harmony and Union ought to be Cultivated in our general opposition to the Measures pursued PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 145 against [ 170] the Liberties of America embrace with pleasure your offer of Correspondence. But we conceive that as you belong to a different County (to whom we mean to give no cause of Offence) that it will be necessary that you apply to their General Committee for their approbation When this is obtained, we shall at all times admit you to our deliberations, and furnish you with such advices as we may from time to time receive. We are Gent. Your Very Hum Servants By order of the Committee To Jno~ Harper JunI Chairman and the other Gent. of that Committee It being intimated to this Board by Mr. Peter Vrooman that some Tavernkeepers in this County sell Spiritous Liquors too freely to Indians from which evil Consequences often happen. Therefore Resolved that it be recommended and it is hereby recommended to all Tavernkeepers and others in said County to sell Spiritous Liquors to the Indians as sparingly as possible, so as to prevent their getting Drunk A Verbal return was made of the following Persons as additional Members for the District of Cocksakie and Cats Kill, to wit, Philip Conine, Matthias Van Loon and Henry Oothoudt, who were approved of by this Board, and ordered their Seats accordingly Ordered that the Minutes of the Sub-Committee since the last General Committee be read which was done accordingly Mr Leonard Gansevoort as Treasurer by Order of the Committee paid Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Seventy two Pounds eight Shillings Adjourned untill two OClock P. M. !46 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Corns. Van Santvoordt Matthew Adgate Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Kortz Junr John Roseboom Philip Conine Daniel B. Bratt John H Ten Eyck [171] Peter Vrooman Jacobus Teller Matthias Van Loon Wilhelmus Van Antwerp John Ten Broeck Peter Van Vranken Lucas Van Veghten Cornelius Tymese Gosen Van Schaick John Bay Peter S. Van Aelstyn Abraham Ten Broeck Henry Van Schaack Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Killiaen Vn Rensselaer Volkert P. Douw Bastiaen T. Visscher Robert Yates John H. Beeckman Peter Van Ness Jacob C. Schermerhorn Lucas Van Veghten Christopher Yates Henry Quackenbush John Roseboom Leonard Gansevoort. Samuel Ten Broeck Mr. Bay on behalf of the Sub-Committee appointed to take the Depositions of Witnesses concerning a certain Petition presented to this Board against Peter Van Ness Esqr by Mr. Henry J. Van Rensselaer and others, or make a Report and return the same to this Committee Produced to this Board a Report or Settlement which is in the Words following to wit. Claverack 4th July 1775. At a Meeting of Philip Rockefeller, John Ten Broeck John Bay and Peter W. Yates Esquires nominated & appointed by the General Committee for the purpose of hearing and determining a Petition of Henry J. Van Rensselaer and others against Peter Van Ness Esqr. We the said sub-Committee having heard the Allegations of both Parties and having by their Consent taken the same into Consideration and both parties having previously agreed on the most material and necessary Facts and being equally disposed for an amicable settlement. We do recommend PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 147 that the said Petitioners do acknowledge and concede that said Van Ness bears a good Character and that of a Friend to the Cause of Liberty and that he is innocent of the Charges alledged agst him in the said Petition and desire that the same be withdrawn, which acknowledgement and concession was made by the said Petitioners accordingly. And further we recommend that said [172] Van Ness do not farther prosecute his Complaint against said Petitioners but that he desist therefrom, in order to a Reconciliation of their unhappy differences for the Restoration of Peace in the Neighbourhood, and the Promotion of the General Cause of Liberty - which said Van Ness also agreed to. In Witness whereof the said Parties, as well as we ourselves have hereunto set our Hands the day and Year above written Philip Rockefeller John Ten Broeck John Bay t Committee Peter W Yates HY J. V Rensselaer In behalf of themselves Peter Wiessmer and the other Petitioners Jacob Philip Junr Peter Van Ness Resolved that the same be approved of and that the said Petition against the said Peter Van Ness Esqr. be dismissed, which is done accordingly Resolved that Messrs Christopher Yates, John Roseboom and Jacobus Teller be furnished with one hundred Pounds by Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer for the Use of Captain Cornelius Van Dyck and Company As there are a Number of the Bills of Credit Emitted by a Resolve of this Board, which are not Signed, and as Mr Samuel Stringer was one of the Persons appointed to Sign said Bills is gone upon Business to New York. Therefore Resolved that Volkert P. Douw be appointed in said Samuel Stringers place to sign the residue of the Bills unsigned together with the Persons already nominated for that purpose Captain Wells appeared before this Committee and informed them that he had raised a Company of Twenty five Men Officers included at the request of Collo~ Benidict Arnold and from the encouragement of a Copy of a Letter sent by this Board to Mr. John [173] Knickerbacker and Marched to Ticonderoga where he continued in the Service of the Province for one Month 148 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE lacking one Day, which in Part is certified by a Letter from the Committee of Cambridge dated the 12th Instant and requested that he might be paid for the time he had been in the Service and that as he is ready to March when called, that he and his Company might be continued in the Service. As to the first part of said Request. Resolved That this Committee will not oblige themselves for the payment of said Company, but will recommend them to the Provincial Congress for Payment upon his producing a Muster Roll of his Men and the Time they were in actual Service properly authenticated. And as to the second part of said Request. Resolved that as the appointment of the Officers in the Battalion recommended to this Committee to be filled up, are already compleated it is not in their power to recommend him to any Military employment Mr. Henry Van Schaack agreeable to a Notice from this Board to attend this Day, and exculpate himself from a Charge brought against him by Jacob Philip Junr. reflecting on his Character as a Member of this Committee, moved that the said Philip's should be called upon to Support his said Charge. Philips appearing and having no Proof to support his Charge, and said all that all he knew concerning the said Charge against Mr- Van Schaack was only hearsay. The Question being put whether, or no, the said Charge is so far supported as renders it necessary for Mr. Van Schaack to enter into his Defence Resolved in the Negative and that Mr- Van Schaack be dismissed from said Charge The Committee of the City and County of Albany having heretofore appointed Messr. Abraham Yates Junr. Robert Yates, Abraham Ten Broeck, Jacob Cuyler, Henry [174] Glen, Francis Nicoll, Peter Silvester, Dirck Swart Walter Livingston, Volkert P. Douw, and Robert Van Rensselaer, the Deputies of this City and County to attend the Provincial Congress with general Powers to represent this City and County, But by reason of the inconvenience attending the attendance of all the Deputies in the said Provincial Congress. It is therefore Resolved that for the future, the said Deputies attend the said Congress, or any four or more of their Number PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 149 Comittee Chamber 14th July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Corns- Van Santvoordt Abraham Cuyler Robert Yates John Bay Volkert P. Douw Gerrit Lansingh Junr Gosen Van Schaick John Ten Broeck John N. Bleecker Peter P. Schuyler Chrisr. Yates Leonard Gansevoort Henry Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Received a Letter from General Philip Schuyler dated Saraghtoga 13th July 1775. which was read and is in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen I was in hopes that the Ship Carpenters at Fort George and Ticonderoga would have been Sufficient for the Work intended to be done there, but from the information I have just received, I foresee that I shall Want ten More, I therefore beg the favour of you to forward that Number with all possible dispatch to Ticonderoga, the Counter part of any Contract that you may enter into with them, You will please to Transmit me a Copy of, and I hereby engage to pay them; the Time which they are to be employed must be left indeterminate, as I canot possibly say how long they will be wanted. I am Gent. with much Respect Your Most Obt. Humble ServtPh. Schuyler [175] Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectaday dated 14th July 1775. inclosing a Letter from Chrisr- P. Yates dated 13th- directed to the Committees of Albany and Schonectady which were read, and are in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen. Schonectady Committee Chamber 14th July 1775. We having perused the inclosed Letter think it proper to inclose it to you, for your perusal, we are unable to give them the Assistance they require of us for want of Powder hope you will endeavour to supply them and us with that Article as soon as possible. I am Gent' Your Most Humble Servant By order of the Committee Hugh Mitchell Clark 150 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Gentlemen Canajohary July 13th: 1775. Mr- Ebenezer Cox informed this Board that Mr. Peter S. Dygert told this informant that he was informed by a Person who we have reason to think has it from good authority that Colo. Johnson was ready with Eight or nine Hundred Indians to make an Invasion of this County, that the same Indians were to be under the Command of Joseph Brandt and Walter Butler and that they were to fall on the Inhabitants below the little Falls in order to divide the People in two parts and were to March Yesterday or the Day before Capt. Jacob Klock informed this Board that this Morning about an Hour before Day three Indians of Fort hunter came to his House from Oswego, in their Way Home, that he was informed by a free Negro Man a Servant of him that they each had a Bag of Powder on their Horses, that they staid about an Hour and then went off in great Haste. From these and other Concomitant Circumstances we have but too much reason to think it is true, and that all our Enemies in this County will appear in Arms against us, as soon as the Indians are nigh to us, which from the above information we must expect in a few Days We have sent off a party of People by Way of a Scout, to find out if possible the rout of the Indians [ 176] and to give us early intelligence Our-Ammunition is so scant that we cannot furnish Three hundred Men, so as to be able to make a stand against so great a Number. In these deplorable Circumstances we look up to you for assistance both in Men and Ammunition to save this Country from Slaughter and Desolation which we beg you will not be backward to afford us as soon as possible We have ordered some of our Companies up towards the little Falls, who are to keep Scouting Parties Out. and we intend to keep sitting untill such Time as we can be Convinced of our Safety This is the more alarming to us, as we shall in a few days be obliged to begin with our Ha[r]vest Men are therefore absolutely necessary We beg of you to forward this by express to Albany and Copies from there to the Provincial Congress and to General Schuyler Mr1 Dygert was obliged to promise not to disclose the Persons Name, who informed him of the above but be assured that the Person is well acquainted with the Indians, and therefore if found out is in great Danger. We are Gent. Your Most Obt. & Very Hum Servts. By order To the Committees of Chrisr P. Yates. Schonectady & Albany PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 151 Resolved that a Letter be prepared for General Schuyler and sent by Express inclosing a Copy of the Letter from Christopher P. Yates directed to the Committees of Schonectada and Albany, which was done in the following Words to wit. Sir. You have enclosed Copy of a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County to the Committees of Schonectady and Albany. The Contents whereof are very Alarming, and the more so, as the People of that County are not Provided with Ammunition to defend themselves. We shall forward the Letter to the Provincial [ 1 77] Congress, and would beg leave to Suggest to you whether you will not think it advisable to let the Company of Capt. Van Dyck (which we find you have ordered up towards Lake George) March up the Mohawk River towards their Relief, and as that Company have no Ammunition (and we have here about 300 I. yet in Store) whether you will think it proper to furnish them from the Store here, and whether you will not think it necessary to send up, some of the Remainder of the 3001t to furnish the Inhabitants As it is not possible to know how far this may be a Fact, we would think it advisable to take some Steps, so as to keep up the Spirits of the People of Tryon County In answer to your Letter of Yesterday, we inform you, that we shall endeavour to get them as soon as possible. We are Sir Your Very Hum Servts Resolved that a Letter be wrote to the Committee of Tryon County, which was done in the Words following to wit. Gent. By express we have just now received your alarming information respecting the intended Invasion of the Indians to be headed by Col: Johnson and others. Tho we flatter ourselves with the expectation that the Report may be groundless, because the Oneida Indians have Solemnly engaged to furnish both you and us with the earliest information of the movements and designs of our Common Enemies, and that in the present Case, no such information has been given by them. Yet we are fully persuaded that advices of this kind are not to be slighted, we have therefore now dispatched an express to General Schuyler (who is at present at Saraghtoga) with a Copy of your Letter and requesting him to give directions for the March of Capt. Van Dyck's Com 152 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE pany to your Parts, and also that he will give us leave to send to you out of our Magazine all the Provincial Powder amounting to about 300 1. We expect early in the Morning an Answer from him, and you may depend that agreeable to his [178] directions we shall Act for your Interest as we are fully convinced that it is intimately connected with ours, If this Report gains farther Credit, we shall readily with our Militia March to your Assistance We are Gent. &c. Whereas a Report has been propogated through the City, that Peter W. Yates Esqr had by Letters revealed the Transactions of this Board to Coll. Guy Johnson privately and contrary to their Inclinations for evil purposes. Upon which Mr Yates made and offered to this Board the following Affidavit to wit Peter W. Yates Esqr. being duly sworn saith that he never has written or sent any Letter or Letters to Col1. Guy Johnson, or any other Person whatsoever whom he had reason to believe to be against Committees or Congresses informing him or them of any of the Proceedings of the Committee of Albany excepting only such Letters as he was appointed to assist in writing for the Committee and Corporation, and which were signed by the Clerk or Chairman And further swears that all his Letters that ever he wrote respecting these public affairs have been in favour of the American Cause And further that he never sent any Express nor verbal Message to any Place whatsoever to hurt or prejudice any Committee or Congress or any of their proceedings And further this Deponent swears that he wishes well to the American Cause, and hopes we may succeed in our present unhappy Struggles for Freedom and that the Labours of the united Colonies may meet with success, & further that he is An Advocate for American Liberty & hopes to continue so to the End. P W Yates Sworn before me the 13th July 1775 Jacob C. Ten Eyck Judge Resolved that the foregoing Affidavit is a satisfactory Proof to this Board of Mr- Yates's Innocence respecting the said Reports Adjoumned untill OClock to Morrow Morning PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 153 Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Leonard Gansevoort Gosen Van Schaick Corns. Van Santvoordt Volkert P. Douw Christopher Yates Jacob Van Schaick Robert Yates John Bay [1791 Anthony E. Bratt Abraham Cuyler John N. Bleecker Jacob Ja Lansingh Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Henry Bleecker Lucas Van Veghten John H Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Received a Letter from General Philip Schuyler dated Saraghtoga friday Evening 3/4 past eleven 14th July 1775. inclosing an Order to Captain Van Dyck which were read. which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. Sir The Letter you have inclosed me is of a truly alarming Nature, and requires the most immediate and Vigorous Efforts to counteract the meditated evil. And I would advise that not only Capt'- Van Dyck and his Company but also such others as you can possibly get should immediately March into Tryon County with the Albany and Schenectady Militia who should also be requested to March to the Relief of that County. You will please to supply Capt- Van Dyke's Company with Ammunition and send all you can Spare to the Inhabitants of Tryon County The order for Capt. Van Dyke to March where you shall direct I now inclose you, If the Account should be either confirmed, or contradicted, I beg of you to inform me of it by express the soonest possible, that I may take Measures accordingly I am Sir Your Most Obt- & Very Humble Servant Ph. Schuyler Received a Letter from Messrs Benjamin Ellis, John Visscher Hezekiah Baldwin, Benjamin Throop, George White and Joel Pratt dated Fort George the 1 th July 1775 which was read. 154 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the said Letter be returned to the Messenger desiring him to shew it to the Commissary, or General Schuyler Three Letters were handed into this Board by Mr Richard Cartwright which were sent to him to forward. [180] Resolved that the Letters be opened and that Messrs Leonard Gansevoort, Lucas Van Veghten, John Ten Broeck and Christopher Yates, be a Committee for the purpose and if said Letters contain nothing of a Public Nature that they Seal them without making any Report of the Contents. The Sub-Committee aforesaid appointed for opening and inspecting the Letters aforesaid Report that they contain nothing expressly of a public Nature Resolved that the said Letters be transmitted inclosed in a Letter to the Provincial Congress. Resolved that one hundred and fifty Pounds of Powder of the Colony Stores be transmitted to the Committee of Tryon County, by them to be distributed, among the Militia, they paying for the same at the Rate of five Shillings V Pound, And that Twenty five Pounds be forwarded to the Committee of Schonectady for the use of Captain Cornelius Van Dyck's Company Resolved that a Letter be prepared for the Committee of Tryon County, which was done in the Words following to wit. Gent. By the information we have this Morning received by Mr. Roseboom, and from other intelligence we have reason to conclude that your apprehensions in respect to the Indians appears to be Groundless, But least we should be mistaken, and that you may be in a State of Defence we now send you by Mr- Fisher 150 ID. of Powder, which you will (if necessary) distribute amongst the most principle and Active of your Inhabitants But as this Powder is taken from the Provincial Store intended for the Supply of the new raised Troops, It will be necessary that such of your Inhabitants as you supply with this necessary Article, that they pay at the Rate of ~25 per hundred, and that you transmit the Money to this Committee, who are answerable to the Province for it, It gives us pain that it is not in our [181] Power to make this Supply more Considerable But we have the greatest expectation that our difficulties respecting this Article will be removed by a speedy Importation from the Southward. Resolved that an order be given in favour of Mr. Frederick Fisher upon Mr. Hendrick Roseboom for one hundred and fifty Pounds of Powder PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 155 belonging to the Colony Store, and another in favour Christopher Yates for Twenty five Pounds Mr. Gerrit Roseboom who is just returned from Canada appeared before this Board, when the following examination was taken. Says that he left Montreal on or about the 26th June last That in Canada the utmost means were used to induce the Indians to side with the Regulars, especially by Mr. St. Luke LeCorn, but that amongst the Indians where this informant has been particularly Canussdaga Esqueseesua Oswegatie and Cagnamagas, they decline taking up the Hatchet against the Bostonians (a Term by which the General opposition is distinguished) That the Cagnawagas particularly are Active in preventing the Incursions of the other Indian Nations For which purpose they have statitioned about a Dozen of their Tribe at St. John's with Horses, with directions that if their endeavours should prove ineffectual to give immediate Notice to the Tribe, who in that Case are resolved to prevent them by force That while this examinant was at Montreal he saw about 22 Indians of the Messesagues Tribe who then in their War Dresses and Accoutrements set off to St. John's on a Scalping Party towards the Forts on the Lake in our Possession, But that this Examinant beleives they will be stopped by the means above mentioned That this examinant on his arrival at Oswego about eight days ago found Coll0. Guy Johnson there who had with him about 300 Indians and about 500 Squas and Children That this examinant was present at a Congress he held with the Indians but does not know the Subject of their Deliberations, But that he afterwards understood [182] from those Indians that the Communication on the Mohawk River was to remain open. That on the Day when this examinant left Oswego the Indians were to receive his Presents, Except the Rum which was to be delivered them the next Day at the Oswego Falls, to each Nation or Tribe one Barrel that from there Col. Guy Johnson was to proceed to Oswegatie, some of them were to go with him from each Tribe, and the rest to return Home That this Examinant heard, before he came to Oswego that there was to be a General Congress at Oswegatie with the Canadian Indians This the Indians at Oswego assured this Examinant that they did not intend to fight against us. But that considering the fickleness of their Disposition and probably the overpersuasion of our Enemies no great dependance can be made on their Assurances 156 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE That endeavours were used in Canada to enlist Men in the Service of the Crown, but that the Canadians were extremly averse to enter into the Service - That a report prevailed there that Govr. Carlton had threatned to fire the City in Case the Merchants and others did not JoinThat he has seen a few Straglers, and of the lowest Class of the People who were inlisted That Monsr. St. Luke had proposed an expedient to the Govt- to hang half a Dozen which would intimidate the Survivors into a Compliance That he has been informed there that they were busy in building Battoes at St- John's for the purpose of Transporting Troops across the Lake to attack the Possessions at Crown Point and Ticonderoga. Adjourned untill two of the Clock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. [183] Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Ja. Lansingh Leonard Gansevoort Abraham Cuyler Abraham Ten Broeck John Bay Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Corns. Van Santvoordt Jacob Lansingh Junr John H. Ten Eyck John N. Bleecker John Ten Broeck Henry Bleecker Anthony E. Bratt Bastiaen T. Visscher Lucas Van Veghten Robert Yates Jacob C. Ten Eyck Christopher Yates Henry Quackenbush Whereas an Anonymous Paper was published reflecting on the Procession at the Arrival of General Schuyler and Peter W. Yates Esqr confessing himself to be the Author of said Paper, and offered to this Board the following Concession and acknowledgement Gent. Albany 14th July 1775. I have unadvisedly and without duly considering the Consequences, been the Author of a late Peice relative to the Procession on the arrival of general Schuyler- Tho' it was not written with any Intention to injure the Cause of Liberty, yet I confess I acted imprudent in giving Cause of Offence to Individuals to the Committee and the public in general and am sorry its PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 157 Publication has drawn on me the Resentment of the public, I sincerely wish the same had never been published, and hope that every one who has taken Offence will forgive it, especially as I always was and still am a real Friend and Wellwisher to the Cause of Liberty and am at all Times willing and ready to stand forth in Defence of the Rights and Liberties of my Country and to Aid and Assist as far as in me lies in rescuing her from Tyranny and Oppression. I am Gent. Your Most Hum Servt. Peter W. Yates To the Gentlemen of the Comittee and Citizens of Albany. [184] Resolved Nem: Con: that the said Concession and acknowledgement is satisfactory to this Board. Committee Chamber 17th July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Corns. Van Santvoordt Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Bleecker Jacob Cuyler Jacob Ja. Lansingh John N. Bleecker Anthony E. Bratt Volkert P. Douw Peter Schuyler Lucas Van Veghten Abraham Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick Robert Yates Abraham Cuyler John Bay Jacob Lansingh Junr. John H Ten Eyck Received a Letter from Captn. John Graham dated Fort Miller 14th July 1775 inclosing the Warrant directed to Mr' David Jones as first Lieut. which the said David Jones declined to accept, and desired that-another may be appointed in his stead without delay Received a Letter from Peter W. Yates Esqr' dated Albany 15th July 1775. in the following Words to wit. Gent' I am extremely happy to hear that my Acknowlegement was deemed satisfactory and approved of by all the Members of the Committee present, and return you my most sincere and hearty thanks for settling this unhappy 158 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE dispute. I hope likewise that the Public (whose Representatives you are) will acquiesce in your Decision. Gen-t I beg leave to withdraw from your Board, and as I dont do this out of any the least disrespect to you or any one else, hope it may give no offence, I do therefore hereby resign accordingly, and tho' no longer a Member of your Board, yet be assured that I shall notwithstanding at all Times hereafter be (as I always [185] was heretofore) both willing and ready to give you or the Public all the Counsel and Assistance in my Power for the good of my devoted Country in her present unhappy Struggles for Freedom. I am Gent. Your Most H. Servt. Peter W. Yates. P. S. I have several Days ago desired one of the Members to get my Resignation proposed and entered, and as that has not been done I now send this Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated July 15th 1 775. Gentlemen. I inclose you a Letter for the Hono. John Hancock Esqr. which I intreat you will immediately dispatch by express with orders to him to ride Night and Day and in Case he should not be able to bear the Fatigue to procure another Person to go on Should the Powder from Philadelphia be arrived or that from Connecticut under the care of Capt. Douglass, and it be necessary for the Militia to March to Tryon County, You will please to take of either and deliver it to the Captains of the Companies with Injunction to return it, if it should not be wanted Pray advise me the Moment you get any intelligence from Tryon County and inform me what Part Sir John Johnson takes or means to take should the Savages attack as is apprehended. I am Gentlemen Your Most Obedient Humble Servant Ph. Schuyler Received another Letter from General Schuyler dated 16th July 1775 in the following words to wit. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 159 Gentlemen Your Letter of Yesterday with the Papers inclosed for which I return you thanks have eased me of much of the apprehension I laboured under for the Inhabitants of Tryon County, Too much Confidence in these Days may be attended with the most pernicious consequences and I am happy to see that you guard against it. Van Dyke's Company will remain at Schonectady [186] as long as you may think necessary. I think it will be advisable that the People of Tryon County should have constantly two or three trusty Hands at or near Fort Stanwix to keep a Sharp look out, and give intelligence of any movements made by the Indians. I wish you to recommend this to them I leave this in a few Minutes, On my arrival at Ticonderoga, I shall do myself the Honor to communicate any Intelligence worthy your attention. I am Gentlemen. Your Most Obedient & most Humble Servt. Ph. Schuyler Please to forward the inclosed. The Question being put whether or no the Promisses made by the Members of this Committee to the People assembled at Richard Cartwrights last Saturday night, should now be performed by this Board. Resolved in the Affirmative Whereas it was on Saturday last resolved that the Confession of Peter W. Yates Esqr. respecting the publishing a certain Paper signed the Spectator was satisfactory to this Committee, and that five or six Copies be made of the said Confession and resolve and held up to the Public for their Approbation And Whereas a Number of the Inhabitants of this City assembled together on the night following at the House of Richard Cartwright where some of the Members of this Board repaired for the purpose of easing the Minds of the People so assembled together requested of the said Members then present that the said Peter W. Yates Esqr. should be expelled from this Board and that the Proceedings of this Board on said Paper be published in Hand Bills, which the said Members then present promised to recommend to the Board which said Requisition was this Morning by the said Members communicated to the Board, Therefore Resolved [187] that (in order to satisfy the Minds of the People who made that Request, and for the sake of preserving Harmony in this City) the said Peter W. Yates Esqr. be expelled from this Committee and he is accordingly expelled And is there is now again 160 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE a Number of People Assembled together in the City Hall, and the Street before the said City Hall, and being willing that the said Proceedings of this Committee upon the said Paper should not be published provided the said Peter W. Yates Esqr. make a public Concession in Person to the People here Assembled, again resolved that John N. Bleecker and Bastiaen T. Visscher be appointed a Committee to wait on the said Peter W. Yates Esqr and acquaint him with the said Resolve and give him Assurances of Safety if he should be inclined to make the said Concession, and forthwith attend here for that purpose. Mr. Bay dissented from the foregoing Resolves of this Morning. Peter W Yates appearing before this Committee and consented to make the public concession above alluded to, which he did accordingly Albany Committee Chamber July 18th: 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Robert Yates Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Lucas Ven Veghten John N. Bleecker John H Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Leonard Gansevoort Goose Van Schaick John Bay. In Consequence of General Schuylers Letter dated 13th Day of July Instant, requesting this Board to engage ten Carpenters to go up to Ticonderoga or such other place as the said General should direct, we have agreed with the following Persons for the Wages annexed to their respective Names, and be [188] Provided with the Customary Provisions Viz. Teunis Bratt Master Workmen John Ouderkerk John A Lansingh Levinus Lieverse John Van Benthuysen John Van Ness Hendrick Van Wie Dirck Bratt Van Schoonhoven Christopher Miller Peter Bovie ~0 12 0 W Day 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 161 Committee Chamber July 19th: 1775 Present Abraham Yates Chairman Lucas Van Veghten Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansingh Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Glen Henry Bleecker Jacob C. Ten Eyck John H. Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler John Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick Peter Silvester Robert Yates John N. Bleecker John Bay The Question being put whether this Board shall appoint a Major in stead of Philip Lansingh who resigned, or refer it to the Provincial Congress Resolved that this Board shall proceed to the appointment. The Question being put whether or no Captn- John Visscher shall be appointed Major Resolved in the Negative Mr. Peter Gansevoort Junr. being held up for Major in the stead of Philip Lansingh who resigned Resolved that Mr. Gansevoort be appointed Major Received a Letter from Mr' Thomas Allen dated Pitsfield July 17th: 1775. [1891 Committee Chamber 21st July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Bay Gosen Van Schaick John H. Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort Stephen De Lancey Corns' Van Santvoordt Robert Yates Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer who was appointed to go up to Lake George to pay off the Companies embodied by order of this Board, and who was furnished with three hundred and thirty two Pounds for that purpose, Reports that he paid said Forces untill the twenty third day of June last which amounted to ~332 0 1 1 6 162 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that a Letter be prepared for the Oneyda Indians, which was done in the Words following to wit. Brethren. The Brethren we sent up to your Council Fire at the German Flats have give to us a faithful Account of the Conference they had with you, which has given us great satisfaction, and we shall always endeavour to Cultivate the greatest Harmony with you. They 'have also informed us that you requested printed copies of the several Speeches and Answers that were then made, agreeable to which request we have drawn out fair Copies of those proceedings But before they were printed we were informed by our Brethren who attended the great Council at New York, that they had in Consideration the affairs of the Six Nations, and were busy in drawing up a Speech to be delivered to you in behalf of the whole Colony accompanied with some Considerable Tokens of their affection and good will towards you that they had it also in Consideration to invite you to a [190] Great Council at Albany, or where ever you would chuse to meet their Deputies, we have waited to receive their directions on this Head but by reason of an adjournment which that Council have made we apprehend it is delayed on that Account This Council are to meet at New York on Tuesday next, when we make no doubt but that this important affair will be Compleated and you may then expect upon receiving their directions to hear farther from us. Brethren We hope you will be mindful of your promise to let us know from Time to Time of such particulars or News as you may hear in your Parts which may be interesting to you or us Resolved that Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer pay Ensign Daniel Lee, and also settle with Capt. Barent Ten Eyck for his Charges as Express PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 163 Committee Chamber 22nd July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Volkert P. Douw Leonard Gansevoort Peter Silvester John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler John Bay Henry Quackenbush Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ja Beeckman Henry Bleecker John N. Bleecker Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Cuyler Robert Yates Abraham Ten Broeck Resolved that Abraham Yates Esqr- be appointed in the stead of Volkert P. Douw Esqr. who is going down to New York to Sign the Bills of Credit emmitted by a Vote of this Board. Resolved that Advertisements be Struck up [191] requesting all Persons who have any Demand against this Committee to bring in their Accounts by the twenty ninth Instant Received a Petition from the Revd. Joseph Johnson who is going up to the Oneyda Indians upon public Business which being read, and is in the following Words to wit. Albany July the 22nd A D. 1775. To the Honorable the Committee of the City of Albany. May it please your Honors in your great Condescention amidst the continual Crowd of important business that lays before your Honors to listen to the humble Request of your needy Petitioner and consider of him a Moment. Your Petitioner blushes while he considers the oppertunity that he lost Yesterday in making known his Circumstances, Your Honors Petitioner was in hopes of having a Chance to speake once more to your Honors but the Honorable Committee was soon dismissed for which reason alone I am here still, and am Considerable impatient I would inform your Honors that I have been quite out of Money, and have not one penny to pay my expences since I have been in this City, neither have I any Money to pay my way to the Oneida Country if I could gethered in my Debts in Connecticut I should had no occasion to solicit your honors 164 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE aid, but I was altogether disappointed and pure necessity obliges me this time to Solicit your honors favour, I desire no extraordinary gift nor great Sum all I desire is just what is necessary, I do assure your Honors, that it was not for the love of Money that I was willing to leave my near and dear relations, and to go amongst strange Nations, no Sirs, but it was in hopes of doing good and also to manifest my Love to my Country and Zeal for the same, and I shall ever rejoice, and chearfully embrace every oppertunity whereby I may do my Country good, tho' at the Hazard or expence of my own life, and if your Honors think proper to afford little aid [192] it shall be received with love and Gratitude, and shall be used with prudence and discretion I would just inform your Honors, that coming to this City I had no sort of refreshment for myself for fifty one Miles back for twenty four Hours, I had but few penny's which I reserved for my Horse Another thing I would humbly offer for your Honors consideration is this, that your Honors would be pleased to put proper Weapons of Defence into your Petitioners Hands, in these times of difficulty and great danger, and they shall not be used as Weapons of offence - I should be very loath to die like a Coward and I should be loath to fall into the Hands of silly and wicked Men, I should rather chuse to defend myself and make my escape - This is all your Humble Petitioner hath to offer to your Honors for Consideration, I am my Honors a real welwisher to this Country, and am my Honors yours to serve ~~~~~to serve ~Joseph Johnson Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay to the Revd. Joseph Johnson seven Pounds. Resolved that it be recommended to the Inhabitants of the first Ward of this City to meet at their usual Place of Election on Tuesday the 25th Instant at one OClock P. M. and chuse a Member to join this Committee in the place of Peter W Yates Esqr. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 165 Committee Chamber 22nd July 1775 at 11 of the Clock P. M. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Henry Bleecker Robert Yates Jacob Lansingh Junr Peter Schuyler Jacob Cuyler Anthony E. Bratt Peter Silvester Corns. Van Santvoordt Volkert P. Douw John Bay Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady Dated 22nd July 1775. inclosing a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County directed to that Body [193] dated Caghnawaga 22nd July 1775. which said Letters are in the following Words to wit. Gent. Schonectady July 22nd: 1775 We have just now received the inclosed Letter which speaks for itself. We are of opinion that it is necessary some thing is done in this affair, as we well know them to be our open Enemies, and have often declared themselves so, there is no time to be losst for the people of the Mohawks River are all gathered together, and their Harvest going to Ruin - We can't help to observe that we think it won't do for our friends to return home, as they meet with insults every day and are not safe therefore may take a very bad effect on our friends of the Mohawks River. Powder is much wanted both here and on the River We are Gent. Your Hum Servants By order of the Committee Chrisr. Yates Chairman Gent' Cachnawaga July 22nd: 1775. The Sheriff having confined John Fonda last Thursday the People in this Neighbourhood to the amount of 100 went up to the Goal and took him out, after which going to take the Sheriff out of Pickens House, the Sheriff fired on the People who returned it Expecting that an attempt would be made to retake Fonda we have collected together about 5 or 600 Men to protect Fonda and take the Sheriff i66 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Prisoner, We have wrote to Sir John Johnson Bart. and requested him to deliver the Sheriff to us, or that we would take him by Force The Gent. we sent up being John Frey and Anthony Van Veghten inform us that Sir John has got about 400 Men in Johnstown and has fortified his House in such a manner that it is not possible for us to take the Sheriff out of the House with small Arms, and Sr. John declared to Messrs Frey and Van Veghten that he would protect the Sheriff so long as he remained in his House- As the Sheriff gives us a great deal of Trouble [194] Insulting us on every occasion, and bids us open Defiance, we are therefore now determined to have him, and as we understand that there are Field Peices in Schonectady, we request you would send us a Couple with all the Implements necessary, the Bearers have orders to make all the dispatch possible, We should be glad if you would send a few Men armed to guard the Waggons up — If there is none in Schonectady send the Bearers to Albany if we can be served there - The hurry & Confusion we are necessarily in will apologize for this Letter We are Gent. with Respect By order of the Committee Chrisr P. Yates Resolved that a Letter be prepared for the Committee of Schonectady which was done in the following Words to wit. Gent. We have this moment received your Letter covering the unhappy advices from Tryon County. By this and the information we have received by Mr. Newkerk the bearer thereof it appears to us that the Sheriff by process took Mr- Fonda Prisoner and confined him to Goal. However groundless the Cause of Action may probably appear yet as it is the undoubted right of the Subject to proceed by Action for any real or supposed Injury or wrong, and as no prohibition has as yet been declared by the Provincial or Continental Congress we cannot therefore help observing to you that tho' we admire the Spirit of Freedom wherewith those Inhabitants are animated yet that it was at least Imprudent in them to force Mr Fonda from Goal as the same Laws under Colour whereof he was confined will give him his remedy for an unlawful Imprisonment It is now more than probable to us that the Sheriff has repeatedly been imprudent in his Conduct - that he differs from us in his Ideas upon the present political Struggles for American Freedom [195] That his Actions in various instances may have been in the highest degree unwarrantable and PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 167 insulting but let our Enemies never have Cause to upbraid us with an infringement of the Laws and Constitution which we are studiously endeavouring to preserve against Parliamentary encroachment It gives us pain that we on this head differ in Sentiment with our Brethren to the Westward; but we flatter Ourselves in the expectation, that when they will suffer passion and Resentment to subside, that they will agree with us in those observations Upon consideration of this matter we have deputed Messrs Abraham Yates and Peter Silvester who together with such of your Members as you chuse to associate with them for the purpose to heal those unhappy and distressing differences we are Gent. Your Humble Servants Robert Yates Chairman Attest Pro Tempore John Bay SecY. Whereas there is now a great disturbance subsisting in Tryon County arising from a dispute between Alexander White Esqr Sheriff of said County and Mr. John Fonda, and for quieting and settling said disturbance Resolved that a Committee be appointed from this Board to go to Tryon County to interpose and use their endeavours to quiet the Minds of both parties and bring them to an amicable settlement. And That Messrs. Abraham Yates and Peter Silvester be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid Committee Chamber 25th July 1775. Present Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. John Ja. Beeckman Jacob C Ten Eyck John H. Ten Eyck Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Lansingh Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham Cuyler John Bay Bastiaen T. Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer [196] John N. Bleecker Henry Quackenbush Lucas Van Veghten Peter Silvester Appeared before this Board two Oneida Indians to wit Oneynya Egat, Theugeveyndack, sent with a Message from the Oneida Nation, which was 168 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE delivered by Oneynya Egat, and interpreted by Mr. Henry Bleecker which said Message is as follows. to wit. Brothers. We were not sent down as Messingers this Way, but were sent to the German Flats to undeceive the People from a Report that prevailed among the Inhabitants of the German Flats, that the five Nations were coming down to cut them off, and to assure them that they were peaceable, and that the People of the German Flats had sent up two Men to the Oneida Nation to enquire concerning the Truth of the News they had heard, upon which they were sent down. When they came down to Thomsons they found it was true that the Germans had Fled and were busy making a Fort at the German Flats, they told the Germans have we not lately had a Council Fire at the German Flats, therefore they should not give Ear to any false Reports for they would always give Notice of any bad News and assured them that there was now no bad News and the five Nations were friendly, and the Head Men were now gathered in Council at Onondaga they advised the People at the German Flatts not to beleive any Reports, and that the Germans advised them to come down to this Place and acquaint the great Men here Chairman. Brothers We are glad to see you here and thank you for the Message you have brought, we shall upon all occasions rejoice to see you, and hope you will always give us the earliest intelligence of any disturbance that may happen in your Country [197] Resolved that the aforesaid Indians be furnished each with one Blanket of Strouds, one Shirt, one pair of Stockings One pair of Shoes and Buckles, one Coarse Hatt, one Knife and a Clout alias Indian Breeches. Received a Letter from the Committee of New York dated July 18th-. 1775. in the following Words to wit. Sir With this you will receive four Hogsheads said to contain fifty two Quarter Casks of Powder. It is sent by the Continental Congress to go to Ticonderoga. Pray inform General Schuyler of it, & pray forward it to Ticonderoga with all possible dispatch We are Sir Your Humble Servants By order of the Committee Hen Williams Chairman PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 169 Committee Chamber 26th July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja. Beeckman John H. Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Bay Jacob Lansingh Junr. Stephen De Lancey Jacob C Ten Eyck Lucas Van Veghten Leonard Gansevoort John N. Bleecker Received a Letter from Genl- Schuyler dated Ticonderoga 22nd July 1775. in these Words to wit. Gentlemen. I take the Liberty to inclose you a Packet for the President of the New York Congress which you will please to forward by the very first safe Conveyance On my Arrival here I found affairs in much Confusion, they are now reducing to order, which I hope will soon be perfectly established The intelligence from Canada continues to be favourable, altho' it is said by a Frenchman lately [198] from there, that a numerous Body of Indians are assembled, that some of the Young Men were willing to take up the Hatchet against us, but that the Elderly were averse to, and will prevent it, I wish you to encourage the Levies in our County, that we may not be more tardy than the rest, I should be glad to hear that the Apprehensions of the Inhabitants in Tryon County are subsided. Pray favour me with a Line. I am Gentlemen with the most affectionate Sentiments Your Most Obedient Humble Servant Ph. Schuyler If no Sloop should be on the Point of Sailing to New York You will please to send the Letters by express. Resolved that an answer be prepared to said Letter and that Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Leonard Gansevoort be a Committee to prepare said Letter. In pursuance of a Resolve of the 22nd. Instant the Inhabitants of the first Ward of this City to proceed to an election of a Member in the Room of 170 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Peter W. Yates Esqr The Clerk of this Board files a return of the Poll by which it appears that the said Peter W. Yates was again elected. Resolved that it be recommended to the Inhabitants of the first Ward to assemble at the City Hall at three OClock P. M. to chuse a Member to join this Board in the Room of Peter W. Yates Esqr The Question being put whether or no any entry should be made in the Minutes of this Board of a Letter received this day from Peter W. Yates Esqr dated 25th Instant Resolved in the Negative. [199] Committee Chamber 27th July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Abraham Cuyler John H. Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ten Broeck Peter Silvester Gosen Van Schaick Jacob F. Lansingh Jacob C. Ten Eyck Philip Rockefeller Joseph Anderson John Bay Chairman Anthony E Bratt Daniel Budd Henry Oothoudt Henry Quackenbush Joseph Young Henry Glen Cornelius Cuyler Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Col. Peter Livingston Henderick Vere John Perse Peter W. Yates Esqr declined serving on his being elected on the 25t Instant, an Election again was held on the 26th Instant agreeable to a resolve of this Board when Doctor Joseph Young was elected. Therefore Resolved that he take his Seat accordingly. The Chairman received a Note from Capt. Stevenson which he laid before this Board, and is on the file requesting a final answer relative to his application for a pass to Canada Adjourned untill 2 OClock in the afternoon PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 171 Met according to Adjournment Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John H. Ten Eyck Anthony E. Bratt Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Col. Robert Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Doctor Young Gosen Van Schaick Henry Oothoudt Philip Rockefeller Collo- Peter Livingston Joseph Anderson Docr. Budd. Resolved that this Board cannot comply with Capt' Stevensons request in furnishing him with a pass for Canada Ordered that the return of the Association to the [200] Provincial Congress be postponed for another fortnight, and by that time that every Committee make a Compleat Report Mr. Peter Silvester laid before this Board an Acct. of Seventeen Pounds seventeen Shillings and six pence which he disbursed for the public, and which is on file. Ordered that the said Account be paid Resolved that John Ostrander be paid five Shillings V Day for every Day he has attended this Committee and also for every Day that he shall attend. Committee Chamber 29th July 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker John H. Ten Eyck Joseph Young Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Lucas Van Veghten Agreeable to a resolve of the 26th Instant the following Letter was forward[ed] to General Schuyler to wit. Sir We have just received yours of the 22nd Instant inclosing a Packet to the President of the Provincial Congress and be assured that we shall implicitly follow your directions in forwarding it. 172 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Your information of the intention of the Canadian Indians is corroborated by the intelligence we Yesterday received from two Sachems of the Oneida Nation with whom we had a short Conference (Copy of which Proceedings you have here inclosed) which was concluded by some Presents in token of our Friendship You may rest assured that nothing will be wanting on our Parts to encourage the Levies of the Companies to be raised in our County, as nothing could (at this Time) afford us more real happiness than to see our Regiment in Compleat order We have agreeable to your request fill'd up the arrangement of Officers and transmitted it down [201] to the Provincial Congress, by our Deputies who are gone to attend the same We have the pleasure to inform you, that the apprehensions of the Inhabitants of Tryon respecting the Indians is entirely removed, and the unhappy dispute between the Inhabitants of the upper Part of the County with Sr. John Johnson, and the Sheriff of that County amicably accommodated upon the two following Points (1st.) The Sheriff is to leave the County, and not return to it again. 2ndy. Sr. John Johnson is not to take any active part against the People in the Disputes at present subsisting between Great Britain and the American Colonies We have last Sunday recd. the Powder which has been so long expected from the Continental Congress, which we have stored and shall be forwarded to you, as soon as a Guard can be obtained to accompany it to Lake George. Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated the 27th Instant in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen: I am in the greatest Want of an Immediate supply of a Quantity of Provisions and Stores, and I intreat your Assistance to the Commissary General Mr Livingston in procuring carriages to Transport it. Please to supply such of your Troops as are at Fort George with Camp Equipage, General Montgomery will apply as to the rest. I am Gentlemen with respect and Esteem Your Most Hum Servant Ph. Schuyler PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1775 173 Committee Chamber 31st July 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman John H Ten Eyck Doct. Joseph Young Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Corns- Van Santvoordt Leonard Gansevoort Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ten Broeck John Ja Beeckman [202] Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated 28th July Instant in these Words to wit. Gentlemen. It is with particular satisfaction that I remark your attention to every matter that concerns the public Weal. Your Letter and the paper inclosed give me great pleasure, I send them by this oppertunity to the Continental Congress. I wish you may have received a Letter directed to Mr. Dow and you, on the Subject of Indian affairs before the two Oneidas left Town, I sent it by Mr. Witbeeck The instructions of Congress to the Commissioners are not yet come to Hand, I have reason to beleive that you will be honorably mentioned in them, and that great Part of that Service will be intrusted to you It cannot be to any Persons better inclined or more Competent. I am Gentlemen With the most friendly Sentiments Your Most Obedient and Most Humble Servant Ph. Schuyler Please to forward the Letter for Mr. Hancock by first Sloop to be delivered to the President of the New York Congress. Resolved that an answer be prepared to said Letter which was done in the following Words to wit. Hond Sir We received your Letter, directed to Mr Douw, or in his absence to the Committee, as Mr- Dow was already gone down to New York, we forwarded the Letter to him on Saturday afternoon by Captain Douglass, who went on Horseback, and promised to deliver it immediately upon his arrival. The Oneidas had left Town before the Letter came to Hand 174 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE We shall embrace the first Oppertunity to forward the Letter to Mr. Hancock as requested. We are obliged to you for the good Opinion you entertain of us, and shall be happy in cultivating the same. Whilst we remain Sir Your Very Humble Serv [203] Mr. Benjamin Baker laid before this Board certain proposals, for making Salt Petre. Resolved that the said proposals be forwarded to the Provincial Congress, inclosed in a Letter to our Deputies attending there, which was accordingly done in the following Words. to wit. Gentlemen. You will find inclosed proposals of Mr. Baker and think it may be worth your while to give him encouragement, Doctor Young (one of our Board) has examined the Nitre, he has made as a Sample and conceives it is, as good as the Nitre from Europe Albany Committee Chamber 3rd Augt. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja Beeckman Frederick Berger Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell Joseph Young John Bay Peter Silvester Bastiaen T. Visscher Gosen Van Schaick Henry Quackenbush John H. Ten Eyck A Petition was laid before this Board by Ensign Daniel Lee dated Albany 2nd August 1775 in these Words to wit. To the Committee of Safety Protection &c. of the City and County of Albany The Petition of Ensign Daniel Lee Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner has acted in the Station of Ensign in Captn" Joel Pratts Company untill the eighteenth Day of July last. That he has received his pay as such till the 23nd June last, That he is now out of the Service and remains unsatisfied for that time PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 175 Your Petitioner therefore most humble prays that he may be paid the remainder of the Time, and that you Gent. will be pleased to recommend it to [204] the Paymaster accordingly and Your Petititoner shall ever Pray &c. Daniel Lee Albany 2nd- August 1775. Daniel Lee Agreeable to the request in the said Petition Resolved that it be recommended to the Paymaster to pay to the said Daniel Lee for the Time that he has been in the Service since the 23nd June last. Resolved that Gideon King be paid seven Pounds and two pence his Wages untill the 23nd June last Resolved that Jeremiah Van Rensselaer pay Captn" John Graham and his Company from the thirtieth Day of May last untill the sixth day of July last both days inclusive Resolved. that Jacob C. Ten Eyck Esqr pay unto Jeremiah Van Rensselaer so much of the Bills of Credit of this Board as will pay the aforesaid Company for the time aforesaid Albany Committee Chamber August 5th: 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Joseph Young Frederick Berger Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Corns- Van Santvoordt John Bay Jacob C. Ten Eyck Guysbert Marselis Gosen Van Schaick John Ja. Beeckman Henry Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ten Broeck Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated Ticonderoga 1 August 1775 inclosing Copy of a Speech to be delivered to the Six Nations of Indians from the Continental Congress which were read [205] and the said Letter is in the following Words to wit 176 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Gentlemen. I have directed the Commissary General Mr Livingston to pay you one thousand pounds N York Currency to call in the Bills you have emitted, as you must ultimately account to the public for this Money, you will please to take the proper Vouchers from the People that have been employed in the Service, and when the Bills are called in you will please Jointly with Mr Livingston to cancel them. I do myself the pleasure to inclose you Copy of the intended Speech to the Indians, I suppose Mr Dow is at New York, on his return, you will please deliver to him permit me to beg the favor that you will inform me what steps you or he have taken in Consequence of my Letter to you and him on the Subject of Indian affairs, how does the raising of Men go on with you, and what prospect have I of any to Join me. I am Gentlemen Very Sincerely Your Most ObtHumble Servant Ph. Schuyler Received a Letter from the Revd. Samuel Kirkland dated Stockbridge 3 August 1775. in these Words to wit. Sir This informs that the Bearer John Skabuck is going to the Oneida Country with two Strings of Wampum, from the Stockbridge and some of the New England Indians, It is desired that you give him a pass and recommend him to the kindness of the Inhabitants that way as he Travels thro' the Country By request of the Indians S. Kirkland MissY. Resolved that a pass be granted accordingly Resolved that Messrs Peter Silvester and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be a Committee to prepare an Answer to General Schuyler's Letter Resolved that Messrs Jacob C. Ten Eyck and Jacob [206] Lansingh be appointed a Committee to receive of M'r Walter Livingston one thousand Pounds ordered by General Schuyler to be paid, in order to cancel the Bills of Credit emitted by a Vote of this Board. Resolved that Collo. Gosen Van Schaick receive of Commissary Elisha Phelps the Guns he received from John N. Bleecker belonging to the Provincial Stores of this Province PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 177 Received a Letter from Peter B. Tears Captn. and William Pemberton first Lieut- of the Granadier Company now raising in this City, dated Albany 5th August 1775 in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen We are busily engaged in raising a Company of Grenadiers, in which we have in a few Days made a rapid Progress —we have already above thirty inlisted and expect to have the Company compleated in a few days. We would be extremely glad if the Committee would be pleased to let us have about forty Guns - the other necessaries we will be able to procure ourselves - we are willing to give such a Receipt for the Guns as the Committee shall require. We are Gent. Your Humble Servants Peter B. Tears CaptWilliam Pemberton 1 st Lieut. To which the following answer was given Gent. The Committee having taken into Consideration the Petition of Messrs. Peter B. Tears and Wm Pemberton upon the Subject of Guns to supply a Granadier Company they are now forming - this Board is of Opinion that they cannot at present comply with the prayer of the Petition to your satisfaction as it is expected there will be a Sudden call for these Guns to furnish our Provincials with however to shew our approbation and not to Check your Ardor for the public Cause [207] we have no objection that you use them upon the same footing that the Association Company had them but this we apprehend will be only Momentary and put you to useless Trouble and expence Messrs Peter Silvester and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer appointed to prepare an Answer to General Schuylers Letter of the 1st August, brought in the following which was read and approved of - to wit. Sir Yours of the first Instant directing us to receive ~1000 from Mr Livingston to Cancel our Notes of Credit we have received, and shall in short inclose you Vouchers for the same, also the Accounts of Charges accrued by this Committee in the public Service That Sum is much inferior to what we have ingaged for 178 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Your former Letter directed to Mr Douw and in his absence to this Committee concerning the appointment of Commissioners of Indian affairs we immediately forwarded to him to New York by the Tenor of which we conceived that this Board was by no means competent to take upon them the Transaction of that business. When they will meet, or how the call is to be made is a Matter highly necessary to be done with dispatch, all the Assistance and advise this Committee can Contribute shall not be wanting in the Premisses, tho' they are of Opinion from the Nature of the appointment that they can or ought not to take any active part therein. Just now application was made to us by Mr. Kirkland for a pass for a Messenger to go to the Oneidas from Stockbridge which we granted. The Albany County Regiment we expect will be ready for Marching the latter End of next Week provided the necessaries ordered for them by the New York Congress can at that time be obtained By order of the Committee [208] Albany Committee Chamber 5. August 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Joseph Young Henry Bleeker John Ja. Beeckman Corns' Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Vn Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr. Gosen Van Schaick Peter Silvester Henry Quackenbush John Bay Frederick Berger Lucas Van Veghten Resolved that Messrs. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. and Lucas Van Veghten be joined to the Committee already appointed to inspect and examine all Accounts wherein this Committee are in any wise concerned. For preventing confusion delay or mistakes by the Companies embodied by this Committee respecting their pay, and necessaries allowed and to be allowed by the Province, and for the better adjusting and settling the Committee Accounts with said Troops, Therefore be it resolved that it be fort[h] with requested of General Schuyler that if he thinks it expedient that one or more Members appointed by this Committee might attend at the next General Muster and payment of said Troops, to be held by such Person or Persons as may be thereunto appointed by the Congress then and there by the said PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 179 Member or Members of this Committee to deduct allow and settle such Accounts as now remain yet unpaid, which said Method is conceived may be attended with many good Salutary effects in securing and adjusting sundry Accounts now depending with several private Persons accrued by the recommendation of this Committee Resolved that Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer attend [209] at the next General Muster for the purposes mentioned in the foregoing Resolve Committee Chamber Albany 8th Augst- 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja Beeckman Gosen Van Schaick Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Lucas Van Veghten Peter Silvester Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Bay Bastian T. Visscher Resolved on Motion of Collo. Gosen Van Schaick that the Association Company commanded by Capt. Rutger Bleecker deliver up to said Collo. Van Schaick the Guns which they received belonging to the Provincial Stores of this Province by Saturday next. Committee Chamber 8th Augst- 1775 Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Peter Silvester Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Bay Received a Letter from Robert Yates Esqr- dated New York 1st August 1775. in the following Words, to wit. Dr Sir You will be pleased to forward the inclosed to Coll. John Van Rensselaer with directions for him to send it forward to his Son at Claverack immediately 180 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE You omitted inclosing in your Letter a Copy of Mr. Roseboom's information which I beg of you to transmit by the first oppertunity, Let the Committee Accounts be also Compleated and stated as soon as possible in order that they may be audited and discharged. [210] Powder will remain no longer a scarce Article- A Considerable Quantity is come in and more expected It is however as yet in the hands of the Importers and kept Secret for fear the Kings Tenders Barges and Boats should redouble their diligence to prevent the future arrivals. Yesterday we laid before the Congress the State of Indian affairs together with Copies of the Speeches Answers &c. and the Conduct of the Committee highly approved of, but least the Congress should be lulled into a fatal Security by these flattering prospects, we represented to them the dangers which might yet be expected from G. Johnsons and St. Luke Le Corns influence on the Indians. All the proceedings of our Committee were Yesterday by express sent to the Continental Congress, who have in Consideration the management of Indians affairs, and you may expect soon to hear, that they have taken some effectual Steps in this affair - Continental Money is not yet come to Hand but is momently expected. I am D Sir Your Humble Servt' Rob't Yates. Received a Letter from the Deputies for this City and County in Provincial Congress dated New York 2nd- August 1775. in the following Words to wit. Gent. Your directions respecting the Arrangement of the Officers of the 2nd. Battalion, we have delivered in, and the Alterations made by you, upon the refusal of those who declined the Service is approved of by the Congress Upon your recommendation of Henry Van Woordt and John Tillman to the Offices of Adjutant and Quarter Master has also been approved of. We have the pleasure to inform you, that this Congress have made an allowance to each Officer of one Dollar for every Man that may or has already been inlisted in the Service in order to reimburse them for the expence of inlistment. [211] We beg of you again to expedite the Committee Accounts, a delay in this matter may be of injurious Consequences, the Congress at present have the highest Opinion of your proceedings, and it will not be amiss to avail ourselves at present of their favourable Sentiments PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 181 You will be pleased also to send us an exact return of the number of Arms which you have in your Possession belonging to the public in order that we may try to supply the Deficiency. We also send you by the Bearor a scabbard for a Bayonet, in order that those you intend to be made may be made in imitation of it. We are Gent. Your Most Humble Servants Volkert P. Douw Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Robert Yates. P. S. Mr. Curtenius has orders to send to the use of our Battalion 720 Pouches and belts, as also the Belts for the Bayonets Resolved that a Letter be prepared and sent to the Deputies in Provincial Congress inclosing a Copy of Gerrit Roseboom's examination, and a Copy of Benjamin Davis's Affidavit which was done in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen. We this moment received your Letter of the 2nd and Mr. Yates's of the first Instant, and now inclose the examination which we omitted in our former Letter. You have also one taken to day, we shall not be inattentive to the stating and transmitting the Accounts of this Committee which you justly remark should be seasonably laid before your Congress for their Sanction We are concerned about a Letter we dispatched from the General to Mr. Douw concerning his appointment as Commissary of Indian affairs as you do not Notice the Receipt of it, are therefore fearful it might have miscarried We are Gent Your Humble Servts By order of the Committee P S. The Letter to Mr Douw from General Schuyler we sent by Capt. Douglass. 182 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [212] Albany Committee Chamber 9th Augst. 1775. [Present] Abraham Yates Chairman Joseph Young John Bay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John H. Ten Eyck Stephen De Lancey Cornelius Van Santvoordt Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell John Ja. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush John Ten Broeck Gysbert Marselis Received a Letter from Govr. Trumbull by Elijah Wimpey an Indian dated Lebanon 21t- 1775. in the following Words to wit. Sir Not long since I received V Hands of Elijah Wimpey and Reuben Cagnahew, a Speech and Belt from the Oneida Tribe of Indians directed to me - With desire that it might be communicated to the other N. E. provinces- this I have done - and have now prepared an Answer to them & have received one from Rhode Island, both which am forwarding 9 hands of the same Elijah & Reuben- I have directed them to go thro' Stockbridge where I expect they may find Mr. Serjeant or Mr. Kirtland, one or both of whom I am told, are going into the Indian Country. I have wrote them desiring that these Indians may be taken under your Patronage and direction - and have inclosed in my Letter to them ~8 10/ in Cash for the use of these Indians on their Journey, & for the purpose of purchasing two Belts such as are Suitable for the occasion (as they say) for the opening the Way & clearing it of all Obstacles, One to be presented from this Colony, the other from Rhode Island- It is possible they may be disappointed in their expectations of finding either of the Gentlemen mentioned- if that should be the Case, I direct them to carry forward my Letter to Mr. Serjeant and deliver it with this to you and beg the favour that you will open the same and pursue my request respecting the Belts and give [213] such directions and Assistance as shall be necessary for furthering the Indians on their Way. I have inclosed to Mr Serjeant, and desired him to Communicate to you, the Copy of our Answer to the Speech of the Oneidas for your perusal and observation that you may be acquainted with what passes between us Jos. Johnson, a Mohegan Indian &, as he says, conversant with the Oneidas, & received to be one of their Council, has been here, there appears to be PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 183 some difference between him and these two Indians on Account of Jos. having been with Colo Guy Johnson, and they say is guilty of Duplicity, how that matter is, at this distance we are unable to Judge- Johnson says he was forced to do what he did - and that he is true to the Cause of American Liberty, and is heartily disposed to serve our Interest with the Indians. I apprehend you may be able to sett the matter right between them, and doubt not you will be able to find, and are willing to use the best Measures in the Case, that no misfortune may happen on Acct- of their Difference. Jos: Johnson is expected to be in Albany at the Time these two will be with you. I am with Esteem and Regard Sir Your Most Obedient Hum Servt. Jonth Trumbull Resolved that it be recommended to Elijah Wimpey and Reuben Caghnahew, two Indians, to Tarry in Town untill the Revd Samuel Kirkland comes who is expected this Evening [214] Committee Chamber Albany 10th August 1775 Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Hendrick Veere Daniel B. Bratt Philip Conine Volkert Veeder David Abeel Dirck Van Veghten Corns. Tymese Charles Toll Henry Oothoudt Joseph Young John Bay John Kortz Junr. Johannis Ball Received a Letter from Robert Yates Esqr- dated New York 8t August 1775 in these Words to wit., Sir This Morning an express arrived from the East End of Long Island with an Account, that five or Six Men of War several Transports were hovering about Wytack and other places on the said Island - That they had landed a Party in order to buy fresh Provisions. But that the Inhabitants refused selling any Cattle, that the Officer thereupon declared they must have Provisions- If they would not sell any they would take them by force 184 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE This has occasioned a General Alarm. The Militia from every quarter on the Island are assembling together and the Inhabitants are driving their Cattle from the Sea Shore, The Congress have ordered General Wooster to direct the March of four Companies to the Island and every necessary step is now taking to expidite their March and enable the Inhabitants to repel force by force The Congress had this Morning an oppertunity of exam[in]ing a Soldier who about a Week ago deserted from the Army at Boston, He informs us that he was in both engagements at Lexington & Charles Town, that in the former they had about one hundred killed & Wounded In the Latter they had between 13 & 1400 killed & Wounded about 500 of that Number were killed in the field of Battle - That he was a Granadier in the 18th Regt- out of which Company 14 were killed and that others suffered more - That the Account he has seen in our [215] News Papers of the Names and Numbers of Officers killed and wounded is exactly true - That the Americans fought well, and Drove them by their hot fire the first Time - That neither the Americans or Regulars fired in Platoons, on the Contrary every Man discharged his Peice as soon as Loaded - That the Regulars were reduced to very short allowance of about 6 oz of Pork V Day- That no kind of Vegitables or Milk could be got - that the flux and fever raged with uncommon Virulence amongst the Regulars and that many died daily - That there was a great Scarcity of fresh Water - That which was principally used was brackish - That he beleives all the Soldiers would desert, were they not fearful of communicating their thoughts to each other & concerting a Plan to that purpose thro' distrust of one another- That on the out posts the Officers trust no guard but of those Soldiers who have Families, or expect soon to receive the benefit of Ohealrin - That the Officers endeavour to keep the Soldiers in total Ignorance of the Strenght against them — That they are one Day on Guard and the next at the Works - That they are weekly paid but receive only 14 Coppers T Week Mr Douw has received from our Congress the Sum of ~1000 for ColloVan Schaick & Regiment. I am Sir Your Humble Servt' Robt Yates. Received a Letter from the Members of this City in Provincial Congress dated in Congress 5th August 1775. inclosing a Resolve of the Provincial Congress which said Letter and Resolve are in the following Words to wit. 1 Apparently meant for children. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 185 Resolved. Provincial Congress Augst. 5: 1775. That the Troops inlisted by this Colony shall be allowed 53/4 P Month in such manner as the Troops of Connecticut and Massachusets Bay receive their pay That they be allowed ten Shillings for the use of their Arms, and that those who have [no] Arms, shall have Arms purchased for them by the Colony, and that such Arms shall be returned at the End of the Campaign in good order [216] and if not returned shall be paid for by such Soldiers as shall be in default on that Account. A true Copy from the Minutes Robt. Benson SecYGent. The above Resolve was this morning entered into and we send you the above Copy, for the purpose of the Officers of our Regiment governing themselves thereby This Morning our Delegates from the Continental Congress were with us - and produced an Order they had procured for a Sum of Money not exceeding 175,000 dollars for the purpose of paying the Debts contracted by this Congress and the Committee of the City and County of Albany - a Committee is also appointed by this Congress for Ways and Means to discharge the Debts contracted by this Colony which cannot be included in a Continental Charge-many are for laying on a Tax immediately, but we cannot say whether it will be carryed We are Gent Your Humble ServtsAbm Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler P. S. The Port is not to be closed Robt. Yates before the 10th Sept. next agreeable to the resolves of the last Years Congress Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated Tionderoga August 6th: 1775 in the following Words to wit. Gent. I am to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 31st July. You do not mention that any Messengers have been dispatched to the Indians to invite them to a conference, your good sense will point out the necessity of the most early meeting with that People and I therefore beg of you, if no Mess 186 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE engers are already sent, that you will be pleased to dispatch them without delay, I shall always be loth to give you unnecessary trouble; but your Zeal for the Common Cause will at all times expose you to such applications from me the importance of which I might Judge improper to be executed by others, in the propriety of which I make not the least doubt but you will readily acquiesce I am Gent. Your Most Humble Servt Ph. Schuyler [217] Adjournd untill two OClock Post Merm. Met according to Adjournment Present. Abraham Yates James Barker Joseph Young Corns. V"n Santvoordt Frederick Berger Samuel Ten Broeck Johannis Ball Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Kortz Junr Daniel B. Bratt Philip Conine Dirck Van Veghten Volkert Veeder Chairman Asa Douglass David Abeel Abraham Oothoudt Cornelius Tymese Hugh Mitchell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Oothoudt John Bay John Ja. Beeckman Lucas Van Veghten Charles Toll Hendrick Veire A Resolve of the Provincial Congress was laid before this Board, by which it appears ithat Capt. Patrick Sinclair who was appointed by the Crown Governor of Missillimacana is not permitted to proceed to take the Government of said Place and as this Board is informed that said Sinclair has sent his Servant and baggage to Albany Therefore Resolved that Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Cornelius Van Santvoordt be appointed to make strict inquiry if the said Servant and Baggage of the said Sinclair is come to this City, and make report to this Board Resolved that it be recommended and it is hereby recommended to the Committee of Schonectaday to procure as many Bayonets in said Place as they can and transmit to this Committee with the utmost dispatch PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 187 Six Barrels of Powder were delivered to this Committee by John Perce Junr by order of Genl- Montgomery for which this Board gave a Rect. [218] Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Provincial Congress concerning the Kings Troops in this Place who were taken at St. John's and that Messrs. Henry Oothoudt and Joseph Young be a Committee to prepare said Letter Resolved that Henry M. Roseboom be requested to receive into the Magazine Six Barrels of Powder delivered to this Committee by General Montgomery's order Resolved that fifty Pounds of the Powder, delivered to this Board by General Montgomery's orders be given to Mr Johannis Ball for the Committee of Schoharry, he passing his Receipt for the same to be sold out by the said Committee at five Shillings V Pound Whereas several Persons have passed and as supposed are daily passing up along the Western Communication of this Province imployed in the Ministerial Service, and thereby furnishing our Enemies with intelligence and probably with necessaries to the great hurt and detriment of the United Cause - Therefore Resolved That it be fort[h]with recommended and it is hereby recommended to the Committees of Schonectaday and Tryon County to be Vigilent in guarding every Passage leading up to the Westward and prevent all Strangers, and also all known Persons of whose Sentiments they are Scrupulous in respect to the United Cause from passing up the Mohawks River farther than the German Flatts without a Pass or Recommendation from the Congress or some known Committee untill the Sense of the Provincial Congress can be taken on the Subject and that a Copy of this Resolve be immediately transmitted to the Congress to obtain their Sentiments Resolved that an Answer be prepared to a Letter of the first, third and fifth August from the Provincial [219] Congress, and that Messrs James Barker Henry Oothoudt and John Ja. Beeckman be a Committee to prepare said Answer Resolved that two hundred Pounds of Powder by this Board be delivered to the Committee of Tryon County or their Order by them to be disposed of as they shall think best at the Rate of five Shillings r0 Pound. Whereas this Committee have received frequent intelligence of Persons passing up the Western Communication and have reason to beleive that some of said Persons so passing are in the Ministerial Employ, and will be a detriment to the United Cause 188 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Therefore Resolved that Gen1. Montgomery be informed that it is the Opinion of this Committee that a Guard placed at Fort Stanwix to prevent all Persons whatsoever from passing farther Westward without a Pass, from the Congress, or some other Person authorised for that purpose would be attended with good effects in preventing the Enemies of America from receiving their usual intelligence through or by that Passage Messrs Joseph Young and Henry Oothoudt the Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Provincial Congress brought in the following which being read was approved of, and is in the Words following to wit. Gent. We find ourselves once more obliged to trouble you, with respect to the Soldiers who were taken Prisoners at St' John's who have been furnished with Provisions by Elisha Phelps Esqr Commissary (appointed by the Governor of Connecticut) till a few Days ago, when Mr Phelps went into Connecticut upon business and left no order with his Deputy to supply them, who bein, unwilling to supply them without Orders from our Board, spoke to the Chairman who told him he thought that as the Army was now properly organized, it was their Business to [220] give orders concerning Prisoners, and referrdhim to General Montgomery, who (as the said Deputy informed us) found much fault with their insolence, and thought it improper that they shou'd be suffered to remain in this Town as being a frontier place, where they might do disservice to the public Cause, and therefore declind- doing any thing in the affair - Upon which Mr Phelps Deputy made application to us again advising us at the same time that the Soldiers were so insolent as to threaten to take Provisions by force if he refused to supply them, we have come to a resolution to supply them as formerly till we have your further instructions in the Premisses. We are &c. Resolved that Mr- Henry M. Rooseboom deliver to Johannis Ball one Cask of Powder belonging to this Committee he giving his Receipt for the same As there are a great Number of Persons in this County who have not signed the Association, and as the County is very extensive, so that there may be many Persons who have no objections to Sign may not have had a proper oppertunity for that purpose - Therefore Resolved that the Return of the Association be postponed untill the next General Committee. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 189 Committee Chamber Albany 12th Augst 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja. Beeckman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Corns. Van Santvoordt Henry Glen Joseph Young John H Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Daniel B. Bratt Charles H. Toll Stephen De Lancey Henry Quackenbush John Bay Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Received a Letter from Rald. McDonald Serjt. 26 Regimt [221] Dated Albany 11 th August 1775 in these Words to wit. Gentlemen I am heartily sorrie that I have the reason of troubling you in regard of these few lines which will inform you of our situation at present, as you may understand that we are here as Prisoners, and gets nothing to support us, we think it a very hard Case, we applyed to the Commissary's Clark, who told us that he had non for us, we have fasted for some Days & therefore I hope that you will take it into Consideration as to get us some supply, and if so be that you will not look into it, we must get it where we can come athought it. Gentlemen yr. Humble Servt. Rald. McDonald Serjt. 26 Regt. Resolved that the Chairman give a Rect. to the Deputy Commissary for Six Barrels of Powder Resolved that the remaining Accounts be added to the former State by Gerrit Lansingh, Cornelius Van Santvoordt and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer adjusted that the same may be laid before the Chairman who is to certify and transmit them to our Deputies at New York 190 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber 14th August 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Lucas Van Veghten Cornelius Van Santvoordt Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Quackenbush Henry Bleecker Gysbert Marselis Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Leonard Gansevoort John H. Ten Eyck Joseph Young John Bay Jacob C. Ten Eyck Peter Silvester Whereas there are a Number of Oneida Indians here and no Provision made for them by the Commissioners therefore Resolved that a Letter be prepared to Messrs Volkert P. Douw and Turbut Francis two of the Commissioners of Indian [222] affairs and that it be sent up to them by express which was done in the following Words to wit. Gent. Yesterday arrived here fifty five Indians Squas and Children inclusive of the Oneida Nation from Oshquaga, they are lodged in the hospital and say they have something to offer, and nothing to subsist on but what Collo. Van Schaick has hitherto with difficulty procured we do not think it prudent to presume a Conference with them or to interfere in that branch as there are Gentlemen appointed thereto by the Grand Congress and therefore dispatch a Messenger to acquaint you of the same and am &W Resolved that Mr John N. Bleecker be allowed no Commissions for any Service he has done by order of this Committee if he received daily Wages during the Time he was employed in said Service Resolved that Mr Cornelius Van Santvoordt be allowed eight Shillings V Day for eleven Days he acted as Commissary Resolved that John Van Ostrander be allowed four Shillings for every Day that he shall serve this Committee PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 191 Committee Chamber Albany 15th Augst 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Abraham Cuyler John Bay John Ja Beeckman John Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker John H. Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Peter Silvester Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress dated in Congress August 9th: 1775. inclosing a Resolve of said Congress dated 9th August and another of the 8th which said Letter and Resolves are in the following Words to wit Gent. The Continental Congress having recommended [223] the forming the, Militia of the different Colonies into Companies and Regiments, and that one fourth of their Number be selected as Minute Men for any sudden or immediate service. A Copy of their Resolution we herewith inclose you. To carry their resolution into execution this Congress have appointed a Committee to consider of the best expedient for that purpose We feel ourselves disagreeably situated to enter on this important business, because we have no competent knowledge in each District of the Persons duly qualified in principles and Abilities proper for field Officers. To give you an oppertunity of furnishing us with the Names of those who you may conceive proper, and at the same time to have the best information of the State of our Militia Collo. Ten Broeck who is on this Committee proposed that the County or District Committee should apportion each District into Companies having a due regard to the Ease and ready intercourse of the Inhabitants to be formed into a Company- That where these particulars in the old Militia have already been attended to, that no alteration be made. That the Company in the presence of some of the Committee of the District ballot for their Officers from a Captain down to the Lowest Officer We must beg of you that this business be entered on immediately, and for that purpose that you call the County Committee together By your having the joint information of the Members of your Board, of the Number of Inhabitants in each District, and of the former State of the 192 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Militia, it will readily lead you, to an estimate of the Number of Regiments into which they ought to be formed, we will however venture to give you our thoughts on this head, still subject to your Alterations, in points where you conceive it improper 1st Manor Livingston. East Camp. One Regiment II Claverack.. D~ 3 Kinderhook & Kings District D~. 4 & 5 Manor Rensselaer into one Regiment consg- of 2 Battalions [224] 6th City of Albany and its Liberties. One Regiment 7 Schonectady including Curry's Bush & their Church Lands D~o 8 Schoharry & Duanesborough & the Settlements Westward as far as the County extends Do. 9 Coxackie, Katts Kill, Grote Imboght & the settlements to the West thereof as far as Schohary 10 Half Moon, New Town, Niscajonie, Clifton Park, Balls Town and the Southern part of Cayaderosseras D~o 11 Saratoga and the northern part of Cayaderosseras Do. 12 Schaghtekocke, Pitstown, Sinkaik, Tomhenick, Hosack up to the Manor proper, and from Schaghtekocke along the River down to the said Manor 13 Cambridge, White Creek, Bennington &c. including all the New Hampshire Grants lying in our County and also including the whole of the Eastern part of our County not before described As to the formation of the Minute Companies and Regiment we should be glad Ito receive your thoughts and directions on We are Gent Your Very humble Servts' Abm- Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Robert Yates. P S. Since writing the above the Committee have brought in the inclosed Report which is agreed to by this Congress PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 193 August 8th In provincial Congress Resolved that the several Committees of the different Counties within this Colony be directed immediately to purchase or hire all the Arms with or without Bayonets that are fit for present service (upon the Credit of the Colony) and to deliver them to the respective Colonels in this Colony imployed in the Continental Service or their Order for the use of the Continental Army. Resolved that the said Colonels execute the above Resolution in those Districts where the Committees shall neglect or be unable to comply with the above Resolution In Provincial Congress Augst 9th: 1775 Report of the Committee Your Committee do report that it be recommended 1st- That every County. City, Manor Town precinct & District within this Colony where the same is not [225] already done be divided into Districts or beats by the respective Committees in such manner that out of each may be formed one Military Company ordinarily to consist of about eighty three able bodied effective Men officers included between Sixteen and fifty years of Age, The Battalion commanded by Collo- Lasher the Companies of Artillery Light Horse and Hussars in the City and County of New York and the Troops of Horse Granadiers and the associated Companies already formed in the several Cities and Counties within this Colony excepted) 2 That in each Company so formed there be chosen (in the manner herein after mentioned) One Captain two Lieutenants, one Ensign four Serjeants four Corporals One Clerk, one Drummer and one Feifer 3dly That two Committee Men at the least attend in each district or beat, on a day to be by them appointed, for the purpose of choosing the above mentioned Officers who shall be persons within such beat or district who have signed the general Association recommended by this Congress. That such choice or election be made in the manner following Viz After the Company is drawn up the Committee Men who preside at the election may repair to a Station at some convenient distance from the Company; then let the Men pass in a single file between them each Man giving in the Name of the Person he chooses to fill the Office in question; the Majority of such Votes to determine the Election. But in Case the Votes shall be so divided, that no one has the Majority, then the presiding Committee Men to acquaint the 7 194 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Company therewith, and call them to a new election the same to be repeated 'till such Majority be obtained, or the Company agree upon some other mode of choosing the Officers- The Names of the Captains Lieutenants and Ensigns so chosen to 'be returned with all Convenient speed to this or some future provincial Congress of this Colony or during their recess to the Committee of Safety to be Commissioned [226] by them 4th. That whenever a Vacancy shall happen in any Company by the promotion death or Resignation of Officers, such vacancy to be filled up, in the before mentioned manner 5th. That those Companies in the above excepted Battalions commanded by Coll Lasher which are now under the direction of Field Officers, shall for the future be commanded by Captains who are to be chosen in the manner above directed. 6thly: That for the purpose of Compleatly carrying into Execution the recommendation of the Continental Congress After the whole Militia is formed as above, That every fourth Man of each Company be selected for Minute Men of such Persons as are willing to enter into this necessary Service, That the Officers of the Militia make with all Convenient speed a Return of the Names of those Persons to the Committees of their respective Counties who shall thereupon arrange those Men into Companies, and who are to recommend to such new arranged Companies the Choice of their Officers in the manner above mentioned provided that where whole Companies offer their Service as Minute Men, They shall be commanded by the Officers already chosen, and the remaining Number of Minute Men shall be compleated out of the other Companies as above 7thly. That the several Committees do return to the secretary of the Provincial Congress of this Colony the Names of such Persons as do refuse to, conform to the above resolved. All which is humbly submitted & Agreed to by the Congress Whereas there now are a Number of Oneyda Indians in this City, and there may be from Time to Time Tribes of other Nations here soon upon important Concerns, and the pernicious Tendency of Rum [227] among them is obvious to everyone of Reflection, and more especially when public Business is to be transacted with them - It is therefore recommended to the Inhabitants and all others 'of this City and County to use the said Indians Hospitably and Civilly but that they do not presume to sell or give any Rum, or any other strong Liquors to the said Indians or any of them during the present Commotions without the leave of this Board, and it is hoped from the PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 195 importance of the same, and for the Peace and preservation of the Community, that every one will readily comply with this reasonable request. Ordered that the Clerk furnish this Board with an Ink stand, Pens, Ink, and all necessary Stationary Ware Ordered that John H. Ten Eyck and Henry Bleecker be a Committee to call on the Indians now in Town to talk with and settle the difference between them and John Wilkins and others of this City and make Report accordingly Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Committees of the different Districts, which was done in the following Words to wit. Gent. Inclosed you have a Copy of a Resolution of the Provincial Congress which we this Day received from New York, from perusal of which, you may the better be enabled to come here prepared at the next General Meeting on Thursday Se'enight the 24th Instant your punctual attendance is expected for the advancement of the public Cause We are Gent Your Humble Servts. Committee Chamber 15th August 1775 5 OClock P. M. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Henry Wendell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler John H Ten Eyck John Ja. Beeckman Jacob C. Ten Eyck Corns- Van Santvoordt Gosen Van Schaick Joseph Young John Bay [228] Received a Letter from Messrs- Abraham Ten Robert Yates dated Provincial Congress New York August which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. Broeck and 1775. Gen-t We have received your favour of the 8th Instant, and communicated the inclosed Papers to the Congress. The Congress have this Morning come into a Resolution of buying all the Salt petre which may be made in this Colony untill the first day of October next for 4/ Per pound (If the Manufactors thereof cannot get that Price 196 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE from the owners of Powder Mills) As we are informed that heretofore the usual price of that Article was from 2/ to 2/4 per pound, it is conceived that the inhanced price offered will be sufficient encouragement to Mr Baker to proceed with his Works; you will therefore be pleased to acquaint him with these particulars If your Committee Accounts are not yet Compleated and sent down, you will be careful in transmitting to us, the orders or Copies thereof, which you have received from the Continental Congress, or any of its Members as Vouchers for several of the Debts you have Contracted And also all other Vouchers for the Charges you may make against the Colony - The Money intended to reimburse you for those Debts we expect here in two or three Days, Two of our Members are gone to Philadelphia for that purpose We are doubtful whether some charges of your Accounts cou'd with propriety be laid before the Congress what we mean particularly are such as regard public intertainments -we suggest it therefore to you whether it would not be proper to draw two Sets, the one with, and the other without those Charges, and we will sound some of our friends on this Head previous to the delivery of them into Congress It is expected that the latter End of next Week we will break up, and Leave a Committee of Safety to transact the business which may casually turn up in this Colony. The Regulation of the Militia is now under Consideration by a Committee, who have not yet brought in [229] their Report The Committee of Ways and Means have brought in their Report, That it will be advisable by a Tax in the usual Manner to raise a Sum not exceeding ~30,000 to defray the Expences of this Colony. The Report is not yet confirmed but Tuesday next is appointed to take the same into Consideration. We expect that the Division of the Quota will occasion great Heats. But as far as we can yet Learn, the County Members will adhere to the old Division which the Assembly made in 1755. We are Gent. Your Most humble Servts. Abm- Ten Broeck Robert Yates. Received a Letter from Gen1l Schuyler dated Tionderoga August 1: 1775. inclosing Copy's of two Letters from Sir John Johnson to Alexander White Esqr. Sheriff of Tryon County, and the examination of Sundry Persons concerning threats of Alexander White Esqr and others against a certain Mr Gilliland, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 197 Gentlemen A Party of our Men fell in with Mr. White Sheriff of Tryon County accompanied with three White Men, and as many Indians at Mr Gillilands they were secured and brought up here The Indians I have set at Liberty, but least any insult should be offered them, I have ordered an Officer and a small Party to attend them to Albany and to convince them that no Evil was intended them, I have desired them to call on you, and that you would make them a Present which I beg you to do and call on Mr Livingston for the Money to pay for it The Sentiments thrown out by Mr. White and the other White Men are of so dangerous a Nature that it may possibly be imprudent even to let Clement and Bone return to the Mohawks Country, but of this you are the imost proper Judges, as you can determine with more precission than I what the Effect would be with the Mohawks, If they should be [230] Detained and you will Act accordingly White and the other Man I wish to have sent down under a Guard to the Provincial Congress at New York, and I beg that you will please to forward them. Inclose you Copy's of two Letters from Sir John Johnson as also the examination of some of the Party who took White and his Party. I am Gentlemen I am Gentlemen Your Most Obt. Very Hum ServtAlbany Committee Chamber 16th Augst 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Lucas Van Veghten Jacob C. Ten Eyck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell John Bay John Ten Broeck Henry Quackenbush Abraham Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Jur. John H. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Whereas the endeavours of this Committee in Collecting the Accounts chiefly accrued by the Recommendation of this Committee have as yet proved ineffectual, and as sundry Persons, are dayly very pressing for their Money - Be it therefore resolved by this Committee immediately to apply to the Provincial Congress by Draft for one thousand Pounds, to enable them to dis 198 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE charge sudh of their Debts as are now most pressing, and that the said Committee shall hereafter lay before the Congress proper Vouchers for such disbursements. Gentlemen Albany Committee Chamber 16th Augst 1775. Please to pay Messrs. Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler and Robert Yates or either of them, or their or any of their Orders the Sum of One thousand Pounds for the use of this Committee to be applyed in defraying part of the public Charges as V Advice of a Resolve of this Committee. We are Gent. Your Most Obt. Hum Servts By order of the Committee To the Provincial Congress New York } [231] Whereas Complaint has been made to the Chairman and several Members of this Board by an Indian that he was beat by some Persons in this City, and his Shirt taken away from him, or lost. And for the sake of maintaining Peace among the Indians Be it therefore resolved that Mr John N. Bleecker furnish the said Indian with a new Shirt of the Value of Ten Shillings Committee Chamber Albany August 16th: 1775. at five OClock P. M. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jochim Staates Peter Silvester Jereh Van Rensselaer Joseph Young Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Gosen Van Schaick John Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh Junr. Hendrick Oothoudt Henry Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Joseph Young Abraham Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Bay Leonard Gansevoort Henry Quackenbush Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell 1 Received an Order from Genl1 Schuyler by John J Macpherson his Aid de Camp to the Commanding Officer at Fort George dated 10th August 1775 which is on file - PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 199 And also an order from Captn. Baldwin to Serjeant Lothrup commanding him to escort Messrs Alexander White, Peter Bowen, Lewis Clement and John Conner to the City of Albany dated 14th August 1775 which is also on file The Question being whether or no the Prisoners sent down to this Committee, should all be sent down to New York Resolved in the Negative Resolved that Mr Leonard Gansevoort prepare a Letter for the Provincial Congress. [232] Committee Chamber Albany 17th Augst- 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Leonard Gansevoort Peter Silvester Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Lucas Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Bay John Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick Stephen De Lancey Jacob C. Ten Eyck John H. Ten Eyck Joseph Young Resolved that Mr Dirck Ten Broeck deliver to Coll: Goose Van Schaick the Guns belonging to the Provincial Stores of this Province which are now in the Possession of the Association Company of this City. Resolved that it is the Opinion of this Committee that it will be for the public Service if the Association Company will deliver up the Bayonets that they have had made, as they Suit the Guns and are Scarce, and not to be procured, on Condition they receive payment for the same Resolved that a Letter be prepared for the Committee of Tryon County which was done in the following words to wit. Gent. We inclose you Copy of a Resolve which we have published, that Should you think proper you may do the same We also enclose you Copy of a Letter from Gen1l Schuyler with the Letters from Sir John and the Affidavits. 200 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Yesterday White was brought down and we have come to a Resolution to send him and Conner to the Provincial Congress at New York, but Clement and Boon, we think it most advisable to keep here We Remain Gent Your Hum Servts By order of the Committee [233] Committee Chamber Albany 18th Augst' 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Gosen Van Schaick John Bay Corns. Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Peter Silvester Stephen De Lancey John H. Ten Eyck Joseph Young Henry Bleecker John Ten Broeck Received a Letter from General Schuyler Dated Tionderoga August 12th: 1775. in the Words following to wit. Gent. Your Letter of the 4th Instant was delivered me Yesterday afternoon at six OClock - I am extreamly unhappy that no Call of the Indians has yet been made, and more so that you think you cannot share with me in the Labour of that necessary business The Propriety with which you had Conducted these Matters, Your Zeal for the Cause, and your well known Competency to that Service, which I entreated you to perform, together with the relation I stand in to you as your immediate Fellow Citizen induced me to apply to you for your Aid If I presumed too much; or if any Part of my Conduct has given you Umbrage, I beg you will let me know it, for I shall always take Reprehension kindly from your respectable Body, when I have deserved to receive it If you should continue in the Opinion that you neither can or ought not to take any active part in the business, permit me however to intreat you, to let me know by Express, when you think would be the most convenient Time for the Indians to Convene, and who are the Proper Persons, which I could send as Messengers I am Gentlemen With the most friendly Wishes Your Most Obedt. Hum Servt Ph: Schuyler PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 201 [234] Received another Letter from General Schuyler Dated 14th August 1775. in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen. Your Letter of the 8th Instant with the papers inclosed are duly come to Hand. Mr. Bedford the Muster Master General is now here I suppose he will be at Fort George in about Eight Days, by which Time it would be proper that the Committee you mention in your resolution of the 5th Instant should be there, that the Accounts of the Men inlisted by your Order may be properly Liquidated; Whenever the paymaster comes up you will please to send a proper Person with him that the proper Stoppages may be made to reimburse you, for which I will give the necessary orders; I wish you also to state the Accounts of every other expenditure that you have been at for the public Service, and as I am informed that Congress has given me a Credit on the Continental Treasury for one hundred thousand Dollars It will probably be given me in Charge to pay of all the Arrears due from the publick. Be assured Gentlemen that on every occasion I shall Evince myself Your Friend and Most Obedt- Humble Servt. Ph. Schuyler General Montgomery has delivered me your Resolution of the 10th, I am so hurryed that I cannot today give the proper Orders respecting it, you will please to signify to Collo. Van Schaick that I propose Capt. Yates of Tryon County for this Service Resolved that an Answer be prepared to General Schuyler's Letter of the 12th Instant which was done in the following Words to wit. Sir Yours of the 12th We have received and are extremely sorry, that you should think that any Umbrage should be taken by this Committee [235] Respecting Indian affairs, on the Contrary they are always willing, to Contribute their Aid in every Circumstance, Required by their Country, when the same can be done without infringing the Authority of Appointments made by the Congress Messrs- Francis and Douw two of the Commissioners appointed by the Congress for the Superintendancy of Indian affairs last Week spoke with this Committee, and informed them that they intended to proceed up to the Westward, as far as Caghnuago or Conajohary, at either of which places, we suppose they are now, having had no intelligence from them since they left this place, but are hourly in expectation of their return. 202 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Since their Departure about 80 Oneida Indians came here, application was made by them for their Support, We advised Collo- Van Schaick to order Provisions to be issued by the Commissary, but at present, he is doubtful, how he can Answer for his Conduct - We are informed there are on the Way 3 or 4 hundred Indians to this place in Consequence of an Invitation from this Board before any appointment of Commissaries of Indian affairs. Your favor of the 14th we shall see Complyed with, and have acquainted Collo~ Van Schaick respecting the Note about Capt. C. Yates's Company being designed for the Western Station, but he produced your Orders of a later Date, commanding all those of his Regiment now in readiness to proceed immediately to the Northward. Committee Chamber Albany 19th Augst. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Ja. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Henry Wendell Henry Bleecker Corns- Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Bay John H Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr [236] Joseph Young Leonard Gansevoort Peter Silvester Received a Letter from Messrs Turbut Francis and Volkert P. Douw, dated German Flatts 16th August 1775. in the following Words to wit. Sir We yesterday afternoon received yours of the' 14th Instant, informing us of the arrival of 55 Oneida Indians at Albany. We thank you for this information, and for the Care you have taken of them. We must beg the further favor of you to appoint some Person, to supply them with Provisions till we come down to Albany, and we will be answerable for the expence. We have met about 500 of the Six Nations at this place, who all seem in good Temper, and we hope will proceed from hence to Albany, and there wait the arrival of the Indians of Canada in order to hold a General Treaty. We are with Respect Sir Your Most Obt Servt Volkert P. Douw Turbutt Francis Adjourned untill two of the Clock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 203 Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Joseph Young Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob C. Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham Cuyler John H. Ten Eyck Corns. Van Santvoordt John Bay Peter Silvester Resolved that a Letter be prepared for Genl1 Schuyler which was done in the following Words to wit. Sir In Conformity to your Letter, we prepared dispatches for the provincial Congress, and directed that White and Conner whom you sent down should accompany them under Guard, this we communicated to Col~' Van Schaick with a View [237] that it might be effectually executed. When the Vessel was under Sailing orders, and almost ready to Depart a Mayors Court process was served on White at the Suit of the Mayor of this City, this Obstruction leaves us in a disagreeable predicament and we thought it not improper to inform you of it that your Sentiments may be speedily known on the Subject We are Sir Your Hum Servts By order of the Committee Resolved that the following order be sent to the Captain of the City Watch for this Night to wit. Sir On your Watch this Night you are to take in Charge Alexander White and three other Persons in Confinement with him, and to order that Strict Care be taken, that said Alexander White, or any of the other three Prisoners do not escape, but deliver them on leaving the Watch to Serjeant Biddell, who you releive by this Duty. We are Sir Your Hum Servts By order of the Committee 204 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber Albany 21st. Augst 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ja. Beeckman John Bay Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Joseph Young John H. Ten Eyck Peter Silvester Gosen Van Schaick Henry Quackenbush Samuel Stringer Francis Nicoll Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Received a Letter from Genl1 Schuyler dated Sunday Morning 20th August 8 OClock 1775. in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen Both your Letters of the 18th & 19th Instant are just now come to Hand. I am equally with you at a loss what to do in the affair of White, for I would not wish [238] to give the least shadow of appearance to any that are unfriendly to the Cause of America to alledge that we forceably set aside the Laws which can never be the intention of the true friends, to their Country, who wish to avoid Anarchy and Confusion, and lament that the force of Necessity drives them to Act contrary to it, where it is found incompatable with the grand object America has in view, a restoration of her inestimable Rights; In this View of Matters I wish you to write to the Provincial Congress and in the mean time to keep Mr White closely confined; I hope the Writ has not been issued at this Time to prevent M'r White's being carried down, or to throw us into a disagreeable dilemma I have wrote to Mr Cuyler on the Subject and inclose you the Letter, which after perusal you will please to Seal and order to be delivered I have not a Copy of my Letter of the 12th Instant with me, but I do not recollect that I hinted that you had taken umbrage respecting Indian affairs, I was only apprehensive that I might have given some, I am too well assured of your Zeal and good Sense ever to doubt of the propriety of your Conduct in this Critical Hour, and I have the satisfaction to assure you that I have repeatedly in the Letters which I have had the honour to Address to the Continental Congress mentioned you in the most Honorable manner Collo. Van Schaick has by this Time my orders to send the party to Fort Stanwix and I have wrote to the Commissary General to Issue Provisions to PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 205 the Indians, be assured Gentlemen that I feel the liveliest sense of your good Wishes towards me, that I shall always strive to merit them and that I am Most Sincerely Your Obt Humble Servt. Ph. Schuyler [239] Received a Letter from the Committee of Safety for Pensylvania, dated Philadelphia August 10th. 1775 in these Words to wit Gentlemen With this you will receive 2400 11' of Gunpowder, sent by us for the use of General Schuyler to whom we make no doubt you will forward it by the first opportunity This Committee has heard that a great and Superfluous Quantity of Lead was taken at Ticonderoga. It is an Article much wanted here. If that Lead should be with you and you can conveniently load this Waggon back with a Parcel of, we shall be much oblig'd and will be accountable for the same. We are Gentlemen Your Most Obt. humble Servts. Signed by order of the Committee B Franklin Presidt. Resolved that an Answer be prepared to the aforesaid Letter which was done in the Words following to wit. Gent. We received yours of the 10th Instant. The Powder is put into the Magazine under the Care of the Commissary to be sent to General Schuyler by the first oppertunity. This Committee has been informed that a Large Quantity of Lead was found at Tionderoga and Crown Point, but they do not know, that any has been sent down, shall send a Copy of your Letter to General Schuyler, that should there be any to spare, that it may be sent down, that should such an oppertunity again offer you may be supplied. We are Gent Your Very Humble Servts. By order of the Committee Resolved that John Van Ostrander be ordered to make Proclamation through the City desiring [240] all Persons not to sell any Spiritous Liquors to the Indians upon Pain of being deemed as acting in Contempt to this Board. 206 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that a Letter be prepared for General Schuyler which was done in the following Words to wit. Sir Yours of the 20th Instant, Mr- White is now in Close Confinement, and have informed the Provincial Congress of it. We inclose Copy of a Letter we recd by a Waggon Loaded with 2400 ut' of Powder, the Powder is put into the Magazine in the Care of the Commissary to be sent up by the first oppertunity. We have answered the Committee of Philadelphia, and that we don't know of any Lead being sent down from Ticonderoga or Crown Point, that we would let you know that should you think proper to spare any of the Lead and to order it to Albany, we would forward it by the next oppertunity to Philadelphia We are Sir Your Hum Servts. By order of the Committee Abraham Yates Jun Chairman Resolved that a Letter be prepared for the Provincial Congress which was done in the Words following to wit. Sir. Since our last respecting Alexander White Sheriff of Tryon County which he was to accompany to your Congress, process of Law, was unexpectedly Served upon him, for a just Debt after the Dispatches were ready and orders given for his being taken on Ship Board, which causes his Detention here we did not Care to force him out of the Sheriffs Custody, or to make any infraction on or Stop the Course of Law in this particular, or any other Case but when the Safety of the public is much concerned, or absolutely requires it, then and not till [241] then, we think the necessity of the thing may justify the Measure - We wrote to Major General Schuyler the embarasment we were in, and he Coincides with us in Sentiment, to leave him confined here untill we are favoured with your determination on this Point- We therefore only send down Conner, who was to have gone with White, in expectation of your speedy answer We are Gent. Your Humble ServsBy order of the Committee PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 207 Committee Chamber Albany 22nd Augst: 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Stephen De Lancey Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Mc Crea John Bay John Ja. Beeckman Peter Silvester Corns. Van Santvoordt Joseph Young Received a Letter from the Deputies of this County in Provincial Congress dated New York 18th August 1775. in the Words following to wit. Gent. The Congress have yesterday received a Letter from General Washington dated at the Camp at Cambridge Augst' 10th- One Clause whereof is in the following Words. " We have had no occurrence in the Camp for several Days worthy of Notice, but by some advices from Boston, and several concurring circumstances we have great reason to suspect a Part or the whole of the Ministerial Troops are about to remove. New York is the place generally talked of as their destination, I give you the intelligence as it came to me but do not Vouch for its authenticity" The Congress have upon the Receipt thereof directed the Deputies of the respective Counties to acquaint their Constituents with it. That they may put the Militia in a proper State of Defence. Tho' we can form no determinate opinion upon the [242] above information, yet to be prepared for the Worst, we do earnestly recomend it to your endeavours to compleat the Militia as soon as possible. We are Gent Your Most humble Servts Jacob Cuyler Abm. Ten Broeck Robt. Van Rensselaer You'll be pleased to communicate Robt. Yates. this information to the several Committees of the Districts J Whereas information has been given by John McCrea Esqr to this Board, that he was informed by Hugh Munro that a certain Donald Munro told him 208 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that John Munro Esqr had a Captains Commission in the Kings service under Collo. Allen McLean, and that he had Commissions for ten of the McDonalds in Johnsons Bush and that they were going to raise a Regiment in Canada to serve the King - And that said John Munro Esqr. told Mr. McCrea that he had been much injured by the People round him but that he had now got something that would make him amends for the injuries he had suffered something which would bring him in two hundred Pounds V Annum. The Question being put whether or no this Committee should take any Notice of said information Resolved in the Affirmative Nem: Con: Resolved that a Letter be sent by express to the Committee of Cambridge District which was done in the Words following to wit. Gent. We just now recd. information that John Munro had accepted the Kings Commission of a Captaincy under Colo. Allan McLean with a View to join the Troops in Canada against America, a matter of this importance cannot pass unnoticed, vwe therefore thought proper to advertise the Committee of the District that he belongs to [243] We doubt not of your prudence in the management of a Case so delicately circumstanced for should Mr Munro be innocent of this charge we do not incline that he should in the least suffer in his Person, or property, or even by the least whisper of it abroad, as he might be prejudiced in the estimate of the public upon a bare suspicion of such Conduct, But should it upon examination turn out, that there is truth in the Charge, and that he is taking an Active part against us, you will then please to bring him down safely here to this Committee. In order to come at the truth of the Assertion with more certainty and with as little Damage as possible it may be necessary for you to canvass all his Papers, and such of them as you may find that concern the matter in hand should be sent down here with him upon supposition of his Guilt to your satisfaction. By inquiring of Donald Munro you may get some Clue that will lead you on to a more full discovery should you apprehend any danger or difficulty, in the transacting this Business, you should take to your assistance as much force as you Judge sufficient to carry the design into execution, with as little Violence and as much Secrecy as you can, and the Nature of the Case will admit of. Resolved that Mr- Jeremiah Van Rensselaer receive of Mr. Jacob C. Ten Eyck forty one Pounds one Shilling and three pence, to pay off Captn PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 209 John Graham the arrears due to bhia and his Men untill the sixth Day of July last. [244] Committee Chamber Albany 23rd Augst: 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr Joseph Young Corns. Van Santvoordt Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort John Bay Jacob C. Ten Eyck John H. Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck John Bleecker John Ja. Beeckman Walter Livingston Received a Letter from Messrs. Volkert Turbutt Francis dated Albany Augst. 23rd. Words. to wit. P. Douw, Philip Schuyler, and 1775. which is in the following Gentlemen Your Generous exertions to support the American Cause against the Nefarious Schemes of a wicked and profligate Ministry - the Propriety with which you have Conducted those Indian affairs that have become the subject of your Consideration; a Consciousness of that without your Aid and that of Gentlemen of the Town Conversant in such matters The Important business of the ensuing conference cannot be so properly conducted as our Zeal for the Service makes us wish; and so many Motives which point out to us the necessity of calling on you and those Gentlemen for your Aid and Advice which we entreat you will give us without reserve and be assured that it will be attended to with all that difference that is due to your respectable Body and to their good Judgment; We propose to pay a Visit this Afternoon at 5 OClock to the Indians we beg the favor of the Committee to honor us with their Company, as so respectable a body will greatly add to the Complimentary Visit we mean to pay them. We shall go from Cartwrights and shall take it as a favour if the Gentlemen of the Town who are not of the Committee would be pleased to go with us. We are Gent with great Respect Your Most Hum Servts. [245] The question being put whether or no this Committee shall attend the Commissioners agreeable to their request in the Letter aforesaid 2i0 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved in the Affirmative Resolved that a Note be sent by this Board to Messr. Volkert P. Douw, Philip Schuyler and Turbut Francis, which was done in the Words following to wit. Gent. Your polite invitation for us to join you in paying a Complimentary Visit to the Indians this afternoon, at five OClock we accept of and shall for that purpose attend at Mr Cartwrights at the time appointed. We are Gent. Your Most Hum Sevts. By order of the Committee Committee Chamber Albany 24th Augst. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Henry Oothoudt Henry Bleecker Jacob Lansingh Junr. Peter Van Ness Daniel B. Bratt Philip Rockefeller Fredrick Berger John Van Orden John Ten Broeck Mathias Van Loon Philip Conine Peter Van Vranken John Groesbeck James Ashton Chairman Goose Van Schaick Leonard Gansevoort Henry Glen Harmanus Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Corns- Van Veghten Matthew Adgate John Knickerbacker Junr Jacobus Teller James Gorden Tyrannus Collins Hendrick Van Bergen John Baptist Dumond It appeared from Credentials offered to this Board that Messrs Andrew Mitchell, James Gorden Tyrannus Collins, Eliphalet Kellog and Stephen White were chosen and appointed a committee for the District of Ballstown; ordered that they take their Seats accordingly The Committee took into Consideration the [246] Recommendation of the Provincial Congress concerning the forming the Militia of the several Districts in this County into Companies and Regiments, And thereupon PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 211 Resolved that the Committees of the different Districts in this County form the Inhabitants of said Districts into Companies beween this and next General meeting and make return accordingly As there are a great Number of Persons in this County who have not yet signed the Association, and as the County is very extensive, so that there may be many Persons, who have no objection to Sign, and have had no proper. oppertunity for that purpose- Therefore Resolved that the return of the Association be postponed untill the next General Meeting Adourned untill 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Van Orden Philip Conine Matthew Adgate Frederick Berger Henry Van Schaack John Baptist Dumond Matthias Van Loon [247] Corns. J. Van Den Bergh Hendrick Van Bergen Moses Robinson James Ashton Henry Glen Matthew Goes Junr. Harmanus Wendell John Ten Broeck Jacobus Teller Rutger Lansingh Charles H. Toll Corns. Van Santvoordt Bastiaen T. Visscher Daniel B. Bratt Henry Quackenbush Corns- Van Veghten John H Beeckman Daniel Dickenson Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Groesbeeck Dirck Jansen John Knickerbacker James Gorden Simeon Covil Joseph Young Peter Van Vranken Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Philip Rockefeller Simon Hatheway. Resolved that the Committees of each District in this County make return of all such Arms with or without Bayonets that are fit for present Service together with the Prices (and which can be purchased on the Credit of this Colony) to this Committee at the next General Meeting 212 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that a Letter be wrote to the Committee of Schoharry and Duanesborough acquainting them with the Resolution of this Morning respecting the forming the Militia into Companies As the regular Soldiers taken Prisoners at St' John's take more Liberty than Consistant with the Station they are in. Resolved that application be made to Major General Schuyler whether it would not be best to have them put in close Confinement which was done in the following Words to wit Sir We think that the 12 Soldiers brought here Prisoners from St- John's have it in their Power to be of diservice to the public Cause by having Liberty to intermix with the Soldiers of the Continental Army, and others; therefore would advise that they may be put under a Guard, or some other necessary Measure taken to prevent their having it in their Power to interfere in the present troubles The Committee for Bennington informed this Board, that they had agreeable to the Recommendation of the Provincial Congress formed themselves into Companies. Resolved therefore that the thanks of this Committee be given to said Members for their Vigilence in Conforming to said Recommendation - PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 213 [248] Committee Chamber Albany 25th Augst 1 775. Present. Abraham Yates Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker John H Ten Eyck Peter Silvester John Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr Gerrit Lansingh JunrCorns. Van Santvoordt Walter Livingston Bastiaen T. Visscher Lucas Van Veghten Joseph Young Goose Van Schaick Samuel Stringer Peter Van Ness Stephen J. Schuyler Abraham Cuyler Chairman Harmanus Wendell Jacobus Teller Henry Glen Henry Oothoudt John Van Orden Asa Douglass Matthew Adgate Henry Van Schaack Matthew Goes Junr. Henry Quackenfbush Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Knickerbacker Junr. John Groesbeeck Charles H. Toll Corns' Van Veghten Daniel B. Bratt John Js. Bleecker Stephen De Lancey John N. Bleecker John Ja. Beeckman The Committee about half an Hour after ten received a Note from the Commissioners of Indian affairs, which is in the following Words to wit. Gent. The Commissioners of Indian affairs are to open the Treaty with the Six Nations this Morning about 11 OClock at the Dutch Church, They request the favor of your attendance and that of the principal Gentlemen of the Town, and would wish previous to the meeting to be honoured with your Company at Cartwrights- By order of the Commissioners Tench Tilghman 1 they accordingly immediately repaired to Cartwrights when the Commissioners informed us that the Indians said they came down here in Consequence 1 Tilghman was Secy. to the Commissioners for Indian Affairs, Northern Dept. 214 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE of an Invitation from this Committee and that they choose to speak with the Committee before they [249] talked with the Commissioners, we told the Commissioners that this was a Surprise to us, as we had not received the least intimation of such their design before that Juncture either from the Indians or any other Person or Persons whatever, however not to retard the public business, and after Consultation with the Commissioners (who desired us to gratify the Indians) and the Representatives of Queder,1 this Committee resolved immediately to hear what the Indians had to say and that it might be the more public we give them Notice that we should be ready instantly and would meet them in Yonkers Street back of the Dutch Church, We appointed a Committee to inform the Commissioners of this requesting their presence at the meeting; and a Committee to Wit. Walter Livingston, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and 2were appointed to enquire of the Commissioners whether in Case the Indians talk with us was of such a Nature as to require an Answer, they would supply us with proper presents for them, The Committee Reported that the Commissioners answered that they must see how the Indians behaved in their Conference and Speech, and sent the Bell Man round the City inviting the Inhabitants that thought proper to attend, When the following Speech or answer to our Invitation was delivered by the Indians in the presence of the Commissioners. Seaghnagerat one of the Oneida Chiefs, in behalf of the Six Nations Speaker. Brothers of Albany. We beg you will acquaint us, when your Body is compleat. Brothers. of Albany attend. The Day is now come that we have arrived in Consequence of your Invitation. When you saw four of the Oneida [250] Nation, you said you was glad to see them at your Council Fire, We are now here in Consequence thereof, you told us you would be glad to see us again, that you rejoiced to see them, and that you would open the Ashes, and rekindle the Old Council Fire at Albany, We are glad to see that some sparks of that Old Council Fire yet remains We rejoice even to excess to find it so. Brothers attend. I have one addition to make to what passed between four of the Oneidas & you when last at your Council Chamber Viz. When you found from our Conference with your Brothers at the German Flats that our Sentiments of public affairs so much Coincided with yours, you farther told us, that all the Governments of America on the Sea Costs were anxious 1 Here this probably refers to Guy Johnson. 2 Blank space. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 215 to know whether we were disposed to Peace, and that you the twelve United Colonies were resolved to support your Civil Constitution and Liberties, and you rejoiced to find that we all so firmly resolved to maintain Peace Brothers. of Albany attend. you farther observed in the intercourse you had with four of the Oneida Nation, that you greatly rejoiced at the Conference you had at the German Flats. you farther said that you was Surprised about a Letter Guy Johnson had received from the Chief Warrior General Gage, about removing the Ministers from among us, that you rejoiced that the Indians were instructed in the Christian Religion, and that the Ministers that were among us might Continue Brothers of Albany attend we have something farther yet to relate of your Speech, you desired at the [251] Interview, you had with the four Messingers that we should acquaint the Six Nations with your Speech, and that thereafter three or four of each Nation should come down, you farther said; that you would have been glad to have attended at the Council Fire at Guy Johnsons to hear what he should say to the Indians and see if his Sentiments and yours should Coincide But you then soon heard, that he had removed from there to Fort Stanwix, from there to Oswego, that you dispaired of hearing any thing from him, and therefore desired us that we would let you know what was done at that Fire. Brothers attend. you made another proposal at the intercourse you had with four of our Nation which was this, that you had heard that there was to be a Council of the whole of our Nation at the German Flats, you desired our People that they would let you know what passed between us, and them, Our Delegates in our Names told you that it would be more agreeable that two or more of your Members should attend, and hear themselves what passed there, this Brethren is the Substance of what passed between you and the four of the Oneida Nation Brothers of Albany attend. We are now upon this Day going through with what passed between some of your Members, and us; when the Conference ended at the German Flats you said Brothers let us endeavour both to keep Peace, that we may continue to enjoy its blessings. We desire not that you should trouble yourselves in the least with these Disputes between us and those over the great Waters, only exert yourselves in [252] Maintaining the Covenant that was made between your and our forefathers, at this Place of our Council Fire, Your Delegates told us at the German Flats, that altho' you should be drove back from the Sea Coasts by your Enemies yet you would not ask our Aid. 216 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Brothers of Albany farther attend. Two things more, you delivered at the German Flats The first was this, that we the Oneyda Nation should give a kind Ear to your Speech you there produced two Antient Belts of Wampum, One of Twenty Rows which was the Old Covenant between the whole Oneida Nation and Quedel Gorah, another that was given by the Six Nations by the Indian called Kayinguaraghtoh of the Seneca Nation, you also said that these Belts should again be produced for the inspection of the whole Six Nations at the intended Council Fire to be rekindled at Albany Brothers of Albany. we have now finished the principle Subjects that passed between you and us the Oneida Nation, and we all of us the Six Nations are here now present to hear what has passed, and to prevent any false Reports that may be propagated by news Carriers Brothers of Albany. now attend. you also the Commissioners who are here present, lend your Ears, and hear our Voice, you our Brothers of Albany have desired the Sentiments of the Six Nations. We the Six Nations and our Allies which extends to Detroit Ohio, and Cagnawagas, upon our first hearing the bad News that circulated along the Eastern Shore [253] this Island, we assembled and resolved upon a Union amongst us Indians and to maintain Peace, And we rejoice that nothing more has been asked of us, there is nothing different in our Minds, than what we have now told, we shant take Notice of any hostile propositions that may be made to us, for we bear an equal proportion of Love to you and the others over the great Waters in the present dispute, and we shall remain at Peace, and smoke our Pipes, and the Six Nations will always keep the Path open, and we call God to Witness to the truth of what we now say, and it proceeds from our Hearts. A Belt of eight Rows. Brothers of Albany. now attend, and incline your Ears, to what we have now to say. We the Six Nations have heard the Voice of a Bird called Tshleleli a News Carrier that came among us, it has told us that the Path at the Western Communication by Fort Stanwix would be shut up either by one Party or the other. Brothers let it not be, and let the Communication be open, for passing & repassing and let not our Country be stained with Blood and be always Compassionate to the Old Women and let the Young ones grow and enjoy the blessings of Peace, Brothers let not that passage be shut up by you, but confine yourselves to the Dispute to the Eastward, for this Western Communication lays near our Council Fire, and the Consequences might be Fatal, indeed Brothers your Language and Collo. Guy Johnson's Coincides in some things with one another, and the party that PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 217 applies to us, to shut up that Passage we will look upon as Deceivers and Transgressors, and we [254] Despise a double dealer from our Hearts, and whom we look upon God Almighty will hereafter punish as such, And we hope that when you give your Answer, you will speak from the Integrity of your Hearts, as we now have done A Belt of fifteen Rows. Brothers attend attend. the five Nations just now said, they would open their Minds in full to you they would tell you of every thing they brought with them. This Belt respects the Letter Guy Johnson received from Genl1 Gage concerning the removal of the Ministers from among us Our Father the Minister who stands here, we love, we love him exceedingly, perhaps in a little Time, he may be wrested from us, carried of like a Prisoner, Our Hearts tremble for him We tremble greatly -he has been threatned and should he be taken it might overthrow the whole five Nation, Our Brothers the white People would perhaps say, that the Oneida Nation had delivered up their Minister and that the Six Nations did not regard their Missionaries But truly we regard our Father the Minister and Missionaries, therefore we propose to your Consideration whether it be not wise that the Missionaries retire for a little while particularly, our Father the Minister Mr. Kirkland should reside a short space with his Family as we hope this Quarrel cannot subsist long because you are Brothers, both of one Nation and Blood, and we hope it will soon be setteled and when a reconciliation takes place, let our Missionaries immediately return to us. this however we refer to your Consideration, and leave at your pleasure, Now Brethren we have unburthened our Minds and opened our Bosoms [255] and delivered what we had to say A belt of twelve Rows. To which at the request and by the approbation of the Commissioners, we made the following Reply - Brothers of the Six Nations. We thank you for your Speech, The Commissioners appointed by the twelve United Colonies, and with our Consent will first transact Business, after they have done, we will answer your Speech. 218 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 25th Augst 1775. 7 OClock P. M. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John H. Ten Eyck Stephen J. Schuyler Goose Van Schaick Samuel Stringer John Js. Bleecker Matthew Goes Junr. Charles H. Toll Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansingh Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry Glen Peter Van Ness Stephen De Lancey Harmanus Wendell John Knickerbacker Resolved that Messrs. John H. Ten Eyck, Henry Bleecker, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Samuel Stringer, Henry Glen and Jacobus Teller be appointed a Committee to draw up an Answer to the Speech of the Six Nations delivered this Day Arvin Montague Morris was brought before this Board as being a Person suspected to be inimical to the American Cause, and upon an Examination, he could not give a proper Account of himself The examination is on file. Resolved thereupon that he be sent to the Camp and there remain till farther ordered by this Committee[256] Albany Committee Chamber 30th Augst 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jacob C. Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansingh Junr. Walter Livingston Peter Silvester John H. Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker John Ja Beeckman John Ten Broeck Resolved that Peter Silvester Esqr. be added to the Committee appointed to prepare an Answer to the Speech delivered to this Board by the Six Nations. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1775 219 This Board agreeable to the directions of General Schuyler received from Walter Livingston Esqr the Sum of eight Pounds for the use of the three Indians that were taken at Mr Gillilands with Alexander White Esqr and others, ordered that the Chairman give a Receipt for the same Albany Committee Chamber 31st Augst 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Peter Silvester Corns- Van Santvoordt Leond- Gansevoort Henry Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Goose Van Schaick John H. Ten Eyck Joseph Young Lucas Van Veghten John Ja. Beeckman Arvin Montague Morris, was again brought before this Board, and upon a reexamination and the information of Andrew T. Lawrence Lieut- in the New York Troops it appeared that he was no ways inimical to the American Cause therefore Resolved that he be discharged. This Board being informed that a Child of John Ram of this City, Baker was infected with the small Pox, and as there are a number of Indians in Town, who have not had the Small Pox, and may thereby perhaps get the infection [257] Resolved therefore that Messrs- Cornelius Van Santvoordt and Joseph Young be a Committee, to examine the said Child and make Report accordingly Albany Committee Chamber 1st Septr. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John H. Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler John Ja. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr- John Bay Corns Van Santvoordt Stephen De Lancey John Ten Broeck Peter Silvester Henry Wendell Gysbert Marselis Lucas Van Veghten Daniel Budd. 220 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that John Hansen Esqr. be sent for, and requested that previous to his signing a discharge for Alexander White Esqr from his present Confinement, he inform this Board of such discharge Resolved that a Committee be appointed to wait on the Commissioners of Indian affairs, and enquire of them, whether they will furnish this Board with Presents to be by them given to the Indians, and also advise with them concerning this Boards giving an Answer to the Speech of the Indians, and that Messrs. Abraham Yates and Peter Silvester be a Committee for that purpose. John Hansen Esq'r appeared before this Board and promised agreeable to request, that he would not sign any discharge for Alexander White Esq' untill he had given Notice of said Discharge to some Member of this Board. The Chairman passed his Receipt agreeable to a resolution of this Board, to the Commissary for Six half hundred Casks of Powder [258] Committee Chamber Albany 2nd. Sepr. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort John Bay Henry Wendell Stephen De Lancey Henry Bleecker Gysbert Marselis Corns- Van Santvoordt Joseph Young Abraham Cuyler Lucas Van Veghten John H Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Resolved that an order be given to Mr Gerardus Lansingh, to receive out of the Magazine Six Casks of Powder belonging to this Board. which was done accordingly. Received a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County Dated August 26th: 1775. in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen Your favor of the 17th Instant as well as the inclosed Letters Copies of Sr. John and General Schuyler with the Affidavits we well received, and in regard to the Prisoners in your Goal, White Clement and Bown,1 We found 1 Lewis Clement and Peter Bown. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 221 at our County meeting this Day held several Evidences against them which we think remarkable, and worthy to inclose to your Consideration and further directions: We are very glad, that the said Prisoners are confined, as being open Enemies against the Common Cause, and striving to do hurt to the Country, and we join with your Sentiment in particular as to send the Sheriff White to the Provincial Congress, who we don't doubt will take those matters of Consequence to serious Consideration and prosecute him according to Merits deservedly without indulgence, to recompense, his Dangerous and [259] Traterous Designs and Enterprises. We Remain Gent. Your Very Humble Servts. By order of the Committee Nicholas Herkermer Chairman Also received Copy of an Affidavit, and some Examinations concerning Alexander White Esqrs- Conduct. which said Affidavit and Examination are on file. The Committee appointed to prepare an Answer to the Speech of the Indians, brought in the following which being read was approved Resolved that an Invitation be immediately sent to the Commissioners of Indian affairs desirig- their attendance at the Presbyterian Meeting House at eleven OClock, as this Board will then Answer the Speech of the Indians. This Committee at the Time appointed repaired to the Meeting House, and there delivered, in the presence, and with the approbation of the Commissioners the following answer. Brothers of the Six Nations We beg you will acquaint us when you are Compleat. Brothers. We suppose it will not be insisted upon to repeat the whole of your Speech, as we conceive it unnecessary and therefore shall only take Notice of the Material Parts. Brothers. You said that you was glad to see us at this place on the 25th August in Consequence of our Invitation, and that you was glad to see that some sparks of the old Council Fire yet remained and that you rejoiced even to excess to find it so. [260] Brothers. We thank you for your kind congratulations and Salutations at meeting us here and rejoice in the oppertunity you have given us at this Time of meeting one another in friendship and Peace, to talk of old Times and renew our Antient Treaty. 222 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Brothers. We are happy to find that you so readily accepted our Request to come and see us, and that you have had so much patience, and behaved so orderly during your short stay among us Brothers. At the Conference of our Deputies with you at the German Flatts, they shewed you some old Belts of Wampum which you expressed a desire to see. Here are those Belts, and we hope even time will not wear them out. This is the Belt given by the Oneida Nation and is the old Covenant between the whole Oneida Nation and Gorah Queder This is the belt that was given by the Indian called Kayinguaraghtoh in behalf of the Six Nations. Brothers attend in your Speech you farther observed that you had long since taken a Resolution to take no active part in the present Contest for Liberty We do not offer to Censure you for your Conduct, but admire your Wisdom - Praise your Pacific disposition, and hope you will have fortitude to maintain and persevere in it. A Belt. Brothers You further said that the Road to the Westward you heard by the Bird was to be stopped up, this matter is beyond our Limits, the Commissioners of the twelve United Colonies having spoken to you at large about the Roads, that they shall be left open We intirely agree with them in this and [261] therefore shall ad nothing on this Point, and return the Belt. Brothers. You said further and delivered us this Belt that you was anxious about and concerned for your Minister, Mr- Kirkland, and askt our advice about his remaining among you, who we do not see you should be deprived of without your Consent any more than the Mohawk Tribe, should be deprived of their Missionary. We highly approve of your concern for the Ministers of the Gospel, and your attachment for the pure precepts and Doctrines of Christianity. But if your Minister is removed we should fear the Consequence, it would certainly give occasion of Jealousy to your Brethren the White People, that you Indians were not well disposed. Therefore it is our ardent Wish that they may all remain among you, as your Teachers and Instructors in Virtue Piety and true Religion and we hope you may benefit and profit by their Instruction. A Belt. Brothers. Before any Commissioners were appointed by the twelve United Colonies, From the disagreeable Condition of our Country, and the antient friendship and alliance subsisting between us commenced in the Days PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 223 of your Ancestors, and our forefathers We took upon us as the Representatives of the People of the City and County of Albany to give you an invitation to pay us a friendly Visit that we might have an oppertunity of seeing you here at the place where the first Fire was kindled, that we might rake up the Old Ashes and not suffer it to extinguish, but renew the Old Covenant Chain, and make it shine with brighter Lustre. Brothers. We are happy to find from your Speech that you still retain that affection for us [262] which a well founded friendship will naturally produce, and which we hope from our Conduct towards you is not unmerited, and we rejoice to find that you feel for our Distresses and lament the unnatural Quarrel of Brethren, which you express so warmly by a desire of an amicable settlement Brothers. Time will not permit us at present to mention to you, how and on what occasion the first Covenant was made between your and our forefathers, they have never deserted you, but kept their Covenants and Agreements with you, nor do we mean to Act otherwise on our part. Brothers. This Covenant afterwards improved upon was confirmed between you and us in the Year 1665. One Year after this Country went over to the Crown of England, Since this you have from time to time admitted into your Chain the Tascaroras, and most if not all the twelve United Colonies Brothers. There are five Gentlemen Commissioners lately appointed by the twelve United Colonies at the Grand Council at Philadelphia the management of the public business in the Indian Department now belongs to them, these Gentlemen have informed you of the Nature of the Dispute between Great Britain and this Country, and testified their desire of keeping up the Council Fire between us. Brothers. We know it is Customary at the renewal of any Covenants between us, that a present should follow, we now make it known to you that the Goods you will receive of the Commissioners of the twelve United Colonies are partly ours, We pay our proportionable part towards them, so that what you receive from them is from us also, We are the same there is no [263] Distinction. Brothers. If our Memory does not fail us we think that when we invited two or three of each of our Brethren the Six Nations to come down here, We also desired that you would acquaint us what had passed in the Congress held at Oswego (which we as yet know nothing of - You say indeed that you are glad, we are peaceably inclined as well as Collo. Johnson, but you 224 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE have told us nothing else what was transacted there which we had expected and do wish that our Brothers Conceal nothing from us, especially as you called God to Witness for the truth of what you said. Brothers of the Six Nations, and you the Mohawks in particular. We apprehend the Bird Tshleleli has been busy again, he seems to be a mischeivous Bird and ought not to be nourished or entertained. In your Answer to the Commissioners you addressed yourselves to the Inhabitants of Albany complaining that they had taken from you two Peices of Land without giving the Value of a Pipe of Tobacco for it, and that you desired they would restore you to the peaceable possession of them, and that the Commissioners would look into this matter, and afford you Relief - The Land you speak of we suppose to be Ticonderoga Brothers. This is a matter foreign to the business we met upon (and we are not authorised nor qualified to enter upon the subject it is a business that belongs to the Corporation of Albany Yet as we may be considered the Representatives of the People at large, our entire Silence may be construed into Guilt of the heavy charge fixed upon us, for your satisfaction as well as [264] of the Audience - We will endeavour to show that the Accusation is groundless by a few remarks The Lands alluded to, are Granted by the Charter of Albany. We never heard that any of your Nation have been dispossed of driven of those Lands, but you hitherto have and still enjoy those Lands without the least interruption. Brothers. As we observed before the matter cannot properly come before us, but belongs to another Body and therefore the application to us improper, however give us leave to say, that instead of complaining we think the Mohawks if they considered their own Interest and that of their Posterity, and would be Candid, they must acknowledge, the Truth of the Fact and rejoice at this Day, that they have had such faithfull Guardians and Trustees, for if it had not been so, who would have enjoyed these Lands now (there have been complaints concerning this matter before, and inquiry's into it before proper Tribunals, and for your information and that of the Curious we refer to the proceedings of the House of Assembly of this Colony and also to the Minutes taken in a Conference between the Corporation of this City and yourselves at which Sir William Johnson was present and therefore return you the Belt To which Answer they made the following Reply by Abraham Chief of the Mohawks Speaker. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 225 Brothers of Albany. We return you thanks for your Speech, and that you have informed us that the twelve United Colonies by their Commissioners have [265] opened all the Roads, and we now take for granted that the Communication at Fort Stanwix is not to be shut up, and that the New England People never will do it. this Brethren has been the Occasion of some Anxiety in the Minds of the five Nations Brothers of the Six Nations attend, you also the People of Albany, and you the twelve United Colonies by, your Commissioners - Last Spring Coll0. Johnson informed us that the New England People were near him, to take him Prisoner, upon which we like People intoxicated, took up our Guns, and ran to assist him, as he was our Superintendant, But Brethren as it happened in the manner before mentioned, we hope you will look upon it in that light- We the Six Nations have now made and renewed our Antient Covenants - The proceedings just now mentioned have brought me down, I have made a proper acknowledgement to the Six Nations and now do the same to you, and I hope you will now raise me up again, The News I was just speaking of came not from a Bird, but from your own People Brothers of Albany farther Attend, I shall only make a short Reply to your Speech relating the Lands, many agreeable things are therein, you farther say, that you never heard that any of us were drove of those Lands - There was one thing that was not so agreeable, it was the Tskleleli, You Brothers know how that matter is and in Case I was to answer that part of your Speech, it might perhaps draw us into an Argument, and as you are not as you say the proper Body, to which we ought to have [266] Applied, and as you have referred us to former proceedings, we shall Close. Brothers of Albany. We the Six Nations now tell you it is at your pleasure to call on us, and we will inform you of what passed in the Congress at Oswego Chairmans Reply. Brothers of the Six Nations. We are now ready to hear it, and should be glad, you would now inform us. Brothers of Albany. You sent for us to inform you of what passed, at Oswego, but you have not since we have been down desired it, we have always been ready, and as you have not asked it of us, we will now tell you, and think it our Duty, as we look upon it, that God will punish us, should we conceal any thing from you. 8 226 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Brothers. The transactions of that Treaty were very public, the Shawenese were there, and some from Detroit, Mr. Johnson told us, that the Fire kindled there was a fire of Peace, That all the white People were the Kings Subjects, and that it seemed they were intoxicated, Mr. Johnson also told us, that all the white People were got drunk, and that Gods Judgment hung over them but did not know on which Side it would fall Mr Johnson farther told us that the Council Fire was kindled on Account of the present dispute, and desired us, not to interfere, as we were Brothers, and begged of us to sit still and maintain Peace this is what Collo. Johnson told us at that Council Fire, He also said that he had his Eye on Mr. Kirkland, that he was gone to Philadelphia and along the Sea Coast, that he was become a great Soldier, and a Leader, is this a Minister says he [267] do you think your Minister minds your Souls no by the Time, he comes to Philadelphia, he will be a great Warrior, and when he returns, he will be the Chief of all the five Nations- Brothers there was present five People of Detroit, five from Cagnawaga, two of the Shawanese, Collo. Johnson told them, that by the Time he returned from Canada, they should have all their Men there, and he would then kindle up a Council Fire, and desired them also, not to take any part in this dispute, as it was a quarrel between Brothers Mr. Johnson also told them, that this Council was kindled upon Peace, and that it seemed, that by reason of the white Peoples intoxication Gods Judgment hung over them - He also told us that he was going to the Governor of Canada, who was of a different Opinion from him, but would talk to him, and farther said that he would tell the Cagnawaga Indians, the same he told us, and for that purpose desired that two of each Nation might go along, and hear it, he likewise desired us to Consider which way we would have our Trade whether up this River, or from Canada, he at the same time assured us, that we should not suffer for want of Goods, as we were not concerned, nor had any hand in the present dispute, he also mentioned something about the Council Fire's, he said there are two Fires which you will keep your Eye's upon, and if they call you down to Albany don't you go, for they will deceive you, and tell you a great many fine Stories - We are very glad that your Language and Coll-' Johnson's so well agrees. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 227 [268] Albany Committee Chamber 4 Sept. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Lucas Van Veghten John Bay Corns' Van Santvoordt Gysbert Marselis Jacob C. Ten Eyck Henry Wendell Leonard Gansevoort Goose Van Schaick John Ten Broeck Joseph Young John H Ten Eyck The Chairman laid before this Board a request of Capt- James Stevenson, for a pass, thro the Western Communication to Canada. Resolved That no Pass be granted, and that the Chairman acquaint him with this Resolve Received a Letter from Mr Daniel B. Bratt one of the Committee for Hosack dated 29th Augst: 1775. which is in the following Words. to wit. Gent. Pursuant to your directions, on Sunday accompanyed by Mr. Palmer, I proceeded to St. Caix, where in the Evening, we was joined by Messrs. Robinson, Wood Clark and Brush, Committee for Bennington, with a Party of Armed Men, very early on Monday Morning we set forward to John Munro's, & as Donald Munro lived some distance off, we sent four of the Company to seize and bring him to John Munro's, Upon Deliberation, we judged it proper that three Men unarmed should first go to the House, and acquaint Munro with the business & if he proved refractory to seize him while the rest surrounded the House, accordingly myself, Mr John Van Rensselaer and an Attendant waited on Mr. Munro & while we discoursed with him, the Men under Arms came up & was placed at every part of the House, his Arms was secured & every necessary step taken to prevent mischief and to make a full discovery, We then read your Letter to him, he offered to make Oath, he never received any such Commission, he was very willing to give us all the [269] satisfaction we might require and was ready to deliver up his Papers, upon Donald Munro's arrival, we [put] John Munro & his Wife under a Guard, and examined Donald who acknowledged, he told McCray that his Brother was to have a Commission under Collo. Reid but it appeared 228 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE on a Close examination; his charge meerly proceeded from a Grudge he had against John Munro on Acct' of a former Quarrel, John Munro declares that some time ago there was talk of raising a Regiment of Highlanders, for the Defence of the Government, & before Collo. Reid went to England he was Nominated for an Officer in that Regiment but what Commission it was, he Munro knew not this is what he communicated to Donald and Donald to McCray, & from that this information came We then requested John Munro, to deliver his papers upon which he produced a very large Bundle We then appointed two Men to examine them in presence of the Committee, which was carefully performed, he then was asked upon his Honor if that was all, he answered no, and immediately opened two large Trunks, in One was his Clothes which he took out and some papers, which was of no Consequence, the other Trunk was full of Pamphlets and Papers, upon inspection was found to be of so old Date, they could not concern the matter in Hand He says he has a Trunk of Papers in Albany if the Committee are desirous of examin [in] g that, he will deliver the Key to any Person they may appoint, He gave us all the satisfaction we could expect or desire, he opend every Closet, Chamber Celler Desk & freely shewed us every private place about his House, He likewise says last Spring he saw Collo' Allen McLean in New York & since that time he has not seen, nor heard from him, Mr Munro declares he is very willing to go thro' any further examination the Committee. may think proper [270] and if they conclude it necessary, he is ready at any time to wait on the Committee in Albany. During the whole Transactions, Mr- Munro's behaviour was very manly, & we cannot think he is in the least Guilty. & have entirely discharged him on that Account. I remain Gent. Your Hum St Daniel B. Bratt. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 229 Committee Chamber Albany 5th Sepr. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Henry Bleecker Corns- Van Santvoordt John H. Ten Eyck John Bay Jacob C Ten Eyck Gosen Van Schaick Gerrit Lansingh Junr Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress dated in Provincial Congress New York Augst' 30th: 1775. which is in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen. We received your Letters of the 11th and 17th Instant together with the several inclosed Papers As White the late Sheriff of Tryon County is detained in your Goal by process issued out of Court it is the Opinion of this Congress, that he ought not to be removed, before he satisfies, the Demand, or otherwise discharged from actual Custody, upon his giving Bail to the Suit, when he performs either, You will then send him down As you are best acquainted with the Circumstances of Boon and Clement, we must therefore leave it to your discretion either to acquit or detain them Conner was brought down Yesterday, and he is secured under Guard. We approve the lenient Measures you pursued with the Indians, who escorted those Prisoners in their escape, Their friendship at this Critical [271] Conjuncture is become an Object of the utmost Moment to the Colonies- We are Gentlemen Your Most Obedient humble Servts By Order Nathel. Woodhull Pt. pro Tempore The Revd. Samuel Kirkland appeared before this Board and requested on behalf of a certain Indian named David Fowler a Recommendation to the Provincial Congress and Cash to bear his expences to New York Resolved that as there are Commissioners appointed for Indian affairs, and as this Board have no fund that no Cash be given to said Indian David, and that he be recommended to apply to the Commissioners for a Recommendation. 230 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber A[l]bany 7th Sepr. 1775 - Present. Abraham Yates Stephen Hogeboom James Barker Tenner Palmer Jeremiah Clark Nathan Clark Daniel B. Bratt Corns. Van Santvoordt John H Ten Eyck Henry Oothoudt Richard Esselstyn John Bay Lucas Van Veghten Nathaniel Culver Matthew Adgate Asa Douglass John Ja Beeckman Philip Conine John Js. Bleecker Rutger Lansingh Chairman Killian Van Rensselaer Jochim Staats John Kortz Junr. Henry Glen Volkert Veeder Harmanus Wendell Peter P. Schuyler Jacob F Lansingh Samuel Ten Broeck Joseph Young Stephen Schuyler James Gorden Jacob Cuyler Walter Livingston Francis Nicolls Henry Quackenbush Abraham Ten Broeck Andrew Mitchell John Fish Received a Letter from the Committee of [272] Saraghtoga District, dated Saraghtoga 5th Sepr. 1775. which is in the following Words. to wit. Sir Agreeable to the Instructions received from the Congress, through the Committee, we have had a general Meeting in the District, and have elected the several Militia Officers, We are not at present in a situation to make you a return of,our proceedings as our Minute Company is not yet Compleated which we expect will be the beginning of next Week, when we will make a regular return of the Militia Officers and Minute Men. There is one matter we beg leave to represent to your Committee, and beg we may have redress, our Committee are at present reduced to no more than four in number, we through our situation and other Circumstances find it very inconvenient to attend the whole business of the District, and therefore beg PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 231 that we may have an Order from your Committee, to enlarge ours which we hope will be sent by the Bearer who is Mr. Fish of Saraghtoga District a Member of our Committee, and is an entire Stranger in Albany, and the Committee, we have through these Considerations taken upon us to recommend him to you, and depend upon having our Business done through you. We are Sir with respect to you Your Humble Servts John Mc.Crea Cornelis Van Veghten Resolved agreeable to the Request in said Letter that the said District, have Liberty of electing five Members in addition to those already elected. A Petition being laid before this Board by a certain William Powers, which is on file Resolved that the first second and third Requests in [273] said Petition be granted to said Powers, and that he cannot have a Seat at this Board. The Question being put whether the Inhabitants of a District who have elected and returned Members to Associate with the General Committee of the County, can before the Members so returned, have been accused of any Misconduct or misbehaviour discharge them by electing, and returning others in their stead. Resolved in the Negative. Resolved that a return of the Names of those Persons who refuse to Sign the Association be postponed untill the next General CommitteeAdjournd- until two of the Clock P. M. 232 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Andrew Mitchell John Kortz Junr James Gorden Richard Esselstyn John Fish John Js. Bleecker Stephen Hogeboom Fenner Palmer James Barker Henry Oothout Volkert Veeder John Bay Harms- Wendell Corns- Van Santvoordt Jacob F. Lansingh John Van Orden Henry Glen Samuel Ten Broeck Jeremiah Clarke Francis Nicolls Nathan Clarke Bastiaen T. Visscher Gysbert Marselis Jochim Staats Philip Conine John H. Beeckman Daniel B Bratt Peter Van Ness Nathaniel Culver Philip Conine Asa Douglass John H. Ten Eyck Matthew Adgate Walter Livingston A Memorial was laid before this Board signed by George Smith in behalf of himself and fifty seven Others dated the Sixth day of September 1775. which said Memorial [274] is in the Words following to wit. To the Committee of Safety Protection & Correspondence for the City & County of Albany. The Memorial of George Smith of the District of Claverack in the County aforesaid in behalf of himself and several other Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said DistrictSheweth That in Consequence of the Recommendation of the honorable Continental Congress held at Philadelphia on the eighteenth day of July last past, to the Inhabitants of all the united English Colonies in North America, your Memorialist and fifty seven other Persons all of the said District (with the approbation of Robert Van Rensselaer Esqr. one of the Members of this Committee) formed themselves into a Company, and elected a Captain, Two Lieutenants One Ensign and four Sergeants on the thirty first Day of August, that the PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 233 said Company was not promiscuously taken out of the whole District but was confined to certain Bounds in the said District, so as to form a Beat, that your Memorialist has a list of all the Officers and Privates belonging to the said Company now here ready to produce, that notwithstanding this, Richard Esselstyn & Stephen Hogeboom Esqr. have formed the District of Claverack into Beats having no regard to the Company already formed as aforesaid But formed the Beats in such manner as to seperate the said Company into different Beats, that new Companies have been formed without taking any Notice of those which had already been formed as aforesaid, which has created uneasiness and disturbances among us and may be productive of much mischief and evil Tendencies, unless remedied and settled in due time, Your Memorialist and his Associates conceiving that the Company by them previously formed in manner above set forth ought to have been exempted from any new election, and have therefore not meddled with the Election or formation of the New Companies. Your Memorialist therefore prays that this [275] Committee will take the same into due Consideration and direct and advise your Memorialist, and his Associates how to Act, and to give them relief in the Premisses George Smith September 6th: 1775. Resolved that the said Memorialist and his Associates abide by the Resolves of the Committee of the District of Claverack in laying out said District into Beats and the Election of Militia Officers under their Inspection. Received a Petition from the Committee of the District of the Great Imboght dated September 5th: 1775. which is in the following Words to wit. To the Committee of Safety for the City of Albany Whereas the Committees for the Districts of Coxackie and the Great Imboght having this day met for the purpose of Electing the Field Officers to Command the Battalion or Regiment of the said Districts A difference arose whether the Great Imboght District should have the same Priviledge of Electing them, as the Coxackie District, That the said Coxackie Committee did not chuse to Vote without having the Priviledge of Electing the Colonel & Lieutenant Colonel in their District, which the Committee for the said District of the Great Imboght could by no means allow of. That the Committee for the said District of the Great Imboght, then offered to accept of the Lieutenant Colonel and Adjutant, and allow them (the Committee of the Coxacckie District) the other three (as the said Corn 234 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE mittee understand there are to be five field officers) which they also refused to accept of, That the said Great Imboght Committee then offered to put it to Vote for the chusing the field Officers, which the other Committee likewise refused to agree to - That the said Committee was therefore Obliged to break up, without electing any of the field [276] Officers -All which is humbly submitted by Gentlemen Your Most Obt- Servants. David Abeel ] John B. Dumon Committee for T ohni * 1 r e the District of Hendrick feere Great Imboght John Person Great Imboght John Person Great Imboght Septr. 5th: 1775. Resolved that it be recommended to the Members of the Committees of the Districts of Coxackie and the great Imboght to go, together and make out a list of the Persons, whom they would chuse to be recommended for field Officers. Resolved that every Captain make a return of the Minute Men, selected out of his Company be Postponed untill the next General Committee Received a Petition from Thomas Darby which is in the following Words to wit. To the Chairman of the Committee for the City & County of Albany. Sir The Honourable the Continental Congress, observing the public Utility arising from the encouragement of Manufactories particularly Linen & Woolen at this Alarming Crisis - I beg leave to lay before your Committee a Plan, which I think will be of infinite Service to this, and the Neighbouring Provinces, desiring your advice and assistance, &c. I have been at a Considerable expence in purchasing Materials and erecting Fixtures for carrying on the Dying & fulling business in the Country Way - I was also brought up to the Handkefs Manufactory, finding that Article very much wanted at this Time, there being none in N. York being desirous of being as serviceable to this Country, as lays in my Power, I therefore lay before you, in what manner the Manufactories are promoted at Home which is as follows Viz. After appointing Trustees for the Manufactory's the Money subscribed & payd. (by the several Gentlemen [277] who are deeply interested in the welfare of their Country) is lodged in the Hands of the Trustees, who employs PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 235 a Manufactorer to carry on said business, and when the profits of the Manufactory amounts to such as will carry on any other public fund it is laid out for that purpose I should be glad to be examined by the Gentlemen of the Committee where I shall have an oppertunity of giving my reasons, why this laudable plan would be of so much advantage to this Country and particularly the place where such things are carried on, I shall likewise give my reasons why this is the best place on the Continent, and that it would be best to be done by public superscription, all which is too tedious to mention here Meen time I beg leave to inform you that I have purchased ye most of ye Materials for that purpose & will have 20 Doz of blue and white Hkf'. ready for Sale in three Weeks time, but finding myself unable to carry it on to any advantage without assistance, therefore I leave it to you Gentlemen who have the management of said Affairs and will strictly follow your directions - I am Gentlemen Your Humble Servt. Thos. Darby. Resolved that Messrs. Walter Livingston, James Gorden, Henry Glen, and Henry Oothoudt be a Committee to prepare an answer to said Petition Whereas a dispute having arose in a certain part of Claverack District concerning the Election of Militia Officers, arising from a difference in Opinion of what Constitutes a Majority of Votes, some conceiving a Majority of Voices for a Candidate sufficient and others that thinking that the Person elected must have a Majority of all the Voters Present and in order to satisfy the Minds of both parties, the Members of the Committee who presided at said Election [278] permitted the Electors to chuse in both Ways with a promise to lay it before the General Committee, to decide which of the Elections should stand, which was done by Mr. Contine. The Committee taking the Premisses into Consideration, and the Question being put, whether the first or second Election should stand. Resolved that the first stand, which is agreeable to the usual mode of this Colony. Resolved that the foregoing Resolve concerning the Election of Militia Officers, in a certain part of Claverack District, shall not effect any Elections which have been already made and returned although the mode of said Elections is different from what is usual in this Colony. 236 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Messrs. Walter Livingston, James Gorden, Henry Glen and Henry Oothoudt the Committee appointed to prepare an Answer to the Petition of Thomas Darby brought in the following, which being read was approved of. Your Committee having duly considered the Petition of Thomas Darby do Report That a number of Gentlemen be appointed Trustees to enquire into the Character and circumstances of the said Thomas Darby, and if they think proper to set on foot a public subscription to raise the two hundred Pounds he requires, that then it be recommended to the different Members of this Committee, that they use their endeavours to encourage the Subscription in their several Districts - Your Committee farther Report that the said Thomas Darby has informed them that Lucas Van Veghten and Henry Quackenbush of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck have already offered to be two of his Trustees, and in Conjunction with the other [279] Trustees to be appointed, will be security for the return of the Money to the Subscribers in two Years All which your Committee humb[l]y submit Walter Livingston Chairman Resolved that Messrs Henry Quackenbush, Lucas Van Veghten, Jacob Cuyler, and Robert Henry be appointed Trustees agreeable to the foregoing Report for the purpose of encouraging and carrying into execution the Manufactory proposed by the said Thomas Darby in his Petition aforesaid. On Motion of Peter Van Ness Esqr. Resolved that the District of Claverack be permitted to elect, six Members to join the Committee of said District, in addition to those already elected. Received a Letter from Henry Van Schaack Esqr' dated Kinderhoek 6th Septr- 1775- in the following Words to wit. Sir I am extremely sorry that I am under the disagreeable necessity of acquainting you that it has not been in the power of the Committee of this District to carry the Resolution of the last general meeting of the County Committee fully into execution respecting our Militia The Inhabitants would have been called together before now, but for the absence of Collo. Vossburgh and the indisposition of Messrs Goes and Van Aelstyn - As they all belong to the Committee, and have deservedly great influence among their Neighbours the presence of every of them is considered indispensibly necessary when the Companies are assembled for the purpose of choosing their Officers - Previous to the choice of Officers we intend to tender the Association again to such as have hitherto declined signing it, By the Time of the next General meeting PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 237 of the Committee, I flatter myself that we shall be able to make full returns of the State of this District in the interim I remain Very respectfully Sir Your Most Obt. hum servtH. V. Schaack P. S. If there is no impropriety in detaining the return of those (who live in this District, that have not signed the Association untill the next general meeting, I should be glad as it is probable there will be an add1l numr of Signers [280] Resolved that an Answer be prepared to said Letter which was done in the Words following to wit. Sir As by two Resolves of the General Committee this Day made, time has been given till the next General meeting, as well for the return of the General Association as of the Minute Men; It will therefore be sufficient if you return the General Association and the Names of the Militia Officers of your district to the next General Meeting. I am Sir Your Humble Sert. By order of the Committee Albany Committee Chamber 8th Sept. 1775. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Jacob Cuyler Corns. Van Santvoort Gerrit Lansing Junr. Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansing Junr. John N. Bleecker Peter Silvester Gosen Van Schaick John Ja. Beeckman Henry Wendell Henry Quackenbush John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher John H Ten Eyck Peter Contine Abraham Ten Broeck Gysbert Marselis John Bay Joseph Young Lucas Van Veghten Henry Ten Eyck Esqr. Sheriff of the City & County of Albany being called before this Board, and being interrogated who was the Plaintiff in 238 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE the Suit upon which Alexander White Esqr. is in Custody he said that Abraham C. Cuyler was the Plaintiff, and John Hansen the Attorney upon Record, and that it was an Action on the Case or Debt. The Sheriff asked whether or no he would give Notice to this Board of the Time of his discharging Alexander White previous to his dischargeAnswered that he would not give this Board any Notice previous to his discharging said Alexander White Whereas the Provincial Congress have honoured a Draft of this Board for one thousand Pounds, which is now in the Hands of Abraham Ten Broeck Esqr. [281] Resolved that Mr. Ten Broeck pay the same to Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer, he giving his Receipt for the same. Resolved that Mr. Gansevoort pay off the Accounts that have been adjusted, and approved of by this Board Henry Ten Eyck Esqr. Sheriff after withdrawing for a Short space of time returned, and informed this Board, that Alexander White Esqr- consented that he should not discharge him without giving this Committee previous Notice of said discharge, Upon which he Mr Ten Eyck promised this Board that he would not discharge said White without previously giving this Board Notice. Committee Chamber Albany 11th Septr. 1775 -Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Abraham Cuyler Corns. Van Santvoordt Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Silvester Gysbert Marselis Hugh Mitchell Henry Wendell Joseph Young Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Received a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County, dated 8th Septr1775. in the Words following to wit. Gent. There is a dispute arisen in Palatine District concerning the election of Members for the Committee of that District, by Charles Gorden, and two of the Backsters, which Persons have Created a very great disturbance, about that and several other things such as casting dispersions upon the General 1 Obviously a mistake for "of ". PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 239 Committee for which reasons we have had them brought before us, and least they should think that we might act parsially we referred them to take their Tryal before you, which they readily complied with, and bound themselves in a Bond of ~100 to appear before you on the 25th of this Instant to take their Tryal Now Gentn- we beg you that as soon as you receive this that you will give us your Answer whether you will try them, or not, We are Gent. with all due Regard [282] Your Very humble Servants By order of the Committee Nicholas Hercheimer Chairman P.S. Please to dispatch the Letter coming along by this Express, to the Provincial Congress at N. York which concerns the Voting of a new chosen Sheriff and we expect a soon answer upon, and we hope you will think it adviseable in our present situation Nicholas Hercheimer Chairman N B. John Frey Esqr. has got the Majority of Votes for High Sheriff for Tryon County Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Esqr. Treasurer pay Mr. Hugh Mitchel sixteen Pounds seventeen Shillings and one penny farthing agreeable to his Account exhibited to this Board. Albany Committee Chamber 12th Sepr. 1775. PresentAbraham Yates Chairman Peter Silvester Henry Quackenbush John Ja Beeckman Lucas Van Veghten Stephen De Lancey Henry Bleecker John H. Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell Gysbert Marselis Jacob C. Ten Eyck Mr. Jacob C Ten Eyck informed this Board that he had called in, and ready to cancel a Number of the Bills of Credit of this Committee, Resolved 240 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE therefore that Messrs. Peter Silvester and Henry Bleecker be a Committee to attend at the Cancelling of said Bills, and make Report of the Number and amount of said Bills Resolved that Peter Silvester Esqr. be appointed to draw up Regulations and orders for the Burgers Night Watch Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer repay the Inhabitants of this City, and the Colony of Rensselaer, who have subscribed in May last [283] either provisions or Cash for the Use of the Forces at Ticonderoga agreeable to the Subscription Lists furnished him, and take their Receipts for the same And that John Ja. Beeckman, Gerrit Lansingh Junr and Henry Quackenbush, be appointed a Committee to adjust the Accounts of this Board. Albany Committee Chamber 13th Sep' 1 775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush Lucas Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh JunrCorns. Van Santvoordt John H. Ten Eyck Henry Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Jun'r Robert Yates Daniel Dickinson Peter Silvester Leonard Gansevoort. Bastiaen T. Visscher Mr. Peter Silvester appointed to draw up the Regulations for the Burger Watch, brought in the following which being read, was approved of. Ordered that instead of any former rules or orders the following be the directions to be observed for regulating the Burgers Night Watch in this City already established 1st. That all and every Male Person Inhabitant of this City above the Age of Sixteen shall Watch in his turn in Person upon Notice given except all Ministers of the Gospel, who are to be entirely free, all Physicians, Goaler and all Persons above the Age of Sixty, or such as may be sick, absent or unable to attend, shall be excused from personal attendance provided a PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 241 sufficient person is sent in the Room of such exempted Person to be approved of by the Officer of the Watch 2nd. The Guard of each Night to consist of twenty Men well mounted with Guns powder & ball - to appear at nine of the Clock at night & to Patrole the Streets every Hour & by all means prevent outrage on Person or Property. [284] 3rd. That no unnecessary Wanton Alarm be given to our Fellow Citizens either by firing of Guns, beating of Drums, or otherwise in the Night, but that all their Operations be conducted with that manly prudence & discretion becoming Citizens Zealous to support their Freedom without Tumult & disorder. 4th That if any Person shall refuse or neglect to Watch or such as are excused to send a Man, or misbehave on the Watch shall for every such neglect, or misbehaviour forfeit the Sum of four Shillings to be levyed by a Warrant from the Captain of such Watch directed to the Town Serjeant in manner & form as is directed by the Rules & Orders recommended by the Provincial Congress of this Colony on the 22nd August last, with respect to the levying fines & to be applied for the use of the Watch 5th That the Commanding Officer dismiss his Guard at day light, & if need be by ten OClock next Morning Report to the Chairman for the time being all extraordinary occurrances which may have happened during the Time, he may have been on Duty 6th That John Van Ostrander the Town Serjeant duly warn the Officers as well as the Men, who are to Mount Guard. Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Tryon County, which was done in the following Words. Gent. We have Recd. yours of the 8th in regard to the dispute in Palatine District. We conceive that if you cannot settle the dispute that we cannot with propriety deny taking Burden upon us, and had you stated the facts, we probably might have given you our Opinion directly We had a dispute (probably similar to yours in Kings District which was in the following Manner Viz. Kings District some time in May appointed four [285] Committees, who have ever since done the Business as Committee 242 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE untill the fourth Instant when some of the District discontented with the Old appointed four New Committees- The 7th there was a General Meeting of the Committees of all the Districts where the Old Committees and new Committees both attended, and stated the matter as above, after Considering the matter the General Committee, Unanimously gave their Judgment that the Old Committees should remain and refused the New Committees Because as the Inhabitants had made their Election before, they could not now avoid that chance before a General Election in all the Districts, and if the Old Members had misbehaved, they might lay their Complaint before the General Committee, who would consider it, and if they found the fact to be so, they would expell the Old, and order an Election for New Committees. Your Mode of procedure at present respecting a new Sheriff should be in the usual manner by way of Petition to the Governor. The Committee appointed to adjust the Accounts of this Board, brought in the following List of Debts due from this Board, for which they had the Vouchers William Shepherd John Ja Lansingh Myndert Roseboom John Maley Gerrit J. Lansingh John & Barent Van Aelen Alexander Chesnut John N. Bleecker Jacob Van Schaick John N. Bleecker Robert Lansingh John Price [286] Thomas Witbeeck John Ja Beeckman Henry Quackenbush Cash advd. by Do~ Gerrit Lansingh Junr ~8 17 6 900 1 14 0 6 3 0 15 0 0 16 2 0 200 800 440 1 4 0 24 6 0 *No. 1 ~96 10 6 i ~24 0 6 4 9 13 45 3 2 11 23 18 0o 0 0 4 No. 2 0 4 $1121981 PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 243 John J. Bleecker ~4 0 0 Peter Schuyler 7 10 6 Stephen Schuyler 5 4 0 Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 16 3 0 D~- for Horse Hire 2 2 0 Hugh Mitchell 2 16 0 Abraham Oothoudt 2 16 01 James Bloodgood 4 4 0 Gysbert Marselis 2 9 6 Do~ for 3 Days to Guy Park 1 4 0 John H. Roseboom 0 16 0 Christopher Yates 0 16 0,No. 3 Jacob C. Ten Eyck 4 7 6 Samuel Stringer 14 18 2 Bastiaen T. Visscher 1 12 9 Jacob Cuyler 16 15 0 Volkert Van Veghten 2 0 0 Matthew Visscher 14 7 3 William Pempberton 1 0 3 Gosen Van Schaick 1 9 0 John Ten Broeck 3 4 0 John Ten Broeck to Capt Visscher V Order of Comee 16 Martha Vernor for Indian Dinner ~8 17 6 John Ten Broeck 3 80 John Trumbull 9 16 6 Hars- Wendell, Ab. Yates &c Committee 3 to Tryon County John Bay 31411 Wynkoop & Ten Eyck 23 11 6 Schoharry Committee 6 13 6 Martin Lydius 1 12 0 Corns. Van Santvoordt 4 80 Widow Hester Van der Heyden 0 6 3 244 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [287] Jacob A Lansingh John W. Groesbeeck & others at Schaghtekocke John Ostrander Matthew Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Henry Wendell ~1 3 3 } 45 4 6 20 18 3 10 0 3 524 340 Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay off the above Accounts, and take their Receipts for the same Albany Committee Chamber 16th Sepr. 1775. Present Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro temp. Jacob Lansingh Junr' John Bay Gosen Van Schaick Joseph Young Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Corns. Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Lucas Van Veghten Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Ja. Beeckman John H Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Abraham Cuyler Robert Yates Henry Wendell Peter Silvester Received a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated 13th Septr. 1775. in the following Words to wit. Gentlemen We have this day proceeded in the Tryal of the Prisoners Lewis Clement and Peter Bown for the several charges of their inimical Conduct against the American Cause laid against them, Upon strict examination, and mature deliberation of the matters we found them Guilty, and the Prisoners leaving the Sentence to the Breast of this Board, it was resolved by the Majority of Votes, an Imprisonment of them for three Months, as a just punishment of their Crimes in Conformity to a Resolve of our provincial Congress in that Case lately provided. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 245 In order thereof we send them hereby with a Mittimus to the Goal of Albany, & request your Interest for the exact performance of this our Resolve aforesd which shall much oblige Gent. Your Most hble Servants By order of the Committee Nicholas Herchiemer Chairman [288] Resolved that an Answer be prepared to said Letter, which was done in the following Words to wit. Gent~ Last Night we received your Letter, & understood it was accompanied with a Mittimus directed to the Goaler of our County to take into Custody the Bodies of Messrs Clement and Boon, Considering the Steps you have taken in the Tryal and Sentence you have had & passed upon them we make no doubt, but you have had a due regard to the resolves passed by the Provincial Congress by you referred to, Yet as we see a manifest impropriety in your sending persons down to our County Goal for Offences committed in your County, And as our Sheriff has from this View an additional Motive to refuse to take charge of such Prisoners, we have therefore given it as our Opinion that they ought to be taken back to your County, and we make no doubt but that you will take such Measures for their effectual Security as their several Offences require. You have doubtless observed that the Resolves of the Provincial Congress, do only regulate the punishments of such Crimes, as are committed after the Date of the said Resolves, without annexing the punishments to Crimes of a prior date. We are Gent. Your Humble Servts. By Order of the Committee Henry Bleecker Chairman P. T. 2466 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber Albany 20th Sepr. 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman John Ja. Beeckman Robert Yates Gosen Van Schaick Stephen De Lancey Henry Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Joseph Young John Bay John H. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort [289] Messrs Henry Bleecker, Stephen De Lancey and Peter Silvester the Committee appointed to wait upon Mr. Jacob C. Ten Eyck to see the Sum of two hundred Pounds of the Bills of Credit emitted by this Board burnt in the presence of Mr Livingston, made their Report which is as follows to wit, 118 113 69 30 21 Bills D~. D. D. Do. D. D D D of 2/ of 2 of 10 of 20 40 5 12d 12d 5 ~11 16 0 11 6 34 10 - 30 0 -42 0 - 61 130 145 162 15 5 0 6 10 0 750 40 10 0 0 10 0 060 020 129 12 0 69 10 0 2 D 5 3 D 2 1 D 2 0 18 0 ~200 0 0 We the Committee appointed to see the Sum of two hundred pounds (part of the Money emitted by the Committee of the City & County of Albany) sunk Report that on this thirteenth day of Septr. 1775. we saw the above Bills amounting to the above Sum of two hundred pounds burnt to Ashes in the presence of Jacob C Ten Eyck and Walter Livingston Esqrs. Henry Bleecker Stepn- De Lancey P Silvester. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 247 Mr. John H. Ten Eyck laid before this Board an Account of four pounds ten Shillings which was allowed, and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same - [290] Messrs Alexander and James Robertson brought in an Acct. of seven Shillings and six Pence which was allowed, and Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same Mr. Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer reported that before he had received orders from the Committee for paying off a List of Acct'. furnished him he had paid the following persons the sums affixed to their respective Names and that he had taken receipts for the same which this Committee do approve of Viz Henry Bleecker ~3 4 0 John Roff 1 12 6 Thos. L Witbeeck 9 0 0 Lucas Van Veghten 16 14 8 Jacob Lansingh Junr. 16 7 7 James Green 2 3 6 Hugh Mitchell for Schy. Committee 108 16 0 Abraham Cuyler 4 4 -Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay unto John Bay seven Pounds eleven Shillings & eleven Pence for his Acct. Exhibited to this Board which is allowed. Abraham Yates Junr. Esqr- laid before this board an Acct of sixteen Shillings which was allowed and Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same. Resolved that Alexander White Esqr. be furnished with Copies of every thing in the Possession of this Board with which he is charged. Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated the twenty eight of August one thousand seven hundred and seventy five, containing a Bond of Roger Baxter, Christian House, Thomas Baster and Charles Gordon as also an Extract of the Minutes of a General Meeting held the twenty [291] fifth August one thousand seven hundred and seventy five. Whereas some Violence has been committed by some of the Military against the Person & Property of a certain Abraham De Weaver of the Manor of Rensselaer Wick Resolved that Messrs Bastiaen T. Visscher, Leonard Gansevoort and Lucas Van Vechten be a Committee to take Affidavits Relative to the Injuries done the said Abraham De Weaver. 248 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committee Chamber Albany the twenty first September, one thousand seven hundred & seventy five Present. Abraham Yates Rutger Lansing Stephen Hogeboom Peter Van Ness Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Matthias Van Loan Hendrick Van Bergen John H. Ten Eyck Robert Yates Thomas Acker Michael Van Der Kook Peter John Bay Frederick Berger Peter Contine Junr Chairman Philip Rockefeller John Van Order David Abeal Lucas Van Vechten Joseph Young Matthew Edgate Asa Doughlass Killiaen Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Broeck Nathaniel Culver Walter Livingston Henry Glen John Roseboom Robert Rensselaer Matthew Edgate moved that a Member of the Committee of Inspection for Kings District now in Town [292] might be admitted to sit with this Board. Resolved in the Negative. Messrs- Justices Ashman and Wouter De Ridder additional Members for the District of Saratoga, appeared at this Board and requested that they might be admitted to take their Seats as Members in Consequence of an Election of the said District, but without any Credentials, but the Chairman being informed by Mr. Mc.Crea Clerk to the said Committee, that they were duly Elected Ordered that they take their Seats this Day and that they produce their Credentials at the next general CommitteeAdjournment untill two of the Clock ?' r*t '/4 -1/A PAGE 291 1F TIE MANUSCRIPT PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 249 Met according to adjournmentPresent. Abraham Yates Junr ChairmanRutger Lansing Peter Van Ness Matthias Van Loan Junr Robert Yates Hendrick Van Bergen [293] Bastiaen T Visscher David Abeal Peter Vossburgh Philip Rockefeller Peter S. Van Alstyne Walter Livingston Abraham Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort Nathan Clerk John Van Order Robert Van Rensselaer Joseph Young Peter Silvester Matthew Edgate Abraham Cuyler Thomas Acker Asa Douglass Michael Van Derkook Nathaniel Culver John Bay Stephen Hogeboom Lucas Van Vechten Peter Contine Ignas Kip Frederick Koral Toll Henry Quackenbush Henry Glen Ebenezer Wood John H. Roseboom Joseph Barber John Beeckman Amos Huntington Killiaen Van Rensselaer John H. Ten Eyck Henry Van Schaack John Ten Broeck Resolved that Messr.s. Walter Livingston, Robert Rensselaer, Henry Glen, Abraham Ten Broeck and Lucas Van Vechten be a Committee to make an Arrangement of the Return of the Officers of the Militia and the Minute Men make report accordinglyBy return of the field Officers for the Half moon and Balls Town District, it appears that the following Persons were recommended. Jacobus Van Schoonhoven Colonel James Gordon Lieutenant Colonel Ezekial Taylor first Major Andrew Mitchell Second Major David Rumsey Adjutant Simon Fort Quarter Master 250 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE And the above Persons being approved of by this Board Ordered that they be recommended accordingly to the Provincial Congress to be CommissionedBy return of the field Officers for the District of Schacticoke and Hosack it appears that the following Persons Were Recommended - to wit. John Knickerbacker Colonel Daniel Bradt Lieutenant Colonel Dirck Van Vechten first Major John Van Rensselaer second Major Charles H. Toll Adjutant Ignas Kip Quarter Master [294] And the above Persons being approved of, this Board Ordered that they be recommended accordingly to the Provincial Congress to be Commissioned. By a return of the field Officers for the District of the Coxackie and the great Imboght, it appears that the following Persons were recommended, to wit Anthony Van Bergen Colonel Cornelius Du Bois Lieutenant Colonel Ignas Van Order first Major John L. Bronck Second Major John Ten Broeck Adjutant Habartis Van Loan Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved by this Board, Ordered that they be recommended accordingly to the Provincial Congress to be Commissioned A Memorial was laid before this Board by Mr. Robert Van Rensselaer on behalf of himself and two hundred and eighty one Persons of the District of Claverack which said Memorial is in the following Words-to wit. To the Respectable the General Committee for the City of Albany The Memorial of the Subscribers, Inhabitants of the District of Claverack Humbly Sheweth. That hitherto this Committee has been Represented in this Committee by five Members, to wit, Robert Van Rensselaer, Richard Esselstyne, Peter Van Ness, Stephen Hogeboom Esqr-9S and Mr. Peter Contine - That of the above five Persons two, to wit, Messrs Hogebome & Contine were particularly Nominated by the Inhabitants living [295] in the Eastern part of the Dis PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 251 trict- That lately in Consequence of a Resolution of this Committee an Election has been held for the Purpose of Electing six Members in addition to the above Number five - That your Memorialists are informed the above Election was Ordered upon the Application of some of the Inhabitants of the Eastern Part of the District- That your Memorialists trust the above Resolution would not have been Entered Into had this Committee supposed it would have been disagreeable to a Majority of the District Especially as the District had already a Competent Represention- That your Memorialists do Aver that if the sense of the District was taken Expecting the Propriety of the above Measure a Majority of the Inhabitants would be found opposed to it.- That the Eastern Inhabitants having Previously two Members out of five of their own Nomination and the six new Members lately chosen being in Consequence of the Election being held there Entirely from that QuarterYour Memorialists conceive That the District is not in all its part fairly and Equally Represented that tho the five Persons above named were chosen for an Indefinite Time, Yet your Memorialists do Aver it to have been the Intention of the Inhabitants that their Members were to Continue in Office during the will and Pleasure of their Constituents & consequently that whenever a Majority of the Inhabitants thought it Expedient they might proceed to a new Election - That the late Election of six new Members has been Productive of Great Uneasiness and Dissatisfaction in the District - That the most Efficacious means for removing the present Discontent [296] and which your Memorialists will Vouch to be a Measure Agreeable to a Majority of the Inhabitants in the District, your Memorialists would propose an Entire new Election for the whole District to be held at the usual place on a day to be appointed by this Committee who should also Direct the number of members to be Chosen - Your Memorialists however confiding in the Wisdom and Integrity of this Committee chearfully submit the whole matter to their Determination and Humbly pray that such Relief may be granted then in the Premisses as to this Committee shall seem meet - & Your Memorialists shall ever Pray &c - The foregoing Memorial being taken into Consideration The Question being put whether the Committee of the District of Clavarack shall be dissolved and a new Election granted agreeable to the prayer of the aforesaid Petition- Resolved in the Negative.Agreeable to a Resolve of this Board the last of general Meeting Messrs Stephen Hogeboom and Peter Van Ness return'd Messrs Jacob Ford, Isaac Spaldon, Robert James Sexton, David Pratt, and Solomon Hutchinson as 252 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE additional Members of this Committee and arrising upon their admissionand the Question being put whether or no they should be admitted Resolved that they be admitted and Ordered that they take their Seats accordingly.By a Return of the field Officers of Kinderhook it appears that the following Persons were recommended, to wit, [297] Andries Witbeck Colonel Barent Van Der Poel Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Goes first Major Cornelius Van Schaack Junr. Second Major Isaac Van Der Poel Adjutant John D. Goes Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved of by this board Ordered that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress - A Petition was laid before this Board sign'd by Isaac Goes and eight other Persons which said Petition is in the following Words, to wit. To the Committee of Safety, Correspondence, and Protection of the City and County of Albany. The Petition of the Subscribers Inhabitants of the South East Beat or District of the Township of Kinderhook Humbly Sheweth That under former Acts of Assembly for Regulating the Militia of this Colony the Inhabitants of the above Beat were formed into one Company. That the Dwelling Houses where Frans Van Buren, Peter Van Beuren and Harmen Van Beuren now reside, Where also formed in the said Beat by the Committee of the District of Kinderhook by their new Regulations of forming the Militia thereof pursuant to the Direction of the Provincial Congress. That your Petitioners have understood that the Committee of said District have now Excluded those Possessions from the said BeatThat your Petitioners had in View to chose some of those Persons for Officers placing the Greatest Confidence in their principles in Supporting the Cause of American Freedom, of which choice we are at present Deprived by such Aleniation. [298] Your Petitioners have Concluded to suspend making Choice of Officers, untill this Honorable Board shall have Determined on the Premisses. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 253 Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that some of their Members may be admitted at large to explain the reasons of their application and that should they appear to be well founded that you will be pleased to grant their request by reannexing those Possession to the Beat - And your Petitioners therefore Humbly pray And the foregoing Petition being taken into Consideration, and Debates arrising, and the Question being put whether or no the prayer of the said Petition should be Granted.Resolved in the Negative.Some differences arrising in a certain Beat of the District of Kinderhook concerning the Choice of a Captain, when Guysbert Scharp and Harmen Van Buren were set up for Captains, when a Majority was for Harmen Van Buren but as he did not reside in the Beat Mr. Scharp was returned by the Committee.It being moved that a new Election might be granted said Beat upon which Debates arrising. The Question being put whether or no a new Election should be granted said Beat.Resolved in the Affirmative.A Petition of a number of the Inhabitants of little Hosack was presented to this Board, praying that Messrs Daniel Dennison, Thomas Harris, and Nicholas Harris may be admitted as Members of this Board. Resolved that the request in said Petition be granted and Messrs Daniel Dennison, Thomas [299] Harris, and Nicholas Harris in Consequence of said Petition be admitted as Members of this Board and that they take their Seats accordingly Adjourned untill 8 OClock to Morrow Morning 254 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. [22d Septr. 1775] Present. Abraham Yates Joseph Young Ignas Kip Nicholas Harris Matthias Van Loan Asa Douglass Isaac Spalden David Pratt Wouter De Ridder Rutger Lansing Henry Van Bergen Peter Contine Matthew Edgate Koral Toll Robert Van Rensselaer Chairman Killiaen Van Rensselaer David Abeal Peter Van Ness Matthew Edgate Robert Yates Jacob Ford John Ten Eyck Ebenezer' Philip Rockefeller John Bay Michael Van Der Kook Stephen Hogeboom Walter Livingston John Ten Broeck As the District of Claverack contains more than ten Company's The Question being put whether or no as the said District contains more than ten Companies. shall be divided into two Battallions or Regiments Resolved in the Affirmative. On Motion - Resolved that Martin Krom's Company be added to the first Regiment of the District of Claverack By a Return of the Field Officers of the District of Claverack the following Persons were recommended for the first Regiment.[300] Robert Van Rensselaer Colonel John Van Alen Lieutenant Colonel Henry Van Rensselaer first Major Richard Esselstyne Second Major Abraham Van Alstyne Adjutant Lowrance Fonda Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved of by this Board Ordered that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress By a Return of the Field Officers for the second Regiment of the District of Claverack the following Persons were recommended to wit. 1 Wood? i PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 255 Peter Van Ness Collonel Stephen Hogeboom Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Ford first Major David Pratt second Major Bartholomew Heath Adjutant Jonathan Dean Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved by this Board, Ordered that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress. Whereas Doubts and Uneasiness have arrisen in the Minds of some of the Inhabitants residing on the New Hampshire Grants respecting the Contents of the general Association tendered to them to sign, being Apprehensive that they may by means thereof be disquieted in their Possessions and Claims, to remove whichIt is Resolved that it is the Oppinion of the Committee of Safety, Correspondence and Protection of the City and County of Albany that the said Inhabitants who have or may sign the general Association Tho' such Inhabitants do not Subject any Controversey respecting their Claim or Title to any real [301 ] Estates to a Judicial Determination of any Congress or Committee whatsoever. Mr. Philip Rockefeller laid before this Board an Acct. of eight Shillings, which was allowed and Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same. By a Return of the Field Officers for Kings District, it appears that the following Persons were Recommended, to wit William Bradford Whiting Colonel Asa Waterman Lieutenant Colonel Asa Douglass first Major Daniel Burck second Major Joseph Wood Adjutant Peter Garnsay Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved of by this Board, Ordered that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress 256 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE — - Albany Committee Chamber 22nd Septr' 1775 - Present. Abraham Yates Junr John Ja Beeckman John Roseboom Jacob Cuyler Abraham Cuyler Henry Glen Joseph Young John Ten Broeck John Bay Gisbert Marselis Peter S. Van Aelstyn Peter Vossburgh Chairman Henry Van Schaack Stephen Hogeboom John H Ten Eyck Robert Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Peter Van Ness Matthew Goes Corns. Van Santvoordt John N. Bleecker Resolved that Messrs Robert Yates, and Jacob Cuyler be added to the Committee appointed to audit the Accounts of this Board. [302] Albany Committee Chamber 25th Sept. 1775. Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Henry Bleecker John Ten Broeck Jacob C. Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr John H Ten Eyck Lucas Van Vechten Abraham Cuyler Bastiaen Visscher Hendrick Quackenbuss Joseph Young Messrs- John Bleven and John Baxter appeared before this Committee concerning a contraverted Election in Palatine District, for Committee Men, after having many Things pro and Contra, a proposition was made by Mr. Baxter to settle their whole Dispute, if two of the new Members chosen by his party were admitted to sit with the old Members, which Mr Blevin agreed to, upon which the Committee wrote two Letters, one to the Committee of said District, and the other to the Malcontents, advising them both to accede to the above proposal - which said Letters are in the following Words — to wit. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1775 257 Gent. This day appeared before us Jno- Bliven and Mr John Baxter, concerning the Contraverted Elections for Committees in Palatine District, and as we found it impossible for us to determine the affair without further evidence, and being convinced of the great Necessity of preserving union & harmony among all the true friends of our Country, (which we hope Gentlemen you are) we have used our influence with Mr- Bliven to get him to accede to a proposal mentioned by Mr Baxter, to wit, that the old Committee should admit into their Body, two of the new chosen Members Vizt- Charles Gordon and Lowrance Timmerman which he thought [303] would give satisfaction to the People, this Gentlemen we wou'd beg leave most earnestly to recommend to your serious Consideration as every friend to his Country must acknowledge the importance of Concord and Union in our public Measures, nor can any Persons serve the designs of our Enemies more Effectually than by promoting discord -we would also inform you, that it is expected that a dissolution of the Continental Congress, will soon take place, as it did before, in consequence of which there will be an Entire new Election of every Congress and Committee on the Continent, which will give you the chance you now desire.Gent. Agreeable to your desire we are now met to Examine & Settle the Matter concerning Messrs- Gordon, House and the two Baxters Mr- Bliven appeared, and Mr. John Baxter in behalf of the former who delivered in a Paper signed by Roger Baxter, Christiaen House, and Charles Gordon setting forth some Grievances and desire six weeks Adjournment, and showed us a Petition intended for the Continental Congress from all which we foresaw that the Matter could not regularly now be determined Notwithstanding fell on a Method which we conceived might Ten[d] to get the matter compromised We recommended to Mr' Blivens and Baxter to agree among themselves and allow all the former Committees of Palatine District to remain and to add two of the new Committees (which they agreed shoud be Charles Gordon and Lawrance Timmerman) to Represent Jointly the District of Palatine, to which they have agreed and promissed to recommend it to both Parties for their Approbation, and all former Matters to be Buried in Oblivion. This we considered as the most Plausable Step to Reestablish Union (the main Spring [304] of all our Actions) in your County, which we heartily wish you will approve of especially as we expect, that before long the Con9 258 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE tinental Congress will dissolve itself, when there will be a New Election for Committees throughout the whole Province. Albany Committee Chamber 27th Sept. 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Robert Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Abraham Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Corns- Van Santvoordt Jacob Cuyler Joseph Young John J Beeckman John Ten Broeck Gysbert Marselis Messrs Robert Yates and Joseph Young the Committee appointed to take into Consideration a hand Bill publis[h]ed by Ebenezer Marvin, Samuel Bacon and Luther Brown, holding up to the Public Messrs Bany and Bloore Merchants in this City, in a light that might expose them to the Resentment of the Populace reported as follows, that the following Resolution be published, to wit. Whereas a hand Bill was lately published by Ebenezer Marvin, Samuel Bacon and Luther Brown, with an evident design to hold up to the Resentment of the Public Messrs.. Bany and Bloore Merchants in the City of Albany. And Whereas in the present unhappy conjuncture, it has been found expedient to Committees of Safety and Protection in the several Districts of this County. And Whereas by the general associ[at]ion Subscrib'd by the Inhabitants of this County the Preservation of Property and the Safety of Individuals is Solem[n]ly engaged to be inviolaby maintained; In order therefore the remove the ill tendency of the [305] said Hand Bill, to express & in disapprobation of its publication and to discourage the like Practices for the future. Resolved therefore, That any person or persons, who, shall without the consent of the Committee where such person or Persons intended to be Publis[h]ed may reside by advertisement hold up to view his or their Political Conduct, shall be deemed Guilty of having contravened the said Association Received a Letter from the Committee of Sharon and Salisbury inclosing two Affidavits one of Elisha Goodrich, and the other of Archelaus PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 259 Whitten concerning their Treatment on the Road between Albany and Sharon, which said Affidavits are on file, and the Letter is as follows to wit. [Remainder of page 305 and all of page 306 blank.] [307] Albany Committee Chamber 27th Septr. 1775 -Present. Abraham Yates Chairman Joseph Young Stephen DeLancey Peter Silvester John H Ten Eyck Robert Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Cuyler Jacob Lansingh Lucas Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush Gysbert Marselis Cornelius Van Santvolort John Ten Broeck Resolved that Messrs. Robert Yates, Joseph Young, John H. Ten Eyck, and Henry Bleecker be a Committee to draw up a State of the proceedings of this Committee, relative to the late Treaty with the Indians, to be sent to the Continental Congress. Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay Edward S. Willet thirty four Pounds sixteen Shillings and eight pence agreeable to the Account exhibited to this Board. Resolved that Thos. L. Witbeeck be engaged to go express to the Committee of Sharon & Salisbury Albany Committee Chamber Oct 4th: 1775. Present. Jacob Lansingh Junr. as Chairman Abraham Cuyler Robert Yates John Ja. Beeckman John Bay Jacob Cuyler Stephen De Lancey John H Ten Eyck John N. Bleecker Goose Van Schaick Henry Quackenbush Joseph Young Bastiaen T. Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Resolved Unanimously that the following Letter be sent to General David Wooster 260 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Hond. Sir A party of the Troops under your Command [308] last Night made an attempt the force the House of one Mr. Low, an Inhabitant of this City, apparently with a design of committing some gross injury to his Family, in the prosecution of which they have beat his Wife and Daughter, the latter of whom in so severe a manner as would be shocking to humanity to repeat, & destroyed some of his property - These Men have the same Night also behaved extreamly disorderly in the City to the great disturbance and disquiet of its Inhabitants It gives us a sensible Concern, That Soldiers whom we were induced to believe were raised for the defence of our Liberty and property, should give us so early an Instance of their Inclinations to deprive us of both - As we are appointed a Committee of Safety for this City & County, our Duty impels us to make you this representation, and at the same time, if upon due inquiry, you should find the Facts true, that you will by an examplary punishment of the offenders deter others from committing the like Offences- We are Hond Sir With the greatest respect Your Very Hum Servt. ' ~Albany Com[m]ittee Chamber 5th Octr 1775 -Present. Jacob Cuyler Chairman P. T. James Barker Guert Van Schoonhoven Walter Livngston Corns' Van Santvoordt Peter Vrooman Matthew Adgate James Wilson John Bay Gerrit Lansingh Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher John N. Bleecker Stephen J. Schuyler John H Ten Eyck Asa Douglass Robert Yates Frederick Berger Joseph Barter Henry Oothoudt Junr Isaac Fonda Walter De Ridder [309] Johannis P. Rose Goose Van Schaick Leonard Gansevoort By a return of the Field Officers for the united Districts of Schohary & Duanesburgh, the following Persons were recommended PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 261 Peter Vrooman Collo. Peter W Zielen Lieut Colo~ Thomas Eckerson 1 Major Jost Becker 2 Do~ Lowrance Schoolcraft Adjutant Peter Ball Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved of by this Board, ordered that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress. By a return of the Field Officers for the District of Schonectady, the following Persons were recommended Abraham Wemple ColoJacob Schermerhorn Lieut. Col Abraham Swits 1 Major Nicholas P. Veeder 2 Do. Aaron N. Van Petten Adjutant John Peeck Quarter Master. And the above Persons being approved of by this Board, Ordered that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress. By a return of the Field Officers for the District of Saratoga, the following Persons, were recommended John McCrea. Collo. Cornm Van Veghten Lieut Col Daniel Dickinson 1st Major Jacob Van Schaick 2 Do. Archibald McNiel Adjutant John Vernor Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved of by this Board, Oidered, that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress The following Persons to wit Justus Ashman Walter De Ridder, George Palmer, Richard Hart [310] and Jonathan Jones Esqr- were returned by the Committee of Saratoga as additional Members for the Committee of said District, who were approved of, ordered that they take their Seats accordingly Received a Letter from General Wooster dated 4th Octr. 1775 in answer to one of the same Date from this Board, which said Letter is in the following Words. to wit. 262 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Gentn. Albany 4th Octr. 1775. I have this moment received your favour of this Date, and you may depend on it that I shall make a strict Scrutiny into the Outrage committed by any of my Troops last Night and shall punish them according to the Demerrits of their Crime- I am Gent. with sincere Regard yr. Very Humble Servt. Davd. Wooster A return was made by the Committee of the Manor of Livingston of Field Officers by which Walter Livingston Esqr was recommended for first Major, but being already engaged in public Services and thereby unable the Duty of said Commission declined to be recommended. Therefore resolved that it be recommended to the Committee of said District, to recommend another Person in his stead, and that the Sub-Committee recommend their return to the Provincial Congress. The following Persons to wit Peter Rose and Wessel Ten Broeck were returned by the Committee of German Camp District as additional Members of said District, who were approved of by this Board, Ordered that they take their Seats accordingly. A Petition was presented by this Board by Thaddeus Noble which is in the following Words to wit. [311] To the Honorable Committee for the City and County of Albany. The Petition of Thaddeus Noble of Kings District in said County Humbly Sheweth, that he the said Noble hath Served a Regular Apprenticeship, To the Trade of a Gun-Smith and as Guns or fire Arms at this Critical Day are much wanted he the said Noble is willing to serve the Public in his Occopation and having heard that there were a Number of Guns, Burned and Broke at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, which he the said Noble thinking might again be made Serviceable by Refitting them-on which Intelligence your Petitioner has been at the Cost and Trouble of a Journey to Ticonderoga to View the aforesaid Burned and Broken Guns, and is Humbly of the Oppinion that there may be a Number of them Refitted for Service - and that your Petitioner when at Ticonderoga did apply himself to the Commander there for to Purchase or Refit said Guns, that the Public might have Benefit by them, on which the Commander replyed he had no right to dispose of said Guns, but that if your Petitioner would Procure the Committees of Albany's Order for said Guns, then he would Deliver him the said Guns therefore your Petitioner humbly prayeth you to take the Matter into your Considera PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 263 tion, and Grant him that Assistance in the Premisses that in your Wisdom you shall think meet. Resolved that this Board deems the Application by the foregoing Peti [ti] on improper but that he be recommended to General Schuyler which was done in the Words following, to wit, Hond. Sir The bearer hereof Mr. Thaddeus Noble of Kings District Gunsmith applyed to this Committee, offering either to repair the Damaged Arms now at Ticonderoga and Crownpoint for the [312] Use of the Public, or otherwise to Purchase them for his own use. But as we conceive the application to us to be improper we have referred him to your honor within whose Province we apprehend this Matter properly falls.A Petition was presented to this Board sign'd by Frans Van Burren and four others against Dirck Gardenier which is in the Words following, to wit, To the Committee of Safety, Correspondence and Protection of the City and County of Albany. The Petition of the Subscribers inhabitants of one of the Beats or Districts of the Township of Kinderhook Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner, are informed that Dirck Gardiner is by the new Regulation for Regulating the Militia of this Colony chosing a Captain in said Beat That your Petitioner humbly pray that the said Dirck Gardinier may not be admitted as a Captain for several Reasons, as being unfriendly to the Cause of America freedom. Your Petitioner, therefore humbly pray that some of their Members or some Persons in their behalf, may be admitted at large to Explain the Reasons of their Application and that should they appear to be well founded, that you will be pleased to grant their Request by Ordering a new Election. And your Petitioners therefore humbly pray Resolved that the said Dirck Gardoneer be served with a Copy of the foregoing Petition and that the said Dirck Gardoneer, and the Petitioners attend at the next General Committee on the 19 Instant with their Proofs, that the said Complaint with the Evidence may be transmitted by this Board to the Provincial Congress for their Determination. 264 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that Peter Vrooman be authorised to receive from Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer to this Board the Money due on the Account heretofore allowed and ordered to be paid to Docr. Budd, for and on behalf of the said [313] Mr. Budd, and that he the said Vrooman furnish this Board with a Receipt from him for the said Sum within one fortnight By a return of the Field Officers for the District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, the following Persons were recommended for the four Battalions to wit. 1 Battln- Abraham Ten Broeck Coll. in Chief Francis Nicoll Lieut- Collo Henry Quackenbush M Barent StaatsMaors. John Quackenbush Adjutant Chrisr- Lansingh Quarter Master 2 Battn. Killian Van Rensselaer ColloJohn H. Beeckman Lieut. Collo. Cornelius Van Beuren ' Jacob C. Schermerhornj Majors. Jacob Van Der Pool Adjutant John A Lansingh Quarter Master 3 D~O Stephen Schuyler Coll~Gerrit G. Van Den Bergh Lieut- Collo. Peter P. Schuyler M Volkert Veeder Majors Maas Van Vranken Adjutant Francis Marshall Quarter Master 4 D~. Stephen J. Schuyler Collo. Henry K Van Rensselaer Lieut Col~Philip De Freest M John J. Fonda Majors Volkert Oothoudt Adjutant Jacob Van Aelstyn Quarter Master And the above Persons being approved of by this Board, ordered that they be recommended to the Provincial Congress. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 265 [314] Albany Committee Chamber 7th Octr. 1775. Present. Jacob Lansingh Jun. Chairman P. T. John H Ten Eyck Cornelius Van Santvoordt Robert Yates Gysbert Marselis Gosen Van Schaick Lucas Van Veghten Jacob Cuyler John Bay Henry J. Bogert Henry Quackenbush John N. Bleecker Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress dated in Congress 4 Oct. 1775 inclosing a Copy of a Resolve of said Congress of the 3rd Instant which said Letter and Resolve are in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen By the inclosed resolution you'll see that the Barracks & Hospital or either of them as you may think proper are to be repaired & fire Wood to be provided, It is however the Sense of this Congress that the burthen of this Commission should not be troublesome to your Committee, unless you incline to Act therein, and as it may be more expeditiously & effectually done by appointing two Persons, Messrs Gysbert Marselis & Cornelius Van Santvoort of your Committee are recommended to superintend this business under your direction If you approve of this appointment, you can immediately set them about the Work - We think it not improper to hint to you that the less expensive the operation is will be the most agreeable to Gentlemen Your most Obedt- Hum Servts By order Nathel. Woodhull Presidt. In Committee of Safety for the Colony of New York Octr. 3rd: 1775 Ordered that the Committee of Albany be requested to have the Barracks, or Hospital at Albany or both as the Committee shall think proper repaired with all possible dispatch in the cheapest & least expensive manner, so as to make them fit for the reception of [315] the Troops of the Continental Army, And that the said Committee be farther requested, to direct such a Quantity of fire Wood to be procured for the use of the said Bar 266 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE racks, as they shall think necessary, And that the said Committee send an Account with the most authentic Vouchers of the expence and disbursements occasioned by mfaking such Repairs & procuring fire Wood, to the Congress or Committee of Safety of this Colony, that the same may be audited and paid. A true Copy from the Minutes Robt. Benson SecyIn Consequence of a Recommendation in the foregoing Letter Messrs Cornelius Van Santvoordt and Gysbert Marselis, were appointed to superintend the repairing of the Barracks for the reception of such of the Continental Army, as may have an occasion to lay in this City As there are many Articles which will be necessary in the repairing the Barracks aforesaid which cannot be purchased without ready Cash Therefore resolved that this Board draw upon the Provincial Congress for two hundred Pounds for that purpose Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Provincial Congress, which was done in the following Words to wit Gentlemen. In consequence of your Letter respecting, the repairing of the Barracks, we have appointed those Persons, who you recommended to us, whom we Judge are Competent for the purpose, we will give them all the advice they may stand in need of, in order to compleat this business with expedition And as many Articles cannot be got without Cash Vizt. fire Wood, Lime Brick &c- we have therefore taken the Liberty to draw upon you in favour of Messrs. Peter Silvester, Abraham Yates Junr. & Henry Glen for the Sum of two hundred Pounds for which Sum this Committee will be accountable for after the Work is Compleated. We are Gent. Your humble Servts. By order Jacob Lansingh Junr PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 267 [316] Albany Committee Chamber 9h Octr. 1775, at 4 OClock Present. [ Chairman] Jacob Cuyler Walter Livingston Henry Wendell Henry J. Bogert John Ja. Beeckman Cornelius Van Santvoordt Bastiaen T. Visscher John Bay Gysbert Marselis Gosen Van Schaick Joseph Young Leonard Gansevoort Henry Quackenbush Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress dated 6th Octr. 1775 in Congress, in the Provincial Congress Gentlemen, In Consequence of Major General Schuyler's Dispatches this day received by express we have sent up to Albany a Boat, expeditiously to be rowed up 1400ns of Powder for the use of our Northern Army- We have acquainted the Continental Congress of this & informed them, that we would request you to give aid to the forwarding of this necessary Article in the best & most speedy manner & if you can by the help of your Magazine, or any other Way Augment the Quantity it will be very acceptable We have urged the Grand Congress to send a further supply if it is procurable & to replace what we lend on this necessitous occasion as soon as possible You will please to advise with the Commissary General or his Deputies & Col~* Van Schaick if at Albany respecting to the Mode of Conveying up the Powder in safety & with dispatch. We are Gentlemen Your most Obedt. Hum Svt By order Nath1- Woodhull Prest. Received a Letter from the Delegates of this County in Provincial Congress dated New York 6th Octr. 1775. inclosing a Copy of a Letter from Gen1l Schuyler to the Provincial Congress dated 29th Septr. 1775. which is in the following Words to wit, Gentlemen, As it may be more than [317] probable that you may be inquisitive about the Contents of the express that passed thro' your City to this Congress from Major General Schuyler, and we can see no good reason why you should not 268 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE be informed of it (if you are not already) we have obtained leave from this Congress to communicate the intelligence which we do by furnishing you with a Copy under this injunction however, that respecting the want of Powder, you will keep a profound Secret, you will please to favour us with every matter of importance that comes to your knowledge well authenticated, we are Gent. Your Most humble Servts Abraham Yates Junr Henry Glen Peter Silvester The Capt. of a Vessel from Bristol arrived Yesterday says, that he knows nor heard any thing of the Hanoverian Armament as mentioned by the Captn of the Liverpool Vessel of which we informed you in our last, we hope it may be so, the Bristol Vessel Sailed several Days after the Liverpool Whereas there is some Powder in the City Magazine belonging to this Committee, and as the Provincial Congress has requested this Board to supply General Schuyler with any Quantity that can be spared, Therefore Resolved that two hundred and forty pounds of Powder belonging to this Board now in this City Magazine be forwarded to General Schuyler agreeable to the Request of the Provincial Congress Albany Committee Chamber 11th Octr. 1775. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Henry J. Bogert John H Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler Jacob Cuyler Corns. Van Santvoordt Abraham Ten Broeck Goose Van Schaick Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort Joseph Young Gisbert Marselis John Bay Jacob Lansingh Junr- Henry Wendell Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay [318] Richard Garrison for himself and ten privates who went up to Lake George at the taking PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 269 of Ticonderoga the Sum of twenty three pounds eleven Shillings and two pence. Resolved that the Treasurer pay Messrs. Rutger Lansingh, Isaac Fonda & Guert Van Schoonhoven or either of them the Sum of twenty four Pounds five Shillings and three pence being the amount of the Subscription in the District of Half Moon sent to Lake George for the use of the Provincial Troops at Ticonderoga Resolved that the Treasurer pay also the following Accounts to wit Robert Lansingh ~30 10 0 Chrisr- A. Yates 2 0 0 Resolved that the Clerk transmit to the Provincial Congress of this Colony, the Arrangement of the Field and other Officers, of the several Regiments in this County This Board then proceeded to the appointment of Field Officers for the City Regiment, and thereupon appointed Jacob Lansingh Junr Collo. Dirck Ten Broeck Lieut. ColloHenry Wendell M Abraham H. Cuyler JMaors Volkert A Douw Adjutant Ephraim Van Veghten Quarter Master Albany Committee Chamber 13th Octr 1775. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Henry J. Bogert Joseph Young Jacob Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Robert Yates Stephen De Lancey John Ja Beeckman Received a Letter from the Deputies of this County in Provincial Congress dated 3rd October 1775 which is in the following Words to wit Gentlemen We arrived here this Morning after a [319] long tedious, and very disagreeable Passage, a Congress could not be convened by reason of absent Members, the Committee of Safety have ordered the barracks in our City to be repaired and made fit for the reception of the Troops in the Continental 270 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Service, that may occasionally be there it is to be supposed will not be unpleasing to you as they must have shelter from the inclemencies of the Weather & you know they will make their Quarters if none is provided for them & it is more than probable from the present posture of Affairs that there will be numbers of them continually passing & repassing thro' your City at least for some time, Inclosed is the latest intelligence & however disagreeable we think it our duty to communicate it to you, some however doubt of its authenticity & say those Troops are destined for Gibralter, we long for an oppertunity to convey you more welcome news, but we fear that period is but Itoo far distant, it is our duty to wait for & trust in that providence who is able to bring about that wished for event. This once, gay, opulent and flourishing City now comparatively speaking appears to be a Town of Desolation, but we have still reason to be thankfull that we are not reduced to the Distressed situation of our Brethren in a neighbouring Colony, they are impatient to hear from the Northward We are Gent Your most humble Servts. Abm Yates Junr Henry Glen P Silvester The resolution respecting the Reparation of the barracks above mentioned are already forwarded by the Secretary Received a Letter from John McKesson Secretary of 'the Provincial Congress which is in the following Words to wit. Goose Van Schaick Colo- in the room of Myndert Roseboom Peter Yates Lieut Col. in the room of Goose Van Schaick [320] Peter Gansevoort Junr. in the room of Lucas Van Veghten Barent J. Ten Eyck Captn. in the room of Peter Vrooman George White Capt. in the room of Stephen J Schuyler John Graham Captn. in the room of Peter Yates Henry Van Woert Quarter Master John Tillman Adjutant Stephen McCrea Surgeon Sir I beg the favour of you to direct that from the Minutes of your Committee, the Dates or Times of the Indorsements, made on the Warrants, by which PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 271 the above Officers were changed may be sent to me immediately, that their Commissions may be filled up & sent up to them - Also the day of the appointment of the Quarter Master Adjutant and Surgeon - Some of them were by your Committee appointed in July & others in August. I pray this may not be ommitted, as all the other Regiments, have their Commissions Compleated & now forwarded, and also because the arrangement to 'be sent to Continental Congress is imperfect & waits for those Dates If part of the second Regiment was raised by the Committee of Albany & went on Service before the 28th June please to give the Names of those Officers & the Time they went on Service that their Commissions may be so dated as to save their pay. I am most respectfully Sir Your Very humble Servt. John McKesson Resolved that the Clerk draw an answer to said Letter which was done in the following Words to wit Goose Van Schaick Col~ 11 th July Peter Yates Lieut Coll~' 11th July Peter Gansevoort Junr Major 19th D~. Barent Ten Eyck Captn- 19 D~. Dirck Hansen 1 Lieut. 11 D~. John G Lansingh 2 D~o 23 June [321] John Graham Captn. 11th July Gideon King 1 Lieut 1 th July Nichs- Van Rensselaer 2 D~- 19 July John Visscher Captn 26 May Benjamin Evans 1 Lieut. 30 D~ By the Committee Joseph Fitch 2 D~ 26 Do George White Capt 3 June Jarvis Mudge 1 Leut. 3 June By the Committee Eleazer Grant 2 D. 3 June Hezekiah Baldwin Cap"n 3 June Nathaniel Rowley 1 Lieut 3 June By D~ Roswel Beebe 3 June Joel Pratt Capt. 5 June Benjamin Chittenden 1 Lieut 5 June D~ Israel Spencer 2 D~O 5 June 272 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Cornelius Van Dyck Capt' 28th May Cornelius Van Slyck 1 Lieut 28 DO D~. Guy Young 2 Do. 19 July Henry Van Woert Quarter Master 26th July John Tillman Adjutant 26 July Stephen McCrea Surgeon appointed by the Provincial Congress. Sir Above you have the Dates or Times of the indorsements made on the Warrants by which part of the above Officers were changed Those that were raised by the Committee have been paid till the 23rd June last You will observe from the above State that White's Company was raised by the Committee by thro' some mistake his Commission was not made out with the others. The Surgeon was appointed by the Congress must therefore refer you to their Minutes for the Time of his appointment We are Sir Your humble Servts By order of the Committee Henry Bleecker Chr P T. [322] Albany Committee Chamber 19th Octr 1775 - Henry Bleecker Jacob Cuyler Lucas Van Veghten Peter Vossburgh Corns Van Veghten Henry Van Schaack Bastiaen T. Visscher Matthew Goes Junr. Peter S. Van Aelstyn Robert Yates Philip Conine Francis Nicoll James Sexton Present. Chairman Pro Temp. Volkert Veeder Daniel B. Bratt Joseph Young John Ja Beeckman Asa Douglass Leonard Gansevoort Walter Livingston Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Quackenbush John Ten Broeck Frederick Berger Stephen De Lancey PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 273 Resolved that Leond. Gansevoort Treasurer pay Mr' Cornelius Van Veghten sixteen Shillings agreeable to his Account exhibited to this Board. Mr. Isaac Goes appeared before this Board and Complained that the Committee of Kinderhook had not held a new Election in the South Beat of the District agreeable to the order of this Committee, and prayed that the Inhabitants of said Beat, might have a new Election for said Officers. Upon which Debates arising and the Question being put, whether or no the Resolution of the General Committee of the 21 st Septr. last should be rescinded, or not. Resolved that the said Resolution stand. Mrs. Elizabeth White, Wife of Alexander White Esqr. appeared before this Board, and prayed that said Alexander White might be discharged from Close Confinement and have the Liberty of the Hall Resolved that the Sheriff be sent for, and be informed that this Committee have no objection to his discharging from Close Confinement, or giving said Alexander White the Liberty of the Hall provided he adhere's, or performs his former promise to this Board of giving them Notice of his discharge previous thereto The Sheriff attended & promised this Board to adhere to and perform his former promise - [323] Adjourned till 3 OClock P. M. 274 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Henry Van Schaack Hendrick Fiero Peter Vossburgh Francis Nicoll Matthew Goes Junr. Rutger Lansingh Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler Stephen De Lancey Harmanus Wendell James Sexton Killiaen Van Rensselaer Peter Van Vraken Philip Conine Peter S. Van Aelstyn Walter Livingston Volkert Veeder John Ten Broeck Frederick Berger Leonard Gansevoort Leond Gansevoort Joseph Young John H Ten Eyck Johannis Ball Lucas Van Veghten Isaac Fonda Daniel B Bratt Abraham Cuyler Cornelius Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Abraham Ten Broeck Mr. Harmen Van Beuren one of the Petitioners and Dirck Gardoneer appeared before this Board agreeable to the resolution of last General Committee The Petitioner desired agreeable to the prayer of the Petition to be heard by Council, Upon which Debates arising, and the Question being put whether or no the said request should be granted Resolved in the Affirmative. Mr. Dirck Gardoneer offered to disprove the Petition alledged against him, and upon hearing the Proofs and allegations of both parties it appeared, that three of the five Signers to wit, Hendrick Gardoneer, Shubel Head and Jonathan Head, had retracted- Upon which the Question being put, whether or no this Committee shall farther take Notice of said Petition, as there only remained two Signers. Resolved in the Affirmative. The Treasurer recd. from Mr. Johannis Ball the Sum of Eleven pounds, fifteen Shillings New York Currency being [324] for Powder the Committee of Schoharry had from this Board. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 275 Mr. Peter Wiesmer appeared before this Board and Complained, of the Obstruction, of the Proceedings at Law, in part of this County- The Committee took the same into Consideration, and thereupon Resolved that Messrs Robert Yates, Walter Livingston Abraham Ten Broeck, Leonard Gansevoort, Henry Van Schaack, John Ten Broeck and Henry Quackenbush, or the Major Part of them be a Committee to draw up certain Resolves declaring the Sense of this Committee relative to the Proceedings at Law. The Petitioners against Dirck Gardoneer proceeded to the proof of the Charges alledged against him, and thereupon an Examination thereof was taken which is on file. The Question being put whether or no the said Examination should be sent down to the Provincial Congress, agreeable to a former Resolution, upon which Debates arising Resolved in the Affirmative. Resolved also that both parties be at Liberty to take Copies of the said Examination, and the proceedings of this Board relative to said Matter Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Octr 1775. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Robert Yates Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort John H. Ten Eyck Goose Van Schaick John Ja. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Cuyler Joseph Young Henry J. Bogert Received a Letter from the Deputies in provincial 1775 inclosing ~200 for the purpose of applying Barracks, which is in the following Words to wit. Congress dated 14th Octr. to the reparation of the Gentlemen, Your Letter of the 9th Instant to the Provincial Congress [325] with a Draft on the President in our favor for ~200 was duly received and honoured without the least hesitation, and accordingly you have the Cash sent you up by this oppertunity, as our Receipt is passed for the same, You'll please to acknowledge the reception when it comes to your hand, we know 276 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE of no news of Consequence, that we are at Liberty to Communicate, Mr Penn is arrived in England, who carried the Petition of the Continental Congress to the Throne, it is said it appears by Letters in Town, it was most Graciously received by his Majesty, whether this is much more than the usual Ceremony, we don't undertake to say we have not heard that it has yet had any other effect or Operation we hope for the best & are Gent. Your most humble Servts Abm Yates Jun. Henry Glen P. Silvester N B. as the Receipt for the above ~200 passed only in Mr. Glen's name you'll please to give or send him a receipt for the same Since writing the above we have procured & inclose you the News of the Day As Mr- Earnest was desired by Mr. Robert Yates to take up all the Albany Bills, I have taken the freedom of given him Continental Money for the sum of ~15 4 0 H Glen. Resolved that the said Money be lodged into the Hands of Messrs John Ja Beeckman & Abraham Cuyler and to be by them paid for the said use, they producing to this Board proper Vouchers for ithe expenditure Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress dated Octr. 13th. 1775 in the Words following to wit. Gentlemen The Canadian Prisoners in your City have applied to us, in order to obtain their Liberty, which it certainly is not in our Power to give them. The Generals Schuyler & Montgomerie, must have had good Reason to take them into Custody - Yet it is our Duty to alleviate as much as possible the Evils of their Confinement We therefore request this of you & also to provide them [326] with Lodgings & Board at the public expence taking the necessary precautions to prevent their escape We are Gent. Your most humble Servts. Nathel- Woodhull PrestResolved that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Tryon County. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 277 Gent. On the 14th of July last past we transmitted to you by Mr- Frederick Fisher in consequence of your earnest request, one hundred & fifty pounds of Powder which we then presumed to take out of the Provincial Stores, and requested you at the same time to send us the Money for the same at the rate of ~25 V Ct This Sum we have not yet received. As we are busy in drawing our Accounts in order to lay the same before the Provincial Congress in order to their being audited it follows that we must make ourselves Debtor for this Powder, and unless you transmit the Money soon we must pay it out of our own pocket - We are Gent Your Humble Servts By order of the Committee Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay John Van Ostrander twenty Pounds eight Shillings for Services done for this Board. Resolved that Jacob Cuyler be appointed to Contract with John Hansen of this City for a House, Fire Wood and Candles for the use of the Burgers Watch, and that this Committee will find Ways and Means to pay for the same. Resolved also that it be recommended to the respective Captains of the Watch in this City, that they in each Ward make a new arrangement of the Watch and that each Watch is to consist of no more than fifteen Men, and that the Officers of each Ward supply the Deficiency of the Officers which will arise in the new arrangement by chusing so many more officers as may be necessary for the said purpose Resolved farther that every Captain of a Watch in the [327] Morning report to the Chairman of the Committee for the Time being, the state and Condition of his Watch and what Persons have refused, neglected or delayed to attend the same, or when these refused to do their Duty. 278 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 26th Octr 1775 - Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Robert Yates Abraham Cuyler John Ja Beeckman Walter Livingston Henry Quackenbush Jlacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob Cuyler Joseph Young Henry J Bogert Goose Van Schaick Gerrit Lansingh Junr- Jacob C. Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher John N. Bleecker Resolved that the Commitees of the several Districts in this County attend in General Committee, on Monday the 30th Instant for the purpose of advising for the Election of twelve Deputies to attend in Provincial Congress on the 14th November and farther Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the respective Committees, to wit. Gent. As matters of the utmost importance from the Provincial Congress are laid before us, we feel ourselves as a Sub-Committee inadequate to its final Determination without the aid of the General Committee We are therefore necessitated earnestly to require your attendance on Monday the thirtieth Day of October Instant at one of the Clock in the afternoon at Mr Cartwrights, and we beg of you that you will not fail to attend at the above Time- We are Gent Your humble Serv'. By order of the Committee. Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Tryon County, to wit. Gent. Considering your remote situation we conceive it a duty we owe to Brethren imbarked in the same glorious Cause to acquaint you that the Provincial Congress have resolved to dissolve themselves on the 14th of Novr. [328] next and that an Election be held in the respective Counties for new Deputies on the 7th Instant The inclosed Copy of their Resolves in the News Papers, will give you a more explicit direction on this Head, than what we can pretend to. We are Gent. Your humble Servt. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 279 Resolved that Matthew Visscher Clerk to this Board ingage an express, to go to such Places as he shall direct, and that Committee will find Ways and Means to pay the same Resolved that Leond. Gansevoort Treasurer pay Jacob C Ten Eyck Esqr. two pounds eighteen Shillings agreeable to his Account exhibited to this Board. Also that he pay Mr. Isaac Bogert twenty eight Pounds three Shillings and four pence being the Money this Committee received from him. Resolved that Isaac Bogert and Marte Myndertse, in the first Ward, Rutger Bleecker & John Ja Bleecker in the second Ward and Isaac Van Aernam & Gerrit Groesbeeck in the 'third Ward be appointed to collect the Monies that were subscribed in this City for the suffering Poor in Boston, and that they pay the same to this Committee, or 'their Order Resolved that Jacob C. Ten Eyck pay Messrs- James Vornor and Richard Cartwright their Accounts against this Board, and that this Committee will hereafter be accountable to said Mr. Ten Eyck for the same, And farther Resolved that the Chairman give a Receipt for the same in behalf of this Committee. Resolved also that Henry Bleecker Walter Livingston and Leonard Gansevoort be a Committee to see Jacob C. Ten Eyck Esqr. Sink and Cancel the Sum of one hundred & 'thirty Pounds and that they Report accordingly to this Committee at the next Meeting 280 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 30th Octr 1775. Present. Henry Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Robert Yates John Ja Beeckman send Jacdb Cuyler John N. Bleecker John Ten Broeck John H Ten Eyck third Leonard Gansevoort > r ward Abraham Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Gisbert Marselis Goose Van Schaick Henry Bogert ar John Bay Joseph Young Harmanus Wendell Jacobus Teller Corns. Cuyler SchonecAbraham Oothoudt tady Hugh Mitchell John Roseboom Wilhels. Van Antwerp Corns. Tymese Half Rutger Lansingh Moon Isaac Fonda Peter W Zielen o, Peter Vrooman Chairman Pro Temp. Lucas Van Veghten Francis Nicoll Manor of.Manor of Bastiaen T. Visscher r Rensselaer~ Henry Quackenbush Killiaen Van Rensselaer Frederick Berger Walter Livingston ) Manor of Samuel Ten Broeck fLivingston Robert Van Rensselaer David Pratt Jacob Ford Claverack Solomon Hutchinson Matthias Van Loon j Hendrick Van Bergen Coxacchie John Js. Bleecker Ignas Kip Schagtekocke John Groesbeeck James Gorden B t Stephen White Ballston Daniel Dickinson Jonathan Jones Richard Hart - Saratoga Justus Ashman George Palmer Peter Rose Wessel Ten Broeck German Camp Henry Van Schaack Kindehook Matthew Goes J Matthew Adgate Kings District A saKings Dostrlct Asa Douglass I I P -J John Van Orden Grote Im~boght PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 281 The Committee of Schohary & Duanesbourgh made a return of the Officers of that District whereby it appears that the following Persons are appointed Officers to wit. Dirck Miller Capt" John Keyser 1 LieutJohn Myers 2 Do William Kniskern Ensign The Committee agreeable to a resolve of the 26th Instant took into Consideration the Resolution of the Provincial Congress of this Colony relative to choosing twelve Deputies to represent this County in Provincial Congress on the 14th day of November next, And thereupon and in Consequence of an explanatory Letter from the Deputies of this County resolve that an Election be held in every District in this County for the [330] purpose aforesaid, and that the Committees of said Districts hold the Elections and make a return of the Polls, on the tenth day of November next to this Committee And farther resolved that the said Elections be held on the seventh day of November next at the usual Places of Election for annual Officers and that the respective District Committees by Advertisement give previous Notice to the Freeholders of the Time & place of such Election The Committee took into Consideration the necessity of recommending a Brigadier General and Major of Brigade for this County and the County of Tryon And thereupon resolved to recommend Abraham Ten Broeck for Brigadier General and John Frey for Major of Brigade, and farther resolved that the Committee of Tryon County be acquainted with this Resolve previous to this Boards sending said Recommendation to the Provincial Congress Resolved that this Committee shall be dissolved on the 21st December next, and that there be an Election held in every District of this County on the seventh Day of November next, for Committees to represent this County from the said 21st of December untill the fourth Tuesday in May next, unless a Reconciliation between Great Britain and America shall sooner take place, and that the District of the City of Albany in each Ward shall have nine Members, Schonectady District ten Members, the District of Half Moon seven Members, the District of Schoharry Six Members, the District of Claverack nine Members the District of Coxacchie Six Members, the District of Schagtekocke ten Members, the District of Ballstown five Members, the District of Saratoga seven Members Kings District seven Members, the District of Kinderhook four Members, Manor of Rensselaerwyck District nineteen Members, the District of Manor of Livingston five Members, the District 282 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE of German Camp four Members, the District of Grote Imboght five Members the District of Bennington twelve Members, the Corporation of Cambridge eight Members, Cambridge District three Members [331] Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort, Treasurer pay the following Accounts exhibited to this Board, to wit x Jacob C. Ten Eyck ~2 18 Isaac Fonda 0 8 Guert Van Schoonhoven 16 John N. Bleecker 8 x See page 3281 Albany Committee Chamber 31St Octr- 1775. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Gysbert Marselis Rutger Lansingh Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac Fonda Robert Yates Wilhels. Van Antwerp Leonard Gansevoort Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Hendrick Van Bergen Robert Van Rensselaer Matthew Goes Junr. Corns. Cuyler Jonathan Jones Stephen J. Schuyler Joseph Young John Roseboom John Ja Beeckman Harmanus Wendell Stephen De Lancey Lucas Van Veghten James Gorden John Van Orden Hugh Mitchell Abraham Oothoudt Frederick Berger Bastiaen T. Visscher John Bay John H Ten Eyck Goose Van Schaick Messrs Christopher A Yates, Gerrit W. Van Den Bergh, Gerrit T. Visscher, Thomas Barret, Thomas Lotteridge & John G. Yates appeared before this Committee and presented a Petition from the Freeholders and Inhabitants of this City which is in the following Words to wit. " At a meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of the City of Albany - Assembled 1 This refers to page in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1775 283 Are resolved to lay our Grievances before the Committee Vizt. 1st- That we are in a great measure imposed upon by the Merchants of this City contrary to the 9th and 13th Articles [of Association] of the Continental Congress 2ndy. We humbly beg of the worthy Committee for Redress and insist to have and answer in twenty four Hours; and if not answered in that time we shall look upon it that you will not consider our oppression; and if we [332] find that you will not Vindicate our doleful Circumstance, we will without doubt be obliged to remove these ruinous Circumstances ourselves Dated Albany 30th Octr 1775. Resolved that Robert Yates, John Ja Beeckman, John Ten Broeck, Joseph Young & Leonard Gansevoort be appointed a Committee to draw an Answer to the said Petition Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort pay John Van Orden & Hendrick Van Bergen each 16/ The Committee appointed to prepare an Answer to the Petition above mentioned, brought in the following which being read was approved of, and is in the following Words to wit. Gent. We have taken into Consideration the Contents of the Petition presented to us by Messrs Christopher A. Yates, Gerrit W. Van Den Bergh, Gerrit T. Visscher, Thomas Barret, Thomas Lotteridge and John G Yates In answer to which, we must inform you that we have adverted to the 9th & 13th Articles of the Association of the Continental Congress which are alluded to, in your Petition, and are in the following Words to wit. (here take in said Articles) and could have wished you had pointed out the particular Persons you charge with having imposed on the public by vending Goods contrary to the 9th & 13th Articles of the Continental Association as in that Case had you supported the said Charge, the mode of punishment by the said Association is also pointed out which this Committee would have readily pursued However as you have made a general Charge our Answer can therefore b, only in the same way We do therefore hereby declare our readiness strictly to adhere to the said Association, and to hold up to the public every Person contravening the same We are Gent Your Most Hum SertsBy order of the Committee 284 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [333] Albany Committee Chamber 1st. Novr. 1775 Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. John Ja Beeckman Peter Silvester Jacob Cuyler Gisbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansingh Junr Joseph Young Goose Van Schaick Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Tryon County which was done in the following Words to wit. Gent. We have last Monday in a very full meeting of the Committee of the City and County of Albany proceeded to the Nomination of two Gentlemen to be recommended to the Provincial Congress of this Colony to be appointed Brigadier General & Major of Brigade for the Brigade of the City & County of Albany and the County of Tryon at which Time the Committee previously thought proper to nominate a Gent. of the County of Albany for Brigadier General and one of your County for Major of Brigade And a Majority of Votes being for Collo. Abraham Ten Broeck as Brigadier General & John Frey Esqr. as Major Brigade, we have thought proper to give you this intimation previous to our transmitting the names of the above Gentlemen to the Congress not doubting but that you will concur with us in the Nomination, as we are well apprized of the Capacities, Characters and political Sentiments of those Gentlemen We beg you will not delay sending us an Answer as soon as is Convenient that we may the sooner be able to transmit the Names of the Gent. down that the Brigade may be organized We are Gent. Your very humble ServtsThe Committee having agreeable to a request from the Commissioners of Fort Constitution, ordered Mr. John Ten Broeck to supply them with Boards & Plank & he having supplied them to the amount of ~41 1 8 Ordered that the Chairman certify the Account [334] Resolved that an order be given on Jacob C. Ten Eyck Esqr. in favor of Mr. James Vernor for twenty five Pounds fifteen Shillings out of the Monies he has in Hand of this Board and to charge it to their Account. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1775 285 Albany Committee Chamber 3rd Novr 1775. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. John Ja Beeckman Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Bay John Ten Broeck Joseph Young Peter Silvester Gerrit Lansingh Junr Cornelius Van Santvoordt Gis'bert Marselis Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay Mr- Anthony E Bratt two pounds and Six pence Also Peter W Yates three Pounds one Shilling agreeable to their Accounts exhibited to this Board Resolved farther that he pay Matthew Visscher two pounds sixteen Shillings being the Sum that appears on the Subscription List of the first Ward without Names Resolved that the following Advertisements be put up in the different Wards in this City. Advertisement. Whereas the provincial Congress by their resolves entered into on the 18th October last have declared their Disolution to take place on the 14th Instant and in the mean while have recommended that the Election be held for Deputies to form a new Congress, at the usual places of Election of Representatives in General Assembly in the several Counties on Tuesday the 7th day of November Inst. by the respective Committees of the several Counties, or at such other places, as the said Committees shall previously appoint and duly notify to their several Counties, and directed that the City & County of Albany shall have twelve Deputies In pursuance of the said Recommendation - The Committee of the City of Albany do hereby declare that the said Election in the City aforesaid, for the purpose [335] aforesaid be held at the usual Places of Election for annual Officers in each Ward, on the 7th day of November Instant at ten OClock in the forenoon, And the Freeholders and Freeman in this City that are qualified to Vote for Representatives are earnestly required to attend to give their Votes for such Deputies as they can confide in to represent this County in Provincial Congress.- And whereas also the General Committee of the City and County of Albany did at their last general Meeting Resolve 286 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that they are to be diss-!ved on the 21st of December next and directed that a New Election be held in every one of the Districts of this County on the 7th Instant to choose a new General Committee, and at the same time resolved that the City of Albany should be represented by twenty seven Members The Committee therefore of this City in pursuance of the said Resolves do hereby notify the respectable Inhabitants of this City and its Liberties, of the said Resolve, and request that they attend on the same Day at the usual places of Election for annual Officers in said City at 10 OClock in the Morning to give their Votes for the said number of Members, and that nine be chosen Out of each Ward Albany Committee Chamber Novr. 8th: 1775 Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Jacob C Ten Eyck Cornelius Van Santvoordt John H. Ten Eyck Gysbert Marselis Abraham Ten Broeck Robert Yates Goose Van Schaick Lucas Van Veghten John J. Beeckman John Ten Broeck Joseph Young Leonard Gansevoort Gysbert Marselis & Cornelius Van Santvoort the directors for the Reparation of the Barracks, applying for the Sum of Sixty Pounds - Ordered that John J. Beeckman and Abraham Cuyler pay the said Sum to them they taking a Receipt for the same, and that they will be accountable for the disposition thereof. And that the Chairman draw on them for the said Sum of Money John J. Beeckman & John Ten Broeck are appointed by this [336] Auditors to Audit the Accounts for the reparation of the Barracks - Ordered that the said John J. Beeckman & Abraham Cuyler pay to Patrick Clarke the Sum of ~5 8 agreeable to his Account as audited by the Auditors inj PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1775 287 Albany Committee Chamber 10th Novr. 1775. Present. Henry Ble:cker Chairman Pro Temp. Jacob Cuyler Cornelius Van Santvoordt Robert Yates Walter Livingston Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Jun-. Wessel Ten Broeck Joseph Young John Fish Lucas Van Veghten John McClong Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Ten Broeck Robert Van Rensselaer John H Ten Eyck Tyrannus Collins John Bay Guert Van Schoonhoven Dirck Van Veghten Frederick Berger Charles Toll Isaac Fonda John Knickerbacker Junr. Matthew Adgate Agreeable to a former Resolve, The Committee of the different Districts of this County, made a Return of the Polls by them, held for the Election of Committees from which it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected. for the City first Ward Jacob C Ten Eyck Gisbert Marselis John Barclay Henry Wendell Peter Silvester Leond. Gansevoort John Bay Robert McClallen Joseph Young Ki" ian Van Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush Jic'jb J. Lansingh Lucas Van Veghten Floris Banker [337] Othniel Gardner Philip P Schuyler of Albany Second Ward Henry Bleecker Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler Jo'hn Ja Beeckman John N. Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Jeremiah V. Rensselaer Rutger Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junrr Manor of Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Frederick Berger VolkertVeeder Gerrit G. Van Den Bergh Gerrit Staats Jacob C Schermerhorn Third Ward. Abraham Ten Broeck Abraham Yates Junr. Corns. Van Santvoordt Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Samuel Stringer John Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell John H. Ten Eyck Issac Van Aernam Stephen J. Schuyler Henry Oothoudt Jur John H. Beeckman James McGee Corns G Van Den Bergh Abraham D Fonda 288 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Cambridge District Joseph Wells John MrClung Thomas Morrison Phineas Whiteside Gersham Woodsworth Kings District Matthew Adgate Asa Douglass Asa Waterman Elisha Pratt Peter Guernsy Nehemiah Fitch Joseph Wood Barret Dyer Ballston James Gorden Andrew Mitchell Tyranus Collins Stephen White Jonas White Dirck Van Veghten Ignas Kip John W Groesbeeck Saratoga Daniel Dickinson Richard Hart Ebenezer Marvin Joseph Row Philip Rodgers Corns. Van Den Bergh Samuel Bacon Claverack Peter Van Ness Robt- Van Rensselaer Stephen Hogeboom Richd Esselstyn Peter Cantine David Pratt Jacob Ford Isaac Spaulding Robert Meaker Coxackie Philip Conine John L Bronck Philip Bronck William Van Bergen Samuel Van Veghten Albartus Van Loon Schaghtekocke John Js. Bleecker Garret Winne Lewis H. Vielen Manor of Livingston Peter R. Livingston Walter Livingston Dirck Jansen Samuel Ten Broeck Petrus Wynkoop Schohary William Dietz Laurence Schoolcraft Jost Burst Peter W Zielen Peter Becker Peter Vrooman Half Moon Rutger Lansingh Guert Van Schoonhoven Isaac Fonda Wilhels- Van Antwerp Corns. Tymesen Peter Van Vranken Ezekiel Taylor William Thorn Corl H Toll Samuel Rowland John Knickerbacker Jr by Eight Members instead On Motion of Mr. Adgate Resolved that Kings District be represented of Seven Received a Letter from the Deputies of this County in Provincial Congress dated New York 30th Octr. 1775 - in the following Words to wit PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1775 289 Gent. We send you up the Commissions of the County of Albany, except those of Kinderhook which Mr. Silvester has taken with him and those marked 16th Regiment which could not be filled up for want of Field Officers. We stand adjournd- untill to Morrow at 10 [338] OClock then to meet (it is said for 2 or 3 Days) but whether we will be able to make a House, and if a House how long it will continue (A Matter of Serious Consequence considering our Northern Army) we know not- We are Gent. Your Very humble ServtsAbm. Yates Junr. Henry Glen P S. The Papers contain all the News worthy of Notice Albany Committee Chamber 11th Novr. 1 775. Present. Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp. Abraham Ten Broeck Wessel Ten Broeck Leond. Gansevoort John Fish John Bay John McClong Joseph Young John H Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Guert Van Schoonhoven Dirck Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Charles H Toll Goose Van Schaick Isaac Fonda John H Beeckman John Knickerbacker Junr. Whereas it appears from the Commissions sent by the Provincial Congress of this Colony for the Militia of this County, that some of the Officers that were chosen by the Inhabitants of the Beats, have been promoted Therefore Resolved that the Committees of the Districts where that may be the Case, order a New Election to be held to choose an Officer or Officers in the Room of those that are promoted, And that they make a Return of the same to the Provincial Congress without delay that new Commissions may be obtained accordingly Resolved that the Treasurer pay John Knickerbacker Junr. Dirck Van Veghten & Charles H Toll or either of them One pound eighteen Shillings and Six pence for twenty two flour Casks10 290 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE The Committee of Schaghtekocke laid before this Board, an additional Account of three Pounds for Cartage of Six Loads to Lake George On Motion The Question being put whether or no the said Account be allowed Resolved in the Negative — [339] The Committee of German Camp made a Return of the Members, that were chosen in that District to represent the same in Committee, and are as follows Wessel Ten Broeck Peter Rose John Kortz Joseph Linking Adjourned till One OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment [Present.] Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp Leonard Gansevoort Henry Wendell Robert Yates Wessel Ten Broeck John Fish Charles H Toll Abraham Ten Broeck Dirck Van Veghten Robt' Van Rensselaer John Knickerbacker Junr Joseph Young Isaac Fonda Jacob Cuyler Corns. Van Santvoordt John H Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Jacob C Ten Eyck John McClung Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Guert Van Schoonhoven John H Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Abraham Cuyler John Bay Goose Van Schaick Peter Silvester Stephen De Lancey From a return of the Committee of Kinderhook it appears that Andries Witbeeck, Cornelius Van Schaack Junr Barent Van Der Pool and Dirck Gardoneer are Elected a Committee for that District Pursuant to the resolves of this Committee entered into on the 30th UltYesterday the Polls of the several Elections held in the respective Districts in this County for Deputies to represent this City & County in provincial Congress, And the Names of the several Voters, and the Deputies they had PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1775 291 Voted for being carefully counted, A majority of Votes appeared for Abraham Ten Broeck, Abraham Yates Junr Jacob Cuyler, Francis Nicoll, Robert Yates, Henry Glen Peter Silvester, Peter R Livingston, John Js. Bleecker Leonard Gansevoort, Henry Oothoudt & Robert Van Rensselaer. This Committee do thereupon hereby declare the said Persons to be duly Elected, and that they or any five of them represent this City & County in Provincial Congress during the Time mentioned in the Resolves of the Provincial Congress. [340] Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Saratoga dated 7th Novr. 1775 in the following Words to wit. Gent. How is the Person to be dealt with, that counterfeits or forges the Albany Committee Currency, or the Continental Currency, or the Boston Notes The Committee of this District have a matter of this kind before them, and beg the favour of your answer by the Bearor, that we may know how to Conduct the matter is new give us your advice By order of the Committee Cornelius Van Veghten Chairman To Mess R Yates, Silvester & Abm. Yates, Esqrs Resolved that an answer be prepared to said Letter which was done in the following Words, to wit. Gent. Your Letter directed to Messrs R. Yates Silvester and A. Yates, has been laid before the Committee and the Query by you stated maturely considered and thereupon Are of Opinion, That the Notes signed by the direction of this Committee are to be construed as private promissory Notes, the same observation holds good with respect to the Massadhusets Bay Notes Signed by Gardner, Forging or altering any Instrument, and the passing it as the Act of the Person whose Names are counterfeited is in the Eye of the Law deemed a Forgery and punishable by Indictment, applying this to the Case by you stated We are of Opinion that Application ought to be made to a Magistrate, who upon due proof of the Circumstances will commit the Offender to Goal or otherwise as the Case may arise admit him to Bail in order for his Tryal This Committee in Consequence of an order of the Provincial Congress of the Colony of New York of the 5th day of October last having taken into 292 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Consideration the Case of Alexander White Esqr referred to the said Committee by said Order examined the Proofs 'before them, and heard the said White in his Defence (who expressed his Sorrow and Concern for the Offensive Words by him uttered) [341 ] And thereupon came to the following Resolution that upon said White's giving assurances, that he will bare no part against America in the present struggle for Liberty, nor oppose any Measure of Congress's or Committees for redress of Grievances in the present ~opposition, but in all things behave himself in an orderly manner, as a good Member of Society, that he be Liberated from any charge or Complaint before said Committee - And the said White being called in, Voluntarily:submitted to the Terms of the said Resolution and gave his Parole of Honour for the faithful Observance of the same It is therefore recommended to all Persons that they offer no Violence to said White or his Effects untill it should appear that he is Guilty of an infraction of his Parole in which Case he ought to be brought before a Committee Alexander White Albany Committee Chamber 15th Novr. 1775 -Present Henry Bleecker Chairman Pro Temp Volkert P Douw Goose Van Schaick John Js Bleecker John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell Abraham Cuyler John Bay Henry I Bogert Resolved that Leonard Gansevoort Treasurer pay Mr Jacob Lansingh Jun' rTwenty pounds for and on Account of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and take his Receipt for the same Resolved that the Treasurer also pay the following Accounts John J- Bleeckers ~1 0 0 David Gibson's 2 0 0 Volkert P Douw 0 16 0 Henry I Bogert 0 16 0 Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of the County of Tryon PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1775 293 Gent [Page 342 blank] [343] Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Henry Quackenbush Jacob J. Lansingh Killiaen Van Rensselaer Received a Letter from Gen1 Schuyler dated the 18th day of November 1775 in the following Words to wit. Resolved that Mr. John Ten Broeck be appointed Treasurer to this Board in the Room of Leonard Gansevoort who is gone down to New York, and ordered that the Accounts and Vouchers of the former Treasurer be delivered to said Mr. Ten Broeck Resolved that the Treasurer pay M'r Wilhelmus Van Antwerp and others, nine pounds fourteen Shillings agreeable to the Account exhibited to this Board. Also Jacob Ja Lansing two pounds two Shillings and one penny, agreeable to his Account. Resolved that Messrs. Robert Yates, Joseph Young and Abraham Ten Broeck be appointed to draw up an Answer to Genl Schuyler's Letters. Resolved that the Chairman pass his Recet' to Mr. John Ten Broeck, for one hundred Wt. of Powder, delivered to this Board, from Judge Livingston's Powder Mills. Also to Mr1 Henry Glen for two hundred Pounds received by this Board from the Provincial Congress for the Reparation of the Barracks in this City Resolved that the Treasurer pay Mr. William Pemberton one pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence agreeable to his Account exhibited to this Board. Mr. Gisbert Marselis one of the Managers of the Barracks applied for forty Pounds in Cash for the use of the Barracks - Resolved therefore that Messrs John Ja Beeckman & Abraham Cuyler pay the above Sum t[o s]aid Marselis, taking his Rect. for the same [343a] and further ordered that Mr Marselis produce proper Vouchers for the expenditure thereof Whereas this Committee on the 11th Day of November Instant from the return of the Polls of the several Elections held in the respective Districts in this County for Deputies to represent this City & County in Provincial Congress, did declare Abraham Ten Broeck Abraham Yates Junr. Francis Nicoll Jacob Cuyler Robert Yates Henry Glen, Peter Silvester, Peter 294 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE R Livingston Leonard Gansevoort, John JS. Bleecker, Henry Oothoudt & Robert Van Rensselaer to be duly Elected, and that they or any five of them represent this City & County in Provincial Congress during the Time mentioned in the Resolves of the Provincial Congress, But by reason of the inconvenience attending the attendance of that Number, It is resolved that they or any four of them attend said Congress and represent this City & County during the Time aforesaid. Albany Committee Chamber Henry Bleecker Abraham Yates Abraham Ten Broeck Joseph Young Jacob C. Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr. Novr. 25th 1775. Henry I. Bogert John Ten Broeck Henry Wendell John H Ten Eyck John Bay Robert Yates Robert Gerrit I John l Jacob < Gisbert Albany Committee Chamber Decr. 7th- 1775. Present Abraham Yates Chairman Yates [344] Stephen J Schuyler Lansingh Junr. Joseph Young i Ten Eyck James Sexton C Ten Eyck Robert Migow: Marselis Henry Quackenbush Abraham Cuyler Henry Oothoudt Junr. Jacobus Teller James Wilson John Bay Henry Bleecker Abraham Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Lucas Van Veghten Bastiaen T Visscher John Roseboom Cornelius Van Santvoordt Harmanus Wendell Killiaen Van Rensselaer Frederick Berger Jacob J Lansingh The Committee appointed to prepare an Answer to General Schuyler's Letters, brought in the following which being read was approved of, (here take in Letter) - PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1775 295 Resolved that the Treasurer pay Messrs Jacobus Teller, James Wilson, Harmanus Wendell and others of the Committee of Schonectady five pounds thirteen Shillings. Resolved that Messrs Joseph Young, Henry Bleecker, John Bay and Robert Yates, or the Major part of them be a Committee to draw up a State of the proceedings of this Board relative to the Contraverted Election in the South Beat of the District of Kinderhook between Gysbert Scharp and Harmen Van Beuren, and also relative to Dirck Gardeneer's being unfriendly to the American Cause Mr- Isaac Goes and two others appeared before this Board and prayed that a new Election for Committees in the District of Kinderhook might be granted, or that the Poll whereon the Majority of Votes appear should be taken for the return of that District. The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolved, that a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Kinderhook which was done in the Following Words to wit (here take in Letter &c.) [344a] Resolved that Messrs. Henry Bleecker Walter Livingston Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and John Ja. Beeckman be a Committee to audit the Accounts of this Board, This Committee being informed that Mr Saml1 McKay a Person who was at St. John's at the Time of the surrender of it having been for some time in this City when the other Officers and Soldiers of that Garrison have been sent down towards Philadelphia, has in several Instances behaved himself in discourse extremely insulting to the Inhabitants of this City & County, Resolved thereupon that the said McKay be sent for - Upon his appearing to this Board, he was by the Chairman informed of several Instances of misbehaviour And the said McKay confessing part of the said Report was thereupon desired to withdraw in the mean while The Chairman of the Committee was directed by the board upon Mr. McKays return to inform him That tho they meant inviobly to observe the Capitulation and assured him, he might Claim & would be indulged every benifit and advantage which was secured to him and others by that Capitulation, Yet they recommended to him, so to behave to the Inhabitants of this City & County for the future during his residence here as to give no just Cause of Complaint against himWhereupon John Ostrander the doorkeeper was desired to request McKay to come again to the Committee -who upon his return informed this Board, that he had signifyed this their request to the said McKay - And received the following answer - That he had given his Sentiments to the Committee 296 2-9 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE already, and if the Committee had any Commands they should send him a Line, that he was the Kings Servant and did not know that he could be called upon by the Committee any farther thereupon Resolved farther that Genl1 Schuyler be furnished with a Copy of these proceedings - And that Messrs Robert Yates, John Ten Broeck & Stephen Schuyler be a Committee to wait on the General with the foregoing Resolve, and be requested to have the said McKay removed from this City & County. Albany Committee Chamber 12th Decr 1775 -Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Abraham Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert Jacob Lansing Junr Robert Yates Abraham Cuyler Volkert P Douw Gisbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Henry Quackenibush John H Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Joseph Young [345] The Chairman reported that agreeable to Genl1 Schuyler's request he had given an order to Mr Roseboom for ten Pounds of Powder. Resolved that the same is agreeable to this Board. Received a Letter from Volkert P Douw Esqr one of the Commissioners of Indians affairs, requesting this Committee to attend the Indian Congress. (here take in Letter &c) Resolved that agreeable to said Request this Board will attend said Congress - PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1775 297 [345a] Albany Committee Chamber 15th Decr. 1775 - Present Abraham Yates Junr Volkert P. Douw Abraham Ten Broeck Robert Yates John H Ten Eyck Joseph Young Henry Wendell Jacob C Ten Eyck Walter Livingston Chairman Henry I Bogert Henry Bleecker John Bay John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Corns. Van Santvoordt Gerrit Lansingh Junr Gen1l Prescot having complained to Genl Schuyler of the hard usage of Captn. Samuel McKay in being confined- therefore Resolved that Genl Schuyler be furnished with a certified Copy of the proceedings of this Board relative to the said McKays behaviour Albany Committee Chamber 17th Decr. 1775 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Robert Yates Abraham Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Henry I Bogert Joseph Young Corns. Van Santvoordt Abraham Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Gisbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Henry Quackenboss Volkert P Douw Resolved that the Chairman issue out his Order to Hendrick Myndert Roseboom for one hundred and ninety Wt. of Powder to be delivered to the Commissioners of Indian affairs, or their order and that he take a Recet. for the same Resolved that John Ostrander be allowed one Shilling for every Warrant that he shall serve on persons that do refuse to Watch agreeable to a Resolution [346] of this Board, out of the fine of four Shillings established by this Board. 298 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 21st Decr. 1775 Present. Abraham John Ten Broeck Corns. Van Santvoordt Isaac Van Aernam Harmanus Wendell Gisbert Marselis John Barclay Henry Wendell Joseph Young John Bay Robert Yates Rutger Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Othniel Gardner James McGee Hars Wendell2 Albert Maybe Philip Conine Saml1 Van Veghten John Bronck Yates Junr. Chairman } third ward econd' yard Wilhels- Van Antwerp Isaac Fonda Asa Douglass Elisha Pratt Henry Van Schaack Peter Vossburgh Matthew Goes Junr Peter S Van Aelstyn Walter Livingston Recd. a Letter from Mr Peter T Curtinius dated New York 7th Decr 1775 inclosing a Rect. of Isaac Fonda for some Kegs of Lead & Flints for the Inhabitants of this County (here take in Letter &c) [346a] Resolved that William Shepherd be allowed 8/ a Peice for thirty three new Bayonets, he has made for Collo~ Van Schaicks Regiment. and two Shillings a Peice Cleaning fixing and mending ninety five Old Bayonets, amounting to twenty two pounds fourteen Shillings and that he be requested to finish the Bayonets he has in Hand. and that the Clerk certify the allowance of the Acct. to Gen1. Sc'huyler Resolved that the Treasurer pay Mr- Jefta Stansell Six Shillings agreeable to his Account exhibited to this BoardReceived a Letter from the Committee of Kinderhook in the following Words (here take in Letter) This should be first ward. 2 Harmanus H. Wendell. PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1775 299 On Motion The Question being put whether or no this Committee or the New Committee shall determine the Contraverted Election respecting Committees for that District Resolved Nem. Con. that the new Committee determine the same Albany Committee Chamber 22nd Decr 1 775 Abraham Yates Junr Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Corns- Van Santvoordt John Ten Broeck Gysbert Marselis Joseph Young John Bay John Barclay Henry Wendell Robert Yates Abraham Cuyler Rutger Bleecker Present. Walter Livingston third ward first ward Philip Conine Samuel Van Veghten Philip Bronck Asa Douglass Elisha Pratt Isaac Fonda } second ward Harmanus H Wendell S Schonectady Albart Mabee Othniel Gardner James McGee Manor Rensselaer Bastiaen T Visscher The Question being whether there were a sufficient Number of Districts, to proceed on business Resolved in the Negative. [347] Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Decr' 1775. Present Abraham Yates Junr. Henry Bleecker Joseph Young Gisbert Marselis Hars- Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell Cornelius Van Santvoordt John Bay Rutger Bleecker John Ten Broeck 300 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 4th JanY: 1776 [Present. ] Corns. Van Santvoordt Abraham Yates Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr Hars Wendell John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Samuel Stringer Joseph Young John Barclay Leond Gansevoort Gisbert Marselis Henry Wendell John Bay Robert McClallen Stephen J Schuyler Philip P. Schuyler Killian Van Rensselaer Jacob Schermerhorn John H. Beeckman Abraham Fonda Frederick Berger Gerrit Staats Henry Quackenbush Volkert Veeder Bastiaen T. Visscher third ward first ward ) Manor Walter Livingston iof J Livingston William Van Bergen Coxa C Coxacchie John Bronck William Dietz Schohary Andries Witbeeck Corns Van Schaack Junr. KinderBarent Van Der Pool hook Dirck Gardineer Joseph Wood ~ Kings District Andrew Mitchell t Ballston James Wilson S Jacobus Teller Sch ) Grote John Van Orden Imboght Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Robert Yates 2 Abraham Cuyler rward Jacob Bleecker Junr. Stephen Marvin Saratoga Rutger Lansingh Ha Guert Van Schoonhoven Moon 7 Moon Isaac Fonda Robert Van Rensselaer Peter Van Ness fClaverack Stephen Hogeboom Manor - of Rensselaer [347a] Abraham Yates Junr. was unanimously chosen Chairman - and Matthew Visscher Secretary & Clerk Resolved that Mr. Mitchel be admitted, by parole, this Meeting as a Member for Ballstown District he bringing or Sending a Written Return to this Committee the Next Meeting Resolved that Mr. Joseph Wood be also admitted as a Member for Kings District he bringing or Sending a Written Return the Next Meeting - PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 301 Mr. Isaac Goes appeared before this Board, and made the following exceptions against the Poll returned by the Committee of Kinderhook for the Election of Committee to represent that District. lSt That the Poll was not held at the usual Place of Election for Annual Officers IJndy. That Votes have been refused to be taken by the Committee of Persons, who were entitled to Vote agreeable to the Resolves of the Provincial Congress IIIrdy. That the Seperate Election was held by Consent of the Committee And in Proof of the above Points produced the following Witnesses Harman Voosburgh Sworn, Says. That the annual Election for Annual Officers, has been held at one Tobias Van Beuren's at Kinderhook, That the district about three Years ago Voted to have it at that House - That the distance between the Houses of Tobias Van Beuren & Corns. Vossburgh is about 400 Yards, that both Stand on a Place called Grote StuckThat the Committee have transacted business in the Church, and at Vossburgh's, that the former Committee was chosen in the Church, that he has not seen an Advertisement of the Election being held at [blank space] That he was present when one Thomas offered to Vote at the Election held by the Committee that he was [348] challenged by Mr Van Schaack one of the Committee Upon which he asked what qualification entitled him to Vote, that Mr Van Schaack replied a Freehold,That he heard Mr Van Schaack declare that he had no objection to their holding a Poll and upon being asked whether he would certify the Return, that Van Schaack replied he would certify it as having no Votes That the reason of their going to Van Beuren's was because Van Schaack refused to let them Vote, and that the Reason Van Schaack gave that they had no Vote was that they had no Vote by the Resolution of the Congress That the Deputies were Voted at the same time - That the People were uneasy about their being refused to give a Vote, That he heard, that the Inhabitants were sent for to Vote at Van Beuren's That he is acquainted with the Possession of Thomas, that it at least is worth ~200 That he is also an Inhabitant at Kinderhook & pays Taxes, that at the former Election for Committees all ranks of People were admitted to VoteMr Gardoneer in Answer 1st offered the Town Records to prove that there was no particular place or Hour appointed to hold the Election 302 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE On Motion The Question being put whether or no Proof shall be received by this Board to prove the Town Record of Kinderhook Resolved in the Affirmative Adjourned till to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock [348a] Met according to Adjournment. Albany Committee Chamber 5 Jany 1776. Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Junr William Dietz Hars' Wendell Rutger Lansingh Corns. Van Santvoordt Guert Van Schoonhoven Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Isaac Fonda Leonard Gansevoort John Barclay Killiaen Van Rensselaer Robert Van Rensselaer Gerrit Staats Peter Van Ness William Van Bergen John H. Beeckman John Bronck Jacob Schermerhorn Stephen Marvin Samuel Stringer James Wilson Walter Livingston Joseph Wood Andrew Mitchell Jacobus Teller Abraham D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam John Js. Bleecker Robert Yates Rutger Bleecker Gisbert Marselis Joseph Linking Henry Wendell Joseph Young Resolved That the Committees of the City of Albany and those of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as far as the Manor House, and such of the Committees as may be in Town, and chuse to attend shall be a Sub Committee, and that the Majority of such of them as shall meet shall be fully authorised, and hereby are appointed to proceed and do the ordinary business that may come before them of which they may think proper to enter upon and determine As there is a Quantity of Ball and flints on Board Captn- Fonda's Sloop at Loonenburgh PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 303 Resolved that the same be sent for, and be [349] deposited in the City Magazine till farther ordered by this CommitteeMr. Peter Van Ness one of the Committee for Claverack District, laid before this Board for their approbation, the following proceedings of the Committee of that District to wit (here take in &c Resolved Unanimously that the same be approved of, and that the Chairman in behalf of this Board return to the sd. Committee their Thanks for their prudent Conduct. The Contraverted Election in Kinderhook District was again taken into Consideration - and in Proof of the Town Clerk Book produced the following Witnesses David Van Schaack Sworn, says, That the Book now offered is a Copy of the Original Minutes of the Town Meetings, and that at the Voting for the place of Election, there was no dissenting Voice to his Remembrance, that the first Election for Committees was at the House of Corns. Vossburgh -that he has seen Mr Goes there several Times when the Committee Business was on the Carpet, and that Mr. Van Schaack several Times desired the People to Vote. The Township of Kinderhook comprehends the whole District, that at the Time he made the entry he meant Grote Stuck, That the Election for annual Officers has been held for several Years at Van Beuren's and That it never has been held at Vossburghs That he made the entry in the New Book but a few days ago, That the entry in the Book now produced by him was made from the original Minutes a few days after the meeting, that the entry now alluded to is the true substance of the original entry [349a] They shewed the former Minutes of the old Committee, whereby the Poll of the Committee of that District was received by that Board. Peter Silvester - That on or about the 1 1th Novr. last he was sent for by the old Committee -That at that Time Harmen Van Beuren and two others were before the Barr of the Committee to give information about this dispute, that he was told there were two Polls and asked his Opinion which he gave freely that thereafter the Question was put what Poll should be taken that it was determined to take the Poll of the Committee that he was then asked what must be done with the other Poll, it was answered that it fell of Course The following Motion was made by Mr. Bleecker at the Request of Dirck Gardineer 304 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr Chairman I move that it be resolved by this Committee whether there, can, or cannot be any Valid Return of Members for this Board, except such as have made by the respective District Committee, and whether any Person can be duly qualified to sit either in the Provincial Congress, or in this Committee except in Consequence of Polls held by such Committee respectivelyUpon which Debates arising, and the previous Question being put whether or no the Question should be now put Resolved in the Negative He then showed the Petition of 270 Persons from Kinderhook, declaring their entire approbation of the late Committee, and their desire to have the Persons returned by the Committee for the Committee of that District - Also a List of eight Persons that have been refused [350] to Vote, with a Certificate of Henry Van Schaack one of the late Committee together also with an advertisement of the Time & place of Election Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr Robert Yates Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Rutger Bleecker Joseph Linking Hars- Wendell William Dietz Henry Wendell John Barclay Gisbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Andrew Mitchell Walter Livingston William Van Bergen Stephen Marvin Corns Van Santvoordt Chairman Joseph Young Samuel Stringer Robert Van Rensselaer James Wilson Isaac Fonda Guert Van Schoonhoven Killiaen Van Rensselaer Gerrit Staats Jacobus Teller John Bronck Joseph Wood Leonard Gansevoort Jeremiah VanRensselaer John Js. Bleecker The Committee again resumed the Consideration of the Contraverted Election for Committees in the District of Kinderhook and after hearing the Arguments of both parties PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 305 I The Question being put whether or no the Election was held at the usual Place of Election for annual Officers. Resolved Nem: Con. in the Negative + II Whether or no Votes have been refused to be taken by the Committee of Persons, who were entitled to Vote agreeable to the Resolves of the Provincial Congress.- Whereupon this Committee are of Opinion -That no Votes have been refused to be taken by the Committee of Persons [350a] who were entitled to Vote for a Committee agreeable to the Resolves of the provincial Congress - Because this Committee know of no Qualifications which the provincial Congress have prescribed touching the Qualifications of Voters for Committees - But this Committee are notwithstanding of Opinion that the said Committee of Kinderhook at the Election held in their District for chusing a New Committee, have refused to poll the Votes of several Persons who offered and were intitled to Vote for a Committee of the said District IIIrdy. Whether or no the Seperate Election was held by Consent of the Committee Resolved Nem: Con. in the Negative, and consequently the poll held seperately, is Illegal. Whereupon the Question being put whether or no the two first Objections, are sufficient to invalidate the Return Resolved in the Affirmative + Then the Question being put whether or no a New Election should be ordered in the District aforesaid, Resolved in the Affirmative and that Messrs Peter Van Ness, Richard Esselstyn John H Beeckman Jacob C Schermerhorn Matthew Adgate or any three of them be a Committee to hold the Election, and that the Election be held at the usual Place of Election for annual Officers in said District and farther that the said Election be held on the fifteenth Day of January Instant at the House of Tobias Van Beuren and that the Chairman of the County Committee give previous Notice by Advertisement to the Inhabitants of said District of the Time & Place, and that four Persons be chosen to represent said [351] District in General Committee - On Motion of Mr- Bleecker + The Question being put whether or no he should have leave to enter his Dissent on the Minutes Resolved in the Negative On Motion of Mr Lincoln Member for German Camp District Resolved that the Committee of that District have leave to hold an Election for to chuse a Member in the Room of John Kortz Junr who declines Serving 306 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr Walter Livingston made the following Motion Whereas reports prevail in this City & County that certain Persons, avowedly inimical to the Rights & Liberties of America, are making use of undue influence and propagating Sentiments with the express view to deter the virtuous asserters of American Freedom from the prosecution of those Measures which the Council of America have thought necessary to pursue on this Critical occasion I therefore move that a Sub Committee be appointed immediately to inquire whether there be any foundation in such Reports and who the Persons are (if any) that have given occasion for them and make Report to this Board at their next General meetingResolved that the Committees of each District in this County be a Committee for that purpose The Committee of Coxachie District Reported to this Board that William Rea Merchant of said District had been Guilty of speaking contemptuously and Casting severe Reflections on the Congress's & Committee's - Resolved thereupon that the Committee of said District enquire into the Conduct & behaviour of the said Rea agreeable to the [351 a] Resolves of the Provincial Congress, and make Report to this Committee at their next General Meeting Mr Dirck Gardoneer offered a Paper to this Board, said to be a protest - Resolved That a Sub Committee be appointed to inspect the same, and make Report to this Board, whether this Board will receive the same, whereupon Messrs Robert Yates Walter Livingston Samuel Stringer and Joseph Young be a Committee for that purpose - The above Committee Report That they have perused the paper above mentioned, and find it contains surrelous Reflections on this Board, Yet that it ought to be read, that they may have an oppertunity of vindicating their Conduct before the provincial Congress, and citing the authors before that Body. Resolved Nem: Con: That the above Report be approved of by this Board. On Motion Resolved, That all the Proceedings of this Board relative to said Elections be Copied, and Transmitted to the Provincial Congress Received a Letter from Asa DoigIlass Dated Jerico 2 January 1776 in the following Words to witResolved That the Members of the District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, be a Committee to enquire into the matter set forth in said Letter, and that they make Report to this Committee at the next General Meeting. PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 307 [352] Albany Committee Chamber 9th Jany- 1775.' Present + Abraham Yates Junr Chairman - Samuel Stringer Robert Yates + + John H Ten Eyck Gisbert Marselis + + Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr + + Hars- Wendell Robert McClallen + + John Ten Broeck Joseph Young + John Ja Beeckman Abraham Ten Broeck + - John Bay Cornelius Van Santvoordt This Committee having recda information that John Duncan and the Descendants of Sir William Johnston Decd. having had for a long Time correspondence and intercourse with each other and that Richard Duncan Son of said John Duncan, is going down to New York, Suspected to carry papers of Consequence detrimental to the American CauseOn Motion The Question being put whether or no this Committee, will take and examine such Papers as he may have in possession either for any other Person or Persons in New York, or elsewhere suspected to be inimical to the American CauseResolved Nem Con. in the Affirmative, And that Messrs Abraham Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell, Samuel Stringer & John Ten Broeck be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid, and that they wait upon the said Duncan at such Time & place as they think proper, and examine and make Report of all such Letters or Papers as appear [352a] to them to be of a public nature, and return all those to said Duncan that are of private Concern, and detain only those that are of public Concern, or Act as they shall think proper Resolved that Messrs. Robert Yates, Joseph Young and Harmanus Wendell, be a Committee to correct and revise, the Regulation of the Burgers Night WatchResolved that Messrs. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Cuyler and Henry Wendell be a Committee to audit the Accounts for the Reparation of the Barracks in this CityAdjourned till 3 OClock P M. 1 Erroneous date by inadvertence. 308 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mlet according to Adjournt. Present. + Abraham Yates Junr + Robert Yates + Hars- Wendell + John Ten Broeck 4- Isaac Van Aernam + Robert M.cClallen John N. Bleecker Chairman John Bay + Joseph Young + Corns. Van Santvoordt + Henry Wendell + Gisbert Marselis + Albany Committee Chamber 11th JanY- 1775.1 Present. Yates Junr Abraham John H Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler John Ja Beeckman John Barclay Henry Quackenbush Joseph Young Jacob Cuyler Robert McClallen John Ten Broeck Chairman Jacob C Ten Eyck Samuel Stringer Robert Yates John Bay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Corns. Van Santvoordt Hars Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Lucas Van Veghten Henry Wendell [353] Albany Committee Chamber 12th Jany- 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ten Broeck Samuel Stringer Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Rutger Bleecker Gisbert Marselis Henry Wendell Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 1 Erroneous date by inadvertence. Chairman Joseph Young Lucas Van Veghten Robert Mc.Clallen Isaac Van Aemam John H. Ten Eyck Hars- Wendell Abraham Ten Broeck PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 309 Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Hars- Wendell Lucas Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam John Bay Corns. Van Santvoordt Joseph Young Samuel Stringer Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob C Ten Eyck Rutger Bleecker Gisbert Marselis Robert Yates Abraham Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Rutger Bleecker John Ja Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Messrs. John C. Conell and Jonathan Akely appeared before this Board, and made complaint that the Officers in one of the Companies of the District of Half Moon whereof Gerardus Cluet is Captn" have not been regularly chosen Thereupon - Resolved. That the Committee of said District be notified of the said Complaint and that they the said Committee or any of it's Members, attend at the next General Committee on Thursday the 18th Instant, in order to give the General Committee, a particular the Account of the manner in which said Election was Conducted for which purpose they will be pleased (if necessary) previously to enquire how and in what [353a] manner the same has been Conducted. Mr. William Pemberton was yesterday called before this Committee, and it being proposed to him whether (as he assumed the Right of Captain of the Grenadier Company in this City) he Could Sign the Test prescribed by the Provincial Congress for regulating the Militia of the Province of New York, whereupon he took Time to Consider He this Day pursuant to Sum-!mons appeared again before this Board, and declared that he could not Sign the same. Gerrit Halenbeeck one who assumed the Right of Lieut. in said Company also appeared before this Board, and also declared that he did not chuse to sign the said Test, That he had already Signed the Association, and was willing to sign it again. 310 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr William Charles one who also assumed the Right of second Liet. in said Company also appeared before this Committee, and declared his willingness to Sign the Same Albany Committee Chamber 13th Jany. 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Hart Wendell Gisbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Barclay Isaac Van Aernam Lucas Van Veghten Abraham Cuyler Henry Quackenbush Robert Yates Samuel Stringer Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Broeck John H Ten Eyck Joseph Young Resolved That this Committee do approve of the proceedings of Messrs Ab. Yates, Ab. Ten Broeck Robt' Yates, Jacob C Ten Eyck, John H Ten Eyck, Gisbert Marselis and Henry Wendell, who met at the House of General Schuyler the Day before Yesterday, which proceedins are as follows, to wit (here take in &c) [354] Albany Committee Chamber 13th JanY- 1776 7 OClock P M. Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Gisbert Marselis Stephen Schuyler John Bay Lacob Ja Lansingh Henry Wendell Frederick Berger Hart Wendell Samuel Stringer Robert Yates Walter Livingston Rutger Bleecker Killian Van Rensselaer Jacob Cuyler Robert McClallen Philip P Schuyler Henry Oothoudt Nicholas Herkemer, John Frey and Chrisr P Yates. Adjourned till to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 311 Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr John Ja Beeckman Jacob Bleecker JunrJohn Bay Henry Quackenbush Hars- Wendell Samuel Stringer Joseph Young Henry Wendell Lucas Van Veghten Robert Yates [14th JanY. 1776] Chairman Gisbert Marselis Abraham Cuyler Jacob C. Ten Eyck John N. Bleecker John H Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Walter Livingston Corns Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Cuyler Robert McClallen Messrs. Chrisr P Yates, John Frey and Nicholas Herkemer Tryon County of Henry Bleecker John Ten Broeck Stephen Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Broeck As there are, and every Moment expected a large Number of Troops in this City, to be at the Command of this Committee or General Schuyler, and as there is no Barracks provided for all the Troops Resolved that General Schuyler be sent for, in order to Consult on Measures to provide Barracks or other places for themResolved That the Troops be sent to Mr. Marselis the Barra[ck] Master who is [manuscript mutilated] to the Barrack [354a] and likewise that he send the Officers to the General[Resolved That Messrs. Jacob Cuyler Henry Bleecker and Abraham Curler be a Committee to attend this House for the reception of the Troops1 Resolved Nem. Con. that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Williams Town by Express.'] 1 This paragraph crossed out. 312 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 15th JanY. 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr John Barclay Abraham Cuyler John Bay Corns. Van Santvoordt Gerrit Lansingh Junr Tyrannus Collins Charles Toll Gisbert Marselis Jacob Cuyler Chairman Walter Livingston Henry Bleecker Henry Quackenbush Jacob C Ten Eyck John Knickerbacker Jr. Dirck Van Veghten Harmanus Wendell Ignas Kip Bastiaen T. Visscher [Whereas a Number of Men from the Adjacent New England Coverments are in this City and more on their nway in Consequence of Orders from this Board to the Militia of the Different districts communicated to them by Kings District Committee Resolved that the thanks of this Board paid them for their readiness in giving their assistance to their Brethren in this Province and that it recommended to them who are already here to proceed with the Body that are to march and that they send back expresses to stop those that are now on their way to this City — ] [355] Albany Committee Chamber 15th JanY. 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Abraham Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Bastiaen T Visscher Robert Yates Henry Wendell Jacob Cuyler Walter Livingston Jacob Bleecker Junr Joseph Young John Barclay Rutger Bleecker Henry Bleecker General Schuyler and the rest of the Commissioners of Indian affairs, asked advice of this Board, whether it would not be prudent to send a Messenger to 1 This paragraph crossed out. __I 1 __ _____ PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 313 the Six Nations acquainting them with the ground on which the present armament is now carrying on against some Inimical Persons in Tryon County. Resolved Nem Con in the Affirmative The General also proposed the Question whether it would not be prudent to send to Sir John Johnston previous to his carrying the Resolution of Congress into Execution. Resolved Nem Con. in the Affirmative The General then proposed the Question, whether in Case Sir John offered to deliver up the Arms &- mentioned in the Resolution of Congress, and the Arms of the Tories and their Chiefs as Hostages for the Neutrality of the rest, suffering at the same time the said Sir John to remain home on his giving his Parole of Honour for his Neutrality, and his not taking any Active part against America, till such Time as he shall be otherwise ordered by Congress Resolved Nem Con. as matters appear to this Committee at present in the Affirmative [Page 355a blank] [356] Albany Committee Chamber 18th JanY. 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell John Bay Leond. Gansevoort Lucas Van Veghten Peter R Livingston Walter Livingston Joseph Young John Barclay Gerrit Staats John H Beeckman Jacob C Schermerhorn Othniel Gardner Philip P Schuyler John H Ten Eyck Rutger Lansingh Guert Van Schoonhoven Peter Rose Gisbert Marselis Elisha Pratt Dirck Jansen Samuel Ten Broeck Gerrit G Van Den Bergh Corns. Van Santvoordt Jacob Cuyler Peter Van Ness Albartus Van Loon As there are a number of Men in Town, who in Consequence of the order of this Board came here and as a large Number is already gone up to Tryon 314 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE County, doubts arose whether they should be ordered to return home, or stay in Town, upon which debates arising and the Question being put whether or no they should remain in Town, go home, or proceedResolved that they stay in Town, and that Walter Livingston Esqr. Commissary furnish provisions to said Men upon an order of this Board, or their Order, untill such Time as they shall be farther ordered by this Committee or General Schuyler - In Consequence of which Captn' Hodges of White Creek applyed for Provisions for twenty one Men, which was granted, and the order is as follows Sir You will please to deliver to Captn" Hodges [356a] or Order one Day's Provisions for twenty one Men Resolved that Messrs. Lucas Van Veghten, Joseph Young, John Bay, and Samuel Ten Broeck be a Committee to issue out Orders, for the above purpose The Committee appointed by this Board to hold the Election in the District' made a return of the Poll by them held for Committee to represent said District in General CommitteeThe Question being put whether or no the said Return should be read, upon which Debates arising Resolved in the AffirmativeUpon perusing of the said Poll, it appeared that Barent Van Der Pool Andries Witbeeck, Cornelius Van Schaack Junr and Dirck Gardoneer are duly elected. The Question being then put whether or no the said Committee shall take their Seats in this Committee Resolved in the Affirmative It being suggested that the Persons returned a Committee for Kinderhook District, had by a Protest entered last Gen1l meeting cast scurrilous reflections against the proceedings of this BoardThe Question on Motion being put whether or no that matter should be now enquired into, or whether it should be postponed till next General meeting - Resolved unanimously that the same be postponed till next General meeting - 1 Of Kinderhook. Omitted in the text. PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 315 [The following petition was presented to this Board by John C. Conell and Jonathan AkelV and the Subject matter therein contained being taken into Consideration and thereupon Resolved [357] That the officers chosen in presence of the Committee of the District of Half Moon, are legally chosen and that the said Election stand, and that it be recommended to the said Petitioners to remain satisfied, and that they recommend the same1] This Board took into Consideration the Petition of Daniel Smith and others of Half Moon District with regard to the Election of Mr Gerardus Cluet as Captain, in which the petitioners alledge said Election to be irregular and pray for redress - This Board upon mature Deliberation - Resolved that the said Election is Valid. And earnestly recommend peace and Unanimity, to the Inhabitants of said District at this Critical Time.A Petition of forty four Persons in the District of Claverack desiring to be added to the East Regiment was laid before this Board thereupon Resolved that the Committee of Claverack enquire into the Subject matter therein contained, and make Report to this Board accordingly at the next General meeting Mr. Peter Van Ness one of the Committee of Claverak District laid before this Board the following List of the promotions made in that District and prayed that the same may be transmitted to the Provincial Congress for Commissions Resolved that it be accordingly recommended to the Congress aforesaid. Mr Jacob Cuyler laid before this Board the Resolutions of the Continental Congress of the 2 Jany- Instant for their Consideration thereupon Resolved that Messrs Jacob Cuyler [357a] and John Bay be a Committee to agree with the Printers of this City, to strike off in Hand Bills five hundred Copies of said Resolution, and that the Sub Committee draw upon the Treasurer of this Committee, for any Sum of Money attending said Printing - On Motion of Mr Peter Van Ness Resolved, that only one fourth Men and no more of each Company shall turn out as Minute Men, excepting in Cases where Whole Companies turn out. The Committee of Manor Livingston laid before this Board, the following List of the Officers promoted in said District and those chosen in their Stead, and prayed that the said Officers might be recommended to the Provincial Congress for Commissions 1 This paragraph crossed out. 316 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Thereupon Resolved that it be recommended accordingly for the purpose aforesaid The Committee of Coxachie agreeable to a former Resolve made the following Report (here take in &c) Resolved that the same be approved of and that the said Committee be requested into the Conduct and behaviour of James Hewetson of Lunenburgh, mentioned in their Certificate on the Back of said Report, and make Report to this Committee touching the Premisses at their next General MeetingResolved That Messrs. Joseph Young, Leonard Gansevoort Walter Livingston and John Bay, or any three of them be a Committee to enquire how and in what manner those Person's who have refused to do [358] Duty when called upon by their Officers are to be proceeded against & make Report Resolved That the Treasurer pay Mr. William Pemberton two pounds New York Currency for Twenty Days firing for this Committee Received a Letter from Collo. Alexander McDougall and others dated 2 Jany- 1776 in the following Words to wit. Recd another Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Safety in New York 4th JanY- 1776 in the following Words to wit Adjourned till to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock Met according to Adjournment [19th JanY. 17761 Present Abraham Yates Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Othniel Gardner Gerrit Lansingh Junr Samuel Ten Broeck John Barclay Rutger Lansingh Leond Gansevoort Guert Van Schoonhoven Joseph Young Peter Van Ness John N Bleecker Goose Van Schaick Elisha Pratt John Ten Broeck Philip P Schuyler Peter Rose Lucas Van Veghten Othniel Gardner Albartus Van Loon Gisbert Marselis Walter Livingston Dirck Jansen Peter R Livingston PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 317 Received the following Letter from Benjn. Hilton Esqr dated 18th InstantResolved thereupon that Messrs. Walter [358a] Livingston, Othniel Gardner and Peter Van Ness, be a Committee to take the subject matter therein contain [ed] into Consideration and Report to this Board accordingly The above Committee being returned report that Mr Hilton be sent forand that he be confined to his House 'till the next general Meeting of this Committee - and that he then be either continued in Confinement or releas'd from it as they shall Judge expedient - Resolved that this Board do agree with their Committee in the Report Ordered that Mr- Hilton be sent for. The Chairman's Conduct with Respect to the delivery of two boxes of lead to Mr Peter Schuyler for the Use of the Militia with General Schuyler, is approved of Mr- Richard Cartwright laid before this Board a Letter directed to Miss Grace Edmeston in Berwick upon Tweed, and The Question being put whether or no the said Letter should be opened Resolved in the Affirmative and that Messrs. Peter R Livingston, Joseph Young and Leond- Gansevoort, be a Committee for that purpose The above Committee Report that the said [359] Letter contains no public intelligence Ordered that the said Letter be sealed and returned to Mr. Cartwright Resolved That the Inhabitants of the City of Albany, and those that are in Town out of the County, be desired to attend at the City Hall this afternoon at one OClock, in order to fix upon two Persons to represent this City and County in General Assembly, Ordered also that the Cryer make the same public Adjourned till one OClock 318 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr Peter Van Ness Elisha Pratt Joseph Young John Bay Guert Van Schoonhoven Leond Gansevoort Philip P. Schuyler Rutger Lansingh Corns. Van Santvoordt Othniel Gardner Isaac Van Aernam Peter Rose John Ten Broeck Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr John H Ten Eyck Gisbert Marselis Walter Livingston Peter R Livingston Andries Witbeeck Barent Van Der Pool Bastiaen T Visscher Henry Quackenbush On Motion the Question being put whether or no the Troops that are now in Town ready to go up to Tryon County should return home or proceed to Tryon CountyResolved that they return home Resolved that the Committee of this County Condole the Death of the Brave General Richard Montgomery, by wearing each a Crape [359a] round their Arm for Six Weeks from this Day successively The Committee took into Consideration the necessity of having a Room to confine Persons that are inimical to the American Cause and thereupon Resolved that the Sheriff be sent for, and be requested to deliver one of the Rooms in the Goal to this Committee for that purpose The Sheriff appeared, answered that he could not spare a Room Resolved that Gisbert Marselis, Henry Wendell & Lucas Van Veghten be a Committee to enquire for a proper Place to keep those Persons that shall be deemed inimical to American Liberty, and that they make Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed. PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1776 319 Albany Committee Chamber 20th JanY 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Peter R Livingston Walter Livingston Henry Wendell John Bay Lucas Van Veghten John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Gisbert Marselis Corns. Van Santvoordt Chairman John H Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Rutger Lansingh Henry Bleecker Goose Van Schaick John Ten Broeck Grote Imht. The Committee appointed to enquire for a proper Place to confine such Persons as are inimical to American Liberty -Report that there [360] are two Rooms in the Fort in this City which with a little expence might be repaired fit for the purpose of safe keeping the said Persons Thereupon Resolved that General Schuyler be requested to fit and repair or cause to be fitted and repaired, the upper Room in said Fort for the purpose aforesaid - Albany Committee Chamber 23rd JanY 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Jun Abraham Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Gisbert Marselis John Barclay Joseph Young John Bay John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Chairman Robert Yates Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr Abraham Cuyler Samuel Stringer Isaac Van Aemam Leond Gansevoort Jacob C Ten Eyck John H Ten Eyck Daniel Heddock one of those that had been.to Tryon County agreeable to the Order of this Board applyed for three Days Provision, Resolved that 320 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE an Order be given on the Commissary General for the same, which was accordingly done Resolved that Messrs Robert Yates, Rutger Bleecker & Leond. Gansevoort, be a Committee to examine some Witnesses, relating some matters in Tryon County. and that they make Report to this Board with all convenient Speed - Recd the following Letter from the Committee of Safety for the Colony of New York dated 19th JanY. 1776 -As the above Letter was wrote to this Board, on a supposition, that the General was not in Albany, and as he is present here, but yet [360a] so unwell as not to be able to do business Resolved thereupon that Walter Livingston Esqr. Deputy Commissary be requested to supply the Persons that brought up the Powder with such Money and necessaries as they may stand in need of, at the expence of the public Albany Committee Chamber 1st Feby. 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Robert Yates John Barclay Philip Schuyler James MaGee Dirck Gardineer Corns. Van Schaack Junr. Henry Oothoudt Junr Dirck Van Ingen Abraham Wemple Richard Esselstyn Florus Banker Henry Wendell Jacob Schermerhorn Cornelius Tymese Chairman John Van Orden Nicholas Dick Joseph Young John Bay Killiaen Van Rensselaer Philip Bronk Asa Douglass David Pratt Jacob Ford Asa Waterman Othniel Gardner Gerrit Staats Peter Van Vranken Bastiaen T. Visscher Hars Wendell Stephen Schuyler PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 321 From Credentials offered to this Board it appears that Nicholas Dick was chosen a Committee Men for the District of East Camp agreeable to a former Resolve Ordered that he take his Seat. Walter Livingston Dirck Jansen Henry Quackenbush Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Hugh Mitchell Gerrit Van Den Bergh Gisbert Marselis Jacob C. Ten Eyck John H Beeckman Andries Witbeeck Jacob J. Lansingh Rutger Bleecker Frederick Berger On Motion Resolved that Messrs Walter Livingston Robert Yates, Jerh. Van Rensselaer R Bleecker & Joseph Young be a Committee to draw up Instructions from this [361] Board, to the five Representatives in General Assembly for this County declaring the Sense of this Board (as the representatives of the People in the County) respecting the present Contest between Great Britain and the Colonies, and that it be part of the Instructions to get a Bill passed for shortening the duration of the Assembly, with such farther Instructions as they shall think expedient, and that they make Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed. On Motion Resolved that no Member whatever of this Board leave the same during their present meeting without leave of the ChairmanRecd- a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 22nd JanY- 1776 in the following Words to wit This Board took- into Consideration the matter therein Contained, and thereupon Resolved that Messrs Robert Yates, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Rutger Bleecker Walter Livingston Joseph Young and John Bay be a Committee to take Mr- Hilton's Conduct into Consideration and make Report to this Board by to Morrow Morning. [Mr W. Livingston made the following Motion. Whereas some of the Inhabitants of this County have not Signed the Association entered into by this Colony, and it being dangerous to suffer the internal Enemies to our Liberties to be possessed of fire Arms I move That the returns from the different Districts1] 1 These words crossed out. 11 322 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Recd a Letter from the Committee of Claverack District dated 30th Jany. 1776 in the following Words to wit [Mr. Walter Livingston moved (and was seconded) That all Persons who were returned as Members to this Board by the Different Districts, and have not as yet taken their Seats, be ordered to attend at the next General meeting of this Committee, and in Case of their Non Compliance, that their Seats be vacated, and that the Secretary serve the Committee of each District with a Copy of this Resolve and that they notify their MembersResolved Nem: Con. in the Affirmativel] Messrs David Pratt and Jacob Ford two of the Committee for Claverack District laid before this Board, the following proceedings of their Committee (to wit,) -The Jacob J Herder one of the Persons therein mentioned appeared before this Board, and made Oath that Dirck Gardoneer was the Auther of the Anonymous Paper theirin mentioned, and the said Gardineer having previously confessed the same Thereupon Resolved that the said Jacob J Herder and Michael J Herder the Persons mentioned in the above proceedings be discharged from their present Confinement upon Payment of the Charges attending their coming up and Confinement, being ~3.. 12 which they readily agreed to. On Motion The Question being put whether or no this Board should determine the Conduct of Dirck Gardoneer Resolved in the Negative Adjourned till to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock 1 These words crossed out. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 323 [362] Met according to Adjournment [2d Feby 1 776] Present Abraham Yates Junr Robert Yates Joseph Young Henry Wendell Hars- Wendell Gisbert Marselis Isaac Van Aernam Corns. Van Santvoordt John Barclay Philip Bronck Dirck Gardineer Andries Witbeeck Philip P. Schuyler Stephen J. Schuyler Hugh Mitchell John Van Orden Nicholas Dick Lourance Schoolcraft Gerrit Van Den Bergh Henry Oothoudt Junr. Chairman Floris Banker John Bay John Ten Broeck Corns- Tymesen Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Peter Van Vranken James MaGee Asa Waterman Jacob Ford David Pratt Gerrit Lansingh Junr Corns. Van Schaack Junr Rutger Bleecker Dirck Jansen John H Ten Eyck Bastiaen T Visscher Asa Douglass Resolved that Mr. Rutger Bleecker be added to the Committee appointed to enquire how and in what manner those Persons ought to be proceeded against who have and shall hereafter refuse to do duty when called upon by their respective Officers, and that the said Committee make Report to this Board at their next General meeting.The Committee took into Consideration that part of the proceedings of the Committee of Claverack respecting their Report on a Petition of forty four Persons in the District of Claverack, referred to said Committee last General meeting. And [362a] thereupon Unanimously approve of their proceedings. The Committee appointed to draw up Instructions for the five Representatives in General Assembly for this County, as also to take into Consideration, the matter contained in the Letter from the Committee of Schonectady - brought in the Instructions for the Representatives which were ordered to lie on the Table - They also Report that they have taken into Consideration 324 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE the Conduct of Benjn. Hilton and the proceedings of the Committee of Schonectady, and thereupon have drawn up, the following proceedings, to wit, (here take in &c.) which was ordered also to lie on the Table Mr Rensselaer then moved for an Amendment which was also ordered to be taken into ConsiderationThe Amendment proposed was to ad, the Words, that this Committee do therefore withdraw their protection from him The Committee of Kings District laid before this Board the following proceedings of the Committee of that District (here take in &c) The above proceedings were taken into Consideration and Unanimously approved of and ordered the Said John Savage again to his Confinements, there to Continue untill Released by Proper bail, Givin to the Committee of Kings district, they prescribing his Limits -it is farther Resolved, that the Expences Attending his Confinement be discharged by the Said Savage. Adjourned till 1/2 past 1 OClock P. M. [363] Met according to Adjournment. Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam John Barclay Joseph Young John Bay Corns. Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Hugh Mitchell James MaGee Killian Van Rensselaer Philip P Schuyler Asa Douglass Asa Waterman Jacob Ford David Pratt Floris Banker Dirck Jansen Har- Wendell John Van Orden Peter Van Vranken Philip Bronck Nichs. Dick Stephen J. Schuyler Gerrit G Van Den Bergh James Gorden Dirck Gardineer Frederick Berger Gerrit Staats Henry Oothoudt Junr. Robert Yates Leond. Gansevoort Lourance Schoolcraft Jacob C. Schermerhorn Andries Witbeeck Rutger Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob J. Lansingh Daniel B. Bratt John H Beeckman Gisbert Marselis PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 325 The Committee of Claverack District laid before this Board, a dispute between Captn. John Salsbury and Captn. Bortle relative to Mr. Ephraim Kidder Junr a Soldier enlisted in the Minute Company And thereupon Resolve that it is the Opinion of this Board that the said Captn. Bortle withdraw his Warrant issued against said Kidder for not appearing under Arms, and that he remain a Minute Man for the futureOn Motion Resolved That it is the Opinion of this [363a] Committee that no Commissioned Officer who has been in the Continental Service, shall be obliged to go under Arms, or do any Military Exercise unless in Case of an Alarm or Invasion in which Cases he is subject to the Controul and directions of the Militia Officers as established by the Provincial or Continental Congress. This Board again resumed the Consideration of the Report of the Committee respecting Benjn Hilton - and thereupon Resolve that this Board do agree with their Committee in the ReportThe Committee again resumed the Consideration of the Anonymous Paper set forth in the proceedings of the Committee of Claverack and of the Author thereof - And thereupon Resolved that Messrs Robert Yates, Leond Gansevoort Joseph Young, Rutger Bleecker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Jacob Ford be a Committee to take the same into Consideration and make Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed. Resolved That Messrs Gisbert Marselis and Cornelius Van Santvoordt be a Committee to agree with some Person to be Goaler for the Goal made by order of this Committee for the Reception of such Offenders as shall be there sent The Committee appointed above Report That Mr Gardineers Conduct comes within the Regulations respecting inimical [364] Persons to the Liberties of America established by the Provincial Congress Mr. Gardineer then was called in and made acquainted with this Resolution who consented and agreed to be Tryed on said Matter, without having the Persons that are to Try him Sworn This Committee having received information, that in the late expedition to Tryon County some Person or Persons that were on that expedition have been Guilty of taking and carrying away Sundry things the property of Persons in that County, by reason of which, the Charge lays on all those that have been on said Expedition to Remedy which It is resolved that the Committees of every District in this County cause enquiry to be made into the matter, and if any of the Articles be found to bring 326 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE the same with them, as also the name of the Person that has taken the same, to this Committee at their next General Meeting Resolved that General Schuyler be acquainted that there are a Number of full and half pay Officers under his Majesty, and that he be consulted whether it would not be prudent to have them secured, and that Messrs. Robert Yates and Abraham Yates Junr. be a Committee [364a] for that purposeThe Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Contents of the Anonymous paper mentioned in the proceedings of the Committee of Claverack and the Conduct of Dirck Gardoneer the Author thereof farther Reported in the following Words to wit (here take in &-) Resolved That this Board do approve with their Committee in the Report. On Motion The Question being then put whether or no the said Dirck Gardineer should be disarmed agreeable to the Resolves of the provincial Congress Resolved in the Affirmative On Motion The Question being then put whether or no the said Dirck Gardineer should be expelled this Committee Resolved in the Affirmative From a return of the Committee of Cambridge District it appears that Ebenezer Allen, James Parrot, Jabush Mosher, and Asa Flint are elected a Committee for that District Ordered that they take their Seats. The Committee again resumed the Consideration of the Instructions to the Representatives in General Assembly And thereupon Unanimously approve with their Committee in the Report Mr Walter Livingston made the following Motions I move That all Persons who were returned [365] as Members to this Board by the different Districts and have not as yet taken their Seats; be ordered to attend at the next General Meeting of this Committee, and in Case of their Non Compliance and no sufficient reasons being given that their Seats be Vacated, and that the Secretary serve the Committee of Each District with a Copy of this Resolve, and that they Notify their Members. Resolved in the Affirmative Resolved that a Sum not exceedings Two thousand Pounds be struck in small Bills of Credit and that Messrs Robert Yates, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Joseph Young and Rutger Bleecker be a Committee to bring a Plan for that purpose PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 327 Resolved that John Barclay Esqr be appointed Chairman during the Absence of Abraham Yates Junr the present Chairman Rosolved that the Secy- furnish Dirck Gardineer with a Copy of the proceedings of this Board relative to him. Albany Committee Chamber 5th FebY: 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Ten Broeck John Barclay Abraham Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Robert Yates John Bay John Ja Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Jur Isaac Van Aernam Leond Gansevoort Joseph Young Mr John Ja Beeckman Reported that in Consequence of an Order from the Chairman he had paid the following Accounts to wit [365a] John Van Hoesen John Van Sante William Van Wie John Van Benthuysen Samuel Wallice John A Lansingh ~9 5 6 10 13 6 411 0 12 1 0 15 1 9 10 17 0 ~62 9 9 Resolved that this Board do approve of the proceedings of both the Chairman and Mr. Beeckman Resolved that Messrs John Ja Beeckman and Abraham Cuyler pay to Mr Jesse Fairchild or Order ~10 18 6 agreeable to his Acct exhibited to this Board. Resolved that Gerrit Lansingh Junr' be appointed Treasurer in the Room of John Ten Broeck to this Board- and that said Ten Broeck deliver to him all the papers and Monies he has in his Hands to Mr Lansingh 328 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 8th Feby- 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr. John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh Jun. Henry Wendell Jeremiah Vn Rensselaer Gisbert Marselis Henry Bleecker John Ten Broeck John Bay Chairman Walter Livingston Henry Quackenbush Jacob Bleecker Junr. John H Ten Eyck Joseph Young Hars Wendell Abraham Cuyler Robert Yates [366] Recd- a Letter from the Committee of Safety of the Colony of New York dated 26th JanY: 1776 in the following Words to wit The Contents thereof being taken into Consideration and thereupon Resolved that Circular Letters be wrote to the different District Committees in this County, desiring them to be prepared to give an Answer to the Contents at the next General meeting of this Committee Albany Committee Chamber 9th FebY 1776 Present. Chairman John Barclay Robert Yates Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gisbert Marselis Walter Livingston Pro Temp. Jacob Bleecker Junr. Cornelius Van Santvoordt John Bay Joseph Young In Consequence of a Resolution of Yesterday the following Letter was sent to the different Districts in this County, to wit. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 329 Albany Committee Chamber 10th FebY 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jacob C. Ten Eyck Joseph Young Hars' Wendell Robert Yates John H Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Corns. Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr John Bay Gisbert Marselis Capt'. William Jenkins one of the Officers of the Philadelphia Regiments made Complaint that some of his Soldiers had been harboured [366a] by one Samuel Loadman an Inholder in the City of AlbanyOrdered that said Loadman be sent for As there are many Slays in Town ready to take in the Troops for Canada - thereupon Resolved that Messrs Robert Yates, Jacob Cuyler and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be a Committee to wait upon Gen1l Schuyler and enquire when the Troops will be ready to March that the Slaymen may Conduct themselves accordingly Samuel Loadman appeared and was reprimanded for his Conduct in the above and promised not to be Guilty of the like for the future. Albany Committee Chamber 12th FebY- 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Joseph Young Corns Van Santvoort Isaac Van Aernam Henry Quackenbush Hars Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Gisbert Marselis Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Bleecker Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr Lucas Van Veghten John Ja Beeckman John Bay Samuel Stringer Henry Wendell 330 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE This Committee having received information that Gideon Hubbard and his Partner could give information relative to the inimical Conduct of several Persons. Thereupon Resolved that the following Letter be sent to said Hubbard, and to Mr Anthony Ten Eyck [367] to wit. Adjourned till 3 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Philip Schuyler Henry Wendell Bastiaen T Visscher Gisbert Marselis Isaac Van Aernam Stephen J. Schuyler Lucas Van Veghten Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Joseph Young Jacob C Schermerhorn John H Beeckman Corns* Van Santvoordt Gerrit Staats Jacob Bleecker Junr. Henry Oothoudt Junr Jacob Cuyler Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry Bleecker Harmanus Wendell John Bay The Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Reported that they had in their Custody one Abraham Lot of Philips Town, who they supposed could give information relative to some inimical Conduct of Persons living in said Town and other places in this County - Thereupon Resolved that the said Lot be examined touching said matter, upon which the following examination was taken under Oath (here take in &c) Thereupon Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaer by such Ways and Means as they think proper endeavour to get the said Persons mentioned in the Affidavit as soon as possible — [367a] Resolved that as Persons living and residing in Dutches County are mentiond. in the Affidavit, that a Copy of said Affidavit be transmitted to the Committee of that County with all Convenient Speed. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 331 Albany Committee Chamber 16th Feby: 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Joseph Young Guert Van Schoonhoven Gisbert Marselis Gerrit G. Van Den Bergh Philip P Schuyler Henry Oothoudt Junr. Walter Livingston Jacobus Van Der Pool Matthew Adgate Andries Witbeeck Stephen J. Schuyler Cornelius G. Van Den Bergh Hugh Mitchell Petrus Wyncoop Isaac Fonda Robert Yates Lucas Van Veghten Stephen Hogeboom Abraham Fonda Jonas White Jacob C Schermerhorn Zacharias Snyder Gerrit Lansing Junr Jabez Mosher Isaac Van Aernam Robert Meaker Jost Burst Isaac Spaulding Killian Van Rensselaer Ezekiel Tayler Gerrit Staats Cornelius Tymese Abraham Oothoudt Carol Toll Wessel Ten Broeck Rutger Bleecker John Bronck Peter Van Vranken John H Beeckman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Rutger Lansingh Abraham Cuyler Jacob Cuyler Peter Cantine John Ja Beeckman John Bay Corns. Van Schaack Jur Jacob Bleecker Junr John Wood Samuel Stringer Wilhels- Van Antwerp Henry Quackenbush Daniel B Bratt Henry Bleecker Samuel Bacon Harmanus Wendell Corns. Van Santvoordt [368] Resolved that no Member of this Board now present depart without leave of the Chairman Resolved that Messrs Walter Livingston Joseph Young John Bay and Stephen J Schuyler be a Committee to examine the Witnesses and Prisoners brought by the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck to this Board - 332 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Committee of Half Moon District Reported, That at an Election held in the Company where of Gerardus Cluet is Captn' Joshua Tayler was chosen first Lieut in said Company - From a Return of the Committee of Coxacckie District it appears that Leendert Bronck was chosen second Lieut' in the Company whereof Philip Bronck is Captn. Receved a Letter from Gen1. Schuyler dated the 14th Instant inclosing extract of a Letter from the Committee of Safety of the Colony of New York which said Letter and extract are in the following Words to wit Recd. a Letter from the Committee of East Camp dated 14th Feby. 1776 in the following Words to wit Recd two Letters from the Committee of the District of Saratoga in the following Words to wit. Dated 14th Instant. The three Members of the Committee of Kinderhook offered the following retraction of the Protest - here take in &c. Whereupon the Question being put [368a] whether or no the said Protest should be withdrawn on the Terms offered Resolved in the Affirmative Mr Robert Yates one of the Committee appointed to draw up a Plan for emitting in Bills of Credit the Sum of two thousand Pounds made the following Report to wit (here take in &c.) which was ordered to lie on the Table for Consideration George Ramsey having been sent by the Committee of the District of Schonectady to the Tory Goal of this County (provided for that purpose) as a Person inimical to the American Cause, appeared before this Board, and being charged, with calling those in favour of America Rebels & Traitors &c Resolved that the Crime he is charged with comes clearly within the Resolves of the Continental Congress, and that in Consequence thereof the said Ramsey be disarmed, and stand committed untill he enter into Bond in the penalty of ~200 with one or more sufficient sureties to be approved of by the Chairman of this Committee, Conditioned for his future good behaviour in the present Controversey between Great Britain and her Colonies Joseph Kingsly also appeared before this Board, and it appearing that he was a Person inimical to American Liberty Thereupon Resolved that the Crime he stands charged with comes within the [369] Resolves of the Continental Congress and that in Consequence thereof the said Kingsley be disarmed and stand Committed until he enter into Bond in the penalty of ~50 with one or more sufficient Sureties to be approved of by the PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 333 Chairman of this Committee, Conditioned for his future good behaviour in the present Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, That the said Security be taken in the Name of the Chairman of this Committee and that he pay all the Charges attending his Commitment Adjourned till 9 OClock to morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment [17th Feby. 1776] Present. John Barclay Chairman Matthew Adgate Robert Meaker Isaac Spaulding Peter Cantine Philip P Schuyler Samuel Bacon Zacharias Snyder Jacob C Schermerhorn Daniel B Bratt Isaac Van Aernam Carol Toll Corns. Van Schaack Jur. Gerrit Staats Peter Guernsey John Bronck John McClung Corns- Van Santvoordt Jost Burst Guert Van Schoonhoven Rutger Lansingh Wessel Ten Broeck Petrus Wyncoop Pro Temp Ezekiel Tayler Abraham Oothoudt Hugh Mitchell Robert Yates Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Bay Walter Livingston Isaac Fonda Abraham D. Fonda Killiaen Van Rensselaer Harmanus Wendell Jonas White Gerrit G. Van Den Bergh Lucas Van Veghten Samuel Stringer John H Beeckman Joseph Young Henry Oothoudt Junr Barent Van Der Pool Jacob Bleecker Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr [369a] From a return of the Committee of Kings District it appears that Elijah Bostwick Captn William Halenbeeck 1 Lieut. Isaac Averil second D~O Elijah Toles Ensign, in the first Company of the 17th Regiment, on Asa Douglass's the Captain thereof being promoted 334 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved thereupon that the said return be approved of by this Board, and that it be recommended to the Provincial Congress, to issue Commissions accordingly Mr. Adgate one of the Committee of Kings District, laid before this Board the following Petition to wit, (here take in &c.) Resolved that the Contents of said Petition be transmitted to the Provincial Congress of this Colony for their Consideration, and that it be recommended to said Congress to grant the Prayer thereof Mr John Bay one of the Committee appointed to take the examination of the Witnesses offered to this Board by the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck made Report that they had taken the following examinations and Confessions to wit, Confession of Isaac Filkins and James Lester Affidavit of Anthony Ten Eyck and John Flyn. here take in Confessions & Affidavits. [370] Recd. a Letter from Genl Schuyler dated 16th Instant inclosing sundry Resolutions of the Continental Congress which said Letter and Resolves are in the following Words to wit — The Committee of Ballston laid before this Board the following proceedings to wit (here take in &a) and the said Gilbert Miller appeared before this Board Resolved that the Chairman in behalf of this Committee for his Misconduct give him a reprimand, and that he behave better for the future which the said Miller promising to perform Ordered that he be discharged from farther prosecution Adjourned till 1 OClock P M. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 335 Met according to Adjournment Present Samuel Stringer Robert Yates Matthew Adgate DanielB Bratt Philip P Schuyler Wessel Ten Broeck Peter Cantine Walter Livingston Rutger Lansingh Corns. Van Santvoordt Abraham Oothoudt Ezekiel Tayler Guert Van Schoonhoven Jost Burst John McClung [370a] Andries Witbeeck Chairman Carol Toll John Bronck Gerrit Staats Barent Van Der Pool Samuel Bacon Petrus Wyncoop Jabez Mosher Hugh Mitchell Jonas White Henry Oothoudt Junr Corns' G Van Den Bergh Killiaen Van Rensselaer John H Beeckman Lucas Van Veghten Isaac Fonda Jacob C Schermerhorn Captn. Gerardus Cluet appeared before this Board and made Complaint that some part of his Company had refused to obey his Commands - Thereupon Resolved that the said Gerardus Cluet be furnished with a Copy of the Resolves of this Board, relative to said matter and it is opinion of this Board, that all Officers and Privates, that belong to his Company pay due obedience to such orders and directions, as shall be given or sent to them by Captn* Cluet during the Time he has the Command thereofResolved that John Dusenberge give Security for his good behaviour during the present Controversy to James MaGee one of the Members of this Board, in the Sum of ~20 on or before the twenty fourth Instant or that he be remanded to Confinement; that the said Security be taken in the Name of the Chairman of this Board. Resolved also that James Lester give the Security, except that the Penalty be ~40 -Resolved also that the said John Dusenberge and James Lester pay all the expences attending their coming up 1371 and Confinement 336 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Walter Livingston one of the Committee of the Manor of Livingston laid before this Board the following Affidavits &c' Resolved thereupon that the Committee of Claverack be requested to send a sufficient force to take the said Christiaen Cooper and fort[h]with bring & deliver him to the Keeper of the Tory Goal there to remain till farther ordered by the General CommitteeThe Committee of Schonectady District Reported, that in Consequence of a Resolution of their Body, the Inhabitants of said District had proceeded to the Choice of a Member in addition to those heretofore returned, and that a Majority fell on John Cuyler Junr Esqr Ordered that he take his Seat accordingly Resolved That the Committees of Kings Claverack and East Camp Districts be directed to send each one Company of their Militia into the District of Manor of Livingston with orders to disarm and apprehend all such suspected persons as shall be returned to them by the Committee of Manor of Livingston for that purpose and bring them together with their Arms forthwith before the Committee of Manor of Livingston who are hereby ordered to examine into the Offences of those who are apprehended and Report the same to this Committee at their next General Meeting [371a] And farther that one or more of the Members of each of the said Districts attend and join with the Committee of Manor of Livingston in such examination and Report - From a Return of the Committee of Claverack it appears that Jonathan Bigsby is chosen Captn. Abraham Fonda 1 Lieut- Joseph Heth 2 Lieut. and Abel Whealan Ensign, in the 9th Regiment whereof Martin Krum1 was Captn' and who has declined Ordered. that it be recommend[ed] to the Provincial Congress to Commission the said Officers accordinglyBarent Van Der Pool one of the Members of this Board, being charged with having declared that he could not in Conscience take a Commission under the Congress - and he declaring that the Witness who has declared the same must have misunderstood him Thereupon Resolved that John H Beeckman and Abraham Van Deusen two of the Persons who were present be desired to attend this Board at their next General meeting to give Evidence concerning the premisses - Resolved That the State of the Militia of that District be enquired into and that the Committee of said District [372] return to this Board the Commissions that have not been accepted by the Officers for whom they were made 1 Martin Krum was captain of the 5th company. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 337 out that the Persons, who have not accepted the same Attend this Committee at their next General meeting to shew Cause why they have not done it - Resolved That the Secretary by next General meeting draw the General Association in the Minute Book of the proceedings of this Board, and that the same be Signed by all the Members belonging to this Board. Resolved that the proceedings of this Board relating Benjamin Hilton Esqr be sent down to New York to be published in Mr Gaine's News Paper The Committee of Cambridge District Reported that one James Parrot one of the Members of said District has refused to serve - thereupon Resolved that his Seat be Vacated and that a new Election be held in said District for a Member in his Stead on the 27 Instant The Committees of Kings Saratoga, Ballston, Schonectady, Schohary, Schagtekoeke, Half Moon, Cambridge, East Camp, Coxachie Claverack Kinderhook, Manor of Rensselaer, Manor of Livingston, Second Ward, and third ward of the City of Albany. Reported that all there [372a] are willing to attend this Committee The Committee of the first Ward Reported that all their Members have and are willing to attend except Peter Silvester Esqr who has never attended since the last Election, Thereupon Resolved that an Election be held in said Ward for the Election of a Member in the Room & Stead of Mr Silvester and that the said Election be held on the 27 Instant Resolved that a new Election be held in the District of Hosick & Sinkaick on Monday the 27 Instant at such place as shall be appointed by the Committee of said District, for Committees to Represent said District from the Day of Election untill the fourth Tuesday in May next, and that five Members be chosen The Committee of the District of Claverack Reported that one John Salsbury a Captain in one of the Minute Companys in a neighbouring District: had inlisted and taken under his Command several Persons living and under the Command of one [of] the Captains of the Militia Company's in the District of Claverack Resolved that the same be taken into Consideration to Morrow Morning Adjournd till to Morrow Morning at 9 OClock 338 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [373] Met according to Adjournment [18th Feby. 1776] Present John Barclay Samuel Stringer Wessel Ten Broeck Corns Van Santvoordt Walter Livingston John Bronck Rutger Lansingh Samuel Bacon Barent Van Der Pool Andries Witbeeck Daniel B Bratt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John McClung Chairman Pro Temp Jost Burst Jabez Mosher Isaac Van Aernam John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young John Bay Petrus Wyncoop Junr. Lucas Van Veghten Corns G. Van Den Bergh Harmanus Wendell John H Ten Eyck Rutger Bleecker The Committee resumed the Consideration of the Plan for emitting of ~2000 in Bills of Credit and thereupon Resolve that they do agree and approve of the Report of their Committee provided a sufficient Number of Signers can be procured The Committee resumed the Consideration of the Report of the Committee of Claverack, and thereupon Resolved that no Officer or Officers, either of the Minute Men or other Militia Company, (except Field Officers or such as shall be commanded by them,) shall for the future have or exercise any Power or Authority over any Person or Persons (in any of the Militia or Minute arrangements) who do not reside and dwell within the Limits and Bounds [373a] of the same District where the Officer or Officers do reside, and that no Officer or Officers whatever shall be chosen by any of the Minute or other Militia Companys except such as do dwell and have their Home in one and the same Districts and that it is the Opinion of this Board such Choice shall not, nor cannot be made before such Company has been first properly arranged by a Committee of the same District - The Committee do recommend to the several Captains and other under Officers of the Militia in this County, to use their endeavours, to put in Execution the Resolves of the Continental & Provincial Congress, which respect, the Arming and accoutring the Militia of this Colony Resolved that Messrs John Ja Beeckman and Abraham Cuyler pay Mr John I. Hansen the amount of his Account. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 339 Whereas John Salsbury of Kings District has been requested by the Committee of the District of Claverack to appear before this Board at this meeting to Answer to a Complaint made against him touching his disorderly Conduct which request he has not complied with Resolved therefore that the said John Salsbury be Cited to appear before this Board at the next General Meeting together with such Evidences as shall be thought necessary by the Committee of the District of Claverack to support said Complaint [374] Albany Committee Chamber 21St Feby 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman John Ja Beeckman Corns Van Santvoordt. Gerrit Lansingh Jurn Gisbert Marselis Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell John Bay Henry Bleecker Henry Quackenbush The Committee appointed to Audit the Accounts of the Reparation of the Barracks brought in the following State to wit. Resolved that a Draft be immediately drawn by this Board (to defray the Barrack Accts-) on the Provincial Congress of this Colony in favour of the Deputies of this County attending said Congress for at least one hundred Pounds over and above the Ballance appearing from the said AccountsResolved farther that a Letter be drawn and sent to said Deputies inclosing the said Draft, informing them at the same time that the Accounts therewith sent are allowed of by this Board, and the reason of their drawing for more than the Amount of the Accounts is because many small Accounts are not yet brought in, and daily more expences accruing -And further that it be recommended to said Deputies to have the Wages of the Persons that superintended the Reparation of the Barracks asscertained - [374a] The Chairman laid before this Board the following Petition from the Committee of the Corporation of Cambridge & (here take in &c) Resolved Thereupon that Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Robert Yates, and Jacob Cuyler be a Committee to take the above Petition into Consideration and make Report to this Board at their next General Meeting 340 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 22nd Feby: 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. Samuel Stringer Jacob Cuyler Lucas Van Veghten John Ten Broeck Corns. Van Santvoort Harmanus Wendell Robert Yates Robert McClallen Joseph Young Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Bay Received a Letter from the Deputies of this County in Provincial Congress dated 13th Feby: 1776 inclosing some Pamphlets which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. Received also a Letter from the Committee of German Camp District dated 20 Instant which is in the following Words to wit General Schuyler laid before this Board the following Letter from Samuel Clyde dated 19th Feby. 1776 The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolved that the following Answer be sent thereto Received a Letter from Messrs. Robert Edmonston and Michael Ryan dated the 20 FebY 1776 [375] Thereupon Resolved That as there is another Captn- also recommended from said District that the said Letter be transmitted with the Recommendation from this Board for Officers to the Provincial CongressResolved That the following Letter be sent to the Committee of German Camp District (here take in &c) On Motion Resolved that Mr. Peter B Tears be recommended to General Schuyler for Adjutant to Collo Van Schaick's Regiment, and he is hereby recommended accordingly Resolved that Messrs. Robert Yates, Jacob Cuyler and John Bay be a Committee to consult with General Schuyler with respect to the State of the Officers, arranged to fill up Van Schaick's Regiment and make Report to Morrow Morning PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1776 341 Albany Committee Chamber 22 FebY 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell John Bay Joseph Young Robert Yates John Ja Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Pro Temp Gerrit Lansingh Junr Corns Van Santvoort John Ten Broeck Samuel Stringer Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John H Ten Eyck Resolved that Messrs John Ja Beeckman, Abraham Cuyler Jacob Cuyler Samuel Stringer Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and John Ten Broeck or any two of them be appointed and they are hereby appointed to Sign the Bills of Credit to be emitted by this Board. [375a] Albany Committee Chamber 27th Feby: 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Gisbert Marselis Corns. Van Santvoordt Joseph Young Samuel Stringer John Ten Broeck Henry Bleecker Robert Yates Harmanus Wendell John Ja Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr The Secretary returned a Poll for electing a Member to represent the first Ward of the City of Albany in Committee in the Room and Stead of Peter Silvester Esq'r From which it appeared that Henry I. Bogert was duly Elected.- Ordered that Mr Boge[r]t take his Seat accordingly Albany Committee Chamber 27th Feby: 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Harmanus Wendell Samuel Stringer Corns' Van Santvoordt John H Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck John Bay Pro Temp Joseph Young Rutger Bleecker Henry Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr. 342 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress of this Colony dated 18th Feby- Instant inclosing Resolve of Congress of the 15thi which said Letter and Resolve are in the following Words to wit. Received also a Letter from the Deputies of this County in provincial Congress dated 19th Ins-t inclosing Twenty Warrants to be filled up by this Board for such Gent. as this Board shall think proper, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. [376] Resolved that the Contents of said Letters be taken into Consideration next General meetingAlbany Committee Chamber 1 March 1776 John Barclay Henry I Bogert John Bay Robert Yates Rutger Bleecker John Ten Broeck Samuel Stringer John Cuyler Junr Philip P Schuyler James MaGee Florus Banker William Van Bergen Samuel Van Veghten Frederick Berger Richard Esselstyn Corns Van Santvoordt Hosea Lincoln Simeon Covill Walter Livingston Present Chairman Pro Temp Peter Becker Frederick Marte Peter Van Vranken Harmanus Wendell Joseph Young Henry Quackenbush Isaac Lansingh Jacobus Williamson Henry Leake John Abbot Barret Dyer Joseph Row Chrisr Yates Henry Oothoudt Junr John H Ten Eyck Jacob Schermerhorn Othniel Gardner Henry Bleecker John H Beeckman Pursuant to a Resolve of last General meeting the Committee of Hosick District made a Return of the Poll for Electing five Members to represent said District in Committee from which it appeared that Isaac Lansingh, Adam Vrooman, Jacobus Williamson, Henry Leake and John Abbot were duly elected ordered that they take their Seats accordingly PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 343 From a Return of the Committee of Grote Imboght it appears that Frederick Marten was chosen a Member for said District in the Room of Wilhelmus Row ordered that he take his Seat accordingly From a Return of the Committee of Cambridge [376a] District it appeared that Simeon Covill Daniel Mosher James Parrot and Jacob Cooper were elected a Committee for that District - Ordered however that all the Members of the District and Corporation have but one Vote The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Contents of the Petition and Letter of John McClung of the Corporation of Cambridge Reported in the following Words to wit (here take in &c) Resolved That this Board do approve of the said Report. The Committee took into Consideration the Arrangement of the Officers to fill up the Regiment to be raised in the Counties of Albany Tryon & Charlotte and thereupon Resolve to appoint Corns. Van Santvoort CaptnJ Abraham Becker 1 Lieut Obadiah Vaughan 2 Do~ Samuel Carpenter Ensign Samuel Van Veghten Captn 2 John Hoogkerk 1 Lieut John Ball 2 Do~ Patrick Campbell Ensign John H Wendell CaptJohn Ten Broeck 1 Lieut Joel Abbot 2 Do~ John Ostrander Ensign John A Bratt Captain Solomon Pendleton 1 Lieut David Bates 2 D. D Chrisr. Peeck Ensign Harme Vossburgh CaptBarent Staats Salsbury 1 Lieut 5 d Isaac Bogert 2 D. Michael Dunning Junr Ensign [377] It is resolved that in Case a Vacancy should happen in the Lieut's in the above arrangement that the said Abbot fill up the first Vacancy 344 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That in Case any of the above Officers should decline to enter into the Service That the Sub Committee fill up such Vacancy from the List of the remaining Officers recommended and it is requested that the Committee of the District where such Officer may reside who declines it, to recommend a proper person in his Place and who they know will accept. The Committee pursuant to a Resolution of last General meeting proceeded to hear the Evidences against John Salsbury Peter Wiesmer says - That about Six Months ago, he had an Execution served on Nicholas Groot, but what was obliged to withdraw it That the under Sheriff informed him on being asked why he did not levy the Money, That he was prevented from doing it by John Salsbury and his Company, That he was also informed that there were a number of Persons in Spencer Town & Noble Town preparing to come down & Mob this Deponent because he had precepts Served, That Capt. Salsbury came to this Deponent, and said that the People there would not be sued for they must go to War, and farther that said Salsbury said that the People there were determined that the Law should not be carried on in its full force, and said Salsbury insisted upon this Deponents giving an Order to the Undersheriff [377a] to deliver up the Mare and Colt he had Seized, that on this Deponent not giving the order he received the following Letter (here take in) that after the Receipt of the Letter he received Accounts that they were coming upon him, and that he was obliged to relinguish his Debt and believes had it not been for his Children that he would have suffered Christiaen Smith sworn says. ---that some time last he had a warrant against Jacob Lottewall whom he took and promised to go with him when he had unyoked his Oxen, after he had unyoked his Oxen he went of to Squire Culver at Spencertown that Squire Culver told said Jacob to go to John Salsbury who with about Twenty Men pursued this Deponent and came at the House of Abm- Hogeboom and enquired for this Deponent, but this Deponent being hid they went of, and this Deponent then left said Hogeboom's House, and went to Gysbert Scharpe who asked him whether they had not taken him yet, that Scharpe informed him that Salsbury told him that he would take this Deponent if the was to be found on the Ground and tar & feather him for taking Lotewall, That said Salsbury with about Six Men took and carried one Coenraedt Peterson about two Miles from the House and there Tied himCoenraedt Peterson Sworn says. That at [378] Nicholas Groats last fall John Salsbury asked this Deponent to inlist under him as a Minute Men, that this Deponent replied he belonged to Dirck Gardineers Company upon PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 345 which said Salsbury said if he would inlist under him, he would Clear from Gardineer, and that if he this Deponent would inlist under him, and was to be Sued that he and his Company would Clear him, That this Deponent related the above to one Louranc[e] Hogeboom, and that said Salsbury upon hearing this called this Deponent a Liar and took and carried this Deponent from Guysbert Scharpe's House and Tied him with a Rope, and Carried him about a Mile when they loosed him and desired him to Confess that he had been a Liar and misunderstood him, and that by persuasion he Confessed he had misunderstood him, and if he had hurt his Character he was sorry for it Adjourned till nine OClock to Morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Henry I Bogert Rutger Bleecker Robert Yates Gerrit Lansing Junr. John Cuyler Junr' James MaGee Florus Bancker William Van Bergen Samuel Van Veghten Peter Becker Richard Esselstyn [378a] Andries Witbeeck Barent Van Der Pool John McClung Simeon Covill Henry Leake [2d March 1776] Pro Temp. Isaac Lansingh Joseph Row Frederick Marten Barret Dyer Jacobus Williamson Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Corns. Van Santvoordt Hosea Lincoln Tyrannus Collins Joseph Young John Bay John H Ten Eyck The Committee proceeded to the examination of the Witnesses against John Salsbury, and Christopher Miller appearing was Sworn and upon Oath Declares that some time before last October Court, he served an Execution on the Goods of one Nicholas Groat and seized upon his Lands he was not at home, his Wife Blowed upon the Horn for her husband who was on the Land, that thereupon for fear of being taken he left the House and rid to one 346 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Guysbert Scharpe's where he found a Mare belonging to said Groat which he seized, and took her to Mr. Wiesmer at whose Suit the Execution was and who appeared not satisfied with it, that Groat came there with another Horse which this Deponent also took, after which one Ensign John Dean Nathaniel Culver, Henry Salsbury and others came at Wiesmer, and said to Wiesmer if it, was not settl'd it would Create trouble. That this Deponent told John Salsbury that he heard that Salsbury and others would come down and Pull this Deponents and Wiesmers Houses down, that Salsbury replied he did not mean to hurt this Deponent, but had it [379] not been setteled, that they would have come down against Wiesmer that this Deponent from the Tenor of the discourse understood that they would have injured Wiesimer had it not been setteled, Received a Letter from the Committee of Manor Livingston District dated 24th Feby 1776 which said Letter and the proceedings therein inclosed are in the following Words to wit. Resolved that the said Committee have Time till next meeting to make their Report On Motion Resolved that Joel Abbot be appointed second Lieutenant in Capt' John H Wendels Company Resolved That in Case Captn. Nicholas Marselis should decline taking the Captaincy that Mr Samuel Van Veghten supply his place- Also Resolved that in Case Teunis H Visscher should decline that John Ball supply the place of second Lieu*t in that Company Resolved That Cornelius Van Beuren supply the place of the next Vacancy that shall happen in said Arrangement as Lieut' [Page 379a blank.] [380] Received a Letter from the Committee of Saratoga District dated 26th Feby* 1 776 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit - Received also a Letter from Isaac Man dated 27th- Feby. 1776 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. The Contents thereof being taken into Consideration and thereupon Resolved, that the Consideration of the Charges laid against Mann be postponed till next General meeting, and that the Committee of Saratoga take Bail for his Appearance at that time, further Resolved that in Case he does not find Bail, or does not appear at the next General Meeting that the present Bond for his appearance be forfeited The Committee of Manor of Rensselaerwyck Reported that in Consequence of the request of a number of the Inhabitants of the said Manor they held an Election for an additional Member for that District and that Captn PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 347 George White was Elected - Ordered on Motion that he take his Seat in this Board accordinglyThe said Committee farther Reported that they had received the following Letter from Capt-. Ichabud Turner Dated FebY. 19th: 1776 (here take in Letter &c.) Resolved that it be recommended to the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck to take Security from the Persons mentioned in the above Letter for their future good behaviour, and that they disarm them & the remainder of the Non Associaters [380a] Resolved that the Committees of the Districts of Hosick and Cambridge meet at such Time and place as they shall think proper, and settle the Division Line between the said Districts, and call at such meeting before them, all such Persons, as live and reside upon the Borders of said Division Line, and their declare to said Committee in which District they reside Adjourned till two OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman Gisbert Marselis Joseph Young Robert Yates John Ten Broeck Walter Livingston Philip P Schuyler Henry Oothoudt Jun. William Van Bergen Samuel Van Veghten Peter Becker Isaac Lansingh Barret Dyer Richard Esselstyn John Bay Henry Lake Pro Temp Tyrannus Collins Joseph Row Frederick Marten Andries Witbeeck Barent Van Der Pool John Abbot Henry I Bogert Simeon Covill John McClung Jacobus Williamson Ebenezer Allen Harmanus Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Samuel Stringer George White James MaGee 348 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr Robert Yates, Joseph Young Richard Esselstyn and Barret Dyer the Committee that were appointed to take into Consideration the proofs and examinations preferred against John Salsbury of Kings District Reported in the following Words to wit (here take in &c.) Resolved That this Board do approve of the Report[381] Resolved That Thomas Williams Junr be recommended to Provincial Congress for Quarter Master in the Regiment to be raised in the. Counties of Albany Tryon and Charlotte, and he is hereby recommended accordingly Also Resolved that Peter A. Fonda be recommended for Adjutant to said Regiment [This Board being informed by Mr. Henry Glen one of the Delegates of this County - that Peter Silvester Esqr' by reason of the present situation of his Family in removing them to Kinderhook, could not attend Congress, during their present sitting -and thereupon upon mature deliberation resolved unanimously that Rutger Bleecker Esqr be and he is hereby appointed a Delegate in the Room and Stead of Mr Silvester writh equal Power and Authority with the rest of the Delegates of this County'] Whereas this Committee did on the 24th Day of November last past declare Abraham Yates Jun Abraham Ten Broeck, Robert Yates, Francis Nicoll, Henry Glen Peter Silvester, Jacob Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort Peter R Livingston Robert Van Rensselaer Henry Oothoudt and John Js Bleecker to have a Majority of Votes for Deputies to represent this County in Provincial Congress, and farther declared that they or any four of them represent this County in said Congress during the Time mentioned in their Resolves, and whereas Peter Silvester Esqr one of the said Deputies having declared that by reason of the situation of his Family he could not attend Congress during their present sitting By which inconvenience may arise To prevent which Resolved that the said Deputies or any three of them have the power & authority to represent this City & County in said Congress during the Time aforesaid It being suggested that in different parts of the District are resident who stile themselves [381a] Quakers, and as they are exempted from Military Duty by the Resolves of Congress doubts have arisen in the minds of the Officers by what Test they can be known so as to come within the meaning of the exemption- Thereupon Resolved that a Letter be drawn to the Continental Congress, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. (here take in &c.) 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 349 Resolved That Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer & John Bay be a Committee to inspect Capt" George Whites Accounts as he was appointed Captn by this Board. Resolved That the Militia of the District of Cambridge and the Corporation of Cambridge be joined in one Regiment and that the said Regiment be calld and known by the Name of the eighteenth Regiment This Board proceeded to hear and examine the proofs produced against Barent Van Der Pool a Member of this Board, and having heard Mr Van Der Pool's defence to the same Are of Opinion that he has made use of expressions (as proved by Mr Ten Eyck) which are extreamely unfriendly to the united opposition of the American Colonies against Ministerial Tyranny, and that the same Tended to dissuade others from joining said Measures. Yet the said Van Der Pool declaring to this Board that he had delayed taking his Commission in order to Consider of the propriety of accepting it, and being now convinced that he can accept the said Commission and expressed his Willingness to subscribe the Declaration required by the Resolves of the provincial CongressResolved thereupon that if he performs his promise before the next General meeting of this Committee that this Board will then discharge the said Complaint. [382] Resolved that the Committees of the several Districts of this County make strict enquiry into the State of the Militia, and make Report to this Board at their next General meeting what Officers have and have not taken their Commissions John Man being sent down by the Committee of Saratoga for Trial before this Board, and this Board not having the proper Proofs in their Possession, Resolved thereupon that his Trial be postponed till next General meeting and that he give Security in the Sum of ~30 for his appearance at that Time Mr Tyrannus Collins one of the Members of this Board promising to be answerable for his appearance at that Time -thereupon Resolved that he be discharged from his present Confinement 350 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 5th: March 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Joseph Young Gerrit Lansingh Cornelius Van Santford Jacob Cuyler John Ten Broeck Jacob C Ten Eyck Samuel Stringer Henry Wendell Jacob Cuyler Isaac Bogart Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac Van Aernam John Bay Harmanus Wendell Jeremiah Van Ranselear Mr Robert McClallen one of the Members of this Board laid before this Board a number of Bills of parcels and Invoices of Goods bought at Montreal together with the following Affidavit (here take in &c) Ordered that the above Affidavit be published[382a] Albany Committee Chamber 6th March 1776 Present. Chairman John Barclay John Bay Henry Wendell Henry I. Bogert John Ten Broeck Samuel Stringer Corn- Van Santvoordt Robert Yates Harmanus Wendell John Ja. Beeckman Pro Temp. Jacob Bleecker Junr. Henry Bleecker Joseph Young Robert McClallen Gerrit Lansingh JunrIsaac Van Aernam John H Ten Eyck Rutger Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Joshua Losee Second Lieutenant in Captn Harme Vossburgh's Company having declined to serve Resolved that Isaac Bogert supply his place and that the Warrant be filled up accordingly Resolved that Philip Conyne Junr. supply the next vacancy shall happen in the new arrangements PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 351 Resolved that whoever shall act in opposition to the Resolves of the Continental Congress or shall endeavour to obtain redress of Grievances by means not warranted by the said Resolves shall be deemed Violators of the Association and an Enemy to his Country — Adjourned till 2 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Joseph Young Henry I. Bogert John Bay Robert Yates John Ja Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr Pro Temp John Ten Broeck Rutger Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Walter Livingston Samuel Stringer Robert M~Clallen Isaac Van Aernam Bastiaen T. Visscher Complaint was laid before this Board by John Van Benthuysen, John Van Sante, Peter Bratt and others that Volkert P Douw John H Ten Eyck, Wessel Van Schaick, John Roff, Gerardus Beeckman John De Peyster [383] and John Boyd had enhanced the prices of their Goods contrary to the Resolutions of Congress. This Committee having heard the Complaints of several persons preferred against some of the Merchants in this City for having sold Merchandize at an advanced price contrary as it is alledged to the Association of the Continental Congress Thereupon resolved that the said Complainants and Merchants be cited to appear before this Board on Saturday next at ten OClock in the Morning of that day the Latter in order to make their respective defences against the said Complaint (if any defence they have And this Committee do farther resolve that as they have hitherto done so they will always proceed in this and every other matter according to the recommendations of the said Continental Congress 352 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 7th March 1776 [Present] John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. Henry Wendeli Robert McClallen Joseph Young Isaac Van Aernam John Bay Harmanus Wendell Abraham Cuyler John Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Samuel Stringer Robert Yates Corns. Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Vn Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush Jacob Bleecker Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ja Beeckman Gerrit G Van Den Bergh Henry I. Bogert Colo. Nicoll produced to this Board a Copy of the Resolves whereby he together with Col~ Thomas Palmer and Mr. Gilbert Livingston were appointed by the Provincial Congress to transport a number of Cannon from New York to the Northward, and at the same time informed this Board that the said Cannon are brought up as far as New Windser or poughkeepsie by Water, That they could proceed no farther by reason of the Ice And thereupon requested the [383a] Opinion of this Committee whether it would be expedient to endeavour to proceed by Land or wait untill the River opened Tho' this Committee are of Opinion that the utmost expedition is necessary in the transportation of those Cannon they nevertheless conceive that the additional expence of Land Carriage would be useless, Because should the Cannon be now in Town the difficulties of the Northern Roads and the precarious dependance on the Ice in the Lakes would necessarily occasion a delay untill the Lakes are open, which cannot reasonably be expected before the opening of the River And are therefore unanimously of Opinion that the said Committee wait untill the Cannon can be brought by Water. Resolved that the Col~o of the 1st or City Regiment do with all Convenient Speed order the respective Militia Companies under Arms and that the same practice be continued monthly pursuant to the resolves of the provincial Congress & that the respective Captn1 report the number of Minute Men who offer themselves for that Service out of each Company, and that the Colo~ be served with a Copy of this Resolve PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 353 Complaint was made to this Board by Amos Andrews that Joseph Grinman had presented a Gun at him, after he and some others by order of the Committee of Stephen Town had entered the House and taken his Father Benjamin Grinman, which said Complaint being supported by Evidence Thereupon Resolved that the said Joseph Grinman give Security in the Sum of ~25 to the Sub Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck for his future good behaviour during the present Contest between Great Britain and her Colonies and farther that he pay the expence and Charge of bringing up and [384] carrying him back. Ordered that Captn Dennison be furnished with a Copy of the above Resolve, and that he deliver the same to the said Committee Resolved that Benjamin Grinman Benjamin Sheldon, Samuel Very and Caleb Carr be sent back under the Care and Charge of Capt Dennison to the Sub-Committee of that part of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck called Stephen Town, and that the said Sub Committee take such Sureties from them and each of them for their future good behaviour during the present Contest between' Great Britain and her Colonies as they shall think fit and that the said Persons above named do pay all reasonable expence and charges which have already accrued and that may further accrue by reason of bringing up and carrying them back but should they or either of them refuse to give such Sureties & Payment that then they shall be brought back & Committed to the Goal in the City of Albany Adjourned till 9 O'Clock to Morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment. [8th March 1776] Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. Robert McClallen Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry I Bogert John H Ten Eyck Henry Wendell Corns. Van Santvoordt Robert Yates Joseph Young John Ja Beeckman John Bay Whereas Complaints have been made to this Board against some of the Merchants for enhancing the prices of Merchandize exposed to Sale contrary to the resolves of Congress, To prevent which for the future Resolved that the following Advertisement be published in Hand Bills, (here take in &c) [384a] Whereas a Complaint is preferred against Jellis Lagrange that 12 354 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE he has acted in opposition to the Interest of the Liberties of this Country and that on the sixth of March Instant he has been Tampering with the soldiers in Town in order to Join with him to break open some of the Stores of the Merchants of this City Ordered that the said Jellis Lagrange be cited to appear before this Board on the 9th day of this Instant March to answer the said Complaint Resolved that Rutger Bleecker Esqr. Captain of the Association Company order his Company to be in readiness to appear under Arms in the Morning on the 9th Instant at a minutes warning. Albany Committee Chamber 8 March 1776 John Barclay Henry Wendell Henry I Bogert Joseph Young John Bay Robert Yates Present Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Cuyler John Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell John H Ten Eyck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Baptist Dugan applyed to this Board for a Horse on his Way to Canada, and as this Board have no fund to defray the expence thereof Resolved that the following Letter be sent to Gen1 Schuyler To which we received the following Answer to wit [385] Albany Committee Chamber 9th March 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Henry Wendell Jacob C Ten Eyck Henry I Bogert Joseph Young Jacob Cuyler John Ja Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr' Abraham Cuyler Harms Wendell Bastiaen T Visscher Robert Mc Clallen Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Corns. Van Santvoordt Samuel Stringer John H Ten Eyck Guert Van Schoonhoven Isaac Fonda John Bay PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 355 Whereas this Committee did some time since on mature Consideration declare Gerardus Cluet to be legally chosen a Captn- in one of the Militia Companies in the District of Half Moon, and Whereas it has since appeared to this Board that some Persons belonging to said Company have refused and still do refuse to obey his Military Orders - Thereupon Resolved that this Committee, will invioably observe and carry into Execution the Orders and Regulations of the Provincial Congress which respect the forming the Militia of this Colony, against all such Persons as shall neglect or refuse to obey the orders of their respective Officers This Committee last summer from a just Sense of the necessity of preserving the Tranquility of this City did establish a night Watch by means whereof the Corporation were eased of the expence in maintaining the Slender Guard then existing, Consequently part of the Money raised by Tax on the Inhabitants of this City for the professed purpose of a Watch remains in their Hands undisposed of. As this Committee have necessarily incurred an [385a] expence in repairing a Watch House and furnishing it with Wood and Candles, Thereupon Resolved That the Accounts of such expence hitherto incurred be laid before the Corporation and that they be requested to discharge the same out of the Money raised as aforesaid. Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. Henry I Bogert Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Joseph Young Robert Yates Jacob Bleecker Junr. Jacob Cuyler John H Ten Eyck Harmanus Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob C Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Samuel Stringer Corns. Van Santvoordt Jillis Lagrange appeared before this Board and had the Charge read to him, The Consideration of the Matter therein contained was postponed till next General Meeting Received a Petition from Jillis Lagrange dated the 9th March 1775 [ 1776] which said Petition is in the following Words to wit 356 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 10th March 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. Henry Wendell Robert Mc Clallen Joseph Young Jacob Cuyler John Bay Jacob C Ten Eyck Robert Yates Henry I Bogert Abraham Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam John Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell John Ja Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Bleecker Gisbert Marselis Samuel Stringer Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Bleecker Junr. Rutger Bleecker Corns. Van Santvoordt [386] This Committee having received information that a fine that had been levied by CaptP' Gerardus Cluet on the Goods and Effects of Nicholas Van Den Bergh a private of his Company had been retaken from him Thereupon Resolved that the following order be sent to the Colo~ of that Regiment. To Col~ Jacobus Van Schoonhoven or the next Commanding Officer of the half Moon Regiment Sir Whereas this Committee are given to understand That the Goods and Effects seized by order of Gerardus Cluet one of the Captains in your Regiment of Nicholas Van Den Bergh a private of his Company for refusing to appear under Arms pursuant to Notice are lately taken out of his possession by one Joseph Mosher and redelivered to the said Nicholas Van Den Bergh - Justly sensible that unless the recommendations of the Continental and provincial Congress can be carryed into Execution that our endeavours against the Arbitrary measures of the British Ministry must fail You are therefore hereby directed and Commanded that you order such a part of your Regiment as you may judge necessary to proceed to the Said Nicholas Van Den Bergh and retake the said Goods, or if they cannot be found, such other Goods to the Value of the said fine and so much more as will defray the additional Expences of these farther proceedings, and that you at the same time cause to be apprehended the said Nicholas Vanden Bergh & Joseph Mosher so that PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 357 you have their Bodies before the general Committee of the City and County of Albany on thursday the 14 day of march instant, then and there to be dealt with according to the resolves of Congress, and what you shall do in the premisses you shall make known to the sd Committee [386a] Albany Committee Chamber 11 th March 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Henry I Bogert Joseph Young John Bay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Robert Yates Harmanus Wendell John Ten Broeck Walter Livingston Corns' Van Santvoordt Isaac Van Aernam Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjourmt' Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Abraham Cuyler Henry Wendell Henry Bleecker Jacob Cuyler John Ten Broeck John Bay Henry I. Bogert Corns. Van Santvoordt Joseph Young Robert Yates Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Walter Livingston Harmanus Wendell An affidavit was laid before this Board of one Asa Chadwick taken before John Collins one of the Justices of the peace of the County of Tryon, setting forth among other things the discourse Sir John Johnson had with the deponent, discovering thereby that he had invited the Indians to act hostilely against the friends of this Country Thereupon resolved that as Sir John Lives out of this County, and is at present under parole to General Schuyler That the said Affidavit be Laid before the General, for him to act thereupon as he shall see convenient. 358 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 12dl March 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Henry I Bogert Rutger Bleecker Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Gisbert Marselis Harmanus Wendell Joseph Young Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Bay Bastiaen T. Visscher Robert Yates Samuel Stringer Jacob Cuyler Corn Van Santfordt [387] Complaints have been preferred to this Board that the Merchants in this City have enhanced the prices of their Merchandize, and whereas doubts arise, whether the Term Rate &c. has referrence to the profits, on such Goods, or to the accustomed prices Goods were sold at in 1774 Thereupon Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the Continental Congress for their determination thereupon Agreeable to a former Resolution the following order was drawn on the provincial Congress of this Colony in favour of the Deputies of this County Gent. Please to pay to Messrs Abraham Yates Abraham Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort and Peter R Livingston or either of them or either of their Order five hundred and thirty eight Pounds sixteen Shillings and nine pence New York Currency being for the use of the Reparation of the Barracks in this City [Page 387a blank] PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 359 [388] Albany Committee Chamber March 14th 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Bleecker Philip Bronck Robert Yates Isaac Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Oothoudt Junr Rutger Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Harmanus Wendell Abraham Cuyler Isaac Van Omam Henry I. Bogert John Ten Broeck John Bay Bastiaen Fisher Henry Wendell Rutger Lansingh Jacob Bleecker Junr Philip Schuyler John Js. Bleecker Florus Banker Jacob Cuyler Goose Van Schaick John Cuyler Junr Philip Conyne Robert Mc:Clallen Matthew Adgate Albert Maybie Henry Quackenbush Mr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer made the following Motion The Frequent trouble occasioned to this Body by the District of Kinderhook thereby ingrossing double the Time which can be spared for their decisions- I move that a Committee be appointed by this Board to examine the Complaints of Kinderhook District and Whereas Conspiracies formed by evil designing Men against the Liberties of America have been daily carried on in said district for some Months past whereof well grounded Suspicions are now harbored by this Committee, and if it might not also be advisable to submit the inquiry of the same to said Committee they making a Report also thereof to this Board. Mr' Adgate one of the Committee of Kings District laid before this Board the following Petition of Hezekiah Baldwin Captn of the 2nd New York Regiment. (here take in Petition and moved that the prayer thereof might be granted [388a] Thereupon Resolved that the Prayer of the Petition be granted and that it be recommended to General Schuyler to pay those that were inlisted on the tenth of May last from that time 360 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Whereas a discontent upon the decision of this Committee respecting the Election and appointment of Gerardus Cluet as a Captain of one of the Militia Companies of the Half Moon District appears by the Petition of Nicholas Van Der Karr & 52 other Persons of the said Company and District It is resolved that Robert Yates, John Ten Broeck, Henry Quackenbush Jacob Cuyler and Rutger Bleecker or any three or more of them be a Committee to attend at the House of Cornelius C. Van Den Bergh in the said District on Wednesday next at ten OClock in the forenoon to enquire into the Merits of the Complaint of the said Petitioners respecting said Election and endeavour to restore Peace and Unanimity among the said Company, It is also resolved that both the parties as well the Complainants as those who do support the appointment of said Cluet attend at the Time and place last aforesaid and further that the Sub Committee shall have leave to take Copies of such papers and resolves of this Committee as they shall Judge necessary and that the said Sub Committee make Report of their proceedings thereupon to this Board at the next General meeting Recd. a Letter from Peter B. Van Beuren and Abraham Van Beuren which said Letter is in the following Words to wit A Petition of William Kane was presented to this Board praying to go and Trade among the Indians, that the greatest part of his property was at present in that part of the Country, and that he must [389] suffer greatly unless permitted to goThis Committee are thereupon of Opinion that the Contents thereof be recommended to General Schuyler and if it be consistant with the views of Congress and not prejudicial to the Welfare of this Country that the prayer thereof be granted upon the Terms & restrictions proposed by the Petitioner Adjourned untill 8 OClock P. [A.] M. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 361 Met according to Adjournment. [15th. March 1776] Present Chairman John Barclay Robert Yates Jerh. Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Florus Banker Isaac Fonda Philip Conyne Philip Bronck Samuel Bacon Matthew Adgate Jacob Cuyler Rutger Bleecker Rutger Lansingh Walter Livingston Pro Temp John Cuyler Junr. Harmanus Wendell John Bay Cornelius Van Santvoordt Henry I. Bogert Joseph Young Philip Rogers Henry Quackenbush Goose Van Schaick John H Ten Eyck Jacob Bleecker Junr John Ten Broeck Stephen J. Schuyler Philip P. Schuyler Whereas this Committee on the tenth of March instant issued their warrant directed to the Commanding Officer of the Half Moon Regiment to retake the Goods which Nicholas Van Den Bergh had taken out of the possession of Captn Gerardus Cluet and to take so much more as would satisfy the expences of the proceedings and also directed them to apprehend the said Nicholas Van Den Bergh and one Joseph Mosher and to bring them before this Committee And Whereas the said Nicholas Van Den Bergh has yesterday appeared before this Board and he together with 53 others complain of an undue Election of the said Gerardus Cluet as Captain to one of the Companies This Committee willing to give satisfaction if possible to every Complainant did thereupon appoint [389a] a Sub Committee to hear the Complaints and allegations of the parties And further Resolve that if the said Warrant is already put in Execution That the Goods or effects seized by Virtue thereof be given up to the said Nicholas Van Den Bergh upon his demanding the same and he redelivering the Effects originally taken by the Captain and that all farther proceedings thereupon be suspended untill the Sub-Committee make their Report. John Mann pursuant to a resolve of last General meeting appeared before this Board, and had the Charges read to him, Which said Charges he denied 362 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE and prayed that the Witnesses might attend and give their Evidence Ore Tenus Thereupon Resolved that his request be granted and that the Witnesses be Cited to attend this Committee at their next General meeting Isaac Man having been charged before this Board with speaking disrespectful of the Congress, and pursuant to a Resolve of last General meeting, his Trial was to come on at this meeting, and it appearing to this Board that he was unwell Thereupon Resolved That the said Isaac Man be cited by the Committee of Saratoga to appear before this Board at the next General meeting and that then his Trial shall come on. Adjourned till 1 OClock P.M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Joseph Young Robert McClallen John Bay Goose Van Schaick Henry I. Bogert Matthew Adgate Harmanus Wendell Corns- Van Santvoordt Stephen J Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Philip P Schuyler John Cuyler Junr Albert Maybie Jacob Cuyler Samuel Bacon Rutger Bleecker Philip Rogers Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac Fonda Florus Banker Philip Conyne Robert Yates Philip Bronck. Walter Livingston [390] Cornelius Van Schaack Junr Abraham Cuyler Henry Bleecker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Information being given to this Board that Lowrance Van Deusen of Kinderhook, had been ill treated by a number of Persons of said District for his friendly disposition and attachment to the American Cause Thereupon Resolved that the Committee of Kinderhook District make Strict enquiry into the premises and who the Persons are that were Guilty thereof and further PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 363 that the said Committee make Report to this Committee at their next General meeting and that the Day and place of the said intended inquiry be notifyed by public Advertisement at least three Days previous to the said Inquiry. This Committee took into Consideration the Resolution of this Board respecting the disarming Dirck Gardineer and are thereupon of Opinion that the said Resolution includes Side Arms and that the Committee of Kinderhook make Report in writing concerning the premisses to this Board at their next General Meeting This Committee resumed the Consideration of the Petition of a number of the Inhabitants of the City and County of Albany against the Merchants of the same place for enhancing the Prices of their Goods &c whereupon Messrs Abraham Cuyler, Henry Bleecker Jacob Cuyler, Jacob Bleecker Junr John Cuyler Junr. & Robert McClallen desired to be excused from Voting in the Matter [390a] Samuel Carpenter an Ensign in Captn' Corns' Van Santvoordts Company have declined the Service Thereupon Resolved that Leendert Conyne supply his Place and that the Commission be filled up accordingly Adjourned till 8 OClock P. [A.] M. Met according to Adjournment. [16th. March 1776] Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Joseph Young Robert Yates John Bay Harmanus Wendell Florus Banker Henry I. Bogert Bastiaen T. Visscher Rutger Bleecker Stephen J. Schuyler Isaac Fonda Samuel Bacon John Ten Broeck Philip Rogers Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Philip Conyne Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Walter Livingston Goose Van Schaick John H Ten Eyck Collo. Daniel Bratt reported to this Board that on his being promoted to Lieut- Collo' a Vacancy happened for Captain in one of the Militia Companies in the District of Hosick, and that in Consequence of such Vacancy he together with Cornelius G Van Den Bergh held an Election to supply said 364 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Vacancy, and that the Company then proceeded to the Election of a Captain as also to the other officers, and that the following Persons were chosen Michael Lampman Captn" Gerrit Teunise Bratt 1 Lieut. Francis Hogle 2 Do. Abraham Hogle Ensign Ordered That the determination on the above proceedings be postponed till next General meeting [391] A Deposition of Gideon R Hubbard and James Wyngart of Kinderhook has for some time laid before this Board against Col~o Peter Vossburgh and John E [blank space] Resolved That the said Col~. Peter Vossburgh, Gideon R Hubbard and James Wyngaerdt be Cited peremptorily to appear before this Board at their next General Meeting, the said Vossburgh to answer the Charges exhibited against him, and the said Hubbard and Wyngaerdt to give their Testimony as this Committee will then proceed to the Trial unless sufficient reasons are then offered to put it of - Resolved That no Person or Persons be permitted to move into, or settle within this City and County unless he or they bring a Certificate from the Committee of the County Town Manor or District where such Person or Persons respectively Resided, that he or they had prior to the Date of this Resolve signed the Association recommended by Congress or a similar one adopted by the Committee where they resided, and had in all things behaved in a manner becoming friends to American Freedom. Whereas Cornelius Van Schaack Esqr. a Major in the Kinderhook Regiment Resigned his Commission to this Board and declines serving and whereas the Sub-Committee of Kinderhook have not recommended a proper person to fill the said Vacancy Thereupon [Resolved] That Philip Van Aelstyn be recommended by this Board to succeed to the said Commission Adjourned till 1 OClock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 365 Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman Henry I Bogert John Ja Beeckman Robert Yates Rutger Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr Stephen J Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Henry Bleecker [391 a] Robert Van Rensselaer Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Pro Temp Jacob Cuyler Gisbert Marselis Henry Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Walter Livingston Goose Van Schaick John Bay Corns. Van San[tvoordtl John H Ten Ey[ck]1 Mr Johannis Everson appeared before this Board and presented the following Petition (here take in &c) The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolved that the following Answer (here take in &c) Resolved That the Col~. of the 1st' or City Regiment be requested to order that every Company belonging to his Regiment supply themselves with a Drum and fife and that the Collo~ be served with a Copy of this Resolve [392] Albany Committee Chamber 19th March 1776. Present. John Barclay Chairman Henry I. Bogert Robert McClallen Henry Wendell Harmanus Wendell Corns- Van Santvoordt Joseph Young John Bay Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob C. Ten Eyck 1 Manuscript torn. Pro Temp. Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler Walter Livingston Jacob Bleecker Junr. Christopher Yates Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Rutger Bleecker 366 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Joseph Young and Robert Yates are appointed a Committee to make Report upon the best Expedient to prevent the intercourse of Intelligence by and between the Enemies of this Country from New York or elsewhere to the Northward & westward And also to prevent them from being supplyed with provisions and other necessaries from this County. Mr. John Man being charged with having been Guilty of Speaking disrespectful of the Continental Congress and his Trial being put of on account of some Witnesses which he declared were material for him Ordered That the said Man have leave to bring in such Witnesses as he shall conceive material for him at the next General Meeting of this Committee on the 28th March Instant he being at the Sole Charge of their attendance, under which regulation they are hereby Cited to appear before this Board at the above Time Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Continental Congress. (here take in &c) [392a] Albany Committee Chamber 20th March 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. Henry I. Bogert Jacob Bleecker Junr. Henry Wendell Abraham Cuyler John Bay John H Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Walter Livingston On request of General Schuyler Resolved that a Committee of two be appointed to join with the Committee of Tryon County on Tuesday the second day of April next to examine into the truth of the Charges preferred against Sir John Johnson - Whereas two Soldiers of the first Philadelphia Battalion were Yesterday whipped and drum'd out of the Regiment, who are now (as is reported) lurking about in this City, and as the harbouring of such Persons may be attended with bad Consequences Therefore Resolved that the said Persons be apprehended and brought before this Board, and that they then be ordered to depart this City and County immediately, and in Case of a Refusal of Non Compliance that they be kept in Close Custody or suffer such other punishment as shall be hereafter be determined upon PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 367 [393] Albany Committee Chamber 21 t March 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Henry Wendell Jacob Bleecker Junr. Joseph Young John Ja Beeckman Henry I Bogert Corns Van Santvoordt Henry Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Cuyler Walter Livingston Resolved that the following Petition be sent to Genl Schuyler (here take in &c) Albany Committee Chamber 28th March 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Harmanus Wendell John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Joseph Young John Bay Leond Gansevoort Corn'- Van Santvoordt Henry Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham D. Fonda George White Othniel Gardner Jacob Cuyler Robert McClallen Harmanus H Wendell Walter Livingston Philip P Schuyler Jacobus Teller Killiaen Van Rensselaer John H. Beeckman James MaGee Corns8 J. Van Den Bogert 1 1 Corns. G. Van Den Bergh? 2 Evidently a repetition. s Junr Chairman Guert Van Schoonhoven Rutger Lansingh Corn5' Tymesen Jacob Bleecker Junr Wilhels' Van Antwerp Joseph Row Ebenezer Marvin John I. Ten Broeck George White2 Albartus Van Loon Abraham Cuyler Jacob Ford Elusha Pratt Asa Waterman Isaac Fonda Florus Bancker Friderick Berger Volkert Veeder Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob C. Schermerhorn Tyrannus Collins Ezekiel Tayler 368 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Benjamin Androus being brought before this Committee by order of the Committee of Kings District as a Person that has acted unfriendly [393a] to the Cause of American LibertyThe Committee of Kings District laid before this Board a number of Affidavits from which it appeared that before last Harvest he was unfriendly to the American Cause, and the said Benjamin Androus in his Defence produced a number of Affidavits from which it appeared that since he has Signed the Association (being after harvest Time) they know of no proceedings of his which appear unfriendly to the Cause of American Freedom The Committee took the above proceedings into Consideration, And thereupon Resolved That the said Benjamin Androus be discharged from farther prosecution upon his paying Charges attended on his being brought before the Committee of Kings District. The Committee of Kings District reported that agreeable to their Order one Elijah Owen was sent to the Goal in this City on being charged before them as being unfriendly to the Cause of American Freedom Thereupon Resolved That the Trial of said Owen come on, next General Meeting and that the Evidences be Cited to appear before this Board at that Time Resolved that the Committee of Kinderhook Cite Gideon R. Hubbard and James Wyngaerdt to appear before this Board at their next General meeting, and farther that the said Committee serve Colo- Peter Vossburgh with a Copy of the Charge and Resolution of this Committee of last General Meeting, and that the said Resolution bear Date as of this Day [394] Colo. Jacobus Van Schoonhoven appeared before this Board, and alledged that Scurrilous reflections had been thrown upon his Character before this Board, and prayed for leave that this Board would hear him in his Defence Thereupon Resolved That General Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be a Committee to hear the said Jacobus Van Schoonhoven, and examine the Witnesses in his Defence and make Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed. Agreeable to the Resolutions of last General Meeting. The Committee proceeded to hear the examinations and Proofs for and against Isaac Man, and after hearing said Man in his Defence, and after duly considering the same - Are of opinion and thereupon Resolve That the said Isaac Man has opposed and denyed the Authority PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 369 of and spoken disrespectful of the Continental Congress, and that for the said Offence the said Isaac Man be disarmed and pay all the Charges which have already accrued on Account of the Charges preferred against him being ~2 8 and Levy the above expenses And farther Resolved that the Committee of Saraghtoga put this Resolve into Execution. Adjourned till 8 OClock to Morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment [29th March 1776] Present Abraham Yates Junr Hars- Wendell John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Cornms Van Santvoordt Robert Yates Leond Gansevoort Hars- H. Wendell Rutger Lansingh Guert Van Schoonhoven Corns' Tymesen Wilhels' Van Antwerp [394a] Isaac Fonda Henry Quackenbush Robert McClallen Philip P. Schuyler Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Ezekiel Tayler Chairman John J. Ten Broeck Albartus Van Loon Peter Rose Corns- Van Schaack JunrEbenezer Marvin Joseph Row Corns- J.1 Van Den Bergh Jacob Ford Elisha Pratt Henry I. Bogert Walter Livingston Joseph Young Isaac H Lansingh Gen1. Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Information being given to this Committee that some Person or Persons are busy in Levying and raising Troops for the Ministerial Service to Act, against the United Colonies Thereupon Resolved that Messrs. Joseph Young Henry I. Bogert and Robert McClallen be a Committee to examine and enquire who the Person or Persons are by such Means as they shall conceive proper. 1G. or J. 370 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albert Van Der Werken of Half Moon District laid before this Board the following Petition (here take in &c) Resolved That the said Petition be referred to the Consideration of the Committee already appointed to examine and Report to this Board, the proceedings by them taken concerning a dispute in Half Moon District Abraham Ten Broeck produced to this Board a Commission from the Provincial Congress of this Colony appointing him Brigadier General of the Brigade of the Counties of Albany and Tryon and Signed the Test prescribed by said Congress in presence of this Board. [Captnl Joel Pratt laid before this Board a Petition praying that his Company with respect to pay be put on the same footing with that of Captin Baldwin, as he marched for the Northward at [395] the same time'] [Resolved that the prayer thereof cannot be granted as the matter thereof is entirely out of our province1] Mr. Harmanus H Wendell moved (and was seconded Mr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer) That this Committee do now take into Consideration the Services that have been done by the Deputies of this County attending Provincial Congress, and the expences they have been at, and that the said Deputies be paid for their Services. Ordered that the Consideration of the above Motion, be postponed till the afternoon The Committee of Kings District laid before this Board the following Petition (here take in &c) Adjourned till 1/2 past One Clock P. M. 1 This paragraph crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 371 Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr Joseph Young John Bay Robert M~Clallen Hars H. Wendell Jacob Ford David Pratt Asa Waterman Isaac H Lansingh Wilhels Van Antwerp Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck John J. Ten Broeck John H Ten Eyck Corns. Tymesen Ezekiel Tayler Isaac Fonda Chairman Corns. Van Schaack Junr. Harmanus Wendell Corns' Van Santvoordt Guert Van Schoonhoven Corns. J. Van Den Bergh Peter Rose Leonard Gansevoort Henry I Bogert Ebenezer Marvin Joseph Row Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher Killiaen Van Rensselaer General Ten Broeck James MaGee [395a] Captn. Joel Pratt laid before this Board a Petition in the following Words to wit. Resolved that the Prayer thereof cannot be granted as the matter thereof is entirely out of our province The Committee of Kings District laid before this Board a Petition in the following Words to wit. Resolved that the Prayer thereof cannot be granted, [as this Committee do not know, that any more Regiments are to be raised for the Continental Service in this Province'] Resolved that Messrs" Leonard Gansevoort Henry Quackenbush and Corns' Van Santvoordt be a Committee to assist Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer in auditing the Accounts of this Board. The Committee agreeable to the Resolution of this Morning proceeded to the Consideration of paying the Deputies attending the Provincial Congress of this Colony and thereupon 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. 372 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Chairman left, the Chair as he was one of the Deputies, and Stephen Marvin took the Chair, and thereupon Resolved that each of the said Deputies be allowed ten Shillings per Day, during the Time they have served this County in Provincial Congress of this Colony, or Committee of Safety of Said House Also the farther allowance of said Wages during a reasonable Time in their going to and returning from said Congress or Committee Resolved that Messrs John Ja. Beeckman, Leonard Gansevoort, Hugh Mitchel and Christopher Yates be a Committee to join with the [396] Committee of Tryon County to examine into the truth of the Charges preferred against Sir John Johnson. Pursuant to the Resolution of last General meeting this Board proceeded to hear and examine the Witnesses produced against John Man, and hearing the said Man in his Defence - And after maturely considering the same, Are of Opinion and thereupon Resolve That the said John Man has opposed and denyed the Authority of the Congress, and that for the said Offence the said Man be disarmed, and pay all the expences that have accrued on Account of the Charges preferred against him being ~3 2 And farther Resolved that the Committee of Saraghtoga District put this Resolve into Execution, and Levy the above expences. The Deputies of this County laid before this Board the following Resolutions of the Provincial Congress of this Colony of the 13th March Instant which said Resolutions are in the following Words to wit Resolved That the Chairman in behalf of this Committee draw on the Treasurer of the said Congress for the Sum of ~800 alotted to this County. The Committee appointed [to] hear and examine the proofs concerning the Election in one of the Company's of Militia in the District of Half Moon whereof Gerardus Cluet was chosen Captn. Reported in the following Words to wit, (here take in &c) Thereupon Resolved that the Election is Valid. [396a] Gerardus Cluet appeared before this Board and resigned his Commission as Captain to said Company - and he declaring at the same time that the other Officers will also resign Thereupon Resolved That an Election be held in the said Company on Saturday the sixth Day of April next at the House of John Bell, and that Messrs Corns' Tymesen, Peter Van Vranken and Wilhels Van Antwerp be a Committee to hold and Superintend the said Election, and that they give previous Notice by Advertisement of the Time and place of such Election. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1776 373 It being suggested to this Board that there is dispute in the Election for Militia Officers in the Company whereof Daniel B Bratt was Captain Thereupon Resolved that the parties concerned in said disputed Election attend this Board at their next General MeetingAdjourned till 8 OClock tomorrow Morning Met according to Adjournment [30th. March 1776] Present. Abraham Yates Junr John Ten Broeck Corns. Van Santvoordt Robert Yates Florus Bancker John H Beeckman Guert Van Schoonhoven Rutger Lansingh Stephen Marvin Joseph Row General Ten Broeck Leond Gansevoort Jacob Cuyler Chairman Isaac Fonda Hars. H Wendell Isaac H Lansingh Corns. J. Van Den Bergh John Bay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Mr. Nehemiah Fitch Harmanus Wendell Gerrit Lansing Junr. Peter Rose Jacob J. Lansingh Jacob Bleecker Junr [397] The Committee of Saratoga District reported that a Vacancy happened in the Regiment Commanded by Colo~ John McCrea, by Archibald McNiel's refusing to Serve as Adjutant, and in Consequence thereof the said Committee recommend John Vernor for Adjutant, and Michael Beadle for Quarter Master to said Regiment. The Deputies laid before this Board the following Resolution of the Provincial Congress dated the 9th March 1776 which said Resolution is in the following Words to wit. Mr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer then laid before the Board the following Petition to wit, Upon Motion Ordered that the Chairman have Liberty to take four Inches of Earth out of the Powder House in the Fort. Resolved that the following Letter be sent to Jeremiah Vincent Captn. of One of the Militia Companies in the District of Half Moon 374 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the prayer of the Petition of Henry Van Rensselaer and Sons be granted. Whereas this Committee some time since ordered Marte Myndertse, Gerrit Groesbeeck Rutger Bleecker and three others to collect the Monies that had been subscribed for the Poor of Boston, Ordered that Gerrit Lansingh Junr. be and he is hereby appointed to receive from the said Persons above mentioned the Sums of Money by them received as aforesaid Resolved that the Committees of the different Districts be chosen in the different Districts of this County on the first Tuesday in May next shall continue for six Months and no longer the said Term to Comence on the fourth Tuesday in said Month [397a] Resolved Upon Motion of Mr. Banker that if any person or persons Should be cited by this Board as Evidence, And Such proposed Witnesses be Indangered by Civil Arrest, it is the Opinion of this board to grant them protection Resolved That the Committee of Saratoga District form the Inhabitants of the Neighbourhood where Michael Dunning resides (within such Limits as said Committee shall think proper) into a Company of Militia and lead them to the Choice of Officers This Committee taking into Consideration the Resolves of the provincial Congress of the 12th march Instant relative to the Chusing twelve Deputies to represent this City and County in provincial Congress for one Year And do thereupon Resolve That the Election be held on the third Tuesday in April next in each of the Districts of this City and County at the most usual places where Elections have heretofore been held in such Districts, unless the Committees of any of the Districts should previous to the day of Election alter the place and give to the Inhabitants of such District at least eight days Notice That the said Election be held by the said District Committee or any three or more of their Number That the Committees of each District give the earliest Notice to the Inhabitants thereof of the Time and place when such Election will be held and insert in such Advertizement the Qualifications which entitle persons to a Vote by the res6lves of the said Congress That on the 25d day of April the respective Committees are required to make return of the Polls of such Elections PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 375 [398] Albany Committee Chamber 2 April 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Samuel Stringer Joseph Young Isaac Van Aernam Francis Nicoll Robert Yates Henry I. Bogert Abraham Cuyler Walter Livingston Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Barclay John Bay Corns' Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer The Chairman laid before this Board the following Letter which he had received from General Wooster dated 12th March 1776 A Letter was laid before this Board dated Montreal March 12th. 1776, from B. General David Wooster -giving an Account of the sentence passed agt. three Deserters -Two whereof were sent down in Irons to this City, with a Request to this Board to take proper measures to prevent any future mischief being apprehended from them Thereupon Resolved that the said letter be laid before General Schuyler, in order to have his advice and direction thereupon The above was delivered to Genl1 Schuyler in Committee, and the General declaring that he would take the said Prisoners in his Custody - Order therefore that the said Prisoners be discharged from the Custody of this Committee Owen Bennet appeared before this Board and complained that he had been confined by one Reese of the Pensylvania Regiment Thereupon Resolved that the following Letter be sent to said Capt Reese Sir [398a] Albany Committee Chamber April 1776 Complaint having been made to this Committee by one Owen Bennet, that he had been taken prisoner yesterday morning, by a file of your men, and brought before a Court Martial, on Suspicion of assisting a Soldier of the Continental Army, in deserting where he says he had been insulted and threatned, and kept under guard till some time last evening, when the Barrack Master passed his word for his appearance this morning -We are far Sir from screening any person from such punishment as the Crime (if supported) 376 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE demerits But as he does not belong to the army, he is intitled to our protection (if Innocent) and more immediately amenable to this Board if Criminal This Committee would therefore be glad if you would attend at Mrs. Vernons at four OClock this afternoon in order to furnish them with such proofs as you have agt. him - Upon the Examination whereof should he appear Culpable, you may depend that our Zeal in the Cause of American freedom, will not permit us to pass by unnoticed a Crime of so alarming a Nature Adiourned till 2 OClock P. M. Present Abraham Yates JunrJohn Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Jacob C Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler John Bay Chairman Robert Yates John Barclay Walter Livingston Joseph Young Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Corporation of this City (here take in &c). [399] Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the provincial Congress of this Colony (here take in &c) Albany Committee Chamber 4th April 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr John Ten Broeck Samuel Stringer Harmanus Wendell General Ten Broeck Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler Abraham Cuyler Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Corns Van Santvoordt Chairman John Ja Beeckman Henry Bleecker Jacob C Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort John Bay Joseph Young John H. Ten Eyck Henry I. Bogert PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 377 Recd a Letter from General Schuyler dated 4th April 1776 inclosing sundry Affidavits supporting the unfriendly expressions and intentions of the Indians which said Letter is in the following Words to witRecd- also a Letter from Mr. Peter T. Curtenius Commissary dated March 22nd. 1776 Resolved that the following Advertisement be struck up in this City here take in Advertisement Albany Committee Chamber 8h April 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Hars- Wendell John Bay Sam1l Stringer Joseph Young Jacob Cuyler Robert Yates Rr. Bleecker Jacobus Teller Henry I. Bogert Walter Livingston Captn John H Wendell laid before this Board the Warrant of Joel Abbot his second Lieut- who has [399a] resigned, and recommended John Welch to supply the Vacancy Thereupon Resolved that the said Warrant be filled up for, and delivered to said Welch, and that the said Warrant bear date as of this Day Walter Livingston Esqr' Deputy Commissary General made application to this Board for a Store House to deposit a quantity of Salt &c. Resolved that Mr Livingston take into possession the Store in this City commonly called the Kings Store for the purpose aforesaid, except such part thereof as may be occupied by Mr. William Gamble as a dwelling House and that Mr Gerrit Van Sante Junr. be served with a Copy of this Resolution and requested to deliver the Key of said Store to Mr Livingston and take care of whatever he may have in said Store 378 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 1 Ith: April 1776 Present Abraham Yates Chairman Killian Van Renselear Isaac Van Arnam Philip Schuyler Barent Van Der Pool John H Beekman Robert Mc.Clallen Stephen Schuyler Robert Van Ranselear Fredick Berger Abraham Oothout Abraham Cuyler Joseph Young Robert Yates Simeon Covil Richard Esselstyn Jabez Mosier Abraham Wemple Ebenezer Allen Christopher Yates James Parret Abraham D Fonda Guysbert Marselles Adam Vrooman Jeremiah Van Ranselear Leonard Gansevoort Isaac Spalden Florus Banker Robert Meeker [400] There was laid before this board a Letter Captain Samuel Vaghten informing that Patrick Campbell who was appointed Ensign in his Company had resigned and requesting that Daniel Evarts be appointed in his stead and that said Warrant bear Date as of this Day - Thereupon resolved that the Warrant of said Campbell be filled up for and delivered to said Daniel Evarts Mr: Christopher Yates informed this board that John A Bradt for whom a Captains Warrant was filled is now at Montreal and has been absent ever since the Warrant was filled and moved that said Warrant be filled up for and delivered to Garret S Veeder JunrTherefore resolved that said Warrant be filled up for and delivered to the said Garret S. Veeder and that said Warrant bear Date as of this DayReceived a Letter from the Committee of Safety of this Colony Dated 3dApril 1 776 inclosing a Resolve or Order of the 3d: -which were read and are in the words following (here &ca) Resolved that Messrs Guysbert and Abraham Cuyler be a Committee to receive a Ten[? Pounder from aboard Capt- Woodworth sent by the Committee of Safety of this Colony to this board and see that it be lodged in the City Magazine - PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 379 The Committee of Cambridge District returned the following Persons for field officers to wit Levers Van Voort1 Coil: Gersham Woodworth Lieut Coll: James Wells 1 Major Cornelius Doty 2 Major Ebenezer Allen Adjutant James Ashton Quarter Master Resolved that the said Persons be recommended to Congress for Commissions - [400a] James Parrot one of the Members of this Board made complaint that Captn Robert Edmunston had enlisted his Indented Servant in the Continental Service Resolved that the Consideration of the above be postponed till to Morrow Morning. Resolved That Messrs Robert Yates Joseph Young and John Bay be a Committee to prepare an Answer to the Letter of Johannis Evertsen and others of the 26th March last Adjourned till 8 OClock to Morrow Morning [12th. April 1776] Present. Abraham Gisbert Marselis Stephen J. Schuyler Isaac Fonda Robert Meaker Isaac Spalden Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham D. Fonda John H Beeckman Barret Dyer Florus Banker Barent Van Der Pool Jacob Cuyler John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler 1 Lewis Van Woert? Yates Junr Chairman John Bay Joseph Young Walter Livingston Henry Quackenbush John Ja Beeckman Rutger Lansingh Richard Esselstyn Adam Vrooman Chrisr. Yates Abraham Wemple Henry Oothoudt Jun. James Parrot Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Robert Van Rensselaer 380 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Committee appointed to prepare an Answer to the Letter of Johannis Evertsen and eleven of the 26th March last brought in the following which was agreed to, (here take in &c) [401] A Petition of Sixty four Persons in the District of Claverack setting forth that they had been annexed to the Regiment of Col~- Robert Van Rensselaer from which they had been taken under the Command of Col~o Peter Van Ness, and praying that they may again be reannexed to the Regiment of Col~- Robert Van Rensselaer. Resolved That the Consideration thereof be postponed till this afternoon Resolved That Messrs. Robert Yates and Walter Livingston be a Committee to draw up Regulations for choosing Committees to represent this County. The Committee appointed to draw up certain Resolutions respecting the passing and repassing of Persons thro' this City and County without having or producing a pass or permit from the Chairman or County or District Committee, where such person or persons last resided brought in the following Resolutions (here take in &c) which was agreed to, and ordered that the Clerk immediately fix up two Copies at least in this City and transmit one Copy to the printers of New York to be by them published in their News Papers Elijah Owen was brought before this Board agreeable to a Resolve of last General meeting, on Complaint of the Committee of Kings District for unfriendly Conduct towards the United Cause of American Freedom, And upon said Owens confessing the Charge Resolved That the said Owen for the said Offence be disarmed, pay the Charges, be Confined to the Compass of one Mile from his House and enter into Bond with two Sureties in the Sum of ~100 each for his Confinement and good behaviour, untill discharged by the Committee of Kings [401 a] District Adjourned till 1/2 past one P. M. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 381 Met according to Adjournment. Present Abraham Yates Junr. Harmanus Wendell Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler John Bay Stephen J. Schuyler Florus Banker Walter Livingston Abraham Wemple Robert Van Rensselaer Richard Esselstyn Robert Meaker Isaac Spalding Barret Dyer Chairman John Ja Beeckman Rutger Bleecker Jerh- Van Rensselaer James Parret Adam Vrooman Barent Van Der Pool Andries Witbeeck Corns. Van Schaack Junr' John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Henry Quackenbush Frederick Berger Resolved That John Ostrander be dismissed the Service of this Committee as Messenger Whereas, Complaint has been made to this Board by James Parrot against Captn. Edmoston for enlisting Ephraim Blanchard an Indented Servant belonging to said Parrot. Resolved That the said Ephraim Blanchard is an indented Servant and excepted by the Resolve of the Provincial Congress, for serving as a Soldier be it therefore ordered that the said Ephraim Blanchard be discharged from his inlistment and return to the Service of his Master Pursuant to a resolution of last General meeting Collo Peter Vossburgh appeared before this Board and had the several Charges read to him part of which he confessed, and part he denyed, and it appearing that the Crime he was charged with was committeed before the Date of the Resolution of Congress Thereupon Unanimously Resolved That the said Col~ Peter [402] Vossburgh be discharged from father prosecution Mr- Robert Yates one of the Committee apointed to draw up Regulations for choosing a new Committee brought in the following Regulation which was agreed to, (here take in Regulation) Doctr Joseph Young one of the Committee appointed to draw up certain Resolutions concerning the Desertion of Soldiers brought in the following which were agreed to, and are as follows (to wit) 382 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Banker informed this Board that there was a dispute between Capt. Van Der Hoof and Lieut. Tillman concerning some privates, Untill yet belonging to Captn- Tillmans Company Thereupon Resolved That the following Letter be sent to Captn" [Van Der] Hoof and Lieut' Tillman Albany Committee Chamber 15th April 1776 Present Abraham Yates Jun Harmanus Wendell Robert Yates Henry Wendell Henry I Bogert Walter Livingston Samuel Stringer John Bay Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Joseph Young Robert McClallen Resolved That Messrs Henry Bleecker, John Ja Beeckman, John Bay, Joseph Young John Ten Broeck and Isaac Van Aernam or the Major part of them be a Committee to superintend the Election for Deputies [402a] Albany Committee Chamber 17th April 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Henry Bleecker John Ja Beeckman John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Walter Livingston Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr. Leonard Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam Joseph Young Bastiaen T. Visscher John Bay Gisbert Marselis Corns. Van Santvoordt Robt. Yates I Capt. Harmen Vossburgh laid before this Board the Warrant of Michael Dunning Junr. an Ensign in his Company who has resigned and recommended in his Stead Silas Howard. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 383 Thereupon Resolved That the said Warrant be filled and delivered to said Howard. In Consequence of a Resolution of last General meeting John Roff appeared before this Board and informed them that his Sloop was ready to Sail for New York and that the Cargo consisted of Flour Pease and Biscuit, part of which belonged to him and part to Richard Wilkinson Thereupon Resolved That the said Sloop be not permitted to leave this Harbour untill Security is given satisfactory to the Chairman of this Board to wit the said John Roff to enter into a Recognizance in a Sum not exceeding double the Value of his part of the Cargo and the said Richard Wilkinson for his part of the Cargo with good security in a Sum not exceeding double the Value thereof with Condition as is mentioned in the said Resolution [It appearing to this Committee by proof that Robert Henry and Company, having purchased a Consderable Quantity of Merchandize last Winter at Montreal and that they have received the aid of General Wooster in transporting the said Goods from thence in expectation that such part of the [403] Merchandize as could be of use to the Continental Army should be disposed of by them for that purpose And Mr. P V Rensselaer Storekeeper to the Army did inform this Board that he had made application to them for a number of Blankets for the said Army, which they refused to sell unless he took an Assortment of other Articles which may be used by the Army Upon Consideration of the above facts, It is recommended to the said Henry and Company that they dispose of the Articles at present wanted by the Army nor can this Committee entertain a doubt that a real friend to his Country on the'] Albany Committee Chamber 18th April 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Robert Yates Samuel Stringer Walter Livingston John Barclay John Ja Beeckman John Ten Broeck Henry I Bogert Leonard Gansevoort Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gisbert Marselis Isaac Van Aernam 1 Crossed out in the original. 384 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the following Letter be sent to General Schuyler (here take in Letter) and it being on the service of the public resolved that it go by express and that W. Livingston Commissary be requested to pay the express. Resolved that the secretary fortwith cause a number of the Resolve of the 14th March last prohibiting Persons moving into this City and County printed and published in this City, and send one to Mr Louden to be printed in his paper Resolved That Messrs. John Ten Broeck, Harmanus Wendell, Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry I. Bogert and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be a Committee to rate the price of such Merchandize as they shall think proper and make Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed. [403a] Complaint was made to this Board that Captn David Van Ness had enlisted one Philip Finch under sixteen Years of Age, contrary to the Resolve of Congress Thereupon Resolved That the said Captn. Van Ness be requested to discharge the said Philip Finch. Albany Committee Chamber 19th April 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Corns. Van Santvoordt Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Harmanus Wendell Henry Wendell Joseph Young John Barclay John Ja. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Rutger Bleecker Gisbert Marselis Henry I. Bogert It being suggested to the Board that Collo- Lansing had ordered the Militia in this City to appear under Arms on Wednesday next [and whereas it is evident to this Board that a discontent at present prevails among the Inhabitants of this Cityl]' Thereupon Resolved That Coll Lansing be requested to Countermand his orders to some future Day and that the Coll. be served with a Copy of this Resolution1 Crossed out in the original. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 385 Albany Committee Chamber 20t April 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Samuel Stringer Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell John Barclay Henry I. Bogert Abraham Cuyler Abraham Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Adjourned till 3 OClock P M. Chairman Abraham Cuyler Jacob Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Ja Beeckman Henry Bleecker Henry Quackenbush Walter Livingston Joseph Young to Adjournment tan Pro Temp Walter Livingston Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Jacob C Ten Eyck Gisbert Marselis John Ten Broeck Rutger Bleecker [404] Met according Present John Barclay Chairm Henry Wendell Henry I Bogert Joseph Young Robert McClallen Abraham Cuyler Jacob Cuyler Henry Bleecker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer The Committee took into Consideration the Rise of West India produce and Bohea Tea and thereupon Resolve that the following Regulation be published in Hand Bills to wit West India Rum Jamaica Spirits Molasses New York Rum Coffee Loaf Sugar Chocolate Sugar 1st Quality 5/6 P Gallon & hogd 6/6 V 7/ P Gal p hoghd. 8/6 V 3/6 V 3/6 V Gal p hod. 4/6 V 1/6 V 1/6 P 24/ Wt Dozen 2/4 V at the Rate of 68/ 1 hundrWet Gallon Gallon Gallon Gallon R. 11. 1. Good Coarse Salt 4/ ~- Skipple Pepper 6/6 k D. Bohea Tea 6/ Tf E. 13 386 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that fifty of the above Regulations be published in Hand Bills throughout this City Complaint was made against John Willis for speaking disrespectful of the American Cause Thereupon Resolved That the [said] John Willis be cited to appear before this Board on Thursday the 25th Instant [404a] Albany Committee Chamber 23 April 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr- Chairman Samuel Stringer Isaac Van Aernam John Barclay Joseph Young Robert McClallen John Ja Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Walter Livingston Henry Quackenbush Robert McMaster applyed for a pass to go to Canada having not signed the Association, he however declaring his willingness and readiness to sign the Association -Ordered that on his Sign [ing] the Association that the Chairman certify the same [Resolved That the following Letter be immediately sent to the Committee of Schenectady by Lieut' Michael Ryan, who informed this Board that Dangerous designs were carrying on in this County against the Liberties of america, and that one Alexander Dole would this Evening be at Schenectady with a Message to Sir John Johnson informing him of the Success they met had met with in enlisting Men.]1 Albany Committee Chamber 24th April 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Robert Yates Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Cuyler [405] Leonard Gansevoort Walter Livingston Chairman James MaGee Henry I. Bogert Robert McClallen Joseph Young John Ja. Beeckman Henry Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr Gisbert Marselis 1 Crossed out. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 387 Christopher Beeckman appeared before this Board and made complaint that he had [been] abused and insulted by John Hunter and John Walley, upon the Road from Niscuthaw to this City. Thereupon Resolved That the following Summons Signed by the Chairman, be served upon the said Walley and Hunter A Complaint having this day been preferred against you by Christopher Beeckman - You are therefore hereby required and Commanded to appear before the General Committee of the City and County of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the 25th day of April instant at Two OClock in the afternoon to answer the Premisses whereof you are not to fail on pain of being deemed and Treated as an Enemy to your Country. Adjourned till 2 OClock P.M. Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Samuel Stringer Henry I. Bogert Harms Wendell Jacob C. Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort Robert Yates John Barclay Robert McClallen John Bay John Ja. Beeckman Gysbert Marselis Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr. A Complaint was this Day preferred against Robert McClallen for selling Check Linnen at an advanced Price. Thereupon Resolved that the said Check [405a] was sold higher than three or four Years ago And that the Complainant Henry Lewis be acquainted with this Resolve and told that this Committee will take the same into farther Consideration when they receive an answer to their Letter from the Continental Congress A Petition of Colonel Lansingh and the rest of the Militia Officers of this City praying that this Board will again establish a Night Watch, on the former Plan excepting that Liberty be given to the Association Company to Watch seperate by themselves, and promising assistance to keep the same in order and Regulation Thereupon Resolved That the Watch be again established, and that Capt. Price be requested to take his Watch this Night, and that Robert Yates draw 388 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE up some additional Regulations for the order and good Government of said Watch A Servant of Governor Skene applyed to this Board for a Pass to go to Connecticut and being suspected to carry Letters that may be detrimental to American Cause, he was searched and a Letter found in his possession for Govr Skene which was open'd and inspected, and ordered to pass [406] Albany Committee Chamber 25th April 1776 Present Yates Junr Abraham Isaac Van Aernam John Barclay Henry I. Bogert Gisbert Marselis Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip P Schuyler Stephen J. Schuyler Gerrit Staats Jacob C Schermerhorn Killian Van Rensselaer Abraham Oothoudt John H Ten Eyck Gerrit Winne Rutger Lansingh Isaac Fonda Chairman Philip Bronck Lowrance Schoolcraft Zacharias Snyder George White Peter Gemsey Florus Banker Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Othniel Gardner James Magee Nicholas Wincope John Cuyler Henry Bleecker Peter Van Ness Gerrit Staats1 Nicholas Dick The Committee of Claverack District laid before this Board some of their proceedings respecting the unfriendly Conduct of one Jacob Carter, and who has entered into Bond for his appearance before this Board this Day - The said Carter appeared and made his Defence to said Charges The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon are of opinion That the said Carter for his misconduct, enter into Bond with sufficient Surety for his future good behaviour, and to Continue under the same untill discharged by the Commttee of the District of Claverack - And farther that the said Carter pay all the Charges that have accrued, in the prosecution against him being 19/ 1 Evidently a duplication. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 389 [406a] A Deposition of Susanna Nagel was laid before this Board, against Daniel Litts, wherein she declares that the said Litts had abused her, and has spoken disrespectful of the Committee and those that were friendly to the American Cause Thereupon Resolved That the Committee of Manor of Renselaer be a Committee to take the above Affidavit into Consideration and make Report with all Convenient Speed The said Committee Report that they find the allegations against the said Litts of dangerous Consequence to the Deponent, and that he the said Litts be taken and kept in Close Confinement to appear at next General meeting of this Committee, to answer such Complaints as have or shall be made against the said Litts - And farther that Major Schermerhorn with as many men as he shall think needful take and secure the said Litts, untill the next General meeting, Resolved That this Committee do agree with their Committee in the Report The Committee resumed the Consideration of the Petition of Dirck Van Der Karr and others in Half Moon District and Thereupon are of Opinion that the prayer thereof cannot be granted Adjourned till [blank] OClock to Morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment [26th- April 1776] Present Abraham Yates Junr John Ja Beeckman Petrus Wynkoop Lowrance Schoolcraft Abraham Oothoudt Philip Bronck John Cuyler Junr. [407] Harmanus Wendell Abraham Oothoudt1 Florus Banker Gerrit Winne Rutger Lansingh Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 1 Evidently a duplication. Chairman Peter Gernsey Jacob Bleecker Junr. Henry Lake Stephen J Schuyler Philip P Schuyler James Magee Zacharias Snyder John Barclay George White Abraham Cuyler John Bay Leonard Gansevoort 390 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE It being suggested to this Board that Messrs Phin and Ellice, had conveyed all their Stock in Trade to James Ellice, with no other View than to carry on the Indian Trade, as they the said Phin and Ellice had not Signed the Association, by which means they were not able Ito get a pass - and that the said James Ellice was now on his Way to General Schuyler to get a pass On Motion Resolved That General Schuyler be acquainted with the above Facts and be requested not to grant said Ellice a pass On Motion Resolved That no person or persons who have not signed the Association be permitted to go from Schonectady to the Westward as Battoe Men and farther that no Indian Trader or other person be permitted to carry with them more provisions than necessary for their private use Resolved That Liberty be given to all such Persons in this County as not as yet have signed the General Association to Sign the same, provided it appears to the District Committee (that such Persons have been friendly to the American Cause, and provided they Sign the same in Committee From a return of the Committee of Claverack It appears the following Persons are chosen [407a] Officers in the sixth Beat of the eight Regiment in the District of Claverack whereof Robert Van Rensselaer Esqr is Coll. to wit Abraham Fonda Capt. Isaac Vossburgh 1 Lieut. Richard Warn 2 Do. Thomas Everts Ensign Ordered That it be recommended to Congress to Commission them accordingly - Resolved That Joseph Kingsely and George Ramsey pay the Charges that have accrued in the prosecution against them to the Committee of Schonectady The Committee reported that the following Officers are chosen in a Minute Company in the District of Claverack - to wit Peter Fonda Capt. Nichs- Muller 1 Lieut. Jeremiah C. Muller 2 Do. Peter Graat Ensign Ordered that Commissions be issued accordinglyPursuant to a Resolve of last General meeting The Polls of the several Elections held in the respective Districts in this County for Deputies to represent this City and County in provincial Congress, and the names of the PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 391 several Voters and the Deputies they had Voted for being carefully Counted, a Majority of Votes appeared for Abraham Yates Junr. John JS Bleecker, Robert Van Rensselaer Francis Nicolls Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck, Jacob Cuyler Abraham Ten Broeck, Robert Yates, Henry Glen, Christopher Yates and Peter R Livingston, This Committee [408] do thereupon hereby declare the said Persons to be duly Elected, and that they or any three of them represent this City and County in Provincial Congress during the Time and for the purpose mentioned in the Resolves of said Congress. A Petition of Samuel Stevenson was laid before this Board praying that provision be made for him as he has already long served this Board as Goaler and never had any recompence Thereupon Resolved That the Contents of the said Petition be recommended to General Schuyler as most of the Prisoners are Continental Prisoners and that in the mean Time Walter Livingston Esqr Depy Commissary be requested to issue two Rations per Day to said StevensonA Complaint was preferred to this Board last General meeting against Hendrick Van Der Hoof, for distraining several Persons that belong to the Company of Chrisr. Tillman, in Consequence of which the said Van Der Hoof was cited to appear before this Board this Day The Committee took the same into Consideration, and thereupon Resolve that the said Van Der Hoof desist from any farther prosecution against the Persons distrained and return the Goods distrained to the owners, and that Mr' Florus Banker acquaint the said Van Der Hoof with the Opinion of this Committee [408a] Albany Committee Chamber April 27th. 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Harms- Wendell Jacob Bleecker Jun. Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Cuyler Samuel Stringer John Ja Beeckman John Barclay Walter Livingston Jeremiah V: Rensselaer Samuel Van Veghten Capt. Samuel Van Veghten complained to this Board that one of his recruiting Officers had enlisted two Men in the District of Kinderhook and 392 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that they were rescued from said Officers by Isaiah and Jeremiah Kenniff1 of said District the said Complaint was supported by two AffidavitsThereupon Resolved That the Committee of the District of Kinderhook be requested fortwith to Cause the said Isaiah and Jeremiah Kenniff to be apprehended and that the following Letter be sent to said Committee Albany Committee Chamber 29th April 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Robert Yates Jacob C Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam John Ja Beeckman John Bay Joseph Young Jacob Bleecker Junr John Ten Broeck John Barclay [409] Albany Committee Chamber 30th April 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Robert Yates 1/ John Barclay 1/ John Bay Joseph Young 1/ John Ja Beeckman 1/ Jacob C. Ten Eyck 1/ Leonard Gansevoort Chairman 1/ Jacob Bleecker Junr. I/ Abraham Cuyler 1/ Jacob Cuyler 1/ Walter Livingston 1/ Harst Wendell 1/ Bastiaen T. Visscher 1/ John Ten Broeck I/ Isaac Van Aemam 1/ Resolved That Mr. Hazard Wilcox enter into Bond with sufficient Surety for his good behaviour during the present Contest between Great Britain and her Colonies and that he shall not depart the bounds of the District where he resides untill he has permission from the Committee of the said District1 Spelled Cenniff on p. 410a of Ms. near bottom. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1776 393 Alexander Nicholson was brought before this Board on suspicion of being a person being inimical to the measures now pursued by the United Colonies of America, but nothing appearing against him Thereupon Resolved That the said Nicholson be discharged from any farther prosecution. Mr Charles Gorden was also brought before this Board as an Evidence concerning some inimical Designs against the Liberties of this Country, and being destitute of Money to bear his expences home, he was paid 14/ by this Board for that purpose Lieut' James Hewetson was also brought before this Committee as being a Person inimical to the measures now pursued by the United Colonies of America Thereupon Resolved That the said [409a] James Hewetson enter into the following parole to wit, I do promise on the Word and Honour of a Soldier and Gentlemen, that I will hold no manner of Correspondence or Conversation on Political matters with any Person or Persons that are inimical to the measures now pursued by the united Colonies of America and that I will not depart the Bounds of the District of Coxackie, without leave of the Committee of said District. [Signed] James Howetson John Munro Esqr. was brought before this Committee as being a Person inimical to the present measures now pursued by the United Colonies of America. Thereupon Resolved that the said John Munro enter into the following parole to wit. I do promise on the Word and Honor of a Gentleman that I will hold no manner of Correspondence or Conversation on Political matters with any Person or Persons that are inimical to measures now pursued by the united Colonies of America. [Signed] John Munro And it is hereby recommended to all friends to the Cause of American freedom, to suffer the said John Munro to live quietly and unmolested, as long as he continues to observe the Terms of his parole, and in case of failure that he then be brought in safety to this City. [410] Mr Samuel Anderson of Pownal was also brought before this Committee and charged as being a Person inimical to the measures now pursued by the united Colonies of America, which Charge he denyed 394 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Thereupon Resolved That it be recommended to the Committee of the District of Hosick to disarm the said Samuel Anderson, and take a Bond from him with a sufficient Surety in such Penalty as they shall conceive proper for his furture good behaviour during the present Contest between Great Britain and her Colonies. The said Samuel Anderson being called in and gave his Parole of Honour to wait on the Committee of said District and would before them comply with above Resolve [Signed] Saml Anderson Albany Committee Chamber 1st. May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John H Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker Robert Yates John Ja Beeckman Harmanus Wendell Gisbert Marselis Leonard Gansevoort John Bay John Barclay Joseph Young Resolved That the Commissary General be requested to furnish Harmanus Wendell with one pound of Powder and twenty four Musket Balls being for the like quantity by him given to Captn Vossburgh who made use of the same on public Service Resolved That the Secretary deliver the Money he has received for the use of the Reparation of the Barracks being ~538 16 9 to Gerrit Lansingh Junr the Treasurer to this Board and that he pay the same to the several Persons to whom the same is due or their Order [410a] Albany Committee Chamber 2nd. May 1776 F Abraham Yat John Barclay Robert Yates John Ja Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry I Bogert Abraham Cuyler Samuel Stringer Hars- Wendell )resent. Les Junr Chairman Rutger Bleecker Leonard Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam Jacob C. Ten Eyck John H Ten Eyck Walter Livingston Joseph Young John Bay Jacob Cuyler PROCEEDINGS, M/AY, 1776 395 A number of the Six Nations being now in Town in order to hold a Conferrence with the Commissioners of the Northern Department on public measures and Mr Douw one of the said Commissioners representing to this Board that he had no Powder or Lead in Store to give to them and as it is of the utmost moment to the Cause of American Freedom that the Indians should continue in their pacific disposition towards us- Thereupon Resolved that it be recommended to General Thompson that he will be pleased to issue orders that the Quantity of three hundred Wt' of Powder and about 1000 of Lead be ordered for the use of the said Commissioners for the purposes aforesaid Recd. a Letter from Corns- Van Schaack Junr dated the 1st May 17751 in the following Words to witIsaiah Cenniff 2 the person mentioned in the above Letter, appeared before this Board And Thereupon Resolved That the said Cenniff enter into sufficient Security for his appearance at the next General meeting of this Committee [411] which said security was taken in the following manner The said Isaiah Cenniff was bound in the Sum of ~100 Abraham Cenniff & John Cook each in the sum of ~50 - Conditioned for the appearance of the said Isaiah Cenniff on Thursday next. Complaint was preferred to this Board against John Roff for selling Bohea Tea at the Rate of 9/ per pound contrary to the Resolution of the Continental Congress and this Committee - Roff appeared and said he did not know of the Regulation made by either Body The Committee took the same into Consideration and are thereupon of Opinion that the said John Roff has violated the Resolution of the Continental Congress and that he be held up to the public View as an Enemy to his Country - Adjourned till three OClock P. M. 1 1776? 2 Spelled Kenniff on p. 408a. 396 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Present Abraham Yates Junr. 8/ John Barclay 8/ Harmanus Wendell Robert Yates 8 Walter Livingston 6 Jacob Cuyler 8 Samuel Stringer 6 Abraham Cuyler Chairman 8 Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Joseph Young Isaac Van Aernam Jacob C. Ten Eyck John Bay 7 8 6 6 6 Messrs. Jacob Cuyler and Gerrit Lansingh Junr. laid before this Board the Accts' of the Reparation of the Barracks which they had reexamined. Ordered that the Chairman Certify the same and that they be immediately transmitted to the Provincial Congress of this Colony, the amount of which said Acct- is ~688..10.. 1 [411 a] Albany Committee Chamber 3rd. May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Harmanus Wendell John Bay Henry Bleecker Abraham Cuyler John Ja Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam John Barclay Jacob Bleecker JunrRutger Bleecker Joseph Young The Committee took into Consideration the Resolution of the Continental Congress of the 21st March and of the Provincial Congress of the 19th April respecting the Culture of Hemp Flax & Wool and thereupon Resolved That Messrs. Rutger Bleecker and Joseph Young be a Committee to prepare a Recommendation to the Inhabitants of this County for the Compliance of the same The Chairman reported that Richard Wilkinson had applyed to him for a pass to go to Tryon County and offered to swear that he had Signed the Association Thereupon Resolved that the (Chairman grant a pass to said Wilkinson provided he swear that he has Signed the Association PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 397 Resolved That Docr. Joseph Young draw up a Recommendation to the Inhabitants of this County to be active in making Sturgeon Oil as it will be of the utmost Utility to have the same considering the Stoppage of the Whale Fishery - An Account of John J Hansen for going with Lieut- Ryan and his party to Schonectady amounting to 12/ Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same [412] Albany Committee Chamber 4th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Rutger Bleecker John Ten Broeck Henry I Bogert John Bay Leond Gansevoort Joseph Young John Barclay Harmanus Wendell Jacob C Ten Eyck Henry Bleecker A Memorial of Robert Ellice and Charles Morrison was laid before this Board praying that this Board will be pleased to grant a recommendation to the Commissioners of Indian affairs for pasports to go up to the Indian Country for the express purpose of Collecting their Debts Resolved That the prayer of the Memorialists be granted provided they severally give Security to this Committee in the penalty respectively of Two thousand Pounds to return with their Effects down the Mohawk River to this County, (unavoidable accidents only excepted) and that they will severally give no aid or assistance to the Ministerial Troops, and others who are inimical to the Cause of American Freedom and that they respectively take an Oath that they nor either of them will not give or furnish any of them with any information respecting the measures now pursued by or against the United Colonies of America or any of them, and that they will severally do their endeavours bring their Effects down said Mok River Captn Rutger Bleecker laid before this Board an Acct- of Cash paid for the reparation of 31 Guns by Persons belonging to his Company amounting to ~6..4..0 Also an Acct' of John Bay for Stationary for this Board amounting to 19/ which [412a] were allowed of 398 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 6th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Samuel Stringer John Barclay John H Ten Eyck Harms. Wendell John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert Robert Yates Chairman Jacobus Teller Gisbert Marselis Abraham Cuyler John Bay Joseph Young Jacob C Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort Henry Quackenbush Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated Fort George 4th May 1776 requesting a Supply of Carriages which said Letter is in the following Words (prout) Thereupon Resolved that Copies of the said Letter be transmitted by expresses to the District Committees This Committee taking into Consideration whether or no Traders should be permitted to go up to the Westward to Trade with the Indians - Thereupon Resolved That Certificates be granted for passes to all such Indian Traders and others as are friendly to the Cause of American Freedom. Upon the information of Mr Jacobus Teller a Member of this Board that Mr James Ellice had signed the Association and had in all things demeaned himself as a Friend to American Freedom, and had taken an Oath that the Goods he intended to carry with him to the westward were his Sole property, and that Phin & Ellice were not to reap any profits therefrom Resolved that a Certificate for a pass be granted to said Ellice provided he applies for it. [413] Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Barclay Henry I. Bogert John Ten Broeck James Gorden John Bay Leonard Gansevoort Joseph Young Harmanus Wendell PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 399 Messrs- Volckert P Douw and Timothy Edwards Commissioners of Indian Affairs for the Northern Department informed this Board that they were this Afternoon to give an Answer to a Speech delivered them last Week by the Six Nations and as the said Speech contained Terms of Friendship and assurances of their pacific Disposition, beg'd the Opinion of this Board whether it would not be expedient according to the usual Custom to make them some presents Thereupon Resolved that it is the Opinion of this Board that as it has always been customary on similar Occasions to give presents that the like ought to be done in the present Case. Albany Committee Chamber 8th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John H Ten Eyck Isaac Van Aernam Hars' Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry Bleecker John Barclay Abraham Cuyler Rutger Bleecker John Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert Jacob Bleecker Joseph Young Leonard Gansevoort John Bay Received a Letter from the Committee of Safety at New York dated 29th April 1776 inclosing Resolve, to disarm the [413a] more dangerous of such Persons as are disaffected to our Cause and others to Sign a new Association which said Letter and Resolve are in the following Words to wit. (prout) Resolved That the Chairman draw an order in favour of Isaac Bogert, on Gerrit Lansingh Junr the Treasurer to this Board for twenty eight Pounds three Shillings and four pence, being the Sum this Committee borrowed from said Bogert Resolved That Isaac Bogert deliver to Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer to this Board the sum of forty Pounds eight shillings and eleven pence, being the Money that was collected in the first Ward of this City for the use of the suffering Poor in Boston - Resolved that Gysbert G. Marselis deliver to Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer to this Board the Donation in his Hands for the suffering Poor in Boston Thomas Gumersal applyed for leave to go to New Jersey 400 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered that the Chairman give a permit accordingly Complaint was preferred to this Board against John Boyd Senior for selling Bohea Tea at the rate of 7/6 per pound contrary to the Resolution of the Continental Congress of the 13th April last- The said Boyd upon Citation appeared confessed the said Charge to be true and in excuse said that others sold at that rate and even at a higher price - Thereupon Resolved That the said John Boyd Senr has Violated the said Resolution and ought to be considered as an Enemy to the American Cause, and treated accordingly, and it is recommended that from the Date hereof that all Persons break of all commercial intercourse with said Boyd [414] John Boyd Junr appeared before this Board and confessed that he had sold at a higher Rate than six Shillings per pound contrary to the Resolution of the Continental Congress of the 13th April last Thereupon Resolved That the said John Boyd Junr has violated the said Resolution and ought to be considered as an Enemy to the American Cause and treated accordingly, and from the Date all Persons are to break off all commercial intercourse with him Complaint was also preferred to this Board against Absalom Woodworth for selling Bohea Tea at a higher rate than six Shillings per pound contrary to a Resolution of the Continental Congress of the 13th April last - Upon Citation the said Woodworth appeared and in his Defence said that he sold the Tea at 6/ per pound and charged for his Trouble in Weighing two Shillings more Thereupon Resolved That the said Absalom Woodworth has violated the said Resolution and ought to be considered as an Enemy to the American Cause and treated accordingly and from the Date hereof all Persons are to break off all Commercial intercourse with him Captn McDonald through Doctr Young one of the Members of this Board, applyed for a permit to send up to Johnstown a Load of provisions for Allen McDonals family and others - Thereupon Resolved That no permit be granted Albany Committee Chamber 8th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jacob C Ten Eyck Joseph Young John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Henry Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr. Hars Wendell Rutger Bleecker Gisbert Marselis Isaac Von Aernam Walter Livingston PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 401 [414a] Resolved that John Ostrander be dismissed from attending the Board as Messenger and that Jacob Kidney be employed in his Stead, and be allowed for his attendance three Shillings for every Day he warns the Members of this Board and one Shilling a Day, for warning the Officers of the WatchAlbany Committee Chamber 9th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Ten Broeck John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Bay Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert John H Ten Eyck Rutger Bleecker Harms- Wendell Resolved That Guysbert G Marselis dispose of the Wheat and Pease in his Hands for the suffering Poor in Boston, and that he deliver the Money arising therefrom to Gerrit Lansingh Junr the Treasurer to this Board. Albany Committee Chamber 9th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr John Barclay Wessel Ten Broeck John Knickerbacker Jur Killiaen Van Rensselaer Asa Waterman Harmanus H Wendell John Ten Broeck Corns' Van Schaack Junr. Frederick Marten Joseph Young Philip P. Schuyler Volkert Veeder Chairman John Ja Beeckman Gersham Woodworth Thomas Morrison Stephen J. Schuyler Henry Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Walter Livingston Harmanus Wendell Leonard Gansevoort [415] Mr Van Schaack made the following motion and was seconded.Colo. Witbeeck having informed the Committee of the District of Kinderhook, that he had appointed Mr- Abraham J Van Vieck Clerk of his Regi 402 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE ment in said District and Mr Van Vleck having been distrained by the Captain of Militia in whose Company he is not for training after the said Van Vleck had given his Captain Notice of his being appointed Clerk as aforesaid I move on behalf of the said District Committee that this Committee declare whether the said Mr Van Vleck after his said Appointment and after Notice thereof given was liable to be distrained for said non attendance - And I further move for the sense of this Committee whether the Clerk of the Church during the Exercise of his Office is not exempted from the Militia Act of the Congress and also whether the Bell ringer of the Church on such Days as he is actually enployed in ringing the Bell is not in like manner exempted. Thereupon Resolved That the Captain of the Militia had a right to distrain the said Abraham J. Van Vleck, and that the Clerk of the Church and Bellringer are not exempted from doing duty on training or other Days when the Militia are called out and it is hereby recommended to all Militia Officers in this County to exempt the said Clerk & Bellringer from Duty while in the Duty of their Office Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Board That Abraham C. Cuyler, Stephen DeLancey, John Van Aelen, John Monier, Gysbert Fonda and William Shepherd are notoriously disaffected to the Cause of America, and that they be Cited to appear before this Board, and upon appearance that the New Association be Tendered them for Signing [415a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Harms. H Wendell John Ten Broeck Asa Waterman Corns. Van Schaack Junr Philip P. Schuyler Corns G. Van Den Bergh Wessel Ten Broeck Frederick Marten Henry Bleecker Stephen J. Schuyler George White Chairman John Barclay James MaGee Abraham Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert Leond Gansevoort John Knickerbacker Junr. Jacob C. Schermerhorn John H Beeckman Robert Yates Joseph Young PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 403 Complaint was preferred against Daniel Litts for having Cursed, the Committee, beat and abused Susannah Nagel, and spoken disrespectful of the Whigs, as appears from the Affidavit of the said Nagel, The said Litts appeared and made his Defence Thereupon Resolved that the said Litts be disarmed and enter into Bond in the penalty of forty pounds for his future good behaviour, and that the said Litts pay the Charges which have accrued in this prosecution being 20/ and that the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck carry this Resolution into execution Mr Gansevoort moved and was seconded That this Committee do immediately enter upon the Consideration of Measures necessary to be adopted for carrying into execution certain Resolves of the Continental Congress with respect to the disarming of Persons within this County notoriously Inimical [416] to the Liberties of America, or who have not associated and refuse to associate, to defend by Arms these Colonies against the Hostile Attempts of the British Fleets and Armies Thereupon Resolved that Copies be made of the Resolve of the Provincial Congress requesting this Committee to carry into Execution the above Resolve of the Continental Congress together with Copies of the said Resolve, and sent to the Subcommittees of the respective Districts in this County requesting them to put the same into Execution within their respective Districts and that they from Time to Time Report their Proceedings in the premisses together with an exact acct. of the Arms by 'them taken, and from whom as also the Appraisement of the same to this Board Mr Gansevoort moved and was seconded That the Records of this City and County be immediately removed and taken into the Possession of this Board and that application be made to Coil Lansingh for a Guard by Rotation out of his Regiment of Militia to guard the same, and that the Clerk of the County or his Agent be permitted by the said Guard to have access thereto, that the necessary business of the said office may not be impeded Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 404 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Ten Broeck Wessel Ten Broeck Asa Waterman Jacob C. Schermerhorn George White Joseph Young Leonard Gansevoort John H Beeckman Philip P Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Corns G. Van Den Bergh Corns' Van Schaack Junr John Knickerbacker Junr John Ja. Beeckman Stephen J. Schuyler John Barclay Frederick Marten Harms, H Wendell [416a] The Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck reported that they had apprehended one Isaac Filkins, a person notoriously disaffected to the Liberties of America, and it appearing to this Board that the said Filkins is an old Offender and fled from Dutches County to this for an Assylum, Thereupon Resolved that the said Isaac Filkins together with the Charges preferred against him in this County be sent to the Committee of Dutchess County and that the said Filkins pay the Charges that have accrued in apprehending him being one pound eleven Shillings and five pence and that the following Letter be sent to the said Committee (prout) Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Deputies of this County attending Provincial Congress (prout) Cornelius O Brian a Continental Soldier under the Command of Captn David Van Ness, was arrested at the suit of Abraham Holmes for a Sum not amounting to thirty five Dollars Thereupon Resolved That the following Resolution be served upon Mr Roorback the Attorney for said Holmes,Sir In pursuance of a Resolve of the Continental Congress, the Committee have tho't proper to desire and hereby order you to discharge Cornelius O Brian a Continental Soldier, whom you have detained in Goal at the Suit of Abraham Holmes for a Sum not amounting to thirty five Dollars, and that you satisfy the Goaler for his Fees - Mr Roorback appeared, and complied with the above order. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 405 [417] Captn Van Kleeck appeared before this Board, and took into his Custody and Care Isaac Filkins, whom he promised to deliver to Captain Zephaniah Platt or any of the Members of the Committee of Dutchess County. Albany Committee Chamber 1 1th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Leonard Gansevoort Joseph Young Jacob C. Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler Walter Livingston Henry Bleecker Henry I Bogert Gisbert Marselis Rutger Bleecker John Barclay John Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ja Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam John Bay John H Ten Eyck Samuel Stringer Harmanus Wendell Abraham C. Cuyler Esqr. in pursuance of a Citation appeared before this Board and refused to Sign the Association recommended by Congress to be tendered to disaffected Persons — Thereupon Resolved That the said Abraham C. Cuyler be disarmed, and that the Arms so taken be deposited in the Hands and Custody of the ChairmanJohn Van Aelen Esqr. in pursuance also of a Citation appeared before this Board and refused to Sign the Association recommended by Congress Thereupon Resolved That the said John Van Aelen be disarmed Stephen De Lancey Esqr. also appeared, and declared that he would not sign the Association, and refused to hear it read, as it was not [Signed] done by the whole Country- Thereupon Resolved that the said Stephen DeLancey be disarmed Gysbert Fonda also appeared and refused to sign the said Association declaring he could not Sign it having been in trouble in 1767 for Signing a public Paper Thereupon Resolved that the said Gysbert Fonda be disarmed [417a] John Monier also appeared before this Board and refused to Sign the Association, declaring he was a Kings Officer Thereupon Resolved That the said John Monier be disarmed William Shepherd also appeared before this Board and refused to Sign the said Association, Thereupon Resolved That the said William Shepherd be disarmed 406 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 13th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Henry I Bogert John H Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Hars. Wendell John JS Bleecker John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young Abraham Cuyler Walter Livingston Rutger Bleecker Gisbert Marselis Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Grimes and John Griggs appeared before this Board and having no permit or pass from the Chairman of the Committee of New York, being the place where they last resided Thereupon Resolved that the said John Grimes and John Grigg Return by the first oppertunity to New York Received a Letter from James Duane, William Floyd and Lewis Morris the Delegates for the Colony of New York in Continental Congress dated 1st May 1776 Philadelphia Resolved That Gerrit J. Lansing, Robert Lansingh and Michael Basset be and they are hereby appointed appraisers of the Arms, that shall be required by this Board to be appraised [418] Resolved That the Messenger go and proceed to such Person or Persons as are ordered to be disarmed by this Board, and take and receive their Arms and that his Warrant be in the following words Sir You are hereby required and Commanded fortwith to proceed to the Houses of Abraham C. Cuyler John Van Aelen Stephen DeLancey, Gysbert Fonda John Monier and William Shepherd there to take and receive all their Arms and Ammunition Side Arms excepted) for which Arms &c- you are to give a Rect- and bring said Arms &c. to the Chairman of this Committee without delay and for so doing this shall be your Warrant A Petition of Thomas Walker was laid before this Board praying that this Committee will be pleased to recommend to General Schuyler Serg-t David McFall for leave to go to New York to Visit his Brother for fifteen DaysResolved that the prayer of the Petition be granted and the said David Mc.Fall is hereby recommended to the General accordingly. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 407 Albany Committee Chamber 14th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Jun. John Barclay Henry Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Samuel Stringer Hars- Wendell Gisbert Marselis Henry I Bogert Rutger Bleecker Chairman Walter Livingston John Ja. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr John Bay Joseph Young John Js. Bleecker Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated Fort George 13th Instant in the following Words to wit [418a] Thereupon Resolved That the following Letter be sent by express to the Committee of Ulster County inclosing the Letters of General Schuyler — also to send the same by express to The Committee of Kinderhook Claverack and Manor Livingston DistrictsCornelius Van Deusen went express to Esopus and Thos L. Witbeeck to Manor Livingston - Albany Committee Chamber 15th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Barclay Samuel Stringer Henry Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Jacob J. Lansingh Gisbert Marselis Henry I. Bogert Hars. Wendell Joseph Young Messrs- John Van Driesen and Edward Ridley applyed to this Board for a permit or pass to go to Oneyda and Onondaga for the express purpose of buying Arms for the use of the united Colonies - Ordered therfore that the said John Van Driesen and Edward Ridley be recommended to the Commissioners of Indian affairs for passes and they are hereby recommended accordingly The Chairman by order of the Board passed his Receipt for two thousand Wt. of Gun Powder to John Moore Esqr. Received a Letter from Corns Van Santvoordt dated Tyconderoga 9th May 1776 (prout) 408 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [419] Albany Committee Chamber 16th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Bay Hars- Wendell Henry Bleecker Stephen J. Schuyler Leond. Gansevoort John Barclay Walter Livingston John H Ten Eyck Joseph Young Rutger Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher A Sentence of the Court Martial whereof Anthony W. White was President dated the 15th Instant setting forth that one Richard Brown is confined for endeavouring to raise Sedition and Mutiny amongst the Soldiery persuading them to desert, and that upon enquiry they find he is a Kings Soldier, and was taken prisioner by the Continental Troops Thereupon Resolved That the following answer be sent to the said Anthony W White- This Committee have taken into Consideration the purport of the Note of the Court Martial concerning Richard Brown a prisoner taken last Fall by the Continental Troops, and are of Opinion that the said Brown ought to be kept under Guard, or put into Close Confinement in the Fort at Albany till he can be sent to join the Company to which he formerly belonged, or otherwise disposed of by the General Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated 14th Instant in the following Words to wit At a Meeting of the Secret Committee1 appointed by the Sub Committee of the City & County of Albany at the request of General Schuyler by Letter dated the 14th- Instant -At the House of Martha Vernor. May 16th. 1776 Walter Livingston Chairman Henry Bleecker Joseph Young Stephen J. Schuyler Leonard Gansevoort } Committee j General Sullivan Colo~ Dayton Major Scammell Col~. Duer 1 Between pages 418a and 419 of the manuscript four pages devoted to proceedings of a secret committee from May 16 to 25 have been inserted. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 409 The above Letter from General Schuyler being read Mr. Duer laid before us a Letter from General Schuyler to General Sullivan, two from General Schuyler to Sr- John Johnson and another from General Schuyler to Col~' Dayton - Mr. Duer then made the following Declaration in Writing - (prout) The Committee then took the Matter into mature Consideration, and gave it as their Opinion (1) That the Letter from Genl- Schuyler to Sr. John Johnson dated at Fort George the 13th.. Instant-be immediately sent on by an Express and that the Chairman be requested to execute the same (2) That the Letter & Orders from General Schuyler to [2]1 to ColoDayton be delivered to Colo' Dayton as also the Letter from Genl1 Schuyler to Sr. John Johnson dated at Saratoga the 14th.. Instant(3) The Committee considering the inconvenience that may attend the Troops going up with Colo. Dayton for Quarters, they are of Opinion that Colo. Dayton take with him a sufficient Number of Tents that he may not be under the necessity of detaching his Troops, which may endanger him in case of a surprize, and' prevent the Soldiery on their March from committing outrage on the Inhabitants Therefore Resolved that it be recommended to the Chairman as Commissary to furnish Colo- Dayton with two Waggons for the purpose of carrying the Tents Resolved The Committee are of Opinion that General Schuyler is entitled to the warmest Approbation of this Committee and of all the true Lovers of their Country for his Vigilance in detecting and his Prudence in defeating the horrid Designs of the Ministerial Tools of Tyranny to deluge this Country with kindred Blood —They are of opinion that his own Personal Security is Secondary to his anxious Regard for the Public Weal; and therefore recommend the most decisive measures to be pursued for frustrating the Plans wh. Sir John Johnson in spite of his solemn [3]1 Engagement is devising against the Peace of this Province and the general Liberties of America; more particularly when they take into Consideration our late Disappointment in the Province of Canada; The Account of wh probably might strengthen the Power of the Enemies to our Liberty, and tempt them to carry into immediate Execution the Plots wh. appear to have been long form'd for embroiling this Frontier Country in a civil ContestResolved that it is the Opinion of this Committee that if any of the following Persons should be found at or near the Neighbourhood of Sir John 1 Refers to pages of the inserted minutes. 410 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Johnson, that they should be brought down close Prisoners by Col~ Drayton; for the further Examination of this Committee and that Colonel Drayton be furnishd with a Copy of this Resolve James Grey John Monroe Thos. Swords Captain Mc' Alpin Isaac Man senr and Sons Joseph Anderson Saml. Anderson Hugh Monroe A Person by the Name of Clyde a Shoemaker living near Stillwater - [4] May 23 -Present Walter Livingston- Chairman Joseph Young Robert Yates Henry Bleecker Jer V Rensselaer Leo. Gansevoort The Revd Mr. Caldwell Arrived from Johnstown & Informed this Committee of the Circumstances of the proceedings of the troops Under the Command of Col~ dayton and the progress Respecting their Operations, and the Necessary Steps Requisite to be taken Resolved that Robert Yates Accompany the Revr. Mr Caldwell up to Lake George to Conferr with General Schuyler Concerning the Removal of the Scots Inhabitants this Committee are of Opinion that if the Said Male Inhabitants have Escaped the Vigilance of Col~ daton, that the Removal of the female old & infirm part of Sd Inhabitants will be Attended with Unescessary Expence The Committee having Received a Letter directed to Ph Schuyler Esqr Sealed with the Arms of Sr John Johnson: they thought proper to open the Same & by the Above Gentlemen forward to Gener1 Schuyler (here Insert Copy on the Subject) 24 Leut. Bates brought in Captain Daniel McAlpine Leut' Thomas Swords, John and Thomas Man. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 411 25 The above named persons, appeared before the sub Committee of the City and County, and were told that they were not at present brought upon trial, but only to let them know what had been aledged against them, which when they heard, they denied all the charges aledged against them- The Committee ordered Captain McAlpin and Leut' Swords to their lodgings, and a Sentry at their Door, John & Thomas Man were dismiss'd, as being persons incabable of doing any material damage to this Country. The business was again commited to the Secret Committee, and four Members added to their Body Vizt. Abraham Cuyler, John Bay, Jno J Beekman & Henry Wendell- Who met according to appointment at 4 P: M: Present Walter Livingston Chairman, John Jas Beekman, Henry Bleeker, Abraham Cuyler, Henry Wendell Jn~o Bay, Joseph Young - Robt. Yates sent to the general, at Lake George, to lay before him the proceedings of the Commissioners and Collo Dayton, at Johnstown [End of Minutes of Secret Committee. ] [419 end] Albany Committee Chamber 18th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Samuel Stringer Jacob C Ten Eyck Joseph Young John Ten Broeck John Bay John Barclay Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Walter Livingston Gisbert Marselis Henry Bleecker Leond Gansevoort [419a] Albany Committee Chamber 18th May 1776 at 8 OClock P M. Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Junr Hars Wendell Abraham Cuyler Walter Livingston Gisbert Marselis Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ja Beeckman Henry Bleecker Joseph Young Jerh. Van Rensselaer John Bay John McKerlie appeared before this Board and gave the following information under Oath (prout) 412 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 20h May 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Jacob Bleecker Junr. Isaac Van Aemam Bastian T. Visscher John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Pro Temp. Joseph Young Walter Livingston Gisbert Marselis John Bay Leonard Gansevoort Received a Letter from the Committee of Manor Livingston dated 19th Instant in the following Words to wit. Received also a Letter from Jacob Cuyler and Henry Glen the Deputies of this County attending Congress dated the 14th May Instant Resolved That Messrs" Abraham Yates Junr. Joseph Young Rutger Bleecker, John Bay and Robert Yates, be a Committee to aid and assist the Committee of the Manor of Livingston [420] in carrying into Execution such resolutions and orders as they shall think proper Albany Committee Chamber 21st- May 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh JunrHars. Wendell John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young John Bay Henry Quackenbush Gisbert Marselis Asa Douglass Abraham Yates Junr. Resolved That the secretary call on John Ten Broeck Esqr for the General Account of this County and take a Copy thereof and file the same Albany Committee Chamber 22nd May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr John Ja Beeckman John Bay Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Jacob C. Ten Eyck Jacob Bleecker Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Chairman Joseph Young Abraham Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Gisbert Marselis Henry I. Bogert Henry Quackenbush Ebenezer Marvin PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 413 [420a] Albany Committee Chamber 23rd May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr John Bronck John Younglove John Van Orden Wilhels- Van Antwerp John Bay Joseph Young William Dietz Asa Flint Andries Witbeeck Isaac Fonda Rutger Lansingh Peter Zielen Gerrit Staats Barent Van Der Pool John Barclay Chairman Philip P Schuyler John Ja Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Jur Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John H. Beeckman Walter Livingston Florus Banker Killian Van Renselear Fredrick Berger George White Robert Yates Volkert Veeder Jacob C. Schermerhorn Richard Hart John Younglove complained that one Peter Miller of Cambridge District had declared that he had taken an oath which would oblige him to join the Kings Troops when called upon by any of his Officers, and to kill his best Friends if they were in opposition to him Thereupon Resolved That the Committee of Cambridge apprehend the said Peter Miller, and disarm and bind him to his future good behaviour, and that they make Report of their proceedings to this Board with all Convenient Speed. The Committee of Cambridge District and the Corporation of Cambridge Reported, that the said District and Corporation, were joined, and that by an Order of this Board they were to chuse only eight Members, for Committee and that it would conduce to the ease of said Districts could they have Liberty of electing Six additional Members Thereupon Resolved that Liberty be given accordingly [421] The Committee of the District of Cambridge and the Corporation of Cambridge made a return of the Field Officers and other Officers in said District which said Return is on file and is approved of - The Field Officers are as follows 414 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Lewis Van Woerdt ColloJohn Blair Lieut ColloJames Ashton l StMa Ebenezer Allen 2 Majors John Younglove Adjutant Asa Flint Quarter Master Received a Letter from Captn 0 Hara dated Half Moon 21st May 1776 in the following Words to wit The Committee examined the said Alexander Campbell, and no proof appearing against him he was discharged, and thereupon the following Letter was sent to Capt" O Hara. (prout) The Resolution of the Provincial Congress of the 10th May 1776 was read, and ordered that Copy of said Resolution be transmitted to the Committees of the respective Districts in this County The Committee of the Manor Rensselaerwyck moved to be supplyed with four hundred pounds of Gun Powder with lead and Flints out of the Stores' sent up by Provincial Congress for the County of Albany, and that they will be accountable for what Store they shall receive, and see that the same be dealt out properlyThereupon Resolved that the said Request cannot be granted, as this Committee are of Opinion that it will be best to keep the Powder together in one Store, and was it to be distributed there is reason to apprehend that it might soon be wasted - [421a] It being suggested to this Board that one Samuel Hoisted could give information with respect to some Inimical Designs against the Liberties of America Thereupon Resolved that Messrs. Florus Banker and the Members of the Committees of Hosick & Schagtekocke be a Committee to examine the said Holsted and such other persons as they shall think proper and also to apprehend and secure all such Persons as they shall deem upon inquiry inimical to the Liberties of America. Resolved that Messrs- Robert Yates and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be added to the Committee appointed to take into Consideration the information of William Duer Esqr. and put the same into execution Pursuant to a Resolve of the Provincial Congress of this Colony all Male Persons between the Age of 16 & 50 who have removed from the City of New York to this City and County since June last are hereby requested to depart this City and County within fourteen days from the Date hereof PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 415 Albany Committee Chamber 24th. May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Harmanus Wendell Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry Bleecker Walter Livingston John Bay Jacob C. Ten Eyck Joseph Young John Ja Beeckman Matthew Adgate Robert Yates Asa Douglass Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Leonard Gansevoort Ebenezer Marvin Henry Wendell General John Fellows Colo~ Jonathan Smith and Timothy Edwards of Berkshire County [together with the Committee of Kings District ] appeared before this Board and laid before them a number of Affidavits, with respect to some Confederation formed against the United [422] Colonies of America, they also informed this Board that in Consequence of the information contained in the said Affidavits, and in Conjunction with the Committee of Kings District, they had apprehended a number of Persons pointed out in the said Affidavits, some whereof lived within the limits of this CountyThereupon Resolved That the Committee of Kings District be requested to proceed to the farther examination of the Witnesses, and that at the Time of examination they be requested to have the Prisoners present, in order that they may have Liberty to cross examine them, that the said Examination together with the Prisoners be transmitted to this Board, and that the said Committee be requested to receive from the Committee of Berkshire County such Prisoners in their Custody who live or have their residence in this County and that the said Committee of Berkshire County be requested to deliver to the said Committee of Kings District, all such proofs as they may have in their possession against them Resolved That Mr. Hendrick M Roseboom be requested to deliver to Matthew Adgate Esqr. Six Pounds of Gun Powder out of the Stores belonging to this Board Lieut Philip Hornbeeck of Mombackus in Ulster County appeared before this Board and informed them that he had brought up from that place ten 1 Crossed out in the original. 416 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Deserters, and could not now get payment, and that he was destitute of Money to defray his expences home Thereupon Resolved That the following recommendation be given to Mr. Trumbul the Pay Master General (here take in) Resolved That Messrs. Henry Quackenbush and Bastiaen T. Visscher be a Committee to examine the Accounts of the Committee of Saratoga, and make Report to this Board accordingly [422a] Resolved That John Van Aelen Esqr. be sent for and be requested to declare upon Oath whether or no he has any Arms and how many Albany Committee Chamber 25th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Abraham Cuyler John Ja Beeckman John Barclay Walter Livingston Henry Quackenbush Henry Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Joseph Young John Bay Leond Gansevoort Stephen Marvin Henry Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Mr. Robert Yates laid before this Board the following Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated 23rd Instant (here take in) Thereupon Resolved That the following Letter be transmitted to the said Committee (here take in) Resolved also that Copies of the said Letter and answer be transmitted to General Schuyler (here take in Letter) Resolved That Messrs' Henry Wendell, John Bay, John Ja Beeckman and Abraham Cuyler be added to the Committee already appointed to take into Consideration the information of William Duer Esqr. Dr Stephen Marvin laid before this Board an Account of Medicines administred to Continental Soldiers and prayed that this Board would grant a certificate thereon and thereupon the following certificate was granted to wit The Committee have examined the above Account and find the same to be just PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 417 [423] Albany Committee Chamber 27th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman John Barclay Abraham Cuyler John Ja Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry Bleecker Harst Wendell Henry I. Bogert Joseph Young Caplt. Micah Vail laid before this Board a pay Roll of his Comp.any who were employed in the Reduction of Ticonderoga aind Crown Point amouznting to 102.. 13..3 3/4 and declared on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the same was just and true and that he had rece ived no s- tisf.ction for the same nor for any part thereofThereupon Resolved that the same be certified on the back of the Roll, and that this Committee upon e:aLmination find the ssa1e to be just, and are of.pinion that the same ought to be paid - Received a Letter from John Lansingh JunT. General Schuylers Secretary dated 24A1h May 1 776 inclosing Copy of the Resolve of Congress of the 6'! Apri last, which said Letter and Resolve are in the following Words to wit The said Micaaebh Vail also laid before this Board an Account of Money expended amounting to ~ 2.. 0 which he also declared on Cath to be just and true Whereupon the samne was also certified by this Board to be just and true, and that the same ought to be paid [423a] Albany Committee Chamber 28th May 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junt Chairman Philip P Schuyler Joseph Joung Henry Bleecker Harmanus Wendell John Bay John Js. Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Walter Livingston Robert McClallen Stephen J. Schuylea Rutger Lansingh Killiaen Van Rensselae: John Younglove Henry Wendell Anthony Van Bergen Gisbert Marselis WVilhelmus Van Antwerp Alba-rtus Van Loon Richard Bronck Henry I. Bogert 14 418 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE On Motion of Mr: Walter Livingston Resolved That the District of Manor Livingston have Liberty to chuse five additional Members for Committee Mr John Shaw of the City of New York applyed to this Board for a permit to carry a Quantity of Sugars and other Goods from this City to the City of New York Thereupon Resolved That no permit be granted Resolved that Mr John Caldwell be cited to appear before this Board to Morrow afternoon at 2 [? ] OClock to give Evidence touching such matters as shall be enquired into by this Board, relating Capt. James Gray Whereas a number of Field and other Officers have been elected in the District and Corporation of Cambridge, and whereas the Commissions [424] for said Officers are not yet come up from the Provincial Congress. Thereupon Resolved That it be recommended to the said Officers to [demean themselves 1] use and exercise their respective Offices as if they had their Commissions, and it is hereby farther recommended to [all privates under 1] the Inhabitants of the said District and Corporation of Cambridge to pay due obedience to their said Officers Whereas this Board is informed that Capt. Henry Van Der Hoof has issued orders to distrain some Men that have for some time been in dispute whether they belonged to Captn. Tillman's Company, or said Vander Hoofs- Thereupon Resolved That Messrs Michael Van Der Cook, John Knickerbacker Florus Banker Stephen J. Schuyler and Rutger Lansingh be a Committee to settle the said Dispute, and also Resolved that the said Van Der Hoof desist from farther prosecution in Levying the said FinesResolved That Gisbert Marselis Barrack Master get a Room repaired in the Fort for a Goal, to confine such Persons as shall be ordered by this Committee or General Schuyler Pursuant to a Resolve of the Provincial Congress of this Colony all Male Persons in this City and County above the Age of Sixteen Years and under the Age of fifty years, who have withdrawn themselves from the City & County of New York since the first day of June last, are hereby ordered to depart this City & County, and 'to return to their usual places of abode within eight days from the Date hereof. 1 Crossed out in the original. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 419 [424a] Albany Committee Chamber 29th May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Barclay John D. Fonda John Younglove Albartus Van Loon Anthony Van Bergen Richard Bronck John Van Loon John M. Beeckman Dirck Ten Broeck David McCarty Abraham Ten Eyck Rutger Lansingh Myndert Roseboom Rynier Van Aelstyn John Prise Gerardus Cluet Joshua Losee Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Van Veghten John Van Rensselaer Junr. John Taylor Henry Bleecker Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Walter Livingston Henry Quackenbush Joseph Young Harmanus Wendell Abraham Yates Junr. was unanimously chosen Chairman — and Matthew Visscher was appointed Secretary & Clerk Resolved That the Committees of the City of Albany and those of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as far as the Manor House, apd such of the Committees as may be in Town and chuse to attend, shall be a Sub Committee and that eleven Members when met shall be and hereby are authorised and empowered to proceed and do the ordinary business that may come before them of which they may think proper to enter upon & determine Jacob Kidney was appointed Door Keeper to this Board, and that the said Kidney warn the OfI cers and privates of the City Watch [4251 Yesterday the Polls of the Elections for Committee in the several Districts of this County from which it appears that the following Persons are duly elected. to wit 420 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE First Ward John Barclay Jacob C. Ten Eyck Joseph Young Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Henry Van Veghten Isaac Fryer John Price Leond Gansevoort Second Ward Robert Yates John Ja Beeckman Henry Bleecker Jacob Cuyler Jacob Lansingh Jeremiah V Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr. Abraham Cuyler Manor Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush John H Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob C. Schermerhorn Volkert Veeder George White Philip P. Schuyler James MaGee Abraham Fonda Florus Banker Anthony Van Schaick Killian Van Rensselaer Barent Mindertse Rynier Van Aelstyn David McCarty Frederick Berger Jacob J Lansingh Corns' G V. Den Bergh Philip Van Vechten Stephen J. Schuyler Third Ward Isaac Van Aernam John Ten Broeck Abraham Yates Harmanus Wendell Gerrit Lansingh John M. Beeckman Dirck Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Eyck Hosick Isaac Lansingh Jacob Ouderkerk David Smith Henry Breese John [D?] Fonda Edward Jewet John Van Rensselaer John Walder Henry Lake Josiah Tallmage Phener Palmer John Johnson Schagtekocke Samuel Rowland Lewis Van Antwerp Benjamin Hicks Michael Cook Michael Overacker John Hansen Nathaniel Ford Samuel Ketchum Jacob Lansing Matthew Howard Grote Imboght John Van Orden Gosen Van Schaick John Ten Broeck Frederick Marten Hezekiah Van Orden Coxachie Richard Bronck John L. Bronck John Van Loon Anthony Van Bergen Hubartus Van Loon William Van Bergen PROCEEDINGS, MAY, t776 421 Saratoga John Tayler John Rogers Joseph Row Alexander Bryant George Palmer Michael Dunning William Bradshaw Cambridge Comfort Curtis David Preston Phineas Whiteside John Younglove James Ashton Samuel Hodges John Blair Henry Smith Manor Livingston Peter R. Livingston Samuel Ten Broeck Dirck Jansen Walter Livingston Petrus Wynkoop Junr [425a] Half Moon Gerardus Cluet Wilhels Van Antwerp Isaac Fonda Rutger Lansingh Joshua Losee Henry Brevoort Schoharry Samuel Vrooman Peter Becker Jost Burch Johannis Ball William Dietz Lowrance Schoolcraft Kinderhook Abraham J. Van Vieck Lambert Burgart Peter Van Schaack Lucas J Goes In the second Ward of this City there being equal number of Voters foL Jacob Bleeker Philip Van Rensselaer and Rutger Bleecker and a Majority for eight others in said [ward] 'who were duly ElectedTherefore Resolved That a new Election be held in the said Ward for the purpose of choosing one Member also Resolved that an Election be held in the first Ward for chusing a Member in the Room of Isaac Fryer who declines Serving Resolved That the Committee of Half Moon District cite James Holsted to appear before them, and that they examine the said Holsted, and if on his examination he points out any Person who has inimical designs against this Country that they then immediately apprehend the Persons so pointed out and fortwith bring them before this Board. From the Return of the Poll for Committee in Half Moon District it cppears that there is an equal number of Voters for Nicholas Van Den Bergh and Jacob Van Der Worke 422 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Thereupon Resolved That a New Election be held in the District aforesaid for the Election of one Member, and that the Committee of said District give previous notice to the Inhabitants of said District of the Time & place of Election Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. [426] Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman David McCarty Francis Nicolls John Younglove John Barclay John D. Fonda John Van Rensselaer Rutger Lansingh Peter Van Schaack John Prise Abraham J. Van Vleck Joshua Losee Lambert Borghart John H Beeckman Lucas J. Goes Anthony Van Schaack Harmanus Wendell Albartus Van Loon Rynier Van Aelstyn Anthony Van Bergen John Van Loon Richard Bronck Philip Van Veghten Frederick Berger Henry Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom John Tayler Volkert Veeder Dirck Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Eyck Mr. John Shaw again applyed to this Board for a pass to carry Sugars down to New York, from this City Thereupon Resolved that no permit be granted as it is an Article much wanted here Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated Fort George 27th Instant inclosing an Affidavit of James Billington which said Letter and Affidavit are in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That the following Letter be sent by express to the Committee of Tryon County- (prout) Resolved That Gisbert Marselis Barrack Master get one of the Rooms in the Fort repaired, for the reception of the Continental Prisoners, and the Prisoners of this Board. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 423 [426a] Whereas it is just that the Members of every District should bear an equal proportion of the trouble and expence of attendance on their Duty at this Board, so that too great burthen may not fall on such as are willing to discharge their Duty - Therefore Resolved that the Members of every District shall agree among themselves upon some order in which they shall respectively and alternately attend at this Board, and if any Member shall not duly attend in his Turn, not having sufficient reason for his absence and shall refuse to bear1 of such Member for such District, as shall attend in his stead, he shall be expelled from this Board Resolved That Copy of Samuel Stevenson's Petition and the Resolution of this Board of the 26th April be transmitted inclosed in the following Letter to General Schuyler (here take in Letter) Jillis Lagrange made application to this Board for an order to recover two Horses, that had been taken from him by the Gentlemen of the Army which they promised to return in a few days, which he says has not yet been done - This Board taking the same into Consideration do order and recommend it to whatever person may have said Horse or Horses into Custody to deliver them without delay to said Jillis Langrange and permit him to return home unmolested. On Motion of Mr- Walter Livingston Resolved That the General Association be Tendered to every Member belonging to this Board. Received a Letter from the Committee of Saratoga dated the 28th May 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (here take in &c) Ordered That the Prisoners therein mentioned be sent to the Tory Goal. [427] Mr. Peter Van Schaack, Lombart Borghart and Lucas J. Goes refused to Sign the Association after its being Tendered. The Committee of Kinderhook District laid before this Board, the following State of Facts, which is on file - Thereupon Resolved That Messrs. John L. Bronck, William Van Bergen, John A. Van Aelen, and Henry J. Van Rensselaer be a Committee,to examine into the Facts contained in the said State, and that they make report of their proceedings thereon to this Committee with all Convenient Speed. 1 Words omitted; " the expense' probably. 424 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 30h May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Jun Chairman Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Walter Livingston John Price Abraham Cuyler John H Beeckman John Barclay Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young Abraham Ten Eyck Henry Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush Isaac Van Aernam The Chairman Reported that in Consequence of the Draft he drew on the Provincial Congress of this Colony by order of this Board, he had received eight hundred pounds Thereupon Resolved That the Chairman deliver the said eight hundred Pounds to Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer to this Board. The following Accounts were laid before this Board and are approved of to wit Jacob Cuyler Abraham Ten Broeck Henry Oothoudt Henry Glen Abraham Yates Junr ~65 -61 28 -59 -82 Resolved That the Treasurer pay the above [427a] Accounts. Received a Letter from the Committee of Kings District dated 29th May Instant in the following Words to wit. Resolved That the Elections in the first and second Ward of this City for the purpose of choosing a Member in each Ward, be held in each of the said Wards on Tuesday the fourth day of June next at the usual places of Election in said Wards, and that the secretary give previous Notice by Advertisement to the Inhabitants thereof, of the Time & place of Election, and that two Members in each Ward attend the Election PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1776 425 Albany Committee Chamber 31st May 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Robert Yates Abraham Ten Eyck Matthew Adgate Asa Douglass John Price Dirck Ten Broeck Henry Bleecker John M. Beeckman Joseph Young Chairman John Tayler Henry Wendell Henry Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom Harms. Wendell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Philip Frisbee Isaac Van Aernam Leonard Gansevoort From a return of the Poll for Committee in Kings District it appears that the following Persons are duly elected to wit Matthew Adgate Asa Douglass, Peter Garnsey, Nehemiah Fitch, John Beebe Philip Frisbee, Samuel Bayle and Reuben Burlingham Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. [428] Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Barclay John Price John H Beeckman Henry Van Veghten Asa Douglass Joseph Young Matthew Adgate Myndert Roseboom Philip Frisbe Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac Van Aernam John Tayler Hars' Wendell Leonard Gansevoort Israel Csburn was brought before this Committee as a dangerous Enemy to the united Cause of America and upon examination of the Testimony of several Persons, and his Own Confession which are on file 426 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the said Israel Osburn be Commi!tted to Close Confinement, there to remain till he be discharged by the Committee of Kings District and that he pay the Charges that have attended his prosecution George Hinsdale was also brought before this Committee as a dangerous Enemy to the united Cause of America, and upon the examination of the Testimony of several Persons and his own Confession which are on file Thereupon Resolved That the said George Hinsdale be Committed to Close Confinement there to remain till he be discharged by the Committee of Kings District and that he pay the Charges that have attended his prosecution Samuel Messenger was also brought before this Committee as a dangerous Enemy to the united Cause of America and upon the examination of the Testimony of several Persons and his own Confession which are on file Thereupon Resolved That the said Samuel Messenger [428a] be Committed to close Confinement untill he be discharged by the Committee of Kings District and that he pay the Charges that have attended his prosecution Andrew Palmeteer was also brought before this Committee as being an Enemy to the united Cause of America and upon the examination of the Testimony of several Persons Thereupon Resolved That the said Andrew Pa'lmeteer enter into Bond with sufficient Security in the penalty of ~25 for his future good behaviour during the present Contest between Great Britain and the united Colonies of America, and that he pay the Charges that have accrued for maintaining himself and the Person who guarded him up The said Andrew Palmeteer and James Robins his Bail appeared, and acknowledged themselves and each of them acknowledged himself to be indebted to Abraham Yates Junr. each in the sum of Twenty five Pounds to be levied of each of their Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements if default be made in the following Condition - The Condition of the Recognizance is such that if the said Palmeteer shall well and truly behave and demean himself agreeable to the Rules and orders of the Continental Congress PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 427 [429] Albany Committee Chamber 1 June 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr John Barclay Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr. Myndert Roseboom John Price John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young Chairman Henry Wendell Leond Gansevoort John M. Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck John Tayler Hars- Wendell Henry Bleecker Israel Osburn Junr was also brought before this Board, and charged with having been Guilty of some inimical Transactions since he was enlisted under Capt. Vossburgh, and refusing to give the information, which was in his power Thereupon Resolved That Lieut- Bogart be requested to confine the said Osburn and put Hand Cuffs on him Resolved that the following Letter be sent to Gen1 Schuyler (here taken in &c) [429a] Albany Committee Chamber June 3d. 1776. Present. Abraham Yates Junr Joseph Young John Price Robert Yates Henry V Veghte Leonard Ganssevort Abraham Ten Eyck Dirk Ten Broeck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr Chairman John Barclay Jacob Lansing [Jr?] John M: Beeckman Isaac Van Arnem Henry Wendell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker JunrHarmanus Wendell Bastian Vissther Some affidavits being laid before this Board agt- Richard Peters, shewing his unfriendly disposition ag-t the american Measures. and the Chairman at the same time informing the Board that he was confined in the Tory Goal. 428 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE It being suggested to this Board that John Boyd, notwithstanding his being held up as having violated the resolves of Congress, in selling Tea at an advanced price, still continued the same practice Thereupon resolved that he be sent for. Upon his appearing he did not deny the truth of the suggestion - Resolved that there be allowed to Peter Van Ness be paid the Sum of Two pounds eight shillings for carrying in two slays from Lonenburgh to Albany 2000 l of Lead and 3 Cegs of flints by order of this Committee. Two Days each, and that the Treasurer of this Board pay the same. The said Peters being brought in and after hearing his proofs and allegations- Thereupon resolved, that the new association be proposed to him to sign and Swear to the observance of its Contents - which the said Peters readily agreed to and peformed. Thereupon farther resolved that he give security before the Committee of the district where he resides for his future good behaviour and pay the Expences of his Committee. [430] A Return was made by Isaac Saulding & Rubon Meker Two of the Committee of the district of Claverack- That Jonathan Bixby Captain In the 5th. Company in the Joseph Heth 1 st Lieut. Ninth Regiment whereof Abel Walenl 2 Lieut Peter Van Ness Coll were Abraham Bliss Insign j chosen by the sd' Company. Ordered that application be made to Congress for Comisns' for those officers. John Boyd being again called in, the Chairman of the Committee who told him by order that he was neither to Buy or Sell any Merchandize, at his peril, and that if he still proceeded to do either he was to take the Consequence. Adjourned till 4 OClock P. M. 1 Whalen. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, i776 Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman 429 Walter Livingston John Price Abraham Ten Eyck Joseph Young Henry Van Veghten John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John Barclay Robert Yates Jacob Lansingh Junr Resolved that the Resolution of this Board of the 28th May last past with respect to Officers chosen in the District of Cambridge and who have no Commissions, to use and exercise their said Offices as if they had their Commissions be extended to every District in this CountyAbraham Hardenbergh is proposed, as an Ensign to Capt' Harme Vosburghs Company who approves of the same in the stead of --- Howard whose appointmt- by reason of his ill Conduct is annulled, and his Warrant bears Date of this Day [430a1 Albany Committee Chamber 4th June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Robert Yates Harmanus Wendeli John Price Dirck Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Eyck Joseph Young Jacob Bleecker Junr. Walter Livingston Leond: Gansevoort John M. Beeckman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr Received a Letter from John Coe Esqr. Chairman of the Committee of the Precin [c] t of Harverstraw in the County of Orange dated 30th May 1 776 applying for a Quantity of Salt Thereupon Resolved That the following answer be sent to the said Conmm ttee (pro ut) Silas. 430 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mr Cornelius Glen upon Citation appeared before this Board and was told by the Chairman That it was reported he had a Quantity of Bohea Tea, and would not sell the same without he received in payment Hard MoneyMr Glen confessed the same but said that the Tea belonged to Mr- Samuel Ver Plank of New York, who had given him positive orders to sell the same upon such Terms. The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon ordered the Chairman to tell Mr Glen that such Conduct tends to make a Discrimination between [431 ] the Continental Currency and Silver and Gold, which evidently tends to depreciate the said Currency, and that if he sold any Tea, he should [sell the same without making any distinction in receiving for payment either Paper Currency or Gold and Silver 1] receive in payment such money as passes Current [without Distinction 1] in this Colony Mr Glen also informed this Board that he was under Contract for three Chests of Tea Thereupon Resolved That Mr Glen do not deliver the said Chests of Tea unless he declares to the purchasers that he is willing to receive in payment such Money whether silver or Gold or Continental Currency as shall be offered him Albany Committee Chamber 4th June 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Joseph Young James MaGee Walter Livingston Abraham Cuyler Robert Yates Myndert Roseboom Henry Wendell John Price Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Dirck Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Jacob Bleecker JunrRutger Bleecker Jacob Lansingh Junr From the Return of the Poll of the first Ward in the this City it appears that John Williams and Jacob Roseboom Junr. are duly electedFrom the Return of the Poll in the second Ward it appears that Rutger Bleecker is duly elected Received a Letter from the Provincial Congress dated 1 June Instant inclosing a Number of Printed Resolutions of said Congress which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit. 1 Crossed out in the original. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 431 Thereupon Resolved That [a copy] of said Resolution be sent inclosed in the following Letter to the several Districts in this County - (here take in said Letter) [431 a] Resolved That the Chairman engage an express to carry the Letter from the provincial Congress to Cumberland County, and if he conceives necessary One also to Gloucester County Resolved That the following Order be sent to Col Van Schaick Sir You are hereby required to remove Capt. IMcAlpin, Lieut. Swords and John Munro from the place, where they now are Confined and Confine themn in the Room prepared for tlem in the Fort, and put such Guards overi them as you shall deem n [e cessary Albany Committee Chamber 5th June 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Joseph Young Dirck Ten Broeck John Price Harmanus Wendell Jacob Roseboonm Junr Jeremiah Van Rensselace Abraham Ten Eyck James MaGee Robert Yates John M. Beeckman John Williams Jacob Bleecker Jun' Leond- Gansevoort Gerrit Lansingh Junr Rutger Bleecker Isaac Fonda James MaGee Mlyndert Roseboom Col~o Lansingh informed the Board that one Thomas Barret an Inhabitant of this City has by the Provincial Congress of this Colony been commissioned as a Captain n his Regiment of Militia and that the said Thoma.s Barret is reputed. Person di.A:Fected to the our present o tpossion to MVnisterial -pression 1b] i hlomo~s osarret bse ord 1L,'- 4'3 1 i ereuron e,7Sol ve that the said hom as "arret be oduee o.ua.v n his Comrrmission as,Capt. to this Board and that [his Coma.n,; be?rquested the inhabitants of the first Ward of this City ] next Commanding Chfficer of the Compan7y l a'rn them to,peap under A-rms and be 'equuc steA'a 1 Ciossed out in tne or,,'naL 432 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE to elect another Captain in his Room, and that the Choice be made agreeable to the Resolve of the Provincial Congress Resolved That Gerrit Lansingh Junr Treasurer to this Board pay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ~8..4..9 agreeable to his Acct. exhibited to this Board - Resolved that Gerrit Lansing Jur. Treasurer to this board pay Alexander & James Robertson1 ~9.. 1..9 Agreeable 'to their Acct Exhibited to this board Upon Certificate of the friendly Conduct of Jacob Carter from the Chairman of the Committee of Claverack The said Carter's Bond was delivered up - William Pemberton appeared before this Board and confessed that he had received in Continental Currency nine Shillings a piece for one hundred Dollars -and 40/ a piece in said Currency for Guineas Resolved That Samuel Stevenson deliver to the Sheriff of this City and County Frederick Williams, as the Sheriff has mesne process against him - Mr. Bay Atty for Plf- (Francis Carbine) promised this Board that previous to the discharge of said Williams he would give this Board Notice Adjourned till 2 O0Clock P. M. [431c] Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Roseboom Jun. James MaGee John Price Dirck Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Jacob Bleecker Junr Rutger Bleecker Myndert Roseboom Henry Van Veghten Abraham Ten Eyck John Williams Abraham Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort Joseph Young Isaac Van Aernam Walter Livingston Jacob Lansingh Junr- Harmanus Wendell Edmund Green-complains against Thomas Pandle James Davis and John Lawrence as persons disaffected &c. 1 Printers, who later moved to New York and became active loyalists. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 433 Resolved That the Post Master of this City bring before this Committee all Letters directed to any Person or Persons whose name has a Mc. for its Completion Whereas the present unhappy situation of affairs renders the safety of the public Records of this City and County of Albany extremely precariousIn order therefore to prevent the fatal Consequences that may ensue by leaving the Records in such an uncertain situation Be it resolved that it be recommended to the Judges and Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of the City and County of Albany, as also the Justices of the General Sessions of the said City and County that they take some effectual measures for the future preservation of said Records. In order to which they do hereby advise and recommend that Jacob C Ten Eyck and Henry Bleecker Esqr. be the Judges and Justices who ought to take the Charge and Custody thereof in such manner as that the Validity and authenticity of said Records may be preserved untill otherwise ordered The above Resolution was served on the Judges [432] Mrs. Cuyler Wife of Abraham C Cuyler Esq-q having applied thro' Cornelius Glen Esqr. for the protection of this Committee for her and Family Thereupon Resolved That this Committee will protect the said Mrs Cuyler and Family, and that if there should be any future grounds of suspicion of the said Abraham C Cuyler's being in his House, that ithen two of the Members of this Committee will go and make the necessary search for him Received a Letter from the Committee of Bennington 4th June 776 which is in the following Words to wit Resolved that the following Letter be sent in answer thereto here take in answer &c. Received a Petition of the Inhabitants of the City of Albany together with a List of the Names of disaffected Persons in this City, which said Petition and Names are in the following Words to wit. The Committee appointed to examine the Letters from the Post Office, Report that the same are of no public nature, but entirely of private Concern Ordered That the said Letters be returned to the Post Office Resolved That the following Answer be sent to the said Petitioners (here take in &c.) 434 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 6th June 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman John Williams Robert Yates Rutger Bleecker Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Dirck Ten Broeck Walter Livingston John Price Isaac Van Aernam Leonard Gansevoort Goose Van Schaick Pro Temp. Joseph Young Samuel Vrooman Jacob Roseboom Jun' Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr Harmanus Wendell Henry Bleecker John Ja Beeckman Henry Quackenbush Volkert Veeder Philip Van Veghten [432a] Resolved That Cole~ Lansing be requested to cause Abraham C. Cuyler and Henry Cuyler Esqr. to be immediately apprehended, and kept in Custody till otherwise ordered by the Committee Resolved That the following Letter be sent to General Schuyler (here take in &c.) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment. Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Bleecker Jun. John Williams Dirck Ten Broeck Jacob Roseboom Jun. Rutger Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Volkert Veeder Henry Quackenbush Goose Van Schaick Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Joseph Young Frederick Berger Walter Livingston John Price Robert Yates Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 435 Upon application of Mathew Bell Ordered that the keeper of the Tory Goal discharge Mr. Flood Committed in his Custody by this Board On Motion Resolved That the City Watch be doubled during the Time the Prisoners remain in this City Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the HonB'k Continental Congress (here take in) John Fryer and Robert Hoakesly appeared before this Board and Voluntarily signed the new association and are to enter into security for the observance of the same and for their future good behaviour to wit the said Hoakesly in the Penal Sum of ~300 [433] Staats M. Dyckman and John J. Cluet appeared before this Board, and where charged with being notoriously disaffected to the Cause of America, and with drinking damnation to the Enemies of the King- The said Persons were offered the new Association and refused to Sign the same, Ordered that they be sent back to Goal Peter Everat also appeared and was Tendered the said Association which he refused to Sign - ordered That he be again sent to the Tory Goal Albany Committee Chamber June 7th 1 776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Robert Yates Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Junr. Frederick Berger John Ja. Beeckman Philip Van Veghten Henry Van Vegblten Rutger Bleecker Henry Wendell Harmanus Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr JoThn M. Beeckman John Price Walter Livingston John Williams Joseph Young Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac \.an Aernrm Received a Letter from the provincial Congress dated 22 May last inclosing seventy Blank Commissions, Resolution of Congress of the 31st MaT4y, rhich said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to vwit (here take in) The Committee of Cambridge requested fifty Pound of Po,.e_ A nd '. proportion of Lead to be delivered to Co!llo Lewis Va/n Vioerdt 436 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That twenty pounds of Gun Powder be delivered to Lewis Van Woert and Phineas Whiteside, and that they be accountable for the same, and return what remains after their exploit to the District Committee or such Person as they shall appoint Thomas Barret, Charles Folliot, Thomas Joy and George Welbank appeared before this Board, and refused to Sign the New Association, Ordered that they be remanded back to the Tory Goal [433a] Adjourned till 4 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Junr Jacob Bleecker Junr Philip P. Schuyler John Price Abraham Ten Eyck John Williams Philip Van Veghten Chairman Hars Wendell Abraham Cuyler John M. Beeckman Francis Nicoll Henry Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr Resolved That Walter Livingston Esq- Deputy Commissary General to furnish Provisions for 52 Tories from Tryon County at the Request of Collo. Dayton Resolved that Colo~ Van Schaick be requested to order the Officer of the Guard to permit the Women and Children and the Fathers of to visit the Persons now confined in the Tory Goal Albany Committee Chamber 8th June 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr. Dirck Ten Broeck John Price Harms Wendell Walter Livingston Jacob Lansingh Junr. Robert Yates Leonard Gansevoort Joseph Young Chairman John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom John Barclay Isaac Van Aernam Rutger Bleecker John Ja Beeckman Jeremiah V Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Jur: Henry Quackenbooss PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 ~437 Resolved That a Letter be prepared for General Schuyler which was done in the following Words to wit, (pro ut) 1 The Chairman laid before this Board a Letter he had received from Coll' Henry Frey dated 7th Instt. acquainting him that he had entered into Recognizance to Collo Dayton for his and the appearance of [434] seven others here Yesterday Thereupon Resolved That such of the said Persons as can find suffcient Security that they will not depart the Limits of this City and to appear once a day at the City Hall of this City, go at large under these restrictions, and such of them as cannot find the same that they be put in Custody xwith those confined in the City Hall Resolved That Peter Everat, John Cluet Junr. States M Dyckman, Thomas Joy and Charles Folliot, be Liberated either upon their Signing the Association, or be disarmed and giving sufficient Security for their future good behaviour Mr- Bleecker moved and was seconded That Thomas Barret, George Welbank Wm Shepherd and Benjamin Hilton be put on the same footing with Everat and the others Resolved That the same be taken into Consideration this afternoon Adjourned till 3 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Rutger Bleecker Jeremiah V Rensselaer John Price John M Beeckman John Barclay Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Jun- John Ja Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr Dirck Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated this Day at 2 OClock P. M. inclosing Copy of Col~. Bellinger's Letter of the 7th Instant which said [434a] which said Letter is in the following Words to wit 1 Copy of this letter is in Library of Congress (See Washington Calendars June 8. 1776) 438 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Quantity of 20011s. of Powder out of the Magazine and 400 Wt- of Lead under the care of Abraham Yates Junr Chairman be immediately forwarded to the Committee of Schonectady, with the following Letter (here take in &c) Resolved That a waggon be engaged to carry the same Quantity to the Committee of Schoharry and that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of that District (prout) Captn- Joseph McKracken laid before this Board a Pay Roll of the Men employed in the taking of Ticonderoga the Ballance whereof is ~69.. 13.. 11 3/4 together also with an Account of expences and disbursements amoung to 15.. 14. 4 to which 'he Testified and thereupon the following certificate was given This within Pay Roll was carefully examined by the Committee and attested to by Captn Mc-Cracken and do recommend the same to be paid - Resolved That the following Letter together with Collo. Bellingers information be sent to the Provincial Congress (prout) Resolved also that a Letter with the same information be sent to General Schuyler (prout) A Petition of John Boyd was laid before this Board acknowledging that he has done wrong and praying that he might again be taken in favour which Petition is in the following Words (prout) Thereupon Resolved that the said John Boyd Junr. be again taken into favour and that the same be published[435] John J Cluet was brought before this Board and Signed the New Association - and is to enter into security for his future good behaviour States M. Dyckman was brought before this Board, and refused to Sign the said Association and to enter into security- Ordered that he be remanded back to the Tory Goal Peter Everat was brought before this Board, refused to Sign the said Association, Ordered that he be disarmed, and find Security for his future good behaviour Thomas Barret was brought before this Board Signed the Association and is to enter into Bond for his future good behaviour in the penalty of ~200 Wm Shepherd was brought before this Board refused to Sign the Association, Ordered that he enter Security for his good behaviour George Welbank and Thomas Joy were brought before this Board, refused to Sign the Association and also to find: Security for their future good behaviour ordered that they be remanded back to Goal PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 439 Benjamin Hilton was brought before this Board refused to Sign the Association and to enter into security for his good behaviour ordered that he be remanded back to Goal [435a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Price Walter Livingston Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Dirck Ten Broeck John Barclay Myndert Rosboom Abraham Ten Eyck John Williams Harmanus Wendell Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated the 8th Instant which is in the following Words (prout) Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 9th Instant acknowledging the Recet. of the 200 11s of Powder and the 400 11 of Lead, and also praying a farther supply of 50 Us- Thereupon Resolved that Henry M. Roseboom deliver the said Quantity of 50 Tb- to such Person as shall be ordered to receive the same Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry Wendell John Barclay Joseph Young Harms. Wendell Myndert Roseboom Jacob Roseboom Junr Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr Rutger Bleecker Walter Livingston [Resolved That Walter Livingston Esqr Deputy Commissary General be requested to issue two Days provisions to the Tryon County Prisoners being 66 in Numberl] 1 Crossed out in the original. 440 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [436] M[r Rensselaer moved and was seconded That every Resolve made in this Board be entered on the Minutes and that the same stand and be of full force till rescinded by a Resolve of the same or some future Board Resolved in the Affirmative Resolved (upon the Application of the Prisoners from Tryon County now confined in the City Hall for a Supply of Provisions) that it be Recommended to Gen1 Schuyler to order them a supply Resolved That Samuel Stevenson keeper of the Tory Goal be allowed a Serjeants pay 9P Day for attending overseeing and keeping the Tory Goal, ad be discharged from the same, as soon as another can be got in his Stead. Mr Dirck Ten Broeck laid before this Board a Letter General Ten Broeck had received from Colo. Ab: Wemple dated 9th Instant desiring some Cannon for their Assistance in their March to Tryon County Resolved That the following Letter be thereupon sent to General Ten Broeck Mr' Samuel Burch of Canada applied to this Board for a pass to go to Bristol in the Jerseys to settle some private business Thereupon Resolved That the said Samuel Burch be permitted to pass as aforesaid on his taking an Affidavit that he will not take any part against the united American Colonies in the present unhapy dispute between Great Britain and her Colonies, nor Communicate any measures that are pursued by the said Colonies to any Persons that are opposed to our present measures, [436a] Albany Committee Chamber 11th June 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jacob Roseboom Junr- John Williams Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Walter Livingston Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Joseph Young Abraham Cuyler John M. Beeckman Rutger Bleecker Jacob Lansingh JunrY John Price Resolved That Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer pay Jacob Kidney five pounds on Account and take his Receipt for the same Mr Samuel Burch having complied with the determination of the Commit PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 441 tee Yesterday-is permitted to pass to Philadelphia, he behaving as becometh Fhe Judges of the Mayors Court applied to have States M. Dyckman out of the Tory Goal to attend the opening of the Court - Ordered that the said Dyckman be sent for, and after being sent for refused to come Thereupon Resolved That the said Dyckman be ordered to be brought before this Board, under Guard and after being brought in refused to comply with the Terms offered him by this Board Ordered that the said Dyckman be remanded back to Prison Adjourned till 4 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Williams John Barclay Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Ernum Henry Wendell Abrm: Ten Eyck John Price Walter Livingston Jacob Roseboom John M. Beeckman [437] Received a Letter from John Duncan Esqr dated 101 Inst. which is in the following Words to wit. The Chairman also laid before this Board a Letter from the said John Duncan dated this Day which Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee took into Consideration General Schuylers Letter of the 8th Instant respecting an allowance to be made for taking up Deserters and Thereupon are of opinion that there ought to be allowed for taking up and securing every Deserter forty Shillings besides reasonable expences It being suggested to this Board That The Prisoners in the Tory Goal were allowed too much Liberty Thereupon Resolved That the following order be sent to Collo~ Van Schaick to wit. Sir You are hereby ordered to keep the Prisoners in the Tory Goal confined tn the Rooms, and to suffer no more than two to be out at a Time and that only when occasion requires - You are however to permit the Women and Children to Visit them 442 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 12th June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Price Abraham Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Dirck Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Quackenbush John Barclay John Williams Resolved That the following Letter be sent to John Dunca'n Esqr. in answer to his of the 10th Instant (prout) Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer moved (and was seconded) [437a] That Cornelius Van Schelluyne should be sent for to appear before this Board Resolved in the Affirmative Mr Schelluyne appeared and was offered the old Association to Sign, which he declared he would comply with this Afternoon Received a Letter from Alexander White Esqr Sheriff of the County of Tryon dated Albany 12th Instant (prout) Major Fonda applied to this Board to have Richard Hansen discharged on his giving sufficient Security for his future good behaviour Thereupon Resolved That it is the opinion of this Committee that as he is one of the Prisoners sent down by Col Dayton with the advice of the Committee of Tryon County to General Schuyler and this Committee, that the application ought to be made to the General Adjourned till 4 OClock P M. [End of volume I of manuscript.] [438] Met according to Adjournment 12th June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Williams Jereh. Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham Cuyler John Ja Beeckman Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck John M Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Barclay Christopher Yates PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 443 On Motion Resolved That this Committee will take into Consideration the Circumstances and Conditions of the Prisoners from Tryon County Albany Committee Chamber Present Abraham Yates Junr John Barclay John Price Rynier Van Aelstyn John Williams Jacob Roseboom Junr Myndert Roseboom John Younglove Fenner Palmer Matthew Adgate Jacob Ouderkerk John Beebe Henry Bleecker Johannis Ball Isaac Van Aernam Harmanus Wendell Cornelius Van Slyck 13th June 1776 Chairman Peter Becker Rutger Bleecker Dirck Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr Christopher Yates John Van Orden William Van Bergen David McCarty Abraham Fonda Peter R Livingston Walter Livingston Goose Van Schaick John J. Ten Broeck Harmanus H Wendell John Bleakly applyed for a pass to go to Esopus but being informed that he is Inimical [to] [438a] the American Cause, and been Guilty of depreciating the Continental Congress Thereupon Resolved That no Pass be granted, and that the said John Bleakly do not depart the City of Albany, and find Surety for his good behaviour in five hundred Pounds From the return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in the District of Schonectady it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected to wit Abraham Fonda Albert Mabie Harmanus H Wendell Corns. Van Dyck Corns. Van Der Volgen Henry Van Driesen Corns A Van Slyck John A Bratt Isaac Vrooman John Peak Chrisr' Yates 444 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Committee of the District of the Manor of Livingston laid before this, Board, a State of their proceedings against the disaffected Persons in that District Resolved That the Proceedings of the said Committee be approved of and that the thanks of this Committee be given to the Members of the several Committees that attended said Proceedings for their Spirited and prudent Conduct Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Tryon County (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. [439] Met according to Present Abraham Yates Jun John Barclay Wessel Ten Broeck Rutger Lansingh Fenner Palmer Joshua Losee John L Bronck Jacob Ouderkerk John Ten Broeck Matthew Adgate Hosea Lincoln William Van Bergen John Beebe John Van Orden Myndert Roseboom John Price Peter Becker Johannis Ball Anthony Van Schaick Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Tayler Abraham Fonda Adjournment Chairman Christopher Yates Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Hezekiah Middelebrooks Joseph Bettis Joseph Row Henry Van Driesen Peter Scharp John Younglove James Sexton Stephen Graves Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Cornelius Van Dyck Cornelius A Van Slyck George White Abraham Cuyler John M. Beeckman Hars. H Wendell John Ja Beeckman Peter R Livingston Dirck Jansen From a Return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in the District of Ballston it appears that Thomas Brown, Thomas Sweetman, Jabez Hub PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 445 bel, Hezekiah Middebrooks and Joseph Bettis are duly elected a Committee for that District From the return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in the District of German Camp it appears that, Peter C. Sharp, Philip Rockefeller, Hosea Lincoln and Wessel Ten Broeck are duly elected a Committee for that District Resolved That the Records papers and proceedings of the several District Committees be delivered, to the Committee chosen to represent the respective Districts, and the Members of the old [439a] Committee are hereby ordered and directed to deliver the same without delay to the respective 14ew Committees - Whereas the Persons returned to this Board to represent the District of Kinderhook in Committee have declined to comply with the Mode of obtaining a right to a Seat in this Board, and whereas many doubts are harboured by this County concerning the disposition of said District respecting the present Cause Resolved That a Committee of five be appointed to examine and tmake Report of certain Evidences now to be had respecting the present Policy of said District and make Report with all Speed The Committee chosen are Peter R Livingston Anthony Van Scha:ick, John Tayler, John M. Beeckman and Matthew Adgate be a Committee for that purpose Mr Rensselaer made the following Motion (and was seconded) Whereas our Constituents have deemed, Abraham C. Cuyler, Henry Cuyler, Stephen De Lancey, John Duncan, John Monier Lieut McDonald and Benjamin Hilton notorously disaffected to the measures pursued by the Freinds to American Liberty, and in Consequence thereof imprisoned them and instructed us to remove them out of this County As one of their representatives I move that the said Persons above mentioned be removed under Guard to Hartford in Connecticut and that a Letter be wrote to his Honour Govr Trumbull [440] requesting him to dispose of them in his Colony as he shall think proper and that the said Persons pay all the expences which have or may be incurred by reaison of their Confinement removal and mainta;nnce, upon which debates arose, and the Question being put. Resolved in the Afirm.ative M.r. Peter R ' Livingston moved and was seconded T n-amve in Compliance with the recommendation of Dur Provincial Congress npssed the 31 t day of May last that a new Election be peld in tho sever3e 446 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Districts of this County for chusing twelve Deputies on the 24th day of this Month to represent this County in Provincial Convention to be held on the 8th day of July next and with full power to take into Consideration the necessity of instituting and adopting such form of Government as shall in the Opinion of the Representatives of the People best Conduce to the happiness and Safety of their Constitutents in particular and America in General Resolved in the affirmative Mr Banker moved and was seconded That this County be divided into twelve parts, and that out of each be chosen a Deputy to represent this County in Provincial Congress Mr Michael MCMullan was brought before this Board as being a disaffected Person, and having been Guilty of speaking disrespectful of the Continental Congress and the American Cause in General and upon examination of the Proofs against him Resolved That the said McMullen be sent with the Tories from Tryon County to New England and to be Confined till such Time as they go off wi[th] [440a] the said Tories in the City Hall Doctor John Williams of Charlotte County begged to be admitted as he had some Business with this Board upon which debates arising and the Question being put whether or no the said Docr Williams should be admitted Resolved in the Affirmative John Hodgkinson was brought before this Board, as being disaffected to our Cause Thereupon Resolved That the said Hodgkinson enter into Bond with Security in the Penalty of ~25 for his future good behaviour and that he pay the expences that have accrued in his Commitment. The Committee of Claverack District Reported that one Lourance Boskerk had been bound to appear before this Board, and that since that time he is in the Custody of the Committee of Coxacky- Thereupon Resolved, That the said Committee of Coxackie proceed against the said Boskerk in such manner as they think proper Resolved That if any Man Servant misbehave or refuse to comply with the Rules and orders of the Continental, Provincial Congress or the Committee of the County or District where he or they resides, whereby he or they may incur a fine, or whereby charges may accrue That the Master or Owner of such Servant pay the Fine, or expences and in Case of refusal that such Servants be kept in close Custody till such fine or expences are paid Adjourned till 8 OClock P. [A.] M. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 447 [441 ] Met according to Adjournment. [14th June 1776] Present Abraham Yates Junr Matthew Adgate John Younglove John Price Anthony Van Schaick Philip P. Schuyler John Barclay Hezekiah Middlebrooks John Van Orden Myndert Roseboom John Williams Wessel Ten Broeck Fenner Palmer Joseph Row John Tayler Rutger Lansingh Peter Becker Killiaen Van Rensselaer Jacob Ouderkerk John L. Bronck William Van Bergen Goose Van Schaick Henry Quackenbush Cor, n G. Van Den Bergh John H Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Dirck Jansen Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Beebe Harmanus H. \endell Corns A. Van Slyck Chairman John A Bratt Peter Scharp Dirck Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam James Sexton Henry J. Van Rensselaer Rutger Bleecker Cornelius Van Dyck Michael Van Der Cook John Ja Beeckman Lewis Van Antwerp Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Francis Nicolls James MaGee John M. Beeckman Nathaniel Ford Jacob Roseboom Junr. Rynier Van Aelstyn Stephen Graves Johannes Ball Frederick Berger George White Jacob C. Schermerhorn David McCarty Samuel Ten Broeck Barent Mindertse Philip Van Veghten Peter R. Livingston Walter Livingston Received a Letter from the Deputies of this County attending Provincial Congress dated the 10th Instant inclosing an Acct of the Troops to be levied in this City and County. 1 John Ten Broeck's name precedes tis. but has been crossed out. 448 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That Messrs. Rutger Bleecker, Henry J. Van Rensselaer, Cornelius Van Dyck and Dirck Ten Broeck, be a Committee to take into Consideration the matter contained in the said Letter, and make Report with all Speed. Dr- John Williams of Charlotte County, applyed to this Board, for a Dozen of Pounds of Powder with a proportion of Ball Resolved That the Powder and 20 1s- of Ball be delivered to said DocrWViilias, he lodging in the Custody of the Committee as Security ~12 for the redelivery of the same which he complied with and the Money is in the Hands of the secretary M1- Adgate moved and was seconded That the Powder belonging to this County in the City Magazine be distributed in the several Districts of this County. Resolved in the Affirmative Resolved That Messrs Florus Banker, David Mc.Carty, John Beebe, Joseph Row, Stephen Graves Fenner Palmer, Hezekiah Middebrooks, John L Bronck, Nathaniel Ford, Peter Becker, Peter Scharp John Younglove, Dirck Jansen, Rutger Lansing John Van Orden, John A Bratt, Myndert Roseboom, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, and Abraham Ten Eyck be a Committee to take into Consideration how and in what mranner the said Powder is to be divided, and make Report with all SpeedThe Districts that Votes for a Division of the Powder and those against - For Against Kings District Cambridge Saratoga Manor Livingston Manor Rensselaer East Side Half Moon D~... West Side Grote Imboght Claverack Schonectady Hosick 1st Ward Ballston 2 Ward City of Coxackie 3 Ward bany Schagtekocke Schoharry German Camp [442] From the Return of the Election of oficers for two Minute Companies in the District of Manor Livingston, it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 449 First Company Second Company Peter Casper Captain James Roberson CaptnSamuel Thorn 1 Lieut. John Van Beuren 1 Liut. Peter Sharp 2 D~. Cornelius L Decker 2 Do. Jurry Rosman Ensign Nicholas Breese Ensign From the Return of the Election of Officers for two Minute Companies in the District of Kings, it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Eleazer Grant Captn" Ebenezer Benjamin CaptnJohn 'Guile 1 Liut. Ebenezer Cady 1 Lieut. Samuel Allen 2 Do. Michael Jackson 2 D~. Jonathan Warner Ensign Palmer Cady Ensign Resolved That Peter R. Livingston, Anthony Van Schaick, James MaGee, Francis Nicolls and Matthew Adgate be a Committee to prepare an Advertisement to be struck up, previous to the Election for taking the Sense of the People respecting the setting up of a New Form of Government, and that they make Report with all Convenient Speed. Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated this Day inclosing a Resolve of the Continental Congress of the 22nd May Ult. which said Letter and Resolve are in the following Words to wit. (prout)' Received a Letter from Ensign Silas Howard dated 12th June Instant which is in the following Words (prout) Resolved That the following Letter be sent in answer thereto (prout) [442a] Captain James Phelps, the Person who brought Michael McMullen up under Guard, laid before this Board an Account of the expences that have accrued in bringing said Mc.Mullen up amounting to 2..4.. 0 and farther said that the said McMullen had effects, whereupon he might Levy the same Resolved That the said Phelps Levy on the Effects of the said McMullen, to the amount of said Sum Mr. John Blake mentioned in General Schuyler's Letter, upon Citation appeared, and declared that he had offered the Goods for Sale to Mr John Tayler for Specie, but would not sell them to Gen1l Schuyler, as he had in his opinion been ill used by the General, was willing and ready to receive 1 A Latin expression used to convey the meaning of " read or acted on accordiogly." 15 450 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE the Continental Currency, but that he owed Money in Canada where nothing passed but hard Money Mr. Adgate thereupon moved and was seconded That a State of the above matter should be laid before the Continental Congress, and that in the mean while the said Blake, leave the Goods in this City at his own Risque and abide by their determination Met According to Adjournment Mr John Younglove. Motion I move that a Resolve of this board Shall be made, that Any person or persons, denying or disobeying the Authority or orders of any Committee, that Such Committee Shall have full power, and Authority to impose Such fines or other punishments as to them Shall Seem Adequate to the Crime [but not to extend to Life or Limb]' Resolved in the Affirmative [Whereupon Mr. James MaGee moved and was seconded Whether the said Resolve last mentioned should be with any Restrictions,]' [443] Messrs Rutger Bleecker, Dirck Ten Broeck, Corns- Van Dyck and Henry J. Van Rensselaer the Committee appointed to confer with General Ten Broeck on the best means to forward the levying of the Troops to be raised in this County, brought in a Report which is in the following Words to wit Which is approved of - and ordered that the Several Colonels in this County be furnished with a Copy thereof — Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer from the Committee appointed to examine into the present Policy of the District of Kinderhook, brought in the following Report (prout) On Motion Resolved That the same be approved of, and that one of the Colonels of the Militia in the District of the Manor of Rensselaer be requested to order a part of his Regiment to apprehend the said Persons mentioned in the above Report The Collo. appointed for the above purpose is Collo. Killiaen Van Rensselaer and 50 Men ordered for that purpose The Committee appointed to bring in a Report about the Division of the Powder brought in the following Report which is aproved of - to wit 1 Words crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 451 Resolved That the Rece [i]pt of the Chairman of each District shall be given to the Committee of the City and County of Albany for what Powder Ball and Flints they receive of the public's Ammunition, and that they shall be accountable for the same or the Value thereof - When required thereunto Resolved that Each District shall have as follows [443] East Camp...................... 10t Manor of Livingston............... 50 Claverack....................... 50 Kinderhook...................... 20 Kings District orderd.............. 32 East Manor of Rensk............. 50 H osick.......................... 30 Cambridge....................... 50 Schaghtecoak.....................20 Ballstown....................... 60 Half Moon..................... 50 Schenectady......................250 West Manor of Rensak-...........100 Schohary........................250 Coxsagkie....................... 50 Groat Imbocht.................... 15 3 Wards City of Albany...........60 Saratoga........................ 100 1247 Resolved That this Committee do agree with their Committee in the above Report and that the Chairman give orders accordingly to Mr. Roseboom keeper of the Magazine Resolved That the following order be served on Peter Van Schaack' Esqr. Sir In pursuance to a Resolve of Provincial Congress, ordering all the Male Inhabitants of New York which have absconded from the said City since the 1st June 1775. fortwith to return in Consequence of said Resolve it is the 452 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Opinion of this Board that you immediately return to N: York unless Liberated by the Congress to remain in the place of your present Resort. John Duncan and Benjamin Hilton applyed to this Board for leave to come out of Goal on good Bail to settle their business previous to their being sent off [444] Thereupon Resolved That the seven Persons confined in the Tory Goal who are to be sent to New England, be acquainted that they are to be sent off on Wednesday the 19th Instant and that upon their giving Bail to be approved of by this Board, they may be released from their present Confinement to settle their private affairs in the mean time and that the following Letter be sent to the said Persons Mr Henry Wendell applyed to this Board for their recommendation (in Case a new form of Government should take place in this Colony) for the Sheriffship of this City and County and Mr Matthew Visscher made the same application for the Clerkship of the said City and County -And thereupon this Board Unanimously agreed to recommend those Gentlemen to the provincial Congress as persons both in principles and abilities fit for the different Offices they have severally applyed for' In Consequence of a former Resolution of this Board The Committee of Cambridge made return of the Members chosen in addition to those heretofore chosen, and are as follows-to wit Edward Rig Gershom Woodworth James Green Cornelius Doty Levy Preston Capt. Edmund Wells Mr. Thomas Butler applyed to this Board to be Liberated on his giving Sufficient Security for his future good behaviour On Motion of Mr- Adgate Resolved That the said Butler be not Liberated but confined with the rest of the Prisoners of Tryon CountyAdjourned till 8 OClock P [A.,] M. 1 This paragraph appears in the upper right hand corner of folio 443a taking the place of similar material crossed out in the middle of folio 444, and following the first paragraph on that folio. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 453 [444a] Met according to Adjournment [15th June 1776] Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John A Bratt Samuel Ten Broeck Corns G Van Den Bergh Bastiaen T. Visscher Frederick Berger Abraham Fonda Jacob C. Schermerhorn Hezekiah Middlebrooks David McCarty John Barclay John H Beeckman John Price John Williams Lewis Van Antwerp John Van Orden Michael Van Der Cooke John L Bronck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Florus Banker John Tayler Jacob Ouderkerk George White James Sexton Isaac Van Aernam Peter Becker Peter R Livingston John Younglove Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Roseboom Junr. Abraham Cuyler Henry Wendell Philip Van Veghten Rutger Lansingh John M. Beeckman Harmanus H Wendell Stephen J. Schuyler Robert Yates Matthew Adgate Cornelius Van Dyck Joseph Row Fenner Palmer Johannis Ball Dirck Jansen James Magee Mr James Sexton reported that Nehemiah Spencer one of the Committee elected in the District of Claverack declined serving Thereupon Resolved That a new Election be held in said District at such Time and place as shall be appointed by the Committee of said District to elect a Member in the Room of said Nehemiah Spencer The Committee of Schoharry and Schonectady prayed the advice of this Board respecting a Militia Company in Corrys Bush, whether the same should belong to the Regiment of Schonectady or to that of Schoharryand as it is more Convenient for the said Company by reason of its Vicinity [445] to Remain and be joined to the Regiment of Schonectady - Resolved that the same remain and be joined to the said Regiment of Schonectady Mr. Robert Yates moved (and was seconded) 454 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE That this Board reconsider the resolution of this Board of Yesterday respecting the Election for Deputies and the powers to be given Resolved in the Negative Resolved upon Motion that it Shall not be permitted that any Member or Members of this board to become bail to this board for any tory or disaffected person Whatsoever - Mr. John Tayler moved and was seconded That a Person or Persons be appointed by this Board to take charge of the public Records of this County, and be disposed of by them as this Board shall direct The Committee of the District of Half Moon made a return of the Poll held in the said District for the Election of a Member in said District from which it appears that there is an equal number of Voters for Nicholas Van Den Bergh and John Fort - Thereupon Resolved That a new Election be held in said District to Elect a new Member at such Time and place as shall be appointed by the Committee of said District and that two Members attend said Election Mr. Nicholls laid before this Board The following Petition of Harmen Gansevoort and thirty four others which is in the following Words to wit and on its being read Mr. Peter R Livingston moved and was seconded [445a] That the said Petition be rejected Resolved in the Affirmative Resolved That Messrs Peter R Livingston, John Tayler and Florus Banker be a Committee to examine the Papers of John Duncan Esqr, and to search for the same wherever they think proper Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. The Committee agreeable to order took into Consideration Mr Tayler's Motion of this Morning respecting the Records of this CountyAnd Thereupon are of Opinion That the said Records ought to be taken into the Custody of two of the Judges of the Court of Common [Pleas] and two of the Members of this Board, and that the said Records be locked up in Chests to be; provided for that purpose, and be deposited in a Room to be also provided for that purpose, and that the said Records be not inspected PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 455 unless two of the said Persons one whereof to be a Judge to be appointed for that purpose to be present, and that the said Persons take an Inventory of the said Records, and deliver the same to this Board with all Speed - The Gentlemen appointed for the above purpose are Jacob C Ten Eyck and Henry Bleecker Esqr' two of the Judges and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Coll. Myndert Roseboom Two of the Members of this Board, and that previous to their taking the said Records into [446] Custody, they take an Oath that they will keep the said Records into their Custody, and not destroy or embezzle the same nor any part thereof The Committee took into Consideration the means n[e]cessary to be observed in raising the Quota of the Men to be raised for the expedition against Canada and at New York and as their are a number of Men already in service Resolved That all Batteau Men and Artificers employed in the Continental Service, in Case the number of Men be ballotted for that such Batteau Men and Artificers, be considered as not to be on the Roll, and of consequence not to be drawn for Received a Letter from Robert Harpur Chairman of the Committee of New York dated New York June 12th: 1776 in the following Words Resolved That Messrs. Henry Wendell, Abraham Ten Eyck and Henry Van Veghten be a Committee to deliver the Records of the City and County of Albany to the Committee appointed to receive and take the same into their Custody - An Acct. of Lachlin McIntosh for necessaries found for the Army at Ticonderoga last Spring amounting to ~33..3 To the Justness of which he attested to, and the Account was carefully examined and ought to be paidResolved, That Robert Yates, Rutger Bleecker, Peter W. Yates and Stephen Lush be added to the Committee appointed to deliver the Records of this City and County, and to do with the other Committee all things nec [e] ssary for the preservation [446a] thereof 456 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 17th June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Jun Chairman Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Barclay John Price Rutger Bleecker Henry Van Veghten John Ja Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck Harmanus Wendell Dirck Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Mr. Jacob Cuyler Reported that in Consequence of an order of the Provincial Congress, he had received from the Commissary of Stores twelve hundred Weight of Gun Powder, which said Powder is in Custody of the Store keeper in this City Mr John Man preferred a Complaint against George Palmer, that said Palmer had proposed to burn his father's House and EffectsThereupon Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Committee of said District (here take in) Received a Letter from Brigadier General Scott dated 13th. Instant inclosing Copy of a Letter from the Honorable Continental Congress dated 11th Instant also a Resolution of the provincial Congress of the 13th Instant pressing the Detachment of the Militia of this County to be sent down, which said Letters and resolution are in the following Words to wit. Thereupon Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the different Districts in this County (prout) Whereas the General Committee of this City and County by Resolve entered into on the 13th Instant directed (among other Persons) the removal of Henry Cuyler to [447] Hartford in Connecticut as a person deemed notoriously disaffected to the measures pursued by the friends to American Liberty And whereas this Sub Committee upon reconsideration of the said Resolve, have deemed it expedient to postpone the execution of the said Resolve do hereby Resolve that the execution thereof respecting the said Henry Cuyler be suspended untill the next meeting of the said General Committee and that he give security for his appearance before the said Committee, and in the mean PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 457 while give his Parole not to Act or hold any Correspondence with the Enemies of the measures pursued by the Americans Resolved That John T. Visscher be engaged to go express to Half Moon, Saratoga, Schaghtekocke Hosick and Cambridge with the Letters directed to those places Resolved That the following Letter be sent in answer to the Letter of Alexander White Esqr. (prout) Captn. Ebenezer Allen laid before this Board the Pay Roll of his Company, who were at the taking of Tionderoga & Crown Point last Spring amounting to ~45.. 12.. 4 1/2 Mr. Allen attested that the Acct. was justly due, whereupon this Committee recommended the same be paid - Received a Letter from John Monier dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) To which the following Letter was sent (prout) Jeremiah Van Rensselaer laid before this Board an Account of his expences in attending Coll Dayton and the Tryon County Committee at the request of Genl1 Schuyler & Secret Committee amounting to ~2.. 9 - Thereupon Resolved That Walter Livingston Esqr- be requested to pay the same Cornelius Van Deusen also laid before this Board an Account for going express to Ulster County in Consequence [447a] of General Schuyler's request to procure Waggons for transporting Provisions amounting to ~3.. 4.. O Thereupon Resolved That Walter Livingston Esqr. be requested to pay the above Acct. and Charge the same to the united Colonies - Albany Committee Chamber 18th June 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Barclay Harmanus Wendell John Williams Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Price Myndert Roseboom Abraham Cuyler Dirck Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell As Abraham Cuyler, Stephen De Lancey, John Duncan John Monier Lieut- McDonald and Benjamin Hilton are to be sent to Hartford in Con 458 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE necticut to morrow Morning at ten OClock and as no Guard is ready to receive and Convey the said Persons thither Thereupon Resolved That Coll-o Van Schaick be requested to furnish a Guard for that purpose Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Collo- Van Schaick appeared, and said that he would have the Guard ready at the Time and place appointed. Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present. Abraham Yates Jun Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Barclay Isaac Van Aernam John Williams Abraham Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler John Tayler Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Walter Livingston John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob C Schermerhorn Harmanus Wendell James MaGee [448] Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated the 17th Instant inclosing an Affidavit of John Van Sice against Alexander Campbell concerning the unfriendly Conduct of the said Campbell, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. (prout) The said Campbell attending at the Door was called in, and tendered the New Association, which he refused to Sign Thereupon Resolved That the said Alexander Campbell be Confined in the Tory Goal, till the next meeting of the General Committee The following Accounts were laid before this Board to wit. Anthony B Bratt for riding Powder ~0.. 14.. 0 Alexr & James Robertson for printing 2.. 10.. 0 John Js. Hansen for riding Powder 1.. 16.. 0 PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 459 Resolved That Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer to this Board pay the above Accounts and take Receipts for the same States M. Dyckman appeared before this Board and entered into Parole not to Correspond with any Person or Persons in order to dissuade or influence him or them against the measures now pursued by the United Colonies, of America, and that he will not bear Arms against the said Colonies and not depart this City without leave from the Committee- Resolved that the said Dyckman be at Liberty on said Parole till Evening in order to get Bail for the performance of said Parole The Committee took into Consideration the order of this Board, ordering Peter Van Schaack Esqr. to depart this County, and repair to the City of New York and are thereupon of Opinion, That if the said [448a] Peter Van Schaack can prove to this Board by the 27 Inst that he departed from the said City of New York previous to the first day of June 1775, that in such Case he be at Liberty to remain in the County of Albany On Motion of Mr James MaGee Resolved That the several Persons from the District of Kinderhook now Confined in the Tory Goal be permitted to go at Liberty on their entering into sufficient Security for their appearance before the General Committee of this County at their next meeting or sooner if called upon Resolved That the following Notification or order be served by the Waiter' on Messrs Abraham C. Cuyler, Stephen DeLancey, John Monier John Duncan Benjamin Hilton Gent. The Committee do hereby remind you that you are to appear at the House of Mrs Rebecca Lomus to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock, and from thence proceed to Hartford in Connecticut, where you are to remain under the direction of Govr' Trumbull at your own expence Adjourned till 8 OClock to morrow Morning 1 So in the manscript. 460 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. [19th June 1776] Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John M. Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Tayler Jacob Bleecker Junr. Myndert Roseboom Asa Douglass Walter Livingston John Price Robert Yates John Barclay Rutger Bleecker Jacob Cuyler [449] Harmanus Wendell Dirck Ten Broeck John Ja Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam The Committee appointed agreeable to Mr Stephen DeLancey's request this Morning at nine OClock, went to the House of said DeLancey, to permit him to take his private papers out of the Room where the Records of this City and County are kept, and upon the said Committees telling him that they were come for that purpose — The said DeLancey gave for Answer That the Committee had robbed him of his Liberty & that they might take his papers alsoResolved That the following Letter be sent to Governor Trumbull repecting the Prisoners to be sent to his Care (prout) Lieut. McDonald requested this Board to take into Consideration his Maintainance whilst a Prisoner Thereupon Resolved that the following Answer be sent to said McDonald Sir We have referred your Case respecting your maintenance to General Schuyler, who will write to Governor Trumbull requesting you may be provided for in like manner as other Officers of your Rank that are Prisoners, You1 please to observe that you are to be this Morning with the rest of the Gentlemen at Mr Lummis's Mr. Tayler moved and was seconded That the Resolution of Yesterday respecting the Liberating the Persons confined in the Tory Goal from the District of Kinderhook be rescinded upon which Debates arising and the Question being put PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 461 Resolved in the AffirmativeAnd thereupon it was moved and seconded That the said Persons be Confined in the Tory Goal [449a] upon which debates arising and the Question being put Resolved in the Negative On Motion Resolved That the said Persons be Liberated from their present Confinement on their entering into sufficient Security to be Confined to seperate Rooms in this City, and to appear before the General Committee at their next meeting Resolved That Messrs Rutger Bleecker Dirck Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Eyck and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be a Committee to take into Consideration the Paper Currency circulating in this City & County emitted by private Persons, and also with respect to the Accounts laid before this Board of the taking of Ticonderoga and Crown Point and make Report with all Speed. Major Douglass applyed to this Board for two hundred and eight Dollars, to pay the Bounty of the Men to be raised in Kings District, and that he will be answerable for the Delivery of the Men, or return of the Money, for which he passed his Note Thereupon Resolved That the following Order be given in favour of Mr Douglass on Messrs. Jacob Cuyler, Henry Glen and John Ten Broeck - to wit Gent. You'll Please to deliver to Major Douglass out of the Monies now in your hands to be applyed for the purpose of a Bounty for such Men as are Ordered to reinforce the Army in Canada agreeable to the resolution of the Provincial Congress bearing date the 9th Instant [450] The Committee took into Consideration the Petition of James Mather, and thereupon are of opinion to receive the said Mather in favour and to Liberate him upon his giving Security for his future good behaviour 462 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber Present. Abraham Yates Junr Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman John Price Harms. Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr. 20th June 1 776 Chairman Myndert Roseboom Abraham Ten Eyck John Williams Robert Yates Rutger Bleecker John Barcley Jacob Cuyler Abraham Cuyler Mr. Gisbert Marselis proposed to this Board the necessity of having a necessary House built in the Fort in this City - Upon Consideration Resolved That the said Marselis with all possible dispatch have the same Made Peter Everatt appeared and entered into parole not to bear Arms against the united Colonies nor Correspond with any Person or Persons to dissuade or influence him or them against the said United Colonies, nor depart the City of Albany without leave of the Committee and Matthew Watson entered into Bond for the said Everatts performance in the penalty of one hundred pounds States M Dyckman gave the same security Yesterday & was dischd. Received a Letter from Genl Schuyler dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit. (prout) Thereupon Resolved That Copy of the said Letter, together with the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Half Moon, Saratoga and Schaghtekocke, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 4 OClock P. M. [450a] Met according to Adjournment Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Williams John Barclay Robert Yates Myndert Rosboom Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam John Price Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 463 A Petition of Dirck Gardineer was laid before this Board setting forth that his Wife was daily expected to lay in, and praying leave to go home (on good Bail) untill next General meeting- On Consideration thereof Resolved That the said Gardineer be given for answer that his representation of his Family and request, will be laid before the County Committee to Morrow, from whom he may expect an Answer Albany Committee Chamber 21st June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Joseph Row Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler Philip P. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher John Younglove Jost Berst Isaac Van Aernam Frederick Berger John Williams Isaac Fonda Jacob J. Lansingh John Van Rensselaer Killiaen Van Rensselaer Peter Guernsy Stephen Jno Schuyler Walter Livingston John Tayler Chairman Henry Quackenbush Jacob Bleecker Junr. John M. Beeckman John Price Asa Douglass Abraham Ten Eyck Philip Van Veghten John Ja Beeckman Isaac Vrooman Myndert Roseboom Harmanus Wendell Peter Marten Rutger Bleecker John J. Fonda General Ten Broeck Dirck Ten Broeck Joseph Clark Jacob Cuyler [451] Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter from Collo- Peter Van Ness dated 20th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. Resolved That the District Committees together with the Commanding Officer of the Regiment be and they are hereby appointed to Muster the Troops raised in the respective Districts for the service of Canada and New York 464 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That General Schuyler be requested to furnish the Men raised in this County with ammunition Resolved That such Persons or Persons as are disaffected to the Cause shall pay an equal proportion of the expence towards the raising and furnishing of the Militia now ordered to be raised in this County, and that every such person or persons who neglects or refuses to comply with this order shall be dealt with as the Committee of the Districts together with the Field Officers of the Regiments to whom they belong shall direct The Committee took into Consideration the drafts to be made of the Militia in this County for the Service in Canada and New York - and the places where the different Companies are to go to, and thereupon arranged the same in the following manner and by ballot drew the follg. Places East Manor of Rensselaerwyck West Do Cambridge Hosick and Schaghtekocke j Claverack and Kings District 52 Manor Livingston East Camp & Grote Imboght Half Moon Ballston & Saratoga Albany Schony- Schohary & Coxackiee Kinderhook 75 Men for New York 75 Men for Canada 75 Men for Canada 150 for Canada 75 for New York 75 for Canada 75 for Canada 25 to be joined to Ulster County [45 la] Out of the Company to be raised in Albany Schonectady Schoharry & Coxackiee seven Men for Kings District, and eight for Cambridge Hosick and Schagtekocke and that the Committes of such Districts who raise a Company have the appointment of the officers thereof Resolved That Messrs Jacob Cuyler Henry Glen & John Ten Broeck or either of them pay unto either of the Committees of the Districts hereafter mentioned the sums hereafter also mentioned, and that the respective Committees account to the said Jacob Cuyler, Henry Glen and John Ten Broeck for the disposal of the same, and that the said Committees on the receipt of the Money pass their Receipts to said Jacob Cuyler Henry Cuyler [Glen] and John Ten Broeck for such Sums as they shall receive - To the Committee of Saratoga one hundred & Seventy two Dollars PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 465 Half Moon, & Ballston one hundred & Twenty Dollars West Side of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck three hundred Dollars Claverack and Kings District five hund. & Sixty eight Dollars Cambridge Hosick & Schaghtekocke three hundred Dollars Albany, Schonectady Coxackie & Schoharry four hundred & twelve Dollars Resolved That Henry Marselis be and he is hereby appointed Captain of the Company of Militia raised in the City of Albany Coxackie Schonectady and Schohary to reinforce the Continental Army in Canada Benjamin C Dubois 1 Liut John Van Antwerp 2 Do~ Resolved that Henry K. Van Rensselaer be and he is hereby appointed Major of the Companys of Militia of this County for the service in New York Resolved That The place of Rendezvous for the Militia of this County for the Canada service be and is hereby appointed to be at Stillwater, and that the said Militia Meet and be at the place aforesaid on Wednesday the 26th Instant The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the paper Currency emitted by individual Persons brought in the following Report (prout) which is agreed to, and approved of, and ordered that five hundred Copies thereof be printed & dispersed [452] Resolved That Messrs. Harmanus Wendell, Rutger Bleecker and John Price be a Committee to Muster with Coll Ten Broeck the Men raised in this City for the Canada service - Albany Committee Chamber June 22d 1776. Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Jacob Roseboom Jacob Cuyler Jeremiah V Renselaer John M Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Harmanus Wendell John Price General Ten Broeck John Barclay Dirck Ten Broeck John J. Beeckman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Arnem Rutger Bleecker Jacob J. Bleecker Robert Yates. John Williams 466 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Resolved that Messrs Isaac Van Arnem John Ja. Beeckman Henry Wendell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer & R Yates or any 3 of them be appointed a Subcommittee to take into Consideration the Letter from Tryon County, and the Generals Letter in Consequence of it delivered to this Board Yesterday and to determine and act thereupon in Conjunction with the Gen1. or any persons who he may appoint, as they may think proper.]' Received a Letter from Coil. Witbeck of Kinderhooke (prout the Letter) And thereupon resolved to send the following answer Sir The Subcommittee of this City and County have received Your Letter of yesterdays date, and taken the Contents thereof into Consideration. As you have received all the Resolves of the provincial Congress of the County Committee respecting the raising the Troops for the present service, we need not at present, enter into an Explanation of them But as the [our?] orders in the present [452a] situation of your district cannot apply, by reason of the want of a district Committee- We have therefore resolved that the powers given to you in Conjunction with the District Committee be solely exercised by you and the Rest of the field officers of your Regiment Your Complement of men is Twenty five persons officers included which you will voluntarily raise or if that cannot be affected to draft them - You will also appoint one Lieutenant one Serjeant and one Corporal [which are to be included in the above number].' As soon as you have compleated the number, you are to give them orders to march immediately equiped and armed according to the Resolution of Congress to the forts in the Highlands where they will receive farther orders from General Scott - You'll observe that the Troops to be raised in your district are to be incoporated into a Company to be raised in Orange County. We most earnestly recommend to you to use all the diligence and dispatch in your power to Carry into Execution the Resolves of Congress and of this Committee Resolved That Robert Yates, Isaac Van Aernafn Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer or any three of them be a Committee to transact the business recommended by General Schuyler respecting the Tryon County Tories and the said Committee take into Consideration the removal of Capt. McAlpin John Munro and others apprehended by the secret Committee by order of the General and make Report thereof this afternoon if possible to the General. 1 Crossed out in the original. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 467 Evert Seeger appeared and complained that his Son has been imprisoned by Capt. Abraham Slingerlandt for refusing to do duty in his Company and that his said Son belongs to one of the Companies in the City of Albany Thereupon Resolved That John Barclay John [453] Williams, John Price and Jacob Roseboom be a Committee to take into Consideration the Case above mentioned and if upon enquiry they find the said Seeger's Son lives within the Jurisdiction of this City, that they then discharge him from his Confinement. Albany Committee Chamber 24th June 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Barclay Jacob Roseboom Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham Cuyler John M. Beeckman Robert Yates Henry Wendell John Ja. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom John Price Anthony Van Bergen Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Resolved That John Van Ness be Cited to appear before this Board at the next General meeting of this Committee, and to request him to bring with him such other Witnesses as are willing to Evidence against Henry Van Schaack and othersResolved That Messrs Abraham Cuyler and Jacob Bleecker Junr in the second Ward [John Barclay 1] Jacob Roseboom Junr. and John Williams in the first Ward, and John M. Beeckman [John Ten Broeck Abraham T1] and Gerrit Lansingh Junr. in the third Ward to Superintend the Election for Deputies in said Wards. Coll~o Francis Nicolls laid before this Board an Acct. of Services in Provincial Congress of this Colony amounting to ~61 - Resolved that Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer pay the said Francis Nicolls the above Account 1 Crossed out in the original. 468 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [453a] Albany Committee Chamber 25t June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Jur Chairman John Barclay John M. Beeckman John Williams Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Jacob Roseboom Junr John Price Dirck Ten Broeck Robert Yates Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Joseph Young Whereas a number of Tory Prisoners sent here from Tryon County by Elias Dayton Collo. and Commandant of the Troops stationed in that County by and with the advice & approbation of the Committee of that County have for some time been confined in the City Hall of this City And whereas the Confinement of those Prisoners in this City has been and still is productive of many inconveniences and probably may endanger the welfare of its Inhabitants It is therefore hereby resolved that the above facts be represented to General Schuyler, and that it be recommended to him to cause those prisoners to be removed from this CityResolved that Arent Bratt be and he is hereby appointed keeper of the Tory Goal in this City, and that he take possession of the same to morrow and that Samuel Stevenson be ordered to leave the same on the said Bratt's taking possession thereof - Resolved That Messrs. Isaac Van Aernam and John Williams be a Committee to examine what Quantity of Powder belonging to the Com[m]ittee is now in the Powder House and what is taken out by the General Received a Letter from Gerrit A Lansingh and others dated the 23rd Instant. (prout) Thereupon Resolved that the following be sent in answer thereto (prout) and that Harmanus Wendell [454] be cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting - Received a Letter from the Committee of Bennington dated 24th Instant (prout) Resolved that the following be sent in answer thereto (prout) Adjourned till 4 OClock P M. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 469 Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr John Barclay Abraham Ten Eyck Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr. Jacob Roseboom Junr Chairman John M. Beeckman John Williams Joseph Young Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Mr. Samuel Stevenson laid before this Board an Account for attending & keeping the Goal, in the Fort at Albany amounting to ~16 Thereupon Resolved That the following recommendation be thereupon given to General Schuyler The Sub Committee of the County of Albany Do hereby certify that the above Samuel Stevenson has been employed in the Station above mentioned for the price and during the Time above mentionedAlbany Committee Chamber 26 June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Chairman Robert Yates Henry Wendell John Williams Jacob Roseboom Junr. Ab. Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler John M. Beeckman John Tayler Abraham Cuyler John Price [454a] Myndert Roseboom John Barclay Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr Abraham Ten Eyck Application having been made to General Ten Broeck by Wm. Williams Collo- of the Militia of Cumberland County and from their Committee for the Bounty Money for the 125 Men to be raised in that County Thereupon Resolved that Mr Jacob Cuyler be requested to pay out of the Money he has brought up for that purpose to pay to Lieut' Israel Smith the Bounty 470 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Money for those Men, he taking from him an obligation or note whereby he engages to procure from their Committee a proper Receipt for the said Money The Committee being informed that General Schuyler intended to hold a Conference with the Indians at the German Flats, and Considering the danger he may [be] exposed to Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the General (prout) Received a Letter from Collo- Benjamin Simonds dated 25th Instant (prout) Thereupon Resolved that the following Letter be sent in answer thereto (prout) Resolved That the following order be sent to Arent Bratt to wit Sir You are hereby requested to take in charge the Prisoners Committed to Confinement in the fort and superceed Samuel Stevenson as Goaler Albany Committee Chamber 27th June 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Jun Isaac Van Aernam Albartus Van Loon John Dennies George White Jacob Lansingh Junr Rutger Bleecker [455] Killiaen Van Rensselaer Jacob C. Schermerhorn John Price John H. Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Hezekiah Van Orden Jacob Bleecker Junr. Henry Van Veghten Phineas Whiteside Robert Yates Chairman John Tayler Abraham Fonda Jacob Roseboom Junr Joseph Young Matthew Adgate Philip Frisbie John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh Junr John A Bratt Harmanus H Wendell John D. Fonda Philip P Schuyler Philip Van Veghten Rutger Lansingh Bastiaen T. Visscher Cornelius Van Dyck From a return of the Poll for Electing a Member in the District of Half Moon it appears that Nicholas Van Den Bergh is duly elected. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 471 Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit. Received a Letter from Peter Vossburgh Lowrance Goes and thirteen others dated this Day, desiring Liberty to be heard by Council, and to cross examine the Witnesses that may [be] offered against them, Thereupon Resolved That the said Vossburgh and others have Liberty to cross examine the Witnesses, but not to be heard by Council Received a Letter from Dirck Van Ingen and others dated this Day acquainting this Board that they were in Town, and praying that a Sub Committee may be appointed to examine into the dispute between them and the new Committee respecting the Records of the former Thereupon resolved that the said Dirck Van Ingen and others be desired to attend this Board, in order that an enquiry may be made in the above matter The said Van Ingen and others appeared, and assigned their reasons for their not delivering the Records to the New Committee, and upon mature deliberation This Committee are of opinion that all the Monies in the Hands of [455a] and the Debts contracted by any of the District Committees descend and devolve upon the New Committees and that all such Vouchers Papers Records and proceedings which concern the public in their or either of their possession ought to be delivered to the succeeding Committees, and that the power and authority of the former Committees immediately ceases upon the formation of the new Committees Adjourned till 3 OClock P. M. 472 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present Abraham Yates Junr Anthony Van Schaick Jacob C. Schermerhorn Abraham Fonda John D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Dennis Frederick Berger Isaac H Lansingh Hosea Lincoln Jacob Roseboom Junr. Philip Van Veghten Nicholas Van Den Bergh John P. Hansen Hezekiah Middebrooks Matthew Adgate Philip P Schuyler Florus Banker Chairman Harmanus H Wendell John A Bratt Rutger Lansingh George White Barent Myndertse John M. Beeckman Allbartus Van Loon Hezekiah Van Orden John Tayler Corns Van Dyck Philip Frisbe John Price Robert Yates Henry Wendell Henry Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker Junr Mr. Adgate moved and was seconded That George Hinsdale, Samuel Messenger and Israel Osburn now in the Tory Goal be removed from said Goal to Lebannon in Connecticut, there to be disposed of by Governor Trumbull, they to pay the Cost of Transport and maintenance and if unable to do it, then to be put to Labour for that purpose [456] Resolved in the affirmative Samuel Page appeared before this Board and declared that William Pemberton has spoken disrespectful of the Whigs in General, and discouraging to our present Cause Thereupon Resolved That the said William Pemberton be taken into Custody and confined in the Tory Goal and that his Trial come on to morrow The General Committee upon Consideration of the reasons assigned by the Sub Committee for suspending the order of the last General Committee respecting Henry Cuyler, are of Opinion to and do approve of the same Previous to Pemberton's being sent to the Tory Goal The Sheriff was sent for and on his appearance was told by the Chairman, that Pemberton was to PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 473 be sent to the Goal, and that he was sent for to acquaint him therewith, that he might have an opportunity to secure his Prisoners, or appoint another Goaler Adjourned till 8 O'Clock to morrow Morning [28th June 1776] Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Hezekiah Middlebrooks John Price Robert Yates John Barclay Harmanus H Wendell Abraham Fonda Henry Wendell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Rutger Lansingh Jacob Lansingh Junr Joseph Bettis Jacob Cuyler John Williams Rutger Bleecker George White Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Dennis Philip Van Veghten Philip Frisbie Nicholas Van Den Bergh Jacob Rosboom Junr Isaac H Lansingh Hezekiah Van Orden Phinias Whiteside Corns. Van Dyck John P. Hansen Phineas Whiteside James Sexton Abraham Cuyler John Tayler Matthew Adgate John M. Beeckman [456a] Anthony Van Schaick John Ten Broeck Jacob C. Schermerhorn Henry Quackenbush Albartus Van Loon John A Bratt Israel Spencer John D. Fonda This Committee took into Consideration the Contents of the Letter of the Deputies of this County of the 22nd: June Instant, and thereupon Resolved to request them to apply to the Congress of this Colony for 150 Men which was done in the following Words (prout) Mr. Rensselaer moved and was seconded That the new Association be Signed by the Members of this Board. upon which debates arising, and on the Question being put Resolved in the affirmative 474 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE From the return of the Election in Claverack District it appears that Israel Spencer is duly Elected a Committee Men for said District The Committee of Ballston District suggested to this Board the inconveniency arising in attending this Board from the smallness of the Number of Committee in said District and therefore prayed that they might have leave to chose four additional Members in said District Resolved That leave be granted accordingly Mr- William Pemberton laid before this Board an Acct. Cooking & Fire Wood for the Tryon County Prisoners and Cleaning the Committee Room amounting to ~1..11.. 10 Ordered that the Treasurer pay the above Account and charge the same to Tryon County Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Schoharry (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. [457] Met according to Present. Abraham Yates Junr Jacob C. Schermerhorn Jacob Lansingh Junr Abraham Fonda John Barclay Philip Frisbe Matthew Adgate James Sexton Hars- H. Wendell John M. Beeckman Hezekiah Middebrooks Joseph Bettis George White Phineas Whiteside John Dennis Rutger Lansingh Hezekiah Van Orden Adjournment. Chairman Albartus Van Loon Henry Wendell John Van Loon Nicholas Van Den Bergh John D. Fonda Isaac H Lansingh Philip Van Veghten Israel Spencer Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Van Veghten Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry J. Van Rensselaer John A. Van Aelen Abraham Cuyler John Williams Mr. Adgate laid before this Board an Account for the apprehending of Samuel S. Gardinier amounting to ~6..6..0 which is allowed of, and ordered that, for the payment thereof a Horse now in the Kings District, belonging PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1776 475 to said Gardineer be appraised by William Warner Junr. William B. Whiting and Asa Waterman a Committee appointed to appraise the same and that the overpluss of the appraised Value thereof be returned to the said Gardineer, and the Committee of Kings District are hereby requested to see that the above Resolve be Complied with On Motion Resolved That the several District Committees cause the Quota of the Men, to be raised in each District to join their respective Corps, without delay, Armed and Accoutred [457a] The Committee appointed to enquire, into the Inlistment of the Men under Capt. Benjamin Evens, brought in the following Report (prout) which after Consideration was unanimously approved and agreed to, and ordered to be laid before the GeneralResolved That Peter Van Rensselaer be and he is hereby appointed Captain of the Company of Militia raised in the District of Claverack & County of Albany destined to reinforce the Continental Army in Canada Christopher C. Muller first Lieutenant Wilhelmus Philips Second Lieut. Yesterday the Polls for the Election of Deputies with full power to form a new Government held in the several Districts of this City and County were returned and after carefully counting the Number of Voters, and the Deputies they had Voted for a Majority of Votes appeared for Abraham Yates Junr. Robert Yates Robert Van Rensselaer, Abraham Ten Broeck Christopher Yates, Peter R Livingston John Js Bleecker, Jacob Cuyler, Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Matthew Adgate and John Tayler and they [are] hereby declared to be duly Elected and that they or any three of them attend the provincial Congress of this Colony for the purposes mentioned in the said Resolve, And it is hereby farther resolved that all such Polls, as may be returned from any of the Districts before the rising of this Committee be added to the Polls Resolved That Samuel Hodge be and he is hereby appointed Captain of the Company of Militia raised in the Districts of Schaghtekocke Hosick & Cambridge destined to reinforce the Continental army in Canada Fenner Palmer first Lieut. Nathan Smith second Lieut. [458] Mr. Isaac Van Der Pool was brought before this Board, as a disaffected Person to the American Cause and after hearing the Evidence offered against him 476 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the Association of the 20th June Instant be Tendered to said Van Der Pool, upon Tender Van Der Poel refused to Sign the sameOrdered that he withdraw, till farther Consideration Resolved That the Sub Committee of this City and County hear and examine the Prisoners from Kinderhook District, with full Power to discharge and Confine such of them as they shall judge proper and make Report next General meeting and that the said examination be on Wednesday next and that such of the said Prisoners who have given Bail have Liberty of the Market House during the said Time Adjourned till 8 OClock to morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment Present. Abraham Yates Junr. Jacob C Schermerhorn Israel Spencer John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr James Sexton John A. Van Aelen Hezekiah Van Orden Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Robert Yates [29th June 1776] Chairman Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Barclay Philip Frisbe Matthew Adgate John Ten Broeck John Price Henry Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr [458a] Resolved That James Spencer be and he is hereby appointed Captain of one of the Militia Companys raised in the District of Claverack to reinforce the Continental Army in Canada Thomas Brown was also appointed 1St Lieut. Matthew Ray- Second Lieutenant. The Committee appointed last General meeting to enquire into the Conduct of the Armed Force that had entered into the District of Kinderhook and there disarmed a number of the Inhabitants brought in the following Report which was approved of and agreed to (prout) George MaGinnis appeared before this Board and surrendered himself up to the Custody of this Committee in discharge of Alexander Crukshank his Bail Complaint was preferred against John Salsbury and Nathaniel Culver for disorderly Conduct in stopping the proceedings, at Law, and holding Con PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 477 ventions established contrary to all Modes or Resolves of the Congress - And upon Consideration of the above matter Resolved That they be addressed in the following manner (prout) Resolved That Isaac Van Der Pool be on his Parole to attend the Sub Committee on Wednesday next Resolved That the Trial of Henry Cuyler Esqr. be postponed till next General Meeting [459] Albany Committee Chamber 1st- July 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom John Williams Jacob Lansingh Jun. John Price John M. Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Ja Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Resolved That Messrs. Joseph Young, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Walter Livingston, Gerrit Lansingh Junr. and Robert Yates be a Committee to draw up Instructions for the Deputies elected to represent this City and County in provincial Congress, for the purposes mentioned in the Resolves of said Congress, and that they make Report to this Board with all speed. Resolved That Abraham Ten Eyck be and he is hereby appointed to keep the Accounts and Vouchers of the Debts contracted by this Board. Resolved That George Darrow be and he is hereby appointed Captain of the Company Militia raised in Kings District to reinforce the Continental Army in Canada Adjourned till 4 OClock P.M. 478 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Junr Henry Wendell John Williams John Price Abraham Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Fonda John Barclay Cornelius Van Der Volgen John Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Eyck Myndert Roseboom General Ten Broeck Isaac VanAernam [459a] Jacob Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman From Cumberland County From Tryon County Elijah Alvard John Campbell Cornelius Smith The Committee agreeable to [appointment together with the Committee 1 a Resolve of the 21st June last proceeded to the appointment of a Collo., Lieut. Colo- and Major to command the Battalion raised in the Counties of Albany Tryon Charlotte Cumberland & Gloucester to reinforce the Continental Army in Canada and thereupon appointed the following Persons Vizt. Corns- Van Dyck. Collo. Barent J. Ten Eyck Lieut. Collo. John Shepardson Major Received a Letter from the Committee of Cumberland County dated 27th June last (prout) Thereupon Resolved That the following be sent in answer thereto prout Resolved That the provincial Congress of this Colony be acquainted with the above appointment, and be requested to issue Commissions to the above Gentlemen accordingly - Resolved That Collo. Van Dyck be acquainted with his appointment, and requested to take the Command of his Regiment as soon as possible 1 Crossed out in the original. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 479 Albany Committee Chamber 2nd- July 1776 Present Abraham Yates Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck John Barclay John M. Beeckman John Williams Jacob Lansingh Junr Chairman Rutger Bleecker Jacob Roseboom Junr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Harmanus Wendell Henry Van Veghten Charles Folliot, William Shepherd, George Welbank and Thomas Joy were brought before this Board and after hearing them in their Defence [460] Resolved That the said Persons above mentioned be Liberated from their Confinement upon their entering into Bond with security for their future good behaviour Albany Committee Chamber 3rd July 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Williams Jacob Roseboom Junr. Myndert Roseboom Rutger Bleecker Jacob Lansingh Junr John Ja Beeckman Abraham Cuyler John Price Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Barclay John M. Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck Harmanus Wendell Upon Complaint of Jacob Van Der Werken (of Half Moon District) one of the Commissioners of the Highway that he was obstructed in amending & repairing the same in the said District by one Harris, who had fenced in the said Highway, and that the said Harris threatned to shoot the Complainant with a Pistol This Committee are of Opinion that the said Complaint does not come under their Sphere and do therefore recommend the said Complainant to apply to one of the Justices of the Peace of this County and that he proceed against the said Harris agreeable to the Laws and Regulations of this Province made in such Cases 480 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE This Committee received information that Bohea Tea has been sold by some Person or Persons in the District of Schagtekocke for a Sum exceeding Six Shillings Thereupon Resolved that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of said District (prout) Adjourned till 1 OClock P. M. [460a] Met according to Adjournment. Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman John Williams John M. Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Rutger Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom Jacob Lansingh Junr Harmanus Wendell John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh Junr John Beebe Richard Bronck Henry Van Schaack was brought before this Board and Had the charge mentioned in the affidavits of Nathan Noyce and William Klaw read to him, and after being read, desired Copy of the Affidavit of Claw, which after Consideration the Board declined favouring him with as the said Affidavit was not to be made use of against him as the said Klaw was not present to give Evidence Personally - and on hearing him in his Defence, and considering Ithe Proof against him, and the Cross examination of Noyce, This Board are of opinion that the Proof is not sufficient to Convict him and thereupon Resolve to discharge him from farther prosecution Cornelius Van Schaack Junr., David Van Schaack Dirck Gardineer, Peter Van Aelstyn, Peter Vossburgh Cornelius Vossburgh, John Vossburgh Peter Van Slyck, John D. Goes, Stephen Van Aelen Cornelius Rine, William Van Slike, William Gardineer, Lourance Goes and Abraham Van Vleck, appeared before this Board, and no Proof appearing against them Resolved that they be discharged from farther prosecution and that they be requested to inform Isaac Van Der Pool that he is also discharged Van Der Pool appeared and was discharged [461] Samuel Messenger Israel Osburn and George Hinsdale applyed to this Board for leave in Case they were sent to morrow to Connecticut to go PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 481 thro' Canaan- Thereupon Resolved That the said Persons be informed that this Board intend not to send them of to morrow, and therefore cannot acquaint them whether they will have Liberty to go that Way Albany Committee Chamber 4th July 1776 Present. Abraham Yates Junr Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Ten Broeck John Price Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Junr. John M. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Rutger Bleecker Abraham Ten Eyck John Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Walter Livingston Harmanus Wendell Mr. Rensselaer moved and was seconded That this Committee grant a mittimus for Committing John Macombe Francis P. Fister and others to the Tory Goal being persons sent down under Guard by order of the Committee of Hosick upon which debates arising and the Question being put Resolved in the Negative, as this Committee are not acquainted with the misdemeanors they stand charged with, and as the Committee of the District have power to commit them Received a Letter from John McCrea and George Palmer dated 3rd July Instant, requesting Six Guns and Ammunition for some of the Militia of said District Resolved that the following be sent in answer thereto Resolved That Mr John Van Rensselaer or the Committee of Hosick be and are hereby impowered to summon such Witnesses as he or they shall conceive proper to appear before this Board at the next meeting of the General Committee [461a] Mr. Henry Bleecker one of the Members of this Board having for some time neglected attending Committee, ordered thereupon that the following Order be sent to said Bleecker Sir You have for some time neglected attending this Committee for what reasons we know not your future punctual attendance is hereby required or an answer 16 482 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE A Petition of the Shippers of this City was laid before this Board, setting forth that an undue partiality was made in the transportation of Provisions from New York to this place, and praying that this Committee will interpose and endeavour to remove such discrimination Resolved that the Contents of the said Petition be recommended to the Deputies of this County in Provl1 Congress, and that they be requested to get the grievances redressd. Albany Committee Chamber 6th July 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Myndert Roseboom Henry Wendell John Price John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Williams Pro Temp Joseph Young John Ja. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Cuyler Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Ten Broeck Mr. Jacob Cuyler laid before this Board an Account of Cash paid for the freight of Powder and Cartage amounting to ~4.. 1 Thereupon Resolved That Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer pay the above Account. Received a Letter from the Committee of Kingston dated 1st. July 1776 inclosing an intercepted Letter from Henry Van Schaack to John Duncan Recd. a Letter from Isaac Goes William Clauw and Abraham J. Van Aelstyn dated the 1st July Inst' which said Letter is in the following Words to wit [462] Ordered That Mr. Henry M. Roseboom deliver to Collo. Jacob Lansingh one hundred Wt. of Gun Powder, and that the said Col~ Lansingh order he same without delay to be made up in Cartridges of different Sizes Albany Committee Chamber Present John Barclay Chairman John Price Myndert Rooseboom Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Tayler Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 10th July 1776 Pro Temp. Abraham Cuyler John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ja Beeckman John Williams Joseph Young PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 483 An Account of Samuel Loadman for Cleaning the Hall and Common Council Room amounting to 6/- Ordered that Gerrit Lansingh Junr Treasurer pay the above Account Whereas in the removal and securing the public Records of this City and County, some expences have accrued - Thereupon Resolved That such Person as shall be appointed Clerk of this City and County pay the expences that have accrued as aforesaid Information having been given to this Board that John Roff since he has been advertised and held up as an Enemy to his Country, has sold Bohea Tea at the exorbitant price of 12/ V Pound, in direct Violation of the Resolve of Congress and in direct Violation and Contempt of this Board Thereupon Resolved That the said John Roff be immediately apprehended and confined in Tory Goal till farther ordered by this Board [463] Albany Committee Chamber 11th July 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman John Ten Broeck Nicholas J. Van Den Bergh Jacob Roseboom Junr. David Smith John D. Fonda Hendrick Leake Hosea Lincoln William Van Bergen John Williams Pro Temp. Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Price John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell John Younglove Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Henry Van Driesen Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Joseph Young From a return of the Election for Committee in the District of Schonectady it appears that Lancaster Conner, Benjamin Young and Myndert S. Ten Eyck are duly Elected, [in the1] Room of Cornelius Van Dyck John P [eak and Cornelius 1] Van Slyck, who have resign [ed. Ordered that '] they take their Seats accordi [ngly '] Adjourned till 2 oCl [ock ] 1 Manuscription torn. 484 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman John Ten Broeck John Taylor Jacob Lansingh Walter Livingston Jeremiah Van Rensselaer [463a] John Younglove Jacob J Lansingh Florus Banker Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen J. Schuyler Philip P. Schuyler George White John H Beeckman John D. Fonda Jacob Roseboom Junr Hosea Lincoln John Williams Pro Tempore Myndert Roseboom John Price William Van Antwerp David Smith John M Beekman Isaac Fonda Philip Van Veghten Henry Van Driesen William Van Bergen Frederick Berger Henry Wendell Barent Myndertse Harmanus Wendell Cornelius G. Van Den Bergh Killiaen Van Rensselaer Michael Van Der Cook Upon motion Resolved that Messrs. Walter Livingston, John Taylor, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Joseph Young, John Younglove, & David Smith be a secret Committee to examin evidences &ce concerning the conduct of Francis Pfister, John McComb, Hugh Frasier and others belonging to the district of Hoosac, and make report to this boardAn intercepted letter from Henry Van Schaack to John Duncan dated June 26th 1776 was laid before this board- Who upon persual of said letter, were of Opin[ion that the sai ]d Henry Van Schaack was a person [disaffected to the A '] merican cause - Therefore Resolved [ 11 Schermerhorn be requested without [ 1] number of Men with him as he may Judge [ ap ]prehend said Henry Van Schaack, and [ 1] to the City of Albany - there to be committed to the Tory Goal, till farther order of this board A draft of an answer to a letter from provincial Congress dated June 27 1776 concerning the proceedings against Abraham C Cuyler and others, was laid before this board - in the words following to wit 1 Manuscript torn. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 485 Resolved that the same be approved, and that the Secry~ send a coppy to Congress without delay [464] From a return of an Election in the District of Manor Livingston it appears that the following Persons are elected additional Members in the said District to wit. Leonard Ten Broeck Thomas Thompson, Isaac Spoor, Petrus Van Gaasbeeck and John Livingston ordered that they take their Seats accordingly The Committee appointed to prepare the Instructions for the Deputies of this County attending Provincial Congress-brought in the following (prout) Resolved that the same be approved of and be immediately sent down by express to said Deputies attending CongressAdjourned till 8 OClock to Morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment. [12th July 17761 Present. John Barclay Chairman Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Younglove Asa Douglass Myndert Roseboom David Smith Corns. G. Van Den Bergh Henry Leake Henry Van Driesen Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Florus Banker Barent Myndertse Henry Wendell Abraham Cuyler Jacob Lansingh Junr. Philip P. Schuyler Pro Temp John D. Fonda Isaac Fonda John M. Beeckm[an'] John H. Beeck[man1] William Van Ber[gen] Killiaen Van Rens[selaer] George White Lourance Hogeboom John Price Walter Livingston James MaGee Joseph Young Michael Dunning John Tayler John Dennis [464a] [John Salsbury appeared before this Board and complained th 2] Whereas there is a dispute in the District of Claverack, between CaptnIthamer Spencer and John Salsbury respecting some privates, the latter being 1 Manuscript torn. 2 Crossed out in the original. 486 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Captain of a Minute Company raised in three different Districts, some of [which] whereof live and reside within the Beat whereof the said Spencer is chosen Captain, in the District- On Motion Resolved That a Letter be wrote to the Provincial Congress, requesting them to acquaint this Board, whether Minute Company's are to remain or be disbanded, and that the said Spencer and Salsbury be informed that this Committee have taken their dispute into Consideration, and recommend that their proceedings against each other ought at least be suspended untill an Answer can be obtained from the Provincial Congress, before whom this Committee propose to preferr sundry Circumstances relating your difference Captn' [Salsbury ] is particularly ordered not to enlist [ 1] Man for the future, unless otherwise ordered [by t ]his Committee, that he leave this Board a [re 1] turn of his present Company - Captn Spencer it is the Opinion of this Committee that you suspend untill an Answer can be obtained from Congress your proceedings against the Men claimed by Captn Salsbury and retain in your hands the lines 32 so Levied excepting the Fire Arms which you ought to return to the respective owners you are to take Notice that disarming of Persons, is not levying a fine [465] The Committee appointed to examine Evidences concerning the Conduct of Francis P. Fister, John MaComb and others, brought in the following Report (prout)Resolved That this Board agree with their Opinion in the Report, and that the same be deemed and taken as the Act and Deed of this Committee A Petition of Philip Van Aelstyn Abraham J. Van Aelstyn John J. Van Aelstyn and Joshua Hall requesting that Harmen Van Beuren be appointed Major in the Room of Cornelius Van Schaack Junr. who has declined - Resolved that the prayer of the Petition be granted and that the said Harmen Van Beuren be commissioned accordingly The Secretary laid before this Board an Account for Services done for this Board as Secretary amounting to ~78..15 - Ordered that the Treasurer Gerrit Lansingh Junr pay the above Account 1 Manuscript torn. 2 The word intended was " fines." PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 487 [465a] Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman William Van Bergen Jacob Lansingh Junr. Killiaen Van Rensselaer Corns. S. Muller Corns- G. Van Den Bergh Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush John Williams Henry Van Driesen John D. Fonda John Younglove George White David Smith Isaac H. Lansingh Pro Temp Henry Leake Jeremiah Van Rensselaer James MaGee Barent Myndertse James Dennison Lourance Hogeboom Philip P Schuyler John H Beeckman Florus Banker Myndert Roseboom John Price Joseph Young Leonard Ten Broeck Whereas this Committee have ordered Simeon Covill to be apprehended and kept in safe Custody till farther orders, and Whereas Nathan Smith, first Lieutenant in the Company whereof the said Simeon Covill is Captain, is now gone up in the Army By means whereof the said Company is destitute [of tho ] se Officers Thereupon Resolved That [the m ] ajority of the Members of the Committee [being nearest [ ] Beat where the said Company resides 2] of Cambridge [ 1] the said Company to the Choice of a Captain and first Lieutenant, that none be admitted to Vote but such as have Signed the General Association and that no one be chosen an officer but such as shall be approved of by the said Committee Resolved That James Philips be cited to appear before this Board at their next General Meeting to answer such matters as shall then be alledged against him. [466] An Account of John Salsbury was laid before this Board for his and Companys attendance on the Committee that attended the Kinderhook Election amounting to ~3.. 12.. 11 - Ordered that the Treasurer pay the above Account. 1 Manuscript torn. 2 Crossed out in the text. 488 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE General Schuyler being to morrow to set off for the German Flats to Treat with the Indians, and as no Continental Troops are in Town to escort him up thither Thereupon Resolved that Collo~ Ten Broeck be requested to get as many of the Troop of Horse in this Town, and that the Committee of Schonectady be requested to furnish as many of their Troop of Horse as possible to join General Schuyler at that place George Hinsdale, Israel Osburn and Samuel Messenger having applyed to this Board to know whither they were to be sent- Thereupon Resolved That the said Persons be requested to keep themselves in readiness to be removed to Connecticut when a Conveniency offered, they again offer you for the last time and desire to be no farther teazed with your Equivacation that you may now chuse fortwith to be escorted to New Engand, a [t ] your own Cost or wait the Convenient Time [for 1] them to do the same at a more moderate [ 1] otherwise you can be immediatley sent to Fort Montgomery there to be dealt with as others have been done heretofore The Committee took into Consideration the Letter of the Provincial Congress of the 22nd day of May last respecting the numbering of the Inhabitants of this County Thereupon Resolved That the Secretary with all Convenient [466a] Speed draw Copys of the Letter from Congress and the form therein, inclosed and transmit the same to the Committee of the respective Districts in this County requesting them to comply therewith, with all Convenient Speed, and make Report to this Board. Received a Letter from Thomas Swords dated the 1 1th Instant, which said Letter is in the following Words (prout) Resolved That the following Letter be sent in answer thereto (prout) John McComb appeared before this Board and in pursuance of the Resolve of this Morning the new Association was tendered to him, and he declining to Sign the same, Ordered that the said John McComb enter into Bond with Security in the penal Sum of ~200 for his future good behaviour during the present Contest between Great Britain and the American States. Resolved That all Half pay Officers under the British Crown in this County be required [ for l]twith to Swear that they will not [bea 1] Arms against the united States, of [A] merica, and that they will not directly or [i ]ndirectly assisting others in the same, nor hold any manner of Correspondence, with the Enemies of the said States, and give a Parole that 1 Manuscript torn. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 489 they will not depart the County of Albany without leave of the County Committee or the District Committee where they reside Adjourned till 8 OCLOCK P [A.] M. [467] Met according to Adjournment [July 13th, 1776] Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Florus Banker John Price Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush Myndert Roseboom Philip P. Schuyler Cornelius G. Van Den Berg Joseph Young George White Jacob Lansingh Junr. John H. Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Asa Douglass On Motion Resolved That all deserters taken up, or that hereafter shall be taken up, be confined in the Goal, of the County of Albany, and that the Goaler on the order of the Chairman be and he is hereby requested to receive the same into his CustodyResolved That Col~ Lansingh be requested to order the Militia of his Regiment to guard the Magazine and the Prisoners confined [in1] the Tory Goal, in such manner and [ 1] as he shall direct, and that at least thirty Men mount guard, and that they remain on duty twenty four Hours - and that John N. Bleeckers Company take the first Tour of Duty - and that [Collo Lansingh request 2] Philip Van Rensselaer Store keeper be requested to deliver to Collo Lansingh or order thirty Stand of Arms, and Accoutrements for the use aforesaid [467a] Francis P. Fister and Hugh Fraser appeared before this Board, and entered into Parole not to tae up Arms in the present War between Great Britain and the American States, which Parole is on file Ordered That the said Fister and Fraser be furnished with Copies of the said Parole - 1 Manuscript torn. 2 Crossed out in the original. 490 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Saturday Afternoon [July 13th, 1776] Met According to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman P Tempe. Ab. Cuyler Phil. Schuyler Dirk Ten broeck John Williams Isaac V Arnem Joseph Young John Ten Broeck Geo White John M Beeckman Asa Douglass John H Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Henry Quackenbooss Floris Banker John Price Jer V Rensselaer James Denneson Walter Livingston Resolved That Henry M Roseboom deliver to Bastiaen T. Visscher or Order twelve Pounds of Powder and twenty four Pound of Ball Also to Henry Quackenbush a Quarter Cask of Powder and fifty Pound of Ball [O ]n Motion Resolved That Joseph Anderson be immediately apprehended and put in Close Confinement [468] Albany Committee Chamber 15th July 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Van Veghten Dirck Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck John Ja Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Cuyler Rutger Bleecker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler John Williams John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Bleecker one of the Members of this Committee for the second Ward in this City having resigned Resolved That an Election be held in said Ward on Tuesday the 16th Instant at two OClock in the afternoon for the Election of a Member in the Room and Stead of the said Henry Bleecker and that previous to such Election Notice be given to the Inhabitants of said Ward of the Time and place 1 Manuscript torn. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 491 of such Election - and that Messrs. Jacob Bleecker Junr Abraham Cuyler Rutger Bleecker and John Ja Beeckman or any two of them superintend said Election Resolved That Anthony E. Bratt be engage[d to ] fortify and Secure the public Powder Magazine [in ] such manner as he and Gerrit Lansingh Jun1r shall think proper, and that the said Bratt find and provide all the Artificers and materials necessary to be used in and about the business Resolved That Frederick Philips and Philip Pember be Liberated on their entering into Security in ~25 each for their future good behaviour and that the said Security be approved of by the [468a] Hosick Committee, before it shall be Valid The Chairman reported that he had bought a Lock for the use of the Door in the Prison for 6/ Ordered that Gerrit Lansingh Junr Treasurer pay the above Account Albany Committee Chamber 16th July 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp. John Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham Cuyler Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Tayler John Ja Beeckman Jacob Lansingh JunrDirck Ten Broeck Joseph Young Rutger Bleecker Harmanus Wendell Bastiaen T Visscher General Ten Broeck Henry Van Veghten Received a Letter from John Rogers dated the 11th July 1776 setting forth the necessity of preventing the Inoculation of the small Pox along the Road to Lake George On Motion Resolved That Coenraedt Bernard and John Scott be Liberated from Confinement upon their Signing the New Association, and that the Committee of Saratoga be requested to [re']ceive them into favour untill some Mal Conduct in future shall render it necessary to treat them otherwise Adjourned till 3 OClock P. M. 1 Manuscript torn. 492 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Harmanus Wendell Abraham Cuyler Jacob Lansingh Junr. John M Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr Pro Temp. John Williams John Price Rutger Bleecker Joseph Young Abraham Ten Eyck [469] Resolved That the Commanding Officer of the Guard at the Fort, be requested to lock up the Prisoners in their respective apartments at eight OClock in the Evening- and that at least four Sentry's be placed in the Night at the Powder House, and that he be Cautious what Persons he permits to go to the PrisonersThe Committee appointed to hold the Election for a Member in the Room and Stead of Henry Bleecker, in the second Ward of this City made Return of the Poll, by which it appears that Stephen Lush is duly Elected, ordered that he take his Seat at this Board accordingly - Henry Long appeared before this Board and Voluntarily Signed the New Association recommended by Congress on the 20th June last- Ordered thereupon that he be discharged Albany Committee Chamber 17th July 1776 John Barclay General Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler John Ja Beeckman Harmanus Wendell John M. Beeckman John Williams John Ten Broeck Walter Livingston Present Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Roseboom Junr. Joseph Young Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Van Veghten Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Rutger Bleecker Stephen Lush Resolved That no Prisoner, or Prisoners confined in the Tory Goal be permitted to come without the Walls of the Fort, and that the respective Officers of the Guard acquaint themselves with the Names of the Prisoners PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 493 and every Evening on the Relieve from Guard deliver over the List and the Prisoners to the Officer that takes the Command of the Guard [469a] Resolved That Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jacob Roseboom Junr and Rutger Bleecker be a Committee with full power to cause to be apprehended and brought before them for examination all such Persons other than Inhabitants, as shall be found in this City, who have not a pass or permit from the Committee of the District where they last resided, and deal with them in such manner as they shall think proper, and Report their proceedings thereon to this Board with all Speed -and it is farther Resolved that the said Committee sit from nine OClock in the Morning till twelve A Petition of John Roff was laid before this Board setting forth that he has sold Bohea Tea for a higher price than established by Congress, and acknowledges his Error, and praying that he may again be restored to the favour of his Countrymen - Upon Consideration of the said Petition Resolved That the said John Roff be and he is hereby again taken into favour and reinstated to his former Priviledge and it is [herl]eby recommended to all Persons, to Treat him as Friend to his Country Received a Letter from Abraham Yates Junr. Robr Yates and Matthew Adgate dated White Plains 14th Instant, inclosing the Declaration of the United States of America, declaring the said United States free and Independent, also the Resolution of the Representatives of the State of New York in Consequence thereof which said Letter, Declaration and Resolution are in the [470] following Words (prout) Whereas sundry Complaints have frequently been preferred to this Board setting forth the backwardness of sundry Inhabitants of this City regarding their non attendance when called upon to do Duty on Guard or Watch Resolved That the several Captains in this City be positively ordered and they are hereby ordered accordingly to fine all and every delinquents of his or their Company refusing to do duty on Guard or Watch and that the fine be ten Shillings for each Person neglecting to mount Guard and discharging his Duty as shall be directed, and that the fine be four Shillings for each Person neglecting night Watch in his or their Tour of DutyHenry Van Schaack appeared before this Board & prayed that he might be furnished with Copy of the Charge against him Ordered that the Secretary furnish him with Copy thereof Adjourned till 4 CClock P. M. 1 Manuscript torn. 494 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Rutger Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Jacob Cuyler John Williams John Ja. Beeckman Harmanus Wendell Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Roseboom Junr. Stephen Lush Abraham Ten Eyck Resolved that Walter Livingston Esqr- Deputy Commissary be and he is hereby requested to issue Provisions for Eight [470a] Prisoners confined in the Goal of the City & County of Albany, and that he deliver the said Provisions to the Goaler Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 15th Instant which [is] in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That an answer thereto be prepared and that the Resolution of the Representatives of the State of New York of the 9th. Instant be therewith sent to said Committee (prout answer) Mr. Thomas Lotteridge appeared before this Board, and complained that he had been charged with carrying Powder to Johnstown, and begged that he might have an opportunity to exculpate himself from said Charge, whereupon on Oath he declared that he had not carried any Powder to the place aforesaid in the Saddle Bags of Samuel Thompson, and that when he received the said Saddle Bags from Thompson that there were some grains of Powder therein - This Committee are thereupon of opinion that the said Lotteridge is not Guilty of the Crime he is charged With - Received two Letters from the Committee of Claverack District dated the 15th Instant, which are in the following Words to wit, (prout) Ordered that an Answer be thereto prepared which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from John Rogers one of the Committee of Saratoga dated 11 th Instant Complaining that the small Pox are very frequent in said District Resolved That an Answer be prepared thereto which was done in the following Words (prout) PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 495 [471] Albany Committee Chamber 18th July 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Roseboom Junr. Rutger Bleecker John Ja. Beeckman Henry Van Veghten Harmanus Wendell Joseph Young Abraham Cuyler Frederick Berger John Williams Henry Quackenbush Stephen Lush Received a Letter from John McCrea Peter Winne and John Graham dated 17th Instant inclosing several Charges against Abraham Van North as also the said Abraham Van North under Guard, who they desired might be kept in safe Custody- The said Van North by order of the Chairman having been closely confined in the Celler of the Tory Goal last Night made his escape - Ordered That a Letter be wrote to the said McCrea and others acquainting them therewith, and desiring them to be Viligent in again apprehending him if possible John Munro having informed one of the Members of this Board, that his effects were car[ried 1] of by a number of People- Ordered therefore that the Committee of Hosick District be requested if that should be the Case to put a Stop theretoAdjourned till 4 OClock P. M. Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Ten Broeck Joseph Young John Williams Jacob Lansingh Junr. Ab. Ten Eyck Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jer. Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen Lush Henry Van Veghten [471a] Resolved That the Declaration of Independence be published and declared in this City to morrow at Eleven OClock at this place, and that Collo. Van Schaick be requested to order the Continental Troops in this City to appear under Arms at the place aforesaid and Farther that the Captains 1 Manuscript torn. 496 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE of the several Militia Company's in this City be requested to Warn the Persons belonging to their respective Companies to appear at the place aforesaid and for the purpose aforesaid - An Account of Walter Livingston Esqr for his attendance in Provincial Congress amounting to thirty two Pounds Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same to him or orderAn Account of David Gibson for going Express to the White Plains amounting to eight Pounds - Ordered that the Treasurer pay the above Account. Resolved That all Kind of Meat exposed for Sale in this City be sold at the Rate of five Pence V Pound in the smallest Quantity and all Butchers are hereby strictly enjoined and ordered to bring to and expose to Sale all such Meat as they shall kill in the public Market of this City - and that whatever Person shall be Guilty of an infringement of this Resolve shall forfeit the Sum of ten Shillings for every offence, to be Levied on the Goods & Chattels of the Offenders by Warrant under the Hand of the Chairman of this Committee Ordered that this Resolution be published[472] Resolved That Captn Daniel McAlpin be Liberated on his Parole, and that he do not depart the bounds of the City of Albany without leave of the CommitteeAdjouried till 8 OClock to Morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment. Present. John Barclay Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Rutger Bleecker John Tayler Abraham Cuyler Jacob Roseboom Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher Harms. Wendell Walter Livingston John Ja Beeckman General Ten Broeck Joseph Young [July 19th, 1776] Pro Temp. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Jacob Bleecker Junr. Stephen Lush John Price Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten John Williams John Ten Broeck Henry Quackenbush Dirck Ten Broeck PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 497 Pursuant to a Resolution of Yesterday the Declaration of Independency was this Day read and published at the City Hall to a large Concourse of the Inhabitants of this City, and the Continental Troops in this City and received with applause and satisfaction [472a] Albany Committee Chamber 22 July 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Roseboom Junr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman John Price Isaac Van Aernam Dirck Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen Lush Received a Letter from Gerard Banker dated White Plains, West Chester County July 5th. 1776 which is in the following Words (prout) Received a Letter from Robert Van Rensselaer and Leond Gansevoort White Plains said County July 6th 1 776 - which is in the following Words (prout) Resolved That Walter Livingston Esqr Deputy Commissary be and he is hereby requested to issue Provisions for nine Prisoners confined in the Goal of the County of Albany and that he.deliver the same to the Goaler Whereas it has been suggested to this Committee that several Persons known to be disaffected to the American States are permitted to go in and Come out of the Tory Goal without Restraint whereby in these Times of Danger Conspiracies may be formed and Carried into Execution Resolved that it be recommended to Coll Van Schaick That he give it in orders to the Qficer of the Guard for the Time being 1 That no Person whatever be permitted to go in or come out of the said Tory Goal without his Order or the order of some Superior Officer or other Commanding Officer of the Soldiers stationed in the City of Albany or the order of the Chairman of this Committee [473] except the Wives and Children of the Prisoners and Servants carrying or providing them with Provisions 2 That the Officer of the Guard be not allowed to leave his Post untill the expiration of the Time appointed for his Service in that Capacity 3 That no Person be allowed to speak or Converse with any of the Guard on any pretence whatever 498 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 23 July 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Cuyler Joseph Young Ab. Cuyler Henry Van Veghten Ab. Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Jacob Roseboom Junr John Price Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr. Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr John Williams Received a Letter from Messrs. Robt. Yates, Gibt' Livingston ChrisrTappen, Robt. R Livingston and John Jay by express, requesting this Committee to send to Poughkeepsie 150 White Pine Logs - which said Letter is in the following Words (prout) Resolved That Henry I Bogert and Bastiaen T. Visscher be and they are hereby appointed to procure the said Logs, and they are also hereby requested to procure them with all possible dispatch and deliver them at the Landing at Collo- Rensselaers from thence to be transported by Sloops to the place and the Persons requested. Adjourned till 5 OClock P. M. [473a] Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Cuyler John Williams Abraham Cuyler Jacob Lansingh JunrGerrit Lansingh Junr John Price John Ten Broeck Stephen Lush Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Ja Beeckman Received a Letter from Egbert Benson Esqr. dated Red Hook July 19th: 1776 inclosing an Account of a Quantity 6963 ls- of Powder sent to this Committee which is in the following Words (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared for the Committee of Tryon County acquainting them that there is a Quantity of Powder in the Magazine here for their County and requesting them to send for it whenever they shall think proper, which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 499 Albany Committee Chamber 25th July 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Willhelmus Van Antwerp David McCarty Dirck Jansen Isaac Van Aernam John Price John M. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler John Younglove Jacob Bleecker Junr Stephen Lush John D. Fonda John Blair Jacob Cuyler Peter Beecker John Ja. Beeckman Adam Vrooman Abraham Ten Broeck Henry Van Driesen Dirck Ten Broeck Nicholas Van Der Volgen George Palmer [474] Thomas Robertson appeared before this Board and complained that one Thomas Brechan a Servant of his had been enlisted in the Continental Service and it appearing from the Indenture that he was no Bought Indented Servant- Resolved That the said Robertson be informed that this Board cannot discharge the said Servant as he does not come within the Resolve of CongressResolved That Henry M. Roseboom deliver to General Ten Broeck, Stephen Lush and Harmanus Wendell or either of them or either of their order from Time to Time a Quantity of Powder not exceeding Two Tons, and it is hereby recommended to them to deliver to each Colonel of Militia in this County a Quantity of Powder not exceeding one half a Pound to each Man in his Regiment, and it is also hereby recommended to the respective Colonels to be Cautious in the distribution thereof and that none but well affected Persons to the present Cause be supplyed therewith and it is hereby farther Resolved That the Quantity of Lead now in Store be distributed in the same proportion and it is hereby farther recommended to Genl- Ten Broeck Stephen Lush and Harms. Wendell to write Circular Letters to the respective Colonels in this County acquainting them with this Resolution Resolved That Abraham Yates Junr. deliver the Lead and Flints in his Possession belonging to this Committee to Henry M. Roseboom - Adjourned till 2 OClock P M 500 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [474a] Met acc John Barcla John Price John M. Beeckman John Younglove John Williams Jacob J. Lansingh Gerrit Lansingh Junr Asa Douglass Gerardus Cluet Peter Becker Adam Vrooman George Palmer Wilhels. Van Antwerp Lewis Van Antwerp Henry Van Driesen ording to Adjournment Present..y Chairman Pro Temp. Henry Bries John Blair General Ten Broeck Nicholas Van Der Volgen John D. Fonda Florus Banker Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Killiaen Van Rensselaer David McCarty Dirck Jansen Dirck Ten Broeck Stephen Lush Henry Quackenbush Resolved That Messrs. David McCarty, John Williams & Dirck Jansen be a Committee to enquire what Districts have or have not raised their Quota of Men to reinforce the Army in Canada and to devise Ways and Means to have the Number Compleated and furnished, and make Report to this Committee with all Convenient Speed. Resolved That General Ten Broeck, Stephen Lush and Harmanus WIndell the Committee appointed this Morning to distribute the Powder ame.g the Militia of this County, be and they are hereby empowered to purc1.se and procure at the expense of this Committee a sufficient Quantity or Lead for this CountyThe Committee of Claverack made the following Return From a return of an Election in the first Company of t - ninth Regiment of Militia in this County whereof Philip Bartell is C',ptn' it appears that [475] Benjamin Allen is duly Elected seconu Lieutenant in the Room of Martin Rip - Ordered that he be commissioned accordingly - Also from a Return of an Election in the fourth Company of the same Regiment it appears that Bartholomew Barret is chosen Capt- in the Room of Thomas Brown, in the Room of Barret promoted Abner Kellog first Lieutenant and Dan Barns second Lieutenant in the Room of George Algor gone in the Army Ordered that they be Commissioned accordingly PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 501 It appears also from a Return of the sixth Company in the same Regiment it appears that Nathaniel House is chosen Capt- Joshua Whitney first Lieutenant and David McKinstry second Lieutenant Ordered that they be Commissioned accordingly Received a Letter from Robert Yates Esqr. Dated White Plains July 17th: 1776 inclosing two Resolutions of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York which are in the following Words to wit (prout) Mr David McCarty one of the Members of this Board reported that he had some Matters of the greatest importance to lay before this Board and prayed that a Secret Committee might be appointed to receive his information - Thereupon Resolved That Messrs. David McCarty Jerh- Van Rensselaer John Younglove, Asa Douglas and John M. Beeckman be a Committee for that purpose and they are hereby empowered to take such measures thereupon as they shall think proper [475a] The Committee appointed to consider of Ways and means to have the Quota of the Militia of this County to reinforce the Army to the Northward brought in the following Report (prout) which upon Consideration was unanimously agreed to. Adjourned till to Morrow Morning at 8 OClock Met according to Adjournment [July 26th, 1776] Present. Chairman John Barclay John Price Henry Van Driesen Isaac Van Aernam Henry Quackenbush Asa Douglass Jacob Lansingh Junr Florus Banker Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Bries John Ten Broeck Petrus Wynkoop Jeremiah V Rensselaer John Blair John Williams Pro Temp John D. Fonda John Younglove John M. Beeckman Thomas Sweeper Wilhels Van Antwerp Henry Van Driesen Dirck Ten Broeck General Ten Broeck David McCarty John Tayler George Palmer Henry Van Veghten Leonard Gansevoort Stephen Lush 502 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Complaint was preferred to this Board against James Williams for selling meat at a higher Rate than established by this Board- The said Williams appeared confessed the Charge and paid his Fine 10/ which is in the Hands of the Chairman [476] Resolved in addition to the Resolution of the 18th Instant respecting the Sale of Meat in this City That in Case no Goods or Chattels can be found of the offenders, that the Body be taken and kept in safe Custody till the fine be paid Henry Van Schaack appeared before this Board and had the Charge alledged against him read and upon hearing him in his Defence Resolved that it is the Opinion of this Committee that his going at Large may endanger the Safety of the good People of this State, and that he be Committed to the Tory Goal there to remain till the farther order of this Board Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment. Present. John Barclay Chairman P. T. John Price David McCarty John M. Beeckman Henry Bries John Williams Henry Van Driesen John Younglove Florus Banker John Blair John Tayler Isaac Van Aernam Philip P. Schuyler Henry Van Veghten George Palmer [476a] An account of Henry Van Veghten for going f.press to Catts Kill amounting to ~1..14 was laid before this Board. and allowed of Ordered that the Treasurer pay the above Account. Also an Acct. of Alexr. and James Robertson amounting to ~4.. 4 which is allowed and Ordered that the Treasurer pay the above Account. The Committee appointed to receive the information of Mr David McCarty Report That they have taken into Consideration the matters Communicated to them by... and are of Opinion that it will be most Conducive to the safety and Interest of the public to invest Jeremiah Van Rensselaer with full power to carry into Execution without delay such measures as have or may be Concerted by your Committee relative to said affair PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 503 Resolved that This Committee agree with their Committee in the above Report and that John Williams and John Price be added to Mr. Rensselaer and that they take to their Assistance such reasonable aid as they shall require in the prosecution of that matter Whereas it will [be] an object worthy the Attention of this Committee to recommend to every family in this County to furnish a Quantity of Hoesery for the use of the Troops - Resolved That a Committee be appointed to point out Ways and means to accomplish the same and that they [report?] to this Board at the next [477] General Meeting This Board took into Consideration the State and Crimes of the Prisoners confined in the Tory Goal and thereupon Resolved That Israel Osburn, Junr. Frederick Williams, John Pickering John Duzenbury, Walter Scot, John Scot Conraedt Bernard, Samuel S. Gardineer, Benjamin Grinman Simeon Covill Dugall Campbell William Tunnicliff, Alexander Campbell William Pemberton Henry Van Schaack Henry Westinghousen, Joseph Anderson Samuel Anderson, John Munro, Thomas Swords Daniel McAlpin, Jacob Timmerman, Nicholas Weaver, Owen Conner Ralph Watson & John Nightingale be removed from this Place to Connecticut there to be disposed of as Governor Trumbull shall order and direct, and that the said Persons be acquainted with the above Resolve, and ordered to be ready for their departure from hence on Monday next and that in the mean Time Collo. Van Schaick be requested to have a Guard ready at that Time to escort them down Resolved that Messrs John Tayler Jer. Van Rensselaer and Stephen Lush be a Committee to prepare a Letter to Govr Trumbull respecting the disposal of said Prisoners above mentioned [477a] Albany Committee Chamber 28th July 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr. Stephen Lush Jacob Roseboom Junr Robert Yates Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Cuyler John M. Beeckman John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Hars Wendell Jacob Bleecker Junr John Tayler John Price Ab. Cuyler General Ten Broeck Leond. Gansevoort John Williams 504 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That Henry M. Roseboom deliver to Jerh, Van Rensselaer or Order Twenty five Pound of Powder and proportionable Quantity of Lead Received a Letter from Daniel McAlpin Thos- Swords and others dated 27th Instant praying that they may have the Time limitted for their Departure from hence to Connecticut prolonged Resolved That their requested be granted and that they depart from this Place for Connecticut on Fryday next and Albany Committee Chamber 29th July 1776 John Barclay Isaac Van Aernam Stephen Lush Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Roseboom Junr Henry Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham Ten Eyck John M Beeckman Jacob Lansingh JunrAbraham Cuyler Present Chairman Pro Temp Dirck Ten Broeck John Ja Beeckman Hars Wendell Joseph Young Bastiaen T. Visscher General Ten Broeck Dirck Ten Broeck Walter Livingston Rr. Bleecker [478] Resolved That Abraham Cuyler and John Ja Beeckman be a Committee to assist Anthony E Bratt in procuring Carriages to Transport the Wood for the use of the Powder Magazine Received a Letter from Abraham Yates Junr and John Js Bleecker dated 23rd July Instant inclosing two Resolutions of the same Date and one of the 18th Instant which said Letter and Resolutions are in the following Words to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Ab. Yates Junr. Robert Yates and others the Deputies of this County attending the Convention of the State of New York dated the 11th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Mr William Pemberton thro' the Sheriff applyed for a few Hours Liberation to settle some Accounts between them Resolved Thereupon That in Case the Sheriff will become answerable for his appearance and delivery this Evening at the City Hall that his Request be granted PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1776 505 The Sheriff appeared and became answerable for Pemberton's appearance and delivery this Evening at Sun Set to the Goaler of this City & County and it is farther ordered that in Case the Business cannot be finished this Day, that he be confined every Evening at Sun Set, and let out every Morning at nine OClock till such Time as the business may be finished- for the performance of which the Sheriff is become bound in the penal Sum of five hundred Pounds -provided that this Licence shall extend and be no longer in force than Thursday Evening next, and provided he behave himself peaceably [478a] [Resolved That Rutger Bleecker and Jacob Roseboom Junr. be a Committee to appraise the Guns taken from Pemberton The Committee appointed to appraise the Guns from Pemberton brought in the following Report (to wit)1] Resolved That the three Guns lately taken from Pemberton be brought and Lodged in the Hands of the Chairman till farther orders Albany Committee Chamber 31st July 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Jacob Roseboom Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman John Jacob Beeckman Rutger Bleecker Stephen Lush Bastiaen T. Visscher John Taylor Jacob Bleecker Abraham Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Harmanus Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh [On Motion of Mr. Rutger Bleecker1] Resolved that Jacob Hallenbeck Casper J. Halenbeck, Abraham Hallenbeck, Henry Prevost, William Rea, Coenradt Ten Eyck, Michael Collyer, John Mathise, Peter Ordem, Norman McDonnel, & James Stuart, (Prisoners sent from Cockacksie by order of the secret Committee appointed on Motion of Mr. McCarty) that the four last named now confined remain in Confinement and that the seven first above named be delivered over to the Officer who commanded the Party who con1 Crossed out in the text, 506 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE ducted them here & that the said Officer be directed to Obey the Orders of the Officer who committed the sd. Prisoners to his Care [479] On Motion of General Ten Broeck resolved that Joseph Ferris a Prisoner from Schoharry be set in Irons. Ordered that Rutger Bleecker & Abm- Ten Eyck be added to the Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to Governor Trumbull to go with the Prisoners to Connecticut and that they bring in the Draft at four OClock This Afternoon and that the said Committee shall also bring in a Draft of the Instructions to be given to the Officer of the Guard and consider and make Report of the Ways and Means of transporting the said Prisoners to Connecticut, and the Manner of their being there maintained and provided for. Resolved that John Jacob Beekman & Isaac Van Aernam be a Committee to provide a Sloop to transport the Persons confined in the Tory Goal ordered to be sent to Connecticut the said Committee report that they have a Promise from Robert Yates that one of the Sloops hired by him shall be ready on Friday Morning for transporting the said Prisoners agreable to the Resolve aforesaidJohannes Sever[?] a Prisoner from Tryon County having appeared before this Committee and signed the New Association and sworn to observe the same ordered that he be discharged & he is discharged accordingly - Coenradt Barnet a Prisoner under Confinement in Tory Goal having appeared before this Committee and signed the New Association and sworn to observe the same ordered that he be discharged and he is discharged accordingly Adjourned till 4 OClock P. M. [479a] Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp General Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Hars- Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young John Price Rutger Bleecker Jacob Roseboom Junr Stephen Lush Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr John Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh Juns Walter Livingston Abraham Cuyler PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 507 Received a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated July 1776 which said Letter is in the following Words (prout) And in Consequence thereof one thousand and nineteen Pound of Powder was sent to the said Committee by Abraham Marinus and William Van Der Werken Mrs. McAlpin appeared before this Committee and prayed that Captn' McAlpin might be Liberated upon his entering into Parole, and thereby engage that he will inform this Board when he received orders to join his Regiment, and deliver himself upResolved that the prayer of the said Petition or any part cannot be granted John McKinsey, Peter Urquhart and Norman McLeod three of the Persons taken up by the Secret Committee appeared before this Committee and Voluntarily Signed the New Association whereupon they were discharged [480] Resolved That the Prisoners from Coxacckie have leave to go this Night to private Houses in this City, on their giving Bail for their appearance to Morrow Morning at the City Hall Albany Committee Chamber 1st August 1776 [Present] John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp General Ten Broeck Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Junr. Isaac Van Aernam John Williams Robert Yates John Price Rutger Bleecker Abraham Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Stephen Lush Jacob Lansingh Junr Harmanus Wendell Dirck Ten Broeck Mr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer reported that the Twenty three pounds of Powder and fifteen pound of Lead, he received by an order of this Board he had delivered to Capt. Mc.Carty for the use of the first Company of the fifth Battalion of Militia in this County - Resolved That this Committee approve of the Conduct of Mr. Rensselaer and that the Receipt of Capt. Mc.Carty be delivered to General Ten Broeck, Stephen Lush and Hars. Wendell Mr. Lush from the Committee appointed to prepare a Letter for Governor Trumbull respecting the Prisoners to be sent from here to Connecticut brought 508 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE in the following Letter, which is approved of and ordered to be Copied (prout) The said Committee also reported that they had drawn up some Instructions for the Officer Conducting the said Prisoners to Connecticut which are in the following Words (prout) and is [480a] approved of and ordered to be Copied Adjourned till 4 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Harmanus Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr Rutger Bleecker Joseph Young Walter Livingston Stephen Lush Abraham Ten Eyck Abraham Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Rutger Bleeker John Williams Received a Letter from Captn. Richard Varick Secretary to General Schuyler dated this Day, which is in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence thereof On Motion Resolved That Abraham Cuyler go to the several Schippers in this Town, and endeavour too prevail on them to get as much of the necessaries required as possible Mr. Thomas Walker appeared before this Board, and informed that one [blank] had lent General Woedtke1 ~300 this Currency without Interest, that the General lately died and that a Servant of his was now in Town with all the Effects, of the General and Claims the same as his own property, And prayed that some Steps might be taken by this Board to secure the Effects for the payment of his Creditors Thereupon Resolved that Messrs. Thomas Walker John Bay, and Robert Ray be and they are hereby empowered to take the said Effects into their Custody & make an Inventory of the same and [481] shall report to this Board with all Convenient Speed their Proceedings therein. Received a Letter from Simon Covil dated this Day which is in the following Words (prout) 1 Baron Frederic William de Woedtke, appointed a brigadier-general by the Continental Congress March 16, 1776. Journals of the Continental Congress, 4:209-10,226,294. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 509 On Motion Resolved That the said Simon Covil be brought before this Board - The said Covil appeared, and on hearing in his Defence to the charge preferred against him, and his alligations of the Nature and Cause from whence the Complaint against him arose - Resolved That the said Simeon Covil be remanded to the Goal, till next General meeting. Albany Committee Chamber 2nd August 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp General Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler John M. Beeckman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Stephen Lush Jacob Roseboom Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck John Price Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Taylor Isaac Van Aernam On Motion of Mr. Lush Resolved that this Committee give Walter Livingston Esqr' unsollicited a Certificate (prout) of his good Behaviour in the City of Albany as Deputy Commissary General for the State of New York. Resolved That Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Treasurer pay to John Fish twenty pounds and take his Receipt for the same Received a t ctter from Henry Van Schaack and others dated this Day which is in the following /Words to wit (prout) [481a] Resolved That the following be sent in Answer thereto Resolved That Daniel Mc.Alpin remain in Confinement till next General Meeting as he offers to Sign a Parole of the Tenor before proposed The Secretary laid before [this board] the following Letter for the Committee of Dutchess County respecting the Tories sent from this Place to Connecticut which is approved of and ordered to be Copied and sent to said Committee (prout) Adjourned till 3 OClock P M. 510 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr Rutger Bleecker John M. Beeckman John Ten Broeck John Price Jacob Bleecker JunrJacob Roseboom Junr. John Tayler John Williams Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck Stephen Lush Harmanus Wendell John Ja Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Walter Livingston One James Stewart a person 'highly inimical both by Words and Actions to the Rights and Liberties of the United States of America, This Committee have reason to suspect is near Schoharry Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be wrote to the Committee of Schonectady requesting to send a Party in quest of him, which was done in the following Words, to wit (prout) [482] Resolved That Samuel Stevenson the present keeper of the Tory Goal, leave the same to Morrow Morning and that Volkart Dawson immediately take possession thereof, and be and he is hereby during the pleasure of this Committee appointed keeper of the said Goal on the same Conditions that the present Goaler now keeps the same - Whereas it has been suggested to this Committee that Stephen De Lancey, Abraham C. Cuyler and others sent from this City to Connecticut are extremely busy in Vilifying the Character and Capacity of General Schuyler and thereby aggravating the Jealousy of the People in that Government already too much prejudiced against the General And whereas Governor Trumbull for want of the particular Crimes wherewith those Gentlemen stand charged has permitted them to intermix with the good People of the Town of Hartford and particularly Lieut. Angus McDonald has the priviledge of Six Miles around said place from which Circumstances it may be reasonably expected that a Correspondence is maintained between the Officers Confined at Whethersfield and the said Gentlemen at Hartford, and probably over the whole Continent Thereupon Resolved That a Committee of three be appointed to Write a Letter to his Honour Govr. Trumbull setting forth the Crimes of the Six Tories sent to Hartford, and requesting hiim that the Priviledge of Lieut. McDonald may PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 511 be Curtailed, and that the others may be [482a] seperated, so as to prevent in some measure, to prevent their Malicious Reports against General Schuyler & others. The Committee appointed are Jer. Van Rensselaer Walter Livingston & Stephen Lush - or any two of them - Albany Committee Chamber 3rd August 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Harmanus Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Stephen Lush John M. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ten Broeck General Ten Broeck Collo. Lansingh Pro Temp John Price Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Williams Robert Yates Walter Livingston Coll. Ten Broeck Jno~ Tayler Isaac Van Arnum Jeremiah Van Rensselaer General Ten Broeck moved (and was seconded) That Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, John Price, Joseph Young, John Williams and John M. Beeckman The Secret Committee appointed last General meeting to receive the information of 2 and carry into execution such measures as might be Concerted by them, Report their proceedings concerning the premisses without Delay Resolved Unanimously in the Affirmative Resolved That a Committee of three be appointed to examine George Welbank, and Joseph Ferris and Report their proceedings by Tuesday next. The Committee appointed are, Dirck Ten Broeck, Joseph Young, John Ten Broeck & Robert Yates or any three of them - [483] Resolved That Samuel Stevenson be and he is hereby discharged of being keeper or Goaler of the Tory Goal, and ordered to deliver the Keys thereof immediately to Volkart Dawson, who is appointed keeper or Goaler of said Goal, and to take Charge of the Prisoners confined in said Goal [Complaint was preferred to this Board that Salt was sold in this City at the exorbitant price of 16/ V Bushel - and upon Considering the Resolve of the Honorable Continental Congress of the 30th of May last whereby the 1 Dirck Ten Broeck. 2 Blank. 512 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Committees of Observation and Inspection of the United States are empowered to regulate the price of Salt.] Whereas the Honble Continental Congress on the 30t of May last did recommend it to the Committees of Observation and Inspection in the united States so to regulate the price of Salt as to prevent unreasonable exactions on the part of the Seller, having due regard to the difficulty and risk of importation And whereas complaints have been preferred to this Board that Salt is now sold in this City at a most exorbitant price, and that only in large Quantities. This Committee taking the same into Consideration and in pursuance of the above recited Resolution do hereby order and direct that Salt in this City shall be sold at the Rate or Price of 8/3 V Bushel in the smallest Quantity and that no larger Quantity be sold to each Person applying than one Bushell - And Whereas Joshua Watson of this City having a large Quantity of that Commodity in Stores, and not being in Town, and Persons daily calling in the most pressing manner for it- Thereupon Resolved [483a] That Anthony A Bratt be and he is hereby appointed to measure out and sell the said at the Rate or Price aforesaid, and to sell no larger Quantity than one Bushel to each Person applying- And he is hereby authorised and empowered to retain in his Hands [for his trouble 1] out of the said Sum of 8/3 [the sum ] three pence for each Bushel he shall so measure out and sell Albany Committee Chamber 5 August 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Ten Broeck Robert Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher Collo. Lansingh 4 John Price Stephen Lush Capt. Beeckman Ab. Ten Eyck General Ten Broeck Henry Van Veghten Collo. Ten Broeck s Joseph Young Mr Robert Van Rensselaer laid before this Board an Account of his attendance in the provincial Congress amounting to ~68 which is allowed of and ordered to be paid - 1 Crossed out in the text. 2 John M Beeckman 3 Dirck Ten Breeck 4Jacob Lansing Jr. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 513 Mr. Matthew Visscher laid an Account before this Board of Cash paid for Barrels and riding the Powder to the Magazine amounting to ~3..2.. 6 which is allowed of and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same[484] Albany Committee Chamber 6th August 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Major Cuyler1 Jacob Roseboom JunJohn Ja Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Stephen Lush Isaac Van Aernam Ab. Ten Eyck John Williams Joseph Young General Ten Broeck Robert Yates Henry Van Veghten Major Hubly appeared before this Board and represented to them, that the late Baron De Woedtke owned some Money to the United States of America, and also to the Gentlemen of the Army - and upon Considering the order of this Board respecting the Effects of the said Baron, and the matter now represented This Committee are of Opinion that the Claims of the several Claimants be laid before this Board without delay, that a representation thereof may be made to Congress with all Convenient speed, And it farther appears from the representation made by Major Hubly, that the late Baron had given the Horse now in the Possession of the Major to Doctor Potts, and thereupon are of Opinion that the said Horse be appraised by two indifferent appraisers to be appointed by this Board and that Major Hubly give Sufficient Security to this Board for the return of said Horse to Doctor Potts, and procure Security from the said Dr. Potts, that in Case it shall be [484a] determined that the said Horse is not the property of Dr Potts, or if the said Horse shall die thro' ill usage or neglect, that he the said Dr- Potts shall pay to such Person or Persons as shall be appointed the appraised Value thereof, or if the said Horse shall be injured thro ill usage & neglect and determined not to be the property of the said Dr. Potts then the said Dr.Potts shall pay to such Person or Persons aforesaid such Sum of Money as shall be determined to be equal to the Loss sustained by the ill usage or neglect aforesaid according to the said appraised Value and in Case of failure of procuring such Security, 1 Abraham Cuyler. 17 514 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that then the said Major Hubly be answerable for the performance of the Articles mentioned in the aforegoing Resolution Resolved That Jacob Roseboom Junr. and Collo- Myndert Roseboom, be and they are hereby appointed to appraise the Horse mentioned in the above Resolution, and that they make Report to this Board with all Speed As the remainder of the Horses belonging to the Estate of the said Baron, are perishable Resolved That the said Horses be sold at public Vendue to the highest Bidder, and that Henry Van Veghten be and he is hereby appointed to sell the said Horses Saddles and Bridles in manner aforesaid, and make Report of his proceedings thereon to this Board immediately after Sale, The Day appointed for Sale is Thursday next [485] at two OClock in the afternoon, and that Notice be given accordingly - This Committee in Consequence of a Request from the Committee of the Convention of the State of New York, have employed three Sloops to Transport Logs down to Poughkeepsie and the High Lands, are of Opinion that the owners of the two Sloops, who proceeded as far as poughkeepsie are entitled to fifteen pounds a peice and the one which proceeded to the High Lands to sixteen pounds Albany Committee Chamber 8th August 1776 Present John Barclay Chairma Stephen Lush Anthony Van Bergen Myndert Roseboom Philip P. Schuyler Hars. H Wendell George White Edward Jewit Ab. Ten Eyck Rr. Bleecker Frederick Berger Jer. Van Rensselaer John Van Orden John Williams Philip Rockefeller Adiourned till 2 OClock P M. n Pro Temp Richard Bronck John M. Beeckman General Ten Broeck Dirck Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Philip Van Veghten Harmanus Wendell Stephen J. Schuyler Walter Livingston John Tayler Anthony Van Schaick Jacob Roseboom Junr. Rynier Van Aelstyn PROCEEDINGS, AaUGUST, 1776 515 PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 515 [485a] Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay ( Hars. H Wendell Myndert S. Ten Eyck John A Bratt Jacob C Schermerhorn Philip P Schuyler Jacob Ja Lansingh John H Beeckman Rynier Van Aelstyn Bastiaen T. Visscher Edward Jewit John Van Orden Jacob Roseboom Junr. Isaac Fonda Corns* G. Van Den Bergh Killiaen Van Rensselaer Richard Bronck Frederick Berger chairman Pro Temp Anthony Van Bergen John Price Stephen Lush John M. Beeckman Philip Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom Harmanus Wendell Rutger Bleecker Joseph Young George White John Frisbe David McCarty General Ten Broeck Stephen J. Schuyler John Williams Jeremiah Van Rensselaer David Preston Levy Preston [Mr Philip P. Schuyler moved & was seconded That Mr Cornelius Glen be sent for, and required to give in the Names of the Persons who bought the Quantiy of Tea ] Resolved That a Committee be appointed to bring in Rules by which the Tea in the City and County of Albany may be discovered and brought to an Indiscriminate Sale and make Report thereof to this Board by to Morrow The Committee appointed are Messrs Rutger Bleecker, Philip P. Schuyler, David McCarty, Anthony Van Schaick, and Joseph Young [4861 Information was given to this Board that William Pemberton had in a Celler in this City a Quantity of Pork, for the avowed purpose of the Ministerial Troops Thereupon Resolved Messrs John Ten Broeck and Stephen J. Schuyler 1 Crossed out in the text. 516 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE be a Committee to enquire into the above matter and examine such Witnesses which respect said matter and make Report with all Convenient Speed. On Motion Resolved That Simeon Covill be admitted to Bail on his entring into Bond with security in the Penal Sum of ~500 for his appearance before this Board at their next General Meeting and have Liberty in the Name and by the authority of this Board to Cite such Witnesses as he shall think proper to appear before this Board at the above Time, And it is farther Resolved That the several Members of the Committee for the District of Cambridge be cited to appear at the same time Ordered that the said Committee be served with a Copy of this Resolution - The Committee appointed to enquire into the Quantity of Pork said to be in a Celler of this City and belonging to Wm- Pemberton, and to examine such Witnesses relative thereto as should appear before them made Report That there were nine Barrels of Pork eight of which Crookshanks has purchased and one by the Chairman and the examination of one Ezekiel Cooper which is in the following Words (to wit) [486a] Ordered That the Charge contained in the said Affidavit against Pemberton be transmitted to Governor Trumbull Resolved That Captn- Daniel Ml.Alpin be Liberated on his entring into parole, as shall be prescribed by this Board. Resolved That this Board will take into Consideration the Charges against the Prisoners from Coxackie, and that they be Considered seperately - Adjourned till 8 OClock P M. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 517 Met according to Adjournment [9th? August, 1776] Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Price Corns. G Van Den Bergh John H Beeckman Killiaen V: Rensselaer John Williams Anthony Van Schaick John Van Orden John M. Beeckman John Frisbe Wilhels: Van Antwerp Myndert S. Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen Lush Harms. Wendell Ab. Ten Eyck Rr Bleecker Jacob Lansingh Junr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Philip P. Schuyler Hezekiah Van Orden George White General Ten Broeck Jacob C. Schermerhorn David Preston Edward Jewit Dirck Ten Broeck Levi Preston Henry Van Veghten Philip Rockefeller Joseph Young Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Richard Bronck Walter Livingston David MrCarty John Ten Broeck Anthony Van Bergen John Tayler Harmanus H Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr [487] Pursuant to a Resolve of Yesterday this Committee proceeded to examine the Charges alledged against the Prisoners from the District of Coxackie and thereupon ordered that James Stewart agreeable to appeal be brought before the Board, and that Messrs- Rutger Bleecker Stephen Lush and David Mc.Carty examine the said Stewart Resolved That a Committee be appointed to draw up Rules and regulations for the Government of the Sub Committee during the recess of the General Committee- The Committee appointed are Messrs Abraham Ten Eyck Stephen Lush, Joseph Young George White Harmanus H. Wendell and David McCarty and ordered to Report with all Speed. The Committee appointed to bring in Rules by which Tea may be discovered and brought to an Indiscriminate Sale in this City and County, brought in their Report, which is in the following Words to wit 518 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE On Motion Resolved That the said Report be Confirmed, and that Jacob Lansingh Junr John Williams and John Price be the Committee for the purpose mentioned in the above Report. Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. [487a] Met according to Adjournment Present. Chairman John Barclay Anthony Van Schaick Jacob Lansingh Junr George White David McCarty Hezekiah Van Orden Wilhels- Van Antwerp Philip P: Schuyler Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price John Williams Anthony Van Bergen John Van Orden Richard Bronck John H. Beeckman Philip Frisbe Jacob Roseboom Junr. Pro Temp Myndert S. Ten Eyck Stephen Lush Hars- Wendell Henry Van Veghten Dirck Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Harms- H. Wendell Myndert Roseboom Edward Jewit General Ten Broeck Rr Bleecker John M. Beeckman Joseph Young Philip Rockefeller Killiaen Van Rensselaer David Preston Levy Preston On Motion Resolved That the Prisoners from Coxackie be told their Crimes, and Tendered the New Association for Signing The said Prisoners to wit Abraham Halenbeeck, William Ray, Michal Collier, Coenradt A Ten Eyck, Casper J. Halenbeeck, Henry Provoost Jacob Halenbeeck, Matthyse Van Dyck, appeard. and were told their Crimes, and Voluntarily Signed the New Association Ordered thereupon that the said Persons be discharged and pay the Charges that have accrued in the apprehending them, to the Committee of the District of Coxackie. [488] James Hewetson was also brought up with the Prisoners from Coxackie, and appeared before this Board, and discharged upon his former Parole, and recommended to him to be strict for the future in the observance of it, PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 519 On Motion of Mr. Rensselaer- Resolved That James Stewart be liberated from confinement on the same footing as the rest of the Prisoners from Coxackie This Committee in pursuance of the Resolves of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York proceeded to the Nomination of the Officers for the two Companies of Rangers, and the Company to Guard the Stores in this City, and thereupon appointed John A Bratt and Alexander Baldwin Captains for the Ranger Companies and Marte Van Beuren, John B. Marselis, Michael Jackson and John Jost Sidney Lieutenants for said Companies - and Stephen Lush Captain for the Company to guard the Stores in Albany, and Gerrit Staats and Jacob J. Lansingh Lieutenants- Ordered thereupon that Warrants issue accordingly and that the Convention be acquainted with this Nomination Adjourned till 8 OClock A M. Met according to Adjournment [August 10, 1776] Present. Chairman John Barclay John H Beeckman Henry Van Veghten John Price Isaac Van Aernam Richard Bronck Anthony Van Bergen John M. Beeckman Stephen Lush [488a] Abraham Ten Eyck Joseph Young Philip Frisbe Bastiaen T. Visscher George White Pro Temp. John Tayler Walter Livingston Jacob Lansingh Junr. Corns- G Van Den Bergh Myndert Roseboom Edward Jewit Hars H Wendell Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ja Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr General Ten Broeck Rr Bleecker An Account of Samuel Loadman was laid before this Board amounting to ~2.. 12 which is allowed of and ordered to be paid Also an Account of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer amounting to ~2.. 13.. 2 Also of John Price of 1..0..0 Which were allowed and ordered to be paid 520 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That in the arranging of the Captains for the Ranging Companies, that whoever has the oldest former Commission shall take Rank, and that the Lieutenants belong to, and take their Rank in the following manner Alexander Baldwin Capt. John Bratt Capt. Michael Jackson 1 Liut. John B Marselis 1 Lt. Marte Van Beuren 2 Do. John Jost Sidnigh 2 D. Resolved That Gerrit Staats be first Liut. and Jacob J. Lansingh Second Liut' in Capt' Stephen Lush's CompanyMr. Tayler moved and was seconded by Mr W. Livingston That the proceedings of this Board of Yesterday respecting the Prisoners from the District [489] of Coxackie be Rescinded - Upon which Debates arising - and the Question being put Resolved in the Negative - On Motion Resolved That Robert Kimble be requested to attend this Board, for examination A Petition from the Committee of the District of Hosick against Colonel Daniel Bratt was laid before this Board and readOrdered thereupon that the said Daniel Bratt be served with a Copy of said Petition and cited together with the Committee of Hosick to appear before this Board at the next General Meeting - and that they in the Name and by the authority of this Board cite such Witnesses to appear before this Board at that time as they shall think proper Adjourned till 4 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr. Rutger Bleecker John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher John Tayler Myndert Roseboom John Price John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young Walter Livingston John Williams Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jacobus Oliver was brought before this Board being one of the Persons pointed out in the Examination of Joseph Ferris as being enlisted in the Service [489a] of the King of Great Britain, and upon having them both PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 521 face to face, and examining them Ordered that the said Jacobus Oliver be remanded back to the place from whence he came Resolved That Henry Van Veghten be added to the Committee appointed to discover and bring to an Indiscriminate Sale the Tea in this City and County, and that the said Committee call on Monday Morning next on Henry Staats, and desire him not to send any of the Tea in his Custody out of this City & County Albany Committee Chamber 12th Augst: 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom Henry Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Roseboom Jur. Abraham Cuyler Hars- Wendell Joseph Young John M. Beeckman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Williams Jacob Cuyler John Price John Ten Broeck Resolved that an order be given on Walter Livingston Esqr Deputy Commissary General to issue Provisions for eleven Tory Prisoners confined in the Goal of the City & County of Albany Mr. Henry Van Veghten pursuant to a Resolution Reported that he had in Consequence of said Resolution proceeded to the Sale of the three Horses [490] Bridles & Saddles part of the Estate of the late Baron De Woedtke at public Vendue and that the Sale of the whole amounted to ~78..2 and after deducting the Charges and disbursements thereon, there is a Ballance due in his Hands of ~75..8..9 Thereupon Resolved That the said Henry Van Veghten deliver the said Sum of Seventy five Pounds 8/9 to Mr Thomas Walker and the rest of the Committee appointed by this Board to take the Effects of the said Baron into their Custody and take their Receipt for the same John Hewson Edward Painter and [blank] taken up by the Military and now confined - Ordered that they be discharged. Received a Letter from Abraham Yates Junr. Mat. Adgate and John Js. Bleecker dated the 26 July & 1st Augst. which is in the following Words to wit 522 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received also a Letter from Peter R. Livingston dated the 8th August which is in the following Words, to wit, Resolved That Josiah Bleakly be ordered to attend this Board at their next meeting and enter into the Security heretofore required from himResolved That Messrs. Joseph Young, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Jacob Cuyler be a Commmittee to revise amend and correct the Letter heretofore Draughted for Congress [490a] respecting Abraham C Cuyler and others The Committee appointed to discover the Tea in the City of Albany Reported that they had found the following Quantity of Tea in the possession of the following Persons to wit, Henry Staats five Boxes Philip Van Rensselaer 2 Casks but Mouldy Jacob Cuyler 250 Us Wt. John Boyd Senr. 600 Do Albany Committee Chamber 14 Augt. 1776 Present Jno. Barclay Esqr Isaac Van Arnum Ab Ten Eyck Garret Lansing Myndert Rooseboom Rutger Bleecker Chairman Jn~- M Beeckman Dirck Ten Broock Jno Ja Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Doctor Young Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. Jno. Barclay Esqr. Chairman Dirck Ten Broock Garret Lansingh Junr. Doctor Young Jno~ M. Beeckman Ab Ten Eyck Coll Lansing Jacob Rooseboom John Price Myndt Roseboom PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 523 Albany C. Chamber 15th July [August] 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr. Abraham Cuyler John Williams John H Beeckman Harms. Wendell Myndert Roseboom John Price Jacob Roseboom Jun Joseph Young Isaac Van Aernam Jeremiah Van Rensselaer [491] The Committee appointed to revise amend and Correct the Letter to the Provincial Congress respecting Abraham C. Cuyler and others, brought in the following Letter which is approved of, and ordered to be sent down by the first oppertunity An Account of Myndert Roseboom and Abraham Ten Eyck was laid before this Board amounting to ~2..6..4- and is approved of and ordered to be paid. An account of Aron Van Deusen was laid before this Board amounting to ~6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid - An account of Christiaen Valkenburgh for transporting 6963 Is- of Powder from Collo. Hoffman's amounting to ~20..18, being charged at 6/ ) hundred- Upon Consideration Resolved that he be allowed at the Rate of four Shillings V hundred, being ~13.. 19 and that the Treasurer pay the same Also an Account of Absalom Wodworth for transporting of Powder amounting to ~4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid A petition of Samuel Hanna was laid before this Board setting forth that Jillis Lagrange had taken a Horse from him and prayed for advice for the recovery thereof - Thereupon Resolved that the said Samuel Hanna and Jillis Lagrange be and they are hereby Cited to appear before this Board on Saturday next at nine OClock in the Morning, and they are hereby ordered and empowered to Cite such Witnesses as they shall think proper to appear at the same time [491a] The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Scarcity of Stockings, and to Consider Ways and means for the supplying the same, brought in the following Report (prout) which is approved of, and ordered that Mr Rensselaer to get a number of Copies Printed, that they may be dispersed. 524 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from John Van Aelen Chairman of the Committee of Claverack dated 14th August Inst. which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered that David Huffman and Johannis Huffman be confined in the Goal of the City & County of Albany A Petition of the Association Company was laid before this Board setting [forth?] that they had elected Andrew Douw Captain and Peter Van Bergen Ensign, and prayed that Commissions may be made out accordingly by this Board —Ordered thereupon that Commissions be applied for and issued accordingly Albany Committee Chamber 17th Augst 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Harms. Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck John Price Joseph Young Stephen Lush Jeremiah Van Rensselaer James MaGee Henry Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr. General Ten Broeck Collo- Ten Broeck Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Tayler Received a Letter from Collo. Corns- Wynkoop dated 10th August 1776 which is in the following Words to wit [492] An Account of Captain James MaGee was laid before this Board incurred in the apprehending of the Tory's at Kinderhook amounting to ~23...5.. 2 ~10.. 1.. 8 part thereof being Money the Captain advanced for the subsistance of fifty two Men on said Expedition, Ordered that the same be allowed and that the Treasurer pay the same ~10.. I..8 and that a Committee be appointed to ascertain the Wages of the Men and make Report to this Board without delay. The Committee appointed for that purpose are Joseph Young, John Price and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. A Letter from the Revd' Harry Munro dated 15th August 1776 praying a pass for New Jersey and Philadelphia Resolved that the request of said Munro be not grantedOrdered that the Treasurer pay Edward S. Willet ten pounds for transporting the Tories from Albany to Redhook PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 525 Albany Committee Chamber 19th Augst- 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Gerrit Lansingh Junr1 John Ten Broeck Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Harmanus Wendell Leond Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell John Price Henry Van Veghten General Ten Broeck An Account of Thomas L. Witbeeck was laid before this Board for going express to the different Districts for Carriages to transport provisions to Lake George for General Schuyler amounting to ~2.. 15 Ordered that the Secretary certify that the same [492a] is just and true and ought to be paid An Account of also of Thomas L Witbeeck for going express was laid before this Board amounting to ~7..3 which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same Resolved That the Secretary pass his Receipt to Mr Abraham Yates Junr. for two hundred and ten pounds, to be applyed for the use of the Ranging Companies, and it is farther Resolved That the Secretary pay Capt. John A Bratt and Alexander Baldwin each one hundred Pounds and take their Notes for the same, and Report his proceedings thereon with all Convenient Speed. An Account of Leond. Gansevoort amounting to ~63 for his attendance in Provincial Congress Ordered that the same be allowed and that the Treasurer pay the same 526 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 20th August 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp General Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort Coll0 Lansingh Joseph Young John Ja Beeckman John M. Beeckman Harmanus Wendell John Williams Jacob Bleecker Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck John Price Collo. Ten Broeck Major Cuyler Stephen Lush Myndert Roseboom Henry Wendell The Revd Harry Munro appeared before this Board, and again applye'd for a pass to go to the Jersey's and Philadelphia, Whereupon on Consideration It is Resolved That the Chairman acquaint you the said Munro, that this Board [493] cannot consistant with their duty grant his Request, as the very Idea of a pass is to recommend the Person having it to the public as a Friend to the Cause and Right of America, and that they extremely lament that they have it not in their Power to give him such a recommendation, as they are Ignorant that he has ever manifested himself such a Friend in any one Instance since the Commencement of the present unhappy Contest - Received a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated August 17th: 1776 accompanying Johannis Davy, Philip Walter, Jacob Freligh Adam P. Empie and Peter Libistine Persons concerned in a Combination with others to join Sr. John in making a Descent on that County which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee took into the Consideration the Petition of Paul Hoghstrosser, and upon hearing the said Paul Hoghstrosser, Corns. Wendell and Jacob Kidney, in support and defence of the Charges contained in the said Petition And thereupon are of opinion that the said Wendell is the Sole Judge in the management of his Watch, and that this Committee cannot remit the fine, and that the said Kidney did wrong in calling Hoghstrosser a Negro, and that said Hoghstrosser was also wrong in opposing in the Execution of his office, and farther that this Committee have no objection to his changing the Watch provided he can make an exchange with a Person belonging to another Watch, and the same be agreeable to [493a] to the Officers The Committee appointed to examine part of the Account of Capt James MaGee accrued in the apprehending the Tory's at Kinderhook brought in the following Report (prout) PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 527 Whereupon Mr. Gansevoort moved and was second That the Consideration of said Report be postponed till next General Meeting, which was carried in the Affirmative Albany Committee Chamber 21st Augst. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Coll Lansingh Jacob Roseboom Junr Jacob Cuyler John Williams Joseph Young Leond Gansevoort Hars- Wendell John Price Stephen Lush Henry Wendell Henry V: Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Jer. Van Rensselaer John Tayler Mr. Tayler moved and was Seconded That Mr Henry Staats, should deliver to this Board, The Tea lately seized by a Sub Committee from this Board-which was carried in tle Affirmative Received a Letter from Mr Hugh Hughes Asst. Quarter Master Gen! dated 18th Augst. 1776 which is in the following Words to wit Thereupon Resolved That Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, HarmnWendell and Henry Wendell be a Committee to Transact the business required in said Letter from this Board Mr. Henry Van Veghten laid before this Board an Account of the Sales of the Horses of Baron [494] De Woedtke, and the Commissions charged thereon of the Sale Thereupon ordered that the said Henry Van Veghten pay the ballance being to Mr Walker, Bay, and Ray, the Committee appointed to take into their Custody the Effects of the said Baron Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 528 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment John Barclay Collo. Lansingh John Price Jacob Cuyler Henry Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr. Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Williams Present. Chairman Pro Temp Major Cuyler John Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Joseph Young Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Received a Letter from Robert Yates Esqr Chairman of the Committee of the Convention of New York dated 20th Instant (prout) Ordered that the Contents thereof be referred to the Committee appointed to procure the Boards for the Quarter Master General [494a] Albany Committee Chamber 22nd Augst 1776 John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh Junr Frederick Berger Albartus Van Loon Killiaen VI Rensselaer John D. Fonda Rynier Van Aelstyn Dirck Ten Broeck John J. Ten Broeck John M Beeckman Collo Lansingh William Dietz Present Chairman Pro Temp Benjamin Young Lancaster Conner Harms- Wendell Gerardus Cluet Edward Jewit Jacob Bleecker Junr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Junr. Phineas Whiteside John Younglove Lourance Schoolcraft Resolved That Coll Dirck Ten Broeck, Jacob Roseboom Junr and Jacob Bleecker Junr. be a Committee to examine the Guns now in the Possession of Robert Fullerton, and lately seized by this Committee, and deliver to the said Fullerton such Guns as they conceive not to belong to the Continental PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 529 Army, and that for those they detain in their Custody they give a Certificate for to said Fullerton From a return of an Election in the District of Manor of Livingston it appears that John A Fonda and Hendrick Pulfer are chosen Committee Men in the Room of John Livingston and Isaac Spoor who declined Serving ordered that they take their Seats accordingly - Johan Jost Sidney nominated Second Lieutenant in Capt. [495] John A. Bratts Company of Rangers, having declined Accepting the Warrant to enlist, and Jacob Jn~ Lawyer being Nominated as a fit and able Person to supply his Place, Ordered that a Warrant be delivered to and filled up for the said Jacob Jno LawyerAdjourned till 2 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh JunrGeneral Ten Broeck Killiaen Van Rensselaer Rynier Van Aelstyn Ph. P Schuyler Abraham D. Fonda Frederick Berger Jacob J Lansingh John D Fonda Nicholas Van Den Bergh Jacob Lansingh Junr' Barent Myndertse John J. Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Volkert Veeder Gerardus Cluet John Younglove Phineas Whiteside Philip Van Veghten Florus Banker Stephen J. Schuyler George White Present Chairman Pro Temp Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Guernsey Benjamin Young John Dennison Michael Overacker William Thorn David Preston Henry Smith John M. Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Price Anthony /an Schaick Edward Jewit Lancaster Conner Henry Van Veghten Albartus Van Loon Lourance Schoolcraft William Dietz Myndert Roseboom Henry Quackenbush Cornelius Doty 530 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE It being suggested to this Board that Comfort Curtis a Member of the Committee of Cambridge District had been expelled from the District Committee Whereupon the advice of the Board was prayed [495a] whether the said Curtis could be admitted a Seat in this Board Whereupon General Ten Broeck moved & was seconded, That the Consideration thereof might be postponed till to Morrow Morning - which was carried in the affirmative Resolved That a Sub Committee be appointed to examine the Witnesses for and against Simeon Covil and report their Testimony to this Board for their examination and determination The Committee appointed are Anthony Van Schaick Florus Banker, William Thorn, John Younglove and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. Mr. Stephen J. Schuyler moved and was seconded That all the Affidavits and Papers produced to this Board, for and against Simeon Covill, be thrown out, and No Notice taken off which was Carried in the Negative The Committee appointed to examine the Guns in the Possession of Robert Fullerton Reported that they had examined the Guns and find Seven Guns in his possession, which they judge belong to the Continental Army to wit three French Musquets, Two Jersey and two belonging to the State of New York which said Musquets, they had detained in their Custody, and had given a Certificate for the same Ordered That the said Guns be delivered to the Continental Store keeper, and that the said Committee take his Receipt for the same, and Report tihe same to this Board Adjourned till 8 OClock A. M PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 531 [496] Met according to Adjournment [August 23rd 1776] John Barclay Henry Quackenbush Peter Guernsey Leond Gansevoort Bastiaen T. Visscher Lancaster Conner Benjamin Young Edward Jewit Samuel Rowland Michael Overacker David Preston Henry Smith Philip Van Veghten Barent Myndertse John M. Beeckman Gerardus Cluet Present Chairman Pro Temp John D. Fonda Nicholas Van Den Bergh James Dennis John J. Ten Broeck Albartus Van Loon Harmanus Wendell John Price Phineas Whiteside Corns. G. Van Den Bergh Joseph Young Jacob Roseboom Junr John Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Walter Livingston Pursuant to an order of this Board last General Meeting Collo- Daniel Bratt appeard before this Board, and the Committee of the District, and the said Collo- Bratt declaring their willingness, and desire to have the same determined and setteld among themselves Thereupon Resolved That their request be granted, and that the said Committee take with them their Petition against the said Bratt and endeavour to determine and settle the dispute between themselves Received a Letter from Dr. Jonathan Potts dated Fort George 19th Instant, inclosing draught of [496a] an Advertisement, setting for the Want the Army is in for Linnen &c. and the necessity of having a Supply speedily Thereupon Resolved That Copies be made of the said Advertisement, and that Jacob Roseboom Junr in the City of Albany and the Chairman of of the respective District Committees receive the Linnen and Herbs that may be brought to them and gave a Certificate to the Persons that bring it for the Quantity they shall so bring Mr. Francis P. Fister appeared before this, [Board] and complained that he had been molested and interrupted by Mr David Smith, and that one of his Servants had also been Molested 532 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Thereupon Resolved That the said David Smith be requested to attend this Board at their next General meeting that an Inquiry may be made in the matter An account of the expences in apprehending Francis P. Fister, Fraser and MaComb was laid before this Board - Ordered That the said Account be examined, by Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and John Price, and that they make Report thereon An Account of John Ostrander was laid before amounting to ~37..4..9 1/2 for his Services in attending this Board Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same Also an Account of ~8.. 19 was laid before this Board of the said Ostrander for the purchase of a number of Bayonets for this Board Ordered That the Treasurer pay the same to Mat. Visscher Secry. to this Committee and that the said Secy: strike up an advertisement [497] acquainting all those that have any Demands for Bayonets owing by this Committee that they may call on him for payment An Account of James Phelps amounting to ~2.. 4 for apprehending Michael McMullen Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same Adjourned till two OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman John Ten Broeck John J. Ten Broeck John D. Fonda John Younglove Killiaen Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher James Dennis Edward Jewit Florus Banker Dr. [blank] Corns' G. Van Den Bergh Peter Guernsey Corneleius Doty Barent Myndertse Pro Temp Benjamin Young Levy Preston David Preston Henry Smith Jonathan Thorn Anthony Van Schaick Phineas Whiteside John Tayler Philip Van Veghten Henry Wendell John Price Henry VanVeghten PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 533 A number of Affidavits were laid before this Board against John Boyd of this City Merchant In Consequence of which the said Boyd was ordered to attend the Board, and on his appearance the Charges contained in the Affidavit were read to him part of which he confessed - Thereupon Resolved That the said John Boyd be confined in the upper apartment of the Goal of the City and County of Albany till farther orders - [497a] On Motion Resolved That proper Persons be appointed by the Committees of each District to wait upon the Majistrates in their respective Districts and inform themselves whether said Majistrates chuse to issue Precepts A-d Act in their Offices agreeable to a Resolution of the Representatives of the States of New York entered into July 16th 1776 and that the Names of such Majistrates who refuse to Act as above be transmitted to this Board. Resolved That a Committee be appointed to wait on General Schuyler, and request of him whether he conceives it proper that Capt. McAlpin should be liberated from Confinement, upon certain restrictions and if so that the General point out the restrictions The Committee appointed are John Tayler and Philip P. Schuyler. Mr Lush moved and was seconded That the resolve of this Board of last meeting in regard to the Prisoners from Coxackie District so far as it respects James Stewart, and the resolve respecting the said Stewart solely be rescinded which was carried in the Negative Adjourned till 8 OClock A. M [498] Met according to Adjournment Present Chairman John Barclay Collo Lansingh Jer. Van Rensselaer Florus Banker Benjamin Young Philip P. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher David Preston Levy Preston Phineas Whiteside John Younglove Henry Smith [24th, Aug. 1776] Pro Temp Corns. G. Van Den Bergh Leonard Gansevoort Gerardus Cluet Jacob Roseboom Junr John Price Henry Wendell Edward Jewit John Tayler John M. Beeckman Harmanus Wendell 534 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE In Consequence of Dr. Jonathan Potts's Letter respecting Old Linnen and Herbs - Resolved That the following Letter be sent to Congress (here take in prout) The Committee of Hosack District laid before this Board an Account of the expences in the apprehending of Francis P. Fister, Hugh Fraser, John MaComb and three Servants of Fister Amounting to ~7.. 1..9 Thereupon Resolved That the said Committee request Payment of the above Sum from the Gentlemen above mentioned, and in Case of refusal that they Levy on the Effects of the said Persons to the Amount of said sum [498a] Mr. Tayler from the Committee appointed to wait on General Schuyler respecting the Liberation of Capt. McAlpin, Reported that in Obedience to order they had waited on the General and laid before him the Case of McAlpin, That the General was of Opinion considering the Age of McAlpin that little or no Harm might be expected from him and that he had no objection to his Liberation but requested that this Committee would take sufficient Security from him - Resolved That this Committee agree with the General in Opinion, and that the said Capt. McAlpin be Liberated from Confinement and permitted to go home, under such restrictions, as shall be thought proper to be prescribed by this Board in his Parole The Committee appointed to examine the Witnesses for and against Simeon Covil Reported that they had examined Lewis Van Woert, David Sprague, James Cowen & Jonathan Woodard and recommended a farther examination should be ordered in the Premisses to be taken before the Committee of Hosick District in presence of said Covil and the parties prosecutors & that return thereof be made to this Board the next meeting and if any Citations should be necessary, that the parties apply for the same to the present Session all which they nevertheless submitt to the board for approbation Resolved That this Committee agree with their [499] Committee in the Report, and that the same be deemed and taken as Act and Order of this Board A Petition of John Boyd was laid before this Board (prout) The said John Boyd appeared before this Board, and Voluntary Signed the New Association and swore allegiance to the States of America in return for the protection of their LawsOrdered thereupon that the said Boyd be discharged upon paying the Goal Fees. Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 535 Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Collo0 Lansingh Levy Preston Joseph Young Henry Smith John Tayler Corns. G. Van Den Bergh John Price Isaac Fonda Florus Banker Rutger Lansingh David Preston Gerardus Cluet Mr. Simeon Covill appeared before this Board and prayed that he might be furnished with a Citation from this Board to such Witnesses as he should think proper to cite before the Committee of Hosick to give Evidence touching such matters as they know concerning the said Covill's Conduct in the present dispute between Great Britain and the United States of America Resolved that the prayer of the said Covill be [499a] granted and that in the name, and by the Authority of this Board he be and is hereby authorized to Cite such Witnesses to appear before the Committee of Hosick as he shall think proper, and at such Time and place as he shall appoint to give Evidence touching such matters as shall be required of them Resolved That Nicholas Weaver be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bail for his future good behaviour Albany Committee Chamber 27th Augst 1 776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jer Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom John Price Jacob Roseboom Junr. John M Beeckman Albany Committee Chamber 28th Augst 1776 Present Jacob Lansingh Junr. Chairman Pro Temp Henry Wendell Abraham Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Williams Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Price Joseph Young Jacob Roseboom Juny 536 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ensign John Fisk laid before this Board an Account of the Money by him expended in the transportation of the Prisoners lately sent from this Place to the State of Connecticut amounting to ~58..9.. 7 which is allowed [500] and ordered to be paid. The Treasurer Reported that he had not a sufficient Sum of Money in Hand for the Payment of the same Thereupon Resolved That Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Joseph Young be a Committee to wait on Mr. Trumbull the Pay Master in the Northern Department and borrow the same from him and pledge the faith of this Board for the repayment of the same Received a Letter from Govr. Trumbull dated 9th Instant which is in the following Words (prout) Received also a Letter from Benjamin Payne Chairman of the Committee of Hartford dated 23rd Instant which is in the following Words (prout) Resolved That the following Order be drawn on the Convention of the State of New York for two thousand pounds Gent~ Please to pay into the Hands of the Deputies of the County of Albany in Convention at Harlem or either of them the Sum of Two thousand pounds Current Money of the State of New York and place the same to Acct. of Gent. Your Obt. Hum1 ServtsBy order of Committee To Nathaniel Woodhull Esqr. President of the Convention of the State of New York [500a] Albany Committee Chamber 29th August 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Henry Van Veghten Leond Gansevoort Dirck Ten Broeck John Williams Bastiaen T. Visscher Jerh. Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr. John M. Beeckman John Tayler Stephen Lush John Price John Ja Beeckman PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1776 537 Received a Note from Mrs. Schuyler praying that William Tunnicliff might be released from Confinement on his entring into Bond for his future good behaviour Thereupon Resolved That the said William Tunnicliff be Liberated from Confinement on his Signing the Test and Swearing allegiance to the States in return for the protection of their Laws- The said Tunnicliff appeared and refused to sign and swear as above, was ordered to be remanded An Acct. of John Graves Sergt was laid before this Board amounting to ~2 for expences accrued in Transporting the Tryon County Tories Thereupon Resolved That the same be recommended for payment to Gen1l Schuyler Albany Committee Chamber 30th Augst. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman John Williams Gerrit Lansingh Junr Joseph Young John Ja Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Wendell Abraham Cuyler Henry Van Veghten [501] It being suggested to this Board that several Persons in this County have a Quantity of Boards in their Possession and unwilling to part with them and as their is the greatest necessity, that the Army at New York is speedily supplied with as large a Quantity as possibly can be procured Thereupon Resolved That Jeremiah Van Rensselaer purchase all the Boards he possibly can, and take from such Persons as refuse to sell all the Boards he or they have in their Possession and pay them at the same rate others, ask and receive for the same Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Schonectady (prout) [End of volume I of this printed text] [PROCEE D INGS] Albany Committee Chamber 3rd Septr. 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort Myndert Roseboom John Williams Pro Temp John Ja Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Stephen Lush Jacob Bleecker Jun. Abraham Cuyler Ordered That the Secretary give an Order on Hendrick Roseboom to deliver [one1] Two hundred [and fifty1] Pounds of Powder to Collo. Lansingh for the use of 'the Militia of this City, and that the Cartridges heretofore made for the use of the said Militia be returned to the Store for the use of the County in Cases of Emergency - [501a] Albany Committee Chamber 5t Sept. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr. Abraham Cuyler Leonard Gansevoort Goose Van Schaick Edward Jewit Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 1 Crossed out in the text. Pro Temp John Williams Rutger Lansingh Jacob Ouderkerk Stephen Graves Joseph Clark Isaac Van Aernam 539 540 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present Chairman John Barclay Harmanus H. Wendell John Williams John Beebe Philip Frisbe Bastiaen T. Visscher Edward Jewit Henry Van Driesen Goose Van Schaick Myndert Roseboom Stephen Graves Joseph Clark Rutger Lansingh Jacob Ouderkerk Pro Temp George White James Ashton John A Fonda John P. Hansen Michael Van Der Cooke Gerrit Lansingh Junr Leonard Gansevoort Floras Bancker Stephen Lush James Magee Philip P. Schuyler Mindert Roseboom [502] The Committee of the District of Schonectady Reported That they had apprehended one William Marten, and that the Cost accrued thereupon amounted to 40/ and that they had in their possession some Effects of the said Marten Thereupon Resolved That the said Committee cause such a Quantity of the said Effects to be sold at public Vendue as will amount to the said Sum of 40/ and that they return the overpluss (if any be) to the said MartenReceived a Letter from John Fonda Chairman of the Committee of Caghnawago in Tryon County dated 30th August 1 776 - (prout) Received a Letter from John Frey Chairman of the Committee of Tryon County dated 29th August 1776 (prout) Received also a Letter from the Committee of Hosack District dated 31st August 1 776 Inclosing two affidavits concerning Simeon Covill (prout Letter & Affidavits) Information being given to this Board that Joseph R Hubbard Merchant has on Hand for Sale a large Quantity of Salt which he refuses to dispose of, for less than the exorbitant of 14/ P Bushel Thereupon Resolved That Stephen Lush, Joseph Clark and Philip Frisbe be a Committee to regulate the Price of said Salt. and make Report thereof with all Convenient Speed The above Committee brought in the following Report (prout) which was approved of PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 541 [502a] Johannis Seeger appeared before this Board and declared his willingness to Co,operate with The Friends of America, and Voluntary Signed the New Association and swore Allegiance to the States of America in return for the protection of their Laws and thereupon was discharged Jeremiah Pemberton also appeared before this Board and Voluntarily Signed the Test and took the Oath of Alegiance to the States and thereupon was discharged Adjourned till 8 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment [6th Sept., 1776] Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Leonard Gansevoort Stephen Graves Gerrit Lansing Jun'r James Ashton James MaGee John Price Edward Jewit Henry VanDriesen Florus Banker Abraham Cuyler Philip Frisbe Jacob Bleecker JurGeorge White John Beebe Philip Van Veghten Harmanus H Wendell John Williams Jacob C Schermerhorn Michael Van Der Cooke Myndert Roseboom Isaac VanAernam John A. Fonda Jacob Ouderkerk Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Joseph Clark John H. Beeckman Rutger Lansingh Philip P Schuyler Received a Letter from Jesse Root Chairman of the Committee of Hartford setting forth that by advice of Govr. Trumbull they sent Aaron Bratt to this Board for their disposal as he was subject to the Fits of the falling Sickness Thereupon [503] Resolved That the following Certificate be given to said Bratt. "'The Bearor hereof Aaron Bratt having been sent to us by the Committee of Hartford by advice of Governor Trumbull as a Person Subject to the Fits of the falling Sickness to be disposed of by us, as we should think proper, and as we are knowing to the above Fact humanity dictates to us the Necessity of Liberating him and giving him permission to return home he taking Care to 542 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE demean himself as a Friend to America and exhibiting this to the Committee of Tryon CountyTo all whom l it may concern j The Depositions taken by the Committee of Hosack District for and against Simeon Covill were laid before this Board, and the depositions heretofore taken, and the Petitions from the Committee of Cambridge District, and the Committee of the Districts of Cambridge and Hosick. And thereupon Mr Gansevoort moved and was seconded That Simeon Covill be discharged from this prosecution, and that he enter into Bond for his appearance before this Board when called upon which was carried in the Affirmative Adjourned till 2 OClock P: M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman John Williams Myndert Roseboom John A Fonda Philip P Schuyler George White Harms H Wendell [503a] Stephen Graves Joseph Clark Jacob Ouderkerk Philip Frisbe James MaGee Henry Van Driesen Pro Temp Henry Van Veghten John Tayler Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Florus Banker Edward Jewit John Price John Beebe James Ashton Leonard Gansevoort Rutger Lansingh Michael Van Der Cook An Account of Samuel Loadman was laid before this Committee for attending the Tory Prisoners amounting to ~9.. 3.. 6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. The Committee took into Consideration the Report of the Committee concerning the Account of Major Schermerhorn and his party for apprehend PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 543 ing the sixteen Persons from Kinderhook District amounting to ~12..3..5 and thereupon are of Opinion to approve the same And that the Committee of Kings Districts be and they are hereby ordered and empowerd to Levy by distress on the Goods and Chattels of the said Sixteen Persons the above ~12.. 3..5 together with ~10.. 1.. 8 heretofore ordered to be paid by the Treasurer, and expended also in the apprehending said Persons amounting in the whole to ~22.. 5.. 1 and that they report their proceedings thereon to this Board with all speedWilliam Wing who was apprehended for issuing and passing false Money, entered into Bond with three Surety's for his appearance when called upon before any Committee Council of Safety or Assembly for this State in the Sum of one thousand Pounds and also Conditioned for his redemption of the Money yet in Circulation, and was thereupon discharged from Confinement [5041 [Hendrick Van Ostrander appeared before this Board, and complained that there had been an undue Election in the District of the Manor of Rensselaeriw3ck and in the Compan wvher'] Hendrick Van Ostrander appeared before this Board, and alledged that he had been Elected Second Lieutenant in the Company of Militia whereof Dirck Becker is Captain, and that notwithstanding such Election he has never as yet been Commissioned. and it also appearing to this Board that George Hogan had been Elected Ensign in said Company, and that at the time the said Hogan was Ensign in said Company the then Captain Barent Staats was promoted, and a new Election thereupon for Captain ordered by the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, without having any regard to the other Officers Thereupon Ordered That a New Election be ordered in said Company for second Lieutenant that the said Election be held in the presence of the Committee of Manor of Rensselaerwyck or any two of its Members at such Time and place as shall be appointed by the Members who are to Superintend said Election An Account for apprehending Simeon Covill amounting to ~3.. 7.. 9 was laid before this Board by the Committee of Cambridge District which is allowed, and ordered that the said Simeon Covil pay the same Also an Account for Conducting one Peter Miller to Albany amounting to ~0.. 19.. 5 which is allowed, and ordered that the Committee of the District of Cambridge Levy by Distress on the [504al Goods and Chattels of the said Peter Mi1ller to the Amount of the seme Sum 2 Crossed out in the text. 544 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE On Motion Resolved That the Trial & examination of Absolam Creemer, John Duzenbergh and Henry Duzenburgh, come on this meeting - Whereupon the proceedings of the Committee of the Eastern part of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck so far as it respects the said Creemer and Duzenbergh's were read and approved of, which said proceedings are in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereupon Capt MaGee moved & was seconded That John and Henry Duzenbury be Liberated [on their Signing the Test and Swearing 1] from Confinement under such restrictions as shall be prescribed by this Board. The said John and Henry Duzenbury appeared before this Board and Voluntary Signed the New Association and Swore allegiance to the Free and Independant States of America in return for the protection of their Laws, Whereupon they are discharged from Confinement upon their paying their proportionable part of the Charges accrued in apprehending and bringing them to Albany Adjourned till 8 OClock A M Met according to Adjournment [7th Sept., 1776] Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Philip Frisbe Michael Van Der Cook Stephen Lush Jacob Cuderkerk Jacob Lansingh Junr John Price George White Stephen Graves Joseph Clark John Beebe Edward Jewit Myndert Roseboom [505] Leonard Gansevoort Abraham Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated 1st. Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) 1 Crossed out of text. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 545 Thereupon Resolved That Collo' Lansing order that part of the Militia of the County lying nearest to Tryon County, and also order the rest of the Militia of the County to be in readiness to March in an Hours Notice and it farther Resolved that Coll Lansingh Mr Price & Mr Lush be a Committee to Confer with Genl Schuyler on the above matter Resolved That the Commanding Officer of the Militia and two of the Committee of the Districts where the Officers of the Ranging Company's reside, be and they are hereby authorised to Muster the Men by them enlisted for the ranging Service Mr. Philip Frisbe one of the Members of The Committee of Kings District Reported that uneasiness's arose in the Minds of the People of their District respecting the Sale of Hides belonging to the public, that those Hides were sold to one or two Persons belonging to Philadelphia and New Jersey, and that others could not get any of them, that in Consequence thereof People in their and the Neighbouring Districts refuse to sell Cattle for the use of the Army Thereupon Ordered That Mr Livingston Deputy Commissary General be sent for and requested, to give information to this Board respecting said Matter, Mr Livingston appeared and pursuant to request informed them that the matter was Conducted by Mr. Elijah Avery [505a] and that the said Avery had contracted with one Mr. Ogden of New Jersy for all the Hides the public might have this Year at Tyconderoga and that he had been informed the Hides were sold at 10/ V Peice, and that he Mr Livingston had wrote to Mr Avery on the Subject that Mr Avery had wrote him for answer that he acted under the Commissary General to whom alone he was accountable, that he Mr Livingston had also wrote him that he sold the Hides here at 24/ P Hide and that they were carried down by the Waggoners Gratis The Committee appointed to wait on General Schuyler Reported, that they had consulted with General Schuyler, that it was his Opinion that all the Militia of the County should immediately March to the Relief of the County of Tryon Adjourned till 1 OClock P M. 18 546 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present Chairman John Barclay Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Edward Jewit John Beebe Leonard Gansevoort John Williams Joseph Clarke John Price Abraham Ten Eyck Bastiaen T. Visscher Pro Temp Jacob Ouderkerk Stephen Lush George White Michael Van Der Cooke Stephen Graves John Ja Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Philip Frisbe Abraham Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Jeremiah Van Rensselaer James MaGee Henry Quackenbush [506] Mr. Rensselaer moved and was seconded That one half of the Militia of this County immediately be ordered to March to Tryon County, [which wnas carried in the Affimative 1] which was carried accordingly - Mr. Van Rensselaer then moved & was seconded That every Person draughted of the Militia to go at present to the relief of Tryon County and shall refuse or neglect, to March shall forfeit for such Offence the Sum of ~10. except when such Person shall send another in his Stead to be levied on his goods & Chattels by Warrant and in the Hand of the Colo~ of the Regiment from which he was drafted directed to the first Serjeant of the Company to which he belong'd and further that the Payment of the ~10. shall not be a sufficient Excuse for any disaffected Person but that every such suspected Person be requested and ordered to March in Person and in Case of neglect or refusal that he be Confined during the pleasure of this Board. Carried in the Affirmative Mr Rensselaer moved and was seconded That the Men enlisted by Capt. Lush be immediately ordered to be Collected together and that Collo. Van Schaick be requested to Muster them, 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 547 and that they March with the Militia to the relief of Tryon County which was carried in the Affirmative On Motion of Mr Gansevoort Resolved That a Surgeon be ordered to March with the Militia to Tryon County Resolved and ordered That Messrs John Price, Bastiaen T Visscher, Henry Quackenbush, Jacob Roseboom Junr. Isaac Van Aernam & Jeremiah Van Rensselaer be a Committee to inspect and [506a] review all the Militia that go up to Tryon County, and see that they are well Armed and Accoutred. Whereas the present Necessity for Mony to Expedite the Rainging Companies, it is Resolved on the Offer of Mr: Henry Quackinboosh that this Committee Borrow from the [said] Quackinbooss two hundred dollars, for the use of Lieut Jackson of Capt Baldwins Compy. to Enable him to forward the Men by him Inlisted to March on the present Call: Resolved that the Chairman draw a draft on Mr Quackinbooss, in favor of Mr: John Beebe for 200 dollars he the said beebe, Giving a Receipt that the Money Shall be paid to Sd Lieut Jackson in part of the Sum Allowed for the Raising of Sd Rainging Company - Also that Mr. Quackinbook be Repaid by this board out of the first Money Comming to their hands. Resolved That Gerrit Ryckman be and he is hereby appointed Quarter Master to the first Regiment of Militia of Foot in the County of AlbanyAlbany Committee Chamber 8th Sept 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jerh. Van Rensselaer Henry Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Bleecker Junr. George White John Williams Resolved in addition to the Resolve of Yesterday respecting the Mode of draughting the Militia, That in default of Goods and Chattels whereon to Levy the ~10, that the Person offending or refusing to go when draughted be Committed to Close Confinement for three Months unless sooner discharged 1 Rainging is repeated. 548 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [507] Albany Committee Chamber 9th Sept. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Jacob Bleecker Junr. Myndert Roseboom Jacob Lansingh Jun, Stephen Lush John Tayler John Price Pro Temp John Williams Jacob Roseboom Jur. Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansingh Junr Leonard Gansevoort Henry Wendell Leonard Gansevoort Esqr. one of the deputies of this County [& the only one 1] Being drafted as one of the Militia to March to the frontiers of tryon County It is Resolved by this board that Mr Gansevoort is not Included in the Resolve of the Seventh of this Month, but left to his own discression to Act as He Judges Most prudent & Convenient [he Always having Regard to Act in the dignity as becommeth A Representative of this State '] Resolved that Mr John Price be appointed to have the Jail Repaird in the best Manner, & that this Committee will pay the Charge thereof Whereas the present Call for the Militia in Tryon County has unavoidably subjected some of the Members of this Committee to March up with their different and respective Companies And Whereas this Committee will in Consequence of the said necessary absence of some of its Members not be able to collect so many Members as by a Resolve of this Committee Constitutes a Board Resolved Therefore that any five Members of the said Committee do constitute a Board with full Power to transact all business which may occur untill this Resolve shall be revoked. [507a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th Sept 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Price Abraham Cuyler Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Lenard Gansevort John Williams 1 Crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 549 Albany Committee Chamber 11 th Sept. 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Leonard Gansevoort John Price Henry Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr. Myndert Roseboom Stephen Lush Isaac Van Aernam John Tayler John M. Beeckman Ordered that the Guns belonging to the Tories in the Custody of Abraham Yates & John Barclay Esqr and the 7 Guns Continental Property in Custody of Dirck Ten Brook be delivered to Captain Stephen Lush for the Use of his Company and that the said Stephen Lush retain in his Hands so much of the Monthly pay of the Soldiers belonging to his Company to whom such Guns shall or may be delivered, as shall be equal to the appraise Value thereof, untill the said Guns be returned and that the said Abraham Yates, John Barclay & Dirck Ten Broeck take a Receipt from the said Stephen Lush for the same [508] Ordered that the Chairman draw a draft on Mr Abraham Ten Eyck for one hundred Pounds New York Currency in favour of Capt' Stephen Lush for the use of his Company, he the said Stephen Lush giving a Receipt for the same in part of the Money to be allowed for the pay and subsistance of his Company and that Mr. Ten Eyck be repaid by this Board out of the first Money coming to their Hands Collo. Stephen Hogeboom and Major Ford appeared before this Board and represented to them that one Mr Salsbury of Kings District was extremely busy in recruiting from that and some adjoining Districts a Company of Minute Men, and thereby kept the Militia Officers in those Districts in Continual Confusion Thereupon Ordered That the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Kings District 550 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 12th Sept' 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Philip Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam John Ja Beeckman Anthony Van Bergen Philip Frisbe John Price Abraham Ten Eyck Leonard Gansevoort Collo. Van Dyck represented to this Board that the Major of his Regiment had not nor had any of the Drafts from Cumberland County yet joined the Regiment and prayed that this matter might be represented to the Convention, Thereupon ordered That the follow[508a]ing Letter be sent to the Deputies at the Convention from this County - Adjourned till 1 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment John Barclay Leonard Gansevoort Henry Van Veghten Killian Van Rensselaer Stephen J Schuyler Philip Van Veghten Anthony Van Bergen Present Chairman Pro Temp John Ja Beeckman Gerrit G Van Den Bergh Abraham Cuyler Jacob Lansingh Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck Albany Committee Chamber 13th Sept- 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr John Price Jacob Roseboom Junr. John Williams Stephen Lush 1 Repetition in ms. Pro Temp Henry Van Veghten Philip Frisbe John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 551 Resolved That Jacob Roseboom Junr give a Receipt for all the Linnen Rags he may receive and that he allow four pence V Pound, to be paid by the Director of the General Hospital Received a Letter from John Ten Broeck dated Wapen Kill Sept. 9th 1776 with two Ton of Lead which said Letter is in the following Words to wit Ordered that the said Lead be deposited in the Store of Capt' Harmanus Wendell Recd. A Letter from Harmanus H Wendell Chairman of the Committee of Schonectady dated [509] this Day which is in the following Words (prout) Ordered that the said William Duncan and Major Snell be confined in the Goal of the City & County of Albany Reced. a Letter from Capt. Joshua Losee dated 10th Sept- 1776 which is in the following Words to wit, (prout) Ordered that the said James Holstead be Committed to Close Confinement Ordered That the Chairman draw a draft on Mr John M. Beeckman for forty Pounds New York Currency in favour of Capt' Alexander Baldwin he the said Alexander Baldwin giving a Receipt for the same for the Bounty & subsistance of his Company and that Mr Beeckman be paid out of the first Money coming to their Hands Ordered That the Secretary draw a draft on the Chairman for forty Pounds in favour of the said Capt. Alexander Baldwin he giving a Receipt for the same for the Bounty and subsistance of his Company and that MrChairman be paid out of the first Money coming to their HandsAlbany Committee Chamber 14th- [September] 1776. Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr. Col~ Lansingh Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman John M Beeckman Leonard Gansevoort A:D.C. [509a] Resolved that full Power be and is hereby given to the present Chairman to order and direct the Company of Rangers under the Command of Capt. Baldwin to march to such place of the District of Coxackie as he shall conceive necessary to apprehend and secure such Persons in and about 552 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that District as are turbulent and Dangerous to Safety of the good People of that District and have concealed themselves in the Woods and are sculking about armed to the great Terror of the [good People in that Quarters] Inhabitants Resolved further that Colo~ Van Bergen be requested by the Chairman to give such Assistance to Capt. Baldwin in executing this Business as he may stand in need of. The Chairman having advanced fourteen pounds more to Capt. Baldwin of the CompY of Rangers than the Order was for on Capt. John M Beeckman Resolved that he be repaid out of the first Monies, which shall [come] into the Treasury, and that Capt. Baldwin be charged therewith At a Committee held at the House of the Widow Vernor Sept. 14th: 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Hendrick Wendell Henry Van Veghten John Price Stephen Lush Recd- a Letter from Genl1 Schuyler dated this Day which is in the following Words [510] Ordered (the Secretary being absent) that Stephen Lush be appointed Secretary P. T. On application of Col~. Robert Van Rensselaer ordered that the several Captains of his Regiment attest to their Pay Rolls and that they be certified by the Clerk of this Committee Which was done accordingly and the Returns of the following Officers Certified Capt. Jacobus Philip Capt. Casper Huyck Capt Casparus Conyne William Van Ness 1 Liut. Michael Horten 1 Liett. Capt Abraham Fonda 1 Crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 553 Albany Committee Chamber 16 Sept. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Price John Younglove Abraham Ten Eyck John Williams Abraham Cuyler John M Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Jur. Myndert Roseboom John Ja Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr Leonard Gansevoort Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Van Veghten John Tayler Philip Frisbe Stephen Lush Jacob Cuyler Henry Wendell This Committee were informed that General Schuyler was about resigning his Commission and that his express was going off Thereupon Resolved That Collo Lansingh & John Ja Beeckman be a Committee to wait on General Schuyler and desire of him to detain his Express, and resignation till the afternoon, and that in the mean while Messrs Leonard Gansevoort & John Tayler be a Committee to draw up a Letter to the Convention of this State respecting said Matter [510a] On Application of Collo. Asa Waterman Ordered that he attest to the pay Roll of his Regiment, and that the Chairman certify the same,. which was done accordingly Ordered That an order be given on Mr. Roseboom in favour of Capt. Alexander Baldwin for twenty five Pounds of Powder and on Mr. Harms Wendell for seventy five Pounds of Lead Ordered That Lieutenants Henry Van Veghten and Abraham Ten Eyck be a Committee to have the Lead now in Store Cast into Ball of different Sizes without delay - Received a Letter from General Ten Broeck dated 10th Sept. 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That Philip Van Rensselaer be requested to let Capt- Alexander Baldwin have for seven or eight days ten Guns and take his Receipt for the same Ordered That an order be given on Mr. Roseboom in favour of Capt' Stephen Lush for twenty Pounds of Powder and an Order on Capt- HarmsWendell for forty Pounds of Lead, and 100 FlintsAdjourned till 1 OClock P M. 554 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Williams John Ja Beeckman John Price Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Junr. John M. Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr Abraham Cuyler [511] Leonard Gansevoort Henry Van Veghten Received a Letter from Joab Stafford dated New Providence 14th Sept 1776 enclosing Letter from the Committee of said place and Lanesborough which Letters are in the following Words to wit Resolved That an answer be prepared thereto which is in the following Words to wit Resolved also that the Committee of Claverack District be requested by Letter not to dispose of the Salt belonging to said Stafford which was done in the following Words (to wit) Received also Copy of a Resolution of the Representatives of the State of New York dated 14th Instant which is in the following Words to wit Ordered that Copies be made of Said Resolution, and served on every Member of this County belonging to said Convention Received also two Letters from General Schuyler dated this Day which said Letters are in the following Words to wit Whereas, a Letter from General Schuyler Setting forth the thanks of Col~ Moylan, to this Committee for their Exertions in Supplying the Army with Board & plank it is thereupon Resolved That Harmanus Wendell & Jer V Rensselaer, the Committee Appointed by this Board, for purchasing Board & plank, draw on Colo~ Moylan, for the Amount of what they have Allredy Shipped, and are now Sending for Said purpose, and Render to Colo~ Moylan Just Accounts and Vouchers for the Same The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Convention of this State respecting General Schuyler's resignation brought in the following which was approved of, Copied & forwarded[511 a] Upon application of Major Snell and William Duncan Resolved That the Chairman order them to be removed out of this Goal to the Fort, on their giving Security in the Sum of ~100, that they will not desert from the same PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 555 Albany Committee Chamber 18th Sept' 1776 Present. Abraham Cuyler Chairman Pro Temp Henry Wendell John Williams Stephen Lush John M. Beeckman Jerh1 Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom John Price Gerrit Lansingh Junr Capt. John Williams have been appointed by the Field Officers on the 13th Instant Capt. of a Company of 75 Men to be drafted out of the Militia of this County to reinforce the Fortresse's in the High Lands Ordered Thereupon that this Committee approve of the said appointment and take charge of the said Men, and proceed to said Fortresse's after he has recd- said Men without delay Albany Committee Chamber 19th Sept. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Roseboom Junr Wilhels. Van Antwerp Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Henry Van Driesen Joseph Young Joshua Losee John Price John Van Rensselaer Peter Scharpe John Williams Nicholas Van Den Bergh Myndert Roseboom [512] Received a Letter from Gilbert Livingston Esqr one of the Members of the Secret Committee of the Convention of New York dated 14th Sept. 1776 desiring this Committee to procure 120 Saw Logs for them Ordered Thereupon that the Chairman send for Bastiaen T. Visscher and request him to procure the said Logs and send them down without delay Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. 556 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Van Driesen Abraham Cuyler John H Beeckman Michael Van Der Cooke Peter Scharpe Wilhels- Van Antwerp Bastiaen T. Visscher James Dennison Joshua Losee Joseph Clarke George Palmer John M Beeckman John Ball Henry Quackenbush Pro Temp Isaac Van Aernam Frederick Berger Isaac Fonda Killiaen Van Rensselaer Florus Banker Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob Lansingh Junr Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Price John Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr. Joseph Young John Williams Richard Bronck The Dispute between the Companies of Henry Van Der Hoof and Capt. Tillman, having not been setteled, by the former Committee appointed for that purpose, and the dispute daily increasing- Thereupon Resolved that Messrs John Price, George Palmer and Joseph Clarke be a Committee to examine into said Dispute [512a] and make Report with all Speed. This Committee taking into Consideration the present scarcity of Goods Wares & Merchandizes and more particularly the Article of Salt [ Thereupon Resolved That all Persons be at Liberty to bring to this City for Sale any Goods Wares and Merchandises, and particularly Salt ] And thereupon Resolve That it shall and may be lawful for any Person or Persons to expose to Sale in this City any of the Commodities above mentioned at such price or prices, as [they shall think proper ] can be gotten for the same and that this Committee will protect all such Persons in the Sale of said Commodities Received a Letter from Dr. William Adams dated this day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) To which the following was sent in Answer (prout) 1 Crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 557 The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Dispute between Capt. Van Der Hoof and Capt. Tillman, brought in the following Report" Your Committee do Report and are of Opinion that the Men first formed into Capt. Banker's Company ought to remain in said Company, and that the goods distrained from those Persons be returned by Capt. Van Der Hoof without delay Resolved On Motion That this Committee agree with their Committee in the above Report and that the same be taken and deemed as the Opinion & Resolution of this Board The Committee of Cocksakie District laid before this Board an Acct for apprehending James Hewetson amounting to ~2..5.. 10 which is [513] allowed and ordered to be paid. An Account of Alexander & James Robertson was laid before this Board for printing 200 large Hand Bills amounting to ~2 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Adjourned till 8 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment [20th Sept., 1776] Preser John Barclay Henry Wendell Jerh. Van Rensselaer Henry Van Driesen Wilhels. Van Antwerp Nichs. Van Den Bergh John Van Rensselaer Joseph Clarke Johannis Ball Joshua Losee Jabez Hubbel John Tayler John Price It Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort Richard Bronk Isaac Van Aernam Henry Quackenbush Myndert Roseboom George Palmer Jacob Lansingh Junr Peter Scharpe Frederick Berger Isaac Fonda Michael Van Der Cooke Mr Rensselaer made the following Motion and was seconded At This alarming time when we are invested almost on every Side by an unnatural Enemy, when every Virtuous American is striving to Ward of, the approaching danger it appears that some destructive influence is prevailing which if not sufficiently and timely prevented it will beyond doubt be our 558 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE intire Ruin it is my Opinion that an inquiry and representation may be set on Foot, first regarding the more equitable pay of the Soldiery & thereby to prevent and redress the frequent Complaint of the different Corps in service of this State, in particular Secondly a dutiful request ought to be transmitted to Congress setting forth the [513a] absolute necessity of some other proper Measure to be by them adopted in addition to the one by them already provided such as they in their Wisdom shall think proper, the more effectually to prevent desertion, thirdly that the Deputies of this County in Convention be acquainted that any longer delay in providing some Code of Laws will be attended with alarming Circumstances, the public are impatient in the highest degree some Months are already elapsed since they were promised that a Constitution was to be formed, till hitherto no advances are made to their knowledge, Suspicions are daily increasing, the usual harmony is in a great measure rent in pieces their faith in the Representatves tottering all those Circumstances ought to be timely Guarded against I move that a Committee be appointed to State the above Circumstances, so as to have the same in some Measure carried into Execution Which was carried accordingly, and the Committee are Jer. Van Rensselaer, Leonard Gansevoort Joseph Young, John Tayler, & George Palmer. This Board being informed that a Company of Collo Van Dyck's Regiment had deserted, Thereupon Resolved that a Letter be prepared for GenlSchuyler on the Subject which was done in the following Words (to wit) (prout) Resolved That the keeper of the Tory Goal do not suffer any Person confined or in his Custody to have the Liberty of the Yard within the Walls of the Fort, but such as shall have a certificate for that purpose from this Board And that this Board will give no such Certificate but upon good Bail or Security Ordered that Copy of this Resolution be served on the Goaler [514] Capt. Joshua Losee having confined Mr James Holstead a Person that turned out Volunteer of his Company to go to Tryon, on the late Alarm, and notwithstanding his having received Ammunition for that purpose never went or stirred from his own Home Mr Holstead appeared before this Board and made his defence in which he declard that he was willing and ready to go and was above fifty Years of Age Ordered thereupon that Messrs. Jacob Lansingh Junr' Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry Van Driesen and Henry Quackenbush be a Committee to take this matter into Consideration and make Report with all Speed PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 559 The above Committee Report that it is their Opinion that the said Holstead beg pardon of this Board and of Capt' Losee pay the Charges of his Committment and be released Resolved that this Board agree with their Committee in the above Report and in addition thereto that the said Holstead be discharged from any farther Military Duty, in Capt. Losee's CompanyAbsalom Creemer appeared before this Board, and Voluntarily signed the New Association, and swore Allegiance to the Independant States of America in return for the protection of their Laws Whereupon he was discharged from Confinement upon paying the Charges that have accrued in his Committment Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Van Driesen Jabez Hubbell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Joseph Clarke Philip P. Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam John Van Rensselaer Lewis Van Antwerp John Price Michael Van Der Cooke [514a] George Palmer Henry Quackenbush Nichs. Van Den Bergh John M. Beeckman Corn-. G Van Den Bergh John Williams John Flyn was brought before this Board for having obtained a Certificate from Capt- John Van Den Bergh whereby said Flyn was discharged from taking up Arms against the British Troops The said Flyn acknowledged his Error, Signed the Association and swore to observe it Whereupon he was discharged upon paying the Charges of his Committment Received a Letter from Mr' Florus Banker dated 19th- Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) The said Jonathan Douglass made Oath that David Mosher the Apprentice Lad has his residence and has had for these three Months in the New City Whereupon it is Resolved that the Capt. in Tomhinick District do not Levy the fine of Ten pounds Messrs Henry Quackenbush & John M. Beeckman the Committee appointed to wait on Genl Schuyler respecting Guns for the Militia now going to the Fortresse's in the High Lands Reported that they had waited 560 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE on Gen1l Schuyler, and that the Genl1 declared that the Committee might have as many Guns as they thought proper on giving their Receipt for the same Major Snell and William Duncan appeard before this Board, and heard the Charges read against them. and declined [515] Signing the New Association, and swearing allegiance to the States of America, Whereupon they were ordered to be remanded Albany Committee Chamber 21st Septr 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell John Tayler Jacob Roseboom Jur. John Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Cuyler John Price Jacob Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Jerh- Van Rensselaer George Palmer Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Quackenbush Received a Letter from John McKesson Secy. of the Convention of this State dated 18th Sept. inclosing Copy of a Resolution of the State, and Copy of a Letter to the Convention which said Letters and Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the following Letter be sent in Answer thereto and that Capt. Lush order one of his Officers, and Ten Men to go in a Boat down the River in quest of said Roff and Brooks and conduct the Vessels and Cargo to Head Quarters, and take the said Roff and Brooks and convey them to this City and that a State of Facts be transmitted to Congress Capt. Ayres a Philadelphian appeared before this Board who was ordered by Collo. Moylan to get the following Materials. An Estimate of Materials wanting to furnish Barracks for 20,000 Men 26000 Beams 21 feet Long 4 by 8 Inches 1600 Sills & Plates 8 feet long 4 by 5 [515a] 5360 Rafters 14 feet long 4 by 4 20,000 Lath 800,000 Bricks 200,000 Shingles Ceder Boards Equivalent to two hundred thousand Albany Boards PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 561 And requested this Committee to procure as many of the Materials as possibly can be procured - Whereupon it is Resolved that Messrs- Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Harmanus Wendell be a Committee to procure the said Articles, and transmit them to Kings Bridge as soon as possible, and keep exact Accounts of what Materials they procure and the Charges accruing thereon It is farther Resolved that John Price and Henry Quackenbush be added to the Committee [Page 516 blank] [516a] Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Sept 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer John Williams Jacob Roseboom Junr John Taylor Myndert Roseboom Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Jur John Price Jacob Lansingh Junr. John M. Beeckman Capt. Alexander Baldwin appeared before this Committee and complained that his Men were in the greatest Want of their Bounty and no Money being yet sent up for the discharge thereof - Resolved That Jonathan Trumbull Junr Esqr. Paymaster in the Northern Department be requested to pay Capt. Baldwin three hundred & Sixty pounds and that this Committee will repay the same in a few Weeks Whereas William Mc.Dermod having been drafted out of Capt. David Abeels Company to go to the Fortresse's in the High Lands, appeared before this Board and complained that he was [ l]ble to undergo the Duty that he was [ 1]e, and had been so for some Years [Resolv ] ed That Joseph Young examine the [ 1] William McDermod and if he should be [ 1] unfit or incapable of bearing Arms [ c] ertify the same, and that the [ 1 Willia]m McDermod be thereupon [ 1] from said Service and struck [ 1] the said Abeels Company 1 Manuscript torn. 562 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [517] Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Sept. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Williams Jer. Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Jacob Lansingh Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Wendell Henry Quackenbush Rutger Bleecker Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Junr. Joseph Young Jacob Heins, Casper Towshet, Francis Oalman & Philip Meyer appeared before this Board and Complained that Capt. Baldwin's Company of Rangers had taken from them sundry Goods part of which were found on them and returned, and part yet gone Ordered Thereupon that Capt- Baldwin order a strict search to be made among his Company and the Goods when found be delivered to the Chairman, if not found must be deducted out of the pay of the Company, and that the said Heins Towshet, Oalman and Meyer make out a Regular and Just Account of the Articles missing The said Heins Towshet Oalman and Meyer Voluntarily signed the New Association and swore allegiance to the States of America Albany Committee Chamber 24h Sept 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Rutger Bleecker Jacob Cuyler Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Roseboom Junr. John M. Beeckman Henry Van Veghten John Williams Stephen Lush Jer. Van Rensselaer John Tayler Joseph Young Ab. Yates Junr [517a] In pursuance of Genl. Schuyler's declaration to the Committee Ordered That Philip Van Rensselaer Store keeper deliver to Capt. John Williams as many Guns Accoutrements & Camp Kettles as he shall want to furnish his Company and take his Receipt for as many as he shall take PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1776 563 Received a Resolution from the Convention of the State of New York dated 21 t Sept. 1776 Ordering the Deputy Treasurer of this State to draw on the Loan Officers of this City & County in favour of the Chairman of the said City & County twelve hundred Pounds which said Resolution is in the following Words to wit (prout) James Williamson and Samuel Williamson entered into Bond in the Sum of one hundred Pounds for John Brooks's appearance before this Committee when called upon Whereupon the said John Brooks was discharged from Confinement Albany Committee Chamber 25th Sept. 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Tem Isaac Van Aernam John Tayler Henry Van Veghten Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Bleecker Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr Stephen Lush Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Junr. John M. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Capt. John Williams Henry Wendell Lewis Van Antwerp Received a Letter from Peter Van Schaack Esqr. dated 24th Inst. 1776 requesting a Pass for himself and Br- David and also certified Copy of his Br. Henry's Letter which said Letter is in the following Words (to wit) Resolved That this Board cannot consistant with the safety of their Constituents grant the request [518] Albany Commitee Chamber 27th Sept 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Price Henry Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr. Myndert Roseboom Abraham Ten Eyck John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Joseph Young Stephen Lush Henry Wendell Florus Banker 564 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Information being given to this Committee that John McKinny and Lachlane a Servant of Mr. Henry were in Combination with Robert Gorden and others who broke Goal lately, and had been in Company with Gorden a few Nights ago Thereupon Resolved That Capt. Stephen Lush immediately apprehend the said McKinny and Lachlane and fortwith bring them before this Committee, the said John McKinney was bronght before this Committee and having confessed part of the Charge alledged against him whereupon he was ordered to be Confined. Lachlane also appeared, and was discharged till farther orders Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Henry Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr. Stephen Schuyler Henry Van Veghten Stephen Lush John Tayler John Price Jacob Roseboom Junr. Myndert Roseboom Abraham Ten Eyck John M. Beeckman Mr Coenraedt Hooghtieling appeared before this Board and complained that the Company of Rangers of Capt. Baldwin had taken from him [518a] two Gammons, two Sides of Pork and forty odd Fowls, and that they had drove and made his Wife cook it for them, some of them paid what they pleased for it, and others not Thereupon ordered That the said Hooghtieling make out an Account of the damage done him and deliver the same to the Chairman The said Lachlan again was brought before this Board and upon reexamin[in]g Mary Butler Ordered that the said Lachlan be confined till farther orders, and it also appearing from the examination of said Mary Butler, that the Wife of Robert Gorden, maintains Habours & keeps at her House Negroe's Soldiers and all sort of Persons, in whose minds she instills nothing but disaffection, encourages them to Steal and robbing the Soldiers of their Ammunition & Blankets- Ordered Thereupon that the said Mrs Gorden be removed from this City, and that Capt- Lush, Henry Van Veghten and Major Wendell dispossess the said Mrs. Gorden and order her out of this City PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 565 Albany Committee Chamber 28th Sept. 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Abraham Cuyler John Ja. Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr. Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Henry Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Wendell John Price Abraham Yates Junr An Account of Abraham Yates Junr for attending Congress amounting to ~39.. 10 which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same [519] Albany Committee Chamber 1 Octr. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Jacob Roseboom Junr Stephen Lush Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John (Congress) Tayler Myndert Roseboom Abraham Ten Eyck Henry Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr Abraham Yates JunrJohn Price Resolved That the Goaler immediately furnish this Committee with a List of the Names of the Prisoners confined by this Board, their Place of abode and occupation Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 30th Septr. 1776 which is in the following Words (to wit) Ordered Thereupon that the said John B. Marselis and Jacob Lawyer be furnished with one hundred and fifty Pounds, and that Abraham Ten Eyck be requested to advance the said Sum of money and to take their Receipts for the Delivery of the same to the Committee of Schonectady, and that this Committee will repay the same out of the first money coming to their Hands 566 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 2 Octr. 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Henry Van Veghten General Ten Broeck John Ja Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansingh Junr Joseph Young Jacob Roseboom Junr. An Account of Peter R Livingston for his attendance in Convention amounting to ~28.. 10 which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same [519a] Resolved That the Goaler's every Week make a Return to the Secretary of this Committee of the Number of the Prisoners confined in their Custody, and that the Secretary minute on the said Returns when and for how many days he draws provision for them, And that the said Persons severally be charged with their Proportion of the Provisions so drawn, and it is farther Resolved that the Secretary draw on the Deputy Commissary General every seven days for Provisions for the number of Persons so appearing from the returns to be Confined, Albany Committee Chamber 3rd Octr. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Yates Junr Philip P Schuyler Joseph Clarke Capt- Spencer Lourance Hogeboom Pro Temp Philip Frisbe James Ashton Johannis Becker Abraham Ten Eyck Levi Preston Henry Quackenbush Hezekiah Van Orden Mr. Philip Frisbe one of the Members of Kings District laid before this Board an affidavit of one Joseph Wood, from which it appears that a number of disaffected Persons in Indian Dress, kept sculking in the Woods, in and near said District, and disarming the Whigs, And prayed that part or the PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 567 whole of Capt' Baldwin's Company, might be sent there to apprehend the whole or part of said disaffected Persons [520] Captain Philip Frisbe delivered to the Chairman of this Committee Sixteen Pair of Woolen Stockings, made in Kings DistrictAdjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment John Barclay Hezekiah Van Ordern Philip P. Schuyler Abraham Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Lourance Hogeboom John Ja Beeckman Edward Jewit Levi Preston James Ashton David Smith James Spencer Joseph Clark Johannis Becker 'resent Chairman P. T. Isaac Van Aernam John Price Philip Frisbe Hosea Lincoln Abraham Yates Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Rutger Lansingh Stephen Lush Henry Quackenbush William Thorn Samuel Rowland Cornelius Miller In Consequence of Capt' Frisby's application of this Morning Resolved Unanimously that Lieut Jackson remain at Kings District with his Party and that Capt- Baldwin immediately with the remainder of his Company repair thither, and there [abide 1] pursue and follow the directions of [the Committee of that District1] Joseph Clarke Israel Spencer, John Beebe Philip Frisbe & George White or any three of them for the apprehending of said Disaffected Persons, and all those who shall have or do harbour [ed1] them. and that the said Persons when taken be brought before the said Joseph Clarke Israel Spencer, John Beebe Philip Frisbe and George White or any three a Committee [for that'] appointed by this Board to examine said Persons and that the said Committee Confine such Persons [420a] as they shall deem Guilty, and make a Return of their Proceedings therein to this Board at their next meeting 1 Crossed out in the text. 568 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE John Fryer Junr appeared before this Board and complained that at tho late drafting of the Militia to go to Tryon County Benjamin Baker was drafted to go who hired the Complainant at ~8. to go in his stead that he was ready and prepared to go, and that the said Baker now refuses payment The said Baker was sent for and acknowledged the Charge. Resolved thereupon as the Opinion of this Board that the said Baker pay the said ~8. to Fryer without delay This Board took into Consideration the Resolve of this Board respecting Stockings and thereupon Resolve that there be allowed instead of 7/eight Shillings for the three first pair of two threaded Stockings that shall be knitted in one Family Adjourned till 8 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman P.T. John M. Beeckman Israel Spencer Jacob Roseboom Junr. Edward Jewit Samuel Rowland General Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Stephen Lush Joseph Clark Levi Preston David Smith Rutger Lansingh Jacob Bleecker Junr Gerardus Cluet Lourance Hogeboom James Ashton [521] Henry Quackenbush Harmanus Wendell Philip P. Schuyler Henry Wendell William Thorn Myndert Roseboom Hosea Lincoln Gerrit Lansingh Junr Peter Miller Abraham Yates Junr. Mr. Edward Jewit one of the Members of the Hosick District complained that [Collo~Daniel Bratt had dischar ] at the late drafting of the Militia ito go to Stonerabia in Tryon County two Officers were drafted to go with part of Company, that the Officers were ready and willing to go, but that they were prevented by Collo~ Daniel Bratt who ordered the Ensign of the 'Company to take the Command, whereby [one Officer went instead of two 1] one of these Officers have incurred a fine of ~10 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 569 On Motion Resolved Thereupon that the said Daniel Bratt be Cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting to answer said Complaint Capt- Alexander Baldwin applyed to this Board for two Pounds of Powder and eight Pounds of Lead for the use of his Company. Which granted' accordingly and an order Given to Mr' Roseboom the Storekeeper for that purpose Capt- Baldwin also applyed for Leave to go home for two Days which was granted accordinglyJohn Fryer Junr again appeared before this Board and complained that notwithstanding the Opinion of this Board of Yesterday Mr Benjamin Baker refused to pay the ~8 Resolved Thereupon That the said Benjamin Baker pay the fine of ~10 pursuant to the Resolution of this Committee as the said Benjamin Baker was drafted and refused to go - [521a] An Account of Nathaniel House for apprehending four Tories and an Account of Collo. Peter Van Ness was laid before this Board Ordered Thereupon that Gerrit Lansing Ju Joseph Young, and John M. Beeckman be a Committee to examine said Accounts and make Report with all Convenient Speed Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman James MaGee Lourance Hogeboom Peter Miller Henry Wendell Joseph Clark Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen Lush Edward Jewit Samuel Rowland Israel Spen [c]er James Ashton Pro Temp David Smith Levi Priston Rutger Lansing Wm- Thorn Abraham Ten Eyck John Tayler Myndert Roseboom Philip Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham Yates Junr 570 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE It being suggested to this Board that two Family's (said to be two of the Browers) having been obliged to quit their places of abode on Long Island, are now at Claverack in the greatest distress without Victuals Cloathing or bedding And principles of Humanity dictating that they ought to be supported either at the expence of the Continent, or the State of New York Resolved That Messrs John A Van Aelen, Cornelius S. Miller and William Van Ness Juntr be a Committee to examine into the Circumstances and Situation of the [522] said two Family's and find them with provisions and Cloathing (in Case they are unable) And that a representation of this matter be made to 'Congress requesting them to make provision for such Persons A Number of Papers were laid before this Board setting forth the reasons of Capt' Hodges Company & Collo. Van Dyck's Regiment deserting the Service Ordered Thereupon that David Smith and James Ashly wait upon Genl. Schuyler with the above PapersAn Account of Peter Van Ness was laid before this Board for Lead by him furnished to part of his Regiment amounting to ~3. which is allowed and ordered that the same be paid by the Treasurer and Charged to the Convention Adjourned till 8 OClock A M. Met according to Adjournment. Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp James MaGee Levi Preston Jacob Roseboom Junr. Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Edward Jewitt Bastiaen T. Visscher Rutger Lansingh John Ja Beeckman John M. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush Henry Wendell Samuel Rowland Philip Van Veghten Wm- Thorn Abraham Ten Eyck David Smith Gerrit Lansingh Junr James Ashton This Board took into Consideration the Petition of John Lambson, and thereupon are of Opinion that the Contents of the said Petition be Referred to the Committee of Schaghtekocke District and the [522a] Field Officers of the Regiment to which said Lambson belongs PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 571 Edward Wheeler was brought before this Board and Voluntarily Signed the New Association and Swore allegiance to the Free and Independant States of America in return for the protection of their Laws Whereupon he was discharged from Confinement and permitted to return to his own Home On Motion Resolved Unanimously that every District in this County, be represented in General Committee at every meeting, and that the Members of the several Districts who do attend do not leave the same without leave of the Chairman upon Pain of Contempt- And that the Secretary serve the Committee of Each District with a Copy of this ResolutionAlbany Committee Chamber Octr 7th- 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Myndert Roseboom Joseph Young John Price John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Cuyler John Ja. Beeckman Stephen Lush Gen1 Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck James MaGee Received a Letter from Coll~- Peter R. Livingston dated 1st Oct'r 1776 inclosing a number of Resolves relative to discovering and bringing to Justice any Persons that may be found in Carrying on Conspiracies, which said Letter and Resolution in the following Words to wit (prout) [523] Ordered That the Secretary furnish Captn Baldwin and Bratt with the Names and as near as may be with the Persons of the Prisoners that have escaped out of the Goals, and that the said Captn be ordered to endeavour to apprehend the said PrisonersOrdered That Gisbert Marselis get the Goal in the Fort immediately repaired, in as good and strong a manner as Conveniently can be Absolom Woodworth having brought up some Powder for this Committee, and having been allowed only at the rate of 4/ W hundred, And it appearing that the General Price is 6/ Ordered thereupon that the said Absolom Woodworth be allowed at the Rate of 6/ W hundredAn Account of Jacob Kidney was laid before this Board for attending this Committee amounting to ~26..6..0 Which is allowed and ordered to be paid 572 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 8th Octr 1776 Present Jno Barclay Chairman Pro Tempore John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Price John Ja Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Jur Joseph Young Stephen Lush Received a Letter from Corns. Van Schoock Junr- Peter Van Schaack & David Van Schaack dated 7th Instant requesting that Henry Van Schaack might return for a short space to Kinderdook to see his Father who is very ill which said Letter is in the follg Words (prout) [523a] Resolved Thereupon that their request be granted and that the said Henry Van Schaack Ibe permitted to return to Kinderhook for the Space of Twenty one Days, on his entring into Parole and giving Security in the Sum of one thousand Pounds for the observance of the same - And thereupon the following Letter was sent to his Honour Govr Trumbull inclosing said Parole here take in Letter (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 9th Octr. 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman P. T. Myndert Roseboom Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jacob Roseboom Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck Henry Wendell John Price Jacob Lansingh Junr. Gerardus Cluet John Ja Beeckman Joseph Young John M. Beeckman Jerh- Van Rensselaer Resolved That Gerrit Lansingh Junr. pay Capt- John A Bratt two hundred pounds and take his and his Lefts. Note for the same. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 573 Albany Committee Chamber 9th Oct 1776 3 OClock P. M. Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Abraham Cuyler John M Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Myndert Roseboom John Ten Broeck John Price Stephen Lush Jacob Lansingh Junr- Henry Wendell Joseph Young John Taylor Received a Letter from the Convention of the State of New York dated 7th Instant which is in [524] the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved Thereupon that Messrs John Ten Broeck Joseph Young and Stephen Lush be a Committee to wait on the Members of the Prysbeterian Church in this City for the purpose mentioned in the said Letter - The said Committee returned and Reported that they had waited on the Members of the Prysbeterian Church, and that the said Members declared their willingness to lend the same to the Convention, and requested that the same might be returned as soon as possible Ordered that the following be sent in answer to the Convention (prout)Resolved that John Price be and he is hereby appointed to furnish the Prisoners in the Goal every Week with a Load of Wood and that this Committee will find Ways and means to pay the same Albany Committee Chamber 11th Sept [October] 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Henry Quackenbush John Price Stephen Lush Jacob Roseboom JunrJer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr 574 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from his Honor Govr. Trumbull dated 7th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) [524a] Received a Letter from the Committee of Cagnuago in Tryon County dated 5th Oct' 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered thereupon that the said Robt. and Wm Adams be Liberated from Confinement on their giving Bail - Received also a Letter from Lieut- Thomas Swords dated Lebannon 26 Sept 1776 which is in the following Words to wit, (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 11th Octr 1776 2 OClock P. M. Present. John Barclay Chairman P. T. Abraham Cuyler Abraham Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom Abraham Ten Eyck John Price Joseph Young John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jer. Van Rensselaer John Tayler Received a Letter addressed to Genl1 Schuyler and this Board by Philip Frisbe and Collo. W B Whiting dated 10th Instant which is in the following Words (prout) Resolved Thereupon that Messrs. Myndert Roseboom and Abraham Ten Eyck be a Committee for the purpose mentioned in the above Letter and that they proceed with the greatest dispatch to the place requestedReceived a Letter from John Campbell Clerk to the General Hospital Dated 6th Octr Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) [525] Albany Committee Chamber 12th Octr 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Hars. Wendell Abraham Cuyler Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Henry Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Price Abraham Ten Broeck John Ja Beeckman PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 575 Received a Letter from Peter R Livingston dated Fish Kills 10th Octr' Instant which is in the following Words (prout) Received also a Letter from Leond Gansevoort dated the same day which is in the following Words (prout) Resolved That the following Letter be sent in answer to that of Mr Livingston here take in Letter (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 14th Octr 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Rutger Bleecker Jer. Van Rensselaer Joseph Young Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr. John M Beeckman General Ten Broeck Jacob Roseboom Junr Abraham Yates Junr. Esqr. having acquainted this Board that he had in Hand ~190..0..7 and desired that this Board would receive the same and send him a Recet. that this Board had received from the Treasurer of this State thro' his Hands the said Sum Ordered That the Chairman give a Rect. accordingly and that the Secy: deliver the same to the Treasurer of [525a] of this Board, and take his Receipt for the same Received a Letter from George Palmer Esqr Chairman of the Committee of Saratoga District dated 12th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 15th Octr 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Jacob Roseboom Junr Jacob Bleecker Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck David MC:Carty Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck Dirck Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush John Price Jer. Van Rensselaer Hars- Wendell John Ten Broeck Joseph Young Abraham Cuyler Philip P. Schuyler Received a Letter from John Fonda Chairman of the Committee of Cagnawago dated 14th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) 576 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE General Ten Broeck in pursuance of a Resolution of the Convention for the State of New York, having ordered one half of the Militia of this County to hold themselves in readiness at an Hours Notice, and having now received orders from Genl1 Schuyler to order the whole Militia Prayed the Opinion of this Committee whether the whole should be ordered The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon are of Opinion and Resolve That the whole Militia be ordered pursuant to General Schuyler's request Resolved in Consequence of the Letter from Mr. Fonda Chairman of the Committee of Cagnawago [526] That the Secretary draw an obligation and let Mr Adams and his Bail Sign it, that he will comply with the request of said Committee or return to this City within Ten Days from the Time of his Departure from this CityReceived a Letter from Hugh Hughes Asst. Quarter Master General dated 7th Octr' Instant which is in the following words (to wit) Ordered That Jer. Van Rensselaer and Hars. Wendell send the Stores on Board Capt. Brooks immediately down Resolved That Henry M. Roseboom deliver to Captns. John M. Beeckman, John Barclay and Matthew Visscher each twenty five Pounds of Powder for the use of their Company's An Account of John T. Visscher was laid before this Board for going express to warn the Militia to be in readiness amounting to ~5 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 17th Oct 1776 Present Chairman John Barclay John M. Beeckman John Ten Broeck Hars. Wendell John Younglove Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob C. Schermerhorn George White Bastiaen T. Visscher James Sexton Killiaen Van Rensselaer Philip Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush John H. Beeckman Pro Temp Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler Joseph Young Wm: Dietz James MaGee Dirck Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac Van Aernam Philip P Schuyler James Dennison Volkert Veeder Hosea Lincoln PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 577 [526a] General Ten Broeck having this Morning recd. a Letter from General Schuyler requesting him to March the Militia of this County immediately to Fort Edward Ordered that the Chairman and General Ten Broeck join in the following Letter to the different Colonels in this County here take in (prout) James Sloan an Armour in New City having a Number of Arms prepared in his Custody and Collo Schuyler's Regiment standing in need of a number Thereupon Resolved That the following Order be given to Collo Schuyler on said Sloan Sir The Continental Arms that are by you repaired and in your possession please to deliver to Collo Stephen J. Schuyler or his order, his Receipt shall be a sufficient Voucher for you Resolved That Messrs Wilhelmus Mancius and Stephen Marvin be and they are hereby ordered to [hold themselves] March with the Militia of this County to Fort Edward properly Provided with Medicines and Surgeons Instruments. Adjourned till 1 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment John Barclay Jer. Van Rensselaer Volkert Veeder Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Van Veghten Hosea Lincoln Hars H Wendell Jacob C. Schermerhorn [527] William Van Bergen Joseph Young Philip P. Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam John H Beeckman Present. Chairman Pro Temp Frederick Marten Isaac H Lansingh Isaac Vrooman John Ten Broeck Rutger Lansingh Stephen J. Schuyler Killiaen Van Rensselaer James Sexton John P. Hansen John Younglove General Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Eyck 19 578 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That an order be given on the Storekeeper in favour of Colo Stephen J Schuyler for Sixteen Guns and sixteen Cartridge Boxes which was accordingly doneOn Motion Resolved That the Tories confined in both Goals be removed from this City as soon as possible Resolved That a Committee be appointed, who are to sit every Day to issue orders and furnish the Militia with Arms Ammunition &c. The Committee appointed are John Barclay William Van Bergen, Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansingh Junr' and Joseph Young or any three of them with the Secretary be a Committee for said purpose Resolved That the Storekeeper deliver to the Commanding Officers of every Company of Militia so many Guns as they shall apply for he taking their Receipts for the return of the same Resolved That an Order be given on the Store keeper in favour of Capt' John M. Beeckman for eight Cartridge Boxes or Pouches, he taking his Rect for the return of the same which was accordingly doneColonel Nicolls and some other Officers applied to this Board for their direction regarding Carriages to carry the Baggage of their Regiments Ordered that the Commissary General be sent for The Commissary appeared and told this [527a] this Board that he had no orders from General Schuyler to supply the Militia and that there was but few Provisions at the Forts above Thereupon Resolved That the following Letter be sent to General Schuyler by express (here take in &c prout) Resolved That if any Person shall refuse Marching up to the Defence of this State on the present Invasion he shall pay a fine of ~50 to be Levied on his Goods & Chattels by the Officer Commanding the Company to which such Delinquents belong in want whereof such Person or Persons shall be Committeed to Close Confinement untill such fine be paid and in Case any Person of the Militia should return from the present Command without proper Liberty in writing from his, Commanding Officer such Persons shall Incur the above forfeiture and be Compelled to return back to their Duty and also every Person within the Militia Regulations who may Chance to be indisposed or Counterfeiting the same shall immediately on their Recovery or being detected in the same Compelled to join the Regiment to which they belong under the above Penalties PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 579 Albany Committee Chamber 188h Octr 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Philip Van Veghten Philip P Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher John P. Hansen Henry Quackenbush Myndert S. Ten Eyck Walter Livingston Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Hars H Wendell Isaac H Lansingh Rutger Lansingh John Ten Broeck Michael Dunning Wm- Van Bergen George Palmer Frederick Marten [528] Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Hars Wendell Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck Jer. Van Rensselaer George Palmer Esqr one of the Members of the Committee of Saratoga laid before this Board a number of affidavits against Isaac Man and others which said Affidavits are in the following Words to wit (prout) On Motion Resolved That the Company's of Capt"n McKracken Hicks and Lush remain in this City and the whole Militia March to Fort Edward Ordered that the Secretary immediately take an Account of the Powder in the Store and make Report this afternoon Resolved That this Committee will at all Times upon application of the Deputy Commissary General assist him in procuring provisions and Carriages as far as their influence will extend Whereas the present call for the Militia to the Northward will undoubtedly call forth a Number of the Members of this Board, and by means thereof the public business may be retarded unless Power be given to a few Members to Constitute a Board and Transact business Resolved thereupon that any four Members together with the Chairman be a Committee with full power to transact all such matters and Things as may Come before them in the same manner and with the same power as if the Constituted Number were present This Resolution to stand till revoked by this or some future Committee [528a] Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. 580 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Joseph Young Wm- Van Bergen Henry Quackenbush Isaac Van Aernam Isaac H Lansingh Myndert S. Ten Eyck John P. Hansen Philip Van Veghten Hars' H Wendell Joseph Young John Ten Broeck Jer. Van Rensselaer Frederick Marten On Motion Resolved That Myndert S. Ten Eyck and such others as ale employed by the Commissary General to purchase Flour and other Provisions proceed on their business with the greatest dispatch and send the same forward by such Persons as they shall think proper and that they detain such Bolters & Millers for the forwarding said business also as they shall think proper, and that as soon as the Quantity of Provisions required by the Commissary is forward[ed] that they and the Persons so employed by them immediately join their respective Corps as also such Persons as shall be by them employed in Bolting or Transporting said Provisions Jacob A. Lansingh being brought before this Board as being a Person Inimical to the Rights and Liberties of America, and having denied the Charge Ordered that the said Jacob A Lansingh be Liberated from his present Confinement on his entring into Bond with security in the penal sum of five hundred pounds for his appearance before this Board at their next General Meeting and then and there abide and perform such Order and Determination as this Board shall make in the premissesWhereas this State is at present invaded to the Northward and Southard by two powerful Armies Thereupon [529] Resolved That the Tory Prisoners confined in both Goals of this City & County be removed to Morrow Morning from this Place to Berkshire County in Massachusetts State and that the Committee of that County be requested to forward 'them to some safe Place, there to remain till the Invasion of this State shall in some measure be abated And it is further Resolved That Major Edmunston be immediately taken into Custody, and that he give Bail for his appearance to Morrow PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 581 Morning, and be sent with the rest of the Prisoners to Berkshire Countyl Resolved That Capt. Baldwin be ordered to prepare to Guard the said Prisoners above mentioned to Berkshire County I Nanning Visscher do bind myself my Heirs Execrs & Adrs unto John Barclay Esqr Chairman of the Committee of the City & County of Albany in the sum of five hundred pounds that Jacob A Lansingh shall personally appear before the said Committee at their next General meeting As Witness my Hand date above mentioned [Signed] Nanning Vissher Joseph Bettis one of the Members of Ballston applyed to this Board for the one Half of the Militia of that District to remain at Home as they were a frontier Settlement to guard - Resolved That thirty Men be permitted to remain at Home in said District and that the said Men keep continually Scouting the Woods during the Time the Militia is out on Duty[529a] Albany Committee Chamber 19th Octr. 1776 John Barclay John Ten Broeck Volkert Veeder Henry Quackenbush John Ja Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip P. Schuyler Jer. Van Rensselaer Richard Bronck Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr Joseph Row Stephen J. Schuyler Present Chairman Pro Temp Stephen Lush Har' H Wendell John Price General Ten Broeck William Van Bergen Har- Wendell Philip Van Veghten Isaac Vrooman Myndert Roseboom Walter Livingston Jacob Cuyler Robert Yates Resolved That Messrs. Walter Livingston Jer. Van Rensselaer, John Ten Broeck and Stephen J. Schuyler be a Committee to Confer with the Deputy Commissary General on ways and Means to procure Provisions for the use of the Militia whilst on the present Expedition and that they make Report with all Speed 582 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE It having appeared to this Board that a number of disaffected Persons in Cocksakie District, have shown themselves more on this alarming Crisis than at any time heretofore, On Motion Resolved That Collo. Van Bergen leave one half of his Regiment in the District and March the other Half to Fort Edward and that those who remain at home keep a Strict Guard and Scour the Woods Received a Letter from John Van Aelen Chairman of the Committee of Claverack dated 17h Instant which [5301 is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Twenty five Pounds of Powder and fifty Pounds of Ball be delivered to Mr. Jacob Hogeboom for the District of Claverack Received a Letter from Peter R Livingston dated 14th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter from Peter R. Livingston dated 15th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P: M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Jer. Van Rensselaer Stepn. J. Schuyler Philip P. Schuyler Myndert Roseboom Stephen Lush Wm Van Bergen Joseph Row John Price John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam This Board being informed that there is a small Chest of Medicine in the Custody of Mrs Rachel Van Deusen and the same being much wanted on this present Call for the Militia Resolved That Mrs. Van Deusen be and she is hereby requested to deliver the said Chest to Dr. Wilhelmus Mancious, and that this Committee will indemnify the said Mrs Van Deusen of & from all Damages which she may be brought to for and on Account of Said Chest of Medicine Resolved That Dr Mancious take an Inventory of the [530a] Medicine contained in said Chest and make a return of the same to this Board Resolved That Mr Jillis Winne procure a Waggon to Convey Dr Mancious with his Medicine &c. to Fort Edward PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 583 Harmen Pruyn was brought before this Board, and having complied with the request made by the Special Committee, to wit give Evidence and for which he was confined - Ordered That he be discharged from Confinement upon paying the Charges of his Commitment Resolved That the following Quantity of Powder be ordered up with the Militia, and that the Store keeper be requested and ordered to Deliver to Mr Jer Van Rensselaer Vizt. 1 Hundred Wt. of Powder 2 Thousand of Lead 3 Thousand Flints Albany Committee Chamber 20th Octr 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Wm Van Bergen Joseph Young The Commissary requested this Board to join with them in an application to the Convention for a Quantity of Flour, said to be purchased by them at Esopus & other places and thereupon this Committee joined in the following manner- "We join in the Commissaries request, and beg you will send forward with all dispatch if not the whole Quantity as much as can be Spared for this Department["] Ordered That the Treasurer pay Capt. Alexander Baldwin for the use of his Ranging Company one hundred and fifty Pounds and that the Treasurer take his receit for the same. [531] Albany Committee Chamber 21st Octr 1776 John Barclay Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Present Chairman Pro Temp William Van Bergen Received a Letter from Leonard Gansevoort Esqr. one of the Secret Committee dated Fish Kills Octr 16th 1 776 tions of said Committee respecting Isaac Ketcham which Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) of the Members Inclosing resolusaid Letter and 584 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered that the said Isaac Ketchum pursuant to said Resolutions be Committed in the Dungeon of the Goal of this City & County there to remain till dischargedReceived a Letter or request from the Deputy Commissary General Dated 19th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that the following be sent in answer thereto by Capt. George White who is requested to offer himself as a Contractor to purchase Cattle (prout Letter) Capt. White returned and reported that he had offered himself to the Commissary to purchase Cattle, that the Commissary told him he had a sufficient Number of Contractors out at present and if he wanted any he would apply to the Committee Adjourned till 1 OClock P. M Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Isaac Van Aernam Bastiaen T. Visscher Wm Van Bergen Ph P. Schuyler George White Stephen Lush Abraham Fonda [531a] Ordered that Jesse Fairchild and his Journeymen and Garret Witbeck and his workmen that are employed in making Spades Nails &c. for the use of the Army shall remain at Home and be requested to be diligent in their Business Ordered that Bastian T: Visscher & Isaac Van Arnum be a Committee to go into every House in and near this City and request such Persons as have arms not in Use to lend them to such of the Militia as are in want of them and that the said Committee appraise such Arms as they shall borrow and that the Persons who shall lend such Arms shall if they be not returned receive from this Committee their appraised value. And that the said Committee make a List of the Persons Names who shall lend such Arms and give them Receipts for the same Ordered that this Committee borrow of Jonathan Trumbul Continental Paymaster twelve hundred and fifty Dollars to be paid out of the first Money that shall come into the Hands of the Treasurer of this Committee PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 585 Received a Letter from Peter R Livingston dated 19th Inst. inclosing sundry Resolutions which is in the following Words to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Anthony Van Bergen dated 21st Instant which is in the following words (prout) Resolved That the Militia from Coxackie District Capt. Bratts Rangers, and fifty Men from Collo. Vrooman's Regiment immediately repair to Coxackie District and there apprehend and take such Persons as they find in Arms, or suspect to be Enemies to this State, and keep them in safe Custody till farther orders from this Board Received a Letter from Ab Yates Junr Leond Gansevoort and Mat Adgate dated 19th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) [532] Albany Committee Chamber 22 Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Resolved That Jonathan N Mallery be and he is hereby appointed Surgeon to Collo~ Peter Van Ness's Regiment of Militia during the present Invasion Received a Letter from John D. Fonda Chairman of the Committee of Hosick dated 20th Instant (prout) Resolved That the following be sent in Answer thereto (prout) Upon application of Messrs. Coent. Luke & Francis Winne Resolved That [no1] if any Negro Man Slave [upon pain of imprisonment and corporal punishment 1] within the Manor of Rensselaerwyck shall be found from his [own home 1] Masters House after [eight'] six OClock in the Evening without a permit in writing from his Master or Mistress, he shall be immediately apprehended, and receive Corporal punishment Ordered That the Treasurer pay Capt. Stephen Lush two hundred Pounds for the use of his Company An Account of Stephen Lush of expences Accrued on a Tory Examination was laid before this Board amounting to ~4.. 12 which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. 586 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [532a] Albany Committee Chamber 23 Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam John Tayler A Pay Roll of Collo Peter Vrooman's Regt on the late Alarm in Tryon County was laid before this Board amounting to ~68.. 14..6 which being attested to, was certified to be just and true and recommended to be paid - Received a Letter from John Younglove Chairman of the Committee of Cambridge dated 21 Oct 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That Seth Chace the person therein mentioned be sent to the Tory Goal there to remain till further orders Albany Committee Chamber 24th Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp John Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Robert Yates John Tayler Resolved That the following order be sent to Collo0 Witbeeck, to wit Sir You are hereby requested to March with such part of your Regiment as you now have over the River up to Fort Edward[533] Adjourned till 1 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Ordered That Thomas Holliday who is employed in making Coals for the use of the Blacksmiths who are employed in making Spades &c. for the use of the Continental Army remain at home, he being diligent in making and delivering said Coals PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 587 Albany Committee Chamber 25th Oct 1776 -Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Colo- Roseboom' John Taylor Stephen Lush This Committee taking into Consideration the secret practices and dangerous influence of several Persons in this County, and thereupon Resolve That the following Letter be sent to his Honor General Schuyler (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 26 Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman P T. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam [533a] Mr Gerrit Lansingh and Isaac Van Aernam Reported that they had wrote the following Letter to his Honor Genl1 Schuyler on the 24th Instant -Which is approved of and is in the following Words to wit Adjourned till 1 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Isaac Van Aernam Joseph Young Myndert Roseboom Resolved That three Days Provision be drawn for 45 Tory Prisoners ordered to be sent to Fish Kills and that the Secretary draw for the same and that the same be delivered to Lieut- Michael Jackson - Resolved That the following Letter be sent with the Tory Prisoners to the Committee of Conspiracy at Fish Kills (prout) 1 Myndert Roseboom. 588 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered That the following order be deliverd to Lieut- Jackson for his direction and Government (prout) Received a Letter from the Convention of the State of New York dated Fish Kills 23rd Oct 1 776 (prout Letter) Received a Letter from Ab. Yates Junr. Mat. Adgate and Peter R. Livingston dated 23d Instant inclosing a Resolution of said Convention dated 21st Instant which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) [534] Albany Committee Chamber 28h Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom Joseph Young Leond Gansevoort Mr Gansevoort Reported That he had from the Convention for the use of this Committee Six hundred Pounds, which he was ready to pay --- Ordered That Mr. Gansevoort pay the said Six hundred Pounds to Gerrit Lansingh Junr the Treasurer of this Board and take his Receipt for the sameReceived a Letter from General Schuyler dated 26th Oct. 1 776 which is in the following Words, to wit (prout) Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated 27th Oct 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee took into Consideration the Letter of the Convention of this State of the 26th Instant and thereupon Resolve That the following Letter be sent to General Ten Broeck in his absence to Lieut. Collo. Ten Broeck (prout Letter) Luke Jennings of Saratoga District delivered to the Custody of this Board three Prisoners taken at said place for declaring they would not fight for the Country but for the King Ordered That the Secretary give the said Jennings [534a] a Certificate for the delivery of the same Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 589 Met according to Adjournment Present Joseph Young Frederick Berger Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Roseboom Junr Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom This Board being informed by Mr Swart that a Letter had been sent by the Commissary General to the Committee of Bennington to procure flour and Complaining of the Supplies being stopped for the Northern Army in and About Albany Thereupon Resolved That being well Convinced that nothing can be farther from Truth and Justice than the Charge alledged against them, and in order that the evil Designing Men in and about Albany (of which this Committee are entirely ignorant) should any there be may be apprehended and punished as they deserve Ordered That the following Letter be sent to the Committee of Bennington (prout Letter) Resolved That Mr Swart be requested to carry said LetterAlbany Committee Chamber 29th Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Myndert Roseboom John Tayler Gerret Lansingh Junr John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Arum Peter Kimmel appeared before this Board, and on examination declared that the Revd Mr Swertfeger had been Guilty in using undue influence among [535] the People of his Congregation, and endeavouring to persuade them to Measures highly Inimical to the Rights and Liberties of this Country Ordered Thereupon That the Revd. Mr Swertfeiger be immediately apprehended, and that Collo. Van Ness be requested to send off a Party to apprehend him, and that the Secretary give orders accordinglyLourance Goes having been apprehended by Ensign Graves of Collo. Van Ness's Regiment was brought before this Board, ordered that he be discharged from his present Confinement and return to his own Home, and that 590 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE he prepare himself with the greatest dispatch and join his Company to the Northward Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Gerrit Lansingh Junr Myndert Roseboom John Ten Broeck John Tayler Isaac Van Aernam Received a Letter from Collo Lewis Van Woert dated 28th Octr. 1776 inclosing a Narrative of their proceedings which said Letter &c. is in the following Words (to wit) Thereupon Resolved That Collo. Van Woert be requested to remain in the District and pursue in detecting and apprehending the disaffected in the Woods, till further orders and make a return of their proceedings from time to time to this Board- And that Collo. Van Woert be acquainted with this Resolution which [535a] was done in the following manner (prout Letter) Mr. Swertfeiger having been apprehended and brought before this Board, Ordered that he appear to Morrow Morning for examination and that in the mean Time he procure Bail for his appearance at the above time Jacob A Lansing was also brought before this Board, Ordered That he appear to Morrow Morning and that he be Continued under the Security he has given Albany Committee Chamber 30th Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Leonard Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam Stephen Lush Myndert Roseboom Rynier Van Aelstyn Henry Simpson having been brought before this Committee as a disaffected Person to the Rights Liberties and Cause of America and having given proof to this Board of his attachment to the Cause &c of America Ordered Thereupon that the said Henry Simpson be Liberated, and that the Chairman Certify the same PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 591 Mr Robert Adams laid before this Board the following Resolution of the Committee of Tryon In Committee of the County of Tryon Oct. 18th. 1776 Doctr. William Adems upon Bail is permitted to remain in this County, The Committee of [536] Albany are therefore requested to Cancel the Bond he has given to them By order of the Committee John Fry Chairman Resolved Therefore That the Secretary Cancel the said Bond and forward it to Dr' Adems The Barrack Master applied to this Board that Albert Van Der Zee might be excused from farther duty as a Militia he being much wanted to procure and Cut Wood for the use of the Troops Ordered Thereupon That Collo. Van Bergen be requested to excuse said Van Der Zee, also James Wells and his Hands to bring up Wood The Treasurer Reported That he had paid the following Sums of Money borrowed by this Committee from the Persons following Viz. Abraham Ten Eyck ~450 Henry Quackenbush 80 John M. Beeckman 40 John Barclay 54 Jonathan Trumbull 418.. 10 Jonathan Trumbull 500 ~1542 10 Ordered That the proceedings of the Treasurer be approved ofAdjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. Gerrit Lansingh Junr Hezekiah Van Orden Myndert Roseboom William Van Ness Rynier Van Aelstyn 592 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [536a] Mr Swart having it not in his power to carry the Letter to the Committee of Bennington — Ordered thereupon that Capt. Stephen Lush be requested to carry said Letter, and in Case the Chairman of said Committee should refuse to furnish him with a Copy of said Letter that in the Name and by the Authority of this Board request the Chairman to call the Committee of Bennington together and demand a Copy of said Letter The Barrack Master applied to this Board that Philip Van Aelstyn had agreed to furnish him with a Quantity of Wood, that he was now gone up with the Militia, and that there was the greatest necessity of having a supply - Ordered Thereupon that a Letter be prepared to General Schuyler which was done in the following manner to wit (prout Letter) John Long having given the Committee of Convention sufficient proof of his Attachment to the Rights and Cause of America, and having been by them discharged on his promising to go up 'to the Northward Resolved That this Committee agree with the Committee of Convention in Opinion - and the said John Long is hereby discharged accordingly Ordered that the Treasurer pay William Van Ness thirty Pounds to be delivered to the Committee appointed to furnish two of the [537] Brower's family's with such Necessary's as they may stand in need of, and take his Receipt for the same Albany Committee Chamber 31st Oct 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Isaac Van Aernam Adam Vrooman Hezekiah Van Orden John Van Orden Resolved That Mr Elisha Avery Deputy Commissary General be requested to furnish Collo' Peter Van Ness's Regiment of Militia with Provisions during the Time they are Stationed in this City The Revd- Samuel Swerdfeger was again brought before this Board and examined, and it being conceived expedient by the Board to discharge him on his making the following Declaration (here take in prout) The said Swerdfeger was called, and Voluntarilly Sign'd said Declaration whereupon he was discharged - The Chairman passed his Receipt to Capt' John Beebe for thirteen Pair of Stockings PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1776 593 An Account of Alexander Robertson was laid before this Board for printing Hand Bills amounting to ~5..4 Ordered that the account be allowed and that the Treasurer pay the same [537a] Albany Committee Chamber 31 Octr. P. M. 1776. Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Mindert Roseboom Leonard Gansevoort Wessel Ten Broeck Anthony Van Schaick Barent Mynderse Esqrs Joseph Young John Beebe George Palmer Joost Borst Isaac Fonda Isaac Van Aernum Robert Yates James Kennedy was brought before this Board and discharged from Confinement Messrs.. Abraham Bogert and Barent Bogert appeared before the ComXmittee and complain'd that two Persons whose Names they do not know, but that they can designate their Persons, had rob'd a Tan pit belonging to the above named Barent Bogert of 4 Sides of Leather Ordred thereupon that [the Doorkeeper] Jacob Kidney do forthwith go with the above mentioned Abraham and Barent Bogert and apprehend the said Persons when shewn him by the said Abraham & Barent Bogert or either of them and bring them before this Committee Whereas it appears to this Committee from the Information of Stephen Ketchum and Augustine Odell taken upon Oath before the Committee of Kings District that there is a dangerous Conspiracy forming in the said District against the Liberties of America therefore [538] Resolved That Collo. William B. Whiting be ordered forthwith to apprehend Simeon Warner William Showers and Andrew Palmetier and such other Persons as shall be found with them as sustain the Character of disaffected Persons and these together with the Papers which may be found in their Custody immediately. Resolved that if Collo. Robert Van Rensselaer should arrive in Kings District with his detachment of Militia in consequence of an order from the Committee of the Convention of the State of New York that Colo~ Whiting be requested to Cooperate with Coll. Rensselaer for the purpose of Carrying these Resolutions into Execution 594 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered That the Chairman be directed to write a Letter to Collo. Whiting inclosing Copy of this Resolution as he shall Judge best adapted recommend his strenuous Exertions in this matter Ordered that the Secretary furnish the Chairman with Copy of these Resolutions to be transmitted to Collo WhitingThe following Letter was wrote by the Chairman to Collo Whiting (prout Letter) Jacob A. Lansing was again brought before this Board, and nothing farther appearing against him Ordered That he be Liberated from his present restraint, and that the Security given to this Board for his appearance be and is hereby Cancelled [538a] Albany Committee Chamber Novr. 1st.. 1776. Present. John Barclay Esqr' Chairman Anthony Van Schaick Samuel Vrooman George Palmer Hezekiah Van Orden Wessel Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort Joost Borst Gerrit Lansingh Junr Barent Myndersen Joseph Young Gerardus Cluet Mr. Gansevoort informed the Committee that a Negro Man belonging to Mr. Johs. DeWandelaer of Schagtekoke District had been sent to the Tory Goal by the Committee of said District and that the Master of said Negro was anxious that the said Negro Man sho'd be tried and if Guilty punished and if not Guilty acquitted Oldered thereupon that the Chairman be directed to write a Letter to Saml Rowland Esqr. Chairman of the said District Committee requesting him to transmit the Facts charged against the said Negro Man - The Chairman reported the following Letter which was approved off and ordered to be sent - (pro ut) A Letter from Henry Van Schaack Esqr was read —which is in the following Words (to wit) The Committee having taken the Subject of the said Letter into their Consideration and ever willing and ready to do an Act of Humanity- came to the following preamble and Resolutions - to wit PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 595 [539] Whereas this Committee did on the 8th.' Day of October last Resolve that Henry Van Schaack Esq' should be permitted to return to Kinderhook for the Term of 21 Days, to visit his Father who then laid very III, And Whereas it appears to the Committee a Letter from the said Henry Van Schaack that his Father is since deceased And Whereas it is more than probable that it will be necessary for the said Henry Van Schaack to continue at Home for some Days longer to adjust and settle the Affairs of his deceased Father Thereupon Resolved that the Indulgence given to the said Henry Van Schaack Esqr. be prolonged till the 20. Day of November ensuing, under the same Injunctions and Restrictions prescribed to him by the above Resolve of the 8th.. Instant Ordered that the Secretary be directed to make a Copy of the above Resolution and transmit the same to Mr. Van SchaackA Letter from George Palmer Esqr. Chairman of Saratoga District was read which is in the following Words (to wit) Ordered that the Persons mentioned in the above Letter be forthwith delivered to the Keeper of the Tory Goal. Whereas Benjamin French stands charged with having industriously handed about Lord & General Howe's declaration, and [539a] having been industrious in propagating Reports among the People that Peace was offered them, and had better stay home, than to go and fight Thereupon Resolved That the said Benjamin French be immediately apprehended and kept in safe Custody till the farther order of this Board Rece[i]ved a Letter from Coll~- Dirck Ten Broeck dated Fort George 30th Octr 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from General Ten Broeck dated Fort Edward 31st October 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Corns- Glen dated this Day which is in the following Words (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman P. T. John Tayler Michael Van Der Cooke George Palmer Hezekiah Van Orden Stephen Graves Leonard Gansevoort 596 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received the following Note from Elisha Avery Esqr Deputy Commissary General dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the following be sent in Answer thereto (prout) Received The following Resolution from the Committee of Tryon County dated 29h Oct 1776 -here take in (prout) [540] Dennis Hageman was brought before this Board as being a Person Inimical to the Rights and Liberties of America, and; being much Intoxicated Ordered That the said Dennis Hageman be confined till to Morrow Morning for Examination The Committee of the Convention of the State of New York laid before this Board the following Resolutions of the Committee of Safety entered into on the 29th October (prout) Resolved That the Chairman be requested to send that part of said Resolutions which respect the Coopers fortwith to General Ten Broeck which was accordingly done in the following manner here take in Letter (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 2 Novr- 1776 Present. John Barclay Chairman Myndert Roseboom George Palmer Leond Gensevoort Stephen Greaves Henry Quackenboss Stephen Lush A Negro Man named Cesar the property of Johs' DeWandelaer having been Confined by the Committee of Schaghteckocke and no crime being sent against him - Ordered Thereupon that the following Letter be sent to the said Committee (prout) [540a] Albany Committee Chamber November 4th: 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr: Chairman Gerret Lansingh Junr Leonard Gansevoort Isaac Van Arnum Stephen Lush Myndert Roseboom PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 597 Ordered that an Order issue to the D. Commissary General (Mr- Avery) for forty nine Rations for the Keeper of the Tory Goal & 5 of his Prisoners. Recd. a Letter from Jesse Root Esqr Chairman of the Committee of Prisoners at Hartford informing that Abraham C: Cuyler Esqr- and Mr? Benjamin Hilton had broke their paroles and were run away inclosing a Copy of their Paroles - Ordered that the followg Letter be wrote in Answer to the above Letter to Jesse Root Esqr (pro ut)Col: Mindert Roseboom laid before the Committee an Acct- of Expences incurr'd in going to Kinderhook upon the service of this Committee amounting to ~4.. 11. Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same. Albany Committee Chamber Novr 5th: 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort John M. Beeckman Esqrs Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Abraham Ten Eyck [541] Isaac Peabody appeared and being Examined says (prout) Ordered that Capt. Baldwin do forthwith Dispatch a Serjeant and two Men to apprehend [blank space] Michel mentd in the above Examination and bring them before this Committee and in Case the Committee shall not then be sitting to deliver him to the Keeper of the Goal in the said City - Ordered That Messrs Isaac Van Aernam and Gerrit Lansingh Junr. be a Committee to examine the Muster and Pay Rolls of Capt. John A. Bratt and the said Gerrit Lansingh Junr- is hereby ordered to pay the ballance appearing due thereon if sufficient in the Treasury for that purpose, and if not that he advance as much as can be sparedJacob Lawyer Second Lieut. of Capt. John A Bratts Company of Rangers having resigned his Commission - Ordered That Walter Swits be and he is hereby appointed Second Lieutenant of the said Company of Rangers and he is hereby ordered and directed to join his said Company without delay and to abide and perform the Date hereof the orders and directions of said Capt. Bratt Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 598 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Stephen Lush Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Joseph Young Henry Quackenbush Isaac H Lansingh [541a] Capt- John A. Bratt of the Rangers laid before this Board a Pay Roll of his Company from the third day of October till the 3rd Day of November amounting to ~301. 10..2 including the Bounty of ten Men Ordered That the Treasurer pay the said ~301. 10..2 and that a Committee be appointed to examine said Rolls and make Report accordingly - and the Secretary is ordered to order payment accordingly The Treasurer is farther ordered to take Capt. Bratts Receipt for one hundred Pounds in addition to the ~301.. 10..2 for Money paid him by order of this Board by the Secretary Albany Committee Chamber 6 Novr 1776 Present. John Barcley Esqr. Chairman Leonard Gansevoort Myndert Roseboom John Ten Broeck Abraham Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Ordered That Stephen Lush and Joseph Young be a Committee to take into Consideration the proclamation issued by Lord and General Howe, and make a Report of their observations & remarks on the same without delay Dennis Hageman having a Number of Letters with him some days ago when he was Confined which were detained by the Board, and George Searne his Son in Law now applying for said Letters, and it appearing that among the rest there was one directed to John Hogel containing some Money, and the said John Hogel being a Person highly Inimical to the Cause and Rights [542] of AmericaOrdered thereupon that the said Letter be detained and that the Chairman take Charge of the same 'A receipt, dated Nov. 5, 1776, given by Gerrit Lansing Jur to Matthew Vischer for one hundred pounds is attached to p. 541. RECEIPT IN THE HANDWRITING OF MATTHEW VISSCHER SIGNED BY GERRIT LANSING, JUNR PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 599 An Account of Volkart Dawson was laid before this Board for keeping and attending the Tory Goal in this City amounting to ~9.. 14- which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same Resolved that Capt. Lush receive an Order for ten Pounds of Powder and twenty Pounds of Lead. Gerrit Seeger Staats Bratt, Peter B Bratt and Gerrit Slingerlandt having been apprehended by the Rangers and prayed that they might be restored to favour & Voluntarily Swore allegiance to the free and Independant States of America in return for the protection of their Laws Whereupon they were discharged from Confinement Ordered That Provisions be drawn for 19 Tory Prisoners confined in the Goal of the City and County of Albany Albany Committee Chamber 7th Novr 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Leond Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Stephen Lush Henry Quackenbush Resolved That no Person (not being a Member of this Committee) do presume to enter the Committee Room without first having obtained Liberty for that purpose Ordered That the above Resolution be posted up to the Door of the Committee Room [542a] Albany Committee Chamber 7th Novr. 1776 -2 OClock P M. Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Stephen Lush Leond Gansevoort Joseph Young Henry Quackenbush John Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom Resolved That Messrs. Leond Gansevoort Stephen Lush, Joseph Young and Matthew Visscher the Secretary to this Committee or any two of them 600 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE be a Committee to Correspond with the Convention of the State of New York till the farther order of this Committee, and they are hereby ordered to Report their proceedings in the premisses from time to time to -this Board Albany Committee Chamber 8th Novr' 1776 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansing Junr Leond Gansevoort Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam John Younglove John Ten Broeck Hezekiah Middlebrooks Henry Quackenbush Edmund Wells Received a Letter from Collo- Dirck Ten Broeck dated the 4th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Coxackie District dated the 6th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the Prisoners therein mentioned be [543] Committed to Close Confinement till farther orders The Committee appointed to Correspond with the Convention of this State Reported that they had sent the following Letter (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr: Hezekiah Middlebrooks Isaac Van Aernam Edmund Wells Myndert Roseboom Henry Quackenbush John Younglove David McCarty Resolved That all Arms Ammunition Camp Kettles Pots and other Stores received by the several Officers of Militia on the late Alarm to the Northward be fortwith returned the Arms Camp Kettles Pots & Axes to the Continental Store keeper, and the Ammunition to the Store keeper of this Committee PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 601 And it is farther resolved that all such of the above mentioned Articles as are not returned will & shall be charged to the officers who have received the same Resolved That the Salt delivered to this Board by his Honor General Schuyler be distributed in the different Districts in the following manner and that the same be Sold at the rate of eight Shillings P Bushel, that none but well Affected Persons be supplied, and that Cornelius Cadmus issue the same and be allowed four pence P Bushel for his trouble (to wit) Bushels Albany 3 Districts 36 Half Moon 20 Manor Renss 2 Do~ 60 Ballston 12 ScheneY- Do. 20 Saratoga 20 [543a] Schagtekocke 18 Manor Livingston 10 Hosick 16 [German] Camp 10 Cambridge 20 Grote Imboght 10 Kinderhook 12 Coxackie 20 Kings District 20 Schoharry 20 Claverack 18 Amounting to 340 Bushels Ordered that 60 Bushels the remainder of the four hundred Bushels be kept in Store and that the several Districts be at the expence of Conveying the Salt from this City in addition to the sum of eight Shillings for each Bushel Ordered That Mr Cadmus conform himself to the following Orders & Resolutions (prout) Whereas the Time limitted by the good People of this County for the present Committee to serve expires on the fourth Tuesday of this Month And Whereas the Representatives of this State in Convention have been Inevitably prevented from forming a Government for this State Therefore Resolved That it is necessary that another Committee be elected in this County for the Space of Six Months commencing from the first day of December next unless sooner dissolved by the Convention of this State Resolved That every District be allowed the same Number of Members as represent them in the present General Committee of the County Resolved That the Qualification of the Elector and Elected be the same as of the last 602 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Elections in the several Districts in this County be held at the usual Place of Election in said Districts on the third Tuesday of November Instant or at any Time previous thereto with such public Notice by Advertisements or otherwise [544] as the respective District Committee's shall deem proper or sufficient [at the usual Places of Election in the said Districts 1] Resolved That the Persons elected as above do meet at the City Hall in the City of Albany on the fourth Tuesday in November Instant Albany Committee Chamber 9th Novr. 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Leond Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam John Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom John McKinna having Voluntarily Swore allegiance to the free and Independant States of America in return for the protection of their Laws, was thereupon discharged from Confinement and permitted to pursue his lawful Business Gisbert Marselis Barrack Master applied to this Board for their recommendation in procuring Fire Wood for the use of the Barracks - And thereupon Resolve That the said Gisbert Marselis be furnished with the following Certificate to wit By the Committee of the City & County of Albany To all good People in the said County of Albany This Certifies that the Bearor hereof Gisbert Marselis Esqr. Barrack Master is employed for procuring Fire Wood for public use, and all the Inhabitants are earnestly requested to give him all necessary assistance [544a] Ordered That Collo. Peter Van Ness with his Regiment of Militia be dismissed from the present Tour of Duty A Poor Woman who had lost her Husband who had belonged to Capt Lambs Company of Artillery applied to this Board to know when she could receive the pay due her Husband Ordered thereupon that the following Letter be sent to Genl Schuyler (prout) 1 Crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 603 Ordered that Mindert Roseboom & Isaac Van Aernum be a Committee to audit the pay Billet and Bounty Rolls of Capt. Alexr- Baldwin's Company, and report the Amount of the Money due Mr. Baldwin for his Company immediately The Committee appointed to examine the above Accts report that the Amount of Bounty Billet and Pay Rolls of Capt. Baldwin's Company amount to ~1322..19..8 Ordered that Capt Baldwin be directed to call upon Gerrit Lansing Junr. Treasurer to this Committee, and settle the said Rolls, and Resolved that the said Treasurer be and he is hereby authoriz'd to Borrow from Jonathan Trumbull Junr. Esqr. the Pay Master General the Ballance due Mr. Baldwin and pledge the Faith of this Committee to the sd. Jonathan Trumbull Junr Esqr. for the repayment of the same. Lieut. Jarvis Mudge of Kings District delivered to the Custody of this Committee Simeon Warner John Brigs, George Waite, Philip Alesworth Samuel Wheeler and John Boardman disaffected [545] Persons - Ordered that they be sent to the Tory Goal there to be Committed till discharged by this or a future Committee - Albany Committee Chamber I th Novr- 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Leonard Gansevoort Stephen Lush Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aeram Jacob Roseboom JunrJohn Ten Broeck John Price Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman An Account of John Ten Broeck Esqr was laid before this Board for his attendance in the Convention of this State amounting to ~30.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of Leonard Gansevoort Esq. for the like purpose amounting to ~22.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of Mat. Adgate Esqr. for the like purpose amounting to ~58 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Mr' Abraham Yates Junr. one of the Members of this Board Reported that he had now received from the Treasurer of the State of New York ~980 for 604 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE the use of the Ranging Company's in this County - also the Sum of ~22.. 0.. 0 3/4 from the said Treasurer which together with two Sums of ~210 & ~190...0. 7 hereafter mentd: amt: to ~622..0..3/4 for which Receipts have been given to said Treasurer. Ordered That the said Mr Yates deliver the said sums now received amounting to ~1201. 19..8 1/4 to the Treasurer of this Committee and take his Receipt for the same, And that the Chairman Sign a Receipt for the said ~980 and also a Receipt for the said Sum of ~622..0.. 3/4 including the Sums of [545a] ~210 before mentioned received the 18th August last and the Sum of ~190.. and seven pence received the 14th October last entry's whereof are made on the said Days on the Minutes of this Board and that the Chairman's Receipts for said last mentioned Sums (now produced to this Board) dated the Dates above be Cancelled An Account of Abraham Yates Junr. for his attendance in Convention of this State was laid before this Board amounting to ~18.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Stephen Lush Esqr was laid before this Board for going in search of a Letter said to be wrote by the Commissary whereby the Esteem and Character of the good People in and about Albany was traduced amounting to ~1.. 15 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Wilhelmus Van Antwerp was laid before this Board for flour and other Provisions sent to Ticonderoga in June 1775 amounting to ~9..14 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 12th Novr- 1776. Present John Barclay Chairman John M. Beeckman Jer. Van Rensselaer John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr. Stephen Lush Jacob Lansingh Junr. Resolved That Major General Schuyler or his Agents be and they are hereby authorized to impress for the service of the Continental Army all Batteaux and other Craft in this County, which may be fit for use, paying the appraized Value therefore to the owner thereof - PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 605 [546] An Account of Alexander and James Robertson was laid before this Board for Printing the Advertisements for new Election of Committee amounting to ~1.. 12 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of William Shepherd for Cleaning Mending fixing and making Bayonets for Collo. Van Schaick's Regiment was laid before this Board amounting to ~20..2.. 0 which is allowed and ordered to be paid - Albany Committee Chamber 13th Novr 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry Van Veghten John M. Beeckman Anthony Van Bergen Jacob Roseboom Junr. Richard Bronck Rutger Bleecker Harmanus Wendell General Ten Broeck Resolved That Collo. William B Whiting be and he is hereby empowered to discharge the Militia now embodied in Kings District, if he and the Sub Committee of said District shall think, the same ought to be done The Committee of Bennington applied to this Board for some Salt which the Inhabitants of that District were in the greatest distress for Ordered That Cornelius Cadmus deliver to Lieut Nathaniel Spencer 12 Bushels of Salt, he paying him the at the rate of 8/ I Bushel Resolved That the Treasurer pay John Barclay Esqr Chairman of this Committee two hundred Dollars to be applied towards payment of the Stockings daily delivered him pursuant to a [546a] Resolve of this Committee An Account of Harmanus Wendell Ab. Ten Broeck and Stephen Lush was laid before this Board for a Quantity of Lead by them purchased amounting in the whole with contingent Expenses to ~63..3..3 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of John Barclay was laid before this Board for Cash paid an express from the Convention of this State to this Committee amounting to ~1..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid - An Account of Maas Bloomendall for Casting Ball was laid before this Board amounting to ~14. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Acct. of Henry R. Lansing for the same purpose amounting to ~10.. 16.. 8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid 606 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Secretary draw on the Depy Commissary General for seven Days Provisions for twenty eight Tory Prisoners Francis Winne having informed some of the members of this Board that he had in his Custody a Tierce of Salt belonging to a Person whom he cannot find out Ordered that the said Francis Winne deliver the said Tierce of salt to Cornelius Cadmus Albany Committee Chamber 14th Novr 1776 Present Henry Quackenbush Anthony Van Schaack Bastiaen T. Visscher Volkart Veeder Corns. G. Van Den Bergh Har- H Wendell Henry Wendell Philip Frisbe John M. Beeckman Edward Jewit Rutger Bleecker Rutger Lansingh Leonard Gansevoort Asa Douglass Harrs Wendell Anthony Van Bergen John Ten Broeck Israel Spencer Joseph Clarke James Sexton [547] Isaac Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer William Thorn Stephen Graves Anthony Van Bergen John Beebe Killiaen Van Rensselaer John H Beeckman Mr John Barclay the Chairman being necessarily prevented from attendance this Day & Thereupon The Committee Unanimously appointed Anthony Van Schaick Esq'Chairman P: T. Received a Letter from Henry Van Schaack Esqr dated Kinderhook 13th Instant inclosing a Parole, and a request from several Inhabitants of Kinderhook which said Letter and Parole is in the following Words (to wit) Ordered That the Consideration of said Letter &c. be Postponed till to Morrow Morning Received a Letter from Abraham C. Cuyler dated this day as also a Request from Henry Glen Esqr. dated the same time which said Letter and Request is in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 607 A Petition of John Monier dated Hartford 22nd October was laid before this Board which said Petition is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That Jer. Van Rensselaer Israel Spencer & Volkert Veeder be a Committee to take into Consideration 'the Letters Petition &c. of Henry Van Schaack, Abraham C. Cuyler and John Monier, and Report their Opinion thereon to Morrow Morning, whether the Request of the said Gentlemen can be granted, and on what Terms - Collo- Anthony Van Bergen informed this Board that he had orders from the Convention of this State to send fifty Men to Fish Kills, who are disaffected, and that he could not procure the Number unless he required those who had done constant duty and were well affected to the [547a] Cause of American Freedom- Ordered Thereupon That Coll~. Van Bergen, Rutger Bleecker, Henry Van Veghten and John Beebe be a Committee to examine into the Nature and Crimes of the Prisoners confined in Goal and make Report thereon with all Speed Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met according to Adjournment [15th Novt. 1776] Present John Barclay Chairman John M Beeckman Hars- H Wendell Myndert Roseboom Abraham Fonda Anthony Van Bergen Joseph Clarke Anthony Van Schaick Israel Spencer Bastiaen T. Visscher Jer Van Rensselaer Corns* G. Van Den Bergh Jacob Roseboom Junr William Thorn Hars Wendell Killiaen Van Rensselaer Rutger Bleecker James Sexton Henry Quackenbush Edward Jewit Leond Gansevoort Stephen Graves Stephen Lush Rutger Lansingh John Beebe John H Beeckman Ph. P. Schuyler John Beebe Wilhelmus Van Antwerp Asa Douglass Philip Frisbe 608 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE An Account of Mess- Hars Wendell, Abraham Ten Broeck and Stephen Lush was laid before this Board for Lead by them brought from the Committee of Schonectady amounting to ~34..3.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Petitions &c. of Abraham C. Cuyler Henry Van Schaack and John Monier brought in their Report which is in the followings Words to wit (prout) This Board took the said Report into Consideration and thereupon Resolve, That the prayer of the [5481 Petitions of Messrs Van Schaack Cuyler an4 Monier cannot consistantly be granted - A Petition of the Field Officers of the 4th: 5th: 12th. 13 and 14th Regiments of Militia of the County of Albany, was laid before this Board dated the 7th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved Thereupon That Messrs. Stephen Lush, Leond. Gansevoort Asa Douglass and Israel Spencer be a Committee to take the said Petition and the subject matter therein Contained into Consideration and Report their proceedings thereon to this Committee without delay - Resolved That a Committee be appointed to enquire whether any and what Persons of those that have been Conveyed out of this County into a Neighbouring State shall be permitted to return or Continue at Home for any and what Time, and under what Restrictions and Injunctions, and that the Committee to Compose it be one out of each District present The Committee chosen are John Beebe, Joseph Clarke, Rutger Bleecker, Myndert Roseboom, Abraham Ten Eyck, Henry Quackenbush, John H Beeckman, Edward Jewit, William Thorn, Anthony Van Bergen, Abraham Fonda - Peter Silvester Esqr appeared before this Board and prayed that Mr. Henry Van Schaack might be permitted to continue at home for several Reasons of a Domestic Nature which he mentioned to this Committee Thereupon Resolved Unanimously That the Time of Mr. Van Schaacks departure be procrastinated untill the 28th Instant - Ordered that the Secretary furnish Mr Silvester with a Copy of this ResolutionAdjourned till 2 OClock P M. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 609 [548a] Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman James Sexton Asa Douglass Ph. P. Schuyler Leond Gansevoort Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob C. Schermerhorn Henry Wendell Killiaen Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Jun Henry Wendell Corns G. Van Den Bergh Hars H Wendell Philip Van Veghten Rutger Bleecker Israel Spencer Henry Quackenbush Stephen Lush William Thorn Stephen Graves Received a Letter from the Committee of Safety for the State of New York inclosing the following Resolution (prout) in the following Words to wit " It is the request of the Committee of Safety that the Committee of Albany immediately forward the enclosed Letters by Messengers at the expence of this State Pierre Van Cortlandt V. President ["] Ordered That Issachar Childs carry the said Letters to the Counties of Charlotte Cumberland and Gloucester The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Petition of the Field Officers of the 4th 5th. 12th. 13th & 14th. Regiments of this County made Report which is in the following Words to wit (prout) [549] Ordered That the Secretary acquaint Capt. Jacob J. Lansingh that it is the opinion of this Committee that he immediately Levy on the Goods and Chattels of Benjamin Baker the fine of Ten Pounds incurred by him on the late Alarm to the Westward, and that he pay of the said sum of Ten Pounds, eight Pounds to John Fryer Junr. who for that sum did his Tour of Duty and that he return the remainder to the Treasurer of this Committee John Crawbergh was brought before this Board and enterd into Bond with Security in ~200 for his appearance before the said Committee, or the District Committee where he resides, and that he shall not in the mean Time do or say any thing in opposition to the Measures pursued by the United States of America either by Word Action or writingOrdered that the said John Crawbergh be thereupon discharged from Confinement 20 610 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That Capt. Alexander Baldwin immediately apprehend Abraham C. Cuyler Esqr' and that he be sent with all Speed to his Honor Governor Trumbull The Committee appointed to take into Consideration whether any what Persons that had been sent out of this County to a Neighbouring State and under what Restrictions and Injunctions brought in the following Report (prout) This Board took into Consideration the said Report and are thereupon of Opinion not to [449a] approve of the same Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment [16th Novr 1776] Present John Barclay Esqr John H Beeckman John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Killiaen Van Rensselaer General Ten Broeck Jacob C. Schermerhorn William Thorn Leonard Gansevoort James Sexton Stephen Graves Joseph Clarke Jer. Van Rensselaer Chairman Edward Jewit Corns G Van Den Bergh Henry Van Veghten Henry Wendell Israel Spencer Rutger Bleecker Harmanus H Wendell Gerrit Lansingh JunrAbraham Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam The Committee on Motion resumed the Consideration of the Case of MrAbraham C. Cuyler and after some Time Spent therein in debating, it was Resolved that the said Abraham C. Cuyler Esqr- be sent with the first Sloop under Guard to the Convention of the State of New York at Fish Kills Resolved that the Crimes and Offences charged agt- the said Abraham C. Cuyler be transmitted to the President of the said Convention Resolved That a Committee be appointed to prepare a Letter to the President of the Convention stating the facts charged against the said Abraham C. Cuyler the Committee appointed are Jer Van Rensselaer, and LeondGansevoort PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 611 [550] Ordered That the respective Militia Officers do without delay carry into Execution the Resolution of this Committee of the 17th October last with the Amendments of the 15 Instant with respect to the Defaulters of the Militia of this County on the late Alarm to the Northward Albany Committee Chamber 18th Novr. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Junr Leond Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Henry Van Veghten Har-. Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr Stephen Lush Mr. Gansevoort informed the Committee that Ensign Denny of Col: Van Schaick's Regiment had acquainted him that several recruits who had been inlisted by the recruiting Officers at Fort George to serve during the War had deserted from that place and were gone down probably to Kingston in Ulster County there to wait the Arrival of the Regiment they lately belonged which was Col: Dehaas's, he further informed them that these Men had chiefly received their Bounty and were actually mustered- Thereupon Resolved that the following Order be Issued to [blank] to wit Sir. You are hereby ordered to repair down to Kingston in the County of Ulster, and there wait the arrival of the following Persons, who have deserted from the Officers who had enlisted them to serve during the War and were actually mustered to wit, [550a] James Stewart Joseph Jones John M~Cosh James Carvin Robert Maxwell Dennis McDunnick John McVia James Conner James Lowry Brant Depedy You will go down on the East Side of the River and Cross at Rhinebeeck, upon your arrival in Kingston call upon the Chairman of the Committee, 612 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE shew him your orders, and request him to give you all necessary assistance in apprehending and securing the above deserters and Guarding them to this Place There is the greatest probability of their being destin'd to Kingston as that is the place of Rendezvous appointed for the Regiment by Collo~ Dehaas We depend on your usual Zeal and Activity for the execution of this Order Capt. Joshua Conkey delivered to the Custody of this Committee, Kennet Fraser and Nathan Starns who were sent hither by the Committee of New Perth 1 Ordered that the said Prisoners be Committed in the Goal of the City & County of Albany, and that the Secretary certify the delivery of the same, and grant a pass to Capt. Conkey and his Party to return home Received a Letter from Abraham I Van Aelstyn dated Kinderhook November 16th: 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of John J Wendell for carrying Letters to the different Colonels of this County to [551] March on the late Alarm to the Northward amounting to ~2.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Convention of this State stating the Charges and Offences charged Abraham C. Cuyler brought in the following which was agreed to (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 19th Nov'r 1776 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Jer. Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Jacob Roseboom Junr Henry Wendell Leond Gansevoort Rutger Bleecker Henry Van Veghten Hars Wendell Ordered That in Case Frederick Lantman can give sufficient Security (to be approved of by the Chairman) for his future good behaviour and to appear before this Board when called upon, that he be Liberated from Confinement Ordered That Nicholas Michel be Liberated from Confinement on his taking the Test and entring into Bond for his future good behaviour 1 In that part of Charlotte County now known as Washington County. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 613 Abraham Pells having been sent under Guard by the Committee of Half Moon District to be Confined in the Tory Goal, Ordered that he be Confined accordingly Ordered That a Committee be appointed to superintend the Elections for Committee in the several Wards of this City, and that there be two appointed for each ward, The Committee appointed are Myndert [551a] Roseboom & Henry Van Veghten superintend the Election in the first Ward, Jacob Lansingh Junr & John Ja Beeckman in the second Ward, and John M. Beeckman and Isaac Van Aernam in the third Ward, And it is farther Ordered That the Cryer, make known by proclamation to each Ward that the Elections will begin at the usual place of Election in each Ward at two OClock this afternoon Resolved That a Committee be appointed to enquire into the Nature of the Offences charged against the Prisoners confined in this City for disaffection to the Cause of America and Treasonable practices against the State of New York, and that such of them as would be dangerous to the State if permitted to go at Large be sent under Guard to the Committee appointed by the Convention of the State of New York for enquiring into, detecting & defeating all Conspiracies formed in the said State against ithe Liberties of America sitting at Fish Kills to be dealt with as to them shall appear necessary - The Committee appointed are Rutger Bleecker Jer. Van Rensselaer and Myndert Roseboom Ordered That the Secretary draw for seven Days Provisions on the Commissary for thirty four Tory Prisoners confined in the Goal of the City & County of Albany Albany Committee Chamber 20th Novr. 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John M Beeckman Rutger Bleecker Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr Leonard Gansevoort Myndert Roseboom Hars Wendell [552] An Account of Jacob Kidney for his services as Messenger to this Committee amounting to ~8.. 4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid 614 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 21st Novr 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Leond Gansevoort Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr John Ja Beeckman Genl1 Ten Broeck Henry Van Veghten Stephen J. Schuyler Rutger Bleecker Jacob Lansingh Junr On Motion Resolved That all such of the Militia who have marched up to the Northward on the late Invasion and have returned without proper Leave, be not allowed any pay for the Time thay have been in the Service Resolved That a Committee of Three be appointed to examine the Pay Rolls of the different Corps of Militia who have been on duty on the late Alarm to the Northward, and that they be allowed a Compensation for their Trouble, and that they or any two of them have power to Act, The Committee appointed are Jer. Van Rensselaer, John Ja Beeckman & Myndert Roseboom, and that the said Committee meet every Day from ten to twelve OClock in the Morning & from two till five in the Afternoon at the House of Peter De Wandelaer till the business is finished Resolved as the Opinion of this Committee that it be Recommended and it is hereby recommended to the several Militia officers of this County, not to carry into Execution the Resolutions of this Committee of 1 7th Octr last and of the 15th November Instant, till the farther order of the next General Committee [552a] Mr. Abraham Van Aelstyn appeared before the Committee and exhibited to them a Letter he had received from William Duer Esqr Assistant Quarter Master General whereby he was requested to purchase for the use of the Continental Army as many Boards as possible and Mr. Van Aelstyn suggested to the Committee the difficulty he was under to procure Carriages to Transport the said Boards to the Banks of Hudsons River Resolved That the said Abraham Van Aelstyn be and 'he is hereby empowered to impress at his Discretion as many Waggons and Teams within this County to Transport Boards to any part of Hudsons River for the use of the Continental Army as may be necessary, and it is earnestly PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 615 recommended to the said Abraham Van Aelstyn first to Try with the Person or Persons possessed of Waggons & Teams to hire them - Adjourned till 2 OClock P: M: Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Lansingh JunrLeonard Gansevoort John M. Beeckman Stephen J. Schuyler Henry Wendell Henry Van Veghten Rutger Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Collo. Morgan Lewis Deputy Quartermaster General appeard. before the Committee and informed them that Mr. Gerard DePeyster of this City had in his Possession a Quantity of Window Glass the Property of another [553] Person and that Mr De Peyster was not willing to dispose of the said Glass to him and further said that the said Glass is wanted for barracks and other public Buildings Resolved therefore that this Committee do most earnestly recommend it to Mr De Peyster to dispose of the said Glass to Collo Lewis he paying the said Mr De Peyster therefore Ordered that the Secretary furnish Colo. Lewis with a Copy of this Resolution Albany Committee Chamber 22nd Novr- 1776 Present John Barclay Esq' Chairman Henry Wendell Stephen J. Schuyler Leond Gansevoort John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Jun Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price Myndert Roseboom Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Broeck Rutger Bleecker Col: Stephen J. Schuyler informed that there was a Quantity of Cannon Ball and grape Shot belonging to the public lying in the Street at the Continental Storehouse, of which there was great Waste committed by Children and others 616 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved thereupon that a Letter be written to Mr- Philip Van Rensselaer Continental Storekeeper, acquainting him of the above Matter and requesting him to have the said Ball and Shot stored in some safe place to prevent any further Waste Albany Committee Chamber 25th Novr. 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Leonard Gansevoort John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Hars Wendell Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aemam Rutger Bleecker [553a] Received a Letter from Angus McDonald dated Hartford 20th Novr- 1776 praying leave to come home part of the Winter which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 21st Instant inclosing a Letter from Capt. John A. Bratt dated the same Day which said Letters are in the following Words to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Collo Peter R. Livingston dated Hartford 19th Instant Which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter from Jesse Root Chairman of the Committee of Hartford dated 19th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Israel Spencer dated 21st Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the Consideration of the said Letter be postponed till the next General meeting An Account of Dirck Bratt Van Schoonhoven was laid before this Board for going express to Manor Livingston and other places with Letters to order the Collos. to March the Militia to the Northward amounting to ~3.. which is allowed and ordered to be paid — The Committee on Motion took into Consideration the Condition of the Wells and Pumps in this City and found by the Representation of some of the Members that some of them were in exceeding bad order PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 617 Thereupon Resolved that it is highly necessary they should be repaired and kept in good order [554] Resolved That Collo Mindert Roseboom and Mr. James Bloodgood be appointed and requested to take Charge of the Pumps between the Dutch and English Churches Abraham J Yates of the Well next his House, John Fryer of the two Wells nearest to his House, Jacob Bleecker and John Roseboom of the Wells and Pumps in the Second Ward and William Hun, Harmanus Wendell and John Ja Lansingh of the Wells & Pumps in the third Ward of this City and that they be authorized and empowered to employ Proper Persons to have the said Wells & Pumps put in good repair and draw upon this Committee for the payment of the expences and Charges thereby accrued The Committee also took into Consideration the necessity of appointing Firemasters as the powers of the Corporation are not exercised - Thereupon Resolved That [John Fryer ] Edward Willett and John A Wendell be appointed in the first Ward, [Teunis H Visscher '] Rutger Bleecker and [Cerrit Van lueren '] Harmanus Ten Eyck in the second Ward and Abraham G Lansing and Archibald Campbell in the third Ward -that the following Instructions be given (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M: Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Rutger Bleecker Jacob Roseboom Junr. Abraham Cuyler Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Eyck Myndert Roseboom Leonard Gansevoort Hars Wendell Henry Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker Junr. 1 Crossed out in the text. 618 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [554a] Albany Committee Chamber 26h Novr. 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Leonard Gansevoort Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Van Veghten Peter Rickman Henry I. Bogert Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac D. Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Volkart Veeder Abraham Ten Eyck John Van Orden Hezekiah Van Orden Goose Van Schaick Henry Wendell Philip P. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman Edward Jewit Stephen J Schuyler John M. Beeckman General Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom Philip Bronck Peter Bronck Daniel P. Winne James Denniston Harst Wendell Hosea Lincoln Peter Scharpe Ph. Van Rensselaer Thomas Brown Isaac Hodges Josiah Talmadge John Waldo Ordered That the Secretary draw on the Deputy Commissary General for seven Days Provision for thirty five Tory Prisoners confined in the Goal of the City & CountyThe Committee proceeded to the appointment of a Chairman and thereupon Unanimously Elected John Barclay Esqr. to that Office - The Committee also proceeded to the Appointment of a Secretary & Messenger and thereupon Unanimously appointed Matthew Visscher Secretary and Jacob Kidney Messenger [555] Pursuant to a Resolve of the 8th Instant The Committee of the different Districts made Return of the Polls held in the same for Committee from which it appears that the following Persons are duly elected, for the Space of Six Months commencing from the first day of December next unless sooner dissolved by the Convention of this State to Wit First Ward Henry Van Veghten John Barclay Second Ward Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Beeckman Third Ward Abraham Yates Junr. Ab. Ten Broeck PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 619 Peter Ryckman Myndert Roseboom Jacob Roseboom Junr John Price Henry Wendell Henry I. Bogert Leond Gansevoort Manor Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen Visscher Philip Schuyler Daniel P Winne Volkert Veeder Barent Myndertse Killian Van Rensselaer John H Beeckman Jacob C. Schermerhorn George White Grote Imboght Gosen Van Schaick John Van Orden John Ten Broeck Frederick Marten Hezekiah Van Orden [555a] Coxackie Richard Bronck Albartus Van Loon John M. Van Loon Philip Conine Philip Bronck Peter Bronck Jacob Cuyler Jer. Van Rensselaer Robert Yates Stephen Lush Ph. Van Rensselaer John N. Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Rensselaer James Deniston James MaGee Florus Banker Anthony Van Schaick Stephen J. Schuyler Frederick Berger Philip Van Veghten Abraham Fonda Rynier Van Aelstyn Peter Bratt Ballston Hezekiah Middlebrooks Jabez Hubble Thomas Sweetman Samuel McCrea John Tayler German Camp Peter Scharpe Hosea Lincoln Wessel Ten Broeck Philip Rockefeller John Ten Broeck Gerrit G. Lansingh John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Ab. Ten Eyck Harmanus Wendell Teunis Van Veghten Schoharry Jost Burst Johannis Ball David Sternberger Adam Vrooman Jonas Vrooman Johs. Becker Junr Hosick John D. Fonda John Waldo Edward Jewit BenJ'n Shepard James Hadlock John Abbot David Van Rensselaer John Walice Jehiel Berrisly Josiah Tallmage Thomas Brown Isaac Hodges 620 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved Unanimously That the Committee of this County meet every Fort Night in the City Hall of the City of Albany or at such other place as shall be appointed, and that the said Meetings be on Tuesday, and that at least one Member from each respective District attendResolved Unanimously That a Sub Committee be appointed for the City & County of Albany and that the same be Composed of the Members of the City of Albany, the Members for the District of the Manor of Rensselaer from the City to the Patroons Mills or Water Fleet and of such other Members from the County as are in Town and inclined to attend and that they or any Eight of them be a Sub Committee for the City and County of Albany with full Powers to do and execute all business which may be brought before them and which the Members present of such Sub Committee shall conceive necessary to be done and might be dangerous to be deferred or procrastinated untill the next meeting of the General Committee Resolved That Mesrs' Jeremiah Van Rensselaer John Ja Beeckman and Myndert Roseboom the Committee appointed to examine the Pay Rolls [556] of the different Corps of Militia who have been on Duty on the late Alarm to the Northward, be and they are hereby continued a Committee for said purpose together with such powers and allowances as are mentioned in a Resolve of the 21st InstantThe Committee on Motion took into Consideration the Condition of the Fire Engines belonging to this City and Resolved that the same be given into the Care and Charge of Mr' Robert Lansing and that he be allowed for his services as much as was paid to him by the Corporation - Resolved That the following Letter be wrote him (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Joseph Clark Stephen J. Schuyler Leond Gansevoort Peter Ryckman Israel Spencer John Price James Denniston John Ten Broeck Michael Overacker Isaac D. Fonda Benjamin Hicks Volkert Veeder PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 621 Nathaniel Ford William Thorn Volkert Veeder Philip Bronck Peter Bronck John Van Orden Gerrit Van Bommell Isaac Van Aernam John P. Hansen Wouter N. Groesbeeck Edward Jewit Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Lansingh Junr. Dirck Jansen John A. Fonda Hendrick Pulver John M. Beeckman Teunis Ts. Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Smith Jacob F. Schaver Hezekiah Van Orden Isaac Fonda Gerardus Cluet [556a] The Committee of the Districts of Manor Livingston Schaghtekocke, [and] Half Moon made return of the Polls held in their Districts for the Election of Members to represent said Districts in Committee from which it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Viz Schagtekocke Samuel Rowland Benjamin Hicks Michael Overacker Michael Van Der Cooke Wouter N. Groesbeeck Lewis Van Antwerp Gerrit Van Bummel Tohn P. Hansen Nathaniel Ford Wm- Thorn Manor Livingston Peter R Livingston Walter Livingston Henry Livingston Dirck Jansen Samuel Ten Broeck Leond Ten Broeck Hendrick Pulver Jacob F. Schaver Philip Smith John A Fonda Half Moon Cornelius Groot John Fordt Rutger Lansingh Isaac Fonda Gerardus Cluet Harmen Fordt Adrian Hegeman Whereas it appears to this Committee from the Representation of some of the District Committees and sundry Letters and Depositions that the Persons herein after named, are notoriously disaffected to the Cause & Rights of America And whereas this Committee conceive it inconsistent with the Duty they owe to the Public to permit the said Persons to go at large or remain within the said County [And Whereas this Committee are reduc'd to the Necessity 1] Therefore Resolved that they be sent under Guard to the Committee of the Convention of the State of New York appointed for inquiring into detecting and 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. 622 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE defeating all Conspiracies formed in the said State against the Liberties of America Resolved that the Chairman be directed to write a Letter to William Duer Esqr' Chairman of the [557] said Committee enclosing Copy of these Resolutions - Ordered that the Secretary furnish the Chairman with Copy of the foregoing Resolutions Names of the Persons to be sent under Guard to the above Committee - Dugall Mc. Vicar Barent Hogell Daniel Munro Newcome True Comfort Curtis, George Miller John Miller John McDougall John Perry Benjamin Spendeloe, Ephraim Blancker Thomas Main, John Briggs, George Wait Simeon Warner, Samuel Wheeler, Philip Aylsworth, John Boardman Richard Rag, James Oliver Nathan Sterns, Jeremiah Pemberton, John Reid, & Abraham Pells From a return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in the District of Saratoga it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Vizt' George Palmer Samuel Mackbride William Patrick Jacobus Swart Matthew Winne Calvan Skinner Charles Moore Whereas this Committee have great reason to think that Gisbert Scharp of the District of Kinderhook was privy to or aided & assisted the Persons who rescued John Savage and others, who had been apprehended by order of the Committee of Kings District, and ordered to be sent into a Neighbouring State, And Whereas Peter J. Van Valkenburgh did after the Commission of the above supposed Fact charged against Gisbert Scharp harboured protected and concealed the said Gisbert Scharp - Therefore Resolved that Capt. Israel Spencer be ordered [557a] fortwith to apprehend the said Gisbert Scharp and Peter J. Van Valkenburgh and them together with all the Papers which shall be found in their Custody bring before this Committee Ordered that the Secretary serve Capt. Spencer with a Copy of this Resolution Adjourned till 9 OClock A M. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 623 Met according to Adjournment [27th Novr 1776] Present John Barclay Esqr Benjamin Hicks Gerrit Van Bommell John Van Orden Peter Bronck Philip Bronck John M. Beeckman Ph. P. Schuyler Wm' Thorn Joseph Clarke Daniel P Winne Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Junr. Wouter N Groesbeeck Isaac Fonda George Palmer John Ten Broeck Ph. Van Rensselaer Peter Scharpe John P. Hansen Chairman Peter Ryckman John D. Fonda Hezekiah Van Orden Michael Overacker Teunis Ts. Van Veghten John A. Fonda Gerardus Cluet Abraham D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Leonard Gansevoort General Ten Broeck Gosen Van Schaick Jacob Roseboom Junr Cornelius Doty Harmanus Wendell Jacob C. Schermerhorn Edward Jewit John H Beeckman Henry I Bogert From a return of the Poll for the Election of Members to represent the District of Schonectady in Committee it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Viz. Myndt. J. Ten Eyck Arent N. Van Petten Isaac Vrooman Wm. Schermerhorn Abraham Fonda Class Veeder Henry Van Driesen John Roseboom Myndert M. Wemple Abraham Oothoudt Harmanus H Wendell [558] A Pay Roll & Billeting of a Detachment of Collo. John Knickerbackers Regiment of Militia was laid before this Board for Services done in guarding the Districts of Schaghtekocke, and Hosick from any Incursions of the internal Enemies of said Districts 624 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered That the Committee appointed to audit and examine the Pay Rolls of the different Corps of Militia on the late Alarm to the Northward audit examine & certify the said RollsAn Account of Collo. John Knickerbacker was laid before this Board for Money advanced and expended in paying expresses to Warn the Officers on the late Alarm to the Northward amounting to ~8.. 8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid From a Return of the Poll of the Election of Members to represent the District of Cambridge in Committee it appears that the following Persons are duly elected Viz John Younglove Ebenezer Allen Phineas Whiteside Joseph Younglove James Ashton Cornelius Doty Edmund Wells Senr David Becker Edmund Wells Junr. Whereas it is represented to this Board that Capt. Daniel Bush of Kinderhook who was confined in Great Barrington Goal, and had made his Escape, was sculking in the woods, and pretended that he had leave from the Committee to come home Ordered Thereupon That Lieut. Jackson fortwith apprehend the said Cap-t Bush and bring before this Committee - Resolved That Capt- William Berry be Summoned to attend the next meeting of the [558a] General meeting to give Evidence against the said Cap't Bush Resolved Unanimously that Harmanus Wendell and Henry I. Bogert be appointed a Committee to Co-operate with Colo~ Lewis Quarter Master General in procuring a sufficient number of Sloops of those laying in this Harbour for the purpose of Conveying the Continental Troops expected in this Town and ordered to Join the Army of the United States under his Excellency Genl Washington that the said Committee & Colo~ Lewis be requested to use the most prudent means in providing the said Sloops and this Committee think proper to inform the said Col~ Lewis that they conceive ~30 to be a reasonable price considering the advanced Season of the Year the difficulty in procuring Hands to Navigate & Work the said Sloops, and the exorbitant price they are obliged to allow the said Hands And this Committee do hereby from a Consciousness of the necessity that those Troops should go down however disagreeable the Task empower and Authorize the said Com PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 625 mittee together with Col~ Lewis to impress Sloops, if a sufficient number cannot be procured without - and it is further recommended to the said Committee and Col~- Lewis to let every Sloop by them employed for the above purpose take in as many Boards and as much Timber as will not incommode the Convenience of the Troops, as the Boards and Timber are much wanted for the Army at Fish Kills & Peecks Kills for which they ought to be allowed the Customary freight, as they may probably be detained therewith [559] Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Presen John Barclay George Palmer Anthony Van Schaick Bastiaen T. Visscher Joseph Clarke Gosen Van Schaick Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Roseboom Junr. Philip Bronck William Thorn Peter Bronck Leond Gansevoort Jacob C. Schermerhorn Gerrit Van Bommel Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr. John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom John Van Orden Cornelius Doty Isaac Fonda Chairman Teunis Ts. Van Veghten James Ashton Hezekiah Baldwin Hezekiah Van Orden Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman Killiaen Van Rensselaer John H Beeckman Gerardus Cluet Daniel P. Winne Nathaniel Culver General Ten Broeck Philip Frisbe John P. Hansen John D. Fonda William B. Whiting Isaac D. Fonda Harmanus Wendell Henry I Bogert Resolved That a Committee of five be appointed to take into Consideration the Resolve of this Committee of the 17th October, and the Resolve of the 15th Instant respecting the defaulters on the late Alarm to the Northward, and that they Report their Opinion thereon without delay, The Committee 626 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE appointed are General Ten Broeck, Collo. Whiting Collo. Rensselaer William Thorn and Hezekiah Baldwin Resolved as the Opinion of this Committee that there be allowed one Shilling V Day for the first five Days the Militia supplied themselves with Provisions on the late Alarm [559a] to the Northward and that for the remainder no more than eight pence half penny be allowed. Resolved That a Letter be written to the Convention of the State of New York informing them of the abuses and Frauds committed by the Manufacturers of Flour requesting them to appoint Inspectors of Flour, or devising such other Ways & Means as will effectually prevent such practices for the future Resolved That a Letter be written to the said Convention informing them that there are a Number of Persons who have deserted their Habitations and fled to the Enemy, and that the Wives of the Persons deserted are making way with and embezzling the Effects and to request them to take the same into Consideration, Resolved That Messrs George Palmer, Teunis Ts. Van Veghten and Gerrit Van Bommell be a Committee to prepare said LettersThe Committee appointed to Report Amendments to the Resolves of the 1 7th October and the fifteenth Instant, brought in their Report which was unanimously agreed to, here take in (prout Report) Ordered That the Secretary furnish the respective Colonels with Copies of the above Report and the Resolves therein Specified with all Speed The Committee took into Consideration the request contained in a Letter of Henry Van Schaack dated the 25th Instant (prout Letter) [560] And thereupon Resolve not to grant the same, and order the said Henry Van Schaack to repair to his place of Destination in Connecticut Adjourned till 9 OClock A.M. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 627 Met according to Adjournment [28th Novr 1776] Present John Barclay Esqr Isaac Van Aernam Peter Bronck Wm. Thorn Philip Bronck Leond Gansevoort Philip Frisbe Hezekiah Van Orden John D. Fonda Wm- B. Whiting Hezekiah Baldwin Jacob C. Schermerhorn Daniel P. Winne Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Fonda Joseph Clarke Chairman Gerrit Van Bommell Teunis T. Van Veghten Wouter N Groesbeeck George Palmer Nathaniel Culver Philip Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Wendell Gerardus Cluet Gosen Van Schaick Peter Ryckman Henry I. Bogert Killiaen Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Convention of this State informing them of the abuses and Frauds committed by the Manufacturers of Flour and that the Wives of the Persons who have deserted their Country and fled to the Enemy are embezzling the Effects, brought in the following Letter which was agreed to and ordered to be Copied (here take in Letter prout) [560a] Mr. Culver moved and was seconded That the Resolution of Yesterday respecting the Effects of the Persons who have deserted their Habitations and fled to the Enemy, should be reconsidered upon which debates arising and the Question being [put] it was carried in the Affirmative Mr Gansevoort dissented Mr. Whiting then moved and was seconded That Ways and means may be fallen upon to have the Effects of the Deserted secured which was also carried in the Affirmative Mr. Gansevoort dissented On Motion Resolved That a Committee be appointed in each District to take an Inventory of the Estate and Effects of the Persons who have deserted their 628 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Habitations and fled to the Enemy and to secure the same till the farther order and directions therein from the Convention of 'this State shall be known On Motion Resolved That the District Committees appoint a Committee for that purpose out of their own Body John Duncan Esqr. laid before this Board a permit he had from Govr. Trumbull to return to this place for Six Weeks, in order to apply to this Board for Liberty to go home and a Certificate from the Committee of Hartford certifying his peaceable and proper behaviour,- The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolve to permit the said John Duncan to remain within this County the Time mentioned in the Permit he entering into Bond with two or more sufficient Surety's in the Penal Sum of ~2,000 for the observance [561 ] of his Parole Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Teunis T. Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda Henry I. Bogert George Palmer Henry Wendell Joseph Clarke John D. Fonda Wouter N. Groesbeeck Peter Bronck Philip Bronck John M. Beeckman Gosen Van Schaick Gerardus Cluet Chairman Isaac Fonda John H Beeckman Gerrit Van Bommell Killiaen Van Rensselaer Philip Frisbe William B Whiting Philip Van Rensselaer Israel Spencer Daniel P. Winne Isaac Van Aernam Stephen J. Schuyler James Ashton Peter Ryckman Nathaniel Culver From a return of the Poll of the Election for Members to represent Kings District in Committee it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Viz William B. Whiting John Beebe Philip Frisbe Asa Douglass Hezekiah Baldwin Peter Garnsey Daniel Herrick Nathaniel Culver PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 629 Mr- Philip Van Rensselaer laid before this Board some Black Smith's Accounts, wherein he was charged very extravagant for Nails Spades & a number of other Articles, and that the public charged him with paying such exorbitant Charges and thereby inhanced [561 a] the Prices of those Articles, Ordered thereupon that a Committee be appointed to examine said Accounts and Report their Opinion thereon without delay. The Committee chosen are George Palmer Nathaniel Culver, Solomon Hutchinson, Gerardus Cluet & [Isaac D. Fonda ] Gerrit Van Bommell John Smith appeared before this Board and complained that on the late Alarm to the Northward he had the Command Company, and disbursed some Money to Persons belonging to that Company who have deserted, and who now refuse to repay him Ordered that the said John Smith bring his Accounts before this Board at the next General Meeting of this Committee, and that this Committee will endeavour to find Ways and means to have the same repaid Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment [29th Novr. 1776] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Van Veghten Hezekiah Van Orden Jacob Roseboom Junr. Solomon Hutchinson Leonard Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam George Palmer John Price Nathaniel Culver Peter Ryckman Joseph Clarke John M. Beeckman Gosen Van Schaick William B. Whiting Hezekiah Baldwin Philip Frisbe Gerrit Van Bommell Philip Van Rensselaer Teunis Ts. Van Veghten Henry I. Bogert Daniel P. Winne Henry Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher John D. Fonda Wouter N. Groesbeeck Philip Van Veghten Solomon Hutchinson [562] On Motion Resolved That a Letter be written to his Honor Governor Trumbull requesting him not to permit any of the Prisoners sent from this County into 1 Crossed out in the text. 630 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE his State, without leave first obtained from this CommitteeResolved That Messrs* Gerrit Van Bommell and Nathaniel Culver and William B. Whiting or any two of them be a Committee to prepare said Letter - Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Chairman Daniel P. Winne Bastiaen T. Visscher Joseph Clarke Henry I. Bogert George Palmer Gosen Van Schaick Philip Frisbe Wm. B Whiting Hezekiah Baldwin Nathaniel Culver Solomon Hutchinson Hezekiah Van Orden Isaac D. Fonda Henry Wendell Israel Spencer Henry Quackenbush John D. Fonda John Price Gerrit Van Bommell Gisbert Scharpe was brought before this Board pursuant to order, and declaring he having some Evidence to offer in his behalf which he was not now possessed of - Ordered Thereupon That the said Gisbert Scharpe enter into Bond in the sum of five hundred Pounds, that he shall and will personally appear before this Committee at their next General [562a] meeting on Tuesday the tenth day of December next On Motion Resolved That the Company of Rangers under Capt. Baldwin shall be relieved from the present Garrison Duty as soon as the Continental Troops intended to be statiened in this City shall arrive here An Account of Israel Spencer was laid before this Board for Money expended on a Special Committee at Kinderhook amounting to ~3.. 15..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of Joseph Clarke for the like service amounting to ~2.. 5.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid - PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1776 631 Albany Committee Chamber 30th Novr. 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr Harmanus Wendell Teunis Ts. Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Van Veghten Henry Wendell John Price John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Roseboom Junr' Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D Fonda Genl1 Gates laid before this Board a Letter from the President of the Convention of this State to the Honble'Major Genl Schuyler desiring him to take the Management of obstructing Hudsons River which the Convention had Resolved upon desiring the Opinion of this Board whether the same ought to be forwarded to his Honor by express [563] Ordered That Mr Henry Van Veghten return said Letter to Gen1 Gates and acquaint him that it is the Opinion of this Board that the same ought to be forwarded to Genl1 Schuyler by express Resolved as the Opinion of this Committee that such of the Militia, who left their Station before they were dismissed, discharged or had leave for that purpose from their Commanding Officer, ought not to be allowed any pay for the Time they were in service Received a Letter from the Deputies of this County attending Convention inclosing an extract of the Account the Convention have against this County which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from ithe Committee of Hartford dated 25th Novr- 1776 respecting the Prisoners sent from Tryon County to the State of Connecticut inclosing their Parole and permit to remain for Six weeks and desiring the Concurrence of this Committee therein Ordered that the Secretary draw Copy of said Letter and forward the same to the Committee of Tryon County, and desire them to take the Contents thereof in Consideration 632 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 2nd- Decr. 1776 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Roseboom Junr Harmanus Wendell John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Van Veghten Teunis Ts. Van Veghten Peter Ryckman Henry I. Bogert [563a] Received a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated the 28th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered as this Committee have no Guard, that the Guard mentioned therein proceed with the Prisoners to the ConventionAdjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Jer. Van Renssleaer Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Roseboom Junr Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob Lansingh Junr. Peter Ryckman Hars. Wendell General Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Ordered That the Secretary draw on the Deputy Commissary General four days Provision for eighteen Men, who are sent to Guard some Tories from Tryon County to the Convention of this State - [564] General Ten Broeck laid before this Board an Account of ColoStephen J. Schuyler's Regiment of Militia for Services done in mending the Road between Jone's and Cheshires amounting to ~88.. 8, and said that part of said Regiment and particularly the Company of Capt- Jacob De Freest quitted 'the service before discharged and left the ground at Fort Edward in disobedience of orders, but halted at the Ferry and there remained and did service till the Militia were discharged, and prayed the advice of this ComImittee whether he should Certify the same PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 633 This Committee took the above State of Facts into Consideration, and thereupon recommended it to General Ten Broeck to Certify the same An Account of Philip Wendell for going express to Genl- Schuyler upon public Business was laid before this Board amounting to ~2.. 14 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Cors. Van Deusen for going express to Tryon County on public Business was laid before this Board amounting to ~2..4.. -which is ordered to be paidAlbany Committee Chamber 3 Decr 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Jacob Roseboom Junr Teunis Ts Van Veghten Peter Ryckman John Price Henry Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Philip Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush Stephen J. Schuyler [564a] Resolved That all the Members of this Board be Summoned to attend Committee this afternoon at two OClock on business of Importance - Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam John Price Ph. Van Rensselaer General Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Henry Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Chairman Harmanus Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Stephen Lush Henry Quackenbush Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Roseboom Junr Henry Wendell Philip Van Veghten John Ten Broeck Teunis T5. Van Veghten 634 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered That the Secretary draw on the Deputy Commissary General for seven Days Provision for thirty three Tory Prisoners confined in the Goal of the City & County of Albany - A Vote and Resolve of the Governor & Council of Safety for the State of Connecticut was laid before this Board, whereby Alexander Campbell William Pemberton and Thomas Swords were permitted to pass from Preston to their respective homes under the Care and Inspection of two of said Committee to attend them on their Journey and back again at the expence of the said Campbell Pemberton and Swords they giving their Parole faithfully to return again with said Attendants to Preston on their Request unless released from their Confinement by order of the same Authority that sent them there [565] Upon an application of said Committee requesting to know whether the said Campbell Pemberton and Swords should be released, or left in their Charge Resolved as the opinion of this Committee that they cannot consistant with the duty they owe their Constituents release the said Campbell Pemberton and Swords from Confinement and that they therefore remain in the Charge of the said two Committeemen, [and depart with them whenever the said Committee shall think proper ] pursuant to the said Vote & Resolve of the Governor & Council of Connecticut An Account of Barnardas Halenbeeck was laid before this Board for going Express to the different Colonels of Militia with Letters ordering them March on the late Alarm to the Northward amounting to ~2.. 18 which is allowed & ordered to be paid The Chairman informed this Board that Mrs Ray had applied to him for a permit to go to her Husband at New York, and prayed the Advice of this Committee what he should do in the Premisses Resolved Thereupon that it be recommended to the Chairman not to grant a permit The Gentlemen Committee attending Swords and Campbell and Pemberton, appeared before this Board and represented that Swords was in a bad State of Health infirm and unable to Travel, and asked the advice of this Committee what to do with him under these Circumstances, This Committee took the same into Consideration [565a] and thereupon Resolve to discharge the said Committee from the Care and Charge of Swords 1 Crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 635 Resolved That the said Swords be permitted to his own home, upon his entering into Parole with Surety to perform the same to abide within the Limits of his Farm and Attend this Committee when called upon, and not to do or say any thing in opposition to the measures now pursued by America Albany Committee Chamber 5th Decr 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Hars- Wendell Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. General Ten Broeck Teunis Ts Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda Leonard Gansevoort Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam John Price Philip Van Rensselaer An Account of William Fuller was laid before this Board for going express to New Windsor with a Letter from General Ten Broeck to the Commanding Officer of Ulster County on the late Alarm to the Northward amounting to ~2.. 8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid The Time of Capt. Lush's Company being expired and no Troops to mount Guard in Town Ordered that a Letter be written to Major General Schuyler requesting him to send a Company of Continental Troops for that purpose, which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [566] Resolved as the Opinion of this Board that the Chimney Sweeper ought to be allowed for every Chimney he Sweeps Sixteen pence 636 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 7th Decr 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Abraham Ten Eyck Henry Van Veghten Teunis Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr. Philip Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr John Ja Beeckman Isaac Van Aemam John Ten Broeck John Price Harmanus Wendell Ph. Van Rensselaer Gen1' Ten Broeck Received a Letter from Robert Benson SecY- to the Convention of this State dated Decr- 4: 1776 inclosing a Resolution of said Convention of the 30th Novr. whereby the Ranging Companies are ordered to join Genl1 Clinton's Brigade at Fort Constitution which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Laurance Hogeboom Chairman of the Committee of Claverack District dated 3rd Decr. 1776 with three Prisoners, which said Letter and the Resolution therein inclosed is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Robert Harper, Daniel Dunscomb and Jacob Cuyler dated Decr. 4th: 1776 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of a Resolution and Letter from the Honble The Convention of this State Resolved That Captain's Bratt and Baldwin do fortwith repair with their Company's of Rangers to Fort Constitution in High Lands and there annex themselves to General George Clinton's Brigade till the first day of January next [566a] Captain's John A Bratt and Alexander Baldwin laid before this Board the Pay and Billet Rolls of their Companies for payment Ordered That the said Pay & Billet Rolls be referred for liquidation to the Committee appointed to examine the Pay Rolls of the Militia, and that the Treasurer on the Certificate of said Committee pay whatever Sum shall be Certified to be due PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 637 Resolved that Gerrit Lansingh Junr Treasurer to this Committee be and he is hereby authorized and impowered to Borrow a Sum of Money not exceeding [blank] that he pledge the Faith of this Committee for the repayment thereof and that he account for the expenditure of the same when required - A Certificate from Genl Ten Broeck was laid before this Board from which it appeared that Jer Van Rensselaer had officiated as Secretary to him on the late Alarm to the Northward 24 days Ordered thereupon that the Chairman give the following Certificate I do hereby certify that the above named Mr Rensselaer was appointed to Officiate as Secretary to General Ten Broeck by the Committee of the City & County of Albany - Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Convention of this State (prout) Resolved That Isaac DeForest be and he is hereby appointed to take the Management and direction of making the Cloathing for the Troops raised in this State and that Henry [567] Quackenbush be requested to deliver the Goods by him purchased for this State to the said Isaac DeFreest and take his Rect. for the same Albany Committee Chamber 9th Decr 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I. Bogert Stephen Lush Jacob Roseboom Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Wendell Henry Van Veghten Peter Ryckman Abraham Ten Eyck John Price Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman General Ten Broeck Teunis Ts. Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush Harmanus Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junrr Received a Letter from John Younglove Chairman of the Committee of Cambridge District dated the 6th Instant requesting this Committee to deliver to Elijah Hog Barnet Hogel, John Perry, and NewCome True which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the Goaler deliver the said Barnet Hogel, John Perry and NewCom True to Elijah Hoeg and that the Secy: order accordingly 638 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from Major General Schuyler dated Saratoga the 6th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of Philip Wendell was laid before this Board for going express to the Committee of Tryon County with a Copy of a Letter from Gen1l Scott to Genl- Ten Broeck ordering the Drafts of the Militia to be raised without delay, amounting to ~3..5 which is allowed and ordered to be paid [567a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th Decr. 1776 Present. John Isaac Van Aernam Stephen Lush John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Ph. P. Schuyler Gerrit Van Bommell Isaac D. Fonda Frederick Marten Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Philip Van Veghten Hars- Wendell Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Flourus Banker Edward Jewit Killiaen Van Rensselaer Teunis TS Van Veghten Rutger Lansingh Hosea Lincoln John Fort Jer. Van Rensselaer Stephen J. Schuyler Henry I. Bogert Ensign Jacob Best appeared before this Board and represented to them that he lived in that part of the District of Claverack which was allotted i[and described to be the bounds ] tob the Regiment of Collo Robert Van Rensselaer and in which he was chosen Ensign to Capt. Peter Bartells Company, that since that Election he has moved into that part of the District which comprehends the Regiment of Collo- Peter Van Ness and that ever since his removal he has been warned and done duty in the Regiment of Collo- Rensselaer, and that he has been fined ~10 for not [going to the Westward 1] marching with Col1l Van Ness on the Alarm to the Westward, when in fact he Marched with the Regiment of Colo~ Rensselaer, and was now again threatned to be fined ~50 for not marching with Col~o Van Ness's Regiment, he therefore prayed the advice of this Comittee in the Premisses [568] [The Committee took the same into Consideration and are thereupon of Opinion that his Commission is not Vacated by his removal, and that 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 639 Col~. Van Ness or any of his Field Officers be Cited to appear before the next General Committee to answer to said Complaint, and that the Execution of the Warrant directed to seize and distrain the Goods of said Jacob Best be in the mean Time Stayed And it is farther Resolved that the said Jacob Best be ordered to attend this Committee rnith his Witnesses at the next meeting of this Committee 1] The Committee appointed to asscertain the Wages of Mr. Rensselaer who acted as Secretary to Genl1 Ten Broeck on the late Alarm to the Northward brought in an Account by which his Wages amounted to ~11..2..9 1/2 which is allowed and ordered that General Schuyler be requested to grant a Warrant for the payment of the same A Letter from Genl1 Schuyler to Col~- Lewis dated the 6th Instant was laid before this Board an extract whereof is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved Thereupon that a permit be granted to Lady Johnson to go to Fish Kills in order to apply for a pass to go to New York Resolved also that a permit for the same purpose be granted to Mrs- Jude Bruce Ordered That the Secretary draw for seven Days Provision for twenty five Tory Prisoners [568a] Adjourned till 9 OClock A M. Met according to Adjournment [1 th Decr. 1776] Present John Barclay Chairman Rutger Lansingh Joseph Clarke Henry Wendell Edward Jewit Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Roseboom Junr. John M. Beeckman William B. Whiting John Fort Floris Banker Philip P. Schuyler Philip Van Veghten Frederick Martin John Price Stephen Lush Henry Quackenbush Gerrit Van Bommel Isaac D. Fonda Stephen J. Schuyler Gerrit Lansingh JunrJonas Vrooman Bastiaen T. Visscher Adam Vrooman Hosea Lincoln Crossed out in the manuscript. 640 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE A Certificate from William Whiting Clerk of the Convention of Committees at Great Barrington from which it appears that the said Scharpe was not concerned in rescuing John Savage and others, and that the said Gisbert Scharpe was thereupon by said Convention discharged Ordered Thereupon that the said Gisbert Scharpe be discharged, and that the Bond by him given for his appearance be delivered up An Account of Robert Lansing for repairing Guns was laid before this Board amounting to ~1..5 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Adjourned till 2 OClock P M [569] Met according to Adjournment John Philip Van Veghten Volkert Veeder Isaac D. Fonda Rutger Lansingh Jonas Vrooman Adam Vrooman Gerrit Van Bommell Phi. P. Schuyler Barent Myndertse Frederick Martin Present Barclay Chairman John Fort William B Whiting Hezekiah Baldwin Edward Jewit John Price Stephen Lush Volkert Veeder Joseph Clarke Abraham Oothoudt Arent N. Van Petten Resolved That no Person shall be Inoculated in the District of Claverack and that if any Person who shall Counteract this Resolve shall Incur the displeasure of this Committee and be Treated accordingly - Resolved that the Committee of Cocksackie do assist Capt. Joseph Torry with Waggons for the Transportation of his Baggage & Provisions and do recommend him if he requests it to the next or further Committee and also provide him with such other Necessaries as he shall require and they be able to provide for him and further that if Capt. Torrey cannot himself apply with this Order that the said Committee will assist the Bearer of a Copy of this Resolve in Maner aforesaid [569a] An Account of the Committee of Schonectady was laid before this Board for apprehending Abraham Van North amounting to 12/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 641 An Account of Capt Stephen Lush was laid before this Board for Conducting Abraham C. Cuyler to Fish Kills amounting to ~6.. 17..2 which was allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 13th Decr 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman Jacob Roseboom Jur. Jacob Lansingh Junr Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jer. Van Rensselaer Teunis Ts- Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda Walter Livingston Received a Letter from Mr Robert Adems dated 9th Decr. 1776 which is in the following Words to wit prout — Received also a Petition of Andrew Thompson dated the 12th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the said Adems & Thompson be informed that this Committee have no objection to their returning to Tryon County if they can procure leave for that purpose from the Committee of that CountyResolved That the People confined in Goal for disaffection and other misdemeanors (except Criminal practices) against this State be enlarged on giving [570] proper security for their future Conduct to be approved of by this Board, and that the Prisoners be acquainted with this Resolve, that they may procure Bail and that part of said Security be that they will appear before the District and General Committee when called upon 21 642 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 14th Decr, 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry I. Bogert Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Isaac Fonda Teunis Ts' Van Veghten Jacob Roseboom Junr John M. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush John Ja Beeckman Hars Wendell Esqr' Gerrit Lansing Col~ Lansingh John Price Gen1. Schuyler by Message to this Board applyed for their Assistance in providing twelve Waggons and assured that each Waggon shall be Lightly Loaded and in addition to their Wages he requests that each Waggoner will supply himself with Indian Corn or any other Grain for which the Quarter Master General will pay them at the rate of half a Bushel V Day during the Time they are on their Journey, the said Waggons are to proceed to Lake George & if they should be obstructed in their Journey by Snow it is promised that they shall at that place discharge their Loads in order for their returning with greater Ease Resolved that the Waggon Master be immediately furnished with the above & that he be requested most earnestly to represent the urging necessity for the above services & that it is expected that this Committee will not be put to the disagreeable task of impressing Waggons among People who have hitherto exerted [570a] themselves in promoting the public service and to asure them that the Ferriages will also be paid by the Quarter Master Albany Committee Chamber December 19, 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman James Magee Jeremiah Van Renselaer Hendrick Wendell Jacob Roseboom Junr Henry Bogert Abraham Oothout Isaac Fonda Hermanus Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Killian Van Rensselaer John Beekman Garret Lansingh Junr Jacob Lansingh Junr. Peter Bradt Stephen Lush PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 643 Ordered that John Duncan be brought before this Board and be confined to the Limits of his Farm until further Orders of this Committee and that he give sufficient Security in the Sum of ~500 for his good Behavior and the further Observation of this Order Ordered that the Treasurer of this Committee pay Albertus Bloomingdale ten Pounds seventeen Shillings & four Pence in full for an Account by him preferred to this Committee Ordered that Alexander White be brought before this Committee and give Security in ~500 for his remaining in this City & for his good Behavior until further Order of this or the Committee of Tryon County. [5711 Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 18th December 1776 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from John McKesson Secretary to the Convention of this State inclosing a Resolution of that Honorable Body of the 13th Instant which said Resolution and Letter are in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter from Thomas Stebbons Chairman of the Committee of Springfield dated the 14th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Capt Lush laid before this Board a Pay & Subsistance Roll of his Company during the Time they were in service of this State in guarding the Stores and Magazine in Albany amounting in the whole to ~683....2 Ordered that the said Roll be transmitted to the Convention of this State, and that the Treasurer of this Committee pay the ballance due on said Roll being ~383.. 1..2 and take his Rect for the same Albany Committee Chamber 24th Decr: 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aemam Peter Ryckman Hezekiah Van Orden Myndert Roseboom Albartus Van Loon Jerh. Van Rensselaer John Van Loon Jacob Cuyler Peter Bratt Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Volkert Veeder John M. Beeckman Daniel P. Winne [571a] Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 644 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Albartus Van Loon Philip P Schuyler Henry Quackenbush Myndert Roseboom John Van Loon James Dennisson Edward Jewit Peter Bratt Isaac Fonda John M. Beeckman Volkert Veeder John H. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Killiaen Van Rensselaer Philip Van Veghten Jacob C. Schermerhorn Daniel P. Winne Hezekiah Van Orden William B Whiting Jer. Van Rensselaer Corns- Groot Stephen Lush Jacob Lansingh Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Resolved That the Committee of Hosick District with all Convenient Speed Cite John Wormer Henry Crankheydt and Roeliff Merkel to appear before them at such Time and place as they shall appoint to give Evidence against Charity French, and that the said Committee in Case they deem the Evidence sufficient, immediately cause the said French to be apprehended and conveyed to the Goal of the City & County of Albany Resolved That the respective Collonels of the Militia of this County be Cited to appear before this Committee at their next General meeting to shew Cause why the Resolution of this Committee respecting the Levying of fines on the Defaulters on the late alarm to the Northward has not by [572] them been Carried into ExecutionOrdered That Lieut Henry Staats be sent for, and that he be desired immediately to deliver up to this Committee his Commission as Lieutenant to Capt- John Williams's Company of Militia Lieutenant Staats appeared before this Board and was asked how and in what manner he left Lake George his Station, he answered without orders from his Superior Officers, and thereupon agreeable to the above Resolution delivered up his Commission which is now in the Custody of this Committee Whereas this Committee at their last General meeting Resolved and ordered That Collo~ Peter Van Ness or any of his Field Officers should appear before this Board this Day to answer the Complaint of Ensign Jacob Best and whereas the said Collo- Peter Van Ness nor any of his Field Officers PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 645 have appeared pursuant to said Resolve Thereupon Resolved That the said Collo- Van Ness, or either of his said Officers appear before this Board at their next General meeting, and answer said Complaint on pain of Contempt, and it is farther Resolved That in Case the said Collo- Van Ness or either of his Field Officers shall not appear at the Time above mentioned, That this Committee will notwithstanding then enter into the Consideration of said Complaint, and determine thereon as they shall deem just and Equitable Ordered That Messrs David McCarty, John J. Van Valkenburgh and William Teller Junr. be and they are hereby Cited to appear before this Committee at their next General Committee being this Day fortnight[572a] Albany Committee Chamber 26th Decr. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell Henry I Bogert Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten Stephen J. Schuyler Abraham Ten Eyck Myndert Roseboom Stephen Lush John Price Lourance Fonda From a return of the Poll of the Committee of Claverack District it appears that the followisg Persons are duly Elected Vizt John Van Aelen Corns- S. Muller Wm- Van Ness Junr. James Sexton Israel Spencer Peter Cantine Joseph Clarke Solomon Hutchinson Lourance Hogeboom Lourance Fonda Gabriel Esselstyn Peter Van Ness Received a Letter from Benjamin Payne Chairman of the Committee of Hartford dated 20th December 1776 inclosing a Parole entered into by Lieut' Angus McDonald which said Letter and Parole is in the following Words to wit (prout) 646 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered That the Contents of said Letter be referred to the Honble Major General Schuyler Received also a Letter from Leonard Gansevoort Chairman of the Committee appointed by the Convention of the State of New York for enquiring into detecting and defeating all Conspiracies formed in the said State against the Liberties of America dated 20th Instant inclosing Copy of a [573] Resolution of said Committee which said Resolution and Letter are in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of a former Resolution Ordered that Benjamin French be apprehended without delay, and brought before this Committee Ordered That the Chairman apply to Collo. Van Schaick for a party to apprehend and Guard Henry Cuyler and Major Edmunston from this Place to Boston agreeable to the order and Resolution of the Committee of the Convention of the State of New York Albany Committee Chamber 30 Decr. 1776 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Jer Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Jacob Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Bogert Hars Wendell Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer one of the Committee appointed to procure Wood Timber &c- for the use of the Continental Army to the Southard laid before this Board an Account of the expences thereby accrued - Ordered That a Committee be appointed to examine said Accounts and Certify the same to the Chairman of this Committee, who is hereby authorized thereupon to Certify the same the Committee chosen to examine said Account are Henry Bogert, Isaac Van [573a] Aernam and Jacob Lansingh Junr. Resolved That Messrs. Rensselaer and Wendell fortwith proceed to adjust their Accounts with the Quarter Master General for all Boards Planks Lumber and Brick by them purchased for the use of the Continental Army, and render to him, or his Deputies not only an Exact Account of the Quantities by them shipped, but also what may still remain on Hand, which could not PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1776 647 be forwarded, for all which it is requested that they shall receive the Money with an allowance of 2 1/2 P Cent thereon as a reward for their Services, and it is hereby Certified that considering the great difficulty in procuring Craft to transport the said Boards &c the said Wendell & Rensselaer were ordered by this Committee to allow one half penny e1 Board & Plank in addition to the accustomed Price of Freight Received a Letter from Leonard Gansevoort Esqr Chairman of the Committee appointed by the Convention of the State for enquiring into detecting & defeating all Conspiracies &c. dated 23rd Instant inclosing sundry Resolutions which said Letters and Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) The Treasurer reported that he had paid Lieut Walter Swits of CaptJohn A Bratts Company of Rangers ~30. Resolved That the Treasurer's Conduct be and is hereby approved of - Resolved That Messrs. David Van Schaack Peter Van Schaack, John Stevenson and Cornelius [574] Glen be summoned to appear before this Committee with all Convenient Speed. Ordered that the Secretary write Letters to Messrs. Van Schaacks ordering them to attend this Committee on the Receipt of the Letter - An Account of Issachar Childs was laid before this Board for going express on the late Alarm to the Northward to different Parts amounting to ~15..16 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam John Price Henry Quackenbush Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob C. Schermerhorn Isaac D. Fonda Mr Rensselaer made the following Motion and was seconded That whatever Person shall hereafter refuse to receive in payment the Continental Currency and the Currency of this State shall upon Conviction thereof be immediately apprehended and put in Close Confinement 648 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered that the Consideration of the said motion be postponed till the next meeting of the General Committee Benjamin French appeared before this Committee and entered into Bond in the Penal Sum of ~1000 for his appearance before this Board at their next General meeting on Tuesday the seventh Instant and that the Witnesses be Cited to appear at the above Time [574a] Ordered That Messrs Francis Springsteen and Robert Orr be and they are hereby ordered on Pain of Contempt to appear before this Board on Tuesday the 7th January next Albany Committee Chamber 31st Decr. 1776 Present John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr Stephen J. Schuyler John H. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Jacob C. Schermerhorn Philip Van Veghten Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Philip P. Schuyler Rynier Van Aelstyn Daniel Winne Peter Bratt Henry I. Bogert Abraham Yates Junr Killiaen Van Rensselaer Philip Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Gen1' Schuyler applied to this Board for their assistance in procuring a number of Blankets for the use of Collo. Van Schaicks & Collo Gansevoort's Regiments Ordered Thereupon That a Committee be appointed in each Ward to endeavour to obtain the same from the Inhabitants, The Committee appointed are Myndert Roseboom Henry I Bogert in the first Ward, Isaac D. Fonda Philip Van Rensselaer in the Second & Isaac Van Aernam and Abraham Ten Eyck in the third Ward, and it is farther Resolved that a Letter be written to the Committee of Schonectady requesting them to obtain some from the Inhabitants [575] of that place which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 649 Albany Committee Chamber 2nd Jany. 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Harmanus Wendell Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman John Price Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac Van Aemam Jacob Lansingh JunrGerrit Lansingh Junr Rutger Lansingh Isaac D. Fonda Received a Letter from the Honble Major General Schuyler dated this Day inclosing Copy of a Letter from General George Clinton dated 29th Decr. which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Complaint was made to this Board by Mrs. Charlotte Coeyman that she has been abused and ill Treated by her Negro Man George Ordered Thereupon that David McCarty Esqr' be requested to order the said Negro Man to be apprehended and send him to Goal, or have him punished with him - Albany Committee Chamber 3rd JanY- 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Harmanus Wendell Henry I. Bogert John M. Beeckman John Price Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Abraham Yates Junr Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac D. Fonda Stephen Lush [575a] This Committee proceeded to the examination of the Evidences aga[i]nst the Negroes who had assaulted Capt' Robisseon and thereupon the following Examination of Quarter Master Francis Shaw was taken against the Negroes & Montgomery Adjourned 650 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment 5 JanY. 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman John Price Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda Leond Gansevoort Stephen Lush Henry I Bogert Jacob Lansingh Junr The Committee proceeded to the Examination of the Negroes charged with having assaulted Capt. Robisseon, and from the Evidence of Frank a Negro Man of Abraham Bogart and Christiaen a Negro Man of Thomas Hunn it appeared that Nero a Negro Man of P. De Wandelaer and Jermy Mr Veeders Negro were Guilty of assaulting & Beating Captt. Robesseon Adjourned till Monday Mor[n]ing next. Met according to Adjournment [6th Jany. 1777] Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Leond Gansevoort Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman Henry Van Veghten Stephen Lush Isaac D. Fonda Abraham Yates Junr. John Price [576] Ordered That the Examinations taken against the Negroes by this Board be delivered to Mr Justice Roorback and that Mr Roorback be requested to proceed thereon - PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 651 Albany Committee Chamber 7h JanY- 1777. Present Jacob Lansingh Junr Jacob Cuyler Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Killiaen Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aemam Frederick Berger John Van Orden Johannis Becker Philip Conyne Richard Bronck Rutger Lansingh Stephen J. Schuyler Peter Bratt Chairman John M. Beeckman Rynier Van Aelstyn Edward Jewit Henry Quackenbush William Schermerhorn John Price Hezekiah Baldwin Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Philip Van Veghten Harmanus Wendell Jacob C Schermerhorn Leond Gansevoort Ordered That Collo- Jacob Lansingh Junr be and he is hereby appointed Chairman of this Committee during the absence of Mr Barclay the Chairman Mr John Van Orden one of the Members of the Committee for the District of Grote Imboght laid before this Board a Letter under the Signature of Penuel Grant applying to said Committee for a Pass to go to New YorkUpon which Mr. Van Orden begged the Opinion and advice of this Committee Ordered Thereupon that Mr. Van Orden be directed to inform Mr. Grant, that it is the Opinion of this [Committee] [576a] that she ought to apply to the Convention of this State for a passA Letter was laid before this Board dated Stanford Decr' 28th under the Signature of Martin Johnson Complaining of Certain Grievances under which he laboured respecting the Prize Money of Certain Vessels taken at the Sorrel in 1775 -Thereupon Resolved that the Consideration of said Letter does not come within the Jurisdiction of this Board, and that it is the Opinion of this Committee that the same ought to be laid before the Commander in Chief in the Northern Department for his direction and determination - Mr. David McCarty appeared before this Board and denied the Charge laid against him to wit that he should have said that the Committee had no 652 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE right to levy the fine, that his Company should not be fined and that he had paid them off as well those that had been up as those who had not. [577] The Committee proceeded to the Consideration of the Application of Ensign Jacob Best of the 10th- Decr. last, and after some Time spent therein - they came to the following Resolution - to witResolved that the Commission which the said Jacob Best holds as Ensign to Capt. Peter Bartells Company of Militia is not abrogated by his removal out of the Beat of Col: Robert Van Rensselaer's Regiment as no vacancy has thereby happened in the Company, the Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Militia of this State declaring that a Vacancy can only happen by the promotion Death Resignation of an OfficerResolved that the fines exacted and levied from the said Jacob Best by Col: Peter Van Ness or by his order and direction by any Officer of Militia, be returned to the said Jacob Best Ordered that Copies of the above Resolutions be transmitted by the Secretary to the said Col: Peter Van Ness and Col: Robt. Van Rensselaer and that another Copy be given to the sd Jac: Best On Motion Resolved That part of the Resolution of this Committee of the 15th November last respecting the disposal of the Fines which should be Levyed on the Defaulters, on the late Invasion to the Northward, be and is hereby Rescinded Resolved That the said Fines, levyed and to be Levyed as mentioned in the said Resolutions, be applied [577a] and appropriated for the uses and purposes mentioned in the Regulations and orders for the Government of the Militia in this State Resolved That the respective Commanding Officers of each Battalion in this County do without delay make a return to this Committee of the Monies by them Levyed, and that the said returns be Certified by each Commanding Officer as aforesaid to be a true return, and it is farther ordered that the said returns be filed with the Records and proceedings of this BoardAdjourned till 9 OClock A M PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 653 Met according to Adjournment [8th JanY- 1777] Present Jacob Lansingh Junr Chairman P. T. Stephen Lush William Van Ness Henry Wendell Volkert Veeder Peter Ryckman Myndert Roseboom Henry Quackenbush Jacob Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher John M. Beeckman Philip Van Veghten Hezekiah Baldwin Rutger Lansingh Philip Van Rensselaer Johannis Becker John Price William Schermerhorn Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Van Orden Isaac D. Fonda Richard Bronck Harmanus Wendell Philip Conine Isaac Van Aernam Lourance Fonda John H. Beeckman Edward Jewitt Philip P. Schuyler Isaac Vrooman Jacob C. Schermerhorn Gerrit Lansingh Junr. [5781 Upon application to this Board and representation that Lieut' Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh had formerly become Bail in ~100 for the good behaviour of Stephen Du Colon then a suspected Person who has since by his Actions proved himself greatly disaffected to the American Cause and has left the Place of his Habitation, and has not been heard of for a Considerable Time and the Wife and Relations of the said Stephen Du Colon have removed some of the Effects of the said Stephen Du Colon and are still removing the same, and the said Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh having become exposed to the danger of Paying the above mentioned Penalty Ordered That the said Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh take into his Hands the Effects of the said Stephen Du Colon, and unless the same are redeemed by the payment of the said Sum of ~100 into the Hands of the said Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh within Six Weeks from the Time of Seizing the same that then so much of the said Effects be disposed of at public Auction as will neat the said Sum of ~100 which said Sum of ~100 is to be paid into the Hands of the Treasurer of this Committee John Guernsy appeared before this Board and Complained that he had been fined ~30 for not going up with the Militia on the late Alarm to the 654 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Northward, which he Conceived to be unreasonable as the reason of his staying home occasioned by the illness of his Wife, who has laid helpless for some time, Ordered thereupon that the said [578a] Guernsey, and the Field Officers be Cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting. Adjourned till 1 OClock P.M. Met according to Adjournment Present Jacob Lansingh Junr Chairman P. T. Edward Jewit John H. Beeckman William Van Ness Junr. Wm. Schermerhorn Lowrance Fonda Philip P Schuyler Killiaen Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob C. Schermerhorn Volkert Veeder John Van Orden John Price Isaac D. Fonda Rutger Lansingh Philip Van Veghten Henry Wendell Hezekiah Baldwin Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Michael Overacker Johannis Becker Wm- Thorn Isaac Vrooman Henry Quackenbush This Board agreeable to the orders & Resolutions received from the Committee appointed by the Convention of this State for enquiring into & defeating all Conspiracies formed in the said State, proceeded to Carry the same into Execution, and thereupon Ordered that Collo Van Schaick be requested to apprehend the Major Edmunston therein named and that Messrs Philip Van Rensselaer, John H Beeckman & Lourance Fonda be a Committee to assist Collo. Van Schaick, and that they Seize & take [579] all the papers the said Edmunston may be possessed of and bring them with them In Consequence of a former Resolution Ordered That Messr- Abraham Ten Broeck Abraham Yates Junr. John Ten Broeck, Jacob Cuyler and Leonard Gansevoort or any three of them be a Committee to prepare a Letter to the Convention of this State respecting the Depreciation of the Continental Currency, and that the said Committee bring in their Report to Morrow Morning - Adjourned till 9 OClock A.M. PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 655 Met according to Adjournment [9th JanY. 1777] Present. Jacob Lansingh Junr Chairman P. T. Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell Wm" Schermerhorn Peter Ryckman John Price Rutger Lansingh Peter Bratt Isaac Vrooman Bastiaen T. Visscher Wm. Thorn Philip Van Rensselaer Michael Overacker Edward Jewit John Ten Broeck Johannis Becker Hezekiah Baldwin Harmanus Wendell Henry Quackenbush Ebenezer Allen Philip P. Schuyler Major Edmunston and Henry Cuyler appeared before this Board, and pursuant to the Resolution of the Committee appointed by the Convention of the State of New York for enquiring into detecting and defeating all Conspiracies formed in the said State against the Liberties of America, Signed the Parole therein directed, and Resolved that they [579a] proceed from hence to the place of their Destination in the Town of Boston, on Tuesday next at nine OClock in the forenoon, and that they directly proceed hence to Boston John Stevenson Peter Van Schaack and Cornelius Glenn appeared before this Board, the former Declared that he Considered himself a Subject of the King of Great Britain and the two latter refused to take the Oath of Allegiance directed by the said Committee to be taken by those who Consider themselves Subjects of the State of New York, whereupon they Signed the Parole directed by said Committee and it is Resolved that they depart hence directly to Boston within ten days from this Date Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 656 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Quackenbush Calvin Skinner Michael Overacker Peter Ryckman Harms Wendell Henry I. Bogert John Price Henry Wendell Hezekiah Baldwin Isaac Van Aernam Rutger Lansingh esent. Chairman Pro Temp. Wm. Thorn Edward Jewit Bastiaen T. Visscher Ebenezer Allen Philip P. Schuyler Stephen Lush Abraham Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Abraham Yates Junr Jacob Cuyler [580] The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Convention of this State respecting the Depreciation of the Continental Currency brought in the following Letter which after being read was agreed to and ordered to be Copied, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) John Jacob Zabriske appeared before this Board and Complained, that he had purchased from one Albert Van Der Zee last Spring a large parcel of Boards and Plank, and that he offered to pay him for the same in Continental Currency which the said Van Der Zee absolutely refused declaring that he had plenty of it, and that it was worth no more to him than so many Chips of Wood. Ordered Thereupon that the Committee of the District of the Manor of Rensselaer Cite the said Albert Van Der Zee to appear before them at such Time and place as they shall think proper, and that they examine into the matter above specified, and make Report Concerning the Premisses at the next meeting of this Committee Ordered That the Committee of Hosick District Cite Lieut. John Johnson and Ensign Jacob Van Ness to appear before this Committee at their next General Meeting, to answer such matters, as shall [be] asked them. Ordered That Collo- Jacob Lansingh Junr. deliver to Johannis Becker of Schoharry seven pounds and a half of Powder for the use of the Indians PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 657 --- [580a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th JanY 1 777 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Henry I. Bogert General Ten Broeck Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck John Younglove Jacob Cuyler Henry Quackenbush Received a Letter from Peter R Livingston dated 8th Instant inclosing a Recognizance of Bail for Henry Niver which said Letter and Recognizance are in the following Words to wit. Ordered Thereupon that the said Hendrick Niver be discharged from Confinement and permitted to go at large Mr- Henry Cuyler appeared before this Board and applyed to this Board for a prolongation of the Time appointed for his departure from hence, as his Wife expected to lay in Hourly The Committee took the same into Consideration, and thereupon Resolve That the Time of his departure from hence to Boston the place of his destination be prolonged till next Tuesday Se'enight Mr. Henry Wendell and Henry I Bogert dissented In Consequence of a Resolution of the Committee of the County of Charlotte of the 8th Instant and also of a Resolution of the Committee of the District of Argyle of the same date [581 ] Ordered That Major Buel be discharged from Confinement and be permitted to go to his own home Mr. Nichols from the New City appeared before this Board, and laid before them a Forty Shilling Bill which had been altered to as many Dollars, he farther said that he took the said Bill from Jacob Wakely — who lives in the District of the Manor of Rensselaer Ordered thereupon that the said Nichols be requested to lay the said Bill before the Committee of the said District and they are hereby ordered to examine into the matter and determine the same & if found Guilty to Commit him and report their proceedings thereon 658 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 14th JanY 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman Henry I. Bogert Isaac D. Fonda John Ja Beeckman John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck Harmanus Wendell Jacob Lansingh JunrPhilip P. Schuyler Myndert Roseboom And John Dumont and Henry Sleght Junr. Two of the Members of the Committee of Ulster County - The Committee from Ulster County represented to this Board, that they had apprehended one Nowen who had in his Possession ~280 from Edmund Seaman now in New York for Thos. Ten Eyck a partner of said Seaman with directions from said Seaman to purchase Beeff [581 a] Cattle Horses Lamb &c. and to send and store it on the West side of Hudsons River, and in Case that could not be had to put it at Interest at one P Cent Ordered Thereupon that the said Ten Eyck be sent for and examined touching said matters - The said Ten Eyck appeared and being examined made the following Declaration (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansingh Jer Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Ph. P. Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Messrs John Dumond and Henry Sleght Junr Members of the Committee of Ulster County PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 659 Messrs Dumond & Sleght Represented to this Board that one Nowe formerly a Clerk to Nichs. De Peyster had come from New York, and was by the Committee of Ulster County, apprehended and on his examination it appeared that he had received from Edmund Seaman [582] ~280 in Continental Currency with written Instructions from said Seaman to deliver the said Money to Thos. Ten Eyck by him to be laid out in purchasing Beef Flour [Lamb] Land Pot Ash or either of said Articles &c- and in Case said Ten Eyck could not be found, then the said Nowee by the Instructions aforesaid was to deliver the same to Peter Mesier who was to put it at Interest at the Rate of one ~ Cent V Annum, for which by said Instructions Mesier was to receive as a reward for his services 4 % Cent and the said Dumond and Sleght farther informed this Board that in Consequence of said Examination they were by the said Committee of Kingston sent to apprehend the said Ten Eyck, who they found in this City Ordered thereupon that the said Ten Eyck be sent for and examined touching the matters above related who appeared, from whose examination it appears to this Board that said Ten Eyck & Seaman are Copartners in Trade, and that said Ten Eyck had received a Letter from said Seaman of the 3rd Novr. last which he had distroyed the Contents of which or of any part thereof he could not recollect, altho it appeared to this Committee that matters of [582a] an older date were recent & well remembered by the said Ten Eyck and it also appeared to this Committee that he equivocated and endeavoured to Conceal the truth of said matters from this Commite Resolved Thereupon That the said Ten Eyck be sent under the Care of the said Dumond & Sleght to the Committee of Kingston, and that the said Committee be requested to forward the said Ten Eyck to the Honble the Convention of this State for their farther examination & determination in Case they shall think proper Mr Robert Adems appeared before this Board and informed them that his Brother had entered into Bond to stand to the determination of the Committee of Tryon County respecting certain Accounts between them and one Collins Ordered Thereupon that a Letter be written to the Committee of Tryon County desiring them to grant a permit for the said Adems to return to that County for some Days 660 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 17 JanY. 1777. Present. John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Hars- Wendell Henry I Bogert Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Quackenbush Jacob Cuyler John Ja. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr [583] Ordered That all the Members of this Committee in the City of Albany be summoned to attend Committee to Morrow Morning at nine OClock, and that the fine established for not attending Watch be then taken into Consideration. Albany Committee Chamber 18th Jany: 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Myndert Roseboom Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry I. Bogert John Ja. Beeckman Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Cuyler Isaac D. Fonda Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 15th Jany1777 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered that a Letter be prepared in answer thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee took into Consideration the fine established by the Rules and Regulations for the establishment of a Night Watch, and thereupon Resolve that the instead of the fine of four Shillings as formerly establishment, the fine within ten Days from the Date hereof shall be eight ShillingsWhereas Thomas Lotteridge hath some time ago hired from the Corporation of this City the Ferry opposite Collo- Rensselaer's, and whereas the Chamberlain of the said Corporation, hath refused to receive the payment [583a] for the same, as the powers of the Corporation are dissolved by the Declaration of Independence and of Consequence his powers also PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 661 Ordered Thereupon that the Chairman of this Committee receive the said Sum of Money from said Lotteridge and give a receipt for the same, and that the said Money be applied for the use and purpose of the public exigencies of the said CityOrdered That John P. Riesacker be discharged from Confinement, and that the Chairman give him severe reprimand for his imprudent Conduct Albany Committee Chamber 21st. Jany. 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr General Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Peter Bratt Stephen Lush George White Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher James Denniss Barent Myndertse Philip Frisbe James Sexton Ph. P Schuyler Wessel Ten Broeck Harmen Fort John Ten Broeck Frederick Berger Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Wallice Walter Livingston Chairman Gerardus Cluet Daniel P. Winne Hezekiah Van Orden Jacob Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom Edward Jewit Volkert Veeder Isaac D. Fonda Leonard Gansevoort Israel Spencer Peter Bronck Samuel Ten Broeck Florus Banker George Palmer Henry W/endell Isaac Van Aernam Lewis Van Antwerp John Ball [584] Resolved That every Person who shall offer any thing for Sale, or shall sell any thing for a less Sum in Gold or Silver Money than in Continental or other Paper Money now passing Currently in this County shall be Considered as a Depreciator of the Paper Currency and treated accordingly - And that every Person who shall refuse to take the same in Payment shall be treated in like manner. Ordered That the above Resolution be published 662 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE A Petition of John Stevenson, Cornelius Glen and Peter Van Schaack was laid before this Board praying that they might be suffered to remain in this County for such Time and under such restrictions as this Board shall think proper in order to adjust their affairs so as that it might admit of their absence On Motion Resolved That the prayer of the said Petition be taken into ConsiderationThe Committee took the same into Consideration and Thereupon the Question was put whether the Petitioners should be permitted to remain in this County for a Limitted Time, which was carried in the Negative From a return of the Committee of Claverack District it appears that Abner Howley is chosen Capt- in the Second Company of the ninth Regiment in the Room of Capt: Ithamer Spencer, Jonathan Pitcher first Lieutenant in the Room of Abner Hawley and Eleazer Spencer second Lieutenant in the Room of Jonathan Pitcher[584a] Benjamin French having been ordered by this Committee at their last General meeting to enter into Parole and to go to the Town of Boston appeared before this Board and Signed his Parole which is in the following Words - And it is ordered that he proceed from hence to Boston under the Care of some discreet Officer on Fryday next. Resolved That Messrs. John Stevenson, Cornelius Glen and Peter Van Schaack proceed fron hence to Boston on Fryday next under the Care of the said Officer Resolved also That Major Wm Edmeston proceed with the above Gentlemen on Friday next, under the Care of said Officer and it is farther Resolved that this Resolution shall not be binding in Case the said Edmeston can procure a Certificate under Oath from some Physician certifying that the said Edmeston is unable to Travel Resolved That Mr- Henry Cuyler be permitted to remain in his own Inclosure, and on his Parole during the will & pleasure of this Committee not exceeding the next General meeting of this Committee Adjourned till 10 OClock A: M: PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 663 Met according to Adjournment [22nd JanY. 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Jer Van Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush John M. Beeckman Ph. P. Schuyler John Ball Daniel P. Winne George White [585] Barent Myndertse James Sexton George Palmer Frederick Berger Isaac D. Fonda Edward Jewit Israel Spencer Philip Frisbee John Wallice Chairman Wessel Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Philip Bronck Stephen J. Schuyler James Dennisson Lewis Van Antwerp Volkert Veeder Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten Stephen Lush Gerrit Lansingh JImr. John H. Beeckman Harmen Fort Gerardus Cluet General Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Samuel Ten Broeck The Committee appointed to audit the Pay Rolls of the Militia of this County on the late Invasion laid before this Board the following ReportAlbany 20th Jany: 1777. Whereas Collo. Anthony Van Bergen has represented to your Committee that the Accounts by him produced, were deficient in pay due to the Commissary, also Accounts omitted for Vegitables, House Hire, for Guards and subsistance for a number of Prisoners, which said Accounts & Vouchers have been examined, and do recommend that a Debt of thirteen pounds seventeen Shillings and five pence, ought to be paid to said Collo~ Van Bergen, for Money by him disbursed for said Service and not accounted for heretofore, also the Pay of Albartus Van Loon Adjutant in said Regiment omitted in the Pay Rolls amounting to five Pounds eleven Shillings and two pence for his pay and fifty-two Shillings and seven pence for support of Guard Room & fire &c. in the whole amounting to ~22..1..2 which your Committee submit to your Consideration and request an Order to be issued to Collo. Van Bergen for the payment of the [same] [585a] Myndert Roseboom, Jno. Ja Beeckman and Jer. Van Rensselaer Committee 664 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That this Committee agree with their Committee in the said Report, and that Mr. Trumbull the Deputy Pay Master General be requested to pay the sameAn Account of George Palmer Esqr' for Money and Provisions by him supplied to forward the Expedition against Tyconderoga in the Year 1775 amounting to ~50..9..8 which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same A Petition of John D. Robisson Tobias Hufftail Johannis Finkel and nineteen others was laid before this Board setting forth that Jacob Best had resigned his Commission as Ensign to the Company whereto they belong, and that Petrus Esselstyn was duly elected in his RoomOrdered Thereupon that the Committee of the District of Claverack together with the Field Officers of both Regiments in said District examine into the matter set forth in the said Petition, and make Report of their proceedings thereon at the next General meeting of this Committee Ordered that the said Petition be sent to the said Committee and Field Officers - Received a Letter from David Van Schaack dated Kinderhook 21st- JanY: 1777, which said Letter is in [586] the following Words to wit Whereas Lieut. Collo. Henry Quackenbush, Major Coenraedt Ten Eyck and Major Volkert Veeder did in the last Alarm agreeable to the order of his Honor Brigadier Genl1 Ten Broeck march to Fort Edward in the County of Charlotte, and upon their coming there, and no more of their Regiment appearing there they did by direction of his Honor Brigadier General Ten Broeck return to Saratoga in this County, and there did apply to his Honor Major General Schuyler to receive his further orders, and upon representing to his Honour the said Major General Schuyler that a very small Part of the Regiment to which they belonged had marched and Consequently the Public if so many Field Officers remained in service would be at an unnecessary expence his Honour the said Major General Schuyler did give them the said Lt. Collo~ Quackenbush and Major Veeder leave to return home, And whereas Reports have since been imprudently propagated to the Prejudice of those Gentlemen and they have been by Gerrit G Van Den Bergh the Collo. of the Regiment in which they are Officers left out of the Pay Rolls, and by some evill minded Persons reported as Deserters. It is therefore Ordered by this Board that the said Lieut' Collo~ Henry Quackenbush and Major Volkert Veeder be allowed their Pay as Field Officers agreeable to their Rank from the Date of their marching orders untill the Time of their returning Home agreeable to the Certificate and order of his Honour the said PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 665 Major General Schuyler and that those [586a] Gentlemen be furnished with a Copy of this Resolve The Committee of the Eastern part of Claverack District laid before this Board a Certified Copy of their Minutes from which it appears that Jonathan Owens who was sent by the Convention of this State to Exeter in New Hampshire, had by his own Confession departed from there without leave from any authority, and that the said Owens had also Confessed to said Committee, that he had taken an Oath of Allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain and Consequently could not take an Oath of Allegiance to this State, and that in Point of Conscience he cannot take up arms against the Forces of the KingOrdered Thereupon that the said Jonathan Owens be put in Close Confinement there to remain till the further order of this Committee Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman James Dennisson Jacob C Schermerhorn Corns Miller Peter Bronck Israel Spencer General Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom George Palmer Stephen J. Schuyler Frederick Berger Harmanus Wendell John J. Ten Broeck Philip P. Schuyler James Sexton George White Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Philip Frisbe Henry Quackenbush John H Beeckman Lewis Van Antwerp Daniel P. Winne [587] Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ball John Wallice James Sexton Samuel Ten Broeck Philip Bronck Isaac D. Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Complaint of Sarah ONiel Report That in Obedience to the order of this Committee they have heard and Considered the said Complaint and are thereupon of Opinion 666 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that the said Complaint is too trifling to trouble the Committee with, and that therefore the parties had best leave their disputes either to Referees, or to apply to a Civil Magistrate George Palmer, Israel Spencer, James Sexton Committee - A Letter from Capt. James Robichaw was laid before this Board, requesting this Committee to take into Consideration the Expences occasioned by the abuse Committed on him by two Negroes the one the property of Simon J. Veedor and the other of Peter De Wandelaer Ordered Thereupon that the Contents of the said Letter be referred to Mr- Justice John Roorback - A Letter was laid before this Board dated the 22rd Jany 1777, under the Signature of Peter Van Schaack, John Stevenson & Corns. Glen, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit. The Committee took the same into Considera- [587a] tion and are thereupon of Opinion that the first request in the said Letter (to wit that they may be furnished with a Certified Copy of the Resolution of the Committee of Convention) be granted, and that the Last Request in the said Letter be referred to the Committee appointed by the Convention of this State for enquiring into detecting & defeating all Conspiracies &c- and that the said Committee be requested to furnish this Board with their determination thereon with all Convenient speed- Ordered That the Secretary furnish the above Gentlemen with a Copy of said ResolutionWhereas it appears to this Committee that in Levying the Fines on the Defaulters on the late Invasion to the Northward, the Regiment whereto the Defaulters belong may require the Aid and assistance of part or the whole of a Neighbouring Regiment Ordered Thereupon that the Commanding Officer of the Regiment where that may be the Case be and he is hereby empowered to call on the Commanding Officer of a Neighbouring Regiment for aid & Assistance and the said Officers are hereby ordered and Commanded to grant such Officers all the aid & assistance in their power, And it is farther Resolved That the said Commanding Officers be and they [588] are hereby empowered to call on the Captains of the Ranging Companies in this County for their assistance in the Premisses, and the said Captains are hereby ordered and Commanded to grant such Officer all the assistance in their PowerResolved That it be most earnestly recommended to the Field Officers of the respective Militia Regiments in this County fortwith to call their said Regiments or parts of their Regiments together in such manner as they shall PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 667 Conceive to be the most Convenient, and tend to the ease of the People and that it be also most earnestly recommended to the said Field Officers to use their most strenuous exertions in procuring as many Volunteers for the Continental service as possible and it is farther recommended to the said Field Officers to give Timely Notice to the Commanding Officers, of the Regiments nominated by the Convention of this State and now raising therein for the Continental service of the Time and place where their respective Regiments or parts of Regiments will meet Ordered That each Collonel or Commanding Officer of every Militia Regiment in this County be served with a Copy of this Resolution Resolved That Collonels Francis Nicolls and Gerrit G. Van Den Bergh be Cited to appear before this Committee at their next General meeting or the Sub Committee in the Vacation to shew Cause why the Fines on the Defaulters on the late Alarm to the Northward, have not been by them Levyed -- [588a] An Account of Capt. George White was laid before this Board for the use of Twenty five Guns in the Continental Service in the Year 1775, amounting to ~12.. 10 which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same Resolved That a Committee be appointed to draw up a Resolution respecting the Collecting of the Excise in this County, whereupon Mr Lush was appointed for that purpose, and he is ordered to bring in the said Resolution to Morrow MorningAdjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment [23d JanY- 1 777] Present John Barclay Esqr John Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman John H. Beeckman John Ja Beeckman John Ball John Wallice Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam James Dennisson George White Chairman Philip Frisbe Philip Bronck Peter Bronck Daniel P Winne Cornelius Muller Edward Jewit Lewis Van Antwerp Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush Stephen Lush 668 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [589] Whereas sundry Persons heretofore sent from this County by the Convention of this State and the Committee of this County to Neighbouring States for their evil practices against our present and Justifiable measures have by false Insinuations and Mal practices obtained permission from Authority in the States where they have been confined to return from their Confinement to their respective Habitations and thereby again Strenghten the Hands of opposition so fatal in our State Resolved Therefore that every Person or Persons sent from this County into any Neighbouring State by order of the Convention of this State, the Committee of this County, or any other Authority under the United States who shall return to this County without first having obtained Liberty in writing from the Convention of this State or the General Committee of this County, for that purpose shall immediately upon his or their arrival be apprehended and put in Close Confinement And every Member of this Committee, and the Good People of this County in General are earnestly requested to carry this Resolution into Execution Ordered that the above Resolution be published [589a] Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Jany 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Eyck Ph. Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda Henry I Bogert Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Van Veghten Peter Bratt Har'. Wendell Leonard Gansevoort Resolved That the following Letter together with the Resolution of the Committee appointed by the Convention of this State for enquiring into &c. and the Paroles of Messrs John Stevenson, Peter Van Schaack, Cornelius Glen and Benjamin French, be sent to the Select Men of the Town of Boston (here take in &c.) Resolved that the following instructions be delivered to Lieut- Timothy Hughes (prout) An Acct. of Mr. Abraham Ten Eyck was laid before this Board for Cags to put Lead & Ball in amounting to ~1..4.. which is allowed and ordered to be paid - PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1777 669 Albany Committee Chamber 27th Jany: 1777 -Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John Price Peter Ryckman General TenBroeck Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja Beeckman James MaGee Isaac D. Fonda John Ten Broeck Hars Wendell Stephen Lush [590] Received a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Safety of the Convention of the State of New York dated Fish Kills Jany- 23rd: 1777, enclosing a Resolution of that Body of the 22rd Instant which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered Thereupon that the Secretary draw Copies of said Resolution and transmit them with all Speed to the Members of Convention in this County - and that the same be sent by express to the places of abode of the said MembersReceived a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Cagnuago District dated Jany. 23rd: 1777. Ordered Therupon that Robert Adems have Liberty to go to Tryon County pursuant to the Request in said LetterThe Members Present deemed it necessary and thereupon Resolve that the following Oath be taken by the Members present, and that the same be tendered to ever Member of this Committee (here take in Oath) [See Vol. I, page 1.] Mr. Abraham Yates laid before this Board an Affidavit of Benjamin Buffington from which it appears that one Wm- Livingston of the Manor of Livingston was a dangerous Enemy to the Liberties of America, and was apprehended and put in Custody where he now remained Ordered thereupon that Copy of said Affidavit be transmitted to the Committee of the Manor of Livingston, and that they be requested to give [590a] this Committee all the Information they can against him - 670 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 29th JanY: 1777. Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Henry Wendell Henry I. Bogert Henry Van Veghten Jacob Cuyler John Ja Beeckman John Price Jacob Lansingh Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda An Account of Harmanus Ten Eyck was laid before this Board for freight of an Iron Stove from this Place to Fish Kills for the use of the Convention of this State amounting to ~3.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paidIn Consequence of a request from Wm. Moncrief Chairman of the Committee of Argyle dated 26th Instant - Ordered that Kenneth Fraser be Liberated from Confinement The Treasurer reported that he had no Money in Hand, and that in order to pay the pressing demands daily made, he had borrowed six hundred Pounds, and that a number of Accounts audited remained yet unpaid Ordered Thereupon that the Chairman draw on the Convention of this State for two thousand Pounds to repay the said Sum of Six hundred Pounds borrowed by the Treasurer, and to pay off the [591 ] Accounts yet remaining unpaid, and also to defray the Contingent Charges of this State and County Albany Committee Chamber 30th Jany- 1777 -Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Henry Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Junr Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam John Price Stephen Lush Harmanus Wendell Ph. P. Schuyler A Petition of the Field Officers of Kinderhook District was laid before this Board, praying that this Board will point out a mode to get John W. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 671 Clauw released out of Confinement at Fish Kills, he being a Person, who has associated with and kept in the Woods with John Savage, and been in the City of New York with the Enemy Resolved Thereupon that this Committee cannot enter into the Subject of the said request, and that it is a matter which lies entirely with the Committee appointed by the Convention of this State for enquiring into detecting and defeating all Conspiracies which may be formed in the Said State against the Liberties of America Received a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Safety dated 22nd Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered that the Secretary forward the orders therein inclosed to the several Members of Convention in this CountyResolved That Messrs. Jer. Van Rensselaer, Myndert Roseboom and Gerrit Lansingh Junr- be a Committee to audit [591 a] the Accounts of this Board, and make Report thereupon with all SpeedAlbany Committee Chamber 1st. Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Philip Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman Henry VanVeghten Isaac D. Fonda Henry I. Bogert Harmanus Wendell Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam James MaGee Abraham Ten Eyck The Committee were informed that Benjamin French who was ordered to depart from hence to Boston last Fryday a Se'enight was yet at home and had not yet proceeded thither Ordered Thereupon that the Chairman apply to Collo- Van Schaick for an Officer to apprehend the said Benjamin French, and that the said French be Conducted under the Care of said Officer without delay, and that the said French pay the expence A Letter having been intercepted from Richard Cartwright Jur to his Sister Elizabeth Robison at Niagara dated 8th JanY: Instant, and Mr. Cartwright being sent for and on his examination says that Mrs Thompson took & forwarded the said Letter. 672 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered Thereupon that the said Richard Cartwright Junr enter into security for his future good behaviour and that the Committee of Tryon County be acquainted with Mrs Thompson's having forwarded said Letter, & that the Secretary write said Letter [592] Albany Committee Chamber 3rd Feby: 1777 -Present John Barclay Chairman Henry I. Bogert John Ja Beeckman Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Jacob Roseboom Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Junr. John M. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Harmanus Wendell John N. Bleecker Peter Bratt Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Wendell Henry Quackenbush Abraham Ten Broeck Philip VanVeghten Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda Sundry of Lord Howe's and the Oath of Allegiance having been industriously propogated thro' this City & perhaps of this County & other Counties by some evil minded Persons, and whereas this Committee have reason to suspect that the said Proclamation &c' have been Printed in this City Resolved Thereupon that a Committee be appointed to examine the Printing Office in this City, and also to take & seize all such papers as they shall deem necessary and [ 11 of what they shall or may find [ 1] office, and that the said Committee [ I'C] all on Collo- Van Schaick if [ l]t necessary for a Guard. [ 1 app ointed are Jer. Van Rensselaer, Henry [ 1 Harm] anus Wendell, Jacob Cuyler, Leonard [Gansevoort, ' Ten] Br[oeck or1] and four of them [592a] Mr. Cuyler and Wendell from the above Committee Reported that agreeable to the above Resolution they had searched the printing Office 1 Manuscript torn. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 673 in this City, and that they have not been able to make any discovery relative to the proclamation &ca having been published there and they farther Report that the Printers deny having published the same, but refuse to declare the same on Oath, Resolved Thereupon that Messrs Jacob Cuyler and Leond. Gansevoort be desired (in Case the said Printers do not declare upon Oath whether the said proclamation &c. has been reprinted by them or in their Office, and at whose request) Agreeable to the Contract entered into by them some time since to take and secure the Press, Tipes and Implements of the said Printers and them keep in their Custody [5931 Met according to Adjournment [4th FebY 1777] Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Henry VanVeghten Peter Ryckman John Price Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Henry Quackenbush Ph. P. Schuyler John M. Beeckman John Van Loon Albartus Van Loon John Beebe Wm. B. Whiting Isaac Fonda Frederick Berger Walter Livingston Myndert S. Ten Eyck Jost Burst Henry I. Bogert John Fort Cornelius Groot Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck Rynier Van Aelstyn John Younglove Goose Van Schaick Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Van Rensselaer Samuel Ten Broeck Jer. Van Rensselaer Killiaen Van Rensselaer Daniel Winne Nicholas Veeder William Livingston, appeared before this Board and Voluntarily took the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York, Whereupon he was discharged from Confinement and permitted to return to his own Home A Pay & Subsistance Roll of Capt. John A. Bratts Company of Rangers was laid before this Board for examination 22 674 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered Thereupon that the said Rolls be referred for examination to Messrs Jer. Van Rensselaer, John Ja. Beeckman and Myndert Roseboom the Committee appointed to examine Pay Rolls and make Report with all Speed - [593a] The Committee were informed that the Convention of this State, were going to appoint Delegates to represent this State in Continental Congress, and that instead of twelve Delegates, they intended to appoint only Six- Ordered Thereupon that a Committee be appointed to draw up a Letter to the Deputies of this County in Convention requesting them in Case they do proceed to the appointment of Delegates to do their utmost endeavours not to have the Number of Delegates diminished, and to give their assent to the Number formerly chosen The Committee appointed are Walter Livingston and Stephen Lush, who are ordered to Report this afternoon Adjourned till 2 OClock P.M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman John Beebie Henry Wendell Cornelius Groot John Price Wm- B. Whiting Henry I. Bogert Nicholas Veeder Isaac D. Fonda Goose Van Schaick Jer. Van Rensselaer Hezekiah Middlebrooks Stephen Lush Isaac Fonda John M. Beeckman John Tayler Peter Bratt Walter Livingston Jost Burst [594] Upon Application of John Corbin setting forth that he has Accounts against the Company formerly raised by Capt. now ColI. John Fisher in this County and that the said Acects tho' passed by this Committee are not paid upon Motion it is resolved that it is the Sense of this Board that the Money due on the said Accounts Should be received and paid by the said Col~o Fisher and further that the said Col~. Fisher be cited before this Board and an Enquiry be made whether he has received the said Money or not and PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 675 if he has that he be requested to discharge the said Accounts and if he has not then that a Member of this Board be appointed to wait upon him to the Paymaster and request the Paymaster to discharge the same. Resolved That Mr. Henry Cuyler be immediately removed to the Town of Boston, and that Notice be given to Mr. Cuyler accordinglyResolved That Mr. David Van Schaack be cited to appear before the Sub Committee on Tuesday next for the purposes mentioned in the Resolve of the Committee appointed by the Convention of this State for enquiring into detecting & defeating all Conspiracies formed in the Said State against the Liberties of America The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Deputies of this County in Convention brought in the following which was agreed to and ordered to be Copied here take in &c. [594a] Met according to Adjournment [5th Feby. 1 777] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Gose Van Schaick Peter Ryckman Wm- B. Whiting Henry Van Veghten Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry I. Bogert Daniel P Winne Myndert Roseboom Nicholas Veeder John Price Myndt- S. Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Jost Burst Peter Van Ness Philip Van Rensselaer Isaac Fonda John Beebe John Tayler Henry Quackenbush Resolved That the Deputies of this County in Convention be instructed to use their Influence to have General Schuyler appointed one of the Delegates to represent this State in Continental Congress Resolved That Messrs. Henry Quackenbush and John Price be and they are hereby declared to be entitled to an equal proportion of the allowance requested to be given to Messrs- Rensselaer and Wendell by a Resolution of the 30th. December last, as the said Quackenbush and Price were equally engaged and concerned in procuring the Boards Timber &c. for the Quartermaster General in the Southern Department [595] Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 676 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman John Beebe Myndert Roseboom Isaac Fonda Stephen Lush Gosen Van Schaick John Ten Broeck Rynier Van Aelstyn John Tayler Jost Burst Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush William B. Whiting Henry Wendell Jer: Van Rensselaer Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the Deputies of this County in Convention (here take in Letter &c) Whereas this Committee did on the 18th October last Resolve that thirty Men should remain in the District of Ballston, and that the said Men should keep Continually scouting the Woods during the Time the Militia of this County was on Duty to the Northward - And whereas the Committee of Ballston did thereupon Resolve that the said Thirty Men should be taken from the Men that were there Paraded and Equipt before they marched from the Ground, and notwithstanding said Resolutions the Commanding Officer marched the whole Body off Resolved Thereupon that this Committee approve of the Resolution of the Committee of Ballston Whereas it hath been represented to this Board that the Field Officers of Collo. Jacobus Van Schoonhoven's Regiment of Militia have fined several Persons [595a] without a hearing, and that the Officers had received orders to Levy said Fines Resolved Thereupon that the said Field Officers the Persons so fined and the Members of the Committee of Ballston District be Cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting, and that the said Officers in the mean time suspend the Warrant for Levying said Fines Resolved That a Clause be added to the Letter agreed to be sent to the Deputies of this County, this Day, setting forth the dangers to which the Provisions Stored in the Store houses along Hudsons River, may be exposed and recommending to them in Case they agree in Opinion to endeavour to have the same removed to some safe place PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 677 Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Convention of this State, stating to them the weak state of Defence the Fortress of Tyconderoga is in, and requesting them in the most earnest manner to fall upon Ways & Means to have that Garrison put in the best State of Defence- The Committee appointed to prepare said Letter are Stephen Lush and John Ten Broeck Esqrs — There being the greatest necessity of having a number of Troops to Garrison Tyconderoga Resolved That four or five Companies be raised in this County, and that a Committee be appointed to take the same into Consideration and Report thereon to Morrow Morning-The Committee appointed are Messrs. John Ten Broeck, Jer Van Rensselaer, Henry Quackenbush, Myndert Roseboom & Coll: Whiting and Capt. John Beebe [596] Adjourned till 9 OClock A M. Met according to Adjournment [6th FebY- 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Henry Wendell Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman Myndert Roseboom John Price Philip VanRensselaer Isaac D. Fonda John N. Bleecker Henry Van Veghten John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Chairman Harmanus Wendell Philip P. Schuyler Myndt. S: Ten Eyck Wm: B. Whiting John Beebe Gosen Van Schaick Isaac Fonda General Ten Broeck Henry Quackenbush John Ten Broeck Stephen Lush A Pay Bounty & Subsistance Roll of Capt' John A. Bratts Company oi Rangers was laid before this Board amounting to ~439.. 13..3. Ordered That the Treasurer pay the same to Capt. Bratt and take his Receipt for the same There being the greatest necessity for reinforcing the Garrison of Tyconderoga, as the Times of the enlistment of the greatest part of the Troops are expired. Resolved Thereupon That the Companies of Rangers of Captains Baldwin & Bratt be fortwith ordered to march to Tyconderoga, and there join 678 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE themselves to the Continental Troops there stationed and to put themselves under the Command of the Commanding Officer there Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment [596a] Present. John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Ph. P. Schuyler John Price Wm: B. Whiting Myndert Roseboom Isaac Fonda Peter Ryckman Gosen A. Van Schaick Stephen Lush Abraham Yates Junr John N. Bleecker John Beebe Isaac D. Fonda Florus Bancker Gerrit Lansingh Junr Ordered that upon Messrs- John Ten Broeck &c- (a Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Necessity of raising Men for Garrisoning Tyconderoga) having brought in their Report (which is as follows &c.) that they wait upon his Honor Major General Schuyler with the same. The said Committee do report that they have waited upon General Schuyler with the said Report and that he agrees with the Committee in there being a Necessity for raising the said 318 Men but thinks it would be proper that no Bounty should be allowed to the said Men by this Committee & that an Express be immediately dispatched to the Convention of this State to ask their Direction therein and that in the mean Time the Officers be appointed and endeavour to recruit & raise the said 318 Men with the Promise of Continental Pay and Rations. The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Committee of Tryon County brought in the following which was agreed to and approved of. Viz. here take in &c. [597] A Petition of John Stewart and Sixteen others Privates of Captain Baldwin's Company of Rangers was laid before this Board which said Petition is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved Thereupon that the prayer of the said Petition be granted in Case the said Persons march to the Northward and Garrison Tyconderoga PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 679 and that on their return they be allowed pay & Subsistance for the time they may not have been in service An Account of James Tuck was laid before this Board for going express to New City amounting to 10/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid A Pay and Subsistance Roll of Capt. Alexander Baldwin's Company of Rangers amounting to ~301..17.. 1 which after being examined was allowed, and thereupon Ordered That the Treasurer pay the same, and take Capt- Baldwin's receipt for the same, and also that the Treasurer first deduct the severall Accounts against the Rangers being ~10..6.. 6 Capt- Baldwin suggested to this Board that Marten Van Beuren a Lieutenant in his Company had desired leave to resign his Commission, and having been Guilty formerly of misdemeanours Ordered Thereupon That Capt. Baldwin be desired to put the said Van Beuren under an Arrest and acquaint the General with it[597a] Albany Committee Chamber 8th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Jer. Van Rensselaer Ph. Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr. William B. Whiting Isaac D. Fonda Gosen Van Schaick John Price John Beebe John Ten Broeck John Bardon having been confined in this Goal and no Crime having given in against him Ordered Thereupon that the said John Bordon be Liberated from Confinement, and that Lieut' Staats be direct'd to go to GenI1 Schuyler and enquire whether the Gen1l has no Charge against him Received a Letter from Gen1l Schuyler dated 7th FebY 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. 680 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Gose Van Schaick John Price John Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom Henry I. Bogert Isaac D. Fonda Resolved that proper Persons be appointed to go thro' this City and County and the adjacent Counties and endeavour to purchase from the Inhabitants as many Blankets as possible [598] for the use of the Continental Troops and that the said Persons proceed down the River as far as they shall think proper and it is farther Resolved that Messrs. John Ten Broeck and Gosen A. Van Schaick be appointed for the above purpose on the West Side of the River, and John Price and Henry I. Bogert on the East Side of the River and that the said Persons purchase the said Blankets at as low a rate as possible Resolved That the Secretary wait on Jacob Roseboom Junr. and Teunis Ts' Van Veghten and ask them their reasons for Non Attendance in Committee and that the Secretary make Report at the next meeting of this BoardResolved That Messrs. John Ten Broeck, Gosen Van Schaick, John Price and Henry I. Bogert be and they are hereby empowered to hire as many Sleighs and Waggons for the transporting the Blankets and [themselves] to carry them to such Places as they shall think proper Albany Committee Chamber 10th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry I. Bogert General Ten Broeck Henry Quackenbush John Ja Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Harmanus Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 681 William Pemberton having obtained Liberty from Authority in the State of Connecticut to return to this Place, and not having been acquainted with the Resolution of this Committee of the 24th JanY last Ordered Thereupon that the said Pemberton be Confined in Loadmans Room and that in the mean Time [598a] enter into a Parole not to do or say any thing in opposition to the measures pursued by America, and that he will not depart the Room except it be to go to Bed in the Hall and to do his necessary business, with which he Complied Albany Committee Chamber 11 th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Jacob Lansingh Jun Henry Wendell Isaac D Fonda Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Jer Van Rensselaer Harmanus Wendell Received a Letter from David Van Schaack Esqr dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter from Francis P. Fister dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Capt. Alexander Baldwin appeared before this Board and acquainted them that twenty four Men belonging to his Company refused to March to Tyconderoga. Ordered Thereupon that the following order issue to Lieut Jackson Sir You are hereby ordered to proceed with all the dispatch in your power to the North Side of Sacondago River to the extent of the County of Albany which is about 10 Miles North of said Sacondago River and there make diligent search after the several parties of the Enemy which we have intelligence will frequent that Quarter about this Season, you are to range the Mountains, once every Week from the North branch of Hudsons River to the North Bounds of this County which said Bounds [599] is about 12 Miles North of Sacondaga Meadow in which employ you are to remain untill the 15th day of April next unless sooner recalled, you are not to permit at one Time more than one Man out of four to be absent from your Station in quest of Provision and such other necessaries as you and they may stand in need of wherewith you and they are to provide yourselves as hi Resolution of the 682 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Convention Your proceedings you are faithfully to Report on Oath to this Committee as also a just Representation of the Conduct of your Party as well in particular as General you are to inform your Men that every misdemeanour by them Committed will be prosecuted by the Committee with the utmost Rigour - The Men designed for your Party are as follows (here take in the Names) Albany Committee Chamber 13th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Peter Ryckman Harms. Wendell Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman Robert Yates Daniel P Winne Stephen Lush Jacob Cuyler Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac D. Fonda Received a Letter from Mr Robert Yates dated Fish Kill FebY- 4th: 1777 which said Letter are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved Thereupon that a Committee of three be appointed to draw up a State of the Proceedings of this Committee respecting the People of the District of Kinderhook, and that the said Committee Report their proceedings with [599a] all Speed, The Committee appointed are Robert Yates Jer. Van Rensselaer and Jacob Cuyler Received a Letter from Capt. John A Bratt dated 13th Feby: which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 1 Ith Feby: 1 777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved Thereupon That Capt' John A Bratt with his Company of Rangers be ordered to repair to the same place where Lieut' Jackson is order[ed] to Range and that orders issue accordingly Resolved that a Letter be wrote to the Convention of this State acquainting them that the Rangers refuse to do Duty out of the Countey, and to request their Opinion whether it would not be best to discharge them Received a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated 23rd PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 683 January 1777 inclosing a Resolution of that Body of the same Date which said Letter and Resolution is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That Henry Merkel Junr be served with a Copy of said Resolution and be ordered punctually to obey it. Albany Committee Chamber 14th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Wendell Ph. Van Rensselaer Jacob Roseboom Junr John N. Bleecker Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom Robert Yates [600] Messrs Robert Henry Robert McClallen, James Bloodgood and Hugh Mitchel appeared before this Board and represented to them that the General Court of the State of Massachusets Bay had prohibited under Certain Penalties the removal of Merchandize from there to any other State The Committee took the same into Consideration and Thereupon Resolve that a Letter be prepared to the Convention of this State Stating the above Facts which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Peter R Livingston Esqr. dated Fish Kill 9th February Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Robert Van Rensselaer, Peter R Livingston Leond Gansevoort and John Tayler dated Fish Kills 12th Feby: 1777 which is in the following Words to wit Albany Committee Chamber 15th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Robert Yates Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Ja Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Harms- Wendell General Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam 684 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE An Account of Mr. Robert Yates was laid before this Board for his attendance at the Convention of this State amounting to ~121.. 10..0 and after deducting ~50 which Mr Yates had heretofore received from General Ten Broeck there remains a ballance of ~71.. 10 which is allowed and ordered That the Treasurer pay the same [600a] An Account of Philip Wendell was laid before this Board amounting to ~8. for going express to Fish Kill with dispatches to Convention which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Jacob Kidney was laid before this Board amounting to ~20 for his attendance as Messenger to the Committee, which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Wilhelmus Osterhoudt for attending and finding a Room and Bed for James Letts who was indisposed belonging to Capt- Tayler, Company Collo Wayn's Battalion of Pensylvania amounting to ~3 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. An Account of Messrs. John Ja Beeckman, Myndert Roseboom and Jer Van Rensselaer for their Services in examining and adjusting the Pay & Billeting Rolls of the Militia of this County for their Services to the Northward amounting to ~19.. 4 which is allowed & ordered to be paid - An Account of Philip Wendell for going express to Schonectady to Stop the Militia from Marching amounting to 17/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 18th FebY: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Michael Overacker Harms- Wendell William Thorn Isaac D: Fonda David Van Rensselaer Edward Jewit Adam Vrooman Rutger Lansingh David Van Rensselaer Lourance Hogeboom Philip Conine Jacob Lansingh Junr. Volkert Veeder Richard Bronck Philip P. Schuyler [601] Major Hugh Hughes Q. M. General laid before this Board the followig Request (here take in &c-a Ordered that the following be sent in answer there to PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 685 This Committee having taken into Consideration the request of Major Hugh Hughes Quarter Master General, and find that his request for long Plank & Boards to be procured in this County immediately cannot be Complied with for these reasons Vizt. 1st: There are but few Mills in this County Constructed to make plank or Boards of such a Lenght 2ndy It is very uncommon for any of said Mills to provide Timber of such Lenght unless first requested therefore Time will be requisite for that purpose 3rdy. There are no Mills at this Season in a Condition to Work being obstructed by Ice 4thy. Therefore the required Boards & Plank cannot be furnished untill the above Obsticles are removed But this Committee for the Compleating of the above in proper Time will do their utmost endeavour if the Quarter Master General cannot supply himself agreeable to his present Intentions, he giving immediate directions for whatever Lumber he shall or may want and such as Can be procured by this Committee The Quarter Master requesting this Committee to procure the said Boards and Plank, as near to the dimensions and as soon as possible Ordered Thereupon that Mr Isaac D. Fonda be appointed to procure the Long Boards and Plank, and that Mr. Harmanus Wendell be appointed to procure the Common Boards and Plank [601 a] [The Depreciation of the Continental Currency becoming daily more and more open and public Resolved Thereupon that a Committee of Two Persons be appointed to repair fortwith to the Convention of this State, and represent the above grievance to them and to request that they will immediately tale the same into Consideration and that the said Committee remain at the Convention till they make a determination thereon, The Committee appointed are Messrs John M. Beeckman and Wm- Thorn ] A Petition of Capt John Hamtramick was laid before this Board setting forth that he has left Canada his Native Country to support the [Glorious 1] Cause of America and as he is now entirely out of employ praying that this Board will be pleased to grant him such a recommendation or Certificate as they shall deem proper This Committee taking the same into Consideration, and having had sufficient proof of his good behaviour and Conduct Do thereupon Resolve to 1 Crossed out in the text. 686 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE recommend him to the Committee of Arrangement in this State as a fit Person to supply a Vacancy equal to his Rank in Case any such there be Ab. Jacob Lansingh of Stonerabia in the County of Albany appeared before this Board and complained against Jillis De Garmo and others for refusing to take in payment on Bond the Continental Currency, and Whereas Sundry Complaints of the same Nature have been preferred to this Board, and no Salutary mode prescribed to this Committee, how to proceed in a Case so Circumstanced, and being greatly alarmed at the approaching evill which will unavoidably ensue Do thereupon Resolve that Messrs John M. Beeckman and William Thorn be appointed a Committee immediately [602] to repair to the Convention of this State, now sitting at Kingston and there make personal application to that Honorable Body for some Salutary Resolve to be by them passed to releive us from the approaching apprehensions respecting the Continental Currency, and that the said Beeckman and Thorn do not return untill they obtain if possible such a Resolve Resolved that it be recommended to the said Beeckman and Thorn to keep an exact Account of their Expences which will be reimbursed to them by this Board An Account of Coll~' Anthony Van Bergen was laid before this Board for Vegetables house Hire, for Guards and Sulbsistance for Provisions amounting to ~13.. 17..5 which is allowed and ordered to be paid - An Account of Joel Pratt was laid before this Board for Provisions, and other necessary's for the use of a Party of Men who were ordered to suppress an Insurrection at Kings District amounting to $58.. 9..2 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Mat. Visscher was laid before this Board for his Services as Secretary, and money advanced for Paper &c' amounting to ~85.. 12.. 2 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Mr. Lourance Hogeboom laid before this Board a Report of the Committee of Claverack District respecting Ensign Jacob Best, which said Report is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the Consideration of the said Report be Postponed till the next General meeting of this [602a] Committee. Resolved That Ensign Jacob Best be and he is hereby Cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 687 Met according to Adjournment [19th Feby. 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Adam Vrooman Rutger Lansingh Garret Van Bommel Edward Jewit Michael Overacker Jer. Van Rensselaer Lourance Hogeboom Richard Bronck Philip Conine Lewis Van Antwerp Charles Moore Nathaniel Ford Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Thomas Sweetman Chairman Robert Yates Philip P. Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Cuyler Harmen Fort James MaGee Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman George White Asa Douglass John Fort Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Jabez Hubbel Resolved That a Committee be appointed to prepare a Representation to the Convention setting forth the Reasons why the Fines collected in this County from the Militia, are not Sent to the Treasurer of this State The Committee appointed are Messrs. Robert Yates Philip P. Schuyler, Jacob Cuyler and James Magee or any three of them who are ordered to Report thereon with all Speed Resolved That William Pemberton be put in Close Confinement, and that a Representation of his Case together with the Case of all such other Persons as have been sent from this County to the State of Connecticut [603] and other States, and who have returned without Liberty from this County, to the Committee appointed by the Convention of this State for enquiring into detecting and defeating all Conspiracies formed in the said State against the Liberties of America and that the said Committee be requested to send their Determination thereon without delayAdjourned till 1 OClock P. M. 688 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Jacob Lansingh Junr Rutger Lansingh Gerrit Van Bummel Edward Jewit Isaac D. Fonda John Fort Adam Vrooman Henry Quackenbush Jabez Hubbel Sam1- MCrea George White Wm- B. Whiting Charles Moore Chairman Thomas Sweetman Michael Overacker Philip P. Schuyler Philip Van Veghten Arent N. Van Petten Myndert Wemple Killiaen Van Rensselaer Peter Bratt James MaGee Henry Wendell Hosea Lincoln Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansingh Junr Collo. Gorden and Major Mitchel two of the Field Officers of ColloJacobus Van Schoonhovens Regiment together with some of the Members of Ballston District appeared before this Board in Consequence of a Resolution of the last meeting of this Committee, and this Board having fully heard, and considered the Allegations [603a] of both the Committee and Field Officers respecting the marching of the Militia of said District to the Northward, And are thereupon of Opinion that altho' the orders of this Committee were that thirty Men should be permitted to remain in said District, and altho' the said number of Men were ordered to be taken from those who appeared on the parade by the Committee of that District, and notwithstanding marched of by Collo Gordon [contrary to both Resolves 1] Yet this Committee are of Opinion that Collo- Gorden, did not Act inconsistant with his orders as it fully appeared, that more than thirty Men remained in the District, for the Arming of which a sufficient Number of Guns it appears from the proof offered remained in the said District Lieut. Collo Gorden appeared before this Board and represented to them that Capt- Tyrannus Collins since the expiration of his Service in the Continental Service as Capt. under Collo Van Dyck, has not taken the Command of the Company of Militia to which he was chosen Captain 1 Crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 689 Thereupon Resolved That Capt- Collins be requested to take the Command of said Company and exercise said Office as if he never had been absent from said Company Adjourned till 9 OClock P. [A.] M. Met according to Adjournment [20th FebY 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr George White Isaac Van Aernam Stephen J. Schuyler Adam Vrooman Michael Overacker Gerrit Van Bommel Arent N. Van Petten Rutger Lansingh Myndert Wemple Edward Jewit James MaGee Nathaniel Ford Henry Van Veghten Wm- B. Whiting Henry Wendell Asa Douglass Abraham Ten Eyck James MaGee [604] An Account of William Van Slyck was laid before this Board for the Hire of a Horse Capt. Timyr Hughes had in Conveying Stevenson Van Schaack & Glen to Boston amounting to ~4..8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Isaac Pabody and Samuel Allen for making Discoveries and watching the Motions of the Internal Enemies of this State was laid before this Board amounting to ~12.. 12 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. A Petition of John Van Rensselaer Junr. David Smith and four others late Members of the Committee of Hosick District and a number of the Inhabitants of said District was laid before this Board setting forth that the late Election for Committee in said District was illegally held and praying that a new Election may be ordered in said District, Resolved thereupon that the Members of who Composed the late Committee, and the Members who Compose the present Committee or a Majority of them be Cited to appear before this Committee at their next General meetingResolved That an order be given on Mr. Henry M. Roseboom in favour of Mr Adam Vrooman for twenty eight pounds of Lead, and some Flints for the use of the Indians in Schoharry District - 690 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Complaint having been preferred to this Board against Elijah Hudson for resigning his Commission as Capt' in Case of Invasion, and for being Guilty of Inimical Proceedings Resolved Thereupon That the said Elijah Hudson be Cited to appear before this Committee at their next General meeting, to answer the said Complaint [604a] Adjourned till 1 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Adam Vrooman Jacob Lansingh Junr Edward Jewit Jer. Van Rensselaer Garret Van Bommel Isaac D. Fonda Michael Overacker Isaac Van Aernam Wm. B: Whiting Peter Bratt Nathaniel Fort George White Jacob Cuyler Arent N. Van Petten James MaGee Myndert Wemple Stephen J. Schuyler Philip Van Rensselaer t y' On Motion Resolved that the Committee appointed to prepare a Representation to the Convention of this State setting forth the reasons why the Fines collected in this County from the Militia are not sent to the Treasurer, be discharged, and called in, as the representation ought to be made by the Field Officers The Committee were informed that John Munro a Person lately sent from this County to the State of Connecticut as a Person Inimical to the Cause of America, had returned to this County and was now in this City Ordered Thereupon that the said John Munro be sent for. the said Munro appeared and produced a permit from Govr. Trumbull to come to this County, and having obtained the same without the Consent or approbation of this Board and being a Dangerous Enemy to the Cause of America, Ordered Thereupon that the said Munro be put in Confinement, and that he have Liberty on procuring Bail to bring his Wife to his own Habitation and PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 691 return again in a few days & that on the Security [605] aforesaid he have the Liberty of the Fort Mr David Smith is requested to Serve John V: Rensalaer and the other persons Specified in a Resolve of this Day with a Copy of said Resolve - The Committee having received information that James Stewart, Archibald Anderson, Robert McQuay, Alexander Grant, John McKerly and three others, were this day gone off to join the Enemy. Ordered Thereupon that Collo. Van Schaack be sent for and requested that he furnish this Board with Six Officers for the purpose of pursuing and apprehending the said Persons above mentioned, and that the said Persons when taken be brought before this Committee Whereas great Inconveniencies have arisen in the City and County of Albany, occasioned by the great number of Persons keeping Tavern and Tipling Houses many of whom are disaffected to the measures pursued for the establishment of American Freedom and there is reason to apprehend they have influenced many Soldiers to quit the service, To prevent these ill Consequences, and at the same Time to Regulate Tavernkeepers Be it resolved, That no person or Persons shall Continue, or set up a Tavern, in any District in the City & County of Albany unless he she or they obtain a Licence or permit from the Chairman of the District where such Person or Persons shall or may reside That when any application is made as aforesaid the Chairman shall call the District Committee, and only grant such Licence or permit in Consequence of the Consent of such District Committee And be it farther resolved That if any Person or Persons shall Continue or set up a Tavern or Tipling House, without having obtained such Licence, and after such person or Persons are Noticed of this Resolve He she or they shall forfeit a Sum not exceeding ~50. to be Levyed by Warrant under the Hand of the Chairman of the District where such offender may reside on the Goods and Chattels of the said Offender, and for want of such Goods & Chattels that such Person or Persons be put in Close Confinement there to remain for the Space of three Months 692 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [605a] Albany Committee Chamber 21st Feby. 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman Henry Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom Hars' Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Chairman Ab. Ten Eyck Isaac D. Fonda Henry Quackenbush James MaGee Peter Bratt Casparus Lodewick having given Security for his future good behaviour, was thereupon discharged from Confinement and permitted to remain on his own Farm Received a Letter from Leonard Gansevoort and John Tayler Esqrs dated 14th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 24rd' Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Henry Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman Harms Wendell Ab. Ten Eyck Stephen Lush Received a Letter of Mesrs. Josiah Smith and Truman Wheeler two of the Committee of Great Barrington dated 21st. Feby: Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [606] An Account of Dirck B Van Schoonhoven for riding express to different parts of this County, as Certified by General Ten Broeck amounting to ~3:10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid A Bill in Imitation of the Bills of Credit emitted by this Board, signed Wm- Wilkie, Wm- Baker Augn. Wilkie, having been delivered to an Indian was laid before this Board -and as the Signers of the said Bill reside in Schonectady Resolved That the said Bill be transmitted to the Committee of Schonec1 The secretary wrote 23rd and then placed a 4 over the 3. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1777 693 tady and that the said Committee proceed against and deal with the said Persons agreeable to a Resolve of the Committee of this County Resolved That the Treasurer pay Mr. Abraham Ten Eyck Twenty Dollars for Money by him advanced Capt. Timothy Hughes, for which the said Hughe's is to Account Albany Committee Chamber 26th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell Stephen J. Schuyler Henry Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush Jacob Lansingh Junr Daniel P. Winne Isaac D. Fonda Frederick Berringer Ordered That Tom the Negro Man Slave of Jeremiah Muller who is very sick and likely to die be Liberated from Confinement, on the said Muller's entring into Bond in the Penal Sum of ~200 for the appearance of the said Tom before the Committee or any other Authority in this State [606a] Albany Committee Chamber 27th Feby: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John N. Bleecker Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer Hars' Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Thomas Beebe having been confined some days ago by Collo' Abraham J. Van Aelstyn Petitioned to be heard and it appearing from the Mittimus that he was confined for disobedience of orders Ordered Thereupon That Collo- Van Aelstyn, and as many of the Field Officers as conveniently can be requested to appear before this Board on Tuesday next to support the Charge, and that Coll Van Aelstyn be informed that unless the said Charge be supported, the said Beebe will be discharged from Confinement Resolved That a Committee of six be appointed to search the Tipling Houses in this City and to carry the Resolve of this Committee of the 20th Instant and that they make Report of their proceeding therein with all Speed, 694 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Committee appointed are John Ja Beeckman and Jer. Van Rensselaer in the Second Ward Myndert Roseboom and [Henry 1. Boge] Matthew Visscher in the first Ward and Harmanus Wendell and Isaac Van Aernam in the Third Ward, and that the said Committee respectively order the Tavernkeepers to appear before this Board on Monday next [607] Albany Committee Chamber 3rd March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendelll John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Jer. Van Rensselaer Hars. Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr John N. Bleecker Received a Letter from Mr Derck Jansen dated 27th Feby: 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words (to wit) Received a Letter from Mr. Abraham Oothoudt dated the same Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also the following Letters, to wit One from Messrs Chrisr Tappen Robt. R. Livingston and Jacob Cuyler dated the 26th Feby: 1777 (prout) One from Mr. Hugh Hughes D. Q. Master General dated Fish Kill 25th Feby: (prout) One from Mr. Abraham Fonda dated Schonectady 25th Feby- 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Also one from Messrs- John H Beeckman and Jacob C Schermerhorn dated 1st March 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of the Letter from Messrs Tappen &c' Ordered That Collo' Van Schaick be requested to furnish this Board with two Officers to search for Papers &c. and to keep the said Crukshank therein mentioned in Custody till he procure Bail for his appearance when called upon in order to be sent to Kingston pursuant to said Letter An Account of Aaron Bratt was laid before this Board amounting to ~1..14 which is allowed and ordered to be paid and ordered that the Treasurer Charge the same to the Secret Committee of the Convention[607a] Ordered That the Treasurer pay the Chairman eleven Shillings for Wood used in Committee Chamber Adjourned till 1 OClock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1777 695 Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Harmanus Wendell Myndert Roseboom Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Resolved That the following Letter be sent in answer to that received from Messrs Tappen Livingston and Cuyler of the 27th Feby: Ult. (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 4th March 1777 Present. Henry Quackenbush Esqr' Chairman Pro Temp Isaac Van Aernam Flourus Banker Philip P. Schuyler Hezekiah Middlebrooks Jacob C. Schermerhorn Killian Van Rensselaer Peter Bronck Peter Winne Philip Bronck Edward Jewit Daniel P Winne Peter Bratt John H Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher John M. Beeckman Barent Vrooman Wm- Thorn Stephen Lush Received a Letter from General Ten Broeck dated 2rd March Instant inclosing Resolutions of the Committee of Safety of the first day March Instant which said Letter and Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Henry Van Schaack Esqr- dated the [608] third Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) inclosing Copy of a Letter by him sent to his Honor Govr. Trumbull on the first Instant (prout) Adjourned till 9 OClock A: M: 696 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment [5th March 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Henry Quackenbush Philip Van Veghten Daniel P. Winne Peter Bratt Philip P. Schuyler Florus Banker Peter Bronck Philip Bronck Hezekiah Van Orden John Fort Chairman Peter L Winne Edward Jewit Barent Vrooman Hezekiah Middlebrooks Henry I Bogert Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr' Killiaen Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell Jacob C. Schermerhorn Hars- Wendell Anthony Van Schaick Whereas the Committee of Safety of the State of New York by their Resolution entered into on the 22rd Day of January last did empower the General Committees of each respective County in this State to appoint and assign fit and suitable Places for Inoculating Hospitals in their respective Counties - Therefore Resolved that the Committees of each respective District within this County do appoint and assign fit and Suitable places in their said Districts for Inoculating Hospitals, and that the said Committees use all the precautions sett forth in the said Resolution to prevent the spreading of the small Pox [608a] An Account of Capt- Timothy Hughes was laid before this Board for money by him advanced & expended in the apprehending of Robert McQua and others amounting to 32.. 15..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid, An Account of Capt- John H Wendell for the same Service was laid before this Board amounting to ~10..9..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Philip Bronck for the use of his Sleigh and Horses was laid before this Board amounting to 10/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1777 697 An Account of John Witbeeck for the same service was also laid before this Board amounting to 12/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid Resolved That the above Accounts be charged to the said McQuay and others, and that they be not discharged till the above Accounts are paidAn Account of the expences of Messrs John M. Beeckman and William Thorn in going to the Convention of this State for the purpose of procuring a Resolve respecting the depreciation of the Continental Currency was laid before this Board amounting to ~13.. 11..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paidAlbany Committee Chamber 10th March 1777 Present Jacob Lansingh Junr. Chairman Pro Temp. John N. Bleecker Myndert Roseboom Ph. Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac D. Fonda John Ja Beeckman Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Price James McGee Jer Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman [609] The Committee were informed that a certain Waters had hired the House now occupied by Coll~o Philip P. Schuyler and that the said Waters intended to Inoculate his Family upon his having moved them to said House. This Committee being sensible that by such Conduct the Infection will spread among the Continental Troops, so dangerous and pernicious to the preservation of an Army and thereupon Resolved That the said Waters be and he is hereby strictly forbid not to Inoculate his Family at the place aforesaid on pain of forfeiting the Sum of ~500 being the Penalty mentioned in the Resolution of the Committee of Safety. Received a Letter from Mat. Adgate Esqr. dated Kingston 3 March 1777 inclosing a Resolution of the Convention of the 26th Feby: last - which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) Coll Lewis the Quarter Master General appeared before this Board and represented to them that he was in great want of a number of Horses and Sleighman to carry a Quantity of Artillery Stores to the Fortresses to the Northward, and that he had used all the means in his power to procure them but without Success 698 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved Thereupon That the following orders be given to the Assistant Quarter Masters, and that the same be directed to the Committees of the respective Districts in this County. The Bearor Capt. Volkert A Douw Assistant Deputy Quarter Master goes for the express purpose of Hiring Horses and Sleighman to carry a Quantity of Artillery Stores from this Place to the Fortresses to the Northward - His allowance is so generous that we expect he will meet with no difficulty in procuring them, We however most earnestly request you [609a] to give him all the assistance in your power to procure them as it is of the utmost Consequence that those Stores should in Time be at those places, and after you have used all the Efforts in your power to procure them Voluntarily and yet fail, We recommend to you to have recourse to the last expedient to wit to issue Warrants to Impress them - Albany Committee Chamber 1 1th March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda James MaGee Ph. Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman John N. Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Harmanus Wendell Jer. Van Rensselaer John Price The Committee were informed that Contrary to the Resolution of the Committee of Safety Captain Bratt and his Officers had permitted officers of Collo Warners Regiment to enlist their Men Ordered thereupon that Copy of the Resolution of the Committee of Safety be transmitted to the Committee of Schonectady, and that they be requested to order Lieut. Swits and the other Officers of Warners Regiment to discharge the Men so enlisted, or to deliver them to such Officers of the Regiments mentioned in the Resolution as they shall chuse to enlist with. Hugh Jolly and his Son in Law having been apprehended by order of this Committee for harbouring Negroes and being Persons Inimical to the Cause of America and it having appeared that the Son in Law does not reside at Jolly's but accidently came there PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1777 699 [610] Resolved Thereupon That the Son in Law be discharged from Confinement, and that Jolly remain in Confinement till the farther order of this Committee Ordered That James Foran be Liberated from Confinement Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom JunrJohn Price Myndert Roseboom Chairman John N. Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Stephen Lush James MaGee General Schuyler laid before this Board a Letter from General Herkemer and Collo- Elmore respecting Marten Van Aelstyn George Herkemer Junr. and Thomas Bell Persons that had been apprehended on their Way to Niagara, which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered that the said Persons be Confined in Loadmans Room till to Morrow and that in the mean time General Schuyler be Consulted respecting the disposal of the above Persons. Messr. Wendell and Fonda are appointed to Consult with the General on the above subject Albany Committee Chamber 12th March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Henry Wendell Jacob Roseboom Jun. Myndert Roseboom John Price John Ja Beeckman John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda Peter Bratt Henry I. Bogert 700 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [610a] Mr. Wendell who had waited on General Schuyler pursuant to the Resolution of Yesterday Reported that the General was of Opinion that Marte Van Aelstyn ought to Swear Allegiance to the State, and in Case of refusal that he ought to be Committed, and that the same ought also to be Tendered to Thow Bell Albany Committee Chamber 13th March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Stephen Lush Myndert Roseboom Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman John Ja Beeckman Harmanus Wendell Received a Letter from Messrs John Tayler and Jacob Cuyler dated 11th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Resolution from the Convention of this State of the 10th Instant which said Resolution is in the following Words to wit (prout)Albany Committee Chamber 15th March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Hars' Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Quackenbush Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansingh Junr' Peter Bratt [6111 [This Committee took into Consideration An Ordinance of the Corporation of this City for the better preventing of Fire in the City of Albanly, and thereupon Resolve to adopt the said Ordinance, and that the Committee of this City be and they are hereby vested with the same power wvith which the Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Assistants were vested by the said Ordinance, and PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1777 701 the same Ordinance be the Rule and Guide for all the Officers mentioned in the said Ordinance, and also the Rule and Guide for all the Inhabitants of this City, and that they be Subject to the same Fines Penalties and Premiums mentioned the said Ordinance ] A Petition of Jacob Kidney was laid before this Board dated 14th Instant which said Petition is in the following Words to wit (prout) A Petition of William Lewis and five others was laid before this Board dated 13th Instant which said Petition is in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereas it has been represented to this Committee that little or no Order was observed by some Inhabitants and others in their endeavours to extinguish the late Fire to prevent the like irregularity for the future It is conceived absolutely necessary that Regulations be established as well for the preservation of the property of those whose dwellings may unfortunately take Fire, as the Conduct which ought to be observed by the Inhabitants and others. Resolved That the ordering and Arranging of every Man [61 la] who shall appear where a Fire may happen (except such Persons as belong to the Fire Company and Fire Engines, shall be left to the sole direction of the Committee of the City of Albany, and those of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as [far as] the Manor House, who are hereby empowered and directed to place such Men into as many Ranks, and at such convenient Places to Convey Water, as they or any of them shall judge proper, and in Case any of the Inhabitants, or others who shall refuse to form themselves into Ranks when thereunto required by any Member of the said Committee shall upon proof thereof forfeit the Sum of five Pounds to be Levyed by Warrant under the Hand of the Chairman of the said Committee Resolved That one Captain Two Lieutenants and thirty five Men be appointed by Collo Lansing from his Regiment of Militia, and Six Men from Capt. Jacob J. Lansingh's Company, who are on Notice of a fire having broke out in any part of the Town, to repair with their Arms & Accoutrements to the place where such Fire may happen, and there take Charge of all the moveable Effects of the Inhabitants which may be carried into the public Streets by placing Centinels at such Convenient Stations as either of the Officers so to be appointed shall judge necessary and that the said Officers and Men shall remain on this necessary Duty till the Effects they may have had in Charge shall be replaced or secured. 1 Crossed out in the text. 702 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE A Pay Roll of Capt Elijah Demings Company for Services performed in quelling an Insurrection near Kinderhook amounting to ~28.. 10.. 11 1/3 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. [612] A Pay Roll of Lieut. Samuel Warners Company for the same services amounting to ~20.. 13..3 lawful Money which is allowed and ordered to be paid On Motion Resolved That Samuel Loadman be discharged the Service of this Committee as Goaler Resolved That Jacob Kidney be and he is hereby appointed Goaler to this Committee in the Room and stead of the said Samuel Loadman Resolved That the Sheriff be sent for, and be informed of the above Resolution and that he be requested to give his Assent theretoThe Sheriff appeared and declared that he had heretofore requested that John Cole might be appointed, and as he was not appointed that it was matter of Indifference to him who was in, and that he was Convinced Loadman was an improper Person for that business. Ordered That Loadman immediately deliver the Keys of the Goal to Kidney - Albany Committee Chamber 17 March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Henry I. Bogert Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck John Ja. Beeckman Stephen Lush Jer. Van Rensselaer Hars. Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Henry Wendell John Price [612a] Hugh Lammy being unwell, and being it conceived necessary for the recovery of his Health that he should be Liberated from Confinement. Ordered Thereupon that He be Liberated from Confinement on his giving Security for his return as soon as he is recovered from his present illness. The Chairman laid before this Board the following Papers which he had received since last meeting to wit An Annonimous Letter addressed to John M. Van Aelstyn containing many false and Scandalous representations tending to Intimidate the good PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1777 703 People of this County of pursuing the necessary measures for the Safety Liberty and Independance of the United States of America Also an examination of Elisha Tallmage taken before the Committee of Claverack District on the 14th Instant which said Examination is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 18th March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman John Ja Beeckman John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Killiaen Vn Rensselaer Ph. P. Schuyler Abraham D. Fonda Volkert Veeder John H. Beeckman Rutger Lansingh Isaac D Fonda Chairman Johannis Becker Albartus Van Loon John Van Loon Hezekiah Van Orden Henry I. Bogert John N. Bleecker Philip Smith Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price Killian Vn Rensselaer Henry Wendell David Sternberger [613] The Committee took into Consideration the Resolution of the Convention of this State of the 7th Instant respecting Persons confined for disaffection and the Resolution of the Commissioners appointed by the Convention for enquiring into detecting & defeating all Conspiracies formed in this State against the Liberties of America of the 10th Instant - And Thereupon Resolved That all such Persons within this City and its Vicinity who come within the said Resolutions be ordered to attend at the City Hall to Morrow Morning at ten OClock, and that the said Resolutions be read to the said Persons to prevent their pleading Ignorance thereofResolved That all Officers in this County belonging to the Crown of Great Britain either on full or half pay be sent for and on their appearance that they be sent to the Convention of this State, Requesting them to have them exchanged, or Ordered to such place that they may do no injury in this County - Received a Letter from Dirck Jansen dated 1 1th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) 704 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from Benjamin Hicks Chairman to the Committee of Schaghtekocke District dated the 19th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Marten Halenbeeck Esqr. be and he is hereby ordered to desist from the Receipt hereof from keeping public HouseAdjourned till 9 OClock A. M. [613a] Met according to Adjournment [19th March 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Myndert Roseboom Hezekiah Van Orden Isaac D. Fonda Albartus Van Loon Isaac Van Aernam John Van Loon John M. Beeckman David Sternberger John H. Beeckman Philip Smith Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip P. Schuyler Henry Wendell Volkert Veeder Johannis Becker Barent Myndertse John Ja Beekman Killiaen Van Rensselaer Harms Wendell Abraham D. Fonda Abraham Ten Eyck Peter Winne John Price John D. Fonda Henry I. Bogert Isaac Fonda Rutger Lansingh Peter Ryckman Resolved That a Committee of three be appointed to prepare a Letter to the Convention of this State stating to them the defenceless State this County is in for want of Cannon &c- and suggesting to them whether it would not be prudent to prepare obstructions in the River, and also to suggest to them the necessity of having the Provisions stored along the River removed to a place of Safety The Committee appointed are Messrs Jer. Van Rensselaer Stephen Lush and John N. Bleecker. Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. PROCEEDINGS. MARCH, 1777 705 Met according to Adjournment [614] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price John Roseboom Junr Myndert Roseboom Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer Johannis Becker John N. Bleecker David Sternberger John M. Beeckman John D. Fonda Henry Quackenbush Albartus Van Loon Ph. P. Schuyler John Van Loon Abraham D. Fonda Hezekiah Van Orden Killiaen Vn- Rensselaer Philip Smith Volkert Veeder John H. Beeckman Daniel P. Winne Henry Van Driesen Jacobus Hooghteeling who has some time since made his Escape out of Goal, being now busy in enlisting Men for the Service of the Enemy, and being a dangerous Person to the Liberties of America Ordered Thereupon that Major Volkert Veeder be requested to order the said Hooghteeling to be arrested and to be put in Close Confinement till the farther order of this Committee. An Account of Walter Slingerlandt for fire Wood for the use of the Prisoners was laid before this Board amounting to ~14..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Resolved That Captain John A. Bratt with his Officers march their Company of Rangers to this Place with all dispatch [614a] The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Convention of this State brought in the following which was agreeded to and ordered to be Copied. (prout) Resolved That John Thurman, Richard Thurman, Marten Halenbeeck Ignas Dumond, John B. Dumond Junr. William Rea, Henry Burhans, Abraham Halenbeeck and John Morrel be and they are hereby Cited to appear before this Board at their next General MeetingReceived a Letter from Henry Van Schaack dated 18th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) 23 706 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered That an answer be prepared thereto which was done in the following Words (prout) Resolved That Messrs Henry I. Bogert, Gose Van Sschaick and John Ten Broeck be and they are hereby appointed to examine and Sound the River at or near Grote Imboght and that they make Report thereof with all Speed - Resolved That application be made to his Honor Major General Schuyler for a Batteau and four Men to Convey and Assist the above Gent. in examining and Sounding the River[615] Albany Committee Chamber 21 t. March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Ph. Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jer. Van Rensselaer Harmanus Wendell John Ja Beeckman John Price Isaac D. Fonda The Committee were informed that Robert Hoakesly and others who were ordered down to the Commissioners at Fish Kills were putting on Board of Capt. Dox's Sloop Liquors and other Merchandize contrary to the Resolution of Convention Ordered Thereupon that the said Capt. Dox be sent for, and requested to give information respecting the above matters - Capt- Dox appeared and informed this Board that Goods &c. Shipped on Board his Sloop did not belong to the Persons above alluded to but to other Persons resident in this TownResolved That a Committee be appointed to send for and examine all such Persons in this City who keep Tavern or Tipling Houses, and that they tender to such Person or Persons the Oath of Allegiance and that they give to such Person or Persons as they shall think proper a Certificate requesting the Chairman to grant a Licence, The Committee chosen are Messr- John Ja Beeckman, Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom & Isaac D. Fonda or any three of them PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1777 707 Ordered that the said Committee be furnished with a [615a] Copy of this Resolution and also with a Copy of the Resolution regulating Tavernkeepers - and that the said Committee agree with such Persons for the Sum by them to be given for such Licence - Albany Committee Chamber 22rd March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ja Beeckman Isaac D. Fonda Gerrit Lansingh Junr Harmanus Wendell John N. Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam John Price John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell [Lieut. Walter Stits of Cap'. John A. Bratts Company of Rangers appeared before this Board and begged leave to resign his Commission Ordered that his request be sent to the Convention.'] Albany Committee Chamber 25th March 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Henry I. Bogert John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Jer Van Rensselaer Harmanus Wendell John Ja Beeckman Philip Van Rensselaer John N Bleecker Messrs. John Stevenson and Cornelius Glen laid before this Board Copy of a Parole by them entered into with the 'Committee of Leominster on the 15th Instant, also a Permit from the said Committee of the same Date, Ordered that the above Gentlemen be served with a Copy of the above entry. 1 Crossed out in the text. 708 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [616] Received a Letter from Messr. Egbert Benson and Melancton Smith Commissioners appointed by the Convention enclosing sundry Resolutions of the Convention, of this State dated 1 2h Instant which said Letter and Resolution is in the following Words to wit (prout) A Letter from Mr William Gamble was laid before this Board dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout)- Ordered thereupon that the following Letter be sent to the Convention here take in) Albany Committee Chamber 26th March 1777 - Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell Stephen Lush John Price John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac D. Fonda Received a Letter from Isaac Goes dated 23rd Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Messrs. Jacobus Van Aelen, Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh, Francis Vossburgh, Abraham J. Van Aelstyn and Isaac Goes or any three of them be and they are hereby nominated and appointed to superintend at the usual Time & place of Election in the District & Township of Kinderhook the Election of Constables Overseers of the High Way and of the Poor Fence Viewers Pound Masters and Town Clerks [at the usual Time and place of Election for the District and Township of Kinderhook 1] agreeable to a Resolve of Convention of this State of the 10th Instant, And further Resolved that the Persons above named or any three of them superintend the Election of Supervisors Assessors and Collectors for the said District and [616a] Township on the first Tuesday of April next agreeable to a Resolve of the Convention of this State of the first Instant. And further any Person suspected for disaffection to the State offering to Vote at the said Elections or either of them shall be tendered the Oath of Allegiance, and in Case of Refusal shall be precluded from giving his Vote, And it is farther Resolved that the said Persons first above named or any two of them do with all Convenient Speed give public Notice of this Resolution - 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1777 709 Resolved That a Committee of Two be appointed to superintend the Election for Annual Officers in each Ward in this City on the first Tuesday of April next. The Committee chosen for the first Ward are Myndert Roseboom & John Price for the second Ward John Ja Beeckman & John N. Bleecker and for the third Ward Harmanus Wendell and Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Ordered That Collo. Lansing be requested to order his Captains to order the Serjeants of their Companies to Warn their Companies to Vote at the said Elections Ordered That seven Guns taken from Mr. Fullerton of Nistegaone now in the Hands of Collo Dirck Ten Broeck and lately used by Captain Stephen Lush's Company be delivered to the Clerk of this Committee Ordered That a Gun now in the possession of the Secretary and the Property of a Negro now belonging to Dr Stringer be delivered to the Conductor of Stores & Artillery and the same Gun be appraised and the appraized [61 7] Value thereof be paid to the said Dr. Stringer - Ordered that the List heretofore delivered in by some of the Inhabitants of this City be examined and proceeded upon Albany Committee Chamber 29th March 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I. Bogert John Ja Beeckman Henry Wendell Philip Van Rensselaer Henry Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda John Price Harmanus Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr. Abraham Ten Eyck Received a Letter from Messrs. Abraham Ten Broeck, Robert Yates and Jacob Cuyler dated 24th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Messrs Robert Yates & Jacob Cuyler dated 27th March which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Schonectady desiring this Board to take into Custody one John Tayler which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) 710 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from Genl Ten Broeck the President of the Convention of this State of the 26th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [617a] Ordered That John Tayler mentioned in the Letter from the Committee of Schonectady be Liberated from Confinement he being a Person Infirm and of little or no Consequence Recd. a Letter from Jacob Cuyler Esqr dated 23rd Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of Leonard Gansevoort Esqr. for his attendance in Convention was laid before this Board amounting to ~34 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Albany Committee Chamber 2 April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Henry Wendell Myndert Roseboom Henry I. Bogert John M. Beeckman Harmanus Wendell John Ja Beeckman Jacob Lansing Junr. Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Florus Banker Peter Bratt Killiaen Van Rensselaer Chairman Jacob C. Schermerhorn Rutger Lansing Gerardus Cluet Wm B. Whiting John Beebee George Palmer John Ball Calvin Skinner Daniel P. Winne Philip Rockefeller Abraham Ten Eyck Ordered That Lieut. Jackson and his Party have leave to go to their respective Homes for the Term of Twelve Days, and at the End thereof to return to this City Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated 30th March last which is in the following Words to wit (prout) [618] Received a Letter from Hugh Hughes Deputy Quarter Master General dated the 30th March last which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter from the President of the Convention dated the 31 st March last which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Messrs. Henry Wendell, Henry I. Bogert and Harmanus PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 711 Wendell be and they are hereby appointed, to purchase and forward, to such place as shall be appointed by the Quarter Master Genl as many Boards and Plank as shall be required. Ordered That Coll~' Van Schaick be requested to send an Officer to apprehend Major William Edmeston and to convey him to Kingston and deliver him to the Convention of this State Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Convention of this State setting forth the Reasons why Major Edmeston is sent down to their Care which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Hugh Hughes Esqr. D. Q. Master General which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Isaac D. Fonda John Price John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Ja Beeckman [618a] Philip P. Schuyler Killiaen Van Rensselaer Philip Van Veghten Wm. B. Whiting Jacob C. Schermerhorn John Beebe Peter Bratt Richard Bronck Daniel P. Winne Calvin Skinner Rutger Lansing Philip Rockefeller Gerardus Cluet George Palmer Abraham Oothout Abraham Ten Eyck Myndt' S. Ten Eyck Philip P. Schuyler Stephen J. Schuyler Henry Wendell John Ball Hars. Wendell Florus Banker Myndert Roseboom In Consequence of General Schuyler's Letter received this Morning Ordered that the Committees of every District within this County, and the Field Officers of the District of Kinderhook do within eight Days from the Date hereof make a return to this Board of What Flour and Wheat is in each District which can be spared for the Use of the Army. 712 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That any expence the said Committees may be at in procuring this return shall be paid by this Committee The Committee of Saratoga District represented to this Board that they had received information that a Combination was carried on against the United States of America dangerous to the Liberties thereof at one Capt. McAlpins and some other places yet unknown in the said District Resolved Thereupon that the Committee of said District be and they are hereby empowered to search for, open and peruse all such Papers as they shall find in the Possession of said McAlpin and any other [619] Person they shall suspect to be concerned in the said Combination And it is farther Resolved and ordered that such of the Papers as are of a public nature shall with all dispatch be laid before this Board, and such as are of a private Nature be returned and kept Secret, and that they conduct themselves in carrying this Resolution into execution with all the prudence and Decorum in their power, And it is farther Resolved that they apprehend and Secure all such Persons as they shall find concerned therein Resolved That the same powers be and they are hereby vested in the Committee of Half Moon District with respect to John Morral and Aneas McIntosh Resolved That it be recommended to the Committees of the several Districts in this County to make known to their Constituents that for the future no pass will be granted by the Chairman of the County Committee without a recommendation from one of the Members of the District Committee where the person or Persons applying reside [Page 619a blank] [620] Albany Committee Chamber 7th April 1777 P: M: Present. John Barckly Esqr: Chairman Coll Lansing Rotgert Lansing Isaac Van Arenem Peter Ryckman Hendrick Wendle Jacob Roseboom John Ten Broeck John M Beeckman John Price Harmanus Wendle Jeremiah Renselear Abm: Yates Junr Jacob Cuyler John N. Bleeker Myndert Roseboom John Ja Beekman PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 713 Received a Letter from Paldus Hillegas dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the Secretary lay Said Letter before John Bay Esqr Attorney to said Wilkinson and request his answer thereto without delay Received a Resolution of the Convention of the third Instant which said Resolution is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 8th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry Wendell John M. Beekman John Price Abraham Ten Eyck Myndert Roseboom Rutger Lansingh Jacob Lansingh Junr John D. Fonda Isaac D. Fonda John Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell John Tayler Henry I. Bogert Philip Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Received a Letter from Mr- John Younglove dated 5th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee of Half Moon District having apprehended Hendrick R. Van Der Werken, John Van Der Werken Schebolet Bogardus Jun' George Creemer, John Dennisen and [620a] Jeremiah Vincent on Suspicion of having been Guilty of joining in a Confederacy against this State and the United States, and the said Creemer, Bogardus, and Van Der Werkens having Voluntarily Sworn Allegiance to the said State, whereupon they were discharged, and the said Jerh Vincent having Voluntarily informed this Board of certain Persons being concerned in a Confederacy dangerous to the Liberties of this Country which said information is on file and marked No~ 1. and having voluntarily sworn Allegiance to this State, And agreed to make farther discoveries Ordered That he [be] Liberated from Confinement and that this Committee will intercede for his Pardon, it is farther ordered that ~I0 be delivered to said Vincent for his support and expences, and that in Case he makes any farther discoveries, a farther Sum be allowed him for his trouble Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. 714 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Bastian T. Visscher Henry I. Bogert Jacob Lansingh Junr John Price John D. Fonda Peter Bratt Henry Quackenbush Isaac Van Aernam John Tayler Isaac D. Fonda Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Henry Wendell Philip P. Schuyler Resolved That a Committee of four be appointed, to Point out Ways and Means, to discover, and put to a Stop to the dangerous Combination now carrying on against [621] the Liberties of America, The Committee appointed are Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, John Ten Broeck John Tayler and Henry Quackenbush The above Committee brought in their Report which is in the following Words to wit (prout), and the same being taken into Consideration was unanimously agreed to. And thereupon Resolved That the Standing Committee Consist of Five Members & any three of them have power to Act. And the Committee to attend with Collo- Schuyler Consist of Three Members, And also the Committee to attend with Collo~ Nicoll Consist of Six Members and as many more as can attend. The Members chosen for the first are, Mess. Jer. Van Rensselaer, John Tayler, John Ja Beeckman John M. Beeckman and Henry Quackenbush For the Second, Messrs. Philip P. Schuyler, Bastiaen T. Visscher and Henry Quackenbush For the third Messrs Stephen Lush, Myndert Roseboom and John Price, Peter Bratt Barent Myndertse & Volkert Veeder Resolved That the Committee appointed to purchase for, and transport Boards to the Deputy Quarter Master General for the use of the Continental Army, be and they are hereby empowered to seize and send forward from any Person or Persons, as many Boards and Plank as shall be required for the use of the Army, and that the said Committee, give to such Person or Persons a Certificate specifying as well the Quality as [621 a] the Quantity, and that such Person or Persons be allowed such a Price for the same as the PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 715 Convention shall order or direct, and that they be empowered to allow any Person or Persons for Boards 1/3 a Piece and for Plank 1/9 W Piece Albany Committee Chamber 9th April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Henry Quackenbush Myndert Roseboom Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Lansingh Junr. Peter Bratt Philip Van Rensselaer Stephen J. Schuyler John M. Beeckman Lewis Van Antwerp William Walderom having appeared before this Board, and made the following Declaration here take in &c. (prout) Ordered Thereupon that a Letter be prepared to the Convention of this State inclosing the Affidavits this Day taken which is in the following Person's to wit (prout) This Committee having recd. information that Daniel Mc.Alpin John Morral Thomas Swords and others the principal Ringleaders in a dangerous Conspiracy forming in this State had made their Escape Ordered Thereupon that a Letter be written to the Commanding Officer at Fort George requesting him to send a Party towards Jessups Patent, at which place it is expected they will take their Rout towards Canada Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. [622] Met according to Adjournment 10th. April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Hars. Wendell Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam John N. Bleecker Myndert Roseboom Jer. Van Rensselaer John Tayler Jacob Cuyler Bastiaen T. Vissher Stephen Lush Henry Quackenbush Philip Van Rensselaer Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Philip Van Veghten Abraham Yates Junr Abraham Ten Eyck John Ten Broeck Philip P. Schuyler 716 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE Henry Van Der Werken appeared before this Board, and on his examination it appearing that he is a Person highly Inimical to the Liberties of America - Ordered Thereupon That he be put in Close Confinement there to remain till the farther order of this Committee Aneas McIntosh appeared and nothing appearing against him - Ordered Thereupon that he be Liberated from Confinement. Adjourned till 2 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment. Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell Ab. Ten Eyck Jer. Van Rensselaer Philip Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr. Henry Quackenbush Isaac D. Fonda Philip P. Schuyler John N. Bleecker Peter Bratt Stephen Lush John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert [622a] Ordered That an order be drawn on the Treasurer for Ten Pounds in favour of Jacob Kidney to be disposed of us by this Committee Whereas it has been represented to this Board that a Number of Persons lately Inhabitants of Orange County, have removed into this County, and the Goods and Effects of the said Persons stored with Mr John Gansevoort of this City, And whereas it has been suggested to this Board that the said Persons intend to settle in the Interior parts of this County and doubts have arisen with respect to the Political Sentiments of said Persons- Therefore Resolved That Mr Gansevoort be requested to inform this Committee, when the said Persons apply for their Effects, in order that an enquiry may be made into their Political Sentiments It being represented to this Board that Mr James Dole notwithstanding this Committees refusing to grant him a pass, has left this City and pursued his Voyage to such places, as he requested a Pass for - Resolved Therefore That the said James Dole be immediately sent for and brought to this City PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 717 Resolved That John Munro Esqr. be sent to the Convention of this State at Kingston - Agreeable to a Resolution of the eight Instant Ten Pounds was delivered to Capt. Vincent for the purposes mentioned in said Resolution [623] Albany Committee Chamber 11th April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Myndert Roseboom Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Junr. Jacob Cuyler John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt John N. Bleecker John M. Beeckman Henry Bogert Resolved That Jacob Kidney be and he is hereby ordered every Sunday during Divine Service to Patrole the Streets of this City, and quell all Riots and Disturbances, and keep the Inhabitants of this City and others to behave Decent, For which Services he shall be allowed 4/ v Day - Resolved That Mr. John Watson be Confined to his own Room.[623a] Albany Committee Chamber 11th: April P. M. Present John Barclay Chairman John Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert Abraham Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Philip Van Renselaer John M. Beeckman Jeremiah Van Renselaer Isaac D. Fonda Myndert Roseboom Peter Ryckman Jacob Lansingh Junr: Henry Quackenbush John Taylor John N. Bleecker John Ja Beeckman Harmanus Wendell Peter Bratt Philip Van Veghten Abraham Ten Eyck Henry Wendell Philip P. Schuyler 718 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from John Younglove Esqr Chairman of the Committee of Cambridge District dated 8th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a letter from Abraham Fonda Esqr' Chairman of the Committee of Schonectady District dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of the Letter from the Committee of SchonectadyResolved That Genl1 Ten Broe[c]k be requested to order the one Sixth part of his Brigade to march to this Place, to be sent to such Places as they shall be ordered by this Committee [624] Resolved That an Answer be prepared to the Committee of Schonectady which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committees and Field Officers of Claverack and Kings Districts which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the said Letter be sent to the said Committees and Field Officers by Messrs Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and John N. Bleecker, and that they be requested to endeavour to have the Gentlemen comply with the request contained in said Letter Albany Committee Chamber 12th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Abraham Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansing Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Philip Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr Abraham Yates Junr. John Ja Beeckman Stephen Lush Myndert Roseboom Henry Wendell John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Harms- Wendell Henry Quackenbush John Tayler Peter Bratt Jacob Cuyler Philip Van Veghten Resolved That Henry Van Der Werken and George Creemer be recommitted till the farther orders of this Committee PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 719 Ordered That the Deputies of this County be furnished with Copy's of the Affidavits taken by the Committee respecting a Combination carrying on in this County against the State [624a] It appearing to this Committee that John Watson of this City is an Adherent to the King of Great Britain, and has been Guilty of Practices dangerous to the Liberties of America. Ordered Thereupon That the said John Watson be put in Close Confinement there to remain till the farther order of this Committee Ordered That Collo. Van Schaick be requested to desire Capt' Finck to send out a Scouting party towards the Salt Springs, in order to discover a Plott which it is conceived is making Head in that part of the County. Albany Committee Chamber 13th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr John Price Philip Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Henry Van Veghten Philip Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck Isaac D. Fonda Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Saratoga District which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Major Christopher P. Yates dated Fort George 11th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated the 11th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [625] Albany Committee Chamber 14th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ten Broeck Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansing Junr. John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell Harmanus Wendell Myndert Roseboom Peter Bratt John Price Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam 720 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from Robert Yates and Leonard Gansevoort Esqs' dated Kingston 12 April 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words Albany Committee Chamber 15th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman Henry VanVeghten John Price Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam John Ja Beeckman Peter Bratt Volkert Veeder John Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Peter Bronck Philip Bronck Isaac Fonda John Fort George White Ebenezer Allen Chairman John M. Beeckman John Younglove John D. Fonda Frederick Berger John Van Orden John Tayler Philip Van Rensselaer John N. Bleecker Jacob C. Schermerhorn John H. Beeckman Rynier Van Aelstyn George Palmer Barent Mynderse James Dennison Jonas Vrooman Goosen Van Schaick Harmen Fort Adam Vrooman Daniel Hull Thomas Carny Soldier in Capt. Motts Company of Artillery appeared before this Board, and from [625a] his examination on Oath it appeared that Capt- Daniel [?] David was engaged in the service of the Enemy, and as he is an Officer in the Continental service Ordered that the Affidavit of the said Carny together with said David be delivered to Coll Van Schaick Mr. John N. Bleecker one of the Committee who had been appointed to go to Claverack and Kings Districts Reported that they had made the following application to the Committee of Kings District who agreed to apply to the PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 721 Committee in the State of the Massachusetts Bay upon which he required the Opinion of the Board, Vizt. Mr Chairman The present situation of affairs require our most serious attention on every Quarter in the Northern part of this County, we are overwhelmed by the Influence of our Enemies on the well affected part of our Militia and daily collecting Strenght to oppose us in every peaceable measure we have hitherto adopted to the Ease of the Country, and are now endeavouring to collect a large Body at Saratoga to perpetrate some Inhuman Deed on our Frontiers We move Mr Chairman In behalf of a Considerable part of the County, that it be advisable to make immediate application to the adjoining State for the Aid of two compleat Companies at least to march to our Assistance for quelling the threatned Insurrection to March with all speed to Rendezvous at Albany to receive farther orders. We suppose that one Field Officer will be required to Command the two Companies requested - The Committee took the same into Consideration and Thereupon Resolve that a Letter be wrote to the Committee of Kings District informing them to Countermand their application [626] to the Committee of Richmond County Simeon Covill appeared before this Board, and on hearing him in Defence of the Charge alledged against Ordered that he be for the present be Confined in the Fort and that he be allowed the Liberty thereof and the Committee of the District of Cambridge are hereby required to take the necessary Care of his Family and Small Children Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M 722 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment 16th April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Jonas Vrooman Adam Vrooman Killiaen Van Rensselaer James Dennison John Ten Broeck John Van Orden John M Beeckman Peter Ryckman George Palmer Peter Bronck Jer. Van Rensselaer Daniel Winne Harmen Fort Daniel Hull John D. Fonda John Price Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman John Younglove John Ja Beeckman Henry Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Philip Bronck John Fort George White Isaac Fonda Gerrit Lansing Jun" Jacob C. Schermerhorn John H. Beeckman Goose Van Schaick Peter Bratt Philip P. Schuyler James McjCrea Rynier Van Aelstyn Philip Van Veghten Florus Banker It appearing to this Board from an Affidavit of Michael Dunning that Isaac Man Junr. is a dangerous Person to the Liberties of America, and it also appearing that he had been endeavouring to Monopolize the Boards and Plank intended for the use of the Continent into his own Hands - Ordered Thereupon that the said Isaac Man Junr. be immediately apprehended and put in Confinement [626a] A Petition of William Betty's was laid before this Board setting forth, that, he had for several just Reasons been by the Committee of Ballston excused from going on the expedition last Fall, and that notwithstanding such exemption he had been fined by a Militia Court Martial, and praying relief in the Premisses - Ordered Thereupon that Collo. Gorden be furnished with a Copy of said Petition, and requested to attend this Committee at their next General meeting to answer said Petition -And that an order issue to Stop the Prosecution of the warrant Resolved That a Committee of three be appointed to examine several PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 723 Prisoners confined in this Goal and that they Report their proceedings thereon with all Speed. The Committee appointed are Messrs. John N. Bleecker, Isaac Fonda and John Ja. Beeckman Received a Letter from Major Richard Esselstyn dated Claverack 15th April Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That General Ten Broeck be requested to Issue his immediate orders to every Colonel in his Brigade to Select at least every tenth Men in their Respective Regiments Persons well affected to the American Cause to hold themselves in readiness to March at one Hours Warning to such parts of this County as they shall be ordered by the General or any other Officer or any of the Committees for the Quelling Insurrections or any other disorders that may happen, and that the Mode for the aforesaid draft be Left at the discretion of the Officers & Committees, who are to Judge of the Qualification of Persons so appointed for the purpose [627] Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present Barclay Esqr John Myndert Wemple Jonas Vrooman Adam Vrooman Philip P. Schuyler John Ten Broeck John Younglove John D. Fonda John Van Orden John M. Beeckman John Price John Tayler James McCrea Chairman Gosen Van Schaick Philip Bronck Jacob Roseboom Junr. Jacob Lansingh Junr. Peter Bronck Isaac D. Fonda Lewis Van Antwerp Stephen J. Schuyler Michael Cook Isaac Van Aernam George Palmer Gerrit Lansingh Junr Resolved That the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck be and they are hereby empowered to call out two Companies of the Militia in said Manor in order to quell any Insurrections or disorders that may happen in said District, and that they be allowed Continental Pay and Rations Ordered That Mr. John Ten Broeck be requested to proceed with all dispatch to the Convention of this State and lay before them such matters as 724 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE be given him in Charge by this Committee and to urge the Convention for their Determination thereon Ordered That Messrs Jer. Van Rensselaer and John N. Bleecker be a Committee to prepare Instructions for Mr Ten Broeck Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment 17 April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Isaac D. Fonda Myndert Wemple William Schermerhorn John M. Beeckman Lewis Van Antwerp Jonas Vrooman John D. Fonda Adam Vrooman Michael Van Der Cooke John Younglove Philip Bronck Peter Bronck Wm- B. Whiting Philip Frisbe Harme Fort Chairman John Ja Beeckman George Palmer John Price Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Gosen Van Schaick Harmanus Wendell John Ten Broeck John Van Orden Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry Van Veghten Daniel P. Winne Henry Wendell John Tayler An Account of Ebenezer and Joshua Cobb for repairing of Arms on the late Invasion to the Northward amounting to ~1 7.. 5..4 which was examined and found to be just, Ordered That it be recommended to Mr. Rensselaer the Store keeper to pay the same The Committee appointed to prepare Instructions for Messrs. John Ten Broeck and John Younglove brought in the following which being read and Debated was agreed to here take in (prout) Resolved That Collo~ Van Schaick be sent for and informed that it is the Opinion of this Board from all the information that can be Collected That Capt- Mc.Alpin, John Morrel John Keurden Jacob Miller and Daniel Fraser with a number [628] of Tories are gone to Canada by way of Jessups Patent and thro' the Woods to Crown Point, and that if Parties were sent out from Fort George and Ticonderoga they might possibly intercept PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 725 those our Enemies and that this Board will give a reward of One hundred Dollars for the apprehending each of the said Persons above namedResolved That the Store keeper be requested to Deliver to the Committee of Schoharry one hundred and fifty pounds of Powder and proportionable Quantity of Lead and FlintsResolved That the Store keeper be requested to deliver to Coll~ Whiting one hundred pounds of Powder and a proportionable Quantity of Lead and Flints Resolved also that the Store keeper be requested to deliver to Collo Lewis Van Woerdt fifty pounds of Powder and a proportionable Quantity of Lead and Flints Michael Dunning and Edy Miller being Evidences against Isaac Man Junr Ordered that the said Dunning & Miller be Cited to appear before a Court Martial to be ordered for the Trial of said Man & give Evidence' against said Man, on or before the first day of May last [next?] and that upon the appearing of said Evidences that the Commanding Officer be requested to call a Court Martial for the Tryal of said Man Ordered That the Chairman and Secretary see that this Resolution is Carried into Execution[628a] Albany Committee Chamber 18h Aprill 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr. Chairman John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert John Tayler John Price Myndert Roseboom Isaac D. Fonda John N. Bleecker Peter Bratt Peter Ryckman Henry Wendell John Ja. Beeckman Henry Van Veghten Gose Van Schaick Gerrit Lansingh Isaac Van Aernam Harmanus Wendell An Account of Abraham Yates Junr. for his attendance in Convention amounting to ~18.. 10 was laid before this Board which is allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same A Pay and Subsistance Roll of a Party of Militia under the Command of Major Ford of Claverack for apprehending a Number of Tories and quelling an Insurrection at Kinderhook amounting to ~102.. 18.. 7 was laid before this Board Ordered Thereupon that Coll~- Roseboom be requested to lay the same 726 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE before the Deputy Pay Master General and requested to pay the same, and in Case of Refusal - That the Treasurer to this Committee pay the same Albany Committee Chamber 18th April 1777 2 OClock P. M. Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer Van Rensselaer John Price Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Philip P. Schuyler John Ja Beeckman Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam [629] Collo. Philip P. Schuyler applied to this Board for four Days Provision for one hundred Men Ordered Thereupon that an order issued to the Commissary General requesting him to furnish Collo. Schuyler with said Provisions Collo. Schuyler also Reported that a certain Person who had given information against certain disaffected Persons was threatned to such a Degree that the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck had agreed to remove him and his Family to a place of Safety, and that they had also engaged to repay the Man any Damages that he might sustain The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolve Unanimously to approve the same, and that they will bear their proportion of the expence of paying the Damages that may accrue & in maintaining the said Person Albany Committee Chamber 19th April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Myndert Roseboom Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry I. Bogert Isaac D. Fonda Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman John Price Isaac Van Aernam John Ja Beeckman Peter Ryckman John N. Bleecker Henry Van Veghten Philip Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr. Daniel Winne PROCEEDINGS, APRIL. 1777 727 [629a] Lemuel Jones Nelme appeared before this Board and informed them that a certain Nicholas Turney informed him that a Party of 46 Men lay concealed in the Woods about three Miles from this Place, that they had also with them a Barrel of Powder, and that said Turney and himself had agreed to meet this afternoon to discourse farther on the Subject. Ordered Thereupon that the said Nelme be requested to collect all the information he possibly can, and if any discovery can be made whereby such Traitors may be detected and punished that he [be] allowed a Reward for his Services. Resolved That David McCarty be and he is hereby requested to Cite Hugh MoCully Andries Lits and Wilhelmus Row to appear before this Board with all Speed And in Case of refusal that he send them up under Guard. Albany Committee Chamber 20th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Henry I. Bogert Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman Jacob Roseboom Junr. Henry Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Teunis Ts. Van Veghten General TenBroeck Harms. Wendell John Ja Beeckman Chairman Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom John N. Bleecker Philip Van Rensselaer John Price Jer Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansing JunrStephen Lush Received a Letter from MrHenry Quackenbush Inclosing two Affidavits dated this Day which said Letter and Affidavits are in the following Words to wit (prout) [630] Received a Letter from Collo- Robert Van Rensselaer dated 18th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That a Committee be appointed to wait on General Gates with the Letters received this Day and desire his Opinion thereon, The Committee appointed are Messrs. Jer. Van Rensselaer, John N. Bleecker and Philip Van Rensselaer The said Committee Report that they had waited on Gent- Gates, and that the General informed them that he would do every thing in his power and 728 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that if the Committee wanted any Continental Troops they should apply to Collo. Wilkinson his Aide De Camp Ordered Thereupon that Mr. Philip Van Rensselaer be requested to wait upon Collo. Wilkinson and to desire him to order four Officers and 40 Non Commissioned Officers & Privates to March immediately to the place requested by the Manor Committee Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Mr. Henry Quackenbush which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter from Henry Quackenbush dated this Day also an order for four Days Provisions for two hundred Men which said Letter and order are in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered Thereupon That the Secretary draw on the Commissary General for said Provisions [630a] Received a Letter from the Committee of Claverack District dated this Day inclosing a List of Prisoners sent hither which said Letter is in the following words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Committee of Saratoga District dated 18th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 21 st April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John Ja. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam John Price Henry Van Veghten Jacob Lansingh Junr - Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jer. Van Rensselaer Harmanus Wendell John N. Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda John Tayler Lieut. Christopher Muller appeared before this Board and informed them that he had enlisted Two Men from among the Tories sent up from Claverack District and thereupon prayed that they might be discharged Ordered Thereupon that the prayer of the said Lieut. Miller be not granted till this Committee are acquainted with the Crimes alledged against the Persons so enlisted Resolved That Messrs: Jer Van Rensselaer, John N. Bleecker and Gerrit Lansingh Junr. or any two of them be a Committee to audit the Accounts of this Board and that they be paid for their Trouble PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 729 [631 ] Albany Committee Chamber 21 t April 1777 2 OClock P. M. Present John Barclay Esqr General Ten Broeck Henry Van Veghten John Price Jer Van Rensselaer Ab. Ten Eyck Isaac Van Aernam Peter Bratt Henry I. Bogert Chairman John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh JunrJohn Tayler Henry Wendell Peter Ryckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Ja Beeckman Ordered That the Secretary prepare a Resolution respecting Persons leaving the Houses which they have hired from others, and who have had legal Warning - Resolved that the Chairman draw on the president of the Convention of this State for one thousand pounds to defray the necessary charges of the County & State within the same Albany Committee Chamber 22 April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman General Ten Broeck Henry Van Veghten Henry Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr Jer. Van Rensselaer John Price John M. Beeckman Corns Muller Isaac Van Aernam Harmanus Wendell An account of General Ten Broeck was laid before this Board for his attendance in Convention amounting to ~51.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Henry Van Hoesen for going express to Claverack in search of Robert McQuay and others was laid before this Board amounting to ~1.. 16 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. [631 a] Resolved That Jacob Kidney Town Serjeant immediately order Anthony Vain to desist from killing any Cattle &c in his present Slaugh 730 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE ter House, and that he also remove the filth with the greatest dispatch, And inform said Vain in Case of neglect or refusal that he may abide by the Consequences. Received a Letter from the President of the Convention inclosing Copy of a Resolution dated 18th Inst- which said Letter and Resolution is in the following words to wit (prout) Resolved That [Remainder of this page of manuscript blank.] [632] Albany Committee Chamber 24t April 1777 John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Van Veghten John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr- Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Henry Wendell John Price Jer. VanRensselaer John Ja Beeckman Myndert Roseboom John N. Bleecker Philip Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Isaac D. Fonda John Younglove Christiain Smith a person who has been employed in discovering the Designs of our internal Enemies having discharged his duty with faithfulness and success - Ordered Thereupon that the Treasurer pay said Smith eight Pounds as a reward for his Services An Account of Messrs. John Ten Broeck and John Younglove for their expences in going to Convention upon business of this Committee was laid before this Board amounting to ~8.. 7.. 8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. An account of John Ten Broeck Esqr. for his attendance in Convention was laid before this Board amounting to ~25 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Resolved That a Committee of five Members be appointed to examine into the Nature and Crimes of the Prisoners confined in Goal and that any three of them be a Quoram, and that they Report their proceedings thereon from Time to Time [632a] The Committee appointed are Messrs. John N. Bleecker, John Tayler, John Ja Beeckman, Peter Ryckman and Peter Bratt PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 731 Albany Committee Chamber 25th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Jer Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John N. Bleecker John Ja Beeckman Hars. Wendell Rutger Lansingh Myndert Roseboom Chairman Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Henry Quackenbush John Younglove John Ten Broeck George Palmer John Price Isaac Van Aernam Received a Letter from the Committee of Spencer Town dated April 23rd April Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from George White one of the Committee of the Manor Rensselaer, dated 25th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That such Persons now in this City and County who have been heretofore sent to Neighbouring States and who have returned on Parole hither be apprehended and sent to Ulster County to the Care of the Convention Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee's of the Districts of Kings and Claverack which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [633] Albany Committee Chamber 27th April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr. John Tayler Philip Van Veghten Jacob Lansing Junr. John M. Beeckman Philip P. Schuyler Peter Bratt John Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert Ph. Van Rensselaer Jer. Van Rensselaer Chairman Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam John N. Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda Henry Quackenbush Peter Ryckman Abraham Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansing JunrHarmanus Wendell 732 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered That the Secretary order the Storekeeper to deliver to Collo~ Philip P. Schuyler or order Six pounds of Powder The Committee having yesterday ordered the Militia of this City under Arms in this City. Ordered Thereupon That they be addressed in the following manner Recd a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 26th Instant which is in the following Words Vizt — Albany Committee Chamber 28th April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansing JunrHenry I. Bogert John Ja Beeckman John Price Jer. Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Philip P. Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck Phil. Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman [633a] Received a Letter from Commodore Jas. Wynkoop' dated 23rd Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd. a Letter from Abraham Yates Junr. and Chrisr. Tappen dated 23rd Instant inclosing an Affidavit of one Low against Gosen Quackenbush which said Letter & Affidt. are in the following Words Viz (prout) Recd. a Letter from Isaac Fonda Chairman of the Committee of Half Moon District dated 27th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words, to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. 1 Jacobus Wynkoop, commander of the American vessels on the lakes. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 733 ----- ~ POCEINS APiL 177 3 Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Van Veghten John N. Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr' John Ja Beeckman John Price Myndert Roseboom Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Bratt John Tayler Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Jur. Philip P. Schuyler John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman Robert Yates Ordered That the Treasurer pay the Chairman 16/ for one Ostrander who has brought to this Committee some information of Consequence Lieut- Angus McDonald an Officer in the Service of the King of Great Brittain, and now on Parole having been Guilty of very indecent expressions [634] against the good People of this Country and the Committees - Ordered Thereupon that the said McDonald be apprehended and put in Close Confinement. Information having been given to this Board that Reoloff Van der Karr has been guilty of treasonable practices agt' the Liberties of this State, and that it is probable he is still persisting in such unwarrantable proceedings. Thereupon resolved that Isaac Fonda a member of this Committee be impowered and he is hereby impowered to apprehend or Cause to be apprehended the said Reoloff Van der Karr, and him Safely convey to the Goal of this County, and if need be for the purpose aforesaid to call upon such part of the militia for assistance as to him shall seem necessary -who are hereby required to obey his orders. This Committee having received advice from Kingston that Goose Quackenboss a son of the late Anthony Quackenboss of Kinderhook has lately in a clandistine manner been conveyed from New York to the County of Albany for the purpose of acting treasonably against the Liberties of this State Resolved thereupon that the field officers of the District of Kinderhook be requested and they are hereby requested to make diligent inquiry for the said 734 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Goose Quackenboss, and if found, to convey him to the [634a] County Goal. And it is hereby recommended to them to use all the secrecy and dispatch which the nature of this service so evidently requires. Albany Committee Chamber 29h April 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Price Myndert Roseboom Peter Ryckman Abraham Ten Eyck John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry I. Bogert John Tayler John Ja Beeckman Philip Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Philip P Schuyler Harms. Wendell Gerrit Lansing Junr' John Ten Broeck Robert Yates John N. Bleecker Frederick Berringer Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush Captain Beebe appeared before this Board and informed that he was arrived with a small Party and expected the remainder in to day but not of such Friendly Persons as he could wish, Ordered Thereupon that the following Letter be sent to the Committee and Field Officers of Kings District - Received a Letter from the Committee of Half Moon District inclosing an Affidavit of Johannis Cluet dated the 28th Instant which said Letter & Affidavit are in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That an answer be prepared thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [635] Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 28th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words Vizt. Mr. Daniel Dickinson appeared before this Board, and laid before them an affidavit of one William Bedell which is in the following Words (prout) The Committee took into Consideration the Contents of said Affidavit and thereupon Resolve to send the following Letter to the Committee of Saratoga (prout) Resolved that an Answer be prepared to the Committee of Schonectady which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 735 Ordered That the Secretary forward to the Committee of Tryon County the Annonymous Letter yesterday recd. An Account of Robert Yates Esqr. for his attendance in Convention was laid before this Board amounting to ~19 which is allowed and ordered to be paidAdjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip Van Veghten David Sternberger John Ten Broeck Gerrit Van Bommell Jer. Van Rensselaer Killiaen Van Rensselaer Myndert Roseboom Henry I Bogert Johannis Becker Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Philip P Schuyler John Ja Beeckman Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt Jacob Lansingh Junr [635a] An Account of Capt Martin Beebe and ten others who turned out Volunteers on the last Call of the Militia for their expences was laid before this Board amounting to ~6.. 18 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. An Account of the Committee of Schoharry for Money paid to discover a Conspiracy was laid before this Board amounting to ~5.. 16..8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Ordered That for the future the Names of the expresses carrying Letters from this Board to any place, be entered down in the Minutes, and that the said expresse's be not entitled to any pay unless they produce to this Committee a Receipt of the delivery of said Letters and that the expresses be acquainted with this Resolution Ordered That the examination of Low be Taken into Consideration the first Convenient oppertunity 736 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 30th April 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Henry Van Driesen Isaac D. Fonda John Ja Beeckman Abraham Ten Eyck Johannis Becker John D. Fonda Gerrit Van Bommel [636] Lourance Fonda Peter Ryckman Philip Van Veghten John M. Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Frederick Berger Jacob Lansingh Junr Peter Bratt Chairman John Price John N. Bleecker Killiaen Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Hezekiah Van Orden Hezekiah Baldwin Harmanus Wendell Philip P Schuyler Robert Yates Henry Quackenbush Rynier Van Aelstyn Henry I. Bogert Ezekiel Benneway, Isaac Morris and Hendrick Emrigh disaffected Persons from Claverack District having enlisted in the Continental Service in Collo~ Van Schaick's Regt- and the Crimes alledged against them not of a Heinous Nature Thereupon Resolved That the said Persons be liberated from Confinement and permitted to join their Regiment Ordered That all the Militia of this County now in Town be ordered to repair immediately to Half Moon there to remain till farther orders, and that they put themselves under the Command of the Commanding Officer at that place Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1777 737 Met according to Adjournment. Present. John Barclay Esqr John Ten Broeck Hars Wendell Fredk Berringer Lowrance Fonda John Price Henry Van Driesen Hezekiah Baldwin John N. Bleecker Stephen J. Schuyler Peter Ryckman Myndt- S. Ten Eyck Chairman Hezekiah Von Orden Jacob Lansingh Junr Johannis Becker Garret Van Bommel Philip Van Veghten Killiaen Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda John D. Fonda Philip P. Schuyler Rynier Van Aelstyn Isaa[c] Van Aernam [636a] Thomas Esmay appeared before this Board and gave the following information (prout) Resolved Thereupon That as the said Thomas Esmay has given the said information Voluntary, That he be allowed for his Trouble 40/ It appearing to this Board from the examination of Albert Van Der Zee a Captain of one of the Militia Companies in this County has taken an Oath of Secrecy, Resolved Thereupon that the said Van Der Zee be confined in the Fort till the farther order of this Committee In Consequence of the information of Thos Esmay Ordered That Capt. Andrew Douw be requested to apprehend Christian Plato and him together with his papers convey to this place without delay Resolved That Collo Philip P. Schuyler and Mr John Ja Beeckman be a Committee to assist Collo- Lansing in sending forward the Militia now ordered to [the Northnard.1] garrison the Posts between this Place and Lake George included Upon Reconsideration of the Case of Albert Van der Zee Resolved That a Committee of Four be appointed to examine the said Van Der Zee, and that they deal otherwise with him as they shall meet and that the said Committee Report their proceedings to this Board with all Speed, 1 Crossed out in the text. 24 738 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE The Committee chosen [637] are Messrs. John Ten Broeck, Henry Quackenbush Bastiaen T. Visscher and Peter Bratt Resolved That application be made to Major General Gates for Six hundred Pound of Lead for the use of the Committee of Schonectady Resolved That an order issue to Mr. Henry M. Roseboom for two hundred Pound of Powder for the use of the Committee of Schonectady Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment. [1st May 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Philip Van Veghten Garret Van Bommel Nathaniel Ford John D. Fonda John Ten Broeck John N. Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Hezekiah Van Orden John Price Stephen J. Schuyler Myndert Roseboom John H. Beeckman Isaac D. Fonda Chairman Robert Yates Frederick Berringer Henry Van Driesen Lourance Fonda Harmanus Wendell Johannis Becker David Sternberger Peter Bratt Myndert S. Ten Eyck Hezekiah Baldwin Henry Quackenbush Philip P. Schuyler Whereas divers Tenants who have rented Tenements in the City & County of Albany, and whose Terms expired on this Day intend to avail themselves of the present Times by holding possession of such Tenements after their Terms are expired tho' duly warned And whereas a form of Government has lately been instituted but not yet organized by reason whereof the parties aggrieved cannot have recourse to Law for the recovery of their possessions in such Leased Tenements In order therefore to prevent such unwarrantable practices [637a] and to institute a Remedy for the injured parties. Resolved That where any Person or Persons who having any just cause of Complaint in the premisses may by applying to this Committee obtain such redress as the Equity necessity and urgency of their Case may require PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 739 John Calf a Prisoner in this Goal being willing to enter into the Continental Service and his Crime not of a Capital Nature - Ordered Thereupon That the said Calf be Liberated from Confinement The Committee having received information that Lourance Leedings is a Person who is employed by the Enemy to enlist Men Ordered Thereupon that Capt. John Tillman Junr. be requested immediately to apprehend the said Leedings and him convey to this place, and that he also seize his papers Resolved That a Committee of Three be appointed to take into Consideration the Complaints that may be made to this Board in Consequence of a Resolution of this Day respecting Tenants leaving their Tenements, and the said Committee are fully empowered to carry said Resolution into Execution, The Committee chosen are, Henry I. Bogert, John N. Bleecker & Harmanus Wendell and that they or any two of them have power to Act. Received a Letter from the Field Officers of the District of Kinderhook dated the 31st April 1 777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That an answer be prepared thereto which is [638] in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Meet according to Adjournment. [2d May 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Frederick Berger Rynier Van Aelstyn Isaac Van Aernam John D. Fonda Myndert Roseboom Lourance Fonda Killiaen Van Rensselaer John H. Beeckman John Ten Broeck Garret Van Bommell Nathaniel Ford John Tayler Peter Ryckman John Price Barent Myndertse Henry Quackenbush David Sternberger Philip Van Veghten Robert Yates Harmanus Wendell John N. Bleecker Henry I. Bogert John M. Beeckman Peter Bratt Tenuis Ts- Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh JunrBastiaen T. Visscher 740 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from the Committee of Ballston dated 1st- May Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Collo. Abraham J. Van Aelstyn Isaac Goes and Harmen Van Beuren dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee having received information that Lieut. Collo. Daniel B. Bratt has refused to obey the orders of his Superior Officer and this Committee Ordered Thereupon That the said Daniel B. Bratt be and he is hereby Cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting to answer said Charge Resolved That the Committee of the District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck in pursuance of the Laudable Measures [638a] already pursued by them for detecting and defeating the Treasonable designs of our internal Enemies be impowered and they are hereby impowered for the said purpose to call forth and employ such part of the Militia of the said District as by them shall be Judged necessary and this Board hereby chearfully acknowledge their Gratitude to the said Committee for the important services they have already rendered to the Cause of Freedom by their prudent and Vigorous exertions in their Country's service Resolved That the Committees of the different Districts be ordered to appoint as many Persons well attached to our Cause as they may think necessary in their respective Districts to take the Names of such Persons who are absent from their places of abode and that they endeavour to learn the Cause and how long they have been absent and make a return under Oath of their proceedings to this Board for which services this Committee will pay a reasonable Compensation Whereas This Committee have received undoubted information that the Enemies of American Liberty have from this and the Neighbouring Counties assembled together in remote parts of this County either to join our inveterate foes or to commit depredations on the Good People of this State And whereas this Committee in Consequence of the requisition of the Honorable Horatio Gates Esqr. have already ordered part of the Militia of this County to be raised in order to March and occupy the different posts on Hudsons River to prevent the Hostile designs of such Traitors And whereas the Commanding Officers on the different Stations having the Command of the different Detachments of the Militia or of the Continental [639] Troops may not have an oppertunity of knowing the respective PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 741 proofs and information necessary to direct their operations to Contravene such Treasonable practices - Therefore resolved That Messrs. John Tayler, John Ten Broeck and Garret Van Bommell be and they are hereby appointed a Committee for the purpose of Consulting and advising with such Officers as above described in order to afford every necessary assistance and advice such officers as have or may have the Command of the Troops on the respective Stations in this County may stand in need of And that the said Committee for the purpose aforesaid may if they see Cause associate with the Members or any of them of the respective Committees of the Districts in which any Hostilities may be apprehended to be Committed or where such Traitors may be assembled. Resolved farther that the said Committee (in Case the necessity of the public service in their Judgment should require it) call forth such farther Detachments of Militia out of the respective districts of this County for such service And the respective Officers of the Militia are hereby required to Yield due obedience to such orders. Resolved farther that the Honorable Horatio Gates Esqr be furnished with a Copy of the aforegoing Resolves in order that if he concurs in the propriety of the said Resolves he may give the necessary orders to such Officers to Consult and advise with the said Committee Resolved farther that there be allowed to each Member of the said Committee ten Shillings per Day besides the necessary expence of Carriages or Horses for and during the Time they may be so engaged in the said service. [639a] This Committee having received information that a number of disaffected Persons skulk in and about the Hellebergh and by various indirect and insiduous ways and Means induce many of the wellmeaning tho' misguided Inhabitants to enter into Combinations against the Liberties and Independency of the United States. To prevent practices so detrimental to the safety of the State and to support in those parts the Friends to the Country in the enjoyment of their Liberty and property. Resolved That Collo. Peter B Vrooman of the Regiment of the District of Schoharry be ordered and he is hereby ordered to draft 50 Men under the Command of proper Officers to march immediately to the House of Jacob Van Aernam And also That 100 Men of the Militia of this County already drafted be ordered on the said service Resolved farther that Collo- Roseboom and Capt. John Price & the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck or a SubCommittee thereof and one or more of the Committee of Schoharry be a Committee of this Board, and that they repair to the Hellebergh and they are hereby impowered to take the 742 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE direction of the said Militia and by their assistance to approach all and every such person or persons as they have sufficient Cause by proof to suspect Inimical to the Liberties of this State & fortwith to Convey them to the Goal of this County, and that they march and Station the said Troops at such places as they may Judge necessary to obstruct and defeat the proceedings of such Traitors That the said Committee for the said purpose are empowered to call forth such farther drafts of the Militia of this County as they shall judge necessary [640] That the said Committee farther have power at their discretion to commit or release any person or persons taken up as aforesaid, as they may from Circumstances Judge ought to be severally Treated or Indulged. The Honorable General Horatio Gates Esqr. having concurred with the requisition of this Board in sending Troops in the District of Kinderhook in order to apprehend such persons whose conduct has repeatedly evinced and Inveterate enmity to 'the Liberties of this Country and lately broke out in open Rebellion in the Commencement of Hostilities against the Friends thereof - In order to Co-operate with the General in such Laudable designs Resolved that Lawrence Fonda, Israel Spencer William B. Whiting and Cornelius S. Muller or any three of them be a Committee to repair to the said District and that they with the Field Officers of the said District and Coll~ Robert Van Rensselaer assist with their advice the said Troops, and if need be to call out such part of the Militia of the said or Neighbouring Districts as by them shall be judged expedient. Albany Committee Chamber 3rd May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Philip P. Schuyler Peter Ryckman Harmanus Wendell John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam John Ja Beeckman Jacob Lansingh Junr Philip Van Veghten Abraham Ten Eyck John Price Henry I. Bogert Peter Bratt [640a] The Committee having received information that Michael Huffnagel, John Roff, & James Dole have in direct Violation of a Resolution of this Committee left this City without a pass Ordered Thereupon that Capt. John Tillman Junr. be requested immediately to apprehend the said Persons or either of them and fortwith Convey PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 743 them to this place, and the said Tillman is farther requested to search the said Persons upon apprehension and the papers if any found to secure, All Officers and others are required to give Capt. Tillman all the assistance in their power Albany Committee Chamber 4th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Teunis Ts- Van Veghten Gerrit Lansingh Jur. Stephen J. Schuyler John Younglove Jacob Lansingh Jur. Peter Ryckman John Tayler Ph. Van Rensselaer Robert Yates Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Chairman John Price Anthony Van Schaick Jacob Roseboom Junr. Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Garrit Van Bommell John N. Bleecker Abraham Ten Eyck Nichs' Veeder Isaac Van Aernam John Ja. Beeckman Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated the 3rd Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [641] Recd. Letters from Israel Spencer Chairman of the Committee of Ciaverack District Dated 2nd and 3rd May Instant which are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Collo~ Stephen J. Schuyler be and he is hereby added to the Committee appointed to Cooperate with the Commanding Officer of the Troops stationed on the Posts on Hudsons River, in order to quell an insurrection in that Quarter Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Convention inclosing the information this Day received which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Schonectady which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Mr. Younglove appeared before this Board and laid before them a Letter of the 3rd Instant Signed by himself and George Palmer addressed to this Board inclosing sundry affidavits which said Letter and Affidavits are in the following Words (prout) The Committee having received undoubted information that Peter S. Van Aelstyn and Isaac Van Der Pool are the Ringleaders of the Conspiracy at 744 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Kinderhook and that the said Van Aelstyn and Van Der Pool have lately Headed a party who fired upon and Wounded a Certain Gose Van Beuren who had in his Custody a Prisoner Resolved Thereupon that a reward of one hundred Dollars shall be paid by this Committee to such Person or Persons who shall take the said Van Aelstyn or Van Der Pool dead or alive [641 a] Albany Committee Chamber 6th May 1777 Presen John Barclay Henry Wendell Philip P. Schuyler Jacob Cuyler Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ja Beeckman John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Lt Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Eyck John N. Bleecker Robert Yates Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac D. Fonda Peter Bratt John Price Resolved that Teunis Van Veghte be directed to retain in his hands the money he received for Robert Hoaksley unless the said Robert Hoaksley should demand the said Money in person until further orders. Received a Letter from his Honor Major General Schuyler dated Philadelphia 26th April inclosing sundry Resolutions of Congress which said Letter and Resolutions of Congress are in the following Words (prout) Resolved That the Secretary write Letters to the Committees of the different Districts of this County desiring them to attend General Committee on Thursday next- Which was done in the following Words prout [642] Albany Committee Chamber 6th May 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry Wendell John Ja Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Cuyler Daniel Winne John M. Beeckman Hars* Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John N. Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac D. Fonda PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 745 Ezekiel Cook having being at some expence in Conveying John Munro from this place to Kingston amounting to ~2.. 12 Ordered Thereupon that the Treasurer pay the said Sum of ~2. 12 to Mr Cook Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 5th May inclosing Copy of a Letter from Ballston which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Mr. John Price appeared before this Board and requested a Quantity of Provisions for the use of the Party at Normans KillOrdered That the Secretary draw Provisions accordingly and forward the same to Normans Kill [642a] Albany Committee Chamber 7th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt Henry Wendell Jacob Cuyler John Ja Beeckman Harmanus Wendell John N. Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Henry I. Bogert Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Received a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of the Manor of Livingston District dated 5th May 1 777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Lourance Fonda Chairman of the Committee nbw sitting at Kinderhook dated 5th May Inst which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Collo. William B. Whiting dated Kinderhook 6th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Convention at Stockbridge 4th May Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of the Letter from Lourance Fonda Ordered that the Secretary draw on the Commissary for Six Barrels of Pork or Beef for the use of the Continental Troops and Militia at Kinderhook 746 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered that the Secretary also draw on Mr Roseboom the Storekeeper for one hundred pounds of Powder Ordered also that the Secretary send an order to deliver Flour to such of the Continental Troops and Militia now at Kinderhook who are employed [643] in quelling an Insurrection at that place and that Major Goes keep a Regular and exact account thereof Albany Committee Chamber 8th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Stephen J. Schuyler Harm-s Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Ph. Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Junr. John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman Chairman Peter Bratt Gerrit Lansingh Junr John Tayler John M. Beeckman Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Eyck Henry I. Bogert Received a Letter from the Deputies of this County in Convention dated 6th Instant inclosing two Resolutions of the 5th which said Letter and Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl1 Gates inclosing Copy of the Affidavit of Christopher Meyer which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Christopher Meyer having left the Enemy and surrendered himself a Prisoner and having also Voluntarily given this Committee information of the Strength and situation of the Enemy Ordered Thereupon that the said Meyer be discharged from Confinement upon his giving Bail for his appearance before the Committee or any authority within the State PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 747 [643a] Albany Committee Chamber 9th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Richard Bronck Philip Bronck Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac D. Fonda Gerardus Cluet Peter Marten Jacob Cuyler John Tayler Myndert R. Wemple Chairman Gerrit Van Bommel Flores Bancker Henry I. Bogert John M. Beeckman John N. Bleecker Peter Ryckman Michael Van Der Cook Gerrit Lansingh Junr' Henry Wendell Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Resolved That the Family's of Capt McAlpin and Jonathan Jones be immediately removed and that the Commissioners appointed by the Convention of this State for the purpose of securing Tory Effects &c' Cause all such Effects that belong to the persons above named to be secured agreeable to the directions of Convention Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Convention which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [Whereas a Letter Signed P. W. Yates was laid before this Board by order of his Honor Major General Gates interceding in behalf of MrS McDonald a perfect Stranger in this place for the inlargement of Lieu't McDonald now confined in Goal - His Honor Major General Gates laid before this Board a Letter addressed to him by P. W. Yates [644] interceding in behalf of Mrs McDonald nom confined in Goal'] Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 1 Crossed out in the text. 748 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Bratt Philip Bronck G. Van Bommel Frederick Marten Gerardus Cluet Isaac D. Fonda Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Cuyler John N. Bleecker Jer. Van Rensselaer Myndert Wemple Jacob Lansingh Junr. Peter Ryckman Florus Banker Michael Van Der Cooke Richard Bronck His Honor Major General Gates laid before this Board a Letter addressed to him by P. W. Yates Esqr. interceeding in behalf of Mr. McDonald for the enlargement of Lieut. McDonald now Confined in Goal and Thereupon requested the opinion of this Board. Thereupon Resolved that the enlargement of Lieut' McDonald from Confinement will tend much to disturb the Minds of several Inhabitants of this City who as well as this Board are of Opinion that the said Lieut McDonald is a dangerous and designing person against the Liberties of this State, and America in General, and has during the last Winter we believe been extremely Active in promoting the [644a] present Commotions in the Country and that the Tranquility of this City is of more Consequence than Mr. Mc Donald's presence is with MrS McDonald once a day Resolved That this Committee recommend to General Gates not to enlarge the said Lieut- McDonald upon any other Terms than immediate exchange or by his being sent to some other place of Security and such inlargement only to proceed from the Commander in Chief of either Departments, or from the Civil Authority of this State but not upon the requisition of any person suspected to be unfriendly to the Liberties of America In Consequence of the Resolution of Convention of the 5th Instant Resolved That the Election for Committee be held in each District at such Time and place as the Committee of the respective Districts of this County shall appoint and that the said Committee meet at the City Hall of the City of Albany on the first Tuesday in June next and that due Notice be given of the Time and place of Election PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 749 Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the respective Districts requesting to send a Representation from their Districts on Tuesday next which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [645] Albany Committee Chamber 10th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Major Douglass John N. Bleecker Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr John Tayler Philip Frisbe Abraham Ten Eyck Jacob Lansingh Junr Henry I. Bogert Received a Letter from Henry Quackenbush dated 9th Instant inclosing affidavit of Isaac Larroway which said Letter and Affidavit are in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Egbert Benson and Peter Cantine dated 8th Instant inclosing Resolution of Convention of the 2nd which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) It appearing from the Affidavit of Isaac Larraway that Capt' David McCarty was to be a Collo- in the Enemies Service Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl1 Gates requesting him to send a Party to apprehend him which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [645a] Albany Committee Chamber 12th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John N. Bleecker Gerrit Lansingh Jun John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Cuyler Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert Jacob Roseboom Junr. 750 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from the Committee of Ballston which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from General Ten Brock dated 9th May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady 10th May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from Collo- Whiting 9th May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of John Tayler Esqr. for his attendance in Convention was laid before this Board amounting to ~52.. 10.. which is allowed and ordered to be paid A Pay, Billeting and Mileage Rolls of Capt. Elijah Bostwicks Company of Militia was laid before this Board for services performed in Quelling the disaffected amounting to ~32 and nine pence which is allowed and ordered to be paid [646] Albany Committee Chamber 13th May 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Isaac D. Fonda John Van Loon Abraham Fonda John J. Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Henry Wendell John D. Fonda Phineas Whiteside Stephen J. Schuyler Gerrit Lansing JunrJohn Younglove Myndt. S. Ten Eyck Peter Bratt Ph. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Leond Gansevoort John M. Beeckman John Tayler Albartus Van Loon Stephen J. Schuyler Collo Stephen J. Schuyler laid before this Board an Order of General Ten Broeck to hold a General Court Martial, and as the Members of the said Court live remote, from this City, and thereby the business of the said Court delayed, unless the Notification to the said Members be sent with dispatch Resolved Thereupon That this Committee will bear the expence accruing in calling the Members of the said Court together Adjourned to 2 OClock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 751 Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Abraham Oothoudt Jacob Lansingh Junr. Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Abraham D. Fonda John D. Fonda [646a] Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman John Younglove Phineas Whiteside John N. Bleecker Chairman Rutger Lansing Harmen Fort Peter Ryckman Stephen J. Schuyler George Palmer Myndert S. Ten Eyck Albartus Van Loon John Van Loon John J. Ten Broeck John H. Beeckman An Account of Jer. Van Rensselaer & John N. Bleecker Esqrs for money expended in calling out part of the Militia of the Districts of Claverack and Kings to quell an Insurrection of disaffected Persons, was laid before this Board amounting to ~8.. 0..8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Received a Letter from the President of the Convention of this State inclosing two Resolutions of the 10I and 12th Instant which said Letter and Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Simeon Covill now a Prisoner at large in the Fort, be immediately put in Close Confinement Abraham Greggs having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York was thereupon discharged from Confinement and permitted to return to his own Home Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. 752 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [647] Met according to Adjournment 14th May 1777 - Present. John Barclay Esqr Rynier Van Aelstyn Isaac D. Fonda Myndt. S. Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansing Junr. Albartus Van Loon John Van Loon John N. Bleecker Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Jacob Cuyler Israel Spencer George Palmer Jabez Hubble John J. Ten Broeck Michael Overacker Wouter N. Groesbeeck Jost Burst Jonas Vrooman Chairman Abraham D. Fonda John H. Beeckman Abraham Oothoudt George White Philip Frisbe Rutger Lansing John Fonda' Isaac Van Arnum John Younglove Harman Fort Leonard Gansevort Harmanus Wendle Henry Bogart Rynier Van Alstine 2 John Ten Broeck Hezekiah Middlebrook Jacob Lansing Junr Phineas Whiteside Resolved That a Committee be appointed to inquire whether there are any and how many Prisoners confined in Goal, who come within the Resolution of Convention of the 2nd May, and how many can consistantly be released and on what Terms.The Committee chosen for the above purpose are Mr. Gansevoort, Mr Younglove and Mr Jer. Van Rensselaer Adjourned till 1 OClock P. M 1 John D. Fonda and John Fonda very probably one and the same. 2 Evidently a repetition of the first name in the list. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 753 Met according to adjournment 14 May 1777 P. M.Present John Barclay Ryneir Van Allstine Isaac D. Fonda [647a] John J. Ten Broeck Harman Fort Philip Frisbee John Fonda Isaac Van Arnum Rutger Lansing Jacob Lansing Jur. Abraham Oothout Peter Bratt Jebez Hobble Isreal Spencer George Palmer Stephen J. Schuyler Chairman Myndert S. Ten Eyck Gerrit Lansing Jur Jer: Van Rensselaer Wouter N. Groesbeek Jonas Vrooman Abraham D. Fonda John Younglove John H. Beekman James Dennison Hezekiah Middlebrook Phineas Whiteside Albertus Van Loan George White Michael Overacker Jost Burst Whereas Isreal Spencer one of the Committee of Claverack District, reported to this board that affects to a Considerable amount had been taken in Charge of that Committee the property of persons disaffected to the liberties of the american States whoes persons are taken into Custody & of others who are gone of (as is supposed) to our Enemies. thereupon Resolved that the affects so taken in Charge of said Committee be sold [by said Committeel] by them and that they render an Account of the Amount thereof when thereunto required to this board [or the Convention of this State or the furture Legislature '] or the Supervisors of this County Resolved that the Committees of the different districts in this County, deliver a List to the Field Officers in their respective districts of the names of such persons as are to be sent down to the Fleet prison at Kingston agreeable to a resolve of the Convention of this State [648] passed the 2d May instant, and that said field Officers Cause such persons to be apprehended on Monday next and send them immediately down to this place under a proper Guard. Resolved that a letter be wrote to the Committee and Field officers now sitting in the district of Kinderhook requesting them to send the person taken 1 Crossed out in the text. 754 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE in Kings district (on Suspeson of being a regular Officer belonging to the Army of our Enemy) to this board, together with the Evidences necessary to prosecute him at a Court martial to be appointed by the Honble. General Gates, which letter is in the words following- (P.) The Committee appointed this Morning to take into Consideration the State of the Prisoners and the Crimes alledged against them Reported that they had examined the same and found certain Charges against some of them which they brought in, And that a Number of Persons were in Confinement against whom no Crime was sent and requested that a Resolution might be entered into ordering the District Committees to send the Crimes against the Persons confined from their Districts by Monday next, Thereupon Resolved That the respective District Committees, be and they are hereby peremptorily ordered to send to this Board the Crimes alledged against the Prisoners sent from their Districts by Monday next - [648a] Resolved That the said Committee together with Mess's Henry Wendell, Hezekiah Middlebrooks, George White & Philip Frisbe be a Committee to examine the Prisoners Confined in Goal against whom no Charge is sent in against, and that they Report their Opinion thereon without delay Adjourned till 9 OClock A M Met according to Adjournment 15th- May 1777 Present John Ten Broeck Chairman P. T. Rynier Van Aelstyn Peter Ryckman George White Isaac D. Fonda Jonas Vrooman George Palmer Philip Frisbe John Younglove Wouter N. Groesbeeck Phineas Whiteside Jacob Lansingh Junr' Jacob Cuyler Jer. Van Rensselaer James Dennisson Abraham D. Fonda John Tayler Rutger Lansingh John H. Beeckman John M. Beeckman Hezekiah Middlebrooks Henry Wendell Leonard Gansevoort John D. Fonda Jabez Hubble Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Resolved That the Chairman be requested to call upon the Bail of Robert Mc.Qua and others, for the delivery of the said Persons in Confinement agreeable to the Tenor of the Securities by them entered into. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 755 And it is farther Resolved That the said Persons be put in Close Confinement there to remain till farther orders [649] Application being made to this Board by the Committee of Claverack (now at Kinderhook) for John E. Van Aelen and Abraham E. Van Aelen to go down and attend the Funeral of the Revd. Mr' Fryenmoet Resolved Thereupon That a Letter be prepared to the said Committee & Field Officers of Kinderhook which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) It appearing to this Board from the Information of James Johnston and Lewis Felton, that John Woodside is Concerned in a dangerous Conspiracy against the State and this City in particular Ordered Thereupon That the said Woodside be put in Close Confinement in the Dungeon and that he be put in Irons. Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Ten Broeck Esqr Chairman P. T. Jonas Vrooman Henry Wendell Peter Bratt John H. Beeckman Rynier Van Aelstyn Frederick Berger Rutger Lansingh Philip Frisbe Abraham D. Fonda George Palmer John M. Beeckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda John Tayler Jacob Lansing Junr. George White Henry I. Bogert Resolved That the Commissioners appointed by Convention to seize and dispose of the Effects of such Persons who are gone to the Enemy be sent for, and desired him to give a final answer to the Board whether they will or [649a] will not take the burden upon them mentioned in the Resolution of Convention Resolved That Mr Henry Roseboom be ordered to deliver to Collo Jacob Lansing Junr. or Order fifty Pounds of Powder Resolved That Baltus Lydius the Person mentioned in the Affidavits of James Johnston & Lewis Felton to be one of the Commanders of the partys who were to attack and destroy the Town, be immediately apprehended and put in Confinement 756 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Arms taken by the party lately under the Command of Lieut. Collo Gorden from the Conspirators, be sold to the Continental Storekeeper, and that the Monies arising by the Sale thereof be distributed by said Collo Gordon and the rest of the Officers, among the Party who were at the taking of the said Conspiraters. Resolved That the Arms and Ammunition found in the Possession of John Woodside be sent for and taken in the Custody of this Committee Resolved That an order issue to the Treasurer to pay unto Edward Davis or Order One hundred Dollars for his Services in discovering a Number of Conspirators, Resolved That this Committee will pay the expence attending the maintenance of the said Edward Davis during the necessary Stay of the said Davis in this City. [650] Resolved That a Committee be appointed to wait on Mr. Duncan McDougal, and to endeavour to learn from him where Duncan Campbell is, or gone to, and to endeavour to learn from him, what the Political Sentiments of the said Campbell, And that the said Committee devise such Ways and Means as they shall think proper for the apprehending of said Campbell The Committee chosen for the above purpose are Jer. Van Rensselaer & Isaac D. Fonda Resolved That a Committee of Two be appointed to wait on General Gates with the Affidavits of James Johnson and Lewis Felton, The Committee chosen for the above purpose are Messrs. John Tayler and Jer. Van Rensselaer Resolved That Joshua Losee be permitted to have the Liberty of the Fort. Resolved That Major Henry Wendell and Peter Ryckman be and they are hereby appointed to have the management and direction of the removing of the Prisoners and Cleaning the Rooms they are Confined in The Commissioners appointed by the Convention to seize the Tory Estates in this County being sent for and requested to proceed on their business, & declining for the present to proceed therein and it being absolutely necessary that some of the said Effects should be immediately secured Therefore Resolved that George Palmer, James Gorden and Michael Dunning Esqrs be a Committee to Seize and effectually secure all the Goods and Chattels belonging to Jonathan Jones and Capt Daniel McAlpin and remove their Family's at their own expence to some Interior [650a] of the County - PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 757 Albany Committee Chamber 17th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Harmanus Wendell Gerrit Lansing Junlr Jacob Cuyler Abraham Yates Junr, Abraham Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Chairman Peter Ryckman Henry Wendell Isaac D Fonda Peter Bratt Frederick Berger John Tayler Leond Gansevoort Recd. a Letter from Lowrance Fonda dated 16th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit prout Resolved that an Answer be proposed thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated the 16th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Cagnawago dated 14th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P: M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr. Harmanus Wendell Abraham Ten Broeck Frederick Berringer Jacob Lansing Junr Peter Ryckman Abraham Yates Junr Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John Ja Beeckman John M Beeckman Chairman Jacob Cuyler Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Roseboom Junr John Tayler Ph. Van Rensselaer Jer. Van Rensselaer John Price Isaac Fonda Gerrit Lansing Junr 758 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [651] Capt. Banker appeared before this Board, and informed that a number of Waggons were wanted to Transport Boards from Schonectady to this place, and requested that a press Warrant might be Issued by this Board to impress them, Therefore Resolved That the Committee of each respective Ward in this City be and they are hereby ordered to endeavour to get as many Waggon's as they possibly can, and that a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Schonectady which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of the Resolution Resolved That this Committee deem John Van Aelen, John Monier Henry Ten Eyck, Guysbert G. Marselis, James Dole, Peter Scharpe John Roff William Kane, Henry Van Dyck, Cornelius Glen John Stevenson, William Hogan Peter W Yates and Richard Cartwright Persons whose Characters are Suspicious & who by their Influence in this County are supposed dangerous to this State- And it is farther Resolved that in order to give the said Persons an opportunity to wipe away such an aspersion, that they be sent for and Tendered the Oath of Allegiance, and that Time be given them till to Morrow Afternoon at 5 OClock, at which Time it is ordered that the Chairman request the Members of the Committee to meet at that Time. Resolved that upon the appearance of the Persons above mentioned the following resolution be read to each of them, Viz. the Committee has long suspected you as a person unfriendly to the American Cause as they could wish to give every person who is inclined to wipe away such an aspersion an oppertunity to do the same, you are therefore sent for by this Committee to know whether you intend becoming such a good and faithful Subject to the State for which purpose they now offer you the Oath of Allegiance the Constitution of the State of New York is now published as the matter may perhaps require deliberation, you are permitted to Consider of this affair till five OIClock to Morrow afternoon at which Time the Committee will attend to receive your Answer The above Persons appeared (except Guysbert G Marselis James Dole, John Roff & William Kane) and the Oath of Allegiance read to them. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 759 [651 a] Albany Committee Chamber 18th May 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Jacob Lansing Junr. Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Broeck Abraham Yates Junr. Harms. Wendell John Tayler Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansing Junr Leonard Gansevoort Henry I. Bogert Isaac Fonda Chairman Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Cuyler Philip Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck John Price Isaac D. Fonda Peter Winne Stephen J. Schuyler Philip Van Veghten Agreeable to the appointment of Yesterday John Van Aelen and the rest of the Gentlemen appeared and gave the following Answers personally Vizt. [Remainder of this page of manuscript and part of following page blank.] [652]( Resolved That the said Gentlemen above named be requested to attend to Morrow Morning at ten OClock to know the Determination of the Committee thereupon Albany Committee Chamber 19th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Henry Wendell Leond Gansevoort Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ten Broeck Isaac Fonda Jacob Lansing Junr Abraham Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman Stephen J. Schuyler \ Jacob Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Henry I. Bogert Harmanus Wendell Philip Van Veghten John Tayler Isaac Van Aernam Peter Bratt In Consequence of the Resolution of Yesterday, The Gentlemen mentioned in the said Resolution appeared and declaring that they could not take the Oath for the reasons and Causes mentioned Yesterday, Ordered Thereupon 760 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE That the Resolution of Convention be read to the said Gentlemen and that they be requested to pledge their Honor for their appearance on Wednesday [652a] Morning next at ten OClock, then to sett off from this place for the' Fleet Prison at Kingston, Which they accordingly did, and Thereupon requested to know whether they could not Convince the Committee that they were not within the Resolution of Convention by some other Means, such as Swearing that they were not concerned in any Conspiracy against this State, and had not exagarated the Strenght of the Enemy, nor Worked upon the fears of weak and Timid Persons Resolved Thereupon that the same be taken into Consideration this afternoon and that the said Gentlemen be requested to attend to hear the Determination of this Board thereupon at 4 OClock this afternoon John Roff having freely taken the Oath of Allegiance was thereupon discharged and taken into favour William Kane having evinced his Sincerity in the Cause, and given sufficient reason to this Board why he could not take Oath of Allegiance & was thereupon discharged Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob Cuyler John Tayler Frederick Berringer Henry I. Bogert Jacob Lansingh Junr Philip Van Veghten [653] Philip Van Rensselaer Henry Quackenbush Peter Ryckman Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Broeck Myndert Roseboom John Price Henry Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda John N. Bleecker Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Mr. Abraham Yates Junr. having received by order of this Board from the Convention of this State the Sum of one thousand Pounds for the use of this Committee Ordered Thereupon That Mr Yates pay the same to M' Gerrit Lansing Junr. the Treasurer to this Committee and his Receipt shall be to him a discharge PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 761 In Consequence of the appointment of this Morning John Van Aelen and the other Gentlemen appeared, and the Board having taken the Resolution of Convention into their most serious Consideration And thereupon Resolve that the intention of the Resolution may be Complied with in Case they take the following Oath Vizt here take in &c The said Gentlemen were called in and Voluntarily took the Oath above mentioned and Signed the same Albany Committee Chamber 20t May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Jacob Lansing Junr, John Tayler Wm- B. Whiting Florus Banker John N. Bleecker John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Frederick Berringer John Price Henry Quackenbush Philip Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman John N1. Beeckman John Ja Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman John H. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Rynier V. Aelstyn Hars- Wendell Philip P. Schuyler Stepn. J. Schuyler [653a] Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the different Districts of this County which was done in the following Words (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 21st May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Lansingh Junr Peter Ryckman John Ja Beeckman Isaac D. Fonda Hars- Wendell John M. Beeckman John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Bastiaen T Visscher Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. 762 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John H. Beeckman John Price John Ja Beeckman Stephen J. Schuyler John Tayler Abraham Oothoudt Frederick Berringer Henry Quackenbush Philip Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Myndert Roseboom Philip P Schuyler Peter Ryckman Daniel Winne John N. Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Wm- B. Whiting Abraham Oothoudt John Ten Broeck Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Received a Letter from Collo Richard Varick Judge Advocate of the Court Martial dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That in Consequence thereof a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Kings District which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [654] Received a Letter from John J Cluet dated 20th May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of the said Letter Ordered That Mr Cluet be sent for, and upon his appearance that he be Tendered the Oath1 by Messrs. John Van Aelen and others Mr Cluet appeared and readily took the Oath above alluded to and was thereupon set to his former Liberty Major Isaac Goes appeared before this Board and informed them that in Consequence of a Resolution of this Board, they had apprehended a Number of Persons in Kinderhook District and prayed the advice of this Committee what should be done with them either sent down to the Fleet Prison, or to this Place Resolved Thereupon that Major Goes be requested to inform the Field Officers of the District of Kinderhook that it is the Opinion of this Board that they send the said Persons under the Care of some discreet Officer and one or 1 The word "taken" should evidently be supplied here. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 763 Two Men to this place, there to be dealt with as other Persons in the like situation Resolved That Messrs John Ten Broeck Henry Quackenbush, Philip P. Schuyler and Myndert Roseboom be a Committee to examine a Number of Prisoners confined in the Fort, and who were taken near Ballstown, and that the said Committee Report their proceedings to this Board without delay [654a] Albany Committee Chamber 22nd May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Hars. Wendell Myndert Roseboom John Tayler Henry Wendell John M. Beeckman Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Isaac D. Fonda Ph Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr John Moor having been Confined, and it being suggested that he could give this Board some necessary information, Ordered Thereupon that the said Moor be brought before this Committee, for examination J Moor appeared and gave the following information here take in (prout) The Commissioners of Indian affairs requesting this Board to attend the Conference of the Indians this Day, which was accordingly complied with Adjourned till 2 OClock P.M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr John H. Roseboom Wm- Thorn Lewis Van Antwerp Peter Ryckman Jacob Lansingh Junr. John M. Beeckman Peter Bronck Myndert Roseboom Chairman John Ja Beeckman Frederick Berringer Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda John Tayler Henry Quackenbush Lewis Van Antwerp John Price 764 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [655] Whereas it appears to this Board that many Charges will arise in sending Expresses for the Collecting Evidences &c. for the prosecuting the Prisoners to be tried by the General Court Martial now sitting at this place. Therefore Resolved that the Sum of fifty Pounds be deposited in the Hands of Collo Stephen J. Schuyler for the defraying the expences of sending for Evidences and other Incidental Charges and that he render an Account thereof to this Board, or such other Persons as shall be authorized to settle the same Messrs. John Duncan, Daniel Campbell, Alexander Campbell James Ellice, Robert Clench John Visger Major Snell & George Foresight appeared before this Board, (and the Committee of Schonectady having concurred in Opinion with this Committee,) and Voluntarily took the Oath MrVan Aelen and other Gentlemen in this Town, had taken were thereupon discharged from the restraint they laid under Resolved That Henry Van Der Werken, Schebolet Bogardus [blank space in the manuscript] be sent ito the Court Martial for Tryal, and that Charles McCoy and Jacob Van Der Werken be detained as Witnesses against the former Resolved That Capt. David McCarty be Liberated from Confinement, and have the Liberty of the Limits of the City [655a] Albany Committee Chamber 23rd May 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip Van Veghten Henry Quackenbush John M. Beeckman Peter Bratt Lewis Van Antwerp Isaac D. Fonda Wm' Thorn Frederick Berger John Beebe Jacob Roseboom Junr Henry Wendell Abraham Ten Broeck John Price Hart Wendell John Tayler Peter Ryckman Messrs Robert Leake and Barnet Stillwell having Voluntarily taken the Oath which Messrs John Van Aelen and others had taken, Were thereupon (with the Consent and approbation of the Committee of Schaghtekocke District) discharged from the restraint they laid under PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 765 Resolved That a Committee of Four, be appointed to examine the affidavits, and Prisoners now in the Custody of this Committee, that they arrange the Prisoners, state the Charges against them, and furnish the Court Martial from Day to Day with their proceedings thereon, And that the said Commnittee be empowered to appoint a Clerk and it is further Resolved that the said Committee and their Clerk be allowed a reasonable Compensation for their trouble and expences. The Committee chosen are Henry Quackenbush John Price, John Beebe and Wm- Thorn and John Ten Broeck or any two of them, [656] Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Bratt Henry Quackenbush Lewis Van Antwerp Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Van Veghten John Price Henry Wendell Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman John Beebe Jacob Lansingh Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Frederick Berringer Jacob Halenbeeck, John Thurman, William Rea, Isaac Colyer, Joseph Jadwin and Charles H. Toll, having Voluntarily taken the Oath which Messrs. John Van Aelen and others had Taken, were thereupon (with the Consent and approbation of the Committee's of the Districts to which they severally belong,) discharged from the restraint they laid under Recd. a Letter from John Younglove dated 20th May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Gideon Burr James Savage Esqr' and Jonathan Allen having been sent up to this City, in order to be Confined on Board the Fleet Prison, and it being conceived that the said Persons might convince their Countrymen in Case they were brought before the Committee of Kings District that the Suspicions harboured against them are Groundless. Thereupon Resolved That the said Persons above named be permitted on their Parole of Honor to attend the said Committee when called, and in Case they do not give the said Committee full satisfaction, that they then be sent again to this Committee 766 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [656a] Resolved That Elijah Hudson remain on his Parole of Honor in this City untill called upon by the General Committee An Account of John Js. Bleecker for his attendance in Convention was laid before this Board amounting to ~81.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Robert Marten having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance was thereupon Liberated from Confinement and permitted to return to his place of abode Albany Committee Chamber 24th May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ja Beeckman Isaac D. Fonda Fredrick Berringer Leond Gansevoort Henry Wendell Peter Bratt General Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansingh Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher Harm~ Wendell Philip Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman It being represented to this Board by Major Genl Gates that a party of Men had taken a Number of Cattle from one Joseph Ketchum, who pretended to be on his Way to Ballstown to settle a Farm, and it appearing very suspicous that a Person would settle a Farm with only one Cow and thirty odd Bullocks, and Genl1 Gates requesting the Opinion of this Committee what should be done with said Cattle Therefore Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the said Cattle be detained, untill an Answer shall be received from the Committee of Dutchess County, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [657] It being suggested to the Committee by Major Jacob Ford that Abraham Peter Witbeeck had been extremely candid upon his Examination before the Committee of Claverack, and that it was the desire of the Court Martial to admit him as an Evidence in behalf of the State of New York, And Whereas it would be inconsistent to receive his Testimony while he stands charged with treasonable practices against the Said StateTherefore Resolved that the said Ablaham Peter Widbeck be and he is hereby pardoned and released for and from the Crimes he stands charged with PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 767 Collo. Stephen J. Schuyler having advanced to two Indians twenty Dollars whom he had sent in quest of the Tory Capt. Palmetier Resolved Thereupon that the Treasurer pay to the said Stephen J. Schuyler the said Twenty Dollars. Albany Committee Chamber 26th May 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman John Ten Broeck General Ten Broeck Hars Wendell John Tayler Gerrit Lansingh Junr Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Henry Quackenbush John Ja Beeckman Henry Wendell John Price Leond Gansevoort Isaac D. Fonda John Abbot Jacob Cuyler Jehiel Beardsley John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Recd. a Letter from George Palmer Esqr. dated 25th May 1777 inclosing one he had recd. from George Nicholson which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) [657a] Recd. A Letter from the Commissioners appointed by Convention for Detecting &ca Conspiracies in this State dated 22nd May 1 777 inclosing an Affidavit of Joseph Bennit which said Letter and Affidavit are in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd. a Letter from Lourance Fonda a Chairman of a Committee at Kinderhook dated 23rd May which said Letter is in the Words following to wit (prout) Resolved that Messrs Jacob Cuyler and John Tayler be a Committee to confer with Gen1- Gates on the Subject matter contained in the Letters of Mr Palmer and Major Nicholson, and that the said Committee Report their proceedings thereon with all Speed. Resolved That the Treasurer pay Edward Davis or Order forty Dollars, and to Charge the same to Account of this Committee 768 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 27th May 1777 - Present John Barclay Esqr. Ph. Van Rensselaer Jacob Lansingh Jun. Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Hezekiah Van Orden Jacob Cuyler Gosen Van Schaick Killiaen Van Rensselaer Chairman George Palmer John Ja Beeckman Israel Spencer Peter Ryckman John Ten Broeck Dirck Jansen Bastiaen T. Visscher [658] An Account of Volkert P. Douw for his attendance in Convention was laid before this Board amounting to ~24.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Matthew Scott Nathaniel House Moses Gilbert, Jonathan N. Mallery, Lemuel Hill and William Mallery, having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York Were thereupon discharged from Confinement Mesrs Tayler and Cuyler the Committee appointed to Confer with Gen1' Gates on the Subject of the Letters of Mr. Palmer and Major Nicholson Reported, That General Gates highly disapproved of the Conduct of Major Nicholson and would order him to deliver the Effects taken from McAlpin to Mr. Palmer, immediately Thereupon Resolved That Major Nicholson be desired to deliver the Effects belonging to Capt. McAlpin, that were taken by order of this Board to George Palmer Esqr. Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 769 Met according to Adjournment [28th May 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Corns- Groot Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Volkert Veeder Hezekiah Van Orden Bastiaen T. Visscher Dirck Jansen Peter Bratt Israel Spencer Henry Wendell Philip Frisbe General Ten Broeck Gose Van Schaick Jacob Cuyler Adam Vrooman Leond Gansevoort Johannis Ball Peter Ryckman George Palmer [658a] Peter Vossburgh Dirck Gardineer, John D Goes, David Van Schaack Lourance Goes, Barnet Van Der Pool Harmen Pruyn, Matthew Goes Junr. and Hendrick Burghart, having Voluntarily taken the Oath Mr. Jno~ Van Aelen and others had taken, Were thereupon permitted to return to their place of abode Gisbert Scharpe Junr- having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance, was thereupon Liberated from the restraint he laid under and permitted to return to his place of abode, Mr. George Palmer from the Committee appointed to Seize and effectually secure the Goods and Chattels belonging to Jonathan Jones and Capt: Daniel Mc.Alpin and to remove their Families at their own Expence to some Interior part of the County - reported that they had executed the Business assigned them and that the Families and Effects of the said Jones & McAlpin were at Stillwater- a Schedule of which Effects he was ready to lay before the Board Mr. Palmer then suggested to the Committee that it was the Desire of MrS Jones the Wife of Jonathan Jones to be permitted to go to her Mothers House at Pitts town and that Mr.. MC.Alpin was desirous of being removed to the City of Albany - Thereupon Resolved that the said Committee be directed to remove the said Mrs.. Jones to Pitstown and MrS- McAlpin to this place or its Vicinity at their own Expence suffering them to take with them the wearing apparel of the said MrS.. Jones & Mrs.. Mc-Alpin and their Children [659] as also so 25 770 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE much Bedding and other Necessaries as shall in the Opinion of the said Committee be necessary for their comfortable Lodgment Resolved, that the said Committee be and they hereby are authorized and empowered upon public for that purpose given at least Ten Days by Advertisement before the Day of Sale in the most public places in this County at public Vendue to dispose of the Stock Hous hold Furniture and Implements of Husbandry by them seized and now in their Possession, and return the Monies arising from the Sale thereof to the Chairman of this Committee for the Time being together with an Account of the Expences and Charges accrued by the said Sale - and that the said Chairman pay the said Monies deducting the said Charges into the Hands of the Commissioners for sequestring the Estates of Persons gone off to the Enemy as soon as they enter upon the Duties of their office and take their receipt thereforeResolved That the Committee appointed to examine and State the Charges against the Prisoners be directed to Report from Day to Day to this Board the Names of the Persons whom they think proper objects to be discharged from Confinement together with the Crimes they stand charged with Adjourned till 2 O'Clock A. [P.] M. [659a] Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Killiaen Van Rensselaer Hezekiah Van Orden Jacob Lansingh Junr. Adam Vrooman Philip Frisbe Corns- Groot John Ja Beeckman Johannis Ball Israel Spencer Isaac D. Fonda Chairman George Palmer Gosen A. Van Schaick Dirck Jansen Peter Ryckman Henry Wendell Volkert Veeder John Fort Barent Myndertse Stephen Lush Resolved That B. Dumond and Hendrick Feere be sent with all Convenient Speed to the Fleet Prison at Kingston, Resolved That Collo' Killiaen Van Rensselaer Send Mr. Henry Cuyler PROCEEDINGS, MfAY, 1 777 771 with all Convenient Speed to the Council of Safety of this State at Kingston for their farther disposal Resolved That Messrs. Chauncey Graham Junr and Charles Moor be added to the Committee appointed to dispose of the Stock and Effects of McAlpine and Jones, and that the said Committee or any three of them have power to Act. Adjourned till 9 OClock A M. [660] Met according to Adjournment [29th May 1777] Present. John Barclay Esqr Hars- Wendell Jacob Lansingh Junr Jacob Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam John Fort Adam Vrooman Philip Frisbe Philip Van Veghten Israel Spencer George Palmer Chairman Peter Ryckman Leonard Gansevoort Henry Wendell Barent Myndertse Johannis Ball Corns. Groot Dirck Jansen Hezekiah Van Orden Robert Yates John Tayler An Account of Leonard Gansevoort for his attendance in Convention was laid before this Board amounting to ~19 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Collo. Morgan Lewis Deputy Quarter Master General appead. before the Committee and suggested to them that the public were very much in want of Sail Cloth and Rigging for the Vessels constructing on Lake George which could not be procured and submitted to the Board the expediency of Seizing the Sails and Rigging of the Sloop Albany lying in Hudsons River the Property of Robert Hoakesly who is supposed to be gone to the Enemy and that he was willing to pay the appraized Value therefore Thereupon Resolved that Messrs Cornelius Swits, Stewart Dean and Gerrit Groesbeeck be appointed Commissioners to seize the Sails, Rigging, Tackle Anchors and Cables of the said Sloop Albany, that they appraize the same and deliver so much thereof to the said Collo Lewis, or his order, as 772 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE he shall want, he paying the appraized Value [660a] therefore to the said Commissioners or either of them Resolved that the said Commissioners pay the same Money unto the Chairman of this Committee for the Time being and that he Lodge the same with the Commissioners appointed by the Convention of this State for sequestring the Estates of Persons gone off to the Enemy and take their Receipt for the same as soon as they shall be Qualified to the Execution of their Office Collo- Lewis farther suggested to the Board that he was under the necessity frequently of hiring Vessels upon Hudsons River for the public service and that he did not know how to conduct himself therein by Reason of the unsettel'd Prices as Wages or Payment for the said Sloops and requested that the Committee would asscertain the Wages he should allow for the said Sloops Thereupon Resolved that as the necessaries of Life and other Merchandize are not ascertained this Committee do decline to undertake the Task of Regu. lating and asscertaining the Prices or Wages to be allowed for Sloops in the public service Resolved that the following Persons be and they are hereby appointed to Superintend the Election of Governor or Lieut. Governor Senators and Representatives in Assembly at the Places mentioned opposite to their Respective Names in Conjunction with the Persons appointed by the Sheriff - ViztHenry Bleecker, At Albany John Cuyler Junr. at Schonectady Dr. John Werth at Schoharra William Van Ness at Claverack Capt. John Beebe at Kings District George Palmer at Stillwater Philip Conyne at Coxackie John Knickerbacker at Tomhenick [661] Resolved that the Inhabitants of the District of Kinderhook be directed to meet together at the House of Tobias Van Beuren on the Tenth Day of June next for the purpose of chusing four Members to represent them in Committee, and that Messrs Abraham J. Van Aelstyn and Isaac Goes be and they hereby are appointed to Superintend the Election and make return of the Poll Lists to this Board PROCEEDINGS, MAY, 1777 773 Albany Committee Chamber 30th May 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman John Ball Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Lansingh Jun. Peter Ryckman Philip Frisbe Myndert Roseboom John Fort Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Corns Groot Adam Vrooman Israel Spencer Hars Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Rynier Van Aelstyn George Palmer Mr George Palmer from the Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Deposition sent to this Board by the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie, brought in their Report which is agreed to, and approved of, The Report is in the following Words to wit (prout) Messrs John Haimes and Elijah Frost the Persons mentioned in the Letter from the Commissioners requesting to be supplied with Twenty pounds to prosecute the business they are upon Thereupon Resolved That the Treasurer pay to the said John Haimes and Elijah Frost or either of them the said Sum of Twenty pounds and charge the same to the Commissioners [661a] An Account of Henry Glen for his attendance in Convention amounting to ~22..10 was laid before this Board, which is allowed and ordered to be paid A Pay and Subsistance Roll of Capt' Christopher Tillman's Company for services done in apprehending disaffected Persons, amounting to ~92. 7..9 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Resolved That Capt. Daniel David be requested to take into his charge John B. Dumond and Hendrick Feere and them deliver to the Officer of the Fleet Prison at or near Kingston Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Abraham Yates Junr Esqr attending Convention which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. 774 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman James Dennison Jacob Lansingh Junr Philip Van Veghten Johannis Ball Adam Vrooman Jacob C. Schermerhorn George White Lowrance Fonda Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Ordered that the Secretary draw on the Treasurer of this Committee for the Sum of Sixty Dollars in favor of Edward Davis and that he charge the same to this Committee [662] An Account of Capt. Marten Beebe of expences accrued in apprehending to Henry P. Van Dyck and Casparus Lodewick was laid before this Board amounting to ~13..3..6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid, and it is farther ordered that the same be Charged to Van Dyck and Lodewick An Account of John Beebe for money paid by him to two expresses was laid before this Board amounting to 0.. 19..0 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 31st. May 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Lowrance Fonda Jacob C. Schermerhorn Stephen Lush Leond Gansevoort Robert Yates Henry Wendell Ph. Van Rensselaer Gerrit Lansingh JunrGeneral Ten Broeck Hars. Wendell Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam Received a Letter from John Younglove dated 28th May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from the Committee of Hosick dated 21st May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) A Pay and Billeting Roll of Capt' John Salsbury was laid before this Board amounting to ~25..12..3 which is allowed and ordered to [be] paid. A Number of Pay Rolls of the Officers of Collo~ Whitings Regiment was PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 775 laid before this Board which had been examined last Fall and for want of Money in the Treasury left unpaid Ordered Thereupon that the Treasurer pay the [662a] amount of said Rolls to Collo Whiting and take his Receipt for the same, and it is farther ordered that the Treasurer Report the amount thereof to this Board, with all Convenient Speed Upon Affidavit of Stephen Du Colon q: v: Ordered that Chapman Ashers be discharged from Confinement and he is accordingly discharged. Resolved That the Country Members who are on the Committee to state the Charges against the Prisoners be allowed twelve Shillings -97 Day for the Days they have been on that service A Pay and subsistance Roll of Capt. Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh was laid before this Board for Services performed in apprehending a Number of disaffected at Kinderhook amounting to ~37. and 2 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of the Committee appointed by this Board to examine and State the Charges against the Prisoners was laid before this Board amounting to ~24.. 14 which is allowed and ordered to be paid The Treasurer Reported that in Consequence of the order of this Morning he had paid to Collo. Whiting the Sum of ~149.. 18.. 1 1 1/2 Resolved That the same be and is hereby approved of [663] Albany Committee Chamber 2 June 1777 Present John Barclay Esq Chairman John Tayler Robert Yates Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Cuyler Peter Ryckman General Ten Broeck Peter Bratt Henry Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Abraham E. Van Aelen having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York Was thereupon discharged from Confinement The Committee appointed to examine the Prisoners confined in Goal Report That William Barten Joseph Barten James Fullerton and James Mc Knioil are proper objects to be discharged from Confinement upon taking the Oath of Allegiance Ordered Thereupon that the said Committee Tender the Oath to the said Persons and discharge them from Confinement 776 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 3rd June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Isaac Van Aernam Philip Van Veghten George White Myndert Roseboom John Tillman Joseph Row Job. Wright Abraham J Yates Peter Ryckman John Williams Chairman Jacob Bleecker Rynier Van Aelstyn Peter Bratt Frederick Berger James Dennison John Ten Broeck John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher Daniel Hull Walter Livingston [663a] The Committee appointed to examine and State the Charges against the Prisoners confined in the Custody of this Committee, Reported that John Snyder was a proper object to be discharged from Confinement Resolved thereupon that the said Snyder be discharged from Confinement on his taking the Oath of Allegiance. The said Committee farther Reported that they had received information, that some of the Ringleaders of the Tory Faction were still in the Woods skulking and that one John Rogers who had been with them was ready and willing to Guide a Party & apprehend them, and that it was of the utmost moment that the same should be Conducted with the greatest Secrecy and dispatch Thereupon Resolved That Messrs. John Ten Broeck and John Price be a Committee, to apply to the Honble Major General Gates for a Company of Continental Troops, and that they request the General to order them to be ready with the greatest dispatch, and that the said Committee make Report with all Speed. Recd. a Letter from Hugh Hughes Esqr D Q M General dated 31 t May 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P M PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 777 [664] Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Rutger Lansing Philip Van Veghten Jacob C. Schermerhorn Gerardus Cluet John Tillman Daniel Hull Isaac Van Aernam Johannis Becker David Sternbergh George White Job Wright Abraham J Yates Frederick Berger Wessel Ten Broeck John Williams Rynier Van Alstyn John Ten Broeck Killiaen Van Rensselaer James Dennison John Tayler Robert Yates Jacob Cuyler Philip Van Rensselaer Joseph Row Peter Ryckman Jacob Bleecker Justus Ashman The Polls for the Election of Committee in the different Districts of this County were returned duly elected Vizt First Ward John Barclay John Price Peter Ryckman Myndert. Roseboom Henry I Bogert John Williams Corns' Cuyler Abraham J Yates Henry Marselis from which it appears that the following Persons are Second Ward Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac D Fonda Henry Bleecker Jacob Cuyler John N Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Philip Vn- Rensselaer Jerh Van Rensselaer Third Ward Abraham Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Harms- Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John M Beeckman Gerrit Lansing Junr. Abraham Yates Junr John Tayler Andries Douw 778 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE Bastiaen T Vissche: Peter Bratt Philip Van Veghter John Tillman [664a] Jacob C. Schermerh John H Beeckman Manor Rensselaer r Philip P Schuyler Abraham Fonda 1 Jacob F Lansingh Stephen J. Schuyler orn George White James Dennison Frederick Berringer Rynier Van Aelstyn Daniel Winne Barent Myndertse Volkert Veeder Christopher Tillman Florus Banker Killiaen Van Rensselaer Daniel Hull Manor Livingston Peter R Livingston Walter Livingston Henry Livingston Samuel Ten Broeck Leond Ten Broeck Dirck Jansen Jacob F Lepaier Hendk- Pulver Philip Smith John A Fonda Coxackie Philip Conine Sam1- Van Veghten Richard Bronck John M. Van Loon Philip Bronck Peter Bronck Saratoga Ebenezer Marvin Joseph Row Job. Wright Jacobus Swart Calvin Skinner Justus Ashman George Palmer Claverack Robert Yates Johannis Van Deusen John Ten Broeck Johannis Holsapple Johannis Hogeboom J Zechariah Gernryck Thos McKinstry Stephen Kinney Stephen Graves Christiaen Rey Peter Fonda Lowrance Fonda Half Moon Isaac Fonda Rutger Lansing Gerardus Cluet John Fort unr.Hermen Fort Corns. Groot Adriaen Hegeman Schoharry Johs Ball Johs. Becker Jonas Vrooman Isaac Vrooman Adam Vrooman David Sternberger William Zimmer Jurry Warner Hendrick Rechter Johannis Lawyer PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 779 Grote Imboght German Camp John Van Orden Peter Scharpe Gosen Van Schaick Philip Rockefeller John Ten Broeck Wessel Ten Broeck Hezekiah Van Orden Peter Rose Frederick Marten [665] Resolved Unanimously That John Barclay Esqr. be and he is hereby appointed Chairman to this Committee, and John Williams Esqr. Deputy Chairman Resolved Unanimously That Matthew Visscher Esqr. be and he is hereby appointed Secretary to this Board Resolved Unanimously That Gerrit Lansing Junr. be and he is hereby appointed Treasurer to this Board, Resolved also Unanimously Thiat Jacob Kidney be and he is hereby appointed Messenger to this Committee and that in addition to his former allowance of four Shillings h Day he be allowed 2/ for each Day he serves Resolved That all Sub Committees who are Reelected as Members of this Board be and they are hereby Continued Resolved That all the former Rules and Orders of this Board, be, observed as the Rules and orders for the Government of this Committee Resolved That the Committee of the City of Albany and those of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as far as the Manor House, and such of the County Members as are in Town, be and they are hereby appointed a Sub-Committee of this Board, And that they be and are hereby empowered to enter upon and determine such matters as may come before them, and which they may think proper and necessary, And it is farther Resolved That the said Committee, or any eight of them with the Chairman have power to Act in Consequence of this Resolution [665a] Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Hugh Hughes Esqr. D. Quarter Master General. which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Instructions be prepared for Messr" Alexander Campbell and John Tillman Junr. Which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 780 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That a Reward of one hundred Dollars be allowed for the apprehending for each or either of the following Persons, Lowrance Leedings, Christian Platoo, Thomas Garnet, Wm- Schermerhorn and John Connaway Received a Letter from the Committee of Caughnawaga District in Tryon County dated 27th May last which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) William Van Slyck and Philip Schufelt having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York - Were thereupon discharged and permitted to return to his place of abode Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment 4th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates Wessel Ten Broeck Job. Wright David Sternbergh Frederick Berger Johannis Becker Johannis Van Deusen Rutger Lansingh Philip Van Veghten Gerardus Cluet [666] Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Cuyler Junr. Henry Marselis John Price Gerrit Lansing Junr. John Williams Jacob Cuyler Chairman Rynier Van Aelstyn Justus Ashman Killiaen Van Rensselaer John Tillman Robert Yates Jacobus Teller Philip Frisbe Jacob C. Schermerhorn Daniel Winne Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Harmanus Wendell James Dennison Isaac Van Aernam John Tayler James Gorden Florus Banker PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 781 From a Return of the Poll of the Election for Committee in Kings District it appears that the following Persons are duly elected Viz Nehemiah Fitch Daniel Buck Daniel Herrick Philip Frisbe John Gray John Muney Elijah Bostwick Nathaniel Culver From a Return of the Poll of Election for Committee in the District of Schonectady it appears that the following Persons are duly elected Vizt. Rynier Myndertse John Cuyler JunrJacobus Teller Dirck Van Ingen Alexander Vedder Albert Mabie Abraham Fonda Abraham Oothoudt Andrew McFarlen James Willson Hugh Mitchel From a return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in Ballstown District it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Vizt James Gorden Thomas Sweetman Sam1 McCrea Elisha Miller Wm- McCrea Mr Simeon Covill having Voluntarily answered under oath such Questions, as were asked him by this Board and having also Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York, [and it having sufficiently appeared to this Board that the Charge alledged against him is groundless '] Thereupon Unanimously Resolved That the said Simeon Covill be Liberated from Confinement, and permitted to pursue his business as heretofore [666a] Resolved that the necessary expense that has accrued in the apprehending Simeon Covill & Conveying him to Albany by order of this Committee be paid by the said Covill, but that the Account thereof be first audited by this Board Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. 782 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Robert Yates John Tillman Jo hs Van Deusen Killiaen Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates John Cuyler Junr. Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob C. Schermerhorn Daniel Winne Gerardus Cluet Jacob Bleecker Rynier Van Aelstyn Philip Van Veghten Frederick Berger John H Beeckman Johannis Becker George White Job Wright Florus Banker David Sternberger Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Corns Cuyler Sam1l Rowland James Dennison Justus Ashman Jacob Bleecker Junr. Jacobus Teller Peter Bratt John Tayler Philip P. Schuyler John M. Bleecker James Gorden Wessel Ten Broeck Joseph Row Rutger Lansingh John Ten Broeck From a return of the Poll of the Election for Committee for Schaghtekocke District it appears that the following Persons are elected Vizt Samuel Rowland Nathaniel Ford Benjamin Hicks Elisha Oakely Lewis Van Antwerp Benjamin Eastwood Gerrit Van Bommel Michael Overacker Wouter N Groesbeeck Wm- Thorn [667] Messrs Joseph Jadwin and 'Charles H Toll thereupon laid before this Board the following Petition (here take in prout) Lucas L. Van Aelen, Henry Van Dyck, John Pruyn, Cornelius Van Aelen Junr. Andries Willson Lucas J. Goes, John Holland, Jacobus L Van Aelen John S. Van Aelstyn, & Johannis L. Van Aelen were called before this Board, and refused to give Evidence Ordered Thereupon that they be Confined till such Time as they shall comply to give Evidence or untill they shall be otherwise dealt with by this Committee John E Van Aelen a Prisoner confined in this Goal by order of the PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 783 Convention, being very Sick and requiring to be Confined in some House in this City Ordered Thereupon That the Chairman Liberate the said John E Van Aelen for four Days upon such approved Security as the Chairman shall think proper Adjourned till 9 OClock A M. Met according to Adjournment 5th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Daniel Winne Frederick Berringer Peter Ryckman Philip Van Veghten John Younglove Johannis Becker David Sternberger Jacob Bleecker Jacobus Teller Harms Wendell John Cuyler Junr. Chairman Abraham J Yates Justus Ashman John Williams Robert Yates Johannis Van Deusen Samuel Rowland Gerrit Van Bommell James Dennison John Tillman Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Tayler Henry Marselis [667a] From a return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in the District of Cambridge it appears that the following Persons are duly elected Vizt. John Younglove James Ashton Nathan Smith Phineas Whiteside Samuel Hodges Archibald Robisson Lewis Van Woert John McClung Edmund Wells Senr Three Pay Rolls and one Billetting Roll of Capt. James Dennison's Company was laid before this Board (for apprehending and securing a number of disaffected Persons who were in Arms, against the Liberties of this Country,) amounting to ~53..11. 1 1/3 which were allowed and ordered to be paidAn Account of Sam1l Pruyn for bringing down to Fish Kill a Number of Tories with the Guard and the Guard again to this place was laid before this Board amounting to ~20 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. 784 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF ICORRESPONDENCE An Account of Arent Bratt for going express to Kings and Claverack Districts was laid before this Board amounting to ~3..10..6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Upon application of Messrs Joseph Jadwin & Charles H Toll Ordered that the Secretary furnish them with Copies of the Affidavits now in the Custody of this Committee against them Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. [668] Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esq Henry Marselis Corns Cuyler John Williams Peter Ryckman Abraham J Yates Daniel Winne Isaac D Fonda Gerrit Lansing Junr John Cuyler Junr. Jacobus Teller David Sternberger Philip Van Rensselaer Johannis Becker Frederick Berringer Johannis Van Deusen Chairman Justus Ashman Rutger Lansing Gerardus Cluet Robert Yates Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Harms. Wendell James Gorden Samuel Rowland Gerrit Van Bommel John Price Myndert Roseboom John Younglove John Tayler Simon Van Campen, Henry Smith Godfrey Gardner John Vredenburgh, Johannis Moot, William Bolster and William Sanders having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York Were thereupon discharged from Confinement and permitted to return to their place of abode A Pay Roll of Capt' Casper Huyck's Company of Militia was laid before this Board for Services performed in apprehending disaffected Persons, amounting to ~5.. 17.. 5 which is allowed and ordered to be paid[668a] Resolved That such Persons who have lately been confined on Suspicion or being concerned in any Conspiracies against this State, and have been Liberated by this Board, and also such Persons who have taken the benifit of the Act of Grace be treated as good Subjects of this State whilst they behave themselves as such, and that no Person presume to cast reflections PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 785 upon them or use them ill on Account of their Past Conduct on Pain of incurring the displeasure of this Board, and be liable to such punishment as this Board may think proper to inflict upon them Whereas it appears to this Board that Sundry of the Arms found with the Conspirators taken by the Party lately under the Command of Lieut Collo Gorden have been changed since taken Thereupon Resolved that Lieut. Collo Gorden Capt' Collins & LieutWilliam McCrea be a Committee to enquire into the affair and to Carry into execution the Resolution of this Board of the 15th May last respecting the disposal of said Arms Resolved That the keepers of the Goals in this City be immediately ordered to make out Lists of the Names of the Prisoners confined therein, and that the said Goalers deliver the Keys of the said Goals with the Lists aforesaid to Henry J Wendell Esq. the Sheriff of this County [669] Major Ezekiel Tayler having taken unwearied Pains in detecting the Conspirators, and apprehending them this Spring, and having also wholly devoted his Time, during the present Commotions of our internal Enemies, to that Service Thereupon Resolved That the Chairman present the thanks of this Board to Major Tayler for the many emminent Services he has rendered his Country, And that an order issue to the Treasurer to pay to the said Tayler one hundred Dollars, in some Measure to Compensate him therefore Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment [6th June 1777] Present John Barclay Esqr Gerrit Van Bommel John Cuyler Junr. Johs. Becker Daniel Winne David Sternberger Peter Ryckman Henry Marselis Justus Ashman Saml Rowland Isaac D. Fonda Gerardus Cluet Chairman Peter Bratt Rutger Lansing Jacob Bleecker Junr. Henry Bleecker Abraham J Yates Jacob Bleecker John Williams Jacobus Teller Isaac Van Aernam John Younglove 786 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Sheriff of this County be empowered to suffer such Persons as he shall think proper to go and see any of the Prisoners confined therein - [669a] Resolved That Major Tayler be requested to apprehended Cole who is suspected to be a Person highly Inimical to the Liberties of America, and that he be brought before the Committee of Half Moon District for examination, and if it shall appear to the said Committee that the Suspicion is groundless, then that he be Liberated, otherwise to be sent down to this place to be Confined, Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Henry Marselis Corns Cuyler John Cuyler Junr Jacobus Teller Volkert Veeder Johs- Becker Abraham J. Yates Gerardus Cluet Peter Ryckman Rutger Lansingh Garret Van Bommel Justus Ashman Ph. Van Rensselaer Chairman Philip Frisbe John Tayler Stephen J Schuyler John H Beeckman Florus Banker James Gorden Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda John N. Bleecker David Sternberger Jacob Bleecker Junr Peter Bratt The Sheriff of the County of Albany having advertised that the Election for a Governor Lieut- Governor Six Senators and ten Representatives is to be held on the 16th Instant and by the form of Government lately instituted for this State The Western Division (which Consists of the Counties of Albany & Tryon) [670] The Freeholders whereof are together to chuse Six Senators, And whereas in these Times it is of the utmost moment that Persons of the first distinction for their abilities and principles ought to be held up for the Choice of Senators, and that every possible warrantable means ought to be pursued to elect Persons so qualified and to render the same effectual PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 787 Unanimity in measures is absolutely necessary particularly with our neighbouring County This Committee taking these matters into their serious Consideration have agreed to hold up General Philip Schuyler for Governor General Abraham Ten Broeck Lieut' Governor, Abraham Yates Junr. Rynier Myndertse Dirck W. Ten Broeck and Anthony Van Schaick for Senators; And as it is equitable that the County of Tryon should have a proportionable share of the Senators it is therefore agreed that Messrs Jacob Bleecker Junr & John Tayler and any two of the Members of the Committee of Schonectady be a Committee of this Board, and fortwith to repair to the County of Tryon, and there Consult with the Committee of that County and such other persons who may have weight and influence there in order to lay before them the Names of the Persons for Senators above mentioned and to request their Concurrence therein, And that they in Tryon County will in like manner propose out of that County the two remaining Senators, In which proposal this Committee will Concur and support their Election and that the said Sub Committee report to this Board their proceedings with all possible dispatch[670a] Albany Committee Chamber 7th June 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Philip Van Rensselaer John Price John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman Henry Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Gerrit Lansing Junr Jacob Bleecker Junr Abraham J. Yates Henry Marselis Isaac Van Aernam Harms. Wendell Henry I. Bogert John Tayler Corns. Cuyler Isaiah Minkelaer and Abraham Moor having Voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance, to the State of New York, Were thereupon discharged from Confinement An Account of Alexander Robertson for printing Two hundred Hand Bills for the use of this Board was laid before this Board amounting to ~2 which is allowed and ordered to be paid 788 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE An Account of Rykert Van Sante for mending and repairing the Pomp opposite Abraham Yates's was laid before this Board amounting to 21/4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 9th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Philip Van Veghten Stephen J. Schuyler Harms. Wendell Henry Marselis Abraham Cuyler John Ten Broeck Corns Cuyler Christopher Tillman [671 Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman Andries Douw Abraham J. Yates Henry I Bogert Abraham D. Fonda John Tillman Jacob Bleecker John Price Peter Bratt John Williams Philip Van Rensselaer Resolved That the Goal Fees be not enhanced till the further Order of the Council of Safety or the future Legislature of this State, and that the Fees continue to be Six Shillings till that Time A Petition of Samuel Swertfeger was laid before this Board which said Petition is in the following Words ViztAlbany Committee Chamber 10th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansing Junr Henry Bleecker John Price Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Henry Marselis Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam Cornelius Cuyler Hars Wendell Daniel F. Winne and John Winne Junr appeared before this Board, and said that insinuations had been thrown out that they were Inimical to the PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 789 Liberties of America, and prayed that leave might be given them to take the Oath of Allegiance Resolved That the said Daniel Winne and John Winne Junr. be permitted to take the said Oath of Allegiance and receive a Certificate thereof The Sub Committee Reported that they had discharged from Confinement Rinehart Fuller and Adam Leshet who had taken the Oath of Allegiance Resolved that this Committee approve of the proceedings of said Sub Committee [671a] Albany Committee Chamber June I st. 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Henry Bleecker Gerrit G Lansingh Junr. Jacob Bleecker Peter Bratt John Ten Broeck Jn~o Price Abraham J Yates Myndert Roseboom Cornel. Cuyler Henry Bries Hendk. Merselius John Fort General Ten Broeck A pay Roll of Capt George Mans Company, was Laid Before this Board for Apprehending and Securing disaffected persons Who Where in Arms Against the Liberties of this County) Amounting to ~57. 195. 9 1/3d Which Where Ordered to be paid From a Return of the pool for the District of Hosick to Chuse a Committee- It appears that the following persons are Duly Elected VizDaniel Bratt William Wayt Jos. Bosley Josiah Talmage Adam Vroman Henry Bries Michel Lampman John Johnson A Billiting Rool of Capt. George Mans Company was Laid before this Board for there Subsistence While Imployed In Apprehending & Securing Diseffected persons Who where in Arms Against the Libertys of this County (Amounting to ~14..19s..4d Which was Ordered to be paidThomas Roback, Uriah Roeback, Andries Shurman, Bastien Loep, George Miller and Andrew Miller Being Recommended by the Sub Committee for Examining the Prisoners, as proper Objects to have there Enlarge 790 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE ments on there taking the Oath of Alliegence Who Being Called In Voulantary took the Oath as prescribed by Convention are thereby Discharged from Confinement Christopher Hotto Appearing before this Board on Recommendation of Capt Dietz he having Voulantary taken the Oath as prescribed by Convention is Liberated According[672] Adjourned Till 4 OClock P M Met According to Adjournment Present Jn~- Barclay Chairman Henry Bleecker Jn~o N Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Abraham J. Yates Jacob Bleecker Junr Jno~ Tayler Henry Merselis Myndert Roseboom Peter Bratt John Price Cornelius Cuyler John Ten Broeck William Rogers, John Rogers, John Casselman, Hendrick Warner, Peter Young, Michael Thousand, Abraham Laraway, John Casselman Jur. Joseph Concklin John Concklin Senior-being Recommended by the Sub-Committee appointed to Examine the prisoners, As proper Objects, to have there an Largments on there taking the Oath of Alliegence, Who Being Called in Voulontary took the Oath & Subscribed the Declaration, as Subscribed by Convention, Are thereby Discharged from there Confinement, on paying there fese as usal The Committee Sent to the Country of Tryon to Confer on the Subject matter Relative to the Election of Senators Returned and Recd there Report Which Was Unamiously Approved of And Ordered to be Entered on the minits Which is in the Word following Viz Your Committee appointed to repair to the County of Tryon to Consult with the Committee and such other Persons of Weight & Influence in that County in order to lay before them the Names of the Persons Nominated for Senators in this County & receive from them the Names of such Persons as are to be held up in Tryon County &c. Do Report That your Committee sent a Note to the Chairman of the County Committee of Tryon on their Arrival at palatine District informing him of their PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 791 business and requesting him to call the Committee and such others as he thought ought to be Consulted on this occasion The Committee were accordingly called at their usual place of meeting at Canajohary, Your Committee then opend. the business to them & laid before them & laid their Instructions before their Board, after long altercation it was determined Your Committee should have an Answer [672a] next Morning at nine OClock, Your Committee attended at the Time appointed and received the Answer N~o One Your Committee then drew up a small Reply No~ two from whence your Committee repaired to Cagnawago on their return, and then received the letter No- Three Upon the whole Your Committee are of Opinion that there will be a great Division respecting the Persons to be held up for Senators to represent that County but from every information Your Committee could collect they are of Opinion that Johan Nicholas Herkemer and Isaac Paris Esqr' will have the greatest number of Votes in that County, and that from the reasons assigned in the Reply No~ 2 it will appear that there is no probability of having the return of the Poll of that County in due Time to make public the Names of the Persons Elected, From the Temper and disposition of the People of Tryon County, Your Committee are of Opinion that they entertain the highest Esteem for the County of Albany and will endeavour to carry their Wishes into Execution Your Committee are therefore of Opinion that the Names of two Persons of Tryon County should be held up to the Electors of this County for Senators in the Strongest Terms as by that means a great part of the Inhabitants of that County will approve of our Conduct and the Friendship and Harmony that hitherto has subsisted will Continue to Subsist between the two Counties John Cuyler Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr. Jacobus Teller John Tayler [673] Mr Taylor Moved that Circular Letter be Wrote to the Several Districts In the County Acquainting them of there preceding In the County of Tryon Which was seconded And Approved of - therefore Ordered that a Draft be prepared by Mr Taylor which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) _ 792 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 12th June 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Abraham J. Yates Harms' Wendell Corns. Cuyler Henry I Bogert John Williams Henry Marselis Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck John Price John Tayler Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Junr. The Sub Committee Reported That Marten DeLong Anthony Slingerlandt John Frayer, Jacob Frayer, David Frayer & Isaac Frayer and John Douglass are proper objects to be discharged from Confinement upon their taking the Oath of AllegianceThe said Persons were accordingly called in and took the said Oath, and were thereupon discharged from Confinement and permitted to return to their respective places of abode Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Cagnawago District dated 10th June 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 3 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Corns. Cuyler Abraham J. Yates General Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Harms Wendell John Williams Henry I Bogert Jacob Bleecker Junr [673a] Resolved That William Pemberton, Jonathan Owen Hugh Anderson, William Lewis, Philip Brooks Lourance Rysdorph, David Wederwax, Jacob Wederwax, Andries Diver, Christiaen Fisher, Samuel Hannah, Bernard Sipperly, John L. Van Aelen and John S. Van Aelstyn be sent down to the Fleet Prison at Kingston, there to remain till discharged Resolved That Mr. Henry I. Bogert be requested to engage a Sloop to carry the said Persons above named, with the Guard to Kingston at such a reasonable Rate as he shall think proper PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1 7 77 793 Albany Committee Chamber 13th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam John Ten Broeck Abraham J. Yates John Tayler Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry Bleecker General Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Philip Van Rensselaer Harms. Wendell Henry Marselis Cornelius Cuyler Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Chairman of the Committee of Schoharry which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety inclosing them Copy's of Robertson's and Pemberton's Letter which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the following Instructions be given [674] to Capt- Henry Beron - Vizt. Sir Cap-t Swits sails this Day with a number of Prisoners for Esopus, we would request you to proceed with your Privateer as a Convoy to said Sloop and afford him such assistance as he may want in order effectually to Guard & Secure the Prisoners on Board his Vessell Resolved That the following Instructions be given to the Officer Guarding the Prisoners to Esopus Vizt. Sir You will receive in your Custody the Persons whose Names are herewith delivered you, with whom on Board of Capt Cornelius Swits's Sloop you will proceed to Esopus Landing, You are to wait on the Council of Safety at Kingston and delivered the inclosed Letter and receive their farther directions, you are to keep William Pemberton in Irons while in your Custody we have to recommend to you to be extremely Vigilant to prevent any of the Prisoners making their Escape Resolved that the following Persons be held up to the Council of Safety as proper Persons to be Commissioners for the disposal of the Estate of disaffected Persons Vizt. John Younglove Gabriel Esselstyne, Isaac Goes, 794 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE John Knickerbacker Junr 'Capt. George White, Matthew Adgate Hezekiah Van Orden, Florus Banker, Collo Myndert Roseboom and George Palmer Albany Committee Chamber 14th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham J Yates Jacob Bleecker Junr. Myndert Roseboom Harms Wendell Corns Cuyler Peter Bratt Jacob Bleecker John Ten Broeck Henry Bleecker John Williams Isaac Van Aernam [674a] A Pay & Subsistance Roll of Capt- John Salsbury's Company was laid before this Board amounting to ~13.. 17..5 for apprehending disaffected Persons at Kinderhook which is allowed and ordered to be paid The President of the Court Martial having recommended to this Board, John Mesick to be discharged upon his taking the Oath of Allegiance which was accordingly done Albany Committee Chamber 16th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Junr Gerrit Lansing Junr. Henry I. Bogert Jacob Bleecker Abraham J. Yates Henry Bleecker John M. Beeckman Harms- Wendell Myndert Roseboom Rynier Van Aelstyn Isaac D Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Cuyler Peter Bratt Andries Douw Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated Saratoga 14th June which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Messrs* Abraham Yates Junr and Jacob Cuyler dated 13th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 795 Recd also a Letter from William Seeber Chairman of the Committee of Tryon County dated 13th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Lieut. Aldridge laid before this Board the following Receipt from Egbert Dumond Esq. Sheriff of the County of Dutchess dated 14th Instant which said Receipt is in the following Words to wit (prout) [675] John Moor, Lodewick Herncross and Daniel Smith being recommended by the Sub Committee as proper objects to be discharged from Confinement upon their taking the Oath of Allegiance - Were thereupon accordingly discharged John Ver Plank, Cornelius Huyck, Stephen Miller & John Adams being also recommended by the Sub Committee, were also discharged Albany Committee Chamber 18th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Depy. Chairman John M. Beeckman John Price Philip Bronck John Tillman Sam1. Van Veghten Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Volkert Veeder Daniel B. Bratt John Ten Broeck Daniel Winne Peter Bratt Abraham J. Yates John N. Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Junr. Stephen Graves Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck An Account of Richard Van Den Bergh was laid before this Board for going express to Grote Imboght amounting to 16/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid It being suggested to this Board that great uneasiness has arisen in the Minds of a Number of Persons in Claverack and the Neighbouring Districts respecting their Pay for the Services by them performed in Quelling an Insurrection in the Manor of Livingston, and respecting the effects of disaffected Persons there Seized and disposed of - Therefore Resolved that Mr Robert Yates be appointed and that Colls Cornelius 796 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Humphrey and William B. Whiting be requested to join him with all Convenient Speed as a Committee of this Board to enquire into the Claims and uneasiness of the Persons above mentioned [675a] and Report their proceedings thereon with all Convenient Speed to this Board - Resolved That the Consideration of the Controverted Election for Committee in the District of Schaghtikocke be Postponed till the next General meeting of this Board, and that the Contending Parties be and they are hereby empowered to Cite such Persons as they Shall think proper to appear before this Board at the Time above mentioned to give Evidence touching and Concerning the said Election - Resolved that Capt. Israel Spencer who was ordered by this Board to dispose of the Effects of disaffected Persons in Manor of Livingston pay to the Chairman of this Board five hundred Pounds and that the Chairman given a Recet- for the same, and it is farther ordered that Capt- Spencer account to this Board for the remainder with all Convenient Speed Albany Committee Chamber 19th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams DepY Chairman Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker John Ten Broeck John N. Bleecker John Price John M Beeckman Abraham J. Yates Hars- Wendell Daniel B. Bratt Philip P. Schuyler James Willson John Tayler Barent Becker, John Wetherwax, Peter Sipperly, William Gilles and Joseph Knap were recommended by the Sub Committee as proper objects to be discharged from Confinement upon their taking the Oath of Allegiance [676] Resolved that the said Persons be accordingly discharged It appearing from the Affidavit of Andrew F Clauw, that John C. Holland is a notorious disaffected Person to the Cause of America - Therefore Resolved That the Sheriff be ordered to put the said John C Holland in Close Confinement Whereas this Committee did on the [blank] Day of June 1776 deem it expedient for the preservation of the public Records of this City and County PROCEEDINGS, JUNE,] 777 797 to take the same into their Custody, And Whereas Messrs. Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry Wendell, Myndert Roseboom and others were appointed a Committee to take the said Records into their Custody and secure the same in such manner as they should think proper, And whereas the Convention of this State have lately appointed Leonard Gansevoort Esqr Clerk of this City & County in whose Custody of Right the said Records ought to be kept. Therefore Resolved. That the said Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Henry Wendell and Myndert Roseboom be requested to deliver the said Records with all Convenient Speed to the said Leonard Gansevoort Esqr- and that the said Messrs Van Rensselaer, WVendell and Roseboom Report to this Board on Oath how and in what manner they received the said Records into their Custody secured the same, and delivered them to the said Leonard Gansevoort Esqr Albany Committee Chamber 20th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams D. Chairman Peter Bratt General Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler John N. Bleecker John M. Beeckman Corns. Cuyler Henry I. Bogert John Tayler Jacob Bleecker Abraham J. Yates Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry Bleecker Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck [676a] The Chairman and Judge Bleecker Reported that they had ordered a Captain and four Men to apprehend a Person whom they had reason to Suppose Carried dispatches to and from the Enemy and as Inconveniences may arise to the well affected Inhabitants by being detained on their Journey. Therefore Resolved that Mr Isaac Van Aernam be requested to repair immediately to Slingerlandts Bridge and there direct the Officer to suffer such Persons to pass as he shall think properDaniel David having apprehended Thomas McQuire James Wait and Jeremiah Johnson for drinking the Kings Health &c and the proof not appearing clear against them- Ordered that they be discharged [and that Jere 798 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE miah Johnson be Confined till the farther order of this Bdard.1] from Confinement and permitted to go at large Albany Committee Chamber 21st June 1777 Present. John Barclay Chairman John Williams DepY. Chairman Corns- Cuyler Henry I. Bogert John M. Beeckman JohnTen Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Henry Bleecker General Ten Broeck Philip Van Rensselaer Killiaen Van Rensselaer Abraham J. Yates John Price Received a Resolution of the Council of Safety of the 17th June Instant which said Resolution is in the following Words to wit (prout) [677] Albany Committee Chamber 23rd June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Ph. P. Schuyler Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Peter Bratt Henry Marselis John Williams Jacob Bleecker Junr. John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker John Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert Resolved That the Secretary prepare a Letter to the Council of Safety setting forth the necessity of adopting the Resolution of Congress of the 14th April whereby any two of the Militia enlisting one Able bodied Recruit to be exempt from actual Service, and that he lay the same before this Board at the next meeting Resolved That Cornelius Cuyler, Henry Bleeker and Jer Van Rensselaer or any two of them be a Committee to prepare the Accounts of this 1 Crossed out in the text. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 799 Board with all possible dispatch and that they be allowed a reasonable Conpensation for their TroubleAn Account of the Sub Committee appointed by this Board to apprehend and examine a Number of Persons in the Western part of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck who were Concerned in a dangerous Conspiracy against this State was laid before this Board amounting ~106 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. An Account of Jacob Bleecker Junr for expences accrued in a Committee to Tryon County amounting to ~14..6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid [677a] Resolved That Messrs John M. Beeckman John Price and Myndert Roseboom be a Committee to prepare a Letter to the Committee [s] of the different Districts of this County and the Committee of Tryon County requesting them to Aid the Quarter Master General in procuring as many Waggons and Teams as possible to expedite the forwarding of the necessary Stores - And that the said Committee be empowered to Confer with Collo Lewis on the propriety of appointing proper Persons to oversee and regulate the Waggoners and Teamsters and that the said Committee also confer with Collo Lewis respecting the Time the Waggoners ought to be employedAlbany Committee Chamber 25th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Deputy Gerrit Lansing Junr- Isaac Van Aernam Henry Marselis Jacob Bleecker Junr. Abraham J Yates John Ten Broeck Rutger Lansing 'Henry I. Bogert Bastiaen T. Visscher Jer Van Rensselaer Stephen Marvin Philip Frisbe Philip Van Veghten Nehemiah Fitch John Tillman Received a Letter from George Palmer Esqr. dated 23rd June 1 777 enclosing sundry Affidavits which said Letter and Affidavits are in the following Words to wit (prout) Major Banker informed this Board that a Number of disaffected Persons 800 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE kept sculking in the Woods near the New City, and robbing and [678] plundering the Inhabitants of their Effects, and as it is of Moment that the Persons should be immediately apprehended Thereupon Resolved That application be made to the Continental Commanding Officer in this City, for a Company of Troops for the purpose aforesaid and that the said Officer be requested to order the said Company to March this Afternoon, and to receive their farther orders and directions from such Members of this Board as shall be ordered to have the direction and management thereof - It appearing from the Affidavit of Andrew F. Clauw that Abraham E. Van Aelen since his taking the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York, has declared himself a Subject of the King of Great Britain Thereupon Resolved that the said Abraham E. Van Aelen be immediately apprehended and put in Close Confinement, and that Major Isaac Goes be requested to cause this Resolution to be Carried into Execution Resolved that the Secretary acquaint the Persons appointed by the Council of Safety for sequestring the Effects of disaffected Persons in this County of their appointment, desiring them to inform the Board whether they will accept - Albany Committee Chamber 26th June 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Deputy Jacob Bleecker Junr Philip Van Rensselaer Abraham J. Yates Gerrit Lansing Junr. Nehemiah Fitch John Ten Broeck Philip Frisbe Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Peter Bratt Henry Marselis John Tillman John Price Henry I. Bogert Corns. Cuyler Hars- Wendell [678a] Resolved That the Secretary furnish the Commissioners in each department of this County for sequestring the Efects of Persons gone over to the Enemy with Copy of the Resolution of the Council of Safety of the 17th Instant, and that the Resolution of Yesterday ordering Letters to be written to the said Commissioners be repealed. PROCEEDINGS, JUNE, 1777 801 William Rogers Junr and Daniel Chapman applied to take the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New YorkThe Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolved to grant their request and discharge them from Custody which was accordingly done Albany Committee Chamber 27th June 1777. Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda Henry I. Bogert Jacob Bleecker Jacob Cuyler Abraham J Yates Henry Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Resolved that a Letter be prepared to Abraham Yates Junr- respecting the payment of the expences accrued in holding the Elections which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [679] Albany Committee Chamber 30th June 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Corns Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Henry Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker John Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry I. Bogert Henry Marselis John Williams John M. Beeckman John Tillman Philip P. Schuyler Jacob C. Schermerhorn John Price John H Beeckman John Tayler Harmanus Wendell The Chairman reported that Complaint had been made to him by Juriyan Hogan, that Roeliff Van Der Karr after he had taken the benifit of the Act of Grace, had declared Sentiments highly Inimical to the Cause of America, and particularly declared himself to be as good Man for the King as ever 26 i 802 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Thereupon Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the said Juriyan Hogan requesting him immediately to repair to this City and bring with him the other Evidences against said Van Der Karr & the said Van Der Karr Resolved That General Ten Broeck be requested to order a Court Martial as soon as Convenient for the Trial of such of the Officers in his Brigade as are deemed disaffected to the Cause of America Resolved That Messrs. John Price and Myndert Roseboom be a Comamittee to prepare the Charges against the said Officers [679a] Resolved That the Committee of Half Moon District be requested to Cite Jeremiah Vincent to appear before this Board at the next meeting of the General Committee Resolved That the said Jeremiah Vincent refund the Sum of Ten Pounds, by this Board some time since given to said Vincent for Services which he did not perform Albany City Hall June the 30 1777 To the Honourable Gentlemen Comittee of Albany Gentlemen Whereas there is a Gray galdin and a Surel Mear taken from me and to be Sold at Vandue which is my property, I therefor Shuld be Very much obliged to Your Honours if you would put a Stope to the Sale of them and Cause them to be Returned Home to me and You will Very much Oblige Your Humble Servant Andries A Hiiyck1 N: B: I Just now seed them Go past the City Hall [Addressed: ] To the Honourable Gentlemen Comittee of Albany 1 This letter is attached to page 679a of the minutes. PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 803 Albany Committee Chamber 2nd. July 1777 Present. John Barclay Chairman Henry Bleecker Henry J. Bogert Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob Bleecker Samuel Rowland Corns. Cuyler Wm- Thorn Abraham Cuyler Chrisr. Tillman John M. Beeckman Hezekiah Van Orden Lewis Van Antwerp Bastiaen T. Visscher Frederick Berringer Harmen Fort Gerardus Cluet Garret Van Bommel Abraham Fonda Richard Bronck John N. Groesbeeck' Jonas Vrooman John Price William Zimmer Jer. Van Rensselaer Johannis Holsapple Philip P. Schuyler George Palmer John Tayler Isaac D. Fonda James Gorden Philip Conine Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Received a Letter from Abraham Yates Junr. dated Kingston 28th June 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [680] Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 1 July Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the Representatives of this County be Instructed to use their endeavours to have a Law passed requiring all Male Inhabitants above the Age of Sixteen and under seventy five to take the Oath of Allegiance to the State Resolved that a Committee of Three be appointed to prepare Instructions for that purpose and such others as they shall think proper, that they Report their proceedings thereon without delay The Committee chosen for that purpose are Jer. Van Rensselaer, Cornelius Cuyler and John Ten Broeck On Motion Resolved That a Warrant be issued by this Board impowering Adjutant Cornelius Noble on or before the thirteenth day of August next to Levy 1 Wouter N. Groesbeeck 804 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE on the Goods & Chattels of Capt. Van Der Hoof to the amount of fifteen Pounds to replace the Goods and Chattels by him detained of Phineas Bacon, William Boyd, Leonard Miller and John Follet Privates in Capt. Tillman's Company and that Capt. Van Der Hoof be Summoned to appear before this Board to shew reasons at that Time why the said Distress should not be Carried into Execution A Petition of Joseph Jadwin and Charles H. Toll was laid before this Board, and read which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) A Petition was also laid before this Board and read, of Jacob Vieler Lewis Vieler Marten Winne & [680a] Seventy two others which said Petition is in the following Words (to wit) Ordered That the Consideration of said Petition be postponed till this afternoon Adjourned till 2 OClock A. [P.] M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Chairman Philip P. Schuyler William Zimmer Wm- Thorn Stephen J. Schuyler Hezekiah Van Orden John Tayler Harmen Fort Gerardus Cluet Chrisr. Tillman Philip Conine Wouter N Groesbeeck Richard Bronck John Tillman Lewis Van Antwerp Isaac Van Aernam George Palmer Henry I. Bogert John Ten Broeck Samuel Rowland Isaac D. Fonda Garret Van Bommel Johannis Holsapple Jonas Vrooman Jer. Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Frederick Berringer Philip Van Veghten Peter Bratt Abraham Fonda Henry Marselis John M. Beeckman Whereas this Committee did on the 28h day of May last past at the request of Coll Lewis D. Quarter Master General empower Messrs Gerret Groesbeeck Corns. Swits and Stewart Dean to Seize the Sails Rigging Anchors &~. of the Sloop Albany the property of Robert Hoakesly who is supposed PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 805 to be gone over to the Enemy, And whereas it is represented to this Board that the said Persons above named have declined Seizing the said Sails Rigging &c. Thereupon Resolved That Collo. [681] Lewis be and he is hereby empowered to seize the said Sails Rigging &c- and after Seizure that he cause the same to be appraized by the said Stewart Dean and Gerrit Groesbeeck, and that the said Collo Lewis appropriate so much thereof as he shall want and pay the appraized Value thereof to the Chairman of this Committee, by him to be disposed of as the said Resolution of the 28th May directs Resolved That a Committee of Three be appointed to examine the Witnesses respecting the Controverted Election for Committee in the District of Schaghtekocke and that they Report the Examinations with all Convenient Speed - The Committee chosen for the above purpose are Messrs. Jer. Van Rensselaer, John Ten Broeck and John Tayler Three Pay Rolls of Captns- Jacob De Freest, George Scharpe and Capt. Ichabud Turner, also a Subsistance Roll of Capt' Turner's Company was laid before this Board amounting in the whole to ~82.. 12.. 5 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. The Committee appointed to examine the Witnesses respecting the Controverted Election for Committee in the District of Schaghtekocke brought in the following examinations here take in (prout) The General Committee having taken into Consideration the Complaint of Charles H. Toll, Joseph Jadwin & others against the M\embers of the Schaghtekocke Committee setting forth, that said Committee had not permitted the abovesaid Charles H. Toll and Joseph Jadwin to give their Votes for Committee, and have taken such Methods for influencing the Electors, that renders the Election Illegal and after having heard the Evidences and examined [681a] the Proofs of both parties, This Committee are of Opinion and do resolve that the said Committee of Schaghtekocke are reprehensible in hindering the said Charles H. Toll and Joseph Jadwin from giving their Vote - This Committee are further of Opinion that as no Proof has been produced to Invalidate the Legality of the Election for Committee of Schaghtekocke District, and that if the Votes of said Charles H Toll and Joseph Jadwin were added to any of the Candidates on the Poll List, the Persons now returned as Members, would still have a great MajorityThis Committee do therefore Resolve that the said Election is Legal, and that the Persons returned as Members of the Committee of Schaghtekocke District hold their Seats as such and Act accordingly 806 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Ordered that the Consideration of the Petition of Charles H Toll and Joseph Jadwin be postponed till to Morrow Morning It being represented to this Board that John C. Holland is very ill and that it would conduce to the recovery of his Health provided he had the Liberty of the Fort Ordered Thereupon that the Sheriff grant Liberty accordingly Ordered That John Bleake be permitted to take with him from this place to Boston, Josiah Blakely Ordered that John Theurden be and he is hereby Cited to appear before this Board without delay [682] Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment 3rd. July 1777 Present John Barclay Philip Van Veghten Jonas Vrooman William Zimmer Wm- Thorn George Palmer Lewis Van Antwerp Harmen Fort Peter Ryckman Frederick Berringer John Price George White John Holsapple John N Groesbeeck1 Chairman Samuel Rowland John Tillman Hezekiah Van Orden Christopher Tillman Peter Bratt Gerrit Van Bommel Abraham Fonda Philip P. Schuyler Philip Frisbe Elijah Bostwick John Tayler Henry Marselis An Account of John Van Benthuysen was laid before this Board amounting to ~0.. 7.. 0 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of John MC.Dole for going to express to Grote Imboght amounting to ~3.. 6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account for the same Service of Barnards' Halenbeeck amounting to ~7.. 13 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account for the same Service of Jacob De Garino amounting to ~4.. 11..6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. 1 Wouter N. Groesbeeck PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 807 [682a] Collo- Tupper appeared before this Board and informed that two Soldiers belonging to their Reg't had deserted, and that he had reason to suspect they were lurking in and about this City Therefore Resolved That Collo. Tupper be permitted to search for the said Deserters at such places and Houses as he shall think proper, he taking especial Care that no Violence or Injury is done to Persons or Property Resolved That Capt. David McCarty be requested to cause Coenraedt A Ten Eyck, Ephraim P Bogardus & Patrick Calellen to be immediately apprehended and sent up under Guard to this place Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Liut. Juriyan Hogan requesting him immediately to apprehend Roeliff Van Der Karr and fortwith bring him before this Board - Albany Committee Chamber 4th July 1777 Present John Barclay Henry Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Abraham J. Yates Frederick Berringer Henry I. Bogert Philip Van Rensselaer John Tayler Jacob Cuyler Abraham Cuyler John N. Bleecker Chairman Johannis Holsapple Henry Marselis Myndert Roseboom John Price Harms- Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Stephen J. Schuyler Philip Van Veghten Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker [683] Albany Committee Chamber 4th July 1777 4 OClock A. [P.] M. Present. John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Henry Marselis Stephen J. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry I. Bogert John Tayler Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Henry Bleecker John Tillman Corns. Cuyler Isaac D. Fonda John Price Abraham J. Yates 808 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that a Letter be prepared to Collo- Van Den Bergh requesting him immediately to cause Roeliff Van Der Karr to be apprehended, and sent under a proper Guard to this place without delay From a Letter of David McCarty and William Adamson it appears that Coenradt A. Ten Eyck, after taking the Oath of Allegiance has drank damnation to the Congress, and beat and abused the Wife of the said Adamson, the said Ten Eyck upon his appearance confessed the same - Thereupon Resolved That the said Coenraedt A. Ten Eyck be Confined till Monday next then to be Liberated upon his entring into Bond for his future good behaviour An Account of Henry I. Bogert for sounding the River between this, and East Camp was laid before this Board amounting to ~3 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. [683a] Albany Committee Chamber 7t July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip P. Schuyler Harms. Wendell Corns. Cuyler Henry I. Bogert Jno~ Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda John Price Jer. Van Rensselaer Received a Letter from Mrs: Caty Cuyler dated this Day inclosing one from her Husband Henry Cuyler dated 30th June last which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Reced. a Letter from Mrs Mary McAlpin dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit Recd. a Letter from David McCarty dated the 5th- Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from William Adamson dated 5th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd- a Letter from Cornelius Humfrey dated 6th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved Thereupon that the said Abraham E. Van Alen be discharged from Confinement, and that he be on Parole to appear when called upon PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 809 [684] Albany Committee Chamber 8th July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt Abraham J. Yates Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman Received a Letter from Collo Lewis Deputy Quarter Master General dated 8th July 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Therefore Resolved That Messrs Myndert Roseboom and Abraham J. Yates in the first Ward, Jacob Bleecker and Isaac D. Fonda in the second Ward, and Isaac Van Aernam and Harmanus Wendell in the third Ward, and Bastiaen T. Visscher & Peter Bratt in the Manor Rensselaer be a Committee to procure from the Inhabitants of the respective Wards as many Pots and Kettles for the use of the Army as possible, and that they cause the same to be delivered to the said Collo Lewis, he paying the accustomed price therefore Recd a Resolution of the Council of Safety dated 5th Instant which said Resolution is in the Words following Words to wit (prout) [684a] Albany Committee Chamber 8th July 1777 4 Clock A. [P.] M. Present John Barclay Esqr General Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price Abraham J. Yates Isaac Van Aernam Chairman Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt Philip P. Schuyler John Tayler John M. Beeckman Ordered that the Sheriff be requested to deliver immediately to the Secretary a List of the Names of the Prisoners confined in his Custody and that he make out the Crimes alledged against them Resolved That two Sloops be prepared to carry said Prisoners to the Fleet Prison 810 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 9th July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jacob Bleecker Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr Abraham J. Yates Chairman John N. Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Isaac D. Fonda Henry I. Bogert Peter Bratt John Ten Broeck Whereas it is represented to this Board that John Barry is moving off with his Family, & other Stores therefore Resolved that the said John Barry be ordered not to depart personally from this place unless it is with Legal orders, and that he also keep with him [or] deposite with such persons as he shall judge necessary [matter missing here] [685] Albany Committee Chamber 17th July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip P. Schuyler Harms. Wendell Henry I. Bogert Henry Marselis Lowrance Fonda John M. Beeckman John Ten Broeck Peter Bratt Collo0 Hay Deputy Quarter Master appeared before this Board and informed them, that the public business is much impeded for the want of Bellows's to carry on the blacksmith's business, and suggested to the Board that Harmen Van Der Zee had one which he seldom or ever made use of Therefore Resolved That it be most earnestly recommended to the said Van Der Zee to furnish the said Collo Hay with the said Bellows -And it is farther Resolved That in Case Mr. Van Der Zee does not Comply with the request of Coil Hay, that he be and is hereby empowered to seize the said Bellows and have the same appraized by two indifferent Persons, and pay the appraized Value thereof to the said Van Der Zee PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 811 Recd a Letter from Govr. Morris and Ab. Yates Junr dat'd Fort Edward 16th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Reced. a Letter from Genl" Schuyler dated the same Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [685a] Albany Committee Chamber 19th July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I. Bogert Peter Bratt John M. Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr. Isaac Van Arnam Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda John Ten Broeck Jeremiah Van Rensselear Recd a Letter from the Honbl Major General Schuyler dated 18th- Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that [an] answer be prepared thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd. a Resolution of the Council of Safety dated 16th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) At the Request of Messrs. James Caldwell and John Maley Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [686] Albany Committee Chamber 16th July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman Henry I. Bogert Albert Maybe Bastiaen T. Visscher John M. Beeckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Whereas it has been represented to this Board, that there is reason to suspect that divers ill minded Persons, and Enemies to the Liberties of this State have in a private and secreet manner purchased a Quantity of Flour 1 Date incorrect or minutes recorded in wrong order. 812 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE and stored the same in several private places, under the pretension of storing it for their family's use in time of apprehended scarcity - Therefore Resolved That every Person in this County who has not publickly exerted himself in aiding to the defence of this much injured Country, and purchasing any more Provisions than he or they were formerly used to do for their Families, shall upon information and proof of the same be immediately apprehended and sent to the Fleet Prison, and all such provision so found as aforesaid be seized & appropriated to public use. Major Hay appeared before this Board and represented to them the absolute necessity there is to forward the public Service, that a number of Axes, and all the Lead that can be spared, should be forwarded to the Army at Fort Edward - Therefore Resolved that it be most earnestly recommended to the Inhabitants of this City to furnish Messrs [686a] Andries Douw and Philip Lansing with all the Axes, and Lead, they possibly can spare, for which the Quarter Master General will make a reasonable Conpensation or the Axes returned by the first day of November next Resolved That Mr Isaac D. Fonda be requested to attend the Quarter Master General or any of his Deputies in taking all the Lead out of the Cesh Windows in the Houses in and about this City, and that he use all the prudence and Caution in his power to prevent any Damage being done to the Windows Ceshes &sc by the means aforesaid [687] Albany Committee Chamber 21st July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansing Junr. Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Myndert Roseboom Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Bleecker John Tillman John M. Beeckman Hars Wendell Henry I. Bogert The Committee appointed to apprehend and secure the perpetrators of the Robbery Committed on Messrs. Berringer Gardineer and others Reported that they had made diligent search for them but could not find any of them, that they have found part of the Effects of the said Berringer which they returned to him, and also 34 Sides of Leather which they have retd. to Mr Seaver PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 813 They farther Reported that Johannis Mack Bernard Bolack, Petrus Plass John Smith Jacob Miller Christiaen Snyder & Everhart Weeger are Persons who were concerned in the Robbery, and that they find on the Possessions of said Persons, exceeding fine Crops of Grain Corn, Hay &' and some Cattle & Grain and pray the advice of this Board what to do respecting the removal of the Effects, and Cutting the Grain &c' Resolved Thereupon that the Report of this Committee be approved of, and that the removal of the Effects & Cattle and the cutting of the Grain be deferred till farther orders The said Committee farther Reported that they have in their Custody four Horses two the Property of [687a] Petrus Plass and two the property of John Smith and prayed the advice of this Board what should be done therewith Thereupon Resolved that the said Committee [dispose of'] send the said Horses [at public Vendue to the highest'] to [the places from whence they were taken till the farther order of this Board'] the places from whence they were taken till further orders An Account of John Davis was laid before this Board for Lodging and dieting one Edward Davis who had been employed in detecting a number of disaffected Persons to the State, amounting to ~9.. 11..8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid, Received a Letter from Robert Benson Esqr Secretary to the Council of Safety dated 19th Instant inclosing a Resolution of the Council of the 1 7th and Copy of a Letter to Gen1l Schuyler of the same Date which said Letters and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Chrisr' Tappen and Peter P. Van Zandt dated 19th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [688] Albany Committee Chamber 22nd July 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Hars Wendell John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 1 Crossed out in the text. 814 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 22nd July 1777 6 OClock P. M. Present John Barclay Esqr. John Ten Broeck Abm- Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry Bleecker Peter Ryckman Chairman Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Philip Van Rensselaer Jer. Van Rensselaer Collo Vrooman and two other Gent. from Schoharry appeared before this Board and represented to them the defenceless State that place was in, and requested all the aid this Committee could afford them. Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Major General Schuyler which was done in the following Words, to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 24th July 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Jer Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Chairman Henry I. Bogert Abraham J. Yates Peter Bratt Wm- Thorn [688a] Received a Letter from the Honorable the President of the Council of Safety dated 22nd Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved than an answer be prepared thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 26th July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Henry I. Bogert John Tillman Peter Bratt John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Jer. Van Rensselaer PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 815 Whereas it has been represented to this Board by the Deputy Quarter Master General that the public Service is suffering for the want of Carriages and that with all their endeavours they have not been able to procure three Waggons for which they are in immediate want Therefore Resolved that the Deputy Quarter Master General or any of his Deputies be and they are hereby empowered to Impress three Waggons and retain them in the Service on the same Terms as others are done Resolved That the Chairman be and he is hereby empowered upon the application of the Deputy Quarter Master General or any of his Deputies to grant Warrants to impress any Articles or Things they may stand in need of for the public service This Resolution to continue in force till revoked by this or a future Committee [689] Recd. a Letter from the Honble Major General Schuyler dated the 23rd Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Messrs- John Ten Broeck, Henry Bleecker and John Tillman - be a Committee to repair to Schoharry, and there confer with the people of that District on the present State of Affairs and endeavour to revive their Spirits and arouse them for their State of Supineness, as nothing can more effectually tend to save their Country from Rapine and devastation as a Vigorous exertion of their own Strength Albany Committee Chamber 29th July 1777. Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Jer. Van Rensselaer Hars Wendell Jacob Bleecker John Tillman Jacob Bleecker Junr Abraham J. Yates Myndert Roseboom Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Reced. a Letter from the Honble- Major General Schuyler dated Moses Creek 27th July 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Tryon County inclosing the Letter from the Council of Safety directed to the Committee of 816 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE that County and opened thro' mistake by the Chairman, which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from Dr Potts director of the Hospital dated this Day which is in following Words to wit (prout) [689a] Resolved That the Commanding Officer of this place be and he is hereby empowered to impress indiscriminately in the City of Albany Twelve Waggons to Transport public Stores &c- from Half Moon to Stillwater Albany Committee Chamber 30th July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert John M. Beeckman Hugh Mitchel Dirck Van Ingen Cornelius Cuyler Abraham J. Yates Peter Bratt Samuel Rowland Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Myndert Roseboom Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac D. Fonda John Williams Wm- Thorn John Tillman Recd a Letter from the Council of Safety dated 27th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) It being represented to this Board that Daniel Campbell and John Sanders of the Township of Schonectady, have refused to receive in Payment the Continental Currency, which at this Day of Distress saps the very foundation of the opposition made by the United States of America against the Hostile Invasions of the King of Great Brittain - Therefore Resolved that the said John Sanders & Daniel Campbell be immediately apprehended and sent down to the Council of Safety, to be dealt with as they shall think proper and that the Committee of Schonectady cause this Resolution to be Carried into execution Resolved That this Resolution be and is hereby extended to all such Persons, as shall be found [690] Guilty of the same Offence PROCEEDINGS, JULY, 1777 817 Albany Committee Chamber 31st July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Peter Ryckman John Tillman Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry I. Bogert Chairman John Ten Broeck Philip Van Rensselaer Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam Recd a Letter from Collo Lansing dated Camp near Moses Creek 30th July which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd. a Letter from Wm- Petry Chairman of the Committee of Tryon County dated 29th July Inst. inclosing Two Letters from Collo Gansevoort dated 28th which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of the Letter from Collo Lansing. Resolved That Lieut' Collo Ten Broeck be requested fortwith to order the Militia of this City who were to releave Collo Lansing's Party in nine Days to march immediately to Head Quarters for that purpose Whereas Information has been given to this Board that an Intercourse by Letter is held up between Hoakesly Edward & Ebenezer Jessup, and their Families, who are at one Kneer's - Therefore Resolved That Capt. John Tillman Junr. with a Party proceed to the House of said Kneer and there examine the Papers of the Families of the said Hoakesly and Jessups, and if any Letters are found, that he immediately bring them before this Board. Resolved That the Chairman apply to the Commanding Officer for five or Six Light Horseman to carry this Resolution into Execution [690a] Albany Committee Chamber 31st July 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Isaac D Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck John Tayler Jacob Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman Henry I Bogert Jacob Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt 818 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Recd by express a Letter from the Oneidas directed to the Committees and Gen1' Schuyler with a Belt - Ordered that the said Letter and Belt be forwarded to Genl1 Schuyler by express Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety inclosing Copy of the Letter from the Oneidas, and Copy of a Letter from Collo Gansevoort to Coll Van Schaick which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the same be sent by express Albany Committee Chamber I St. August 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck John Tayler Jacob Bleecker Junr. Jacob Bleecker John M. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert John Price Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher John N. Bleecker Myndert Roseboom Gerrit Lansingh Junr Peter Bratt Philip P. Schuyler Abraham Yates Junr. Abraham J. Yates John Tillman [691] The Committee took into Consideration the present distressed situation of the Country, and thereupon Resolve that it is their Opinion that it would conduce much to the Interest and welfare of the State were the Council of Safety to come up, and continue sitting at this place for some time Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety on the above Subject which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Agreeable to the determination of Yesterday the Inhabitants of this City being met at the City Hall - Resolved that they be addressed in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that Letters be prepared to the respective Collonels in this County requesting them immediately to march with their Regiments to reinforce the Army to the Northward - which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock A. [P.] M. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 819 Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker John Tayler John Price Jacob Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt Abraham J. Yates Henry I. Bogert [691a] Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Committees of the Counties of Berkshire, Springfield and Litchfield which was done in the following Words to wit & Sent by express (prout Letters) Recd. a Letter from Leonard Gansevoort Esqr' dated 31 st July 1 777 which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that an answer be prepared thereto and delivered and directed to Leonard Gansevoort Junr. Esqr which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that it be requested of the Committee of Claverack on Receipt of this immediately (to order all such Men fit to bear Arms) & that have removed from this City fortwith to repair to their respective Homes, and in Case of Non Compliance to send them up under Guard at their expence, for which this Committee will be answerable [Page 692 blank.] [692a] Albany Committee Chamber 4th Augst 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Harmanus Wendell Myndert Roseboom John Price Philip Van Rensselaer John Tillman Peter Bratt Abraham J. Yates John Tayler John M. Beeckman Philip Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Capt. William Johnson informed the Board that a Set of Tinmans Tools were much Wanted to forward the Artillery business, that he had done his endeavour to procure a Set, but could not get them That he had been well 820 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE informed that Mr. Burch had two Sets - one of which he has refused to part with, Therefore Resolved that Capt. Johnson be and he is hereby empowered to Seize the same, that he cause the same to be appraized by two indifferent Persons, and pay the appraized Value thereof to the said Burch, or that CaptJohnson obligate himself to return the Tools to said Burch as soon as they can be spared from the public service with an ample Compensation for the use thereof - Whereas the approach of the Enemy to the Northward has caused a Number of the Inhabitants of this County to move into this City with their Families and Effects And whereas a number of these have brought Milch Cows for the support of their Families, and no Pasture to put them in, And it being suggested to this Board that Edward and Ebenezer Jessup (who are gone over to the Enemy) have a large Tract of Pasture Ground [693] near this City, which will suffice for Pasturage Therefore Resolve that the said Inhabitants be and they are hereby empowered to put their Cows into the said Tract of Pasture Ground, under the Inspection of Cornelius Van Deusen who is hereby ordered to permit all such of the said Inhabitants whose Families consist of more than eight Persons to put two Cows in, and those Whose Families consist of less than eight One CowReceived a Letter from Collo Waterman and the Committee of Kings District dated 3rd Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that a Letter be prepared to Gen1l Ten Broeck which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 5th August 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer John Tayler Abraham J. Yates Peter Bratt Gerrit Lansing Junr. John Price John M. Beeckman Harms. Wendell John Ten Broeck John Tillman Philip Van Rensselaer Jacob Cuyler John Williams PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 821 Collo Wynkoop laid before this Board Instructions from his Excellency Govr Clinton, from which it appears that it is absolutely necessary two or three Members of this Committee should accompany him Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Schonectady which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [693a] John Kelly appeared before this Board and informs that Yesterday about one OClock he was Robbed of all his Cloath's and Household Furniture (except a Bed four Blankets and two Pillows) by a Party of Men among whom were Andrew Palmetier, Gershom French John Buys and Thomas Wood Junr. Albany Committee Chamber 6th Augt: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Harms: Wendell Abraham J. Yates Hezekiah Van Orden Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Stephen J. Schuyler Philip Van Rensselaer John Williams Philip P. Schuyler Myndert Roseboom Gerrit Lansing Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher Received a Letter from Leonard Gansevoort Esqr dated 4th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that a Letter be prepared in answer thereto and forwarded to Mr. Fonda which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereas the Chairman some time since received from Capt- Israel Spencer a Bundle of Money said to Contain ~504 which Capt. Spencer had recd- of Persons who had purchased the Effects of disaffected Persons in Manor of Livingston, and whereas the Chairman by Virtue of a Resolution of this Board, delivered the said Bundle of Money to the Treasurer of this Committee, to be by him kept till the farther order of this Board, and whereas it is highly necessary that Persons who have been employed in the service of this Committee should be plaid Therefore Resolved That the Treasurer [694] appropriate the said Sum of Money to the use of this Committee by discharging the Debts contracted by this Board. 822 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Collo Lewis Deputy Quarter Master appeared before this Board and informed them that General Schuyler was much in want of Carriages to forward the public business Thereupon Resolved That Letters be prepared to the different Committees in this County which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of Cornelius Swits for Transporting Tories from this Place to Esopus by order of the Council of Safety was laid before this Board amounting to ~25 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Nicholas Drewry for the same service was also laid before this Board amounting to ~25 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of John J. Hansen for going express to Schoharry was laid before this Board amounting to ~2.. 5.. 4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of Philip Wendell for the same service amounting to 16/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 7th Augst: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansing Junr Harms. Wendell John Price Isaac D. Fonda Abraham J. Yates Myndert Roseboom Jdhn Tayler Philip P. Schuyler Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt Barent Myndertse [694a] Received a Letter from the Honble Major General Schuyler dated the 5th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Collo Ten Broeck be requested to order ten Men from each Company with proper Officers of his Regiment to March with the greatest dispatch to the East part of the Manor of Rensselaer and there apprehend and destroy all such Persons who shall be found in Arms against the State and who have Robbed the Inhabitants PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 823 Albany Committee Chamber 7th Augst: 1777 2 0Clock A. [P.] M. Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip Van Rensselaer Harms. Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda John Price Jacob Bleecker Henry Marselis Abraham J. Yates John Tillman Resolved That Thomas Lotteridge be and he is hereby ordered not to Ferry over any Person or Persons without producing to him, a pass or permit from the Chairman of this Committee, or from the Commanding Officer in the Northern Department, or any of the Officers under his Command. Resolved That Capt. Price who is to take the Command of the party to the East part of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, be furnished with the following InstructionsSir. [695] You will proceed with the party under your Command, with the greatest Silence and dispatch to Anthony Van Iveren's from thence to the Geer Berg, and so to John Fonda's, John Kelly's and the Neighbourhood round about it, and there and in your way thither distroy and secure all such Persons, as you shall find in Arms against the State, and all such Persons, who have been concerned in Robbing and Pillaging a Number of Friends in that part of the County among the Robbers, the Committee have undoubted information that Andrew Palmetier and Gershom French are principals for the taking (dead or alive) apprehending & Securing of each or either of them, a Reward of One hundred Dollars will be paid by the Committee to the party apprehending them, You will also assist all such Persons who propose to you to move their Families and effects to a place of Safety in effecting it. Jonathan Potts Esqr Director of the General Hospital in the Northern Department appeared before this Board and represented to them, that he had under his Care a Number of Sick and Wounded Officers, and no proper places to put them in, and suggested to this Board the propriety of taking two or three Houses, that are untenanted in this City into Custody for that purpose Therefore Resolved that Dr. Potts be and he is hereby empowered to take into his Custody any three untenanted Houses in this City he paying the proprietors or their assigns an equivalent therefore 824 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [695a] Albany Committee Chamber 8h Augst. 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham J. Yates John Tillman Junr- Ph. P. Schuyler Myndert Roseboom Bastiaen T. Visscher Harms Wendell Stephen J. Schuyler Peter Ryckman Isaac D Fonda Philip Van Rensselaer Recd. a Letter from Major Livingston aid de Camp to Major General Schuyler inclosing the Crimes of the Prisoners, sent in dated 7th Instant which said Letter &c. is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered that the said Prisoners, be sent with the rest of the Prisoners to the Fleet Prison An Account of Jacob Kidney for his attendance on Committee was laid before this Board amounting to ~38..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also Three Accounts of Stephen Bell for attending the Prisoners confined in Goal, and other necessaries found for the Committee, were laid before this Board amounting to ~33.. 9 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also An Account of John Fryer for keeping in repair the Wells on the Plain, amounting to ~1.. 18 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of Edmund Butler for the same Service amounting to 16/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid [696] Albany Committee Chamber 9th Augst: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Stephen J. Schuyler Jer. Van Rensselaer Abraham J. Yates John Tayler Henry Marselis Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Tillman Chairman Myndert Roseboom Hezekiah Van Orden Goose Van Schaick Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Van Veghten George White Daniel Hull PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 825 Henry Bleecker applied to this Board for a pass to move his own, John N. Bleecker and Gerrit Roseboom's Families which was granted Capt. George White applied to the Board for leave to raise a Company of Rangers, to quell the disaffected in the East part of Manor Rensselaerwyck, [and to do such other Duty as may be required from them 1] Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl1 Ten Broeck which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [696a] An account of Garret Van Bommel was laid before this Board for his attendance in a Sub Committee, to direct the apprehending a number of disaffected Persons at or near Saratoga, amounting to ~2, which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of Mat: Visscher was laid before this Board for his Services as SecY amounting to ~104..8..3 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 10th August 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junrt Jer Van Rensselaer John Williams Bastiaen T. Visscher John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman John Williams Hezekiah Van Orden Johannis Ball Philip Van Rensselaer Peter Bratt Henry Marselis An Account of Edward Davis was laid before this Board for services performed amounting to 10/ which is allowed and ordered to be paid Resolved that the Prisoners sent to the Care of this Committee by Genl Arnold be sent to the Care of the Council of Safety together with the Crimes they stand charged withResolved that Jacobus Hooghteeling, Isaac Ackerman, Hugh McCowen, (John Dove John Seabeck two Criminals) [blank space] be sent to the Fleet Prison [697] Resolved That all Inhabitants of this State who have fled to this City for protection, and have no Houses to put their Families and Effects in be and they are hereby empowered to put their Families and Effects in such empty Houses in this City as they can find 1 Crossed out in the text. 826 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Messrs. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Matthew Visscher the Committee appointed to examine the Accounts of Gerrit Lansing Junr Treasurer to this Committee Report, that they have examined his Accounts with his Receipts, and that he has produced to them Receipts for the Sum of ~8658.. 18..3 and that the said Treasurer ought to be discharged therefrom Thereupon Resolved that the said Report stand Confirmed, and that the said Treasurer retain in his Hands the Sum of ~85.. 11..3 as a Compensation for his trouble, And it is further Resolved that the said Gerrit Lansing Jun. detain in his Hands the Receipts & Vouchers till the farther order of this Committee Albany Committee Chamber 11 th Augt: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Peter Ryckman Myndert Roseboom Jer Van Rensselaer Henry Marselis Gerrit Lansingh Junr Abraham J. Yates John Williams John Price Jacob Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Received a Letter from Lynde Lord Chairman of the Committee of the Town of Litchfield dated 4th August Instant which said Letter is in the following Words Vizt (prout) [697a] Adam Hellmer having at the risque of his Life come out of Fort Schuyler to give information respecting the situation of affairs Thereupon Resolved That the Treasurer pay the said Adam Hellmer ten pounds for and as Compensation for his troubleResolved that a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety inclosing Copies of Letters by this Board to the New England People and the Answer recd thereto from the Committee of Litchfield County which was done in the following Word's to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Tryon County which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 827 Albany Committee Chamber 12th Augst- 1777 Present Isaac Van Aernam Chairman P T. Myndert Roseboom John Tillman Volkert Veeder Peter Ryckman John Tayler Jer. Van Rennselaer Abraham J. Yates Henry I. Bogert Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry Marselis Recd. Letters from Abraham Yates Junr dated 9th and 11th Instant inclosing a Resolution of the Council of Safety dated 9th which said Letters and Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) [698] Albany Committee Chamber 13th Augst: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Peter Ryckman Henry Marselis Bastiaen T. Visscher Myndert Roseboom John Tillman Abraham J. Yates John Price Henry I. Bogert William Thorn Isaac Van Aernam Received a Letter from General Schuyler dated 12th Instant inclosing a Speech to the Oneida's which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) This Committee taking into Consideration the Resolution of the Council of Safety of the 9th Instant, and thereupon Resolve That Messrs- Myndert Roseboom & [Abm" J. Yates Isaac Van Aernam] John Price be appointed a Committee for the purpose of carrying the said Resolution into Execution 828 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 14th August 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac Van Aernam John Tillman John Price Stephen J. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Oothoudt Jer. Van Rensselaer Andrew McFarlin Myndert Roseboom Abraham J. Yates Philip Van Veghten John Williams Philip Van Rensselaer Henry I. Bogert Hezekiah Van Orden Information being given to this Board that if a Party was to set out from this City with Secrecy and dispatch, the disaffected and Robbers [698a] sculking in the Woods in the East part of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck might be apprehended Therefore Resolved That Lieut' Collo. Ten Broeck be requested fortwith to order out one hundred Men, to parade at the City Hall and to march to such place in this County as this Board shall directIn Consequence of the Resolution of the Council of Safety Resolved That Collo. Myndert Roseboom be and he is hereby appointed to provide and issue Provisions to such Persons Refugee's who are not able to support themselves - Whereas this Committee on the 1st Instant did among other things Resolve that Leonard Gansevoort Esqr should proceed to Kingston and there deposit the Records of this City and County, and after such deposit that he should immediately return to this City, And whereas it is inexpedient that the Person who has the charge of the Records should be restricted to a place so remote from the Records Therefore Resolved that, that part of the Resolution directing Mr Gansevoort's immediate return to this place be Rescinded Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Collo Lewis D. Q. Master General which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of David Gibson was laid before this Board amounting to ~3.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 829 [699] Albany Committee Chamber 14th August 1777 3 OClock A. [P.] M. Present John Barclay Esqr Stephen J. Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Jer. Van Rensselaer John Tayler John Tillman Resolved Chairman Hezekiah Van Orden Henry I. Bogert Henry Marselis John Price Albany Committee Chamber 15th Augst: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates Henry I. Bogert Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher The Committee having Yesterday Resolved That Considering the Robberies Committed, and the disaffected People in different parts of this County gathering together in Arms against the good people of this State - To raise two Companies of Rangers in the following manner - We the Subscribers do hereby Voluntarily enlist ourselves in the service of the State of New York under the Command of the Captains Robert Woodworth and George White and such other Officers as shall be placed over us, that we shall and will from time to time follow the advice [699a] orders and directions of the Officers set over us and also the orders and directions of the Council of Safety of this State and the Committee of the City & County of Albany and that we shall and will Continue in the said service untill the first day of October next, unless sooner discharged by the said Council or Committee - The Officers to receive Continental Pay and Sixteen Shillings P Week in Lieu of Rations The Non Commissioned Officers and Privates also Continental Pay and twelve Shillings 7 Week in Lieu of Rations The Company to Consist of one Captain two Lieutenants and Sixty Non Commissioned Officers and Privates- Each Officer and Private to find and Provide themselves with sufficient Arms and Accoutrements 830 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE It being represented to the Board that the public Service suffered much for the want of Wire, and that Mr Burch had a Quantity in his Possession which he refused to part with Therefore Resolved That Capt- Andries Douw be and he is hereby empowered to seize the said Wire, That he cause the same to be appraized, and pay the appraized Value thereof to the said Mr Burch or his assigns Resolved. That Collo. Roseboom be and he is hereby empowered to take into his Custody for the use of the Cattle of such Persons who have fled to this City for Protection, The Pasture or Lot of Ground now occupied by Issachar Child [700] and the Property of Abraham and Philip Wendell that he cause the Pasturage to be appraized and pay the appraized Value thereof to the said Abraham and Philip Wendell Albany Committee Chamber 16th Augst: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Philip Van Rensselaer John Tillman Henry Marselis Jer. Van Rensselaer John Price Florus Banker Abraham J: Yates Jacob Bleecker Junr Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Cuyler Philip Van Veghten John Tayler Received a Resolution of the Council of Safety dated the 13th Instant which said Resolution is in the Words following to wit (prout) Received a Letter Collo Peter Vrooman dated Schoharry 15th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 18th August 1777 [Present] John Barclay Esqr Chairman Rynier Van Aelstyn John Price Florus Banker Peter Bratt Abraham J. Yates John Tillman Philip Van Veghten Stephen J. Schuyler Peter Ryckman Chrisr. Tillman Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry Marselis PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 831 Reced. a Letter from Collo- Whiting dated Kings District August 17th which said Letter is in the following Words to wit Thereupon Resolved That Lieut. Collo Ten Broeck [700a] be requested to furnish this Committee fortwith with one Captain Two Subalterns and fifty Men to Guard a Quantity of Ammunition to Kings District A Petition of David McCarty Coenraedt Ten Eyck and others in behalf of Ephraim P. Bogardus was laid before this Board and read Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Abraham Yates Junr. desiring him to use his influence to get Bogardus released which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That agreeable to Collo Whitings request application be made to Mr Philip Van Rensselaer for three hundred Wt. of Powder and Six hundred Wt. of Ball which was accordingly done Adjourned till 2 OClock A [P.] M. Met according to Adjournment Present Henry I. Bogert Barent Myndertse John Price Volkert Veeder John Tayler Chrisr- Tillman Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Myndert Roseboom Peter Bratt Philip Van Veghten Lewis Van Antwerp John Tillman Ordered That Henry I. Bogert be and he is hereby appointed Chairman Pro Temp. Resolved That application be made to the Commissary for Three Days Provision for one hundred Men, also for fatigue Rum [701] Received a Letter from Stephen Lush Esqr Secretary to his Excellency Govr. Clinton dated Kingston 17th August Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) 832 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 20th Augst 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Henry I. Bogert Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman John Tillman Adam Vrooman John Cuyler Junr Abraham J. Yates Chrisr. Tillman His Excellency Govr. Clinton having arrived in this City Resolved That he be addressed, in the following Words to wit (prout) and that the Secretary wait with a Copy thereof on the Governor, and request him to let them know when and where he will be ready to receive the Board in a Body Albany Committee Chamber 21st August 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda Abraham J. Yates Jacob Bleecker Junr. Isaac Van Aernam John Cuyler Junr Jacob Bleecker Peter Ryckman Myndert Roseboom The Secretary Reported that he had waited on the Governor with Copy of the address and had requested of him to know when and where he would be ready to receive the Board in a Body [701 a] That the Governor had given for answer that as he was not setteled, he would let the Board to know when and where he would be at leizure to receive them - It being represented to this Board that some of the Troop of Light Horse had in their late Tour to Schoharry taken a Horse the property of William Zimmer, and it having appeared to this Board under Oath that the said Zimmer is a Friend to the United States Therefore Resolved That Collo Van Schaick be requested to order the delivery of the said Horse to Jacob Snyder Collo Hay represented to this Board that a large drove of Cattle in possession of the Army the Property of the Inhabitants of this State who have fled from the Enemy, and the owners have not yet demanded their Property, and requested this Board to furnish him with a Pasture PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 833 Therefore Resolved that the requisition of Collo Hay for Pasture for the abovesaid Cattle be granted untill the owners remove the same and the distresses of the Times render it requisite that private Emolument must give way to the public, therefore this Committee recommend that the Patroon's Island and the farm of the late Cortlandt Schuyler Decd be appropriated for the above purpose and that each and every Person Claiming and removing the same shall pay a moderate Price for the use of said Pasture Recd. a Letter from the Council of Safety dated 19th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) [702] Albany Committee Chamber 22nd Augst: 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Lewis Van Antwerp Henry I. Bogert Peter Bratt John Tayler Jer. Van Rensselaer John Tillman Isaac D. Fonda John Price Jacob Bleecker Christopher Tillman Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Williams Myndert Roseboom John M. Beeckman Information being given to this Board that James Mather is a dangerous disaffected Person and that he and Family by means of their keeping Tavern had a great deal of Influence on the Soldiery and caused many to Desert Therefore Resolved that the said James Mather be immediately apprehended and put in Close Confinement, That his Family be turned out of the House and the House locked up Whereas it is represented to this Board by Collo- Lansing that there was in the Hands of Barent Staats ~44. which had been collected for the use of the Poor of Boston, and it having been only delivered in after the People of Boston were in a State of Affluence Therefore Resolved That the said Sum of ~44 be paid into the Hands of the [Treasurer 1] Chairman of this Committee, and be appropriated to the use of the public [702a] Whereas a certain Sloop the Property of Michael Huffnail, lies near the City Hall sunk in the River, And whereas John Tillman has applied 1 Crossed out in the text. 27 834 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE to this Board for leave to raise the said Sloop, for the purpose of Conveying his and Sons Families to a place of Safety in Case the Enemy should oblige them by their approaches to leave the City Therefore Resolved That the said John Tillman be empowered to take this said Sloop into his Custody for the purpose aforesaid, he paying Mr. Henry I. Bogert the Cost and Charges he has been at for and on Account of said Sloop, and it is farther Resolved That [in Case it should hereafter appear that the said Huffnail is gone over to the Enem 1]] said John Tillman enter into surety for the delivery of the said Sloop to this Committee or [their Order 1] the Commissioners for sequestrating the Effects of Persons gone over to the Enemy, when thereunto required. Albany Committee Chamber 25th Augst: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Tayler Philip Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert John Williams Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Abrm- J. Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher John Price Peter Bratt John Tillman Florus Banker Isaac Van Aernam [703] General Gates having requested this Board to assist the Quarter Master in procuring a Quantity of Boards for the use of the Army. Therefore Resolved That this Committee will at all Times give every aid in their power to the Quarter Master to procure the necessary number of Boards for the public service- That it be recommended to the different Persons in this County having Boards to dispose of, to sell them to the Quarter Master at a reasonable price, and it is farther Resolved That if any Person having Boards as aforesaid shall refuse to dispose of them to the Quarter Master at such reasonable Price, That upon Report thereof being made by the Quarter Master with the Names of the Persons so refusing this Committee will make such farther order concerning them as shall be necessary to carry this Recommendation into execution — Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 835 Albany Committee Chamber 26th Augst: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr John Tayler Abm- J. Yates John M. Beeckman John Tillman Jacob Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam John Ten Broeck Chairman Christopher Tillman Barent Myndertse Isaac D. Fonda Stephen J. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visschel Peter Ryckman [703a] An Account of Samuel Loadman for attending the Prisoners and other necessaries for the Committee by him provided was laid before this Board amounting to ~45.. 6.. 6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 27th Augst: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman John Ten Broeck Lewis Van Antwerp Isaac Van Aernam Abraham J. Yates Philip Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman John Tillman Jacobus Teller Albert Maybie John Tayler Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt Whereas this Committee for divers good Causes have ordered James Mather to leave this City with his Family and Effects, And whereas it is highly necessary for the welfare of the State that the House of the said James Mather should be let under a reasonable Rent to a Person Friendly to the Cause of America Therefore Resolved That the said House be let to M' Abraham Bloodgood. and that he pay a reasonable Rent therefore and obligate himself for the delivery of the said House & Rent to this Committee or their order and it is farther Resolved that Messrs Abraham J. Yates and Isaac D Fonda be a Committee to cause this Resolution to be carried into execution 836 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That Alexander White be sent to Kingston there to remain under the same restrictions he at present lies under A Petition of Harme Lieverse and Nicholas Van Den Bergh was laid before this Board, setting forth among other things, that they are willing to go up and cult their Grass provided thay could be assured that it would not be taken by the Army Ordered Thereupon that the said Petition be referred to the Honble Major General Gates for his Consideration Resolved that there be a Call of the General Committee on Tuesday the second Day of September next, and that the Secretary give Notice accordingly Resolved That Richard Tillman be and he is hereby empowered to take in Charge the Sloop Albany, and apparatus thereunto belonging the property of Robert Hoakesly who is gone over to the Enemy, that he convey the said Sloop to such place as the Chairman shall direct for the purpose of Confining the Prisoners now in Goal, and that he agree with Persons to assist him at the most reasonable price Albany Committee Chamber 28th Augst 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T Visscher Peter Ryckman Henry I. Bogert John Tayler John Tillman John Younglove Isaac Van Aernam Abraham J. Yates A, Petition of Samuel Swertfeger was laid before this Board, and read - Ordered Thereupon That a Letter be prepared to the Honble- Major General Gates which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [704a] Albany Committee Chamber 29th Augst: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Ph. Van Rensselaer John Williams John Younglove John Tayler Abraham J. Yates Peter Bratt Gerardus Cluet Bastiaen T. Visscher John Tillman Henry I. Bogert John M Beeckman Myndert Roseboom PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST, 1777 837 Resolved that any Person belonging to this State who has been taken in Arms with the Enemy at or near Bennington, or whose Conduct of late has appeared Inimical be apprehended fortwith & sent to this Committee that they may be dealt with according to their demerits Whereas it has been represented to this Board that the greatest part of the Inhabitants on the Schonectady Road, are disaffected to our Cause, and that frequent meetings of unfriendly Persons are at some of their Houses Therefore Resolved That in order to prevent any trouble in removing them, the Chairman write Letters to them acquainting them of the Complaints against them, and order their removal, and in Case of Non Compliance after reasonable Notice that they be removed by force - It being suggested to this Board that John MaComb who is a Person highly inimical to the Cause has been seen at or near Tunnicliffs Farm dressed in a Rifle Frock Therefore Resolved That Lieut. Abraham J. Yates be requested to take a Party and apprehend him and confine him in Goal [705] Resolved That Mr- John Js. Abbot be requested to keep the Town Clock in proper repair and good order, and that this Committee will pay him for his Trouble and expence Albany Committee Chamber 30th Augst: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Abraham J. Yates John Price Gerrit Lansingh Junr Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Frisbe Peter Ryckman John Tillman John Tayler Christopher Tillman John M. Beeckman Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Peter Bratt John Ten Broeck Philip Van Veghten An Account of Collo. Asa Waterman was laid before this Board for his extraordinary expences in apprehending and Guarding a number of disaffected Persons in the East part of this County amounting to ~14 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of John Price, Myndert Roseboom and John Bay for their Services in examining and stating the Crimes against a number of Tories at 838 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE the request of the Court Martial was laid before this Board amounting to ~34..18 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Resolved That the Secretary put up Advertisements requesting all Persons who have any Demands against this Committee to bring them in to the Secretary on or before the [tenth 1] fifteenth day of September next. [705a] Albany Committee Chamber 1st. Sept. 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Abraham J. Yates Peter Ryckman George White John M. Beeckman Harms Wendell John Ten Broeck John Tillman John Price Henry I. Bogert Myndert Roseboom An Account of Robert Van Rensselaer was laid before this Board for his Services as one of the Members of the Convention amounting to ~65 which is allowed and ordered to be paid A Pay Roll of Capt. John Price's Company for Guarding a Quantity of Powder, from Albany to Kings District amounting to ~28.. 7.. 1 1/3 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 2nd Sept- 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Bastiaen T. Visscher John Van Orden Jacob F Lansingh John Tillman Isaac D. Fonda Abraham D. Fonda Peter Ryckman John Ten Broeck Barent Myndertse Killiaen Van Rensselaer 1 Crossed out in the text. Chairman Christopher Tillman Daniel P. Winne Abraham Fonda Philip Frisbe Abraham Oothoudt Goose A. Van Schaick Peter Scharpe Harms Wendell John Tayler PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1777 839 [706] Resolved That the following Persons with their Families be sent to the Enemy in Case General Gates should approve of the measure ViztMrs. Abraham Cuyler, Henry Cuyler, McAlpin, Hoakesly, Jessup's, Jones's John Munro, James Gray, John Morral Jacob Muller, Gershom French, Lawrance Leedings, Isaac Mann, John Amory Casper M. Halenbeeck, Alexander Crukshank and Mrs Beaten An account of William Van Orden for Guarding Roeliff Jansen & Dirck Van Hoesen from Great Imboght to Philip Conine was laid before this Board amounting to ~1..16 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment 3 Sept- 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Henry Marselis Peter Ryckman John Ten Broeck George White George Palmer John Tillman Peter A Fonda John A Fonda Peter Scharpe Philip Frisbe Johannis Holsapple John Van Orden Chairman Lowrance Fonda Gose Van Schaick John Ten Broeck John Price Stephen Graves Lewis Van Antwerp Stephen J. Schuyler Peter Bronck Samuel Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Philip Van Rensselaer Resolved That the Committees of the respective Districts in this County be requested fortwith to order the Commissioners, or Surveyors [706a] of the Roads to have the same repaired without the least delayReceived a Resolution from the Council of Safety dated 30th August 1777 which said resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereas the Legislative Body of this State are ordered to convene at Kingston & a Council of Appointment will be chosen by Ballot from the Senate, to appoint Persons to fill the different Civil Offices in this State, and whereas the Council probably may not be fully acquainted with the Characters of Persons in the different parts of this County capable to fill the different Offices - Therefore 840 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That it be recommended to the Committees of the different Districts to consult with their Constituents and inform the Council of appointment or the Representatives of this County with the Names of such Persons as they shall think proper to fill the different Offices, That if any of those Persons should meet with the approbation of the Council they may be appointed accordingly An Account of Lourance Fonda for his attendance in examining the Tory's at Kinderhook amounting to ~26..8 was laid before this Board, and is allowed and ordered to be paid - [707] Albany Committee Chamber 4th Sept. 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams John Price Henry Marselis Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Junr. JohnTillman John Tayler Philip Van Veghten Resolved That the power given to Collo Hay by a Resolution of the 21st August last be vested in Capt- John Tillman, and that he be empowered to call on Collo Van Schaick for a Guard to Guard the said Cattle and if Collo Van Schaick cannot furnish him with a Guard, that he then call upon Gen1 Ten Broeck or Collo Lansing for that purpose Albany Committee Chamber 5th Sept' 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Flores Banker Isaac D. Fonda John Tillman Bastiaen T. Visscher Rutger Lansing Henry Marselis John Price Harmanus Wendell Abraham J. Yates Jacob Bleecker Peter Ryckman Philip Van Rensselaer Received a Letter from Udny Hay dated this Day Resolved That an answer be prepared thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1777 841 Received a Letter from Henry Cuyler dated Green Bush 4th Sept- Instant which is in the following [707a] Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That the said Henry Cuyler has been guilty of a breach of faith which is held most sacred by all mankind - and that he be apprehended and sent to the Council of Safety It being represented to the Committee that Thomas Waters has cruelly beat and abused one Abraham Van Ness, and that he is suspected of being a Person highly Inimical to the Liberties of America Therefore Resolved That the said Thomas Waters be immediately apprehended and put in Close Confinement Albany Committee Chamber 8th Sept. 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Cuyler Philip Van Veghten Jer. Van Rensselaer John Younglove Abraham J. Yates John M. Beeckman John Williams Gerrit Lansing Junr Lewis Van Antwerp Isaac D. Fonda Recd. a Letter from the Honble Major Gen1 Gates dated Head Quarters 6th Sep't 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from the Committee of Claverack District dated 6th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit prout [708] Albany Committee Chamber 9th Sept. 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Rynier Van Aelstyn Jer. Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman John Tillman Philip Van Veghten Peter Bratt Gerrit Lansing Junr. Myndert Roseboom John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham J. Yates Peter Ryckman 842 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That Daniel B Bratt be Liberated on his entering into Bond with sufficient Surety in the Sum of five hundred Pounds for his future good behaviour and to appear before this Board or any other power under the Authority of this State Resolved That Joseph Woodward David Preston Othniel Preston, Samuel Preston and Joshua Tanner have the Liberty of the Fort in the Day Time, and that all the Sick Prisoners be put in one Room and their Irons taken off. Resolved That the Chairman be empowered to Liberate Myndert Lagrange and Frederick Blessing from Confinement upon their entring into Bond with sufficient Surety for their future good behaviour [708a] John Marten who works with Mr Bloodgood informs that James Blakely took him and another Person Prisoner and carried them to Robert Leake who discharged him, and that he is satisfied Blakely had been with the Enemy [Remainder of this page blank] [709] Johannis Van Deusen John Price Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam Resolved That John Tillman be and he is hereby empowered to take the Sails and Rigging of the Sloop of Michael Huffnagel, supposed to be in the Possession of John Roff Resolved That Nicholas Van Patten be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with sufficient Surety in the Penal Sum of five hundred Pounds for his future good behaviour, and that his Sons take the Oath of Allegiance Resolved That Francis Weaver be Liberated from Confinement upon his taking the oath of allegiance Resolved That Joseph Kline be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with sufficient Surety in the Penal Sum of four hundred Pounds for his future good behaviour Whereas this Committee did heretofore order and empower Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh to Levy so much of the Effects of Stephen Du Colon (who was gone over unto to the Enemy) as would neat the Sum of one hundred Pounds, and whereas application was this Day made by the Committee of Claverack District that the said Money might be ordered to be delivered to them to be appropriated towards the discharge of their public Accounts PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1777 843 Therefore Resolved That the said Isaac P. Van Valkenburgh deliver the said one hundred Pounds [709a] to the Chairman of the Committee of Claverack Destrict, and take his receipt for the same and also his promise to account with this Committee for the expenditure thereof Albany Committee Chamber 18th Sept 1777 Present. Bastiaen T. Visscher John M. Beeckman John Williams Philip Frisbe Lewis Van Antwerp Isaac Van Aernam Isaac Fonda Philip Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman John Tillman General Ten Broeck Abraham Cuyler John Ten Broeck John Tillman Johannis Van Deusen Received a Letter from the Honble Major Genl1 Gates dated 1 7th Sept. 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the Quarter Master and the Committee appointed to take the Lead out of the Windows, do immediately enter upon that necessary business Albany Committee Chamber 19th Sept 1777 Present. Bastiaen T Visscher Esqr Peter Ryckman John Ten Broeck Philip Van Veghten John Younglove Isaac D. Fonda Henry Marselis Chairman P. T. John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Cuyler Stephen J. Schuyler John Tillman [719] 1 Recd. a Letter from his Excellency the Govr. dat [ed 17th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) 1 Minutes of these sessions were bound up in the wrong order and given wrong page numbers in the manuscript. They have been put into their proper place in this printed edition. 844 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Quarter Master be requested to deliver to Richard Tillman the Sails lately by him taken belonging to the Sloop Albany and that the said Sloop be immediately prepared for the reception of the Prisoners confined in the Fort. Resolved That a Committee of Three be appointed to examine the Lists of the Prisoners confined in the Goals, and make Report which of them ought to be sent to the Fleet Prison - The Committee chosen are Mr. Younglove Mr. John D Fonda and Isaac Van Aernam Albany Committee Chamber 29th Sept 1777' Present. John Barclay Esqr John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman John Williams Abraham J Yates Henry Marselis John Price Chairman Philip Van Veghten Peter Bratt Lewis Van Antwerp Volkert Veeder Stephen J. Schuyler Isaac D. Fonda Resolved That application be made to the Quarter Master for as much Rope as will be necessary to prepare the Sloop ready for Sailing on Board of which the Prisoners are to be Confined - [719a] Resolved That the Prisoners now in Goal be sent off immediately to Esopus Landing and there be delivered to the Warden of the Fleet Prison Albany Committee Chamber 21 t Sep 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Ph Van Rensselaer John Williams Wouter N Groesbeeck Isaac Van Aernam Lewis Van Antwerp John Tillman John N Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Abraham J. Yates Peter Bratt Stephen J Schuyler Peter Ryckman Chrisr. Tillman Isaac D. Fonda John Price 1 See note on p. 843. PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1777 845 Received a Letter from Coll~ Lewis dated 20th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That a List of the Waggons now in and about this City be made out and delivered to Capt. Ephraim Van Veghten with a Warrant to impress them which was done accordingly Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Gen1l Ten Broeck which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 22 Sept- 777 Present John Barclay Esqr Stephen J Schuyler Bastiaen T Visscher Chrisr. Tillman Joseph Row Isaac D. Fonda Chairman John Tayler John Williams John Price Gerriet Lansing Jur [710] Recd. a Letter from Collo Hay dated 22nd Sept. which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That the following Letter be sent to the different Districts inclosing Copy of Collo Hay's Letter, which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 22nd. Sept. 1777 2 OClock P M. Present John Barclay Chairman John Price John Tillman Volkert Veeder John Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Isaac D. Fonda Ph. Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler John Williams Recd. a Letter from Collo Hay dated this Day at 5 OClock this Morning which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) 1 See note on p. 843. 846 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Secretary informed that he had received from Genl Gates from which it appears that the Genl1 expects Gen1l Burgoyne will speedily endeavour to come to AlbanyTherefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl1 Ten Broeck requesting him to order the Militia to March immediately to the Northward which was accordingly done [710a] Albany Committee Chamber 24th Sept 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Tayler Isaac D. Fonda John Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Philip Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Recd Two Letters from Jacob Cuyler Esqr- dated the 23rd. Instant which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Abraham Yates Junr. Esqr. which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of Richard Tillman for his Services for going express to Barrington to call out the Militia was laid before this Board amounting to ~5.. 15 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 25th Sept 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr John M. Beeckman Philip Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam George Palmer Peter Ryckman Capt. Herrick John Ten Broeck John Tayler [711] George Palmer Esqr. one of the Commissioners for the Northern District of this County appeared before this Board and informed that some time since by order of this Board he had seized a Considerable Quantity of 1 Daniel Herrick? PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER, 1777 847 furniture, farming Utensils and Cattle formerly belonging to Capt. McAlpin who is gone off to the Enemy, that the advance of the British Troops into the Country put it out of the power of the Commissioners to dispose of said Effects as the Resolution of Convention for that purpose made directs, that the Cattle cannot be kept for want of Pasture and begged to have the Opinion of this Board whether it would not be adviseable to dispose of said Cattle immediately Therefore Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Board that the said Cattle ought to be sold to Morrow Morning and that the said Commissioners be requested to order the Cryer immediately to give public Notice of the Time and place of Sale Resolved That a Committee of Two be appointed in each respective Ward of this City to superintend the Election of Aldermen Assistants and Constables - The Committee chosen for that purpose are in the first Ward, Peter Ryckman and John Price, in the second Ward John N. Bleecker and Isaac D. Fonda, and in the third Ward Gerrit Lansing Junr and Isaac Van Aernam [71 la] Albany Committee Chamber 26 Sept. 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman John Williams John Ten Broeck Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Lewis Van Antwerp John Price John M. Beeckman Abraham J. Yates Resolved That the Chairman be empowered fortwith to send for the Salt allotted to this County now in the Manor of Livingston with all Speed, and the same be distributed among the Inhabitants pursuant to the Resolves of the late Council of Safety of this State Whereas this Committee did some time since upon the application of the Deputy Quarter Master General recommend it to the said Quarter Master to endeavour to purchase from the Inhabitants of this County to purchase such a Quantity of Boards & Plank as should be required for the public service, And whereas the said Quarter Master hath represented to this Board that divers Persons in this County who have Boards &c- to dispose of refuse to sell the same at a reasonable Rate 848 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Therefore Resolved That the said Quarter Master or any of his Deputies be and they are hereby empowered to seize any Quantity of Boards [712] not exceeding 7000 for the present and that He pay the owners thereof a reasonable price for the same -and Provided that no Seizure be made on any Boards &c. already purchased by the Quarter Master in the northern Department Resolved That Messrs Peter Ryckman and John Williams be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to deliver out the Salt allotted to this County agreeable to the Resolutions of the late Council of Safety of this State Resolved That Jacob Van Der Werken and Schebolet Bogardus be Liberated from Confinement upon their entring into Bond with Surety in the sum of ~300 each for their future good behaviour and to appear when called upon - Albany Committee Chamber 29th Sept 1777 Present. Bastiaen T Visscher Gerrit Lansingh Junr. John Ten Broeck John Price Myndert Roseboom Lewis Van Antwerp Isaac Van Aernam William Thorn Dr Malachey Treat have requested the Assistance of this Board in procuring some convenient Buildings for the reception of the Wounded & Sick OfficersTherefore Resolved That the said Dr. Treat be and [712a] he is empowered to take into his Possession for that purpose the House of Abraham C. Cuyler Albany Committee Chamber 30th Sept 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr. Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman John Price Henry Marselis Lewis Van Antwerp Abm- J. Yates Wessel Ten Broeck William Thorn John Van Orden PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1777 849 Whereas this Committee by the Limitation of the late Council of Safety of this State expires on the first day of October next, and no provision made by the Legislature for the internal Government of this County And whereas this Committee sensible of the evils that attend a part of the State where no judicial or executive powers are exercised, are of Opinion that the powers of the Committee so far as it concerns the public Weal ought to be exercised untill the Legislature shall order otherwise Therefore Resolved That this Committee will exercise the said powers untill the Legislature shall order otherwise A Pay Roll of Capt. John Price's Company for services performed in apprehending a number of disaffected Persons was laid before this Board amounting ~13.. 17..4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Also an Account for Victualling his Men [713] amounting to ~6. 16 which is allowed and ordered to be paid. Albany Committee Chamber 3rd Septr. [October] 1 777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr Isaac Van Aernam John Price Hars Wendell Hezekiah Van Orden Myndert Roseboom The Committee having recd information that there is a distressed Family near Neal Shaw's and that one of the Children is infected with the small Pox Therefore Resolved That the Chairman of the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck be directed to have the said Family removed from the place they now reside at, to a place more distant from this City & it's Invirons and that Myndert Roseboom be directed to Issue Provisions to said Family - Recd a Letter from Jacob Cuyler Esqr dated this Day which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout)- Thereupon Resolved that the said Jacob Cuyler be furnished with the following Resolution to wit (prout) 850 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 4 Octr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Henry I. Bogert Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda Abraham J. Yates John Tayler John Williams [713a] Received a Letter from Melancton Smith, Andrew Billings and Peter Cantine Junr- dated Kingston Octr 2nd which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Mr. Gerrit Lansing Junr- the Treasurer be directed immediately to send for the Accounts of this Committee, that they may be transmitted to the Auditor General for a settlement Whereas it has been represented to this Board that a certain Robert Fullerton formerly suspected as a disaffected Person has for some time absented himself and is now on the opposite side of the River near Nistegeone, and is supposed to be carrying on a Correspondence with the Enemy Therefore Resolved That the said Robert Fullerton be fortwith apprehended and brought before this Committee - Resolved That a Note be prepared to the Commissary of Issues requesting him to supply the Women and Children sent down by Gen1. Gates with Provisions which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Sir General Gates has Yesterday sent to this City, three Women and a number of Children makeing in the whole fifteen ordering them to be taken Care of, we would therefore wish you would supply them with Provisions, Whereas the Honble' Major Genl Gates has sent to this Board fifteen Women and Children with directions to have them taken care off Therefore Resolved that [714] the said Women & Children be for the present put into the Untenanted House next below the House of John De Peyster Esqr. untill they can be otherwise provided for by the Committee Resolved That Jacob Kidney cause this Resolution be carried into execution Resolved That Jacob Kidney immediately cause the Family near Neal Shaw's infected with the Small Pox to be removed to a place more distant PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1777 851 from this City and it's Invirons, and that he be empowered to call to his assistance such a number of Person's as he shall conceive necessary to carry this Resolution into execution Albany Committee Chamber 9th Oct 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates John Williams Chairman Hezekiah Van Orden Isaac Van Aernam Henry Marselis John Tayler Henry I. Bogert Resolved That a Letter be prepared to General Gates which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That there be a call of the General Committee on Tuesday next and that the Secretary write Letters to the District Committees informing them of this Resolution Dr Treat informed this Board that a number of Wounded Soldiers will be down from Camp [714a] and that the Hospital and other Houses in that employ will be insufficient to contain them Therefore Resolved that the said Dr Treat or any other Person by his directions be and he is hereby empowered to take into his Possession of such Houses as are untenanted, paying a reasonable Rent to the owner during their occupying the same Recd a Letter Collo Udny Hay dated 7th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered Thereupon that the Quarter Master and the Members of the Committee individually be empowered to forward all the Waggons they come across - Albany Committee Chamber 13th Octr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman John Williams Chairman Abm- J. Yates Philip Van Veghten Peter Bratt Henry I. Bogert 852 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Tryon County dated the 1 th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the said Committee be informed that we have never given any order of that Nature never presumed it, nor never wished to have any directions without our Jurisdiction [That which follows here in the manuscript, p. 715-716a, is a rough draft of Minutes of Feb. 14 and 16, 1778. They belong between ms. p. 770-71, and have been so placed in this edition.] [717] Recd. a Letter from the Honle- Major Genl Gates dated 12th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That John Klien be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with Surety in the Sum of one thousand Pounds for his future good behaviour Albany Committee Chamber 15th Oct 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Abm- J. Yates Peter Bratt Peter Ryckman Hars. Wendell Gerrit Lansingh JunrHenry I Bogert Philip Van Veghten Bastiaen T. Visscher Resolved That the Treasurer Mr Gerrit Lansingh Junr be requested to deliver to the Secretary of this Board all the Accounts belonging to this Board and that he draw out the Accounts to be laid before the Assembly Albany Committee Chamber 16th Oct 1777 Present. Peter Ryckman Isaac D Fonda John M. Beeckman Abraham J Yates Henry I Bogert Jonas Vrooman David Sternberger John Younglove John Williams [717a] Recd. a Letter from Pierre Van Cortlandt Esqr dated 15th Instant PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1777 853 Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Tryon County which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That also Letters be prepared to the Committees of Schonectady & Schoharry which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 17th Oct 1 777 Present John Williams Peter Bratt Henry I Bogert Peter Ryckman Philip Van Veghten John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Junr Myndert Roseboom John Price Recd. 2 Letter's from the Honble- Major Genl1 Gates dated 16th Instant which are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Letters be prepared to the Committees & Field Officers of the Districts of Coxackie Kinderhook Claverack & Manor of Livingston requesting them immediately to assemble along the Banks of the River and to send all Flour & public Stores to this place and Cattle to the Interior part of this County [718] Albany Committee Chamber 20th Octr 1 777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Stephen J. Schuyler Peter Ryckman Harms* Wendell Hezekiah Van Orden John M. Beeckman Peter Bratt Rutger Lansingh Isaac Van Aernam Abraham J. Yates John Tayler Henry Marselis Received a Letter from Henry I. Bogert and Isaac D. Fonda dated this Day at five OClock in the Morning which said Letter is in the Words following to wit (prout) Recd. a Letter from Peter R Livingston dated 15th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) -A 854 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Upon the Certificate of General Fellows and Collo John Brown which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Daniel Cornel, Thomas Cornel Abner Hunt, Allen Potter, Zephaniah Anthony and James Wells, in the said Certificate named be discharged - Resolved That a Committee be appointed to confer with Gen1 Gates on the Matter contained in the Letter of Mr Bogert and Mr. Fonda The Committee chosen are Stephen J. Schuyler and Hezekiah Van Orden - The Committee returnd and Report That the Gen1l is of Opinion that the Sloops ought not now to be sunk and ithat the Troops he had with him here was a sufficient defence for the City - Thereupon Resolved that the following Letter be sent to Mr Fonda and Mr Bogert (prout) [718a] Albany Committee Chamber 21st Oct 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates Philip Van Veghten John Tayler Corns- Cuyler Henry Marselis Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr John Price Peter Bratt The Honble- Major Genl Gates having sent to the Chairman several intercepted Letters from Genl1 Vaughan and Capt' Wallace to Sir Henry Clinton and Commodore Hotham, which were readOrdered that the said Letters be returned to Genl Gates, and that he be thanked for his attention to this Committee Resolved That Joshua Partlo' and Allen Partlo be Liberated from Confinement Resolved That Messrs John Tayler and John M. Beeckman be a Committee to examine Mr William McCrea. Resolved That the Chairman be empowered to grant a Warrant to impress Sloops to fetch Wood for the use of the Troops and the Sick & Wounded. [Pages 719 and 719a of the manuscript belong between manuscript pages 709a and 710, and have been so placed in this printed text. ] [720] Mrs. Cuyler Wife of Abraham C. Cuyler formerly Mayor of this City applied for l[eave] to move to New York PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1777 855 Resolved That the said Mr. Cuyler be permi[tted] to go to New York at her own expence after [ I delivering to the Commissioners under Oath a [n] Inventory of all the Effects she was in posses [sion] of at the Time her Husband went over to th[el Enemy and where such Effects can be had exclusive of her necessary expences since that Time - Resolved That Mr John McDole be Liberated from Confinement Resolved That Lowrance Rysdorp be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with sufficient surety in the Sum of ~1000 for his future good behaviour and appearance before the Committee when called upon Resolved That the Revd. Samuel Swertfeger be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with Surety in the Sum of ~500 for his future good behaviour and appearance before the Committee when called upon [720a] Albany Committee Chamber 22 Octr 1777 Present [John] Barclay Esqr Chairman [Isaajc Fonda [Aj]bm- Fonda [Harm]s Wendell Henry Marselis [Peter] Ryckman Philip P. Schuyler [Ab] m J. Yates John Price [Hez]h. Van Orden Resolved That the Chairman be directed to send Carts to the Yard of Robert Hoakesly for such a Number of Loads of Wood for the use of this Board and the Prisoners as he shall think proper Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Octr. 1777 Present John Barclay Esq Chairman Philip Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler John Price Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Harms. Wendell Abraham J Yates A Petition of Richard Cartwright was laid before this Board and read praying a recommendation of this Board to the Honble Major Gen1 Gates for a pass for his Son and a Daughter of Capt. Robisson to Canada. 856 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved that the prayer of the said Petition be granted - [721] Captn. Price one of the Members of this [Board] complained that some of his Hay wa[s this] Morning taken away by a Party of Men [belonging] to Collo Henry B Livingston's Regt- and [ ] taken by a file [of] Men and brought before L[ieut.] Collo Regnier who after some time relea[sed] him Resolved That Capt. Price be directed to Tran[smit] the said Complaint to the Honble- Major Genl1 Gates, and that the Genl be requested to inquire into the affair Albany Committee Chamber 24th Octr: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler Peter Bratt John Tayler John M. Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman Harms Wendell Myndert Roseboom Isaac Van Aernam Henry Marselis John Price Philip Van Rensselaer Abraham J. Yates Hezekiah Van Orden Resolved That the following Letter be sent by express to the Council of Safety, and that he be directed to wait the Answer of the Council thereon (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to George Palmer Esqr which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [721 a] Albany Committee Chamber 25th Octr. 1777 Present [John B]arclay Esqr Chairman [John Wi] Iliams Abraham J. Yates [Henry] Marselis Gerrit Lansingh Junr [Henry] I Bogert Philip Van Veghten [Mynd]ert Roseboom Corns' Cuyler [ ] Cuyler Peter Bratt [Isa] ac Van Aernam Peter A Fonda Peter Ryckman PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER, 1777 857 Resolved That Jacob Cuyler be permitted to take the three Hogsheads of Salt belonging to this Board & now on Board the Sloop of James Dole, upon Condition of his promising to return the same Quantity by the latter End of next Week A Petition of Jn~o Monier was laid before this Board praying the Recommendation of this Board to the HonbIe Major Genl Gates for a pass to New York Ordered that the said Petition be referred to the Council of Safety Albany Committee Chamber 27th Oct 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman Peter Ryckman Philip Van Rensselaer Henry Marselis John M. Beeckman John Williams John Tayler Isaac Van Aernam Barent Myndertse Corns Cuyler Gerrit Lansing Junr. Abraham Cuyler [722] Albany Committee Chamber 30th Octr: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Jacob Bleecker Junr John Williams Rutger Lansingh Henry Marselis John Fort Myndert Roseboom Harmanus Wendell Philip Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Peter Bratt [Re]ceived a Letter from Jacob Cuyler dated this [dajy which is in the following Words (to wit) Adjourned till 2 OClock A. [P.] M. 858 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment. Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Gosen Van Schaick Isaac Van Aernam Rutger Lansing Peter Bratt Philip Van Rensselaer John Williams Harmanus Wendell John M. Beeckman Resolved In Consequence of the Honble Major Genl. Gates's request that Genl1 Nixon's Brigade be billetted in and about the City of Albany [722a] Albany Committee Chamber 31st Octr: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I Bogert Isaac D Fonda John Williams Harms Wendell Peter Ryckman John M Beeckman Abraham J Yates Isaac Van Aernam John Price John Tayler Ab. Cuyler Peter Bratt Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac Fonda Philip Van Rensselaer A Petition of Hugh Simm was laid before this Board praying the recommendation of this Board to the Honble- Major Gener[al] Gates for a pass to New York Resolved That the Petition of Hugh Simm be grantedRecd. a Letter from John Cruger dated 30th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the said Letter be Copied and sent to the Council of Safety for their determination thereonOrdered That the Secretary immediately Write a Letter to Abraham Yates Junr Esqr requesting him to send up the Records of this Committee with the first oppertunity PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1777 859 [723] Albany Committee Chamber 3 Novr: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler Peter Bratt Abraham J. Yates John Price Isaac Van Aernam Henry Marselis Harms Wendell Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman Isaac Fonda Major Genl1 Gates having requested this Board to allot two Rooms for three Officers Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl Gates which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Mr. Peter R Livingston having acquainted this Board that the Salt by him purchased for the use of this State is by him stored according to an order of the Council of Safety at the Stores of Major Dirck Jansen and Philip Spencer and none at the landing of Collo- Robert Livingston — Therefore it is Requested that the said Peter R Livingston do cause the seventeen hundred Bushels appropriated for the Counties of Albany and Tryon to be sent up to this City with all dispatch and that this Board will pay him the cost of Transportation of the said Seventeen hundred Bushels from Major Jansen's and Philip Spencer's (except about one hundred and fifty Bushels which is to be retained for the use of the Districts of Manor Livingston [723a] Claverack and the German Camp) That Major Jansen be and is hereby appointed Commissioner for the Districts of Manor Livingston and the German Camp, That Mr. Johannis T. Van Deusen be and is hereby appointed Commissioner for the District of Claverack- The above Commissioners are hereby required to be and appear before the Chairman of this Committee and take the Oath as required by the Council of Safety for the faithful discharge of the duty required of them - Resolved That John Van Valkenburgh and Abraham Vossburgh be discharged from Confinement upon their entring into Bond for their future good behaviour Recd a Letter from Genl Schuyler dated 1st Instant which is in the Words following Words to wit (prout) Resolved that the said James Hart therein mentioned be confined till farther orders 860 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 4th Novr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman Harms- Wendell Abraham J. Yates John M Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Volkert Veeder Isaac Van Aernam Stephen J Schuyler John Price [724] Resolved That the Honble Major Gen1 Gates be requested to furnish this Board with a List of the Names of such of the Enemies of the United States of America included in the Convention to be sent to Canada as have had their residence lately in this State John J. Cluet applied to this Board for leave to go to New York or Canada The Committee took the same into Consideration and thereupon Resolve not to grant his request Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr John Price John Williams John M Beeckman John Tayler Abm- J. Yates Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Harms Wendell Peter Bratt Peter Ryckman Mr. John Van Ness of Kinderhook appeared before this Board and informed that David Michael the Prisoner he has this day delivered to the keeper of the Goal, had confessed in Genl Burgoyne's Camp, that he had murdered Abraham Van Ness, a Son of the said John Van Ness, He further informs that a Number of Persons concerned in the Murder and Robbery, are now Sculking in his Neighbourhood and prays that some means may be fallen on to cause [724a] those Persons to be apprehended, This Committee taking the same into Consideration and Thereupon Resolve [blank space] PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1777 861 Albany Committee Chamber 5th Novr: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher John Williams Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Robert Yates Albert Maybie Abraham Ten Broeck Henry I. Bogert Stephen Schuyler Recd. a Letter from Andrew McFarlan Esqr dated 4th Instant inclosing a Letter from Daniel Campbell dated 28th Octr which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That Mr Campbell be informed that he must apply for the release of the Persons therein mentioned to the Council of SafetyResolved That James Ellice be Cited to appear before this Board on Tuesday next, and the said James Ellice is hereby cited accordingly [725] Albany Committee Chamber 6th Novr. 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Price Abm- Cuyler John Williams Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Lowrance Fonda Harms Wendell Philip Van Rensselaer This Committee taking into Consideration the necessity of having [Fire Masters appointed] Chimney Viewers appointed, and Thereupon Resolve That Isaac G Lansingh and Barent Isaac Staats be and they are hereby appointed Chimney Viewers in the first Ward, William Groesbeeck and John J. Hansen in the Second Ward and John Ouderkerk and Gerrit Witbeeck in the third Ward, and that they be and are hereby empowered to use and exercise the powers and Authority's which former Chimney Viewers have used and ought to exercise That the said Chimney Viewers Visit every fourteen Days on Monday Morning all the Chimney's and places where ashes are gathered in their respective Wards, and that the said Chimney Viewers be empowered to Levy 862 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE instead of the former Fines of three Shillings the Sum of Twelve Shillings for each default [725a] Resolved That Untill the Mayor Recorder and Aldermen are properly Qualified the fines and Penalties above inflicted be Levied by Warrant under the Hand of the Chairman of this Committee, and that the said Fines and Penalties be appropriated by the said Chimney Viewers to and for their own private use, as a Compensation for their Time and trouble - Resolved That the said Chimney Viewers enter on this necessary business on Monday next, and so continue every fortnight untill the first Monday in March next unless sooner discharged Whereas This Committee stands indebted to many Persons who are in great distress for want of the Money due them, And whereas application has been made by this Board to the Council of Safety for the Sum of ~2,000 to discharge the said Debts, And Whereas the said Council of Safety did inform this Board that the State Treasury was in a Low State, and advised this Board to take the said Sum on Loan Therefore Resolved That application be made to the Commissioners for sequestring [726] the Effects of Persons gone over to the Enemy in the middle District of this County for the said Sum of ~2,000 and that the faith of this Committee be pledged for the obtaining a discharge for the same from the Authority of this State, or the repayment of the said Sum of ~2,000 to the said Commissioners by this Committee Resolved That the Secretary order the Treasurer to lay his accounts fortwith before this Board Resolved That the Secretary examine the Minutes of this Committee, and collect therefrom the amount of the different Sums of Money expended by this Board previous to Mr Lansing's being Treasurer Resolved That Philip Van Rensselaer Esqr. be requested to replace the Lead taken from the Windows of the different Houses in about this City Albany Committee Chamber 7th Novr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip Van Rensselaer John Price Harms Wendell John Williams Floras Banker Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt Abraham J. Yates Gerrit Lansingh Jur. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1777 863 [726a] Andrew Tallhamer and Abraham Vollywyser having brought to confinement for their having been with the Enemy, were examined, and nothing material having turned up in their examination, and the Committee being well convinced that they had some thing more to communicate Therefore Resolved That the said Tallhamer and Vollywyser be again Committed Ordered That the Chairman give an order in favour of the Treasurer to receive the ~2,000 mentioned in the Resolution of the 6th Instant from the Commissioners Albany Committee Chamber 8th Novr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Harms Wendell Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert Philip Frisbe Abraham J. Yates Recda Letter from John E. Van Aelen Kinderhook Novr. 1777 praying leave to come in and take the Oath of Allegiance which said letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That the said John E. Van Aelen be informed that previous to his making any application to become a Member of the State he ought to surrender himself a Prisoner to the Sheriff of this [727] County, [as the first Step towards his obtaining leave to take the Oath of Allegiance to this State1] Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Dr Potts which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Isaac Man Senr. be permitted to return from the State of New Hampshire to this place, upon his entering into Parole with the Committee of the Place where he is confined to appear before this Board immediately upon his arrival at this Place and that he will Travel the direct Road hither Resolved that Mr Teunis Slingerlandt one of the Commissioners of High ways be directed immediately to order the bridge at the Normans Kill, and the Road leading to this City to be repaired 1 Crossed out in the text. 864 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [727a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th Novr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler Stephen J. Schuyler Harms. Wendell Philip P. Schuyler Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman John Williams Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry I Bogert General Ten Broeck Robert Yates The Committee being informed that some of John Roff's Children were infected with the small Pox Therefore and in pursuance of the Resolutions of Convention Resolved That the said John Roff immediately remove such Child or Children out of this City to his Fathers place or any other five Miles from this City provided it is not near a public Road. Albany Committee Chamber 12th Novr. 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman Rutger Lansingh Hars Wendell Robert Yates John M. Beeckman Hezekiah Van Orden Johs. Becker John Ball Chairman Calvin Skinner Abraham Ten Broeck Philip Van Veghten Philip Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Yates Junr. John Ten Broeck The Quarter Master represented that the Quantity of 7000 Boards mentioned in the Resolution of the 26th September last was not [728] near sufficient to compleat the business required and prayed that he might have Liberty under the same Resolution to purchase or seize a further Quantity of 8,000 Boards Therefore Resolved That Liberty be given accordingly under the same restrictions mentioned in the Resolution above alluded toAdjourned till 2 OClock P M. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1777 865 Met according to Adjournt' Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Robert Yates Hezh. Van Orden Philip Van Veghten John Fort Johs Beecker Calvin Skinner John Ball Recd' a Letter from the Council of Safety dated the 7th Instant inclosing a Resolution of the 5th which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That an Answer be prepared to the said Letter which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [728a] A Bond of Signed John Evarts and Philip Spencer was laid before this Board, whereby they engaged in the Penal Sum of ~400 to convey Gilbert Evarts from this City to Litchfield County Goal, and to return him to this Committee when called upon Ordered Thereupon That the said Gilbert Evarts be thereupon delivered to the said John Evarts - An Account of David Gibson was laid before this Board for going express to different parts of this County with Letters to the Colonels for calling out the Militia, amoung to ~5.. 10- which is allowed & ordered to be paid. A Petition of John E Van Aelen was laid before this Board and readThereupon Resolved That John E. Van Aelen be Liberated from Confinement upon his taking the Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York and entring into Bond with surety in the Sum of ~200 to appear when called upon by any Authority of this State and answer such complaints as may be exhibited against him for any Treasonable Act or Acts by him committed against the United States of America since the first day of August last28 866 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [729] Albany Committee Chamber 13h Novr 1777 Present. Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman P. T Johs Ball John Fort John Ten Broeck Calvin Skinner Isaac Fonda John Tayler Johs- Becker Rynier Van Aelstyn Isaac Van Aernam Recd a Letter from Collo James Gorden dated 10th Novr Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from Daniel Campbell dated 12th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd also a Letter from Peter Ten Broeck dated this day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Calvin Skinner one of the Members of this Board informed that John Milch an Inhabitant of Saratoga District was now in Goal and taken by the Army under Genl Gates in coming into his Camp, That the said Milch has before the retreat of our Army always behaved himself friendly to the Cause, but did not move of when orders came for that purpose, owing to his Team being in the Continental Service Therefore [729a] Resolved That the said John Milch be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with surety in the Sum of ~100 for his appearance when called upon and future good behaviour Resolved That the Treasurer pay unto Isaac Fonda Chairman of the Committee of Half Moon District one hundred and fifty Dollars and take his receipt to render an Account of the expedition thereof. Resolved That the Treasurer pay unto Major Ezekiel Tayler one hundred Dollars for apprehending one Jacob Miller agreeable to a Resolution of this Board passed in June last Resolved That John Oothoudt be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with Surety in ~100 for his appearance & future behaviour The Committee of Schoharry represented to this Board That a Negro Man of Martinus Van Aelstyn who has been with the Enemy and has been apprehended by Lieut' Alexander Harpur is now sculking in and about Schoharry Therefore Resolved That the Committee of Schoharry and the said Lieut. PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1777 867 Alexander Harpur be directed immediately to cause the said Negro Man to be apprehended and brought to this City there to be confined till the farther order of this Board[730] Albany Committee Chamber 14th Novr 1777 Present. John Ten Broeck Esqr Chairman P. T. Peter Ryckman Abraham Cuyler Philip P. Schuyler Volkert Veeder Gerrit Lansingh Junr Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Nathaniel Culver Isaac Fonda Jacob Cuyler John Tayler Resolved That the Treasurer pay unto Isaac Doty Twenty Dollars for and on Account of Services performed in apprehending dangerous and disaffected Persons to the United States Mr John Van Ness appeared before this Board and informed that he had received information that two Persons by the Name of Galer had been to the Enemy and were present at the Time his Son was Killed Therefore Resolved That Collo- Abraham Van Aelstyn be directed immediately to detach an Officer with a party to apprehend the said Galers and fortwith to send them to this place to be Confined Collo Lewis Deputy Quarter Master appeared before this Board and informed that it was the Genis- pleasure that the Committee would be pleased to assign the Quantity of Wood necessary for each fire place - Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Genl1 which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Genl1 Gates having sent a List of the Prisoners with their Crimes taken by the Army under his Command, and requested that a Committee of Two might be appointed to meet two Colonels and examine the Crimes and Prisoners and Report thereon Thereupon Resolved That Messrs John Tayler and Jer. Van Rensselaer be a Committee for that purpose. 868 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 15fh Novr. 1777 Present John Williams Chairman P. T. Peter Ryckman John M Beeckman John Price Isaac Van Aernam Henry I Bogert General Ten Broeck Abraham J. Yates Gerrit Lansingh Junr Hars Wendell The Committee being informed that one Teunis Swart (Son of Sias Swart) had obtained a Certificate and received 57 Quarts of Salt and as the said Swart is a disaffected Person - Resolved That the Committee of Schohary be requested to cause the said Salt immediately to be taken from the said Swart, and be distributed among [731] the well affected agreeable to the Resolutions of ConventionResolved That such Persons who require to speak with any of the Prisoners confined in Goal be permitted to speak with them thro the Hole of the Door in the presence and hearing of one of the Goalers, and that the Goaler be allowed by the Persons requesting to speak as aforesaid 1/4 as a compensation for his trouble Resolved That the Aldermen elected in the respective Wards of this City be requested to cause the Bridges, Wells and Pumps in this City to be put in good repair and that the expence attending the same shall be paid by this Committee upon their producing an Account thereofAlbany Committee Chamber 17th Novr: 1777 Present John Williams Deputy Chairman Isaac D Fonda Abraham Cuyler Jer Van Rensselaer John Tayler John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry I Bogert Peter Bratt Harms. Wendell Peter Ryckman PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1777 869 [731 a] Albany Committee Chamber 18h Novr 1777 Present John Price Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman Abraham Ten Broeck Henry I Bogert Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Corns Cuyler Hars Wendell Abraham Cuyler John M. Beeckman Killiaen Van Rensselaer Recd a Letter from Peter R Livingston Esqr [ 1] 1 5h Instant inclosing an Invoice of the Sa [ 1] sent up by Capt Winne agreeable to the order of the Chairman of this Committee Recd two Resolutions of the Council of Safety dated the 1 1 th Instant which said Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereas this Committee are well satisfied that divers disaffected People in this County have by Art & Cunning obtained a Certificate from the Chairman for Salt Resolved That Messrs John Price, Isaac D. Fonda & Bastiaen T. Visscher or any one of them be a Committee to inspect the Certificates and delivery of the Salt agreeable thereto by the Commissioners and the said Committee are hereby empowered to prevent such Persons as they are satisfied to be Enemies to the States from receiving Salt notwithstanding their having obtained Certificates for that purpose Resolved that a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Tryon County which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Copy of the Letter from the Committee of Tryon County with Genl Gates Answer be Transmitted to the Council of Safety [732] Resolutions of the Committee of the City & County of Albany begun 19th Novr. 1777 Mat: Visscher Secy: [Page 732a blank] 1 Manuscript torn. 870 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CQRRESPONDENCE [733] Albany Committee Chamber 19th Novr: 1777 Present John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Peter Bratt Hars Wendell John M Beeckman John J. Ten Broeck Jer Van Rensselaer Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansing Junr Abraham J. Yates Ordered That Isaac Van Aernam be and he is hereby appointed Chairman P. T. Genl Gates laid before this Board Copy of a Letter from his Excellency Geo Clinton Esqr dated 13th Instant and a Letter from Zephaniah Batchelor dated 12 Instant of which the following are true Copies (prout) Resolved That Mr. John J. Ten Broeck be directed immediately to cause the Militia Officers in the District to which he belongs to make a return of the Well affected Persons therein and that the said List be sent to Peter R Livingston Esqr who is hereby requested to deliver to the order of the Chairman of the said District a Quantity of Salt not exceeding two Quarts to each Head as may be specified in the said return A Pay Roll of Lieut John Van Wies Company for apprehending Tories was laid before this Board amounting to [~9..17.. 11 ] eleven pounds 18/3 which is allowed and ordered [733a] Albany Committee Chamber 21 Novr: 1777 Present Henry I. Bogert Chairman P. T. Abraham J. Yates Isaac Van Aernam Peter Bratt Jacob Bleecker Jun Philip Van Rensselaer Jerh. Van Rensselaer Harms: Wendell General Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman A Petition of Duncan Shaw was laid before this Board, setting forth that he remained on his Farm at the Time our army retreated from Fort Edward, and praying that he might be enrolled as a Subject of the State Ordered That the said Petition lie on the Table PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER, 1777 871 Upon the representation of a State of Facts relative to the property of Shaw & Ludlow, now in the possession of William H Ludlow of Claverack Resolved That it be recommended to the Commissioners for sequestring the Effects of Persons gone over to the Enemy in the Southern District of this County to desist from any farther proceedings respecting the said Effects of said Shaw & Ludlow as above recited untill such Time as the Opinion of the Council of Safety can be obtained thereon not exceeding one Month - [734] A Pay & Subsistance Roll of Capt. William Winne's Company was laid before this Board for Services performed in apprehending a number of disaffected Persons amounting to ~20.. 17..6 1/3 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Also an Account of said Capt' Winne for Provisions found by him for his Company amounting to ~2.. 17.. 6 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 22nd Novr: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Abraham Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam John Price Isaac D. Fonda Harms Wendell Abraham J. Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Jer. Van Rensselaer Andrew Palmeteer and fifteen other Prisoners were this day delivered to this BoardThereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of Richard Tillman for services performed in bringing the Sloop Albany to this Place for the reception of disaffected Persons was laid before this Board amounting to ~35..16 which is allowed & ordered to be paid [Page 734a blank.] 872 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [735] Albany Committee Chamber 26th Novr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr John M. Beeckman John Price John Tayler Isaac Fonda James Gorden Philip Vn Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman Jonas Vrooman Abraham J. Yates Harms Wendell John Williams Jonas Vrooman Abraham Yates Junr. Peter Ryckman The Committee were informed that there was a Quantity of Furniture & Effects put on Board the Flag of Truce in order to be carried to New York. Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to GenI Gates which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Jacob Kerncross be Liberated from Confinement upon his entering into Bond with Surety in the Penal Sum of ~50 for his appearance when called upon and future good behaviorAlbany Committee Chamber 28th Novr: 1777 -Present. John Harms Wendell Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda John Williams Jer.Van Rensselaer Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman James Gorden John Tayler Nathaniel Culver John Price PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 873 [735a] Albany Committee Chamber 1st Decr: 1777 [Present] John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Abraham Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Henry I Bogert Stephen J. Schuyler John Price John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher John Tayler Elionar Alshoudt whose Husband is at New York applied for a pass to New York and 20/ to pay her passage, ordered that a pass be granted accordingly and that Collo Roseboom be requested to pay her the 20/ - Resolved That Lowrance Snyder be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with Surety in ~200 for his appearance when called upon and future good behavior Mr Hugh Denniston appeared before this Board and complained that he had purchased in the Name of public or forfeited property, at public Vendue a Negro Wench which proved Crazy and which he is well informed is the property of Wessel Van Schaick and prayed to have the Opinion of this Board in the premisses - Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Board that Hugh Denniston return the Wench to the Commissioners who sold her at public Vendue [736] Albany Committee Chamber 2d Decr 1777 Present John Barclay Chairman John Williams Harmanus Wendell Isaac Van Aernam Bastian Visscher Henry I. Bogert Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Abram Cuyler John Ten Broeck Philip Schuyler Cornelius Lansing appeared before this board & complains that a Captain and one hundred men in the Continental Service Entered his Enclosure (by order of Coil Hay) and cut the Timber from the Same and prays Relief in the Premises 874 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 3d Decr. 1 777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Jacob Schermerhorn Peter Ryckman Garrit Lansing John H. Beekman John Price Abram Ten Broeck Phillip P. Schuyler Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam Hendrick Bogert John M. Beeckman Bastian Vischer Abram Yates Harmanus Wendell John Tayler Francis Ruchea appeared before this board & Complains That he Some Time Since had his Waggon Impressed in the Service and that he agreed with a Certain George Haines to drive the [736a] Waggon, and allow'd the said Hains to receive the Whole of money Earn'd by the horses and Waggon during their Service as a reward for his Service, that Some time Since Said Hains return'd the horses and Tackling, and Inform'd the Complainant that his Waggon Was lost, the Complainant further observes that Said Hains received fifty pounds Eight Shillings as hire for his Waggon & Horses, and at the Same time refuses to return the Waggon he took, Resolved that the Said George Hains deposit in the hands of the Chairman of the Committee fifty pounds Eight Shillings it being the wages he receved for the hire of the Complainants Waggon & horses, which Sum is to be refunded on his producing a receipt from francis Ruchea for the delivery of his Waggon With Wages therefor since the Horses Were Returned Philip Wendells & John Thompson appeared before this board & Complains that a Certain Janet Clemen Refused to take the money Emitted by this State, for Certain articles She had for Sale She being Sent for Confess'd the fact therefore Resolved that the Said Janet Clement do not presume in future to Sell Buy or trade In any respect in this City. (Except the purchasing of necessaries for herself & family) on pain of Imprisonment during the pleasure of the Committee on ConvictionMary Rogers appeared and complains that the day her Mother & Self Went off from their habitations, their house was pillaged of their Effects and that a great part of them are now in possession of Thomas Brown, Thomas Miles, [blank] Scribner, [blank] Starks, and Several others & prays relief in the premisses PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 875 [737] Albany Committee Chamber 4th Decr: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman John Williams Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Yates Junr Chrisr- Tillman John H Beeckman Killiaen Van Rensselaer General Ten Broeck Harms Wendell Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Philip P Schuyler John M Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac Van Aernam Recd a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 29th November which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from the same inclosing sundry Affidavits dated 2nd Instant which said Letter and Affidavits are in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerardus Cluet Philip P. Schuyler Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Fonda Abraham Fonda Gerrit Lansing Junr. Corns' Groot Rutger Lansing Rynier Van Aelstyn John Fort Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman John Gray 876 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [737a] Albany Committee Chamber 5 Decr: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker JunrJohn M Beeckman John Williams John Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates Isaac Fonda John Fort Abraham Fonda Rutger Lansing Chairman Gerardus Cluet John Gray Philip P Schuyler John Price Barent Myndertse Corns. Groot James Gordin General Ten Broeck AbrahamYates Junr. John Tayler Isaac Van Aernam Resolved That a Committee be appointed to enquire into the Nature and Causes of the Confinement of the Prisoners now in Goal and that they Report their Opinion thereon without delay - That the said Committee also consider and Report their Opinion what ought to be done with Persons now at large who have been with the Enemy or otherwise aided & assisted them Resolved That the said Committee consist of one Member from Each District now presentThe Committee chosen are- John Tayler, John Price Abraham Cuyler Rutger Lansing, James Gorden John Gray, Philip P Schuyler, Abraham Fonda and Bastiaen T. Visscher Resolved That it is the opinion of this Board That all Persons who are Guilty of the following Crimes be kept in Confinement, Vizt. That of Committing Robberies, or assisted therein, enlisting [738] People in the Service of the Enemy, or persuaded them to join the Enemy, or of having taken the benifit of the late Act of Grace, or Oath of Allegiance to this late 1 Resolved That the Committee above appointed be a Committee also to consider of Ways & Means to procure a Quantity of Salt for the use of the Inhabitants of this County and that they Report their Opinion thereon without delay Adjourned till 2 OClock A. [P.] M. 1 Omission. The sense requires British government. PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 877 Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Harms Wendell John M. Beeckman Isaac Fonda Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Fort Chairman Corns Groot Gerardus Cluet Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Van Aernam Lieutt. Isaac Doty having apprehended Andrew Palmeteer for the apprehending of whom this Committee had some time ago offered a reward of one hundred Dollars, and he having heretofore recd. twenty Dollars thereupon Resolved That the Treasurer pay the said Isaac Doty thirty Dollars, and that the remainder be detained till such Time as the said Isaac Doty delivers the Watch belonging to Michael Cook which has been taken by the said Palmeteer Adjounrned till 9 OClock P [A.] M [738a] Met according to Adjournment [6 Decr: 1777] Present. John Barclay Esqr John Williams Peter Ryckman Hezekiah Van Orden Gerrit Lansing Junr. Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam John M. Beeckman Gerardus Cluet Chairman Isaac Fonda Corns. Groot Jacob Bleecker Junr General Ten Broeck Harms Wendell Abraham Cuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher Rutger Lansingh Major Stevens Collo Greaton & Mr John Ten Broeck appeared before the Board and informed them that they had found in the Possession of Mr Gilliland about 250 11 of Powder, two Guns two Oil Cloths and several Cartridge Papers for four Pounders, all of public property Ordered that Mr Gilliland be kept in Mr. Bells Custody till this afternoon Adjourned till 2 OClock A [P.] M 878 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler James Gorden John Gray Rutger Lansingh Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac Fonda Peter Ryckman John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr John Tayler Harms Wendell General Ten Broeck Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam John M Beeckman [739] The Committee having examined the Proof against Mr. Gilliland and he having confessed that he had at several Times bought Powder from different People and an Oil Cloth from a Soldier Thereupon Resolved That the said Mr Gilliland be put in Close Confinement till the farther order of the Council of Safety shall be known respecting him, and that a State of the Charge alledged against him be transmitted to the said Council with all dispatchThe Committee appointed to enquire into the Nature and Causes of the Confinement of the Prisoners now in Goal, and to consider of Ways & Means to procure a Quantity of Salt for the use of the Inhabitants of this County Report respecting the best Ways and means to obtain a Quantity of Salt for the Inhabitants of this County - in the following Words to Wit (prout) and respecting the Nature & Causes of the Confinement of the Prisoners now in Goal, in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the latter Report be and is hereby confirmed, and that the Penalty of the Bonds of those that are to enter into Security be not less than fifty Pounds nor exceeding ~300 - Ordered That the Consideration of the Report respecting the Salt be deferred till Monday next PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 879 [739a] Albany Committee Chamber 7th Decemr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr- Abraham Yates JunrJohn Ten Broeck Jer Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam John Price Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher John M Beeckman Isaac D. Fonda Harms Wendell John Tayler Jacob Cuyler Mrs Butler Mother of Walter Butler having thro' Mr. Yates applied for leave to speak to her Son in a private Room, and farther that he might be confined therein Resolved That as Mr- Butler was made a Prisoner by the Army of the United States, that this Committtee cannot consistantly grant Mrs Butler's request Reced. a Letter from Mr Wm- Gilliland dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Jeremiah Vincent having some time ago received from this Committee ten pounds to perform certain Secret Services, and instead of performing these Services, went over to the Enemy, And it being represented to this Board that there were yet two Cows on the Farm of said Vincent Ordered Therefore that the Committee of Half Moon District be directed to sell one of the said Cows at public Vendue and make a return of the said Sum of Ten Pounds to the Treasurer of this Committee, and a return of the overpluss [740] to the wife of the said Vincent, and that the said Committee dispose of the other Cows agreeable to a former direction of this Board. An Account of John Mc Dowel for going express to Kingston was laid before this Board amounting to ~4.. 16 which is allowed and ordered to be paid An Account of the same for the same services was laid before this Board amounting to ~4.. 16 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Adjourned till 2 OClock A. [P.] M. 880 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda John Williams Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Peter R. Livingston John Price John Tayler Isaac Van Aernam An Account of Mr Peter R Livingston was laid before this Board for Monies by him paid for the Transportation of the Salt allotted to this County, from the Stores of Mr Spencer and Major Jansen to the Landing of Mr Robert Livingston amounting to ~ 162.. 12 Ordered that the Commissioners appointed to sell and deliver out the Salt in this County be requested to pay the said Sum of ~162.. 12 and that a Letter be prepared to the Council of Safety stating among the rest the payment of the said Sum of to Mr Livingston (prout) [740a] Agreeable to the Resolution of the fifth Instant The Committee proceeded to the Consideration of the Report of the Committee respecting the Salt and after mature deliberation approve of the sameOrdered That the Secretary employ Persons to make Copies of the said, Report, and forward them to the Committees of the different Districts, And that the said Committees be requested to appoint a Proper Person in each of their Districts to receive the Subscriptions Resolved That Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansingh and Abraham J Yates be and they are hereby appointed to receive in Subscriptions agreeable to the Resolutions above mentioned respecting the procuring of Salt, and that the said Persons be allowed eight Shillings per day for the Time they may be in service Albany Committee Chamber 8th Decemr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Jacob Cuyler Isaac D. Fonda John Williams John Ten Broeck Abraham J. Yates Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr. PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 881 Resolved That Mr Peter R Livingston be requested to deliver to Jacob Cuyler Esqr Two of the largest Hogsheads of Salt, he having engaged to deliver the like Quantity to this Board at the first Slaying — [741] Albany Committee Chamber 10t Decr. 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler John Tayler John Williams Gerrit Lansing Junr Henry I Bogert Isaac Van Aernam John M Beeckman Jacob Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman An Account of Henry I. Bogert for bringing Tory Prisoners with his Sloop to Esopus was laid before this Board amounting to ~25 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Also an Account of John Van Aelen for the Run of his Sloop with Tories to Albany & Kingston amounting to ~28 which is allowed & ordered to be paid An account of Hezekiah Van Orden for going express to Marble Town amounting to ~5.. 11.. 0 -An Account of John J Ratcliffe for ringing the Bell upon public occasions amounting to ~ 1.4..0 An Account of Jesse Fairchild for making Hand Cuffs & amounting to ~5..19..0 An Account of Jacob Van Woert for going express to Schaghtekocke amounting to ~1..10.. 0 An Account of Evert Evertse for going to Coxackie with Sleigh & Horses & Guard to apprehend Tories amounting to ~1..9..4 A Pay Roll of Liut. Leond Bronck for services performed to ~13..9..9 Ordered That the above Accounts be paid by the Treasurer [741 a] General Gates having sent to this Board a Letter from Gen1. Schuyler recommending the Liberation of Walter Butler and Peter Ten Broeck upon proper Security and requesting the Opinion of the Committee thereupon Ordered Thereupon that a Letter be prepared to Gent Gates which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 882 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 11th Decemr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Peter Ryckman John Price Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda Harms Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Chairman John M. Beeckman John Williams Jacob Bleecker Abraham Cuyler John Tayler Abraham Yates Junr. Peter Bratt Whereas this Committee did some time since cause Capt. David Mc.Carty to be arrested upon information of his having taken part with the Enemies of the United States of America, And whereas this Committee upon mature Consideration of the said information did cause the said David Mc.Carty to be Liberated, upon his engaging to appear when called upon, And whereas it has since appeared to this Committee that the said information is false and Groundless Therefore Resolved That the said David McCarty be discharged from any restraint he is under, and be deemed and taken as a Person who has avouched his attachment to the Cause of America Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. [742] Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr John Williams Peter Ryckman John Price John M. Beeckman Isaac D Fonda Abraham Cuyler Chairman Jer Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt Jacob Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Lawrance Fonda The Fire Company laid before this Board sundry Resolutions which they have entered into, and are in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That the Honble Major General Gates be furnished with a PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 883 Copy of the Resolutions of the Fire Company and that he be requested to order the Troops billetted in and about this City to turn out in Case of Fire and that the Officers order them to fall in ranks with the Inhabitants to convey Water to the Engines Benjamin Warner & John Warner having laid before this Board a request of the Committee of Woodbury that Samuel Benidict an Inhabitant of the State of Connecticut, might be sent thither for a Tryal Ordered Thereupon that the said Samuel Benidict be delivered to the said Benjamin and John Warner, and that their Receipt be taken for the said Samuel Benidict [742a] Albany Committee Chamber 11th [12] Decr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman John M Beeckman Abraham Yates Junr Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker John Ten Broeck Jer Van Rensselaer John Tayler Abraham Cuyler John Williams Peter Bratt Hars' Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Cuyler Resolved That the Secretary transmit to the Council of Safety the Affidavits against and State of the Case of Mr Wm: Gilliland with all Speed - Mr John Tayler having some time ago paid to Capt John Salsbury for Services performed by his Company in apprehending certain dangerous Persons to the State the Sum of ~13.. 6 and having lost the Pay Roll Ordered that the said John Tayler be requested to endeavour to obtain Copy of said Pay Roll, and that the Treasurer in the mean Time pay the said Sum to the said John Tayler Ordered That Robert Lansing be requested to lay the List of the Fire Engine Company, and that he call the same together as soon as Convenient and arrange them in such manner as that it may be known who are to take Care of the Engine's and who of the other Fire Instruments 884 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [743] Albany Committee Chamber 13th Decr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Ab. Cuyler Myndert Roseboom Jer Van Rensselaer John Price Isaac Van Aernam Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr John M Beeckman General Ten Broeck Hare5 Wendell John Tayler Received a Letter from Gen1' Schuyler dated the 1 1th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from Wm- Gilliland dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the said Wm- Gilliland be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with two sufficient Sureties in the Penal Sum of ~1000 for his appearance before this Committee or any Court of Law within this State when called upon An Account of General Ten Broeck was laid before this Board for his attendance in Convention amounting to ~10.. 10 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl Schuyler which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Schoharry which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [Pages 743a and 744 blank] [744a] Albany Committee Chamber 15th Decr: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Philip P. Schuyler Harms. Wendell Isaac D. Fonda John Price John M Beeckman General Ten Broeck Henry I Bogert Abraham Yates Junr. Abraham J. Yates Jacob Cuyler Isaac Van Aernam PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 885 Recd two Letters from the Committee of Manor Livingston dated 6th and 9th Decr. Instant which are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the said Committee be informed that this Committee are of Opinion that it will be best for them to attend Gen1. Committee on Tuesday next and then state their Grievances, and to request that they will send a Representation every Gen1. Committee Adjourned till 2 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Price General Ten Broeck Philip P. Schuyler Peter Ryckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Cuyler Hars Wendell Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Abraham Yates Junr Isaac D. Fonda Henry I Bogert John M Beeckman Jer Van Rensselaer John Ten Broeck Abraham J. Yates Gerrit Lansing Junr' Resolved That the Prisoners belonging to this State now confined in the Fort be removed to the City Hall Goal and that Jacob Kidney and Volkart Dawson see that this Resolution [745] be carried into immediate Execution Resolved That Flora the Negro Woman claimed by William Gilliland and who asserts she is free be directed to appear before this Committee with her Witnesses to Morrow afternoon, And that the said Wm- Gilliland be also directed to furnish this Committee with the Names of his Witnesses that they may be Summoned to attend at the above Time Recd a Letter from Genl Gates dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereas William Gilliland was last Saturday admitted to Bail by this Committee and whereas proof has this day been made before this Board of his farther Inimical Conduct to the United States. Resolved That the said William Gilliland be remanded to Prison there to remain untill the farther order of this Board 886 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 16th Decr: 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Myndert Roseboom Peter Bratt John Williams Jacob Bleecker Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Hars' Wendell Bastiaen T. Visscher John M Beeckman General Ten Broeck Philip Van Veghten John Ten Broeck John Tillman John Price John Ten Broeck Claverack General Gates laid before this Board the General Orders of the 14th Instant which are in the following Words to wit (prout) [745a] Resolved That Mesrs- Henry I. Bogert and Hars Wendell be directed to make out and lay before this Board with all possible dispatch, the Accounts against Collo Hugh Hughes D. Q. M. General for Boards and Plank and the expences of Transportation at his request furnished & forwarded by the said Henry I. Bogert agreeable to the direction of this Board An Account of Capt. John Price for Money by him paid to Philip Frisbe for his attendance on the Committee appointed to examine and Collect the Evidence necessary for the Court Martial amounting to ~2..8 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 17th Decemr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Price Peter Ryckman Henry I Bogert Ab. Cuyler Harms Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John M Beeckman John Ten Broeck Peter Bratt An Account of William Winne for two Trips with his Sloop to Manor of Livingston for the Salt allotted to this County amounting to ~60 - Ordered that the Commissioners for delivering said Salt out be requested to pay the same - PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 887 Albany Committee Chamber 19th Decemr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr John Williams Ab. Yates Junr General Ten Broeck Harms Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John M Beeckman Chairman Abraham Cuyler Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates Lewis Van Woert Jer Van Rensselaer Henry I Bogert [746] Recd a Resolution of the Council of Safety dated the 15th Instant inclosing sundry Copies of Letters, and a Resolution of the 10th Instant which said Resolution's and Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Recd a Letter from John Younglove dated the 16th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 20th Decr 1777 Present Jno Barclay Chairman John M Beeckman Myndert Roseboom Hars Wendell Isaac Van Aernam John Williams Peter Ryckman Rutger Lansingh Jacob Bleecker Philip V. Veghten John Price John Tayler Ab. Cuyler John Ten Broeck Henry I Bogert Genl Ten Broeck General Gates laid before this Board sundry Resolutions of Congress of the 22nd November which were read Received a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 1 7th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved and ordered that the Overseers of the Fire Company cause the Fire Engine's and Fire Instruments to be put in immediate repair and that they lay their Account of expences before this Board that they may be paid Resolved farther that the said Overseers call [746a] the Fire Company together as soon as possible Complaint was made before this Board That one Andrew Rush who lives near Fort Edward has Sold some of the public Oxen 888 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Therefore Resolved That the said Andrew Rush be immediately apprehended and brought before this Board, And that the Honble- Major General Gates be requested to send a party to apprehend the said Rush Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Decr 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Myndert Roseboom Ab. Cuyler John Tayler Hars Wendell Jer. Van Rensselaer John Williams Lewis Van Woert Philip Bronck Chairman John Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham J Yates John M Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Philip Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Ph. Van Rensselaer requesting him to replace the Lead taken out of the Windows which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl Gates which was done in the following Words to wit prout Adjourned till 2 OClock A. [P.] M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Isaac Van Aernam Lewis Van Woert Philip Van Veghten John M Beeckman [747] Abraham J. Yates Philip Bronck Isaac Fonda Frederick Berringer John Price Ab. Yates Junr [Remainder of page Chairman Philip P. Schuyler Bastiaen T. Visscher John Williams Volkert Veeder Peter Bratt Jacob Bleecker John Tillman George Palmer John Tayler Lewis Van Antwerp 747 blank] PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 889 [747a] Albany Committee Chamber 24th Decr: 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Frederick Berringer Ab. Cuyler George Palmer Myndert Roseboom Peter Bratt Ab. J Yates Jacob Bleecker Junr. John M Beeckman John Tayler James Gorden Lewis Van Antwerp Hars Wendell John Williams William Pemberton having declared to this Board his sorrow and Concern for the Offences heretofore Committed, and that he would for the future behave himself as a good & faithful Subject of this State and that he considered himself as such Therefore Resolved That the said William Pemberton be permitted to remain in this State upon his entring into Bond with Surety in the Sum of ~ [blank] for his future good behavior. Simon Fraser an Inhabitant of this State, and who has taken a Commission under the King of Great Brittain, and joined his Forces, having been apprehended, and sent to this Board to be dealt with as they shall [748] Conceive proper, by the Council of Safety Thereupon Resolved That the said Simon Fraser be put in Close Confinement there to remain till farther information is received concerning him from the Committee of the District where he last resided Andrew Palmetier be in bad State of Health and not likely to recover unless removed from GoalTherefore Resolved That the Director of the Hospital be requested to take the said Palmetier in the Hospital In Pursuance of the Resolution of the Council of Safety dated the 10th Instant impowering the Inhabitants of this State to Elect Committees at such time as the County Committees shall Appoint Thereupon Resolved That the said Election in the respective Districts of this County be held on the second day of January next at the usual places of Election in each respective District under the inspection of two of the Committee of said District 890 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Committee so to be elected meet at the City Hall of the City & County of Albany on Tuesday Ithe sixth day of January next and that thay bring with them the Polls of their Election - Resolved That the said Committee so to be elected be a Committee for this City & County for the space of Six Months from the sixth day of January next [748a] Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Genl Gates which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That Stephen Meyer and Benjamin Wing be Liberated upon their entring into Bond with surety for their future behaviour Adjourned till 2 OClock Met according to AdjournmentPresent John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter Ryckman Abraham J. Yates Isaac Fonda John Taylor Lewis Van Antwerpen Harmanus Wendell George Palmer Elijah Bostwick Gen. Ten Broeck John Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Peter Bradt Bastiaen T. Vischer John Price In pursuance of the Resolution of the Council of Safety of the 21st. Novr' last respecting the prohibiting of the exportation of Salt out of this Salt,' and empowering this Committee to appoint Commissioners to grant Licence for Transportation of the same Resolved That Messrs. Cornelius Swits, William Thorn, Henry Oothoudt, Richard Esselstyne and John Beebe be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners for this County in pursuance of the said Resolution [749] Resolved That William Masters be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with sufficient Surety for his future good behaviour 1 - Salt ", by inadvertence for " State." PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER, 1777 89! Albany Committee Chamber 26th Decr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Ab. J Yates Harms. Wendell John Williams Abraham Cuyler Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansingh Junr John Price Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Junr. Messrs. Robert Yates Corns- Humphrey & Wm- B Whiting the Committee appointed to enquire into the Claims and uneasiness arisen in the Minds of a number of persons in the District of Claverack, laid before this Board their Report which is in the following Words to wit (prout)Resolved That a Committee of four be appointed to take into Consideration the propriety of recommending to the Council of Safety the necessity of passing a Law prohibiting the Storing of Wheat, Flour, &c within a certain distance from Hudsons River, and of what Quantity ought to be allowed to be purchased within the said Limits by each PersonThe Committee chosen are Abraham Yates Junr. Jacob Cuyler John Tayler and Jer. Van Rensselaer or any three of them An Account of Robert Yates &c- for their expences on the Sub Committee above mentioned amounting to ~11.. 6..4 which is allowed and orde[re]d to be paid to Collo Van Ness [749a] Albany Committee Chamber 29th Decr. 1777 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman John M Beeckman John Williams Bastian T. Visscher John Price Gerrit Lansingh Junr General Ten Broeck John Tayler Jacob Cuyler Abraham Yates Junr Resolved That the Election for Committee in the District of Kinderhook be held under the Inspection of Messrs Isaac Goes and Harmen Van Beuren and that the said District be allowed four Members 892 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the Chairman give an order on Peter R Livingston in favour of Isaac Goes & Harmen Van Beuren for twenty five Bushels of Salt Ordered That Mr. Yates be furnished with Copies of the two Last Letters wrote to Genl Gates and of the Affidavits of Dr Younglove & Capt Baldwin Albany Committee Chamber 30th Decer 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansingh Junr. Jer. Van Rensselaer John Price John Tayler John M Beeckman Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam John Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Ordered That James Froom be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with sufficient Surety in ~100 for his future good behaviour and appearance when called upon [750] The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the propriety of recommending to the Council of Safety to pass a Law prohibiting the Storing of Wheat within certain Limits from Hudsons River &c. brought in the following Letter and Resolution which were approved of (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 31 Decr 1777 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I. Bogert Isaac Van Aernam John Williams Hugh Mitchell Peter Ryckman Jacobus Teller Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker John M Beeckman Resolved That Collo Killiaen Van Rensselaer be requested to Deputize a Person to apprehend the Negroes who have robbed Mr. Van Vleck and to send them to Goal Resolved That the Chairman draw an order on Peter R Livingston Esqr in favour of the Committee of Schonectady for two Hogsheads of Salt. Resolved That Andrew Liddle and John Winkworth be and they are hereby called upon to appear before this Board on Saturday next [Pages 750a and 751 blank.] PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 893 [751 a] Albany Committee Chamber 2nd JanY: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Ab Cuyler Jer Van Rensselaer Henry I Bogert Peter Ryckman Myndert Roseboom Isaac D. Fonda Hars. Wendell Chairman John Williams Ph Van Rensselaer John M Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam John Tayler Jacob Bleecker Philip P Schuyler Resolved That Henry I. Bogert and Myndert Roseboom Superintend the Election for Committee in the first Ward, Jer. Van Rensselaer and Isaac D. Fonda in the second Ward, and John Ten Broeck and Isaac Van Aernam in the third Ward Received Sundry Resolutions of the Council of Safety dated 5th and 17th December last which said Resolutions are in the following Words to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Peter R Livingston Esqr dated 15th Decemr 1777 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 5th Jany: 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams John M. Beeckman Henry I Bogert John Ten Broeck Peter Ryckman Harms Wendell Ab. J. Yates Ab. Cuyler John Price Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Gerrit Lansing Junr [752] Resolved That Messrs. Jer. Van Rensselaer and John Price be a Committee to examine the Accounts of Saml1 Thompson for keeping Capt Mc. Alpin, John Munro and others and that they Report thereonAdjourned till 2 OClock A [P.] M. 894 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman John Price Ab. Ten Broeck Gerrit Lansing Junr Jacob Bleecker Junr. Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt John Tillman Stephen J. Schuyler Jacob Bleecker An Account of Dirck B. Van Schoonhoven was laid before this Board for going express to Manor of Livingston and Kingston amounting to ~4.. 19 which is allowed & ordered to be paid - Albany Committee Chamber 6th JanY 1778 Pursuant to the Resolution of the late Committee of the City & County of Albany the Polls of the Election for Committee in the several Districts were returned from which it appears that the following Persons were Elected, and of the Elected Present John Barclay Ab. Cuyler Henry I Bogert Stewart Dean John Williams Gerrit Groesbeeck Volkert Van Veghten John Tillman John Price Stephen J. Schuyler Henry R Lansing Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman John H. Beeckman Philip Van Veghten Ab. Ten Broeck Ph. Van Rensselaer John M Beeckman Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Bleecker Rutger Lansingh Harmanus Wendell Jacob F Lansingh Isaac D Fonda [752a] Nicholas Marselis Peter Bronck Albartus Van Loon Isaac Vrooman Petrus Van Woert Philip Rogers Wm- Thorn Johannis Van Deusen Wouter N Groesbeeck James Vernor Samuel Stringer Job Wright Daniel Winne John Van Ness William Clauw Henry R Lansingh PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 895 First Ward Jno~ Barclay Henry I. Bogert Peter Ryckman John Price John Williams Ab. J. Yates Volkert Van Veghten Henry R Lansingh James Vernor Manor o: Killiaen Vn Rensselaer James Dennison Philip P Schuyler Fredk Berger Ab. D Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher John H. Beeckman Jacob Schermerhorn George White Philip Van Veghten Coxackie Philip Conine Philip Bronck Richard Bronck Samuel Van Veghten Peter Bronck Albartus Van Loon Second Ward Ab. Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Isaac D Fonda Jacob Bleecker Junr' Jer. Van Rensselaer Nicholas Marselis Ph. Van Rensselaer Jacob Cuyler Peter W Douw f Rensselaer Chrisr. Tillman Jacob F Lansing Daniel Winne John Tillman Florus Banker Stephen J. Schuyler Volkert Veeder Ichabod Turner Levynus Winne Ab. Van Den Bergh Peter Bratt Hosick William Waite John Waldo Isaac Lansing Joseph Gifferd Jehiel Beardsly Thomas Brown Fenner Palmer John Abbot Third Ward Saml Stringer Gerrit Groesbeeck Stewart Dean John Tayler John M. Beeckman Ab. Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansing Junr. Hars. Wendell Half Moon Rutger Lansing John Fort Gerardus Cluet Abraham Groet Isaac Fonda Ezekiel Tayler Dirck Van Der Karr Schagtekocke John Bratt Lewis V~n Antwerp Wouter N Groesbeeck Michael Overacker Wm- Thorn Thos' Holstead Ferdinand Van Nest John Js. Bleecker Cornelius Wilsey Peter Yates 896 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Saratoga Job Wright Petrus Van Woert John Fish Philip Rogers Jacobus Swart Jehoida Miller Ezekiel Sales [753] Claverack Claverack Kinderhook John Van Deusen John McKinster Corns. Humphrey Peter Fonda Jeremiah Ten Broeck William Clauw Johs. Holsapple Lourance Hogeboom John Van Ness John Ten Broeck William Jackson Jacobus Van Aelen Corns- S Muller David Pratt Christiaen Ray Roger Kinney The Committee proceeded to the appointment of Chairman Deputy Chairman, Secretary and Waiter and Thereupon Unanimously appointed John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Matthew Visscher Secy: Jacob Kidney Waiter - Resolved That the Persons above appointed enjoy and exercise the powers in their respective StationsResolved Unanimously That the Committee of the City of Albany, and those of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as far as the Manor House and such other Members as may be in the City, be a Sub Committee, and that they or any nine of them when met be and they are hereby empowered to enter upon and do such business respecting the public Weal, or the County in General as they shall think proper, and such Business as they may do in Consequence of this Resolution is hereby ratified and Confirmed Resolved That this Committee meet once a fortnight and that the Term of meeting commences this Day, and that every District Committee send at least a Representation of one Member PROCEEIDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 897 [753a] A Petition of Mr Joseph Caldwell Schoolmaster in the City of Albany praying the Recommendation of this Committee to the Honourable the Representatives of this State in Assembly, that himself and two assistants may be exempted from Military Duty except in Case of actual InvasionResolved That it be recommanded to said Assembly to excuse the said Joseph Caldwell two Assistants and other Schoolmasters from Personal Military Service A Petition of Jacob Rosenberger of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck was laid before this board setting forth among other things the abuses that are Committed by certain Persons, under the denomination of being employed by the Commissioners for Sequestring of the Effects of Persons gone over to the Enemy Thereupon Resolved That the Contents of said Petition be referred to the Committee of Manor of Rensselaerwyck that they be directed to cause strict enquiry to be made in the matters set forth in the said Petition and Report there proceedings thereon with all Speed It being represented to this Board that divers German and Brittish Deserters and Prisoners froin General Burgoyne's Army, are in different Parts of this County, sowing the seeds of discord, and inculcating in the minds of the People Ideas of the power & Strenght of Great Brittain being irresistable, and having out of Choice Quartered themselves chiefly with Persons disaffected to the Cause of America Thereupon Resolved That it be recommended to [754] the Members of this County in Senate & Assembly to lay this matter before the Honble House of Assembly and to request their most serious and speedy attention to thereon It appearing to this Committee from the Affidavit of John Heverly and others that Daniel David and David Gibson under the Sanction of power given them by the Commissioners of Sequestration, have taken to their own use not only the property of Persons gone over to the Enemy, but aiso of such Persons who reside amongst us Thereupon Resolved That the said David Gilson and Daniel David be apprehended and put in Close Confinement unless they find sufficient Surety for their appearance before any Court of Judicature to answer said Complaints Collo Hay Deputy Quarter Master General appeared before this Board, and requested that they would be pleased to Issue an order to the Committee of Claverack Kinderhook & Manor of Livingston to impress a number of 29 898 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Sleighs in Case they cannot Voluntarily procured for the purpose of Transporting Flour from Kinderhook to Springfield, and to return loaded if required Thereupon Resolved That the said Committee's be and they are hereby empowered to grant Press Warrant's agreeable to Collo- Hay's request Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. [754a] Met according to Adjournment [7th Jany 1778] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Volkert Van Veghten Ab. Cuyler Elisha Gilbert Johannis Lawyer Petrus Van Woert Isaac Vrooman Wm Thorn Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam John Fort John M. Beeckman Rutger Lansing Gerrit Lansing Junr. Gerrit Groesbeeck Johannis Van Deusen Henry R. Lansing John Van Ness Jacob Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Bleecker Junr Stewart Dean William Clauw Job. Wright Abm- J. Yates Philip Rogers James Gorden Ferdinandus Van Nesst John Price Henry I. Bogert Hermanus Wendell Peter Ryckman Andrew Mc.Farlan John Williams From a Return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in B4idt District it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Vizt' Nathaniel Culver Aaron Kellog Edward Wheeler Mellitiah Lothrop Increase Chiles Eleazer Grant Abraham Mudge John Wadsworth Elisha Gilbert From a Return of the Poll for the Election of Committee in Ballston District it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected ViztSamuel McCrea Tyrannus Collins James Gorden Elisha Benedict Thomas Brown PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 899 A Petition of Robert Fullerton was laid before this Board praying among other Things, that the Goods and Effects now in the Possession of the Committee of Half Moon District, might be returned to him Ordered That the Consideration of said Petition be Postponed till the next General Meeting [755] Whereas thro' the Neglect of the attendance of the Members of this Committee at the Stated Meetings, the public business is often retarded - Therefore Resolved That such Members of this Committee as attend at such Stated Meetings be and they are hereby empowered to do such business, and exercise such powers and Authorities, as if the whole were present, And it is farther Resolved That the said Members at such stated meetings continue to exercise said powers for Two Days, provided Eleven be present. From the Poll of the Election for Committee in Schonectady District it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Vizt' Rynier Myndertse Alexander Vedder Dirck Van Ingen James Willson Andrew Mc.Farlan John Cuyler JunrJacobus Teller Abraham Oothoudt Abraham Fonda Hugh Mitchell Albert Maybie Whereas it is the Duty of all public Bodies in this State to endeavour by all the Means in their power to secure the State from the farther Invasion of the Enemy, And whereas this Committee are well informed that a Number of Cannon have been left by the Enemy at Tyconderoga, and the Season now at Hand to Transport them from thence to such Parts of Hudsons River as shall be thought necessary Therefore Resolved That Collo Hay Deputy Quarter Master be requested to inform this Board what Orders he has received with respect to the Transportation of said Cannon and that he [be] informed that this Committee will render [755a] him all the Assistance in their power to Transport the said Cannon from Tyconderoga Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 900 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Van Ness John Lawyer John Van Deusen William Clauw John Fort Job. Wright John Price Ab. J. Yates John Williams Henry R Lansing Hars Wendell Andrew McFarlan Stewart Dean Philip Rogers Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert Isaac D. Fonda Elisha Gilbert Rutger Lansing John Tillman Isaac Vrooman Peter Ryckman The District of Schoharry not having held their Election for Committee by means of the Resolution of this Board not arriving in Time Therefore Resolved That the Election for Committee in the District of Schoharry be held at the usual place of Election in said District on Thursday the 16th Instant under the inspection of two of the Members of the old Committee, which said Committee are hereby requested to give Notice to the Inhabitants of the Time & place of Election It being represented to this Board that several of the Brittish Prisoners who have recovered of their Wounds, Haunt all Tipling Houses and their endeavour to persuade many of the Soldiery and Inhabitants from their Allegiance to the States- Therefore Resolved That it be recommended to Collo Greaton either to send the said Prisoners to some other [State 1] place [756] where they may not have it in their power to seduce the Soldiery &c' or to order them in Close Confinement James Olmsted having taken the oath of Allegiance Resolved Thereupon That this Committee have no objection to his returning to this place Maes Bloemendall having offered a reward of 20 Dollars for the apprehending of a Committee Men above the reward of Govr Tryon Therefore Resolved That Maes Bloemendall be apprehended and put in Close Confinement - 1 Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 901 Albany Committee Chamber 8th JanY: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Deputy Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D Fonda John Younglove John Williams John Price Henry R Lansing John Tillman Stewert Dean Volkert Van Veghten Ab. Cuyler Gerrit Lansing Junr Hars Wendell John Tayler Genl' Ten Broeck Peter Bratt Henry I. Bogert James Verner Resolved That the Resolution of Yesterday respecting Maes Bloemandall be and is hereby Rescinded Complaint being made to this Board by Peter Bratt that Maes Bloemandall had in Conversation with said Bratt declared that Govr Tryon had offered a reward for every Committee Men of Twenty Dollars, and that the said Bloemdall would give over and above the said reward twenty Dollars for the apprehending of a Committee Men Therefore Resolved That the said Maes Bloemendall be and he is hereby Cited to appear before this Board on Monday next to answer said Complaint [756a] John Younglove Esqr' appeared before this Board, and brought with him the Names of the Persons Elected to serve in General Committee for the District of Cambridge at the same time representing it to be the sense of a great part of that District, that a New Election be held and that the General Committee do appoint a Time for that purpose and discriminate such Persons as are deemed Eligible to Vote - This Committee taking the above into their Consideration are of Opinion that a New Election be held and that this Committee will appoint a Day for that purpose, in respect to the Discrimination of such as are Eligible to Vote this Committee would rather submit it to the Inhabitants of that District at the same time they are of Opinion that many Persons went over to the Enemy and took an Active part in their favour some thro' Fear, some thro' the persuasions of artful and designing Persons, others thro' the Allurements of Gain and the prospect of seeing their oppressed Country in the Hands of its base Invaders, However infamous 902 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE the Conduct of those Persons, have been, be their Motives what they may - It is a Conduct that will for ever be held in detestation by every Man that is Fired with the Love of Liberty or attachment to his injured Country, notwithstanding the most Vigorous efforts of those Wretches many of whom have plunged their Daggers in the Breasts of many of their Bosom Friends, we would remind our Countrymen, that the God [757] of Justice has declared Victory in our favour, & put many of our Enemies, in our power, the brave are ever Humane, Let us now Convince our Enemies that we seek not to spill their Blood and that we fight only for that Liberty which God hath Conferred upon us, Let us also now Exercise Mercy (one of the attributes of Heaven) as far as is Consistant with the Good or Safety of our Country and by Acts of Clemency forgive our Offending Brethren provided they shew Signs of Contrition for their past Offences and promise of Amendment in future, those who have taken the Oath of Allegiance and perjured themselves, or such as have seduced others from their Allegiance to the State we are of Opinion ought not to interfere in our Elections Resolved that the new Election be held for Committee at the usual place of Election in said District at such Time as the Old Committee shall appoint and that they give Notice to the Inhabitants of the Time & place of Election at least Six Days previous to the Day of Election Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Collo- Greaton which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee appointed to examine the Accounts of Saml1 Thompson Report that there is due to said Thompson ~27.. 1 7..2 Ordered That the said Report be Confirmed, and that the Treasurer pay the same [757a] Albany Committee Chamber 96 JanY: 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Deputy John Williams Isaac Van Aernam Stewart Dean Gerrit Lansing Junr Peter Ryckman Harmanus Wendell Abm- J. Yates Henry I. Bogert Henry R Lansing Volkert Van Veghten James Vernor John Tayler Bastiaen T. Visscher Samuel Stringer Gerrit Groesbeeck Philip Van Rensselaer PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 903 Resolved That it be recommended to the Commissioners appointed to sell and deliver out the Salt allotted to this County, to deliver to the District of Cambridge their proportion of the Salt yet remaining, having regard to the Lists of Heads in each family that are or may be delivered in Agreeable to a former Resolution of this Board Messrs Henry I. Bogert and Harmanus Wendell laid before this Board the Account of Boards & Plank by them agreeable to the orders of this Committee purchased and forwarded to Hugh Hughes Esqr. Resolved That Messrs Jer. Van Rensselaer and Stewart Dean be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to Audit said Accounts and to Report their Opinion thereon with all Speed. Albany Committee Chamber 1Oth Jany: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Tillman Henry R Lansing John Price Abm- J. Yates John M Beeckman Harms. Wendell John Williams Bastiaen T. Visscher Jer Van Rensselaer Henry I. Bogert [758] Abraham Cuyler Stewart Dean Peter Ryckman James Vernor Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Bleecker Resolved That the Committee of the Eastern part of the District of Claverack who in Consequence of a Resolution of this Board were authorized to dispose of such Effects as were by the Militia of that District seized from some of the Inhabitants of the Manor of Livingston in May last. Report to this Board with all Convenient Speed, their proceedings of the Quantity or particulars of such Effects of whom Seized and of the Sale thereof, and the Amount of all the Monies by them received, paid out, or still due in Consequence of such Sale with all possible precision The Committee appointed to examine the Accounts of Henry I Bogert and Harmanus Wendell- Reported that they found the same just and true and there ought to be allowed to them for their Trouble and expence Commissions at 5 r Cent Resolved That the said Report stand Confirmed and that Collo Hugh Hughes Deputy Quarter Master Genl1 be requested to pay to the said Henry 904 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE I Bogert and Harmanus Wendell or their order the amount of said Account being ~4,409.. 19..2 and take their Receipt for the same - Resolved That the Negroes who have been Guilty of robbing Mr Van Vleeck be apprehended on Monday Evening next and put in Close Confinement [758a] Albany Committee Chamber 12 JanY 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I Bogert Isaac D Fonda Ph Van Rensselaer Peter Bratt Stewart Dean Ph. P. Schuyler Hars. Wendell Jacob Cuyler Peter Ryckman Volkert Van Veghten Henry R Lansing Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam John Williams Received a Letter from Ab. Yates Junr. Esqr dated Poughkeepsie 7th JanY Instant enclosing a Resolution of the Convention of the Senate & Assembly dated the same Day which said Letter and Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of Rykert Van Sante for repairing the Pumps in the third Ward was laid before this Board amounting to ~2.. 11 which is allowed & ordered to be paid - Pursuant to the Resolution of the Council of Safety dated the 17th December last - Resolved That a Subscription be set on Foot for the use of the Ruined settlers of our Frontiers and that the following Persons be appointed to collect such Subscriptions - Vizt. Volkert Van Veghten & Henry R Lansing in the first Ward, Abraham Cuyler and Philip Van Rensselaer in the second Ward, and Gerrit Lansing Junr. and Gerrit Groesbeeck in the third Ward, and that the said Subscriptions be made payable to the Chairman of this Committee - [759] Resolved That the Secretary make a few Copies of the Resolution of the Convention dated the 7th Instant and post them up at the most public places in this City PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 905 Albany Committee Chamber 13th JanY: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jer Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman Nicholas Marselis Isaac D. Fonda John Tillman Isaac Van Aernam Ab. Cuyler Henry I Bogert Jacob Bleecker Junr Harms Wendell Jacob Bleecker James Gorden John M Beeckman Henry Ramsey and James Darbin two British Soldiers and Prisoners being desirous to remain in this City to follow their Occupations, and to take the Oath of Allegiance to the State Resolved That upon their taking the Oath of Allegiance it be recommended to Major Hale to remain in this City An Account of Stephen Bell for Fire Wood by him provided for this Committee and the Prisoners was laid before this Board amounting to ~20..16 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Resolved That Mr Isaac D Fonda be and he is hereby empowered to call upon and Demand from such Persons who have had in use the Sloops lately belonging to Benjamin French and Michael Huffnagel, for an Account of the Money by them severally earned, together with the said Money and that he pay to such Persons [759a] not only their Cost and Charges but also a reasonable Compensation for their Service Resolved that the said Isaac D Fonda render an Account of the Money by him received and of the expenditure thereof -A 906 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 14 JanY 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansing Junr Ab. Ten Broeck Samuel Stringer Gerrit Groesbeeck Hars Wendell Peter Ryckman John M Beeckman Chairman Volkert Van Veghten John Williams Isaac D Fonda Henry I. Bogert John Price Henry R Lansing Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Tillman The Committee appointed to receive the Collection for the Poor in the third Ward delivered to the Chairman ~180..0.. 10d for which he passed his Receipt The Committee for the first Wara delivered to the Chairman ~169.. 19..2, and a List of One Barrel of Flour, One hundred Wt. of Flour and three Skipple of Wheat Subscribed for which he passed his Rec-t Albany Committee Chamber 15th JanY 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I. Bogert Nicholas Marselis Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman John Price Isaac Van Aernam John Williams Gerrit Lansingh Junr Henry R. Lansingh Isaac D. Fonda Hars Wendell Abraham Cuyler Saml Stringer [760] Resolved That Jacob Kidney, James Green, John Ostrander, Peter T. Dox, John J. Pruyn and Francis Harsen the Constables elected in this City be directed to appear before the Sheriff this Afternoon at four OClock, to take the Oaths of Office pursuant to the Resolution of the Council of Safety PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 907 The Committee appointed in the second Ward delivered to the Chairman ~97.. 14.. 8 being the Collection made in that Ward for the use of the Poor Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Speaker of the Assembly acquainting him of the Success in this City to raise a Collection for the ruined Settelers of our Frontiers — which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 16th JanY: 1778 Present John Barclay Chairman Jacob Bleecker Peter Bratt John Tillman Ab. Ten Broeck Isaac Van Aernam Henry R Lansing John Price Peter W. Douw Samuel Stringer Jacob Bleecker Junr. Isaac D. Fonda Harmanus Wendell [760a] Mr Samuel Page appeared before this Board and complained that some time last Evening, Eli Arnold Capt' Spurr and 15 or 16 Soldiers Armed come to his House, abused him and from thence took to the main Guard, John Peterson, John Winn, Henry Ramsey and James Dafflin Inhabitants of this City - That he has understood the Cause of their Confinement is that the Persons above named were employed by Mr Arnold to Work at the Coopers Trade, and that they had been Drunk that Day and not done their Duty. Ordered That Mr. Arnold be sent for Mr. Arnold appeared confessed that the said Persons had engaged to Work by the Day, and not for a Stated Time - That finding them in Liquor Yesterday Morning he told them to go about their business Thereupon Resolved That the said John Peterson, John Winn, Henry Ramsey and James Dafflin are Inhabitants of this City, Subjects [761] of this State, and amenable to its Laws Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Collo. Greaton requesting him immediately to give orders for the discharge of the said John Peterson &cwhich was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 908 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 17th JanY 1778 Present - John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry I. Bogert John Williams John Tillman Peter W Douw Volkert Vn- Veghten John M Beeckman Henry R Lansing General Ten Broeck John Younglove Gerrit Lansing JunrJacob Bleecker John Price Harms- Wendell An Account of Nathan Smith was laid before this Board for apprehending & Securing Sineon Covill Timothy Hodges & Hezekiah Mosier amounting to ~19.. 14..4 which is allowed & ordered to be paid An Account of William Hilton for going to express to Esopus, Schonectady and Schoharry was laid before this Board amounting to ~8.. 16 which is allowed & ordered to be paid From a Return of the Poll for the Election of Committee for the District of German Camp it appears that Peter Rose, Wessel Ten Broeck, Philip Rockefeller and Barrenharde Albarte are duly Elected - The Committees appointed in the first ward to receive the Collections in this City delivered to the Chairman thirteen Dollars for the use of the ruined Settelers [761a] Albany Committee Chamber 19 Jany 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Gerrit Lansing Junr Volkert Van Veghten Peter Ryckman John Price Isaac Van Aernam Isaac D. Fonda Chairman Jacob Bleecker John Tillman Hars Wendell Stewart Dean John Williams An Account of Hezekiah Van Orden was laid before this Board for going express to Marble Town amounting to ~6 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Received a Letter from the Council of Safety dated the 15th Instant inclosing a Resolution of the 13th which said Letter & Resolution are in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 909 Albany Committee Chamber 20th Jany- 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr. Stewart Dean Gerrit Lansing John M. Beeckman Gerardus Cluet Johannis Becker William Dietz Abraham Ten Broeck Samuel Ten Broeck Peter W Ten Broeck1 Gerrit Groesbeeck John Van Ness Johannis Holsapple Christiaen Rey Thomas Brown Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Peter Bronck Richard Bronck John Williams John Js. Bleecker Philip Conine Henry R. Lansing Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob C. Schermerhorn Jacob F. Lansing Philip Van Veghten Daniel P, Winne Chrisr. Tillman Volkert Van Veghten [762] From a return of the Poll for the Election of Committee for the District of Manor of Livingston it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected Viz Major Ten Broeck Collo. Peter R Livingston Major Jansen Collo Henry Livingston Capt. Ten Broeck Walter Livingston Capt. Schaver Capt' Pulver Capt' Smith Petrus Wynkoop From a return of the Poll of the District of Grote Imboght it appears that the following Persons are duly Elected a Committee for said District Viz. Henry Mendersea Johannis Sax Zacharias Dedrick Frederick Marten Christian Mire For the District of Schoharry it appears by the Poll that the following Persons are Elected Vizt. Johannis H. Becker William Dietz Jonas Vrooman Abraham Becker 1 Peter W. Douw. Nicholas Sternberg Jacob Zimmer George Werner 910 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from Frederick Marten dated 18th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit, (prout) Collo Hay laid before this Board an Estimate of the Sleighs and Horses necessary to Transport the Cannon from Tyonderoga which Estimate is in the following Words (prout) Therefore Resolved That the Committees of the following Districts impress the Number of Horses & Sleighs allotted to each District That is to say Half Moon District 20 Span of Horses & 10 Sleighs [762a] Schoharry 8 Span 8 Sleighs Manor of Rensselaer 40 Span 30 DO~ Schonectady 30 D~ 15 Do. Coxackie & Grote Imboght 9 D. 9 Do. An Account of Richard Bronck for going express from Coxackie to this place and back again with the Account of the approach of the Enemy was laid before this Board amounting to ~2 which is allowed & ordered to be paid - Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjourn't 21St JanY 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr John Williams Johannis Holsapple Christiaen Rea Philip P. Schuyler John Van Ness Jacob C. Schermerhorn Abraham Oothoudt Gerrit Lansing Junr. William Dietz Philip Van Veghten Daniel P. Winne Garardus Cluet Stewart Dean Chairman Abraham Groot Isaac D. Fonda Richard Bronck Christopher Tillman Samuel Ten Broeck Abraham D Fonda Peter Ryckman John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher John Tillman James Vernor Volkert Van Veghten John H. Beeckman Resolved That unless the Committee of Schonectady by Tuesday next shew sufficient Cause to the Sub Committee of this County why Andrew PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 913 released from Confinement which said Petition are in the following Words to wit (prout) The Goaler appeared before this Board and Reported That the Prisoners had last night endeavoured to make their Escape by breaking part of the wall and requested that this Board would grant him all the Aid in their Power for repairing the said Goal and securing the Prisoners Therefore Resolved That Collo Hay be requested to order some of his Carpenters to repair the Goal and that Collo Greaton be requested to send every Evening from Sun Set till Sun Rising a Serjt and eight Men to the Common Council Room to [764a] Guard the Prisoners Resolved That Joseph Tunnicliff be liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with Surety in the Sum of one thousand Pounds for his future good behaviour and appearance before the Chairman once a fortnight - Resolved That Isaac Man Senr. or any Person he may appoint be and he is hereby empowered to take one Load of Hay from the Hay which was mowed on his Farm and the Committee of the District of Saratoga are hereby requested to afford Mr Man or the Person he may appoint their assistance in getting said Hay Albany Committee Chamber 27th JanY 1 778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansing Junr Henry R Lansing Stewart Dean Ab. Cuyler John Price Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman Jacob Bleecker Volkert Van Veghten Peter Bratt John M Beeckman An Account of John Price for apprehending Major William Hogan was laid before this Board amounting to ~1..16 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Resolved That Mr John M. Beeckman be requested to desire Mr John Ten Broeck the Deputy Barrack Master to have the Barracks put in immediate Repair for the reception of the Troops 914 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [765] Albany Committee Chamber 28th Jany: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler John Williams John Price Jacob Bleecker Gerrit Lansing Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr John M. Beeckman Stewart Dean Henry I. Bogert Henry R. Lansing Peter Ryckman James Vernor Peter Bratt Bastiaen T. Visscher George White Volkert Van Veghten Received a Resolution of Melancton Smith, Jer. Van Rensselaer and Peter Cantine Junr the Commissioners appointed to permit the State Prisoners confined in the Neighbouring States, to return to this State which said Resolution is in the following Words to wit (prout) Collo- Hay Deputy Quarter Master General requested this Board to favour him with a recommendation to the Committees of Kinderhook, Claverack and Manor Livingston to assist the Waggon Master in procuring sleighs for the purpose of Transporting Provisions from Springfield to supply the Western Garrisons Therefore Resolved That the Quarter Master's request be granted and that the said Committees be empowered in case of necessity to grant their Warrant to impress the Sleighs requisite Adjourned till 2 OClock Met according to Adjournment Albany Committee Chamber 28th Jany: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Philip P. Schuyler Henry R Lansing Jacob Bleecker Junr Peter Bratt John Price John M. Beeckman Peter Ryckman Abm- Ten Broeck Gerrit Groesbeeck Gerrit Lansing Junr. PROCEEDINGS, JANUARY, 1778 915 [765a] Albany Committee Chamber 31st JanY 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Ab. Cuyler Stewart Dean Peter W Douw John Price Saml1 Stringer Henry R Lansing Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt Hars Wendell John Tillman The Sheriff appeared before this Board and represented to them that he could not procure Locks for the purpose of securing the Doors of the Goal and that he had in his Possession a sufficient Number of old Locks which with a little preparation might Answer the purpose Therefore Resolved That the Commanding Officer be requested to give an Order on the foreman of the Armourers Shop to have the same repaired An Account of Stephen Bell for Wood for the Use of the Committee Prisoners and cleaning the necessary Tups was laid before this Board amounting to ~63.. 17.. 4 which is allowed & ordered to be paid Resolved That John Feather be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with sufficient Surety in the Penal Sum of ~100 for his future good behaviour and appearance when called upon and also not to depart the Bounds of the City and the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as far as the Manor House[766] Collo- Hay Deputy Quarter Master General appeared before this Board, and requested their Opinion respecting the allowance that ought to be made V Mile to Sleighman who transport the public Stores &cTherefore Resolved That this Committee considering the exorbitant Prices asked & received by the Inhabitants of the Eastern States are of opinion that an Allowance of 3/ P Mile ought to be allowed to the Inhabitants of this County for transporting any kind of Stores An Account of Stephen Bell was laid before this Board for Wood by him provided for the use of this Board & the Prisoners amounting to ~32...17.. 4 which is allowed & ordered to be paid 916 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 3rd Feby: 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Hars Wendell Jacob Bleecker Isaac Van Aernam Ab. Ten Broeck John Williams Ab. Fonda Jacob Zimmer Peter Ryckman Gerrit Groesbeeck Volkert Van Veghten Jacobus Teller Henry I. Bogert Jacob F. Lansing Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Chairman Isaac Fonda Jeremiah Ten Broeck Job Wright John M. Beeckman Stewart Dean Philip Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker Junr John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher John Tillman Philip P. Schuyler Henry R Lansing Daniel P. Winne Met according to Adjournment [766a] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Philip P. Schuyler Philip Bronck John Williams Jacob Zimmer Sam1 Stringer John M. Beeckman Isaac Fonda Job Wright John Price Philip Van Veghten Ezekiel Tayler Henry R Lansing Jacobus Teller Ab. Ten Broeck Jeremiah Ten Broeck Nicholas Marselis Ab. Fonda Dirck Van Der Karr Peter Ryckman Jacob Bleecker Junt Volkert Van Veghten AWhereas divers Persons in this County purchase large Quantities of Wheat for the purpose of distilling the same into Whiskey, and sell the same at very exorbitant Prices, and PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 917 Whereas the Legislature of this State in pursuance of a recommendation of Congress have now under Consideration the Regulation of the Prices of all Commodities as well as the necessaries of Life Therefore Resolved That no Wheat or other Grain be distilled into Whiskey within this County untill the Legislature shall have regulated the Prices as aforesaidJohn Clint who has been tried by a General Court Martial for Treasonable practices against the State and found Guilty, appeared before this Board, and laid before them a permission from the Commissioners appointed [767] to inspect the return of Prisoners from the State of Connecticut, from which it appears that said Clint is to be dealt with as this Board shall think proper - Therefore Resolved that the said John Clint be confined untill such Time as it shall be known whether the Sentence of the Court Martial is Confirmed or not by the Council of Safety The Committees appointed last meeting to agree with the Proprietors of Boards for public use respecting the Price thereof- Reported that they could not agree on account of the excessive prices asked by the proprietorsTherefore & in pursuance of the Resolution of the Convention of this State Resolved That the following Prices be allowed for good and Merchantable Boards & Plank that is to say2/ for Boards and 3/ for Plank at Schonectady or Mills 2/7 for D~ 3/10 for Do Delivered at Albany or at any other place along Hudsons River And that the Deputy Quarter Master be furnished with a Warrant to impress them at the Prices aforesaid and all committees are required to afford him or Agents all necessary assistance Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. 918 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment 4 Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Hars Wendell Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Williams Peter Ryckman Ezekiel Tayler Isaac Fonda John Price Job Wright Stewart Dean Ab. Cuyler Ph. Van Rensselaer George Werner Chairman John M. Beeckman Henry I. Bogert Philip Bronck Isaac Van Aernam Volkert Vn- Veghten Henry R Lansing Peter W Douw Jacob Zimmer Peter Bratt Eleazer Grant Jacob Bleecker [767a] The Committee proceeded to the Consideration of the Petition and Affidavits respecting the Effects of Robert Fullerton, and thereupon Resolve That the Committee of Half Moon District be and they are hereby directed to deliver to the said Robert Fullerton the Effects in their Custody belonging to said Fullerton he paying the expences of Transportation It being represented to this Board that Thomas Walters and Elias Conklin, have taken killed and sold a Number of Cattle belonging to the public and appropriated the Money to their own use Therefore Resolved That the said Thomas Waters and Elias Conklin be immediately apprehended and put in Close Confinement till farther orders Resolved That Collo Hay be requested to get a Party of Men to apprehend said Waters and Conklin Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 919 Met according to Adjournment Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Tillman Isaac Fonda Volkert Vn- Veghten Ab Cuyler Ezekiel Tayler Tyrannus Collins Jacob Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Job Wright Eleazer Grant Stewart Dean Philip Bronck Peter W. Douw. Jacob Bleecker Junr. Nicholas Sternberger John Price Jacob Timmer1 [768] The Legislature not having pointed out a mode for the distribution of the Donations for the Poor, and many of the Persons for which the said benefactions were given, are in the utmost distress Therefore Resolved That a Letter be again be prepared to the Legislature requesting their immediate direction upon this Subject, And that in the mean time George Palmer Esqr. be requested to issue Provisions to said Persons to the amount or Value of Two hundred Pounds And the Chairman is hereby empowered to pay the said Sum of two hundred [pounds] to the said George Palmer or order out of the Money's in his Hands collected for the maintainance and support of the ruined Settelers on the Frontiers of this StateResolved That John Ten Broeck Esqr Deputy Barrack Master General be requested immediately to cause the Barracks in and about this City to be put in repair and order for the reception of the Troops now stationed here Resolved That John Rogers who is employed by the Commissioners for the Middle District to take Care of the Effects seized of such Persons who are gone over to the Enemy be and he is hereby Cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting Mr Peter J Lampman appeared before this Board and made oath which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Therefore Resolved That the Commissioners of the middle [768a] District be requested to order Rogers not to prevent said Lampman from threshing the said Wheat any longer, and that they be directed to send said Rogers to this Board to answer for his Conduct, and that the said Commissioners enquire 1 Zimmer. 920 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE what part of the Wheat sowed on the South Side of the Creek belongs to said Lampman Resolved That that the Chairman be empowered to grant a Warrant to the Deputy Quarter Master General to impress in the Case the Owners will not sell the same at a reasonable price such a Quantity of Tar as he shall want for the public service, he giving a receipt for the same to the owner Albany Committee Chamber 5th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman D. Chairman Hars- Wendell John Price Stewart Dean Jacob Cuyler Ph. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr. Henry R Lansingh Peter Ryckman Peter W Douw Gerrit Lansing Junr Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Groesbeeck Henry I. Bogert John Williams Whereas this Committee did some time write to the Council of Safety for their opinion and direction respecting the Case of Wm- Gilliland, and not having received as yet any advice or direction on that Head and it being reasonable & just in the Opinion of this Board that he should be admitted to Bail Therefore Resolved That the said William Gilliland be admitted to Bail upon his finding sufficient [769] Surety in the Penal Sum of ~1000 for his appearance and future good behaviour at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer, or General Sessions of the Peace Upon reading a Petition of Nehemiah Seelye and forty nine others relative to John Garnsey, and also a Letter from John Garsey to his Son Isaac dated the 14th September 1777 -Resolved That the said John Garnsey be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with surety for the Penal Sum of ~200 for his appearance and future good behaviour PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 921 Albany Committee Chamber 7th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Gerrit Lansing Junr Isaac D Fonda James Verner Isaac Van Aernam John M Beeckman John Price Peter Bratt Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher John Williams Gerrit Groesbeeck Stewart Dean Peter W Douw Peter Ryckman Henry I. Bogert Whereas hath this Day been represented to this Board by Collo Hay Deputy Quarter Master General that a number of Grindstones are wanted in his Department, and that none can be found but a Quantity in the Possession of Mr. Peter Vossburgh at Kinderhook Therefore Resolved that the Deputy Quarter Master General be and he is hereby empowered (in Case the said Vossburgh refuses to sell said Grind Stones at a reasonable price) to seize the same he giving said Vossburgh or the owner thereof a Receipt for the Number he may take [769a] Albany Committee Chamber 9th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Groesbeeck Stewart Dean Hars Wendell John Williams Peter Ryckman Isaac Van Aernam Henry I. Bogert John M Beeckman Henry R. Lansing John Price Ab. Ten Broeck Peter W Douw Received a Letter from the Committee of Kinderhook District dated Feby: 5th inclosing two Affidavits respecting a Robbery committed by one Jonathan Owen, which said Letter &c is in the following Words to wit (prout) An Account of the expences attending the apprehending and securing the said Owen was laid before this Board amounting to ~1.. 7 which is allowed & ordered to be paid to the Chairman Resolved That Reuben Willis be Liberated from Confinement upon taking the Oath of Allegiance 922 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 1 1h Feby: 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Volkert Van Veghten Henry R Lansing John Williams Henry I. Bogert John Price Peter Ryckman John M Beeckman Hars Wendell Jacob Cuyler Chairman Gerrit Lansing Junr Gerrit Groesbeeck Stewart Dean Isaac Van Aernam Samuel Stringer Peter Bratt Ab. Cuyler John Tillman The Committee appointed in the first Ward to receive the Collections for the ruined Settelers of the Frontiers of this State delivered to the Chairman [770] eighteen DollarsResolved That Ormond Doty be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond for his appearance, and enlisting with Captain Price in the four Months ServiceAn Account of Hugh Denniston was laid before this Board for providing Dinners for this Committee when his Excellency our Governor and Gen1. Gates dined with him, amounting to ~179..0..8 which is allowed and ordered to be paid Albany Committee Chamber 14th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Jacob Bleecker Henry I Bogert John M Beeckman Peter W Douw Peter Ryckman James Vernor Stewart Dean Jer. Van Rensselaer Hars- Wendell John Williams Chairman Henry R Lansingh Volkert Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansing Junr. Isaac D Fonda Jacob Bleecker Junr John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Cuyler Jacob Cuyler L PAGE 715 OF THE MANUSCRIPT PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 923 Resolved That John Clint who is Pardoned by the Council of Safety for past offences be Liberated from Confinement and set at Liberty [715] 1 Collo Hazen Deputy Quarter Master General in the Continental Army applied to this Board for Quarters for about 300 Men, and also for their Assistance in procuring a number of Sleds for the public Service - [This Committee taking into Consideration the said Requisitions and having examined 2] Thereupon Resolved That Collo Hazen be informed, that this Board will grant him all the Aid in their power to procure the Sleds required from this County Resolved as there is a Barrack Built for the express purpose of accomodating Troops and as said Barrack from the representation of the Deputy Barrack Master General is fit and ready for the reception thereof, That therefore Coll Hazen be informed that this Board cannot from these Considerations oppress their Constituents in billeting the Troops on them. [and it is their opinion that the Troops must be Quartered in the Barracks 2] [Page 715a blank.] [716] Whereas among other reasons for billeting the T[roops] on the Inhabitants of this City, that of the Sca[rcity] of Wood was one of the pricipal ones, And as the Inhabitants of this City have at their own expence for a long time furnished the Troops with Fire Wood, And whereas it is just and reasonable that one part of the Community should not be oblig[ed] to render their Country more Service than another without receiving a Compensation therefore Therefore Resolved That it be recommended to the Deputy Quarter Master General to take the above matter into his consideration and to grant such relief in the Premisses as he shall think proper either in Money or Wood [Page 716a blank] Collo Hazen Deputy Quarter Master General in the Continental Army applied to this Board for Quarters for about 300 Men and also for their assistance in procuring a number Sleds out of this County for the public Service [770a] Thereupon Resolved That Collo Hazen be informed that this Board will grant him all the Aid in their power to procure the Sleds required out of this County 1 The next six paragraphs here are a rough draft of the minutes which follow immediately after. They are brought over here from pages 715 and 716 of the manuscript and inserted between paragraphs appearing on page 770. 2 Crossed out in the manuscript. 924 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved as there is a Barrack Built for the express purpose of accomodating Troops, and as said Barrack from the representation of the Deputy Barrack Master General is fit and ready for the reception thereof That ColloHazen be informed that this Board cannot from these Considerations oppress their Constituents in billetting the Troops on them - Albany Committee Chamber 16th Feby: 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Henry R. Lansing Stewart Dean Peter Ryckman Gerrit Lansing Junr John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr. Ab. J. Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter W Douw Ab. Cuyler John M. Beeckman Philip P. Schuyler Brigadier General Ten Broeck represented to this Board that in pursuance of orders from his Excellency Governor Clinton, he had given orders to detach out of his Brigade 320 Men for the Continental Service for the Term of four Months, That part of the Drafts were already arrived in this City and that he expected t[he] remainder in, in a few Days and requested of this Board Quarters for the Men during their Stay in this City - Therefore Resolved That the Director of the Hospital in the [771] Northern Department or any of his Assistants be and they are hereby requested fortwith to remove the sick & Wounded out of the Barracks into the Hospital Resolved That the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops in and about this City be requested immediately after the said sick and Wounded are removed into the Hospital to order so many of the Continental Troops billetted on the Inhabitants of this City and its Suburbs to take their Quarters in said Barracks as will reasonably fill the same Resolved That the Committees of the respective Wards in this City be and they are hereby empowered upon the Application of Gen1l Ten Broeck or any of his Officers to billet the said Drafts on the Inhabitants in their respective Wards - Resolved That General Conway and the Assistant director of the Hospital be furnished with Copy of these Resolutions PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 925 The Commissioners of Indians Affairs in this Department requested that this Board would be pleased to appoint a Committee of their Body to attend the Indian Treaty at Johnstown Thereupon Resolved That the Chairman, Gen1l Ten Broeck, Abraham Cuyler and Hars. Wendell or any three of them be a Committee for that purpose - [771a] Albany Committee Chamber 17th Feby: 1778 -Present John Barclay Esqr Hars Wendell Peter Bratt Philip P. Schuyler Isaac D. Fonda John Fort John M. Beeckman Peter W. Douw. Chairman Philip Conine Sam1 Van Veghten Peter Bronck John H Beeckman Stephen J. Schuyler John Price Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournt' 18th Feby: 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr John M Beeckman Hars Wendell Philip P. Schuyler John Price Rutger Lansing Philip Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda Florus Banker Jacob F. Lansing Isaac Van Aernam Ab. Cuyler Chairman Henry R. Lansing Stewart Dean Christiaen Ray John Fort Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt John Tillman Peter W. Douw Gerrit Lansing Junr. Cornelius Humph [r]ey 926 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from Walter Livingston John Tayler and others of the Assembly dated the 15th" Feby: Instant inclosing Resolutions of Congress and Resolutions of a Convention of the different States Regulating the Prices of the different Articles 1 which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [772] Andrew Diver who was permitted by the Sheriff of one of the Counties in the State of Connecticut to appear before this Board, appeared accordingly and requested to be admitted to Bail for his behaviour Therefore Resolved That the said Andrew Diver be permitted to go at large on his entring into Bond with sufficient Surety for his appearance and future good behaviour - Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Gerrit Lansing Junr. Rutger Lansing Christiaen Rea Bernard Albert? ] Isaac D Fonda Philip Rockefeller Isaac Van Aernam Peter W. Douw Michael Overacker Harms Wendell Corns Humphrey The Committee of Saratoga District laid before this Board an Affidavit of Alexander Bryant against Thomas Waters which said Affidavit is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That James Watson be permitted to go at large till called upon, upon his entring into Bond with Surety for his appearance and future good behaviour Adjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Held at New Haven, Conn., on January 15th,1778. PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 927 [772a] Met according to Adjournment 19th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Ab. Cuyler Gerrit Lansing Junr Hars Wendell Isaac D Fonda Gerrit Groesbeeck Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Price Peter W. Douw Stewart Dean Corns Humphrey John Williams Isaac Van Aernam Chairman Ab. Ten Broeck Rutger Lansing Christian Rea Philip Rockefeller Henry R. Lansing Michael Overacker John Tillman Bastiaen T. Visscher Philip Van Rensselaer Nicholas Marselis James Vernor John Younglove In pursuance of a former Resolution the Committee of Cambridge District made a return of the Poll of the Election for Committee in said District from which it appears that the following are duly Elected Vizt John Younglove Edmund Wells John Wire Phineas Whiteside John Blair Lewis Van Woert John McKellup William Brown William Powell The Committee agreeable to the Request of the Assembly proceeded to the Consideration of the necessity of having a Regulating Act and thereupon Unanimously Resolve That a regulating Act is highly necessary and that the members of the Assembly be informed of this our Opinion Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Members [of] Assembly [773] of this County which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereas many Farmers and Inhabitants of this County have been deterred from supplying the Inhabitants of this City with Fire Wood and other necessaries thro' fear of having their Sleighs impressed Therefore Resolved That no Sleighs or Horses by which Fire Wood and other necessaries shall be brought to this City shall be seized or liable to be impressed in coming to, or going from said City 928 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF 'CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 19th Feby: 1778 2 OClock P. M. Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Gerrit Lansing Junr Isaac Van Aernam James Vernor Ph. Van Rensselaer John Tillman Jacob Bleecker Junr Jacob Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Ab Cuyler Philip Rockefeller Isaac D. Fonda Stewart Dean JohnYounglove Gerrit Groesbeeck Jer Van Rensselaer John M. Beeckman John Price Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Bratt Received a Letter from Major General Marquis De La Fayette dated this day which Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared in Answer thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Whereas it has been represented to this Board that in the late Distresses attending divers parts of this County several Persons who have not forfeited their Estates have been plundered of their Goods [773a] and their Effects and that the Persons who have such Goods and Effects refuse or neglect to deliver the same upon the request of the owners Therefore Resolved That it be recommended to the Committees of the different Districts in this County upon the Complaint of any of the Persons who have been plundered as aforesaid to cause the Persons complained of to appear before them and if upon enquiry it shall appear that the Person complained of, is possessed of any such Goods to cause the said Goods to be delivered to the lawful Owner, and if any Person shall be so lost to public Virtue as to refuse or neglect to comply with the orders of any of the Committees above mentioned That then the said Committees are hereby empowered' to call upon any of the Militia Officers for assistance as well to deliver the Goods as to cause such refractory Persons to be brought to the Custody of the Common Goal and further that the said Committees Report from time to time to this Board their proceedings in Consequence of this Resolution PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 929 Albany Committee Chamber 20th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Tillman Gerrit Groesbeeck Stewart Dean Henry R Lansing Ph. P. Schuyler Volkert Van Veghten Hars- Wendell John Price Ichabod Turner Ab Cuyler Abm- Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Received a Letter from Collo Hay dated this Day which is in the following Words [774] to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That the Chairman issue his Warrant to impress ten Sleighs and twenty Span of Horses out of the District of Half Moon District Albany Committee Chamber 23rd Feby: 1778 - Present John Barclay Esqr Peter W. Douw Volkert Van Veghten Isaac D. Fonda Stewart Dean Isaac Van Aernam John Williams John M.Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansing Junr Harms. Wendell Chairman Jacob Bleecker John Price James Vernor Stephen J. Schuyler Abraham Cuyler Peter Bratt Henry R Lansing Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Tayler Received a Letter from Collo. Hay dated this Day which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That an Answer be prepared thereto which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 30 930 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 24th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Stewart Dean Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Groesbeeck Philip P. Schuyler Jacob Bleecker Junr James Vernor Stephen J Schuyler Peter W. Douw Abraham Cuyler John Price Harmanus Wendell Isaac D. Fonda [774a] William Hun and William Ver Plank having complained to this Board that they were oppressed by having more than a proportion of Soldiers billetted on them Therefore Resolved That two Men be taken from the House of William Hun and four from William Ver Plank, that two be billetted on the House of Francis Winne two at John Bartetts and two at Daniel Winne's Albany Committee Chamber 25th Feby: 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Volkert Van Veghten Stewart Dean John Price Peter W. Douw Gerrit Lansing Junr Geirit Groesbeeck John M Beeckman John Tayler Hars Wendell James Vernor Philip Van Rensselaer Jer Van Rensselaer Isaac D Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Henry R Lansing Mr Isaac Mann Senr. appeared before this Board and applied for Leave to write to his Excellency Governor Clinton for a pass to New York Resolved That Leave be granted accordingly PROCEEDINGS, FEBRUARY, 1778 931 Albany Committee Chamber 27th Feby: 1778 Present John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Jacob Bleecker Philip Van Rensselaer Peter W. Douw Stewart Dean Isaac D. Fonda Henry R Lansing Gerrit Lansing Junr. Jacob Bleecker Junr John Price Isaac Van Aernam Bastiaen T. Visscher James Vernor [775] Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Schoharry dated the 24th Instant with sundry Affidavits and Prisoners which said Letter & Affidavits are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the Prisoners therein named be put in Close Confinement till farther orders Resolved That the Committee of Schoharry be requested to send as many Sleighs to this City for the purpose of Riding Wood for the use of the Soldiers as they possibly can Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John M. Beeckman Depy: Chairman John Price Nicholas Marselis James Vernor Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter W. Douw Jacob Bleecker Gerrit Lansing Junr Jacob Bleecker Junr. Jacob Cuyler Philip Van Rensselaer John H. Beeckman Abraham P. Vossburgh having complained to this Board that he has been abused and ill treated by certain People of Pownall, and that they had attempted to make him a Prisoner Thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Pownal which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Abraham Yates Junr. Esqr. laid before this Board an Anonimous Letter 932 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE directed to Collo. Beeckman [775a] giving an Account of some Traiterous Conspiracy's forming against this City & County which said Letter are in the following Words to wit (prout) Therefore Resolved That Messrs. John Tayler, James Vernor, Stewart Dean, Peter W Douw, and Isaac D Fonda be appointed a Committee to cause to be apprehended and secured the Persons and Papers referred to in said Letter and that they examine the Persons and Papers and Report their proceedings from time to time to this BoardResolved That Peter Craller be Liberated from Confinement upon his entering into Bond with Security for his appearance and future good behaviour Whereas it is essentially necessary that a large Quantity of Wood should with all convenient dispatch be laid in, in this City for the use of the Troops and whereas great inconveniencies arise to the Persons and Families of those who may be impressed and detained in this City for the purpose of Transporting Fire Wood to said City Therefore Resolved That any one or more of the Committees of the respective Districts of Manor of Rensselaerwyck, Half Moon Schoharry and Albany be and they are hereby empowered to assess and lay a duty upon any of the Inhabitants of the Districts aforesaid of such a Quantity or number of Loads of Wood to be delivered to the Deputy Quarter Master General as they may think reasonable Resolved that if any Person who shall be so assessed shall refuse or neglect to deliver the Quantity of Wood so imposed on them or directed to deliver such Person shall be instantly impressed and detained in the service till he or they have at least delivered double the Quantity so required Resolved That the Deputy Quarter Master General be directed to allow for every Merchantable Load of Wood which shall be so delivered 20/ and in proportion for an Inferior [7761 Resolved That the Persons actually employed in delivering the Wood so as aforesaid assessed be not impressed upon any Pretence whatever PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 933 Albany Committee Chamber 1 March 1778 -Present John M Beeckman Deputy Chairman John Williams Philip P. Schuyler James Vernor Peter W. Douw Henry R Lansing Nicholas Marselis Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Lansing Junr John Tayler Jacob Bleecker Gerrit Groesbeeck Philip Van Rensselaer [Remainder of this page blank.] [776a] Albany Committee Chamber 3rd March 1778 Present John M. Beeckman D. Chairman Peter Bratt Hugh Mitchell Isaac D. Fonda Philip P. Schuyler Peter W Douw Jacob C. Schermerhorn John Williams John H Beeckman Jacobus Swart Bastiaen T. Visscher Abraham Groot Stewart Dean Daniel Winne Henry R Lansingh Whereas it has been represented to this Board that divers Persons in and about Stillwater by the late Incursion of the Enemy to the Northward, h-ve been rendered unable to support themselves, and have out of Humanity been maintained and supported by this State, That after such Support, a number of People have gathered together, and taken from them the support that had been so given Therefore Resolved That Mess's Peter Yates, Lewis Van Antwerp and Jacobus Swart be and they are hereby empowered to examine into the situation of the Families that are supplied by this State with Provisions, and also into the Reasons and who the Persons were that have so taken the supplies granted for the support and maintainance of the Persons aforesaid and that they Report their Proceedings with all Convenient Speed to this Board 934 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Resolved That the said Committee also enquire what Quantity and Quality of Grain Provisions &W- one Rogers who has been employed by the [777] Commissioners has in PossessionAdjourned till 9 OClock A. M. Met according to Adjournt. 4th March 1778 Present John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Gerrit Lansing Junr John Tayler Daniel P. Winne Jacob Bleecker JunrVolkert Van Veghten Peter W. Douw Bastiaen T. Visscher William Dietz John Price Isaac Van Aernam Abraham Groot John H Beeckman Elisha Benidict Isaac D. Fonda Phineas Whiteside Philip P Schuyler James Vernor John Tayler Gerrit Groesbeeck Jacob Bleecker Stewart Dean Received a Letter from Major General Marquiss de Lafayette dated the third Instant at Schonectady which said Letter is in the following Words to with (prout)1 Adjourned till 2 OClock P M Met according to Adjournment Present John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter W. Douw Philip P. Schuyler Elisha Benidict John Tayler John Price Stewart Dean Abraham Becker Daniel P. Winne William Dietz Isaac D. Fonda Phineas Whiteside Isaac Van Aernam Henry R. Lansing John H Beeckman Jacob Bleecker 1See Public Papers of George Clinton, II: 852. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 935 Mr. Isaac Man Senr. appeared before this Board and informed them that one John Daniels has in possession and advertised for Sale a Colt which is his property [777a] and prayed that the Sale of said Colt may be postponed till he may prove his Property Therefore Resolved That the said John Daniels do not dispose of said Colt till such Time as the said Isaac Man Senr may have an opportunity of proving his Property Mr. Whiteside one of the Members of the Committee of Cambridge District laid before this Board a Paper delivered the Committee of Cambridge by Edmund Wells Junr. & James Cowan setting forth that the said Edmund Wells Junr. James Cowan and the other Persons mentioned in said Paper had corrected sundry Tories and Protection Men, Mr Whiteside farther informed this Board that some of the Persons who have been flogged and otherwise ill treated were Inhabitants of said District, who had remained on their Habitations untill the Enemy came upon them and Obliged them to take the Oath of Allegiance to the King of Great Brittain previous to their being set at Liberty - and that such Persons as were deemed unfriendly to the Liberties of America had been put under Bonds by the Committee of said District for their future good behaviour and appearance when called upon for Tryal Therefore Resolved That the inflicting of any Corporal punishment or the depriving of any of the Subjects of this State of their property without proper Authority is an infringement of the Priviledges of the People Contrary to sound Policy and in direct Violation of all Law and Justice - Resolved That this Committee will do the utmost of their endeavour to suppress every such Riotous and illegal proceedings, and will exert themselves in Causing [778] such Riotous Persons to be brought to Justice Resolved That the Letter from the Committee of Cambridge District with the paper from Messrs. Wells Cowan and others together with these Resolutions be transmitted to his Excellency the Governor1 1 See Public Papers of George Clinton, II: 854-58. 936 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 5th March 1778 Present John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman William Dietz Jacob Bleecker Junr Isaac Van Aernam Philip Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda Bastiaen T. Visscher Volkert Van Veghten Henry I. Bogert Gerrit Lansing Junr. Jacob Bleecker Gerrit Groesbeeck John H Beeckman Nicholas Marselis Philip P. Schuyler Peter W Douw John Tayler Henry R Lansing The Committee agreeable to the Request of Collo Lewis Deputy Quarter Master General and the Skippers who at the Close of the last Season Transported Troops with their Sloops to Kings Ferry and Wood from Coeymans to this City proceeded to the Consideration of the Prices which ought to be allowed therefore, And are of Opinion that as the Skippers during last Summer have been allowed ~30 for Transporting Troops from Peeks Kill to this City and as it has at all Times been Customary Ito allow at the Close of the Season double the Sum allowed in the Summer the said Skippers ought to be allowed for transporting the said Troops to Kings Ferry the Sum of ~60 each And for the same Reasons the Skippers who have transported Wood from Coeymans to this City the Sum of ~25 each for a Well Loaded Sloop with Wood [778a] The Committee having taken into Consideration the Complaint of Samuel Cooper and others of Saratoga District, and thereupon Resolve that the following Letter be sent to the Committee of said District to wit (prout)' Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. 1See Public Papers of George Clinton, II: 858-59. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 937 Met according to Adjournment Present John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Volkert Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Gerrit Groesbeeck John H Beeckman John Tayler John Price Peter W. Douw Philip Van Veghten Henry R Lansing Francis Winne Asst' Waggon Master appeared before this Board and requested their Assistance in procuring Six Sleighs for the purpose of Transporting Cannon from Tyconderoga to this place Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Kinderhook District which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Information was given to this Board by Major Schermerhorn and Thomas Sickles, that Jacob Schermerhorn Junr. and Philip Schaver were ordered to Ride a certain Quantity of Wood to the Magazine in this City, which they have absolutely refused Therefore Resolved That the said Jacob Schermerhorn Junr and Philip Schaver be immediately impressed for the purpose of assisting to Transport the Cannon from Tyconderoga to this place [779] The Committee again resumed the Consideration of the Papers from Cambridge District, and the Representations from divers People from the Districts of Saratoga and Hosick, And thereupon Resolved That a Letter be prepared to his Excellency Governor Clinton inclosing sundry Letters and Papers which said Letter and Papers are in the following Words to wit (prout) 1See Public Papers of George Clinton, II: 848-59. 938 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 6th March 1778 Present John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Junr Stewart Dean Gerrit Lansing Junr John Tayler Henry I. Bogert James Vernor Jacob C Schermerhorn Gerrit Groesbeeck John Price Volkert Van Veghten Philip Van Rensselaer John H Beeckman Resolved That the Commissary of Prisoners be directed to write to the Different Committees requesting them to send all the Brittish Prisoners in their respective Districts fortwith to Albany Maas H Van Beuren appeared before this Board and made affidavit of a Plot being on Foot at Jericho and that James Young and another Person could give more information concerning it the Affidavit is in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That Collo John H Beeckman be requested immediately to send an Officer and two Privates to apprehend said James Young and the other Person and fortwith to bring them before this Board - Several of the Members of the Committee attending the Indian Treaty at Johnstown, and business of [779a] importance being before the Board Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Speaker of the Assembly requesting the Assembly to dispense with Taylers absence for a little Time which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Abraham Yates Junr Esqr which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 939 Albany Committee Chamber 7th March 1778 Present. John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Williams Volkert Van Veghten Gerrit Lansing Junr. John Tayler Stewart Dean James Vernor Henry R Lansing Peter W. Douw Gerrit Groesbeeck Isaac Van Aernam John Price Isaac D. Fonda John Tayler The Shippers represented to this Board that altho' the price had been fixed by this Committee for transporting the Troops to Peeks Kill, the Quarter Master refused to pay them Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Collo Lewis which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Isaac Man Senr- having requested this Board to inform his Excellency Governor Clinton of the Crime alledged against his Son Thomas Resolved That his request be Complied with which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [780] Albany Committee Chamber 9th March 1778 Present John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman Isaac Van Aernam Volkert Van Veghten Stewart Dean Peter Bratt Gerrit Groesbeeck Gerrit Lansing JunrJacob Bleecker Junr. Jacob Cuyler John Williams John Tayler Isaac D. Fonda James Vernor Bastiaen T. Visscher Henry R Lansing Abraham J Yates Received a Letter from ColIl Lewis Deputy Quarter Master General dated 8th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) 940 ALBANY 'COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Received a Letter from His Excellency Governor Clinton dated the 4th Instant inclosing a List of Persons enlisted in the service of the Enemy which said Letter and List are in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of the above Letter Ordered that Mr Tayler and Mr Douw be a Committee to apply to the Commanding Officer for an Officer and a Party of twelve Men to apprehend the Persons mentioned in said List The Commanding Officer have granted the request of an Officer and twelve Men, and they being [ready 1] to set out at One OClock Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Half Moon District which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) [780a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th March 1778 Present John M Beeckman Esqr Chairman P. T. Volkert Van Veghten Volkert Veeder John Williams John Price Henry R Lansing Gerrit Groesbeeck Isaac D. Fonda Philip Van Rensselaer Philip Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam John H Beeckman Peter W. Douw Capt. Price appeared before this Board and informed that agreeable to orders he had apprehended, Stephen Hooper, John Hooper, Joseph Devall James Conklin, Joseph Conklin, Joseph Conklin Junr John Conklin Junr' John Conklin, Thomas Purchase Abraham Ostrander, Evert Ostrander and John Keurden - Ordered that the said Persons above named be confined till farther orders 1Crossed out in the manuscript. PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 941 Albany Committee Chamber 12th March 1778 Present John M. Beeckman Chairman P. T. Gerrit Groesbeeck Peter W Douw Stewart Dean Samuel Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Cuyler John Williams Philip Van Rensselaer John Price Isaac D. Fonda Volkert Van Veghten Jer. Van Rensselaer Henry R Lansing General Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Collo Wyncoop appeared before this Board and represented that there were yet wanting twenty five Sleighs and forty five Span of Horses to Transport the Cannon from Tyconderoga to this place [781] and that he could not procure them and therefore prayed that this Board would be pleased to assist him in procuring them - Therefore Resolved That Letters be prepared to the Committees of the Districts of Schaghtekocke and Kinderhook requesting them to furnish the Number required, which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Capt. Herrick laid before this Board certain Resolutions of the Committee of Kings District of the 9th Instant requesting this Board to Liberate one Barret Dyre, and to permit him to come to their District Therefore Resolved that the said Barret Dyre be Liberated accordingly Received a Letter from the Committee of Schoharry dated the 7th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 13th March 1778 Present John M Beeckman Chairman P. T. Bastiaen T. Visscher Abm- J. Yates Jacob Bleecker Peter W Douw Harmanus Wendell Volkert Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker Junr. John Price Gerrit Lansing Junr Isaac Van Aernam 942 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Recd. a Letter from the Committee of Schonectady dated 10th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the Secretary desire Capt. Teunis Ts. Van Veghten to pay Richard Tillman fifteen Pounds on Account —his whole Account amounting to ~50 [781a] Albany Committee Chamber 16th March 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr. James Vernor Isaac D Fonda Isaac Van Aernam John Williams John H. Beeckman John Price John Js- Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Groesbeeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Peter Ryckman Henry R. Lansing General Ten Broeck John Tayler Philip Van Rensselaer Albany Committee Chamber 17th March 1778 — Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Deputy Chairman John Price Peter Ryckman John Tayler Isaac Van Aernam Harms Wendell Jacob Cuyler Peter W Douw Peter Bratt Gerrit Lansing Junr. General Ten Broeck Major Stevens of the Artillery appeared before this Board and represented to them that he was in great distress for a Master Workman in the Blacksmiths Trade, and requested that this Board would be pleased to Liberate one Andrew Liddle whom he had received information was capable to perform that Service Therefore PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 943 Resolved That the said Andrew Liddle be discharged from Confinement, that he be restricted to the Bounds of the City of Albany and Colony of Rensselaerwyck, and that Major Stevens be desired to see that Liddle remains in the Limits above described [782] Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman Peter W Douw John Price John M Beeckman Peter Ryckman Peter Bratt John H. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher John Tillman Abraham J. Yates John Williams Isaac Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer General Ten Broeck Resolved That a Letter be prepared to his Excellency Govr Clinton which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 1 It being represented to the Board that Moses R Van Vranken had made a practice of purchasing Paper Money of the emission of the Legislature of this State while dependant on the King of Great Brittain for the Currency of the United States, and allowing at the Rate of one hundred and thirty Dollars of the Currency of the States for one hundred Dollars of the emission above alluded to Therefore Resolved That the said Moses R Van Vranken be cited to appear before this Board to Morrow Morning to answer to said Complaint 1See Public Papers of George Clinton, III: 80-82. 944 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 18th March 1778 - Present John Barclay Esqr Harms Wendell James Vernor Peter W Douw Isaac Van Aernam Gen1' Ten Broeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Jer. Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman John Williams Chairman Isaac Fonda John M. Beeckman John H Beeckman John Price John Tillman Peter Bratt Ichabod Turner Ab. J. Yates Nichs Marselis [782a] Capt Grant laid before this Board a Pay Roll of a Company he commanded last August and requested that this Board would order the same to be paid - as this Board, are not acquainted with the reasons that led the Committee and Field Officers of Kings District to raise the Company Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee and Field Officers of Kings District which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Moses R. Van Vranken in Consequence of the Resolution of Yesterday appeared before this Board, confessed that he had Ibeen Guilty of the Charge alledged against him, and that he had purchased butter for one Shilling in Specie V Lb. and sold the same at 6/8 in Continental Currency, and it farther appearing to this Board that he has made a practice of such Conduct, and spread many false Reports thro' the Country - Therefore Resolved That Van Vranken's going at large is dangerous to the State, and that he be confined till farther orders, and that previous to his Liberation he enter into Bond with Surety for his future good behaviour Adjourned till 2 OClock P M PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 945 Met according to Adjournment [783] Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Deputy John Williams Hars Wendell Philip P. Schuyler John Price Peter Bratt John Tillman Peter W. Douw John JS- Bleecker Bastiaen T. Visscher John H Beeckman Volkert Veeder Jacob Bleecker Junr. Ichabod Turner The Committee were informed that Johannis Seeger, Abraham Van Aelstyn, John Sytemon, John Coon, Arent Wormer, Andries Ten Eyck Junr. Jacob Lagrange, Peter Fetterly, Jonas Laraway Jacob Seeger and William Schermerhorn are Persons whose going at large is dangerous to the StateTherefore Resolved That the said Persons above named be immediately apprehended and put in Close Confinement till farther ordersResolved That the 'Commanding Officer be requested to send a Party to apprehend them The Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck represented to this Board that several Persons Inhabitants of the County of Tryon Enemies to the Country have removed with their Families into that District and requested the Opinion of this Board whether they ought to remain in said DistrictThereupon Resolved That is the Opinion of this Board that the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck order the said Family's to move to the County of Tryon - [783a] The Committee were informed that there [are] a number of Persons gathered together at a Place called Peesink, with intent to join the Enemy when an oppertunity offers. Therefore Resolved That a party be sent to apprehend and secure the said Persons Resolved That Christian Wanner [Warner?], Jacob Angle, and William Shell be Liberated from Confinement upon their entering into Bond with sufficient Surety for their future good behaviour and appearance when called upon 946 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Recompence Smith appeared before this Board and complained that he had been fined ~50 for selling about two Gallons Rum without Licence Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committee of Schaghtekocke District which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 21st March 1778 -Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Deputy Volkert Van Veghten Peter Ryckman James Vernor John Price Peter W Douw Philip Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Gerrit Lansing Junr. Isaac Van Aernam Jacob Cuyler Abraham Cuyler Jacob Bleecker Harms- Wendell Peter Bratt John Tayler Mr. John M. Beeckman having supplied Thomas Seeger with a Shift for Sarah Howell a Poor Woman who lately died and was supported by the public, and charged for the same 24/. [784] Ordered That the Treasurer pay Mr. Beeckman the said 24/ An Account of William Fuller for making a Coffin for Sarah Howell was laid before this Board amounting to ~1..12 which is allowed and ordered to be paidAlbany Committee Chamber 22nd March 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr John Price Peter Ryckman John Williams Hars. Wendell John M. Beeckman Isaac Van Aernam Chairman General Ten Broeck Henry R. Lansing Peter W Douw John Tayler Bastiaen T. Visscher Jacob Cuyler PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 947 The Chairman laid before this Board a Letter of the Marquiss de Lafayette dated 21st Instant inclosing sundry Letters which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That an Answer be prepared to the Marquiss's Letter which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany Committee Chamber 24th March 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Nicholas Marselis Peter W Douw John Williams John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr James Vernor Peter Ryckman Henry R Lansing Hars Wendell Abraham Cuyler Collo. Lewis Deputy Quarter Master, General requested this Board to favour him with their Opinion respecting the Price that ought to be [784a] allowed P Barrel for Tarr, which request is in the following Words to wit (prout)Thereupon Resolved that it is the Opinion of this Board that ~3 P Barrel for Tarr delivered at Albany is reasonable when the Persons making the same are excused from Military Duty Samuel Cooper appeared before this Board and complained that Capt' Job Wright, Cornelius Baldwin and Abner Skidmore had in their Possession each a Horse his Property which they refuse to deliver altho' often demanded Therefore Resolved That the said Job Wright Cornelius Baldwin and Abner Skidmore be and they are hereby cited to appear before this Board at their next General meeting on Tuesday the thirty first Instant to answer said Complaint Resolved That John Winkworth be Liberated from Confinement upon entring into Bond with sufficient Surety for his future good behaviour and appearance when called upon 948 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Albany Committee Chamber 25th March 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John Williams Tyrannus Collins Jacob Bleecker Junr. James Vernor John M. Beeckman Bastiaen T. Visscher Hars Wendell John Tillman Ab Cuyler Stephen J. Schuyler Peter Bratt Philip Van Rensselaer [785] Andries J. Gardineer having given information to this Board of the Persons who robbed John Van Ness and Van Aelstyn and w[h]ere part of the Goods plundered are secretedTherefore Resolved That the said Andries J. Gardineer be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Bond with Surety for his future good behaviour and appearance when called upon - Mr. Philip Van Rensselaer represented to the Board that he had been informed that two Regular Soldiers and several Negroes had agreed to go to New York, That they were to go in a Batteau and were to sat off in the Night, and farther that from the said information it appeared that his Negro Andrew, Mr Stevensons Tone, Mr- Hogans, Tom, Mr Roseboom's Jem, Mr Veeders Jeremy, Mr Lansinghs Jack and some others were concerned Resolved That the said Soldier and Negroes be immediately apprehended and examined and it appearing from the examination of Andrew (Mr Rensselaers) and Mr Lansings Jack that the information was well grounded which information are in the following Words to wit (prout) Thereupon Resolved That The said Soldiers and Negroes be put in Confinement till farther orders PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 949 Albany Committee Chamber 26th March 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Peter Bratt Hars Wendell Henry I Bogert Peter W Douw Jacob Bleecker Junr. Peter Ryckman Jacob Cuyler Volkert Veeder John H Beeckman John Tillman General Ten Broeck James Vernor Abraham Cuyler Deputy Volkert Van Veghten Stephen J. Schuyler Philip Van Rensselaer Ab. J. Yates John Price Gerrit Groesbeeck Henry R Lansing Isaac Vn- Aernam Stewart Dean Florus Banker John Williams Isaac D. Fonda Gerrit Lansing Junr [785a] Coll~. Van Schaick appeared before this Board and requested that they would be pleased to write to his Excellency the Governor withdrawing their request to have his Regiment detained here Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to his Excellency which was done in the following Words to wit (prout)1 Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Collo Hugh Hughes Esqr which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M 1 See Public Papers of George Clinton, III: 86. 950 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr Bastiaen T. Visscher General Ten Broeck Peter W Douw Isaac D. Fonda Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam John M Beeckman Stephen J Schuyler Abraham J Yates Gerrit Lansing Junr John H Beeckman Chairman Jacob Bleecker Peter Ryckman Volkert Van Veghten Gerrit Groesbeeck Floras Banker Henry R Lansing Stewart Dean James Vernor Philip Van Rensselaer John Williams John Price Resolved That the Persons Elected in the several Wards of this City for Aldermen be and they are hereby directed to Superintend the Election for Assessors on the first Tuesday in April nextThe Committee were informed that several Persons Inhabitants of the County of Tryon had moved with their Families into the District of Manor of Rensselaer in this County and that the said Persons are disaffected to [786] the Cause of America Therefore Resolved That all Persons who have within twelve Months from the Date of this Resolution moved and setteled within this County, be and they are hereby ordered and directed to depart the same within ten Days after Notice of this Resolution Provided always that this Resolution shall not extend to any Person or Persons or his or their Families who shall produce a Certificate from the Chairman of the Committee of the County or District where he she or they last resided, signifying their Attachment to the Cause of America, and their permission to remove out of the said County or DistrictAn Account of John Johnson was laid before this Board for repairing the Pumps in the City amounting to ~5.. 11. 0 which is allowed and ordered to be paidThe Masters of the Negroes yesterday apprehended were sent for and after their appearance the Committee proceeded to the farther examination of the Negroes, and it appearing from said examination that the said Negroes had PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 951 combined together with the said Charles Stevenson to go of to New York and it farther appearing that Mr. Hogans, Tom, Mr. Rosebooms Jem. and MrRensselaers Andrew, were the principals and had been Guilty of other Crimes which rendered them obnoxious previous to that above mentioned Therefore Resolved That the said Tom, Jem and Andrew above named be kept in Confinement till such Time as their Masters have an oppertunity [786a] to dispose of them out of this State Resolved That the Consideration of the Crimes of the rest of the Negroes be postponed till to Morrow Morning Albany Committee Chamber 27th March 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Philip Van Rensselaer Hars. Wendell Isaac D. Fonda Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Groesbeeck Abraham J Yates Peter Ryckman Jacob Cuyler Chairman Volkert Van Veghten John Tillman Stewart Dean Henry R Lansing Jacob Bleecker John M. Beeckman John Price John H. Beeckman The Committee were informed that a Lieut- Richardson in the service of the Enemy had permission to go to the Enemy, and it being conceived highly improper to suffer any Persons at the opening of a Campaign to go to the Enemy Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Gen1. Conway which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That (Jeremy) Mr. Veeders Negro be apprehended and put in Close Confinement there to remain till such Time as his Master has an oppertunity to sell him to a Person out of this State Adjourned till 4 OClock P. M. 952 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Met according to Adjournment Present John Barclay Esqr John M Beeckman Chairman Deputy John Williams Jacob Cuyler Volkert Van Veghten Gerrit Groesbeeck John Tillman Isaac D Fonda Henry R Lansing Peter W Douw Abraham J. Yates Philip Van Rensselaer Peter Ryckman [787] Received a Letter from General Conway dated this Day which Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Albany 'Committee Chamber 28th March 1778 — Present. John Barclay Esqr John M Beeckman John Williams Hars Wendell Ab. Cuyler Volkert Van Veghten Abraham J. Yates Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck John Price Chairman Deputy John Tillman Peter Ryckman Jacob Bleecker Peter Bratt Philip Van Rensselaer Bastiaen T. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda Received a Letter from his Excellency Governor Clinton dated the 27th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) The Committee proceeded to the Consideration of the punishment that ought to be inflicted on the following Negroes Jack, Mr Lansings, Tone Mr. Stevensons and (Rob) Mr Rensselaers, and Mr. Rensselaer declared that Mr Lansing and Stevenson were willing that their Negroes should undergo the same punishment as his, and he declaring that his Negro should be publickly Whipped, and receive fifty Lashes on the bare back Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the said punishment ought to be immediately inflicted PROCEEDINGS, MARCH, 1778 953 Albany Committee Chamber 29th March 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Deputy Hars. Wendell John Williams John Price Henry R Lansing General Ten Broeck Volkert Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam Stewart Dean Isaac D. Fonda Gerrit Lansing Junr Gerrit Groesbeeck Ab. Cuyler Nicholas Marselis Peter Bratt Bastiaen T. Visscher Collo Hay laid before this Board the following request dated 27th Instant Ordered thereupon that the Secretary write Letters to the Committees of the Districts of Half Moon & Schaghtekocke which was done in the following Words to wit Prout Ordered That the Chairman issue a Press Warrant to impress the Waggons required [787a] Albany Committee Chamber 30th March 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Bastiaen T. Visscher John Williams Isaac D Fonda John Price Gerrit Lansing Junr. Abraham J. Yates Isaac Van Aernam General Ten Broeck John M. Beeckman Abraham Cuyler Chairman Peter Ryckman John H Beeckman Peter W Douw Volkert Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker John Tillman Hars' Wendell Philip Van Rensselaer Peter Bratt James Gorden Received a Letter from the Committee of Kinderhook District dated 27th Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) 954 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Recd the following Resolutions from the Committee of Charlotte County and order from John Williams dated the 23rd and 26th March Instant with several Prisoners which said Resolutions and order are in the following Words to wit (prout) From the information of one Daniel Bass and others it appears that one Gilead Bettiss late of Ballston has lately come out of New York with orders to enlist Men for the service of the Enemy and that he had a Captains Commission from Genl Sir Harry ClintonTherefore Resolved That this Committee will pay a reward of one hundred Dollars to any Person or Persons who shall deliver the said Gilead Bettiss to the keeper of the Common Goal in this County - Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Committees of Saratoga and Tryon County upon this Subject which said Letter is in the following [788] Words to wit (prout) Resolved Tom the Negro of Henry Hogan and Jem the Negro of Abraham Roseboom be sent under Guard to one of the Eastern States properly hand Cuffed and that their Masters be acquainted with this Resolution, and desired to dispose of them — Robert Gilmore having enlisted in the Continental Service- Ordered that he be discharged from Confinement Albany Committee Chamber 31st March 1778 -Present - John Barclay Esqr Chairman Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman Philip P. Schuyler Jacob Bleecker Peter W. Douw Henry R Lansingh Lewis Van Antwerp John M. Beeckman John Fort John H. Beeckman Rutger Lansing Gerrit Groesbeeck Henry I. Bogert Cornelius Humphrey Philip Van Rensselaer John Van Ness Jacob Zimmer Jacobus Van Aelen Abraham J. Yates Volkert Van Veghten John Williams PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1778 955 Received a Letter from the Marquiss de Lafayette dated the 30th Instant requesting that all Prisoners of War and deserters from the Enemy be apprehended with all possible dispatch and sent to a place of Security which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 9 OClock A M. [788a] Met according to Adjournment 1 April 1 778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Abraham Cuyler Volkert Van Veghten Isaac Van Aernam John Price Lewis Van Antwerp John Fort Rutger Lansing General Ten Broeck Jacob Bleecker Junr. Isaac D Fonda Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacobus Van Aelen John Williams Stewart Dean Peter Bratt Cornelius Humphrey John M Beeckman John Van Ness Abraham D. Fonda Henry R Lansing Floras Banker Philip P. Schuyler John H Beekman Harm-s Wendell Peter Ryckman Jacob F. Lansing Henry I. Bogert Ezekiel Sayles John Tillman Philip Rogers Chrisr' Tillman Jehoida Millard Job Wright Nicholas Marselis Jacob Cuyler Mr John M Beeckman laid before this Board a Letter Signed 0. E. & directed to this Board, found near his House, from which it appears that a dangerous Conspiracy is on Foot which Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That Genl1 Conway be acquainted with the Contents of this Letter and that Mr. Beeckman and the Secretary wait upon the General with the said Letter Ordered That Copy of the said Letter with the information of James Hart be transmitted to his Excellency the Governor by express - which was done in the following Words to wit (prout)' 1 See Public Papers of George Clinton, III: 109-12. 956 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [789] Resolved That it be recommended to the Committees of the respective Districts in this County fortwith to disarm all such Inhabitants of their Districts who have been with the Enemy, and not taken the Oath of Allegiance to this State, or other ways evinced their Sincerity to the Cause of America Resolved That it be recommended to the respective District Committees in this County fortwith to apprehend and send to this City all such Prisoners of War, Deserters from the Enemy, and Inhabitants of this County who have been with the Enemy and still evince their Enmity to the Cause of America Received a Letter from Collo Hugh Hughes D. Q. M. G1. dated the 31st March last which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Adjourned till 2 OClock P. M. Met according to Adjournment Present. John M Beeckman Deputy Chairman Henry R Lansing Gen1' Ten Broeck John Van Ness Lewis Van Antwerp Rutger Lansing John Fort Henry I. Bogert Jacobus Van Aelen Ezekiel Sayles Job Wright Philip Rogers Corns- Humphry John Williams Nicholas Marselis Hars. Wendell Ab. Cuyler Ph. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Isaac D Fonda Ordered That the Chairman furnish Collo Hay with a Warrant to impress in this County Twenty Waggons for the purpose of Transporting [789a] Provisions for the Party who are gone after the Cannon yet remaining at Tyonderoga and between Skeensborough and Fort Ann PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1778 957 Albany Committee Chamber 2nd April 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M. Beeckman Deputy Abraham Cuyler Cornelius Humphrey Peter Bratt Isaac Van Aernam Henry I Bogert Stewart Dean Peter W Douw Gerrit Groesbeeck Henry R Lansing John Williams John Price Isaac D Fonda Peter Ryckman Daniel P Winne John Younglove Hars. Wendell John Fort Philip Van Rensselaer John Van Ness Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacobus Van Aelen A Pay Roll of Capt. Eleazer Grants company who ranged and Scouted the Woods in the East part of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck as far as Hosick when the Enemy marched towards Bennington amounting to ~416..9.. Resolved That the said Sum of ~416..9.. 1 be paid out of the first Money that comes to Hand and that a Committee be appointed to wait upon the Commander in Chief and request that he give a Warrant to pay the same out of the Continental Treasury Upon the Complaint of Marte C Van Beuren That Capt. Baldwin had detained in his Hands ten Pounds at the Time the said Van Beuren was discharged and it appearing from Lieut. [790] Van Beuren that Capt- Baldwin had detained in his Hands eight Pounds and that he Lieut. Van Beuren had the remainder Therefore Resolved That Lieut. Van Beuren acquaint Capt. Baldwin that it is the Opinion of this Board that he immediately pay the said Sum of eight Pounds to Marte C Van Beuren Resolved That a Committee of eight Persons be appointed to enquire into the State of all Tavernkeepers, and Innholders, That they be empowered to Cite all Persons keeping Taverns and retail Liquors to appear before them That they Licence such of them as they shall think proper and under such restrictions as shall appear to them reasonable 958 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE The Committee chosen for that purpose are John Williams, Abraham J. Yates, Jer Van Rensselaer, Isaac D. Fonda, Stewart Dean, Gerrit Groesbeeck, Peter Bratt and Philip Van Veghten, and that they or any three of them have power to Act. Albany Committee Chamber 4th April 1778 Present. John Barclay Esqr Chairman Volkert Van Veghten General Ten Broeck John Williams John M Beeckman Peter Ryckman Isaac D. Fonda Isaac Van Aernam Jer. Van Rensselaer Jacob Bleecker Junr Harmanus Wendell Jacob Bleecker Abraham Cuyler Gerrit Lansing Junr. Philip Van Rensselaer James Vernor John Tillman An Account of James Halenbeeck for carrying dispatches to the different Collos. in this County [790a] by order of General Ten Broeck was laid before this Board amounting to ~6.. 11..3 which is allowed and ordered to be paidWhereas many depredations have been Committed in this City and County by the Troops under the Command [of] General Gates, And whereas many Fences and other Effects have been destroyed in and about this City by said Troops Therefore Resolved That a Committee be appointed to draw up a State, of the Depredations Committed, in this City & County, and that the same be transmitted to his Excellency the Governor Resolved That the Damages sustained by the said Depredations be ascertained, by three Persons to be appointed, one by the Quarter Master in this Department one by the Persons who have sustained Damages, and one by this Board and that for that purpose the Committee so to be appointed be directed to call upon the Quarter Master, and the Persons having sustained Damages to Nominate each their Appraizer, and that all such appraizements be made under oath Resolved That in Case the Quarter Master Neglects or refuses to Nominate such appraizer that then the said Committee nominate one in the Stead of the one to be nominated by the Quarter Master PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1778 959 The Committee chosen for the above purpose are, Jer. Van Rensselaer, James Vernor and Har [791] Wendell or any two of them An Account of Mr Isaac D. Fonda was laid before this Board for going down to Coeyman's with two Sloops in order to Sink the Vessels in Case the Enemy should come up the River, amounting to ~60..18 which is allowed and ordered to be paid - An Account of the same for making Benches and other necessaries for the Committee Room was laid before this Board amounting to ~2.. 1.. 11 which is allowed & ordered to be paid — Albany Committee Chamber 6th April 1778 -[Present] John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman John Williams Isaac D Fonda Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr. Nicholas Marselis Volkert Van Veghten Henry I. Bogert Deputy Abraham Cuyler Philip Van Rensselaer Gerrit Groesbeeck Peter Ryckman General Ten Broeck Jacob Cuyler Harmanus Wendell [792] Albany Committee Chamber 8th April 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr John Williams General Ten Broeck Hars Wendell John M Beeckman Deputy Gerrit Groesbeeck Ichabud Turner Jacob Bleecker Jun Abraham J. Yates Jacob Cuyler John Price Henry I Bogert Chairman Henry R Lansing John Tayler Peter W. Douw Abraham Cuyler Philip Van Rensselaer Stewart Dean Isaac D. Fonda Jacob Bleecker Volkert Van Veghten Peter Ryckman 960 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Mat Visscher Clerk of the City & County of Albany requested the advice and direction of this Committee respecting the removal of the Records of this County Therefore Resolved That it is the Opinion of this Committee that the said Matthew Visscher ought to remove the said Records to this City as soon as possible Recd a Letter from Ballston dated the 6th Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) Reced. two Letters from the Committee of Schonectady dated the 4th and 7th Instant which said Letters are in the following Words to wit (prout) [792a] Albany Committee Chamber 11th April 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Deputy Jer. Van Rensselaer John Williams John Tayler Peter Ryckman Stewart Dean John Tillman James Vernor Isaac D. Fonda Gerrit Groesbeeck Bastiaen T. Visscher Volkert Van Veghten Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr Henry R Lansing General Ten Broeck The Chairman laid before this Board the Proceedings of the Committee of Saratoga dated 10th Instant respecting John McDole and Benjamin French which said Proceedings are in the following Words to wit (prout) Ordered That the said John McDole and Benjamin French be confined till further orders The Chairman informed the Board that nine Families Consisting of Twenty seven Persons Inhabitants of Charlotte County had arrived in this City on their way to their respective Places of abode and had requested the Aid and assistance of this Board to forward them in their Journey Therefore Resolved That it be recommended to the Chairman to deliver the said Persons one hundred Dollars, one Barrel and a Bag of Flour out of the Donation Money [793] in his Hands, and take their Receipt for the same, and that previous to such delivery he cause the said Persons to give in a List of their Names PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1778 961 The Committee appointed to Regulate the Tavern keepers in and about this City laid before this Board their Proceedings which are in the following Words to wit (prout) Resolved That the said Proceedings be approved of except that the Fines which may become due by Inhabitants of the Colony, shall be to use of the Inhabitants thereof Albany Committee Chamber 14th April 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Deputy Jer. Van Rensselaer John Price John Tillman James Vernor JohS' Van Deusen Stephen Jno~ Schuyler Peter Bratt Isaac D. Fonda Lewis Van Woert Volkert Van Veghten James Willson Philip Van Veghten Peter W. Douw Peter Ryckman Volker Veeder Abraham J. Yates Bastiaen T. Visscher A Pay and Ration Roll of Capt Isaac De Freests Company was laid before this Board for Guarding Prisoners to Esopus by order of the Council of Safety, amounting in the whole to ~26..5.. 10 which is allowed and ordered to be paid [793a] Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to AdjournmentPresent John Barclay Esqr Chairman William Thorn Stephen J. Schuyler Andrew Willson James Gorden Gerardus Cluet Tyrannus Collins Isaac Fonda John Price Wouter N Groesbeeck George White Bastiaen T. Visscher John Tillman John Tillman Henry R Lansing Abraham J Yates 31 - 962 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE A Pay and Ration Roll of a detachment of Militia under the Command of Collo Gorden who apprehended and secured several disaffected Persons about a twelve Month ago was laid before this Board amounting to ~67.. 15.. 6 3/4 which is allowed and ordered to be paid A Pay Roll of Capt. John Ryley's Company of Rangers was laid before this Board for Services performed in apprehending last Summer the Robbers on the East Side of the River amounting to ~264..2.. 11 which is allowed and ordered to be paid The Committee of the District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck represented to the Board that several of the Inhabitants of that District had been greatly distressed last Summer by means of their being plundered by disaffected Persons and that they would again [794] be plundered and obliged to quit their Habitations unless Provision was made for their Security Therefore Resolved That a Letter be prepared to his Excellency the Governor requesting him to grant an order for the raising two Companies of Rangers to be employed in this CountyAlbany Committee Chamber 16th April 1778 Present John Barclay Chairman John M. Beeckman Deputy Isaac D. Fonda Peter Ryckman John Tayler Henry R Lansingh General Ten Broeck Peter W. Douw Isaac Aernam Ab Cuyler John Price Jacob Bleecker Junr John Williams Resolved That a Letter be prepared to his Excellency the Governor upon the Subject of the removal of the Brittish Prisoners which was done in the following Words to wit (prout)' Resolved also that another Letter be prepared to his Excellency upon the Subject of the Troops being ordered from this City which was done in the following Words to wit (prout) 'See Public Papers of George Clinton, III: 176, 175, for this and the following reference. PROCEEDINGS, APRIL, 1778 963 [794a] Albany Committee Chamber 10th June 1778 Present John Barclay Esqr Chairman John M Beeckman Deputy Peter W Douw Henry R Lansing Gerrit Groesbeeck Henry I. Bogert John Price Jacob Bleecker Jacob Bleecker Junr. Samuel Stringer John Js. Bleecker John Tillman Abraham J. Yates Isaac D Fonda Peter Ryckman Stewart Dean Philip Van Rensselaer Isaac Van Aernam John Williams Abraham Ten Broeck Hars. Wendell John Tayler Resolved That Gerrit Lansing Junr. John Js- Bleecker and Stewart Dean or any two of them be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to examine and Audit the Accounts of this Board, and that they be allowed each 20/ P Day while in actual service for their Trouble and expence and it is farther Resolved that the said Committee enter upon this Necessary business, with all dispatch, and that immediately upon the Completion thereof they Report to the Board [End of the manuscript.] APPENDIX Before the Capitol fire in 19 1, there were in the custody of the State Library some 52 volumes (bound in 55) of Revolutionary manuscripts known as Manuscripts of the Colony and State of New York in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1800. Volume 40 of these contained financial accounts many of which related to the business of the Albany Committee. Some of these had been copied and the copies were in the State Historian's office at the time of the fire, so that they escaped destruction. The fragmentary condition and loss of the originals have made it impossible to make comparisons so that the copies are printed here as they are. Similar accounts for the commissioners for detecting conspiracies were in the same volume of manuscripts and were printed in the appendix of volume II of the work Minutes of the Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies. The Audited Accounts of the State Auditor which were also in the State Library but preserved from destruction by the fire contain a few documents which have to do with the activities of the Albany Committee. One of these, reproduced here, contains the account of John Vissher and the others are accounts of the Commissioners of Sequestration for the Northern District of Albany County in which the Albany Committee is at times referred too The books of the State Treasurer, also in the State Library, were so badly burned as to be unusable. [965] 966 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Audited Accounts, B:227] The Committee of Albany To John Vissher 1775 June To Billiting & other Expences for his Company raised Northern Department vizt To John Corbins Bill....................... To John Foster Do....................... To John Barber Do for Expences on the March.. To Christopher Tilmans Bill.................. To John Tilman...... Do................. To Abram Jas Lansing's Do.................. To Cash I paid at Widows Peebles's............ Dr. at their Request to Defend the ~23.. 7.. 6 2..11.. 9 3..18.. 9 4..19.. 1 21.. 6.. 0 4..16.. 0 11..18.. 9 ~72..17..10 72..17..10 Audited the foregoing Accot pursuant to the Direction of Act passed the 9th of March 1790 for the 1 of Henry Haydock and others May the 4, 1790 1 Word omitted in the manuscript. APPENDIX 967 [Revolutionary Manuscripts, 40:2] Committee of Albany County to State of New York 1775-7 Sep. 1-May 13 Dr. 1775 Septr. 1. Octr. 14. 1776 Paid Abraham Ten Broek for their Use Paid Henry Glenn, towards repairing the Barracks in the City of Albany, April 15. Paid Edward S. Willet on Credit of said County, to repaid the Barracks May 22. Paid Henry Glen, on credit of said County......... Octr. 23. Paid Leonard Gansevoort on Accot of Bounty &. Pay of Rangers in said County Novr. 6. Paid John Barclay, for Bounty &c for the Rangers.. in said County f do Paid Abraham Yates on Credit of said County....... 1777 Feby 8. Paid Robert Yates on Credit of said County....... Paid by Albany County Loan Officers........... May 13. Paid Abraham Yates Junr on Credit of said County... ~1000..-.. 200..-..538..16.. 9 800..-..600..-..980..-..622..- 34 2000..-..1200..-..1000..-.. Cr. ~8940.. 17 / 2360..17 ~1 By Amount of their Accot render'd Due State of New York i6580... 968 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. MSS. Dr.. The State of New York in account 1775 1775-7 Septr. 1st. Sept. 1-Octr. 14 May 14 1776 Apr 15 May 22 Octr. 23 Novr. 6 1777 Feby. 8 Apr. 29 May 14 -- - -` - - To Cash................................ To ditto................................ To ditto To ditto To ditto To ditto To ditto To ditto To ditto To ditto 10001.. 200.. 538 16 800.. 600. 980.. 6221................................................................................................ 9 3~V4 2000t............................... 12001 ---10001.... To Balance favoring the Committee of Albany 6901191101/2 ~9631116110~4 Dr.. The To this sum paid by the Albany Committee as V Accot. of particulars & Vouchers herewith...... To Interest on the above from 1st. April 1777 to the 1st. Jany. 1787 - 9 yrs. 9 mos. a 6 P Ct.. United States to 5173-t l~/2 30261 41 1/2 ~81991 41 3 dI Amot. of Principal Do. of Interest Dollrs. 12932 7565 90ths 46 46 APPENDIX 969 40:21 Current with the Committee of Albany Cr 1 776. Noyr. 6th. By this sum paid for Garrisoning Crown Point, Ticonderoga, Fort George &ca. particulars as Accot. furnished,... United States..j By United States for repairing Barracks in the City of Albany, as V dittof By United States for this sum paid as 7P Accot. of Particulars herewithI By ditto for ditto as V ditto By State Expences as T? ditto 1672 6881 50441 1281 20971 1611~1V I0 I 191 9 /2 014 -191 9 ~i963111611037Y4 The State of New York. 970 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. MSS. 40:3] No. of I date To whom Paid Amount in Vouchr. j Pounds 1775-8 No. I1 I 1 2 12 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 " 10 4 11 " 12 " 13 " 14 " 15 " 16 17 " 18 " 19 " 20 " 21 " 22 " 23 " 24 " 25 " 26 1775 Augt. 30 1776 Novr. 12 15 " 13 Decr. 11 1775 June 20 1776 Octobr.." 14 Is 1" 21 1775 1776 August Jany: 8 1775 Novr. 1776 June 19 April July 1776 Augt 4 " 12 1775 Sept 24 May 31 1776 July 27 1775 Septr 13 WWm. Shephard.................... I i i H. Wendell A: Ten Broek & St: Lush.. ditto................ Henry R. Lansing................... Robert Lansing.................... Jefta Stansill...................... Wilhelmus van Antwerp............... Mass Blomendaal.................. Philip Wendel..................... Albertus Bloemendaal............... George W hite..................... Abraham ten Eyck.................. Willem Oosterhout.................. George Palmer.................... Absalom Woodward................ Peter van Ness..................... John knickenbacker.................. David Gibson..................... Willem Staats..................... John J: Hansen.................... Matthew Visscher.................. I I I I ~20 63 34 10 I 21 -31 3 3110 16 8 51 - -I 6 -9141 -2 14 -10 171 4 121101 -1 4 3 - I 91 501 9 8 6 2 1 8 18 6 21-1 Jer. van Rensselaer.........23/11.... Arent van Duren................... i Thomas L: Witbeek............... Schenectedy Committee.............. I 41 -! 31 6 11 -12 -2 6 3111 I 7 31 -5 l 31 -513 13191 -30 10 - Christian Valkenburgh.............. I 27 1 Robert Lansing.................... I I Li R APPENDIX 971 [Rev. MSS. 40:3] No. of Amount in Vouchr.| date! To whom Paid Pounds Vouchr. Pounds " 28 " 29 " 31 " 32 33 " 39 ' 42 " 44 " 47 " 61 62 "' 63 " 64 '" 65 " 66 " 67 " 68 " 69 " 74 75 " 77 " 78 No. 81 82 " 84 86 87 89 "90 " 91 " 92 1775 June ) s, 1775 May 1777 Nov Augt: April 1775 1777 June March August June May Eeby: 1776 Octr: 1777 feby. 1776 Nov Septr: June 1776 June July June Octobr: July June 11 10 Christ: A: Yates................... 21 Barent ten Eyck.................... 2( 11 24 1~ 21 31 1 4 5 ) I I John ten Broeck................... Beekman, Roseboom & Rensselaar...... Adam Helmer..................... Younglove & ten Broek............... Stephen J. Schuyler................. Ezekiel Taylor.................... Henry I: Bogart................. Edward Davis.................... John L: H ansen................... Bernardus Hallenbeeck.............. Aaron J: Bradt.................... Hendrik van Hoesen................ I i i I I il l 1 li I I i I l I I i i i i 26 W nm: Fuller.................... 25 12 18 16 9 10 17 8 23 26 I I 11 David Gibson..................... Philip W endel.................... Issachar Childs.................... John J: W endell................... John Barclay..................... James Green...................... John J: Vischer.................... Henry van Veghten................. Roseboom & ten Eyk............... David Gibson..................... Anthony B. Bradt.................. John J H ansen.................... Cornelius van Deusen................ Bernardus Hallenbeek............... Peter van Ness................... Philip Wendell................... il 11II I I I 11 I I I I I IIi I I I 21-I61191 4 41131 9 19 4 -101 — 81 71 8 8 —1 401 — i' 31-1 -E1 -110 -i 21 51 4 7131 -3110 6 11161 -5 -- 51 5I 81171 -15161 -2 10)21101 -1 4 -21 8 -51-I~4831 61 3 I-1 -11141 -21 61 4 81 --- -11 4 -111 61 -21 41 -2118 -3[-1 -31 51 - I - I I 972 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. MSS. 40:3] No. of Amount in No.uof date To whom Paid Aouni Vouchr. Pounds 1. " 93 94 " 99 "103 "104 105 "106 110 113 117 "120 "121 " 122 123 " 125 132 133 134 "137 139 "140 141 " 143 "145 " 148 "152 "153 154 156 "157 159 1777 feby. JanY: May June May 1778 May is 1777 May 1778 April 1777 July August Septr June Decr Septr: Sept Octobr 1778 Jany 6 18 20 12 14 17 18 21 31 5 28 29 6 5 1 19 17,. James Tuck..................... D: B: van Schoonhoven............. Anthony van Bergen................. Capn. Bostwick............ Lieut: Wainee.......... Capn: Deming............ Capn: Lanston............ Capn: Salisbury........... Col: W hiting............. Capn: Huyck.......... Lieutenant Bronk.............................................................. Capn: Capn: Capn: White............ Riley......... Collins............ Capn: Man...................... James Hallenbeek.................. Stephen Lush...................... Capn. Baldwin.................... Capn Bradt...................... Richard Tillman................... David Gibson..................... Samuel W allace................... Philip Wendel.................... Richard Tillman................... James Bingham................. J: M: Dole...................... D: B: van Schoonhoven............. Samuel Thompson.................. H: van orden...................... Richard Bronk................... W illiam Hilton.................... Evert Everse...................... Amount brought forward............. -101 -6f10 -13117 5 32-1 9 271 11 — 2811TI0 11/3 181-[ 6 251121 3 149118 111 2 51171 5 461181 434 3281 21 9 264T 2 11 671151 6 651 — 1 6111 3 683 11 2 1874113 3 753f 4 11 51'51 -51101 -41161 -15114| 9 351161 -5114110 12118 -41191 -271171 2 61 — 21161 -2 1 81161 -11 41 -4831 61 3 ~50441191 9~,. _ APPENDIX 973 [Rev. MSS. 40:3] No. of Vouchr. date To whom Paid 1776 I'173 6 6174 1 75 176 f182 Stephen Bell for fire Wood.. Samuel Loadman...... Stephen Bell....... Samuel Loadman......,J ohn Visscher....... Amount in Pounds 53~131 4 45 61 6 V0 1 71 -91 316 72117110 deduct Jno. Visscher for which Special provision has been made & pd by the Treasurer............. ~5245117 11 2 721171 10 ~ 5 1731 0 112 [End'orsed:]I (copy) State of New York for amount of Sundry Accounts against the United States f romn The Albany Committee ~5 173 - 11V2 974 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. MSS. 40:4] The Committee of Albany for Expess Charges To Thos: Witbeek - to Hartford John Price (twice to phelidelphia @ ~14 Barent T Eyck do. do by Way of N York do. to Tyconderoga Dirk B V Schonhoven to do Barent Ten Eyck to Boston John Price to do James Green ~6 4 28 -- 30 5 - 5 - 13 10 13 10 - 2 3 6 ~103 3 6 [Endorsed:] Express acct: [Rev. MS. 40: 4] A State of Charges Accrued by the Committee in Behalf of the United Collonies for Expediting the public Operations: to be Adjusted with the Companies - To John N Bleecker.................................. ~117 1 4 To W yncoop & Ten Eyck.............................. 23 11 6 Capt Visher Billiting Acct.............................. Henry Quackenbooss.................................. 32 2 4 James Caldwell...................................... 3 17 John Ten broeck.................................... 5 16 - Jacob A Lansing.................................... 1 3 3 [Endorsed:] Acct. to be Adjusted with the Companies APPENDIX 975 [Rev. MSS. 40:4] Account of the Charges accrued by the Committee of the City and County of Albany in carrying on the public operations of the united Colonies1775 May-June 23 1775 May To Sub Committee of the City of Albany for Provisions furnished the Garrisons of Crown Point Ticonderoga & Fort George before provision was made for the Troops at those Posts by Congress......... 138 11 To Cash paid the Committees of Manor Rensselaer half Moon & Schaghtekocke Districts for Provisions supplyed as above................ 114 13 83 1 V2 253 4 10 June 23rd. To Cash paid the Troops raised by this Committee Viz. Capt. Visschers Company........ Capt. Baldwins do........ Capt. Joel Pratt do........ Capt. Geo. Whites Do....... To the Committee of Schonectady for Capt. Van Dycks Company &c..... 195 3 157 19 198 14 192 8 8 5 2 7 210 16 4 955 1 10~4 To Cash paid Ensigns Gideon King, Guy Young & Daniel Lee in full there being no farther allowance for such Officers by Congress.................. 21 To Cash paid Capt. Graham & his Company in full for garrisoning at Ticonderoga untill relieved by Continental Troops.............. N.2 To John Ten Broeck for necessary to the Indians.................. 3 8 - To Jacob C. Ten Eyck for do...... 4 7 6 To Charges attending the Treaty at the German flats with the Oneida Indians 58 5 9 To Cash pd. Rd. Cartwright for Boarding 7 Carpenters sent by N York Committee to Lake George....... 1 4 6 67 0 6 50 976 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE 13 To Cash paid Jno. Roff for the passage of the Commissary taken at Tic.... 10 To David Gibson for express....... 18 To James Green for Do........... 19 To John Price for do............. 21 To Dirck Bratt Van Schoonhoven for do...................... 20 To Thomas Witbeeck for Do....... 1 12 6 2 0 0 300 24 0 0 7 4 0 9 8 0 47 4 6 22 To Cash paid Wim- Pemberton...... 1 0 3 23 To Cash paid John Maley......... 6 3 0 24 To John N. Bleecker for Blankets... 9 0 0 25 To Robert Lansingh for Repairing Arms 24 6 0 26 To Gerrit J Lansingh for 20 Blankets. 15 0 0 27 To Wynkoop and Ten Eyck for Do.. 23 11 6 28 To Jacob Van Schaick for Do... 4 4 0 29 To John & Barent Van Aelen for D.. 16 2 0 30 To John N. Bleecker for D. 8 0 0 31 To William Shepherd for Camp Kettles 8 17 6 32 To Myndert Roseboom for flints & Tom hawks.................. 14 0 33 To Jacob Lansing for duffels Blankets & Nails.................... 12 13 7 To Saml. Stringer for 4 hund. G. Powder..................... 4 17 6 To Peter Silvester for 14 do........ 4 17 6 36 To Jacob Cuyler for necessary's to the Oneida Indians............... 13 14 10~2 To Corns. Van Santvoordt for 11 days as Commissary appointed by the recommendation of N York Committee To Bastiaen Visher for beer to prisoners from Ticonderoga by order of the Committee................... 38 To Dr. Budd advanced for Provisions to the Onida & Mohawk Indians by order of the Committee.......... To Cash furnished Mr Kirkland the Oneida Missioner.............. To Charge of a Committee to Tryon County to adjust the trouble there.. 480 060 6 13 6 15 0 0 3 8 8 APPENDIX 977 40 To John Ja Beeckman for Cash advanced to an Indian preacher by order of the Committee.............. 7 0 0 41 To Jeremiah Van Rensselaer for paying & Mustering the Committee Troops at Fort George............... 13 9 0 42 To the Association Company for Arms by them repaired.............. 6 4 0 To Cash furnished Major Brown on his way from Ticonderoga to Philadelphia express...................... 13 0 0 45 Alexander Chesnut for Powder horns. 2 0 0 [Endorsed:] "Copy acct. sent to Provincial Congress [In pencil:] Express Riders 978 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. MSS. An Account of money paid and to be paid by the Committee 1775 May 22 To Tunis Van Veghten, Nicholas Mercelis Alex Cruckslhank and Others for provisions Supplyd: the Garrisons before the Congress Could Notice the Same............................. To Cash Advanced for the payment of 5 Companies to 23 June........................... To Expences of a Committee Sent to the German flatts to Attend the onida Congress & providing the Said Indians in part with provisions....... To Expences of a Committee Sent to Adjust the troubles in Tryon County................. To Peter Selvester for Powder, Also for Cash by) him Advanced to Expedite an Express from Ticonderoga to the Congress................ To Cash furnished to & by the Sub: Committee of Schonectady to defray the Charge of Capt: Van Dycks Compy: to 1 st. July &c............. To Expences &c of Jer Van Rensselaer to lake George to Muster & pay the troops Raised by - the Committee.......................... To John N Bleecker & others for furnishing 4 Com- - panies with Blankets & other Necessaries...... To Jacob Lansing Jur: Jacob Cuyler & Others for Necessaries furnished to the Indians.........J To the Revd: Mr: Kirkland (Indian Missioner) for Cash furnished him..................... To Dr. Budd advanced to the Onida & Mohawk) Indians pr order of the Sub Committee of Schohary............................. To Capt: Jo: Roff to the passage of Kings Commis-q sary & family (of Ticonderoga) to New York pr: order of the Committee................ To B Visher for Beer to the prisoners (the Regular Soldiers) pr order...................... To the printers............................ To Express hire.......................... To Mathew Fisher Extra Clark to the Committee. To Johd Ostrander for Services pr: Agreement.... To Cornelius V Santvoort for 11 days as Commis- sary Appointed by the Recommendation of the N York Committee @ 8/ W day........... To Robert Lansing for Repairing part of the Colloney arms......................... To John Bay for Stationery................. ~310 7 52 907 3 10~2 56 17 - 3 8 8 17 17 6 194 8 11 13 9 168 8 1 39 1 4 15 - 6 13 6 1 12 - 12 103 13 20 6 3 16 18 6 10 3 4 8 -31 6 - 4- 9 ~1924 6 8 APPENDIX 979 40:81 of Albany for defraying part of the publick Charge. Augt By Cash Receivd. from Generl: Schuyler........ 1000 - Ballance due............................ 924 6 8 By Current Ballance due the Committee ~924 6 8 The Above Accts: Ordered to be Stated by Gerrit Lansing, Lucas Van Veghten Cornelius V Santvoort Leonard Gansevoort and Jeremiah Van Rensselaer who Reported & Explained the Same to the Committee, it is thereupon ordered that the Chairman Sign the Same-Albany 14th Augt. 1775 [Signed] Abm: Yates Junr Chairman ~1924 6 8 980 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. Mss. An Abstract of the Cost & Charges for the Repairing of Quantity of firewood & other Necessarys for the Same; Congress of this Colony, to the Committee of the Citty & Tunis Brat Carpenters Acct........................ ~1 7119 6 Daniel M arshal........................... bals- 2 61 3 6 Rykert Van Santen................................ 3 9116 Thomas D Hun............................. bals- 4 5 6 Steven Van Schaack.............................. 5 5 8 6 Hugh M cCounsey................................ 6 11 2 -John L Redley..............................bals- 7 8119 -Arent Van Duesen............................ do. 8 3116 Nicholas Jeralemon.................. do. 9 81131 4 Peter Van Duesen............................ do. 10 71- - W illiam J H ilton................................ 6110 James Dunneway................................. 12 4 - Gerrit Halenbeek......................... bals- 13 6 4 - Thomas Winterscale Labourer Acct................. 14 3 81 9 John Barclay for his negro................... 15 7 15 6 Anna Fryar's...... do.......................... 16 4114 9 Jacob Bleeker's.... do.......................... 17 - 14 -John J Bleeker's.... do.................. 18 7110J 6 David Schuyler's... do.......................... 19 1111 6 Francis M cDarmac............................bals. 20 31131 6 Petertje Hogan's Negro............................ 21 1 4 6 Frederik Gerson's Carman Acct..................... 22 11 3 -Edward Davis.................................. 23 - 19 -XJohn J Hansen paid by John Beekman................. 24 2114 - Wilhelmus Van Den Berg.......................... 25 - 4 Richard Benson................................. 26 -114 -Patrik Clarke.................................. 27 2 - David Trotter.............................. 28 - 2 -Cornelis Brouwer.............................. 29 -1131 -Gerrit A. Lansing's Smiths Acct..................... 30 5- 6 Marten Myndersen............................... 31 29 8 1 Edmund Butler.................................. 32 9 16 6 Gerrit W itbeek.................................. 33 3 71 6 Isaac Hoogkerk's brick acct......................balls 34 65 1 81 John Ja Lansing................................. 35 3 31 -Adam Yeates................................... 36 5115 -Daniel K: W inne.............................. 37 31 2 2 Jellis Legrange.................................. 38 41 2 9 Isaac Bogert.................................... 39 13 5 11 Abraham Ten Eyck............................... 40 20117 9 APPENDIX 981 40:12] the Barracks in the Citty of Albany & the Supplying of a Agreeable to a Resolution & Direction from the Provincial County of Albany. By Cash Recevd. from the provincial Congress ~200- -- These Severall Acct- have been Examined by the Committee & allowed of by order of the Committee [Signed] John Barclay Chairman Pro Temp Resolved That the secretary deliver the Money he has received for the use of the Reparation of the Barracks being ~538 16 9 to Gerrit Lansing Junr. the Treasurer to this Board and that he pay the same to the Persons or their Order to whom the same is respectively due Albany Committee Chamber 1st May 1776 A true Copy from the Minutes [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy. ~538 - 16 - 9 the money Reced 982 9ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Cornelis Glen..................... Abraham Eights.................. Jacob Lansing Senr-............... Rutger Lansing.................. Arie Legransie................... Abraham Roseboom............... Hendk. R. Lansing................ Myndt- Roseboom................. Jacob Lansing Jur.................. Wessel Van Schajck............... Gerrit Staats Jur................... Thomas Witbeek.................................................................................. Hendrik Staats.......................... Efraim Van Vegten....................... Volkert Van Vegten....................... Frans K: W inne.......................... Peter M arshal........................... Gerardus Beekman....................... John Stevenson.......................... James M athers.......................... Anthony Groesbeek....................... Tunis Slingerlant......................... Gysbert Merselis as pr. Acct................. Cornelis Van Santvoort..................... John M erselis Jur....................... John Beekman as pr. his Act................. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~r~~~~r r~~~~~~ ~~~~~~+ ~1~~~o ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ rr~~~~+ ~r~~~c~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~r~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ r~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~r~~ ~~~~~ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 8/ 1 81 6 31 -5118 6 4111 8 5 7 10 61 9[ 9 -110 -11 2 --115 -21 8 5 419 4 71 21 8 -1121 --119 -11101 6 171121 6 91 --18 -11- 6 -I 9 -3117 9 11 41 -1541101 5 41141 6 41 -941 6 3 ~6281101 1 601 ~6881101 I Gysbert Merselis & Cornelis Van Santvoort for Superin-l tending the Above Work by order of the Committee Each 75 days J [Endorsed:] Repairs Albany Barracks Barrack Acct APPENDIX 983 [Rev. Mss. 40:12] Your Committee being appointed to Examine part of the Acct- of Capt James Magee do Report the following Sum ought to be allowed for their apprehending the Kinderhook Torys For Major Jacob Scharmerhorn 2 days Capt- James Magee...... 2 do two Lieuts....Each..... 2 do one Ensign............ 2 do three Serjeants Each.... 2 do forty seven Privates Each.. 2 do @ 8/10............. 7/ 1............ 4/9t............ 3/6~............ 2/ 1............ 1/91............ ~0 17 8 14 2~ 19 2 7 1 18 9 8 6 6 12 3 5 Your Committee Recommend the Payment of the above Out of their Treasury and that the above Charge together with ~10:1:8 be Levied by Distress on the Goods & Chatties of the 16 Persons by them apprehended to Reimburse the Committee for the Sum by them Expended Jer V Rensalaer Committee John Price Albany 19 Augt 1776 I do hereby certify that the within Account is allowed and ordered to be paid By order [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy To Mr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. [Endorsed:] James Magee's Acctpd- 20th- februy 1777 for H. V. Schaak & 15 others ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. Mss. 40:13] 1776 june 25 An Account of the Expences of Major Jacob C: his Command in apprehending Henry Van Schaak Resolve of the Generall Committee for the City 14th. Inst To Cash pd-. at Coent. V. Husens do. at Widow Mullers do. at - Moreys do. at Clyne Kill do. at Dirck Van Buren do. at Karnahans do. at Widow Mullers do. at Peter Brommers Do. Pd- Harpert Whit Beek do. at Widow Lummis do. at John Davis Abany Pd- Ferriage Prisoners Included Cash to Soldiers Albany June 25th 1776 Scharmerhorn and 55 Men under and fifteen others pursuant to a and County of Albany of the ~ 0 6 6 10 6 2 0 3 3 0 0 15 8 1 1 0 18 0 11 6 11 6 1 0 0 17 0 5 0 Major Jacob C: Scharmerhorn & Capt. James Magee & Horse two Leiutenants & Horses one Ensign & Horse three Serjeants & Horses forty one Privates & do Six do On foot Horse 2 days @ 2 do. @ 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do. 8/ 6/ 5/ 5/ 4/6 4/ 4/ ~10 1 8 16 0 12 0 1 00 10 0 13 6 [sic] 8 8 0 [sic] 1 4 0 [sic] ~23 5 2 Gentlemen The above sum of Ten Pounds I/8 I have Advanced and hope you'll Order the payment of it in such a manner as that I may Speedily Receive it; as to the Wages of the Party for the two Days I should be Glad that a Sub Committee was ordered for that Purpose Or Any Other Method that the Honorable Board thinks Best so that the Men may have their pay Am Gentlemen with Respect your Humble Servt [Signed] James Magee APPENDIX 985 [Addressed: ] To The Honourable Committee for the City & County of Albany [Endorsed:] James MaGee's Acct. Kinderhook [Rev. Mss. 40:14] List of Sums of Money borrowed by the Committee of the City & County of Albany and of whom - 1776 Aug. 28 28th Augst. 1776 From Jonathan Trumbull to pay Ensign John Fish for transporting Tories from this Place to Hartford................... ~58 9 7 From Henry Quackenbush for the Use of Capt. Baldwins Ranging Company....................................... 80 0 0 From Abraham Ten Eyck for the use of Capt. Lush's Company. 100 0 0 From John M. Beeckman for the use of Capt Baldwins Company of Rangers..................................... 40 - From John Barclay for Do......................... 40 - From Do........ for D............................ 14 - From Jonathan Trumbull for Do..................... 360 - - From Ab. Ten Eyck for the use of Capt. Bratts Company of Rangers.......................................... 150 - 842 9 7 Sir By Sundry Resolutions made at the time of borrowing the Money you are ordered to pay the above several Sums of Money, out of the first Money coming to your Hands [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy. To Mr Gerrit Lansingh Jur Treasurer Albany 10th Octr 1776 [Endorsed:] Order of the Committee to pay the within Persons 986 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE [Rev. Mss. 40:15] 1776 Aug. 3 This may sertify that Edward Willett has deliverd at Reed Hook Landing 23 Tories and 25 Souldiers that Guarded them sent by the Honble. Committy of Albany to Connecticut under my Command [Signed] John Fisk Ensn. Reedhook August 3d. 1776 Albany Committee Chamber 17th Augst. 1 776 Ordered That Gerrit Lansingh Junr. pay Edward S. Willet ten pounds for transporting the Tories from Albany to Redhook Extract from the Minutes [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy: To Mr. Gerrit Lansingh Junr. [Endorsed:] Edward Willet Acct paid 17th Augt. 1776 ~10 - 0 <C tz Cd 0 *-4 S0 [Rev. Mss. 40:18] Debts Contracted by the Committee on Acct: of Publick Cr: To Jacob Lansing Jur................................ ~0 18 7 Jacob Cuyler................................. 14 7 Lucas Van Veghten.............................. 2 2 Jacob C Ten Eyck.............................. 4 7 6 John Ten Broeck.................................. 3 8 John Ja Beeckman................................ 1 0 John Js: Bleecker................................ 2 16 W m. Pemberton.................................. 0 3 M artin Ledias................................... 1 12 32 1 4 The printers........ ab:. ~12 Express Riding...... ab. 100 transcribing Clark............... The Committee's Messinger....... John Ja: Beeckman for Cash to Joseph Johnson................................. 7 39 1 4 [Endorsed:] Acct: to be paid APPENDIX 987 [Rev. Mss. 40:19] 1776 Aug. 3 Dr. The Genl. Committy of the City of Albany in Account with John Fisk Cr. for exspenditure in Conveying 23 Tory prisoners from Albany to the State of Connecticut 1776 August 3. Cash paid Jacob Thomas for Hire of a horse and guid to go 6 miles to see Read hook Committy for assist- 4 - ance to forward the party Cash paid for a horse for Mr. Swords 90 miles from 1 2 6 Readhook to Hartford 3d. pr. mile Cash paid for keeping the horse the journey 10 Cash paid Jacob Fallice for waggon & horses to Cary] Baggage and Souldiers Provisions from Readhook to 5 14 Heartford and being Detained at Hartford two DaysJ Cash paid for 100 gills of Rum for the guard between) Readhook and 24 men at 1 gill pr. man pr. day at 2 8 6d. pr. gill Cash paid 12 men Dismissed at Hartford to go to Albany) being 110 miles at Id. pr. mile pr. man is 9s 2. pr. 5 10 Each man Cash paid for waggon to Cary some of the sick Souldiers and Some of the Sick prisoners which weare not able 4 10 to march att all 1 s pr. mile Cash paid for Hire of a horse from Hartford to Lebanon to see Governor Trumbull 30 miles and my own Ex- 1 - spences three days being Detained by the Governor J Cash paid for Hire of a vessel from Hartford to Sea-^ brook to Cary the prisoners and the Guard by order 4 -of the Governor Cash paid for another vessel from Seabrook to New 2 London for the same purpose Cash paid for 252 meales of Victuals for 12 men of my) guards Dureing their Stay at Hartford and between 12 12 Hartford and New London after their provisions was out & the time exspired they Drew for at Is pr. meal 39 10 6 Cash paid 12 men for their Subsistance from New London 8 6 to Albany Being 160 at Id. pr. mile pr. man 988 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Cash paid for the subsistance agreeable to orders from the Honble. Committy of the City and Conty of Albany Viz Thomas Swords Walter Scott John Scott Israel Osburn George Hensdal Samuel Messenger John Deusenbury Ralph Watson Jonathan Hendrick West- 28 16 house Fredrick Williams Dugall Campbell Benjamin Greenman Owin Conner Jacob Timmerman Michael McMullen and Samuel S. Gaudineer 2s pr. man pr. Day while under my Leing 18 day 36s pr. man Cash for horse Hire to Ride from New London to Albany) to make my Returns of my proceedings 160 miles at 1 18 9 3d. pr. mile Total ~79 11 1 Receiv'd of Albany Commttty 20 0 0 Receiv'd of Greenman for Riding in waggon from Read hook to Hartford 90 miles at 3d. pr. mile I 1 6 58 9 7 Albany 29 Augt 1776 Receivd from the Albany Committee by the Hands of Joseph Young & Jer V Rensselaer the above Ballance of ~58..9.. 7 in full [Signed] John Fisk [Endorsed:] Acct. of Ensign John Fisk ~78 - 9 7 No. 119 [Rev. Mss. 40:19] The Commitie of the County of Alban: 1777 May 4-17 Dr to the Sub Commitee by order in Renslaer District - --- - IL-C ---9 — 1777 May 4th 7 8 10 12 To Axpence for Dyet at Majr Volkt Veader 2 days & 2 N ights................................ To a Calf bought of Hudson................... To Axpence for Lodging and Waggon hyer......... To a Waggon had from Omiea Legrandge /2 day.... To 1..0..0 flower at John Severs............... To Lodgings 2 days ad Dyet 1..0..0 of flower & I Waggon /2 day flowr at Tunis Slingerlands ~6 2 16 1112 1 81 1 41 1 4 41' 81 APPENDIX 989 1777 14 15 17 May 4 To Lodgings Dyet at Harman Vandersee........... To Lodgings at Wedow Makie Wetbecks & Dyet.... To Lodgings at Wedow Witbecks exclusive of a fine on John Witbeck being 4~...................... Dyet 2 days To Dinner at Jacob Jacobse and Waggon to Albany.. To Expences on the Way from Nistaktha........... To John Van Arrum 2 days WVaggon hire.......... at John Van Arrum for horse Keeping & horse hire.... To Expences of the Commitee to the beaver dam & the Party of men Victteling.................... To Jacob Cupper for Wags 12 day and Lodging & Dyet 5 Commte............................ John Huyck a Waggon 1 day................... To John Van Allen for Waggon 4 days to Come to Albany from Nistackta to Hucket to Nistacketha... To writing paper To Expences at Hallenbeck........ To Phillip Van Veghten Wagon: from Albany to N orm an Kill.............................. The following Gentlm of the Commitie have be [sic] out of Service 4 1 1 1 4 3 38 4 4 41 121 51 4 I 17f 4 181 161 1 ' 41 5i 4 121 101 101 Hendk. Quckenbush.......13 Bastian Vischer.......... 13 Phillip Van Veghen......13 John Price............. 13 Adam Vroman......... 13 Johns Ball............ 13 Myndert Roseboom......13 Anthy Van Schaick......12 Phillip P Schuyler.......12 Volkt Veader.......... 9 Bast. Mynderse........ 6 Danl Winna........... 5 days at 10/............. 10/............................10/.............. o....................... 6 101 6 101 6 10| 6110 6110 6 101 6110 6110 61101 61101 6 61 2jI0 l ~106 ---— H --- I do hereby certify that the within Account is allowed and ordered to be paid [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy: 990 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE To Mr Gerrit Lansing Junr. Treasurer The Committee within mentioned were appointed a Special Committee to detect the Conspirators in Rensselaerwyck who had enlisted under Howetson, & those who had taken the Oath of Secrecy [Endorsed:] Philip P. Schuyler at pd. Augt. 6 1777 ~106 0 To Supress an Insurrection No. 48 [Rev. Mss. 40:191 1777 June The Committee of the City & County of Albany To their SubCommittee appointed to examine a number of Tories, and stating the Crimes against them, at the request of the Court Martial 1777 June To John Price for attendance 22 Days a 8/ ~8 16 0 To Myndert Roseboom for Do. 21 D a 8/ 8 8 0 To John Bay for D. as Secy. 21 D. a 16/ 16 16 0 To 3 Quires of Paper a 6/ 0 18 0 ~34 18 0 I do hereby certify that the above account is allowed and ordered to be paid [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy: To Mr Gerrit Lansing Junr. Treasurer [Endorsed:] John Price Sub-Comtt Expence pd. 27 Novr. 1777 ~41 -14 -No 144 APPENDIX 991 [Rev. Mss. 40:28] Albany 18th.. May 1775 Memorandum of the Donations of the third ward of the City of Albany, and an Account how the Money was Expended with Extracts of the Letters Sent with the Wagoners who carried up the Provisions to Fort George for the Use of the New England Provincials at Ticonderoga Vizt: X pd. Jacob Van Schaick 4 Barrels Flower & 3 Tierces Pease 221/ X pd. John G. Van Schaick 1 Barrel Flower 30/4 32/ X pd. Johannis Beekman 1 Barrel Flower & 1 Side Bacon 42/ pd. Philip De Freest 1 Side Bacon 10/ X pd. Samuel Stringer 2 Tierces Bread & 1/ Cask Powder 243/ X pd. David Edger 1 Barrel Codfish 28/ X pd. Dirck Roseboom 1 Barrel Cornell & 1 Gammon 32/ X pd. Johs. Douw & John Winne 1 Gammon 16/ X pd. Arent Vedder 1 Gammon 8/ X pd. Gerrit Lansing 15 gal. wi Rum 60/ X pd. Simon Veder 1 Side Bacon 10/ X pd. John Ten Eyck 1 Barrel Flower & 1 Barrel fine Cornell 53/ X pd. Wouter Knickerbacker 1 Side Bacon X pd. Mrs. Cuyler 1 Side Bacon X pd. Abraham Ten Eyck 1 Side Bacon X pd. Cornelius Glen 1 Barrell Pease X pd. Jacob C. Ten Eyck 1 Barrel Flower & 1 Barrel Salt X X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. pd. pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. Cornelius Glen & Abraham Schuyler their Waggon to carry up a Load to Fort George Dirck Ten Broeck for Abraham Ten Broeck Harme Gansevoort Dirck Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort John Ten Broeck Hendrick Van Ness Abraham Fonda Johannis Roseboom John H. Wendell Archibald Camble Elbert Willet John Trumble John Nelson James Caldwell John Malie William Winne Isaac De Freest ~3 10 56/ 10/ 10/ 10/ 14/ 46/ 6 8 -4) 31 3 3 4 -31 4 -31 4J1 41 --I 81 -J 161 --1 8!-I 4J-! 61 5 -1 119 -] 21 --I 81 --I 81 -- 81 --1101 - 992 992 ~ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE X pd.I X pd.I X pd.I pd.I X pd.I X pd. X pd.I X pd. N pd. X pd. X pd. N pd. Xpd. N pd. pd. N pd. Xpd. X pd. N pd. N pd. N pd. Xpd. Xpd. pd. N pd. N pd. J ohannis Pruyn, Sander Lansing Revd. Hardis Westerlo Jacob Cuyler Junr. Nanning H. Visher Carried Forward Brought Forward Isaac Van Arnam Philip Wendell Obediah. Cooper Thomas Witbeek Edward Willet Thomas Hun Wilhelmes Mancius Harmanus Wendell Gerrit Roseboom Barent Visher Andries Abel John Ram Baker Abraham Ten Eyck William Hun Gerrit Visher William Dun Bar Adam Yates Joseph Yates Ebenezer Jessup John Van Ness John Ouderkerk Peter Van Bergen Hendrick Bogert I I I II I I i I - 8 --j 81 -1161 -~291 lj 5 ~291 11 5 11 41 --l 51 --i 1 -41 -1 1 41 --1161 --1 121 -- 61 --1 8 -1 5 -1181 --1410 --1 81 --161 -161 ~E401151 2 ~E4011l51 2 -1 81 --1 21 --1 81 --J8 --15 6 -1 81 --1161 - Carried Forward Brought Over N N N N N N N N N pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd, Barent Vosburgh Wouter De Freest Levinus Ten Bar Daniel Winne Frans Winne William Verplank Isaac Lansing Wouter Quackenbush Barent Ten Eyck Cornelius Wendell Gerrit Lansing Jun~r. I-APPENDIX X pd. pd. pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. pd. X Pd. X pd. X pd. pd1. X pd. pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. pd1. X pd pd. X pd. pd. X pd. X pd. X pd.1 X pd. X pd. X pd. pd. pd. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jacob G. Lansing Teunis Bradt John Lansing Gerrit WXit'beek Gerrit Groesbeek Abraham Douw John M Beekman Pete r Gansevoort Johannis J. Lansing Peter De Wandelaer Richard Lush Marte Beekman Isaac Swits Mrs. Ten Broeck Walter Norris Gerrit Van Den Bergh Abraham Schuyler Samuel Pruyn Anthony E. Bradt William Fuller Abraham Yates Junr. J ohannis Evertse Mrs. Ten Broeck Paul Hoghtraser Stephen Lush Peter Webber Ale Arnold Jacob H. Wendell John G. Yates Barnardus Evertse Elexander Chistnut Peter Bogert Gerrit Van Vranke Jacob Van Deusen Mrs. Van Deusen Abraham Lansing John Roff Joseph Hall Cornelius Van Santvoort 32 Carried Forward Brought Forward Carried Forward Brought Over 9 9 3 -1 81 --8 --4 --1 8)-18 --116 11121 --1 81 --1161 5 ~8 -~8 -~521 161 -i ~E521161 1 - 61 -- 4 -- 41 3 -1 4 --1161 --8 --3 --1 81 --181 --1 81 --1 8 --8 --18 --1 21 - 8-l -1 8)-1 8 -=8~~~611 31 4 -1 8~-1 8) 994 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE X pd. pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. X pd. Peter Veder J ohannis Spoor John T. Visger Jellis Winne Abraham Veder Arent Bradt Jeremiah Van Renselaer Wouter Knickerbacker David Ager Robt. Mac-Clannen Rutter Bleecker Henry Ten Eyck Peter Van Bergen Jeremiah Van Renselaer x x x pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. -1101 --1101 --1101 -~611014 -1101 --10, -E5I 21-4 -13 3j -1 21 --1161 3 ~681 511 0 1 1 Acct of the Money how it's expended Viet. To pd. James Caldwell for 6 Barrels Pork a 74/ To pd. Absalom Woodworth for I do. To pd. Henry Mercelius for I do. To pd. Jacob Van Schaick for I Tierce Cornell To pd. Dirck Ten Broeck for Gammon & Bacon To pd. Thomas Hun for 2611 Bacon a 9d To pd. Wilhelmes Mancius for 10Y411 Bacon a 9d To pd. Peter De Wandelaer for I Barrel wi Rum To pd. Arent IBratt for Riding up a load f rom, this George To pd. Peter De Wandelaer for dIO. do. To pd. John J. Visger for do do. To pd. Jellis Winne for do do. To pd. Johannis Spoor for do. do. To pd. Abraham Veder for do. do: 'To pd. Peter Veder for do: do: ~22 3 3 3 2 5 4 10 2 6 2 1 9 8 1 4 6 9 5 6 37/ 4 place, to Lake 3 10 - 3 10 - 3 10 - 3 10 - 3 10 - 3 10 - 3 10 - ~.65 17 6 4 - 4 - - 5 10 - 5 - - 3 5 To John Ten Broeck for I Empty Tierce To pd. James Williams for 1 7V1t2 Mutton 4d To pd. Shipard for a Kittle To pd. Sander Lansing for 12 Lo-aves Bread Carried Forward ~66 15 9~N APPENDIX 995 To pd. To pd. To pd. To pd. To pd. To pd. To pd. To pd. To pd. Brought Over Jacob Van Schaick for 1 Sk Pease Wessel Van Schaick for 6 Knives & forks the Serjt. for /2 Barrel Small Beer Enox for 3 Erthen Dishes for 9 Erthen Plates Jno. Stevenson for 6 Pewter Spoons Christophel Beekman for 14121t Mutton 4d James Williams for 10tt Viel 4d Sander Lansing for 7 Loaves Bread ~66 15 934 _ 4 -- 4 _ 3-3 - 3 - - 2 4 4 10 3 4 - 2 ~68 5 1134 [Endorsed] Donations 3d Ward New York For the Use of the Troops Fort George Albany 19th May 1775 Sir We Send you to the Care of Mr. Jelles Winne five Waggon Loads of Provisions, consisting of 5 Barrels of Pork, 2 Tierces hard Bread, 3 Tierces Pies 8 Barrels of Flower and 1 Barrel Codfish, for the Use of the New England Provincials now at Ticonderoga as part of the Voluntary Donations of the Third Ward of this City, and the remainder Shall be Sent off to Morrow which we beg you'll take the Care of and transmit the same to Ticonderoga as soon as possible directed to the Commander of the Said Provincials We are Sir Your Friends & Brethren N.B. the two Waggons of Jacob Van Schaick are included in the above Number John Ten Broeck Leonard Gansevoort Andried Douw Teunis Ts. Van Vechten to, the Commander of the New England Provincial Troops at Fort George Memora.dum by whom the Provisions are Sent up Vizt. this 19 May 1775. By Peter 7/eder 2 Tierces Pease 1 Barrel Flower 996 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE By Abraham Veder 1 Tierce Pease 3 Barrels Flower By Jellis Winne 1 Tierce hard Bread 1 Barrel Pork 1 do. fine Flower 1 do. Cornell By John Visger 2 Barrels Pork 1 Barrel Codfish 1 Barrel Flower By John Spoor 2 Barrels Pork I Tierce hard Bread 1 Barrel Flower Albany 22nd May 1775. Sir. In our last we Sent you the Donation as mentioned to the Care of Jellis Winne, we now send You Three Waggon Loads to the Care of Arent Bradt as follows, Three Barrels Pork, One Tierce Flower One Tierce containing Seven Gammons & Eleven Sides Bacon, One & Half Barrel West India Rum Two Barrels Flower, One Barrel Salt, & a Quarter Cask Powder, which we desire you will forward to the Commander of the New England Provincial Troops at Ticonderoga, for their use, we are Sir, Your Hble Servts.. John Ten Broeck Teunis Ts: Van Vechten Andries Douw Leonard Gansevoort To the Commander of the New England Provincials at Fort George By Arent Bradt 1 Tierce fine Cornell 1 Barrel Pork 1 Barrel Rum By Peter De Wandelaers Negroe 1 Tierce Gammons & Side Pieces 1 Barrel Pork 1 Barrel Flower!2 Barrel Rum 1/ Cask Powder APPENDIX 997 By Cornelius Glens Negroe 1 Barrel Pork 1 Barrel Salt 1 Barrel Pease 1 Barrel Flower We the Subscribers do acknowledge to have Each Received of Andres Douw & Teunis Ts: Van Vechten the Sum of Three Pounds, ten shillings New York Currency being for Riding up a Load of Provisions from Albany to Fort George, this 24th.. May 1775. [Signed] Abraham Veeder Jellis Winne Peter Veeder Johannis Spoor John T Visscher Aaron J Bradtt Peter De Wandelaer [Rev. Mss. 40:28] Fort George May 25 1775 Received of Messrs- John Ten Broeck Teunis Ts. Van Vechten Ands. Dowe & Leonard Gansevort W hand of Arent Bradt three Blls. Pork one Tierce flour, one Tierce containing Seven Gammons Eleven Sides Bacon 1 Btt & hald West India Rum two Blls. flour one Btt Salt, & one Quarter Cask Powder for the Use of the Commander at Ticonderoga [Signed] John Stevens Commander [Endorsed] John Stevens Receipt for 3 Loads Provisions 21st.. May 1775: [First Ward Subscription] Memorandum of Sundry's given, to be sent to Ticonderoga, 19th May 1775. X Wessel Van Schaick ~2 0 Pd. X Goose Van Schaick 0 16 0 Pd. Lewie Footje 0 3 0 Pd. John (5) Lansingh X 0 3 0 Pd. X John Barclay X 0 16 0 Pd. Robert Henry 0 16 0 Pd. X Robert McClallen 0 8 0 Pd. Peter W. Yates 0 12 0 Pd. X Barry & Bloore 0 16 10 Pd. X John Willianms X 0 4 0 Pd. Richard Cartwright 0 8 0 Pd. Corns. Van Den Bergh X 0 10 0 Pd. 998 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE X Benjamin Hilton X X John Hilton X Simon J. Veeder 1 Barrel Flour Jacob Van Woerdt 1 Peice of Pork X William Staats 2 Bushels Pease @ 4/ 8/ x Henry Ten Eyck, Jno. Stevenson & Myndert Roseboom I Barrel Pork 67/ X John Prise X X William Shepherd X Madam Schuyler X Isaac Staats X Gerardus Beeckman X John J. Yates X X Jacob Roseboom Cash Gerrit Heyer X Henry Lansingh X William Zobell X Henry Staats X Joseph Young X X James Vernor James Dole X James Bloodgood X Matthew Watson X John Van Aelen X John Fryer Charles Folliot William J. Hilton 0 3 0 Pd. 0 2 0 Pd. 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 X 0 6 0 0 16 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 1 12 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 5 2 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 3 2 0 3 0 Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. pd. Brot. forward X James Donneway X Nicholas Jeroleman Rykert Van Sante X Stephen Van Schaack X X Marte Myndertse X X Ephraim Vn. Veghten X Abraham Bloodgood Gisbert Marselis X Henry Marselis X Peter Waldron John W Wendell X Abraham J. Yates John Boyd ~17 9 2 ~17 9 2 ~0 2 0 pd. 0 2 0 pd. 0 2 0 pd. 0 8 0 pd. 0 8 0 pd. 0 6 0 pd. 0 4 0 pU. 0 8 0 pd. 0 8 0 pd. 0 4 0 pd. 0 2 0 0 5 2 pd. 0 5 0 pd. APPENDIX 999 X Abraham Myndertse X Peter Marshall X X Jillis DeGarmno X Jesse Fairchild X Thomas Lansingh X James Mather John Davis Samuel Thompson Barnardus Bratt X Joseph Caidwell X Volkart Vn. Veghten X William Henry Philip Cuyler X John Corbin Thomas Cooper John L. Ratcliffe 1 Peice Gamon and 1 Do. smoakt. Beef. X Henry Van Woerdt X Jochim Staats, X Arie Lagrange Robert Hilton John Hoogkerk John J. Wendell William Van Sante Peter Hilton X John De Peyster X John James Abbot o 6 0 pd. o 2 o p4. o 8 0 pd. o 3 0 pd. o 8 o p4. o 8 O pd. o 8 O pd. o 4 o p4. o 8 0 pd. o 3 3 p4. o 6 O p4. o 1 O pd. 08 0 o 4 0 pd. o 4 0 p4. 08,' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 o p4. 5 0 pd. 5 0 pd. 3 o p4. 8 0 pd. 4 0 pd. 3 0 pd. 3 0 pd. 0 0 pd. 4 0 pd. B rot. forward Cash X Henry Van Veghten Thomas Barret Peter Scharpe Patrick Clarke X Abraham Wendell X John Boyd ~x Barent Ten Eyck Cash ~.27 1 1 7 ~27 I11 7 o 8 0 Pd. o 8 O Pd. o 2 0 Pd. o 4 O Pd. 0 60 08 0 0 40 o 1 6 0 0 1 6 0 ~31 3 7 4 8 ~31 1 5 7 Tho,; Barret 2 flour Casks Henry Wendell pd 1000 ALBANY COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE Corns Waldron X John Price X 0 10 0 0 10 0 Paid for a Barrel of Pork D for 6 Camp Kettles Pd. for Sundrys to Crukshank [Endorsed] First Ward's Subscription [Rev. Mss. 40:28] ~3 5 1 11 6 15 15 11 1775 May 19 Reed Albany 19 May 1775 Cash got by Subscription to the Ammt of fifteen Pounds fifteen Shillings & I1 d being the Sum laid out for Provisions and sent to Tiagonderoga By me [Signed] Alexr Crukshank Matthew Visher Esqr Bot of Alexr Crukshank 5011 Chocolate 1 Box 57 Galls West India Rum 2 Barrels 1/10 ~4 11 8 -_ 2 3/9 10 13 9 8 6 ~15 111 Recd. the above Contents [Signed] Alexr Cruckshank [Rev. Mss. 40:28] 1778 Jan. The State of New York To Nathan Smith For apprehending & Securing Simeon Covill a Captain 5 days @ 10/8 I Lieutenant 5 days 7/2 1 Serjeant 5 days 2/2 4 privates 5 days 8/9 1 day & Night Gaurding Covel To Expences Dr. ~2 13 ^ 1 16 2 10 10 2 8 10 6 5 16 7 ~13 13 2 APPENDIX 001 For apprehending & Securing Timothy Hodges & Hezekiah Mosier 5 days 1 Capt 10/8 2 13 4 4 days 1 private 1/9 7 0 3 privates 1 day 1/9 5 3 Expences 2 15 7 ~6 1 2 The Committee are of Opinion that the above account is reasonable, and that Mr Younglove one of the Commissioners for sequestring ought to pay the same out of the Estates of those Persons who were apprehended By order [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy The above Account of ~19 14 4 is allowed & ordered to be paid [Signed] Mat: Visscher Secy: To Mr. Gerrit Lansing Junr. Treasurer [Endorsed] Nathan Smith's act pd to John Younglove 17th. Januay 1778 ~19 14 2 No 127 I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN II ill 1I Il1 III1 III iltl 11 ll I1t 1 1111 l1 ll 3 9015 01911 7384 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DATE DUE APR 19 1991 " ^- - -~r1" 4A O 3 1994 I-arlqI 0 # g DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD