RUBAIY.AT OF DOC SIFERS BY JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY 9z) 3anttzhitcomb ~,~e~ POEMS HERE AT HOME. NEGHBORLY POEMS. SKETCHES IN PROSE AND OCCASIONAL VERSES. AFTERWHILES. PIPES O' PAN (Prose and Verse). RHYMES OF CHILDHOOD. FLYING ISLANDS OF THE NIGHT. OLD-FASHIONED ROSES (English Edition). GREEN FIELDS AND RUN NING BROOKS. ARMAZINDY. A CHILD-WORLD. AN OLD SWEETHEART OF MINE. aDtber 3~~2h to) RUBAIYAT OF DOC SIFERS BY JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY ILLUSTRATED BY C. M. RELYEA PUBLISHED BY THE CENTURY CO. NEW YORK M DCCC XC VII Copyright, i897, By THE CENTURY Co. Copyright, 1897, By JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY -~ THE DE VINNE PRE88S. (- 16 11 )., I - I'll I. k-, TO DR. FRANKLIN W. HAYS THE LOYAL CHUM OF MY LATEST YOUTH AND LIKE FRIEND AND COMRADE STILL WITH ALL GRATEFUL AFFECTION OF THE AUTHOR. I RUBAIYAT OF DOC SIFERS BY JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY I I\ ix WE FOUND him in that Far-away that yet to us seems iearWe Tagrants of but yesterday when idlest youth was here, W/Vhen lightest song and laziest mnirth possessed us through and throuigh, A nd all the dreanmy siminier-earth seemted drugged with mnorning dew: Hilhen our ambition scarce had shot a stalk or blade indeed: Youzrs,-choked as in the garden-spot you still deferred to "weed. Aline,-but a pipe half-cleared of pith-as now itflats and whines Ii sympathetic cadence with a hiccough in the h'leS. Aye, even then - 0 timely hour!- the High Gods did conifer Inz our behalf. —A nd, clothed in power, lo, came their CouzrierAJot winged with flame nor shod with wind, but a/iblinig down the pike, Horseback, with saddlebags behind, and gutise all huiiiani-like. x And it zwas given us to see, beneath his rustic rind, ,4 native force and mastery of such inspiring kind, That half unconsciously we made obeisance. Smiling, thus His soul shone from his eyes and laid its glory over us. Though, faring still that Far-away that yet to us seems lnear, His form, through mists of yesterday, fades fiom the vision here, Forever as he rides, it is in retinue divine,The hearts of all his time are his, with your hale heart and mine. RUBAIYAT OF DOC SIFERS BY JAMES WHITCOMNIB RILEY \!lf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RUBAIYAT OF DOC SIFERS I EF you don't know Doc SIFERS I'11 jes argy, here and now, You've bin a mighty little while about here, anyhow! 'Cause Doc he's rid these roads and woods — er SZitlil'em, now and then - And practised in this neighberhood sence haini't no tellin' when! 2 II In radius o' fifteen mile'd, all p'ints o' com pass round, No man er woman, chick er child, er team, on top o' ground, But knows hiii- yes, and got respects and likin' fer him, too, Fer all his so-to-speak dee-fects o' genius showin' through! III Some claims he's absent-minded; some has said they wtiz afeard To take his powders when he come and dosed 'em out, and'peared To have his mind on somepin' else like County Ditch, er some New way o' tannin' mussrat-pelts, er makin' butter come. I I k iq L ~ 5 IV He's cur'ous - they hain't no mistake about it!-but he's got Enough o' extry brains to make a jury -like as not. They's no describin' Sifers,- fer, when all is said and done, He's jes hissef Doc Sifcrs- ner they hain't no other one! v Doc's allus sociable, polite, and'greeable, you'11 find Pervidin' ef you strike him right and nothin' on his mind,Like in some huriry, when they've sent fer Sifers quick, you see, To'tend some sawmill-accident, er picnic jam boree; I* 6 VI Er when the ilightnin'' brained harvest-hand Some'tempt o' suicidin' to try ag'in! I've kizowed Doc haul talk a' hour er two When railly he'd a-ort "Howdy-do!" some hare they'd ort up from a trot and o' not a-stopped fer - V-. ,11' ~ t ~ 9 VII And then, I've met him'long the road, a lopin',- starin' straight Ahead,- and yit he never knowed me when I hollered "Yatc, Old Saddlebags!" all hearty-like, er " Whoo along goin' to kill?" And l-e'd say nothin'-only hike on faster, starin' still VIIi I'd bin insulted, many a time, ef I jes wuz n't shore Doc did n't mean a thing. And I'm not tetchy any more Sence that-air day, ef he'd a-jes a-stopped to jaw with me, They'd bin a little dorter less in my own fambily! I0 IX Times now, at home, when Sifers' name comes up, I jes let onz, You know,'at I think Doc's to blaiec, the way he's bin and gone And disapp'inted folks-'Ll-jee-mun-nee! you'd ort to then Jes hear my wife light into me-" ongra/eful est O' men! " '3 - i, 0II I....... A11~ii I3 x 'Mongst all the women-mild er rough, splen differous er plain, Er them with sense, er not enough to come in out the rain,Jes ever' shape and build and style o' women, fat er slim They all like Doc, and got a smile and plea sant word fer himn! XI Ner hain't no horse I've ever saw but what'11 neigh and try To sidle up to him, and paw, and sense him, ear-and-eye: Then jes a tetch o' Doc's old pa'm, to pat'em, er to shove Along their nose- and they're as ca'm as any cooin' dove! I4 XII And same with dogs,- take any breed, er strain, er pedigree, Er racial caste'at can't concede no use fer you er me,They'11 putt all predju-dice aside in Doc's case and go in Kahoots with him, as satisfied as he wuz kith and-kin! XIII And Doc's a wonder, trainin' pets! - He's got a chicken-hawk, In kind o' half-cage, where he sets out in the gyarden-walk, And got that wild bird trained so tame, he'11 loose him, and he'11 fly Clean to the woods! -Doc calls his name - and he'11 come, by-and-by! f ii t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l ~.,~,, j~~ At~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 17 XIV Some says no money down ud buy that bird o' Doc.- Ner no Inducement to the bird, says I,'at he'd let Sifers go! And Doc he say'at he's content - long as a bird o' prey Kin'bide him, it's a compliment, and takes it thataway. XV But, gittin' back to docterin'-all the sick and in distress, And old and pore, and weak and small, and lone and motherless,I jes tell you I'preciate the man'at's got the love To "go ye forth and ministrate!" as Scriptur' tells us of. I 8 XVI Duiill times, Doc jes mianders round, in that old rig o' his: And hain't no tellin' where he's bound ner guessin' where he is; He'11 drive, they tell, jes thataway fer maybe six er eight Days at a stretch; and neighbers say he's bin clean round the State. XVII He picked a' old tramp up, one trip,'bout eighty mile'd from here, And fetched him home and k-yored his hip, and kep' him'bout a year; And feller said- in all his ja'nts round this terreschul ball 'At no man wuz a circumstance to Doc!-he topped'em all! 2I XVIII Said, bark o' trees's a' open book to Doc, and vines and moss He read like writin'-with a look knowed ever' dot and cross: Said, stars at night wuz jes as good's a com pass: said, he s'pose You could n't lose Doc in the woods the darkest night that blows! XIX Said, Doc'11 tell you, purty clos't, by under bresh and plants, How fur off warier is,-and'most perdict the sort o' chance You'11 have o' findin' fish, and how they're liable to bitc, And whether they're a-bitin' now, er only after night. 2* 22 xx And, whilse we're talkin' fish,- I mind they formed a fishin'-crowd (When folks could fish'thout gittin' fined, and seinin' wuz allowed!) O' leadin' citizens, you know, to go and seine "Old Blue "But had n't no big seine, and so-w'y, what wuz they to do?... XXI And Doc he say he thought'at he could kri/ a stitch er two"Bring the materials to me-'at's all I'm astin' you!" And down he sets -six weeks, i jing! and knits that seine plum doneMade corks too, brails and ever'thing - good as a boughten one! ~ ~i, Ir - -1 XXII Doc's public sperit -when the sick's not takin' all his time And he's got somne fer politics-is simple yit sublime:HIe'11 talk his principles and they air honest,' - but the sly Friend strikes him first, election-day, he'd 'commodate, er die! XXIII And yit, though Doc, as all men knows, is square straight up and down, That vote o' his is-well, I s'pose -the cheapest one in town;A fact'at's sad to verify, as could be done on oath - I've voted Doc myse'f And I was criminal fer both! 25 26 XXIV You kin corrupt the ballot-box -corrupt your sey, as well Corrupt some neighbers,-but old Doc's as oncorruptible As Holy Writ. So putt a pin right there! Let Sifers be, I jucks! he would n't vote agin his own worst inimy! XXV When Cynthy Eubanks laid so low with fever, and Doc Glenn Told Euby Cynth'ud haf to go-they sends fer Sifers then!... Doc sized the case: "She's starved," says he, "fer warter-yes, and meat! The treatment'at she'11 git from me's all she kin drink and eat!" l 29 XXVI He orders Euby then to split some wood, and take and build A fire in kitchen-stove, and git a young spring chickell killed; And jes whirled in and th'owed his hat and coat there on the bed, And warshed his hands and sailed in that-air kitchen, Euby said, XXVII And biled that chicken-broth, and got that dinner - all complete And clean and crisp and good and hot as mortal ever eat! And Cynth and Euby both'11 say'at Doc'11 git as good Meals-vittles up, jes any day, as any womanl could! 3o XXVIII Time Sister Abbick tuk so bad with striffen o' the lung, P'tracted Meetin', where she had jes shouted, prayed and sung All winter long, through snow and thaw, when Sifers come, says he: "No, M'lissy; don't poke out your raw and cloven tongue at me! XXIX "I know, without no symptoms but them iIzarzubber-shoes You promised me to never putt a fool-foot in ner use At purril o' your life!" he said. "And I won't save you now, Onless -here on your dyin' bed-you con secrate your vow!" 3I XXX Without a-claimin' any creed, Doc's rail reli gious views Nobody knows-ner got no need o' knowin' whilse he choose To be heerd not of man, ner raise no loud, vainglorious prayers In crowded marts, er public ways, er - i jucks, anzywheres - 32 XXXI 'Less'n it is away deep down in his own heart, at night, Facin' the storm, when all the town's a-sleep in' snug and tight Him splashin' hence from scenes o' pride and sloth and gilded show, To some pore sufferer's bedside o' anguish, don't you know! XXXII Er maybe dead o' winter —makes no odds to Doc,-he's got To face the weather ef it takes the hide off! 'cause he'11 not Lie out o' goin' and p'tend he's sick hisse'f like some 'At I could name'at folks might send fer and they'd never come! 3~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 35 XXXIII Like pore Phin Hoover - when he goes to that last dance o' his! That Chris'mus when his feet wuz froze -and Doc saved all they is Left of'em -"'Nough," as Phin say now, "to track me by, and be A advertisement, anyhow, o' what Doc's done fer me! - XXXIV "When he come - knife-and-saw" - Phin say, "I knowed, ef I'd the spunk, 'At Doc'ud fix me up some way, ef nothin' but my trunk Wuz left, he'd fasten casters in, and have me, spick-and-span, A-skootin' round the streets ag'in as spry as any man!" 36 xxxv Doc sees a patient's got to quit - he'11 ease him down serene As dozin' off to sleep, and yit not dope him with mor-phene.He won't tell what —jes'lows'at he has "airn't the right to sing 'O grave, where is thy victery! O death, where is thy sting!'" XXXVI And, mind ye now!- it's not in scoff and scorn, by long degree, 'At Doc gits things like that-un off: it's jes his shority And total faith in Life to Come,-w'y, "from that Land o' Bliss," He says, "we'11 haf to chuckle some, a-lookin' back at this!" 0 '-1 { ,,* ~ , _ I! I! I i'lZ 4 J9 xxxvII And, still in p'int, I mind, one zight o''.iti atioil at Some secert lodge,'at Doc set right down on 'em, square and flat, \Vhen they mixed utip some Scriptur' and wuz fll..ili'-like — w'y, he Lit in'em with a rep'imand'at ripped'em, A to Z! I. 40 xxxvIII And onc't - when gineral loafin'-place wuz old Shoe-Shop- and all The gang'ud git in there and brace their backs ag'inst the wall And settle questions that had went onsettled long enough,Like "wuz no Heav'n - iner no torment - jes talkiii' awful rough! 4I XXXIX There wuz Sloke Haines and old Ike Knight and Coonrod Simmes -all three Ag'inst the Bible and the Light, and scoutin' Deity. "Science," says Ike, "it diinonistrates-it takes nobody's wordScriptur' er not,-it'vestigates ef sich things could occurred!" XL Well, Doc he heerd this, -he'd drapped in a minute, fer to git A tore-off heel pegged on agin,- and, as he stood on it And stomped and grinned, he says to Ike, "I s'pose now, purty soon Some lightnin'-bug, indignant-like,'11 "vesti gate' the moon!.... 42 XLI "No, Ike," says Doc, "this world hain't saw no brains like yourn and mine With sense enough to grasp a law'at takes a brain divine.I've bared the thoughts of brains in doubt, and felt their finest pulse, — And mortal brains jes won't turn out omni potent results!" XLII And Doc he's got respects to spare the rich as well as porcSays he, "I'd tui'n no i/iilionaiic onsheltered fi-om my door."Says he, "What's wealth to him in quest o' /hoicst friends to back And love him fer Ilisse'f? -not jes because he's made his jack!" (; \;f; i 11 - FL . I 45 XI,III And childern.- Clzildern? Lawzy-day! Doc wLo;rships'em! -You call Round at his house and ast'em! -they're a-szacranin' there — that's all!They're in his Lib'ry-in best room- in kitchen -fur and near,In office too, and, I p'sume, his operatin' cheer! 46 XLIV You know they's men'at bees won't sting? They's plaguey fzew,- but Doc He's one o' thicm.-And same, i jing! with c/ildcir.,-they jes flock R ound Sifers iiatcz'iir!-in his lap, and in his pockets, too, And in his old fuir mitts and cap, and heart as warm and true! XLV It's cur'ous, too,-'cause Doc hain't got no childern of his own'Ceptin' the ones he's tuk and brought up, 'at's bin left alone And orphans when their father died, er mo ther,- and Doc he Has he'pped their dyin' satisfied.-"The child shall live with me a~~~~~~~~~*i 49 ( ",X i XLVI "And Winniferd, my wvife," he'd say, and stop right there, and cle'r His th'oat, and go on thinkin' way somne mo ther-hearts down here Can't never feel their ownt babe's face a-pressin' 'em, ner make Their naked breasts a restin'-place fer any baby's sake. 4 50 XLVII Doc's Lib'ry - as he calls it, - well, they's ha'f-a-dozen she'vcs Jam-full o' books-I could n't tell hzo many -count yourse'ves! Ooze zwhole shc'f's Works on Medicine! and most the rest's about First Settlement, and Indians in here,'fore we driv'em out. XLVIII And Plutarch's Lives - and life also o' Dan'el Boone, and thisHere Mungo Park, and Adam P'oe -jes all the lives they is! And Doc's got all the iovocls out, -by Scott and Dickison And Cooper.- And, I make no doubt, he's read'em ever' one! I ~ I-, S z -I iD- c. ) v 1,, ~ i i -" i) I' V ?, i,,'i j i~i'~ ~!,~ l:, I( — j-g- - " " I i 53 XLIX Onc't, in his office, settin' there, with crowd o' eight er nine Old neighbers with the time to spare, and Doc a-feelin' fine, A man rid up from Rollins, jes fer Doc to write him out Some blame p'scription -- done, I guess, in minute, nigh about. 4* 54 L And I says, "Doc, you'pear so spry, jes write me that recei't You have fer bein' happy by,-fer that'u'd shorely beat Your imc(dicinc! " says I.-And quick as s'cat! Doc turned and writ And handed me: "Go he'p the sick, and putt your heart in it." LI And then, "A-talkin' furder'bout that line o' thought," says he, "Ef we'11 jes do the work cut out and give' to you and me, We'11 lack no joy, ner appetite, ner all we'd ort to eat, And sleep like childern ever' night-as puore and ca'm and sweet." 55 LII Doc has bin'cused o' offishness and lack o' talkin' free And extry friendly; but he says, " I'm fcard o' talk," says he,"I've got," hlie says, "a natchurl turn fer talk in' fit to kill.The best and hardest thing to learn is trick o' keepin' still." LIII Doc kin smoke, and I s'pose he might drink licker-jes fer fun. He says, " You smoke, yon drink all right; but I don't - neether one"Says,' I likc whiskey -' good old rye'- but like it in its place, Iike that-air warter in your eye, er nose there on your face." 56 LIV Doc's bound to have his joke! The day lhe got that off on me I jes had sold a load o' hay at "Scofield's Livery," And tolled Doc in the shed they kep' the hears't in, where I'd hid The stuff'at got me "out o' step," as Sifers said it did. LV Doc hain't, to say, no "rolliii' slowec," and yit he hain't no hand Fer'ciiiiiilatilz'.-Ho/ile's his own, and scrap o' farmin'-land - Enough to keep him out the way when folks is tuk down sick The suddentest-'most any day they want him 'special quick. :::; t W@ t SeS Hi A: of 59 LVI And yit Doc loves his practice; ner don't, wil ful, want to slight No call- no matter who - how fur away - er day er night.He loves his work- he loves his friends June, Winter, Fall, and Spring: His loviin'- facts is- never ends; he loves jes ever'thing... LVII 'Cept - kcepi' books. He never sets down no accounts. - He hates, The worst of all, collectin' debts-the worst, the more he waits.I've knowed him, when at last he had to dun a man, to end By makin' him a loan -and mad he had n't more to lend. 60 LVIII When Pence's Drug Store ust to be in full blast, they wuz some Doc's patients got things frekantly there, charged to him, i gum! Doc run a bill there, don't you know, and allus when he squared, He never questioned nothin',-so he had his feelin's spared LIX Now sich as that, I hold and claim, hain't 'scoisable-it's not Perfcssiona!-It's jes a shame'at Doc his se'f hain't got No better bitsiiicess-sense! That's why lots'd respect him more, And not give him the clean go-by fer other doctors. Shore! t0X-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~ 63 LX This-here Doc Glenin, fer instance; er this little jackl-leg Hall, — They're busiizess-folks respects'em fer their business more'n all They ever knowed, er ever will,'bout medi cine. Yit they Collect their money, k-yore er kill.- They're business, anyway! NiI N * * ~.. 1: 64 LXI You ast Jake Dunn;-he's worked it out in figgers.- He kin sllow Stastistics how Doc's airnt about thrcc fortunes in a row,Ever' ten-year' hand-runnin' straight -thrce of'em- thziMty year' 'At Jake kin count and'lucidate o' Sifcrs' practice here. LXII Yit-"Praise the Lord," says Doc, "we've got our little home!'" says he "(It's railly Wiiiiifcrd's, but what she owns, she sheers with me.) We' got our little gyarden-spot, and peach and apple-trees, And stable, too, and chicken-lot, and eighteen hive' o' bees." 5 i 67 LXIII Youz call it anything you please, but it's witchcraft — the power 'At Sifers has o' handlin' bees! -. He'11 watch 'em by the hourMix right amongst'em, mad and hot and swarmin'! - yit they won't Sting him, er wa'it to-'pcar to not,- at least I know they don't. LXIV With 7me and bees they's no p'te,zse o' social biiity A dad-burn bee'u'd climb a fence to git a whack at me! I s'pose no thing'at's got a sting is railly satisfied It's sharp enough, ontel, i jing! he's honed it on my hide! 68 LXV And Doc he's allus had a knack iizveClt'ii' things.- Dee-vised A windlass wound its own se'f back as it run down: and s'prised Their new hired girl with clotlics-lice, too, and clotlies-pins, all in ooze.Purt'-nigh all left fer hcr to do wvuz git her primpin' done! I,XVI And onc't, I mind, in airly Spring, and tappin' sugar-trees, Doc made a dad-burn little thing to sharpen spilcs with — theseHere wood'-spouts'at the peth's punched out, and driv' in where they bore The auger-holes. He sharpened'bout a nmil liont spiles er more! 5* 7I A i X,, am!v, LXVII And Doc's the first man ever swung a bucket on a tree Instid o' trozughs; and first man brung graincd sugar -so's'at he Could use it fer his coffee, and fer cookin', don't you know.Folks come clean up from Pleasantland'fore they'd believe it, though! 72 LXVIII And all Doc's stable-doors onlocks and locks theirsc'vcs - and gates The same way; -all rigged up like clocks, with pulleys, wheels, and weights,So,'s Doc says, "drivin' out, er iii, they'11 opci,, and they'11 t/iciz, All quiet-like, shet up ag'in like little gentle men!" LXIX And Doc'ud made a mighty good detective. Neighbers all Will testify to that- er could, ef they wuz legal call: His theories on any crime is worth your listenin' to.And he has hit'em, many a time,'long'fore established true. 75 LXX At this young druggist Wenfield Pence's trial fer his life, On primy faishzy evidence o' pizopin' his wife, Doc's testimony saved and cle'red and'quitted him and freed Him so's he never even'peared cog-nizant of the deed! LXXI The facts wuz - Sifers testified,- at inquest he had found The stummick showed the woman died o' pizon, but had downed The dos't hersef, because amozItz and cost o' drug imployed No druggist would, on uo account, a-lavished and distroyed! 76 LXXII Doc tracked a blame-don burgler down, and nailed the scamp, to boot, But told him ef he'd leave the town he would n't prosecute. He traced him by a tied-up thumb-print in fresh putty, where Doc glazed it. Jes that's how he come to track him to his lair! LXXIII Doc's jes a leetle too inclined, some thinks, to overlook The criminal and vicious kind we'd ort to bring to book And punish,'thout no extry show o' sympa thizin', where They hain't showed none fer us, you know. But he takes issue there: 4 /o 1I 'As ,, , 79 LXXIV Doe argies'at "The Red- eyed tL aw," as e says, "ort to learn To lay a mighty leenient paw on deeds o' sich concern As only the Good Bein' knows the wherefore of, and spreads HIS hands above accused and sows His mer cies on their heads. So LXXV Doc even holds'at mdiii-cr lhain't no crime we got a right To Jhaig a man fer-claims it's taillt o' lIu iacy, er sich a man responsibul fer murder," Doc says,-" then, \When hc's hung,, vhere's the rope to pull them SOutl(I-miiind jurymen? LXXVI "It's in a nutshell -all kin see," says Doc, "it's cle'r the Laz's As ap' to err as you er me, and kill without a cause: The man most innocent o' sin I've saw, er 'spect to see, WVuz servin' a life-sentence in the peniten tchury." : 83 LXXVII And Doc's a whole hand at a fire!- directin' how and where To set your ladders, low er higher, and what first duties air,Like formin' warter-bucket-line; and best man in the town To chop holes in old roofs, and mine defec tive chimblies down: LXXVIII Er durin' any public crowd, mass-meetin', er big day, Where ladies ort n't be allowed, as I've heerd Sifers say,When they's a suddent rush somewhere, it's Doc's voice, ca'm and cle'r, Says, "Fall back, men, and give her air! - that's all she's faintin' fer." 84 I J r ''I \;,i LXXIX The sorriest I ever feel fer Doc is when some show Er circus comes to town and he'11 not git a chance to go. 'Cause he jes natchurly delights in circuses clean down From tumblers, in their spangled tights, to trick-mule and Old Clown. ./. 85 LXXX And ever'body knows it, too, how Doc is, thataway!... I mind a circus onc't come through -wuz there myse'f that day.Ringmaster cracked his whip, you know, to start the ridin'-when In runs Old Clown and hollers "Whoa! Ladies and gentlemen LXXXI "Of this vast audience, I fain would make inquiry cle'r, And learn, find out, and ascertain -Is Doctor Sifers here?" And when some fool-voice bellers down: "He is! He's settin' in Full view o' ye!" " Thent," says the Clown, "the circus n'ay begin!" 6* 86 LXXXII Doc's got a temnper, but, he says, he's learnt it which is boss, Yit has to watch it, more er less.... I never seen him cross But onc't, enough to make him swear; milch-cow stepped on his toe, And Doc ripped out " I doggies! "-There's the only case I know. LXXXIII Doc says that's what your temper's fer to hold back out o' view, And learn it never to occur on out ahead o' you."Yozi lead the way," says Sifers-" git your temnper back in line And fiSi-dest back the best, ef it's as mean a one as mine!" j ~ ;~I k~ j (-~-b